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Celestia Anon Femdom

By AnonymousReuploader
Created: 2020-12-27 19:09:21
Expiry: Never

  1. >Princess Celestia invites you into her chambers for tea
  2. >In the middle of the table is a strap-on horsecock dildo, and a thick leather collar with a heart-shaped tag with the name 'Anonymous' on it
  3. >Celestia doesn't mention it at all as she serves the tea, and doesn't respond when you bring it up
  4. >You both have a nice conversation, the whole time your eyes dart back and forth between Celestia's and the lewd implements on the table
  5. >As you leave, Celestia gives you a soft hug
  6. >"I very much enjoyed our time together, Anonymous."
  7. >"I know our visits are only going to get more enjoyable in the future~"
  9. >Celestia invites you back to the castle
  10. >You're so nervous from the last visit that you don't respond to the invite
  11. >You get another invite the next day, identical to the first
  12. >After the third invite, you decide to go
  13. >J-just to explain that you aren't interested, of course
  14. >When you arrive, the guards stop you before you can get close
  15. >"Princess Celestia says that you're only allowed on castle grounds if you're wearing this."
  16. >It's the collar from before
  17. >With a tag reading 'Anonymous' on one side and 'Property of Princess Celestia' on the other
  18. >Taking a deep, shaky breath, you reluctantly put it on
  19. >...just so that you can talk to Celestia, of course...
  20. >When you arrive at her chambers, the strap-on is still sitting in the middle of the table
  21. >Otherwise the visit with the Princess went rather normally
  22. >Except that instead of sitting across the table, she sits right next to you
  23. >She's very physical, always touching you or wrapping a wing around your shoulder
  24. >At one point she puts a hoof on your thigh, and it remains there until the visit ends
  25. >You couldn't muster the courage to bring up your concerns
  26. >As you go to leave, she hands you a gift and asks you to wait until you get home to open it
  27. >You do, and blush at what you find inside
  28. >Lacy lingerie; panties, a bra, stockings, and a garter belt, as well as a note:
  29. >'~I can't wait to see you in these~'
  30. >'~Your Princess, Celestia~'
  31. >As you stare at the lewd garments, your blood runs cold as a thought occurs to you
  32. >You never took the collar off
  33. >It's still around your neck
  34. >As you walked through Canterlot, rode the train, made your way home, you were still wearing it
  35. >Lord knows how many ponies saw it
  37. >You're ​shaking like a leaf as you step off the train at Canterlot with the collar already around your neck
  38. >Since you had worn it home before, you had decided to wear back
  39. >The damage was done, after all
  40. >When you arrive at the castle, you are stopped by the guards once more
  41. "I'm wearing the collar like I'm supposed to."
  42. >"Princess Celestia has issued new orders. You aren't allowed into the castle grounds unless you're wearing the clothes that she gave you."
  43. >You shift uncomfortably
  44. "I-I am..."
  45. >You look away as you pull down the waistband of your pants about an inch to reveal the top of your lacy panties
  46. >"If you want to visit the Princess, you can't wear clothes on top of them."
  47. "...what?"
  48. >"You're covering up the clothes that she gave you. You have to take those overclothes off before we'll let you pass."
  49. >You feel like a deer caught in the headlights
  50. "...f-fine, just point me to the nearest place where I can change out of-"
  51. >"Right here."
  52. " can't be serious..."
  53. >"The Princess was pretty clear. She said that if you showed up wearing overclothes, then you were supposed to remove them right here."
  54. >...
  55. >You could just walk away
  56. >They can't just make you strip
  57. >...
  58. >B-but you want to see Celestia...
  59. >Your hand slowly moves up to undo the buttons on your shirt
  60. >The guards stare on with blank, vaguely bored expressions as you peel the shirt off and reveal the frilly bra beneath
  61. >You jump as a pony walks past you
  62. >She turns her head to say hi, but her eyes widen when she sees your exposed flesh and risqué attire
  63. >She just blushes, looks forward and trots quickly away
  64. >You want to cover yourself, but you know it isn't worth it
  65. >There's a fair amount of distance between you and Celestia, so someone was going to see you
  66. >You swallow a lump in your throat, kick your shoes off, and begin to slowly pull your pants down, careful to avoid pulling your stockings down as well
  67. >You let out a breath as you stand in front of the guards in nothing but lingerie
  69. >They pull a pair of high-heels from the side and set them in front of you
  70. >They don't say anything, but you understand regardless
  71. >You slip the first one on easily, but you have to sit down to put the other on
  72. >The feeling of cold tile against your skin serves as a stark reminder of your current situation
  73. >Not only are you barely wearing anything, but what you are wearing is woefully inadequate at covering you
  74. >The sheer fabric and lacy design meant that everything underneath was on full display
  75. >Your fairly-visible cock twitches at the thought
  76. >The guards help you to your feet and allowed you to stumble off to your destination
  77. >Thankfully they seemed uninterested in your fetishised form, as were most of the other guards
  78. >You weren't so lucky with the wider staff and visitors of the castle
  79. >Worse than the revealing clothes was having to hide your semi-erect penis as you staggered uncertainly on your heels
  80. >The walk was mercifully short; you arrived at Celestia's door without too many ponies seeing your shame
  81. >She beamed happily as she greeted you
  82. >"Good morning, my most cherished human."
  83. >Her eyes crawl up and down your body, a faint glimmer of lustful hunger flickering momentarily behind them as they do
  84. >"You look absolutely beautiful, Anonymous."
  85. >You squirm under her scrutiny
  86. "T-thanks, Princess Celestia..."
  87. >"Actually, from this point forward, you will refer to me as 'Your Highness'. Is that understood?"
