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Witcher of Canterlot Pt. 1

By AnonymousReuploader
Created: 2020-12-27 19:30:40
Expiry: Never

  1. "Hey girls, you ever wonder why Anon is always alone?"
  2. >The other five turn to the corner of the lunch room, at a young man eating by himself at one of the lunch tables.
  3. >"Anon? Who that kid in the suit?" Rainbow asks pointing a thumb in his direction.
  4. >"Ah wasn't even aware there was an "Anon" going to our school."
  5. >"Let me check my super handy dandy notebook!"
  6. >Pinkie Pie quickly looks through her personal flip-book, the one that catalog's everyone at CHS's birthdays, likes, and dislikes.
  7. >She lets out a huge gasp when she can't find his name.
  8. >"Oh no this is terrible! I don't have ANYTHING about Anon!"
  9. >"He transferred in a week ago if I remember right." Fluttershy mutters, "M-maybe he just hasn't made any friends yet..."
  10. >"Hopefully he won't turn out to be a trouble maker considering our last batch of new students."
  11. >The memory of the Dazzlings cause you all to shiver.
  12. >"Say, any of y'all know why he's wearing them sunglasses inside?"
  13. >"Cause he thinks its cool?" Rainbow answers with a shrug of her shoulders.
  14. >"Well it's dreadfully out of style if you ask me." Rarity also comments.
  15. "I think it's because he's blind. See that stick next to him?"
  16. >The girls look again, and just as you said as black walking cane is propped up on the table.
  17. >"W-well, if he can't see I guess he won't be too much trouble then."
  18. >"Oooh! Oh! Maybe later we can help him make some friends. How about it girls?!"
  19. >All nodding, you begin to poke at your lunch tray.
  20. >Ugh, meatloaf again?
  21. >You've grown accustom to meat thanks to this body, but three days in a row?
  22. >As you continue to dissect your meal, Pinkie Pie pokes Rarity on the shoulder.
  23. >"Rarity whatcha staring at?"
  24. >Looking up you see Rarity turning back to the group.
  25. >"Oh, I just couldn't help but notice that medallion Anon sports around his neck. To be honest it is a bit eerie."
  26. >You turn to Anon's table again and see he's already walking to the nearby trash, walking stick in front of him to detect obstacles.
  27. >As he faces your table, you spot a metal dog or wolf head dangling around a metal chain.
  28. >Anon walks by as the five of you quickly pretend not to stare.
  29. >You don't know why, it's not like he can see you.
  30. >Pinkie on the other hand, is trying incredibly hard not to just burst out of her seat.
  31. >For a brief second though, it almost looks like the thing around his neck shook as he walked past you.
  33. >Walking out of the cafeteria and into the nearby restroom, you make sure no one is following you.
  34. >The sudden stench of the boys stalls hits you like a brick wall.
  35. "Ah fuck!"
  36. >Fucking enhanced senses...
  37. >Taking a moment to gather yourself, you ignore the urge to retch and carefully check the stalls to see that no one is occupying them.
  38. >Satisfied that you have a brief moment of privacy, you relax just a bit.
  39. >Gripping your medallion, you've just confirmed the theory that those six girls have some serious magic emanating around them.
  40. >When you arrived at this school, the trace magic around the front statue was enough to send serious vibrations into your medallion.
  41. >You touched the surface of the statue's base and could sense it was a place of power.
  42. >That was your starting point at least, though trying to be discreet was surprisingly hard.
  43. >Every time you tried to ask about the statue, whether directly or indirectly, resulted in everyone becoming incredibly tight lipped.
  44. >Stepping towards the sink and setting your cane aside, you turn on the water.
  45. >You remove the sunglasses that have become part of your wardrobe for the past two weeks and splash some water on your face.
  46. >God, pretending to be blind is incredibly irritating.
  47. >But it's not like you have any other way to hide a certain distinctive feature.
  48. >Looking at yourself in the mirror, two yellow cat-like eyes look back at you.
  49. >But a man's gotta eat right?
  50. >You don't ask too many questions. You just kill the monster and take the money.
  51. >Still...
  52. >It's strange that even you don't know who the client is.
  53. >Usually that's a red flag right there.
  54. >Jobs aren't as cut-and-dry when that's the case.
  55. >But your job isn't to ask questions.
  56. >All you know is that whoever is paying, is paying an enormous amount that could keep you set you for quite some time.
  57. >You let out a sigh.
  58. >Well, someone paid to get rid of a so called monster residing here and those six girls are definitely involved with it somehow.
  59. >Gripping your cane, you twist the head and pull out slightly.
  60. >The base of a silver blade gleams in the fluorescent light.
  61. >Sheathing the hidden weapon, you relock the top and set your sunglasses back down over your eyes.
  62. >Hopefully you won't have to use this too often in the open, but you'll be ready if you have to.
  63. >Opening the restroom door, you exit out into the hallway before suddenly coming face-to-face with a very excited girl.
  65. -----
  67. >She's one of the six you were just thinking about.
  68. "Can I help you?"
  69. >The girl doesn't say anything, she just smiles at you while bouncing up and down.
  70. >Your medallion shakes at the girls presence.
  71. >You prepare yourself in case this girl tries anything.
  72. "Hello?"
  73. >Suddenly her hands shoot out from her side and dig through her hair like its some sort of container.
  74. >After a few moments of digging, she pulls out a pen and notepad.
  75. >What...
  76. >"HimynameisPinkiePieSorryI'msolateingettingyourinformationdownsinceitsbeenlikewhataweek?ItmustbetoughbeingthenewkidsoI'mgonnahelpyoumakesomefriends.Sotellmewhat'syourbirthdaylikesanddislikes?"
  77. >You pause.
  78. "Excuse me?"
  79. >She huffs, tosses the notepad and pen away and holds her hand out.
  80. >"Oh let me start over. I'm Pinkie Pie, nice to meet you."
  81. >Your gut instincts don't feel any hostile intent in her words at all, and your medallion has stopped.
  82. >No danger. Just magic.
  83. >A few moments go by where you two just stand there awkwardly.
  84. >She moves the hand up and down like she's trying to grab your attention.
  85. >"Um... aren't you going to shake my hand."
  86. "If I could see it maybe."
  87. >"PINKIE PIE!"
  88. >A shrill voice comes from down the hall along with another shake from the medallion.
  89. >"Dear what are you doing?!"
  90. >Another one of the six joins you two, this one from your observations noted as the fashion-centric one.
  91. >Even without sight, you can smell the perfume and makeup she's caked on from here.
  92. >"I'm trying to make friends with the new guy!"
  93. >"Really now? Because it looks like you're patronizing Anonymous's disability."
  94. >Pinkie Pie gasps and tucks her hand back, realizing what she unintentionally did.
  95. >"Oh my gosh I am so sorry!"
  96. >She tries to hug you, only for you to step to the side.
  97. "It's fine. Now if you'll excuse me."
  98. >You try to move past the two only to be blocked by a third figure.
  99. >Backing up, you realize that you're almost pinned against the wall.
  100. >...
  101. >Shit.
  102. >You're not in the most suitable position if a fight breaks out.
  103. >Last thing you need is three potential bruxa ambushing you.
  104. >The only reason you haven't dropped into a combat stance is just because your medallion isn't sensing any danger.
  105. >"What's the rush partner?" asks the girl with the hat.
  106. "I just want to get to my next class early." you lie.
  107. >The girl, who has the faint smell of apples, lets out a chuckle, "Guess we got another egghead like Twi."
  108. >"Yes, well. So sorry Anonymous, would you like assistance on finding where the room is?"
  109. "No."
  110. >Your blunt response takes her off-guard.
  111. >"A-ah are you sure?"
  112. "It's eighty-five steps from the lunch room, thirteen of which were used to reach the restroom."
  113. >"B-but..."
  114. "Just because I'm visually impaired, doesn't mean I'm incapable of finding my way around."
  115. >"WELL..." Apple-girl interrupts, "Now that that's settled, Anon have you made any acquaintances since you've been here?"
  116. "None. Though I'm sure you're going to fix that?"
  117. >"Darn tootin'! Y'all should come hang out with us after school."
  118. >They want you to "hang out" with them?
  119. >This totally feels like a trap.
  120. >...
  121. >It probably is a trap.
  122. >You don't even have all your gear with you.
  123. >"Well?"
  124. "Maybe tomorrow, I've got some things to take care of after school ends."
  125. >Not a total lie...
  126. >"Oh. Well, tomorrow then. I'm Applejack by the way."
  127. >This time she holds out her hand.
  128. >Before you can say anything, she gently takes your hand and guides it into hers.
  129. >Her hand is warm, and her grip is strong.
  130. >Real strong...
  131. >...
  132. >Squeezing it, you quickly pump twice then let go.
  133. "Yeah..."
  134. >The three girls walk away, leaving you alone as the lunch bell rings to signal the end of the lunch period.
  135. >Once you're out of sight, you rapidly shake your hand to get feeling back into it.
  136. >FUCKING A!
  138. -----
  140. >Turning back, Anonymous is walking away in the opposite direction tapping his walking stick in front of him.
  141. "That Anon must do some tough chores or something."
  142. >"What do you mean darling?"
  143. "His hands are rough like mine or Big Macintosh's, and his grip is incredibly firm. Not like any of the boys here at school, I think that kid actually knows what hard work is."
  144. >"Something that tickles your fancy?"
  145. >You almost trip at that comment.
  146. "Excuse me?" you say with a blush.
  147. >"Big firm hands that puts any competition to shame."
  148. >Rarity gets a big cheshire grin.
  149. "Please, as if."
  150. >"Admit it darling, he was cute."
  151. "..."
  152. >"Haha! Applejack you are a terrible liar."
  153. >Ignoring her you push your hat down to cover your still red face as you continue back to the cafeteria.
  154. >You three head back into the lunch room and grab your bags.
  155. >Fluttershy, Sunset and Rainbow Dash have already left for their own classes.
  156. >"Pinkie, are you okay?"
  157. >Rarity, puts a hand on her shoulder.
  158. >She looks strangely distant.
  159. "Pinkie?"
  160. >"I don't think he's blind." she mutters.
  161. "Why's that?"
  162. >"When I went to give him a hug, he moved away to the side."
  163. >"Darling, I don't see how that..."
  164. >"At first I thought he was just being a grumpy-gus but Anonymous avoided me like a person who saw it coming."
  165. "You saying he's faking?"
  166. >Pinkie shakes her head, "I don't know Applejack."
  168. -----
  170. >"So Pinkie thinks the new kid is pretending to be blind?" asks Rainbow Dash, “Why?”
  171. >The two of you are walking to Twilight's house.
  172. >Poor girl's been sick the past couple days and Sunset asked you two to bring her her class and homework.
  173. >Normally she does it, but since band practice went late today Sunset asked you two to fill in while she had to take care of personal matters.
  174. >Something about going out food shopping for ravioli or something before the store closes.
  175. >Since the late bus you two go on doesn't go by Twi's house, you two end up huffing it.
  176. >To pass the time, you've just explained your encounter with Anon earlier today.
  177. "Yeah, ah dunno why but we'll see tomorrow after school."
  178. >"Wait... You're not going to fight him are you?"
  179. >What?
  180. >"Why in tarnation would I do that? And just were did that line of thinking come from?"
  181. >"Just think about it AJ, what if this Anon kid actually is blind. But if he dodged Pinkie Pie's hug, he may have some super reflexes or something like he could feel the gust of wind right before Pinkie even moved."
  182. "Have you been watching those kung-fu movies again?"
  183. >"No!"
  184. >You stare at her.
  185. "Dash..."
  186. >"Okay maybe... Look, all I'm saying is that Anon is maybe some sort of trained warrior... Like uh, like a blind master!"
  187. "Don't be an idiot. Nothing like that could happen."
  188. >"Yet friendship magic, sirens, and dimensional tears in space could?"
  189. >She has a point.
  190. >But still.
  191. "Ah think you're thinking this over way too much Dash. I ain’t gonna fight Anon blind or not."
  192. >"Whatever, you know I'm right."
  193. >You two finally end up at the right house and step up towards the door.
  194. >Pretty fancy place.
  195. >Traditional picket white fence, with a big lawn and tree both perfectly trimmed.
  196. >And a somewhat expensive looking car parked in the driveway.
  197. >Pressing the doorbell, you two wait until you hear the sound of footsteps on the other side.
  198. >"Hello?" someone asks, even through a door their voice is all stuffy.
  199. "Twi? It's me Applejack. We got yer work from school."
  200. >The sound of locks turning is followed by a frail purple girl opening the door.
  201. >She's dressed in star patterned pajamas and a blanket over her head.
  202. >"Hello girls." she says with a smile.
  203. >"Hey egghead."
  204. "Howdy Twi."
  205. >Taking off your backpack, you open it and dig through to pull out a small folder.
  206. >Handing it to her, she looks it over.
  207. >Probably to double check everything is still there.
  208. >"T-than-than-ah-AH-ACHOOO!"
  209. >Covering her mouth with a tissue she blows into it.
  210. >"Thanks." she says with an embarrassed grin.
  211. "No problem, you get better soon."
  212. >"Do you need a ride home? It's getting dark."
  213. >Looking out, the sun is already pretty low in the sky.
  214. >Considering your house is in the complete opposite direction of Twi's to the school, it'll be pretty dark out.
  215. "If it ain't no trouble."
  216. >"Oh don'th worry." she turns to the inside of the house, "Dad!"
  217. >"Yes Twilight?" a voice calls from inside.
  218. >"Coulth you give my friendths a ride home, they broughth my homework and ith's getting darth."
  219. >"Sure thing, just let me get ready."
  220. >Twilight gestures you inside the house.
  221. >Dash looks a bit apprehensive of walking into a sick girl's home.
  222. >Even though it is getting cold out.
  223. "C'mon it's rude."
  224. >"Alright" Rainbow whispers to you, "But if I get sick I'm blaming you."
  225. "Fine."
  226. >Sitting on the couch, Twilight heads upstairs.
  227. >A few minutes go by and the girl returns and sits adjacent to you on another chair.
  228. >Spike comes in scampering alongside her.
  229. >"Thorry, it'ths really hard to thalk."
  230. "Don't worry bout it Twi."
  231. >Suddenly, Dash nudges you in the rib.
  232. >"Hey AJ isn't that the same medallion that Anon kid has?"
  233. >Looking to where Rainbow is pointing, you spot a glass box on the mantle with a necklace inside.
  234. >Attached to the chain is a snarling wolf head dangling down.
  235. >It's not exactly identical, the one on the box has a large crack running through it, but the two are incredibly similar.
  236. >Twilight's eyes widen as her head darts back between you and the case.
  237. >"Didth you thwo just say you saw another one justh like that."
  238. "Eeyup. A new kid at school had one around his neck. Why?"
  239. >"N-no reason!"
  240. >Before Rainbow or you can speak, a man walks down the stairs.
  241. >"Alright girls, let's get you two home."
  242. >Rainbow Dash gives you a worried look, but you just shake your head.
  243. >Standing, you two head towards the door and wave goodbye.
  244. "Um... Bye Twilight."
  245. >The two of you thank Mr. Sparkle as he pulls out of the driveway.
  246. >Giving him the directions to Sweet Apple Acres, you patiently sit in silence as you're driven home.
  247. >Neither of you opt to discuss the matter with Twilight's dad in the car.
  248. >Rainbow Dash gets off first since her house is on the way which just leaves you with your thoughts on the matter.
  249. >Why do Anon and Twilight both have the same wolf pendant?
  250. >Why was Twilight acting so weird?
  251. >You're definitely going to have to tell the others about this.
  252. >Maybe Pinkie and RD were right, there really is something more to Anon than you think.
  254. -----
  256. >After leaving school for the day, you walk to the place you would reluctantly call "home".
  257. >It takes you out into the poorer parts of town, but it was the only place you could afford and be nearby the school.
  258. >You saw the Apple girl her friends head towards the music room before you left.
  259. >During the walk, you have to walk through a public park, where you find a moment to think on your encounter with three of girls earlier.
  260. >None of them struck you or your wolf as hostile or malicious.
  261. >Maybe this isn't the sort of contract you were lead to believe it was.
  262. >A little while with only the wind to keep you company, you exit the park proper and come to a crosswalk.
  263. >The signal changes and you pass by a woman on the opposite street corner.
  264. >Prostitute most likely.
  265. >Just ignore her and you'll be fine.
  266. >You're almost home when the wolf on your chest vibrates violently.
  267. >"Hey good lookin' you want some compan-"
  268. "No."
  269. >You narrow your eyes and continue on your path.
  270. >Your ears pick up faint footsteps following behind you.
  271. >And you can smell the stench of stale blood.
  272. >"Are you sure?" the female voice asks. "I can make it worth your while."
  273. >Determined aren't we?
  274. "Not interested."
  275. >Despite your answer, the “prostitute” continues to follow you.
  276. >"C'mon, a strapping young man like you shouldn't be all alone in this part of town."
  277. >Doesn't look like she'll simply let you go.
  278. >Stepping down an ally, you halt to a stop when you reach the center.
  279. >The sound of footsteps shift into a heavier sound before quickly changing back.
  280. >Like bone stepping on stone.
  281. >It's subtle, anyone else may not have noticed.
  282. >"Look kid, I'm starving. Help a girl out."
  283. >Turning, you see a shapely woman with what just barely passes as clothing.
  284. >Her features would be considered very attractive, she could pass in a crowd and all the eyes would be on her.
  285. "Yeah... no."
  286. >The woman pouts, sticking her lower lip out.
  287. >"Aw and why not?" her tone starts out innocent, "Your limp dick swing the other way or something?"
  288. "Sorry, not attracted to individuals who whore themselves out to any cock they find."
  289. >"Why would you say that?" she asks, her stance getting more aggressive. "Most men would love to spend a night with someone such as myself."
  290. >You hold your cane to your side and twist the pommel.
  291. "Then go find another sap to fuck you."
  292. >Having lost her patience, she stares daggers at you, "I'm getting a meal with or without you awake."
  293. >Without another word, the "woman" charges at you with blinding speed.
  294. >With a quick gesture with your fingers as a yellow orb forms around you.
  295. >The monster's hand slams into it, shattering the barrier with enough force to send you flying backwards into a pile of trash.
  296. >"What is this? That should have knocked you out."
  297. >Spitting out some blood, you notice that your glasses were knocked off.
  298. >Thank god for Quen.
  299. >That could have been much worse without it.
  300. >You wince, placing a palm on your forehead you can feel something wet.
  301. >Looking at your palm, it's covered in a splotch of red.
  302. >Fuck.
  303. "Augh... dammit that could have been real bad."
  304. >Looks like a woman, extremely quick attack, feeds on sexual activity?
  305. >Probably a succubus.
  306. "Never encountered a succubi before. Today's my lucky day."
  307. >The creature looks shocked that you're able to identify it.
  308. >You just glare at the succubus, her expression growing worried when she sees your eyes.
  309. >"Y-you're... no I thought they were just a myth!"
  310. >Chuckling, you pull yourself out of the garbage and pull your silver sword out of its sheath.
  311. "And this is coming from a succubus."
  312. >She steps back waving her hands in front of her.
  313. >"I-I'm sorry. I-I-I just needed to get some sustenance, it's been so hard with all the others coming in and taking everything."
  314. >Twirling the blade in your right hand, you prepare for the next attack while your other hand digs through a pocket under your shirt.
  315. >Instead of attacking, the succubus turns to flee.
  316. >Got a runner.
  317. >With one practiced motion and an extension of your arm, a throwing knife finds itself lodged into the left leg of the demon.
  318. >She writhes in pain as the small silver dagger brings her to the ground.
  319. >Standing over her, she tries to cast a spell with her hands only for you to stab them with the tip of your silver sword.
  320. >Not a deep stab, but just enough that the metal would discourage her from trying.
  321. >She screams as the metal touches her skin, causing the spell the succubus cast to hide her appearance to falter showing her true form.
  322. >Gnarled and cracked looking horns, a pair of rough cloven hooves in place of feet. But instead of the attractive woman, is an emaciated looking creature who looks like it hasn't had a meal in a while.
  323. >That's... not normal, even for a demon that feeds of lust.
  324. >"Please spare me! I-I'll leave town and never come back!"
  325. >Pitiful.
  326. "See, normally I would leave it at just this and let you go since most succubi are relatively docile."
  327. >You squat in front of her, and she can only look up to you in fear.
  328. "But I can smell the stench of blood on you and the fact you were so quick to attack me point to the contrary."
  329. >"I-I was defending myself! A human tried to mug me! Honest!"
  330. "Quiet. Now, tell me how were you surviving for so long?"
  331. >"I’m... not proud of it..." she blushes, "But I had to make do with... some less than human..."
  332. >Holding a hand up, you gesture for the creature to stop.
  333. >You walked into that one.
  334. >Alright, you think you understand.
  335. >Your medallion doesn't sense any impending danger, just a low hum due to the proximity of a "monster".
  336. >Taking her condition into consideration, times have apparently been tough even for the supernatural it seems.
  337. >Sighing, find yourself walking over to her leg and pull your knife out of her leg and wipe the blood off on her fur.
  338. >You just hope this doesn't bite you in the ass later.
  339. >"W-what are you doing?"
  340. "There's no contract on you, and you caught me in a decent mood."
  341. >She looks at you with a glimmer of hope in her eyes.
  342. >"Y-you're letting me go?"
  343. "Yeah. Just... don't go causing trouble again. I don't give second chances."
  344. >You hold out a hand, which she hesitates to take, before you help her up.
  345. >She almost trips again when she puts pressure on her wounded leg, but manages to retain her balance.
  346. >"Oww... my leg."
  347. "It'll heal. What's your name."
  348. >"Chrysalis..."
  349. "Go try Crystal Heights there's a lot of rich assholes looking for trophy wives."
  350. >Chrysalis looks at you wide-eyed for a moment before giving you a faint smile.
  351. >"Thank you. I won't let your mercy go wasted."
  352. >The succubus limps away down the alley, her appearance magically changing to a woman with more modest outerwear, until she turns the corner and you can't detect her presence anymore.
  353. >Satisfied that's the end of that, you pick up your discarded sheath and place the blade inside.
  354. >[Not gonna make a good Witcher letting monsters go like that boy.]
  355. >Not a monster, just a desperate creature looking to survive. There's no contract on her.
  356. >No reason to kill her.
  357. >[You keep telling yourself that Anon. You'll find yourself dead before you know it.]
  358. >You silence the voice in your head.
  359. >You really hate it when memories of your old instructor resurface like that.
  360. >It's not like there's a ton of work like there was in "the heyday".
  361. >Most of the Witchers livelihood ended up either being hunted to extinction or vanished completely.
  362. >Necrophages? Most of them vanished when people stopped tossing bodies into pits and began giving a damn.
  363. >Harpies? Griffons? Sirens? Arachas? Hunted down with the advent of guns and pushed out when man started expanding territory.
  364. >All creatures you were trained to kill yet have none to kill.
  365. >The only ones that still occur with some frequency are drowners, vampires and ghosts.
  366. >And even then those have become increasingly rare with most work ending up being pranks that went too far, or false sightings made from the superstitious.
  367. >God, the last time you actually had a legitimate contract to perform was almost a year ago.
  368. >Witchers are a dying profession, something of which you were dragged into as some sort of rejuvenation effort.
  369. >One that for all intents and purposes, seems... no IS failing. Because, fuck! A goddamn succubus thought they were a myth!
  370. >A fucking succubus! The irony just burns.
  371. >You dig through your backpack again and pull out a vial of blue liquid.
  372. >Popping the cork, you down the contents and feel the burn go down your throat.
  373. >You toss the vial in frustration with enough force to shatter the tempered glass on the brick wall.
  374. "FUCK!"
  375. >Taking a deep breath, you try to calm down and regain focus.
  376. >Something Chrysalis said garnered your interest.
  377. >She mentioned "others" moving in.
  378. >Might be worth investigating, but right now you already have your hands full with Canterlot High.
  379. >Feeling where the cut was on your forehead, the wound is already starting to heal thanks to your accelerated healing.
  380. >Grabbing a rag from inside your bag, you wipe the blood off and look for your glasses.
  381. >You easily find them and pick them up but something is off.
  382. >One of the lenses is cracked. It falls off the frame and breaks into smaller pieces on the ground.
  383. "Dammit."
  384. >Well you bought them for like three bucks. Get what you pay for you guess.
  385. >Thankfully, you had the foresight to expect them getting broken and you have another pair at home.
  386. >You can see your reflection in the darkened plastic of the remaining lens, your cat-like eyes sticking out like a sore thumb.
  387. >Putting them back on, but instead you just leave it over your head.
  388. >There aren't many people around, so you should be good.
  389. >Looking at your watch, you still have some time to pick up the items for tomorrow and relax a little.
  390. >Walking out of the alley, you continue home already thinking about how you're going to find out who this "monster" of Canterlot High is.
  391. >Guess it's time to pay the Principal a visit.
  393. -----
  395. >Unlocking the front door, you step inside your "home".
  396. >Suffice to say, it is not the most inviting house to say the least.
  397. >A couple of cracks in the walls, missing roof shingles, a broken window.
  398. >The house inside is sparsely decorated and only contains the bare minimum of comfort.
  399. >Tossing your bags of supplies aside onto the well-worn couch, you close the front door and lock it.
  400. >You can't help but rub the back of your neck.
  401. >Egh, there's a crink there. Must have been from your encounter earlier.
  402. >Despite the urge, you ignore just heading to bed head into your room and grab something.
  403. >Your mutations will allow you to miss a few hours of sleep.
  404. >You set yourself back into the living room with a laptop in tow and open it.
  405. >Starting it up you connect to your private e-mail, discovering one new message in your inbox.
  406. >"Untitled", "Unknown Sender".
  407. >Opening it, you aren't surprised that it's from the person who's sent you on this wonderful misadventure.
  408. >[Witcher, it has been almost two weeks with no update in progress. Have you, or have you not killed the creature you were tasked with killing?]
  409. >You narrow your eyes at the e-mail. How the hell does this person expect you to make any progress with nothing to start from?
  410. >This would probably go faster if you had something like some sort of description to help narrow what type of monster you're tracking.
  411. >There are no leads other than there is magic present on the school grounds.
  412. >The only reason you even humored this contract in the first place is because work is so scarce and even a Witcher needs to eat.
  413. >You begin writing a reply, explaining with the lack of information there's almost no way to determine if the monster is still even there.
  414. [Even a tracker needs tracks to hunt their target. You've only provided me with a location of potential monster activity. I have determined there is a magical presence but I have to have some clue as to what I'm facing.]
  415. >You think about mentioning the six girls but decide against it.
  416. >If you ultimately find nothing dangerous, the last thing you need is unintentionally starting a new round of witch hunts.
  417. [If you want progress, give me more to go on like a description of its appearance, abilities, or something.]
  418. >Ending the message and hitting send, you close the laptop and set it to the side.
  419. >Foregoing dinner, you decide to perform some upkeep on your equipment and brew up some more potions with the items you bought.
  420. >You make a mental note to try to find some more varied sources of Aether and Caelum. You're partly thankful that most of the alchemical substances for a Witcher potion can be scavenged from plants.
  421. >Later, after you've corked the appropriate vials you head into the garage.
  422. >Turning on the light, the garage is very similar to the rest of the house.
  423. >Sparse, a workbench on one wall, and a couple of footlockers containing some alchemical materials.
  424. >Comfy.
  425. >Stepping towards the workbench are a pair of swords that sit in their sheathes, almost like they're waiting to be used.
  426. >The steel and silver swords; the two primary, and probably the most important, tools of a Witcher.
  427. >You reminisce the countless hours you trained with the weapons.
  428. >People? Beasts? Monsters? Those you couldn't trust.
  429. >But these, these you could trust.
  430. >You know? Because putting all your fortunes on a pair of swords gets you incredibly far in life.
  431. >Your "overflowing" bank account can attest to that.
  432. >Sarcasm aside it could be worse though, they could be judging your life choices.
  433. >Inadvertently, you stare at the wolf pommel of the steel sword.
  434. >It's empty eyes seem to stare at you.
  435. >Huh, maybe they do...
  436. >Grabbing one, you pull out the blade of your steel sword and inspect it.
  437. >The edge is as fine as it was when it was first sharpened.
  438. >Twirling it in one hand, it's still weighted perfectly for you. Almost like a fitted glove.
  439. >You practice a few strikes and stances before putting the sword back in its proper place and set it down.
  440. >Taking the other sword in hand, you do the same to keep your skills up.
  441. >Compared to the silver blade you have hidden in the cane, this one is much more comfortable to handle.
  442. >That hidden blade is essentially just a crude solid steel core with sharpened silver around it.
  443. >Silver sources here are scarce compared to Kovir that's for sure.
  444. >You would ultimately prefer the meteorite infused silver blade to that, but you can't just walk around with two swords strapped to your back and not have people ask questions.
  445. >At least not in a "civilized" country anyway.
  446. >Sometimes, you feel like you were born in the wrong era.
  447. >Placing the silver sword aside, you shut off the light and head back into the house.
  449. >"Hello Mr. Anonymous, how can I help you?"
  450. >Entering Principal Celestia's office, you can't help but notice the bright color pallet she's chosen to decorate her room with.
  451. >It's almost blinding.
  452. >Heh, blind.
  453. >Jokes aside, you step inside and close the door behind you, taking the seat right in front of her desk.
  454. >"Is everything alright? I hope none of the other students have been bothering you considering your special circumstances."
  455. >She's trying to avoid insulting you.
  456. >How nice.
  457. >You can tell she's trying to be sincere though.
  458. "Everything is fine ma'am. I just need to ask you a favor though."
  459. >"What's that Mr. Anonymous?"
  460. >With three simple hand gestures, you cast Axii on the woman.
  461. "I need to see the personal records of Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Sunset Shimmer."
  462. >Her eyes glaze over slightly as she scrunches her brow before falling to a neutral look.
  463. >"Yes, of course. Let me get them for you." she replies in a monotone voice.
  464. >She rises from her chair and heads to the nearby file cabinet.
  465. >As she digs through the hundreds of individual files, you sigh and slump in your chair.
  466. >Axii, a sign that places a hex on the target, making them compliant to whatever the caster wants.
  467. >A powerful sign in the right hands.
  468. >You were taught to limit its usage for fear of becoming over reliant on it.
  469. >And you understand the reasoning: the power to influence a person's mind is a really useful ability.
  470. >But even you know there are certain lines you won't cross when using the sign.
  471. >Celestia presents six vanilla files in front of you, bringing you back to reality. Each marked with a little symbol to denote who's it is.
  472. >You decide to start with the one stamped with an apple.
  473. >Flipping through the pages, the records are remarkably boring.
  474. >Most of it is just your standard academic records, extracurricular activities, etc.
  475. >The only thing worth note so far are just personality quirks such as Applejack being a terrible liar, Fluttershy being good to animals, that sort of thing.
  476. >Before you know it, you've already finished with five of the files.
  477. >Opening Sunset Shimmer's though, you notice something odd.
  478. >There's very little on anything before high school, but what is surprising is that an incident during CHS's Fall Formal is all blacked out.
  479. >Blacked out?
  480. >The hell is this?
  482. -----
  484. >There should be no reason to have this many black lines on a permanent record.
  485. >Realizing something, you look back to the other five documents and notice that they have similar black lines at the same timeframe.
  486. >You ignored them since they were mere footnotes, but after taking a look at Shimmer's here, things are starting to look fishy.
  487. >Reading on, there are little annotations and commentary on her behavior taking a one-eighty from before.
  488. >Whereas in the beginning her report cards denoted satisfactory behavior, after the Fall Formal they begin turning into G's and E's.
  489. >Abruptly she goes from a trouble-making butt kisser to a model student that helps others.
  490. "Principal? Why is Sunset Shimmer's file so... weird."
  491. >The Principal is about to ask when she shakes her head rapidly.
  492. >Crap.
  493. >"W-where am I- Mr. Anonymous? What are you doing with thos-?"
  494. >You interrupt her by casting Axii again.
  495. >The sign does its work as she falls back into a trance.
  496. >That was close...
  497. >"Could you please repeat the question."
  498. "Why is Sunset Shimmer's record so censored."
  499. >"An incident involving a portal to another world resulted in Sunset Shimmer turning into a demon and trying to enslave the school."
  500. >A sentence like that would phase a normal man.
  501. >You, however are no normal man. You've seen some weird stuff before you came to Canterlot and this is no different.
  502. "What caused this?"
  503. >"A crown brought from the other world belonging to Princess Twilight Sparkle. Its appearance here resulted in magical happenings around the school. After, five of these six students can trigger a magical transformation to harness their powers. Sunset eventually followed suit soon after during the Battle of the Bands."
  504. >Princess Twilight Sparkle? Other world?
  505. "Is the Princess here still?"
  506. >Celestia shakes her head.
  507. >"No, after the Fall Formal and Battle of the Bands, she returned to Equestria. Only Sunset Shimmer knows how to contact her."
  508. >Hmmm, not much you can do about that then.
  509. >You continue to ask questions about Sunset Shimmer, things that mostly clarify the little footnotes in her file.
  510. >You learn about her role during the events of the Fall Formal, the Battle of the Bands and the recent Friendship Games.
  511. >Or at least as much as Celestia knows, which isn't a whole lot to be honest.
  512. >The woman can't even tell you what Equestria is. Whether that's another country or world like where the fabled Aen Elle live is unknown to you.
  513. >There are a lot of details missing, but the only thing she is very sure about is Sunset's radical personality shift.
  514. >Because how does someone turn from a bully, to a pariah and then a hero?
  515. >Apparently with the "Magic of Friendship" if what Celestia tells you is true.
  516. >That's just silly, holy shit.
  517. >You're not disparaging that there was magic and/or friendship involved.
  518. >And who knows, that's most likely what it actually is.
  519. >Plus, you've seen weirder shit happen. So it isn't THAT farfetched.
  520. >But that doesn't make it sound any less ridiculous.
  521. >You look towards the clock and see that the period is almost over.
  522. >You could just have Celestia bar anyone from the room until you're done, but that would draw some unwanted attention and you think you've pretty much exhausted this lead.
  523. "So... let's wrap this up. The statue out front is a portal? It gives off an enormous magical signature."
  524. >She nods.
  525. "One last thing, has there been any major incidents involving magic after the Battle of the Bands?"
  526. >"Only during the recent Friendship Games with Crystal Prep Academy."
  528. >Closing the file, you set them on the desk and go over what you've just learned.
  529. >So far all the signs point towards Sunset Shimmer.
  530. >But from what you read and what the Principal told you, her recent dedication to doing good is a genuine one.
  531. >Which, doesn't really make the problem any simpler.
  532. >In fact, it may make it even more difficult as this contract is starting to look like a hit on an innocent girl who made some bad judgements and is trying to change.
  533. "Please put these back." you ask, rubbing your temples.
  534. >The Principal complies, once she closes the cabinet you cast Axii one last time for a new command.
  535. "Forget everything we talked about. All we discussed was how I was doing well for such a disadvantaged youth and that I should be commended."
  536. >The woman just stands there in a daze as you exit the room.
  537. >But before you leave.
  538. "And maybe tell your sister that "Anonymous is extremely handsome and maybe if you were a bit younger... well, you know.""
  539. >Shutting the door with a click, you walk back towards class.
  540. >Probably not the most noble use of the Sign and may cause some trouble down the road.
  541. >But after yesterday you could use the distraction.
  543. "You hear anything from Twi since yesterday?"
  544. >"Nada. She won't respond to my texts."
  545. "Weird."
  546. >You open your locker and place a book inside.
  547. >Rainbow justs leans against the adjacent lockers.
  548. >"Sunset says to just give her some time, that she's probably just sleeping or something."
  549. "I guess."
  550. >Turning down the hall, you hold out a hand to halt your friend.
  551. >"Wha-"
  552. "Shhh."
  553. >Pointing forward, you two see Anon walking out of Principal Celestia's office tapping his walking stick on the ground as he goes down the hall.
  554. >Anonymous has such a serious expression on his face. Did the Principal tell him off or something?
  555. >The boy looks deep in thought as he stands still for a few moments before continuing to walk by you two and stopping.
  556. >"Hey Applejack." He says, not bothering to look in your general direction.
  557. >His sudden attention catches you off guard.
  558. "Uh... er yeah howdy."
  559. >There's a sorta awkwardness talking to someone who doesn't face you to talk.
  560. >Though if he's blind then you can't really blame him.
  561. "You ready to hang out with us girls after school?"
  562. >His expression still looks troubled, but you can't tell what about.
  563. >"I... guess."
  564. >Before you can reply Rainbow barges forward.
  565. >"Hey, how did you know who she was if you can't see hmmm?" Dash asks, getting really close to Anon's face.
  566. >Frowning, Anon takes a step back and places his palms towards her.
  567. >"Because she has the distinct smell of apples around her. You also need a breath mint."
  568. >Both you and Rainbow raise your brows and glance at each other.
  569. >Rainbow breathes into her palm before gagging as you raise your arm and take a whiff.
  570. >Huh, he's right.
  571. >Weird.
  572. "How did'ya do that?"
  573. >"Better sense of smell." he says pointing towards his nose, "Without sight, my other senses are sharper."
  574. >There's a nagging feeling that there's more to it.
  575. >"Dude that's a bit creepy." Dash replies, crossing her arms.
  576. >"Rainbow Dash right?"
  577. >"You heard of me? Can't say I'm surprised after all I-"
  578. >"Smell like sweat and blueberries." Anon says flatly to her.
  579. >You just stand there slack-jawed.
  580. >"Sorry, deodorant works better when you shower then apply. Not by skipping the shower completely."
  581. >Dash blushes and pulls up a fist.
  582. >Uh-oh.
  583. >Before you can step in though, she thankfully lowers her arm and takes a few steps back while he just stands there stoically.
  584. >She crosses her arms and sticks her nose in the air.
  585. >You can't help but snicker.
  586. >To be honest, you've been meaning to get on Rainbow's tail on the whole cleanliness issue.
  587. >Glad someone's said it. Even if it might have been a little mean.
  588. >What's that word Rarity uses?
  589. >Oh right, "Crass".
  590. >"I'll see you later AJ." He finally says.
  591. >"Pfft. No he won't." Dash mutters once he's out of earshot.
  592. >Your eyes narrow at her thoughtless comment.
  593. "Land sakes girl! That right there was uncalled for."
  594. >"Please, it's not like he could hear me."
  595. >Suddenly two then hear three taps on the locker doors down where Anon went, "Yes I could!"
  596. >It takes a lot of effort to try to contain a laugh as RD growls and gives Anon the bird.
  597. >"I don't like him."
  598. >You don't reply, instead moving closer to your friend.
  599. >Rainbow huffs, before realizing you're in her personal bubble.
  600. >She quickly realizes that you're sniffing the air around her.
  601. >"W-what are you doing!?"
  602. >Pushing you away, you clap once.
  603. "He's right again! You do smell like sweat and blueberries!"
  604. >Having enough, Rainbow just groans in frustration and stomps off.
  605. >"I'm surrounded by weirdos!" she cries.
  606. >You just chuckle and shake your head, walking to your next class.
  608. -----
  610. >The bell signaling the end of the day rings.
  611. >Students scramble out of their classrooms to their friends or the buses to take them home.
  612. >You on the other hand are waiting with the rest of your gal pals at the statue in front of the school.
  613. >"How long is he gonna make us wait? Its been like ten minutes already."
  614. "Pipe down Dash, he'll be here."
  615. >"You really think so Darling?"
  616. "Ah got this feeling in my gut that says so."
  617. >Rarity gets another devious grin going.
  618. >"Is it just your gut? Because I think it may be the start of something wonderful."
  619. >She does a spin with sparkles in her eyes as the others giggle.
  620. "Rarity..." you growl.
  621. >"Oh you're no fun."
  622. >"Um... I think they could make a nice couple... though they did only just meet yesterday..."
  623. >You too Fluttershy?
  624. >"I know isn't it exciting!"
  625. >Before you can rebuke their comments, Pinkie Pie hops down from the base of the statue.
  626. >"Oooh look there he is!" she points out.
  627. >Anonymous carefully walks down the front steps of the school.
  628. "Anon this way!" you holler out.
  629. >Hearing your voice, he walks over to your direction.
  630. >"Hello Applejack."
  631. "Howdy, I don't think you've met them yet but this is Fluttershy and Sunset Shimmer."
  632. >"Hi there."
  633. >"Um...hello..."
  634. >He nods in their direction.
  635. >"So where are we going?"
  636. "Pinkie and Dash were thinking of hitting the street fair across town near the beach."
  637. >Pinkie jumps in between you and Dash in excitement, "Oh yeah they just came out with this new ride that Dashy and I wanted to try!"
  638. >"Is that okay Anon?" Sunset asks.
  639. >"Yeah, lead the way."
  640. "We'll be splitting up in cars to get there."
  641. >"Why don't you ride with Fluttershy, Applejack and I, Darling."
  642. >He shrugs, following you to the school parking lot.
  643. >Before he steps onto the asphalt, Fluttershy stops you four.
  644. >"Um... do you need me to guide you Anon? I don't want you to... um... trip. Ifthat'sokaywithyou..."
  645. >"I'll be fin-" he starts to say before being interrupted.
  646. >"Nonsense darling, Applejack be a doll and hold Anon's hand."
  647. "Excuse me?" you say as deadpan as you can muster.
  648. >"I can walk just fi-"
  649. >Grabbing your hand and his, Rarity forces you to hold each other before laughing that weird laugh she has.
  650. >She holds herself in a weird posture with on palm facing away from her cheek.
  651. >"Oh my, holding hands on the first date? Dohohoho"
  652. >Instead though, Anon simply lets go and places his palm on your shoulder.
  653. >He's probably rolling his eyes behind his pitch black sunglasses.
  654. >You know you are.
  655. >"Drat..."
  656. >You stick a tongue out at Rarity who just pouts.
  657. >Turning away from you, Rarity pulls out a set of keys from her handbag and presses a button.
  658. >Two beeps are heard from a deep purple sedan ahead of you.
  659. >"This is my car over here, it's a lovely shade of pearl with a fuchsia trim. I think the former is a bit too dominant don't you think?"
  660. >Oh boy, here she goes gushing over her car again.
  661. >"I think it's... nice... Rarity."
  662. >"Thank you Fluttershy, Anon what about you?"
  663. >"I'll take your word for it." he replies.
  664. "Rarity I don't thin-"
  665. >"Oh hush Applejack, I'm asking for Anon's opinion."
  666. >Anon stops just short of the car.
  667. >"Can we just get going?" he asks, trying to ignore the question.
  668. >You can tell he's starting to get frustrated.
  669. >"As a third-party, I must ask you for your unbiased point of view."
  670. >You knew Rarity was a bit out there...
  671. >But damn girl. Her ignorance causes you to facepalm.
  672. >"I think it's a positivly lovely shade. The color really brings out your complexion when you stand next to it."
  673. >Anon's voice is dripping with sarcasm, though Rarity seems to be unable to hear it.
  674. >"Wahaha! I just knew it was the right color to choose from!"
  675. "Um... Rarity?" you say "The boy can't see."
  676. >Rarity stops laughing as the fashionista's face turns beet red.
  677. >You open the car door and let Anon know he can enter.
  678. >Embarrassed, Rarity puts a hand over her shaking head and silently enters the driver's seat.
  679. >You ride next to Anon while Fluttershy grabs shotgun.
  680. >The car pulls out of the school parking lot and heads downtown.
  681. >The atmosphere is a bit tense after the little spat.
  682. >Anon doesn't really talk all that much, not that you're not used to that. Big Macintosh himself is a man of few words.
  683. >But just looking at him, you can tell that he's in deep thought about something.
  684. >May as well break the ice.
  685. "So uh... Anon where'd you get that fancy little pendant?"
  686. >"This?" he asks, tapping his wolf head.
  687. "Yeah, only ever seen one other like it."
  688. >"Really now?"
  689. >For a few moments, he just stays silent. Like reliving a memory.
  690. >"It was given to me by my... uncle. Said to protect me from danger."
  691. >"Um... does it work...?"
  692. >"I like to think it does." he replies. "I'm still alive aren't I?"
  694. >The rest of the car ride is pretty much silent.
  695. >That comment about another medallion similar to yours got you thinking.
  696. >Could there be another Wolf here in Canterlot?
  697. >While curiosity wants to get the better of you, personally you want to get some more info on Sunset. But you can't think of any way to do so without drawing suspicion to yourself.
  698. >[Well that's because you are doing a pathetic job Anonymous. Stop fooling around.]
  699. >"A-anon? Where you from? If you um... don't mind me asking..." Fluttershy asks.
  700. "Lyria." you say without thinking.
  701. >Rarity gasps.
  702. >"Lyria? As in the Kingdom of Lyria and Rivia?"
  703. "Mmmhmm. Moved to Rivia after I was born, mostly raised in Kaedwen though."
  704. >More or less, depending on how you classify being "raised" for a Witcher.
  705. >"Oh darling, you must tell me more about it sometime. I hear their fashion industry is just booming!"
  706. >"So... um... why are you here in Canterlot? Ifyoudon'tmindmeasking..."
  707. "Uncle I mentioned before? Sent me here to look for work."
  708. >[You imbecile. They're getting more information on you than you on them.]
  709. >Crap.
  710. >It takes a moment for you to realize your gaff.
  711. >You don't know many professions that would take a blind man.
  712. >Before you can clarify, Rarity sings out "We're heeeerrreeeee."
  713. >Part of you is relieved. But another is worried that they'll find that part about work suspicious.
  714. >As the car pulls into the parking lot, you notice something in the corner of your eye.
  715. >Applejack tries hard not to, but every few seconds she finds herself looking in your direction.
  716. >Does she suspect something?
  717. >Once you notice that the gaudy colored car has stopped, you unbuckle your seatbelt and begin to exit the vehicle.
  718. >"Anon, you can leave your pack inside my car."
  719. >You hesitate.
  720. >"C'mon, it'll be safe if you leave it under the seats."
  721. >Against your better judgement, you comply.
  722. >Don't want to cause a scene.
  723. >The sunshine puts some heat on your skin as the ocean breeze cools it just as fast.
  724. "Been awhile since I've been so close to the ocean."
  725. >The last time was after The Choice, where you "officially" began your Witcher training.
  726. >You shudder at the memory.
  727. >Contrary to the name, it wasn't much of a choice.
  728. >"C'mon partner, everyones gonna leave you in the dust."
  729. >Pulling your arm, Applejack drags you to the rest of her friends waiting out at the front of the pier.
  730. >"Bout time, Rarity could you drive any slower?" the rainbow haired girl asks.
  731. >"A lady does not speed."
  732. >"Whatever... Me and Pinks are gonna head straight to that new ride. You guys can do whatever you want."
  733. >Waving, the two run off.
  734. >"Well so much for hanging out together." Sunset sighs.
  735. >"Don't worry about them, let's just walk around."
  736. >"Actually Applejack, I wanted to take Sunset and Fluttershy here to the... um colored sand exhibit. Yes that's right."
  737. >Both girls look at each other confused.
  738. >"But Rarity I-"
  739. >"Oh don't worry Fluttershy, it's to die for. I'm sure Applejack and Anonymous here can survive by themselves for the time being."
  740. >You cross your arms.
  741. "Sounds like you just want to get us alone."
  742. >"Yeah."
  743. >Rarity waves you off dismissively, "Nonsense darling. Now we must go before they close!"
  744. >Dragging the pink-haired girl and Sunset with her (against all protest), you're alone with the farm girl.
  745. >You scoff.
  746. "Well, that wasn't strange at all."
  747. >"You said it." Applejack says, scratching the back of her head, "Anything you want to do in particular?"
  748. >...
  749. "This place have any candy apples?"
  751. >"Rarity what are you doing?!" yells Sunset.
  752. >She pulls her arm free from your grip as soon as you managed to disappear behind the crowd.
  753. "Hush, I'm trying to get a good view."
  754. >"Um... Rarity, what are we doing. The colored sand exhibit isn't out until next week..."
  755. >You pull out a pair of binoculars from your bag and try to locate the two lovebirds.
  756. >Well... not lovebirds yet...
  757. >They just don't know it yet.
  758. >"Is this another one of your matchmaker attempts? Because that blind date you set up between me and Sandalwood didn't turn out so well."
  759. "Maybe not, but you didn't see the signs!"
  760. >"What signs?" Sunset asks incredulously.
  761. >You finally locate the two moving towards the concession stands.
  762. >The two seem to be having a nice chat, but you can't tell what they're saying due to the massive amount of people around.
  763. "Shoot, they're getting away. Come girls! Love awaits!"
  764. >Donning a large sunhat and a pair of chic sunglasses to disguise yourself, you zip off after them.
  765. >Sighing in frustration, Sunset just walks after you with Fluttershy in tow.
  767. >"Not as good as a Sweet Apple Acre apple, but it should do." Applejack says handing you a candied confection.
  768. >Handing the man at the stand the appropriate amount of money, you take the apple from the girl and sink your teeth in.
  769. >The sweet sugar coating is almost overwhelming to your senses.
  770. >Ugh, those advertisements weren't kidding when they said the sweetest thing you'll ever taste.
  771. >Applejack notices your face and giggles, "Too sweet?"
  772. >Nodding, you toss the apple into the trash and wipe your mouth with some napkins.
  773. >"Yeah, the apples here aren't naturally sweet, so they add a ton of sugar. Pinkie Pie likes them, though Pinkie eats almost anything."
  774. >Walking a bit you notice that the massive crowd of people.
  775. >Kids with their parents, other high schoolers, young couples.
  776. >Individuals with normal lives. And here you are, a guy who hunts monsters for money.
  777. >You mentally sigh.
  778. >That line of thought only reminded you that currently any plans of getting a firsthand look on Sunset are already shot.
  779. >May as well try to "enjoy" the attractions here.
  780. >Though you're not used to so many people in the same place at once.
  781. >Various smells from the ocean from seaweed that washed up on the sand to the plethora of people having a good time.
  782. >It's all so distracting and throwing most of your senses crazy.
  783. >The screams in the distance from the roller coaster are already putting you on edge.
  784. >Even your "escort" notices how tense you are.
  785. >"C'mon Anon, loosen up. We're here to have fun."
  786. "Sorry, just not used to so many people."
  787. >"Don't worry, as long as yer with me you'll be fine. Hey lookie over, over here are some games I want to try."
  788. >She leads you to a booth when two skinny looking fellows in pinstripe trousers pop up from under the table.
  789. >The wolf medallion shakes a little.
  790. >"Flim, Flam..." she growls
  791. >"Say does the little lady want to try her hand at knocking down the bottles?"
  792. >"I think she does little brother!" the one with the moustache answers, "Well whaddya say girl? Three balls for one dollar!"
  793. >Applejack whispers in your ear, "These two are no good hustlers. Watch out for them."
  794. >"You wound us Applejack, since when have we ever done anything wrong to you."
  795. >Before the girl can speak, they immediately turn their attention to you.
  796. >"Well how about you young man? You willing to try and knock the bottles down?"
  797. >You shake your head and point to your glasses.
  798. "Sorry, I have a condition."
  799. >They both grin, "Well blindness isn't a problem here. In fact we'll give you six balls for a dollar fifty."
  800. >Their attitudes are already starting to grate on you.
  802. >Glancing at the bottles, nothing seems off.
  803. >But that's the beauty of it, they don't look off. This game is sure to be rigged in some fashion, they always are.
  804. >"Anon don't get drawn into these two snakes game."
  805. >You raise a hand to stop Applejack.
  806. "Just give me three balls."
  807. >Handing him the dollar from your wallet, he places three balls on a tray in front of you.
  808. >You make to grab one of the balls when abruptly they pull the tray back before you can make contact.
  809. >"Hey!" Applejack calls out.
  810. >"Sorry, just slipped." Flim says with a grin.
  811. >Cheeky fuck.
  812. >Five milk bottles with slightly enlarged rims are stacked on a small stand a couple feet away from you.
  813. >You toss the first ball wide of the bottles and hit the backboard.
  814. >Balls are a little lighter than normal.
  815. >"Oooh sorry, that was a miss."
  816. >Taking a second ball you aim and hit the bottom left bottle.
  817. >Instead of the obvious clattering of glass, the ball bounces off the bottle as they stay in place.
  818. >Glued the bottles to the stand huh? So that's their game.
  819. >Pretty gutsy with that sort of rigging.
  820. >"Hey he hit the bottle! This game is rigged!"
  821. >The two fucks just grin as you pick up your last ball.
  822. "AJ, how close was I?"
  823. >"A bit low and to the left, but you hit it." she grumbles.
  824. >Taking aim, you put more strength into the pitch and throw the ball.
  825. >Like a bullet, the softball shoots through dead center and shatters the tops of the bottom bottles with enough energy to rip the glue off.
  826. >The second row and the top milk bottle topple over and smash into pieces on the ground.
  827. >Applejack, and the two hustlers look at you with gaping jaws.
  828. "I heard shattering did I hit it?" you ask coyly.
  829. >No one speaks.
  830. >"Er... y-yes. Pick a prize." Flam stammers out.
  831. "AJ, you can pick."
  832. >Shaking her head, she realizes you were talking to her.
  833. >Scrunching her nose, she chooses a small orange horse plush with a yellow mane and little cowboy hat like her own.
  834. "Let's go find something else to do."
  835. >Applejack nods, taking you by the arm towards some of the other booths.
  836. >As she leads you away, you look at the two twins arguing with each other over what just happened.
  837. >"Anon that was amazing. Never seen those two scoundrels so caught with their pants down like that."
  838. >Her smile must be infectious, because you can't help but return it.
  839. >Probably the first genuine one in a good while.
  841. "Oh did you see that! He won her a prize."
  842. >You sigh. If only a boy were that dedicated to you.
  843. >"Rarity, why are we following them like this?" asks Sunset as she steps away from the whack-a-mole tent you were using as a hiding spot.
  844. >Another gust of wind from the ocean almost blows your hat off.
  845. "Fluttershy, here hold onto this for me please."
  846. >You take off your beautiful sunhat and place it onto your friends head.
  847. >As much as the sun is killing your fair skin, you absolutely must follow these two without interference.
  848. >Moving a bit forward, you want to get a better view of the promising couple.
  849. >"I wanted to see the petting zoo." Fluttershy mumbles as she takes the hat off.
  850. >"This is stupid, I wanted to come here and have some fun."
  851. "Sunset, darling what are yo-"
  852. >"I'm not going to spend all day watching Applejack and Anon." she says angrily.
  853. >She walks away towards them and calls out, "Anon, Applejack wait up!"
  854. "Sunset no!" you cry out to no avail. "Well, at least you'll help me right Fluttershy?"
  855. >You reach behind you to grab your friend but only grasp air.
  856. "Fluttershy?"
  857. >Turning, you see the pink haired girl is nowhere to be seen.
  858. "Oh poo."
  859. >It seems no one besides you likes to help potential love bloom.
  860. >But Rarity is not one to be-
  861. >Before you know it, a handsome young man walks right by you.
  862. >He wears a very in-season flannel shirt and with denim jeans and his dark hair covers over one of his eyes.
  863. >His gaze looks like it might pierce your very soul.
  864. >Locking eyes with you he gives you a dashing grin.
  865. >He doesn't stop walking, choosing instead to turn and face you while walking backwards.
  866. >Amazingly, he avoids any other people coming the other way.
  867. >...
  868. "Well, I might as well try to find a man for myself."
  869. >Flipping your well-maintained hair to the side, you put on your sexy face and saunter over towards him.
  871. >While attempting a ring tossing game with Applejack, emphasis on "attempt", Sunset Shimmer calls out to you two.
  872. >There's a subtle vibration with your medallion as she approaches.
  873. >She spends a couple minutes telling you both about Rarity's matchmaking attempt.
  874. >"So that's what Rarity was on about earlier? Why that no good..."
  875. >The cowgirls face is red as a beet.
  876. >You say nothing, instead you carefully take in Sunset.
  877. >It's the first time you've actually been this close to her without too much distraction.
  878. >Placing a hand on AJ's shoulder and giving her a comforting smile, Sunset tells her not to worry.
  879. >"Just think of it this way Applejack, it's only because Rarity cares for us when she does it."
  880. >Applejack returns a smile, "Yeah, guess ah can't fault her too much."
  881. >She seems very genuine in her friendship with Applejack.
  882. >Almost like a normal girl.
  883. >Sunset turns to the little horse plush under Applejack's arm.
  884. >"Did Anon really win that for you?"
  885. >"Eeyup, made those two pawn shop owners, Flim and Flam look like a pair of fools too."
  886. "Not sure how knocking some bottles down made them look like a pair of fools."
  887. >"Oh hush you. No need to be modest." she says waving you off, "Sunset, Anon has a mighty good throwing arm."
  888. >You've had practice. Throwing bombs and throwing knives helps.
  889. >The three of you spend some more time playing some carnival games and just enjoying the experience.
  890. >Though it's mostly the two girls playing the games and doing the talking.
  891. >You're honestly just there for the ride.
  892. >You do learn a few things about Sunset, though nothing of any particular importance.
  893. >Things like "What new outfits she likes that are on sale." and "Her boss being a particular hardass at work."
  894. >Part of you is finding it a bit aggravating, because the last thing you want is asking her directly about what happened at the Fall Formal.
  895. >If she is this so-called "Monster of Canterlot" it just would create a handful of problems.
  896. >Because she seems nice.
  897. >But appearances can be deceiving especially when dealing with magic.
  898. >Eventually the sun is well into its descent in the sky when AJ stops the three of you.
  899. >"Anyway, ah'm starving for some food. You in?"
  900. >"Sure. What about you Anon?"
  901. >You just shrug.
  902. >The two girls lead you to the food vendors. Various smells again assault your nose.
  903. >At one particular stall, it looks to be some sort of early 1940's motif with an overabundance of white and red stripes and classic posters.
  904. >The two girls, apparently remembering your "handicap", list off their entire menu of choices.
  905. >Not to say a burger doesn't sound good right now.
  906. >It has been ages since you've had one.
  907. >You've left little room in your already limited budget to splurge on fast food.
  908. >Witchers have to be self sufficient after all.
  909. >Once the cashier is ready, Applejack orders a burger and fries while Sunset herself orders a veggie burger.
  910. >You just order the same as the former. Not particularly interested in the other choices.
  911. >Though you attempt to pay for your own food, Sunset instead opts to pay for you instead.
