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[Pony Supremacy] Captive (RDxAnon, femdom)

By AnonymousReuploader
Created: 2020-12-27 19:16:00
Expiry: Never

  1. The anonymous intro: (I didn't write this initial part)
  3. >You've been in the slave market for months
  4. >Not because you're bad, you unironically wanted to be here because ponies came by looking for cuddle slaves all the time
  5. >You were here and unsold for nearly 7 months because the jew griffon who currently owned you knew he could get a high price for you since you were so willing to be here
  6. >Yet another cute mare came by Goldbeak's store today, you drew her in with your enthusiasm and hopefulness
  7. >The bright mare instantly liked you, asking all sorts of questions about how you liked ponies
  8. >The color drained from her face when she saw your pricetag
  9. >"F-five thousand?"
  10. >Goldbeak wraps a filthy paw around her back, "Mmyes, he's a premium one. Pre-broken, he won't go near a female of his own species. Pretty strong too. And he loves to be petted." he says, clicking his claws on the plexiglas seperating you from them
  11. >"I... That's... H-he's out of my budget, sadly. D-do you have any cheaper males?"
  12. >"I do, but you'll have to break them in yourself." Goldbeak leads the mare off to some of the less-than-happy humans who can be aggressive or violent, the normalfags
  13. >Despite all your rage, you are still just an Anon in a cage
  14. >Fuckin' magic, man
  15. >It feels like just yesterday portals opened up between Earth and Equestria
  16. >It all seemed so friendly, right up until some military move by Turkey to invade Equestria and set them off
  17. >Turns out ponies were controlling the portals and could open them wherever, whenever
  18. >It became almost impossible to defend when an entire army of soldiers could just pour into highly secured military installations at the blink of an eye
  19. >It was always magic with them, just a few trained unicorn mages could wipe out hundreds of soldiers with proper placement at the right time
  20. >The war, if you could even call it a war, ended in 4 days
  21. >After that, it was a blur until you got snatched up by griffon slavers
  22. >After you passed around between griffons you ended up in Goldbeak's shop, part of a much larger slave bazaar in Equestria
  23. >After he figured out you wanted to get out, he guessed correctly that you had some interest in mares and adjusted accordingly
  24. >Humans got graded based on what work they were best suited for, most were now laborers, a few went to the butcher's shop, and others were simply fodder
  25. >You'd be a laborer if it weren't for your sweeter disposition
  26. >And that was why you called Goldbeak's shop your home for so long
  27. >The stupid bird thought he could put a 1000% mark up on you because you didn't hate ponies
  28. >Braeburn came by again today, hauling off three humans, you knew he was going to wreck them
  29. >And again, Braeburn eyed you like the one fruit he was too short to reach, your steep pricetag keeping you from the sherrif's devious machinations
  30. >But today, today was different
  31. >A plain gray mare walked in, the jingle of an overhead bell scaring her as she opened the door
  32. >You can barely hear them talking so far away but she looks at you once
  33. >Goldbeak leads the mare around to the back, then you hear the door to your room being opened
  34. >"Anon, Ms. Marble here wants to see how well behaved you are. Do as she says." Goldbeak wheezes
  38. Meanwhile in another of Goldbeaks's cages:
  40. >you're Anon
  41. >can see other Anons around, locked just like you
  42. >a few of them chained up tight, probably because they tried breaking out, or were just too violent
  43. >others, like you, who are merely locked up behind the steel bars
  44. >and one that's really eager to be "adopted", with a premium price tag that kept him here longer than any other
  45. >poor guy, such is the irony of fate
  46. >never really had chance to talk with him, to ask what is he so hyped about
  47. >it's not as if his cage was too far to hear you
  48. >but it's that damn muzzle over lower part of your face, not allowing you to open your mouth
  49. >not every Anon has that, only some, but uh....
  50. >.....after answering to Goldbeak: "You fucking jewish, shekel hoarding birdtwat, suck my pretty dick", after his command to present yourself to some customer, wanting to have a look at you.....
  51. >let's say he doesn't like you talking, scaring away his shekels
  52. >you're not exactly the kind to hate with all your existance
  53. >but you sure as hell enjoy going on his nerves
  54. >that also means your price tag isn't even nearly as high as the guy's on your left
  55. >and uhh...
  56. >...... you're trying not to think about how will you end up
  57. >what kind of pony is going to buy you
  58. >if any.
  59. >it can't get any worse than this, can it?
  60. >oh who are you kidding, it always can
  61. >can be sent to some mines, or worse.... having your asshole stretched by some fag horse
  62. > can always do an hero if that was the case
  63. >.....
  64. >'s these thoughts, that somewhat made you willingly behave a little better last days
  65. >maybe even getting a little inspired
  66. by that guy next to you
  67. >of course, you can't possibly imagine being an obedient pet or a worker to some colorful horse
  68. >but maybe you could run away easier from them, than from this ugly ass, khazar gryphon
  69. >so you'll play nice
  70. >for now.....
  74. >one day, a gray mare, rich enough to afford it, finally makes the dream of Anon next to you come true
  75. >it's almost unbeleivable, to see him go
  76. >was here longer than any other and he was a crown jewel of Golbeaks's trade
  77. >might miss him, even though you never spoke
  78. >but for you, it somewhat means hope you might find freedom too
  79. >trough your own ways, of course
  80. >and two days later,...
  81. >a yellow pegasus mare with a pink mane enters
  82. >she looks a little timid, just like the one your "almost friend" left with
  83. >and exactly the kind, that would be easy to run away from
  84. >for some reasons, you have a feeling, that she is your ticket out
  85. >so when she comes closer, you're acting all civilised, even smiling trough your mouth restraint
  86. >and she smiles back
  87. >bingo
  88. >>"Why does this poor, poor thing need a muzzle like that?" she eventualy squeaks in a pretty high tone towards your jailer
  89. >>>"Oh, you'd hear if I took that off. I've had ones that would get even more rude than him, but this one is a special kind of annoying. Trust me, it's better this way." coughs the gryphon
  90. >>"I'm sure he just needs a good treatment. Don't you?" the mare sticks her snoot trough the bars, closer to you
  91. >you not and hum agreeably
  92. >>"See?" she turns briefly back to the bird, then back at you, even reaching her hoof to pet your head "Oh, you're such a nice human, aren't you?"
  93. >>>"I wouldn't do that if I were you-"
  94. >you've had a few times when a pony tried sticking their libs in your cage
  95. >you wouldn't ever hurt them, but when you'd grab their leg out of nowhere and wouldn't let go, screaming "OOGA BOOGA, OOGA BOOGA"....
  96. >that always scared the hell out of them
  97. >monky mode
  98. >but as retarded of a reaction that is, it always felt like a little freedom
  99. >the internet has left you mentally scarred
  100. >anyway, now you have an actual plan so, you're obediently smiling at the mare instead
  101. >it's totally worth for the potential, actual freedom
  102. >she's totally gonna buy you
  103. >>"Oh, he's so cute! ...I'm sure my friend will like him."
  104. >wait
  105. >friend
  106. >"Hey Fluttershy! Where are you?" you hear a raspy and way less girly voice
  107. >there's a skyblue pegasus mare, standing by the room's entrance, her short mane decorated by six colours and magenta eyes to compliment the rainbow wave of locks
  108. >opposed to her weak looking friend she's really athletic on your very first sight
  109. >but not the kind you couldn't win in a potential fight
  110. >she's too small and there's not enough muscles on her
  111. >the worse is though, she's definitely gonna be the kind that's a little harder to run away from
  112. >still, you don't wanna hurt anyone, just get your freedom
  113. >but if you'll have to fight for it...
  114. >"There you are!"
  115. >>"Dashie! Look here! I think I found you the perfect new pet."
  116. >"But Fluttershy!.. You know I don't want one!"
  117. >>"You didn't even look at him!"
  118. >"By Celestia,..Okay then..."
  119. >the so called "Dashie" whose diminutive name doesn't really fit you to her, finally moves close enough for you to see her face clearly
  120. >she doesn't really look too different from other mares
  121. >but there's still something that made you stare at her for a few seconds
  122. >and your eyes met for a moment
  123. >it felt strange
  124. >you ain't completely sure you want to go with her
  125. >but something is telling you, you should
  126. >"...I...don't know,.. that mask looks pretty cool though,... is he dangerous or what?"
  127. >>>"Nah, just loudmouthed."
  128. >"Pffft. At least I'll have a contestant." Dashie laughs "But seriously, Fluttershy, I don't want a pet. Plus, these humans are costly."
  129. >>"He's only 80 bits!"
  130. >"50 bits." the blue mare's now grinning at the gryphon
  131. >>>"I wouldn't go lower than 75."
  132. >"No way. 60 at max."
  133. >you're met with the eyes of the stupid bird, seeing a first actual chance to finally get rid of you
  134. >so you're giving him a quick, maliciously shiteating grin he could see even trough your mask, reminding him of the times you caused him trouble
  135. >>>"70 is the best I can do..."
  136. >"Hmm..."
  137. >>>"Well?"
  138. >"On the other hoof, I mean I really don't want him that much..." the blue mare's about to turn away
  139. >>>"...Wait! 65! But that's my last offer."
  140. >the pegasus would come a little closer to the cage, having another glance at you
  141. >and when your eyes meet, she moves even closer
  142. >could see her saying "No." when she initialy glimpsed at you
  143. >but after a two, strangely long seconds...
  144. >"65 is okay I guess."
  145. >>"So you really like him! I knew you would!"
  146. >"I didn't say that. I said 65 is okay. We could just sell him for about the same or even better price to somepony else. So it's a deal."
  147. >>>"....Okay. It is then."
  148. >could see too well how he's now contemplating if he's done the right thing
  149. >but he already agreed
  150. >maybe even gryphon slavers have some rules
  151. >"Alright. So do we get him with any special things, like his own bed?" she chuckles
  152. >>>"Just the clothes he has. And some leash."
  153. >"So even the cool masky thingy? That's his clothes too."
  154. >>>"........Yes." the gryphon murmurs defeteadly
  155. >never really seen him like that
  156. >and boy, does it feel right
  157. >so much you almost don't care where you're going for a minute
  158. >but once they're done with the payment, you're about to get leash put around your neck
  159. >not the easily untiable one, which got the Anon two days ago
  160. >but a sturdy one
  161. >oh lawd, this is demeaning for your ego
  162. >"Okay, bye!" waves the blue mare at the gryphon with a shiteating grin on her face, having made quite a bargain
  163. >if you could speak clearly right now, you'd probably ask her about her plans with you
  164. >but instead you're just pulled out of your old containment, into the blinding sunlight
  165. >been some time since you saw that
  166. >it's such a pretty day too
  167. >and as much as you hate to think it, a pretty place
  168. >at least on a first sight
  169. >you knew that the old town was remade almost from scratch, saw it happening when you were captured
  170. >but brother, do they work fast
  171. >one thing you like is not having to walk on hot asphalt with your bare feet, but on a green, soft grass instead, or dusty roads
  172. >can't see a single car anywhere in sight though
  173. >your plan included getting your hands on one and using it as your getaway sooner or later
  174. >shit
  175. >in a meanwhile you're just staring into the sun, the yellow mare is gushing over you, how cute you're being right now
  176. >not sure what is she finding cute about an unshaved man, bigger than her
  177. >but it's kind of enough for you to like her a little more than the blue mare, pulling you on your leash and barely noticing you
  178. >they're wandering trough the big bazaar, almost aimlessly for some time, just looking trough stuff
  179. >it's so weird to walk these streets, as a remainder to your fallen civilisation
  180. >not saying that humans didn't exactly deserve this
  181. >but shit, you wish you didn't have to be a part of it
  182. >might have been better if you were a casualty in the so called "war"
  183. "Wher weh goin." you speak eventualy, trough your teeth
  184. >"Not as loudmouthed as the gryphon said. Considering this your first sentence." chuckles the blue pegasus
  185. "Gef me off that fing thfen."
  186. >"....I think I'll leave it like that just a little longer."
  187. >>".....Come on Dashie, don't be mean to him. That's not how you make friends." your owner's friend nudges her wing
  188. >the mare stops, turning around at you, having a few snickers
  189. >"Okay then, I'm just messing with you. ...But you promise to behave?"
  190. >you nod
  191. >God, haven't been treated like this since the fifth grade
  192. >...
  193. >she eventualy flies to your head's level, soaring there with surprising skill while she's untying the muzzle
  194. >can hear her chuckle once she's done
  195. >"Can always put that back on if you wanted to be rude. I'm aware you humans don't usualy have manners, but I'm willing to take this risk. So don't dissapoint me."
  196. >and you're being softly punched into your shoulder
  197. >it didn't really feel like a threat
  198. >more like a "friendly" dominance assertivity
  199. >you still don't like that
  200. "I won't." you smirk anyway "...So will you tell me now where we're going?"
  201. >"Nowhere! Yet,.. I didn't travel all this way, just to go right back home! I still have some bits to spend here."
  202. >>"That's right! We heard there's this big bazaar here with all kinds of exotic things, so we wanted to make a little trip here with our friends!"
  203. "What friends?"
  204. >>"Well,... they were all busy, so it's just me and Rainbow."
  205. >the blue mare is walking a few steps ahead, so you turn to Fluttershy
  206. "Rainbow. Is that her name?"
  207. >>"Yup. Rainbow Dash."
  208. "And uhh.... can you tell me what are her plans with me?"
  209. >>"You're going to be her new friend of course!"
  210. "Didn't you say you have friends back home?"
  211. >>"Of course, but a different kind."
  212. "So she's one of those sex slavers.... Look I-"
  213. >>"Gosh no..." the yellow mare's face gets completely red "....Do ponies really do that around here?"
  214. "....So I've heard. And seen."
  215. >>"Oh my.... But I'm pretty sure Dashie isn't one of those mares. It's because-"
  216. >"I can hear you two, you know?!" the object of your debate is now looking over her shoulder
  217. >with a tone that makes both of you shut up
  218. >>"I was just telling him about-"
  219. >"Well don't, Flutters." Rainbow leans a little closer to her "He doesn't need to know everything."
  220. >>"But you should get to know each other if you're really adopting him..."
  221. >"We don't know that for sure either." she's whispering now, thinking you can't hear her "He may seem pretty tame, but it was too much of a bargain, what if he turns out violent? Tamed ones are way, way more expensive. There's bound to be a catch."
  222. >>"So why did you even buy him in the first place if you don't really want him?" Fluttershy's whispering back
  223. >"I... don't know! I guess I had a weak moment." the blue mare exhales trough her nostrils, then eyes at you, pecking your ears behind them "Hey, shoo boy. Give us a little space."
  224. >she just shoo'd you away, seriously
  225. "I would if you put the leash away... It's pretty short."
  226. >to which she loosens it up a little, but of course she's not going to let you go
  227. >it feels really stupid, to be dragged around like an animal
  228. >you're not the only human treated like that of course, but it's not helping
  229. >has the world gone completely mad?
  230. >is this really the way it has to be?
  231. >to get "converted" into a happy pup, or used as a laborer?
  232. >at least that's what ponies do, don't wanna think about what would creatures like gryphons use humans for
  233. >might as well end up as a dinner
  234. >maybe you're still quite lucky so far
  235. >you're not a sex slave, not sent into some mines, not eaten either
  236. >just gotta be a pet friend to this dominatrix
  237. >hopefuly
  238. >you should be able to sneak away once you get her trust a little
  239. >maybe once she's asleep, that might be your chance, and then-...
  240. >you have no clue
  241. >but there must be some refuge
  242. >"Been pretty quiet past hour. I expected you to run your mouth nonstop once I took that muzzle off."
  243. "...Expected or wanted?"
  244. >"Heh, good one." she grins, not bothering to answer
  245. >but her hoof instictively twitches towards you
  246. >cant tell in which manner though
  247. >did she want to punch you or pet you?
  248. >"...Anyway, it's getting late and we've seen enough I guess... What do you think Fluttershy? Time to go?"
  249. >>"I'd say so.." yawns the sleepy mare with saddlebags full of stuff she bought
  250. ".....Should I carry that for you?"
  251. >almost can't believe you just said that
  252. >seems like your inner, supreme gentleman has awoken out of nowhere
  253. >but it's gonna be to your advantage, to make yourself look like you care about your masters
  254. >"Hey, such a good idea. Why didn't we think of this sooner?" Rainbow Dash hauls both her own baggage and Fluttershy's onto your back, strapping it tight enough to hold, even though it wasn't made for for humans
  255. >instant regret.jpg
  256. >but it's decided
  257. >you're heading towards the train station, with the train ready to depart in a few minutes
  258. >just in time
  259. >the blue mare is buying some tickets, while the yellow one's waiting by the train door, lazily leaning on your leg, eyes almost closing
  260. >Rainbow is back soon though, giving one ticket to her friend, sending her inside with her bags and pulling you by the leash towards the "human wagon"
  261. >it doesn't look as pretty as the regular ones do, probably because it's basicaly for baggage that can't fit under benches, plus it likely costs a lot less
  262. >and they're even worse from the inside
  263. >opening the door with your mistress still beside you, you're given a sight of a smelly room, full of other humans in various conditions
  264. >only a few look clean and physicaly cared for and even less are not chained up by ankles
  265. >there are spots above the small seats, where your leash can be pinned, so the mare briefly enters inside with you to do so
  266. >"Ew..." her snout wrinkles over the place's atmosphere
  267. >it almost felt like she's hesitating
  268. >but then she seats you there and slowly closes the door
  269. >and you're "alone" again
  270. >alone with a handful of other humans
  271. "Hey guys, is there somewhere some refugee camp or something? A resistance?"
  272. >you're only given a few tired, or straight up mocking looks, but no answer
  273. "Come on, you must know something."
  274. >nope
  275. "So does any of ya'll want to talk at least?"
  276. >nope
  277. >guess you'll just have a five then instead
  278. >so you make yourself relatively comfortable and close your eyes, trying to ignore the stench
  279. >it's not as if you had a chance to wash yourself everyday past few months, but it isn't THIS bad
  280. >anyway, you're pretty tired too,.so....
  281. >......
  282. >....
  283. >.......
  288. >...
  289. >suddenly you're awakened by a screech of the door opening
  290. >somepony entered with another human to leash in and other two came to retrieve theirs
  291. >then there's your colorful, not exactly ladylike, mistress too
  292. "We're here?"
  293. >"Nope. But Fluttershy bough you a ticket to a regular wagon for the rest of a ride, so that you won't have to stink in here."
  294. >which attracts attention of a few humans around you
  295. >one of them even spits towards your direction
  296. >>>>"Ponyboy...."
  297. >>>>>>"Converted..."
  298. >you wanted to say something, that it's not like that at all
  299. >but you stayed silent instead
  300. >you're actualy kinda glad you don't have to "stink in there", like she mentioned
  301. >upon entering the wagon, you're given a few equaly negative looks from ponies too
  302. >which troubles you even less
  303. >eventualy, Dash sits down on one of the benches, next to the window
  304. >Fluttershy is sitting on the opposite one, leaning on the glass on her left
  305. >>"Hey there..." she murmurs, barely awake
  306. "Um, hi...."
  307. >for a second, you're wondering where should you sit, whether next to the her, or the mare that has you on a leash
  308. >to be honest, you'd prefer the sleepy yellow one, but..
  309. >"..Come sit here."
  310. >you're feeling a soft pull on your collar, just when you were about to choose
  311. >but now you've stopped and sat with Rainbow Dash instead
  312. "So..."
  313. >"We're about halfway there."
  314. "And where is it, this "there"."
  315. >"Oh you'll see." she chuckles "I'm sure you'll like it. Can't imagine anypony who wouldn't."
  316. "I'm not exactly a pony to begin with."
  317. >"Yeap, right. Anycreature that is." she yawns, giving you almost unbeleivably goodhearted smile
  318. >and she may not have been showing it before, but she must be really tired as well, just like the other mare is
  319. >so you're remaining silent from then on
  320. >she just occasionaly hums a quiet sleepy exhale, while she's slowly dozing off next to you
  321. >but she's still holding the leash in her hooves tightly
  322. >it's not as if you had anywhere to run on the moving train
  323. >it's still a little surprising to be here though
  324. >if you really did turn out to be violent one, you could just snap her neck right now, grab that strange bat from her baggage and go on a rampage on the relatively defenseless ponies around
  325. >but... shit like that is not exactly in your nature
  326. >didn't kill even that wasp that flew into your cage last week
  327. >maybe the yellow one could tell,.. maybe she's really smarter than she looks
  328. >...or they're just beginning to trust you, actualy being a "tamed specimen"
  329. >eventualy, Rainbow's head falls over into the headrest behind her, as the sleep took her over completely
  330. >and she's starting to snore, thanks to this position
  331. >Jeez
  332. >loud enough to wake Fluttershy up, sitting opposite of her
  333. >she very softly clicks her tongue upon opening her eyes, blinking and looking around a few times
  334. >letting out a gentle chuckle when she see's the cause of her disturbance
  335. >then she eyes at you with a little smile
  336. >>"Such a well behaved boy."
  337. >not sure where ponies got the idea of treating you like animals
  338. >but the thing is,... a lot of people you've seen already WERE animals in their heads
  339. >one way, or another
  340. >guess this is what it does to modern human's psyche, when he's taken out of his consumer lifestyle
  341. >strip him of his made up place in a frail society
  342. >take his pride and humiliate his ego
  343. >the monky emerges
  344. >just like it did with you back at Goldbeaks's shop
  345. >wonder how many literaly went nuts...
  346. >>"What is it?" Fluttershy notices your chuckle over your own thoughts
  347. "Um, nothing.... But uh,... hey I wanted to say thanks for letting me here." you eye out from the window over the snoring pegasus next to you
  348. >>"What do you mean?"
  349. "Well,.. you bought me a seat here, didn't you?"
  350. >>"I didn't.... I mean, I don't mind you here at all. But I didn't buy the seat. Dashie did. She said it looks WAY worse than she thought in the wagon for humans."
  351. "She..?" you nod your head towards the rainbow slumberer, right now making sounds resembling a heavy, but distant impact drill "She doesn't really seem like a type that would care at all."
  352. >>"Oh, but she does!.. Even if she doesn't always has a way to show it." Fluttershy smiles empathicaly towards her friend ".....She's the best friend a creature could ask for."
  353. "Wish I could see that too." you chuckle
  354. >>"I'm sure you will." she's still smiling for a while, but then it fades a little "...Poor Dash didn't take her loss too well. She gets lonely at home now."
  355. "What kind of loss?"
  356. >>"Her pet tortoise..."
  357. ".....Seriously...? I am a replacement,.. for a turtle?"
  358. >>"Tortoise. And I know it sounds a little bad when you put it this way.... But she really loved him and now the house just feels empty for her."
  359. "Yeah, but there's a difference between a human and a turtl-ehm, tortoise. We aren't exactly a pet material, just because we get sold like one."
  360. >>"I...kind of think she likes that about you."
  361. "So she's really a closet dominatrix...."
  362. >>"T-that's not what I meant. O-of course there are tellings of human s-sexual e-endurance, but she's just looking for a new friend..."
  363. >uh huh, so she does know about humans being used this way, even though she pretended not to have a slightest idea before
  364. >wonder what more they lied to you about
  365. >man, your stomach feels a little heavy
  366. >you have to get away as soon as possible
  367. >the rainbow one's gonna take DELIGHT in breaking you
  368. >>"Are you okay..? You look a little pale right now. Do you want some water?"
  369. >as much as you hate to, you take the bottle she's offering and have a few gulps
  370. >that helps at least a little
  371. >>"Better?"
  372. >no
  373. >you don't want to become a playpet to a horsekind that helped enslaving your people
  374. >you never were too patriotic towards your species, but this is just too much for your ego
  375. "Yeah I'm okay..." you're making a little crooked, forced smile
  376. >>"Are you sure? Do you need anything?"
  377. >I need a fucking zeppellin and GTFO outta here, or a hole in the head
  378. "Nah, that's fine."
  379. >but at the same time, your eyes land on an unfinished cheese baguette in Fluttershy's opened saddlebag laying next to her
  380. >>"Oh you must be hungry! Do you like these things?"
  381. >to be honest, nowadays you like anything that's edible and isn't pre-digested
  382. >>"You can have that. Come on, don't be shy." she's already handing it to you
  383. >says the right one
  384. >but you wouldn't really hesitate to take it and start stuffing yourself
  385. >>"There there,.." the mare's chuckling, seeing your appetite
  386. >man you don't even care you look like an animal right now, munching fiercely on your snack
  387. >almost forgetting about your fears too for a while, as well about the snoring next to you
  388. >because you haven't had a proper food for as long as you were locked up
  389. >and this is fucking delicious, better than any baguette you had in the peak of a human civilisation
  390. "Thank you Lord." you groan once you're done with it
  391. >there's a paper wrap left in your hands, which you throw away in the bin
  392. >>"Wow! I didn't think you're this civilized."
  393. >not sure whether to feel good about a compliment, or insulted by a human standard falling so low
  394. >but you wouldn't comment neither
  395. >for a moment, the stress really is gone, letting you think clearly
  396. >maybe there's some miracle chance you'll make it out
  397. >in the meanwhile, Fluttershy seeing you're okay, slowly closes her eyes about to take another nap
  398. >it's not as if you were to protest
  399. >might as well do the same thing, can't exactly do anything while on this train
  400. >so you shut your eyelids...
  401. ....
  402. >but the damn snoring next to you is really hard to ignore
  403. >you're trying to pretend you can't hear it for a few minutes, but the more you try, the louder it feels
  404. >eventualy, you open your eyes again, staring out the window
  405. >can feel a disdain, slowly building up inside you towards the mare on your left
  406. >wish you could slap her awake
  407. >but that would probably bring a lot of trouble...
  408. >when suddenly, the train takes a sharp turn in higher speed than usual, making her body roll over onto yours
  409. >out of nowhere, her snoring just magicaly stops, turning into gentle and calm breaths
  410. >what a turnaround, honestly
  411. >she's still seems to be sleeping when her hooves automaticaly wrap around you, giving you a soft hug while her nose nuzzles into your chest, spawning a content smile on her face
  412. >and you...
  413. >aren't exactly sure how you're feeling about this
  414. >for some reason, it's a lot harder to utterly hate her now, even if you feel like you should
  415. >because now,... it's actualy pretty comfy and...
  416. >......can't remember the last time you've actualy been hugged by anyone
  417. >so you close your eyes once more, immersing in the comfiness
  418. >imagining there's someone you really like and care about beside you
  419. >and soon
  420. >......
  421. >...
  422. >.....
  431. >"Hey, hey wake up."
  432. "Huh?"
  433. >"Wake up! Were here!"
  434. >those first few seconds left you a little dazed and confused about your surroundings
  435. >the blue mare is already awake and at the safe distance in her seat, shaking with you to snap you to your senses
  436. >>"W-were here?" Fluttershy wakes up in the meanwhile as well
  437. >"Yes! Come on! We don't have much time!"
  438. >and before you know it, you're being pulled out of the wagon
  439. >a first thing that you see is a sign "Station Ponyville"
  440. >alright
  441. >that's a normal name to name a city
  442. >or village, or whatever
  443. >had a lot of Humanvilles back in the days too...
  444. >in the meanwhile, Fluttershy finally steps out of the train as well and soon after that, it departs again
  445. >"Almost thought I'll have to return for you." chuckles Rainbow Dash
  446. >>"I was just making sure I didn't forget anything.."
  447. >"Ha! No worries! If you did, I'd just catch up with the train and bring it." she laughs, nudging the yellow mare "Anyway, what a trip huh?"
  448. >>"I know! Such an interesting place and so many cute creatures. Such a shame we couldn't get to know them all better..."
  449. >"I'm good with this one." you're being slapped from behind while you're gazing at the late noon sun
  450. >you wouldn't really react and just pretend you didn't feel it
  451. >"So and, you're coming with us to the platform or flying straight home?" you owner's attention is turned back at her friend
  452. >platform?
  453. >>"I might come with you two. I don't like flying too much and I'm not in a hurry either." smiles Fluttershy
  454. >"Okay, let's go then!"
  455. >you'd be pulled by your collar again if you weren't listening
  456. >but you're quick enough to follow their hoofsteps
  457. >it's just now that you've realized that this place looks nothing like Earth at all
  458. >not as if your homecity resembled any big marks of past, human civilisation
  459. >but this it even more different than that
  460. >as if it was never human territorry to begin with
  461. "Hey uhh, so, where are we?" you ask Fluttershy on your right
  462. >"That would be Ponyville, Equestria." grins Rainbow Dash on your left, faster not only in movements, but responses as well
  463. "EQUESTRIA?!"
  464. >>"Um,.. we travelled trough a portal while you slept."
  465. >fuck fuck fuck
  466. >now you're in the enemy territorry
  467. >"....Are you okay?" you're being very softly tugged by your leash, merely to make you listen to her
  468. "I uh,.."
  469. >>"It must be some kind of travel sickness..."
  470. >"We're not travelling anymore though."
  471. >>"Then it might have caught up with him from before."
  472. >"I know you're good with animals Fluttershy, but let HIM tell us what's wrong.. ...What is it boy?"
  473. >both of their looks are now fixed onto you
  474. "Look, are you seriously telling me we are on a different planet right now?"
  475. >...
  476. >"Was that the problem?.. Ha! Of course we are!"
  477. >>"The train went trough a portal while you were asleep..."
  478. "Oh God..."
  479. >"Don't worry!" the blue mare punches your thigh, hard enough to feel it "You'll totally love it here!"
  480. "I don't really think so..." you're murmuring to yourself so that they won't hear you when you're pulled forward again as if nothing happened
  481. >it's less than 20 minutes of walk trough a relatively small pony settlement, full of little houses and grass
  482. >if you weren't consumed by your thoughts of how fucked you are right now, you might even appreciate the picturesque architecture and how well kept everything is
  483. >but now you're just contemplating your options, trying to find hope in the reddish globe in the sky
  484. >strange...
  485. >it looks so familiar, but still different from your old Sun
  486. >sun you've been seeing everyday, your whole life
  487. >something about it always seemed to calm you down when you stared into it
  488. >but you might never see it again
  489. >....will this new one be able to substitute it?
  490. >no way, never abandon hope
  491. >you WILL get back home from this place...
  492. >...
  493. >eventualy, you find yourself being led towards a small hot air balloon
  494. >so this is the platform she spoke about
  495. >where the hell are you going now?
  496. >the two mares seem to be telling each other goodbyes in front of it, meaning this is where their ways part
  497. >>"And bye bye to you too!" Fluttershy's waving her hoof at you "I really hope you'll like your new home!"
  498. >you only reservedly wave back, still taking all of this in
  499. >and she's gone, leaving you all alone with your mistress
  500. >now that you're thinking about it, you're a little affraid of her
  501. >"Yo, come closer!" she's pulling you to a unicorn pony standing beside the ballon "Now stand still for a second."
  502. "W-what are you going to do me?" a cold drip of sweat is running down your face when you see the unicorn charging her horn
  503. >fuck, you've seen what these things can do
  504. "No!!!"
  505. >and then flash
  506. >your eyes are tightly shut
  507. >are you ded?
  508. >>>"Oh sorry, I didn't knew he was so scared of magic..?" can hear the unicorn apologizing
  509. >"Me neither. Who would have thought, with such a big guy...... Hey fella, it's alright. You're fine..."
  510. >there's a hoof caressing your hair
  511. >what
  512. >upon opening your eyes, there's Rainbow Dash's face right in front of yours and it's her, trying to pet you into calmness
  513. >oh, right... she can soar like that
  514. "...What did she do to me?" you ask hesitanly
  515. >>>"Your body was enchanted so it can walk on clouds of course!" chirps the servicemare
  516. "W-walk on clouds? ....How?....Why?"
  517. >"So many questions! You'll see in a few minutes. But I promise you, it'll be absolutely awesome." giggles your owner, pushing you towards the balloon's basket
  518. >>>"Happy flight!"
  519. >"Thanks!"
  520. >and before you know it, you're ascending higher and higher
  521. >Rainbow Dash isn't exactly in the basket with you, just her stuff
  522. >she's soaring around, navigating the baloon's direction and impatiently helping it rise even faster by pulling it up
  523. "Where are we going?!" you yell when the ground starts shrinking into small ant city
  524. >but she can't hear you over the wind and balloon noises
  525. >oh god, where the fuck are you going right now
  526. >this is a nightmare
  527. >almost wishing you were back at Goldbeak's cage
  528. >eventualy, the basket gets so high you're rising above the clouds, revealing there's actualy a....
  529. >........white city in the sky?
  530. >never seen anything like this....
  531. >it's absolutely stunning and gorgeous, almost taking your breath away in the first few seconds
  532. >so this is what the spell was for...?
  533. >but this means......
  534. >shit
  535. >there's no escape for you anymore
  536. >can't possibly run away, from a fucking CLOUD
  537. >you're trapped
  538. >goodbye freedom
  539. >you're a pet now
  540. >might as well jump down now and save yourself the converting process
  541. >your hands are gripping the basket's edge tightly
  542. >can you really do it though?
  543. >
  544. >you can't
  545. >you don't have the guts to end yourself...
  546. >but maybe it's for the better
  547. >this isn't how it's gonna end, you can figure a way out of this somehow
  548. >hopefully
  549. >you're still a little shaken, but when you're headed towards a landing spot, you compose yourself as if nothing
  550. >"So what do you think?! Wasn't this the most awesome sight you've ever seen?" the excited mare's chirping while tying the balloon so that it won't fly away
  551. "Oh yeah the sight was.... amazing." you're trying to sound enthusiastic
  552. >"That doesn't sound too convincing.. Are you scared of heights or somehing?"
  553. "Maybe a little." you lie
  554. >"I'm sure you'll get over it. All of this is completely safe, trust me. Come on out, boy!" she's pulling on that damn leash again
  555. >it may be only a soft nudge, but it's a constant reminder of your role
  556. >for the love of god, please, let this not be how it ends
  557. >the first steps on the bouncy clouds are very cautious, still holding onto the basket
  558. >but once you see you really won't fall trough, you stand up normally
  559. >you owner, monitoring you the whole time
  560. >"See?! It's completely safe. Clouds are the best thing ever! Right after speed of course." she chuckles once you're out
  561. >then she picks her filled saddlebags from the basket, about to haul it onto your back
  562. >but she stops, seeing you're still not quite okay, and puts the weight onto herself instead
  563. >"It's just around the corner.. This way."