  88. >Her tone of voice let you know that this was an order rather than a request
  89. >You weakly nod in affirmation
  90. >She looks unsatisfied
  91. "...yes, Your Highness..."
  92. >Her warm smile returns
  93. >"Good. Now that's out of the way, let's have some tea! Twilight was telling me of this 'Rocket' technology you described to her, I'd love to hear about it myself."
  94. >She steps up to your side and puts a wing around you to lead you inside
  95. >The heavy sound of the door closing behind you filled you with unexpected dread
  96. >As well as unwanted excitement
  98. >Celestia continues to speak as you follow her into her room, but as soon as the table comes into view your attention is focused on it instead of her
  99. >The strap-on remained on the center, but this time it was joined by another object
  100. >A bottle of lubricant
  101. >"Don't worry, it's not going in you just yet."
  102. >Her words derail your train of thought
  103. >It's the first time she's acknowledged the object's existence at all
  104. >"That does remind me, though. There's a small bit of business to be taken care of before we can have our tea. Bend over the table, please."
  105. >Your insides twist into knots as you agonize over whether or not you should go along with her request
  106. >She frowns
  107. >"I've made a request of you, Anonymous. Isn't there something you should say when your Princess requests something?"
  108. >You jump
  109. "Oh, I-I mean, yes Your Highness!"
  110. >Wait, what?
  111. >No, you were still trying to decide if you were even going to do it!
  112. >Princess Celestia smiles once again and nods lightly
  113. >"Thank you, Anon."
  114. >She watches on as you stare conflictedly at the table
  115. >She seems content to wait as you take your time lowering yourself to your knees and laying your upper half across the cool surface
  116. >Your pupils contract as her magic levitates the bottle of lubricant out of your field of view
  117. >When you try to turn to follow it, Celestia stops you
  118. >"Eyes forward, please."
  119. >You stare forward yet again, and a tense silence falls over the room
  120. >"...I've made another request, Anon."
  121. "Yes Your Highness, sorry."
  122. >"Thank you. Now please lower your underwear."
  123. >You hesitate
  124. >Celestia doesn't rush you
  125. >You take a deep breath
  126. "...yes, Your Highness.."
  127. >You slip a thumb into the waistband of your panties and slide them down to your thighs
  128. >Her forehoof comes in to guide your legs slightly apart before she speaks in a soft, comforting tone
  129. >"If you feel any pain, discomfort, or even if you just don't like what's happening, then speak up and we'll stop. Okay?"
  131. >It takes a few moments for you to find your voice to respond
  132. "...okay..."
  133. >"Anonymous..."
  134. "Yes, Your Highness."
  135. >"Thank you. I'll do everything in my power to assure your comfort and safety."
  136. >Her words were obviously meant to ease your mind, but all they did was churn up your uncertainty and fear
  137. >The swirling tempest in your head halted as you felt the cool, slick sensation of lubricant being applied to your anus
  138. >You gasp as her magic carries the fluid through the center of your ring and spreads it around the inside of your rectum
  139. >Her magic dissipates, and you sigh
  140. >You feel the warmth of Celestia's fur on your back as she lowers her weight onto you
  141. >She nuzzles your neck before bringing her mouth up to your ear
  142. >"Just relax. If you feel like you're being pushed too far, just say so. We can stop at any time."
  143. >You're feeling unbearably anxious, but the fact that the strap-on hasn't moved from it's spot helps calm your nerves a bit
  144. >A gentle pressure on the center of your anus shakes those nerves
  145. >"Shh, just relax. You'll like this, I promise."
  146. >You squeak as the object slowly advances into you
  147. >It starts with a narrow point and widens the further in it goes
  148. >As your hole opens wider and wider around the invader, a small moan escapes from you
  149. >Celestia quietly giggles
  150. >"You make some pretty cute noises, Anon."
  151. >She kisses your cheek as the object pushes further into your depths
  152. >Right at the moment where it starts to become too much, where you're being spread to wide and almost begin to feel pain, the object rapidly slopes inwards and allows your hole to contract
  153. >Her magic releases it, and the shape of the object causes it to be 'sucked' into you until a flared base is pulled flat against your anus
  154. >You pant as the ordeal is finally over and Celestia lavishes you with affection
  155. >"Good girl, Anon! Good girl, just relax and focus on how it feels inside of you."
  157. >You squirm at her words, but there are more pressing matters to attend to
  158. >You reach behind you and run your fingers along the edge of the base of the object currently lodged in your asshole
  159. >After a few moments of feeling the object with both your hands and intestines, it finally clicks
  160. >It's a buttplug
  161. >You estimated that it was about one and a half fingers wide at it's largest point
  162. >N-not that you know what fingers feel like in there...
  163. >It was quite a bit smaller than the dildo on the table, which looked to be a little bit bigger than three down a fair portion of it's generous length, and even larger than that at the head and ring
  164. >Celestia's soft voice catches your attention
  165. >"How does it feel?"
  166. >You focus on the toy, and experimentally try to push it out to no avail
  167. >The sensation of having your tunnel filled was somewhat pleasant, and you could feel a bit of pressure against your prostate
  168. "I'm okay..."
  169. >She smiles
  170. >"If you've enjoyed this experience, then perhaps there's something you should say to me?"
  171. "...t-thank you...Your Highness."
  172. >Her smile widens
  173. >"You're very welcome, Anonymous."
  174. >She stands up, and pulls your panties back up with her magic
  175. >"Now then, I believe you were going to tell me about this 'Apollo Program' that has fascinated Twilight so much?"
  176. >She lays down by your side and lifts your abdomen up so that you're kneeling
  177. "O-oh, um, that's how us humans traveled to our moon."
