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Witcher of Canterlot Pt. 3

By AnonymousReuploader
Created: 2020-12-27 19:33:07
Expiry: Never

  1. ---------------
  2. >Shifting under your covers, you immediately awake to the sound of footsteps outside your bedroom door.
  3. >You mentally sigh, this is the third time this week.
  4. >The door opens as you open your eyes to see the silhouette of the girl who you've gotten very close with in the past week.
  5. >And when you say close, you mean physically and not metaphorically.
  6. >Ever since your brief kidnapping a few days ago, Applejack has been getting nightmares regarding you. Though she won't admit it the reason.
  7. >From what you figure it could be it was apparently because of the doppler that transformed into you at Cadance's apartment.
  8. >Something about hearing about what was essentially you, being shot in the head was enough to do the trick.
  9. >Big Macintosh told you that this happened before with their parents. When they left their lives, she had constant nightmares and many a sleepless night.
  10. >The dreams have been taking a toll on her unfortunately. Applejack wakes up tired and unable to finish any type of work without help.
  11. >Despite her family's attempts, the only thing that seems to calm her down is being next to you.
  12. >Strange as it is, there's nothing magical or curse-like about the dreams from the way she describes it. Just bad reoccurring dreams from traumatic experiences.
  13. >And while you don't have any qualms about being with her like this, you grow concerned that she might become overly reliant on your constant presence.
  14. >"Anon? You awake?" she says closing the door behind her.
  15. "As soon as you stepped in front of the door."
  16. >"Ah know this is probably getting a mite tiresome..." she begins apologizing.
  17. >Lifting your sheets, you wave her over.
  18. "C'mon, I'm used to it."
  19. >Even in the darkness, you can still see her warm smile as she walks over and lays down facing you.
  20. >"Thanks Anon." she says before giving you a kiss on the lips.
  21. >You return her affection before she turns around and presses against your body.
  22. >Embracing her, you feel her hand wrap around yours.
  23. >Almost immediately, you're reminded of a topic that's been on your mind for the past couple days has really been grating on your mind.
  24. >It's probably the most difficult thing you've ever had to ponder in your lifetime.
  25. >What to do for a first date.
  26. >Killing monsters is easy.
  27. >Getting pummeled to an inch of your life you can handle.
  28. >But taking a girl you like on a simple date? For some reason that's like an insurmountable wall.
  29. >You want to make Applejack feel special, and hopefully it might be able to get Applejack to feel a bit better.
  30. >So that's why later today you're meeting Sunset at Canterlot High to discuss your options.
  31. >That and she's also a girl, so you can get some perspective from the other side.
  32. >Sighing, you can feel her breathing normalize as you kiss her on the back of the head.
  33. >"Mmm... Anon?"
  34. "Yes?"
  35. >"Yer medallion thing is poking my back again." she says. "Do you really have to wear that sleeping?"
  36. "Yes." you reply taking your medallion and sliding it over your shoulder.
  37. >”...”
  38. >“Y’know being this close to each other, we could easily have a good ol’ romp.”
  39. “Yeah, we could.”
  40. >”But ah’m still waiting on that date mister.” she says playfully as she tightens her grip on your hand.
  41. “Oh I’ve got something planned.”
  42. >She chuckles, “Anon, I know a lie when ah hear one. Just don’t make it overly fancy or complicated.”
  43. >Smiling, you bring her closer to you and you both quickly fall asleep.
  45. >"So is she still having the nightmares?" Sunset asks taking a sip of her soda.
  46. "Yeah."
  47. >Sitting outside the Canterlot High statue, Sunset sits atop of the base of the statue as you lean against it.
  48. >"I didn't think Applejack would be taking it this badly."
  49. "Unfortunately I can't really help with dreams unless there's some sort of magic element involved."
  50. >"It's too bad we can't have Princess Luna help out." she says hopping off and placing a hand on the smooth surface.
  51. >The portal reacts to her hand as she pulls it away.
  52. "Who?"
  53. >"Oh right. Princess Luna is Vice Principal Luna's counterpart in Equestria. In addition to co-ruling Equestria with Princess Celestia, she has control over the moon and watches over the dreams of ponies."
  54. "And their counterparts are High School Principal and Vice Principal? That seems really... not equal in any sort of way."
  55. >Sunset shrugs, "It's still baffles me, Princess Luna only recently came back from an... imprisonment on the moon for a thousand years or so I've heard Twilight tell me."
  56. "A thousand years? How the hell does time work between that world and here?"
  57. >"Hey, I don't make up the rules." she replies.
  58. >Rolling your eyes, you cross your arms.
  59. “Speaking of Twilight, how is she?”
  60. >”She’s doing better. Twilight’s been spending a lot of her free time with Cadance and her brother.”
  61. “No magical flare ups or anything like that?”
  62. >Sunset shakes her head, “If she did, she isn’t saying. But I’ve made sure to keep an eye on her and haven’t seen anything strange about her for the past few days.”
  63. “Well, let’s hope it stays that way.”
  64. >Though in your experience, it’s going to become a problem eventually.
  65. >"So why are we waiting here again? I thought you needed help with getting the "perfect date" with Applejack."
  66. "Well two things. First I need to pick up something."
  67. >"From who?"
  68. "Have you forgotten already?"
  69. >As if on cue, the portal to Equestria begins acting up. Sunset hops down off the statue to see whomever is coming out.
  70. >Stepping away from the portal, you wait besides her.
  71. >Suddenly, Twilight Sparkle staggers out of the portal with a large chest in her arms.
  72. >"Twilight!" Sunset says happily.
  73. >"Oh hi Sunset!" she says putting the box down and giving her friend a hug. "I was going to call you when I got here."
  74. >"What are you doing here?"
  75. "It's been a month and a half. Your trial period is over."
  76. >Princess Twilight nods her head, "Three 1-kilogram silver ingots and eighty near flawless gemstones divided into four groups of twenty as agreed."
  77. >She kneels next to the chest, unlocks the lock in the front with a key and opens the lid.
  78. >Inside are three bars with four sacks of gemstones inside.
  79. "I'll take your word that this is exactly what I asked for, but I'll be counting it later."
  80. >"If you feel you have to." she replies handing you the chest key. "Well I have some business to take care of back home. I'll be back next week for another payment."
  81. >"Alright, bye Twilight." Sunset says as Twilight waves goodbye.
  82. >The pony Princess walks back into the portal and vanishes.
  83. >"You're not going to carry that with you all day are you?"
  84. "No, I'll have someone hold onto it."
  85. >"Who?"
  86. >You look back towards the school.
  87. "It may be Saturday, but that doesn't mean no one's home. Hand me your cellphone."
  88. >She wordless does so, though looks at you questioningly.
  89. >Pulling out a slightly worn card with a phone number written on it, you dial the number and hit the call button.
  90. >Only a few rings go by before someone answers.
  91. >"Hello? Principal Celestia speaking."
  92. "Hey Celestia." you say nonchalantly.
  93. >You see in the corner of your eye that Sunset goes wide eyed at your casual mention of her Principal's name.
  94. >"A-Anon?"
  95. "The one and only. I'm assuming you're at work?"
  96. >"Uh... y-yes." she stutters out before clearing her throat, "Yes, I am why?"
  97. "I'm out front, and I need a favor."
  98. >"I'llberightout!" she says before hanging up.
  99. "..."
  100. >Wow...
  101. >That wasn't odd or suspicous in any sort of way.
  102. >You're being sarcastic of course.
  103. >Hanging up the phone, you hand it back to Sunset.
  104. >Grabbing three gemstones from each bag, you close the lid and lock the case.
  105. >"Why do you have Principal Celestia's phone number?"
  106. "Does it really matter?" you ask.
  107. >"I just think it's really strange. I mean despite all my magical mishaps, she never gave me her phone number for emergencies."
  108. >Who said this was for emergencies?
  109. "Maybe she doesn't like you or the trouble you bring."
  110. >"Don't joke around like that, Principal Celestia isn't like that."
  111. >Who's joking?
  112. >"And how did you know she was here on a Saturday?"
  113. "Most administrative staff of schools are on contracts to work year-round. Just because students get breaks doesn't mean they do."
  114. >"Really?"
  115. >You nod your head.
  116. "It's essentially the best time for them to get work done without having to worry about student distractions."
  117. >You pick up the chest and head up the school steps with Sunset following behind.
  118. >The two of you just manage to get up the top step when the front door swings open knocking Sunset over.
  119. >"Anonymous! It's so wonderful to see you!" she says giving you a hug.
  120. >Making sure her "assets" bury your face.
  121. "Hello Celestia."
  122. >"H- Ow... Hi Principal Celestia." Sunset says getting up from the floor.
  123. >Her voice startles the older woman and you quickly see a grimace on her face before quickly reverting to a smile.
  124. >"Er... hello Sunset Shimmer." she asks with barely concealed annoyance. "What can I do for you today."
  125. >She's pressing you deeper into the hug.
  126. >It's getting a bit harder to breath...
  127. >Pushing away, you finally get some breathing room.
  128. "I need you to hold onto something for me."
  129. >"Oh... is that all." she asks with disappointment on her face.
  130. "It'll be worth your while."
  131. >"Fine fine, we'll go to my office." she says holding the door open for you.
  132. >Sunset eyes you warily as the three of you walk down the empty halls to Celestia's office.
  133. >You pass by her sister's office just as she comes out and looks surprised to see you two.
  134. >"Celestia? Why Sunset Shimmer and... Anonymous here?" she asks crossing her arms.
  135. >"Anon just needs me to hold onto something."
  136. >"Really now?" she says glaring at the chest in your hands.
  137. >Nice to see you too Luna.
  138. >She follows you to the Celestia's office as you set the chest down on her table.
  139. >"What exactly is this?"
  140. >Celestia bumps her sister, "Sister, manners."
  141. >Rolling her eyes, Luna takes a seat in one of the chairs.
  142. "Well it's nothing to complicated really. I just need you to keep this safe for me while I'm out today."
  143. >"What exactly is it?" Celestia asks running a hand over the case's smooth surface.
  144. "Nothing dangerous if that's what you're trying to ask." you reply.
  145. >Moving the chest aside, you place the twelve gemstones on the table as both women's jaws drop.
  146. "I'll let you have these if you do this favor for me. And continue to do this for me every week when Princess Twilight comes through the portal."
  147. >"Are... those..."
  148. >Picking one up, Celestia's eyes sparkle as she examines one of the diamonds.
  149. >"This one is at almost the size of a quarter!"
  150. >She does some mental calculations before going wide eyed.
  151. >"That's must be at least twenty carats!"
  152. >Luna grabs all three sapphires in her hands and begins drooling.
  153. >"And these are just equal in size sister!"
  154. >Maybe this was a bad idea...
  155. >"We could sell these and finally get those tickets to Toussaint like we always wanted!" Luna says excitedly.
  156. >"Or... we could wear these!" Celestia counters.
  157. >"Get the school a new private teacher lounge!"
  158. >"Or... we could wear these!"
  159. >Suddenly Luna turns to you and her expression goes all serious.
  160. >"You said Princess Twilight will be making a delivery every week?"
  161. "Um... yes."
  162. >"For how long?" Celestia asks.
  163. "Until what I need to do with Sunset is over with?"
  164. >"How."
  165. >"Long?" Luna finishes.
  166. >"A couple of months maybe?" Sunset answers.
  167. >"And we'll both get this every week?"
  168. "Sure?"
  169. >Both women squee and go back to talking about things they can do with the gemstones.
  170. >You and Sunset share an awkward glance as both women continue to fawn over the gems.
  171. >They both share an excited look before turning to you and nodding their heads with sparkles in their eyes.
  172. >"Deal!" they both exclaim.
  174. >"That was..."
  175. "Strange? Yes, yes it was."
  176. >Both you and Sunset walk out of the school with both Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna waving you off.
  177. >"Goodbye Anonymous!"
  178. >"Goodbye love!"
  179. >Wait what?
  180. >Vice Principal Luna elbows Celestia in the gut.
  181. >"Did Principal Celestia just call you "love"?"
  182. "I think she did..."
  183. >Sunset begins giggling. "You know you're seeing Applejack right."
  184. >You drag a palm down your face and sigh.
  185. "I'm having second thoughts on leaving them with that chest now."
  186. >"Women like jewelry. Especially the expensive kind, I guess Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna are no exception."
  187. >Looking back at the high school entrance, both Celestia and Luna are dancing at the school's front door.
  188. "Well it's done now either way. And now they have a good reason on why they should keep it a secret. Just as long as they're not stupid about it."
  189. >You peak at your watch, it's almost noon.
  190. "If you can, let Princess Twilight know to leave any new shipments with them."
  191. >Sunset nods her head. "So what now?"
  192. "Was thinking about getting Applejack a gift first. Might jump start some ideas."
  193. >"You know there's no such thing as a perfect date right?"
  194. "I'm well aware. Though it doesn't mean I can't do my best to make it a good one."
  195. >"Are you sure we shouldn't get Rarity or Pinkie Pie to help?"
  196. >You give her an incredulous look.
  197. >"Okay..."
  198. >Sitting down at the bus stop you take a deep breath.
  199. >You really hope Celestia keeps that case safe.
  200. >Eh... you're probably worrying over nothing.
  202. >Both you and your sister stare at the chest Anon left for you to keep safe.
  203. >"So what do you think is inside Tia?"
  204. "I don't know. But I'm going to put it in my safe."
  205. >"Sister, I think it would be best if *I* keep it. You do have a habit of losing things."
  206. "What? I do not."
  207. >You both share an angry glare.
  208. >"You lost Anonymous to a girl younger than you!"
  209. >Oh that was a low blow...
  210. >You slap your sister.
  211. >Her cheek turns red as she narrows her eyes at you.
  212. >In one quick motion she slaps you across the cheek.
  213. >The blow stings as your own cheek reddens.
  214. >Slapping her with your other hand, you both delve into an, admittedly, juvenile slap fight.
  215. >Moving back, you accidentally knock Anon's chest off the table and onto the floor with a loud crack.
  216. >"TIA!"
  217. "Oh crap!"
  218. >You both stop your fight and rush over to the chest.
  219. >One of the corners has a large crack.
  220. >"Oh this isn't good." Luna says.
  221. "Why do you have to always mess everything up!"
  222. >"Me? It was your fat butt that knocked it over! Maybe you should lay off the cake and head to the gym more often!"
  223. >You gasp.
  224. "I do my best! At least I'm not flat as a board!" you counter.
  225. "I'm not flat! Your boobs are just abnormally large!"
  226. “At least they attract men!”
  227. >Your sister growls and steams at your insult but says nothing.
  228. >Sticking out a tongue, you pick up Anon's chest when you both notice something shiny fall out.
  229. >Luna bends over to pick it up.
  230. >"It's another sapphire."
  231. "You don't think..."
  232. >"That this chest is filled with more gems?"
  233. >Shaking the chest, another gemstone falls out the crack, this time an emerald.
  234. >Both you and your sister glance between yourselves and the chest when Luna gets an impish grin.
  235. >Taking a step back, Luna rises.
  236. "Lulu, I know what you're thinking..."
  237. >"Come now Tia, will Anon really miss a few more stones? It seems he has plenty. And they are coming on a weekly basis from now on."
  238. "And that is why we shouldn't betray his trust! Luna give me those stones back."
  239. >"Give me the chest Tia."
  240. >"Luna stop, you always get like this when you see something you want. Like that teddy bear daddy gave us or when people started noticing my breasts in high school and paid more attention to me."
  241. >Ignoring your words, Luna lunges at you.
  242. "No Luna!"
  243. >Running out of your office and slamming the door behind you with the box in hand you dash down the school halls.
  244. >"GIVE ME THAT CHEST!" Luna demands, kicking your door open. "MOMMA NEEDS A NEW HANDBAG!"
  245. "NO! STAY AWAY!" doing your best to not trip in your heels.
  246. >Turning a corner, you skid to a halt when you realize it's a dead end.
  247. >Oh this isn't good.
  248. >"Tiaaaaaa!"
  249. >Turning around slowly, you see your sister walking over with a hungry expression.
  250. "Lulu, think about this."
  251. >Luna smiles as she jumps at you.
  253. >A few minutes pass as the bus arrives.
  254. "Did you hear that?"
  255. >"Anon I don't have the same level of hearing you do."
  256. "Thought I heard a scream."
  257. >"Really?"
  258. "Yeah..." you say sitting in a seat near the center of the bus.
  259. >"Oh, I think it came from that lacrosse game over there." she points towards the field.
  260. "Probably. Isn't Rainbow Dash part of the soccer team?"
  261. >"For the girl's team, I think their game is next week. Why?"
  262. "Kinda interested in seeing how Rainbow plays now."
  263. >"Anon, I think you're becoming more normal."
  264. >You roll your eyes.
  265. "Sunset, don't insult me. I only want to see how agile she's become."
  266. >She smiles and takes out her phone.
  267. >Leaning back in your chair you close your eyes.
  268. >Yeah, you're worrying too much.
  269. >It'll be fine.
  271. >Sitting in the Canterlot Mall food court you and Sunset decided to grab lunch.
  272. >Waiting for your orders to be ready, you look around the rest of the area.
  273. >Quite a few students you recognize from CHS go about their business with their friends.
  274. >Though when you spot one student you know was at the Camp Everfree fieldtrip, your eyes briefly lock onto each other.
  275. >Her pupils turn to pinpricks as her friends notice and follow her gaze. When they see you watching, one of the male members of her group scowls.
  276. >The girl waves to you behind the boys back and mouths the words "thank you".
  277. >The others in her group gently push her along as the others follow suit.
  278. >"What was that about?" Sunset asks.
  279. >You have an idea, but you decide to ignore it.
  280. "So, any ideas on what to do? I thought of coming back here to take her shopping at the mall?"
  281. >"Applejack doesn't like spending her cash on things she doesn't need. Whenever we come here she usually doesn't buy anything unless her family needs it."
  282. "Sounds like her. Drinks at a bar?"
  283. >"Anon, we're not legal to drink. At least they aren't."
  284. >Crap. Well there goes that plan.
  285. "And you are?"
  286. >"Back in Equestria I was..."
  287. >Shaking your head, you pitch off your next idea.
  288. "Bowling?"
  289. >"Took her bowling two days ago to try to get her mind off what happened to you while you slept all day. Rainbow Dash beat her and rubbed it in her face until she broke a ball in two."
  290. >You were wondering why Applejack was so frustrated when you finally did wake up.
  291. "Huh so that's where you went."
  292. >"Any other ideas?" she says propping her chin on her arm. "Themepark maybe?"
  293. "After what happened last time?"
  294. >She rolls her eyes, "Anon, I doubt a vampire is going to show up again."
  295. >You narrow your eyes.
  296. >"You don't actually think... do they?"
  297. "Not going to take that risk. Especially when I don't have a weapon anymore. What about a trip to the museum?
  298. >Sunset gives a "Are you serious" look.
  299. "Nevermind."
  300. >Thinking of your next idea, Sunset opts to watch some people going about their day
  301. "Skydiving?"
  302. >"Are you even trying anymore?"
  303. "Fine then you come up with the next idea." you retort.
  304. >"Have you thought about just going to a movie?" she says with a tone that makes you sound like an idiot.
  305. "Thought of it. But I'm weighing my options before committing."
  306. >"Sounds reasonable I guess. Though I think you're overthinking this a bit too much."
  307. "Well Witchers don't normally take others out on "dates". I'm new at this. What about dinner?"
  308. >"Home cooked or restaurant?"
  309. "Unless you know if Applejack likes rations and grilled rabbit I'm not exactly a great chef."
  310. >Sunset lets out a small chuckle, "So resturant then. How fancy are you going to make it?"
  311. "Something above fast food but below fine dining."
  312. >"I don't think Applejack is too picky about anything like that. Just making the effort should be enough maybe you could do both."
  313. >You think over her words briefly as you hear your number being called over a speaker system.
  314. >"I'll get our food." Sunset says getting up.
  315. >Being left alone at the table you ponder your options.
  316. >Dinner and a movie is simple enough. It's pretty standard fare for a first date.
  317. >It's not too dull or fancy, but will Applejack think you're too cliche if you stick with something like that?
  318. >"Anon is that you?" you hear a familiar high pitched voice say.
  319. >"Anon?"
  320. >Looking to the source of the voice is Apple Bloom and her two friends, Rarity's sister Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.
  321. "Hey Apple Bloom."
  322. >"What are y'all doing here?" she asks as the trio walk up to your table.
  323. "Having lunch with Sunset."
  324. >Sweetie Belle nudges Apple Bloom in the side, "I thought you said he was dating Applejack."
  325. >"He is, ain't he?" she says with a glare.
  326. "Yeah, we're just discussing... stuff."
  327. >Sunset comes back with your food and drinks.
  328. >"Hi girls, having a nice day?"
  329. >"Yeah, we were planning to go to the arcade when we saw Anon here." Scootaloo answers.
  330. >"So ah, what are you two doing?"
  331. >"I'm helping Anon plan a date with Applejack." Sunset inadvertently blurts out.
  332. >It only takes her a moment to realize her error when you give her a harsh leer.
  333. >"Sorry..."
  334. >Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle gasp, "Really?!"
  335. >"Gross." Scootaloo mutters, eliciting a elbow into her side from Sweetie.
  336. >"Well whaddya have planned Mr. Anon?" Sweetie asks.
  337. >"I suggested dinner and a movie." Sunset says before taking a fork-full of salad.
  338. >"Is that all you came up with?"
  339. "Pretty much. Although..."
  340. >All four girls look at you curiously.
  341. "Apple Bloom, since you've known AJ longer than I have do you know any restaurants or movies that she likes?"
  342. >Their gazes switch to Apple Bloom who thinks hard.
  343. >"Ah think so. Ah know she was wanting to see that new spy film."
  344. "She likes spy films?"
  345. >"Eh not a whole lot, but she likes the story and actor."
  346. "Well that's an idea. What about places to take her for dinner."
  347. >"That's a little harder." Apple Bloom says, "Sis doesn't normally eat out a whole lot and when she does its with her friends."
  348. >"She likes pizza I think?" Scootaloo adds.
  349. >"You like pizza Scootaloo." Sweetie says in response.
  350. >"Everyone likes pizza."
  351. >"What about people who are lactose intolerant? They can't eat pizza."
  352. >"Yes they can! Just without cheese."
  353. >"Ew, but that's like one of the main things with pizza!"
  354. >You facepalm as Sunset opts to ignore their bickering and takes a sip of her drink.
  355. >"Girls!" Apple Bloom interrupts, "We're getting off topic."
  356. >"Sorry..." both girls apologize.
  357. "Well, pizza doesn't sound too bad I guess. Is there a place where I can take her that isn't too sleazy?"
  358. >Sunset takes this moment to chime in, "There is this place near the police precinct that has really good pizza and other similar foods in case you wanted something else. I heard Shining Armor takes her sister and Dean Cadance their all the time."
  359. >Eh... you're not really eager to go near the police headquarters again...
  360. >But your feelings on the matter are irrelevant. Applejack is what matters.
  361. >Pulling out her phone Sunset begins looking at something while the three younger girls paw at your fries.
  362. >Sighing, you slide over the basket and they begin digging in.
  363. >"Oh there's a movie theatre nearby that you two could go to before or after dinner." Sunset says.
  364. >"Well it looks like it's settled then."
  365. "Looks like it."
  366. >"So what are you planning on wearing?" Sweetie asks with a mouthful of fries.
  367. "Wearing? Isn't what I'm wearing fine now?"
  368. >All four girls look to each other before snickering.
  369. "What?" you ask looking down.
  370. >You're wearing a simple shirt, a leather jacket and jeans.
  371. >This isn't out of place of what you normally wear.
  372. >"Anon, yer jacket is covered in stains." Apple Bloom points out. "That more or less look a'lot like blood."
  373. >"And you can't make a good first impression like that." Sweetie says.
  374. >"I dunno... I think it's fine." Scootaloo says, grabbing your drink and popping the plastic lid.
  375. >"Shut up Scootaloo!" both her friends yell.
  376. >The tomboy shrugs and downs some of your drink before spitting it out.
  377. >"Ew what the heck is this?"
  378. "Iced tea."
  379. >"Lame." she replies, placing your drink back on your tray.
  380. >"Mr. Anon, don't you have anything nicer?" Rarity's sister asks.
  381. "Not really. I did have one casual suit but that was sort of ruined by that vampire a while ago."
  382. >"Maybe I can ask Rarity if she can make another."
  383. >"..."
  384. >You look to Sunset who shares your concern.
  385. >"I don't think that's a good idea."
  386. "I have to agree."
  387. >"Why not?"
  388. >"Rarity is... sort of in a vulnerable state with Anon."
  389. >"Is THAT why she's stuffing her face with ice cream late at night?"
  390. >Her little face scrunches up before stomping right up to you.
  391. >"What did you do?!" she demands, pointing a finger at you.
  392. >You admit, her forwardness takes you aback.
  393. "..."
  394. >Her eyes squint even further as she stands her ground.
  395. "I... sort of told her that she should stop trying to steal me away from Applejack."
  396. >Sweetie's expression immediately softens, "Oh. Okay then. As long as you didn't do anything *really* bad to her."
  397. >"You're okay with that?"
  398. >"Eh, it's not like this is the first time she's just stuck her fat butt on her couch and ate ice cream."
  400. -Somewhere Else-
  402. >A sudden sneeze draws you out of your ice cream induced stupor.
  403. >Someone's talking about you.
  404. >Groaning, you look down and notice three empty tubs of your favorite vanilla ice cream brand on the floor.
  405. >Oh, you must have put on a few pounds after that...
  406. >But what can you do when you're still heartbroken.
  407. >Slapping yourself, you turn serious.
  408. "NO! This is not how a lady acts!"
  409. >Standing from your loveseat...
  410. >Love seat...
  411. >Love...
  412. >Which you're never going to find because you're fat and ugly because of eating so much ice cream.
  413. >Look at you! You've eaten so much you look like a little cow.
  414. >Stepping over to a mirror you look at your hideous body.
  415. "WHY ME?!"
  416. >"Rarity, hon? Are you okay?" your mother asks peeking her head into the door.
  417. "Mother I've gotten so fat!"
  418. >Rolling her eyes, she walks over to you.
  419. >"Dear, no offense but you're over reacting."
  420. "I am not!"
  421. >"Rarity, honey. Seriously. You're still your beautiful slim self that any boy would want."
  422. >Your mother hugs you and kisses you on the head.
  423. >"Better?"
  424. >You nod your head.
  425. >"Good, because I need you to pick up Sweetie Belle and her friends from the mall."
  426. "Alright."
  428. >"Her butt's gotten SOOOOO big!" Sweetie says gesturing an exaggerated curvy rear.
  429. "Either way, I'm not really too big on having Rarity involved with helping the man she lost to another girl with a date for said girl."
  430. >"We'll just tell her it's just because you want some nice clothing then." Sunset says.
  431. "Look, I don't think that..."
  432. >"Mr. Anon, just leave everything to us! Right girls?"
  433. >"Yeah!"
  434. >"Sure... I guess."
  435. >The three look to Sunset who gets a piece of lettuce stuck down her windpipe.
  436. >Coughing out the stray green, she looks to the girls, "Wait. Me too?"
  437. >"Yeah!"
  438. >Sunset looks to you as you just shrug.
  439. >Looking back to the girls, you sigh.
  440. "You girls aren't going to let this go until I let you huh?"
  441. >"Nope!"
  442. "And you're just going to interfere anyway if I don't?"
  443. >"Eeyup."
  444. >Fuck.
  445. "Sunset, make sure they don't mess this up."
  446. >"WHAT?" she complains.
  447. >"Y'hear, c'mon Sunset we gotta go make reservations!"
  448. >The three girls drag a protesting Sunset off with them deeper into the mall.
  449. >Chuckling, you finally have enough peace and quiet to dig into your...
  450. >Your burger has a massive bite taken out of it. All your fries are gone, and you have nothing left to drink.
  451. >...
  452. >God dammit.
  454. -----
  456. >You pull your car up to the curb and set the gear into park.
  457. >Taking out your phone, you text Sweetie Belle.
  458. [Where r u?]
  459. >A few moments go by before you receive a response.
  460. >[Shopping.]
  461. [How long?]
  462. >Three little dots in a bubble let you know she's typing.
  463. >[A little while.]
  464. >Ugh.
  465. >You set your phone down and shift into drive and signal a turn.
  466. >When the way is clear, you direct your car to the nearest available parking spot.
  467. >May as well grab one of those dear cinnamon pretzels while you're waiting.
  468. >You've lived with Sweetie long enough to know when she says "A little while", you're most likely going to be waiting longer than that.
  469. >Making sure you have your purse and keys, you exit the vehicle and lock your car.
  471. >You tap your foot impatiently as you take a bite out of your pretzel.
  472. >The crunch causes you to grimace a little. It's a tad overdone and they went a bit too heavy on the cinnamon.
  473. >Putting the pretzel down you pull out your phone again and check the time.
  474. >It's almost two.
  475. >...
  476. >Where are those girls?
  477. >Wiping your face of cinnamon crumbs, you decide to try and text your sister again.
  478. [I'm at the pretzel stand where r u?]
  479. >Three minutes pass before you get a response.
  480. >[We'll be there in a bit.]
  481. >Your nostrils flare as you read the message.
  482. >Ooh... that girl sometimes.
  483. >Another ten minutes pass by before you get fed up with waiting.
  484. >Marching through the mall, you get up and prepare to look for Sweetie at her normal hang outs.
  485. >Thankfully you don't have very far to go when you spot the troublesome trio waiting outside the restroom entrance.
  486. >Whipping your hair back, you stomp over prepared to give your sister a piece of your mind.
  487. >Little Apple Bloom notices you coming towards them and points to you.
  488. >Sweetie turns around and nervously waves.
  489. >"Uh... hi Rarity. What are you doing here?" she asks coyly.
  490. "Don't give me that Sweetie. Where have you been and why have you taken so long?"
  491. >"We... uh... we were doing a favor for Anon. But... uh now that you're here you can help us!"
  492. >You look at her skeptically.
  493. "With what exactly?"
  494. >Sweetie proceeds to explain to you that Anonymous needs some new formal wear but doesn't explain why.
  495. "I'm not sure why you need me exactly. If Anon needs a new outfit I'm sure he can buy one himself."
  496. >"C'mon Rarity, Anon really needs this." your younger sister whines. "And we sorta told him you could do it."
  497. >"Yeah Rarity." Apple Bloom also says.
  498. "Sweetie a tailored jacket with matching wear is awfully short notice."
  499. >You're tapping your foot impatiently as your dear little sister and her two friends beg you to make Anonymous some clothing.
  500. >If it's so important why didn't he come to you in person?
  501. >You doubt it's because he feels awkward about your... talk the other day. He's doesn't seem to be the sort of person to really dwell on such things.
  502. >"But you've seen him, he almost always wears the same type of outfit everyday.
  503. >You can't help but bite your the tip of your thumb.
  504. >It is true that Anon's clothing choices have been... limited.
  505. >They usually amount to a simple shirt, long jeans or cargo pants and a matching jacket or vest.
  506. >And his wardrobe only added more of Big Macintosh's old clothing when he moved to the Apple house.
  507. >The only time you saw his outfit a little more varied was...
  508. >When you first met him and he saved your life.
  509. >His own sports jacket,shirt and pants were utterly ruined by that vile creature.
  510. >You sigh, may as well make replacements for them as repayment for that and to make up for your recent uncouth behavior.
  511. "Very well, I shall do my best to make Anonymous a new outfit. But may I ask what for?"
  512. >Sweetie Belle's opens her mouth to say something before it just sort of hangs there.
  513. >"Uh... no reason."
  514. "Oh pish posh, one does not ask for a rush order job without a reason."
  515. >"Er, we just wanted ta get something nice ta wear fer him." Apple Bloom answers.
  516. >You scrutinize her words as she nervously smiles.
  517. >There's more to this.
  518. "I can appreciate the generosity you three are feeling for him, but you're holding something back. What is it?"
  519. >Suddenly you see Sunset Shimmer says walking out of the restroom looking at her phone.
  520. >"Okay girls sorry about that."
  521. >"It's okay." Sweetie says.
  522. >"In the meantime I've already looked up the phone number to go make reserva... uh... H-hiya Rarity."
  523. "Sunset?"
  524. >"Sunset!" Apple Bloom hisses.
  525. >You walk up to your friend, who takes a step back and gives you the same nervous and awkward smile Appl Bloom just gave you seconds ago.
  526. "What were you going to say darling?"
  527. >"N-n-nothing!" she stammers out.
  528. >You may not have Applejack's uncanny ability to see if someone's lying, but even that was a poor effort.
  529. >Scootaloo facepalms.
  530. "Really? Because it sounded like you were about to go make reserva...tions." you trail off as you realize what's going on.
  531. >The clothes. The rush order for Anon and the reservations. All this secrecy!
  532. >You narrow your eyes at Sunset.
  533. "You're helping Anonymous on a date with Applejack aren't you."
  534. >"Way ta go Sunset." Apple Bloom mutters.
  535. >Sunset's eyes dart left and right trying to find any way out of this situation until she eventually concedes.
  536. >"Yes."
  537. "I'm hurt Sunset."
  538. >"I know... we didn't want to make it feel awkward for you to do this."
  539. >You place a comforting arm on Sunset's shoulder.
  540. >"Darling, both he and Applejack are my friends; and I've already settled my feelings with Anon when we talked."
  541. >"He really wants to make it special for Applejack, especially after what happened a couple of days ago."
  542. "What happened a couple of days ago?"
  543. >Sunset shrugs, "Anon got kidnapped, and both Twilight and I had to rescue him from the magical mafia."
  544. >She's not serious is she? The way she says it so casually...
  545. >"I'll tell you more about it later. But long story short, some related events that Applejack saw on the news has been giving her constant nightmares. Anon thinks a date will help take her mind off it."
  546. "That and it's long overdue." you add.
  547. >"Yeah." Sunset replies scratching the back of her hair. "Either way, I'm sorry for the secrecy."
  548. "It's alright darling. When is Anon's date?"
  549. >"Er... he hasn't said. Why?"
  550. "Well I need to know how much time I have to pick an outfit and make the appropriate modifications. I'll also need Anonymous to come to my house if we're to keep this date on the down low from Applejack."
  551. >"Right. I'll... talk to him when I meet up with him again."
  552. >Patting Sweetie on the head, you begin guiding her off towards the exit.
  553. "Well, the sooner you tell him, the faster I can finish. Ciao darling."
  554. >Walking off with your sister and her friends, you mentally prepare yourself for tonight.
  555. >You would be lying to say that you aren't a little sad to see your dear Anonymous going out with someone else and that it's also a bit disappointing that you're helping their date.
  556. >But you and Anon have already talked about this; So long as Applejack and he share something.
  557. >Taking a deep breath of air through your nose, you tilt your head up.
  558. >If Applejack is in trouble, it is your duty to help her regardless of what your personal feelings are on the matter.
  559. >You love them both, and if they're happy together then you'll be happy along with them.
  561. >Setting the last apple into the basket you rub your eyes. Looking back to the rest of the orchard, you sigh.
  562. >You feel so exhausted and you haven't even gotten through the majority of your assigned plots.
  563. >Even sleeping in the same bed with Anon only helps so much.
  564. >Gosh darn it. This isn't like you Applejack.
  565. >As you take off your hat, you hear someone approaching from behind, their footsteps crunching in the grass.
  566. "Big Mac?"
  567. >He stares at you and then the unpicked trees.
  568. "Ah know ah know. Ah'm sorry Big Macintosh, I've just been so tired lately."
  569. >"Eeyup."
  570. >He pats you on the shoulder and takes your half-full basket in one arm.
  571. "Y'sure? I could still help o-"
  572. >Big Macintosh stops and moves the piece of straw in his mouth from one side to the other.
  573. "Fine, I'll take the rest of the day off. You really have a way with words you know that." you say shaking your head.
  574. >Your brother gives you a small smile before continuing where you left off.
  575. >You let out a big yawn as you head back to the house intending to take a nap on the couch.
  576. >Suddenly your cellphone rings.
  577. >Pulling it out, you see Pinkie Pie's smiling face on your phone.
  578. >What could Pinkie Pie want?
  579. "Hello?" you ask putting the phone into your ear.
  580. >"ApplejackIgotthemostexcitingnewsyoujustgottahear!" she yells into your ear.
  581. >Holy!
  582. "Pinkie slow down and don't yell."
  583. >"Sorry Applejack."
  584. "So what did you just say?"
  585. >"Well... I was going to the mall to pick up some more party supplies from that new party store on the third level right across from the sofa store, which I think overpriced all their balloons unlike the store on Woodcre-"
  586. "Pinkie, I’d appreciate it if you’d summarize."
  587. >"Oh right. Well I was coming out of the party store to get some lunch when I saw Anon and Sunset eating at the food court! I was going to say hi when I overheard them talking about places to take you on a date!"
  588. >You almost drop your phone.
  589. >"Applejack? Hello? You still there silly?"
  590. "I-I'm here, are you sure they were talking about that?"
  591. >"As sure as Rainbow Dash likes to dress up in fancy clothing and makeup when no one's looking!"
  592. >What...
  593. >"Rainbow Dash always dresses in style!" she cheerfully says.
  594. "She... she doesn't actually do that does she?"
  595. >"Applejack, since when have I ever lied about anything to you?"
  596. "I dunno."
  597. >"Should I tell Twilight about that cardboard cutout in the barn you used to haul in Big Macintosh's truck?"
  598. "..."
  599. >How the hay does she know about that? You made for sure that no one would know about that!
  600. "Ah... I don't know what you're talkin' bout."
  601. >"Suuuuurrreeee." you hear her say. Though you can't see it, you know she has the cheekiest grin right now.
  602. "Fine, ah believe you. But why are you telling me this? If Anon and Sunset were discussin' it in private ah don't think they wanted me ta know."
  603. >"Well first off, if Anon wanted me to keep it a secret he should have done it as a Pinkie Promise. Just because he thinks that the gypsy origins are dangerous doesn't mean they are... still."
  604. "What do you mean "stil-""
  605. >"Anyway, I thought that since Anon's doing something nice for you, you could do something nice for him! That way you two can have the bestest first date ever!"
  606. >Do something for Anon?
  607. >Like what?
  608. >"Since you're his GF you know what he likes right?"
  609. >You think long and hard on the question.
  610. >To be honest besides you, you honestly don't know.
  611. "Ah'm not sure Pinkie, Anon doesn't usually talk about himself a whole lot."
  612. >"Aww I figured as much. He's such a gloomy gus."
  613. "Ah think he likes listening to music. He had one of those old music player things didn't he?"
  614. >"Oh that's a great idea!"
  615. "What's a great idea?"
  616. >"Hold on! I'll be at your house to pick you up in a couple of minutes!"
  617. "Pinkie what are yo-"
  618. >Before you can even finish your sentence the call suddenly ends.
  619. >What in the world is Pinkie thinking?
  620. >Still, you place a hand over your heart and smile.
  621. >Anon's finally going to take you on a date.
  622. >Tipping your hat back, you head towards the house to take a nice quick shower before your friend arrives.
  623. >...
  624. >But first a quick trip into the barn to burn something that should have been a long time ago.
  626. -----
  628. >A knock comes from your bedroom door.
  629. >"Rarity, you have a visitor." your mother says peeking your door open.
  630. "Thank you mother."
  631. >She smiles before closing the door.
  632. >Releasing your foot off the sewing pedal, you step away from your machine and quickly head downstairs.
  633. >Waiting at the front door at the base of the stairs is Anonymous.
  634. >And from the looks of it, under the scrutinizing gaze of your father.
  635. >"What are your intentions with my daughter?" he asks in an intimidating manner.
  636. >Anon however looks unphased.
  637. >"To get a suit tailored for a date." he answers simply.
  638. >"And where are you planning on taking her?"
  639. >"Nowhere. She's not my date."
  640. >...
  641. >That hurts a little to hear.
  642. >"She isn't?" your father asks genuinely surprised.
  643. >Anon shakes his head.
  644. >Your father then leans even further into Anonymous's personal space.
  645. >"You look a little too old to be dating my little Sweetie Belle."
  646. >Anonymous shrugs.
  647. >That Anon and his aloof attitude towards everyone.
  648. >You decide to take this moment to make your appearance.
  649. "Anon! How are you doing dear."
  650. >"Hey Rarity."
  651. >Rushing down the stairs, you drag Anon by the arm before your father can get a word in.
  652. >Pulling him into your room, you make sure the door isn't closed so your parents aren't immediately suspicious.
  653. "So..."
  654. >"Let's get down to it." he says taking off his jacket.
  655. "Yes, let's."
  656. >Taking your measuring tape off of your neck, you put your glasses back on.
  657. >You ignore the sensations inside as you watch Anon strips off his shirt and tosses them onto your bed.