  564. >she wouldn't pull on the leash this time
  565. >waiting for you to come by yourself
  566. >don't know why, but something about that gesture actualy made you follow her willingly
  567. >it's not as if you have a better choice right now..
  568. >...
  569. >soon you're actualy finding yourself in front of a relatively big double door, fitting even for a human such as you
  570. >did she have a human before or is it just for show, to have a massive door like that?
  571. >if she did, she must have disposed of him really quick
  572. >it isn't that long since your kind is so easily availible to ponies for buying
  573. >needless to say, the inside of the house feels equally spacy and not exactly "broke"
  574. >quite the opposite
  575. >it isn't a straight up castle, but it's pretty luxurious
  576. >so you guess the door probably really WAS just for show
  577. >hopefuly
  578. >and when the lock turns behind you, the leash's getting untied from behind
  579. >almost didn't notice her soaring up like that again
  580. >you're pretty sure you could punch or dig trough the wall if you really wanted, but since there's nowhere to run, it would be pointless
  581. >though,.. it's good to remember that in case you've found some miraculous plan to escape
  582. >the balloons are too slow to fly away from a pegasus, but if you manage to sneak away when she's sleeping...
  583. >we'll see what future brings, maybe there's hope eventualy...
  584. >but the mare notices your faint smile, thinking it's a chance to talk with you
  585. >"Hey look,.. do you have a name?"
  586. ".....You're asking me now, about my name?"
  587. >"Yes. Do you have one?"
  588. "It's Anon....But why now of all times..?"
  589. >"I uhh,..." she smiles a little nervously "Didn't want to get too attached before I make up my mind about keeping you. ....Plus I though I might give you a new one but,... Anon feels pretty cool I guess. It's.. fitting."
  590. "...."
  591. >"A-anyway, this is your home now." could hear her stutter clearly, before she's returning to her overly selfconfident tone "Feel free to roam around. Just don't break stuff, okay? Or come with me! I'll show you around."
  592. >and you're being led around the house, with all the usual rooms a human home would have
  593. >except for a trophy room
  594. "...Where did you get all these?" you hesitanly ask, just when she's about to close the door
  595. >"Do you like them?!" she squee's, stopping
  596. "They're....shiny."
  597. >"Well they're from all kinds of sports. I'm an athelete you know! A flier in the most amazing, the most breathtaking stunt squad there is! The WON-DER-BOLTS!" the mare's rising her hooves up as if she was praising something holy
  598. "Uhh,.."
  599. >"You don't know them, of course..." she chuckles upon closing the door completely "But you will! They were always my childhood idols and now I'm one of them! One day, I'm gonna tell you aaall about it.~"
  600. >and one of the last rooms is a bedroom
  601. >"So anyway, I don't have a bed for you... yet. I didn't expect to bring a pet from my trip..."
  602. >while silently glancing around the room, your eyes would land on a small pet's bed, laying next to the big double matress she's sleeping on
  603. >"That! Oh, that's a little too small for you I guess. Plus,.. it shouldn't be here anymore." she's already stuffing it under the big bed, out of your sight
  604. "....Is it after the tortoise?"
  605. >which makes her freeze in front of you for a second
  606. >".....How do you know about Tank?"
  607. "Fluttershy told me."
  608. >"Oh...." Dash cringes, then her expression softens "Well, yeah. So you know you're a replacement pet..."
  609. "Why me..? Why a human?"
  610. >"I don't know... It just felt like fate to me when I saw you up close. Plus you were cheap, have all teeth and humans are known for..... occasionaly having talents that other pets,.. don't exactly have."
  611. >fuck, so it's true after all
  612. >she's gonna ask you about "it"
  613. >you'd rather work on a rock farm than having to-
  614. >"...You don't happen to know cooking,.. do you?"
  615. "...Cooking?"
  616. >"Yeah. I may be the fastest flier around here, but I can't exactly cook for myself..."
  617. "I uh- of course I can cook!" a big stone just fell from your chest
  618. >oof
  619. >"You actualy can..?"
  620. "Nothing special, but I can cook well enough I guess."
  621. >"That's amazing! You must be worth like 10 or 20 times more than what I bought you for! Oh I'm so happy, you have no idea." she licks her lips over thought of a homemade food "...But speaking of food, I totally forgot you haven't eaten anything at all!"
  622. "I did eat though. Fluttershy gave me half of her baguette... About two or three hours ago."
  623. >"But that's a pretty long time, you must be hungry again! We'll feed you something boy, come with me!"
  624. >and the last room is a kitchen
  625. >there's pretty much all the equipment you might need, except it was probably never used
  626. >the storages are stocked with instant foods, soups or premade lunches just for reheating
  627. >she'll probably gonna have to buy you some stuff to cook out of first
  628. >"So what do you like to eat?"
  629. >meat?
  630. "Anything goes I guess."
  631. >it's strange how now, that she's alone with you, she's actualy behaving almost nice
  632. >as much as her character allows
  633. >her voice though is still a little hard to get used to
  634. >it's squeakily raspy, like being ordered around by a 12 year old boy
  635. >pretty annoying
  636. >but you guess you'll have to get used
  637. >"So, there's some pasta with sauce here, I think I'll be having that. Want that as well?"
  638. "Um, sure, thanks."
  639. >in the meanwhile, she stuffs the two portions into what seems to be an Equestrian version of microvawe or just an oven
  640. >and now it's time to wait
  641. >.....
  642. ......
  643. >an awkward silence is filling the room with just the two of you inside
  644. >the blue mare's sitting by the dinner table, nervously clopping her hoof on the ground
  645. >and you, somewhat still in the doorframe, just standing and looking around
  646. >"...You can come inside, you know?"
  647. >so you sit on the opposite side of the table, giving her little awkward, almost forced smile
  648. >it would almost feel like being a guest somewhere, not having that collar to remind you otherwise
  649. >thinking about it, your finger almost automaticaly slides underneath it's leather it, to let some air on your skin
  650. >"...Is that too tight?"
  651. >why does she suddenly care so much?
  652. >is it just because you said you can cook?
  653. >or is there something else to it?
  654. "Yeah... The old Goldbeakstein wanted to make sure I won't slip away."
  655. >"I can loosen it up then." your mistress stands up
  656. >it's almost funny, being a pet to a creature half your size
  657. >she actualy has to rear up to be high enough to reach comfortably, even while you're sitting
  658. >and she does loosen it up, quite a lot actualy
  659. >to a point it's barely touching your skin, but you still can't pull it over your head
  660. >"That's better, isn't it?"
  661. "It is... thanks."
  662. >"You're welcome."
  663. >....
  664. "But, um hey, couldn't it go all the way down? ...Since it's almost loose enough."
  665. >"Um, no. Not yet, sorry."
  666. >you wanted to ask why, but seeing in her expression that she's already made up her mind, you merely gave her a dissapointed frown
  667. >"........Look, you won't have to wear that inside forever. But it has to stay for a few days. Until I decide I should take it off, okay?"
  668. "Hm, okay...... But does that mean I still couldn't go outside without it?"
  669. >"Well, ponies don't like seeing humans roaming too freely. They still see you as a threat after ehh..."
  670. "Yeah, the war......... do you?"
  671. >"What?"
  672. "Do you, see me as a threat?"
  673. >"Me?... I guess not."
  674. "Why."
  675. >"Because I can take you on." the mare laughs amusedly, with her usual confidence
  676. >but you sure as hell won't beleive her such a thing
  677. "With, all due respect,.. I'd doubt it." you smirk at her mockingly
  678. >"Well, you may be big, but size isn't everything." she grins back ".........Come on, try to pin me on the ground."
  679. "Um,. sorry?"
  680. >"Try to pin me on the ground." your overconfident mistress stands up from the table, taking a stance in the spacy room
  681. "Okay then!" you do the same, without too much hesitation
  682. >finally a chance to put her ego a little lower
  683. >"I won't kick or bite you, so I'm expecting you to play fair. Unless you like it rough~... So can we?"
  684. "Ready."
  685. >"Bring it then!" she rears up "Come at me!"
  686. >bad move
  687. >with a swift movement, you're up close, about to undercut her legs
  688. >this'll be fast and easy
  689. >but-
  690. "Whoa!"
  691. >with a help of her wings, she somewhat twirled around you, faster than you would possibly expect
  692. >and before you could turn around her direction again, she's tangled around your legs
  693. >making you trip over her and fall down on your back
  694. >once there, she's already jumping at you, pinning your right hand on the ground
  695. >but you've still got your left one
  696. >you'd use it in attempt to push her away with all your might
  697. >but your palm slips over her silky fur
  698. >and she uses that mistake to pin your other hand as well
  699. "Hhhggg!" you're trying to break free, but she's holding you tight
  700. >where did all this strenght come from?
  701. >"Done yet?" your mistress chuckles
  702. "Not yet!"
  703. >you slide your knees between the two of you and push her away with your legs, making her ease up on your grip
  704. >but before you get a chance to lift yourself up from your palms, she regains her composure with a two flaps of her wings
  705. >and she's putting you back down, this time pinning your legs as well
  706. >she might be ligher than you, but her hooves are pressing into very strategic spots
  707. >"Heh, nice one..." she inhales deeply to re-contain the adrenaline flowing trough her body, exhaling pretty much into your face, being mere inches away from her smug muzzle "Give up yet?"
  708. "Aaargh!" you're trying to break free
  709. >but you cant move
  710. >did SHE really defeat YOU?
  711. >in your anger, you headbutt her nose, enough to make her let you go and fall on her own rump
  712. >"Playing dirty huh?!" she yells, checking whether she doesn't bleed
  713. >and the next second, you're feeling an instense, painful sting all around your neck, catching you so off guard, you fall right back on the floor and squirm like a worm
  714. "Aaahg! Ow, fuck!"
  715. >but it lasts only for a few, short moments
  716. >you're left there breathing heavily while she somewhat proudly walks around, stopping above your face
  717. >"Heh, good try,.. but you'll need to learn to play nice..."
  718. "W-what was that?"
  719. >"That was a reason why you might need to wear that thing a little longer." she opens her left wing, revealing to you a little device, strapped to her side "See, I don't really want to use it, I'd like us to be friends, but you still need to learn some discipline."
  720. "I don't think that this is how you make friends..." you'd attempt to stand up, but she pushes you back down
  721. >"Well, headbutting isn't either." she chuckles lightheartedly as if nothing happened
  722. >then she lets you go, offering the same hoof to help you stand up
  723. >which you take, but only after a second of hesitation
  724. >"You know, I can't say that I don't like you Anon." she grins once you're up, nudging your thigh "You're my kind of pet material."
  725. ".....Did you wrestle with the turtorise the same?"
  726. >"No.... Tank was the sweetest and most loyal kind of guy I could ask for.... But he's gone and I don't want anything about my new companion to remind me of him."
  727. >can't exactly tell from her face if she's sad or angry right now
  728. >could be both, or neither
  729. >but the next second she smiles your direction as if nothing and sits back to the table
  730. >now you're feeling there might be an actual reason to fear her now
  731. >not only she's a lot more considerable opponent than you thought,.. as far as physical fight goes
  732. >but you had no idea the collar they gave you was able to stun you like this
  733. >man, you're pretty much fucked, unless you can outsmart her somehow
  734. >but your inner contemplation is interrupted by an oven's ring, alerting it has finished it's job
  735. >"Oh yes! The pasta!" your mistress dashes away to bring the two portions of food for each of you to the table "There you go!"
  736. >so you hesitanly sit there and glance at the steaming plate
  737. >seems to be some kind of vegetarian lasagna
  738. >you sniff it as well
  739. >wish you could proudly refuse it, but it looks and smells so damn good there's no possible way to resist it
  740. >fuck, this is the second time they "bought" you with food
  741. >and you're very slowly picking up the fork and a knife, about to accept your defeat
  742. >"...You know how to use cutlery, right?"
  743. "Well,.. I can cook, so I can use cutlery."
  744. >"I was just making sure... Enjoy." she chuckles before digging in first
  745. "Y-you too." you're following up right after her
  746. >....even though it's a premade food, it's still utterly delicious
  747. >and thanks to that, you're very soon done with your dinner, while the mare on the other side is eating a lot slower
  748. >"By Celestia, I'm full." she eventualy pushes her plate away, leaving there about 1/5 of her portion and patting her belly
  749. >your eyes would instictively land on the rest of her food
  750. >"....You want that?"
  751. "I uh..."
  752. >you kinda do
  753. >but you don't want to tell
  754. >"I can just throw it away if you don't, no biggie." she's about to stand up from the table and dump the contents of her plate into a bin
  755. "Wait!"
  756. >"Yes..?"
  757. "I...I do want to finish that." you admit shamefuly "...Would be a waste...."
  758. >"Here you go then" you're given a half smile, while the still warm lasagna is being handed in front of you
  759. >and the smile stays on your mistress's face the whole time she's watching you stuff yourself with it
  760. >it almost feels like she's taking pleasure in this
  761. >or is it just you..?
  762. >can't tell anymore....
  763. >"I almost forgot,.. until I get you some bed of your own,.. you can sleep on the side of mine, it's pretty big." she mentions once you're done, putting your plate into the sink
  764. "...Really?"
  765. >"Y-yeah, sure. Or there's a couch too, but the bed is fine with me. T-tank used to sleep there as well." she stutters again in her three seconds of weak moment before regaining her pose "But I'm gonna have to wash you first, okay? I'm not letting you on cushion like this."
  766. >you wouldn't really point out how she's shitting into her own mouth with what she just admitted
  767. >because there's another thing about what she just said that unsettled you even more
  768. "You said you want to wash me...?"
  769. >"Of course, I don't know how many days you haven't been washed, but from our up close encounter, I'm guessing it might as well be at least.. half a week?."
  770. >that's a surprisingly accurate guess
  771. "I meant to say that I can do it myself."
  772. >"Aren't you saying that just to avoid the water?" she chuckles "I heard how some of you hate getting wet."
  773. "Well, if it's freezing cold water, straight from a hose, soaking your clothes, I can imagine." you grumble
  774. >"...So you promise to wash yourself properly, if I let you go alone?"
  775. "Promise."
  776. >"Hmm, okay then. This way."
  777. >and you're being led to the bathroom
  778. >"This is how you turn the water on, here's a soap and shampoo." your mistress would show you everything, even prepare a towel
  779. "Thanks..."
  780. >"Don't thank me. I mean, it's not like I'd want you on my bed if you were this dirty." she chuckles while you're dissapearing behind the curtain "By the way, don't worry about the collar, it's waterproof."
  781. >and soon after you throw the dirty clothing over the barrier, can hear her leaving the room
  782. >finally some time alone
  783. >it feels good to not be under somecreature's surveilance for at least a few minutes
  784. >and the warm water is even better
  785. >this shower is literaly like a heaven on Earth,.. except it isn't Earth, nor heaven
  786. >but God, how you've missed this
  787. >after scrubbing every last piece of filth from your body, you actualy rub one out as well, pretty much for the sake that you can, without anyone watching you
  788. >and to relieve some stress
  789. >which seems to work wonders, along with the hot water and full belly
  790. >for a moment, you're almost happy
  791. >don't ever want to open curtain
  792. >but eventualy,.... you have to - can't stay here forever
  793. >and when you do, you're immediately noticing one thing
  794. >the clothing is gone
  795. >she took it
  796. >it my have been filthy, but it was your only clothing
  797. >you can't walk around like this for God's sake
  798. >where is it?!!!
  799. >come on Anon, breathe, calm down
  800. >...she left you a big towel here, you can use that
  801. >....
  802. >anyway, you wrap yourself in it and have a glance at youself in the big ass mirror
  803. >haven't seen your own reflection since....
  804. >can't remember
  805. >since the better times...
  806. >you're hairy, somewhat skinny, but at least you're squeaky clean
  807. >oh yeah, and then there's the collar
  808. >can't even look at yourself without being reminded of your forced allegiance
  809. >but you're still staring at your reflection for a few minutes, trying to find at least something to like
  810. >... your hair actualy doesn't look that bad when it's this long
  811. >and if you shaved, you'd almost be a handsome young man again
  812. >maybe your mistress will buy you a razor
  813. >...
  814. >can't beleive you just formed this sentence in your head
  815. >...
  816. >no matter how well kept you'd be, you're still a damn property
  817. >with that, you look away from the mirror and leave the room
  818. >outside, you're cautiously checking if the rainbow mare is around somewhere
  819. >need her to return your clothes, even if they're dirty
  820. >you can wash them in the sink at least
  821. >and eventualy, you're stumbling upon her in the living room
  822. >"There you are! So how was the shower? Let me see."
  823. "..See what?"
  824. >"Well if you're clean! Drop that towel."
  825. "I uh.. rather not to." you freeze
  826. >"That's an order though." she says firmly
  827. "..."
  828. >are you going to resist now?
  829. >what if she's gonna press that button again?
  830. >still remember how it stung before
  831. >"....Come on, I want to have a proper look at what I bought!" she chuckles, grabbing the towel with her teeth and forcefuly pulling it down from you by herself
  832. >her sudden, swift movement caught you so off guard, that you didn't really have time to fight it
  833. >and now you're just standing there in shame, covering your crotch with your hands, feeling completely exposed to her and her mercy
  834. >stripped of your clothes, of your pride, of your rights and most of all, your dignity
  835. "....."
  836. >this is so far the worst thing to happen today, right after the best one
  837. >"Well what do you say! You really were profound with the cleaning." she grins, walking in circles around you and checking your body out from all angles "....You humans are curiously built."
  838. >wish you could just run away
  839. >but there's nowhere to run
  840. >you're frozen in shame and fear
  841. >so you at least shut your eyelids
  842. "........"
  843. >".....Why are you so embarassed right now?"
  844. >can feel a soft boop on your nose
  845. >so you open your eyes once again to see her soaring dangerously close to your face, curiously smiling
  846. >does she not have a slightest idea of how's all this making you feel?
  847. >do you really have to explain?
  848. "...You've just literaly forced me to expose myself to you."
  849. >"Heh, but you don't have anything to be embarassed about." she grins, sliding her hoof along your torso to have a feel of your skin, inspecting your chest muscles"......are all humans like that?"
  850. "I guess I'm averagely built...." you look away
  851. >"No I mean,.. are all humans this shy?" your mistress chuckles amusedly
  852. "...We don't ever go around without clothes. C-can I have my old ones back now?"
  853. >"Nope.... I already threw them away."
  854. "B-but-!"
  855. >"I can get you something new tomorrow, if you're so persistent about it." the mare laughs, patting your shoulder before landing back on the ground next to you, about to sit on her couch
  856. ....
  857. >"What is it?" she eyes at you amusedly after a few seconds, trough which you wouldn't move a single inch "You don't have to be embarassed around me, ...I don't bite."
  858. "I- I can't..." you're almost whimpering in your predicament " like this until tomorrow."
  859. >...
  860. >"Okay..." a sigh escapes her nostrils "Do you want to wrap yourself in something until then?"
  861. >to which you nod of course
  862. >"Alright, let me see what we have."
  863. >and she dissapears in the bedroom, soon to be back with a thin white bedsheet
  864. >"Will this do?"
  865. "Yes! Give it!" you're hastily grabbing after the fabric
  866. >but she soflty slaps your fingers, pulling away
  867. >"What do we say?"
  868. "Um, thank you, m-mistress."
  869. >"Thank you" would have been enough." she chuckles, handing the sheet to you "But you're really a good boy."
  870. >which only makes your face go even redder
  871. >thank fuck no one else is seeing you like this
  872. >not even you stupid ass boss at work could ever put you mentaly this much on your knees
  873. >not even the kike old bird
  874. >can't say you've ever been lower in your life
  875. >but it's all just temporary, you WILL find your way out of this
  876. >or you will die by your own hand
  877. >..
  878. >you're trying to remember how to tie a Greek toga while the mare returns back on her couch to lay there and pick up a book
  879. >and eventualy, you've figured it out
  880. >"Hey, neat. That looks pretty cool." she notices
  881. "Thank you."
  882. >"No probs.... Do you like adventure stories?"
  883. "I guess... Everyone does."
  884. >"Then come here." the mare pats the place next to her on the couch
  885. "Is that an order...?"
  886. >"No,.." she grins "I just thought you look a little down. I could read you something. Come on, you'll like it."
  887. >'re still a little affraid of saying no
  888. >but
  889. "I'm sorry, but can I have some time alone..? Please..?"
  890. >"Um, yeah.. Sure!" the mistress smiles, a little dissapointedly "...You can crash at my bed, as long as you leave me there enough space later."
  891. "Thank you..."
  892. >and you dissapear to the bedroom
  893. >straight onto the bed
  894. >to curl up and cry
  895. >what she made you do was the last straw, added to the series of events you had to go trough
  896. >been bottling this up for months
  897. >didn't cry when you lost your family and friends
  898. >not even when the gryphon's thugs beat you senseless and captured you
  899. >now it all caught up, when you've realized you really are at your owner's mercy
  900. >and you needed to let it out or else you'd burst in front of her
  901. >and you're crying until there's nothing left in you and you're feeling almost comfortably numb
  902. >funny, what a human mind is able to endure
  903. >and what is it able to lose, just to save it's relative sanity
  904. >you're feeling....
  905. >alone
  906. >alone in this room
  907. >alone in this goddamn world
  908. >there's just her next door
  909. >the cause of your mental suffering
  910. >and your only company
  911. >can't tell for what reason you're drawn to her now
  912. >is this the "breaking" process?
  913. >.....
  914. >after a while, you stand up and go check on her
  915. >she's still sitting on her couch in the living room, reading the same book with just a little light to see the words
  916. >"Hmm?"
  917. >her eyes would land on you, standing in the doorframe
  918. "Does....does the offer still stand?"
  919. >"Of course it does! Come here boy!" she puts away whatever she was reading uptil now and pats the place next to her
  920. >to which you cautiously sit, keeping a safe distance
  921. >but then she flies away to the bookshelf, to return with a different title
  922. >sitting back a lot closer to you, eliminating your personal space and shoving the book into your face to see
  923. >there's a colorful image of a sand coloured pegasus mare with a gray mane, swinging on some kind of wine, away from danger
  924. >it says "Daring Do."
  925. >looks a little like B rated movie poster
  926. >"This is like the first book I've ever read on my own! Which.....isn't actualy that many years back, I wasn't always a big reader." you almost wouldn't recognize her with that sincere, excited smile, eager to share this with you "I hope you'll like it as much as I did! I mean, you probably won't , because I liked it a whole big lot but I still hope you'll like it at least 50% because that would still mean you really liked it....."
  927. >haven't seen her acting this fangirly about anything yet
  928. >with that, she pulls your head closer to make you lean it on her lap, resting her hoof on your hair and adjusts the book in her second front limb
  929. >it's embarassing
  930. >but you wouldn't move away
  931. >maybe you're a little scared to do so
  932. >but it's also somewhat comfy and you're feeling.... "protected" in a way
  933. >so you close your eyes when she starts reading out loud, softly stroking your hair
  934. >it's so strange, to let her care for you like that
  935. >especialy in comparison to that bossy pose she was taking just before
  936. >...
  937. >can't say you're completely thrilled by her book right from the start, but the way she's narrating it is actualy making the whole thing a little more amusing
  938. >she's even changing her tone, depending on the intensity of the story to make it more dynamic
  939. >and over time, you're even getting a little used to her strange voice
  940. >but there's another thing you mentaly had to get over though, - the main protagonist being a pegasus
  941. >in your own head, you're imagining just a girl with wings on her back in her place, so that you can symphatize better
  942. >it's..... somewhat working so far
  943. >for a moment you'd almost forget that the fuzzy creature, reading that book just for you is actualy your enemy
  944. >....but she's your only company now
  945. >might as well try to not spite her completely
  946. >and as much as you hate to say it,... she really does care, in a way
  947. >but she's still one of horses that enslaved your kind
  948. >and you aren't friends
  949. >don't you ever forget that, Anon....
  950. >don't you ever forget-......
  951. >......
  952. >....
  953. >......
  954. >...
  962. >upon waking up, you keep your eyes closed for a little while
  963. >you're so comfy you don't really feel like getting up anytime yet
  964. >you might not be fully back to your senses from the sleep yet, but there's something mesmerisingly soft under your head, you're wrapped in a clean blanket and there's a sweet, fresh scent in the air you're breathing
  965. >your right palm reaches to have a feel of that warm pillow, when-
  966. >wait
  967. >this isn't your old home, or Goldbeak's cage at all
  968. >your eyes open, seeing a blue fur
  969. >and the yesterday events are quickly coming back to you
  970. >the comfy pilow you're laying on is...
  971. >'s the rainbow mare's thigh
  972. >shit shit shit
  973. >you yank and pull yourself away, just when you could hear her yawning herself awake
  974. >how the fuck this happened?
  975. >....oh, right
  976. >even more of the yesterday's events are coming back
  977. >you pretty much broke and submitted to her at some point
  978. >God no
  979. >so she thinks you're her little pet now
  980. >and she-...
  981. >she actualy stayed on the couch with you the whole night
  982. >didn't even move, so she wouldn't wake you up
  983. >"...Hey." your mistress is now sleepily squinting her big, magenta eyes at you
  984. >you have no idea how to feel about all this
  985. "Um, goodmorning..." you reply politely, keeping a safe distance
  986. >on the other hand, you can profit from such situation
  987. >you've gained some of her trust and once she trusts you enough to let her guard down even more.....
  988. >then will be your chance to flee
  989. >not sure where, but over time of your one sided "bonding", you'll surely figure out some kind of plan
  990. >must be some kind of refuge somewhere
  991. >"...So, did you like the book?" the mare asks after a short, silent pause
  992. "Um, yeah. Very."
  993. >"You were out cold in the half of it though." she's grinning, friskily piercing you with her gaze
  994. >one you can't stand for some reason
  995. >so you look away
  996. "I'm sorry, I was-"
  997. >"Veeeery exhausted. I saw that. Crying this hard takes a toll."
  1000. "What?"
  1001. >"The walls here aren't as thick as you might think and you left the door half opened." she chuckles, reaching her hoof to you "It's okay though, you'll be alright. Come here."
  1002. >not sure what exactly she wants to do with you
  1003. >but you ain't going
  1004. >she isn't your friend
  1005. >and every nice gesture is just a way to make you obedient
  1006. >"....Alright then, maybe later." the mare retracts her limb again "...You know, I kinda like this though."
  1007. "This, what?"
  1008. >"That you aren't pre-tamed."
  1009. "So that you can break me yourself?"
  1010. >"Break?.. Come on." your mistress laughs while standing up
  1011. >and when she walks around you, she coquettishly tickles your face with the tips of her feathers "I'll just teach you a little discipline. You might even learn to like it~.."
  1012. >and she's gone from the room
  1013. >soon you can hear her brushing her teeth
  1014. >man, you really can hear everything in this silence
  1015. "Huh..."
  1016. >what now
  1017. >your eyes eventualy slide on the book from yesterday
  1018. >which, after a second of hesitation, you pick up and open it at the chapter you last remember
  1019. >there's only two pages to it's end
  1020. >it's not like you have anything better to do...
  1021. ....
  1022. >about the time you've put the book away again, your mistress is back, her face still wet from the water she splashed onto herself to start out the morning fresh
  1023. >"Hey Anon, show me your chompers again."
  1024. "Why?"
  1025. >"Just show them to me."
  1026. "Can't you tell me why?"
  1027. >"I want to see. Come on, open your mouth." she steps up close with a harmless giggle
  1028. >after a few seconds of stare contest, you cautiously reveal your teeth
  1029. >"...So you've got some canines after all huh? I wasn't sure, they're pretty small. Can you eat raw meat?" her hoof's adjusting the angle of your mouth so that she can see better
  1030. "No...."
  1031. >"I thought so. But it's still pretty cool. But uh,.. that stench. Remind me to buy you a toothbrush when we go to Ponyville."
  1032. "We're going to Ponyville?"
  1036. >"I just need to take care of a few things right now, but I'll be back in a few hours and afternoon, I'll take you for a walk down there. I promised to get you some clothing, didn't i?" she plafully pulls on your improvised toga, sliding it down from your shoulders
  1037. >and she's walking away, waving her tail from side, synchronized with her hips with almost overdone gracefulness
  1038. >can vividly imagine her smug expression she must be donning right now, because she knows your weakness very well, while she isn't affraid at all of flashing her thing
  1039. >man you hate her so much right now...
  1040. >"........Oh by the way!" her head sticks out from the doorframe when you thought she was gone already "You can help yourself with whatever food you find, aaaand if you get bored around here, feel free to do some cleaning around the house! There are extra points for that...~"
  1041. "As if I care about any goodboy points..." you grumble once she's really gone this time
  1042. >and the truth is, you aren't really hungry right now either
  1043. >back at Shekelbeaks's, you only had two bland meals a day and none of them was in the morning
  1044. >but the fact you're alone is pretty amazing
  1045. >you can scheme, get to know the house so you can sneak around later
  1046. >and try punching trough that cloud wall
  1047. >that's a first thing you're going to try, because you're curious about it
  1048. >on some spot she wouldn't notice later
  1049. >eventualy, you picked some wall behind a door, you're preparing your fist and-!
  1050. >it almost bounced right back off
  1051. >man this would need a lot more strenght to go trough, this cloud is thicker than those outside
  1052. >or is it the spell?
  1053. >still, all of this is fricking strange
  1054. >but digging your fingers in might work...
  1055. >nah, that doesn't either
  1056. >you can at max push them in it, but not trough to tear away a piece of cloud
  1057. >you could grab onto it though
  1058. >....maybe you should try sticking your dick in the wall too?
  1059. >Jesus no
  1060. >...,maybe some other time
  1061. >but wait... that means you can climb down even the high windows, if you can grab onto it
  1062. >why didn't you think of it sooner?
  1063. >but upon opening a window and looking around...
  1064. >what the fuck
  1065. >the cloud bridge you came here yesterday, one connecting this house with a rest of the cloud city, as well as the baloon platform
  1066. >it's gone
  1067. >she must have disposed of it
  1068. "DAMN YOU!" your fists bang into the windowsill
  1069. >but the fresh air and sun's warm embrace, so close to you, is slowly calming you back down
  1070. >okay, maybe this star isn't that much different from your Sun
  1071. >and,.. as much as you hate to say it, your prison has the best view a man could ask for
  1072. >...there really are worse fates than yours right now
  1073. >if it'll be like this everyday, you'll have a plenty of time for yourself too
  1074. >which is good for starters
  1075. >not sure how long will it take to make an escape plan, but if you survived those months at a slave market, this will be a walk in the park
  1076. >as far as the material comfort goes
  1077. >but your new mistress seems to be somehow worse than the old bird...
  1078. >you were never scared of him
  1079. >can't always say the same about her though, not just because of the shock collar, but because she is fucking crazy
  1080. >and the way she's acting around you, it feels as if she was to rape you any minute
  1081. >God,...
  1082. .....
  1083. >you're fucking around the house a little longer, staring out the window and trying to keep yourself somehow entertained
  1084. >in your cage, you used to sleep or daydream a lot, but now that you're properly fed and slept uninterruptedly more than enough, you have a plenty of energy to actualy do stuff
  1085. >you just don't know what
  1086. >you'd sit down and try to draw something, haven't done than in such a long time
  1087. >if you found a pen and paper
  1088. >ha! an objective!
  1089. >took you about 5 minutes to figure out where to get them
  1090. >now you're sitting by a small table, ready to draw...
  1091. >draw what though..?
  1092. >an image of the rainbow mare clicks trough your mind
  1093. >certainly not her
  1094. >how about your hand, for an instance?
  1095. >aah, good idea, never hurts to practice human anatomy
  1096. >and-!
  1097. >it sucks...
  1098. >you're a little tired of drawing anyway, maybe some other time
  1099. ....
  1100. > you're bored
  1101. .......
  1102. >and this house, as luxurious as it seems really is pretty untidy
  1103. >but you can't do that,.. that would mean she won
  1104. >though, it's your new cage and you really hate, having the blue fur stick on your feet anywhere you go
  1105. >you could at least vaccuum it here if nothing else, just for the sake of doing something
  1106. >if there is a vaccuum cleaner
  1107. >and after a few minutes of searching,...
  1108. >ha! you found it
  1109. >this is somewhat reminding you of the times you were so bored at home you would start cleaning your room
  1110. >maybe this isn't that different from it
  1111. >just to get rid of all the mess from the bright floor, blue fur, occasional colorful hair, sometimes even small pieces of old food, dust....
  1112. >doesn't she ever clean here?
  1113. >looks like this house hasn't been taken care of for at least a month or more
  1114. >you're just dusting away some surfaces in the living room when-
  1115. >"Anoooon, I'm hoome. Ready for your walk?!"
  1116. >you freeze, turning around to see her standing in the doorframe
  1117. >"Oh you've actualy listened! Somecreature is gonna earn a treat here.~" she's grinning
  1118. "I just couldn't stand all this mess here, don't you ever clean around here?"
  1119. >"A tidiness loving too huh? How lucky I am. Cause you're right, I don't ever clean here." the mare chuckles "I usualy call somepony to do it for me like once a month. But now that I have you..."
  1120. "Forget about it."
  1121. >"Oh, I will. But something tells me you won't and you'll still keep it tidy here like a good and clean boy you are." she soars closer to pat your head and rustle trough your hair
  1122. "As if..."
  1123. >"And it's soo adorable to see you frown like that too~." her hooves clop on the ground next to you "But now it's time to go"
  1124. >didn't even noticed she clipped a leash to your collar just a second ago
  1125. >and she's pulling you after her
  1126. >fucking dammit
  1127. >outside the house, she has already fixed the bridge on her way back, probably from some clouds flying around
  1128. >and you're being taken towards the balloon again
  1129. >you didn't meet any ponies yesterday, or just wasn't paying attention, but those few you've noticed today on your way to your transport were all giving you strange looks
  1130. >some scared, some surprised, some amused, others just curious
  1131. >but it seems that locals don't exactly see a human everyday
  1132. >wondering how many might be down there in the village, if any
  1133. >anyway, soon you might see for yourself as you're almost back on the ground
  1134. >"This way Anon!" your mistress is pulling you some direction once you're out of the basket
  1135. >straight to a round, tall house with a sign "Rarity's Boutique"
  1136. "What's this place?"
  1137. >"Well you might noticed there isn't too many humans around yet, so there won't be any human accesories shop either. Buuut, I've got a good friend here that'll make some clothing for you from scratch. ....Hey Rarity!"
  1138. >>"Oh Rainbow Dash, darling! What brings you to- oh my, who in the world is that?! Is that a real human?"
