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[RGRE] The Wizard's Assistant

By AnonymousReuploader
Created: 2020-12-27 19:26:40
Expiry: Never

  1. >Fuck magic.
  2. >Seriously, fuck magic.
  3. >It's brought you nothing but pain and misery.
  4. >Let's back up a bit.
  5. >Why do you hate magic so much?
  6. >Well, it all stems from the one time you made a deal with *that* wizard.
  7. >Yes, the same one whom you are serving at this very moment.
  8. >You were a stupid young boy who had a crush.
  9. >You sought out the wizard in search of a way to beguile her.
  10. >The wizard gave you what you wanted, and in return, all he asked was 10 years of labor from you.
  11. >Being 16 at the time, it seemed quite a long time, but it wasn't without pay and you would have a guaranteed income so you went with it.
  12. >Besides, you'd have yourself the most beautiful wife in town.
  13. >More than worth 10 measly years of servitude to some crazy old wizard in a tower.
  14. >So you took the charm he gave you and gave it to her as a gift as instructed.
  15. >She took it politely and was immediately hit by it's effects.
  16. >She fell in love instantly.
  17. >With the person behind you.
  18. >Yes, that's right.
  19. >She fell in love with the first person she saw.
  20. >And she was looking in the distance while she spoke to you because she didn't give a damn about you at all.
  21. >She ended up getting married to that man.
  22. >A fat, slovenly man who did nothing but drink all day and collect taxes.
  23. >And as luck would have it, the wizard didn't accept your pleas for a refund.
  24. >After all, he warned you of it's proper use.
  25. >You just weren't listening because you were too anxious and excited to finally have the girl of your dreams.
  26. >You also may have signed a blood contract that would kill you and the girl if you refused to serve.
  27. >So here you are, 9 years 11 months and 3 weeks later.
  28. >Only 1 week left in this accursed tower.
  29. >"Anon! Make sure you put up all the candle's before tomorrow!"
  30. "Yeah, yeah, I'm on it..."
  31. >You mumble a few obscenities under your breath as the old geezer shambles off into his study locking the door behind him.
  32. >Grabbing the candles, you head off to the ritual room and start setting them up.
  33. >Carefully avoiding the lines of chalk, you set each candle in it's place in each of the circles and on the altar.
  34. >A few on the sides of the room for visibility.
  35. >With a sigh, you stand up, having placed the last candle in the center of the room.
  36. >You turn and take a step.
  37. >A sudden gush of wind sweeps through the room and the door slams closed.
  38. >Sweat creeping down your form, you look down.
  39. "Fuck"
  40. >You smudged the circle.
  41. >Not just a circle, but *the* circle.
  42. >The one that contains whatever demon bullshitery the wizard was dealing with for the past 3 months.
  43. >A low cackle causes the hair on the back of your neck to raise.
  44. >"Thank you, human. You have done me a great service."
  45. >You're fucked, there's no way you're getting out of this alive.
  46. >You know what demon this was.
  47. >This demon devours worlds.
  48. >Why the wizard decided to deal with this particular demon?
  49. >He was always insane, citing that big risks bring big rewards.
  50. >And did he ever go to crazy lengths to gain more knowledge.
  51. >But this was his biggest venture yet.
  52. >And you just released the thing that will cause certain doom.
  53. >"Since you have done me this service, I'll do you one favor, human."
  54. >You shudder, favors from demons almost always end badly for the recipient.
  55. >"I will send you away before I lay waste to this world."
  56. >With all of your strength, you turn your head and look at the grotesque image before you.
  57. >A swirling mass of darkness, teeth, limbs, all surrounding the two red orbs that pull all of your attention towards them.
  58. >You're struck with a wave of nausea, nearly collapsing on the spot.
  59. >With a final burst of either stupidity or bravery, you ask.
  60. "Where?"
  61. >A shockwave pushes your form to the ground.
  62. >Only after you recover slightly do you realize it's laughter.
  63. >"That's the fun part."
  64. >A twisted smile of jagged teeth forms amidst the swirling entity.
  65. >"Not even I know the answer to that."
  66. >So this is it.
  67. >You'll be transported to some remote wasteland to starve, or inside of a volcanoe, or to the deepest depths of some unknown ocean to drown.
  68. >And to think you only had one more week left of this shit.
  69. >Then you could be on your way and away from all of this madness.
  70. >The constant beating back of various demons and closing of gates that were never meant to be opened.
  71. >Barely escaping alive let alone with any measure of sanity in tact as the old wizard continues to push the boundaries beyond what should be known to humans.
  72. >Slowly losing your mind, the only solace being the day that you will be set free of your contract.
  73. >A black smokey tendrel reaches out to you.
  74. >You can't even muster the strength to resist or run away.
  75. >The tendrel wraps around you, completely encasing you in it's grasp.
  76. >You close your eyes, unable to move, awaiting your doom.
  77. >A moment passes and you hear nothing.
  78. >And then, a large splash of water sounds just before an ear peircing scream assaults your ears.
  79. >Moving your hands to you ears to save what little hearing you may have left, you open your eyes to identify the banshee.
  80. >Time seems to stop.
  81. >Before you stands a yellow coated pony with a red mane, rearing up on it's hind hooves in fright.
  82. >You need to get out of here now.
  83. >Time begins to start again as you move your hands down and push up against the surface below you.
  84. >Pushing through the water, you push yourself up.
  85. >Right into the path of a larger pony's rear hooves as the orange coated pony pulls back to deliver a solid kick.
  86. >One last feat of superhuman strength is all you have in you as you dive out of the bathtub onto the floor.
  87. >A loud shattering of glass is the only sound you can hear as you scramble off the floor and make your way to the door, tearing it off it's hinges.
  88. >A mad dash through the maze of hallways leaves you running down a set of stairs and out into a field of trees.
  89. >You head down the path and follow it, the sounds of the ponies falling fainter behind you as you get further and further from the house.
  90. >You throw yourself over the closed gate and continue to run, hyped up on adrenaline.
  91. >You pass by more houses until you reach a fountain in the center of a square.
  92. >Finally stopping, you collapse at the fountain, desperately trying to catch your breath.
  93. >Coughing and weezing, you grasp your sides, hunching over the edge of the fountain.
  94. >That pony would have killed you with that kick.
  95. >Why was the pony in a bathtub?
  96. >It doesn't matter, you're safe... for now.
  97. >Assuming the pony isn't some form of demon hell-bent on seeking you out and killing you for assaulting it's child.
  98. >The pony who was in the tub was definitely much smaller and frightened compared to the much larger set of legs that were dead set on the destruction of your head.
  99. >Finally steadying your breathing, you ignore the wet clothes clinging to your body.
  100. >A low chuckle grows to a raucous laughter as you throw your head back and stare at the bright blue sky above you.
  101. "WOOOHOOO!"
  102. >Shouting your declaration of victory to the world, jump up in joy, a huge grin plastered on your face.
  103. >You made it out alive.
  104. >There were a million different places you could have ended up, each one of them spelling certain doom.
  105. >And you ended up somewhere hospitable and you're still alive.
  106. >The odds of it were astronomically low.
  107. >And yet...
  108. >The sound of pounding hoofsteps bring you back from your brief reverie.
  109. >Heart pounding, you scan your surroundings.
  110. >It seems you've drawn a bit of a crowd... of ponies.
  111. >Much too large eyes study you as you stare back at them, a plethora of various colors adorning their coats and manes.
  112. >And off in the distance you see the orange one from before approaching fast with a much larger red pony.
  113. >This is bad.
  114. >You scan one more time for an escape route.
  115. >Nothing.
  116. >The entire square is filled with these multicolored ponies.
  117. >You'd have to bull-doze through them.
  118. >That's not an option.
  119. >You're not exactly the epitome of /fit/ness.
  120. >But...
  121. >Without further hesitation, you hoist yourself up atop the large stone pony in the middle of the fountain, perching on the highest part of it's head.
  122. >The orange one plows through the crowd, stopping only to glare daggers at you.
  123. >"Git down here you no good varmint!"
  124. "No!"
  125. >You reply without pause, causing the orange pony to rear it's head back in shock.
  126. >"E-excuse me?"
  127. >Stunned, the pony blinks at you.
  128. "I said no! I will not go down there only for you to kick my head in!"
  129. >Shouting worked before, maybe it will shock the pony to leave you alone.
  130. >"W-what in tarnation?"
  131. >While the orange pony seems to mumble to herself, the large red one squints his eyes at you and circles around the fountain.
  132. >Oh shit.
  133. >He's sizing up how to get you down.
  134. >You watch him as he makes his round, never leaving him out of your sight.
  135. >After one full loop, he turns to the orange one.
  136. >"AJ, I think-"
  137. >"Excuse me, excuse me."
  138. >A purple unicorn pushes through the crowd, eyes switching between you and the orange one.
  139. >"Applejack, what is this?"
  140. >"This here is the varmint that peeped on my little sister's bath and decided to come in for 'imself!" the orange one replied.
  141. >"W-what!? That doesn't make any sense Applejack! Who peeps on a little filly!?" the purple one responds in distress.
  142. >"I'm tellin' ya Twi..." the orange one goes on.
  143. >You have tuned them out, searching for a way out of this mess. The red one is still eyeing you cautiously, but it doesn't seem to be with killing intent.
  144. >Good, that's a step in the right direction.
  145. >Scanning the crowd, you notice the ponies shifting uncomfortably at your stare, seemingly placated only by the presence of the three ponies closest to you.
  146. >It's as if they've never seen a-
  147. >Smacking your head, you groan in agony..
  148. >Of course they haven't seen a human before.
  149. >Have you seen a talking multicolored pony before?
  150. >No
  151. >You have seen all types of various demons and sirens that try to seduce the caster into letting them out of their circle, but this isn't quite the same.
  152. >Sliding your hand off of your face, you take a deep breath to calm yourself.
  153. >Looking right at the two ponies who seem to be discussing something in hushed whispers at this point, you clear your throat.
  154. "Hello?"
  155. >Waving your hand to get their attention, they stop and turn to you.
  156. >"What do you want you varmint?" the orange one bites back.
  157. >"Applejack!" the purple one snips, hitting her on the back of the head, "That wasn't nice!"
  158. >"Ow! Why'd ya go and do that-"
  159. "I wasn't trying to 'peep' on anyone."
  160. >The orange pony stops and turns to you.
  161. >"And *what* might I ask *were* you trying to do then? Sample the bathwater?" she snorts.
  162. "No..."
  163. >You blink, shaking your head to get the image of you sipping the bathwater out of a ladle out of your head.
  164. "I was transported there against my will."
  165. >"Wha-"
  166. >"What do you mean you were transported there against your will?" the purple one asks, her voice leveling out and her eyes scrutinizing you.
  167. >The orange one, who was cut off, blinks and looks at the purple one with a raised eyebrow.
  168. >Shit, she went from confused to suspicious very quickly.
  169. >And you're not sure if you want to tell them it was a demon that sent you here. It could cause some... misunderstandings...
  170. "I... was transported there by a creature with a *lot* of magic. The creature told me that it didn't know *where* I would end up."
  171. >The purple one cocks her head to one side, both ears pivoted towards you.
  172. >"What kind of creature?"
  173. >Shit
  174. >Well, play it as safe as possible.
  175. "A malicious one. One that probably had liked to know that I died in some volcanoe instead of ending up on a different planet inhabited by sentient ponies."
  176. >The purple pony's eyes widen at that.
  177. >"T-that's just-"
  178. >"Ridiculous!" the orange pony buts in, "You expect us to believe that you're some kinda alien!?"
  179. >"Wait Applejack!" the purple pony turns her attention towards her orange companion, "Let's hear him out."
  180. >The orange pony, Applejack if you had any sense in guessing, grunts in resignation.
  181. >Smiling the purple pony turns back to you.
  182. >"So, if you're from another world, what are you?"
  183. "I'm a human."
  184. >"Hmmm... I don't think I've heard of a hue-man before..." the purple pony rubs her muzzle with a hoof, "I'll have to do some research but I'm ninety percent positive there isn't any mention of hue-mans in any mythological creatures list and there certainly aren't any known civilizations of hue-mans..."
  185. >The purple unicorn nods her head once and looks back at you unfurling a set of wings that missed your notice.
  186. >"Alright, Mr. Hue-man, I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle and will be taking you to my castle while I investigate further into this matter. What's your name?"
  187. >Princess, huh? That could be bad... or good... you're not really sure, but you do know you have to be more careful from now on around her.
  188. "My name is Anon, your royal highness."
  189. >Perched on top of the stone pony, you settle for dipping your head slightly instead of a full on bow.
  190. >The purple pony/unicorn/pegasus (pegacorn?) nods, folding her wings back to her sides.
  191. >"Then come with me Anon. We'll discuss what to do with you at the castle."
  192. >Seeing no real reason why you would be in any imminent danger, you make your way down from the fountain statue and follow the purple pony to a large crystal castle.
  193. >The ponies surrounding the fountain open up a path for the two of you as you pass.
  194. >The orange mare, Applejack, falls into step beside you, giving you the stink eye.
  195. >Her hoof movements clearly indicate 'I'm watching you', which you simply nod in response to.
  196. >After making it into the castle proper, you're led to a large room with six chairs around a large table.
  197. >The princess moves around the table to the seat directly across from you and Applejack moves to a seat to her left.
  198. >Oh shit, did you piss off a member of nobility? This is bad. *Very* bad.
  199. >The full weight of your situation has no time to settle in before you are brought back to reality.
  200. >"Now, Anon, tell me everything leading up to, including, and after the incident of how you ended up in Applejack's bathtub up to the point in which I interviened."
  201. >Taking a deep breath, you sigh.
  202. >No point in hiding any details now, lying to royalty will end in nothing but pain.
  203. "Alright, it all started with..."
  205. >Be Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship.
  206. >Anon just finished regaling you with his tale.
  207. >You almost didn't believe him, even though he is such a sweet colt.
  208. >You did believe him though. You had checked his aura and found residue of another highly magical creature on him.
  209. >You cringed when he mentioned what the creature was.
  210. >There's a reason summoning demons is outlawed in Equestria, and from what Anon tells you, the wizard he worked for did it all the time!
  211. >How dare he put a young colt in danger like that!
  212. >Your feathers ruffle just thinking about it.
  213. >No matter. You'll make sure he's safe from now on. What good is a princess that can't keep ponies safe? Or hue-mans in this case.
  214. >Oh, but what if he wants to go back? You're sure you could probably find the way back if you act quickly...
  215. "Anon?"
  216. >"Yes, your royal highness?"
  217. >You suppress a giggle. You can't be distracted by his strange way of addressing you so formally. You need to be strong for Anon.
  218. >You are a princess after all.
  219. "Would you like me to find a way home for you? I'm sure that if we act quickly enough, there might still be a chance."
  220. >Anon's eyes widen.
  221. >"N-no, your royal highness. That won't be necessary. I don't expect there to be anything left there. The demon that I released was... *quite* powerful. I would be surprised if it hadn't already spread across at least the entire nation."
  222. >Oh no.
  223. >You frown, giving him the best sympathetic look you can muster. Suppressing your instinct to go over and comfort him with a hug.
  224. "I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do to help?"
  225. >Silly question. Of course there is. But you want to know if there's anything specific that Anon wants.
  226. >"No, that won't be necessary. It will be... fine."
  227. >Such a humble colt. Doesn't even try to weasle a favor in. From a princess no less!
  228. >Such good behavior must go rewarded.
  229. >Nodding to yourself, you face him with your full attention.
  230. "Anon, for the time being, you will be given a room in the castle. I will not have an alien running amok among my ponies without ensuring it's safe first."
  231. >Anon nods from across the table.
  232. "In addition, you will assist me in my studies so that I can ensure nopony tries to do what your previous... employer... had done. I do not wish for Equestria to share the fate of your previous world."
  233. >Gulping, Anon nods once more, slowly this time. Sweat beading on his brow.
  234. "You will be compensated for your work and allowed to leave the castle once I ensure you are not a danger to my ponies or vice-versa. There are several... tests... that need to be run."
  235. >You can barely hold your mask on, rubbing your forehooves together with glee. A smile dangerously close to cracking your perfect rendition of Celestia's serene poker face.
  236. >Those royal manner lessons are really paying off right now.
  237. >You can't wait to conduct all kinds of tests and you already have a huge list of questions you want to ask him about his world and how his kind uses magic.
  238. "Do you have any questions Anon?"
  239. >"No, your royal highness. You are too kind."
  240. >Giggling, you wave your hoof at Anon.
  241. "Nonsense. It's the right thing to do. Anyways, let's get you set up in your room shall we?"
  242. >Tapping your hoof, you look around the room. No Spike to be found. No matter! Your horn glows to amplify your voice throughout the castle.
  243. "SPIKE!"
  244. >Your shout reverberates through the walls, knocking both Anon and Applejack back a bit.
  245. >You smirk. Always good to show one's marely side.
  246. >The door swings open a few moments later as Anon and Applejack reorient themselves.
  247. >"Yeah?"
  248. "Spike, please take our new guest, Anon, to one of the guest rooms. He will be staying with us for the foreseeable future."
  249. >Nodding, Spike salutes you.
  250. >"On it Twilight!"
  251. >You can't suppress a giggle at that. No matter how big he gets, he's still your cute baby dragon.
  252. >Spike turns to Anon, "C'mon Anon. Let's get you situated."
  253. >Anon goes to follow Spike after a long staring session.
  254. >"Right... lead the way."
  255. >Satisfied, Spike turns and leads Anon out of the room, closing the doors behind him.
  256. >A moment passes as you wait for Anon to get out of earshot.
  257. >You turn to Applejack.
  258. "So, what do you think of him?"
  259. >Applejack scrunches her muzzle at that.
  260. >"I don't know Twi. I don't like 'em. I don't think he was lyin' but what kind of stallion just ups and leaves their entire world to die like that!?"
  261. >Frowning, you reply.
  262. "Applejack, it wasn't his fault! He wasn't the one conducting those terrible rituals! He was forced into it by that wizard who got him to sign a blood contract!"
  263. >"I know Twilight. I don't blame him for that. I just don't see how somepony can just... move on so easily. I know what it's like to lose your loved ones and he just walks off without a care when he loses everything he's ever known!? There's something wrong about that."
  264. >Applejack crosses her forehooves across her chest.
  265. >Sighing, you rub your forehead.
  266. "I guess you're right about that, but you can't judge anypony for how they cope with loss Applejack. Let alone a whole new race from a different world! Who knows what customs they have over there."
  267. >Shaking her head, Applejack gets up from her chair.
  268. >"I just don't like it Twi. I ain't ever seen a stallion so cold-hearted. I trust you to do the right thing here, but I don't want anything to do with 'im."
  269. "Applejack-"
  270. >You feel Applejack's hoof on your foreleg.
  271. >"I'm sorry Twi. I don't wanna get into a fight over this. Please. Let's just move on and maybe talk about this later? I have to get back to the farm to take care of the chores I've been missing today."
  272. >Taking a deep breath, you nod and smile.
  273. "Of course, Applejack. We'll talk about it later."
  274. >Nodding, Applejack turns and walks out the door, bidding you goodbye as she exits.
  275. >Sighing, you slump back into your chair.
  276. >Something tells you you're going to have an interesting couple of weeks ahead of you.
  277. >You silently lament the fact that your schedule now must be completely redone.
  278. >Pulling said schedule to you, you get to work.
  280. >Be Anon.
  281. >You're not sure exactly how to feel right now.
  282. >On the one hand, you managed to avoid getting your head kicked in and any immediate danger of death or dismemberment.
  283. >Great success!
  284. >On the other hand, you traded one wizard employer for another.
  285. >You saw how the princess's horn glowed as she shouted. That was definitely magic.
  286. >Even if it's not magic you're used to.
  287. >You may not have direct experience with them, but you heard that sorcerers could cast magic without foci or chants.
  288. >The princess seems to be able to do the same. At least, you couldn't identify anything that would be a foci unless it was her horn itself that served that purpose.
  289. >Either way, you have a bed and pay again. Assumedly food as well. It wasn't discussed, but you doubt it isn't part of the deal.
  290. >The princess seems genuine, but your distaste for magic runs deep.
  291. >Even if you know more than any ordinary person has any right to, due to your extensive years of service to the crazy old bastard.
  292. >The orange pony, Applejack, didn't say a word while you explained yourself.
  293. >Didn't stop her from glaring daggers at you though.
  294. >It would be in your best interest to avoid that pony at all costs.
  295. >Oh, and let's not forget the terrifying familiar the princess has.
  296. >To be able to control a dragon and tame them so well, even one as small as this 'Spike', is no easy task.
  297. >You fear she may even be more powerful than the old wizard you made a contract with.
  298. >Your options are pretty limited, given the situation.
  299. >You can either accept the state of affairs presented to you and work for the mage-princess, or you could run and hope you find some rival nation that will give you a better deal.
  300. >Though, the likelyhood of getting a better deal is slim to none. You're lucky enough as it is. You don't need to brave the world only to be imprisoned by Ents and sapped of your life-force to feed the blood-hungry trees.
  301. >All in all, you came out alright. Even if your entire world is now in the clutches of a demon that will likely destroy it.
  302. >The old wizard was known for getting into things that had no recourse if things went wrong.
  303. >'Knowledge comes at a price, Anon. If you're not willing to take the risk, you'll get nowhere.'
  304. >You can still hear his voice in your head, filling you with the nonsense he fed himself to justify his actions.
  305. >Snapping back to reality, you realize the small dragon you've been following has asked you a question.
  306. "I'm sorry, I was lost in thought. What was that?"
  307. >"I asked if you liked comic books."
  308. "Uh, I didn't really have all that much time to get out of the tower back home. I was either setting up rituals for... my previous employer, reading up on blood contracts and various other things, or going out in town to get a drink."
  309. >Spike tilts his head at that.
  310. >"Blood contracts?"
  311. "Yes, blood contracts. You know, where two beings seal a deal in blood? Usually having grotesque and catastrophic consequences if it's broken?"
  312. >"Never heard of it." Spike shudders, "But it sounds terrible. Why would you want to read about that?"
  313. >You smirk.
  314. "I wanted to break my contract. Or nulify it, really. Somehow safely get out of it. Never got anywhere with it though. Those things have tight security measures in place so that any tampering whatsoever could cause the tamperer to suffer ill effects."
  315. >Spike blinks, "So, you never tampered with it then?"
  316. >You nod.
  317. >"Good, I'd hate for anypony to have anything happen to them from some magical accident..."
  318. >Spike stares off into space for a moment and he mouths something, though you can't seem to peice together what it is.
  319. >Shaking his head, he brings his attention back to you.
  320. >"Soo... you mentioned setting up rituals? Were you some kind of... assistant?"
  321. >For some reason, it appears his eyes grew in size and are sparkling with hope, awaiting your answer.
  322. >Kinda creeps you out.
  323. "Uh, yeah. I ended up becoming a crazy old wizard's assistant for 10 years."
  324. >"Really!?"
  325. >His eyes seem to only get bigger. What in the world did you do?
  326. >"Did you ever have to clean up a huge mess because of some... magical mishap?"
  327. >What is with this dragon. Why is he so interested?
  328. "Uh, yeah. I did. A lot."
  329. >This seems to only excite him further.
  330. >"Anon!"
  331. >He jumps up puts his claws on your shoulders, holding himself up by placing his feet on your chest.
  332. >"Finally! Someone else who feels my pain!"
  333. >You blink.
  334. >What.
  335. "What?"
  336. >"You have *no* idea what it's like to help one of Equestria's most talented unicorns! She gets into *all kinds* of messes! One time she turned an orange into a frog Anon! A frog!"
  337. >You simply blink in response, flabbergasted by his sudden familiarity with you.
  338. >Not brave enough to risk a torched or bitten off limb, you let him continue.
  339. >"And then when Starlight Glimmer came, there was *twice* the carnage! Can you imagine it Anon? TWO insanely powerful magic casters in *one* castle! It's crazy! I can barely keep up!"
  340. >Your eyes widen at that.
  341. >There's *two* of them!?
  342. >Oh fuck all that shit.
  343. >There's no way.
  344. >Are you sure you came out as good as you thought you did?
  345. >It sounds like Spike has just informed you of your coming doom.
  346. >Heart beating loudly, you don't even consider your actions as you grasp Spike's shoulders. Holding him in place as you look him dead in the eyes.
  347. "What do you mean *two* magic casters, Spike? Are they both powerful or is one simply an apprentice?"
  348. >"Oh no, they're both *super* powerful. Starlight can even travel through time! And Twilight's a princess and the element of magic herself!"
  349. >You have no idea what an element of magic is, but it sounds forboding. And time travel is a *very* high level spell. You're not even sure if the old bat could handle that.
  350. >He may have never cared to try, though. He seemed more interested in demons.
  351. >Grip tightening, you refocus your attention on the young dragon.
  352. "Spike."
  353. >"Y-yes?" he replies, shifting a bit under your gaze.
  354. "I know not what kinds of unholy madness waits in these halls, but if you have any independence at all. I need your strength to help me endure."
  355. >"W-what do you mean?" he asks, shaking a bit.
  356. "I am to be an assistant to the princess, Spike."
  357. >Spike's face scrunches up for a moment before relaxing.
  358. >"Oh, cool! So that'll be three assistants then!"
  359. >He then pokes you in the chest and moves his face very close to yours, staring deep into your eyes.
  360. >"But don't forget. *I'm* her number one assistant. Don't try anything funny."
  361. >Gulping, you nod. Now *very* aware of the sharp pointed teeth, hard scales, and razor edged claws gripping onto your form.
  362. >Smiling, Spike jumps off of you.
  363. >"Good! Then we'll get along *just* great."
  364. >Shaken, you can do nothing further than follow the terrifying dragon as he continues his way down the hallways.
  365. >Eventually, he stops in front of a door.
  366. >"Here you are. Dinner's at six. Don't be late."
  367. >Nodding, you open the door and walk in, hearing the sounds of fading footsteps behind you.
  368. >Closing the door, you collapse on the floor.
  369. >What in all that is holy and dear possessed you to think that angering a *dragon* was a good idea!?
  370. >After recovering from your near mental breakdown, you stand and scan the room.
  371. >As expected of a guest room in a castle, it's very luxurious.
  372. >Much more luxurious than you've ever experienced.
  373. >There is a large king-sized four poster bed, a dresser with a vanity mirror atop it, a nightstand, and a wardrobe.
  374. >A large window allows the room to be light entirely by sunlight.
  375. >Stepping over to the bed, you pull open the drawer to the nightstand.
  376. >Inside is a candle holder and some candle sticks with matches.
  377. >They really went all out for this place.
  378. >Deciding to worry about the minutia later, you lay down on the inviting bed.
  379. >Sinking deep into the bed, you have an errant thought that this is the most comfortable bed you've ever been in as you drift off to sleep.
  380. >It's been an exhausting day.
  382. >A knock reverberates through the room, waking you with a start.
  383. >Jumping out of bed, you rush to the door.
  384. >Opening it, you find a smug little dragon.
  385. >"Figured you might need a reminder about dinner. It's almost six."
  386. >Blinking, you nod. Still trying to wake up from your impromptu nap.
  387. "Mind leading the way? I don't exactly know my way around here."
  388. >"Oh right... hehe, I guess you wouldn't. I'll give you a tour later. For now, let's go."
  389. >The young dragon scratches the back of his head, turning and leading you down the maze of hallways.
  390. >Reaching up, you attempt to fix your unruly hair as best you can.
  391. >You want to make a decent appearance before the princess if at all possible.
  392. >Passing through a large set of double-doors, you find yourself in a large banquet hall.
  393. >The rather large table is relatively empty save for two ponies on far end of the table where Spike is leading you.
  394. >At the head of the table is Princess Twilight Sparkle, and beside her is a lighter purple unicorn.
  395. >Quickly checking her back, you confirm this one does not have any wings.
  396. >They break from their conversation to turn their attention to you as you approach.
  397. >The princess smiles.
  398. >"Glad to see you could make it Anon. Thank you for bringing him here, Spike."
  399. >You stop and bow before the princess.
  400. "Of course, your royal highness. I wouldn't dream of refusing your invitation to dinner."
  401. >Beside you, you can hear the small dragon pipe up.
  402. >"Anytime Twilight!"
  403. >"Anon, please rise."
  404. >Rising from your bow, you notice the princess is shifting in her chair slightly.
  405. >Maybe the chairs are uncomfortable?
  406. >Twilight points to the light purple pony to her left, "This is Starlight Glimmer, my pupil. Starlight, this is Anon."
  407. >You nod with a smile.
  408. "Good to meet you."
  409. >Starlight smiles.
  410. >"Likewise. Twilight was just filling me in on your arrival."
  411. >A glint of something shines in her eyes. You're not sure what it is, but it sends a shiver down your spine.
  412. >You have no doubt in your mind that this is the second magic caster.
  413. >Spike seems to have disappeared from your view.
  414. >Standing there, you await the princess's order to sit.
  415. >Several moments pass in silence, the two ponies glancing at eachother and then back to you as you simply stand there awaiting instruction.
  416. >"Um... Anon?"
  417. "Yes, your royal highness?"
  418. >The princess scrunches her muzzle slightly.
  419. >"Why don't you take a seat?"
  420. "Of course, your royal highness. Thank you."
  421. >You take a seat beside the princess, opposite of Starlight Glimmer.
  422. >Hopefully you chose correctly.
  423. >"Anon..."
  424. >Oh shit.
  425. >Did you commit a faux pas already!?
  426. >You've been applying your standard of culture to theirs, not even thinking about how that might be entirely opposite of what you should be doing.
  427. >Sweat beginning to bead on your forhead, you turn to the princess and gulp.
  428. >"I just want you to know that, while I appreciate your formality, I'd like it if you were to call me Twilight from now on."
  429. >You blink.
  430. >This was not what you expected.
  431. >Not even close.
  432. "I-I'm sorry, your royal highness?"
  433. >The princess frowns.
  434. >Oh shit.
  435. >She made one request and you fucked it up.
  436. >You take a breath to steady yourself.
  437. >No, can't get distracted. This mare could have you imprisoned. Or worse. You need to play this off. You have one chance.
  438. "I'm sorry, your- I mean, Twilight. I just don't understand why you would forgoe your title. Is this something that ponies do?"
  439. >You hear a snort and catch Starlight snickering into her hoof out of the corner of your eye.
  440. >The princess bumps her forehooves together a few times.
  441. >"No, I'm just... new to the whole 'being a princess' thing. It makes me uncomfortable when ponies use such strict formalities with me."
  442. >Blinking, you nod.
  443. "I see. So you recently married into the royal lineage then? I'm sure your prince must be happy to have you. Spike spoke very highly of you."
  444. >The snickering gets louder as a light blush coats Twilight's cheeks.
  445. >"W-WHAT!? P-PRINCE!? NO! What made you think that!?"
  446. >Taken aback, you grasp the edges of your seat.
  447. >Good fucking job. You pissed her off.
  448. >Damage control time.
  449. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to presume. Did your father take the throne recently then? Congradulations on your victory."
  450. >Please be a new king, please be a new king...
  451. >The snickering explodes into outright laughter.
  452. >You can hear Starlight's hooves beating on the table and a thump that you assume is her head hitting said table.
  453. >Your eyes widen in fear.
  454. >That isn't a good sign.
  455. >Twilight's blush dissapates and is replaced by a confused tilt of her head.
  456. >"No..."
  457. >Several moments pass with both of you staring at eachother.
  458. >You were too scared to say anything and Twilight was biting her bottom lip, looking as if she was searching your face for answers to some unseen riddle.
  459. >Twilight perks up, her eyes widening and a huge grin spreading across her muzzle.
  460. >"Of course!"
  461. >The laughter dies down a bit from across the table.
  462. >The princess must have realized you don't know what the fuck you're doing.
  463. >Wonderful.
  464. >At least you won't be sentenced to death now.
  465. >Hopefully.
  466. >"Equestria is ruled by three princesses. There is Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and myself. There is a fourth princess, Princess Cadance, that rules the Crystal Empire. We don't have queens or kings, though some of the other races on Equus do. Princess Celestia and Luna both reside in Canterlot Castle and do most of the primary rulership of Equestria. I've recently become a princess and am slowly getting into my duties."
  467. >You exhale, the tension leaving you slightly.
  468. >At least she isn't mad.
  469. "I see. It seems there is a lot I'll need to reacquaint myself with while I'm here."
  470. >Twilight nods.
  471. >"Don't worry, Anon. I'll be sure to get you up to speed on everything you need to know."
  472. >You're not sure why, but there's a dangerous glint in her eyes.
  473. >This does not bode well.
  474. >Spike walks in from a side-door in that moment, pushing a cart of plates.
  475. >"Here ya go! Dinner is served!"
  476. >Spike proceeds to place a bowl of salad in front of each of you, sitting down with his own bowl beside you.
  477. >Looking over to Twilight, you see she's already started to eat, so you pick up a fork and take a bite yourself.
  478. >Then you look back.
  479. >Her horn is glowing and the fork is levitating.
  480. >A glance at Starlight shows the same phenomenon.
  481. >There were no chants and no materials sacrificed in the casting.
  482. >Are they converting raw energy into levitation magic, controling it through their horns?
  483. >You shudder.
  484. >If that's the case, you don't want to think of the things they can do.
  485. >They must be showing off their strength to you, attempting to intimidate you should you have any ill intent.
  486. >They seem to be doing this with ease. Not even breaking a sweat.
  487. >You make a mental note not to anger either one of them.
  488. >You turn your attention to Starlight Glimmer.
  489. "So, you're the other magic caster that Spike told me about I assume?"
  490. >Starlight looks up from her salad, nodding.
  491. >"Oh? What has he said about me?"
  492. >Starlight gulps and smiles awkwardly, tugging at her collar.
  493. >That's weird, she's not even wearing any clothes.
  494. >Shaking your head, you banish the errant thought.
  495. "Just that you were, and I quote, '*super* powerful'."
  496. >"Oh, well, I guess I *might* be more powerful than the average unicorn but nothing that anypony couldn't get without enough practice."
  497. >Starlight giggles nervously a bit, waiving her hoof dismissively.
  498. "I can see that. Your mastery of levitation by converting energy into magic through your horn alone shows how terrifyingly powerful you must be. Between yourself and the princess, I'm sure you can handle any threat to your kingdom."
  499. >Starlight simply blinks in response to you.
  500. >"Do you mean to tell me that you think I'm powerful because of my levitation?"
  501. >You nod.
  502. "Of course. Being able to cast magic without a material component that gets sacrificed and without external foci is something only a select few can do. And I have yet to hear of anyone mastering levitation for such long periods of time in this way. The longest I've heard of a sorcerer being able to hold a levitation spell is about ten seconds."
  503. >The table shudders as Twilight pounds her forehooves onto the table, leaning forward, her attention solely on you.
  504. >"Anon, do you mean to tell me that hue-mans can't normally cast magic without external foci!?"
  505. >Turning your head to Twilight, you nod.
  506. "Yes, it's extremely rare that a human will have the innate talent for magic such that they are able to cast without chants or external foci."
  507. >"Amazing..."
  508. >Twilight mumbles to herself as she leans back into her chair, resuming her display of raw power as she continues to eat her salad.
  509. >A low chuckle from across the table brings your attention back to Starlight.
  510. >"Oh, if you think this is good, you haven't seen anything yet."
  511. >You gulp, body tensing once again.
  512. >This does not bode well.
  514. >The next week was spent undergoing various tests of both physical and magical nature.
  515. >You were deemed to be no danger to the populace or the environment and vice-versa.
  516. >You also underwent quite a few lectures about your new home.
  517. >You learned many disturbing things.
  518. >Turns out that every race on this planet has an *insane* amount of magic in them.
  519. >The way they manipulate this magic varies based on the race, but they all have control over it to some degree, even if it's not conscious control.
  520. >The very planet itself is permeated by magic.
  521. >Magic is in the air itself.
  522. >Magic is in the fucking air itself.
  523. >It took you a long time to allow that to sink in.
  524. >Magic, the thing that humanity has studied for centuries upon centuries comes so easily to these ponies that it makes a mockery out of humanity's efforts.
  525. >You were properly terrified after hearing this, unable to continue any testing or lessons due to your shock.
  526. >But today was the day that you decided enough was enough.
  527. >This is your reality now.
  528. >Accept it and adapt or reject it and die.
  529. >Steeling yourself, you put your hand on the doorknob and twist it open.
  530. >Walking down to the main foyer, you hear voices coming from the dining room.
  531. >Slowly walking up to the door, you stop just outside, putting your ear to the door and looking through a small crack.
  532. >To your surprise, you see a bedraggled princess pacing back and forth. Spike and Starlight both appearing just as distraught but seemingly supportive of their friend.
  533. >"I'm telling you, he hasn't come out in two days! Did something happen? Was it something I did? Something I said? I just don't know how to fix this, stallions are so confusing!"
  534. >"Calm down Twilight, I'm sure it'll be ok. Just take a deep breath and relax. He was probably just overwhelmed is all. He *did* just come from a whole different world after all."
  535. >Starlight places a hoof on Twilight's shoulder with a smile.
  536. >"Yeah Twilight, I'm sure he'll be fine in no-time!" Spike pipes up with a thumbs up.
  537. >"Thanks you guys, I hope you're right." Twilight replies with a tentative smile.
  538. >Wow.
  539. >You didn't think the princess would be so worried about you.
  540. >You figured she would just worry about ruling her ponies and get back to you whenever she felt like it.
  541. >Though, she has been pretty attentive to you since you've gotten here...
  542. >Shit.
  543. >Now you feel bad.
  544. >Sighing, you straighten yourself out and open the door.
  545. >Starlight and Spike both look over at you with smiles on their faces.
  546. >"See Twilight? Told you he'd be fine in no-time!" Spike says.
  547. >Slowly approaching, you look at Twilight's impossibly wide grin.
  548. >"Anon... you're back!"
  549. "Yes... I'm sorry for making you worry about me. I was overwhelmed with some of the information and... well, not once did I expect for this to happen."
  550. >You bow your head.
  551. >Feeling a hoof on your arm, you look up to see Twilight's now much more subdued smile.
  552. >"It's ok. You just really freaked me out. One minute I just finished my lecture on magic and how it interacts with the world and the creatures in it, the next you are in your room not to come out for two days."
  553. >Nodding, you smile.
  554. >If this is the reaction from you disappearing for two days, then maybe ponies weren't so bad...
  555. >Well, at least not these ones.
  556. >Can't give a free pass to anyone now.
  557. >Even humanity has its good and bad.
  558. >You're lucky to have found some of Equestria's better examples of ponies.
  559. "I suppose you want an explanation for that."
  560. >Twilight nods, "If you don't mind sharing. I don't want you to lock yourself up again after it though, so if it's too much..."
  561. >Shaking your head, you wave her off.
  562. "No no, nothing like that. I promise I'm fine now."
  563. >Looking over at the table, you motion to the chairs.
  564. "Maybe we should take a seat first?"
  565. >The ponies nod and you all take a seat at the table.
  566. "Alright, so in my world, magic can only be accessed with rituals. Rituals that use external foci, chants, and usually some kind of material that is sacrificed in the process. It doesn't have to be much, it could be as simple as a few berries, but it's extremely rare to find anyone who can cast magic without doing these things."
  567. >Twilight taps her muzzle with a forehoof, "I remember you saying something about that. You mentioned 'sorcerers' right?"
  568. >You nod.
  569. "Those are the exceptions. And their power is relatively limited. Anyone with the inclination and necessary intelligence could, theoretically, study to become a wizard. Only those with the innate talent are able to become a sorcerer though."
  570. >Twilight hums, "Ok, but what about the differences in magic made you lock yourself away? I would think that you'd be more interested in the way it's different and the same than scared of it."
  571. "That would come down to the type of magic used and how humans use it."
  572. >Twilight blinks, "I don't follow..."
  573. >Taking a deep breath, you steady yourself.
  574. "Humans use magic for all sorts of things. However, I was exposed to a particular type of magic over and over. Summoning magic."
  575. >Twilight's eyes go wide.
  576. >"You mean that the ritual with the demon wasn't a one-time thing!?"
  577. >You shake your head.
  578. "It was not. The wizard I worked for summoned demons on a regular basis in order to either gain knowledge or power from them. Sometimes he would send a demon on some rival. Sometimes a demon would be coming after *us* from a rival. It was... not the best way to experience magic."
  579. >Twilight gasps, "How is that not outlawed!?"
  580. >You shrug.
  581. "No one except wizards have the power to take down a wizard. They also tend to keep to themselves and their fights are amongst other wizards. Not much incentive for anyone else to get involved when the risk of death is so high."
  582. >Twilight's mouth is agape, ears splayed back.
  583. >Starlight pipes in, "But why were you working for this guy then? You just said that non-wizards don't get involved with wizards."
  584. "Ah, that..."
  585. >Sighing, you scratch the back of your head.
  586. "That is a bit embarrassing, honestly."
  587. >Spike looks up at you.
  588. >"Is this where that 'blood contract' you signed comes in, Anon?"
  589. >Twilight snaps her head to face Spike.
  590. >"BLOOD CONTRACT!?"
  591. >Snapping her head back to you, she gives you a glare.
  593. >Recoiling, you nod.
  594. >"FOR WHAT!?"
  595. >Gulping, you hold yourself together.
  596. >She obviously knows *exactly* what a blood contract entails.
  597. "I may have gotten a charm... to woo a girl..."
  598. >Twilight's ear twitches, and you swear you can see a vein protruding from her skull.
  599. >"A girl..."
  600. >You nod demurely, afraid to say anything further.
  601. >"You signed a blood contract for... a girl..."
  602. >Oh boy, is it hot in here?
  603. >You feel like the temperature has risen a few degrees.
  604. >You can't take your eyes off of Twilight though.
  605. >Maybe you shouldn't have counted your chickens before they hatched.
  606. >It looks like she's about to murder you.
  607. >"So, was she worth it?" Starlight pops in, waggling her eyebrows.
  608. >"Starlight!" Twilight calls out, cheeks puffing.
  609. >Starlight just shrugs, a smug grin on her face. "What? You know you wanna know too."
  610. >Sighing, Twilight turns to Spike. "Spike, why don't you get to your chores?"
  611. >"Alright..." Spike reluctantly leaves the room, closing the door behind him.
  612. >Twilight turns her attention back to you, her stare back in full force.
  613. >Suppressing a laugh in fear of death by power magical princess, you nod.
  614. "It would have been. If she didn't instead fall in love with the person behind me."
  615. >Starlight tilts her head to the side in confusion.
  616. "She may have not been looking at me when I gave it to her. And the charm makes the recipient fall in love with the first person she sees, so..."
  617. >Starlight smacks her forhoof to her head and groans loudly.
  618. >"Of all the..."
  619. >You feel a pressure.
  620. >Turning, you see Twilight staring daggers at you.
  621. >Staring back, you can do nothing but wait for her to break the silence.
  622. >"What were the terms?"
  623. "The payment was 10 years of servitude as his assistant. I was one week away from completion of that contract when the demon was released."
  624. >Frowning, Twilight taps her muzzle.
  625. >"Hasn't it been a week since you got here?"
  626. >Oh wow.
  627. >It has.
  628. >How time flies.
  629. "I suppose it has. Which means that since I am not dead, the contract was completed or the wizard is dead. The latter is more likely."
  630. >Twilight's ears droop, "Right... the demon..."
  631. >You nod.
  632. "Yup."
  633. >A moment of silence passes as the two mares shift uncomfortably.
  634. >You look around, noticing the tension.
  635. "Uh, did I say something wrong?"
  636. >"Oh no! I was just- Well, it's just that-" Twilight stutters.
  637. >"What Twilight means to say, is we're wondering how a stallion like you could be so nonchalant about this whole thing." Starlight interjects.
  638. >"Starlight!" Twilight fumes, "How can you be so insensitive to a stallion!"
  639. >Starlight grunts, "It's better to say what you mean than to dance around the issue!"
  640. >"You need to be more gentle with stallions, Starlight. They aren't mares." Twilight replies.
  641. >Uh... ok?
  642. "Excuse me."
  643. >"I don't think that coddling a stallion is the right approach. You'll let them walk all over you with that attitude!" Starlight responds.
  644. >"And how's that working out for you? I'm sure you *must* be swimming in dick." Twilight quips.
  645. >Raising an eyebrow, you open your mouth once more.
  646. "Hey-"
  647. >Starlight blushes, "T-that's not a valid argument! My private life has nothing to do with this!"
  648. >Twilight snorts, "Suuure. Tell that to the stallions that keep passing you up because you treat them like a mare."
  649. >"You-"
  650. "ENOUGH!"
  651. >Your shout sends both of them into a quiet wimper. Their ears splayed back and looking up at you, muzzles tilted downwards.
  652. >Looks rather cute for some reason.
  653. >If you were a lesser man, you might give in to such adorable looks.
  654. "I have no idea what you two are babbling about, but I am *not* some delicate flower. I survived dozens of attacks on the tower by demons. I have had to clean up the mess of the crazy old wizard too many times to count. I will *not* tolerate being treated like some kind of pansy!"
  655. >Both mares recoil at your harsh words.
  656. >Turning your attention to Starlight, you answer her question from earlier.
  657. "I am not being 'nonchalant' about this whole situation. The whole reason I locked myself in my room for two days is because I feared for my life. Magic is a terrifying power that exacts a great price. To hear that this place that I ended up is *literally* full of more magic and more skilled magic casters than I had ever dreamed of was absolutely *terrifying*."
  658. >You take a deep breath, steadying yourself.
  659. "But, I came to the realization that I either accept this new reality and adapt or I lay down and allow myself to die from whatever dangers are out there."
  660. >Heavy silence fills the air, broken only by the soft breathing of the three occupants in the dining hall.
  661. >Slowly, realization kicks in.
  662. >Holy shit.
  663. >You just yelled at two *extremely* power magic casters. Each of which could rend you asunder in the blink of an eye.
  664. >Your eyes fixate on the princess across from you.
  665. >And an alicorn princess no less!
  666. >You're so fucked.
  667. >Closing your eyes, you clasp your shaking hands together in a futile attempt to keep from showing your fear.
  668. >After what seems like hours, a soft voice breaks the silence.
  669. >"I'm sorry, Anon. I shouldn't have assumed. It looks like we need to have a nice long discussion on cultural differences."
  670. >Opening your eyes, you see Twilight's somber visage in front of you.
  671. >How she has yet to send you to the dungeon eludes you.
  672. "There is no need to apologize, your royal highness. I was out of line. Please, accept my apologies."
  673. >Twilight frowns, but nods. "Fine. But go back to calling me Twilight or I'll put you on bathroom duty for a week."
  674. "Deal."
  675. >Smirking, Starlight turns back to you. "So... what *is* your culture like back where you're from anyways?"
  677. >What followed was an illuminating back and forth discussion between yourself and the two ponies.
  678. >Turns out that most of the things that wizards do in your home-land is outlawed in Equestria.
  679. >Their gender roles are also vastly different.
  680. >The mares chase after the stallions, provide for the 'herd', and also are the soldiers that go to war.
  681. >Stallions usually have anywhere from two to four mares in their herd. Although, monogamous relationships do exist and there are a few stallions who have more mares in their herd.
  682. >It also seems like the stallions have it a bit easy here, not really expected to do much but settle in with a herd and breed.
  683. >The types of magic practiced are also vastly different from what you're used to.
  684. >Instead of summoning demons and battle magic, ponies tend to focus on magic to make their everyday life more practical.
  685. >Twilight informed you that, while there are ponies that do specialize in the types of magic you are used to, the number is extremely small and they usually work for the military.
  686. >That wasn't quite as comforting as you imagine she meant it to be, but the fact that most ponies don't have access to that kind of knowledge did put you at ease a bit.
  687. >A few days later had Twilight summoning you to her study.
  688. "You called?"
  689. >Sitting behind a large oak desk, Twilight smirks.
  690. >"Yes, I called. I've decided to allow you to leave the castle. I've already informed the town of your presence. Ponies get a little... skittish... around new creatures but the ponies in Ponyville are some of the nicest ponies in Equestria. Give them a bit of time and they'll warm up to you."
  691. >You nod.
  692. "Thanks Twilight. I really appreciate the amount of trust you're putting in me here. It can't be easy to trust someone you've met just a little over a week ago."
  693. >Twilight shakes her head.
  694. >"Anon, ponies tend to trust one another a lot easier than humans if your description is accurate."
  695. "And that still baffles me as to how you can be so trusting of one another."
  696. >"And you baffle me with your suspicion." Twilight quips back.
  697. >You smile.
  698. "So, you mentioned when we first met that I would be helping you as an assistant. When does that start? You've been putting me through tests so far, which is understandable, but I don't want to be late for my first day of work."
  699. >You've had some time to get to know Twilight Sparkle.
  700. >She isn't a bad person.
  701. >Or pony.
  702. >Whatever.
  703. >The point is that you don't expect to have the same issues you did when you were assisting the old bastard that fooled you into a blood contract.
  704. >Twilight looks at a scroll, probably checking her schedule.
  705. >This mare and her schedules.
  706. >"We'll start tomorrow. Today, you have the day off. Go and explore Ponyville a bit. Here's a few bits as advance payment in case you want to get something to eat."
  707. >A small bag levitates to you, it's weight indicating it's full of a decent amount of bits.
  708. >"Thank you, Twilight."
  709. >Twilight waves a hoof in your direction.
  710. >"Don't worry about it. Now go. Enjoy yourself."
  711. >You chuckle, giving her a mock salute as you exit.
  712. >Once outside the castle doors, you stop to take in your surroundings.
  713. >Ponies move about their day in the streets, some stopping to gawk at you a bit longer than would be polite, but seem to sate their curiosity and move on.
  714. >Looking up, you can see a few pegasi in the sky.
  715. >A bit smaller than the ones from your home world, and the structure seems entirely different.
  716. >The faces and overall structure make them look less like an animal and more like aniimal-people.
  717. >Strange, but you've gotten used to it over the past week or so with Twilight and Starlight.
  718. >Turning your attention back to the town, you start walking.
  719. >You don't really have a particular destination in mind, so you just walk slowly, taking in the sights and committing what you can to memory.
  720. >You doubt you'll get lost trying to get back. The castle is much taller than the rest of the buildings.
  721. >Making your way through town, you end up in a marketplace in the center of town.
  722. >Oddly enough, this is pretty close by to the water fountain where you took refuge from the angry earth pony.
  723. >You take a moment and watch from the side as the ponies filter in and out of the busy marketplace.
  724. >Various stalls set up, most of them for produce, offer their wares to the public.
  725. >You see a few mares haggling over the price of some carrots.
  726. >Scanning the stalls, you see Applejack manning an apple stall.
  727. >She seems to notice your gaze as she looks up at you and narrows her eyes.
  728. >It doesn't last long, as the next customer distracts her, but she glances your way every so often.
  729. >Probably best to avoid that stall.
  730. >Then you see something.
  731. >Strawberries.
  732. >You haven't had strawberries in the past five years.
  733. >The strawberry farms that used to provide your town with a fresh supply every year stopped delivering for 'cost reasons'.
  734. >You never noticed how much you missed them.
  735. >You're already in line behind two pegasi who seem engrossed in their conversation.
  736. >"The party tonight is gonna be *sooo* awesome. Pinkie's been talking about it all week. I can't wait to see what stallions show up!"
  737. >"I know, right? Are you wearing anything for it? I..."