  178. >"Please tell me more, it sounds incredible."
  179. >You proceed to have a conversation about rocketry and spaceflight with Princess Celestia
  180. >While wearing women's lingerie
  181. >With a buttplug inside of you
  182. >Your position on your knees was kind of uncomfortable, but any attempt to change how you were sitting caused Celestia to correct you back
  183. >Knees together, legs folded beneath you, hands on your knees, back straight
  184. >Any deviation and your posture was immediately corrected
  186. >Despite all of this, you manage to hold up your end of the conversation for almost an hour
  187. >Celestia checks the time and the corners of her mouth dip slightly
  188. >She sighs
  189. >"I'm going to have to cut our visit off here."
  190. >She stands up before continuing in a hesitant tone
  191. >" can return home tonight. You'll return this weekend, do you understand?"
  192. >She's giving an order rather than extending an invitation
  193. "Y-yeah, I'll be-I mean yes, Your Highness."
  194. >You bow your head like in your Japanese animes
  195. >You see a glint of pleasure in her eye at the gesture
  196. >"Good. I'll see you then. Have a good evening."
  197. >She softly kisses your lips and gives you a hug
  198. >She turns to trot out the door, stopping just as she's about to leave the room
  199. >"You can remove the plug once you've gotten home, but it absolutely must stay inside until then. Do you understand?"
  200. >The prospect of sitting on a train for a long period of time with something up your ass to carry all the vibrations of the tracks inside sounds pretty daunting
  201. "...y-yes Your Highness."
  202. >She nods
  203. >"Safe travels, Anon."
  204. >And she leaves you alone in her room
  205. >You glance back to the strap-on dildo sitting among the dishes and snacks
  206. >How long will it be until she uses that on you?
  207. >Just the thought makes your stomach turn
  208. >But your actions today have certainly put you on a path that can only end with it synthetic-balls-deep inside of you
  209. >Your skin crawls, and you push the thought out of your mind
  210. >You trust Celestia
  211. >And Celestia seems to think that this is something that you're going to enjoy
  212. >As uncertain and anxious as you feel about what happened here today, you know deep down that you enjoyed every second of it
  213. >And it wouldn't have happened if Celestia hadn't pushed you into it
  214. >You decide to decipher your feelings later, and lift yourself up onto your high-heels
  215. >You bite your lip as your movement shifts the plug inside of you
  216. >It's going to be a long ride home
  218. >"It's wonderful to see you again, my little human!"
  219. "Thank you, Your Highness."
  220. >You bow your head lightly, and Celestia's smile widens
  221. >You were wearing the same stockings, bra, panties, and garterbelt that you had worn on your previous visit
  222. >This time, however, the guards made you wear a pair of shoulder-length gloves and some restraints before you could enter the castle
  223. >You weren't currently being restrained, but the heavily padded cuffs around each wrist and ankle could easily be chained together or to a wall or something
  224. >It made you nervous about what Your Highness had planned for you today
  225. >She invited you into her bedroom as usual, and you accepted
  226. >You were surprised to see that the strap-on wasn't on the table anymore
  227. >There actually wasn't anything on the table at all
  228. >No toys, no dishes, no food, nothing
  229. >However, there were now chains attached to each of the four legs, which pretty much gave away her intentions
  230. >"The tea will be delivered shortly, but there is some business that we must attend to before then. Kneel."
  231. "Yes, Your Highness."
  232. >You lowered yourself to your knees as your mind anxiously flipped through the possibilities of what may be about to happen
  233. >You're pulled out of your thoughts as she suddenly clips a leash onto your collar
  234. >She smiles warmly down to you and speaks softly
  235. >"You enjoyed our last visit, right?"
  236. "Yes, Your Highness, absolutely."
  237. >Part of the reason you were so conflicted about all of this is because of how much you did like it
  238. >You never did anything like this before
  239. >She traces her hoof along your jawline
  240. >"Well, I think it's only fair if you do something that I like today. Don't you agree?"
  241. >She's probably going to put something else up your butt
  242. "...I suppose so, Your Highness."
  243. >She pouts playfully
  244. >"Your hesitation wounds me, Anon. I like more than just butt stuff."
  245. >This mare can read you like a book
  246. >Which is probably why you're kneeling on her floor in panties
  248. >She suddenly pulls forward on the leash and thrusts her face into yours
  249. >It morphs into a hungry sneer
  250. >"It just happens to be my favorite, so I hope that tight little hole of yours is ready, servant~"
  251. >What the fuck
  252. >She loosens the grip on your leash as her face returns to the gentle grace that normally rests on it
  253. >"Please keep your back straight, posture is very important."
  254. "Uh...yes, Your Highness?"
  255. >You do as she says while trying to subtly cover your half-chub
  256. >She giggles to herself before she starts to turn in place, being careful to step over your leash
  257. >Her ethereal tail trails across your chest, face, and shoulders as the crackling static-like sensation gives you goosebumps
  258. >And then she lifts her tail
  259. >When her vagina and anus are presented to you, this all becomes real
  260. >Despite what had happened during your prior visits, you didn't really think of her as a sexual being
  261. >It almost felt like she was literally only doing that stuff because she somehow knew that you liked it, not because it aroused her as well
  262. >She was an ageless goddess, practically the mother to an entire nation
  263. >She felt too powerful to indulge in the petty lusts that plagued you mere mortals
  264. >Having her willingly display her genitals to you felt impossibly lewd
  265. >Her magic pulls her labia apart to expose her pink insides to you, and her clitoris winks out
  266. >"What do you think?"
  267. "I-it's as beautiful as the rest of you, Your Highness."