  912. "I can pay you know."
  913. >"I know, but you're our guest and we're trying to let you have a good time."
  914. "... Thanks."
  915. >She smiles at you before turning back to the man at the stall and handing him the money.
  916. >It's weird.
  917. >Even though it's a small thing, people don't usually go out of their way for you.
  918. >Once they see that you're not... normal they treat you with disdain or wary.
  919. >But then again, your current company doesn't know you're not really blind nor human.
  920. >At least, not fully human anymore.
  921. >All that could change quickly.
  922. >You watch silently as the two girls chat and laugh about something you've spaced out on.
  923. >A thought suddenly occurs to you.
  924. >This is by far the most "normal" thing you've done in ages.
  925. >All your other time was spent on the move looking for work, hunting down any possible leads, traveling, training.
  926. >Never settling down in any particular area for too long, trying to prevent from getting attached to any particular place or person.
  927. >The irony of you having to relax and you guess "making friends", in order to do a serious job that for all intents and purposes should not require either is not lost on you.
  928. >To be honest, you wouldn't be against doing this more often...
  929. >A hand places itself on yours causing you to tense up slightly.
  930. >"Anon, we got our food c'mon."
  931. >It's just Sunset pulling you over to a small table.
  932. >AJ has two trays, one being yours.
  933. >"These look mighty fine. Can't wait to take a bite."
  934. >The girls immediately dig into her food.
  935. >You on the other hand just slowly grab the greasy burger and bring it your mouth and bite down.
  936. >...
  937. >Damn.
  938. >It's good.
  939. >With a bit more enthusiasm, you almost worf down the sandwich and fries entirely.
  940. >You begin to hear giggling.
  941. >Across from you, both girls have just barely gotten to the halfway points.
  942. "What?"
  943. >"I've never seen someone go through food like that except maybe Pinkie."
  944. >"Don't worry bout it partner, just almost like you've never had a cheeseburger before."
  945. "Just been a long time since I've had one."
  946. >"Coulda fooled me."
  947. >You patiently wait for the other two to finish when a raspy voice calls out.
  948. >"Hey you three, it's getting late we should get home before traffic starts up."
  949. >Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie walk up to your table, the latter with a huge amount of carnival goods stacked high in her arms.
  950. >"How was the ride?"
  951. >The blue girl pouts and crosses her arms.
  952. >"Lame, they shut it down while we were in line because some girl passed out and had to be taken to the hospital."
  953. "They shut down an entire ride for that?"
  954. >She shrugs, "Dunno, Pinkie said she heard something about it happening all week here."
  955. >Ones an anomoly, but for an entire week?
  956. >"I hope she's okay." responds Sunset.
  957. >"All I know is that that all the girls have a pair of bite marks around the neck."
  958. >"You mean like ah vampire?" asks Applejack.
  959. >"Sounds like some sort of creep who wants to imitate a vampire."
  960. >Another presence makes its way to your table.
  961. >The pink haired girl with the green skirt.
  962. >"Um... have any of you seen Rarity? She isn't responding to any of my texts."
  963. >The other girls shake their heads.
  964. "When was the last time you saw her?"
  965. >"I um... was going to go to the petting zoo when I saw Rarity follow a strange man."
  966. >Strange man? Vampires?
  967. >Shit.
  968. >Shit, shit, shit!
  969. >This actually could be a problem.
  970. >If there is a vampire that can shapeshift, no wonder your medallion didn't sense it.
  971. >Higher vampires are one of the few things that can avoid detection.
  972. >"Must be trying to hook herself up with a man after her failing with Anon and I."
  973. >Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie glance at each other before they start laughing maniacally.
  974. >"She actually did that? Oh my gosh."
  975. >You immediately stand up, bringing all eyes to you.
  976. "We need to find her. NOW."
  977. >"Anon what's wro-"
  978. >You face Fluttershy who shrinks at your sudden outburst.
  979. "Take me to the last place you saw her."
  980. >Realizing that you are being incredibly serious, the girl nods and takes your hand and leads you.
  981. >The other four quickly follow behind.
  983. >Stopping near the bottle stand from earlier, you glance around.
  984. >While still lively, the pier has fewer people than before and some of the stands are closing down.
  985. >"Um... why do we have to be here...if that's okay?"
  986. "Do you have anything that belongs to Rarity?"
  987. >She thinks for a moment before taking the hat she's wearing off.
  988. >"This belongs to her."
  989. >Fluttershy hands you the hat as the others catch up.
  990. >"Anon what in tarnation is yer hur-"
  991. >You proceed to take a deep whiff of the inside of the sunhat.
  992. >All the girls go wide-eyed with shock at what they're seeing.
  993. >"Ah-HA!" Rainbow Dash shouts, pointing an accusing finger at you, "I knew you were a freak!"
  994. >Ignoring her, you focus your Witcher senses onto the perfume scent from the hat.
  995. >"Anon I didn't know you were into t-that sort of thing..." Sunset states.
  996. "Hush. Trying to get her scent."
  997. >"What the heck is that supposed to mean?!"
  998. >Even through all the other smells given off, the scent Rarity has is incredibly strong.
  999. >Most likely from all the perfume, makeup and hair products she uses.
  1000. >The unique combination of those smells allows you to lock onto her trail despite the breeze coming from the ocean.
  1001. >It's faint but there. Enough to get a decent trail to follow.
  1002. >Moving past the entrance to the pier, you pass by some of the public concrete structures until eventually you follow the trail across the street and near a hotel alleyway.
  1003. >The girls continue to follow behind, each glancing at eachother with worrying looks.
  1004. >The farther you go, the more worried they get.
  1005. >Turning the corner to the hotel, you hear a feminine voice.
  1006. >One that distinctly belongs to the one you're looking for.
  1007. >Just ahead, you see a small candle lit table with Rarity and some guy.
  1008. >A normal looking guy.
  1009. >Both are drinking what looks to be wine.
  1010. >And judging from all the bottles near their feet, quite a bit of it.
  1011. >"Oh my you certainly havshe a way with the lashdies..." slurs Rarity.
  1012. >The man laughs and takes a swig directly from the bottle when he notices your presence.
  1013. >"Someone get lost?" he asks, pointing to you.
  1014. >Rarity struggles to turn her head, but when she spots you she cheers and waves.
  1015. >"That's Anon-e-moose! Hello there *hic* Anonnynonymoose haha!"
  1016. >Walking towards the two, you keep your hidden sword ready.
  1017. "I think you've had enough Rarity, it's time to go."
  1018. >The man stands from his overturned wooden box seat and blocks your way.
  1019. >"Hey pal. The lady is having a good time."
  1020. "I don't care. She's drunk off her ass and she's obviously underaged."
  1021. >The man flips his hair and scoffs, "What are you her brother?"
  1022. >You eye the man carefully, your medallion stays still.
  1023. "No just a concerned friend."
  1024. >"Well, "concerned friend" you can just go fuck off."
  1025. >He makes to shove you back, but you use your free hand and grab him at the wrist.
  1026. "Why don't you?"
  1027. >Tossing it aside, you make the Axii gesture.
  1028. >You can see the hex work its magic when the man struggles on his feet momentarily.
  1029. >Except, the he just shakes his head and scowls.
  1030. >"What the fuck was that?"
  1031. >Axii didn't work?
  1032. >The man backs away a few steps as Rarity continues to watch you two in a drunken stupor.
  1033. >You say nothing as the man's eyes narrow as the other girls finally catch up.
  1034. >"The hell is this? More of you? I thought I made it clear that this is MY hunting ground."
  1035. >"What did you do to Rarity?!" demands Pinkie.
  1036. "O-oh-my...."
  1037. "He-*hic*-ello grils! Anon and Edward over here we're just getting to know each other."
  1038. >"Enough of this! I'll show you why this is my turf."
  1039. >Your medallion beings tugging at your neck warning you of what's already too late.
  1040. >Edward steps back as his features began to morph.
  1041. >His skin grows pale, fingers lengthened into claws, his face becomes more bat-like as hair begins growing, and his legs become more bow legged.
  1042. >Clothing tears off as the fabric cannot contain the new dimensions of its wearer.
  1043. >The girls gasp when they realize what's happening. Even Rarity is taken out of her drunken state to look in awe.
  1044. >Each one of them is shaking in fear at the transformation.
  1045. >When Edward finishes, where once was a man now stands something more dangerous.
  1046. >Something you knew, but was hoping deep down wasn't the case.
  1047. >A higher vampire.
  1049. -----
  1051. >You stand your ground as Edward takes a few moments to readjust himself to his new form.
  1052. >Rarity, Applejack, Sunset and the others look in a mix of horror and awe.
  1053. >You however only grow concerned. Judging from the shape of his head, and body structure, it looks like he's transformed into a Katakan.
  1054. >The bestiary illustrations don't do them justice that's for sure.
  1055. >You've only faced the more feral cousins. There's no telling how this fight will turn out.
  1056. >"Well now, haven't done that in awhile." Edward says, inspecting one of his claws.
  1057. >"W-what the heck is t-that thing?!" Applejack cries out.
  1058. >Edward lunges at you causing all the girls to scream.
  1059. >Only to stop himself and letting out a guttural laugh.
  1060. >Refusing to be intimidated, you don't flinch.
  1061. >"Anon! Get away from that thing!" shouts Sunset.
  1062. >"C'mon dude, run!"
  1063. >The Katakan's tiny eyes watch your movements.
  1064. >No, that's exactly what he wants.
  1065. >Instead, you bring your cane up and unlock the top.
  1066. >He looks at you curiously.
  1067. >You draw the hidden blade, its silver surface gleaming in the moonlight.
  1068. >Once fully drawn, you cast aside the sheathe and twirl the sword in your hand in one single motion.
  1069. >The vampire tilts his head and looks at you with confusion.
  1070. >"A sword? What are you some sort of blind samurai?"
  1071. >Not bothering to answer, you just remove your glasses and toss them behind you.
  1072. >Looking at your surroundings, you quickly take in the environment for the oncoming fight.
  1073. >Cramped alley that doubles as a loading dock.
  1074. >Not a lot of room to move...
  1075. >Rarity is right behind him and the other five girls are right behind you.
  1076. >You can't let the Katakan lay a claw on any of the girls.
  1077. >Like any contract you take, failure isn't an option.
  1078. >Only this time, six other lives hang in the balance as well as your own.
  1079. >A Black Blood potion would come in real handy right about now, but you left your pack with that and all your other tools in Rarity's car.
  1080. >Getting settled into a two-handed grip, you ready yourself.
  1081. >Immediately the Katakan turns invisible.
  1082. >"Where did he go?!"
  1083. >"Ohmygosh!Ohmygosh!Ohmygosh!"
  1084. >Using your ears, you can still faintly hear the vampire skulk around.
  1085. >The sound of his claws clacking against the concrete floor let's you know he's still nearby...
  1086. >Suddenly your medallion rapidly pulls its chain, followed by the sound of rushing air.
  1087. >Ducking to the right, you narrowly avoid a claw to the face.
  1088. >Underneath his arm, you swing your sword and cleave a massive line across Edward's chest.
  1089. >Crimson blood sprays outward and onto the concrete, you bring your blade back into the ready position.
  1090. >Edward screams in pain as he recoils from the counter, taking a few steps back.
  1091. >He leers at you with such sheer hatred you could almost feel it.
  1092. >Unfortunately while the silver blade easily rend the Katakan's flesh the wound you inflicted begins healing itself.
  1093. >Most vampires have some degree of regeneration, the only way to halt that is with fire or daylight.
  1094. >And it's well past sundown.
  1095. >This time the vampire charges at you with full force, swinging his claws wildy after one another in an attempt to gore you.
  1096. >That's right, keep focus on me...
  1097. >You calmly back-step, dodge and parry each blow that comes your way, doing your best to track each of his movements.
  1098. >Small cuts to his arm and leg
  1099. >It doesn't take long for the girls to realize that they're in the oncoming path.
  1100. >Giving you two a wide berth, they silently watch as the Katakan forces you back across the street and near a guardrail.
  1101. >Just below is a pretty steep drop to accommodate a seawall.
  1102. >Perfect.
  1103. "Come on you ugly fucker. You fight like a foglet."
  1104. >Rage reaching it's boiling point, he tries to tackle you.
  1105. >Anticipating that, you bend backward and fall to the ground resulting him in just clawing through solid metal.
  1106. >Without missing a beat, you tuck your middle finger down with palm extended and send a booming shockwave of energy into the belly of the beast.
  1107. >The force sends the Katakan flying over the guardrail and down the cliff onto the beach.
  1108. >Hopping back up, you see that Edward lies in a heap from the fall, but it's only a matter of time until he's back up.
  1109. >Despite the sound of the ocean waves crashing onto shore, you still think you can hear it breathing.
  1110. >The sound of multiple feet running across the road towards you makes you turn your head.
  1111. >Sunset and the others make a semi-circle around you.
  1112. >"Anon what in blazes was that?!"
  1113. >"Where did you get that sword?!"
  1114. >"You're not really blind?!"
  1115. >"What's with those eyes?!"
  1116. >Each one of them starts to unload a barrage of questions at you, only for you to silence them with a raised hand.
  1117. "Applejack, Sunset, you girls need to leave. Now."
  1118. >"But Anon what abou-"
  1119. "I'll take care of it, but you need to go."
  1120. >Without another word, you hurdle over the railing and onto the sandy floor below.
  1121. >Wet sand will make it tougher to get a good stance, but you'll at least be able to see the Katakan's footsteps if he tries to vanish again.
  1122. >You bring your sword up, as Edward shakes his head from the daze.
  1123. >He snaps his head towards you and lets out a piercing screech into the night sky.
  1124. >Utilizing his invisibility, he cloaks himself again, apparently unaware that he not only kicks up sand, but leaves impressions in it as well.
  1125. >Side-stepping his attack, you bring down your sword and make contact again as more blood follows your sword.
  1126. >The beast crashes into the ground again, rematerializing and clutching his side. Blood drips down and stains the sand beneath.
  1127. >Must have been a good one to be bleeding so much.
  1128. >Edward rises and his wound again heals.
  1129. >You need to finish him. Even you won't be able to keep this up forever.
  1130. >"What the hell are you?" he howls.
  1131. >Before you can quip back, a tin can clacks onto a rock just at the base of the seawall.
  1132. >You both look up and see the girls continue to watch your fight.
  1133. >Your eyes widen in shock.
  1134. >Those idiots!
  1135. >Making what you can only imagine as a sly grin, Edward proceeds to face them.
  1136. >"Well "Concerned Friend", there are other ways to win a fight."
  1137. >The hell does he mean by that?
  1138. >You realize how close he is to the section of the wall the girls are by.
  1139. >It wouldn't take him much effort to climb it and...
  1140. >SHIT!
  1141. >You charge forward as he begins rushing towards the wall.
  1142. >Only for him to fake you out by twisting his body towards you with right claw extended.
  1143. >Fluttershy covers her eyes as the others cry your name.
  1144. >A quick uppercut sends you flying back onto the sand.
  1145. >You cry out in pain as it begins gushing from your wound.
  1146. >It makes for another swipe, but you manage to roll away from the blow.
  1147. >"Anon!" Applejack cries out to you.
  1148. >Bringing your off-hand to your chest, you can feel how deep the wound is.
  1149. >The sanguine fluid sticks to your fingers and stains the front of your remaining shirt deep red.
  1150. >Too deep...
  1151. >Just a bit more and there's no doubt you would be dead...
  1152. >You cannot take another hit like that.
  1153. >"I can hear your heartbeat's faster tempo. It's music to my ears."
  1154. >Cheeky motherfucker.
  1155. >Gritting through the pain, you force yourself up and cast a Quen sign.
  1156. >Glancing back towards the seawall, the girls have looks of terror on their faces.
  1157. >You mentally chastise yourself for falling for such a move. Now with you losing blood, you need to make this quick.
  1158. >Putting as much focus as you can on your opponent, you take a deep breath and exhale.
  1159. >Thrusting on the ball of your foot, you make push your blade forward.
  1160. >Expecting the strike Edward moves to the side, only for you to feint and spin around with the sword in a chopping action.
  1161. >The sword digs deep into his side causing him to cry out.
  1162. >Retracting the blade, you bring your palm forward with index finger tucked in to cast Igni.
  1163. >The brief spout of flames him to stagger which you follow with two cuts on his chest that draw more crimson blood.
  1164. >Because of the exposure to fire, his regeneration halts leaving the wound to bleed.
  1165. "Hey look, now we have a matching pair."
  1166. >"YOU FUCKER!"
  1167. >Edward retaliates with flurry of swipes comes with you able to deflect them with ease.
  1168. >One gets through but your barrier takes the blow for you.
  1169. >Rolling under another strike, two quick slashes of your own brings your sword across his thigh and upper torso sending him to his knees.
  1170. >Though it does little good as the thin cuts begin to heal themselves albeit a bit slower than before.
  1171. >"Just give up and die." the vampire says. "THAT GIRL IS MINE!"
  1172. "Shut up and fight you pussy." you retort, deflecting another blow.
  1173. >Left strike, right slash, parry, riposte...
  1174. >Unaccustomed to fighting someone who can actually fight back, the vampire gains more cuts across his body.
  1175. >Unfortunately, as time goes on the vampire's regenerative abilities return in full force while the successive sign casting and the major injury you received bring you to exhaustion very quickly.
  1176. >This is going on too long. Sooner or later you are going to make a mistake.
  1177. >Edward turns invisible once again giving you a moment to take advantage of.
  1178. >Instinctively, you reach for a bomb from your backpack...
  1179. >Only to grasp air.
  1180. >Speak of the fucking devil...
  1181. >Edward takes the opportunity and charges at you with a claw which you reflexively move to block...
  1182. >Only for the monster to feint and grab your sword by the blade.
  1183. >Blood seeps down the fuller and onto the guard, you move to try to cast Quen one last time.
  1184. >But with his free arm, Edward punches you in the gut, sending you to the ground heaving for air as your silver sword lands in the sand next to you.
  1185. >You end up coughing out a load of blood at his feet.
  1186. >The Katakan raises an extended claw to finish you off.
  1187. >"GAME OVER!"
  1188. >Shit...
  1189. >You are actually going to die right now.
  1190. >Goddammit!
  1191. >"Get away from him you varmint!" shouts a voice.
  1192. >No!
  1193. >Looking up, all six girls have dropped onto the beach with makeshift weapons made from the scraps of the guard rail.
  1194. >Edward narrows its eyes and bares his fangs.
  1195. >NO!
  1196. >Quickly you slam your palm onto the sand as purple glyphs form in a circle around you two.
  1197. >The vampire begins to lunge at them as the Yrden trap begins to slow its movements to a crawl.
  1198. >You use the moment to grab your discarded blade and stab it upwards into the vampires gut.
  1199. >A slowed realization of pain brings the vampire to look at you as its eyes widen.
  1200. >Fighting through the pain, you force the monster onto its back and pin it to the ground with your silver sword.
  1201. >His head falls outside of the glyphs, resuming normal time for his mind.
  1202. >He tries to claw you off only for Yrden split the speed of thought and action. Leaving you with just enough time to for one last attack.
  1203. >With the last of your energy, you bring your left hand to his face with your palm extended and index finger tucked in to cast one last sign: Igni.
  1204. >"NO STOP NOOO-!!"
  1205. >Flames shoot out from your palm and into the screaming maw of the creature, lighting it on fire.
  1206. >You grit your teeth in concentration trying not to pass out from the blood loss and the quick depletion of your stamina from casting.
  1207. >Shrill screams take the night sky as the Katakan burns.
  1208. >Yrden and your silver sword prevent Edward from escaping as you force a constant stream of pyrokinetic energy down his gullet.
  1209. >Feeling the burn get to you, you grit your teeth as you can feel the fabric of your remaining clothing cook while Edward dies from the constant flames.
  1210. >Applejack and her friends can only look in a mix of horror and awe as you finish off the vampire.
  1212. >Eventually Yrden times out as the glyphs fade, the vampire's extended limbs collapsing.
  1213. >You collapse off the carcass and roll over onto the soft sand, as the cold night air stings your open wounds.
  1214. >Blood is still flowing forth from the deep laceration.
  1215. >Your pants, or what's left of them, are smoking.
  1216. >Looking toward the thing that was once a living vampire, you see that your silver sword is almost glowing at the point sticking in the monster.
  1217. >Note to self: If someone tells you to leave your bag behind. Tell them to go fuck themselves...
  1218. >Still, what a rush.
  1219. >You let out an exhausted sigh of relief.
  1220. >"Anon!" six voices cry out in unison.
  1221. >Soon you're surrounded by six figures hovering over you.
  1222. >They carefully drag you away from the smoking corpse as Applejack props your head up.
  1223. >You try to sit up yourself, but the cowgirl's grip keeps you down.
  1224. >And right now, you're not really in a condition to argue.
  1225. >"We need to get him to a hospital!" cries Fluttershy.
  1226. "No hos-*cough*-hospital."
  1227. >"Anonymous, you are in no condition to be talking." scolds Sunset, "You could have died."
  1228. "Was doing fine if you hadn't had stuck around." you retort, "I just need my pack."
  1229. >"Dash, go get Anon's backpack out of Rarity's car!" Applejack orders.
  1230. >Nodding, the girl runs up the base of the wall, grabs onto the lip of the sidewalk and climbs up and over.
  1231. >A sudden lack of feeling in your chest makes you realize that you're losing way too much blood to wait for a Swallow potion.
  1232. "No need to alarm you all, but I'm losing feeling in my chest."
  1233. >"What do we do?" Pinkie frantically yells, "What do we do?!"
  1234. >"Put pressure on the wound, we need to prevent him from losing more blood!"
  1235. >"But what do we use?!" Applejack asks.
  1236. >"Do I really have to do everything?" Sunset groans in frustration.
  1237. >Ripping her blouse, she takes the strips of cloth and holds it against your chest.
  1238. >Taking that as their cue, the others proceed to rip more clothing off of themselves to prevent you from bleeding out.
  1239. >If this were any other sort of situation, you would gladly have girls on the beach ripping their clothes off for you.
  1240. >But now is not the time to be making jokes.
  1242. >Five painful minutes later, Dash comes back with Anon's backpack in her arm. Only to go wide-eyed at the sight of his blood-caked chest.
  1243. >You honestly can't blame her.
  1244. >Handing it to the guy, he doesn't even thank her.
  1245. >Unzipping it, Anon pulls out a vial of blue liquid and pops the cork.
  1246. >The substance goes down his throat. It must taste mighty horrible if he has to hiss like that when he finishes.
  1247. >Looking to your friends, Rarity must have passed out, because she's lying down in Fluttershy's embrace.
  1248. >"Um, Rainbow Dash how did you get Anon's pack from Rarity's car?"
  1249. >Dash nervously scratches the back of her head and avoiding eye contact.
  1250. >"I er... I couldn't unlock the door so I tossed a rock into the window."
  1251. "Rarity ain't gonna be happy when she finds out about that."
  1252. >"Yeah, well this wouldn't have happened if she didn't almost become dinner for a monster."
  1253. >"I'll deal with it." Anon states.
  1254. >"But-"
  1255. >"I. Will. Deal with with." He finishes with a sharp tone.
  1256. >Rummaging through his bag again, he finds a small container.
  1257. >Opening it, inside is a curved needle and thread.
  1258. >Leaning against the wall, he takes the needle and sews his wound shut before tying and biting the thread.
  1259. >You all do your best to give him his privacy during it.
  1260. >You would be lying to say if you weren't a bit nervous around him now.
  1261. >The way he took on that... thing. There was no way he was human.
  1262. >Especially with those eyes of his. Almost exactly like a cat's eyes.
  1263. >But when you look at the sorry state he's in as well, you also can't help but feel partly responsible.
  1264. >He only really got hurt when that thing tried to go for you.
  1265. >Before you know it Anon is already up and about towards the monsters dead body, though there's a slight limp in his step.
  1266. >Anon kneels down next to the monster's body and lifts one of his pants legs up.
  1267. >He pulls out something that looks like a small knife with a six or seven-inch blade.
  1268. >Flipping it in his hands, he holds it in an icepick grip.
  1269. >What is he...?
  1270. >What in tarnation?!
  1271. >Oh my go-! Is he cutting it's head off?
  1272. >You, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie all cry out in horror at Anon's further mutilation.
  1273. >Sunset vomits behind a rock.
  1274. >He looks back at you with a matter-of-fact look on his face.
  1275. >"Gotta make sure it's dead. Vampires can, and have, survived worse than this."
  1276. "T-that's a vampire? Ain't look like no vampire I've ever seen."
  1277. >"Katakan specifically, a type of higher vampire. Not like one of those Hollywood ones." He remarks, inspecting the claws and ears, "This one's relatively young which might be why it was so feral when fighting."
  1278. >It disturbs you that he's already talking about this so casually. Even despite after being hurt so bad.
  1279. >His focus working on the body almost reminds you of Rarity when she gets into one of her dressmaking sessions.
  1280. >He finishes cutting the last of the flesh keeping the head attached then proceeds to limp to the beach proper.
  1281. >Morbid curiosity compels you and the others to find out why.
  1282. >Tossing the head into a bonfire pit, he takes another vial from his pack, douses the head and makes another one of those strange gestures with his hand.
  1283. >More fire shoots out from his palm, causing the pit to let out a large flaming pillar before calming down to more manageable levels.
  1284. >With that done, Anon walks back over to you.
  1285. >"I'm pissed that you didn't listen to me. But... if it weren't for you six coming in like that I would have died."
  1286. >"W-well we couldn't j-just leave you alone with that v-vam-vampire." Fluttershy stutters behind you.
  1287. >"Well, I guess we're even then." he says with a small brief smile, "So thanks."
  1288. >But just as quick as it came, it disappears as he glances back at the fire.
  1289. >You can't help but stare again, though he doesn't seem to notice or mind.
  1290. >"Look, I know what I did was pretty gruesome but I still got the rest of the body to take care of. You should wait by the cars."
  1291. >Each of you look to the other nervously.
  1292. >"Well, if you want to stay so bad, you could get some marshmallows and cook'em over the fire."
  1293. >He points towards the bon-fire.
  1294. >The same fire he tossed a head into.
  1295. >You and Rainbow give an unsure laugh as Sunset again vomits behind the same rock.
  1296. >Fluttershy whimpers some more as Pinkie shakes her head back and forth.
  1297. >Well...
  1298. >You wanted to get to know Anon today.
  1299. >Guess you got a little more than you bargained for.
  1301. -----
  1303. >You all sit around the bonfire Anon "prepared".
  1304. >Pinkie Pie, being Pinkie Pie, pulled out some marshmallows, chocolate bars and graham crackers.
  1305. >Though none of you feel particularly hungry.
  1306. >Anonymous is still finishing off the last of the vampire's corpse.
  1307. >The rest of the body is currently cooking in the fire.
  1308. >It lets off a sort of barbecue-ish smell.
  1309. >You don't think you're going to be eating meat for awhile.
  1310. >"Anyone want some Katakan meat? I hear it tastes delicious." Anon calls out in a teasing voice.
  1311. >Sunset turns a little green, while it takes a bit of effort to suppress your gag reflex.
  1312. >Murmurs of "No thanks." are his only reply.
  1313. >Looking at your friends, all of them look like they just woke up from a nightmare.
  1314. >Rarity in particular just looks like she's on the edge of breaking out into tears.
  1315. >Granted, you feel the same. But this ain't no nightmare.
  1316. >Huh, a lonely boy you thought just needed some friends is only a few steps away hacking a body to pieces.
  1317. >Now that you think about it... You sort of described a serial killer.
  1318. >You look at the little horse plush in your hands. It's innocent green eyes look back up at you.
  1319. >Is this really the same kid who sat alone in the lunchroom.
  1320. >The plush just stares at you as you wait futily for some sort of answer.
  1321. >The sound of footsteps in the sand bring you back as Anon sits between you and Rarity.
  1322. >He tosses a chuck of vampire into the pit, causing it to momentarily burst as new fuel is added.
  1323. >"Guess we need to talk." he simply says.
  1324. "Darn right."
  1325. >Anon doesn't face you and just looks into the fire.
  1326. >The light dances off his features, as without his large glasses you can see his eyes look weary.
  1327. >His strange looking cat eyes...
  1328. >Not because he looks old, but he just has that thousand-yard stare people who've seen terrible things all their life have.
  1329. >"Anon what's with those eyes?" Rainbow asks.
  1330. >He chuckles and shakes his head, "They always start with the eyes."
  1331. >Taking a few marshmallows and inserting a stick into them he holds them up to the fire.
  1332. >"They're a result of my mutations."
  1333. "Mutations?"
  1334. >Anon nods, "I'm a Witcher, a monster slayer for hire. I can't really go too deep, but the flashcard version is that we go through alchemical processes, mutations, and intense physical and mental training in order to do what I just did."
  1335. >You all listen quietly and expectantly as he removes his marshmallows and lets them cool.
  1336. >He lifts his wolf medallion up, "This is a symbol for the School I belong to."
  1337. "You said "we" right? You mean there are more like you?"
  1338. >Nodding, he pops one of the bronze colored marshmallows into his mouth.
  1339. >"As far as I know there's at least two practitioners for each school right in the present day."
  1340. >Sunset narrows her eyes, "How many schools are there?"
  1341. >"Five." He answers, holding up a hand with five fingers up. "Wolf, Bear, Griffon, Cat, and Viper."
  1342. >"Historically each school had their own territory, Kaedwen for the Wolves, the Skellige Isles for the Bears, so on and so forth. However all current day Witchers are trained in the same place."
  1343. >Taking some graham crackers and a chocolate bar, he makes two smores.
  1344. >Anon offers one to somebody, but everyone except Pinkie Pie turns it down.
  1345. >Drinking some bottled water, he lets the liquid sit in his mouth for a while before swallowing.
  1346. >"A-and you wanted to do this?" Fluttershy asks.
  1347. >Anon scoffs.
  1348. >"No. I didn't have much of a choice. None of did. No Witcher ever had. Each school would get ten recruits taken from birth, or at an extremely young age."
  1349. >"W-what h-happened to the others? If you d-don't mind that is..."
  1350. >"Walking the Path." he answers.
  1351. >He sees your bewildered faces and clarifies, "Sorry, it's a term for wandering from place to place looking for work."
  1352. >Anon counts something in his head, which you could only tell by the way his fingers move.
  1353. >"As far as I know, there are three Bear school Witchers, two Cat school, and including me, three for the Wolf school. I think the Viper also has three, while I heard rumors the Griffons had five or six."
  1354. >But... if they started with ten, and only so few made it...
  1355. "So does that mean..."
  1356. >"Most died." he says, understanding where you're going, "Some from training accidents, the rest mainly from the Trials which, before you bother asking, I will not tell you about."
  1357. >The way he talks about the subject, it's clear he has bitter memories.
  1358. >You and your friends look shocked, who in their right mind would allow this?
  1359. "That's terrible! What sort of jerk does that?"
  1360. >"Wouldn't the police been involved with so many children disappearing?"
  1361. >"How would they notice? Most of us were orphans or given up." says Anon as he shakes his head, "Besides we weren't all trained at the same time. The Bears are the oldest while the Griffons are the youngest group, they would have only just finished their training a few years ago."
  1362. >None of you find it inside you to ask any more questions, instead just letting the silence hang in the air.
  1363. >Tossing his stick aside, he lays back into the sand and places his arms behind his head.
  1364. >The cackling of the fire sends embers up into the air.
  1365. >Sitting up, he locks eyes with you.
  1366. >"Don't any of you dare pity me or my brothers. We've learned to accept our lots in life."
  1367. >"But that's so terrible..." Fluttershy says sadly.
  1368. >"So what monster were you sent here for?" Sunset cryptically asks.
  1369. >The boy doesn't make eye contact with her, "You, probably."
  1370. >You all gasp, as Rainbow prepares to jump Anon.
  1371. >Sighing, he just holds up a hand.
  1372. >"Don't worry, I'm thinking of turning down the contract. Despite your... magical background from Equestria."
  1373. >The mention of Sunset's former home brings shock to your friends.
  1374. "How did you know where she was from?"
  1375. >"I'm monster slayer. I have to actually investigate matters to make sure my targets are actual monsters and not just a hit on a normal person."
  1376. >"But who would want to kill Sunny? That's really really REALLY not cool."
  1377. >Adjusting his position so he sits cross legged, he shrugs again.
  1378. >"I don't ask, and even if I did nowadays contractors don't tell us their names. All I know is that they paid a king's ransom just to see you gone."
  1379. >You glance at Sunset, who look incredibly saddened by the news.
  1380. >Sure, she may have tried to mind control the whole school and turned into a demon but to kill her? Especially after all she's done?
  1381. >"Could it be the Dazzlings?"
  1382. "Mmmhh, doubt it. They can't mesmerize people without those fancy doohickeys around their necks."
  1383. >"Then who?" asks Rarity. "I can't think of one person who would want to kill our dear Sunset."
  1384. >"Someone with a lot of money and connections." Anon answers, "And once they find out I turned down this job, they'll probably send someone else to do it."
  1385. >"Someone less likely to not finish the job too." Sunset finishes. "We'll have to figure out who put out the hit on me."
  1386. >Getting up, Anon pats himself off.
  1387. >"Good luck with that. I mean it."
  1388. "Where are you going?"
  1389. >"Home."
  1390. "You're not going to help?!"
  1391. >"No. Without a contract or job, despite the presence of a Katakan, I have no reason to stay."
  1392. >"Anonymous, please you should help Sunset." Fluttershy pleads. "She really needs you."
  1393. >"I'm sorry, but it isn't my pla-"
  1394. >"I'll hire you." Sunset interrupts abruptly.
  1395. >You all freeze and turn towards her.
  1396. >"Excuse me?" Anon asks.
  1397. >"I-I said I'll hire you. I want you to find whoever submitted this contract."
  1398. >Sunset doesn't even look like she knows what she's asking.
  1399. >With a smirk, he crosses his arms.
  1400. >"I get what you're trying to do, but even if I accepted, and that's a big *if* what would you pay me with? A Witcher's services are not cheap."
  1401. >"C'mon dude!" Rainbow yells. "Her life's on the line."
  1402. >"Which is why I want to know how much her life is worth to her."
  1403. >"I don't have much... I know! I-I'll get into contact with Twilight... I'm sure she can help."
  1404. >While you know Twilight would jump through hell itself to help her friends, Sunset doesn't seem to believe what she just said.
  1405. "Sunset..."
  1406. >Anon just shakes his head, "Empty promises don't mean much to me."
  1407. >Rainbow just grows even more frustrated and runs at Anon with a fist.
  1408. >"YOU DICK!"
  1409. >Without a word Anon just grabs her arm in midair, bends it behind her back and forces her to the floor.
  1410. >It all happens so fast that Dash doesn't even realize she's on the ground until she coughs up sand.
  1411. >"Rainbow!" you all quickly stand and yell out.
  1412. >A glint reflecting the light of the fire draws your eyes to Anon's leg and a cold chill goes up your spine.
  1413. >He has his hunting knife drawn out slightly with his other hand.
  1414. >If he wanted, he could have killed her and been done with it. And there would have been nothing you or anyone else could have done.
  1415. >She struggles to break free, but Anon's grip on her arm and knee on her back hold her in place.
  1416. "Anon get off her!"
  1417. >Pausing for a moment, he complies, puts back his knife and steps away from your blue friend.
  1418. >Pinkie Pie helps Rainbow Dash up, rubbing her sore shoulder all the while glaring at him.
  1419. >"Don't do that again." he growls at her.
  1420. >Taking a deep breath and sighing, he walks over to Sunset.
  1421. >"So what do I do?" she asks with tears in her eyes.
  1422. >Anonymous just looks away before returning his gaze.
  1423. >"I can't tell you that, I like you all so I will give you a week to figure things out."
  1424. "Just a week? And what'll you be doing?"
  1425. >"Until then I'll just hang around at school, but once the week is up I'm back on the Path."
  1426. >He gathers his things then tosses a load of sand onto the bonfire to put it out.
  1427. >"Well, let's head home. It's getting late, I'll answer more questions later."
  1428. >You look to each of the girls and finally to Sunset.
  1429. >The poor girl looks incredibly down in the dumps.
  1430. >Putting an arm around her, she hugs you tightly as the dam bursts.
  1431. >"Applejack... I just don't know what to do..."
  1432. "Hush now, sugarcube. We'll get through this."
  1433. >You gently guide her off the beach and back to the parking lot.
  1435. -----
  1437. >Your eye twitches.
  1438. >The seven of you just stand around your car.
  1439. >"Wow RD, you really did a number on the window."
  1440. >The multi-colored haired girl blushed, "Yeah, well *someone* was dying. I didn't really see any option."
  1441. >A large hole lies dead center in the tempered glass.
  1442. >Broken bits of the window lie all over the back seat and floor of the sedan.
  1443. >The headache you have right now doesn't make your mood any better.
  1444. "How will I explain this to Daddy! And not to mention this will probably raise the insurance premium."
  1445. >"And we can't really tell the truth." Applejack says.
  1446. >This will put a huge dent in your savings. And you were so close to getting that new sewing machine too.
  1447. "..."
  1448. >"Well it's Anon's fault, he should be the one paying for it."
  1449. >You give Rainbow Dash an incredulous look.
  1450. "Excuse me?"
  1451. >"I wouldn't have to have smashed the window if Anon didn't need his bag."
  1452. >"Dash, we all know it wasn't his fault for getting hurt like he did."
  1453. >You begin to nod in agreement before a sharp pain in your forehead brings a hand to your temple.
  1454. "Oh dear, I'm still feeling woozy from all the wine I drank..."
  1455. >"Which ya shouldn't have drank since you're underage." Applejack scolds.
  1456. "I just don't know what came over me. One minute Edward was talking to me about our similarities in fashion next thing I know Anonymous is telling the ruffian to stand aside."
  1457. >"He probably put you in a trance." Anonymous answers, "Higher Vampires can put animals and humans into one to lure their prey in."
  1458. >"Just thinking about Rarity turning into a vampire makes a chill run up my spine." Fluttershy says.
  1459. >He shakes his head, "That's a myth, as are most “modern” methods to kill vampires. Vampire bites don't turn humans nor do the higher ones need blood to survive."
  1460. >"Then why did that meany-head want Rarity then?" Pinkie Pie asks, getting a bit too close to Anon's personal space.
  1461. >"Human blood is like alcohol to them. The wine you were drinking probably wasn't even doing anything for him and was just meant to make your own blood tastier."
  1462. >You shudder.
  1463. >Was that really what he was doing?
  1464. >"That is a... morbid thought."
  1465. >"It's a morbid subject." he replies.
  1466. >Applejack coughs her throat, bringing you back on topic.
  1467. >"It um... probably wouldn't be safe for you to drive."
  1468. "No it wouldn't darling. Someone else will need to drive."
  1469. >Applejack raises her hand, "Rarity, I'll drive your car."
  1470. >You approach your farmer friend and giver her a warm hug.
  1471. "Applejack you are a doll. I'll be sure to make it up to you."
  1472. >"You can probably fit one more person inside without having them sit on all the glass."
  1473. >Pinkie Pie counts her fingers.
  1474. >"But who'll ride in Rainbow Dash's car?"
  1475. "If Applejack is driving, then that means Fluttershy will have to join us since her house is on the way to mine."
  1476. >Everyone looks around awkwardly as that would mean Anon would have to ride with Rainbow Dash.
  1477. >"Nuh-uh, I'm not letting that jerk into my car."
  1478. >"Don't worry about me, I can walk home." Anon says, turning to leave.
  1479. >The cowgirl grabs his arm.
  1480. >You can tell he's uncomfortable with the touch just by the way he tenses up.
  1481. >"Anon, you're in no condition to walk by yourself. Plus your half-naked."
  1482. "I've been through worse. Granted, not much worse but still."
  1483. >You walk up to the boy and have him face you.
  1484. "Anonymous, I cannot in good conscience let you walk all the way home looking like *that* after saving my life."
  1485. >"Be that as it may, it's obvious I'm not getting a ride from Dash and I ain't keen on sitting on broken glass. I may have a higher pain tolerance than most, but that shit still hurts."
  1486. >"Ugh, RD just let the guy go with you for tonight." Applejack says.
  1487. >"*Fine* but he better not talk during the whole ride. And no funny business."
  1488. >"Suites me just fine."
  1489. >Sunset tries to say something, but instead just let's it go.
  1490. "Then in that case are there any objections?"
  1491. >Everyone, except Anon, Rainbow and Sunset, shake their heads.
  1492. >As the four walk away, you hand Applejack your car keys while Fluttershy enters the back seat.
  1493. "Please be careful Fluttershy, I couldn't stand the thought of you hurting yourself."
  1494. >"Oh I'll be fine Rarity, thank you for your concern though." she says with a small smile.
  1495. >She uses an old magazine you left in the seat pouches and brushes some of the stray glass aside.
  1496. >You step into the passenger seat and buckle in.
  1497. >Opening the driver side door, your blonde friend peers inside and leans over the seat into the rear passenger area.
  1498. >"Hey Fluttershy, could you hold onto this fer me?"
  1499. >"Okay."
  1500. >She hands her the little pony plush Anon won her earlier today.
  1501. >Applejack adjusts herself and the mirrors in the driver's seat before starting the engine and pulling out.
  1502. >The radio plays one of your favorite songs, but you decide to turn it down anyway. The pounding on your head is starting to get worse.
  1503. >As the buildings of downtown pass by, something you've been holding in since Anonymous rescued you becomes too strong to keep inside.
  1504. "Applejack, darling."
  1505. >"Yeah Rares?" she replies without taking her eyes off the road.
  1506. "What do you think of Anonymous?"
  1507. >Her eye narrow slightly, "Why? This have something to do with yer matchmaker thing today?"
  1508. "Just humor me this once, I almost became a meal for a vampire tonight."
  1509. >She scoffs, "Fine. I... I think he's a pretty good guy."
  1510. >Pretty good huh?
  1511. >Dear dear Applejack, you are such a terrible liar.
  1512. "Is that it? Just "pretty good"?"
  1513. >"Well, ah can't say he isn't handsome." she says, blush growing on her face, "And despite his blunt persona he means well. I mean, as soon as he realized you were in danger he hopped straight to finding you."
  1514. >You sense a "but" coming.
  1515. >"But... there's something scary about him."
  1516. >Her choice of words piques your curiosity. Even Fluttershy looks interested.
  1517. "What do you mean darling?"
  1518. >"Besides the whole chopping up the vampire into bits part, when he took Rainbow down he reached for the knife in his pocket and pulled it out slightly."
  1519. >He did what?!
  1520. >A sharp pain answers you causing you to clench your teeth and massage your head.
  1521. >"H-he did that?" Fluttershy stutters.
  1522. >"Yeah, not all the way out though. Ah think it may have been more instinct than actually wanting to hurt her."
  1523. "I see... We will have to talk to him about that later."
  1524. >The car slows down at an intersection.
  1525. >A couple of other vehicles see a green light on the adjacent street and begin moving.
  1526. >"Why are you asking anyway?"
  1527. >Well the truth will come out sooner or later.
  1528. >And you think the wine is still making you a bit bolder too.
  1529. >The light changes to green for you as the Applejack presses the gas pedal.
  1530. >If she doesn't like it so be it.
  1531. >Might as well go out and say it then.
  1532. "I think I may be smitten with our mysterious friend."
  1533. >Almost as immediately as it started, Applejack slams the brakes sending you all bucking forward.
  1534. >"W-what did you say?!"
  1535. >A honk from behind you is followed by a car switching lanes and speeding past you.
  1536. >Realizing her error, the car resumes down the road.
  1537. "You heard me, I think I'm starting to develop feelings for Anonymous."
  1538. >"Um... Rarity are y-you sure?" Fluttershy asks.
  1539. "No. But when I realized he saved me from such a terrible fate, risking his own life to do so, my heart fluttered a bit. Perhaps he was my knight in shining armor all this time?"
  1540. >"You're being delusional, it was just the wine in your system."
  1541. >You can detect a hint of venom in her tone.
  1542. "Jealous Applejack?"
  1543. >"N-no!" she quickly says a little too loudly. Her face being as red as the apples she picks.
  1544. >She slumps into the seat and squirms in it a little.
  1545. >You would be lying if you didn't think it was cute.
  1546. >"'Sides, what makes you think he likes fru-fru girls anyways?"
  1547. "I don't know my dear, I guess I'll just have to find out. Unless you have any objections or perhaps lay a claim as some would say?"
  1548. >The farmer opens her mouth to say something before closing it. Instead letting the silence hang in the air for a few moments.
  1549. >"He ain't a piece of meat y'know..." she whispers under her breath.
  1550. >Feeling like you've tortured the girl enough, you just let out a small chuckle and lean into your chair.
  1551. >You know darling, it would be incredibly shallow of you to think that of him. But you need to light the spark under her, and if not swoop in for the opportunity for yourself.
  1552. >"Um... my house is coming up..."
  1553. >"Ah'm not saying I wouldn't be opposed to... the thought of becoming more than friends despite everything that's happened. But that's all just wish fulfillment, we only met yesterday."
  1554. "Yes, well we still have a week to try and change that."
  1555. >"And that's another thing! We still got this whole business with Sunset now."
  1556. >"It's on the next right..."
  1557. "Ugh such nasty business. I still have no idea how we're going to solve this, let alone where to start."
  1558. >Applejack waves her hand, "You're telling me. I told Sunset we would get through this, but now I'm starting to wonder if we really can."
  1559. >"You... passed my house..."
  1560. "We got through the Fall Formal, the Sirens, and the Friendship Games. We can get through this, and with Anon's help I am incredibly confident we will do so."
  1561. >Your friend smiles, "I really hope so. Say Fluttershy ain't your house around here?"
  1562. "Yes, you passed it two blocks ago."
  1563. >Fluttershy meekly nods.
  1564. >Stopping at the next stop sign, Applejack places her forehead onto the rim of the steering wheel, banging her head twice before turning back to your friend in the back.
  1565. >"Shoot, I'm sorry Fluttershy. Guess ah wasn't all there."
  1566. >"Um... it's okay. I don't mind..."
  1567. >Making a U-turn, Applejack heads back towards Fluttershy's house.
  1568. >Looking out the window, you just occupy yourself with your own thoughts.
  1569. >We only have a week to change Anon's mind to help Sunset. Which you have full faith you six can do just that.
  1570. >Friendship hasn't let you down yet.
  1571. >But concerning Anon himself...
  1572. >Sorry Applejack.
  1573. >But in the matters of the heart. You're going to go all out on this one whether she likes it or not.
  1575. -----
  1577. >In the other vehicle.
  1578. >The atmosphere is tense, mostly due to fear of what you may or may not do to Rainbow Dash or vice versa.
  1579. >Pinkie Pie nervously sits by your side, making sure to give you a wide berth.
  1580. >Sunset Shimmer just watches in the passenger seat as the cars and buildings go by with a forlorn expression on her face.
  1581. >All the while Rainbow Dash has the most ear-grating music playing on the radio.
  1582. >As much as you would prefer to just take your sword and stab the machine, you're a guest in Rainbow's car.
  1583. >Soon enough Pinkie Pie is dropped off first.
  1584. >She exits the vehicle and waves goodbye at a rapid fire pace.
  1585. >"AlrightgirlsIhadfunwegottadothisagainsometime!Exceptthepartwiththevampirethoughthatwassuperduperscary.Okaythanksbye!"
  1586. >Shutting the door she hops back to the front door and enters.
  1587. >As Rainbow pulls the car away, you can see her eye you in the rear view mirror and glares at you.
  1588. >"Anon, where do you live?"
  1589. >You tell her the address and she rolls her eyes.
  1590. >"We'll have to drop him off first Sunset, he's way farther than your house."
  1591. >"That's fine." Sunset says. "I don't mind."
  1592. >"You okay?"
  1593. >She was just told she has a hit out on her, and that someone wants her really dead.
  1594. >So yeah, she's just peachy.
  1595. >"No, not really." she replies, "A-A lot of stuff happened today."
  1596. >Rainbow sighs and her expression softens, "Anon... are you sure you can't do anything."
  1597. "I've told her my terms. If she can find a suitable way to pay me I'll help all I can."
  1598. >The car becomes silent after this. No one bothering to talk.
  1599. >Even Rainbow turns off the radio and spends the rest of the drive in silence.
  1600. >For a brash girl who acts before she thinks, she's a good friend.
  1601. >Sunset is lucky to have her.
  1602. >Even if she does smell like a locker room and has the tact of a Troll.
  1604. >The car pulls up to your ramshackle home. It's trashy appearance and the neighborhood garnering nervous glances from the two girls.
  1605. >"Dude, your house looks like crap."
  1606. "Oh golly gee Rainbow Dash, I haven’t noticed! You’re so observant." you reply, sarcasm dripping in your tone.
  1607. >She scrunches her face up, "Just get out of my car."
  1608. >Opening the door and slamming the door shut, Rainbow revs the engine to speed off.
  1609. >Walking to your front door, you pull out your keys when the engine quiets down and another door opens and closes.
  1610. >The clacking of shoes causes you to pause with your key in the tumbler lock.
  1611. "What?"
  1612. >"What will it take to hire you?" Sunset says. "What will it take to get you to help me?"
  1613. >There’s a massive urge to just shut the door in her face and be done with it. You honestly just want today be over.
  1614. >You lean your head into the door frame and groan. You’re now starting to develop a headache.
  1615. "Real silver, precious gems or metal in a decent quantity. "
  1616. >"If I did manage to pay you, what would you do?"
  1617. >You think about it for a few moments.
  1618. "Pretty much anything you want till the jobs done."
  1619. >Probably should have worded that better. Attribute that to being tired from a rough day.
  1620. >That description makes you sound like a prostitute.
  1621. >"Then I already know what I want."
  1622. >Her response garners your attention, you turn to face her only to see an extremely determined and serious look on her face.
  1623. "And what would that be?"
  1624. >"I want you to teach me how to fight like you."
  1625. "You have no idea what that would entail."
  1626. >"It doesn't matter, I want to protect myself and my friends. I want to become a Witcher."
  1627. >You suppress a laugh at how absurd the idea is.
  1628. >No Witcher has ever been a woman.
  1629. >At least, according to tradition. There were old stories circulating of a woman with ashen hair who hunted monsters, but whether she was a Witcher or just a normal hunter with good fortune you could never confirm.
  1630. >It would hardly be sensible to take too much truth off old bard tales.
  1631. "Without mutations, the best I can really do is teach you is how to use a sword and maybe signs if you’re proficient with magic to speed things up."
  1632. >She nods, "I've trained with magic my entire life and I’m a quick study."
  1633. >It would probably be better if she became a sorceress instead. Always could use more of those.
  1634. "You could just stick with that. Magic sometimes proves better than a sword."
  1635. >"But I need to learn to protect myself without it. I can't access my magic here without my friends, and they won't always be around."
  1636. >The girl’s determined. Gotta giver her that.
  1637. >Turning, you twist the key and unlock the door. Stepping inside, you turn to face her one last time.
  1638. "Five kilogram of silver, in bars preferably. Come back with that and I'll do what I can."
  1639. >She grows a large smile before nodding her head enthusiastically.
  1640. >Running back to her friends car, you shut the door and grin.
  1641. >What have you gotten yourself into?
  1642. >Eh, you should be fine.
  1643. >It's not like she actually has a way to get five kilos of silver in just a week.
  1645. >"So what'd you talk to him about."
  1646. >Dash pulls out of the neighborhood and towards your apartment.
  1647. "I asked him to train me to fight like him."
  1648. >She processes what you said before she lets out a barrage of laughter.
  1649. >"Buahahahaha! Are you serious?! He said yes?"
  1650. >You scrunch your nose.
  1651. "Well, no. He said I had to pay with five kilograms of silver."
  1652. >”How much is that?”
  1653. “I… don’t really know… let me check.”
  1654. >Pulling out your phone, you use the internet browser and search the current price of silver.
  1655. >Your face drops as you see the cost for just one kilogram is around $500.
  1656. >”How much?”
  1657. >You show her your phone.
  1658. >She gives you a shit eating grin.
  1659. "Which I can get... with Twilight's help... I think."
  1660. >"I gotta get in on this. Ask her for five more then, I gotta beat that jerk somehow and the only way I can do that is by learning his tricks."
  1661. "This is serious Rainbow."
  1662. >"And I'm being serious too. That guy... just... that *guy* makes me so mad and I've only known him for two days! So c'mon help a girl out."
  1663. >You frown, and give her an annoyed look.
  1664. "Fine, but *ONLY* if Twilight agrees to lend me the silver and Anonymous says it’s okay."
  1665. >She pumps her fist, "Aw yeah! And don't worry, I have a way with words."
  1666. "Yes, because earlier at the beach was such a good indicator of that."
  1667. >Rainbow brushes you off, "He caught me off guard."
  1668. >Suddenly, your phone vibrates in your pocket.
  1669. >Pulling it out, the name surprises you slightly.
  1670. >"Who is it?"
  1671. "It's a text from Twilight."
  1672. >"Princess or Egghead?"
  1673. "Our Twilight."
  1674. >"Soooo... Princess or Egghead?"
  1675. >This girl sometimes...
  1676. >You give an exasperated sigh, "Egghead."
  1677. >Opening the message, your grow concerned.
  1678. >"What's it say?"
  1679. "She wants to talk to us tomorrow in front of the statue, she says it's important."
  1681. -----
  1683. >You, and the rest of the gang all wait outside of CHS.
  1684. >Rainbow Dash let's out a yawn, followed by one from Rarity, Pinkie Pie, then you.
  1685. >"Only an egghead would want to come to school on a Saturday." Dash complains.
  1686. >"Well didn't you say that the text was urgent?"
  1687. "She said this matter was serious."
  1688. >"You think it's about Anon?." Rainbow asks Applejack.
  1689. "Anon?"
  1690. >Applejack snaps her fingers.
  1691. >"Shoot! I forgot she has that same pendant thing Anon has at her house."
  1692. >You almost do a spit take with the coffee you bought on the way here.
  1693. >Did you just hear her right? Twilight has a medallion too?
  1694. "And you only remember this now? Did anyone tell Twilight about last night?"
  1695. >Everyone shakes their heads.
  1696. >You pull out your phone and look at the time.
  1697. >It's almost ten thirty.
  1698. >Twilight said she was going to meet you all here a half hour ago when she sent you that text last night.
  1699. >Speaking of Twilight.
  1700. >You still haven't received a response from Princess Twilight regarding the "loan" you asked for.
  1701. >Granted it's only been a couple of hours. And you wrote her late at night.
  1702. >Hopefully she'll be able to help you.
  1703. >Suddenly the sound of a car horn brings your attention to the road.
  1704. >"Ah think that's Twilight." Applejack says.
  1705. >As on cue, the nerdy girl steps out of the vehicle and waves to the driver.
  1706. >The vehicle drives off as Twilight jogs over to you.
  1707. >On closer view, she still looks a little under the weather with a slight tinge of red on her nose.
  1708. "Hey Twilight."
  1709. >"Hi Sunset. Hi girls." she says with a little wave and smile, "Sorry I'm late, my mom wanted to make sure I was okay to go out."
  1710. "It's alright Twilight."
  1711. >"So what did you want to talk to us about darling?"
  1712. >"Oh right. Applejack and Rainbow Dash told me there was a new student here with something like this?"
  1713. >She digs through her backpack and pulls out something wrapped in cloth.
  1714. >Unravelling it, the item inside is a wolf medallion very similar to the one Anonymous wears.
  1715. >Though this one looks in rougher shape than his with a large scar-like crack across its right eye.
  1716. >You can't help but share a nervous glance with Rarity who returns it.
  1717. >It's a bit scary to think about considering what Anon says he does for a living; one can't help but think what would leave a large mark like that.
  1718. "Twilight where did you get that?"
  1719. >"This is an heirloom from my grandfather. He was a... hunter."
  1720. >"What does this have to do with Anonymous?"
  1721. >The girl averts her eyes.
  1722. >"I think he may belong to the same uh... guild that my grandfather belonged too."
  1723. >Twilight obviously looks uncomfortable with having to discuss this.
  1724. >"But that would also mean he's a dangerous person. And we would need to be careful."
  1725. >Remembering what Anon did last night, that right there is an understatement.
  1726. "Careful of what?"
  1727. >"I... can't say. It's a personal matter."
  1728. >There's more to this.
  1729. >She obviously doesn't know you know exactly what that medallion means.
  1730. >"Twilight..."
  1731. >The girl re-wraps the wolf head, and places it back into her bag.
  1732. >"Yes?"
  1733. "Was your grandfather a Witcher?"
  1734. >Twilight's eyes widen as her pupils rapidly go between all of you.
  1735. >Her reaction is all that you really need.
  1736. >"H-how did you know?"
  1737. "Anonymous told us what that medallion meant. He's one of them."
  1738. >Twilight's expression hardens.
  1739. >"Are you positively sure? Did he have any... noticeable traits?"
  1740. >You nod.
  1741. >"He had eyes like a cat for one."
  1742. >"I see... and he just showed you this?"
  1743. >"Not on purpose. It was mostly because of Rarity."
  1744. >"I'm not following."
  1745. "It's a bit of a long story."
  1746. >"Ugh... Rarity got attacked by a vampire last night and Anon had to save her."
  1747. "Rainbow!" Rarity hisses her name.
  1748. >Your friend shrugs, "It wasn't *that* long of a story."
  1749. >Twilight gasps.
  1750. >Before you or any of the girls can ask, the girl has already whipped out a spiral notebook and is already jotting things down into it.
  1751. >"There haven't been any killings in the news lately so that means it must have been a higher type..."
  1752. >Now the confusion is spreads on all your faces.
  1753. >Twilight doesn't look away from her notebook as she continues jotting down something inside.
  1754. >"That narrows it down to a limited few varieties, Nosferat, Alps, maybe even a Mula..."
  1755. "I think Anon said it was a Katakan..."
  1756. >"A katakan? Did you take any samples? No... No of course you wouldn't..."
  1757. >"Uh Twi... you're being all weird..."
  1758. >The girl with the glasses ignores her and continues writing.
  1759. >"Maybe the neo-witcher may have. I wonder if he's already made a decoction from the Katakan's material. That could mean trouble when it comes to a confrontation."
  1760. >Applejack grabs Twilight's shoulders and halts her.
  1761. >"Twi, slow down. Yer talking in riddles."