  658. >Oh this would be bad if your mother or father were to step in right now.
  659. >That body of his. Unf...
  660. >You eye the scars across his torso until you come to a large one near his side that wasn't there the last time you saw his chest.
  661. >Resisting the urge to ask him how he got it, you clear your throat and begin the task you said you'd do.
  662. >Wrapping the thin tape around sections of his body, you write down the measurements on a notepad.
  663. >The Witcher says nothing as you finish measuring his upper torso.
  664. "Alright Anon, I'm going to need you to strip your pants."
  665. >He just looks at you.
  666. >"I'm not here for a suit. Just a jacket."
  667. "Anon, we both know that for this date with Applejack, you need to dress your very best to make a good first impression."
  668. >"Saving your life from a vampire wasn't a good first impression?"
  669. >You narrow your eyes.
  670. "Ha ha, very funny. Now drop them."
  671. >"No."
  672. "Yes."
  673. >"No. I'll just buy a pair."
  674. "Anon, you will drop your pants or so help me."
  675. >"Rarity, I'm pretty sure you don't need to take accurate measurements with my pants off."
  676. >You both glare at each other.
  677. "Oh look I think I forgot to measure your neck line." you say standing behind him.
  678. >"Rarity what are yo- urk!" he chokes out as you tighten the tape and pull against his neck.
  679. "Drop your pants darling."
  680. >He grabs the tape and pulls away from his neck, "Look, I'm not really into this whole dom-sub thing."
  681. >You let out an exasperated sigh.
  682. >Anon smirks as he undoes his belt and lowers his jeans.
  683. >Suddenly your father walks into your room as both of you freeze.
  684. >He can only stare wide-eyed as you realize how compromising this position might look out-of-context.
  685. >"R-R-Rarity?" he stammers out.
  686. "Dad-Daddy this isn't what it looks like!"
  687. >Your father furrows his brow, "What the hell is going on here?"
  688. >"Pants measurement."
  689. >"Funny, because most people get measured at the waist not the neck."
  690. >"Your daughter is into weird stuff what can I say?"
  691. "Anon!" you shout out.
  692. >Letting go of the tape, you step away from Anon.
  693. >"I blame the internet." he says.
  694. >The urge to just utterly beat the living daylights out of Anon is so strong right now.
  695. >How can he be making jokes at a time like this?!
  696. >Daddy opens his mouth to protest when you see his eyes looking down at Anon's torso.
  697. >Raising his brow, Anon follows his gaze and walks over to your bed to put his shirt back on.
  698. >"Don't worry sir, I'm dating Rarity's friend Applejack. This is strictly business."
  699. >Your father sighs pinches his brow.
  700. >"Rarity, I trust you two weren't actually doing anything... intimate."
  701. "No, I simply asked him to take his jeans off so I could get a proper measurement for a pair of pants."
  702. >Opening his arms, you go to hug Daddy as Anon looks away.
  703. >Daddy adjusts his hat, "What's your name son? Anon was it?"
  704. >"Anonymous, yes."
  705. >"Wait... aren't you the boy that broke my little girl's window?"
  706. "Daddy..."
  707. >"Dear, hush this is important."
  708. >"Not me personally, but I'm a cause."
  709. >"Well I gotta thank you kid." he says bringing Anon into a hug.
  710. >The gesture surprises even him as Daddy wraps his arms around Anon like a bear.
  711. >"You saved my daughter from that no good rapist." he says happily. "A shame you aren't dating her. Don't see many people with your amount of character these days."
  712. >"... yeah... I'll pay for the damages. I don't think I ever actually did."
  713. >Your father lets out a bellowing laugh, "Nonsense, consider it water under the bridge. It's the least I could do. In fact, you should come over sometime to watch the game with me, we'll have barbeque and everything."
  714. >Facepalming, you watch as your father embaresses you.
  715. >"I'll think about it."
  716. >Patting his arms, your father lets out a whistle, "You work out too? You got quite a bit of muscle."
  717. >"I do... fencing."
  718. >"Fencing? What a coincidence, my little girl right here also does fencing."
  719. >"I know, she's pretty good." Anon says.
  720. >You can't help but blush at his compliment.
  721. >"So..." he says looking around the room and flexing his moustache, "What do you do for a living?"
  722. >What is Daddy doing? That's none of his business.
  723. >It's like he's treating this as a...
  724. >Oh dear God...
  725. >He is isn't he?
  726. >This is hardly the appropriate time for a man-to-man conversation.
  727. >Not to mention Anon still has his pants around his legs. Granted Anon doesn't look too phased by his indecency.
  728. >Does the universe hate you?
  729. >"I hunt down magical creatures and kill them to whoever can pay for it." Anon replies without a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
  730. >Daddy closes his mouth for a few moments before bursting out laughing.
  731. >"And he tells jokes too, aw man this kid's a keeper eh?" he says taking slicking his hair back. "Well I'll leave you two alone. Make sure to take good care of him Rary."
  732. >Your father exits your room leaving you to suffer under Anon's questioning gaze.
  733. >"Your dad seems nice."
  734. "Anon must you always make everything worse?" you admonish, slapping him in the back.
  735. >"Only if I can help it." he says. "Listen, make your measurments quick, I honestly don't feel incredibly comfortable taking off my pants around you."
  736. >You can't help but smirk at this comment.
  737. "Is Anonymous shy?"
  738. >"No, its just I don't like the way your father said "to take care of me". That's really creepy."
  739. >His response takes you aback.
  740. "W-what? Whatever do you mean?"
  741. >"Nevermind, I've got a couple more things to do today so can we please hurry this along?"
  742. >He removes his jeans again, but this time keeps his shirt on.
  743. >Sighing, you kneel down and begin measuring.
  744. >A couple minutes pass by as you take and record Anon's size.
  745. >Speaking of size...
  746. >You're so close to his...
  747. >...
  748. >Your legs tremble unintentionally as your thought goes to lewd places.
  749. >Especially after that "Dom-Sub" comment Anon made earlier.
  750. >Would you make a good...?
  751. >NO! STOP BRAIN!
  752. >Taking your tape, you move it in between his legs and tug upwards until its in the pit of his thigh.
  753. >He doesn't say anything but you can tell he's holding whatever thoughts he has to himself.
  754. >You resist the urge to move the tape back and forth.
  755. >Rarity you are a professional! Get it together!
  756. >But Anon's member is right there!
  757. >Surely he wouldn't...
  758. >He most definitely would! He's made it expressly clear that he has no interest in you.
  759. >At least not while he's seeing Applejack.
  760. >...
  761. "Excuse me dear."
  762. >Standing up you quickly rush yourself to the bathroom and splash some water on your face.
  763. >You unfortunately forget about the makeup on your face though.
  764. "Oh Rarity, Rarity. You must stop having such dirty thoughts. Get your act together girl."
  765. >You reapply your makeup and exit the bathroom.
  766. >Time to finish Anon's fitting.
  768. >"Thanks Rarity. I'll be sure to pay you back, promise this time."
  769. "N-no problem darling."
  770. >"When can I expect this done?"
  771. "Monday at the earliest, Wednesday at the latest as long as nothing goes wrong."
  772. >With a nod of his head, he exits your house and you close the door.
  773. >Turning around you see your mother and father looking at you with knowing glances.
  774. >"He seems nice." mother says.
  775. "He is mother." you say with a sigh.
  776. >He's wonderful...
  777. >"And why aren't you dating him?" Daddy asks.
  778. >"Dear!"
  779. >"What I'm just curious. He seems like a good kid that someone like our daughter should be seeing. It's obvious he has a good moral compass and knows the value of hard work. You should have seen all the muscles and scars on him."
  780. >"Dear, don't you think your projecting a little? And what do you mean by scars?"
  781. "It's a long and difficult story Mother. Either way, he's happy with Applejack."
  782. >"Oh dear, c'mere." your mother says opening her arms for a hug.
  783. >Accepting her gesture, she brushes the back of your hair.
  784. >Not enough to mess it up, but gently enough to calm your feelings.
  785. >"Maybe I should talk to him into reconsidering..."
  786. >"Dear you will do no such thing!"
  787. >Like that would do any good. Though the thought does amuse you.
  788. >He probably won't be saying the same thing when Anon tells him his opinion on sports.
  789. “Well, mother, father, I must be getting to work on Anonymous’s new outfit.”
  790. >“Alright dearie.”
  791. >Heading upstairs, you close your door and turn the lock.
  792. >After that you need some… “Rarity time”.
  793. >Maybe you will indulge in that... fantasy Anon commented on earlier.
  794. >Setting your glasses aside on your nightstand, you open up your bottom dresser door and pull out your most loyal companion.
  795. “You’ll always love me won’t you?” you whisper.
  796. >Turning the switch on, nothing happens.
  797. >...
  798. >You probably need new batteries first…
  800. -----
  802. >After all that "fun" with Rarity getting sized, you still have two things to do before you head home.
  803. >You walk back towards your "home".
  804. >Not the one with Applejack, no the one you used to live in before you moved in with her.
  805. >The old shitty one that was almost falling apart on you when you first arrived in Canterlot.
  806. >Apparently you forgot to tell the owner you weren't living there anymore. He's still bugging you about the rent despite it only being $1.
  807. >You can't really ignore him. If he takes the issue with someone questions you don't want to be asked may be raised.
  808. >Unintentional side-effect of Axii you suppose.
  809. >You turn left down the street and pause when you hit an alleyway.
  810. >...
  811. >This is the same spot where you met Chrysalis.
  812. >The trash cans have been replaced with new ones, but you can still see the faint blood pool where your knives stabbed Chrysalis in the legs.
  813. >Considering what happened since then, you should have put her down when you had the chance.
  814. >Hindsight's a bitch ain't it?
  815. >There's nothing you can do about it now though. Granted, the situation resolved itself mostly.
  816. >Still, you'd prefer not having a criminal organization keep tabs on you right now if you could help it.
  817. >Though it took getting beaten to a pulp and getting abducted.
  818. >Running a hand through your hair, you turn to leave the alley and the memory it brings when without warning you hear a voice.
  819. >"Pssst... Anon!" a familiar voice calls out.
  820. >Turning you see a thin girl, wearing incredibly dirty and worn out clothing stepping away from the dumpster.
  821. "Sonata?"
  822. >"Woop, see I told you he'd remember us!" she says happily with a fist pump.
  823. "What are you doing here? And how did you know I was coming this way?"
  824. >You watch as Aria stands and walks out next to her sister.
  825. >"Purely by chance!" she says in an unconvincing manner.
  826. >Adagio reluctantly walks up and stands between them.
  827. >"We have no money, no home, no powers. Where did you expect us to go?" Adagio berates you.
  828. "Well I don't know, you three didn't seem to worried about that issue when you disappeared at the hideout."
  829. >"That was none of our business. Besides, the fact that you're standing here right now suggests you killed Iron Will?"
  830. "I didn't kill him."
  831. >Their eyes widen at that news.
  832. "Chrysalis did."
  833. >"And what about her?"
  834. "She's... dead too."
  835. >"Are you sure?"
  836. >You think back to the sight of Twilight with Chrysalis at her mercy, the way she utilized a portal to cut the succubus clean in half.
  837. >You can't help but grimace at the way she seemed to enjoy torturing Chrysalis.
  838. >The intoxicated attitude of the power the relatively normal girl obtained when she smashed her device.
  839. >Hopefully that's all a non-issue now so long as she refrains from building another one of those things.
  840. >Regaining focus on the conversation at hand, you put your hands in your pocket.
  841. "Pretty sure..."
  842. >Most people don't survive being bisected in two then having your upper half fed to giant sand crabs.
  843. >Granted, there's always a chance...
  844. >Flipping her hair and stepping up into your personal space, Adagio jabs a finger into your chest.
  845. >"Anyway, now that those two are out of the way you have to take care of us."
  846. "Excuse me?" you reply grabbing her hand.
  847. >"You heard me. You saved us from those wretched monsters now you have to take responsibility for the people you saved."
  848. >"That would be so awesome!" Sonata yells out.
  849. >Aria grumbles in embarrassment.
  850. >"C'mon Adagio, that's just stupid."
  851. >The girl with the two-tone pigtails only receives a harsh glare from her sister.
  852. >"It's Siren code!"
  853. >That's complete horse shit.
  854. >You can see the desperation in Adagio's eyes.
  855. >She's just too proud to ask for help. Though looking at their states, it wouldn't really feel right to just leave them out here homeless.
  856. >...
  857. >But last time you helped someone in this exact spot...
  858. >"As an incentive we'll give you this." Adagio says with a snap of her fingers.
  859. >The four of you wait for something to happen when the lead Siren rolls her eyes and facepalms.
  860. >"Sonata, get the thing!"
  861. >"Oh right!"
  862. >Rushing back to the dumpster, Sonata digs behind and pulls out something wrapped in dirty newspaper.
  863. >Almost skipping, she walks over to you and hands you the gift.
  864. >Eyeing them carefully, you tear the makeshift wrapping paper off.
  865. >Underneath is the cane sword you got from Mjolna.
  866. "Didn't think I'd ever see this again."
  867. >"We knew you'd appreciate getting this back again."
  868. >"I thought we were just looking for stuff to pawn off." Aria says.
  869. >"Shhh!"
  870. >Taking the blade out of it's sheath slightly, even despite the little use it got it still looks as pristine as when you first got it.
  871. >To be honest though, you've sort of been getting used to not carrying a sword around, hidden or not.
  872. >Heck, you don't even wear your sunglasses around as often anymore.
  873. >"So do we have an agreement?"
  874. >You look back down at the cheese puff.
  875. >...
  876. >Why did you call her that?
  877. >That's the only thing that came to mind with all that hair.
  878. "For what? Giving back my property?"
  879. >Her face turns into a scowl.
  880. >"Listen here! I will not, CANNOT, allow my sisters and I stay out on the streets!"
  881. "Now you act all sisterly?" you retort, "Didn't see much of that attitude back in Iron Will's hideout."
  882. >Your response causes Adagio to fume out the ears.
  883. >"That was different!"
  884. "No, it wasn't. You gave up. The only reason you're saying that is because you're an opportunistic snake."
  885. >"W-what?"
  886. "Back in the cell when Sonata was called up, you didn't do anything. Yet you act all "sisterly" now? Why do they even follow you?"
  887. >Sonata brushes her arm at the unpleasant memory.
  888. >"You don't know me. You don't know any of us!" she angrily retalitates.
  889. >"Hey... he has a point Adagio. You gave up pretty quicky."
  890. >Adagio's eyes narrow at you, and you can see her fists are clenching.
  891. >"Th-things were different." she says.
  892. "Bull. Do your fellow Sirens really mean that much to you?"
  893. >"Of course! They're my sisters!"
  894. "Then prove it."
  895. >"How?!"
  896. "Ask me for help. Don't hide it under some see-through lie like that Siren Code stuff. I know Sirens don't have a code."
  897. >"They do too!"
  898. >"Do we?" Sonata asks. "I don't remember a code."
  899. >"Yeah I don't agree with Sonata often, but I'm pretty sure you totally made that stuff up."
  900. "Last time I helped someone in this very alley I got burned pretty badly. You need to make it worth my time, but since you're homeless and dirt poor I'll settle for this."
  901. >You could just leave them to their own devices, it's not your problem.
  902. >But... Sonata seems like a nice girl, a bit of an air-head, but still nice.
  903. >Aria would take some getting used to, but she has her own qualities.
  904. >"Just do it Adagio, we're sick of sleeping on the floor." Aria says.
  905. >"If I do it instead can we go?" Sonata asks.
  906. "Nope, it has to be our dear sweet "Dagi".
  907. >The orange haired siren growls.
  908. >"..."
  909. >She stares at the floor, her body shaking with rage.
  910. >"C-c-could you... grr... help us..." she mumbles under her breath.
  911. "What was that?"
  912. >You know fully what she said, but it seems her two sisters didn't actually hear her.
  913. >"Could you. Help... Us?" Adagio repeats a little louder.
  914. >This time, both the other sirens hear her words.
  915. "What's the magic word?"
  916. >"P-p-plea-" she stammers out embarrassed.
  917. >It's almost hilarious on how the words and trying to be sincere seem to be causing her physical pain.
  918. >"Please!"
  919. >Sonata and Aria's jaws drop.
  920. >"Whoa... did Dagi actually say "please"?"
  921. >"SHUT UP!" Dagi snaps back. "There I said it."
  922. >You shrug.
  923. "I don't know... that didn't seem really sincere."
  924. >"Oh come on!"
  925. >Holding up your hands you grin.
  926. "Kidding. Look, if you agree to some terms I have a place you can stay."
  927. >If this works out, you could kill two birds with one stone.
  928. >The three Sirens look at each other, Aria nods her head while Sonata tries to contain her excitement.
  929. >"Fine."
  930. "Then follow me."
  932. >"This place looks like shit." Aria says staring at the front of the house.
  933. "It's better than nothing, don't complain."
  934. >While you won't say it, you have to agree with Aria's statement.
  935. >Since you've been gone the front lawn, if you could even call it that, has grown even more weeds.
  936. >One of the front windows has a fist sized hole in it and a small tree has fallen across the walkway.
  937. >...
  938. >You don't remember ever having a tree.
  939. "It's going to take a little fixing." you say walking around the tree and inserting your key into the lock.
  940. >Twisting the handle you step inside.
  941. >Everything seems to be in place.
  942. >Though there are shards of glass and a baseball on the floor.
  943. >Doing a quick runthrough of the house, nothing is amiss or stolen.
  944. >Stepping back into the living room, you grab a broom and dust pan from the closet and sweep the glass up.
  945. "Landlord will be here in a bit, I've already got an "arrangement" with him regarding the rent and utilities. As long as you three can find jobs to pay for your own food and other stuff I'm sure you can live here with no issues."
  946. >"This will do Witcher." Adagio says flipping her hair back and walking further inside the house. "Come on girls, we have some cleaning to do."
  947. >"I call the big room!" Sonata says running down the hall.
  948. >"Shut up! No you don't!" Aria yells out.
  949. >Turning towards you Aria crosses her arms and looks away, "Thanks."
  950. >Huffing, Aria yanks the broom and dust pan from you and begins sweeping the house before you can even comment on her words.
  951. >Suddenly you two hear screaming.
  952. >"AHHHHHHHH!"
  953. >"Sonata?!"
  954. >You two quickly head towards Sonata's voice when you see her tiptoeing and pointing inside the bathroom.
  955. >"What is it?"
  956. >"It''s... ewww!"
  957. >Looking inside, you see a raccoon is nesting inside the bathtub.
  958. >The critter hisses at the three of you.
  959. >"Really? That's what you screamed about?" Aria huffs before walking out of the bathroom and back towards the living room.
  960. >Shaking your head, you cast Axii and hex the little animal to calm it down.
  961. "Leave here now." you command. "And tell your friends to avoid this place."
  962. >The racoon hops out of the tub and walks out into the hall and out of the house.
  963. >"What the heck was that?" You have magic?" Sonata asks.
  964. "Kinda. Nothing spectacular though."
  965. >"That reminds me of how our old powers used to work."
  966. "Enthralling others so you can feed off them?"
  967. >"Yep!" she say enthusiastically.
  968. "Huh."
  969. >Aria walks back up to you.
  970. >"Did I just see that raccoon just walk out of the house?"
  971. >She looks back towards the hall and you gesture to Sonata to keep it quiet.
  972. >Sonata giggles and nods her head.
  973. >As Aria turns to glare at her sister, the doorbell rings.
  974. "It looks like you three have this all under control. I'll talk to the landlord and leave you some cash to buy some food for tonight."
  975. >"What are you giggling about?" Aria says threatening with the dustpan.
  976. >"Bye Anon!" Sonata says waving to you.
  978. >A while later you walk up the stairs to the front of the Canterlot High.
  979. >Pressing the intercom mounted next to the front door you wait for a response.
  980. >Some time passes by before you end up looking at your watch.
  981. >You know they're still in there. It's only been a couple hours.
  982. >Without warning you hear a noise from coming from inside.
  983. >You peer through the windowed door and see Celestia running down the hall from a figure chasing after her.
  984. >Shit.
  985. >Taking a step back you kick the window in and chase after the two.
  986. >Drawing your weapon in hand you stop at the hallway intersection and listen closely.
  987. >You hear footfalls echo down the hall to your right and immediately run that way.
  988. >"PLEASE! STOP!" you hear Celestia yell out.
  989. >Double timing it, you slide down one hall and continue into another.
  990. >The lighting in this part of the building flickers before shutting off worsening the atmosphere.
  991. >Soon enough you spot Celestia cornered as the mystery figure looms over her.
  992. >She spots you and points.
  993. >"Anon!"
  994. >"I'm not falling for that one again sister." Vice Principal Luna says?
  995. "What the hell is going on here?"
  996. >The figure stands upright as the lights come back on.
  997. >Both women stand like deer caught in the headlights as you notice Celestia holding your chest.
  998. >Slowly turning around, Luna tries to quickly straighten her disheveled hair.
  999. >Both women are covered in sweat, their clothes are messy and slightly torn.
  1000. >You raise a brow as you see that both school heads clothes are scuffed, dirty and torn.
  1001. >"Oh A-A-Anon, how quick of you to come back!" Luna says in an unconvincing manner.
  1002. >"Sister did you lose track of time?! It's been almost three hours!" Celestia says hugging the chest.
  1003. >What the hell went on here?
  1004. >Celestia sighs before walking past Luna and handing the chest to you, "Anonymous I think it would be best if you found someone else to watch over your treasure."
  1005. >Straightening her jacket, Celestia gives a harsh glare to Luna.
  1006. >"It seems someone here tried to take advantage of your generosity."
  1007. >Luna twiddles her thumbs awkwardly as she steps towards you.
  1008. >"Anonymous, I... I have to agree with my sister's assessment of the situation. I may have... been overcome by a minor case of greed."
  1009. >Minor? Luna looked like she was going to maul her sister.
  1010. >You really hope this isn't going to be a thing when you ask people to watch stuff for you.
  1011. >Why is no one in this town normal? Just plain normal.
  1012. >No magic. No monsters.
  1013. >The closest really is Applejack. Speaking of which you should be getting back for dinner.
  1014. "I see."
  1015. >"Tia, my behavior was incredibly unbecoming of me. I hope you and Anonymous can accept my apology."
  1016. >"Of course Lulu, we all have our... moments of weakness. Though it seems you'll be losing a few personal days."
  1017. >Luna scrunches her nose before nodding her head sadly.
  1018. >Giggling, Celestia hugs her sister, "We'll talk about it."
  1019. >Setting the chest down and taking the key out, you notice that gems are scattered all over the bottom of the box.
  1020. >Because of all the running, the gems must have been shaken out of the bags.
  1021. >...
  1022. >"Anon?"
  1023. "Gems are missing." you simply state.
  1024. >"W-what?!"
  1025. >"WHAT?!"
  1026. >Peeking behind one of the empty bags, you see a hole in the corner.
  1027. >"They must have fallen out during out chase!"
  1028. >"How many?!" Luna asks.
  1029. >Doing a quick count, not including the few you already took out for the women, you indeed come up short.
  1030. "Seven. Four sapphires, two emeralds, and a ruby."
  1031. >"Make that three..." Luna says handing you a sapphire from her pocket.
  1032. >"We'll help you find them. Even if Luna has to spend all night."
  1033. >"All... night?"
  1034. >Celestia glares, "All. Night."
  1035. >"Right... all night."
  1036. >"It's not too bad Luna, you said yourself, you are more a night person after all."
  1037. >Luna flashes an uncomfortable smile before picking up the chest.
  1038. >"I won't run, don't worry." she says.
  1039. "Right."
  1040. >Putting the gems into their respective bags, you take out the amount you agreed for Celestia and Luna to watch, minus the amount missing and close the lid.
  1041. "Luna, the rest of your share will be from the missing gems, it'll give you incentive to look."
  1042. >"Anon, after all this I can understand if you would renege on this deal."
  1043. "It's not so bad; you haven't tried to kill me plus this was just a one time thing right?"
  1044. >"R-right."
  1045. "Then this shouldn’t be an issue." you say. “If it happens again though then our business is done.”
  1046. >Instinct tells you to just cut your losses and go, but like you said they haven’t attempted to kill you which surprisingly is more than most.
  1047. >She nods her head, "Yes, I was going to put them inside when Luna had her... episode."
  1048. "Alright, let's put them there in the meantime and help her find the gems. I can guarantee that it will be faster if I help."
  1049. >The Principal gives you a smile and gestures for you to lead as Luna follows in between you two.
  1050. >Sighing, you head to the Principal's office.
  1051. >It's going to be a long night...
  1053. >Unf...
  1054. >That tight butt of his...
  1055. >And the way he came to your rescue when he thought you were in trouble?
  1056. >If only you met him before Applejack you would rock his world so hard.
  1058. -----
  1060. -A Few Days Later-
  1062. >Pulling on the newly tailored sports jacket Rarity created for you, you look over yourself in the mirror.
  1063. >Viewing each side, you have to say, you look pretty handsome if you do say so yourself.
  1064. >"Well? Does it fit alright?" Rarity asks behind you.
  1065. "Fits like a glove, Rarity."
  1066. >"I must say, you look positively fabulous with that suit on. Much better than those "grungy" things you call clothes."
  1067. "I like my clothes." you say glancing at her.
  1068. >Rarity giggles before digging through a drawer.
  1069. >"That may be so, but you look better in these." she says holding up a pair of ties.
  1070. >Shaking your head you look back into the mirror.
  1071. "Not trying to sound rude, but it's just dinner and a movie. I'm not trying to make this too formal."
  1072. >"Ah, I think in this case you may be right." she replies putting her glasses on and looking you over once again.
  1073. >You have to admit you're kind of surprised that Rarity, a girl in high school, managed to craft this expertly made suit.
  1074. >You were honestly expecting something more amateur. With a few more years, you're actually interested in what she could turn out.
  1075. >Moving your arms, nothing feels tight, you still have full flexibility.
  1076. >You even do a few squats to test the pants.
  1077. >All sized for you perfectly.
  1078. "I don't suppose you'd be willing to add a few personal additions." you ask feeling the inside of your jacket.
  1079. >"What type of "additions"?" she asks warrily.
  1080. "A few knife holsters sewn into the interior of the jacket."
  1081. >"Anon! Be serious, must you always carry a weapon with you?"
  1082. "Kinda. Yeah. I have to be prepared."
  1083. >"Right. Of course you do." she sighs, "What was I thinking?"
  1084. >Setting the ties back down, Rarity watches as you make a practice motion of drawing and throwing a knife.
  1085. >"I'll come up with something on your second jacket. In the meantime you'll have to make do with that hidden sword of yours. Other than that, will that be all?"
  1086. "Looks like it. How much do I owe you?"
  1087. >Rarity waves you off dismissively, "Think nothing of it darling."
  1088. >"I can't just let you do that for nothing." you say taking out your wallet.
  1089. >You pull out a three hundred dollar bills and hand them to her.
  1090. >It feels good to have some spending money again after selling some of those gemstones.
  1091. >You still have a decent chunk left until your next delivery from Twilight this week. Thanks to the deal with Sunset, for the near future you're pretty set financially.
  1092. >Rarity's eyes bug out of her head when you nonchalantly place the bills in her hand.
  1093. >"A-Anon... I can't take this!"
  1094. "Take it, its the least I could do for good work from a friend."
  1095. >She gently smiles back at you and nods her head.
  1096. >"Thank you Anon."
  1097. >A quick glance at your watch and you notice the time.
  1098. "I better be getting back. Thanks again Rarity."
  1099. >"Oh before you go, my new fencing sabers arrived." she says. "I'll be sure to come by and give Sunset and Rainbow another lesson in dueling."
  1100. "Looking forward to it. But I have to warn you, they've been improving since your last appearance."
  1101. >"I would be disappointed if they didn't. Anyway, I'll walk you out."
  1102. >A quick change of clothes and you're off with your new clothes in a garment bag over your shoulder.
  1103. >The fashionista opens the door for you and waves goodbye as you leave her home.
  1104. >Hailing a cab, you head back to the farm.
  1106. >Putting your clothes away in your closet, you walk downstairs and towards the Gauntlet.
  1107. >Rainbow is currently trying her hand and avoiding the giant pendulum while striking it in the side.
  1108. >Sunset, Applejack and Big Macintosh are watching her with interest as you walk up the path behind them.
  1109. >Judging by the basket full of apples next to AJ, they both must have just finished their chores.
  1110. "How long has she been up there?" you ask.
  1111. >"Six minutes so far." Sunset says without facing you.
  1112. >"She's beaten her old record by two minutes." Applejack comments holding up a stopwatch.
  1113. "Better. But she still needs to work on her stance."
  1114. >Rainbow Dash pirouettes as the giant wooden target swings past just narrowly avoiding her right leg.
  1115. >...
  1116. "That's not something I showed you how to do yet." you comment.
  1117. >"I know, but that didn't stop Rainbow Dash from trying to emulate your fighting style."
  1118. >You have to give Dash some credit, she's able to utilize most of your lessons at once incredibly quickly.
  1119. >But as you look carefully, you notice quite a few errors that would get her injured in a real fight.
  1120. >Heck, they could injure her now if she doesn't correct them.
  1121. "Rainbow, your footwork is too wide and too slow, control is key."
  1122. >Rainbow doesn't reply but her movement picks up slightly, with her lunges and jumps also being less predictable.
  1123. "Alright that's enough." you call out.
  1124. >Rainbow moves to one side of the Gauntlet as the heavy weight slows down.
  1125. >Hopping off she lets off a cocky smile as Sunset tosses her a towel.
  1126. >"So? How was that?"
  1127. "You're eager to get onto the more advanced stuff huh?"
  1128. >"Of course!" she says confidently. "Most of that I learned just from remembering your vampire fight."
  1129. "Well that's good and all but I saw multiple openings an attacker could have used to debilitate you. Good for a show but not for a fight."
  1130. >Her smile quickly turns into a scowl.
  1131. "Still, eight minutes isn't bad for someone who was just going by memory. But next time let me watch you from the start; I don't want you to develop bad habits in your form."
  1132. >Rainbow's expression softens, "I had Sunset watching me."
  1133. "That may be true, but she doesn't have the same eye for detail when it comes to sword combat like I do."
  1134. >She sighs, but nods her head. "Alright, alright. Want me to run it again?"
  1135. >Turning to Sunset, you tilt your head towards the pendulum.
  1136. "You had a go yet?"
  1137. >"Not yet."
  1138. "Up you go then."
  1139. >The fiery-haired girl grabs her wooden sword and climbs the obstacle as Rainbow Dash sits down on the ground and cools off. Big Macintosh pulls a rope to manually start up the weight as the rest of you watch.
  1140. "Start."
  1141. >Sunset raises her blade up and begins striking the weight as it makes its first pass.
  1142. >With practiced effort, she manages to "parry" across to the other side without being hit as the pendulum comes back.
  1143. >You watch closely as your student continues this for the next little while.
  1144. >She isn't as adventurous as Rainbow Dash, instead sticking to the fundamentals you taught her rather than go for anything flashy.
  1145. >Which makes you a bit glad to be honest. Even an experienced fighter should keep their basic skills relevant.
  1146. >Unlike Rainbow, Sunset's form has fewer errors in relation to form and technique but you notice that she's on the slow side.
  1147. >Sunset's taking it at her own pace, which right now there's nothing wrong with, but you want to make sure she's pushing her skills not being stagnant with them.
  1148. "Faster!" you bark out.
  1149. >Your words seem to make a small impact as her movement speed increases, but unsurprisingly her technique suffers.
  1150. >She makes more errors as her brain thinks before the body can actually act.
  1151. >Still, the girl has enough control to not be knocked off completely.
  1152. >Suddenly she smacks the sword into the pendulum at an awkward angle and loses her grip on the wood weapon.
  1153. >The blade flies through the air as Sunset leans to catch it with her other hand, almost falling off in the process.
  1154. >Pausing to regain her balance she spins around with a new hold and continues attacking the weight.
  1155. "Stop."
  1156. >Applejack hits the button on the stopwatch and holds it up to you.
  1157. >5:54. Not too bad.
  1158. >"Well?" Sunset asks hopping down from the platform.
  1159. >She wobbles slightly at the landing before laughing nervously and walking over to you.
  1160. >That mixed with the heavy breathing briefly reminds you that they still have physical limits that can't match yours.
  1161. "Almost six minutes."
  1162. >She smiles, "That's an improvement."
  1163. "You have the opposite problem as Rainbow Dash. Your control is fine, but you need to work on adding speed to it and maintain that."
  1164. >"Yeah, I figured." Sunset says in an disappointed, but understanding manner.
  1165. >"Just something we can work on eh teach?" she says grinning and nudging you in the side.
  1166. "Don't do that."
  1167. >"Okay... sorry."
  1168. "Anyway, you two can head home. Tomorrow Rarity might show up to duel you two again. We’ll also work on some Sign stuff as well."
  1169. >"Awesome, finally I can kick Rarity’s butt." Rainbow Dash vocalizes with a fist pump. “I’ve definitely improved since the last time!”
  1170. >"Heh, calm down Rainbow. Alright, we'll see you later Anon."
  1171. >Packing their things up, they both wave goodbye and walk towards the house.
  1172. >Big Macintosh walks up besides you.
  1173. >"..."
  1174. "Yes, we'll go for drinks later."
  1175. >Twisting the hay in his mouth, he lets out a small smile and heads down as well.
  1176. >The sun is lowering over the horizon as you finally have some alone time with Applejack.
  1177. >She looks over the orchard and picks up the basket full of apples at her side.
  1178. >Guess there's no time like the present.
  1179. >"Well now that that's done, and all my chores are finished, ah got some homework to d-"
  1180. "Applejack..." you interrupt her.
  1181. >"Something wrong Anon?" she asks turning to you.
  1182. >You open your mouth to say something, only to avert your gaze.
  1183. "I..."
  1184. >She tilts her head curiously.
  1185. >Frowning, you bring a palm to your head.
  1186. >This is so awkward. You're not used to this at all.
  1187. "Applejack... would you..."
  1188. >"Would I...?"
  1189. >Ugh, this shouldn't be hard you jackass.
  1190. "Maybe... you know."
  1191. >You don't see it, but the girl's pupils shrink. Her face turning red as she realizes what you're going to ask her.
  1192. "This weekend, you... wanna go out for dinner and a... uh... a movie?" you awkwardly ask.
  1193. >AJ's expression doesn't change, but she quickly turns around and lowers her head. For a brief moment you think just for a brief moment that you might have asked her out at a bad time.
  1194. >Or maybe you waited too long...
  1195. "Appleja-!"
  1196. >Without warning, your girlfriend spins around and tackles you into a bear hug dropping the basket in the process.
  1197. >Apples roll and bounce everywhere as you land on your back with a thud.
  1198. >Giving you a deep chaste kiss on the lips, she hugs you even tighter.
  1199. >"'Bout time you finally asked me you numbskull! Was wondering when you'd be gettin' round to it."
  1200. >You can't help but chuckle.
  1201. "So is that a...?"
  1202. >"It's a yes Sugarcube. A very enthusiastic yes."
  1203. >Small teardrops form as she smiles at you, towering over you as you lay on the ground.
  1204. >Holding her hand, she leans down for another small kiss before helping you up.
  1205. "I'm glad. Though if this is how most girls in this country say yes when a guy asks them out, why didn't I move here sooner?" you joke.
  1206. >She chuckles, playfully punching you in the arm.
  1207. >"Come on." she says wiping her eyes, "Dinner's gonna be ready soon, can't keep the rest of waitin'."
  1208. >Dusting yourself off, you help pick up the fallen apples and carry the basket for her.
  1209. >All while she holds your hand the rest of the way.
  1211. -----
  1213. >The days until the weekend blur by as you find yourself growing increasingly antsy.
  1214. >Meanwhile Anon is as cool as a cucumber, acting like tonight is just like any other day.
  1215. >Pinkie Pie's already helped you with your gift to Anon and it's all wrapped nice and tight on top of your dresser.
  1216. >You really hope tonight goes well.
  1217. >It's been awhile since you've had a date. Not many folks around Canterlot High really try to ask you.
  1218. >And no, having your older brother bring you to the school dance doesn't count.
  1219. >They prefer the smart types like Twilight, athletic like Rainbow, funny like Pinkie, the cute ones like Fluttershy, or the pretty ones like Rarity.
  1220. >Heck, even Sunset's gotten her fair share of suitors even before becoming a demon and enslaving the school.
  1221. >...
  1222. >You're depressing yourself Applejack.
  1223. >All your friends have their special traits. What's your's? Being honest?
  1224. >That ain't really a desirable trait to most guys your age.
  1225. >When was the last time you've heard any guy saying they want a girl who likes to speak her mind when something doesn't seem right?
  1226. >Not at all to be honest.
  1227. >...
  1228. >See? There you go again.
  1229. >You stare at yourself in the mirror and groan.
  1230. >Nevermind the past, nevermind your friends. Right now you have someone who was willing to ask you out girl!
  1231. >Gotta get ready.
  1232. >Only...
  1233. >What should you wear?
  1234. >Now this is just dinner and a movie. No need to get all fancy.
  1235. >...
  1236. >Or is it movie and then dinner?
  1237. >Consarn it Applejack!
  1238. >You end up pounding your head a few times.
  1239. >"Applejack? You okay in there?" Apple Bloom asks knocking on the bathroom door.
  1240. "Ah'm f-fine." you reply.
  1241. >Apple Bloom obviously heard your uncertainty and you hear the handle turn.
  1242. >"Sis, yer a terrible liar."
  1243. "I know..." you say looking at her.
  1244. >Apple Bloom pauses as she sees your appearance, "Whoa, it looks like ya got into a wrestling match with a pig and lost."
  1245. >Looking over your appearance, you can't really argue with her.
  1246. >Your clothes are filthy, you're covered in sweat and mud, your hair's a mess.
  1247. "Ah, I just had an accident feeding the pigs earlier. Right now I gotta get ready fer m-"
  1248. >"Yer date with Anon, yeah yeah we know." she says rolling her eyes. "You better hurry though, Anon's getting ready himself."
  1249. "Really?"
  1250. >She nods her head, "Saw him getting dressed on my way here."
  1251. "Is he goin' casual or fancy?"
  1252. >"Eh, somewhere in between."
  1253. "Do ah even have an "in between"?!" you ask yourself. "Aw geez, why didn't I go shopping before tonight?!"
  1254. >You grip both sides of your hat and begin pacing back and forth.
  1255. >"Calm down Applejack. It's just a date. Yer acting like it's the end of the world."
  1256. "Isn't it?!"
  1257. >"No! Just take yer dang shower! I'll go pick an outfit for ya if yer that frazzled." she says.
  1258. >Letting out a defeated sigh you begin stripping off your soiled clothes and enter the shower.
  1259. >”Yer acting so weird today…” you can hear her mutter under her breath.
  1260. >Apple Bloom closes the door, leaving you alone with your thoughts once more.
  1261. >C'mon girl, Apple Bloom's right, you really need to calm down.
  1262. >Turning the knob, a stream of warm water washes over you.
  1264. >Exiting the shower, you grab a nearby towel and wrap yourself in it. Wringing out any excess water, you open the door and peer down the hall.
  1265. >Coast is clear.
  1266. >You tip-toe to your room and shut the door behind you.
  1267. >Looking over at your bed you see some of your clothes already lying on the mattress.
  1268. >A sleeveless shirt and a clean pair of jeans.
  1269. >Hmm.
  1270. >It only dawns on you that most of your clothes look alike...
  1271. >Thanks Apple Bloom.
  1272. >Drying off, you quickly get dressed and head out the door only to immediatly bump into someone.
  1273. >"Sorry."
  1274. "Sorr- Anon?"
  1275. >You both take a step back and gaze at each other's appearance.
  1276. >"Hey AJ." he says, "You look great."
  1277. "Y-You too."
  1278. >If you had pockets, they'd be spilling out their contents right now.
  1279. >"Ready to leave?"
  1280. >You nod your head, "Just let me grab some cash."
  1281. >Heading back into your room, you grab your wallet and wave it at Anon before putting it into your back pocket.
  1282. >"Isn't that a man's wallet?" he asks following you down the stairs.
  1283. "Course it is, since when have you known me to carry a purse?" you joke.
  1284. "I... don't know."
  1285. "Exactly."
  1286. >Opening the door for you, you two head down the front path where a cab is already waiting for you.
  1287. "So, where are we headed?" you ask as Anon holds the door open for you like a gentleman.
  1288. >"Though we'd catch a movie first if that's okay."
  1289. "That sounds wonderful."
  1290. >Sitting next to you, Anon gives the driver the address of the theatre.
  1291. >Resting your head on his shoulder, you two sit in silence as buildings pass by outside when suddenly a phone rings.
  1292. >"Sorry." Anon says pulling out a phone.
