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Witcher of Canterlot Pt. 4

By AnonymousReuploader
Created: 2020-12-27 19:34:30
Expiry: Never

  1. ---------------
  2. >"...non?... Ano...?"
  3. >A sharp pang in your gut is the first sensation you feel when coming back to reality.
  4. >Your eyes shoot open as you almost leap off the pull-out bed you're lying in.
  5. >"Anon?" you hear Applejack say next to you.
  6. "Ugh." you grumble sitting up.
  7. >Your entire body is sore as hell.
  8. >It's only now do you notice you're not wearing any shirt.
  9. >Looking down your chest, you notice that you're covered in gauze and bandages.
  10. >One strip is even wrapped around your nose, extending just below your eyes to your cheeks.
  11. >"Yer in the Dazzlings, well technically yer house ah guess."
  12. >Rubbing your eyes, you see that it's already daylight.
  13. >Moving your arm to your side, you tap someone else laying next to you.
  14. >Octavia?
  15. >She's sleeping peacefully, although she's now wearing some different clothes than when you saw her last.
  16. >In addition to the fewer bandage wrappings.
  17. >"You gave us a real scare Anon." Sunset says walking out of the kitchen with a tray of food.
  18. >Setting the tray on your lap she takes her seat next to AJ.
  19. "Where's Vinyl Scratch?"
  20. >"She's outside, if you want ah'll go get he-"
  21. >You cut her off with a wave of your hand.
  22. "Was just curious." you say taking a bite out of the salty meat. "Rarity and Rainbow?"
  23. >"They're in the kitchen making brunch." Applejack answers, "Well, Rarity really. Rainbow can't cook fer beans."
  24. >"I heard that!" you hear Dash yell from the other room.
  25. "And the Dazzlings?"
  26. >"Sonata and Aria are at their waitress jobs. Adagio is watching... "stuff" in her room."
  27. "Stuff?"
  28. >"You know... those weird asian cartoons."
  29. >Sunset gasps, "Oh *that's* what you meant by stuff. I thought you meant watching porn."
  30. >"Her rooms all weird Anon, she has all these little figures of busty women with barely anything covering them, and a pillow with some person drawn on it."
  31. >...
  32. "She needs to get a job." you say dryly.
  33. >Suddenly you feel a shift next to you.
  34. >"Oh... where am I?"
  35. >"Morning sleepyhead." Applejack welcomes. "Fer someone who acts mighty proper, you sure snore like a log."
  36. >"Vinyl says the same thing whe-... Applejack?"
  37. >"In the flesh."
  38. >Octavia grabs her head and groans, "Where am I? My head is killing me."
  39. >"Well considering what happened last night, ah ain't surprised."
  40. >"What happened?"
  41. "You turned into a werewolf." you say nonchalantly as you stuff your face with more bacon.
  42. >"Anon you must be joking. I would think I woul- oh my gosh your face!"
  43. "Yeah a kick with a clawed foot to the face will do that to a person."
  44. >"I-I did t-that?"
  45. >Everyone nods their heads.
  46. >"I... I- uh..."
  47. >Octavia opens and closes her mouth like a suffocating fish.
  48. >Placing your finger under her chin, you close it and turn towards Applejack.
  49. "Who treated my wounds anyway?"
  50. >"Vinyl. She was acting real professional like when it came to patching you two up."
  51. "..."
  52. >"Would anyone like some more eggs or bacon~?" Rarity asks in a sing-song tone walking into the room. "Oh Octavia it's good to see you're awake!"
  53. >Octavia looks at your plate.
  54. >"Um... if it wouldn't be any trouble."
  55. >"Of course Darling. Anon what about you?"
  56. "I'm fine." you say placing your empty plate on the nightstand next to you.
  57. >Lifting your leg over the edge of the bed, you rise up.
  58. >"Anon isn't it a bit soon for you to get up?" Sunset asks.
  59. "I've had worse." you comment. "Could you get me the journal?"
  60. >Sunset stands and grabs a book on the coffee table.
  61. >"Here it is Anon." Sunset says handing you worn book.
  62. >Grabbing both the journal and your jacket hanging off the side of the bed, you head towards the door.
  63. "I'll be right back. Keep an eye on Octavia will you?"
  64. >Stepping outside, you see the resident vampire kicking back on the porch bobbing her head up and down.
  65. >Her clothes are torn, but all the wounds she's taken from last night have healed fully.
  66. >Without even facing you though, she takes off her headphones.
  67. >Vinyl doesn't reply.
  68. >Sitting down next to her, you eye the alleged car in the yard. Crushed inwards with two huge tears in the side.
  69. "Sorry about your car."
  70. >She just shrugs, "It happens."
  71. >You do a momentary double-take.
  72. "Did you just talk?"
  73. >Vinyl gives you a weird look, "Should I not?"
  74. "You just never seemed to give any indication that you did." you say scratching your chin.
  75. >"I didn't have anything to say."
  76. "Fair."
  77. >"Anyway, sorry for tossing you through the door at the club the other day."
  78. "It happens." you echo.
  79. >She smirks, "I guess I got a little overzealous huh?"
  80. "Yeah well, you're not the first overzealous vampire I've faced. Maybe the most dangerous though. Granted there are a lot of things that have tried to kill me recently."
  81. >"You ain't kidding. Your body has been through the ringer man. A couple improper bone sets a ton of lacerations, your innards all kinds of fucked."
  82. "Still alive aren't I?"
  83. >"Pfft, just barely."
  84. >You both share a small chuckle.
  85. >"You know, these past couple decades, I've been trying to learn how to chill out a bit. I guess seeing *that* set me off."
  86. >Vinyl Scratch points to your medallion.
  87. "Not the first Witcher you've encountered I'm guessing?"
  88. >The idea isn't that out there. As a Higher Vampire, Vinyl has probably been around even when the Witcher order was still in it's heyday.
  89. >"No, I've met a couple. They were real dicks though."
  90. >"What schools?" you ask genuinly curious.
  91. >"I don't really remember. I think one of them was a Cat and one with a weird twisted metal one."
  92. "I'm assuming you killed them? I've read that a Higher Vampire isn't a fight Witcher's often walk away from."
  93. >"Nah, out of the four I've met, I just beat the ever loving shit out of three of them and let them go. Didn't see the point."
  94. "And the other?"
  95. >She leans her head back, "Accidentally knocked him off a palisade in a thunderstorm. Broke his neck when he hit the rocks below. Apparently he thought I was terrorizing a village of peasants when it was actually a Grave Hag. Ended up killing the creature myself and collecting the pay."
  96. >You give her a curious look.
  97. >"What? Even a vampire's gotta live. Metaphorically speaking."
  98. >Crossing her leg over her knee, she takes out her phone and switches the track beating out of her headphones.
  99. >"I'm a bit surprised though, I thought you Witchers were out of the picture for awhile now."
  100. "We were... for a while. I'm one of the newer models."
  101. >Your comment draws Vinyl's full attention, "Newer models? Does that mean someone figured out the process for the Trials again?"
  102. "Yeah."
  103. >"That must have been a bitch."
  104. >That's a massive, massive understatement.
  105. "You know about the Trials?"
  106. >"Witcher, I've been around for a loooooong time. You hear things when you travel the world. Anyways, thanks for sticking by and helping Octavia. I don't know if I could handle another situation like this."
  107. "You mean with Ottava?"
  108. >"How did you-?"
  109. >You hand her the worn book in your hand.
  110. "Journal. Took it. Sorry."
  111. >She frowns, "Dude, not cool."
  112. "I know."
  113. >"So that's how you figured out I was a vampire?"
  114. >A nod of your head answers her question.
  115. "I'm curious though, this curse. Did it occur with Octavia's ancestors besides Ottava?"
  116. >"No." Vinyl shakes her head. "I kept my distance with Allegra and her offspring. Acting like a nanny and guardian. I... couldn't deal with another failed relationship like my previous one."
  117. "What changed with Octavia?"
  118. >Vinyl sits forward and smiles, "It was only a year and a half ago. One day Octavia got drunk off her ass partying out to hard. After I brought her home she started spouting off her feelings to me like one of those schoolgirls in those animes she doesn't realize I know she watches."
  119. >Wiping her hair back she chuckles.
  120. >"I decided to humor her, at least for awhile. Figured it was just a phase. Eventually at some point my feelings started to become a bit more genuine and I went "fuck it"."
  121. >She gives you an aside glance and wags her eyebrows, "If you know what I mean."
  122. >But just as quickly, her smile turns serious.
  123. >"It wasn't until a week or two after we started becoming a bit more "romantic", she started having chest pains. It didn't take long for me to realize she was mimicking symptoms that Ottava had before she... turned."
  124. >Opening the journal, Vinyl begins flipping through the pages.
  125. >"Luckily I spent a few months after Ottava's death researching into a werewolf suppressant. Modifying it from various formulas and improvements in medicine I've researched in the years since then. Heck, I managed to make it harmless enough that it's now on the shelves as a vitamin supplement. As long as she took it everyday she wouldn't have to worry about turning. It was going well until two or so weeks ago."
  126. "When the "bear attacks" started?"
  127. >"Yeah."
  128. >Well guess that's a confirmation that Octavia killed those men.
  129. >That's probably something you're not going to tell Twilight's brother any time soon.
  130. >Looking at the vampire next to you, she's re-reading one of her entries.
  131. >Yeah that's probably the smart choice.
  132. >"That new drug she's been taking. It has a weird chemical reaction to the suppressant, mostly nullifying the anti-lycanthrope portions."
  133. "Which is why you were so surprised when she slipped you one of these in the nightclub?" you say pulling out the almost empty pill bottle.
  134. >Vinyl nods, "I hoped that it was just ecstasy or LSD but when she started panting on the dance floor I knew it was the drug."
  135. "And you brought her up to the private room so she'd be away from anyone else while you kept her restrained?"
  136. >"Yeah. As long as she has a trace of the suppressant in her system the turning can be staved off, but not forever."
  137. "I saw you had her strapped to a machine in the basement. I noticed you had a couple vials of blood in a cabinet."
  138. >"Mostly blood samples of individuals that took the same drug that I could compare."
  139. "You've harvested blood?"
  140. >"Don't worry, I didn't kill anyone. I don't need to drink it to survive unlike those lower dregs. Still, it hasn't done me any good. Those other users have so many things in their system that I haven't cracked the drug's makeup to modify mine."
  141. "Maybe one of these could help." you say tossing her the bottle.
  142. >"Thanks dude. Octavia's been hiding this crap from me despite me asking."
  143. "She's young, what do you expect?"
  144. >The vampire scoffs, "Teenagers."
  145. "I know right?"
  146. >She holds out a fist.
  147. >After a brief moment of hesitation, you bump your fist into her's.
  148. "So I think I've figured out why she's turning."
  149. >"Because we love each other." she answers. ""Keeping us together for all times"."
  150. "That's what I was leaning towards. The vague wording on that could mean a couple things."
  151. >Closing the journal, she sets it down next to her, "Trust me, I've been thinking that over for a while now. I've come to terms with it."
  152. "But does Octavia know?"
  153. >"No. But after last night I'll have to tell her now."
  154. >"Tell me what?" a voice asks from the doorway.
  155. >Turning your head, Octavia is leaning out watching you two with cautious eyes.
  156. >Brushing your lap, you stand up and head back inside.
  157. "I'll leave you two alone." you say with a smirk.
  159. >"So what do you want to do?" Applejack asks.
  160. "I'm sort of feeling in a lazy mood after last night." you say taking off the bloody bandage over your nose.
  161. >Looking in the mirror you already see the scar from Octavia's kick healing over.
  162. >Egh...
  163. >Applejack hears your groan and looks at you.
  164. >"Hun, ah think it looks pretty cool."
  165. "You're just saying that."
  166. >"Course, ah am. But ah didn't get together with ya just fer yer looks."
  167. "Love you too." you reply sarcastically.
  168. >"Here let me help ya with that." she says holding fresh bandages.
  169. >As Applejack assists you with the dressings.
  170. >"Anon I'm glad yer safe."
  171. "I am too."
  172. >"You think that..."
  173. >Applejack hesitates to continue before shaking her head.
  174. >"Nevermind."
  175. "What is it?"
  176. >"I'll tell you later."
  177. >From the way she's trying to act normal, you feel that maybe you shouldn't press the issue right now.
  178. "Hey Applejack?"
  179. >"Yeah Sugarcube?"
  180. >In a instant, you kiss Applejack on the lips.
  181. "Love you."
  182. >She looks taken aback, processing what you just did.
  183. >Quickly enough, she begins tearing up and smiles.