  1762. >Twilight recoils slightly, and takes a deep breath.
  1763. >"Sorry, I got a bit off track. Um... where should I start?"
  1764. "Probably the beginning. What do you know about Witchers?"
  1765. >"Oh um... like I said, my grandfather was one. It was because of him that I became interested in magic."
  1766. >Twilight has a small smile on her face as she relives some memories.
  1767. >"He told me all these wonderful stories of magic, elves, and even adventures he had in the old days slaying monsters to protect the innocent."
  1768. >She sits down on the school's front step and smoothes out her skirt.
  1769. >The way she speaks about him, he must have meant alot to her.
  1770. >Almost like the way you used to idolize Princess Celestia when you were young.
  1771. >"The medallion was also where I got the inspiration for the magic-o-meter."
  1772. >"The what-o-what?" Applejack whispers.
  1773. >"I think she means that amulet she wore during the friendship games." Fluttershy whispers back.
  1774. >"Oh..."
  1775. >Looking at you, she brings her hands together and twiddles her thumbs.
  1776. >"Did the Witch- Anon say what he was doing here?"
  1777. >You look to the others, who just shrug.
  1778. >"Said he was looking for work."
  1779. >"Something about "The Path"."
  1780. >"Really?" she asks, genuinely surprised.
  1781. >It's almost like she was expecting him to be doing something else.
  1782. >"Don't all Witchers do that?"
  1783. >She shrinks back down.
  1784. >"Er... yeah, that's not strange at all. Hehe." she says giving you a big fake smile.
  1785. >You know that look.
  1786. "Twilight."
  1787. >Twilight gives you a pleading look, one that says: "Please don't push the issue."
  1788. "Tch... fine."
  1789. >"Well, now we need to do is find Anon before he leaves town. There's hardly any magical activity besides the one at CHS in Canterlot."
  1790. >She pulls out under her hoodie an amulet very similar to the old one she had.
  1791. >Your eyes widen as all the girls back away slowly; Rainbow Dash and Applejack getting into defensive stances, ready to jump into action if the situation requires.
  1792. >Hopefully, it doesn't...
  1793. >"TWILIGHT!"
  1794. >"Wha-? Oh this. Don't worry, I made sure that we won't a... um repeat of the Friendship Games. This version can only detect magic." she says as a matter of fact.
  1795. >As if that makes you feel any better.
  1796. >"Hmm, that's strange it's not reacting towards any of you."
  1797. >She waves the device at you six. Which only adds to the unease you all feel around it.
  1798. >Last time she had that, it almost caused reality to fall apart.
  1799. >You shudder.
  1800. >"Must be out of power already... Shoot." she says, tapping the amulet with her finger.
  1801. >She pops the face off and pulls out a small screwdriver from her pocket.
  1802. >Putting the flat head inside, she begins turning something before closing the face with a click.
  1803. >...
  1804. >Who keeps screwdrivers in their pockets?!
  1805. "I don't think we'll have to worry about him leaving town for awhile."
  1806. >"Why's that?" she asks, putting the magic-o-meter back down her hoodie.
  1807. >"He said tha-" Fluttershy begins.
  1808. >You gently elbow her in the side interrupting her.
  1809. "He's going to stick around to make sure everything is in order before moving on."
  1810. >Twilight raises a brow at you two.
  1811. >"O-kay... Well, I guess that leaves us plenty of time to find him."
  1812. "That shouldn't be a problem, Rainbow and I know where he lives."
  1813. >Twilight's eyes brighten for a moment.
  1814. >"That makes things simple. Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"
  1815. >The girl hops to her feet and zips off...
  1816. >Before walking back and giving you a sheepish adorkable smile.
  1817. >"Sorry, lead the way."
  1818. >You give a soft giggle, put your arm around her and walk towards the bus stop.
  1819. >Both you and Twilight only walk a couple feet when you notice the others standing around behind you awkwardly.
  1820. "Girls?"
  1821. >"I gotta help Mr. and Mrs. Cake with the noon hour rush at Sugarcube Corner." Pinkie Pie says.
  1822. >"Um... I also need to... uh help at the shelter..."
  1823. >"As much as I would *LOVE* to go visit our dear Anonymous, I have work at the boutique I need to catch up on."
  1824. >"My dad says I got chores."
  1825. >You glance at Applejack who just crosses her arms and raises a shoulder, "Ah don't got anything to do today at the farm so I'm good to go."
  1826. >Well, so much for that.
  1827. >"Wait!" Rarity yells.
  1828. >You all look at her like she just lost her mind.
  1829. >"Er... I mean, actually now that I think about it I think I can spare today. Those dresses aren't going anywhere after all."
  1830. >Both you and Twilight look at her curiously while Applejack just scrunches her face in annoyance.
  1831. >"Besides, Anonymous and I still have to work out who's to pay for the broken window."
  1832. >"Broken window?"
  1833. "Don't ask..." you mutter.
  1835. -----
  1837. >The sun cracking in between the worn shutters covering your window wakes you from your nap.
  1838. >You try to roll over and get back to sleep but the dried blood on the bandages cause you some mild discomfort as you move.
  1839. >Groaning, you still feel a little soreness from where the vampire sliced through your ribcage.
  1840. >Ripping the wrappings off, you run your fingers over the new scar. You can feel where new skin meets old skin.
  1841. >Sighing, you head to the bathroom and grab the emergency kit from under the sink.
  1842. >You end up spending the next couple minutes removing the thread that was meant to hold the wound shut.
  1843. >Once that's done, you prepare yourself for the day.
  1844. >Maybe you should take the day for yourself. After last night, you sure as well could use one.
  1845. >...
  1846. >Yeah, today you're going to relax.
  1847. >Maybe read a book.
  1848. >Wait... you don't have any books...
  1849. >At least not ones you haven't read already.
  1850. >Actually, you could do some maintenance on your gear.
  1851. >No, did that after you got home last night.
  1852. >Check your potion and bomb supply?
  1853. >Already did that.
  1854. >Something... you guess...
  1855. >God, you don't really have much to do for fun.
  1856. >...
  1857. >Before you can decide on what to do, a knock comes from your front door.
  1858. >You walk over and look into the peep-hole to see who it is.
  1859. >Sunset and her friends.
  1860. >She didn't actually manage to get...
  1861. >Shit.
  1862. >Opening the door, four girls greet you, including one you've never met before.
  1863. >Sunset, Applejack and Rarity all have a slight blush on their face and try to look everywhere but you.
  1864. "Hi...?"
  1865. >"H-howdy Anon." Applejack says while dipping her hat.
  1866. >"Oh my... unf." You can hear Rarity mutter to herself behind her.
  1867. >What could have gotten them so rattled?
  1869. >Be Applejack.
  1870. >Be a very flustered Applejack.
  1871. >Anon isn't wearing a shirt.
  1872. >You never really noticed how fit he is.
  1873. >Guess killing monsters don't let you get fat.
  1875. >Be Rarity.
  1876. >Oh my gosh.
  1877. >You must have that.
  1878. >Those scars, while gruesome, only seem to make his body more alluring.
  1879. >The things you would do to that boy.
  1881. >Girls are strange.
  1882. "Yes?"
  1883. >"Oh... this is Twilight."
  1884. >Twilight?
  1885. >You look the girl in the baggy hoodie over.
  1886. >"Um... hello."
  1887. >She has a mild cold, judging from the slight red tint in her nose and eyes.
  1888. >You're no doctor, but this one should still be in bed.
  1889. "Doesn't look much like a Princess."
  1890. >Twilight looks between you and Sunset confused.
  1891. >"Oh, no this is this world's Twilight, Princess Twilight is the one from Equestria."
  1892. "I see."
  1893. >You lean on the doorframe.
  1894. "So what can I do for you?"
  1895. >"Twilight here wanted to meet you."
  1896. >You raise a brow at her.
  1897. "Meet me? For what?"
  1898. >"She knows..."
  1899. >You frown.
  1900. >While you didn't specify you being a Witcher was really a secret. There was a part of you that would have hoped they wouldn't have just blabbed it out to their friends.
  1901. "Did you...?"
  1902. >Sunset shakes her head.
  1903. >"My grandfather was a Witcher."
  1904. >She digs through her pack and reveals a medallion very similar to yours. A slightly different head mold but it still clearly depicts a wolf.
  1905. >You gauge her expression as you think over her words.
  1906. "Mom or Dad?"
  1907. >"Excuse me?"
  1908. "Which one of your parents is adopted."
  1909. >"D-dad... how did you know?"
  1910. "If I have to tell you, you don't know a whole lot about Witchers."
  1911. >Witchers are normally sterile. A... side-effect from the mutation process.
  1912. >Whether thats a pro or con to some is up for debate. But apparently it wasn't unheard of for them to start or join families.
  1913. >Any offspring though would have to have been from a previous engagment or adopted in.
  1914. >Since she mentions the owner of this Wolf head as her "grandfather" he must be one of the older era Witchers.
  1915. >The only ones who could come close in terms of looking the age of your generation would be the Bears, but none of them have ever shown the "disposition" to settle down.
  1916. "May I?"
  1917. >She hesitantly nods, and places the medallion into your hand.
  1918. >Why is she so nervous? Are you that intimidating?
  1919. >Running a thumb over the front face of the wolf, you move it close to Sunset. There's a very weak and almost faint vibration in the cold metal the closer the proximity.
  1920. >Still works. Even in a state like this.
  1921. "Must have been a tough old bastard." you say holding up the crack for her to see, "The thing that did this kill him?"
  1922. >"Yes."
  1923. >You hand the ancient medallion back to the girl.
  1924. “Shame. Would have loved to meet a Wolf from the old days.”
  1925. >While you wouldn't say that you're getting all warm and fuzzy, it is nice to see proof of other Witchers from the past.
  1926. "Is that all?"
  1927. >Twilight looks away like she's contemplating something. A few seconds goes by before she shakes her head, "No, I also wanted to show you this."
  1928. >She pulls out a small metal box and presents it to you.
  1929. >Looking at Applejack and the others, they look just as confused as you.
  1930. >"Could you take a look at what's inside? I think you may find it interesting."
  1931. >You take the box and open the lid.
  1932. >Without warning, the lid swings the rest of the way by itself and something sprays into your face.
  1933. >Your nostrils are immediately assaulted by a noxious smell that almost causes you to retch as the clear liquid gets into your eyes.
  1934. "Augh!"
  1935. >What the fuck!
  1936. >You try to demand what the hell you were just sprayed with when everything begins going monotone as the girls look at you scared out of their wits.
  1937. >As you try to get a hold of what's happening, you begin seeing thin glowing red lines coursing through each of the four girls in front of you as everything else becomes painfully hard to see.
  1938. >Crap this should only happen if you... consume a...
  1939. >...
  1940. >Did this girl just spray you with a Cat potion?!
  1941. >You move to grab Twilight when a whirring noise from the box in your hand grabs your attention.
  1942. >"Girls get back!" Twilight yells.
  1943. >Four oofs sound off as the girl moves the others back into the dirt of your dead lawn.
  1944. >Like an idiot, you look at the box that just sprayed you only to be on the receiving end of a bright flash.
  1945. >You drop the box and cry in pain as you stumble back into your house.
  1946. >Falling to the ground you place a hand over your eyes as you try and feel for something to help you up.
  1947. >All your senses are on fire from whatever cocktail of Cat this girl cooked up.
  1948. >"Anon!"
  1949. >"Darling!"
  1950. >"Twilight what are ya doing!"
  1951. >You hear a click when a loud high frequency sound begins drilling into your head as you futilely try to cover your ears.
  1952. >Forcefully peeking one eye open, you see a mass of glowing veins in what you can only assume is the purple girl; holding what looks to be a-
  1953. >*PLINK* *PLINK*
  1954. >Two metal darts imbed themselves into your chest.
  1956. >Your body seizes up as volts of electricity force the muscles in your body to contract.
  1957. >Twilight's not using a standard taser. You've been tased before and you could just barely fight through that.
  1958. >This?
  1959. >This you can't even brute force any voluntary movements. All motor control is gone.
  1961. >"NO LET GO!"
  1962. >Shit shit shit!
  1963. >You try to yell at the girls to stop Twilight but all that's coming out of your mouth is gibberish.
  1964. >Even though everything is pitch white, you're beginning to see darkness in the corner of your vision.
  1965. >*SMACK*
  1966. >The volts stop as your body loses rigidity and motor control returns to you. The sound of something clacking to the ground followed by struggling just outside your vision.
  1967. >Covering your eyes with your left hand, you manage to feel for the taser on the ground in front of you as what you assume is the outline of Applejack wrestles with Twilight.
  1968. >Adrenaline already pumping in your system you yank the electrodes out of your chest kick the discarded device in front of you to the side.
  1969. >That taken care of, you crawl around for the box making the high-pitched noise.
  1970. "Sunset the box!"
  1971. >Looking around amidst the chaos, she spots the small box and takes it in her hands.
  1972. >She tries to shut the lid but the noise won't stop.
  1973. >"It w--'t t-rn o-f!"
  1974. >You begin to feel a wet sensation coming from your ears.
  1975. >FUCK!
  1976. "Smash the box!"
  1977. >"Sunset NO!" Twilight cries out behind her.
  1978. >Without hesitation, she drops the box to the floor and crushes it beneath her heeled boot.
  1979. >The shrilling immediately comes to a halt as the device is destroyed.
  1980. >There's still a ringing, but at least that'll go away.
  1981. >Hopefully...
  1982. >Sunset kneels by you and helps you onto your couch as Applejack holds the girl with the glasses down.
  1983. >"APPLEJACK! GET OFF! I NEED TO RESTRAIN HIM!" she yells, kicking and screaming as the cowgirl holds her down.
  1984. >"Twilight what in tarnation has gotten into you girl!"
  1985. >The ringing eventually subsides and you tap Sunset on the shoulder twice.
  1986. >"Rarity get him some water." Sunset tells the fashionista, "We need to clear his eyes."
  1987. "Get me the round flask with white liquid in the garage!"
  1988. >"Anon?" Rarity says hesitant on what to do.
  1989. >"Just do- grr quit struggling! Just listen to the man Rarity!" Applejack yells from the yard.
  1990. >The sound of footsteps moves farther away from you as multiple doors swing open and closed before stopping.
  1991. >A few moments go by and you can hear the struggling outside has stopped.
  1992. >"Anon, are you alright?" Sunset asks, placing a hand on your back.
  1993. >Eyes still shut, you still manage a scowl.
  1994. "No. Right now I'm very pissed. Get her inside before people start asking questions."
  1995. >Rarity comes back with the round phial and places it into your hand. Popping the cork, you down the contents and wait a few moments.
  1996. >Slowly, you peek your eye open.
  1997. >No blinding lights, no viens, everything has color again...
  1998. >You let out a sigh of relief. Rarity grabbed the right flask worked and your vision has returned to normal.
  1999. "Zip ties are in the kitchen drawer."
  2000. >Rubbing your eyes you stand and silently weave past Rarity further into your home.
  2002. >You put your hat back on your head and straighten your jacket.
  2003. >With Rarity's help, you put Twilight's wrists into one a set of zip ties and set her down in Anon's sofa chair.
  2004. "What in blazes was that Twilight?!"
  2005. >"Yes, darling what you did was most definitely uncalled for."
  2006. >Twilight curls into a ball and doesn't look at either of you.
  2007. >You did your best not to hurt her, but she's a little scuffed up from your tumble outside.
  2008. >Like a wrestling a muddy pig back on the farm.
  2009. >"Twilight, why did you almost kill Anon?"
  2010. >She doesn't look up, but instead just stares straight at the wall.
  2011. >"I wasn't trying to kill him. Only incapacitate him. I read that Witchers are incredibly hard to immobilize and I wanted to make sure he would answer my questions."
  2012. "Where in tarnation did ya learn that?"
  2013. >"A journal my Grandfather left behind and a lot of assumptions."
  2014. >Of course. A book.
  2015. >"It detailed how most Witchers have enhanced senses, stamina and endurance. As well as quicker recovery time from any injury."
  2016. >"Twilight, dear. That still doesn't give you the right to do all this."
  2017. >Tears begin forming in her eyes.
  2018. >"I-I just w-wanted answers..."
  2019. >The three of you look towards each other.
  2020. >"Answers to what?"
  2021. >"When I was younger, my brother and I were visiting my grandfather's cabin. One night when everyone was asleep, a man tried to abduct Shining. The kidnapper... I only managed to see his eyes but they were exactly like my grandpa's."
  2022. >She looks in pain when going back to those memories.
  2023. >Rarity sits on the armrest on the chair and rubs Twilight's back to console her.
  2024. >"Twilight, you don't have to continue..."
  2025. >"Thankfully, Grandpa saved Shining with his old sword, but the man pulled out a gun and... s-shot him..."
  2026. >You consider asking your friend what this has to do with pulling a taser on Anon when the sound a door slamming open draws your attention to the hall.
  2027. >The sight of Anon causes you, Sunset and Rarity all step back.
  2028. "A-ANON!"
  2029. >Now with a plain white shirt on, Anon with one hand just points the tip of a very real longsword at a terrified Twilight's neck.
  2031. -----
  2033. >"Anon wait!"
  2034. >Holding the blade steady, you make sure the sword's edge just barely touches Twilight.
  2035. >The girl is trying to put on a brave face.
  2036. >She's failing. Badly.
  2037. >Very badly.
  2038. >As fun as terrorizing this girl would be you should probably ease up before she starts pissing herself on your chair.
  2039. "I heard what she said."
  2040. >Using the tip of the sword, you tap the bottom of her chin so she's looking directly at you.
  2041. "What makes you think I have anything to do with your relatives murder?"
  2042. >Twilight gulps, "W-well, only another Witcher h-has any chance of killing a Witcher and he used sil-silver bullets."
  2043. "So you assumed that I attacked your family just based off those two very circumstantial details?"
  2044. >Mindful of the blade, she nods slowly and forces out a small laugh..
  2045. >"Now that you say it out loud it does seem sort of far fetched..."
  2046. "No shit. For all you know it could have been a guy wearing contacts and wanted to imitate the Lone fucking Ranger. How long ago was this?"
  2047. >"Almost ten years ago..."
  2048. >Ten years ago you would have been just finishing the final lessons before you were all to set out in the world.
  2049. >Applejack looks between you two, "Twilight, then Anon would have been only eight!"
  2050. >Twilight shakes her head, "No. Just because he looks our age, doesn't mean he is."
  2051. >"What are you talking about?"
  2052. "I'm not fully human remember? Witchers age slower than normal humans."
  2053. >"Then... how old are you Anon?" Sunset asks.
  2054. "Twenty-nine."
  2055. >Rarity lets out a nervous laugh, "Surely you're kidding. You look much too young to be even past twenty."
  2056. >Your lack of a verbal response causes her to sigh.
  2057. >She places a hand on her cheek and sighs, "My, what I would do to look this young in my thirties..."
  2058. "Besides, no Witcher I know of uses firearms. Especially with bullets made from silver; it wouldn't be cost effective or practical for us."
  2059. >"You must know something!" Twilight pleads. "Maybe you know of so-"
  2060. >In one sudden motion, you bring your face close to Twilight's with the steel sword edge now centimeters away from touching her skin.
  2061. >Sunset and Rarity try to make a go for you but Applejack holds them back.
  2062. >At this proximity, any misstep or struggle could dig the edge into Twilight's throat.
  2063. >After scaring the ever loving crap out of her, you back away and lower the sword.
  2064. "I don't know who mystery man is. Witcher or not the police should have handled that and if they couldn't? Tough."
  2065. >Pulling Twilight out of the chair, you spin the girl around and cut her wrists free.
  2066. >Leading your guest to the door, you hand her her bag.
  2067. "If you were any other person, there would be little reason for me to not cut you down for the stunt you pulled. But supposedly there's a reason these three are friends with you."
  2068. >The nerd takes the bag and looks back up to you.
  2069. >Turning your head back inside, you acknowledge the others.
  2070. "Sorry about your Grandfather but I think it's best if you all leave."
  2071. >You aggressively turn the girl and shove her out the door.
  2072. >She stumbles a few steps across your lawn before turning back towards you.
  2073. >"Wait! Please! I have some more ques- GAH!"
  2074. >A sudden jerk of your offhand is followed by a scream as Twilight falls on her rump.
  2075. >Just inches from Twilight's foot is a steel throwing knife imbedded into the dirt.
  2076. "Right now I *REALLY* want to punch your teeth in. But I'm letting you off with a warning. Don't push it."
  2077. >Twilight can only nod slowly while backing up from the knife.
  2078. >"Oh my, Twilight! Dear are you okay?"
  2079. >Rarity is the first to exit the house to tend to Twilight.
  2080. >"You really don't know anything?" Applejack asks stepping up from behind.
  2081. >You can feel your eye twitch.
  2082. "Again: No I don't."
  2083. >"Ah'm really hoping you ain't lying to me."
  2084. "I have no reason to lie Applejack."
  2085. >"Well there was the whole pretending to be blind thing."
  2086. >Applejack places a gentle hand on your arm, "Look Anon. Ah'm sorry, what Twilight did was inexcusable but she's still my friend."
  2087. "Then go make sure she's alright and take her home."
  2088. >She smirks, "You ain't as heartless as you try and seem."
  2089. >You let out a huff before waving her along.
  2090. "You're lucky I like you."
  2091. >Her eyes widen a little and she blushes.
  2092. >"Yeah yeah." she responds, punching you in the arm. "Anyway, forgive and forget right?"
  2093. >The cowgirl bumps you with her hip and walks away before you can even respond.
  2094. >Which may have been for the best.
  2095. >Right now, there's no intention you are ever going to forgive or forget this.
  2096. >Someone doesn't just "forgive and forget" a tasering.
  2097. >All of a sudden, a blur of red and yellow tries to make its way past you.
  2098. >"SorryAnon,I'llgospeaktoTwilightaboutthis.Yougotareallygreathomeokaythanksbye!" Sunset says as she frantically tries to leave with the others.
  2099. >Before she even reaches the door you yank her back by the shoulder and whisper in her ear.
  2100. "That girl, or anyone else you know tries to pull anything like that again, I will not hesitate to defend myself in the way I see fit."
  2101. >Her eyes widen as you release your grip.
  2102. "I can't and won't stop you from socializing with her. But if she comes back here or is anywhere near me at school or wherever else; keep her on a leash. A *VERY* short one."
  2103. >There might have been a little more malice in that comment than you intended, but hopefully she'll remember this for future reference.
  2104. >Sunset tries to protest but you don't give a chance to respond. Instead you slam the door in her face.
  2105. >Setting your sword on the coffee table, you collapse on the couch.
  2106. >Your chest is still a little sore from the amps in that taser Twilight used on you.
  2107. >As much as you hate to admit it, had no one stopped her, Twilight might have actually been one of the only few individuals to have taken you by complete surprise.
  2108. >What's scary is that there wouldn't have been anything you could do about it alone.
  2109. >Gotta give her credit, she knows how to plan a trap. Cat mixed with some sort of smelling agent, a flashbang and a sonic device tuned to a specific frequency to overwhelm each of your senses.
  2110. >And by her own admission, all that was just to inhibit you. Had she planned to kill you...
  2111. >...
  2112. >Maybe you should just be happy that she only wanted to ask questions and not take vengence.
  2113. >Still her accusations are a bit worrying.
  2114. >A witcher who uses guns with silver ammunition...
  2115. >You weren't lying when you said that it wouldn't be practical.
  2116. >The cost alone for the silver needed would be a huge factor and that's not including the special skills and tools needed to manufacture them.
  2117. >It's also less effective as means to kill monsters as well, the lighter density and increased hardness make it less accurate and slower.
  2118. >A Witcher would know all of that so what would be the purpose?
  2119. >This and Twilight's trap are giving you a migra-
  2120. >Wait. Why are you thinking about this so much?
  2121. >A murder from ten years ago shouldn't concern you whether the culprit is a Witcher or not.
  2122. >To get your mind off the topic, you find your laptop and open your messages.
  2123. >Nothing. No replies from your "unknown" contact.
  2124. >That means you still have to wait for them to message you first. Because of the number of proxies he or she uses, no e-mail is the same and they only go for one reply before moving to another.
  2125. >It makes doing this particular job more frustrating than most.
  2126. >Most people usually meet you in person after initial discussion. The fact that they're trying so hard to keep anonymity should have probably been a red flag right there.
  2127. >Your mouse unintentionally hovers over a specific contact down the list.
  2128. >You could notify the...
  2129. >[Only contact to report the completion of contracts or if absolutely necessary.]
  2130. >No.
  2131. >Since the contract isn't going to ever be "complete" and this isn't "absolutely necessary" there's no need.
  2132. >This isn't extremely vital anyways. Its really just the waiting game.
  2133. >And unlike Sunset Shimmer, you've got plenty of time to wait.
  2135. >"I messed up. I messed up so badly!" Twilight cries out.
  2136. >She collapses onto the dead lawn and hammers her fists into her head.
  2137. >"Twilight stop that!" Sunset yell out. "It's not your fault."
  2138. >Sunset grabs onto one of her arms as she hoists the girl up.
  2139. "Actually..."
  2140. >"Applejack, shush!" Rarity hisses at you.
  2141. >You just place your hands at your hips and huff.
  2142. "Just saying."
  2143. >Walking over, Rarity brings Twilight into a hug.
  2144. >Twilight bawls into Rarity's blouse.
  2145. >"I wanted answers so badly and I went and screwed everything up! I'll never find out who killed my Grandfather!"
  2146. >Wrapping her arms around Twilight, Rarity gently pets her hair.
  2147. >"Shh.. It's alright. Your friends are here."
  2148. >Sunset places a reassuring hand on Twilight's arm, "Anon said you can come back and ask later... after he's cooled down some."
  2149. >"R-r-really?"
  2150. >Sunset nods her head.
  2151. >"Twilight my dear, I think it would be best if we got you back home and into bed. You're still looking a bit under the weather."
  2152. >"*Sniff* O-okay..."
  2153. >Leaning over to Sunset you tap her on the arm.
  2154. "Did he really say she could come back?" you whisper.
  2155. >"Er… Not exactly."
  2156. >You give her a deadpan look.
  2157. “Sunset..."
  2158. >”He just said that we uh… *I* should keep watch with her around him.”
  2159. >Sunset just sweeps her hair back, "I'm just glad he just decided to kick us out of his house."
  2160. >Walking over to the knife sticking out of the dirt, she picks it up and fidgets with it in her hands.
  2161. "Well if you ask me, we should give him some space for a few days."
  2162. >"Yeah." she says, nodding her head. "Ugh, we were trying to make friends with Anon. But so far the only notable thing we've done is get him injured."
  2163. >Your friend walks over and relieves Rarity of consoling Twilight.
  2164. >"The poor dear..." Rarity says moving over beside you.
  2165. "Twilight made herself as welcome as a skunk at a lawn party."
  2166. >Rarity rolls her eyes and clicks her tongue.
  2167. >"Must you be so boorish?"
  2168. "I'm just telling it how it is."
  2169. >Looking back to Anon's house, Rarity sighs, "I hope my dear Anon is okay."
  2170. "He'll be fine. Anons' probably had much worse before he met Twilight."
  2171. >"You're probably right darling."
  2172. >...
  2173. >...
  2174. "Wait! What do you mean "my dear Anon"?!"
  2176. -----
  2178. >Monday
  2179. >You let out a tired yawn as you walk up to the front doors of CHS.
  2180. >The sun is just barely over the horizon and the morning dew still coats the front lawn.
  2181. >Students left and right make way to their friends, cliques or classes before the first bell signals the start of school.
  2182. >After what happened at Anon's house with Twilight everyone agreed to leave Anon alone for the rest of the weekend.
  2183. >Twilight felt absolutely horrible even though you tried your best to calm her down.
  2184. >Speaking of Twilight...
  2185. >You haven't received a response from Princess Twilight. Not that you were checking your journal for a response every half-hour.
  2186. >That would be silly.
  2187. >...
  2188. >Well, she is a Princess. Twilight's a busy mare with things of her own to worry about.
  2189. >Granted, you have a good chance of *dying* if Twilight doesn't help you but that's no reason to worry.
  2190. >Nope!
  2191. >None whatsoever.
  2192. >...
  2193. >Oh Celestia you hope Twilight helps to you.
  2194. >Mild panic attack aside, you walk up to your own locker, you switch out some books from inside your backpack in preparation for today.
  2195. >During your walk you see your friends gathered by Fluttershy's locker.
  2196. >Rainbow Dash seems to be telling them all something.
  2197. "Hey girls."
  2198. >"Hiya Sunny!" waves Pinkie Pie.
  2199. >"Sunset!" Rarity says pulling you into a tight hug.
  2200. >The sudden affection catches you off-guard.
  2201. "Uh, Did something happen?"
  2202. >"Why didn't you tell us that Anon asked so much from you. Why ten kilograms of silver is almost five thousand dollars!"
  2203. >You glare at Dash.
  2204. >"What?"
  2205. "You told them!?"
  2206. >"Not like it was a secret."
  2207. >This girl sometimes.
  2208. >"Gonna be honest, even with a week part of me doesn't think he even expected you to even pay him."
  2209. "The thought had crossed my mind."
  2210. >"Maybe I can ask Daddy for he-." she says, only to scrunch her face. "Oooh drat, I forgot. He was so cross yesterday when I told him about the window. I totally forgot about that because of the incident with Twilight."
  2211. "Is she here today?"
  2212. >Everyone shakes their heads no.
  2213. >"Haven't seen hide nor hair of her since two days ago."
  2214. "Fluttershy? Pinkie?"
  2215. >"Oh no, I even tried calling her after Applejack told me what happened."
  2216. >"I really hope she's alright."
  2217. "If she isn't at school today I can check on her after school."
  2218. >"We'll join you dar-"
  2219. >Before Rarity can finish, the first period warning bell rings.
  2220. >"We'll go along with you Sunset. We're all friends after all."
  2221. >You smile and pull your friends into a group hug.
  2222. >You're so lucky to have friends like these.
  2224. >So far the day has essentially gone the same as every day.
  2225. >Which to say boring and uneventful.
  2226. >Mr. Cranky is going on with his advanced trigonometry lecture.
  2227. >You've already read ahead so this is really just refresher. As a result you end up just zoning out and look out the window.
  2228. >The P.E. class is playing soccer while a flock of birds fly by overhead.
  2229. >Everything looks so normal.
  2230. >No vampires. No dimensional tears. No danger. Nothing.
  2231. >Suddenly, in the corner of your vision outside you see someone sitting in the bleachers with a walking stick held between their hands.
  2232. "Anon?"
  2233. >"Miss Shimmer! Since you're so focused on what's happening outside this class I assume you've already covered the required material?"
  2234. >Mr. Cranky shuts his book and looks at you sternly.
  2235. >Looking around the classroom, all eyes are on you.
  2236. "Er..."
  2237. >"If that's the case, then come up here and solve the equation on the board."
  2238. >He taps the chalkboard and motions for you to come up.
  2239. >Getting up from your desk you can hear a few "Oohs" coming from the peanut gallery.
  2240. >Mr. Cranky steps aside as you take a piece of chalk and look over the problem presented on the board.
  2241. >...
  2242. >Huh, doesn't look too difficult.
  2243. >Doing the math in your head and writing out some of the more difficult sections on the board, you eventually come to your final solution.
  2244. >"Hrumph. Well, it looks like you're correct. Get back to your seat and don't let it happen again."
  2245. >Typical.
  2246. >Moving back to your chair, you look back outside and try to see if Anon is still there only to see the spot empty.
  2247. >Darn it!
  2248. >You try looking everywhere nearby only to see no trace of the Witcher as the teacher continues to drone on and on.
  2249. >Groaning, you bury your face into your arms.
  2251. >It's the last period before school ends and you were unable to locate Anonymous.
  2252. >Ugh. You and the girls even skipped lunch to try and find him and not one of you could locate him on school grounds.
  2253. >Since he's pretending to be blind, you even checked the special-ED classes.
  2254. >Most of the teachers there weren't of much help.
  2255. >The majority of them didn't know who you were talking about. But the one who could told you he does this regularly.
  2256. >When you asked why, she didn't know herself. Only that she shouldn't think to hard on it.
  2257. >Which is an obvious indicator that Anon did something to the woman for her to say and believe that.
  2258. >You guess you could visit him at his house. But after Twilight's antics you doubt he would appreciate a house call.
  2259. >Well since you have free period, you guess you can try the last place on your list.
  2260. >The library.
  2261. >Though, you have no idea why he would be in there.
  2262. >He's twenty-nine, school shouldn't interest him period why would books?
  2263. >Stepping through the double doors, you see Miss Cheerilee sorting books like she usually does.
  2264. >Walking up to her, you notice she's humming something to herself.
  2265. >You tap her on the shoulder causing the woman to jump slightly.
  2266. >"Oh Sunset, how can I help you?"
  2267. "Hi Miss Cheerilee. I'm just looking for someone."
  2268. >"Hmm? Who're you looking for?"
  2269. "His name is Anonymous. Wears a thin overcoat jacket, possibly with a vest and tie, sunglasses..."
  2270. >"Does this young man carry a cane of some sort?"
  2271. "You've seen him!?"
  2272. >"SHHHHHHHHH!" a plethora of voices, and Miss Cheerilee shush you.
  2273. >"Ah yes, he's been on the upper floor of the library all day. He's been such a dear helping me sort all the books on the upper floor."
  2274. >Cheerilee just wheels her cart away as you on dumbfounded.
  2275. >Snapping out of it, you jog upstairs and see Anon sitting cross legged in one corner reading a book with a small stack of additional ones next to him.
  2276. "You were *HERE* all day?!"
  2277. >"SHHHHHHHHH!"
  2278. >This is why you hate the library sometimes.
  2279. >He just holds up a finger to give him a moment.
  2280. >Anon doesn't even look away from his book. Instead turning the page and continuing his reading tracing his index and pointer fingers over the page.
  2281. >You growl and try to snatch his book. Only for him to move the arm with the book out of the way and leer at you.
  2282. >"Trying to grab someone else's book while they're reading isn't nice."
  2283. "Why didn't you tell us you would be here?"
  2284. >"I don't recall anyone ever asking." he asks with a smug smirk.
  2285. >The urge to strangle him is so strong right now.
  2286. >After all the trouble it took for you to find him... No, down Sunset. You still need his help.
  2287. >Plus... you wouldn't be able to catch him.
  2288. >Then when you learn all that you need; then you'll strangle him.
  2289. >"So, now that you found me what did you need?"
  2290. >He looks at you expectantly.
  2291. >...
  2292. >Crap.
  2293. >You actually didn't have anything to really talk to him about...
  2294. >"Well?"
  2295. >Suddenly a thought comes to you.
  2296. "Oh wait."
  2297. >You dig through your backpack and present Anon's throwing knife.
  2298. >Anon just pushes his sunglasses down, his expression grim with his cat eyes looking at you questioningly.
  2299. >"What are you doing?"
  2300. "Um... giving you back your knife."
  2301. >"At a school? Are you really this much of a moron?"
  2302. >Aw geez.
  2303. >Standing up, you take a step back.
  2304. >Anon carefully peers behind the bookcases and halls.
  2305. "I wasn't thinking."
  2306. >"No you weren't." he says peering around a shelf. "Put that thing away befo-"
  2307. >"SUNSET SHIMMER!" cries out a voice.
  2308. >Both you and Anon turn around and see Vice Principal Luna glaring at you both down the aisle.
  2309. >A plethora of shushes begin only to be cut off with a simple gesture from the VP.
  2310. >Damn.
  2311. >This is bad...
  2312. >You know that tone of voice.
  2313. >Princess Celestia used it whenever you were in big trouble when you were her student.
  2314. >Your old pony instincts are screaming you to run, but that'll only make problems worse.
  2315. >The Vice-Principal stomps down the hall with an incredibly stern look in her eyes.
  2316. >"What in heaven's name do you think you are doing?"
  2317. "Uh..."
  2318. >She just holds out her hand impatiently.
  2319. >You look to Anon who only scowls back. With a slight nudge of his head, he signals to you to hand over the weapon.
  2320. >Reluctantly, you give her the knife.
  2321. >Vice-Principal Luna simply points towards the stairs, "Both of you. Office. Now."
  2322. >Grabbing a nearby textbook, she places the steel blade between a random set of pages and closes the book as far as it can.
  2323. >Without another word, you find yourself, Anon and Vice-Principal Luna marching to her office as a few curious students look away from their work to see what's going on.
  2324. >Anon being the person that he is, just taps out the path.
  2325. >Boy is he really committed to this blind thing.
  2326. >And how is he not more worried about this?!
  2327. >You're sweating bullets.
  2328. >...
  2329. >Oh right. He doesn't actually go here to learn.
  2330. >As you walk down the hall you only feel shame and embarrassment.
  2331. >Shame for getting into enough trouble that could expel you, and embarrassed because you made such a stupid move.
  2332. >Thankfully there aren't any other students in the hallways right now.
  2333. >The three of you eventually find yourself in front of the VP's office.
  2334. >Opening the door she points to the two chairs in front of her desk inside the dimly lit room.
  2335. >"Get inside and sit down. I will be back shortly. Do *NOT* even think about leaving before I return."
  2336. >Both you and Anon take a seat as the door closes shut behind you.
  2337. >"She seems to be in a good mood." Anon says sarcastically.
  2338. "Are you insane? She could have us... me expelled!"
  2339. >He just leans back in his chair and stretches.
  2340. >"Please, I've had to deal with worse situations than this. Besides, Canterlot High doesn't even have a Zero Tolerance policy. Which I gotta admit, is pretty weird considering the crazy shit that happens here."
  2341. "Oh shut up."
  2342. >Brushing you off, Anon get's up and goes towards the shuttered window.
  2343. >"Why is it that I always seem to get into trouble around you? I'm starting to think I should just cut my losses and leave before it gets any worse."
  2344. >You jump out of your seat and wave your arms.
  2345. "Nononononono! Please I still need you to help me out. I think I have a way to get the ten kilos of silver."
  2346. >Anon pulls one of the shades down to peer outside.
  2347. >"I recall only having to ask for five."
  2348. >He turns around and pushes his glasses down, exposing his yellow cat-eyes to you once more.
  2349. "Well, Rainbow Dash want-"
  2350. >"Of course she did." he says without surprise.
  2351. >Pinching his brow, he shakes his head.
  2352. >"What have I gotten myself into." he mutters under his breath. "Look, fine if you can actually get that amount I'll teach her too."
  2353. "Really?"
  2354. >He sighs, "Even though it's against my better judgement. Yes, but first we have this problem to deal with."
  2355. >Sitting back down in his chair, the door swings open as Vice-Principal Luna walks in.
  2356. >Only to widen her eyes angrily when she sees you out of your chair.
  2357. >"Sit. Now." she demands.
  2358. >Sheepishly, you do as she says.
  2359. >Bringing over two vanilla files, she tosses them onto her desk and slams the knife onto her table.
  2360. >"We may not have a zero tolerance policy here at CHS. But that is no excuse for bringing a deadly weapon onto this campus."
  2361. >She glances at you with that last statement.
  2362. >"But considering CHS's past... "predicaments" I am willing to give you a chance to explain yourself Sunset Shimmer. And be aware unlike my more lenient sister, I will not be swayed by your history at this school."
  2363. >You gulp.
  2364. >Before you can even come up with a plausible excuse, Anon raises his hand.
  2365. >"Vice-Principal Luna, who else knows about this?"
  2366. >Luna looks shocked at the question, "Excuse me?"
  2367. >"Please, I would just like to know."
  2368. >"Just us three. What are you getting at Mr. Anonymous?"
  2369. >"Ah, nothing really." he says nonchalantly. "Just that this is probably something we should keep between us."
  2370. >Holding out his hand, Anon makes a gesture with his right hand very similar to the ones he did when fighting that vampire on the beach.
  2371. >A small glow emits from his hands as the air around Luna's head brightens.
  2372. >She looks dazed for a moment and brings a palm to her head.
  2373. >"Uh... yes, I think that would be for th- wait what am I saying?"
  2374. >Anon grunts and makes the gesture again, "This isn't really a big issue, Sunset was just showing me something that you mistook for an actual weapon. You're very sorry and it won't happen again, right Sunset?"
  2375. >He nudges you in the ribs.
  2376. "Y-yeah! I was just showing Anon prop from the theatre room."
  2377. >The Vice-Principal just stands there as she wobbles slightly before shaking her head rapidly.
  2378. >"I think I may need to lie down..." she grumbles to herself. "Here, Ms. Shimmer return this where you found it. I apologize for overreacting like I did, I swear the theatre club's props are just getting more realistic each year. Now if you'll excuse me I have some field trips to organize for the school year."
  2379. >Handing you back the knife, she shoos you out of her office and closes the door behind you two.
  2380. >"If you ask me, I think she's a proponent of corporal punishment. Just saying."
  2381. >Walking down the hall, you just stare in disbelief.
  2382. "What. Was. That?"
  2383. >"Axii sign. I can use it to "charm" others to my favor."
  2384. "That sounds like it can be abused incredibly easily."
  2385. >He just shrugs, "Yeah, I try to limit my use of it because it makes me complacent and lazy. For instance, the stronger the person’s will or commanding them to do an act incredibly repugnant to them makes it incredibly hard to pull off a successfully."
  2386. "... Do you think I could learn to do that?"
  2387. >"I dunno, signs are easier to perform than full fledged spells but like any other discipline they still take a great deal of time and effort to master."
  2388. >You think on his words before remembering the knife in your hand.
  2389. >Holding it out to him, he just grabs it and inserts a finger into the loop at the base.
  2390. >Spinning it, he tosses it upwards in the air causing you to flinch.
  2391. >Anon just casually grabs the knife by the handle with the blade facing down and gently hands it to you.
  2392. >He makes it look so easy.
  2393. >"Keep it."
  2394. "Are you sure?"
  2395. >"I got plenty. Use that for your own safety. Who knows, you may need it."
  2396. >Turning, Anon continues on his way, "If you need me, you know where to find me."
  2397. >Looking between the blade in your hand and him, you sigh.
  2398. >What's with this guy?
  2399. >You pull out your phone and check the time.
  2400. >It's almost time for the final bell. Better get to Twilight's classes and get her schoolwork.
  2401. >Unexpectedly, your stomach growls.
  2402. >Well, you did forget lunch. May as well walk by the vending machines.
  2404. >As you walk to your destination you feel a shaking in your backpack.
  2405. >Realization dawns on you.
  2406. >Could it be?
  2407. >Kneeling to the floor, you open the top flap and see a pulsating purple glow coming from your journal.
  2408. >Without wasting time, you pull out the book and flip to the last written page.
  2409. >Inside are words written that bring a sense of relief.
  2410. >[Dear Sunset, I got your message and I do hope everything is alright. I'm still curious on why you need ten kilograms of pure silver but if you say if it's important I trust you. I've asked Princess Celestia for a delivery from Canterlot's Institute of Rockology and it should be here in a day or two. Hope to see you soon, your friend, Twilight Sparkle.]
  2411. >A huge smile stretches across your face as you finish the message.
  2412. >Placing the journal back in your backpack, you jump for joy as your prayers have been answered.
  2413. "Yes yes yes yes!"
  2414. >You pass by Trixie down the hall as you scoop her up in your arms and spin her around unexpectedly.
  2416. >In your uncontrolled state of happiness, you kiss Trixie on the lips.
  2417. >...
  2418. >Both your eyes widen as you realize what you're doing.
  2419. >Pulling away, you frantically back yourself into the lockers on the wall with a huge blush on your face.
  2420. "Oh my goddess! Trixie I'm so- I didn't mean too!"
  2421. >The silver-haired girl's face is a bright shade of red like yours, which is actually quite impressive considering her blue skin.
  2422. >She straightens out her skirt and hair before crossing her arms angrily at you.
  2423. >"What is wrong with you Sunset Shimmer? The Great and Powerful Trixie does not enjoy being accosted and taken advantage of!"
  2424. "Sorry Trixie, I just got some really good news and I guess I got a little too excited..."
  2425. >"Well... okay then. Trixie knows what it feels like to receive good news." she says, turning her body in the opposite direction of you. "Just don't let it happen again!"
  2426. >Trixie huffs and holds her head up high not bothering to face you anymore.
  2427. >You scratch the back of your head, unsure of what to do now.
  2428. "Yeah, uh no problem."
  2429. >Before the situation gets even more awkward, you power walk down the hall and head to your next class.
  2430. >You totally forget to stop by the vending machines, but inside you're way too giddy to care now.
  2432. >As Sunset disappears behind the corner Trixie just keeps her arms crossed and head tilted upwards.
  2433. >Once she's sure the former bully is out of sight, she peeks her eye open just to be safe.
  2434. >The red flush is still there as she “Hmphs” one last time.
  2435. >"It's not like Trixie enjoyed that or anything..."
  2436. >...
  2437. >"...baka."
  2439. -----
  2441. >Thursday
  2442. >Anon did mean it when you said you knew where to find him, so far for the past couple days you and the other girls could always find him in the library during school hours reading books.
  2443. >Unfortunately, beyond the whole silve issue, you two didn't really have anything to talk about. At least not in any manner that really concerned him.
  2444. >Rarity on the other hand, after you told her and the girls where Anon hung out, made every opportunity to go to the library to chat with him.
  2445. >Passing period, lunch period, going to the restroom etc.
  2446. >It quickly got to the point that she even tried signing up as a student volunteer for the library.
  2447. >Applejack was unimpressed, yet that didn't stop her from coming up with her own excuses to sneak out.
  2449. >Switching out your books for the day, you notice something in the corner of your eye.
  2450. >You see a signature purple bun and glasses moving through the mass of bodies.
  2451. "Twilight!"
  2452. >The girl jumps at the mention of her name, "Oh hi Sunset."
  2453. >She cheers up slightly at the sight of you. Giving her a hug, she returns it affectionatly.
  2454. "Are you feeling any better?"
  2455. >Twilight nods, "Yep, the doctor says I'm healthy enough to come back to school."
  2456. "That's good."
  2457. >You notice she's wheeling something by her side.
  2458. >A large dolly cart filled with small stacks of papers.
  2459. "What's that?"
  2460. >"This? This is all the schoolwork I missed plus a couple of additional notes and suggestions I made to-"
  2461. >She notices your grimace, "I'm going too much into detail again huh?"
  2462. "It's alright Twilight."
  2463. >...
  2464. >An awkward pause ensues.
  2465. >"So..."
  2466. "So...?"
  2467. >"Is the Wit-er uh Anonymous around?"
  2468. >Yeah, you should have expected she would bring him up.
  2469. "In the library I think. Why? You're not planning..."
  2470. >She frantically waves her hands in front of her.
  2471. >"No! Nononono nothing like that!"
  2472. >Catching her hands, you smile.
  2473. "Twilight, don't worry calm down."
  2474. >"Sorry."
  2475. "It's okay, he's not mad...ish... Okay he's actually still mad about that, but as long as you act normally around him you'll be fine."
  2476. >Twilight just frowns, "This wouldn't even be an issue if I hadn't of lost control as badly as I did. As first impressions go, that was probably one of the worst ever."
  2477. >You honestly can't argue with that.
  2478. >But you aren't the Element of Honesty now are you?
  2479. "Nooooo. It could have gone better but who hasn't been tased, flashbanged, and deafened by a complete stranger?"
  2480. >She gives you a deadpan look, "Ha ha. Okay I get it."
  2481. >Sighing, she pulls out her phone and looks at the time.
  2482. >"It's almost time for school to start, I better get going to deliver these to my teachers."
  2483. "Alright, bye Twilight."
  2484. >Twilight heads off and waves goodbye to you.
  2485. >Focusing back on your locker, you continue getting ready for your first class.
  2486. >"Did you hear the news the other day?"
  2487. >"Nah man, was totally baked the entire weekend."
  2488. >"Dude. They said they found a dead body on the beach."
  2489. >You almost fumble with one of the books.
  2490. >Oh crap...
  2491. >"No way."
  2492. >"Yeah it was weird they said the body was chopped up and tossed into one of those fire pits."
  2493. >"That's sick brah. Not sick awesome. Sick sick you know?"
  2494. >"The weird thing though is that the only body part they found was like some large clawed hand."
  2495. >"Freaky..."
  2496. >The two guys continue down the hall unaware of your eavesdropping.
  2497. >Slamming the locker door you run the other way to the library.
  2498. >You head to the front desk and ask Miss Cheerilee where Anon is.
  2499. >"Mr. Anonymous? He said he had some other business to take care of. I haven't seen him since."
  2500. >You let out an exasperated groan and run out the doors and head to your first class.
  2501. >Entering the room, you scan the back and see Pinkie Pie drawing something in her notebook.
  2502. "Pinkie!"
  2503. >"Oh hiya Sunset!"
  2504. "Do you know where Anon is? He wasn't in the library."
  2505. >She thinks for a few moments before looking to you and shrugs. "Sorry, I haven't seen him all day."
  2506. >Darn it. You need to find him!
  2507. >You turn around and make for the door when all of a sudden the first period bell rings.
  2508. >Double darn it.
  2509. >"Miss Shimmer, please take your seat." Ms. Harshwhinny says from her desk.
  2510. >With a huff of annoyance, you walk over to your desk and sit your butt down.
  2511. >Ms. Harshwhinny is not one to try the patience of.
  2512. >"Alright class, turn your textbooks to page 54 we'll be loo..."
  2513. >You quickly tune out Ms. Harshwhinny and look out the window.
  2514. >He only ever said he would be at the library, but with him not there that could mean he could be anywhere at CHS.
  2515. >If he even bothers to show up at all.
  2516. >Ugh... if you can't find Anon during the next few passing periods, hopefully you can find him at lunch.
  2518. >Grabbing the tray, you guide yourself through the maze of bodies and chairs to a empty table near the corner of the room.
  2519. >Taking a seat, you set your tray down and scan the room.
  2520. >Leaning back in your chair, you dig through your backpack and pull out an mp3 player.
  2521. >Its beat up, old, and completely outdated compared to the ones the teenagers today carry but it's proved durable during your journeys.
  2522. >Takes forever to charge though.
  2523. >You plug in some earbuds and turn on the device.
  2524. >You close your eyes as the first song in the playlist begins and focus on the beat.
  2525. >A few bars go by before suddenly being interrupted by the sound of a chair being dragged across the floor.
  2526. >Opening your eyes you see through tinted lenses, that meek pink-haired girl setting her tray on the table.
  2527. >Sitting down in the seat across from you, Fluttershy greets you.
  2528. >"Um... hi Anon. How are you?"
  2529. >Might as well be cordial.
  2530. "A little sore but otherwise fine."
  2531. >"Oh, um... that's good."
  2532. >Immediately, pink clouds your vision.
  2533. "Hiya Nonny!"
  2534. >Pinkie Pie hops behind you and rises up from the other side next to Fluttershy.
  2535. >What is this?
  2536. >Before you can ask what the heck is going on, Applejack and Rainbow Dash sit down as well.
  2537. >"Howdy."
  2538. >"Hey."
  2539. >Applejack sits next to you and begins digging in her lunch while Rainbow pops open her milk carton and takes a drink.
  2540. >"Anon! Darling, you look marvelous."
  2541. >Rolling your eyes, you shut the mp3 player off and take out the buds.
  2542. "Hello Rarity..."
  2543. >Probably should have just stayed in the library. No one bothered you in there.
  2544. >Still, if these five are here that means Sunset will soon follow.
  2545. >And probably Twilight. You heard a passing mention in the library that she's back at school now.
  2546. >...
  2547. >You casually peer behind Fluttershy's head when she bends down to eat her food and notice that a few other students are looking at your table.
  2548. >Especially the males, who're giving you a variety of looks ranging from curiosity, disbelief, and anger.
  2549. >Great, the mass influx of females to your table is drawing attention and challenging the masculinity of the other gender in the room.
  2550. >Shaking your head, you drift back to the current gathering.
  2551. >As the girls partake in idle chit-chat you just decide to eat.
  2552. >If you *can* eat that is.
  2553. >You poke at the lump of organic matter that's supposed to be "food" in front of you with a plastic spork.
  2554. >This is supposed to be "meat and potatoes"?
  2555. >Looking to Applejack, she seems to be shoveling it down like there's nothing wrong with it.
  2556. >She notices you staring at her, smiles and bumps you in the shoulder, "C'mon, it's good fer ya."
  2557. >...
  2558. >You're pretty sure it just moved...
  2559. >Death may be preferable to this.
  2560. >Scooping some of the "food" onto the utensil, you bring it to your mouth.
  2561. >It seems to be staring at you.
  2562. >Judging you.
  2563. >As if all the struggles in your life have been in vain.
  2564. >Not just this struggle.
  2565. >All your struggles.
  2566. >...
  2567. >Yeah, you're probably going to skip lunch today.
  2568. >Suddenly the double doors to the lunch room and draws everyone's attention.
  2569. >Sunset Shimmer stands there searching the lunch room before spotting you six.
  2570. >Realizing everyone else in the cafeteria is staring at her, she just sheepishly smiles and walks over to your table.
  2571. >Everyone else goes back to their previous discussions while Sunset leans over next to you, "Anon. Where have you been?! They found "it"."
  2572. "It?"
  2573. >"They found Edward."
  2574. "Oh."
  2575. >"Oh?! That's all you can say?"
  2576. "What did they find specifically?"
  2577. >"One of his arms."
  2578. "Ech, thought so. Probably should have been more thorough. Guess I was too focused with the internal organs, but you gotta make sure the intestinal track is cut up into neat little chunks like the meat bits here in todays lunch dish."
  2579. >Applejack stops with a spoonful in her mouth. She swallows before setting her utensil aside.
  2580. >"Well, guess ah'm done." she grumbles.
  2581. >You smirk as she pushes her tray away.
  2582. >"How are you so casual about this?" whispers Sunset.
  2583. "Relax. It's not like I left any way for them to trace it to me. Trust me, I've been doing this for awhile."
  2584. >She calms down and takes a seat, "You're right, I guess I'm just worked up over the past few days."
  2585. "Speaking of; do you have the silver?"
  2586. >Sunset deflates a little, "No, not yet."
  2587. >Getting serious, you lean back in your chair and fold your arms and ask Sunset on the current topic of your mind.
  2588. "So. Where's Twilight?"
  2589. >"Um... she's somewher- oh there she is."
  2590. >Turning your head, you see the purple girl carrying a small lunchbox walking over to your table.
  2591. >When she sees the others sitting by you she freezes and shrinks.
  2592. >You just eye her every movements like a predator eyes their prey.
  2593. "Remember: Tight Leash."
  2594. >She gulps and nods.
  2595. >Scooting your chair back, you grab your cane and backpack.
  2596. "If you need anything, I'll be in the library."
  2597. >Rainbow just scoffs.
  2598. >You sneer as you walk by her.
  2599. >Going past Twilight, she quickly takes a few steps back to give you room to move by her.
  2601. >Anonymous leaves the cafeteria through the double doors without another word.
  2602. >Twilight Sparkle waits until they close before sitting where he sat and begins unpacking her food.
  2603. >"Jerk." Rainbow Dash grumbles.
  2604. "Rainbow don't be so rude. I swear you two have been going at it ever since you two met."
  2605. >"Rare's right Dash. You really need to stop being all hostile." Applejack adds. "Sure he embarrassed you... and tossed you into the dirt pretty easily... hmm, okay I can sorta see why you have a bone to pick with him."
  2606. >"Um... I think it would be nice if you two could stop fighting... If that's okay."
  2607. >She just pouts, "Fine, I'll stop ragging on him."
  2608. >Satisfied, you continue eating the lunch you prepared for today.
  2609. >A small lunch box filled with two rice balls decorated with seaweed to look like small pandas surrounded by lettuce, cut up sausages, and edamame.
  2610. >As you take the lid off, the two rice balls smile at you happily.
  2611. >Pinkie Pie looks over your shoulder and squees.
  2612. >"Aw Rarity they look almost too good to eat!"
  2613. "Yes, I know. I spent so much time preparing them this morning that I almost can't bring myself to eat them."
  2614. >"Well I'll do i- OW!"
  2615. >You smack her hand away with a pair of chopsticks.
  2616. "I said "almost"."
  2617. >"Rarity, that looks amazing. I never took you for someone who cooks." Fluttershy says.
  2618. "Well I figured I should brush up my skills for a special occasion."
  2619. >The table looks to you questioningly.
  2620. >"A "special occasion"?" asks Sunset, "Are you making dinner for your parents? Are you celebrating that Sweetie Bell didn't almost burn down the kitchen again?"
  2621. >"You know the fire department won't come to your house anymore."
  2622. "No nothing like that. I have a more intimate event in mind."
  2623. >"Oh oh! So you have a date!" Pinkie Pie squees with joy, "With who? With who?! Do I know them? Huh?! Huh! Do I? Do I!?"
  2624. >Pinkie Pie gyrates in her chair excitedly as Rainbow Dash tries her best to calm her.
  2625. "Yes you do, it's our dear friend Anon."
  2626. >"Say WHAT?!" Applejack yells out standing in her chair.
  2627. >All activity in the lunchroom halts as everyone stares at Applejack.
  2628. >She bashfully sits back down and sinks even further in the chair with her hat hiding her face.
  2629. >"Pssst... who's she talking about?" Pinkie Pie asks Fluttershy.
  2630. >"I think she's talking 'bout Anon."
  2631. >"Oh wow! You mean he invited you over? That's soooooooo romantic!"
  2632. "Well... no. In fact, I haven't even asked him. But I don't think he'll turn the opportunity away for a freshly cooked meal."
  2633. >Applejack crosses her arms, "After he eats it he might be too busy in the can to care."
  2634. "Oh hush. It's not like you can do any better."
  2635. >"Please, did'ja forget who you're talking to? Ah make the best pies here second only to Granny Smith."
  2636. >Darn it! You totally did forget. And her pies are the most delightful things you've ever tasted.
  2637. >Now now Rarity.
  2638. >All you need is a good comeback.
  2639. "Well, you... YOU! Grrr... you still have split ends. Hmph."
  2640. >You turn away with your nose in the air.
  2641. >Smooth.
  2643. >Giggling at your friends antics, you can't help but watch the other students of CHS go about their ways.
  2644. >Some are just wrapping up lunch early, others just laughing and chatting with their own group of friends.
  2645. >You sigh.
  2646. >Sometimes you wish that life could go back to being simple like that, going to school without much care in the world.