  738. >You tune out the conversation as the line progresses.
  739. >Nothing of real interest to you.
  740. >Looking around you see a foal riding a scooter with a wagon attached, zipping through the streets.
  741. >The ponies seem unfazed by the mild amount of mayhem caused in their wake.
  742. >A shiver trails down your spine.
  743. >Something tells you that you should stay away from children while you're here.
  744. >For your own sanity.
  745. >You do *not* want some parent coming back to you and complaining about how you've cuorrupted their child with your crazy ideas on how the world should work.
  746. >"Hi there! What can I get you?"
  747. >You're snapped away from your thoughts as you realize you reached the front of the line.
  748. >You turn your attention to the light yellow pegasus before you.
  749. "How much for some strawberries?"
  750. >"Well, that depends on- wait, you're new in town, aren't you?"
  751. "I am. Name's Anon."
  752. >The light yellow pegasus smiles.
  753. >"I'm Strawberry Sunrise. But you can just call me Strawberry."
  754. >Strawberry giggles into her hoof.
  755. >"Since you're new, I'll give you a one-time discount. 3 bits for a small box or 7 bits for a large box. Normally I charge 5 and 10 bits, but I'm confident you'll be back once you try some."
  756. >She winks at you with a grin.
  757. >Chuckling, you pull out 3 bits from your bag.
  758. "Sure, I'll take you up on that. If you have anything close to what I remember strawberries tasting like, then I'll definitely be back here."
  759. >"Here ya go! See you soon!"
  760. >Strawberry swaps the bits for a box of strawberries and waves at you as you leave the stand.
  761. >Spotting some benches off to the side, you take a seat and open your box.
  762. >Pulling a strawberry out from the box, you take a bite.
  763. >You close your eyes and enjoy the sugary taste of the sweet fruit, smiling a bit.
  764. "Yeah, I'll definitely be back. These are even better than I remembered."
  765. >You mumble to yourself.
  766. >There's nothing crazy about mumbling to yourself.
  767. >People do it all the time!
  768. >Well, the wizard did it all the time and you picked up the habit.
  769. >It doesn't make you crazy!
  770. >Really!
  771. >Putting aside your self-delusions of not going at least a bit insane over the course of your 'employment', you devour the strawberries.
  772. >You always had a sweet tooth.
  773. >You just didn't have much of an opportunity to get sweet things.
  774. >Sighing in contentment, you decide to sit back and watch as the ponies go about their day.
  776. >After about an hour of sitting there watching ponies go by, you got up and continued your way around Ponyville.
  777. >You even visited a small restaurant on the edge of town.
  778. >You did learn there that most pony food is inedible.
  779. >More than half of the items on the menue were some sort of hay-based food.
  780. >Twilight must have taken your diet into consideration when planning meals, because you've yet to see flowers at the castle as a food item.
  781. >Regardless, you ordered some pasta.
  782. >It was pretty good.
  783. >You miss meat already, though.
  784. >You'll have to ask about that later.
  785. >For now, the sun is starting to set and you need to head back.
  786. >You have your first day of work tomorrow and you don't want to be late.
  787. >Walking through the quiet, empty streets, you note that the ponies here seem to go to bed much earlier than you're used to.
  788. >Seems that your old days of staying out at the bar until 2am are over.
  789. >A small sigh escapes you as you reach the giant double doors to the castle.
  790. >It won't be an easy transition, but you'll adapt.
  791. >Eventually.
  792. >Opening the doors, you're met with the still dark silence of the grand foyer.
  793. >You close the door quietly behind you.
  794. >Turning back from the door, light explodes from the ceiling and your vision is blasted with pink.
  795. >"SURPRISE!"
  796. >Shaking your head, you attempt to reorrient yourself.
  797. >An incredibly pink pony stands before you with a small cone on her head. Her brilliant blue eyes peirce your very soul as she gives you the biggest smile you've ever seen.
  798. >"HI! I'm Pinkie Pie. I heard *sooooo* much about you from Twilight! I wanted to come and meet you in person for the LONGEST TIME, but Twilight told me to wait and so I waited and waited and waited! I wanted to throw you a party *so* bad, but then Twilight said I could! I was SUPER EXCITED! So here we are! You're very own 'welcome to Ponyville party'!"
  799. >The sheer joy radiating from the mare in front of you makes you recoil for a moment, simply overwhelmed by her mere presence.
  800. >Looking around, you notice the entire foyer is packed with ponies.
  801. >Where did they all come from? Wasn't it empty just a moment ago?
  802. >Pinkie Pie rears up on her hind hooves and swings to your side while wrapping a forehoof around your shoulders, bringing you into a friendly embrace.
  803. >You're still too dumbfounded to react properly to this agressively friendly behavior.
  804. >"Over there's the snacks, catered by yours truly, over there is the dance floor, and over *there* is where the magic happens. Hit it Vinyl!"
  805. >A white unicorn with purple shades nods and pushes a button, unleashing a storm of noise flooding through the room.
  806. >After a moment, you recognize the noise as music.
  807. >You turn your head slightly to the pink mare beside you.
  808. >She's grinning and eyeing you with wide, hopeful eyes.
  809. "So, let me get this straight. You did threw this party for me? Why though?"
  810. >Pinkie snorts, "Because everypony needs a 'welcome to Ponyville party' silly!"
  811. >You shake your head, a grin working it's way onto your face.
  812. "Thanks, Pinkie Pie."
  813. >You swear her smile gets even bigger than before.
  814. >You didn't think that was possible.
  815. >"You're welcome Anon! Now don't keep those ponies waiting, get in there!"
  816. >With that, she gives you a light shove, pushing you into the mass of ponies before you.
  817. >Looking back, you see the pink mare smiling and shooing you forward.
  818. >Chuckling, you turn forward and are met with the sight of a pair of earth ponies, one light grey with a swept-back spikey mane and the other a light brown with a well-groomed gelled mane.
  819. >"Hello there, friend. I'm Cherry Fizzy." the light brown one says.
  820. >"And I'm Lucky Clover." the light grey one says.
  821. >You hold out your hand in greeting.
  822. "Anon. Nice to meet you."
  823. >Cherry and Lucky both shake your hand in turns.
  824. >"So, I can't help but overhear some of the rumors. You'll have to forgive me, but did you really peep on a little filly?" Cherry asks.
  825. >You shake your head.
  826. >You'll have to deal with this sooner or later and there's no reason not to nip it in the bud.
  827. "I wouldn't really call it that. More like I was transported to another world and somehow ended up in a filly's bathtub with a *very* enraged sister nearby. I barely knew what was happening and my reflexes took over."
  828. >You scratch the back of your head.
  829. "I'm a bit amazed at it myself. I guess the years of working with the wizard finally paid off. All those raids on the tower..."
  830. >You drift off a bit, recalling a particularly troublesome pest that kept diving for you from the ceiling one day.
  831. >"Raids on the tower you say? Do tell, do tell. Did someone attack you and your herd?" Cherry buts in, snapping you out of your daze.
  832. "Ah, no. I worked for a wizard as his assistant. Raids on the tower were an... occupational hazard. I've never had a 'herd' as you call it."
  833. >"My word!" Chery exclaims.
  834. >"You poor stallion!" Lucky pipes in.
  835. >"If you don't mind me asking, how old are you Anon?" Cherry asks.
  836. "I'm 26 years old."
  837. >You smirk as both stallion's eyes go wide.
  838. >"Such a wasted youth!" Cherry narrows his eyes, "What ever was the problem? Slim pickings from the town?"
  839. >You give a throaty chuckle.
  840. "Well, actually..."
  842. >After regaling them with your tale of how you ended up as the wizards apprentice, both stallions turn and nod to eachother.
  843. >"It makes sense..." Lucky says.
  844. >"Indeed..." Cherry replies, turning back to you. "Did you ever seek companionship afterwards? While I'm sure your first... attempt at a relationship had an unfortunate outcome, surely you didn't let that deter you completely."
  845. "No, I had a few one-night stands here and there but nothing serious. Word sorta got out about what I had done, or tried to do, and not many girls were willing to give me a chance after that. Most of the women I slept with were from out of town and hadn't heard of what I'd done yet."
  846. >Lucky snorts, "That's stupid! Mares do worse all the time!"
  847. >Cherry nods to Lucky, "Yes, but that doesn't make it right. After all, if you don't like it when a mare tries to ensnare you with a spell or drug your drink how does doing the same to them make it any better?"
  848. >"It doesn't! It makes us even!" Lucky stomps a hoof in reply, nostrils flaring.
  849. "Wait! Did you just say 'ensnare you with a spell'?"
  850. >Cherry sighs, "Yes, unfortunately there are those mares out there that will do *anything* to get with a stallion."
  851. >"Instead of learning how to be better at flirting, they go for the brute method!" Lucky chimes in.
  852. >"It must be noted though," Cherry interjects, "that those are uncommon. Do they happen? Definitely. Are they rare? Not really. But there's more good mares out there than bad ones."
  853. >Lucky snorts, "Says you."
  854. >Cherry places a hoof gently on Lucky's shoulder, "Now now. Just because you've had a bad... couple of experiences with mares does *not* mean that all hope is lost, Lucky."
  855. >"I know, I know. It's just... frustrating, you know? Like, I want a nice herd but how can I trust mares at this point?" Lucky sighs, "I just don't know what to do."
  856. >"Don't worry, it will come with time, Lucky. You don't need to push yourself." Cherry rubs his shoulder, smiling. "Besides, we're at a party. We might as well enjoy the time we have now with our new friend, Anon."
  857. >Lucky's face visibly brightens and he smiles.
  858. >"You're right." Lucky turns to you. "Sorry for bringing down the party. And we just met too."
  859. >You waive him off.
  860. "Don't worry about it. Honestly I was half-expecting the ponies in town to chase me down and finish the job that Applejack left unfinished."
  861. >Both stallions chuckle heartily.
  862. >"You definitely picked a poor choice in who to piss off, Anon. Seems she's *still* upset about the whole ordeal." Cherry says.
  863. "Yeah, I kinda figured when I saw her today and she gave me a death glare."
  864. >"Oh, I was referring to the fact that she's not here right now for your party." Cherry replies.
  865. >You look around and confirm his suspicion.
  866. >No Applejack.
  867. >Well, that's a good thing in your book. No need to fear for your health.
  868. >"You're right! I don't think I've ever seen her miss a Pinkie party before!" Lucky gasps, "Oh, the boys back at the office are gonna *love* this."
  869. >Cherry snorts, "As if they don't already know. You and I both know that nopony misses a Pinkie party unless they're either not invited or they have a *very* good reason as to why they're not coming."
  870. >"True..." Lucky scratches his muzzle with a forehoof.
  871. >Your stomach grumbles, making it's presence known.
  872. >Looking up, you spy some delicious looking snacks at the table. And-
  873. >Is that pie?
  874. >It is.
  875. >It's fucking pie.
  876. >Oh, you are so gonna eat that pie.
  877. >It's been ages since you've had pie.
  878. >You turn back to your companions.
  879. "Guys, not to be rude, but I'm gonna go grab some snacks and a drink. I'll catch up with you later though."
  880. >Cherry nods, "Say no more my friend. It is your party after all, and we wouldn't want to hog you all night."
  881. >"Exactly! Go on and have fun Anon!" Lucky replies, "We'll see you later."
  882. >Departing, you head over to the table reflecting on your encounter.
  883. >You just made two new friends.
  884. >The thought made you smile a little.
  885. >But such thoughts can wait.
  886. >There is pie to be had.
  888. >Reaching the snack table, you grab a plate and place a nice big slice of cherry pie on it.
  889. >Taking a bit leaves your mouth watering for more.
  890. >Damn that's good stuff.
  891. >Moaning in contentment you assault the pie on your plate.
  892. >Beside you, a giggling pony catches your attention.
  893. >Turning your head reveals a smiling Pinkie Pie.
  894. >"Like the pie?"
  895. "Ofph coursh!"
  896. >You put your hand over your mouth and swallow, wiping the remaining traces of pie from your lips.
  897. >Pinkie snorts, holding back a laugh.
  898. "Sorry, I got a little excited."
  899. >You rub an arm.
  900. "I *really* like the pie."
  901. >"Good! I'm glad you like my pie!"
  902. >Pinkie grins.
  903. >That's right, she did say she catered this didn't she?
  904. "Pinkie, your pie is delicious. I could eat this everyday."
  905. >"Well, you can!"
  906. >Your eyes widen.
  907. "I can!?"
  908. >Pinkie's grin grows a bit wider.
  909. >"Yup! Aaallll you gotta do is visit me at SugarCube Corner!"
  910. "SugarCube Corner? Where is this place?"
  911. >"It's down the street from the main market on the way to the town hall. It's in a gingerbread style building with frosting and everything! You can't miss it!"
  912. >Pinkie makes some gestures as she talks, illustrating how to get there and what it looks like.
  913. >You almost see a faint outline in the air as she moves her hooves.
  914. >Interesting.
  915. >You'll have to ask about that later.
  916. >Smiling, you nod.
  917. "I'll definitely have to visit then."
  918. >Pinkie bounces in place, the grin now even wider.
  919. >And is her hair poofier?
  920. >No, must be your imagination.
  921. "So, Pinkie Pie. How *did* you organize this whole party anyways? I gotta say, it's impresive."
  922. >You wave your hand across the party floor where ponies of all shapes, colors, and sizes are mingling with eachother.
  923. >"Oh, that's easy. I'm the resident party pony! I plan nearly *all* the big parties in Ponyville! And it helps that I'm friends with everypony in Ponyville too!"
  924. "Huh, *everypony*?"
  925. >You give her a sidelong glance.
  926. >Pinkie just nods her head enthusiastically.
  927. >"Yupperooni!"
  928. "So, are we friends?"
  929. >Pinkie waves a hoof at you, "Pfft. Of course we are, silly! What made you think otherwise?"
  930. >You smirk at the sight.
  931. "Well, we just met less than an hour ago. Where I'm from, people don't make friends so easily most of the time."
  932. >Pinkie's eyes bug out for a moment as she gasps.
  933. >"That must be *terrible*! How do you make friends then? Is *everypony* on your world cold to eachother?"
  934. >You chuckle at the over-reaction.
  935. "No, we just take a while to warm up to eachother is all. People sometimes 'hit it off' quickly, but it's rare. Though, from what I gather from my conversation with Twilight, it has to do with how much trust we put in strangers as opposed to ponies. Ponies seem to trust more easily than humans."
  936. >"Well don't you worry, Anon! We're already good friends!"
  937. >She jumps up and gives you a hug.
  938. >You grab her by instinct, pulling her into the embrace.
  939. >What is with this pony?
  940. >A little unsure of what to do, you wait until Pinkie loosens her embrace a few moments later and allow her to plop back to the ground.
  941. >"Oh! Pinkie Pie! Anon! It's good to see you!" a feminine voice says from your right.
  942. >Turning your head, you see Strawberry Sunrise approaching with a light pink blonde earth-pony mare in tow.
  943. >"Oh! Hiya Strawberry! Hiya Luckette!" Pinkie greets the two ponies.
  944. "Hi Strawberry, it's good to see you again. Who's your friend?"
  945. >"This is my friend Luckette. She's in town from Manehattan." Strawberry replies.
  946. >You turn to Luckette and extend your hand.
  947. "It's nice to meet you, Luckette."
  948. >Luckette smiles and grasps your hand in her hoof.
  949. >"Same to you, Anon. Strawberry told me she met a new friend, but she didn't say anything about an alien. Or that said friend was such a nice stallion."
  950. >Luckette winks at you.
  951. >What is with this instant friendship stuff?
  952. >Whatever.
  953. >Chalk it up to pony logic. You're in a different world, things work differently here.
  954. >You're lucky you haven't accidentally insinuated someone is a leper or something.
  955. >You silently thank the gods for sending you somewhere culturally similar.
  956. >You're glad you don't have to learn a completely different way of interacting with others.
  957. >Or a different language.
  958. >That would take a lot of time.
  959. "Well, I can't say I know much about her, but if how her strawberries taste are any indication, I think we'll be seeing a lot of eachother in the future."
  960. >Luckette smirks.
  961. >"I know, right? Her strawberries are to *die* for."
  962. >Strawberry elbows Luckette in the shoulder.
  963. >She leans in and whispers in Luckette's ear, "You don't have to lay it on so thick."
  964. >Luckette smirks, "Oh? You don't want to try and impress the stallion? Are you a filly-fooler after all?"
  965. >Strawberry punches Luckette, causing Luckette to rub her shoulder.
  966. >Luckette seems mostly unfazed, smirking the whole time.
  967. >"We just met!" Strawberry hisses.
  968. >You snort in amusement.
  969. >Both at their antics and at the fact they think they are being quiet.
  970. >Their voices are pretty easy to hear from this distance, though if they were a few feet away you probably couldn't hear what they were saying.
  971. >"So! You liked the strawberries then?" Strawberry says, redirecting her attention to you with a smile.
  972. "Definitely. They were amazing. Possibly even better than the ones I had years ago. I'm not sure how you do it, but you make an excellent product, Strawberry."
  973. >"Well, duh! Strawberry makes the best strawberries in Equestria!" Pinkie says, "I use her strawberries whenever I need some for baking! That's how you *know* they're the best."
  974. >Pinkie winks and grins at you.
  975. >Strawberry grins, "Well, of course. I can't be serving others an inferior product! I'd be ashamed if I allowed anything other than the best from my special talent!"
  976. >You remember your conversation with Twilight about special talents.
  977. >Special talents are very important to ponies and connected to their cutie mark if you remember correctly.
  978. "So, your special talent is growing strawberries then?"
  979. >"No, what gave it away?" Strawberry smirks, moving to show off her flank.
  980. >Looking at her flank reveals a strawberry and a bundle of graps together.
  981. "So, if your special talent is growing strawberries, what are the grapes for?"
  982. >Strawberry gives you a deadpan stare.
  983. >"Growing grapes."
  984. "Oh."
  985. >A moment of silence passes, both of you staring at eachother.
  986. >You tense up, clutching your hands together in a futile attempt at keeping yourself from fidgeting.
  987. >Your foot begins to tap.
  988. >She's just standing there staring into your eyes with her peircing glare, her bright green eyes boring into you.
  989. >Strawberry smirks, "Don't worry. You're not the first pony to ask about that."
  990. >You let out a breath you were holding.
  991. >Wait, you were holding your breath?
  992. >What was up with the tense atmosphere?
  993. >Maybe you're more worried about how these ponies see you than you thought.
  994. >Understandable, given that each pony holds more magic inside of them than an entire school of wizards.
  995. >You chuckle at the absurdity of it all.
  996. "So, what about the both of you? What are your special talents?"
  997. >You gesture to Pinkie Pie and Luckette.
  998. >Pinkie Pie jumps up, turning her hip to present her cutie mark of three baloons to you.
  999. >"I threw a party for my family one day and when I saw their smiles, pop! Cutie mark!"
  1000. >Pinkie grins widely, her eyes sparkling.
  1001. >Her happy nature is infectious and it brings a smile to your face.
  1002. >"And mine is bringing good luck to everypony around me!" Luckette beams, showing off her two intertwined horseshoes.
  1003. >You raise an eyebrow at that.
  1004. "How can you be sure that's your special talent and not happenstance?"
  1005. >Luckette grins.
  1006. >"Oh, I suppose that ponies just so happen to *always* win in some game or avoid some sort of danger around me then? Stopping or moving *just* before they get hit by some falling object. Yes, I'm sure that's completely normal behaviour for ponies."
  1007. >Strawberry giggles.
  1008. >"Luckette, don't be too harsh on him. After all, you wouldn't want to be rude to a stallion, would you?"
  1009. >Luckette snorts.
  1010. >"I wasn't being *rude*..." she continues murmuring something just out of your hearing.
  1011. >It seems that Strawberry caught it, though.
  1012. >You see Strawberry punch Luckette in the same spot as before.
  1013. >"Ow! Hey, if you keep this up it'll bruise."
  1014. >"Oh stop being a foal and mare-up!" Strawberry quips.
  1015. >You chuckle.
  1016. >"Oh! I'll see you gals later, I gotta go do something." Pinkie says as she bounces away.
  1017. >The three of you watch as she moves.
  1018. "Does she always bounce in place of walking?"
  1019. >"Only when she's in a good mood." Strawberry says, "You must have left a good impression on her. She definitely looks happy."
  1020. >"Well, to be fair, I haven't seen Pinkie *not* happy before. Let alone at a party." Luckette interjects.
  1021. >Strawberry shudders.
  1022. >"You don't want to see her *not* happy. It's... disturbing..."
  1023. >You raise an eyebrow, but don't press for details.
  1024. >It sounds interesting, but not something you're willing to test quite yet.
  1025. >You still haven't gotten over the magic thing yet, remember?
  1026. >The music dies down a bit and you hear a loud *thump*.
  1027. >"Hey everypony, are you ready to really get this party going!?"
  1028. >Pinkie's standing at the drink table with a large barrel.
  1029. >A roar of approval proceeds a rush to the pink pony.
  1030. >You step up to her, in front of a long line of ponies who are all eager to get to the goods.
  1031. "Sure, Pinkie, what do you got?"
  1032. >"Well, Applejack didn't want to part with some cider for some silly reason, so I decided I'd bring out this other drink I've been sitting on for a while. The salespony said it was called 'mead' and swore by it."
  1033. >You grab a cup and fill it.
  1034. >Taking a sip, you grin.
  1035. >Oh thank the gods.
  1036. >You were afraid they wouldn't have alcohol for some strange reason.
  1037. >Tastes just like the mead back home.
  1038. "It's great, Pinkie. Tastes just like the stuff back home."
  1039. >Pinkie smiles back at you.
  1040. >"Great!"
  1041. >You fill up a few more glasses and bring them back to Strawberry and Luckette as Pinkie busies herself with filling up a bunch of cups for the rest of the party ponies.
  1042. >The music resurges as you hand the mares their drinks.
  1043. "Here you go girls. You'll like it, trust me."
  1044. >They look at eachother for a moment.
  1045. >"Isn't the mare supposed to be getting the drinks?" Luckette asks.
  1046. "Just take it, Luckette. Don't question it. Take it and enjoy yourself."
  1047. >"You're weird..." Strawberry says as she takes the drink, "But I can live with that. It's nice to see a stallion who doesn't want a mare to wait on them hoof and saddle all the time."
  1048. >"Agreed." Luckette nods.
  1049. >You shake your head.
  1050. >No need to warn them you're not like Equestrian males.
  1051. >They'll learn in time.
  1052. >Strawberry takes a sip and grins.
  1053. >"You're right Anon, this *is* good. You said you've had this before?"
  1054. "Yeah, it was a favorite back home. Cheap and effective. Of course we had beer too, but mead has a higher alcohol content on average than beer."
  1055. >"You drink beer, Anon?" Strawberry asks.
  1056. "Sometimes. I prefer mead or liquor usually, though."
  1057. >"He *is* strange." Luckette replies between drinks of her own mead. "You sure know how to find the oddballs, Strawberry."
  1058. >Strawberry smirks.
  1059. >"So are you admitting you're an oddball then, Luckette?"
  1060. >"I've always known I was an oddball. I still hang out with *you* don't I?" Luckette lightly shoves Strawberry.
  1061. >Both mares giggle, bringing a smile to your face.
  1063. >"Anon, make sure the mirrors are in position. I'm just about ready to try this out."
  1064. "On it, Twilight."
  1065. >You move to position the mirrors correctly.
  1066. "Do you think this will work, Twilight? I know I told you everything I know about it, but like I said before, I'm not a wizard. There could be parts of this that I had no idea was necessary."
  1067. >You tilt the last mirror at a 45 degree angle.
  1068. >"I'm sure it'll be fine. I supplemented what you gave me with Equestrian magic. I did the calculations and it should work."
  1069. "Should. Gotcha. So I'll be running away as soon as you say 'go' then."
  1070. >Twilight snorts behind her scroll.
  1071. >"Oh come on, Anon. We're moving into unexplored territory here! Doesn't that excite you?"
  1072. "Actually, it terrifies me more than anything."
  1073. >It really does.
  1074. >It's times like these that remind you of your time as the old wizard's assistant.
  1075. >A shiver runs down your spine.
  1076. >Twilight huffs, and shuffles a few papers around.
  1077. >"Stallions..."
  1078. >You step out of the way and to the far back near the door.
  1079. >Safety first.
  1080. >Yours specifically.
  1081. >You learned that after the first few explosions.
  1082. >Twilight puts the scroll down and steps into the center of the circle.
  1083. "Ready?"
  1084. >Twilight takes a deep breath and nods.
  1085. >"Ready."
  1086. >You turn a dial on the wall, turning off the magical light from the crystals overhead.
  1087. >Twilight closes her eyes, her horn glows and the candles placed carefully about the room flicker to life.
  1088. >The intricate ritual circle drawn on the floor flares to life with arcane power as Twilight pumps Equestrian magic into it.
  1089. >Wow.
  1090. >You've seen a bit of Equestrian magic in your time here but nothing even close to this.
  1091. >It's truely awesome in the traditional sense.
  1092. >Awesome and terrifying.
  1093. >The mirrors surrounding Twilight turn opaque, colors swirling into never ending spirals.
  1094. >Beads of sweat make their presence known on Twilight's brow.
  1095. >She grits her teeth as she struggles to maintain her magic.
  1096. >Then you see it.
  1097. >The dark color creeping into the mirrors.
  1098. >Oh boy.
  1099. "Twilight?"
  1100. >Twilight grunts in response, squinting her closed eyes as she pumps more energy into the circle.
  1101. >The black color gets more pronounced.
  1102. "Twilight, you have to stop."
  1103. >Your call goes unheaded.
  1104. >Even more energy gets pumped into the circle and a dark smoke envelopes the room.
  1105. "TWILIGHT!"
  1106. >A loud ringing noise peirces the air.
  1107. >You clasp your hands to your ears and watch in astonishment as the mirrors go completely black.
  1108. >Then, the light from the arcane circle fades and the mirrors flare to life.
  1109. >Images of ponies, minotaurs, gryphons, and dragons flit across the various mirrors.
  1110. >"I did it! I made viewing mirrors to all of the major nations in Equus! All at once!"
  1111. >Twilight is jumping back and forth from one mirror to the next, testing the newly created artifacts.
  1112. >Stepping forward, your mouth agape, you stare at the sight before you.
  1113. >Truly a spy network anyone would die for.
  1114. >Of course, Twilight had said it was for her to better identify 'friendship problems' and to track things on a more minute level than her map could.
  1115. >You may like Twilight, but you sure weren't going to buy into that.
  1116. >It's as if she thought you were an idiot.
  1117. >"Look Anon! It's all here! And here's Canterlot!"
  1118. >You look into the mirror, stepping up beside Twilight.
  1119. >A grand castle surrounded by posh ponies and upscale dwellings pans in the mirror.
  1120. >Not that you could think of anything less for the nations capitol.
  1121. >Capitols were always nice to look at from the outside.
  1122. "Wow, I didn't think it would work. Congradulations Twilight."
  1123. >A smug grin makes it's way onto Twilight's muzzle.
  1124. >"Oh ye of little faith, Anon. Didn't I say I had this?"
  1125. >You shake your head in bewilderment.
  1126. "That you did..."
  1127. >A loud shattering crash interrupts your conversation.
  1128. >Spinning your head, you see one of the mirrors shattered on the ground.
  1129. "Twilight, get down!"
  1130. >"Wha-?"
  1131. >You grab Twilight and force her to the floor as you hear mirrors shatter all around you.
  1132. >Some bits and peices fly overhead, bathing the room in debris.
  1133. >The mirror right next to you shatters in it's own small explosion.
  1134. >The shards stop just short of hitting you, a pink-purple wall between you and the exploded mirror.
  1135. >Looking over to Twilight reveals a glowing horn.
  1136. >Is that a shield spell?
  1137. >On a whim?
  1138. >Oh please for the love of the gods, do not piss off this magic caster.
  1139. >You'll surely die a horrible death.
  1140. >And if her love of 'learning new things' is any indication, it will be a slow and painful one.
  1141. >"Are you okay?"
  1142. >Shaking your head, you bring yourself back from your thoughts.
  1143. "Uh, yeah. I'm alright."
  1144. >Looking around, Twilight clicks her tongue.
  1145. >"What went wrong?"
  1146. >Standing, you offer your hand to Twilight.
  1147. >She looks at you confused, eyes glancing between your hand and your face.
  1148. >Sighing, you facepalm with your free hand.
  1149. "Do you want help up?"
  1150. >"Oh. Uh, sure."
  1151. >Twilight blushes a bit and takes your offered hand with a sheepish grin.
  1152. >Pulling her up, you just shake your head.
  1153. >This pony.
  1154. >You head back to the wall and turn the dial again to re-illuminate the room.
  1155. >Bits of shattered reflective surfaces litter the floor.
  1156. >Twilight is looking around, writing frantically on a scroll with her magic while muttering to herself.
  1157. >Truly an insane amount of magical power in this one.
  1158. >Powered a ridiculously magic intensive ritual and still has magic to spare.
  1159. >It's no wonder she's one of the rulers.
  1160. >Your body shakes as you recall Twilight telling you about the other rulers.
  1161. >Celestia who moves the sun and Luna who moves the moon.
  1162. >Both of them with the strength of their magic alone.
  1163. >Even if it wasn't brute strength but a complex spell that tied the gravitational forces to work for them, it's still a terrifying prospect.
  1164. >You just hope you never have to encounter them.
  1165. >Ever.
  1166. >One insanely powered alicorn is enough.
  1167. >"Alright, we'll come back to this. Let's go take a break."
  1168. >You nod and open the door, holding it for her.
  1169. >She stops and looks at you.
  1170. >Oh.
  1171. >This again.
  1172. >Sighing, you step outside and Twilight follows you, a smug smile on her muzzle.
  1173. >You both head out and stop at a lounge area, plopping into some comfortable chairs.
  1174. >"Ahh, that's nice."
  1175. >You chuckle.
  1176. "Nothing like a nice relaxing chair after a life threatening magic accident, aye Twilight?"
  1177. >Twilight huffs.
  1178. >"It was *not* life threatening. I had it completley under control."
  1179. "Uh huh. Well, to you, maybe. But remember, I don't have crazy alicorn magic that can summon barriers at a whim. If something goes wrong, I have to dodge or get hit by whatever flies my way."
  1180. >Twilight purses her lips.
  1181. >"That's- I'm sorry. I didn't realize- I wasn't-"
  1182. >Blinking, you shake your head and wave her off.
  1183. "Don't worry Twilight. You put up your shield around both of us. That's more than I can say about my previous employer."
  1184. >Twilight frowns.
  1185. >"That doesn't make it right."
  1186. >You snort.
  1187. "Not many things are 'right', Twilight. You just have to live and adapt to survive."
  1188. >Twilight groans.
  1189. >You've had this conversation before.
  1190. >It seems she's under some false impression that you were somehow neglected as a child to have come to such a 'cynical' view of life.
  1191. >"Well, *anyways*, I suppose now is as good a time as any to take the rest of the day off."
  1192. >You nod.
  1193. "Sounds good."
  1194. >"And since it's the weekend, you should go out somewhere. I know you made some friends at the party and I haven't seen you leave the castle once this week."
  1195. "Oh, right. Uh..."
  1196. >You scratch the back of your head sheepishly.
  1197. >To be completely honest, you were still trying to get used to this place and didn't want the added stress of dealing with outside ponies messing with your first week at work.
  1198. >You did take that time to read up on their history and culture though.
  1199. >Seems this fact did not go unnoticed by the princess of friendship.
  1200. >Twilight narrows her eyes.
  1201. >You sigh in defeat.
  1202. "Yes, ma'am. I'll make sure to go out and visit my new friends."
  1203. >Twilight smiles.
  1204. >"Good. I know for certain that Pinkie Pie would love a visit from you. She came by the other day to drop something off and mentioned you."
  1205. >You perk up a bit.
  1206. "Really?"
  1207. >Twilight nods.
  1208. >"Really. She said something about having something ready for you when you made it over. If I know Pinkie Pie, that's usually a sign she has something special ready."
  1209. >You smirk.
  1210. >Gotta be the pie.
  1211. "Well, I did promise her I'd stop by. And I should swing by Strawberry's stand again and talk to her... and try and find Lucky and Cherry again..."
  1212. >The daunting task ahead of you seems imposing.
  1213. >So much to do.
  1214. >You're also a bit scared that one of those ponies is gonna start a lynch mob.
  1215. >You've seen them from your window sometimes.
  1216. >They can get riled up into a panic over small things.
  1217. >A chicken runs through town chased by a dog and the whole market turns into a crazy field of battle.
  1218. >On the other hand, seemingly crazy things go completely unnoticed.
  1219. >A unicorn appearing out of nowhere in the middle of the square?
  1220. >Totally acceptable.
  1221. >Apparently.
  1222. >You still can't figure out how pony logic works.
  1223. >"Seems like you'll have a full weekend. Don't worry about any kind of curfew by the way. As long as you're safe, I trust you."
  1224. >You smile and nod to Twilight.
  1225. "Thanks, Twilight."
  1226. >Twilight shakes her head.
  1227. >"You're not a child after all. And you're not a prisoner."
  1228. >You chuckle.
  1229. "Maybe not, but it still takes a lot for a leader of a nation to trust an alien this much. And yes, I know, I'm repeating myself at this point."
  1230. >Twilight nods.
  1231. >"Well, have fun. I'll be either here or at Fluttershy's or Rarity's. I don't know what Starlight has planned but if you need anything just find either myself, Starlight, or Spike."
  1232. >You nod.
  1233. "Gotcha. Thanks again, Twilight."
  1234. >You stand and leave, waving goodbye as you go.
  1235. >You've got a pie to order.
  1237. >The sweet smells of baked goods waft in the air as you approach the gingerbread styled bakery.
  1238. >A small doorbell rings as you enter the shop.
  1239. >It's a comfy place, filled with nice wood flooring, walls, and furniture.
  1240. >There are a few ponies scattered about the tables and chatting as you make your way to the counter.
  1241. >Behind the counter is a plump blue earth pony with a rather large swirled pink mane.
  1242. >"Hello and welcome to SugarCube Cor-"
  1243. >She looks up at you with wide eyes.
  1244. >After a breif pause she blinks and smiles.
  1245. >"Ah, you must be Anon then?"
  1246. >You smile and nod in response.
  1247. >Do not spook the pony.
  1248. >Spooked ponies are bad for your health.
  1249. >"So terribly sorry, dear. I'm afraid I wasn't able to attend your party because I was taking care of my foals, Pound and Pumpkin Cake." Her ears splay back, "I hope you're not mad."
  1250. >You blink.
  1251. >Weird.
  1252. "Why would I be mad?"
  1253. >A sigh escapes the mare as she chuckles.
  1254. >"Oh, I'm glad to hear that. Some stallions these days get upset at the smallest little thing..."
  1255. >She rubs a hoof on her chest, fluffing up the fur there making it more obvious.
  1256. >Strange.
  1257. >"So, what can I do for you, dearie?" She says with a smile.
  1258. "I was actually looking for Pinkie Pie. And... how did you know my name if you didn't attend the party? I haven't gone outside very much..."
  1259. >"My husband made an appearance and I've heard a *lot* about you from Pinkie Pie so I was able to put the peices together."
  1260. >She turns and coughs in her hoof.
  1261. >"You also made *quite* the... entrance when you arrived."
  1262. >Palm meet face.
  1263. >Of course.
  1264. >Who *wouldn't* know you by now in Ponyville?
  1265. >You'd imagine you were a headline in one of the newspapers at some point.
  1266. >You never saw any reporters storming the castle though.
  1267. >Maybe you're over-thinking things.
  1268. >You're not that important after all.
  1269. >Just some guy who got stuck in a weird situation.
  1270. >You nod.
  1271. "Makes sense. I imagine I'm pretty distinctive to pick out here."
  1272. >"Indeed. Well, let me go and get Pinkie Pie for you then."
  1273. "Thanks."
  1274. >"Think nothing of it."
  1275. >She turns and walks through the swinging doors behind her.
  1276. >A moment later you're assaulted with blindness as something soft and furry latches onto your face with a feirce hug.
  1277. >Flashes of demonic face-huggers flit through your brain.
  1278. >You shudder.
  1279. >But those were wet and slimy and this is soft and fuzzy...
  1280. >"ANON!"
  1281. "Mff!"
  1282. >The soft, warm, and fuzzy face-hugger detaches from you and reveals itself as none other than Pinkie Pie.
  1283. >"I'm SO glad you came! I was waiting for like, *ever*! I wanted to come over and visit but then I thought 'what if I bother him' and then I remembered that we didn't set a date for you to come and visit me so I went to Twilight's castle and asked her about it and she said you were fine and then I..."
  1284. >You smile.
  1285. >Despite the sheer madness of the situation, it seems Twilight was right.
  1286. >The pink mare before you is bouncing with excitement.
  1287. >"...and then I was like 'well, if he doesn't come over by Saturday then I'll just *have* to take his super special present to him then!' and then I was getting your super special present ready and then Mrs. Cake said you were here and here we are!"
  1288. >Pinkie is beaming at you with a big inviting smile.
  1289. >It's the biggest smile you've ever seen on a pony, and it almost unnerves you, but the sheer joy behind it puts you at ease.
  1290. >You smile back.
  1291. >The joy radiating from this mare is infectious.
  1292. "It's good to see you too, Pinkie Pie."
  1293. >You swear you hear a 'squee' sound from somewhere.
  1294. >You turn your head back and forth, trying to locate the source of the sound.
  1295. >What in the nine hells was that!?
  1296. >"Sooo, wanna see your super special present!?"
  1297. >You turn back to Pinkie Pie.
  1298. >The sound isn't making a reappearance.
  1299. >Doesn't matter.
  1300. >You're here for your friend, not some mysterious sound.
  1301. "Sure. Although you didn't have to get me anything. We *just* met after all..."
  1302. >Pinkie giggles.
  1303. >"Well, I didn't *have* to but I *wanted* to. Besides! It's not like it cost me anything! Just a little bit of time to do what I invited you here in the first place for anyways!"
  1304. >Your eyes go wide with realization.
  1305. >Pie.
  1306. >Pinkie's delicious pie.
  1307. >Your mouth is already drooling at the image of it.
  1308. "Oh, you know *just* how to sweet-talk me. I can't even think of declining *that*."
  1309. >"Just wait here and I'll get everything ready. I'll be right back!"
  1310. >You nod as she hops back into the room beyond the swinging doors, humming to herself.
  1311. >You catch yourself staring as the doors finally come to a stop.
  1312. >Shaking your head, you're met with a bemused light blue earth pony mare.
  1313. >"So." She says, a smug smile on her face. "I take it we'll be seeing more of you in the future?"
  1314. >You nod.
  1315. "If it means getting more of Pinkie's pie, absolutely."
  1316. >The mares cheeks flush red.
  1317. >"Is that so?"
  1318. >The smugness intensifies.
  1319. >"I'm Mrs. Cake by the way."
  1320. >You shake the outstretched hoof.
  1321. "Anon."
  1322. >She chuckles.
  1323. >"Yes, well, I look forward to seeing you in the future. With any luck, you'll be a regular here."
  1324. >You look around and shrug.
  1325. "It looks like a nice enough place. If the food from the party is any indication, that's definitely worth coming back for."
  1326. >You turn your attention back to the swing doors.
  1327. "There's also Pinkie Pie."
  1328. >Mrs. Cake snorts.
  1329. >"Yes, there is also Pinkie Pie."
  1330. >The doors swing open, revealing a smiling Pinkie Pie holding a pie in her hooves.
  1331. >"Alll ready! Let's go take a seat!"
  1332. >You follow her to a table by the window.
  1333. >The pie smells great.
  1334. >You find a piece of pie on a plate in front of you out of seemingly nowhere.
  1335. >You blink.
  1336. >How?
  1337. >You look at the pie and see it's been cut already.
  1338. >Munching sounds bring your attention to your companion.
  1339. >Pinkie is shoving the last of her piece of pie in her mouth, chewing noisily before swallowing.
  1340. >"The pie's not gonna eat itself, Anon. You should try it!"
  1341. >A small smirk makes it's way onto your face.
  1342. >Indeed, pie will not eat itself.
  1343. >At least, you hope it never does.
  1344. >Looking down, there's no silverware like at Twilight's castle.
  1345. >Oh well, it's not like it's pasta or something.
  1346. >Taking the slice, you bring it up to your mouth and take a bite.
  1347. >Oh, that's *really* good.
  1348. >Strawberry Pie.
  1349. >Now that's something you definitely have *not* had before.
  1350. >Before you know it, the pie is gone.
  1351. >You and Pinkie lean back in your chairs.
  1352. >Pinkie is rubbing her stomach.
  1353. "That was really good, Pinkie. Thank you."
  1354. >Pinkie grins.
  1355. >"I knew you'd like it!"
  1356. >You chuckle.
  1357. "So, my talking to Strawberry tipped me off, huh?"
  1358. >Pinkie nods enthusiastically.
  1359. >"Yup! I figured, you liked my pie and you said you liked Strawberry's strawberries so why not put them both in one dish?"
  1360. "Do you always have such astute powers of observation?"
  1361. >You smirk.
  1362. >Pinkie giggles.
  1363. >"I just pay attention to what ponies like or dislike. It's not that hard, silly."
  1364. "Alright, fair enough."
  1365. >You lean back and scratch your chin.
  1366. "So Pinkie, how did you end up working here? I thought you said your cutie mark dealt with bringing ponies happiness, not baking."
  1367. >"Well, why not do both at once!?" Pinkie says while waiving her forehooves around in the air.
  1368. >"I can bake cakes and pies and all sorts of goodies while bringing a smile to everypony I meet at the same time! It's a win-win!"
  1369. "Good point. But why baking? There are plenty of ways to spread happiness."
  1370. >"Mhm! There are!"
  1371. >Pinkie nods in aggreement.
  1372. >"I kinda ended up working for Mr. and Mrs. Cake after I left home as a little filly. They were kind and took me in. I wanted to pay them back for being so nice to me so I started by helping out around the store."
  1373. >Pinkie leans back and looks off into the distance towards the counter.
  1374. >"At first, I just helped with the cleaning and taking orders. But Mrs. Cake brought me in back one day and began teaching me how to bake! It was *so* fun! All sorts of ingredients and you can even be creative with it! And seeing the smile on somepony's face when they bite into something you made with your own hooves was super satisfying."
  1375. >You nod.
  1376. >You can appreciate the satisfaction of a well done job.
  1377. >Despite hating his guts, you always took pride in being able to lay things out perfectly for the wizard.
  1378. >You might have been bound by a blood contract, but you weren't going to give the wizard any reason to make things difficult for you.
  1379. "So, you came here as a filly? Did yo-"
  1380. >Full stop.
  1381. >Don't ask.
  1382. >Why did you even start?
  1383. >If your history research serves you right, there haven't been any wars in Equestria for quite some time.
  1384. >Which only means she either ran away from home due to neglect or her family was murdered.
  1385. >Great.
  1386. >Good luck getting out of that hole.
  1387. >"Did I what?"
  1388. >Pinkie is sitting there staring at you with with here big brilliantly blue eyes, an innocent smile on her face.
  1389. "I'm sorry. Forget I said anything."
  1390. >"Hmm..."
  1391. >Pinkie taps a hoof to her muzzle.
  1392. >"Well, okay!"
  1393. >You breath a sigh of relief.
  1394. >That was surprisingly easy.
  1395. >"So how's working for Twilight going?"
  1396. "It's alright. More or less the same from what I'm used to except for the scenery. Her castle is a lot prettier than the tower I used to live in, but she gets into some over-enthusiastic modes where-"
  1397. >You stop.
  1398. >You almost talked badly about the *princess*.
  1399. >You know, the one that could vaporize you where you stand?
  1400. >She hasn't shown any signs of being easily insulted, but you haven't really tested that theory.
  1401. >And you don't plan to.
  1402. "I mean, she gets really excited about her work. And I'm used to dealing with that. Though it does help that Spike is there. Having someone else who knows how Twilight is definitely eases my mind when I'm trying to assist her. I have a lot to learn but it's going well, I suppose."
  1403. >You wipe some sweat from your brow.
  1404. >Who knew talking with a friend would be so stressful?
  1405. >It doesn't help that Pinkie is also *Princess* Twilight's friend as well.
  1406. >You almost think she might be here to check up on you and keep tabs on you when Twilight or Starlight aren't around.
  1407. >Spike, while terrifying, is too young to do too much.
  1408. >Well, you just need to be careful.
  1409. >Pinkie giggles.
  1410. >"Well, that's good! Spike is a good dragon so I'm sure he'll have you whipped up into shape in no-time!"
  1411. >That's what you're afraid of.
  1412. >You know he's a young dragon, but it doesn't mean he can't tear you limb from limb in a moment's notice.
  1413. >"Do you like it here?"
  1414. "Uh, yeah. It's a nice little bakery. Pretty nice and cozy."
  1415. >You nod, looking around the bakery, noting the various customers going about their day.
  1416. >Pinkie shakes her head.
  1417. >"No, silly. Not SugarCube Corner, though I *am* happy to hear that, but Equestria!"
  1418. >Pinkie spreads her hooves wide in emphasis.
  1419. >Oh.
  1420. >Well that's a different question isn't it?
  1421. >Pinkie is looking at you with those damned blue eyes again.
  1422. >Those things should be illegal.
  1423. >They just shine with unrestrained enthusiasm.
  1424. >Way too adorable.
  1425. >A lot of things in this world are adorable, now that you think about it.
  1426. >But you know better than to let appearances fool you of such things.
  1427. >The one time you fell for a succubus was all the lesson you needed.
  1428. >You suppress a shudder and move on from that thought.
  1429. >No need for pointless recollections here.
  1430. "Well, it's nice. I haven't really had much time to explore, but from what I've seen it's a very nice world. A lot less... conflict than I'm used to, so it feels a bit strange."
  1431. >Pinkie tilts her head to the side.
  1432. >"Conflict?"
  1433. "Yeah, we had a lot of war. Nothing really terrible but they were really long standing wars that drained resources constantly. There would be a skirmish here or there but for the most part it was a stand-off. We take a city, they take a city, that sort of thing."
  1434. >You wave non-chalantly.
  1435. "And the wizards all kept themselves seperate for the most part from the wars of kingdoms. No one attacks a wizard's tower except other wizards. So for the most part, I didn't have to worry too much."
  1436. >Pinkie blinks, her mouth in the shape of an "o".
  1437. >"Wow, Anon. I don't know what to say..."
  1438. >You shrug.
  1439. "Nothing to say. It was what it was. Now it's likely a world of ash."
  1440. >Pinkie frowns and...
  1441. >Did her hair just deflate?
  1442. >It looks less poofy than before.
  1443. >"Anon..." Pinkie says, "don't you have any friends or family that you miss?"
  1444. >You raise an eyebrow.
  1445. "No, not really."
  1446. >This causes Pinkie's frown to deepen significantly.
  1447. >What is this gut-wrenching feeling?
  1448. >It's as if you've done a terrible sin to the world.
  1449. >You look up from your clenched hand on your chest to look at the very sad pony before you.
  1450. >Urge to make pony feel better intensifies.
  1451. "Uh, well, it's not like I didn't have friends or anything! It's just that... you sorta get used to friends disappearing when you work at a wizard's tower. Strange things happen and on top of that, the men get drafted to go fight in the war soo..."
  1452. >Oh god, it's not helping.
  1453. >Pinkie's ears are splayed back.
  1454. >The pout is in full force.
  1455. >This is not what you intended.
  1456. >"You poor stallion..."
  1457. >Then, it's as if a lightbulb pops in her head.
  1458. >She stands up on her chair, leaning in bringing her face closer to you.
  1459. >Her bright blue eyes stare into your soul and her nostrils are flared, her ears upright and pointed at you.
  1460. >"Did you just say they drafted *men*!? As in the *males*!?"
  1461. >Time seems to slow.
  1462. >An unknown pressure in the atmosphere makes itself known.
  1463. >Terror.
  1464. >That is the thing you feel right now.
  1465. >You don't know what pony gods you have angered, but you need to find out and make a sacrifice post-haste!
  1466. "Uh... yes?"
  1467. >"And what about the mares!? Where were they when their stallions needed them!?"
  1468. >You blink.
  1469. >A strong sense of relief washes through you.
  1470. >She's not angry at *you*, just the situation.
  1471. >Though, the tension doesn't dissapate completely.
  1472. "Oh. Right. Well, the females sometimes go to war too. But only men get drafted. Women can join voluntarily but they aren't forced to go to war."
  1473. >Pinkie snorts.
  1474. >She sits back into her chair, mumbling to herself.
  1475. >You try to catch what she's saying but all you can hear are 'pathetic' and 'useless'.
  1476. >Note to self, do not piss off the pink one.
  1477. >Pinkie takes a deep breath, inflating her lungs to a comical degree and exhales.
  1478. >She stares into your eyes with a straight face.
  1479. >"I won't disappear on you."
  1480. >You nod.
  1481. "Ok."
  1482. >"No, I *Pinkie promise* I won't disappear on you. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."
  1483. >As she speaks, she pantomimes her words.
  1484. >You nod again.
  1485. >A strange ritual, but it obviously holds some kind of deep significance for her.
  1486. >The seriousness of her demeaner throws you off.
  1487. >You manage to pull yourself together for a response.
  1488. "I understand. Thank you, Pinkie Pie."
  1489. >A large smile adorns Pinkie's muzzle once more.
  1490. >All becomes right with the world.
  1491. >Whatever unknown pressure that permeated the air releases itself and time seems to resume back to it's normal pace.
  1492. >"Good!"
  1493. >Pinkie glances at a nearby clock.
  1494. >"Oh no! I gotta go back to work!"
  1495. >She jumps off her chair and hops around the table, giving you a hug.
  1496. >You hug her back reflexively, grasping her soft, warm coat.
  1497. >"I had a lot of fun today, Anon. Thank you for coming by." She says while hugging you.
  1498. >You nod in response, still trying to process the aggressively friendly mare's actions.
  1499. >A moment passes and you let go, scratching your arm as what you did settles into your awareness.
  1500. >"Come back soon!" She says as she hops her way back into the kitchen a smile on her muzzle.
  1501. >The swinging doors close, bringing you back to reality.
  1502. >Well, that was interesting.
  1503. >You can't say you've ever seen anyone so... genuine about something like that.
  1504. >You feel touched.
  1505. >Maybe she isn't *just* there to spy on you for Twilight...
  1507. >The market is bustling with ponies of all sizes and colors.
  1508. >A few pegasi fly overhead, the draft from their wings causing a slight breeze on the crowd.
  1509. >Smiling, you walk through the crowd, your height allowing you to find the best path through.
  1510. >You have your sights set on one mare in particular, and you diligently move towards her.
  1511. >Taking your eyes off the crowd you spot her at her stall, catering to a line of ponies.
  1512. >You bump into a pony, stepping back.
  1513. >"Oof! Sorry there, partner. I didn't-"
  1514. >The pony cuts off as she looks up to you, her muzzle twisting into a scowl.
  1515. >"Oh. It's you." Applejack growls.
  1516. >You back up a few more steps, putting some distance between you.
  1517. >At the very least you want to be out of range of a well-placed kick to the face.
  1518. "Sorry."
  1519. >Applejack glares at you.