  184. "Ah love you too." she says hugging you close.
  186. -----
  188. >Finished reapplying the bandages the two of you walk back into the living room.
  189. >You see Octavia stepping rushing back into the house with her hand over her mouth.
  190. >Pushing past you, she runs into the bathroom and slams the door shut.
  191. >"What was that abo-"
  193. >"Oh..."
  194. >Vinyl walks inside with a frown and rubbing her neck.
  195. "Told her about the bite?"
  196. >She sighs, "Yeah. That and the fact she killed two other people. Gotta admit, wish there was a gentler way to break the news."
  197. >It's hard to not feel sorry for Octavia considering everything that's happening to her.
  198. "That suppressant, can you turn that into a cure?"
  199. >"I don't know. There are so many factors going into this problem and I can only do so much with science alone."
  200. "Not to mention the core cause is a curse." you add.
  201. >Vinyl balls her fists.
  202. >"It's all my fault. Had I not been so stupid Allegra would have grown up with a mother and Octavia wouldn't be turning against her will.
  203. >Without warning she punches her fist into the wall.
  204. >"Shit. Sorry dude." she says recoiling her fist.
  205. "It's... fine."
  206. >Sunset pokes her head on through the other side.
  207. >"I am SO glad I moved my head..."
  208. "Well something needs to be done to make sure Octavia doesn't transform again. Two death's are already two too many."
  209. >"I know man. I know." she snarls. "You don't think I know that?"
  210. >You nervously take a step back and push Applejack behind you.
  211. >Seeing your concerned expression Vinyl takes a deep breath.
  212. >"Relax... relax..." she says to herself.
  213. >"Sorry. Sometimes I get out of my zen moment."
  214. "Right... anyways, is this curse proximity based or so long as you two stay romantically involved?"
  215. >"The curse didn't start manifesting until after I started going out with her. So it might be the latter."
  216. "But you're not sure."
  217. >"... no."
  218. "Well the simple thing to do is break up with her."
  219. >"I highly doubt it's that simple."
  220. "You'd be surprised how simple some curses can be."
  221. >The vampire crosses her arms with an unamused look.
  222. >"Hey Anon?" Sunset calls over from the hole in the wall. "Could you come here?"
  223. >You give Vinyl a glance.
  224. >"Dude, I'm chill. Promise."
  225. >Stepping past her, you enter the kitchen where Rainbow Dash is washing the dishes.
  226. "What is it?"
  227. >"I couldn't help but overhear..."
  228. >Her statement makes you roll your eyes.
  229. >"Anyway, I have an idea."
  230. "Really now?" you ask genuinely surprised.
  231. >"When I still... "bad", I stole Princess Twilight's crown from Equestria. When I put it on, the magical energy corrupted me and turned me into a-"
  232. >"Raging she-demon?" Rainbow Dash finishes.
  233. >Sunset narrows her eyes at the athlete.
  234. >"Yeah... anyway. What I was trying to get at is that Princess Twilight and our friends used the Magic of Friendship to revert my transformation. Maybe we could try the same thing on Octavia."
  235. "Vinyl you hear that?"
  236. >The vampire pops her head into the hole.
  237. >"Yeah man, I remember when all you used that weird magic to fuck up the Dazzlings at the Battle of the Bands. Though I swear to the Unseen Elder if you hurt Octavia I'll-"
  238. "Relax Vy." you say holding out a hand. "Sunset did it hurt?"
  239. >"It kinda tingled." she answers.
  240. >Equestrian magic is not a type you fully understand. Its effects seem to rely mostly on positive energy between friends from the descriptions Sunset and the other's have given you.
  241. >Though you have no idea how it would react to this world's laws.
  242. >If something goes wrong, the results could be... disastrous.
  243. "Is there any other way?"
  244. >"It took me months to develop the suppressant as it is now. A cure could take years if it's even possible."
  245. >"Are you all talking about me?" Octavia asks, walking into the room. "Is this about my... condition?"
  246. >"Tavi..."
  247. "Sunset has an idea to expose you to her Equestrian magic."
  248. >"We could try but we don't know how it will react to the curse."
  249. >Octavia relaxes slightly. "And the other options?"
  250. >"Well there are a couple..."
  251. "One, you and Vinyl break up. The curse is triggered by you two sharing feelings for each other."
  252. >"Absolutely not!" she shouts. "I can't just stop loving her!"
  253. >Vinyl places her hand on Octavia's shoulder.
  254. >"Look Tavi, I care about you. But your health comes first."
  255. >"Hogwash! What else!?"
  256. "You stick with a strict regimine of taking your vitamin pill and hope the curse doesn't learn to adapt to it."
  257. >"Well that sou-"
  258. "It also means being more careful with what you ingest when partying *or* cutting out partying all together."
  259. >"I guess I could stop going out so often." she says sadly. "As long as I'm with Vy I'm happy."
  260. >Her tone doesn't convince any of you in the room.
  261. "Ultimately it's your choice. I can't really stop you but I would like to run one theory by you two."
  262. >"What is it?"
  263. "I want to have Octavia stay over here tonight while you stay at your house."
  264. >Vinyl and Octavia look at each other unsure, "Why?"
  265. "Just to rule out the theory that the curse occurs even when you're not around Vy."
  266. >"... I don't like it. What if she begins transforming again?"
  267. "I'll be here to make sure that doesn't happen."
  268. >"Anon..." Applejack protests.
  269. >"What about the Dazzlings?" Sunset adds. "The three of them live here too don't they?"
  270. "I don't think that'll be too much of a problem."
  271. >"Alright Anon, we'll do it your way. But only ONE night."
  272. "Swing by your place and grab her a spare set of clothes, and whatever she needs then meet back here."
  273. >Nodding her head, she takes Octavia by the hand and leads her out of the house.
  274. >"Do you think we could get something to eat on the way?"
  275. >"Anything for my little Tavi-wavi." Vinyl teases.
  276. >"Vinyl! Not in front of other people!" she growls out grabbing Vinyl by the collar.
  277. >As Octavia begins chastizing her guardian, Applejack takes you by the arm and moves to another room.
  278. >"Anon, what are ya doing?!"
  279. "What?"
  280. >"Ah don't feel comfortable with ya staying over by yerself with a potential werewolf nearby after it almost killed ya once!"
  281. >You frown.
  282. >Part of you would think that Applejack would be for helping someone.
  283. "Well then what do you expect me to do? Just leave the three sirens who live here alone with her?"
  284. >"That's not what ah'm saying. Ah just think it would be better if you just let Vinyl handle the whole thing. She's pretty much immortal right?"
  285. >She's not telling you something. Her body language tells you as much.
  286. >The way her eyes dart from side-to-side like she's telling a lie, but in this case she doesn't want you to pick up on something.
  287. "Applejack what's this really about?"
  288. >The cowgirl looks taken aback at the question.
  289. >"Ah... nothing! Ah just think ya deserve a rest." she says looking away.
  290. >That's not it.
  291. "You're no good at lying." you point out bluntly.
  292. >Scrunching her face, she concedes.
  293. >"Anon. Ah would be lying if ah thought that ya continuing to do this risky business of yer's was making me feel a bit distressed."
  294. >You stay silent as Applejack's looks you directly in the eyes.
  295. >"This is what? The third or fourth time in a few short months that you almost died since we've met?"
  296. "..."
  297. >"Anon... ah don't know if ah can keep doing this. Seeing ya almost getting killed, or maybe even worse, not knowing if yer alright or not when yer out doing yer job."
  298. "I told you that that was the risk if we entered a relationship with each other."
  299. >"Ah know. But maybe ah didn't really know what ah was getting into." she says tracing her fingers over one of the scars not covered in bandages.
  300. "So what? Are we... breaking up?"
  301. >"No! No... ah just..."
  302. >She lets out a frustrated sigh.
  303. >"Ah'm worried yer going ta stay on that Path forever and get yerself killed."
  304. "I don't plan on staying on the Path. Not after meeting you."
  305. >"So when?" she asks grabbing your hands.
  306. >You hesitate to answer.
  307. >Honestly, you've never really given an exact timeframe too much thought other than "someday".
  308. >So she's asking you now. When are you going to hang up the sword?
  309. "I... I don't know."
  310. >Applejack lets go of your hand.
  311. >"Ah figured." she says disappointed.
  312. >Turning around she wipes any signs of tears and walks back into the living room.
  313. "Applejack." you call out trying to reach for her.
  314. >Your girlfriend brushes off your hand.
  315. >Lowering your arm, you start to feel like an utter ass.
  316. >...
  317. "I'm sorry..." you mumble.
  318. >Maybe more to yourself than to her.
  320. >Well now that you're done helping Rainbow Dash, you can finally relax.
  321. >Stepping back into the living room, you see through the window that Applejack is sitting on the front porch looking at the scenery.
  322. >Is she mad or something?
  323. >Anon comes back as well, but you notice the grim look on his face.
  324. >He seems to be thinking deeply about something.
  325. "Anon? Is something wrong?"
  326. >Your question momentarily surprises him.
  327. "Just got into a... disagreement with AJ." he tersely answers. "I'll handle it."
  328. >His tone indicates that he doesn't want to elaborate any more than that.
  329. "Well since you're going to be staying over do you want some help?"
  330. >"Maybe. You don't have to if you don't want to though." he replies, moving into the kitchen.
  331. >Did... did he just ask you if you wanted to?
  332. >That's uncharacteristic.
  333. >Whatever he Applejack argued about must have been something.
  334. >Maybe it would best if you stayed with Anon. At least just to make sure his head stays in the game.
  335. >Though what about Applejack?
  336. >"Oh I'm so glad that we're finally done. " Rarity says walking by you, "I could use some beauty sleep after all that happened last night."
  337. >Rarity!
  338. >"Sunset? Why are you looking at me like that?"
  340. -----
  342. >"Rare's ah appreciate the concern but ah'm fine." Applejack says opening the passenger side door.
  343. "Judging by your clear agitation on the issue you are clearly not." you retort.
  344. >Big Macintosh turns off the truck and steps out into the garage.
  345. >Grabbing the shotgun in back he unloads the weapon and places the gun into its safety box.
  346. "Darling, every relationship has it's ups and downs it's just a part of life."
  347. >Your friend just grumbles to herself as you watch her march out of the garage and into the house.
  348. >You have no idea why Sunset is asking *you* of all people to do this. She knows full well of your own feelings towards him.
  349. >But looking at how distressed Applejack is over whatever fight the two had, it's clearly serious.
  350. >Still, regardless of your feelings, this girl is your friend. Sunset asked you to help her and Anon and you swear by the handstitched threads in your skirt you will do your best.
  351. "Big Macintosh, you think that Anon and Applejack will get through this?"
  352. >The elder brother pauses before closing the lid shut on the safe.
  353. >"Eeyup."
  354. "You wouldn't care to elaborate on that would you?"
  355. >"Eenope."
  356. >Well that was helpful.
  357. >Making your way into the Apple house, you see Applejack is already walking back out from the kitchen with two bottles of cider in her hands.
  358. >"Here." she says tossing one of the drinks towards you.
  359. >Catching the bottle, Applejack takes her seat on the couch and grabs a controller that was left on the coffee table.
  360. >You sit down next to her and set your drink down and silently watch her load up one of her video games.
  361. >"You want ta play?" she asks.
  362. "Um, no I'm fine."
  363. >"Suit yerself." she says diverting her eyes back to the screen.
  364. >Oh Applejack is definitely not "fine". The Applejack you know would never normally be this boorish.
  365. >She joins a lobby and waits for the game to start up.
  366. >When she reaches the character selection, she chooses the man in the western attire.
  367. "Applejack."
  368. >"..."
  369. >You proceed to stay silent for the next few minutes as Applejack plays.
  370. >Maybe this will provide her some manner to vent her frustrations so that you can talk like real adults.
  371. >"It's High Noon..." her character says on the tv.
  372. >Suddenly the character she's controlling dies under a hail of gunfire.
  373. >"Gosh darnit!" she says slamming the controller down on the couch. “Ah told Apple Bloom this was better on the dang computer! The aim is so off!”
  374. "Applejack dear. It isn't good to keep your emotions bottled up."
  375. >"Ah ain't bottling up nothin'."
  376. "You clearly are. And I will not quit until you open up."
  377. >Your friend groans and slumps back into the couch.
  378. >"Ya really want to know what's itching my britches?"
  379. "It may help." you say ignoring the strange euphemism.
  380. >She drags a hand down her face.
  381. >"Ah'm just tired of Anon risking his life every other week."
  382. >You stay silent and nod your head.