  2647. >But ever since learning someone wants you dead and everything since that, you've been on edge for the past couple days since then.
  2648. >You know the others will do everything they can to help you but this is something that, as cliche as it sounds, you need to take care of on your own.
  2649. >You can't risk their lives just for yours.
  2650. >And that's why you want Anon's help so bad. He's the only one that can help you defend yourself without relying on magic.
  2651. >It's just so agonizing being in that stage of waiting for a reply. You know Twilight will help you, but you wish she would hurry up and get here with that silver.
  2652. >Suddenly your stomach grumbles.
  2653. >...
  2654. >You spent so much time trying to find Anon before coming to the cafeteria that you forgot to grab some food for yourself.
  2655. >Pulling out your phone, the lunch period halfway over.
  2656. >Granny Smith is already serving the last few students in line before putting the lids over the food she prepared today.
  2657. >"Did you have anything to eat Sunset?" Twilight asks.
  2658. "No. I was too preoccupied with finding Anon I forgot to get some myself."
  2659. >"Well you can have my apple Sunset." Fluttershy says, scooting the fruit across the table.
  2660. >"And you can have my chocolate milk!" Pinkie Pie adds.
  2661. >Taking a triangle slice from her lunchbox, Twilight hands it to you. "And here's the other half of my sandwich. Don't worry, it's peanut butter and jelly."
  2662. >All the girls give you something of their own lunches to eat.
  2663. >It almost makes you want to cry.
  2664. "I love you girls so much. I don't know what I would do without you."
  2665. >They all smile as Pinkie Pie brings you into a group hug.
  2666. >"Selfie time!"
  2667. >As Rarity sets up her phone, you notice the small gap of your backpack glow.
  2668. >You quickly smile as Rarity finishes counting down and takes the photo.
  2669. >Opening your backpack, you pull out your journal and open it.
  2670. >[Hello Sunset, the silver had some issues getting here to Ponyville, but it's waiting by the portal as I write this. Just let me know when and I'll enter the portal with what you asked. Your Friend, Princess Twilight Sparkle.]
  2671. >Slamming the journal shut, you let out a sigh of relief.
  2672. >"Was that my Equestrian counterpart?" asks Twilight.
  2673. >You nod.
  2674. "Twilight says she has the silver I need to pay Anon."
  2675. >"Pay Anon? For what?"
  2676. >Oh yeah, none of you told Twilight about your... "problem" beyond the vampires.
  2677. >At least not any specific.
  2678. >You quickly explain the situation to her in as much detail you can.
  2679. >Which, honestly, is not much.
  2680. >But when you finish about the part where Anon offered his services to you she begins hyperventilating.
  2681. >"And this was before the incident on Saturday right?"
  2682. "Yeah."
  2683. >She bangs her head on the table.
  2684. >"I *REALLY* messed up." she groans.
  2685. >"Sugarcube, you need to quit beating yourself up over that."
  2686. >"But I could hav-"
  2687. >Rarity puts a finger on her mouth to shush her, "Darling, it's in the past."
  2688. "Yeah, and Anon said he'll still help me."
  2689. >Your words do little to visibly reassure Twilight.
  2690. >"Well, if you need anything. I'll do everything in my power to help."
  2691. >You clasp her hands in your own and let out a nervous chuckle.
  2692. "I appreciate the sentiment Twilight, but I think I've got it."
  2693. >"R-right."
  2695. >You decided to ask Twilight for the metal ingots during after school hours, well after everyone has gone home.
  2696. >You'd really prefer as few witnesses as possible to this.
  2697. >Looking at the time on your phone, it's around ten past seven. The sun is already past the horizon.
  2698. >A cold gust of wind causes you to hold your black jacket tight.
  2699. >Maybe you should have asked her to do this on Saturday or Sunday...
  2700. >Waiting by the statue in front of CHS, you can't stop pacing back and forth.
  2701. >Suddenly, you see a light coming from the base of the portal as the reflective surface of the marble begins warping.
  2702. >A purple hand comes through, then a leg, until Twilight Sparkle's entire body comes through with her other arm holding a small ornately decorated box.
  2703. >Taking a moment to get balanced, Princess Twilight looks to you and smiles.
  2704. >"Hello Sunset."
  2705. >You give her a hug which surprises her.
  2706. "Twilight, thank you so much."
  2707. >"It took a while to get it all the paperwork filled, but here it is."
  2708. >She holds up the case and opens the lid.
  2709. >Ten bars of solid silver glisten in the moonlight surrounded by a deep red velvet cloth.
  2710. "This... this is... I can't thank you enough Twilight."
  2711. >"You're a dear friend Sunset, and since I thought you might need it, I doubled the quantity."
  2712. >Twilight takes one of the bars in her hand to reveal a second level of silver underneath the top.
  2713. >You honestly can't believe this. You're left utterly speechless.
  2714. "B-but... but this is way too muc-"
  2715. >Twilight puts the bar back, and puts her arm on your shoulder reassuringly.
  2716. >"Hey, I'm a Princess, I have to use my connections now and then." she says with a smile.
  2717. >Your vision starts to become watery.
  2718. "Twilight."
  2719. >Closing the lid, she hands you the ornate case.
  2720. >"But..."
  2721. "But?"
  2722. >"I'd really like to know what this is for. Ten kilogram ingots of pure refined silver is kind of an unusual request."
  2723. "I'd really not say."
  2724. >Twilight looks at you worriedly, "Sunset, are you in trouble?"
  2725. >...
  2726. >Should you really tell her?
  2727. >She is your friend. And the reason you even have friends now in the first place.
  2728. >You at least owe her the truth.
  2729. "Yeah... someone... someone wants me dead."
  2730. >Her eyes widen with shock.
  2731. >"And they want this silver as payment?! Sunset if you had told me sooner I wouldn't have wasted any time!"
  2732. >You shake your head.
  2733. "No, not like that. I don't know who the person that wants me killed is, the silver is payment to the person who has the skills needed to help me protect myself and the others."
  2734. >"Who is this person that wants the silver then?"
  2735. "A... Witcher named Anonymous."
  2736. >"A what? A witch?"
  2737. "No, a Witcher. They're monster hunters in this world, they have special abilities that almost make them borderline supernatural and very very dangerous."
  2738. >She thinks deeply on your words, "I've never heard of anything like that in Equestria."
  2739. "Neither have I. Apparently from what Anonymous has told me, this world did have magic like Equestria at some point in the past that gave a need for them but that was a long time ago. I think when I brought your crown here, it started bringing the magic back."
  2740. >"Sunset, if someone's after your life I think you should come back with me. It would be easier to protect you back home."
  2741. >You expected her to say that.
  2742. "I can't Twilight. They might harm the others just to try and find me. That's how Anon managed to get close to me in the first place. And... I partly consider this world my home now."
  2743. >"Just how did you meet this Anonymous person anyway?"
  2744. "Er... he was the one that was supposed to kill me?"
  2745. >Twilight's expression turns from concern to a scowl.
  2746. "It's not what you think!"
  2747. >"Take me to him." she demands.
  2748. >Oh crud.
  2749. >You can tell where this is going.
  2750. "Twilight I don-"
  2751. >The Princess just shushes you.
  2752. >"Sunset, as your friend I care about you. So you can kiss this silver goodbye unless you tell me everything right now."
  2753. >You groan.
  2754. "Fine."
  2755. >Suddenly you two hear a growling noise.
  2756. "Hungry?"
  2757. >Twilight let's out an embarrassed smile. "I was hoping there we could visit one of those burger places before I went back."
  2758. >You can't help but smile, despite her ultimatum.
  2759. >"I think there's one still open, I'll tell you everything on the way."
  2761. >As Sunset and Twilight leave the school grounds, a particular vehicle just so happens to drive by.
  2762. >"Twilight?"
  2763. >"Brah, who you talkin 'bout?" Sandlewood asks.
  2764. >"That's Twilight!"
  2765. >"So? She goes to our school ever since the Friendship Games" Norman says.
  2766. >"No dude, the *Other* Twilight. The one who keeps coming over for the weird magical stuff. She's wearing the same clothes!"
  2767. >"Oh *that* Twilight... So?"
  2768. >"Eh, maybe I could... you know. Try to hook up with her before she leaves again."
  2769. >"Dude, you need to get over that." Norman says rolling his eyes. "What guy wants a girl who keeps on disappearing on him?"
  2770. >"Yeah, you're probably right. Hey who's up for chillie dogs, king sized slurpees, video games and monster movies All. Night. LONG!"
  2771. >"YEAH!" all three exclaim.
  2772. >Speeding off, the three head off on their exciting testosterone adventure of male teenage perceived manliness despite it still being a weeknight.
  2774. -----
  2776. >Tick tock, tick tock.
  2777. >It's almost eight on a Thursday night and you're beginning to grow a bit restless.
  2778. >You go over your mental checklist of your activities. Making sure there isn't something you missed.
  2779. >Polished your swords. Check.
  2780. >Organized your potions. Check.
  2781. >Loaded a new set of knives into the hidden sections of your clothing. Check.
  2782. >Daily workout. Check.
  2783. >Scouted out the area for magical trouble. Check.
  2784. >Talked to the landlord who gave you this house and hexed him to ignore another payment? Double check.
  2785. >...
  2786. >Okay, maybe you do abuse Axii a bit too much.
  2787. >You lean back in the cheap, but comfy sofa that came with the house.
  2788. >Why'd you promise to stay here a week? It gets so boring.
  2789. >Even you have to admit, not much is happening right now.
  2790. >A small pang in you stomach draws your attention.
  2791. >Since you skipped lunch today, you haven't had anything to eat in awhile.
  2792. >Opening your fridge, there's not much in there. Same with the pantry and cupboards.
  2793. >All you really have are some spices, most of which you just use to help brew potions.
  2794. >The only "consumable" you have in any real stock is alcohol but again, that's mostly for the potions.
  2795. >Guess *someone* needs to head to the store and get some more food.
  2796. >Flopping back on the couch you end up opening random video link on your laptop.
  2797. >"What's up everybody, it's Critikal. I'm playi-"
  2798. >Suddenly your doorbell rings.
  2799. >Looking at the clock, you wonder who could be visiting at this hour.
  2800. >It better not be Twilight again. Things might not end as peacefully as last time.
  2801. >Pausing the video you walk to the door and peer through the little peep-hole.
  2802. >It's the girl with the fiery red and yellow hair.
  2803. >Joy of joys.
  2804. >At least she’ll break up the monotony that is your life right now.
  2805. >Opening the door, you see Sunset with the biggest shit eating grin you've ever seen.
  2806. >Okay, maybe not the biggest.
  2807. "Sunset."
  2808. >"Anon. Guess what I got?" she asks in a sing-song sort of way.
  2809. >You just give her a deadpan stare. You're not really in the mood to be playing that sort of game.
  2810. "..."
  2811. >"C'mon, just guess."
  2812. "A case full of silver?"
  2813. >"You're no fun, but yes a case full of silver."
  2814. “Okay, who did you rob and/or kill to get this?”
  2815. >Sunset just laughs, “Anon you’re such a kidder.”
  2816. “I’m not kidding. A teenager like you would never have the cash to buy all that normally.”
  2817. >”Just let me in.” she says, “It’s cold outside.”
  2818. >Grimacing, you step to the side and wave her inside before you realize she has someone else with her.
  2819. >Dark blue hair, pink and purple skunk stripe...
  2820. "Twilight Sparkle."
  2821. >You put as much venom in your voice as possible as you stare the girl down.
  2822. >"Wait Anon!" Sunset says, placing a hand on you. "This is Princess Twilight. You know, the one from the other world."
  2823. >"It's a pleasure to meet you." she says, holding out her hand.
  2824. >You just stare at it, as she slowly withdraws it when she realizes you're not going to return the gesture.
  2825. "Last time a Twilight Sparkle was here, I got flashbanged, deafened and tased."
  2826. >"W-what? Why?"
  2827. >"You're a Twilight Sparkle so you should have an idea."
  2828. >"Anon, please we're getting off topic." Sunset puts a hand on her forehead. "C’mon and we can get to business."
  2829. "Fine. But I'm watching you."
  2830. >"Princess" Twilight is a bit taken aback, but nods.
  2831. >Leading the two inside, you pull up two chairs and sit on the couch.
  2832. "So, let me see what you got."
  2833. >Twilight places a medium-sized wooden box onto the coffee table and opens the lid.
  2834. >Reflexively you flinch a little. Can't be too careful with Twilight's and boxes.
  2835. >Inside, laid out in a 2x5 layout are five silver ingots.
  2836. >Taking one in your hand you inspect the precious metal for any visible marks or signs of tampering on the surface.
  2837. >Out of the corner of your eye, you see a second bar underneath the one you just removed.
  2838. >You admit, you're a bit surprised.
  2839. >There's no identifiable stamps or markings on the bars so there's no guarantee that these aren't just plated ingots.
  2840. "And you can guarantee this is 100% pure silver?"
  2841. >"On my word as a Princess of Equestria." Twilight says confidently.
  2842. >Yeah... okay.
  2843. "Be right back."
  2844. >Taking the bar, you head into the garage and dig into one of your travel cases.
  2845. >You're looking for a particular item. One that's not too hard to come by if you know where to look.
  2846. >After a few minutes of searching, you find the small trinket and bring it back with you to the living room.
  2847. >"What's that?"
  2848. "Neodymium Magnet. A rare-earth magnet made from an alloy of neodymium, iron and boron. The magnetic field on this makes it stronger than standard magnets."
  2849. >Sunset looks confused, but Twilight looks... impressed?
  2850. "Ran out of silver testing acid some time ago so I have to rely on some more mundane techniques to determine if I'm being fleeced or not."
  2851. >Holding the bar at a forty-five degree angle, you place the small magnetic bar and watch the bar slowly descend down the side.
  2852. >"And since silver is paramagnetic, the rare-metal magnet you're using is generating an electric current that's interacting with the silver causing it to descend slowly." Twilight observes.
  2853. "Pretty much. If this was fake silver, the magnet would either stick or slide down with no resistance. But I'll need to do one more test to make sure."
  2854. >"What's that?"
  2855. >Taking another metal ingot, you balance the bar on your palm and strike the edge with the other silver bar.
  2856. >A ringing noise fills the room as you repeatedly strike the bar over and over with your eyes closed.
  2857. >"Well?"
  2858. "They're pure, or at least pure enough. I'd prefer using a scanner like those pawn shops use, but I haven't been able to get my hands on one of those yet."
  2859. >"And you could hear the difference in a fake bar?"
  2860. >"I've done the test enough times to remember the sound. Plus my more acute hearing helps too."
  2861. >Satisfied that you're satisfied, Sunset lets out a sigh of relief.
  2862. >"So I've fulfilled my end of the bargain."
  2863. "And more-so if the rest of this is intended for me. Color me impressed."
  2864. >"If it's okay, Twilight?"
  2865. >Twilight Sparkle smiles and nods.
  2866. "Since you're paying way more than I asked, I assume you have something additional for me?"
  2867. >There’s no way this additional quantity is just yours for nothing.
  2868. >Sunset opens her mouth but Twilight holds up a hand.
  2869. >"I want you to protect Sunset. And I mean closely."
  2870. "For how long?"
  2871. >"Until whatever trouble she's in is dealt with."
  2872. >You narrow your eyes.
  2873. "That's going to cost you more than ten additional bars of silver depending on how long this will take."
  2874. >Twilight looks unconcerned, "You'll be compensated fairly for your service. Name your price."
  2875. >You think over her question for a bit.
  2876. "Since apparently twenty kilos can be acquired by you easy enough; seven kilos every week past the first two months of training I give her."
  2877. >"Seven is way too much. You'll get three."
  2878. >"Twilight. I don't think tha-"
  2879. >Twilight just shushes Sunset.
  2880. "Don't be cheap. I need to make a profit on this, and I'll be spending quite a bit on her to get her in shape."
  2881. >"Lowest we’re willing to go is four."
  2882. "No, you'll do seven or no deal."
  2883. >Twilight scowls at you.
  2884. >"That's way too much silver just for a week's worth of work."
  2885. >She's not unfamiliar with haggling prices, probably from trading negotiations if she really is a Princess.
  2886. >But lucky for you she's not adept at it either. The sweat forming on the girl's brow gives it away.
  2887. >Looks like the Princess isn't as good at negotiating as she thinks.
  2888. >This gives you an idea.
  2889. "Do you have access to precious gems? Things like diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds?""
  2890. >"Yes. They're quite common in Equestria than here I believe."
  2891. >More common?
  2892. >Maybe training Sunset is worth your time after all.
  2893. "Fine then, three 1 kilo silver ingots. But you'll throw in twenty of each of those four gemstones in a good quality every week after a month and a half of training plus room for negotiations for later deals."
  2894. >Your offer shocks both girls.
  2895. >Twilight raises out of her seat and slams both her hands on the table.
  2896. >"And why would I agree to that?" Twilight demands.
  2897. >You smirk.
  2898. >"One, because you just admitted that gems are common where you're from, two because Sunset is your friend, and three because with those gems I can better prepare her for anything to come."
  2899. >Twilight's eyes widened just a bit when you point out her gaff.
  2900. >"I could just take her back to Equestria with me."
  2901. >"Twilight!" Sunset yells.
  2902. "You could do that. But that would still leave her other friends here, who I'm guessing are also your friends?"
  2903. >She doesn't say anything beyond just glaring at you.
  2904. "Princess, that's my final offer. Take it or leave it."
  2905. >Twilight lets out an exasperated sigh.
  2906. >"Sunset, do you absolutely believe this person can help you?"
  2907. >Sunset Shimmer, thinks deeply for a moment before looking her friend directly in the eyes.
  2908. >"Yes Twilight. I really do."
  2909. >Twilight just nods, "Fine. I'll agree to those terms."
  2910. >You hold out your hand, and she takes it. The two of you finalizing your deal with a shake.
  2911. >"I'll have the terms written up when I get back and have Sunset deliver it to you."
  2912. "Then tomorrow I'll start making preparations for Sunset over here."
  2913. >"Well, it's getting late. I think we should leave."
  2914. >"You're right, I only planned to stay a little while. Spike must be worried sick about me."
  2915. >"Anon?" Sunset asks, "Could I use your bathroom?"
  2916. "Down the hall, first door to the right."
  2917. >Leaving you two, all that remains is a somewhat tense atmosphere between you and the dimensional-crossing Princess.
  2918. "So I hear Equestria's a nice place."
  2919. >"I don't know what Sunset sees in you." Twilight begins, ignoring your comment, "But I'm leaving you to take care of Sunset. She means alot to me."
  2920. "Don't worry, I'll make sure you get what you payed for."
  2921. >"I'm serious."
  2922. "So am I."
  2923. >She leers at you, unconvinced and still unsure of your real motives.
  2924. >"Alright I'm ready." Sunset says wiping her hands on her jeans.
  2925. >Getting up, the two girls make for the door, you being the gracious host you are, escort them out.
  2926. >Before they leave the porch you get Sunset Shimmer's attention.
  2927. "Sunset, this shouldn't take more than a couple of days. Though I'm going to warn you now, the path you're going to be travelling now won't be easy."
  2928. >The girl looks at you with determination in her eyes.
  2929. >"I know Anon. I want this to protect myself, and to protect my friends."
  2930. >Nodding your head, you close the door.
  2931. >You're a bit elated inside, you finally scored a decent job after you dismissed the original contract that brought you here. As a bonus, it's on royal coffers too.
  2932. >At least you hope. It's a bit too early to say though.
  2933. >If it wasn't for the silver bars on the table beside you, you'd think you were dreaming.
  2934. >Looks like Canterlot's going to be your new home for awhile.
  2935. >First things first though, you're going to need to find some suitable place to train your new student.
  2936. >Huh...
  2937. >Never thought you would ever say that.
  2938. >Now that you think about it. Maybe you should have asked for gold too.
  2939. >Tempting, but you'll cross that road later. Right now the gems should suffice. You've been out of gem dust for awhile now.
  2940. >Hopefully, if everything goes well you can make good use of the silver and gems down the line.
  2941. >Placing the two silver bars back into the box, you take them to your lockbox inside your room and place it inside.
  2942. >Right now, life hasn't been this good.
  2944. -----
  2946. >Marching through the halls of Canterlot High, you pass by dozens of students going about their day.
  2947. >You're looking for one particular girl though. One who may or may not have a solution to a problem.
  2948. >Turning the corner, you just manage to stumble into someone.
  2949. >Someone with quite an ample bosom if you might add.
  2950. >A book falls onto the ground as Principal Celestia recoils from the impact.
  2951. >"Mr. Anonymous how are you?" she asks more as a custom than actual concern.
  2952. "Principal Celestia, I'm doing well. Sorry about that."
  2953. >"It's alright. I guess we both weren't watching where... er I mean in a hurry are we?" she asks.
  2954. >Looking side to side, she seems to be checking to see if anyone else is around.
  2955. >Strange.
  2956. "Just trying to find someone."
  2957. >"I see, well let me help you."
  2958. >Smiling to herself, she turns around to pick up her book and bends over with her rear facing you.
  2959. >Suddenly she bites her lower lip and gyrates her posterior in a manner you can only surmise is to be seductive.
  2960. >...
  2961. >There's a very good possibility she's trying to emulate something because the movements are incredibly awkward and forced.
  2962. >Through your tinted lenses it occurs to you that this woman is probably only doing this because she still thinks you're blind as a bat.
  2963. >It wouldn't take a blind man to know this is incredibly inappropriate.
  2964. >Especially since you're in the middle of a school hall during school hours in broad daylight while in a passing period.
  2965. >You think you can smell someth-
  2966. >Oh god...
  2967. >You recognize that smell. One week in a Redanian hotel has forced you to become very familiar with this scent and also why you don't trust top hats and rabbits anymore...
  2968. >Principal Celestia's getting off on this.
  2969. >Your medallion isn't going off, but you sure as hell know danger approaches when you see it.
  2970. >Why in the world is she...?
  2971. >Right...
  2972. >Now you remember.
  2973. >When you questioned this woman in her office last week. You told her to tell her sister she would do you if you were younger.
  2974. >This woman may actually have a thing for younger men; and you must have unintentionally set off some sort of repressed exhibitionist predilections she actually did have.
  2975. >The lady must be *really* really frustrated to do something so bold.
  2976. >And this children, is why you shouldn't abuse the Axii sign.
  2977. >It's been about a minute and a half, and miraculously no one has stepped down this way to see this.
  2978. >Looking at her expression, Celestia is getting way too into this.
  2979. >Granted, she does have a pretty decent pair of tits and a nice round ass. Especially in those purple pants that seem to hug the right spots.
  2980. >It's incredibly tempting.
  2981. >...
  2982. >Dammit.
  2983. >Having relations with a woman who physically looks like she could be your mother, especially one who's a high school principal, while posing as a highschool student would just raise way too many questions if someone found out.
  2984. >Maybe in another time and place but you've already got too much on your plate right now to deal with.
  2985. >Sure, you may look like a high school senior but still. You're probably going to kick yourself later.
  2986. >And hand in your man card.
  2987. "Principal? Is something wrong?"
  2988. >Her eyes shoot open as she realizes what she's doing.
  2989. >Standing rigid straight, Celestia turns around awkwardly holding her thighs tightly together, holding the book she picked up strategically in front of her crotch.
  2990. >Coughing into one hand Principal Celestia sheepishly smiles, "N-no. Just got a... er... got a little light headed. Yes, light headed; I must not have gotten enough sleep last night."
  2991. >Acting like you're completely oblivious, you just stand there like a moron.
  2992. >"So who are you looking for?" Celestia asks, desperate to change the subject.
  2993. "Applejack. I need her help with something."
  2994. >Behind you, Vice Principal Luna turns the corner and spots you two conversing.
  2995. >Celestia's eyes quickly dart between you and her, whil Luna looks curiously at the two of you.
  2996. >"YES! Applejack! Her class is history with Ms. Raven down this hall! Here I'll write you two a slip to get out of class for a free period!"
  2997. >She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a small school slip bundle, taking her pen she writes some things on it before tearing it off and handing it to you.
  2998. "Okay... Thank you?"
  2999. >There’s no real reason why she should be giving you this. It’s not like she thinks you could have seen what she just did. Granted you did, though that’s still no excuse.
  3000. >She must really want to get out of this extremely awkward situation that she isn’t thinking clearly.
  3001. >Quickly moving along, you leave both women to their own devices.
  3003. >That was close...
  3004. >You almost got forgot you were at work had Anonymous not interrupted you. You even gave him a slip to skip class which will make him hopefully forget about the mysterious way you were acting.
  3005. >Never in your life would you think that you would be glad someone was blind.
  3006. >Biting your lower lip, you can't help but want that young man's adorable ass.
  3007. >If only you weren't his Principal.
  3008. >You hope you pulled off that dance well, you spent hours watching that how-to video just for him.
  3009. >What did the kids nowadays call it again? Torking?
  3010. >Admittedly, he would never be able to see you perform it, but just the thrill of it was so refreshing.
  3011. >"Sister, what were you discussing with Mr. Anonymous?"
  3012. "He just wanted help finding Miss Applejack."
  3013. >"Is that all?" your sister asks, unconvinced.
  3014. >Lulu narrows her eyes at you.
  3015. "Y-yes. Why wouldn't it be?"
  3016. >Your younger sister just folds her arms, and points down.
  3017. >Looking where she's pointing, you notice a particular area of your purple slacks are darker than the rest.
  3018. >Fuck.
  3019. >Placing the book back to hide your shame, Luna leans towards you to whisper in your ear, "We'll discuss your acts of debauchery during work hours at home Tia."
  3020. "Oh please Lulu, it's not like you haven't done this before. We have the same tastes in "men"."
  3021. >Lulu's nostrils flare as her face going beet red.
  3022. >"Insatiable slut."
  3023. "Hypocritical prude."
  3024. >Luna huffs and angrily walks towards her office.
  3025. >Scrunching your brow, you just glare as she leaves.
  3027. >Finally arriving at the right room, you open the door and see a few students in the room.
  3028. >Thankfully, Applejack is sitting at her desk writing something into a notebook while reading a textbook.
  3029. "Applejack?"
  3030. >A couple of the other students look over to you before returning to their own business.
  3031. >Hearing her name, the cowgirl stops her writing and looks to you.
  3032. >"Anon? What are you doing here?"
  3033. >Walking over to her desk, you kneel down in front of her.
  3034. "I need you..."
  3035. >You dig into your back pocket as Applejack's eyes go wide and her face goes red.
  3036. >Your words draw the attention of the nearest group of students, who look just as shocked as her.
  3037. >"W-wh-what?"
  3038. "... for a few moments."
  3039. >Pulling out the slip Celestia gave you, you present it to her in a grandiose manner.
  3040. >Everyone just stands there silently. Enough you could hear a pin drop.
  3041. >You crack a smile as Applejack groans. The other students can't help but burst out laughing.
  3042. >Tipping her hat over her embarrassed face, she gets out of her chair and pulls you by the collar to a corner of the room.
  3043. >"Anon what is it?" she asks dead serious.
  3044. "That thing with Sunset, you know the one."
  3045. >"Yeah?"
  3046. "Can I have your permission to do it on your farm?"
  3047. >"What? Why?"
  3048. "Your family has a large area of private land you use for farming. Most of it hosts Apple trees but there's also a decent sized chunk of land to the northern part of your farm that isn't used for anything."
  3049. >She thinks about your words for a few moments before narrowing her eyes at you.
  3050. >"How in the hay do you know that? All that land is fenced off."
  3051. "I... may have taken a stroll on your farm from time to time before I met you."
  3052. >Applejack just gives you a dirty look, "Explain just how long "from time to time" is."
  3053. "For the past month and a half..."
  3054. >"..."
  3055. "Hey, your farm is large and mostly out of the way. I had to make sure there aren't any monsters hiding out there. You'd be surprised how many like to hide in an orchard."
  3056. >"Sure Anon. Sure." she says, the sarcasm dripping from her tone.
  3057. "Look will you let me or not?"
  3058. >"If I could yeah, unfortunately it ain't up to me. At least not by myself."
  3059. >That's regrettable.
  3060. "Then who do I need to talk to? The lunch lady?"
  3061. >"Granny Smith? Nah." she shakes her head, "Ya need to talk to my brother Big Macintosh, that's where he keeps all his private stuff along with the heavy equipment for harvest."
  3062. "Great. Where is he?"
  3063. >"Dunno where he is now, but I know where you can find him during lunch."
  3064. >Well, that's better than nothing you suppose.
  3065. "That'll be great Applejack."
  3066. >"Is that all? Because I got homework I forgot to finish last night that I need to get done before class starts."
  3067. >You snort with a grin.
  3068. "Don't worry about it, I got a slip from the Principal to let you out of class."
  3069. >She raises a brow, "Really?"
  3070. "Yep, just a second."
  3071. >You walk over to Ms. Raven as she is busy grading papers as Applejack watches you.
  3072. >Geeze, this lady looks like she's about to keel over any minute now.
  3073. >Talking to the teacher, you explain the slip and make up a plausible lie.
  3074. >You have to repeat a few things however but she essentially understands the gist of it and smiles.
  3075. >"Alright, Applejack you're free to go. And you're fine to just turn in the assignment on Monday."
  3076. >"Um, thanks Ms. R." she says.
  3077. >Grabbing her things, she follows you outside and shuts the door behind her.
  3078. >"How did you?"
  3079. "Don't make me relive it. Just go with it."
  3080. >Nodding, she walks down the hall with you silently.
  3081. >"So... um... ah guess we got a free period." she says, scratching her cheek with a finger. "You want to hang out?"
  3082. >You shrug. May as well, you're starting to get bored with the library.
  3083. "Sure. Anything you got in mind?"
  3084. >"Nuh-uh. You?"
  3085. >You think for a few moments.
  3086. "Actually, there is something I guess we can do but we'll have to go to under the bleachers in the gym to do it. It would be... unwise for anyone else to see or walk in on us."
  3087. >"R-really?" she asks, face going flush again. "Well then what are we waiting for!"
  3088. >Enthusiastically, she tugs you by the arm and speeds you both to the gym.
  3090. >"Would it kill you to be a little gentler on a lady?"
  3091. "Not when you're this good Applejack."
  3092. >"Ah'll take that as a compliment." she says teasingly, "Yer not so bad yourself Mr. Witcher; having me on the ropes begging for mercy."
  3093. "For your first session, you're a pretty fast learner."
  3094. >"Can't take all the credit, Big Mac's a good teacher at this sorta thing."
  3095. "How did your brother learn?"
  3096. >"Internet mostly. He loved looking up stuff like this."
  3097. "That would explain it."
  3098. >"Be honest, if I weren't such a quick study you'd have just had your way with me. You like it rough don't you?"
  3099. >You shrug.
  3100. "Yeah... But I wanted to make your first time real memorable. The look you made was priceless."
  3101. >Pulling out a water bottle from your bag you offer it to Applejack who declines.
  3102. >Its really hot and stuffy under the bleachers however that's a given since you've been here awhile.
  3103. >Taking a swig you twist the cap back on and put it away.
  3104. "Alright, short breaks over. Let's get back to it."
  3105. >She pumps her fist confidently, "Ready as I'll ever be."
  3106. >You let out a chuckle.
  3107. "Let's go then. It's your move Aj."
  3108. >"Gotta say Anon, you really know how to show a lady a good time."
  3109. >There's a hint of sarcasm in her voice, but none with any malice or annoyance.
  3110. >Picking up her remaining hand, Applejack places down the Prince Stennis card onto your field and draws two cards from her deck.
  3111. >"Ah hope you enjoy Prince Penis's company." she says with a smirk.
  3112. "Prince Stennis, Aj. Stennis."
  3113. >"Eh tomato tomato."
  3114. >She's doing this on purpose. You've already explained this to her multiple times.
  3115. >You briefly wonder if the real Stennis actually was called that at one point or another.
  3116. "I'm curious at to what your strategy is. You've already used up the majority of your hand in the first round."
  3117. >"I won didn't I?"
  3118. "Maybe the battle, but we still have two rounds left."
  3119. >"One if I win." she adds.
  3120. >You play a decoy card and take the Stennis card into your hand, ending your turn to AJ's.
  3121. >She plays a second Blue Stripes Commando without hesitation.
  3122. >Playing the Prince Stennis card, you repeat the process to gain two new cards.
  3123. >Looking at the field, she no other cards on the field besides Prince Stennis, a Blue Stripe Commando and a Torrential Rain. With only one card left in her hand, you might have this in the bag.
  3124. >You play one of the cards you just drew, Biting Frost. Reducing her frontline units to one strength.
  3125. >The cowgirl frowns, and plays a second Blue Stripe Commando which also is reduced to one like the other despite its Tight Bond ability.
  3126. >Letting out an amused chuckle, you play your ace: Villentretenmerth.
  3127. >Thanks to the card's Scorch ability, Applejack's strongest close-combat unit will be destroyed, and since all her units are tied at one...
  3128. >Her field is cleared leaving you with the only unit in play.
  3129. >Next turn you'll play your Clear Weather card to remove the Biting Frost and Torrential Rain from the field, giving Villentretenmerth his original seven strength.
  3130. >Your last two cards are a Scorch and a Zerrikanian Fire Scorpion. Even if she plays a card with higher attack, you'll just Scorch it. If it's a hero you'll play the unit to win the round and tie the game.
  3131. >Either way you can't lose.
  3132. >And with no cards left for the last phase she'll have to pass and lose the game.
  3133. >Looking at the last card in her hand, she gives you a sad smile.
  3134. "Victory is mine. All hail the Gwent king."
  3135. >"Ah'm not so sure about that Anon."
  3136. >Applejack lays her last card on the field: Geralt of Rivia.
  3137. >Fuck.
  3138. >You were wondering where that card went.
  3139. >With Geralt card's fifteen strength and immunity to ability cards you can't do anything. Even with the Fire Scorpion your two points short.
  3140. >You look up from the field and see Applejack with a large shit eating grin plastered across her mug.
  3141. >"All hail the Gwent queen?"
  3142. >You roll your eyes.
  3143. "Can't believe you pulled three straight wins against me."
  3144. >"Maybe you're just a terrible player." she says punching you in the arm.
  3145. >You snort, but nevertheless grin all the same.
  3146. >"Rematch? Can't have the mighty Witcher lose to little ol' me in a card game."
  3147. >Looking at the time, lunch is almost upon you.
  3148. "As much as I would enjoy losing to you again; we better pack up, we still need to find your brother."
  3149. >You would be hard pressed to admit it, nonetheless you enjoyed the company.
  3150. >Not often you find anyone willing to play Gwent with you, let alone beat you so thoroughly.
  3151. >It felt good to unwind like that. Not having to worry about your problems with the Path or Sunset.
  3152. >Collecting the cards, you place them in their holders inside your backpack.
  3153. >Sure, it may seem strange to be carrying Gwent cards on your person. It's not like you actually have books or homework to put in here.
  3154. >"Say Anon?" Applejack asks, holding the Geralt card in her fingers. "This Geralt fella's a Witcher too right?
  3155. >"Yeah. Why?"
  3156. >"Sorta reminds me of you."
  3157. "Really now?"
  3158. >You guess you can consider that a compliment. Geralt of Rivia was one of the most famous Witcher's ever known.
  3159. >Though his name and exploits faded from common knowledge, outside of a few Northern Kingdom and Nilfgaardian historian groups, the legendary Witcher was one every Witcher in the modern day knew and strived to be like.
  3160. >His skill and prowess set the bar you were all expected to achieve. Especially for you and your brothers as practitioners of the Wolf School.
  3161. >"Gotta say, even in this tiny picture he's pretty easy on the eyes."
  3162. >Handing the card over to you, she just smiles.
  3163. >"Yet as handsome as he is, I already got a special someone that's always close by even if they don't know it yet." she says bashfully.
  3164. "Well hopefully they realize it, because right now any guy would be lucky to have you."
  3165. >"Keep sweet talkin' me and we'll see how far that gets you mister."
  3166. >Closing your pack, you offer your hand which Applejack gladly takes.
  3167. >Helping Applejack to her feet, you guide the both of you through the criss-cross of metal beams.
  3169. >Did it just get hot in here?
  3170. >You actually admitted something so personal to the guy you like.
  3171. >And the words he said back...
  3172. >Gosh darn are you all hot and bothered now.
  3173. >To make matters even worse, now Anon's holding your hand!
  3174. >"Aj you okay?" he asks.
  3175. >And he's started calling you by a nickname!
  3176. >HA! How 'bout them apples Rarity!
  3177. "Yeah, I'm fine."
  3178. >He probably doesn't realize it, but Anon should smile more often. He has a nice one.
  3179. >Sure, playing card games at school ain't romantic in the least; you at least got Anon to break out of his gloom and doom personality for a little while.
  3180. >That's what really matters right? Being his friend first and then working towards something more?
  3181. >You're not all that good with the wooing and flirting like Rarity is.
  3182. >The way she does it so casually makes you a little self-conscious to tell the truth. Though right now you couldn't feel more the opposite.
  3183. >You may not be all fancy like her but you have your way and she has hers.
  3184. >When you both reach the cafeteria, the lunch bell finally rings.
  3185. >As the other students start pouring out to get some food, Anon lets go of your hand and puts it in his pocket.
  3186. >You try to hide your disappointment, despite that you can't help but let out a longing sigh.
  3187. >It's frustrating that moments like these are too short.
  3189. -----
  3191. "Now we just wait."
  3192. >"Mmhmm." Applejack hums.
  3193. >Students begin trickling into the cafeteria. Some head to the lunch line, other's head directly to their own established tables.
  3194. >Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash both walk through the double doors and wave to you two.
  3195. >Well, the former does. Dash just looks over to you and scowls like always.
  3196. >"There he is." Applejack says.
  3197. >Entering the room is a tall, well-built looking guy with messy orange hair.
  3198. "That's your brother?"
  3199. >"Eeyup. Big Macintosh may look intimidating, but he's a real softy inside."
  3200. >You watch as Big Macintosh walks through the crowd and takes a seat at an empty table with a sack lunch in hand.
  3201. “He’s a big guy.”
  3202. >"You're not scared of him are you?"
  3203. >You give the girl next to you an incredulous look.
  3204. "You're asking the professional monster hunter if he's scared of a high schooler."
  3205. >"Point taken."
  3206. >Getting up you walk over to Big Mac's table and take a seat across from him.
  3207. >Applejack just stands between you two besides the table.
  3208. >He lazily looks between you two before opening his sack and pulling out a sandwich.
  3209. >"Howdy Mac." Applejack greets. "This here's Anon."
  3210. >The boy says giving you a small nod of acknowledgment.
  3211. >"He has something to ask you."
  3212. "I need to borrow the land to the northern part of your farm."
  3213. >He thinks over your words for a few moments.
  3214. >"Eenope."
  3215. >Yeah, you knew it wouldn't have been this easy.
  3216. "If you need, I'll pay for the land. I only need it for a few months."
  3217. >"Eenope."
  3218. >...
  3219. >"C'mon Mac, I know it's a strange thing to ask but I'll vouch for Anon. He really needs to use the northern plots."
  3220. >Big Macintosh just silently eats as he listens to his sister's pleas.
  3221. >Facing back to you, through your glasses he seems to be looking you over. Probably to gauge your trustworthiness.
  3222. >Applejack scrunches her nose, "He wants to know what you need the land for."
  3223. "The fewer questions asked the better but it's not for anything illegal. Just extremely private. If you really want to know Applejack can tell you at your own home."
  3224. >"Can't."
  3225. >These one word responses are going to drive you mad.
  3226. "You can't or won't."
  3227. >"Eeyup."
  3228. >Wagging a finger to Applejack, she bends over to you.
  3229. >Leaning in, you whisper into your ear.
  3230. "If your brother says “Eeyup” or “Eenope” one more time, I'm going to start getting violent."
  3231. >Nodding, she turns to her brother.
  3232. >"Look Big Mac, this is really important. And it would mean the world to me if you could let Anon do his thing, it'll help Sunset Shimmer too."
  3233. >"Magic?"
  3234. >Finally some variance in his speech.
  3235. >"Sorta."
  3236. >"Is it gonna destroy the land?"
  3237. >Applejack looks to you.
  3238. "Other than digging up some dirt no. If you have the tools, I can also construct most of what I'll need myself and pay for the use of those as well."
  3239. >He raises an eyebrow at your last comment. You can see him eye your cane and glasses.
  3240. >Applejack, the smart girl she is, picks up on that.
  3241. >"I'll explain later at home."
  3242. >Not saying a word, he puts his sandwich down and moves it to the side.
  3243. >Applejack's frowns, "Mac, c'mon not now. Anon said he be willin' to compensate us."
  3244. "What?"
  3245. >"He wants to wrestle you."
  3246. "Excuse me?"
  3247. >"Ya know, arm wrestle.”
  3248. >Oh. That type of wrestling.
  3249. "Why?”
  3250. >“I dunno, some sort of guy thing I guess."
  3251. >Putting his right arm on the table, he just waits for you to accept his challenge.
  3252. "I win I get to use the land?"
  3253. >"Eeyup."
  3254. "Guessing you don't expect me to win huh?"
  3255. >"Eenope." he says shaking his head.
  3256. >Suddenly you hear someone place a tray down next to you.
  3257. >"Hey this dude's gonna arm wrestle Big Macintosh!" the boy announces to the cafeteria.
  3258. >Eyes and ears all focus on your table as you begin to hear murmurs among the now forming crowd.
  3259. >"The blind kid is trying to take on Big Macintosh?"
  3260. >"Is he fo' real yo?"
  3261. >"Ugh, boys and their need to show dominance."
  3262. >"I'd totally love Macintosh to use those large hands on me!"
  3263. >"HEY! AH HEARD THAT!" Applejack yells out in the direction of that last commentor.
  3264. >Soon enough, a large circle of students forms around your table.
  3265. >Attention you don't need.
  3266. >Wonderful. Just fucking wonderful.
  3267. >But unless you want to waste time searching for alternatives, your only choice is to wrestle Applejack's brother.
  3268. "Fine."
  3269. >You prop your left arm up on the table and clamp together your hand with Mac's.
  3270. >His eyes widen just a bit at your unexpected grip.
  3271. >Shaking her head, Applejack just grabs both of your hands.
  3272. >"Let's just get it over with. Ready on three."
  3273. >"1... 2... 3!"
  3274. >She releases your hands as Big Macintosh begins applying strength to bring your arm down.
  3275. >You have to admit, he's not weak by any means. You actually have to try to keep pace with him.
  3276. >Still, your opponent is still just a teenager.
  3277. >A strong teenager, but a teenager nonetheless.
  3278. >You can see him grit his teeth and muscles tensing up as he tries his hardest to beat you. Instead, you just apply equal force to counteract that.
  3279. >Even with your off-hand, your strength still outmatches him.
  3280. >But as easily as it would be to just slam his hand on the table and end this, you have a disguise to keep still.
  3281. >Letting Big Macintosh gain some ground, you make it look like he has your number a few times before you decide that this is convincing enough.
  3282. >Slowly you force his hand down on the table, making it look like you struggled the entire time.
  3283. >The room is deathly silent as looks on slack jawed.
  3284. >Getting up from your chair, a few students clear their way for you.
  3285. >Big Macintosh grimaces as he massages his sore arm.
  3286. "We got a deal?"
  3287. >Your opponent nods, as the crowd begins to break apart. The main show ending a bit anticlimactically.
  3288. >A few people express a bit of disbelief, while others begin arguing whether or not Mac purposely threw the contest.
  3289. >Leaving, Applejack quickly checks her brother before running after you.
  3290. >"So, when you comin' over?"
  3291. "Probably around five or so. I need to grab a few things before I can start working on the training area."
  3292. >"Just what exactly are you building?"
  3293. "Well, for starters, a couple of dummies, a small course and a dueling ring."
  3294. >Applejack looks at you like you grew a second head.
  3295. >"Did you just say dueling ring?"
  3296. "Yeah. If Sunset wants to fight like a Witcher, she's going to be trained like a Witcher."
  3297. >"It won't kill her will it? Because I'm gonna have to step in if that's happenin'."
  3298. "I know what I'm doing. I'll make sure the regimen isn't lethal in any way. She may get a few arrows shot at her though..."
  3299. >"Anon." she growls. "I don't want my friend to end up becoming a pincushion or chopping her own head off."
  3300. "They'll be blunted, lighten up. And she's not gonna get near a real sword for the first bit anyway."
  3301. >Stepping outside, you turn and face Applejack who crosses her arms at you.
  3302. >"Well, as long as you, Sunset and Rainbow don't get hurt too bad I guess it'll be alright."
  3303. >Wait what?
  3304. "Why Rainbow?"
  3305. >She looks at you quizzically.
  3306. >"Did ya forget already? Sunset said that Rainbow was also joining in on your little self-defense course."
  3307. >Shit.
  3308. >She's right. You did forget.
  3309. >Sunset mentioned something about that when you were both taken to the Vice-Principal's office.
  3310. "Fuck. I'll have to make some adjustments then. If you see Sunset tell her to drop by the farm on Sunday before seven."
  3311. >You begin walking away when Applejack grabs your shoulder.
  3312. >"Where are you going? We still got school."
  3313. "Correction, you still have school. I meanwhile am going to be getting materials brought to the farm. I'm going to be busy for the next few days."
  3314. "Well, guess I'll see you later then."
  3315. "And tell your Granny you're going to have visitors working at your farm. I don't need her crying "Timber wolves" and firing that shotgun at me again."
  3316. >The cowgirl's eyes widen, "That was YOU!? Do you have any idea how long Granny made us stay up to watch out for Timberwolves? Anon why I oughta..."
  3317. >She slides her sleeves up and begins angrily marching towards you.
  3318. >Smirking, you make haste off school grounds and towards the nearest hardware store as Applejack briefly tries to give chase.
  3320. >With Anon too far to catch, you just huff.
  3321. >You'll get him back later.
  3322. >That knucklehead is the reason you ended up failing that math test because you didn't get enough sleep.
  3323. >Granny Smith's super serious when it comes to wolves.
  3324. >Though now that you think about it. It sorta makes sense, Anon is sorta a wolf with that necklace thing of his.
  3325. >Walking back into the lunchroom, everyone's already forgot about the small bout between Anon and your brother.
  3326. >Looking over at Big Macintosh, you can tell he's still a little sore from the fight. Both physically and emotionally.
  3327. >You've known him for all your life, you can tell when he's irritated or not.
  3328. >Most of the time at least.
  3329. >He'll get over it. Big Mac's never let something like this get to him.
  3330. >Sitting back at your usual table, Rarity and Fluttershy have already joined Pinkie Pie and Dash.
  3331. >"What was that about?" Rarity asks. "When I came in everyone was gathered around."
  3332. "Big Macintosh arm wrestled Anon."
  3333. >"Oh my, I hope Anon is okay." Fluttershy says.
  3334. >"Guessing Big M put Anon in his place finally?" Rainbow Dash asks, poking a straw into her milk carton and taking a sip.
  3335. "Nope, Anon beat Big Macintosh pretty easily."
  3336. >Rainbow's eyes bulge out as she sprays all the milk in her mouth all over Rarity.
  3338. >Quickly standing up, she runs out of the lunch room fanning herself.
  3339. >You laugh a bit at Rarity's misfortune.
  3340. >"Are you serious?!"
  3341. "As serious as Rarity is when it comes to fashion or you when it comes to the Wonderbolts."
  3342. >"How easily are we talking?"
  3343. "Anon let Big Mac close to winning before forcing Big Macintosh's hand all the way to the other side. Others may not have noticed, but Big Mac and I have arm wrestled enough to know when someone puts on a show."
  3344. >"No way. Mac is probably having an off day."
  3345. "I don't think he-"
  3346. >Scooting out of her chair, Rainbow makes her way to Big Macintosh's table.
  3347. >You can't hear what Dash is saying over all the noise from everyone else, but you can see her slamming her elbow on the table.
  3348. >Your brother gives her a lazy look and shrugs, propping his arm on the table they both clasp hands.
  3349. >There's no real reason to watch, instead just focusing on Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie who also look a bit irked at Rainbow's antics.
  3350. "I'm gonna grab some grub, be right back."
  3351. >"Okie dokie loki!"
  3352. >As you walk off, you can hear a smack and a cry of pain from Rainbow Dash.
  3354. >By the time you get back with your own lunch, everyone's gathered at the table.
  3355. >Fluttershy's helping Dash with her arm, and Rarity is wearing something entirely new and chatting with Pinkie Pie.
  3356. >Meanwhile Sunset Shimmer's just eating a salad listening into the latter's conversation.
  3357. >As soon as she sees you she gets your attention.
  3358. >"So I heard Anon and Big Macintosh got into a little arm wrestling contest."
  3359. "You heard right."
  3360. >"Did something happen? Because I don't think Anonymous or your brother just challenge people out of the blue."
  3361. >You set down your tray and begin eating.
  3362. "Anon wanted to use some land on our farm for your little self-defense classes with Dash."
  3363. >"Really? Where is he now?"
  3364. "Mmhmm, said he was going to get some things to build the stuff yer going to be using."
  3365. >Sunset looks a little shocked.
  3366. "Not quite what you were expecting?”
  3367. >"A little. I guess I thought this was going to be like those self-defense classes at the community center."
  3368. >”Sunset are you having second thoughts?” Fluttershy asks.
  3369. >Sunset doesn’t answer, but you can tell she’s thinking about it.
  3370. >"Darling, you know Anonymous. He takes things very seriously. I don't think it would be kind to him or yourself to just back out now."
  3371. >She puts her head into her arms, "I guess I get what I payed for. Princess Twilight said she even made Anon my unofficial bodyguard..."
  3372. "Wait Princess Twilight was here?"
  3373. >This gets all your friends' attention.
  3374. >Sunset nods her head. "She dropped off the silver yesterday with me personally."
  3375. >"Aww, you could have told us. It's been awhile since she last came to visit."
  3376. >"Who came to visit who?" a voice asks.
  3377. >Turning, the voice belongs to your worlds Twilight.
  3378. "Howdy Twi. We were just talking about the other Twilight."
  3379. >"Oh. How is she?" she asks. "We didn't get much time to talk to each other last time."
  3380. >Your version of Twilight sits down at the table.
  3381. >"She's doing fine. The Princess was just helping me with something."
  3382. >"Witcher stuff?"
  3383. "Eeyup."
  3384. >"If you need help, I have a lot of old reference books my grandfather left me. If I can talk to Anon we could work out an optimal training schedule for yo-"
  3385. >Sunset and Rarity give her a worried glance.
  3386. >"What?"
  3387. "Sugarcube, ah think it might be best if you give Anon some distance. He's still a mighty bit miffed from last week."
  3388. >Twilight's expression plummets.
  3389. >"B-but don't worry Twilight, I could use those reference books. When I'm not with Anon I could use your help." Sunset says to reassure her.
  3390. >The offer works a little as Twilight perks up a bit.
  3391. >"What about you Rainbow Dash?" Twilight asks. "I think I recall you mentioning you were joining Sunset?"
  3392. >"Yeah, but you can give the books to Sunset. What's so hard about hitting something with a sword?"
  3393. >"It isn't as simple as that..." Twilight says.
  3394. "Dash are you taking this seriously or not?"
  3395. >"Of course I am! I just have different motivations than Sunset."
  3396. >Sometimes you just want to smack Rainbow upside the head.
  3397. >"Rainbow Dash, even with months of training a normal human would still be outclassed by a Witcher’s mutations."
  3398. >The girl just laughs, and punches her fist into her palm.
  3399. >"But we aren't normal humans remember? We have magic too."
  3400. >That's right, you even forgot about that.
  3401. >Maybe Dash is onto something.
  3402. >"True, but are you able to call it willingly in a fight?"
  3403. >"Err... not without my guitar or when one of my friends is in danger."
  3404. >You all let out a collective groan.
  3405. >"Maybe Anon will be willing to teach us that magic of his." Sunset says.
  3406. >"Signs? That would be incredible if you could learn that. I could definitely help you with that!"
  3407. >Both Sunset and Twilight become incredibly happy as they begin discussing all sorts of magic mumbo-jumbo.
  3408. >You and the others can't help but smile at this brief return to what constitutes as normal discussion between these two.
  3410. -----
  3412. >Sunday
  3413. >Both you and Rainbow Dash arrive at Sweet Apple Acres at around six thirty.
  3414. >You let out a yawn, you're not used to getting up before eight on Saturday.
  3415. >Dash meanwhile seems unfazed by the time of day.
  3416. >It's a bit chilly this early in the morning, there's still some dew on the grass outside.
  3417. >Going through the front gate, you see Applejack feeding the pigs behind the barn.
  3418. "Applejack!"
  3419. "Sup, AJ."
  3420. >"Sunset, Dash! You both made it. Anon's over in the northern field that way but just before you go hold up a sec."
  3421. >Setting down the bucket full of slop, Applejack takes off her hat and brushes her hair to the side.
  3422. >"Sunset, I know you're in trouble and everything, but are you absolutely one-hundred percent sure you want to do this?"
  3423. "Applejack, I was Princess Celestia's student, we've faced down Sirens, and I fought Twilight when she was possessed by magic. I think I'll be fine for a little hard training."
  3424. >Rainbow Dash scoffs, "Yeah well unlike you I actually work out everyday. This might be a little much for you."
  3425. >"As rare as it is for me to say it, Rainbow's right. Anon's going to be having you do some hardcore stuff."
  3426. "I appreciate the concern, but I have to do this."
  3427. >Applejack scratches the back of her head, unsure that you're actually prepared.
  3428. >"Alright then, he's waiting for ya over that way yonder."
  3429. >Giving her your thanks, you cross over a small hill and see a small shed with a few poles sticking up from the ground.
  3430. >As you walk closer you notice a large dirt circle dug into the dirt as well as some standard training equipment.
  3431. >Nearing the shed, the front door opens up and out comes Anon in a red flannel shirt and work slacks carrying two long wrapped up items in both hands.
  3432. >"You're both on time. Good." he says when he sees you two.
  3433. "Hi Anon."
  3434. >"You two have breakfast?"
  3435. >You both nod.
  3436. >"Alright, first things first. How much practical training do either of you have experience in any self-defense training or similar?"
  3437. >"I know Karate." Rainbow Dash answers.
  3438. >"And you Sunset?"
  3439. "Uh, not much to be honest. Unless you count... no nevermind."
  3440. >"I guess I shouldn't be too surprised." he says turning around.
  3441. >You're almost insulted by the way he says that.
  3442. >"Okay then, these first couple sessions we'll go easy just to get you into the habit. But as time will go on things will get much more difficult. Today we'll be going until four."
  3443. >Anon takes off his shirt and begins guiding you through some basic stretches before moving onto the exercises.
  3444. >Because you're not as fit as Rainbow Dash, he has you do slightly less than the load she does.
  3445. >Not wanting you to burn out as it were.
  3446. >Jumping jacks, sit-ups, push-ups and pretty much all standard workouts if not for the fact he expected you to do fifty of them one after the other.
  3447. >Rainbow Dash had to do seventy-five of each but it looked like she hardly broke a sweat.
  3448. >In contrast, you've never sweated so much in your life.
  3449. >By Celestia you are such a lightweight. Maybe you have gotten a little pudgy during your stay here but you thought you were in decent shape.
  3450. >Once you were done with the first set, Anon gave you a two minute break and handed you two water bottles.
  3451. >"Good warm-up."
  3452. >Warm-up?! That was just the warm-up?"
  3453. >The sun has started heating the temperature up making the cool air has disappear. The levels of uncomfortable have risen dramatically.
  3454. >"Breaks over, now we do a two mile run. Sunset, just let me know if you need to stop, otherwise let's get going."
  3455. >Two miles?
  3456. >Maybe you are getting in way over your head.
  3457. >"Just two miles? I thought this was going to be tough."
  3458. >In that case then you can run four more miles in addition." Anon says.
  3459. >"Hey!"
  3460. >"Want to make that six more?"
  3461. >"No..."
  3462. >Anon begins jogging down the path to the front gate as Rainbow grumbles.
  3463. >"What a massive jerk." she mumbles.
  3464. >"A six mile it is!" Anon calls out from his position.
  3465. >Rainbow clenches her fists as she begins jogging after him.
  3466. >So far you've only done warm-ups and you're already exhausted.
  3467. >And Anon said it's only going to get harder?
  3468. >You haven't even gotten into the lessons on how to defend yourself and your muscles are already screaming at you.
  3469. >Letting out an exhausted sigh, you begin jogging and trying not to be left behind.
  3471. >"C'mon Sunset." Anon says jogging in place in front of you. "You're wasting daylight."
  3472. >You right now, are crawling on the ground making your way back up the dirt path.
  3473. >Oh your muscles are screaming in agony.
  3474. >When Anon said a run, you expected just a run.
  3475. >Not climbing, dodging and weaving through obstacles and traffic at every waking opportunity!
  3476. >Dash meanwhile has to do the entire thing again, and to make sure she does Anon is going with her giving you a break.
  3477. >Touching the stump he placed earlier as the beginning and end point of the run, he nods.
  3478. >"Good, I'll be back with Rainbow after we finish. Take it easy and rehydrate. We won't be long."
  3479. >With the unexpected "additions" Anon added, Rainbow Dash almost looks like she's going to collapse just like you.
  3480. >The athlete is worn down enough that she's too tired to even complain.
  3481. >At least Dash doesn't have to run four more miles of this, after seeing your paces on the first he eased up on Rainbow's additional laps.
  3482. >You wave to them as they leave down the path and lean back onto the stump and just relax.
  3483. >Your feet are so sore now.
  3484. >A part of you is worried what's going to come next after this.
  3485. >You hear the sound of dirt crushed underneath shoes.
  3486. >They're not back already?
  3487. >Turning, you see Applejack walking towards you with a look of concern on her face.
  3488. >"You alright?"
  3489. "Y-yeah. Just taking a break. Did you know he made us run through a construction sight?"
  3490. >"Really?"
  3491. "Yeah, made us run to the top floor of the building and back down again."
  3492. >"Thinking of giving up?"
  3493. "No! I might not like this, and my body might be incredibly tired, but I am not a quitter."
  3494. >Applejack laughs, "That's a good attitude to have their Sunny."
  3495. >She takes a seat next to you and places an arm around your shoulder.
  3496. >"Tell you what by the time you finish, I'll bake you a Sweet Apple Acre Pie as a reward for surviving the first day."