  1139. >"Yup! This is Anon. - Say hello." you're being nudged to your thigh
  1140. "Um, hello..."
  1141. >"I bought him yesterday on my trip with Fluttershy. Isn't he cool?"
  1142. >>"I'm not sure "cool" would be the right word... Aren't you a little scared of him?"
  1143. >"Him? Nah, he's tame as a sheep. Aren't you boy?" your mistress smirks at you
  1144. >to which you return her an angry frown, that makes her shiteating grin even wider
  1145. >"Anyway, he's the reason I'm here, because I forgot to buy him any clothes at the bazaar and he's scared to death of walking around without any. Do you think you could sew up something quick for him?"
  1146. >>"Of course I could! I never designed a clothing for a creature like this! Walk him here on the piedestal here and I'll take some lenght proportions of his body."
  1147. >"Heard that? She's gonna make you something nice." the blue mare chuckles, pushing you with her wing towards the center of the room
  1148. >so you stand where you're told to and wait for the white mare to get her stuff
  1149. >>"I'm gonna need that robe off darling, I can't really measure anything over that. Could you take that off for me?"
  1150. >can't say whether she was talking to you or your colorful mistress behind you
  1151. >but in the corner of your eye, you can see Rainbow Dash making a step closer, about to slide the sheet down herself, so you stop her
  1152. "...I'll do it myself."
  1153. >don't wanna give her the pleasure of taking away your choice again
  1154. >with one hand, you untie where it holds together and gravity pulls the whole thing down, letting you stand there completely naked again, just covering your crotch
  1155. >hope anypony else won't enter the shop now
  1156. >>"Oh my, these are rather interesting proportions. And no loose skin, you could trace every muscle underneath it!" the marshmallow pony is walking around, a bit like your owner yesterday
  1157. >it's not like you have a lot of muscles to begin with, after your captivity, but you still aren't just skin and bones
  1158. >"I know right? Interesting things those humans."
  1159. >>"Sure they are..." Rarity uses her horn to levitate a sewing meter next to your legs "I'm gonna need him to stand straight though and raise his upper limbs."
  1160. >your mistress would merely give you a look, waving her eyebrows, telling you to do so
  1161. "Is that really necessary?"
  1162. >>"I'm affraid so." replies the unicorn
  1163. >so you very hesitanly uncover your crotch to make a T pose, while Rarity's taking the measures of your arms and back from behind
  1164. >Rainbow is standing in front you, knowing well how uncomfortable she's making you with the way her eyes run all over your body
  1165. >but of course it's not stopping her from doing so
  1166. >just like yesterday, you close your eyes, imagining you're somewhere else
  1167. >can hear the two ponies walking around, occasionaly whispering something indistinct, scribbling notes and giggling a few times too
  1168. >and then finally
  1169. >>"That would be it! I'm done here. But what kind of things you want for him? How should it look like?"
  1170. >"Hmm, I dunno, to be honest. Probably nothing too fashy, just something for everyday use... What do you people usualy wear, Anon."
  1171. "A shirt and some trousers. Or jeans.. A jacket or hoodie if it's cold. Anything goes as long as it's comfy enough to move freely."
  1172. >>"I'll see what I can do. Come back tomorrow or you can check in here on your way back, I might have something ready too." the white mare see's you eyeing down on your robe, longing to have it finally back, so she levitates it into your hand
  1173. >that's almost surprisingly thoughtful....
  1174. >"Thanks Rarity! I knew I could count on ya! ..What do we say Anon?"
  1175. "Thank you, miss Rarity..."
  1176. >>"Aww, no troubles." the white mare blushes "It's my job after all."
  1177. >funny, so far every other mare seems to be more bearable than the one who bought you
  1178. >you really might be a bad luck Brian
  1179. >after saying goodbye, your mistress is pulling you outside again and you're heading towards a village market
  1180. >the closer you are to the Ponyville's center, the more ponies you're seeing and the more weird looks you're getting
  1181. >back at the bazaar, it was somewhat normal for ponies to drag humans around on a leash, but not here
  1182. >>>"MAMA! What is that strange animal?" some foal is pointing it's hoof at you
  1183. >>>>"It's one of those humans sweetie. Just like on Sweet apple acres. Don't go too close to him, they might be dangerous..."
  1184. >here you're a sightshow
  1185. >and you aren't exactly enjoying it
  1186. >"Now, what do we need next?" the rainbow pegasus that's pulling your leash, stops in the middle of the market
  1187. "....You said something about a toothbrush."
  1188. >"Oh yeah! That's true, wouldn't want those little canines of yours to rot away." she laughs, giving you a good view of her own, pearl white teeth "But we'll have to go to Colgate's for that. What do we need on the market?"
  1189. "I dunno.."
  1190. >"Hmm, you ain't much of help... I know! I wanted to buy you something to cook out of! Can't wait to have something homemade for a change, if you weren't lying about your skills."
  1191. "I wasn't." you frown, a little offended
  1192. >"We'll see about that." the mare friskily slaps from behind "Now, what kind of things you'll need?"
  1193. "Depends on what you already have..."
  1194. >"Like,.. salt and pepper. Yeah and milk and some veggies."
  1195. "Not even a frying oil?"
  1196. >"Nope, the last time I tried frying something, I almost burned my kitchen down. Never more."
  1197. >that actualy makes you snicker out loud in front of her, imagining her panicking and messing up something so trivial
  1198. >you've expected either a shock from the collar of getting punched in the thigh for that, but instead:
  1199. >"Yeah, I know....." she merely chuckles, coyly playing with the rock under her hoof "...So what do you need?"
  1200. "Well, first of all, some spices. I don't like cooking from salt alone."
  1201. >"This way then."
  1202. >and she's leading you to a stand with all kinds of colorful food spicing, packed in opened crates for cusmomers to scoop into small pouches
  1203. >dried herbs, seeds, powdered veggies... all kinds of stuff
  1204. >the pony behind it looks like he was praying that you wouldn't come to him
  1205. >but here you are
  1206. >"Hey there." salutes your mistress at him, ignoring the pony's discomfort, nudging you in front of her "Well pick what you need Anon. And don't worry about the bits."
  1207. >okay, now this is actualy something you don't mind doing
  1208. >so for starters, you prepare 4 pouches, filling them about 1/5 with salt
  1209. >and then start adding actual spices to the mixture
  1210. >a lot of these things you have no idea what they are, but you can tell from the way they smell, which might go well together
  1211. >if not by their smell, then a little taste from the tip of your finger
  1212. >and after a few minutes, you've got one spicy mixture, one sweeter, one exoticaly aromatic and one that you have no actual idea how it will taste like, because you've been dumping there pretty much anything you found interesting
  1213. >"Hey, that looked pretty professional just now." Rainbow Dash chuckles after paying, stuffing the pouches into her saddlebags "What else do you need?"
  1214. "...Meat."
  1215. >"Ha, good one." she's grinning
  1216. "What CAN I cook here out of? What do you even eat?"
  1217. >"Anything that isn't meat. Ever heard of veggies, cheese, flowers..."
  1218. "Flowers?"
  1219. >"Never had a flower before? You should try it, it's quite delicious. Oh wait! I know! Can you make fried elderflowers with potatomash?!"
  1220. "Fried flowers?!"
  1221. >Gordon Ramsay would be rolling in his grave
  1222. >unless he's alive, frying flowers somewhere as well right now
  1223. >"Yes! I know where some eldertrees bloom right now. Wait here!"
  1224. >and before you know it, she pinned her end of your leash to a nearby building, flying away so fast it left a faint rainbow trail behind her
  1225. >oh, alright
  1226. >definitely couldn't outrun that
  1227. >but now on the other hand,.. is a perfect chance to escape
  1228. >there are ponies everywhere, but you're sure as hell gonna try
  1229. >better chances without her being around
  1230. >so you're attempting to untie the leash...
  1231. >but shit, there's some mechanism on it, requiring a three digit password, just like on the collar
  1232. >all this equipment might have cost her more than you did
  1233. >in the meanwhile you're struggling with the leash, you didn't even notice you're getting surrounded by three young stallions, two earth ponies and one pegasus
  1234. >>>"Oh hey fellas, a human." the first one's grinning "How do you like the leash huh?"
  1235. >>>>"My dad lost his right hoof in the war with you! Your kind is the worst!"
  1236. >>>>>"How about we teach him a little lesson guys?" the pegasus colt harshly pushes you on the wall you're tied to
  1237. >but you swiftly push him back away, taking a defensive stance
  1238. "Oh yeah?! Bring it you fuckers, we'll see about who's gonna teach who a lesson!"
  1239. >it's not like you actualy have a chance against all three of them....
  1240. >...but you'll fight to your last breath
  1241. >>>>"Get that rude bastard!" one of them attacks you, rearing up to bury his hoof in your face
  1242. >but he's not even close as fast as the mare you fought before
  1243. >so you easily parry the strike and punch him in his chest, sending him down on his back
  1244. >of course, right after that, the other two attack you from both sides, one kicking you in your thigh, the other in your belly, making you fall down on the ground in pain
  1245. >a horse kick hurts...
  1246. >then the one you've sent down before joins them and you're about to be stomped to death from all sides
  1247. >when-
  1248. >"WHAT DO YOU BRATS THINK YOU'RE DOING?!!!!!" your mistresses furious voice makes them freeze before each of them gets a good kick on you
  1249. >>>>>"W-we-..we just-"
  1250. >"YOU JUST WHAT?! HUH?!" she barks, walking towards them upon landing, wings still spread open
  1251. >and despite she's actualy smaller than any of them, she's still somehow more frightening
  1252. >>>>"H-he's a human and-" all three of them are backing away
  1253. >"So you three cowards thought you pick on him huh?!! WELL IF YOU EVER EVEN LAY YOUR HOOF ON MY HUMAN AGAIN, YOU'RE GONNA REGRET IT, UNDERSTAND THAT?!!!"
  1254. >>>>>"Y-yes ma'am."
  1255. >>>>"We're sorry!"
  1256. >"YOU BETTER BE!! COWARDS!!!!" the mare's still yelling at them, even after they scattered in seconds after apologizing
  1257. >her loud situation control also froze all the other ponies walking around
  1258. >but as soon as she glances their way, they're all carrying on, acting as if nothing happened
  1259. >then she finally turns your direction
  1260. >and you're staring at her with almost equal fear, but nowhere to run thanks to your leash
  1261. >"...Are you okay Anon? Did they hurt you bad?" her expression, as well as her voice, suddenly soften into the most caring creature under Equestrian sun
  1262. >she really looked like she would have killed them just a while ago, is she fricking bipolar?
  1263. >not sure if you should be even more affraid of her or grateful for saving you
  1264. >you're somewhat both
  1265. "I uh, no, just a little bruise,... t-thank you mistress."
  1266. >"Aww, that's nothing Nonny~." she simpers, her ego visibly flattered by your momentary respect towads her
  1267. >and the next second, she's back to her usual self
  1268. >"Anyway, I brought the flowers. What else do you need?..."
  1269. >so you pick yourself up and you're going shopping for the rest
  1270. >flour, eggs, breadcrumbs, potatoes, butter and some parsley leaves as a decoration
  1271. >but while walking trough the stands, you can't exactly stop thinking about what just happened
  1272. >was she this defensive of her property or was it because of you?
  1273. >....what would she do if she caught you sneaking away?
  1274. >man that could actualy hurt more than you were about to be hurt by them
  1275. >fuuuuck me, as if the situation wasn't bad enough already
  1276. "I guess this is everything..."
  1277. >"Alright, we can leave the things by the balloon in the meanwhile. Give it here."
  1278. >when it started to get a little heavy, you were ordered to take her saddlebags because: "That's what you're here for."
  1279. >you wouldn't possibly resist or say anything cheeky back
  1280. >but now she's taking it back, about to fly the bags back to the platform you landed at
  1281. >"Don't pick any fights this time, okay?" she grins smugly, patting your head after leashing you to something again
  1282. "I didn't-"
  1283. >but she's gone already
  1284. >and the next minute she's back
  1285. >"Alright, let's go!"
  1286. "And um, where are we going? This Colgate is like a dentist or...."
  1287. >"We're not heading there yet. First, the barber, then the teeth. Gotta have you look nice for me~."
  1288. >you aren't really protesting about this either, even wanted to do something with your beard
  1289. >but the last sentence is scaring you just a little....
  1290. >soon you're finding yourself at the door of a barber salon, where you're being push into first
  1291. >the door itself were actualy kinda small for you, so you had to lower your head to enter, but the ceiling is high enough for some reason
  1292. >>>"Oh no, holy molly!" the barber pony with short, styled mane backs away upon your entrance
  1293. >then he notices your mistress with a safety leash and exhales a relieved sigh
  1294. >>>"...Pardon me, what can I do for you?"
  1295. >"Hey, could you fix my humans's look a little? Remove the beard, do something with his mane..? Something to make him not look like he's straight from the cage."
  1296. >oh yeah, the robe being now partly dirty from your encounter is almost making you look that way again
  1297. >>>"But of course! ...Can you stay nearby though, just in case."
  1298. >"You bet. I want to see what you're doing in the process." the rainbow mare chuckles leading you to a seat
  1299. >it's ponysized of course, but your butt fits there easily
  1300. >just the backrest is really small
  1301. >the barber pony has to stand on his rear to see your head better, but since he's a unicorn he doesn't need to reach his hooves
  1302. >>>"Do you have anything specific in mind? Like a certain style..?"
  1303. >"I dunno, start with the beard and we'll see."
  1304. "Don't I have a word in this as well?"
  1305. >"No, silly.~" your mistress pats your head yet again, returning to her discussion with the barber
  1306. >and soon you're shed of all the pubic hair on your face, leaving you just a little patch above your chin and a goatee
  1307. >then your hair
  1308. >>>"Do you want me to shorten his mane or keep it long?"
  1309. >you don't really care at this point
  1310. >"Hmm, let me see." she's soaring around, watching you from all the angles, even taking your hair into her hooves and then softly pulling on it ".....You know what? Keep it long, I like it."
  1311. >now you kinda wish he'd cut it short so that she can't ever do that again
  1312. >but you don't exactly have a word in this, so you close your eyes and daydream while the barber is just trimming the hair to make it look cared after
  1313. >until it's done
  1314. >>>"Ta dah! What do you think?"
  1315. >"I think it's pretty cool!.. Anon open your eyes, look at yourself!"
  1316. >hmm?
  1317. >your dream of driving an empty highway is slipping away as you're presented your new look in the mirror
  1318. >...not exactly your style of choice
  1319. >... but it was way worse before
  1320. >"Do you like it?"
  1321. "It's.. okay."
  1322. >"Cool! Just one more stop and we're going home."
  1323. >it's the mentioned Colgate's, the dentist office
  1324. >o fuck
  1325. >you may be in your 20', but you can't say you ever really got over your fear of dentists
  1326. >the worse, when she's a pony
  1327. >"Hello there!"
  1328. >>>"Oh, Rainbow Dash, isn't it a little too soon for your- oh my,.. is that a human?"
  1329. >you're already getting a little tired of their reactions
  1330. >"Yup, this Anon, say hello." you're nudged with your mistresses wing
  1331. "Hey.."
  1332. >"I wanted a toothbrush for him, but could you just quickly check his teeth as well? I heard they live a long time, so I want to keep his teeth in good shape as long as they hold."
  1333. >>>"Um, of course!.. He won't bite me, though...? I hope." the blue unicorn with mane that looks like a toothpaste, smiles worriedly
  1334. >"Not when I'm around." your mistress chuckles "Come, sit over there Anon."
  1335. >it's pretty much the same drill as with the barbershop
  1336. >except you're a lot more hesitant here
  1337. >>>"....He looks a little nervous, is he okay?"
  1338. "Of course I'm nervous! You ain't gonna be pulling my teeth,.. or will you?"
  1339. >>>"That depends pretty much on the shape they're in... But I just need to check first."
  1340. >"Open up Anon." Rainbow Dash on your right side chuckles, softly pulling your lower jaw down
  1341. >she's really enjoying every command here
  1342. >but right now, you're too stressed to think about your hurt ego
  1343. >you know from your Earth experiences that this is the necessary evil, that has to be done
  1344. >you should be grateful your teeth are even cared about
  1345. >but you're still scared shitless
  1346. >>>"....They look all healthy." says the unicorn to your relief after inspecting the inside of your mouth for a minute
  1347. >"Hah, see? Nothing to worry about."
  1348. >>>"Except this last, lower molar on the right...."
  1349. >oh no
  1350. "Hhhghg!" you're trying to say something over her tools, still in your mouth
  1351. >>>"There's a little rot, but it's still in the onset. It can be drilled away."
  1352. "Drfill?!"
  1353. >>>"Oh, poor guy... I heard humans were pretty fearsome and mean, but this one...."
  1354. >you're already sweating in terror, once you see the little drill, hovering with yellow magic around your face
  1355. >"Lay still Anon, it'll be just a minute."
  1356. >but it'll be the most terrible one
  1357. >and when the drilling actualy starts, your eyes are tight shut and fists clenched
  1358. >this is the worst feeling ever
  1359. >you'd rather be stomped by those three idiots than having to go trough this, without yanking away
  1360. >then it stops
  1361. >so you open your eyes to see the mare changing the drill for a bigger one
  1362. >fuck no
  1363. >you're about to clench your fist again when you feel something holding your hand
  1364. >so you tightly wrap your fingers around it, preparing for another wave
  1365. >in between the drilling waves, you eye down on your hand
  1366. >you kind of suspected it, that you're holding your mistresses hoof
  1367. >almost squishing it
  1368. >but in a situation like this, you're almost grateful that she's there
  1369. >then you look up and your eyes meet for a split second, before the drilling starts again and you shut your eyelights again
  1370. >but in that split second
  1371. >you expected to see her smug aura as usual
  1372. >but not this time
  1373. >there was compassion, so unlike of her
  1374. >and you aren't letting go until the unicorn announces
  1375. >>>"It's done! Now I'll just fill the hole, but it won't hurt, don't worry..." she turns to your owner "He shouldn't be eating anything for a few hours, but it'll be fine soon."
  1376. >oh my god,finally it's over
  1377. >what a relief
  1378. >this is where you finally stand up straight, already let go of the hoof, pretending it never happened
  1379. >and when it's all finished and you're on your way out, your mistress nudges her side over your thigh
  1380. >"You know,... I'm really scared of dentists too, but it has to be done. It's a necessary evil."
  1381. "I know... But I still hate it."
  1382. >"Good to hear there's one thing we might have in common." she smiles so softly you're almost questioning it's still her
  1383. >but once she see's you staring at her because of that, she quickly dons her trademark grin
  1384. >"But you're okay now." you're being slapped from behind with her wing yet again "And this was the last stop, so we're going home..."
  1393. >soon you're back at the platform, with your rented balloon still there, as well as the things
  1394. >surprising that no one stole them, laying there in the basket just like that
  1395. >pretty sure it would be long gone, back on old Earth...
  1396. >"Damn, I knew I forgot about something." your mistress stops in front of it
  1397. "....What is it?"
  1398. >"I was gonna get you something to prevent you from falling trough clouds..."
  1399. "Wasn't the yesterday's spell enough?"
  1400. >"It isn't permanent. You'll need an enchanted item... Buuut, we can get that tomorrow, I'm starving!" she pushes you towards the basket with a grin on her face
  1401. >soon you're ascending towards the cloud house again and this time you're a lot calmer compared to yesterday, allowing you to enjoy the scenery more
  1402. >if only your mistress didn't want to stay in the basket with you this time
  1403. >that would be even better
  1404. >"Pretty cool view huh?"
  1405. "Um, yeah. Astonishing."
  1406. >"So and is it better?"
  1407. "What?"
  1408. >"Your fear of heights. You said you were scared of those too."
  1409. "Yeah, it's better..."
  1410. >"Glad to hear......" she's resting her front hooves over the basket's edge, right next to you
  1411. >and when a small cloud, that was shielding the sun away past three minutes, passes on,.. a gold, warm ray shines your direction
  1412. >to which your mistress softly closes her eyes, absorbing the light
  1413. >it feels a little weird, how she's progressively leaning her body onto yours for some reason
  1414. >almost as if she was somewhat nonsexualy forcing herself onto you
  1415. >but you're affraid of pushing her away
  1416. >so you're just ignoring it and let her have her way, piercing the land underneath with your gaze
  1417. >then your vision slides to your hands
  1418. >then the basket
  1419. >and eventualy, her direction as well
  1420. "..."
  1421. >if these ponies weren't known for ending your civilisation,..
  1422. >and you weren't a slave to one
  1423. >they'd actualy be kinda cute
  1424. >in a way, as a creatures
  1425. >not cute in an appealing "cute" kind of way
  1426. >but still cute
  1427. >....
  1428. >it's such a shame it had to end up like this
  1433. "..."
  1434. >as if she felt you're watching her, those magenta suddenly eyes open and she's smirking at you
  1435. >"..Getting accustomed?"
  1436. "To what?"
  1437. >"To this." her head nods towards the air "..You don't have to act so stiff around me."
  1438. "That's a little hard, considering my role here..." you pull on your shock collar
  1439. >"Hah, just so you know, Fluttershy had lined up pets, begging for adoption."
  1440. "....Should that make me feel flattered?"
  1441. >"That's up to you...~ But I like you. You'd have it a lot easier if you learned to like me as well."
  1442. "Or else..?"
  1443. >"Oh you'll get there eventualy, don't worry..." she chuckles smugly, knowing you won't ask her again
  1444. >and she looks away, closing her eyes towards the sun once more
  1445. >...but that's one thing she's wrong about
  1446. >because this is a question of your inner freedom
  1447. >and while your body can be bought, your mind cannot
  1448. >still, you're wondering whether she avoided the answer because she doesn't know yet, or if it was an actual threat....
  1449. >once you're back at her house, you're being led straight to the kitchen
  1450. >"Okay Anon! Do your wonders, I'll be watching."
  1451. "Is that absolute necessary..?"
  1452. >"Oh yes it is. I like to watch." she smirks, bringing a chair to a corner of the room to sit there
  1453. >can't exactly oppose her will, if you would, she can either overpower you herself, or use the damn shock collar
  1454. >so you're trying to ignore her
  1455. >nonetheless, you hate being overwatched like that
  1456. >you have no idea what she wants, if she's looking for you to make a mistake, likes to watch you work while she doesn't have to, or if she's just curious
  1457. >anyway, you're starting with the potatoes, letting them boil in the water the way they are
  1458. >"....Aren't you gonna peel them?"
  1459. "I'll do that later, once they're boiled. It's easier that way."
  1460. >"Huh, cool."
  1461. >and from then on, she's pretty much silent for the rest of your cooking
  1462. >only while you're coating the elderflowers in the batter, she comes closer to have a better look
  1463. >from the corner of your eye, it feels as if she was genuinely impressed by such a basic skill
  1464. >but when you glance her way, she's acting as if nothing, donning her usual smug smile
  1465. >it's a quality entertainment to watch you cook on command...
  1466. >as for the batter itselft, you spiced it with the "sweeter" pouch you brought
  1467. >wanted to try the experimental one, but her constant look made you a little affraid you might mess it up with it
  1468. >better play it safe...
  1469. >soon you're frying the flowers and got the first ones done
  1470. >when she stands up from her chair again to try them
  1471. >"Hey! That'hh raewry goof!" she grinning with a mouthful
  1472. "Uh, thanks."
  1473. >"You should try your own work too." you're being offered the second half of the flower she took
  1474. "Sorry but, I don't eat flowers..."
  1475. >"Come on, are trying to tell me you're gonna rather starve or what?"
  1476. "I'll have some potatoes if you don't mind."
  1477. >"Really? Come on! It's not poisonous to you. Or is it because of the drilled tooth? You can just chew on the other side of your mouth." she's putting the flower right in front of your lips
  1478. >the batter itself actualy smells really good,.... if the flower inside won't ruin it
  1479. >so, after a bit of hesitation, you open your mouth to have a bite
  1480. >but as soon as you bury your teeth in it, she lets go, letting the rest of the fried flower hang from your mouth, implying you should eat that whole
  1481. >but you still grab it with your hand, putting it down on a kitchen counter
  1482. >.....but hey,,.. it actualy tastes really good
  1483. >what the hell
  1484. >or is it just your massive hunger, since you didn't eat anything until this afternoon?
  1485. >anyway, as soon as she walks away to wait for the potatoes, you sneakily finish the rest of the flower
  1486. >soon you've got them fried all, potatoes done and peeled, serving the first portion for her
  1487. >"That looks soooo neat with that touch of parsley there! Can we have some veggies too though?"
  1488. "Veggies with flowers, ugh... What kind?" you grumble obediently
  1489. >"I dunno, cucumber, tomato?"
  1490. "Alright..."
  1491. >so you slice some veggies as well, putting them on a different plate
  1492. >then swallow your pride to announce:
  1493. "I....think I might have some of those fried flowers as well."
  1494. >"If I let you..." your mistress smirks at you, watching your confused expression, searching for words
  1495. >before she bursts into laughter "...Come on, I'm just playing with you! We're eating together of course."
  1496. "Okay."
  1497. >"But I knew you'll like it! Even flowers can be good for a big, carnivorous human huh?" she softly punches your thigh, walking a circle around you
  1498. "The spices do a big lot."
  1499. >"It's still good even with just salt." she chuckles and pats your butt because she can't reach for your head "But the spices are far from dissapointment as well. Good job Anon."
  1500. "Hmpf." you're sitting down to the opposite side of the table from her
  1501. >it's actualy pretty good, might just use some mayo or sweet chilli sauce to "freshen" the whole thing
  1502. >when you catch yourself looking at the veggies in between the two of you
  1503. >veggies with flowers,.. okay
  1504. >might as well try that
  1505. >so you reach for some cucumber and surprisingly,... the tastes compliment each other
  1506. >for the rest of the late lunch, you're ignoring the occasional smug grins your colorful owner's giving you each time you're reaching for more veggies
  1507. >and just overall pretend she isn't there while you're enjoying the food
  1508. >"Mmmm that was really good, Anon! You really are worth waay more than I thought. Like seriously, that was so great! And to imagine I've got you here for myself,.. oh my gosh,! I'm so glad I don't have to eat the same things over and over again!" she stretches herself in her seat once she's done, her belly visibly stuffed even from the other side of the table
  1509. >okay, now you're starting to think that cooking might be the main reason why she wants you around so bad...
  1510. "Huh,.. that's cool I guess..." you reply a few seconds late
  1511. >when the mare finally stands up, she pats your back and with a loud burp, she's heading toward the living room to lie down on a couch
  1512. >while you're still sitting by the table, gazing into your empty plate
  1513. >...looks like she can be totally bought with food as well
  1514. >maybe you're both animals in a way...
  1515. >...
  1516. >....
  1517. >eventualy, you stand up to quicky wash the plates, plus all the things you've used and head to the bedroom to have a rest as well
  1518. >right now, you're a little too tired for plotting the escape
  1519. >it's definitely gonna happen
  1520. >but it's probably not gonna be anytime soon
  1521. >at least until you find some real good plan and gain enough of her trust to make her get rid off the collar
  1522. >so for now, you've just made yourself comfy on one side of the bed, about to relax and wander away with your mind
  1523. >....but the bed smells so much like her, "grounding" you back
  1524. >can't escape her, even when she isn't around
  1525. >thought you should hate the scent
  1526. >but for some reason you can't
  1527. >it just smells,.. somewhat fresh and... nice?
  1528. >it's so confusing
  1529. >....could this be the reason why you returned to her yesterday?
  1530. >maybe while you were crying here, your sense of smell subconsciously drew you back, because you felt alone
  1531. >but she could be smelling of a fricking lavender and it wouldn't change anything
  1532. >she's not your friend Anon
  1533. >...
  1534. >you've been lying there about an hour before the food set and you felt like getting up
  1535. >it not even evening yet, still got plenty time from the day left
  1536. >...wonder what she's up to
  1537. >but upon searching the house, you're finding your mistress is not there
  1538. >she's must have flew away somewhere
  1539. >so you have even more time for yourself
  1540. >...guess it's another hand drawing practice
  1541. >this time it's going a little better, so you drew a few sketches more
  1542. >and by the time it's getting dark, she's back
  1543. >you've noticed it when you heard a bang of doors and found her snacking on the cold leftovers from the late lunch in the kitchen
  1544. >in hopes she wouldn't notice you, you're about to turn around and return to your drawing
  1545. >but that's when your eyes meet
  1546. >"Hey..." she stops stuffing herself, gulping down what she had in her mouth "..wanna finish the book today?"
  1547. "Um, nah that's okay, thanks."
  1548. >"Come on, you'll like the finale!" the mare puts away her plate, making two steps towards you "I won't mind if you'll fall asleep to it again~... We'll just move it onto the bed, right from the start."
  1549. "I can sleep on the couch..."
  1550. >"But.. I really don't like sleeping alone." she smiles at you
  1551. >and you can't read that smile at all, whatever she meant by it
  1552. >but it still felt firm enough to feel like she wasn't exactly asking
  1553. "I-,.. okay."
  1554. >while you're brushing your teeth and taving a last pee before bed, you're still wondering about whether it didn't mean you're getting raped tonight
  1555. >you gulp down saliva
  1556. >hope not....
  1557. >upon coming to the bedroom, wearing a clean toga again, she's already waiting there, tucked under a blaket with the book from yesterday in her hooves
  1558. >so you sit up on the other side of her double bed
  1559. >"Come closer." your mistress chuckles, patting the place next to her "Stop being so stiff... Make yourself comfortable, it's just a book."
  1560. >so you quietly and hesitanly lay on the bed next to her, resting your head on a pillow not far from her's
  1561. >to which she gives you a little grin, licking her lips before she gets to reading
  1562. >"Alright so, Daring Do entered the-"
  1563. "-I know that chapter."
  1564. >"We didn't finish reading it yesterday."
  1565. "I did. ....I was really bored."
  1566. >"...You can read too?"
  1567. "Is that so uncommon among humans?"
  1568. >"I heard some can't even understand what we're saying ." she chuckles, tousling your hair "But you're a clever boy."
  1569. >oh yeah, forgot the rest of the world has been colonized too
  1570. >funny that the invaders speak english, isn't it?
  1571. >anyway, the mare moves onto the next chapter and you just listen while staring into the ceiling
  1572. >though, soon your eyeslids are getting heavy, so you close them
  1573. >it's only when she stops reading at some point, thinking you're asleep, you open your eyes to see what's going on
  1574. >you're given a quiet, equaly sleepy smile before she continues reading again
  1575. >the story is keeping you somewhat awake to hear the end of it before actualy dozing off
  1576. >and you've managed to finish the whole book that night
  1577. >falling asleep seconds after hearing your mistress announce "The End." and putting the book away on a night stand
  1578. >last thing you remember is the click of a bedlamp being turned off and as if you were softly kissed on your forehead
  1579. >but that just might have been your imagination
  1580. >and then dreams
  1581. >goodnight Anon...
  1582. .....
  1583. ......
  1584. ....
  1585. .....
  1586. ....
  1587. the dots mean that Anon is schleeping
  1595. >in the morning, you're waking up a lot less confused than yesterday
  1596. >you already got somewhat accustomed to your new home
  1597. >still, opening your eyes to your mistresses face so close to yours and her hooves wrapped around your arm is still a little shock to you
  1598. >seems that she's hugging anything in range once she's sleep, just like on that train back then
  1599. >wonder if she even knows about it
  1600. >should you attempt to free yourself somehow or wait till she's awake as well?
  1601. >...after unsuccesfuly trying the first option, deeming her grip is too tight to slip out of, you're closing your eyes again, waiting
  1602. >it doesn't take too long till she moves by herself, stretching her rear legs and automaticaly nuzzling your shoulder with her nose
  1603. >"Hey Ta-..."
  1604. >the mare yanks a little, letting go of you and going quiet
  1605. >she must think you're still sleeping
  1606. >and you don't exactly have a reason to prove her otherwise
  1607. >with eyes still closed you're motionlessly waiting till she picks herself up from the bed
  1608. >and soon she's leaving the room with a sleepy yawn
  1609. >then, after like 10 minutes you finally stand up as well, glancing outside of the doorframe
  1610. >coast looks clear, she might have left the house alre-
  1611. >"Goodmorning!"
  1612. >shit
  1613. "Yeah, goodmorning..."
  1614. >she's standing in the corridor, right behind you
  1615. >"Well come on, sleepyhead! Brush your teeth, wash your face, whatever you do in the morning cause we gotta hurry."
  1616. "Hurry where?"
  1617. >"To get you that enchantment of course! You might fall trough the clouds any time now."
  1618. "WHAT?!"
  1619. >"You heard what I said." she chuckles "The spell is gonna wear off soon, we must visit my friend Twillight for something permament."
  1620. "JESUS!" you immediately jump on a nearby cabinet, holding onto it like a cat
  1621. >"Relax, the floor is permanently enchated here as well." the mare laughs amusedly "The spell might not even be working already, but you're still here, aren't you?"
  1622. "That's NOT encouraging at all! How am I gonna get to the basket?!"
  1623. >"I'll carry you, no biggie."
  1624. >for some reason you doubt she can do that
  1625. >but you aren't saying anything, just silently climb down from the cabinet and walk to the bathroom
  1626. >there quickly do some morning hygiene and look for your mistress again
  1627. >how are you supposed to call her though?
  1628. "...Miss Dash?.. I'm ready to go!"
  1629. >"Already? That was fast, I like that." she chuckles from another room "Let's go then!"
  1630. >and in the next minute you're leashed and led outside
  1631. >but you stop in the doorframe, hesitant to make the first step
  1632. >your mistress goes forward as if nothing, the leash yanking her back from her soar as you've stopped
  1633. >"Oh right, I forgot... Well come on, don't worry, I'll catch you if you really fall trough."
  1634. "I kinda doubt that...."
  1635. >"Well don't. These wings are no ordinary." she proudly flashes them open in front of you
  1636. >it's kinda true that in the morning sun, they really look kinda cool, strong and big
  1637. >but you can't trust them with your life
  1638. >"Come on...!" she pulls on the leash impatiently, making you stumble a step forward
  1639. >OH FUCK
  1640. >this is where you die Anon
  1641. >...!
  1642. >.........but upon stepping on the cloud outside
  1643. "Hey... it's still working..."
  1644. >"See?" the mare's grinning "Now let's hurry to the balloon."