  383. >"Ah know that Witcher life of his is pretty much all he's ever known and ah respect that, I do. But at some point his luck's gonna run out..."
  384. >Applejack looks at you, "The thought of losin' Anon... I already lost mah parents, and Granny's getting on in years... ah just don't think my mind could handle losing anymore people I care about y'know?"
  385. >You knew that her problem stemmed with Anon's profession but not like this.
  386. >She's really scared about this.
  387. "Have you told Anon about this?"
  388. >"Kinda."
  389. "Applejack."
  390. >"No... I walked away before I got too mad."
  391. >You place a comforting hand on your friend's shoulder.
  392. "Don't worry dear, I'm sure Anon will do the right thing when you tell him. He's only ever had our best interest at heart ever since he's become part of our little circle."
  393. >"Maybe... maybe I overreacted."
  394. >Placing a hand on her lap you look her directly in the eyes.
  395. "There's nothing wrong with worrying about your future together Applejack. But maybe it would be best if you both slept on it and discussed it , after all we all have gone through a terrible ordeal last night."
  396. >Applejack smiles, "Thanks Rarity. Ah know this probably ain't the easiest thing to do considering who we're talking about."
  397. "Oh don't thank me, thank Sunset. She's the one who asked me to talk to you."
  398. >"Alright I take it back." she says grabbing her controller and resuming the game.
  399. >...
  400. "Well... you could thank me a little."
  401. >You both laugh and AJ nudges you in the sides.
  402. "Seriously though, you two have a wonderful thing going on." you say almost half-heartedly. "Others would kill to have what you have. If you ever need to talk, I'm always willing to lend an ear."
  403. >"Are ya sure? Last thing I want to do is make you feel uncomfortable discussing personal things between me and Anon."
  404. >You nervously chuckle and wave her off.
  405. "Think nothing of it darling, I've had a long while to come to terms with it."
  406. >Your friend leans back and continues to watch the screen, "True, and it ain't like ah'm gonna tell you what we do in the sack."
  407. >Oh you already have an idea of what they do in the sack.
  408. >A *very* good idea of what they do in the sack.
  409. >Because it doesn't get more personal than watching your two friends having sex in the middle of a park at night.
  410. >My, how many fantasies you've had in your bedroom with both of th-
  411. >You slap yourself, startling Applejack.
  412. "..."
  413. >"..."
  414. >It's been a long time since the awkwardness became this real.
  415. >"Did you just slap yerself?" Applejack asks to break the silence.
  416. "Yes. Yes I did."
  417. >"Why? Yer not sick are ya?"
  418. "No..."
  419. >"Then why-"
  420. "I don't know! Why are girls suddenly turning into werewolves? Nothing makes sense anymore!" you shout.
  421. >You stand up.
  422. "I need to use the restroom!" you say running away.
  423. >Applejack stares at your back for a couple seconds as you disappear down the hall.
  424. >Kicking back in her seat she joins another game.
  425. >"Man she acts like she's seen me naked or something."
  427. >Pulling out a wood block slowly, you successfully remove the piece from the tower and place it on top of 53 similar blocks.
  428. "Your turn Sunset."
  429. >"It's too bad Rainbow Dash said she had to leave." Sonata says, "This would have been more fun with teams."
  430. >Yeah, something about having to do chores for her dad?
  431. >You're pretty sure she just decided to flake on you. But it's not like this is something you're going to force her to do.
  432. >Werewolf and all.
  433. >Sunset examines the Jenga tower and pulls out her own piece without too much effort, though the tower is starting to look a little unstable now.
  434. >There, it should finally collapse after one more block is removed.
  435. >"Oh you're really good at this Sunset!" Sonata says.
  436. "Thanks Sonata." she replies.
  437. >Despite the girl's short attention span regarding most things, she's surprisingly adept at this game.
  438. >Taking an inquisitive glance for her next move, she bites her tongue and eventually grabs a center block in a row with only two blocks.
  439. >Surprisingly, despite the strange angle the tower stays stable and she places the block on the top.
  440. >You two have been at this for the past five minutes and the tower has yet to fall.
  441. >What manner of witchcraft is this?
  442. >Sunset begins trying to hold back a snicker.
  443. >"C'mon Anon, it's your turn."
  444. >"What's the matter Anon?" she cheerfully asks unaware of your apprehension.
  445. >There are no remaining moves you can make that won't topple the tower.
  446. >Unless...
  447. >If you can wiggle that center block out from the middle maybe you can stay... in... this... ga- DAMMIT!
  448. >Sonata jumps up in the air and cheers, "I win!"
  449. "Yeah yeah." you say looking at the pile of wood.
  450. >It was a stupid game anyway.
  451. >"Wanna play again?" she asks helping you gather the pieces.
  452. "No. I think you've proven you're the superior Jenga player."
  453. >"What about you Sunset?"
  454. >"I could go for another game."
  455. >"Sweet!"
  456. >"You three are such nerds." Aria says from the couch not looking away from her magazine.
  457. >"Aria you're just jealous that Anon and Sunset are playing with me."
  458. >Glancing above from her magazine she almost as quickly goes back to her reading.
  459. >"Uh huh, I sure am." she says licking her thumb and turning the page.
  460. >Suddenly there's a knock at the door.
  461. >"I'll get it!" Sonata says. "Because *someone* here is too lazy to get off her bum."
  462. >"You talking about me or Adagio? Because she hasn't like, left her room all day."
  463. >Sonata pauses for a bit to think her statement over.
  464. >"Actually you're right."
  465. >Another knock.
  466. >"Coming~" she says in a singsong voice.
  467. "It's probably Octavia."
  468. >The blue siren opens the door as Octavia waves goodbye to someone outside.
  469. >Hearing two honks, a car outside burns rubber as the tires screech away.
  470. >"Wow Anon. You're like really good at that stuff."
  471. >"So stupid..." Aria mumbles.
  472. >"Sorry I took so long." Octavia apologizes, "Vinyl wanted me to pack a few things for this little impromptu sleepover."
  473. >Stepping inside, Octavia has a small black suitcase wheeled in behind her.
  474. "This is only for the night. Why did you pack like you're going away for the weekend?"
  475. >"I said the same thing but Vinyl was insistent."
  476. >*Bzzz* *Bzzz*
  477. >Taking out your phone you receive a new text message.
  478. >[Don't let anything happen to Octavia or I'll cut your balls off. -V]
  479. >Right...
  480. >Putting the phone back into your pocket, Sonata is helping Octavia settle her things.
  481. >"Where will I be sleeping?"
  482. "The pull out bed Aria is sitting on with Sunset."
  483. >"With Sunset Shimmer?"
  484. >"Is there a problem?"
  485. >"Well I don't usually sleep in the same bed with another girl unless... um, not that you aren't pretty Sunset… I mean, that bully phase you went through was kind of ho- nevermind..."
  486. >Octavia and Sunset blush.
  487. "Well there's a first time for everything." you say.
  488. >Checking the clock, it's only half-past noon.
  489. "Have you had your pill yet?"
  490. >"No not since the last one. Vinyl says it should have already been processed by my system by now."
  491. "Okay. For this to work, you're going to have to hold off on it. But if you start showing signs of chest pains, shortness of breaths or whatever happens before you usually blackout take the pill and tell me."
  492. >"What is this going to prove Anon?" Sunset asks. "I'm a bit confused."
  493. >You pull Sunset to the side as Sonata goes through Octavia's clothes much to the latter's objection.
  494. "To see if this curse that's affecting her has a maximum distance, we're roughly around twenty miles away from her home so it should give us an estimate."
  495. >"So you're saying that if this works, Octavia is only turning into a werewolf because Vinyl is nearby?"
  496. >You nod.
  497. >"So what, we just watch Octavia all day?"
  498. "And night."
  499. >She looks at you funny.
  500. "What?"
  501. >"This is all completely normal to you isn't it?"
  502. "What kind of witcher would I be if I couldn't solve a romantic problem between a vampire and a werewolf."
  503. >She huffs, "Okay okay."
  504. >"Are these thongs!" Sonata shouts out for the entire house to hear.
  505. >Looking over to the two, Sonata is holding out a pair of lace thongs in her hands.
  506. >"Sonata!" she shouts out snagging the underwear. "T-that is private!"
  507. >"Is this a riding crop?" Sonata asks, "*And* a ball gag? Why would you need that and a leather outfit?"
  508. >"GAH!" Octavia knocks Sonata away from her things and closes the suitcase.
  509. >”Why the hell would you pack that?” Aria asks after finally setting her magazine down. "Cause I mean... that's pretty slutty."
  510. >”I… I didn’t! How- why… VINYL!”
  511. >You and Sunset both share an exasperated sigh.
  513. -----
  515. >Dropping the last of the dishes into the dishwasher, you load up the soap and shut the hatch.
  516. >"That was a great meal Octavia." Sunset says.
  517. >"Oh think nothing of it. It is the least I could do for all the trouble I've caused."
  518. >"Where did you learn how to cook like that?"
  519. >"Vinyl taught me how to be self-sufficient at a young age incase she wasn't there. Being around for a couple hundred years you learn some culinary skills to stave off boredom."
  520. >Sonata is rubbing her belly in a satisfied manner as Aria sits across from her glaring at the girl.
  521. >"That was soooo yummy. I never thought homemade pizza could be so good. What did you think Aria?"
  522. >"..."
  523. >Octavia walks up to twin-tails, "Aria? I would love to know your thoughts."
  524. >Aria grumbles.
  525. >"It was okay..."
  526. >Standing up from the table she stomps out of the kitchen and into the other room.
  527. >"Just okay?"
  528. >Sonata giggles, "When Aria says something is "okay" it means she really liked it!"
  529. >"Is that so?" Octavia muses.
  530. "I'll be right back."
  531. >"Oh! Oh! Anon! Don't be too long I got a ton of cat videos I want to show you on the internet!"
  532. "I’ll be sure to hurry then Sonata."
  533. >Heading out of the kitchen you head to the bathroom.
  534. >Closing the door behind you, you unzip your pants and relieve yourself.
  535. >Flushing the toilet, you hear the handle turn and the door swings open.
  536. >"Oh, it's you." Adagio says when she sees you.
  537. >Her eyes slowly go towards your crotch before looking up back at you.
  538. "Sorry, should have locked it." you say zipping yourself up.
  539. >She smiles and waves you off, "Oh don't worry about that."
  540. >Shutting the door behind her and locking it, Adagio gets extremely close to you.
  541. >"I heard you had a little fight with that Apple girl earlier."
  542. >You narrow your eyes.
  543. >"Don't be like that. I just managed to overhear you two when I was coming out of my room."
  544. "What we discussed is none of your business." you say trying to walk past her.
  545. >She extends her arm to block your path.
  546. >"You know what you need?"
  547. >You're sure she'll tell you.
  548. >"A real woman, who won't tell you what to do or how to live your life."
  549. >Adagio leans extremely close to you.
  550. >"Maybe even someone who's willing to come with you around the world adventuring with you?"
  551. "You? Adventure? You seem pretty comfortable relying on your sisters to provide everything for you."
  552. >Her smile falters for a brief moment.
  553. >"It's the least they could do after all the things I've done for them. But enough about me, let's talk about you."
  554. >You can’t say you particularly want to.
  555. "What do you want Adagio?"
  556. >"Why don't you and I travel the world together. We're both free spirits after all."
  557. >That's not it.
  558. >She's obviously fishing for something. This is the type of girl who would only do something if there was some sort of personal gain.
  559. >You say nothing as her finger catches on the front of her shirt.
  560. >Pulling it down, she reveals her decently sized breasts to you.
  561. >"Someone like you needs a real woman, one who isn't afraid to let you go out and hunt down those monsters. And one who knows plenty of ways to pleasure you in your downtime."
  562. "Is that all?" you ask, your voice dripping with annoyance. "I'm sure you have something more to offer than just your body."
  563. >"Well someone has to keep track of all the boring logistics regarding the pay and magical artifacts we may uncover."
  564. >And there it is.
  565. "I think I'll pass." you say grabbing her arm and moving past her.
  566. >"What are you doing?" she asks genuinely surprised, "I'm willing to offer you everything you could want!"
  567. >Pausing, you can only think about Applejack.
  568. "But nothing that matters."
  569. >Unlocking the door, you leave a fuming Adagio alone in the bathroom when Sunset falls onto your chest.
  570. >"Oh uh... sorry, the door was locked."
  571. "Gonna go wash my hands in the kitchen." you say as you head back into the living room.
  573. >Anon disappears around the corner, leaving you alone with Adagio.
  574. >Glaring at her, you point an accusing finger at her.
  575. "What game are you playing Adagio."