  1520. >Several long moments pass for what seems like minutes.
  1521. >Snorting, Applejack turns and trots away, mumbling, "I don't have time for you right now..."
  1522. >Taking a deep breath, you sigh.
  1523. >You got out of that with your head intact.
  1524. >Mission success!
  1525. >Strolling forward a bit more cautiously, you make your way to Strawberry's booth.
  1526. >"Welcome, what can I get you?" Strawberry says as she finishes with her last customer.
  1527. >She looks up at you, her eyes twinkling with mirth and smirks.
  1528. >"So you finally decided to show your face again, huh? And here I thought you abandoned me."
  1529. "Well, I considered it. Buutt... you *do* have some pretty awesome strawberries..."
  1530. >Strawberry snorts, raising an eyebrow.
  1531. >"So, you just come to me for my strawberries then?"
  1532. "Nah, I think the mare I got to know at the party was pretty cool too. I thought she was great and wanted to spend a bit of time with her. Do you know where she is?"
  1533. >You make a point of looking around, trying to spot an elusive pony in the crowd.
  1534. >"Sorry, she's busy working right now." Strawberry says, giggling into a hoof.
  1535. "Darn. Well, I guess I'll just have to make do with you then."
  1536. >Strawberry rolls her eyes with a smirk.
  1537. >"Oh, *so* sorry to inconvenience you."
  1538. >You grin.
  1539. >The party was a long night, but you got to know this particular pony fairly well throughout it.
  1540. >As well as you can reasonably know someone in a night, that is.
  1541. >You picked up on her and Luckette's quips at eachother fairly quickly and soon enough, you were all joining in on the fun.
  1542. >With a few glasses of liquid courage, of course.
  1543. "Oh, by the way, I had the strawberry pie Pinkie made today. It was *great*. Definitely due to your top-notch strawberries in Pinkie's excellent cooking."
  1544. >"Of course it was. I wouldn't expect anything less." She says with a smug grin, "But I'm glad you liked it. Most ponies seem to like apple pie better..."
  1545. >Strawberry visibly shudders.
  1546. >You shake your head.
  1547. "No thank you, I think I'd much prefer some strawberry pie any day. If you're going to have something sweet, might as well go all the way, right?"
  1548. >"Right!" Strawberry says, nodding, a big smile on her face.
  1549. >Her bright green eyes seem to sparkle with understanding, finding a fellow sweets lover.
  1550. >"Oh!" She says, a nervous grin on her face.
  1551. >"Sorry, did you want to buy anything today? As much as I enjoy talking with you, I *do* gotta keep working after all."
  1552. >You nod.
  1553. "Yeah, can I get a large box this time?"
  1554. >"Sure thing! Coming right up!"
  1555. >Strawberry grabs a box from behind the counter and you exchange your bits for the box.
  1556. "Oh, by the way. I've got the weekend off from Twilight. Do you have any free time this weekend?"
  1557. >Strawberry nods, her green eyes glistening.
  1558. >"Yup! I got some time tomorrow."
  1559. >She chews her lip, looking off to the distance.
  1560. >"You probably don't know much about Ponyville yet, do you?"
  1561. >You shake your head.
  1562. "I walked around a bit, but I haven't made an effort to really get to know the town yet."
  1563. >"Well, why don't we go to the park at noon then? There's an open concert going on with some local musicians. They set up shop every month, and they're pretty good!"
  1564. >You smirk.
  1565. "Sure, that sounds like fun. Though, I'm not entirely sure how to get there."
  1566. >"Oh! Well, it's..." Strawberry trails off, looking off in a particular direction.
  1567. >After a moment, she turns back to you with a smug grin.
  1568. >"I tell you what, I'll pick you up at eleven in the morning and show you the way. After the concert, I'll give you a bit of a tour around town. Sound good?"
  1569. >You nod.
  1570. "That sounds good to me. So, see you tomorrow at eleven then."
  1571. >Strawberry nods excitedly, her wings ruffling a bit.
  1572. >"Yup! I'll see you then!"
  1573. >You wave goodbye as you walk away, heading towards the castle.
  1574. >That went pretty well.
  1575. >Not that you thought it would go badly.
  1576. >Things seem to be going well overall in your time here.
  1577. >With the exception of your arrival of course.
  1578. >*That* definitely could have gone better.
  1579. >But given the circumstances-
  1580. >"Anon!"
  1581. >Snapping back to reality, you look up to see Cherry Fizzy and Lucky Clover walking towards you.
  1582. >"Anon, what are you up to?"
  1583. "I'm heading back to the castle to put my strawberries away for later. After that, I got nothing. What's up?"
  1584. >"Funny, we just got back from the castle looking for you." Cherry replies.
  1585. >"Yeah, we were hoping you could come with us tonight to the Salt Mine." Lucky adds.
  1586. >You blink in confusion.
  1587. "The salt mine?"
  1588. >Why would they want to go to a mine?
  1589. >"Of course! After all, it's our weekly stallions night out. And Lucky here needs a bit of help getting himself a marefriend." Cherry says as he wraps a hoof around Lucky's withers.
  1590. >"I do not!" Lucky retorts, his lower lip protruding from his muzzle.
  1591. >Cherry chuckles, "Of course not. After all, you're doing *so* well for yourself."
  1592. >Lucky sighs, "I still think it's a bad idea."
  1593. >"Oh come now, don't be such a spoiled sport! Just because you've had a few mares try some... less than savory tactics... to try and woo you shouldn't deter you completely!" Cherry replies.
  1594. >Lucky deadpans in response.
  1595. >Cherry rolls his eyes and rolls his hoof in a 'continue' gesture. "Yes, yes. Go on. Tell me why I'm wrong."
  1596. >"How about the time I was nearly drugged!?" Lucky retorts.
  1597. >"*Nearly* being the key word, my good stallion! You knocked the drink off the table to find the pill still disolving did you not?" Cherry says with a smile.
  1598. >"And the time where I *almost* ended up falling for the birth control potion swap trick?" Lucky's eyes narrow as he stares at Cherry.
  1599. >"Again, *almost*! You, my good stallion, are blessed with luck. If you had not forgotten where your keys were, you wouldn't have found the bottle she hid under the bed!" Cherry says smugly.
  1600. >"*Just* because my special talent is luck *doesn't* mean that I'll be able to avoid it forever. One of these days there *will* be some mare who manages to get past that. Luck only goes so far sometimes."
  1601. >Lucky grunts, his tail flicking back and forth.
  1602. >"And on that day, I swear by Celestia that I will do everything in my power to congradulate the happy couple." Cherry quips.
  1603. >Lucky snorts, shaking his head with a sigh.
  1604. >"You don't give up, do you?" Lucky asks.
  1605. >"Never." Cherry says with a sinister grin.
  1606. >You chuckle at the sight.
  1607. "Sure, I'll come and help. Not sure what help I'll be, but I'll come anyways."
  1608. >"Excellent!" Cherry says, "Come! Let's get ready!"
  1609. >You look up at the sky.
  1610. "It's still in the middle of the afternoon, though. Why would we need to get ready so soon?"
  1611. >"Oh, you poor stallion. No wonder you had trouble with mares." Cherry tsks, "No matter! We shall soon rectify this!"
  1612. >Lucky is looking at you with a giddy smile.
  1613. >"Oh, you're gonna love this! C'mon!"
  1614. >Lucky grabs your hand with his mouth and pulls you away from the castle towards town again.
  1615. "Wait, what about-"
  1616. >Cherry looks at your outstretched hand with the box of strawberries in it.
  1617. >"Oh, fine. I'll take your strawberries to the castle and leave them with Twilight or Spike. Don't you worry, I'll be with you both in a bit."
  1618. >Cherry takes the box of strawberries from you and trots away as you are pulled in the opposite direction by Lucky.
  1619. >His grip on your hand is firm, but gentle.
  1620. >Though, you do want to extract your hands from the slober that's starting to gross you out a bit.
  1621. "Uh, Lucky? Can I-"
  1622. >Lucky stops and releases your hand.
  1623. >"We're here!"
  1624. >He waves his hooves at the door of an extravagant building.
  1625. >Two spired roofs adorn the top with various points on the outer edges curving upwards.
  1626. >A sign on the door reads 'Ponyville Day Spa'.
  1627. "A spa?"
  1628. >Lucky nods enthusiastically.
  1629. >"Uh huh!"
  1630. >Before you can question it, he grabs your hand again and pulls you inside.
  1631. >Sighing, you resign yourself to your fate.
  1632. >It can't be *that* bad. After all, it's not like there's anyone to judge you for going to a spa here.
  1633. >The only ones who could, wouldn't because of the wacky nature of Equestrian culture.
  1634. >"Welcome to ze Ponyville Day Spa, how may we help you?" A light pink mare asks from behind the counter.
  1635. >"We'll both have the deluxe package." Lucky responds.
  1636. >He stops and puts a hoof to his chin, "And we'll be having a third join us soon, so please let him in when he gets here."
  1637. >"Ov course. Right this way." The mare opens a curtain, beckoning you inside.
  1638. >Well, here goes nothing...
  1640. >You're lying back in a lounge chair in an ill-fitting robe meant for minotaurs.
  1641. >There is some sort of paste on your face and cucumbers in your eyes.
  1642. >You sigh.
  1643. >Somehow, you knew this would be inevitable.
  1644. >The massage was pretty nice, though.
  1645. >"So, how does it stack up, Anon?" a voice to your right, Lucky, asks.
  1646. "Stack up to what?"
  1647. >A snorting noise comes from your left, Cherry, "To your world's spas I imagine."
  1648. >You shrug.
  1649. "Never been to one, so I wouldn't know."
  1650. >"What!?" Lucky responds.
  1651. >"Oh you poor stallion, were you poor?" Cherry asks.
  1652. "Uh, no. I just never went to a spa before."
  1653. >"You never-" Lucky starts.
  1654. >"Lucky, calm down. I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for this." Cherry says.
  1655. >How is this such a big deal? You get the different culture thing, but to this extent?
  1656. "Uh, well, I didn't spend too much time with spas and stuff. I used to spend my free time either reading or going to the various pubs and taverns."
  1657. >"Oh." Lucky responds.
  1658. >"See? Perfectly fine, Lucky. It doesn't sound like he was neglected or anything." Cherry responds.
  1659. >Neglected?
  1660. >Seriously?
  1661. >What in the nine hells?
  1662. >"You weren't, were you?" Cherry asks.
  1663. >You sputter.
  1664. "N-no! How in all that is holy did you come to the conclusion that since I had not been to a spa, I must have been neglected!?"
  1665. >"Well..." Lucky says.
  1666. >"Lucky and I have known... comfort for quite some time. It's hard for us to imagine life outside Equestria, Anon. We're just trying to understand." Cherry says.
  1667. >You sigh.
  1668. "I get it. Though, it seemed like a bit of an over-reaction."
  1669. >"To you, perhaps. But for us, if a stallion was denied spa treatments it usually points to deeper problems. Problems in the stallion's family herd." Cherry responds.
  1670. "Really?"
  1671. >"Yeah, normally stallions will go at least once a month. any less than that usually means the herd is either poor or neglecting the stallion in some way." Lucky says.
  1672. >What in the actual fuck?
  1673. >Not getting a luxury is a sign of neglect!?
  1674. >Just... how?
  1675. "How? How is it a sign of neglect?"
  1676. >Cherry sighs, "It would point to a pattern of neglecting to pay attention to the colt or stallion in question. In which case, his needs might not be met. Either emotionally or physically."
  1677. >"Sometimes the government steps in if it gets too bad. I knew a colt once who was ignored by his herd. They had an older colt so they put all their attention on him..." Lucky trails off.
  1678. >Emotional needs?
  1679. >Government stepping in?
  1680. >It's got to be more than just ignoring the colt, right?
  1681. >There's no way something this crazy happens.
  1682. >Right?
  1683. "Uh, just out of curiosity, what would count as neglect to a colt?"
  1684. >"Well... 'neglect' actually might be a bit of a strong word for it." Cherry admits sheepishly.
  1685. >"Still! It's a tragedy how some family herds treat their colts!" Lucky retorts.
  1686. "Ok then... what would be considered treating a colt 'poorly' then?"
  1687. >"Well, there's ignoring him for too long. Or not giving them enough hugs and kisses. And if it gets *really* bad, it might escalate to malnutrition or something along the lines of neglect. That's usually when the government steps in." Cherry says.
  1688. >"It's too late at that point, though! A colt going that long without love and affection from his family herd? There's irreparable mental scarring at that point. The colt has to go through endless hours of therapy just to learn how to cope!" Lucky replies.
  1689. >Holy hell.
  1690. >It's not as bad as you imagined, but it's still pretty damning.
  1691. >The males of this species are coddled to the ninth hell.
  1692. >Or at least these two were.
  1693. >How is 'hugs and kisses' a measurement for how poorly a child is treated?
  1694. >You try to remember your own childhood.
  1695. >Sure, your parents loved you but they weren't overly affectionate about it.
  1696. >You knew they loved you though, and that's what mattered.
  1697. >Your nose wrinkles.
  1698. >This doesn't sit right with you.
  1699. >But, what can you say? It's their culture after all.
  1700. >It still bothers you, though.
  1701. >"Anon? Are you alright there?" Cherry asks.
  1702. >You sigh.
  1703. "Yeah, I'm just a bit over-whelmed by the differences in culture here. I had a discussion with Twilight about it, but it seems there are things we didn't cover. It just bothers me a bit more than I thought it would."
  1704. >"Oh, I understand. Hearing about colts being treated poorly is never pleasant. Let's talk about something else then." Cherry responds. "Oh! I know! Lucky, did you ever find out about..."
  1705. >The conversation gets pushed into the background.
  1706. >You give automatic responses where necessary.
  1707. >Your attention is elsewhere.
  1708. >Mainly on how *different* everything is here.
  1709. >And here you thought you were doing pretty well at adapting...
  1711. >Despite knowing that no one would judge you, you still feel as if your dirty laundry is out to dry as you exit the spa with Lucky and Cherry.
  1712. >Do you feel, as Lucky put it, 'fabulous'?
  1713. >Yes. Yes you do.
  1714. >And you've decided to push your issues to deal with later.
  1715. >Bottling up and dealing with your emotions later is a totally healthy response to change.
  1716. >A small smirk grows on your face.
  1717. >"Anon? You don't happen to have anything... better fitting for tonight do you?" Cherry asks.
  1718. >You cock your head at the light brown pony.
  1719. "Well, Twilight had a few copies of my clothes made for me when I got here, but I don't have anything really different. She just used some spell to make an exact copy so that I could have enough clothes to wear between washings."
  1720. >Ah yes, you remember the day she used that spell.
  1721. >It was the same day you had your cultural exchange talk with both Twilight and Starlight.
  1722. >They were a bit surprised, but welcoming of the fact that you wore clothes all the time.
  1723. >She also took your original pair for 'research'.
  1724. >You're not sure what the fate of the abused set of garments is, but you haven't seen or heard of them since.
  1725. >You shudder at the memory.
  1726. >When she used a perfect replication spell on your *entire* set of clothes and made *five* sets without so much of a bead of sweat, that *really* freaked you out.
  1727. >Especially when you found out that the material was made from the aether.
  1728. >The purple pony princess took pure energy and converted it to mass as if it were nothing.
  1729. >"It's settled then."
  1730. >Snapping out of your mental musings, you turn to the two stallions before you.
  1731. >Cherry has a smug grin on his muzzle and Lucky has an excited smile on his, bouncing in place.
  1732. >Is Lucky a child or does he take after Pinkie?
  1733. >For that fact, is Pinkie a child?
  1734. >You shake your head.
  1735. >Need to focus.
  1736. "What's decided?"
  1737. >"We're taking you to get some new clothes." Lucky replies with an excited tone.
  1738. >"Honestly, I don't see how you went this long without Rarity hounding you already. A species that wears clothes all the time? Scandalous." Cherry tsks playfully.
  1739. >"Oh, c'mon Anon! You're gonna love it! Rarity's really nice. She's not like *other* mares..." Lucky grabs your hand in his mouth and pulls you along.
  1740. >Okay, that's enough slobber on your hand for one day.
  1741. "Hey, Lucky?"
  1742. >"Mff?" Lucky mumbles around your hand, looking up at you.
  1743. "Mind if I just... ya know, follow you instead? I don't need my hand held. Honest. I'll be a good human and I won't even run away."
  1744. >Lucky blushes and releases your hand.
  1745. >"Sorry..."
  1746. >You chuckle, taking vengeance out the only way you can.
  1747. >You wipe your hand on his head, giving him a rough head scratch.
  1748. >Lucky's mouth opens and his tongue lolls out at the head scratch.
  1749. >Seems this feels pretty good for him.
  1750. >You remove your hand, smirking at the sight.
  1751. "Like that?"
  1752. >"Uh huh..." Lucky responds.
  1753. >His eyes go wide a moment later, spying your now dry hand.
  1754. >"Anon!" Lucky snaps, "We *just* got out of the spa! You *ruined* my mane!"
  1755. >Your smirk transforms into a wide, smug grin.
  1756. "Should have thought of that *before* you grabbed my hand with your mouth."
  1757. >"Ugh!" Lucky stomps his hoof.
  1758. >Cherry chitters lightly into his hoof, watching the exchange.
  1759. >"Lucky, you'll be fine. A bit of work and it'll be back to prestine condition. You know Rarity has some mane-care products. I'm sure if we ask, we could get her to fix the mess that Anon made."
  1760. >Lucky sighs, "I suppose you're right. But!"
  1761. >Lucky turns to you, nostrils flaring.
  1762. >"Don't *ever* do that again. Don't you know not to mess with a stallion's mane? You're basically asking for a fight!"
  1763. >You wave him off.
  1764. "Oh c'mon. It can't be *that* bad. I was just messing with you."
  1765. >From Lucky's serious expression, you imagine it might just *be* that bad.
  1766. >Cherry steps forward, placing a hoof on your leg.
  1767. >"It's not quite as bad as Lucky makes it seem, but it *is* considered an insult to dirty a stallion's mane or attire. Given the right circumstances, it could be cause for a cat fight."
  1768. >You blink.
  1769. >A cat fight?
  1770. >Really?
  1771. >You knew the culture here was pretty much reversed, but wow.
  1772. >Lucky snorts, "How you didn't know that before, I'll never know Anon. It's like you don't even know how to be a stallion."
  1773. >Cherry nods, "I noticed that a bit too. Especially with how you reacted to some of the spa treatments..."
  1774. >Cherry looks off into the distance before looking back to you.
  1775. >"Were you brought up by only mares, Anon?"
  1776. >Lucky's eyes go wide.
  1777. >"Oh! That would explain a *lot*!"
  1778. >You shake your head with a grin.
  1779. >Silly ponies and their silly culture.
  1780. "Something like that..."
  1781. >You look up at the sky and note that the sun has passed the zenith and it's now mid-afternoon.
  1782. "It's starting to get late, so shouldn't we be going? Especially if I need a whole new set of clothes made."
  1783. >The stallions look up at the sky.
  1784. >They seem to get the point and hurry their pace along the path, you trailing behind them.
  1785. >It's honestly a little hard to keep up.
  1786. >Ponies are fast.
  1787. >Well, they *do* have twice as many legs as you.
  1788. >Looking up, you have reached yet another strange looking building.
  1789. >This was definitely modeled after a carousel.
  1790. >But why?
  1791. >For what purpose?
  1792. >Does it work?
  1793. >If it does, do they charge ponies to... ride ponies?
  1794. >This presents an even bigger conundrum.
  1795. >Ponies riding ponies.
  1796. >The very thought has your mind reeling.
  1797. >How?
  1798. >Why!?
  1799. >While you're scratching your head, trying to figure out the deeper mysteries of the new world you find yourself in, Cherry opens the door and leads you all inside.
  1800. >A bell chimes as you enter, a white pony with purple hair looking up from behind a dress, a smile on her muzzle.
  1801. >"Welcome to Carousel Boutique- oh! Hello darlings, what can I do for you today?"
  1802. >She flutters her eyelashes as she places the dress on a rack behind her with magic.
  1803. >She doesn't even look to make sure it goes where it's intended.
  1804. >It lands perfectly just the same.
  1805. >The sheer precision of it makes you shudder.
  1806. >You can imagine all the different ways she could use that.
  1807. >And you're not inclined to find out personally.
  1808. >Must *all* unicorns be harbingers of doom?
  1809. >"Hi Rarity, we're here to get our friend, Anon, some clothes. Seems he is in need of something... suitable for a night out on the town." Cherry says, glancing your way.
  1810. >"It might be good to get him a few outfits actually, you never know..."
  1811. >Cherry nudges you with a foreleg.
  1812. >"He *could* get a date anytime. Wouldn't want him to be unprepared, would we?"
  1813. >"Of course not, dearie! That would just be absolutely dreadful!" Rarity replies, putting a foreleg to her forehead.
  1814. >You shake your head at their antics, nudging Cherry.
  1815. "You wish. I might be fine with having you all as friends, but the closest we had where I'm from to ponies is Centaurs. It'll take some time before I start going on the hunt for a 'date'."
  1816. >You look off into the distance.
  1817. "Not that I wouldn't be ok with it. I just need to get used to all of this..."
  1818. >The sheer amount of magic inside each pony *still* bothers you.
  1819. >Though, you haven't exactly told anyone besides Twilight, Starlight, and Spike about that.
  1820. >You'll adapt eventually.
  1821. >Cherry smirks, taking your nudge without even a trace of being pushed back.
  1822. >Pony strength is real.
  1823. >"What are Centaurs?" Lucky asks, tilting his head.
  1824. >You bring your attention back to the stallion in question.
  1825. "Well, Centaurs are a mix of the upper half of a human and the body of a horse."
  1826. >Lucky scrunches his muzzle, staring at you.
  1827. "Think of it like my upper body, from my stomach up, placed where a horse's neck would start."
  1828. >Lucky blinks in response. "That's... something..."
  1829. >Cherry has an eyebrow raised while looking at you.
  1830. >Rarity has a scrunched muzzle, her eyes alternating between your upper and lower body. No doubt trying to peice together the image in her mind.
  1831. >Cherry breaks the silence, "Ah! That's right. Rarity, would you mind if we used a few of your mane-care products? Lucky here just got his mane a bit dirty just after getting out of the spa."
  1832. >Rarity gasps.
  1833. >"What did you *do*? Don't you stallions know better than to mess up a perfectly good mane!? I mean, honestly. I thought stallions were supposed to be better at things like that!"
  1834. >Rarity turns her indignant gaze upon Lucky.
  1835. >Lucky snorts, pointing a hoof at you.
  1836. >"Try telling *him* that."
  1837. >Rarity rears back her head and turns it to you with a questioning gaze.
  1838. >You roll your eyes.
  1839. "I still think you're making a big deal out of nothing, but for what it's worth, I'm sorry."
  1840. >"Accepted. Just don't let it happen again." Lucky replies.
  1841. >You nod.
  1842. >Rarity eyes you both for a moment before coughing into a hoof.
  1843. >"Of course, you can use them. The vanity for customers is down the hall to the right. There should be everything you need there."
  1844. >"Thanks Rarity, we'll leave Anon to you then!" Cherry says as he and Lucky walk down the hall.
  1845. >Rarity waves at them, turning back to you with a wide, scary grin.
  1846. >A measuring tape, pencil, and notepad are all suspended in her levitation.
  1847. >"Now... let's get some measurements."
  1848. >You gulp.
  1849. >The precision of her magic before flashes through your mind.
  1850. >This isn't going to be a pleasant experience, is it?
  1852. >"Darling, would you be a dear and remove your clothes?" Rarity trots over to a privacy screen, "You can use this to change. Once you're done go ahead and step onto the platform and we'll get started."
  1853. "Uh, do you need me to undress? Is that really necessary?"
  1854. >"Well, of course, darling. You have a totally alien physique. I can't be expected to know how to craft *proper* clothes for you unless I know what I'm working with."
  1855. >Rarity flicks her mane with her forehoof, scribbling something down on her notepad.
  1856. "Couldn't you just use my current set of clothes as a template?"
  1857. >"Those ratty old things? Darling, I said *proper* clothes. Not that... *drab* that Twilight brought to me a week ago."
  1858. >So that's what happened to your original set then...
  1859. >"Besides, those clothes are *clearly* too baggy for you. They don't fit you at all! Look at the mis-shapen arm lengths! And the sleeves drape far too far down! The pants also seem to be barely fitting you." Rarity huffs. "Honestly, whatever drove you to wear such loose fitted clothing? Don't you want to show off your assets?"
  1860. >Rarity is looking up at you with an inquisitive gaze.
  1861. >It isn't often you have to question *why* you wear the particular type of clothes that you do.
  1862. >You normally don't think about it. You bought clothes and now you have them to wear.
  1863. >You doubt the white pony before you will accept that as a good answer though.
  1864. >Why did you wear these clothes again?
  1865. >Oh, that's right!
  1866. >You snap you fingers in realization, a smile on your face as you turn your attention back to the attentive mare.
  1867. "They're flame retardant. I needed something flame retardant for work and these were the best I could afford. I got paid, but I don't get paid *that* well. So, I bought a couple sets of these a long time ago. Makes sure I don't have to buy a new set of clothes every time a candle falls down from a precariously placed candlestick."
  1868. >Rarity smiles, "That *is* good to know. I'll make sure to give you something durable then..."
  1869. >She mumbles to herself as she writes a few more notes on her notepad.
  1870. >"But we must get you something more presentable! You have so much wasted potential lying beneath that hideous- I mean, ill-fitting clothing. I'm sure I can get you into something that you'll absolutely love, darling."
  1871. >Sighing, you nod, giving into the mare's request.
  1872. >For all she knows you have a tail you've been hiding from everyone that she wants to show off.
  1873. >You don't, but she doesn't know that.
  1874. >You make your way behind the privacy screen and undress yourself down to your underwear.
  1875. >You stop.
  1876. >In any other situation you would just stop here, but you really *are* completely alien to these ponies.
  1877. >You're not sure how this would help tailoring much, but it doesn't seem that ponies have a nudity taboo.
  1878. >Every pony you've seen so far has had no to very little clothing.
  1879. >Still, best to ask before you take the leap, right?
  1880. "Hey, Rarity?"
  1881. >"Hmm, yes?" a feminine voice calls back to you.
  1882. "How far do I need to undress exactly?"
  1883. >You hear a snort coming from the other side of the screen.
  1884. >"Darling, if you don't undress completely I really won't have any idea on how to deal with you properly. I promise on my marely honor that I will keep everything confidential. I might have a penchant for gossip, but losing a customer's trust is the fastest way to ensure you go out of business."
  1885. >Sound logic.
  1886. >Even if you *were* an alien and she could try to play off the culture card, it would still reflect poorly on her if word got out that she did anything untoward to you.
  1887. >Satisfied, you remove your underwear and step out from the privacy screen and onto the slightly raised round platform.
  1888. >"Oh! Anon! I um..." Rarity coughs into a hoof, "I'm flattered, really. But, I think we should keep things professional for now, don't you?"
  1889. >Rarity is looking up at you with a blush and a strained smile on her muzzle.
  1890. >You blink.
  1891. >What?
  1892. "I'm sorry, what are you talking about? Didn't you ask me to get undressed?"
  1893. >"W-well, yes. But I didn't mean-"
  1894. >"There you go Lucky, good as new! Now, let's see how Anon is- HOLY CELESTIA!" Cherry's voice carries from the hallway to your left.
  1895. >You turn to him and raise an eyebrow.
  1896. >He's standing stock-still, mouth agape.
  1897. >Lucky walks up beside him, concern evident on his features.
  1898. >"What's wrong?" Lucky asks, turning his attention to you.
  1899. >As soon as he looks at you, his eyes go wide. "No... it can't be..."
  1900. >What?
  1901. >Are you truly that horrifying to look at?
  1902. >You actually feel a bit insulted.
  1903. >You mean, sure, you're not the best guy to look at you suppose.
  1904. >But you're not *that* bad...
  1905. >...are you?
  1906. >"Anon... please say it isn't so..." Lucky finally says, breaking the silence.
  1907. "Say what isn't so? I'm confused."
  1908. >You really are.
  1909. >Cherry closes his mouth and stares at Rarity with narrowed eyes, causing the mare to back up a step and lower her ears.
  1910. >"No! It's not like that! I just asked him to undress so I could take proper measurements! I swear! I would *never* do something like that to a customer!" Rarity replies loudly.
  1911. >Wait...
  1912. >Cherry hums to himself, chewing on the inside of his cheek for a moment before nodding.
  1913. >"I believe you." Cherry replies evenly.
  1914. >Rarity sighs with audible relief.
  1915. >Lucky nods, "I believe you too, Rarity. Y-you've always been nice to me and everypony else. I don't think that you'd- well, you know..."
  1916. >You have a suspicion, but you're not entirely sure you're right.
  1917. >After all, everyone else is nude, so why would they have reactions like you were just about to have sex?
  1918. >It doesn't make any sense.
  1919. "Excuse me, but I *really* have no idea what's going on here. Anyone mind filling me in?"
  1920. >"W-well, darling, I *think* it has to do with how you're... presenting yourself right now..." Rarity says, looking away.
  1921. >You deadpan at her.
  1922. "I'm nude. Nothing to 'present' here. If I haven't lost all sense of memory already, *you* were the one who requested this."
  1923. >"W-well, yes, but-"
  1924. >"Wait." Cherry interjects, stepping up to you. "What do you mean by 'nothing to present'?"
  1925. >You shrug.
  1926. "Exactly what I meant. There's literally nothing to hide. Just getting nude in itself would cause anyone to 'present' themselves. You should know, you're nude too."
  1927. >Cherry blinks.
  1928. >"So you're saying that you always look this way when you're nude?"
  1929. >You sigh.
  1930. "Yes. That is *exactly* what I'm saying."
  1931. >Rarity's eyes go wide, "So *that's* why you asked about if you needed to be completely undressed. It makes sense now..."
  1932. >Rarity looks you up and down, taking in your form.
  1933. >"Yes... I see now... no place for a sheath anywhere on your body. You don't have fur or anything else to hide yourself either..."
  1934. >Oh.
  1935. >Well, that explains a lot then.
  1936. >Especially as she is staring right at your crotch.
  1937. >You're not usually one to shy away from a female's attention, but this is somehow different.
  1938. >You're not exactly being eyed up sexually, but rather... studied...
  1939. >It's oddly reminiscent of how a certain purple princess eyed you for the first week you were here...
  1940. >A shiver runs down your spine.
  1941. >You still didn't know if she was trying to eat you or something back then.
  1942. >The whole herbivore thing could have been a ruse.
  1943. >Could *still* be a ruse, but you've decided to let it lie and move on.
  1944. >If she wanted to eat you, she could kill you easily with how much magic she has at her disposal.
  1945. >"How do you keep yourself concealed normally, darling?" Rarity asks, snapping you out of your trance.
  1946. "We, uh, we use underwear underneath our normal clothes. It covers our private parts."
  1947. >"So *that's* what that small piece of elastic cloth was... I was wondering..." Rarity trails off.
  1948. >After mumbling to herself for a few moments, Cherry coughs, getting her attention.
  1949. >"Ah, yes! Sorry." Rarity replies sheepishly.
  1950. >Scratching her muzzle, she turns back to you. "Do you mind putting on your 'underwear' for me? I'd like to see something..."
  1951. >Shrugging, you go back behind the privacy screen and put your underwear on.
  1952. >Can't make things worse, that's for sure.
  1953. >You step back out, taking your place as before.
  1954. >Rarity smiles and nods, circling around you, eyeing your waist area.
  1955. >"Yes, I think this should be fine. It hugs tightly enough to be form-fitting and while it might not conceal *everything* it at least leaves enough to the imagination that it wouldn't be *too* improper..."
  1956. >Rarity goes back to her notepad, sketching a few things out as she sneaks a few glances at you.
  1957. >"Wouldn't want to keep you that way in public, but..."
  1958. >Cherry snorts, eyeing Rarity.
  1959. >"Ah, yes, well, that should be enough of that. We'll talk about what we can do with these later then." Rarity says as she snaps her attention back to you, measuring tape in her levitation.
  1960. >"Now, let's get back to business..."
  1962. >"Don't forget to come back in a few days, darling. So sorry, but with your physique, I just can't get anything done for tonight. I'll have to work out some new patterns for you."
  1963. >You wave the white unicorn mare off.
  1964. "Don't worry about it. I'd honestly be amazed if you *could* do something like that in a matter of hours. I know magic is powerful, and I'm not doubting your ability, but creating a whole new thing is different than copying an existing thing."
  1965. >Rarity nods with a smile. "Thank you, Anon. I'm sure you'll *love* what I have for you. I've already got *so* many ideas!"
  1966. >You smile.
  1967. >Something about making small ponies happy makes you happy.
  1968. >Bidding goodbye, you depart with Lucky and Cherry as they lead you into Ponyville.
  1969. >The sun is setting and there are remarkably few ponies meandering around.
  1970. >A stark contrast to the daytime hustle and bustle of the small town.
  1971. >Lucky and Cherry lead you into an alley leading away from the main square.
  1972. >A few feet down you notice a building with a large sign declaring itself as 'The Salt Mine'.
  1973. >The door is recessed into the front part of the building somewhat, dark mountainous decorations on the outside.
  1974. >You pass through the doors and are greeted with loud music, dim lights, and a crowded club.
  1975. >Cherry leads you and Lucky over to the bar proper where you take a seat on one of the too-short stools.
  1976. >Feeling a bit awkward, you adjust your seat to properly accommodate your tall frame.
  1977. "So, what's the game plan for tonight?"
  1978. >"First, we get drinks!" Lucky says excitedly.
  1979. >A light purple mare from behind the bar approaches your group, a smile on her muzzle.
  1980. >"Welcome boys. What can I getcha?"
  1981. >"I'll have a cosmarepolitan." Lucky says.
  1982. >"'sex on the beach'." Cherry says, winking at the bartender.
  1983. >"Alrighty, a cosmarepolitan and a 'sex on the beach' for you two. How about you?" The mare asks, turning to you.
  1984. >You glance at the back of the bar.
  1985. >Seems like it's fully stocked.
  1986. >You hope everything is mostly the same here.
  1987. >You'd hate to order something and get some weird Equestrian variant.
  1988. >Might as well try it out with something you know well.
  1989. "Get me an old fashioned."
  1990. >The mare blinks, "You sure?"
  1991. >You nod.
  1992. >"Alrighty then, I'll bring those up to you shortly." The mare says, turning back to grab the liquors needed.
  1993. >"Old fashioned? Really?" Cherry chuckles, "You really *were* raised by mares."
  1994. >You smirk.
  1995. "I want to see if Equestrian drinks are any different from the drinks back home. If she comes back with something that's green or some other weird color I'll know to ask before I order from now on."
  1996. >Cherry nods, humming to himself.
  1997. >"Makes sense..."
  1998. >Drinks slide in front of each of you.
  1999. >"Here you are, let me know if you need anything else, ok?" The bartending mare says with a wink.
  2000. >You nod, inspecting your glass.
  2001. >Brown liquid with a cube inside and a shave of orange.
  2002. >Everything looks to be in order.
  2003. >You bring the drink to your lips, savoring the flavor.
  2004. >You smile.
  2005. >Just as you remembered.
  2006. >It's the small things that stay the same that are definitely going to help you through your time here.
  2007. >"I can't believe you can drink that, Anon." Lucky says, sipping from his cosmarepolitan. "It's like you're a mare in a stallion's body."
  2008. >"Now now, just because Anon was raised to be a janefilly doesn't mean he's any less of a stallion." Cherry retorts.
  2009. >Lucky nods, "You're right. Sorry, Anon."
  2010. >Lucky looks at you, his ears splayed back and his eyes welled up slightly.
  2011. >You chuckle and pat him on the shoulder.
  2012. "Don't worry about it, Lucky. I wasn't offended. I *am* a literal alien after all."
  2013. >Lucky's ears pop forward and a smile adorns his muzzle at the comment.
  2014. >"Well, now that we have our drinks, let's take a look at what we have available, eh boys?" Cherry says with a grin.
  2015. >That's right.
  2016. >You were partly here to help Lucky get... lucky.
  2017. >You scan the bar, looking out across the crowd.
  2018. >A lot of mares and not many stallions.
  2019. >A few groups are in booths off to the side, waitresses visiting them.
  2020. >Booth service, you imagine.
  2021. >In the center is the dance floor, a stage with a DJ beyond it.
  2022. >The dance floor has quite a few ponies, but the night is young.
  2023. >More ponies are slowly filtering in the entrance.
  2024. >There are a few mares spread out across the rest of the island style bar, chatting amongst themselves.
  2025. >A few of them glance your way with apparent interest, but they go back to chatting with their friends soon after.
  2026. >And in the back of the bar, farthest away from the dance floor, you see various mares shuffling about with drinks in their hooves.
  2027. >It doesn't look like they're together. It looks more like they're the equivalent of the awkward guys at the club with no idea what to do.
  2028. >You almost feel bad for them.
  2029. >Almost.
  2030. >Actually, you realize you don't know what is considered 'attractive' by pony standards.
  2031. >Huh.
  2032. "Hey, Lucky?"
  2033. >"Hmm?" Lucky replies, eyeing you from above his drink.
  2034. "What are you looking for? In a mare, I mean."
  2035. >"Well... I'd like a mare that has a well paying job, is kind, honest, not afraid to take charge, and is family oriented." Lucky replies, "I want to start a family and that means mares that want foals. Not some buckfilly who just wants to play around."
  2036. >Well, that answered your question.
  2037. >Sorta.
  2038. "Ok, but what *physical* characteristics do you want in a mare?"
  2039. >"Oh! Well, why didn't you say so?" Lucky says with a sly grin. "I want a mare who's got a good chest fluff on her, is lean, and some height would be good."
  2040. >Lucky hums to himself, tapping his chin with a hoof.
  2041. >"I suppose I also prefer unicorns. The longer the horn, the better."
  2042. >Cherry chuckles, "Careful now, or you'll give Anon the impression you're a tribalist or something."
  2043. >"What!? NO!" Lucky exclaims, shaking his hooves rapidly. "I-I'm not a tribalist! I just... *really* like horns..."
  2044. >Cherry is openly laughing and sips at his 'sex on the beach'.
  2045. >You chuckle.
  2046. >The bit that you read about the three pony tribes runs through your head.
  2047. >Filling in the blanks ensures that yes, being a 'tribalist' would definitely be seen as bad.
  2048. >Lucky groans, covering his muzzle with a forehoof.
  2049. >"Must you always embarrass me, Cherry?"
  2050. >"Of course, who else will?" Cherry quips with a smirk.
  2051. >That reminds you...
  2052. "What about you, Cherry? Aren't you looking for a mare?"
  2053. >Cherry smiles.
  2054. >"Not actively. I have a herd. Wouldn't say that I'm not open to expanding it, but it's got to be a good fit. I wouldn't want my herd to fall apart because of a poor choice in mare."
  2055. >Lucky sighs.
  2056. >"I swear, sometimes I think all the luck rubs off on *you*!" Lucky says, pointing an accusing hoof at Cherry.
  2057. >Cherry, for his part, sits there with a smirk on his muzzle.
  2058. >"I swear, while I'm out and getting second-rate mares hitting on me, you already have a herd of two mares!" Lucky flops back, hooves resting on the bar. "It's like some kind of cosmic joke."
  2059. >Cherry rubs Lucky's back with a hoof, smiling sincerely.
  2060. >"That's why we're here, Lucky. To help *you*. And *this* time, we have Anon with us." Cherry nods in your direction. "That's gotta count for something, right?"
  2061. >Lucky looks up with a small, hesitant smile.
  2062. >"I suppose you're right..."
  2063. "Well, don't look now, but it looks like you have your first taker."
  2064. >Lucky turns around, a hopeful look in his eyes as he glances out at the crowd.
  2065. >A mint-green unicorn mare approaches your table with her chest pushed forward, a confident smile, and a bit of a swing to her hips.
  2066. >Not exactly 'tall', but she's not short either.
  2067. >She doesn't look like she's hiding any pudge on her belly...
  2068. >And she's making the first move.
  2069. >Bingo.
  2070. >The floating beer in her magic aura makes you shudder.
  2071. >It just *had* to be a unicorn, didn't it?
  2072. >Lucky couldn't have been attracted to earth ponies, oh no! He had to be attracted to the most arcane magic-oriented of all the three tribes.
  2073. >You take a large gulp of your drink and sigh.
  2074. >No helping it. You're here now and you're gonna be the best wingman you can.
  2075. >Assuming you can actually play this off.
  2076. >You don't know how to be a girl, so this might be tricky.
  2077. >Hopefully you don't have to do anything but sit back and watch Lucky do his thing.
  2078. >"Hey there, Anon. Fancy seeing you here." The mint-green pony says, eyeing you up.
  2079. >What?
  2080. >Lucky groans, "Ponyfeathers. Lyra, can you please *not*?"
  2081. >The mint-green pony blinks, turning to Lucky.
  2082. >"Oh, I didn't notice you there, Lucky. Guess my attention was elsewhere..." Lyra says, turning her gaze back to you.
  2083. >Oh, you gotta be kidding.
  2084. >This isn't how it was supposed to happen.
  2085. >She was supposed to hit on Lucky, not you!
  2086. >You place your drink down and pinch the bridge of your nose, taking a breath to calm yourself.
  2087. >"Oh, an old fashioned?" Lyra says, taking the drink in her magic and swirling it around a bit.
  2088. >She eyes the drink critically before smirking, and placing it back on the bar.
  2089. >"So, what's a tall thing like you-"
  2090. >"Oh come off it, Lyra. Please just leave us alone?" Lucky says with an exhausted tone.
  2091. >Lyra looks over at him without turning her head.
  2092. >"I'm not here to delve into the past, Lucky. I'm just here to get to know our newest addition, Anon." She says, turning back to you as she says your name, winking at you.
  2093. >"Lyra, as much as I'm sure you would *love* to get to know Anon, please leave." Cherry says, standing up from his stool and walking up to Lyra.
  2094. >Lyra raises an eyebrow at the stallion.
  2095. >"And why would I do that?"
  2096. >"Because you're making him uncomfortable." Cherry says with a smirk, pointing to your hand with his hoof.
  2097. >You look down.
  2098. >Oh, your hand is shaking.
  2099. >You look up and smile at Cherry.
  2100. >Seems someone is paying pretty close attention to you, after all.
  2101. >A moment passes in silence as Lyra and Cherry eye eachother up, a battle of wills before your very eyes.
  2102. >Lyra finally sighs, rolling her eyes.
  2103. >She looks over to you with a smile.
  2104. >"I'll leave you to your friends for now, hun. I'll catch you later." She says with a wink as she trots away.
  2105. >Lucky huffs, "No-good cheating whorse."
  2106. >Lucky drains his drink and orders another.
  2107. "What just happened?"
  2108. >"You just got hit on by one of Lucky's ex's." Cherry says, retaking his seat.
  2109. >You look over to Lucky and raise your eyebrow.
  2110. >Lucky looks over to you and rolls his eyes.
  2111. >"She cheated on me with a minotaur that was strolling through town, selling his 'seminar' on how to be confident." He explains, "Left her as soon as I found out. But by then..."
  2112. >Lucky sniffs.
  2113. >Cherry goes back to rubbing Lucky's back with a hoof.
  2114. >"Hey, don't let that get you down. C'mon. Let's have some fun. We can forget about the mares for now, alright?"
  2115. >Lucky looks up with reddening eyes, sniffling.
  2116. >"Yeah, I think- I think I'd like that."
  2117. >Cherry nods, "Alright then. Let's go out and dance!"
  2118. >Lucky nods in excitement, draining the last of his second drink.
  2119. >Cherry looks up at you, "You coming?"
  2120. "Yeah, let me just finish my drink real quick."
  2121. >Cherry nods and you grab your drink and throw the last bit down the hatch.
  2122. >Lucky and Cherry turn back to you, waving you over.
  2123. >You stand up and the world spins.
  2124. >Weird.
  2125. >Was the drink that strong?
  2126. >You shake your head, trying to clear it.
  2127. "Uh, don-don't worry about me. I just gotta go get some air. I think I drank too much..."
  2128. >You wave at the stallions, turning and making your way outside.
  2129. >With a frown, Cherry looks over to your glass.
  2130. >Huffing, Cherry follows you out, Lucky beside him.
  2131. >"Not gonna just ditch you, Anon. Wouldn't be right."
  2132. >You smile, wondering if friendship like this is normally so easy to ponies.
  2133. >You reach out to open the door but miss.
  2134. >Confused, you reach out again and miss a second time.
  2135. >Grunting, you swing your arm at the door, your balance no longer holding you upright.
  2136. >The room flies by as you drop to the floor, consciousness fading.
  2137. >Cherry and Lucky rush to your side.
  2138. >"Anon! What happen-"
  2139. >You feel dizzy and the noise of the club rings through your ears.
  2140. >You close your eyes and try to focus, bringing a hand up to your face.
  2141. "I dunno what... what..."
  2142. >Your mind goes into a haze.
  2143. >What was in that drink?
  2144. >You hear Cherry and Lucky shouting your name.
  2145. >After what seems like a long time, you're hoisted onto someone's back and hauled out of the club and into the fresh night air.
  2146. >It feels good to be outside and you sigh.
  2147. >You feel really sleepy, though.
  2148. >Yawning, you lay your head against the pony's back, content to drift off with the bouncing motion of the pony's body as you're carried off.
  2150. >Groaning, you stretch your arms and roll to your side.
  2151. >You blearily open your eyes and blink, noting the room looks different than normal.
  2152. >In fact, the bed is much less comfortable than you remember.
  2153. >Frowning, you squint and look around the room without moving your head too much.
  2154. >White walls, an odd plant on the night-stand, and a purple pony at your bedside.
  2155. "Twilight?"
  2156. >What was she doing here?
  2157. >And where is here?
  2158. >You shake your head and rub your eyes, forcing yourself awake.
  2159. >You feel like death.
  2160. >There is a pounding in your head that only increases as you manage to get yourself upright in your bed.
  2161. >"Anon! Oh, good. I was so worried about you. Cherry came and told me what happened and-"
  2162. >You grunt, putting a hand out to stop the mare.
  2163. >All this loud noise is doing terrible things for your headache.
  2164. >But you're still not entirely sure what happened.
  2165. >You were drinking and you went out for air and then... nothing.
  2166. >You must have passed out.
  2167. >"Anon, are you ok?" Twilight asks, placing a hoof on your covered leg.
  2168. >You hold your head in your hands, groaning at the cruel reality of your hangover.
  2169. >If only you had a detox potion....
  2170. >Actually... that could probably be arranged.
  2171. >Putting aside the absurdity that you somehow made it into someone else's bed and that Twilight is here now, you open your eyes, forcing yourself to adapt to the light.
  2172. >Damn, it's bright.
  2173. >You decide not to brave it for too long, squinting your eyes again, and instead turn to Twilight with a hushed whisper.
  2174. "Do you have a detox potion?"
  2175. >"A what?" Twilight replies, tilting her head.
  2176. >You smack your hand to your face.
  2177. >Of course these ponies don't have a detox potion.
  2178. >Why would things be easy?
  2179. >Looks like you'll have to homebrew it today.
  2180. "Ugh, a detox potion. Just... can you get this stuff for me?"
  2181. >"Uh, ok, Anon. What do you need?" Twilight asks, a notepad and quill coming to life in her magic aura.
  2182. "I need a mortar and pestle, a heat source, some kinda glass container, water, some cloves, a stick of cinnamon, a..."
  2183. >Twilight writes everything down nodding as you go.
  2184. >Once you're finished, she looks over the list and mumbles something to herself.
  2185. >"Alright Anon, I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere, alright?"
  2186. >You grunt.
  2187. >As if you could go anywhere with this thrice-damned hangover.
  2188. >You hear a popping noise and look back over to Twilight, only to notice she's gone.
  2189. >She must move fast.
  2190. >You take the time to look at your surroundings a bit more.
  2191. >There's a window to your left.
  2192. >Taking a peak outside, the first thing you notice is that you're on the ground level.
  2193. >There's ponies walking around and you're not far from the main square.
  2194. >The castle is off to the distance.
  2195. >Just where in the nine hells are you?
  2196. >A door creaks open, hoof-steps echoing through the room.
  2197. >"I'm telling you, Cherry, there's no way I'm gonna let Lyra off the hook with this!"
  2198. >The other pony huffs, "You don't have to tell me twice. You heard the doctor..."
  2199. >Wait, you recognize those voices.
  2200. >"Anon?" Lucky says.
  2201. >You turn to the light grey pony, smirking at his disheveled appearance.
  2202. "What happened to you? You look like you got put through the ringer."
  2203. >Cherry chuckles, both stallions moving to your side.
  2204. >"Speak for yourself. How you managed to wake up this early defies all common logic." Cherry responds.
  2205. >Both stallions have tired expressions, bags under their eyes.
  2206. >Lucky's hair is a bit more frazzled but Cherry is slouching a bit as they sit down next to you.
  2207. "So, mind telling me-"
  2208. >A popping sound to your right grabs your attention.
  2209. >You turn to the source and see a grinning Twilight with the things you requested in her aura.
  2210. >The pounding in your head increases slightly.
  2211. >Watching extraordinary feats of magic really doesn't do your brain any good.
  2212. >Especially when you're hungover.
  2213. >Time to remedy that.
  2214. "Thanks, Twilight."
  2215. >You shift yourself to sit on the edge of your bed and bring the night-stand over to you.
  2216. >Removing the plant from atop it, you get to work setting up your make-shift lab.
  2217. >Crushing the herbs into a fine powder using the mortar and pestle, you turn on the small burner, heating up the water in the glass.
  2218. >"What is he doing?" Cherry asks.
  2219. >"He mentioned something about a 'detox potion', and listed off a bunch of stuff. I'm no expert in alchemy, but I've never heard of it before." Twilight responds, watching you with rapt attention.
  2220. >Deciding that the mixture is ground fine enough, you dump the contents into the glass and watch as it mixes with the heated water.
  2221. >A few minutes pass in agony, your pounding headache making its unwelcome presence known.
  2222. >Rubbing your forehead, you sigh.
  2223. >Should be good enough.
  2224. >You turn the burner off and remove the glass, swishing it around a bit as it cools.
  2225. "Yup, looks like mud, alright."
  2226. >You sigh.
  2227. >The sooner you get this over with, the better.
  2228. "Bottoms up."
  2229. >You knock back the concoction and place the glass back down on the table.
  2230. >A shiver runs through you as you gag at the horrid taste.
  2231. >"Anon! Are you okay?" Twilight nearly screams, rushing to your side and holding your body upright.
  2232. >You cough into your fist and shudder.
  2233. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just sucks every time, that's all."
  2234. >You take a deep breath, feeling the potion do its work.
  2235. >Your mind is less groggy and your body feels clean on the inside.
  2236. >It also feels as though it's burning.
  2237. >Oh.
  2238. >That's not good.
  2239. "Fuck-"
  2240. >You double over in pain as the burning seeps through your veins.
  2241. >"ANON!" Twilight screams, her wings extending.
  2242. >"DOCTOR!" Lucky shouts, running out the door.
  2243. >A few more convulsions and the burning stops.
  2244. >Whew, something really shitty was in your system wasn't it?
  2245. >Calming your breathing, you sit back up and sigh.
  2246. >NOW you feel better.