  1645. >it's not far, but she doesn't need to tell you twice to hurry
  1646. >it's pretty much a sprint, trough which she's entertainedly flying by your side
  1647. >"...You aren't the fastest kind huh?" she pokes you once you're in the basket
  1648. "What do you mean?"
  1649. >"Well you run pretty slow for your size."
  1650. "Well try using just two of your legs. I'm not saying I'm the fastest human there is, but I'm not slow either."
  1651. >"I'm not saying that I mind." your mistress grins "Tank wasn't-,.. I uh,. nevermind."
  1652. "Oh yeah, tortoises aren't too fast aren't they?.."
  1653. >"Yeah, but don't..."
  1654. "Don't, what?"
  1655. >"Don't bring him up."
  1656. >this time she isn't grinning or donning any of her pretended smug expressions
  1657. >she looks dead serious
  1658. "...Okay."
  1659. >and you're remaining pretty much quiet for the rest of the ride
  1660. >it's not like you were looking for striking another conversation with your mistress
  1661. >usualy it's her that won't shut up, but now she's just staring into the sky
  1662. >and a minute or two later, she flies away from the basket, without saying a single word
  1663. >she isn't far though, just sitting alone on top of the balloon
  1664. >kinda strange behavior of her,..
  1665. >but it's not as if you'd care
  1666. >once the basket touches the ground, she's back, acting as if nothing, just her eyes look a little red
  1667. >probably from the wind
  1668. >"Hey let's go, it's this way." you're pulled out of the basket, in the direction of a crystal castle/tree thingy in the middle of the village
  1669. >one thing that looked pretty off from the start, as if it didn't exactly belong there
  1670. >don't like it for some reason
  1671. >but it really seems you're actualy heading inside now
  1672. "...What is that thing?"
  1673. >"Aww, just the Twillight's castle. She lives there."
  1674. "Okay,.. that's not strange at all."
  1675. >"She's a princess, you know?"
  1676. "THE Princess? One that's responsible for what happened to Earth?"
  1677. >"No.. she's just a princess of friendship. And a good friend of mine. You'll see."
  1678. >you could ask a milion more questions, since you're still confused and somewhat angry
  1679. >but you've decided to leave it be
  1680. >and once the big crystal door open...
  1681. >"Hey Twillight!! You're home?"
  1682. >from around the corner pokes a head of a purple mare with an equaly purple, disheveled mane
  1683. >>>"Rainbow? Hi, what's happened? Is it the map again or..-"
  1684. >the so called "Twillight" goes silent for a second upon noticing you behind her
  1685. >>>"...So it's true..." she chuckles, stepping from around the corner, revealing she's really an alicorn
  1686. >just a smaller one than the one you saw on TV, way back when the first contact happened
  1687. >>>"...You really did bring a human from your trip. Sorry I didn't visit earlier, I was a little busy studying."
  1688. >"Why doesn't that surprise me..?" laughs your mistress, walking towards her friend to greet her "How's it going..?"
  1689. >>>"Oh, you know, as usual... books." Twillight grins "But I guess you're here for some spells."
  1690. >"Yeeah... I mean, I don't know anypony who could do that better than you." you're being pulled forward, in front of the alicorn "This is Anon, I need something permanent for him to walk on clouds."
  1691. "Um, hello..."
  1692. >>>"So you need to enchant the collar, do you?" she's pretty much ignoring your greet
  1693. >"Not the collar. I was wondering whether you've got any old horn rings or something else to slip on his hand."
  1694. >>>".....Why not the collar?"
  1695. >"Well he isn't gonna be wearing that all the time."
  1696. >>>"Well he should. They are savages you know..?! I've heard from Celestia about things they done and even personaly saw photos from their slaughterhouses all over their planet. ...I'm not even really sure he'll be a good pet for you Dash."
  1697. >"He's a little rough sometimes,.. but I still like him." grins your mistress, somehow possesively wrapping her hoof around your leg "And don't worry, I can handle his temper even without it. ...We tried that already, haven't we?"
  1698. >the question was towards you
  1699. "Yeah..."
  1700. >>>"He already attempted to attack you?!"
  1701. >"I told him to.~ And I might do that again, it was fun." the blue mare chuckles
  1702. >>>"Oh you're playing with fire Rainbow,... but I'll leave that judgement up to you."
  1703. >"Yeah... So, do you think you have something to enchant here or should I check the market first?"
  1704. >>>"Well I think I have some unenchanted horn rings stashed around here from when I was studying magic supression. I'm sure some of them will fit.."
  1705. >"Awesome! So should I help you look?"
  1706. >>>"Nah, that's fine you can wait somewhere around. I'll be right back." the alicorn trots away
  1707. >"Alright, I'll be in the map room!"
  1708. >and your mistress is leading you to a big hall with a round table, surrounded by 6 chairs
  1709. >on one chair there's the same emblem as on her flank, so she sits there
  1710. >you sit on the table next to her, in the leash's range
  1711. "So... princess of friendship... doesn't seem to be THAT friendly."
  1712. >"She's just a big nerd, but she's got heart in the place."
  1713. "Hmpf..."
  1714. >"What?"
  1715. "Nothing..."
  1716. >the blue mare was about to say something, but she's interrupted by her friend barging in the room
  1717. >you're given an angry frown, right when the alicorns's eyes set onto you
  1718. >"...Anon you probably shouldn't sit on the table." your mistress informatively tugs on your leash
  1719. >so you quickly jump down and squat on the floor next to it
  1720. >>>"So,.. these are all have left." Twillight levitates a stash of metal rings, spreading them onto the table, in front of Rainbow Dash
  1721. >"Anon, gimme your hand, let's try these on..."
  1722. >and from all those, about three fit your ring finger pretty well
  1723. >"Hmm,. which one do you like?"
  1724. "....Me?"
  1725. >you're kind of surprised she's asking you
  1726. >but her nod confirms it
  1727. "So I can choose huh?"
  1728. >"Suuure."
  1729. "Then,.... this one." you're pointing at the sturdy looking one in simple silver-y/mettalic colour, without any jewelry on it "It looks practical."
  1730. >"That's my man." the blue mare soars around your to friendlily punch your shoulder
  1731. >>>"Okay, I'm gonna need him to come with me now."
  1732. >"I'll go too."
  1733. >>>"It would be better if you wouldn't. I'll be uh-..... let's say the less distractions there will be in the room, the better."
  1734. >"Uhh, okay then. I'll just wait here."
  1735. >>>"It'll be just a minute."
  1736. >and the purple mare is taking you to her working room
  1737. >for some reason, you're having a bad feeling about this
  1738. >once the door are shut and you're standing by the workshop table, she turns at you
  1739. >>>"Now listen, if you ever hurt my friend, you're gonna regret it, understand?"
  1740. "I think you've got it a little mixed up. -Your friend is the scary one here."
  1741. >>>"What the hay are you talking about?"
  1742. "Don't you know she's like a fricking dominatrix?"
  1743. >>>"That's total nonsense. She's just going trough tough time."
  1744. "-Yeah, I know, she lost her tortoise."
  1745. >>>"You better not take this lightly! They were inseparable.... She hasn't even finished her mourning and suddenly you're here."
  1746. "Look I didn't ASK to be bought as a pet-"
  1747. >>>"I don't know what she's seeing in you, but you should NOT abuse her kindness. Alright?" the alicorn doesn't even consider listening to what you have to say
  1748. >you have over hundered arguments about how hypocritical it is to expect you, caring about feelings of someone who bought you as a mere thing
  1749. >in a fucking discount
  1750. >but instead you quietly frown at her and nod because you feel like you can't exactly win anything here in this debate
  1751. >>>"Good, now let's get to work." Twillight takes the ring from you with her magic and levitates some crystal next to it
  1752. >then, after some charging and mumbling something to herself, a magical aura joins around the two objects, shining a brief flash of light before it settles and she slips the ring back on your finger
  1753. "What was that?"
  1754. >>>"The magical echantment cannot last on living beings, since animate bodies constanly grow and renew. For a long term spell enchantment, it is recommended to use an inanimate object to hold the spell and wear it as an accessory..." she's annoyedly citing some book
  1755. "No, I meant what was the crystal for?"
  1756. >>>"Where do you think I get the energy from? Myself? As if I wanted to drain my own lifeforce for spells like these... You're way too curious. There's a good reason why magic isn't for humans.... Let's return you back, since it's done. And remember what I told you. This is a warning."
  1757. >upon opening the the door, your mistress is already eagerly waiting behind it
  1758. >"Sooooo? Was it succesful?" she's excitedly standing on the tips of her hooves
  1759. >>>"Of course, these are basics for me." smiles kindly Twillight
  1760. >"And what will it cost?"
  1761. >>>"Nothing, that's fine." the alicorn drags Rainbow Dash closer "But promise to stay safe okay? And be mindful around him, you don't know what he's capable of."
  1762. >"Oh, suure." Rainbow Dash smiles carefreely back "And thanks a lot big for the enchantment, I owe you."
  1763. >>>"Don't mention it... Anyway, I'd love to invite you for a tea or something but-"
  1764. >"You're busy, as always, I know. No biggie." laughs your mistress "So guess we'll go then. Say, bye Anon."
  1765. "Yeah, bye..."
  1766. >>>"See you Rainbow."
  1767. >"Bye bye!"
  1768. >and you're finally outside again
  1769. >"How cool of Twillight to do it for free, isn't it?"
  1770. "Sure, she's such a sweetheart...."
  1771. >"She doesn't like you huh? Doesn't trust you..!" your mistress nudges you, grinning in amusement
  1772. "Not a bit... But why would YOU trust that I won't do anything? Aren't you scared I might kill you in your sleep or something when you won't expect it?"
  1773. >"Nope. You're not the killer kind, I know it."
  1774. "How can you be so sure..?"
  1775. >"Fluttershy told me before I even bought you. She can read creatures like that."
  1776. "And you trust her this much?"
  1777. >"Yes... Because she's right. Isn't she? I can tell it from you as well. You would never do that, even if you wanted."
  1778. "Think I don't have a stomach for it?"
  1779. >"It's the other way around... I dunno how it was among humans, but among ponies, ability to kill isn't regarded as something to be proud about."
  1780. "Funny you were so quick to use deadly force."
  1781. >"Humans attacked US first! ...I wasn't there, but Princess would never send troops without a good reason."
  1782. "Still she's more of a killer than me then, isn't she? The white shiny mare that pretends to be an angel but she brings death and-"
  1783. >"Hey, stop, okay?!" her hoof's covering your mouth to make you shut up and to emphasize on that, she raises her wing, letting you see the button she can press
  1784. >then she lets go and softens again
  1785. >"...I'm not saying everything that happened is okay."
  1786. "Then why don't you set me free?"
  1787. >"I can't do that."
  1788. "Why?"
  1789. >"Because I want you here. You might see it's not that bad here,.. with me." she smiles at you
  1790. >you aren't saying anything, just turn away your eyesight
  1791. >"You'll see in time...." the mare softly fondles your thigh and she's walking forward again
  1798. >you're both pretty much silent for quite a while
  1799. >two steps behind her, you're glancing around the strange, still new world
  1800. >but for some reason, your eyes always end up back upon her
  1801. >whether it's the leash, or some unconcious need to study the visual look of your owner
  1802. >you're feeling like you still can't escape her for some reason
  1803. >wish you could tell what's really happening in your head
  1804. >the more you're trying to not think about her, the more your mind's cirlcling around the subject of your mistress
  1805. >maybe there's some brainwashing device in that collar as well...
  1806. >but your pondering is interrupted by a realization that you're not exactly heading back to the balloon or the Rarity's boutique to pick up the clothes
  1807. "....Where are we going right now?"
  1808. >"Behind Ponyville, for you to have a little walk. ...I can even unleash you there."
  1809. "Just like that?"
  1810. >"You can't outrun me Anon." your mistress laughs "..We're almost there."
  1811. >really, once you pass around the last house, there's an open field of grass with an occasional mob of trees and a bigger forest in the far back
  1812. >pretty much no ponies around
  1813. >and just like promised, she's letting you go
  1814. >"....So, do you play fetch or anything like that? How do you humans get entertained?"
  1815. "Well, certainly not like dogs."
  1816. >"Well what DO you play? Oh wait, I know! We can wrestle like we did before! That's your kinda game, isn't it?"
  1817. "Trying to pin each other on the ground?"
  1818. >"Yup, and it was fun for me as well... You wanna give it another try?" she's already taking a stance of a playful cat, in a shade of a big tree growing nearby
  1819. >hmm...
  1820. "Actualy,.. why not?"
  1821. >at least you'll learn how to fight these creatures better
  1822. >"How rough?"
  1823. "Uhh,.. normal, just like before."
  1824. >"Just like before? Oh, so you want it rough, do you~?" the mare's grinning coquettishly
  1825. "I meant, the way it started. Not ended." you frown
  1826. >"I know, I'm just playing with you." she chuckles "But come at me!"
  1827. >when she's on all four like that, it's actualy a lot harder to start an attack upon her
  1828. >it would be best if she made a first move
  1829. >but she doesn't look like she will
  1830. >you might have a chance if you got to her from the side and "capsize" her over like a boat
  1831. >so you make a quick sidestep, springing your hands towards her
  1832. >but she's quick to dodge, slipping trough your legs and she's already behind you
  1833. >of couse, you're turning around to face her as soon as you're noticing what she's gonna do
  1834. >yet, it only helped you to get pushed into your chest instead of your back
  1835. >in the last second you're reaching towards her hoof to drag her down with you
  1836. >and you've actualy managed to grab onto the appendage and regain your balance!
  1837. >gripping her limb, you might even have an upperhand
  1838. >so you're holding onto her and pulling down with all your might, while she's pulling away, desperately flapping her wings
  1839. >oh boy, this time you know how to-
  1840. >but her hoof slipped out of your hand
  1841. >and all the weigh you've been using to keep yourself steady,.. is now pulling you back
  1842. >the worse, when you turn your head to see where you're falling, your cheek is met with a bark of the tree right behind you, crashing directly into it
  1843. >thanks to the tree, you're still standing though
  1844. >except not for long
  1845. >before you react, the mare's jumping onto you from behind, pulling you down on the ground and pinning you just like she did before
  1846. >you're given a smug grin as always, before she notices the lightly bleeding scratch on your cheek
  1847. >"Hey, you're hurt.." you mistress reaches out her big, orange tongue to slide it over the whole right side of your face, licking those few drops of blood away and covering you in her saliva
  1848. "W-what are you doing?"
  1849. >"Disinfecting your wound, silly." she chuckles, letting you go and even offering you her hoof to help you up "....That was a good fight there Anon. Not many could come even this close to outwrestle me.~"
  1850. "...So you're like a part time soldier or something?"
  1851. >"Nah,.. but I've always been a trouble maker. ....What about you?"
  1852. "What do you mean?" you lean your back on the tree and sit down
  1853. >"Well,.. where did you learn to fight like that, or-... -Or just basicaly say anything about yourself,...I want to know you better." you could almost swear she's blushing while saying that
  1854. "Well I-..."
  1855. >it caught you a little of guard, that she would care
  1856. >so much you can't think of anything right now desu
  1857. >...or what if she's gonna use it against you?
  1858. >"....Gosh, you barely speak, considering the gryphon had you silenced to make you shut up. I was looking forward to some conversations."
  1859. "I-I'm sorry Miss Dash, but I-" you stutter
  1860. >"You're affraid of me, aren't you?" she puts her grinning face uncomfortably close to yours, bumping into your nose
  1861. "No I'm not."
  1862. >"Yes you are! That's so cute!" she giggles, closing the space between the two of you by sitting right next to you, affectionately leaning her head onto your shoulder "But you don't have to Nonny, as long as you have some discipline, we're gonna be best friends.~"
  1863. >and with a content exhale, she closes her eyes for a few short seconds
  1864. >only to open them once again, glancing up at you:
  1865. >"So, wanna try it again?"
  1866. >fuck
  1867. "Oh, alright then..."
  1868. >so you're spending upcoming half an hour in fights, trough which you're losing over and over again
  1869. >can't say you're liking it
  1870. >but each time it feels like you're reading her movements a little better
  1871. >and after like 12th try...
  1872. >you've found yourself on top of her, holding her on her back
  1873. >she probably couldn't even press the shock button right now
  1874. >"Oh wow! You did it!" she's grinning, watching you pant exhaustedly above her "...What are you going to do with your mistress now, huh?~"
  1875. >her frisky giggles and tail flickering between your thighs is enough to know what are you going to do
  1876. >you're about to let her go, seeing she might be actualy liking this
  1877. >and your muscles are already softening on your grip when your body stops listening to you
  1878. >there's some magical aura around you that's restraining your movements and lifting you up
  1879. "Oh for fucks-"
  1880. >then you're being thrown agains the tree again
  1881. "Ow!"
  1882. >it wasn't a big crash, since you were flying only about a meter, but it definitely left you stunned for a second
  1883. >only to see some stallion unicorn, rushing towards Rainbow Dash
  1884. >>>>"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"
  1885. >"Did I ASK you to intervene?" she barks at him, quickly helping you up from the ground
  1886. >>>>"Well,.. No. I thought..."
  1887. >"I can handle myself, no damsel in distress here!.. colt... Come on Anon, let's go." you're being quickly leashed again and led away from the confused stallion
  1888. >....
  1889. >"That was kinda my fault... Did that hurt?"
  1890. >you thought she's angry because he interrupted her kinky situation
  1891. >but she looks as if she genuinely cared
  1892. "Nah, I'm just a little bruised... And it was the nosy unicorn's fault..."
  1893. >the last part seemed to have turned her concerned frown into a thankful looking smile
  1894. >and she softly brushes herself over your leg she's now walking next to
  1895. >before happily turning her gaze up into the sky
  1896. >...
  1897. >.....she probably wasn't lying when she sad she likes you
  1898. >you're just not sure you want that in the first place
  1899. >she's pretty creepy sometimes or straight up lewd
  1900. >and possessive
  1901. >but other times so nice....
  1902. >all of this is so confusing
  1903. >but you shoudn't get too accustomed, because this isn't your final destination in life
  1904. >you're gonna find your way out of this sugarcoated nightmare
  1905. >"-Hey Anon, we could visit Rarity for that clothing from yesterday. I almost forgot about it."
  1906. "I didn't..."
  1907. >"Then why didn't you remind me?" your mistress laughs lightheartedly, changing the direction back to Ponyville "We've almost left without it."
  1908. "I thought I don't have to."
  1909. >"Oh, you have to.~ It's you who cares so much about fashion."
  1910. "It's not about fashion, I-"
  1911. >"Yeah, yeah, the fear of n-a-k-e-d-n-e-s-s!" her chuckles are getting even more amused "..You're a weirdo, you know that?"
  1912. "The feeling's mutual..." you grumble unintelligibly
  1913. >"What was that?"
  1914. "Nothing."
  1915. >"But I heard that one." the mare's grinning "Thanks."
  1916. "...For thinking you're weird?"
  1917. >"Well I like you for all the weird stuff." she slaps you from behind with her wing, before she soars up to you neck to unleash you "...Enjoy some freedom while we're still outside the village. I probably should have done that a few minutes ago already."
  1918. >so you're free to roam around whereever you want while slowly making your way towards Ponyville
  1919. >but it's not like you're exactly running from tree to tree, inspecting everything like some kind of mutt
  1920. >just absorbing the sun's warmth and walking leisurely a few steps away from your owner to feel like you don't belong to her
  1921. >then, when the you're starting to see first houses and more than an occasional pony figure that's giving you the looks, you're being leashed again
  1922. >pretty much without a word, your mistress soars in a circle around you, clipping it to your collar and then lands back on your right side
  1923. >can't say you're too thrilled about it
  1924. >it's true she left you pretty long time without it
  1925. >but now she's keeping you short and close
  1926. >until you're finding yourself in front of Rarity's boutique
  1927. > of the nicer mares
  1928. >>"Rainbow Dash! And Anon! Come in, I was SO eager to see how my work will fit on an actual human body." the white unicorn's levitating about six pieces of clothing at once and pulling even more from the closet
  1929. >"Rarity!... That's a big lot of clothes right there..."
  1930. >>"I know! When I made a first one, I got so excited I simply had to make more! Come on, try them all on!"
  1931. >"Alright Anon, you know the drill." your mistress pulls down your toga before you react, leaving you standing there naked
  1932. >again
  1933. >for some reason it's not hurting your pride so much anymore, just really annoying you
  1934. >can't say whether it's for the good or bad, that you got so used to being manipulated by her
  1935. >but there's already an unbuttoned shirt flying your way to put on
  1936. >the white mare made you three of them, each with different pattern, but both of them with a rainbow stripe on their right sleeve
  1937. >same goes for the three kinds of pants: one shorts, one jeans-y looking ones and one yoga, saggy pants
  1938. >>"I was inspired by the toga you came in here! Do you like them?"
  1939. >it actualy took you a second to realize the question was not towards your mistress, but you
  1940. "....They're really comfy. Thank you." you're cracking a smile towards the marshmallow mare
  1941. >>"Very welcome.~ And these are the last two pieces."
  1942. >and she's giving you a jacket that's looking like it was made of leather, but it's probably some imitation
  1943. >nonetheless, it looks rad
  1944. >just doesn't really fit with the saggy pants, - would suit a lot better to the jeans you tried on before
  1945. >but there's already the very last piece flying your way
  1946. >you caught it just before it hit your face
  1947. >it's... a brown poncho with some magenta pattern around the sides and a bright rainbow stripe along it's right side
  1948. >the material looks purposely rugged while remaining soft
  1949. >it's giving you visage of some kind of pilgrim with the shirt in similiar style, bare feet and loose yoga pants
  1950. >you kinda like the look though, as strange as it is
  1951. >plus, it's incredibly comfy, almost as if you wore nothing at all, just the poncho's tassels softly brushing over your skin
  1952. >>"So what do you think?"
  1953. "I really li-"
  1954. >"Oh the jacket before was sooo COOL, Rarity! He looked pretty dangerous in it, like a real bad boy. Totally rad." your mistress interrupts you
  1955. "..I dig the poncho."
  1956. >the designer blushes flatteredly over both of your compliments
  1957. >>"Oh, I'm really glad to hear all that... I know Dashie, how you're obsessed with rainbow things, so I added the rainbow stripes so that you two would fit together! This way will everypony recognize he isn't stray or anything like that. And I've been using accent colors that fit to your eyes too!"
  1958. >okay, now you're noticing there's a lot of magenta on these clothes, mostly used in patters or small details
  1959. >but it's definitely been used often
  1960. >not sure you exactly like that
  1961. >"That is so thoughtful of you Rarity! I mean, I don't really care too much about fashion, but I really like the rainbow stripes! ...Plus we already had a few incidents with ponies, so I'm glad to have him marked like that."
  1962. >>"Oh my, what happened?"
  1963. >"Today there was a misunderstanding from some wannabe white knight. And yesterday some punks attacked him, even though he was on the leash! Poor guy.. but he fought fiercely. ..Didn't you Anon?"
  1964. "Yea..." you frown that you have to agree with her about something for once
  1965. >>"Oh well, hopefuly there will be no more of that in the future."
  1966. >"Certainly not from the same ones." you mistress chuckles "But how much do I owe you? It's a few more pieces than I expected."
  1967. >>"Rainbow, please, don't bother yourself. I was happy to try this and I even got an idea! Since I learned some basics about human body and clothing, I could start exporting to areas where they're more common by now. I'm sure there will be plenty of new opportunities for me and my sense of fashion!"
  1968. >"Hey, that sounds like a good idea. Still, I'd feel pretty bad if I didn't give you anything. ....You'd be the second one today."
  1969. >>"How could I bear the element of generosity if I wanted money from you for something so trivial? That's nothing, really." smiles Rarity "Especialy if it might help you get over your loss..."
  1970. >"Y-yeah..." your mistress chuckles nervously "Anyway, I- we should probably go. So thanks again for all this Rarity. I really, really appreciate it, but I guess Anon here does even more."
  1971. "I do. Thanks miss Rarity." you even very gently bow her way
  1972. >>"A chivalrous one." the white mare giggles "I heard humans were brutes, you were really lucky to pick this one, Rainbow."
  1973. >for some reason that makes your mistress give you an evil eye and she's pulling you outside even hastier
  1974. >"Okay Rarity, really gotta go now, bye!"
  1975. >>"Bye bye!"
  1976. >you've only managed to wave before the blue hoof pushed you outside the door
  1977. "Hey, what gives?"
  1978. >"What gives?.. Nothing."
  1979. "Are you like jealous or something?"
  1980. >"No... But I bought you, not Rarity."
  1981. "I just said thanks."
  1982. >"Yes, but the way you said it. Ugh, nevermind, let's go."
  1983. >your mistress seems to be mostly lost in her thoughts for some time
  1984. >but she's soon back to her usual
  1985. >went to a market to buy some food for the lunch you're going to make once you're back
  1986. >this time she decided it'll be spaghetti, because you mentioned that you know how to make a homemade pesto
  1987. >couldn't have had it easier
  1988. >so you made a lunch, under her supervision of course, just like yesterday
  1989. >and once you're both sated, she has another little nap before she's gonna fly away again
  1990. >leaving you in her house all alone
  1991. >but before the evening she's back
  1992. >"Hey Anon!"
  1993. >somehow she's able to catch you off guard when you least expected it, so you yank and almost fall out of the window you were gazing out of
  1994. >"Easy there.." your mistress chuckles, pulling you back by your new shirt "How you've been buddy?"
  1995. "Fine I guess." you're eyeing at your new sketches on the table behind her "....You?"
  1996. >"Real good, because I'm awesome.~ Visited my little sister and she's eager to meet you tomorrow."
  1997. "...You have a sister?"
  1998. >"Not by birth,.. but I do consider her a family. ...Anyway, there are probably no leftovers today are there?"
  1999. "Reheated spaghtetti would be disgusting. There's still some pesto left though."
  2000. >"Hmm,.. well but I think I'll have a peanut butter sandwich today. Can have pesto tomorrow,.. or day after it. Cause today, I have a sweet tooth!"
  2001. "....Alright. I'm on it." you're about to head to the kitchen
  2002. >"I didn't say you have to. I can make those myself... But you can help me! Since you're so eager to serve.~" she grins, brushing herself over your leg as she walks past you
  2003. >goddammit you still can't get over all this smug emanating from her
  2004. >but you're still following her to the kitchen
  2005. >soon you're stocked with sandwiches, enough for tomorrow's snack as well and after you're both filled, you're being invited to her bed again
  2006. "...So, this is how's it gonna go every day?"
  2007. >"Well I'm not gonna be reading you every single day, especialy when I learned you can do that yourself." your mistress smirks "But I guess you won't need a separate bed after all. Just like T-.., I mean, you're clean enough for mine and it's pretty big for both of us."
  2008. >you cringed internaly, as your hopes for privacy in sleep just shattered
  2009. >but on the outside, you're just:
  2010. "Uhh, okay then."
  2011. >but she still might have noticed that you aren't too happy about it
  2012. >maybe it's the reason why she so amusedly waved her tail around you before she went to the bathroom
  2013. >she must be still thinking she can break you to like her over time
  2014. >we'll see about that ...
  2015. >... hating her less is what she might archieve
  2016. >that night you're falling asleep in a similiar manner as yesterday
  2017. >except she dozed off first this time
  2018. >so you made a little more distance between the two of you, hoping she won't try to hug you again if she can't reach you
  2019. >and close your eyes, only blinking one last time to see her face on the other side of the bed, softly illuminated by a moonlight
  2020. >the image is buried in your mind a few seconds before your thoughts wander away
  2021. >goodnight Anon, you're wishing yourself like every other day
  2022. >...
  2023. >....
  2024. >..
  2030. >that morning, you're being awaken by your mistress, softly caressing your head with her hooves
  2031. >upon squinting your eyes her way to see what's going on, you're given a soft smile
  2032. >a bit unfitting to her personality
  2033. >but then she smirks and quietly leaves the bed as if nothing ever happened
  2034. >you're still slowly coming back to your senses the next few seconds
  2035. >and once you're ready to get up, you're joining her in the kitchen for a small breakfast
  2036. >some apples and carrots, what would you expect from horses
  2037. >still, it was the sweetest apple and the best carrot you've ever had
  2038. >that day you're being introduced to Rainbow Dash's so called sister
  2039. >"So Scoots, that's him. What do ya say?" you're being presented to the tiny filly, on the outskirts of Ponyville
  2040. >kinda thought she would come for a visit to the cloud house, but instead you had to fly down via balloon again
  2041. >>"He's so cool, Rainbow Dash! What kinda stuff can he do?"
  2042. >"All kinds of things! You wouldn't beleive, but for the starters he could say "Hello." the blue mare nudges your thigh
  2043. >you don't exactly feel obliged to greet every damn pony that your mistress is talking to, but she keeps reminding you that it's not exactly up to you
  2044. "Hey kid.."
  2045. >>"AWESOME!!" Scootaloo sits in amazement and her jaw drops "I had no idea they can talk!"
  2046. >"They can do so much more They're not like the pets Fluttershy has availible here. And he's certainly wayyyy more rad. Maybe even more rad than the eagle. He's just a little slow but-"
  2047. >>"Tank was slow too!"
  2048. >"Yeah,.. I know." your mistress frowns for second, then dons a smirk at her sister "...Anyway, he keeps surprising me all the time. Everypony says humans are too savage to be kept as close pets, but Anon here is not just docile, but pretty well behaved too."
  2049. >>"Are they carnivorous?! I heard they are!!"
  2050. >"Nah, the gryphon who sold him to me said they can survive on pretty much anything we eat. But I heard they used to eat meat, back then before our troops came to Earth. Twillight said she had even seen the massive slaughter houses! It was supposedly so filled with blood there wasn't anywhere to drain it anymore so the whole building had to be brought down and buried undergroud!" the blue mare's spookily raising her hooves to emphasize on the scariness
  2051. >the story doesn't sound too true though
  2052. >now only there must be some way to drain it, but they couldn't just bury a whole complex
  2053. >or could they?
  2054. >>"Oh gosh! And what did they eat there?"
  2055. >"Ponies!"
  2056. >>"Hwaaaaah!" the filly hides behind your mistress when you glance at her
  2057. "...You know that's not even all true...."
  2058. >"Maybe, but it's a cool story. Come on Scoots, Anon wouldn't hurt a fly." your mistress chuckles, then softly raises her wing to reveal the remote control to your collar "Isn't that right Anon?"
  2059. "Sure is..."
  2060. >"See? He's just this big teddy bear. Sometimes he gets grumpy and rebelious, but he's a totaly harmless. And he can be sweet too sometimes. ...Wanna play with him while I quickly go get some things from the market?"
  2061. >the filly checks on you curiously, as if she scanning you whether she should trust you or not
  2062. >and then
  2063. >>"Of course! Yay! Anon can you lift me up like I was flying?!"
  2064. >huh
  2065. "Sure, I guess."
  2066. >that was pretty quick,.. or she just really trusts her big sister
  2067. >"Alright Scoots, I'll be right back. Then I'll show you how can he wrestle too!" your mistress is about to fly away, but she stops to soar closer to you ear "Seriously Anon, be nice. If you were to hurt her anyhow, you're dead understand?"
  2068. >and she's off before you even open your mouth to answer
  2069. >left alone with the small filly
  2070. >having to carry her on your shoulders, playing silly games,..
  2071. >pretty much as babysitting any other kid
  2072. >you don't actualy mind that, she's even calling you "Mr. Anon", probably because you're three times bigger than her
  2073. >it kind of takes you back to times when some of your relatives brought their kids to family events and you were that cool uncle who was willing to lift them and spin them in circles like a merry-go-round
  2074. >you used to love that shit too, when you were little
  2075. >come to think, you'd be a fucking great dad too... but there's actualy pretty small chance of that ever happening now
  2076. >wonder what happened with all the human children...
  2077. >but you're trying not to think about it right now
  2078. >...
  2079. >it was your mistresses sudden threat towards you that was a little surprising, haven't seen her this protective about anything yet
  2080. >so you're extra careful with this child specificaly
  2081. >over those few minutes alone with her, you're realizing she can't really fly, even though you could swear you saw even smaller pegasi do that
  2082. >funny
  2083. "Hey kid, how come you don't fly by now?"
  2084. >>"I uhh, well I should be, but I guess I'm a little behind others..."
  2085. >from her expression, it feels you might have accidentaly hit a soft spot
  2086. "I'm sure you'll get there eventualy. Those who bloom late, bloom the farthest." you smile
  2087. >and the filly smiles widely back
  2088. >guess you've earned some extra points
  2089. >anyway, your mistress is soon back after that, checking onto you
  2090. >"So, had fun?"
  2091. >>"Sure did! Anon is great and he's so strong!"
  2092. >"Oh yeah, he might be, but strenght isn't everything. Wanna see me defeat him in a wrestle?"
  2093. >>"No way!"
  2094. >"We'll see... Think you can repeat your last victory Anon?" you're given a smirk
  2095. >
  2096. >at least that's what you're thinking
  2097. >but after two minutes, you're finding yourself pinned under her once again
  2098. >did she let you win that time before?
  2099. >>"Whoa! Can I try?"
  2100. >"I don't think you have what it takes Scoots,..yet." grins your mistress and tousles the filly's mane after standing up from you
  2101. >the two mares are talking and occasionaly interacting with you for some time until they finally say bye to each other and you're left alone with your mistress again
  2102. >at least when she's alone, she doesn't have a need to show you off and she's back to her usual
  2103. >didn't think you'd ever be glad for it
  2104. >now she's taking you for a leashless walk again, just like yesterday
  2105. >suppose it might be an everyday event
  2106. >wouldn't even mind
  2107. >on the way, you've randomly bumped into another friend of her's
  2108. >somewhat mentally damaged, but surprisingly likeable pink mare that gave you a cupcake
  2109. >a very short, but kinda pleasant encounter
  2110. >the cupcake was fucking yummy
  2111. >and on the way to the balloon, you're seeing Fluttershy again
  2112. >eager to know how you're acclimating
  2113. "I'm... getting by..." you answer a little shamefuly over slowly getting used to your pet life
  2114. >>>"Oh I'm so glad to hear! I knew from the start you were such a good boy, you'll just need a little time to get used to all this strange new surroundings. Is Dashie treating you right?"
  2115. >"He's getting the best treatment in town!" grins your mistress proudly instead of letting you talk for yourself "I bet those two humans on applefarm aren't getting all this luxury Anon has."