  576. >"That's no concern of your Equestrian." she retorts walking past you, nose held high.
  577. >She walks into her room and slams the door shut.
  578. >You scrunch your nose. What a conniving little...
  579. >Adagio probably thought she could find a way to get another enchanted gem through Anon.
  580. >A chill goes down your spine at the thought of a repeat of the Battle of the Bands incident.
  581. >Although... she didn't seem to want to include Sonata or Aria.
  582. >...
  583. >You'll have to keep an eye on her.
  584. >Walking back into the living room you see Anon staring out the front window.
  585. "Anon?"
  586. >"Sunset?"
  587. "Are you okay?"
  588. >He sighs and scratches his head.
  589. >"Yeah. Just got me thinking about that argument I got into with Applejack though."
  590. >You stand next to him.
  591. "Want to talk about it?"
  592. >"No, but I think I might have to talk to someone about it eventually. Bottled up emotions can end up having adverse effects on a relationship."
  593. "That's perceptive of you. Most guys wouldn't admit to wanting to talk about their feelings."
  594. >"I'm not most guys." he replies. "And don't misunderstand me, I hate talking about my feelings. I just don't want Applejack to curse me to eternal damnation or something like that."
  595. >The two of you share a small laugh.
  596. >Yep that sounds like Anon.
  597. >"Do you think I have what it takes to stop being a witcher? Even just for a little while?"
  598. >His question makes you do a double-take.
  599. >Stop being a witcher?
  600. >"Witchers and settle down usually don't go into the same sentence. I don't want Applejack to keep worrying about me anymore but it's not like I can just get rid of these." he says pointing to his eyes. "Settling down isn't something a witcher normally does."
  601. "Anon she'll always worry about you. Your mutations shouldn't dictate what you do."
  602. >You place a hand on his shoulder to try and comfort him.
  603. "If you want an example, Twilight's grandfather did exactly that."
  604. >"He was also murdered by another witcher." he points out. "Not exactly too keen on that last bit."
  605. >You punch him in the arm.
  606. "That's not the point! He found a family and settled down with them. Sure it may have ended badly but do you think he regrets those years he spent not traveling around killing monsters?"
  607. >He stays silent. Instead he examines his medallion.
  608. "Anon, I can't tell you what to do; Part of me doubts you would even really listen and just do what you want anyway, but ask yourself what you care about more: Applejack or being a Witcher."
  609. >"..."
  610. "I know its difficult to change direction in your life, but we're all here for you if you decide to stay."
  611. >He lets his medallion go and looks you directly in the eyes.
  612. >"Thanks Sunset." he says.
  613. "You're welco-"
  614. >"Despite your terrible advice I get what you mean."
  615. >...
  616. >You make to punch him again when you see his telling smile.
  617. >"Hey Sunset! Octavia's showing me how to make snickerdoodles!" Sonata calls from the kitchen, "Wanna help?"
  618. "Sure, I'll be there in a sec."
  619. >"Go, I'll be fine." he says.
  620. >Giving one last look at Anonymous, you sigh.
  621. "I'll support either decision Anon, if it's any consolation."
  622. >"It helps."
  624. >After many snickerdoodles and cat videos later...
  625. >You set up a spare blanket and pillow up on the reclining chair for Sunset.
  626. >"So... you're just going to watch me sleep all night?" Octavia asks sitting on the unfolded mattress.
  627. "You make it sound so creepy."
  628. >"Well that's because it is." she points out.
  629. "It's not like I'm going to be hovering over you."you say. "I'll be in the other room checking in on you every now and then."
  630. >Checking the time, it's around eleven and still no signs of chest pains or heavy breathing.
  631. >Though considering the circumstances, Vinyl and Octavia may or may not consider that a good thing right now.
  632. >*Bzzz* *Bzzz*
  633. >Speak of the devil.
  634. >[Any problems?]
  635. [No, she's fine so far.]
  636. >The three little dots in the corner letting you know she's typing a reply blink before stopping and starting again.
  637. >This goes on for a couple of seconds.
  638. >[Ok.]
  639. "I'm taking first watch. Sunset will take second."
  640. >Nodding her head, she lies down and wraps the blanket over her.
  641. >"Goodnight."
  642. "Night." you reply stepping into the next room.
  643. >Sunset walks by you in the hall.
  644. "Got you a pillow and a blanket." you tell her.
  645. >"Thanks Anon."
  646. >Doing one last round in the house, you check on the sirens in their rooms.
  647. >You have no idea what Adagio is up to since she's locked her door, but you know she's still up from the stuttering light peeking underneath the door.
  648. >Whatever the case, you hope she stays in there for all you care.
  649. >Sonata and Aria are fast asleep in the room they share together with a plate of half-eaten snickerdoodles in between them.
  650. >The former still has crumbs all over her face.
  651. >Geeze.
  652. >You grab a tissue from a box and move to wipe her face off when she suddenly recoils from your touch and starts hyperventilating.
  653. >"N-no... l-let g-go of me..." she mumbles in her sleep.
  654. >Taking your hand away, she starts flailing around in her bed.
  655. >Her forehead begins sweating as her eyes move rapidly under her eyelids.
  656. >Suddenly she shoots up.
  657. >"STOP!" she screams.
  658. >Her eyes almost instantly lock onto you, "A-Anon?"
  659. "Sonata what's wrong?"
  660. >"Bad dream... when we were in that cell..." she mumbles out, tears starting to build up. "It was my turn..."
  661. >You sit on the edge of her bed and try to comfort her. Though you resist trying to touch her.
  662. "It's alright. You're safe."
  663. >"Anon it was so terrible. They made us do things..."
  664. >Wiping her eyes she hugs you, taking you a bit by surprise.
  665. >Patting her back, you stay like this for a few moments though in the corner of your eye you see Aria's already awake eyes open.
  666. >She looks to open her mouth and say something but you hold up a finger to your lips.
  667. >Sonata ends up releasing her emotions all out on your shoulder, making it uncomfortably damp.
  668. >"I-I d-don't want us t-to go back Anon!" she bawls out.
  669. >The door behind you opens wider, "Anon I heard screaming." Sunset says.
  670. "It's fine. Sonata just had a bad dream."
  671. >You realize that's a severe understatement. Considering how long the Sirens were in that cell and all the depraved things Iron Will and his men must have put them through...
  672. >At the very least its traumatized Sonata the most of the three.
  673. >The gears turn momentarily in her head before she realizes what you're talking about.
  674. >You told Sunset and Twilight Sparkle about the conditions the Sirens were in when she "rescued" you that night.
  675. >Sunset Shimmer, even after the evil things they did during the Battle of the Bands, thought that fate was too cruel.
  676. "How long have you been having these dreams Sonata?"
  677. >"She's been having these nightmares at least once a week Anon." Aria says not getting up. "I try to help but I don't know how to heal dreams."
  678. >As you contemplate on how to sort out Sonata's problem, you hear a disturbance coming from the living room.
  680. -----
  682. >Running back into the living room you see Octavia thrashing in her bed.
  683. >Your medallion tugs at the chain growing more intense the closer you get.
  684. >Shit!
  685. >Sunset comes up from behind you, "Anon what's- oh no!"
  686. >Where did Octavia put those pills.
  687. >Digging through her bags, both you and Sunset frantically try to find the small bottle of suppressants.
  688. >"GRAaaahhhhHHHH!"
  689. "Sunset I'll try to hold her down, find those pills!"
  690. >"Right!"
  691. >Grabbing Octavia's arms, you hook your own to prevent her from lashing out.
  692. >"Ahahhh-Ahhhnon! It's... hah-happening again!" she gasps out.
  693. "Just hold on."
  694. >You can feel her muscles tensing up as the best within tries to break free.
  695. "Sunset! Where are those pills?!" you say struggling to contain the cellist's newfound strength.
  696. >"No... no... no! Wait... yes! Found them!" she says holding up the small container. "How many?!"
  697. "Give her one!"
  698. >Octavia's eyes snap open, turning her head to glare at you, one of her irises change color to a more wolf-like yellow.
  699. >The girl's nails sharpen and her shoulders start to become more broad and built.
  700. "C'mon! I don't know how much longer I can hold her!"
  701. >Hands shaking, Sunset pops the childproof lid off and shakes one of the little capsules out.
  702. >Tripping over herself, Sunset crawls over to the thrashing she-were-wolf and tries to give Octavia her medicine.
  703. >Try being the key word as the latter snaps her maw at Sunset's outstretched hand.
  704. >"Dear Celestia!"
  705. "We don't have time for Friendship letters! Just give her the damn pill!"
  706. >"I'm trying!" she shouts at you. "I don't want to get bitten and turn into one!"
  707. "It doesn't work like that!"
  708. >"DOESN'T IT?!"
  709. >Octavia backhands you in the face in an attempt to break free.
  710. "SUNSET!"
  711. >"FINE!" Sunset says grabbing Aria's magazine.
  712. >Rolling it up, Sunset jams it into Octavia's mouth where she begins gnawing at the foreign object.
  713. >Popping the pill into her mouth, she removes the magazine and forces her mouth shut.
  714. >The two of you hear a gulp as Octavia swallows the capsule and it goes down her gullet.
  715. >Suddenly Octavia elbows you in the side causing you to let go of her arm. In one swipe she scratches Sunset on the cheek drawing blood.
  716. >"Augh!" she cries out grabbing her bleeding cut.
  717. "Sunset!"
  718. >Octavia begins hacking and coughing as her half-transformation begins reverting itself.
  719. >Her struggling stopping, you loosen your grip until she slowly goes limp.
  720. >Setting her to the side, you quickly check up on Sunset as she hisses in pain.
  721. >Grabbing a rag from the kitchen, you turn on the faucet and dampen it.
  722. >Bringing it to her wound you hold it against her cheek and apply pressure.
  723. >"A-Anon?" Sonata calls out from the hall, "Is it over?"
  724. "Get me the first-aid kit from the bathroom."
  725. "O-okay!"
  726. >Sunset looks at her blood-covered hand and starts panicking.
  727. >"Anon I'm not going to start turning into a werewolf too am I?"
  728. "Unless you start falling in love with our neighborhood vampire and start growing fangs, just get some disinfectant on that and I think you'll be fine."
  729. >She lets out a sigh of relief and relaxes.
  730. >Taking the cloth off you wince.
  731. "You're gonna need some stitches though; and that's gonna leave a helluva scar." you say examining the cut. "Shame, you had such a pretty face too."
  732. >"W-what?" she says blushing.
  733. "Kidding." you say tapping her on the other cheek, "It won't be too bad."
  734. >Taking out your phone you bring up Vinyl's contact info.
  735. >"Who are you calling?"
  736. "Vinyl, she should know about this." you say hitting the call button.
  738. >As Aria keeps an eye on Octavia, you do your best to treat Sunset's cut.
  739. >Sonata though, fell asleep on your back watching you help Sunset.
  740. >It's a bit uncomfortable but you've been in worse situations treating wounds.
  741. >Plus, girl looks like she could use a decent nights sleep judging from the way she's smiling while dreaming.
  742. "You're gonna need to make sure this doesn't get infected." you mention, cutting the last thread from the suture. "This is going to stay on for around a five or seven days."
  743. >"Oh darn and picture day is this Wednesday." Sunset jokes. "Thanks Anon."
  744. >"Anyword from that Vampire friend of yours?" Aria asks, holding up her ruined magazine in disgust before tossing it into the trash.
  745. "She'll be here any minute." you reply.
  746. >Putting the medical tools in the bowl of alcohol, you adjust Sonata slightly so her head is resting on a pillow and sit down on the floor next to her.
  747. >Because Octavia's turning despite Vinyl's non-presence it means this curse might be dependent on their feelings for each other or more frighteningly, progressed to the point where the only way to end it is for one of them to expire.
  748. >And since Vinyl is a higher vampire...
  749. >There's no good way for you to solve this. Other than death, you know of no ways to lift a lycanthropy curse of this nature.
  750. >Every case is different and this is no exception. It really is dependent on Vinyl and Octavia.
  751. >As long as they love each other this curse will persist. And you have no idea if prolonged use of the suppressant will reduce the effectiveness of the drug.
  752. >You briefly consider calling in Twilight for any opinions on the matter, but there's a feeling in the back of your brain that says she'll tell you to ask her brother for help.
  753. >And you doubt Vy will want to bring in more outsiders to handle this.
  754. >You really are at a loss right now.
  755. >"So what do we do now Anon?"
  756. "Unfortunately, we can't really do anything."
  757. >Sunset gives you an incredulous stare, "So what, you can't cure Octavia?"