  268. >"Thank you. I hope you're hungry, Anon."
  269. >Before you can respond, she pulls forward on the leash until your face is held against her soft mound
  270. >"Lick me."
  271. >You do
  272. >You start by running your tongue up and down the length of her slit
  273. >When her clitoris winks out again, you move your mouth over from where it emerged and follow it back inside with your tongue
  274. >You manage to coax it out once more, sucking and licking until her body manages to wrestle it back from you and pull it back into her body
  276. >A soft moan from Celestia lets you know that you're doing a good job
  277. >Sound was really your only feedback, since her voluptuous flanks filled the periphery of your vision
  278. >Aside from her winking and generous fluids, obviously
  279. >Your dick becomes painfully erect as you continue to eat her out, switching your focus between her energetic clitoris, soft vulva, and moist tunnel
  280. >Your last visit didn't end with an orgasm, and the thought occurs to you that you might not get one this time either
  281. >Deciding to literally take the matter into your own hands, you slide a hand into your panties and begin to stroke yourself
  282. >You bury your face into her as your hand begins to move at a brisk pace
  283. >Suddenly, Celestia hooks one of her back hooves inside your​ elbow and pulls your hand away from your dick
  284. >"Focus on the task at hand, Anonymous."
  285. >You feel a little annoyed, but decide to do as you're told and continue performing oral
  286. >She pulls the leash tighter, almost smothering you in her folds as you happen across a sensitive spot within her
  287. >Her gasps and moans were turning you on a lot
  288. >Your twitching cock strained against the lacy material of your panties, and the friction was very stimulating
  289. >It gave you an idea
  290. >You grabbed the inside of your thigh, and moved your hips to grind your dick against your wrist
  291. >It has a surprisingly strong effect on you, and you inadvertantly grunt into Celestia
  292. >She sighs before stepping away from you
  293. >Strands of fluid connect you to her until they are broken by distance
  294. >She turns back to face you, looking disappointed
  295. >Your hands are moved back onto your knees by her magic
  296. >"Anonymous...don't you think it's a bit rude to just stroke your penis without invitation in a mare's bedroom?"
  297. >You look away and weakly shrug
  298. "Well, I mean...we were...I was..."
  299. >She stares down at you expectantly
  300. >You knew exactly what she wanted to hear
  301. "...Yes, it was rude Your Highness, I'm sorry."
  302. >She cups your cheek and tilts your head back up to her
  304. >She still looks disappointed
  305. >She really knows how to make you feel guilty
  306. >"And even ignoring your disregard for proper social decorum, don't you feel that a subject cumming before her Princess is a little selfish?"
  307. >Is she sexually pulling rank on you?
  308. "Well...I guess so, Your Highness..."
  309. >She looks a little unhappy with your less-than-definitive answer, but doesn't pursue it any further
  310. >"The satisfaction and pleasure of an orgasm should be reserved for special occasions, or else you risk becoming desensitized, and the action becomes mundane and expected. Don't you agree?"
  311. >She sort of had a point, but you're worried what her endgame here was
  312. "Yes, your Highness."
  313. >She nods
  314. >"Did you masturbate after returning home from our visit last time?"
  315. >You blush as she stares into your eyes
  316. >"Please answer the question, Anon."
  317. "...yes.."
  318. >"Yes?"
  319. "...yes, Your Highness, I did."
  320. >"And did you masturbate in between then and now?"
  321. >You squirm and look away
  322. >She just waits
  323. "Yes, your Highness..."
  324. >She sighs and closes her eyes
  325. >"Search the drawer over there. I believe you'll know what I want when you see it. If you don't, then don't hesitate to ask for direction."
  326. >With a bit of trepidation you slide closer to the drawer she gestured towards and open it
  327. >Well there's the strap-on
  328. >Hoping that isn't what she wants, you dig through the drawer and explore it's contents
  329. >It's totally full of sex toys, all of them insertible
  330. >Dildos, anal beads, vibrators, and various other things
  331. >One object confuses you for a moment
  332. >A curved metal tube attached to a large ring
  333. >After a moment, it clicks and you recognize it
  334. >Oh fuck, this is what she's looking for
  335. >Celestia's soft voice shakes you from your thoughts
  336. >"Bring it here, Anonymous."
  337. >You force down a hard lump in your throat as you slowly return to Celestia
  338. >The confusion, uneasiness, and even fear from the prior visit are back in full force
  339. >She floats the object out of your hands and in front of your eyes
  341. >"Do you know what this is, Anon?"
  342. "...It's a chastity cage, Your Highness."
  343. >She's going to lock your dick up
  344. >You won't be able to masturbate, or even get an erection once it's on
  345. >She gives you a small, sympathetic smile
  346. >"I know you must be a little scared, but this may be necessary. I can't be with you at all times to protect you. Can you promise me that you won't pleasure yourself in the future?"
  347. >Her tone of voice surprises you
  348. >She seems to be genuinely asking
  349. >She's offering you an out, all you have to do is say that you won't jerk it, and she won't make you wear that thing
  350. >You deliberate on your choice for a moment, and she waits as usual
  351. >...If you tell her that you won't do it, you would be lying
  352. >And you can't bring yourself to lie to your Princess
  353. ", Your Highness. I can't promise that..."
  354. >She closes her eyes and exhales loudly
  355. >"I'm sorry Anonymous. Lay back on the table."
  356. "Yes, Your Highness."