  2116. >>>"But those two are from completely different dough than Anon here. I heard one of them tried to attack poor old Granny Smith so he could run away. If it wasn't for Applejack nearby, who knows what would happen. You wouldn't do that Anon, would you?" the yellow pegasus soars up to stroke the beard on your chin and nuzzle your nose
  2117. "Well I,.. definitely wouldn't punch an elderly I guess."
  2118. >"Of course he wouldn't, he's rebelious sometimes, but he's a softie.~" your mistress grins soaring at your eye level "Aren't you Anon?"
  2119. "I'm not a softie, would you mind..!"
  2120. >"See? Exactly." she giggles, tousling your hair and stroking it a few times
  2121. >the yellow pegasus softly giggles under her hoof as well
  2122. >>>"Well, I'm glad to see my guess was right. You two are adorable!..."
  2123. >when a white bunny, that was uptill now hidden in her mane, emerges to pull on her ear and he's pointing towards the market
  2124. >>>"Oh, I promised Angel to buy him some carrots and he simply cannot wait... Would you mind if go now?"
  2125. >"Sure, get the little rodent something to snack on." laughs Rainbow Dash "I already bought something for lunch, so I won't be joining you though."
  2126. >after saying your goodbyes ,you're on your way home again
  2127. >to make the mentioned lunch out of new ingredients
  2128. >this time it's a little more complicated than spaghetti, but nothing too hard
  2129. >while cooking, you're being closely supervised again, occasionaly even asked questions about what and why you're doing certain things
  2130. >the more you cook here, the more it feels she's really just extremely curious about your culinary work and isn't exactly looking for something to criticize
  2131. >also, she's constanly tasting in the process
  2132. >you kinda hate that but,... whatever
  2133. >can't exactly tell her to fuck off
  2134. >each day you're realizing it's making things a lot easier to just let her have her way
  2135. >in most, if not all things
  2136. >because she always HAS her way in the end...
  2137. >whether you like it or not
  2138. >but other times she's being sweet and caring
  2139. >certainly can't say you're liking her though, since she's still treating you with little to no respect at all
  2140. >but you're getting used to her being around most of the time
  2141. >to all the commands
  2142. >to all the "forced" intimacy
  2143. >to all the embarassing comments
  2144. >to all the kinky gestures...
  2145. >about that,...
  2146. >it's as if she thought that the more she's gonna weave herself around you, you might start longing for her body
  2147. >except it's not happening
  2148. >or is it her, that's holding herself back around you...?
  2149. >anyway, she's like a dog that barks but doesn't ever bite
  2150. >so it's not weirding you out as much as it used to
  2151. >in the meanwhile, you're still hoping to devise some kind of plan to escape of course
  2152. >you're just a little stuck at where to even begin
  2153. >it would be great if you had someone, anyone you can trust here, that would help you
  2154. >but as nice some mares seem to be there, none of them would actualy want to set you free
  2155. >their alligance lies with to their kind and their friends
  2156. >though, this "loneliness" is what's driving you to never give up and still beleive you'll find a way of escaping one day
  2157. >to actualy belong somewhere once again
  2158. >because this can't be your "final destination"
  2159. >to admit your place is at your mistresses side, like a loyal dog
  2160. >apart from what she thinks, she can never trully "tame" and break you into liking her
  2161. >that's the last thing, filling you with some kind of freedom....
  2162. >she'll see
  2163. >...
  2173. >it's been a few weeks already, over a month actualy
  2174. >funny how the time flies
  2175. >you're cooking lunch pretty much everyday
  2176. >falling asleep in your mistresses bed, often waking up in her embrace whether you like it or not...
  2177. >truth is you already got used to all that too
  2178. >the mare that's acting all tough around everypony else down there, is compensating for it by cuddling you in private
  2179. >probably because she knows you wouldn't tell anyone
  2180. >or she simply thinks it's your role to be her cuddleslut, as a replacement pet
  2181. >you're still finding it a little strange to be constanly touched and hugged by someone you don't exactly feel anything for
  2182. >or do you..?
  2183. >you actualy kinda like the hugs, just wish the affection was from someone else than your mistress
  2184. >in a way you hate her, but you can't get her out of your head
  2185. >one day, while drawing more sketches you found yourself drawing her portrait
  2186. >you crumpled the paper and threw it away
  2187. >but the next day you felt like you subconciously wanted to draw more of her
  2188. >been resisting it for quite a while
  2189. >but eventualy you made another drawing of your mistress, this time detailed and stuff
  2190. >even slided it to your growing stack of papers
  2191. >she isn't ever going trough them, so it's safe
  2192. >hopefuly
  2193. >....the next day is gonna be the Pony Pet Play Date
  2194. >she talked about it before and she's looking forward to bring you there
  2195. >it's you who aren't exactly looking forward to it
  2196. >probably just more embarassing moments when she's showing off how well behaved you are
  2197. >you hate it when she's calling you "soft" or "obedient" in front of other ponies
  2198. >almost as if she wanted you to you snap one day and do something really animalish
  2199. >the ugly truth is, she's right about a few things...
  2200. >you really are too soft to actualy kill anyone or anypony
  2201. >any living creature that is
  2202. >and too smart to take nonlethal action in her sleep, because you know there would be consequences
  2203. >but you really want some kind of revenge
  2204. >to humiliate her back in the same manner
  2205. >but you guess that's even more unlikely than your escape anytime...
  2206. ....
  2207. >"Come on Anon! Rise and shine! You're hyped for the Pony Pet Play Date?"
  2208. "...Whaa..?" you're opening your eyes to see your mistresses excited face
  2209. >"I did told you about it before didn't I? Since me and me my friends don't have as much free time as we used to, it's only once a month now and that more special it is! This is gonna be your first one!"
  2210. "God..."
  2211. >"I know right? Aren't you excited? You're gonna meet all the others, now come on! Do your morning rituals and we're going!~” she’s pulling you out of the bedsheets by your collar
  2212. >once you’re done, you’re finding her in her kitchen
  2213. >”And look what I got you for this occasion!” your mistress flies up to you, with something in her hooves
  2214. >swiftly clipping it to your collar
  2215. >upon closer inspection, you see it’s a metal tag, shaped like her cutiemark, with inscription “Anon - I belong to Rainbow Dash.”
  2216. >you raise raise your head to see her grinning in anticipation of what you have to say about it
  2217. >”....So?!”
  2218. “Hooray...” you hang your head again in not even pretended enthusiasm
  2219. >”Come on, nopony will ever pick on you now!” she's friendlily punching your shoulder
  2220. >your unamused reaction didn’t dampen her spirits about it at all
  2221. >”You’ll see it will surely come in handy one day. Now let’s go, the others might be already there!”
  2222. ...
  2223. >upon arrival, the other ponies are slowly gathering there with their own pets
  2224. >you know already Rarity and Opal, Fluttershy and her so unfittingly named Angel bunny, even Pinkie and the weird, tiny crocodile
  2225. >you’re pretty okay with all of them
  2226. >then there’s Twillight with her owl, still giving you evil eyes after all this time
  2227. >and the last is arriving is Applejack with her dog
  2228. >you haven’t really had a chance to meet the orange pony yet, but it’s not as if you were really longing for it
  2229. >now when you're seeing her,.. for some reason it feels she might be even worse than your current mistress
  2230. >, you heard how she beat up that one human working on her farm when he tried to escape
  2231. >>>>”Hey ya’ll, sorry for coming late!”
  2232. >the ponies gather around to have a chat and greet each other while you’re staying behind with the equaly uninterested white bunny
  2233. “At least I’m not the only one...”
  2234. >you’re watching them talk until your mistress says something, pointing her hoof at you
  2235. >then all the ponies look your way and the orange mare steps a bit forward to see better
  2236. >>>>”I dunno, Rainbow. These humans are no good. You’re really sure about it? Ah mean, you don’t know what’s going on in those head of theirs. They’re malicious, constanly up to something mean. I have those two a bit longer than you, so I know.” you hear her saying pretty openly
  2237. >>>”That’s what I was telling her.” Twillight’s quick to join her
  2238. >>>>”Having them as helpers on the farm is okay I guess, but as pet? Sheesh, I wouldn’t trust one to even let him live in the same house I do, let alone sleep in my own bed or even prepare the food...”
  2239. >”Ha, but that’s where you’re all wrong!” laughs your mistress “Not only he's completely harmless, but he’s docile too! Look: ... Anon, come here!”
  2240. >alright, now might come a time to throw her off her high horse a little
  2241. >bonus points: in front of all her friends
  2242. “No.”
  2243. >”Oh yeah, he gets a little grumpy sometimes, but he’s really working on himself...” smiles the blue pegasus awkwardly “Come on Anon!”
  2244. >all you do is give her a shiteating grin and lean back on a tree nearby, closing your eyes
  2245. >when
  2246. “Ow!”
  2247. >the collar just gave you a tiny shock to yank with you up
  2248. >she didn’t really use it too many times before, just like she promised, but now when her ego was threatened, she didn’t hesitate at all
  2249. >the other ponies might have not even noticed
  2250. >from the firm look she’s giving you, it feels like she might even do it again if you won’t come
  2251. >so you pick yourself up and resentfuly join them
  2252. >troughout the upcoming hours, spent in the presence of other pets and ponies, you’re pretty much keeping your bitterness
  2253. >still can’t forgive her that
  2254. >and since she isn’t even sorry, it ended up with none of you really enjoying today’s event
  2255. >you weren’t exactly planning to enjoy it anyway, but upon coming home, you’re seeing your mistress visibly flustrated
  2256. >in a way it’s giving you some kind of malicious pleasure, she deserves it
  2257. >on the other hand, you’re feeling just a little bit bad about yourself
  2258. >but it wasn’t your fault
  2259. >everything, from buying you, to today's fiasco, was her fault
  2260. >”Look Anon, what is wrong with you? Why couldn’t you act more natural today?” she unleashes you inside the house
  2261. “What is wrong with me?”
  2262. >”Yeah, everypony wanted to have a good time except you. Tank used to-”
  2263. “Well I’m not Tank okay?!! You could have understood by now..!”
  2264. >fuck, you might have overdone it just now
  2265. >you’re preparing for an intense sting around your neck, eyes closed
  2266. >but...
  2267. >nothing
  2268. >upon opening your eyes, you’re just seeing you mistress frowning sadly, head hanging down
  2269. >"You're right Anon... In a way, I tried to fit you into Tank's role, but you're so much different. I thought if I give it time, that this could work for both of us.... You’d fill his place and learn to like me. But,.... you don't actualy like me at all,.. do you? You hate me..."
  2270. >silence
  2271. >dead silence
  2272. >do you really...?
  2273. >you always thought you did utterly hate her, but it’s a little hard to tell her, right in the face
  2274. >”You don’t have to say anything, I thought so,...”
  2275. >and she picks herself up, slowly flying to her bedroom
  2276. >leaving you there in the antechamber
  2277. >frozen for a few solid minutes
  2278. >what will happen now?
  2279. >...what will be the consequences?
  2280. >when you finally bring yourself to move, you walk over to the door she flew behind and stop there
  2281. >you’re hearing whimpers and crying
  2282. >the first time you hear her cry
  2283. >because of you...
  2284. >you shouldn't feel sorry for her though, it's all her fault
  2285. >but for some reason... you kinda do
  2286. >what you're hearing now aren’t exactly satisfying cries of someone who deserves punishment
  2287. >those are whimpers of a naive girl that couldn’t deal with a loss of a friend and put new hopes in the wrongest place, only to be let down again
  2288. >it's not your fault of course
  2289. >,.. still though, maybe you should really come and comfort her
  2290. >and you’re thinking about it for a few minutes
  2291. >until you put your hand on the doorknob, about to open...
  2292. >but you can't hear her crying anymore
  2293. >upon entering the room, the window is open and she's gone
  2294. >....
  2295. >...
  2302. >throughout the day, you can’t quite stop thinking about what happened
  2303. >not only you feel somewhat bad about missing your chance, but you have no idea what will happen now
  2304. >maybe you’ll get sold away
  2305. >into much, much worse hooves that her’s
  2306. >with even worse chances of escape
  2307. >....or better, actualy
  2308. >yeah, the hope for freedom is still a thing, you shouldn’t get even slightly attached to the mare
  2309. >you could have been better, but it was her fault for expecting more from you
  2310. >oh,.. but it’s still gonna be you who’s gonna end up paying for it
  2311. >one way or another
  2312. >maybe you could still make this right when she’s back
  2313. >so you’re waiting
  2314. >and waiting
  2315. >and waiting
  2316. >it’s really taking a long time today
  2317. >eventualy, it gets completely dark outside
  2318. >by this time, she’s always long back
  2319. >what is she doing?
  2320. >did she do something stupid because of you...?
  2321. >you’re still waiting to know
  2322. >and eventualy,.
  2323. >you hear a crash trough one of the opened windows in the bedroom
  2324. >upon entering the room, you’re seeing your mistress still on the ground, but slowly picking herself up
  2325. “Miss Dash, I-”
  2326. >”Heyyyyy AnooOOon..! *hic* Buddieee.” she’s grinning stupid
  2327. >is she,.. drunk?
  2328. >so ponies do get drunk too?
  2329. >well not this one, at least not usualy
  2330. “I wanted to say that-”
  2331. >”Shhhhh, shut up, okay?” she’s still somehow quick to soar up to you and hush you “...I know you’re not Tank and never will be. And that’s oookay, because you’ve got other qualities...~ You don’t even have to like me,.. as long you have this..”
  2332. >she’s gently pulling on the collar on your neck, then flashes the button underneath her wing
  2333. >”...And I have this.”
  2334. >shit, this doesn’t look good at all
  2335. “I just wanted to apolo-”
  2336. >”Hush!” she friskily pushes you on the bed behind you and giggles “I don't care~.”
  2337. >pretty much frozen, you’re watching her land on the bed next to you and lean back on a pillow
  2338. >”Tell me Anon, have you had your dinner today?”
  2339. “I-...why?”
  2340. >”Did you?”
  2341. “No...”
  2342. >which sparks a malicious grin on her face
  2343. >”Well, now you will...” she opens her legs, giving you a good view of her equine genitals
  2344. >you’ve briefly seen it a few times before, when you accidentaly glanced her way when she flickered her tail or just stood under bad angle
  2345. >but...
  2346. >this is the very first time you’re seeing it so directly
  2347. >you’re staring for a few seconds, then look up at her face
  2348. “....You can’t be serious....”
  2349. >”Yes I can, and I am.” she giggles “Now come on and make your mistress feel good...”
  2350. “W-what if...what if I don’t want to..?” you stutter, completely panicked, heart racing
  2351. >”I wasn’t asking.” you’re being very briefly zapped trough your collar
  2352. “Ow!”
  2353. >”See? We can have it the good way. Now come closer...” she pats her underbelly
  2354. >you’re hesitant
  2355. >but you know you have no other choice right now, other than being zapped again, this time so it would actualy hurt
  2356. >so you slowly crawl up to her, staring the plump vulva from up close
  2357. >you can feel the heat without even touching it and smell the musk of her wet juices
  2358. >she’s drunk and horny as fuck, the worst possible combination
  2359. >the aroma you’re almost drowning in, combined with the sweat from flying, may not be completely repulsive as you expected, but you still don’t want to do it at all, for several reasons
  2360. >not only because you’re basicaly being raped right now, but because you just don’t want to lick an animal pussy
  2361. “Mistress I- hmpf!!”
  2362. >before you even spoke, she pushed your head in between her legs, covering your face with her moist, sticky lube
  2363. >her hoof is holding you tight by your long hair and she’s making sure you wallow your nose in the warm, soft a slimy place properly before she lets you breathe
  2364. >”Aaah!... Now be a good boy and work on your own, put that tongue of yours to good use.~” she huffs, leaning back more comfortably, but she’s not letting go of your hair, watching your every move
  2365. >after catching your breath, you very hesitanly poke out your tongue, and eye up on her face
  2366. >you know she’s gonna push your head in again if you won’t do it yourself
  2367. >so you slowly and cautiously slide your tongue around her outer walls
  2368. >which seems to please her
  2369. >”Go on...”
  2370. >after another lick and another little nudge, you’re realizing she’s really expecting you to finish the job completely
  2371. >to her absolute satisfaction
  2372. >so as much as you don't want to, you keep your tongue out and continue using it to stimulate the nerves in the soft skin of her vulva
  2373. >when
  2374. >the genitalia starts moving under your tongue on it’s own, as if she was clenching it somehow
  2375. >with each of the “winks” a little fleshy ball is presented to you
  2376. >oh my god is that her clit?
  2377. >why is it moving for gods sake?
  2378. >”Mmmhm, that’s good work so far Anon,.. Now,.. right there, okay?”
  2379. >you eye up at her face, with a questioning look
  2380. >of course she's dead serious,.. still you hoped for some kind of mercy
  2381. >but she's way too horny to care
  2382. >so you obediently start licking her "sweet spot" while her moans are getting even wilder
  2383. >in all this wet sensation, accompanied by her girly noises, your body starts reacting back on it’s own for some reason and you're feeling your erection slowly raising underneath your pants
  2384. >it's so shameful, but something deep inside you, something primal and instinctive might be actualy enjoying this
  2385. >your nose is overflowing with her scent so strong now and as much as you hate to admit it, she actualy smells delicious to you
  2386. >on the other hand, you’re still filled with resentment and confusion
  2387. >but you continue on teasing and licking her on your own, without her having to constanly remind you
  2388. >at some point you’ve realized she isn’t pulling on your hair anymore, rather softly caressing and stroking it, helping you keep it out of the way
  2389. >the part that you’re actualy doing your very best right now is the most disturbing to you
  2390. >but you aren't stopping
  2391. >mostly because she wouldn’t let you, when she’s enjoying it so much
  2392. >but IF for a second, you forgot what’s actualy happening
  2393. >you’d be almost liking it
  2394. >it’s so warm and nothing like you’ve ever felt or tasted before
  2395. >and you’re begginning to lose yourself in the arousement
  2396. >”By Celestia, you’re so good Anon,.. Yes! Faster! Harder!” she’s crying out, merely gently nudging your head “Feast on your mistress like a hungry animal you are!”
  2397. >this time without too further due, you munch on the most swollen part of her genitals, sucking and nibbling on her clit while burying your tongue as deep as you’re able
  2398. >until the girly noises she’s making start getting into higher and higher pitch and the hoof on your head starts pushing you in more and more
  2399. >she mush be getting close to her peak each second
  2400. >when
  2401. >”Aaaaaaaaaah!” she yells almost top of her lungs, clamping your head tightly between her thighs and suddenly you’ve got a mouthful of some liquid
  2402. >can’t escape it, it’s everywhere, in your nostrils, it would be in your eyes too if you didn't close them and you’ve accidentaly swallowed a fair amount of it too
  2403. >god, haven’t ever seen a female cum so damn much
  2404. >the more you struggle to break free, the more pleasure it’s giving her while you’re trying to squirm away from her
  2405. >until she starts softening again, letting go of you and panting heavily
  2406. >....stretched out like a deflated, inflatable toy
  2407. >you’re gasping for air as well, coughing a little too
  2408. >and when you catch your breath, you’re met with your mistresses gaze again, those big, magenta eyes piercing you with a fond, loving look
  2409. >without a word, she comes alive again, pouncing at you and while wrapping her hooves around your body, her own tongue is making it’s way into your mouth to shortly taste your saliva
  2410. >then, upon letting go of the deep kiss, she licks your face clean from her fluids while still softly humping your body
  2411. >”That was so great Anon~... but I see I’m not the only one enjoying this, am I?”
  2412. >she finally came across the bulge in the incredibly loose pants you’re still wearing and she's slowly sliding them down from you and positioning herself lower as well
  2413. >”Oh wow, I’ve never seen it swollen like that...” your mistress is biting her lip “It would be only fair of me to return the favour, wouldn’t it?”
  2414. >and she’s looking you dead in the eyes while reaching out her tongue to taste the bit of pre-ejaculate on the tip of your rock hard member
  2415. >”You're liking this, aren’t you?... Doesn’t it feel good? You want me to continue?”
  2416. “I-...”
  2417. >”We-e-ell?” her tongue is still ticking you and she’s adjusting herself better between your legs
  2418. “.. Y-yes.”
  2419. >”What was it?
  2420. “I said yes...” you admit, completely red in the face
  2421. >”I thought so.~” your mistress grins before she wraps her lips around the head of your penis, softly nibbling on it and teasing you with her tongue
  2422. >her eyes keep switching between what she’s working on right now and your face
  2423. >watching your expression seems to be constanly putting a grin on her face, even with a mouthful of dick
  2424. >and she’s progressing lower and lower down your shaft, until she’s taking it in almost whole with each of the slow, but long and passionate movements
  2425. >the inside of her mouth is so soft and the big orange tongue is doing absolute wonders to your most sensitive parts, each time she moves it
  2426. >her teeth, occasionaly brushing over your whole lenght or when she briefly stops to just nibble onto the very tip, seeing you might be already getting too close to climax
  2427. >but not even this way she could prolong it forever
  2428. >at some point, she eventualy slides your shaft all the way down her throat, her tongue softly tickling your testicles and this is where you can’t resist it any longer
  2429. >the pleasure peaks just shen you’re as deep in her as it gets, your seed shooting straight into her stomach for a second
  2430. >but she would not hold it like that and straight up swallow your whole load
  2431. >rather pull away a little, so that the rest sprays into her mouth while she’s suckling onto you till the very last drop
  2432. >you’ve almost blackouted trough it, but when your vision is returning, you’re seeing her gulp the half of it and open her mouth to show you she still got some left
  2433. >before you realize what’s going on, she swiftly reaches to kiss you again, holding you tightly so that you wouldn’t squirm away from her
  2434. >her tongue is forcing into your mouth to try and mix the last bit of your semen with your saliva and she’s kissing you deeply until she finally hears you gulp
  2435. >only then she lets go, while you’re trying to cough it out, but already too late
  2439. >in your progressing post nut clarity, you're even more disgusted by everything that happened
  2440. >”Oh Anon...” she giggles “You’re so cute, you know that? Come here.”
  2441. >and she hugs you, fondly closing her eyes and yawning
  2442. >”I still love you,.. you know that?”
  2443. >you aren’t answering, everything is slowly coming back together
  2444. >but it’s not as if she minded your silence
  2445. >”....But I’m still so hornyyyy." she exhales deeply "I don’t know why you do this to me... Could you help me out a little bit more..?”
  2446. “Please-...”
  2447. >”Just a few more licks...? I swear that’s all...”
  2448. “Okay...” you hang your head down
  2449. >to which she lets go of you and makes herself comfortable on a pillow, spreading her legs for you
  2450. >you’re so exhausted and tired, but you still crawl up back to her moist, winking vulva and immerse your tongue in it
  2451. >after what happened, it's not even filling you shame anymore, as if you already hit the rock bottom
  2452. >you’re just so tired and it’s so damn late at night, you want all of this to be over
  2453. >you just want to forget that any of this ever happened
  2454. >to fall asleep and never wake up
  2455. >so you’re barely noticing your consciousness is slipping away while you're still slowly lapping on your only mistress
  2456. >until you stop completely and just lean your head on her inner thigh
  2457. >”Sleep well Nonny.~” she caresses your hair for the last time "You've been so good, you deserve rest..."
  2458. ...
  2459. ....
  2460. ...
  2464. >in the morning, you're slowly waking up so a sight and scent of a blue pony vulva right in front of your face
  2465. >you blink a few times in confusion, before all of the yesterday's events come back to you
  2466. >your right cheek is still somewhat comfily leaning on her soft, furry leg and one of your arms is even partly wrapped around it
  2467. >there's her hoof, still softly resting on top of your head too
  2468. >but you're actualy covered under a blanket, that's new
  2469. >the second when you're realizing this isn't just a weird dream, you let go of her and yank away to a safe distance, kneeling naked on the other side of the bed
  2470. >your neck cracks a few times too, becasue of the sleeping position you were in
  2471. >all of that woke your mistress up of course, moaning a sleepy "Mmhmm..." while stretching her front hooves before she those big, ever curious magenta eye open
  2472. >upon noticing you, staring at her without a word, she yanks as well
  2473. >her vision slides down on her open legs, which she slowly closes, then back at you, shamefully hiding your morning wood between your thighs
  2474. >"..By Celestia, what have I done....?"
  2475. >you're quiet, blanky staring into the blanket between the two of you, avoiding any kind of eye contact
  2476. >"...Anon?"
  2477. >not a single movement from your side
  2478. >"Anon so I'm sorry..." the mare moves closer to you, about to try and hug you, but you automaticaly flinch away "....I was drunk, I didn't know what I was doing."
  2479. >she at least picks one of your hands into her hooves, softly fondling it between them, hoping you would at least look at her
  2480. >"Please... I know you can't forgive me, but would you at least look at me...?"
  2481. >but the truth is, you're almost scared to do so
  2482. >you get merely a glimpse of her guilty expression when you eye up on her face and then back onto the empty space between you
  2483. >"I'm really sorry..." the mare's repeating again, knowing it won't fix anything "....I wasn't planning any of this."
  2484. >quiet
  2485. >dead silence
  2486. >just the soft pulse you can feel from her hooves she's still clutching your hand with
  2487. >and a soft sob
  2488. >before she lets go
  2489. >"....Nopony must ever know."
  2490. "I'm not gonna brag about being raped,. mistress."
  2491. >which might have been the last straw for her
  2492. >she immediately picks herself up and runs off somewhere
  2493. >and you can hear her crying next room again, this time way louder than yesterday
  2494. >but she deserves it
  2495. >she deserves everything that's coming to her
  2496. > why you're still feeling sorry for her?
  2497. >what is the reason, why would you want to come up to her and say something comforting?
  2498. >you won't
  2499. >what's left of your pride isn't letting you do that
  2500. >she must suffer for what she's done to you
  2501. >still, you can't help yourself but to check on her, where she even is
  2502. >you're finding her in the bathroom, crying and sobbing behind the shower curtain
  2503. >didn't even notice you standing in the door
  2504. >and when she eyes your direction,..
  2505. >you're already gone
  2509. >upcoming few days, you're barely speaking, or even seeing each other, even though you're living in the same house
  2510. >your mistress is purposely avoiding you and she's coming home only to sleep and sometimes eat
  2511. >the kitchen is still stocked with reheatable food and instant stuff, so she eats that
  2512. >wouldn't even ask you to cook something for her anymore
  2513. >don't have any idea where she's gone all the time
  2514. >it would feels like the house was yours, if you weren't basically trapped in it
  2515. >one day you made yourself a normal lunch from the veggies left in the fridge so they wouldn't spoil
  2516. >something like a lecho
  2517. >and there was plenty of it in the pan, way more than a single portion, so you left it on the stove
  2518. >kinda expected it to be gone the next morning, since she's probably coming back hungry
  2519. >but you're finding it pretty much untouched
  2520. >although she must have at least tasted, trying to make it look like she didn't
  2521. >because you remember the angle under which you left the pan standing
  2522. >could be just your imagination it moved though
  2523. > can't go on like this forever
  2524. >the way you're avoding each other and running away from what happened
  2525. >sometimes you're staring out the window, trying to find some kind of solution without having to actualy confront her yourself
  2526. >but each time you find there isn't one such way to solve this
  2527. >while drawing, you can't get her out of your way either
  2528. >after trying to resist it a few times, you're finding yourself drawing your mistresses face and body over and over and over again
  2529. >couldn't bring yourself to tear the sketches to pieces as you planned
  2530. >so you stashed them away with all the others
  2531. >then one night, you hear her crashing trough the bedroom window again
  2532. >this time it sounded like she went straight trough the glass
  2533. >so you stand up from the couch you've been sleeping on the past days and hesitanly open the door, just to see if she's okay
  2534. >and not dead
  2535. >your mistress is laying there in the pieces of glass, looking almost passed out
  2536. >you feel like you shouldn't, but you still enter the room to check if she's breathing and if so, how bad she's cut up from the crash
  2537. >upon letting some light in the room from the corridor, you see there's barely any blood around her
  2538. >just a few drops sprayed around
  2539. >and when you kneel next to her, she's visibly breathing
  2540. >just a few, shallow scratches
  2541. >a short one on her cheek, and two longer ones on her right hoof she probably shielded herself with before the crash
  2542. >her bushy mane and sleek fur must have saved her from most of it
  2543. >she's incredibly lucky, the stupid horse
  2544. >so you're about to stand up and leave her there when
  2545. >"Anon..?" her eyes open and she's immediately picking herself up from the mess she was laying in
  2546. >from those few seconds, you can immediately tell she's been drinking again
  2547. >shit
  2548. >"Anon wait!"
  2549. >you stop, without turning around or answering
  2550. >"I just want to talk..." she walks around to face you, barely staying on her hooves, a few pieces of glass still in her mane
  2551. "What about?"
  2552. >her chest puffs up with a deep inhale and exhale before speaking
  2553. >"About what I did... I want you to- I am ASKING you to-"
  2554. "...To what?"
  2555. >she clumsily soars closer to you, at your eye level, unclipping the collar from your neck and clipping it to her's
  2556. >"To punish me."
  2557. >you're struggling to believe what's happening right now
  2558. >the collar is...
  2559. >it's gone
  2560. >for the first time in months, maybe even a year
  2561. >your neck is free
  2562. >instead it's her, wearing the burden
  2563. >while you're touching your neck to feel it with your bare fingers, she unclips the remote device from under her wing as well, putting it on the ground in front of you
  2564. "What am I supposed to do with you right now...?"
  2565. >"That's up to you..." she hangs her head resignedly
  2566. >what should you do..?
  2567. >the miserable sight of her is filling you with sorrow at very first, but the more you think about the past, the more it's being replaced with something else
  2568. >all of what's been repressed in you for such a long time, all the anger and humiliation
  2569. >it's making it's way on the surface
  2570. >she's expecting you to beat her
  2571. >but no,...
  2572. >you aren't doing any of that, she never beat you either
  2573. >you're going to repay her the same coin, to make her feel how you have felt
  2574. >so you pick her body up, which feels so fragile in your hands now, compared to the strong and bold her she used to feel when she had the power over you
  2575. >and you throw her on the bed
  2576. >upon walking the few steps towards her, you notice there's the leash laying nearby too, so you pick it up and clip it to the collar on her neck
  2577. >for the first time, she's watching you with fear in her eyes about what you're going to do
  2578. >oh how the roles have been switched
  2579. >couldn't imagine a situation like this would ever bring you pleasure, never really ever had a need to subdue and dominate over anyone
  2580. >but in her case...
  2581. "Open up." you take her chin in your hand and softly pull her jaw open
  2582. >god she looks so delightful right now
  2583. >doesn't even matter she's still a damn horsekind, maybe it's exciting you even more right now
  2584. >you couldn't get any more erect when you climb up onto the bed and push her head lower to your crotch, the tip of your penis poking her lips and cheek
  2585. >and she's looking you dead in the eyes while you're slowly forcing yourself into her mouth
  2586. >further and further until you're all the way in her throat, where you leave her like that for a few seconds
  2587. >upon pulling her away to let her breathe, she's coughing and gagging but once she's catching her breath, you're doing it again
  2588. >and again
  2589. >until you almost feel like you're reaching your limit, soon to burst straight into her stomach
  2590. >but no, that would be too quick
  2591. >when you're on the edge, almost peaking, you stop and let her head go, pushing her away on her back
  2592. >to immediately lean above her, face to face, and kiss her as deep as you're able
  2593. >first she's resisting a little, but then her tongue starts hesitanly twilrling in your mouth as well
  2594. >and upon letting go, you give her a thorough lick over her furry face, just like she did to you before
  2595. "Now that's a good girl right there." you're grinning, seeing her obedient expression
  2596. >you're almost starting to understand her now
  2597. "Open your legs..."
  2598. >the now so small, no longer confident blue mare slowly does so, without a single word
  2599. >you still need a little time to get off the edge, so you lift her haunches up closer to your face and have a look at the quivering peach of her's
  2600. >her clit is winking at you the same way it was before and she even smells of the same, sweetishly delicious scent
  2601. >except there's shame in her eyes, like there was in yours before
  2602. >it must be so strange for her to find herself in this reversed role and even stranger,..
  2603. >to realize her body is giving in to you
  2604. >and she's lowkey liking it
  2605. >with a delighted grin, you bury your tongue in her, giving a special attention to her most sensitive spot, teasing it with your lips as well your teeth
  2606. >it sends her squirming under you, trying to control her yelping noises, but in vain
  2607. >and by this time, you're ready
  2608. >holding her legs firmly with your hands, you raise them up a little to adjust her to your height and put a pillow under her rump
  2609. >then grab onto the leash, connected to the collar on her pretty neck, and keep it short while you're adjusting your swollen member in front of her plump entrance
  2610. >she's already so wet you could just slide right in
  2611. >but first you pull on the least a little because her eyes keep slipping away from you
  2612. "Look at me. Good."
  2613. >and now you're finally, slowly making your way inside of her
  2614. >can feel how her tight walls easily and almost willingly make way for you while she's starting to pant and moan
  2615. "You get it now?" you're pushing inside further and further, untill you're all the way in
  2616. >"Aaaah!" a big yelp escapes her mouth, only to cover her own mouth with her hoof
  2617. "I was gonna fucking apologize to you that day, understand?!" you keep pumping, sending her into forced bliss with each of the movements while you continue "But you didn't even let me speak! You always just take what you want! Do you see now how I felt?! Do you finally understand?!"
  2618. >"I do,.." she whimpers between uncontrolled moans and a little tear escapes her eye, only to dissapear in the blue fur on her cheek
  2619. >in that moment, as if all your anger that was fueling you, suddenly started dissapearing, literally slipping away, even if you wanted to stay mad at her
  2620. >but you're far too close to your peak anyway, unable to stop your body now from doing those last few humps
  2621. >and then a riptide of raw, wild pleasure strikes trough you like a strike of lightning as you're filling her pony womb to the brim with your human semen
  2622. >about the next second, her body tightens up in an orgasm of her own, almost locking you in and splashing your legs with a load of marejuice
  2623. >for a few short seconds, as if the two of you became one
  2624. >in all that chaos and savagery,... there is a momentary peace and understanding
  2625. >and that moment is leaving a permament scar on your mind as if it was severing the invisible ties between the two of you, but connecting anew at the same time
  2626. >you fall down in exhaustion next to her, letting go of the leash and stare into her eyes from up close, both panting
  2627. >silence
  2628. >she's completely exhausted and utterly confused about how she's even feeling right now
  2629. >for some reason you're feeling a smile forming on your face at the look of her
  2630. >not a malicious grin about her condition though
  2631. >this is the first time you're looking at her without any spite or disdain at all
  2632. >now you're finally feeling even
  2633. >your hand reaches to softly caress her cheek before you close your eyes
  2634. "Goodnight, mistress..."
