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Witcher of Canterlot Pt. 2

By AnonymousReuploader
Created: 2020-12-27 19:32:22
Expiry: Never

  1. ---------------
  2. >For the past half-hour you and your fellow "Witcher", Gilda, have been searching high and low for any trace of the Leshen.
  3. >Suffice to say, it has been a very quiet one despite Gilda's personality.
  4. >Throughout the entire journey you can't help but glance at the "ranger" every opportunity you can. Even in spite the griffon medallion and the cat eyes, the feeling of unease doesn't vanish around her.
  5. >Sure the fact that she's a fellow Witcher means you don't have to worry about her safety as much as before, but you can't help but ask the obvious.
  6. "So, they're letting women become Witchers now?"
  7. >Gilda scoffs, "What? You trying to trigger my feminist side?"
  8. "No, just the mutations and the Trials..."
  9. >"That bondage shit? Fuck, don't remind me."
  10. "Last I remember the mutagens don't work with women. Unless you're a..."
  11. >"Dude, don't even go there."
  12. "I don't know, now that you say you're a Witcher I'm starting to see some more mascu-"
  13. >"You do not want to make me drop my pants to prove it to you." she warns you.
  14. "As if that'll really prove anything if you're post-op. I hear they're getting pretty convincing now."
  15. >"Fuck you."
  16. >The mist starts to become a bit denser as you enter deeper into the trees and you can hear the occasional bird flying past you.
  17. >You wouldn't be surprised if that thing was watching you right now.
  18. >"Things have changed since you were last at the Keep. Guess the old man and Mr. Magical felt that it was becoming a sausagefest over there every winter and decided to change things up."
  19. >You doubt that's the entire story even if the lack of women during the winter gatherings has always been a common complaint with the others.
  20. >Especially among the few Cats that decided to show up. Ugh.
  21. "How many women are in your school?"
  22. >"Including me? Three others. The other two are the gayest dudes you'd ever meet though."
  23. >Chopping a low hanging branch, Gilda kneels over and brushes her hand over a tree.
  24. >Moving the foliage aside she points at four large gashes left through the bark.
  25. >"Getting close..." she says with a wicked grin.
  26. >But the expression quickly vanishes as Gilda takes a few moments and looks around unsure of something.
  27. "Well?"
  28. >"Er... I never really paid attention on how to find the rarer monsters. All I signed up for was a get-out-of-juvie for free card."
  29. >Rolling your eyes you facepalm.
  30. "Somehow I believe that."
  31. >Gilda slow claps, "Well looky here, the Wolf-man can not only tell jokes, but also is a sarcastic motherfucker. And here I thought you just a had a stick up your ass the entire time."
  32. >Stepping past her, you ignore her comments, close your eyes and open your ears.
  33. >There's a large gathering of crowing birds to the north of you.
  34. >Must be where the creature is trying to recover.
  35. >As long as you follow your current course you should be at the heart of the leshen's territory.
  36. >Minutes pass by in silence as you two stay wary of any ambushes.
  37. "So machetes?"
  38. >Gilda shrugs.
  39. >"Like I said I ditched the other swords back at my place and this was all I had on hand on such short notice."
  40. "Yet you had relict oil for just such an occasion?"
  41. >"Nah dude, someone sent it to me a few weeks ago. Let word slip there were a few mysterious disappearances and shit up here and I decided to look into it. I'm guessing because someone up there still thinks I have the stupid swords."
  42. >You turn your head and give her a dumbfounded look.
  43. "So that's how you got the shotgun and explosive ammo for it? Since when did *he* give us equipment for our jobs?"
  44. >"I don't know, but how else do you think I got my shotgun? Can't buy that at the local gun store. Especially with my record."
  45. >You knew that *he* was well funded in order to revive the Witchers and their mutagen formulas but this is something else.
  46. >You end up shaking your head.
  47. "Times have changed I guess if the Doyen doesn't have to make us get our own gear anymore."
  48. >"Yeah you old timers sure had it rough." she says sarcasm dripping from her tone.
  49. "So how exactly do you get paid then? I'm assuming you send him a trophy from the monster?"
  50. >"Yep, killed a werewolf two states over and sent the head in. Got paid the next week. Though he really wants trophies for some reason, heard one of the Bears sent in those mutagen things recently and got like two thousand."
  51. >Even the Bears are in on this? Where the hell have you been all this time?
  52. >This must have started recently in the last three or four winters. Because you haven't been back at the Keep in that time.
  53. "How much did you get?"
  54. >"Almost seven grand."
  55. "..."
  56. >You scratch your chin with a finger.
  57. "You wouldn't happen to know how much he would pay for a Katakan would you?"
  58. >Gilda is surprised at the implication of the question.
  59. >"Aw dude if you killed one those things, that's like twelve grand right there for its head!"
  60. >You die a little inside. Had you known you would have gotten that much you wouldn't have tossed everything into a firepit.
  61. >Goddammit.
  62. >Putting the thought to kill yourself aside, you move onto a different matter. However you do make a mental note to bring it up when you get back home.
  63. "So how much would a leshen head go for?"
  64. >"Eh, give or take just as much."
  65. "We split it?"
  66. >Gilda goes silent and stops.
  67. >"No way dude this was my thing. If anything you're just backup. Most I'll give you is maybe a third and I'm only doing that cause I like you."
  68. "I'm doing most of the work here. I should get at least half."
  69. >"Fuck you." she says flipping you the bird. "If I had just let you kill it yourself you might have just done what the Bear did and wasted the trophy."
  70. "Weren't you the one who fired an explosive round point blank at its head to kill it?"
  71. >Gilda eyes widen then she drops her head in embarrassment.
  72. >"Well I don't really care for this monster hunter shit in the first place."
  73. "Then why are you here?"
  74. >"Because I was bored sitting on my ass all day?" she says likes it the most obvious thing in the world. "Plus the pay ain't bad."
  75. >Your tolerance of her begins to reach its tipping point at her brazen attitude. Especially for her treating all this like a game when blood has been spilled.
  76. >You think back to Fluttershy crying and how much this night will scar her and the others.
  77. "So I'm going to ask right now: Why haven't you already taken care of this before it got so out of hand?"
  78. >The tone in your voice becomes low and menacing, catching Gilda off-guard.
  79. >Gilda diverts her eyes and doesn't respond to your question.
  80. >Of course she doesn't have a response.
  81. "Because the way I see it you couldn't despite the training you went through; and judging from the familiarty with the forest you've shown, you've been here long enough to know the terrain for at least few months maybe."
  82. >"Shut up Wolf." she says at almost whisper level.
  83. "Admit it, I'm making more progress in finding this monster in a few hours than you could in a month. You didn't even realize those totems belonged to the leshen."
  84. >The Griffon witcher scowls, "Shut up."
  85. "Your first clue should have been your medallion reacting to the magic. Not only that but you didn't even know how to track the thing until I got here. If you were really a Witcher this job could have been done in a day."
  86. >Gilda clenches her swords tighter as you dress her down.
  87. >"I said: Shut. Up."
  88. "You treat this like a game when its far from it. You may have the medallion but you sure as hell aren't a real Witch-"
  89. >Gilda immediately throws her left arm at you as a concussive force knocks you off your feet and into a tree.
  90. >"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" she yells out brandishing both machetes. "I didn't deal with all the experimentation crap just to be told off by you! Draw your fucking sword and I'll show you who's a real goddamned Witcher!"
  91. >You flex your jaw before getting up and switching your silver for your steel sword.
  92. "Is this really the best time to be doing this? Right now?"
  93. >"Looks like it dweeb."
  94. >Bringing your blade up, the two of you are interrupted by a flock of crows circling above you.
  95. >Gilda's Aard must have gotten the Leshen's attention.
  96. >The birds scatter in different directions and land on the tree branches overhead to watch the two of you.
  97. >You sense motion coming from your left and turn your head.
  98. >The silhouette of the monster walks past one tree and dissapears behind another, only to teleport to another set of trees before vanishing again.
  99. >Beast is trying to psyche you out it seems. You switch your swords out again and prepare yourself.
  100. >Without looking away, you whistle to get Gilda's attention.
  101. "First one to kill the thing gets the trophy?"
  102. >"You're on loser." Gilda answers.
  103. >The leshen walks out of the shadow of another tree and presents itself to the two who dare to enter its domain.
  104. "Count of three... One."
  105. >"Two."
  106. >"Three!" the both of you call out at the same time.
  107. >The two of you break off towards the leshen as it digs its forearms into the dirt.
  108. >Avoidng the roots that shoot up from the ground you vault over them and towards the beast.
  109. >Cutting its arm it recoils, pulling out its earthed arms.
  110. >Gilda takes the opportunity to roll underneath and pulls off a flurry of blows with the two machetes to its right leg.
  111. >The leshen roars in pain as it scatters into another flock of birds before reappearing a few feet away from you.
  112. >Suddenly the familiar sound of snarling wolves alerts you as a new pack of them run out from deeper into the forest.
  113. >You're getting really sick of it calling these attack dogs.
  114. >Killing the first one that charges at you, you dodge another attempting to tackle you from behind.
  115. >They all scatter as you turn around as your medallion tugs at your neck.
  116. >Ducking under a swinging log of an arm, you roll under the attack and go for its left leg with three fast slashes before you have to avoid another blow.
  117. >A trio of wolves try to attack Gilda but only get stopped in their place as a simple Axii sign later they become dazed and confused before attacking each other.
  118. >While they try to bite each other's throats out, Gilda instead takes the moment to do it for them as she cuts them down in a bloody display.
  119. >"C'mon Wolf, age getting to you already?"
  120. >In one motion, Gilda slides through the gap between the leshen's legs and brings both of her blades into the back of joints.
  121. >As the relict falls to its knees she uses both hands to cast an Igni at the monster.
  122. >A large swathe of fire engulfs the leshen as Gilda focuses her energy into keeping the flames going.
  123. >In desperation, the monster tries to backhand her only for Gilda to drop a Yrden sign before retreating behind a rock.
  124. >Recovering from the fire, the leshen charges at her as she returns the favor by vaulting over the rock, over the leshen and casting Aard when she's above it.
  125. >The energy of the sign propels her upwards as she uses gravity to her advantage for a plunging attack.
  126. >Sticking both her weapons into the hide of the creatures upper body, she pull out one of the blades and begins hacking at its neck as the monster tries to throw her off only to run into the Yrden trap.
  127. >"Aw man if I was a guy I would be SO hard right now!" she boasts out laughing as she repeatedly digs her blade deeper and deeper.
  128. >Despite the slowed reaction time though, Gilda eventually jumps off before the creature slams itself into a tree and rolls into her landing before getting back up.
  129. "Hah! Beat that Wolf!" she proudly shouts giving you another gesture with her middle finger.
  130. >In spite of the showy and ostentatious nature, you won't lie that the amount of stamina she must have to cast all the signs after one another is impressive.
  131. >Guess the Griffon school really does make great use of its specialization in Signs.
  132. >Her swordsmanship skills are wild though. There are about five openings in each of her attacks that someone skilled could take advantage of.
  133. >You'll make a note of that for later.
  134. >Without warning though the crows begin clawing at Gilda and you when you notice the leshen leaning into the tree and discretly burying its arms into the dirt again.
  135. >Distracted by the leshen's avian allies prevents Gilda from realizing this.
  136. "Gilda watch out!"
  137. >Spinning around, Gilda goes wide eyed as the pointed roots explode from the earth to impale her.
  138. >Quickly casting the alternate Quen sign, a golden shield takes the blow and shatters, sending Gilda crashing into a nearby oak tree and dropping her swords in the process.
  139. >She cries out in pain as she grips her arm. Blood seeping down from a cut on her forehead before she passes out.
  140. >Guess that's the limit to her stamina...
  141. >With one opponent out of the way, the Leshen lumbers towards you as she remains motionless.
  142. >Shit.
  143. >Driving your sword into the last wolf, you watch apprehensivly as the leshen approaches you.
  144. >The ends of your neck hair rises as a snarling from your right alerts you a wolf pouncing ontop of you knocking your weapon from your hands.
  145. >Wrestling with the animal you struggle to keep its maw from ripping your throat out.
  146. >Keeping its jaws shut with your hands you carefully grip one side of its head and twist. The wolf's neck resounds with a sickening crack as the canine goes limp.
  147. >Pushing the dead beast off of you you grab your blade as another wolf jumps into the fray and chomps down on your forearm.
  148. "GAH!"
  149. >Gritting your teeth you take your blade and drive it into the creature and ending its life.
  150. >Blood seeps from the bite wound through your jacket sleeve and down your hand.
  151. >Just what you need.
  152. >Brandishing your silver sword, you keep your eyes on the leshen who just stares at you.
  153. >Dashing forward you dive under an overhead sweep and slash at the monster's leg.
  154. >Your sword easily cuts through the wood flesh as the oil coating magnifies the pain the monster feels.
  155. >In retaliation it slams its right arm into the ground as a large root spike digs underneath the surface.
  156. >You feel the earth under your feet rumble as the roots circle around you.
  157. >Watching the ground, you spot the faintest movement in the grass as the root digs itself out and dodge the oncoming spike.
  158. >Suddenly another spike comes up from behind you and pierces your side just under the chain layer inside your jacket.
  159. >Before you can react more roots wrap around your legs as the leshen pulls back its arm for the finishing blow.
  160. >If that connects...
  161. >In desperation you toss your sword towards the monster.
  162. >Arcing in the air the blade lands point into the leshen's chest causing it to stumble back. Easily recovering, the leshen chooses that moment to raise its arms up and prepares to vanish again.
  163. >Taking advantage, you grab a dimeritium bomb from your belt and ignite the fuse.
  164. >Tossing the bomb at its feet the explosive detonates and spreads a greenish cloud around the area.
  165. >Green sparks arc between the floating dimeritium dust and negating all magic within its influence.
  166. >Confused, the monster tries to swat away the dust while you grab your steel sword and chop yourself free of the roots.
  167. >Gritting your teeth you cut through the large root keeping you pinned to the ground.
  168. >Stumbling forward you place a hand over the plant stuck inside your torso and fight through the pain.
  169. >Retreating behind a tree, you give a once over of your injury. Keeping in mind the time for the dimeritium dust to dissipate.
  170. >Dammit, you're gonna lose too much blood if you take this out and a potion is going to do its job way too slowly.
  171. >You're not looking forward to taking it out...
  172. >Peeking around the tree the leshen is still trying to get rid of the bomb dust until it spins around and exposes its back to you.
  173. >The green sparks become less frequent as the dust fades from sight.
  174. >Crap, the dimeritium is wearing off.
  175. >With no time to lose, you grab the trophy hook from your belt and jump onto the leshen's back.
  176. >Clawing the hook into its shoulder joint you hang on for dear life as the monster tries to grab you. In the process of trying to throw you off it exposes the wound on its neck.
  177. >Securing yourself, you bring your hand next to the wound and immediately cast Igni.
  178. >Fire enters the wound and fills its inside with flames. The effectiveness is only emphasized as pillars of fire exits the empty eye sockets of the deer skull.
  179. >The leshen roars as it tries one last time to get you away before they going limp and collapsing to its knees.
  180. >You safely hop to the ground as the creature falls backward and onto the ground. Heavily injured but still alive barely clinging to life.
  181. >Walking up to the unmoving beast, you yank out the silver sword in its chest.
  182. >It struggles to move as you bring your sword down and separate its head from its shoulders.
  183. >All signs of life stop as its body crumbles into dead rotting wood and falls apart.
  184. >You yourself collapse when the mist around you starts to vanish. The birds spectating you waste no time to fly away.
  185. >The few dogs from the pack that are still alive circle around you. Gripping your blade by its hilt you challenge their resolve.
  186. "Go ahead. Make your move."
  187. >You give them the one in the lead position the most threatening glare you can muster.
  188. >The wolves back down and scatter.
  189. >Letting out a sigh of relief you lean back into the crook of the tree and finally take the opportunity to tend to the large branch in your abdomen.
  190. >Setting your sword to your side you grip the root with both hands and grit your teeth.
  191. >With the remaining strength you have, you pull out the branch in a bloody spray.
  192. >Putting pressure on the wound, you pull out the Swallow vial and pour it over the wound.
  193. >With that taken care of, you relax and black out from exhaustion as the potion does its work.
  195. >Shooting awake, a ray of sunlight momentarily blinds you as you get your bearings back.
  196. >You wince in pain as you feel the newly developed scar at your side where the root impaled you.
  197. >Limping over to the dead monster's corpse, you retrieve your sign of victory and attach the dead monster's head to it.
  198. >When you hear a groan of pain behind you, you realize that Gilda's still here.
  199. >"What... what the fuck..." she mumbles.
  200. >You won't lie, you have a great opportunity to just take the reward and go.
  201. >...
  202. >Sighing you take out the second vial of Swallow from your sword strap, you toss it at her.
  203. >Catching it in her hand reflexively, she grimaces and peeks at the liquid before drinking the potion.
  204. >The veins around her face pulse darkly for a few seconds before vanishing.
  205. "Better?"
  206. >"Nggg... stuff tastes like ass."
  207. "Yeah, you're better."
  208. >Spitting out some of the potion in her mouth, she scowls as her eyes drift towards the head at your side.
  209. >"..."
  210. "I'll send this to the old man and tell him we *both* killed it. You'll get half and I'll get half. Don't argue. Don't complain. I'm in no mood for your shit."
  211. >She doesn't say anything as she grabs her abandoned machetes and hobbles off towards the camp.
  212. >Stopping after a few steps, she turns her head but doesn't look you in the eyes.
  213. >"Don't expect me to suck your dick as thanks."
  214. "I get the vibe you don't swing that way. We'll talk when we're out of here."
  215. >She smirks, "Heh, guess you're not a total asshat."
  216. >Following her, the two of you limp back away from the clearing and leave it behind.
  218. -----
  220. >You hear signs of activity beyond the trees as you near the campgrounds with Gilda.
  221. >Blue and red emergency lights oscillate brightly as you crouch low and hide behind a bush.
  222. >Gilda curses.
  223. >"Shit, it looks like the cops are here."
  224. "Celestia was good on her word."
  225. >Before she goes out into the open you tug her back by the shoulder.
  226. >"What?"
  227. >Looking over yourself and Gilda, your clothes are ripped and covered in dried blood. Overall not the most inconspicuous look.
  228. >Not only that but you each wield two large blades.
  229. >Things might get a little awkward and you have no urge to start a fight with emergency personnel.
  230. >You see state rangers prowling the campgrounds as well as a few medical teams providing aid to some students wrapped in blankets.
  231. >No sign of the ones you call your friends yet, but most likely they're still around somewhere.
  232. >"Dammit..."
  233. "What?"
  234. >The Griffon Witcher points, following her gaze you see what she's frustrated about.
  235. >One officer walks by holding her AA-12 along with a bag most likely containing the other pieces that belong to it.
  236. "Cry about that later. Right now we're gonna have to answer a lot of questions if we're spotted since we're covered in dry blood."
  237. >"Dude, we can just use Axii on them."
  238. "All of them? I count around twenty officers, ten paramedics, eight firefighters and a couple of dogs. And those are the ones I can see. And I know for a fact that Axii can't work on that scale unless you were a mage."
  239. >Gilda scoffs, "Whatever..."
  240. "Best bet is to camp out in the forest until it gets a bit darker or activity slows down. Last thing I want is for them to confiscate the trophy."
  241. >"Yeah, that would suck."
  242. >You both watch the emergency crews do their job as they sweep the camp.
  243. >"Well this'll get boring, we can just sneak our shit into the ranger station."
  244. "Better than just waiting around in the trees."
  245. >Carefully, you two retreat back into the woods making sure to avoid the sniffers and their handlers.
  246. >Walking around the campgrounds the long way, you two easily make it to the shack without any difficulty.
  247. >Unlocking the door, Gilda enters the building and flips the switch up and down by the door.
  248. >An overhead light goes on and off in response.
  249. "Power, it's back on."
  250. >"No shit. You're investigative skills are uncanny Wolf."
  251. >Dumping her machetes on the floor with a loud clank, you opt to place your swords in between the gap of the ranger desk and wall.
  252. >"Welcome to Chez Gilda." she says flopping onto the couch.
  253. "Quaint."
  254. >Taking your seat in one of the wooden chairs, you take a moment to relax after last night.
  255. >"Beer?" she asks pulling an unmarked bottle out of a cooler marked "Gilda's property, touch and die".
  256. "Pass. Normal stuff doesn't do anything for me anyway."
  257. >"C'mon, this a special home brew I got from one of the Viper Witchers. Guaranteed to give even us a nice buzz."
  258. >From a Viper huh?
  259. >They're usually pretty good with alchemical stuff. Guess it also translates to brewing drink too.
  260. "Give it here."
  261. >Taking the bottle you pop the lid and take a sip.
  262. >The taste hits you like a freight train as you nearly gag.
  263. "Ugh... White Gull... mixed with vodka?"
  264. >"Heh, you know it." she says proudly before taking her own drink.
  265. >Looking at the bottle it dawns on you how long it's been since you've actually had a "Witcher brew".
  266. >Last time was when you got together with your brethren during the winter... four years ago.
  267. >Not a long time considering your slower aging, but still a while.
  268. >"So how long we gotta wait?"
  269. "After our drink then we head back. So long as no one comes in here."
  270. >"Right."
  271. >Sitting in silence and drinking, you've started to feel the effects of the alcohol in your system.
  272. "So how long have you been doing this?"
  273. >"The Witcher stuff?"
  274. "No your fake stint as a forest ranger. What do you think?"
  275. >"Four years since our group got cut loose into the wide wide world."
  276. "How did you even get recruited anyway?"
  277. >"Eh, was in Juvie when some dude was skulking around the facility. Talking with most of the others offering them the same deal."
  278. "Surprised no one else took it."
  279. >"Fuck, dude was so creepy everyone didn't want to risk it. Like some serial killer sort of shit."
  280. "And yet you took him on his offer?"
  281. >"What can I say I like to take risks." she laughs before taking another drink. "Still they put me through hell to get to this point."
  282. >Memories of the Trials flood back into your mind.
  283. >The "tea" they gave you.
  284. >The ones who died because their bodies couldn't handle the mutagens.
  285. "How many made it?"
  286. >"All except four."
  287. >Her mood becomes slightly somber after answering.
  288. >You both sit quietly and continue your drinks after that.
  289. >The sun begins to peek into entrance of her now "personal" girl-cave when Gilda decides to break the silence.
  290. >"So... wanna do it?"
  291. "Excuse me?"
  292. >"We got time to kill. I'm bored."
  293. "So the first thought is to have sex with a stranger? While law enforcement is outside?"
  294. >"I know, the risk, hiding out from the cops always got me super turned on."
  295. "You can’t be serious."
  296. >"Eh." she shrugs, "Hell if it ain't gonna be you I may as well get one of those dweeb cops outside and take him or her for a ride."
  297. >You just awkwardly shift in your chair.
  298. "I'm in a relationship already."
  299. >She genuinely looks surprised at your response.
  300. >Sitting up, she leans closer, "So who is it?".
  301. "..."
  302. >"It's someone at the camp ain't it?"
  303. >Your lack of reply confirms her question.
  304. >"Bwhahaha! Dude aren't you like in your thirties or something?"
  305. >You scowl at her and stand.
  306. "I'm gonna go."
  307. >"Aw dude, I'm just pulling your leg, geeze." she says.
  308. >Sitting back down, your mood has been soured.
  309. >"..."
  310. "..."
  311. >Gilda leans back into her chair and groans.
  312. >"I'm still bored."
  313. "Then take a nap."
  314. >"That's lame AND boring."
  315. >You opt to ignore her.
  316. >"Offer's still on the table. You know how us Witchers have more stamina and endurance. Could be something."
  317. >She raises her eyebrow up and down and smirks.
  318. >As to add to the temptation she begins raising her shirt, holding it just low enough that she could go on but only with your answer.
  319. >"Y'know you want to. Or are you a fag?"
  320. >You sigh.
  322. >Looking at your watch you've wasted enough time.
  323. >Putting your empty bottle aside, you rise up only to stagger a little.
  324. >"Here." Gilda says handing you a small white philter. "Can't have you going back all shit-faced."
  325. >You immediately recognize the contents inside.
  326. "White honey?"
  327. >"Yeah, keep a few vials in here just in case the overlords here decided to end my breaks prematurely."
  328. >Fixing her shirt she downs a vial of the white stuff, hissing a bit as it goes down her throat.
  329. >Slapping herself, she gets a serious look on her face.
  330. >"Gonna take a leak." she says heading outside.
  331. >Taking your own vial, the concoction goes down your throat in the most unpleasant way possible.
  332. >When you're sure she's gone, you eye the trophy at your hip and unhook it.
  333. >You still don't fully trust Gilda. Especially with that attitude of hers.
  334. >But right now you don't have anywhere to put it.
  335. >Sighing, you place the head inside the locker room above one of the lockers.
  336. >To anyone else it might look just like a weird art project. Hopefully no one will think otherwise.
  337. >You exit the building without your weapons and meet Gilda outside.
  338. >The witcher/forest ranger is already chatting with one of the local law enforcement.
  339. >"Dude, I spent all of last night having to find... *this* little shit after he got lost in the woods."
  340. >"Then why didn't you report back when we sent out a radio call?" the officer asks.
  341. >Gilda grabs the hand radio on her hip and presents it to him.
  342. >"It broke when I fell down some rocks. Look I got important shit to do, we done here?"
  343. >The officer looks unconvinced but nods his head all the same.
  344. >"Alright." he says before turning towards you, "You, kid. You should get back to the rest of the group, we'll let you get your things shortly after we finish up here."
  345. "Yes sir."
  346. >Leaving you and Gilda alone, the two of you head towards the parking lot where a load of tents are gathered.
  347. >You spot a few students wrapped in bandages, some with splints or in slings.
  348. >They eye you warily when they see you. All except one particular group.
  349. >"Anon!" four voices cry out.
  350. >You quickly find yourself tackled to the ground as Applejack and Pinkie Pie pile on you.
  351. >"Oh my goodness Anon we were so worried when you didn't come back last night!"
  352. >"You had us worried to high heaven you idiot!" Applejack says punching you in the side.
  353. >You wince as the spot she punched was where the root went through your body.
  354. >She notices your distress and looks to where she hit you. Finally noticing the large bloody hole in your jacket.
  355. >"Oh ah'm so sorry Anon!" she apologizes.
  356. >"Gilda!" Rainbow Dash says pulling her friend into a grapple.
  357. >"Hey Dash." she replies, letting Rainbow noogie her.
  358. >"Did you... you know?"
  359. "Yeah. It should be over."
  360. >They all let out a collective sigh of relief.
  361. >Looking at the girls, you see Sunset's head wrapped in some gauze.
  362. "Sunset, you doing okay?"
  363. >The girl nods her head.
  364. >"Just a massive headache but I think I'll live."
  365. >"Hey..." Pinkie Pie begins, leering at Gilda. "Why're your eyes like Anon's?"
  366. >Gilda's eyes go wide with shock.
  367. >"Ah shit." she curses.
  368. >Covering her eyes with a palm, she reverts her eyes back before six sets of eyes stare back at her.
  369. >"Gilda?"
  370. >The Witcher groans.
  372. - A Short While Later -
  374. >"Aw man, the fact Gilda's a Witcher too is so lame."
  375. >"Hey!" Gilda says with a punch to Rainbow's arm.
  376. >The two go back to conversing and punching one another as you talk to Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Sunset.
  377. "Where are the others? Have you heard anything from Fluttershy?"
  378. >They look at you sadly, "Rarity went with Principal Celestia, Miss Cheerilee and Fluttershy down the mountain after you left."
  379. >"All we know is that Celestia's taking Fluttershy home." Sunset answers.
  380. >"And one of those police fella's is talking to Twilight right now." Applejack finishes.
  381. "How's everyone handling?"
  382. >"We're all a bit shaken up. Apple Bloom, Sweetie and Scootaloo especially."
  383. >Applejack frowns, "They haven't stopped crying and they won't answer anyone's questions."
  384. >Sounds like they've completely withdrawn themselves.
  385. >Considering the mess they unintentionally made, you don't find it too surprising.
  386. "Don't tell anyone what they did. Right now it's only going to make things worse for them."
  387. >They nod their heads, "We weren't planning on doing that."
  388. "Good, I'll... talk to them later see where they're at."
  389. >"Well if you thought they were taking it bad, how do you think Fluttershy's handling this?"
  390. "Not well I imagine."
  391. >"Hey look Twilight's back." Sunset says as Twilight walks up.
  392. >"It's good to see you're alright Anon."
  393. "Been better."
  394. >You emphasize your point by showing her your jacket.
  395. >She recoils at the sight of it, "Well... er... the police are letting us get our things. They have buses taking us back to school arriving in a few minutes."
  396. >"Well it's about time. I'm about done with this place."
  397. >"Yeah so am I. Taking down a bunch of wolves is fun and all but seriously." Rainbow Dash says walking up to you.
  398. >"Anon..." Applejack says, placing herself in the crook of your arm and placing a hand on your chest.
  399. "Yes Applejack."
  400. >"Ah told you ah had your answer when you came back."
  401. >She smiles, with tears forming in her eyes.
  402. >"Ah've decided to-"
  403. >Wait...
  404. "Where's Gilda?"
  405. >"What?" Applejack asks dumbfounded. "Anon I'm trying to-"
  406. >"She went back to the Ranger shack, said she forgot something." Rainbow answers.
  407. "FUCK!"
  408. >You let go of Applejack and run off towards the Ranger station.
  409. >"Anon?!"
  410. >The girls look at each other puzzled and follow after you.
  411. >Kicking the door open you see everything's in place when you left...
  412. >Except for the Leshen trophy sitting on the desk with a note on its head.
  413. >Ripping the note off, you open it and begin reading.
  414. >[Sorry for ditching you like that Wolf. You can keep the reward for the head. Had fun, we should do it again sometime. -Gilda]
  415. >You calm down after reading that.
  416. >Scanning down the rest of the paper however, your eyes go wide.
  417. >[P.S. Thanks for letting me borrow your swords. Needed a new pair.]
  418. >Looking to where you placed your swords, they're missing from the spot you left them in.
  419. >You should have seen that coming.
  420. >Crushing the note in your hand, the girls peek their heads through the doorway.
  421. >"Anon?"
  422. "God.... DAMMIT!"
  424. >Twilight walks away to her friends as you finish writing into your notepad.
  425. >You're glad she's safe. When you first got the call you jumped out of bed and almost left home without your pants on.
  426. >Thank goodness Cadance packs you a spare set of clothing in your car.
  427. >No doubt you're gonna have to make it up to her after leaving her like that.
  428. >Sister in danger is a good reason right?
  429. >...
  430. >Then again, she'll probably be more mad you didn't tell her that Twilight was in trouble.
  431. >Ugh, its a no win either way...
  432. >"Detective Armor, we've finished our investigation."
  433. "Good, tell CSI I want the forensics on this expedited as quickly as possible."
  434. >The officer looks side to side before placing a hand on your shoulder.
  435. >"Shining, you know how backed up CSI is already."
  436. >You sigh.
  437. "I know... just put the word out as a fav-"
  438. >"FUCK!" someone shouts out.
  439. >Looking over to the voice, you see the boy in Twilight's group run off when something catches your eye.
  440. >You drop your pen and notepad as you go wide-eyed with shock.
  441. >He has a wolf medallion around his neck.
  442. >Just like Granddad...
  444. -----
  446. >You place your bag into the overhead storage compartment and take your seat next to Twilight and across from Rainbow Dash.
  447. >Her eyes are closed as she listens to music on her phone.
  448. >The sound of the Vice Principal coming up the steps makes you realize how much a toll last night was to everyone.
  449. >Vice Principal Luna looks ragged even with the cup of coffee in her hands.
  450. >And despite the caffeine, she has absolutely no energy to keep order.
  451. >Not that there's any rowdy students in the bus.
  452. >Looking around, there are a few students who almost immediately passed out while everyone awake has this thousand yard stare going for them.
  453. >This trip was supposed to be a week of fun but instead turned into a night of hell.
  454. >Apple Bloom and her friends just sit in the back of the bus not bothering to talk to each other or anyone else.
  455. >Applejack is doing her best to cheer them up, but her attempts are... not really helping that much.
  456. >It got to the point where even she decided to give them some space.
  457. >You don't know if you can really relate to what they're feeling despite your old self taking the Element of Magic and turning into a demon queen.
  458. >No one died that time.
  459. >...
  460. >Your mind then drifts onto thoughts about Fluttershy.
  461. >She wasn't around when you woke up along with Rarity and the Principal.
  462. >You hope they're okay.
  463. >The bus driver turns the key and the vehicle rumbles to life.
  464. >Rising up from your chair you notice that not everyone is on the bus yet.
  465. >Specifically Anonymous.
  466. >Turning, you tap Rainbow Dash on the shoulder.
  467. >Taking her earbuds out she opens her eyes and raises a brow.
  468. "Have you seen Anon?"
  469. >"He's not back yet?"
  470. >You shake your head.
  471. >"Geh, must be still looking for Gilda."
  472. >"I wouldn't want to get on Anon's bad side right now. He looked incredibly mad." Twilight says.
  473. >Well, if I was in Anon's shoes, I'd probably be mad too.
  474. >Who knows how long he's had those swords.
  475. "I hope he gets back here soon. It looks like the bus driver's ready to leave."
  476. >The bus driver moves the lever controlling the doors but stops when one last person boards the stairs.
  477. >Peering over the chair in front of you, you see Anon coming up.
  478. >"Sorry I'm late. Had to get something."
  479. >"No problem kid, just take yer seat."
  480. >Spotting you, Anon walks through the center aisle, stows a dufflebag overhead and takes a seat next to Applejack.
  481. >"Didja find that snake?" Applejack asks, leaning into him.
  482. >"No, her trail splits off into two different directions. Her investigative skills are lacking but she knows how to lose pursuers."
  483. >Anon brings a hand to his face and drags it down.
  484. >"I really should have seen that coming."
  485. "Its not your fault Anon."
  486. >He scoffs, "I choose to leave my swords behind in that room instead of securing them someplace else. So yes, it's actually my fault."
  487. >You lean back in your chair with a frown when a hand lands on your shoulder from behind.
  488. >"But thanks anyway."
  489. >"Say Anon I don't remember you bringing all that stuff." Applejack asks pointing up to where he put the dufflebag.
  490. >"And isn't that Fluttershy's backpack?"
  491. >You look at the bag in his hands and see Fluttershy's pink butterflies stamped on it.
  492. >Huh, you were wondering where that went.
  493. >"The duffle bag has the leshen head inside. The backpack has something else."
  494. >The thought of a decapitated monster head just above you brings you some unease.
  495. >You can tell Twilight's thinking the same thing by the way she looks upward nervously.
  496. "What's inside?"
  497. >"I lost Gilda's trail I decided to find something else."
  498. >Unzipping the largest compartment, a white rabbit pops it's head out.
  499. "Is that...?"
  500. >"I know that Fluttershy carries a couple of animals with her in her backpack. Figured I could find at least one before the buses left."
  501. >"You managed to find a common white rabbit in a forest? Even I find that hard to believe for a Witcher." Twilight says.
  502. >"I'll admit, it took a little longer that I thought but luckily this guy might smell like rabbit, but he also has Fluttershy's scent as well mixed in."
  503. >"Fluttershy has a scent?"
  504. "Was it hard to catch him?"
  505. >"Not really. The hard part was just finding him."
  506. >Lifting his hand up, Anon makes three gestures with his hands before Angel goes glossy eyed momentarily and falls asleep.
  507. >"Whoa." Rainbow Dash mutters.
  508. >"Hopefully, it'll cheer Fluttershy up a bit after what I told her."
  509. >"What was that?"
  510. >"She can't ever come back here."
  511. >You all let out a collective gasp.
  512. "Why would you tell her something like that?"
  513. >He pops up in his seat and peers around.
  514. >Leaning forward he whispers.
  515. >"Because she was marked by the leshen. She essentially became a backup totem."
  516. >It then occurs to you that the monster appearing in the dining hall wasn't just because of the skull you smashed.
  517. >You bury your face in your hands.
  518. >That's why she was gone when you woke up. You can only imagine how terrible Fluttershy must have felt after being told that.
  519. >You feel the bus lurch forward as it begins its journey back to Canterlot.
  520. >After everything you just went through you close your eyes and try to take a nap.
  522. -
  524. >"So Anon." Applejack asks with her eyes closed.
  525. "Yeah?"
  526. >"What are you going to do when we get back home?"
  527. "Probably stash the head away. Most likely someplace where Apple Bloom won't come across it."
  528. >"That'd probably be for the best. Though why'd you take it in the first place?"
  529. "Because apparently I've been missing a great opportunity to get paid for these monster kills without having to require contract hunting."
  530. >You lean back into the fabric charter bus chair and sigh.
  531. "Not only that but I need to acquire a new set of swords for myself. I've already taken out my frustrations on a tree... and a couple others. Let's just say that the forest has a new clearing and some uprooted trees."
  532. >"Sorry, ah don't know any blacksmiths who make swords for a living."
  533. "Eh, that's not the hard part. The hard part is finding one willing and skilled enough to make a silver plated blade of good quality."
  534. >"Wouldn't that be expensive?"
  535. "Depends on a couple factors. I think I can scrounge up most of the material, but it's still gonna cost an arm for a quality blade."
  536. >That being said, the discussion between you two dies down for awhile as Applejack lays her head on your shoulder and closes her eyes.
  537. >So far on this ride, you've just been enjoying the scenery so far.
  538. >The view outside the bus is nice too.
  539. >"Anon?"
  540. "Hmm?"
  541. >"We never finished our talk before you ran off."
  542. >That's right.
  543. >If you remember right, she was just about to tell you something too...
  544. >That was probably not the greatest thing to do.
  545. "Yeah... sorry about that."
  546. >"It's fine."
  547. "So do you wanna tell me what you were going to say or...?"
  548. >Applejack shakes her head, "Moods a bit ruined for that. And I gotta make sure Bloom is okay when we get home."
  549. "True."
  550. >The girl at your side sighs.
  551. "Something wro-"
  552. >She puts a finger over your lips, "You're really thick headed huh?"
  553. >Sitting up in her chair she stares at you with those bright green eyes of hers.
  554. >"When we get home, the first thing you're gonna do is make sure that head is put somewhere where the sun don't shine you hear me? Next, we are both going to take a long hot shower together and get all this blood and sweat off us."
  555. >The tone she's using is telling you none of this is up for debate.
  556. >Wait did she just say "take a long hot shower together"?
  557. >"Then when we're nice and dry, you are gonna take me to the barn and have your way with me. All. Night. Long."
  558. >You look at her like she's just grown another head.
  559. "Applejack that's a bit much don't you th-"
  560. >Before you can finish she throws her arms around you and silences you with a kiss.
  561. >You tense up for a moment before telling your body to relax and return it.
  562. >A few seconds go by like this before Applejack has to come up for air.
  563. >"Anon, when you didn't come back last night, ah'll admit... for awhile I thought you were gone... and a huge part of felt like I was bucked in the stomach a hundred times if that were the case so when I saw you come out of that forest safe and sound I knew it in my heart what I wanted."
  564. "Applejack..."
  565. >"Hush, don't interrupt me. I may tell the truth a lot but this is one thing that's... difficult to spit out."
  566. >Didn't she just say the mood was ruined to talk?
  567. >She places a hand over her heart and looks you squarely in the eyes, "Anon, and I know being a Witcher means you hunt monsters and I can't stop you from doing that. You were also right that trying to do this before I had no idea what I was in for, but after last night I fully know what you meant by it."
  568. >"To know someone ya care about is going into the unknown and might never come back. That feeling is terrible... but Granny's also taught me to make sure to leave few regrets as possible."
  569. >You stay quiet as she tries to find the right words.
  570. >It's quite apparent what she's going to say but you keep your mouth shut out of respect.
  571. >The conflict in her expressions as she tells you this shows you how hard for this is for her already.
  572. >"So what I'm trying to say is... ah would regret not having the chance to... ugh, I want to make the most of what time we have together."
  573. >She looks away as her face becomes flushed and tears begin forming in her eyes.
  574. >"I... I-I think I love you Anon and I want you to love me."
  575. "You're sure about this? One hundred percent sure?"
  576. >"Sugarcube, I've never been so sure in my life."
  577. "..."
  578. >She dropped the love bomb on you.
  579. >Dozens of thoughts quickly go through your head.
  580. >You contemplate the what-ifs that could happen if you decide to pursue this course.
  581. >The chance of you dying if last night's fight was any indication are a good one were something to go wrong.
  582. >Imagining Applejack's heartbroken face when she would realize that day had come...
  583. >But you go back to the words Applejack mentioned: "Make sure to leave few regrets as possible."