  357. >Shakily, you sit on the edge of the table and slide back until you can lie down
  358. >She guides one of your wrists to the corner, and brings one of the chains up and attaches it to your cuff
  359. >You had almost forgotten about those
  360. >She planned this
  361. >Clever girl
  362. >After binding your other wrist, she unclips your garter belt from your stockings and pulls your panties off before beginning to bind your ankles
  363. >It occurs to you that this is actually the first time Celestia is actually going to see your penis totally uncovered
  364. >And it might also be the last
  365. >...That's probably a massive exaggeration, but your feelings are all over the place right now
  366. >"Are you comfortable?"
  367. >About as comfortable as you could be while chained down to a hard wooden table
  368. "I'm alright, Your Highness."
  369. >"Good. Then let's get started."
  370. >She holds the chastity cage in front of your face again
  371. >"I had this designed specially for you, Anon. Obviously a cage designed for a stallion wouldn't fit on you."
  373. >"Getting Rarity to collect the proper measurements without you catching on was quite the challenge."
  374. >You were kind of suspicious when she suddenly asked to take new measurements for clothes and insisted that you be naked for 'maximal accuracy'
  375. >Wait, does that mean that Rarity knows about you and Celestia?
  376. >Do the others know?
  377. >She rotates it in front of your eyes, and you study it
  378. >After a few seconds, you suddenly realized that there's no lock
  379. >"The locking mechanism is entirely internal. Once it's on, it can only be removed by magic."
  380. >You swallow nervously
  381. >"I'm going to put it on now. Is that understood?"
  382. >You nod
  383. "Yes, Your Highness."
  384. >You're nervous as fuck
  385. >The device clicks, and the penis tube folds back to expose the metal ring
  386. >Then she brings the device down to your cock
  387. >Her magic grips your genitals as she begins to put it on
  388. >As she first pushes one of your testicles through the ring, and you're a little surprised at how small it is
  389. >Are you even going to fit?
  390. >Your next testicle goes through, and the ring feels like it fits around them pretty well
  391. >Next, she bends your mostly flaccid dick down and slides it through the cool metal ring, completing the ensemble
  392. >You can definitely feel it around you, but it isn't painful
  393. >"Is everything alright?"
  394. >You nod, and she smiles
  395. >"Good. If I'm hurting you, let me know immediately."
  396. >She bends your penis back until your head lines up with the opening of the tube, and begins pushing you in
  397. >Since you were slightly hard, she sort of had to stuff you in
  398. >It's sort of uncomfortable, but that's kind of the point of chastity
  399. >You felt your penis advance along the inside of the cool, curved metal tube until your head reaches the end
  400. >Your urethra lines up perfectly with the hole in the end
  401. >She begins to fold the tube down, and your heart begins to beat at record speed
  402. >When it closes and you hear the click of the lock, you feel an unexpected rush of relief
  404. >All of the anticipation, anxiety, and stress you felt before and during the process evaporate away
  405. >It's over, it's done, the device is on and there's nothing you can do about it
  406. >"How does it feel? Are you uncomfortable? Should we commission a new one?"
  407. >She sounds worried, but you assure her that you're fine
  408. >You're impressed; Rarity has a good eye
  409. >It fits perfectly, despite her not being able to take detailed measurements
  410. >Well, the parts that are supposed to fit perfectly do
  411. >Since Celestia uncovered yet another fetish you didn't know about, your dick was currently straining against its new prison
  412. >Thanks to the restrictive size and the curvature, you simply couldn't get hard anymore
  413. >Celestia undoes your restraints and pulls you in close to hug you with her forelegs and wings
  414. >"I'm sorry Anon, but I couldn't allow you to continue degrading yourself."
  415. "I understand, Your Highness."
  416. >She gently strokes your back, and she hums softly
  417. >"I feel that I should point out that I've given you another gift. Quite a costly one at that."
  418. >Huh?
  419. >...Oh wait, shit
  420. "Thank you, Your Highness. I appreciate your generosity."
  421. >She smiles widely
  422. >"You're very welcome, Anon."
  423. >She lets you go and helps you onto your heels
  424. >"There's something else that goes with it. Just a moment, please."
  425. >She opens another drawer beneath the one your cage was in
  426. >More insertable toys
  427. >She wasn't kidding about her love of butt stuff
  428. >You hope she keeps easing you into it, because some of those things looked pretty daunting
  429. >From underneath the lewd pile, she pulls out a new pair of panties
  430. >You quickly slipped them on and discovered their primary feature:
  431. >There was a pouch in the front to contain your cage and balls
  432. >Celestia watched as you clipped your garter belt back onto your stockings
  433. >"You look as beautiful as ever, Anon."
  434. >You blush
  435. "Thank you, Your Highness."
  436. >As soon as your clothes are sorted, you're gripped in her magic and levitated onto her bed
  438. >She brings your wrists together, and they lock with a click
  439. >The same is done with your ankles before she slides several pillows beneath your head
  440. >You think you're about to be cuddled or something, until she climbs on top of you with her business end pointed at your face once more
  441. >"Now, I believe we were doing something before you so lewdly interrupted us. I would appreciate it if you could please continue."
  442. "Yes Your Highness, right away."
  443. >She begins to back her ass up towards you, but suddenly stops and retreats a few inches
  444. >"Oh wait, I nearly forgot. Do you mind if I catch up on some reading? I don't want to be too far behind on the series before Twilight's next visit."
  445. >She looks around her plump flank to you and holds up the latest Daring Do novel
  446. >What?
  447. >How long are you going to be back here?
  448. "Uh, not at all, Your Highness..."
  449. >"Thank you, Anonymous."
  450. >And then her ass completely envelops your face
  452. >"Very good, just like that Anon~"
  453. >You have never done anything like this before, but you were determined to perform well for your Princess
  454. >"Mmph~ Keep at it, you're getting the hang of this..."