  2635. ...
  2636. ....
  2637. ...
  2645. >with the bright rays of light from the window shining upon you, you're opening your eyes mere seconds before your "mistress" does
  2646. >her snoot is almost touching your nose and you can feel her warm breath on your face
  2647. >with a short look into her eyes, everything from yesterday is coming back
  2648. >... and it's not exactly making any of you too comfortable right now
  2649. >you're kind of expecting a punch in the face, so you cautiously back away
  2650. >the shock collar is still around her neck and the remote device is laying somewhere around the bed, but you wouldn't use it, even if she attacked you right now
  2651. >you know you might have already overdone it
  2652. >but instead, she does the same as you
  2653. >that is, taking some distance
  2654. >the leash, still clipped to the collar is now hanging down from her neck
  2655. >instinctively, her hoof traces it to the connecting point to unclip it, but it's locked with the three digit code, which she can't see without a mirror
  2656. >so the hoof slides back down on the matress
  2657. >silence
  2658. >it could have been less than 10 seconds, but the heaviness of the atmosphere made it feel like it was whole eternity before any of you moved any further
  2659. >eventualy, it's her that's cautiously picking herself up from the bed
  2660. >and without a word, rushing out of the bedroom
  2661. >leaving you alone in the ravaged and stained bed
  2662. >after some time spent thinking, you decide to hurry after her
  2663. "Miss Dash!-..." you yell
  2664. >but you're only finding the empty collar in the bathroom
  2665. >the bright blue mare nowhere to be found around the house...
  2669. >and she's not returning troughout the whole day
  2670. >not even to get some lunch
  2671. >you're kind of expecting something real bad to happen when she comes back
  2672. >you're either getting sold away for real this time, or straight up put down...
  2673. >you've heard that it happened to some humans before
  2674. >but for some reason,..
  2675. >you're feeling free-er than even
  2676. >let the death or whatever is coming your way approach
  2677. >you don't even care anymore
  2678. >you wouldn't even hate anypony for it
  2679. >not even her
  2680. >as if a chapter in you life closed, something heavy fell from your chest
  2681. >it's the feeling of spite you've been carrying the whole time
  2682. >you might not be straight up proud about what happened, - it was the dirtiest, nastiest and most perverse side of you, which you never even knew you had
  2683. >but you're at peace now, when you accepted it and let it manifest
  2684. >now, nothing seems to eat you up from inside anymore
  2685. >no more hatred or feelings of revenge
  2686. >yet,.. you still can't stop thinking about how the mare's feeling right now
  2687. >because as much as you needed to do that to her, now when all the anger goes aside,..
  2688. >maybe you actualy care...
  2689. >in a way
  2690. >....
  2691. >...
  2692. >..
  2693. >you've spent the day wondering around the house, staring out the window and drawing even more pictures
  2694. >this time it's completely different things from what you usualy draw
  2695. >trees, flowers, birds,... yet, you still drew another sketch of the blue mare today too
  2696. >and since the day was long, you took the time to tidy up the bedroom, as well as the rest of the house
  2697. >got rid of all the broken glass, cleaned the few bloodstains from the ground and replaced all the dirty bedsheets
  2698. >also, prepared your pillow on the couch because that's where you're sleeping
  2699. >she's coming after dark again, not as late as the day before though
  2700. >you're still awake, waiting for her
  2701. >not sure exactly what to expect, you're just thinking you should be there for whatever is going to happen
  2702. >better facing it, than running away
  2703. >when you finally hear her entering the house trough the main door
  2704. >so you're waiting in the corridor for her to come and tell you what's gonna happen to you
  2705. >"Hey..." she stops upon seeing you
  2706. "Miss Dash,.."
  2707. >you're ready for anything right now
  2708. >but...
  2709. >she just gives you a very faint smile and continues straight to her bedroom
  2710. >and you don't dare following her
  2711. >that was certainly something else from what you expected
  2712. >so you make your way to a couch in the living room to have a rest as well
  2713. >good night Anon
  2714. ...
  2715. ..
  2717. >"Hey, hey, wake up..." a pony hoof is gently nudging your chest
  2718. >it's none others than her's, your mistress is waking you up
  2719. >not only it's surprising, but it's still dark outside too
  2720. "....Miss Dash,.. what's happening?" you squint your eyes
  2721. >"Get your things and hurry. It's almost time." she says
  2722. >her tone isn't firm or commanding though
  2723. >rather soft and a little sad
  2724. "Time for what?"
  2725. >"For you to go... don't forget your toothbrush."
  2726. >you aren't asking any more questions after hearing that
  2727. >you're getting sold away
  2728. >you understand why
  2729. >she just softly pats your shoulder, giving you the same faint smile she gave yesterday and leaves you to it
  2730. >so you pack your clothes and things into a backpack Rarity additionaly made for you, for carrying things from the market
  2731. >a few clean papers, as well as a pen, eraser and a sharpener
  2732. >that might be it
  2733. >only one thing left
  2734. >you pick up the collar with a leash, laying on the same place she dropped it yesterday
  2735. >it's open and set on the opening digit as well as the glyph on the 4th column for extra protection
  2736. >it's "369 / ♥"
  2737. >funny
  2738. >wonder how many things would change if you knew this like a week sooner...
  2739. >but there's no reason to think about it now
  2740. >your new owner is going to change it for sure
  2741. >so you put the collar on and go meet your mistress, waiting for you by the main door
  2742. >when you're giving her the leash, she looks at you funny before hesitanly taking it
  2743. >and you're heading to the balloon
  2744. >you're both silent, just watching the lands underneath, illuminated by a pale moonlight
  2745. >it's actualy such a pretty sight
  2746. >you should probably remember it well...
  2747. >for some reason this whole situation is filling you with melancholy
  2748. >until you land and see an older stallion with a tiny cart behind himself
  2749. >it's probably gonna be some farmwork for you
  2750. >your soon-to-be ex-mistress stops you when you step out of the basket
  2751. >gently, just with her hoof
  2752. >and unclips the collar
  2753. >"You won't be needing this anymore."
  2754. >which comes out more than a little suprising
  2755. >whole lot that is
  2756. "What do you mean?"
  2757. >the mare's chest puffs up in a deep inhale and a slow exhale
  2758. >she always does that before saying anything she's nervous about
  2759. >"Look Anon,... I know things between us didn't turn out the best way. Or the way I hoped they would. ..It was kind of foolish of me to think so, when I look back. I know I've hurt and humiliated you in many ways,. even enjoyed it sometimes... I just want you to know I'm sorry."
  2760. "I... probably could have been better too."
  2761. >"No..." she smiles "You couldn't, because you were never meant to be like this. Wasn't freedom what you always wanted?"
  2762. "Well, yes, but-"
  2763. >"Then go. I already arranged you an escort to a human refugee camp, far, far in the woods behind Everfree, where nopony lives. You can be with your own kind again..."
  2764. "...You're serious?"
  2765. >"Yes... You're a free man now..."
  2766. "And there's a human refugee camp? In Equestria..? Ponies know about it?"
  2767. >"A few,... beleive it or not, there are those who feel it was wrong to take over Earth. I just had to find them and... I think I understand they might be right."
  2768. >as much as you're trying to find any traces of deception in her eyes, you can't see it
  2769. >she's absolutely sincere right now
  2770. "I don't know what to say..."
  2771. >"You don't have to say anything. But I wanted to ask you for one last thing. "Ask" that is, not order,.. you're free to refuse."
  2772. "What is it..?"
  2773. >".....Can I have a goodbye kiss? One you'd actualy do willingly... I always wanted that, but,. I understand I never really deserved it."
  2774. >a kiss that is
  2775. >you didn't exactly expect that
  2776. >didn't expect any of this
  2777. >after all this time you thought you knew her, you didn't know her at all
  2778. >always so full of herself and overconfident, smug, possessive and bossy
  2779. >but now she's not only setting you free also treating you like an equal
  2780. >there's so much more to her, which you're only seeing now
  2781. >it's leaving you too stunned to say or do anything
  2782. "...."
  2783. >"That's okay..." she faintly smiles and awkwardly bites her lip "You have every reason to hate me, I-Hmpf!!!"
  2784. >you've hushed her by your lips as fondly and eagerly as if she was your lover
  2785. >the first second, she's too surprised to kiss you back, just freezes in your arms as you softly nibble on her fuzzy mouth
  2786. >before a relieved exhale of warm breath escapes her lungs, straight into yours and she indulges back, giving you the same tenderness and affection
  2787. >never thought you'd find yourself doing this, at least not while feeling what you're feeling right now
  2788. >and it feels special, important, almost as your first kiss ever
  2789. >so you're both savouring it...
  2790. >every step of your tongues progressing further into each others mouth to meet there and start slowly twirling around each other
  2791. >the way your saliva is mixing into one, taking delight in tasting it
  2792. >to let her explore each corner of your mouth and do the same with her
  2793. >all the while you're cluthing her to your chest as the daintiest flower in the whole wide universe, softly caressing her head from behind with your other hand
  2794. >this time you aren't imagining anyone else in her place, you're sincerely happy it's her
  2795. >your mistress, your slaver, your worst enemy
  2796. >your caretaker, your twisted pleasuregiver and.... your best friend
  2797. >...
  2798. >upon letting go from the kiss, you glance into each other's eyes
  2799. >and smile, before hugging once more
  2800. >everything is forgiven
  2801. >the karmic circle is closed
  2802. >the past is gone and you're standing there, free of the invisible bonds that used to tie you together
  2803. >yet, you don't want to stop holding her
  2804. >but eventualy you have to
  2805. "...Thank you... you're a good person."
  2806. >"No,.. I'm not..." she smiles a little sadly now "...It was nice, having you around, but it's time to let you go..."
  2807. >your escort is waiting
  2808. "One last thing,.. can I have this?" you're pointing at the emblem with your name, still on the collar "As a reminder..."
  2809. >"That..? Oh,.. sure, I guess I won't be needing it anymore." the mare hands it to you, her expression faintly brightening
  2810. >so you smile back
  2811. "I'll keep it close."
  2812. >and start slowly backing up to the stallion, without taking your eyes off her
  2813. >"Goodbye Anon..."
  2814. "Goodbye, mistress." you smile
  2815. >you thought it would be one last funny joke, but you can't bring yourself to laugh
  2816. >she smiles back, pretty much the same way you did
  2817. >bitterly
  2818. >and she's watching you go
  2819. >dissapear into the darkness of the night forest
  2820. >far, far away from her
  2821. >....
  2822. >..
  2823. >..
  2824. >after almost a day of traveling with your escort, you're being sent alone for the rest of your journey
  2825. >the stallion was kind enough to carry you on his cart a few miles when you were tired or when you were about to bump into another pony, to make sure nopony knows which way you left
  2826. >but now, it's him that shouldn't be seen by humans from the forest
  2827. >they don't know they're being "helped" occasionaly
  2828. >might think you're a spy if you arrived with a pony by your side
  2829. >so after thanking him and saying goodbye, you're travelling the last half an hour by foot, the direction you were told to follow
  2830. >trough open plains, to a small forest, away from any pony settlement
  2831. >he said you can't possibly miss it
  2832. >but upon entering, you there aren't exactly any signs of humans anywhere
  2833. >that is until-
  2834. >>"Who goes there?!"
  2835. >suddenly, there's a primitively made spear right in front of your face
  2836. >it's being held by a man in his 30's, with a short, unkept beard
  2837. "Hey, easy fella. I'm just looking for a refuge."
  2838. >>"You're awfuly well kept for an escapee... Are you a horse spy?"
  2839. "Jeez, no... Some of them already know where this place is, they're supposedly letting you exist here."
  2840. >>"What are you saying?!" the spear gets even closer to your neck
  2841. "I'm not an escapee, alright? I was let go... They led me here."
  2842. >>"Let go?! They never let anyone go! I don't beleive you!"
  2843. "Well,.. she let me..." you should be looking happy now
  2844. >but your head hangs down a little instead while saying that
  2845. >>"Huh?.. Are you one of those tamed ones...? Were you like,.. thrown out or something?"
  2846. "...I guess something like that."
  2847. >the man puts his spear down, patting your shoulder
  2848. >>"Brother, you're so far the saddest case we've got here." he chuckles "My name's Peter, come with me."
  2849. >and you're being led trough the trees, to a settlement up in the branches, almost blending in with the rest of the forest
  2850. >there's at least 50 people up there, men, women, even kids
  2851. >>"We've got everything here. It's not like the good old days, but it's freedom. Guess we're returning to tradition.... Hey everyone! We got a new member!"
  2852. >the people gather around, or at least stop what they're doing, and look your way
  2853. >>"Anon here is historicaly the first tamed pony pet that got thrown out, and he's not even past his expiry date!" Peter laughs "Look at how young they throw them away!"
  2854. >the people roar with laughter
  2855. >but the next second they're silenced by a harsh, intimidating voice
  2856. >>>"SILENCE."
  2857. >it's another man, about 40 years old, dressed as a chieftain
  2858. >his tone softens once all the voices quiet down, but it's still invoking respect
  2859. >>>"Every human is welcome here in these harsh times. Any single one of you could have met similiar fate and I expect you to not judge what others had to do to survive.... We welcome you Anon."
  2860. >that night, all the "tribe" gathered around a fire, with most of the people there, drinking some kind of brew they made and everyone's talking over each other
  2861. >you, being new here, created a wild discussion about how everyone actualy escaped or what were they made do
  2862. >of course, since you're new, everyone wants to know your story especialy
  2863. >and they want to know all the nasty highlighs, since they told theirs too
  2864. >>>>"...Look mate, I worked in a focking mine, 24/7, but I was never forced to swallow my own nut." you're being patted on your back "I feel with ya."
  2865. >>>"Bruh, what a nasty bitch."
  2866. "She was the one who let me go though... Funnily enough, even apologized for everything. Even after all that happened, I can't bring myself to hate her now."
  2867. >>>>>"How she fucked with your mind might be the worst thing she's done to you so far. But don't worry, you'll return to your senses in time...."
  2868. >>"Yeah man, don't worry." you're being offered a piece of a grilled meat
  2869. >probably something they managed to hunt in the forest or the plains around
  2870. "Thanks..." you pick it in your hand while the debate moves on, with another guy boasting about how he managed to punch a gryphon slave trader, right after he sold him and even got away with it
  2871. >you're staring into the fire, piece of meat still in your hand
  2872. >funny, haven't had that in such a long time
  2873. >it's even visibly spiced with some herbs they picked up and smells really good
  2874. >so you take a small bite, wallowing it in your mouth
  2875. >thought this would feel glorious
  2876. >but the truth is....
  2877. >you can't say you even like the taste anymore
  2878. >will you have to re-learn this as well?
  2879. >come to think, you aren't really hungry, so you pass the rest of the meat to a drunk guy sitting next to you, one that's happy to munch on it without any questions
  2880. >this is what you wanted, where you wanted to be
  2881. >you should feel happy
  2882. >why aren't you..?
  2883. >....
  2884. ....
  2885. >...
  2886. >the next days, you're spending the time by learning the tribe's ways to find you a place there
  2887. >you're pretty nifty, so you can do almost anything you're asked
  2888. >building stuff, carving bowls, even weave and a lot of other stuff
  2889. >you enjoy being useful to a good purpose
  2890. >but you especialy like bowshooting
  2891. >though, you can't be assigned as a hunter, because you won't kill anything
  2892. >so it's just a hobby
  2893. >all of that is helping you concentrate on forgetting your past and creating a new future
  2894. >but after a week passed,.. you still miss seeing the colorful mare each morning
  2895. >just hearing her say "Hello" or even back then, when she'd occasionaly wake you up by stroking your hair..
  2896. >you're aware the memories are tinted in pink now, you constanly fought with her trough those days
  2897. >but they are making you smile nontheless
  2898. >...can still smell her scent from your clothing too
  2899. >been using your poncho as a pillow for some time
  2900. >it faded away eventualy though
  2901. >and with it, the hurt of thinking whether you made the right decision
  2902. >most of the traces of your mistress are gone now
  2903. >they even made you new clothes to fit in the forest, - the old ones from Rarity you stashed under your bed
  2904. >one last thing you kept constanly in your pocket was the tag she gave you
  2905. >one you asked her to give you
  2906. >and promised to keep it close
  2907. >but it fell trough a hole in your pants once and you never found it again
  2908. >as if the last material tie was severed
  2909. >from then, you became a "normal human" once more
  2910. >the most humany human in the tribe
  2911. >soon you earned respect from others, seeing you're capable
  2912. >and the women started taking interest in you too
  2913. >you were one of the youngest and more handsome members
  2914. >but the truth is,.. you never really felt anything towards any of the females there
  2915. >sure, some of them were pretty to look at, some even nice to talk to, but...
  2916. >there never was any "fire" or a "spark" from your side
  2917. >so it never ended up with more than a kiss
  2918. >that's why you earned a nickname "Monk"
  2919. >with your name gone too and hair cut shorter for practical purposes, there was hardly anything left
  2920. >not just from the life with your mistress,..
  2921. >but from your Earthly life too
  2922. >sometimes you're wondering whether your complete transformation to a tribesman is a good thing
  2923. >until you find another task to keep yourself busy.....
  2924. >...
  2925. ...
  2926. ....
  2927. >it might have been a few weeks as well as a few months
  2928. >you stopped counting the days
  2929. >but you crudely shaved your facial hair away at least three times already, that's what you know about time
  2930. >'re a human, a free human that is
  2931. >free to do whatever he wants, to go wherever he wants
  2932. >yet it feels as if you were forgetting about something important...
  2933. ....
  2934. >it's morning and the bright rays of light are shining trough the trees, sunlitting the forest in it's glory and warmness
  2935. >you like nature, often going for an early walk
  2936. >alone, before anyone else even wants to join you
  2937. >right now, you're taking a deep breath of fresh oxygen before you friendlily pat the treetrunk of a big, ancient beech standing next to you
  2938. >when you notice something shining on the ground behind it, reflecting the sun from up above
  2939. >so you walk closer to pick it up in your hand
  2940. >it has a shape of a cloud with lighting striking down from it and an inscription
  2941. >"Anon."
  2942. >you clean the rest of it from dirt and mud using your fingers
  2943. >"I belong to Rainbow Dash" it continues
  2944. >Anon...
  2945. >it was you, some time ago...
  2946. >yeah, you remember,... it isn't even as long as it feels
  2947. >also remember how it hurt to think about past, that's why you were so damn quick to forget about it
  2948. >so you throw the emblem away with all of your force
  2949. >but it bounces off a tree, back to you
  2950. >hitting you in the head
  2951. "Fuck! Ow, that hurt..." you almost fall on the ground, holding palm over the aching place
  2952. >and you see the piece of metal right under you
  2953. >staring at it while waiting for pain to go away
  2954. >but the longer you're looking, the more memories are coming back
  2955. >she was horrible in so many ways, at least you always felt that way
  2956. >but she was always special for some reason
  2957. >you hated her most of the time
  2958. >it was too late when the hate turned into a different emotion
  2959. >yet equaly strong, if not stronger
  2960. "I'll keep it close." you said back then and you're repeating it out loud for yourself again
  2961. >there's a tear, rolling down your cheek
  2962. >who are you now...?
  2963. >a Monk...?
  2964. >someone who gave up everything for a higher purpose?
  2965. >is this really freedom, or was the true freedom in your head the whole time?
  2966. > it really too late to turn back..?
  2967. >you clutch the emblem tightly in your hand
  2968. >one will never know until he tries..!
  2969. >a new target is now set in your head and it's filling you with relentless dedication
  2970. >first you pick up all your old things, shave your slowly growing mustache away, put on your poncho, pants and set out the same way you once came here
  2971. >>"Hey Monk.? Where you're going dressed like that buddy?" you're being stopped, almost outside the tree village
  2972. "It's Anon. Sorry Peter, I have to go..."
  2973. >>"-What?"
  2974. >you merely give him a gleeful smile upon turning around
  2975. "Say bye to others. Tell them I wish them the best and I appreciate all of you taking me in. But this isn't where I belong."
  2976. >and you're off
  2977. >Peter makes a few steps to follow you, but he stops
  2978. >>"Well fuck me, the horses got you good..." he chuckles in disbelief, but then grins your way "Still,... good luck finding her."
  2979. >....
  2980. >you aren't remembering the way in every detail, it was long and not always you were paying attention to where you were going back then
  2981. >but each time you've felt lost, you noticed something that's assuring you of your course, something you've seen before
  2982. >always had a good sense of orientation, or it might be something else leading you
  2983. >you've seen a few ponies along the way too, always managed to hide and wait for them to pass trough though
  2984. >but the way is taking longer than it did before
  2985. >until at last, you're finding yourselt at the edge of the forest you used to roam when your mistress unclipped the leash
  2986. >it's just now that,..
  2987. >the doubts are coming out of nowhere
  2988. >it's been some time
  2989. >does she even WANTS to see you again..?
  2990. >maybe she really just wanted to get rid of you, what happened that night-...
  2991. >what if you made all that up?
  2992. >the bittersweet goodbyes, the last kiss, maybe it never even happened or you just remember it different from what it really was like
  2993. >but no... the kiss definitely happened and it was exactly like that
  2994. >plus, you're already here...
  2995. >you HAVE to give it a shot, nothing in life is taken for granted
  2996. >courage Anon!
  2997. >...and if you should fail, or she forgot,...
  2998. >then you'll know you've tried
  2999. >so you step forward to the sleeping Ponyville
  3000. >where will you search though?
  3001. >should you steal a balloon and fly up to her?
  3002. >you still have the cloudwalking ring, it was in the poncho's pocket the whole time
  3003. >so you're about to put it on now
  3004. >when you hear a female pony voice somewhere behind you
  3005. >>>"Oh my GOSH! A human on the loose!!"
  3006. >>>>"Stay back darling, I'll take care of him..." some stallion replies bravely
  3007. >and before you turn around, there's a magical aura around your body, preventing you from moving
  3008. >and then blackness...
  3009. ....
  3010. ...
  3011. ..
  3012. ..
  3013. ....
  3014. >next thing you know is your head hurting
  3015. >again....
  3016. >a few more hits and you'll be retarded for life
  3017. >as your eyes open and you pick your head up from the hardwood ground, you see you're locked in a steel cage
  3018. >set in a more the less empty room
  3019. >judging by the light from the windows, and sounds from the outside of the house, it must be morning already
  3020. >or even noon
  3021. >when you hear a male pony voice
  3022. >>>"So that's him, ma'am."
  3023. >the door to your room open and a pegasus mare is standing there, with bright sun illuminating her from behind, letting you see only dark shape of her sillouette
  3024. >you swiftly stand up straight, trying to see better
  3025. >"Anon..?"
  3026. "Miss Dash?"
  3027. >she steps away from the sunlight, letting you recognize the six colour of her mane and a bright blue coat
  3028. >exactly the way you remember her
  3029. >"...I didn't think I'd ever see you again."
  3030. >you almost didn't notice the stallion entering with her, handing her the tag from your collar
  3031. >>>"We found this on him so we called you right away..."
  3032. >she takes your tag in her hoof and glances at it, then back at you
  3033. >"You came back... because of me?"
  3034. >there's so incredibly much you want to say
  3035. >I love you
  3036. >I'm sorry
  3037. >I should have never left
  3038. >but instead you just nod
  3039. >"Open the cage please..." she says to the stallion without taking her eyes off you
  3040. >>>"But ma'am, he isn't leashed and you don't know-"
  3041. >"OPEN THE CAGE,.. okay?" she bursts at him, immediately trying to pace herself back
  3042. >>>"Right away..." the lock turns, setting you free if you wanted to run or attack anypony
  3043. >but you're patiently waiting inside
  3044. >"Thank you,.. can you give us a minute?"
  3045. >>>"Sure..."
  3046. >and when the door shut behind him, your mistress enters the cage with you
  3047. >silence is now filling the void of the bars around you
  3048. >and you're a little affraid of looking her straight in the eyes, as much as you'd want to
  3049. >but while she is also avoiding eye contact, hesitant to step any closer
  3050. >it's still her who speaks first, it always was
  3051. >"...So....... how have you been?"
  3052. "Good, good, I was-..... I wasn't doing that good actualy. I mean,.. it was exactly what I hoped for all those months, but..."
  3053. >"But..?"
  3054. "I uhh,.. well, how have YOU been?"
  3055. >"Okay,.. I guess... I tried cooking. I thought I learned a little bit from you except... I-...didn't." she chuckles very softly under her breath "Who knew pancakes can burn so easily..."
  3056. >seeing her smile, even for a short second lightens you up a little too, giving you both some confidence to look at each other
  3057. >only when you glance into her eyes, you're slowly finding the words
  3058. "...Miss Dash, what I really meant to say was,.. freedom was good, but I experienced something far better than that."
  3059. >"What was it?" she almost stutters, blowing away an orange strand of mane from her face, that she was nervously hiding behind till now
  3060. >you slowly kneel down to be at the same height level with her and take a deep breath
  3061. "Your presence... I missed you..."
  3062. >"I-....never in my life I thought I'd hear you say that..." she takes a single step back
  3063. "..."
  3064. >it's loud and lively outside, ponies speaking and laughing on the market, yet trough those eternaly long two second she pauses for, it feels like the room was drowning in utter stilness
  3065. >....
  3066. >"but I missed you too Anon..." her hooves suddenly wrap around your body
  3067. >could pretty much never sense her hugs coming, it always irritated you
  3068. >but now you're so happy to hug her back, burying your face into her fluffy mane
  3069. >smelling her sweet scent, one you so desperately wanted to forget about
  3070. >you're so excited to sense it again
  3071. >"...I couldn't believe it when I was told to pick you up here."
  3072. "I'm so sorry it took me this long to realize that I should have never left...... But I'll do anything you want me to now. Just please forgive me, take me back..."
  3073. >"Anything you say...?"
  3074. >hearing her say that made you hesitate for a split second, wondering again whether you're doing the right thing, but...
  3075. >she's the sole reason why you abandoned the tribe and your freedom
  3076. >because you love her
  3077. >even if it meant, having to take on the role of her pet again
  3078. "Anything, my mistress..."
  3079. >"Then I have but one request for starters..." she whispers amusedly into your ear
  3080. "..What is it?" you swallow the saliva in your mouth and look her in the eyes, partly letting go of the hug
  3081. >you're prepared for whatever the test she has for you
  3082. >the mare chuckles, seeing your determined expression
  3083. >"...Would you stop calling me "mistress" now, Anon?" her hoof softly touches your face, booping your nose "We left each other as equals."
  3084. "Y-you really mean that..?"
  3085. >"I do, because..." she smiles excitedly, taking a deep breath, but then she hugs you again instead "..nevermind Anon, I'll tell you everything later. Now I'm just SO happy to have you back."
  3086. "I'm happy to BE back." you're smiling as well, enjoying her warmth and that lovely feeling around your hearth "....How should I call you then?"
  3087. >"However you want, doesn't matter to me..." she chuckles upon glancing in your eyes once more
  3088. "So I can still call you "mistress" sometimes...?" you snicker back and plafuly poke her fluffy chest with your finger
  3089. >"I can't believe you'd end up being into that, you're such a dumbass Anon,..." Rainbow Dash giggles, impishly glancing into your eyes "But hey,.. I kinda liked that too."
  3090. "In that case, do I have a permission to kiss you now, my mistress?" a wide grin's forming on your face
  3091. >"No,.. you have an order." her expression reflects the same, frisky amusement
  3092. >and she doesn't need to say twice
  3093. >before she gasps, you're already pressing your lips against her's
  3094. >eagerly at first, but slowing down to relish the moment
  3095. >until you're almost still...
  3096. >then you open your eyes to glance into those mesmerising magenta circles and deep black pupils that she's watching you with
  3097. >it's as if they were pulling your very soul in, to lose yourself with her and dance above the clouds together
  3098. >does she even have any idea how she's making you feel?
  3099. >maybe she does, because she kisses you again, hungrily wetting your lips with her saliva as you're both about to take it a little further
  3100. >first you slide your tongue over her teeth, eager to have a feel
  3101. >but it's her, who follows with even greater desire by slipping deep into your mouth and twisting the appendages together
  3102. >she tastes the same she did on the day you kissed her goodbye, except it's completely different this time
  3103. >she was gentle and almost cautious back then, now she's full of desire, knowing there's nothing to mess up
  3104. >it was so bittersweet before, because you knew the more you'd enjoy it, the more you will suffer at the memory of how good it was
  3105. >but now, it's the sweetest, most sincere moment you've had together so far
  3106. >and you're indulging in it with your whole being
  3107. >your hands are fondling and caressing the pegasus, tracing every elegant curve of her's,.. every little detail you never botherered learning to appreciate until now
  3108. >her body was exciting you before only for the purpose of dominating it, but now you're loving it's peculiar beauty
  3109. >she feels so dainty and fragile in your arms in this moment, while other times so bold and even stronger than you, it's all so confusing but wonderful as well
  3110. >and you're standing together yet again, master and a slave
  3111. >mistress and a pet
  3112. >pegasus and a human
  3113. >the two lovers
  3114. >two equals
  3115. >it never felt so right to be here...
  3116. >and then your lips part, while your foreheads softly bump, your noses still almost touching
  3117. >her eyes, prettier than any of the girl's back in the refuge, are playfuly gazing into yours
  3118. "...What will happen now, mistress?" you smirk friskily
  3119. >"I'm taking you home of course.~" the mare smirks right back, but then her smirk fades a little "...But seriously Anon, things will never be the same they were before."
  3120. "...Better?" your hand fondles her shoulder
  3121. >"Yeah..." she smiles, although she couldn't hide her worries behind it "Definitely better. I just... don't know what to tell ponies when they ask..."
  3122. "About me, is that it..."
  3123. >"Not just you,.. Gosh Anon, why am I so scared suddenly?..." her heartbeat rises
  3124. "It's okay... Tell them whatever you want, I can still pretend to be your pet in front of them."
  3125. >"Not only I don't want to but I literaly can't do that forever... I love you and-"
  3126. "I love you too." you softly kiss her again, interrupting her "...I'll do anything to not be a burden to you."
  3127. >and upon looking looking into her eyes, she smiles and you can feel the tenseness in her slowly softening down
  3128. >"...I know.... And you won't. Everything will be okay."
  3129. "....So what can I do?"
  3130. >"Nothing right now-... unless..."
  3131. "Tell me, anything."
  3132. >"You could help me out with those pancakes I messed up before. Make sure I won't burn my kitchen down again." she chuckles under her hoof
  3133. "You want me to teach you how to cook?"
  3134. >"Something like that."
  3135. "You have no idea how gladly." you laugh "...You know I used to be so frustrated about you watching me back then. At least the first days. ...Were you really just trying to pick up some knowledge? Why didn't you ask?"
  3136. >"I dunno, I guess I liked watching you. And you didn't really look like you wanted an apprentice." Rainbow smirks and stands up from you, eyeing at your body "............Thinking back of the days. I might have another "thing" you could help me with.~"
  3137. "Sure. What will it be?"
  3138. >to which she just flickers her tail from side to side, giving you an impish simper and biting her lip
  3139. "Oh, I see..." you grin, standing up as well "I take it as an order."
  3140. >"Not here though... Let's get you home first."
  3141. "Of course. I wasn't thinking-"
  3142. >"But I was." she laughs, cutting you off and nodding her head towards the door, already taking a first step out of the cage "Come on, I can't wait..."
  3143. >you're following the colorful mare to the room she came here trough just before
  3144. >there's a big window, letting in almost blinding amount of light from the noon sun, and in front of it is a desk with the same stallion that gave your "mistress" the tag back
  3145. >he's dressed in what seems to be some kind of uniform, probably some local law authority or something
  3146. >but since the ponies don't exactly commit too many crimes, he surely must have a lot of time on his hooves and he's likely dealing only with some small things
  3147. >like lost pets
  3148. >that must be why he's so eager to know about what's going on
  3149. >>"So you're going ma'am? Spent quite a time in there, I was just gonna check on ya, in case he might have attacked you or something."
  3150. >"Oh, yeah. I can't thank you enough for finding me Anon again." Rainbow Dash smiles his way, then yours, softly biting her lip "But we'll be going now."
  3151. >>"You might want to put that leash in your saddlebag on him though... Wouldn't want him running around the Ponyville and scaring ponies in case he flees once more."
  3152. "Hey sherrifferino, I can assure you I'm not planning any fleeing." you smirk his way
  3153. >the stallion frowns at you, not exactly pleased you're answering instead of your owner
  3154. >>"Yea as if,.. I know you humans, only mouthful of lies and-."
  3155. >"Not this one.. Come on, let's go Anon." Rainbow Dash quickly cuts him off and you're being pushed outside the door by her hooves before he protests any further
  3156. >you remember how this used to upset and trigger you, - the way she ordered you around
  3157. >but it doesn't now
  3158. >the mare was just so used to having to do this with her tortoise, she just automaticaly treated you the same
  3159. >...and she still hasn't completely stopped with this bad habit
  3160. >except now it's so easy to forgive her, knowing there was always a good intention in what she's done
  3161. >,.. at least most of the time that is, not always
  3162. >no way you're gonna pretend she's a literal angel now, just because she has wings
  3163. >the mare has a devil's horns sometimes too
  3164. >but you love her exactly the way she is
  3165. >and you're real proud to walk right next to her trough the busy Ponyville, getting all the looks from ponies because you don't have a leash, nor the collar
  3166. >can see she's enjoying the walk as well
  3167. >till you bump into Pinkie Ponk
  3168. >>"DASHIE YOU GOT YOUR HUMAN BACK!!1!1!" the pink menace is excitedly jumping around the two of you "HI ANOON!! SO HAPPY YOU'VE DECIDED TO RETURN!"
  3169. "How did-"
  3170. >but upon opening your mouth she stuffs it with a cupcake that she must have pulled out of other dimension because you can swear there aren't any pockets on her
  3171. >but you kinda missed those random sweets
  3172. >"Hey, Pinkie..." Rainbow Dash smiles and coyly scratches her head "I'm happy too! I didn't think-"
  3173. >>"I CAN'T WAIT TO TELL EVERYPONY! Especialy Twillight! She was so UPSET about him leaving, but now he's back! WHOEHEEE!!! BYEEEEEEEEE, YOU TWO!!!"