  584. >In all honesty, would you regret not becoming something with this girl?
  585. >...
  586. >Yeah, you would. You really would.
  587. "Okay."
  588. >Applejack snickers, "That's it? Just a simple "Okay?" after I spill my heart out that's the reply I get?"
  589. "Would you have preferred, "Oh my darling Applejack, I for one would whole heartedly agree to one such union between two such individuals such as ourselves"."
  590. >Her snickers turn to full-blown laughter as she brings you into a tight embrace.
  591. >"Nah, ah prefer you as yourself."
  592. "Good, because that's not changing."
  593. >She gives you a peck on the cheek as you hear multiple "Awws" around you.
  594. >Looking up from your seat, you see the other girls all smiling as Applejack swiftly lets go of you in embarrassment.
  595. >"Uh... what're you all looking at?" she says in a gruff tone.
  596. >Twilight, Sunset, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie all giggle and go back to sitting in their seats properly but you can tell this is only just the beginning.
  597. >Witcher's have stunted emotions, but this is one case where this is the most you've ever felt exposed.
  598. >Once no one is visibly looking at you two, Applejack places an arm across your chest as you put an arm around her.
  599. "Still, I'm going to at least have to take you out on a date first before I agree to coitus."
  600. >"Trying to be a proper gentleman are we?"
  601. "Maybe, but you deserve that courtesy."
  602. >"I appreciate it."
  603. "Though if... no, when we get to that point, I'll make sure you won't ever forget it."
  604. >Leaning back into your seat you close your eyes to get some rest.
  605. >You're almost out of it when suddenly Applejack wakes you with a shake to your shoulder.
  606. >"Say Anon? Ah do have two questions for ya. And as we are now in a relationship I want you to be completely honest with me."
  607. "Yeah?"
  608. >The grip on your shoulder tightens a little.
  609. >She leans into your ear and whispers her question.
  610. >"Why did you spend the night in a motel room with Principal Celestia? And why did she ask for this relationship to become a threesome?"
  611. >You freeze again.
  612. >Slowly looking at her, Applejack's face is one that doesn't show any sign of messing around.
  613. >And since you're on a bus... you have nowhere to go.
  614. >Fuck.
  616. -----
  618. >"Fluttershy, you haven't touched your food." Rarity says.
  619. >"Um... I'm just not hungry." she replies, poking at her food with a fork before pushing it away.
  620. >"Darling..."
  621. >Rainbow Dash awkwardly coughs.
  622. >Currently, you and the girls sit in the food court of Canterlot's only mall a few days after your trip to Camp Everfree.
  623. >Ever since you came back from the Camp, both Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna decided to let everyone who participated in the field trip some time off.
  624. >They all probably need it after what they went through.
  625. >Since the girls had nothing really better to do, Rarity after seeing the depressed state her friend Fluttershy was in, put a little get together to try and cheer her up.
  626. >Applejack dragged you along just because.
  627. >Everyone remains quiet as you all finish off your meals.
  628. >Suddenly you remember something.
  629. "Fluttershy, here I forgot to give you this."
  630. >Hoisting up her backpack she looks surprised to see it.
  631. >"Oh my... I forgot my backpack at the camp, I was wondering what happened to it... thank you Anon."
  632. >You hand it to her when she feels the weight inside and almost drops the bag.
  633. >"W-what?" she says surprised.
  634. >Unzipping her backpack, her white rabbit pops it's head out of the opening and peeks around before seeing her and jumping into her arms.
  635. >"Angel!" Fluttershy cries out happily. "Oh I thought I lost you forever!"
  636. >Tears begin pouring from her eyes as she takes the rabbit and hugs it tight.
  637. "Meant to give him to you earlier. Ended up getting a little attached to the little guy."
  638. >Angel lowers his ears when he hears his name and seems to glare at you before returning to his rightful owner's display of affection.
  639. >Fluttershy smiles and wipes a tear from her eye, "Thank you Anon."
  640. >The others smile as Fluttershy kisses Angel on the head.
  641. >You make to reply when your senses tell you something's watching you.
  642. >Slowly turning your head around you scan the mall.
  643. >People walk around minding their own business and your medallion isn't picking up anything magical.
  644. >The feeling of unease doesn't leave you as you turn around.
  645. >Someone's watching you, the girls or both.
  646. >Either way, you don't like the feeling.
  647. >"...Anon?"
  648. "Huh?"
  649. >Applejack places her hands over yours.
  650. >"You okay sugarcube?"
  651. >Only then do you notice that everyone besides you and Applejack have left the table and are throwing their trash away.
  652. >You contemplate telling the girls but looking back over your shoulder the feeling eases up.
  653. "No, nothing."
  654. >"Well quit dallying and c'mon before everyone leaves us in the dust."
  655. "Fine fine."
  656. >Getting up, you walk over to the trash bin and dump your leftovers.
  657. >Cane in hand, you remain on guard as Applejack leads you to the others...
  659. >The rest of day so far has been a typical guy experience at the mall with women.
  660. >You holding most of the things they've bought while they try on new clothes.
  661. >Thankfully you've been able to get through it with meditation, at least until Applejack and Rarity ask you for your opinion on the outfits they chose to wear.
  662. >Fluttershy so far hasn't been entirely receptive to their strategy as clothes don't seem to be her thing, but she has smiled at least once or twice which is a noticeable improvement compared to earlier.
  663. >Eventually the group decides to split up after about an hour looking through clothes.
  664. >Rainbow the sports store, Twilight the book store, Pinkie at the food court again, and Sunset somewhere she didn't say.
  665. >They said they would meet at the fountain near the entrance just before the mall closes.
  666. >The only person willing to stay are Rarity, Fluttershy and surprisingly Applejack.
  667. >"Anon how do ah look?" Applejack asks exiting the changing room.
  668. >Doing a once-around, the cowgirl shows off her outfit without her hat.
  669. >A simple looking dress with earthy colors, the shade of green even matching her eyes.
  670. "You look great Applejack."
  671. >"Just great Anon?" Sunset teases as she sits next to you.
  672. >"Eh, I think Rarity could whip something up a mite bit more comfortable than this thing." she says stepping back into the changing room.
  673. >"Oh Applejack I'm sure I can come up with something next time I'm at the boutiuqe." Rarity says in one of the stalls. "Fluttershy how are you dear?"
  674. >"I...I'm fine Rarity... thanks for asking." replies a voice from the adjacent stall.
  675. "Hate to stop your fun ladies, but the mall's closing in an hour."
  676. >You sit with Sunset in silence for a few moments as you hear clacking of coat hangers and clothes being thrown over the stall walls.
  677. >"Anon?"
  678. "Hmm?"
  679. >Sunset opens her mouth to say something, but closes it and shakes her head.
  680. >"Nevermind."
  681. "What?"
  682. >"It's nothing, don't worry about it."
  683. "You sure?"
  684. >Sunset nods her head.
  685. "So..."
  686. >"So?"
  687. "Where'd you go?"
  688. >The girl awkwardly scratches the back of her head, "Oh nowhere."
  689. "Uh huh."
  690. >”I’ll tell you later when everyone is all together.”
  692. >Exiting the malls bookstore with a few new novels in your shopping bag, you push your glasses up your nose.
  693. >You pull out your phone and check the time.
  694. >Wow, the mall closes in forty-five minutes!
  695. >You were initially only just in there to browse, or if they had it, pick up a copy of the latest edition of "Monstrous Manual" as a present for Shining.
  696. >There are even rumors from the developers that they're making improvements to the ranger class.
  697. >...
  698. >Not that you would know because you totally don't play that silly game with Shining's friends every Friday night.
  699. >That would be silly.
  700. >Still, before you could even check, you walked by a kiosk inside with two translated novels from a foreign author you enjoy.
  701. >Time flies when you're deciding between "Axe of Fate" or "Blood of the Drow".
  702. >Granted you've read both already, but this is the first time you've found hardback copies that were officially translated!
  703. >The choice was so hard you just bought both.
  704. >Someone's going to get cozy in her bed tonight.
  705. >As you walk to the fountain, someone dressed in a hat, sunglasses and a large coat steps in front of you to block your path.
  706. "Um... excuse me?"
  707. >"Hey Twily." the man says in a familiar voice.
  708. >Lowering his sunglasses and high collar, you see Shining Armor's face.
  709. "Shining? What are you doing here and why are you dressed like that?"
  710. >Your brother gives you a hug which you return wholeheartedly.
  711. >"Work related stuff."
  712. "Undercover tailing huh?"
  713. >He smiles. "That and I heard they had the newest edition of Monstrous Manual out."
  714. >Looking at Shining's attire, you sigh.
  715. "You do realize that choice of wardrobe is probably the least inconspicuous thing you could have chosen to wear right?"
  716. >"Only if the perp knows he's being tailed."
  717. "I don't think he even needs to kn-"
  718. >Suddenly, your brother grabs your arms and looks around as if he's making sure he's no ones listening in.
  719. >His expression becomes very serious.
  720. >"That boy you were with..."
  721. >Anon?
  722. >What could he... oh crud...
  723. >"He's not your boyfriend is he?"
  724. >Your face becomes beet red.
  725. >"N-no! Wh-why would you even think that?"
  726. >He lets out an audible sigh of relief.
  727. >"You saw the necklace around his neck right? Did it seem at all familiar to you?"
  728. >You gulp.
  729. "Er... uh, hehe n-now that you mention it?"
  730. >"I think he's trouble Twilight. It's just a gut feeling right now, but did you realize that kid is not actually blind?"
  731. "W-what makes you think that?"
  732. >"His movements are all off, he doesn't use his cane and just a while earlier he turned his head like he was looking around."
  733. >Shining scoots you closer to a phone booth.
  734. >"A normal person not paying any real attention might not notice, but when you're an investigator like me it raises a lot of red flags when I see them."
  735. >He brings a hand to his chin deep in thought not paying attention to the nervous sweat beading down your head.
  736. >Ironic, but you're not going to point that out to him.
  737. >Gathering yourself, you smooth your skirt out and adjust your glasses.
  738. "Did Anon do something wrong?"
  739. >"Anon huh? No, nothing I couldn't prove. But that necklace, I think he might be related to Granddad's murder."
  740. >Oh boy...
  741. >"He was also at Camp Everfree wasn't he? Covered in blood and scars?"
  742. "Um... I believe so? Why? You don't think..."
  743. >"Sorry Twi, it's an ongoing investigation but I think something's fishy with him."
  744. >Maybe you should tell him?
  745. >Or would that just make things worse?
  746. >He has a lot more resources to bring Anon in to answer some questions than you do.
  747. >Not that your cobbled together Witcher trap didn't work and all, it's just you're worried that Shining could be more willing to use lethal force if he thinks Anon is directly related to your Grandfather's death.
  748. >If Anon thinks he's in mortal danger, you know he's pragmatic enough to respond in kind.
  749. >And Shining doesn't look like he would believe you. He's already seen you with Anon both here and at the camp.
  750. >He would probably say you're "Too emotionally invested." or "Too close to the suspect." right now at this point.
  751. "Shining... I-"
  752. >He looks at you.
  753. >"Oh crap, your friends I totally forgot! Sorry sis, I'll quit bugging you. Just be sure to keep an eye on that Anon kid for me will you?"
  754. "Uh, sure. I... uh I gotta run, see you later BBBFF."
  755. >You quickly jog away from your brother and head towards the fountain.
  756. >Anonymous really should know about this.
  757. >For both his and your brother's sake.
  759. >You, Sunset, Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy wait for the others next to the fountain on the base level of the mall.
  760. >Checking your watch, mall closes in twenty minutes and only Twilight showed up.
  761. >Sunset pulls out her phone when it goes off.
  762. >"Anon..." Sunset says tapping you on the shoulder.
  763. "Yeah Sunset?"
  764. >"The girls and I got you something."
  765. "Me?"
  766. >"Yeah, we thought you might like it."
  767. >Rainbow runs up with a large wrapped box just as tall as her in her arms with Pinkie Pie's help.
  768. >They both present it to you and look at you expectantly.
  769. >Setting the box down, you begin unwrapping the gift. What you see surprises you.
  770. >Inside is a box containing a longsword.
  771. >...
  772. >You recognize the logo stamped on the side.
  773. >Ort Forges.
  774. >This is a high quality sword.
  775. >Your mind immediatly goes to one thing.
  776. "How much did you spend on it?"
  777. >"Dude, its a gift just take it." Rainbow retorts. "Don't worry about the price."
  778. >"After you lost your old swords, we decided to pitch in and get you a new one." Sunset says clapping her hands together. "We got it at the knife store here."
  779. >They have a knife store here?
  780. >"Just think of it as a thank you present for everything you've done dear." Rarity adds with a flair of her hair.
  781. >"Thanks. You didn't have to do this."
  782. >"Nonsense darling. Think nothing of it."
  783. >You're honestly touched as you look at the blade through the glass window.
  784. >As faint smile comes to you each of the girls beam their own.
  785. >At least until you reach Twilight's.
  786. >She's looking around like she's searching for someone.
  787. >Before you can say something, a buzzing noise from the malls PA speakers interrupts you.
  788. >"Attention shoppers, Canterlot Mall is now closing, please finish up your business and have a nice day."
  789. >"Well looks like we oughta head home now."
  790. >"Yeah, hang out tomorrow?" Pinkie asks.
  791. >"Heck yeah!" Rainbow answers.
  792. >As the girls walk ahead, you hang back next to Twilight until they're just out of earshot.
  793. >"Will that blade work out for you? It's not exactly a standard forged sword like the ones you owned."
  794. "It's not a Witcher blade if that's what you're asking. But sharpened, its still a working sword."
  795. >"We all dug into our savings, though Rarity paid the most of it herself so I hope you like it. I do know it's made from high quality carbon steel."
  796. >She gives you that awkward smile she always seems to give when unsure of something.
  797. "I... you shouldn't have spent so much on me."
  798. >You really do mean that.
  799. >This sword must have set the girls back quite a bit...
  800. >You've heard rumors that the original bladesmith the company is namesaked from actually made swords for the most talented of swordsman who could afford him.
  801. >That also extended to Witcher if they had the coin.
  802. >Compared to your old swords, this one should be a bit stronger and more flexible just due to the material.
  803. >"Just think of it as our way of appreciating what you did for us."
  804. "You all went out of your way for me like this. Thanks Twilight."
  805. >"Still, it needs a matching silver sword to go with it."
  806. "Yeah, that's not something you can just buy off a catalog or a store shelf."
  807. >Twilight ponders for a bit.
  808. >"If you need help I can try to locate a bladesmith nearby. Hopefully they'll be able to make one."
  809. "It couldn't hurt. But... actually can you look up the contact information and address for the company that makes these blades?"
  810. >"I can? But I'm pretty sure they're out of state."
  811. "Still, I'd like the information. If it's not too much trouble."
  812. >"Hey you two what's the hold up?" Rainbow calls out.
  813. >Waving her off, you put the box under your arm and begin to walk out of the mall with Twilight.
  814. >Before you get to far though, she grabs your sleeve and has a conflicted expression on her face.
  815. >"Anon, I... I need to tell you something. It's... it's about my brother."
  817. -----
  819. "So your brother made the same connection you did when we first met huh?"
  820. >Twilight nods her head.
  821. >"It seems he saw you at Camp Everfree and knows your current "handicap" is a charade."
  822. >Well, that complicates matters.
  823. "Is he as smart as you?"
  824. >"He's intelligent if that's what you're asking, but no not as academically as me. Why?"
  825. "Because I need to know if the first time I'll see him, if he's going to flashbang, stink bomb and tazer me."
  826. >Twilight nervously laughs at the memory.
  827. >"No, I don't think we'll have to worry about that..."
  828. "Good."
  829. >"Not to say he doesn't have easy access to the flashbangs and stun devices. Or more lethal weapons."
  830. >You glare at her.
  831. "Twilight. What exactly is your brother's job?"
  832. >"Um... he's currently a Detective for the Canterlot Police Department. He only recently passed his written exam for it."
  833. >Wonderful.
  834. >Last thing you need is a detective fussing through your personal life.
  835. >Not that he'll find much but...
  836. >That being the case not finding anything will probably work against you more in this case.
  837. "Guess it's already too late to lie low I'm guessing?"
  838. >She shrugs and shakes her head, "I only know he's suspicious. He doesn't have anything concrete as I'm aware."
  839. >...
  840. "Fine I'll deal with it when the time comes. Thanks for letting me know."
  841. >"You're welcome... Oh and Anon?"
  842. "Yes?"
  843. >"Again, sorry for... you know what happened on our first meeting."
  844. >She twiddles her thumbs and looks away embarrassed.
  845. "You already apologized for that."
  846. >"I know, but I want you to know I'm being sincere."
  847. "Well it's appreciated, now c'mon it's getting late and I'm getting hungry."
  848. >Walking out of the building with Twilight, you meet up with the others who were beginning to grow curious as to what took you so long.
  849. >Telling them what Twilight told you, Big Macintosh arrives in his truck to pick you and Applejack up.
  850. >"Later everyone." Applejack says getting into the passenger seat.
  851. >Getting into the back, you set the sword case next to you.
  852. >"Bye Applejack! See you tomorrow?" Pinkie asks.
  853. >"Sure thing."
  854. >"What about you Anon?"
  855. "Eh. Maybe. Sunset and Rainbow have training tomorrow."
  856. >"Aw dude c'mon." Rainbow whines. "Isn't this supposed to be our vacation?"
  857. "Quit your whining. Same time as always but we'll take it a bit easier."
  858. >Rainbow grunts.
  859. >"Tch, fine."
  860. >Slamming the door shut, you both give a brief wave as Big Macintosh pulls out and drives you both home.
  862. "Sunset darling?"
  863. >"Yes Rarity?"
  864. >Sunset buckles herself into your passenger seat as you start your car.
  865. "Do Applejack and Anon seem a bit closer to you? I mean compared to before we all got back from the camp?"
  866. >Sunset waves goodbye to Pinkie, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash before hearing your question.
  867. >"Oh right. You weren't there." she says turning around.
  868. >Carefully pulling out of your parking space, you maneuver your vehicle out of the lot.
  869. "Told me what dear?"
  870. >"Applejack confessed to Anon on the bus ride home."
  871. >You immediately slam the breaks causing both you and Sunset to jolt forward.
  872. >"Rarity!" she screams as a car behind you honks.
  873. "SHE DID WHAT?!"
  874. >"She told Anon how she felt about him when we were riding back from Camp and right now both of them are technically going out."
  875. >You can't believe this.
  876. >"I'm actually surprised you didn't find out sooner, some of the other students from the trip have been talking about it."
  877. >Applejack, one of your best friends, confessed her feelings to a boy... AND YOU MISSED IT!
  878. "Please tell me she didn't use the word "love" did she?"
  879. >"Um... I think?"
  880. >NO!
  882. >First the horrible events at camp, then the nightmares Sweetie Belle have been suffering, and now this?!
  883. >The car behind you honks again.
  884. >Rolling your window down, you poke your head out.
  886. >The driver heeds your advice and accelerates around your car but not before the driver gives you the middle finger!
  887. >How uncouth! Driver's these days, they can be so rude sometimes.
  888. >"Rarity? Uh... are you going to be okay?"
  889. "Why would you ask that dear?"
  890. >"Because your eye is twitching, your hair is becoming a bit frayed and I really fear for my life right now."
  891. "Nonsense Sunset, I'm *perfectly* fine."
  892. >"I... think it would be best if I walked home."
  893. >Before she can unbuckle her seatbelt to get out, you hit a button on your armrest and all the doors left off a click.
  894. >Gripping the steering wheel you get a wicked smile.
  895. "I'll have you home right in a jiffy."
  896. >"No Rarity it's- No Rarity stop! GeyaahahAAhhHhhHHHhhhh!"
  897. >You shift gears and accelerate out of the parking lot.
  898. >Zooming through the intersection you narrowly avoid another car.
  899. "GET OUT OF THE WAY!"
  900. >"RARITY! SLOW DOWN!" Sunset cries out in a panic.
  902. >You let out a maniacal laugh as Sunset screams in terror.
  903. -
  904. >"Now I want you two to be safe y'hear? Just because your friends are in a relationship doesn't constitute disobeying the traffic laws."
  905. >Ripping the ticket off his notebook, he hands you the slip of paper.
  906. "Yes officer."
  907. >Great. You got a ticket.
  908. >Daddy won't be happy when he hears about this. He's still miffed from the car window.
  909. >...
  910. >Sunset sighs,"We'll try to be more considerate in the future."
  911. >The police officer nods his head and walks back to his car.
  912. >Staring at the ticket, you lean into the steering wheel.
  913. "I'm so sorry Sunset, I don't know what came over me."
  914. >"It's okay Rarity. We all have our... moments of insanity. Though why are you so concerned Anon and Applejack are in a relationship?"
  915. "..."
  916. >Sunset shows concern as she places a hand on your shoulder.
  917. >"If you don't want to say you don-"
  918. "I LOVE ANON TOO!"
  919. >You slam your head on the horn letting out a resounding honk.
  920. >Your friend recoils her arm and winces, "Oh... that... uh... okay."
  921. "You're learning the magic of friendship right?"
  922. >"Yeah?" she answers in an unsure tone.
  923. "You wouldn't happen to have any friendship advice?"
  924. >She thinks for a moment and shakes her head.
  925. >"Sorry Rarity, the only advice I have to give you is to just be happy for them."
  926. "Oh..."
  927. >That's the thing you should do, but it's doesn't make you feel any better.
  928. >You pout and glance at the clock.
  929. >It's getting late, you should get home and tend to Sweetie.
  930. >Shifting into drive, you pull out slowly and drive to Sunset's apartment.
  931. >"Rarity, are you going to be okay?"
  932. "I'll be fine."
  933. >That's a lie.
  934. >No you won't.
  935. >Not for awhile at least.
  936. >"Will you be able to come to our training session tomorrow? If you really don't feel up to it I can tell Anon."
  937. "No dear, I'll be there. Maybe a good workout will help get my mind in order."
  938. >A short while later you arrive in front of the building Sunset lives in.
  939. >"See you tomorrow?"
  940. >You give her a smile and nod.
  941. >"Alright then, bye Rarity."
  942. >You shift back into drive when Sunset calls you.
  943. >"Hey, if you need to talk I'm always here."
  944. "Thank you darling."
  945. >You leave the curb and proceed to drive home.
  946. >Maybe you should be more open about this.
  947. >Just because Anon and Applejack are together doesn't mean the end of the world.
  948. >It just... closes a door.
  949. >...
  950. >You feel wetness on your cheeks. Brushing it off, you focus on the road.
  951. >As you think about Applejack and Anon spending time together, you begin to picture them in going forward with their relationship. Like how Anon will do everything in his power to make Applejack feel like the most loved woman in the world.
  952. >Soon your thoughts go even further to the day when Anon gets on his knee and presents her with a ring with the largest diamond she's ever seen. Then the marriage and soon to the bedroom...
  953. >You don't realize it, but the more you think about it the more the twitch in your eye develops.
  954. >Shaking your head of the thoughts, you realize you were beginning to go to a dark place.
  955. >That isn't you. You know that.
  956. >Envy is becoming of a lady.
  957. >But maybe just this once, tonight, you don't have to be.
  959. -----
  961. >Sunset twirls around bringing her wooden sword straight towards her opponent.
  962. >Rainbow, quickly brings her own blade to stop Sunset's.
  963. >They get into a blade lock and try to force the other to yield.
  964. >"Ready to give up Sunset?" Rainbow Dash says with a grin.
  965. >"Not on your life Rainbow Dash." she says returning the smirk.
  966. >They both break the lock and jump back to gain some breathing room before returning to combat.
  967. >You watch from the sidelines chewing an apple and monitoring the two for any mistakes in their tactics.
  968. >Eventually the fight drags on long enough that you decide to call it.
  969. "Okay you two that's enough."
  970. >The two girl's collapse onto their butts as you toss them a towel and water bottle each.
  971. >Wiping themselves off, you notice the sun peaking high in the sky.
  972. "You two can hit the showers, we're done for today."
  973. >"Aw yeah!" Rainbow Dash yells as she springs to her feet.
  974. >When she notices the looks between you and Sunset she lowers her arms and nervously chuckles.
  975. >"Uh... I mean hehe oh darn."
  976. >Sunset giggles as she taps you on the shoulder.
  977. >"Um, Anon I wanted to ask you something."
  978. "Yeah?"
  979. >"Do you think we can try Signs again?"
  980. "We could, but are you sure? Don't want you passing out from exertion."
  981. >She shakes her head, "I'll be fine."
  982. "Alright."
  983. >You walk into the shed next to the ring and pull out the same candle you used for the first Igni attempt.
  984. >Setting it on the stump, you stand back and watch as Sunset focuses herself.
  985. "Remember, I just want you to light the wick. Since we know you can do it, you need to learn how to control it."
  986. >"Right."
  987. >Putting all her attention on the wax candle, she makes the gesture for Igni.
  988. >A massive burst of fire springs forth from her palm and scorches the grass before quickly going out.
  989. >Like last time, the candle stays unlit, but it begins slanting due to the wax melting from the heat.
  990. "Try again. But try to use a bit more control."
  991. >Rainbow walks up behind you and watches intently.
  992. >"She's still trying to cast that weird magic you use?"
  993. "You know, instead of questioning it, you could try as well."
  994. >You both watch as Sunset makes an exaggerated arm thrust and falls flat on her face.
  995. >Fire gushes from her extended hand and shoots fire into the air.
  996. "Again."
  997. >"Eh, I got stuff to do. Maybe next time. Hey Sunset I'm gonna head to Sugar Cube Corner you coming?"
  998. >"No, I want to get this down first." she replies not looking away from the candle.
  999. >She makes the sign again and visible smoke appears at the tip of the wick.
  1000. >"YES!" she says with a fist pump.
  1001. "Candles not lit yet. Again."
  1002. >Smiling, she does the sign again, this time resulting in a small flame sparking to life.
  1003. "Could use some work, but lets try a different sign this time."
  1005. >Sunset lays on the ground face first exhausted.
  1006. >For the past hour she's been trying to get a grasp on the Quen Sign.
  1007. >Compared to Igni, Sunset has been able to adequately cast the sign. Not reliably to save her life in a fight but she's less bruised than you thought she'd be.
  1008. >"Anon what in tarnation did you do to Sunset?" Applejack calls out coming up the small hill with Twilight Sparkle.
  1009. "Just practicing signs."
  1010. >You nonchalantly toss a beanbag in your hand.
  1011. >"Oh, you mean that magic you use?"
  1012. >Nodding your head you thumb over to a slumped over Sunset.
  1013. >Dropping the beanbag to the ground, Sunset flinches at the slight thud it makes when it contacts with the dirt.
  1014. >Applejack tips her hat back and scratches the back of her head, "She gonna be alright?"
  1015. >"Mmpph fhmm Ammphat" Sunset tries to answer with her face buried in her arms.
  1016. >"What was that?" Twilight asks.
  1017. >Sunset raises her head, "I'm fine Applejack just a little worn out."
  1018. >Applejack rushes over to her friend, "Sunset your nose is bleeding again."
  1019. >The fiery haired girl wipes her nose and inspects the blood, "Oh geeze."
  1020. >Shit.
  1021. >Grabbing a rag, you kneel by Sunset and wipe the blood off.
  1022. >"Anon you're pushing her too hard!" Twilight asks you.
  1023. "She insists on getting these Signs down. I'm just keeping an eye on her to make sure she doesn't hurt herself too badly."
  1024. >"Yeah, and look how that's turning out!" Applejack chastises you, "Sunset ya don't need to run yourself ragged."
  1025. >"I know, but I want to make sure my friends are safe. I can't let what happened at the Camp happen again."
  1026. >Applejack and Twilight share a concerned look at their downed friend.
  1027. >Letting Twilight help Sunset up, Applejack gives you a look.
  1028. >That look that your significant other gives you when she wants you to do something about it.
  1029. >Sighing, you uncross your arms and get Sunset's belongings.
  1030. "Sunset, pack it in for today and take tomorrow off, you're pushing yourself way to hard."
  1031. >"But Anon..."
  1032. "No buts, your friends are worried for you, and to be honest so am I. You're not gonna get these down in one day, trust me."
  1033. >Sunset looks down, "Okay..."
  1034. >The three of you help Sunset into the house.
  1035. >Setting her on the couch, you place a damp cloth over her forehead.
  1036. >"Hmm, Sunset have you eaten yet?"
  1037. >She shakes her head, "Not since breakfast."
  1038. >"Well shoot, ah'll go whip us up some slices of our famous apple pie then." she proudly states.
  1039. >Giving you a kiss on the cheek she moves past you and into the kitchen.
  1040. >"Oh!" Twilight says, "Anon I almost forgot."
  1041. >Twilight pulls out a piece of paper from her book bag and hands it to you.
  1042. >Examining the small slip, an address is written on it.
  1043. "Is this...?"
  1044. >Twilight nods her head.
  1045. >"Turns out they have a branch office in the city." she says with a huge smile on her face.
  1046. "Thanks Twilight."
  1047. >You tuck the address into your pocket and sit down.
  1048. >"So when are you going to go?"
  1049. "Maybe after lunch."
  1050. >Twilight continues to give you the same smile, looking at you expectantly.
  1051. "..."
  1052. >"..."
  1053. "You want to go too?"
  1054. >"Anon I'd thought you never ask!" she says clapping her hands together.
  1055. >You roll your eyes.
  1056. "Uh huh."
  1057. >Sunset lifts the cloth over her eyes and sits up, "What are you two talking about?"
  1058. >"We're going to see if someone can make a new silver sword for Anonymous."
  1059. >"Sounds interesting."
  1060. >Twilight becomes all giddy and starts doing a little dance.
  1061. >"I can't wait to see the process Ort Forges use to create their blades. I hear they use a special treating processes to their blades after the machining portion of the sword to provide the strongest possible cutting edge."
  1062. >"Well that's mighty fine and all, but why don't we get some grub in our stomachs before then." Applejack says walking in with multiple plates of pie balanced on her arms and head.
  1063. >Applejack hands everyone a plate of pie and you all dig in.
  1064. >It doesn't take much for you to savor the crispy crust and the gooey cinnamon apple filling in the pie.
  1065. "Applejack you wanna come with?"
  1066. >"Much as ah would love to Anon, someone needs to keep an eye out on Apple Bloom."
  1067. >The mood becomes a bit somber at the mention of Apple Bloom's name.
  1068. "She still upset?"
  1069. >Applejack nods, "Hasn't come out of her room in days and ah heard from Rarity Sweetie Belle is having nightmares herself."
  1070. >"What about Scootaloo?"
  1071. >Applejack sadly shakes her head, "Ah'm not sure, ah'll have ta ask Rainbow next time ah see her."
  1072. >"I can't imagine what they're going through."
  1073. "They blame themselves for the entire mess at camp. It's entirely understandable that they feel terrible."
  1074. >"Anon, was it really their fault? I mean, they took the skull from the totem but..."
  1075. "Not fully responsible but they are partly to blame, yes."
  1076. >Your mind drifts to Gilda. How her inaction and lack of tracking skills indirectly led to the whole situation.
  1077. >"Can't you do something? Talk to them?" Sunset asks.
  1078. "And do what? Tell them that this was a valuable lesson in not taking strange things in the forest?"
  1079. >Sunset recoils as your words hit her.
  1080. "Sunset, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that, but I can't solve every problem that comes up. This requires the type of help I can't provide."
  1081. >"What about using Axii on them?" Twilight states. "Erase their minds of the whol-?"
  1082. "That's not something I'll do unless it's a last resort. End of story."
  1083. >Finishing your pie in silence, you set your empty plate on the coffee table and rise from your seat.
  1084. "I better get going. Twilight are you coming?"
  1085. >"Mmhmm!" the girl quickly replies while wolfing down the rest of the pie.
  1086. >Twilight's an eager beaver huh?
  1087. "We'll be back later AJ."
  1088. >"Have a safe trip y'all." she waves. "Sunset do you want to-"
  1089. >"Zzz..."
  1090. >Sunset is out cold on the couch.
  1091. >Applejack chuckles before gathering the plates and heading back into the kitchen.
  1093. >Walking to the bus stop, you note the time on the chart attached to the pole and how long it will take for the bus to arrive to take you into the city.
  1094. >Looks like you're just in time as the next bus arrives within the next ten minutes, unless the bus arrived early which you doubt.
  1095. >You and Twilight take a seat on a concrete bench and wait.
  1096. >Minutes pass by in relative silence, the only noise coming from the birds chirping and the occasional car passing by.
  1097. >"So..."
  1098. "You have a question, spit it out."
  1099. >"That forest ranger at the camp, she was a Witcher huh?"
  1100. >The reminder causes some unpleasant memories to spew up.
  1101. "Apparently."
  1102. >"Did she happen to show you her medallion?"
  1103. "Griffon. Which means she specializes in Sign casting."
  1104. >Twilight's eyes widen in amazement.
  1105. >She pulls out a small notepad from her bookbag and jots a few notes down.
  1106. >"I didn't realize the different schools had different styles like that!"
  1107. "Historically, Bears are defensive fighters, trained to brush aside most blows. Opposite of that are the Cats whose fighting styles focusing on speed, precision, and agility which they like to call "Addan Anye", "the Fiery Dancer". Griffons like I said focus on Signs and controlling the flow of the battle when there are multiple opponents."
  1108. >"What about the Wolves and Vipers?"
  1109. "Viper's I'm unsure really, just that they have a habit of utilizing bombs, poisions, and oils on their blades. Us Wolves are generally well rounded but not the best at any particular discipline."
  1110. >"You seem to know an awful lot about the other schools."
  1111. "Most of this is just based off vague knowledge in the history books we used growing up and personal observation. I haven't seen much to really refute those notions."
  1112. >As the sun shines down on you two, you roll your shoulders and try to get somewhat comfortable in this heat.
  1113. >Where is that damned bus?
  1114. "So have you met any of the Witchers from the other schools besides Gilda?"
  1115. "A couple, usually when we gather for Winter. One of the Viper Witchers makes an awesome brew of White Gull, whiskey and ah... nevermind."
  1116. >Twilight covers her mouth and giggles at your overenthusiastic (for you at least) recollection, "When was the last time you visited them?"
  1117. >Your mind thinks back to when you last showed up to your little "family gathering".
  1118. "Mmmm, bout three or four years. I've been on the Path so long that I decided to skip out on it. Usually showing up is a just a formality anyway."
  1119. >Yet not showing up also prevented you from discovering there was an easier way to get work done and obtain equipment easier.
  1120. >Which reminds you, you need to drop the leshen head at a pick-up point sometime in the next few days. Apparently someone will be sent to retrieve the trophy and take it back to the Keep personally.
  1121. >You sent in a few pictures, and let the Headmaster know of your current... predicament concerning your weapons.
  1122. >He seemed amused, or you think he was. Man's hard to read sometimes.
  1123. >But he was impressed, slightly, that you managed to show proof of a leshen kill. Enough that he sent you a diagram for a new silver sword.
  1124. >Supposedly, just from looking at the schematic, it'll prove a better monster killer than your old one.
  1125. >Hence why you plan on making a personal trip to Ort Forges rather than just commission a standard blacksmith to create one for you.
  1126. >Which in Canterlot is surprisingly not that rare to find as you would believe. Most of them create weapon props for movies, independent productions or just for collectors. The tricky part is just knowing where to look, and whether or not the smith is taking orders or commissions.
  1127. >Suddenly you hear the sound of a large vehicle rolling down the road.
  1128. "Bus is here."
  1129. >"Really? I don't... oh, there it is."
  1130. >Standing, you and Twilight wait as the bus slows down and pulls up to the curb. The sign in front stating its destination: Downtown Canterlot.
  1131. "This the right one?"
  1132. >"Yes, this is it. I've take a few trips from here to there."
  1133. "Really? When?"
  1134. >"I actually live closer to the City than I do here. Remember, I used to go to Crystal Prep Academy before I transferred to CHS."
  1135. >Right, you vaguely remember that conversation with Twilight when that staff member from Crystal Prep came to Canterlot High.
  1136. >You never actually asked why though.
  1137. >Stepping aboard, the two of you take your seats near the middle of the bus.
  1138. >"Isn't that... no offense, a downgrade in educational standards though?"
  1139. >Twilight rolls her eyes, "You'd think that right? There was only one person at CPA that actually looked out for me."
  1140. "I'm guessing it's that lady who you talked to a few weeks ago?"
  1141. >Twilight looks out the window as the bus begins moving again.
  1142. >"Yes, Dean Cadance was one of- no, the only one who cared about me and my future. Everyone else was either rude or thought I was just a doormat for them to step over."
  1143. >You can see Twilight grow sullen as she relives her memories. Her body language easily expressing that she's not exaggerating.
  1144. >It occurs to you, that while Twilight knows about you and the Witchers, you know Twilight very little.
  1145. >Not only that but you know relatively little about the others as well beyond a couple observations you made before you met them.
  1146. >Hell, you don’t even know Applejack’s favorite color.
  1147. >...
  1148. >Though the pessimistic side of you wants to just say Apple.
  1149. >...
  1150. >Yeah...
  1151. >It would probably be best if you keep that in mind next time you have some free time with any one of them.
  1152. >"Anon, I don't really want to talk about that anymore. Do you mind if I change the subject?"
  1153. "Go ahead."
  1154. >"What Sign were you teaching Sunset?"
  1155. "Quen. She's actually doing better casting that than her attempt with Igni."
  1156. >"Which one do you think you'll teach her next?" she asks.
  1157. "I know I'm saving Axii for last, that one is a bit more complex. Maybe Aard or Yrden."
  1158. >"Go with Yrden, I've always wanted to see that one. The slowed effect on the targets trapped within is something you can hardly artificially replicate."
  1159. "Are you sure? Its not because you think the other Sign is too Aard for her?"
  1160. >Twilight goes slack jawed for a moment before bursting out laughing.
  1161. >"That was so bad..." she says.
  1162. >Reclining in your seat, you push your glasses up and close your eyes.
  1163. "Sense of humor is still there, just a bit stunted. Remind me to tell you the story of a Witcher and the guy who asked him to collect a bunch of harpy feathers."
  1164. >She snorts before wiping a tear from her eye.
  1165. "Anyways, it'll be awhile till we get to the city so wake me up when we get there."
  1166. >As you drift off, Twilight takes out a pair of earbuds and plugs them into her phone. Pressing a few buttons she begins writing more notes while the bus continues on its course.
  1168. -----
  1170. >*Ding Dong*
  1171. >Putting down the rag and dish in your hands you head to the front door.
  1172. "Just a second."
  1173. >Opening the door a disheveled familiar purple haired fashionista stands in front of you.
  1174. >Too be frank, she's not looking' her best.
  1175. "Rarity? You look like you haven't slept a wink last night. Sweetie Belle have night terrors again?"
  1176. >"Applejack..." she says facing the floor.
  1177. >Something about her appearance and the way she said your name is making you uneasy.
  1178. >"Why didn't you tell me you and Anon were going out?"
  1179. >Oh...
  1180. >Guess she found out.
  1181. "Sorry Rare's, guess it just slipped my mind with everything that's been going on."
  1182. >"Yes well, I wanted to know if Anonymous was here?"
  1183. >You shake your head.
  1184. "Sorry he went out with Twilight to go sword hunting."
  1185. >"With Twilight?" she asks confused.
  1186. "Yeah, they went into the city to visit someone about a second sword he needs."
  1187. >"I see." she responds staring vacantly.
  1188. "You sure yer alright?"
  1189. >Rarity sighs before coming in close and whispers to you.
  1190. >"One girl to another, what's he like in bed? Is he large? Small? Is he gentle or rough?"
  1191. >You're a bit taken aback at the very private and personal question and huff.
  1192. "Rarity you got five seconds to explain why the hell you're asking me something like that."
  1193. >"I'm only curious darling."
  1194. "That ain't the whole truth. Out with it."
  1195. >Suddenly Rarity grabs your shirt collar with both hands and kisses you on the lips.
  1196. >It takes little effort to shove Rarity off yourself and take a few steps back. Your face going red at her forward act.
  1197. "What in tarna-"
  1198. >"Please Applejack, you need to reciprocate a kiss if this relationship is going to work out."
  1199. "Just what are you talking about? What relationship?!"
  1200. >"Why the polyamorous affair that the three of us will be in of course!" she says like it's an obvious thing. "I admit, kissing another woman will take some getting used to but who said love was easy?"
  1201. >"Since Anonymous is living here, I'll probably have to move in as well once we make our marriages official. Sweet Apple Acres is a well off place to raise a family after all."
  1202. >She moves over to the drapes and inspects them, "We might have to do a little redecorating though. This synthetic fabric will just not do."
  1203. >Rarity continues to mutter to herself as she begins moving about the room, you being a bit too shocked and confused to react properly.