  3497. >Oh that sounds so good right now.
  3498. "Hey Applejack what time is it?"
  3499. >She pulls her phone out of her pocket and turns the display on.
  3500. >"Fifteen past ten."
  3501. >You let out a loud groan and lean your head into Applejack's lap.
  3502. >Applejack just pats your head as you let out a pained whimper.
  3504. "Okay, now that today's run is done with we'll do another set of the exercises we did earlier."
  3505. >"Anon, what is this actually doing?" Sunset asks, "We signed up to fight, not a work out."
  3506. >Even Rainbow Dash looks a bit irritated at the simple tasks you set for them.
  3507. "I'm building up your bodies so that you can fight without tiring out. But if you want to try out swordplay, let's try out some swordplay."
  3508. >Heading into the shed, you grab a training instrument that you prepared as an example for this exact reason.
  3509. >Walking out, you pull out a weighted wooden sword and offer it to Sunset.
  3510. "Here, get acclimated to the sword. It weighs just as much as a basic longsword."
  3511. >Getting up, she takes the training sword. Moving a few feet from you and Rainbow Dash she begins doing a few practice swings with the skill of an amatur LARPer.
  3512. >Its apparent that despite the wooden blade being considerably light even with the weights, the momentum of the blade is throwing her off as she constantly has to readjust her stance after every few swings.
  3513. >Your fencing instructor would be laughing his ass off right now.
  3514. >Sunset stops and hands the sword back to you.
  3515. >"I get what you mean, I can't imagine myself being able to do that for very long without my arms tiring out."
  3516. >"Oh c'mon, give me the sword. It can't be that tough."
  3517. >Yanking the hilt from Sunset's hands, Rainbow begins swinging wildly with abandon, trying to look cool by doing multiple flourishes, spins and jumps.
  3518. >Before you can stop her, Rainbow loses her footing and falls to the ground. The sudden loss of her balance and a loose grip results in the sword flying from her hands and directly at Sunset.
  3519. >Moving in front of Sunset Shimmer, you cast a Quen sign and the sword collides with the magical barrier.
  3520. >You just give Dash a harsh glare as she smiles sheepishly at you.
  3521. >"Hehe, uh... Oops?"
  3522. >"Dash, be more careful!"
  3523. >You stomp over and yank the girl to her feet and get right in her face.
  3524. "What the hell was that?! If I wasn't able to cast that sign and that was a real sword Sunset would be dead right now!"
  3525. >"I-I'm sorry."
  3526. "I'm only going to say this once: Treat this seriously, or quit wasting my time and go home."
  3527. >"Okay..." she says faintly.
  3528. >Picking up the discarded weapon, you hand it to Sunset.
  3529. "This is yours to keep. I have a scabbard for it inside the shed, I'll give it to you when we're done."
  3530. >Looking back at Rainbow she shrinks under your gaze.
  3531. "You however, will have to share with Rainbow for the time being until I can get her her own. Which after today may not be for a good while."
  3532. >Shaking your head, you check the time on your watch and decide you'll let them loose a bit early.
  3533. "Since it's almost noon, I'll let you two break for lunch. We'll pick back at one so if you have anything to take care of do it now."
  3534. >Leaving the two to their own devices, you decide to go ask Applejack for another bottle of cider.
  3535. >Lord knows you could use anything stronger though.
  3537. >As Anon leaves, you glance back at your friend who looks like she just kicked a puppy.
  3538. "Rainbow."
  3539. >"Sunset, I'm really sorry."
  3540. "I know you are. But please, I'm not doing this for fun and games."
  3541. >"I know."
  3542. "Anonymous is doing this for my benefit, the fact he let you join in was entirely up to him. So, please can you just bear with whatever he asks for the time being? For me?"
  3543. >Rainbow nods her head.
  3544. "Thank you. Now let's get something to eat, I'm starving."
  3545. >"Anything in mind?"
  3546. "We could always go for a sub sandwich."
  3547. >"Sounds good. You okay with meat?"
  3548. "Maybe we'll split it."
  3550. >After lunch was over, you and Rainbow Dash began learning some basics in fencing.
  3551. >You had to convince Anon to let Rainbow try the sword again. Though he was very adamant of you both standing farther away this time.
  3552. >She heeded Anon's advice and didn't try to show off again.
  3553. >Soon enough, the day was over and you let out an exhausted sigh.
  3554. >"Take tomorrow off, since you still have school we'll run on a modified schedule where all you're going to do is a few warm-ups and a quick jog."
  3555. "That sounds easy enough."
  3556. >"With these weights on your legs and arms." he says hoisting said arm and leg weights.
  3557. >And then there's the catch.
  3558. >"Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays we'll do training. The other days you can have off, and when we start getting more intense so will the schedule."
  3559. >Handing you the weights and scabbard to the wood sword, Anon leaves you two alone again without even a goodbye.
  3560. >"He didn't even say "good job"."
  3561. "We can't expect him too Rainbow."
  3562. >"Still, it'd be nice."
  3563. >Walking back to Rainbow's car, your legs are beginning to ache.
  3564. >You are definitely going to feel that in the morning.
  3566. >Heading back into the guest room you've been staying in for the past few days, you see that the door cracked open slightly.
  3567. >Tip-toeing to the door you hear a trio of voices inside the room.
  3568. >"Wow that's so cool."
  3569. >"Do you think Applejack knows he has this?"
  3570. >"It must be why Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer were practicing with that sword outside!"
  3571. >Swinging the door open, you see Apple Bloom and two other girls with your cane sword unlatched from its sheath between them.
  3572. "What are you three doing?"
  3573. >"Uh-oh..."
  3574. >"Sorry Mr. Anon we were just messin' around when we came across your staff thingy."
  3575. "And why were you messing around in this room?"
  3576. >"Uh..."
  3577. >"Scootaloo wanted to know why you were spending so much time with Rainbow Dash."
  3578. >"Hey! Was not!"
  3579. >"Was too!"
  3580. >Your eye twitches as the girls continue to bicker back and forth.
  3581. >Scootaloo, with the sword her hand accidentally swings its tip towards you nearly slicing your front.
  3582. >"Oh my go- Mr. Anon I'm so sorry!"
  3583. >Great...
  3584. >Rainbow Dash in travel size.
  3585. "Give me that!"
  3586. >Grabbing the sword and scabbard, you reengage the lock and put the cane aside.
  3587. "You don't tell anyone about this."
  3588. >"Yeah? And why not?" Scootaloo challenges.
  3589. >"Scootaloo..." the third girl says tugging her sleeve.
  3590. "Because Sunset Shimmer's life depends on it."
  3591. >"Really?"
  3592. "Yes, really."
  3593. >The three girls then huddle together, "Should we ask him?"
  3594. >"I dunno..."
  3595. >"C'mon it would be so cool! Rainbow Dash is doing it."
  3596. >"Scootaloo, if Rainbow decided to jump off a bridge would you do it too?"
  3597. >"Of course!"
  3598. >"Gosh you're stupid sometimes."
  3599. >"No you're stupid!"
  3600. >"GIRLS!" Apple Bloom shouts.
  3601. >"Right." they both say in unison.
  3602. Breaking apart, they all look at you very seriously.
  3603. >"Mr. Anon can you teach us to fight with swords?"
  3604. "..."
  3606. >*SLAM*
  3607. >"Well he didn't say no." Scootaloo says.
  3608. >"But he didn't say yes either."
  3609. >"Maybe if we ask him later he'll teach us."
  3610. >"Sweetie what do you think?" Apple Bloom asks.
  3611. >Sweetie Belle jumps at the mention of her name, "Sorry what?"
  3612. >"What's the matter?"
  3613. >"Yeah why's yer face all red like that?"
  3614. >"Well... isn't Anon kinda handsome? And his eyes, they remind me of a cute kitty's."
  3615. >Both girls go wide-eyed with shock.
  3616. >"Ew, heck no. They're probably contacts."
  3617. >"Sweetie yer insane. Besides, Applejack already has dibs."
  3618. >The young girl stomps her foot and puffs her cheeks out.
  3619. >"What? No fair!" Sweetie Belle squeaks.
  3620. >"Yeah and doesn't Rarity also like Anon?"
  3621. >"Yeah..."
  3622. >"Don't worry Sweetie, you'll find your special someone one day and who knows maybe they'll have contacts like Anon's too."
  3623. >"I guess." says Sweetie sadly.
  3624. >"Anyway, next time we see Anon at school, we'll ask him again."
  3625. >"But what if he says no?"
  3626. >"Then we keep on trying!"
  3628. -----
  3630. >Waiting outside the front of Canterlot High, you patiently wait for your charge.
  3631. >Students funnel into the school as you spot a familiar set of red and yellow hair stepping off one of the buses.
  3632. >The look of exhaustion and pain on her face is clear as she tries her best to walk down the steps of the yellow bus without flinching every time she puts her foot down a step.
  3633. >You'd be lying if you said that it didn't give a small sense of amusement.
  3634. >Eyeing her wrists and ankles, she heeded your directions regarding the weights.
  3635. >Sunset sees you and gives you a small smile and wave. Albeit sluggishly due to the increased load.
  3636. >She probably wants to use those weights to smash your skull in or something.
  3638. >There's Anon.
  3639. >You've been getting strange looks all day and these weights are incredibly heavy.
  3640. >You're body is screaming with pain every step you take.
  3641. >Oh dear Celestia, walking hurts. SO. BAD!
  3642. >Anonymous cracks out a small grin.
  3643. >He's enjoying this...
  3644. >The old part of you is screaming to take these stupid weights off and beat him to a pulp with them!
  3646. >Though that may be the cynical part of you speaking.
  3647. >Watching her hide her struggles walking over to you, she is literally dragging her feet.
  3648. "Hey Sunset."
  3649. >"Hi. Anonymous."
  3650. "Feeling alright?"
  3651. >She grits her teeth into a grin, "Doing just peachy."
  3652. "Well that's good. Listen, gotta ask you something."
  3653. >"What?"
  3654. "How good are you at magic?"
  3655. >She looks at with a puzzled expression.
  3656. >"I don't know, back in Equestria I was Princess Celestia's pupil before I came here so I guess I was pretty good. But over here it more or less just comes to me."
  3657. "Wait Princess Celestia? You mean to tell me that sh- wait, no I'm getting off track here. So you don't really control the magic you use here?"
  3658. >"Not unless I have my friends to help me. Why are you asking this?"
  3659. "Just curious. I remembered you asking if I could teach you the Axii sign a couple days ago."
  3660. "It would be helpful if you could."
  3661. >"We'll try when you're body is a bit built up more. Anyway, you got class so get to it, meet you here after school."
  3662. >You slap Sunset on the back, the pain causing her eyes to bulge out of her head.
  3663. >She gives you the angriest glare her she can.
  3664. >You just smirk and walk away.
  3666. >Waiting by against the horse statue again, it's already been around half an hour after school and Sunset still has yet to come out.
  3667. >There's a nagging feeling in your brain that she's trying to avoid you.
  3668. >That girl better not have ditched you.
  3669. >Rarity offered to wait with you, but after awhile of her trying to comb your hair and fix your shirt she had an epiphany and ran off to the mall.
  3670. >The lunch she gave you while you waited was nice though.
  3671. >Didn't think a girl like that knew how to cook.
  3672. >A few more minutes go by before you glimpse Twilight Sparkle walking down the front steps with an older woman next to her.
  3673. >The woman has tri-colored hair and pink skin. You notice a small pin on her lapel.
  3674. >She's from Crystal Prep.
  3675. >Although it's none of your business, even you can't help but be a bit curious.
  3676. >From the looks of her outerwear the lady's probably an administrator.
  3677. >Twilight sees you and freezes.
  3678. >Motioning her to come over, she hesitantly complies.
  3679. >"I have to go Dean Cadance, it was good talking to you again." Twilight says with a toothy smile.
  3680. >"The same Twilight, you have fun with your friend." she says waving goodbye.
  3681. >Dean Cadance gives you a quick glance over before going on her way.
  3682. >As soon as the woman is out of earshot, Twilight loses her grin and nervously bites her lip.
  3683. >"S-something wrong?"
  3684. "Where's Sunset? And Rainbow Dash for that matter?"
  3685. >"I don't know where Rainbow Dash is but Sunset should be coming out right now."
  3686. "Thanks."
  3687. >You lean back against the marble and rub your eyes.
  3688. >"... I'm sorry."
  3689. "Excuse me?"
  3690. >Twilight sits down next to you and evens out her skirt.
  3691. >"I said I'm sorry. You know for what happened when we first met."
  3692. "You should be."
  3693. >"What I did was terrible to anyone, and I hope that someday we can move past that."
  3694. >The purple girl seems genuine in her attempt to apologize.
  3695. >"I was just so desperate for an answer that it clouded my judgement and I made a terrible, terrible mistake that hurt you badly; and for that I'm really sorry."
  3696. >Oh great, she's on the verge of crying.
  3697. "Would it have killed you to just simply ask?"
  3698. >"I... wasn't sure you would have done so willingly. I was told that there were less than a handful of Witchers still alive and you weren't among the ones my Grandfather knew about."
  3699. "Well, the way you speak about him he must have meant a lot to you."
  3700. >She nods, "He told me many stories of adventures whenever he would visit. It really did inspire me to research magic even though I had no idea what I was doing and... almost caused the destruction of the fabric of reality."
  3701. >You do a double take.
  3702. >"What?"
  3703. >"None of the others ever told you?"
  3704. "This is the first I'm hearing about it."
  3705. >She pulls a small round object from her backpack.
  3706. >"Oh... well during the Friendship Games, an earlier prototype of this device began stealing the magic from my friends. My old Principal convinced me to unleash it to help Crystal Prep win the games but I ended up overwhelmed by the magic."
  3707. >You take the device from her hands and inspect it.
  3708. >It looks pretty mundane and doesn't seem to be anything other than a weird looking woman's compact.
  3709. >This is also more information than you got out of Celestia regarding the Friendship event.
  3710. >You probably need to dig a little more on that with one of the others later.
  3711. >Reality ending catastrophes are bad for your health.
  3712. >And business.
  3713. "How did you get stopped?"
  3714. >"Sunset used the same device to gain the collective powers of the others, fought and convinced me to stop."
  3715. >Handing the thing back to Twilight, she places it into her pack.
  3716. "This isn't the same device is it?"
  3717. >"No, this one doesn't have the same magic drain capabilities as the prototype. It's supposed to act like a Witcher's medallion."
  3718. "That thing?"
  3719. >"Yes, the little lights on the face would direct you towards the magical source as you got closer to it like a compass pointing towards true north."
  3720. >Interesting. Would be useful when tracking a monster.
  3721. "Does it work?"
  3722. >"Only sometimes. There has to be a large enough presence of active magic for it to detect it. I haven't yet been able to test if it can pick up monsters. Maybe you could..."
  3723. "I'll think about it. Haven't had any work come by recently besides the one that brought me here and the one your other self gave me."
  3724. >A few moments of silence go by as you two just continue to wait for Sunset.
  3725. "So I have another question. Nothing serious, but just something to sate my curiousity."
  3726. >"Um okay."
  3727. "Why are you here so late."
  3728. >Twilight's pupils shrink.
  3729. >"N-no reason! Just catching up to my old Dean who was visiting from Crystal Prep!"
  3730. "Uh-huh, but that doesn't seem like the real reason why are you're her-"
  3731. >"Oh look there's Sunset! And there's my ride okay thanks for the talk bye!"
  3732. >Getting up and running away, you turn back towards the front entrance and see Sunset slowly walking down the stairs using the handrail as support.
  3733. "You're late."
  3734. >"I know... I lost track of time."
  3735. "What took you?"
  3736. >"Stuff."
  3737. "Not going to tell me?"
  3738. >"I don't have to tell you everything I do." she snaps back.
  3739. >It takes a moment to realize how rude that comment was.
  3740. >"Anon I'm sorr-"
  3741. "Just forget it.”
  3742. >You don’t have the patience or time right now to deal with her attitude.
  3743. “You have your sword?"
  3744. >Sunset gasps, "No I forgot it at home."
  3745. >Sighing, you shake your head.
  3746. "Guess we have to make a stop by your house before we start."
  3747. >"Do we have to?" she asks.
  3748. >You just glower at her.
  3749. >"Of course we have to." she sighs, "How stupid of me to think that. Can I at least take off these weights?"
  3750. >After making you wait for so long?
  3751. >Fuck that.
  3752. "By forgetting your weapon you can keep those on. In addition, by holding us up for so long all the buses left, so unless you have a ride it looks like we're walking."
  3753. >Gesturing for her to go, Sunset groans as she leads the way to her house.
  3754. >"I don't know how you expect me to be carrying around a wood sword. I can't play blind like you and it can't even fit into my locker."
  3755. "Get creative. Stick it up your ass if you need. I heard those guys in prison can hide the most unlikely shit in their anus."
  3756. >"Did anyone ever tell you you're a complete ass sometimes?"
  3757. "Well for the next few months you're going to have to deal with it. My job is train and protect you, not coddle you."
  3758. >"I know, I know."
  3759. >"Darlings! Over here!" A voice calls out.
  3760. >"Rarity?"
  3761. >Stepping out of her car, Rarity exits with a few boxes in tow.
  3762. "Rarity."
  3763. >"Hello darling." Rarity says in a seductive voice, "Apologies for running off like that."
  3764. "It's fine?"
  3765. >"Oh heavens no, I'm afraid that was very unladylike of me."
  3766. >"Rarity, you came all the way back to apologize?"
  3767. >"Goodness gracious, I almost forgot Anonymous to make up for my *rude* behavior I wanted to ask you if you would like to have dinner with mua?"
  3768. >The fashionista's offer catches you a little off guard.
  3769. "Dinner?"
  3770. >"Only if it's alright with you dear."
  3771. "I guess? I'll have to let Applejack know though."
  3772. >Rarity's expression drops. "Why would Applejack need to know?"
  3773. >"He's been staying over at Applejack's farm while teaching Rainbow Dash and I." Sunset answers for you.
  3774. >"..."
  3775. "Rarity?"
  3776. >"I see... well, pardon me I just remembered something I had to do. I'll be sure to schedule that dinner with you soon. Ta ta!"
  3777. >Weird.
  3778. >Both you and Sunset are puzzled at the sudden change in tone.
  3779. >As Rarity gets in her car and starts her engine Sunset realizes something.
  3780. >"WAIT! RARITY LET ME RIDE WITH YOU!" she cries out, running after her to no avail.
  3781. >Rarity speeds off leaving Sunset to collapse on her knees.
  3782. >"Dammit..."
  3783. "Looks like we're walking then."
  3784. >Your droll comment is met with whimpers.
  3786. -----
  3788. >Week 2
  3789. >Your two students go at each other, attacking, blocking and parrying.
  3790. >They're still incredibly mediocre, but what can you expect with only two weeks worth of instruction.
  3791. >Sunset makes for an overhand chop which Rainbow Dash easily back steps.
  3792. "Sunset, you're telegraphing your moves too much. Reign it back a little."
  3793. >The girl grunts as she tries to correct herself, only to begin becoming too defensive to Rainbow Dash's quick strikes.
  3794. "You're too passive now, don't let your opponent control the flow of battle."
  3795. >"I know Anon!" she yells at you.
  3796. "If you know then do it!"
  3797. >Her temper is getting the better of her and, in addition to making you more irritable, it's causing her to become easily flustered and sloppier than usual.
  3798. >Making multiple slashes, Sunset drives Rainbow back to the edge of the ring until both girls get into a sword lock.
  3799. >Rainbow being the stronger of the two, begins forcing her opponent's blade down back to her.
  3800. >Sunset ends up being forced to take a few steps back.
  3801. "Alright that's enough, Rainbow Dash won."
  3802. >The sudden declaration catches Sunset off guard as she trips and falls on her rear.
  3803. >"What? How!?" she asks.
  3804. >You point to her foot.
  3805. >Everyone looks down and sees she passed the boundary for the dueling ring.
  3806. "Ring out. Rainbow was turning you during that sword lock so your back was facing the edge."
  3807. >Rainbow does a fist pump, "Aww yeah I knew that would work. Good fight Sunset."
  3808. >She offers a hand to Sunset who just slaps it away.
  3809. >"Ow! What's your deal."
  3810. >Sunset says nothing as she just stomps over to her bag and pulls out a bottle of water.
  3811. >"What's her issue?" Rainbow asks you.
  3812. "I don't know. But it's going to stop now."
  3813. >Walking over, Sunset takes a deep drink as she spots you in the corner of her eye. Scowling she faces away from you as you approach.
  3814. "Okay, what's wrong. You're all over the place."
  3815. >"Nothing. I'm fine."
  3816. "It's obviously not nothing."
  3817. >"I-I just..." she struggles.
  3818. >Waiting there patiently you just wait for her to spit it out.
  3819. >"I just don't know if I can do this."
  3820. "That's a bullshit excuse you're doing fine."
  3821. >"Really? Out of the dozens of training duels, how many have I won against Rainbow Dash?"
  3822. "Four times."
  3823. >She stomps her foot with frustration.
  3824. >"Exactly. I don't feel like I'm making any progress if I keep losing."
  3825. "But by losing you keep on learning, every duel you get closer and closer to beating Rainbow. It's only because Rainbow, despite her lack of book smarts, is a quick thinker."
  3826. >"It doesn't feel like it."
  3827. "It may not, but it is. The fact that you almost physically forced Rainbow out of the ring shows you're getting stronger."
  3828. >You pat her on the shoulder.
  3829. "Ready to drop the attitude and get back to it?"
  3830. >She sighs, "Yeah."
  3831. >Walking back to the ring with her, Rainbow looks concerned.
  3832. >"Dash, I'm sorry."
  3833. >"Water under the bridge, c'mon let's go again."
  3834. "Get into your stances... Begin."
  3835. >As the girls begin their next match, you hear something rustling in the bush behind you.
  3836. "Get out of there."
  3837. >All motion from the bush halts immediately as you acknowledge the three little troublemakers hiding inside.
  3838. >"Shoot! He heard us."
  3839. >"How does he do that?"
  3840. >Three little girls pop their heads out as you look at them in the corner of your vision.
  3841. "What do you three want."
  3842. >"We want to learn the same stuff Sunset and Rainbow Dash are!" Scootaloo demands.
  3843. "No."
  3844. >"Aw Mr. Anon, why not?" Apple Bloom complains.
  3845. "Because you don't need to learn. Sunset does."
  3846. >"And how come you let Rainbow Dash join?"
  3847. "She paid for it."
  3848. >Well technically Twilight paid for it, but that's irrelevant.
  3849. "How much will it take for you to teach us mister?" the third girl asks.
  3850. >You know she's Rarity's sister but you never bothered to learn her name.
  3851. "Five kilos of silver or gold. Each."
  3852. >"How much is a kilo?"
  3853. >"Ah dunno, but it doesn't sound like a lot."
  3854. >"Stupid metric system."
  3855. >With their yammering you're finding it hard to concentrate on Sunset and Rainbow Dash.
  3856. >From behind them, another figure approaches with a sack hoisted over her shoulder.
  3857. >"Are you girls bothering Anon?" Applejack asks, none too amused.
  3858. >"Applejack how much is five kilograms of silver?"
  3859. >Applejack eyes you as you just shrug, "Uh... you got ah phone don't you? Look it up."
  3860. >Realizing her words, Scootaloo pulls out her cellphone and does so.
  3861. >"One kilogram is... oh... how the heck do you expect us to get, 1...2...3... 15 kilograms?!"
  3862. "That's the best part, I don't."
  3863. >"That ain't fair Anon."
  3864. "Tough."
  3865. >"Meany."
  3866. >"Dude, you're a dick." Scootaloo says.
  3867. >"Scootaloo!" Applejack yells out.
  3868. >The three scamper away as Applejack grunts in frustration.
  3869. >"Those three..." she shakes her head. "You ain't being serious if they manage to actually pull it off are ya?"
  3870. "Fuck no. While I'm a proponent for one to learn self-defence, they're better off learning something like a martial art."
  3871. >"Then what are you teaching Sunset?"
  3872. "To be a Witcher, like she asked. Which reminds me, you practiced archery right?"
  3873. >"Ah don't like where this is going." she says shaking her head.
  3874. "Grab your bow, we're gonna need it."
  3875. >"Alrigh- wait what do you mean we?"
  3877. >Both you and Applejack are standing some distance away from Rainbow Dash and Sunset.
  3878. >Enough that the arrows still have power but far enough they're not going to cause too much damage.
  3879. >"Anon, are you sure this is a good idea?" Applejack asks as she nocks one of the blunted arrows.
  3880. "Gonna be honest, not at all."
  3881. >"Then why are we doing this?"
  3882. "To primarily let off some steam. Sunset's demeanor today has left me very choleric and I need a release."
  3883. >"By pelting Sunset and Rainbow Dash with arrows?"
  3884. "Yep."
  3885. >Applejack smacks you on the back of the head.
  3886. "Ow!"
  3887. >"What kind of bone-headed idea is that?"
  3888. "Well, it'll keep them on their toes."
  3889. >"You and I both well know that most people don't use bows and arrows anymore."
  3890. "They agreed to it so just let me have this AJ. Just let me have this after all the shit I put up with."
  3891. >Sighing, she readies her bow. "Fine."
  3892. >Nocking your own arrow, you pull the string back and take aim.
  3893. >"Where did you get that bow in the first place?"
  3894. "Borrowed it."
  3895. >"From where?"
  3896. "The school equipment shed. HEY YOU TWO GET READY!"
  3897. >Sunset and Rainbow secure their saftey goggles and bring their swords up.
  3898. >You know fully well they won't be able to deflect the arrows.
  3899. >A normal human's reaction time and reflexes at their peak would be incredibly hard pressed, if not impossible, to allow arrow deflection.
  3900. >But that's the fun part.
  3901. >Both you and Applejack release your strings and send the arrows flying.
  3902. >"OW!"
  3903. >"SONOVA-!"
  3904. >You can't help but smirk as the two are nailed with the blunted arrowheads.
  3905. >"Okay, okay you had your fun."
  3906. "Just another shot, then we'll move on."
  3907. >Glaring at you, Applejack nocks a second arrow while you do the same.
  3908. "Hope you two are ready!"
  3909. >"Anon! NO WA-OW!
  3910. >"AUGH! YOU ASS!"
  3911. >After that, Applejack wouldn't let you use the bow and arrows anymore to your dismay.
  3912. >Sunset and Rainbow both agreed with her.
  3914. >Week 3
  3915. >The weeks gone by pretty slowly, nothing of real note has happened other than Pinkie bugging you about your birthday.
  3916. >You told her you don't know but that didn't deter her one bit.
  3917. >She's persistent gotta give her that.
  3918. >Rarity is getting a bit clingier around you whenever you're near Applejack.
  3919. >The girl's nice, and generous considering the amount of spare clothes you end up having to bring home each time you see her.
  3920. >She never did reschedule that offer for dinner though. Maybe she forgot.
  3921. >But other that those two things, life around Canterlot has been pretty quiet.
  3922. >It's not something you're used to. Being on the constant search of potential monster hunts always kept you on edge.
  3923. >So far you've continued to train Sunset Shimmer and Rainbow Dash the best you can from what you learned from the Wolf School.
  3924. >Lessons... could be better but you think you just have high standards.
  3925. >You're not really the best teacher either.
  3926. >Although, if they were instructed by the man who taught you? They'd probably appreciate you're teaching a bit more.
  3928. >Sunset made you wait outside the school again.
  3929. >That resulted in an extra mile for her, much to her chagrin.
  3930. "Okay, I think you two are ready to try out the pendulum."
  3931. >"The what..."
  3932. >"You've got to be kidding me." Sunset says as she looks at the large training structure in front of you.
  3933. >As Applejack and Big Macintosh hoist up the pendulum with the rope, you ascend to the top of the bar and secure it to the beam.
  3934. >Hopping down, you touch the dirt as Sunset and Rainbow look in awe at the device.
  3935. >As a safety precaution, you put down some safety mats in lieu of bushes to soften the innevitable falls.
  3936. "Any questions?"
  3937. >"How are we supposed to train with that?"
  3938. >"Yeah... this looks a bit dangerous."
  3939. "Its not as hard as it looks honestly."
  3940. >Taking Rainbow's sword, you step up onto the smaller posts and signal Applejack to begin swinging the weight.
  3941. >Just like you were taught yourself, you begin dodging the swings while also striking at every pass making sure your feet finds a post at every step.
  3942. >Rainbow Dash, Sunset, Applejack and Big Macintosh all look in surprise as you nimbly avoid getting hit even once and yet still maintain your footing.
  3943. >With each hit, more power is added to the weights momentum keeping it going for quite some time.
  3944. >Soon enough, you even find yourself sweating at the old exercise.
  3945. >Getting off, you wipe the sweat off your brow with a sleeve and hand the sword back to its owner.
  3946. >"Whoa."
  3947. >"You made it look so easy."
  3948. "I'm a bit rusty with it, but that should be an adequate demonstration. So who's up first?"
  3949. >They both gulp and look back at the structure.
  3950. "In that case Rainbow, you go first. Applejack bring it down a little lower for her."
  3951. >The chromatic haired girl looks like she's about to contest you but takes a deep breath and gets on the platform.
  3952. >Taking a step onto the posts, Rainbow does her best to maintain balance as Applejack loosens her grip on the pendulum slightly so it has less power in it's swings.
  3953. >You pull out a stopwatch and zero the clock.
  3954. "We'll go easy for right now, the lesson is to learn how to-"
  3955. >"Dang it!"
  3956. >Applejack loses her grip and releases the pendulum. Rainbow freezes up as she watches the large object coming towards her. The weight collides with her and sends the girl falling onto the safety mat below.
  3957. "Dodge... okay... two seconds. Sunset you're up."
  3958. >Rainbow picks herself up and rubs her arm.
  3959. >Gulping, Sunset climbs up and gets into position, "Alright I'm ready."
  3960. >Nodding your head, AJ releases the weight again.
  3961. >Sunset manages to avoid the first swing without missing her step, but the moment of joy she feels distracts her from one crucial fact.
  3962. >The pendulum hits her in the back and sends Sunset onto the mat face first.
  3963. "Five seconds. Well we're off to a good start." you sarcastically say.
  3965. >After a couple hours on the pendulum, both girls sit in the shade of the platform as they finish their break.
  3966. >"Good... job Sunset."
  3967. >"Hah...hah.... thanks Rainbow... ten seconds a new personal best..."
  3968. "You two have been working hard enough today, I'll let you two loose early."
  3969. >They both smile and let out sighs of relief.
  3970. >You then drop two stacks of journals right in front of them.
  3971. >They look between the journals and you quizzically.
  3972. >"Anon what are those?"
  3973. "Homework."
  3974. >"Aww real- Are you for real?!" Rainbow asks.
  3975. >Taking one of the journals, Sunset opens it and begins skimming through.
  3976. >"These are all entries on monsters."
  3977. "Yeah, study them. As a Witcher you'll need to be able to identify monsters based on the trails they leave or even just visually. For instance a Chort and a Fiend differ bas-"
  3978. >"Based on the smaller stature for the former. While the Fiend is larger and has a third eye that can cast hypnotizing spells that render the monster mostly invisible and has a weakness to loud noises."
  3979. >Sunset didn't even look at the journal. That all came from memory.
  3980. >"Aw c'mon dude." Rainbow complains. "I signed up to fight not to study."
  3981. "These beastariums are simple enough you can knock it out in a few days. I've marked which creatures still exist and which have mostly disappeared from the world. For right now focus on those."
  3982. >Putting the journals with their belongings, they begin heading out.
  3983. >You stop Sunset however and pull her to the side.
  3984. "How did you know the difference between Chorts and Fiends."
  3985. >Her eyes dart from side to side.
  3986. >"I... came across some old mythological creature books in the library."
  3987. "Is this why you sometimes show up late for our lessons?"
  3988. >"Yes... I get so invested into learning about creatures like this worlds versions of Griffons and Cockatrices that I just lost track of time."
  3989. >You don't fully buy her reasoning as she could do that anytime she's at home; but you can't fault her for getting the knowledge on her own.
  3990. "Keep it up then. It lets me know you're taking this seriously."
  3991. >She smiles, "Thanks."
  3992. >Turning, Sunset waves goodbye to you and runs to catch up to Rainbow Dash.
  3993. >As she vanishes behind the barn you just fold your arms.
  3994. >The weakness to sound that Fiends have isn't something most standard textbooks on mythological creatures detail. Especially since most individuals don't live long enough to find out.
  3995. >She probably got that info from Twilight.
  3996. >It would explain why Twilight and her always leave school late together.
  3997. >But why would she lie?
  3998. >She probably doesn't know that you've buried the hatchet with Twilight.
  3999. >Mostly.
  4000. >Still, you were being honest. The fact she's going the extra mile to have Twilight help her does prove that she's committed.
  4001. >The two are making good progress for the short while they've been doing this.
  4002. >Their muscle memory is starting to get cemented. They keep this up they'll be novices within a few months.
  4004. >Heading back up to the shed where Anon is, you spot your friends walking down the path towards the front gate.
  4005. "Done already?"
  4006. >"Yeah..." grumbles Rainbow, "But Anon gave us freaking homework."
  4007. >"It could be worse Dash." Sunset says.
  4008. >"You're only saying that because you're an egghead just like Twilight."
  4009. "Dash, that's a little harsh."
  4010. >"Sorry, I'm just really tired."
  4011. "I bet, that giant swing thing did a number on you two."
  4012. >Sunset massages her shoulder, "Yeah I thought I was sore one the first day, but now it feels like my bruises have bruises. I'm just glad Anon is considerate enough to know my limits."
  4013. "I can tell Anon wants you to succeed, he just ain't one of those fellas who likes to show it."
  4014. >"Yeah right. Because he totally isn't doing this just to get paid." Rainbow Dash scoffs.
  4015. "He might be doing this to get paid, but at least he's making sure you two get something good out of it."
  4016. >"What's with you? You're always on his side." Dash says poking a finger in your chest.
  4017. >You're taken aback at your friend's accusation.
  4018. "I'm not on anyone's side."
  4019. >"You are too, everytime it involves Anon right Sunset?"
  4020. >"She does have a point, you do seem to follow Anon's viewpoints more whenever he's around."
  4021. "Ah do not."
  4022. >Both you and Dash get into each other's face.
  4023. >"Do too."
  4024. "Do not."
  4025. >"You totally d-"
  4026. >"Can we please not do this?" Sunset interrupts, "I'm way too exhausted to deal with this."
  4027. "Fine."
  4028. >"Fine."
  4029. >"We'll see you at school. Bye."
  4030. >They both exit the front gate and head into Dash's car.
  4031. "You two drive safe ya hear?"
  4032. >Waving as they drive off, you continue back towards the shed where you see Anon cleaning up and putting things away.
  4033. "Need help partner?"
  4034. >"It wouldn't hurt." he says.
  4035. >Taking one of the safety mats up, you help Anon roll it up and tie the ends off so it doesn't unravel.
  4036. >He hefts it over one shoulder and takes it into the shed.
  4037. "So how're they doing?"
  4038. >"Pretty well, they're meeting my expectations."
  4039. "Did you even have expectations to begin with?"
  4040. >"Just very low ones." he says with a grin. "Anyway, what's for dinner?"
  4041. "Granny's making this new lasagna recipe."
  4042. >"Hope it turns out better than that crap she serves at lunch."
  4043. >You punch him in the arm.
  4044. "Hey, Granny does her best with what they give her."
  4045. >"It's not bad, but crap is still crap regardless of the form. I still prefer Granny's home cooking than her school cooking."
  4046. >He twitches a bit as it looks like you're about to hit him again, but instead you lower your arm and snicker.
  4047. "Yeah, I do too."
  4048. >...
  4049. >Maybe you do take his side too much.
  4050. >Eh.
  4051. >"Alright, now that everything's wrapped up here I better get cleaned off before supper."
  4052. "It'll be quicker if you use the shower outside the barn."
  4053. >He brushes off his hands, "Lead the way."
  4054. >Taking him to the barn, you show him the the small outdoor shower attached to the side.
  4055. >Anon, being the modest man that he is begins taking off his shirt and steps behind the small privacy wall.
  4056. >You can't help but bite your lower lip.
  4057. >NO!
  4058. >Down Applejack!
  4059. >"Can you grab a towel and a new set of clothes in my room?
  4060. "Of course!"
  4061. >Running into the house, you leave a slightly bewildered Anon to his own devices.
  4063. >Coming back with clothes and towel in hand, you see Anon all wet with his hair undone out of that ponytail he sometimes keeps it in.
  4064. >The water drips off his well toned frame as he waits for you.
  4065. "Here Anon."
  4066. >"Thanks."
  4067. >Handing him the towel, he quickly dries himself off.
  4068. >"Applejack?"
  4069. "Yeah?"
  4070. >"I know I said seeing a guy naked isn't too a big deal, but its getting awkward with you staring like that."
  4071. >Your face goes cherry red.
  4072. "My bad."
  4073. >Horse apples, you wanted to look some more...
  4074. >About facing, all you can hear the sounds of clothes being put on and a small metal latch being undone.
  4075. >"You can look now."
  4076. >Turning back, Anonymous is all properly clothed with the towel draped around his shoulders to protect his shirt from his still wet hair.
  4077. >"C'mon let's get some food."
  4078. >Nodding you take a step only to find the wet ground give way and your boot slips forward sending you falling backwards.
  4079. "Oh cr-!"
  4080. >Bracing yourself for the impact with the ground, the free fall feeling is quickly replaced with you in Anon's arms.
  4081. >"You okay there?" he asks with real concern in his voice.
  4082. >The adrenaline from the fall hasn't worn off yet as your heart beats faster and faster.
  4083. >For a while you don't say anything, instead just locking eyes with Anon.
  4084. >"Applejack?"
  4085. >Aw to hell with it!
  4086. >Taking Anon's head in both hands, you bring it to yours.
  4087. >Anonymous freezes in surprise, but after realizing what's happening he doesn't make an effort to stop.
  4088. >The feeling of his lips on yours makes your heart beat so fast it feels like it's going to burst from your chest.
  4089. >You've never felt like this before, and right now you feel so light headed. Not in a bad way, but in the way that makes you want to cry for joy.
  4090. >Soon enough you both have to breathe and break the kiss.
  4091. "Anon..."
  4092. >He looks at you with those otherworldly eyes of his. His expression is uncharacteristically softer than usual.
  4093. >Letting you on your feet, a sudden wave of embarrassment overcomes you. You're usually never so impulsive, and right now you just want to shrink and hide away forever.
  4094. >"How long were you waiting on doing that?" he asks.
  4095. "T-too long sug-sugarcube."
  4096. >Your answer comes out stuttered and hoarse as the urge to tear up festers.
  4097. >You end up wrapping your arms around yourself as if to comfort yourself.
  4098. >It's not really working.
  4099. >Anon gently brushes your hair to the side, "It's okay, Applejack."
  4100. "No it-it wasn't, t-that was-"
  4101. >Without warning, Anon brings you close for a tender hug.
  4102. >You can't help but find yourself melting in his embrace.
  4103. >He slowly lets you go, "Better?"
  4104. "Uh-huh..."
  4105. >Anon takes a deep breath and exhales.
  4106. >"Applejack I can't recommend making this go further knowing what I do for a living."
  4107. "Anon, I... I don't care. Yer the first boy that's made me feel like this."
  4108. >He frowns, "I can't accept that answer."
  4109. >Your heart cracks a little at that response and despair quickly turns to rage.
  4110. "W-why not!?"
  4111. >Looking away, he sighs and hesitates. "I wouldn't be opposed to trying to make this work. I feel less tense around you, a feeling I haven't had the luxury of having in a long time."
  4112. >You can only stare in silence.
  4113. >He's not the most emotive person but you can tell where his heart is, and the realization that Anon does care causes you to tear up.
  4114. >And it makes you want him all the more.
  4115. >"But... there's also a saying that a Witcher never dies in his own bed. So knowing that one day I may go off and never come back, would you be prepared for that?"
  4116. "Sugarcube, I... ah want to be part of your life, just like I want you to be part of mine as long as that may be."
  4117. >He smiles, but that smile quickly changes.
  4118. >"Would this be your first relationship?" Anon asks.
  4119. >You nod, resulting in Anonymous reciprocating with a sad smile.
  4120. >"You're still young. I don't want you to make a choice you'll have regrets over later down the line."
  4121. >Anon picks up your fallen hat from the ground and dusts it off.
  4122. >"Promise me you'll give it a couple days to think it over."
  4123. >Walking away, you can only watch as Anon heads back inside the house.
  4124. "Dang it..."
  4126. -----
  4128. >The next day.
  4129. >Sitting at lunch with the six others you have become increasingly invested in (and the one who you're still on the fence about), you eat the homemade lunch Applejack prepared.
  4130. >The girl had Granny Smith take it and keep it heated in the school's kitchen so when you ate it the food was still warm.
  4131. >Though you try not to encourage it, Applejack has become increasingly... "affectionate" with you. At least she tries to be without being too in-your face about it.
  4132. >Waking you up and preparing your breakfast personally, bumping her hip into you through the halls at CHS, visiting you in the library just to see how you're doing.
  4133. >She doesn't do anything raunchy or risque in public, but its not subtle enough because some of the other students have actually paid notice.
  4134. >Excusing yourself from the table for a moment, Rarity leans closer to Applejack with a stern look.
  4135. >"Okay Applejack, you've been eyeing and teasing Anon all day now. Out with it."
  4137. "What are you on about now Rarity?"
  4138. >"We all see what you're doing."
  4139. "I ain't doing nothin'."
  4140. >She folds her arms and pouts, "Do you really take us for fools? You've been very very touchy feely with Anonymous today and I want to know why."
  4141. >You zip your trap up tight.
  4142. >Right now you really wish you weren't such a bad liar.
  4143. >Glancing around the table, all your friends are staring at you, waiting for you to spill the beans.
  4144. >Sighing, you tip your hat back and prop your head on your arm.
  4145. "If you gotta know, I... confessed... to Anon."
  4146. >"What was that darling? You're mumbling."
  4147. >You let out a grunt as your cheeks turn red.
  4148. "Grr... I confessed to Anon..."
  4149. >"One more time dear."
  4150. >Your frustration and embarrassment reach their point.
  4152. >The entire cafeteria goes silent as your voice reverberates throughout the room.
  4153. >Every student at CHS looks at your table, all your friends wide-eyed.
  4155. >Everyone quickly goes back to their own business, a bit not without a couple of whispers among the more gossiper cliques.
  4156. >"You did WHAT?!" Rarity asks slamming her hands on the table.
  4157. "You heard me Rarity. I told Anon I liked him."
  4158. >Sunset scratches her head, "When was this?"
  4159. "Yesterday, after yer practice. Anon was getting cleaned up and I accidentally tripped one thing led to another and I ended up kissing him."
  4160. >"W-what did he do?" Fluttershy asks, while doing her best to calm Rarity down.
  4161. "That's the thing... after I told him... you know... he said that he wasn't opposed to it."
  4162. >"Aww that's amazing Applejack! I'm so happy for you that I could throw a "Became a New Couple" party!"
  4163. >You dip into your chair with a frown on your face.
  4164. >"He… Anon didn't say no did he?" Sunset asks with serious concern.
  4165. >Shaking your head, you try not to be overcome with bitter feelings about his rejection.
  4166. "Well he didn't say no exactly. Just that I should think long and hard if I actually want to be involved with him on that level. That one day he's going to die doing what he was born to do like it's an inevitability."
  4167. >Rarity, seeing your distress, settles down and looks at her hands.
  4168. >She buries her face and drags her hands down with a sympathetic look.
  4169. >"I'm sorry Applejack. I... that was beneath me."
  4170. "It's fine..."
  4171. >"He's right though." Twilight says, drawing everyone's attention.
  4172. >"What do mean Twilight?" Fluttershy asks
  4173. >"There's no record, either written or through word of mouth, of any Witcher actually dying from anything other than prematurely."
  4174. >"You mean?"
  4175. >Twilight nods, "Every Witcher dies fighting or... is killed. My Grandfather used to joke that he was probably going to be the first, but... yeah."
  4176. >Her words give you serious pause.
  4177. >You thought Anon was just exaggerating when he told you that a Witcher doesn’t die in bed, but he was serious.
  4178. >Could you really stand the thought of Anon dying? Heck, if he was out hunting monsters, not even knowing if he was dead?
  4179. >There's a pang in your heart just thinking about it. This is something you really do have to think about.
  4180. >With the current mood, everyone looks down at the empty chair Anon was sitting in.
  4181. >Nobody feels like eating anymore.
  4183. >You take your seat back at the table after returning from the restroom.
  4184. >Taking your fork, you notice that the atmosphere has changed drastically from when you left.
  4185. "Did something happen?"
  4186. >The girls look between themselves before glancing at you. Applejack in particular refuses to even face you, instead turning away and rubbing her arm.
  4187. >Yeah, something happened.
  4188. >It may be best not to pry though.
  4189. "Forget it, nevermind."
  4190. >"Umm..." Sunset begins, trying to change the topic. "Is anyone else excited for the upcoming fieldtrip?"
  4191. >Fieldtrip?
  4192. >"Where was it going again?" Twilight asks.
  4193. >"Ooh ooh! It's going to the outdoor camp near Everfree National Park!"
  4194. >"Wonder why we're going there?" Rainbow comments. "Don't they usually do camps for the middle schoolers?"
  4195. >"Rarity, you help with most of the school functions. Do you know why?"
  4196. >Calming herself down, Rarity pushes her tray away and dabs her mouth with a napkin.
  4197. >"I only help organize the dances with Pinkie Fluttershy, but I heard if weren't for the slashed budget we could have gone somewhere more luxurious like Brothens or Temeria."
  4198. >"Why the change?" Twilight asks.
  4199. >"Repair bills." Rarity answers deadpan. “Due to… situations not entirely in our control or one's Principal Celestia could or would explain to the school board.”
  4200. >The table becomes deathly quiet as the others look in Sunset and Twilight's direction.
  4201. >"Yeah yeah... I know, my bad." Sunset answers.
  4202. >"I didn't mean too..." Twilight says shrinking in her seat.
  4203. "So, who's going?"
  4204. >"All of us signed up for it earlier in the school year. I think Apple Bloom, her friends and a few other of the freshman are also going."
  4205. >"Yeah well it might not be as cool as another country but I'm gonna make my time there awesome!"
  4206. >Fluttershy then realizes something, "Oh Anon, are you going as well?"
  4207. "Can't say, this is the first I've heard about it."
  4208. >"Aw no, it's not going to be fun if we all can't go." Pinkie Pie says, her hair deflating a little.
  4209. >No, really it actually deflates like a balloon. Sound effect and all.
  4210. >But the way she says it makes it sound like you're a dog not going on the family road trip.
  4211. >"Actually Pinkie, Anon wouldn't be able to go even were there still seats." Twilight corrects.
  4212. >"And why not?" Applejack asks, raising her voice and getting a little defensive.
  4213. >Twilight shakes her hands in front of her defensively, "It's because Anon has a "handicap"." She says, pointing to your glasses. "The school doesn't want to take that risk as Anon would be considered a "walking lawsuit" were anything to happen to him."
  4214. >"But he's n-" Applejack starts.
  4215. >You place a hand on her shoulder and shake your head.
  4216. "Shhh."
  4217. >You notice your table is getting a few stares, probably from Applejack's small outburst.
  4218. >Sitting down, Applejack grumbles.
  4219. "It's fine. I can find something to keep me occupied for a week. Sunset and Rainbow can consider it their vacation."
  4220. >She scoots her chair and leans into you, "But sugarcube it's ain't fair."
  4221. >"Get a room you two." Rainbow Dash says.
  4222. >Before Applejack can retort back, the lunch bell rings.
  4223. >"Well, guess we'll talk after school. Bye girls." Sunset says.
  4224. >Everyone gets out of their chairs and begins gathering their belongings. You tap the bottom of your cane on the table.
  4225. "Sunset, Dash. Forgetting something?"
  4226. >They both frown and grumble as they put the wrist and ankle weights back on.
  4227. >"Feel like I'm on friggin probation..." Rainbow Dash mutters.
  4228. >All saying their goodbyes, Applejack pulls you to the side near a remote corner of the room.
  4229. >"Sugarcube..."
  4230. "What is it?"
  4231. >"Ah really want you to come with us." she says sadly, holding your hand.
  4232. "I know, but just have fun with your friends. I'll be fine. I've been on my own for most my life, another week won't be any different."
  4233. >"Alright. But you know, where you able to come along ah don't think it'd be very hard for us to get "lost" and have some quality time together."
  4234. "Didn't I tell you to think about this seriously?"
  4235. >"Ah know. I'll be thinking about you while I'm over there. Thinking about how we can't get lost in the woods, just you and me." she whispers into your ear with a waggle of her eyebrow.
  4236. "Applejack. You have a classroom to get to."
  4237. >"Ugh, you're no fun you know that?" she says with a smile.
  4238. "I'm beginning to think you just want me for my body."
  4239. >She leans in and kisses you on the cheek, "Nonsense. You're more than just a well toned hunk of meat, that's just a bonus. Ah'll see ya later Anon."
  4240. >Waving goodbye, she takes her backpack and walks to her next class.
  4241. >Seeing as you again don't bother to show up to any actual classes yourself, you decide to make your way to the metal shop to see if you can "borrow" some tools for a special project later.
  4243. >You exit from behind the wall you were hiding behind as Applejack walks past you.
  4244. >Maybe you should have been more aggressive and should have acted sooner.
  4245. >Bringing a palm to your forehead, you feel your heart ache.
  4246. >On one hand you're happy that Applejack finally found someone she has feelings for. On the other, it's also the man you share the same adoration towards.
  4247. >Though you have no one to blame but yourself. The original reason you flirted with him was to get them together in the first place.
  4248. >Looking around at the other male students going up and down the hallway, none of them can hold a candle to Anon.
  4249. >You highly doubt any one of these "boys" would have stood up against a vampire like that brute Edward for a total stranger.
  4250. >Stepping into your next classroom, you take your seat and sigh.
  4251. >You can't really be angry at her though. Especially after she told you what Anonymous said to her.
  4252. >That however doesn't make the pain feel any less terrible than it currently is.
  4253. >All you can really hope for, and it's a terrible thing to say, is that they find themselves incompatible with each other. If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out.
  4254. >You'll still flirt and try to have some fun with him from time to time.
  4255. >It's just highly likely that it won't lead anywhere. And you'll have to live with the fantasies in the privacy of your bedroom.
  4256. >Burying your head into your arms, you hide your face from the others in the class.
  4257. >...
  4258. >You're so alone.
  4259. >Suddenly, an idea comes to you: Anonymous isn't going on the fieldtrip.
  4260. >You could just not go and have a whole week with him to yourself with no interference from Applejack.
  4261. >Oh but you promised Sweetie Belle you two would spend some time together up at the camping grounds.
  4262. >She's been looking forward to it all year. You even bought a cute little matching ensemble to wear with her.
  4263. >No. You'll just have to grin and bear it.
  4264. >And as much as it pains you to say, Applejack is the one in favor not you.
  4265. >For now at least. In the meantime, maybe you could do more to impress Anon.
  4266. >But what exactly? The cooking idea was doing well, but its just not enough.
  4267. >Oh you have an idea. Its been a few years but maybe *that* will work.
  4269. >Waiting outside, you patiently wait for your student in the front of the school again.
  4270. >...
  4271. >You try and focus on the lessons today, but all you can think about is Applejack's kiss yesterday.
  4272. >You've had relations with a few women before but nothing beyond a one night fling. Nothing you could say that had actual substance.
  4273. >It's unfamiliar ground to you, and it makes you nervous.
  4274. >Maybe after the camping trip Applejack will have a serious answer because right now you’re in that limbo where you’re waiting for a reply from someone.
  4275. >The worst part is that you didn’t think that this would affect you so much.
  4276. >If she does still want to try. You'll give it your best.
  4277. >That's really all you can do.
  4278. >But could you and Applejack really be more?
  4279. >Would it be the smart thing to do?
  4280. >No. It wouldn't. But when has love ever been smart or rational? Is it even appropriate to say “love”? Then what the hell would this be then? Two people with similar attractions?
  4281. >That sounds so impersonal to be honest.
  4282. >Ugh...
  4283. >As a Witcher, hunting monsters is a cakewalk compared to the rigors of relationships.
  4284. >Suddenly smell perfume. The type only one particular person you know wears.
  4285. "Hello Rarity."
  4286. >"Must you always ruin surprises?" she huffs.
  4287. "In the past, surprises almost always got me killed."
  4288. >"Yes... er... well I have a favor to ask darling."
  4289. "What is it?"
  4290. >"Do you think I could join your little workout session at the apple farm today?"
  4291. "That doesn't sound strange in any sort of way."
  4292. >Rarity ignores the sarcasm in your tone and gives you the puppy dog eyes routine.
  4293. >"Please darling, it's important."
  4294. >...
  4295. >"I can't really stop you, but try not to interfere with the lessons I'm teaching and don’t cause trouble."
  4296. >She claps her hand and hops up and down.
  4297. >"Oh don't worry Anonymous I won't. I must get changed I'll see you at Sweet Apple Acres!"
  4298. >She runs off leaving you alone waiting again.
  4299. >A few minutes go by and Applejack walks out with Sunset and Twilight.
  4300. >"Ready to head home?" she asks bumping you in the side with her hips.
  4301. >Huh...
  4302. >Applejack doesn't even trigger your apprehension to physical contact anymore.
  4303. >Guess you've been getting used to it whether you like it or not.
  4304. "Yeah, but Rarity asked me if she could join us."
  4305. >"Really?" Sunset comments, "That sounds a bit strange."
  4306. >"Yeah... real strange." Applejack says.
  4307. >Looking at your watch, you still have just enough time to make it before the buses take off. Grabbing your things, you and the others head out.
  4309. >Walking out to the training area, you notice that all the equipment you left out the other day has been neatly organized.
  4310. >Did Rarity do this?
  4311. >As you near the shed, someone steps out from behind.
  4312. >"Hello darling." Rarity says wearing a custom fencing uniform and a fencing blade.
  4313. "Rarity?"
  4314. >Huh, in the time it took her to leave, you to get on the bus and get to the farm she already beat you here?
  4315. >Granted that would have been a good half-hour head start with the few stops the bus made but that was still awfully quick.
  4316. >"What's with the getup?" Rainbow asks.
  4317. >"It occurred to me that while Anonymous may be teaching you fencing with longswords like he himself is accustomed too, I thought maybe it would be a nice change of pace if you faced an opponent with a different skill set."
  4318. >"Since when the heck did you take fencing?"
  4319. >"Oh it was something I picked up when I was younger. I wanted to sign up for ballet, but father insisted I do something that he could watch without, *ahem* "falling asleep". Regardless, I've found that the sport is still something that suits me."
  4320. "These exercises won't stop just from first touch or whatever rules fencers use, they'll go for as long as the opponent can still fight with their weapon in hand."
  4321. >"I know what I'm doing." she says.
  4322. >Raising her sword she lets you examine it, "It's why I brought my rapier rather than my foil. The question is are both Sunset and Rainbow Dash are ready for an opponent of another sword style."
  4323. >...
  4324. >A corked tip, dull edge. Similar in weight to a standard rapier.
  4325. >Handing her back the weapon, you nod. There's no real harm, plus it can show you what the girls have learned so far.
  4326. "I was going to try and teach these two some signs, but I guess a test of their progress couldn't hurt. Alright, we'll give it a go."
  4327. >"Wait what? I'd rather do tha-" Sunset attempts to object.
  4328. >Rarity claps her gloved hands together, "Wonderful. so who'll be my first opponent?"
  4329. >Turning to your two students you decide to let them make the choice.
  4330. >Rainbow barges forward with her wooden sword in tow.
  4331. >"I'll go first. I've always wanted to kick Rarity's butt in a fight."
  4332. >"My how uncouth." Rarity replies, donning her helmet. "Do be gentle though, I am a bit out of practice."
  4333. >Both fighters stand on opposite sides of the circle.
  4334. "Rarity, I trust you know what you're doing? Your sword isn't wooden like Rainbows, I'd rather not have her get skewered."
  4335. >"Indeed. Fret not dear Anon, I've already taken steps to prevent that." she replies, showing you the cork at the end.
  4336. >You doubt Rarity intends to have her sword clash with Rainbow's or try to make for any slashes or chops; but the metal edge while dull is still capable of cutting with the right conditions.
  4337. >Hopefully it won't come to that.
  4338. >Nodding, you watch as she pulls something from behind her back.
  4339. >In her offhand is a main-gauche, a parrying dagger.
  4340. >The off-handed weapon surprises all of you, but Rainbow Dash remains unimpressed.
  4341. >"Psshh even with two blades, you're not going to beat me Rarity."
  4342. >Well. This is going to be interesting.
  4343. >Making sure both of them are ready you start the duel.
  4344. >Rainbow quickly rushes forward for a thrust only for her eyes to go wide as she stops right in her tracks.
  4345. >The tip of Rarity's rapier is aimed directly between her eyes.
  4346. "Looks like Rarity wins."
  4347. >"Whoa..."
  4348. >"What?! No fair. I want a rematch! I-I wasn't ready!"
  4349. >Rarity giggles as she lowers her rapier.
  4350. >"Whatever you say dear."
  4351. >Rainbow walked into that, even if her opponent wasn't using a thrusting sword that charge forward left her wide open. She got overconfident, sloppy, and worst of all underestimated Rarity.
  4352. >Quickly, both girls get back into position.
  4353. >"Begin."
  4354. >Rainbow doesn't go on the offensive this time, opting to watch and wait for Rarity's first move.
  4355. >Rarity weaves on her feet back and forth, dagger and sword ready.
  4356. >Thrusting her rapier, Rainbow back-steps as Rarity quickly retreats.
  4357. >"Don't be cheap."
  4358. >"A fight's a fight darling."
  4359. >They both make rings around the circle, waiting for the other to make a mistake as they go between simple slashes, parries and deflections.
  4360. >With the unexpected sword style Rarity's brought to the table, Rainbow doesn't know fully what to do.
  4361. "I hope you're watching closely Sunset. You may not face a monster or assassin wielding a setup like Rarity, but it doesn't hurt to know how to fight effectively against one."
  4362. >Sunset nods in response, unable to take her eyes off the duel.