  3174. >and she's gone again, before you realize
  3175. >letting you standing there, still chewing on the 4d cupcake
  3176. "....Twillight was upset about me, leaving?" you look Dash's way after gulping it down
  3177. >"I may have told ponies you simply ran away,... I mean, I couldn't tell them I set you free, plus I thought I'd never see you again. So Twillight was pretty angry at you,."
  3178. "Does that mean I'm getting murdered now?"
  3179. >"Nah, relax." the colorful mare chuckles "It's just Twillight. She's cool."
  3180. "Oh yeah..." you cringe both internaly and externaly over your inevitable "talk" with the purple magic nazi
  3181. >"Hey don't be affraid of her, okay?"
  3182. "I'm not affrai-... okay, maybe I am. You have no idea how scary unicorn magic is when it's used against you."
  3183. >"Don't worry, I'll explain you've returned on your own and I certainly won't let you stay alone in a room with her again." she pats your thigh with a little grin before she starts walking
  3184. >and you're following her the direction of the good old balloon platform
  3185. "Okay, hope that'll be enough....."
  3186. >once in the basket that's now slowly going up, you lean on it's edge and watch the ground shrinking under you
  3187. >one of the sights you actualy enjoyed while here
  3188. >and your mis- ehm, Rainbow Dash knows, so you're queitly watching it together
  3189. >that is until you break the silence
  3190. "How does it feel...? To fly."
  3191. >"Amazing... Like, the wind and everything... it's so hard to describe without actualy letting you feel it."
  3192. "I thought so..." you grin "I always really admired that."
  3193. >"Flying?"
  3194. "Yeah... I think it's beautiful... Do you think I could see you once, when you have that show of yours? ..With Thunderbolts?"
  3195. >"Wonderbolts.." she laughs and leans a little closer, affectionately rubbing the side of her body over yours "I'd love to take you there one day... I would have done that sooner, I just had no idea you'd actualy care to see it."
  3196. "Well I do now." you smile and seemingly randomly bump with your nose into hers ".....There's a lot more things I kinda care about, but never really admitted."
  3197. >"That reminds me... I found all your drawings Anon."
  3198. "Y-you did?"
  3199. >your face went all red as you awkwardly pulled away from almost kissing her
  3200. >when you left them there, you didn't think you'd see the day you'll be confronted with their contents again
  3201. >"Of course I did, it wasn't hidden or anything. ...You draw real good."
  3202. >it sounded almost casualy
  3203. "Thanks..."
  3204. >"...But I had no idea I was SUCH an inspiration to you back then." she snorts loudly "I thought you hated me."
  3205. "I thought so as well..." you're bashfuly scratching your hair "Because I couldn't get you out of my head. Ever since we met."
  3206. >"Well,.. you stayed in mine too, I couldn't explain that to myself either.... It began when I looked closer into your eyes. You remember that moment too, do you?"
  3207. "I do." your head rests down on the basket's edge again, staring into the sky "...Maybe if we met each other under better circumstances, we could have skipped those months of fighting, straight to something like this..."
  3208. >"Yeah...." Rainbow wonderingly lays her chin not far from yours, looking the same direction
  3209. "But that would take all the fun away." you smirk her way
  3210. >"Definitely..." she snickers
  3215. >you've been both pretty much quiet for the rest of your ride up
  3216. >but not the "awkward quiet" at all
  3217. >rather playful one
  3218. >eyeing at each other, often accompanied by smiles and smirks
  3219. >both of you know what's about to happen, as soon as you get home
  3220. >and none of you can wait
  3221. >once the basket is tied, you're rushing out straight to the big door you've walked trough together so many times
  3222. >now almost kicking them open
  3223. >emphasizing on the "almost", you wouldn't want to ruin her fancy door
  3224. >right behind them, you pick her up in your arms, carrying her all the way to the bedroom while she's already excitedly reaching to your face to kiss you
  3225. >but upon laying her on the bed, she unzips the saddlebags that are still onto her, and takes out the familiar collar out of their pocket
  3226. "Really?" you chuckle, still standing above her
  3227. >"Yup, really." she's spinning it around her hoof with a frisky grin
  3228. >but then clips it to her own neck
  3229. >"It's for me though."
  3230. "Hah- what? You're serious?"
  3231. >"Dead serious." you're being handed a leash by the excited mare
  3232. "But Dash I... I can't. At least not right now. I need you."
  3233. >"I'm right here, just take me." she giggles, still playing with the collar
  3234. "No I meant, I need YOU. Without this." you unclip it, letting it slide down from her pretty neck and lean closer "Without any roles, just the two of us. At least for a while longer,.."
  3235. >"That-... actualy sounds real nice...." she smiles a little bashfuly
  3236. "...We can have plenty of fun with that later though." you softly kiss her to snap her out of thinking she's the only perverse one
  3237. >but when you were about to end the short kiss, she wouldn't let go of you, pulling herself even closer to prolong it further
  3238. >so you keep softly kissing her, enjoying the simple, pure feeling of affection and the innocence of this moment
  3241. >it feels almost holy, like two naked souls completely surrendering to each other, preparing for the dirty play that's soon to come and replace the spiritual bliss with something raw and completely lewd
  3242. >never experienced this deep level of intimacy with anyone else before and it's exciting you to your very core
  3243. >SHE is exciting you to your very core
  3244. >and everything that comes with loving her right now
  3245. >all the cute, delighted noises she's making
  3246. >all the movements of your entwined tongues
  3247. >all the soft, loving touches of her hooves around your body
  3248. >...the tender fondles you're giving her back
  3249. >the way she's slowly closing you in the cocoon of her wings...
  3250. >the strands of her mane, ticking your face
  3251. >the taste of her saliva
  3252. >and that amazing scent of her's, like the most addictive drug with no side effects
  3253. >this mare is so incredibly delicious and ravishing to all your senses, you wouldn't ever long for a human girl again at the thought of her
  3254. >when you let go of the kiss to have a short pause, you're met with her hypnotic eyes again
  3255. >and you can't look away
  3256. >as if you were being pulled in
  3257. >maybe this really IS magic
  3258. >"....No stallion ever gazed at me this way." a hot breath hastily escapes her lungs while your hearts are wildly racing together, as if this was your very first time
  3259. "That's just because they couldn't see what I'm seeing." you exhale, stroking her mane from behind her head
  3260. >"And what are you seeing?"
  3261. "That you're gorgeous, and I love you."
  3262. >and before she has time to answer, you're already pressing your lips against hers again
  3263. >couldn't wait a second longer
  3264. >meanwhile, your raging erection is poking her legs and belly, bulging trough your pants, for which she starts eagerly and clumsily pulling them down from you, as well as your shirt
  3265. >her fur feels so much better on your bare skin and your back is getting tickled by her feathers too, still all around you
  3266. >and even though you're hornier each second, the cuddles, while occasionaly rubbing your manhood against her body feels just enough for this moment
  3267. >as if you couldn't even contain yourself with even a little more stimulation provided
  3268. >so you're slowly preparing your body with this soft start, for a rising wave of lewdness
  3269. >soon you're noticing the kisses are getting sloppier and sloppier, with drips of saliva occasionaly drooling down trough the corners of your mouth
  3270. >and she's progressively moving lower and lower under you
  3271. >...until you're finding yourself completely on top of her
  3272. >the last time this happened was just before the white knight unicorn threw you off, onto a nearby tree
  3273. >"What are you going to do with your mistress now?" she said back then
  3274. >and you had no idea how to respond
  3275. >except now you know exactly what you want to do with her
  3276. >and there's nopony to stop you
  3277. >so you blindly reach for the collar still somewhere on your right and just when she lets go of the kiss to gasp for air, you clip it onto her neck
  3278. >first she almost yanks away in confusion
  3279. >but the very next second she's giving your her most coquettish smile, very similiar to the way she glanced at you under that tree
  3280. >"..So this is how it's gonna be huh?"
  3281. "What about it?" you softly pull on the leash to bring her muzzle just a little closer to you, giving her utterly innocent kiss, right at the top of her snoot
  3282. >"Nothing... Just be ready for a payback." her impish expression gets even lewder and wider
  3283. "You have no idea how I'm looking forward to it.~"
  3284. >"Good.~" she boops your nose "Now, what would have your little pony do?"
  3286. > which you eye down on your throbbing member, that's been poking her delicate body for quite some time already
  3287. >and as you pull away to lean on the pillow behind you, you're gently pulling her leash with you, so that she ends up on top of you
  3288. >but before her head starts sliding lower to your crotch, you can't help yourself but to affectionately fondle her cheek with your palm
  3289. >man, maybe you won't be too good at playing the rough master, now when you aren't angry at her at all
  3290. >but she wants you in that role, just obediently waiting with her lips right in front the tip of your manhood, till you make her do the next step
  3291. >you could almost beleive her the act of nonvilligness
  3292. >if her eyes weren't full of wild lust
  3293. >so you bury your left hand in her fluffy mane, moving away a few strands from her face, and grab your shaft with the right one
  3294. >and you're very slowly rubbing the tip along her lips
  3295. >and even though she sneakily licks them to have a taste of your pre-ejaculate, she wouldn't open her mouth just yet, you're gonna have to make her
  3296. >so you use a little force to slide inside, while her jaw remains tightly shut
  3297. >for a moment, you're just penetrating her cheek and making it bulge while her moles are massaging you from the other side, each time you guide her head lower
  3298. >but with each movement, you're pushing her just a little harder, slowly forcing your way trough her teeth
  3299. >until she finally unlenches them for you, letting you feel the satin inside of her mouth
  3300. >the dirty little thing hasn't been swallowing her saliva all this time, just letting it pile up, so it drools out a bit just when you enter into her warm and shlicky heaven
  3301. >but she isn't exactly doing anything on her own, besides trying not to spill any more, just watching you, waiting for an order
  3302. >it takes you just a little while to realize that
  3303. >and another one to make yourself say it
  3304. "...Use your lips, okay?" you gently pull on the leash, pulling her head just a little lower down your shaft
  3305. >and without a word, she closes her mouth around your erection, softly sucking as you're begginning to thrust inside by yourself
  3306. >further and further with each hump, until you're staring to feel you're poking her throat
  3307. >that's where you stop, actualy
  3308. >you went pretty far back then, you probably shouldn't now
  3309. >though, when you're met with her eyes, you're given a look that's expecting you to continue
  3310. >she's breathing heavily trough her nose, a mouthful of dick, but she's ready and willing for anything
  3311. >not just ready, straight up eager for you to make her gag
  3312. >so after a few more seconds of hesitation, you slowly push her head lower
  3313. >cautiously at first, checking how she's gonna react
  3314. >as prepared as she seemed, her eyes still widen a little as you slide the tip down her throat, pushing the loose collar lower down her neck, then giving her time to calm down
  3315. >the next time, she almost doesn't even flinch
  3316. >letting you slam her head closer to the very root with each of the movements of your hand
  3317. >and then with the final one, the tip of her nose finally touches your belly and you can feel the bulge in her throat moving even under the collar
  3318. >after that, you let her have a breather because you saw her gag a little at the very last part and you wouldn't want to hurt her
  3319. >she's staring at the thick web of saliva, still connecting her lips and the tip of your member while panting and regaining her composure, before breaking the act to give you a reassuring smile it's okay to continue
  3320. >so you start rhytmicaly guiding her head up and down, all the way inside and out, which she seems to be taking a lot easier now
  3321. >it's just you, who won't be able to bear all this anymore
  3322. >you're just a little ashamed of yourself, using her like this, even though you know it's all part of the play
  3323. >but for some reason it's exciting at the same time, almost as if it was real
  3324. >so much there's only a little left before you get to your peak
  3325. >and the next moment you're finding yourself shooting a thick load straight into her throat, as the fireworks inside your brain explode into rainbows of colours
  3326. >then another wave, trough which it feels impossible to control yourself from pushing her head all the way down
  3327. >and the last, third one, sprays into her mouth as you've had let her go so that you wouldn't choke her
  3328. >at this point you drop the leash from your hand too, while she's now starting to work on her own to suck you dry till there's nothing left
  3329. >you're closing your eyes and let your head fall over, just indulging in the pleasure she's giving you until you're flaccid again
  3330. >only then you have glance what's going on
  3331. >but to your surprise, you're finding her face right in front of yours, as she's about to kiss you with a mouthful of your own cum, just like she's done once before
  3332. >God no
  3333. >the very last second, you very gently but firmly stop her head with both of your hands, massaging her cheekbones with your thumbs
  3334. "...Can we not do that please?" you're donning your best pleading smile, hoping you won't upset her after what she went trough for you
  3335. >but instead it makes her snicker and snort so hard the white sticky liquid flies out trough her nostrils onto your chest
  3336. >and while clumsily swallowing the rest, it even clogs in her throat, making her gag because she couldn't stop laughing
  3337. "Hey, you're okay..? I'm sorry.."
  3338. >"I am..." she wheezes "And I was totally gonna do it,.. but I just couldn't when you made me remember how destroyed it left you the last time...."
  3339. "....I guess I'm just not into that." you bashfuly scratch your head
  3340. >maybe you should have let her have her way
  3341. >"We'll see in time."
  3342. "What?"
  3343. >"Nothing..." she smirks, unclipping the collar to symbolicaly clip it to your neck "Now,... would you be a good boy and repay the favour to your mistress?"
  3344. ".....Anything to please her." you're grinning as she's opening her legs for you and very slowly using her hoof guide your head towards her steaming hot and wet peach
  3345. >along the way, she's dragging your face along her furry body, while you're hungrily trying to kiss her anywhere you can reach with your lips
  3346. >first the fluff on her chest, then her slightly plump belly and before you get to her peach, there are two almost flat breasts with tiny nipples
  3347. >you never even noticed them ever before, ...a little weird thing to have
  3348. >...but still cute
  3349. >she'd be a total flatchest if she was a human
  3350. >so you're still attempting to give them some affection before she pushes you even lower to her delicious looking, winking vulva
  3351. >as soon as you get there, you have a thorough lick to have a good taste of the sweet juices straight from their source
  3352. >but suddenly she pushes your face in without warning or asking, covering you in the slimy and warm sensation, not even letting you properly breathe for a while
  3353. >it's just now that you're properly realizing how she probably felt when the roles were switched
  3354. >.... and why she wanted you to be a bit rough
  3355. >cause you're enjoying this the same
  3356. >now when you're trusting each other completely, there's suddenly something incredibly hot about letting her use you this way
  3357. >as if you were her toy, made solely for this purpose
  3358. >her pleasure is your pleasure
  3359. >so of course you're doing your best to fullfill your duty and please your kind mistress that's giving you such plentyful first meal of the day
  3360. >and she's liking it
  3361. >boy, she's liking it
  3362. >so much she's letting herself go, squirming and moaning, even kicking her legs in the air or flapping her wings, almost flying away from you
  3363. >but you're avidly following her up and lapping onto your pony superior like a good human you are till she falls back into the matress
  3364. >never thought you'd willingly find yourself in such mental position, but you're completely shameless about it
  3365. >you love it
  3366. >with her excitement, it not even taking as long as you'd want till your head's getting clamped between those thick, horse thighs of hers and you know you can prepare for a load of marejuices in your mouth
  3367. >so you close your eyes to shield them and munch on her even hungrier
  3368. >sucking, licking and nibbling at her swollen clit while eagerly waiting for her to burst straight at you any moment
  3369. >and then it comes, or rather, she does
  3370. >being prepared for it, you gulp down the initial splooch so you can continue on teasing her while she's going trough the rest of her orgasm to prolong it as far as you can
  3371. >but you didn't expect so much of it, enough to fill your mouth completely, start pouring down your chin and even come out of your nostrils
  3372. >yet you're still resilient about fullfilling your most important duty to wallow your tongue as deep inside her as you can while teasing her clit with your teeth and kissing her walls as if they were her lips
  3373. >all those cute, delighted noises she's making just for you are the best reward you could ask for
  3374. >and eventualy, when her orgasm fades out into stillness, you're still making sure she's getting the best treatment until she moves your head away with her hoof by herself
  3375. >"Oh Anon, that was so lovely,.." she smiles, still red in her face "Guess it's time to switch again, isn't it?"
  3376. >her hoof is about to unclip the collar from you
  3377. >but when she wants to put it onto herself, you stop her and snatch it away
  3378. "How about we finish what I interrupted before..?" you smirk, playing with the collar in your hand "How about..."
  3379. >and you climb on top of her to very gently kiss her, throwing it away
  3380. "...we finish it just a little more tenderly?"
  3381. >"Oh Anon... I was right,.. you're a softie..." she smirks with a mocking chuckle, wiping away a bit of her own fluids from your chin
  3382. "Come on, why you keep calling me that..." you go a little red in your face, donning an awkward smile
  3383. >"Because you're so precious to me." her smirk turns into a very girly simper "...Sometimes I lose track of what's important."
  3384. "I... guess it's a good thing then."
  3385. >"Of course it is." she smiles before fondly nuzzling you "...Or would you rather be my big and tough man?"
  3386. "Depends on the situation... I guess both are okay. But right now, I just wanna be your lover." you kiss her, shutting her up and ending the discussion
  3387. >and you can't hear any protests
  3388. >troughout your tongues playing and dancing in your mouths, you're slowly adjusting your positions for the upcoming main event
  3389. >her legs are still open, so all you have to do is put a pillow under her rump and kneel in front of her
  3390. >mostly the same position as the last time something like this happened
  3391. >except now you're gonna have it wayyy more romantic, compared to the way you pretty much raped each other before
  3392. >in order to actualy penetrate her, you had to let go from kissing her, so you're at least picking her front hooves in your hands, fondling their frogs
  3393. >and your eyes are glued at each other, only occasionaly slipping down to have a glance at the insertion itself
  3394. >her delighted face and wanting gaze are now the most important sight in the universe for you to take in
  3395. >it feels like she couldn't possibly get any rosier underneath her blue fur on those dainty pony cheeks
  3396. >but there isn't a slightest bit of shame over what's happening in either of you
  3397. >both of the worlds can go to hell, as long as you're together
  3398. >because you're absolutely equal right now
  3399. >and then the rising bliss starts to overtake of your connected bodies
  3400. >in a way, you're losing sense of who is who at the moment
  3401. >your souls are melting together, affirming the brand new and way different ties from the old ones being long thrown away
  3402. >but that's only the spiritual part of it
  3403. >on the material side, you've merely just penetrated her all the way in for the first time and it already feels heavenly
  3404. >if you looked lower, you could see a visible bulge, poking out her belly
  3405. >except it's all her eyes you care about as you're starting to pump properly
  3406. >you're losing yourself in them, dissapearing into nonexistence while staying anchored in your body at the same time, trying to take all that in
  3407. >her tail, that she's slowly waggling from side to side is softly ticking your thighs
  3408. >and her half opened wings, stretched freely under her, - feathers waving and ruffling under each wave of pleasure that has to be manifested externaly
  3409. >those blue hooves that are clenching your hands just the same way you're holding them
  3410. >the fuzzy ears of hers, occasionaly twitching
  3411. >God, she's so beautiful while she's being made love to
  3412. >but it's just now that you're starting to realize you might be climaxing soon
  3413. >as if you could feel both of you at the same time, knowing you'll be finishing together
  3414. >so you reach to kiss her right before that, pushing yourself as far as you can go
  3415. >and you can feel in detail, how she's being filled with your seed, while your bodies struggle to take in such amounts of pleasure at once
  3416. >the energy is vibrating in your very atoms as if they should burst like an fission bomb, but instead it's your mind that's exploding
  3417. >over and over again, until it's being slowly remade from scratch and you're returning back to where you were
  3418. >the bed in her cloudhouse
  3419. .....
  3420. >after a little while of blackness before your eyes, you're finding yourself laying next to each other, in a tight hug
  3421. >the very first breath you manualy take is like being born anew
  3422. >deep and refreshing, pumping your lungs with as much fresh oxygen as they can absorb
  3423. >only then you're both starting to calm down, your breaths easying and hearts slowing to a common frequency
  3424. >and it's hard to find the words to say, now when you're able to speak
  3425. >or is it even necessary to speak?
  3426. >the look in her eyes says everything
  3427. >so you just cuddle up together and close your eyes, relaxing for a moment and indugle in the feeling of comfort
  3428. >till you hear her say:
  3429. >"...It was so worth. All that happened."
  3430. "Sure was..." you grin, fondling her shoulder in your hand
  3431. >"And all that will happen will be worth too..."
  3432. "Even when ponies will complain you're dating a dirty human...?"
  3433. >"Yup, even then." she chuckles "And you aren't dirty, I made sure of that the day I got you... Only in bed."
  3434. "Not as much as you though...." you can't help but to chuckle over the time she snowballed you out of nowhere
  3435. >"Oh yeah,.. that's kinda true." a snicker escapes trough her notrils, recalling the very same thing
  3436. >it feels so funny to recall all these horribly traumatic moments you've had together only to laugh at them now
  3437. >"....What if I made you slurp it from me and then spit it in my mouth though?"
  3438. "Jesus, why bring that up now..?" you open your eyes eyes and snicker real hard
  3439. >"I was just curious..." she snickers back, bashfuly watching you "'s still doable."
  3440. "Mayyyybe the next time, okay?"
  3441. >"Deal." her teeth shine in an impish grin "But now... let's get to making those pancakes?"
  3442. "Great idea, despite the amount of fluids you made me swallow, I'm actualy kinda hungry."
  3443. >"Could say the same." you bump accidentaly foreheads while attempting to get up at the same time
  3444. "We probably should get cleaned first though.."
  3445. >"Screw that." Dash springs up from the bed, wiping her crotch with the already stained bedsheet "I'm hungry as heck."
  3446. "Alright, fine with me." you chuckle and do the same
  3447. >still, before following her to the kitchen, you at least throw the thing away from the bed so that it won't soak trough
  3448. .....
  3449. >"So, master chef! How do we start?" the mare's saluting you once enter the door, like a military recruit
  3450. >and you're quick to follow up on it
  3451. "Watch and learn my little apprentice! Because we're making pancakes that will be both thin and fluffy at the same time!"
  3452. >"Aww yeah! ...But wait, for real though?"
  3453. "Sure, within limits of course." you grin "You just gotta whip the egg whites before adding them to the batter."
  3454. >"Oh gosh I can't wait to taste.." she licks her lips "Lemme fetch the things for you."
  3455. "Lemme come with you!" you laugh, grabbing onto her while she's flapping her wings to try and reach the fridge
  3456. >and she would almost lift you up
  3457. >except she didn't and it ended up with both of you crashing down on the floor
  3458. >first you, on your back
  3459. >and the blue pegasus fell right on your chest, onto her back as well
  3460. >she's still giggling, so you wrap your hands around her
  3461. "What chu gonna do now?"
  3462. >"Well I can struggle and kick..." she grins ".. or I can do this."
  3463. >and puts her hooves on your hands, softly fonding them for you till you let her go willingly
  3464. "...That works." you chuckle and bury your fingers in her chest fluff to give her a few deep scratches
  3465. >it feels a little strange not to find breast there, but hey, this might be even better
  3466. >you're starting to love these differences
  3467. >then one of your hands slides down her belly, feeling it really wasn't just your imagination it got just a little fatter than you remember it
  3468. >she was perfectly flat there before, now it feels a bit plump
  3469. "...Looks like someone has let herself go around the sweets." you chuckle, tracing your fingers around it
  3470. >"Y-yeah, about that..."
  3471. "You're still totally gorgeous though. I think I even like it more this way." you're playing with her furry skin
  3472. >"Gosh, you might be in for a surprise then..."
  3473. "What do you mean?"
  3474. >"Um, nothing! I-I'll tell you later." she awkwardly grins at you over her shoulder
  3475. "Are you planning to drop out from your workouts? Hey, I'm not to judge, that's your decision." you chuckle
  3476. >"No I'm not dropping out these as I live." Rainbow chuckles back and mumbles her breath "But I should probably tell you..."
  3477. "What is it?"
  3478. >"....You were kinda right I let myself go around the sweets, but it isn't exactly the real reason my belly grew. I thought so too at first, but I still took a pregnancy test just to be sure..."
  3479. "Wait, you're telling me you're pregnant right now?! With who?" you yank and sit up from the ground
  3480. >"With you, you big dummy! Isn't that obvious?" she angrily turns herself around, sitting on your naked thighs
  3481. "It isn't. We aren't compatible!.. that's the MAIN reason why male humans get so oftenly bought by lonely mares, so they can have fun without consequences... How could it possibly be me?"
  3482. >"Look,.." her gaze is deeply piercing your soul, but not in anger "...As much as I wanted to back then, I wasn't sexualy active with anypony for over seven months... Except you."
  3483. >that would explain why she always seemed so horny around you
  3484. >but
  3485. "But how..?"
  3486. >"I don't know. I was confused as well.... Considered aborting it because you were gone and I was so scared of the consequences, but... I just couldn't kill my baby. I couldn't... "
  3487. >her eyes are getting a little wet, but she's smiling
  3488. >"And then you returned. As if it all came together."
  3489. "...But why didn't you tell me sooner?"
  3490. >"I didn't want to scare you off, okay?! ...And I did try, but you wouldn't let me..." she offendedly puckers up her lips
  3491. >and thinking back,... maybe it's true
  3492. >you cut her off each time
  3493. "....God, so I'm gonna be a father." you exhale, staring blankly trough her
  3494. >but then you can feel the corners of your mouth rising on their own as your eyes meet again
  3495. "I can't believe it, I'm gonna be a father!! That's AMAZING!" you're grabbing her shoulders, excitedly shaking them
  3496. >"...So, you're completely okay with it?"
  3497. "Of course! I already gave up all hope of ever having kids, but you-" you smack a kiss on her face "I love you! I promise I'll do everything to be the best father to-... is it gonna be a boy or a girl?"
  3498. >"I have no idea..." Rainbow bites her lip "I was too scared to go to the doctor... Gosh Anon, I still am. Not just what will ponies say, but of what creature will the baby even be. What if it'll be-......."
  3499. "...An abomination?"
  3500. >her head slowly, fearfuly nods
  3501. "..Would you still not abort it?"
  3502. >to which she softly cringes, breaking the eye contact for a second, before glancing back at you and cautiously nodding again
  3503. "...Then it would be OUR little abomination." you smile "It's still a miracle! Things like that don't happen everyday. Even if it'll be an ugly evolutionary dead end, I'll love it because WE made it."
  3504. >a hasty exhale escapes trough her mouth, followed by even hastier inhale while a smile is rising on her face "I guess that's all I needed to know..."
  3505. "It's just... ponies probably can't look down on me any further but you, carrying a mixed baby,. It could destroy your reputation here..."
  3506. >"I don't care Anon. At least I think... I'll always have my five best friends, we're REAL tight. And I've got you..."
  3507. "Can count on that."
  3508. >"But I'm worried about the baby... even if it won't be... deformed,.. it still might not get treated fairly in this world... That's what I fear the most."
  3509. >you inhale and open your mouth, about to say something positive and soothing, but...
  3510. "....Oh yeah, I didn't exactly thought about that... So,.."
  3511. >"I don't know what to do..."
  3512. "Well I'm sure we'll figure something out! And we shouldn't make too many presumptions. Maybe it'll look like a regular pony after it's mother,... with only a few indistictive features from my side...the mane color or something..."
  3513. >"Y-yeah... we probably shouldn't get too far ahead. Important is we both want it,.. right?"
  3514. "Exactly!" you finally stand up from the ground, holding her in your arms "Everything is gonna be okay."
  3515. >"It will..." she smiles back at you, troubling thoughts partly leaving her upon seeing your excitement "Thank you.."
  3516. "No, thank you. For being the bravest girl I've ever known.... And for giving my life a purpose."
  3517. >after laying her back down on the ground, you're about to return to your cooking, ...except it's a little hard to go on, pretending as if nothing happened just now
  3518. >can't stop thinking about it, as much as you're trying to concentrate
  3519. "God I still can't beleive it..." you're smiling widely while whipping the eggs, Dash watching by your side
  3520. >"I know, but would you stop talking about it for a minute?" she grins "You're supposed to teach me cook right now."
  3521. "Okay, okay, I'm trying! ...How does your part looks like?"
  3522. >"I dunno HOW much flour and milk! You didn't even tell me! Just gave me the flour and milk while giggling like a mare." Dash shows you the bowl with yolks you separated, into which she didn't add anything at all
  3523. "You gotta feel it,.. just pour some in there and you'll see."
  3524. >"I don't feel it yet, alright. That's what I need you for." her voice is trying to sound irritated
  3525. >but it's totally an act
  3526. "Let's do it together then." you move behind her as tightly as you can, grab her hoof she's holding the flour with and slowly pour some into the bowl for her
  3527. >"Okaaaay...? Now milk?" she puts the flour back down and picks up the bottle, hesitanly holding it above the mix
  3528. "Yup, go on." you're softly nudging her
  3529. >while pouring the milk by herself, she looks as nervous as if she was handling some explosive materials or defusing a bomb
  3530. >..why not take just a little advantage of the situation..?
  3531. "Maybe just a liiiiitle more and... -wait that's too much!!!"
  3532. >"Haaaah!" she yanks "Noo!"
  3533. "Actualy, that should be okay." you laugh
  3534. >"You..!" her nose wrinkles, but a giggle still escapes her mouth
  3535. "See, you're already a great cook! Nothing to mess up here yet, you can always fix it by adding more of the other things." you hand her a whisk to properly mix it all up before you add the whipped whites and a pinch of salt
  3536. >and you're given back a humble little grin
  3537. >like with many things that happened today, never thought you'd find yourself in such position
  3538. >if anyone showed you a picture of you two, having a sincere, non-forced and both sided good time like that, you wouldn't believe it just a few months ago
  3539. >but here you are
  3540. >once it's all mixed, you heat up a pan with some oil and give the bowl to her
  3541. >"Me?"
  3542. "You're the apprentice here." you chuckle
  3543. >"Exactly, I can't do it myself! You gotta show me first."
  3544. "Okay, sounds fair. So let's try just this much..." you pour some batter onto the pan, trying to get it evenly into all corners with your other hand you're holding the pan with "See, just like that. Now only a few seconds and we can turn it around."
  3545. >"That's where I failed horribly the last time..." she eyes on a charred black handle, still sticking out of the trashbin
  3546. >wouldn't even want to imagine how does the rest of it look like
  3547. "...Oh yeah.. But it won't be the case today! You just this."
  3548. >and you carefuly stuff the cooking spatula under the pancake to unstick it
  3549. >then make it fly up to the air!
  3550. >catching it back on the pan
  3551. >"Holy bleep. No way I can do that."
  3552. "You can use the spatula to turn it around. I was just flexing at you."
  3553. >"Then don't, I'm a ball of nerves as it is!"
  3554. "Sorry."
  3555. >"It was REAL cool flex though." an amused grin rises on her face "... Lemme try the next one."
  3556. >and she's grabbing the pan out of your hands just when you put the finished pancake on a prepared plate
  3557. >'re watching her pour just a little more batter than you would, but it's still pretty okay
  3558. >so when she looks at you, looking for a confirmation that she's doing good, you give her two thumbs up
  3559. >"Well what does that mean?! Quickly, it's gonna burn!"
  3560. "That mean you're doing amazing! Go on! Spread it to the sides!"
  3561. >"How? Help me!"
  3562. "Like this." you grab her hoof, doing just the right movements for her
  3563. >"Oh, nice..." she calms down a little, seeing it's spread evenly "..Do we turn it around now?"
  3564. "Yup, it's getting nice and gold on the sides. Use the spatula."
  3565. >"Yea..." her tongue pokes out while she's trying to concentrate on such delicate task when - ".....NOOO! I tore it!"
  3566. "It can still be saved! Just flip it around and I'll glue it back with some more batter!"
  3567. >"I can't! By Celestia it's ruineddddd." the rainbow mare is desperately trying to fix it but, she's tearing it even more, till it's pretty much shredded into pieces
  3568. >"......Why am I like this." her head hangs down a little
  3569. "Hey, you're fine. It was a nice first try."
  3570. >"Third...if you count while I was here alone."
  3571. "No matter. Even though it ended up like this, you're trying, - that's important."
  3572. >"Are you trying to movitate me into another attempt?"
  3573. "What if I do...? I'll make one myself and you can try the one after it, whaddaya say?"
  3574. >"Sounds... good I guess." she smiles
  3575. >and indeed, her next try, even though there still was some assistance and it's not exactly a perfect looking pancake, is edible
  3576. >and that's good
  3577. >"YES! I can't beleive it! Like look at me, frying food and stuff!" she's jumping around the way you only ever saw Pinkie move
  3578. "Oh yeah, you're totally rad!" you laugh
  3579. >"Not rad, yet. But this is a huge milestone for me." Dash stops to give you a proud grin and a hug "..I'm gonna try the next one as well."
  3580. >and while it may have taken a REAL long time, just to make a few pancakes
  3581. >it was absolutely fun event for both of you
  3582. >she made a few more, which was enough to satisfy her, and you finished the last few ones
  3583. >soon you've got your lunch ready for serving, with sirup and choco spread to choose from
  3584. >"Tastes like victory..." you're given a grin from her side of the table while she's stuffing herself "Hope the baby can feel this moment too."
  3585. "I'm sure it can. And it'll know how to make pancakes straight from the womb." you grin back
  3586. >"Oh yeah!..." she swallows her morsel, smiling to herself for a few seconds "....Anon, I think I'm gonna go straight to the hospital after this. I gotta know the baby's gender and species..."
  3587. "So... you're think you're ready for ponies to find out?"
  3588. >"Yeah,.. I think I am. ..Wanna go with me?"
  3589. "You're kidding? Of course I do!"
  3590. >"Great! I can't wait!" her teeth bite into another pancake
  3591. >so after the lunch and a quick shared shower, you're putting on your clothes that's been lying next to the bed where they were so hastily thrown off
  3592. >right the next thing, the good old balloon's taking both of you back on the ground
  3593. >it still brings a lot of memories, even though it's your second ride today
  3594. >feels... "different" when you're going down this time
  3595. >...oh how lucky you are, to be able to see this sight everyday
  3596. >wonder how many other humans have such priviledge, to live up in the clouds
  3597. >surely not many....
  3598. >still, you probably shouldn't worry about other humans, because you can't change their fates by getting your mood ruined
  3599. >you can only be grateful for yours...
  3600. >upon landing, you're being headed straight to the hospital
  3601. >it's actualy pretty far away from the platform, gotta go trough the whole Ponyville, which you don't really mind, having Dash by your side to let everypony know not to mess with you
  3602. >...not as if you were the type to hide behind a girl but,.