  1204. >"Oh that reminds me darling, do you enjoy toys or certain fetishes in the bedroom?" she asks, "After all if we're going to make this work, we should be aware of all our kinks!"
  1205. >You finally compose yourself to adjust your hat back and stomp over to Rarity.
  1206. >However in your haste, you accidentally trip over the rug and fall on top of Sunset on the couch.
  1207. >"Ow! What the-?!"
  1208. "Sunset!"
  1209. >Rarity, though gets the wrong idea.
  1210. >"Oh you want to bring in Sunset too? My my Applejack I didn't expect you to be the type to spread the love around."
  1211. >Getting up, you furiously make your way towards Rarity and slap her across the face.
  1212. >Multiple times.
  1213. "Snap! Out! Of! It!"
  1214. >You emphasize each word with a smack.
  1215. >The fashionista's cheeks glow red before you set her down on the ottoman.
  1216. >"Wh-what was that for?" Rarity asks with tears beginning to form in her eyes.
  1217. "What's gotten into you Rarity?!"
  1218. >"Oh Applejack, I just... I want to have what you have with Anonymous. He's kind, considerate, brave, and has come to our rescue like a knight in shining armor."
  1219. >Sunset sits up groggy and confused, but doesn't speak as Rarity pours her heart out.
  1220. >"I was partly hoping that since we're close friends, you would be willing to make your romantic affair plus one?"
  1221. >You pinch the bridge of your nose and growl in frustration.
  1222. "For crying out loud. First the Principal and now you?! Did you spend the night in a motel room with Anon too when I wasn't looking?!"
  1223. >Your hands shoot over your mouth while both girls are left dumbfounded by this revelation.
  1224. >"Wait what?" Sunset interrupts.
  1225. >"That no good... no good... HARLOT!" Rarity explodes, "How dare she try to make a move on our man!"
  1226. "Our man?! Rarity, I think you need to get some rest. We'll talk about this when you're talkin' like a rational person."
  1227. >She opens her mouth to object, only to close it when you begin raising a palm up again.
  1228. >"A-alright... maybe I have become a bit... unstable."
  1229. >Taking your friend by the hand you escort her to your room.
  1230. >Helping her get her shoes off, you tuck her into your bed and close the door.
  1231. >Heading back downstairs, you plop yourself onto the couch and sigh.
  1232. >Gosh darn it Rarity. Why do you have to make things so complicated sometimes.
  1233. >Sunset Shimmer meanwhile just sits there awkwardly the entire time.
  1234. "What are you looking at?"
  1235. >"So... Principal Celestia wanted to make your thing a threesome?" she asks sheepishly.
  1236. "..."
  1237. >You grab a pillow cushion and hit Sunset in the face.
  1239. >Someone taps you on the shoulder bringing you back into the waking world.
  1240. >"Anon... Anon we're here."
  1241. >Opening your eyes, you see Twilight already out of her seat as the bus is just slowing down.
  1242. >Grabbing the single-strap backpack you borrowed from Big Macintosh, you follow Twilight out of the bus.
  1243. >Once you exit the doors, your senses are immediately assaulted by sights, smells, and sounds from a hustling bustling cityscape.
  1244. >"Anon are you okay?"
  1245. "Yeah, just been awhile since I've been in such a crowded place before."
  1246. >"Are you going to be alright?"
  1247. "I'll be fine. Which way is it?"
  1248. >Twilight pulls out her phone and looks up the address.
  1249. >"This way." she says pointing in the direction you two need to go.
  1250. "C'mon Roach."
  1251. >Twilight pauses, "Excuse me?"
  1252. "Nothing, just another bad joke."
  1253. "Okay..."
  1254. >You do your best to avoid distractions as you and Twilight walk down the street towards your destination.
  1255. >People move up and down the sidewalk giving you a wider berth due to your false handicap.
  1256. >No one wants to stir up trouble with a blind man.
  1257. >Your medallion vibrates around your neck which does draw some unease.
  1258. >Unfortunately, the large crowds and dense buildings make it almost impossible to tell what the medallion is reacting too.
  1259. >The tugging isn't particularly strong, just slightly above the levels the girls radiate whenever they're together.
  1260. >Twilight leads you further down the city street and into the more commercial part of the city.
  1261. >Gone are the tall buildings and in come the more warehouse like ones.
  1262. >Eventually you and Twilight come upon a sign hanging over the street brandishing the Ort Forges name and logo.
  1263. "Looks like this is it."
  1264. >"Um... Anon I have a question."
  1265. "Another one?"
  1266. >"How exactly are you going to commission a silver sword from them. They must be... oh, right. Axii."
  1267. "Don't worry, I do plan on paying them for the work."
  1268. >"Alright."
  1269. >You both enter the front door and enter a lobby of sorts. The interior is decorated with suits of armor and mounted shields and swords.
  1270. >The receptionist at the desk sees you and smiles.
  1271. >"Hello, what can I do for you two today?"
  1272. "Hi, this is the place where you produce swords correct?"
  1273. >She nods her head, "This is indeed the place sir. Ort Forges makes the highest quality swords and weapons for museums, collectors and films."
  1274. >"Neat."
  1275. "Who would I have to talk to to commission a special project?"
  1276. >"Oh that would be our master blacksmith Mjolna. Though I'm afraid she's a bit busy with other projects right now."
  1277. >You expected this to be the case.
  1278. >"Could we speak to her? This is really important."
  1279. >The receptionist's smile doesn't waver, but her expression is showing one of apprehension. She looks at the clock and picks up her desk phone.
  1280. >"It should be her break right now, so I guess there's no harm in trying."
  1281. >Pressing a few buttons, you and Twilight wait patiently as the receptionist tries to get a hold of the smith.
  1282. >"Hi there Mjolna, it's me Grace. I have a pair of... yes... I know it's your lunch time... two individuals need to speak to... yes, I told them... no..."
  1283. >Her face is becoming more and more frustrated the longer the conversation goes.
  1284. >Hanging up the phone she huffs in annoyance before remembering you and Twilight are still just standing there.
  1285. >"Mjolna says she's on her way." the receptionist says with a forced smile.
  1286. "Sorry."
  1287. >She waves you off, "Oh don't worry dear she's like that all the time. If you would please take a seat over there."
  1288. >You and Twilight both sit in the lobby chairs as you wait for the smith to come.
  1289. >"That was... easy."
  1290. "Don't expect it to get an easier. This Mjolna person sounds like a character."
  1291. >A few minutes go by and the smith hasn't shown up yet.
  1292. >"Sorry dears, but it's usually about time I take my own lunch break right about now. You don't mind do you?"
  1293. >"Not at all."
  1294. >Grace pulls out a lunch bag and sets out her food.
  1295. >Taking out a sandwich she begins eating as you and Twilight continue to wait.
  1296. >More time goes by and the smith hasn't shown at all.
  1297. >"How long is she going to keep us waiting for?"
  1298. "I don't know but it's starting to seem like she's deliberately making us wait."
  1299. >"You don't happen to have a way to pass the time would you?"
  1300. >...
  1301. >You do.
  1302. "Ever play Gwent?"
  1303. >Twilight's face lights up.
  1304. >"Did you say Gwent?!" she asks excitedly.
  1305. "Yeah."
  1306. >Digging through your pack you pull out a pair of deck boxes.
  1307. >"I can't believe you play Gwent. No one besides my brother and my grandfather ever played with me." she says.
  1308. >Digging through her own bag, Twilight pulls out her own Gwent deck.
  1309. >Huh, a Nilfgaard deck.
  1310. "It's a Witcher game that's for sure. Like Dice Poker or Fistfighting."
  1311. >"Fistfighting?"
  1312. "Yeah where you take your fists and figh-"
  1313. >"Anon I know what fist fighting is." she says with a chuckle.
  1314. >Shuffling your cards, you clear out the nearby coffee table and set up the game.
  1315. >"I see you're running a Northern Realms deck." she says drawing 10 cards. "I'm guessing you run it seige heavy?"
  1316. >You don't answer her, instead you just draw your cards and let her take the first move.
  1317. >Nice, drew two spies right off the bat.
  1318. >Twilight plays a spy card on her first turn and draws two more cards from her deck.
  1319. >In response you play a decoy and take her spy off the board and bring it into your hand.
  1320. >"Hmm, what are you working towards I wonder?"
  1321. >Twilight plays a Young Emissary and ends her turn.
  1322. >Heh, you've got the perfect strategy against a Nilfgaard deck.
  1323. >...
  1324. "Dammit!"
  1325. >You slam your cards down in frustration as Twilight wins the game again.
  1326. >"Looks like I win again Anon."
  1327. "You and your damn spies."
  1328. >"Anon, you might be a Witcher but you sure do suck at Gwent."
  1329. >Applejack, and now Twilight? What the fuck.
  1330. "Shut up Sparkle."
  1331. >You have a strong urge to change the game up to fistfighting now.
  1332. >"Rematch?"
  1333. >Before you can answer the double doors by the reception desk are kicked open from the inside startling all of you.
  1334. >In walks a burly well-built woman wearing nothing but goggles, a stained tank top, an apron and work pants.
  1335. >"So who's the snot nosed runt that interrupted me lunchhour?" she demands to Grace in a thick accent.
  1336. >This must be Mjolna. Judging from the accent she's from the Isles.
  1337. >The receptionist shakily points her finger over to you.
  1338. >The woman stomps over with her boots and looks at your just finished game.
  1339. >"Well looky here! We got some old fancy Gwent players in the house!" she says with some mild amusement.
  1340. >Picking up one of Twilight's cards her nostrils flare, and hands the card back to Twilight.
  1341. >"Nilfgaard..." she growls, "Bunch o' no good arseholes with their overpowered spies and their goddamn archers."
  1342. >"Er... you play Gwent as well?"
  1343. >"Course ah do! Local Gwent champion at the Red Cardinal taphouse." she says proudly.
  1344. "Guessing you run a Skellige deck?"
  1345. >"Aye, how'd you know?"
  1346. "Just a guess."
  1347. >Crossing her arms, she looks at you skeptically, "And just who are yo-"
  1348. >Her eyes stop at your medallion.
  1349. >"Well slap my behind and fuck me in the arse, a goddamn Witcher medallion!"
  1350. >You and Twilight both share a look of disbelief.
  1351. >"You know what that medallion is?" Twilight asks.
  1352. >Mjolna lets out a bellowing laugh, "O'course, Witchers are one of the reasons Master Ort had such a profitable business in the first place. Didn't think there were any around though."
  1353. "Yeah..."
  1354. >"Boy, let me see your eyes." she demands.
  1355. "I don't reall-"
  1356. >"Do it before ah kick you out on the streets."
  1357. >You'd like to see her try, but you aren't here to fight and there are more pressing issues at the moment.
  1358. >Tipping down your glasses you show her your gold eyes and she smirks.
  1359. >"Yep yep, just like me great great great great great great great great great great great great..." she trails off when she sees your face, "Well you get the idea, great Grandad described it as."
  1360. >"Who was your great great great great..."
  1361. "Twilight, we don't have all day."
  1362. >"Right... who was your ancestor?"
  1363. >"Why Master Ort o' course."
  1364. >"But I don't think he was Skelligan."
  1365. >"Nilfgaard, there's a lot of time between then and now for families to change."
  1366. >"Nilfgaard...?" Twilight mumbles to herself.
  1367. >Mjolna returns her focus to you, "So what can ah do fer ya Master Witcher?"
  1368. "Looking for someone to make me a new silver sword."
  1369. >The woman's eyes light up, "Grace, cancel all my appointments and tell anyone who asks all projects are on hold right now. Something important came up."
  1370. >Stepping towards the double doors, the smith waves you over, "C'mon Witcher, Nilfgaard, we got some talkin' to do."
  1372. -----
  1374. >Mjolna leads you and Twilight through the building where other employees go about their day.
  1375. >A few who walk by pass their greetings to your guide and yourself.
  1376. >"You look a little young to be a Witcher."
  1377. "Young for a Witcher maybe."
  1378. >"Dun suppose ah could get ya ta elaborate on that?"
  1379. "No."
  1380. >"Suppose we all have our secrets."
  1381. >Twilight rushes up next to the lady and pulls out her notepad.
  1382. >"Miss Mjolna I don't suppose you'd be willing to answer a few questions on the sword making process would you?"
  1383. >"Now how could ah say no ta a face like that." she replies with as much enthusiasm.
  1384. >"Oh wait like this... No." she she bluntly answers, opening another set of doors.
  1385. >"Oh..." Twilight says glumly.
  1386. >Opening one final door, the three of you enter a large room filled to the brim with various papers, schematics, blueprints and other documents strewn about in an unorderly fashion.
  1387. >It seems like half a working office and half an actual forge room with the large anvil and hammer besides a workbench in the corner.
  1388. >Taking her seat behind the large desk, she clears off her desk in an attempt to make it a bit more tidy.
  1389. >"Take a seat Witcher, Nilfgaard. So what can Ort Forges do fer ya today?"
  1390. >You and Twilight sit down in the chairs across from her and grab your bag.
  1391. "Need a new silver sword and I need the best."
  1392. >The woman gives you another grin, "Well you've come ta the right place. Anyone lookin' fer the best sword in this day and age comes here. Long as they can afford it."
  1393. >Grabbing a printout of the schematic the Headmaster sent you, you hand the paper to Mjolna.
  1394. >She takes the diagram and puts on a pair of reading glasses.
  1395. >"Well ah'll be, a real schematic for a Witcher's silver blade. Great Master Ort used ta have an entire bound book on these things. Let's see here, specifications are ah thirty-eight and a half inch blade. Slightly under 40 ounces. Silver plating with a steel core."
  1396. >Taking a pen, she jots down a couple of notes on a sticky pad.
  1397. >"It can be done. Though it'll cost ya." she says taking off her glasses. "Course, if you can supply the silver it'll bring cost down quite a bit."
  1398. "I can."
  1399. >You put a hand into your backpack and pull out four solid silver bars. The same that you acquired from Princess Twilight as payment for protecting Sunset Shimmer.
  1400. >Mjolna whistles, "That must be around four kilos in weight."
  1401. "You'd be right. I just hope I get my money's worth."
  1402. >"Right, well, let's settle it this way. Since you've given the silver, we'll just deduct whatever's not used for the price of the sword. Anything leftover beyond that we'll see."
  1403. >"That sounds acceptable Anon."
  1404. "How long will something like this take?"
  1405. >"Well, the tricky part is just bonding the silver to the steel core. But that's all stuff you dun need ta fret about. Ah'd say a week or two tops if ah drop everything and work on it."
  1406. >She pinches the bridge of her nose and mumbles to herself.
  1407. >"Ah can get it done in a week. We still have some orders already in progress that need ta be finished first but once they're done it'll be all focus on your weapon Witcher."
  1408. "Sounds reasonable."
  1409. >"Say ah do have a question though."
  1410. "Yeah?"
  1411. >"Why are ya carrying around a toothpick of a hidden blade with ya?"
  1412. >Gripping your cane, you relax and set it on the table.
  1413. >You're honestly a bit surprised she could tell you had a concealed weapon.
  1414. >"How did you know that was a hidden sword?" Twilight asks.
  1415. >"Ah've had ta make more than my fair share of cane swords fer private collectors and whatnot Nilfgaard. Though whoever made this one in particular did a shite job of it."
  1416. >"Can you stop calling me Nilfgaard?"
  1417. >"No."
  1418. >Twilight huffs.
  1419. >The woman takes the hidden sword in hand and pulls the blade out and grimaces.
  1420. >She uses a small metal rod in a mesh cup and taps the blade with it.
  1421. >"Tsss, this blade has seen better days. When was the last time you had it serviced?"
  1422. "Couple months ago maybe? I got into a hell of a fight with it recently."
  1423. >"That's an understatement Witcher." she says walking over to an anvil in her office.
  1424. >Taking the sword, she puts on her goggles and takes a hammer.
  1425. >Twilight sits up as Mjolna takes a few guiding swings.
  1426. >"What are yo-"
  1427. >With a light tap in the center of the blade, the silver cane sword cracks with a few pieces splintering off..
  1428. >"Hey!"
  1429. >When your eyes meet Mjolna's face, a silent understanding comes between you two.
  1430. >Had you tried to fight any other creature with that blade it would have backfired on you terribly.
  1431. >"Steel core inside the blade was cracked ta pieces, and the bonding to the silver was pitiful. Seems like it took ta an extreme heat and cooled down too rapidly."
  1432. >That sounds about right. Memories of your fight with Edward come back to you.
  1433. >The exposure to the flames of the Igni sign took its toll apparently.
  1434. "Guess I'm gonna need a new one of those too."
  1435. >"Witcher no offense, but ya offend me just by having that thing in yer possession."
  1436. >The blacksmith takes a piece of the shattered sword and brings it to eye level.
  1437. >"Ah'll recycle what I can, but trust me, yer gonna be glad ya came ta me."
  1438. "Well, it seems that's all then."
  1439. >"Just a second, ah know you Witchers face the unknown and deadly, before ya go do me a favor and wait in the lobby."
  1440. >Mjolna leads you and Twilight into the hall and points down one way, "Jes, follow the signs and ah'll be right with ya."
  1441. >You and Twilight follow her instructions and wait in the lobby once again.
  1442. >This time however the wait for Mjolna is much much shorter.
  1443. >Walking out of the double doors, the woman presents you a cane different from your first.
  1444. >"Witcher, it wouldn't be right o' me to smash yer weapon and not give ya something in the meantime. So here, this is one of our finest hidden steel blades no charge. It won't be as effective as a silver sword but it should last you until the two swords are finished."
  1445. >Taking the cane from her hands, you feel the weight of the weapon.
  1446. >It's surprisingly lighter than your original hidden blade.
  1447. >But because it's not silver, you'll have to begin relying on oils in the interim.
  1448. >Mjolna shows you how to release the locking mechanism, and by separating the handle from the scabbard you inspect the slightly ornate metal.
  1449. "Are you sure? It wouldn't be right to just take it."
  1450. >"Just having a Witcher being able to use one of our swords again is well worth it ta me." she says with a smile. "Though ah copy of that diagram would make it an even trade in my eyes."
  1451. "Just don't mention that you got it from me specifically."
  1452. >Her smile becomes even wider, "Done."
  1453. >She hands the original diagram back to you.
  1454. >"Anon are you sure that's a good idea?"
  1455. "Only if I can get a discount on any of your wares."
  1456. >"Witcher, can ya get me some more schematics?"
  1457. >You take a moment to think it over. It could be risky handing out these schematics to a woman you just met.
  1458. "When I see the final result, I'll give you my answer."
  1459. >Mjolna laughs, "Ya drive a hard bargain Witcher, but ah'll see ta it that we can make this partnership worth it fer both of us."
  1460. >"Well, thank you for seeing us Miss Mjolna."
  1461. >"Aye, don't mention it lass."
  1462. >As you two exit to leave, Mjolna slaps Twilight on the butt as she walks out the door.
  1463. >"And next time ah see ya, ah'll tear that Nilfgaard deck of yours ta shreds with a good ol' Skellige raid."
  1464. >"Eh heh... okay... ow..." Twilight mumbles rubbing her behind.
  1465. "She likes you."
  1466. >Twilight punches you in the arm, "Oh be quiet."
  1467. >Walking down the street you take a look at your watch, you were gone a bit longer than you thought.
  1468. >It seems to be about time to head home soon.
  1469. "Don't suppose you have any business to tend to while we're here?"
  1470. >Twilight shakes her head, "No, I'm good. A little disappointed I didn't get any questions answered but I can always try next time."
  1471. >You and Twilight walk back towards the bus stop when you notice something in the periphery of your vision.
  1472. >Making it look like you dropped something, you kneel on the ground and peer over in the general direction.
  1473. >Looks like someone is tailing you in a black sedan.
  1474. >Getting back up, you whisper to Twilight.
  1475. "Do not look back, we're being followed."
  1476. >"W-we are? By who?"
  1477. "I don't know, windows are tinted."
  1478. >Instead of continuing to the bus stop, you turn down an alleyway and begin running, dragging Twilight by the hand.
  1479. >You hear the car accelerate as whoever's inside exits the vehicle and begins to give chase.
  1480. >Turning another corner you suddenly see the car screech to a halt in front of the alley.
  1481. >A man wearing a trenchcoat pulls out a gun and marches towards you.
  1482. >"Hey freeze!" a male voice shouts.
  1483. >"Shining?"
  1484. "Shining?"
  1485. >"Twilight get away from him."
  1486. >"Shining what are you doing?" Twilight demands.
  1487. >"Twilight listen to your older brother! Let go of my little Sister!" he yells, keeping the gun trained on you.
  1488. >He's close enough where your reflexes won't even matter against a bullet.
  1489. >An attempt to use Axii could turn out badly if he notices what you're doing. He's twitchy right now and just looking a reason to pull the trigger.
  1490. >Even if he wasn't, he's probably familiar with the hand gestures.
  1491. >Picking a fight now is going to end badly.
  1492. >Releasing Twilight's hand you gesture for her to go.
  1493. "Go. I'll be fine."
  1494. >Twilight hesitantly walks a few steps until Shining becomes more aggressive.
  1495. >"Witcher I'm giving you until the count of ten to get on your knees and come with me quietly."
  1496. >Propping up your glasses onto your head, you look him in the eyes unobstructed.
  1497. "Am I under arrest?"
  1498. >"What do you think?"
  1499. "I think if you don't put that gun away, someone's going to get hurt."
  1500. >"Anon!"
  1501. >"I'm not joking, I will shoot to kill."
  1502. >"Shining stop!" Twilight pleads, grabbing her brother's side.
  1503. >"Grr. You have her under an Axii hex don't you?"
  1504. "I don't have her under any control."
  1505. >"Liar!"
  1506. >"Shining he's not the one who killed our Grandfather!"
  1507. >"But he could be connected. He has to be!"
  1508. >You probably are in some fashion, but that's probably something you're gonna keep to yourself.
  1509. >"Shining, this isn't right. Anon hasn't done anything wrong. He's the reason I'm still alive."
  1510. >"What are you talking about Twilight?" he says lowering his gun slightly.
  1511. >"At Camp Everfree, he's the one who killed the monster that attacked us. It was a leshen Shining."
  1512. >"You can't be serious." he says in disbelief.
  1513. "Serious as you are pointing a gun at me."
  1514. >He shoots you a dirty look as you just cross your arms.
  1515. "Twilight do you have any proof?"
  1516. >Facing you, you know what Twilight's about to ask you.
  1517. "Yes, I still have the head at home. Though I doubt anyone would believe you even if you did find a way to pin it as the culprit."
  1518. >"What are you doing here in Canterlot Witcher."
  1519. "Staying on the Path as is tradition."
  1520. >He points an accusatory finger at you.
  1521. >"Bull, you've been here way too long to just simply be "on the Path"."
  1522. "Well, technically I'm doing a job at the moment that just involves protecting someone. But you don't really need to know more than that."
  1523. >"Protection from what?"
  1524. "I don't really see a reason you need to know right now."
  1525. >Shining Armor grits his teeth, "Witcher, I'm the one with a gun right now."
  1526. "So? Far as I'm aware, shooting me unprovoked is only going to cause more problems for *you* in the long run."
  1527. >As long as the gunshot doesn't kill you that is.
  1528. >What you're doing isn't really the most sensible thing to do. Antagonizing a guy with a gun hardly ever ends well.
  1529. >Hell, if anyone found out you were carrying a concealed weapon he could come up with some plausible excuses if he has enough pull.
  1530. >"Twilight, get in the car now."
  1531. >"But Shini-"
  1532. >"Twilight, just listen to your brother and GET IN THE CAR!"
  1533. >Twilight is taken aback by her brother's outburst before tearing up and looking at you.
  1534. >With a small nod of your head to let her know you'll be fine she runs crying to Shining's car.
  1535. >Shining glares at you when Twilight is out of earshot.
  1536. >"You listen to me Witcher. I want you to stay as far away from my family as you possibly can. If I so much as see Twilight near you again, I will personally make sure your Path is cut drastically short."
  1537. >He turns around and gets in his vehicle. Slamming the door shut, you watch the car's tire screech as he drives away with Twilight.
  1538. >Relaxing, you frown. Twilight was the one who paid for the bus tickets...
  1540. >"Twilight please stop crying." your brother pleads.
  1541. >You ignore him and look out the window watching people and buildings pass by.
  1542. >"You know I'm only doing this to protect you."
  1543. "Pointing a gun and threatening at my friend hardly constitutes as protecting me."
  1544. >"We don't know who this Anon character is. He has no records, no history, leaves no paper trail at all."
  1545. "..."
  1546. >"Do you know why he's here?"
  1547. "To protect my friend."
  1548. >"From what?"
  1549. "..."
  1550. >"Twilight..." he says in a disappointed tone.
  1551. >The silence continues for the next five red lights until it becomes unbearable.
  1552. "He's not a bad person."
  1553. >"What?"
  1554. "Anon, he's not a bad person. I've done my research Shining."
  1555. >"But he's a Witc-"
  1556. "So was Grandpa. But you don't seem to hold it against him."
  1557. >"..."
  1558. "Shining trust me on this, I've already questioned Anon on this."
  1559. >"How?"
  1560. >You give him an incredulous glance.
  1561. >"Right, you're the smart one. Of course you figured out how to take down a Witcher." he says with a scoff.
  1562. "Please, I'll talk to him. Just give Anon a chance to explain himself to you in person."
  1563. >"I don't like it."
  1564. "Come on Shining! First you want him to answer questions, then when I say that I can convince him you turn it away."
  1565. >Taking a hand off the steering wheel, Shining sighs in frustration.
  1566. >“Fine, Twilight I trust you. If you think we can talk, I’ll try talking. But I don’t like.”
  1567. >You let out a sigh of relief.
  1568. “Thanks Shin- WATCH OUT!”
  1569. >"Oh SH-!"
  1570. >Your brother hits the breaks and just narrowly avoids a woman who runs out into the street.
  1571. >The car skids to a halt as your brother leaps out of the vehicle towards the woman he narrowly hit.
  1572. >"Lady are you alri-"
  1573. >Without warning a bullet whizzes by the windshield.
  1574. >"Twilight get down!"
  1575. >You duck down underneath the dashboard as more gunshots are heard.
  1576. >Shining dives behind the front of the sedan, pulls out his gun and fires two shots back towards the alley where the bullets originated from.
  1577. >Pulling out a walkie-talkie he shouts orders into it.
  1578. >"This is Detective Armor, gunshots fired. I repeat gunshots fired on my location. Requesting back-up, I'm on third and fourth near the public park."
  1579. >Gunfire peppers the front of the car. The rate of fire most likely coming from an automatic weapon.
  1580. >It doesn't take a genius to realize staying here is *NOT* an option and the reality of the situation dawns on Shining very quickly.
  1581. >Watching Shining from your hiding place, he drags the woman behind the vehicle and opens the back door.
  1582. >A bullet pierces the side window and exits through the driver side causing you to scream in terror.
  1583. >Grabbing the woman by her studded belt, Shining helps the woman into the back and takes a deep breath.
  1584. >"1...2... 3!"
  1585. >He jumps into the driver's seat and slams his foot on the gas pedal.
  1586. >The car zooms off leaving your assailants in the dust.
  1587. >Your brother doesn't stop driving until the street is a distant memory.
  1588. >"Twily are you okay?! Are you hurt?!" Shining Armor asks with panic in his voice.
  1589. "I... I'm fine... I think I'm okay."
  1590. >Suddenly the engine of the vehicle begins sputtering as smoke pours out from the wheel wells and the grooves in the panels.
  1591. "Shining what's happening!"
  1592. >"They must have hit the engine or fuel line..." he replies, pulling the car into an empty parking lot.
  1593. >Looking in the backseat, he taps the lady he just rescued on the leg, "Hey? You okay?"
  1594. >"Urg... ye- gah!" she cries out grabbing her arm.
  1595. >The woman carefully takes off her leather jacket over the wounded arm.
  1596. >Red blood trails down from her shoulder onto the sedan's leather seat.
  1597. >"We need to get that treated. I'll radio in a bus. Twi, there's a first-aid kit in the trunk, go and grab it please." he says stepping out and pulling out his radio again. "This is Detective Armor, I'm holed up in a parking garage..."
  1598. >Exiting the car, you pop the trunk open and look inside.
  1599. >Underneath one of the fabric panels just like Shining said is an emergency first-aid kit.
  1600. >Kit in hand, you head to the rear seats and pull out some gauze and a roller bandage.
  1601. >"A bus and back-up will be here in a few minutes."
  1602. >Shining kneels next to you and takes a pair of latex gloves from the box.
  1603. >"Keep that over your wound, and tell me if you need a new one." he says putting the gloves on.
  1604. >"Thanks for the help..." the woman says as you hand her the gauze.
  1605. "What's your name?"
  1606. >"Chrysalis. The name's Chrysalis kid."
  1608. "Thanks Big Macintosh."
  1609. >"Eeyup." he replies taking his keys out of the ignition.
  1610. >Slamming the door shut, you walk into the house and drop your stuff on the couch.
  1611. >Applejack's brother came to pick you up after your little altercation with Twilight's brother.
  1612. >It was just your luck that the truck broke down halfway home. Most of the day was wasted waiting for Big Mac to try and fix it, then waiting for someone actually qualified to fix it to come and take the truck to a repair shop.
  1613. >"Anon, yer finally home!" Applejack exclaims happily. "Where's Twilight?"
  1614. "Her brother took her home."
  1615. >"Haven't met her brother yet, heard he was a pretty nice guy."
  1616. >You mentally scoff.
  1617. >Yeah, threatening you with a gun just screams “nice guy”.
  1618. >"Anyway, I need you to do something fer me."
  1619. "What is it?"
  1620. >"Talk some got dang sense into Rarity?"
  1621. >You raise a brow.
  1622. "What happened?"
  1623. >"She came over while you and Twi were gone and wanted to make our thing a threesome too!"
  1624. "What?"
  1625. >For the next few minutes, Applejack explains everything going on with Rarity and her ever since you saved her from the vampire.
  1626. >Most of what you hear is things that you've already had suspicions about, but you never thought they would go this far.
  1627. >"Anon, my folks and Granny taught me to share when I was younger. But this thing we got? I don't really feel like sharing this."
  1628. "No, I get what you mean. I'll talk to her."
  1629. >"Good, she's up in my room sleeping. Rarity looks like she hasn't slept all night last night."
  1630. >Nodding your head, you walk upstairs to Applejack's room.
  1631. >Opening the door you notice no one is inside, though Applejack's bed is messy like someone left it in a hurry.
  1632. >You smell the faint trace of perfume that Rarity usually wears and follow it down the hall past Apple Bloom's room.
  1633. >Soon it ends right behind the door to your room.
  1634. >Slowly, you turn the knob and gently ease the door open.
  1635. >The sounds of light snoring emanate from your bed as you walk inside, making sure not to cause too much noise.
  1636. >Rarity must have moved to your room some time ago for some reason.
  1637. >Grabbing the nearby chair, you pull it up to the side of the bed and sit down.
  1638. >You look at the shockingly unkempt appearance the girl, one who you've so far known to be completely obsessed with being prim and proper.
  1639. >Dried mascara runs down her cheeks and spread to the pillow covers she's laying on. Evidence she's been crying.
  1640. >Her hair is a complete mess with split ends and tangled clumps.
  1641. >Tapping her on the shoulder, she grumbles a bit before you tap her again.
  1642. "Rarity. Rarity wake up."
  1643. >"Mmmm just five more minutes Anon."
  1644. "Rarity."
  1645. >You push her shoulder slightly harder causing her face to scrunch up before her eyes begin to flutter open.
  1646. >"Ugh... my head... A-Anon? Is that you?"
  1647. >Turning on the lamp on the nightstand next to your bed, Rarity flinches from the light before her eyes slowly dilate.
  1648. >She quickly realizes where she is and laughs nervously.
  1649. >"Oh my... um this is embarrassing."
  1650. >You don't say anything as Rarity sits up and does her best to clean herself up without any beauty implements.
  1651. "Rarity, what are you doing in my bed?"
  1652. >"Um... I didn't get an ounce of sleep last night, and Applejack being the good friend she is, said I needed to get some sleep. She let me..."
  1653. "Use her bed, not mine."
  1654. >She freezes as you put a hole in the excuse she was going to feed you.
  1655. "Applejack told me what happened earlier."
  1656. >Your friend looks away ashamed, "I had a feeling she would."
  1657. "Then you know that trying to butt in like this is just hurting your friendship with Applejack."
  1658. >"I... I... yes..."
  1659. "Look Rarity. I like you, you're pretty, fashionable, a hell of a good fencer and you're a great help with training Sunset and Rainbow Dash."
  1660. >A flicker of a smile appears as she hears your compliments.
  1661. "But I like Applejack too, and I think we have a good thing going right now which I don't want to ruin. So you need to stop."
  1662. >"I know darling." she says sadly.
  1663. "Light flirting is okay I guess, I can't really stop you from that, but you have to realize our relationship won't go beyond that as long as AJ and I are together."
  1664. >You place a comforting hand on her knee.
  1665. "Maybe had you asked earlier, and if fate had other plans I would be having this talk with AJ about you instead, but its pointless to think about what if's."
  1666. >Newly formed tears drip down Rarity's cheeks and land on the mattress. You use your finger to wipe away one.
  1667. "What I'm trying to get at is that I'm sorry you're hurt but please stop, if not for me then for AJ."
  1668. >Rarity nods her head and pulls you into an embrace.
  1669. >Your instincts tell you to shove her away because of the sudden contact, but you force yourself to ease up.
  1670. >A shadow from the doorway causes you to look over and see Applejack leaning against the frame.
  1671. >With a small nod of your head, Applejack walks in and sits on the bed next to Rarity.
  1672. >"Rarity, I'm sorry you got all worked up like this."
  1673. >"Oh Applejack you shouldn't feel sorry." she says giving Applejack a hug, "What I've been doing is so unbecoming of a lady that I'm more ashamed that it took me this long to realize it."
  1674. "I'll leave you two alone to talk things out."
  1675. >"Thanks Anon." Applejack says as you walk out.
  1677. >Stepping out of your room, you head back downstairs but not before you hear crying coming from Apple Bloom's room.
  1678. >This needs to stop right now.
  1679. >Twisting the knob, a sudden resistance from the inner bolt means the door is still locked.
  1680. >Sighing, you take a lock pick from your pocket and insert it into the lock release on the side of the knob that Applejack uses to give her sister her dinner.
  1681. "Apple Bloom?"
  1682. >You don't get a response but you hear the crying seize up as you unlock the door and enter.
  1683. "Apple Bloom."
  1684. >The girl's room is pitch black as the only light coming in is from the hallway.
  1685. >A pile of dirty dishes is set up on a small desk as you see a lump in the bed.
  1686. >Sitting down next to the lump you hear Apple Bloom try to pretend she's asleep.
  1687. "I know you're awake. People normally still breathe when they're sleeping."
  1688. >"Go away Anon."
  1689. "Not until you talk to me and stop feeling sorry for yourself."
  1690. >"Did Applejack ask you to talk ta me?"
  1691. "No."
  1692. >"Then why are ya here?"
  1693. >You prop one leg over the other and look out her window.
  1694. "Because everyone is worried about you and your friends."
  1695. >"... Well they shouldn't. Not after all the trouble we caused."
  1696. "It's not your fault."
  1697. >Those four words cause Apple Bloom to become visibly angry. She shoots out of the covers and glares at you with tears in her eyes.
  1698. >"Of course it was! If it wasn't fer us taking that stupid skull no one would have died!"
  1699. "Apple Bloom, that monster already killed dozens of people who entered the forest before you three even found the skull. What you did was idiotic, but you were hardly fully to blame. If not then it would have happened eventually."
  1700. >"That's no excuse! What about the camp counselors, or Bulk!"
  1701. >You sigh as she begins pounding your side with her tiny fists.
  1702. "It was an accident you couldn't control. It's a tragedy yes, but are you just going to stay in this room until you're an old lady?"
  1703. >"I don't know..."
  1704. >...
  1705. >Suddenly the girl takes you by surprise by Gripping your side tightly.
  1706. >What would Applejack do in this situation...?
  1707. >You awkwardly pat her head.
  1708. "It'll... be okay?"
  1709. >You adjust her so it becomes a proper hug.
  1710. >"It... it h-hurts inside Anon."
  1711. "I know. But you need to move past this. You still have a long life ahead of you rather than wasting it in your room."
  1712. >Apple Bloom cries into your shoulder, drenching it in a mix of tears and mucus, but you don't really care for that.
  1713. >"Will the pain go away?"
  1714. "Probably not, it's up to you to determine if that pain is going to be the guiding thing in your life."
  1715. >The young teenager's breathing slows down.
  1716. "Your friends are feeling just as bad, if not worse, than how you feel. I think it would be best if you helped them overcome this."
  1717. >"B-but ah don't think I've overcome this!"
  1718. >You give her a small grin.
  1719. "Then you should help each other, and if you need more support you have Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and all the others."
  1720. >Apple Bloom let's out a sigh, "Ah'll try Anon."
  1721. "Good, now get some sleep. First thing tomorrow I want you to go talk to your friends. And if they say no, find someway to do it anyway."
  1722. >She nods her head and lays down.
  1723. >Taking the dishes from her table, you bring them downstairs and dump them into the sink.
  1724. >"How'd it go?" Sunset asks, surprising you.
  1725. "You're still here?"
  1726. >"Applejack insisted I stay for dinner and the night, Granny Smith is apparently with her friends having a ladies night out."
  1727. >That... sounds fun?
  1728. >Accepting her answer, you take a plastic container of leftovers and toss it into the microwave.
  1729. >Setting it to three minutes, you lean against the counter as Sunset takes a seat at the table.
  1730. >"You still haven't answered my question."
  1731. "Hopefully I convinced Rarity to stop with the love-sick act."
  1732. >"To be honest I was hoping that it wouldn't have escalated this far."
  1733. "You knew?"
  1734. >You don't bother to hide the ire in your tone.
  1735. >She shrugs, "Sort of."
  1736. "Would have been nice for you to tell me."
  1737. >"Like I said, I didn't think it would get this far."
  1738. >...
  1739. >You eye Sunset up and down. She catches your eye and raises a brow.
  1740. >"What are you doing?"
  1741. "You don't..."
  1742. >Her eyes widen, "Wow, um. No. Not like that. You're a good friend Anon, but I'm not interested in you in that way."
  1743. "Yeah figured. Besides your hips are too small."
  1744. >"Excuse me?"
  1745. "You got a nice pair, pretty decent size for a girl your age but the hips man. Applejack's got you beat."
  1746. >You emphasize your point by pantomiming a pair of curvy hips.
  1747. >Sunset's face goes red at your gestures before noticing the grin you're sporting and realizing you're just messing with her.
  1748. >"You're such an ass." she says with a chuckle.
  1749. >The microwave finishes its task and begins beeping to let you know your food is ready.
  1750. >Grabbing a fork from a drawer, you retrieve your reheated meal and sit at the table.
  1751. "You up for some Sign training for tomorrow?"
  1752. >Sunset nods her head, "Of course, I still need to get Quen down without passing out."
  1753. "Good, remember being able to cast Quen is quentissential to protecting yourself from harm."
  1754. >"That's pretty obvio-"
  1755. >A few beats go by as Sunset goes over your words and groans.
  1756. >"That was so bad..." she says with a small smile.
  1758. -----
  1760. >The woman your brother rescued, Chrysalis if you’re remember it right, is being checked over the paramedic as you and Shining are relegated to the car as he does his job.
  1761. >Despite the gunshot wound looking bad, it seems to hardly affect her arm movements all that much.
  1762. >Lady must be made of sterner stuff.
  1763. >"Ma'am I strongly advise we take you to the hospital." the paramedic says, putting some of his tools away.
  1764. >"Yeah, well take your advice and shove it." Chrysalis retorts, "Look it's fine."
  1765. >She moves her arm in different directions to show off her range of motion.
  1766. >Your brother is a bit pre-occupied right now with informing his fellow police officers of what just occurred leaving you alone for now.
  1767. >You look at the time on your phone.
  1768. >A bit too late to call anyone just to talk.
  1769. >May as well do some reading.
  1770. >You open your backpack when a flashing light inside grabs your attention.
  1771. >Your magic-o-meter is reacting to something?
  1772. >Pulling out the device, you press a button on the face to put it into scanning mode.
  1773. >The lights on the face of the amulet begin circling the circumference until three lights point in the direction of the magical disturbance.
  1774. >And lights are diverging towards the strange woman before it begins fritzing out and short circuits.
  1775. >Is this thing broken?
  1776. >Then again... Chrysalis does seem to be treating a gunshot wound to the arm as more of an inconvenience rather than a life threatening situation.