  1293. >Tapping out a message, he sets it back inside his pocket.
  1294. "Where'd you get that?"
  1295. >"Bought it earlier today, it was getting inconvenient contacting you girls and since I'm staying here for a good while I may as well."
  1296. "Who was calling?"
  1297. >"Sunset. She wanted to ask if I was on my date with you."
  1298. >You pout.
  1299. "You already gave Sunset your number?"
  1300. >"She helped me pick it out. And like I said it was earlier today, you were still out working."
  1301. "Right..."
  1302. >Even despite Anon's explanation, you unknowingly grip his jacket tighter.
  1304. >"This is Song Smile. Testing walkie talkie... testing... 1... 2... 3..."
  1305. >"Pinkie um... what are you doing hiding behind the bush?"
  1306. >"Oh hi Fluttershy! I'm just spying on Anon and Applejack's date. But make sure to keep it a secret."
  1307. >"Um... why are you spying on them? If you don't mind me asking..."
  1308. >"That's classified information Fluttershy."
  1309. >"Oh... okay then..."
  1310. >"What are you doing here?"
  1311. >"I'm just dropping off some flea medicine for Wino-"
  1312. >"Take cover!"
  1313. >"Pinkie wha-"
  1314. >"Shh... they'll hear you."
  1315. >"Mmmph mmph!"
  1316. >...
  1317. >"Okay they're gone. C'mon Fluttershy I could use your help. You know how to not draw attention to yourself. I could use a person of your skills and talents."
  1318. >"But I-... okay... I guess I can do my homework later..."
  1319. >"YAY! Now come on, we gotta chase after them."
  1321. >Eventually the cab pulls up next to the movie theatre.
  1322. >Anon pays the driver and you both exit the vehicle.
  1323. >"Huh, never actually been to a movie theatre to actually watch movies before."
  1324. "Really? Ah find that hard to believe. You must have seen one movie in your life."
  1325. >"Don't get me wrong I've seen movies on that laptop I carry around. But never as an actual patron."
  1326. >You giggle.
  1327. "Then don't worry Anon, I'll show you the ropes." you whisper into his ear before dragging him towards the ticket booth.
  1328. "Any particular movie you want ta see?"
  1329. >He shakes his head, "This date is for you, you pick."
  1330. >You glance up at the showtimes and notice a few that catch your eye.
  1331. >That new spy thriller you've been wanting to see for awhile now starts in a few minutes.
  1332. >"How does Matt Damon sound?"
  1333. >"Sounds fine."
  1334. >Stepping up to the counter, you notice that the employee is Lyra.
  1335. >"Welcome to Canterlot Cinema, my name is- oh is that you Applejack? Wow, you look good tonight."
  1336. >Lyra turns to Anon and looks him over, "Is this that guy who saved BonBon at camp?"
  1337. >"Sort of...?"
  1338. >"Oh thank heavens!" she says leaning up against the glass, "I don't know what I would have done if my *BEST FRIEND* Bonny was hurt or worse!"
  1339. >You roll your eyes at her emphasis on "Best Friend".
  1340. "Lyra, you know yer not convincing no one."
  1341. >"We are NOT lesbians! Just *GOOD* friends."
  1342. "Uh huh..." you say unconvinced.
  1343. >"Whatever." she says waving you off playfully. "Either Way I want to thank you."
  1344. >Anon just holds up a palm, "Don't worry about it."
  1345. >It's just at this moment that the gears in her head begin turning. "Oh are you two on a date?"
  1346. >Your face goes flush.
  1347. >"O. M. G. You ARE! AJ I'm so happy for you!"
  1348. >Looking side-to-side, Lyra leans closer to the little mic and whispers. "I know I shouldn't do this, but I'll comp your tickets as thanks."
  1349. "You don't have to do that."
  1350. >"Eh don't worry, my boss will understand. So what do you want to see?"
  1351. >"That new film "Matt Damon", Applejack wanted to see that one."
  1352. >"Doh ho ho. You like that Jason Bourne actor don't you AJ?" she says covering her mouth to hide a snicker.
  1353. "Sh-shut up!"
  1354. >The urge to reach through that little speaker and wring her neck is so strong right now.
  1355. >You can even hear the people behind you begin joking amongst themselves at your expense.
  1356. "You know what? We're going to see that one!" you demand pointing towards another film. "Just give us the darn tickets Lyra."
  1357. >"Sure sure." she says pressing a button. "But you know that's a horror movie right?"
  1358. "Yeah? And?"
  1359. >Anon tries to interject, "Applejack are you sur-"
  1360. "Oh ah'm sure."
  1361. >A strip with two tickets exits the little slot next to the button.
  1362. >"Here you go. I hope you enjoy the movie!" she says handing the tickets to you.
  1363. >"She seems nice." Anon comments as you two make your way to the concession stand.
  1364. "Yeah, she sure is." you grumble, "A bit of a handful though when it comes to her girlfriend."
  1365. >"JUST FRIENDS!" Lyra shouts behind you.
  1366. >A few minutes in line, your turn eventually comes only to come across another slight headache.
  1367. >"Hi there what can I ge- O. M. G. It's you!"
  1368. >BonBon points at Anon from behind the counter.
  1369. >"HEY LYRA! LOOK WHO'S HERE!" she shouts at the top of her lungs.
  1370. >"I KNOW RIGHT!" you hear Lyra yell back. "THEY'RE ON A DATE!"
  1371. >Both you and Anon share a frustrated glance.
  1372. >For the love of...
  1374. >"Woo we made it. Look they're getting snacks!"
  1375. >"P-Pin-Pinkie Pie... why did we have t-to pa-a-rk so far away?"
  1376. >"We can't risk blowing our cover Yellow Quiet."
  1377. >"W-what? Yellow Qu-quiet?"
  1378. >"That's your codename silly. Oh hold on let me go ask Lyra what movie they're seeing."
  1379. >"Oh... this is a bad idea..."
  1380. >"Fluttershy?"
  1381. >"Twilight? Rainbow Dash?"
  1382. >"What are you doing here?"
  1383. >"Oh um... nothing...? What are you two doing here?"
  1384. >"The bookstore on the corner is having a book signing from A.K. Yearling."
  1385. >"I finally got my copy of Daring Doo signed! So AWESOME!"
  1386. >"Hey Fluttershy, I know which movie Anon and Applejack- oh hi Dashie, Twilight!"
  1387. >"Pinkie... what are you doing?"
  1388. >"Er... just hanging out with my dear friend Fluttershy."
  1389. >"You're spying on Applejack's date huh?"
  1390. >"Whaaat? Nooo... okay... maybe."
  1391. >"Oh man I gotta see this."
  1392. >"Rainbow Dash!"
  1393. >"C'mon Twilight, don't tell me you aren't the least bit curious."
  1394. >"Well... Witcher mating habits are an unrecorded event..."
  1395. >"I... um... don't think this is right..."
  1396. >"Well the more the merrier come on!"
  1397. >"Which movie did they go see?"
  1398. >"Oh this one!"
  1399. >"Is that? Ohh...."
  1400. >"Fluttershy? You okay? Fluttershy?"
  1402. >After that's over. You two finally have your popcorn and soda and sit down in the theatre.
  1403. >Looking around, there's only three other people here.
  1404. >Weird.
  1405. >Thankfully because of that, there's a perfect spot right in the center of the room for you and Anon.
  1406. "C'mon. This way."
  1407. >By the time you two take your seats, the lights begin dimming and the first trailer begins to play.
  1408. >Out of the corner of your eye, you notice a couple more late moviegoers moving up to the top behind you.
  1410. >Someone kill you now...
  1411. >You could easily do it. You have a sword with you right now.
  1412. >How can Applejack be afraid of this?
  1413. >Another jump scare causes AJ to grip your arm.
  1414. >Maybe it's not all bad but...
  1415. >She begins digging her nails into you when another person in the film is suddenly dragged away into the darkness.
  1416. >Yeah...
  1417. >Not really the best mood setter.
  1418. >Should you just walk out?
  1419. >Granted the story isn't terrible...
  1420. >It probably doesn't help that your life's probably made you terribly jaded towards movies like this.
  1421. >You look to your side and see AJ's face being enthralled by the "sheer terror" going on in the current scene.
  1422. >She smiles nervously when she notices you looking and you quickly smile back.
  1423. >Reaching out into the bucket of popcorn, your hand grazes over Applejack's.
  1424. >You recoil your hand and smile awkwardly as she does the same.
  1425. >Taking a sip of the soda you got, you lean back into your seat.
  1426. >You've dealt with shit scarier than this crap in real life.
  1427. >No Anon, this is for Applejack. Your feelings on the matter are irrelevant.
  1428. >You can't help but glance at your watch. The movie has to be over by now.
  1429. >It's only been twenty minutes...
  1430. >Fuck.
  1431. >Another scare chord followed by *another* jump scare.
  1432. >Woo. So scary.
  1434. >This was a mistake...
  1435. >You're shaking like a leaf and you're holding onto Anon for dear life.
  1436. >Don't go in there. Don't go in there. Don't go in the-
  1437. >"Aaaaaahhhhhh!"
  1438. >He went in there!
  1439. >You try to grab a handful of popcorn only to send it flying everywhere when one of the characters gets grabbed and pulled into the darkness.
  1440. >"Hey watch it!" someone whispers behind you.
  1441. "S-sorry..."
  1442. >Suddenly a hand grabs yours making you jump up in your seat.
  1443. >"Hey, do you want me to get some more popcorn?" Anon asks.
  1444. >You shake your head no.
  1445. >Last thing you need is for the one comfort you have in this movie to leave you.
  1446. >There's another scream from the speakers.
  1447. >Tugging your hat over your eyes you just want this hell to be over.
  1449. >"Oh come on, that's not scary. How does a medical operation to cure photosensitivity make someone vanish like that?"
  1450. >"Twilight, you're over analyzing the film."
  1451. >"I am not."
  1452. >"Maybe you should have stayed outside with Fluttershy."
  1453. >"You mean Yellow Quiet, Blue Fast."
  1454. >"Blue Fast? What type of name is that?"
  1455. >"Look, Applejack is hugging Anon tighter! Awww."
  1456. >"Pinkie where did you even get sneaking suits in our sizes? And why are we wearing them inside a movie theater?."
  1457. >"Huh, so Witcher's scare mates half to death to make the female rely on them for safety."
  1458. >"What?"
  1459. >"Sounds right. That is how Grandpa married Grandma."
  1460. >"Twilight, your family is weird."
  1461. >"Hey Purple Smart, hand me the gummy worms."
  1462. >"Pinkie don't call me that."
  1463. >"Ooops. Sorry!"
  1464. >"Pinkie you butterfingers!"
  1466. >"SHHH!"
  1468. "Well, ah don't know about you but I think I'm done with horror movies fer the near future."
  1469. >"Eh. Could have been scarier. I'm a bit surprised you didn't want to just walk out of the film though."
  1470. "After Lyra made all that fuss, I wasn't going to walk out on her hospitality."
  1471. >Anon hardly seems fazed at all.
  1472. >Probably isn't surprising, after all Anon's been through.
  1473. >Ugh, maybe you should have just bit the bullet and seen the movie you wanted to see.
  1474. >You dust off some stray popcorn off your shirt and readjust your hat.
  1475. >"Well, the movie ended earlier than I expected, we got some time for something else before our reservations at the restaurant."
  1476. "There's an arcade here I think. You want to go?"
  1477. >Anon looks at his watch and ponders. "I don't know... an arcade is a little..."
  1478. "Little what?"
  1479. >"Puerile don't you think?"
  1480. "Pure-what?"
  1481. >"Childish."
  1482. >You frown.
  1483. >Anon’s face goes blank before realizing the implications of what he just said.
  1484. "You think I'm childish?"
  1485. >"What? No. I'm just say-"
  1486. "Right I forgot you're a bit too old for stuff like that." you say bitterly.
  1487. >You forget you're dating someone who's almost twice your age.
  1488. >"Appleja-"
  1489. "No come on, we got dinner plans; best not be late."
  1490. >You leave Anon speechless as you stomp off.
  1491. >"I didn't mean it like that." he says chasing after you.
  1492. "Then how did you mean it?"
  1493. >He scratches the back of his head. "I didn't mean to imply you were childish, if you want to go to the arcade then let's go. I'm sorry."
  1494. "Anon... I-I... nevermind."
  1495. >You want to tell him how much that comment actually hurt you.
  1496. >But you can already see how guilty he looks.
  1497. >Sighing, you fold your arms.
  1498. "Sugarcube, I'm sorry for getting so worked up. I know you didn't mean nothing by it, let's just forget about the arcade."
  1499. >Your words do little to reassure him but he's not looking guilty anymore.
  1500. >This date might of had a rocky start, but hopefully it can get back on track now.
  1502. >"Look, they're leaving!"
  1503. >"Pinkie, we have eyes."
  1504. >"Oh... oh my... is it over?"
  1505. >"I'm surprised you're still here."
  1506. >"My therapist says I should avoid things that could trigger flashbacks."
  1507. >"Aw, don't worry Yellow Quiet, Auntie Pinkie would never put you in a situation that would do that."
  1508. >"Pinkie enough with the codenames."
  1509. >"I wonder where they're going."
  1510. >"Hey... Is that Rarity's car?"
  1511. >"It should be. I texted her to be here after all."
  1512. >"Rainbow why would you do that?!"
  1513. >"Well, we're doing it."
  1514. >"Sunset's with her too?!"
  1515. >"Hey girls, what are you all doing?"
  1516. >"Spying on Anon and Applejack's date."
  1517. >"You're not serious..."
  1518. >"Rainbow Dash are you out of your mind?! Why didn't you call me earlier?!"
  1519. >"Rarity!"
  1520. >"Oh hush darling, it's not often that our dear Applejack snags herself a man."
  1521. >"Operation: Spy on Monster Hunter and Farmer Date version three point oh is a go!"
  1522. >"Pinkie... just stop."
  1523. >"Well up yours too Bacon Hair."
  1524. >*SMACK*
  1525. >"OW!"
  1526. >"What are you all wearing anyway?"
  1527. >"We have to be super stealthy on this, here I got some cat suits for you two as well!"
  1528. >"Pinki-"
  1529. >"SONGSMILE!"
  1530. >"Ugh "Songsmile", did you plan on bringing one for all of us?"
  1531. >"Pshaw, of course!"
  1533. >Walking down the street, Applejack hangs onto your arm as the moon begins rising into the sky.
  1534. >A cool breeze blows through the air as you pass by other people going about on their own buisness
  1535. >"So what'd ya think of the movie, be comepletely honest."
  1536. "It was incredibly tame compared to what I do for a living."
  1537. >"Guess you had some spooky jobs or contract things I'm a guessing? Anything like that monster in the forest?"
  1538. >You recall a few jobs you did before coming to Canterlot.
  1539. >Most of them were pretty mundane though.
  1540. "I ever tell you of the time I hunted down a cockatrice?"
  1541. >"Cock of what now?"
  1542. "A cockatrice, it's a dragon-like creature with a head of a rooster."
  1543. >She begins giggling, "Now ah know yer making stuff up."
  1544. "Witcher's honor. Anyway I was travelling the countryside of Kovir..."
  1546. -----
  1548. "And that's how I ended up collecting my pay and being banned from that small town."
  1549. >"All because of a rabbit and some girl's virginity?"
  1550. "Yeah, it was something." you say letting out a small chuckle.
  1551. >Before you continue AJ interrupts you.
  1552. >"Say Anon, I'm a bit curious. How do you find out about these monsters anyway?"
  1553. "Well, often enough it's pure chance. Usually it involves investigating phenomenon that has mostly paranormal origins. Because of that most of our current contracts involve ghosts or vampires depending on a region since those creatures can pop up anywhere and are harder to track down."
  1554. >"If that was the case, how did ya hear about the one that brought ya here?"
  1555. "There are some people, or groups of people, that still know about Witchers or at least hear about us still doing work. If they know where to look they can hire us, for a hefty sum of course."
  1556. >Applejack ponders over your words as you slow your pace outside of a certain building.
  1557. "Well, here we are."
  1558. >"Huh, ah've heard about this place. Never been to it though."
  1559. "There's a first time for everything." you comment opening and holding the door for her.
  1560. >"Why thank you." she says with a mock bow and a cheeky grin.
  1561. >Heading inside the restaurant you get strange feeling someone is watching you.
  1562. >Now that you think about it though, you've had this feeling since you entered the movie theatre.
  1563. >Because there were already a few people there you just ignored the feeling, but the fact that you're sensing it again.
  1564. >Once is chance. Two is a trend.
  1565. >Better not make this a problem.
  1566. >Turning behind you, nothing but a few pedestrians are walking up and down the sidewalk.
  1567. >Scanning the area, you can't see anything strange but you can't help but feel someone is definitely watching.
  1570. >"Shh!"
  1571. >"Did he see us?"
  1572. >"I don't think so. How could he?"
  1573. >"Enhanced sight, hearing and smell remember?"
  1574. >"Twilight you don't have to be snarky."
  1575. >"I'm not being snarky!"
  1576. >"Hey Sunset, something wrong?"
  1577. >"I dunno. Something just feels off."
  1578. >"Must be the suit, it's giving you a wicked cameltoe."
  1579. >"WHAT?! Why didn't you tell me?!"
  1580. >"Well I figured you liked show-"
  1581. >"Look they're going in!"
  1583. >Entering the pizzeria, you stand next to Applejack as you wait for someone to seat you two.
  1584. >A relatively busty waitress quickly heads towards the small podium wearing a tight black t-shirt with the business's logo stamped across in white and red lettering.
  1585. >"Welcome to Gio's Pizzeria how many will be dining?"
  1586. "Two. We have reservations under the name Anon."
  1587. >"Just a second." she says looking down a clipboard, "Ah yes, we have a table already ready for you. If you two will come this way."
  1588. >Following the waitress, you take note at the decorum inside. The atmosphere is pretty casual with a few families and couples eating their meals in peace.
  1589. >Passing by a few tables, you see the open view into the kitchen where cooks work diligently making pizza and other similar foods.
  1590. >"Here you are. My name is Flitter and I'll be your host tonight." she says handing you two menus. "I'll be back in a bit to take your orders."
  1591. >Leaving you two alone, Applejack eyes the waitress as she walks off and leans over the table.
  1592. >"She has some huge tracts of land..." she whispers behind her menu.
  1593. "Didn't think I'd take you to be the type to stare."
  1594. >"I know... but they're almost as big as Fluttershy!"
  1595. "Feeling envious?"
  1596. >Applejack's face goes red. "What no!"
  1597. >You just stare at her.
  1598. >"Okay... maybe..."
  1599. "Don't worry AJ, I like you the way you are. Plus, your breasts are already good hand holds as it is."
  1600. >She smiles, "Thanks Ano... wait... what?!"
  1603. >"Aw crap, why do I get all the weirdo groups... Hey there my name's Cloudchaser. How many?"
  1604. >"Six please and could we get a booth across from those two?"
  1605. >"Do you have reservations?"
  1606. >"No?"
  1607. >"Then no, sorry."
  1608. >"Maybe we could come to an understanding..."
  1609. >"Pinkie I don't think bribing the waitress is a goo-"
  1610. >"Are you seriously bribing me with a dollar?"
  1611. >"Fine. *TWO* dollars."
  1612. >"I don't get paid enough for this..."
  1613. >"Move aside Pinkie, listen dear our friends over there are on their first date. We would like to see it go well. Find it in your heart to help us in a matter of love!"
  1614. >"Twenty bucks."
  1615. >"E-excuse me?"
  1616. >"Twenty bucks. And I'll let you have the booth and I won't even question why you're all wearing gimp suits."
  1617. >"Are you out of your mind?!"
  1618. >"They're not gimp suits... are they?"
  1619. >"What's a gimp suit?"
  1620. >"I'll tell you when you're older Twilight."
  1621. >"Unless you make a reservation I can't give you the booth otherwise."
  1622. >"Rarity, just give her twenty. Here I'll spot you three."
  1623. >"I... um... have five... though I... er... do so under protest... if that's okay."
  1624. >"Ugh fine, can we make a reservation?"
  1625. >"Sorry we're booked for the night."
  1626. >"There's hardly anyone here! D-don't you shrug at me!"
  1627. >"Rarity you're causing a commotion."
  1628. >"You girls, here twenty dollars."
  1629. >"Right this way."
  1630. >"I hate you."
  1632. >"Are you two ready to order?" Flitter asks with a pen and notepad ready.
  1633. >"Well, ah'd like a root beer and that meat lover calzone thing." Applejack replies reading off the menu.
  1634. >"Excellent choice, and for you sir?"
  1635. >"I'll have the... fettuccine alfredo? And a water."
  1636. >"Would you like any appetizers?"
  1637. >"Anon?"
  1638. "Maybe an order of that fried calamari."
  1639. >"I'll get that started for you two right away."
  1640. >The waitress writes your orders down and takes your menus.
  1641. "Thanks."
  1642. >Smiling, Flitter walks away leaving you and AJ alone again.
  1643. >You awkwardly pull on your collar. Smalltalk isn't one of your strong suits.
  1644. >Looking around for anything to talk about you can't help but pay attention to your surroundings.
  1645. >With the dim lighting inside the restaurant, it definitely adds to the atmosphere.
  1646. >Especially the way the candlelight in between you two highlights her features. Definitely makes her look... all the more attractive to you.
  1647. "So. Meat Lovers?"
  1648. >"What can ah say? Ah love mah meat." she says with a sultry grin.
  1649. >This girl...
  1650. "Down Applejack. Let's not get too far ahead or else we'll both be stripping down naked in the restaurant."
  1651. >She giggles, "Such a charmer."
  1652. "I know right?"
  1653. >Applejack rests one of her arms across the table, in return you caress her hand.
  1654. >"Thanks fer taking me out tonight."
  1655. "Sorry about the movie though."
  1656. >"Ah don't you worry. Lyra just got under my skin that’s all."
  1657. "Well, I'll promise to take you out again to watch the movie you want this time."
  1658. >"Sounds good."
  1659. >Applejack smiles as you two spend the next few minutes just appreciating each other's company.
  1660. >All that is ruined however when there's a commotion being made across the restaurant.
  1662. >"What are they doing Rarity?"
  1663. >"I don't know yet Rainbow Dash, I can't see them!"
  1664. >"But it's so cramped... couldn't we have just sat at a normal table?"
  1665. >"Someone just kill me now."
  1666. >"It's not all bad Sunset. Just think of this as a learning experience on your teacher."
  1667. >"Twilight, do I really have to tell you how creepy this all is?"
  1668. >"No one forced you to put on the cat suit..."
  1669. >"..."
  1670. >"It feels nice..."
  1671. >"Um... could I have the garden salad... um please..."
  1672. >"I'd like three Colta Cola, two meaty supreme pizzas with all the fixings, three meatball sliders, four orders of mozzarella sticks and a side order of wings and fries. What do you girls want?"
  1673. >"Does... does Pinkie normally order that much food?"
  1674. >"Yes. Yes she does egghead. It's best not to question where she puts it all."
  1675. >"I'll have the lasagna if you would be so kind dear."
  1676. >"Eh, I'll take the meatball sub."
  1677. >"You know, with all this food, it'll be hard to keep an eye out on Anon and AJ."
  1678. >"Oh hush darling, just because we're partaking in unscrupulous activities doesn't mean we can't enjoy a night out as well."
  1679. >"I'd hardly consider stalking our friends on a private date "enjoyable"."
  1680. >"Oh don't be such a spoil sport Sunny! Just trust Auntie Song Smile and everything will turn out fine."
  1681. >"You're... like a year or two younger than I am."
  1682. >"She... um says that to me a lot too... and I'm a year older..."
  1683. >"Right, well that's all fun, but anyone else want anything or...?"
  1684. >"Looks like we're all good!
  1685. >"OH OH! And your triple ice cream sundae float!"
  1686. >"Pinkie keep it down!"
  1688. >More time passes by until you realize you can't put this off anymore.
  1689. >Getting up from your chair Applejack looks at you strangely.
  1690. "Be right back. Restroom."
  1691. >"Don't be gone too long loverboy." she says.
  1692. >Walking off towards the other side of the restaurant, you hear six very familiar voices whispering amongst themselves.
  1693. >They all freeze when they spot you looking at them with a disapproving look.
  1694. >Why are they all wearing cat suits? They probably would have been less conspicuous if they had just dressed in normal attire.
  1695. >"Uh... hi Anon." Rainbow Dash sheepishly waves.
  1696. "..."
  1697. >Your only response is a glare of utter despair as their eyes dart left and right to try and find some way out of this situation.
  1698. "Talk. Now." you growl out.
  1699. >"It was Pinkie's idea!" Rainbow Dash accuses the pink one.
  1700. >Looking towards Pinkie, she has guilty grin. "Okay... what if I told you we were all going to go diving after this?"
  1701. >"Pinkie!" Twilight hisses.
  1702. "I wouldn't believe you as you're obviously lying." you bluntly answer.
  1703. >She snaps her fingers.
  1704. >"Shoot. Well it was worth a try."
  1705. >...
  1706. >This is your life now isn't it?
  1707. >"Anon." Sunset speaks up standing from the booth. "Sorry, the girls just wanted to make sure everything went well."
  1708. "Are you planning on doing this for every date I take Applejack on?"
  1709. >"Er... no..."
  1710. >Letting out a sigh, you frown.
  1711. "I'm trying to have a good time, but knowing you six are spying on us since the movie theatre is really killing that mood."
  1712. >"Well, technically it was when you left the far-"
  1713. >"SHUSH!" Rarity says covering Pinkie's mouth.
  1714. >Turning back to Sunset, you shake your head.
  1715. "I know you care about your friends but... I'm also really disappointed in you."
  1716. >Sunset looks down to the ground, "I know."
  1717. "Fluttershy I can understand, she gets roped into everything against her will. And I kind of expected this from Rarity and Twilight."
  1718. >"Hey..."
  1719. >A sharp glare lets her know to shut up.
  1720. "I'm not going to tell AJ, nor can I actually stop you from playing stalker but I advise you take your food and go."
  1721. >A waitress walks by when you stop her, "Is something wrong?"
  1722. "How much is there bill? They're taking it to go."
  1723. >"Um... come with me sir."
  1724. >Sparing them one last leer, you follow the waitress to the front desk.
  1726. >"Well... so much for that."
  1727. >"At least he doesn't hate us."
  1728. >"Yeah, because that brings me so much comfort."
  1729. >"Sunset..."
  1730. >"He's hurt girls. We should make it up to him."
  1731. >"How?"
  1733. >How much food did they fucking order? That was almost a week's worth of food in one sitting!
  1734. >Settling the bill, you tell the waitress to keep the difference as her tip.
  1735. >You walk past the girls quietly without sparing them another glance as they all look at you ashamed.
  1736. >Taking your seat back at your own booth, Applejack eyes you cautiously.
  1737. >"You okay sugarcube? You were in there awhile."
  1738. "Everything's fine. Nothing you need to worry yourself."
  1739. >"Had trouble fitting it all back in?"
  1740. >You smirk.
  1741. >Before Applejack can inquire any further though, Flitter comes back holding a tray with your freshly prepared food.
  1742. >"A meat lover calzone for the lady, and fettuccine alfredo for the sir. Enjoy your meal." she says with a smile.
  1743. >"Hoo wee, that smells great!" Applejack says grabbing a fork and knife.
  1744. >Grabbing your own utensil, you both begin digging into your meals.
  1745. >"Say Anon..." Applejack begins between a mouthful of bites.
  1746. "Hmm?"
  1747. >"What made ya attracted to me?"
  1748. >Her question momentarily makes you swallow at the wrong time and choke on your food.
  1749. >Drinking your water, you clear your throat up.
  1750. "What brought this on?"
  1751. >"It's just, well ah was just curious. Ah'm not as pretty as Rarity or smart like Twilight so I ju-"
  1752. >You shush her with a finger.
  1753. "Don't worry about them."
  1754. >She sets down her fork and looks at you sadly.
  1755. >"Can ya just answer the question."
  1756. "Well... you're boring."
  1757. >Her face goes deadpan.
  1758. >"What."
  1759. >You smirk.
  1760. "That got your attention." you say wiping your mouth with your napkin.
  1761. "Most of my life has been constant traveling and fighting magical creatures. Just imagine the magical shit you and your friends deal with from time-to-time."
  1762. >"Okay?"
  1763. "I have to purposely look for work relating to that in order to survive."
  1764. >"Then why don't you just quit?" she asks.
  1765. >You let out a weak laugh.
  1766. >You've asked that yourself plenty of times before.
  1767. "I've tried. But... there's just... you don't just walk away from this life. That'd be like telling you to just walk away from apples and grow oranges."
  1768. >"Heresy." she spits out.
  1769. "Exactly. The reason I like being with you is because you take me away from all that. A sense of normalcy, a taste of a simpler life. It's... nice to be free from all that. At least for awhile anyway."
  1770. >Her eyes stare at you in the dim glow from the small candle.
  1771. >"But you think ah'm boring?" she bluntly asks.
  1772. "Hah, no. Every day with you and your friends is a headache in itself. But you're one that I would gladly live with."
  1773. >You lean to the right a little at the other girls' booth.
  1774. >All things considered though, you suppose it's not all bad.
  1775. >Beats fighting a leshen in the middle of dark forest and getting your shit stolen.
  1776. >Her expression turns grim, "So now yer saying I'm a headache too?"
  1777. >Your body freezes.
  1778. "W-what? No that's not what I- fuck..."
  1779. >You facepalm. This is not going how you planned.
  1780. >Why is talking to women so complicated?
  1781. >Suddenly you feel a warmness over your other hand.
  1782. >Looking back to your date, you see her smiling warmly.
  1783. >"Sugarcube, I'm just messin' with ya. Ah know this ain't exactly your comfort zone. Hopefully we'll work on it, together."
  1784. >Smiling back, you clench your hand over hers.
  1785. "Together."
  1786. >Gazing into each other's eyes, the mood is unfortunately broken by your waitress coming back.
  1787. >"O-oh... did I interrupt something."
  1788. >Sighing, you nod.
  1789. "Kind of."
  1790. >"I am *SO* sorry." she says apologetically, "I just wanted to let you know that your bill has been settled and this is your receipt."
  1791. >"Really? Who coulda done that?"
  1792. >You scoff, tilting your head and looking behind Applejack, you see Pinkie Pie and the others peeking their heads our from behind the booth and waving.
  1793. >Probably to make up for them spying on you two.
  1794. >It's a start.
  1796. -----
  1798. >"Mmm, ah'm stuffed." Applejack says leaning back in her chair with a satisfied smile.
  1799. >She pats her stomach twice to emphasize her point.
  1800. "Glad you enjoyed yourself." you reply leaning on your arm.
  1801. >Applejack grins before stepping out of the booth and sitting next to you.
  1802. >She leans the weight of her body on you before grabbing your napkin and wiping some leftover sauce on your cheek.
  1803. "I could have gotten that myself."
  1804. >"Now hush, ah wouldn't be a good girlfriend if ah didn't take care of my boyfriend now would I?"
  1805. "I guess not? Ready to go?"
  1806. >AJ nods.
  1807. >You both exit the booth and head towards the front door. Though you notice that the booth Sunset and the others occupied is now empty.
  1808. >It seems the girls took your words to heart and left.
  1809. >Good.
  1810. >Taking a few single bills out of your wallet, you hand them to Flitter as a tip.
  1811. >"Thank you and have a good night." she says.
  1812. >Stepping out into the street, the air has gotten colder and there are fewer people out.
  1813. >The moon is already beginning its journey across the sky. Taking a look at your watch it's only 7:45.
  1814. "So any room for dessert?"
  1815. >"Nah, I ain't Pinkie Pie. I actually have to worry about my weight."
  1816. "Well, want to take a walk in the park? Work off that food a little?"
  1817. >"Sure."
  1818. >You don't really need to due to your metabolism, but you want to spend a little more time with her.
  1819. >Maybe actually get some peace and quiet for once too.
  1820. >Holding out your arm, she loops her own into it as you head off to your next destination.
  1821. "Something on your mind?" you ask a little down the way.
  1822. >Her mind looks troubled by the way she just stares ahead.
  1823. >"Y'know Anon, sometimes ah still find it hard ta believe someone like you would take an interest in someone like me."
  1824. "Well I told you-"
  1825. >"I know what ya told me. It's just that..."
  1826. >Her face goes sullen.
  1827. "Just what?"
  1828. >"It's just, someone as experienced as you would go fer someone older than a highschool girl."
  1829. "Is this about my age again?"
  1830. >"Kinda. If you looked like your age you can be guaranteed someone was going to take a lotta issues with our relationship."
  1831. >She's not wrong. At least not completely.
  1832. >Not many adults nowadays really tolerate someone in their thirties dating someone who's roughly half their age.
  1833. >You yourself sometimes find it difficult to tolerate others in the same situation you're in.
  1834. >Which, looking at you and AJ right now is hypocritical.
  1835. >Most of the time it's really just an older man taking advantage of a younger girl and justifying it as true love.
  1836. >Who's to say you're not doing the same thing?
  1837. >It's not like home on the Continent, where cultural norms are slightly more relaxed in the less urban areas.
  1838. >"Ah mean, Principal Celestia ah could understand you setting your sights on. She's around yer age, knows her way around a man. You lookin' eighteen isn't as much a concern as it is us."
  1839. >You two eventually arrive at one of the public park entrances.
  1840. >Because of the time, there aren't a lot of people around. There's a few other individuals having a bonfire at one of the barbecue pits but other than that it's mostly empty.
  1841. >Applejack guides you to the swing set and sits down on one of the swings.
  1842. "I can't change how old I am AJ."
  1843. >"I know."
  1844. "So I'll bite then. Is our difference in age really going to be an obstacle? Besides you, your brother, the girls and both Principals. No one here in Canterlot actually knows how old I am."
  1845. >She teeters slightly on the swing as she grabs both chains holding it up.
  1846. >Sitting down on the adjacent set, she looks up at the moon in the sky.
  1847. >"It really shouldn't..."
  1848. "Where is this coming from anyway? Before, this wasn't really an issue."
  1849. >AJ bites her lower lip, "After our small little spat after the movie."
  1850. "..."
  1851. >"It reminded me on how different we are. And not just cause of age."
  1852. "What do you mean?"
  1854. >You turn to Anon before diverting your eyes.
  1855. >Why in the hell did you have to go and bring this up?
  1856. >This was supposed to be a date.
  1857. >"Applejack?"
  1858. "I'm just a simple farm girl. Sometimes I wonder why you chose me and not someone like Twilight who knows about all that Witcher stuff."
  1859. >"Because I don't like Twilight in that way."
  1860. "Then why me and not someone else like Rarity who practically threw herself at your feet?"
  1861. >You can hear let out an exhausted sigh. He steps off the swing and kneels right in front of you.
  1862. >"Because I want you." Anon simply says. "And only you. I made my mind up about that quite a while ago."
  1863. >Your heart skips a beat.
  1864. >A warm tingling sensation shoots straight up your body as you begin tearing up.
  1865. >"Applejack, I'll ask you this. Do you want us this to work out? I'll understand if you need more time to reconsider. Hell, if you want to wait until your eighteenth birthday I'll do that."
  1866. >He wipes a fresh tear from your eye and smiles.
  1867. "A...Anon..."
  1868. >Unable to hold yourself back any longer, you launch yourself off the swing set and tackle Anon to the ground.
  1869. >You force your mouth to his, bringing him into as deep a kiss as you can possibly muster.
  1870. >The Witcher wraps his arms around you and sits up while you continue your assault.
  1872. >"Aww. That's so cute."
  1873. >"Why are we still following them?!"
  1874. >"Oh hush now Sunset, we're in too deep to just stop now."
  1875. >"Rarity I... ugh. No, nuh uh. I'm going home. Twilight are yo-"
  1876. >"Stop moving Pinkie"
  1877. >"Sorry Dash- whoops!"
  1878. >"Ow..."
  1879. >"Forget it, I'm leaving. Fluttershy, Twilight are you coming?"
  1880. >"I... I think that would be best..."
  1881. >"Er... I sorta of want to watch this..."
  1882. >"Fine. Whatever."
  1883. >"Hmph, how rude."
  1884. >"Rarity, maybe she's right. This isn't fun any more."
  1885. >"What you're all just going to leave?"
  1887. >"My brother should be getting off of work now, I think I'll catch a ride with him."
  1888. >"Dashy could I catch a ride with you?"
  1889. >"Sure Pinkie."
  1890. >"Oh can we stop to get some ice cream on the way?"
  1891. >"You're all traitors! You hear me!"
  1892. >"Give it a rest Rarity."
  1893. >"Girls? Girls?! Hmph. Maybe they're right. It looks like kissing is as much as they're even going to do. Applejack's much too old fashioned to be doing much more in public."
  1895. >Leaving the others to their voyeuristic activities, you and Fluttershy walk away like you should have done in the beginning.
  1896. >"T-thanks Sunset... I was getting uncomfortable..."
  1897. "Yeah, so was I."
  1898. >"But I am glad both Anon and Applejack found something together."
  1899. "I think that's the only good that came out of tonight." you say as you yank the form fitting hood off your head.
  1900. >You spend a few minutes primping your hair when you notice something strange in the corner of your eyes.
  1901. >"Sunset is something wrong?" Fluttershy asks.
  1902. >You point at a white sedan in the distance.
  1903. "Does... that car look familiar to you?"
  1904. >It's lights are off, but you can just make out the shape of someone inside from the backlighting behind the car.
  1905. >"That kind of looks like..."
  1906. >Then it hits you.
  1907. "No..."
  1908. >"Sunset?"
  1909. >You sneak around some other parked cars and cross the street making sure to come up from behind.
  1910. >Getting closer the vehicle, you make sure to stay just outside the side mirrors reflection and just inside the blind spot.
  1911. >Crawling up to the driver side window, you pop your head up to get a look at who's inside.
  1912. "AH HAH!"
  1913. >"GAHH!" A woman screams from inside.
  1914. >A boxy object flies out of the driver side window smacking you square in the face.
  1915. "OW!"
  1916. >Recoiling you hear a curse as something liquid seems to splash on the stranger's lap.
  1917. >"HOT! HOT! HOT! HOT!" she repeats as she waves her hands to cool the coffee stain on her crotch.
  1918. "Principal Celestia?!"
  1919. >"Ugh this is going to stain!" your Principal says ignoring you. "Just what the heck do you thi- oh..."
  1920. >"Hello Sunset Shimmer. Enjoying your Friday night?" she asks with a sheepish grin.
  1921. >Your jaw drops as Fluttershy walks up to you two.
  1922. >Regaining your composure, you furrow your brow and cross your arms. You look at the object in your hands and see that's it's another video camera.
  1923. >"P-Principal Celestia? Wh-what are you doing here?"
  1924. >Uh... I was just in the neighborhood and I... er... look over there! It's a giant magical creature!"
  1925. "What? WHERE?!"
  1926. >Spinning around to see the threat, both you and Fluttershy only see empty air as you hear a car door slam shut and an engine start.
  1927. >Turning back, you see Principal Celestia's car peel out of its parking space and around a corner.
  1928. >"What was she doing here?"
  1929. "Probably the same thing we were doing." you respond, holding the camera in your hands.
  1930. >Going back to the earliest recording made today, you see the Principal has been following Anon ever since they were walking out of the restaurant.
  1931. >"But why would she do that?"
  1932. >Groaning, you just shove the camera into her hands.
  1933. >You really hope that Principal Celestia's tastes aren't too indicative of Princess Celestia's back in Equestria.
  1934. >Is that why all her guards are male? *The* Princess of the Sun, your old teacher, who could do no wrong?
  1935. >Is that... oh ew... now you're getting a mental image.
  1936. "It's a long story I don't want to deal with right now."
  1937. >Right now you just want to go home and sleep the rest of this crazy night away.
  1939. >Breaking apart for air. You find yourself towering over Anon as he lies on the ground.
  1940. >Your face is all flushed, your body is all hot.
  1941. >"Wow."
  1942. "Wow indeed cowboy." you reply leaning in close. "Does that answer your question?"
  1943. >"Not really, but I'll take it anyway."
  1944. >You suddenly let out a squeal and sit up straight as two hands squeeze your bottom.
  1945. >Shooting him a dirty look, Anon grins.
  1946. >"There, now we're eve-"
  1947. >He's interrupted by your hands grasping the bottom of your shirt.
  1948. >His eyes go wide as he immediately sees what you're doing. "Applejack you're not..."
  1949. "I want you right now." you say getting the top button undone.
  1950. >Anon's hands grab yours to stop you.
  1951. >"Hold up, we're not alone."
  1952. >You lean in close and whisper into his ear.
  1953. "Ah don't care about those other folk. They can watch fer all ah care."
  1954. >Anon gulps.
  1955. >"Applejack..."
  1956. >Smirking, you get off of Anon and pull him up with one tug.