  3603. >yea, you're feeling p-r-e-t-t-y safe with her
  3604. >you always did, even when you didn't like it back then
  3605. >and it's just when you're almost at the other side of the village, that you encounter a familiar white mare with a purple mane
  3606. >one of the ponies you're kinda glad to see again
  3607. >>"Oh my! Rainbow darling, is that really Anon with you right now?" she runs up to both of you
  3608. >"Yup, who else than Anon?" Dash chuckles, proudly standing next to you "I meant it when I said I wasn't ever gonna buy another human."
  3609. >>"I immediately saw the poncho I made and I simply HAD to make sure if my eyes aren't deceiving me. ...How are you back, boy?"
  3610. "Hello, Miss Rarity." you smile warmly and grin Dash's way "I really missed my "mistress", so I've returned."
  3611. >>"...But that's so very unexpected to hear! Just a few days before you ran away, Rainbow mentioned she found out you always hated her. ..What changed?"
  3612. "Everything! I realized my place is here. With Dash." you kneel to be at the same height, fondly touching her body with your hands
  3613. >>"So and now is everything okay between the two of you? ..I see Anon doesn't even have a leash now." the marshmallow mare glances at the happily grinning pegasus that's visibly enjoying your attention
  3614. >"More than okay! Things were never better!"
  3615. >>"Oh that's SO relieving to know! I always thought you look so cute together!"
  3616. >"Do we, huh?" Dash chuckles, waving her eyebrows your way
  3617. >>"But of course! Even though it felt a little strange at first, to see a creature like human being kept as a pet, it seems to work out real well once settled!"
  3618. >"Um yeah... We might have took it a little further than that."
  3619. >>"What do you-.." the white mare gets somewhat red in her face when an image of you two, fiercely bumping uglies in bed, flashes trough her mind "Oh!! I see.. Well, it IS undeniable that human body looks rather appealing to a mare's eye, I saw for myself. I've heard even of Pinkie's sister buying a human for this very purpose! I just didn't realize you'd be the kind to go that direction as well..."
  3620. >"Not only that... we sort of have a thing going between us. Like a serious one."
  3621. >>"...Are you speaking of an actual romance..?"
  3622. >"K-kinda..." Rainbow simpers as if she said something she wasn't completely ready to stand behind
  3623. >>"By Celestia,... Dashie, I mean, kink is a one thing, we ALL have our needs. And it's understandable, especialy with you, having trouble finding a right colt. But trying to turn that into an relationship? My, that would be like as if Fluttershy said she was dating her bunny because he's cute! You must be just confusing your needs with your feelings darling."
  3624. "I'm not exactly a bunny though... I can speak."
  3625. >>"No offense Anon, I know well you're an intelligent individual considering your species, but from the social stand, ponies and humans can't make actual pairs... It's silly. I mean, how could this work when you don't even have a citizeship or rights?"
  3626. >"That's up to us to find out Rarity." Dash steps resolutely in front of you now
  3627. >>"...Sorry I didn't mean to insult you Dashie. I was just gonna warn that you ponies might not accept this decision of yours..." Rarity takes a step back "I-I'm not judging you of course, but you probably shouldn't tell everypony so openly...."
  3628. "Just wait till you find about the baby..." you mumble to yourself
  3629. >>"What?"
  3630. >"Nothing! A-anyway, we'll be going now! Sure look forward to seeing you soon Rarity!" you're being pushed away from the white unicorn
  3631. >>"Wait! ..Does that mean you'll be coming to Pony Pet Play date this month? It's this week!"
  3632. >"I uhhhhh..." Dash stops for a second, just when she was about to dissapear behind a corner
  3633. "Definitely!" you yell, before taking the first step out of the white mare's sight "See ya there Miss Rarity!"
  3634. >being followed by Rainbow, stopping you there once again
  3635. >"...Anon, are you sure about it? Do you really wanna go there?"
  3636. "Come on! Just for the sake of it. It's gonna be fun! "
  3637. >"Twillight's gonna be there though..."
  3638. "Oh fuck. I forgot about that..." you cringe about your way too spontaneous, previous reaction "...But I'll probably have to confront her sooner or later.. You WILL try to calm her down, right?.. What you said still stands..?"
  3639. >"Of course! I'll protect you, my little human." Dash giggles before soaring up to give you a little kiss
  3640. >and she's about to land when she changes her mind, flying back to your height level, seating herself on your shoulders
  3641. >"But you'll have to carry me to the hospital first."
  3642. "What, why?" you chuckle "You can fly."
  3643. >"Yeah, but I wanna be carrrried.~"
  3644. "Jeez, what I wouldn't do for you, my mistress." you're grinning, already walking
  3645. >and she's pretty light, heard that pegasi might have hollow bones like birds, but she's still getting heavier and heaviner each minute
  3646. >until she sees you breaking a sweat, so she starts flapping her wings just enough to ease you up but not too much to actualy fly away from you
  3647. >you're getting the idea all of this is just for show anyway
  3648. >and ponies indeed ARE looking your way
  3649. >eventualy, she gives you a little kiss on your head before jumping down, still some way before reaching the hospital
  3650. "What was all that for anyway?" you chuckle once she's walking by your side again
  3651. >"I dunno... I just felt like it."
  3652. "You're still enjoying the mistress's role once in a while, do you?" she's being softly poked
  3653. >"I do. In the bed." her wing slaps you from behind "But this had nothing to do with it. I just wanted to try how it feels to be this tall."
  3654. "And how is it?"
  3655. >"Weird...." Dash grins
  3656. "Okay then..." you chuckle amusedly back
  3657. "...."
  3658. >"What is it?" Dash notices your smile suddenly shifting into a worried frown
  3659. >she soars up at your head's level, right in front of your face so that you can't escape her eyes
  3660. >and you don't even want to, but some shame in you makes you attempt to look away...
  3661. "Nothing. It's just,.. I dunno, maybe you really should keep "us" a secret. ...You saw Rarity's reaction. And she was always pretty cool with me to begin with. Imagine others."
  3662. >"I know..." Dash's hooves clop back down on the ground
  3663. "....I just don't want to make it harder for you."
  3664. >"Anon,... you're forgetting you aren't gonna have it completely easy yourself... I'm not gonna lie just to look better in the eyes of others. Things like this have to be faced. And it's not like I could hide "us" forever anyway, with the baby arriving in a few months..."
  3665. "Oh yeah..."
  3666. >"I'll be fine... And I'm not ashamed of you. Okay?"
  3667. "Thanks Dash..." you crack a visibly touched smile
  3668. >because this is pretty much what you needed to hear, but didn't know it
  3669. >and she wouldn't reply, just warmly smile back and brush her body over yours like cats do
  3670. >in the past, you multiple times overheard her saying something about being incarnation or element of loyalty, whatever that meant
  3671. >now you're realizing it wasn't just bragging
  3672. >suddenly you're feeling a little more ready for whatever the future brings
  3673. ...
  3674. >once in the hospital, Dash goes straight to the counter to make an appointment, so you sit on one of the small chairs in the waiting room you came here trough
  3675. >there's some old pony sitting across you, one with broken leg for a check up and one with a visible fever, arriving mere second after you
  3676. >the last one gets announced first because his case seems to be the most urgent, leaving you with the two others
  3677. >the oldtimer wouldn't stop giving you weird looks, but he's not exactly saying anything
  3678. >it's probably better that way
  3679. >the other looks just bored, trying to seem as careless as possible
  3680. >though, you're still being occasionaly stared upon when you're looking the other way
  3681. >...just what IS human doing at pony hospital?
  3682. >at least that's what you think they must be thinking
  3683. >but they saw you come here with Rainbow, that's probably why they didn't say anything yet
  3684. >soon she's joining you, giving you a little smile before taking a seat next to yours
  3685. >you smile back, because with her, the situation feels lot less tense
  3686. >and you're waiting together, occasionaly chatting trough whispers so that other's won't hear
  3687. >eventualy the two are being replaced by different ponies coming in and then it's finally Rainbow's turn with the doc, so you're following after her
  3688. >>"I'm sorry, no animals past this point." a nurse stops you in the door to his office
  3689. >"Can't we have an exception? I can't leave him outside."
  3690. >>"Why don't you have him collared in the first place then? That's pretty reckless, considering you're in a hospital."
  3691. >"Promise he'll be just standing in the corner, but I need him with me. ...He would go MAD without me." she eyes your way, hoping to play along
  3692. "Oh yeah, I'd totally go crazy and break stuff and uhh... be extremely rowdy."
  3693. >>"By Celestia,.. okay then. But he better behave inside! Or you'll pay for any broken or damaged equipment. Ponies these days..."
  3694. >"Great! Let's go." you're being nudged
  3695. "I heard." you smirk
  3696. >"...Yeah, sorry." Dash chuckles, but still can't help yourself from nudging you again
  3697. >this time having better feel of your leg with her hoof
  3698. >clearing her intention she just likes touching you
  3699. >inside, the doctor pony is a little more welcoming than the nurse, even offering you a treat, which you politely refuse because you're still feeling filled with pancakes, sirup and marejuice
  3700. >then they bring some kind of device resembling an ultrasound, like you've seen on Earth
  3701. >except this seems partly magic operated and probably has a way clearer image
  3702. >..
  3703. >>>"Hmm, looks like we have a healthy foal right here!" announces the doctor eventualy "No anomaly..."
  3704. >hearing it, Rainbow exhales relievedly, faintly glancing your way to smile, seeing that you share her emotion
  3705. >>>"But the second one..."
  3706. >"WAIT, I'm having TWO kids?" you mare yanks in her seat
  3707. >>>"Of course! I thought you knew. At this early stage, your belly almost wouldn't be visible if you only had one!" the stallion smiles and glances back at the screen "...But,.. Miss Redheart, would you have a look at this with me? You're younger and have better eyes."
  3708. >as soon the nurse comes closer, she widens her eyes in a shock and almost drops a tray she was holding in her teeth
  3709. >>"Doctor, n-no hooves... the fetus doesn't have hooves."
  3710. >>>"Oh yeah,.. so I'm really seeing right." he's moving with the image to have a better angle while both you and Dash are getting a little pale "But only the front ones. The rear looks fine... Strange, it looks almost like.... human "hands"?"
  3711. >suddenly are all eyes fixed at you
  3712. >and you aren't able to say anything, with an exception of making a very awkard smile
  3713. >"Doctor, quick, show me the image please! I need to see."
  3714. >>>"Miss Dash..." he adjusts the screen so she can see better "I've never seen anything like this... who exactly IS the father?"
  3715. >and from where you're standing, it's partly visible to you as well
  3716. >the final form isn't clear yet, but from the very basic shape, it looks as if the lower part was pony and the upper one was human
  3717. >Rainbow has a very detailed look at the screen, staring at it for almost half a minute, almost ignoring the doctor's question
  3718. >"almost" - means completely
  3719. >"...Are both of my foals gonna be healthy?"
  3720. >>>"I... can't say for sure about the second one, but so far the organ development seems in order. Within limits of the body shape of course...." the doctor keeps studying the image "...And I'm about 80% sure it might be a female, while the first one would probably be a male... But did you have any idea of what we might find here, miss Dash? Is... is HIM the father?" his head nudges towards you
  3721. >Rainbow nervously swallows her saliva and eyes away, trying to find some support, instinctively landing her gaze at you for a second
  3722. >and you're smiling, because all that's in your head right now is the information that you're gonna have BOTH boy and a girl
  3723. >seeing your unhidden enthusiasm, she might have found exactly what she was looking for, enough to glance back at the doctor and his nurse
  3724. >"Yes. He is." she smiles almost calmly, but her front right hoof's twitching at the same time "What about it?"
  3725. >>>"I uhhh,.. didn't know it was possible... Are you 100% you want to keep both of them? It would only be understandable if-"
  3726. >"WHY DOES EVERYPONY KEEPS TELLING ME WHAT IS UNDERSTANDABLE AND WHAT ISN'T?" Dash yells in sudden anger from built up stress, but then she's immediately calming down, her hoof no longer twitching "...Both are my foals. Now,.. would you let their father have a closer look as well please?"
  3727. >>>"Um, of course.." both of the ponies step away a little, after adjusting the screen even further your way
  3728. >so you hesitanly move closer towards the chair that Dash is sitting in and kneel next to her to be at the same level, staring at the screencap
  3729. "...God,.. I still can't believe it. Look at our kids... this really is a miracle."
  3730. >you're still unable to unglue your eyes from the image, that is until your head accidentaly bumps with Rainbow's
  3731. >then you jerkily turn your gaze her way, meeting her magenta eyes
  3732. >and they're wet with tears, just like yours
  3733. >the tears of joy
  3734. >suddenly you hug her, tightly, but gently enough not to hurt her, about the same time as her own hooves wrap around you
  3735. >you're both crying
  3736. >this really is the single best day of your life
  3737. ...
  3738. >you weren't really paying attention to how the doctor and his nurse looked at you two troughout this moment, but it probably wasn't the same way if you were a young stallion
  3739. >you're pretty sure about that, because they were pretty awkward the whole rest of the visit
  3740. >but Rainbow wasn't
  3741. >she was completely natural, not hiding her excitement in front of everypony
  3742. >and you liked that, it made you feel a lot better, knowing she's on your side against the society
  3743. >she's a mare that's carrying your baby, you're gonna spoil and pamper her at every opportunity you get
  3744. >gonna be the support she needs, both emotional and material
  3745. >being a ying to her yang and yang to her ying
  3746. >oh, you can easily see yourself happy like that...
  3747. ....
  3748. >the next day is the Pony pet play Date
  3749. >and you're arriving there mostly confident, still happy about yesterday's news
  3750. >leashless of course
  3751. >Rarity is the only mare from the remaining 5, that seems a little awkward upon your arrival, so you're judging she haven't told anypony yet
  3752. >...which is probably good
  3753. >you'd really like to see their faces if you told them everything yourself, but you kinda feel it's Dash's position to start
  3754. >so you're gonna let her speak before you, while still playing along "the game", but-
  3755. >>>>"HEY DASHIE!!! HIA ANON!!!" a pink tornado suddenly teleports in front of you, pulling a cupcake out of thin air once again and stuffing it in your mouth without asking "See Twillight?! Anon REAAAAALY likes Dashie after all! He must have realized how sad she was when he ran away so he's BACK!"
  3756. >Twillight, being the last to notice you because she's busy with some scrolls, now sends them somewhere out of sight, stepping closer to you
  3757. >you gulp your saliva seeing the purple unicorn's not-so-happy expression when she looks your way
  3758. >definitely not sharing Pinkie's enthusiasm
  3759. >>"Hey Rainbow!.., so it's true. Well it should be, when both Rarity and Pinkie said it, but it still feels a little surprising to see Anon back. Almost... off. Considering how it ended."
  3760. >"Hey Twi." Dash smiles almost as timidly as if she was being tried "Well I might not have been completely honest about everything that happened."
  3761. >Twillight merely inquiringly raises an eyebrow to let her know she's listening, with all the other ponies joining behind her
  3762. >"That last week I got so drunk we were kinda... "settling things between us" and by the end of it, I realized that humans really aren't a "pet material".... But I couldn't just sell Anon, he would suffer in captivity. So I let him go, he didn't run away. That's a first thing."
  3763. >>>>"If he would suffer in captivity, why did he return then? I know my two humans definitely wouldn't..." Aj joins in
  3764. >>>"The poor boy must have got too domesticated to survive in the wild on his own..." the yellow pegasus next to her sighs
  3765. >>"Fluttershy must be right, the human merely realized it's convenient to return. And the poor Rainbow is too loyal for her own good to get rid of him."
  3766. >>>"I didn't mean it like that Twi-"
  3767. "I returned because I love her, okay?!" you shut them all up and step forward "I initialy misjudged your friend for a horny, shallow, egocentric manipulator because I couldn't see past my spite towards your kind, back then . - And it was too late when I realized just how wrong I was..."
  3768. >troughout the short silence you're given, you look in the magenta eyes of the mare you're taking about and kneel lower, speaking mostly to her now
  3769. "...I might have been right about the horny part." you smirk at her " But she's the most selfless, amazing and unique person I ever met. That's why I returned, because I knew I wouldn't ever meet anyone like her. And I had to tell her, because she means a world to me...."
  3770. >you wanted to kiss her as well, but with all the eyes fixed on you right now, you wouldn't dare
  3771. >at least not before she says what she has to say
  3772. >Dash simpers at you, getting just a little red in her cheeks before eyeing back at her friends behind you
  3773. >".... We're in love guys." she softly kisses you herself in front of them "Anon isn't my pet anymore. If that isn't clear yet."
  3774. >this is where most of the ponies gasp with various expressions
  3775. >Twillight seems to be the most shocked one, with a bit of disgust on her face
  3776. >Fluttershy and Applejack look pretty confused
  3777. >only Pinkie is cluelessly excited as always
  3778. >"And that's not all!.. We have a foal coming in about 7 months..." Dash's face gets even redder, simultaneously with her smile getting wider
  3779. >which leaves the ponies shocker even further, including Rarity, that was merely awkwardly eyeing from side to side till now
  3780. >>"Rainbow, there is no way this was possible. You should go to the hospital and let them have a check on you. The test or symphoms can be deceiving-"
  3781. "We've been there yesterday." you cut her off
  3782. >"We were." Dash nods "And there are two of them actualy. One pony and one... mixed."
  3783. >>"You can't possibly be serious."
  3784. >"I am. I'm gonna be a mother. Me, guys. Can you imagine?"
  3785. >>>>"Hardly..." Applejack admits
  3786. >"Oh I couldn't either at first, but it's easier each day and it's amazing!"
  3787. >>"With human, Rainbow? That is so wrong on so many levels!"
  3788. >"I don't care! Who are YOU to lecture me, Twilight? A princess of friendship that can't see past her own friendship problem? I know you don't like Anon, but will you hate me too now?"
  3789. >to which the purple unicorn's eye twitches, her expression wrinkles into a half angry, half panicked cringe before her horn charges with a magical aura as she spitefuly looks your way
  3790. >oh man, you're so gonna get it now
  3791. >but instead she dissapears in the same purple glow she cast before, no traces of her left, leaving you and Dash there with 4 other mares
  3792. "Oh wow..." you exhale relievedly and glance Dash's way "...will she be okay?"
  3793. >"I hope so.... She will."
  3794. >>>>"So it's really true rainbow? This really wasn't one of your pranks?"
  3795. >"It wasn't Aj. Can you all accept me and... us..? All of us..?" she eyes down on her belly
  3796. .....
  3797. >>>>>"I can't wait to throw the babies a birthday party!!!" Pinkie breaks the silence first, as if nothing ever happened
  3798. >after which all the other mares ease up from the tension they were in past few minutes
  3799. >slowly getting to talk and soon even laughing a little
  3800. >Rainbow was right, she and her friends really were too tight to let something get in between them
  3801. >and all of them did try their best to accept you as well for her
  3802. >Fluttershy, Pinkie and Rarity never really had a problem with you to begin with, they'll just need some time to stop seeing you as Dash's pet
  3803. >only Applejack that barely knows you and knows humans only as a workforce is still a little stiff around you and is visibly somewhat uncomfortable that she should start treating you as her friend's mate
  3804. >but she's trying, if not for you, then for her
  3805. >and you wouldn't really care anyway, even if she didn't
  3806. >you're just happy they didn't condemn Rainbow because of you
  3807. >...
  3808. >>>>>>"You should still check on Twillight, Rainbow." Rarity leans a little closer, when most of what needed to be said, was said already "She just has a little more trouble getting over your... choice. She saw the war's consequences firsthoof, it's hard to blame her..."
  3809. >"I know. And we will. I think she needs to talk to Anon as much as she needs to talk with me."
  3810. >so after ending the Pony Pet Play Date a way sooner than it was supposed to, you're heading to her crystal castle in the middle of Ponyville
  3811. >Rainbow said she knows her enough to tell she probably just teleported back home, to safety
  3812. >and she was right
  3813. "...Hello..?"
  3814. >"Hey Twi...." you're finding her sitting in her seat, staring into the magical map "..are you still mad?"
  3815. >the purple unicorn raises her head towards you
  3816. >>"I am not mad at you Rainbow,.. or maybe just a little. For siding with the human, rather than your friends,... but I am way more mad at the human."
  3817. >"But there don't have to be sides..! You of all ponies should understand that. What makes humans any different from yaks or griffins? Isn't this what you wanted to teach the ponies? Friendship?"
  3818. >>"Rainbow, there wasn't a war between us and yaks or griffins... You just... haven't SEEN the dead ponies, killed by humans. I knew some of them and felt responsible for each and every one!" the purple unicorn's expression is reflecting her bitternes
  3819. "Princess Twillight, with all due respect-" you start
  3820. >but the stare you're given makes you stop and wonder whether you should continue
  3821. >still,...
  3822. "...With all due respect, wasn't what happened between our races already enough? You won and my world is no more. Still I don't hate you as much as you do me."
  3823. >>"You're sitting on a throne of lies! This is just an elaborate plot!"
  3824. >"Will you calm down Twillight? No I haven't seen the dead ponies, nor dead humans. But I felt something way more imporant. I felt..." Rainbow bites her lip, knowing how much will Twilight hate what she's gonna say "I felt love.. We both did. Isn't that enough?"
  3825. >and just like predicted, the purple unicorn does visibly hate what you ex-mistress, now special somepony, said
  3826. >she looks furious when she glances at you two, standing close to each other, happy to be together
  3827. >as if she should burts
  3828. >...but then the anger starts turning into something else
  3829. >she IS the princess of friendship and this might be her most important test
  3830. >and she knows it
  3831. >the visible sadness of ego's defeat engulfs her, having to let go of the dogma her mind was so clingily holding onto
  3832. >it almost made her shed a tear of hurt
  3833. >but then she stabilizes again, yet still full of emotions
  3834. >though, visibly lighter, almost... relieved
  3835. >>"....I guess it is." she exhales "I wished I would never see another human again after the war, but when the portals didn't close properly and ponies started hauling humans to Equestria, even as pets or workforce,.. it was only a matter of time before a relationship like that would happen... I just didn't think I'd have to make my peace with it trough my close friend..."
  3836. >something is telling you that she wouldn't, if it wasn't trough her close friends
  3837. >>"But yeah,.. the news about a baby caught me even more off guard..."
  3838. >"Anon said it's a miracle,.. I think so too. Considering under which circumstances they were conceived..."
  3839. >>"I don't it's a miracle. Think about it, both of you.... By Celestia, Rainbow, do you seriously want to do that to your kid? Letting it be a lonely mutant, a crossbreed, in a world that doesn't even want her or him?"
  3840. >"I'll be there for her."
  3841. "And I will too."
  3842. >>"And what WILL you do? A human voice means about as much as if ducks said they want a change."
  3843. "Maybe you ought to listen to ducks more then. They might have good ideas."
  3844. >"I can't beleive you're saying that Twillight. You ARE a princess of frienship."
  3845. >>"I'm just telling you the facts! All of this is already happening, humans have their position in our society as animals. Not even I can do anything about it, Celestia won't do anything about it. I'm just trying to save my friend from ruining her and her baby's life."
  3846. >"Well if you really care about me, you should help me instead of trying to change my mind."
  3847. >>"I already said it, I can't force a widespread law for humans to suddenly be treated differently..! The things are far beyond my own control!"
  3848. >"Then make an exception for Anon?"
  3849. >>"... You aren't seeing it,.." the unicorn's hoof touches her forehead "..but if one human gets a rightful citizenship, others will want it too. It could cause so much chaos or even riots because Equestria is now filled with humans... I'm affraid I can't do that either."
  3850. >"...Can you do anything at all then?"
  3851. >Twillight hangs her head
  3852. >she COULD do what she just said that she can't do
  3853. >but she's affraid to be as bold as the brave blue pegasus by your side
  3854. >still, you don't spite her for it...
  3855. "Hey, it's okay princess Twillight. I don't need help or exceptions....." you emphaticaly move closer to her "But I'd do anything for our daughter to be treated fairly. Can you help us with that..?"
  3856. >>"....So it will really be like that, won't it?" the purple alicorn chuckles, raising her head with a melancholic smirk towards you "...I kinda wish all humans were a bit like you Anon, things could have been different..."
  3857. >then she almost officialy clears her throat
  3858. >>"As a princess, I'm honestly declaring both of the "foals" will have Equestrian citienship and rights, just like their mother, and I'll do everything in my personal infuence to provide their fair treatment here in Ponyville. And as a friend,... I'm sorry I can't do more."
  3859. "Thank you SO much Princess." you bow respectfuly to her direction
  3860. >"It's okay Twillight, I'm happy you didn't choose to make it even harder instead,.. It means a lot to me."
  3861. >>"You're my friend Dashie, how could I..? I guess I just needed to get trough this. And as far as Anon goes,.. you really seem honest right now.... You have my blessings..."
  3864. >and so it went
  3865. >eventualy, Rainbow's belly started being visible to naked eye and ponies started asking about the father
  3866. >having support both yours and her friends, she had enough confidence to answer truthfuly to all those who would ask
  3867. >and NOT only because of that, you became notorious around Ponyville
  3868. >the Rainbow Dash's human that's friendly to all the ponies, no need to be upset about him walking leashless
  3869. >...or even without a pony, alone buying things at the market or going for a stroll trough the nature
  3870. >yeah, but that took quite some time for them to get used to
  3871. >there were and still are occasional conflicts, that are always quickly resolved
  3872. >officialy, you're still her property and ponies aren't sure how to treat you
  3873. >some never learned to like you
  3874. >but at least you're getting mostly accepted and that's all you need...
  3875. ...
  3876. >right now you're at home, making some food your "wife"
  3877. >you like to consider her that way, even though you can't legally marry
  3878. >maybe one day,.. if you'll live to see your kind free
  3879. >but it doesn't matter to you anymore
  3880. >... she asked for something sweet, so you've decided to bake it
  3881. >your baking skills drasticaly improved, since you started "helping out for bits, going to your owner" at sugarcube corner
  3882. >you wanted to work and this was the only way, but you didn't mind
  3883. >anyway, you just made a whole chocolate-cherry cake just for your amazing wife and you're bringing it to her to show off the piece
  3884. >"Oh wow! I didn't know I had a birthday Anon." she's smiling at you from the sofa just when she notices you in the living room's doorframe "...What did I do to deserve this?"
  3885. "Don't you know?" you grin, laying the cake on the table next to her and kiss her belly
  3886. >...then move over to her lips, giving her a proper smooch before you'll start slicing your work
  3887. >but you immerse yourself a little longer in it than you expected, even laying next to her on the couch because you wanna get comfortable
  3888. >you've been making love troughout the time of her pregnancy a few times too
  3889. >she used to be affraid you might stop finding her attractive because of it, so naturaly, you had to prove her wrong
  3890. >of course, the kinks had to go aside in the later stages, as you were getting progressively more obsessed about keeping the babies safe, so everything became more and more gentle too
  3891. >though, you promised each other to take the collar out of the drawer once more when it's over, to see if it's still even exciting
  3892. >but you don't really care about it too much nowadays
  3893. >she had to stop performing at the flight shows too, eventualy
  3894. >but it was after you had your satisfastion of going there too
  3895. >you remember it so very clearly...
  3896. >you had a seat next to her friends, in the best row of course, getting to see her shine in the full glory, in her flying squad
  3897. >she was absolutely stunning and amazing
  3898. >as always, you'd say, but it was better than always
  3899. >and even more amazing was what she did at the end
  3900. >she flew straight to you, instead of the cabinets, all eyes still on her
  3901. >giving you a kiss and anouncing her momentary retreat from flying, because of her pregnancy
  3902. >"You know the ticket here will cost you something too, don't you Anon?" she whispered in your ear then "I need a little help with slipping out of these tight clothes and it would be so nice of you to help me clean all the parts I struggle to reach on my body. And then..."
  3903. >soon after that you followed her to the private wonderbolt shower and enjoyed a very quality time together
  3904. >oh yeah, such a nice day
  3905. >not as if today was any less good, but you aren't planning to take it so far today
  3906. >you're just cuddling her before getting to the cake
  3907. >even after all those months, she's relishing your attention, not taking it for granted
  3908. >in a way, you're staying absolute begginers
  3909. >and you're planning to stay that way
  3910. >you were just fondling her fluffy ears while softly nibbling on her lips when she suddenly opens her eyes
  3912. "Wait, like really really real? Like actualy real, not like the last time?"
  3913. >"YES, EXACTLY THAT AND CERTAINLY NOT LIKE THE LAST TIME." she's talking about the time you rushed into hospital when she thought the baby was coming
  3914. >it wasn't
  3916. "WHAT, are you KIDDING? You want to FLY yourself to the delivery bed? You might as well give birth right where you are!"
  3917. >"We might not even have a choice..."
  3918. "But I was being sarcastic, I didn't really mean-"
  3919. >"I told you already that mares aren't as fragile as your women! I can do it right here!"
  3920. "Oh my God..."
  3921. >"Do you remember how LONG it took the last time?! I don't have THAT MUCH TIME! HELP ME!"
  3930. "Okay, that was fair..."
  3931. >"I didn't mean it,.. But for the love of everything fast, HOLD MY HOOF!"
  3932. ...
  3933. >you've stayed by her side the whole time, even though she probably really could manage by herself
  3934. >but you've done all you could to make it easier for her, telling her you love her and she's doing great, holding her hoof - which might have been the most important for her and of course, catching the babies
  3935. >first went the colt, his coat and mane bearing the same color as your hair, with only a single stroke of the same skyblue of her his mother's coat over his mane
  3936. >you were frightened about the girl's delivery, if she'll be okay, since she's gonna be the second
  3937. >but to your common relief, she arrived with no bigger trouble than her brother did
  3938. >and she's exactly as you pictured her, a satyr
  3939. >lower part of her body a pony, the upper one human, except her back's decorated by a pair of yet undevelopped wings
  3940. >her hair shares the same pattern of her mother's mane, just like her short tail, except the coat on her pony part is blue color so light you thought it was just white at first
  3941. >they are both so different, no one would believe they are actualy siblings
  3942. >the only thing that ties them together are their parents and... their eyes
  3943. >as soon as they opened them for the first time, you saw they shared the same colours
  3944. >yes, colours - not just one
  3945. >both the colt and the girl have heterochromia, right from the birth
  3946. >with one eye in the same color as their mother and the other one after their father
  3947. >the only difference is that the colt's magenta eye is right and his sister's magenta eye is left
  3948. >as if the nature couldn't decide who's gonna have which
  3949. "God, they're beautiful.. both of them." you're finally laying them in Rainbow's exhausted, but eager hooves
  3950. >"They are... you know,.. I'm glad we stayed here." she smiles wearily, but in all sincerity "..But I'm really tired now.. Think I'm gonna have a rest..."
  3951. >and she's closing her eyes, still smiling to herself
  3952. >so you quickly clean up the mess made and throw away the dirty blanket you've put under her before
  3953. >only to bring a new one, covering the sleeping mare underneath it with both of your kids
  3954. >and protectively lay next to them
  3955. >sure, there isn't really any danger to protect from
  3956. >but man
  3957. >you're actualy a dad
  3958. >feels good
  3959. >real good
  3962. EPILOGUE
  3963. >you're still Anon
  3964. >except it's been some time
  3965. >almost fifteen years to be exact
  3966. >both your kids are almost grown up
  3967. >and boy, they are growing fast
  3968. >like, actualy faster than humans would
  3969. >but Rainbow assured you it's normal
  3970. >'s been lovely 15 years
  3971. >even though your daughter's look resembles that of her father, being half human that is, she's very much reminding you of her mother
  3972. >bold, fearless, never giving up, always up above the situation
  3973. >she even loves flying too
  3974. >the colt isn't that way
  3975. >he's a little sensitive, but very kind and artistic in more ways than one
  3976. >at first you though it would be him, protecting his few minutes younger sister,..
  3977. >but not only she's very much capable of protecting herself, but she was always taking care of him instead
  3978. >it's reminding you of something you've seen before
  3979. >and she's even worse cook than her mother...
  3980. >but they're both absolutely amazing in your eyes and are making you the proudest dad in Equestria
  3981. > some point, they both started asking about their heritage and why some of the other foals see them as different
  3982. >and both you and Dash have been honest about all their questions, not really pretending anything or waiting for the right age
  3983. >they took it surprisingly well
  3984. >but you made it clear, you don't want them to ruin their lives by becoming human rights activists or anything
  3985. >it isn't their fight, if there even is anything to fight for
  3986. >true,.. the situation with overall human treatment didn't get better
  3987. >on the contrary, heard that in the big cities, they're almost a livestock
  3988. >but you're in a village
  3989. >things are different here
  3990. >the life is more than okay for you, your kids, and even the few more humans owned by other ponies
  3991. >you were a good influence on them and their "masters"
  3992. >even Applejack started treating her workers a little better
  3993. >enough that they're staying there willingly, just like you are
  3994. >so you did your part in the world, even if it wasn't that big
  3995. >.....thought there might be more mixed babies appearing eventualy, but it seems your foals just might have been a real miracle
  3996. >or you just werent looking far enough
  3997. >but not even you and Rainbow ever had more kids
  3998. >....and you weren't exactly avoiding laying together past years
  3999. >your libido might be a little easier to satisfy for longer periods of time nowadays, but she's still ravishing to you
  4000. >mares barely seem to age
  4001. >but you keep telling her you'll love her even when she's old and wrinkled, as long as she will love you
  4002. >gonna be a pair of perverse old fools
  4003. >that's still in the future though, because you're enjoying your active years together
  4004. >been to many places around Equestria, thanks to Rainbow, because she'd occasionaly take you travelling with her on her "quests of glowing flanks" - as you like to call them
  4005. >true, you didn't always had the same treatment you have in Ponyville, sometimes the situation even required you to wear the leash outside the bedroom, but your ego can take that easily
  4006. >as you said, you might not live to see the day, when humans are getting treated equaly worldwide
  4007. >but you beleive that it's inevitable
  4008. >after all there's the same soul in both of us, we breathe, we think, we feel and we love
  4009. >eventualy, both people and ponies will have to recognize this simple fact
  4010. >and that hapiness in life can be earned, if you believe in your heart
  4011. >it's never too late to pursue it, you know that firsthand
  4012. >and each time the life gets you down, that you're given a chance to rise up way further than you ever were
  4013. >one day, your kids will create their own story, knowing all this
  4014. >and that day will be glorious
  4015. >but for now,.. you're still all together
  4016. >so no matter the weather, your days are always sunny
  4017. >and the years golden...
  4019. THE END

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