  1777. >Better double check to make sure.
  1778. >Powering the magic-o-meter off, you restart the systems and wait for it to power back on.
  1779. >"Twilight, c'mon I'm taking you home." Shining Armor calls out to you.
  1780. "But...!"
  1781. >"No buts Twily, Mom and Dad are already gonna freak out that you were with me in a gunfight."
  1782. >"You don't mind if I tag along with you?" Chrysalis says walking up.
  1783. >"I think it would be best if you went back to the station with one of the other officers to answer some questions."
  1784. >"Not unless you're the one to bring me in *Detective*." the woman replies, getting even closer to Shining.
  1785. >"Miss, I must insist."
  1786. >"Please? I'd feel so much safer if it was you, my *big*,*strong*, and *brave* rescuer." she coos.
  1787. >This woman is beginning to rub you the wrong way.
  1788. "My brother's engaged y'know."
  1789. >Your outburst causes Chrysalis to pause slightly before taking a deep breath and moving away.
  1790. >"Really?"
  1791. >Your brother nods.
  1792. >"Oh that's too bad. She must be one luck girl."
  1793. >"That she is." Shining says with a smirk.
  1794. "..."
  1795. >You don't like the thought of this woman being alone with your brother, but its not like he's going to let you tag along on a trip to the police station right now.
  1796. >A small beeping let's you know the magic-o-meter has successfully rebooted but this time the magical presence seems to be everywhere.
  1797. >Ugh, guess you need to work on it some more...
  1798. >As you put the magic-o-meter back into your backpack the device you built does flashes momentarily, however in your curiosity as to what caused the reaction, you fail to notice Chrysalis's eyes glowing briefly.
  1799. >Shining staggers a bit, drawing your attention.
  1800. "Shiny are you alright?"
  1801. >"Y-yeah... must still be a little shaken up from earlier..." he replies.
  1802. >Shaking his head, he holds out his hand, "C'mon Twily I need to get you home, and Chrysalis to the police station."
  1803. >That doesn't sound like proper procedure.
  1804. "Are you sure that's okay?"
  1805. >"Of course it is. It's not like it could do any... harm." Chrysalis answers for him.
  1806. >You're really beginning to not like this lady.
  1807. >Coupled with the fact that she was running from armed men. This woman is most likely trouble of the worst kind.
  1808. >That and the way she keeps clinging to your brother.
  1809. >Shining calls over a fellow officer and discusses a few things with her before coming back.
  1810. >"Officer Copper Top will give us a ride. C'mon."
  1811. >Your brother turns and heads to the police cruiser, but in the corner of your eye you notice Chrysalis adjusting the tanktop she's wearing.
  1812. >Specifically in the breast area.
  1813. >She catches you watching and grins, "Don't worry kid, you might have a nice pair like mine someday. Just be sure to drink a lot of *milk*."
  1814. >Her comment causes you to blush as Chrysalis walks off after Shining.
  1815. >"So why were those men after you Miss Chrysalis?"
  1816. >"Oh just call me Chryssy. *Shiny*"
  1817. >Your nostrils flare.
  1818. >She did NOT just call him Shiny!
  1819. >He let's off a nervous chuckle and opens the police cruiser's door for the woman.
  1820. >"My what a gentleman..." she says.
  1821. >You notice Chrysalis giving you a side glance along with a cheeky smile.
  1822. >Gritting your teeth, your vision goes blue when a sharp pain in your palms makes you realize you were clenching your fists so hard that your nails almost broke skin.
  1823. >Taking a deep breath, you calm down and head towards Officer Copper Top's cruiser, taking the seat right next to Chrysalis.
  1824. >You try to give a wide berth inside as possible.
  1825. >Hopefully this'll all turn out to be just you overreacting. But a feeling in your gut says this is only the beginning.
  1827. >"... and that's how I made Detective." Shining says.
  1828. >You prop your head on your arm, rolling your eyes at your brother's attempt to look cool.
  1829. >Well, he is cool, but right now he's doing it in such an embarrassing way.
  1830. >Even Officer Top rolls her eyes.
  1831. >Chrysalis claps her hands together like one of those anime school girls that Shiny likes to watch.
  1832. >"Wow that's so cool! I've always thought a man with a badge was really attractive."
  1833. >"Thanks, Cadance thinks so."
  1834. >The car comes to a stop outside the police station when Shining gets out of the car and moves around and opens Chrysalis's door.
  1835. >"Copper will drive you home Twily. I'll see you later."
  1836. "B-but... okay... bye Shiny."
  1837. >The two walk up the front steps and into the building leaving you and the police officer alone in the car.
  1838. >"Hey kid, you want to sit up front?"
  1839. "... if that's okay."
  1840. >"Hey, family of Armor's is family to me." she says with a smile. "If you want there's a bag of doughnuts up here too if you're hungry."
  1841. >You exit the car and switch to the passenger seat.
  1842. >Officer Top pulls the vehicle out of the parking lot and drives to your house.
  1843. >Despite you grabbing a doughnut out of the bag and eating that as a substitute for dinner, you can't help but feel worried about your brother.
  1844. >The ride to your house is silent, so Officer Top turns on the radio for you.
  1845. >Some generic pop star flavor of the month comes in over the speakers, causing you to cringe a little.
  1846. >"Kid you okay?"
  1847. "Not really..."
  1848. >"Hey you hungry or something? I know doughnuts are good and all but they ain't a meal. My treat."
  1849. >You smile but shake your head.
  1850. "Sorry, but I think my parents are worried enough as it is."
  1851. >"Eh, sure thing kid. But if you change your mind before we get there let me know."
  1852. >Eventually you reach your home. You thank the officer and head towards the front door when Officer Top rolls down her window and calls out to you.
  1853. >"Hey Twilight, gotta a question."
  1854. "Yes?"
  1855. >"Did you feel something... off about that lady you and Shining were with?"
  1856. >You nod.
  1857. >"Thought so. Look I know you're worried about your brother and to be honest so am I. That lady just screams shady."
  1858. >Part of you wants to bring up the magical signature your magic-o-meter picked up but decide against it.
  1859. >It's not like anyone besides your friends would believe you.
  1860. >"Don't you worry Twilight, I'll keep an eye on him." she says giving you a comforting smile. "After all, he's getting married soon ain't he?"
  1861. "Mmhmm, in a month."
  1862. >"Well I'll do my best to keep him out of the dog house till then."
  1863. "Thank you Officer Top."
  1864. >She chuckles, "Kid, just call me Copper when its just us. I'll see you later."
  1865. >Waving goodbye, the police car drives off into the night.
  1866. >You walk up the pathway to the front door and pull out your keys.
  1867. >Before you insert them into the lock, the door swings open and a pair of arms drags you inside.
  1868. >"Oh Twilight where were you?! Your father and I were worried sick!" you mom says squeezing you into a tight hug.
  1869. "M-Mom!"
  1870. >Your mother begins assaulting you with a barrage of questions while looking your body over.
  1871. >"Did something happen? Are you alright? Did you eat?"
  1872. "Mom I'm fine. I just got caught up with Shining Armor in something."
  1873. >"With Shining? What was it?"
  1874. "Er... uh... I'll tell you later!"
  1875. >"Twilight?" your mom says with that tone of voice.
  1876. >The one that says, "Don't keep secrets from me."
  1877. "SorryIfeelreallytiredrightnowI'llseeyouinthemorning!"
  1878. >You run upstairs and slam the door to your room shut.
  1879. >Exhaling, you set your bag down and set the magic-o-meter on your desk.
  1880. >You'll work on it tomorrow.
  1881. >Taking off your shoes and socks, and changing your clothes for your pajamas, you lay onto your bed.
  1882. >"Hiya Twilight!" a voice says from under your bed.
  1883. "Hi Spike."
  1884. >Your small purple companion crawls out from his hiding spot and jumps up onto the bed next to you.
  1885. >He sniffs the air before panicking.
  1886. >"Twi?! Why do you smell like bloo... were you in danger?!"
  1887. "A little. But Shiny took care of me."
  1888. >Spike suddenly looks crestfallen, "I wasn't there to protect you..."
  1889. "Oh don't worry Spike, they'll be other situations."
  1890. >You pet your dog as he cuddles up next to you and licks your face.
  1891. >Pulling your phone out of your pocket, you debate calling Sunset or even Anon about Chrysalis.
  1892. >There's just something off about her but you don't know what.
  1893. >But looking at the time, they're most likely asleep right now.
  1894. >Sighing, you plug your phone into the charger and set it on the nightstand.
  1895. "Hey Spike, you want to see Sunset and the other's tomorrow?"
  1896. >Your furry little friend jumps up excitedly, "Oh boy would I?! It's been awhile since I've seen Sunset, Fluttershy, Rarity and the others!"
  1897. >You giggle at Spike's enthusiasm.
  1898. "Okay, first thing in the morning we'll go pay them a visit at Applejack's farm."
  1899. >"Sweet! I can visit Winona too! It's been a long time since I sniffed her butt."
  1900. "Er... yeah. Well goodnight Spike."
  1901. >Taking off your glasses, you set them next to your phone and turn out the light.
  1902. >...
  1903. >"Hey Twilight?"
  1904. "Yes Spike?"
  1905. >"Do you have any human butts you like to sniff?"
  1906. "No Spike. Humans don't do that."
  1907. >"But Shining Armor said you liked to kiss butts a lot so I just thought..."
  1908. "What."
  1909. >"Yeah, he was really angry when he left the house looking for you."
  1910. "Well I'll ask him about that later."
  1911. >"Okay."
  1912. >...
  1913. >...
  1914. >"Twilight?"
  1915. "Yes Spike?"
  1916. >"I was in your room all day... I need to go out..."
  1917. >You groan.
  1918. "Alright..."
  1920. -----
  1922. "Thanks Dad!"
  1923. >"You have fun Twilight and be safe." your father says before driving off.
  1924. >Finished waving, you and Spike head up the path to Applejack's home.
  1925. >It's already well into the afternoon. A lot later than you were planning.
  1926. >You slept through your alarm, and when you finally came downstairs you found both mom and dad waiting.
  1927. >After last night, they an explanation on what happened.
  1928. >Though you told them certain parts, you kept most of the story involving being shot at to yourself.
  1929. >"Wow, even though I haven't been here in a long time, it's like nothing changed!"
  1930. >Halfway up the steps you see a couple of figures on the hill where Anon trains Sunset and Rainbow Dash.
  1931. "Well, you might change your tune when you see what's up the hill."
  1932. >Making your way past the house, you notice activity near the large pendulum.
  1933. >When you approach, beeping comes from your magic-o-meter that becomes more frequent as you get closer.
  1934. >It seems Sunset is still trying to get a hang of the Quen sign.
  1935. >Though she looks like she's able to use the alternate form of Quen now, your friend is still covered in scuffs and bruises.
  1936. >And as an added level of safety, she's wearing a baseball helmet with a face shield.
  1937. >"Why is Sunset letting Applejack and that guy pelt her with beanbags?" Spike asks. "This isn't some weird game of hers is it?"
  1938. "No just training for her magic."
  1939. >A small blue beanbag collides with Sunset's barrier, causing it to flash at the impact point but otherwise leaving it whole.
  1940. >Sunset however looks like she's visibly straining.
  1941. >"Alright Sunset, that's bag number seven. So far you're beating your old record by two bags." Anon announces. "Ready for the next one?"
  1942. >Sunset nods.
  1943. > Anon throws the beanbag with as much energy as he can put into it.
  1944. >Unfortunately Sunset struggles to maintain concentration as her barrier vanishes. With nothing to stop it, the little bag striking her square in the gut knocking the wind out of her.
  1945. >She clutches her stomach in pain and collapses onto the ground as you run over.
  1946. "Sunset are you okay?"
  1947. >"Oooph... guh... y-y-yeah..." she says unconvincingly.
  1948. >Helping her sit up, Spike runs up between her lap and begins licking her face.
  1949. >"Augh! Spike! St-hah-stop!"
  1950. >"Howdy Twilight." Applejack says, "Spike."
  1951. >Applejack kneels by Spike and pets him on the head.
  1952. >"Hiya Applejack." Spike replies happily.
  1953. >Anon pauses mid-step, "Did that dog just talk?"
  1954. "Er... yes?"
  1955. >"I'll be right back." he says back towards the shed.
  1956. "Is something wrong?"
  1957. >Applejack and Sunset both shrug their shoulders.
  1958. >You all wait patiently for Anon to come back when he comes out of the shed with the cane sword in his hands halfway out of its scabbard.
  1959. >All four of you panic as Applejack, Sunset and you shield Spike.
  1960. >"Whoa there Anon! Spike ain't a monster!"
  1961. >"He's a friend Anon!"
  1962. >Spike begins growling.
  1963. >Anon remains unconvinced, "You all know talking animals aren't normal right?"
  1964. >Right. He's one to talk about normal.
  1965. "He gained the ability to talk from being exposed to Fluttershy's magic at the Friendship Games."
  1966. >"Alright but I'm keeping an eye on him."
  1967. >Wordlessly, he pushes the blade back into its sheathe.
  1968. >"Yeah that's right you put that sword away. Couldn't handle me in the first place." Spike boasts.
  1969. >Anon grips the sword again which gets Spike to shut up.
  1970. "Spike don't antagonize Anonymous."
  1971. >Spike nods his head.
  1973. >Once everything settles down, Anon let's Sunset have a few minutes to rest.
  1974. >Applejack called Winona over to play with Spike in the meantime so you could talk with your friends.
  1975. >"So Twilight, what're you doing here?" Applejack asks.
  1976. "I almost forgot! Anon, I talked to Shining yesterday."
  1977. >"And?"
  1978. "He says he's willing to talk."
  1979. >"About what?" he says grabbing a bag.
  1980. >Those succinct responses of his are going to drive you insane.
  1981. "About what you're doing in Canterlot."
  1982. >Anon bends over to pick up some of the discarded beanbags and handballs.
  1983. >"I already told him. It's none of his business."
  1984. "But he-"
  1985. >"I'm not doing anything illegal. If he doesn't want to accept my answer that's his issue."
  1986. >You frown.
  1987. "Please Anon? I've never seen him acting like this. It might put his mind at ease."
  1988. >"..."
  1989. >Applejack gets up and walks over to Anon.
  1990. >"Anon, I've only met Twi's brother maybe once or twice but he seems like good folk. Could you go talk to him? If not fer Twi, fer me?"
  1991. >She drapes her arms over his shoulders and kisses him on the cheek.
  1992. >"Fine." he says grimacing. "But Sunset is coming with me."
  1993. >Sunset stops drinking her water bottle and looks at Anon, "What why me?"
  1994. >"Because he's not just going to take my word for anything. I need someone to back me up on this."
  1995. >"O-okay..."
  1996. >You give a faint smile.
  1997. >Well that's one thing taken care of.
  1998. >But now that just leaves the other...
  1999. "Anon, er..."
  2000. >"What is it?"
  2001. "Um... can monsters change their appearance to look like humans?"
  2002. >The question seems to catch him off-guard.
  2003. >"A few. Why?"
  2004. "What types exactly?"
  2005. >"Higher Vampires, dopplers, skinwalkers to name the ones that mainly rely on it."
  2006. >Could Chrysalis be one of those?
  2007. >"There's a reason you're asking me this. Questions like that don't just come out of the blue even for someone like you."
  2008. "Someone like me?"
  2009. >"Smart, inquisitive, does a lot of research into a topic she's interested in. Ever a thirst for more knowledge that may or may not be a detriment to those around her."
  2010. >"Yeah, that sounds like Twilight." Sunset says with a giggle.
  2011. >You blush.
  2012. "It's just someone I met yesterday after Shining picked me up."
  2013. >Best not to mention the gunfight.
  2014. >At least for right now. You don't want to worry your friends, *especially* Sunset and Applejack.
  2015. "Her names Chrysalis."
  2016. >Anon's eyes narrow, "Really now."
  2017. "She was... in a fight of some sort and Shining decided to help her. The woman seems to be more resilient to pain than a normal human considering her wounds."
  2018. >The Witcher says nothing as he listens intently.
  2019. "And my magic-o-meter began beeping when it came into a close proximity to her."
  2020. >"I'm not surprised." he says nonchalantly.
  2021. "Y-you're not?"
  2022. >"No, I've met Chrysalis before. She's a succubus."
  2023. >What?!
  2024. "You... you're sure?"
  2025. >He nods his head, "Positive. She tried to force me to have sex with her just to feed off the lust energy."
  2026. >Applejack's expression turns dark, "Did she now?"
  2027. >"When I met her she was literally whoring herself out and down on her luck. Emaciated, looked like she hasn't fed in a long while, that sort of thing. What did she look like?"
  2028. >You begin thinking back.
  2029. "She wore a jacket similar to one Sunset wore before I met her. Studded belt, biker boots. Looked pretty healthy."
  2030. >"Must have found some sap to feed off then."
  2031. >Then is that why she's hanging onto...
  2032. "I think she's targeting my brother as her next victim!"
  2033. >Anon doesn't say anything other than setting his things down.
  2034. >"Are you one-hundred percent sure?"
  2035. >You nod your head frantically.
  2036. "Since you say you know her, maybe you can talk to her into not making a meal of my brother? He's engaged."
  2037. >A few moments go by before Anon sighs, "Fine. I'll talk to her if you can tell me where she is."
  2038. "Last I'm aware, the police station in downtown Canterlot. Though they might have released her by now."
  2039. >"You're not making things any easier. But if she's really clinging onto your brother they may not be too far apart."
  2040. >"Heck, they may be way too close..." Applejack adds.
  2041. >You shoot her a dirty glare, which makes the farmer back down slightly.
  2042. >"Guess it'll knock two birds with one stone then. Sunset, since you're coming with me, you'll get a lesson in tracking monsters as well."
  2043. >Sunset groans. "Alright..."
  2044. "I'm coming with you, this is my family we're dealing with."
  2045. >Anonymous nods his head, "I doubt I could dissuade you. But if trouble starts, you need to run and hide."
  2046. >"Gonna need to make some preparations, give me an hour or so and we'll set off."
  2047. >The Witcher goes down the hill and into the house when you remember something.
  2048. "Oh no, I forgot about Spike!"
  2049. >"Don't worry about Spike, Winona and I will take good care of him." Applejack says.
  2050. >"Thanks Applejack."
  2051. >Letting out a sigh of relief, you lay back and relax in the grass.
  2053. >All three of you sit on the bus heading towards the city.
  2054. >Sunset is chatting with Twilight as you keep your eyes closed and keep yourself occupied with your thoughts.
  2055. >Going over what you know, it seems Chrysalis the Succubus took your advice and went to Canterlot Heights and has gotten better per se.
  2056. >Though Twilight didn't specify what sort of trouble she and her brother saved her from.
  2057. >Did she anger someone less forgiving than you? Fooled around with someone she shouldn't have?
  2058. >You'll have to find her to answer that question.
  2059. >Just in case though, you've made three vials of hybrid oil in case things go south.
  2060. >Without a silver sword, you'll have to work a little bit smarter if a fight breaks out.
  2061. >Hopefully, it won't have to come to that because you had to substitute the classic dog tallow for some other type of fat.
  2062. >People seem to value canines more here than on the Continent that's for sure.
  2063. >The bus slows down in the city and the three of you disembark.
  2064. "Which way to the police station?"
  2065. >"If I remember right... this way." Twilight says leading the way.
  2066. >As you walk down the sidewalk, Sunset taps you on the shoulder.
  2067. >"Anon, did you really need to bring me along? Isn't Twilight good enough?"
  2068. "No I didn't, but I need help with something and I only trust you to keep it secret."
  2069. >"What is it?" she asks concerned.
  2070. "Help me..."
  2071. >"Yes?" she says as she leans in closer.
  2072. "Help me... plan a date with Applejack..."
  2073. >Sunset almost trips, recovering she comes close and whispers, "Are you serious?"
  2074. "Yeah... I've sort of been procrastinating on that and I think Applejack can tell."
  2075. >You turn to face her.
  2076. "Sunset, I need your help with this. I can't ask Rarity because she's a gossip monger, Fluttershy's too timid and Pinkie Pie can't keep a secret unless it involves some ritual that I have a strong belief is gypsy in origin."
  2077. >"What about Twilight? Why not her?"
  2078. "She'd want everything to be followed by the book to the letter. Everyone knows that that doesn't always work, especially not in situations that depend on another's personal preferences."
  2079. >"Well what do you have in mind?"
  2080. "That's the thing... I don't know..."
  2081. >Sunset begins laughing. Which doesn't help your confidence in this matter.
  2082. >Maybe this was a mistake.
  2083. "What the hell is so funny?"
  2084. >"Its just not often do I see you so flustered about something." she says wiping a tear from her eye.
  2085. "Will you help me or not?"
  2086. >"I'll help, but you have to do me a favor."
  2087. >She's bargaining with you now?
  2088. >...
  2089. >Sunset is smarter than she looks.
  2090. >You can't help but roll your eyes.
  2091. "What?"
  2092. >"Oh I'll think of it." she says with a cheeky grin.
  2094. >"We're here." Twilight says.
  2095. >"Huh, so this is where your brother works?"
  2096. >"Yes, though I wonder if he's still here?"
  2097. >As you walk up the steps, a voice calls out to Twilight.
  2098. >"Hi Twilight!" a woman you recognize greets her.
  2099. >It's the woman you saw talking to Twilight a couple of weeks ago.
  2100. >"Hi Dean Cadance."
  2101. >The woman chuckles, "Twilight I'm not your Dean anymore, you can call me Cadance."
  2102. >"Sorry, hehe old habits..." she says blushing. "Oh Sunset, Anon this is Dea... I mean Cadance."
  2103. >"We've met... sort of." Sunset says.
  2104. >"Nice to meet you, Anon is it?" she says holding out a hand.
  2105. >You just stand there, keeping up your charade.
  2106. >It takes a few seconds for her to realize what she's doing.
  2107. >"Oh my, I'm sorry I didn't realize."
  2108. "Most people don't."
  2109. >"Yes well, what are you three doing here? Visiting Shining I'm assuming?"
  2110. "Yes, what about you?"
  2111. >"Same, we have a date tonight but he never came to pick me up after work. I got worried." she says.
  2112. "Did you try calling?"
  2113. >"He's not picking up his phone I'm afraid."
  2114. >Maybe he has a reason for that...
  2115. >Twilight gives you a nervous side-glance just as her former Dean walks past her.
  2116. >Following the woman, the three of you stand back as she goes to the front desk.
  2117. >"Hello? We're friends and soon-to-be-family of Detective Armor, is he in by any chance?"
  2118. >The receptionist, Officer Blue Fuzz, lazily picks up a phone and pushes a button.
  2119. >"This is the front desk, is Detective Armor there? No, just visitors... thanks."
  2120. >She hangs up the phone, "He's on break right now but you're free to wait by his desk."
  2121. >Pointing the way, the four of you easily locate his desk in the somewhat cramped room and wait.
  2122. >A short while goes by as various officers, criminals, lawyers, and other people walk in and out of the headquarters.
  2123. >Eventually a half-hour passes as you and the others are starting to get impatient.
  2124. >"Where is he?" Twilight asks, "He usually comes back early from lunch, not late."
  2125. >"I don't know Twilight." Cadance says.
  2126. >Suddenly, your medallion begins tugging as you hear laughing coming through the double doors as Shining Armor walks in with a Chrysalis in tow.
  2127. >Wrapped around his arm no less.
  2128. >"Shining!" Cadance and Twilight both yell out.
  2129. >Detective Armor stops laughing as his eyes go wide at the site of Cadance and Twilight.
  2130. >Compared to last time you saw her, she's looking a lot healthier. Not to mention the clothes that are still eye catching, but not as provocative as before.
  2131. >Chrysalis herself becomes nervous when she spots you and slowly eases away from Shining.
  2132. >"Um... Hi Cadey what are yo- Oh crap! Our date! I totally forgot!" Shining says slapping himself on the forehead.
  2133. >"Who is this woman?" Cadance demands, none too amused.
  2134. >"Oh uh... this is Chrysalis. She's a victim I helped out yesterday. Cadance, honey it's not what you think."
  2135. >Usually, saying "It's not what you think", implies the opposite. Or at least never works when it actually is true.
  2136. >Crossing her arms, Cadance glares at Chrysalis who sneers behind Shining Armor's back. Though when she catches you shaking your head, she quickly drops it.
  2137. >"Shining you had me worried sick!" Cadance says, "You didn't call or anything and now I see you wrapped arms together with a woman who you've only just met?"
  2138. >Putting on a smile, Cadance turns around and bends over to Twilight, "Would you mind if I had a private word with your brother?"
  2139. >Oh... that tone she's using and that phrasing. Hell hath no fury...
  2140. >"Um... no not at all."
  2141. >She pulls aside another officer and scowls, "Interrogation room. Which way?"
  2142. >The officer, quickly piecing together the situation, points towards the nearest hall.
  2143. >"Thank you." Cadance says with a cheerful smile.
  2144. >Marching off towards Interrogation, she drags Shining by the hand as everyone watches in both horror and amusement.
  2145. >Once things settle down, you cross your arms as Chrysalis walks over to you.
  2146. >"Anonymous, it's great to see you again!" she says giving you a hug.
  2147. "I can see you're doing better."
  2148. >"Oh yeah, much. I went over to Crystal Heights like you said, found a sap at Crystal Prep looking for an "older date" to impress his buddies and the rest is history!"
  2149. "What happened to him?"
  2150. >"Moved onto his friends, and when they all swore vows of chastity I sort of had to move on. Eventually met someone a bit more influential and has a bit more... stamina."
  2151. "And yet you seem to be hitting it off with Detective Armor. He not enough?"
  2152. >"Oh that? I'm a... you know." she says whispering, "It's in my nature."
  2153. "They know Chrysalis."
  2154. >She looks between you and your friends surprised.
  2155. >"So you know Shiny's sister?"
  2156. >You nod your head.
  2157. >"Well... small world."
  2158. "Twilight wants you to stay away from her brother."
  2159. >Chrysalis becomes indignant, "What? Why?"
  2160. "Because he's her brother. And he's engaged."
  2161. >The succubus scowls, "And if I don't?"
  2162. >"Then I'll... I'll..."
  2163. >Really Twilight?
  2164. "She's brought me to make sure you do."
  2165. >Chrysalis's angry glare moves over to you.
  2166. >"Do you have any idea how hard it is to find good stock like Detective Armor?"
  2167. "No, not really. And I don't care, consider this as a trade for sparing your life."
  2168. >Her glare doesn't let up but she relents, "Fine."
  2169. >Sitting in Shining's desk chair she crosses her legs and pouts.
  2170. >"So... um Chrysalis?" Twilight asks.
  2171. >"What kid?" she replies with hostility.
  2172. >"What were you running from yesterday?"
  2173. >She waves her question off dismissively, "Oh that... turns out Canterlot has a lot of places you shouldn't go poking your head into."
  2174. "What's that supposed to imply? What exactly did you "poke" into?"
  2175. >She shrugs, "Was a little pre-occupied with not getting shot at."
  2176. >Shot at?
  2177. >"Twilight did you and your brother get caught up in that?"
  2178. >"Er... yeah, that's how we met."
  2179. >Before she can elaborate, Cadance comes stomping out of the hall, her cheeks all puffy, and grabs Twilight by the arm, "Come on Twilight, we're going to go get ice cream and your friends can come along too. Detective Armor is buying."
  2180. >"Cadance..." Shining says trying to chase after her.
  2181. >Sunset glances at you, and you can only shrug.
  2182. >Chrysalis gives Cadance a dirty look of hatred and loathing but refrains from acting on it.
  2183. >You can see by the way her fists shake that she's just only a few seconds away from trying to maul the woman.
  2184. >But when she catches you staring, the succubus calms down.
  2185. "Remember what I said Chrysalis."
  2186. >"Yeah yeah..." she replies with a huff.
  2187. >And with that, you and Sunset follow after Cadance and Twilight.
  2189. >"What was that about?" asks Chrysalis.
  2190. >"I'm in the doghouse now..." Shining replies.
  2191. >"Well... I think I know a way to fix that." the succubus says with a toothy grin.
  2192. >"What was that?"
  2193. >Her eyes flash momentarily before remembering your warning.
  2194. >"Oh nothing you need to worry your little head." she says cupping Shining's cheek.
  2196. -----
  2198. >"Anon why so grim? Your ice cream is melting." Sunset asks taking a lick of her own cone.
  2199. "Just something about Chrysalis that has me on edge."
  2200. >"She said she would leave Twilight's brother alone didn't she?"
  2201. >You watch as a glob of vanilla slides down the side of your hand and onto the table.
  2202. >Grabbing a napkin, you wipe it and your hand up before they become sticky.
  2203. "That's the thing. Something in my gut tells me that it shouldn't have been that easy."
  2204. >Looking over at the cash register, both Cadance and Twilight look like they're both having a fun time just chatting with one another.
  2205. >To be honest, you haven't seen Twilight that happy before.
  2206. >That Cadance woman must mean a lot to her.
  2207. >"Well what makes you so sure?"
  2208. "This succubus was willing enough to attack and rape me in order to get what she wanted. I don't think she's the type to just let something go because I asked."
  2209. >"What do you plan on doing then?"
  2210. >You recall how visibly angry Chrysalis became when Cadance came out of the Police Department's Interrogation room. The way she almost lost her cool.
  2211. "I'm going to have to keep an eye on Miss Cadance tonight."
  2212. >"Do you want company?"
  2213. "It wouldn't hurt. Stakeouts usually get incredibly boring though."
  2214. >"We should ask Twilight where Cadance lives, both her and I can set up someplace nearby while you tail her."
  2215. >The thought of potential risk occurs to you. If Chrysalis does try something it's most likely something you'd rather not have Sunset or Twilight present for.
  2216. >Succubus are cunning creatures after all.
  2217. "Alright, but if fighting happens you two need to stay back and keep hidden. I don't want either of you getting hurt."
  2218. >Nodding her head in agreement, Twilight walks up to you.
  2219. >"So you guys ready? Er... why the serious faces?" she asks.
  2221. >"Are you kidding me?! You want to have a stakeout on my old Dean?"
  2222. "Twilight I don't usually get feelings like this in my gut often. And when I do, I find it best if I listen."
  2223. >"You know where the Dean lives right?" Sunset asks placing a hand on Twilight's shoulder.
  2224. >"Yes... but are you sure she's going to be in danger?"
  2225. "Positive."
  2226. >"O-okay... I have some surveillance gear I have back at my house... I guess I could get it and meet you at Cadance's apartment."
  2227. >You're not even going to bother asking why Twilight has surveillance equipment.
  2228. "You and Sunset go do that, I'll follow the Dean."
  2229. >"Anon, here take this." Sunset says handing you her phone. "I know you don't have one but you can borrow it in the meantime. Here's the swipe key to open it."
  2230. >Sunset turns on the phone with a button on the side and uses her finger to draw a pattern on nine circles.
  2231. >Memorizing the pattern yourself, you take the phone and put it into your pocket.
  2232. >Twilight gives you Dean Cadance's address on a napkin as Cadance gets her ice cream.
  2233. >Pulling out her own phone, Twilight opens the app with a map of the area and plugs in the address she wrote down.
  2234. >The Dean lives relatively close by, enough that you could walk to her place.
  2235. >"Are you all ready to go?" she asks.
  2236. >"Uh, yes. We are Cadance." Twilight answers.
  2237. >"Is something wrong?"
  2238. >"No just... Twilight and I forgot something at her house."
  2239. >"Oh, I see. Well I'll call a cab for you then."
  2240. >Turning and pulling out her phone the Dean pulls up her contact list.
  2241. >"If anything goes wrong, just call Twilight's number and we'll try to get there as fast as we can."
  2242. >Yes, because two teenagers will be able to do so much against a raging succubus.
  2243. >But its the thought that counts you figure.
  2245. >Both Twilight and Sunset get into the taxi cab that Dean Cadance called for.
  2246. >You give a small wave goodbye as Cadance hands Twilight Shining Armor's credit card.
  2247. >"Give that back to your brother okay? Tell him he's not in the doghouse anymore." she says with a smile.
  2248. >"Okay Cadance." Twilight replies before shutting the door.
  2249. >As the taxi pulls out into traffic, Cadance looks at you with a curious glance.
  2250. >"Do you need a taxi too?"
  2251. >You shake your head.
  2252. "Figured it might be the gentlmanly thing to do and escort you home."
  2253. >"That's sweet of you. Luckily I don't live too far away just a short walk but considering your... handicap I think it would be best if I called you a cab home as well."
  2254. >Rolling your eyes you glance around for any onlookers.
  2255. >None? Good.
  2256. >You make the Axii sign and watch as it takes hold on the woman.
  2257. "Escorting you isn't too much of an issue, its getting late after all."
  2258. >"Er... yes... it is getting late I guess it couldn't hurt." she says in a slight trance.
  2259. >Leading the way, you follow behind Cadance and keep an eye out for any trouble.
  2260. >A short walk later and already you're at the apartment complex where she lives.
  2261. >Secured front gate with a guard, security cameras... it all seems very secure.
  2262. >As you both walk by the guard, he seems surprised to see Cadance.
  2263. >Exiting the booth, he cuts off your path to the door.
  2264. >"Um evening Miss Cadance?"
  2265. >"Is something a matter?"
  2266. >"Er... you don't happen to have a twin do you?" he says taking his cap off and scratching his head.
  2267. >"No... why?"
  2268. >"Cause you just came in bout twenty minutes ago and asked for help getting in your room. Said you lost your keys."
  2269. >...
  2270. >Yeah, that's not good.
  2271. >"But that's impossible, I've been out all day."
  2272. >"Well, something's fishy that's for sure." he says walking back to his seat.
  2273. >Opening the front door for you, both you and Cadance walk into the lobby and head into the elevator.
  2274. >The man gives you a cold glare as you walk past him. Something doesn't feel right but you don't know what.
  2275. >Best to keep on guard.
  2276. >Entering the lift, Cadance presses the button for the third floor.
  2277. >It looks like your gut instinct was right, but what is Chrysalis planning to do?
  2278. >Looking over to the woman next to you, she has a worried and unsure expression on her face.
  2279. >With a ding, the elevator stops and opens, as Cadance quickly walks out and to her apartment door.
  2280. >Before she inserts her key into the lock, you grab her hand and shake your head.
  2281. >Your medallion doesn't seem to be reacting to anything inside.
  2282. "Stand over there."
  2283. >"But..."
  2284. "Shhh. Just do it."
  2285. >Walking over behind a doorway to an adjacent one, you knock on the door.
  2286. >A few moments go by before someone inside opens the door... someone who shouldn't be.
  2287. >"Can I help you?" Dean Cadance answers from other side of the door.
  2288. "Who the hell are you?"
  2289. >The fake Cadance's eyes go wide as she realizes you're on to her.
  2290. >"Aw fuck!"
  2291. >The doppelganger tries to slam the door in your face, but you stick your cane in the door frame.
  2292. >With one swift kick, you send the door inward sending the fake Cadance onto the floor.
  2293. >Taking out your blade, you hold the point to the individual's neck.
  2294. "I'll ask again, who the hell are you?"
  2295. >"Boss didn't mention no stinkin' bodyguard!" fake Cadance curses out.
  2296. >Her features shift until they begin morphing into a likeness of yourself with a cane sword in hand.
  2297. "A Doppler. Interesting. One of the few creatures to not trigger my medallion."
  2298. >The Doppler sneers, "Smarter than you look kid, but smarts ain't everything!"
  2299. >Lunging at you, you avoid a slash and back out the door.
  2300. >The fake you continues to attack you in the hall, making wide swings that you easily avoid and parry.
  2301. >He may look like you, but he sure as hell doesn't fight like you.
  2302. >Suddenly you both hear Cadance gasp behind you.
  2303. >"Ah good, you're actually here." the Doppler says. "Guess I can keep my head after all!"
  2304. >Running past you he pulls his sword back to try and kill her.
  2305. >Thinking fast, you pull out a throwing knife from inside your jacket and nail the doppler in the leg sending him to the floor. The sword he held clattering to the floor.
  2306. >"AUGH YOU FUCKHEAD!" the creature yells out.
  2307. >Searching its own jacket, it pulls out an identical throwing knife and tries to toss it at you.
  2308. >Unfortunatly for him you easily deflect it and send it harmlessly into the wall behind him, just narrowly missing his head.
  2309. >"What the hell are you?!"
  2310. "A Witcher. And right now? A very pissed off one."
  2311. >Its eyes widen, "No one said anything bout a Witcher. They're supposed to be long gone!"
  2312. "Well today's full of surprises isn't it?"
  2313. >Towering over... yourself, you again point the tip of your sword at its neck.
  2314. "Who the hell sent you?"
  2315. >"I ain't no squealer."
  2316. "You're not going to be alive if you keep that up."
  2317. >Emphasizing your point, you dig the tip of the sword into his flesh.
  2318. >Cadance watches in horror and confusion as you interrogate "yourself".
  2319. >The other you is sweating profusley, enought that you can't help but find it a bit interesting to see yourself scared shitless like this.
  2320. >"Bah... Witchers, sword fights, I ain't getting p-paid enough for this. My b-b-boss sent me..."
  2321. "And that is...?"
  2322. >"Name's Chrysalis... said she wanted this lady "out of the way"..."
  2323. >"That lady that Shining Armor was with?" Cadance asks.
  2324. >"Yeah... boss said you were a becoming a thorn in her side..."
  2325. >Chrysalis has goons now? Dopplers at that?
  2326. >Strange. Not too long ago she was just prostituting herself off to whoever she could.
  2327. "Where the hell did Chrysalis get enough pull to put out a hit?"
  2328. >"She's h-h-hooked up with a bigger head honcho..."
  2329. >You notice the doppler slowly trying to reach for something behind him.
  2330. >Instead, with your free hand you grab the knife imbedded in the wall and stab him in the same arm causing him to drop a concealed pistol.
  2331. >"GAH! FUCK!"
  2332. "Who is it?"
  2333. >"I-I can't tell you or he'll kill me!"
  2334. "Trust me, he's not your problem right now. I am."
  2335. >Uncertainty crosses your Doppler's face as he has an internal debate on what to do.
  2336. >Ultimately it relents, "My boss's name is-"
  2337. >*BANG*
  2338. >Blood and gore splatters all over the wall and you as the Doppler's head explodes.
  2339. >Turning to your right, the security guard from earlier points a smoking revolver at you.
  2340. >Reflexively you toss the throwing knife in your hand, but with everything going on, it only makes a shallow cut across his arm and causes the gunman to pull the trigger.
  2341. >You move away from the body to avoid getting shot yourself only to realize the next shot isn't intended for you.
  2342. >Everything next processes almost in slow motion as the bullet from the revolver flies through the air and hits Cadance in the side.
  2343. >She cries out in pain and falls to the floor in a newly forming pool of her own blood.
  2344. >Clutching the wound, he morphs his appearance to look like someone else and sneers before running off down the stair well.
  2345. >Another fucking Doppler?
  2346. >You could give chase, but there wouldn't be anyone to help Cadance and she looks like she's bleeding out pretty fast...
  2347. >The one time you wish Twilight was here!
  2348. >Shit shit SHIT!
  2350. -----
  2352. >Kneeling by Cadance, you begin removing the clothing covering her wound.
  2353. >Shit...
  2354. >Need something to stop the blood.
  2355. >Ripping the hem of your shirt, you begin folding the cloth and proceed to put pressure to stop the bleeding.
  2356. >As you contemplate your next move, the sound of a door creaking alerts you to another presence.
  2357. >With one hand you grab your cane and prepare for the possibility of another attacker.
  2358. >A couple peek out of their room and see you over the prone woman.
  2359. >Their eyes go wide as they see you covered in blood looking at them.
  2360. "Don't just stand there like idiots call th-"
  2361. >They slam the door before you can finish, and you can hear the tumbler lock.
  2362. >Great...
  2363. >Wait. Sunset's phone!
  2364. >Digging through your pocket, you pull out the cellphone and turn on the device.
  2365. >Nine circles appear on the screen and you slide your thumb over the surface in the pattern Sunset showed you.
  2366. >Unlocking the phone, you hit the button that looks like a green phone and a number pad shows up.
  2367. >Dialling 9-1-1 you continue to put pressure on the gunshot wound and wait for the someone to pick up.
  2368. >*Click*
  2369. >"9-1-1, what is your emergency?"
  2370. "I'm at the Crystal Heights Apartment complex..."
  2371. >You give the dispatcher as much information as you possibly can until they tell you an ambulance is on the way.
  2372. >Cadance groans in pain as you do your best to keep her from bleeding out as the minutes pass.
  2373. "Cadance, I need you to stay awake."
  2374. >"I-it... hurts..."
  2375. "Don't worry help is on the way."