  4363. >Rainbow, fed up with the stalemate, thrusts her sword forward again this time anticipating Rarity's own thrust.
  4364. >Instead, Rarity brings her own sword laterally to clash with Rainbows and brings her dagger in to pincer the wooden sword between them.
  4365. >Using her superior leverage, Rarity quickly drives Rainbow's sword around in front of her and disarms her by tossing the weapon from her hands.
  4366. >Bringing the tip of the rapier to her chin, Rarity gently makes Rainbow walk backwards with her hands up out of the ring. All with a self-satisfying smile.
  4367. "Up up up, Rainbow Dash it isn't proper for a duelist to lose their blade."
  4368. >Rarity hardly broke a sweat as Rainbow's foot crosses the boundary.
  4369. "Rarity wins again."
  4370. >"Thank you for the duel Rainbow Dash."
  4371. >"Yeah yeah..." Rainbow grunts, going to fetch her discarded weapon.
  4372. "Sunset, you're up."
  4373. >"Alright."
  4374. >A bit nervous, Sunset walks into the ring.
  4375. >"I hope you're ready dear." Rarity says getting into her own position.
  4377. >Rainbow and Sunset were unable to decisively come out on top against Rarity's fencing. Despite her being "out of practice", she still had enough skill to prevent a total steamroll.
  4378. >They managed to win a few times throughout the day, but they were overshadowed by Rarity's experience.
  4379. >You'll have to make it up to Rarity for this. While unexpected, you hope that both your students took something from this.
  4380. >As Rainbow and Sunset head off for a break, Sunset stays behind.
  4381. >"Anon. Were you really going to teach us how to do your magic?"
  4382. "At least attempt it. I'm not sure if you're able to, you have magical potential but whether or not you can do it I don't know."
  4383. >"Can we try at least?"
  4384. >You think for a few moments. May as well.
  4385. "We'll try something small."
  4386. >Taking a candle out from inside the shed meant for this exercise, you set it up on a stump used for chopping firewood.
  4387. "Alright, watch this sign is called Igni."
  4388. >With a flick of your wrist and positioning your fingers, a flame comes to life on the wick.
  4389. >Sunset watches in amazement as you redo the sign to put it out.
  4390. "Signs are simple magic spells. We Witchers prefer them because they can be performed with one hand, allowing us to use our swords in the other. You don't need knowledge of magic formula to cast them; concentration and the hand gesture are enough."
  4391. >You show her the positioning of your fingers as she tries her hardest to manipulate them like the way you do.
  4392. >"Ow... I don't know if my fingers can bend like that."
  4393. "It takes practice, but just focus on the energy inside you and will the flame into life. "
  4394. >Making the hand gesture, Sunset growls as she thrusts her hand forward towards the candle.
  4395. >Beyond looking anticlimactic and unimpressive, the candle stays unlit.
  4396. >"Let me try again."
  4397. >A few minutes go by as the candle still refuses to spark even a little.
  4398. >Maybe she can't do it.
  4399. >Admittedly you were trained by someone who knew what they were doing, an actual sorcerer. As rare as they are in the world, the Headmaster managed to actually find one to teach you all how to perform this low level magic.
  4400. >You on the other hand are no sorcerer and you’re not willing or going to entertain the thought of sending her to the Witchers to train her.
  4401. >There are things that they shouldn’t know you’re doing.
  4402. >Sunset growls as she pulls her hair in frustration. Attempting one more time she pushes her hand forward.
  4403. >Nothing happens, causing Sunset to collapse to her knees.
  4404. >"I can't do it. It's too difficu-"
  4405. >Bringing up a hand to shush her, you take a closer look at the wick.
  4406. >You can smell a slight burning scent.
  4407. "Do it again."
  4408. >"But Anon I ca-"
  4409. "Sunset. Do it. Again."
  4410. >Groaning, she concentrates and performs the sign again.
  4411. >No fire like before, but you signal for Sunset to come closer.
  4412. >"What? There's no fire."
  4413. "Look closely."
  4414. >Bringing her hand close to the string she gasps.
  4415. >There's a slight heat coming from the candle and if you were to look closer the wax at the very tip is deformed ever so slightly.
  4416. >Sunset falls on her bum and cheers, "I did it! I did it! I can do it!"
  4417. >She rolls around in the dirt cheering at her accomplishment.
  4418. >You let out a small smile. Even with no fire the fact that the candle heated up shows she has potential.
  4419. >If she asks, you won't admit it, but you're actually somewhat proud.
  4420. "Since we've just proven that you can perform signs, every chance you get when you're not dueling try to light the candle on fire. Once you get an actual flame started, we'll start training with the other signs."
  4421. >Smiling, Sunset nods enthusiastically.
  4423. >Before it became time to call it for the day, Rarity approached you.
  4424. >"Darling, how about you and I give it a go?"
  4425. "You sure?"
  4426. >"Oh I'm sure, these two deserve to see their teacher at least demonstrate a proper duel."
  4427. >Looking at both your students, they're both watching you two.
  4428. >Shrugging, you take Sunset's sword and enter the ring with Rarity.
  4429. "Ready?"
  4430. >"Engarde!" Rarity shouts.
  4431. >The two of you circle the ring slowly.
  4432. >You're familiar with the classical style of fencing Rarity employes. But you admit, you've never actually faced an opponent who used a rapier and dagger combo.
  4433. >Rarity thrusts her rapier forward, causing you to parry the blade to the side.
  4434. >Stepping back she spins the tip of her sword at you, trying to misdirect you.
  4435. >You strike with your own sword as Rarity tries to guide it into a pincer like before with her two blades.
  4436. >Not falling for that you pull the blade back and approach from a different angle.
  4437. >Rarity guides your sword into her her unique crossguard in an attempt to utilize the dagger to stab you in the side.
  4438. >Letting one hand go, you hold the blade lock with one arm as you grab her wrist with your free hand and wrench the main-gauche out of her grip, sending it to the ground.
  4439. >Rarity swiftly kicks towards your groin before you can disarm her other hand, causing you to release her and retreat a few steps back.
  4440. "Below the belts a dirty move."
  4441. >"It wasn't expressly forbidden and I'm not disarmed."
  4442. "Got me there, but it's not happening again."
  4443. >You could use Aard to quickly end this duel, but that would defeat the purpose of this being a duel.
  4444. >With only her rapier as her only defense now, Rarity is at a handicap now.
  4445. >The thin blade is ill-suited to defend against a normal longsword; and while she may still have reach, you now have flexibility.
  4446. >Deprived of her dagger, Rarity goes on the offense this time, trying to stab you with the tip of her blade to force you out of the ring.
  4447. >Calmly, you parry each of her thrusts with little effort and it's pushing Rarity to be more bold.
  4448. >Closing the distance, Rarity makes one final attempt to force you back when suddenly a bright flare catches your attention.
  4449. >The distraction and the turning of your head is enough that, despite the dull edge of Rarity's blade, it's still thin enough that it slices your cheek.
  4450. >Reflexively you smash your sword into the opposing blade, using enough force to make a small dent the training rapier's edge.
  4451. >Ignoring the sting of pain, you look over to what caused the commotion as you see a large section the grass behind the stump engulfed in flames with Sunset and Rainbow panicking.
  4453. "What the hell happened?!"
  4454. >"I-I-I..."
  4455. >Wasting no time you cast Aard to blow out the fire. Leaving nothing but scorched earth and flying grass behind.
  4456. "What. Happened."
  4457. >Sunset shrinks as you glare at her.
  4458. >"I was getting really frustrated with the flame not coming out. And when I cast it again... well that happened."
  4459. >You look at the damage Sunset wrought.
  4460. >The grass is scorched, but at least no one's hurt. At least not physically or permanently.
  4461. >Ironically, the candle is perfectly fine despite the charred state of everything around it.
  4462. >"Anon!" you hear a voice call from the house.
  4463. >Applejack runs up the path, "What in the hay just happened. I saw a bright light from my room."
  4464. "Sunset attempted to try a sign and ended up lighting the grass on fire."
  4465. >"Applejack I am so sor-"
  4466. >"Anon your cheek!" Rarity cries.
  4467. >You wipe your cheek and inspect your palm. Just a flesh wound, but there’s a bit of blood now pouring from the cut.
  4468. >"Anon, don't move I'll get the medkit." Applejack says.
  4469. >Running back to the house, she leaves you four alone. Rarity digs through her bag and pulls out a rag.
  4470. >Handing it to you, you wipe the blood off and keep the wound covered.
  4471. >"Oh what have I done." Rarity exclaims.
  4472. "Accidents happen. I'll be fine."
  4473. >Your words do little to ease her feelings, but you have more pressing matters to worry about.
  4474. >Watching as Sunset frets over the damage she caused, you sigh.
  4475. "I think it's best we wrap it up for today."
  4477. -------
  4479. >"Ooh! Sunset over here!" Pinkie Pie yells from the back of the bus.
  4480. >Excusing yourself around a few other students you weave through the aisle towards the rear of the charter bus as your friends all chat with one another.
  4481. >"Hey Sunset, you have everything ready to go?" Rainbow Dash asks, placing her travelbag into the overhead storage compartment.
  4482. "Yeah, thanks to Rarity and Applejack, I got everything I need."
  4483. >Once your own bag is secure, you sit in the free seat next to Fluttershy.
  4484. "Hi Fluttershy. Are you excited?"
  4485. >She gives you a warm smile, "Oh yes, it's been a few months since I was at the campgrounds."
  4486. "You've been there before?"
  4487. >"I go there a few times a year to visit the injured animals. It's where I met my dear little Angel and some of his other friends."
  4488. >She unzips her backpack and a white bunny pops out. He sniffs the air with his little pink nose and looks around.
  4489. >When he sees you, he freezes slightly unsure of your intentions.
  4490. "May I?"
  4491. >Fluttershy smiles, "I don't think he minds. Do you Angel?"
  4492. >Holding out your hand, you gently pet the rabbit as he buries his head into your palm.
  4493. "Aww, he's so adorable."
  4494. >"See? He likes you."
  4495. >Patting him on the side, Fluttershy guides Angel back into her backpack.
  4496. "Is he going to be okay in there? It's like almost a hour and a half drive."
  4497. >"He's used to it."
  4498. >That's right, Fluttershy likes to carry her pets around with her during school hours.
  4499. >Your friend focuses her attention to her bunny and makes kissy faces at him.
  4500. >"Who's a good little bunny? You are!"
  4501. >Smiling, you turn around in your seat to talk to the others. Pinkie Pie is snacking and talking to Twilight, while Rainbow just relaxes in her own chair across from yours with a pair of earbuds.
  4502. >Applejack and Rarity are sitting next to one another. Though neither look to be in the mood to be talking, Applejack in particular is staring outside the window.
  4503. >Following her gaze, you see Anonymous standing outside the statue like usual just watching from a distance.
  4504. "Applejack are you feeling okay?"
  4505. >She doesn't respond.
  4506. "Applejack?"
  4507. >"Huh? Whassit? Oh Sunset, sorry I guess ah wasn't paying attention."
  4508. "It's okay. Are you doing alright?"
  4509. >"Eh, just disappointed that Anon can't come with us."
  4510. "On the bright side, it'll only be for a week."
  4511. >Applejack leans back into her chair, "Yeah, but it already feels like forever and we haven't even left yet."
  4512. >Rarity continues to file her nails as Applejack vents.
  4513. >"Applejack darling, don't worry Anon will be fine. Just think of this trip as an opportunity to spend time with your friends and sister."
  4514. >Suddenly a woman clears her throat as the bus becomes quiet. Facing forward, you see Vice-Principal Luna standing at the front of the bus.
  4515. >Unlike her usual attire she's wearing more casual clothing: khaki shorts, and a light blue t-shirt.
  4516. >"Students, the buses will be departing shortly. I will be the chaperone for this group while Miss Cheerilee and Mrs. Harshwhinny take charge of the others. There will be no horseplay en route to the campgrounds do you hear me?"
  4517. >An influx of "Yes ma'am's" reply to the VP.
  4518. >"Very good, now I expect you all to be on your best behavior." she says as she takes her seat.
  4519. >The bus driver enters the vehicle and takes his own seat. He turns the key as the engine roars to life shaking the entire bus.
  4520. >You notice behind you Applejack turning back towards Anon and placing her hand on the window.
  4521. >What surprises you is that Anon waves back as the bus pulls out and drives off, leaving him and school behind.
  4522. >She keeps her eyes on him as long as possible before sinking back into her chair and folding her arms together. Rarity places a reassuring arm on her shoulder.
  4523. >"It's alright. He'll still be here when we get back."
  4524. >"Ah know. It's just... nevermind. I'm going to get some shut eye wake me up when we get there."
  4525. >Using her jacket as a pillow, Applejack turns to her side away from Rarity and closes her eyes.
  4526. >Rarity has a troubled expression herself now, but she quickly goes back to her phone.
  4527. >To your right, Fluttershy is still talking to her bunny. You decide you might as well take Applejack's cue and catch up on some sleep yourself.
  4528. >After the stresses of training, school, homework and a potential assassination hit, you're looking forward to this trip for some much needed fun.
  4529. >"Pssst. Sunset... Hey Sunset..."
  4530. >Someone taps you on the shoulder. Turning, Rainbow Dash is leaning out of her seat and towards you.
  4531. "Yeah Rainbow?"
  4532. >"Did you bring your sword?"
  4533. >Why would you bring that?
  4534. "No. Why?"
  4535. >"Darn, was hoping that we could have a few sparring matches in the woods."
  4536. >You frown, "Dash, Anon said we should treat this as a vacation. I plan to do exactly that."
  4537. >"Oh... well okay then." she says.
  4538. "Dash..."
  4539. >"Well I might have... kinda broke into your locker and brought it with me..."
  4540. "Dash! You broke into my locker?!"
  4541. >She points an accusatory finger at you, "Well Anon also said we should keep our weapons nearby at all times!"
  4542. >You open your mouth to respond but nothing comes out.
  4543. >He did say that...
  4545. >Anonymous paces around with your wood sword in hand.
  4546. >"Okay, because this is the first offence. I'm telling you once: always keep it nearby, this weapon is your life and an extension of your body. Treat it with respect and it will never fail you."
  4547. >You push up from the ground for the thirtieth time. Your arms already ache and your body is drenched in sweat.
  4548. >The weights on your ankles and wrists are beginning to chafe, and are only heavier thanks to the sweat being absorbed by the material.
  4549. "When... you say... "keep it nearby" do you mean..."
  4550. >"Either on your body, or someplace close that is easy to access. I don't care if you're going to the bathroom or going on a trip somewhere. You keep this with you."
  4551. >Anon walks and talks around you as you continue to complete your punishment for forgetting your weapon.
  4552. >He smacks your bottom with the sword as you push up causing you to crumple on the floor.
  4553. "OW! What the hell?!"
  4554. >"Keep your butt down and don't hike your hips in the air. I'm not counting those."
  4555. >You groan in pain.
  4556. "That's twenty-nice down, forty-six more to go. Just remember every time you forget I'm doubling the pushups you do."
  4558. >You cringe at the flashback. The thought of doing 150 push ups makes you shudder.
  4559. >Dash is still staring at you, "You okay? You sorta blanked out on me."
  4560. "Yeah... just remembering something Anon said."
  4561. >"What did he say?"
  4562. "It's nothing. But thanks for bringing my sword. I owe you."
  4563. >"Okay...?" she says, sitting back properly in her seat. She plugs her earbud back in place and closes her eyes.
  4564. >Checking your phone, you still have a long ways about before you reach the campground.
  4565. >Sitting face forward again, you lean back in your chair and take a deep breath and try to get some rest.
  4567. >A small tugging of your shirt sleeve rouses you out of your slumber.
  4568. >"Umm, Sunset can you please wake up?" you hear a voice next to you say.
  4569. "Wha? Where am I?"
  4570. >The voice lets out a giggle, as you sit up and rub your eyes.
  4571. "Are we there?"
  4572. >"Oh yes, look outside."
  4573. >You peer out the window and your breath is taken away.
  4574. >The campground is situated right next to a massive sparkling lake surrounded by trees and mountains. The sight almost reminds you of one back in Equestria.
  4575. >In the distance, you can see a few cabins on the other side of the lake.
  4576. "It's beautiful."
  4577. >"Isn't it?" Fluttershy says. "We should hurry and get our things before the bus becomes too crowded."
  4578. >You step out of your seat to let your friend out as the others begin waking up from their own naps.
  4579. >Once everyone has their luggage, you all disembark the bus and wait in your assigned groups as Vice-Principal Luna hands out your cabin keys and pamphlets.
  4580. >The mountain air is fresh and cleaner than it is back in the suburbs just like in the more rural parts of Equestria.
  4581. >It makes you a little homesick.
  4582. >"Alright everyone. Here are the keys to your assigned cabins as well as schedules for anyone wishing to partake in group activities. Meal times and lights out are also detailed inside. Be mindful of the rules, but remember we're here to have fun."
  4583. >Even though the Vice-Principal has a harsh demeanor, she's actually very lenient when it comes to being a chaperone. She's letting you all have essentially free reign of the place while you're here.
  4584. >As long as you don't do things like making the cabins co-ed or disrupt the camp in any way, you are pretty much free to do anything.
  4585. >The younger students have a few harsher restrictions as well as some mandatory activities to participate in, but as long as they're with one of the older groups or adults and don't cause trouble themselves they're in a similar situation as you.
  4586. >"Please remember that we'll be given a brief presentation by the staff here that *is* mandatory in ten minutes. I expect to see you all there."
  4587. >As everyone breaks apart to their temporary living quarters, you and the girls gather your things and make your way to cabin four.
  4588. >Following the path, you see the log building marked with a number 4 on the front over the door and head inside.
  4589. >Inside is a medium sized room with beds placed in a staggered formation along the walls. The atmosphere of the room is a bit hot and stuffy, but once you open the large windows a fresh breeze of air immediately cools you down.
  4590. >"Icallthetopbunk!" Pinkie Pie yells, making her way towards one of the elevated beds.
  4591. >"I must say, the decor in here is a bit... lacking."
  4592. >"Rarity, not every place has to be a fancy five star resort." Applejack says as she claims her bed and plops down her suitcase on it.
  4593. >"Oh I know, but during the time we're here I will definitely try to spruce things up a bit."
  4594. >You give a chuckle as you tuck your duffle bag underneath one of the beds.
  4595. "We better hurry girls, the introduction is going to start soon."
  4596. >"It wouldn't be good if we're late." Twilight adds.
  4597. >Once everything is squared away, you lock the door behind you and head towards the center of the camp grounds where dozens of other students are waiting.
  4598. >What surprises you though is that there are a few students who clearly don't go to your school.
  4599. "Who are they?"
  4600. >"Dunno, but they don't look too friendly if you catch my drift." Applejack says with a nudge.
  4601. >Following her eyes, you see one of the unknown students sporting tattoos and piercings. Another elbows her in the gut and beckons her to follow after.
  4602. >The group walk off towards the camp entrance without another word though one of them notices you and scowls. She takes her fist and pounds it into her palm.
  4603. >You can't help but feel a little nervous now...
  4604. >The sounds of a speaker turning on draws your attention to the center of the stage.
  4605. >"Hello and welcome everyone, this is Camp Everfree. My name is Scarlett Sark, and this is my brother Brick Sark; we'll both be the campground supervisors during your stay here for the week."
  4606. >"Hey there kiddos, we just want to lay some ground rules before we set you loose. First off, please avoid littering or vandalizing the forest while you're here we want to preserve nature for future generations. Second is..."
  4607. >You sort of daze off as the supervisor drones on about the camp rules. The pamphlets Vice-Principal Luna handed you has all the rules he's mentioning in the back.
  4608. >Looking around, many other students are doing the same, the exceptions being Fluttershy and the eco-friendly kids.
  4609. >Heck, even the chaperones are playing with their phones.
  4610. >"... and long story short, that's why we call them "Hootenannies" here and why they're not allowed at Camp Everfree."
  4611. >"Well that looks like that's all, we'll let you go now to have some fun. Lunch will be served in an hour in the mess hall over there. We hope you enjoy your stay here at..."
  4612. >Brick claps his hands as both he and Scarlett get into a pose.
  4613. >"Camp Everfree!" they say in unison.
  4614. >The sound of clapping emanates right next to you as Fluttershy smiles the brightest you've ever seen.
  4615. >Glancing around, she's the only one clapping but seems to be oblivious that she is.
  4616. >Everyone leaves to do their own thing when suddenly someone calls out to you seven.
  4617. >"Hey dweeb is that you?" a raspy voice calls out.
  4618. >"Gilda?" Rainbow says turning around.
  4619. >Her eyes go wide as saucers as you all see a white-haired girl with purple highlights in a brown bomber jacket walking towards you.
  4620. >"It is you! Been awhile Dash." she says holding out a fist.
  4621. >Rainbow Dash doesn't hesitate to return the fist bump, "I thought you went to juvie! What're you doing here?"
  4622. >"Feh, I did my time, got some counseling, and got a job here as a park ranger. You know, to make sure you dweebs, or those nutjob supervisors, don't get killed by bears or anything like that."
  4623. >"That's sounds so awesome."
  4624. >Gilda smirks, "Trust me, it is. So you gonna introduce me or am I gonna have to?"
  4625. >"Oh right, everyone this is Gilda. She was my best friend when we were growing up. Gilda, this is Sunset, Rarity, Applejack, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, and you know Fluttershy."
  4626. >Fluttershy ducks behind Applejack as Gilda turns her gaze towards her.
  4627. >"Hey Stutterbutt. Long time no see." she says holding a hand out.
  4628. >"..."
  4629. >"What?"
  4630. >Rainbow Dash nervously chuckles as she tries to pry Fluttershy from Applejack, "You know Fluttershy..."
  4631. >Gilda laughs, "Yeah well I gotta check in at my station, you dweebs keep out of trouble. Smell you later Dashie."
  4632. >As Gilda walks away, Fluttershy calms down.
  4633. "She seems... nice?"
  4634. >"A bit uncouth though."
  4635. >"Yeah Gilda's pretty cool. Was like an older sister to me growing up."
  4636. >"Gilda did seem a bit older than you. How do you know her again?"
  4637. >Rainbow places her hands on her hips as she flashes back, "Well, Gilda and I met when I started middle school. She was held back a couple times but we found a common interest in being awesome."
  4638. >"She... was kind of mean." Fluttershy mumbles.
  4639. "Was she a bully?"
  4640. >"Eeya... sort of. She got sent to juvie for breaking into a cop car, and joy riding in it."
  4641. "Wow..."
  4642. >"While the cop was handcuffed to the door." she finishes. "Anyways, I haven't seen her since."
  4643. >Applejack places her arm on Rainbow's shoulder, "Well with that settled, ah saw one of them giant inflatable catapult things. What say we grab some lunch then cool off?"
  4644. >"That sounds like a wonderful idea darling."
  4645. >"Oh oh oh! I wonder how high I can get launched up in the air!" Pinkie Pie cheers.
  4646. >As you head to the mess hall, you can't help but wonder how Anon's holding up.
  4648. -----
  4650. >You and the other girls enter your cabin still soaked from all day playing at the lake.
  4651. >Once you close the doors, Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy enter the showers first.
  4652. >"Did you see how high I managed to get Rainbow Dash into the air? Huh? Didja!?" Pinkie Pie asks.
  4653. >"I think that was my new personal best." Rainbow admits proudly.
  4654. >Setting down a towel before you sit down on one of the wooden chairs, you and the others patiently wait for your turns to get cleaned up.
  4655. "Twilight, you should have seen your face when you got launched upwards."
  4656. >The girl giggles nervously and raises her goggles up one her head, "It was an experience that's for sure."
  4657. >You hear a squeak as one of the stalls ceases. Rarity walks out in two towels, one around her body and one around her long purple hair.
  4658. >"Whoever's next please go right ahead."
  4659. >Looking amongst yourselves, the other's let you go ahead.
  4660. "Thanks girls."
  4661. >Walking into the stall with a bag full of shower supplies, you turn the chrome knob. It takes almost no time for the warm water to cascade onto your body.
  4662. >The feeling of a warm shower is definitely something you underappreciate. While the cool refreshing lake water cooled you down, the shower is the one making you feel more relaxed than you've felt in a good while.
  4663. >The shower to your left turns off as does the one on your right as both Applejack and Fluttershy switch with Pinkie Pie and Twilight.
  4664. >"Ahh this feels so good." Twilight says as the water makes contact with her skin.
  4665. "I know right?"
  4666. >Pinkie doesn't say anything other than just humming a tune you swear you've heard on the radio before.
  4667. >Taking some of the soap, shampoo and conditioner out the bag, you make sure to scrub your body and get a thorough cleaning of your hair.
  4668. >As you begin rinsing the excess shampoo off there's a tap from the restroom entrance.
  4669. >"Hey, no rush but it's almost time for dinner soon and we missed lunch." Rainbow Dash tells you.
  4670. "Just let me finish up my hair and it's yours."
  4671. >Shutting the valve, you wring your hair and wrap yourself in a towel and walk out as Rainbow Dash quickly takes your now unoccupied stall.
  4672. >Unpacking a set of fresh clothes, you dress yourself and wait for the others to finish.
  4674. >The mess hall is packed with other students from CHS all waiting in line to grab their meals or hang out with their friends.
  4675. >In one corner of the building you can see the adult chaperones chatting amongst each other with the camp supervisors.
  4676. >Choosing a table, you sit down with Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash as the others go get food.
  4677. "So Fluttershy, you've been looking forward to this trip for awhile I take it?"
  4678. >"Oh yes, I admit it's been awhile since I was up here, but everything is very much the same as I left it. I haven't seen the head doctor though..."
  4679. >"Well there's Scarlett over there, you could ask her."
  4680. >"You know what Rainbow Dash? I think I will." Fluttershy says.
  4681. >Getting out of her seat, Fluttershy approaches the camp supervisor over by her table.
  4682. >"Hey Dweeb." Gilda barks out, "You're sitting in my seat."
  4683. >"Shut up Gilda." Rainbow says ignoring her.
  4684. >Both can't keep their stoic facade up and begin snickering.
  4685. >Throwing her tray down, Gilda takes a seat next to Rainbow Dash and hands her a spare bowl of chili, "So how's life been treating you Dash."
  4686. >"Eh, pretty well. Been learning how to do some sword fighting."
  4687. >Gilda then starts laughing as she chews her food.
  4688. >"What?" Rainbow asks indignantly.
  4689. >You sort of share the same sentiments as Rainbow.
  4690. >"Dash, never took you for one of those nerdy ass LARPers."
  4691. >Rainbow's face turns crimson, "I-it's not LARPing you ass."
  4692. >"Sure, sure. Whatever you say." Gilda says with a roll of her eyes.
  4693. >Fluttershy, comes back to the table and sits back down with a crestfallen mood.
  4694. "Fluttershy what's wrong?"
  4695. >"Doctor Otoscope... passed away." she says trying to hold back tears.
  4696. "I'm so sorry Fluttershy."
  4697. >You scooch over and give your friend a hug.
  4698. >Gilda puts her spoon down and tries to recall something.
  4699. >"You talkin 'bout that old dude? Yeah, poor sonovabitch got attacked by a rabid wolf when he was out on one of his nature walks, must have gotten to close to its den or something."
  4700. >Your friend cries into her hands as you give Gilda a sour look.
  4701. >"What?" she says stuffing her face with more chili. "If you thought that comment I made earlier about bears was just a joke, it wasn't.
  4702. "Did you have to be so blunt?"
  4703. >"Pfft, might as well tell her now whatever your name is."
  4704. "It's Sunset Shimmer."
  4705. >Her eyes widen, "Did you just say Sunset Shimmer?"
  4706. >You pause at her question.
  4707. "Yes?"
  4708. >"Well then..."
  4709. >She stands in her seat and leans over the table, narrowing her eyes at you.
  4710. >Gilda's hand guides itself to the knife located on her hip as you begin sweating.
  4711. >Fluttershy watches in terror as she grips you tighter to her.
  4712. "Y-You've heard of me?"
  4713. >Without warning Gilda leans in even further until you're almost nose-to-nose.
  4714. "I've been waiting a long time to do this."
  4715. >You shoot a glance towards Rainbow who only looks on in confusion.
  4716. >"C'mon Gilda, stop it."
  4717. >Suddenly Gilda smirks and begins laughing again.
  4718. >"Buahahaha fucking got you you dweeb!" she says slamming her butt back into her chair.
  4719. >For a few moments, you're utterly confused before that confusion turns to rage and embarrassment.
  4720. >"Ah my god, they always fall for that."
  4721. >"So you don't know who she is?" Rainbow asks.
  4722. >"Why the hell would I?" Gilda replies.
  4723. >The park ranger looks you up and down before stepping out of her seat and walking around you.
  4724. >"She is kinda hot though. In a jailbait sort of way, not that I'm into that sort of thing."
  4725. >Leaning close to your ear, "I lied, I'm totally into that sort of thing. Wanna come by my cabin later tonight? I'll get the toys ready and everything, you can even bring a... friend if you want."
  4726. >You immediately tense up in response to her offer as her warm breath touches your ear.
  4727. "I-I-I..."
  4728. >And like before Gilda begins laughing again.
  4729. >"Wow are you really thinking about it?" she says before gathering her bowl of chili. "I was just kidding you weirdo."
  4730. >You're beginning to see why Fluttershy doesn't like Gilda...
  4731. >Looking at her watch, Gilda gulps down the last of the bowl and wipes her mouth on her sleeve.
  4732. >"Ranger Gilda? Could we have a word with you?" Scarlett calls over at her table.
  4733. >"Well, lamos gotta run. Smell ya later." she says with a backhanded wave.
  4734. >"Yeah see ya Gilda." Rainbow says with a smile. "Isn't she great?"
  4735. "No!"
  4736. >"Aw c'mon don't be mad it was just a joke."
  4737. >You fold your arms and glare at Rainbow.
  4738. >"You aren't actually into that sort of th-"
  4739. "NO! Why would you ask that?"
  4740. >As you unfold your arms, everyone else returns with trays filled with sandwiches, chili bowls and salads.
  4741. >"Didn't know what'd y'all would lik- uh... did we miss something?" Applejack asks.
  4742. >You place your head in your hand and sigh.
  4743. >Anon will probably be glad he doesn't have to deal with stuff like this for awhile.
  4745. >Big Macintosh leans against the front wall of the house drinking from a cider bottle as you walk up.
  4746. "So you don't talk much do you?"
  4747. >"Eenope."
  4748. >You're outside the farmhouse with Big Macintosh resting after you two have finished with all the chores around the farm.
  4749. >Because Applejack is gone, you've had to pick up the slack of both her *and* Apple Bloom.
  4750. >You've really underestimated what the former did on this farm. Milking the cow, feeding the goats, pigs, cleaning the sty, shearing the goats, keeping the horses company.
  4751. >By the time you've finished the sun's already beginning its descent in the sky.
  4752. "Don't suppose you have anything to drink besides juice and cider."
  4753. >Twisting the piece of straw in his mouth, Big Macintosh looks to be deep in thought.
  4754. >Standing, he heads inside the house and comes back out with a pair of keys in hand.
  4755. >Gesturing for you to follow, he leads the both of you to his truck.
  4757. >You soon find yourself at one of Canterlot's few bars located around the city.
  4758. >Judging from the amount of patrons tonight, it's a pretty slow night. Granted, it's also a Tuesday so you shouldn't expect too many people wanting to get drunk off their ass.
  4759. >Setting yourself up by the bar, both you and Big Macintosh wait for the bartender.
  4760. >"Ey Big M, good to see you's again. Can I get you the usual?"
  4761. >"Eenope, just a coke."
  4762. >"Gotcha, and whadda bout yer friend here?"
  4763. "What's on tap."
  4764. >The bartender looks you over, "Kid, legal age here is 18 gonna need to see some ID."
  4765. >You sigh, now you remember why you don't go to bars or liquor stores. You usually Axii someone to convince them to let you buy some but there are way too many people around here.
  4766. "Don't have one."
  4767. >"No ID, no booze. You might look 18 but rules are rules."
  4768. >Big Macintosh clears his throat, catching the guy's attention.
  4769. >Placing a hand on your shoulder Big Mac nods his head.
  4770. >"You gonna vouch for him?"
  4771. >"Eeyup."
  4772. >"Alright Big M, yous like family here so I'll trust ya."
  4773. >Stepping away to fetch your drinks Big Macintosh lets go of you and lays his arms on the table.
  4774. "Thanks."
  4775. >He doesn't reply, but he does let out a slight smirk.
  4776. >Once the man arrives back with your drinks, you take a sip of the amber colored liquid presented to you.
  4777. >The taste of bourbon mixed with what you can only guess is bitters and maybe some sugar?
  4778. >Not really your thing but whatever wets your whistle right now.
  4779. >Both you and Big Macintosh sit in silence as you down your glasses over for over a good hour just watching other patrons go about their business.
  4780. "Maybe we should make this a thing. I'll buy the next round."
  4781. "Eeyup."
  4782. >Suddenly you hear the sound of heels clacking heavily against the glossy wood flooring.
  4783. >"Mr. Anonymoose? Is that yooOUuuu?" a familiar female voice calls out.
  4784. >Oh god.
  4785. >Both you and Big Macintosh turn to see the source of the voice and both of you almost do a spit take.
  4786. >Principal Celestia in a provocative black dress, face flushed red, and reeking of enough alcohol that even the scent causes you to become a little dizzy.
  4787. >Her cocktail dress reveal quite a bit of her ample cleavage and well-defined rear.
  4788. >"Oh good it is! C'mere and give me a *hic* hug!" she says lunging for you.
  4789. >You try to stop her by placing your hands on her shoulders to no avail as her longer arms close in on you and wrap tightly around your midsection.
  4790. "This... is highly inappropriate."
  4791. >"Oh *hic* hUSh, you're sO waRm." she says snuggling into your chest. "My goOd man geT Me aNoTHEr."
  4792. >"Celly, I think you've had enough. And please stop accosting my customers."
  4793. >She sticks her tongue out at him as he only shakes his head and walks away.
  4794. >"He's nO fun."
  4795. >You look to Big Macintosh for any help, only to find that the seat next to you is empty.
  4796. >The only thing he left behind is a napkin with writing on it.
  4797. >[Principal can't see me here. Will make it up to you. -Big Macintosh]
  4798. >You let out a groan and facepalm.
  4799. >Bastard ditched you.
  4800. >Oh he's gonna make it up to me...
  4801. "Hey bartender, Big Mac has a tab right?"
  4802. >"Yeah? Why?"
  4803. "He said to put everyone's next round on it. I'm gonna take Princ- Miss Celestia here home."
  4804. >"Hung you out to dry huh?"
  4805. "Yeah."
  4806. >"Don't worry kid I got you's covered."
  4807. >Nodding his head, you down your drink and lead the woman clinging to you outside.
  4808. >Unsurprisingly Big Macintosh's truck is gone, and the only proof they were there are a pair of tire marks in the parking spot you were in.
  4809. >"Mr. Anonon where are you taking me?" Celestia asks, still not entirely there. "I was having fun in there."
  4810. "Celestia, you're drunk."
  4811. >"Not truuUUuuEeeee."
  4812. >Even you can't help but chuckle at the response she gives you.
  4813. "Alright, try to remember. Where did you park your car?"
  4814. >She twirls her finger in your hair, entirely oblivious to the world around her.
  4815. >"Pret-*hic*ty sure I took a cab. Drive soBer or gEt pulled ovmer."
  4816. "Well thank God for your concern over drunk driving."
  4817. >"Thank you mister Anononononono...." she says cheerfully unaware of your sarcasm.
  4818. >Rolling your eyes, you set her against the building wall gently. Grabbing her purse she hums some tune to herself as you look through her belongings for any clue of where she lives.
  4819. >Makeup, ID, pepper spray, pack of gum, condo- okay, lipgloss, a cellphone and a set of house keys.
  4820. >Unfortunately for you, there's no distinguishing markings for you to identify.
  4821. "Do you remember where you live?"
  4822. >Celestia giggles and snorts, "Nope."
  4823. >Looking back at the drunken woman, you notice the hemline to her dress is hiked up a little revealing a tiny bit of her white panties.
  4824. >Celestia, despite her stupor notices you looking and gets the wrong idea.
  4825. >"Oh is Anon interested? Y-You know it's *hic* incredibly improper for a fac-*hic*-ulty member and student to have relations..."
  4826. >Didn't stop her from trying to sexually harass you in the halls during school hours.
  4827. >"But I thiNk I can make an exCePtion jUst tHIs once." she says in her best sultry manner. "If you give me that stick of yours I can show you a few tricks..."
  4828. >She begins unbuttoning her top unaware that you're literally outside the bar in broad view of anyone walking by.
  4829. >Grabbing her wrists, you help the woman up.
  4830. "You're in no state to be left alone."
  4831. >Without warning, Celestia begins bawling, "But I *AM* alone!"
  4832. >She cries into your jacket leaving it covered in tears and snot. Her breath isn't doing your senses any wonders either.
  4833. >"I was *hic* supposed t-t-to have a d-date but he never showed up at the rest-restaurant. When I *hic* came here I saw him with another womaaaannn!"
  4834. >Celestia grabs your face and stares right into your eyes, "Am I *hic* too old? Am I ugly?!"
  4835. >The tears running down her face is causing her makeup to run and only adds to the effect of making her look psychotic.
  4836. >You just wanted a drink...
  4837. >Was that really too much to ask?
  4838. >Looking around, you can't just leave her here like this.
  4839. "Celestia, just hang on a sec. Don't move from this spot okay?"
  4840. >"Are you *hic* going to leave me too?" she asks with the widest eyes.
  4841. "No, I'm just going to ask inside if anyone knows where you live. I... I'll be right back."
  4842. >"Okey dokey!"
  4843. >Setting her up by the door, you walk back inside and head towards the bar again.
  4844. >"Hey forget something?"
  4845. "Does anyone know where Celestia lives?"
  4846. >"Can't say that I do. Usually she comes in here, drinks till she can't see straight, then I have to call her sister to get her home."
  4847. >And she's not here because of that school fieldtrip.
  4848. >Great.
  4849. "So no one here would know?"
  4850. >"Sorry kid."
  4851. "Thanks anyways."
  4852. >You walk back outside and notice Celestia isn't there by the door anymore.
  4853. "Oh come on!"
  4854. >You really need another drink... or ten.
  4855. >Focusing your senses, you isolate the smell of alcohol that permeated the spot she was in.
  4856. >Following the stench behind the building, you can hear wretching behind one of the dumpsters.
  4857. >Celestia is bent over puking her guts out as you can only watch uncomfortably.
  4858. >When she's done, she sniffs and walks back over to you.
  4859. "Done?"
  4860. >"Y-*hic*-yeah."
  4861. >Wordlessly, you cover her with your jacket and walk back out to the front only to be stopped by Celestia.
  4862. >"Hey look!" she says pointing at something inside the dumpster.
  4863. >She runs over and grabs a piece of cardboard with a triangle shapes cut into it.
  4864. >Taking the garbage she places it on her head like a crown.
  4865. >"Now I'm like a pretty princess!"
  4866. >Sighing, you hail a nearby cab and ask him to get to the nearest motel.
  4867. >As you try to get her into the cab, she shouts to you, "Let's fly to the castle!"
  4868. >You can tell the driver's trying not to laugh but your look tells him not to start.
  4869. >Paying the driver with the little cash you had on you, you both head to the front desk.
  4870. "Room for two."
  4871. >"Only got single rooms left." the man behind the desk says without bothering to look up from his phone.
  4872. "Well can you check?"
  4873. >"No. You want the room or not?"
  4874. >Grabbing the documents, you sign the paperwork using a fake name, hand it back and she slides over a set of keys.
  4876. >Inside the room it's everything you possibly expected: a run down shit hole.
  4877. >Wallpaper is peeling off, stains on the carpet that may or may not be blood, the tv looks like it's from two decades ago.
  4878. >There's a felt couch, and a pair of chairs in addition to the single bed but other than that it's not too large of a room.
  4879. >Yep, pretty standard motel fair.
  4880. >Checking the shower, it's pretty clean as far as motel showers go. But clean is a relatively loose term here.
  4881. >"Oh AnooOOoon!"
  4882. >What is it now?!
  4883. >Walking back into the main room you see Celestia with her dress crumpled around her waist revealing her bare breasts to you.
  4884. >Her legs are also spread out, once again revealing her lacey white panties to you.
  4885. >...
  4886. >Considering she's still drunk though, with an Axii you could play this off like a dream to her. She hasn't even realized that you're not even wearing your glasses.
  4887. >But... what about Applejack? If you do this right, there's very little chance she would ever find out.
  4888. >Would a one night romp be worth that?
  4889. >No.
  4890. >Ultimately it wouldn't, especially considering what you told Applejack before. Indulging would be sleazy and unfair to her.
  4891. >You two may not officially together, but to betray her trust just for a night of fun wouldn't be worth it.
  4892. "Principal... Celestia, don't."
  4893. >"What's wrong Anon? Don't you want some of this?"
  4894. >She crawls on the bed, presenting her ass to you and shakes it.
  4895. >"I can show you the world."
  4896. >Grumbling, you take a nearby chair and set it down nearby the bed.
  4897. >"Oh ho ho, Mr. Anon wants a show I take it?"
  4898. "No just... just look at me."
  4899. >She gives you a sultry look as you cast an Axii hex on her.
  4900. >The Principal's gaze turns neutral as you make the gesture.
  4901. "You feel tired and want to go to sleep. All I did was find you incredibly drunk at the bar and helped you here."
  4902. >Her eyes begin to feel heavy and she lays down on the bed. As she begins snoring you adjust her dress and place the covers over her as she sleeps.
  4903. >Looking at the clock, it's incredibly late now. Big Macintosh probably already went to bed to get an early start tomorrow and you don't have a house key.
  4904. >Last thing you need is accidentally waking up Granny in the middle of the night thinking you're a burglar.
  4905. >Settling down on the couch, you place your cane on the floor next to you and try to get some sleep.
  4907. -----
  4909. >The sounds of someone moving about in the dark brings you back to the world of the waking.
  4910. >Snapping your eyes open your eyes quickly adjust to the darkness.
  4911. >You've had to condition yourself to be a light sleeper in case someone or something ever wanted to pay you a visit.
  4912. >It's saved your life once or twice, thankfully this isn't one of those.
  4913. >You see Principal Celestia shift on the bed, rubbing her eyes and looking around the room.
  4914. >She grabs her head suddenly and winces in pain. No doubt the hangover kicking in from yesterday's drinks.
  4915. >"Where... where am I?"
  4916. >Celestia looks around the room and sees you lying against the sofa pretending to still be asleep.
  4917. >"Anon?"
  4918. >She looks at the clock on the small nightstand besides her. The red digital display reading 3:40 AM.
  4919. >"Oh my G- ow..."
  4920. >For a few minutes, all she does is stare at you and the foot of the bed deep in thought.
  4921. >From the looks of it, she's debating something in her mind.
  4922. >Celestia begins to move out of the bed when suddenly you both hear a squishing noise.
  4923. >...
  4924. >Even in the darkness, you can see Celestia's face go flush.
  4925. >"Dammit... Was it all just a dream?"
  4926. >Slowly she crawls out of bed and takes one of the blankets with her; surprisingly she walks over to where you're sitting and takes a seat next to you.
  4927. >Wrapping the blanket around the both of you, she carefully wiggles into the gap of your arm.
  4928. >You take this as your cue to "wake up".
  4929. "What are you doing?"
  4930. >The sudden question causes Celestia to jump, "A-Anon, you're awake!"
  4931. "And you're trying to...?"
  4932. >"I... just thought you might be cold."
  4933. "Doesn't explain why you're right next to me."
  4934. >"Wel-well I just uh... I just... gah!" she says wincing, "My head is killing me."
  4935. "Relax. Just the hangover from all the drinks you had last night. Do you remember anything?"
  4936. >Sitting up, she tries to recall the events of last night.
  4937. >"I remember getting stood up for a date Luna set up for me, I went to Tapster's to drown my sorrows..."
  4938. "Anything else?"
  4939. >"Um. Besides seeing you and Big Macintosh, everything after that is a blur. What happened?"
  4940. "You were so incredibly wasted that I had to take you here since I didn't know where you live."
  4941. >Celestia's eyes widen, "I-I'm so sorry Anon, I'll be sure to reimburse you for the room."
  4942. "And cab. But… don't worry about it, as long as you're okay I can survive sudden lightness to my wallet."
  4943. >She turns away embarrassed, "Thank you Anon. I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble."
  4944. >The next few moments are filled with awkward silence. Neither one of you really knowing what to say at this point.
  4945. >"Um... Anon?" Celestia finally asks.
  4946. "Yeah?"
  4947. >"We didn't...?"
  4948. "Yeah, you were screaming and moaning all night long how you were such a bad little girl who needed to be punished. You just couldn't get enough, and at one point you even said you wanted to have my babies."
  4949. >Celestia's face get's even redder as she scoots away from you which causes you to chuckle.
  4950. "But seriously no, we didn't do anything. I wasn't going to take advantage of you while you were intoxicated."
  4951. >That's not really entirely true, you thought about it, but she doesn't need to know that.
  4952. >"That's... a relief." Celestia says, though you can tell by her body language and tone that she doesn't really mean that.
  4953. "Although, you did go topless and try to do a striptease before you passed out."
  4954. >"Oh..."
  4955. >More silence follows. You don't really have anything to add at this point, but Celestia looks as though she's wanting to say something.
  4956. >"Anon?"
  4957. "Yeah?"
  4958. >"Could we... could we stay like this? At least until morning?"
  4959. "That's probably not wise since we're technically Principal and student."
  4960. >"Forget the Principal and student thing! Just let me be Celestia and let you be Anon. No titles, no age difference, just two people stuck in a motel room together due to unfortunate circumstances."
  4961. "Morning's only a few hours away, what about your job?"
  4962. >She scoffs, "I'll just call in sick then. I'm about due for one anyway."
  4963. "And me?"
  4964. >"Anon, did you forget that I'm the Principal?"
  4965. >Sighing, you nod. You really don't have the energy right now to deal with an even more depressed Celestia.
  4966. "Alright. But lets move over to the bed, this couch is shit."
  4967. >Celestia gets up and crawls over the bed, beckoning you over.
  4968. >She freezes mid gesture as you ignore her and lay on the opposite side of her.
  4969. >"Right... blind, I forgot."
  4970. >Making sure she doesn't poke herself on your medallion, you place your glasses on the nightstand and turn over.
  4971. >"Thank you Anon." she says with a smile. "I love the contacts. Though shouldn't you take them out?"
  4972. "Special brand."
  4973. >"For your special eyes?"
  4974. "What?"
  4975. >"Nevermind."
  4976. >Turning around so that her body is facing you, she places her arms around your head and gives you a passionate kiss.
  4977. >Just as quick as it happened, Celestia breaks away leaving you a bit amused.
  4978. "What was that for?"
  4979. >"That's for coming to my rescue last night."
  4980. >Facing away from you, she lets out an a contented sigh and closes her eyes, drawing the blanket over you two.
  4981. >"Goodnight Anon."
  4982. "... technically morning but yeah, night Celestia."
  4983. >"When it's just us, just call me Celly, or Tia."
  4984. "Alright... Celly."
  4985. >You don't know why, but calling her that just feels awkward.
  4986. >Closing your eyes, you try to get comfortable and get some rest for the day ahead.
  4989. >The sounds of birds cawing outside your cabin window causes you to peek out and see what time it is.
  4990. >Pulling out your phone from your pants pocket, the internal clock reads around five in the morning.
  4991. >You don't have to be up until eight, why nature? Why?
  4992. >Groggily, you pull one end of your pillow over your ear so you can at least muffle out the noise.
  4993. >Unfortunately, trying to get back to sleep now is an almost impossible task as the bird noises continues to make its way to your ear canal.
  4994. >You sigh, opting to give up on any chance of getting back to sleep.
  4995. >Getting up out of bed, you put on the one pair of slippers you brought with you on this trip.
  4996. >After emptying your bladder, it's only now do you notice Fluttershy's bed is empty.
  4997. >You grow worried until you hear her singing outside.
  4998. >Opening the cabin door you see Fluttershy still in her pajamas sitting the front steps with a pair of birds standing right in front of her.
  4999. "Fluttershy what are you doing up so early?"
  5000. >Your sudden appearance startles both her and the birds as the latter two flap their wings and fly away.
  5001. >"Oh did I wake you Sunset?"
  5002. "No. The birds did though."
  5003. >"I'm sorry, I was just having a nice chat with the crows. They're such good listeners."
  5004. >You take a seat next to Fluttershy on the stairs and look out at the lake.
  5005. >The morning mist covers the body of water giving it an almost eerie look to it.
  5006. "Are you feeling any better?"
  5007. >Fluttershy frowns but nods her head, "Yes. It still hurts a little inside, but I've had plenty of experience taking care of animals that I can cope with loss."
  5008. "If you're sure."
  5009. >"Thank you for your concern Sunset but I'll be fine." she says with a small smile.
  5010. >The two of you end up watching the sun peek over the mountain as the others continue to slumber.
  5011. >"Um... I'm going to go visit the little memorial the camp built and pay my respects. The company would be nice... if that's okay."
  5012. "I'd be happy to Fluttershy."
  5013. >Her smile becomes even bigger as she pulls you in for a hug.
  5014. "When should we go?"
  5015. >"If it's okay, I'd like to do it after breakfast."
  5016. "That sounds perfect."
  5018. >"Is everyone ready?" Applejack asks, making sure her pack is secured one last time.
  5019. "I'm good to go."
  5020. >"Same here." Twilight says.
  5021. >"C'mon, we're all ready let's just go!" Rainbow Dash complains.
  5022. >"Now hold your horses Dash, Fluttershy ain't here yet."
  5023. >"Where is Fluttershy anyway?" Rarity asks. "This little trip was her idea after all."
  5024. "She was just letting the Vice-Principal know where we were going."
  5025. >You hear the crunching of dirt behind you. Turning around you see Fluttershy followed by Gilda with a hunting rifle slung behind her back.
  5026. >"Sup."
  5027. >"Gilda what are you doing here?"
  5028. >"Scarlett said you can't go to the memorial without a guide. Wolves may be gone but they don't want to risk you all getting injured. Honestly, I'm just glad to get out of that freakin' office."
  5029. >The ranger uses a pinkie to clean her ear as she says this, causing Rarity to cringe in disgust.
  5030. >"Well, the more the merrier I suppose." says Twilight, "Though I am curious how far the memorial is from here."
  5031. >"Eh just a mile hike give or take." Gilda replies.
  5032. >"Well if we're done yammering, let's get going then."
  5033. >All in agreement, Gilda leads the way through the forest as you all follow the hiking trail.
  5034. >"So Fluttershy, how did you know this Doctor Otoscope?" Twilight asks.
  5035. >"Oh, the doctor was the reason I became so interested in helping animals. When I was younger my mom and dad took me up here for a camping trip, when we were setting up camp that's when we met Dr. Otoscope. He was searching for an eagle nest and he invited us to come with him to watch it's eggs hatch."
  5036. >She places a hand on her cheek as she reminisces, "When we reached the nest we found the mother eagle injured and most of the eggs broken."
  5037. >"That sounds terrible."
  5038. >"We didn't know what to do, but Dr. Otoscope said he was going to take care of the mother and remaining eggs until the mother could fly again."
  5039. >"Ah'm guessing you went with him and helped?"
  5040. >Fluttershy nods her head, "Not at first no, but I felt so sad for the mother eagle that I snuck out to his office to see them. He caught me trying to sneak into his office but instead of making me go, he offered to show me how to take care of the eggs and to feed the chicks if they hatched."
  5041. "It sounds like he had a big impact on your life."
  5042. >"Oh he did, the doctor taught me so much about nature that without him I would have never found some of my friends, especially my little darling Angel bunny."
  5043. >The way Fluttershy describes Doctor Otoscope brings back memories of Princess Celestia when she was your teacher back in Equestria.
  5044. >When she found out you had enough potential to be her personal student, the way she taught and supported you in all your endeavours. How she wanted to teach you about the magic of friendship.
  5045. >Until you started becoming arrogant, selfish and power-hungry. When you threw everything away just because you wanted power before you were ready.
  5046. >You honestly miss her. While you have her human counterpart here, it's just not the same. And from what Twilight told you in one of your journal conversations she still asks about you from time to time.
  5047. >Thinking back, the first time you stepped back in the portal since you left was when you went to steal Twilight's crown.
  5048. >Though you like to consider this world your home now, Equestria will always have a special place in your heart. And maybe...
  5049. >Maybe it's finally time you made the effort to go see Princess Celestia. Apologize how you were a terrible pers- pony, a terrible student and a terrible friend.
  5050. >Do you think she would forgive you?
  5051. >Before you can think about this further, Gilda holds a fist up signaling for you all to stop.
  5052. "Something wrong?"
  5053. >Kneeling down, the ranger digs her hand through the dirt before standing back up.
  5054. >"Just making sure there's no surprises nearby. Thought I saw markings but they just belong to a rabbit."
  5055. >The group continues along when Applejack suddenly tugs your arm.
  5056. "What's up?"
  5057. >"Does Gilda seem a bit tense to you?"
  5058. >Looking back at your guide, you do notice she seems a bit more nervous. Gilda is scanning the environment constantly, especially behind her.
  5059. "Now that you mention it, she is a bit more serious than back at camp. She hasn't insulted us or cracked a joke."
  5060. >"Ah wonder why?"
  5061. >"Hey dweebs!" Gilda calls out to the both of you, "Hurry up! The memorial's just over this hill."
  5062. >Both you and Applejack realize that everyone else has gained some distance from you.
  5063. >Jogging over the hill, Fluttershy is already paying her respects at a little gravestone made from rocks.
  5064. >A small picture frame hangs from the tree right behind the mound with an older looking gentleman wearing round glasses.
  5065. >All bowing your heads as a sign of courtesy you take few minutes of silence. Even Gilda takes off her hat for the moment.
  5066. >Fluttershy wipes a few tears from her eyes and turns to face you.
  5067. >"Thank you girls, this really means alot to me." she says.
  5068. >"Think nothing of it darling."
  5069. >"Yeah, what're friends for Fluttershy?" Pinkie Pie says giving her a big hug.
  5070. >"Um... when the school years done, I think I'll come back to help take care of the sick animals and environment. I think that would make Doctor Otoscope and the animals happy."
  5071. "That sounds really admirable Fluttershy."
  5072. >Suddenly without warning you three hear screaming come from just over the hill you crossed.
  5073. >Branches crack and bushes rustle as a trio of high pitched screaming gets closer and closer.
  5074. >Gilda raises her rifle at the source of the noise as three very familiar girls run into the small clearing you're in.
  5075. >"AHHHHHH!" Apple Bloom cries out.
  5076. >"Apple Bloom?! What the hay's got you so spooked."
  5077. >Running past you, the three girls don't even bother to acknowledge you as they run towards the trail.
  5078. >"What in the world has gotten them so spooked?"
  5079. >"Wait... quiet." Gilda says.
  5080. >Listening closely, you hear something faint in the distance. It's hard to make out but it's getting louder.
  5081. >"Is that... buzzing?" Twilight asks.
  5082. >Oh crap...
  5083. >"RUN!" Applejack yells out.
  5084. >”Shitshitshit! Don’t Just stand there you dweebs!”
  5085. >Looking to where the girls came from, a massive swarm of bees fly towards you. Wasting no time, you and the other's hightail it out of there and run down the path as fast as your legs can take you.
  5086. >Rainbow and Applejack, being the most physically fit amongst you, lead the pack as Fluttershy and Rarity trail behind.
  5087. >"Bee stings are going to be horrible to my complexion!" Rarity cries out.
  5088. >The swarm is rapidly gains ground as you as you soon see the lake.
  5089. "Everyone jump into the water!"
  5090. >"But my clothes!"
  5091. >"For the love of- Rarity!"
  5092. >"Oh fin- OW!!"
  5093. >Before you can divert to the body of water, Gilda grabs your shirt sleeve and pulls you back towards the trail.
  5094. >"That doesn't work you idiots!" Gilda yells at you. "Just keep running towards the camp!"
  5095. >Listening to Gilda, the eight of you continue to run until your legs burn.
  5096. >Soon enough the buzzing grows fainter and fainter until it quickly stops altogether.
  5097. >After making sure the coast is clear, you use a tree for support as you try and catch your breath.
  5098. >Everyone is sweating bullets from the brief exercise as you notice that you've entered a picnic area with the few occupants there looking at you all strangely.
  5099. >"Wha-what? Hah... never... seen someone run from... ah... bees before?" Rainbow Dash pants out.
  5100. >The picnickers go back to minding their own business as Gilda slings her hunting rifle back over her shoulder.
  5101. >"Who the hell were those three?!" Gilda demands.
  5102. >"My sister and her friends." Applejack mutters.
  5103. >"Ohmygosh! Sweetie Belle!" Rarity cries. "Did anyone see where they went?!"
  5104. >Everyone shrugs and shakes their heads.
  5105. >"Applejack over here!" someone calls out.
  5106. >Looking over to the source of the voice you see Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo walking up to you.
  5107. "What were you girls doing?!"
  5108. >"Sorry Sunset. The girls and ah were just exploring the woods."
  5109. >"Apple Bloom, don't you know that's really dangerous out here?" Applejack chastises her sister.
  5110. >"Well, we made sure that we stayed close ta the main trail sis."
  5111. >"Though we kinda lost the trail and got lost." Scootaloo admits.
  5112. >"Scootaloo!" Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom yell. The latter punching Scootaloo in the arm.
  5113. >"How in the hay did you land smack dab in the middle of a bees nest?"
  5114. >"Well it was Sweetie's fault." Scootaloo says.
  5115. >"Hey was not!"
  5116. >"Yuh-huh!"
  5117. >"Yeah well you're a... a stupid face!"
  5118. >"Well it would have been cool if you did-!"
  5119. >Apple Bloom shoves both her hands over Scootaloo's mouth to stop her from speaking.
  5120. "What are you two talking about?"
  5121. >Both girls huff and turn away from each other. Apple Bloom facepalms and sighs.
  5122. >"Scootaloo uh... found a stick that looked like a sword and started swinging it around. She must've hit a tree branch with the nest."
  5123. >"Apple Bloom..." Applejack growls out.