  758. "Not with any methods I know of."
  759. >"So that means..."
  760. "We hit her with your magic beam of sunshine and rainbows and hope for the best."
  761. >"It's not a beam of-! It's a beam of concentrated frienshi-"
  762. >You just give her a deadpan look.
  763. >"..."
  764. >"I'll text the girls." she concedes.
  765. >Glancing up at the clock on the wall, you shake your head.
  766. "Since Tavi here just took her medicine, she should be fine. Get some sleep, I'll stay up for when Vinyl get's here."
  767. >"I'm already here dude." a voice says behind you.
  768. >"GAHHH!" Sunset screams.
  769. >"HOLY SEA SPIRITS!" Aria shouts falling out of her chair. "How the fuck did you get in here?!"
  770. "Hey Vinyl." you say nonplussed.
  771. >"Shhh." Vinyl shushes the two freaking out girls. "Not cool, people are trying to sleep."
  772. "Took you long enough."
  773. >"I was in the middle of... talking to a few people."
  774. "At this time of night?"
  775. >"They're not really "people" as in human, but if anyone knew anything about curses and how to break them, they would at least have an idea."
  776. "Sounds like a useful source."
  777. >"Trust me dude, after what I did tonight, they're not looking to meet any friends of mine, let alone a Witcher." she says showing you her bloody arm warmers. "I admit... I might have gotten a bit overzealous and cracked a few skulls."
  778. >Looking at the dried blood on her shoes, she probably means that literally.
  779. >"Ah don't look at me like that, they'll grow back. Mostly..."
  780. "So did they at least come up with any answers?"
  781. >"Nadda."
  782. "Well, that'll probably bite us in the butt later you know that right?"
  783. >She waves you off.
  784. >"Nothing the two of us couldn't handle."
  785. "Us?"
  786. >Walking over to her sleeping friend she ignores your question, "How is she?"
  787. "Breathing is normal, pulse has gone down to average levels. No signs of any excess hair or canine growth."
  788. >Vinyl hums to herself.
  789. >"So we doing the Rainbow magic show?"
  790. "Looks like it."
  791. >"Awesome." she says. "I always thought it was really cool how they brought in that giant glowing blue alicorn god thing. Like right out of one of those 80's style music videos."
  792. >"... make believe... with you..." Sonata mumbles in her sleep. "And live in... harmony...mony..."
  793. >Aria facepalms.
  794. >"Yeah, and you know what was the best part? Being on the receiving end of that thing." Aria sarcastically says. "That shit wasn't exactly a pleasant feeling."
  795. "Well, it's our only option now."
  796. >Vinyl bites the tip of her thumb.
  797. >"Seems like it."
  798. >Sunset yawns but she tries to hold it in.
  799. >"Well now that that's settled, I think it would be best if we got some sleep."
  800. >Aria soon follows and heads to her room, "Yeah, and in the morning you all can deal with this shit somewhere else. I think I've had my fill of potential death this month."
  801. >Vinyl sticks out her tongue at you and gestures by flapping her hands in a talking motion.
  802. >Suddenly Octavia begins groaning.
  803. >"Oh... why do I feel so hot?" the cellist asks.
  804. >"Because you are hot Tavi."
  805. >"Vinyl? What are yo-" she asks as realization dawns on her, "Oh dear did I do it again?"
  806. >"Yeah." Sunset answers, stepping besides you.
  807. >Octavia gasps as she sees Sunset's new stitches.
  808. >"Please tell me I wasn't the one who did that to you..." she begs.
  809. >Sunset gives her an awkward smile in response.
  810. >Placing her head into her hands she begins cursing herself.
  811. >"I'm so sorry Sunset!" she begins apologizing. "I'll make this up to you I swear."
  812. >"Please it's not a bi-"
  813. >"Of course it is! I've ruined your beautiful face with a terrible scar!"
  814. >Hey...
  815. >Grabbing her shoulders, Vinyl looks her friend straight in the eyes.
  816. >"Tavi, snap out of it. We got one more thing to try out."
  817. >"W-what's that?"
  818. "We're going to shoot you with rainbows." you answer.
  819. >Octavia looks incredulous, “Surely you can’t be serious. That sounds like something from an after-school cartoon special.”
  820. >”Don’t you remember at the Battle of the Bands? I helped Sunset and the other’s defeat those Siren girls?”
  821. >”No? I was… uh…”
  822. >Her eyes start darting around.
  823. >”Relieving some “stress” at home.”
  824. >Vinyl groans, “That’s where you were? No wonder you beat me home I-”
  825. “Ladies? As much as I would love to know more details about your personal lives, I think it would be best if we have this discussion in the morning.” you say pointing to the clock.
  826. >Sunset lets out a deep yawn.
  827. >"Plus our fair lady here should get some rest for a busy day tomorrow." Vinyl says towards Octavia.
  828. >Kneeling besides her, she clutches her chin and brings her in for a quick kiss.
  829. >"And don't worry m'lady, I'll be here with you." she says tipping an imaginary hat.
  830. >Octavia cringes but giggles all the same.
  831. >You and Sunset share a glance and shrug.
  833. -----
  835. >The sun is already beginning it's rise in the sky as you stand in the training yard with Sunset, Octavia and Vinyl Scratch.
  836. >Morning dew still lay across the grass, untouched by the heated rays from the sun.
  837. >Your vampire aquantince lets out a whistle when she sees the imposing gauntlet swaying slightly in the breeze.
  838. >"Gauntlet huh? Haven't seen one of these in at least two centuries." she says tapping the wooden structure with a hand.
  839. "A bit archaic compared to the newer ones but it works." you say.
  840. >Vinyl hops up onto the platform with one foot and playfully balances herself.
  841. >"Vinyl be careful!" Octavia warns.
  842. >"Relax Tavi I'll b- whoooaaaAAA- Ooof!"
  843. >Vinyl falls flat on her face and Octavia rushes over.
  844. >Sticking her thumb up she signals she's fine.
  845. >Setting your blades next to the bench, you check the time on your watch.
  846. "Sunset, what time did you say everyone should meet up?" you say heading into the shed.
  847. >"Around noon, that way everyone can get something to eat. I also sent a message to Princess Twilight, she said she'll be here too."
  848. "Then we got some time."
  849. >"Time?"
  850. >You toss a wooden sword into her lap and she looks between it and you.
  851. "It's been awhile since we've sparred against each other."
  852. >"Dude, you know how to use that thing?" Vinyl asks Sunset while Octavia dotes over her. "Tavi quit it."
  853. >"Hold still, you have a little dirt right... there." she says licking the handkerchief and wiping her cheek.
  854. >"Anon's been teaching me how to defend myself." she says walking into the circle. "I like to think I've been doing well."
  855. "Weights on or off?" you ask accustoming yourself with the wood sword.
  856. >"Off if it's okay."
  857. >You reply with a nod of your head.
  858. >"Weights?" you hear Octavia ask Vinyl who just shrugs.
  859. >Sunset removes her boots and rips off the weights attached to her ankles and wristbands.
  860. >The four weights hit the ground with a thunk as she massages her wrists.
  861. >"Alright I'm ready." she says bringing up her blade. "Any restrictions?"
  862. "None, just try to disarm me or knock me out of the ring."
  863. >Both Vinyl and Octavia sit on the bench and watch intently as you begin pacing around the ring opposite of Sunset Shimmer.
  864. >"Same wager as last time?"
  865. "Sure."
  866. >Sunset narrows thrusts her arm forward, tucking in her index and pinkie finger while extending the others.
  867. >A torrent of fire shoots out from her palm causing you to roll to the side.
  868. >Without missing a beat she runs towards you sword in a ready position to strike.
  869. >Bringing her blade down you counter her and block the attack.
  870. "Getting quicker with the signs." you compliment.
  871. >"Thanks."
  872. >Pushing her back, she stumbles a bit before recovering and knocking up dirt into your face with the tip of her blade.
  873. >You brush out the foreign matter from your eyes just in time to see Sunset trying to "skewer" you with a thrust of her sword.
  874. >Swinging your sword up, you knock her attack aside and grab her wrist.
  875. >Her face shows one of shock followed by a grimace of pain as you kick her in the gut sending her to the ground.
  876. >"Wooo! Go Anon!" Vinyl cheers from the sideline.
  877. >You walk up to her as she holds her side.
  878. "Nice using the terrain but you need to be a little bit quicker."
  879. >"Oh really?"
  880. "Hmm?"
  881. >Sunset begins glowing, making you falter a bit in concern.
  882. "Sunset are yo-"
  883. >*THWOOOM!*
  884. >An unexpected burst of energy throws you onto your back.
  885. >Sunset leaps to her feet, covered in glowing golden energy. Her hair extended below her knees and two small ears protruding from her head.
  886. >She looks at herself in amazement.
  887. >"Whoa this doesn't usually happen." she says.
  888. >Vinyl and Octavia are looking at her wide-eyed.
  889. >Grinning, Sunset doesn't hesitate to use this pause in combat to her advantage as she dashes towards you with surprising speed.
  890. >Bracing yourself you cast Quen and watch as the tip of her sword is rebounded off the barrier and sends her stumbling back.
  891. >"Dang it!" she curses.
  892. >Getting back up, she runs at you again and makes another series of strikes.
  893. >You're actually taken a bit off-guard, her attacks requiring you to use a bit more strength to block.
  894. >The two of you go back and forth trying to either disarm or force the other out of the ring.
  895. >Eventually another sword lock occurs between the two of you.
  896. >You can see fatigue starting to set in as the glow starts to fade from her body and her hair extension begins to shrink.
  897. "Don't overexert yourself." you taunt. "If I recall, you don't have as much experience as the others with this."
  898. >"Oh be quiet."
  899. >Shifting her weight, she releases the lock and ducks under a horizontal slash.
  900. >Instead of trying to use her sword however, she tackles you in the gut and runs forward like a football player.
  901. >Gritting your teeth, an elbow into her back sends both of you onto the ground.
  902. >Getting back up to make your own attack but pause when she begins laughing.
  903. >You hear Octavia gasp and Vinyl peeking her glasses down with a surprised look on her face.
  904. >Looking down, one of your legs outside the ring.
  905. "I didn't teach you that." you say walking over and holding out your hand.
  906. >"No, but you did teach me to win." she replies. "And you only said outside the ring or disarming."
  907. >That is true...
  908. >She grabs your hand and you help her up.
  909. >"I know if this was a real fight I shouldn't make unnecessary risks but I knew I couldn't outfight you. So I just decided to find another way to win."
  910. >There’s a small feeling building up in the deep pit of your chest.
  911. >Is that…? Pride?
  912. >Maybe.
  913. >Glancing over at the two spectators, you note that the vampire grudgingly taking out a bill and handing it to a smug Octavia.
  914. >"I think you owe me something now?" she says with the cheekiest grin.
  915. "Yeah, yeah, an ice cream at Sugar Cube Corner."
  916. >”Heck yeah you do!” she says poking a finger into your chest.
  917. >You respond with a serious glare, and raising a brow.
  918. >”S-sorry…”
  919. >Sure ice cream might sound like a childish prize for a wager, but it keeps things from getting too heated when bets are made.
  920. >"That was awesome girl!" Vinyl says running up to her. "I didn't know you could... what did Dash call it?"
  921. >She snaps her fingers, "Pony Up that's it!"
  922. >"It surprised me too, the only other time I've had something like that happen was at the Battle of the Bands and Camp Everfree."
  923. >Suddenly you notice something on the side of Sunset’s face.
  924. >Or rather, the lack of something.
  925. "Hey, your cheek. Let me see it." you say grabbing her chin.
  926. >"What? Did the wound open again?"
  927. "No."
  928. >Holding her chin steady, you’re a bit taken aback.
  929. >Her cut is healed.
  930. "There's no wound there anymore." you say.
  931. >"What?!"
  932. >"Dude, she's right."
  933. >Octavia takes out a compact and hands it to Sunset.
  934. >There's still the faint traces of where the cut originally was as the flesh is still discolored to the rest of her skin, but now it looks more like a scar that’s had plenty of time to heal.
  935. "Well, aren't you full of surprises."
  936. >"Anon... I didn't know."
  937. "I'm honestly not complaining." you reply. "Though now I regret not checking your burn marks from the leshen fight."
  938. >"So... maybe we can fix Octavia?" Vinyl asks, "I mean, if the healing properties of that friendship magic can do that, maybe it can..."
  939. >”I don’t know, when I was hit with magic when I overwhelmed by Twilight’s crown though I had bruises that didn’t heal instantly.” Sunset explains.
  940. >“But it’s still possible right?”