  2376. >Soon enough you hear a ding from the elevators.
  2377. >Grabbing your sword again, two emergency medical technicians rush through the hall and spot you and Cadance.
  2378. >They freeze at the sight of a bloody headless corpse slumped next to the wall, but quickly refocus as one sets their bag down next to Cadance.
  2379. >One of the EMT's orders the other to fetch the stretcher from the truck as he removes the makeshift stopper you were using.
  2380. "..."
  2381. >"How long has she been like this?"
  2382. "Around eight minutes. She's lost a lot of blood even with my attempts to staunch it."
  2383. >"Damn, alright. We gotta work fast then."
  2384. >Focusing his attention back towards Cadance he begins doing what he can until his partner returns with a medical stretcher.
  2385. >You impatiently follow as the men load the injured woman up and into the elevator.
  2386. >As you four head down, you take note of the blood blending into the wood panel on the wall.
  2387. >The elevator doors open and the men quickly wheel the Dean out of the lobby and towards the ambulance parked out front.
  2388. >While the medtechs load Cadance into the back you notice a police cruiser nearby with two officers standing by the security booth.
  2389. >One is kneeling by the booth door while the other is using her radio with a hand on the gun at her hip.
  2390. >The ambulance doors slam shut as the sirens began blaring; the truck drives off as one of the officer's notices you standing there.
  2391. >"Hey! You."
  2392. >Fuck.
  2393. >The officer walks cautiously towards you prepared to draw her gun at a moment's notice.
  2394. >"Mind explaining why you're covered in blood?"
  2395. "Guy shot my... friend's teacher and I was trying to stop the bleeding until help came."
  2396. >The officer, Top judging from the nametag, eases a little.
  2397. >"You wouldn't happen to have a description of the shooter kid?"
  2398. "Not really."
  2399. >Using your cane, you tap your glasses to emphasize your point.
  2400. >"Crap, sorry kid. Didn't mean to offend."
  2401. >Considering the shooter is a Doppler, any description you give is probably a moot one.
  2402. >"We're gonna need to ask you a couple more questions, another cruiser will be here soon so just hold tight sir."
  2403. >As Officer Top walks back to her partner, you head in the opposite direction and head back to the elevator.
  2404. >Inspecting the blood stain on the wall, you use your senses to see if you can at least detect where the assailant went.
  2405. >Thankfully, despite the commotion a faint trail of blood drops leads outside and towards the front gate.
  2406. >Being extra careful in not drawing attention from the police, you follow the blood trail down the sidewalk and into a busy intersection of pedestrians and cars.
  2407. >The sun is already making its way down and you're losing light quickly.
  2408. >After a few blocks, the blood begins to appear at less frequent intervals until they stop completely in front of a construction yard.
  2409. >Entering the yard, you look for any other possible clues to finding your target only to come up empty.
  2410. >There are a few boot prints in the gravel, but they could have been left here by the normal crews operating here.
  2411. >But it really matters little since a Doppler can change their clothes as well.
  2412. >Dammit.
  2413. >Letting out a frustrated sigh, you give the site a once over just to be sure before heading back to the apartment complex.
  2415. >As you sit on the curb outside the front lobby, a taxi pulls up.
  2416. >Both Sunset and Twilight Sparkle exit the vehicle and rush over to you.
  2417. >"Anon! What happened?" Sunset asks.
  2418. >"Where's Cadance?!" Twilight demands grabbing your blood soaked jacket.
  2419. "At the hospital. She got... hurt."
  2420. >Twilight let's go and begins to hyperventilate.
  2421. >"Cadance... got shot? She's not... she's not de-"
  2422. >You shake your head.
  2423. "I don't know, her pulse was weak when the EMTs loaded her into the ambulance and took her to the nearest hospital."
  2424. >"Did you at least get who hurt her?" she asks.
  2425. >Again, you shake your head.
  2426. "No, I got him in the arm but he got away."
  2427. >Suddenly Twilight growls, "Why not Anon! You're supposed to be a Witcher dammit!"
  2428. >"Twilight, it's not like Anon could hav-"
  2429. >"No! I refuse to believe some lowlife got the drop on you! You have heightened senses and a medallion that can detect magic!"
  2430. >The girl starts tearing up as she breaks down, collapsing onto her knees.
  2431. "I'm sorry Twilight. The assassins were Dopplers."
  2432. >"Dopplers?"
  2433. "Magical beings that can shapeshift to look like virtually any person. The transformations are so genuine that they won't even trigger my wolf medallion. They're supposed to be extremely rare and peaceful by nature but Chrysalis somehow managed to hook in two to commit murder for her."
  2434. >Twilight tenses up at the succubus's name.
  2435. >"Chrysalis did this?"
  2436. "One of the Doppler's admitted as much before his partner blew his head off."
  2437. >"..."
  2438. >"Twilight... what are you..."
  2439. >"Chrysalis needs to die." Twilight says coldly.
  2440. >As of right now, this is probably the first time you and Twilight wholeheartedly agree on something.
  2441. >While you find the girl's feelings understandable, the words visibly stun Sunset into silence.
  2442. >"Hey Twilight what are you doing here?" Officer Top asks, walking up to you three.
  2443. >"O-officer Top. The woman who was shot, she's my friend and Shining's fiance!"
  2444. >The Officer's eyes widen, "That was Cadance?!"
  2445. >Twilight nods, "I think that woman my brother brought in yesterday put out a hit on her!"
  2446. >"Kid that's a big accusation. You sure?"
  2447. >"I... I don't have any proof but..."
  2448. >The policewoman scratches the back of her head, "I know the situation is a little crazy right now Twilight, but I think you should go home."
  2449. >"Copper Top, you have to trust me. Please."
  2450. >The woman looks between you and Twilight before she relents, "Alright, I'll look into it. You got a ride home?"
  2451. >"We have a Taxi." Sunset answers, looking to where the taxi they got out of was.
  2452. >In the short time you were talking, it seems to have left.
  2453. "..."
  2454. >"Had a taxi..." Sunset corrects herself.
  2455. >"Do you know this guy?" Officer top says pointing to you.
  2456. >"Yes, he's our friend."
  2457. >"Figured, well he has to come down to the station to answer some questions. If you two don't mind coming with I can arrange a ride home at the station."
  2458. >Both Sunset and Twilight nod their heads as two more police cruisers and another ambulance pulls up to the building.
  2459. >As your student tries to calm down her friend, you feel uneasy.
  2460. >Even with Twilight's accusation, the police aren't going to be able to do a damn thing.
  2461. >There's virtually no connection between Chrysalis and Cadance that would provide a solid motive for them to even bother investigating her despite what Officer Top has said.
  2462. >Not to mention, with what you saw at the police station earlier with Shining, she probably already has him under her thrall.
  2463. >With him, she can make whatever alibi she wants and he'll just stick to that.
  2464. >And even if the police did try to make their move on her, the only thing that would result from that is more blood being spilled.
  2465. >No, you need to take care of this yourself.
  2466. >Looking at Twilight crying; you frown.
  2467. >This is partly your fault. You spared Chrysalis in the first place.
  2468. >You attributed that to her being desperate to survive but maybe...
  2469. >...
  2470. >Whatever the case was then, it's irrelevant now. Chrysalis has shown herself to be a monster plain and simple.
  2471. >And Witchers kill monsters don't they?
  2473. >After answering what you could to the police, you walk into the lobby as Sunset and Twilight stand up from the bench.
  2474. >”Don’t leave the city now y’hear.” the interrogator tells you. “We might need you to provide more details later.”
  2475. >Waving them off, you join your friends.
  2476. >What a waste of time.
  2477. >None of the questions they asked would have provided any real details, most were just standard run around questions.
  2478. >You get the feeling right now they already think they have their culprit in their hands, they just want to find proof.
  2479. >"What now?" Sunset asks.
  2480. >"We should find my brother. He's not answering his phone and his co-workers said he left soon with the succubus after we did."
  2481. "That’s the plan so far at least..."
  2482. >"Anon, you're not planning on looking for her alone are you?"
  2483. "I am. And Sunset before you even ask. You might be getting better but you still only have roughly a month's worth of training and you don't even have a proper Witcher blade. I’m not risking your lives if I can help it."
  2484. >"Still, I should help you find Chrysalis."
  2485. >You beckon her to come closer.
  2486. "You can help by taking care of Twilight. Right now she's going to need all the friends she has."
  2487. >"But..."
  2488. "No buts. I'll be fine."
  2489. >You give her a reassuring smile, but it does little to put her at ease.
  2490. "Twilight, did your brother happen to use an unmarked car like he did before?"
  2491. >"I don't think so, he took his normal car to work today."
  2492. "Damn, was hoping he would have taken one of those, I could have just asked the police to track the location of the car. Urg, without that I don't have any way of tracking down Chrysalis."
  2493. >Suddenly a thought pops into your head.
  2494. "I'm going to visit Cadance."
  2495. >"Why?"
  2496. "If Chrysalis wanted Cadance dead, no doubt she wants to make sure she's actually dead."
  2497. >Twilight's eyes widen in shock, "You think she's going to have someone finish the job?"
  2498. "It's our only bet right now."
  2499. >"Anon I'm com-"
  2500. >You give Twilight a cold glare silencing her.
  2501. "No you're not Twilight Sparkle. There's no way in hell I'm risking your life."
  2502. >"But...!"
  2503. "No."
  2504. >Twilight stomps her foot with a defiant glare, "You don't even know where the nearest hospital they might have taken Cadance is!"
  2505. >Placing a hand over her heart her expression softens, "Please Anon, you need me to help you."
  2506. >Digging into your pocket, you pull out Sunset's phone.
  2507. "Sunset? Your phone have GPS?"
  2508. >"Yes?"
  2509. >You then look to Twilight who only bites her lip.
  2510. >"Darn it!" she says trying to grab the phone.
  2511. >You easily move the phone out of her reach and stiff arm her with your other hand.
  2512. >Turning around you pull out Sunset's phone and open the GPS app to locate the nearest hospital to Cadance's apartment.
  2513. >"Sunset, stay with Twilight and make sure she doesn't do anything stupid."
  2514. >Running off, you leave the two girls behind.
  2516. >As Anon runs off, Twilight slumps her shoulders.
  2517. >"Sunset, I can't just sit around doing nothing while my brother's in danger."
  2518. "I know Twilight. But you heard Anon, I think this is a little out of our league like the Leshen."
  2519. >Without warning, Twilight pops her head up.
  2520. >"Anon said you had to stay with me right?"
  2521. >Oh no...
  2522. >You know that look.
  2523. >That's the look Rarity and Rainbow Dash always get when they have something planned that you don't like.
  2524. "Twilight..."
  2525. >"Make sure I don't do anything stupid. Well... going to the hospital isn't stupid to visit an injured friend right?"
  2526. "It is when there's an assassin coming."
  2527. >She smiles smugly, "*IF* there's an assassin coming. There's no proof that there is one that's going to show up."
  2528. "But there's no proof that one won't show up Twilight."
  2529. >"Stupid is defined as lacking intelligence."
  2530. "Which is what you are if you go to the hospital."
  2531. >Twilight laughs, "Ahh, but Sunset if you remember I have the highest academic scores at both Crystal Prep and CHS."
  2532. >Ever since Twilight transferred she sort of stole your spotlight in that regard...
  2533. >"And those achievements prove I am *not* lacking in intelligence. So going to the hospital can't be stupid."
  2534. "Now you're just twisting words around. That's not-"
  2535. >You try putting a hand on Twilight's shoulder when you suddenly get a massive shiver down your spine as she slaps it away.
  2536. >Turning around, Twilight's eyes glow teal followed by the most deathly serious look you've only ever seen once before...
  2537. >"Sunset. If you don't let me go see Cadance right now I will reinvent the device that will rip the magic from your body and take care of this myself."
  2538. >Recoiling your hand you look at your friend with horror.
  2539. "Twi-Twilight..."
  2540. >Twilight's eyes suddenly return to normal when she see's your fear and realizes her threat.
  2541. >Steeling herself, the girl turns around and gives you one last look over her shoulder.
  2542. >"My brother's life is on the line, and I might possibly be losing the person who was like an older sister to me. I *WILL* not just sit idly by."
  2543. >Running off, you watch as Twilight follows Anon's path.
  2544. >You grit your teeth and clench your fists.
  2545. "Darn it."
  2546. >Running after her, you curse to yourself and everything about this day.
  2548. -----
  2550. >You arrive at the hospital located the closest to Cadance's apartment.
  2551. >An ambulance parked out front bears the same markings denoting its jurisdiction as the one from earlier.
  2552. >Walking inside, a security guard at the front desk looks up from his magazine and raises a brow.
  2553. >"Sorry, visiting hours ended twenty minutes ago, you'll have to come back tomorrow."
  2554. "A friend of mine was brought here with a gunshot wound earlier."
  2555. >"Sir, my condolences but visiting hours are over." he repeats.
  2556. >It's clear the guard won't back down, but you're not looking to start an incident.
  2557. "Can you at least tell me what room she would be in?"
  2558. >"If I do will you leave?"
  2559. "Yeah."
  2560. >Bending a corner of the page he was on, he closes the magazine and rolls his chair to the receptionist computer.
  2561. >Shaking the mouse to turn the screen on, he pulls up a patient manifest.
  2562. >As he begins looking through the new arrivals, you take note of any security cameras facing the desk.
  2563. >Looking up into the corners of the ceiling, you spot a reflective dome mounted on a swivel.
  2564. >There's one facing the table, and another facing the entrance.
  2565. >Axii is not advised with recording devices about.
  2566. >"Your friend, Mi Amore Cadenza right?"
  2567. >Sounds like it, though you don't know her full name.
  2568. >"She's just got out of surgery an hour ago, she's resting in the intensive care ward on the fifth floor."
  2569. "That's... a relief."
  2570. >"Now if that'll be all, I'm going to have to ask you to vacate the building."
  2571. "Thanks for the information. I'll be going then."
  2572. >"Sure thing." he says returning to his reading. "Kids these days..."
  2573. >Walking out the front door, you need to figure out a way inside.
  2574. >Facing the building, you try to see if there's any alternate ways inside, but beyond the backdoor which also no doubt has cameras you're in a tough spot right now.
  2575. >Counting the windows to where you surmise is the fifth floor, you take note of the architecture of the building.
  2576. >You could try scaling the side of the building, hope for an open window.
  2577. >...
  2578. >No, doesn't look like there's any way for you to get a solid grip or foothold.
  2579. >Unfortunately you're not a damned assassin that can scale up walls with a little free-running.
  2580. >As you pace back and forth, you notice that the camera mounted at the front entrance probably doesn't view the parking lot.
  2581. >Jogging over to the large lamp posts, none of them except one has a camera mounted.
  2582. >Luckily for you it's facing the street and not the lot itself.
  2583. >There's only one a few cars in the lot at this time of night.
  2584. >Breaking off a branch from one of the nearby bushes, you stroll over to the truck in the most remote section and set the branch near the rear tire of truck.
  2585. >Making the sign for Igni, a spark of fire erupts from the tinder and creates a decent flame.
  2586. >With that done, you run back to the hospital's front door and pound on the glass.
  2587. >The security guard looks up and sees you only to sigh.
  2588. >Slowly, he gets up and walks over to you.
  2589. >"What is it kid?"
  2590. "Someone's vehicle is on fire!"
  2591. >"What?"
  2592. "In the parking lot, a truck is on fire!"
  2593. >Panic begins to take hold as he rushes out the door and runs into the lot.
  2594. >"Oh fuck!"
  2595. >The man runs over to the vehicle and walks out of the view of the cameras.
  2596. >Perfect.
  2597. "Hey."
  2598. >"Kid I gotta call the fire departme-"
  2599. >You wave your hand in front of his face and cast Axii.
  2600. "You're going to let me see my friend and forget I was ever here, you'll also turn off the security cameras after I get inside the elevator for the next hour."
  2601. >Nodding his head, you walk over to the burning branch and stomp the fire out.
  2603. >Exiting the elevator, you quietly sneak over to the front desk of the intensive care ward.
  2604. >The lights have been dimmed with every other light turned off in this part of the hospital.
  2605. >A nurse is at her post listening to music on her phone while she writes down something in a folder.
  2606. >As carefully as you can, you crawl past her and into the hallway.
  2607. >Cadance is in room... 507.
  2608. >503... 505... 507.
  2609. >Opening the door, you silently head inside and shut the door behind you, making sure to hold the handle down to minimize the sound of the latch snapping shut.
  2610. >The lights in this room are all shut off and everything is eerily silent except for the beeping of the heart monitor.
  2611. >Peering over to the bed, Cadance lies unconscious with a respirator, the heart monitor and IV drip hooked up to her.
  2612. >Nothing seems amiss.
  2613. >You inspect the equipment she's hooked up to to make sure nothing has been tampered with.
  2614. >While it may seem paranoid to do that. You have no idea if Chrysalis or the assassin from earlier beat you here to finish the job.
  2615. >Everything looks in order, at least as far as you can tell. Nothing seems to be out of place.
  2616. >Now, you just have to wait.
  2617. >Clearing a small corner of the room, you pull the curtain over enough to conceal you from a cursory glance to anyone checking in from the door.
  2618. >Setting your cane sword on the ground in front of you, you kneel down and begin meditating.
  2619. >Hopefully waiting like this isn't a mistake.
  2621. >Normally for an average person it would be very easy to lose yourself to the flow of time and fall asleep. Thankfully, your training has allowed you to keep track of the minutes passing as your senses become even more honed to the point you could hear a fly fart.
  2622. >Roughly ten minutes pass before an orderly on duty peeks into the room drawing your attention. But as you prepare to intervene, it became apparent that he's only doing his job and making sure Cadance's equipment was functional.
  2623. >You quickly and quietly go back to meditation until you hear footsteps outside the Cadance's door.
  2624. >The click clack of the individual's shoes on the tile is different from the footwear a nurse would wear while working.
  2625. >Grabbing your sword, you step behind the door as the handle jiggles itself.
  2626. >Slowly the handle turns and the door opens.
  2627. >Light from the hall pours into the room as two shadows step inside.
  2628. >Silently pushing the door closed behind them, you prepare to bring your blade up when you realize who the two figures are.
  2629. "What the hell are you two doing here?!"
  2630. >Both Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle nearly jump out of the shoes when they hear you.
  2631. >Grabbing both girls by their shirts, you drag them behind the curtain and pin them to wall with your arms.
  2632. >"Uh... hi Anon." Sunset says with a sheepish smile.
  2633. "Why. Are. You. Here."
  2634. >"Twilight wanted to-"
  2635. >Of course...
  2636. "Twilight, in case you can't tell this is my annoyed face."
  2637. >"That's the face you always make..." Sunset mumbles.
  2638. >You shoot Sunset a glare which makes her back down.
  2639. >"Anon, Cadance is my-"
  2640. >You place your hand over her mouth to shush her.
  2641. "I don't want to hear your excuses. Do you realize how hard it'll be to fight in this room with three people to take care of?"
  2642. >"I-I didn't think..."
  2643. "No you didn't. Now how the hell did you get past the guard at the front?"
  2644. >"What guard?"
  2645. >"Yeah Anon there was no one there."
  2646. "What?"
  2647. >Is the guard still not back from swapping the tapes out?
  2648. "What about the nurse and the orderly?"
  2649. >"Anon, we're just as confused as you. We just thought they were on break."
  2650. >That can't be... unless...
  2651. "He's here."
  2652. >"You don't mean?"
  2653. "Hospital staff don't all go on break at the same time. Someone always needs to be present in case of emergency."
  2654. >Before you can figure how long you have until the assassin arrives, you hear more footsteps outside the room.
  2655. >Placing a finger over your lips, you hear a thump on the wall next to the door.
  2656. >Taking your sword back in hand, you tip-toe behind the door and wait.
  2657. >Twilight and Sunset hide behind the curtain and don't dare to make any noise.
  2658. >The door cracks open as a bald man in a suit enters the room.
  2659. >He pulls out a silver pistol from inside his suit jacket, along with a suppressor and begins screwing it on the barrel.
  2660. >Yep, this is the guy.
  2661. >As he makes sure the attachment is secured, a creaking noise comes from Twilight and Sunset's hiding spot.
  2662. >The man immediately aims his pistol at the girl's location causing you to jump out of your own spot and grabbing the man's arm.
  2663. >With your free hand, you try to swing your blade, but he grabs you by the wrist with his free arm.
  2664. >Trying to fight you off, the assassin pulls the trigger as you force his arm upwards, sending three bullets into the ceiling.
  2665. >Wrenching his arm free, he punches you in the jaw sending you falling backwards into the wall.
  2666. >Bringing up a Quen shield, the barrier just narrowly comes up just in time as a pair of bullets clash into the shield and clatter to the floor.
  2667. >The man's eyes widen momentarily at this turn of events as you take the opportunity to go at him again.
  2668. >Your movements were already incredibly limited in this room, made even worse due to Twilight and Sunset stuck in the corner on the other side of Cadance's bed.
  2669. >You can't afford any wild sword swings despite the short length of the new cane sword, nor can you make any movements that would put the girls or Cadance in her bed at risk.
  2670. >At this point you are literally going to have to subdue the assassin with your fists.
  2671. "Sunset."
  2672. >You drop your sword onto the ground and kick it towards her, sliding it under Cadance's bed.
  2673. >Bringing your fists up, you begin trying to pummel the man into submission. Unfortunately, it seems he's well prepared for such an occasion.
  2674. >He tries to take aim at Twilight and Sunset but you rush in and grab the assassin's arm forcing him to fire his last two towards you rather than them.
  2675. >Breaking free of your grip again, he aims at you only to be answered by a clicking noise.
  2676. "Well aren't I a lucky punk?"
  2677. >Grimacing, the assassin tosses his pistol aside and runs at you again.
  2678. >Despite his appearance, the guy seems to be extremely proficient at hand to hand combat. Blow for blow, you're either parrying or blocking with him.
  2679. >At least until he decides to duck under one of your punches and run a fist into your side.
  2680. >Right in the spot where the leshen impaled you making the blow even more painful than normal.
  2681. >As you step back you can tell he also noticed your more overt reaction to the blow and proceeds to focus all his attacks towards your injury.
  2682. >Ducking under a punch, he kicks you in the gut and sending you crashing into one of cabinet walls.
  2683. >Crawling out, you hear the sound of glass breaking followed by a wet feeling on your waist.
  2684. >"Anon!" Sunset cries out.
  2685. >Grunting in frustration, you grab a metal tray on a dolly and smash it into the man's head when he charges you making him reel back and giving you some breathing room.
  2686. >The man takes a moment to inspect the cut running alongside his forehead before scowling.
  2687. >With your glasses cracked, you discard them and glare at the man. He can't help but raise a brow as your eyes pierce through the darkness.
  2688. >For a few moments the only sound in the room is the beeping from Cadance's heart monitor.
  2689. >He slides a hand into his pocket and pulls out a wire with two handles attached to the ends and pulls it tense.
  2690. >You reach into your own jacket and pull out a throwing knife and flip it into an icepick grip.
  2691. >You're really starting to get sick of this.
  2692. >But at least now you have a weapon more suited for this range.
  2693. >Like in slow motion, with your reflexes and perception you easily dodge under his fist and bring your knife across his chest with an uppercut.
  2694. >A trail of blood follows the sharp cutting edge and splatters upward onto the ceiling.
  2695. >Twirling around and juggling the knife into your other hand, you lean into into the assassin and plunge your blade into his gut.
  2696. >However in spite of the wound, he still reaches over to try and use his garrote on you.
  2697. >Persistent fucker.
  2698. >Using one hand to keep the wire from your neck. You can't apply as much pressure but instead you twist the blade.
  2699. >The assassin lets out a yelp of pain and drops his weapon before you shove him onto the floor.
  2700. >Kneeling him onto his back, you extend his arm and apply some pressure.
  2701. "Where is Chrysalis."
  2702. >"..."
  2703. "I'm not fucking around. Where. Is. She."
  2704. >Your only response is a dirty glare as he struggles to keep his composure.
  2705. >"TALK DAMMIT!" Twilight yells out.
  2706. >"TWILIGHT!"
  2707. >Looking up, you see Twilight with the assassin's pistol aimed right at his head.
  2708. >The man tries to take your shock to buck you off, but you keep your balance.
  2709. "WHERE IS MY BROTHER!" she demands, waving the empty gun.
  2710. >"I don't know who your brother is." he replies calmly.
  2711. >"Liar! You were hired by Chrysalis weren't you!"
  2712. >Twilight kicks him in the side, causing the man to grunt in pain.
  2713. >"..."
  2714. "Answer her."
  2715. >With another wave of your hand, you cast an Axii hex.
  2716. >Surprisingly, the guy actually manages to resist.
  2717. >"I... I... won't..."
  2718. >Putting more effort into the sign, you cast it again.
  2719. >"M-my... gah... the docks... we were to meet there when the job was done..."
  2720. "Good boy. Now sleep."
  2721. >Eyes rolling into the back of his head, the man falls unconscious.
  2722. >Relaxing, you feel a sudden pang in your waist and far greater than something you normally would just shrug off.
  2723. >Putting a hand over the spot, deep crimson blood begins pooling.
  2724. "Fuck. Guess I wasn't as lucky as I thought."
  2725. >"Anon!" Sunset says your name rushing to your side.
  2726. >Grimacing in pain, you're really thankful you got injured in a hospital this time at least.
  2727. "It's in pretty deep... look in the cabinets for a pair of medical pliers or something."
  2728. >"B-but we need to stop the bleeding."
  2729. "Don't worry about that, my blood clots faster and pumps slower. Right now I'm not at risk to bleed out. But that also means I would prefer getting this bullet out before the wound closes."
  2730. >Nodding her head, Sunset begins digging through the drawers and cabinets while you lean against the wall.
  2731. >"Twilight I could use your help." Sunset says.
  2732. >The girl with the glasses ignores her plea and kneels next to you.
  2733. >She examines your wound and looks away.
  2734. >"A-Anon... I'm... I'm so sorry."
  2735. >Tears form in the corners of her eyes as she gets up and runs out of the room.
  2736. >"Aha found on- where did Twilight go?"
  2737. "... Hand me that metal dish."
  2738. >Taking the dish on the counter she lays both objects next to you.
  2739. "Now comes the fun part. Sunset, you need to pull the bullet out."
  2740. >"What? Why me?"
  2741. "Because I don't have good leverage to do it from this angle."
  2742. >"Really? Because it seems you just like having me do these things."
  2743. >You admit. You sort of do but that's besides the point right now.
  2744. >Sunset nervously takes the medical pliers and begins to insert the device into you.
  2745. >"Ew..."
  2746. >Pain receptors flare off as she begins to dig around your wound until she hits something metallic.
  2747. "Okay... now pull it out."
  2748. >Placing a hand on your chest, she clamps onto the bullet and takes her time easing it out.
  2749. >"I... think I got it." she says dropping the bloody bullet fragment into the dish.
  2750. "Good. Now get me some gauze and bandages."
  2751. >A few minutes pass as you tighten the binding around your waist. With the blood already clotting, your body is going to have to take care of the rest.
  2752. >It'll be a couple days before your right as rain though. Not helped by the fact the wound is only inches away from the impalement you suffered from the leshen which itself isn't fully healed.
  2753. >"So what are we going to do about him?" Sunset asks about the assassin.
  2754. "Contemplating on killing him."
  2755. >"We can't solve all our problems by killing something."
  2756. "Sure we can. I do it all the time."
  2757. >"Anon..."
  2758. “Is it really doing the world any favors keeping an assassin alive? Really?”
  2759. >”You’re not killing him Anon.” she says adamantly.
  2760. "Ugh, fine. Sometimes you girls are worse than my fencing trainer... Call the cops. Last thing I need is for them to suspect me even more than I figure they already do."
  2761. >Handing Sunset her cellphone, you pick up the garrote the man used before and tie off his hands at the wrists behind him just for Sunset's peace of mind.
  2762. >He's bleeding out pretty badly anyway, the cuts you made were pretty deep. You give him... three minutes before he expires from injury.
  2763. >It's not perfect, but it should hold while Axii is still in effect.
  2764. >Sunset proceeds to call the police while you do the heavy lifting and drag the guy's body out of the room towards the front desk, leaving a bloody trail in the process.
  2765. >Setting him in the receptionist's chair, you begin frisking the man's body for anything you could use yourself.
  2766. >All in all, you find a second matching pistol with a strange symbol etched into it, with two spare magazines and a couple of lockpicks.
  2767. >While you don't particularly care for guns, you place the handgun in the gap between your shirt and pants and pocket the magazines along with the picks.
  2768. >They may come in handy later, especially since you're a bit under equipped already.
  2769. >"Are you heading towards the docks?" Sunset asks helping you.
  2770. "Really, *really* thinking about just calling it quits. But no doubt you're going to argue about how you're going to find your stupid friend and I gave my word to that other version of the same friend I would protect you. So yeah, I'm probably heading to the docks."
  2771. >"In your condition? Don't you have a potion or something?"
  2772. >Reaching the vial holder on your belt, you pull out one swallow potion.
  2773. "One, the other two got smashed when I was knocked into the cabinet. Besides it only accelerates the healing process, not magically cure it."
  2774. >You put the remaining vial back as Sunset hands you your sword.
  2775. >"I don't see Twilight anywhere."
  2776. "She's probably gone to the docks."
  2777. >"By herself?! She's going to get killed."
  2778. "Which is why I need to hurry."
  2779. >Turning and facing the desk, you feel under the surface for an emergency alarm button.
  2780. >Your fingers brush up against a switch and you press it.
  2781. "There, someone should be coming soon. We need to leave now if Twilight's gone to help her brother she already has a short lead time on us."
  2782. >"What about Dean Cadance?"
  2783. >Walking over to the door to Cadance's room, you cast Quen on the handle and a glowing yellow orb surrounds the knob.
  2784. "Try opening it now."
  2785. >Sunset walks over and tries to open the door.
  2786. >"What the... It's not budging." she says trying to turn the handle.
  2787. "Good, now let's go."
  2788. >"But how will the doctors get in?"
  2789. "They'll think of something. Right now Cadance is safe and we have more pressing things to worry about. C'mon."
  2790. >Quickly, the two of you head to elevator and down to lobby.
  2792. -----
  2794. >Running as fast as you can, you try to put as much distance between the hospital and yourself.
  2795. >Right now you really wish you were more athletic like Rainbow Dash and Indigo Zap.
  2796. >Slowing to a stop, you take a moment to catch your breath when realization dawns on you.
  2797. >What are you doing?
  2798. >You don't have any fighting skills.
  2799. >What makes you think you have any chance of taking down a succubus by yourself?
  2800. >Squatting down you look at the moon peeking up high in the sky.
  2801. >Realistically, your chances of even making a move before Chrysalis slashes your throat or rips your heart out are statistically not in your favor by a overwhelmingly large margin.
  2802. >...
  2803. >Ugh.
  2804. >Maybe Anon has a point with you meddling in things beyond your control.
  2805. >But you can't just do nothing while Shining is some magical... slut's personal toy.
  2806. >He would go to the ends of the earth to make sure you were okay.
  2807. >Why can't you?
  2808. >[Probably because he has a gun and knows how to use it.]
  2809. >Well... you have a gun too.
  2810. >...
  2811. >Oh dear.
  2812. >You only now just realize that you're still holding the assassin's gun in your hand.
  2813. >Assassin's... gun...
  2814. >Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh.
  2815. >You're holding something that has probably killed a lot of people...
  2816. >Should you keep it or throw it away?
  2817. >Holding the pistol like it suddenly attracted the plague, you consider what to do with it.
  2818. >You can't just keep it.
  2819. >It's not legally yours and what would Mom and Dad say?
  2820. >But... you can't just throw a gun away without properly disposing of it. That would be illegal!
  2821. >What did Shining tell you when he was teaching you how to shoot as a means of self-defense?
  2822. >...
  2823. >Actually you're not sure. There were too many people firing those loud guns around you at the range he took you too.
  2824. >Looks like you'll have to hold onto it.
  2825. >Well, at least you remember to make sure the safety on the gun is on.
  2826. >Putting the pistol into your bag, you can't help but realize the situation you've gotten yourself into.
  2827. >You should be letting Anon handle this.
  2828. >He got hurt because of you.
  2829. >Again.
  2830. >Why do you keep messing up Twilight?
  2831. >Maybe you can still be of use to Anon and scout out the area.
  2832. >You still have your listening equipment in your backpack and the magic-o-meter can help you pinpoint Chrysalis.
  2833. >It should still have the magical frequency that it detected when you first met her.
  2834. >Alright it's settled then, you'll locate where she and your brother are, then let Anonymous handle the rest.
  2835. >Then, when Shining is safe and sound, you'll both visit Cadance and they'll get married and you all can put all this behind you.
  2836. >At least you hope...
  2837. >Though you can't help but wonder how has Anon and Sunset not caught up to you by now?
  2838. >You're far from the most athletic person in your small group.
  2840. "How can a nerd run so far?!"
  2841. >You're about half-a mile away from the hospital with Sunset right behind you.
  2842. >Vaulting over a low stone bench, you continue looking at the GPS on Sunset's phone.
  2843. >"Anon I don't think this is the way to the docks?"
  2844. "Hey I'm following your GPS."
  2845. >"Hold up a minute." she says gasping for air. "Give me my phone."
  2846. >You stop and hand the phone to her.
  2847. >Leaning against a stop sign, her face scrunches up.
  2848. >"Anon! This is leading us to a place called "The Dock"!
  2849. "That's where we're going aren't we?"
  2850. >She slaps her forehead, "This is a bar on the other end of town!"
  2851. "Why the fuck would they call it that?!"
  2852. >Sunset groans, "I don't know... I think it'll be faster if we just find a cab."
  2853. >You growl.
  2855. >Ten minutes later, you approach the entrance to the commercial part of the waterfront.
  2856. >Sunset and Anonymous still haven't caught up with you, which to be quite honest is not making you feel any more confident.
  2857. >You spot a security guard out front where the vehicles would enter watching a small portable television at his post.
  2858. >As silently as you can, you crawl under the wall of the booth he's inside laughing at something playing on the tv.
  2859. >He takes a drink from his coffee mug causing you to duck behind cover before he spots you.
  2860. >Letting a few moments go by, he has his back turned with all his focus on his show.
  2861. >Quickly, you dash by the open door and enter the area.
  2862. >Nothing seems wrong so far. Though that may change very quickly.
  2863. >Making sure the guard hasn't noticed you, you walk some distance until you hide between four large storage units.
  2864. >Pulling the magic-o-meter out of your backpack, you turn the device on.
  2865. >Lights begin circling the face as the boot up sequence progresses.
  2866. "C'mon c'mon. Hurry up."
  2867. >Paranoia is wreaking havoc on your nerves as the thought of being caught by the guard or even worse, Chrysalis makes your heart race due sudden flood of epinephrine, norepinephrine and dozens of other hormones coursing into your system from your brain.
  2868. >The magic-o-meter soon finishes its startup and glows a solid color.
  2869. >Setting in the previous frequency detected, the device hums a few tones as it begins searching the area for any magical signature.
  2870. >Moments go by with the lights circling the face of the device again before homing in on one corner.
  2871. >Bingo!
  2872. >Muting the magic-o-meter and dimming the lights, you begin following the direction its pointing, using it like a compass facing true north.
  2873. >Unlike searching for magnetic north which suffers from declination, though you're not traveling a long distance so the margin of declination should be less than...
  2874. >Focus Twilight.
  2875. >Sneaking your way through rows and rows of cargo containers, the flashing becomes more and more frequent until the entire front third of the magic-o-meter glows.
  2876. >In front of you is one of the large warehouses that dot the waterfront. You take note of the large number five on the side and commit it to memory.
  2877. >Pulling out your phone, you text the number to Sunset's phone.
  2878. >You set your things down and open up your backpack again, this time pulling out a set of headphones and a large foldable parabolic dish with an attached microphone of your own design.
  2879. >It's been awhile since you've used this.
  2880. >Last time you think was listening in to Cadance and Shining Armor in your tree house while they made out on the couch.
  2881. >Making sure all the equipment works, you turn on the microphone and point it towards the warehouse.
  2882. >"sshhhhh-ink it won't be too much longer. The guy Chrysi hired is supposed to be one of the best."
  2883. >They must be talking about the assassin!
  2884. >"Y'know we wouldn't be pulling guard duty if you had just snuffed out that chick like you were supposed to."
  2885. >"Shut up Kevin. How the hell was I supposed to know there was going to be a goddamned Witcher showing up."
  2886. >"You serious? Anot-zzzzzzzzhhhhhh"
  2887. >Darnit!
  2888. >You readjust the settings on the mic until the signal clears up.
  2889. >"-big man ain't gonna be too happy with Chrysalis when he hears she's spending all his cash on some dame just to nab her boy toy."
  2890. >"Look, we ain't doing this for the big man, we're doing it for her. She got us all out of some serious shit."
  2891. >"Yeah yeah. Still, don't mean I gotta like it. Hey, where is she anyway?"
  2892. >One of the man set's something metallic down, "Probably jumping the bones of that cop again. She's been hanging out in the back room with him for a few hours now."
  2893. >You hear both men laugh, "Shit, what I wouldn't give to get laid by a succubus like her."
  2894. >"Well, we are both Dopplers."
  2895. >"I'm gonna stop you right there. First, I prefer the term Changelings thank you very much. And second, that's totally gay dude."
  2896. >"It ain't gay if you turn into the chick."
  2897. >"But we're still both dudes on the inside and I'll know it's you."
  2898. >"Better than nothing."
  2899. >"Dude... you been spending too much time looking at your Asian porn."
  2900. >Okay. That's enough of that.
  2901. >Moving the mic to a different section of the building, you adjust the dials on the side of it.
  2903. >What the...?
  2904. >Is this thing going wonky on you again?
  2905. >*SLAP**SLAP**SLAP**SLAP* "Oh Shining give it to me!"
  2906. >That sounds like Chrysalis...
  2907. >But if she's...
  2908. "OH MY GOD!"
  2909. >In shock and disgust you accidentally drop the parabolic dish onto the floor.
  2910. >The feedback from landing on the ground makes a high pitched squeal causing you to yank off the earphones in pain.
  2911. >A light from the office portion of the warehouse turns on as you hear a muffled female voice yelling from inside.
  2912. >Oh crap...
  2913. >Shutting off the mic you pack your things up quietly and try to put as much distance from the warehouse as the front door inside opens.
  2914. >Two men walk out, each carrying a rifle of some sort and begin searching the area.
  2915. >You can hear their footsteps echo against the metal walls of the cargo containers, with one particular set getting louder and louder.
  2916. >With the multi-colored cargo containers stacked up so high, they block your line of sight and make this place even more of a maze than it already is.
  2917. >Stepping down one corner, you see the shadow of one of the men from the opposite end.
  2918. >Backtracking, you turn another corner and see a pile of tires, a wooden pallet and a barrel.
  2919. >Without too much thought, you duck down behind the tires and pull one over your head.
  2920. >You hold your breath as the two men appear at the end of the path.
  2921. >"I don't see or hear nothing."
  2922. >"Yeah me neither. Think boss lady was hearing things?"
  2923. >"Eh, musta been a cat or something. Let's get back to our game."
  2924. >"Give me a minute, gonna take a smoke."
  2925. >"Fine."
  2926. >One of the men walks over to your hiding spot and sits on the metal barrel next to you.
  2927. >Pulling out a cigarette, he takes a match and lights it.
  2928. >"Kevin, those things are gonna kill you."
  2929. >"Eh, shut up."
  2930. >Kevin shakes the match out and tosses it away.
  2931. >Suddenly, a female voice comes in over a walkie talkie on one of the men's belts.
  2932. >"Did you find anything?"
  2933. >That was Chrysalis!
  2934. >"Nah. Can't find nothing." Kevin says, taking a deep puff before tossing the cigarette as well.
  2935. >Luck however isn't on your side as the still burning butt lands on your head.
  2936. >You bite your hand and squirm as the burning sensation on your scalp sends your soon to be gone nerves into overdrive.
  2937. >Owowowowowowowowowowow!
  2938. >Hold it in Twilight... Hold it in!
  2939. >"Well, get your asses back in he- *CRASH*"
  2940. >"What the hell?"
  2941. >"C'mon, that don't sound good."
  2942. >Both men quickly leave the area and head back to the warehouse.
  2943. >When both men turn the corner, you quickly flick the cigarette butt off your head and let out a sigh of relief.
  2944. >You wait a few moments before you follow the two guards and stop just where you were before.
  2945. >Taking out the dish, you noticed that the microphone is bent and the dish is cracked.
  2946. >Great...
  2947. >Without your listening device, you decide to sneak over to the office area where Chrysalis and Shining were...
  2948. >Ugh...