  2247. >In fact, you open your eyes and look around the room.
  2248. >You can now clearly identify this as some kind of rudimentary hospital room.
  2249. >Twilight is looking up at you, her wings extended.
  2250. >"Anon! What just happened?"
  2251. >You chuckle.
  2252. "I just detoxed myself, *that's* what happened."
  2253. >Twilight frowns and opens her mouth to respond, the sound of the door slamming open catching her by surprise.
  2254. >"What's going on in here!?" A brown stallion in a white doctor's coat shouts, rushing over to you.
  2255. >He looks you over, squinting.
  2256. >"Why in Celestia's name was I rushed over here, Lucky? The patient looks fine."
  2257. >Lucky looks at you in shock.
  2258. >"He was just hunched over a second ago!"
  2259. >The doctor raises an eyebrow at the stallion and looks over to Twilight.
  2260. >"Is that true?"
  2261. >Twilight nods, "He was. He drank some potion he made and..."
  2262. >While Twilight regales the good doctor with the tale of you torturing yourself with detox, you retreat back into your thoughts.
  2263. >Why are you in the hospital?
  2264. >What in the holy blazes was that shit that was in you?
  2265. >That wasn't alcohol.
  2266. >Well, not *just* alcohol, anyways.
  2267. >You've made and taken this detox potion a thousand times over and you've yet to feel *that* kind of reaction.
  2268. >You smack your forehead.
  2269. >Of course, you could just ask...
  2270. >Sighing, you look up at the doctor and Twilight conversing, the doctor looking over at the make-shift alchemy lab with disdain.
  2271. "So. Anyone want to tell me how I ended up here and what in the nine hells that shit was in my body?"
  2272. >The doctor looks back to you, nodding.
  2273. >"These two stallions brought you in last night, claiming you had fallen while drunk. They suspected 'foul play' and I took some samples of your blood and prescribed bed rest." The doctor said, waving his hoof over to Lucky and Cherry.
  2274. >"I ran some blood tests and it looks like you had some 'Harmony's Bliss', a high-grade sedative, in your system. The effects usually wear off within 24 hours, so I had you on bed rest for your body to recover."
  2275. >You nod.
  2276. >That makes sense.
  2277. >If there was some high-grade drugs in your system, that would explain the burning sensation.
  2278. >"The amounts of the drug seem to be small for a pony, but given your physiology, it must have hit you a lot harder. You showed symptoms of a pony who had taken ten times as much as you did." The doctor continues.
  2279. >Well, that's just great.
  2280. >Now you gotta be careful of pony drugs from now on.
  2281. >You're lucky you didn't overdose and die.
  2282. >The brown stallion looks you over, eyeing you carefully. "Though, from what I hear, you seem to have medicated yourself. Care to explain that?"
  2283. "Uh, sure. I just made a detox potion. Clears everything out that shouldn't be there as far as poisons go. It also cures hangovers. I don't know much of the details, but it works."
  2284. >You chuckle hollowly.
  2285. "Definitely comes in handy when you go out on a bender and have work in the morning."
  2286. >"Amazing!" Twilight says, a bright grin on her face.
  2287. >She looks up to you with big, eager eyes, leaning forward.
  2288. >"How'd you learn how to make it?"
  2289. "Well-"
  2290. >The doctor coughs into a hoof, bringing the attention back to him.
  2291. >"Well, let me just run a few tests really quickly and I'll sign your release form."
  2292. >You nod and the stallion goes through giving you a basic physical examination.
  2293. >Satisfied, he scribles on a clipboard, and nods to you.
  2294. >"You should be good to go. I'll walk you to the front."
  2295. >You go through the checkout of the hospital.
  2296. >Twilight signed some forms as your 'guardian' or something along those lines.
  2297. >You're still not a citizen after all.
  2298. >You bid goodbye to Cherry and Lucky and head back to the castle with Twilight.
  2299. >"Soo... detox potions?" Twilight says, as she looks up hopefully to you, her tail wagging slightly.
  2300. >You chuckle at the adorable sight.
  2301. "Yeah. So, I learned that to deal with hangovers for the most part. I was also researching some stuff that used alchemy in relation to blood contracts."
  2302. >Twilight frowns at the mention of blood contracts and you look off to the distance.
  2303. "It was a dead-end, though. I think whoever wrote that legend of dissolving the contract itself with the paper it was written on was either insane or entirely mistaken as to what a blood contract *was*. It sounded far-fetched to begin with, but it was worth researching."
  2304. >Twilight nods, "You've mentioned you did research on blood contracts before... which makes me wonder. What was it like?"
  2305. >You hum to yourself.
  2306. "Well, the working conditions were fine. I got paid enough to go out every once in a while. I had food and a place to stay. The tower was pretty state of the art, so it was *mostly* safe from outside forces. I think I had more trouble with the wizard's own experiments rather than attacks from other wizards."
  2307. >You chuckle darkly.
  2308. >Yeah, fireproof clothing was quickly obtained after the first dozen or so 'mis-placed' fireball spells.
  2309. >Twilight's ears perk up.
  2310. >"State of the art? What kinds of stuff did the tower have?"
  2311. >You shrug.
  2312. "Oh, you know... steel blast doors, clean rooms, automated turrets on the outside, a massive magical security web on the inside, escape portals, surveillance crystals in every room, a high-end kitchen with a walk-in freezer, communication crystals... the usual wizard tower amenities."
  2313. >Twilight blinks at you owlishly.
  2314. >"Steel blast doors?"
  2315. >You nod.
  2316. "Well, yeah. How else are we gonna keep the creatures and armies at bay outside? We also gotta keep the captured creatures locked away in the dungeons so we had extra security down there along with some heavy-duty golems."
  2317. >Twilight stops in her tracks and stares at you wide-eyed, her mouth parroting a fish.
  2318. >What got into her?
  2319. >Do they not have golems here?
  2320. >"Anon." Twilight says, taking a deep breath. "What your describing is... well, it sounds like a thing out of a foals science fiction book, if I'm honest."
  2321. >You raise an eyebrow.
  2322. "Really?"
  2323. >Twilight nods.
  2324. >"We have golems but nowhere near capable of combat or guarding anything. And we have steel but heavy vault doors are few and far-between. We usually use magic seals if the situation calls for it..."
  2325. "Oh, we had that too. Magic seals on nearly every important room in the tower."
  2326. >Twilight shakes her head.
  2327. >"And that's what's crazy about it! It's like you were in some kind of top-secret research facility!"
  2328. >You scratch your chin with a hand, humming to yourself in thought.
  2329. "Well, you're not far off. Wizards are sorta like... 'independent researchers' in that sense. Though, they often have some goal they're trying to achieve..."
  2330. >Twilight nods, tapping her muzzle with a hoof.
  2331. >"And what are 'communication crystals'?"
  2332. >Oh.
  2333. >Oh boy.
  2334. >She didn't even know that?
  2335. >Just how far behind are they?
  2336. >And *how* are they this far behind?
  2337. >You've seen more impressive displays of magic in your short time here than in your entire life.
  2338. >Absolute insanity.
  2339. "Well, communication crystals are used to communicate across long distances. Think of them like using a portal to talk to someone very far away without having to open a rip in space."
  2340. >"Fascinating..."
  2341. >Twilight shakes her head and opens the doors to the castle, leading you inside.
  2342. >Huh.
  2343. >When'd you get here?
  2344. >Shrugging it off, you head inside.
  2345. >After the doors close behind you, Twilight turns to face you.
  2346. >"Anon, as much as I want to continue, we'll have to continue this later." Twilight says, her smile dropping and her demeanor turning serious.
  2347. >"I heard the story from Cherry and Lucky, but I'll need to hear your side of events." She says, "What exactly happened last night?"
  2348. >Oh right.
  2349. >The reason you ended up in the hospital in the first place.
  2350. "Well, I guess I'll start when we got to the bar..."
  2352. >"Alright. Thank you, Anon. I'll follow up on this as soon as possible." Twilight says, "I'll need to verify with any witnesses and with Lyra herself as to what happened but it seems pretty clear so far."
  2353. >A frown crosses her muzzle.
  2354. >"I didn't take her for that kind of mare, she's always been so nice from what I remember..."
  2355. >As Twilight drifts off, scratching her muzzle with a forehoof, you crack your back and sigh.
  2356. >Wait, you were supposed to do something today...
  2357. >RIGHT!
  2358. >You had plans with Strawberry today!
  2359. >You look down and sniff your clothes.
  2360. >You recoil from the stench of alcohol and sweat.
  2361. >Yeah, definitely need to shower.
  2362. >Hopefully you have enough time.
  2363. "Twilight, I'm gonna head off to take a shower and then I'll be gone for the day. Do you need me for anything else?"
  2364. >"Hmm?" Twilight snaps her head back to you, her eyes refocusing. "Oh, yes, one more thing."
  2365. >Twilight pulls a folder out of her saddle-bag with her magic and starts shuffling through the papers inside.
  2366. >"Here it is. It says here in your blood report that you have 'an extremely low resistance to magic-based treatments'." Twilight says, looking back up at you. "Try to avoid direct magical contact for a while. We'll need to do some tests on that, but you should be safe as long as nopony tries to use magic *on* you. If ponies use magic on objects around you, you should be ok. It's considered *extremely* bad manners to use magic on a pony without their permission, except for family and sometimes very close friends."
  2367. >Oh goodie.
  2368. >You have 'an extremely low resistance to magic-based treatments' AKA basically no resistance to Equestrian magic whatsoever.
  2369. >Wonderful.
  2370. >Actually, why didn't you know about this before?
  2371. >You know for a fact that Twilight ran a ton of magic and non-magic scans on you when you first got here.
  2372. >You raise an eyebrow at the thought.
  2373. "Didn't you already do a bunch of tests on me?"
  2374. >Twilight shakes her head.
  2375. >"Those were tests to determine if the atmosphere or other environmental factors would harm you or vice-versa. Those tests use a minimum amount of magic and are generally non-invasive. I didn't do any tests as far as magic resistance. I don't invade ponies privacy any more than necessary, Anon. And you are no exception. Alien or no, you still have rights."
  2376. >Huh.
  2377. >So you have rights.
  2378. >Interesting.
  2379. >You'll have to ask about those later.
  2380. "But what does having a low magic resistance have to do with a drug?"
  2381. >"Harmony's Bliss is a magically infused drug, enhancing it's sedative properties. It's the drug of choice for a lot of junkies because of this, since they get hit two ways with the same effect." Twilight replies. "It's also known as a particularly effective date-rape drug for the same reason."
  2382. >Oh, so even their *drugs* have magic?
  2383. >It isn't enough that the ponies, the flowers, the cattle, and *the air itself* has ridiculously high levels of magic in them.
  2384. >Oh no, the drugs do too.
  2385. >You'd even bet that the *food* has magic in it.
  2386. "But... Why didn't the doctor just tell me this then? Seems like something I should have known."
  2387. >"I... asked him not to..." Twilight says, her ears folding back as she looks down.
  2388. "Ok... why?"
  2389. >"I was embarrassed." Twilight says as she raises her head to look you in the eyes.
  2390. >"If I had done more tests then none of this would have happened. If I had deemed more things as a medical necessity, heck, even brought in a doctor or nurse to help, then we would have already known and you would have known what to look out for and..."
  2391. >Twilight paces back and forth as she rambles, getting increasingly frustrated.
  2392. >Finally, she stops and takes a deep breath before addressing you once more, a determined look on her muzzle.
  2393. >"I was embarrassed because I made a mistake. More importantly, that mistake put you in danger. I can't change the past, but I *will* do what I can to make sure it doesn't happen again."
  2394. >Wow.
  2395. >Here she is, pouring her heart out to you and owning up to her own (perceived) mistakes.
  2396. >*Princess* Twilight Sparkle
  2397. >Sure, she has a duty to protect her subjects. But you're not an Equestrian citizen. She has no obligation to you.
  2398. >You smile.
  2399. "Thank you, Twilight."
  2400. >Your smile twists into a smirk.
  2401. "I doubt you could have guessed I'd be given a drug while I was out and about, though. I don't blame you if that's what your afraid of."
  2402. >She beams happily, her ears returning to their upright position.
  2403. >"Thanks, Anon. That means a lot, actually."
  2404. >You nod.
  2405. "Well, we'll figure out exactly how the whole magic resistance thing works later I suppose. I have plans with a..."
  2406. >You tighten your mouth to find the right word.
  2407. "...friend today."
  2408. >Yes, friend.
  2409. >Odd.
  2410. >It's not like you haven't had friends before, you've had plenty.
  2411. >But things have been progressing rather fast lately.
  2412. >Maybe the ponies are to blame?
  2413. >They seem to move pretty fast with making friends.
  2414. >Yeah, let's just blame the ponies
  2415. >You don't want to travel down the path of introspection right now.
  2416. >You just got out of the hospital from being drugged with a magic infused drug by a magic-casting pony in a land of magic.
  2417. >Things couldn't be better.
  2418. >Not one bit.
  2419. >"Oh, really? Are you going to hang out with Cherry and Lucky again?" Twilight asks.
  2420. >You blink, bringing yourself back to the conversation.
  2421. "Uh, no. I'll be hanging out with Strawberry today. She said she'd take me around town and give me a guided tour."
  2422. >"Weren't you with Strawberry and her friend for a good portion of the night at your welcome party?" She asks, tilting her head.
  2423. >You nod.
  2424. >Twilight hums to herself, a grin growing on her muzzle as she ruffles her wings.
  2425. >"Alright then. Just be sure to be safe." Twilight replies.
  2426. >The grin falls from her face after a moment.
  2427. >"Also, Anon. I know that you're still getting used to our culture here, but if you feel uncomfortable with anypony, let them know and tell them to back off."
  2428. >Where did this come from?
  2429. >Oh right.
  2430. >You just got drugged.
  2431. >Of course she'd want to try and look out for you.
  2432. >That's apparently how ponies work.
  2433. >They just look out for each other.
  2434. >And she's the 'princess of friendship'.
  2435. >She probably wants to teach you about the 'magic of friendship'.
  2436. >Actually, you know she does.
  2437. >When she first mentioned that to you, you told her 'if friendship is magic, I want nothing to do with it'.
  2438. >The memory of the horrified look on her face brings a smile to your own.
  2439. >The resulting three hour lecture was *totally* worth it.
  2440. >Good times.
  2441. >You feel a tap on your leg.
  2442. >Looking down you see Twilight eyeing you with concern.
  2443. >Oh right.
  2444. >You were in the middle of a conversation.
  2445. >You gotta stop dozing off like that.
  2446. "Don't worry, Twilight. I got this."
  2447. >You give her a thumbs up.
  2448. >Twilight rolls her eyes and snorts, muttering to herself as she walks away while placing the folder back in her saddle bags.
  2449. >A ray of light shines through a set of crystal windows at the top-most section of the wall alerting you of the time.
  2450. >You decide now is a good time to avail yourself of that shower.
  2452. >You run downstairs, showered and with a fresh set of clothes, to greet Strawberry.
  2453. >Spike had come knocking on your door to tell you somepony was there for you while you were changing clothes.
  2454. >Seems you were running later than you thought.
  2455. >You burst through the doors to the entrance hall, spotting Strawberry looking around the room.
  2456. "Strawberry! Sorry I'm late. I-"
  2457. >You take a breath and put a hand to your heaving chest, calming your rising blood pressure with a steady walk as you approach her.
  2458. "-had a bit of a set-back this morning."
  2459. >"What? You sleep in?" Strawberry replies with a smirk.
  2460. "You could say that."
  2461. >"*Such* a stallion. Jeez Anon, way to keep a mare waiting. Next thing I know, I'll be waiting on you to put on your glamour." Strawberry says, winking playfully at you.
  2462. >You shudder at the mention of a glamour.
  2463. "Uh, not likely. I'll stick to mundane, non-magical methods thank you very much."
  2464. >Strawberry rolls her eyes and snorts.
  2465. >"Yeah, yeah. You with the aversion to magic. And yet, you're in the Princesses castle and assist her with her magical studies."
  2466. >You chuckle and lightly push her shoulder.
  2467. "No one said the situation was perfect, but I'm not dead, starving, or homeless so I'll count that as a win."
  2468. >Strawberry scrunches her nose a bit at that, but remains silent.
  2469. >Did you go too far?
  2470. >From what you've gathered, ponies seem to dislike it when you mention war and death.
  2471. >Or at least they react a lot more negatively than you'd normally expect.
  2472. >Maybe it follows through to humor as well?
  2473. >Oh well, you'll have to just push through. No way of taking back what's already been said.
  2474. "Thanks for coming, by the way. I've been looking forward to today."
  2475. >Strawberry visibly brightens as her hears perk up and she ruffles her wings.
  2476. >"Good!" She says with a wide, genuine smile on her face.
  2477. >Oh, that is just adorable.
  2478. >Her bright green eyes shine with glee and her strawberry red mane bounces a bit with her motions.
  2479. >"So! Shall we?"
  2480. >You nod, opening the entrance door and extending an arm as you stand off to the side.
  2481. "After you."
  2482. >Strawberry stops and looks at you with a raised eyebrow for a moment before shaking her head and trotting ahead.
  2483. >You quickly catch up to her after closing the door behind you.
  2484. "So, what's first on the agenda, my cheeky friend?"
  2485. >Strawberry smirks, pivoting an ear your way as you walk side by side.
  2486. >"Cheeky?"
  2487. "Don't even try to deny it."
  2488. >You quip back, glancing over at her.
  2489. >"Like you don't like it." She retorts, bumping you in the leg with her hip as you walk.
  2490. >You chuckle.
  2491. "Never said I didn't."
  2492. >Strawberry hums to herself for a moment, bringing a wing up to try and hide her smile.
  2493. >It doesn't work, but it's adorable nonetheless.
  2494. >"Well, I figured we'd start with the open concert at the park. Then we can go get something to eat. There's a nice place nearby that I'm sure you'll love." She says, her wing retracted back to it's resting position. "After that, I'll take you on that tour and then... well..."
  2495. >Strawberry laughs a bit nervously, her wings ruffling.
  2496. >What is up with the wing ruffling? It seems to be happening a lot lately.
  2497. >Do pegasi always have such little control over their body?
  2498. >Like you're one to talk.
  2499. >Your hand was shaking back at the bar and Cherry noticed it from five feet away.
  2500. >"Well, I hadn't thought out the rest of the day, to be honest. I guess we'll just wing it!" She says with a giant grin on her face.
  2501. >Was that...
  2502. >It was.
  2503. >She's holding a single wing up in display as she looks over to you.
  2504. >You slap your hand to your forehead and groan lightly, even as a small smile creeps on your face.
  2505. >Pony puns.
  2506. >You've finally reached that point, haven't you?
  2507. "You're lucky I enjoy your company. That was terrible."
  2508. >Strawberry stifles her giggles with her outstretched wing.
  2509. >"Oh, c'mon. It wasn't *that* bad. Besides, I see that grin mister!"
  2510. >You smirk and remove your hand from your face.
  2511. "I'll give you points for using your *actual wing* to emphasize the pun. Well done."
  2512. >"Thank you." Strawberry beams, puffing out her chest as she struts with her head held high.
  2513. >Oh joy, now you've inflated her ego.
  2514. >Though, she is rather cute when she struts like that.
  2515. >Almost like she's trying to look dominant or something.
  2516. >Looking ahead, you notice the park coming into view.
  2517. >Yes, watch where you're going. You should definitely do that and not pay all of your attention to the happy pony beside you.
  2518. >What if you ran into a wall?
  2519. >That would be embarrassing.
  2520. >The odds are pretty likely, though. You've done it more times than you care to admit while reading and walking.
  2521. >Luckily, the gods have decided not to grace your face with a brick barrier today and you make it to the park without incident.
  2522. >A crowd of ponies gather around a small group of ponies with instruments.
  2523. >Strawberry leads you to sit on the ground in the center of the gathered ponies.
  2524. >You take your seat and Strawberry sits next to you, closing the gap a bit as ponies move to get a better seat.
  2525. >You almost feel bad for the ponies behind you, but sitting down, you notice the ponies come pretty close to your height.
  2526. >Poniees might be short when you're standing up, but from here you can see how long their bodies are.
  2527. >Strawberry's muzzle and ears are pointed forward, her hooves between her hind legs.
  2528. >From this close up you can even see the individual locks of her mane blowing in the slight breeze.
  2529. >You smirk and turn your attention back to the stage.
  2530. >Ponies are just as expressive and real as any other species you've come across. They have yet to show anything less than a human intellect and you've adapted fairly quickly so far.
  2531. >Sure, you had pegasi back home, and they were intelligent even!
  2532. >But this was a whole different story. The pegasi you were used to could understand and communicate with you, but they couldn't talk and they were *far* less expressive than these ponies.
  2533. >They resembled horses more than anything. Ponies here are a far cry from what you were used to.
  2534. >Though, none of that matters anymore. This is your life now. There's no going back and to be honest, you're not so sure that's a bad thing.
  2535. >You've made plenty of friends already, after all. And most of these ponies haven't given you much more than a second glance.
  2536. >In a word, you feel 'welcome'.
  2537. >As you sit there, next to your light yellow pegasus friend, you smile.
  2538. >You could definitely get used to this.
  2539. >The murmurs of the crowd die down, prompting you to look forward at the group of musicians before you.
  2540. >A grey earth-pony mare with a cello, a blue earth-pony stallion standing at the front with no instrument, and-
  2541. >Oh, well that's just great.
  2542. >Your mint-green unicorn visitor from last night is sitting there with a lyre.
  2543. >You sigh.
  2544. >Of course it would be a lyre, why wouldn't Lyra have a lyre?
  2545. >Well, it seems that she hasn't noticed you yet at leas-
  2546. >Lyra looks up from her instrument at the crowd, spotting you. She grins and waves, going back to her work a moment later.
  2547. >You groan.
  2548. >Did she think she was your friend or something?
  2549. >Strawberry looks over at you with a raised eyebrow.
  2550. "Later" You whisper.
  2551. >Strawberry nods and turns back to the musicians.
  2552. >Then, the music starts.
  2553. >The deep cello rings out low in contrast to the higher pitched lyre's melodic tones.
  2554. >The blue stallions voice rings out in a light tenor, carrying through the crowd.
  2555. >The crowd sways their heads back and forth with the song.
  2556. >Smiling, you can't help but get caught up in the mood.
  2557. >The song seems to be about some happy event, but you can't make out exactly what it is, you're so entranced by the music.
  2558. >You're snapped out of your daze from the sound of hooves stomping.
  2559. >You blink.
  2560. >That was weird, it was almost as if you caught in some kind of spell.
  2561. >Actually, that's exactly how it felt.
  2562. >The musicians do a bow and the surrounding ponies start to disperse.
  2563. >Just how long were you out?
  2564. >It had to have been longer than one song.
  2565. >A glance up at the sky confirms that theory.
  2566. >The sun has moved and it's just past noon now.
  2567. >Concerning.
  2568. >You see a mint-green unicorn making it's way through the crowd towards you.
  2569. >Nope. Not today.
  2570. >You grab Strawberry's hoof and get up.
  2571. "C'mon, let's go."
  2572. >You drag your friend along until you've cleared the park and lost sight of Lyra.
  2573. >Ensuring the coast is clear, you stop and sigh with relief.
  2574. >"Well. Can't say I expected *that*, but can you let go of my hoof now? I know colts can be emotional after a harmony song, but a mare's got an image to maintain, ya know?"
  2575. >Strawberry smirks at you as you look down to find you're still holding her hoof.
  2576. >You let go, muttering an apology as you scratch the back of your neck.
  2577. >If it bothered Strawberry at all, she doesn't show it, opting instead to rub her chest a bit with the hoof you just let go.
  2578. >After she removes the hoof from her chest, her chest fur looks... puffier? No. Floofier? Yes. Floofier than normal.
  2579. >"So... since we're already here, let's go get that lunch and you can tell me about why you decided to drag me away from the park while we wait for our food."
  2580. "Uh, sure. Sounds good."
  2581. >You chuckle nervously, catching her playful gaze.
  2582. >Strawberry leads you to a nearby building with a sign that declares it to be 'The Spring Table'.
  2583. >A light purple mare hostess brings you to a table and places some menus in front of you, leaving you to decide on what to eat.
  2584. >You look up at Strawberry.
  2585. "So, what's good here?"
  2586. >Strawberry hums, tapping a hoof to her muzzle.
  2587. >"I usually go with the dandelion salad. It's really good here!"
  2588. "Huh. I'll have to take your word for it then."
  2589. >You pick up your menu, hearing a huff across the table from you.
  2590. >You place the menu down and look at the mildly irritated pony before you.
  2591. "What's up?"
  2592. >Strawberry squints here eyes at you, flicking her left ear.
  2593. >"What was that?"
  2594. "What was what?"
  2595. >"Don't play dumb, Anon! I might be a mare, but that was just low." She huffs, "Why would you ask me what was good here and then completely disregard it?"
  2596. >Does she... not know?
  2597. >You thought you told her already.
  2598. >Her unblinking stare confirms that no, she does not know.
  2599. >Well, guess now is as good a time as any.
  2600. "I can't eat flowers, Strawberry. Sorry, I thought I had told you already."
  2601. >You look down and clasp your hands together to keep yourself from fidgeting.
  2602. >It partially works.
  2603. >Instead of looking like a nervous wreck, you twiddle your thumbs like an only slightly crazy person.
  2604. >"Oh."
  2605. >Looking up reveals a sheepish pegasus trying to hide a bit behind her wings.
  2606. >"Sorry. I didn't..."
  2607. >Oh wonderful, now you're both nervous and awkward.
  2608. >Aren't you just the perfect pair?
  2609. >You shake your head and smile.
  2610. "No, don't worry about it. I probably forgot to mention it at the party when we were talking. There was a *lot* of alcohol involved after all."
  2611. >Strawberry relaxes her wings and chuckles.
  2612. >"Yeah, we *did* drink a lot of that mead stuff."
  2613. >You smile at the memory.
  2614. "You were pretty adorable when you were drunk. You kept leaning on your friend, Luckette, and trying to whisper things into her ear that you thought I couldn't hear."
  2615. >"W-what did I say?"
  2616. >Strawberry blushes, ruffling her wings a bit.
  2617. "Oh, nothing bad. There was something about hands and then something about how I'm 'really tall'. Which, for some reason, you felt was something that would offend me. You kept looking back up at me trying to make sure I didn't 'catch you'."
  2618. >Strawberry groans, placing her head in her hooves.
  2619. >"I was afraid of that..."
  2620. >You laugh, patting her shoulder.
  2621. "Don't worry. There are *far* worse drunken behaviors to have other than some innocent 'whispers'."
  2622. >"I'm just glad you didn't hear the *rest* of the comments..." Strawberry mumbles to herself, barely audible from where you sit.
  2623. >Oh?
  2624. >There was more?
  2625. >You grin.
  2626. >You'll have to hold back on the alcohol next time and see if you can catch this pony in the act while you're sober and still able to walk straight then.
  2627. >The hostess returns with a smile.
  2628. >"Hello, my name is Lilac Links and I'll be your hostess today. Are you ready to order?"
  2629. >You nod, glancing back at the menu.
  2630. "I'll have the eggplant parmesan."
  2631. >"And I'll have the dandelion salad."
  2632. >Lilac Links nods, "I'll be back with your order as soon as it's ready. Did you want any drinks with that?"
  2633. >Strawberry looks over to you with a raised eyebrow.
  2634. >You shrug.
  2635. "I think we're good with water."
  2636. >"Of course, I'll be right back with your drinks."
  2637. >Once you get your water, Strawberry leans forward and looks you in the eyes.
  2638. >"Alright, now how about you tell me why you were acting weird when the concert ended. I thought you enjoyed it."
  2639. >You nod quickly.
  2640. "I did! It was really good. It was entrancing... in the literal sense."
  2641. >Strawberry raises an eyebrow, but says nothing.
  2642. >You sigh.
  2643. >As much as you just wanted to move on, she was bound to find out somehow and would definitely be upset if you kept something like this from her.
  2644. >After all, that's what friends are for, right?
  2645. "Well, you see... I met that mint-green unicorn, Lyra, last night at the bar when I was out with Cherry and Lucky."
  2646. >Strawberry's mouth hangs open a tad, her pupils dilating.
  2647. >You shrug and lean back into the back of your chair.
  2648. "See, we were there to help out Lucky and get him a decent mare. And while I have my doubts on the choice of location, what do I know? I'm in Equestria, not Astad anymore."
  2649. >Strawberry's mouth closes and she looks at you with a tilted head, one ear up.
  2650. "Ah, right. Astad is the country I'm from."
  2651. >Strawberry nods.
  2652. "Anyways, Lyra comes up and I'm expecting her to hit on Lucky. But then she starts hitting on me instead."
  2653. >Strawberry's mouth creases into a tight frown, her wings ruffling behind her.
  2654. "She picks up my drink with her magic, looks at it for a while, and then puts it back down. Meanwhile, Lucky tells Lyra to go away because apparently she's an ex of his. Eventually Cherry butts in and sends her packing. We get up to go dancing, I down my drink before I go, and then I feel dizzy. I *try* to head outside to get some air and the next thing I know I'm waking up in the hospital."
  2655. >Strawberry is stock still, her eyes wide and her wings outstretched.
  2656. >You're actually slightly concerned.
  2657. >She looks like she's frozen.
  2658. >"What did she put in your drink?" She whispers venomously.
  2659. >Oh, is it hot in here?
  2660. >You're not sure why, but you suddenly feel a penetrative gaze boring through you from the light yellow pegasus.
  2661. "Uh... the doctor said it was 'Harmony's Bliss' and that it hit me way harder than a normal pony. Twilight told me later that it was because I have a really low magic resistance."
  2662. >Strawberry narrows her eyes, staring into your own with her piercing glare.
  2663. >If you didn't know any better, you'd think she was staring directly into your very soul.
  2664. >A few moments pass in relative silence, the clatter of the restaurant fading into the background.
  2665. >Slowly, Strawberry folds her wings back onto her back, but it doesn't look like she's relaxed at all.
  2666. >On the contrary, she looks even tenser now than before.
  2667. >"Excuse me. I have something I need to take care of really quick. I'll be right back."
  2668. >Strawberry gets up from her seat and walks around the table towards the door.
  2669. >Oh shit.
  2670. >You grab her foreleg.
  2671. >She stops, turning back to you slightly and looking at you from the side of her muzzle with a raised eyebrow.
  2672. >You take a deep breath.
  2673. >Holy heavens, you didn't think she was going to instantly try and murder someone for you!
  2674. >At least, that's what it looked like.
  2675. >For all you know, she could just be going to give Lyra a stern talking to.
  2676. >But the point is she was obviously going to try and do something about it herself and that wouldn't do any good right now.
  2677. >You shake your head at Strawberry.
  2678. "Princess Twilight is already on her way to go question her. Let the Princess take care of this."
  2679. >Strawberry stares at you for a moment and then lets out a long breath, her posture visibly relaxing.
  2680. >"Alright."
  2681. >She returns to her seat and looks back into your eyes.
  2682. >"But I swear to Celestia that if that mare comes anywhere near you while I'm around I'm gonna sock her in the jaw."
  2683. "Deal."
  2684. >You chuckle.
  2685. "I'll even hold her down if you want."
  2686. >Strawberry's bright green eyes regain their playfulness as she cracks a grin.
  2687. >"Didn't take you for the violent type. I'll have to remember that."
  2688. >You scoff.
  2689. "I'll have you know I can handle myself in a brawl."
  2690. >Strawberry raises an incredulous eyebrow at that.
  2691. "Well, all you have to do is smack someone over the head with a barstool and high-tail it out of there."
  2692. >Strawberry buries her head in her hooves, erupting in laughter.
  2693. >The tense air is dispelled and you join her with a light laugh of your own, glad to be done with the subject.
  2694. >After a few moments, Strawberry sighs audibly and leans back, wiping her eyes with a hoof.
  2695. >"Thanks for that. I'm gonna keep that image in my head for safe-keeping now." She says, "The thought of you hitting somepony over the head with a barstool and then running away like a scared little colt is just too much!"
  2696. >You both share in the dying laughter, relishing the moment.
  2697. >Almost as if by magic, the hostess appears right as you both compose yourselves.
  2698. >"Here you are! One dandelion salad for the lady and one eggplant parmesan for the handsome stallion. If you need anything, let me know and enjoy your date!" She says, trotting away.
  2699. >Well, that's weird.
  2700. >Looking over at Strawberry, you see a slight blush on her muzzle.
  2701. >Do ponies assume you're on a date because of the lack of stallions around?
  2702. >Do stallions do nothing with mares if it isn't romantic or business oriented?
  2703. >Do they have mares who are just friends and not mare-friends?
  2704. >Actually, looking back, you do act pretty familiar with Strawberry.
  2705. >There isn't much space between you when you walk and conversation flows pretty well between you.
  2706. >You genuinely enjoy her company though, and she seems to enjoy yours as well.
  2707. >You suppose you couldn't fault the hostess for coming to a false conclusion, given the circumstances.
  2708. >And yet, you barely know the pony in front of you.
  2709. >Sure, you had a nice time talking to her at the party and you know she sells some of the best strawberries you've ever had in your life.
  2710. >But outside of that, you don't really know all that much about her.
  2711. >It's time to remedy that.
  2712. "So, Strawberry."
  2713. >Strawberry looks back at you and her ears perk up.
  2714. >"Yeah?"
  2715. "What's your normal day like?"
  2716. >"Oh!" Strawberry replies with a smile. "Well, after I get up in the morning, I help out with the fields with my family and then I take the day's supply over to the stand in the afternoon usually. Somedays there isn't much to do at the farm so I just set up shop at the market. After work, I usually head home to relax or hang out with friends."
  2717. "Your family has a farm nearby?"
  2718. >"Yup," Strawberry says, nodding. "It's a smaller farm, but we grow strawberries and grapes there. We sell a lot of the grapes to the Berry family and they make wine out of them."
  2719. "Huh. But how-"
  2720. >You're stomach growls, informing you of your neglected needs.
  2721. >You chuckle.
  2722. "I guess I'm hungry. Let's see what this place has to offer then."
  2723. >Strawberry giggles taking bites of her salad as she observes you.
  2724. >You take a bit of your food, humming to yourself in delight.
  2725. >That's pretty good.
  2726. >Though, you're starting to want meat. You've gone without it for a while now.
  2727. >Something to bring up with Twilight later.
  2728. >Your mind wandering brings you to finally observe your surroundings as Strawberry eats her salad.
  2729. >The table you were seated at was in a nice corner out of the way with a window letting in natural light giving it a warm glow.
  2730. >The atmosphere is inviting and the patrons are all pleasantly quiet enough to keep to themselves.
  2731. >A far cry from the usual tavern you're used to.
  2732. "You were right about the place by the way."
  2733. >Strawberry blinks and tilts her head to the side.
  2734. "I do love it. The foods pretty good and the atmosphere is calm and relaxing. Well picked."
  2735. >"Well, of course you love it. *I* picked it after all." Strawberry says, puffing out her chest with a smirk.
  2736. >Wonderful, you've inflated her ego.
  2737. >Though, you don't mind when it means that she does that thing where she tries to look 'marely'.
  2738. >Something you've noticed is that the ponies here are cute.
  2739. >Especially the mares.
  2740. >And to see the mares act 'marely' its a strange action of something 'manly', yet distinctly feminine. It almost always results in an adorable display.
  2741. >You smile back at her.
  2742. >A few moments pass in silence as you both finish off your food.
  2743. >You lean back into your chair, satisfied.
  2744. >Now that you don't have a complaining stomach, you can get back to business.
  2745. "So, what do you do to relax when you get home, Strawberry?"
  2746. >"I usually like to... well, uh..." Strawberry looks down at the table, tracing circles on it with a hoof.
  2747. >She looks up at you sheepishly.
  2748. >"Well, I uh, I like to paint..." She says quietly.
  2749. >"I know it's not the most 'marely' thing to do with your time, but it's really relaxing." She says, looking out the window at the horizon. "I'm no professional painter or anything, but it's nice as a hobby. I like to paint sunrises a lot..."
  2750. >She smiles at the distant horizon, lost to her thoughts.
  2751. >Snapping out of her daze, she turns back to you and blushes slightly at your attentive gaze.
  2752. >You simply smile back at her.
  2753. "That sounds pretty cool, Strawberry. Maybe you can show me one of your paintings sometime?"
  2754. >Strawberry's pupils dilate slightly and a wide smile adorns her muzzle as she nods.
  2755. >"Sure!" She says. "I uh, I didn't think you'd react so positively to that, actually. Most stallions scoff at mares who have stallion-ish interests."
  2756. >You snort.
  2757. "Well, I'm not 'most stallions' so don't worry so much. I enjoy your company and I think your hobby happens to be interesting. Don't doubt yourself so much."
  2758. >Strawberry's smile softens as she looks at you fondly.
  2759. >"Thanks, Anon."
  2760. >"Alright, do you two lovely ponies need anything else?" A ninja Lilac Links asks.
  2761. >Snapping your head over to the hostess, you take a deep breath.
  2762. >Wew, she came out of nowhere.
  2763. >Or were you really that engaged with talking with Strawberry?
  2764. >Did you really tune out everything else?
  2765. >"No thank you, I think we're good." Strawberry responds.
  2766. >"Alrighty then, here's the bill. Let me know if you need anything else, okay?" Lilac Links says as she gives a slip of paper to Strawberry.
  2767. >Strawberry nods and places a pile of bits on the table after looking at the slip of paper.
  2768. >You go to reach for your own pouch of coins as Strawberry stops you.
  2769. >"Don't worry about it. I got this one." She says, "You can get next time or something if you want, but consider today on me."
  2770. >You smirk, pulling your hand away from your coin pouch.
  2771. "Well, if you want to buy I won't stop you. More drinking money for later."
  2772. >Strawberry chuckles, getting up and stretching.
  2773. >"C'mon. Let's show you around. *Then* we can go drinking. Try not to pass out so quickly this time around, though." She says, winking at you with a smirk on her muzzle.
  2774. >You grin.
  2775. "Oh, don't you worry. Just make sure no magic drugs get into my drinks and I'll drink you under the table."
  2776. >"Oh? Is that a challenge?" She asks, eyeing you up.
  2777. "You better believe it."
  2778. >You retort, smirking down at the pony as you stand beside her.
  2779. >"I'm not gonna go easy on you just because you're a stallion you know."
  2780. "I'd be offended if you did."
  2781. >Strawberry's grin widens.
  2782. >"Oh, this will be fun." She says, "What are the stakes?"
  2783. "How about..."
  2784. >You look off to the distance, thinking of what you could bet.
  2785. >Money comes to mind first, but that's no fun.
  2786. >Sure you have some money, but you're not really doing this to get rich.
  2787. >You could get one of you to pay for the drinks, but that goes hand in hand with the money bet.
  2788. >Or you could...
  2789. >Oh yes.
  2790. >You like that idea a lot.
  2791. >You grin devilishly as you look down at the smug pegasus.
  2792. "How about whoever loses owes the winner one favor that they can't get out of, no matter what it is?"
  2793. >Strawberry's eyes widen as she ruffles her feathers.
  2794. >"You sure you wanna do that? I'm no lightweight, you know."
  2795. "Oh, I'm sure."
  2796. >"Alright, it's your funeral." Strawberry replies with a grin. "C'mon, let's get this tour underway. Then I can wipe the floor with you tonight."
  2797. >You chuckle and follow her strutting form out the door of the restaurant.
  2798. >Win or lose, you're going to have an interesting night.
  2800. >Be Princess Twilight Sparkle.
  2801. >You've saved Equestria more times than you care to admit and you've solved your fair share of friendship problems.
  2802. >Yet, you've just had one of the most distressing days in your life.
  2803. >After learning about the incident from Cherry, Lucky, and Anon himself about what happened at 'The Salt Mine' with Lyra, you've been working non-stop to interview ponies and review the applicable laws in this case.
  2804. >Most witnesses only saw a piece of the incident, but everything added up so far.
  2805. >Fun fact: Ponyville hasn't had an officially documented date-rape incident in the past five years.
  2806. >In fact, the pony who committed that crime five years ago was a visitor from Canterlot who had done this on multiple occasions throughout Equestria.
  2807. >Harmony's Bliss was particularly in short supply outside of the major cities.
  2808. >That's not to say that Lyra couldn't have just gotten a train to Canterlot and came back, but it would take a significant amount of effort to get it.
  2809. >So then why would anypony go to the effort to not only get the drug, but also use it in such a closed community such as Ponyville?
  2810. >Surely they must have known that even if the guards didn't catch them, the town gossip mill would.
  2811. >In a small town like Ponyville, almost nothing was 'private'.
  2812. >What few true secrets exist are heavily guarded by the ponies who have them.
  2813. >You learned that one the hard way years ago.
  2814. >This left you frustrated and confused.
  2815. >But there was one loose end to tie up and it was in front of you.
  2816. >A very curious Lyra Heartstrings is sitting across from you, looking around the room.
  2817. >It looks like she's taking in every detail of the castle.
  2818. >Despite what it may seem, not many ponies have been to the parts of the castle that aren't the main entrance and the areas for hosting large events.
  2819. >You decided that comfort was needed to coax the unicorn mare to spill the beans on what had happened, so you had brought her to your lounge with the comfy chairs.
  2820. >Placing your tea down on the table you clear your throat.
  2821. "Right. So, Lyra. Do you know why you're here?"
  2822. >Lyra shrugs, taking a sip of her tea.
  2823. >"You said you wanted to talk. But then you insisted on coming to the castle for privacy. I don't mind talking to you, Twilight, but I have no idea what is so important that it needed privacy." Lyra says, "Oh! Did you finally find a colt-friend!? Who is it? Is it Davenport? I see you going into his shop all the time. I'm sure you strike up conversation enough to try and weasel your way into his herd."
  2824. >Lyra waggles her eyebrows at you with a lewd grin.
  2825. "No!"
  2826. >Flushed, you shake your head to clear it and sigh.
  2827. "I want to talk to you about what happened last night with Anon."
  2828. >Lyra's grin grows on her muzzle.
  2829. >"Oh? Was he talking about me? If I knew he was going to be missing me already I'd have tried harder to talk to him today. I saw him in the audience at the concert today..."
  2830. >Lyra looks off to the side, giggling to herself.
  2831. >You sigh.
  2832. >You have a feeling that you're going to be doing a lot of that today.
  2833. >Lyra has always been... interesting to talk to.
  2834. >She's quirky. Maybe not as quirky as Pinkie Pie, but she definitely has more quirks than the average pony.
  2835. >You can't be beating around the bush here, though. Drugging somepony is a serious offense.
  2836. >You clear your throat for the second time today to get the mint-green unicorn's attention.
  2837. >You straighten your muzzle out in the most neutral expression you can manage. You might not be any Celestia, but princess training left you with a pretty mean poker-face.
  2838. "Actually, I wanted to ask you about what you put in his drink without telling him."
  2839. >"W-wha!?" Lyra stutters.
  2840. "Did you, or did you not, put something into Anon's drink last night?"
  2841. >"Uh..." Lyra scratches the back of her head and looks down sheepishly. "I... uh, yeah, I did."
  2842. >Your muscles tense.
  2843. >Why would she do this?
  2844. >And why would she be thinking that Anon would want to talk to her afterwards!?
  2845. "Why?"
  2846. >"I just wanted to help him have a good time!" Lyra shouts, slamming her hooves down on the coffee table. "I saw how he downed that mead without much trouble. So, I wanted to... help him out a bit. Get him loose enough to enjoy himself."
  2847. >Your eyes narrow and stare into the yellow orbs before you.
  2848. "You just wanted to... help him out!?"
  2849. >Your feathers ruffle and the hairs on the back of your neck raise on instinct.
  2850. >How *dare* she drug *anypony* to 'help them out'!?
  2851. >Lyra shrinks back, staring back at you in fear.
  2852. >"I-I didn't do anything wrong! I just gave him the drink enhancer I use myself! Makes it so that you don't have to buy too many drinks to get drunk! I was doing him a *favor*!"
  2853. "Do you have any idea what you-"
  2854. >Wait.
  2855. >Did she say 'drink enhancer'?
  2856. >And what was that about using it herself?
  2857. >Does she... does she not know what it is?
  2858. >You close your eyes and take a deep breath to calm yourself, silently chastising yourself for breaking your neutral mask.
  2859. >How does Celestia do it? How does she keep up a calm face all the time?
  2860. >You'll have to ask her later. For now, you have something to do.
  2861. >You open your eyes and stare back at the now very frightened Lyra trying very hard to make herself one with the back of her chair.
  2862. >You frown.
  2863. >You didn't realize that you could scare somepony like that.
  2864. "What do you think it is that you put in Anon's drink, Lyra?"
  2865. >You almost growl out the question, barely restrained.
  2866. >But you must remain civil. Potential criminal or not, you can't allow yourself to be ruled by anger.
  2867. >"It's, uh, it's drink enhancer, like I said." Lyra says meekly.
  2868. >You roll your eyes.
  2869. "Right. 'Drink enhancer'. And how did you find this 'drink enhancer' in the first place?"
  2870. >"I got some from a friend in Canterlot one time. She gave it to us and when I asked her what it was, she laughed and said it was 'drink enhancer' and that it'll help with the alcohol to have a good time. And it did! It was so good that I ended up getting more from her every time I went to Canterlot for a show."
  2871. >Your right eye twitches.
  2872. >She can't be serious.
  2873. >Does she honestly not know what she has?
  2874. "Lyra, do you know of any *other* names this drug goes by?"
  2875. >Lyra raises an eyebrow at the question.
  2876. >"Uh, no. Why?"
  2877. >You let out an exacerbated sigh.
  2878. "Lyra, what you gave Anon was an illegal drug called 'Harmony's Bliss'."
  2879. >"WHAT!?" Lyra shouts, eyes wide in horror.
  2880. >"S-so... so you mean to tell me that- that I've been taking *Harmony's Bliss* this whole time without knowing it!?"
  2881. >You nod, watching the unicorn stare into nothing as she places her head in her hooves.
  2882. >"All this time..." she mutters.
  2883. >You frown.
  2884. >This was *not* what you expected.
  2885. >"A-and I- I gave Anon..." she mutters quietly.
  2886. >Lyra starts to shudder, hugging herself, rocking back and forth as she stares at the coffee table.
  2887. >Oh no.
  2888. >That's not good.
  2889. >You fidget for a moment, trying to think of what to do.
  2890. >You're a princess and this pony just committed a crime by her own admission regardless of whether she knew it or not.
  2891. >But she's also a pony who didn't know what she was doing and *very clearly* regrets her actions.
  2892. >You frown, thinking back to Starlight Glimmer, Discord, and Nightmare Moon.
  2893. >If *those* ponies can turn around, you're *sure* that you can help Lyra.
  2894. >You get up and walk around the coffee table to her side, placing a wing around her and pulling her close.
  2895. >Lyra leans into the embrace but continues to stare out with glassy eyes.
  2896. >After a while, she closes her eyes and shudders once before going limp.
  2897. >A moment passes in silence, the pony in your embrace breathing softly.
  2898. >"So." Lyra says, barely above a whisper. "What happens now?"
  2899. >What does happen now?
  2900. >Your mouth creases into a tight frown.
  2901. >You didn't think it would be this difficult to be a princess.
  2902. "Do you regret what you did?"
  2903. >Lyra simply nods in response, looking away.
  2904. "Why did you put that in his drink in the first place, really? Did you want to get 'lucky' with him?"
  2905. >Lyra looks down, defeated.
  2906. >"A little bit, yeah. But not like that... it was just supposed to get him drunk faster. Not- not make him comatose so I could *rape* him."
  2907. >You nod.
  2908. >Sighing, you let go of the mint-green unicorn.
  2909. >Lyra leans back into her chair, righting herself and facing you with a resigned look on her muzzle.
  2910. >She's not even crying.
  2911. >She must not want to look un-marely even after that display earlier, trying to salvage what marely pride she has left.
  2912. "I'll... have to think about what to do next, Lyra. But you need to take *all* of that drug and bring it here. If I catch you with *any* of it from here on out, I won't go easy on you."
  2913. >Lyra nods, sniffing once and desperately trying to compose herself.
  2914. >You nod, placing a hoof on her shoulder with a weak smile.
  2915. "I know it can't be easy right now, but you've got friends to help you through this. Everything will work out, trust me."
  2916. >Lyra gives you a weak smile in return.
  2917. >"T-Thanks, T-Twilight."
  2918. >You squeeze her shoulder and let go.
  2919. "Come back tomorrow with *all* of the drug that you have and we'll continue this. For now, go home and get some rest."
  2920. >Lyra nods, shuffling out the door with her head down.
  2921. >You drag yourself over to your most comfortable chair and slump into the cushions with a groan.
  2922. >What are you going to do now?
  2924. >You are still Twilight Sparkle.
  2925. >Last night you wrote a letter to Princess Celestia for advice.
  2926. >Princess Celestia's return letter had several references in Equestria law. It also highlighted the sections that dealt with your ability, as a princess, to take any measures you felt necessary to resolve the situation.
  2927. >She did suggest having a witness, though. And you took that to heart.
  2928. >No sloppy interviews anymore. You missed a chance to verify Lyra's claim of whether or not she was taking it herself by letting her go.
  2929. >But what were you supposed to do?
  2930. >You've never been through this before. And even all of your research didn't prepare you for the actual confrontation.
  2931. >As it stands, you've summoned Mayor Mare to you to serve as a witness in the proceedings.
  2932. >Mayor Mare suggested bringing in somepony to record everything.
  2933. >You agreed and now Raven Inkwell, a white earth-pony with a dark-brown mane, sits to the side at a writing desk.
  2934. >You've also prepared a lie detector spell.
  2935. >The other challenge was where to hold the proceedings.
  2936. >You didn't have a throne room like Celestia and Luna, and you didn't really feel comfortable using a throne anyways.
  2937. >But you also had to appear professional and in charge.
  2938. >So you decided that now was as good a time as any to use the office you set up for meeting with ponies.
  2939. >You had sent out Mayor Mare to get Lyra and bring her to the office.
  2940. >You had neglected to set a time yesterday, so you needed to be sure everypony would be present.
  2941. >You sit in your chair behind the desk in your office and wait.
  2942. >Lyra enters, lead by Mayor Mare.
  2943. >Mayor Mare takes her place at the side of the office with Raven.
  2944. >Lyra shuffles her way in, a weak smile on her face.
  2945. >"H-Hey, Twilight. I uh, I brought the stuff you asked for." She says, depositing the saddle-bags on your desk.
  2946. >You nod.
  2947. "Don't worry, Lyra. The ponies here are aware of the situation. They've sworn to keep this meeting confidential and to abide by any rulings that I give concerning the matter we're about to discuss."
  2948. >Lyra nods, eyeing Mayor Mare and Raven for a moment before turning her gaze back to you.
  2949. >You gesture to the seat across from you.
  2950. "Take a seat, Lyra."
  2951. >Lyra does so and you take the time to open the saddle-bags with your magic.
  2952. >You pull out several bags of clear-white crystal powder and place them on the table in front of you.
  2953. >Running a magic scan on the saddle-bags, you levitate them over to Lyra once you confirm there isn't anything else inside.
  2954. "I'll just be running a quick test to verify the contents."
  2955. >Lyra nods.
  2956. >You take a brief moment to study her face.
