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[RGRE] Anonymous, King of the Changelings

By AnalPlugAnon
Created: 2020-12-25 20:10:25
Expiry: Never

  1. prompt:
  2. The Main Six raid Chrysalis' new hive, but encounter Anon, the changeling king and father of the horde.
  4. He makes them all behave in a civilized manner, and they all end up sitting around a table, cowed, drinking tea.
  6. green:
  8. >Chrysalis is down for the count. She fought hard, but she lost.
  9. >The Bearers of the Elements of Harmony charge up their gay fucking rainbow beam of friendship, pointing the business end squarely at Chrysalis.
  10. >Twi: "This is the end, Chrysalis! You and your... your HOARD are going to-"
  11. "And just WHAT do you think you're doing?!"
  12. >The shock lasts for only a second, but a second is all that was needed. The harmony beam lost its' focus and harmlessly dissipated into the air.
  13. >A tall biped, clad in a a simple outfit (complete with a tasteful crown) comes marching into the room, looking absolutely furious.
  14. >The Elements had never seen a creature like this before.
  15. >What was it?
  16. >, what was HE?
  17. "I come home after a long day of looking after my hundreds of children, only to find my HOUSE broken into and my WIFE bleeding on the ground!"
  18. >Despite herself, Pinkie Pie cowers from this creature and his strong, fatherly presence.
  19. >As though sensing Pinkie's doubt, the other five ponies begin to back away uncertainly, fetlocks raised and ears flat.
  20. >A few changelings run over and tend to Chrysalis while Anon advances on the six ponies.
  21. "I don't know who you think you are, but you do NOT pull this crap! Not in MY house!"
  22. >Anon stops in front of the Elements, arms crossed and stern fatherly disapproval on his face.
  23. "All of us are going to sit down for some tea, and you are going to explain to me EXACTLY what is going on. Are we clear?"
  24. >Pinkie pie breaks the silence.
  25. >"Y-yes."
  26. "Yes, what?"
  27. >"Yes, sir!"
  28. "That's better."
  29. >The Elements, Chrysalis, and Anon were all seated around a surprisingly tasteful and well-polished wood table.
  30. >Mahogany, to be precise.
  31. >A small part of Rarity's mind was pleased to see that even cave life didn't diminish this strange colt's sense of fashion and his ability to keep his house clean.
  32. >Anon places the tea tray onto the table and serves them all individually.
  33. >His tall, shadowing form towers over Twilight, and she gulps nervously.
  34. "Cream and sugar, miss?"
  35. >Twi: "N-no thank you."
  36. >Anon grunts and places the saucer and cup on front of the purple pony.
  37. >Everypony watches in tense silence as Anon enjoys the first sip of his tea.
  38. "I want everybody here to explain to me what happened. I want to know why you were in MY house, fighting MY wife, and endangering MY children.
  39. >Across the table, Pinkie Pie shudders.
  40. >He thought his children were in danger.
  41. >They've awoken something terrible in the darkness.
  42. >Twilight; brave, noble Twilight, is the first to speak up.
  43. >Twi: "W-well, mister... mister..."
  44. "Anonymous. King of the Changelings, and husband to Queen Chrysalis."
  45. >Twilight watches with a strange feeling of awe and amusement as King Anonymous leans over and nuzzles his bandaged wife, showing an unexpected amount of affection for the bughorse queen.
  46. "Or as she likes to be called when we're alone, Schmoopy-Whoo - "
  47. >Chry: "Anon! Husband, the attackers that were going to hurt our foals!"
  48. >Anon's playful mood vanishes, and Twilight silently curses Chrysalis.
  49. >He glares at you and takes a menacing sip of his Chamomile.
  50. "Speak."
  51. >Twi: "We-we heard reports of, uh... of changelings in the area. Changelings that had escaped the Canterlot Wedding incident."
  52. "Yes.... The incident that nearly resulted in the death of dozens and dozens of my little babies."
  53. >Twilight is instantly hit with regret.
  54. >Not a smart thing to bring up.
  55. >Pinkie: "We're sorry!"
  56. >Everyone looks at Pinkie, whose hair is straight and who's hiding behind her hooves.
  57. >Pinkie: "We're sorry, sir! We didn't mean to hurt your foals, honest! We didn't even know they were yours...."
  58. >Anon just harumphs and gets to his feet.
  59. "Stanford? Rose Water? Come in here, please."
  60. >Two unnaturally large changelings stomp into the room.
  61. >They have hard, spiked naturally-grown armour-like chitin covering every square inch of their skin, and their eyes burn a cold blue, reminding the Elements of the frigid Crystal Empire.
  62. >When they set their eyes on Anonymous, their disposition changes to that of affection and delight.
  63. >Anonymous hugs them both and kisses their foreheads, expertly avoiding their jagged horns.
  64. "Thank you two for looking after your younger brothers and sisters while I was away. Do you think you can look after Mommy while I go start dinner?"
  65. >Stanford and Rose Water nod eagerly and trot over to Chrysalis, who nods at them with a sense of matronly pride.
  66. "When I get back with dinner, I expect a peace treaty to have been written out. Am I clear?"
  67. >Seven voices all shout out the affirmative at Anonymous's receding back.

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