  941. "Let's not get our hopes up. Healing flesh is one thing, a curse is a completely different matter altogether."
  942. >Vinyl and Octavia frown.
  943. "But... it's a theory." you say trying to lighten the suddenly downcast mood. "Still, since the wound has healed we should get those stitches out."
  944. >Leading everyone to the house you open the door with your keys and step inside.
  945. >Everyone must still be asleep. You didn't see Mac in the field.
  946. "Be right back."
  947. >Heading upstairs you notice the living room is a mess with cider bottles, empty paper plates and stray popcorn kernels lying about.
  948. >Apple Bloom and her friends must have had a party while you were gone.
  949. >You walk down the hall when you hear snoring coming from your room.
  950. >Who could...?
  951. >Opening the door, you see a sight you didn't think you'd ever see.
  952. >Applejack and Rarity lying strewn over each other in your bed.
  953. >In their underwear...
  954. >You're not even going to bother asking.
  955. >Rarity, amusingly enough is leaving a puddle of drool where her head rests.
  956. >Sighing, you adjust the girls so they're sleeping next to each other in a normal fashion and tuck them in.
  957. >Placing Applejack's hat on the nightstand, you pause.
  958. >You take two spare sets of your underwear and put it onto Applejack and Rarity's heads.
  959. >Moving the latter's leg over Applejack's and putting the former's leg in between Rarity's, you put the two in a hugging position.
  960. >It becomes even a bit more droll when they grab each other tightly and snuggle in a more intimate manner.
  961. >"Oh Anon..."
  962. >"Anonymous..."
  963. "..."
  964. >Taking out your phone, you snap a picture before placing the blanket over them and leaving the room quietly.
  965. >You'll save that for later just in case.
  966. >Entering the bathroom, you dig out the medical kit and head downstairs.
  968. "Hold still."
  969. >"It just feels so weird..." Sunset says as she squirms in her seat.
  970. >"Hey how do you two like your bacon?" Vinyl asks manning the stove, "Crispy or chewy?"
  971. >"I don't really eat meat." Sunset answers back.
  972. >"Coming from the girl with bacon colored hair?"
  973. >"Hey!"
  974. >"Kidding. What about you Anon?"
  975. "I prefer mine in that middle ground. Crispy around the edges but still soft in the middle." you say taking the last thread out.
  976. >"Cool, Tavi likes it crispy but I prefer mine chewy."
  977. >"Because chewy bacon means it's essentially undercooked." Octavia says. "Which when *you* make it, it always is!"
  978. >“Yet you never complain about that “imported bacon” that’s just cut different being “undercooked”.”
  979. >”That’s completely different!”
  980. >Vinyl sticks her tongue out as Octavia turns her head,
  981. >As the two argue about the validity of eating strips of meat, you double check Sunset's cheek to make sure you didn't miss anything.
  982. >When all's said and done, all you're left with is a faint line with a few hatches in it leftover from the threads.
  983. “There, you have your first witcher scar. Congratulations.” you comment dryly as Sunset rubs the side of her face.
  984. >Suddenly there's a creak coming from the floorboards outside the kitchen.
  985. >"Heya 'Non." greets Apple Bloom, rubbing her eyes. "Whoa we havin' a party?"
  986. "Hi Apple Bloom. And no, we're not."
  987. >"Sis said ya were staying at ah friends place."
  988. "Yeah."
  989. >"She was pretty depressed the other day." she says walking up to you.
  990. >You uncomfortably shift in your seat.
  991. "We got into a little argument. But we'll clear it up when Applejack wakes up."
  992. >Apple Bloom shrugs and sits on a stool.
  993. >"Hey aren't you that DJ lady at school?"
  994. >"The one and only." Vinyl confirms.
  995. >"And you're that cellist right?"
  996. >"My name is Octavia, nice to meet you... Apple Bloom is it?"
  997. >"Uh huh, mah friend Sweetie Belle likes yer music and fancy accent."
  998. >"You should tell her I said "thank you"."
  999. >"Scootaloo says you put her to sleep and she thinks yer accent is funny."
  1000. >Octavia smile falters while Vinyl laughs.
  1001. >"O-oh..."
  1002. >Apple Bloom looks to you, "Say, Anon. Was that you making all that noise outside?"
  1003. "Me and Sunset were sparring."
  1004. >"Oh. Ya sure you don't wanna teach me, Sweetie and Scoots too?"
  1005. "I'm sure."
  1006. >"Aw c'mon, well can ya at least show off some moves for us?"
  1007. >You grab a couple of plates and set them on the counter.
  1008. "Why?" you ask setting a plate in front of Sunset.
  1009. >"Diamond Tiara says all that stuff ya did at camp was only because Sunset and the others hurt it and that forest ranger killed it."
  1010. >"Oh shots fired." Vinyl whispers to Octavia.
  1011. >Her explanation causes you to raise a brow.
  1012. "Did she now? She's that bratty one with the little tiara isn't she?"
  1013. >"Yeah. Me, Sweetie and Scootaloo keep telling her ya can really do all the amazing things we keep saying but she doesn't believe it."
  1014. >That doesn't really surprise you. Nor does it really bring any concern just because some brat attributes your kills to other people.
  1015. >Less attention towards you, which is probably a good thing.
  1016. >"Okay, now you've got me curious." Sunset says, "What kind of things have you said about Anon?"
  1017. >"Oh I think I know one." Vinyl says, "Lyra told me at lunch."
  1018. >She holds up her a finger as the bacon in the pan sizzles.
  1019. ""He's a lover not a fighter. But he's also a fighter, so don't get any ideas.""
  1020. >What...
  1021. >You swear you’ve heard something like that before, but you can’t place where.
  1022. >All the other girls begin snickering.
  1023. >"Sweetie came up with that one."
  1024. >"Here's another;" she says clearing her throat, ""Anonymous is a hunter, but Anon does not hunt, because hunting would imply the possibility of failure.""
  1025. >"Scootaloo ripped that one off from somewhere ah think."
  1026. "Where the hell do you kids come up with this stuff?"
  1027. >They just took already existing slogans and what-not and just added your name to it.
  1028. >As the girls in the room laugh at your expense, the two sleepy heads that slept in your bed finally come down.
  1029. >"Mmm... mornin'" Applejack says letting out a yawn.
  1030. >"Is that breakfast I smell?"
  1031. >"..."
  1032. >"..."
  1033. >"..."
  1034. >"..."
  1035. >The room becomes awkwardly quiet, all attention being directed at the two girls with underwear on their heads.
  1036. >You stifle a smile by coughing into your hand.
  1037. >"What?"
  1038. >"Sunset dear, why is everyone staring at us like this?"
  1039. >Sunset holds a hand over her mouth and points at their heads.
  1040. >"Hmm?"
  1041. >They both look at their new accessories and initially dismiss them, only to do a double take and immediately yank them off in panic.
  1042. >It's that cue that releases the flood of laughter from everyone else.
  1043. >"What in tarnation! How in the hay did that get there?!"
  1044. >"Darling, I think we both had a bit too much cider last night..."
  1045. >Applejack, with blush on her face as red as the apples she picks, rushes over to you and hands you your underwear.
  1046. >All without making eye contact.
  1047. >Taking Applejack's hand you lead her out of the room.
  1048. >"Anon?"
  1049. "We should talk."
  1050. >"Can't this wait until after-"
  1051. "No... it can't. It shouldn't."
  1053. -----
  1055. >Walking into the living room, you brush aside a few stray popcorn kernels on the couch and take a seat.
  1056. >You'll vacuum later.
  1057. >Applejack sits down next to you.
  1058. >"So..."
  1059. "You want to go first or should I?"
  1060. >After a brief moment of consideration, "Ah'll go first."
  1061. >Taking a deep breath she places her hand on your lap.
  1062. >"Rarity and ah had a talk yesterday and ah realized the reason why ah got so flustered."
  1063. >You look up at her.
  1064. >"You know that mah parents... passed right?"
  1065. "I figured, but it wasn't my place to pry. I assumed you would tell me yourself when you were ready."
  1066. >"Well thank you for that." she replies with a faint smile. "Then you have to understand ah've already lost two people close to me. Granny's already pretty up there in years despite what she says; Ah just don't think ah can take losing anyone else in this family."
  1067. >Squeezing her hand, she squeezes back as tears begin to well up.
  1068. "I understand. Though I'm a bit surprised that you already consider me part of the family."
  1069. >"Anon, you've been livin' in this house fer so long it's hard not to think so. Heck even Big Macintosh always loves it when you two hang out. What ah'm saying is if it seems like ah worry too much, ah have a reason."
  1070. "Applejack I-"
  1071. >"Now ah ain't finished just yet sugarcube." she says interrupting you, "That being said, ah figure that its also unfair to ask you to quit something you've literally been raised to do. That'd be like you asking me to quit being an apple farmer. So ah ain't gonna force you to choose between either."
  1072. >Taking back her hand, she wipes the water under her eyes and places them both on her skirt.
  1073. "Applejack. It's true that what I do is dangerous. Very often life threatening. It's something I was raised and mutated for regardless of my personal feelings on the matter."
  1074. >The memories of training, being strapped into a table when the mutation inducing chemicals were injected into you.
  1075. >How many of your fellow trainees started bleeding from the eyes, going into seizures as their bodies were destroyed from the inside.
  1076. >Waking up from the torture and coming to the realization that a truly normal life would be out of your reach.
  1077. "The Path is all I've known, traveling the various parts of the world hunting down monsters, tracking escaped convicts, even solving a murder in a rural village in the middle of nowhere. I've met plenty of interesting individuals, made friends, made enemies and seen incredible locals around the world..."
  1078. >You take hold of her chin and kiss her on the lips.
  1079. "They say traveling the world is one of the most exciting things you could do. But in all honesty, it gets old pretty fast." you say with a smirk. "I could probably use an extended vacation."
  1080. >The response you give her takes her completely off-guard.
  1081. >"Anon. But wasn't you showing Sunset and Rainbow how to swordfight your "vacation"?"
  1082. "Eh, I got paid by Princess Twilight right?"
  1083. >"Yeah?"
  1084. "Then it wasn't vacation, it was work."
  1085. >"..."
  1086. >"But what about paid vaca-"
  1087. "Applejack just shut up and give me another kiss."
  1088. >She giggles and nods. Leaning in for another kiss, she grabs your head and runs her hand through your hair.
  1089. >You can feel her tongue enter your mouth when suddenly you pull back and grimace.
  1090. >"A-Anon? What's wrong?"
  1091. "You... didn't brush your teeth last night did you?" you say coughing.
  1092. >Applejack blushes.
  1093. >"Sorry..."
  1094. "It's fine." you say, tilting her head and kissing the top of her forehead.
  1095. >"Anon! Bacon's ready!" Vinyl calls out from the kitchen.
  1096. "Let's get some food."
  1097. >As you turn away, Applejack sniffs her breath and wretches.
  1098. >Offering your hand, she wipes off her hand and takes it.
  1099. >"C'mon Anon, I'm starving."
  1101. >"So we're just waiting on Pinkie and Rainbow Dash?" Vinyl asks.
  1102. >"Yep, they're going to pick up Twilight Sparkle on the way."
  1103. >Octavia raises a finger, "Pardon me for asking, is this the Twilight from Crystal Prep or the "other" Twilight."
  1104. >"Other Twilight." Sunset replies, "Our Twilight said her brother is dropping her off."
  1105. >Her brother?
  1106. "Shining Armor is coming here?"
  1107. >"Yeah wh- oh..."
  1108. >That could prove problematic. Last you heard, he's investigating the mysterious "bear" maulings. Apparently, from what was discussed at dinner with Cadance he hasn't had much work beyond his desk since coming back to work since his injury.
  1109. >He says that it's a short-term reassignment from his Captain, but you feel there's something more to it.
  1110. >But that's ultimately none of your concern.
  1111. >What is your concern is that you have the culprit right here standing a few feet from you.
  1112. >Not to mention her incredibly protective guardian-slash-lover next to her.
  1113. >"Dude, you're staring again." Vinyl says. "It's kinda creepy."
  1114. "Remember the news about those "bear" attacks?"
  1115. >Vinyl frowns as Octavia becomes shamefaced.
  1116. >"Yeah..." Vinyl answers in a slightly hostile tone. "What of it."
  1117. "Twilight's brother is the one investigating the deaths."
  1118. >"Oh no..."
  1119. >"Are you kidding me?!"
  1120. >You hold up your hands to try and calm them.
  1121. "Relax, just don't say anything that'll give him any ideas and we'll be fine. He's only dropping off Twilight so just keep it under wraps until he's gone."