  455. >Your wrist moves from the root, down the considerable length, and over the the tip as you work to satisfy her
  456. >"Just a little more, we're almost-Ah! O-ow!"
  457. >She winces as the teeth of your comb catches yet another tangle in her mane and yanks at her scalp
  458. "S-sorry Your Highness."
  459. >"That's alright​. Just keep in mind the consequences if you make that error one more time."
  460. >You quietly nod and resume combing through her ethereal mane, but you're filled with many of the conflicting emotions you've begun to come accustomed to lately
  461. >You steal a glance over at the paddle sitting on her nightstand
  462. >All things told, spanking was a pretty vanilla fetish
  463. >Especially compared to what you and Celestia have done together so far
  464. >But you were scared nonetheless
  465. >You felt similarly about the collar, and the lingerie, and the butt plug, and especially the chastity cage
  466. >Unlike those times, you're not curious or excited deep down
  467. >You're dreading the moment when she uses it on you
  468. >And you know it's going to be used on you
  469. >It's impossible to tell when you're about to hit a tangle; her mane doesn't even feel like it's made out of individual hairs
  470. >Running your fingers through it is like running them through static-charged water or something
  471. >You suspected that she was deliberately causing these 'tangles' so that she could administer your 'punishment'
  472. >Should you say something?
  473. >On the one hand you don't want to get paddled
  474. >On the other hand, if someone had asked you a month ago if you want to dress in see-though women's underwear and prance around a heavily-populated castle, you would have also said no
  475. >Does Celestia just know you better than you know yourself?
  476. >You're not sure if you like the idea of-
  477. >"A-Anon! Tangle!"
  478. "Sorry Your Highness!"
  480. >It seems that you had gotten lost in your thoughts and found a tangle
  481. >Not that it matters
  482. >This game was rigged from the start
  483. >She sighs as she lifts the brush out of your hand and moves off the bed
  484. >"I believe agreed on three tangles before you would be punished?"
  485. >She watches you with a stern gaze as she grips the handle of the paddle with her magic and holds it up for you to see
  486. >You shrank back a little
  487. >Celestia may be a pretty pony, but she's also an immortal, millennia-old goddess with incredible power
  488. >She could be pretty intimidating
  489. >Especially when she's brandishing a weapon (of sorts)
  490. >"Please hurry up and get into position, I would prefer to get this unpleasantness out of the way so that we can enjoy our evening."
  491. >Oh shut up, you're loving this
  492. >You don't immediately comply, as your mind tries to decide your next move
  493. >...
  494. >It's just a spanking
  495. >You let her lock your penis up almost a week ago, and you're hesitating this much over a spanking
  496. >She probably isn't even going to hit you that hard, it'll probably just be a few little love taps
  497. >Even if you don't like it, you should probably just let her do it for her own sake
  498. >After making your mind up, you slowly slide onto the floor and bend over the edge of the bed
  499. >Your eyes are locked forward as she trots up behind you
  500. >"Thank you for your cooperation, although I'm afraid in going to have to add an extra two strikes for the unnecessary delay."
  501. >Goddamn it
  502. >Come to think of it you don't even know how many you're supposed to be getting for pulling her hair
  503. >You're right about to ask when the paddle slices through the air to strike your right asscheek with a deafening smack
  504. >Pain lances through your spinal column and crashes against the inside of your skull
  505. >Your shout is totally silent
  506. >Either your voice has failed you, or the hit forced it up several octaves outside of the human range of hearing
  507. >Fuck, that really fucking hurt
  508. >"One."
  509. >What?
  511. >You're confused for a moment, before another sharp blow to your rear reminds you that there's more to come
  512. >You let out a strangled cry at the pain
  513. >The paddle hit pretty much exactly the same spot as last time, only intensifying the agony
  514. >Heat radiated off of your cheek, and a tingly pins and needles sensation mixes with the pain
  515. >W-was she supposed to be hitting you this hard?
  516. >"Two."
  517. >Oh fuck, she's gonna do it again
  518. >You try to say something, but a hard lump sticks in your throat and silences you
  519. >Until the paddle crashes against your left cheek and forces a harsh yelp out of you
  520. >At least she gave your poor right cheek a break
  521. >But now you were out of unblemished cheeks to spread the damage across
  522. >Do people really like this!?
  523. >You're not feeling any of the arousal you felt from crossdressing or having the plug inserted
  524. >This just hurts
  525. >"Three"
  526. >Shit
  527. >You bury your face into the sheets and grip them so tightly that your fingernails almost tear through as the paddle bites into you once again
  528. >Your eyes water at the pain
  529. >"Four. This gives me no joy, but you knew what the punishment would be."
  530. >Under all the pain and confusion, anger bubbled up beneath it all
  531. >No joy your cherry-red ass
  532. >This wouldn't be happening if one of you didn't enjoy it, and that certainly wasn't-
  533. >Another blow connects right down the middle, hitting both cheeks
  534. >You anger is forgotten as a fresh wave of pain flows through you
  535. >You just want it to be over
  536. >All sins are forgiven if this can just end right now
  537. >She never told you how many times she was going to hit you
  538. >Five?
  539. >Ten?
  540. >Twenty?
  541. >You couldn't take it anymore
  542. >"Five"
  543. >Not again
  544. "S-stop...please..."
  545. >Your voice finally escapes your pulled-taut vocal chords, but is muffled into a garbled mess by the bed
  546. >"Excuse me? I didn't quite catch that."
  547. >Her magic grips your chin and turns your face towards her
  548. >"Speak up dear, you know I can't understand you when you-"
  550. >Her eyes widen when she sees your agonized, tear-streaked face
  551. "P-please, stop, I-I don't like this!"