  1957. >"Look we can find a hotel or some-"
  1958. "Nonsense. This way."
  1959. >You drag Anon over to a secluded area of the park behind some tall bushes and a large tree.
  1960. "Here should be good."
  1961. >Anon peeks around the thick foliage.
  1962. >"I don't..."
  1963. >You silence him by quickly undoing your shirt buttons and pulling your shirt apart.
  1965. -----
  1967. "Hopefully your family are all still asleep." you say unlocking the front door.
  1968. >"Eh, it's the weekend during the off-season, we should be fine."
  1969. >No movement in the kitchen or upstairs.
  1970. >Good.
  1971. >After your date, by the time you realized how late you were out Applejack wanted to partake in a little more "fun".
  1972. >So instead of heading straight home, you two spent the night at a nearby motel to have some privacy.
  1973. >Suffice to say, there wasn't too much sleeping despite how AJ was.
  1974. >All you'll say is you might have awoken a monster.
  1975. >Though this is one that you'll be happy to take on.
  1976. >Regardless, you two checked out early only a couple hours later. And judging by how fast you urged the cab to drive, Big Macintosh shouldn't be awake just yet.
  1977. >The sun's still down but every moment you waste it gets brighter out.
  1978. >Creeping through the house, you have Applejack in a bridal carry.
  1979. >"Anon ah can walk just fine." she says with a giggle. "You didn't do *that* much of a number on me."
  1980. >Wrapping her arms around your neck she touches her forehead against yours.
  1981. "I know, but doesn't mean I can't spoil you anyway."
  1982. >Easing your way to the stairs, you place your foot on the first step.
  1983. >"My oh my we got ourselves a charmer he-"
  1984. >Suddenly a lamp snaps on.
  1985. >You scowl.
  1986. >Really?
  1987. >Sitting in the dark waiting for the person to come in? How cliche are we going to get here?
  1988. >The two of you look over towards the source of the light and see Big Macintosh sitting in his lounge chair staring at you.
  1989. >On the small nightstand next to them, you see a beer bottle already opened. But judging by the condensation still around the neck, it hasn't been there for that long.
  1990. >"Big Mac? What are you doing up?" Applejack asks.
  1991. >You set her down and cross your arms.
  1992. "You been waiting there all night?"
  1993. >"Eeyup."
  1994. >A part of you felt this was eventually going to happen: an encounter with Big Macintosh over his little sister.
  1995. >His now "just-lost-her-virginity-last-night-to-you" little sister.
  1996. >"Er..." Applejack responds, unsure of what's going on.
  1997. >You both share a glance as AJ's sibling continues to "interrogate" you.
  1998. >"Enjoy yourselves?" Big Mac says deadpan.
  1999. >You awkwardly cough into your hand and AJ shifts uncomfortably
  2000. >"You were supposed ta be back by eleven. Granny was getting worried."
  2001. >"We kinda lost track of time and..."
  2002. >"Anon did a "number" on you? Left you walkin' funny?" the eldest Apple interrupts.
  2003. >Eyes going wide, Applejack’s face turns bright red, "Uh... we were just play- erm... y'see I..."
  2004. >Mac looks between you two before sighing.
  2005. >"Bed. Now."
  2006. >Nodding her head sadly, Applejack makes her way up the stairs. But not before giving you a small peck on the cheek.
  2007. >Standing there, Big Macintosh waits for his sister to be out of sight before he walks up to you.
  2008. >The elder Apple sibling stands at least a head taller than you as he stares you down.
  2009. >"We aren't going to have any little ones running about in nine months are we?" he asks.
  2010. "Couldn't happen, even if I tried."
  2011. >He thinks over your words. You can tell he realizes what you mean by the small movement in his body language.
  2012. >It's not completely overt, but the movement isn't one you would notice unless you were looking right at him. Probably why most people thinks nothing can really phase him.
  2013. >"You'll take good care of her?" he asks simply.
  2014. "Eeyup." you reply with a grin.
  2015. >He smirks too before giving you a pat on the shoulder and heading upstairs.
  2016. >"You hurt her, I'll break you." he threatens in a half-hearted manner. "Family's important to us."
  2017. "Yeah, I know."
  2018. >Family...
  2019. >Right.
  2020. >You briefly flashback to Applejack's torn expression when you told her you couldn't give her a kid.
  2021. >"Ah'll sort it out with Granny later."
  2022. "Thanks Big Macintosh."
  2023. >He gives an acknowledging wave before continuing to his room.
  2024. >Shaking your head you follow him up and quietly walk past Apple Bloom's room.
  2025. >You head inside the guest room and close the door behind you when suddenly someone embraces you from behind.
  2026. >Almost instantly you tense up; but remembering where you are you force your body to ease up a little.
  2027. >"He okay with us?" Applejack asks, twiddling your wolf medallion with a finger.
  2028. "Yeah, seemed pretty easy going about it too."
  2029. >"Big Macintosh is like that." she says hugging you tighter.
  2030. >Her breasts squish against your back as she squeezes. Which definitly isn't an unwelcome feeling.
  2031. "Aren't you worried about him catching us together?"
  2032. >"Nah, he knew about us sleeping in the same bed fer awhile now."
  2033. "And when were you going to tell me about that?"
  2034. >"Wasn't really planning too unless it came up." she answers kissing the back of your neck.
  2035. >Helping you get your clothes off, when you turn around you see she's already one step ahead of you. Already out of the clothes she wore last night and into her nightwear.
  2036. >"Anon?"
  2037. "Mhmm?"
  2038. >"Thanks fer last night. It was amazing."
  2039. >You both lie down in your bed and give each other one last kiss before drifting to sleep.
  2041. >Marching down the castle walls, you kick open the large wooden doors to Anon's private chambers with a large armored boot.
  2042. >"Oh Anon... yer so rock hard!"
  2043. >"I know Applejack. It's only because you are the sexiest thing second only to Sunset Shimmer."
  2044. >The two lovers make love beneath the lovely moonlight.
  2045. "Anon cease your making the beast with two backs with your paramour. We have other beasts to be slaying this night."
  2046. >"Sunset Shimmer, Slayer of Evil and the unjust?" they both asked surprised.
  2047. "You were supposed to be helping me prepare against the vampire hordes! You should not shirk your Witchery duties."
  2048. >"Ah yes, I totally forgot." says Anon's medallion.
  2049. >Anon throws the sheets off and marches to his post.
  2050. >As he walks past you, your face goes flush with embarrassment.
  2051. >He's not wearing ANY pants.
  2052. "Anon, put some clothes on first!"
  2053. >"But Ma'am, I already have my clothes on."
  2054. >Looking back at him, he's already fully dressed.
  2055. "Then carry on. The Dominion of Evil Vampires will not wait to strike. Applejack I need you at your post as well our apple-golems of freedom are acting strangely again."
  2056. >All of a sudden Anon grabs you from the back and quickly disarms you.
  2057. "A-Anonymous what is the meaning of this?!" you demand.
  2058. >"This is for spying on us last night." he whispers into your ear before nibbling it.
  2059. >You blush before stammering.
  2060. "Ah! Anon what- what's gotten into you!"
  2061. >Suddenly you find all your armor has vanished and all your underclothing is ripped to shreds.
  2062. >Applejack walks over to you in a very sexy manner with a sultry grin on her face.
  2063. >"Sunset, it's not what's gotten into him. It's what's going into you."
  2064. >What are they doing?
  2065. >This isn't in the name of justice! This isn't justice-y at all!
  2066. >And why are you now wearing a maid outfit?!
  2067. >You feel something long poking under your special place and see Anon's...
  2068. >Dear Celestia...
  2069. "Anon, don't forget about me. I want some fun too." a familiar voice coos.
  2070. >Principal Celestia stands in front of you in a dominatrix outfit with a huge...
  2071. >...
  2072. >That's not a strap-on...
  2073. >OH THAT'S REAL!
  2074. >What the heck is going on!
  2075. >"Sunset you still need to be punished for running away from me..." another voice says.
  2076. >Looking to your right is Princess Celestia, dressed in a similar manner to her Human counterpart.
  2077. >You suddenly find yourself being restrained and hoisted up by a pulley as both Anon, Principal Celestia, Princess Celestia and Applejack walk closer.
  2078. "No stay back!" you try crying out. "Someone help!"
  2079. >"TWILIGHT TWI TWI!" you hear your ever faithful companion Twilight shout out from the doorway.
  2080. "Twilight thank Celestia, help me! Everyone's gone CRAZY!"
  2081. >Instead of helping though, she closes the door behind her and gets an evil grin.
  2082. "Oh no..."
  2083. >"Twilight, TwiTwiTwi, Twilight Twilight Sunset Twilight." says another voice.
  2084. >The dark corner of the room that Human Twilight was next to lights up to reveal Princess Twilight with a riding crop.
  2085. >Behind her are the rest of your friends blindfolded and gagged into some sort of strange daisy chain all moaning in pleasure.
  2086. >All of a sudden (Human) Twilight transforms herself into her corrupted Midnight Sparkle form.
  2087. >Her clothes magically rip to shreds with a snap of her fingers only leaving her stockings on.
  2088. >But what draws your attention is the large flaming *THING* hanging between her legs.
  2089. >Your face becomes even hotter at the sheer size.
  2090. >"Oh that won't fit." Principal Celestia says.
  2091. >"No it won't will it?" her Equestrian counterpart responds.
  2092. >"Twi. Twilight Twi." Twilight says is a seductive manner as she walks between your spread legs.
  2093. >”I want the back entrance.” Princess Twilight says appearing underneath you.
  2094. >You struggle to try and break free as everyone closes in around you.
  2095. >Without warning you feel a pressure at the base of your-
  2097. "GAH!" you scream out.
  2098. >Shooting out of bed, your clothes and sheets are damp with sweat.
  2099. >Looking around, you're in your bedroom.
  2100. >No one's surrounding you.
  2101. >Placing a hand on your head, you take a deep breath. Wondering just what in Tartarus's name you just dreamed about.
  2102. >Anon and Applejack, both versions of Celestia and even both Twilights...
  2103. >They all had...
  2104. >No.
  2105. >Stop.
  2106. >You don't want to even think about that again.
  2107. >...
  2108. >You notice the small tv dinner on your nightstand. Because of everything that was going on you didn't eat anything at the restaurant.
  2109. >Maybe you should stop eating those before going to bed.
  2110. >Rolling over in bed, you look at the clock.
  2111. >6:28 AM.
  2112. >Sighing, you try to ignore the sticky damp feeling of shame and dried sweat causing your clothes to cling to you.
  2113. >...
  2114. >You're going to change the sheets…
  2115. >And your clothes...
  2116. >Getting out of bed, you bring all your tainted laundry to a basket for later.
  2117. >Putting on a simple t-shirt and underwear, you try going back to sleep.
  2118. >Hopefully the next dream will be a bit more sensible this time.
  2119. >Though somewhere deep inside, you can't help but have a nagging feeling there's some sort of higher power messing with you.
  2121. -----
  2123. "Where are they?"
  2124. >"Ah dunno Twilight. Anon said he'd be meeting you here a half-hour ago right? Or did ah hear wrong?" your friend's younger sister replies, checking her phone.
  2125. "No, I distinctly remember ten thirty."
  2126. >What could be taking Anon so long? Is he in trouble again?
  2127. >Oh you really hope he isn't going to make you late. You hate being late.
  2129. -Elsewhere in the Apple Orchard-
  2130. >"Anon hurry up!" Applejack cries out. "Twilight's waiting fer ya."
  2131. "Hey, you're the one that wanted a "quickie"." you retort.
  2132. >"Aw shut yer yap and give it to me harder!"
  2133. >God this girl is insatiable.
  2134. >Ever since your date night a week ago, Applejack has been milking you for all its worth.
  2135. >And yes.
  2136. >You meant it in that way.
  2137. >"Hah, I'm real close AnooonNNNNNN!"
  2139. >Tapping your foot, you impatiently try to be as patient as possible with the Witcher.
  2140. >He's supposed to be meeting you so the two of you can go to Ort Forges to retrieve his new Witcher sword.
  2141. >The reason you're going?
  2142. >Well, you want to see a real Witcher blade. Back at camp there was never a good chance to get to inspect Anonymous's old ones before they were stolen.
  2143. >Not that he would have let you inspect them. But with the first unveiling of his new set, at least you have an opportunity.
  2144. >Grandfather's swords, or what's left of them, were buried with his ashes so you could never get a closer look at them.
  2145. >So the chance to see a real Witcher's silver sword fresh out of the forge is an opportunity in of itself.
  2146. >Now if only Anon would get here already.
  2147. >All of a sudden, you think you hear a voice cry out in the distance.
  2148. "Was that a scream?"
  2149. >Apple Bloom rolls her eyes, "Ah think ah know why he's late."
  2150. "Really? What could be holding him up?"
  2151. >Applejack's sister gives you a deadpan look, "Ain't it obvious?"
  2152. >You shake your head no.
  2153. >Apple Bloom facepalms, "And ah thought y'all were the smart one."
  2154. "Hey..."
  2155. >"Look, they'll probably be a few more minutes. Ah'm heading back inside to play some games. Later Twilight."
  2156. >That was strange.
  2157. >What could they be doing that would be extremely obvious?
  2159. >Five minutes later Anon finally shows up with Applejack coming up right behind him.
  2160. >Huh, Applejack is walking strange. She must have hurt herself or something.
  2161. >"Sorry I'm late Twilight. Some apples just needed to be cored."
  2162. >Coring apples? That doesn't sound like-
  2163. >Whatever. It's irrelevant.
  2164. "We're already off schedule by almost forty minutes we should hurry to get back on track."
  2165. >"Twilight, it's not like they're going to sell my swords if I don't show up."
  2166. >Shaking your head, you eagerly want to get going.
  2167. "Be that as it may, I don't think tha-"
  2168. >"Hey Twilight, Applejack, Anon!" greets a voice from behind you.
  2169. >Turning around you see Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity walking up the path from the Apple house.
  2170. >Judging from the duffle bags full of equipment, the former three must have had training today and you forgot.
  2171. >Crap.
  2172. >"Is something going on?" Sunset asks.
  2173. >"Nothing much, was just about to head out with Twilight to pick up my brand new swords."
  2174. >"The one's Gilda jacked from you right?" Rainbow bluntly asks.
  2175. >"Yeah..."
  2176. >"So I guess Rainbow, Rarity and I are just going to train by ourselves then?"
  2177. >"I'd hold of-"
  2178. >"Aw no way, I want to see where Anon's getting his new swords." Rainbow interrupts. "That sounds more awesome than just training."
  2179. >"I guess it could be interesting. But Anon can show us his new sword when he gets back." Sunset says.
  2180. >"Lame." Rainbow grumbles.
  2181. "Well, what about you Applejack?"
  2182. >"Eh got nothing better to do today, all mah chores are done. Though I... uh need to take a shower real quick..."
  2183. >She gives you a subtle eyebrow wag.
  2184. >"What? Is everything I do now that noteworthy?"
  2185. >"Yes." all the girls answer.
  2186. "You have to admit, our lives have gotten a bit more... interesting with you around."
  2187. >"Yeah most magic things used to only happen like once a month, now they happen like every other week!"
  2188. >"But for better or for worse?" he asks.
  2189. >"Ehh..." Sunset squints with a shake of her hand. "50/50."
  2190. >Groaning, Anon relents.
  2191. >"Fine. But when we arrive at the forges, everyone waits in the lobby. I doubt they want an entire group stampeding around their workplace."
  2192. >You mentally cheer as now you're finally about to get going.
  2193. >Restraining yourself from skipping all the way down the path, Anon just mumbles to himself while the rest of the girls follow.
  2194. >Though why did Applejack give you an eyebrow wag? What was she implying?
  2195. >Your friends are strange.
  2197. >Entering the door, the overhead bell rings to signify guests.
  2198. >"Hello welcome to Ort For- oh, hello there. Mjolna has been expecting you."
  2199. "Yeah I figured."
  2200. >"Right this way." the receptionist says getting up.
  2201. >As soon as you make to follow her, the rest of your group tries to as well.
  2202. >Stopping, you turn around and raise a brow.
  2203. >A collective disappointed "Aww" is soon followed by them heading over to the chairs in the corner of the room.
  2204. >Quickly making your way behind the receptionist, she leads you through the building until you're outside the Forge Master's office.
  2205. >Knocking on the door, she peeks her head inside.
  2206. >"Mjolna, the "special" client is here to pick up his order."
  2207. >"Ah about time. Send the Witcher in!" you hear from inside.
  2208. >The receptionist opens the door for you and give her a small thanks.
  2209. >But as soon as you enter the room proper, you're assaulted by a heat wave inside.
  2210. >It's almost like somewhat cranked up the thermostat to its highest levels.
  2211. >"Sorry about the heat, clears mah head when ah'm thinkin." Mjolna says leaning back in her roller chair.
  2212. "We all have our... preferences I guess."
  2213. >Spinning around, you notice that the burly woman is only wearing her blacksmithing apron to cover her top. She's also covered in sweat, no doubt from the heat.
  2214. >Getting up she goes to shake your hand.
  2215. >"Ay, ah think you'll like what ah cooked up fer you's Witcher. It's probably one me best pieces yet."
  2216. >Returning the gesture, she opens a small chest and pulls out two differently sized blades both wrapped up in cloth.
  2217. >Setting the smaller one on her table, she presents you one of the blades.
  2218. >"This right here is yer new silver blade. Made to specifications with a few adjustments on my end."
  2219. >Unwrapping the cloth, what greets you is a sparkling silver Witcher sword with a v-shaped crossguard.
  2220. >The pommel even has a stylized twin wolf head design similar to old Wolf school blades.
  2221. >But what catches your eyes are the runes etched along the center of the blade.
  2222. >"Found these runewords in my grand-da's notes along with some old Witcher diagrams he had jotted down, don't ask me what they say but this one's supposed ta make the blade more resistant ta damage and degradation. While this one makes the blade keep a keener edge to cut easier."
  2223. >Tilting the blade slightly, the runes glow with a bright teal color.
  2224. >The blacksmith smiles as you inspect her work. "Ah can tell ya like it."
  2225. "I do. It feels better than my old one."
  2226. >"If ya want, ah got some practice dummies in the next room fer ya to practice on. But first, here's yer other blade."
  2227. >Taking the second wrapped sword, she unveils a new cane sword made from the leftover silver you promised.
  2228. >Mjolna pulls the blade slightly out of its casing.
  2229. >"Similar to the old one ya used to carry but much better craftsmanship ah say. Should be a little heavier with a stronger alloy core in the center."
  2230. >Easing the sword back, she hands you the cane sword.
  2231. >It definitly feels heavier.
  2232. >You pull out the sword and give it a few slow swings.
  2233. >Weighted better too.
  2234. >"Shouldn't be as fragile as that toothpick of a weapon ya brought in. I'd fight ya if ya said otherwise." she says with a hearty laugh.
  2235. >"Witcher, it was ah pleasure doin' business with ya. If ya ever need another blade forged, ya'know where to come."
  2236. "Thanks Mjolna. The work on these two swords are superb." you say, placing the cane sword back into it's sheathe.
  2237. >Putting the silver longsword into its scabbard, you set it on your back.
  2238. >The weight of having a silver sword on your back feels like you're whole again.
  2239. >As you get used to the weight on your back; Mjolna takes off her apron revealing her ample bosom.
  2240. >Averting your eyes, you clear your throat.
  2241. >It takes a few moments for the woman to realize why you’re turning away.
  2242. >”Sorry bout that, ah jes hate getting my shirts all damp.” she says turning down the thermostat. "'Scuse me while ah make myself decent."
  2243. >As she wipes herself off with a towel, a thought comes to mind.
  2244. "Mjolna, I have a favor to ask."
  2245. >"Hmm?"
  2247. >"What's taking him so long?"
  2248. >"Ah be patient Dash, it's only been a few minutes."
  2249. >"But he was only here to pick up his sword right? That shouldn't take too long."
  2250. >"Why can't ya be more like Twi over there."
  2251. >"You mean barely able to keep in her excitement?"
  2252. >Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy!
  2253. >You'll finally be able to see a real silver sword, this is SOOOO exciting!
  2254. >The double doors open and Anon walks out with his new sword strapped across his back.
  2255. >The blacksmith Mjolna also follows him out.
  2256. >Her size intimidates some of your friends as you almost run up and tackle Anon.
  2257. >"Hey, looky who it is! Mjolna says enthusiastically when she sees you. "Nilfgaard! Good to see ya."
  2258. "Hi Mjolna."
  2259. >"Sorry but if yer lookin' fer a match, ah'm a bit too busy today."
  2260. "It's okay, we really just came to see Anon's new sword."
  2261. >"Aye, ah think you'll be impressed just like the Witcher here was."
  2262. >"Anon? Impressed?" AJ asks, "Now this ah gotta see."
  2263. >With a small smile, Anon unsheathes the blade for all.
  2264. >...
  2265. >"Tarnation..."
  2266. "It's amazing!"
  2267. >"So... Awesome..."
  2268. >"Well now ain't that a hoot. If only all my works would get the same reaction." Mjolna comments.
  2269. >The craftsmanship is amazing! The way the metal concaves inward slightly near the base, the perfectly symmetrical crossguard, and...
  2270. >Are those runestones etched into the blade?
  2271. >Oh. My. Stars.
  2272. >Those are!
  2273. >You barely are able to contain your enthusiasm.
  2275. "I think Twilight's getting a bit too excited." you say as you watch Twilight squirm her legs together.
  2276. >The nerdy girl ignores you as she's too focused on ogling your new sword.
  2277. >"Gotta say, didn't get a close look at your old one but this one looks pretty nasty looking." Applejack comments pointing a finger towards the edge.
  2278. >"Careful, the edge is sharpened to a monomolecular level." Mjolna warns.
  2279. >"A mono-what now?"
  2280. >"It means that its sharpness is one molecule thick. When this blade cuts something, it'll cut through it like butter."
  2281. >Applejack recoils her finger and grimaces.
  2282. >"But wouldn't that leave the blade really easy to wear out? More-so if it's silver?" Twilight asks.
  2283. >"Ah, smart girl. Normally that would be an issue, but with that rune ah put in there should make the problem less of a problem. Still if it gets too dull just bring it back here and I'll sharpen it right up."
  2284. "I'll be sure to do that." you reply, resheathing the sword.
  2285. >"Also, Grace print'em out a receipt. This is still a place of business after all."
  2286. >"Yes Mjolna." the receptionist complies.
  2287. >While all the girls chat amongst themselves, Mjolna nudges you in the side with an elbow.
  2288. >"And dun worry about your little favor, ah'll let you know when it's done."
  2289. "Thanks."
  2290. >"Say, so you make swords?" Rainbow Dash asks Mjolna.
  2291. >"Well now where would ya get an idea like that lass?" the smith replies sarcastically.
  2292. >"Ha ha. So do you make movie props too?"
  2293. >"Aye. When we're commissioned."
  2294. >"So you'd be able to make a replica of the ceremonial dagger that Daring Do used in the movie version of "Ring of Destiny"?"
  2295. >"That old thing? Y'mean the one sitting right over there?" she thumbs behind her shoulder.
  2296. >Rainbow Dash's eyes go wide.
  2297. >"Ohmygosh!Ohmygosh!Ohmygosh!Ohmygosh!Ohmygosh!"
  2298. >Twilight also joins in the fangirling and they both embrace each other as they jump up and down.
  2299. >Rolling your eyes, you give Mjolna an apologetic glance.
  2300. >"It's alright." she says waving you off, "It's nice ta see folk appreciate our work."
  2301. >"Been thinking of branching out from simple movie props and such. Y'know get the creative juices flowing. Maybe an interweb series where the viewers ask for what fictional sword to make or something."
  2302. >"Mjolna, you know that would never work." Grace says from behind the counter.
  2303. >"Hey, ya never know."
  2304. >"That's almost as silly as that idea to make a scissor sword out of scissor blades."
  2305. >"It worked didn'it?" Mjolna replies with a smirk.
  2306. >"Yeah yeah." Grace replies going back to her work.
  2307. >Sunset taps you on the shoulder.
  2308. >"Ready to go Anon?"
  2309. "Yeah."
  2311. >Waving Mjolna goodbye, and pulling the two fangirls away, you and the five others walk back to your vehicles.
  2312. >You put the silver sword under the backseat when something catches your eye in the window.
  2313. >No fucking way.
  2314. >"Anon something wrong?" Applejack questions.
  2315. >She follows your gaze and immediately realizes what's going on through your mind.
  2316. >"Aw geez."
  2317. >"Hey you two what's the hold-up?"
  2318. >Applejack points towards the pawn shop across the street.
  2319. >In the front window is your old steel sword.
  2321. -----
  2323. >"Anon that looks like-"
  2324. "It is."
  2325. >Pulling away from Applejack and ignoring the worried stares from the others, you cross the street without little regard for any cars passing by.
  2326. >A few drivers slam on their brakes to narrowly avoid hitting you and angrily honk their horns.
  2327. >"WATCH WHERE YER WALKIN' HERE!" one of the driver's shouts at you.
  2328. >Unfortunately for him, you're too focused on your old steel sword mounted in the pawn shops front window to acknowledge him.
  2329. >Getting right up to the glass, you grit your teeth when you get a closer look.
  2330. >The wrappings on the hilt are shredded and torn, the pommel has a large crack down the center, and one of the guards is missing.
  2331. >The blade isn't in any better shape; despite the sturdiness of the carbon steel, the blade is shattered in multiple pieces at the center. Whoever owned this shop arranged the shards so they would look like a fully formed blade.
  2332. >"Anon, what's gotten into you?" Sunset asks coming up from behind you.
  2333. >The others quickly follow suit and you hear a collective gasp.
  2334. >"That's the sword Anon had at Camp Everfree." Rarity comments. "The one that ruffian Gilda stole."
  2335. >"Will everyone quit ragging on Gilda? I'm sure she didn't mean to take them."
  2336. >You all turn and stare at Rainbow Dash.
  2337. >She lets out a nervous grin and pulls on her collar.
  2338. >"Okay, maybe she did but... hey at least you found the sword!" the rainbow haired girl says lamely.
  2339. >"One of them." Twilight says. "I don't see the Silver sword that Anon had with it."
  2340. >Facing the window again, you ball your fists up as you see the sorry state your old Witcher sword is in.
  2341. >Just from looking at the missing segments on the display, not all of them were recovered.
  2342. >What the hell did Gilda do?!
  2343. >Letting out a noise of disgust, you ease between Twilight and Rarity to step inside the shop.
  2344. >A small bell rings as you enter the door.
  2345. >Inside the store is filled with pawned off goods of varying origins.
  2346. >"Uh boy, ah remember this place." Applejack grumbles.
  2347. >Almost on cue two figures jump out at you.
  2348. >"Welcome welcome welcome! You've walked right into "The Flim Flam Brothers' Everything-Under-The-Sun Emporium"!" the one with the mustache says.
  2349. >"If you want it..."
  2350. >"We got it!" They both finish.
  2351. >...
  2352. >Wait a second.
  2353. >"Hey lookie here brother! If it isn't our good old friend Applejack!"
  2354. >"Why I do think you are right Flim, though I hope she isn't here for another item that her Granny sold us."
  2355. >Applejack narrows her eyes at the duo.
  2356. >"We ain't here fer me." she says.
  2357. >"Oh ho? Then what could you ever be here for?" the one called Flim asks.
  2358. >"Are you interested in a new bass guitar?"
  2359. >"Or a slightly used crowbar?"
  2360. >"What about a remedy for tennis elbow?"
  2361. >"Heck we've got deals on crossbows!"
  2362. >Okay, that has to stop.
  2363. "Sword in the window. Who sold it to you?"
  2364. >Both the brothers pause at your interruption. Glancing at you, the mustached one's eyes widen.
  2365. >"Flim, isn't this that blind boy that our "dear" Applejack had with her at the pier?"
  2366. >Leaning in closer than you would like, Flim looks you up and down.
  2367. >"I do believe it is! Though I suspect he's not "blind" anymore Flam."
  2368. "I embraced the lord as my savior and he cured my blindness." you reply completely stone faced, "Now answer my question."
  2369. >The two smirk, "Indeed. Well, to answer "your question"; that is a private matter between the client and seller and we legally are prevented from revealing that." Flam says in response, much to your growing annoyance.
  2370. >"Now that's just horsehockey!" Applejack cries out.
  2371. >She rolls up her sleeve only to be held back by Sunset.
  2372. >Both salesmen stand their ground, "Now now Applejack, violence will get you nowhere."
  2373. >"So friend, does it have something to do with those strange contact lenses you have?" one says trying to change the subject.
  2374. >"Contact lenses?" Twilight says, "Anon's eyes are- mmph!"
  2375. >The purple girl is silenced by Sunset covering her mouth.
  2376. "Look, that's my sword that whoever sold it to you stole. I want it back."
  2377. >Flim and Flam's expressions change from jovial to more serious.
  2378. >"That's a mighty big claim." Flim begins.
  2379. >"You have any proof it's yours?" Flam finishes with a coy grin. "Because I don't even think you know how to use that sword."
  2380. >”Anon they said the same thing to me when I tried to get my bass guitar from them.”
  2381. >“How did you get it back?” Twilight asks.
  2382. >”By putting on a stupid banana costume and advertising their store.”
  2383. >Both men’s bare their teeth in a twisted smile even wider to show off their “innocence”.
  2384. >How you want to pound their sleazy grins off their faces.
  2385. >Applejack wouldn't mind would she?
  2386. "Inside the tang of the blade is an engraving of a symbol, three diamonds with tails with a horizontal slash across."
  2387. >Their smiles quickly fade at your unflinching description.
  2388. >"Er... are you sure?"
  2389. "The wrapping on the hilt is already ruined. Just take it off and you'll see."
  2390. >Flim takes off his hat and scratches his head.
  2391. >Flam instead whispers into his brother's ear, "What if he's right? That lady said it wasn't hot."
  2392. >"Don't worry Flam." the other whispers back, "I got an idea."
  2393. >Putting back on a big fake smile, the other brother wraps his arm around you.
  2394. >"Well, be that as it may. I can't just ruin a grade A collectible like that sword there just on your word. We'll need some collateral incase it isn't actually yours. You understand it's not personal, just business."
  2395. >Grabbing the man's hand, albeit a little too tight admittedly, you watch as his eyes bulge out of his head at your grip.
  2396. >"Urk... gah!" Flim stammers out, trying not to squeal in pain.
  2397. >Applejack and the others (minus Twilight who only looks baffled) can't help but smile at his expense.
  2398. >"Er... that fancy necklace you got there might do."
  2399. >That response only encourages you to tighten your grip, making Flim panic even more as he tries to pull away.
  2400. "No."
  2401. >You'd rather die before parting with your medallion.
  2402. >"Brother!"
  2403. >"Anon." Applejack says putting a hand on your shoulder. "Stop, please."
  2404. >You give AJ an incredulous look.
  2405. >"Look, as fun as it may be to put these two in their place, and trust me it looks really fun; strongarming them like this ain't gonna get you anywhere."
  2406. >Raising a brow, she tilts her head towards the ceiling where a security camera is watching and recording everything.
  2407. "Fine." you concede.
  2408. >Reluctantly, you release your hold on Flim as he staggers back into the arms of his brother.
  2409. >"Flim are you okay?"
  2410. >"That grip is insane!" the salesman says while massaging his wrist.
  2411. >Clearing her throat, they both draw their attentions towards Rarity.
  2412. >"Now now, we can all be civil here. The person who sold you the sword, did she have white hair with purple highlights?"
  2413. >They hesitate to answer, but their slight widening of their eyes and quick glance to each other tells you enough.
  2414. >"How did you know?"
  2415. "I want to know where she is. Right. Now."
  2416. >Taking a step forward, they match it by taking a step back.
  2417. >"W-we don't know."
  2418. >"We picked that up that weapon at a swap meet a week ago!"
  2419. "Where." you ask.
  2420. >"Dodge Junction." they both answer at the same time.
  2421. >"Ah don't buy it, the two snakes could be lying." Applejack states.
  2422. >"But what reason would they have to lie?"
  2423. >Everyone looks at you.
  2424. >That's a pretty good reason right there.
  2425. >You're about to cast Axii when you feel Applejack's hand grabbing your own.
  2426. >Right, cameras.
  2427. >Fucking A.
  2428. >"Well Dodge Junction is a state over." Rainbow points out. "Gilda's probably gone if it was a week ago. She never liked hanging out in the same place for very long."
  2429. >As much as you hate to admit it, she's probably right.
  2430. >Whatever trail you could follow is long cold. And if Gilda's the type of person who doesn't want to be found, she won't leave much of a trail in the first place.
  2431. >More-so with the Witcher training she has, assuming she knows enough to hide her tracks.
  2432. >The thought only frustrates you more. Walking over to the display stand, you retrieve the sword remains and wrap the shards in the cloth the weapon was laying atop of.
  2433. >Grabbing the hilt, you look at the pitiful condition.
  2434. "Where's the matching silver sword?"
  2435. >"Matching sword?"
  2436. >"We were only sold that one. Besides, if it were made of silver, we would have just melted it down."
  2437. >Figures.
  2438. "How much did you pay for the sword."
  2439. >Both brothers look nervously at each other.
  2440. >"Two hundred. We were planning on selling it for three."
  2441. >Grabbing your wallet, you slam two-hundred dollars onto the table.
  2442. "There's your money back." you say walking out of the shop sword and cloth full of shards in hand.
  2443. >"Anon..."
  2444. >Applejack runs out of the store with you.
  2445. >"Anon where are ya going?"
  2446. "Need to get some air."
  2447. >"Anon, stop!"
  2448. >Immediately you turn around.
  2449. "I'm not in the mood right now."
  2450. >"Look, I know yer all riled up about Gild-"
  2451. >Holding up a hand, you interrupt her.
  2452. "I'm a little past riled up."
  2453. >Applejack frowns, "Don't worry, you'll find her. But right now you need to calm down."
  2454. >Looking between her and your ruined weapon, you take a deep breath.
  2455. "Okay..." you say.
  2456. >Your response however is unconvincing.
  2457. >At this moment, you want nothing more than to find the thief that stole your shit.
  2458. >"Can we fix it?" she asks.
  2459. "I don't know. I'll ask Mjolna to take a look."
  2461. >"Hmm... the damage on this one is extensive." Mjolna says.
  2462. "So it's irreparable?"
  2463. >"Now ah diddin' say that. Ah'll see what ah can do but with this many breaks yer gonna have a lot of loss in steel and mass."
  2464. >"Ah don't know much about sword making or nothing like that but can't ya just heat up the metal and hammer it together like in that one movie?"
  2465. >The blacksmith scowls, "Lass, don't be insulting my craft. All that's just rubbish. Repairing a real sword is much more work than elves, magical hammers and anvils."
  2466. >At least in this day and age you think to yourself.
  2467. >"Probably gonna need to fold it if you want to keep it all original." she says picking up one of the metal shards.
  2468. "Do whatever you need to. If it requires a full reforging then do whatever's necessary. I just want it to look identical to how it originally was."
  2469. >"Gonna cost extra."
  2470. "Give me your price when you're done."
  2471. >Mjolna laughs.
  2472. >"Aye. Ah like you Witcher, we've only met twice but yer always giving me a challenge." she says slapping your back.
  2473. >You stare at the broken sword and shards on the table.
  2474. >Applejack notices your reaction and holds your arm.
  2475. >"It's okay Anon, she'll take care of it."
  2476. >Her reassurance feels welcome, but you're still a bit reluctant on parting with the weapon so soon.
  2477. >Mjolna eyes you two.
  2478. >"With the way you touch him, you two are close I take it?"
  2479. >"That's not really any of your business ma'am." Applejack replies.
  2480. >Mjolna slaps her knee. "Haha, ah'm right. Lass, take care of this Witcher here, he's a keeper."
  2481. >"He definitely is." Applejack says with a proud smile.
  2482. >"Doh ho! You two already bumping? Well good fer ya."
  2483. >Applejack's face glows beet red as she turns away.
  2484. "Ah didn-... I mean we hav... er... ah'm gonna shut my trap now..."
  2485. >"Ha really? Ah was only wanting to see a reaction but ah didn't think ya were actually doin' it!"
  2486. >You can't help but let out a small smile at AJ's expense. The embarrassment making her tilt her hat over her eyes.
  2487. "It's okay Applejack."
  2488. >Better take off before she unintentionally reveal even more about yourselves.
  2489. "Look, we should get going." you say.
  2490. >"Alrighty then. Be safe. And lass?"
  2491. >"Hmm?"
  2492. >The older woman takes Applejack aside and whispers something to her.
  2493. >"Apologies fer the teasin, but ah meant it. Take care o' him and don't let'em go."
  2494. >Looking in your direction she gives you a wink.
  2495. "What did she say?" you ask rhetorically.
  2496. >"Oh you know full well what she said Anon." she says punching you lightly in the arm.
  2497. >Waving goodbye, you two head back to the truck. The girls are already waiting for you two, though Twilight seems to be loading a box full of books into Rarity's car.
  2498. >"It'll be okay Anon."
  2499. "..."
  2500. >Applejack gives you a small peck on the cheek as you set yourself inside the passenger seat.
  2501. >Sitting in the driver's side, Applejack inserts her key and starts the vehicle.
  2502. >"Anon, ah'm curious; what'll you do if or when you see Gilda again?"
  2503. "Haven't really figured it out yet."
  2504. >Staring out the window, for the rest of the trip home you have a hard time thinking about anything else.
  2506. -----
  2508. >"Ms. Shimmer come up to the board and solve the equation."
  2509. "Yes sir."
  2510. >Getting up from your seat, you take the piece of chalk from Mr. Cranky's hand.
  2511. >Examining the problem on the board, you do the math in your head relatively quickly before solving the problem and showing your work.
  2512. >"Very good. Flitter, you're next." the teacher grumbles.
  2513. >"Aw man..."
  2514. >You take your seat back in your chair and stare out the window.
  2515. >Anon wants you to run the Gauntlet again to try and beat your old record by three seconds.
  2516. >To think, it’s been almost four months of doing this.
  2517. >You’d like to think that Princess Celestia would be proud of what you’re able to do now with a sword.
  2518. >Granted, you don’t know if any of your skills could still be applicable if you were a pony again but…
  2519. >Whatever the case, you’ve begun to enjoy the lessons Anon’s been teaching you.
  2520. >Maybe someday after you finish school you’ll join him in travelling the world hunting monsters.
  2521. >That would be cool.
  2522. >Or maybe you would stay here in Canterlot and become it’s Defender of Justice with the others.
  2523. >That last thought brings a smile to your face.
  2524. >"Hey dude, sorry I couldn't hang with you, Flash and Norman last night."
  2525. >Your ears perk up.
  2526. >Well not really perk up... but... whatever.
  2527. >"Nah man its okay, all we did was just grab some munchies and watched a ton of movies after doing like fifty donuts in Flash's car."
  2528. >"My mom wouldn't let me out of the house after she heard a guy got attacked in the park last night on the news."
  2529. >"Really?"
  2530. >"Yeah, like some guy was walking alone when some bear or something attacked him."
  2531. >"A bear? In the park? Dude were you high?"
  2532. >"Kinda..."
  2533. >A bear attack?
  2534. >That sounds dangerous, though that's not really in your domain.
  2535. >As much as you would like to help, this really seems like a job more suited for animal control. Or Fluttershy…
  2536. >You should probably watch her just in case she might try something.
  2537. >Suddenly, the speaker mounted in the corner of the wall turns on.
  2538. >"Will Twilight Sparkle please go to the Principal's office."
  2539. >Everyone in the room begins whispering to each other.
  2540. >What could the Principal want with Twilight?
  2541. >Is this related to the incident last week in the car?
  2542. >You mentally cringe at the thought of what Principal Celestia was going to do with that recording of Anon and Applejack's date.
  2543. >Whatever the case, the Principal didn't ask to see you or any of the other girls.
  2544. >This might just be nothing. Probably academic related or something.
  2545. >Ugh, these things itch so much.
  2546. >Unwrapping the velcro strap, you scratch an itch on the top of your hand.
  2547. >Ever since Anon upped the weights, your arms and legs have been killing you.
  2548. >Granted, whenever you take them off, you do feel stronger and faster so you can't say they aren't helping a little.
  2549. >And thanks to Anon's sword training, you've never felt so healthy in your life!
  2550. >Last time you checked yourself in the mirror, you had some impressive muscles to show off.
  2551. >...
  2552. >Okay, maybe not *that* impressive. Anyone who does normal weightlifting would obviously surpass you.
  2553. >But you're not scrawny anymore, so that's something.
  2554. >...
  2555. >Your mind begins drifting off as you listen to Mr. Cranky admonish Trixie's solution to her problem.
  2556. >So bored.
  2557. >You already read way past the stuff he's covering.