  1122. >Sunset also speaks up, "We'll also have to wait a while until we're sure he's gone. The magic makes quite a lightshow."
  1123. >Taking your finished plate, Applejack's and Rarity's dishes, you empty them into the sink.
  1124. >"Thank you Anon." Rarity says expressing her gratitude. "I say, that was a wonderful meal Vinyl I had no idea you could cook so well."
  1125. >"..."
  1126. >"Vinyl?"
  1127. >The vampire shakes her head, "I'm sorry what?"
  1128. >"Is something wrong?" Rarity asks.
  1129. "Concerns about Twilight's brother?"
  1130. >"I'm worried on what they'll do to Tavi if they realize she's a werewolf. Not only that, but the one who killed those two people."
  1131. "Probably experiment on her."
  1132. >Octavia whimpers.
  1133. >"Dude..." Vinyl growls. "Not helping."
  1134. "Which is why we should hurry up with Sunset's solution. Right now he has no reason to suspect anything, let's keep it that way."
  1135. >"Sunset!" a voice yells from the bottom of the hill.
  1136. >All six of you turn to the voice and see Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle walking up.
  1137. >"Twilight!" she cries out giving her royal friend a hug.
  1138. >Suddenly she gasps, "What happened to your cheek?"
  1139. >"Well I-"
  1140. >Princess Twilight narrows her eyes and glares at you.
  1141. >"What the hay did you do to my friend?!" she says stomping up to you and jabbing a pointy finger into your chest. "I tell you to make sure she's okay and I find out she has a cut on her face?!"
  1142. >”To be honest dear, I was getting a bit curious about that myself.” Rarity unhelpfully adds.
  1143. "Twilight it was-"
  1144. >"I'm not done! And just how much longer is this training going to last? I'd like Sunset to talk to Starlight for a friendship lesson."
  1145. >Who?
  1146. >"Who's Starlight?" Sunset asks.
  1147. >"Oh, that's right I never told you." she says excitedly. "Starlight Glimmer is my pupil in Friendship studies!"
  1148. >”P-pupil? Like you and I were to Princess Celestia?”
  1149. >"I know right? Who would have thought? Me with a pupil already." she says ignoring her friends dubious question. “Princess Celestia must have had a hayday when I told her.”
  1150. >"O-oh... that's-that's great!" Sunset replies unconvincingly.
  1151. >Princess Twilight continues to rant on and on about her student much to Sunset’s dismay. The way her shoulders sag and the fake smile are a dead give-away to her real feelings.
  1152. >Even Applejack and Rarity look a bit uncomfortable with the situation.
  1153. >The Princess of Friendship doesn't really pick up on social cues very well, does she?
  1154. >”Um, Twilight you must tell me how Spike is doing.” Rarity interrupts.
  1155. >“Oh sure.”
  1156. >You give a thankful look at Rarity who nods.
  1157. >Patting Sunset on the shoulder, she looks up at you and gives a pained smile.
  1158. "Want to talk about it?" you whisper.
  1159. >"Not... not right now."
  1160. >"Hiya Vinny!" Pinkie Pie says as she glomps Vinyl. "Oh I heard from someone you were a little batty!"
  1161. >"Really now..."
  1162. "Someone already filled you in?"
  1163. >Pinkie nods her head, "Dashie did!"
  1164. >"YouknowbeforeyouwemetanothervampirenamedEdwardwhowasatotaljerkbecausehetriedtoeatRaritybutthankstoAnonsheisn'tbatchow."
  1165. >"Uh huh..." she replies. "That's nice."
  1166. >You aren't sure if she actually got any of that. You know you didn't.
  1167. >Regardless, it doesn't stop Pinkie from blathering on.
  1168. >"Anyways, it's so nice that we can help you now after you helped us!"
  1169. >"Um... hopefully it works." Fluttershy mumbles to Octavia. "I couldn't imagine the difficulties you're going through."
  1170. >"Indeed. It is not the most pleasant of feelings."
  1171. >Counting heads, you realize you're still missing one more person.
  1172. >"Oh look it's Twilight!" Pinkie Pie points down the hill. "And her brother!"
  1173. >This world's Twilight gives a slight wave as she and Shining Armor make it up the hill.
  1174. >Why is he following her up?
  1175. >Glancing back you can see Vinyl getting slightly agitated, moving in front of Octavia.
  1176. >"Hi gir-..." she begins, only to stop mid sentence when she spots her doppelganger.
  1177. >"Uh... hi again?"
  1178. >"Whoa..." Shining Armor says, "Two Twilights?"
  1179. >"Shining Armor? So this is what my BBBFFF looks like as a human."
  1180. >They begin to pace around in circles examining each other.
  1181. >You facepalm.
  1182. >Right now isn't really the time for this.
  1183. "Shining why are you here?" you ask exasperated.
  1184. >"What? I can't walk my sister and hang out with all her friends? And find out why there are two of my sister?"
  1185. >You shoot a glare at Twilight who shrugs.
  1186. >Your Twilight. Not the other one who's still inspecting her alternate self's brother's butt, biting her bottom lip and taking notes.
  1187. >"Well thanks for walking me up Shining. I'll see you at home later."
  1188. >"Twilight, I really think we need to talk about why there are two of you?"
  1189. >No, you really don't. At least not right now.
  1190. >You find yourself tapping your foot impatiently.
  1191. >Looking at your watch, you're all burning daylight as long as Shining is still here.
  1192. >"Hey dude?" Vinyl asks walking up to Shining.
  1193. >"Yes?"
  1194. >"You really a cop?"
  1195. >Shining nods his head "I am."
  1196. >"You got like a badge? Could I see?"
  1197. >"Sure." he says opening his coat.
  1198. >As he distracts himself to fish out his badge, Vinyl lifts her glasses over her head and grabs both his shoulders to gaze directly into his eyes.
  1199. >"Sleep." she commands.
  1200. >Shining's eyes roll up into his head and he goes limp.
  1201. >"Shining!" both Twilights cry out.
  1202. >Catching him, Vinyl gently sets him onto the ground.
  1203. >"That should keep him out until we're done." the vampire says as-matter-of-fact.
  1204. >"What did you do?!" your Twilight demands kneeling next to him.
  1205. >"Vinyl what in tarnation was that?"
  1206. >"Eh, dude's just under a little hypnosis." she answers
  1207. "Good thinking. Now let's hurry up before he wakes up."
  1208. >"Right." Sunset agrees. "Girls lets take our places."
  1209. >"W-what about me?" Twilight asks.
  1210. >Dash curses. "That's right. I totally forgot."
  1211. >"Oh, what do we do Sunset? Last time we only had one Twilight with us." Fluttershy asks.
  1212. >Sunset goes deep into thought.
  1213. >"I don't know."
  1214. >"Personally, I don't want to risk turning into Midnight Sparkle." Twilight says.
  1215. >You can understand the apprehension. The most recent memory of what happened in Iron Will's hideout must have still left an impression.
  1216. "Maybe you should just stick to what positions you had last time."
  1217. >Everyone looks at each other.
  1218. >"If it doesn't work we can have both Twilight's join ah guess." Applejack suggests, "It ain't like we have many alternatives."
  1219. "Agreed. Let's get this show going."
  1221. "TAVI! YOU READY?" Vinyl shouts from your position away from everyone else.
  1222. >"NO!" Octavia shouts back. "NOT REALLY!"
  1223. >"THAT'S TOO BAD!" Vy answers back. "ALRIGHT SUNSET LET'ER RIP!"
  1224. >Giving a thumbs up, Sunset sees this and nods her head.
  1225. >"Alright girls, let's do this."
  1226. >All seven girls link their hands together and close their eyes.
  1227. >For a few moments nothing happens.
  1228. >"Is something wrong?" nerd Twilight asks next to you.
  1229. >Vinyl shrugs, "Do they need to be singing or something?"
  1230. >Suddenly there's a glow emanating from them.
  1231. >The group begins to transform into their "anthro" forms. Growing longer knee-length hair, little ears and in Fluttershy's, Rainbow Dash, and Princess Twilight's case a pair of wings.
  1232. >You honestly admit to wondering why though.
  1233. >Must be some magic of friendship thing.
  1234. >"IS THIS SAFE?" Octavia calls out.
  1236. >Almost without warning a massive eruption of bright light shoots up into the sky. Seven colored streaks fly into the sky before reaching the clouds, curving down and falling directly towards Octavia.
  1237. >Raising her arms above her head, you, Vinyl and Twilight watch in anticipation as the beam crashes over Octavia.
  1238. >A bright flash momentarily blinds you all.
  1239. >When the dust settles, Sunset and the rest of the girls are laying in the dirt exhausted and sweating.
  1240. >"TAVI!" Vinyl screams.
  1241. >She runs over to her friend and you realize why she's so frantic.
  1242. >Where Octavia was is a giant crater in her place.
  1244. -----
  1246. >Vinyl scrambles towards the crater screaming at the top of her lungs,"TAVI! TAVI!"
  1247. >Helping Twilight up, you rush over as the others begin to recover from their light show.
  1248. >Coming up behind Vinyl, you both try to peer through the smoke.
  1249. "See her?"
  1250. >"No dammit!" she says. "I swear to-"
  1251. >Without any provocation, Vinyl jumps down the side and slides to the bottom.
  1252. >Following her down, the smoke clears up and you see Octavia lying on the ground unconscious.
  1253. >Vinyl kneels down next to her, checks her pulse and lets out a sigh of relief.
  1254. >"She's still alive. Tavi, you with me?" the vampire asks, "Octavia wake up!"
  1255. >Slapping her friends face, you watch as Octavia winces in pain before squirming about.
  1256. >"Oh my head..." she says sitting up and grabbing her forehead. "I feel like I've just gone through a blender..."
  1257. >"Tavi you're okay!" Vinyl cries out.
  1258. >Wrapping her arms around Octavia, Vinyl brings her in for a great big hug.
  1259. >"Oof, Vinyl you...'re cho...king... me!"
  1260. >"Sorry, I'm just not glad you blew up or something."
  1261. >Satisfied that Octavia is all right the three of you exit the crater when Octavia suddenly recoils and holds her nose.
  1262. >"Ugh, what is that smell?"
  1263. "What smell?"
  1264. >Sniffing the air, it doesn't seem any different that normal.
  1265. >"It's like that farm stench in the air has gotten even stronger."
  1266. >You and Vinyl share a concerned look.
  1267. >"Tavi, we don't smell anything different."
  1268. >"You can't be serious, how can you not notice?" she asks in disbelief. "It's like a stink bomb went off."
  1269. "Are you okay? Because it seems like the magic rainbow threw your senses out of whack."
  1270. >"Anon!" you hear Sunset call out, along with the others rushing over to you. "Is Octavia okay?"
  1271. "Just some issues with her sense of smell but nothing wrong yet." you reply.
  1272. >You walk around Octavia and examine her just to make sure she's not exhibiting any side-effects beyond the smell factor.
  1273. >"Nothing seems to be wrong Tavi." Vinyl mentions, "Maybe you just now realized that farms stink."
  1274. >"Hey!" Applejack yells out.
  1275. >Holding up her hands Vinyl chuckles, "Kidding."
  1276. >"Not really..." Rainbow mutters.
  1277. >Still, there's a little nagging feeling telling you something is still amiss.
  1278. "Octavia, just one second."
  1279. >Taking her hand you move her some distance away from Applejack and her friends, who are all still exhibiting their little transformations.
  1280. >Holding up your medallion to Octavia, unsurprisingly, it begins shaking on the chain.
  1281. >She notices the movement and looks at you with a worried look in her eyes.
  1282. >"Anon, what does that mean?"
  1283. "It means you still have traces of a curse about you, either that or its some kind of magical radiation from being exposed to a massive dose of it."
  1284. >"So I'm still cursed?"
  1285. "I'm not entirely sure."
  1286. >Before you can elaborate more on the issue, Apple Bloom and Winona come running from the house.
  1287. >"Hey Anon! What was that loud boom?" she asks. "It got Winona all antsy."
  1288. >You look at Winona and kneel down.
  1289. >Holding out your hand she sniffs it and gives it a lick. In response, you scratch the back of her ear causing her tail to wag.
  1290. "Just some magic stuff. Nothing exciting."
  1291. >"Oh..."
  1292. >"That's a cute dog. May I pet her?" Octavia asks.
  1293. >"Sure, Winona's pretty friend-"
  1294. >Suddenly Winona starts growling as soon as Octavia brings her hand near. The sudden aggressiveness making Octavia withdraw her hand.
  1295. >"Winona? What's a matter girl?"
