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[RGRE?] rainbow anon thing I wrote white drunk

By AnalPlugAnon
Created: 2020-12-25 21:06:43
Expiry: Never

  1. >>34070994
  2. >>34071092
  3. >"A-Anon?!"
  4. >You press a finger to Rainbow Dash's lips, and her eyes cross as she follows its path.
  5. "Shhh..."
  6. >She hushes up immediately.
  7. >Your fingers tighten around her hoof, which trembles and tugs gently against your grip; not enough to pull free - that's not what she wants.
  8. >Just hard enough to offer some token resistence to secure her reputation as a tough-as-nails mare's mare.
  9. "Do you know what we're gonna do tonight?"
  10. >Rainbow looks up at you with those big, magenta eyes.
  11. >Eyes full of hope.
  12. >Eyes full of trepidation.
  13. >Eyes full of [spoiler]love.[/spoiler]
  14. >"G-Go out drinking cider?"
  15. > mean, to be fair: that sounds like a good time.
  16. >But no.
  17. >Not tonight, anyway.
  18. >Tonight is for gentle loving.
  19. >You smile and shake your head.
  20. "We're going to stay in tonight. We'll put on a movie."
  21. >You lean in closer.
  22. "It'll be a romantic movie, but you and I will pretend that we grabbed the tape by mistake instead of grabbing an action movie with lots of explosions and chase scenes."
  23. >Rainbow gulps thickly, as if her tongue were too big for her mouth.
  24. >"I-I-I like explosions..."
  25. >You do too.
  26. "Next, we'll remember that the couch is too small for both of us to just sprawl out like we'd usually do - we got rid of our first couch because of all the cider stains on it."
  27. >Fucking Rainbow Dash needs a sippy cup.
  28. >Can't drink for shit.
  29. >For SHIT.
  30. "We'll have to cuddle nice and close, just so that we can both stay on the couch. I'll be pressed against your chest, and my face will be nestled deep in your tuft."
  31. >"M-My tuft?!""
  32. >Rainbow leans in closer.
  33. >She's relaxed - her wings expend and droop loosely by her side.
  34. >Ready for flight.
  35. >Ready to cradle her stallion.
  36. >Ready to hold him tight with the secret fear that he won't be there when she wakes up if she doesn't hold him tight to her bosom like he were a treasure that she had a particularly high amount of sentimental value for.
  37. >You channel every gay stallion from every not-gay shitty horse-romcom you've ever seen.
  38. >Which totals in number of... two.
  39. >But you learned well from them, and you know that mares LOVE IT when stallions shove their faces into their chest tufts.
  40. >Case in point: Rainbow shutters, and the blush on her face somehow forces its way through the blue fur.
  41. "You'll have to hold me tight, just to make sure I don't fall off. You'll need to hold me tight to make sure I don't fall off the couch."
  42. >"R-Real tight..."
  43. "I might get emotional during the mushy romantic scenes... I might gaze deeply into your eyes and silently ask for comfort."
  44. >Rainbow leans closer now - her nose nearly boops yours.
  45. >That's a very intimate gesture, by the way.
  46. "And when the main character confesses to her stallion that she loves him - that she's always loved him, and that she'll go on loving him until she doesn't anymore - I'll be overcome by stallion emotion."
  47. >Rainbow breath is hot and wet on your face.
  48. >She smells like ozone and cider.
  49. >"A-And when she confesses that the greatness of life and the personal accomplishes she's made pale in comparison to holding him tight and simply being a part of her life..."
  50. >Rainbow's breathing hitches, and you move in to scratch behind her ears.
  51. >This isn't an intimate gesture; you just like to watch the way her ears twitch involuntarily.
  52. "I'll need a big, strong mare to help me keep my composure. Do you know..."
  53. >You pause for a moment and simply breathe.
  54. >You time your breathing so that you inhale when Rainbow Dash exhales.
  55. >Her ears twitch and her blush becomes that much more concentrated - you're exchanging breath.
  56. "...who that might be?"
  57. >Rainbow giggles - it's heady, like she's drunk.
  58. >"W-We're sharing b-breath..."
  59. >You lean forward so that your nose boops her snoot.
  60. >Her eyes - which had closed somewhere in your spiel - snap open, and she stares at you in shock.
  61. >This is a 10 on the Pony Chart of Intimacy.
  62. >This is what married ponies do.
  63. "I want to share so much more than breath with you."
  64. >Rainbow shutters.
  65. >" a life together."
  66. "Like a life together."

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