  2957. >Her eyes are red and puffy and her mane is frazzled like it hasn't been combed in over a week.
  2958. >You frown at the sight.
  2959. >It looks like she didn't sleep last night.
  2960. >Shaking your head, you get back to the crystal powder.
  2961. >You have things to take care of first. Lyra's emotional well-being needs to wait.
  2962. >You pull out a small chunk of powder from one bag and place it in a test tube with a greenish liquid.
  2963. >You shake it and the liquid turns blue.
  2964. >Nodding, you close up the bags and place them in a box and seal it, putting it off to the side of the desk for later.
  2965. "It checks out. Is that all you have?"
  2966. >Lyra nods, looking down.
  2967. >You sigh.
  2968. >Might as well get this over with.
  2969. "Lyra."
  2970. >Lyra looks up at you with a hesitant gaze.
  2971. "You're here so that we can continue where we left off yesterday. As you can see, I invited Mayor Mare as a witness and Raven Inkwell to record this meeting."
  2972. >Lyra glances briefly over at the two ponies and nods in your direction.
  2973. "As princess of Equestria, I have decided to take full authority in this matter as it is a case dealing with a... rather unique non-pony resident. Any and all judgement passed here will be final."
  2974. >Lyra gulps, straightening up in her chair.
  2975. >You level your gaze at her.
  2976. "Do you consent to a lie detector spell?"
  2977. >Lyra visibly hesitates, but nods shakily.
  2978. >You nod.
  2979. "Very well. So everypony is clear, the spell will create a visible translucent aura around Lyra. If the aura glows green, the truth was told. If it glows blue, there was some key information being held back. If it glows red... it was a lie. Does anypony have any questions?"
  2980. >You look at each pony shaking their heads.
  2981. >You nod and cast the spell, causing a clear bubble to form around Lyra.
  2982. >Lyra looks around at the bubble, shuffling her hooves.
  2983. "Alright, let's start with a test so that everypony can verify it works. Lyra, what is your name?"
  2984. >Lyra scrunches her muzzle for a moment before her eyes widen and her mouth opens in an 'o'.
  2985. >"My name is Lyra." She says, causing a green glow to appear around her.
  2986. "Alright, now try again but lie about it." You prompt her. "What is your name?"
  2987. >Lyra nods in understanding.
  2988. >"Bon-Bon"
  2989. >A red glow emanates from around Lyra for a moment before fading out.
  2990. >You nod.
  2991. "Ok then. Let's get started."
  2992. >Lyra gulps and nods.
  2993. "Lyra, were you at 'The Salt Mine' the other night when Anon was there?"
  2994. >"Yes." Lyra says, a green glow emanating from around her.
  2995. "And when you approached him, did you place something into his drink?"
  2996. >Lyra nods, her eyes drifting down. "Yes..."
  2997. >A green glow confirms her statement.
  2998. >So far so good.
  2999. >Now to test it.
  3000. "Lyra. In our previous conversation you called this drug a 'drink enhancer'. Were you aware that this drug was called 'Harmony's Bliss' at the time of the incident?"
  3001. >Lyra shakes her head. "No..."
  3002. >A green glow.
  3003. >You nod, looking over at Mayor Mare.
  3004. >Mayor Mare is putting on a brave face, but you can see the shock and worry in her muzzle.
  3005. >She's got a long way to go before she can reach Celestia's poker face.
  3006. >You return your attention back to Lyra.
  3007. "Where did you get this drug?"
  3008. >"A friend in Canterlot." Lyra says.
  3009. >A blue glow shines around Lyra.
  3010. >Lyra looks at it in confusion.
  3011. "What was the name of the friend?"
  3012. >Lyra's eyes dilate and she nods shakily.
  3013. >"It was, uh, it's... I got it from my friend Emerald Jewel."
  3014. >Blue.
  3015. >You raise an eyebrow at Lyra.
  3016. >Lyra groans.
  3017. >"Alright, she's not *just* a friend..."
  3018. >Blue shines again.
  3019. >"Look, can we-"
  3020. "Yes, I think we have everything we need from that line of questioning. We can move on."
  3021. >You fight down a blush, coughing in a hoof.
  3022. "Alright. So! Have you taken this drug before?"
  3023. >Lyra nods, "Yes."
  3024. >A green glow appears.
  3025. "Did you take it on the night of the incident?"
  3026. >"Yeah, I took it with my drink at the start of the night." Lyra says.
  3027. >A green glow confirms this.
  3028. >So far so good. But that still leaves one very large thing left to go.
  3029. >You take a breath to steady yourself.
  3030. >Everything else was a warm-up to confirm her story and get to this point.
  3031. "Lyra, why did you put the drug in Anons drink?"
  3032. >Lyra looks down at her hooves and fiddles with them.
  3033. >"I... wanted to help him have fun since I saw he could down the mead at the welcome party without a problem. So I figured I'd help him out." She says, a blue glow emanating around her.
  3034. >Lyra winces, her ears folding back.
  3035. >"I... I..."
  3036. >Your peircing glare sends a very clear message.
  3037. >Partial truths will not be tolerated for this question.
  3038. >You *need* to know why she did what she did.
  3039. >Lyra shudders, recoiling from your stare, hugging herself.
  3040. >"Okay! I was a bad pony! I *really* wanted to get him to use those hands of his to give me a good rubbing. They're so much more dexterous than a minotaur's and there's *five* fingers! Five! And... and.." Lyra trails off, sobbing to herself.
  3041. >"And I wasn't sure if he'd be ok with the kind of sensual petting I like if he was sober so I... I put something in his drink to 'loosen him up'." She admits quietly.
  3042. >The aura around her glows green.
  3043. >Wow.
  3044. >Your eyes dilate and your mouth drops.
  3045. >All of that for... petting?
  3046. >And really?
  3047. >Petting?
  3048. >You didn't even know that was a thing!
  3049. >...
  3050. >You'll have to look into that later.
  3051. >For academic reasons of course!
  3052. >You shake your head and breath out.
  3053. "So, you didn't want to lure him into having sex with you? Didn't you say you wanted to get 'lucky' with him that night?"
  3054. >Lyra looks up at you from behind a foreleg covering her muzzle.
  3055. >"Y-yeah. But... I was really only going for the petting. Anything after that was up to him." She says with a sniffle.
  3056. >The aura around her glows green, confirming her intent.
  3057. >You groan, slapping a hoof to your forehead.
  3058. "Lyra... you do know what you did was not only wrong, but illegal, right?"
  3059. >Lyra sniffs with a nod.
  3060. >You sigh.
  3061. >Mayor Mare seems torn between flushed and appalled.
  3062. >Raven is just staring non-chalantly as she continues to write on the scroll in front of her.
  3063. >It's not as bad as you imagined, but you can't just let her go for this kind of behavior.
  3064. >You ran a million scenarios in your head before this and not one of them comes *close* to the crazy truth you uncovered.
  3065. >What would Celestia do?
  3066. >No.
  3067. >You can't just fall back on Celestia at every turn. You need to solve this one on your own.
  3068. >You've helped Starlight and you've seen Luna's own reformation so you know it's possible to turn ponies around.
  3069. >But how to do it this time?
  3070. >Several minutes pass by as you stare into space, tapping your muzzle with a hoof while humming to yourself.
  3071. >Lyra slumps into her chair, trying to make herself look as small as possible without curling into a ball.
  3072. >Mayor Mare recomposes herself and smoothes out her hair.
  3073. >Raven simply observes, waiting for something to happen.
  3074. >You sigh.
  3075. >There's really only one way you know how to solve a problem.
  3076. >And that's through friendship.
  3077. >You're not entirely sure if that's what's called for here, but you're the princess of friendship for a reason.
  3078. >You level your gaze on Lyra, studying her quivering form.
  3079. >You nod.
  3080. >It's worth a shot. And if something happens again, you'll give out a more... definitive punishment.
  3081. >It also gives you a chance to put your student to the test.
  3082. "I've decided."
  3083. >Lyra's ears perk up, her eyes looking up at you in fear.
  3084. >You frown.
  3085. >You feel like you're the bad-mare here.
  3086. >No.
  3087. >You're doing what's right. You're sure of it.
  3088. >Who knew that holding authority and having to use it could feel so... terrible at times?
  3089. "Lyra Heartstrings. For the crime of drugging a being without their knowledge or consent, I, Princess Twilight Sparkle, order you to apologize to Anon, in pony."
  3090. >Lyra's eyes widen a bit and her forelegs fall from her face.
  3091. "In addition, you will report to Starlight Glimmer who will work on rehabilitation and education on how to properly form friendships and interact with others. You will continue this, everyday, until I have determined that you have learned your lesson. It's my hope that in time, you will learn how to properly court a friendly relationship with others without resorting to under-hoofed tactics. Do you have any questions?"
  3092. >Lyra's jaw drops as she stares at you.
  3093. >Silence reigns as the moment passes, only the soft scratching of a quill on paper audible as the news sinks in for Lyra.
  3094. >Getting up from her seat, Lyra jumps and assaults you with a tight hug.
  3095. >"Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you..." She says over and over, crying into your mane.
  3096. >You smile and hug her back.
  3097. >Lyra responds by hugging you tighter and sobbing into you.
  3098. >You nod to Mayor Mare and Raven and they leave the room, Raven depositing the scroll on the desk as she makes her way out.
  3099. >Eventually, Lyra pulls herself away, wiping her tears with a foreleg.
  3100. >"I-I can't t-thank you enough, Twilight. I just-" She says, tears welling up again.
  3101. >You shake your head with a smile.
  3102. "Don't thank me yet. You might not be going to jail, but I think you'll find that Starlight can be a *pretty* tough teacher when she wants to be."
  3103. >Lyra nods with a smile and gets up.
  3104. >You say your goodbye's and wave as Lyra departs the castle.
  3105. >You'll have to inform Starlight of her newly acquired duties...
  3106. >But from what you've seen, you're sure she's up to the task. It's time for her to apply what she's learned and there's nopony else who you'd trust more to handle this.
  3107. >Yeah, everything will work out just fine.
  3109. >You are Anon.
  3110. >And you are very comfortable right now.
  3111. >You're laying in bed, nestled in blankets.
  3112. >They smell nice.
  3113. >Like fresh strawberries.
  3114. >You love strawberries.
  3115. >You lick your lips and smile at the thought. You never did get a chance to eat the ones you bought the other day...
  3116. >Then you notice the stream of light in your face, which brought you to this semi-wakeful state in the first place.
  3117. >You squint your eyes tighter and roll over, desperately trying to go back to sleep.
  3118. >After several minutes of failing to succumb to slumber once again, you groan and slowly open your eyes.
  3119. >A wood wall greets you as you blink the bleariness away.
  3120. >This isn't the castle.
  3121. >You furrow your brow as you turn yourself around and inspect the room.
  3122. >You're in a decently sized bed with a quilt cover, the flooring is hardwood and various wood furniture is placed around the room such as a dresser.
  3123. >The drapes covering the window sway with the slight breeze that flows in.
  3124. >You look over to the dresser and see a few papers hap-hazardly strewn about on it.
  3125. >You push yourself up to a sitting position, stopping at the sharp pain in your forehead.
  3126. >Oh sweet merciful gods, how much did you drink last night?
  3127. >You bring your shirt up to your nose and take a whiff, recoiling at the stench of alcohol and sweat.
  3128. >Yup, you definitely had a bender last night.
  3129. >You don't feel weird like you did when you woke up in the hospital, though. So you're likely not drugged.
  3130. >Praise the gods for small blessings.
  3131. >Your bladder decides to remind you of it's presence and your need to attend to it.
  3132. >Sighing, you force yourself to your feet and drag yourself through the room to the door.
  3133. >Opening said door, you navigate through the hallways to a cracked-open door.
  3134. >Mission to find the bathroom is a success.
  3135. >After relieving yourself, you make your way down the stairs, taking your time to admire the artwork on the walls along the way.
  3136. >Most of the art depicts sunrises. You stop at the bottom of the stairs and admire a particularly beautiful piece that has a sunrise over rows of strawberry patches.
  3137. >Ah yes, you had the brilliant idea of taking Strawberry up on her offer to see her paintings last night when you were drunk off your ass.
  3138. >You smile at the memory.
  3139. >She was so happy and enthusiastic to share her work with you. Her heart-warming smile spoke volumes of what she thought of you at that moment.
  3140. >Speaking of which...
  3141. >Looking around, you find the light-yellow pegasus snoozing on a rather plush couch, having kicked off her blanket through the night.
  3142. >Oh right. You said you would take the couch and Strawberry adamantly refused, insisting that you take the bed, promptly lying down on the couch herself and denying you access.
  3143. >While adorable, that forced you to either take her up on her offer and use her bed, or sleep on the floor in sheer spite of the smug pony.
  3144. >You've woken up on floors enough times now that even drunk you knows better than that.
  3145. >So you stumbled your way up the stairs and found the bed, promptly collapsing into it.
  3146. >Strawberry snorts and kicks her hind leg, pressing her back to the back of the couch seeking warmth.
  3147. >You smile and shake your head.
  3148. >Silly, adorable pony.
  3149. >Taking the discarded blanket, you drape it over the sleeping mare.
  3150. >She grabs it instinctually with her hooves and snuggles into it.
  3151. >Aww.
  3152. >Your throbbing headache reminds you of more pressing matters, causing you to wince.
  3153. >Hopefully Strawberry at least has a coffee maker.
  3154. >Finding your way to the kitchen, you silently thank your patron deity as you spot the coffee maker.
  3155. >Promptly getting to work, you set the coffee maker to brew.
  3156. >Your stomach rumbles, gaining your attention.
  3157. >You frown.
  3158. >You definitely want some food right about now. You're lack of greasy bacon over the past few weeks has been terrible. Maybe you can find something...
  3159. >Aha!
  3160. >You find strips of what *appears* to be bacon in the fridge.
  3161. >The label displays 'Tofu Strips! Part of the perfect breakfast!"
  3162. >You sigh.
  3163. >Is nothing sacred?
  3164. >Shaking your head, you decide to use them anyways. If nothing else, you're sure Strawberry would appreciate it.
  3165. >Rummaging through the kitchen, you find a box of pancake mix.
  3166. >This you can work with.
  3167. >As you wait for the coffee to finish brewing you get to work on breakfast.
  3168. >The coffee maker beeps as you place the last pancake on the stack.
  3169. >Satisfied, you grab two mugs and fill them.
  3170. >A muffled moan emanates from the living room, followed by a loud *thump*.
  3171. >You chuckle as you hear the quiet curses from the pony in the other room.
  3172. >You set the table and take a seat with your coffee, taking a sip and sighing.
  3173. >That's what you're talking about.
  3174. >Strawberry peeks her head around the corner, bedraggled mane popping out in various directions and tired eyes searching as she sniffs the air.
  3175. >She spots you, looks to the table and her eyes widen.
  3176. >She slowly approaches, her mouth agape.
  3177. >"Did- did you make breakfast?" She asks, taking a seat across from you.
  3178. >You nod.
  3179. "Yeah, figured you deserved something nice for letting me sleep on your bed last night. Even if you did practically force me to."
  3180. >Strawberry smirks.
  3181. >"If that's all I need to do to get a home-cooked breakfast in the morning, I should invite you over more often."
  3182. >You snort.
  3183. "Don't get used to it, Strawberry. Besides, aren't you supposed to be the morning pony here, *Miss Sunrise*?"
  3184. >Strawberry blows a raspberry at you in retaliation.
  3185. >"Can it. Even morning ponies are allowed to sleep in after drinking enough alcohol to drown a bear."
  3186. >You laugh.
  3187. "Well, you *did* insist on going until one of us gave in."
  3188. >"Yeah... not one of my brightest moments." Strawberry says with a wince.
  3189. >You shake your head and motion to the food.
  3190. "Eat. It'll get cold otherwise."
  3191. >Strawberry nods and the two of you commence devouring the food in front of you, bites uninterrupted except to drink that delicious black nectar in your mugs.
  3192. >You catch Strawberry glancing at you briefly but then going right back to her food as soon as she sees you looking at her a few times.
  3193. >Wonder what that's about.
  3194. >Finishing the last piece of 'tofu strips', which wasn't too bad, you lean back and sigh.
  3195. >Not a bad way to start the day.
  3196. "So, who ended up winning last night anyway? I lost track after a while."
  3197. >Strawberry hums to herself, looking off into the distance.
  3198. >"I don't know... I think I lost track after the fifth shot."
  3199. >You snort.
  3200. "Yeah, and that was *after* having how many ciders?"
  3201. >Strawberry shrugs.
  3202. >"Eight maybe? I don't know. All I know is we drank *way* too much."
  3203. >You chuckle.
  3204. "Yeah, I know. The emptied contents of *both* our stomachs to the alley's of Ponyville last night was testament to *that*."
  3205. >A light ticking sound draws your attention.
  3206. >You look over to the wall and find a clock ticking away.
  3207. >Huh, it's already 11 o'clock.
  3208. "I should *probably* get going. I need to shower and slip into some clean clothes."
  3209. >Strawberry nods.
  3210. >"Yeah, I should probably do that too. Let me walk you home, though." She says, getting up from her chair.
  3211. "You don't have to do that, you know. I'm a grown adult."
  3212. >Strawberry snorts.
  3213. >"I know that. But I want to, so let me do it anyways."
  3214. >It looks like she's already made up her mind about it.
  3215. >Trying to talk her out of it would be about as effective as your attempt to sleep on the couch instead of the bed last night.
  3216. >You shrug and get up, heading for the door.
  3217. >You stop as you pass by the painting by the stairs.
  3218. "I really like this one, by the way. The mix of orange, red, and yellow is really nice."
  3219. >"Oh. Uh, thanks..." Strawberry says with a slight blush.
  3220. >You smirk and ruffle her mane.
  3221. "C'mon. Let's get going."
  3222. >Strawberry nods and follows you out the door.
  3223. >The bright sun greets you as you exit Strawberry's house.
  3224. >Squinting and shielding your eyes, you allow yourself to slowly adjust to the light of day.
  3225. >A quick glance shows that Strawberry isn't faring much better.
  3226. >After a few moments to allow your eyes to adjust, you set off towards the castle, Strawberry at your side.
  3227. >Huh, is that just you or is she a lot closer than she was yesterday?
  3228. >You pass by several ponies who glance your way and then turn to each other in hushed whispers.
  3229. >Weird.
  3230. "Hey, Strawberry?"
  3231. >"Hmm?" She says, looking up at you.
  3232. "Is something going on? Ponies are whispering to each other. I grew up in a small town and that usually meant there was either some threat imminent, the tax collector was around, or there was some hot new town gossip going around."
  3233. >Strawberry swivels her ears as she looks around and frowns.
  3234. >"Just... ignore them, Anon. Don't worry about it."
  3235. >Ah, so gossip then. Likely about you.
  3236. >Well, you are an alien so gossip about you was inevitable. You're honestly surprised that it took them this long.
  3237. >You shrug.
  3238. "If you say so. I just wanted to be sure there wasn't a pack of beasts on the loose or something. I do *not* want to have to help rebuild the town after it burns to the ground from a dragon attack."
  3239. >Strawberry chuckles, shaking her head.
  3240. >"No, nothing quite like *that*. Just some ponies sticking their noses where they don't belong." She says. "Though, Ponyville *has* had it's fair share of rampaging creatures coming in from the Everfree Forest."
  3241. >You shake your head with a sigh.
  3242. "Just can't get away from it, can I?"
  3243. >Strawberry glances at you and smirks.
  3244. >"ANOOOOON!!!!"
  3245. >Strawberry's eyes widen and her wings flare as you are tackled to the ground by a flying pink pony.
  3246. >Oh, you're gonna feel that one later.
  3247. >Ignoring your sore back for now, you groan and look at your assailant.
  3248. "Pinkie? What in the nine hells are you doing?"
  3249. >"Anon! You're ok! I was *soooo* worried! I heard all about what Lyra did to you from Twilight and then she said you hadn't come home, so I went out to investigate and I heard someponies say you were at the bar with a mare so I was even *more* worried and then I was running all throughout Ponyville trying to find you and then I did and now we're here and you're ok!" She says without taking a single breath.
  3250. >Pinkie proceeds to strangle-hug you as you're laying on the ground.
  3251. >You shake your head and chuckle with what little air you have.
  3252. >Breathing is harder than normal but still possible.
  3253. >You wrap your arms around the pink pony and smile.
  3254. "I'm alright Pinkie. I was with Strawberry the whole time. She took it on herself to make sure there wasn't anymore 'incidents' like the other day with Lyra. And then we ended up at her house to..."
  3255. >You look over at Strawberry and see a slightly panicked expression.
  3256. >Does she not share the fact that she paints with most ponies?
  3257. >Better to play it safe, you'll have to ask about that later.
  3258. "...hang out and we ended up passing out at her place."
  3259. >Pinkie eases her grip on you and sniffs your shirt.
  3260. >What?
  3261. >Why did this pony just-
  3262. >Before you can properly evaluate what just happened, Pinkie turns her head to Strawberry with narrow eyes.
  3263. >Strawberry raises her wings again and pulls back her head.
  3264. >"I-it's not like that Pinkie, he just slept in my bed. We didn't-"
  3265. >Pinkie snaps her head back to you, eyes narrowing even further.
  3266. >You didn't know that was possible, but it's starting to creep you out.
  3267. >You decide to stare right back into Pinkie's brilliant blue eyes, meeting her stare dead-on.
  3268. >It works with ogres sometimes, maybe you'll get lucky.
  3269. >Unless she's secretly a gorgon, then you'll be screwed.
  3270. >Seconds seem like minutes as you stare back into Pinkie's intense searching gaze.
  3271. >After what seems like forever, she turns her head back to Strawberry and furrows her brow.
  3272. >"Hmmm..." She says and leans over and sniffs her.
  3273. >Closing her eyes she nods and turns back to you with a smile.
  3274. >"Okie dokie loki! I'm super glad you're alright, Anon. I don't know what I'd do if some mare took advantage of you while you were drunk without your consent."
  3275. "Right..."
  3276. >Strawberry winces at the comment.
  3277. >Pinkie hugs you one last time before she hops off you and lands next to Strawberry, placing a hoof on her shoulder.
  3278. >"Thanks for being there for Anon, Strawberry! I knew you two were having a good time at the party, but I didn't know you were such good friends! We should totally hang out together sometime! The three of us!" Pinkie says with a wide grin.
  3279. >Strawberry visibly relaxes, resting her wings on her back and smiling. "Sure Pinkie, that sounds like a good idea."
  3280. >The two mares share a smile and turn to you.
  3281. >Oh.
  3282. >They're waiting for your approval now.
  3283. >Right.
  3284. "Sounds good to me. Just let me know when you girls are free. I got work tomorrow, but I have nights and weekends off."
  3285. >You pull yourself up and dust the dirt off your pant legs to an acceptable degree.
  3286. "Well, if Twilight's worried then I should probably go back and at least tell her I'm not dead or seriously injured. C'mon girls, let's go."
  3287. >The two ponies nod and take places on either side of you as you make your way back to the castle.
  3288. >Pinkie smiles widely as she hums some tune to herself, swaying her tail to and fro.
  3289. >Strawberry has a more relaxed smile on her face, ruffling her feathers back into place as she walks on your other side.
  3290. >Reaching the castle doors, you open them and make your way through the castle to find a distraught Twilight pacing in the main hall.
  3291. >"Oh, what to do what to do what to do!?" She says, a concerned Spike in the background. "I didn't even *realize* he hadn't shown up yet until after Lyra left this morning and then Pinkie left..."
  3292. >"I'm sure everything's fine, Twilight. Besides, Pinkie had to have found him by now." Spike reassures her.
  3293. >You smirk.
  3294. >She might be a super-powered magical princess who could literally incinerate you with a thought, but she's definitely earning some good points in your book right now.
  3295. >You walk up to her, placing a finger over your lips as Spike notices you, and place your hand on her withers.
  3296. "Oh, I'm sure Anon is *just* fine. In fact, I'd be willing to bet he was with his friend all night and Pinkie found him on the way back to the castle."
  3297. >Twilight snorts, "Well, it doesn't change the fact that- AAH!"
  3298. >Twilight's wings flare as she jumps back.
  3299. >A moment later she grins sheepishly with a blush and lowers her wings.
  3300. >"Sorry. I uh, I must have gone off into my own world there for a moment..." She says, laughing awkwardly.
  3301. >You hear Strawberry and Pinkie snickering in the background as you smirk at the over-reacting purple princess.
  3302. "Miss me?"
  3303. >Twilight rolls her eyes and sighs.
  3304. >"Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up. I deserve it." Twilight says. "By the way, where *were* you last night?"
  3305. "I ended up passing out at Strawberry's place. We drunkenly stumbled our way there to hang out after getting plastered at the bar and neither of us was in any condition to leave her house once we finally started crashing."
  3306. >Twilight hums to herself, glancing between you and Strawberry.
  3307. >"Well, you're back in one piece so I suppose everything is fine. I was just worried because of what already happened with you lately..." She says, ears pushed back.
  3308. >You shake your head.
  3309. "Don't worry. I was with a good friend. Even *if* something happened, she'd be there to help me out."
  3310. >Strawberry puffs her chest out with a smug grin at the compliment.
  3311. >You laugh at her display.
  3312. >Twilight sniffs the air and scrunches her muzzle.
  3313. >"Anon..." She says, holding her nose with a hoof. "I think you need to go shower. You *reek* of alcohol."
  3314. >You blink.
  3315. >Right.
  3316. "You're right, thanks for reminding me."
  3317. >You turn back to Pinkie and Strawberry.
  3318. "Well, I guess I'll catch you girls later. Let me know whenever works for the next hang-out by the way."
  3319. >"How about Friday night? We could have a game night!" Pinkie asks.
  3320. >Strawberry shrugs, "I could do that."
  3321. >You smile.
  3322. "Sounds fun, but where are we gonna go?"
  3323. >"You could always do it here in the castle." Twilight interjects, "That way if you three get too... inebriated... I have guest rooms available here."
  3324. >You raise an eyebrow over at her.
  3325. "Are you sure? I wouldn't want to impose..."
  3326. >"Nonsense. It's totally fine. Besides..." Twilight says, winking at Pinkie Pie who grins wider in response. "I'm sure it'll be a great bonding activity. I want you to get over your silly aversion to making friends that you've talked about, and this is a perfect way to do that."
  3327. >You roll your eyes.
  3328. "It's not an 'aversion to making friends' Twilight, it's just that I take longer than a day or a week to consider someone a friend. Or at least a *good* friend."
  3329. >You turn your head at the sound of a whimper, startled at what you see.
  3330. >Pinkie is looking at you with a slightly deflated mane and huge puppy-dog eyes.
  3331. >"A-are we n-not good f-friends, Anon?" She asks, sniffling.
  3332. >Oh dear gods above, your heart. It can't take this beating.
  3333. "O-of course we're friends Pinkie!"
  3334. >You hastily reply, turning to Strawberry who has her ears splayed back looking up at you dolefully.
  3335. >You sigh.
  3336. "And I think after our insane night of drunken shenanigans, you definitely earned 'good friend' status as well, Strawberry." You say. "I *did* just mention that to Twilight earlier, didn't I?"
  3337. >Strawberry perks up at that, a smug grin on her muzzle and her chest puffed out.
  3338. >This pony and her chest puffing.
  3339. >You sense a disturbance in the air and you turn to your right, finding a *very* smug Twilight Sparkle.
  3340. >You pinch the bridge of your nose and groan.
  3341. "Just..."
  3342. >You sigh.
  3343. "Go ahead. Rub it in. BUT!" You say, pointing a finger at her. "This is *not* normally how quickly I make friends. These two are just... particularly... aggressively friendly."
  3344. >Aggressively friendly... that sounds about right.
  3345. >You've really been pried out of your shell quite a bit haven't you?
  3346. >You weren't exactly a steel fortress, but you had seen enough people come and go that you usually took a while to warm up to others.
  3347. >And yet, the genuine looks of happiness on both Pinkie and Strawberry's muzzles bring you to smile.
  3348. >Seems these ponies have wormed their way into your heart.
  3349. >Just a little bit. Can't be going crazy now. You still barely know them, shared nights of debauchery or no.
  3350. >Twilight chuckles.
  3351. >"I'm glad you were able to find friends so quickly, Anon. It shows that you're adapting well here." She says, placing a hoof on your leg with a smile.
  3352. >This pony.
  3353. >This one is confusing. On the one hand, she could vaporize you with a thought. On the other, she seems to be genuinely friendly and cares for you.
  3354. >She also is extremely inquisitive and bombarded you with questions your first week here.
  3355. >You have a feeling this week will be very similar to that in other ways with your newfound 'condition' when it comes to magic resistance.
  3356. >You sigh.
  3357. >Too much thinking right after a night of drinking does no-one any good.
  3358. "Alright, alright. So we're all good friends and we're gonna have a game night on Friday night. If you mares don't mind, I'm going to go shower now. I have the rest of this groggy brain to clear up."
  3359. >Twilight laughs.
  3360. >"Alright, Anon. Girls? Thank you for bringing him back here. I'll see you both later."
  3361. >"Later, Twilight! See you Friday, Anon!" Pinkie says, waving as she hops away.
  3362. >"I'm going to go get a shower myself... I'll see you both Friday." Strawberry says with a nod and shuffles away, covering her eyes with a foreleg as she exits the castle.
  3363. >You do not envy her perilous trek back to her home.
  3364. >You simply exchange nods with Twilight as you head upstairs to rid yourself of the accumulated filth you've acquired.
  3366. >The week flew by faster than you anticipated.
  3367. >Twilight told you what happened with Lyra.
  3368. >You were a bit upset that she got off so easy.
  3369. >You know you didn't make a big deal out of it, but that was because you assumed the thrice-damned unicorn would get some good pound-me-in-the-ass jail time.
  3370. >That was not the case.
  3371. >Oh no, not at all.
  3372. >Lyra basically had to be 're-educated' and apologize for what she did.
  3373. >Supposedly she's been going to the re-education classes but she hasn't apologized yet.
  3374. >Whether that's due to you avoiding her like the plague whenever you catch even a whiff of her in the area, or her not wanting to broach it herself, is anyone's guess.
  3375. >It's probably your own refusal to give her an opportunity.
  3376. >But that's fine, you really didn't want to interact with that mare anyways.
  3377. >Sure, Twilight told you Lyra's reasons. That still doesn't excuse her actions in the slightest.
  3378. >You were quite peeved with Twilight as well for passing the light sentence.
  3379. >You'd never voice your distaste directly, she is still one of the nation's rulers after all, and your current landlord/employer.
  3380. >You did decide to nick-name her in a case of petty revenge, though.
  3381. >You've been searching for an appropriate name all week. You can't call her a flat-out derogatory name, she would catch on too quickly.
  3382. >Giving her a name she already goes by would be pointless. She's mentioned her big brother calling her "Twily", so that's right out.
  3383. >You scribble away on your scroll, making notes on the different parts of various spells in the book Twilight gave you.
  3384. >Your current assignment was to take the Equestrian magic and show similarities and differences from the magic from your world from what you could remember.
  3385. >A *lot* of it went *way* over your head, and you warned Twilight about this.
  3386. >She insisted that it was still a *very* important assignment, no matter how limited your knowledge was in magic.
  3387. >You sigh and stretch your back out a bit, looking over to Twilight, her head in a book.
  3388. "Remind me *why* I need to keep doing this again? 90 percent of what I'm reading is going over my head."
  3389. >Twilight looks up and frowns.
  3390. >"Because the ten percent that you *understand* and have insight on is *invaluable* and even having a different perspective on magic could lead to new discoveries! You think in ways no pony ever could, so it's imperative that you write down your observations, interpretations, and perspective whenever possible." She says in a stern tone.
  3391. >She softens her features and smiles a bit.
  3392. >"Besides, you could inadvertently solve some *really* big problems concerning magic that we haven't been able to tackle in centuries. You could even discover a problem that no other pony has ever even considered!" She says, her tail swaying side to side and her rear end wiggling as she eyes you with excitement.
  3393. >You shake your head with a small chuckle.
  3394. >This pony is always adorable when she's excited.
  3395. >Wait.
  3396. >She always wiggles her but when she gets really excited.
  3397. >You've seen other ponies get excited and they do tend to 'wiggle' a bit, but Twilight here has a penchant for doing it more... energetically than most.
  3398. >Except for maybe Pinkie Pie.
  3399. >You swear that mare has limitless energy.
  3400. >Just watching her go about Ponyville on the few occasions that you went out of the castle this week was amusing.
  3401. >Always smiling and usually with a pep in her step.
  3402. >Anyways. Back on topic.
  3403. >Twilight wiggles her butt when she's excited.
  3404. >This is adorable.
  3405. >You have been wanting to get revenge on her in a *mostly* innocent manner.
  3406. >Something to annoy her, but not to the point she would become too angry.
  3407. >Twilight wiggles...
  3408. >Twiggles.
  3409. >A twisted smile grows on your face.
  3410. >It's perfect.
  3411. "Alright, Twiggles. I get it. You're excited."
  3412. >Twilght scrunches her muzzle.
  3413. >"Twiggles?"
  3414. >You smirk at her befuddlement.
  3415. "Yup. Twiggles. It's your new name."
  3416. >Twilight scrunches her muzzle even further as she stares at you.
  3417. >"Why?"
  3418. >You frown.
  3419. >Did it backfire worse than you thought?
  3420. >She just looks confused, but you don't want to be careless about something like this with a pony who can tear your brain out of it's casing in a moment.
  3421. "Do you hate it?"
  3422. >Twilight shakes her head, waving her hooves in front of her.
  3423. >"No! I just... Twiggles? Really? What does it even mean!?"
  3424. >You let loose a sigh of relief.
  3425. >Good.
  3426. >Your head is safe for another day.
  3427. >You chuckle as you turn your attention back to the flustered purple pony.
  3428. "Don't worry about it. Maybe I'll tell you later."
  3429. >Twilight pouts, puffing her cheeks out and glaring at you.
  3430. >You smirk.
  3431. >Objective accomplished, Twilight is suitably annoyed.
  3432. >You look over to the clock on the far wall.
  3433. >Huh, almost time to finish up.
  3434. "Hey, Twiggles."
  3435. >Twilight rolls her eyes.
  3436. >"*Yes*, Anon?" She huffs.
  3437. "What are your plans for tonight. I know you let me invite Pinkie and Strawberry over tonight, for which I'm grateful, but you never mentioned if you were going to join us or..."
  3438. >Twilight shakes her head and waves her hooves in front of her.
  3439. >"Oh, no! No, I won't be intruding. I just wanted to give you the option if you wanted it. Besides, I'm taking Spike out to go star-gazing. It's been a while since our last one on one time together and he's really looking forward to it." She says with a smile.
  3440. >Aww. Maybe she does care about her terrifying beast of a servant.
  3441. >Or maybe she just needs to keep him docile in order to control him.
  3442. >Could go either way.
  3443. "Well, I hope you guys have a good time then. And thank you again for letting us use the castle."
  3444. >Twilight just waves you off with a hoof, turning back to her scroll, a small smile on her muzzle.
  3445. >You smirk and turn back to your own work.
  3446. >This would be infinitely harder if you didn't understand their language. Thankfully, you speak *and* read the same basic language, even if you call it something different. There are some differences in how things are referred to, but overall it isn't too hard to decipher unless it's an old Equish translation or style of writing.
  3447. >Making some progress on your task, you hear the door open and several ponies trot in.
  3448. >Odd. The only other pony you remember being here is Starlight Glimmer...
  3449. >You turn at the sound as Twilight looks up and smiles.
  3450. >"Starlight, Lyra. So good to see you could make it. I understand you've been having trouble lately getting to Anon due to his schedule." She says, glancing over at the clock.
  3451. >Twilight hums to herself, and turns back to you.
  3452. >Oh no you don't you purple devil.
  3453. >You do this and you get demoted even in thought.
  3454. >*Twiggles* smirks and gets up from her seat.
  3455. >"Anon, the last task for you today is to hear out Lyra. Once you're done you can leave for the day." She says, making for the door.
  3456. >That little bitch just sold you out.
  3457. >Infuriated by the purple princess, you glare daggers as she goes to leave, only for her to stop just as she's half-way out the door.
  3458. >She turns to you with a genuine smile on her muzzle, as if she doesn't realize what she's done.
  3459. >Wait, does she?
  3460. >You never really talked to her about it. It's entirely possible that she actually thinks you've just been too busy to listen to Lyra's 'apology'.
  3461. >"Oh, and have a good time tonight, Anon. I'm glad you're making such good friends already."
  3462. >With that, she leaves and closes the door behind her.
  3463. >Inadvertently or not, this leaves you in the very situation you were trying to avoid.
  3464. >Ok... maybe you knew it would happen *eventually*, but you didn't want to deal with it so you put it off as much as you could.
  3465. >Sighing, you turn your attention to the new arrivals, clenching your hands together in an attempt to mask your growing nervousness.
  3466. >Starlight is standing beside Lyra with a reassuring hoof on her shoulder.
  3467. >Lyra is looking up at you, her ears splayed back and her tail tucked between her legs.
  3468. >It looks like Starlight is barely keeping Lyra from bolting right then and there.
  3469. >Your lips tighten into a thin line as you watch the nervous mint-green unicorn shuffle her hooves and glance between you and the floor.
  3470. >What happened to the brazenly confident mare at the night-club?
  3471. >Starlight sighs, and gives Lyra a squeeze before letting go, mumbling something directly into Lyra's ear before she steps back a few paces to watch from a distance.
  3472. >Looks like Starlight wants Lyra to do this on her own.
  3473. >Lyra nods and gulps as she brings her head up to face you fully.
  3474. >She opens her mouth to speak, but no words come out.
  3475. >She swallows and tries again to no avail.
  3476. >Wonderful.
  3477. >You're dealing with a mute pony now.
  3478. >Your frustration with the situation overcomes your willingness to avoid it.
  3479. >If you're going to have to go through this, you might as well get it over with.
  3480. >You clear your throat and stare back into Lyra's yellow eyes.
  3481. "Well? I have a *pretty* good guess as to why you're here, but let's hear it anyways."
  3483. >You are Lyra Heartstrings.
  3484. >And a clearly disgruntled Anon stands before you, staring into your soul with his pin-prick eyes.
  3485. >No matter what Starlight says, how she assured you nothing bad would happen and everything would turn out fine, you have a gut-wrenching feeling that things will be *less* than fine.
  3486. >You shuffle your hooves and gulp.
  3487. >It's time to mare-up, Lyra. You barely convinced Bon-Bon to stay as a herd-sister after she heard what you'd done. There is no going back.
  3488. "A-anon... I-I'm..."
  3489. >Tears well up in your eyes.
  3490. >Your throat is dry, despite *clearly* drinking a glass of water beforehand to prevent this *very* thing!
  3491. >Celestia's sake, mare! What are you doing!?
  3492. >You close your eyes and take a deep breath.
  3493. >Get yourself together!
  3494. >Sure, you *may* have given this stallion a date-rape drug that *may* have been *way* too effective, but he'll forgive you!
  3495. >...right?
  3496. >When you learned about how it had effected Anon, you were... mortified.
  3497. >How could you have known!?
  3498. >But then again, he was an alien and for all you know, his entire biology is different than anything on Equestria!
  3499. >Stupid, stupid Lyra...
  3500. >Breathing out slowly, you open your eyes and see a nonplussed Anon, staring at you with a raised eyebrow.
  3501. >You sigh.
  3502. >It's not going to be easy but it has to be done.
  3503. "I'm sorry, Anon. I-"
  3504. >Your throat catches as tears begin to well up in your eyes once more.
  3505. >You wipe them away and force yourself through it. No time for that now. Tears later, apology now.
  3506. "I made a *big* mistake. I didn't know what that drug was until Twilight told me, but even then, what I did was wrong. And... I'm sorry."
  3507. >You look down at the ground before Anon's feet, ears splayed back.
  3508. >Several agonizing minutes pass in silence.
  3509. >"A... mistake?" Anon says quietly. "That's what you call it?"
  3510. >You wince, not daring to look up.
  3511. >You can feel his penetrating gaze on you.
  3512. >The thinly veiled anger in his tone hurt to hear, but what were you expecting?
  3513. >Your heart-beat quickens and you nod as you squint your eyes close.
  3514. >Anon sighs, and grunts.
  3515. >Opening one eye, you tilt your head to look at him better, raising one ear to help catch what's said.
  3516. >Anon has his fingers pressing against his temples, his eyes closed.
  3517. >You watch him for a few moments.
  3518. >Without moving his position, he says, "Is this a common *mistake* in Equestria?"
  3519. >You gasp, both eyes and ears wide-open as you recoil.
  3520. >H-he thinks that... that *all* of Equestria is like this!?
  3521. "N-no... I- It's pretty rare for somepony to make this kind of... mistake..."
  3522. >He sighs, lowering his hand and opening his eyes.
  3523. >He stares straight into your eyes and leans in so that his nose is inches away from yours.
  3524. >Normally, you'd be happy to have this kind of attention from a colt but a chill running down your spine tells you that you do *not* like this kind of attention.
  3525. >You back up a few steps, but he only presses himself closer.
  3526. >Sweating and gulping, you can't bring yourself to look away from his intense glare.
  3527. >You jump slightly as Anon places a hand on your shoulder, squeezing slightly.
  3528. >"Do it again, to anyone, and I'll summon a demon and have it make your life a living hell."
  3529. >Your eyes go wide and you shiver as Anon meets your frightened gaze with a terrifying glare of his own.
  3530. >After what seems like hours, he releases you from his hold, stands up and walks away.
  3531. >You stare at the wall behind where he stood in silence, hearing the door swing shut behind him, his footsteps fading into the castle.
  3533. >You are Starlight Glimmer.
  3534. >You stare as Anon exits, shutting the door behind him.
  3535. >Did he really just say he'd summon a *demon* to torment Lyra!?
  3536. >You thought he mentioned not being able to perform magic.
  3537. >What if that was a lie?
  3538. >He *did* seem to know more about it than anypony should have any right to for not being able to perform it himself...
  3539. >And from what you've seen of his notes on Twilight's work, he knows more about restricted magic than anypony you know.
  3540. >Including yourself.
  3541. >It might be a little bit different from Equestrian magic, but you know restriced magic when you see it.
  3542. >The kind he was exposed to is the kind that Celestia keeps locked *far* away from the lay-pony.
  3543. >A shiver runs down your spine as the implication sets in.
  3544. >Shaking your head, you turn back to Lyra.
  3545. >You can worry about Anon later. Right now, you need to comfort her.
  3546. >Stepping up beside her, you wrap a foreleg around her withers.
  3547. "Hey, don't worry. It'll be fine. He's just... upset."
  3548. >Lyra blinks and nods dumbly.
  3549. >"Yeah... fine..."
  3550. >You frown.
  3551. >This isn't good.
  3552. >All that progress you made on getting Lyra to open up to you is going down the drain *fast*.
  3553. >But what do you do?
  3554. "Hey, don't worry, Lyra. I'm sure he was just trying to scare you. I don't think he'd do that, even if you *did* drug somepony again. Which you *won't*, so there isn't anything to worry about anyways!"
  3555. >Lyra looks over to you, her lip quivering.
  3556. >"Y-you r-really think so?"
  3557. >You give her your best, most confident smile and nod.
  3558. "I *know* so. Besides, what can he do when he lives with *Princess* Twilight Sparkle and myself watching him?"
  3559. >Lyra chuckles half-heartedly.
  3560. >"Yeah... I guess you're right. You're both *really* strong and Twilight's defeated *plenty* of threats to Ponyville already..."
  3561. >You squeeze her gently.
  3562. "Exactly! So don't worry about it!"
  3563. >You walk her out of the castle, giving her a brief hug as you finally let go.
  3564. "Go on and get some rest. You've earned it."
  3565. >Lyra nods and shuffles away, her demeaner dimmed but not completely snuffed out like before.
  3566. >You sigh.
  3567. >Hopefully that at least stems the tide of fear so you can work on getting her back in society again, like Twilight wanted.
  3568. >Though, with Ponyville the way it is, you wouldn't be surprised if everypony in town knew about this in less than an hour.
  3570. >You are Anon.
  3571. >You are laying on your bed on top of the covers, covering your eyes with an arm.
  3572. >What were you thinking!?
  3573. >There's no way you could even follow-through with that kind of threat!
  3574. >Let alone what would happen to you if you even tried!
  3575. >You can see it now, local headlines saying 'Alien Monster Summons Demon from the Abyss to Torment Local Mare!'.
  3576. >You sigh.
  3577. >All you wanted to do was ensure noone would try anything like that with you again and assert that you weren't to be fucked with.
  3578. >But the way you went about it?
  3579. >What happened to 'let Princess Twilight handle it'?
  3580. >Oh right.
  3581. >You got upset because Twilight's idea of 'punishment' was re-education and an apology for something that would probably have been at *least* six months of jail-time anywhere on your world. And that's *besides* the mandatory sterilization that person would have to go through to preserve the sanctity of humanity's moral fiber.
  3582. >You became Edgy McFuck-Face instead, deciding to enact your own form of 'justice'.
  3583. >Just like when you gave Twilight her new nick-name, Twiggles.
  3584. >...
  3585. >You're going to regret a lot of things that you did today in the near future, aren't you?
  3586. >You groan and roll over, shoving your face into a pillow.
  3587. >Seriously, what in the nine hells came over you?
  3588. >It's almost as if you *want* to make life more difficult for yourself here.
  3589. >This isn't Astad, and *you're* the alien here.
  3590. >You try to keep reminding yourself that Ponies do things differently, but there are so many similarities that you forget sometimes.
  3591. >You forget that you're in another world.
  3592. >One where your version of right and wrong, just and unjust, and similar ideas are not the norm here.
  3593. >Maybe that's why these ponies seem so happy and willing to be friendly at the drop of a hat?
  3594. >Maybe they can't even fathom the kinds of punishments that get handed out regularly from your world.
  3595. >By the holy saints, you really screwed up, didn't you?
  3596. >You saw how frightened Lyra was. You pressed in and went for the kill.
  3597. >You could even see Starlight's muzzle in shock when you left.
  3598. >Oh, and this is a small town, so you're sure that by tomorrow *everyone* will know *exactly* what happened.
  3599. >Yeah, you're *definitely* going to regret that later...
  3600. >For all you know, you'll be strapped in irons by daybreak tomorrow for inciting panic and threatening a pony.
  3601. >After a few minutes of mental self-flagellation, you sigh and get up from your bed.
  3602. >You still have Pinkie and Strawberry coming over tonight and you don't want to sour the mood tonight.
  3603. >Tonight is supposed to be a fun night.
  3604. >You sigh and look down.
  3605. >Maybe a shower would help you clear your thoughts...
  3606. >It should at least give you an excuse to try out one of those outfits you got from Rarity a few days ago.
  3608. >"Anoooon! Where are yoooou?"
  3609. >You're snapped out of your daze as the water flows over you and down the drain.
  3610. >Is that Pinkie?
  3611. >How long have you been in here?
  3612. >Shaking your head, you turn off the shower and jump out, grabbing a towel and throwing it around your waist.
  3613. >You open your front door to shout at them.
  3614. "I'll be down in a minute! Sorry!"
  3615. >"There you are!"
  3616. >You turn your head to the left, coming face to face with Pinkie's brilliant blue eyes, shimmering as she stares at you with a large grin on her face, standing on her hind hooves and spreading her fore legs wide.
  3617. >"What took you so long, slowpoke?" She asks, dropping back down to four hooves.
  3618. "Sorry, I just got distracted in the shower."
  3619. >Pinkie giggles into a hoof, "What were you thinking *about*~?"
  3620. "Uh... some stuff... why?"
  3621. >Pinkie's giggling intensifies.
  3622. >"Because I didn't know if you were just *really* happy to see us, or if you had somepony *else* in mind."
  3623. >You blink, hearing a *pompf* noise behind Pinkie.
  3624. >Looking up you notice Strawberry standing behind Pinkie. Her wings are half-elevated and she has a light blush on her muzzle.
  3625. >You raise an eyebrow.
  3626. "You ok?"
  3627. >"Uh... yeah! I'm fine!" She says, her muzzle scrunching as she forces her wings back to her sides.
  3628. >Those look pretty stiff... should you be concerned?
  3629. >You don't think you've seen that before, and it wasn't in any of your reading material.
  3630. "Are you... sure?"
  3631. >"Yup! *Totally* fine!" Strawberry says, swaying her tail to and fro behind her.
  3632. >Well, she looks flustered, but if she says she's fine...
  3633. >"Sooo, Anon?"
  3634. >You turn back to the pink earth-pony and notice her tail is swishing behind her as well, an easy grin on her muzzle.
  3635. "Yes, Pinkie?"
  3636. >"Are you... ready for game night tonight?" she asks, her grin widening.
  3637. >Your eyes widen.
  3638. "Right! I'll be right down!"
  3639. >You slam the door shut and rush to your dresser to get changed.
  3640. >Taking the towel to properly dry off, you notice a particularly stiff part of your body.
  3641. >Oh.
  3642. >Well, that explains the odd behavior, then.
  3643. >Your boner probably made a nice tent in your towel.
  3644. >You sigh, smacking your hand to your face.
  3645. >*Of course* you'd get a random stiffie when you just so happen to open the door to shout at Pinkie and Strawberry.
  3646. >Well, if the way Pinkie was acting, she seemed to take it in stride.
  3647. >You didn't even realize it yourself, but she was even trying to make light of the situation now that you think of it.
  3648. >Why else would she say 'if you were just *really* happy to see us'?
  3649. >You exhale a breath you didn't realize you were holding, putting your hand over your beating heart.
  3650. >That was close.
  3651. >Don't want any misconceptions like what happened with Rarity.
  3652. >Shaking your head, you get back to the task at hand.
  3653. >Now, which outfit to go with tonight?
  3655. >You are Strawberry Sunrise.
  3656. >You shake your head in a futile attempt to get your flushed muzzle to return to normal.
  3657. >Keep it under control, mare!
  3658. >Sure, you just saw Anon in *only* a towel. And *sure* he was sporting a tent in his towel...
  3660. >Right?
  3661. >You mean, you haven't been with all that many stallions, but you're pretty sure Anon wasn't *intentionally* teasing you like that...
  3662. >Was he?
  3663. >Nah.
  3664. >At least, you don't think so.
  3665. >You scrunch your muzzle as you look off to the distance and think, tapping your chin with a hoof.
  3666. >He's really nice and doesn't appear to be taking advantage of you.
  3667. >He hasn't even asked how much your business makes!
  3668. >Though, he has been to your house in the center of Ponyville, so he could have just assumed how much you make is fairly high with that...
  3669. >He hasn't made any comments about it, though.
  3670. >He even pulled out his bit pouch at first when you both went to lunch. Most stallions don't even bother!
  3671. >He catches on to your sarcasm and even comes back with his own quips most of the time.
  3672. >But he hasn't shown anything but platonic feelings for you so far...
  3673. >You frown.
  3674. >For some reason that last thought left a bitter-sweet taste in your mouth.
  3675. >Why, though?
  3676. >It's not like you've known him for a long time or anything.
  3677. >Even if he doesn't mind your humor, or if he joins in with you...
  3678. >Ok, maybe you like him a *little* bit.
  3679. >Don't get ahead of yourself, filly.
  3680. >Remember what happened last time you did that.