  2949. >Peering through the window, you see Shining rushing to get dressed before putting his trench coat on.
  2950. >He seems okay...
  2951. >Your can't believe your eyes however, when he pulls out his service pistol and walks into the main room.
  2952. >Running to the other door, you peek inside and see Shining and the two guards aiming their weapons at someone else while Chrysalis just stands back and snarls.
  2953. >Her appearance has changed from when you last saw her. Chrysalis's legs are now more goat like, she has a pair of curved horns protruding from her head and her body is covered in strange markings.
  2954. >She's covered in a few slash marks and is bleeding heavily from her left leg.
  2955. >Looking over to where they're looking you see... Anon!
  2956. >He made it!
  2957. >Thank goodne-
  2958. >A hand suddenly covers your mouth without warning and drags you back.
  2959. >You try to scream until you see Sunset's face.
  2960. >"Twilight what in Tartarus's name are you doing?" she chastises you in a whispering tone.
  2961. >She removes her hand from your mouth to let you speak.
  2962. "My brother's in there!"
  2963. >"Anon can handle it, we gotta get outta he-
  2964. >Sunset's eyes go wide as she quickly drags you back into the shadows.
  2965. >Turning around, you see two men in suits walking up to the door. Thankfully they haven't noticed you two.
  2966. >One of them speaks into a wire connected to an earpiece, and a large hulk of a man walks up behind them.
  2967. >"Well now, it looks like Iron Will made the right choice to pay an unexpected visit."
  2969. -----
  2971. >Everyone's attention is drawn to the three newcomers.
  2972. >Chrysalis takes a nervous step back.
  2973. >"I-Iron Will... what- what are you doing here."
  2974. >"The boss wants to know why your expenses are so expensive."
  2975. >The large meat of a man cracks his neck as walks in and ignoring you.
  2976. >"It... was a personal thing."
  2977. >Iron Will peeks down his glasses and eyes Shining Armor behind her.
  2978. >"Let me guess, you just had to have Mr. Law Enforcement and so you tried to put a hit out on his lady?"
  2979. >Chrysalis's eyes go wide. "How the hell did you know?!"
  2980. >"You think you're really clever, but in reality your nature makes you incredibly predictable." he says unimpressed.
  2981. >The succubus growls as Iron Will finally takes notice of you.
  2982. >"Who's this?"
  2983. >Walking over between the two Dopplers in Chrysalis's employ, he gives you a once over.
  2984. >"Iron Will doesn't recognize you."
  2985. "Doubt you would."
  2986. >You notice a strange looking trio of talismans hanging around his neck. Each stone has a strange engraving on them.
  2987. >No doubt they're magical in nature, but you have no idea what they do.
  2988. >"Chrysalis, who is this boy?" he asks.
  2989. >"A... a Witcher."
  2990. >This actually surprises the large man, "A Witcher huh? Iron Will's people have great respect for your kind."
  2991. "Your people? Mind elaborating?"
  2992. >"Maybe it would be better if I showed you." he says with a grin.
  2993. >That sounds like a veiled threat.
  2994. >Taking of this suit jacket, he tosses it to one of his bodyguards before undoing his tie and unbuttoning his white collar shirt.
  2995. >You're starting to get a little nervous now. You were barely prepared to take on Chrysalis, let alone whatever this guy is.
  2996. >With just a tank top on, Iron Will flexes his muscles when suddenly your medallion begins to tug at it's chain with incredible ferocity.
  2997. >Even you can't help but take a step back.
  2998. >Iron Will's flesh begins turning a slate gray as it begins turning rigid and almost... stone like.
  2999. >His pants rip as the stone armor begins protruding out of his body and his original human shape begins to lose definition.
  3000. >Two stone horns grow out of Iron Will's head making him look like a stone minotaur.
  3001. >Your eyes go wide as you have no idea what the hell you're watching.
  3002. >Even Chrysalis and her goons can't help but watch in awe at the transformation.
  3003. >Soon, Iron Will flexes his arms and strikes a few poses.
  3004. >"Now Iron Will wants you to drop your weapon Witcher."
  3005. "Fat chance of that happening." you say bringing your sword up.
  3006. >You can't tell because his face is literally just a giant rock now with vague facial features, but you think he's smiling at that response.
  3007. >Slamming his fists together twice, he winds up a punch and charges you.
  3008. >The ground beneath shakes and cracks after every step.
  3009. >SHIT!
  3010. >Rolling to the left you just barely dod-
  3011. >You feel a blow go straight to your side as you go flying into a couple of wooden crates.
  3012. >Pain wracks your body as you try to regain your senses. Climbing out of the wreckage, you pick up your sword and get ready for another attack.
  3013. >"Not bad, most people would have been a gory splatter against Iron Will's fist."
  3014. >Staggering forward, you grip your side in pain as you keep your sword pointed towards your opponent.
  3015. >He's much faster than he looks.
  3016. >Glancing at your palm, you've already reopened the gunshot wound you suffered earlier. That hit also feels like it broke a rib... or two. Not to mention any possible internal hemorrhaging.
  3017. >This isn't good.
  3018. >Iron Will lumbers towards you again with his fists up like a boxer.
  3019. >This time prepared for his speed, you dodge his punches as he tries to make you paste against the concrete.
  3020. >If this guy's armor is as tough as it looks, you're not going to be doing a whole lot against that stone armor of his without a silver sword or some oil coating.
  3021. >You're going to have to play this a little smarter until you can figure out what this guy actually is.
  3022. >He's like a golem... but he's still a fully sentient flesh and blood individual.
  3023. >Ducking under an uppercut, he leaves his side wide open.
  3024. >Utilizing your smaller frame, you make multiple strikes into the gaps of the stone skin as he backpedals to try and get some breathing room.
  3025. >With one strong swing, you manage to pierce in between the stone and somehow draw blood.
  3026. >"Gah!" he cries out. "Hahahaha!"
  3027. >Backing up, you smile in satisfaction as Iron Will inspects his wound before laughing.
  3028. >"Good... GOOD! Iron Will loves it when they have some fight in them!"
  3029. >Pounding his chest he runs at you again.
  3030. >Doesn't seem like this guy has much strategy beyond just trying to pummel you.
  3031. >Though considering how strong he is, you can't really blame him.
  3032. >Rolling under his next attack and between his legs, you cast Quen to give you some insurance.
  3033. >Iron Will tries to backhand you but you easily dodge the blow and slam your palm into the ground for a Yrden trap.
  3034. >Keeping it between you and him, Chrysalis and the others watch intently as you two circle the trap.
  3035. >"Fancy magic won't save you Witcher."
  3036. "You'd be surprised at how often one hears that before being proven wrong."
  3037. >Scoffing, Iron Will backs up from the trap.
  3038. >What is he doing?
  3039. >The next thing you know Iron Will is running straight towards the circle.
  3040. >Bringing your blade up, you watch as Iron Will leaps into the air over the Yrden trap leaving only his lower body landing in the circle.
  3041. >This however doesn't stop the momentum of his upper body from finishing the attack.
  3042. >Okay that's just cheating...
  3043. >Jumping out of the way, he slams his fist into the ground sending a shockwave into the concrete and displacing the surface causing you to lose balance.
  3044. >The trap disappears and Iron Will regains full mobility as he stomps over to you.
  3045. >Grabbing your sword, you swing it towards him only for the stone man to block the blade in his "skin" as sparks fly off.
  3046. >Crawling backwards, you draw the assassin's pistol, you repeatedly pull the trigger only to watch as the bullets ricochet off his thick hide.
  3047. >Knocking the pistol aide, Iron Will uses his other hand to grab you by the neck and begins choking the life out of you.
  3048. >"Didn't think you Witcher's used guns. Iron Will guesses times are changing."
  3049. "Nnggg... bas...tard...!"
  3050. >In a futile effort you try to pry his hand off but your strength is no match for his.
  3051. >Out of desperation, you draw a knife and try to stab him to get him to let go of you only for the knife to snap when it strikes.
  3052. >"Witcher, it was a decent fight. But Iron Will has other matters to attend to."
  3053. >With one quick motion he punches you in the gut smashing your Quen barrier before punching you again and again.
  3054. >Blood seeps into your mouth as you can feel your innards being crushed by each blow.
  3055. >Everything begins to taste like wet iron.
  3056. >Soon all your energy leaves you as your arms hang limply by your sides with a pool of blood leaking below you.
  3057. >"Iron Will doesn't want you dead *just* yet Witcher. But a few broken bones should stop you from trying to escape." he says before dropping you on the floor in a bloody heap.
  3058. >With just your will power driving you, you try and reach for your sword but Iron Will steps on your forearm and begins crushing it.
  3059. >You let out an agonizing wail as he applies more and more pressure on your right arm making you writhe in pain.
  3060. >The last thing you see is Iron Will towering over you as you black out.
  3062. >He... he lost.
  3063. >Anon lost.
  3064. >Every fiber of your being screams at you to help your friend. But... but you can't...
  3065. >Your body refuses to move... you're scared... scared of that thing... scared of being killed...
  3066. >If Anon couldn't beat it what chance could you?
  3067. >You and Twilight can only watch in horror as that monster looms over Anon's prone body.
  3068. >Twilight gives you a worried stare, her eyes wavering.
  3069. >You can tell you're both wondering the same question: Is Anon... de- dead?
  3070. >"You! Check his pulse. Iron Will wants him alive." the stone giant says.
  3071. >One of his underlings quickly kneels down by Anon and places his fingers on his neck before giving Iron Will a nod.
  3072. >"Load him in the truck. Chrysalis, you and your... associates are to come with us."
  3073. >Chrysalis gulps, but nods in acknowledgement all the same.
  3074. >"Get the car ready. Shining, you're riding in back with me." she says cupping Shining's cheek in her hand before kissing him passionately on the lips.
  3075. >Twilight grits her teeth and clenches her fists but you place a hand on her shoulders.
  3076. >There's something strange about her brother though, he looks like he's in a... trance of sorts.
  3077. >Like his body is on autopilot but no one is actually there.
  3078. >Maybe she has him under some sort of mind control.
  3079. >Pulling Twilight back further into the shadows of the building, you two hide behind some metal barrels as a pair of headlights turns onto the road coming towards you.
  3080. >Iron Will begins to transform back into his human appearance before getting dressed back up into his suit.
  3081. >You take note that the runestones hanging from his neck glow as the transformation reverts itself.
  3082. >"Iron Will where are you going to take him?" Chrysalis asks.
  3083. >"What concern is that to you succubus?" he retorts.
  3084. >"Well I was planning on making him my-"
  3085. >The man stomps over and gets right into Chrysalis's face, "You are already on thin ice as it is succubus. Iron Will had planned much worse for this visit tonight, you were only saved by that Witcher there."
  3086. >Fixing his tie and putting his sunglasses back on he walks away leaving a stunned Chrysalis behind.
  3087. >The rumbling noise of an incredibly large black truck comes rolling down the road.
  3088. >That's what they arrived in? That things like an armored vehicle!
  3089. >Parking in front of the warehouse, a third man wearing an identical suit to the other's walks out and inside.
  3090. >"Both you and Iron Will are going to have a little chat before we talk to the big man."
  3091. >Snapping his fingers, Iron Will's men snap to attention.
  3092. >"You two clean this place up, you load the Witcher into the truck and help when you're done. And get those two shapeshifters working as well."
  3093. >Pointing towards the warehouse office, Iron Will and Chrysalis both walk into the room and shut the door.
  3094. >One of Iron Will's bodyguards walks over to the armored truck and loads Anon in the back when a smaller white sedan pulls out of the warehouse and parks outside.
  3095. >"That's Shining's car!"
  3096. "Twilight, we need to rescue Anon."
  3097. >"But how?" Twilight whispers back.
  3098. "I... I don't know." You say slumping to the ground and digging your hands through your hair.
  3099. >What do you do?
  3100. >You don't have the tracking skills like Anon has.
  3101. >Is this it?
  3102. >Is this the last time you'll ever see him?
  3103. >You and Twilight both share an unsure glance as you watch Iron Will's and Chrysalis's men walk inside the warehouse glaring at each other.
  3104. >"Whatdowedo!Whatdowedo!Whatdowedo!Whatdowedo!" she whispers as she starts to hyperventilate.
  3105. "I'm not letting them get away." you whisper back before standing.
  3106. >"What are you doing?!" she yells in a hushed voice.
  3107. >Making sure the men aren't looking, you sneak over to the back of the white sedan.
  3108. >You press the trigger for the trunk and it clicks open.
  3109. >Yes!
  3110. >Before you can close the door, a purple hand stops it midway.
  3111. >"I'm coming with you."
  3112. "No, Twilight you need to go tell the police about this."
  3113. >"While you risk your life I don-"
  3114. >A door from inside the building kicks open off it's hinges and slams onto the floor.
  3115. >The stone man walks out with a grumbling Chrysalis in tow.
  3116. >"We're leaving."
  3117. >Oh geeze.
  3118. >Pulling Twilight inside the already cramped trunk you shut the door enveloping you both into darkness.
  3119. >Twilight pulls out her phone and the glow illuminates the inside.
  3120. >Typing out a message on her phone, she flips it facing you.
  3121. >[What do we do now?]
  3122. >Taking her phone, you type out your own reply.
  3123. [I'm not sure...]
  3124. >Twilight reads your message and gets an indignant scowl.
  3125. >[That's your plan?!]
  3126. >You just shrug.
  3127. >The car jostles a little as four doors open and passengers get inside.
  3128. >Slamming the door shut, the vehicle's engine starts.
  3129. >Twilight mutes her phone and opens her GPS app.
  3130. >Switching windows, she types out a new message, [I'll record our trip so we know where we're going.]
  3131. [Good, in the meantime we should try and figure out what the heck Iron Will was. Those stones around his neck seemed magical.]
  3132. >Your friend nods her head as the car goes over a slight bump, knocking both your heads together.
  3133. >"Fucking Iron Will." you hear Chrysalis say through the thin paneling.
  3134. >"What the hell's that dudes deal? I ain't never seen anything like that!"
  3135. >"Dude's one of those Native types, they got a whole lot of weird powers though most seem to involve giants and wearing other peoples skins or something." you hear another voice answer.
  3136. >"Then what the hell is he?"
  3137. >"Uh... Stone...something."
  3138. >"Stoneclad." Chrysalis says. "At least that was what I was told when *he* introduced me to him."
  3139. >You hear a whistle, "The dude beat the crap out of that Witcher like it was a piece of cake. I don't know about you guys, but I don't really want to mess with a guy who can do that."
  3140. >"It's only a matter of time before I can get rid of that asshole. I just need to bide my time. Iron Will can't watch his back twenty-four seven."
  3141. >Soon silence takes over as the car drives for a few miles.
  3142. >Tapping Twilight on the shoulder, you hold out your hand for her phone.
  3143. >Checking the map tracker, you're heading towards the outskirts of town.
  3144. >"Um... Chrysalis, ma'am I gotta question."
  3145. >"What is it?"
  3146. >"Did you mean what you said that you were trying to do the same thing with the Witcher like this cop dude?"
  3147. >"... That's none of your concern. Just shut up and drive."
  3148. [What do you think she's going to do to Anon?]
  3149. >Twilight averts her eyes and blushes.
  3150. >[You don't want to know.]
  3151. >The next half-hour passes by slowly, the only thing keeping you awake are the constant bumps the car is going over and the light from Twilight searching the internet for any clues what Iron Will is.
  3152. >Another ten minutes goes by before Twilight's face lights up.
  3153. >Shaking you, she flips her phone towards you and shows a highlighted passage on Native mythical creatures and folklore.
  3154. >Details about Stoneclad vary from telling to telling. In some versions Stoneclad is man-sized, or indeed is a human witch that turned himself into an invulnerable monster; In all cases he has rocklike plates of armor that protect him from fire, cold, and weapons; he is defeated only through sapping his magical powers by destroying his talismans or exposing him to menstruating women.
  3155. >Defeated only through sapping his magical powers by destroying his talismans or exposing him to menstruating women.
  3156. >That last part bothers you.
  3157. >Its not your time of the month yet.
  3158. >Not that you've ever entirely gotten used to this body's version of an estrus cycle.
  3159. >Pointing a finger at the part about menstruating women, Twilight eyes you curiously before hey eyes widen.
  3160. >She shakes her head.
  3161. >Twilight takes her phone back and points to the first part of the sentence about the talismans.
  3162. >Oh.
  3163. >OH!
  3164. >Yeah that sounds like a better plan.
  3165. >Suddenly, the car makes an abrupt stop.
  3166. >"Huh, figures a Stoneclad would make a frickin rock quarry his hideout."
  3167. >Looking at the phone, you see on the map your location, "Holder's Quarry"
  3168. >Four doors open and slam shut as the occupants get out and leave.
  3169. >[What do we do now?]
  3170. [We find Anon and your brother and get them out.]
  3171. >[How the heck are we going to do that though?]
  3172. >Reaching into the gap of your boot that Rarity made for you, you pull out the throwing knife that Anon gave you weeks ago.
  3173. >You've kept it close just in case but you never thought you'd be using it like this.
  3174. >Right now it's your only weapon besides the two signs Anon taught you.
  3175. [We'll come up with something.]
  3176. >You hope...
  3178. -----
  3180. >"...oss the Witc... cell."
  3181. >An impact with the floor shocks you awake as you hear a rusty gate close behind you.
  3182. >The sound of footsteps walking away from you brings you back to reality.
  3183. >Pain hits you like a truck as your chest aches from the beating you just took.
  3184. >Slowly coming too, you feel a weight around your right wrist.
  3185. >Looking down, you see a long metal chain linking a metal shackle from your right arm to the wall.
  3186. >Peering around the room, you're obviously in some sort of holding area, but apart from the metal gates keeping you inside it all looks like it's made from solid stone.
  3187. >There's no light in this room besides one lamp hanging from the ceiling.
  3188. >Your hands and legs, other than your right wrist being chained to the stone wall are otherwise unbound except your fingers. Except your pinkies and thumbs, they're all tied tightly together with some sort of leather or cloth to prevent them from moving in different angles.
  3189. >Guess signs aren't an option.
  3190. >You've been stripped of your shirt, jacket, boots, and weapons. The only thing they did let you keep is your medallion.
  3191. >Though you've no idea why. But it also seems you've been bandaged up so you're still needed alive for some reason you suppose.
  3192. "Well this is great." you say leaning against the cold stone wall.
  3193. >"Hey... Dagi. Is that guy still alive?" a female voice whispers in the cell next to yours.
  3194. >With your mutations, even in spite of the darkness you can just make out a shape.
  3195. >"He's just spoke didn't he?" another voice responds, this one not bothering to hide any ire in her voice.
  3196. >"I dunno, there've been a couple of dudes they brought in who sort of talk to themselves and stuff before dying." a third voice adds.
  3197. >"You think he can help us?"
  3198. >The second voice chuckles, "Don't be stupid Sonata, no one can help us."
  3199. >"Oh..."
  3200. >Looking towards the source of the voices, you see the silhouettes of three girls around Sunset's age each sitting in a separate cell with a collar around each of their necks.
  3201. >"Pssst Dagi, I think he's looking at us. Oh his eyes are pretty."
  3202. >"Shut up Sonata!" the third voice scolds.
  3203. >"You shut up Aria."
  3204. >The one called Sonata crawls over and taps the metal bar. Her appearance is plainly disheveled, with her clothes worn to tatters and covered in filth. Besides the collar, it looks like they've been here awhile.
  3205. >"Hey. Hey! What's your name?" she continues to whisper.
  3206. >You say nothing as she expectantly awaits your answer.
  3207. >"Aria" chuckles, "Hey Sonata I don't think he can hear you."
  3208. >She begins speaking a little louder, "Hey what's your na-ACK!"
  3209. >Sonata begins siezing up before bonking her head on the cell bar and falling to the ground.
  3210. >Looks like they're wearing shock collars meant for dogs.
  3211. >Rubbing her throat she turns to face Aria who just sticks out her tongue.
  3212. >"Dagi" slaps Aria upside the head making Aria squeal in pain.
  3213. >Unfortunately for Aria, her squeal is enough to trigger the sensor in the collars.
  3214. >Aria begins writhing on the ground in pain trying to reflexively yank the collar off of her neck.
  3215. >"Serves you right." Sonata says getting onto her knees and returning her attention to you.
  3216. >"Can you please tell me your name, even though it hurts to talk, it's been awhile since I had someone else to talk to."
  3217. "Where am I?" you ask ignoring her question.
  3218. >"So the stranger can speak. How droll." Dagi says unimpressed and rolling her eyes.
  3219. >"Hey, I asked you a question first, you answer mine and I'll answer yours."
  3220. >You scoff.
  3221. "Fine."
  3222. >Not like you have much choice right now.
  3223. "My name is Anonymous."
  3224. >"So your name means someone who doesn't have a name? Who the hell came up with that?" Aria spits out with mirth.
  3225. >Ignoring Aria's response, you face Sonata, "Where are we. Looks like some sort of holding cell."
  3226. >"Good eyes genius. Any other useful observations?" Aria asks.
  3227. >"We're in Iron Will's personal hideout." Sonata answers.
  3228. "Any idea where that is?"
  3229. >"Outskirts of Canterlot, at Holder's Quarry." Dagi says.
  3230. >"Ooh ooh my turn!" Sonata says excitedly, "Why're you eyes like a cat's? Are you a cat person?"
  3231. "No. They're a result from my mutations."
  3232. >"Mutations? What're those?"
  3233. >"It means he's a mutant freak." Aria bluntly answers Sonata.
  3234. >You narrow your eyes at the girl.
  3235. "Yet I'm not the one collared up like some misbehaved dog." you snap back.
  3236. >"Oh snap!" Sonata says with a snap of her fingers.
  3237. >"Why I augh-" Aria says eyes and nostrils flaring.
  3238. >She looks ready to physically assault you when Dagi holds out her hand to keep her down.
  3239. >"It's not worth it Aria."
  3240. >"But-"
  3241. >"Look deep into those eyes. This guy's obviously not a stranger to killing and judging from the scars he does it alot."
  3242. >The purple girl grimaces when she takes a closer look and averts her eyes.
  3243. >"Without our powers we're just three powerless girls." Dagi says before tucking her legs in and burying her face into her arms. "Good for nothing else besides satisfying someones urges..."
  3244. >"Adagio..." Aria sadly says, her expression softening.
  3245. >Sonata turns back to face you, "So uh... Anonymous, what are you in for?"
  3246. "Trying to kill Chrysalis, apparently."
  3247. >"Chrysalis? You mean that weird horny goat lady?"
  3248. "Yeah. Could have done it too if not for a surprise visit from Iron Will."
  3249. >"Yeah, I heard he likes to do that."
  3250. >Pulling on your chain, you opt to distract yourself with seeing how much length you can get with it.
  3251. "What about you three?"
  3252. >"Oh, we joined up with Iron Will to get some new gems after our old ones were... broken." Sonata replies, "We told him we were sirens."
  3253. >Aria scoffs, "Yeah, it was all fine and good until they found out that we're sirens who can't sing and can't do much else. And even then they still slapped these stupid collars on us."
  3254. >"My sister Adagio convinced them to not kill us but... every few hours... he likes to pick one of us..." Sonata whimpers sadly.
  3255. >Both girls become silent. You think you can follow where they're going. The stains on their clothes just became even more disgusting.
  3256. "You don't have to say more."
  3257. >Minutes go by as silence reigns over the four of you.
  3258. >Adagio doesn't bother moving from her spot, while Aria leans back and taps her foot to some rhythm in her head.
  3259. >Sonata however is a bit more upbeat than the both of them.
  3260. >"Wanna play a game or something? Dagi and Aria don't like to play with me."
  3261. "What type of game?"
  3262. "Tic-tac-toe, I Spy, Hangman."
  3263. >Eh... doesn't look like you're going anywhere soon.
  3264. "You choose."
  3265. >"Oh then we can play the first one."
  3266. >Grabbing a small white rock, she drags it along the stone wall.
  3267. >Making a grid, she gives you the rock.
  3268. >"Since you're the guest you can go first."
  3269. >Scooting over, you take the rock and draw an X in the top right corner.
  3270. >Handing Sonata the rock, she draws an O in the top row next to yours.
  3271. >Placing an X on the bottom right row, you hear Aria chuckle, "He won."
  3272. >"What? How?"
  3273. >"Because he trapped you dummy. If you put an O there he can just put an X in the center giving him two winning moves."
  3274. >"Oh... can we play again?"
  3275. >You sigh.
  3276. "Sure."
  3278. >"So where'd you get that cool amulet?" Sonata asks after finishing your eighth game of tic-tac-toe.
  3279. >This girl is persistent you'll give her that.
  3280. >Despite losing continuously at this simple game, she keeps on demanding a rematch.
  3281. "Got this when I completed my Witcher training."
  3282. >"What's a Witcher?"
  3283. >You roll your eyes.
  3284. "A monster hunter for hire."
  3285. >"Oh that sounds so cool." she says with an excited smile. "I saw this kid one time who was playing one of those video game things where you did that. He was using a giant axe to kill monsters. Do you use a giant axe?"
  3286. >You admit, her naivety is... charming in its own way. Especially considering the circumstances.
  3287. "No I use... used two longswords."
  3288. >Thoughts of Gilda begin to surface.
  3289. >Suddenly, the sound of footsteps alerts you all as they echo through the stone walls.
  3290. >Two of Iron Will's goons walks up with a submachine guns in hand and look all four of you over before turning their attention to the sirens' cell.
  3291. >"Iron Will wants some company." one of them announces.
  3292. >Sonata and her sisters all visibly tense up.
  3293. >"You blue haired one, you haven't been up to see him in awhile."
  3294. >"No..." Sonata whimpers, crawling back as far as she can from the cell wall. "Please..."
  3295. >"Hey, I'll go instead. Sonata doesn't... urg... know what he *likes*." Aria says standing.
  3296. >Adagio only watches silently.
  3297. >"Shut up bitch, you'll get your turn." the other says kicking her down onto the floor.
  3298. >Sonata grabs the steel bars and looks at you with tears in her eyes, "Someone! Aria! Adagio! Help me!"
  3299. >The collar triggers at her cry for help and begins shocking her.
  3300. >Her painful yelps only make it worse as it begins a cycle of triggering the device around her neck.
  3301. >You can only watch as the man grabs her by the hair and drags her out of the cell.
  3302. >As much as you dislike white knighting, you can't really just stand by and watch this.
  3303. "Hey asshole." you call out to the man dragging Sonata
  3304. >Standing, you fight through the pain in your chest and walk over as far your chain will let you.
  3305. >"The hell you want?"
  3306. "Think you're a tough guy just cause you got the gun?"
  3307. >He just scoffs.
  3308. >Ugh... you need to piss him off more.
  3309. >...
  3310. >What would Rainbow Dash say in a situation like this?
  3311. "Cause right now all I'm looking at is a bitch yanking a girl's hair because it makes him feel like a man."
  3312. >The man drops Sonata's hair and glares at you while his partner can't help but stifle a laugh.
  3313. >"Dude, don't bother with him." the other says.
  3314. >"The fuck did you say?" he asks with pure hate in his voice.
  3315. "I said I'm looking at a bitch. What? Does it make you feel better about the size of your tiny dick."
  3316. >Growling, he opens the lock to your cell door and hands his gun to his partner.
  3317. >"Momma said it's perfectly average for its size!" he screams out.
  3318. >Cracking his knuckles he winds up a punch.
  3319. >"I'll teach you who's a bitch you fuc- gahhHACKaahH!
  3320. >You easily avoid his attack and wrap the metal chain around his neck.
  3321. "You were going to teach who what now?" you ask while choking him out.
  3322. >Kicking the back of his knee, you bring him to the ground as the others watch in a mix of awe and horror.
  3323. >With your other arm you grab his wrist and extend his arm out.
  3324. >In one swift motion you bring your foot down and shatter his elbow at the joint.
  3325. >Releasing his neck, he rolls on the ground in pain as his arm dangles at an impossible angle with bits of bone sticking out.
  3326. >"HEY!" The other says pointing his gun at you. "BACK UP! BACK UP AGAINST THE WALL!"
  3327. >Holding your hands up you do as he says as he runs into the cell and drags his partner out keeping his gun trained on you.
  3328. >Locking both cells, he helps him up and they both leave the room.
  3329. >With things calming down, you look over at Sonata who's curled up in a ball crying.
  3330. >Aria, despite her harsh exterior, tries to comfort Sonata before being pushed away.
  3331. >"Dammit! That'll only just buy some time, they'll just be back later."
  3332. "How long has this been going on?"
  3333. >"Too fucking long."
  3334. >The third girl, Adagio, just stays quiet.
  3336. >"Sunset, do you have any idea on where we're going?" Twilight asks for the tenth time.
  3337. "Can you stop asking that? Twilight I've never been here before!"
  3338. >"It just feels like we've been going around in circles for the thirty minutes we've been here."
  3339. >The two of you are walking carefully in the quarry tunnels after Twilight's brother and Chrysalis.
  3340. >Somehow during the tail, you lost all four of them like they vanished into thin air.
  3341. >It's not doing any good for your mood. The amount of land the quarry entails is enormous.
  3342. "Ugh. There must be some sort of secret door or passage somewhere they went through because look, see that rock?"
  3343. >"In a quarry? There are a lot of rocks."
  3344. >You roll your eyes.
  3345. "No that one!" you say pointing at a rock stained with red.
  3346. >...
  3347. >You really hope that's not blood.
  3348. >"What about it?"
  3349. "I think we've passed that rock before just as soon as we lost Chrysalis and Shining Armor."
  3350. >"Hmm... So we can backtrace our steps at the point they disappeared and look for a secret door there."
  3351. >Quickly, you two jog back until you reach the entrance of the tunnel.
  3352. >Going down the same path, you eventually reach the spot.
  3353. "Okay, this is where they vanished."
  3354. >"Let me use my magic-o-meter, maybe it'll help give us a clue." Twilight says holding the device up.
  3355. >The lights on the surface flash until they converge on one particular spot.
  3356. >"There's a strong magic presence behind this wall."
  3357. >Inspecting closely, nothing seems to be amiss... until the wall starts to shimmer.
  3358. >It's a fake wall.
  3359. >Putting a hand forward, your hand sinks into the surface with no resistance.
  3360. "Well guess we found our way in."
  3361. >Suddenly Twilight pulls you back, "Sunset... what are we going to do if we encounter Iron Will or Chrysalis?"
  3362. "I don't suppose you have anything to defend yourself with in your backpack."
  3363. >"Well, I still have that taser and a couple of flashbang pellets in case of emergency."
  3364. >Flashbang pellets?
  3365. "Why do you have flashbang pellets?"
  3366. >"Backups just in case the gift I got for Anonymous didn't work."
  3367. >Gift? When did she...
  3368. >Oh...
  3369. >Right.
  3370. >"But that still won't help us against Iron Will's thick stone skin or Chrysalis's agility.
  3371. "Yeah..."
  3372. >You need to destroy Iron Will's talismans or find a... girl on her period...
  3373. >The second part you are currently lacking at this moment.
  3374. >You look at Twilight as she fiddles with her magic-o-meter.
  3375. >...
  3376. >That's it!
  3377. >Her magic-o-meter!
  3378. "Twilight. I'm going to ask you to do something we're both not going to like."
  3379. >"What's that?"
  3380. "Can you make it so that your little device can absorb magic like the first one?"
  3381. >Twilight's eyes widen in shock.
  3382. >"I could theoretically jury rig it to do that if I dismantle my listening device for the parts but... but Sunset are you absolutely sure?"
  3383. "Absolutely, it's our only chance to depower Iron Will. All we need to do is find Anon so he can take him on. Without those runestones buffing him up, Anon should stand a better chance."
  3384. >”But what about Chrysalis? She’s still a threat and isn’t powered by magical artifacts.”
  3385. “If we’re lucky, her powers will be absorbed too, but do you have any better ideas right now?”
  3386. >Your friends face still shows apprehension for your plan.
  3387. >Ultimately she nods her head, "O-okay... let's just find some place secluded where I can work on it."
  3388. "Since we know where the entrance is, we can just stake out over between those trucks over there." you say pointing towards a gathering of large semi-trucks. “It’ll let us keep an eye out for anyone coming or going inside.”
  3389. >Running over, Twilight sets her things down and pulls out a flat-head screwdriver.
  3390. >Popping the face, she looks at you, "Sunset, even if I manage to modify the magic-o-meter there's no guarantee that this will work like the previous device. I constructed that with specially made components that I didn't use on this version."
  3391. "We still have to try Twilight. Anon's our friend and we can't just abandon him."
  3392. >"Alright, but just be aware that this will take awhile."
  3393. >You frown.
  3394. "How long do you think?"
  3395. >"With the conditions that I'm surrounded by dirt, rocks and wind? Probably an hour."
  3396. "Any way to speed that up?"
  3397. >"Without it blowing up due to a potential but highly probable magical overload? No."
  3398. >Peering around the trucks, you spot a small office bungalow.
  3399. >...
  3400. "I'll be right back. Don't do anything just yet."
  3401. >"Sunset! Where are you going?"
  3402. >You dart through the cover of night and sneak up towards the window.
  3403. >Peeking inside, it looks empty.
  3404. >Good. It'll do.
  3405. >A sign on the front of the door reads: Foreman's Office
  3406. >You turn the doorknob to the building only to unsurprisingly find it's locked.
  3407. >Looks like you'll have to reuse a skill during your "bad girl" phase.
  3408. >Pulling two bobby pins from your hair, you twist them into the shape of a lockpick and tension wrench.
  3409. >Carefully, you insert both pins into the keyhole and feel for the binding pins inside.
  3410. >Probing the tumblers slowly and lightly, you think you have it.
  3411. >Twisting the wrench pin and popping the pins up, you manage to twist the plug and unlock the door with a satisfying click.
  3412. >You smile, guess you still got it.
  3413. >Running over to Twilight, you tap her.
  3414. "I got you someplace where you can work in peace."
  3415. >The two of you walk back to the bungalow and enter.
  3416. >Inside are stacks and stacks of papers as well as blueprints and maps of the quarry.
  3417. >Shutting the door and locking it behind you, you close the blinds.
  3418. "Will this do?"
  3419. >"It's no Crystal Prep science lab but it's better than working outside in the dirt."
  3420. "Good, I can just barely see the entrance to the tunnel from this entrance. We can hang out here until you're done."
  3421. >As Twilight clears a space on the foreman's desk, you begin looking around.
  3422. >In one corner of the room you find a mini-fridge with a coffee machine.
  3423. >Opening the door, you find a couple of water bottles, and some frozen meals in the top compartment.
  3424. >Looking at the food makes your stomach grumble.
  3425. >You do feel a bit hungry and it's been a couple hours since you last ate. After everything that's happened both you and Twilight skipped dinner.
  3426. >Luckily for you, there's also a microwave in the room.
  3427. "Twilight you hungry?"
  3428. >"I could eat. Why?" she asks not looking away from her work.
  3429. "Pasta or Pot Pie?" you ask holding two boxes.
  3430. >"I don't know how you can think of eating at a time like this."
  3431. "Hey, when you're broke and down on your luck like when I first came to this world you take whatever meal you can get."
  3432. >Twilight sighs, "Fine. Pot Pie."
  3434. -----
  3436. >Kneeling in your stone prison, you stay in a meditative state as the sirens continue to huddle in the corner of their cell.
  3437. >After the ordeal with the prison guards, Sonata ended up crying herself to sleep in Aria's arms.
  3438. >Despite her harsh exterior it's apparent that Aria cares for both of her sisters even though she doesn't like showing it.
  3439. >Their third sister, Adagio, however seems to have given up entirely.
  3440. >Suddenly your ears pick up the sound of multiple boots marching through the stone corridors.
  3441. >Judging from the noise... you guess four or five men, all armed.
  3442. >The weight of their stomping suggests that they're a bit heavier armed than the previous two guards.
  3443. >Aria tenses up and hugs her sister tighter as the footsteps get closer.
  3444. >And just like you guessed, five men march into the room guns all trained on you. Each wearing body armor and a face concealing mask.
  3445. >"Iron Will wants to see you Witcher." the one in the lead says.
  3446. >Opening your cell door the guards swarm in like a tactical strike team.
  3447. >"Hold your arms out."
  3448. >Complying, one of the guards who you assume is the guard captain, slaps a pair of handcuffs onto your wrists and unlocks the shackle chaining you against the wall.
  3449. >As the others keeping sights on you, the same guard pulls you to your feet and pulls you along.
  3450. >"Walk." he orders pushing you ahead of him with the barrel of his gun.
  3451. >Reluctantly you walk down the hall as the five men surround you and escort you to Iron Will.
  3452. >As you walk, you make a mental note of the turns you're making in case you find an opportunity to escape.
  3453. >Though considering how each man is armed with a shotgun and these tight quarters, your moment might not come for some time.
  3454. >Eventually you reach a large common room. Multiple doors line the walls leading to who knows where.
  3455. >Compared to the prison, this room looks professionally decorated. Vaulted ceilings with the stone floor made from smooth clean cut tiles with two rows of six support pillars in the center.
  3456. >Along the walls are multiple trophies of various creatures. Some being more mundane like stuffed bear and tiger heads, but a few catch your eye among them being a forktail and a garkain head.
  3457. >As you're directed towards the door at the opposite end of the room, you notice the door you're being led to is much more ornate than the others.
  3458. >When you near, the captain whispers into a radio and the door slides open.
  3459. >Shoving you again, you stagger forth into the room.
  3460. >Your medallion tugs as you immediately notice to the side Chrysalis and Twilight's brother, Shining Armor.
  3461. >The former looks incredibly uncomfortable and only glances at you briefly before standing at attention.
  3462. >The five men quickly enter in behind you and take positions against the wall as you take in the interior.
  3463. >Focused on the paperwork in front of him, Iron Will sets his pen down and lowers his glasses.
  3464. >"Iron Will heard you caused some trouble with some of his men earlier."
  3465. "..."
  3466. >The large man rises from his chair and straightens his suit jacket.
  3467. >"Now, while normally Iron Will doesn't tolerate damaging his property. He knows when an opportunity presents itself." he says walking around his desk. "Iron Will is willing to let bygones be bygones if you work for him."
  3468. >A job offer? Seriously?
  3469. >He smiles smugly, "Now Iron Will realizes we got off on the wrong foot, but Iron Will and his boss could use a... man of your talents. It’s not often you see a legendary Witcher show up out of the blue."
  3470. >"You can't be seriou-!" Chrysalis shouts in anger.
  3471. >A single glare from Iron Will shuts her up.
  3472. >"Chrysalis, does Iron Will need to remind you of what we discussed earlier?"
  3473. >"... No..."
  3474. >She steps back in line next to Shining Armor who just stands there oblivious to everything around him.
  3475. >Iron Will turns his attention back to you and smiles, "Tell you what Witcher, as a gesture of goodwill Iron Will will let you stay as his guest. Under guard of course."
  3476. >Snapping his fingers, the guards who escorted you snap to attention. "In the morning you can give the big man your answer personally."
  3477. "How generous of you." you say sarcastically.
  3478. >Whether he sensed your sarcasm or not, he doesn't show.
  3479. >Chrysalis screams, "Are you kidding me?! I worked my ass off to get to where I am and he gets an in just like that?!"
  3480. >The smile Iron Will sports quickly vanishes as Chrysalis's palm lights on fire and all the guards in the room raise their guns at Chrysalis.
  3481. >The succubus takes a step back as Shining Armor pulls out his own gun.
  3482. >In one sudden movement the suit jacket of Iron Will's explodes as his arm is suddenly encased in stone and finds itself wrapped around Chrysalis's neck while Twilight's brother is knocked into a bookcase.
  3483. >"You and your "toy" are only here because the big man finds the detective a potential tool. Were it up to me, you two would be sharing a cell with those useless Sirens."
  3484. >Chrysalis struggles in his rock solid grip as she gasps for air and tries to claw at his arm.
  3485. >Slamming her into the wall, Chryslias quickly approaches the verge of unconsciousness.
  3486. >Dropping the succubus to the floor Iron Will's arm reverts to it's original state.
  3487. >"Take our guest to his room and Chrysalis to hers. And while you're at it get me a new suit." Iron Will says with a snort. Slicking his hair back he exits the room through a back door.
  3488. >"C'mon sir." the very same guard who earlier was shoving you like you were a worthless piece of filth.
  3489. "First things first." you reply, holding your wrists up.
  3490. >The man grimaces before pulling out the key and unlocking the handcuffs.
  3491. >Rubbing your wrists, the three of the five men lead you to one of the adjacent rooms.
  3492. >One of the subordinates opens the door and let's you inside.
  3493. >"If you need anything just knock. Two guards will be positioned outside your room at all times so it would be inadvisable to try and escape."