  552. >The paddle clatters to the floor as she immediately drops it and practically throws herself on top of you
  553. >Her forelegs draw you in close as her wings and envelop you
  554. >"Anonymous! I'm so, so sorry! I didn't mean--I should have--I didn't--"
  555. >You wrap your arms around her neck and hug her as tightly as you can
  556. >You needed to held right now, and you didn't really care by who
  557. >She swallows her stammering and softly reassures you
  558. >"'s okay...we aren't going to do that anymore...I'm so sorry, I should have...I'm sorry..."
  559. >You take deep breaths as you try to focus on something other than your raw derriere
  560. >As the initial, intense pain begins to fade into a dull, throbbing one, you notice lines of agony crisscrossing your rear
  561. >Did she somehow cut you?
  562. >You glance down at the bright red affected area, and realize what you're feeling
  563. >Your panties weren't pulled down first, so each hit with the paddle drove the material into your skin
  564. >You could almost make out the pattern of the lace across your aching ass
  565. >You look up to Celestia
  566. >Her expression was filled with guilt, pity, and fear, with a slight hint of disgust at her own actions
  567. >You bury your face in her neck again as she gently strokes your back
  568. >You lie in her embrace for several minutes as neither of you speak
  569. >One of you has to break the silence eventually, but neither of you quite know what to say
  570. >Celestia climbs out of bed, lifting you in her magic and cradling you close to her chest
  571. >"I'm not entirely sure what we should do next, but I think it would be best for the both of us if we got out of this room."
  572. >You nod in agreement, and she begins to carry you towards the door
  573. >Before opening it, she stops
  574. >"...would you prefer to be covered? I think it's safe to say that our session today is over."
  575. >You look down at your scantily-clad body
  577. >You actually didn't mind anyone in the castle seeing you like this
  578. >Most of them already have at least once anyway
  579. >However, you'd prefer to avoid them seeing your bright-red ass right now
  580. >You nod, and she levitates a sheet over to wrap around you before exiting into the hall
  581. >One of the guards waiting outside greets her, and she leans in to whisper into his ear
  582. >He nods
  583. >"As you wish, Your Highness."
  584. >He dips his head before trotting off to complete whatever task she gave him
  585. >Celestia resumes carrying you to whatever destination it is that she has in mind
  586. "...Hey, where are we going?"
  587. >"To the bath. I usually find it quite soothing myself."
  588. "Um, I don't think I really need to warm up right now."
  589. >"The water will be somewhat cool. Hopefully it will help put out the heat in your backside."
  590. >Your whole body is feeling pretty hot right now, so maybe this will do you some good
  591. >All of this stuff is new to you, so you've got to defer to her expertise
  592. >The two of you step through another doorway as you arrive at her private bath
  593. >It's huge; more akin to a small swimming pool
  594. >A couple of attendants greet her and bow, but she interrupts them to give some orders about the water temperature and to give the two of you some privacy
  595. >They indeed do; after adjusting a few knobs, they both respectfully bow out
  596. >The sheet is removed, and she sets you on your feet
  597. >"How are you feeling, Anon? Any improvement?"
  598. >Not much, but her worried expression tugs at your heartstrings and makes you want to make her feel better
  599. "Yeah, I think I'm starting to feel better..."
  600. >She smiles, but you're pretty sure she knows your lying
  601. >"Do you need any help undressing?"
  602. "Well, I can't really get these off without magic."
  603. >You hold up your wrists to emphasize your cuffs
  604. "Oh, of course."
  605. >Magic flashes down the length of her horn, and the cuffs on your wrists and ankles click open and fall to the floor
  607. >You roll your gloves down the length of your arms and toss them aside before undoing the clasp on the bra and peeling that off as well
  608. >Now comes the tricky part: your bottom half
  609. >Thanks to your abused ass, that's going to be a bit of a challenge
  610. >Celestia seems to catch on to this, and intervenes
  611. >Your garter belt shimmers and fades away as it is teleported off of you
  612. >"I'm going to have to lift you for a moment, so be prepared."
  613. >You nod, before her magic envelops you once again and levitates you above the ground
  614. >Your heels and stockings vanish, and she gently sets you back down onto your bare feet
  615. >As your panties are teleported off, you get to feel her magic directly against your butt, which she's seemingly avoided up until now
  616. >The cool bubbly sensation you normally experience is amplified, making it feel like you've stuck your butt in ice-cold carbonated water
  617. >Her eyes fall into your chastity cage, and she hesitates
  618. >"...Would you prefer if I remove that, Anon?"
  619. >She obviously doesn't want to take it off, and you don't mind either way
  620. >You probably aren't going to be getting any erections until your ass stops hurting anyway
  621. "It's fine, Your Highness."
  622. >"You can stop calling me that, at least for the time being."
  623. >She seems to be relaxing a little since your mood is improving
  624. >You rise up into the air once again as she maneuvers you over the water and gently lowers you in, face-down
  625. >As your legs sink below the surface, you quickly discover that there's a slope coming down from one of the sides, allowing you to lay on your stomach with your head out of the water
  626. >It feels very refreshing, like a swimming pool on a hot day
  627. >Especially on your butt; you can practically feel the water sucking the heat out of it
  628. >A few splashes from your side announce Celestia's entrance into the bath
  629. >She lowers herself next to you and drapes a wing across your back
  630. >"Does it feel good?"
  631. "Yes, Your Highness."
  633. >She nods as you fold your arms under your head to make yourself more comfortable
  634. >When you do, your arm bumps the tag hanging off your collar
  635. >You had completely forgotten that it was there
  636. >You brush your fingers across it as Celestia lowers her head down next to yours; the shame and regret from earlier filling in her features
  637. >"I'm so sorry, Anon...I don't know if there's anyway I can apologise enough for what I've done."