  3681. >"Sooo." Pinkie says, sliding up next to you, bumping you with her shoulder.
  3682. >You blink and turn to see her grinning muzzle.
  3683. >"You think we'll get lucky tonight?" She asks, waggling her eyebrows.
  3684. "Pinkie!"
  3685. >Pinkie giggles, backing up a step.
  3686. >"Don't worry, Strawberry. I'm not like *that*. I saw you all flustered and couldn't resist!" She says, giggling into her hoof.
  3687. >You sigh.
  3688. >Well, this *is* Pinkie Pie, after all.
  3689. >"Besides, tonight is about getting closer to each other." Pinkie says, "It'll be like we're one big, happy herd together before you know it!".
  3690. >Pinkie winks at you and hops away, her main bouncing as she goes.
  3691. >You stop and turn to watch the mare bounce down the hallway.
  3692. >Is she?
  3693. >She is, isn't she?
  3694. >Pinkie might joke around, but she doesn't outright lie to ponies.
  3695. >You don't think you'll have to worry about her taking advantage of Anon, she's a trustworthy mare, but...
  3696. >You sigh.
  3697. >You *just* made the realization that you *might* like Anon and you're already face-to-face with the competition.
  3698. >Although, she did say 'herd', so maybe it's not competition?
  3699. >Would Pinkie...
  3700. >You shake your head.
  3701. >If *anyone* can break through an alien stallion's shell, it'll be Pinkie Pie.
  3702. >That mare is friends with *everypony* in Ponyville, regardless of who they are, what they look like, or how they act.
  3703. >She's pretty, friendly, has a stable income, and not to mention she's a national hero.
  3704. >You're not sure if Anon knows about that last bit, but he's bound to find out. And when he does...
  3705. >You just hope you don't fall by the way-side...
  3707. >You are Pinkie Pie.
  3708. >And you are a happy pony.
  3709. "That'll be 2,000 bits, please."
  3710. >You say with a grin as you hold out a hoof towards Anon.
  3711. >Anon groans and forks over the (fake) bits.
  3712. >"You're some kind of devil in pony form. I'm sure of it..." He says, frowning as he counts his remaining bits.
  3713. >His bit pile has shrunk significantly and he's now on his last few hundred bits by your count.
  3714. >You giggle, placing the fake bits into your pile.
  3715. "Aww, don't get mad, Nonny! You're the one that insisted we don't go easy on you!"
  3716. >Strawberry snorts.
  3717. >"It's true, Anon. You *did* tell us not to go easy."
  3718. >"And I stand by that statement. But *her* bit pile is even bigger than yours, Strawberry. I think we can both agree that we're clearly out-classed here." Anon says, waving a hand in your direction.
  3719. >Strawberry glances over to your bit pile and sighs, her shoulders sagging.
  3720. >"You do have a point..." She says.
  3721. >"Exactly. That's why I swear she's some devil in disguise. Devils are *way* better at contracts and disguising their devious nature than demons. And..." Anon blinks, turning his head to you. "Did you just call me 'Nonny'?"
  3722. >You nod your head enthusiastically.
  3723. "Uh huh! Do you like it!?"
  3724. >Anon chuckles.
  3725. >"Yeah... it's not bad. It fits you." He says, cracking a grin.
  3726. >Your smile widens.
  3727. >You've been smiling a *lot* tonight.
  3728. >Good company, fun games, and great conversation has been had tonight.
  3729. >You take a sip of your cider and sigh.
  3730. >You're really glad this whole night went well.
  3731. >You knew you liked Anon a bit more than a friend the night you met him.
  3732. >He wasn't like most stallions. He treated you like any other pony, didn't look down on you because you were a baker, or that you lived with the Cakes, or that you left home as a filly.
  3733. >He hasn't asked *why* you left home as a filly, but you could tell it wasn't because he looked down on you.
  3734. >In fact, he seemed sorry he asked. As if asking would cause you to relive a painful memory.
  3735. >Most stallions just weren't interested in the resident party pony who made a meager wage and cut corners to make sure her parties were the bestest of the best parties ever!
  3736. >All they saw was a pony who spent all her income on parties, who couldn't afford to buy their own home, and who was *irresponsible* with money.
  3737. >It's not like you don't know how to spend money, there's just more important things in life.
  3738. >Friendship is *way* more important than any silly money!
  3739. >Sure, there were a few stallions who were interested in you because of your social status as a national hero, but once they learned who you *really* were, they disappeared without a trace.
  3740. >You frown.
  3741. >Those mean ponies didn't even give you the curtesy of letting you know they were leaving town!
  3742. >Your eyes narrow.
  3743. >It still rustles your jimmies.
  3744. >"Pinkie?"
  3745. >You snap out of your thoughts as Anon places a hand on your shoulder.
  3746. >"Are you ok?" He asks, a worried look on his face.
  3747. >You smile at him.
  3748. >He's not a prissy stallion, *and* he's considerate?
  3749. >Yeah, you definitely made a good choice of sneaking your way into his life.
  3750. "Yup! Just got lost in some... old memories. Don't worry! I'm good now!"
  3751. >Your smile turns into an open, enthusiastic smile.
  3752. "Besides! We have the rest of the game to play! It's Strawberry's turn next!"
  3753. >Anon looks into your eyes for a moment, keeping your gaze locked on him.
  3754. >He sighs.
  3755. >"If you say so. BUT!" He says, getting up and stretching his arms and legs, bending and twisting his body in ways that most ponies couldn't.
  3756. >That outfit he wore hugged his frame and yet was loose enough to tease you. Just what you'd expect from Rarity, she *loves* it when a stallion teases her.
  3757. >Unf.
  3758. >"Give me one minute. I went out and got us all something nice to share. I think you'll like it." He says, stepping out of the room.
  3759. >You nod as you watch him leave, barely keeping yourself from biting your lip.
  3760. >The things he could *do* to you...
  3761. >You shiver in excitement just thinking about it.
  3762. >"So, Pinkie..." Strawberry says, "How long have you... liked Anon?"
  3763. >You turn to her with a wide smile.
  3764. "Since his welcome to Ponyville party!"
  3765. >Strawberry raises an eyebrow at you.
  3766. >"Really?"
  3767. >You blow a raspberry at her.
  3768. "Well, duh! I mean, he's a nice stallion who doesn't treat me like a celebrity and is fun to be around!" You say, smiling. "He doesn't play those stallion games."
  3769. >Strawberry purses her lips, nodding in agreement.
  3770. "I even led him on to see if he was the real deal and wasn't just faking it. When he came over and I brought out an *actual* pie he wasn't disappointed at all!"
  3771. >Strawberry's eyes go wide.
  3772. >"So *that's* why you..."
  3773. "Mhmm!" You say, "I wasn't gonna *actually* give him a taste of my 'pie'. I just wanted to see if he was gonna stick around once he figured out I wasn't the best paid pony in town and lived with the Cakes."
  3774. >Strawberry frowns.
  3775. >"You have problems with that before?"
  3776. >You nod, your ears falling back.
  3777. "Yeah... some stallions aren't the nicest and think that I'm not worth their time because I don't have the best paying job in town."
  3778. >Strawberry chuckles, shaking her head.
  3779. >"I have the opposite problem, actually. Since I make enough bits to live in the center of town on my own, I get the gold-diggers."
  3780. >You snort.
  3781. "*Lucky*! I only get the stallions who think they'll get a status boost by dating an Element of Harmony! At least, until they stay around me for more than two dates..."
  3782. >You sigh.
  3783. >They might be meanie-pants ponies, but it still doesn't make you feel any better about it.
  3784. >"Do you think Anon knows about you being an Element? He is an alien after all..." Strawberry asks.
  3785. >You roll your eyes.
  3786. "Anon lives with *Twilight*. I'm *sure* she's told him about the Elements of Harmony at the *least*!"
  3787. >Strawberry nods, rubbing under her muzzle with a hoof.
  3788. >"That makes sense..." She says, looking off into the distance.
  3789. >You smile.
  3790. "Yuppers!"
  3791. >Strawberry hums to herself, looking down at her hooves and twiddling them.
  3792. >You smile deviously, trotting over to her and nudging her shoulder with your own.
  3793. "Don't be nervous. Anon *definitely* likes you."
  3794. >"Wha-!?" Strawberry starts, flushed.
  3795. >"How do you- how do you figure that!?"
  3796. >You grin.
  3797. "He spent a whole day and night with you didn't he?"
  3798. >Strawberry looks down at her hooves, idly making circles with one.
  3799. >"He did... didn't he?"
  3800. >You nod enthusiastically.
  3801. "Uh huh! If he didn't like you, he wouldn't have spent *that* much time with you!"
  3802. >Strawberry looks back up at you.
  3803. >"I guess you're right. Thanks, Pinkie Pie." She says with a smile.
  3804. >"But where does that put you? Didn't you just say you like Anon?" She asks with a frown.
  3805. >You nod.
  3806. "Yup! I do! But that doesn't mean we can't *share*." You say, waggling your eyebrows.
  3807. >Strawberry flushes, glancing away for a moment before turning her attention back to you.
  3808. >"Wow, Pinkie. I didn't know you were..." She says.
  3809. "That I was what?" You ask, tilting your head with an innocent smile.
  3810. >"I thought you were more... well..." She says, "You know... with your family and all that."
  3811. >You laugh.
  3812. "Oh, you're funny Strawberry!" You say, placing a hoof around Strawberry's shoulder. "My Mom and Dad got together with the pairing stone! We don't *have* a paring stone in Ponyville so a mare's gotta do what a mare's gotta do!"
  3813. >"Oh..." She says, glancing at you.
  3814. "Besides!" You say, giving her a squeeze. "We don't have to worry about that *quite* yet!"
  3815. >Strawberry raises an eyebrow at you.
  3816. >"How so?"
  3817. >You roll your eyes and smirk at Strawberry.
  3818. "Because Anon doesn't see us that way... yet."
  3819. >"How do you figure?" She asks.
  3820. "Oh... just a hunch."
  3821. >Strawberry opens her mouth to ask a question, but the door opening interrupts her.
  3822. >"Alright, girls. Sorry that took so long. I hid this away pretty good so nopony else would get to it and it took a while to bring it out." Anon says, carrying a bottle and three glasses to the table.
  3823. "What'cha bring us, Nonny?"
  3824. >"What I have here-" he says, placing the glasses down and turning the bottle for both of you to see. "-is a nice, single-barrel whiskey. I grilled the bartender about her stock. I bought a few shots to test and this one *definitely* out-performed the rest."
  3825. >Strawberry's eyes go wide as she whistles.
  3826. >"Is that a Nightfall '56!?" She asks in astonishment.
  3827. >"Yup! I managed to convince Berry Punch to part ways with it with my expert haggling skills." He says with a smirk, puffing out his chest and turning his chin up.
  3828. >You giggle.
  3829. >Silly Anon, mares puff out their chest floof, not stallions!
  3830. >"Anon. This is... this is a *really* nice bottle. Are you *sure* you want to open it?" Strawberry asks, looking up at him with worry.
  3831. >Anon rolls his eyes.
  3832. >"No, I'm not sure. That's why I bought it just for us tonight." He says.
  3833. >Strawberry rolls her eyes, looking away.
  3834. >"Smart-flank." She mutters.
  3835. >Anon chuckles, opening the bottle and pouring everypony a glass.
  3836. >"Like you don't enjoy it." He says, passing a glass to you and Strawberry.
  3837. >Strawberry huffs, but takes the glass gingerly in her hooves.
  3838. >You grin wide, taking the glass in your hooves and downing it.
  3839. >Wew!
  3840. >That's some strong stuff! You're already feeling a bit of a rush.
  3841. >And it went down *smooth* too!
  3842. "Ahh!" You sigh, "That was good! Can I have some more?"
  3843. >You hold out your glass to him with big, watery eyes.
  3844. >Anon rolls his eyes and pours you some more.
  3845. >"You didn't have to pull the cute look, Pinkie. I'd have given you more anyways. I *did* say I bought this for tonight, didn't I?"
  3846. "Thanks, Nonny! You're the best!"
  3847. >You pull him into a big group-hug with Strawberry.
  3848. >Anon smiles, shaking his head.
  3849. >"You're welcome, Pinkie." He says, squeezing you both for a moment before letting go and taking a sip of his whiskey.
  3850. >You giggle, clinging to him with one hoof, the drink in your other.
  3851. >Strawberry stays close by, not moving from her spot as her wing presses up against his other side.
  3852. >She takes her turn by using her outside facing wing to roll the dice and move the piece on the board.
  3853. >"Ponyfeathers!" She says, looking down at the utilities square she landed on.
  3854. >You giggle, placing your glass down and reaching out with your hoof.
  3855. "That'll be 150 bits, please!"
  3856. >She looks over at you with faux malice, hoofing over the money.
  3857. >"Maybe Anon is right..." She grumbles.
  3858. >You giggle, taking a sip of your whiskey before taking your turn.
  3859. >Not a bad way to spend your Friday night.
  3860. >Not a bad way at all...
  3862. >You are Anon.
  3863. >You grumble as you turn your head, burying your face into your soft, warm, fluffy pillow, pulling it close with your arm wrapped around it.
  3864. >You wiggle your way back closer into your other pillow, eliciting a contented sigh in response.
  3865. >Your blanket shifts itself to cover you and your pillows better, fanning out and squeezing in tight.
  3866. >You breath out a sigh as you smile, the smell of sweets filling your nostrils.
  3867. >Your pillow rumbles lightly beneath your face, the sound of giggling reaching your ears.
  3868. >You frown.
  3869. >Pillows don't giggle.
  3870. >Did Twilight sneak into your room and enchant your pillows?
  3871. >Maybe she found out about why you call her Twiggles and wanted some revenge...
  3872. >You exhale, rubbing your face into your pillow.
  3873. >At least it's soft, warm, fuzzy, and smells nice...
  3874. >Wait.
  3875. >Pillows aren't supposed to be any of those things... are they?
  3876. >You groan.
  3877. >You *really* hope she didn't turn your pillow into some sort of furby.
  3878. >Those demons are the absolute *worst* to try and get rid of.
  3879. >Damned pest type demons.
  3880. >*One* infestation is enough to last you a life-time, thank you very much.
  3881. >You pull your head back from it's nesting place and slowly open your eyes, prepared to face the inevitable curse that Twiggles has brought upon you with her wrath.
  3882. >Instead of a furry demon disguised as a cute pet, you blink as you look at Pinkie Pie cradled in your arms. Her poofy mane splayed out against the floor, her chest rising slowly with each breath.
  3883. >She has a smile on her muzzle as she kicks her hind hooves lightly, pressing herself tighter against you.
  3884. >You squint your eyes, turning to look at your blanket now.
  3885. >A light-yellow wing stretches across you both as you feel soft breathing on your neck.
  3886. >Your eyes widen.
  3887. >Shit.
  3888. >You peak underneath the wing and look down.
  3889. >Pants still on.
  3890. >You sigh in relief.
  3891. >That's *one* crisis averted.
  3892. >Now, how in the nine hells did you end up like this?
  3894. >Earlier...
  3895. >"C'mon Anon! Let's play tag!" Pinkie says as she hops up and down, swaying a bit to the side.
  3896. >At least, she looks like she's swaying.
  3897. >You're pretty drunk yourself, so you could be the one swaying. Who knows?
  3898. "Don't you think we're a bit durnk for that Pinkie?"
  3899. >Pinkie snorts.
  3900. >"That's what makes it *fun* silly!" She says, booping you on the nose.
  3901. >You blink, crossing your eyes.
  3902. >When'd she get so close?
  3903. >Strawberry laughs.
  3904. >"C'mon Anon! It's game night! Tag is a game!" She says with a shit-eating grin on her muzzle.
  3905. >That's right. It *is* game night!
  3906. >Your muddled brain has just enough juice to put two and two together to make fish.
  3907. >A dopey smile grows on your face as you turn to Strawberry.
  3908. >She's just looking back at you with that shit-eating grin, thinking she's won.
  3909. >You reach out and boop her nose.
  3910. "You're it!"
  3911. >You giggle as Strawberry scrunches her muzzle.
  3912. >Taking advantage of the situation, you turn and start running.
  3913. >Strawberry catches on and flaps her wings in pursuit.
  3914. >Pinkie turns to run as well, but it all happens just a *little* too fast for drunken reflexes.
  3915. >You crash into Pinkie, Strawberry crashing into your back as the three of you tumble into the floor.
  3916. >You groan, lying in a tangled pile of pony on the cold floor.
  3917. >Your short-lived escapade causes your head to spin.
  3918. >You know this feeling. It's the feeling that any more unnecessary movement will cause some rather undesirable effects.
  3919. "I don't think I should get up..."
  3920. >You groan, turning slightly on your side to make yourself a bit more comfortable on the floor.
  3921. >"Wooo! I'm dizzy!" Pinkie says, giggling.
  3922. >"Drunk flying was *not* a good idea." Strawberry groans.
  3923. >You snort.
  3924. "Ya think?"
  3925. >Strawberry punches your shoulder with a hoof.
  3926. >"Don't be a flank-hole." She says, burying her head in your back. "I still caught you..."
  3927. >You smirk, lying your head down.
  3928. >Pinkie yawns, snuggling up to you and wrapping you in a hug.
  3929. >"Warm..."
  3930. >The cold floor sends a shiver up your spine.
  3931. >She's got a good idea.
  3932. >You grab onto her and pull her close.
  3933. >Strawberry scooches closer and wraps her wing around the both of you.
  3934. >You sigh in contentment as the heat from the two ponies keeps the cold from the floor at bay.
  3935. >You feel pretty comfy right now...
  3937. >Present time...
  3938. >Well then.
  3939. >That explains that.
  3940. >You shake your head and chuckle throatily.
  3941. >You blame Pinkie for your childish glee at playing games last night.
  3942. >You didn't stop at Monopoly. You played several more games after Pinkie cleared both you and Strawberry out.
  3943. >You also noticed that Strawberry got a bit more brazen with her physical displays of affection. Likely trying to keep up with Pinkie's aggressive touchy-feely brand of friendship.
  3944. >You sigh.
  3945. >These two mares are going to be the death of you.
  3946. >In a few short weeks you've already grown closer to them than you'd like to admit.
  3947. >The fact is, you don't feel uncomfortable in your situation right now at all.
  3948. >And that's weird.
  3949. >Or at least you feel like it should be.
  3950. >You didn't think that connecting to others like this could happen so quick.
  3951. >Any lingering doubts you had in your mind about Pinkie's motivations for befriending you were wiped away from last night.
  3952. >If she's there just to spy on you for Twilight, she's either a *really* good spy, or she *really* sucks at keeping her professional and personal life separate.
  3953. >Thinking back on it, you feel pretty close to Lucky and Cherry too.
  3954. >They dragged your drugged ass to a hospital in the middle of the night and made sure you were ok to leave in the morning.
  3955. >You roll your eyes.
  3956. >Of course, Twiggles, for all her faults, seems to care too.
  3957. >She's too soft. But she clearly cares about you.
  3958. >She *was* there the morning you woke up after being drugged after all.
  3959. >You frown.
  3960. >Have you gone soft?
  3961. >Or is this the 'magic of friendship' that Twilight was talking about?
  3962. >You crease your eyebrows at the thought.
  3963. >Magic.
  3964. >You'd rather have nothing to do with it if you could, but you haven't exactly had the option to do anything else yet.
  3965. >You were *so close* to getting out of that wizard's tower and swearing away anything to do with magic for the rest of your life.
  3966. >And then you released a world-devouring demon onto everyone...
  3967. >Well, you can't change the past.
  3968. >It doesn't make your current predicament any more tolerable, though.
  3969. >Twilight is nice and all, but you *really* have to find a way to get out of her employ.
  3970. >She is a princess though, and that complicates things.
  3971. >Not to mention you don't have much money or any other source of income so you can't just rent a room from someone else.
  3972. >And what would you do anyways?
  3973. >Your original plan was just to high-tail it out of Astad and take whatever job opened up that was as far away from any wizard tower you could find.
  3974. >Now, though...
  3975. >Even if you got away from Ponyville, this entire world *runs* on magic. It's embedded in the very fabric of reality here.
  3976. >It's in the *air*!
  3977. >You shudder, pulling Pinkie Pie closer to you and gripping her a bit tighter.
  3978. >You've adapted fairly well, but your new reality still makes you nervous.
  3979. >The incident with Lyra didn't exactly help that, either.
  3980. >You suppose you could go and look for the Minotaurs that you've read about...
  3981. >You frown.
  3982. >That would mean you'd have to leave Pinkie, Strawberry, Cherry, and Lucky behind.
  3983. >You're not ready to make that kind of sacrifice.
  3984. >For all it's downsides, you've carved a piece of this place into yourself as 'home'.
  3985. >You finally found people... well, ponies... that you can trust.
  3986. >You're not about to drop that for the remote possibility of being able to live a magic-free life.
  3987. >The sound of an opening door and hoofsteps interrupt your thoughts, prompting you to look up.
  3988. >Twilight stands in the doorway, wide-eyed, mouth agape with one hoof off the floor. Frozen in place.
  3989. >Strawberry tenses up, but doesn't move.
  3990. >Pinkie seems to stop breathing, her muzzle facing away from you.
  3991. >It would seem these two ponies are not as sleepy as you thought they were...
  3992. >You glance between her and the two ponies you're currently cuddling with.
  3993. >An idea comes to mind.
  3994. >A wonderful, terrible, awful idea.
  3995. >Putting on your best poker face, you turn to her and speak to her with your most convincing no-nonsense tone.
  3996. "This is *exactly* what it looks like."
  3997. >Twilight's jaw drops as her wings extend, her eyes turning to pin-pricks.
  3998. >After several moments of mutual silence, Twilight staring at the situation before her, she slowly backs out of the room, closing the door on her way out.
  3999. >A moment passes, only the faint sound of hoofsteps fading into the distant parts of the castle can be heard as you stare at the door she left through.
  4000. >Pinkie's the first to crack, laughter rising from her in tidal waves.
  4001. >You and Strawberry aren't far behind.
  4002. >After several minutes of shared laughter, you finally start to catch your breath.
  4003. >"D-did you *see* Twilight's face!?" Pinkie says, giggling.
  4004. >Strawberry chuckles, nodding.
  4005. >"Yeah, she looked more shocked than *I* was. I wasn't exactly expecting *that*."
  4006. "Well, we *are* in her castle."
  4007. >You prod Strawberry with a light elbow.
  4008. >She retaliates by shoving your shoulder and blowing a raspberry at you.
  4009. >"Can it. Nopony wants your logic this morning, Mr. Kill-Joy."
  4010. >Pinkie giggles, flopping herself over onto her stomach.
  4011. >"That was good, Nonny! I can't *wait* to see how she's processing it!"
  4012. >You smirk.
  4013. "Who says you have to?"
  4014. >Pinkie raises an eyebrow at you, tilting her head to the side.
  4015. "How about we go and join Twilight and Spike for breakfast?"
  4016. >Strawberry grins devilishly.
  4017. >"Oh, this is going to be *good*."
  4018. >"Oh, this is gonna be so *fun*!" Pinkie squeals, jumping up onto her hooves and heading for the door.
  4019. >"C'mon! Let's go!"
  4020. >You chuckle.
  4021. >Pinkie's enthusiasm is off the charts for sure.
  4022. >You wouldn't trade it for anything though. It's part of what makes being around her so entertaining.
  4023. >Getting up and brushing yourself off, you crack your back.
  4024. >Time to reap what you sow.
  4026. >Breakfast was a mostly silent affair, with you winking once at Twilight getting a blush from her in return.
  4027. >Will this come back to bite you in the ass?
  4028. >Probably.
  4029. >Do you care?
  4030. >Not one bit.
  4031. >Whatever comes out of this, it was *definitely* worth the awkward fidgeting and incoherent responses you got from Twilight this morning.
  4032. >Now, you stand at the doorway, smiling.
  4033. "I'll see you girls later then."
  4034. >"Yup! You should come by SugarCube Corner sometime soon! I have some new cupcakes that are *amazing*!" Pinkie says with a wide grin while wagging her tail excitedly.
  4035. >You grin back at her.
  4036. "If you're making it, I'll try anything."
  4037. >Pinkie squeals and hug-tackles you.
  4038. >Ow.
  4039. >That's the floor.
  4040. >You chuckle as you return her embrace, shaking your head.
  4041. >You like her enthusiasm, but somehow you can't shake the feeling that it's going to be the death of you someday.
  4042. >"Bye, Anon! I'll see you soon!" She says, letting go, booping your nose with a giggle.
  4043. >You watch her bounce happily away with a wave.
  4044. >It's almost as if she didn't just stay up really late last night drinking.
  4045. >The stamina on that girl...
  4046. >Never a dull moment with her around.
  4047. >As you stare off at her departing form, you feel another pair of hooves wrap around your semi-prone form, squeezing gently.
  4048. >"Don't forget to stop by the stand sometime soon. I *know* you must have gone through those strawberries already."
  4049. >Did Strawberry just... initiate a hug?
  4050. >That's a first.
  4051. >Though, after your night together with Pinkie, you don't feel out of place like this. You definitely grew closer to both of them.
  4052. >You might even say that you like the contact.
  4053. >Might...
  4054. >You wrap the light-yellow pegasus in your arms and hug her back.
  4055. "Don't worry, it'll be the first thing on my shopping list. Promise."
  4056. >Strawberry squeezes you a bit tighter and lets you go, dropping down to her four hooves.
  4057. >"Or you could save it for the end of the day so we can hang out after." She says, with a grin.
  4058. "That could work."
  4059. >"Oh, and just because we're friends doesn't mean you get them for free. A mare's gotta keep the business running, ya know?" She says with a smirk.
  4060. >You shake your head and chuckle.
  4061. "Oh man, and here I was thinking I was finally going to get those 'stallion' benefits I've been hearing all about."
  4062. >Strawberry snorts.
  4063. >"As if. You should know that I hate it when stallions try that sort of thing. Trying to get things for free." She says, squinting her eyes at you.
  4064. >You smirk at her, matching her gaze.
  4065. "Oh? Is *that* why you don't have a colt-friend then? Scare them all off by denying them free stuff?" You say in a mocking tone.
  4066. >Strawberry snorts and rolls her eyes.
  4067. >"Typical stallion." She mutters, turning around and smacking your face with her tail.
  4068. >You reel back a bit, rubbing your stinging face.
  4069. >You didn't expect a simple tail smack to hit you that hard, you'll have to be more careful in the future...
  4070. >Strawberry turns her head a few paces away, looking back at you, a smug grin on her muzzle.
  4071. >"Besides, I don't *need* to give stallions free things to get them to keep coming back." She says, winking at you and trotting away.
  4072. >You snort.
  4073. >Well, she had you there.
  4074. >You kept going back, after all.
  4075. >Standing up and brushing yourself off, you turn to close the door when you see two ponies running towards the castle.
  4076. >You blink.
  4077. "Who in the fuck-"
  4078. >A light brown and a grey stallion rush up the steps.
  4079. >"Anon! We came as soon as we heard!" Cherry says, huffing from exertion.
  4080. >"Is it true!?" Lucky asks, "Did you summon a demon to torment Lyra!?"
  4081. >You blink, staring at the two stallions before you.
  4082. "What?"
  4083. >"The *whole town* is talking about it!" Lucky shouts, "How you cast a dark and *evil* spell to summon a creature most foul to torment Lyra for only trying to apologize to you!"
  4084. >You blink again, eyes wide.
  4085. "What in the nine hells!?"
  4086. >Lucky recoils at your volume, stepping back a bit.
  4087. >Cherry steps in and places a hoof on your shoulder.
  4088. >"Anon, calm down. I'm sure it's just a baseless rumor. We came here to make sure you were ok and the mob didn't catch you yet." He says with a gentle smile.
  4089. "What mob?"
  4090. >You glance up and see several ponies gathering a bit off to the distance.
  4091. >Oh shit.
  4092. >It's like day one all over again.
  4093. >Sweating, you grab both stallions by the scruff of their neck and drag them inside, slamming the doors shut behind you.
  4094. "INSIDE! NOW!"
  4095. >You look around for a bar for the door but find nothing.
  4096. >After several moments of fruitless effort, you throw the deadlock into place and start dragging the two stallions with you to the kitchen.
  4097. >"Anon..."
  4098. >You keep walking, thoughts of immediate death on your mind.
  4099. >Fucking ponies. You thought this was a peaceful land!
  4100. >"Anoooon..."
  4101. >Turns out they're only peaceful to their own! Guess the demon sent you somewhere you really *do* have to watch yourself. So much for the comfy utopian life.
  4102. >"ANON!"
  4103. >You stop, letting go of Lucky and Cherry, turning to look at Cherry.
  4104. >Cherry meets you with a glare.
  4105. >"We *can* walk on our own, you know?"
  4106. >You blink.
  4107. >Is he daft? There's a *mob* out there! He said so himself!
  4108. >"What's this about a mob?" Twilight asks, groaning as she exits the kitchen.
  4109. >Oh shit, did you say that out loud?
  4110. >"It seems the town has gotten it into their heads that Anon summoned some sort of evil creature to torment Lyra for apologizing to him." Cherry says, brushing himself off with a hoof.
  4111. >"What!? Why would they think that?" Twilight asks, gasping.
  4112. >"That's what we wanted to know!" Lucky says, "It's why we ran here before the mob could get here!"
  4113. >A loud banging sound echoes through the room.
  4114. >Your eyes go wide as you look back at the doors.
  4115. >Twilight groans, smacking a hoof to her forehead.
  4116. >"Just... get upstairs and keep the window curtains closed... I'll deal with this..." She says with a sigh.
  4117. >You nod, heading towards the stairs.
  4118. >"Oh, and Anon?"
  4119. >You stop, turning to see a concerned Twilight with her gaze on you.
  4120. >"Stay safe, ok?"
  4121. >You smile back at her and nod.
  4122. "Don't worry Twilight, I'll be fine."
  4123. >She nods and turns back to the large front doors.
  4124. >You make your way up the stairs to your room, Lucky and Cherry following you along the way.
  4125. >You see Twilight step out of the castle and address the crowd as you close the curtains.
  4126. >"Don't worry, Anon. I'm sure everything will be *fine*." Cherry says with a comforting smile.
  4127. "How can you be so sure of that!?" You spit out.
  4128. >You can't believe the nerve of this pony.
  4129. >Didn't he know you're about to get your head kicked in now!?
  4130. >Images of that orange mare, Applejack, comes rushing back to you.
  4131. >You shudder.
  4132. >"Pfft. Oh c'mon, Anon!" Lucky says, waving a hoof. "It's *only* a *small* mob! Not even the whole town!"
  4133. >You stare at him incredulously.
  4134. "And that's supposed to help me, *how*!?"
  4135. >Lucky rolls his eyes.
  4136. >"Anon, Ponyville has mobs every so often. It's either a mob, or a frightened stampede of ponies running away from whatever new danger comes to terrorize the town." Lucky says.
  4137. >You blink owlishly.
  4138. "Does this... happen often?"
  4139. >"Every month or so." Cherry says with a shrug.
  4140. >You sit down on your bed by the window.
  4141. >What in the nine hells is wrong with this place?
  4142. >Is it the extremely high amount of magic seeping through the very fabric of the world itself?
  4143. >It must be.
  4144. >There's no other explanation for it.
  4145. >Wizards get raided often by other wizards and otherworldly forces due in part to the high magical activity and concentration of magic.
  4146. >It must be an all-out war here at times with some of Equestria's most powerful magic-casters like Twilight and Starlight.
  4147. >You cross your arms and nod to yourself.
  4148. >The pieces are coming together. It's starting to make a bit of sense now. An unusually high concentration of magic, even for a magical world such as this, must draw the attention of creatures and forces even if it's unconsciously.
  4149. >"Though, it *is* odd that they're rioting like that..." Cherry comments, scratching his muzzle with a hoof. "Usually ponies are easy to scare. But they only gather into a mob if they have some kind of ring-leader..."
  4150. >You frown.
  4151. >A ringleader?
  4152. >But who?
  4153. >You peak out the window, leaving it as closed as you can while still seeing below.
  4154. >Then you see it.
  4155. >Of fucking course.
  4156. >She never *did* let it go after all.
  4157. >You thought she forgot about you, but *noo*, she was just biding her time wasn't she?
  4158. >Out in front of the crowd is a orange earth-pony with a blonde mane and a cowboy hat.
  4159. >She's talking animatedly with Twilight, who for her credit, seems rather upset about the whole ordeal.
  4160. >She glances up and catches your eye, squinting her eyes and growling at you.
  4161. >You pull back, closing the curtains tight.
  4162. >Applejack...
  4163. >What in the nine hells are you going to do now?
  4165. >You spent the next several hours talking with Cherry and Lucky, trying to keep your nerves down.
  4166. >It didn't really work, but it distracted you enough to keep you out of a fetal position.
  4167. >You hear hoof-steps and a knock at the door.
  4168. >You straighten your back, staring at the door with a feverish intensity.
  4169. >"Anon? It's me, can I come in?"
  4170. >You sigh, visibly relaxing.
  4171. "Yeah, c'mon in Twilight."
  4172. >The door opens, revealing a haggard and frazzled purple princess.
  4173. >Twilight drags herself over to a chair and groans as she slumps into the seat.
  4174. >Seeing her like this pulls at your heart a little.
  4175. >She's like this because of what you did.
  4176. >You know *exactly* why the mob formed and you actually feel a little bad about how it's affected your friend.
  4177. >Another part of you thinks she deserves it, for how she handled the situation in the first place.
  4178. >But-
  4179. >Wait.
  4180. >Did you just call her... a friend?
  4181. >You squint your eyes as you stare at the purple alicorn, her mane frazzled and unkempt.
  4182. >Until now, you considered her more like the crazy old wizard than a friend.
  4183. >Someone who was an employer and kept you under contract. Nothing more.
  4184. >But if that was the case, she would have thrown you to the wolves today.
  4185. >Brow knitted, you peek out the window.
  4186. >Yup.
  4187. >They're gone.
  4188. >You return your focus to Twilight, who's now rubbing her eyes with a hoof.
  4189. >Sighing, you relent.
  4190. >If driving off a mob of angry ponies doesn't make her your friend, nothing will.
  4191. >She stuck her neck out for you, even if she *is* royalty, to make sure you wouldn't get your head kicked in.
  4192. >Twice now.
  4193. >The first time you could wave off as being diplomatic and needing more information.
  4194. >This time, she clearly had your best interest at heart. You remember clearly she had told you to stay safe.
  4195. >If she didn't consider you a friend, or at the very least a close acquaintance, she wouldn't have cared enough to say that.
  4196. >Unless she's playing 4D chess.
  4197. >But you can't conceive of a way that turning away a whole town of angry ponies would benefit her in the end.
  4198. >She'd have to be a master chess-player to pull that off.
  4199. >And from what you've seen, she's been nothing but genuine with you the whole time.
  4200. >Her level of magical prowess and raw power are absolutely terrifying.
  4201. >She has a baby *dragon* who could bite off your head or incinerate you at will.
  4202. >Her *student* is an equally powerful magic-caster who could *also* incinerate you at will.
  4203. >And yet...
  4204. >She's shown nothing but hospitality and concern for you.
  4205. >Hell, she's even gotten you meat once.
  4206. >"What?" Twilight says, scrunching her muzzle. "Do I have something on my face?"
  4207. >You blink.
  4208. >Oh right, you're staring.
  4209. "Sorry!" You say, shaking your head and looking back at her with a small smile. "I was just thinking."
  4210. >Twilight shrugs her shoulders and sighs.
  4211. >"Well, I'll be honest. It wasn't easy breaking them up this time. I'm not sure *what* you did, but they seem pretty convinced you tried some kind of summoning."
  4212. >She snorts.
  4213. >"I *tried* telling them that it was impossible! That you don't even have the magical aptitude or knowledge to do more than a half-baked attempt at something like that..."
  4214. "Hey..."
  4215. >You pout.
  4216. >Twilight rolls her eyes at you.
  4217. >"And that you *hate* magic anyways, so you wouldn't *want* to do that in the first place..."
  4218. "True..."
  4219. >You smile.
  4220. >Seems she has been paying attention.
  4221. >Even if you'd have to be deaf *and* blind to miss that.
  4222. >Twilight sighs, cracking her back as she twists in her seat.
  4223. >"What *happened* when I left the room with you, Lyra, and Starlight anyways?" She asks, genuine curiosity bursting forth from her.
  4224. >You sigh.
  4225. "I did something I *probably* shouldn't have."
  4226. >Silence falls as Twilight levels you with a look you haven't seen on her yet, a look that terrifies you more than you'd like to admit.
  4227. >"*What*?" She hisses, eye twitching.
  4228. >Cherry stands up, dragging Lucky with him to the door.
  4229. >"Well, it seems like you two have some catching up to do so we'll be going now, bye!" He says, nearly running out the door and down the stairs out of the castle.
  4230. >You gulp.
  4231. >This does not bode well.
  4232. >You open your mouth to speak, but your words get caught in your throat.
  4233. >Twilight is staring at you with a twitching eye, her main is even more frazzled than when she arrived, and her fur is standing on end.
  4234. >You take a deep breath.
  4235. >There's nothing to worry about, right?
  4236. >Twilight will understand... right?
  4237. >Not entirely convinced, you shake your head and face Twilight again.
  4238. >There's no going back from this anyways. There never was any other choice but to tell her at some point. Might as well get it done with.
  4239. "I *may* have told Lyra that if she ever tried to do something like *that* again, I'd... summon a demon to torment her?"
  4240. >You crack a fake grin, a horrible mask for your own growing sense of unease.
  4241. >Silence.
  4242. >Twilight's eyes stop twitching, her chest stops heaving, and for a brief moment in time, there was complete and utter calm.
  4243. >The kind of calm that terrifies even the bravest men.
  4244. >A low pitched rattling rears it's ugly head, breaking the silence.
  4245. >Your bed vibrates under you and the window rattles.
  4246. >Looking around, the entire room seems to shake under the weight of a mighty earth-quake.
  4247. >If only it were that simple.
  4248. >Your heart drops in your chest as your eyes go wide.
  4249. >You might be an idiot sometimes, make a few terrible decisions, but even you know better than to think that this-
  4250. >"YOU DID WHAT!?" Twilight shouts, standing up on her rear hooves, wings flaring out.
  4251. >You crawl back on the bed, trying to put some distance between you and the terrifying powerful magic-caster before you.
  4252. >Twilight drops to her four hooves, stepping towards you slowly.
  4253. >"What in the name of Celestia were you *thinking*!?" She hisses, glaring at you.
  4254. >You gulp, scooting back a little more.
  4255. "I just wanted to make sure that I-"
  4256. >You hit the wall, Twilight following you all the way, keeping the distance between you short.
  4257. >Not quite so short that you could feel her breath, but short enough that you had absolutely no chance of running away.
  4258. >You gulp.
  4259. "T-that..."
  4260. >Twilight squints her eyes down at you, a frown creased on her muzzle.
  4261. >You can *feel* the magical pressure in the air.
  4262. >Twilight's horn isn't glowing, but you can *FEEL* the magic in the air gathering towards it, waiting to be unleashed in an instant of life-ending judgement.
  4263. >Your mouth feels dry, even as your body sweats profusely, your heart racing a thousand beats a minute.
  4264. >Twilight quirks an eyebrow at you, clearly waiting for your answer.
  4265. >There is no escape.
  4266. "I wanted her to know what it's like to live in fear, ok!?" You nearly shout, surprising yourself. "I wanted her to have a proper punishment! What you gave her was a slap on the wrist!"
  4267. >You sit up and press forward, Twilight leaning back in the process, never moving her gaze from your eyes.
  4268. "I wanted her to at the *very* least leave me alone and *never* try that to anyone I cared about again!"
  4269. >"Anon..." Twilight says, frowning.
  4270. >Her eyes search your face for a moment, before she creases her mouth once more.
  4271. >"Anon." She says, sternly. "I understand your frustration, but isn't it a bit... hypocritical coming from you?"
  4272. >You blink.
  4273. >What?
  4274. >She sighs.
  4275. >"I thought that, with how you ended up as a wizards assistant in the first place, that you'd be able to understand what she's going through and why I made the decision I did."
  4276. "That's exactly *why*!" You bark back, brows knitted. "The *only* reason I wasn't castrated on the spot when they *did* find out was because I was the property of a powerful wizard. I didn't have 'freedom' anymore. I was an outcast in society and every day was nothing but-"
  4277. >"That's not an excuse for your behavior!" Twilight shouts, pressing her muzzle into your face, your noses touching.
  4278. >You freeze.
  4279. >All the anger is gone in an instant.
  4280. >A cold sensation creeps through your body as you stare back into Twilight's focused purple eyes.
  4281. >She's right.
  4282. >You mentally shudder, at the realization.
  4283. >You've been acting like a child.
  4284. >A spoiled, rotten, spiteful child.
  4285. >And all it took was for Twilight to stop you in the middle of your tantrum to realize it.
  4286. >Did you have a right to be angry?
  4287. >Sure.
  4288. >But that didn't mean you had the right to lash out like you did.
  4289. >*Especially* against a princess... a *friend*...
  4290. >A friend who stuck her neck out for you without even knowing the full story and sheltered you in her castle.
  4291. >Shame.
  4292. >It's an emotion you don't often feel, but you're feeling an abundance of it right now.
  4293. >You close your eyes and bow your head, placing your head in your hands.
  4294. "I'm sorry." You say in a shaky voice.
  4295. >It's not enough.
  4296. >It will never be enough to just say 'I'm sorry' to the person who stuck their neck out for you, their title and reputation out on the line for you despite not knowing anything about the situation.
  4297. >"What?" Twilight asks, plopping her butt down on the bed in front of you.
  4298. >You shudder.
  4299. >Since when did you become this emotional?
  4300. >Were you becoming a pansy stallion like most of the stallions in town?
  4301. >Swallowing, you force yourself to shakily look up at Twilight's tilted head.
  4302. "I'm sorry." You say in a firmer voice. "You're right. My behavior was out of line."
  4303. >Twilight blinks, shuffling her wings.
  4304. >"Well... that was... easier than I thought it'd be..." She says, staring at you like you're some rare and exotic creature.
  4305. >Well, you kind of *are* a rare and exotic creature, so...
  4306. >Twilight frowns, staring into your eyes with a renewed vigor.
  4307. >"You're not trying to use your stallionly tricks to soften me up, are you?" She asks, squinting as she studies your face.
  4308. >You can't help it.
  4309. >You burst out laughing.
  4310. >After a few moments cautiously watching you, Twilight giggles along with you, shaking her head.
  4311. >"You're a weird stallion, Anon. Even if you *are* from a different world." She says.
  4312. >You sigh, exhaling the last heaving breath from your lungs.
  4313. "Thanks, Twiggles."
  4314. >Twilight scrunches her muzzle at that, but shakes her head with a sigh.
  4315. >"Well, just so you know, you're *not* getting off scot-free on this one."
  4316. >You nod your head solemnly.
  4317. >You never expected to.
  4318. >You just didn't think that you'd get caught so soon.
  4319. >"You'll need to apologize to Lyra for what you did." Twilight says, eyeing you carefully.
  4320. >You roll your eyes.
  4321. >If it will make Twiggles get off your back, you can fake an apology or two.
  4322. "Fine."
  4323. >Twilight narrows her eyes at you.
  4324. >"Anon..."
  4325. >You raise an eyebrow at her.
  4326. >"You *do* realize what you did, right?" She asks, lowering her voice.
  4327. >Rolling your eyes again, you wave her off.
  4328. "Yeah, yeah. I threatened her and scared her. No harm done."
  4329. >"No harm..." Twilight mouths, staring at you.
  4330. >No, not at you.
  4331. >*Through* you.
  4332. >You can feel a slight tingle as you feel her gaze penetrate your being, a shiver running up your spine.
  4333. >Usually when you can *feel* magic, it's powerful and directed.
  4334. >You don't see a glow on her horn. Is Twilight really that powerful? To command magic without the need for a focus?
  4335. >You gulp, the vision of a mute wizard casting magical spells without anyone knowing who or what was causing it strolling through the streets of a crowded city comes to mind. Fireballs flung everywhere, summoned creatures, mind-controlled victims running around making obscene gestures, a torrential wind sweeping through the city-
  4336. >"Anon!"
  4337. >You jerk your attention back to Twilight, breathing heavily.
  4338. >Whew.
  4339. >That went from zero to a hundred *really* fast.
  4340. >"Did you even hear what I just said?" Twilight asks, annoyed.
  4341. "Uh, no. Sorry, I was uh... distracted for a moment. Care to repeat that?"
  4342. >Twilight groans.
  4343. >"I was saying you *did* harm somepony! You made a mare *terrified* of you, Anon!" Twilight admonishes.
  4344. >You chuckle nervously.
  4345. "Well, that was *kinda* the point. Though, I didn't expect it to work so *well*..."
  4346. >Twilight's brow furrows as she stares at you.
  4347. >"You're lucky you're a stallion, Anon. Very lucky." She says in a serious tone.
  4348. >You blink.
  4349. "What?"
  4350. >Twilight sighs.
  4351. >"In Equestria, there are certain... protections... that are embedded into the law when it comes to stallions. If you were a mare who had done this to a stallion, you would be persecuted to several months of jail-time."
  4352. >Your mouth drops.
  4353. "You *have* to be shitting me right now."
  4354. >Twilight scrunches her muzzle at your language, shaking her head.
  4355. >"I am not 'shitting you', Anon. That's *exactly* how I would have to play it. And that's getting off *easy*."
  4356. >Holy shit.
  4357. >You knew the roles were reversed and everything, but to *this* extreme?
  4358. >"As it is," she goes on, "A public apology and a few weeks of community service are the only things you need to do."
  4359. "How... that's so backwards..."
  4360. >You groan in frustration as you rub your forehead.
  4361. "I don't understand..."
  4362. >Twilight frowns, reaching out and placing a hoof on your knee.
  4363. >"What you are missing here, Anon, is the *intent* behind the act. If Lyra had been caught trying to *rape* you, the situation would be different. As it is, she is *still* under extreme scrutiny and until I deem her otherwise, she is still under rehabilitation courses." She says, staring into your eyes.
  4364. >"What *you* did, however..." Twilight begins, "is take an emotionally broken pony and break them down even further. Knowing that they were under a rehabilitation program. *That's* why your punishment is so severe."
  4365. >You blank.
  4366. "Do you seriously mean to say that... *context* is an inherent aspect of Equestrian law?"
  4367. >Twilight nods, taking her hoof off your knee and sitting up straight.
  4368. >"Equestrian law, and the judgement of the Princesses, strive to facilitate the virtues of harmony. When there is genuine regret and a desire to make things right, the punishment is generally more lenient. When there's a complete lack of remorse, however..."
  4369. "The law becomes stricter than it normally would be..." You finish, staring at Twilight, slack-jawed.
  4370. >Twilight nods.
  4371. >"I don't expect an apology right away, but I *do* expect you to do so within the week and to do it in a public place. The point here is to show regret and sincerity to the town proper since the entire town is involved now."
  4372. >Your mind is reeling with the implications she just laid out to you.
  4373. >Given this logic, if someone enslaved a whole town, but then was regretful about it later and wanted to make it 'right', they would get a light sentence and be let free later.
  4374. >On the other hand, even a small crime, no matter how insignificant, if done with malice and without regret, could land the person in *deep* trouble. Especially if they were a mare apparently.
  4375. >You nod dumbly, too distracted to respond properly.
  4376. >Twilight nods to you, and exits your vision.
  4377. >You hear her hoof-steps echo down the halls as she departs.
  4378. >You cradle your head in your hands and start to rethink your view on Equestria.
  4379. >Somehow, it doesn't seem like the happy place it used to appear to be.
  4380. >A world where intent is more important than the outcome...
  4381. >A shiver runs down your spine as you think of the potential consequences.
  4382. >It's a wonder that Equestria hasn't become a dystopian tyrannical nation with the way the laws work here.
  4383. >Taking a deep breath you get up and open the curtains to the window, looking down at the color ponies going about their day below.
  4384. >It's as if nothing happened this morning.
  4385. >They're all going about their day, happily greeting each other as if there wasn't a mob only an hour ago.
  4386. >Bewildered, you find your feet moving you out of the castle without your conscious command.
  4387. >A walk to collect your thoughts sounds nice...
  4389. >As you walk the streets of Ponyville, a few ponies steer clear of you.
  4390. >No doubt due to your recently gained 'status'.
  4391. >You turn, heading away from the center of town.
  4392. >How you got here, you'll never know.
  4393. >You just followed your feet, mindlessly strolling through town.
  4394. >Out of the corner of your eye, you spot two ponies arguing along your path.
  4395. >An orange and a pink mare...
  4396. >Pink?
  4397. >You cautiously approach, trying to be as stealthy as possible while sticking out like a sore thumb in a world of small pastel colored ponies.
  4398. >"Ah'm tellin' ya, Pinkie. That there stallion's no good for ya! It's like you haven't been listening to a thing I've said this whole time!" Applejack says, stomping a hoof.
  4399. >Pinkie snorts and furrows her brow.
  4400. >"I know you two don't exactly 'get along', Applejack, but Anon's a good stallion."
  4401. >"Right. And good stallions threaten mares with personal torment. Are you *sure* he hasn't bewitched ya?" Applejack responds, leaning in close to Pinkie and tilting her head to the side.
  4402. >Pinkie giggles, "Oh, c'mon Applejack! Anon can't do magic..."
  4403. >You shake your head and walk away.
  4404. >You're not even sure why you approached them in the first place.
  4405. >You felt a... compulsion to seek out the pink mare.
  4406. >Why?
  4407. >It doesn't matter.
  4408. >You feel a pang in your chest.
  4409. >Applejack and Pinkie were friends before.
  4410. >They probably still are, but it's blatantly apparent that your involvement has made things difficult for Pinkie.
  4411. >And what Applejack said...
  4412. >You fume at the memory, her words echoing in your mind.
  4413. >What's worse is she had a point at the end.
  4414. >You *did* threaten a pony.
  4415. >While threats weren't considered too much of a serious crime back home, you could still get into trouble for one given the right circumstances.
  4416. >You sigh.
  4417. >That's not really what's bothering you, though...
  4418. >You could live with a minor punishment for the threat. Hell, you were even prepared for that. You *expected* that at some point. Maybe not so soon, but at some point.
  4419. >You stop as you notice you've exited Ponyville and find yourself in a small clearing of trees.
  4420. >When were there trees?
  4421. >Did you pass through a forest?
  4422. >You shake your head.
  4423. >That's not important right now.
  4424. >You wander down the clearing towards a particularly grassy hill.
  4425. >Yes, this is a nice spot.
  4426. >Without further ado, you lay down on the hill, staring at the sky, clouds floating overhead.
  4427. >All this wonderful weather and you can't even bring yourself to care.
  4428. >No, the punishment itself doesn't bother you.
  4429. >It's the fact that *context* matters in a court of law.
  4430. >The implications send a shiver down your spine.
  4431. >You have absolutely *no* illusions what a government with that kind of law structure would do in your home-world.
  4432. >There'd be beheadings for insults made to a butcher's wife. Castrations for cat-calls. And gods help you if you did anything resembling a serious crime.
  4433. >On the other hand, you can very well see some people getting off nearly scot-free with *literal* murder if they played their cards right.
  4434. >That is, assuming you use Equestria's implementation.