  5124. >"Girls, you really must be more careful with strange objects in the woods. Because of this, I now have a huge bee sting on my behind." Rarity says rubbing her butt.
  5125. >"Sorry Rarity..." all three apologize.
  5126. "Well at least you're all okay. Let's head back to camp, I need another shower after that run."
  5127. >"Camp is this way." Gilda says, "Let's try not to attract anything larger than bees this time."
  5129. >As everyone heads off, Sweetie Belle leans in and whispers to Apple Bloom.
  5130. >"Why didn't you tell them the truth?"
  5131. >"Do you really want to listen to Applejack and Rarity tell us off again?"
  5132. >"No... but I think we should tell them... It's not like those bees came from a hive they just sort of appeared."
  5133. >"Aw that's a load of crap. When you hit the tree you must have shook their beehive or something."
  5134. >"And what if that thing was really important to some natives or something?" Apple Bloom answers, "Last thing ah want is fer us to get in trouble fer breaking some priceless artifact."
  5135. >"We wouldn't be in this mess if you hadn't tried to take the skull off."
  5136. >"Yeah just like the part where ya wanted ta wear it and scare people." Apple Bloom says sarcastically.
  5137. >"Hey you three coming?!" Rainbow Dash calls out.
  5138. >"Yeah, sorry about that Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo answers with a wave.
  5139. >"So we all agree, we're not going to tell anyone about this?"
  5140. >"Yeah."
  5141. >"Okay..."
  5142. >Nodding their heads in agreement the three girls run off to catch up with the others.
  5143. >But what they don't notice is a stark white moose skull watching them from the distance disappear behind the trees.
  5145. ------
  5147. >The camp dining hall is filled with the sounds of various people conversing with one another.
  5148. >It reminds you of lunchtime at CHS, which in reality isn't too dissimilar of a comparison. Almost all the occupants inside are students and faculty at the school.
  5149. >In one corner of the room you see Flash and his friends doing some sort of reenactment of some movie or something with their utensils.
  5150. >Over near the table where the teachers sit, Vice Principal Luna is chatting with Ms. Cheerilee.
  5151. >Probably over the disheveled appearance in the former's usually well kept hair.
  5152. >Grabbing a plate and serving yourself up a plate of spaghetti from one of the many many aluminum serving trays, you head back to the table your friends are at and dig in.
  5153. >Rarity and Pinkie Pie soon arrive after retrieving their own plates.
  5154. >"Ouch!" Rarity mutters as she sits down.
  5155. >"Butt still sore?" Applejack asks, taking a fork full of pasta and stuffing it into her mouth.
  5156. >"Just my luck that I'm the only one to get stung. In the rear no less."
  5157. "At least it's just the one sting and not a bunch."
  5158. >"True. Still, that doesn't make this any less uncomfortable though."
  5159. >The conversation begins to drift onto more diverse topics as you continue eating when Scarlett walks by your table and hands out a flyer.
  5160. >"I hope you girls will come out and participate in the camp-wide activities tomorrow."
  5161. >You take one and look it over.
  5162. >Tug-of-War, relay races, outdoor bingo, and other activities are listed on the piece of paper.
  5163. >"Wow, look girls they got a pie eating contest!" Pinkie cheerfully states.
  5164. >"Well guess it ain't really a contest if Pinkie's entering." Applejack says with a chuckle.
  5165. "This looks really interesting. I'm sure we'll join in."
  5166. >Scarlett beams, "That's great to hear. Well I'll leave you to dinn-"
  5167. >Without warning the main doors to the mess hall slam open as Gilda appears with a leg up in the air.
  5168. >"Yo Scarlett, gotta talk to you about something."
  5169. >"Gilda, did you really need to kick the door open?"
  5170. >The look on Gilda's face shows she's in no mood to debate her entrance, instead she takes Scarlett by the shirt and pulls her away from you.
  5171. >The seven of you wonder what's got Gilda acting so weird.
  5172. >"Wonder what that was about."
  5173. >"It doesn't look good."
  5174. >Watching the two, Gilda explains something to the camp supervisor that causes her wave her hand dismissively.
  5175. >This only causes Gilda to scowl and become more visibly agitated.
  5176. >Scarlett says something else to Gilda that results in the latter face palming and stomping off towards the door to outside.
  5177. >Rainbow Dash looks worried and scoots her chair back, "I'm going to see if Gilda's okay."
  5178. >Getting out of her seat, she jogs after her old friend.
  5179. >Since you're done with your dinner you decide to follow her for support.
  5180. >You two quickly catch up to the forest ranger as she kicks a cabin wall with her boot.
  5181. "Hey Gilda, yo Gilda wait up!"
  5182. >"Dash? What do you want?"
  5183. >"What was that all about?"
  5184. >"Nothing. Mind your own business."
  5185. >Rainbow Dash folds her arms.
  5186. >"Gilda c'mon."
  5187. >Sighing, Gilda pulls out a carton of cigarettes. She holds it out towards you two but you decline.
  5188. >Taking a match out of her sleeve pocket, Gilda lights the cigarette and takes a puff.
  5189. >"One of the other rangers hasn't checked in, they were supposed to call in hours ago but they're not responding to any of my calls."
  5190. "Maybe he's lost or injured."
  5191. >"That's what I'm saying. I keep telling Scarlett and Brick that but the two morons say I'm just being a "Worry wort".
  5192. >Gilda emphasizes the term with a pair of air quotes.
  5193. "I didn't know you were so concerned."
  5194. >Taking another drag, Gilda leans on the cabin, "Don't get the wrong idea, I don't give a crap about the guy. Only reason I'm concerned is that if he's dead it means I have to cover his shift tomorrow."
  5195. >Yeah, that sounds more like the Gilda you've come to know.
  5196. >"Plus those two act like I'm their personal bitch. Something goes wrong? Get Gilda. But when I need something they just tell me "Gilda, an AA-12 is a bit overkill don't you think?" or "Gilda, a margarita machine for the break room doesn't qualify for official purposes"."
  5197. >"Why don't you just quit?"
  5198. >"Because getting a good job is hard to get when they do background checks."
  5199. >Suddenly you three hear a loud metallic crunching sound followed by the lights around the camp all going out.
  5200. >"What the?"
  5201. >"Goddammit, did the fuse box explode again?"
  5202. "Again?"
  5203. >Ignoring you Gilda heads walks behind the main office and pulls out a small flashlight.
  5204. >"The fuck?"
  5205. >"What is it?"
  5206. >Peering around the corner, instead of what should just be a fuse box instead has deep gashes across the metal surface going deep into the concerned
  5207. "What in the world did that?!"
  5208. >"A bear?"
  5209. >"Those ain't bear claws stupid."
  5210. >"Well you're the ranger here, what is it?"
  5211. >Gilda looks over the claw marks and goes deep into thought.
  5212. >"I don't know I was never good at the identification shit."
  5213. >"Gilda! Gilda where are you?" a male voice calls out.
  5214. >It sounds like Brick, the other camp supervisor.
  5215. >The man comes around the corner with an angry expression, "Gilda what did you do?"
  5216. >"I didn't do jack man, I came over here wondering the same thing. Look."
  5217. >Pointing out the strange claw marks, Brick huffs.
  5218. >"This is going to put a real hamper on movie night."
  5219. >"Dude, is that all you and your fucking sister think about?"
  5220. >"Gilda, language."
  5221. >"No, fuck you and fuck your fucking sister. Oh wait. You already do."
  5222. >Brick's eyes go wide, "How did you find out?! You do not speak of that to anyone!"
  5223. >All three of you are taken aback.
  5224. >"Wait, you actually fuck your sister? Oh my fucking god." Gilda says starting to laugh, "That's gold right there."
  5225. >Ew...
  5226. >Rainbow Dash is also a bit disgusted as well.
  5227. >"That's not right." Rainbow Dash mutters.
  5228. >"Hey, there's nothing wrong with sharing all types of love with family." Brick protests.
  5229. >You suddenly don't feel all that comfortable at this camp anymore. And it's not due to the circumstances of the power going out.
  5230. >"Whatever man. You're gonna need to call an electrician or something, I'm going back to the station."
  5231. >Gilda begins walking off, "Yo Dash, other person c'mon."
  5232. >"We're not done talking about this Gilda."
  5233. >Gilda's only reply is to flip the bird at him.
  5235. >The three girls leave as you whip out your cellphone. Better schedule an appointment with the electrical company quickly or else you and your sister might have to cancel some of the camp activities tomorrow.
  5236. >Lord knows that you need anything to keep these kids short attention spans occupied while they’re here.
  5237. "Gilda drives me nuts sometimes. Why Scarlett would want to invite her over for our date nights I have no idea."
  5238. >But as you tap the screen, you notice that your cellphone doesn't have any bars.
  5239. "Ugh, stupid forest. Maybe it's the sparks coming off of the circuit board... or whatever this thing is called. Guess I got to use the land line."
  5240. >Turning to leave, something smacks him you on the head.
  5241. "OW!"
  5242. >Looking at what hit you as it lands on the floor, you pick it up.
  5243. >Huh, it's a small acorn.
  5244. >*CAW*
  5245. >You look up towards the source and sees a crow perched on the roof.
  5246. "Why hello there Mr. Bird, did you drop your acorn?"
  5247. >The crow says nothing as suddenly the phone in your hand is taken from your grasp by a black blur.
  5248. "What the?"
  5249. >In the darkness you see the rectangular screen of your phone up on a low hanging tree branch with another crow perched next to it.
  5250. "What in the world?"
  5251. >Going over to the tree, the crow picks the phone up again with its talons and flies off further into the woods.
  5252. "Hey get back here! My vacation photos are on that!"
  5253. >Chasing after the bird into the dark forest, it takes a while for your brain to catch up and realize how stupid it is to run into the woods at night.
  5254. >Turning around, you walk back the distance you came except... the walk back seems to be taking longer than you thought.
  5255. >Panic begins to set in as you try running forward but there's no sign of the camp or the lake or even any sort of clearing. It's like the forest isn't ending.
  5256. >You keep running as fast as your legs can take you, when unexpectedly a branch catches your foot causing you to trip and go crashing into the dirt.
  5257. "Ow..."
  5258. >Rolling over, you see that moonlight is pouring onto a small clearing with a stump on top.
  5259. >On the stump is a slim black box.
  5260. "My phone!"
  5261. >You rush over and pick the device up, rubbing the screen of any the bird germs, it doesn't look like anything is cracked as you turn the device on.
  5262. >Still no bars...
  5263. >Eh, might as well fix your hair.
  5264. >Hitting the camera app, you flip the camera for the selfie mode and inspect your hair when you notice something walking up to you from behind on the screen.
  5265. >Turning around, you don't see anything.
  5266. >Are you seeing things? Or maybe...
  5267. >This is a prank set up by Scarlett or Gilda and those two girls with her. Heck maybe all of them.
  5268. >The air around you begins to feel cold all of a sudden, and its only now you become aware of a mist rolling in.
  5269. "Scarlett? Gilda? If this is a prank it isn't funny. I-I could have lost my vacation photos!"
  5270. >You wait for a few moments for either of those two to pop out at you but nothing happens.
  5271. "I admit, you got me good with the trained birds and fog machine but seriously, jokes over now."
  5272. >There's no response still. Shrugging, you turn around to sit on the stump when you suddenly come face-to-face with a towering figure wearing a skull with antlers for a head.
  5273. >For a few moments it just stares at you with those hollow eye sockets, like its judging you.
  5274. >"S-Scar-Scarlett?"
  5275. >It doesn't respond as you abruptly hear the sound of barking and snarling around you.
  5276. >White wolves seem to appear out of thin air from themist surrounding the forest. All their expressions showing signs of being feral.
  5277. >Your body is telling you to run, but your legs won't listen to your brain.
  5278. >Falling backwards, you can only watch in terror as the strange figure just points its long wooden arm at you as the wolves pounce in.
  5280. >Leading you to the ranger station, Gilda opens the door and sits back on the scruffy looking couch inside.
  5281. >"Hey Dash, hand me a beer from the fridge they're no good when they're warm."
  5282. >You close the door behind you as Rainbow looks in the darkness for the fridge.
  5283. "Aren't you on duty right now?"
  5284. >Gilda just scowls at you.
  5285. >"What are you? My mother?"
  5286. >Propping her legs on the arm rest she just looks at the ceiling when Rainbow finally finds the fridge.
  5287. >"Help yourself to the soda in there, not like anyone minds. Well they do, but whatever they're not my drinks."
  5288. >Tossing her one of the beers, Rainbow takes two cans of another type.
  5289. >"Grape or Strawberry?"
  5290. "Straberry."
  5291. >Handing you the fizzy drink, you pop the tabs and take a drink.
  5292. "So is this all you do here?"
  5293. >"Mostly."
  5294. >"Lame."
  5295. >"I know right. It's gonna be even more lame with the power out."
  5296. "You have any sort of light?"
  5297. >"Generator out back in case something like this happens."
  5298. "And?"
  5299. >"And what? That generators ancient. It's got fuel but I ain't cranking that thing. You want power you do it."
  5300. >You sigh, taking another drink of the strawberry soda, you set it down and head outside.
  5301. >Heading around the shack, you find the generator inside a small mesh cage, likely to protect it from any wild animals.
  5302. >Stepping inside, the handle is covered in cobwebs.
  5303. >Ew ew ew...
  5304. >Bracing yourself, you grab the handle and begin turning it.
  5305. >The crank squeaks and groans as the rusty handle turns the gears inside. You begin exerting a massive amount of effort just to do one full rotation.
  5306. >If it weren't for Anon's training for the past few weeks you doubt you would be even able to get the crank to budge.
  5307. >Eventually after spending around twenty minutes trying to get the generator to work, the device rumbles to life as the inside lights to the shack turn on.
  5308. >Wiping your brow with the bottom of your shirt, you head back inside.
  5309. >Gilda hasn't moved from her spot while Rainbow has moved onto the tv.
  5310. >"Hey you got the power working."
  5311. "A thank you would be nice."
  5312. >The ranger takes another sip of her beer and laughs, "Yeah, it would wouldn't it?"
  5313. >The urge to just clobber her over the head rises.
  5314. >A sudden knock at the door draws all of your attentions as Scarlett opens the door and shuts it behind her.
  5315. >"Gilda have you seen Brick anywhere?"
  5316. >"Not since I saw him at the circuit breaker. Why?"
  5317. >"He hasn't come back into dining hall since he left. I was wondering if he was with you?"
  5318. >"Nope just Dash and Sunshine over here."
  5319. "Sun*SET*"
  5320. >"I know what I said." she says ignoring your correction. "Anyway I don't know where your boyfriend went."
  5321. >Scarlett blushes a little but retains her composure, "I'm going to go look for him, grab your flashlight and follow me."
  5322. >"Me? Why do I have to go?"
  5323. >"Because it's your job Ms. Gilda." Scarlett comments as she exits the shack.
  5324. >Gilda groans in frustration as you and Rainbow Dash watch this scene unfold awkwardly.
  5325. >Downing the last of her beer, Gilda puts on her ranger cap and grabs her rifle and torch flashlight, slamming the door behind her shut.
  5326. >"Want to head back to the mess hall?"
  5327. "Yeah sure, why not."
  5328. >You grumble a little as all the work you put into getting the generator started is now put to waste.
  5329. >As you two walk down the path you hear screaming in the distance.
  5330. >Running to the source, you see Scarlett and Gilda staring in shock.
  5331. >Peering around them a severed arm, itself ripped to pieces as it grasps a phone in a pool of blood that trails deeper into the forest.
  5332. >The sight causes both you and Rainbow Dash to reel back in horror.
  5333. >Scarlett begins crying hysterically as tears fall.
  5334. >Gilda only looks unsure of what to do as she keeps her rifle pointed at the forest.
  5335. >So much for a relaxing vacation...
  5337. -----
  5339. "I know it's not organic like you normally get Angel, but these carrots should be okay..."
  5340. >You unzip your bag a little wider as you stuff a carrot inside, making sure no one other than your friends notice.
  5341. >Angel takes the food and devours it greedily before moving onto the next.
  5342. >"So he plan on visiting his relatives or something?" Applejack asks.
  5343. "Oh we hope too, tomorrow we're going on a nature hike that takes us near the burrow where I found him."
  5344. >"That sounds wonderful darling."
  5345. >"Yeah, he must be SUPER happy to see his mom and dad and brothers and sisters again!"
  5346. "We've both been looking forward to it for a lo-"
  5347. >Suddenly, without warning all the lights in the dining hall go out.
  5348. >"What the...?"
  5349. >"Aw come on."
  5350. >Chatter amongst all the students in the room begins getting louder as they all wonder what's happening.
  5351. >"Everyone, calm down. This is just a simple power outage." Vice Principal Luna announces.
  5352. >Standing from her table, she looks around the room for one of the camp supervisors only to begin wondering herself what's happening.
  5353. >"Have either of you seen Mr. or Mrs. Sark?" she asks one of the other teachers.
  5354. >Both Miss Cheerilee and Mrs. Harshwhinny shake their heads.
  5355. >Applejack turns to and leans into the table, "What do you think's going on?"
  5356. >"Hopefully it's just temporary." Twilight says. "I don't think this is an isolated case either. Look none of the other cabins or lamp posts have lights working."
  5357. "Um... I hope Rainbow Dash and Sunset are okay. It's kind of... dark..."
  5358. >The camp looks really scary at night with none of the lights on.
  5359. >Normally you don't mind nature at night but that doesn't make it any less frightening.
  5360. >You never know what could pop out at you.
  5361. >You begin to feel Angel squirming through the bag.
  5362. "Are you okay Angel?"
  5363. >Unzipping the opening a little wider, your bunny friend pops his head out with his ears standing tall shifting in various directions.
  5364. >They lock in place as Angel turns his head in that direction and jumps out of the bag.
  5365. "Angel wait!"
  5366. >You try to grab him but the critter is too fast for you. He hops around the room between the legs of all the other students causing a few to jump when he makes contact.
  5367. >"EEK! Flash you perv!"
  5368. >"Wha- *SMACK*"
  5369. >"WHOA, what the hell?!"
  5371. >Every student begins panicking and standing on the tables as Angel weaves through the obstacles and makes it through to the kitchen.
  5372. >"Fluttershy? What do we do?" Twilight whispers.
  5373. "Oh... I don't know what got into him. Um... You girls stay here, I'll get him."
  5374. >You leave your seat and begin to sneak by all the startled students, all too pre-occupied with finding whatever was brushing up against their legs on the floor.
  5375. >Entering the kitchen you search the cramped space to see Angel sitting in front of the open door to the outside.
  5376. "Angel?"
  5377. >He turns to look at you with a strange look in his eyes before turning back and running off into the darkness.
  5378. "Angel!"
  5379. >Running after him you bump into the kitchen cook returning from the back.
  5380. "Hey, you can't be back here." he says.
  5381. "Um... sorry..."
  5382. >You leave through the backdoor and follow Angel only to stop at the edge of the forest.
  5383. >Every instinct in your body tells you to go back to your friends. That its too scary and dangerous to go into the woods at night.
  5384. >But Angel isn't just your baby. You can't just leave him there all night, he's been too domesticated to function properly in the wild.
  5385. >Mustering up as much courage as you can you step forward and follow.
  5386. >You continue to hear the scampering of his feet, but without being able to see very well its hard to tell where you're going.
  5387. >Though it might just be your imagination, you begin to feel like you're going around in circles even though you've only been going in a straight line.
  5388. "Oh this was a m-mistake..."
  5389. >Regret of going into the forest without telling your friends is beginning to build up when you notice that a fog is building around your legs.
  5390. >You begin to turn back when you notice a white rabbit looking at you.
  5391. "A-A-Angel?"
  5392. >You calmly walk over to him. Getting to eye level with him as to not scare him away.
  5393. "Angel, it's me Fluttershy."
  5394. >He just stares at you with a blank expression.
  5395. "Angel, I-I know you're excited b-but we'll see your friends and family s-so-soon."
  5396. >It's hard to keep the fear in your voice down but you really want to get back to your friends.
  5397. >Angel shakes his head, and looks around curiously. Looking almost like he isn't sure what's happening. When he sees you, Angel scampers to you with what you can only assume is relief.
  5398. >Your body begins glowing as you pony up, your pony ears and wings magically popping from your head and back as your hair extends to its ponytail length.
  5399. >The transformation illuminates the area around you and causes the fog to recede slightly around you.
  5400. >You smile slightly and open your arms and bring him into a hug. His warm fur calms you down as you stand.
  5401. >A sigh of relief as the darkness also seems to vanish and you can see the silhouettes of the camp buildings through the trees.
  5402. >However, you begin to feel something staring at you from behind. Turning around though, when you look ahead you freeze.
  5403. >A large tree like thing looks at you in the distance with what you think is a moose skull for a mask.
  5404. >The skull dips slightly to the side as it just stares at you. Almost like it's curious about you.
  5405. >You can only squeak out a sound as Angel bunny begins getting restless again in your arms.
  5406. "A-Angel wh-what's wrong."
  5407. >Angel's expression turns dull again as he tries to break free of your grasp. You hold on tight, not wanting to let the monster take him from you.
  5408. >Your little friend freezes as his face is visibly pained, his paws grabbing at his head and his ears tucked all the way back.
  5409. >Looking back at the creature, it's gone. You begin to panic again as you look everywhere around for any sign of it.
  5410. "S-s-someone please... help..."
  5411. >You take a few steps back only for your heel to get caught on a branch bringing both you and Angel to the ground.
  5412. >Now out of your arms, Angel's animal instincts take over causing him to flee and leave you all alone.
  5413. >Opening your eyes, you reel back in terror as the monster is looming over you.
  5414. >You try to crawl backwards but to your added horror, tree roots have wrapped around your ankles. Tears begin streaming down your face as you look into the eyeless sockets.
  5415. "P-please... I... I d-don't want to die..."
  5416. >Shutting your eyes tight, you brace yourself for the end.
  5418. "Gilda? Gilda!"
  5419. >"What!?"
  5420. >"Wha- what in the hell did this?" Scarlett demands almost hysterically.
  5421. >"I don't know we just found it like that!"
  5422. >You look back at the dismembered arm and the bloody trail behind it. Unlike finding anything in the wild, this one is just sitting in the middle of the path in plain view.
  5423. >It almost looks like a warning...
  5424. >But wolves don't leave warning signs like that. Do they?
  5425. >"This isn't your doing is it?" the camp supervisor immediately blames Gilda.
  5426. >"Why the hell would you think that?!"
  5427. >"You've always hated us! Especially after-! And to think I tried so hard to invite you to a goddamn threesome!"
  5428. >"Well, I don't think Brick is in any condition for a threesome anymore..."
  5429. >"YOU BITCH!"
  5430. >A snapping noise comes from deeper in the forest causing you all to go rigid.
  5431. "Gilda we should call the police."
  5432. >"Yeah..."
  5433. >The ranger pulls out her cell.
  5434. >"No reception. What the fuck."
  5435. >The power going out, the circuit breaker, now the cellphone towers?
  5436. >This looks more and more deliberate the longer it goes on. And the situation is putting you all on edge. Visible sweat drops are forming on your forehead.
  5437. >Suddenly a mist begins rolling in from the forest into the camp.
  5438. >"Why did it get all foggy?"
  5439. >Your eyes widen.
  5440. >"We're not done talking about this Gilda."
  5441. >In the corner of your eye you think you see motion through the haze.
  5442. "We should get back inside... like right now."
  5443. >Gilda and Scarlett look back at you, the mist when suddenly you all hear growling coming from the forest.
  5444. >Glowing yellow eyes begin peering out through the mist as a pack of white wolves slowly move closer.
  5445. >You all can't believe what's happening as a flock of ravens suddenly swarm into a ball only to vanish as a towering creature that looks to be made of living wood with a disturbing ornate skull skulks out from behind a tree.
  5446. >Before you can even bat an eye, Gilda fires her rifle at the thing.
  5447. >The bullet strikes the creature dead center in the chest causing it to flinch slightly, but to your amazement it just otherwise shrugs it off.
  5448. >Slowly lumbering forward, Gilda proceeds to unload the rest of the magazine into the thing to little effect.
  5449. >Dumping the empty magazine and switching in a fresh one, Gilda lowers the rifle and grumbles.
  5450. "Piece of shit! Guess that AA-12 doesn't sound too bad right about now huh?"
  5451. >The pack of wolves keep the same pace as they close in on you four.
  5452. >Thinking quickly, Gilda pulls out something from her belt.
  5453. >She pulls out a red stick that you recognize as a flare.
  5454. >Ripping the cap off, she strikes the top bringing the device to life. This actually makes the monster pause and watch cautiously.
  5455. >"Quit staring at the thing and run you idiots!" Gilda yells out as she draws the creatures attention with the flare.
  5456. >Taking that as your cue, all four of you scramble back to the dining hall as fast as you can.
  5457. >Realizing they've been tricked, the wolves chase after you.
  5458. >Thankfully you're close to the building that you'll be able to get inside before the wolves are on you.
  5459. >But just as the doors within arms reach, you hear someone fall to the ground behind you.
  5460. >Scarlett tries to get back up when something stops her from getting to her feet.
  5461. >You see that an uprooted tree root is wrapping itself around her right leg.
  5462. >"H-Help!"
  5463. >You run back over and try to pry the root off of her, but without something to cut through the thick piece of wood all your efforts are in vain.
  5464. >"C'mon!" Rainbow Dash yells, "Hurry up!"
  5465. "I'm trying!"
  5466. >She rushes over to help you but nothing is causing the root to let go.
  5467. >Dropping the flare, Gilda fires her rifle again. Killing a few of the wolves and sending a couple away injured but more just keep coming.
  5468. >"How many of these fucking things are there." Gilda rhetorically asks, reloading her rifle.
  5469. >Pulling the trigger a metallic click is heard as her gun jams.
  5470. >"SHIT"
  5471. >The ranger tries to quickly clear the jam, a wolf takes that opportunity to pounce on her, knocking the weapon from her hands.
  5472. >"Gilda!"
  5473. >Rainbow Dash takes the discarded rifle and tries to fire it at the wolf but nothing happens.
  5474. >"Its... jammed!" Gilda struggles to shout out trying to keep the wolf from ripping her throat out, "!"
  5475. >"I don't know how!"
  5476. >"FUCK!"
  5477. >Without thinking, Rainbow Dash drops the gun and kicks the wolf off her friend.
  5478. >The wolf squeals out in pain but quickly recovers and snarls at you.
  5479. >Despite your attempts the root won't budge.
  5480. >Grabbing her rifle, Gilda looks in shock as the creature in command just watches as more white wolves come out from the fog, each hungrier looking than the last and all craving for blood.
  5481. >Looking between you, Dash and Scarlett, Gilda grimaces and grabs you by the shirt collar.
  5482. "Hey- no wait! Stop!"
  5483. >"SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP!"
  5484. >Tugging Rainbow by the arm, Gilda drags the both of you behind her as you turn and see Scarlett with a look of horror and betrayal in her eyes as the wild beasts pounce.
  5485. >You have to turn your head away and close your eyes shut as you hear the woman's screams echo in the night.
  5486. >Suddenly, Gilda dumps you on the floor as she opens the twin doors leading into the dining hall.
  5487. >Shoving Rainbow Dash inside, she points her rifle towards the outside as you get up and hurry in behind her.
  5488. >The coast clear, Gilda slams both doors shut and secures them with the door deadbolts.
  5489. >Peering out the window, none of the beasts seemed to have followed you after... after that.
  5490. >"That was clo-"
  5491. >Gilda is interrupted by a fist to the face.
  5492. >"OW! What the fuck!" she cries out.
  5493. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!"
  5494. >The woman scowls at you, "It was her or us."
  5495. "W-We could have saver her! Something! I don't know..."
  5496. >"Gilda..."
  5497. >Not making eye contact, Gilda looks away. "I ain't proud of that. But it wasn't going to do anyone good if we're all dead."
  5498. >"Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, what's all this racket?" you hear the Vice Principal's voice behind you.
  5499. >Turning around, every set of eyes are on you three.
  5500. >"We need to block the windows now!" Rainbow Dash yells out.
  5501. >Miss Cheerilee walks up to your friend with a concerned look.
  5502. >"Rainbow Dash what's the-"
  5503. >*CRASH*
  5504. >Without warning a wolf breaks through a glass window and bites down on Miss Cheerilee's arm.
  5505. >"AUGH!"
  5506. >The wolf tackles her to the floor as everyone begins panicking.
  5507. >"Miss Cheerliee!" Flash calls out. "Yo someone help her!"
  5508. >Unfortunately everyone, including you, is frozen in shock and can only watch as the wolf tries to kill the teacher as Miss Cheerilee and the wolf struggle on the ground.
  5509. >Despite her attempts, the canine jaw is clamped down tight around her arm and refuses to let go, only receiving cuts from the wolf's own sharp claws in her attempt.
  5510. >Gilda clears her rifle and chambers the next round.
  5511. >"GET DOWN!"
  5512. >Vice Principal Luna darts off to the side as Gilda pulls the trigger at the wolf.
  5513. >The shot reverberates in the hall as the wolf's upper head explodes as gore is splattered everywhere with some bits of brain and blood landing on your shirt and face.
  5514. >Slumping over dead, the Vice Principal and a couple of students finally rush in to help Cheerilee.
  5515. >Her shirt is torn and soaked in blood, and sections of her body are covered in small but deep cuts, and her forearm is bleeding heavily from the bite.
  5516. >"She's gone into shock, someone get a emergency kit!"
  5517. >"And all you other fucks use the tables and barricade those god damn windows!"
  5518. >As everyone begins fortifying the windows, Applejack and the others move through the students not doing anything.
  5519. >"Sunset what in tarnation is happening?!"
  5520. >You look to her in disbelief of what's occurred in the past few minutes.
  5521. "I... think we need to call Anon..."
  5523. -----
  5525. >Alright, think Sunset. Think!
  5526. >All the hall's windows are blocked off by the wooden tables and all the exits are locked. Hopefully they'll hold for the time being.
  5527. >You glance over to the makeshift bed that was made for Miss Cheerilee. She's been bandaged, but the teacher hasn't woken up.
  5528. >You bury your face in your hands and let off a groan.
  5529. >Can nothing just be simple? You just wanted a break to have fun with your friends.
  5530. >And now, at least two people are dead with wolves and a monster controlling them outside wanting to kill the rest of you.
  5531. >You can't help but wonder if this sort of thing is as common in Equestria now as it is here.
  5532. >"Sunset, phone here's dead just like the lights." Applejack reports.
  5533. >"Then that leaves the one in the ranger shack." Gilda says. "But that's a good sprint away. If we fuck up we're dead."
  5534. "How much ammo do you still have?"
  5535. >Popping the magazine out, she counts her shots.
  5536. >"Four shots left and it's my last magazine. If we get to the shack I can get some more ammo from the gunlocker as well as give one or two of you a gun."
  5537. >You'll probably need as many guns to defend this place as possible. Granted with everyone on edge as it is, it may not be the best decision in the world.
  5538. >But who here knows how to handle a firearm?
  5539. >Gilda props a chair and stands on it, "Hey, who knows how to at least fire a gun?"
  5540. >Many of the students in the room just look at each other.
  5541. >A couple hands raise up.
  5542. >"And no, video games do not count you dweebs."
  5543. >Most of the hands immediately go down; Except a few.
  5544. >Vice Principal Luna and Applejack.
  5545. >"Ah know my way around a rifle ah've gone hunting before."
  5546. >"I'm afraid my experience is only with a smaller gun for self defense."
  5547. >"Better than nothing I guess."
  5548. >"Alright, since a large group is just gonna draw too much attention. Me, Dash, Sunshine and you cowgirl are gonna make a run to the ranger shack. There are a couple extra rifles and ammo in there we could use."
  5549. >As Gilda explains the general plan, Applejack and Rainbow Dash come up to you.
  5550. >"You sure this is a good idea? Them wolves don't look particularly inclined to just stand back and watch."
  5551. "Do we even have a better idea? Besides, the shack is the only place here to have its own backup power."
  5552. >"And it's also the only place with a working phone right now. We've only got one shot at this."
  5553. >"Alright, you three ready?" Gilda asks walking towards the kitchen. "We'll use the backdoor. Hey, you lock this door until we come back and don't open it until I give you the secret knock."
  5554. >Bulk Biceps nods his head as he follows.
  5555. >Placing both hands on the handle, he locks eyes with Gilda.
  5556. >You really hope Anon's training will pay off in a situation like this. You would prefer not to be wolf-food.
  5557. >The four of you get into a running stance, Gilda in the lead with you in the rear.
  5558. >"Let's go."
  5559. >Hefting the door, the four of you run out and turn the corner of the rear of the building running as fast as your legs can take you.
  5560. >So far so good...
  5561. >You're making good distance and it looks like you haven't dra-
  5562. >Suddenly the sounds of wolves snarling and barking echos behind you.
  5563. >Well so much for that.
  5564. >Gilda fires a shot backwards one handed, and surprisingly is able to hit one of the beasts judging by the squeal of pain that follows the shot.
  5565. >"Whoa, nice shot Gilda."
  5566. >"Just keep running."
  5567. >Soon, you're at the station, opening the door you all pile on inside as Gilda kicks a wolf trying to pounce its way in with you.
  5568. >Slamming the door shut, Gilda locks the door.
  5569. >"Looks like the powers still on, good."
  5570. >Looking around the desk, Applejack spots a phone.
  5571. >"Ah'm gonna call for help."
  5572. >"You do that. Hey Dash, over here."
  5573. >Moving a couple of jackets, underneath is a cage locker with a trio of rifles and a few boxes of ammo inside.
  5574. >Taking her keys, Gilda unlocks the cage and grabs a spare duffle bag to stuff the boxes of ammo inside. Zipping the bag shut, she hands off the weapons to you and Dash.
  5575. >"Each of you take one. Dash, take my rifle too."
  5576. >"Then what the heck are you gonna use?"
  5577. >"Something I had to get on one of my days off."
  5578. >Heading into another room filled with beds, Gilda pulls out a box from underneath the floorboards.
  5579. >Opening the case, she pulls out a different gun.
  5580. >"Gilda is that...?"
  5581. >"Yep, just because Scarlett said I couldn't use camp funds to buy it doesn't mean I don't have other ways to get one. AA-12s are a bitch to get but I like to always prepare for a situation like this."
  5582. "You mean you were somehow expecting you would be hunted by rabid wolves under control by some demonic tree spirit?"
  5583. >"Hey fuck you."
  5584. >Pulling out a drum magazine she loads it into the automatic shotgun and stores a few normal box magazines into her side pouches.
  5585. >"Anon, I know you're there; it's Applejack. Ah really hope you pick up right now."
  5586. >Applejack's conversation draws your attention.
  5587. >Walking back over to Applejack, you contemplate interrupting her.
  5588. >"Ah think you need to be here. Some strange stuff is going on at the campgrounds."
  5589. >"Yeah ain't nothing like I ever seen or hea-
  5590. "Applejack, let me talk to Anon."
  5591. >"What's that?
  5592. "Let me talk to Anon."
  5593. "Okay."
  5594. >"Sunset wants to talk to you."
  5595. >Applejack hands you the phone and heads back with to the others.
  5596. >"What in tarn- Gilda where in the hay did you get that?!" Applejack cries out.
  5597. "Anonymous are you there?"
  5598. >"Yeah, what's wrong?"
  5599. "Two of the camp supervisors are dead."
  5600. >"I'm sorry, what?"
  5601. "The- the camp supervisors were eat-eaten by wolves..."
  5602. >"Is there anything else? Because this sounds like a job for the police. Or a morgue."
  5603. "ANON! There's this... thing out there attacking us with wolves! Miss Cheerilee is hurt really badly!"
  5604. >There's a brief silence on the line that almost gives you a pit in your stomach that the call got cut.
  5605. >"Did this thing... look like it was made of wood and had some sort of skull with antlers?"
  5606. >He described it exactly...
  5607. >That's not good.
  5608. "How did you know?"
  5609. >"Make sure everyone stays together inside the camp and stay indoors. Do not enter the forest under any circumstances, do you hear me? And make sure Fluttershy doesn't take in any injured animals in."
  5610. >Fluttershy?
  5611. >Now that you think about it, you didn't see Fluttershy in th-
  5612. >Putting a hand on the receiver, you call out to Applejack.
  5613. "Where's Fluttershy?"
  5614. "Fluttershy? She went o- oh horseapples..."
  5615. >No...
  5616. "She's not?"
  5617. >"She went out to chase after her rabbit right after you left and hasn't come back."
  5618. "Oh dear Celestia."
  5619. >"What? What is it?"
  5620. "Fluttershy went into the woods."
  5621. >"Goddammit. Sunset, where are you right now?"
  5622. "The ranger shack... whatever it was out there cut the power to the entire camp and knocked the cell towers out. Anon, what is that thing?"
  5623. >"If it's what I think it is. And I really hope that it's just wild animals being very territorial, what's trying to kill you is a lesh-"
  5624. >And without warning the power goes out.
  5625. "Anon? You cut off. Anon? Anon?! Dammit!"
  5626. >You slam the phone down and stomp over to the others.
  5627. >When you enter, what you see surprises you.
  5628. >Gilda has a pistol holstered to her side and a large knife strapped to the side of her boot.
  5629. >On the table next to her are emergency flares, more ammo boxes, another medical kit, some ration bars, duct tape, and cans of carburetor cleaner?
  5630. >"What's the spray for?" Rainbow Dash asks taking a can of body spray from the table.
  5631. >The woman digs through her pocket and tosses her lighter at Dash.
  5632. >"Flamethrower."
  5633. >You look at Gilda's weaponry as she double checks her gun is ready to go.
  5634. "Gilda this seems like a lot of overkill for a forest ranger to have."
  5635. >"Are you really complaining about this now?"
  5636. "Well... no but."
  5637. >Gilda slides everything in a duffle bag and shoves it into your arms.
  5638. >"Then these, and get ready to run."
  5639. >Applejack loads her rifle and aims down the sight, while Rainbow Dash just stretches with two rifles strapped to her back.
  5640. "But what about Fluttershy? We need to find her."
  5641. >"Yeah, we can't just leave her out there who knows what'll happen."
  5642. >"Are you two stupid? She's most likely wolf chow right now."
  5643. "Gilda shut up! Don't say that."
  5644. >"Well we're not gonna be able to search for her, avoid the dogs and monster at the same time."
  5645. >"Will you two hush up, we've called for help. The best thing we can do right now is get back to the others and hunker down."
  5646. >The both of you glare at each other before huffing and turning away.
  5647. >"You dweebs ready?"
  5648. >"As I'll ever be."
  5649. >"Yeah!"
  5650. "I guess."
  5651. >"I hope whoever you called can bail us out, cause it's gonna be a long night."
  5652. >Kicking open the door and breaking the hinges, Gilda aims outside and pulls the trigger.
  5653. >Two gunshots are followed by two wolves dropping dead.
  5654. >"Let's go!"
  5655. >Leaving the shack behind the four of you run back towards the dining hall. More rabid wolves try to get the drop on you but Gilda proves to be a quick shot keeping you all safe.
  5656. >Before you know it, after the sound of gunfire ceases a plethora of dead animals lie around you.
  5657. >Unloading the magazine, Gilda tosses it to you.
  5658. >"Put it the bag, I'll reload it later."
  5659. >The sound of cawing causes you to freeze.
  5660. >Looking the sky, a mass amount of black birds circle overhead.
  5661. >"That's not good..."
  5662. >The birds swarm in and dive into a ball right in front of you and when they scatter, the Lesh thing is standing in its place.
  5663. >"Was wondering when he'd show up." Gilda says.
  5664. >Loading in another magazine she takes aim.
  5665. >The monster looks curious as to what Gilda does.
  5666. >"Gilda..."
  5667. >Aiming, Gilda pulls the trigger.
  5668. >A loud cacophony of noise erupts from the barrel as the skin of the monster explodes and splinters sending it back reeling back roaring in pain.
  5669. >"CRAP!" Rainbow Dash yells out taken aback.
  5670. >The three of you watch in amazement as Gilda forces the monster back.
  5671. >Each shot doing more and more damage to its torso until there's a very noticable hole in its side.
  5672. >Almost immediately after another swarm of birds come in and circle around it like before.
  5673. >"Oh no you don't you piece of shit!"
  5674. >Firing another set of shells, dozens of other birds are sacrificed to block the shots as the beast vanishes.
  5675. >With each shot taken, all thats left of the small flyers is blood, bits of burnt meat and feathers.
  5676. >Gilda lowers the gun as her target finally vanishes.
  5677. >"Fuck."
  5678. >Ejecting the magazine, Gilda tosses it to you again.
  5679. >"It's gone for now. Let's hurry up."
  5680. "Gilda what the hell was that?"
  5681. >"High-Explosive rounds."
  5682. >"Are those even legal to own?" Rainbow Dash asks.
  5683. >No, you're pretty sure its not.
  5684. >But you'll think about the reasoning on why she has those aside for later; in agreement the four of you continue on stepping over the dead bird and wolf corpses.
  5685. >The activity of the latter seems to have died down a bit as you watch the area.
  5686. >Suddenly you notice something in the distance lying in the dirt.
  5687. >It looks like a body... with... pink hair!
  5688. "Fluttershy!"
  5689. >"What? Fluttershy?! Where?!"
  5690. "Over there!"
  5691. >You run over to your friend.
  5692. >Please be okay! Please be okay! Please be okay!
  5693. >Kneeling besides her, she looks a little scratched up but otherwise okay.
  5694. "Fluttershy? Fluttershy wake up."
  5695. >You shake your friend to wake her as you see she's wincing in pain.
  5696. >"Oh... ow... my body hurts..." she mumbles.
  5697. >"Fluttershy you're alive!" Rainbow Dash excitedly yells.
  5698. >The girl's eyes widen in shock before she crawls backwards.
  5699. >"NO! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" she cries out in terror.
  5700. "Fluttershy it's me Sunset!"
  5701. >"Sunset?"
  5702. >"Yer safe, calm down."
  5703. >Bringing her into a hug, Fluttershy begins crying.
  5704. "We thought you were dead."
  5705. >"Yeah..." Gilda trails off.
  5706. >The ranger eyes Fluttershy suspiciously.
  5707. "C'mon, we'll talk when we get back. Can you walk?"
  5708. >"I...I think so."
  5709. >Helping her up, she sees the carnage left behind you and gasps.
  5710. "Fluttershy, I know it's hard but we need to keep moving."
  5711. >"O-okay..."
  5712. >Holding her by the hand, you and the others finish the journey back to the dining hall.
  5714. >"Fluttershy! Oh I'm so glad you're alright darling."
  5715. >Rarity walks up a brings Fluttershy in a deep hug.
  5716. >Pinkie Pie scoops both girls in and squeezes tightly.
  5717. >"Pinkie be careful, Fluttershy looks injured."
  5718. >"Oh it's not too bad Rarity. Just a few cuts."
  5719. >Rarity begins to fuss over Fluttershy's hair. Seeing them like this makes you smile but it quickly disappears.
  5720. >Other students are huddled near each other, some are freaking out, others are trying to keep them (and themselves) calm.
  5721. "Fluttershy what happened?"
  5722. >Fluttershy freezes, and her expression sours.
  5723. >"I... I don't know Sunset. I was looking for Angel then I saw that th-thing. It was looming over me and I thought I was a goner for sure."
  5724. >That's strange.
  5725. "Twilight, do you know whats doing this? All I got from Anon before the line went dead was that the thing is called a lesh-something."
  5726. >Twilight thinks for a few moments and gasps.
  5727. >"You know what it is?" Applejack asks, turning a chair around and sitting in it.
  5728. >She nods her head.
  5729. >"If the thing outside is a leshen. It's an intelligent forest spirit that can control plants and animals, and protects what it considers a threat to the forest."
  5730. >Guess that explains cutting the power and getting rid of the cell tower.
  5731. >Its cutting you off from calling for help.
  5732. >"Well do you know how to get rid of it?!"
  5733. >Twilight shakes her head, "Depending on how old it is, simply killing it won't be enough. They like to use warding totems that allow them to come back to life and we would need to go deep into the forest to destroy them."
  5734. >Something then occurs to you.
  5735. "But Fluttershy said she came face-to-face with it. Why did it leave her alone though."
  5736. >Twilight shrugs, "I don't know, Leshens aren't one of the monsters I know too much about."
  5737. >Great.
  5738. >You really hope Anon arrives soon.
  5741. --
  5743. >Sunlight peeks through the curtains mounted over the windows, the angle just right to disturb your sleep.
  5744. >Letting out a grumble you rub one of your eyes and notice the other individual sleeping soundly right next to you.
  5745. >Celestia has an extremely peaceful expression on her face as she continues to dream.
  5746. >Checking the clock it's already half past eleven.
  5747. >Hmm, later start than you're used to.
  5748. >Getting out of bed, you relieve yourself in the bathroom and take a quick shower just to wake you up.
  5749. >As you turn the faucet off you hear a knock at the door.
  5750. >"Anon?"
  5751. "Yeah?"
  5752. >"Sorry, I just really need to use the bathroom."
  5753. "Just hold on a moment and I'll leave it to you."
  5754. >Grabbing the towel on the chrome rack, you wrap the cloth around your waist and exit the room.
  5755. >When Celestia notices your body she reels back in shock.
  5756. >"A-Anon those scars!"
  5757. >Feeling your chest, you gotta admit; objectively it is a bit scarred.
  5758. "Lawnmower accident."
  5759. >Pretending to guide yourself with the wall, you walk over to your pile of clothes and grab your boxer briefs.
  5760. >You don't move anymore after that because Celestia is peeking around the corner of the bathroom door and is waiting for the towel to drop.
  5761. >Though you're not facing her, you can bet she's biting her lower lip watching you.
  5762. "Didn't you need to use the bathroom?"
  5763. >"..."
  5764. >The door clicks shut and you begin getting dressed.
  5765. >Taking a seat on the couch, you fiddle with the wolf medallion around your neck.
  5766. >You hear the sound of a toilet flushing as Celestia opens the door and walks out with her purse already in hand.
  5767. >Noting her appearance compared to last night, her hair is combed and her makeup is redone.
  5768. "Ready to go?"
  5769. >"Yes, as much as I enjoyed our night together I'm eager to leave this motel."
  5770. >The two of you leave the room and head to front desk. Settling the bill you two walk over to a nearby diner and grab something quick to eat.
  5771. >As thanks for last night Celestia pays for the meal which is sort of a relief, most of the cash you have on you was spent on the cab and motel.
  5773. >Exiting the cab, you walk Celestia up to the front door of her home. You take note of the neighborhood she lives in for future reference.
  5774. >"Again, thank you for last night. I would have been in real trouble if it weren't for you."
  5775. "It's fine. Just try not to get so wasted next time alright?"
  5776. >She giggles, "I'll try."
  5777. >Unlocking her door, she steps inside.
  5778. >"I don't suppose you want some coffee or anything?" she says with an eyebrow waggle.
  5779. "Tempting but no, I should get back to the farm. Big Macintosh probably has more than enough work to tackle by himself with Applejack and Apple Bloom gone."
  5780. >"You're living with the Apples?"
  5781. "Yeah... its a long story."
  5782. >"I see. Well have a safe trip home Anon."
  5783. "See you tomorrow I guess."
  5784. >You turn around when Celestia calls out to you.
  5785. >"Oh wait Anon!"
  5786. "Yeah?"
  5787. >"I left something in your jacket pocket if you ever need anything." she says before closing the door.
  5788. >Nodding your head walk back to the cab and get back in.
  5789. >Checking your pockets, you pull out a small piece of notary paper from the motel. On it are a series of digits and a kiss mark."
  5790. >Amusing.
  5791. >Tucking the phone number back in your pocket you relax and enjoy the ride.
  5793. >Finally laying in your bed, you just stare up at the ceiling of the Apple home.
  5794. >After getting back home, you finished up any chores that Big Macintosh failed to do while he was at school as well as some others left to you.
  5795. >Eventually school let out and Big Mac helped finish everything up.
  5796. >He apologized for abandoning you last night and told you he would make it up to you.
  5797. >Oh he's going to make it up to you alright.
  5798. >With some time to relax, your mind begins drifting back over the past couple days.
  5799. >Since the girls have that school field trip to the Everfree, other than the night with Celestia, you've just been laying about with nothing much to do.
  5800. >It's only been what? Three days?
  5801. >Part of you is concerned with Sunset leaving your sight like this. The fact that you're actually concerned isn't lost on you.
  5802. >On a whim, you decided to look up Camp Everfree, and it turns out the forest itself has quite the history behind it.
  5803. >Quite a few accidents during the seventies and eighties, usually with the unfortunate victim either never found or found dead.
  5804. >Most of the bodies that have been recovered were usually covered in bite and claw marks, or decomposed long enough that the birds feasted on them.
  5805. >Any other remains were usually found in wolf dens, or even bear caves.
  5806. >Apparently the wildlife doesn't appreciate urban life encroaching on its territory.
  5807. >Whoever built the camp must either not have done the research or just didn't care. Either way, it does cause you some worry.
  5808. >You're not going to get paid if Sunset gets eaten by a bear.
  5809. >You could just hitch a ride with Big Macintosh to the campgrounds but honestly, Sunset and Rainbow Dash probably deserve a break.
  5810. >Eh, they should be safe as long as they don't go to deep into the woods. So far the training has been paying off and Sunset's making good progress in her lessons from you.
  5811. >There was a part of you that was a bit concerned at the slow pace the girl had in the start but thankfully she's gotten pretty decent handle on low level swordplay.
  5812. >Rarity's assistance on that matter was somewhat of a blessing.
  5813. >What used to be a normal high school teenager is now a slightly more fit high school teenager with bit more agility and sharper reflexes.
  5814. >When she gets back, maybe you can try and convince them to try the arrow deflecting exercise again.
  5815. >Who knows maybe this time they won't have as many lumps and bruises from those blunted arrows.
  5816. >Or maybe not, either way you'll get some enjoyment out of it.
  5817. >The fact she's managed to catch you off guard with some old bestiarium info on Fiends and Chorts was interesting.
  5818. >Though she tried to play it off, it was extremely obvious where she obtained that knowledge from.
  5819. >You're not going to admonish her for that. On the contrary.
  5820. >Were Sunset a boy, she'd make a decent initiate right now, but she still would have a lot to learn before she would even be ready to undertake the Trials.
  5822. >At some point you've got to address the magic issue with her though.
  5823. >Grabbing the candlestick from the training exercise next to you, you inspect the wick and remember Sunset's first attempt at signs.
  5824. >The control over her innate power needs work. Her fine control on how much magic she unleashes is so raw that even the simplest sign can be brought to magnitudes greater than normal.
  5825. >Though powerful, the energy is so wild that just a simple Igni burst almost engulfed and burned down Big Macintosh's shed.
  5826. >Tossing the candle with a flip, you catch it and place the wax stick aside.
  5827. >It strikes you as odd though, Sunset explained to you that the portal to Equestria changed her body to what it is now. Her previous form being a unicorn.
  5828. >Apparently magic was something that came relatively easy to her there, but is the magic between here and there so different?
  5829. >It's hard to say, the Fall Formal, Battle of the Bands, and Friendship Games incidents all utilized the Equestrian magic instead of the already existing magical power here.
  5830. >Without a trained Sorcerer to study the two, all you do is speculate.
  5831. >You do have a couple of theories; one being that unlike a unicorn, she doesn't have a horn as a foci. Another would be that the laws of magic between these two worlds *are* fundamentally different and that all her previous knowledge and skill are just inapplicable.
  5832. >Then there's another issue; how are you going to help her address it?
  5833. >By all accounts, in this world Sunset is the equivalent to a Source coming into their powers.
  5834. >You're no mage. You understand both basic and complex magical structure as well as curses as part of your work but being able to help Sunset control the intricacies of her powers is rather beyond you.
  5835. >To compound the issue, you have no idea if her friends will have the same issues as her.
  5836. >Rainbow Dash was completely unable to make even the smallest Igni spark even with her despite the "Pony Up" thing.
  5837. >That would account for your latter theory, but that would have to exclude Sunset.
  5838. >...
  5839. >All this thinking is giving you another headache.
  5840. >Speaking of Rainbow Dash, she's coming along decently too.
  5841. >The girl is starting to slack compared to Sunset, not too badly, but enough to be noticeable. She’s still taking this seriously but it seems the drive that got her started is starting to fade.
  5842. >You can tell it's frustrating her. Her personality isn't used to being second best.
  5843. >Can't really blame her.
  5844. >Sunset has skill and magic at her disposal. Rainbow only has the latter when she can transform.
  5845. >Granted, the wings allow her a lot more flexibility than Sunset and her increased strength and durability is also a bonus.
  5846. >If she were more experienced, she could probably develop her own combat style with the flying gimick.
  5847. >You'll have to see if she gets any increased perception or other attributes when they get back because apparently all the girls can do it.
  5849. >The phone to the house rings in the other room.
  5850. >Granny Smith is asleep, and Big Macintosh is out on an errand.
  5851. >Apple Bloom also went on the field trip too, so that really leaves you all alone here.
  5852. >Should you pick it up?
  5853. >The phone continues to ring.
  5854. >You'll let the answering machine get it.
  5855. >*Click*
  5856. >"Anon, I know you're there; it's Applejack. Ah really hope you pick up right no-"
  5857. >Getting up and heading over to the phone, you take the receiver and place it next to your ear.
  5858. "Applejack what is it."
  5859. >"Ah think you need to be here. Some strange stuff is going on at the campgrounds."
  5860. "Strange stuff?"
  5861. >"Yeah ain't nothing like I ever seen or hea- What's that? Okay."
  5862. "What?"
  5863. "Sunset wants to talk to you."
  5864. >You can hear the phone being exchanged as Sunset's voice comes in.
  5865. >"Anonymous are you there?"
  5866. "Yeah, what's wrong?"
  5867. >"Two of the camp supervisors are dead."
  5868. "I'm sorry, what?"
  5869. >"The- the camp supervisors were eat-eaten by wolves..."
  5870. "Is there anything else? Because this sounds like a job for the police. Or a morgue."
  5871. >"ANON! There's this... thing out there attacking us with wolves! Miss Cheerilee is hurt really badly!"
  5872. >...
  5873. >Oh shit.
  5874. "Did this thing... look like it was made of wood and had some sort of skull with antlers?"
  5875. >"How did you know?"
  5876. "Make sure everyone stays together inside the camp and stay indoors. Do not enter the forest under any circumstances, do you hear me? And make sure Fluttershy doesn't take any injured animals in."
  5877. >The sudden urgency in your voice begins causing Sunset to worry.
  5878. >"Did you hear that Fluttershy? Fluttershy? Where's Flutter- oh dear Celestia..."
  5879. "What? What?!"
  5880. >"Fluttershy went out into the woods to get her rabbit..."
  5881. >FUCK!
  5882. "Sunset! Where are you right now?"
  5883. >"The ranger shack... whatever it was out there cut the power to the entire camp and knocked the cell towers out. Anon, what is that thing?"
  5884. "If it's what I think it is. And I pray to God that it's just wild animals being very territorial, what's trying to kill you is a lesh-"
  5885. >Suddenly, the line goes dead.
  5886. >Slamming the phone down, you're already running down the stairs and into your room.
  5887. >Grabbing your laptop, you pull up a map of Canterlot and look up the location of Camp Everfree.
  5888. >Where's the campground...
  5889. >It's almost 59 miles away, and at least an hour drive.
  5890. >You'd take forever to make it there on foot. No commercial buses go that route and it'll take forever to organize a cab.
  5891. >Fucking dammit!
  5892. >Jogging downstairs and outside you realize you don't have many options right now.
  5893. >Even though Big Macintosh's truck is till here. He still has yet to put the fucking tires back on from doing a tune up yesterday and filling the tank.
  5894. >Then something dawns on you.
  5895. >You head upstairs and look through the jacket you wore the other day.
  5896. >Digging through the pockets, you find Principal Celestia's personal phone number.
  5897. >Going to the phone and dialing it, you impatiently wait for her to pick up.
  5898. >*CLICK* "Hello?"
  5899. "Celestia?"
  5900. >"Anon? When I said give me a call I didn't expec-"
  5901. "No time, Sunset and the others, including your sister, are in danger."
  5902. >"W-what?"
  5903. "I need you to pick me up and take me over to the camp right now."
  5904. >"Shouldn't we call the police?"
  5905. "Celestia, trust me. This is something the police isn't equipped to handle."
  5906. >"Then what do we-"
  5907. >You groan in frustration.
  5908. "Just get to the Apple farm and I'll explain on the way to the camp. Please, just hurry."
  5909. >Hanging up the phone, you get back to your laptop. You open up a file on your computer for your bestiarium notes and bring up the leshen.
  5910. >[Leshens dwell in dense, primeval woods. Fiercely territorial creatures, they hunt with stealth and cunning as their only companions.]
  5911. >Reading through the notes, you refamiliarize yourself with the tools necessary to combat a creature like the leshen.
  5912. >Relict oils, fire, dimeritium bombs are to name just a few.
  5913. >Dog tallow and and mistletoe are needed to brew that up but where you could find either ingredient here in a urban area like Canterlot is beyond you.
  5914. >You do have a few dimeritium explosives you've been saving for something like this though.
  5915. >Once you've made a mental checklist of what you have, you head out to the barn and open a foot locker filled with the most important things that belong to you.
  5916. >Opening the lid, you pull out the body armor given to you by your master and the silver and steel swords that are a staple of the Witcher.
  5917. >Getting dressed, you slide on the silver lined studded jacket. Making sure everything's in place you slide both swords across your body.
  5918. >You grab four dimeritium bombs and place them on the hooks attached to the sword straps, and place potion vials in their respective sleeves.
  5919. >Everything in place, you walk down the front path and wait around ten minutes before you see the headlights from Celestia's car pulling up the road.
  5920. >Celestia sees you and rolls the window down with a concerned expression.
  5921. >"Anon... please tell me you didn't just need a ride to some sort of live action roll playing event, especially at this time of night."
  5922. >Drawing your steel sword, you swing one handed at the Apple family mailbox, cleving through the wood like butter and sending the mailbox falling into the dirt with a metallic thud.
  5923. >Sheathing the blade, you turn back and face Celestia who has a look of shock.
  5924. >"Um... you made your point."
  5925. >You'll deal with the mailbox later. Right now you just want to save your... friends.