  3494. >Inside is a well furnished room. Television, oak furniture, a liquor bar, king sized bed with expensive looking bedding.
  3495. >They even have running electricity going through the room.
  3496. >Really went all out it seems.
  3497. >Facing the captain, you clear your throat.
  3498. "Does Iron Will have a problem if I want some... company?"
  3499. >"No sir, he has a selection of girls if that is what you want."
  3500. "Then I want those three sirens who were in the cells next to me."
  3501. >The man narrows his eyes at you before leaning his head into the radio on his shoulder.
  3502. >"What is it?" Iron Will answers the radio, albeit with a slightly annoyed tone.
  3503. >"Our guest wants to know if the sirens are off limits as entertainment."
  3504. >There's a pregnant pause as you both await for a response.
  3505. >"As long as the collars stay on he can use them as much as he wants. Iron Will has grown tired of them personally."
  3506. >"Acknowledged." the guard replies before turning the radio off, "We'll have them brought to your room shortly."
  3507. "You do that." you say closing the door on him before remembering. "Oh and get me something to eat. Some soup and a couple dozen sandwiches should do."
  3508. >"A couple dozen?"
  3509. "I'm a Witcher, I have a higher metabolism than normal and I haven't eaten all day."
  3510. >"Very well."
  3511. >Sighing, you head straight towards the liquor bar and search for the strongest alcohol they have.
  3512. >Pulling a bottle of Spirytus Delikatesowy vodka from the top row, you eye the clear colored liquid. Looking at the proof on the bottle and it has a staggering 192 proof.
  3513. >Shit, drink has slightly more alcoholic content than a bottle of Mahakaman spirit and those sit at 90-percent alcohol.
  3514. >You might actually get a good buzz going with this.
  3515. >Ignoring the glasses, you opt to down the contents straight from the bottle.
  3516. >As the alcohol goes down your throat it has a mild sting.
  3517. >Well, things have taken a different approach than what you originally thought.
  3518. >Thinking over Iron Will's offer you can't help but scoff.
  3519. >You'd honestly rather castrate yourself and eat your own balls than work for Iron Will and his overlord.
  3520. >Rubbing your aching torso, you lean against the foot of the bed and take another swig.
  3521. >Putting the cap back on, you set the glass bottle on the bar and begin searching the room.
  3522. >...
  3523. >A few minutes later, you sit back down on the bed.
  3524. >No visible way out besides the front door. No windows, only other door leads to the bathroom and all the ventilation grates are too small to crawl through.
  3525. >You also noticed that your medallion didn't vibrate while you were around the guards. Which probably means they're either normal humans or more dopplers in the employ of Iron Will and his boss.
  3526. >A knock at your door draws your attention.
  3527. >"Sir, your company has arrived."
  3528. >The door swings open as all three sirens nervously walk into the room.
  3529. "Thanks." you say as the door shuts close behind them.
  3530. >Sonata looks to be on the verge of trying, Adagio still has that same dead look in her eyes, but Aria however looks to be seething with barely controlled rage.
  3531. >"Anon... I thought you were different." Sonata whimpers.
  3532. >Aria growls. "People like you are all the same."
  3533. "People like me?" you ask half-amusedly. "Far as I'm aware there's only a handful of "people like me" out there."
  3534. >"As soon as that fuckface gives you an out you bite into it? Typical. So what did he offer you? More money? Us?"
  3535. >Adagio doesn't say a word but you can tell she's listening to your response.
  3536. >Raising a brow, you walk over to them.
  3537. >Their body language betrays their feelings; they're all afraid of what you're going to do next.
  3538. "When was the last time you ate or had a shower?"
  3539. >Aria and Sonata share a look, "Every couple of weeks they hose us down with cold water."
  3540. >You point a thumb to the bathroom.
  3541. "Get yourselves cleaned up then." you order. "Spare clothes are in the dresser."
  3542. >Adagio eyes you curiously but wordlessly complies with no resistance.
  3543. >Seeing her sister act so docilie visibly pisses Aria off as she grumbles and drags the apprehensive Sonata with her.
  3544. >Door shut, you can hear the sounds of the shower tap turning on and some small bickering inside.
  3545. >They'll be fine.
  3546. >While they shower, the door knocks again and the guard captain wheels in a silver trolley. The top holds a pair of covered silver trays, a large serving bowl for soup and a couple of bowls on the lower rack.
  3547. >"The chef is normally asleep at this hour so this will have to do." he says.
  3548. >You notice his eyes glancing towards the bathroom.
  3549. "They're filthy, had them take a shower." you say. "Even I have standards y'know?"
  3550. >Nodding his head he walks out of the room and closes the door behind him.
  3551. >Laying on the bed, you cross your arms and wait for the sirens to finish.
  3552. >Soon enough the tap squeaks shut and the water stops and the three exit the bathroom with towels covering their midsections.
  3553. >"We're clean. What now... sir?" Aria begrudgingly says.
  3554. >With your eyes you guide them to the trolley with the recently brought in food.
  3555. >"What? We supposed to feed you now?"
  3556. >Sighing again, you sit up.
  3557. "Foods for you." you say getting off the bed and taking the lids off.
  3558. >You unveil two platters of sandwiches for the girls and grab one for yourself.
  3559. "Dig in." you say taking a bite.
  3560. >Aria and Sonata both glance between you and the food, unsure of what to do.
  3561. >"Is this... really for us?" Sonata asks.
  3562. "Yeah, wouldn't feel right for me to let you three rot in that dank stone cell while I'm treated like a VIP."
  3563. >Sonata happily grabs a pair of sandwiches and digs into her food ravenously while Aria does the same, though she tries to hide her hunger by eating slowly.
  3564. >Adagio however just stares at the food.
  3565. >"What's your game?" she finally asks.
  3566. "Excuse me?"
  3567. >"No one does things like this out of the kindness of their heart. You want something don't you?"
  3568. >Both the other two stop eating and look at you for your response.
  3569. "No. I don't." you reply taking a ladle and serving yourself a bowl of what looks to be some sort of chicken noodle variant. "Now eat your food before Sonata gets to it first."
  3570. >Adagio doesn't seem convinced, but nonetheless she serves herself a bowl and grabs two sandwiches before sitting over by the writing desk and eats her food in silence.
  3571. >You watch as the three eat. A beaming smile and tears come from Sonata's face as she enjoys her meal, while Aria takes her bowl of chicken soup and drinks straight from the bowl.
  3572. >Taking another bite, you can't help but wonder how Sunset and Twilight are doing.
  3573. >Last time you saw them was before you got captured. Hopefully they're not in any trouble.
  3574. >Granted, trouble always seems to find them though.
  3576. >You drop the empty tv dinner bowl into the waste bin and feel sick.
  3577. >That was the worst meal you've ever eaten. Ever.
  3578. >Twilight after taking her first bite, decided to pass on eating the rest of her pot pie.
  3579. >"These taste terrible!" she says downing most of her water to get rid of the flavor.
  3580. "I've had these brands before, I don't know why they taste so off."
  3581. >Your friend picks up the box for her "meal" and facepalms.
  3582. >"Sunset, these meals expired two years ago!"
  3583. "But they're frozen!"
  3584. >"Even frozen, the texture and flavor content still break down over time."
  3585. "Oh..."
  3586. >Your stomach feels a little off now.
  3587. >Well at least Anon didn't have to suffer through that. He must be starving right now, if they even bothered to feed him.
  3588. >Letting out a queasy burp, you eye the wastebasket in the corner.
  3589. >Best keep that close by just in case.
  3590. "Twilight how much longer will it take?"
  3591. >"Shouldn't be too much longer to get it working at least."
  3592. "And you can guarantee that it will work?"
  3593. >"I can't guarantee anything."
  3594. >Pulling one of the blinds aside, you eye the tunnel entrance one more time.
  3595. >So far in the past half-hour no one has bothered to come in or out.
  3596. >Which is both good and bad. Good because it seems like they've decided to pack it in for the night. But bad because it just means more potential bad guys holding Anon inside.
  3597. >Suddenly your phone vibrates in your pocket.
  3598. >Taking it out, it's a call from Applejack.
  3599. "Oh crud. I forgot about Applejack." you announce.
  3600. >"You should pick it up then." Twilight replies.
  3601. >Pressing the green button, you bring the phone to your ear and hear someone hyperventilating in the background.
  3602. >"S-S-Sunset! Wh-where are you?" Applejack asks with a hitch in her breath.
  3603. >Was she crying?
  3604. "I'm fine. What's wro-"
  3605. >"Ah was waiting up for y'all when I was just surfing through tv channels when ah saw the news report about Twilight's old Dean from Crystal Prep getting shot. They said there was another victim 'sides h-her."
  3606. >Another victim?
  3607. >"I think it was Anon!"
  3608. >What? That can't be right.
  3609. "Anon? Are you sur-"
  3610. >"Ah know what I saw on the news Sunset!" she screams into the phone. "They said he was wearing the same clothes as he was when he left!"
  3611. "Applejack I don't think tha-"
  3612. >"Who would do this Sunset? I've been trying to wrap my head around this all night but ah just can't!"
  3613. >You sigh. Applejack is becoming more hysterical. It's weird hearing your friend like this.
  3614. "Applejack. Listen to me. Anon is fine...ish."
  3615. >"W-what?"
  3616. "That was a creature called a Doppler. It took Anon's appearance before it died."
  3617. >"..."
  3618. "Are you still there?"
  3619. >"So Anon's alive?"
  3620. "Yes."
  3621. >You hear Applejack sniffling on the other end before blowing her nose.
  3622. >"Can you put him on then?"
  3623. >Her question gives you pause.
  3624. "Uh... not at the moment."
  3625. >"Why in the hay not?" she suddenly says raising her voice.
  3626. "He's sort of... captured right now."
  3627. "C-captured? BY WHO?! Where are ya ah'll come marching in with Granny's shotgun!" she yells into the reciever, loud enough that even Twilight pauses from her work and grows concerned.
  3628. >Oh boy...
  3629. >"Sorry what was that ksshhhhh -an't here you ksshhh, -eaking up."
  3630. >"Sunset don't you dare hang up on m-"
  3631. >*Beep*
  3632. >"You know she's going to kill you later for that right?"
  3633. "Yeah... anyway, I think I'm feeling a little better."
  3634. >Mostly because Applejack scared all the upset stomach away...
  3635. >Sitting back down in the chair by the window, you peer through the blinds again.
  3636. "Does it seem like Applejack has gotten a bit more emotional ever since she confessed her feelings to him?"
  3637. >"Now that I think about it. Sort of, it's a bit out of character for her since I've known her. Granted a lot has happened ever since Anon has shown up in Canterlot."
  3638. "Yeah. It sort of has."
  3639. >"Speaking of that, why exactly did he come to Canterlot. I know that he stayed to train you in self defense for a potential assassin, but never why he originally came here."
  3640. >You think back and realize that she's right.
  3641. "He came here to... hunt and kill me."
  3642. >Twilight drops her screwdiver. "W-what? You're joking right?"
  3643. >Shaking your head, you look at Twilight sadly.
  3644. "No, he admitted as much. But after doing his own investigation he realized that the contract wasn't one he wanted to take."
  3645. >"I see." she says picking her screwdriver back up and continuing her work.
  3646. >Leaning back in your chair you sigh.
  3647. >The stress of today has really worn you out.
  3648. >You close your eyes, maybe a quick rest will do you some good.
  3650. -----
  3652. "Anon watch out!"
  3653. >Your teacher, body guard, and loyal friend rolls out of the way of one of Iron Will's super strong punches.
  3654. >Anon gives you a thumbs up, "Thanks Sunset. I would have never survived that without you being around. You truly are the greatest Witcher I've ever trained."
  3655. "Thanks Anon."
  3656. "REEEEEEE." Chrysalis shouts.
  3657. >Using Igni to light Chrysalis on fire. You pony up and divert your attention back to Iron Will.
  3658. >Anon is on the ground as the Stoneclad towers over his prone form.
  3659. >"Ha! Haha! HAHAHAHA! Iron Will has done it again! Me have defeated Witcher and soon will rule the world."
  3660. "I'll stop you!" you say
  3661. >He tries to punch you twice but you easily dodge both slow blows.
  3662. >You try and cast Igni to no effect.
  3663. >"Your puny flame is no match against my rock armor little pony girl!"
  3664. "Oh yeah? Take this! Pocket Period!"
  3665. >You dig a hand into the crotch of your jean pants and throw a bloody tampon into Iron Willis's eyes.
  3666. >He screams in pain and agony as the fluids sap his powers.
  3668. >"Twilight your magic thingy now! I choose you!"
  3669. >"Twilight! Twi-Twi Twilight!" she says jumping into the fray.
  3670. >Chanting the ancient language of her people her magic thing begins sucking Iron Will in.
  3671. >"NO! I will not be defeated like this!" he yells out digging his hands into the ground.
  3672. >In his struggle the tampon falls out of his eyes and into his mouth.
  3673. >The monster begins choking before suddenly dying and exploding in an explosion of fireworks.
  3674. >"Sunset I could have never done this without you." Anon says looking into the sunset.
  3675. >He places an arm on your shoulder and hands you his sword.
  3676. >"You have now surpassed the master."
  3677. "Anon, I will use this weapon in the name of justice."
  3678. >Twilight hops onto your head, "Twi-Twi Twilight Twi Twilight!."
  3679. "You said it Twilight.
  3680. >The three of you laugh as the camera pans out.
  3682. "It's done!" Twilight says after tightening the last screw.
  3683. >The sudden noise startles you awake and you nearly fall out of your chair.
  3684. "Bwah! I'm up! I'm up..."
  3685. >You place a hand on your head and look at Twilight.
  3686. >Celestia, what a weird dream.
  3687. >You need to stop watching those anime shows with Fluttershy. Heck Twilight was a weird mutant mouse thing with pointy ears, glasses and all.
  3688. >Also, note to self: Don't eat expired frozen dinners ever again.
  3689. >Walking over to Twilight, the desk is littered with bits and pieces of electronics equipment.
  3690. >"Well... the moment of truth. Keep your fingers crossed."
  3691. >She's speaking normally...
  3692. >You let out a sigh of relief.
  3693. >"Is something wrong?"
  3694. "Er... no. Nothing."
  3695. >You must never speak of your dream to anyone.
  3696. >"Okay...?"
  3697. >Setting the magic meter thing on the table, she takes a deep breath.
  3698. >Twilight twists the face counter clockwise and the device hums to life.
  3699. >Lights begin to circle the front until every light flashes twice before turning off.
  3700. "Is it working?"
  3701. >Your friend looks unsure but taps the device when electricity courses over it and a bright flash blinds you.
  3702. >Suddenly you collapse onto the floor and begin to feel like all the energy is leaving you.
  3703. >"Sunset!" Twilight calls out.
  3704. >Acting quickly she closes the lid shut and the feeling stops.
  3705. "Ugh... I think it works..." you say as Twilight helps you up.
  3706. >"Are you okay? It didn't hurt you did it?"
  3707. >You shake your head.
  3708. "No, just drained."
  3709. >"Hopefully it will be able to drain Iron Will's runestones. I don't think we'll get another shot."
  3710. >You bite your lip.
  3711. >Only one shot. It probably doesn't need mentioning that you'll have to make it count.
  3712. >Brandishing the knife Anon gave you, you look as the metal shines in the dim light.
  3713. "We have to rescue Anon. He would do the same for us."
  3714. >"You really think so?"
  3715. "He has to collect his money and he can't do that when he's captured or dead now can he?" you say with a smirk.
  3716. >Twilight sighs, "Alright."
  3717. >Gathering her things, Twilight puts her head through the loop of the thread and pulls out her taser.
  3718. >"I have three spare cartridges for this." she says.
  3719. "Okay lets go."
  3720. >Opening the door, the two of you rush back to the tunnel entrance and mentally prepare yourself.
  3721. >Pushing your hand forward, it goes through the false wall without much resistance.
  3722. >Going through the barrier you feel a tingling sensation as your body passes through.
  3723. >Twilight soon enters right behind you.
  3724. >"Eh that felt a little weird." she says with a shiver.
  3725. "Shh."
  3726. >Following the tunnel down further into the depths of the earth, you begin to see a light at the end of the tunnel.
  3727. >Boxes and barrels begin to line the cave as the tunnel opens up into a rather decent sized room large enough to hold a classroom's' worth of students.
  3728. >At the other end, unlike the path before the illusory wall, ahead is blocked by a wall made made from cut stone with a single sconce mounted to the wall.
  3729. >And right next to the door is an armed guard.
  3730. >Twilight cautiously peers over your shoulder to take a look at what's ahead.
  3731. >"Sunset what do we do?" she whispers.
  3732. "I got an idea."
  3733. >You point to a trio of boxes next to you and have Twilight hide behind it.
  3734. >"What are yo-"
  3735. "Keep that taser ready." you say putting a finger on her lips.
  3736. >Grabbing a fist sized rock, you hide behind a large box and toss the rock so it hits one of the metal barrels.
  3737. >The sound alerts the guard as he raises his weapon up.
  3738. >"Control, this is Primary Access, I think I heard something." he says into a radio on his shoulder."
  3739. >His radio beeps twice before he begins moving.
  3740. >Gripping his gun with both hands, he cautiously walks over to where the noise came from.
  3741. >You grip your knife tightly just in case.
  3742. >He steps by the barrels and scans the room.
  3743. >The man takes a few more steps around the area as you make sure to keep out of the sight of his flashlight. Twilight watches with a mix of dread and anticipation as she stays behind her hiding spot.
  3744. >"Must have been my imagination." he mutters lowering his gun. "Ech, pulling watch after an all nighter sucks ass."
  3745. >Shaking his head turns on his radio again. "Control, there's nothing here going back to station. Over."
  3746. >He waits for two beeps to come from his radio before heading back to his post.
  3747. >You signal for Twilight to make her move.
  3748. >Popping out of her cover, Twilight aims her taser and pulls the trigger.
  3749. >Two prong shaped darts eject out of their protective casing and imbed themselves into the man's back.
  3750. >"OW! What th-guhguuhuhuhuuuuuuuuuuhuuu!"
  3751. >Falling to the ground Twilight holds the trigger down sending volts of electricity into the guard's body.
  3752. >Rushing over, you grab the man's gun as he seizes up and foams at the mouth.
  3753. >You look at the gun in your hands.
  3754. >This man can't call for help and tasers aren't designed to knock people unconscious.
  3755. >It scares you, but you briefly consider using using the gun.
  3756. >"Sunset, this won't keep him down forever!" Twilight calls out.
  3757. >On instinct, you kick the man in the head as soon as Twilight releases the trigger.
  3758. >Thankfully he isn't moving and you actually knocked him out.
  3759. >Twilight marches up to you and punches you in the arm.
  3760. >"THAT WAS YOUR PLAN?!"
  3761. "Ow..." you say rubbing your arm.
  3762. >For a girl who isn't athletic in the slightest, her punches still hurt a little.
  3763. >Sighing, Twilight grabs the man's radio. "At least he's out of the way."
  3764. >Kneeling down besides him, you begin searching his pockets for anything else that may be of use.
  3765. >Two spare magazines for his gun, as well two for the side arm he's also carrying.
  3766. >Digging through one of his pockets however, yields a wallet and keycard.
  3767. "Found something." you say holding the key up.
  3768. >"That must be for the door ahead."
  3769. >While Twilight looks away to discard the old taser cartridge, you peek through the man's wallet and pocket the cash he has inside.
  3770. >Not like he's going to be using it anymore...
  3771. >You count at least a hundred and twenty two dollars in here.
  3772. >Some credit cards... a driver's license, a photo of him and another man...
  3773. >Putting his wallet back before Twilight finishes, you drag the man and with Twilight's help behind a stack of crates.
  3774. >That should keep him out of sight to anyone coming in or out.
  3775. >You brush your hands off as Twilight plugs in a set of headphones into the radio.
  3776. >"With this, we'll be able to listen in on their conversations."
  3777. "Good thinking." you say handing her the pistol.
  3778. >"Sunset... I don't think I can shoot someone. I mean I waved that assassin's pistol earlier, but I was angry and frustrated."
  3779. "You know how to use it though right?"
  3780. >She nods her head, "Shining taught me the basics, but I'm not really that proficient even shooting at paper targets."
  3781. "I know Twilight. I've never actually fired a gun before either. But these guys aren't going to think twice about shooting us if they get the chance. And as harsh as it sounds, I'd rather it be them than us."
  3782. >Twilight hesitates but nods her head in agreement. Grabbing the gun, she follows you as you head towards the door.
  3783. >You swipe the card into the key reader mounted nearby. Almost immediately the red light turns green and you hear a click.
  3784. >Twilight opens the door and you peer inside briefly.
  3785. "Whoa..."
  3786. >The other side of the door surprises you; inside is an underground lair that almost looks like a standard office building. Albeit a fancy decorated one.
  3787. >Quickly refocusing on the task at hand, you look around for any other guards.
  3788. >Coast is clear.
  3789. >Sneaking inside, you signal for Twilight to follow you.
  3790. >"Whoa..." she mutters taking in her surroundings.
  3791. "Twilight which way?"
  3792. >"To Anon or to Iron Will?" she asks.
  3793. "Anon obviously!" you whisper yell.
  3794. >"How the heck am I supposed to know? He doesn't give off a magical signature to trace!" she whisper yells back.
  3795. >You're about to argue with her when you hear voices coming down the hall.
  3796. "Quick! Hide!"
  3797. >Both you and Twilight each dart behind a support pillar. You hold your breath as two armed guards walk down the hallway chatting with each other.
  3798. >"So did you catch the game?" one asks.
  3799. >"Nah, boss called me in to watch that new prisoner Iron Will brought in. Supposed to be some badass or something, I don't know. All I do know is that Iron Will brought him in to offer him a job."
  3800. >A job?
  3801. >Anon wouldn't seriously consider working for Iron Will? Would he?
  3802. >"Yeah, I heard that Chrysalis chick didn't take to kindly to that."
  3803. >The two laugh as they stop in the middle of the intersection, "Ziggy says she almost ended up almost attacking Iron Will."
  3804. >"No f-ing way."
  3805. >"Ruined the boss's suit when he ended up slamming her into one of his bookcases."
  3806. >"Shit, our bosses are so weird with that magic stuff."
  3807. >"Dude, I know right? But hey, they pay well so I ain't complaining."
  3808. >"So where you headed now?"
  3809. >"Eh, since the other prisoners are currently occupied for the night, boss gave me the rest of the night off."
  3810. >"Lucky. I gotta stand watch duty over that kid Iron Will's brought in."
  3811. >"Sounds like an easy night, what's wrong?"
  3812. >"I'm supposed to be doing it with that Odrin guy."
  3813. >One of the men scoffs, "Shit, sorry dude."
  3814. >"Yeah you and me both. I'll see you later."
  3815. >"Night."
  3816. >The two men split up.
  3817. >Waiting a few moments, you tip toe after the guard who said he'd be watching over who you really hope to be Anon.
  3818. >Both you and Twilight keep your distance as the guard makes a turn into one of the adjacent corridors and walks through a large stone archway.
  3819. >Beyond is what looks like a large room with ornately decorated molding, a set of doors lined on every wall. It reminds you of Canterlot Castle when you were still Princess Celestia's pupil.
  3820. >"Hey, buddy!" someone says.
  3821. >"Shut up Odrin."
  3822. >The guard you were following turns around and stands still while the other wobbles on his feet.
  3823. >Odrin lets out a loud belch.
  3824. >Gross.
  3825. >"Aw dude, c'mon! Did you get wasted again?"
  3826. >"Mmmmaybe."
  3827. >"Unbelievable."
  3828. >"Dontchu worry a bit friend. Odrin's gonna *hic* keep this guard under prisoner!"
  3829. >He points his gun up at his partner, "If they don't? Pew pew pew!"
  3830. >"FUCK!" the other one says pushing Odrin's gun away. "Nope. I'm not doing it. Fuck you."
  3831. >Pushing a button on his radio, he leans into it "Control, this is Bronze Three. We have a situation 182... yeah Odrin's drunk again. Roger, I'll bring him over."
  3832. >Switching off his radio, the guard carefully takes Odrin's rifle away.
  3833. >"Okay Odrin, c'mon the Captain wants to talk to you."
  3834. >"*hic* Aww aga-*hic*-in?"
  3835. >"Don't be difficult and just move it."
  3836. >Wow, you are so incredibly lucky right now.
  3837. >Waving Twilight over, you hide behind a large planter as the two men walk past you and into the main hall.
  3838. >Once they're out of earshot, you sneak over to the room they were outside of and open the door.
  3839. >Without warning the entire world begins turns upside down and you find yourself groaning in pain on the floor.
  3840. >The gun in your hands yanked out of your hands and is suddenly pointed at your face.
  3841. >"The hell? Sunset?"
  3842. "Urk... Anon?"
  3843. >"Sunset?!" Two voices echo from inside.
  3844. >Looking inside your eyes widen in shock.
  3845. >"The Dazzlings?!"
  3847. -A few minutes earlier-
  3849. >The girls quickly finished off the last of the sandwiches and soup.
  3850. >You're not really all that surprised at their appetites to be honest. You doubt Iron Will or his men would waste the effort to feed them properly.
  3851. >Sonata lets out a satisfied groan as she rubs her stomach.
  3852. >"Thanks Anon. It's been such a long time since we ate something other than stale bread and fruit."
  3853. >"Yeah. Thanks." Aria begrudgingly says with a blush. "Though you could have ordered something better than stupid sandwiches."
  3854. >Eh, you'll take what you can get.
  3855. >Adagio however glares at you before standing and dropping her towel to reveal her naked body.
  3856. >"Alright lets get this over with." she says getting on the bed.
  3857. >"Whoa what are you doing Adagio?" Aria asks.
  3858. >"What does it look like. I'm doing the only the thing we gemless sirens are good for." Adagio replies like it's a matter of fact. "So drop your fucking pants."
  3859. >This girl has some serious problems.
  3860. >Picking up her towel, you toss it at her.
  3861. "I'm not looking for that sort of compensation. Get something to wear from the dresser over there all of you."
  3862. >Taking her towel she covers her breasts when it becomes clear that you aren't interested.
  3863. >Sonata's eyes go wide, "Finally some new clothes!"
  3864. >She immediately goes for the dresser and begins digging through a very varied selection of clothes inside.
  3865. >"Aw, most of this stuff is guy clothes."
  3866. >You head over and grab a simple dark blue shirt Sonata tossed to ground and put it on as well as a new pair of cargo pants.
  3867. >They feel comfortable, and fit perfectly.
  3868. >You have a feeling that that's not coincidence in the slightest.
  3869. >"Bout time you put a shirt on, I was getting sick from looking at those nasty scars on your body."
  3870. >Aria bumps Sonata over and begins searching for her own clothes to wear.
  3871. "I aim to please." you say sarcastically.
  3872. >"What are you planning." Adagio asks. "You know the guards won't let us keep these clothes after tonight."
  3873. "Well that's the thing. I don't plan on staying here tonight."
  3874. >The three sirens freeze.
  3875. >"You don't mean..."
  3876. >"You're going to..." Aria continues.
  3877. >"Break out of here?" Adagio finishes.
  3878. >Wow, that was... unnerving.
  3879. "Yeah I do."
  3880. >"But what about the guards outside?"
  3881. "While you three were eating I was listening to the outside of the door. One of them is drunk off his ass and the other hasn't shown up yet."
  3882. >Aria eyes you suspiciously, "I don't hear anything."
  3883. "Because you don't have the kind of hearing I do."
  3884. >"Oh is it cause of those mutation thingies?" Sonata asks.
  3885. "Yeah, something like that."
  3886. >Adagio scoffs, "What about their weapons? Did you figure out what you're going to do about those? Because I seem to remember that you seem to be lacking in the weapon department."
  3887. >You walk to the trolley and pick up the large round silver serving tray that held the sandwiches and the serving ladle from the empty soup bowl.
  3888. >"A plate?" Adagio says with disbelief. "You're going to use a stupid plate and ladle against two armed gunmen?"
  3889. >She suddenly begins laughing and lays back on the bed.
  3890. >"HAHAHAHAHA! Oh dear spirits. You must be the dumbest man I've EVER MET!" she finishes her sentence with a growl.
  3891. >You ignore her comments and grab a jacket from the wardrobe.
  3892. >There's some yelling coming from outside. Other guard must have shown up.
  3893. >"Dude, no offense but I have to agree with Adagio on this." Aria says as she rips the sleeves off of the shirt she's wearing.
  3894. >You're about to make a retort when suddenly your medallion vibrates slightly.
  3895. >Magical presence nearby.
  3896. >You have no idea who it is, but it's not a strong magical presence.
  3897. "Girls, get back. Someone's coming."
  3898. >"What you "hear" something again?" Adagio asks.
  3899. >Rolling your eyes, you brace yourself against the wall as the door clicks open.
  3900. >When it becomes apparent, the sirens tense up.
  3901. >As the hand pushes the door in, you grab the individual by the arm and throw them over your shoulder onto the ground.
  3902. >In one swift movement you catch the gun they let go of and bring it to bear.
  3903. >Before you pull the trigger though you stepped back shocked to see who it is.
  3904. "Sunset?"
  3905. >"Urk... Anon?"
  3906. >"Sunset?!" Aria and Adagio scream out in disbelief.
  3907. >Sunset's gasps as she points towards your fellow prisoners.
  3908. >"The Dazzlings?!"
  3909. "The what now?"
  3910. >"YOU!" Adagio screams hopping on the bed.
  3911. >Her towel drops revealing her naked form.
  3912. >Immediatly realizing her bare form, she blushes before dropping onto the bed and pulling the sheets up.
  3913. >"What are you doing here?!" Sunset demands.
  3914. >"I could be asking you the same question Equestrian!" Adagio screams.
  3915. "What the fuck is going on?"
  3916. >"I have no idea." Twilight says walking into the room.
  3917. >If it was just Sunset why is your medallion going of-
  3918. >You have a realization.
  3919. >It's always been going off. You remember when you first met Sunset and the others your medallion would tug slightly around them.
  3920. >The tugging though is so subdued compared to any other magical creature though that because you've been around them for so long, that you've been unconsciously ignoring it.
  3921. >While you'll reprimand yourself later for becoming complacent with that, you have other matters to worry about right now.
  3922. >Closing the door, you put the ladle in the gap between the door and the frame to keep it from remaining shut.
  3923. >"We don't have time for this. Anon do you have a weapon?"
  3924. >You hold up the ladle and tray.
  3925. >"Uh... do you want this back?" Sunset asks handing you a knife.
  3926. "Preferably." you reply taking the weapon and giving Sunset back the submachine gun. "You know how to handle that right?"
  3927. >"Point and shoot right?" she says sheepishly.
  3928. >You facepalm.
  3929. "Didn't you use a gun at Camp Everfree?"
  3930. >"I just held one, I didn't actually fire it."
  3931. "Now I'm wondering whether you're going to be more of a liability with or without it."
  3932. >"Here I think it would be better if you had this" Twilight says handing you a pistol.
  3933. >Putting it in the back of your pants you pocket the spare magazines.
  3934. >"So what now?"
  3935. "I find Twilight's brother. While you five get out of here."
  3936. >Sunset stomps her foot, "No, Anon we're not going to just leave you alone!"
  3937. >"Besides, we figured out what Iron Will is!" Twilight adds.
  3938. >You pause, waiting for them to elaborate.
  3939. >"He's a stoneclad, a native magic user who uses talismans to imbue himself with the powers of rock giants. There are two ways to defeat him, and one is to simply drain or destroy the talismans."
  3940. "And the other?"
  3941. >Both Twilight and Sunset glance at each other and become awkward.
  3942. >"...youhavetofindexposehimtoamensturatingwoman..." Sunset rapidly says.
  3943. "I'm sorry what?"
  3944. >"You... have to..."
  3945. "Spit it out, we don't have all day."
  3946. >"You have to expose him to a menstruating woman" Sunset says as her face glows red.
  3947. "..."
  3948. >"..."
  3949. >Everyone in the room goes silent.
  3950. >"Seriously?" Aria asks. "That's his fucking weakness?"
  3951. >"Gross..." Sonata says sticking out her tongue.
  3952. "I've had to attempt nastier solutions to problems before but..."
  3953. >You scratch your chin.
  3954. "I don't suppose any of you girls are-"
  3955. >"NO!" They all shout at you.
  3956. "Alright, alright... damn."
  3957. >They sure are acting like they all are though.
  3958. "Do any of you know if your pe-"
  3959. >"Anon, I'm going to stop you right there." Sunset says placing a hand on your shoulder. "None of us are on our cycles as far as we know."
  3960. "So I assume you have a plan on how to destroy Iron Will's talismans? He's fast and strong for a beast of his size and that was with a sword."
  3961. >"Twilight rigged her magic tracking device to absorb the magic from Iron Will."
  3962. >She presents you with the amulet she's kept on her since you met her.
  3963. "Does it work?"
  3964. >"It's a jury-rigged modification to be similar to the version at the Friendship Games; I can't say for sure if it will work, but it did drain Sunset momentarily when I first turned it on."
  3965. >You glance at Sunset.
  3966. >"It's true Anon."
  3967. >Taking the electronic device, you tuck it into your back pocket.
  3968. >"Just twist the face of the magic-o-meter clockwise to turn it on. It should absorb the nearest source of magical energy, and it should be the same with Chrysalis if she shows up."
  3969. "Your brother is in a trance I hope you know that."
  3970. >"I had a feeling he would be. Shining wouldn't just up and abandon his job or cheat on Cadance..." Twilight says. "I have a hypothesis that by draining the magic from Chrysalis the spell holding him will also stop."
  3971. "It's a theory that could work. But if I end up having to fight your brother, he's not going to hold back against me."
  3972. >"I know..." she replies sadly.
  3973. >"Okay that's good and all, but Sonata, Aria and I would like to get out of here." Adagio interrupts after finally getting an outfit together.
  3974. "You seem in higher spirits."
  3975. >"Well that's because now we have a way out of this hell hole. This is your battle human not ours; you three just cause whatever trouble you're going to cause and us three will slip out during the chaos."
  3976. >You roll your eyes.
  3977. >Sonata and Aria seem conflicted but stand by their fellow siren regardless.
  3978. "Fine." you say opening the door. "Just hang back for around fiv-"
  3979. >You stop.
  3980. >"Anon what's wrong?"
  3981. "How did you two get in here?"
  3982. >"Um... we stunned a guard and took the front door."
  3983. "Did you take care of any cameras?" you growl out.
  3984. >Twilight and Sunset's eyes widen in shock.
  3985. >"No...?"
  3986. >"Anon wha-"
  3987. >Outside the doorway is a squad of armed guards all pointing their guns at you.
  3988. "That's why."
  3989. ----- 52 -----
  3990. >You have a stare down with Iron Will's men as Sunset, Twilight and the sirens hide behind you.
  3991. >As you prepare for the worst, the sound of clapping draws all of your attention.
  3992. >"Well, it looks like we have a little intrusion problem." you hear Iron Will's voice say.
  3993. >The giant man stands over his men and smirks at you.
  3994. >"Iron Will has to give them credit though. The fact that these two girls had the balls to infiltrate Iron Will's home is quite something."
  3995. >Sunset and Twilight silently glare at Iron Will as his expression turns lecherous.
  3996. >"The one with the fiery hair has a nice thigh-to-breast ratio. Iron Will will have plans for you later."
  3997. >Your student grimaces, trying to hold her tongue. One wrong reply in this situation and you'll all be dead.
  3998. >Facing Twilight he seems less than impressed. "A bit scrawny for Iron Will's taste. Though with a bit of... breaking in, she may become a decent serving girl."
  3999. >Twilight shrinks behind you as Iron Will returns his attention towards you.
  4000. >"Now Witcher, you didn't technically do anything wrong so Iron Will's offer still stands."
  4001. >You open your mouth to reply but are stopped by the man raising a hand.
  4002. >"But before you answer, Iron Will thinks this a perfect opportunity to talk to the head honcho around here."
  4003. >Pulling out a remote from his jacket's chest pocket, he presses a button and a large trio of flatscreens lowers from the ceiling and rotates one of the monitors towards you.
  4004. >There's a brief moment of static before the picture clears up revealing a shadowed figure sitting at a table facing you.
  4005. >His features are obscured, though you can just barely make out the man's outline compared to the dark blue background he's against.
  4006. >"Hello Witcher." the man speaks in a distorted deep voice.
  4007. "Shadowy reveal and voice modulation? A bit cliche don't you think?"
  4008. >The figure chuckles, "Well when you have as many enemies as I do, you can't be too careful."
  4009. "That's also a cliche response." you mutter.
  4010. >"You've been making a name for yourself in the underbelly here Anonymous." he says ignoring your comment.
  4011. >He knows your name, great.
  4012. >"Killing one of my associate's son doesn't usually sit well with me. And believe me, I was all but willing to reign you in when I heard of your recent encounter at Camp Everfree."
  4013. "Been keeping tabs on me as well?"
  4014. >"Boy, when you rock the boat someone's bound to notice." he says. "Now, onto other matters. I see little miss Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle tried to pull off a rescue."
  4015. >Sunset's gasps, "You know who we are?"
  4016. >"How could I not? You are the reason Anonymous is here in Canterlot in the first place are you not? As hard as it is to believe I know quite a bit about the Witchers both old and new."
  4017. >"What are you talking about?"
  4018. >"I'm sure our dear Anon has told you about that contract bringing him here. The one involving the "magical creature inhabiting Canterlot High School" and killing it."
  4019. >Sunset nods her head, "I proved to Anonymous that I wasn't dangerous."
  4020. "There was no reason to kill Sunset if she wasn't harming anyone." you add.
  4021. >The man lets out a tsking sound.
  4022. >"Oh, but who said Miss Shimmer here was the target of the contract?"
  4023. "What?" you and Sunset both exclaim at the same time.
  4024. >"You weren't as thorough as you thought you were Witcher, which is honestly somewhat disappointing. If you recall, around a few months before you arrived at Canterlot High, the school and their "rivals" I should say had a yearly competitive gathering."
  4025. >"The Friendship Games." Twilight says.
  4026. >"Yes, the "Friendship Games"." he repeats with air quotes, "Miss Shimmer and Sparkle, there was an incident during the second event of the games was there not? "
  4027. >Twilight gulps and Sunset glares at the screen.
  4028. >You turn back and face Sunset.
  4029. "What's he getting at Sunset?"
  4030. >Sunset hesitantly nods her head, "Twilight's magic device started absorbing magic from my friends and began accidentally creating portals to another... er... dimension."
  4031. >Wait... this sounds famili-
  4032. >A startling realization comes to you: Twilight told you this already. The conversation outside CHS you had with her weeks ago.
  4033. >"And that all culminated in the grand climax of the games." he finishes with a clap of his hands. "Though the details are a little scattered."
  4034. >His head turns slightly, and even though you can't see his eyes you know he's looking at Twilight.
  4035. >"Miss Sparkle, your invention is a wonder to behold. Being able to create portals to distant worlds with just a small amount of magical energy. You probably don't realize the potential there."
  4036. >"W-what potential?" Twilight asks.
  4037. >"Why if you were to refine that technology, there are limitless possibilities of what you could do with it. But I digress, we're getting a bit off topic here."
  4038. >Twilight gulps.
  4039. >Sunset grits her teeth and clenches the gun in her hands.
  4040. "Why are you telling me this? And how the hell did you find out?"
  4041. >"Well let's finish this story first; Miss Sparkle? What exactly happened during the third and final round of the Games?"
  4042. >"Pr-Principal Cinch told me to unlock the magic I was gathering in my magic-o-meter to help Crystal Prep win. I...I did and then..."
  4043. >Her eyes widen in horror.
  4044. >"Yes Miss Sparkle. I believe you know what I'm getting at."
  4045. >Twilight looks between you and the screen and begins hyperventilating.
  4046. >"Y-you mean... I was the one Anon was..."
  4047. >"Supposed to kill? To put it bluntly, yes."
  4048. "Twilight..." you say softly.
  4049. >"You're lying!" Sunset yells stomping forward, alarming the guards and training their weapons towards her.
  4050. >"I have no reason to lie Miss Shimmer. Though I must admit, you also are of some interest to me. You I couldn't find any information on before your attendance of Canterlot High. At least, none that wouldn't put you in a completely different location in a different part of the world at the same time, which strangely enough is similar to the three sirens hiding in the room behind you."
  4051. >Adagio scowls while Aria and Sonata are unsure of what's happening.
  4052. >"I am curious onto why that is even for a man with my connections."
  4053. >The man's words brings Sunset pause.
  4054. >"You see, I run a business. What that business entails, I'm not going to divulge as we’re all aware of what happens when the villains do that. Simply put, I know a lot more than you think Witcher, especially when it comes to the magical remnants of our world."