  4435. >Kill a single person to save the many. Something along those lines.
  4436. >Not that it didn't happen in other ways already, just to be integrated into the very *law* itself?
  4437. >You shudder.
  4438. >In a way, you're actually kind of *glad* you were under a blood-contract with the wizard.
  4439. >That contract kept you safe from castration.
  4440. >You frown, crinkling your nose.
  4441. >You never thought you'd be glad to have been in a blood-contract...
  4442. >Well, you didn't think you would honestly mind all that much when you made the deal.
  4443. >Then again, you didn't know what you were really signing up for...
  4444. >A light breeze passes by, bringing you back to Equestria.
  4445. >Yes, Equestria...
  4446. >Your new 'home'.
  4447. >"Heya, Nonny!" Pinkie says with enthusiasm, poking her head in your view.
  4448. >You close your eyes and breath out a calming breath.
  4449. >Damn this mare and her ability to sneak up on you.
  4450. >She did that shit when you were drinking together and she thought it was the *funniest* thing to scare you enough to fall over.
  4451. >A smile briefly crosses your lips as you open your eyes, staring back into her brilliant blue orbs.
  4452. "H-hey, Pinkie."
  4453. >Your smile wavers.
  4454. >It seems that not even the cuddly pink pony can lift your spirits so easily.
  4455. >Pinkie frowns, plopping her plot down beside you and tilting her head.
  4456. >"Whatcha' doin?"
  4457. >You sigh, looking back at the clouds.
  4458. "Thinking."
  4459. >"What about?" She asks.
  4460. "...things."
  4461. >Yes, let's be as clear as mud to one of the few ponies you actually trust, Anon. That will most certainly go splendidly!
  4462. >"What kind of things?" She prompts, unperturbed.
  4463. >Looking back to Pinkie shows her easy grin on her muzzle.
  4464. >For a brief moment, you smile back and you can see her eyes sparkle in that moment with unrepressed joy.
  4465. >It only lasts a second as the reality of your situation comes crashing down all too soon.
  4466. >Maybe...
  4467. >Maybe you could ask for help?
  4468. >Pinkie hasn't given you any reason to doubt her yet.
  4469. >Maybe she could help you sort this out...
  4470. "Pinkie..." you say, sitting up and facing her fully.
  4471. >Pinkie's grin widens as she looks into your eyes, now level with her own.
  4472. >"Yes?"
  4473. "How are... threats considered in Equestria?"
  4474. >"Hmmm..." Pinkie hums, looking off to the side and tapping her muzzle with a hoof.
  4475. >"I guess it kinda depends, but generally it's a pretty big 'no-no'. Most ponies just get a slap on the hoof for them though, since they usually come up in the heat of the moment." She says, trailing off.
  4476. >You nod, listening intently.
  4477. >"This doesn't happen to be about the whole Lyra thing, does it?" She asks, looking at you with the biggest puppy-dog eyes you've ever seen.
  4478. >Damn this mare.
  4479. >You know for a fact she knows more than she lets on.
  4480. >But she's just so damned cute. You can't even bring yourself to get mad at her.
  4481. >You simply nod with a heavy sigh.
  4482. >Pinkie nods her head, crossing her hooves over her chest as she hums to herself.
  4483. >"Well, how much of it was true?" She asks.
  4484. "I did threaten to summon a demon to torment her personally if she ever tried to drug anyone again and I found out about it."
  4485. >You scratch the back of your head, looking off to the side.
  4486. >"I... uh... well..." She says, fidgeting as she looks off to the side as well.
  4487. >You turn to you and dip your head.
  4488. "That bad, huh?"
  4489. >"Well... yeah. It kinda is." She says, "But don't worry! I'm sure it'll be fine! You're a stallion so they can't do anything *too* horrible as long as you didn't *actually* summon a demon from the abyss and send it after Lyra to torment her in unimaginably cruel and unusual ways, like replacing her toothpaste with a cavity inducing cream or switching the salt with ket!"
  4490. >You blink, taken aback.
  4491. >And here you thought she was the bubbly, innocent type.
  4492. >No, you knew better.
  4493. >She always knows more than she lets on. Most of the time.
  4494. "Well, I didn't actually summon a demon, couldn't even if I wanted to, but a mob formed and Twilight-"
  4495. >"Oh! I heard about that! Applejack told me she rounded up a bunch of ponies to 'set the record straight'." She says, bouncing in place for a moment.
  4496. >How does she do that?
  4497. >Shaking your head, you try to get back on topic.
  4498. "Anyways, Twilight asked me about what I did and I told her the truth. She gave me a punishment, but there's something that *really* bothered me about it."
  4499. >Pinkie frowns, putting her hoof on your shoulder.
  4500. >"Don't worry Nonny, I'm sure you'll get through it fine. I'll be with you the entire way. I promise." She says with a confident smile.
  4501. >You stop for a moment, genuinely touched.
  4502. >Here she is, a pony who herself admitted that what you did was fairly bad in the eyes of society and her first reaction is to reassure you that she isn't going anywhere.
  4503. >You feel a slight pang in your heart for a brief moment.
  4504. >Your face darkens.
  4505. >But that's not really addressing the problem, is it?
  4506. "Pinkie, the punishment isn't the problem."
  4507. >Pinkie scrunches her muzzle.
  4508. >"It isn't?" She asks.
  4509. >You shake your head.
  4510. "No. What bothers me is something I learned about the Equestrian system of law."
  4511. >Pinkie furrows her brow in confusion, motioning for you to go on.
  4512. "Tell me, Pinkie. If a pony does a crime. Let's say they steal some bits off another pony. How badly would they be punished if caught?"
  4513. >"Stallion or mare?" She asks without hesitation.
  4514. "Let's go with mare."
  4515. >Best to go with a control variable.
  4516. >Stallions get preferential treatment here, so it's not the best measure in regards to your culture.
  4517. >"Hmmm... depends. If she was stealing it because she was *suuuper* hungry, they'd probably let her off with a warning and a fine if she did it again. But if she did it out of spite or malice, then she'd face a few weeks to a month of jail time. Double that if she wasn't really sorry about it." She says, humming to herself as she taps her muzzle in contemplation.
  4518. >You furrow your brow.
  4519. "See, that's just the problem."
  4520. >"What is?" She asks, blinking in confusion.
  4521. "Her intent and context behind the act *matters* here."
  4522. >Pinkie raises an eyebrow at you.
  4523. >"Well, yeah. Why wouldn't it? Everypony has the duty to uphold harmony at all times. That's the foundation of being an Equestrian."
  4524. >It really is ingrained into their culture isn't it?
  4525. >Before you go any further, though, you have one last thing you need to confirm.
  4526. "Pinkie, are there any... limits... to how far this can be applied?"
  4527. >Pinkie nods with a smile.
  4528. >"Of course! Most crimes have a range of punishments based on how bad it is and what the pony was thinking. I'm not an expert or anything, but you wouldn't get sent to prison for *too* long if you just stole a hoof-full of bits off a pony in the street."
  4529. "And are there any... exceptions to these limits?"
  4530. >Pinkie hums to herself.
  4531. >"Well, maaaybe if one of the Princesses makes a judgement. Not sure, but I think they can over-ride any ruling made by a judge."
  4532. "Has this ever been abused?"
  4533. >"Pfft." Pinkie 'says', blowing a raspberry and waiving her hoof at you. "The Princesses? Abuse their power? C'mon Nonny, that's just conspiracy theories."
  4534. >You blank.
  4535. >Oh no.
  4536. >It's worse than you thought.
  4537. >Pinkie can't even conceive of her Princesses doing wrong.
  4538. >Your mood darkens.
  4539. >From what you know, the two other main Princesses are even *more* powerful than Twilight.
  4540. >A shiver runs down your spine.
  4541. >How these ponies aren't absolutely terrified of them is truly a testament to either their benevolence or their ability to keep the masses ignorant.
  4542. >Twilight is nice enough, and you haven't detected much malice from her besides the one time you almost burned a book on accident.
  4543. >It gives you hope that the Princesses really are benevolent.
  4544. >But that would be a pretty big assumption. One you're not willing to risk right now.
  4545. >"Hello!? Nonny!? You in there?" Pinkie says, waving a hoof in your face.
  4546. >You blink and shake your head.
  4547. "Yeah, sorry. It's just this is all... so different..."
  4548. >...and disturbing.
  4549. >"Disturbing?" Pinkie asks, tilting her head.
  4550. >Oh shit. You said that out loud didn't you?
  4551. >You hesitate for a moment, looking into Pinkie's bright blue eyes for a moment.
  4552. >Your hesitation melts away with the encouraging smile she gives you.
  4553. >You never really stood a chance of hiding anything from her.
  4554. >You hate to admit it still, but you've definitely grown attached to the impossibly pink mare in front of you.
  4555. "Yeah, disturbing. How do I explain this?" You wonder aloud, glancing up at the sky. "It's like... hmmm..."
  4556. >How do you get the point across here with full effect?
  4557. >You need to set the stage so she gets the stark contrast.
  4558. >This world is pretty similar in a lot of respects, except for...
  4559. >That could work.
  4560. >You might be showing your hand a bit early, but you haven't been silent about it. You *did* tell Twilight and Starlight about it, after all.
  4561. >You nod.
  4562. >It wouldn't hurt anyways.
  4563. "Imagine being in a world where males did the pursuing romantically and did all the heavy chores and ran the country."
  4564. >"Oh oh! Is up down there? Is pink green? Do people like salty things more than sugary things!?" She asks eagerly, bouncing up and down.
  4565. >You chuckle.
  4566. >You didn't think it would get this kind of reaction, but eh, you'll roll with it.
  4567. "No Pinkie. Everything else is the same. Just the gender roles are completely reversed. Mothers are the soft and caring role models while fathers are the tough protectors." You say. "In general, of course."
  4568. >Pinkie scrunches her muzzle.
  4569. >"That's kinda weird... but ok!" She says, a smile on her face.
  4570. >"Is that the kind of world you grew up in, Nonny?" She asks ears perked forward as her mane twitches.
  4571. >How does her mane twitch?
  4572. >You shake your head with a smirk.
  4573. >Clever girl...
  4574. "Yeah. But it sounds silly from your perspective, right?"
  4575. >Pinkie nods.
  4576. >"Yup! Sounds like a *loooot* of things are pretty different then, huh?" Pinkie hums to herself, taping her muzzle once. "So, if mares and stallions have reversed roles in your world, what else is different?"
  4577. >You smile.
  4578. >Say what you want about Pinkie, she's a lot smarter than most of the ponies give her credit for.
  4579. >You've heard a few stallions in the market, when you decide to go out, talk about her.
  4580. >They don't have all that much bad to say about her, everyone seems to love her.
  4581. >But they all seem to think she's *just* the resident party pony.
  4582. >Or at least that's as far as she gets intellectually.
  4583. >Makes you wonder how well all of these ponies really know Pinkie. She seems to know the rest of them pretty well...
  4584. >You're getting distracted again.
  4585. "Well, in my world, intent only matters in a case of murder. And even then, it's only to determine if it was premeditated or in the heat of emotion."
  4586. >Pinkie's eyes widen.
  4587. >"Really!?" She asks, "Then how do you keep ponies from doing things for the wrong reasons!?"
  4588. "That's the thing, Pinkie. We don't criminalize reasons. We criminalize actions. Actions, Pinkie, not thoughts."
  4589. >Pinkie closes her mouth and hums to herself, looking down at the grass between you and tapping her muzzle in thought.
  4590. >Maybe you should say something to hammer it home?
  4591. "Pinkie. I don't know what it's like here entirely, but when I found out that context was a factor in the legal system, I freaked out. Do you know why I would freak out?"
  4592. >Pinkie looks up at you and shakes her head.
  4593. "How do you determine what feelings are real?"
  4594. >"Oh, that's easy, silly. There's magic that can be used to determine if a pony is lying if there's reason to doubt the pony." Pinkie says.
  4595. >You nod.
  4596. >You expected as much.
  4597. "Alright. So you use magic for trials. Now imagine I murdered someone but I felt *really* bad about it. The logical conclusion is that I would get off with a minor punishment, right?"
  4598. >Pinkie hesitates, but nods, chewing her lip.
  4599. "But that doesn't take away the grief of the family of the person I killed, does it? Even if the murder was an accident. I still killed someone. It can't be undone."
  4600. >Pinkie frowns.
  4601. >"I guess you have a point, Nonny. Gosh, I didn't think this could be so hard!" She says flopping her head down into your lap.
  4602. >You laugh, instinctively scratching Pinkie behind the ears.
  4603. >Pinkie sighs and leans into your hands with a smile on her face.
  4604. >Shit, are you treating her like a dog now?
  4605. >No. You might be petting her, but she's clearly enjoying it. Pinkie's smile and wagging tail is all you need to see.
  4606. >Weird. Normally you'd be a bit more touch-shy than this.
  4607. >Damn ponies and breaking through your social barriers.
  4608. >You sigh.
  4609. "So yeah, I'm kind-of upset more about the implications said law structure might have than the actual punishment." You say, looking up at the darkening sky. "Someone could literally get away with murder but then someone else might get punished heavily for a few words. It just seems so... unreal..."
  4610. >"I'm not an expert in law or anything, Balanced Scales is the expert there, BUT!" Pinkie says, sitting up with a grin. "Twilight wouldn't let anypony get away with *murder*. And maaaybe you have a point with this, but you're forgetting that there's limitations silly!"
  4611. >Pinkie boops you on the nose.
  4612. >"Those limitations have been set and reviewed a *buuunch* of time over and over and over and over again by a lot of super smart ponies and the only ponies who can over-ride that are the Princesses." She says with a wide smile.
  4613. >You smile despite yourself.
  4614. >Pinkie just has a way of cheering you up.
  4615. >Even if the glaring hole in all of this is clearly that the Princesses could do whatever they wanted without repercussion.
  4616. >But beings that literally move the sun and moon wouldn't settle for anything less, so you suppose you'll have to take it.
  4617. >You're not exactly happy about your situation, but at least you know there's limitations now.
  4618. >Not much help, but at least you know you couldn't get sentenced to death for a simple threat.
  4619. >Unless you threatened a princess. You'd probably be sentenced to death for that one.
  4620. >But that's the same as your world, so you can live with that one.
  4621. "Hey Pinkie?"
  4622. >"Yeah?"
  4623. "Didn't you have work or something this afternoon?"
  4624. >Pinkie shrugs.
  4625. >"I took a day off." She says, nonchalantly.
  4626. >You shake your head.
  4627. >She must have seen you when you listened in on her and Applejack.
  4628. >Silly mare. Taking days off just to come and try to cheer you up.
  4629. >You lean against her.
  4630. "Wanna get some dinner?"
  4631. >Pinkie's smile widens.
  4632. >"Okie dokie!"
  4634. >Be Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship.
  4635. >It's been a long day.
  4636. >"So, when do you think he'll be back?" Starlight asks, taking a sip of her tea beside you.
  4637. "Honestly? I don't know."
  4638. >You sigh and put down your book.
  4639. >Supreme Justice's Extended Guide to Equestrian Law, to be exact.
  4640. >It was a futile effort.
  4641. >You haven't learned anything new.
  4642. >After Anon had left, you assumed he was just upset over his punishment and needed some time to calm down.
  4643. >It's now past midnight.
  4644. >Anon isn't the type to stay out this late with a workday the next day.
  4645. >Sure, maybe on a Saturday when he doesn't have to work the next day. You vividly remember Strawberry Sunrise walking him home that one morning.
  4646. >But he hasn't just gone unannounced like this and stayed out this late.
  4647. >You started to wonder if you had done something wrong. If maybe you made the wrong call, so you immediately ran to the law section and started scouring for any and all laws dealing with anything that had to do with Anon's situation.
  4648. >You confirmed that what you had done was well within the bounds of the law, even for a normal judge.
  4649. >Princesses had the ability to over-ride the law, but you didn't really want to test those waters *quite* yet.
  4650. >You groan, leaning back in your chair.
  4651. "Why are stallions so complicated?"
  4652. >Starlight chuckles.
  4653. >"What did you *think* would happen when you gave out that punishment?"
  4654. >You sigh, slouching even further into your cushioned chair.
  4655. "I *thought* that he'd be *sorry* about what he did! But he wasn't!"
  4656. >You sit up, puffing out your cheeks indignantly.
  4657. "Seriously! What kind of pony does he think he is!?"
  4658. >"*Maybe* the kind who's from another world?" Starlight asks with a raised eyebrow.
  4659. >You scoff.
  4660. "C'mon Starlight. Anon's a normal pony like any of us."
  4661. >"Well... yes and no..." Starlight says, chewing on her lip.
  4662. >You stop and turn to Starlight.
  4663. "What?"
  4664. >Starlight sighs, and gets up from her chair to stand across from you.
  4665. >"Haven't you ever noticed the... differences that stand out about him?"
  4666. >You raise your eyebrow at her.
  4667. "Yes. Anon is very tall. But so are minotaurs. I don't really see where you're going with this, Starlight."
  4668. >Starlight rolls her eyes and places her tea down.
  4669. >"No, Twilight. I'm talking about his *behavior*."
  4670. >You blink.
  4671. "What about it? He hasn't been anything but polite ever since he first came here. Which is why his reaction to Lyra was so weird..."
  4672. >"Are you really that blind!?" Starlight stomps a hoof.
  4673. >You real your head back in shock.
  4674. >Starlight shakes her head with a sigh.
  4675. >"Sorry, just... how does he act when he's around unicorns?" She asks, rubbing her forehead with a hoof.
  4676. "What do you mean?" You ask, tilting your head to the side.
  4677. >"Don't you think he acts differently with unicorns than other ponies?" Starlight asks.
  4678. >You roll your eyes.
  4679. "Starlight, I *doubt* Anon is a tribalist. I haven't heard him say anything remotely tribalistic."
  4680. >Starlight groans, taking a seat.
  4681. >"Ok, maybe I'm going about this the wrong way. How does he act around *magic*?"
  4682. >You raise an eyebrow at her.
  4683. "He's fine around magic, Starlight. I use magic around him all the time."
  4684. >Starlight sighs and nods.
  4685. >"Ok, have you ever noticed him keeping his distance or maybe waiting for you to drop an item before he takes it from you if you hold it in your magic?"
  4686. >Now that you think of it, he *does* tend to hold out his hand instead of grab items out of mid-air from you.
  4687. >You always thought he was trying to be polite.
  4688. >You grew into the habit of just placing them down next to him lately.
  4689. >You think back to the mirror experiment and how he insisted on being as close to the door as possible.
  4690. >No, that's a reasonable precaution for somepony who can't cast a shield spell.
  4691. >The fact he tried to shield you when the mirrors exploded brings a smile to your face.
  4692. >Though, you seem to recall him calling out your name beforehand...
  4693. "Well, he *does* do what you said about the levitation thing, but I thought he was trying to be polite. The other time I know of was when we were trying to combine his world's magic and our own..."
  4694. >You trail off thinking of your past few weeks with Anon.
  4695. >No, there were more times you've used magic around him, you're sure of it!
  4696. >It just comes so second nature to you that you don't think to record them in your memory.
  4697. "There's also the various other smaller experiments that I did with him and Spike over the past few weeks. He was so funny when he ran away from the light spell! He saw the floating light that follows you around and ran from it like a cat from it's own tail! Of course, the light latched onto him and it was a good few hours before it wore off."
  4698. >You wipe a tear from your face, laughing at the memory.
  4699. "He looked so *scared* of a little light! It was just too much. Look! I even took a photo!"
  4700. >You pull out a photo album and flip to one of the more recent pages.
  4701. >In it depicts Anon running away from the floating light, looking back with a look of terror in his eyes and vaulting over the table. Spike is in the background holding his claws to his face giggling in the corner.
  4702. >Starlight chuckles and shakes her head.
  4703. >"Yeah, that seems about what I'd expect from him."
  4704. >She nods and looks up at you.
  4705. >"Twilight, Anon's afraid of magic *itself*."
  4706. >You raise an eyebrow at her.
  4707. "Starlight, how can *anypony* be afraid of *magic*?"
  4708. >Starlight blinks and looks back at you with a stare.
  4709. "What?"
  4710. >"Did you *seriously* forget that Anon locked himself in his room the first week he was here!?"
  4711. >Your eyes widen in realization, your encounter with Anon when he got out of his room in the forefront of your mind.
  4712. >'Magic is a terrifying power that exacts a great price. To hear that this place that I ended up is *literally* full of more magic and more skilled magic casters than I had ever dreamed of was absolutely *terrifying*.'
  4713. >He called magic 'a terrifying power'...
  4714. >And you employed him to help you with *magic* this whole time without even asking if he was ok with it...
  4715. >He probably does it because he thinks it's a royal command.
  4716. >You slump down and grab your tail, petting it as you rock back and forth.
  4717. "How could I forget that he's afraid of magic? He even told us..."
  4718. >Starlight rushes to your side.
  4719. >You faintly feel her hooves wrap around you but you barely notice.
  4720. >Your whole world is consumed by the ever growing knowledge that you blatantly ignored Anons worst fear being shoved in his face this whole time.
  4721. >By *you* no less...
  4722. >No *wonder* he doesn't have any unicorn friends.
  4723. >You thought it a bit odd at first, but you shrugged it off.
  4724. >And then Lyra drugged him with a *magical* drug...
  4725. >You're amazed he even made it this far without collapsing from fright...
  4727. >Be Anon.
  4728. >You're cuddled up with Pinkie at the park, looking at the stars.
  4729. >You really didn't want to go back to the castle quite yet, and Pinkie was more than willing to spend a bit of extra time with you.
  4730. >You yawn, and look over at Pinkie's droopy eyes.
  4731. >You smirk.
  4732. >She didn't have to stay with you, but she insisted anyways.
  4733. >You rub her side with a hand and give her a light pat.
  4734. "I think it's about time we both head back. I think everything's settled enough for me to interact with ponies again."
  4735. >Pinkie yawns, looking up at you with sleepy eyes.
  4736. >"Okie dokie, Nonny. I'll walk you home."
  4737. >You shake your head.
  4738. "Pinkie you don't need to do that."
  4739. >"But I *want* to, silly!" Pinkie says with a grin.
  4740. >You sigh, ruffling her mane.
  4741. "Alright."
  4742. >You get up and stretch, looking at the sky.
  4743. >Huh.
  4744. >Must be around two or three in the morning with the position of the moon.
  4745. >Waking up is going to be hell.
  4746. >The walk back to the castle is relatively uneventful.
  4747. >Pinkie trots closely beside you, humming a tune to herself, swinging her hips side to side with the beat.
  4748. >You chuckle.
  4749. >Even when things are calm, this pony always has something going on.
  4750. >You find yourself watching those hips sway back and forth as you walk, entranced by the hypnotic nature of their movement.
  4751. >Her flanks bouncing along with each swing of her hips.
  4752. >You don't even notice that you've been staring until you're stopped in front of the castle and Pinkie's eyeing you with a cheshire grin on her face.
  4753. >"See something you like?" She asks, waggling her eyebrows at you.
  4754. >You shake your head, heat rising to your cheeks.
  4755. >You must be *really* tired.
  4756. >You can't believe you just zoned out like that, staring at her ass.
  4757. "Sorry! Sorry, I just- uh..." You sigh, "I guess I'm kinda tired. Sorry about that, Pinkie. I didn't mean-"
  4758. >"It's ok!" Pinkie says, jumping up and placing her hooves on your shoulders to keep herself upright, forcing your gaze into her brilliant blue orbs.
  4759. >"You don't have to apologize, Nonny. I like your butt too." She says with a grin.
  4760. "Wha-"
  4761. >You don't have time to properly respond before Pinkie embraces you in a tight hug and disappears into the night.
  4762. >You stare at her retreating form.
  4763. >Is she running away with an extra sway in her hips than usual?
  4764. >...
  4765. >Well... that just happened...
  4766. >You file that away in the 'deal with later' bucket in your mind and turn back to the castle doors.
  4767. >Taking a deep calming breath, you open them, ready to get some rest and confront Twilight in the morning.
  4768. >You take a few steps in when you see a flash of light and are assaulted by a purple mass hugging your leg.
  4769. >Confused, you look down and find that said purple mass has wings and a horn.
  4770. >Twilight is grabbing your leg and crying, mumbling nonsensical words as she grips you harder.
  4771. "What in the nine hells happened here while I was gone?"
  4772. >Why does everything always have to happen all at once?
  4773. >"Sorry, she's had a... revelation of sorts..." Starlight says, slowly walking your way with a slightly worried look for her friend.
  4774. >Oh shit.
  4775. >She didn't notice the burn mark on the encyclopedia did she?
  4776. >You swore you placed that one in the far back so she wouldn't see it.
  4777. >This pony gets *emotional* about her books.
  4778. >You raise your hands placatingly to the crying pony.
  4779. "Look, Twilight, I'm sorr-"
  4780. >"I'm so sorry, Anon. So... so sorry..." Twilight manages between sniffles.
  4781. >What?
  4782. "What?"
  4783. >Twilight releases your leg and wipes her tears with a hoof.
  4784. >She looks up to you with teary eyes.
  4785. >"Can you ever forgive me, Anon?"
  4786. "Uh, what am I forgiving you for, exactly?"
  4787. >You thought this was about the book.
  4788. >This can't be about the book because she'd be either sad and morning it's loss or angry at you for damaging it.
  4789. >No, somehow Twilight seems to think she did something very wrong to you.
  4790. >Is she regretting her decision to punish you?
  4791. "Look, if this is about-"
  4792. >Twilight shakes her head.
  4793. >"Anon, I conscripted you into serving me and aiding me with my magical studies without giving a thought to your own thoughts or feelings on the matter. It took Starlight to remind me of how you're actually *terrified* of magic..." She says, looking down at the ground with her ears splayed back.
  4794. >Oh.
  4795. >This is... unexpected.
  4796. >Since when does royalty ever regret their decisions?
  4797. >Or at least admits it to others.
  4798. "Well, I mean. You're a princess so you have the right to-"
  4799. >"No! No I don't!" Twilight barks, looking up at you with tears in her eyes.
  4800. >"I don't have the right to do whatever I want! I'm still learning how to be a princess, but that's no excuse for what I've done. I've done something terrible to you, Anon. And... I'm sorry."
  4801. >You stare at her for a few long minutes.
  4802. >You haven't really thought about this in a while.
  4803. >You just accepted that working for a new magic-caster was the price to pay for housing and shelter.
  4804. >Did you have plans to get out and do something else eventually? Absolutely.
  4805. >But Twilight proved herself to be, while enthusiastic, *much* better to work for than the old crazy wizard who you used to work for.
  4806. >You guess you just stopped questioning it at some point. It was, oddly enough, one of the few things that was the same across worlds.
  4807. >Work for a powerful magic-caster in their tower/castle.
  4808. >The only difference was this one was vastly more friendly and had others living with her that weren't demon servants or bound creatures.
  4809. >Oh, and you didn't have to feed the creatures that could tear you limb from limb.
  4810. >That was always a good bonus.
  4811. >You shake your head with a sigh.
  4812. "Twilight, I forgive you."
  4813. >Twilight wipes her eyes with a sniffle.
  4814. >"R-really?" She says, "Even after- after all the things I put you through?"
  4815. >You chuckle and kneel down to put your head level with hers, placing a hand on her shoulder.
  4816. "Twilight, you've been the best boss I've ever had. The working conditions here are a *vast* improvement over my old job. Even when you sicked that demonic orb after me."
  4817. >"Demonic?" Starlight mutters in the distance.
  4818. >Twilight's ears pull back.
  4819. >"That's not really saying much, considering what you came out of, though..."
  4820. >You nod.
  4821. "You're right. And I'll admit. I was skeptical of you at first."
  4822. >Twilight looks down at the floor, her wings ruffling.
  4823. "You proved yourself to be trustworthy, though. Even if we've only known each other for barely a month or so now."
  4824. >Twilight looks up, her eyes glistening.
  4825. >You smile.
  4826. "You know what else? *Just* before you came in my room this morning, I finally decided something."
  4827. >Twilight's slowly growing smile droops, turning into a sad frown.
  4828. >"What's that?" She asks quietly.
  4829. "That despite your constant breaking of my sanity, you're my friend."
  4830. >Twilight's ears perk straight up and a small smile graces her muzzle.
  4831. "I mean, you *did* go out and get a mob off my back without knowing anything about the situation. I'm pretty sure that puts you firmly in 'friend' territory."
  4832. >Twilight squees and tackle-hugs you to the ground.
  4833. >"Thank you thank you thank you thank you..."
  4834. >You roll your eyes and hug her back.
  4835. >Silly ponies and their constant need for physical affection.
  4836. >After a few moments comforting your newly christened friend, Twilight pulls back with teary eyes.
  4837. >"I can't thank you enough, Anon. I- I *really* messed up and I want to make it up to you."
  4838. >You smirk.
  4839. >This just got a *lot* easier than you thought it would be.
  4840. "Well, good. It turns out that there's a way that you *can* make it up to me."
  4841. >Twilight perks up, wiping the tears from her eyes.
  4842. >"Anything!"
  4843. >Your smile drops and you look at her with a sober gaze.
  4844. "We need to talk about Applejack."
  4846. >The sun shines down and a nice breeze passes you by as you stand with Twilight in front of the gathered ponies.
  4847. >You glance to your right and wave at your friends with a smile.
  4848. >When they heard what you planned on doing, they all volunteered to show up to offer moral support.
  4849. >Strawberry, Pinkie, Cherry, and Lucky are all standing off to the side together smiling and waving back.
  4850. >Strawberry and Pinkie seem pretty close together.
  4851. >Were they this close before?
  4852. >You know they warmed up to each other during that night they stayed over at the castle.
  4853. >They always seemed friendly before, but now they seem to get along much better.
  4854. >Maybe that 'magic of friendship' thing Twilight likes to talk about is real here...
  4855. >"You ready, Anon?"
  4856. >You turn and nod to Twilight.
  4857. "Are you?"
  4858. >Twilight sighs, shuffling her wings.
  4859. >"I never thought I'd have to do this..."
  4860. >You raise an eyebrow at her.
  4861. >Twilight rolls her eyes and nods.
  4862. >"Yes, I'm ready. Despite being a personal friend, I'm a princess and I can't show favorites."
  4863. >You nod.
  4864. >Good.
  4865. >It seems like she's on board.
  4866. >You were afraid that even with everything the way it is, that she would back out.
  4867. >You have a backup plan, but you *really* hope you don't have to go through with it.
  4868. >You turn to the gathered crowd and spot Lyra in the center-left with a cream colored earth-pony mare with a swirling pink and blue mane.
  4869. >It looks like she hasn't spotted you yet.
  4870. >Good.
  4871. >Hopefully you can end everything today and get on with more important things.
  4872. >Like finalizing a plan to get out from Twilight's castle...
  4873. >She's nice and a friend, but you don't want to work as her assistant any longer than you need to.
  4874. >You and Twilight had a heart-to-heart the morning after where you agreed that you would keep working for now until you could find something out in town.
  4875. >Twilight offered room and board for free at first.
  4876. >You refused.
  4877. >To say she was shocked would be an understatement.
  4878. >Call it stubborn pride or whatever else, you just couldn't bring yourself to live somewhere for free.
  4879. >Especially when you'd be taking advantage of one of the few friends you have.
  4880. >"Alright everypony, settle down!" The brown earth pony with a gray mane says, banging a gavel on the podium.
  4881. >"I've called this meeting today on behalf of our very own Princess Twilight Sparkle. I won't bore you with lengthy introductions, so here she is!" She says, turning to you and Twilight with a smile.
  4882. >Twilight gives you a brief nod and walks up the steps to the podium, replacing Mayor Mare.
  4883. >"Hello, everypony. I'm sure you're wondering why you're all gathered here, so I'll try and keep it short." Twilight says, levitating some notes in front of her.
  4884. >You hear a groan from the crowd.
  4885. >Taking a peak, you see the cyan pegasus with rainbow hair with her hoof on her forehead.
  4886. >You smirk.
  4887. >You've heard about this one from both Twilight and Pinkie. Rainbow Dash.
  4888. >Seems she's well aware of Twilight's tendency to ramble in lecture mode.
  4889. >"I *do* have something to say. But *first* Anon, our resident human, has something he'd like to say."
  4890. >Twilight looks over to you and you walk up the steps to the podium.
  4891. >Your hands are shaking.
  4892. >Were you always this nervous?
  4893. >You look out at the crowd and hold your hands together in a futile attempt to calm your nerves.
  4894. >Twilight gives you a reassuring pat on your leg as she takes a few steps back.
  4895. >You scan the crowd and identify your target.
  4896. "Lyra."
  4897. >Lyra's eyes go wide and she stiffens, all eyes turning towards her.
  4898. "Lyra, I'm sorry for threatening you. All you were trying to do was apologize to me and I turned that in your face and made you afraid that I would summon a demon to torment you."
  4899. >The crowd is mixed between approving nods and squinting eyes of suspicion aimed towards you.
  4900. "I had my reasons for doing so, but it doesn't make it right. Two wrongs don't make a right and I'm sorry. I don't expect you to accept it or even forgive me, but there it is. I'm sorry."
  4901. >Lyra is standing there, frozen. Her mouth agape.
  4902. >The mare beside her is rubbing her back and glancing at you with an uneasy expression.
  4903. >The crowd seems a bit more favorable towards you now, but you can see a few upset ponies in the crowd still. Applejack chief among them.
  4904. >A few moments go by and you sigh.
  4905. >Well, you did say you didn't expect anything from her. Though, you did sort of expect *some* kind of reaction. Not this strange staring contest.
  4906. >You shrug and turn to walk back down the steps, done with your part of the deal.
  4907. >"Wait!"
  4908. >You stop and turn back to the voice.
  4909. >Lyra's voice.
  4910. >She steps forward, pushing through the crowd to the front.
  4911. >"Do you really mean that?"
  4912. >You nod.
  4913. "I do. What you did was absolutely irredeemable, but it doesn't make my actions any better. I shouldn't have done what I did."
  4914. >Lyra's ears splay back and she looks to the ground before looking up at you again with puppy-dog eyes.
  4915. >Damnit, she's going to ask if you can be friends, isn't she?
  4916. >"C-can we start over?"
  4917. >You raise your eyebrow at the mare.
  4918. >Well, she didn't ask to be friends at least...
  4919. >Sighing, you hang your head.
  4920. >Mother fucker.
  4921. >If this bites you in the ass later, you're going to shove it in Twilight's face *hard*.
  4922. "Sure. Don't expect me knocking on your door anytime soon, though. I *am* sorry, but I don't forget easily."
  4923. >Lyra gulps and nods, holding out her hoof with a tentative smile.
  4924. >You roll your eyes and shake it.
  4925. >The entire crowd stomps the ground with their hooves.
  4926. >You even hear some hooping and hollering.
  4927. >You smirk, glancing over to Pinkie who's throwing a one-mare cheering squad for you.
  4928. >Strawberry chuckles at her antics and turns to you with a wide smile on her face.
  4929. >You smile back, your heart feeling just a little better knowing that those two approve.
  4930. >Though, the way Strawberry is looking at Lyra, it looks like you won't have to deal out any threats yourself anymore.
  4931. >You chuckle and make your way to the side-lines, rejoining your friends.
  4932. >"Good job out there." Lucky says with a nod.
  4933. >"You're an example to stallions everywhere, Anon." Cherry says with an approving grin.
  4934. >You roll your eyes.
  4935. "I *highly* doubt it's that big of a deal, Cherry."
  4936. >"On the contrary, Anon. Most stallions wouldn't even *consider* starting fresh with a mare like that." Cherry retorts.
  4937. >"YAAY! NONNY'S GONNA BE FRIENDS WITH LYRA!!!" Pinkie shouts as she glomps you.
  4938. "Oof."
  4939. >You move one foot back, catching her in mid-air as she attaches herself to you.
  4940. >Damn this excitable mare.
  4941. >Strawberry brushes up against your leg.
  4942. >"Don't worry about a thing, Anon. I'll make sure *nothing* happens to you from now on."
  4943. >You chuckle.
  4944. "Don't kill her, Strawberry. Or if you do, at least bury the body in the Everfree."
  4945. >Strawberry looks up at you with a cocky grin.
  4946. >"No promises."
  4947. >During this time, Pinkie has successfully maneuvered her way to your back, looking out from behind you.
  4948. >"Oooh! Is this how you see everypony everyday? It's so high up!" She says with excitement, "Hello down there!"
  4949. >"Pinkie, get down from there! Twilight's about to speak!" Strawberry admonishes.
  4950. >"Okie dokie loki!" Pinkie says, jumping down from your back and taking her place at your other side.
  4951. >You look back up at Twilight.
  4952. >Twilight retakes the podium and clears her throat.
  4953. >"As you all know, Anon came from another world. Anon has adapted much better than anypony I've known to a completely alien situation. Some of this situation could have been avoided if we took the time to sit down and air our concerns with each other and come to an understanding of what, how, and why we do the things we do. I'm no exception. I learned a valuable lesson through this as well, and I would like to invite everypony to first try to talk to Anon either directly or with a pony they trust to resolve any conflicts *before* gathering up in a crowd and demanding answers from him."
  4954. >The crowd nods, several sheepish expressions glancing your way.
  4955. >"Let's use this opportunity to strengthen the bonds of our friendships and create new ones." Twilight says with a smile.
  4956. >The crowd cheers for her as she leaves the stage, Mayor Mare retaking the podium.
  4957. >"So, how was it?" She asks, approaching you.
  4958. >You nod.
  4959. "Pretty good. Should hopefully head off any future pony mobs, or at least make them think twice about it."
  4960. >Twilight rolls her eyes.
  4961. >"I still think it was a bit much, but let's get going. Applejack and the others are bound to be on their way to the castle now."
  4962. >You nod.
  4963. >One last piece of business to take care of.
  4964. >You follow Twilight back to the castle with your friends, who refused to go away for some reason, to find Applejack in the throne room with the rest of the elements of harmony.
  4965. >Twilight smiles at each of them.
  4966. >"Thank you for joining us, everypony. If you'll take a seat we can get started."
  4967. >You stop to stand at the end of the large magical map table, the artifact itself inert at this time.
  4968. >Pinkie gives you a quick hug.
  4969. >"It'll be fine. Promise!" She says before bouncing over to her own seat.
  4970. >Cherry and Lucky take up the right side where Pinkie vacated and Strawberry stands firmly on your left.
  4971. >You tighten your jaw in anticipation.
  4972. >This is it.
  4973. >"So, mind telling us what the hay we're doing here, Twilight?" Rainbow Dash asks, leaning back in her chair.
  4974. >"Yes, I too would like to know what is going on, Darling." Rarity says, "The only thing I received was a message saying to come to the throne room after the public meeting today."
  4975. >"And ah' don't understand why *he's* here." Applejack hisses, pointing an accusing hoof at you.
  4976. >"Applejack, please!" Rarity says, "The stallion *just* poured his heart out in public. The *least* you could do is be a mare and suck up your own grievances for a few minutes until we find out what's going on!"
  4977. >Applejack huffs, crossing her hooves across her chest.
  4978. >"Yes, well." Twilight says, clearing her throat. "I'm sure everypony is curious as to why I gathered you all here to day."
  4979. >Murmurs and nods from the elements, bar Pinkie Pie.
  4980. >"Well, I've called you here to address Applejack's behavior towards Anon."
  4981. >"Wait just a stinkin' minute!" Applejack shouts, slamming a hoof down on the table. "You mean to tell me that you brought *all* of us here just to deal with *him*!?"
  4982. >"While I hate to agree, Applejack does have a point dear." Rarity says, looking up at Twilight. "It just doesn't seem necessary to bring everypony here just to deal with a simple quarrel."
  4983. >Twilight's ears fold back as she looks down for a moment, chewing on her lip.
  4984. >Don't back down Twilight.
  4985. >Don't do it.
  4986. >Your hand finds it's way to Strawberry's back as she presses into your leg.
  4987. >The simple act sends a wave of relief through you. Just enough to relax your muscles slightly.
  4988. >You tighten your grip on Strawberry as you try to assure yourself that everything will be fine.
  4989. >After a few agonizing moments, Twilight looks up, her muzzle set in a tight frown as she looks at the elements.
  4990. >"No, it's not unnecessary. It's *because* it's necessary that I asked you all here. You're to act as witnesses on Applejack's behalf."
  4991. >"What!?" Applejack shouts, slamming her other hoof firmly on the table.
  4992. >Twilight doesn't hesitate as she continues, turning her stony gaze upon Applejack.
  4993. >"Applejack, as a Princess, it is my duty to ensure the safety of everypony and non-pony in Equestria. I understand the situation with how Anon arrived and allowed it to slide because of the unusual circumstances..." Twilight says, all eyes on her. "But your continued behavior towards Anon has been nothing short of outright hostile."
  4994. >"Ah' don't see what-"
  4995. >"Your recent decision to gather the townsponies together and storm the castle demanding answers placed Anon in the position where he felt threatened with real and tangible danger to his personal safety. *That* is why I, Princess Twilight Sparkle, do hereby sentence you to community service alongside Anon so that you may hopefully reconcile your differences with one another." Twilight says, narrowing her eyes. "At the end, I expect a full apology from you to Anon."
  4996. >Your eyes widen as your hold on Strawberry tightens a bit.
  4997. >She just...
  4998. >She just sentenced you and Applejack to community service together.
  4999. >Oh, there isn't ANY WAY this could go HORRIBLY wrong, is there!?
  5000. >You grit your teeth as you square your gaze firmly on the purple princess.
  5001. >Twilight matches her gaze with yours, not relenting in the slightest.
  5002. >She knows *exactly* what she just did.
  5003. >You feel a wing rubbing your back.
  5004. >You glance down and relax a bit seeing Strawberry's reassuring smile.
  5005. >You sigh.
  5006. >You can probably get someone to at least watch over you to make sure your head doesn't end up collapsed.
  5007. >It's a few weeks and then it's all over.
  5008. >Nothing compared to what you've been through already.
  5009. >You nod to yourself and look back up at Twilight, only to see the elements in dissaray.
  5010. >You blink.
  5011. >How long were you out?
  5012. >The elements are arguing with each other, while Pinkie just sits back and giggles.
  5013. >You turn to her and raise an eyebrow.
  5014. >She just looks at you and shrugs with a knowing grin.
  5015. >Seems she expected this.
  5016. >"ENOUGH!" Twilight shouts, bringing the elements to a stop. "If you want to know details on how Anon felt, you should ask *him*!"
  5017. >You turn your confused gaze to Twilight, who just motions for you to explain.
  5018. >You shrug with a sigh.
  5019. >These ponies and their feelings.
  5020. "What do you want to know?"
  5021. >"Ah' want to know how in Equestria you thought a bunch of ponies were gonna cause you harm!" Applejack shouts, boring into you.
  5022. >You laugh.
  5023. >Applejack pulls back, clearly not expecting that reaction.
  5024. >You laugh some more.
  5025. >They *seriously* don't understand?
  5026. "Because where I'm from, a mob like that isn't going to just 'talk it out'. They'd be after something a bit more..."
  5027. >"And what might that be, Dearie?" Rarity interjects, a hoof across her chest.
  5028. >You turn your gaze to her and your laughter ceases, your mouth forming a tight line across your face.
  5029. "Something of this scale? They'd probably tar and feather me."
  5030. >You hear gasps from the gathered ponies, some of them recoiling.
  5031. >You see the yellow one fall off her chair to the side.
  5032. >"No way!" Rainbow Dash interjects. "There's no way you're telling the truth! Nopony's *that* heartless. Not even *Tirek* was *that* bad."
  5033. >You raise an eyebrow at the mare.
  5034. "Besides the fact I come from another world, if you want, Twilight can cast a truth spell on me and I'll say it again."
  5035. >"Do it, Twi." Applejack demands, staring intently at you.
  5036. >Twilight looks to you and you respond with a nod.
  5037. >Her horn glows and a translucent sphere surrounds you.
  5038. >You raise an eyebrow at her and she nods back to you.
  5039. "In my world," you say, turning back to the other elements, "a mob of people storming a castle in search of someone is very likely to tar and feather someone unless the guard stops them."
  5040. >A green glow surrounds you, the ponies all looking at you in shock.
  5041. >Even your friends are looking at you with concerned expressions, worry clear on their muzzles.
  5042. >You feel Strawberry's wing on your back once more, bringing a slight smile to your face as you look down and rub her back to assure her that everything is fine.
  5043. >Her frown tightens into a straight line as she looks into your eyes.
  5044. >She doesn't look like she likes the idea, but at least she's not freaking out about it.
  5045. >"No way..." Rainbow Dash says, slumping down into her chair, mouth agape.
  5046. >"You poor thing..." Rarity says with a hoof over her mouth.
  5047. >The yellow one seems to be out for the count under the table.
  5048. >You turn to Pinkie who is no longer in her chair.
  5049. >Where did she-
  5050. >Oof!
  5051. >You reach out and hold Pinkie close to you, rubbing her back as she latches onto your frame, her pink poofy hair tickling your nose.
  5052. >You chuckle.
  5053. >Silly mare, aren't you supposed to be the 'strong' one in this crazy reversed gender role world? Here you are being a softie...
  5054. >Cherry and Lucky are nearly in tears as they look up at you.
  5055. >You roll your eyes at them.
  5056. >Why are these ponies being so melodramatic?
  5057. >Twilight's face shows a hint of concern, but she doesn't seem surprised.
  5058. >You did tell her all about it, after all.
  5059. >It's part of why she agreed to the punishment.
  5060. >You finally turn your gaze to Applejack.
  5061. >She's looking at you with an unsure expression, her hooves fidgeting on the table.
  5062. >She looks down and asks, "So, when do I start?"
  5063. >Twilight looks over at her, "You will both start on Monday. Be here at six in the morning and we'll go over the details then."
  5064. >Applejack nods, pulling her hat over her face and walking out of the room.
  5065. >You raise an eyebrow at Twilight who's looking at Applejack with concern.
  5066. >The room stays silent for some time before everyone slowly makes their way out, each pony giving you a look as they exit.
  5067. >They all seemed to want to say something but couldn't find the words.
  5068. >It took a long time for you to get Pinkie off of you, but eventually she jumped off with a smile on her face and promised to come see you soon.
  5069. >Strawberry hugged you and said she'd be by as well.
  5070. >Even Lucky and Cherry gave you a few heart-felt hugs as they left, demanding you go out with them on stallion's night Friday.
  5071. >Well, that's... not exactly how you thought it would go...
  5072. >You frown.
  5073. >While you appreciate the compliance, you can't help but feel like you didn't like how it ended.
  5074. >You weren't out for pity. You just wanted to set things right and bring some justice to the whole ordeal.
  5075. >Actions should have consequences. That was your pitch to Twilight.
  5076. >Clearly, you underestimated how deeply the ponies would be moved by this...
  5077. >You turn to Twilight, who looks back at you with an exhausted look.
  5078. "I still think you went easy on her."
  5079. >Twilight sighs, turning her head to the door.
  5080. >"If I know Applejack, this hit her harder than she'll admit. Trust me, Anon. She got the message, loud and clear."
  5081. >You grunt.
  5082. "If you say so."
  5083. >"If she doesn't, then I'll consider something more drastic. Until then, trust me?" She asks, looking up at you with a weary smile.
  5084. >You nod back at her, looking towards the door yourself.
  5085. "Only because I consider you a friend."
  5086. >You see Twilight smile out of the corner of your eye.
  5087. >This must have took a lot out of her.
  5088. >You convinced her to put her princess duties above her personal feelings.
  5089. >It was the right thing to do, but it can't have been easy on her.
  5090. >You're really glad Twilight's reasonable. You can only imagine what would happen if you had to go with your backup plan...
  5092. >You had been reading in your room when Spike came up and told you Strawberry was here.
  5093. >You look down at yourself and brush yourself off.
  5094. >You're in your work clothes, but no scorch marks so you should be fine.
  5095. >You're a step up on most ponies anyways.
  5096. >They're usually naked, so to them you must appear to be rather odd to wear clothes all day everyday.
  5097. >Well, the ones that don't know *why* of course.
  5098. >Most ponies only wear clothes for special occasions.
  5099. >...
  5100. >Wait, why were you concerned about that again?
  5101. >Shaking your head, you decide to worry about that later.
  5102. >You don't want to keep your friend waiting after all.
  5103. >You reach the bottom of the stairs to see Strawberry standing to the side of the lobby, looking at a crystal potted plant, a light red and white flower carefully placed in the side of her mane.
  5104. >You smile and walk up to her.
  5105. "Hey, Strawberry. How are you?"
  5106. >Strawberry swivels her ears and turns to you.
  5107. >"I'm good, Anon." She says, looking at you with a smile. "How are you?"
  5108. >You shrug.
  5109. "I'm fine. Nothing much happened the past few days, but I've been keeping a low profile the past few days just in case. I *really* don't want to test my luck right now."
  5110. >Strawberry chuckles.
  5111. >"I don't blame you." She says, nodding. "I wouldn't be biting at the bit to interact with too many ponies if I were in your position. Way too much attention on you at once."
  5112. >You chuckle.
  5113. "Yeah, you could say that. So, what brings you around? Not that I mind, by the way."
  5114. >Smooth Anon, real smooth.
  5115. >"Oh! I brought you some strawberries! I noticed you hadn't been by in a while so I thought that I'd deliver them to you in person..." She says, reaching back and hoofing you some strawberries from her back.
  5116. >How did you miss that?
  5117. >You take the strawberries from her and smile.
  5118. "Thanks. I've been meaning to go visit you for these but I haven't gone out yet. Let me just put these away for now and I'll get you your bits."
  5119. >"Oh, don't worry about that." Strawberry says, brushing a hoof over her chest, fluffing up the fur there a bit. "It's a gift."
  5120. "Oh, cool. Thanks." You say, bending down and giving her a brief hug. "I love these things. I'll just put them in the fridge for now."
  5121. >Strawberry nods with a wide grin.
  5122. >When you return, you find she's walking around in circles, muttering to herself.
  5123. "So! Any other plans for tonight or did you come all the way here just to deliver some strawberries?"
  5124. >You smirk as she looks up at you with a cocky grin.
  5125. >She can't hide her left front-hoof making circles in the ground, but she's looking at you directly in your eyes.
  5126. >"Actually, I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me tonight? I'd like to show you something nice."
  5127. >She stares at you as you hum to yourself, fidgeting slightly.
  5128. "I don't know... I had a full night of reading booked. I'm not sure I have time..."
  5129. >Strawberry rolls her eyes at you, huffing at your comment.
  5130. "But for you, I guess I can make some time." You say with a smile.
  5131. >Her grin widens as she flutters her wings a bit.
  5132. >"Great! C'mon! Let's go!" She says, grabbing your sleeve with her teeth and leading you out the door.
  5133. >You chuckle.
  5134. >*Something* has gotten this pony excited.
  5135. >You follow her as she eventually lets go of your sleeve and steps forward just enough to lead the way while staying close to you, a happy smile on her face and her tail waving side to side with her supple hips.
  5136. >You slap yourself and force your attention on her muzzle again.
  5137. >What is with you and ogling your friends asses lately?
  5138. >Before you can answer this deep philosophical question, you find yourself being led through a set of doors on a side-building that passed your notice before.
  5139. "Where are we?"
  5140. >Strawberry giggles and looks back over her shoulder at you.
  5141. >"You'll see."