  2558. >Placing your head on your arms, you think of what you're going to do after school today.
  2559. >Gotta get some groceries for one.
  2560. >Though you're probably gonna cut out frozen dinners from now on.
  2561. >You would prefer *not* dreaming weird things about your friends anymore.
  2562. >Especially after that last one.
  2563. >The thought still gives you chills.
  2564. >As Mr. Cranky sends Trixie back to her seat you begin to perk up.
  2565. >Finally! We can move on.
  2566. >"Alright since it's apparent that most of you can't get it into your heads, we're going over this lesson again."
  2567. >Everyone in the classroom groans.
  2568. >You slam your head on the table.
  2570. >It's a sunny day around the soccer field with you laying underneath the tree by the bleachers.
  2571. >A cool gust of air blows over as you watch some students playing a game on the field for their gym class.
  2572. >Among them is Rainbow Dash utterly dominating the other team by herself.
  2573. >No doubt your training is a factor with the way she's dodging and weaving between the opposing players with fluid grace.
  2574. >You notice an opposing player try to come up from her blind spot on the right.
  2575. >Without even looking in his direction, she leaps over the girl trying to slide tackle her.
  2576. >Landing on her left leg Dash kicks the ball into one of the defenders knocking the wind out of him.
  2577. >Her opponent crumples to the ground as the ball bounces back towards her.
  2578. >Stopping the ball with her own chest, she sets up another shot towards another opponent and does the same thing.
  2579. >With both defenders out, she pops the ball up in the air and does a back flip to kick the ball over the goalies head and into the net.
  2580. >All the players on Dash's team cheer as they congratulate the MVP.
  2581. >"Ahem." a female voice utters out.
  2582. >Looking to your right, it's Vice Principal Luna.
  2583. >"Anonymous."
  2584. "Vice-Principal."
  2585. >"We need to discuss something. Please come with me."
  2587. >"Anon? What are you doing here?" asks Twilight.
  2588. >The only response to that question is a shrug
  2589. "Dunno, Luna here said we needed to talk."
  2590. >"It's a matter that my sister and I felt should be discussed in private." Luna answers.
  2591. >Opening the door to the Principal's office, Celestia sees you and smiles.
  2592. >"Hello Twilight, Anonymous." Celestia greets as the three of you step into her office.
  2593. >"Did you need something Principal?" Twilight asks almost immediately.
  2594. >"Yes, I suppose I did."
  2595. >As Luna closes the door, you notice two other individuals in the office.
  2596. >"Anon, I'm sure you know our niece Cadance, Dean of Students at Crystal Prep, and Twilight's brother Shining Armor."
  2597. "We've... met."
  2598. >Not under the most ideal circumstances mind you.
  2599. >Cadance gives you a sincere smile as she readjusts the crutches laying alongside her chair.
  2600. >Shining on the other hand ignores your presence.
  2601. >Better than pulling a gun on you.
  2602. >"Shiny? Cadance? What's going on?"
  2603. >"Well first off, both Celestia and I wanted to thank Anon for saving our dear niece's life." Luna says putting a hand on Cadance's shoulder.
  2604. >"Yes, I don't know what I would have done without you being there like that."
  2605. "..."
  2606. >You see Shining Armor's eye twitch a little.
  2607. >"Twilight told me of what Chrysalis was doing to Shining Armor and how you managed to scare her off."
  2608. >Scare her off?
  2609. >Twilight shakes her head and mouths the word "no" at you when you glance at her.
  2610. "It was... nothing?"
  2611. >"The three of us feel that we should thank you in some capacity, so that's why Cadance decided to invite you two to dinner with us."
  2612. "Really?"
  2613. >"Really?"
  2614. >"It's hardly equal to what you did but I feel like Shiny and I should do *something*." Cadance says.
  2615. >...
  2616. >Not like you have anything better to do you suppose.
  2617. "Sure I guess."
  2618. >"Anyway, with that out of the way..." Luna intercedes, "Shining Armor wanted to talk to you in private while we take Cadance out to lunch before her physical therapy appointment. "
  2619. >"Twilight you're welcome to join us." Celestia says getting up from her desk.
  2620. >"But it's still during school hours."
  2621. >You give an incredulous glance at Twilight.
  2622. >Cadance giggles, "That's Twilight for you."
  2623. >"Indeed." Luna replies, helping Cadance up. "Maybe it was a bit premature to excuse her from the rest of her classes sister?"
  2624. >"Oh hush, everyone needs a break once in awhile."
  2625. >With her crutches firmly on the ground, Cadance steps out of the room first.
  2626. >"Auntie, that's a gorgeous sapphire necklace. You really need to tell me where you got it?"
  2627. >Grinning sheepishly at you, Luna hurries Celestia out.
  2628. >"Well maybe next time then." Celestia says, "We'll see you later Twilight. Oh and Anon?"
  2629. >Celestia gives you a wink, along with pawing and a growl, as she walks out the door.
  2630. >Okay, maybe dinner was a mistake.
  2631. >A horrible, horrible mistake.
  2632. >Shaking her head in disapproval Luna shuts the office door leaving you and Twilight alone with her brother.
  2633. >"What was that?" Twilight asks.
  2634. "What was what?"
  2635. >"That thing. The thing Principal Celestia did before she walk-"
  2636. "Nothing you need to concern yourself with." you say cutting her off. “Ever.”
  2637. >The room becomes silent for another few minutes as Shining just stares at the wall.
  2638. "Well, if you're not going to say anything I'm just gonn-"
  2639. >"Why?"
  2640. >His brief question gives you pause.
  2641. ""Why" what? I'm not gonna play 20 questions with you."
  2642. >"Why did you save me from Chrysalis and her boss Iron Will?" he clarifies. "You had nothing to gain beyond getting me out of the way."
  2643. >"Shining..."
  2644. "Why would I want you out of the way?"
  2645. >His nostrils flare as he jumps out of his seat.
  2646. >"So you wouldn't have me hounding you!"
  2647. >You can't help but scoff.
  2648. >Going up to the man you get right into his face.
  2649. "I have better things to do than concern myself with some cop "hounding" me for doing nothing wrong. If he wants to obsess himself with me that's his prerogative I don't particularly care."
  2650. >Shining's jaw drops.
  2651. >"You're a dangerous individual Witcher. I can't just let you go around-"
  2652. "Around doing what exactly? Minding my own business? If I recall, the only individual I've actually killed in Canterlot was a vampire feasting on people."
  2653. >"What about Iron Will?"
  2654. "Chrysalis killed him. I may have weakened him but that was mostly your sister."
  2655. >"Then who killed Chrysalis?!" he asks. "I know she can't be alive if the three of us are."
  2656. >"Your sister." you point out bluntly.
  2657. >"Anon!" Twilight objects.
  2658. >Shining stares wide-eyed at his sister, "Twilight? She couldn't kill someone like Chrysalis! Don't lie to me."
  2659. "I wouldn't have any reason to."
  2660. >"Twilight did you really?"
  2661. >Nodding, Twilight affirms her role.
  2662. >"H-how?"
  2663. "That's something that Twilight will have to explain. But if that's all I'm leaving."
  2664. >Opening the door, you walk out of the office but not before turning towards Shining.
  2665. "And for the record, I saved you because Twilight asked me to."
  2666. >"How much did she offer you?" he asks before you shut the door.
  2667. "She didn't ask anything. I did it because a friend had a problem."
  2668. >Closing the door behind you, you drag a hand down your face.
  2669. >And today was supposed to be a relaxing day.
  2671. >The period bell rings and students gather in the halls.
  2672. >Most however clear a wide berth for you when they see you walking by them.
  2673. >Whispers are heard among the crowd about you.
  2674. >"Is that the dude who saved the camp?"
  2675. >"I heard he's like some sort of swordsman trapped in the future."
  2676. >"He's so hot. Like if I wasn't already dating already..."
  2677. >"Oh please, I heard he's going out with Sunset... or was it Rarity?"
  2678. >"No way."
  2679. >"I heard it was with Principal Celestia."
  2680. >"Shut. Up."
  2681. >"He came to the camp in Principal Celestia's car."
  2682. >"Like isn't she like, super old?"
  2683. >"With hips and a butt like that I'd still totally tap that man."
  2684. >You mentally groan.
  2685. >Highschool students...
  2686. >Entering the lunchroom, you pass by Granny who hands you a tray just for you and her kin.
  2687. >Taking your seat at a table in the corner you try to ignore all the eyes looking in your direction.
  2688. >"Dude, you ever wonder why Anon always sits alone?" someone asks.
  2689. >His buddy punches him in the shoulder, "Brah, he like sits with Sunset and her friends all the time."
  2690. >"Really?"
  2691. >"Maybe you would notice if you weren't high all the time."
  2692. >"Haaa..."
  2693. >"You're high now aren't you?"
  2694. >"Kind'a..."
  2695. >Poking at your food, Sunset and Fluttershy take their seats by you.
  2696. >"H-hi Anon." Fluttershy mumbles.
  2697. >"Hey."
  2698. >You raise your hand slightly to acknowledge them.
  2699. >"Something the matter?"
  2700. "Just all the students here talking about me." you point out, "I'm not used to so much attention."
  2701. >"Why do you even come to school then? You don't take any actual classes." Sunset points out.
  2702. "Because "Princess" Twilight asked me to watch over you." you remind her.
  2703. >"But the assassin wasn't meant for me."
  2704. "I know, but until Twilight states that my job is over I have to stick around you."
  2705. >"So is that the only reason you're sticking around darling?" Rarity asks coming from behind. "Not for... any other reason?"
  2706. >She emphasis her last question with an eye flutter.
  2707. "The only other reason is walking right up to us." you say as Applejack takes the seat adjacent to you.
  2708. >"Howdy sugarcube."
  2709. >Kissing you on the cheek, she begins digging into her own lunch.
  2710. >Rarity huffs, but lets out a genuine smile soon after and takes her seat.
  2711. >Rainbow Dash and Pinkie join you shortly when Sunset notices something over by the cafeteria's entrance.
  2712. >"Is that Twilight's brother?"
  2713. "Yeah."
  2714. >"What's he here for?"
  2715. >Rolling your eyes, you put another sporkful of apple cobbler in your mouth.
  2716. "Wanted some questions answered by me."
  2717. >"About what?" she asks.
  2718. >All the girls look towards you as Shining Armor and Twilight hug.
  2719. >He makes his exit, but not without glaring at you one last time.
  2720. "That incident with Chrysalis."
  2721. >"Oh..."
  2722. >"Hi girls!" Twilight greets.
  2723. >"Hi Twilight!" Pinkie Pie says cheerfully, "Anon was just telling us about your brother!"
  2724. >"I'd rather not talk about that anymore." she says sadly.
  2725. "Same."
  2726. >"So Anon." Rainbow begins, "I have a question?"
  2727. "What?"
  2728. >She shares a glance with Sunset who motions for her to go on.
  2729. >"Sunset and I were wondering..."
  2730. >You have a feeling where this is going.
  2731. >"When are Sunset and I going to get our own swords?"
  2732. >And there it is.
  2733. "When you can afford them yourselves?"
  2734. >"What."
  2735. "What you thought I was going to give you two a free sword each?"
  2736. >"Well, we were sort of expecting a sword of our own when you finished training us."
  2737. >"Kinda yeah."
  2738. >You scoff, an act that seems to put off both Sunset and Rainbow.
  2739. "Funny."
  2740. >"Anon I'm serious." Rainbow says, "You g-"
  2741. >"Sunset? Sunset Shimmer?" a voice comes asking politely.
  2742. >You all turn your heads towards the source, a girl with black hair and wearing a bow tie around her neck.
  2743. >"Octavia right?"
  2744. >"Correct. I've been looking for you all day."
  2745. >Her accent is distinct, unlike the rest of the students here.
  2746. >Northern you think.
  2747. >"What's the matter?" Applejack asks.
  2748. >"Well it's more of a concern I was hoping you specifically could solve." she says looking at you. "And if it's all the same, I would prefer not talking about this in... public where prying ears could hear."
  2749. >Of course she would, because that totally doesn't indicate anything shady.
  2750. >"Where and what time?"
  2751. >"After school in the band room?"
  2752. >"He'll be there Octavia." Sunset says with a smile.
  2753. >The girl lets out a sigh of relief, "Thank you."
  2754. >As she walks away, you glare at Sunset.
  2755. "What the hell was that?"
  2756. >"What, she looks like she needs help?" Sunset defends.
  2757. >"Wonder what she wants?" Applejack asks.
  2758. >"Must be magic related if she's asking for you."
  2759. >You look at Octavia leaving the cafeteria. She takes one last look at you before closing the door behind her.
  2760. "If it needs me, nothing good can come of it."
  2762. -----
  2764. >The final bell rings as you wait outside CHS's band room.
  2765. >Students pour out of the classroom eager to head home or hang out with their friends.
  2766. >Once the mass of high schoolers dwindles, you enter the room and take a seat in one of the empty chairs.
  2767. >"Can I help you?" a man you assume is the band teacher asks.
  2768. "Meeting someone here, named Octavia I think?"
  2769. >"Ah yes, she asked me earlier to reserve the room for you two. I'm a bit surprised to be honest."
  2770. "Surprised?"
  2771. >"That you only now just decided to join the orchestra. Lord knows we could always use another violin for a duet or counterpoint."
  2772. >You? Join an orchestra?
  2773. >You don't even know how to play an instrument let alone one to join an orchestra.
  2774. >And you thought that being blind rumor was dispelled long ago. This teacher must not listen to student gossip very often.
  2775. "I think you might be a bit mista-"
  2776. >"Anon, you're right on time!" Octavia says entering the room.
  2777. >"Octavia, I trust you can get your friend here up to speed?"
  2778. >You look at the girl who just subtley motions for you to play along.
  2779. >"'Ello sir, and I'll do my best."
  2780. >"Well I'll leave you to it then. Remember to lock up when you're done." he says handing Octavia a spare set of keys.
  2781. >Octavia bows as the man leaves the room.
  2782. >Once the doors shut, you two wait a few seconds before you ask your first question.
  2783. >"Now that that's out of the wa-"
  2784. "I'm not joining any goddamned orchestra." you cut her off.
  2785. >If this was a total waste of your time...
  2786. >Holding her hands up in surrender she tries to calm you down.
  2787. >"I know I know, but this was the only way I could find us a way where we could be alone."
  2788. "A lot of secrecy just to talk to me. That usually doesn't bode well."
  2789. >"I realize that this all might seem a bit strange and the like. But I promise you that I have a good reason."
  2790. >You fold your arms.
  2791. "And that would be?"
  2792. >"First I have to ask. At Camp Everfree were you really the one to kill that giant monster?"
  2793. "Not alone, but yes I'm the one who killed it."
  2794. >In addition to Swords and a few explosives but that's just details.
  2795. >Octavia sits down in one of the nearby chairs and folds out her skirt.
  2796. >"I think there's someone hunting me. And I want you to help me find out who it is and stop them."
  2797. >Taking your seat in front of her, you listen closely to her story.
  2798. "What makes you think that?"
  2799. >"Well ever since I got back from the Everfree field trip, I've been feeling like I've been followed or watched constantly."
  2800. "Since the field trip? That was almost two months ago."
  2801. >"I know that, but at the time I thought it was just a post traumatic symptom of watching a fellow student die..."
  2802. >Her eyes lower and she trails off at the mention.
  2803. >"But in the last week or so I'm sure that someone is following me. Doors always seem to be opened after I lock them, containers being knocked over repeatedly, a mysterious figure in the corner of my eye only to vanish before I could get a good look at them."
  2804. "Sounds serious, but why not hire a private bodyguard or tell the police."
  2805. >"Because they honestly don't believe me until I can show them absolute proof that I'm being stalked."
  2806. >This does sound a bit serious.
  2807. "So you what? Want to hire me to watch over you for a while?"
  2808. >"Precisely. I know that you probably expect to be compensated..."
  2809. "That would be nice, but my services aren't really cheap."
  2810. >"Where would we start then?" she asks as her face shows apprehension.
  2811. "Well I normally take precious metals or gemstones as payment."
  2812. >"Like gold and silver?"
  2813. >You nod your head.
  2814. "And not just in small quantities either. Usually in the kilo range. For what you described maybe a kilo bar of silver."
  2815. >Her eyes go wide.
  2816. >"B-but... that's around $630, I can't afford that."
  2817. "Sorry, but that's my price."
  2818. >"That's robbery!" she says getting angry.
  2819. >Sighing you lift your shirt up showing the girl your various scars accumulated over the years.
  2820. >The sight makes her gasp.
  2821. "What I do usually results in me getting another one of these. I don't work for cheap because my life is constantly put on the line. What you're asking doesn't require much for me to do which is why I'm going so low on pricing."
  2822. >Octavia gulps.
  2823. >"Okay... I'll try to get a bar..." she says.
  2824. "Look, I'm sure it's nothing serious but if you really want to hire my services I'll give you a couple days to figure out if you *really* want to do this."
  2825. >Standing, you leave Octavia alone with her thoughts.
  2827. >Walking down the empty hall you begin questioning yourself on your decision.
  2828. >Were you being unreasonable? She is a high schooler after all.
  2829. >The girl wouldn't have the same contacts like Sunset did so a kilogram of silver might be more difficult for her to get than you figured.
  2830. >Maybe you should have charged her after doing an initial investigation.
  2831. >No.
  2832. >That's not how it normally works.
  2833. >You have a realization that the girl's might be making you soft when it comes to Witcher business.
  2834. >Helping people is good and all, but good feelings don't pay for food and keep a roof over your head.
  2835. >As you walk through an empty hall the lights suddenly go out.
  2836. >Strange.
  2837. >You hear footsteps patter on the laminated floor when the double doors at each end of the hall shut close.
  2838. >Okay. That's trouble.
  2839. >Lifting your glasses, your eyes easily see through the low level darkness and you can see a couple of figures with masks over their heads trying to sneak towards you.
  2840. >In total? About five.
  2841. >Judging by their heights, weights and clothing... they're just normal students.
  2842. >"We don't need your kind here." one of the figures announce. "Canterlot High has had enough trouble with magic freaks popping up."
  2843. >"Your presence here really triggers us man." a female voice says.
  2844. "And what the fuck are you five planning on doing about it?"
  2845. >"We want you to leave this school and never come back. CHS is under our protection. We've decided to preempt any attempts at trouble."
  2846. >"Yeah especially Rarity!" the shortest of the group shouts out.
  2847. >"Dude, really? You know what nevermind..."
  2848. >"That monster at the camp obviously wasn't that tough if two people could kill it with swords."
  2849. >"And we're gonna make sure NO one dies. Unlike you."
  2850. >Wonderful, a group of pro-active vigilantes.
  2851. >Great. Just what you needed today.
  2852. >Each student brandishes what looks like blackjacks, a baton, and a pair of brass knuckles.
  2853. >Huh. You would think that one of them would have a knife or something.
  2854. "Well, you five munchkins can go fuck off. I have more important concerns to worry about than a bunch of kids playing hero."
  2855. >You can see the frustration in their body language.
  2856. >"Hey, we have the numbers and you're fighting in the dark if you know what's good for ya then leave before you get messed up yo."
  2857. >Shaking your head you decide not to unsheathe your cane sword for this.
  2858. "Come on let's get this over with." you say in a rather bored manner.
  2859. >Looking at your watch, you decide to mark a time.
  2860. >May as well have *some* fun with his.
  2861. "Thirteen seconds."
  2862. >"What?"
  2863. >"The hell is he mumbling about?"
  2864. "Thirteen seconds is how long this fight will take."
  2865. >"He's not taking us seriously!"
  2866. >"We'll show you!"
  2867. >The tallest one with the baton rushes at you with an incredibly telegraphed attack.
  2868. >Grabbing his outstretched arm and sweeping his leg, you flip him over and slam him onto the ground, catching his blackjack in the air.
  2869. >"Get him!"
  2870. >The remaining four students rush in a quick but unorganized fashion.
  2871. >Avoiding a punch from the fat one with the brass knuckles, you counter him with a punch to the face sending him flying into a locker.
  2872. >The largest of the group grabs you from behind but is easily broken out of with an elbow in the gut. As he bends over, it's followed by a smack the bludgeoning tool into the side of his head breaking it into pieces.
  2873. >They didn't even get the sturdy shit.
  2874. >Grabbing his shirt, you move him around and use his mass to shield a blow from the female member as her weapon strikes him.
  2875. >"OW!"
  2876. >"Oh my god I'm so- ack.
  2877. >Pushing the deadweight off into her they fall to the floor leaving only one person left.
  2878. >He hesitates before dropping his weapon to turn tail and run.
  2879. >Figures.
  2880. >Looking at the ground, you see the discarded baton and balance it onto your foot before tossing it into the air and catching it with your right hand.
  2881. >Taking aim, you throw the baton with enough force to nail the fleeing student in the head and sending him crashing into the door head first.
  2882. >The lights come back on and every one of the "vigilantes" moan and groan.
  2883. >Checking your watch...
  2884. >Hmm, fifteen seconds.
  2885. >A little slow. Especially since your medallion didn't even tug at the chain.
  2886. >Granted, you weren't trying to kill them and one did try to run.
  2887. >Kneeling by the one that you can only assume to be the leader, you pull off the ski mask.
  2888. >...
  2889. >You have no idea who this is.
  2890. >Why would you? You only know a handful of students here.
  2891. >A glint of shiny metal around his neck draws your attention.
  2892. >It looks like a dog collar.
  2893. >On the little piece of metal in the front is the name "Rover".
  2894. >Whether its his name or not is really irrelevant to you.
  2895. >As they lay on the floor each one is unmasked along with having their photo taken.
  2896. >Celestia might want to see this later.
  2898. >Walking out of the hall, you head outside towards the statue where the other's are waiting.
  2899. "Howdy sugarcube!"
  2900. >"Hiya Nonny!"
  2901. >"Hey Anon." Sunset greets, "What did Octavia want?"
  2902. "Thought she was being stalked by some person, wanted me to watch over her until it was settled."
  2903. >"Really?" Rainbow asks. “Who’s the creep?”
  2904. "Don’t know, told her to get payment upfront first before I did anything."
  2905. >Sunset rolls her eyes un-amused, "Of course you did. How much?"
  2906. "1 kilogram of silver."
  2907. >Sunset eyes bulge out, "What? That's way less than what I had to pay you."
  2908. "Kinda, yeah."
  2909. >"Why did she only have to pay you one kilo?"
  2910. "Because she's a highschool student with no job or income."
  2911. >"But... but..."
  2912. >"Sunset, dear, I think the point now is moot don't you think?" Rarity comments.
  2913. "Yeah, anyway what are you seven planning today?" you ask.
  2914. >"We were plannin' on goin' to the music store today. Gotta get some new strings fer mah bass."
  2915. >"I need a new set of drumsticks!" Pinkie shouts.
  2916. "Alright alright, I get it."
  2917. >Suddenly a feeling in your gut makes you turn back towards the high school.
  2918. >"Anon?" Applejack calls your name with concern in her voice. "Something a matter?"
  2919. "... No. Nothing. Let's get going."
  2921. -----
  2923. >The little bell atop the door frame clinks as you open the door to the music shop.
  2924. >"Hey Vinyl." Rainbow Dash greets as she walks up to the counter.
  2925. >A girl with large tinted glasses and two-tone electric blue hair pops up from behind register and smiles.
  2926. >"You got my text right?"
  2927. >Vinyl nods and gives Rainbow a thumbs up.
  2928. >Pulling a small box from the table behind her, she sets it on top of the counter and lays out a few plastic bags filled with spare guitar strings.
  2929. >"Hey Sunset did you need anything?"
  2930. "No, I'm good. I was just thinking of browsing with Twilight."
  2931. >"Do you really think I could play an instrument Sunset?"
  2932. "It couldn't hurt. Knowing how to play an instrument is a good way to blow off steam."
  2933. >"What did my counterpart play? She was in your band correct?"
  2934. "Well, she was more of a vocalist than anything else. I think I can match her... and your... singing voice pretty well."
  2935. >Pinkie Pie quickly zips from the drum section to besides Rainbow Dash and slams down a pair of sticks.
  2936. >"Heya Vinny- I- oh oh oh I need to tell you themostamazinginstthinghappenedatlunchtoday..."
  2937. >Going over to the sheet music, you glance back to see Pinkie talking up a storm to Vinyl Scratch.
  2938. >Your fellow student, though she doesn't say much, seems to be keeping pace with Pinkie's rapid fire speech. Nodding her head and smiling at Pinkie's jokes.
  2939. >It's strange, most people would usually be a bit off put by Pinkie Pie but Vinyl seems to take everything in stride.
  2940. >Sometimes you wish you could be as laid back as her.
  2941. >While she's not really part of your "group" she's still treated as good friend amongst you six, after all it was only with her help that you managed to stop the Dazzlings at the Battle of the Bands.
  2942. >Though you still don't know how she got that weird transforming car.
  2943. >That must have cost a fortune.
  2944. >...
  2945. >Now that you think about it, would a part-time job at a music store even...
  2946. >No.
  2947. >There's no way.
  2948. >So how did she get that...
  2949. >It was so cool.
  2950. >"Anon will you hurry up?"
  2951. >"I'll just stay out here you girl go-"
  2952. >"Oh no, come on."
  2953. >"Hey what ar-"
  2954. >"It ain't right with you being all anti-social, plus its cooler in here than it is out there."
  2955. >Applejack drags Anon inside the building.
  2956. >He scowls but Applejack just pats him on the cheek.
  2957. >"There now ain't that better?"
  2958. >Anonymous just grumbles much to your amusement.
  2959. >"Aw buck up, take a look around you might find an instrument or something you like." Applejack says walking over to the counter.
  2960. >Fluttershy walks up to Anon, "Um... if it's alright with you, I'll help you find and instrument."
  2961. >With a shrug, Anon nods and the two go off towards the rear of the store.
  2963. >"Say Vinyl, ya got that thing I asked for?" Applejack asks.
  2964. >Vinyl however doesn't seem to acknowledge her, instead fixating her gaze on Anon as he walks away.
  2965. >"Vinyl? Hey earth to Vinyl..." Rainbow says waving her hand in front of her eyes.
  2966. >The DJ gasps and shakes her head. Once she notices Applejack the girl almost immediately rushes to the back room.
  2967. >Both AJ and Rainbow Dash give her a curious stare.
  2968. "What was that about?" you ask walking towards them.
  2969. >"I dunno it looks like she just saw a ghost or something."
  2970. >You look back at Anon.
  2971. "You don't think it was Anon was it?"
  2972. >"Anon?"
  2973. >"Maybe she's all jittery about him because of Camp. A couple of the girls at gym were whispering to each other on how he took on that monster."
  2974. "It seems to be something more than that though."
  2975. >Before you three can ponder more about it, Vinyl comes back to the front with a small gift wrapped box in her hands.
  2976. >Applejack's face lights up at the box, "Great, you got it ready."
  2977. >Vinyl gives a small smile before handing the box to the farmgirl.
  2978. >"Anon, I got somethin fer ya."
  2979. >Rushing over to her boyfriend, Applejack scratches her cheek.
  2980. >"Ehehe. I was meaning to give this to you the other day but ah... um this is fer ya."
  2981. >"What is it?" the Witcher asks taking the gift.
  2982. >You subtly nudge Rainbow in the side as you two watch.
  2983. "You know what it is?"
  2984. >"Nuh uh..."
  2985. >Anon rips the brightly colored wrapping paper and opens the small box.
  2986. >"Is this?"
  2987. >"Yep, it's a brand new mp3 player." she says her face getting all flushed.
  2988. "An mp3 player?"
  2989. >"Doesn't Anon have a phone already?" Rainbow whispers.
  2990. >"Ah know y'all already have a brand new phone and all..."
  2991. >Applejack's eyes go wide.
  2992. >"B-but this one is rugged and tough, waterproof and... and has a much longer battery life and... uh... oh gosh..."
  2993. >Applejack pulls her hat over her eyes, "Shoot, I'm sorry Anon here let me take it back and get you something el-"
  2994. >Anon places a hand on Applejack's shoulder.
  2995. >"Relax. I love it. Thanks AJ."
  2996. >"Ya mean it?"
  2997. >"I get beat up pretty bad in the wilds, this'll last alot longer than a phone with a touch pad for a screen, plus I hardly call anyone anyway."
  2998. >You, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity all watch as Applejack glomps Anon.
  2999. >Realizing where she is, Applejack clears her throat and gets off of him.
  3000. >"W-well, I'm glad you like it. Don't ever say I wasn't a considerate girlfriend now y'hear?"
  3001. >She crosses her arms and huffs.
  3002. >"I'll be sure not to." Anon says with a smirk.
  3003. >The two begin chatting with one another as you turn back towards the counter with Rainbow.
  3004. >"Hey where'd Vinyl go too?"
  3005. >You lean over the counter and look around the store.
  3006. >On the glass countertop is a small plastic sign that says "CLOSED".
  3007. >The girl just vanished.
  3008. >Weird.
  3009. "Did anyone see her leave?"
  3010. >Rarity and Rainbow shrug.
  3011. >...
  3012. >"So uh... how are we going to pay for this stuff?"
  3014. >"I can't believe that girl. We were paying customers!" Rarity says as you seven walk out of a burger place.
  3015. >"That was so weird though." Sunset adds, "Vinyl usually doesn't act like that."
  3016. "Act like what exactly?" you ask.
  3017. >You don't really know the girl they're talking about. You've probably seen her once or twice at school, but she mostly was in the background.
  3018. >"Well... she normally likes listening to music in class but she never acts so distant or disappears on someone."
  3019. >"Yeah, she only started zoning out when she saw you."
  3020. "Me?"
  3021. >Sunset nods.
  3022. "Must have something to do with the sudden popularity I've had for the past few weeks." you mutter.
  3023. >"I know darling, it's been cropping up all over school. So many rumors, some of it good, some of it bad."
  3024. "Like what?"
  3025. >"Well there's a rumor going around that you slept with the Principal, her sister, me, Sunset, and Applejack."
  3026. >You can't help but chuckle at that.
  3027. "Is that good or bad?"
  3028. >"Bad of course!" Applejack yells. "You ain't a player."
  3029. >"I have to agree dear, you're a bit more respectable than that." Rarity says.
  3030. "Anything else?"
  3031. >"Well some of the more unsavory rumors seem to be leaning towards you as the cause for all the more violent magical event that happened to the school."
  3032. >You stop.
  3033. "You mean the one at Camp Everfree."
  3034. >Rarity places her chin on the palm of her elbow and sighs.
  3035. >"I'm afraid so. Though it all seems to be originating with a small group of students at school I can't say how many actually believe that particular gossip though."
  3036. >"What? Anon saved everyone's lives at camp!"
  3037. >"Who would be so ungrateful?" Twilight asks, "Do you know who they are?"
  3038. >Rarity shakes her head.
  3039. "I met them already I think."
  3040. >"Who?! We'll teach'em a lesson." Rainbow says with a fire burning in her eyes.
  3041. >"Whoa now Dash, violence ain't always the answer." Applejack says holding her friend back.
  3042. "Sorta too late for that."
  3043. >Everyone goes wide-eyed.
  3044. >"What are you talking about?" Sunset questions.
  3045. "Five students tried to ambush me after talking to that Octavia girl. Said something about being the new "protectors of CHS" and preempting any new dangers."
  3046. >"What happened?"
  3047. >You recount to the girls the entire fight, if you could actually call it that, that occurred earlier.
  3048. >Sunset, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Rarity are absolutely horrified that a group of students from CHS would even try to harm another.
  3049. >The other's though are a bit more... furious.
  3050. >You leave out the part with their photo's on your phone, the last thing you need is Rainbow Dash, or heaven forbid, Applejack rushing into another fight on your behalf.
  3051. >Checking your watch, it's time that you and AJ should be heading home now.
  3052. >Sun's already setting with the moon up in the sky.
  3053. >Raising your arm slightly, you signal to Applejack.
  3054. >"Right, well it's a good thing those varmints got what was coming to them. Anyway, Anon and I should be heading home now."
  3055. >"Alrighty Jackie, you and Anon have a *good* night!" Pinkie says with an eyebrow wag.
  3056. >You scowl at the Pink Menace as she smiles without any remorse.
  3057. >"Yes... well... goodnight you two." Rarity says giving Applejack a hug.
  3058. >The girl hesitates at you before looking to Applejack.
  3059. >With a roll of her eyes, Applejack waves her forward.
  3060. >"Go ahead."
  3061. >Rarity squeals in delight and wastes no time latching onto you, wrapping her delicate arms around your neck.
  3062. >"Farewell darling, have a pleasant evening." she whispers into your ear.
  3063. >You adjust your collar after she lets go.
  3065. >After saying goodbye to the others you and AJ walk towards the bus stop when a cold gust of wind blows by.
  3066. >Seeing her shiver a little, you take off your jacket and let her wear it.
  3067. >"Thanks."
  3068. "Anytime."
  3069. >"..."
  3070. "Something a matter?"
  3071. >"Ah'm glad yer not hurt."
  3072. "So am I."
  3073. >"Why didn't ya tell me about this earlier though?"
  3074. "Didn't want to worry you."
  3075. >"Well you'd be right. Ah don't want to end up losing you to an accident..."
  3076. >The way she trails off indicates there's more to that but it's probably best not to pry.
  3077. >She'll tell you when she's ready.
  3078. >Applejack holds onto your hand and squeezes it as you walk down the street.
  3079. >Suddenly you feel the hair on the back of your neck tingle.
  3080. >Swerving around you look behind you.
  3081. >"Anon?"
  3082. >Looking around you scan the street.
  3083. >No one around.
  3084. >The stores around the area are still open, but why-
  3085. >Suddenly your medallion tugs at the chain as a you hear a roar come from the alley to your right.
  3086. >Eyes going wide, you feel the rush of wind of an incoming attack.
  3087. >Pushing Applejack out of the way, you two narrowly avoid losing your heads from a large object as something barrels past.
  3088. >"ANON!" Applejack cries out in your arms as you fall to the floor.
  3089. >Rising to your feet, you look at the spot you were just standing in.
  3090. >Four large claw marks are left into the metal pole opposite of the entrance.
  3091. >"What in tarnation?!"
  3092. >You quickly pull out your sword and keep Applejack close by, whatever just tried to attack you might do so again.
  3093. >"Anon what's going on?!"
  3094. >The sound of glass breaking from deeper in the darkness draws your attention.
  3095. >Peering down, you see a figure hunching over against the closest wall before looking straight at you.
  3096. >"Wh-what the heck is that?!"
  3097. >It's eyes shine in the darkness but you can't make out who or what it is.
  3098. >Before you can even make a guess, the figure turns tail and runs down the other way.
  3099. >Carefully, you and AJ walk down the alley and see what the thing was leaning over.
  3100. >Lying in a trash heap behind a dumpster is a bloody and mutilated body.
  3102. -----
  3104. >Making sure the coast is clear, you kneel down next to the body.
  3105. >The metallic smell of fresh blood emanates in the alley; a little longer and the smell might have picked up in the wind that even you would have noticed.
  3106. >The man, or what's left of him, has seen better days. He's literally almost torn in half with an arm missing.
  3107. "Applejack, look away."
  3108. >"Al-alright..."
  3109. >Carefully, you inspect the corpse for clues of whatever killed him.
  3110. >Neck has a huge chunk taken out of it though it's too early to assume that was what the killing blow was.
  3111. >Man has no matching attire, all his clothes look scrounged up and haven't been cleaned in a good long while so it's safe to say this one was a vagrant.
  3112. >Checking his eyes, they're still moist; meaning that along with the pool of blood under the trash, this was a fairly recent kill.
  3113. >Probably couldn't be more than an hour since the cool air has prevented the blood from drying on the concrete.
  3114. >That and rigor mortis hasn't even set in either.
  3115. >Chest is gored, ribs are visible though most are broken or missing.
  3116. >Heart's gone, as is the liver though bits and pieces of his other organs are still there.
  3117. >So whatever did this was probably looking for a meal and pried his ribcage apart.
  3118. >Whatever wasn't eaten is splayed out in a bloody mess below his torso.
  3119. >Standing, you look around and find the missing arm behind a trash bag.
  3120. >Using your sword to move the limb, you see that it wasn't torn, but gnawed off.
  3121. >...
  3122. >Whatever killed this man could be another vampire like Edward; it's certainly a possibility.
  3123. >You remember him mentioning that Canterlot was his territory. Could be a stray one wandering into town; possibly a lower variety vampire maybe.
  3124. >Though that doesn't explain who that second individual was who was leaning over the body.
  3125. >Questions go through your mind, but mainly what they were doing in the garbage before you arrived.
  3126. >It's possible the two were fighting for a food source but there are too many unanswered questions right now to really make a good guess.
  3127. >Going over everything one more time, you notice a few small hairs on the man's jacket.
  3128. >The black hairs don't match the length or color of the man's own chestnut color, and they're too long and thick to be another human.
  3129. >Strong possibility it was from the monster that killed him.
  3130. >Hmm.
  3131. >Werewolf maybe? Or some other kind of lycanthrope.
  3132. >Signs would fit and werewolves are a bit more active in cities than the feral lower vampires.
  3133. >"A-Anon should you really be doing that?" Applejack asks shaking your shoulder.
  3134. "I thought I told you to look away."
  3135. >You hear her utter out an "eep" before immediately turning away from the gore and frantically looks up and down the alley scared out of her wits.
  3136. >Looking upon the body once more, you bring Applejack close to you and guide her away from the gory scene.
  3137. >Doesn't look like you'll get anymore clues.
  3138. "We should get going. I doubt that either one of those things will be back, but I'm not taking that chance with you here."
  3139. >AJ doesn't say anything as she just blankly stares ahead.
  3140. >Hugging her close you take her as far as you can away from the sight before hailing a taxi cab.
  3141. "AJ you okay?"
  3142. >She doesn't respond.
  3143. >You snap your fingers in front of her face, startling her.
  3144. >"Wha- what did you say something?"
  3145. "Hey, it's okay." you say trying to comfort her.
  3146. >Applejack leans into you, "Anon that was... who would do something like that?"
  3147. "I have a few ideas, but not here." you respond, nudging towards the cab driver.
  3148. >"We gotta call the cops."
  3149. "We will, but first I got to make sure you're safe."
  3150. >"Anon, we can't just let-"
  3151. "I'll make the call personally."
  3152. >You place your hands on her shoulders to reassure her.
  3153. >Slowly, she faces away from you and lays her head on your chest.
  3154. >As buildings pass by inside the cab, you think it might benefit you to look for the werewolf just to turn the head in, but as you look at Applejack you realize what's the more important issue at hand.
  3155. >Her safety takes priority right now.
  3156. >An opportunity may come later, though you may not know when.
  3158. "I'll be up in a bit." you say to Applejack as you close the front door behind you.
  3159. >"Alright, but don't take too long." she replies walking up the stairs.
  3160. >You pull out your cellphone and dial Twilight's number.
  3161. >"Hello?"
  3162. "Twilight."
  3163. >"Anon? Is that you?"
  3164. "Yeah, hey is your brother there?"
  3165. >"No, he's at work still. Why?"
  3166. "I need to talk to him so I need his number."
  3167. >"Okay...?"
  3168. >After a few moments Twilight repeats the number as you write it down.
  3169. >"Oh and Anon?"
  3170. "Yes?"
  3171. >"Cadance called, she wanted to know if the day after tomorrow was a good night to have dinner?"
  3172. >...
  3173. >Oh yeah, you remember agreeing to that earlier.
  3174. "Sure I guess?"
  3175. >Not really the most pressing thing on your mind right now though.
  3176. >"That's great!"
  3177. "..."
  3178. >"..."
  3179. "So yeah thanks. By-"
  3180. >"Yeah... um... oh I've been looking up some friendly ways to say goodbye. Um... what was the one I read yesterday... er... Keep it on the flip side yo?"
  3181. "..."
  3182. >"... hello?"
  3183. "Sunset taught you that one didn't she?"
  3184. >"Kinda."
  3185. "Stop listening to her."
  3186. >Pressing the End Call button, you begin dialing the number for Shining Armor.
  3187. >Getting past how awkward that last bit was, you hear someone pick up the phone after two or three rings.
  3188. >"Detective Armor speaking."
  3189. >Man sounds tired.
  3190. "Shining."
  3191. >"Who is this?"
  3192. "The only person you know who wears a wolf medallion not ironically."
  3193. >"Anonymous?"
  3194. >Quick on the take isn't he?
  3195. "Yes I-"
  3196. >"Why are you call- how did you get this number?!"
  3197. "I got it from your siste-"
  3198. >"Is Twilight okay? She better not be hu-"
  3199. "Calm down. Your sister’s fine."
  3200. >"..."
  3201. >Crap this man is super paranoid.
  3202. "Is anyone listening into this phone call?"
  3203. >"No, this is my cell."