  5926. >Quickly getting into her vehicle, you place your swords in the back seat as she plugs the camps address into her phone's GPS and places it in the holder mounted on the dash.
  5927. >She pulls out of the driveway and signals a left turn down the road.
  5928. >"So... Anon. I noticed you're not wearing your glasses."
  5929. "Yeah, I can see its a miracle."
  5930. >Your sarcastic response doesn't seem to amuse her.
  5931. >You begin tapping your foot impatiently as you fold your arms.
  5932. >"That's not the entire truth is it."
  5933. "No. It's not. I had vision the entire time while I was at CHS."
  5934. >You're not going to beat around the bush right now.
  5935. >Right now, too much is at stake for you to get into an argument. You won't tell her everything but just enough to sate curiosity.
  5936. >"We're going to have a long talk about your choice in pretending to be blind when we're done here Anon." she says sternly.
  5937. "Is that before or after we talk about that incident in the hallway where you decided it was a good idea to shake your ass in front of a supposed blind student?"
  5938. >Celestia's face goes red.
  5939. >"You... you remember that."
  5940. "I remember a lot of things."
  5941. >"Maybe we'll keep this to ourselves for now." she says as the car stops at a red light.
  5942. "Sounds good."
  5943. >"You do look incredibly attractive though. Even in that strange... getup."
  5944. "Bold; you aren't drunk again are you?"
  5945. >She giggles.
  5946. >"No, but since we're telling the truth now..."
  5947. "..."
  5948. >"So now that I told you that, why don't you tell me what is going on at Camp Everfree."
  5949. >Well might as well, you've got a lot of time to kill.
  5950. "It might sound hard to believe, but everyone at camp is being attacked by a monster called a Leshen..."
  5952. -----
  5954. >"Okay its been awhile since that *thing* last attacked." Gilda announces.
  5955. >Loading shells into an empty magazine, she glances around the dining hall.
  5956. >Vice Principal Luna and Applejack both have a rifle in their hands and watch the outside through the gaps in the barricades.
  5957. >All the other students are still huddled together in groups while a few hang around Ms. Cheerilee.
  5958. >You really hope Anon can help you out soon, the injured teacher really needs proper medical attention.
  5959. >Pinkie found some board and card games in one of the storage closets and is trying to keep everybody's moods in good spirits.
  5960. >Though considering the circumstances outside, the results vary a bit.
  5961. >Gilda and Rainbow Dash opted to play a game of poker which surprisingly Twilight joined in on.
  5962. >You opted to just watch, as you weren't entirely familiar with the game. That and you’re a terrible gambler.
  5963. >Not like you have much else to do right now.
  5964. >Getting up from your chair, you peek through one of the cracks in the windows.
  5965. >The mist hasn't let up. Meaning the Leshen outside is still biding its time waiting for you.
  5966. >You sit back down at the table and start organizing the shells into small little groups.
  5967. "It's probably still out there."
  5968. >"Surprising since it ran away like a little bitch." Gilda says bored as she draws two cards.
  5969. >"Hey Sunset..." Flash Sentry calls out your name as he walks up to you.
  5970. "Hey Flash."
  5971. >"How long do you think we're gonna be stuck here for?"
  5972. "I don't know."
  5973. >"Can't you girls... you know, do that magic thing you normally do when the schools in trouble?" he asks.
  5974. >Gilda narrows her eyes.
  5975. >"Look dude, as much as I like a good old fashioned orgy, now ain't the time."
  5976. >Flash's face goes red, "T-th-that's not what I'm talking about!"
  5977. "Sorry Flash, this isn't one of those things I think our magic can solve."
  5978. >"Oh..."
  5979. >Flash's already down mood drops even further at your answer.
  5980. "But if it makes you feel better, Applejack and I managed to call for help. Right now we need to sit tight and not let anyone outside."
  5981. >He looks at you and perks up a bit.
  5982. >"Well I hope they arrive soon."
  5983. >Going back to his friends, Flash takes a seat and tells them the news.
  5984. >"So... what did he mean by "magic"?"
  5985. >You, Twilight and Rainbow Dash share an uncomfortable look amongst each other.
  5986. >"What?"
  5987. >"Well, back during the Fall Formal we gained magical powers."
  5988. >"What." Gilda says deadpan.
  5989. >"I'm totally being serious here G. Then later we had to save the school from three sirens who wanted to mind control the entire school with music."
  5990. >"..."
  5991. >"Then during the Friendship Games Twilight here got possessed by the magic her weirdo device managed to capture and began tearing open portals to another dimension."
  5992. >The ranger just stares at Rainbow Dash with the most skeptical look she can muster and scoffs.
  5993. >"Okay, now I know you're one of those goddamn LARPers."
  5994. >"I'MNOTALARPER!" Rainbow Dash yells at Gilda.
  5995. >Frustrated, Rainbow Dash slams her cards onto the table and walks over to Rarity and Fluttershy, "I fold."
  5996. >"Aw c'mon Dash it was a joke!" Gilda tries to half-assedly apologize.
  5997. >Realizing Rainbow won't come back Gilda just tosses her cards and goes back to her shotgun.
  5998. >"Don't suppose you want to play?"
  5999. "Not really."
  6000. >"Eh, was getting bored of the game anyway. Hey got a question for you."
  6001. "Hmm?"
  6002. >"That guy you called to help us. How's he gonna do that?"
  6003. >You hesitate to answer.
  6004. >Anonymous has told you before that he would prefer keeping his life private.
  6005. "He deals with this sort of stuff often."
  6006. >Gilda pauses as she takes those words in before growing agitated.
  6007. >"What you mean like some kind of... monster hunter? Because I don't know about you, but me getting holed up in a camp lunchroom with rabid wolves, birds and a ten foot wood monster waiting outside to kill me doesn't occur very often."
  6008. "Well I know Anon can help us. He's the one who taught Dash and I how to use a sword."
  6009. >"You mean he's gonna try to kill that thing with a fucking sword? You wasted our one call for help on a goddamn moron with a fucking sword?!"
  6010. >You can't help but be a little offended. Sure, what Anon has been teaching you is considered a bit archaic in this world, but the way Gilda calls him a moron makes you a little indignant.
  6011. >"Swords ain't gonna help us this day and age Sunshine. There's a reason why man has evolved to use this."
  6012. >She emphasizes her point by slamming in the drum magazine for her automatic shotgun into the receiver.
  6013. >Getting up from the table she glares at you and heads off towards the buildings indoor restroom.
  6014. >"I gotta use it, let me know when our knight in shining armor shows up."
  6015. >Gilda really is something...
  6017. >"So let me get this straight. You belong to an old order of monster hunters for hire, had a contract out for one *my* students who ended up befriending you after saving another one from a vampire."
  6018. "Pretty much."
  6019. >"And during the time, you were "hired" by Princess Twilight to protect said student."
  6020. "Yep."
  6021. >"And the way you're doing that is by teaching her how to become like a monster hunter for hire?"
  6022. "You make it sound so negative."
  6023. >Celestia huffs as she follows the dark and dimly lit road.
  6024. >"Well, it's just a bit much to take in."
  6025. >You shift in your seat slightly. It's been such a long while since you've actually worn your armor for a hunt and it definitely was not built for sitting in the passenger seat of a sedan for a long period of time.
  6026. >"In all honesty it's also hard to believe."
  6027. "Considering all the crap that's happened at CHS this past year is it really?"
  6028. >"Well..."
  6029. "May as well teach her practical methods to rid yourself of magical problems."
  6030. >"But how is sword fighting pract-"
  6031. >"Your destination is five minutes out." states the GPS.
  6032. >Grabbing your swords from the back you hold them in front of you.
  6033. >"Why do you carry two swords?"
  6034. "Both are for monsters, one is just for the more mundane variety."
  6035. >"Mundane?"
  6036. "Humans, elves, halflings, dwarves."
  6037. >"Are you sure this isn't some elaborate role-playing session? Because elves, halflings and dwarves don't exist."
  6038. "Sure they do, they're just very secretive and very good at hiding in plain sight."
  6039. >"Really?"
  6040. "Mmmhmm."
  6041. >You notice that the outside has become increasingly misty as water droplets begin forming on the car windows.
  6042. >You've entered the creature's territory now.
  6043. >The woman frowns, "So are my sister and students really in danger from a monster?"
  6044. >You decide not to sugarcoat it.
  6045. "Yeah, the thing is called a Leshen. One of the more dangerous creatures a Witcher can face and probably be one of my tougher challenges in this job."
  6046. >"Can't the police handle it?"
  6047. "The Leshen is smart enough that it'll just bide its time until they find nothing and leave, either that or it'll kill them all slowly and methodically."
  6048. >The car eventually pulls close enough that the headlights shine over a sign that states: "Welcome to Camp Everfree".
  6049. >"Looks like we're here."
  6050. >Celestia parks the car as close as she can to the buildings. You take note of how heavy mist around the camp.
  6051. >"It really does look spooky without all the lights on and with the fog. Um... how long have you been doing this Anon?"
  6052. "Eh, around eighteen years to train and eight years of actual hands on work give or take."
  6053. >"W-wait... how old are you?" Celestia sputters out in shock.
  6054. "Twenty-nine. Turn the big three-oh in a month or two."
  6055. >"But you look so young!"
  6056. "Yeah Witcher mutations do that."
  6057. >"So that means..."
  6058. "Yes, you're sexual harassment of me won't get you fired due to my age."
  6059. >Unlocking the car door, you slide your swords across your chest and move around the car.
  6060. >Opening the driver side door you take Celestia's hand.
  6061. "Got a medical kit?"
  6062. >"I do." she says pulling out a box from underneath the seat.
  6063. "We need to find the place where the camp goes for dinner, that's were Sunset told me everyone was holed up."
  6064. >"I believe it's this way-ahhh!"
  6065. >Celestia trips over something in the thick mist, and thanks to your quick reflexes, you manage to grab her arm and right her.
  6066. >You cast Aard to clear some of it in front of you, only to see a pile of dead birds and wolf bodies strewn about the path.
  6067. >"T-thank you Anon, how did you do tha- oh my God..."
  6068. "Looks like someone's been busy."
  6069. >Kneeling down by one of the dead wolves you quickly assess its cause of death.
  6070. >No cuts or slashes, only penetration. More than one entry point... around eight or nine pellets.
  6071. >Looks like buckshot, double-ought buck, 12 gauge.
  6072. >Turning your head you spy something shine in the moonlight.
  6073. >Moving over to it, you pick up a shotgun shell casing. However something's a bit amiss with it.
  6074. >"Anon what is it?"
  6075. "Shotgun shell. But this one is marked High Explosive."
  6076. >"High explosive?"
  6077. "Not exactly legal to own since military use is still in the experimental phase. That and the amount of shells left on the ground I can only guess the person was using an automatic shotgun."
  6078. >Tucking the empty shell into a pocket, you take note of the almost unrecognizable bird carcasses lumped together in a pile.
  6079. "Seems like whoever killed all these birds and wolves knows some people to have that much firepower."
  6080. >They also must have encountered the Leshen if all the birds are any indication. You can also spy some wood chunks on the ground despite there being no nearby trees in this area of the camp.
  6081. >Guess they did a bit of damage to the monster.
  6082. >Impressive to say the least, more than what most people can do.
  6083. >*SNAP*
  6084. >Whipping your head around, you see three sets of eyes come out of the mist.
  6085. "Wolves."
  6086. >"A-Anon?!"
  6087. "Get to the dining hall, now!"
  6088. >Bringing your steel sword out, you eye each wolf carefully as you backstep to keep by Celestia.
  6089. "Hey we're all wolves here..."
  6090. >They all growl and snarl at you, snapping their jaws trying to intimidate you into turning your back.
  6091. "Guess not all wolves are equal I guess. Racist."
  6092. >You throw out your arm and a wave of fire erupts from your hand.
  6093. >The animals scamper back from the flames as you make a dash to where Celestia is.
  6094. >Despite her longer legs, she isn't very fast and you catch up to her fairly quickly.
  6095. >Your Igni dissipates and the dogs regain their composure and give chase.
  6096. >Shit.
  6097. >Grabbing Celestia by the waist, you heft her over your left shoulder and continue to run.
  6098. >"AAaaaaNNOOON!" she screams as the beasts close in.
  6099. >You spot a large building which you only guess is the dining hall. One of the front windows is smashed with a table acting as a patch.
  6100. >Hopping over a bush, you climb the front steps and slam a fist on the door.
  6101. "Open up!"
  6102. >You hear muffled voices inside, most confused but it's clear a debate is starting up whether or not they should.
  6103. >Great...
  6104. >Setting Celestia down, you move in front of her.
  6105. >The dogs will be on you before they'll open the door.
  6106. >Meeting the wolves, you get into your ready stance.
  6107. >The lead wolf takes the opportunity to pounce.
  6108. >Side-stepping, you bring your sword across the wolf's gut in a single swipe killing the dog immediately as it crumples on the ground without another movement.
  6109. >Taking a step forward, the other two attack at the same time.
  6110. >Kicking the first away, you bring your sword up and slice the side of the second leaving a trail of blood flying into the air.
  6111. >Getting close to the downed one, you puncture its chest with your sword and finish it off.
  6112. >With all three canines dead, you walk back to the door as Celestia is still in shock at how easily you killed the beasts.
  6113. >Patience wearing thin, you begin slamming your fist on the door again.
  6114. >"Who is it?" a voice behind the door asks.
  6115. >"Luna?"
  6116. >"Celestia is that you?"
  6117. >"Yeah, I brought help. Can you open up?"
  6118. >"Not this door, but you can head around to the back."
  6119. >Sighing, you two walk around the building and see a metal door open up with Vice Principal Luna inside.
  6120. >"Lulu, I'm glad you're safe." Celestia says, giving her sister a hug.
  6121. >"As safe as I can be." the disheveled woman replies. "Where is this help you brought?"
  6122. >Walking into the building, a larger than average student locks the door behind you.
  6123. >As you walk by Celestia, Luna finally notices you, "Is that Anon?"
  6124. >"Yes."
  6125. >"If this is some sort of joke, I fail to find the humor in it. Two of the camp staff are dead."
  6126. >"I'm aware. But it seems Anon is more than meets the eye."
  6127. >Luna facepalms and shakes her head, "Of course he is."
  6128. >Leaning in close she whispers, "He's also twenty-nine."
  6129. >The younger sister's eyes widen, "But he looks so yo-"
  6130. >Celestia gives Luna the cheekiest grin, "I know!"
  6131. "Is this really the time?"
  6132. >Both women's faces go flush, "You ah, heard that?"
  6133. "Enhanced senses. Which also means I can smell certain things too Celestia..."
  6134. >If you thought Celestia's face couldn't get any redder, it sure as hell did.
  6135. >"Sister?"
  6136. >"Later..." she says letting out a groan.
  6137. >Walking past the kitchen and into the hall proper, you scan the room.
  6138. >Dozens of students are grouped together. Some are asleep, some are crying. All in all its a pretty grim sight.
  6139. >Especially with Cheerilee in the corner of the room all bandaged up like she is.
  6140. >"Anon!" a very familiar voice calls out.
  6141. >You suddenly find yourself getting squeezed to death by a pair of pink arms.
  6142. "Good"
  6143. >It scares you on how easy she can do that.
  6144. >This catches the attention of the others in the room.
  6145. >"Is that Anon?"
  6146. >"What's with the get up?"
  6147. >Ignoring them, you pry Pinkie Pie off of you.
  6148. "Where are the others?"
  6149. >"Over there. C'mon!"
  6150. >Dragging you by the hand, Pinkie leads you to a table where Applejack, Rarity, Sunset, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Twilight are.
  6151. >"Anon!" they all cry out when they see you.
  6152. >Applejack almost leaps out of her seat and jumping into your arms wrapping you into a tight embrace.
  6153. >"Anon. Thank goodness you're here."
  6154. "Got here as fast as I cou-mmph!"
  6155. >Applejack proceeds to interrupt you by giving you a passionate kiss on the lips. The other girls smile awkwardly as you two make out but don't try to intervene.
  6156. >Rarity on the other hand is being held back by Fluttershy. She also seems to have aquired a bad eye-twitch.
  6157. >Breaking off for air, Applejack lowers her eyelids slightly, "I knew ah could count on you Anon."
  6158. >You smile.
  6159. "Well, I'm here now so fill me in."
  6161. -----
  6163. >Sunset and the others quickly detail as much as they know of events for the past couple hours.
  6164. >All the while, Celestia and her sister make rounds handing out the few blankets and pillows from the storage room.
  6165. >Other students assist them by setting up a few areas for the others to sleep but considering everything that's happened no one feels safe enough to try.
  6166. >You do notice a few giving you questioning looks. Mostly confusion as to why the so-called blind guy is walking around with two longswords strapped to his back.
  6167. >You expected this on the ride up here. Any chance of hiding the more "abnormal" aspects of yourself have been thrown out the window.
  6168. >"... so we've been hiding out here until you arrived." Sunset finishes.
  6169. "I can see that. It also looks like you've managed to proccure some weapons."
  6170. >Counting off what you've seen, there are at least three hunting rifles present: the one slung over Applejack's shoulder, and the one's in Rainbow's and Vice Principal Luna's hands.
  6171. >The only problem is that you haven't seen any shotguns in the short while you've been here. Let alone an automatic shotgun.
  6172. "How much ammo do you have for each gun? I'm assuming that each rifle holds at least five shots before needing to reload?"
  6173. >"After doing some counting we have around 200 rounds."
  6174. "Give me one of the boxes."
  6175. >Rainbow heads over to the dufflebag containing the spare ammo. Grabbing one of the boxes she comes back to the table and hands it to you.
  6176. >Opening the box, you inspect one of the rounds inside.
  6177. >Standard rimless bottlenecked .308 caliber cartridge. Used to hunt medium to large class game and capable of taking down black bears if need be.
  6178. >Overkill for the wolves under the Leshen's control.
  6179. >"Do you think that will be enough darling?" Rarity asks, giving you a glass of water.
  6180. >You take the drink and down the cold fluid.
  6181. "No, Leshens are extremely tough to take down and even trickier to kill. While these rounds can do some serious damage to wild animals the Leshen has an advantage of-"
  6182. >"Teleporting like a bitch to lick its wounds?" a voice finishes.
  6183. >Turning, you see a white haired woman with purple highlights walking up to you.
  6184. >Her tan bomber jacket adorned with a forest ranger patch duct taped to her left sleeve and a large combat knife strapped to her boot.
  6185. >Propped over her shoulder is an AA-12 automatic shotgun.
  6186. "That, and it can resurrect itself if it has any totems lying around."
  6187. >"Yeah the nerd with the glasses said something about that."
  6188. >"Hey!" Twilight whines.
  6189. >"Gilda that's not very nice." Pinkie Pie says.
  6190. >"Gilda" just flips her off, causing the usually bubbly girl to frown.
  6191. "If this Leshen is going to be taken down permanently, I'm going to need to hunt down those totems and then face the monster."
  6192. >The girls look uneasy as you explain this.
  6193. >"Anon." Sunset begins, "You taught us how to fight we'll help y-"
  6194. "No."
  6195. >"What? Why?!"
  6196. "Leshen are some of the most dangerous creatures a Witcher can face in the wild. They're almost always fought in their own territory and they have every advantage we do not. I'm not risking your lives with the odds that stacked against us."
  6197. >"What are you some sort of cool edgy badass or something?" the ranger sneers. "Thing ain't that tough, sent that thing running with this baby."
  6198. >She taps the side of the military grade shotgun proudly.
  6199. "How many shells do you have left for that thing?"
  6200. >"Excuse me?"
  6201. "How. Many. Shells."
  6202. >Gilda glares at you, "Thirty-two buckshot in the drum, and two 8-shell magazines."
  6203. >She pulls out one of the smaller magazines and shows it to you before stuffing it back into her pocket.
  6204. >There's a band of red tape near the base of the magazine. Likely to signify the type of ammunition loaded inside.
  6205. "Frag-12?"
  6206. >Your question makes Gilda's glare turn into a look of enthusiasm, "Of course. How'd you know?"
  6207. "Saw alot of disintrigrated and burnt crow bodies. I'm assuming the splinters on the ground nearby where from the Leshen getting nailed with them?"
  6208. >"You know an awful lot about guns Anon?" Rainbow Dash asks.
  6209. >You give her a shrug.
  6210. "I don't have very many hobbies and I need to occupy myself."
  6211. >"Could just jack-off."
  6212. >You glare at Gilda this time.
  6213. >It strikes you as a bit odd on how a forest ranger obtained an AA-12, the thirty two shell drum, and HE shells. There's something more to it that Gilda more than likely is not going to elaborate on.
  6214. >Like the HE shells used by it, AA-12s are especially hard to come by unless you know the righ people.
  6215. >Getting up from your seat, you head towards the back door.
  6216. >"Anon wait!" Sunset calls out.
  6217. "What?"
  6218. >"What should we do?"
  6219. >You take a few moments to think.
  6220. "Once I'm gone wait ten minutes and get Cheerilee into the Principal's car and get her to the nearest hospital. When you get the opportunity call the police and get some help for the others. I'll try to kill the monster, or at least buy you all enough time to escape."
  6221. >"Anon that's a terrible idea." Applejack says crossing her arms.
  6222. "But right now with everything happening it's the only one that'll ensure you all can get out of here alive."
  6223. >Drawing your silver sword, the runes along the blade glow a bright gold as it leaves its scabbard.
  6224. >Everyone in the room looks in awe at the glowing blade as it shines in the moonlight peering through the window.
  6225. "I'll be fine as long as I have this."
  6226. >"So cool..." Rainbow Dash mutters as you put the sword back.
  6227. >Turning back to the door a pair of arms wrap around your waist.
  6228. >"Anon..."
  6229. "AJ."
  6230. >"Ah got your answer."
  6231. >You give a small smile.
  6232. "I'll hear it when I get back."
  6233. >Letting you go, Applejack hesitates for a moment then grabs your shoulders and spins you around.
  6234. >Her eyes glisten with a few newly formed tears, "Kick that varmints ass and get back to me safely."
  6235. >Pulling your head close, she gives you another deep kiss just as enegetic and brief as the first.
  6236. >Nodding, you make your way to the exit as you pass by the students and faculty who only watche in shock and awe.
  6237. >Passing by Celestia, she gives you a curious look.
  6238. >"Anon? Are you-"
  6239. "Don't know till I get back. Girls will fill you in, talk to them."
  6240. >If she has one a reply, you don't bother listening as you enter the kitchen.
  6241. >Standing before the metal door, you mentally prepare yourself for what's to come.
  6242. >Suddenly you hear the sound of heavy boots stepping on the tiled floor behind you.
  6243. >"Yo asshole. I'm coming with you."
  6244. "I wouldn strongly advise against it."
  6245. >"Yeah well you can take your advisemnet and shove it. That sword shit may look cool and all, but it ain't got jack on this baby. We find that fucker he's mine."
  6246. "This isn't a game."
  6247. >Lighting a cigarette, she takes a puff and blows a smoke in your face.
  6248. >"I don't give a shit." Gilda says nonchalantly.
  6249. >That sort of attitude is going to get her killed.
  6250. "Don't hold me responsible if you fuck up and die then."
  6251. >She might anyway despite your warnings.
  6252. >"Implying that I'm gonna be the one who dies." the woman says with a pair of air quotes.
  6253. "Is that a threat?"
  6254. >Ignoring your comment, Gilda pulls out the drum from underneath her shotgun and gives it a once over.
  6255. >"RD and Sunshine have been going on and on about how you were teaching them how to hardcore LARP these past couple days. I want to see if what they say actually is true or if its all a bunch of bullshit."
  6256. >LARP?
  6257. >Did you miss something?
  6258. "Do what you will."
  6259. >"Awesome."
  6260. >Opening the door, you exit the building with Gilda following right behind you into the mist.
  6262. >You watch as Anon walks through the door and disappears with Gilda.
  6263. >Emotions conflict inside you as the deadbolt slides shut and locks the outside world away.
  6264. >"Applejack are you okay?" Fluttershy asks.
  6265. "No, can't say I am Fluttershy."
  6266. >You want to be there to help him against this thing, but deep down you know that it'll probably make things harder on Anon trying to fight and protect you.
  6267. >"What was the point of doing all that sword training if he's not gonna let us use it?" Rainbow complains.
  6268. >"It's probably because our swords are made of *wood* and we're not even good enough to take down Rarity!"
  6269. >"You've come close though." Rarity adds.
  6270. >Just then, Principal Celestia walks up to you with a small smile, but its one that is obviously just a front.
  6271. "Good to see you Principal Celestia."
  6272. >"Likewise, I'm glad that you're all safe. Applejack could I talk to you in private?"
  6273. "Uh... sure thing?"
  6274. >You turn towards the others who are just as confused by the request as she is.
  6275. >Walking along with her to the empty kitchen, she double checks to make sure no one else is listening.
  6276. "Is everything alright?"
  6277. >Taking a deep breath, Celestia lets out a sigh before her look turns serious.
  6278. >"I assume you know Mr. Anonymous is not who he says he is?"
  6279. "Yeah, he's a Witcher."
  6280. >"And you know he's been doing this for quite some time?"
  6281. >Why is she asking this?
  6282. >Well she's concerned for you and the others, but why did she just single you out?
  6283. >Was it because of that kiss you gave Anon?
  6284. "Principal Celestia, no offense but what are you getting at?"
  6285. >"I'm sorry if this seems inappropriate, but are you and Anonymous... very close?"
  6286. >You're a bit surprised your Principal is asking this. Why would she be...?
  6287. >You nod your head.
  6288. >"I see."
  6289. >She looks away with a disappointed frown.
  6290. >"You are aware that Anon is almost twice your age correct?"
  6291. "Ah know. Principal Celestia why are you asking me all these questions?"
  6292. >"I'm... just concerned for you that's all. If I had learned any other student was dating someone twice their age I would be extremely concerned."
  6293. "Then what makes this so different?"
  6294. >"I think it might be because Anon doesn't look thirty, and maybe because he's a very caring and thoughtful individual though he tries to hide it."
  6295. >You chuckle.
  6296. "Eeyup, sure sounds like him. But how do you know that?"
  6297. >Celestia blushes a little, "Oh the other night I got extremely drunk while your brother and Anon were at the same bar. Anonymous took me to a motel and spent the night with me to make sure I didn't get into any trouble."
  6298. >Did he now?
  6299. >You go deadpan as the Principal reminices?
  6300. >Suddnely Celestia realizes the implications.
  6301. >"You don't have to worry Applejack, nothing happened between us despite my inebreated state."
  6302. "Uh huh..."
  6303. >She's not lying, but she's also hiding something. There's a deep feeling in your gut that's telling you so.
  6304. >"Still... I don't suppose you two are in an... oh my God this is embarrasing and extermely inappropriate to ask but... are you two in an open relationship?"
  6305. >The Principal awkwardly smiles waiting for your answer.
  6306. >You on the otherhand have just gone numb with shock.
  6307. "W-what?"
  6308. >"Please don't make me repeat myself... it's embarrasing as it is."
  6309. "..."
  6310. >Principal Celestia nudges you in the side with her elbow.
  6311. >"Come on, help a fellow woman out. I'll make it worth your while."
  6312. >Slowly you turn around and leave the kitchen without another word. You don't want to deal with this right now.
  6313. >"Applejack? You're going to think about it right? Applejack? Please? PLEASE?!"
  6315. -----
  6317. >Crossing through the thick brush you and your undesired companion cautiously make your way deeper into the heart of the forest.
  6318. >Although it's pitch black out, you have enough low-light vision that you probably won't need a Cat potion.
  6319. >You'll have to keep an eye for out for any totems you may come across, if the leshen is hurt like Gilda says, it'll probably be recuperating in the thicket and have its thralls guarding the totems.
  6320. >How many you'll have to destroy, you're unsure of though. Most don't seem to make more than three but that's not a guarantee.
  6321. >Gilda follows closely behind keeping her shotgun trained at any suspicious area.
  6322. >"So how the hell do we find this thing?"
  6323. "Easiest way is to destroy the totems it set up to mark its territory. Piss it off enough and it'll come to us."
  6324. >Gilda snorts, "So now I ask, how do we find the totems?"
  6325. "Listen for the crows."
  6326. >"..."
  6327. >Stopping in your tracks, you take a quick look around to make sure the coast is clear.
  6328. >To any normal individual, the forest would be deathly quiet. To a Witcher though, you can hear much of the activity of the forest that most people either ignore or can't hear unless they were right next to the source.
  6329. >Small critters darting to their burrows, a flowing stream to the east.
  6330. >Even better though is the sound of flapping wings to the northwest, southwest and southeast.
  6331. >Judging by the proximity, the southwestern flock is the closest.
  6332. "This way."
  6333. >The two of of you make your way towards the source with as little delay as possible.
  6334. >Passing by a large boulder, you take notice of the large claw marks in the side.
  6335. >Marking its territory as expected.
  6336. >As you near, you can spot the very the thing you're looking for. The medallion on your neck is tugging strongly the closer you get to it.
  6337. >Deer skull attached to a deliberate placement of branches.
  6338. "Found one."
  6339. >"Huh, so that's what one of those things are?"
  6340. "You've seen these before?"
  6341. >"Usually just left them alone. Figured they were some sort of native thing."
  6342. "How close were you able to get to it?"
  6343. >"Close enough that a few campers liked to take selfies from time to time."
  6344. >So the leshen was fine with others getting near the totems. Unusual.
  6345. >Something must have triggered it to start massacring people though. Maybe one of the campers broke one?
  6346. >"Shit."
  6347. "What?"
  6348. >"I think messing with one of these things is what got the previous camp doctor killed a couple months ago. He always had a thing for creepy forest shit."
  6349. >Makes sense, but that doesn't explain why there hasn't been any killing until now.
  6350. >Kicking over the totem, you feel a strong hostile presence in the forest.
  6351. >Looks like you made it angry.
  6352. >In the corner of your ear you hear buzzing.
  6353. >A large swarm of bees approaches you two.
  6354. >"Fuck, I do not need this right now."
  6355. >Calmly, you step in front of her and cast Igni.
  6356. >The burst of flame incinerates the massive swarm of bees catching the entire group and burning them away.
  6357. >"Showoff."
  6358. "You're not surprised that I just cast magic?"
  6359. >"After all the other shit that's happened today? No."
  6360. >She bumps you in the arm and continues forward before stopping.
  6361. >"FUCK!"
  6362. "What is it now?"
  6363. >"Those fucking dweebs from the other day!"
  6364. "Care to elaborate?"
  6365. >Gilda angrily begins moving towards the river, "Three of those freshman must have found one of those totem things the other day and broke it. They were chased by a swarm of bees just like this one!"
  6366. "Well for a clue that's better than nothing I guess. You know how to get there?"
  6367. >"Yeah c'mon."
  6369. >You sit back down at the table as all the girls look at you strangely.
  6370. >"Yo AJ, you look like you've just seen a ghost."
  6371. >"Applejack darling, what did the Principal want to talk to you about?"
  6372. "Ah don't want to talk about it."
  6373. >Before the girls can dig deeper, your sister and her friends come up to you.
  6374. >"Applejack?"
  6375. "Hey there Bloom, you three holding up okay?"
  6376. >She nods her head, "Um... Applejack was that Anon who came in here with the Principal?"
  6377. "Yeah, he's going out there to hunt down the thing keeping us cooped up in here."
  6378. >"Is he gonna be okay?" Sweetie asks.
  6379. >"Anon will be fine girls, it's Gilda we're going to have to worry about."
  6380. >"You know, I've been thinking about something." Twilight states.
  6381. "What's that?"
  6382. >"Why exactly did the Leshen only choose now to start attacking us?"
  6383. >"Um, cause it's a monster? Duh."
  6384. >Rolling her eyes, Twilight pushes her glasses up her nose.
  6385. >"That's just the thing, the Leshen is one of the more intelligent monsters in the world. It must have been in the forest for a long time and had no problems with previous campers."
  6386. >"Um... we think we know why the thing is angry..." Apple Bloom says.
  6388. >Well, this might explain things.
  6389. >In front of you is a totem similar to the first uprooted from its original spot.
  6390. >Something must have knocked it over.
  6391. >Its also missing the skull that usually hangs on the top.
  6392. >Kneeling to the ground, you can see small footprints in the dirt.
  6393. >Smaller feet, three distinct shoe patterns.
  6394. >They start overlapping then head off towards the small grave you two passed by and judging from the distance between their steps compared to the others they were running.
  6395. >When you asked about the grave, Gilda explained what she knew about it. A nature walk turned bad when the man was mauled by wolves.
  6396. >Apparently because of the nearby picnic area and the traffic it has, the wildlife usually kept a wide berth which made the doctor's death pretty strange.
  6397. >Considering the distance to the grave marker and this totem, it does lend credence to the theory that the camp doctor was killed by the Leshen.
  6398. >He might have tried to disturb or take the totem, or at least got way too close for the Leshen's comfort and it sent the wolves after him.
  6399. >All that's really speculation right now though, but it leaves you with a general idea of why the Leshen is so obsessed with the campers now.
  6400. >"Well?"
  6401. "Skull is missing."
  6402. >"Oh is that all? Well I guess we can call it a day and head home now." Gilda calls out sarcastically.
  6403. "It could explain all the sudden hostility towards the campers if one of them took it, I only hope the skull is around here somewhere."
  6404. >"Why?"
  6405. "I'm getting little magical presence compared to the first totem, and they should all have a similar signature to each other."
  6406. >Casting another Igni to destroy the second totem, you two move onto the third and last.
  6408. "You did what?!"
  6409. >Scootaloo sheepishly places the skull she pulled out of her backpack and places it on the table.
  6410. >"Scootaloo why'd you take it?"
  6411. >"I thought it looked really cool..."
  6412. >The deer skull is covered in cracks filled with glue and the horns themselves look like they were broken off and glued back on themselves.
  6413. >"When the hay did you even have time to pick it back up?"
  6414. >"Before we were running from the bees, I slipped it into my backpack."
  6415. >Sunset groans, "Scootaloo, you taking that skull might be the reason why we're all in this mess."
  6416. >The young girl looks like she's about to cry.
  6417. >"I'm sorry, I didn't know..."
  6418. >Rainbow Dash goes over and pulls her into a hug, "It's okay squirt, we'll get through this."
  6419. >Letting out a frustrated sigh Twilight looks closer at the decorated skull.
  6420. >As she gets near, a beeping starts coming from her.
  6421. >"Uh oh..."
  6422. "What is it?"
  6423. >Twilight pulls out that magic doohickey pendant, the sight of which sends all of you on edge again.
  6424. >Small blinking lights circle the face of it before leaving three lights pointed towards the skull.
  6425. >"I'm getting a magic reading on this..."
  6426. >Well that's just great.
  6427. >"So what does that mean?"
  6428. >"I don't know much about leshens but I'm assuming that they have a link to each of their totems. As long as this stays here we're all in danger."
  6429. "So what we just break it?"
  6430. >"That sounds like the best idea we got so far." Rainbow Dash says.
  6431. >"I have to say, knowing that *thing* is connected to this makes me feel... uncomfortable."
  6432. "Same. Almost like it's watching us."
  6433. >"..."
  6434. >You all look at the motionless skull on the table.
  6435. >"You don't think?"
  6436. >The thought makes you all shudder.
  6437. >Sunset heads into the supply closet and looks around for something to destroy the skull.
  6438. >She comes out with a croquet mallet and gives it a few swings.
  6439. >Placing the skull on the ground, Sunset brings the ballet overhead and smashes it.
  6440. >"Hopefully Anon shows that meany monster the one two now." Pinkie Pie says.
  6442. >Cutting down the last wolf you walk back-to-back next to Gilda.
  6443. >The Leshen's getting really impatient with you it seems.
  6444. >Almost an entire wolf pack just to protect this last totem.
  6445. >Casting another Igni, the totem burns as both you and Gilda finally can take a moment to catch a breath.
  6446. >"You might be a fucking LARPing dweeb, but I gotta admit you ain't all bad." Gilda says wiping the sweat from her brow.
  6447. >Gilda's shotgun is smoking at the tip as a massive pile of dead animal bodies lay around you two.
  6448. >Suddenly bird squawking and a tell-tale swarm of black birds circling in before drawing your attention.
  6449. >The ranger ejects the drum casing and clips it to her side. Opting to load in one of the HE magazines.
  6450. >When the birds disperse, a leshen stands before you. A large hole in its side and the damage to its arm indicate Gilda's previous encounter with it.
  6451. >"Well look who finally showed up."
  6452. >With a roar, the leshen digs its arms into the dirt. You can feel a tremor in the earth as you immediately realize what it's doing.
  6453. >Pushing Gilda out of the way, you cast Quen as the roots shoot up and impact the shield.
  6454. >The blow sends you flying back into a tree as Gilda curses.
  6455. >"Piece of shit!"
  6456. >Taking aim, Gilda fires another burst. Each frag shell hits center of mass as the leshen staggers backwards roaring in pain.
  6457. >Getting back up quickly, Gilda dodges an overhead swipe from the monster.
  6458. >You run in close behind the leshen and bring down your silver sword behinds the joints in its legs.
  6459. >The silver blade cuts through the wooden flesh easily bringing the creature to its knees followed by a quick burst of Igni.
  6460. >With the monster distracted with the flames, you roll out of the way as Gilda empties her magazine breaking both of its arms off and reducing the leshen to nothing but a sad splintered limbless husk.
  6461. >It moans pathetically as you two ease up.
  6462. >Gilda ejects the spent magazine and loads in her last magazine.
  6463. >"Eat shit."
  6464. >With one arm, she aims the shotgun at the monster's head and pulls the trigger.
  6465. >Its face explodes with a resounding crack as the monster's body falls to the ground and bursts into a pile of dead branches and roots.
  6466. >"Haha yeah that's right you fucking shithead!" Gilda taunts the corpse.
  6467. >You however are less enthusiastic about the victory.
  6468. >The fog hasn't dispersed nor has the feeling of dread that surrounds you ever since you entered the woods.
  6469. >"Hey asshole, what's with the grim face?"
  6470. "That was way too easy."
  6471. >Gilda looks between you and the "corpse", her expression turning from proud to angry.
  6472. >"How do you know that thing just wasn't a pushover?!" she demands.
  6473. "Because leshens don't make a habit of just standing in one place while fighting, and if you haven't noticed the mist isn't gone despite us "killing" it and destroying the totems."
  6474. >Looking around, Gilda realizes what you're saying.
  6475. >"Then if it's not dead..."
  6476. >Thinking back, a pit in your stomach forms as you realize that you missed something incredibly obvious.
  6477. >When going over the story with the girls, Sunset said they found Fluttershy lying unconscious on the ground outside despite her encountering the monster.
  6478. >You didn't think too much of it at the time as leshens don't often grow old enough in this day and age in the few stories you've heard from the other Witchers...
  6479. >But the Everfree is one of the oldest forests in the country. There's little reason to believe it wouldn't have the time to develop the ability.
  6480. "Back to the camp. NOW!"
  6481. >Gilda quickly follows as you take off in the direction of the camp.
  6482. >"Hey! What's the rush?"
  6483. "The Leshen's marked someone in the dining hall."
  6485. >Everyone looks at the shattered remains of the painted skull on the floor.
  6486. >Slinging the mallet over your shoulder you can't help but feel a bit satisfied smashing the thing.
  6487. >"Do... um... do you think that it's all over?"
  6488. "I think so?"
  6489. >Despite destroying the skull, Twilight's pendant thing is still beeping.
  6490. >Tapping a few buttons the device, Twilight looks just as puzzled.
  6491. >"What's wrong dear?"
  6492. >"My magic-o-meter's now detecting the same magical signature from... Fluttershy?"
  6493. >"M-me? Wh-why?"
  6494. >Suddenly the moonlight outside disappears as something blocks the light from coming inside.
  6495. >Without warning, Twilight's pendant starts beeping even faster and louder causing you all to jump.
  6496. >"Twilight what the heck?!"
  6497. >"I don't know... something's wrong! It should only do this when there's a large magical prese-."
  6498. >Before she can finish, the sounds of birds cawing interrupts her. A noise that becomes louder and more numerous each second.
  6499. >Oh no...
  6500. >Everyone in the hall begins freaking out from the crowing when suddenly all the barricaded windows burst inward as scores of birds fly inside the building.
  6501. >You cover your eyes to avoid the flying glass shards and wooden table splinters as Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash shield the younger girls.
  6502. >A sudden tremor sends you all falling to the ground.
  6503. >When you open your eyes, everyone stares in horror as the monster stands in the center of the room right in front of Fluttershy.
  6505. -----
  6507. >The leshen just stands there looking around the room.
  6508. >Despite the fact that everyone else is located near the exit behind it, no one dares make a move.
  6509. >Weighing your options, it would probably kill you or the girls if any of you tried to make a move to open the front door or move past it towards the kitchen exit.
  6510. >Fluttershy looks up and falls back on her butt, and backpeddles towards Rarity and Pinkie Pie.
  6511. >"W-what-what the heck is that thing?!" someone yells out.
  6512. >"Game over man! Game over!"
  6513. >Students begin panicking and making their way to the rear exit inadvertently drawing the monster's attention towards them.
  6514. >Mrs. Harshwhinny and Principal Celestia help Miss Cheerilee out of the building as the Vice Principal keeps her gun trained on the leshen.
  6515. >Turning its head slowly, it raises its arm to begin its slaughter.
  6516. >No!
  6517. >*Crunch*
  6518. >The leshen freezes and looks right at you.
  6519. >Looking down at your foot, you realize that you stepped on a piece of the deer skull.
  6520. >You sheepishly give the leshen an apologetic smile.
  6521. "Uh... sorry?"
  6522. >The leshen roars at you, swiping one it's huge forearms at you.
  6523. >"Sunset!" the others cry out your name.
  6524. >Rolling to the side, the leshen lumbers towards you ignoring the girls.
  6525. >Applejack takes the opportunity to pick up one of the discarded hunting rifles and takes aim.
  6526. >Flipping the safety off, she pulls the trigger.
  6527. >A bullet impacts the chest of the creature but doesn't deter it in the least.
  6528. >"Shoot!" she yells in frustration, ejecting the casing from the bolt-action rifle and loading a new one.
  6529. >Taking aim again, she fires another shot off this time chipping its "face".
  6530. >This act actually draws its attention as it loses interest in you.
  6531. "Girls, run!"
  6532. >Rarity, Pinkie and Twilight drag the crusaders and Twilight making towards the exit.
  6533. >"I'm not gonna let you hurt my friends!" Rainbow Dash threatens.
  6534. >Her body glows blue and wings sprout from her back as she begins transforming into her pony form.
  6535. >Looking around you see the emergency fire axe in its glass case on the wall.
  6536. >Running over and smashing the glass with the small hammer, you grab the axe and call over Rainbow.
  6537. "Rainbow Dash!"
  6538. >Giving her priority the leshen tries to swat her out of the sky as she flies over its head to retrieve the weapon.
  6539. >Using her enhanced strength she uses the axe to land a blow to its back sending it reeling forward.
  6540. >You look for something you else you can use to hurt the thing while Rainbow Dash keeps it distracted.
  6541. >Applejack fires again only grazing it.
  6542. >"This ain't working dagnabbit!"
  6543. >Just then you spot something by her foot.
  6544. >"Applejack! The carburetor spray!"
  6545. >Applejack glances at her foot and picks up the aerosol can before realizing what you mean.
  6546. >"Here AJ!" Dash calls out digging out something from her pocket.
  6547. >The cowgirl catches Gilda's silver lighter and takes off the can's lid.
  6548. >Sparking the lighter to life she keeps it front of the nozzle head and presses down.
  6549. >A large fireball erupts from the makeshift flamethrower as Applejack gets a wicked smile on her face.
  6550. >Bringing up the lighter towards the leshen she unleashes fire onto the beast.
  6551. >The spray sticks to the monster as its wooden body catches on fire causing it to scream in what you only to assume to be pain.
  6552. >Taking her opportunity Rainbow brings the axe to its chest sending it falling on its back and taking a large chunk of wood out of it.
  6553. >"Aw yeah!"
  6554. >"Hoo boy!"
  6555. >Your accomplishment is short lived though when another flock of crows surrounds the creature and make it disappear, only for the ball of birds to form by shortly behind it with the leshen no worse for wear and the fire extinguished.
  6556. "Oh come on!"
  6557. >The leshen glares at you and tilts its head.
  6558. >When nothing happens you, Applejack and Rainbow are confused when suddenly screams of terror are heard from outside.
  6559. >Darting to the window, birds are dive bombing and clawing the students outside while white wolves begin to chase down the ones that run.
  6560. >Some of the more brave students try to fight back, grabbing whatever they can to use as weapons.
  6561. >Bulk Biceps pushes Derpy out of the way as a wolf tackles him.
  6562. >It's absolute chaos outside as everyone tries to stay alive.
  6563. >Principal Celestia, Luna and Mrs. Harshwhinny try to shield the students and Miss Cheerliee behind them but it's clear that it's a futile gesture against so many rabid animals.
  6564. >Vice Principal Luna keeps the rifle in her hands trained on the closest wolf, but ultimately knows by the time she fired the first shot the others would jump in.
  6565. >"Sister... I-I don't think we'll be making it out of this."
  6566. >"I love you Luna."
  6567. >"As do I Tia."
  6568. >You clench your fists. You're not going to just sit by and let your loved ones get hurt!
  6569. >Your body begins glowing as you can feel the magic beginning to build inside you.
  6570. >The leshen looks at you curiously as you begin to pony up.
  6571. >Flames made from raw magic emanate around you and disappear as you glare at the monster hurting everyone.
  6572. >Your head begins pounding as you lose all sense of reason and charge the monster.
  6573. >"Sunset wait!" Applejack cries out.
  6574. >Thanks to Anon's training with the pendulum you easily avoid the first blow the leshen tries to crush you with, rolling out of the way and getting behind it.
  6575. >Thrusting your arm forward, you bend your fingers in the exact way Anon taught you, to unleash the Witcher Sign known as Igni.
  6576. >You may not have the precision yet, but right now you don’t need it.
  6577. >A torrent of fire explodes from your hand as the monster is engulfed by the magical flames.
  6578. >Because of the wild nature, debris around the room catches on fire and begins to spread the flames, quickly triggering the automated emergency sprinklers.
  6579. >Your head begins pounding and your nose begins to bleed as you try to keep the sign going for as long as you can as the leshen flails its arms.
  6580. >Applejack takes the opportunity to use the poor-man’s flamethrower to add to your fire.
  6581. >Putting as much focus you can to stay conscious, you end up using your other hand to prop your casting hand.
  6582. "Nngg... Rainbow... help... the... others!"
  6583. >"Right!"
  6584. >Rainbow zips out one of the broken windows and digs the fire axe into one of the wolves as it tries to pounce on Principal Celestia.
  6585. >Soon enough though you run out of energy and collapse to the ground.
  6586. >With the onslaught of fire over, the leshen calls in its birds and teleports away.
  6587. >"Sunset!" Applejack cries out just as her can runs out of propellant.
  6588. >Cursing, she ditches the can and runs over to you.
  6589. >Picking you up, she puts you on her shoulder and marches out of the building.
  6590. >"Appl...jack... run..."
  6591. >"No way, ah'm not leaving you here if that thing comes back!" she yells out.
  6592. >The two of you slowly make your way through the building towards the exit as Rainbow, now covered in cuts, bites and blood, kicks away the last wolf before the rest scatter.
  6593. >"How many wolves are there in this forest?!" she asks.
  6594. >You look around and see the damage done.
  6595. >Dozens of students are injured, Bulk Biceps's chest in particular is covered in blood after getting mauled by one of the rabid wolves.
  6596. >Rarity and Pinkie try to console the crusaders, as Fluttershy does her best to tend Bulk with what she can.
  6597. >"Oh... I need to stop the bleeding!" she cries out.
  6598. >"Here." Principal Celestia says, tearing off a large portion of her purple shirt.
  6599. >"Rainbow Dash, can you grab the medical kits inside? You're the only one in any condition to enter the building." the Vice Principal asks.
  6600. >"I'll do my best." Rainbow replies with a salute before running off.
  6601. >Applejack sets you down by a picnic table and wrings her soaking hat of water.
  6602. >"You alright sugarcube?" she asks wiping the blood from your nose and face.
  6603. "My head... it's killing me..."
  6604. >"Landsakes girl, those were some mighty spectacular fireworks you put on there. Could put Trixie to shame with that!"
  6605. >You chuckle only to wince in pain as you look at your left hand.
  6606. >The sleeve of your jacket is charred off though your hand is mostly fine save for some minor burns.
  6607. >Just then you hear two sets of boots running through the grass behind you.
  6608. >Turning your head, you see Anon and Gilda with expression of shock as the dining hall's interior is still burning.
  6609. "Anon..."
  6610. >"Sunset!" he says running over to you, displaying uncharacterized fear.
  6611. >Kneeling by you he looks you over, "Are you okay?"
  6612. "Head hurts... but I'm fine..."
  6613. >He lets out a sigh of relief.
  6614. >"What happened?"
  6615. >"That thing came out of nowhere and started attacking everyone inside. Sunset, Rainbow and I tried to fight it off but that monster just brought in help… We couldn't protect the others."
  6616. >Anon follows Applejack's gaze and looks over the scene.
  6617. >His features become grim as he takes it all in.
  6618. >"How did you drive it off?"
  6619. >"Sunset did most of the work." Applejack says smiling, "She used that magic you taught her the other day to send that thing packing."
  6620. >"She cast Igni?"
  6621. >"Eeyup, kept those flames going for a few minutes to buy everyone some time as Rainbow helped them out."
  6622. >A look of surprise from his face causes you to giggle.
  6623. >"Huh, you only just started signs and already casting the alternate versions."
  6624. >He places an arm on your shoulder and smiles, "Good job Sunset."
  6625. >You feel pride as he says this before suddenly everything goes dark.
  6627. >"Sunset? Sunset?!" Applejack cries out, shaking her friend.
  6628. "Don't worry it's just fatigue. Sign usage takes a bit of stamina, more so with the alternate versions of signs."
  6629. >The weird anthropomorphic ears on top of her head vanish as she tilts her head to the side with a faint smile on her face.
  6630. >Getting up, you survey the damage cause by the leshen's attack.
  6631. >You count at least three students who are heavily injured. One of whom Fluttershy and Celestia are tending too.
  6632. >Two of them are moving so their condition seems stable enough. Still, proper medical attention needs to arrive soon.
  6633. >Whether the last one makes it or not is in fate's hands now.
  6634. >Rainbow Dash comes flying out through one of the windows in her anthro form with three metal boxes that you recognize as medical supplies.
  6635. >Touching down, she runs over to Celestia and the other injured students.
  6636. >Without warning explosions go off inside the dining hall causing everyone to jump for cover.
  6637. >But just as quick as it started, the fireworks end.
  6638. >"Well, looks like all the ammo inside cooked off." Gilda says drolly.
  6639. >Looking at her shotgun, she unloads the magazine and counts the shells.
  6640. >"Only got seven FRAG shells left, maybe ten or so buckshot before I switched. Considering how much I used to get to the damn thing I don’t think this’ll be enough."
  6641. >Gilda pulls out another cigarette and searches her pockets.
  6642. >"Where the hell did I put my lighter?" she says feeling up her body.
  6643. >"Here." Applejack answers tossing the silver lighter to her.
  6644. >”I’m gonna go fetch something from the ranger shack.” she says before walking off.
  6645. >After making sure Applejack and Sunset will be fine, you walk over towards Fluttershy.
  6646. >Celestia hugs her as she cries into her jacket.
  6647. >Looks like someone didn't make it...
  6648. >They both hear you approach and turn their heads.
  6649. >"A-Anon... why?" Fluttershy asks.
  6650. >You don't answer her, instead facing Celestia and asking for a moment of privacy.
  6651. >She nods her head and walks over to her sister.
  6652. "Fluttershy."
  6653. >Hugging you tightly, the girl cries into your leather jacket.
  6654. >You place an arm on the back of her head and return the hug.
  6655. >Someone caring like Fluttershy shouldn't have to see sights so dark. And it's only going to get worse for her.
  6656. >Guiding her away from the body you take her to one of the picnic benches and let her take a seat.
  6657. "Fluttershy, I'm sorry."
  6658. >She doesn't respond as the crying doesn't stop.
  6659. "You encountered the leshen right? Before I got here? It didn’t seem to lay a hand on you?"
  6660. >The girl nods her head, trying to regain her composure.
  6661. >”All I r-r-remember was seeing it and everything going dark. I-I th-thought for s-sure I was going to die...”
  6662. "I'm not going to lie, there's a reason for that."
  6663. >You take a few moments to try and find the right words as Fluttershy finally stops her crying and looks at you with those wide innocent eyes.
  6664. >Which honestly doesn't make this any easier.
  6665. "The leshen marked you. It means that even if all the totems it set were all destroyed, it still has a back-up to revive itself: you."
  6666. >Her eyes widen as she processes the information.
  6667. >"S-so that mea-means... it's my f-fault? I'm the r-reason everyone's hurt and Bulk is g-go-g-"
  6668. >You place your hands on her shoulders and try to comfort her.
  6669. "The person usually doesn't know they're marked, this was hardly your fault. It must have planned this as soon as Gilda and I killed it the first time."
  6670. >Dammit. You're no good at these things.
  6671. "In order to kill the monster for good, you have to leave Fluttershy."
  6672. >"F-for how long?"
  6673. "I don't know, but should you ever come back near this forest so does the Leshen."
  6674. >"N-no... but my animal friends... Harry, Angel..." she mumbles as more tears come out.
  6675. "I'm sorry Fluttershy."
  6676. >Sighing, you call Celestia over.
  6677. >"Anon, this entire mess is getting out of hand."
  6678. "I know, listen. Right now the monster's retreated so it should be the perfect chance to move Cheerliee and Fluttershy out of here."
  6679. >"Fluttershy? But wouldn't she be better to ta-"
  6680. >You cut her off with a nod of the head.
  6681. "The situation is even more complicated than I originally thought, Fluttershy has become linked to the monster and if she stays here I can't kill it."
  6682. >Celestia looks between Fluttershy and you before nodding her head, "Alright, when we get the next available phone signal I'm calling for help."
  6683. >Nodding your head, you leave the pink haired girl in Celestia's care as you stare towards the dark woods.
  6684. >As you walk towards the forest, Gilda walks up to you with two large objects strapped to the back of her waist.
  6685. "You're not coming with me."
  6686. >"Since when did I ever take orders from you?"
  6687. "I don't want anyone else dying tonight. Regrettably that also includes you."
  6688. >"Implying that I'm gonna be the one who dies." she says with a toothy smirk.
  6689. >Your patience is at an end with this woman and move to draw your sword.
  6690. >She takes out her cigarette and holds up her hands in surrender.
  6691. >"Calm your tits asshole. Here, take this." she says tossing you a small vial.
  6692. >Taking the glass container you look inside only to look at her questioningly.
  6693. >Looks like oil.
  6694. "What is this?"
  6695. >"Do I have to spell it out for you Wolf?"
  6696. >Digging through her collar she pulls out a small medallion with the head of a griffon on it.
  6697. >"Never really cared for the whole Path schtick when they brought me in. Ditched those two swords they let me loose with as soon as I could."
  6698. "You're..."
  6699. >Her gold eyes quickly constrict briefly to become just like your own before returning to their normal appearance.
  6700. >"Thought the sword and sign stuff was super lame, y'know cept the Axii one, but seeing you in action I think I might give it a go."
  6701. >The urge to ask her how this is possible is immense when she reaches behind her and draws two black machetes from their sheathes.
  6702. >"Beats running out of ammo all the time I guess."
  6703. >Walking past you she stops just short of the forest and gives you that same cocky smirk.
  6704. >"Well? You coming or what?" Gilda asks before walking off.
  6705. >Hundreds of questions go through your head at this recent revelation. One of the biggest being how the hell is a woman a Witcher?
  6706. >You're going to have to demand some answers from him when you head back for winter.
  6707. >You really hope Gilda isn't fucking with you, because right now the last thing you need is for this to be some sort of elaborate prank.
  6708. >Popping the cork off the top you pour the solution onto your blade and watch as the oil coats the cold metal.
  6709. >There's no words to describe how much you'll enjoy killing this monster.
  6711. >"But what about Anon?" Pinkie Pie asks as you help Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna load Miss Cheerilee into the car.
  6712. "He'll be fine Pinkie, right now we got our own things to worry about."
  6713. >Gently placing the youngest teacher flat in the back seat you shut the door.
  6714. >Looking back towards Twilight, she's watching over the unconscious body of Sunset Shimmer.
  6715. >After that light show she pulled off in the hall, she deserves a bit of a break.
  6716. >Though you can't help but wish this entire night was just a really bad dream.
  6717. >"Cheerilee is settled in. Just be sure to take it slow." Vice Principal Luna tells her sister.
  6718. >Rarity holds Fluttershy's hand as she helps her into the car.
  6719. >Dried tears stain her eyes as she buckles in.
  6720. >"Oh... I think it would be best if I go with her Principal Celestia."
  6721. >The Principal thinks it over, "If you're okay with that Fluttershy?"
  6722. >"I... I'm fine..."
  6723. >You, Pinkie and the Principal adjust the seating so that Rarity can Miss Cheerilee in the back seat.
  6724. >Closing the doors, the Principal starts her car.
  6725. >The engine rumbles to life as the headlights turn on.
  6726. >Principal Celestia rolls down the window as Vice Principal Luna approaches the driver side.
  6727. >"Be careful sister."
  6728. >"I'll send help as soon as I can."
  6729. >Nodding her head, the Principal's car exits the parking lot.
  6730. >You and Pinkie wave goodbye though Fluttershy doesn't seem to notice.
  6731. >Pinkie Pie's hair deflates as the car leaves the camp and heads down the road.
  6732. >Turning your head, you look at the devastation that monster wrought on the others. The dining hall is a smoking husk, students are injured.
  6733. >One is... gone.
  6734. >You head over to where your sister and her friends are and sit next to her.
  6735. >She cries into your chest as you pet her head gently.
  6736. "Ah hope Anon makes that thing pay for this."
  6738. -----

[Casual Sex] A Show Worth Watching (Fluttershy&Futa Twilight)

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[Pony Supremacy] Captive (RDxAnon, femdom)

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Obsession (Part 1)

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Obsession (Part 2)

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