  4055. "So I ask again, why are you telling me this? How is this relevant to anything here?"
  4056. >"Well I'm here to make an offer. I want Miss Sparkle here to work for me, in exchange I'll have our resident Succubus release her brother. Iron Will? Bring her out."
  4057. >With a nod and a snap of his fingers, one of the doors behind Iron Will opens up to reveal a shackled Chrysalis with Shining Armor following close behind.
  4058. >Both of them are escorted by two guards each and are set on the floor.
  4059. >Chrysalis snarls angrily until she sees the flatscreen monitor swivel towards her. The succubus's demeanor makes a one-eighty and turns into fear.
  4060. >"Chrysalis."
  4061. >"S-sir..."
  4062. >The screen turns back to you as the man clears his throat.
  4063. >"You Witcher, will act as one of my agents in the field like Iron Will here."
  4064. "And exactly what would that entail?" you ask.
  4065. >"You will do what I tell you to do, you will kill whomever I tell you to kill. Simple as that. As an added bonus, I'll even let Miss Shimmer leave in one piece as a token of goodwill."
  4066. >"And I'm guessing if they refuse?"
  4067. >"Let's just say that I don't need Twilight Sparkle alive to build a portal network, and I'm sure one of the other Witchers still out on the Path will take the offer. Beyond you two, the rest of you are inconsequential."
  4068. >You look between the guards and the individuals behind you.
  4069. >Sunset, the sirens, and Twilight's brother. Their lives all depend on both your's and Twilight's response.
  4070. >"Anon..." Sonata whimpers.
  4071. >When your eyes meet Twilight's you share a sense of understanding.
  4072. >"Sir. With all due respect: Fuck you." Twilight says defiantly.
  4073. >Getting into a ready stance, you grip your knife as Sunset stands besides you.
  4074. >"Disappointing. Iron Will, make it qui-"
  4075. >"GRAHHH I'm sick of your babbling!" Chrysalis screams out.
  4076. >She lets out a sharp whistle when suddenly half of the guards aim their weapons at their compatriots and fire their weapons.
  4077. "Dopplers! Get down!" you cry out.
  4078. >You tackle Sunset and Twilight to the ground as rounds tear through Iron Will's unprepared men.
  4079. >The sirens quickly take cover as the danger becomes clear.
  4080. >Iron Will takes a bullet in the shoulder but manages to roll out of the way as one of the changelings unlocks Chrysalis's shackles. Bringing his wrist to his mouth he begins issuing orders.
  4081. >"This is Iron Will, we have a security breach! All available hands on deck!"
  4082. >Lighting a fireball in her palm, Chrysalis destroys the monitor with a whip made of flames.
  4083. >More of Iron Will's men pour in from the entrance when suddenly like before, individuals in their ranks begin causing chaos by firing on their supposed allies.
  4084. >"Anon!"
  4085. "STAY DOWN!" you yell out keeping both their heads low.
  4086. >A firefight breaks out as dopplers converge on Chrysalis and Shining Armor while the remaining few of Iron Will's men do the same on him.
  4087. >One of the dopplers tosses Shining a rifle to help out Chrysalis.
  4088. >"Shining!" Twilight calls out.
  4089. >As both sides lose men, Iron Will armors up.
  4090. >"Chrysalis I WILL END YOU!" he screams slamming his fists together.
  4091. >Bringing out another orb made of magical fire, Chrysalis just smirks, "I'd like to see you try."
  4092. >The two leaders charge at each other as gunfire hails all around them.
  4093. >Twilight tries to rise only for you to hold her down.
  4094. >"My brother's going to get killed!"
  4095. "You're going to get killed if you even think about getting up!"
  4096. >"But-"
  4097. "I'll handle it!" you shout.
  4098. >Looking up, mercenaries and dopplers fall left and right.
  4099. >You watch as both Iron Will and Chrysalis fight one another while Shining takes down a few of the formers men. Off to the side behind him though is a weapon stand with an old steel longsword on one of the racks.
  4100. >Getting up, you take your chances and run forward through the chaos.
  4101. >Sliding you manage to make it behind one of the pillars supporting the roof.
  4102. >You draw the handgun from your waistband and take aim at the nearest doppler in your way.
  4103. >Pulling the trigger twice, you let off two rounds into the chest and one to the head.
  4104. >Counting to three you move again to the pillar on the opposite side, just barely avoiding a bullet as it whizzes by your head.
  4105. >Shining Armor sees you and aims his gun at you.
  4106. >Bringing your hand up, you make the sign for Quen as a burst of bullets crash into the shield.
  4107. >Twilight's brother growls and runs at you wielding his weapon like a club.
  4108. >Sliding underneath his bash, you quickly get behind him and slam the man into the pillar.
  4109. >"ANON!"
  4110. >He groggily gets up before trying to backhand you.
  4111. >You grab his arm and smack his head into the pillar until he becomes disorientated becomes visible.
  4112. >"Ugh..." he says sliding to the ground.
  4113. >Making sure no one looks ready to attack you, you check Shining's pulse.
  4114. >"W-what happened?" he asks.
  4115. "Long story, right now we're in the middle of a firefight."
  4116. >"Witcher?"
  4117. "Can you stand?" you ask, not really in the mood for anything else.
  4118. >He nods his head.
  4119. >Handing him the discarded rifle, you grab the longsword on the weapon stand and scan the room.
  4120. >Looks like most of the fighting is dying down with most of Iron Will's men and Chrysalis's dopplers dead.
  4121. >The two faction leaders themselves however seem to have taken the fight down the hall.
  4122. >"Girls, coast is clear."
  4123. >"Shining!" Twilight cries out, tackling her brother into a hug.
  4124. >"Twily?! Why are you here?" Shining says returning the hug.
  4125. >"What was the last thing you remember?" Sunset asks as she and the sirens follow.
  4126. >"Well, I was in interrogation with Chrysalis when she started coming onto me... then everything just sorta becomes foggy."
  4127. "You were being mind controlled by Chrysalis."
  4128. >"Mind controlled? What are you-"
  4129. >The entire room shakes.
  4130. >"We need to get you girls out of here." Shining says.
  4131. >Sunset looks to object when suddenly one of the walls explodes with Chrysalis flying through.
  4132. >She smashes through a pillar and into another wall as Iron Will marches through the hole Chrysalis made.
  4133. >"Looks like Iron Will's job isn't done just yet." he says in a smug manner.
  4134. >"What the hell is that?" Shining asks in a panicky voice.
  4135. >"Anon the device!" Twilight yells to you.
  4136. >Twirling the steel sword in your hand, you begin walking towards the stoneclad.
  4137. >Pulling out the magic absorbing device, you twist the face clockwise and the device powers on."
  4138. >Iron Will turns his head curiously, "And just what is that supposed to do?"
  4139. "Hopefully something that'll make this a more even fight." you answer.
  4140. >Electricity begins arcing around the device with the lights on the center display fluctuating rapidly.
  4141. >The face flips open as a glowing purple sphere shoots tendrils of purple light out towards Iron Will who collapses onto one knee.
  4142. >"What is this?! Why does Iron Will feel so... so weak?!" he growls out. "Iron Will cannot be WEAK!"
  4143. >You watch as the magical essence of the runes around the Stoneclad's neck begin fading away. The glow of the magic marks vanish along with his transformation.
  4144. >Slowly, the stone plating on his body begins reverting to his normal self when he suddenly gains a second wind.
  4145. >"Your tricks won't give you victory Witcher!" he yells out as he brings his shoulder forward to splatter you against the wall.
  4146. >Closing the magic drainer, you roll out of the way, you slash him across the back. Surprisingly, the blade actually cuts through and leaves a large cut along his rear torso.
  4147. >"GAH!"
  4148. >Iron Will staggers forward, almost half of his body is back to "normal". The right side of his body is still armored up, but at least he's able to be hurt now.
  4149. >He looks at his fleshy hand and his eyes widen in shock.
  4150. >"What is this? What is this?!" he begins repeating. "My talismans what did you do?!"
  4151. >Whipping out Twilight's gadget again, you pop the lid again and it works on absorbing the rest of Iron Will's magic.
  4152. >Everyone watches in amazement as Iron Will soon reverts to a full blooded human again.
  4153. >He grunts in pain as the magic is sapped completely, the magic absorber automatically closing shut when it's done.
  4154. >Iron Will's face shows a look of utter hatred. "Witcher. You're going to die for that. And then I'll make sure your little friends suffer the same fates too."
  4155. "Dropping the third person too huh?"
  4156. >Your opponent grabs an axe mounted on the wall next to him and charges you. But unlike before, his movements are much slower and less augmented.
  4157. >Without his magical buff he's just a normal, if incredibly fit, human.
  4158. >You easily avoid his slash and bring down your sword on his arm.
  4159. >His forearm goes flying as he falls to his knees screaming in pain, gripping his stump of an arm.
  4160. >This isn't really a fight anymore.
  4161. >Drawing your sword to his neck from behind, your medallion tugs when something knocks you out of the way and into a wooden oak table.
  4162. >"Oh no Witcher! I've been waiting too long for this." Chrysalis sneers.
  4163. >Brandishing her whip of magic fire, she wraps it around Iron Wills neck.
  4164. >" this..." Iron Will struggles to get out.
  4165. >The succubus gives him a toothy grin, "At this point, I very much doubt it."
  4166. >She tightens the magic noose while Iron Will struggles to prevent her from finishing him off.
  4167. >"Break. Break! BREAK!" she chants to herself in a crazed manner.
  4168. >Your shoulder burns and smokes slightly as you hear Chrysalis and Iron Will struggle for dominance.
  4169. >That's going to leave a mark...
  4170. >You rise up only to hear a sickening snap as Iron Will's body collapses to the ground, his neck hanging at an odd angle with burn marks on his skin.
  4171. >"Well now that's all well and done, I'd like my toy back." she says to Shining and the others.
  4172. >"I'm not letting you harm my brother like you did Cadance!" Twilight yells.
  4173. >Her brother eyes open in shock, "Cadance? What happened to Cadance?!"
  4174. "Chrysalis tried to use one of her dopplers to kill your fiance." you answer.
  4175. >"She's okay though right?" he asks full of worry.
  4176. >You, Sunset and Twilight stay quiet.
  4177. >"We don't know Shiny."
  4178. >Chrysalis has all her attention focused on Shining, you take that as your chance to attack.
  4179. >With an overhead chop, she easily avoids it and kicks you in the side towards the group.
  4180. >Your sword snaps into two pieces and Twilight's device clatter to the ground as your wound from earlier opens up again.
  4181. >"I'm not as weak as I was before Witcher." she says with a chuckle, "But it seems you and your little friends are going to get in the way of getting my king back."
  4182. >Struggling, Sunset tries to help you up.
  4183. "Dammit..." you say, gripping your now bleeding side.
  4184. >The succubus lunges at Shining, knocking down Sunset on top of you, and hoists him by his shirt collar against the wall.
  4185. >"Come now Shiny, it wasn't so bad was it?" she taunts.
  4186. >""
  4187. >Chrysalis licks her lips, "Oh but you already did! And was it one of the best romps I've ever had."
  4188. >Leaning in close, she runs a tongue up his neck.
  4190. >You watch in terror as Anon and Sunset lie on the ground and your brother's mind is being dominated by Chrysalis again.
  4191. >"Stare into my eyes dear. It'll all be over soon."
  4192. >What do you do? What do you do?
  4193. >Looking around the room for something, anything to help, you spy your modified magic-o-meter.
  4194. >Quickly, you grab it off the ground and hold it towards Chrysalis.
  4195. >Picking up her magical signature, the amulet's face opens up revealing the internal workings.
  4196. >Magic tendrils shoot out towards Chrysalis and begins draining her magic.
  4197. >Feeling weak, she drops Shiny and glares at you.
  4198. >Uh oh...
  4199. >"Don't think the same trick you used on Iron Will's going to work on me." she chides you.
  4200. >Suddenly electricity begins arcing the device again as lights along the surface flash rapidly meaning an error is occuring.
  4201. "No not now!"
  4202. >The magic-o-meter shuts close as a loud booming shockwave throws you back.
  4203. >Crashing into one of the pillars, your feel incredible pain as everything in your sight seems to be doubled.
  4204. >Shaking your head clear, you focus on the pulsating object before you.
  4205. >Your magic-o-meter is still intact but has an oscillating glow.
  4206. >"Kid, I'm going to enjoy getting you out of my hair."
  4207. >You go to grab your amulet when a cloven hoof presses down on your arm.
  4208. >Crying out in pain, you look up and see Chrysalis with hand outstretched, magic talons enveloping her fingers.
  4209. >"Twilight!"
  4210. >Your brother launches himself at Chrysalis who reflexively slashes at him.
  4211. >Everything seems to go in slow motion as you watch her magic claws rip across his chest and sends him onto his back.
  4212. >Even Chrysalis is shocked at her actions.
  4213. >"No no NO!" she screams as she goes over and kneels by him.
  4214. >Growling, she turns to face Anonymous and Sunset.
  4215. >"This is all *your* fault Witcher!" she says lighting her hand on fire.
  4216. >He casts Quen around him and Sunset as a fire whip crashes into their barrier. Using her own skill in the sign, Sunset tries her best to reinforce it.
  4217. "SHINING!" you cry out trying to crawl over to him.
  4218. >"" he weakly says before passing out.
  4219. >Thoughts of your brother dying here and now drive you to the brink.
  4220. >Anon can't help you.
  4221. >Sunset can't help you.
  4222. >No one can help you.
  4223. >"Twilight!" Sunset cries out as Chrysalis continues to smash the Quen barrier.
  4224. [She can't live...]
  4225. >An epiphany comes to you.
  4226. >Picking up your magic-o-meter, you stare into it.
  4227. >The object you build pulses with magical energy stored inside.
  4228. [You know what to do...]
  4229. >Looking back at Sunset and Anon, the person who showed you the magic of friendship locks into your gaze and her eyes widen in shock.
  4230. [Chrysalis needs to die...]
  4231. >"Twilight don't! Don't do it!" she pleads.
  4232. [It's the only way to save everyone...]
  4233. >Firming your resolve, you struggle and get to your feet.
  4234. "Chrysalis..."
  4235. >"Hmm?" she growls out. “Please, is little Twily going to try and fight me now?”
  4236. >This is the only way to save your friends, your family.
  4237. [She needs to die...]
  4238. "She needs to die..."
  4239. >Holding out the magic-o-meter, you open it.
  4240. >"Twilight NO!"
  4241. >A large shockwave sends everyone back followed by a bright light.
  4242. >As everyone covers their eyes, suddenly everything turns to Midnight.
  4244. ----- 53 -----
  4246. >The shock wave coming from Twilight breaks through your's and Sunset's combined Quen sign.
  4247. >Your medallion is tugging at its chain violently alerting you of just how strong the magical release is.
  4248. >Even Chrysalis can't help but watch in awe as Twilight's undergoes a transformation with the help from the stored magical energy from her amulet.
  4249. "Sunset what the hell is happening?!" you say holding Sunset close.
  4250. >"Twilight's being overwhelmed by the magic! That's the form she took at the Friendship Games!"
  4251. "You've got to be kidding me..." you mutter.
  4252. >Grabbing the broken sword Chrysalis broke, you try getting up only to fall to your knee.
  4253. >"Anon!" Sunset says grabbing you.
  4254. >A wave of darkness wraps around Twilight like a cocoon. Smaller magical shockwaves buffet you, Sunset and Chrysalis keeping you three focused on maintaining your balance.
  4255. >Suddenly two raven colored wings burst from the cocoon as the remains shred and vanish into the aether.
  4256. >Her attire is replaced by a more risque corset and skirt, the tone of her skin is darker and
  4257. >Lifting her head up, two flaming rings frame her eyes and a gnarled glowing horn materializes at the center of her forehead.
  4258. >"Twilight..." Sunset says.
  4259. >Twilight snaps open her eyes and bares a smile that unnerves even you.
  4260. >"Hello Sunset." she says tilting her head. "And hello Chrysalis."
  4261. >Chrysalis growls, "Wings or not you're still no ma-"
  4262. >The succubus doesn't even get the chance to finish her sentence as Twilight fires a beam of blue energy from her palm into her.
  4263. >She crumples to the ground a short distance away as Twilight floats down to the floor.
  4264. >Her wings tuck inwards as she walks by ignoring you and Sunset and kneels over her brother.
  4265. >Picking him up in her arms with ease despite her frail frame she leans in and whispers into his ear. "Shining, it's going to be okay."
  4266. >Extending her hand forward a blue beam shoots out and tears a rift into the fabric of space.
  4267. >A portal materializes and the view inside clears up to what looks like to be a... hospital?
  4268. >Not just any hospital, the one where Cadance is located.
  4269. >Police officers outside the building look in shock as Twilight walks towards the portal with her brother in her arms.
  4270. >Entering the portal. she sets him down gently onto the concrete she walks back into the room just when the officers outside regain their wits.
  4271. >With a wave of her hand the portal closes as they draw their weapons.
  4272. >"Now that that's done. It's time to settle a score." she says with a smirk.
  4273. >Chrysalis groans and places her a hand on her head.
  4274. >"What happened?"
  4275. >Looming over Chrysalis, Twilight places a heel onto her back and begins applying pressure.
  4276. >"Gaaaahahhaaa!" Chrysalis screams.
  4277. >"Doesn't feel so good does it bitch?" she says. "Causing pain and suffering..."
  4278. >Pointing her finger at the succubus's shoulder, a laser drills into her flesh as she lets out another piercing scream.
  4279. >Twilight laughs, "I'm just testing to see how durable your body is to a laser!"
  4280. >Chrysalis breathes heavily, not even focusing on Twilight's comments.
  4281. >"Even I don't know how long it'll take to fully burn through, but isn't that EXCITING?!"
  4282. "This isn't Twilight. She's just drawing this out."
  4283. >"Twilight's not in control, not fully. Whatever happened, it drives her to become selfish, evil, and almost insane." Sunset answers.
  4284. "How did you stop it last time?"
  4285. >"I used her magic device with the help of our friends and magic of friendship to convince her to stop."
  4286. >Glancing at the spot Twilight was originally at, you see the shattered fragments of the magic-o-meter on the ground.
  4287. "Well that's not an option anymore, what else do we got?"
  4288. >"I... I don't know. We don't even have Spike to help snap her out of it like last time."
  4289. "Great. You sirens have any-"
  4290. >You look around and finally notice the three girls are gone.
  4291. >Dammit, they must have slipped out when you weren't looking.
  4292. >"Anon, what do we do?" she asks full of worry.
  4293. "Sunset, in my career I've seen a lot of weird shit. But nothing compares to what this is. All we can do right now is wait for some opportunity to stop this."
  4294. >"She's going to kill Chrysalis..."
  4295. "I know."
  4296. >"But what about after?"
  4297. "..."
  4298. >Gritting your teeth, you watch as Twilight tortures her opponent with more beams of light.
  4299. >Hahaha! Let's see what happens when all the bone marrow in your left arm is gone!"
  4300. >Tears in her eyes, Chrysalis roars.
  4301. >Rolling onto her side, she forms an orb of fire in her hands and throws it into Twilight's face.
  4302. >Recoiling, Twilight staggers a few steps back giving enough time for Chrysalis to jump up.
  4303. >Enveloping both her hands in fire, she grits her teeth.
  4304. >"Hehehehe..." Twilight laughs. "Hehehahhahaha!"
  4305. >Lowering her hands from her face, Twilight continues to have that manic grin.
  4306. >"You brat. Learn your place!" the succubus shouts.
  4307. >Swinging her arms two fire whips lash out at Twilight.
  4308. >Unfurling her wings, Twilight dodges to the left and right, easily avoiding the attacks.
  4309. >"Boss!" you hear coming from the entrance. "Sorry we're late we just had to-"
  4310. >Eight armed men run up behind Chrysalis and pause when they see Twilight. "What the hell is that?" one the men asks.
  4311. >"Don't just stand there! Shoot her!" Chrysalis orders.
  4312. >Pulling their guns up, they each pull the triggers on their weapons and unleash a volley of bullets.
  4313. >"TWILIGHT!" Sunset screams.
  4314. >"Pitiful." Twilight simply says.
  4315. >Twilight summons a portal right in front of her sending all the bullets into a void with one of her arms.
  4316. >With the other, she fires a laser right behind the succubus and her men.
  4317. >A portal materializes behind them as the bullets that were just teleported moments before reappear and tear through each individual.
  4318. >Chrysalis luckily gets grazed in the arm and side, but her most of her men aren't so lucky.
  4319. >Twilight can't help but let out a mirthful giggle.
  4320. >"It'll take more than that Chrysi." she grins.
  4321. "Was Twilight able to do this during the Friendship Games?"
  4322. >"Not to this magnitude. It's scaring me, she's acting more unstable than she was then and she somehow still has access to summoning rifts in time and space!"
  4323. "What do you mean?"
  4324. >"We thought that her evil form only had the ability to summon portals because she drained the portal to Equestria."
  4325. "But with that logic she would have only drained the Iron Will's stoneclad ability and a small portion of Chrysalis's own power."
  4326. >Sunset looks to you, "That's why this makes no sense!"
  4327. >One of the downed men groans in pain and rolls over, still bleeding but still just barely alive.
  4328. >"Oh now we can't have that." Twilight says like she's talking to an infant.
  4329. >With a flick of her wrist, she summons another tear underneath the bodies.
  4330. >Realizing the danger, Chrysalis and a few of her followers leap out of the way just in time.
  4331. >"Anon, look..." Sunset says pointing.
  4332. >You follow Sunset's finger. In the portal is an overhead view of a deep turquoise colored lake with a plume of white smoke.
  4333. "That's... not good."
  4334. >"Gah AH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" the man screams as he plummets through the portal as Twilight closes it behind him.
  4335. >"Twilight where did you send them?" Sunset asks.
  4336. >"Oh I just sent him to a very interesting place. You might have noticed the color of the water? That's caused by an inflow of hydrothermal waters charged with gases from a hot magma chamber below. As a result the lake itself has a measured pH as low as 0.5!"
  4337. >"What the hell does that mean?" Chrysalis demands.
  4338. "It means she just dropped them into a highly acidic lake." you answer bluntly.
  4339. >Sunset and Chrysalis gulp.
  4340. >"Very good!" Twilight claps. "Someone knows their chemistry!"
  4341. >Holding her hands up, Chrysalis surrenders.
  4342. >"Okay... Twi- Twilight... you win. I'll leave your brother and friends alone. Just let me go..."
  4343. >Twilight's smile immediately vanishes.
  4344. >"Oh no, this isn't a fight you're going to walk away from. Though I just want to give you a taste of what I can do now."
  4345. >Raising both her hands into the air, she charges up a large ball of energy and slams it into the ground.
  4346. >The floor beneath you cracks like glass as you, Sunset, Chrysalis and her surviving men fall through the newly opened rift as Twilight laughs and flies in after you.
  4347. >"TwiliiIIIIIIIIIIHTTTTTTTTT!" Sunset screams as you grab her close.
  4348. >Shielding her, you land on the hard ground with a thud as her weight slams into you.
  4349. "UGH!"
  4350. >"Anon I'm so sor-"
  4351. "It's fine..." you say.
  4352. >Sunset tries to apologize again before her words die in her throat.
  4353. >You scan your surrounds to determine where the hell you are.
  4354. >Standing, you take in the sight.
  4355. >What lies before you is a vast desert landscape unlike any you've ever seen.
  4356. >Craggy mountains envelop the view with desert plants sprouting the land, but what amazes you is the alien moon in the distance.
  4357. >Well, moon might be an understatement here.
  4358. >"A-Anon, where are we?"
  4359. "I... I don't know. It reminds me of the Korath desert but the terrain is nothing like it is there."
  4360. >Where the hell is Twilight getting this power?
  4361. >Something of this magnitude shouldn't even be possible.
  4362. >"My my my. So this is what other worlds look like?" Twilight comments almost amused. "I'll admit, it's not what I had in mind but it sort of reminds me of one of those Hyperspace Hyperwars campaigns Shining and I like to play."
  4363. >Twilight cackles as she rambles on about tabletop games.
  4364. >You grimace, her sanity is really deteriorating the longer she stays like this.
  4365. >A plan to bring her back needs to come quickly.
  4366. >Her wings flap as she admires the sights around her when you hear a groaning noise.
  4367. >Looking over to your right, you see the succubus and her goons getting up.
  4368. >As soon as she opens her eyes, Chrysalis's jaw drops.
  4369. >"What... where the hell is this?!"
  4370. >"Oh Chrysalis, you're still here!" Twilight says happily.
  4371. >Suddenly tremors in the ground almost knock you off balance.
  4372. >Sunset holds onto you as you feel the vibrations in the earth below your feet.
  4373. >Something's coming from underground.
  4374. >"It looks like we're about to have company!" Twilight says in a singsong voice.
  4375. >You spot a rocky outcropping and drag Sunset along with you.
  4376. "C'mon get on that rock."
  4377. >With some assistance, you both climb up as something bursts out of the ground.
  4378. >What appears to be a giant crab with a teal carapace tackles one of Chrysalis's men and raises a claw.
  4379. >He screams in pain as the appendage impales him in the chest, in his death throes he pulls the trigger to his gun and fires shots randomly into the air.
  4380. "Oh boy..."
  4381. >"What?" Sunset asks panicking.
  4382. "That's probably going to attract attention."
  4383. >Chrysalis's remaining men fire at the crab, killing it in a barrage of gunfire.
  4384. >"That wasn't so tou-"
  4385. >He's interrupted by several more crabs as they leap out of the earth and rush the dopplers. They try to hold their own but there are just too many.
  4386. >To your dismay, a few of the sandcrabs notice you and Sunset and begin crawling towards you.
  4387. "Sunset, keep them away!" you order her, using the Aard sign to repel the nearest crab back.
  4388. >Sunset uses Igni to send a crab staggering back as the front of its claws smoulder.
  4389. >With your combined efforts, the sandcrabs are discouraged and move onto the easier prey.
  4390. >Chrysalis slices a crab clean in half with her fire whip only to watch as the rest of her men get eaten or dragged under.
  4391. >A crab burrows under her leg causing Chrysalis to lose balance.
  4392. >Taking that as it’s opportunity, the creature digs it's pincers into her thigh.
  4393. >”GAH!” she screams.
  4394. >"Well, I think that's enough of that."
  4395. >With a blast from her palm, the sandcrab gripping Chrysalis disintegrates allowing her to retreat to higher ground.
  4396. >Chuckling at the succubus's expense, Twilight summons a new portal underneath the each of you sending you back into the chamber of Iron Will's lair.
  4397. >Landing face first onto the ground, you roll over in pain.
  4398. >Your bandages are soaked in dried blood and your weapon is broken in half.
  4399. >All in all, you've had better days.
  4400. "Sunset? You okay?"
  4401. >She groans, but lifts her head, "Mostly... I'm starting to hate portals..."
  4402. >"I'm done playing around now Chrysalis." Twilight states. "How do you want to die?"
  4403. >Dropping all pretense of being brave Chrysalis turns and tries to run but Twilight quickly flies past her and kicks her back.
  4404. >"Didn't I just say you're not going to walk away from this? It doesn't seem like you're a good a listener Chrysi..."
  4405. >Looming over her defeated opponent, Twilight aims her palm right at her above her head.
  4406. >A portal to that desert wasteland reappears, this time well above the feeding frenzy of the sandcrabs.
  4407. >Twilight grabs the portal and pulls it over Chrysalis's upper torso, leaving half her body hanging above the crabs.
  4408. >"N-NO STOP PLEASE!" she begs.
  4409. >Twilight gives her a cruel smirk.
  4410. "Twilight! STOP!" you bark out trying to stop her.
  4411. >Without even looking at you, Twilight blasts you back into the wall.
  4412. >Clenching her fist the portal snaps closed taking Chrysalis's upper torso with it.
  4413. >Blood begins pouring out her spasming lower torso before it falls limp.
  4414. >Brushing her hands off like she just took out the trash, Twilight looks around the room until she spots you and Sunset.
  4415. >"Uh oh..."
  4416. >You follow Twilight's gaze to your sword hand and glare at her.
  4417. >Taking a step back, you shield Sunset behind you, however futile that would be against a teleport spamming opponent.
  4418. >"Now we come back to the Witcher." she says tilting her head.
  4419. >Your medallion continues to vibrate as Twilight walks closer and closer.
  4420. >There's no feasible way for you to fight her.
  4421. >A broken sword, injured and barely mobile, no bombs or potions.
  4422. >Signs won't be effective as her portals easily bypass most of them.
  4423. >Of all the things Twilight could have done...
  4424. >"Now that we're alone. I just want to ask you a few questions about the rest of your kind."
  4425. "Twilight what are yo-hurk!"
  4426. >Lunging with one arm, Twilight grabs you by the neck and slams you into the wall.
  4427. >"Twilight stop please!" Sunset pleads.
  4428. >"Now that I have this power, I can learn why my Grandfather died on *my* terms and no one else's!"
  4429. >Raising you a good foot off the ground Twilight's pupils shrink even further.
  4430. >"So talk Anon. Where are the other Witchers? From just how long you all live one of you must know the culprit and if not? You'll tell me of any place they gather..."
  4431. >You gasp for breath as she clenches her grip around your esophagus.
  4432. >"TWILIGHT!" Sunset yells out.
  4433. >Twilight rolls her eyes and glances at Sunset. "Oh what do you wa-"
  4434. >"Put. Him. Down." she orders aiming the gun in her hands at her friend.
  4436. >Scowling, the winged humanoid releases Anon and floats towards you.
  4437. >"Are you really going to shoot me? Your friend who just saved your life?"
  4438. "No, that was just to get your attention." you answer, dropping the gun. "Twilight this isn't like you. Look at yourself you're being overwhelmed by magic again."
  4439. >"Sun...set...!" Anon tries to cry out.
  4440. >Looking at her hands, Twilight frowns and her eye momentarily become normal again.
  4441. >”Nnh… n-no… I… I...” she retorts and shakes her head. "With this power I was able to save us all."
  4442. >Twilight struggles to keep her composure as her eyes flash between her normal and crazed ones.
  4443. >You walk up to her and take her hands in your own.
  4444. "I know, and I'm thankful for that. But you staying like this is only going to cause trouble in the long run. I know you want to understand magic but this isn't the way."
  4445. >Anon rises to his feet, tightening his grip on the broken sword in his hand but you shake your head.
  4446. >Nodding, Anon stands down.
  4447. "Think about Spike, our friends, Dean Cadance and your brother. Do you think they'd want to see like this?"
  4448. >Magical energy gathers around you as you feel your body ponying up.
  4449. >Even Anon looks a bit surprised at this.
  4450. "Let's go home Twi."
  4451. >Bringing Twilight into a hug, she lets out a tear.
  4452. >Your friend goes deep into thought.
  4453. >" I... I can't."
  4454. "You're stronger than the magic. You can control it and not control you. We've gone through this once before you can do it again. I'm with you all the way."
  4455. >Twilight pulls away when a sudden pang in her head causes her to collapse to her knees.
  4456. "Twilight!"
  4457. >Peeking one eye open it flashes between her normal and crazed forms.
  4458. >"S-stay back!" she warns holding hand out to you.
  4459. >Gripping the sides of her head Twilight staggers to the center of the room, magical energy radiating from her body.
  4460. >More shockwaves pulse from her form and smash into the other support pillars surrounding the room.
  4461. >Letting out a piercing scream all the stored magical energy releases at once and tosses both you and Anon off your feet.
  4462. >All the lights explode from Twilight's cry as a beam of light blasts through the roof.
  4463. >When the dust finally settles, Twilight lies prone on the ground in her normal form.
  4464. >You're still glowing with energy but Anon looks barely able to move anymore.
  4465. "Anon are you still there?" you say slapping his cheek.
  4466. >He grabs your wrist, "Yes. Stop it."
  4467. >You let out a sigh of relief.
  4468. >"Is it over?" Anon asks.
  4469. "I think so. Twilight's reverted back to normal."
  4470. >"Good." he replies sitting up. "Get her and let's get out of here."
  4471. >Helping him up, you go to Twilight and lift her upright.
  4472. >"Ugh... what... what happened? I’ve got a monster headache..."
  4473. "You don't remember?"
  4474. >"It'll probably come back to me but my head really really hurts right now." she says rubbing her temple. "Hey, why are you glowing?"
  4475. >Yep, looks like she's back to normal.
  4476. >She looks around the room when her eyes spot the remains of Chrysalis.
  4477. >”I-I remember now... n-n-no no nononono!” she gasps. "I did that? Oh god I did that!"
  4478. >You and Sunset share a concerned look as Twilight starts hyperventilating.
  4479. >Suddenly her eyes begin to glow with a bright intenstity.
  4480. >"Twilight calm down!" Sunset begs. "Please! It's alright you're safe!"
  4481. "Sunset, we need to get her out of her-"
  4482. >*CLAP* *CLAP* *CLAP*
  4483. >"Bravo you three, bravo." a voice says over a loudspeaker.
  4484. >It's that mysterious man from earlier.
  4485. >"I was watching the entire thing on the security cameras. A shame about Iron Will and dear Chrysi but I think the end results were worth it."
  4486. >Twilight's glow subsides as you try to comfort her.
  4487. >The man continues to speak, although it's clear his voice is irritating Anon.
  4488. >"Twilight you continue to amaze me, I honestly thought when you made a device that created portals I thought that was simply that. But *you* being the one to create the portals? I think I know someone who would very much like this revelation."
  4489. >You and Anon share a look of utter contempt.
  4490. >"Well, with this hideout being compromised and all there really doesn't seem to be a need to keep it up anymore."
  4491. >"You're planning on blowing up the hideout?"
  4492. >"What? No. I'm just sending my cleanup crews. This ain't the movies kid, even I don't have the capital to just blow up any base on a whim."
  4493. >"But you're still going to pursue them aren't you."
  4494. >"No, once I hand this data to my associate he's probably going to want me to stay out of the way. He doesn't like to share, which is fine by me because now I have to restructure a couple things thanks to you three."
  4495. >The man chuckles, "This will probably be the last time in a very good long while we'll talk to one another, assuming you all are still alive. Goodbye Witcher, Miss Shimmer and Sparkle."
  4496. >A brief silence dawns over all of you as the foundation for the cave shakes.
  4497. >Anon drops the broken sword in his hand and limps out of the hideout.
  4498. >Helping Twilight, the three of you walk out of the underground base. Dead bodies lay everywhere from the firefight earlier.
  4499. >You can tell Anon isn't phased by this level of death, but it still disturbs you and Twilight.
  4500. >"Do you think any survived?" Twilight asks.
  4501. >"Don't know, don't care."
  4502. >Exiting the mouth of the cave a loud boom is heard from inside as a large dust cloud shoots out the entrance.
  4503. >Slumping down next to a wooden crate, Anon sighs.
  4504. >"What a fucking day."
  4505. "I know, I just want to get home and take a nice long shower."
  4506. >"I just want to check up on my brother and Cadance."
  4507. >"Can any of two call a cab? I'm really in no condition to be walking all the way back to town."
  4508. "Thankfully it looks like my phone still works."
  4509. >"I'm sorry." Twilight apologizes. "I messed up again."
  4510. "Twilight. Don't worry about it."
  4511. >"But-"
  4512. >Anon silences her with a gesture.
  4513. >"You good? Are you in control?"
  4514. >She looks down at her outstretched palms before clenching them a nodding.
  4515. >"You have friends. They're willing to help you, let them and focus on the present."
  4516. >Light peers over the mountain as your transformation reverts itself.
  4517. >It's hard to believe you were out all night.
  4518. >"Be dawning soon. Time to go." Anon says.
  4519. >Getting up you hail a cab with your cellphone.
  4521. >After dropping Twilight off at the hospital. Anon refused to even bother seeing a medical professional despite your protests.
  4522. >You learned that Dean Cadance's condition is stable though she'll have to stay in a wheelchair, at least for now.
  4523. >And because of Twilight's quick actions, her brother was able to be rushed into the ER in time.
  4524. >He hasn't woken up, but Anon is convinced he's going to be seeing him soon after he does.
  4525. >Though there were still a lot of questions being asked on the strange winged figure that brought him there.
  4526. >No one could really explain what was happening, though you, Twilight and Anon knew better than to say anything.
  4527. >Some of Shining's fellow officers are calling Twilight his guardian angel. Something Twilight couldn't help but smile at.
  4528. >You did however alert the police to a possible organized crime hideout at the quarry.
  4529. >Anonymously of course.
  4530. >Though when they finally got there, the cave had already collapsed in on itself. It'll take time for the police to organize a dig, but it seems that whatever the cleaners did they did it quick.
  4531. >And you have no idea where Adagio, Aria and Sonata went. Though Anon has a feeling that you'll be seeing them again.
  4532. >Overall though, you're just glad that that's all over.
  4534. >"So, we never did finish that discussion." he says walking up the path to the Sweet Apple Acres home.
  4535. "You're going to have to refresh my memory."
  4536. >"Still need ideas on what to do for a date with Applejack."
  4537. "That's what you're concerned about?"
  4538. >He shrugs, "Nothing I can do about that mystery man now."
  4539. >Sighing, you know he's probably right.
  4540. >"You did good tonight Sunset."
  4541. >You're left stunned as Anon continues up the path when a genuine smile spreads across your face.
  4542. "What is this? Is Anon giving me a compliment?" you say with a cheeky grin.
  4543. >"Don't ruin it. But I mean it, you messed up big inside the hideout but I think you managed to redeem yourself somewhat at the end."
  4544. "That sounds normal." you huff.
  4545. >Anon places a hand on your shoulder, "But thanks for the rescue."
  4546. >"We're going to need to keep an eye on Twilight though. I'm don't like the idea of having the risk of her transforming again."
  4547. >Quickly though the smile vanishes as his comment reminds you of something the mysterious man said earlier.
  4548. "Anon. We need to talk."
  4549. >"Is it about the contract?" he says not facing you.
  4550. "Yes."
  4551. >"You don't have to keep training to be a Witcher anymore. You're life wasn't the one on the line."
  4552. "... I know. It also means you were wasting your time with me."
  4553. >"Eh, I wouldn't say that you were a waste of time." he says. "Sure it got frustrating but it was a nice change of pace."
  4554. >He droops his shoulders though and places his hands into his pockets.
  4555. >You know what he’s thinking. After these few weeks it doesn’t need to be said at what Anon’s getting at.
  4556. "There's no reason for you to leave. You've still made friends here."
  4557. >"..."
  4558. >The two of you both stand in silence.
  4559. >"Sunset, it's up to you. I'm not forcing you to do anything."
  4560. "I... I want to learn still."
  4561. >A large part of you still want to be able to protect your friends even though you'll never be as good as real Witcher like Anon.
  4562. >"Are you sure?" he asks turning towards you.
  4563. >You hesitate at first, but nod your head with a determined expression.
  4564. >"Alright then, we'll continue lessons in a couple days. I'm way too beat up to really do anything right now, but I'll heal quickly."
  4565. >Beaming you catch up to him.
  4566. >Walking with Anon up the front steps he goes to knock on the door when suddenly it swings open and a body tackles Anon to the ground.
  4567. >Wearing nothing but a oversized plaid shirt and panties, Applejack straddles Anon and hugs him.
  4568. >"ANON! SUNSET! Y'ALL HAD ME SO GOSH DARN WORRIED!" Applejack shouts in his face. "Just what in tarnation got you so bruised up?! Ya look like someone did a number on you."
  4569. >"Urg... Hey AJ..." he mutters.
  4570. >"When Sunset told me someone kidnapped ya ah thought ah would never see you again!" she says crying into his chest. "Don't you ever scare me like that!"
  4571. >Bringing his head close, Applejack gives Anon a deep kiss.
  4572. >Blushing, you avert your eyes.
  4573. >"And YOU!" Applejack says pointing at you. "Don't you think ah forgot how you hung up on me earlier!"
  4574. "Um... Applejack everything turned out okay didn't it?"
  4575. >"Why I oughta..." she says rolling her sleeves up.
  4576. >Suddenly, she halts mid step before going redfaced. Lowering her hat, she takes a few steps back clenching her thighs together.
  4577. >"Uh... ah'll be right back." she says embarrassed.
  4578. >About-facing, she waddles as fast as she can into the house you hear a door slam inside.
  4579. "What was that about?"
  4580. >"If I had to guess? It's her time of the month." he answers sitting up.
  4581. "How do you know?"
  4582. >Anon simply points to his nose.
  4583. >Right. Enhanced senses.
  4584. >He also looks down at his waist and scowls.
  4585. >Gross.
  4586. "..."
  4587. >"Never speak of this to anyone." he threatens.
  4588. "Yeah..."
  4589. >Letting out a deep sigh, you frown.
  4590. >Maybe you *should* have brought Applejack...
  4591. -----

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