  3204. "Good, because I think there might have be a problem of sorts."
  3205. >"What kind of problem?" he asks, his tone full of suspicion.
  3206. "There's a body on Baker Street in the alley behind the discount thrift shop, ripped apart by teeth and huge claws. Likely linked to that “bear attack” from last night."
  3207. >"What? How do you know?"
  3208. "Found it while walking home, monster attacked me while trying to get away. Nothing's been moved but it's definitely not a bear that killed this man."
  3209. >You can hear Shining Armor's voice in the receiver, but it's muffled.
  3210. >"And you're sure about this?"
  3211. "As sure as it almost took me and my girlfriends head off."
  3212. >More muffled speaking before he comes back to the phone.
  3213. >"Is this magic related?" he whispers.
  3214. "Very possible. From what I could tell it's likely to be a lycanthrope."
  3215. >"Lycanthro- you mean like a werewolf?"
  3216. "Yeah. Either that or a lower vampire. Whatever the beast, it's strong. Right at the exit is a lamp post with a huge chunk taken out by its claws."
  3217. >"... Anything else?"
  3218. >Should you tell him about the other figure?
  3219. >You contemplate on telling him, but what good would it do?
  3220. >Even you couldn't get a good look at the person, so any description you could give would be wouldn't be much other than "in a dark cloak".
  3221. "No. Nothing I could really describe in detail."
  3222. >"Alright. I'll check it out. Don’t leave town." he says before hanging up.
  3223. >...
  3224. >Well that went well.
  3225. >Putting your phone away, you head upstairs to your room.
  3226. >You walk past Apple Bloom's room with her door wide open.
  3227. >Inside she spots you and waves.
  3228. >"Hiya Anon!" she says cheerfully.
  3229. "Hey Apple Bloom."
  3230. >Stepping into her room, she moves the laptop off of her lap and gets off the bed.
  3231. "What're you doing up still?"
  3232. >"Oh just chatting with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. We got ah project from Miss Cheerilee due on Tuesday."
  3233. >Miss Cheerilee.
  3234. >The teacher that allowed you to work in the library when you first arrived at CHS.
  3235. >Hides a lot of pent up stress under that kind exterior, but considering the idiots in the student body it isn't hard to see why.
  3236. >If you remember right, she got mauled by a wolf at Camp Everfree before you arrived.
  3237. "How's she doing?"
  3238. >"Better, she's still got a couple of scars though."
  3239. >If there's one thing you really regret that day. Is that you weren't able to get there sooner.
  3240. >Might have prevented Miss Cheerilee and a few of the other students from getting hurt, and Bulk Biceps from getting killed.
  3241. >But you've learned to accept that these things happen. You can't save everyone.
  3242. "That's good to hear. I'm gonna head to bed now, don't stay up too late."
  3243. >"Geeze, yer almost as bad as Big Mac." she says rolling her eyes.
  3244. "Hey I may not be your brother but I-"
  3245. >"Oh c'mon Anon, Granny, Applejack, Mac and I all consider ya one of the family."
  3246. >You're taken aback by her statement.
  3247. >Apple Bloom hugs you at the waist before heading back to her computer.
  3248. >"G'night Anon." she says.
  3249. >Snapping out of your brief stupor you nod your head and close her door behind you.
  3250. >Family...
  3251. >They all already consider you family?
  3252. >You can't help but smile at the thought.
  3253. >...
  3254. >It's a nice feeling.
  3255. >Stepping into your own room, you see Applejack's clothes already strewn about the floor as she sits on your bed looking out the window.
  3256. >Taking your shirt off, you sit on the bed besides her.
  3257. "You gonna be okay? I know seeing a dead body can be... shocking for some."
  3258. >"Ah'll be fine Anon. Just... not used to seeing that."
  3259. >You're not really religious but you pray that she won't have to get used to it.
  3260. >Taking her hat off and putting it on the footrest she lays down.
  3261. "Sure you want to stay in here? Granny's starting to become suspicious."
  3262. >"Ah just don't want to be alone tonight."
  3263. "Alright."
  3264. >Laying besides her, the two of you spoon together, you making sure your medallion doesn't poke her in the back.
  3265. >"Was thinking maybe ah could learn a few sword lessons like Sunset and Rainbow? Y'know just to get some self-defense and such."
  3266. "Wouldn't hurt. But I can teach you some hand-to-hand combat so you don't need a sword."
  3267. >"Ah'd appreciate it sugarcube."
  3268. >The two of you sit in silence for awhile just enjoying each other's company. Her breathing slows down as sleep begins to overtake her.
  3269. >Eventually silence is broken by you.
  3270. "So I passed by Apple Bloom a little earlier."
  3271. >"Mmmhmm." AJ replies almost asleep.
  3272. "Told me that you all already consider me part of the family."
  3273. >"Course, why wouldn't ya be?"
  3274. "Well for one I'm not blood related."
  3275. >"Family can be more than just that y'know."
  3276. "Ain't it a bit premature to say we're married then?"
  3277. >She frowns and elbows you in the gut.
  3278. >"Just go to sleep you big lug." she says with a chuckle.
  3279. >Grinning slightly, you squeeze her butt causing her to yelp.
  3280. >"Anon!"
  3281. "Shhh, time for sleep." you say in a sleepy voice.
  3282. >Suddenly you feel something squeeze down *there*
  3283. "Ow... ow...ow..."
  3284. >"You sorry?"
  3285. "Grk... yeah...!"
  3286. >"Say it."
  3287. "Ergh... I'm sorry..."
  3288. >The pressure stops and Applejack smiles.
  3289. >She turns slightly in bed and dips her head forward to kiss you on the lips.
  3290. >"Anon, yer always gonna be considered part of the family. Don't you ever forget it." she says touching foreheads with you.
  3291. >Turning back around, you can hear her mumble one more thing.
  3292. >"Plus... ah wouldn't mind tying the knot with ya..."
  3293. "What was that?"
  3294. >Applejack's body tenses up slightly.
  3295. >"Ah said g'night Anon."
  3296. >Smirking, you lay your head down on the pillow and wrap AJ in your arms.
  3297. "Night AJ."
  3298. >"Anon? Are you going to go after it? Whatever it was?"
  3299. "Thinking about it."
  3300. >"Just... just be careful."
  3302. -----
  3304. "C'mon I know you can hit harder than that."
  3305. >Applejack flares her nostrils as she goes in for another jab that you easily block.
  3306. "Stop telegraphing your punches." you comment, holding the focus pad in place.
  3307. >"You can do it Applejack!" Rainbow cheers from the sideline, "Kick his ass!"
  3308. >AJ's expression is one of pure determination as you continue to block and avoid each of her blows.
  3309. >With one hand, you deflect an attack and bop her in the side of the head.
  3310. "Too slow."
  3311. >"Darnit Anon! Hold still!" she growls out.
  3312. "If I'm already getting to you with taunts you already lost."
  3313. >Yelling out Applejack puts all her energy in one last haymaker...
  3314. >That you dodge by stepping back and avoiding the attack completely.
  3315. >Her momentum carries her and throw her weight off balance before you catch her in your arms.
  3316. "I think that's enough for now."
  3317. >"Nah, ah think ah can go ano-"
  3318. "You're getting sluggish and you're a bit too riled up now; we've been at this all morning and I don't want you to burn yourself out."
  3319. >"But-"
  3320. "Not excuses. The only but I want to see is yours heading to the showers."
  3321. >Applejack huffs but relents, "Fine."
  3322. >Unwrapping the velcro straps for her padded gloves, you watch as AJ saunters over to the barn.
  3323. >As she leaves, you return your attention towards Sunset Shimmer and Rainbow Dash.
  3324. "You two done with your workout?"
  3325. >"We've been done for around 10 minutes now." the red and yellow haired girl answers.
  3326. >The two girls grab their weapons and get settled into the dueling circle. Both have had this routine engraved into their minds that you don't really even need to say it.
  3327. >"Ready?" Sunset asks.
  3328. >"Ready!"
  3329. "Start." you bark out.
  3330. >Both Sunset and Rainbow Dash immediately clash their wooden swords together.
  3331. >Deflecting Sunset's weapon, Rainbow Dash tries to go for a riposte which Sunset rolls to the side to avoid.
  3332. "Good."
  3333. >Keeping the momentum of her attack up, Rainbow puts more and more pressure on Sunset with quick strikes to catch her off balance.
  3334. >"Sunset's gotta go on the offensive soon dontcha think?" Applejack points out as she walks back next to you draping her towel over her shoulders.
  3335. >Her hair is undone, and AJ's entire upper body is soaked with water.
  3336. >You try not to make a comment on the fact her nipples are poking out against the fabric likely due to the cold shower.
  3337. "Sunset's doing fine." you reply refocusing on the duel. "She's being a bit more strategic."
  3338. >To an untrained eye, it looks like Sunset is being forced back by her opponent, but you can tell she's just playing the game much more passively, instead opting to let Rainbow Dash think she's controlling the battle.
  3339. >"What do ya mean?"
  3340. "Look at Rainbow Dash."
  3341. >"..."
  3342. >A few moments go by before Applejack understands what you mean.
  3343. >Rainbow Dash is huffing and her attacks are getting less frequent with less power behind each consecutive slash.
  3344. >"She's getting tuckered out."
  3345. "Exactly."
  3346. >Almost instantly, Rainbow Dash recoils back as Sunset pushes her blade back giving her an opening.
  3347. >But instead of tapping her with the wood sword, Sunset extends her hand out and a booming shockwave hits Rainbow in the gut and sends her flying back out of the circle and into the dirt.
  3348. >"Rainbow!" Applejack calls out running over to her friend.
  3349. >The three of you kneel by Rainbow Dash's prone form as the wind is knocked out of her.
  3350. >"Rainbow you okay?"
  3351. >"*Gasp* Yeah... just need... to... catch a breath..." she replies rubbing her butt.
  3352. >"Rainbow, I'm so sorry!" Sunset begins apologizing.
  3353. >"It's... *cough* fine. You won't... get me... like that next time though." The athletic one says as Applejack helps her up.
  3354. "Take a moment until you catch your breath and get some water too if you need it."
  3355. >You take Sunset to the side by the arm.
  3356. "What the hell was that?!"
  3357. >"I was only trying to-"
  3358. "When did you learn Aard?"
  3359. >"I... kinda taught myself after watching you. We haven't done anything else besides teaching me the Yrden sign so I..."
  3360. >Pinching the brow of your nose you shake your head.
  3361. >"I made sure to practice before I did it against her." she explains, "I wasn't going to use something dangerous unless I knew how to control it."
  3362. >Sighing, you put an arm on her shoulder.
  3363. "Look, I'm glad you make preparations before you cast magic but please don't surprise me like that; I only have you practice Quen, Yrden and Igni right now so you know how to control yourself when using the signs. Aard is... dangerous if you're not careful."
  3364. >"More dangerous than fire?" she asks a bit incredulously.
  3365. "Aard is just a straightforward burst of energy. It's almost instantaneous when cast, and judging from how far you blew Dash back your's is quite powerful."
  3366. >"Thank-"
  3367. "Now imagine if the blunt of that energy from that Aard hit Dash in the neck rather than her gut."
  3368. >"..."
  3369. >Sunset's pupils shrink as she realizes what you're trying to get at.
  3370. "Look, I know it's slow. But I'm doing it for a reason; you have a lot of power and potential but I want to make sure you're able to control that power before teaching you something new."
  3371. >Sunset Shimmer looks ashamed, "Sorry."
  3372. "It's okay. Just remember and be careful next time yeah?"
  3373. >The girl in front of you clenches her fists.
  3374. >"I guess old habits die hard" she mumbles to herself.
  3375. "What?"
  3376. >"N-nothing..."
  3378. -The Next Day-
  3379. >Applejack flops down on the lunch table groaning in pain.
  3380. >"Oh... um Applejack are you okay?" Fluttershy asks.
  3381. >"Yeah... just a bit sore is all. Mah arms are killing me though."
  3382. "You'll get used to it." you say taking a bite out of a turkey sandwich.
  3383. >"But did ah really have to wear these daggum weights?" she asks holding her hands up.
  3384. "Yes."
  3385. >"It's not that bad AJ." Sunset says, "With Anon's help you'll feel stronger in no time. Right Anon?"
  3386. "Don't suck up."
  3387. >"I'm no-"
  3388. >"Hehehe Sunny. You so totally were!" Pinkie says with a cheeky grin.
  3389. >Twilight sets her lunch tray down on the table and takes a seat next to Rarity.
  3390. >"Hi girls, Anon."
  3391. >"Hiya Twilight!"
  3392. >"Um, Anon, Shining told me to to remind you that we're meeting at Cadance's apartme-"
  3393. >Suddenly a small object wrapped in a red velvet cloth is tossed on the table in front of you.
  3394. >Looking up, you see Octavia standing over you.
  3395. >"Here it is."
  3396. >Slowly, you grab the wrapped item and undo the cloth. Underneath is a silver bar.
  3397. >"Well?" she asks in a haughty tone.
  3398. "I would have imagined this would have taken longer for you to obtain."
  3399. >All the girls look between you and the musician.
  3400. >"I have... connections." she explains.
  3401. >Though that doesn't really answer much.
  3402. >"So, will you do the job?"
  3403. >You glance around the table. All you receive is a bunch of confused looks and shrugs.
  3404. "I guess?"
  3405. >"Very good, we'll meet after school in the music room to discuss the terms of our arrangement."
  3406. >Without another word, she about-faces and walks back over to her table, sitting down across from the girl with the glasses from the music store.
  3407. >The girl with the blue hair just stares at you for a few moments before turning to converse with Octavia.
  3408. >"That was... awkward." Sunset says.
  3409. >"My stars, is that real silver Anon?" Rarity asks taking the bar from your hands.
  3410. "Looks like it."
  3411. >"Anon, you look like there's something on yer mind."
  3412. "It's just... something doesn't sit right with me."
  3413. >"What do you mean?"
  3414. "A silver kilogram bar isn't the easiest thing to come by for a highschooler."
  3415. >"Sunset did it." Rainbow points out.
  3416. >"But I had Princess Twilight's help with that."
  3417. "Is Octavia wealthy?"
  3418. >"She's well off from what I can tell dear."
  3419. >"What are you going to do Nonny?"
  3420. >You stare at the bar in Rarity's hands.
  3421. "I'll see what she wants me to do. For all I know though it could just be an obsessive ex-boyfriend."
  3422. >Everyone at the table awkwardly coughs except for you and Twilight.
  3423. >"Could be, ah hear Octavia's got a bit of a wild streak when she ain't at school or doing her music stuff."
  3424. >"What? No way." Rainbow says.
  3425. >AJ shrugs, "Just repeating what ah heard."
  3426. >The lunch bell rings as everyone begins standing.
  3427. >"Well, we'll see you later Anon." AJ says giving you a kiss.
  3428. "Yeah."
  3429. >"Oh Anon, we're meeting Cadance and Shining Armor at her apartment at seven."
  3430. >Giving her an acknowledging wave, you head out the door and towards the library.
  3432. Stepping into the music room once again this week, you see Octavia playing her cello in one corner of the room.
  3433. "Octavi-"
  3434. >"Shhh."
  3435. >She continues playing her instrument as if you didn't even interrupt her.
  3436. >You have to admit, while you don't much care for her shushing you, she is very good.
  3437. >Two minutes later, she finishes her piece and sets her bow down.
  3438. "You're talented."
  3439. >"Thank you, I've been practicing that particular number for a few days now." she says closing her music folder. "Are you ready to discuss the arrangement?"
  3440. "The job or the music?"
  3441. >"Funny. Well if we're done joking around, I do honestly feel like I am being targeted by someone."
  3442. "Like a stalker?"
  3443. >"In essence. I don't know who it is, but last night when I came home from a late practice session, I found someone had broken into my home and rummaged through all my belongings."
  3444. "Sounds like more than just a simple stalker then."
  3445. >"You would think, but they took nothing of value."
  3446. "I think this is the point where you should call the police."
  3447. >"That's the thing though, when I did there was no evidence of any tampering to the doors or windows. Whoever got in, apparently just walked in and out. The police just assumed I was wasting their time despite my protests."
  3448. >Hmm, that does sound fishy.
  3449. >Maybe there is something more to this than you initially figured.
  3450. >"Because of that, I don't even feel safe in my home anymore."
  3451. "What about your parents?"
  3452. >"They wouldn't know, they're out of the country on a music tour."
  3453. >Figures.
  3454. >Its almost like the only adults are the ones at the school.
  3455. "... If you feel that unsafe it might be best if you stayed with a friend."
  3456. >"I know, but I have no one to turn to."
  3457. "What about that Vinyl Scratch girl?"
  3458. >Octavia shakes her head, "We live right across the street from each other."
  3459. "I see. Here give me your phone number and I'll give you mine."
  3460. >Entering your information into her contacts, you hand her cell back to her.
  3461. "Tomorrow I'll have living arrangements for you."
  3462. >"Tomorrow?"
  3463. "I have a prior engagement tonight."
  3464. >Huffing, Octavia concedes. "Very well."
  3465. "It might be a bit crowded though, there are three individuals already living at the residence already but there should be no issue with you moving in at least temporarily."
  3466. >"I must say, you have all of this all worked out don't you?" she says.
  3467. "Trust me, I've done my fair share of protection jobs."
  3469. >"You're kidding." Aria says in the doorway.
  3470. "Do I ever kid?"
  3471. >"No, don't think I've ever seen him even crack a joke." Sonata says balancing a pencil on her nose and leaning back in her chair.
  3472. "Look, it's not going to be permanent just until I can find whoever this mysterious stalker of her's is."
  3473. >"Look Witcher, I don't know if you know this? But we're barely just getting by as it is with Sonata's fat butt to feed."
  3474. >"HEY!"
  3475. "It'd probably go better if all *three* of you had jobs."
  3476. >You glare at Adagio sitting in a recliner reading a book.
  3477. >Her eyes glance at you briefly before she continues ignoring you.
  3478. >"What? I already have a job." she says.
  3479. >"Yeah, bossing us around doesn't count." Aria counters.
  3480. >"She's right Dagi, both me and Aria work our butts off at that pizza place to make sure we have food. Why don't you come with us? I'm sure the boss could use another waitress."
  3481. >"I don't take orders."
  3482. >You facepalm.
  3483. "You're the oldest aren't you? Aren't you supposed to be the responsible one?"
  3484. >Adagio flips you off.
  3485. >Both you and Aria roll your eyes.
  3486. >Bringing her aside, you whisper.
  3487. "Look, I'll give you some extra cash for her if you need it. Just make sure it's *only* for Octavia."
  3488. >"Fine. She can stay."
  3489. "Good, not that it mattered since I technically pay for the rent here anyway."
  3490. >Turning to leave, Sonata hops out from the chair she was sitting in.
  3491. >"Aw you're not leaving already!" she whines. "I brought out Jenga and everything."
  3492. "Got plans, sorry. I'll play another with you next time."
  3493. >"Promise?" she asks scrunching her face into a pseudo-serious look.
  3494. "Witcher's honor."
  3495. >Her expression does a 180.
  3496. >"Okay then. Bye Anon!" Sonata cheerfully waves before turning into a wicked smile.
  3497. >Grabbing a toy pistol from behind her she aims and fires at you.
  3498. "Sneaky Sonata ACTIVATE!"
  3499. >Unfortunatly, for her the suction cup dart nails Aria right in the center of her forehead.
  3500. >"Sonata..." Aria begins fuming.
  3501. >"Hehe... Oops."
  3502. >She lets out a battle cry before slamming the door.
  3503. >"STOP BUYING USELESS CRAP!" you hear muffled behind the door
  3504. >You hear Sonata squeal and shrug.
  3505. >Well, now that that's taken care of.
  3506. >You text Octavia the address of the Dazzling's residence.
  3507. >Checking your phone's clock, it's almost seven.
  3508. >Better get to Cadance's apartment.
  3510. -----
  3512. >*Knock* *Knock*
  3513. >"Coming!"
  3514. >The door opens to reveal an ecstatic Celestia in a white cocktail dress with a very low neckline to show off her "assets".
  3515. >"Anonymous, you made it!" she says happily.
  3516. "Hope I'm not too la-"
  3517. >Taking you by the arm, she drags you inside Cadance's apartment.
  3518. >"Nonsense, Cadance and I were about to just set the table."
  3519. >"Hello Anon." Luna says giving you a small wave.
  3520. "Greetings.
  3521. >Celestia takes your jacket and cane as you take a seat across from Vice-Principal Luna.
  3522. >Unlike her sister, Luna's dress is a bit more conservative but perhaps because of that she appears just as stunning as Celestia.
  3523. >You hear the click-clack of Cadance's crutches as she slowly walks out of room in the back.
  3524. >"Oh Anon it's so good to see you."
  3525. "Thanks for inviting-"
  3526. >Celestia takes a seat next to you.
  3527. "Me..."
  3528. >"Shining is running a bit late tonight unfortunately." Cadance says as she takes a seat across from you. "He and Twilight should be here before dinner's ready though."
  3529. "That's fine."
  3530. >You lay your hands on you lap and proceed to pat them awkwardly.
  3531. >You're not really accustomed to being a guest like this.
  3532. >Cadance keeps her friendly smile as Luna gets up from her chair.
  3533. >"Auntie, could you get the appetizers?"
  3534. >"Of course Cadance." Luna replies.
  3535. "..."
  3536. >"So Anon, I just wanted to thank you again for saving my life."
  3537. "It's fine." you say adjusting your shirt collar.
  3538. >Itchy thing.
  3539. >"My aunts tell me that you also saved their lives at Camp Everfree."
  3540. "Did they now?"
  3541. >Celestia coos, "Oh Anon you shouldn't downplay your achievements."
  3542. >She leans close and wraps her finger in the chain of your medallion.
  3543. >You shoot her a glare but that doesn't stop her. In fact that seems to make her want to increase the effort.
  3544. >"Sister, please stop harassing Anonymous." Luna cooly says.
  3545. >The Vice-Principal sets down a small platter of crackers and cheese on the coffee table in front of you.
  3546. >Cadance leans close to Luna's ear and whispers.
  3547. >"Um... is there something between Aunt Tia and Anonymous?"
  3548. >"I can guarantee that it's mostly one sided from my observations." she answers.
  3549. >Taking a cracker and loading it with a piece of cheese you make to put it into your mouth.
  3550. >"Anyway, tell us about yourself Anon. I'd like to get to know the person Twilight can't stop talking about."
  3551. >"I admit, I've always wondered where you come from." Luna adds. "For the short time we've known you, we've never really "known" you."
  3552. "It's not a stor-"
  3553. >The sound of keys entering the lock of the door interrupts you as Shining Armor walks in carrying a few plastic bags.
  3554. >"Honey I'm home. Sorry I'm late, I had to drop Twilight off at her friends."
  3555. >"Shiny, you made it!"
  3556. >Cadance attempts to get up but Luna holds her back.
  3557. >Putting the plastic bag on the countertop, Shining Armor finally notices you.
  3558. "Shining."
  3559. >"Witcher."
  3560. "Are we really doing this again?"
  3561. >The school dean places her finger on her chin curiously, "You always call Anon a Witcher. What exactly is that?"
  3562. >"..."
  3563. >"Shining?"
  3564. >*Beep* *Beep*
  3565. >"Oh the chicken is ready!" Cadance squeals.
  3566. >"I'll help you get it dear." Luna says helping her niece up. "Sister, could you help us?"
  3567. >Celestia nods, "I'd be happy to."
  3568. >Getting up from your own seat, you walk over to the dining table and take your seat.
  3569. >Luna and Celestia bring out a bowl filled with salad, and a few plates of chicken respectively.
  3570. >"I hope stuffed chicken is okay." Cadance says as she takes her own seat. "It's a family recipe that I've been dying to share."
  3571. "That's fine."
  3572. >"So what did we miss?" Shining asks sitting his chair.
  3573. >"Oh nothing, Anon was just about to tell where he learned to fight is all."
  3574. >"Really now? I've got to hear this." he says looking right at you.
  3575. >I'm sure you would, wouldn't you.
  3576. "I was taught to fight at a young age." you answer as Celestia places a plate of chicken in front of you.
  3577. >"Where were you taught?" Cadance inquires. "You seem much more knowledgeable than someone of your age would indicate."
  3578. >Celestia shares a brief knowing glance before returning to her meal.
  3579. "Someplace cold."
  3580. >"What do you mean? Were you too young to remember or..."
  3581. "No I just refuse to tell you. It's something I don't want anyone in particular to look into." you say glancing at Shining Armor.
  3582. >"So mysterious." Celestia comments.
  3583. >"Anonymous, I'm curious. What is a Witcher?" Cadance asks.
  3584. >"It means his kind are monster hunters." Shining answers for you taking a bite out of his chicken.
  3585. >"A monster hunter? You mean like vampires and trolls?"
  3586. "My *kind* mostly find work solving magical problems for monetary reward."
  3587. >"Which usually involves killing a monster of some sort doesn't it?" Shining prods in an obvious rhetorical manner.
  3588. >You can already tell he's trying to start shit with you.
  3589. "Depends on what you define as a monster." you snark. "Sometime's just because something looks different doesn't mean it's a monster."
  3590. >"Then how do you classify a monster?" he subtly growls out.
  3591. >"Shining..."
  3592. "Reaction to silver, intent, and circumstance. Not everything is black and white *detective*."
  3593. >"..."
  3594. >"Um... so how long have you been pursuing this career?" Cadance continues. "You must have encountered dangerous creatures."
  3595. "Twelve years, but I'm more amazed that you're taking this all in stride."
  3596. >"Trust me, after seeing your sister-in-law transform into some sort of fallen angel bent on tearing reality apart, you learn to start taking these things at face-value."
  3597. "True that."
  3598. >The two of you clink your wine glasses together.
  3599. >Cadance isn't so bad, unlike the asshole she's engaged to.
  3600. >Taking a sip, you taste grape juice rather than wine.
  3601. "Grape juice?"
  3602. >"Oh sorry Anon, I didn't know if you were of legal drinking age."
  3603. >"He's older than he looks Cadey." Shining says.
  3604. >"Yes, if I recall he's rather close in age to you. A few years your senior actually."
  3605. >"No way." she says skeptically, "You're all joking."
  3606. >You shrug.
  3607. >"Wow." she says unbelieving before letting out a giggle, "If only I could look as I did in my college years at that age."
  3608. >A beeping noise from Shining makes him pull out his phone before he sets it back into his pocket.
  3609. >"Work?"
  3610. >"Yeah, we're still trying to find any links between the two uh... bear attacks."
  3611. >Because you can't just go telling your co-workers that the culprit is probably a werewolf.
  3612. >The table gets extremely quiet for a few minutes as everyone eats their food.
  3613. >"Would anyone like some more wine?" Cadance pops up trying to put some levity back into the mood.
  3614. >"I'll get it." Celestia says.
  3615. >"Uh... I'll help." Luna adds.
  3616. >The two sisters quickly leave the table as you and Shining Armor glare at each other.
  3617. >Your host frowns, "I don't want to pry but... is there something going on between you two?"
  3618. "I don't know. Is there?"
  3619. >"Yes. There is." Shining says putting his fork and knife down with a hard clang.
  3620. >"He knows who killed my Grandfather and he won't tell me."
  3621. >The sound of glass breaking draws everyone's attention.
  3622. >"Shining!"
  3623. >"Anon is that true?" Luna asks you.
  3624. "It's possible. There are few living Witchers left in the world as it is. Our line of work doesn't have a good mortality rate."
  3625. >"Then give me the list of names. I'll do the work myself!"
  3626. "No."
  3627. >The Detective slams his hands down on the table. "WHY NOT!"
  3628. >The three women can only watch anxiously as the situation with you and the detective rapidly deteriorates.
  3629. "Because even if I did what would you do? We come from the Continent, well outside your jurisdiction and it's not like you could take one of us in if we didn't want to. Or are you going to exact revenge by being judge, jury and executioner?"
  3630. >"I-I wouldn't do that!" he retorts. "I'm not like you freaks."
  3631. >"SHINING ARMOR!" Cadance yells out.
  3632. "If I recall, your *beloved* Grandfather was one of us so called *freaks*."
  3633. >"He was nothing like you! He was a good man."
  3634. >You toss your napkin onto the table.
  3635. >Never have you had to endure talking to someone so rage inducing. It's taking a lot of willpower just to not leap over the table and slam his head into it.
  3636. >You're not going to take the bait
  3637. "Cadance, thanks for inviting me over dinner but I'm going to have to leave before I end up doing something I'll regret."
  3638. >Without another word you leave the table to gather your jacket and cane.
  3639. >Your poor host tries to protest but her pleas fall on deaf ears.
  3640. >Regrettably you're already out the door and down the hall.
  3641. >Shame too, the chicken was incredibly tasty.
  3642. >"Anon!" Celestia calls out from behind you.
  3643. >Pressing the elevator button, you're unfortunately left to wait as the lift begins dropping down to the floor you're on.
  3644. >"Anon, please come back."
  3645. "I don't think that's a good idea Celestia."
  3646. >Celestia sadly looks to you as you watch the digital number go down.
  3647. >"Cadance is in tears. Please."
  3648. >You turn to face her.
  3649. "Celestia I was this close to just wailing on Shining Armor; I'm afraid if I go back I won't be able to hold myself back."
  3650. >"..."
  3651. >"Why can't you just help Shining Armor, it's obvious that Cadance would like you two to be friends. Not only that but Twilight probably would as well."
  3652. "That's not going to happen unless Shining gives up scapegoating me for the actions of another."
  3653. >A tell-tale ding of the elevator reaching your floor and the doors open.
  3654. "Look, tell Cadance I'm sorry. Maybe we can try this again when everything's cooled off."
  3655. >The woman sighs, "Look, Cadance is crying her eyes out right now because she thinks she did something wrong. It would mean the world to her if you came back."
  3656. >You hold your gaze at the empty lift calling your name.
  3657. "..."
  3658. >"Please."
  3659. "..."
  3660. >"Cadance made a wonderful strawberry cheesecake for dessert."
  3661. >With a huff, you drag a palm down your face.
  3662. "It's a bad idea."
  3663. >"Luna and I will watch Shining Armor."
  3664. >Reluctantly, you wave your hand to signify you relent.
  3665. >Celestia lets out a sigh of relief, "Thank you Anon."
  3666. >Guiding you back to Cadance's room, you both walk back in to see Shining staring out the window in the corner as Cadance is still at the dinner table bawling her eyes out.
  3667. >Luna is doing her best to console her when they notice you.
  3668. >"Anon, you're back."
  3669. "Celestia told me there was cheesecake?"
  3670. >Cadance wipes away her tears and smiles.
  3672. >"So then, after *hic* that girl almost burned down the entire school, Principal Cinch decided to shut down the school's jousting club with both her eyebrows singed off. With her makeup off she looked like some deranged lunatic haha!"
  3673. >Celestia and Luna laugh their butts off as the three women continue exchanging work stories to more cheesecake and more wine.
  3674. >Though it might be best if they cut themselves off soon. From what you can tell that's the second or third bottle.
  3675. >Made even all more apparent on their faces as they're all flushed red.
  3676. >It’s pretty weak wine to be honest though, even by your tolerance standards.
  3677. >Glancing over to the dinner table, you see Shining is sitting by himself in the corner poking at his cake.
  3678. >Stepping over to him, you swirl your glass of wine before downing the contents.
  3679. "Hey."
  3680. >"Hey." he replies without looking up.
  3681. "We cool?"
  3682. >"No. I don't think we'll ever "be cool"."
  3683. >You grimace.
  3684. >"But... for Cadance's and Twilight's sake, I'll stop trying to be such an ass to you. You did help save my life and I should really be a bit more grateful."
  3685. "Look, I'm sorry about your Grandfather. What happened to him really sucks, but I already told Twilight I don't know anything that could help you find the culprit."
  3686. >Shining sighs, "I just... I just want some closure on this."
  3687. "That's perfectly reasonable to want. I don't think I could provide it though."
  3688. >"Y'know I always thought being a Witcher would be so cool as a kid. Fighting monsters, saving people. Stuff of fairytales."
  3689. "Old man never told you about us doing it for profit did he?"
  3690. >"No. He never did. It was only after Twilight and I went through his personal journals did we find out."
  3691. >The two of you stay like this for a few minutes, just watching the women continue to chat oblivious to you two.
  3692. >Hopefully this little discussion you two are having right now will bury the hatchet at least for the foreseeable future.
  3693. "Did Twilight mention to you our first encounter?" you ask casting Igni on the unlit candle in front of you.
  3694. >The tiny flame sparks to life as you flick your hand again to put it out.
  3695. >"No, she didn't."
  3696. "You'd be proud of her. She almost came extremely close to incapacitating me. The little nerd cooked up a box that overloaded my senses and hit me with that tazer you gave her. If it wasn't for her friends, she could have done whatever she wanted to me."
  3697. >You can see Shining perk up at this news.
  3698. >"Why are you telling me that?" he asks with genuine confusion. "There's nothing from stopping me from using a plan like that if I were to go against you."
  3699. >Spinning your empty wine glass by the rim with your finger you contemplate his question.
  3700. "Maybe because I know you aren't a bad person. To me you may be insufferable, you wouldn't be the first, but you at least have understandable reasons."
  3701. >Shining Armor stays quiet as he just looks at you.
  3702. "And I admit, I may not be the easiest person to get along with, but I guess that's something we can agree on."
  3703. >He scoffs before downing his own wine. "Still doesn't get me out of the dog house tonight."
  3704. "I think you might be off the hook at least tonight." you say nodding over to the three women now giggling like lunatics.
  3705. >"I never did thank you for saving Cadance's life..."
  3706. >After a few moments he looks up at you.
  3707. >"Thanks."
  3708. "... You're welcome."
  3709. >"But don't expect us to become drinking buddies just because we got all emotional."
  3710. "Would never think of it." you smirk.
  3711. >Both you and he share a faint smile before you two notice something in the corner of your eye.
  3712. >Turning your head, you see Celestia, Cadance and Luna watching you intently from behind the couch.
  3713. >"Now kiss..." Celestia whispers as you see the heavy redness on each of their cheeks.
  3714. >Uh oh...
  3715. >"That would be *hic* so hot." Cadance says. "Y-you wouldn't *hic* mind if I jo-*hic*-in in would you?"
  3716. >...
  3717. >Libido must run in the family.
  3718. >"Oh oh, I-I go-*hic* gotsa get some.”
  3719. >"Sis-shister ho-how schandelous." Luna says her face rubbing against Celestia’s side. "Mmmm... maybe we can make that one-side into a *hic* polygon?"
  3720. >"Oh Annooonn!" Celestia calls over to you. "Us girls would like to talk to yooooouuuu!"
  3721. >"Shin-*hic*-ing... you toooooo!"
  3722. >You don't like the look in their eyes.
  3723. "Well I think this is a good time to head home."
  3724. >"Yep."
  3726. -----
  3728. >"Ah'm exhausted." Applejack says setting her backpack down and flopping onto the couch.
  3729. "Well you had a productive week." you say. "If you want though, I guess you can keep up with those exercises I taught you."
  3730. >"Nah, I’d rather enjoy mah weekend sugarcube." she replies with a smirk. "Say, Sunset feeling any better?"
  3731. "A little. She still feels a little guilty for hurting Rainbow the other day but it'll pass."
  3732. >"Huh, didn't expect her to be casting yer fancy magic during that little match did ya."
  3733. "No, though I'm impressed she was able to pull it off just from seeing me do it a few times in the past. I can't say that she isn't talented."
  3734. >"Well that's fer sure. Ah remember her saying she was Equestria's version of Principal Celestia's student before Twilight."
  3735. "Student or no, she still has a bit to learn when it comes to non-Equestrian magic."
  3736. >"My, I imagined it, but your house really does have quite a rustic feel." Octavia says as she walks through the doorway.
  3737. >Applejack sits up, "Well we try."
  3738. >Getting up you grab AJ's hand and give it a kiss before walking over towards the front door.
  3739. "I'll be back a bit later. Might miss dinner."
  3740. >"Where are ya going?"
  3741. "Octavia is going to hang out with her friend. I said I'd keep an eye out for her stalker."
  3742. >"You don't have to worry about anything happening Applejack. This is strictly professional." the cellist says. "Though Vinyl's a bit of a party animal so we might be out a little late."
  3743. >"Alright I guess." Applejack rubs the back of her head before pulling you aside.
  3744. >"Ya sure about this? I trust ya, but with that werewolf still out there is this really the best idea? Ain't they more powerful at night or somethin'?"
  3745. "It's really dependent on the curse." you answer grabbing your jacket and silver sword from the umbrella holder. "Just in case though, that's why I carry these things."
  3746. >You emphasize your point by raising your cane sword.
  3747. >Before you leave, you recall something important you wanted to do.
  3748. "Oh AJ, I almost forgot to give you this."
  3749. >Pulling a wrapped gift from your chest pocket, you hand it to AJ.
  3750. >"Anon you shouldn't have."
  3751. "Say that after you see it."
  3752. >Tearing the wrapping paper, she lifts the lid.
  3753. >"Anon?"
  3754. "It's a belt buckle."
  3755. >"Um... thanks?"
  3756. >"Anonymous, as a member of the female gender, no offense but..." Octavia says. "I think a more feminine gift would be more appropriate."
  3757. "It's not just a belt buckle." you say grabbing the gift.
  3758. >Undoing the button, you pull the metal buckle apart from the leather strap to reveal a sharpened blade with AJ's initials engraved on it.
  3759. "I know you aren't too accustomed to carrying a knife, but I thought this would at least help keep you safe when I'm not around."
  3760. >Applejack takes the knife from your hand and watches it gleam in the light.
  3761. >"Where'd you get this?" Applejack asks. "Ah've never seen one like it."
  3762. "I had Mjolna make it as a favor to me."
  3763. >"Thanks Anon." she says giving you a kiss on the cheek.
  3764. "Keep it hidden until you absolutely need it." you warn her, "I'll show you how to use it properly later."
  3765. >"Shall we get going then?" the brunette asks, "I prefer not being late if it's alright with you."
  3766. "Alright, see you later AJ."
  3767. >"Be safe you two."
  3769. >"There she is." Octavia points out.
  3770. >Hanging outside the movie theatre looking at her phone is the sunglass wearing blue haired girl from the music shop.
  3771. >Turning to face you, Octavia looks around awkwardly.
  3772. >"Could I ask you a favor?"
  3773. "What?"
  3774. >"Could you keep whatever you see tonight between us? I'd prefer keeping my affairs as private as possible."
  3775. >You gesture zipping your lips.
  3776. "Whatever you want."
  3777. >"Thank you." she says thankfully.
  3778. >Walking over to her friend, Octavia taps the girl on the shoulder to draw Vinyl's attention. Seeing the cellist causes her face to light up.
  3779. >As Vinyl heads into the building, Octavia takes one last glance at you before following her friend.
  3780. >Everything seems normal so far.
  3781. >You scan the area to see if there's anyone acting particularly suspicious following your mark, anyone well... like you right now.
  3782. >Making sure they don't leave your sight for too long, you wait a few moments and watch them buy their tickets.
  3783. >Once they're a decent distance away, you step up to the booth only to come face to face with a large cheerful grin.
  3784. >"Oh hey Anon!" the mint haired girl says through the microphone.
  3785. "Hi... uh... Lyra right?"
  3786. >"Yup yup! Applejack not with you tonight?"
  3787. "No I'm... going it alone tonight."
  3788. >"I getcha. So what can I do for you?"
  3789. >You thumb over to the concession stand.
  3790. "Give me a ticket to whatever movie those two are seeing."
  3791. >"You mean Tavi and Vinny? Why?"
  3792. "I want to watch a movie but can't decide. Anyway can you just give me a ticket?"
  3793. >"Sure sure! That'll be... nine bucks."
  3794. "Keep the change." you say tossing her a ten.
  3795. >She twitches slightly before grabbing the bill.
  3796. >"Enjoy your movie!" she says waving goodbye. "Oh and Anon?"
  3797. "Yeah?"
  3798. >Hopping out of her chair and climbing onto the desk she smacks into the glass startling the couple behind you.
  3799. >With a crazed smile, "BEST. FRIENDS."
  3800. >Taking your ticket from her, you slowly walk away to the snack booth to get a drink and popcorn.
  3801. >"BEST FRIENDS ANON! BEST FRIENDS!" she yells out after you.
  3803. >With a sigh, you step up to the counter to get your-.
  3804. >"Oh hey Anon!" says *another* familiar voice.
  3805. >You internally groan.
  3807. >Entering the theatre after them, you move all the way to the back so you can keep watch.
  3808. >It's relatively easy to keep a bead on them in the small crowd. They aren't even paying attention to the people flocking in.
  3809. >Ignoring the movie commercials happening on the screen, you constantly watch everyone who enters the room and where they decide to sit.