  638. >You adjust yourself and glance back at the scene of the crime once again
  639. "I'll be fine...It's just...were you supposed to hit me that hard? I thought you were going to be gentle..."
  640. >She glances away
  641. >"...I'm not entirely sure..."
  642. "What do you mean? No offense or anything, but you've probably done this sort of stuff dozens of times over the years, right?"
  643. >She shakes her head
  644. >"No. This is the first time I've ever enacted my fantasies in reality."
  645. >You lift yourself up onto your elbows
  646. "What? It is?"
  647. >"I'm afraid I'm as new to this as you are."
  648. "Why am I the first? Did you just get into this stuff or something?"
  649. >She sighs lightly
  650. >"I've felt this way for a very, very long time. But my subjects, my little ponies, I love them all like my own children. Which means that anything sexual is off the table."
  651. "Have you know...been with anyone?"
  652. >She shakes her head
  653. >You blush
  654. "So does that mean you want me to be your, um...first?"
  655. >She blinks in surprise, before looking away and scratching her cheek
  656. >"W-well, you're the first I've done anything lewd with, but I wasn't really planning on us having traditional penetrative intercourse. I suppose we could, if you'd like."
  657. >She didn't want the dick?
  658. >Oh right, she was probably just planning on doing butt stuff and ordering you to pleasure her
  659. >...wait...
  660. "If you haven't done anything like this, then where did you learn it? You were so confident, I thought you were some kind of expert or something."
  662. >"When I realized that romance wasn't really an option, I turned to erotica for, erm, 'comfort'. When I discovered bondage and domination in these stories, I was enamored."
  663. "So, you learned that stuff from books?"
  664. >She nods
  665. >"What happened today was actually a scene lifted nearly directly from a novel. A master commands her slave to brush her mane, and spanks her when she pulls her hair."
  666. >She frowns again as she looks back at your pink posterior
  667. >"Spanking was so common in those stories, and the submissives always loved it. Such vivid descriptions of the intermingling of pain and pleasure..."
  668. >You start to get worried
  669. "Were you planning on trying everything from those books?"
  670. >"Absolutely not. They could be a bit too extreme for my tastes. I have no intention of making you bleed or drink my urine."
  671. >Well, that's good
  672. "So how far do you plan on taking this? What kind of stuff from those books did you like?"
  673. >She stares at you for a few moments
  674. >"...It might be faster if you tell me the things that you like instead."
  675. >You shrug
  676. "I don't really know. That's kind of what I've enjoyed most about all of this. Discovering new kinks and exploring them with you."
  677. >She smiles
  678. "If we want to avoid trouble like this in the future, maybe we need a safeword or something?"
  679. >Her smile fades instantly, but is quickly replaced with a fake one
  680. >"O-oh yes, of course! A safeword. Perhaps something that stands out in an intimate setting, like 'banana', or 'rainbow'?"
  681. "...what's wrong?"
  682. >She composes herself enough to mask her obvious disappointment
  683. >"Nothing is wrong. If you feel that we should establish a safeword to ensure your comfort and safety moving forward, then we will. What about 'wendigo'?"
  684. "Princess, please..."
  685. >You stare deeply into her eyes as her facade crumbles
  686. >She breaks the contact and sighs
  687. >"...You've probably realized that I don't want a normal relationship by now. My ultimate goal was for you to become my slave."
  689. "...You want me to be your slave?"
  690. >"You would have moved into the castle, and signed a contract relinquishing your body and mind to my authority."
  691. >As she speaks, her tone becomes more serious
  692. >"Slaves don't have safewords. They aren't allowed to refuse their owner's requests. However, I fear that today I've proven that I can't be trusted to keep your well-being and happiness in mind with that level of control."
  693. >You're quiet for a while as you think back on your lewd adventures with Celestia
  694. >She was right, you had known since she put the collar on you
  695. >The tag did declare that you were her property, after all
  696. >While others may have assumed that it was merely for roleplaying purposes, the idea stuck in your mind
  697. >Maybe part of the reason you didn't mind having your penis locked up was that deep down you felt that it belonged to Celestia anyway, and that she was free to do with it as she pleased?
  698. >...regardless of how you may or may not feel about this, today wasn't the day for such an enormous lifestyle change
  699. >Especially when neither of you know what you're doing, apparently
  700. >Celestia watches on as you think over everything
  701. >When you look back up to her, she squeezes you with her wing and nuzzles you
  702. >"I understand completely if you're unwilling to take things that far. If you want a safeword, we'll have one."
  703. "...Do you promise to be more careful?"
  704. >"Anon, you don't have to-"
  705. >You boop her snoot to silence her
  706. "I don't really think we need one. Just don't do anything that might hurt me without talking to me first. If something else you're​ doing makes me uncomfortable, I'll try to let you know without breaking immersion."
  707. >She smiles lightly
  708. >"Thank you, Anon. All I want is for you to enjoy yourself as much as I do. I promise that we'll have this conversation again if I overstep my bounds once more."
  709. >She hugs you tightly, and you return the gesture
  710. "I love you, Your Highness."
  711. >"And I love you too, My Little Human."

[Casual Sex] A Show Worth Watching (Fluttershy&Futa Twilight)

by AnonymousReuploader

Celestia Anon Femdom

by AnonymousReuploader

[Pony Supremacy] Captive (RDxAnon, femdom)

by AnonymousReuploader

Obsession (Part 1)

by AnonymousReuploader

Obsession (Part 2)

by AnonymousReuploader