  5142. >You follow her down the hallway, past a few ponies with hats, to a wide open room with paintings and sculptures set up all around the room.
  5143. "Wow. I didn't know Ponyville had an art gallery."
  5144. >You take a few moments to take in the sight of various ponies walking around with drinks in their hooves and looking at the various paintings, muttering to each other.
  5145. >Strawberry smiles.
  5146. >"Well, they only happen once a month or so. And it *might* be a secret vice of mine to come to these. Usually, Luckette tries to make it or I make it out to Manehattan and we go visit some there, but she wasn't able to come this time. And, well, since you already know about my hobby..." She trails off, looking at you with a sheepish grin.
  5147. >You reach out and scratch the back of her right ear as you hold her head facing you.
  5148. >You smile as she leans into your hand.
  5149. >She's so adorable right now, her tail's even twitching.
  5150. "Thanks, Strawberry."
  5151. >You remove your hand, leaving the light yellow pony in a daze for a moment before she snaps back to attention.
  5152. >A hint of red shows up on Strawberry's cheeks as she coughs into a hoof.
  5153. >"Right. Well, shall we?" She asks.
  5154. >You nod.
  5155. "Lead the way."
  5156. >Regaining her composure, Strawberry puffs out her chest and leads you to the first exhibit.
  5157. >You shake your head at her antics, but follow her confident stride.
  5158. >The first exhibit is a painting of a dark night sky with a light-blue alicorn rising up into the sky with her horn glowing.
  5159. >Huh.
  5160. >The only alicorn you've seen is Twilight so this must be one of the others you've heard about.
  5161. >Given the context...
  5162. "Is this Princess Luna?"
  5163. >Strawberry nods.
  5164. >"Yup. That's Princess Luna." She turns to you, her head tilted to the side slightly. "Haven't you seen pictures of her?"
  5165. >You shake your head.
  5166. "I've heard about her and read about her, but the old texts that I read didn't have many pictures. Since they weren't photographs, I wasn't sure how accurate some of them were." You say, scratching your chin. "Still freaks me out that she can move *the moon* on her own, though."
  5167. >Strawberry chuckles and bumps your leg with her hips.
  5168. >"Don't worry. Only Princess Luna and Princess Celestia can do that kind of stuff."
  5169. >You snort.
  5170. "Not sure about that. I've seen the things that Twilight can do. It's... disturbing to say the least."
  5171. >Strawberry unfolds a wing and drapes it across your back.
  5172. >You feel the warmth from her wing seep into your back, bringing a small smile to your face
  5173. >"Don't worry. I won't let anypony do anything to you. You're safe with me."
  5174. >You place a hand on her back and dig your fingers in, scratching her softly between her shoulder blades.
  5175. >Strawberry's muzzle forms a dopey smile as you gently massage her.
  5176. "I know. And thank you. If it weren't for you, Pinkie, and the guys, I think I might have gone crazy by now. Gods know I've been sitting on the edge a few times already."
  5177. >Not that she could really do anything if an alicorn decided to do something to you, but the gesture was enough.
  5178. >You feel a bit warmer and safer with her by your side, knowing that she won't allow something *too* terrible to happen.
  5179. >After all, sometimes all you need is a good character reference given the right situation...
  5180. >The two of you move on after a few moments of comfortable silence, enjoying each other's presence as you look at the painting.
  5181. >You're still unsure of whether the twin matriarchs are just masterful manipulators or they actually move the sun and moon, but either way, you don't want to end up on the receiving end of anything that even comes close to that level of magic.
  5182. >And if Twilight is any indication, they might just be that powerful.
  5183. "So, what's with the flower by the way? I don't think I've seen you with something in your hair like that before."
  5184. >Strawberry blushes as you stop at the next painting, an abstract piece, and looks at the painting while she responds to you.
  5185. >"I just... saw it and thought it'd be nice."
  5186. >You smirk and give her an extra scratch between her shoulder blades.
  5187. "Well it looks nice on you. Really compliments your colors."
  5188. >"T-thanks." She says, glancing at you before turning her attention back to the painting.
  5189. >You turn your attention off the now reddish-yellow mare and onto the painting.
  5190. "I never did understand these."
  5191. >Strawberry chuckles.
  5192. >"Me neither. And I *like* art."
  5193. >You join her laughter.
  5194. >Something off to the side catches your eye and you give her a light pat on her back.
  5195. "Hey, let's go check that one out."
  5196. >You nod towards a particular painting on a side-wall.
  5197. >Strawberry nods and the two of you make your way over.
  5198. >The painting shows a lot of bright yellow and orange hues, depicting a sunrise over a grassy hill with some white flowers on it.
  5199. "Reminds me of that one really nice painting you have in your house. The one with a sunset over a strawberry orchard." You say, your eyes roaming over it idly. "I it's nice, but I still like yours a bit better."
  5200. >Strawberry smirks, looking up at you with a side-ways glance.
  5201. >"Now you're just trying to flatter me."
  5202. >You snort and boop her on her snout, eliciting an adorable scrunch.
  5203. "Maybe. Or maybe I just like yours better." You smirk. "It's not like I'm some kind of art connoisseur. I just like what I like."
  5204. >Strawberry rubs her nose and looks up at you.
  5205. >"Really?"
  5206. >You shrug.
  5207. "Yeah, really. Honestly, I think you could probably showcase your stuff here if you wanted. You might not be famous but you have some quality work sitting around. I might have been drunk that night but I still remember most of what happened."
  5208. >Strawberry chuckles.
  5209. >"That's more than most stallions can say. You sure do hold your liquor better than any other stallion I've met."
  5210. "That's because I'm not like most stallions, now am I?" You ask with a cheeky smile.
  5211. >"No, I guess you're not..." She says, looking back to the painting with a soft smile.
  5212. >The night progresses and you finally leave the exhibition with a satisfied sigh.
  5213. "That was pretty interesting. I didn't have much time to look at art back home so this was a unique experience. Thanks for inviting me, Strawberry."
  5214. >"It's no problem. You're probably the first colt who hasn't laughed when I told them about my paintings so it was nice to enjoy it with you." She says, looking up at you with a smile.
  5215. >You frown.
  5216. "Do you really get that much of a negative reaction for something like that?"
  5217. >Strawberry rolls her eyes.
  5218. >"Yes. Did you look around at the other ponies? What did you see?"
  5219. "Ponies with hats..."
  5220. >Strawberry bumps into you with her hip and sticks her tongue out playfully.
  5221. >"Not just that, dummy. What kind of ponies were they?"
  5222. >Now that she mentions it...
  5223. "They were mostly unicorns and pegasi and almost exclusively stallions... except the ones who had dates apparently..."
  5224. >Wait a minute...
  5225. >You raise an eyebrow at the mare and grin.
  5226. "Did you bring me along just so you wouldn't have to deal with what the other ponies would say about a mare going to an art exhibit?"
  5227. >"What? No!" Strawberry says, flaring her wings.
  5228. >You chuckle and ruffle her mane.
  5229. "Calm down, Strawberry. Jeez. I'd have thought you of all ponies would be able to take a joke."
  5230. >Strawberry relaxes her wings and laughs nervously.
  5231. >"Yeah, sorry. I just didn't want you to get the wrong idea is all." She says, turning her bright green eyes up to look at you from beneath her strawberry red mane.
  5232. >You smirk.
  5233. "Well, don't worry so much then. I like you best when you're not trying so hard anyways." You say, rubbing her ear.
  5234. >Strawberry smiles and leans into the brief rub before you pull your hand away.
  5235. "So, what was your favorite?"
  5236. >Strawberry hums to herself, tapping her muzzle with a hoof.
  5237. >"I think I really liked the one titled 'Celeste del Sol'."
  5238. "That's the one with the sun and the swirling clouds, right?"
  5239. >Strawberry nods to you with a grin.
  5240. >"Yeah, the way the brush strokes all seemed to go in a spiral pattern towards the center was really interesting and added to the effect! I might want to try something like that on a smaller scale with some individual parts."
  5241. >You nod.
  5242. "I can see how that's a pretty good selling point. I still stand by my earlier statement though."
  5243. >Strawberry rolls her eyes and hip-bumps you again.
  5244. >"Keep that up and you better put your money where your mouth is."
  5245. >You raise an eyebrow at the smirking pegasus.
  5246. "How would I go about doing that?"
  5247. >Strawberry's grin widens.
  5248. >"Simple. You just gotta prove to me that you actually like my paintings better."
  5249. >You snort.
  5250. "If you're trying to get me to come over again, all you had to do was ask."
  5251. >Strawberry's eyes widen momentarily before she licks her lips, a shiver running down her spine.
  5252. >"Is that so?" She asks, eyes half-lidded.
  5253. >You roll your eyes.
  5254. "Yes. And if you're trying to test me, I'll just get buddy-buddy with the stallion who ran the show there and submit a piece of your art myself. Would that be proof enough?"
  5255. >Strawberry doesn't let up, giving you a short giggle in response.
  5256. >"You mean the stallion that you didn't even talk to all night?"
  5257. >You shrug.
  5258. "I was with you. I could find him again in the market if I needed to. Blank canvas on an easel for a cutie-mark. Not too hard to find."
  5259. >Strawberry's grin morphs into an uneasy smile.
  5260. >"You wouldn't really do that, would you?"
  5261. >You chuckle.
  5262. "Maybe. Maybe not. You'll have to see."
  5263. >Strawberry chuckles nervously, muttering to herself.
  5264. >You chuckle as you catch her saying something to the effect of hiding her keys.
  5265. >The two of you stop for a moment as Strawberry stretches, fanning out her wings and positioning her butt higher in the air.
  5266. >Wow, her wings are much larger and fuller than you thought they were.
  5267. >They're rather impressive to look at.
  5268. >You catch yourself staring at her body as the moon reflects off her form, accentuating her curves.
  5269. >...
  5270. >You really need to figure out what that's all about.
  5271. >You can't just go around staring at your friends like this.
  5272. >It's just not right.
  5273. >Even if they're attractive.
  5274. >Wait a sec-
  5275. >"Ah. That's better." She says, moving her head side to side as she returns to her normal walking posture.
  5276. >You gulp, feeling a bit flushed.
  5277. >Seriously, stop staring.
  5278. >You turn your attention away from her light-yellow form and cough awkwardly.
  5279. "Right. It's getting a bit late, so I should probably be getting back..."
  5280. >Strawberry sighs.
  5281. >"Yeah... I'll walk you home."
  5282. >You open your mouth to object but she's already by your side, pushing you lightly along with her.
  5283. >You shake your head.
  5284. >Silly ponies and their need to walk you home at night because you're a male.
  5285. >Though, now you have a different reason to feel a bit flustered by it.
  5286. >"Oh, I did want to ask you one last thing before you go..." She says, stopping.
  5287. >You turn and raise an eyebrow at her.
  5288. "Go ahead."
  5289. >"Pinkie mentioned something about your world having gender roles reversed..." She says, looking up into your eyes.
  5290. >You nod.
  5291. "Yeah, it's been a bit of a crazy ride." You say with a laugh.
  5292. >Strawberry bites her lip.
  5293. >"So, if you were interested in a mare, would you want them to go after you or would you want to go after them then?"
  5294. >You hum to yourself and scratch your chin.
  5295. >You hadn't thought about that.
  5296. "I guess I haven't thought that much about it. On the one hand, it's ingrained in me to be the pursuer. On the other, I think it'd be pretty nice to be pursued for once." You say, trailing off with a chuckle. "It's not like I have any idea of how to read pony mating signals anyways. I could be absolutely repulsive or a mare-magnet and I still wouldn't know it."
  5297. >That's right.
  5298. >Even if you have a new revelation that you're attracted to ponies, specifically your female friends, you don't know if they have *any* attraction to you.
  5299. >You could look like some kind of freak of nature to them for all you know.
  5300. >Although, Pinkie did say she liked your butt...
  5301. >Strawberry snorts, covering her mouth with a hoof.
  5302. >"I don't think you're repulsive. But don't get cocky." She says with a smug grin.
  5303. >You smirk at her.
  5304. "So you're not saying I'm *not* a mare-magnet then..."
  5305. >Strawberry rolls her eyes and lightly punches your shoulder with a hoof.
  5306. >"Don't get ahead of yourself, playcolt."
  5307. >You both laugh and hug as you say your goodbyes.
  5308. >You open the doors to the castle, turning to see Strawberry walking away with a smile and a slight pep in her step.
  5309. >You smirk.
  5310. >She must have really enjoyed letting loose tonight and being able to share her art interest with you.
  5311. >Especially since it seems like she doesn't get to share it with many ponies.
  5312. >But what was that about courtship?
  5313. >That was out of the blue.
  5314. >Is Strawberry interested in you?
  5315. >...
  5316. >Nah, you're probably over-thinking things.
  5317. >She probably was just curious.
  5318. >You know you'd be curious if the shoe was on the other foot.
  5319. >"Oh, Anon!"
  5320. >You turn to see Twilight walking towards you.
  5321. "Hey Twilight, what's up?"
  5322. >Twilight hoofs you over a letter.
  5323. >"Lucky came over and left this for you. Said the 'details' were inside."
  5324. >You take the letter and turn it over.
  5325. >Pretty simple letter with just the word "Anon" written on one side.
  5326. "Huh. Thanks Twilight."
  5327. >You open the envelope, pulling the paper out.
  5328. >Unfolding the piece of paper, you read over it to yourself.
  5329. >You sigh.
  5330. >Looks like you'll have another spa trip in your near future.
  5331. >But why did they tell you to bring an umbrella?
  5333. >You know now why they wanted to make sure you brought an umbrella.
  5334. >It's pouring rain.
  5335. >You had all but forgotten about how the pegasi control the weather.
  5336. >They probably release a schedule every week to the townsponies.
  5337. >You'll have to ask about that.
  5338. >You make your way inside the Ponyville day spa.
  5339. >A smiling Aloe greets you.
  5340. >"Welcome, Anon. Your friends are already in back expecting you. Right this way please."
  5341. >She remembers you?
  5342. >Well, then again, who wouldn't?
  5343. >You're literally an alien after all.
  5344. >After getting out of your clothes and into a bath robe, which they seem to have ordered for you considering the good fit, you follow Aloe.
  5345. >Aloe leads you to a steaming pool of water.
  5346. >"Ah, good of you to join us, Anon. Get in here." Cherry says, waving you over.
  5347. >You climb in, letting out a sigh of relief as you relax into the soothing hot water.
  5348. "So, how have things been with you two?"
  5349. >"I've been well. My herd has been pestering me to give them a 'mares night out', so I figured scheduling our stallions night out at the same time was a good idea." Chery replies.
  5350. >"I've been alright. Still looking for a nice mare, but no luck there." Lucky says with a sigh. "Not many mares out there like Rarity. A true gentlemare, that one."
  5351. >You raise your eyebrow at Lucky, noticing a smirking Cherry out the corner of your eye.
  5352. "So, why don't you just ask her out then?"
  5353. >"Pff!" Lucky sputters, "It's just unheard of, Anon! Stallions do *not* ask mares out. Period. And besides..."
  5354. >Lucky sighs.
  5355. >"I wouldn't have a chance with a national hero like her."
  5356. "Well, national hero part aside, is it really unheard of for a stallion to ask a mare out?"
  5357. >"No, but Lucky here is a bit on the traditionalist side." Cherry replies with a chuckle. "He thinks that it messes with the 'natural order' or something."
  5358. "Did you ask your mares out? Or did they ask you?"
  5359. >"They came after me." Cherry says with a smile. "But I was *about* to ask Lemon Drop out the same day when she popped the question first. Darn mare wouldn't take a hint that I was interested even after weeks of me going by her shop every day."
  5360. >You smirk.
  5361. "How did that go?"
  5362. >"Oh, she was awkward and adorable. The poor thing didn't know what to do with herself. I swear she must have memorized her lines like some sort of script." Cherry chortles. "But I accepted of course. I *was* planning on asking her out anyways. She just beat me to the punch."
  5363. >You nod, turning your head to Lucky.
  5364. "So why not just ask Rarity out then? I mean, if you actually like her, it shouldn't be an issue, right?"
  5365. >Lucky rolls his eyes.
  5366. >"Anon. You're still forgetting that she's an *element of harmony*. She's a national hero! She could have any stallion she wants!"
  5367. "So?"
  5368. >"So?" Lucky repeats, staring back at you. "So, the point is that she's a successful, famous, beautiful mare with *real* prestige and I'm just a..."
  5369. >Lucky sighs, slumping back into his seat.
  5370. >You raise an eyebrow at him.
  5371. "Just a?"
  5372. >Lucky groans.
  5373. >"I'm just a normal stallion who works as an administrative assistant in Barnyard Bargains in a no-name town. The only reason our town is even known by other ponies is the fact that the elements live here. And before they were the elements, nopony would know what Ponyville was. I doubt most of them could even pick it out on a map even now."
  5374. >Cherry shakes his head, rubbing Lucky's shoulder.
  5375. >"Lucky has had this crush on Rarity for a while now. I've tried a few times to get him to go over there and seduce her but he always comes up with some sort of excuse not to."
  5376. >You sigh, shaking your head.
  5377. "Well, coming from the other side of things, I can assure you that a mare would *love* to have the roles reversed for once and not have to go out of her way to ask someone out. And what's the worst that can happen anyways? She says no. That's the worst thing and then you move on with your life."
  5378. >"What do you mean 'coming from the other side of things'?" Lucky asks.
  5379. >You blink.
  5380. >That's right, you never did tell them.
  5381. "Right. Well, in my world the gender roles were reversed, basically. So the guys would go after the girls and all that. The men also were generally the ones in power, although there was one particularly ruthless woman who managed to worm her way onto the throne at one point. She lasted a lot longer than people suspected."
  5382. >"Really?" Cherry asks, mouth agape.
  5383. >You shrug.
  5384. "Yeah, it's a different world with a different culture. Anyways, the point is that I've been on the other side of this whole dating thing for most of my life and I can say with confidence that I'm sure Rarity would appreciate you going up to her and asking her out instead. Maybe she doesn't even know you're interested? It helps take the guessing out of the equation at least."
  5385. >"Wow, that's just..." Lucky says, staring at you.
  5386. >After a few minutes of Cherry scratching his muzzle and looking you up and down like some piece of meat, Lucky finally snaps back to reality.
  5387. >"So you really think she'd be ok with it?"
  5388. >You chuckle and nod.
  5389. "Yeah. I do. And like I said, the worst thing that she'll say is 'no' and then you move on. She seemed like a nice pony, so I'm sure she'll at least consider your offer."
  5390. >Lucky hums to himself, biting on his lip.
  5391. >"She's still an element though..."
  5392. >You roll your eyes.
  5393. "Elements are ponies too. They all recently go this fame, right?"
  5394. >Lucky nods in response.
  5395. >You shrug.
  5396. "Then they're still used to being regular ponies. From what I know of Twilight and Pinkie, the fame hasn't gone to their heads. Unless I'm just blind to something because I'm an alien, I think you'll be fine."
  5397. >Lucky nods, looking at you intently.
  5398. >"Maybe..."
  5399. >"So you really were from a whole opposite culture, weren't you?" Cherry asks, looking at you with a slight grin.
  5400. >You nod.
  5401. "Yup. Sure was. It's eerily similar and yet so very different at the same time."
  5402. >"That explains a couple things, I suppose." Cherry says, stroking his muzzle.
  5403. >"So, what about you, Anon?" Lucky interjects. "I know you've been rather 'busy' with all the stuff that's been happening, but has anything new come up since we saw you last?"
  5404. >You nod and sit back with a smile.
  5405. "Well, Strawberry came by last night and we both went out to see an art exhibit together. It was pretty nice."
  5406. >"Good. I'm glad you had a good night out with your marefriend." Cherry says with a nod.
  5407. "Wait, what?"
  5408. >Cherry looks at you with a raised eyebrow.
  5409. >"What do you mean 'what'?"
  5410. "What did you mean by marefriend?"
  5411. >Cherry rolls his eyes, and slumps back with a sigh.
  5412. >"Anon, you're either a terrible liar or the dumbest stallion I've ever met." He says, stroking his muzzle. "Even Snowflake has two braincells and can use them most of the time."
  5413. >"Oh c'mon. Anon isn't *that* dumb. I'm sure he knows by now that Pinkie and Strawberry are interested. Maybe he's still deciding on if he wants to return their affections?" Lucky pipes in.
  5414. >Cherry nods back to Lucky.
  5415. >"That would make more sense. Though, Anon..." He says, turning to you with a dead-serious expression. "You're not likely to find many mares as good as them, so you should hurry up and decide. And try not to break Pinkie's heart. She's had enough trouble with stallions as it is."
  5416. >Wait, what is going on?
  5417. "Do... do Pinkie and Strawberry really like me?" You ask, dumbfounded.
  5418. >Cherry lets out a low whistle.
  5419. >"I didn't actually take you for the dumb type, Anon." He says, chuckling to himself. "Yes. Without a doubt, they like you."
  5420. >Was it that obvious to others?
  5421. >You always thought they were just being friendly.
  5422. >Though, lately you *have* been spending *quite* a bit of time with the two of them.
  5423. >And there was that comment from Pinkie about your butt...
  5424. >And Strawberry asked about your dating preference...
  5425. >Oh.
  5426. >You're *really* dumb, aren't you?
  5427. >Did you really think they wouldn't notice you looking at them recently?
  5428. >Especially as you ogled their flanks?
  5429. >Heat rises to your cheeks as you look down at the water, watching the ripples slowly flow outward from your body.
  5430. >If they're attracted to you, are you attracted to them?
  5431. >An image of Pinkie's soft, curvy, bouncy body and her enchanting smile catching your attention as your eyes get locked into her brilliant blue orbs sets your heart pumping a little faster.
  5432. >Strawberry's lean and supple body poised with her wings expanded as she looks over her shoulder at you with a cocky grin and a wink sends a shiver down your spine.
  5433. >Ok.
  5434. >You definitely find them attractive.
  5435. >You clasp your hands together, looking up, willing your body to calm down.
  5436. >Your unexpected hardness solidifies it.
  5437. >You close your eyes with a sigh.
  5438. >You already know you trust them.
  5439. >And you see them as good friends already.
  5440. >But there's still one thing...
  5441. >You open your eyes with a frown, looking over to Cherry and Lucky who are staring at you with big Cheshire grins.
  5442. "Ok, so even *if* they like me. How is that going to work? It's not like I can just date *both* of them." You say with a groan, slumping back into the pool of water. "I don't want to push either one away, either..."
  5443. >"What are you talking about?" Lucky asks, looking at you incredulously.
  5444. >You look up at him with a raised eyebrow.
  5445. >"Of course you can date both!" He says, rolling his eyes. "By Celestia, it's like you don't even know how Equestrian dating works."
  5446. >You can?
  5447. >Wait, he makes a good point.
  5448. "Actually... I don't."
  5449. >Lucky and Cherry's eyes go wide as you hear a gasp come from Lucky.
  5450. >"Oh, you poor stallion. I'm not sure how you managed to get the interest of those wonderful mares without knowing what you were doing, but don't you worry, hun." Cherry says, patting your shoulder with a sly grin. "We're going to make sure you know *all* about how to properly court a mare... no, a *herd* and you're going to be a pro by the time we're done. Isn't that right, Lucky?"
  5451. >Lucky nods, a devious grin spreading on his muzzle.
  5452. >"Oh yeah. I'm looking forward to this."
  5453. >The two of them look at each other briefly and nod, turning back to you with matching grins.
  5454. >You gulp as a shiver runs down your spine.
  5455. >Why do you feel so much fear right now?
  5457. >You're standing in front of your mirror, staring at the person staring back at you.
  5458. >Is that even you anymore?
  5459. >You look around, just in case any other humans were sent to Equestria that you weren't aware of.
  5460. >Nope.
  5461. >Sighing, you turn your head back to the mirror and take your time to evaluate your life choices up until this point.
  5462. >Where did it all go wrong?
  5463. >And yet, you know it's still not anywhere near as bad as it could have been.
  5464. >You made sure to put some reasonable boundaries in place.
  5465. >You weren't about to put mascara on, or eye shadow, or whatever else those evil stallions had in their bag of femininity.
  5466. >They managed to convince you to tweeze your eyebrows, though.
  5467. >And they put something on your face that melted into it.
  5468. >Some kind of cleanser maybe?
  5469. >You're not sure, but it didn't dramatically alter how you looked.
  5470. >You have noticed that your face reflects light a bit more than usual, though.
  5471. >Weird.
  5472. >Your hair is slicked back and held in place with an ungodly amount of hair products.
  5473. >You think it took them 30 minutes on your hair alone.
  5474. >Your fingernails, toenails, and any odd hairs are freshly taken care of.
  5475. >You stand there in your 'sexy' outfit, as described by Cherry.
  5476. >You have no idea why, it's just a tight-fitting long-sleeve button up with a bit of your chest showing.
  5477. >Your pants are obviously a bit higher quality than your work clothes, much smoother but tighter fitting.
  5478. >Your shoes are the same set of black shoes you always wore.
  5479. >Ponies don't wear shoes, so you probably won't have much opportunity to get a new set.
  5480. >You'll have to look into that later.
  5481. >"And don't forget to tease them, Anon." Lucky mutters, fussing over your shirt-tail.
  5482. >You roll your eyes.
  5483. "Yes, yes. I think you've told me *that* one at *least* twenty times already."
  5484. >"It's important!" Lucky says with a pout.
  5485. >"He's right, you know." Cherry says with a chuckle. "It's fine that you weren't really trying before, but now that you actually want this for yourself, you have to put forth a little effort, Anon. They might come to you, but you gotta make them want to *chase* you."
  5486. >You sigh and nod.
  5487. "I get it. It's just so strange. And a bit overwhelming."
  5488. >"Don't worry." Lucky says, patting your leg. "We'll be here for you."
  5489. >"And besides," Cherry chimes in, "it's not like you're going to be courting from zero. You already have a baseline. You just have to... ramp it up a bit."
  5490. >"And done!" Lucky declares, stepping back.
  5491. >You twist your body and move around, looking at yourself from various angles.
  5492. >The pants hug tight to your body, letting loose at the feet.
  5493. >The shirt fits snugly, but not form-fitting, and allows you a decent range of motion without tearing.
  5494. >You won't be running or lifting anything in this, though.
  5495. >Why did Rarity give you this tight-fitting outfit anyways?
  5496. >Shaking your head, you shrug, turning to Cherry and Lucky.
  5497. "So, how is it?"
  5498. >"It's acceptable." Lucky says with a smirk.
  5499. >"You look great, Anon." Cherry says with a grin. "I'm sure you'll knock them off their hooves in no time."
  5500. >You chuckle.
  5501. "I sure hope so. I... I'm excited and nervous all at the same time. I *really* just hope this doesn't go badly. I can deal with friends, I just don't want them out of my life."
  5502. >Cherry and Lucky grip you in a group hug, bringing a smile to your face.
  5503. >"Don't worry. You know better than to think those mares would just quit on you just like that." Cherry says.
  5504. >"Yeah, what's the worst that could happen?" Lucky asks. "They think you're joking and you all laugh it off?"
  5505. >You sigh and nod, releasing the stallions.
  5506. "I guess you're right. I'm just nervou-"
  5507. >A knock sounds at the door.
  5508. >"Sounds like time's up." Cherry says, a cheerful grin on his muzzle. "Knock 'em senseless."
  5509. >Lucky and Cherry wave goodbye as they exit.
  5510. >You take a deep breath and exhale, focusing your attention on a grinning Spike.
  5511. "Let's do this."
  5513. >You are Strawberry Sunrise.
  5514. >You and Pinkie are at the castle to pick up Anon for your day together.
  5515. >You both decided that today is going to be the day.
  5516. >"I'm so excited!" Pinkie says, shuffling her hooves, the picnic basket bouncing on her back.
  5517. >You smile.
  5518. "I am too. I'm a bit nervous. What if we were mis-reading him? What if he isn't ready to start dating? What if-"
  5519. >"Shhhh...." Pinkie says, her hoof on your lips.
  5520. >You look down at the pink hoof impeding your speech.
  5521. >"Everything will be *fine*. Besides, we're not going to just up and ask him right away!" She says a bright smile on her face. "We've got *all* day together to enjoy!"
  5522. >You nod with a smile as Pinkie retracts your hoof.
  5523. >You both agreed that whatever happens, you wanted at least one last day with Anon as just your friend.
  5524. >And if he rejects you and doesn't want to see you again...
  5525. >Well, at least you had one last hoorah.
  5526. >You smile as Pinkie returns to bouncing around the lobby.
  5527. >She looks confident *now*, but just a few hours ago she was rushing around making sure the day was going to be *perfect*.
  5528. >You chuckle and shake your head.
  5529. >It was a fight just to get her to calm down and get out of planning for every single possible outcome.
  5530. >She probably still put that umbrella in there even though the forecast *clearly* states it's going to be sunny today.
  5531. >And now you're the one to get cold hooves.
  5532. >Well, at least you have an exuberant soon-to-be herd-sister to prop you up when you need it.
  5533. >Hoof-steps make their way down the stairs and you perk up, looking over expecting Anon.
  5534. >...
  5535. >Only to see Cherry and Lucky heading down by themselves.
  5536. >"Be good to our friend now." Cherry says, a wistful smile on his muzzle. "We want him back in one piece, girls."
  5537. >"Okie dokie loki!" Pinkie Pie says with a salute.
  5538. >Lucky giggle-snorts, covering his muzzle with a hoof as the two exit the castle.
  5539. >Why were Cherry and Lucky here?
  5540. >Your thoughts are interrupted by the sound of *foot*-steps heading down the stairs.
  5541. >Really, you should have known it wasn't Anon just by the sound pattern alone at this point.
  5542. >You grin as you turn to the stairwell and-
  5543. >Your jaw drops as your wings poof out in a massively open display of arousal.
  5544. >Bucking *unf*
  5545. >Anon is standing there in the tightest, most revealing, yet tantalizing outfit you've seen him in yet waving at you and Pinkie with a nervous grin.
  5546. >Out of the corner of your eye you notice Pinkie has stopped moving.
  5547. >She's *stopped moving*
  5548. >But Pinkie isn't your primary concern right now.
  5549. >It's that handsome *tease* of a male walking your way with measured steps and... is that a swagger in his gait?
  5550. >Since when did he learn to do that?
  5551. >Your attention is drawn upward as Anon waves his hand in front of your face.
  5552. >"Hello? Anyone home?"
  5553. >Oh buck!
  5554. >Heat rises to your cheeks as you shake your head, clearing out your thoughts.
  5555. >Stupid, sexy Anon.
  5556. "S-sorry! I was just... distracted. Are those new clothes?" You ask, leaning up and sniffing him.
  5557. >Is he... wearing cologne?
  5558. >...
  5559. >It smells good.
  5560. >"Uh, not exactly. I just haven't gotten around to wearing these yet. Decided today was a perfect day for it. Do you like it?"
  5561. >You nod dumbly as you lick your lips.
  5562. >You hear a chuckle as Anon runs his hand through your hair.
  5563. >By Celestia that feels so good.
  5564. >"I'm glad. Are you girls ready to go?"
  5565. >"Yup! C'mon, Nonny! Let's get to it! A day full of fun awaits!" Pinkie says, bringing you back to reality.
  5566. >You follow after them, quickly catching up and taking your place by Anon's side.
  5567. >You can't help but notice your tail lifting just a bit subconsciously.
  5568. >Biting your lip you force your wings down with some effort.
  5569. >Try as you might though, your tail just keeps rising, never so high that it'd be indecent, but high enough that any stallion would know *exactly* what you were doing.
  5570. >...
  5571. >You *really* hope Anon agrees.
  5572. >You move a little closer to him as you walk together to the park, taking a deep breath and puffing out your chest.
  5573. >You made sure it was extra fluffy today.
  5574. >You're sure it'll be fine.
  5575. >...
  5576. >Right?
  5577. >Right.
  5578. >It's time to be a mare and enjoy your day with Anon and then ask him on a date like a real mare.
  5579. >Just try to enjoy your day without spilling your spaghetti.
  5581. >You are Pinkie Pie.
  5582. >You happily lay out the blanket and food on the small hill-top, taking a seat with a smile.
  5583. >Nonny sits his sexy butt down and pulls on his collar, teasing you with a glimpse of just a *little* bit more skin.
  5584. >You shudder, keeping yourself in check.
  5585. >Mare, was it ever hard not to just jump Nonny right now.
  5586. >Silly Nonny, he doesn't need to seduce you.
  5587. >You're already seduced.
  5588. >Though, you can't say you don't appreciate the effort he went through.
  5589. >Especially those clothes, they fit him perfectly!
  5590. >You'll have to thank Rarity later.
  5591. >"So, what's on the agenda today, girls?" Nonny asks.
  5592. "We got food and games and fun!" You say, bouncing up and down with excitement. "We're going to have *so* much fun! I planned a *lot* for today!"
  5593. >Nonny chuckles and rubs your ear.
  5594. >You lean into it with a dopey grin on your muzzle.
  5595. >"I'm happy you two invited me. Thanks for going all out like this. You really didn't have to."
  5596. >You shake your head, your mane bouncing as you do so.
  5597. "Silly Nonny." You say, booping him on his nose. "We did this because we *want* to!"
  5598. >Strawberry chuckles, grabbing a sandwich.
  5599. >"Yeah, Anon. Stop reminding us we don't have to do stuff all the time. I thought we made it clear that we're not doing this out of some sense of obligation by now."
  5600. >Nonny raises his hand to interject.
  5601. >"Ahp! Nope!" Strawberry says, booping him before he can open his muzzle. "We like spending time with you and walking you home so we'll just keep doing it. No buts!"
  5602. >You snicker.
  5603. "Butts."
  5604. >Strawberry rolls her eyes, retracting her hoof and taking a bite of her sandwich.
  5605. >Nonny snorts and ruffles your mane.
  5606. >You squee in delight, your tail wagging happily behind you.
  5607. >He liked your joke!
  5608. >Most stallions hate those kinds of jokes.
  5609. >Then again, that's part of why you like him.
  5610. >He doesn't take everything so seriously and knows when to let loose!
  5611. >Not like those stuffy stallions that only wanted to get with you for the status.
  5612. >They wanted you to be 'proper'.
  5613. >Whatever that means.
  5614. >Stuffy ponies wouldn't know a good joke if it flew right up to them and blew a flugelhorn!
  5615. >"Well, fine then." Nonny says, blowing a raspberry at Strawberry.
  5616. >You giggle as he takes his sandwich and bites into it.
  5617. >His eyes go wide and he smiles.
  5618. >"You two..." He says, shaking his head.
  5619. >You smile as he continues to eat.
  5620. >Going through the trouble to get him meat was *definitely* worth it.
  5621. >It wasn't as hard as you expected, all in all.
  5622. >After all, Fluttershy has several animals who eat meat so it was as simple as asking!
  5623. >Looking over at Strawberry, you stifle a giggle.
  5624. >Strawberry is holding her sandwich with her wings and taking small bites.
  5625. >Her wings are shaking a little bit and her eyes are super-focused on her task.
  5626. >Looks like somepony's nervous.
  5627. >Well, you can't have that!
  5628. >Today is for fun!
  5629. >Nervousness comes later!
  5630. >You slide your flank over to her.
  5631. >With a grin, you place a hoof on her hind leg and lick the side of her muzzle.
  5632. >"W-WHAT!?" Strawberry shouts.
  5633. >Nonny makes choking noises as he watches you with wide eyes.
  5634. >You give Strawberry a wide smile.
  5635. "You missed a spot."
  5636. >Strawberry looks at you with wide-eyes, a tint of red showing on her cheeks.
  5637. >"Uh..." Strawberry responds, flushing red.
  5638. >Silly Strawberry.
  5639. >We gotta show Nonny we're not only into *him* if we want this to work.
  5640. >We talked about this, remember?
  5641. >Today will be the last fun 'normal' day between us, but we still wanted to warm him up as much as possible.
  5642. >Besides, Strawberry's a pretty mare.
  5643. >If you had to share your stallion with somepony else, Strawberry is a pretty good choice.
  5644. >"Oh! Right! T-thanks Pinkie..." Strawberry says, eyes widening in realization as she nods with a nervous grin.
  5645. "No problem!"
  5646. >Nonny audibly swallows his food, staring at the two of you with big eyes.
  5647. >Your grin widens.
  5648. >Gotcha!
  5649. "Oh! I almost forgot!"
  5650. >You dig in and rummage through the picnic basket, pulling out a steaming hot pie.
  5651. "I brought strawberry pie for desert."
  5652. >Nonny licks his lips as he lifts his gaze from the pie to you and Strawberry.
  5653. >"You even brought my favorite pie. It's almost like you're trying to butter me up or something." He says with a chuckle.
  5654. >You giggle, placing a hoof on your muzzle.
  5655. "That's silly, Nonny! Why would we need to butter you up?"
  5657. >You are Anon.
  5658. >You sigh as you sit back with a happy smile on your face and moan lightly.
  5659. "That was great. Especially the pie. Thank you, girls."
  5660. >"You're right. The pie *was* good." Strawberry says. "Thanks Pinkie."
  5661. >"Well, it's *your* strawberries that I used, Strawberry, so at least *some* of that credit goes to you." Pinkie says with a giggle.
  5662. >That explains why the strawberries tasted so good.
  5663. >You had bought some strawberries from the store to see how they compared.
  5664. >It was like comparing a mountain to a foothill.
  5665. >Though, you shouldn't be too surprised.
  5666. >Pinkie did tell you she used Strawberry's strawberries in her pies before.
  5667. >Wait.
  5668. >Aren't you forgetting something?
  5669. >Shit.
  5670. >You were having a good time, relaxing with Pinkie and Strawberry that you forgot you were supposed to be seducing them!
  5671. >Though, that thing where Pinkie licked Strawberry...
  5672. >What if Strawberry already seduced Pinkie?
  5673. >Is this all a setup for them to tell you about their newfound relationship with each other?
  5674. >You frown.
  5675. >You'd be happy for them, but...
  5676. >You shake your head.
  5677. >It's not over yet!
  5678. >Maybe you caught them before it got too far.
  5679. >Besides, didn't Lucky say it was a good thing for mares to be affectionate with each other if you were trying to court them both?
  5680. >Something about getting along better down the line.
  5681. >Maybe this isn't such a bad thing then?
  5682. >Either way, you need to step up your game.
  5683. >What would a girl do to tease a guy in a situation like this?
  5684. >You sit up and raise your arms above your head, arcing your back and moaning lightly as you stretch.
  5685. >Something like that?
  5686. >You peak out at the two mares and smirk at their expressions.
  5687. >Pinkie is drooling with her mouth wide open and Strawberry's wings are steadily rising as she stares at you.
  5688. >Yeah, something like that.
  5689. "So, what's next?"
  5690. >Pinkie recovers firs, wiping her muzzle with a hoof as she bounces to her hooves with a smile.
  5691. >"Next is a game of tag!" Pinkie says, booping you on the nose. "You're it!"
  5692. >Pinkie bounces away with a smile on her face, looking back at you.
  5693. >Is she... lifting her tail a bit higher than normal?
  5694. >Nah...
  5695. >But maybe?
  5696. >Your shaken out of your thoughts by a sound of rushing wind moving past your head.
  5697. >"Don't think we'll go easy on you just because you're a colt!" Strawberry says, with a smirk, flapping her wings as she looks down at you from above your head.
  5698. >You grin.
  5699. "Oh woe is me! I can't *ever* reach that high! How can I ever hope to get you, Strawberry?"
  5700. >You jump up and spank her on her flank and take off, leaving a flustered Strawberry staring at you as you run after Pinkie.
  5701. >Silly pony didn't even fly up high enough to escape your reach.
  5702. >Maybe she's used to pony reach.
  5703. >"Oh, so that's how it is?" Strawberry grins and takes off after you.
  5704. >You laugh, as you turn your head back to glance at her.
  5705. >Now that you think about it, have you ever seen her fly before?
  5706. >You don't think you have.
  5707. >Well, there was that one time she *tried* flying when you were all drunk.
  5708. >That didn't end too well.
  5709. >She really does look pretty when she flies, though.
  5710. >Her impressive wing-span is a marvel to look at.
  5711. >Oh wait, aren't you supposed to be running?
  5712. >You spot a pink poofy mane bouncing up and down next to you as you run.
  5713. >This might work.
  5714. >Strawberry lowers herself closer to the ground as she swoops in, aiming for you.
  5715. >Though, with that altitude, where is she aiming for?
  5716. >Doesn't matter.
  5717. >You grab Pinkie and swing your body around.
  5718. >Pinkie's eyes go wide as she ends up being the middle of a pile of bodies.
  5719. >You extract yourself from the pile, taking off towards some distant trees as you hear Pinkie giggling as she bounces around.
  5720. >"Wee! This is fun!" She says, bouncing back after Strawberry.
  5722. >Some time later...
  5723. >You collapse as Strawberry tackles you to the ground.
  5724. >Exhausted, you flop your arms to your sides, breathing heavily.
  5725. >You *really* need to get out more.
  5726. >Strawberry looks down at you, flicking her red mane out of her eyes as the sun shines down and glistens off her sweat.
  5727. >You look up at her emerald green eyes and smile.
  5728. "Looks like you got me."
  5729. >"You know it." She says with a smirk.
  5730. >You might be exhausted, but you'll be damned if you let her have the last laugh.
  5731. >Grinning, you put your plan into action.
  5732. >Strawberry's eyes go wide as you grab her, pulling her to your chest.
  5733. >"Wha-"
  5734. >You run your hand through her fur, tickling the poor pony's unprotected sensitive stomach.
  5735. >Strawberry laughs while making a futile attempt to scrunch her muzzle.
  5736. >It's adorable.
  5737. >"That looks like fun! Don't forget about meee!" Pinkie says as she dives into you both.
  5738. >Pinkie runs her soft hooves along your sides, causing you to break out in laughter.
  5739. >Since when were hooves this soft?
  5740. >It's not like they ever felt... hard, but since you never took the time to really feel them, you guess you never noticed.
  5741. >It would be pretty creepy if someone just felt up your hands or other body parts so you figured the same applied to ponies.
  5742. >It seems to have worked out well.
  5743. >You gasp as you feel feathery appendages assault your person in a frenzy.
  5744. >Remembering your situation, you wonder how you had the time to think in the first place.
  5745. >Another gasp and all thought is gone as you counter-attack by using a hand on each mare.
  5746. >This continues for some time until you're left sighing while gently scratching Pinkie and Strawberry's tufts of fur on their chests.
  5747. >You're not sure how this ended up being the situation, but it's oddly satisfying.
  5748. >Pinkie has a dopey smile on her face, her tongue lolled out of her muzzle while Strawberry is biting her lip as she buries her muzzle into your shoulder.
  5749. >Neither of them asked you to stop, so you assume you're doing good.
  5750. >Was this a secret spot for ponies?
  5751. >Maybe it's sensual?
  5752. >If it is, neither mare is pushing you away, so that's good.
  5753. >In fact, the minute you reached that spot on Strawberry, she let out a light squeak and looked down at you with wide eyes.
  5754. >Pinkie followed up by putting your other hand on her chest with a grin.
  5755. >And now you're here.
  5756. >You wonder...
  5757. >You *are* supposed to be seducing these mares, after all.
  5758. >What if you switched it up?
  5759. >It's... risky... but you resolved yourself to this in the first place.
  5760. >Besides, nothing ventured nothing gained, right?
  5761. >You turn your scratching into a gentle rubbing, taking your time to feel the softness of their fur.
  5762. >Oh... they're *really* soft.
  5763. >You almost want to rub your face in their tufts and hold them close and...
  5764. >Shaking your head, you ignore the burning sensation in your cheeks and your groin and focus on Pinkie and Strawberry.
  5765. >The effects are very interesting.
  5766. >Strawberry bites your shirt, pulling herself closer to you as you work your magic on her chest.
  5767. >Pinkie lets out a deep moaning sound, looking over at you with a lidded gaze.
  5768. >"Nonny, at least let us take you out first~"
  5769. >You're eyes widen.
  5770. >Oh shit, did you just cop a feel on these ponies?
  5771. >Your 'lessons' with Lucky and Cherry float through your mind as you come to the conclusion that yes, you are indeed coping a feel.
  5772. >You gulp, moving to remove your hands from Pinkie and Strawberry.
  5773. >Pinkie stops your hand from moving away though as Strawberry looks up with a frown.
  5774. >"Why'd you stop?" Strawberry asks, pouting.
  5775. "Uh... because I realized half-way through what I was doing?"
  5776. >Strawberry scrunches her muzzle.
  5777. >"Does it make you uncomfortable?" She asks.
  5778. "No. I mean, maybe? I just didn't realize exactly what I was doing until mid-way and I don't want you to think I'm some kind of rapist and-"
  5779. >"Shh." Strawberry says, placing her hoof on your mouth. "Neither of us said anything, so why are you freaking out?"
  5780. "I just didn't want to give you the impression that I'm trying to take advantage of you or something."
  5781. >"Silly Nonny." Pinkie says, blowing a raspberry at you. "I was just joking. We're not stallions."
  5782. >You chuckle at her simplistic explanation.
  5783. "No, I guess you're not."
  5784. >Strawberry rolls her eyes and takes your hand with a hoof and puts it back where it was, firmly nestled into her chest.
  5785. >"Then don't worry about it."
  5786. >You bite your lip, looking back at Strawberry and Pinkie.
  5787. >Both of them seem to be watching you with anticipation, waiting for your move.
  5788. >Shit, did you already seduce them?
  5789. >Is it working?
  5790. >Mentally shrugging, you decide to roll with it and resume your ministrations.
  5791. >Strawberry sighs softly as a smile graces her muzzle.
  5792. >The way she's looking at you...
  5793. >You can't help but smile back.
  5794. >Pinkie is back to lightly moaning as you dig your fingers in and caress her warm body.
  5795. >You still can't believe you forgot about the chest tuft thing!
  5796. >It's supposed to be a very sensual way that ponies bond with each other, showing a high degree of trust.
  5797. >You did find it funny to note that you now knew the reason why Strawberry and Pinkie would puff out their chests proudly.
  5798. >It's also considered desirable to have a soft, fluffy chest tuft.
  5799. >Now that you think about it, don't they both have their tufts fluffed up a bit today?
  5800. >And they're both so soft.
  5801. >You don't have a base for how soft a pony's tuft normally is, but you're pretty sure they did that on purpose for today.
  5802. >You knew it might be sensual for them and you were hoping to get some nice reactions out of them with some light teasing, but you forgot how significant it really was for ponies.
  5803. >Well, then again, if they're asking for it, then you must be doing something right.
  5804. >You smile and lean back, enjoying the moment.
  5806. >It's still weird to have Pinkie and Strawberry 'escort' you back to the castle.
  5807. >You know that's how this works in Equestria, but you still have a ways to go in adapting.
  5808. >Not that you minded if it were Pinkie and Strawberry.
  5809. >It's kind of... nice, actually.
  5810. >After a while, you had eased up and the three of you chatted about your days.
  5811. >Strawberry talked about her business and how things were going well.
  5812. >She plans on visiting her friend, Luckette, sometime soon.
  5813. >Pinkie went on about her escapades with her friends.
  5814. >This mare is friends with every pony in town it seems.
  5815. >You thought it was a figure of speech.
  5816. >Until she started giving concrete examples of each and every pony in town and how she's friends with them.
  5817. >You were dumbfounded to put it lightly.
  5818. >How can one pony remember so many details about others?
  5819. >Either way, the sun set before you knew it and it was time to go home after you felt a shiver down your spine due to the chilly temperature.
  5820. >Even with two warm mares besides you, the nights are getting colder.
  5821. >Winter is coming.
  5822. >And now you're here at the castle doors.
  5823. "Thanks girls, I had a really great time today."
  5824. >You smile at them genuinely.
  5825. >You really did have a good time.
  5826. >You're not sure when you stopped worrying about seducing them, but at some point it seemed like worrying just got in the way so you relaxed and went with the flow.
  5827. >"Me too! It was super fun!" Pinkie says, bouncing up and down with excitement.
  5828. >You chuckle.
  5829. "Well, we should do it again sometime."
  5830. >"Ah, actually..." Strawberry says, kicking the ground with a hoof. "We kinda have something we wanted to ask you..."
  5831. >You raise an eyebrow at her.
  5832. "Sure. Go ahead."
  5833. >"Wanna start a herd with us?" Pinkie asks with a bright smile.
  5834. >You stare at her and do a double take.
  5835. "What?"
  5836. >"I asked if you wanted to start a herd with us, silly!" Pinkie says.
  5837. >You blink.
  5838. >It can't be that easy.
  5839. >Can it?
  5840. >You look over at Strawberry who's looking at you with an anxious expression.
  5841. >Pinkie's barely containing herself as she struggles to keep still, staring at you as she waits for your response.
  5842. >Wow.
  5843. >They're both serious.
  5844. >Maybe Lucky and Cherry *did* know what they were talking about after all?
  5845. >You break out into a wide smile and grab Pinkie and Strawberry, pulling them into a tight bear-hug.
  5846. "Yes!"
  5847. >"WOOO!" Pinkie shouts, returning your embrace.
  5848. >Strawberry sighs, spreading her wings around the three of you.
  5849. >"Good. I was worried you were going to say no and stop being our friend for a minute there."
  5850. >You chuckle.
  5851. "How could I deny such a cute face like yours?"
  5852. >Strawberry blushes and buries her muzzle in your chest.
  5853. >"Stupid, sexy Anon..." She mutters.
  5854. "Oh? Did I just hear something really nice?"
  5855. >You grunt as Strawberry lightly punches you with a hoof in the stomach.
  5856. >"Quiet."
  5857. >You can't help but smile as warmth flows through your chest as your heart races.
  5858. >It's happening.
  5859. >It's actually happening.
  5860. >You don't even try to suppress your smile as you grip them tighter to your body, placing your hands on the small of their backs.
  5861. >Pinkie giggles as she rubs up against your side.
  5862. >"Somepony's *excited*!"
  5863. >You roll your eyes.
  5864. >You almost forgot that you're the female in this situation.
  5865. "Don't get ahead of yourself."
  5866. >Pinkie breaks out of the group hug and gasps.
  5867. >"That reminds me! We have so much to plan!" She says as she grabs Strawberry.
  5868. >"Wha?"
  5869. >"We'll be here on Friday to pick you up at 7 o'clock. Dress nice!" Pinkie says.
  5870. "Got it."
  5871. >Pinkie and Strawberry wave enthusiastically as they walk away, a visible pep in their steps.
  5872. >...
  5873. >You can now confirm that yes, they *are* indeed swaying their butts when they walk away on purpose.
  5874. >The sight of both your objects of affection visibly displaying their ample assets of your desire brings a grin to your face.
  5875. >If Pinkie puts even a fraction of the effort into this that she puts into her parties, you know it'll be fantastic.
  5876. >But, what if they decide you aren't up to snuff?
  5877. >No, best to not dwell on that.
  5878. >They asked *you* out.
  5879. >Not the other way around.
  5880. >It's... reassuring to be on the receiving end like this.
  5881. >You feel... wanted.
  5882. >It feels good.

[Casual Sex] A Show Worth Watching (Fluttershy&Futa Twilight)

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Celestia Anon Femdom

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[Pony Supremacy] Captive (RDxAnon, femdom)

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Obsession (Part 1)

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Obsession (Part 2)

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