  3810. >Eventually the amount of people trickle down until the lights overhead darken and the movie previews begin playing.
  3811. >Your eyes dilate to the darkness, though you have to note that Vinyl doesn't even take off her own sunglasses even in the dark.
  3812. >Maybe she's sensitive to light?
  3813. >Might explain the constant sunglass wearing. Because you know the girl's not blind.
  3814. >...
  3815. >Taking your eyes off the two to look at the screen to notice what movie this is.
  3816. >It's the same one you took Applejack to on your date night.
  3817. >Guess that makes it better since you don't even have to pay attention or be distracted.
  3818. >Does Octavia like this kind of thing?
  3819. >Everyone has their own tastes but...
  3820. >Vinyl just set her head onto her friend's shoulder.
  3821. >Dosen't look like she's really paying attention to the film.
  3822. >Can't really blame her, the movie is rather dull despite the horror elements.
  3823. >Lifting her head up, Octavia gently grips the other girl's chin and kisses her on the lips.
  3824. >Okay.
  3825. >Didn't see that coming.
  3826. >The sight raises a brow, but otherwise it doesn't deter you from your task.
  3827. >So this isn't just two friends hanging out anymore is it?
  3828. >Your question is answered all to soon by the two grabbing each others head and essentially wrestling for dominance with their tongues.
  3829. >Well, guess you're going to get entertained tonight after all.
  3830. >If she was just going on a date with her girlfr-
  3831. >[Best. Friends.]
  3832. >A chill goes down your spine as you remember Lyra's words.
  3833. >Spinning around, you look behind only to see an empty row of seats.
  3834. >Movement near the projector though catches your eyes and see the mint-haired girl and her... best friend, waving at you from behind the glass window.
  3835. >Note to self: Keep an eye out for Lyra and Bon Bon.
  3836. >...
  3837. >Going back to your original task, you watch Octavia and Vinyl Scratch feeding each other popcorn.
  3838. >You can't help but briefly wonder how far the two have taken their relationship. It's not really any of your business but one can't help be curious.
  3839. >They don't seem particularly reserved about making out in public, though granted you are in a movie theatre.
  3840. >Still, a horror movie is a bit of a strange choice for a romantic get together.
  3842. >As the lights slowly intensify at the end of the movie, Octavia and Vinyl take their time walking out of the theatre while you hang back.
  3843. >After tossing their trash, the two are chatting in a friendly manner down the street as you continue to tail them. If you didn't know any better, it'd look like there was nothing wrong at all.
  3844. >Abruptly, Vinyl trips and falls to the ground.
  3845. >Diving behind an alley, you peek around and see Octavia help her friend up.
  3846. >"Vinyl are you okay?"
  3847. >The girl rubs her bum and nods her head.
  3848. >Waving the cellist away, she dusts herself off and takes a quick look in your direction making you duck behind the corner.
  3849. >You wait for thirty seconds before poking your head around and see the two continuing on their journey.
  3850. >Looks like she didn't see you. Good.
  3851. >Ten or so minutes of walking later, the couple stop by a brightly neon lit building where a large crowd of people are funneled into a single file line.
  3852. >Huh, looks like they're going clubbing.
  3853. >A pair of bouncers at the start of line stand guard against the roudy party goers, some of whom are already dancing to the music booming so loud that you can hear it out here.
  3854. >Octavia digs through her purse and hands Vinyl some glow bands.
  3855. >Shaking them until they begin glowing, Vinyl smiles as the light reflects off her glasses and puts the bands on her wrists.
  3856. >Instead of standing in line though, the girl with the glasses drags the other to the front of line and shows the bouncer some sort of pass.
  3857. >A few of the more impatient attendees make audible complaints and protest, but the bouncer ignores them and lifts the velvet rope to admit the two.
  3858. >This causes visible agitation to those waiting in line to the point that the bouncers have to get a little "aggressive" in order to pacify it.
  3859. >Great.
  3860. >Axii isn't a viable option here. Too many witnesses, not to mention the ruckus that might ensue if you tried.
  3861. >You'll have to go through the backdoor.
  3862. >Moving around the line, you head down a back alley where you see a lone bouncer standing guard.
  3863. >As you walk up, the man folds his arms in an attempt to intimidate you.
  3864. >"No entry little man, employees only."
  3865. "I think you should reconsider." you say accompanied by a well-practiced gesture. "I'm obviously supposed to be in there."
  3866. >The man goes silent before he moves to the side.
  3867. >"Sorry sir, I don't know where my head was at."
  3868. "Thanks."
  3869. >Stepping through the door, you maneuver yourself past busy employees going about their jobs backstage.
  3870. >Pulling a curtain aside, you see the nightclub is packed to the brim with folk dancing the night away.
  3871. >The music pounds on your head as you try and look for your escort. A job made all the more difficult due to the seizure inducing strobe lights going off.
  3872. >Thankfully you spot the two hanging over by the in-house bar.
  3873. >Underage drinking? Naughty girl.
  3874. >As Vinyl is occupied by the bartender, Octavia slips something onto her tongue and takes the cellist by the head.
  3875. >Hello...
  3876. >Bringing her into another lip lock, whatever was in Octavia's mouth is transferred to her partner judging by the latter's surprised reaction.
  3877. >Acting all prim and proper must take a tole on the girl if she's unwinding like this.
  3878. >Vinyl looks shocked before Octavia takes her by the hand and heads to the dance floor.
  3879. >The latter begins shaking her hips as the music booms through the speakers despite the other's apprehensive look.
  3880. >Soon enough though, Vinyl eventually joins in on the dancing.
  3881. >Leaning on the wall, you keep an eye out for any danger as the two enjoy themselves. Grabbing a drink from a server passing by, you take a sip from the glass.
  3882. >When the next song starts the volume somehow gets even louder causing you to grimace. Having enhanced hearing does have it's downsides.
  3883. >How do people stand shit like this?
  3884. >...
  3885. >Wow. Didn't think that the first chair cellist knew dance moves like that.
  3886. >Well, guess it's not the worst way to spend a Friday night.
  3887. >Though you'd rather be spending it with Applejack than thi-
  3888. >Wait...
  3889. >Is something wrong?
  3890. >Octavia stops dancing and looks incredibly out of breath. Her breathing looks labored and her face looks like she's in pain.
  3891. >Vinyl looks worried.
  3892. >And now she's leading her somewhere.
  3893. >Shit.
  3894. >They move into another part of the building out of your sight.
  3895. >Putting the glass down, you move through the crowds of people and follow them into the next room.
  3896. >When the doors close, the music is muted quite a bit.
  3897. >Seems like this section of the room is sound proof. Climbing the stairway, you hear another set of doors shut above you.
  3898. >...
  3899. >You get to the next floor to your dismay you see that past the hall filled with doors and neon lights in bright pink.
  3900. >Crap.
  3901. >They could be in any one of these private rooms.
  3902. >Slowly, you walk down the hall until one of the doors open up and your search is ended very quickly when the occupant bumps into you.
  3903. >Vinyl Scratch's face turns from one of shock quickly to one of anger.
  3904. "Uh..."
  3905. >Her expression quickly turns to worry as you hear a pained moan from inside.
  3906. >Is that Octavia?
  3907. >You try to shove the girl out of the way to see what's wrong when a hand holds you back.
  3908. >Shutting the door behind her, Vinyl doesn't budge.
  3909. "Move out of the way."
  3910. >The blue haired girl holds your shoulder with a surprisingly firm grip and doesn't relent.
  3911. "I'm not going to ask you again. Get out of the wa-!"
  3912. >Without warning you find yourself slammed into the door behind you, smashing it down and flying into the room.
  3913. >Looking up you see your aggressor looming over you with a scowl on her face.
  3914. >Crawling back, you grab your cane and prepare to draw your sword when suddenly you both hear Octavia cry out from the other room.
  3915. >Vinyl freaks out and runs back to her friend leaving you to pick yourself up.
  3916. >What the hell was that?!
  3917. >The sound of breaking glass and a scream brings you back to the present.
  3918. >You run into the other room expecting Octavia to be in pain or something, only to find the vicinity completely devoid of any people.
  3919. >The only indication that someone occupied the room are a torn up bed, some broken furniture and a broken window.
  3920. >But what draws your attention are all the claw marks and blood on the bed.
  3921. >Avoiding the scattered glass on the floor, you dash over to the window.
  3922. >The glass is broken, with no sign of any attempt to open it.
  3923. >Something just ran through it like they were in a rush.
  3924. >Peering outside, you look up and down the street below but can only see various people freaking out.
  3925. >Despite your efforts you can't find any signs either Octavia or Vinyl.
  3926. >They're gone.
  3927. >God dammit!
  3928. >Slamming a fist against the wall, you take a deep breath.
  3929. >Turning around, you decide to examine the room.
  3930. >May as try to see if there's a clue to where they went.
  3931. >Octavia's purse is discarded on the floor nearby. Its contents strewn about but what catches you eyes is a small pill bottle.
  3932. >It's unmarked but a few pills are still inside.
  3933. >Must be what the girl put into her mouth before kissing her date.
  3934. >Picking up the pill, you try to figure out what it is.
  3935. >LSD? Ecstasy?
  3936. >It's nothing you recognize or can identify. And after what just happened, you aren't really inclined to injest it to find out.
  3937. >Putting the bottle in your pocket, you investigate the bed.
  3938. >There's a bit of blood on it.
  3939. >Fresh too.
  3940. >Before you can search anything else, you hear the stomping of feet from the hall.
  3941. >"I think the room's up here." a deep voice says outside.
  3942. >"Guest getting too crazy again?"
  3943. >"Maybe. Still boss wants us to check it out."
  3944. >"Whoa did they break the damn door down?"
  3945. >Shit.
  3946. >Right now the scene looks very incriminating. The last thing you want is the cops to be called on you.
  3947. >Unfortunately there's nowhere to hide. It's just a simple four wall room.
  3948. >You glance towards the window.
  3949. >...
  3950. >This is going to suck.
  3951. >Taking a deep breath, you cover your face just as two men walk into the room and dive out the window.
  3952. >"WHAT THE- HEY STOP!"
  3953. >You spin your torso and crash onto the roof of a parked car causing the alarm to go off. The sudden impact sending an extreme amount of pain through your body.
  3954. >Pedestrians panic and scream while you groan in pain.
  3955. >You suddenly have a metallic taste in your mouth.
  3956. >Ugh...
  3957. >Rolling off the car, you slam into the asphalt, grab your cane and limp off.
  3958. >Fuuuuckkkk! Your everything is killing you.
  3959. >A few people try to help you, but you ignore them and their bewildered looks.
  3960. >You're grateful that no one decided to be a good samaritan and followed you.
  3961. >Ducking in a back alley some distance away, you whip out your cell phone.
  3962. >Slumping to the ground, you don't even look at the contact list and just dial whoever came first.
  3963. >"Hello?" Applejack's voice answers.
  3964. >Figures, her name starts with A.
  3965. "Applejack..."
  3966. >"Anon is that you?"
  3967. "I... I need some help."
  3969. -----
  3971. >A little while earlier.
  3972. >After grabbing another cider and a sandwich you finally set your butt down on the couch and get comfortable.
  3973. >Kicking your shoes aside, you stretch out your legs and wiggle your toes.
  3974. >Ahh…
  3975. >It's nice to have some alone time, as much as you love being with Anon.
  3976. >There is such thing as spending too much time with people.
  3977. >Picking your controller up you continue on with your game.
  3978. >Leaning back you reach out for your cider when you hear a knock at the door.
  3979. "..."
  3980. >So much for "you" time.
  3981. >Setting it down once more, you refrain from groaning too much and get up and move to the door.
  3982. >"Hey Applejack..." a sweaty looking Sunset greets.
  3983. "Heya Sunset." you reply, "I thought you had the day off?"
  3984. >"Yeah, I did. But I wanted to try some sign training with Anon."
  3985. "Sorry, Anon's doing some sort of bodyguard thing right now."
  3986. >"Oh. Did he say when he'd be back?"
  3987. >You shake your head.
  3988. "Nope, just said that they might be out late. Uh, Sunset you look exhausted."
  3989. >Sunset chuckles, "I was just doing a simple run. Might have gone a bit further than I initially planned though."
  3990. >"Well yer always welcome here Sunset. C'mon inside and take a load off."
  3991. >Waving her inside, you set her down on the couch and hand her your cider.
  3992. >"Applejack you don't have t-"
  3993. "Nonsense, yer like family and it wouldn't be right if ah just turned you away when you look all worn out like that."
  3994. >Sunset looks at you thankfully and takes the drink.
  3995. >"Thank you Applejack."
  3996. "Yer welcome."
  3997. >Heading into the kitchen again, you fix up another sandwich and grab an additional cider for yourself.
  3998. >"So Anon's out with Octavia right?" she asks, taking a bite of sandwich.
  3999. "Eeyup."
  4000. >“...”
  4001. "So..."
  4002. >"Sorry to impose, I know this was unexpected."
  4003. >No kidding.
  4004. >Being a host wasn't on your list of things to do tonight.
  4005. >But, as Granny taught you, unless the guest ain't acting like no guest, hospitality is the golden rule.
  4006. >You see her gaze fall upon your new belt buckle on the table.
  4007. >"What's that?"
  4008. "Just a gift from Anon." you say taking the buckle in your hands.
  4009. >Popping the metal button from the leather, you pull out the hidden blade and show Sunset the tool.
  4010. >"Wow, he got that for you?"
  4011. "Eeyup."
  4012. >Admittedly, you feel a bit of pride saying that.
  4013. >"Could I see?"
  4014. "Sure, but be careful though."
  4015. >Handing the small knife to her, she looks it over with amazement.
  4016. >"I didn't know they made knives like this. He even got it engraved for you!"
  4017. >Seeing everything the knife has to offer, she gives it back to you and sighs.
  4018. >"You're so lucky you have someone like Anon who looks out for you."
  4019. "Yeah. Sometimes I hardly believe it mahself."
  4020. >She looks at the tv screen and sees your paused game.
  4021. >Sunset smiles, "Did I interrupt something?"
  4022. "Oh that? Nah, was just trying to beat a boss. Kinda frustrating but ah enjoy it."
  4023. >"Um... could I watch?"
  4024. "Sure ah guess? Didn't think that video games were yer thing ta be honest."
  4025. >"They're not really, but that doesn't mean I can't find some interest."
  4026. >Taking your controller, you bring your character out of the menu.
  4027. >Your in-game character appears on screen clad in heavy armor and wielding an axe almost twice as tall as she is.
  4028. >"How the heck does your character carry that giant axe?" Sunset asks baffled.
  4029. >You chuckle.
  4030. "It's just a game Sunset."
  4031. >Warping your character to your most recent bonfire, you direct her in front of a fog wall underneath a giant bell.
  4032. >Entering the fog, you march a few steps forward when a giant dragon flies by with a rider on top.
  4033. >"Whoa."
  4034. >You smirk.
  4035. "They got dragons like those back in Equestria?"
  4036. >Sunset shrugs, "Yes, though I hear they can get as big as an Ursa Major."
  4037. "An Ursa what now?"
  4038. >"Giant bear made of stars. Can grow almost as tall as a small mountain."
  4039. "Oh..."
  4040. >Almost as tall as a small mountain?
  4041. >Glancing back at her, she says it with a completely straight face.
  4042. >Just what kind of place is Equestria?
  4043. >Getting in a few slashes with your axe, you mistime a roll and find yourself pummeled into the ground by a giant spear.
  4044. >A huge chunk of your health taken from the blow.
  4045. "Dagnabbit!"
  4046. >Rolling away from the next strike, you get in a few strikes on the legs before the giant bird-dragon flies upwards and breaths fire straight down on top of your character killing her.
  4047. >The words "YOU DIED" appear on screen.
  4048. >A series of expletives explode out of your mouth causing Sunset to cover her ears.
  4049. >"Applejack what's wrong?"
  4050. "That's the tenth time that boss has killed me!"
  4051. >"Can I try?"
  4052. "Let me try again."
  4053. >This time you switch to one of your greatswords.
  4054. >...
  4055. >[YOU DIED]
  4056. >You toss the controller into her lap with a huff.
  4057. “Go ahead.” you grumble.
  4058. >"So that does that..." she mutters to herself pressing random buttons. "Alright. I think I got the controls down."
  4059. >Guiding your character back to the fog wall, Sunset looks confidently as she takes on the boss.
  4060. >Charging into the arena she watches as the dragon flies around the arena and touches down.
  4061. >Narrowing her eyes she times a backstep as the rider slams his spear down...
  4062. >Only to be flattened by the weapon.
  4063. >"W-what?! That was supposed to dodge!" she cries out. “His spear clearly missed me!”
  4064. >You hold a snicker.
  4065. >Healing herself, you watch as she tries again, only to lose track of the dragon doing so. Which is quite a feat since it takes up the entire screen usually.
  4066. >Turning the camera around she gets a face full of fire as the health meter reaches zero.
  4067. >[YOU DIED]
  4068. >"No fair! That was just a fluke!"
  4069. "Whatever you say." you say in a teasing manner.
  4070. >Suddenly you see your phone light up on the table. Picking it up you see it's Anon calling.
  4071. >Wonder what he's calling about?
  4072. >Maybe it really was nothing and it's him telling you he's coming home.
  4073. "Hello?"
  4074. "Applejack..." you hear Anon's raspy voice say.
  4075. >He sounds like he's in pain.
  4076. >"Anon is that you?"
  4077. >"I... I need some help." he says weakly.
  4078. "Anon! Where are you?!"
  4079. >" near movie theatre..."
  4080. >Sunset sets down the controller and shares your worried concern.
  4081. >"Applejack what's happening?"
  4082. "Anon's hurt."
  4083. >"..."
  4084. "Anon? Anon!"
  4085. >"Yeah... I'm here... ow..."
  4086. >You hear the faint sounds of sirens in the background.
  4087. >"I'll... I'll tell you more later... bring… sword."
  4088. "Anon?"
  4089. >Suddenly you hear the sound of glass hitting glass when the call ends.
  4090. >Oh no oh no no no no!
  4091. "We gotta find him!"
  4092. >"Where did he say he was?"
  4093. "Uh... the night club!"
  4094. >"C'mon we don't have time to waste!"
  4095. "Righ- Wait! We need to get his sword!"
  4096. >Heading upstairs to Anon's room, you go under his bed and pull out his two swords.
  4097. >Oh crap... which one did he want?
  4098. >You look between the two swords.
  4099. >Ah forget it!
  4100. >Taking both you run back downstairs.
  4101. >Grabbing your jacket you and Sunset run out the door and run to the garage where Big Macintosh is fixing up the weedwhacker.
  4102. >The sight of you two running up to him in a clear panic immediately raises alarm bells in his head.
  4103. "Big Mac, Anon's in trouble!"
  4104. >Without another word your brother reaches above to the tallest shelf and takes out a metal box.
  4105. >Pulling out his key ring, he puts the appropriate key into the lock and opens the case and pulls out your pa's old shotgun.
  4106. >Loading in a few shells, he tosses you the truck's keys and jumps into the passenger seat.
  4107. >"Is that sa-"
  4108. "No time let's go!"
  4109. >Dumping both blades into the backseat with Sunset, you jump into the driver's seat and put the keys into the ignition.
  4110. >Pulling out of the driveway, you speed down the road and make the turnoff towards the city.
  4112. >"I don't see him." Sunset says as you drive slowly down the road.
  4113. >Ahead of you are a gathering of emergency vehicles, mostly police cruisers, cordoning off sections of the road.
  4114. "He's probably hiding because of all the cops around."
  4115. >"Eeyup." Big Macintosh sets the shotgun in the backseat and sets his jacket over it.
  4116. >Digging your phone out of your pocket you hand it to your brother.
  4117. "Call Anon again."
  4118. >"What do you think happened?"
  4119. "Ah'm not sure. But whatever it was, it must've been something to get the police called in like this; look over there."
  4120. >Passing by the nightclub you notice a car with it's roof caved-in as you drive forward.
  4121. >Did Anon cause that?
  4122. >A police officer wave your vehicle down.
  4123. >"Ma'am this area is off limits right now, I'm going to have to ask you to leave."
  4124. "Sorry officer, uh... we're just a bit turned around." you say with an awkward smile. "Brother's teaching me ta drive."
  4125. >"At night?"
  4126. "Gotta get some night driving experience ya know?"
  4127. >"Right."
  4128. >You really hope you're convincing enough...
  4129. >Lying ain't really something you're good or comfortable with.
  4130. >He stares at you a bit longer than you're comfortable with but eventually takes a few steps back from the truck.
  4131. >"Alright ma'am you be safe out there."
  4132. "Th-thank you officer."
  4133. >It worked? It worked!
  4134. >Your brother coughs.
  4135. >Oh right...
  4136. >Easing on the gas, you drive through the checkpoint doing your best to stay composed.
  4137. >It doesn't take long to leave the blockade behind until the police presence eventually dies down.
  4138. >"That was close." Sunset says behind you. “Usually you’re such a terrible liar.”
  4139. >Thanks Sunset...
  4140. >C'mon Anon where are ya?
  4141. >Big Macintosh doesn't say anything as he holds the phone to his ear.
  4142. "Ah'm getting real worried y'all."
  4143. >Sunset places a hand on your shoulder, "Applejack, it'll be alright. We'll find him."
  4144. >"Stop." your brother says.
  4145. >You step on the break and he points over the dash to an alleyway.
  4146. >Looking to over were his finger is aiming at, you fail to see anything.
  4147. "Mac ah don't see..."
  4148. >He rolls his eyes and points towards a trash pile.
  4149. >You take a closer look at see a foot sticking out of the mound.
  4150. >Anon?
  4151. "ANON!" you cry out almost jumping out of the car in the middle of the road.
  4152. >"See, we found him." Sunset she says to herself.
  4153. >Running across the street you stand over the pile and pull a bag of trash aside revealing Anon passed out underneath.
  4154. "Anon!" you scream.
  4155. >Kneeling down besides him, you try to wake him up.
  4156. "C'mon wake up!" you say gently patting him on the face.
  4157. >"Oh my gosh Anon!"
  4158. >His face contorts in pain when suddenly his eyes shoot open.
  4159. >Without warning you find yourself with Anon's hand wrapped around your throat.
  4160. "Hrk... A-Ano-on!" you gasp out.
  4161. >"Anon!" Sunset shouts.
  4162. >The Witcher's expression eases up and shifts to one of horror when he sees you struggling for air.
  4163. >"A-Applejack?!"
  4164. >He immediately releases his grip as you collapse onto your knees gasping.
  4165. >"God I’m… I'm so sorry." he says with remorse. "I-I... it was just... fuck..."
  4166. >Big Macintosh helps you up but keeps his eyes on Anon.
  4167. >"Anon are you alright?" Sunset asks cautiously.
  4168. >"I'm fine. Is AJ okay?"
  4169. >You rub your throat as you look at him.
  4170. "A-Anon I'm... *cough* okay."
  4171. >"What was that?"
  4172. >"That was a reflex. AJ I'm sor-"
  4173. >Shaking your head, you hug him.
  4174. "Sugarcube, we'll talk about it later where's Octavia?"
  4175. >Anonymous casts his gaze downward. "She's gone."
  4176. >"What do you mean she's gone?"
  4177. >"She disappeared under my watch and I think that Vinyl girl has a part in it."
  4178. >"Vinyl? Vinyl Scratch?"
  4179. "The one who wears sunglasses almost twenty-four-seven?"
  4180. >Anon nods his head.
  4181. "What makes you think she has anything to do with this?"
  4182. >"Because she tossed me through a door."
  4183. >"Wait what?"
  4184. "Is that why you look all banged up?"
  4185. >"That was mostly from jumping out a window and landing on a car." he says rolling his neck.
  4186. >Guess that explains the car outside the nightclub.
  4187. >"Do you know where they went?"
  4188. >"No."
  4189. "Anon we should get you home and get you fixed up."
  4190. >"Octavia's in danger I can't until I've exhausted all options."
  4191. >He begins pacing around the alley.
  4192. >"Do either of you know where they live?"
  4193. >"I think they live in the richer part of the neighborhood."
  4194. >"Specifically?"
  4195. >Sunset shakes her head.
  4196. >"She doesn't really hang out with many outside the music club or Vinyl."
  4197. "Ah think ah know one person who could help us."
  4199. >Big Macintosh drives while you and Anon sit in the back seat.
  4200. >"Pinkie says she's searching her party book for Octavia's address." Sunset says from the passenger seat.
  4201. >"Tell her to hurry up." Anon says.
  4202. >He winces when you put some disinfectant on the cut by his chin and place a bandaid on it.
  4203. >Though he's very subtle about it, you can see him trying not to look at the faint mark around your neck.
  4204. "Anon what's wrong?"
  4205. >"Your neck..."
  4206. "It's fine I-"
  4207. >"No, it's not. I could have hurt you badly."
  4208. "Anon, ah'm a lot tougher than I look." you joke.
  4209. >Anonymous doesn't seem to find any humor in that.
  4210. "... What happened?"
  4211. >"I... it was mostly adrenaline kicking in after getting into that scuffle with Vinyl and jumping out a window."
  4212. >He looks out the window.
  4213. "It was an accident. But that's not what ah'm talkin bout. How did Vinyl do that to you?"
  4214. >"I don't know. But she did it with super-human strength. I know she was going to do more if not for Octavia crying out in pain."
  4215. >"In pain? Did she get hurt?"
  4216. >"I'm not sure, All I know is that she probably took one of these." he says pulling out a small unmarked pill bottle. "The girl started looking fatigued after a bit on the dance floor. Like she ran a marathon."
  4217. "What is it?"
  4218. >He shrugs, "Don't know, probably some sort of party drug. She gave one to Vinyl who didn't seem to be affected by it. In fact she seemed surprised that Octavia even had them."
  4219. >The car becomes quiet as you all process this information.
  4220. "So is Vinyl human? She ain't another Witcher is she?"
  4221. >"I doubt it. Though I don't believe she's a full-blooded human at the very least."
  4222. "Could it have something to do with that werewolf?"
  4223. >"Possibly. I did find claw marks in the room they were in."
  4224. "Anon no offense but ah find all this hard to believe. Vinyl hardly seems the type to hurt people."
  4225. >Sunset turns around in her seat, "I have to agree Anon, if it wasn't for Vinyl we would have all been defeated by the Dazzlings during the Battle of the Bands."
  4226. >"I realize that but-"
  4227. >*Bzzzt*
  4228. >"Pinkie texted me back."
  4229. >"You have her address?" Anonymous asks.
  4230. >Sunset nods in confirmation. "Big Mac want me to direct you?"
  4231. >"Eeyup."
  4232. >"Alright, turn left on the next stre- WHOA!"
  4233. >Turning the wheel, Big Macintosh slams his foot on the pedal and speeds across town.
  4234. >You slam into Anon's chest from the sudden shift.
  4235. >"As long as your brother's driving doesn't kill us first."
  4237. -----
  4239. "This the place Sunset?"
  4240. >"Y-yeah."
  4241. >Looking up at the large multi-level home, you snort.
  4242. >"This is where Octavia lives?" Applejack asks. "Pretty ritzy place. Almost like a mansion."
  4243. >"No I'm pretty sure this is Vinyl's house. She's hosted parties here before remember? I-I don't know why Pinkie led us here."
  4244. >Vinyl's house?
  4245. >Something's already not right.
  4246. >Walking to the home, Applejack, Sunset and Big Macintosh watch you.
  4247. >"Anon where are you going?" Sunset asks.
  4248. "This *is* Octavia's house. She told me they were neighbors."
  4249. >"But then couldn't be the house over there or there?"
  4250. "It could, but judging by how close the two are, I have a feeling they live together." you say pointing to the treble clef symbol mounted next to the door.
  4251. >"How close they are?"
  4252. >Applejack scoffs.
  4253. >"Sunset, ya mean ya never noticed?"
  4254. >"Noticed what?"
  4255. >You raise a hand to shush her.
  4256. "Sunset." you call out, motioning for her to come over.
  4257. >"Um... Anon?"
  4258. >You take your cane sword and hand it to her.
  4259. >"A-Anon?"
  4260. "Take this just in-case." you say, "I don't have any oils so my steel sword won't be as useful as this."
  4261. >Sunset Shimmer looks unsure as she glances between you and the weapon.
  4262. "Well?"
  4263. >She snaps out of her daze, "R-right."
  4264. "Mac, keep an eye out. Applejack you stay with him."
  4265. >AJ frowns, "Anon I ain't gonna-"
  4266. >You place a hand on her hand.
  4267. "Please."
  4268. >She opens her mouth to argue, but seeing how serious you are she closes it and nods.
  4269. "Thank you."
  4270. >You caress her face and she returns a small, but concerned smile.
  4271. >"Just be careful."
  4272. "I'll try."
  4273. >She grabs your hand.
  4274. >"Anon, don't try. Do it."
  4275. >You smirk and pull away.
  4276. "Come on Sunset."
  4277. >"Right.
  4278. >The two of you walk towards the front door, jiggling the front door, unsurprisingly the door is locked.
  4279. >"Here let me try." she says digging through her jacket pocket. "Can you hold my phone?"
  4280. >Handing you her phone, she pulls out a small case out and opens it. Inside are a small selection of keys with extremely short teeth.
  4281. "Bump keys?"
  4282. >"They're sort of a leftover from my... bad girl days."
  4283. >She inspects the lock, using her phone as a light source before picking out a specific key.
  4284. "Stop."
  4285. >"What?"
  4286. >Taking a look at the lock yourself, you dig through your belt.
  4287. "Use these instead. Less noise."
  4288. >Pulling out a lockpick and a small tension wrench, you hand them to her.
  4289. "I assume you're already familiar with how to use these?"
  4290. >"These are high quality picks." she says in amazement.
  4291. "Yeah, well for a Witcher, they're just like a good set of boots."
  4292. >Sunset sets both the pick and the wrench inside and begins working the lock.
  4293. >Peering around the house, you notice a window on the side is cracked open.
  4294. "Someone might be home. Keep that in mind."
  4295. >"Well I guess we'll just have to be quiet then." she whispers.
  4296. >Taking the tools out, she slowly twists the door handle and the door opens.
  4297. "Nice job."
  4298. >"I still got it!" she whisper cheers.
  4299. >Drawing your blade, you take the door and slowly push it open.
  4300. >Sunset draws the cane sword and steps in behind you.
  4301. >With slow paced steps, you scan the house for any signs of activity in spite of the time of night.
  4302. >The two of you search the first level of the house and don't find any signs of recent activity.
  4303. >Beyond some scattered cups and dishes, nothing would indicate anyone was here within the past hour or so. At least until you hit the kitchen.
  4304. >There's a few ingredients prepared and a pot filled with some water on the counter and stove respectively.
  4305. >Ignoring a stairway to a basement for now, you check the last room on the first floor.
  4306. >Opening the door, you see where most of the money probably went. On the floor you see a few musical sheets lay on the floor scattered about, a piano, drum set, and you can spot Octavia's cello she brings to school in addition to a few other string instruments mounted on stands or the wall..
  4307. >On the other side of the room however is a large digital screen mounted on the wall with a double turntable in front hooked up to a laptop and series of amps. A few other smaller turntables, speakers and other electronic equipment are laid out nearby as well.
  4308. >Various awards for patents, music and a few other achievements line the walls, which would explain how they earn money to afford all this.
  4309. >Tapping the walls, the flat thunk you hear when you tap it tells you the room is soundproofed. And not the cheap type of soundproofing either, especially for a room the size of a medium sized living room.
  4310. >So it probably would be a decent guess that the one large window on the wall is made of sound-proof as well.
  4311. >None of the items in this room are cheap, all-in-all you estimate that the entire furnishing of this room alone has already peaked past the high-thousands and into the low ten-thousand range at least.
  4312. >Sunset enters the room behind you and gasps.
  4313. >"Wow. I didn't know Octavia was this rich."
  4314. "I don't think she's rich." you reply.
  4315. >She thought a single silver kilo bar was "robbery". Unless she's an absolute miser, you highly doubt anyone who could afford all this would consider the price of one silver bar too expensive.
  4316. >"Then you mean."
  4317. "I think Vinyl's the one who's well-off. Which means this is her home."
  4318. >"So why does Octavia live here?"
  4319. "That's the question isn't it?"
  4320. >Closing the door, you decide it's time to head upstairs.
  4321. >"Well, I guess that explains her car." Sunset whispers.
  4322. >Slowly you two move one step at a time.
  4323. >Once you reach the top level you peek around the corners. Systematically, the two of you search each room for any signs of Octavia or Vinyl Scratch.
  4324. >Most of the rooms are standard looking guestrooms, offices and a smaller studio like the one below.
  4325. >"Anon, over here." Sunset calls out to you.
  4326. >Following her voice you see Sunset in a room uniquely decorated compared to the others.
  4327. >This bedroom is decorated with a classical theme.
  4328. "Must be Octavia's room."
  4329. >"I wish my bedroom looked like this. Look she even has her own walk-in closet."
  4330. >You open the desk drawer near her bed and find something that actually surprises you.
  4331. >Inside is a small bong and a few plastic bags filled with a variety of cannabis.
  4332. >Well looks like little miss prim-and-proper likes to have a little recreational fun. Though as demonstrated at the nightclub, you already saw that firsthand.
  4333. >Opening the drawer below also reveals a bit more of Octavia's dark side.
  4334. >Fuzzy handcuffs, ball gags, dildos of various sizes... and shapes.
  4335. >You almost slam the drawer shut and try to ignore the implications.
  4336. "Yep Octavia definitely has a wild side she likes to keep under wraps."
  4337. >Sunset walks out of the cellists closet with a thousand-yard stare.
  4338. "What is it?"
  4339. >"I found some... leather apparel. The shiny kind with no eye holes."
  4340. >Shiny kind with no ey- oh...
  4341. >Continuing with your search for clues, nothing else in the room seems to be of any help. Mostly music or school related.
  4342. >Not even a journal of some sort either.
  4343. "I don't think we'll find anything else in here."
  4344. >Moving on, you enter the last room, opposite of Octavia's.
  4345. >Turning the handle and pushing the door open, you see what's plainly Vinyl's room.
  4346. >Like her friends room, it's decorated with a particular theme as well, this time electric and neon.
  4347. >But unlike the other room, this one is a complete pig stye.
  4348. >Clothing strewn everywhere, old pizza boxes, messy bed.
  4349. >You actually feel apprehensive on searching this room.
  4350. >Beginning with her drawers, there doesn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary. Unlike Octavia, Vinyl doesn't seem to be harboring any... "pleasure aids".
  4351. >Wait...
  4352. >Scratch that, there's one of those asian wand massagers.
  4353. >But underneath it, looks like the same cloak the mysterious figure was wearing that night in the alley when you and AJ were attacked.
  4354. >Well guess that mystery is solv-
  4355. >"Hey Anon I found something." Sunset whispers from underneath Vinyl's bed.
  4356. "What is it?"
  4357. >She pulls out a small box.
  4358. >Blowing off the dust, she lifts the lid and inside the contents are items that look extremely old and worn.
  4359. >A rusted tuning fork, an old key with a single tooth and some sort of ribbon tied to the head, an old worn-out and faded pink bow tie similar to the one Octavia currently wears, and lastly a rough looking bound book.
  4360. >Carefully taking the journal out, you open the first page and see a short message scrawled out.
  4361. >[To my darling Victrola. -O]
  4362. >"Who's Victrola?"
  4363. >You give her an incredulous look.
  4364. >"Right, stupid question." she says turning the page.
  4365. >What you see is an old browned photo of what looks to be Vinyl and another woman in period clothing.
  4366. >"Is that...?"
  4367. "Vinyl in an old photo dated August 5, 1884? Looks like it."
  4368. >"But that's impossible. That would mean this photo was taken 132 years ago. And look, the woman even look's like Octavia."
  4369. >Gears begin turning and pieces are falling into place but you don't have anything definitive yet just a few theories.
  4370. >Unfortunately, none of those are very pleasant.
  4371. >Sunset turns the page and what seems to be a journal entry.
  4372. >[August 8, It's been three days since Ottava gave me this book for my "birthday". Even after seven years together, she doesn't seem to realize how silly I find the notion but she insists that it would be good to record my thoughts. I've never really seen the need to record anything in all my life but I guess I'll do it for her.]
  4373. >"I wonder if Ottava is that woman next to Vinyl in the photo." she says looking at the next entry.
  4374. "Wouldn't be a bad guess."
  4375. >[August 20, Ottava's asked if I've written anything today. When I told her the truth, she asked if I didn't like her gift. I've never seen her so distressed over a simple book with blank pages, but it's not something I ever want her to experience again. From now on, I'll try to record something in here more frequently.]
  4376. >[August 21, What a day! The county fair rolled into town and after a day of helping Ottava entertain patrons, I managed to happen upon a travelling salesman who specializes in mirrors selling some of his wares. One of those rare new phonographs that plays back music! Ever since I first laid my eyes on one a couple years ago the urge to have it was so strong, I ignored the man's attempts to dissuade me by saying the item was cursed. Hopefully Ottava will like it.]
  4377. >[August 21, She didn't like it. At least, not when I accidentally slipped and scratched the record on the needle. Ignoring the potential of the distinctive sound it made, Ottava was incredibly mad at how I obtained the device. It's too late to return it but she made me promise not to make a repeat of the incident.]
  4378. >[August 24, I just found out that Ottava spent most of her personal savings to get me this journal. I... got a bit madder than I would like to admit. We're not rich, we only just make enough to make ends meet. I'm going to find a way to make it up to her. Funny enough, I find myself finding it easier to write my thoughts down the more I do it, I guess Ottava was right after all.]
  4379. >"These two seem really close to each other."
  4380. >Skimming the next few entries, it's mostly just day-to-day slice-of-life entries. Nothing particularly exciting or interesting though the one about riding a runaway cart to a wedding looked promising.
  4381. >Regardless, you should really hurry this up.
  4382. >Peeking down the hall, you whisper back at Sunset as she continues reading through the journal.
  4383. "Can you see if there's anything more notable."
  4384. >She flips through the pages until she waves you over.
  4385. >"Look right here. It's dated a couple months later."
  4386. >[December 12, An outsider hurt Ottava. The bastard was a drunk sailor who got a little too handsy during one of Ottava's night shows in a lounge near the docks. When she resisted his advances, he... he slapped her. The blow caused her to hit her head on a table and now the local doctor is tending to her. I'm not going to rest until he pays.]
  4387. >[December 13, He's dead. I killed him. It wasn't hard either, he was bragging about how he put "the music bitch in his place for disrespecting him" that I just lost all control. All I remember before losing control was breaking his hand when he tried to make a move after I revealed myself.]
  4388. >[I lost control with all the blood pouring from the man's wounds I inflicted. The bloodlust, it's been such a long time since I killed anyone that I... When my senses finally returned to me, almost all the blood was gone and I never felt more alive. The feeling when I realized what I did, it took me a good while to remind myself what it was called... I was scared.]
  4389. >"Anon..."
  4390. "Yeah, I know."
  4391. >[December 15, Ottava has yet to wake up; I've been waiting on her hand and foot. My mind has been constantly plaguing me of last night and how easy I lost control. I am *NOT* one of those lower dregs who kill for survival or enjoyment.]
  4392. >"What does she mean by "lower dregs"?"
  4393. "She's a higher vampire."
  4394. >"You mean like Edward?"
  4395. "No. But I really hope I'm wrong." you say rushing out of the room. "Bring the journal with you and head to the car."
  4396. >"Wha-"
  4397. "Don't argue, just do it."
  4398. >Heading downstairs, foregoing any stealth you hurry out towards the last remaining room you passed over.
  4399. >Opening the door leads you into a basement of sorts. Though it's hardly furnished like one.
  4400. >It looks more like a makeshift medical room than anything else.
  4401. >Vials of what clearly looks like blood sit in wood cabinets. Additionly various plastic bags of old medical instruments are gathered in a corner all looking factory new.
  4402. >But what draws your attention is the girl lying in the clean bed at the end of the room: Octavia.
  4403. >Her limbs are strapped down and what looks like a detox machine hooked up to her arm.
  4404. >Undoing the straps, you shake Octavia awake.
  4405. "Hey, Octavia. Wake up."
  4406. >Her slowly open and she groans.
  4407. >"Oh... my head... I? Where am I? Anonymous?" the cellist groggily says.
  4408. "We need to leave right now." you say picking her up in a bridal carry and up the stairs.
  4409. >"Right now what do you? Wha- is this my basement? Are we in my house?"
  4410. "Yeah and it looks like Vinyl is your stalker."
  4411. >"Vinyl? That's impossible!"
  4412. "I'll explain it on the way, right now we need to leave *NOW*."
  4413. >Running to the truck, you see the other's are just as surprised seeing Octavia in your arms.
  4414. >Putting the girl in the truck against her protests, you get in the passenger seat as Big Macintosh drives off.
  4415. "Does Vinyl Scratch know where you live?" you ask Applejack and Big Macintosh, pulling out your phone.
  4416. >"Ah’m pretty sure she does."
  4417. "Then we can't go there. Where are Apple Bloom and Granny?"
  4418. >”AB’s at Rarity’s house I think and Granny is on one of her girl’s night out.” Applejack answers.
  4419. “Good, we need somewhere to hide out for now. Mac, head to this location.” you say showing him the address on your phone’s GPS.
  4420. >Nodding his head, Big Macintosh makes a right turn down the road.
  4422. -----
  4424. >"Um... hey Octavia." Sunset greets.
  4425. >"Sunset Shimmer? Applejack? What are you doing here?"
  4426. "Octavia did you know that your girlfriend's a vampire?" you ask ignoring her question.
  4427. >"What? You're joking right?" she says in an unconvincing manner.
  4428. "Don't lie to me." you say glaring at her.
  4429. >"I... I... yes. She's been with my family for as long as I can remember acting like a guardian sorts."
  4430. >Great.
  4431. >"And you didn't think to tell Anon?"
  4432. >"I genuinely thought my stalker was just a normal person. I had no idea it was Vinyl; it's not like her she hates hurting people."
  4433. >Tell that to your aching back.
  4434. >"Though now that I think about it, her telling me it was nothing worth looking into should have been an indicator."
  4435. >Facepalming, you can't help but regret ever taking this job in the first place.
  4436. "So how did you get the silver bar? I doubt Vinyl would willingly give you payment for a Witcher to investigate herself."
  4437. >"I may have... asked Vinyl to borrow some money for a new imported cello bow. She gets her money from the patents and royalties she owns."
  4438. >"So you lied to her." Applejack asks rhetorically.
  4439. >"Yes."
  4440. "And now we're going to have an incredibly pissed higher vampire about to hunt us down until she gets you back." you growl out.
  4441. >"I had no idea, I'm sorry."
  4442. >"Yer dang right yer sorry!" she chastises the girl next to her, slapping her in the back of the head.
  4443. >"Ow!"
  4444. >Turning around in your seat you examine Octavia's arm.
  4445. "Why were you strapped to that machine?" you ask. "It looked like she was farming blood from you."
  4446. >Octavia begins sweating and opens her mouth to make an excuse but you pull out the pill bottle and rattle its contents.
  4447. "Not in the mood for games. Tell the truth."
  4448. >"I- uh... oh fine. Being 1st Chair of the school's orchestra, participating in all the clubs and extracurricular activities for my transcripts, and getting top marks in all my classes is so incredibly stressful that I just need to... unwind."
  4449. "Yeah well, you may have unwound a bit too much. When you were at the nightclub you looked like you were about to collapse before Vinyl took you into the upper rooms."
  4450. >She sighs.
  4451. >"It happens from time to time. Vinyl bought the equipment to clear my system without needing to go to the hospital. Because of her long life, she's had a lot of free time to learn various disciplines as a sort of alternative to boredom."
  4452. >Makes sense you suppose, a girl like Octavia probably wouldn't want to be caught doing the things she's been doing. But strapping her in seems a bit excessive.
  4453. >And it doesn't explain the vials of blood in the cabinet.
  4454. >"Oh what time is it?" Octavia asks trying to find her phone.
  4455. >"Almost eleven, why?"
  4456. >Octavia digs through her skirt pocket and frowns.
  4457. >"Darn it. I don't have it."
  4458. "Have what?"
  4459. >"Oh just some sort of vitamin supplement that Vinyl obtained for me. Sometimes I inadvertently skip meals so this is supposed to help mitigate that. I forgot to take one earlier today so..."
  4460. "We'll get you something to eat when we get to where we're going."
  4461. >"But that-"
  4462. "We're not going back."
  4463. >As the truck travels down the road, you peer out the window and look at the full moon rising in the sky.
  4464. >"Um... Anon?" Sunset calls for you.
  4465. >Her tone sounds frustrated, which at the moment is the last thing you need.
  4466. "What?"
  4467. >"I think you should read this." she says handing you the journal. "You might make more sense of it that I can."
  4468. >May as well, it'll be awhile before you arrive at your destination.
  4469. >Sunset hands you the worn journal and you begin where you last left off.
  4470. >[December 20, Ottava... she woke up. But without any memory of who I was. What we were. Her memory is gone but the doctor says it should be temporary. I can only hope so.]
  4471. >[December 23, She still hasn't regained her memory but her skill with the violin hasn't diminished. At least it's progress.]
  4472. >[January 5, It's been almost two weeks and her memory of us still hasn't returned. I grow frustrated with the waiting that I can't think of anything else.]
  4473. >[January 6, Ottava has been noticing my stress of the situation and feels distressed herself. That isn't good for her mental health so I've decided to try my hand at tinkering to keep my mind busy.]
  4474. >[January 24, A rich investor from overseas happened upon one of my improvements on a device called a microphone. He has ideas on how to make it more effective and wishes to demonstrate my invention to his partners. While I'm apprehensive of leaving Ottava alone, this deal could change our fortunes for the better.]
  4475. "Sunset, I'm not seeing anything out of the ordinary. Other than Ottava losing her memory and Vinyl getting a business deal."
  4476. >"Anon, read further down on the next page."
  4477. >[February 10, It's been a busy few days that I haven't had time to write. But I am glad to report that the man's colleagues saw potential and decided to sign me on as a partner. Our money problems are no more! I can't wait to get back to Ottava to tell her the news.]
  4478. >[February 23, NO NO NO NO NO NO! Ottava has become smitten with another suitor. Taken advantage of in my absence both physical and mental. DAMN HIM! ALL THIS WORK MEANS NOTHING IF OTTAVA IS NOT MINE!]
  4479. >Turning the page, an entire wall of ink is dedicated to scribbling the word "Why" over and over.
  4480. >[February 24, The man is undeterred by my threats to leave her alone. Even Ottava has become angry at me, which is even worse since the one thing she *does* remember about me is my non-human origins. I do not risk driving her away by killing the man directly but I know of no other way to drive them apart. I've decided to focus on my work to keep me sane in the meantime.]
  4481. >[March 20, The peddler of mirrors showed up while I was following the two out on a "romantic evening" in the countryside by the crossroads. He offered a solution to get Ottava, in his words, "a way to rid the man out of our lives and make us become even closer for all time". While the way he said it was suspicious I admit, I was more than desperate to get the two apart so I agreed to do a task for him.]
  4482. >[May 8, Had I known what that peddler would ask of me I would have never agreed to this deal. He requires me to act as his proxy dealing with another who he also made an arrangement with and so far all his tasks require me to be even FURTHER from Ottava. As a vampire these tasks are relatively simple to accomplish, which I doubt the latter expected, though the cunning used is worrisome. It has become rather apparent that the salesman is no mere "man".]
  4483. >The next few entries just lists more of her frustration with the arrangement she made with this mirror seller. The further you read though, the more you want to see how this ends.
  4484. >It's like watching a train crash in slow motion. You know the end result, but you can't look away.
  4485. >[June 25, I write this entry with barely contained fury. While my tasks are done and the man was killed by wolves during a hunt; Ottava revealed she is two months pregnant with the man's child. While she is happy to share the news with me, I couldn't feel the opposite. Is this the price to agreeing with the mirror peddler?]
  4486. >[June 29, After spending an afternoon on a hillside watching the sunset with her, Ottava confessed that she appreciated my companionship; It was at that moment that it became clear that my Ottava is gone. Forever locked away in the darkest reaches of her own mind. While she may never love me again, my feelings are unchanged. In the ways of my kind as an extension of her, her unborn child is part of her as well, so too will they fall under my protection.]
  4487. >[I guess in a sense that we are closer after all. But the next time I see that mirror salesman I *will* kill him.]
  4488. >After that, there isn't another entry dated until after the baby is born.
  4489. >It looks like Vinyl cooled down a bit afterwards, though Ottava never returned her feelings like before. It looks like the two at least continued to be good friends, despite the heartache it caused Vinyl.
  4490. >Apparently Ottava's child, Allegra was a factor in making her more "human".
  4491. >They even have another photo glued to one of the pages showing the three of them together.
  4492. >But rereading the entry regarding Vinyl's contract with the mirror salesmen, one thing does bug you.
  4493. >["A way to rid ourselves of the man and make us become even closer for all time".]
  4494. >"For all time."
  4495. >One doesn't put wording like that in a verbal agreement unless it plays a factor, especially if the contract is influenced by magical forces.
  4496. >You decide to continue reading the next few entries. What gives you pause however when you turn the page though is that the page seems to have dried blood spread across the pages.
  4497. >The entry is marked a year after the last.
  4498. >[March 13, Curse that blasted salesman! Ottava's paramour wasn't killed by wolves. Ottava killed him! The damned creature cursed my beloved into becoming a lycanthrope. She claws at the door outside while our dear Allegra is in her crib crying her eyes out as I write this. I *will* protect her, even from her own mother.]
  4499. >The next page doesn't have any entries, just a drawn portrait of Ottava.
  4500. >You glance back at her ward behind you as she fiddles with her hair.
  4501. >If you didn't know any better, you'd say Octavia was the spitting image of her.
  4502. >[My dear Ottava is gone. Her life extinguished forever by my own hands. Unlike my kind, humans cannot regenerate after a time. And even if she were, a fellow high vampire dealt the killing blow, one that results in the only permanent death we know.]
  4503. >[In her last moments of lucidity, she asked me to care and protect Allegra. In my moment of weakness I broke down and told her the truth of the deal I made with the mirror salesman, how everything happening was because of me. I expected her to cast me away, to curse me and forsake me in her last moments but to my disbelief, Ottava instead assumed the blame for not being the same person I fell in love with. That my desperation was only because of her. I called her a fool but she laughed and said she would have none of it.]
  4504. >[Ottava was always a stubborn woman... We shared one last smile before the life in her eyes was forever extinguished. And when she failed to respond to her name, for the first time in my existence on this world, I felt anguish and sorrow unlike anything I have ever felt before. Only the crying of the child next to me broke me out of my despair and now that she is asleep, I have time to reflect on the choices I have made.
  4505. [I was an obsessive fool and now I must make amends; I will protect Allegra and her future progeny so long as I still draw life; I will protect Ottava's legacy. For her sake. For her memory.]
  4506. >Well that sheds some light to Vinyl's dedication to Octavia. But what about Octavia's feelings for Vinyl?
  4507. "Octavia."
  4508. >"Yes?"
  4509. "What's *your* relationship to Vinyl. How close are you two?"
  4510. >"I don't see how that's any of your business." she retorts.
  4511. >"Just answer the question Octavia. Or else we'll tell everyone at school." Sunset says.
  4512. >That's not really a...
  4513. >"You wouldn't dare!" she points her index finger at Sunset.
  4514. >Okay then. Nevermind.
  4515. >Sunset holds out her phone with her thumb hovering over a button.
  4516. >"I'll send this text to Pinkie Pie who'll have it spreading within the hour!"
  4517. >Octavia fumes. "Very well. I... I love her. There I said it. Are you happy?"
  4518. "Even though she's like over hundred years old your senior."
  4519. >"Sugarcube, we don't really have a right to talk about age differences in relationships."
  4520. >...
  4521. >"She has a point you know." Big Macintosh says.
  4522. >You roll your eyes.
  4523. "Does Vinyl love you back?"
  4524. >The cellist frowns, "She's apprehensive. I can tell she wants to, but I can also see she's trying to refrain. It's only recently that she reciprocated and I'd like to not ruin that if you don't mind."
  4525. >Big Macintosh taps you on your shoulder.
  4526. >Pulling up to the curb, you finally arrive at your destination.
  4527. >Your old house, where the Dazzlings are currently residing.
  4528. "You didn't tell Vinyl about this place did you?" you say facing Octavia.
  4529. >"No, I didn't." she answers "Just like you said but I don't se-"
  4530. "Good." you say unbuckling your seatbelt and heading to the door.
  4531. >"Does he like interrupting people?" Octavia asks just out of earshot.
  4532. >"Yes." everyone else answers.
  4533. >Ignoring them, you slam a fist on the door until a light from inside turn on.
  4534. >The door swings open with a groggy Sonata rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
  4535. >"Hello..."
  4536. "Hey Sonata."
  4537. >"Anon? What are you doing here? Are you here to play Jenga? It's a bit late for that but I guess we could play since you came to visit."
  4538. "We need a place to hide out, we got a vampire after us."
  4539. >"We?"
  4540. >Sonata peers around you and sees the AJ, her brother, Sunset and Octavia.
  4541. >"Are we having a party? I think that's a bit too many people to play Jenga, unless we did teams I guess."
  4542. "No, something a bit more serious."
  4543. >A grumpy Aria walks out of the hall in just her bra and panties, "Aria who the hell is that?"
  4544. >"It's Anon and a bunch of other people." she says in a bubbly tone. "They're being chased by vampires."
  4545. >Aria glares at you and the others.
  4546. >"What. The. Fuck."
  4547. >You gently move Sonata aside and step past her.
  4548. >Applejack follows you inside, "Anon why're we he- YOU?!"
  4549. >She gets into a defensive stance when she sees Sonata and Aria standing in front of her.
  4550. >Aria just ignores her and follows you, "Please, we already went though this once let's not do it again."
  4551. >"Wha- but..."
  4552. >"She's right Applejack." Sunset says walking past her.
  4553. >Taking a seat you set Vinyl's journal on the coffee table and let out a deep breath.
  4554. >"Sonata's joking right?" Aria asks, "Please tell me she's joking."
  4555. "She's not joking. You see Octavia there?" you ask motioning towards said girl, "Her roomate-slash-girlfriend is her vampire caretaker. She's not really a big fan of mine and we just took the one person she cares greatly about."
  4556. >Aria begins pulling her hair and screaming.
  4557. >"Then why the fuck are you here?!"
  4558. "Because we need a place to hide out for a bit. This is the only place Vinyl doesn't know about."
  4559. >Applejack sits down next to you, "How much time do you think we have?"
  4560. "I don't know, maybe a half-hour or so. Vinyl knows where I live so she'll probably search your house fir-"
  4561. >*Bzzz* *Bzzz*
  4562. >Someone's calling you? At this hour?
  4563. >Taking out your phone, you see it's Rarity.
  4564. >"Who is it?"
  4565. "Rarity."
  4566. >"Rarity? What does she want so late?"
  4567. "I don't know but I'll send it to voice mail." you say pressing the button.
  4568. >Setting your phone down, it begins vibrating again.
  4569. >Really?
  4570. >May as well answer it.
  4571. "Hello?"
  4572. >"A-Anon?! Oh thank goodness you answered!" Rarity's voice calls in from the other side.
  4573. >She sounds scared out of her wits.
  4574. "Rarity what's wrong?"
  4575. >Applejack and Sunset give you a concerned look.
  4576. >"Y-you wouldn't ha-happen to have O-Octavia with you right n-now?" she asks.
  4577. >How did she kno-
  4578. >Oh fuck.
  4579. >Your pupils shrink.
  4580. "Is Vinyl with you right now?"
  4581. >Rarity gives an audible gulp, "Yes... she wants to know where you are with Octavia or- WAGHHHH!"
  4582. "RARITY?! RARITY!" you shout into the phone.
  4583. >You hear Rarity sobbing on the other line.
  4584. >GODDAMMIT!
  4585. >"ANON! She's giving you five minutes to text back the address or els-"
  4586. >Before she can elaborate the call is cut off midsentence.
  4587. >You drop the phone onto the couch.
  4588. >"Anon what is it?" Applejack asks.
  4589. "Our time was just brought down to five minutes..."
  4591. -----
  4593. >"Five minutes? Why w-what's happening?"
  4594. Well, given how impatient Vinyl probably is, you'd best act like its much less.
  4595. >"Anon!"
  4596. "Vinyl is holding Rarity, for all intents and purposes, hostage unless we give Octavia back."
  4597. >"WHAT?!" both Sunset and Applejack scream.
  4598. >Octavia blows up a stray strand of hair.
  4599. >"She's most likely bluffing. Octavia wouldn't hurt a fly."
  4600. >Applejack about faces with an angry glare, "Now listen here missy, if Vinyl does ANYTHING to Rarity ah'll-"
  4601. "You'll have to excuse me if I’m not going to take that risk."
  4602. >"Rarity will be fine. A little terrified maybe but-"
  4603. >"Look just give the prissy cello girl back." Aria interrupts, "Everyone will be happy and we can go back to sleep!"
  4604. >...
  4605. >"Who wants to play Jenga~!" Sonata bursts into the room with a stack of board games.
  4607. >You sit bound in the backseat of Vinyl Scratch's car fearing for your life.
  4608. >Frantically you try to break free of your bonds, but the knot used to keep your wrists and ankles bound are too tight.
  4609. >Where did this all go wrong?
  4610. >You were just working on a brand new outfit for Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom to try out when someone put a sack over your head and dragged you out the window.
  4611. "Vinyl, please I'm sure this is just all some big misunderstanding." you plead.
  4612. >Unfortunately, your words fall are drowned out as Vinyl continues to bob her head up and down to the song playing through her headphones.
  4613. >The girl kicks back in the driver's seat with your cellphone on the dashboard in front of her.
  4614. >But you've seen enough soap operas and have gone through plenty of social circles to know when someone is just trying to distract themselves.
  4615. >Deep down you really hope that Anonymous can save you. You have no idea what made Vinyl so hostile enough to *kidnap* you but it surely must be dire.
  4616. >Is she... is she and Octavia involved in something illegal?
  4617. >How scandalous if true.
  4618. >But Vinyl seemed so friendly at school. She hardly seems like the DJ the school knows and loves.
  4619. >Slowing down the vehicle, you watch as Vinyl shifts into park and looks back into the rear seat at you with a grim expression.
  4620. >Sighing, she pulls down her headphones,grabs the phone and exits the vehicle.
  4621. >Anxiously, you watch as she moves around the car and opens the rear passenger door.
  4622. "N-no! Stay back!" you shout out trying to kick her.
  4623. >She frowns and grabs your foot with no effort.
  4624. >Surprisingly, she doesn't use much force. Instead Vinyl is rather gentle as she sits you up and buckles you in.
  4625. >Gesturing for you to be quiet, you can't help but feel compelled to.
  4626. >As she closes the door, you look around and recognize the area you're in.
  4627. >This is Rainbow Dash's neighborhoo- oh no. She's not planning on taking Rainbow too?!
  4628. >Vinyl, please stop!
  4629. >You can only watch helplessly as the DJ continues up the path to Rainbow's home
  4630. >Again you try and struggle with the rope keeping your hands tied as she steps to the door and jiggles the handle.
  4631. >Looking towards the steering wheel you see a little shiny object sticking out the side.
  4632. >She left the keys in the ignition!
  4633. >If you can just get free maybe you can- wait...
  4634. >What is she...
  4635. >Suddenly Vinyl vanishes in a puff of smoke that flies through the door.
  4636. >You're left rather speechless as to what you just saw.
  4637. >In your stupor, you fail to remember your bindings and can only watch in anticipation.
  4638. >Soon enough the front door swings open with Vinyl walking out with an unconscious Rainbow Dash over her shoulder.
  4639. >No! Rainbow wake up!
  4640. >Opening the passenger door again, Vinyl sets Rainbow down gently besides you and buckles her up as well.
  4641. >Locking gazes with you she briefly turns away as if to contemplate her actions before holding up her phone and taking a picture.
  4643. >You shut close the door to a hidden compartment in the garage.
  4644. >Laying out the contents, you take quick inventory.
  4645. >A trio of Dragon's dream grenades, four flashbangs, and a pair of moon dust grenades.
  4646. >For potions you have one Tawny oil, a pair of Swallow but no Black Blood.
  4647. >You curse your luck. If you survive this night, you're going to make sure all your stashes have a full inventory.
  4648. >Taking what you can carry, you leave the garage when another buzz from your cellphone draws your attention.
  4649. >Picking it up, you see that Rarity's phone sent you a picture attachment.
  4650. >A sense of dread builds up as you open the picture.
  4651. "She's got Rainbow too." you announce.
  4652. >"Are you kidding me?!"
  4653. >*Bzzz**Bzzz*
  4654. >A second text?
  4655. >[Time's almost up. If you don't tell me where Tavi is, you choose which one dies. If you ignore me or lie, both die.]
  4656. >...
  4657. >"Anon?"
  4658. >Vinyl’s not stupid, she went straight for the people you’re close to rather than wasting time trying to find you.
  4659. "We don't have a choice, I gotta tell her where we are or she'll kill one or both of them."
  4660. >"But..."
  4661. "There's no but."
  4662. >You look around the room and see all eyes on you.
  4663. >"Vinyl seriously didn't send you a text like that did she?" Octavia asks, slowly pulling out a block from the tower, "Maybe they were just out late and she's helping them home?"
  4664. >Holding out the phone, you show her the photo and accompanying text on your screen.
  4665. >"Oh..."
  4666. >The tower collapses and Sonata cheers, "I win!"
  4667. >Taking your phone back, you look to Applejack.
  4668. "You all need to stay inside while I deal with Vinyl. As far as it seems, our vampire doesn't know you two are involved. Just me."
  4669. >"We ain't gonna let ya deal with her alone!" Applejack protests. "Maybe we ca-"
  4670. "This is not up for debate. I'm not going to drag you all into this if there's even the slightest chance it'll keep you alive."
  4671. >Sunset frowns, "Anon, is she really that dangerous?"
  4672. "Yes. If she even thinks about fighting, I... I don't even think I would be even able to win."
  4673. >Applejack tries to comfort you by carressing your hand.
  4674. >"Anon..."
  4675. >She squeezes your hand.
  4676. "I don't suppose any of you have any dog tallow handy?" you ask Aria.
  4677. >"No. Ew." She says crossing her arms.
  4678. >"What's tallow?" Sonata asks, still setting up the Jenga blocks.
  4679. >"Processed fat." Adagio answers coming from the hall. "Why're all these people here?"
  4680. >The lead siren yawns and scratches her butt.
  4681. >"Well look who's awake." Aria says rolling her eyes.
  4682. >Applejack motions towards Sunset, "Sunset, yer gonna have to explain some things ta me." she whispers.
  4683. >Ignoring the argument taking place between the two sirens you pick up your phone.
  4684. >Typing out the address, you hesitantly hover your thumb over the SEND button.
  4685. >Once you press this button, there's no turning back. Vinyl will be on a warpath to get Octavia back.
  4686. >Gritting your teeth, you press the button and the text is sent.
  4687. >In only a matter of seconds, a reply is sent.
  4688. >[Good boy.]
  4689. >You frown. She knows she has the better hand and isn’t afraid to put you down.
  4690. "She's coming."
  4691. >There are a few audible gulps in the room.
  4693. >A few minutes later, a pair of headlights shine through the window.
  4694. >Applejack and Sunset have joined in on the game of Jenga with Sonata, though they're obviously only doing it to calm their own nerves.
  4695. >"Vinyl's here." Octavia says peering out the window.
  4696. >Taking your sword in hand, you slide the strap over your back and head towards the door.
  4697. "Sunset."
  4698. >"Anon?"
  4699. "Make sure Applejack and the other's stay inside."
  4700. >The girl opens her mouth to object but slowly closes her mouth and nods her head.
  4701. >"Alright."
  4702. >Motioning for Octavia to come over she sighs and walks to you.
  4703. >As the cellist gets closer she seems to have a slight amount of perspiration building up on her forehead and neck.
  4704. "You okay?"
  4705. >She wipes her brow, "Yes, I-I'm just a bit nervous that's all."
  4706. >Nervous?
  4707. >You're the one who should be nervous.
  4708. >Right now you're walking on eggshells. One wrong move, and Vinyl might decide to go crazy.
  4709. >Granted, there's no guarantee she won't just kill you anyway.
  4710. >"Anyway, I wanted to say I'm sorry for all the trouble. I didn't think it would escalate like this."
  4711. "It happens."
  4712. >"Really?"
  4713. "No."
  4714. >You decide to refrain from making any more snarky comments. Girl seems to feel bad enough already and you really don't want to Vinyl to see a distressed Octavia.
  4715. >Stepping out the door, with Octavia in tow you see Vinyl Scratch sitting on the hood of the car.
  4716. "Where's Rarity and Rainbow Dash?" you shout.
  4717. >Vinyl slides off the hood and steps aside to show the two girls in the back.
  4718. >Rarity's makeup is running going down her face while Rainbow struggles in her seat.
  4719. "Go." you whisper to your "hostage".
  4720. >"But..."
  4721. >You gently shove her forward.
  4722. >Giving you one last look she nods and runs to Vinyl.
  4723. >Smiling, the high vampire opens her arms and hugs Octavia.
  4724. >"Oh Vinyl." Octavia says in her paramour's embrace.
  4725. >You flex your fingers nervously as they take their time with the hug but dare not make any move towards your weapon.
  4726. >Letting go, Octavia places her hands on Vinyl Scratch's shoulders, "Vinyl, this is all just a big misunderstanding."
  4727. >The DJ scowls and glares at you. With a gentle hand, Octavia forces her guardian to look her directly in the eyes.
  4728. >"No, this is my fault. I thought you were a stalker following me so I hired him with the money you gave me. He was only trying to keep me safe like you."
  4729. >Vinyl's expression changes to one of confusion.
  4730. >They begin to argue with each other as you watch on impatiently.
  4731. >"Will someone untie us?!" Rainbow yells.
  4732. >Still the same Rainbow, even in the face of mortal danger.
  4733. >Slowly and silently, you begin to walk over to the car as the two lovers talk among themselves.
  4734. >"What do you mean that wasn't you stalking me?" Octavia shouts. "Please there's no more need to lie."
  4735. >You stop mid-stride and look at them.
  4736. >The vampire shakes her head, she looks genuinely confused. Using her hand, she wipes some sweat off the cellist’s head before raising an eyebrow.
  4737. >”I-it’s nothing.” she tries to say. "But if not you, then wh-"
  4738. >Octavia suddenly grabs her chest and doubles over in pain.
  4739. >Frantically, the vampire tries to figure out what's wrong, but as soon as you try to move she growls.
  4740. >Ignoring the veiled threat, you kneel down and try to assess the problem.
  4741. >"M-my chest... it- it's burning... up..."
  4742. >She lets out a scream of pain as she collapses to the ground panting for breath.
  4743. >"V-vy... h-help... me..." Octavia gasps out reaching for her.
  4744. "What's going on?"
  4745. >The medallion on your chest begins tugging at its chain like crazy.
  4746. >Octavia starts growling and snapping her jaw, her eyes shift from their purple color to a yellowish shade as they shrink to a more feral state.
  4747. >Her skin grows a darker shade of grey as she begins taking more Canis traits. Ears, more hair, elongated jaw, sharpened teeth. Your blood instantly turns cold as you realize what's happening.
  4748. >Stepping back, you, Rarity, Rainbow and Vinyl watch in shock as Octavia begins turning.
  4749. >The DJ doesn't hesitate to force her friend down. Without thinking you decide to help her by holding Octavia's legs down.
  4750. >With one hand digging into her chest pocket, Vinyl pulls out a single pill and tries to force it down the turning girl's mouth.
  4751. >Right now you don't care what the pill does, whatever it is it can't be worse than what's going to happen if Octavia turns all the way.
  4752. >Without any warning a fountain of blood shoots out of Vinyl's back sending you back on your rear.
  4753. >Vinyl's glasses fall off her head revealing a look of utter shock. Blood dripping out of her mouth.
  4754. >Only... it's not under her own power.
  4755. >Rather it's due to Octavia's new elongated forearm sticking out of her torso lifting Vinyl up.
  4756. >Drawing your blade, the lycanthrope sniffs Vinyl before snarling and tossing her aside into a bloody heap.
  4757. >The werewolf howls at the moon while you prepare to defend yourself from Were-tavia.
  4758. "Nice doggy?"
  4760. -----
  4762. >Staring down the cursed one in front of you, the individual previously known as Octavia snarls and growls at you.
  4763. "Octavia? Can you hear me?"
  4764. >Were-tavia snarls at you in response.
  4765. >Typical.
  4766. >A grim joke on how Octavia was just inside of Vinyl comes to you, but now's really not the time.
  4767. "So, I'll take that as a yes."
  4768. >"Anon!" Rarity shouts from the car.
  4769. >Right.
  4770. >Looking back over to Vinyl, she's getting up although heavily wounded. Her wound is already regenerating.
  4771. >You really hope she's not going to be fighting you as well.
  4772. >A Higher Vampire is one thing, but a werewolf and a High Vampire?
  4773. >Vinyl glares at you before her attention is brought back to her cursed friend.
  4774. >Flexing her arms, the DJ begins roaring back at the werewolf, her features distorting to become more bestial and bat-like in appearance.
  4775. >Her teeth and nails sharpen, the latter reaching nearly a foot in length each.
  4776. >When she finishes her own transformation, Were-tavia rushes at you with feral eyes.
  4777. >She doesn't get far as Vinyl jumps on top of her and starts a struggle to subdue the beast.
  4778. >The thought that Octavia might have been the very werewolf that attacked you and Applejack the other day occurs to you.
  4779. >It would explain Vinyl's presence in the alleyway.
  4780. >You don't dwell on it long though as another scream from Rarity brings you back into the present.
  4781. >Lucky for you the couple are too busy with each other. Running over to the car you yank open the door.
  4782. >"Well it's about time!" Rainbow yells.
  4783. >Ignoring her complaining, you cut the rope binding her wrists to free her.
  4784. >Pulling out a knife, you hand it to her so she can cut the rope at her ankles while you help Rarity.
  4785. >"Dash, Anon is risking his life to save us!"
  4786. >"Yeah yeah."
  4787. >Octavia roars behind you.
  4788. >"But can you accept my apology later?"
  4789. "I think that would be best." you reply as you pull Rarity out of the car.
  4790. >"Anon my legs asleep!"
  4791. >Nothing can ever be simple, can it?
  4792. >Rolling your eyes, you pick her up.
  4793. >"Eep!"
  4794. >Carrying her back to the house, Vinyl receives a claw to the face knocking the vampire off of Octavia.
  4795. >Were-tavia jumps back to her feet and immediately spots the three of you.
  4796. >Shit.
  4797. "Rainbow, take Rarity."
  4798. >"Right!"
  4799. >"Please tell me you're no- Waaahhh!
  4800. >Tossing Rarity, Rainbow catches her and runs to the house.
  4801. >Octavia leaps at Rainbow as the two girls eyes widen in horror.
  4802. >Quickly, you throw your arm forward and cast an Aard sign sending Octavia flying back with a boom.
  4803. "GO!"
  4804. >The front door to the house swings open as Big Macintosh steps outside and keeps his shotgun trained on the werewolf.
  4805. >"C'mon! Move yer tails!" Applejack waves them inside.
  4806. >Once they clear the doorway, Big Macintosh locks eyes with you.
  4807. >Nodding your head, he returns the gesture and steps back inside.
  4808. >Another snarl brings your attention back to your current opponent as she paces in a half-circle around you.
  4809. >Bringing your blade up, and without any distractions you can finally put up a good fight.
  4810. >Leaning down, and with her powerful legs, the werewolf jumps towards you.
  4811. >You roll out of the way dodging an overhead swipe leaving her open.
  4812. >Charging at her, you make an overhead slash at her neck...
  4813. >Only for it to be blocked by Vinyl's claws.
  4814. >Your eyes widen as Vinyl narrows hers. With one push, she sends you backwards sliding into the dirt.
  4815. >When you look at her, though difficult to read, her expression looks more pleading than angry.
  4816. >But you don't have a lot of time to contemplate as Octavia takes the opportunity to grab Vinyl by the arm and head.
  4817. >Opening her jaw, she chomps down on Vinyl's neck and rips out a large chunk of flesh.
  4818. >You don't doubt that if Octavia were truly in control, she wouldn't be causing as much harm to her lover.
  4819. >But how long will this form last?
  4820. >According to Vinyl's journal, Ottava was only stopped when she was killed; all-in-all you really don't want Vinyl to suffer a repeat of the situation.
  4821. >It doesn't really need to be said that it's not going to turn out well for anyone in that case.
  4822. >As Vinyl falls to the ground with a thud, Octavia chews the flesh in her maw and swallows.
  4823. >Well, now it looks like Vinyl's in Octavia now.
  4824. >...
  4825. >Right. Fight now, jokes later.
  4826. >Leering, the werewolf goes onto all-fours and begins running around you in circles in an attempt to disorient you.
  4827. >Drawing your sword up again, you shift your stance constantly to make sure you keep her in your sight at all times.
  4828. >Seizing a moment to attack, a quick Quen blocks a smash with both of her claws sending the lycanthrope recoiling.
  4829. >Taking the opportunity. You thrust your blade only for Vinyl to jump in the path again.
  4830. >Your silver blade pierces where her left breast and she grabs the sword by the base near the crossguard.
  4831. >As her blood drips down the fuller, the two of you lock gazes and she glowers.
  4832. >Suddenly Octavia recovers and strikes. You pull your sword to bring Vinyl close to you, casting Quen again and surround the two of you in a bubble.
  4833. >The blow sends the two of you flying backwards into the car, collapsing the frame inwards.
  4834. >Ow...
  4835. >Vinyl slides herself off of your sword, making a choking noise as the silver metal almost seems to burn her.
  4836. >You crack one eye open and see that her neck is already regenerating from the bite Were-tavia took.
  4837. >Gasping for breath Vinyl Scratch looks down and her chest wound closes up, although at a noticeably slower rate compared to the bite.
  4838. >Cracking your neck, and rolling your shoulder, you look between the two supernatural beings.
  4839. >You're not going to get anywhere if the two of you keep fighting each other while Octavia's in such a wild state.
  4840. "This isn't working, you know that right?" you say to Vinyl.
  4841. >She nods her head and grunts as Octavia paces back and forth watching the two of you carefully.
  4842. "That pill you had, can it change her back?"
  4843. >Vinyl shrugs but with an awkward grin that suggests "maybe".
  4844. >Undoing your bomb belt, you hold out the grenades and toss them aside.
  4845. "I know it may sound strange, but I don't want to kill her." you say offering a hand. "Believe it or not."
  4846. >She looks at your hand skeptically before taking it. Helping her up, you nod towards Were-tavia.
  4847. "Plus, I'd rather survive this night than be killed by a rampaging Higher Vampire."
  4848. >The vampire tries to laugh (or scoff, it's hard to tell right now) but with her neck still healing, it comes out more like a wet gurgle.
  4849. "You got another one of those pills?" you ask getting into a ready stance.
  4850. >The vampire shrinks one of her claws to a normal level and pulls out two more small capsule in her fingers.
  4851. "Give me one." you say holding your hand out.
  4852. >Reluctantly, Vinyl tosses one over to you.
  4853. >So two chances to get this into her system.
  4854. >You slip the pill into your pocket.
  4855. "How do you normally get the pill into her?"
  4856. >Pointing to her wrist, it takes you a few moments to realize she's implying a watch before pantomiming being tired.
  4857. >Stalling her until Tavi tires herself out.
  4858. "How long?"
  4859. >Vinyl holds up two fingers before switching to three.
  4860. >Yeah, you're not going to be able to fight that long. Vy might, but you're not willing to take the chance Octavia might find an opening to escape.
  4861. >And did you just call Vinyl Scratch "Vy"?
  4862. >Huh.
  4863. "Is there any other way?"
  4864. >She holds her index and middle finger and points to her eyes.
  4865. "Hypnotism? You can put her to sleep?"
  4866. >A nod of the head brings a bit of relief. It implies that the Axii sign might be able to work.
  4867. "Alright, if we're going to be doing this though, I need to be able to attack without you blocking any of my strikes."
  4868. >Vinyl growls.
  4869. "Yeah, I know. But at the very least the pain will distract her while one of us gets in close to get the pill in her."
  4870. >Your response is a conceding huff.
  4871. >Tired of waiting Octavia runs at you two barking and snarling all the way.
  4872. >As she leaps at you, Vinyl vanishes in a puff of smoke while you roll out of the way.
  4873. >With both her large claws, Tavi slashes through the side of the car like the metal was made of butter.
  4874. >Thrusting an arm out forward, you cast the Yrden sign and lay down a trap. Purple runes begin glowing as the sign appears around you in a circle.
  4875. >Taking away her mobility is key.
  4876. "Get her in the circle!" you shout.
  4877. >Were-tavia's ears perk up and the hair on her back stands rigid straight. Throwing her arm behind her, she backhands Vinyl into the tree in the yard.
  4878. >Shit!
  4879. >Tossing out an Igni, a torrent of fire shoots from your palm as the werewolf runs away from the constant stream of fire.
  4880. >Once she finally turns her back you start your offensive with a series of quick strikes to her legs.
  4881. >Unlike the leshen, despite being driven mostly by feral instinct, Octavia is much faster and more responsive to any attacks you can throw at her.
  4882. >Unfortunately, even with the injuries to her lower extremities, she doesn't hesitate to fight through the pain in order to reach you preventing you from committing too deeply lest she grapples onto you.
  4883. >Even worse, you're already beginning to see the small cuts healing themselves.
  4884. >Soon enough you'll run out of stamina and make a mistake...
  4885. >Deflecting a swipe from her claws, you follow up with another burst of fire from Igni scaring her back and giving you some breathing room.
  4886. >The Yrden sign vanishes as the energy runs out.
  4887. >Quickly, your new vamp ally recovers and speeds towards her friend.
  4888. >Tackling the lycanthrope, Vinyl Scratch holds down Were-tavia's arms.
  4889. >Struggling to get free, the werewolf attempts to bites her assailants face off.
  4890. >Using this as your opening you cast Axii.
  4891. >With as much focus as you can muster you hold the sign until the resistance slows to a stop.
  4892. >The vampire relaxes her grip and shrinks her claw down to reach for the pill in her pocket when suddenly the werewolf's claw slashes across her chest and tosses her away.
  4893. >You see the pill in Vy's possession fly off into the dark grass.
  4894. >Drowsy and sluggish, the freed werewolf growls and glares at you.
  4895. >Holding out her own arm, she opens her jaw. To your shock Octavia bites down repeatedly until blood begins seeping from the wound.
  4896. >What is she...
  4897. >Stopping the self-harm, the three of you watch the injury heal itself as you and Vinyl stand there confused.
  4898. >In an instant, you find yourself being bull-rushed again by a now highly awake and alert creature.
  4899. >Frighteningly for a brief moment you can see a wicked grin on Octavia's muzzle.
  4900. >Ducking under another swipe, you slash across her side.
  4901. >Howling in agony, Tavi retaliates and returns the favor by leaving three clean claw marks down your back.
  4902. >Hitting the floor, you cry out as a sharp pang of pain shoots through your body.
  4903. >As you slowly get up a sharp tug at your medallion signals to you to immediately drop onto your back to avoid a clawed uppercut.
  4904. >Reaching for your sword, a padded foot steps right in between your hand and the hilt.
  4905. >"NO!" Applejack cries out from the house. "GET UP!"
  4906. >Octavia's ears perk up again and looks directly at her.
  4907. >"Oh horse apples." she says ducking back down.
  4908. >Acting quickly, you draw out a Yrden symbol onto the ground with your index finger.
  4909. >Instead of a circle of purple runes circling around you two, a burst of orange sparks from the symbol.
  4910. >You grab the werewolf by the calf and try to pull her onto the sign, only to receive a kick across the face sending you ragdolling a few feet away.
  4911. >In an attempt to regain balance, Octavia unintentionally step onto the symbol receiving a full dose of electricity that courses through her muscles resulting in the entire body involuntary spasms.
  4912. >Ignoring the pain and rolling over, you grab the pill out of your pocket as Vinyl grabs onto the creature's face and stares into her eyes.
  4913. >Octavia's arms slump to her sides and begins calming down as the High Vampire affects her mind.
  4914. >Clutching your side, you limp over as fast as possible and toss the capsule to your ally. Without even looking, she catches it in her hand and plants it into Tavi's maw. The sudden foreign object in her mouth snaps Octavia out of her trance and triggers a gag reflex to try and expel the object.
  4915. >It might have succeeded too, if it wasn't for Vinyl holding her muzzle shut with super-human strength.
  4916. >Grabbing the vampire, she yanks her off and throws Vy into you sending you both sprawling back into the dirt.
  4917. >With no energy left, both you and Vinyl watch as Octavia clutches her throat and tries to hack out of the pill before falling flat on her face and becomes motionless
  4918. >Vinyl rushes over and checks her pulse. For a tense few moments, everyone watches in anticipation.
  4919. >She lets out a sigh of relief and gives a thumbs up signifying her friend is okay.
  4920. >Returning the gesture, you reach for a vial of Swallow and drink the contents.
  4921. >The flavor tastes terrible, but satisfied that your job is done, you decide now is a wonderful time to pass out.
  4922. -----

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