  1296. >Her ears are down and she assumes an aggressive posture, keeping her eyes trained on the cellist next to you.
  1297. >The little dog only bares her teeth and barks at Octavia despite her owners protest.
  1298. >"Bad girl! Down!" Apple Bloom commands.
  1299. "I think it would be best if you took her inside Apple Bloom." you say trying to restrain Winona.
  1300. >"Sorry, she ain't usually like this!"
  1301. >Apple Bloom struggles but manages to take Winona back to the house.
  1302. >"She's not as friendly as I thought." Octavia comments.
  1303. "That's not usually like her though."
  1304. >You've lived here a few months already and Winona has never acted like this before. Not even to you when you first came here.
  1305. >But then again, animals seem to have a higher affinity when something is amiss.
  1306. >It only gives credence to the idea that something is still wrong with Octavia, but you have no idea what.
  1307. >And it's not like you'll be able to tell if the friendship magic worked is if she'll turn into a werewolf again or not.
  1308. >This is one reason why you dislike dealing with curses like lycanthropy. It always involves alot of waiting to see if results are to your liking or not.
  1309. >"Yo dude, what's the problem?" Vinyl asks walking up to the two of you.
  1310. "It's too early to say, but she might still be cursed."
  1311. >"Please tell me you're kidding." she asks in utter disbelief.
  1312. "It could just be leftover magical energy but I won't know until later."
  1313. >Vinyl shakes her head.
  1314. >"Can never be simple can it?"
  1315. "Never."
  1316. >"Pardon my interruption, but I believe Twilight's brother is waking up." she says pointing towards the group.
  1317. >"Already? Dude should have been out for a good while longer."
  1318. "Either he has a strong will, or its just a tolerance for mind control after that succubus incident."
  1319. >"Succubus?"
  1320. "It's a story I don't really want to get into now."
  1321. >"So what now?" Vinyl asks.
  1322. "I don't know, but this curse is starting to piss me off."
  1323. >"Pfft, join the club. I've only had to deal with it for more than a century."
  1324. >As you simmer over the complicated nature of the curse, nerdy Twilight waves you over.
  1325. >"Um, since we're essentially done. Could Vinyl take me home? I could use the time to unwind after everything that's happened."
  1326. "Sure, not like we can do anything else at the moment."
  1327. >"Still, we would like to repay you all for your help at least."
  1328. >"Yeah dude, we owe you for at least trying."
  1329. "Don't worry abou-"
  1330. >"Oh how about dinner?" Octavia suggests. "I know this wonderful little bistro on the other side of town."
  1331. >"Eh, I don't know... that place is a little ritzy don't you think?"
  1332. >As the two discuss plans, you walk over to Twilight.
  1333. >"So?"
  1334. "Can't say right now."
  1335. >"Seriously? Even after all that?"
  1336. >You simply shrug.
  1337. "So did you explain your other self to your brother?"
  1338. >"Sunset's trying..." she says looking over at them, "But I don't know if he believes her."
  1339. "Now why would you think that?" you snark.
  1341. >"So this Twilight is from a world populated by talking horses." Shining repeats.
  1342. >You and Princess Twilight spent the last ten minutes trying to recap events from the Fall Formal to now to this world's Twilight's older brother.
  1343. >Suffice to say he's taking it rather well.
  1344. >"Ponies to be precise." Twilight corrects him. "Though we are related by a margin of-"
  1345. "Twilight..."
  1346. >"Right, sorry Sunset." she apologizes.
  1347. >"So do I have a counterpart too?"
  1348. >"Oh yes, you and Cadance are doing a wonderful job running the Crystal Empire together."
  1349. >"Cadance too?"
  1350. "Everyone has a counterpart."
  1351. >"And what do you mean by running the Crystal Empire?"
  1352. >"Well you married Princess Cadance."
  1353. >"Cadance a princess? So doesn't that make me a..."
  1354. "A prince, yes." you finish.
  1355. >He processes the information before letting out a small chuckle.
  1356. >"Cool." he says with mild amusement.
  1357. "You're taking this rather well." you notice.
  1358. >"Well after everything that's happened you kind of have to." he says.
  1359. >Glancing over to Anon, he and human Twilight are discussing something, as well as Octavia and Vinyl.
  1360. >"Hey, I don't want to impose, but you got a bathroom?" Shining asks.
  1361. >"Sure thing, ah'll show you." Applejack says.
  1362. >Leading him to the house, Twilight tugs on your sleeve.
  1363. >"Hey Sunset?"
  1364. "Yes Twilight?"
  1365. >"You never did explain why we were casting magic on Octavia." she says, "I trust you know what you're doing but could I get some insight?"
  1366. "Octavia is cursed with lycanthropy because Vinyl over there is a vampire who made a deal with some wizard or something. Anon and I wanted to help them out and this is essentially the only option we have left."
  1367. >Twilight's eyes widen.
  1368. >"Vinyl's a vampire?" she asks looking over at said girl.
  1369. "What?"
  1370. >"That... just makes a whole lot of questions regarding Equestria's version..." she mumbles. "But you realize how dangerous it is to mix two different types of magic?"
  1371. "I know, but this was literally our last resort."
  1372. >Twilight hums to herself.
  1373. >"I see. Well hopefully it'll work. Anyways, how is your training going?"
  1374. >You smile and grab a random stick on the ground.
  1375. >Holding it up, you cast Igni to light the branch on fire.
  1376. >You really wish you had a camera to capture the look on Twilight's face right now.
  1377. >Brushing her hair out of her eyes, she gets an excited grin.
  1378. >"He taught you his magic?"
  1379. "Yup."
  1380. >"What else did he teach you?"
  1381. >You look over to Anon who's still conversing with the other Twilight.
  1382. "He taught me a couple other cool spells." you whisper, "I can't show you right now though."
  1383. >"That's so cool. At this rate you'll be the first Equestrian to master an entirely alien magic discipline."
  1384. >A sense of pride wells up in your chest when she says that.
  1385. >"Hey girls. Octavia and Vinyl are treating us to dinner tonight." Anon says. "As a thank you I guess."
  1386. "That's great."
  1387. >"Awesome. Show up to cast magic rainbows and already someone is treating me to dinner?" Rainbow says.
  1388. >"Ooh ooh! Where?" Pinkie Pie excitedly asks. "Is it someplace I know?"
  1389. >Anon just shrugs, "I'm not sure, they said they'll text me the place later."
  1390. >"So um... what do we do now?" Fluttershy asks. "Dinner isn't for another couple of hours."
  1391. >"The pool?" Rainbow suggests. "It's kinda hot out."
  1392. "Twilight doesn't have a swimsuit." you point out.
  1393. >"We could go to the mall to get her one." Rarity suggests. "I must show you some of the newest fashions darling."
  1394. >Twilight rubs the back of her head awkwardly, "Are you sure? I don't want to impose."
  1395. >"C'mon, it's been forever since you hung out with us." Rainbow says.
  1396. >That doesn't sound like a bad idea.
  1397. >It has been a while since you all spent time with Princess Twilight.
  1398. >The mall might be the perfect opportunity to catch up and learn some more about this "Starlight Glimmer".
  1399. >Not that you're jealous of course.
  1400. >No sir.
  1401. >...
  1402. >Speaking of the mall.
  1403. "And at the mall Anon can buy us all ice cream."
  1404. >"That sounds great!" Pinkie cheers.
  1405. >Anon just utters a flat "What."
  1406. >"Now Anon, you are the gentleman of our little group." Rarity teases.
  1407. >"I only owe Sunset an Ice cream for beating me in our-"
  1408. >"Whoa, Sunset beat you?" Rainbow interrupts, "Why didn't you tell me?!"
  1409. >Rainbow holds out her fist which you bump with your own.
  1410. >"..."
  1411. >Anon just glowers at all of you.
  1412. >"Very well. I'll get my wallet." he says.
  1413. >As Anon walks towards the farmhouse, you all burst out laughing at his expense.
  1414. >"Um... he's not going to be happy..." Fluttershy whispers.
  1415. >"Oh it's just a bit of teasing Fluttershy." Rarity explains. "We'll make it up to him."
  1416. "Besides, I have a feeling Anon wouldn't have agreed if he was entirely against it. Despite his gruff exterior, I really think he's a lot happier since we first met him."
  1417. >"You think so?" (human) Twilight asks.
  1418. "I know so."
  1419. >"Sorry that took so long." Shining Armor says walking back up with Applejack. "Anon told me you all were heading out to the mall, I'll give you a lift."
  1420. >"Really" responds Twilight. "Are you sure?"
  1421. >"Anything for my favorite little sisters." he says rustling the hair of both Twilights.
  1422. >As he turns away, there's another tug on your sleeve.
  1423. >"Sunset?" Princess Twilight asks.
  1424. "Yes Twilight?"
  1425. >"Is it still considered incest if one has relations to with their alternate counterparts brother?"
  1426. >You leave your mouth hanging open at her question.
  1427. >"F-for... uh purely h-hypothetical reasons of co-course!"
  1428. "..."
  1430. -----
  1432. >You're sitting in your brother's car as he drives you, your alternate self and Fluttershy to the mall.
  1433. >The two of you have only met once before, after the Friendship Games, so you still aren't fully used to being around each other.
  1434. >But there's this nagging feeling in the pit of your stomach whenever you look at her.
  1435. >The way she sits there awkwardly twiddling her thumbs in her lap.
  1436. >She's been like this ever since she asked Sunset some question you couldn't hear.
  1437. >It must have been some question because Sunset had that thousand yard stare going when she walked away.
  1438. >"So... you're an alternate version of my sister huh?" your brother asks.
  1439. >"Uh... oh yes!" she responds.
  1440. >"Gotta say, it's nice to see my sister with her hair down like that."
  1441. >What's wrong with your hairstyle?
  1442. >It keeps your bangs out of your eyes.
  1443. >"T-thanks..." the other Twilight replies with a smile and blush.
  1444. >"Cadance will go nuts when she hears about this." he muses to himself.
  1445. >"..."
  1446. >You stare at your doppleganger from the passenger seat.
  1447. >Something is fishy with the way she's staring at Shining.
  1448. >You don't like it. Not one bit.
  1449. >"Princess" Twilight notices you staring, "Is something wrong?" she asks.
  1450. "N-no. Everything's fine." you answer, turning back into your seat.
  1451. >...
  1452. >This other Twilight has an agenda. But what?
  1453. >"So how often do you come here?" Shining continues, "Maybe next time you're here you could have dinner with Mom and Dad."
  1454. >Shut up Shining! No she doesn't!
  1455. >"That'd be ni-"
  1456. "So how's Cadance?" you ask, trying to change the subject.
  1457. >"She's doing fine. Getting a bit antsy with the wedding coming up soon."
  1458. >Other you does a double take.
  1459. >"You two aren't married yet?"
  1460. "Nope, not yet."
  1461. >"Oh uh... be careful of anyone named Chrysalis. She might cause trouble at the wedding."
  1462. >Shining visibly tenses up at the mention of Chrysalis's name.
  1463. "She's not... um... she's not going to be a problem anymore."
  1464. >"Really? You've already met her?"
  1465. >"Kinda." Shining awkwardly replies. "It's complicated."
  1466. "I guess it isn't too surprising you have a Chrysalis as well. What did she do in your world?"
  1467. >"Back in Equestria she was Queen of the Changelings. She tried to feed off the love from my world's Shining and Cadance by replacing the latter."
  1468. >Changelings?
  1469. >Thats what one of those goons Chrysalis prefered to call themselves.
  1470. >But in this world Chrysalis was a succubus.
  1471. >Granted their objectives were essentially the same, but even she had her own small little "army" like a Queen would.
  1472. >Huh, maybe your two worlds have more parallels than you thought. Just with only slight deviations.
  1473. >It makes you wonder what other similarities your two worlds share.
  1474. >...
  1475. >Does Equestria have it's own version of Anonymous?
  1476. >Would he be a pony too? Or would he be something else?
  1477. >"So um... what happened to your Chrysalis? If you don't mind me asking..." mumbles Fluttershy.
  1478. >"I managed to find the real Cadance and thanks to her, we stopped the wedding in time for Shining and Cadance to expel them all to the Badlands with the power of love.
  1479. >...
  1480. >That sounds like the resolution to some kids cartoon.
  1481. >And next thing she'll tell you is that they moved into a castle and lived happily ever after.
  1482. >"And then we... or they, moved too... what did you call it? The Crystal Empire?"
  1483. >"Yep. Where you two and Flurry live happily."
  1484. >What...
  1485. >"Who's Flurry?" Shining asks.
  1486. >Other you's eyes widen and she covers her mouth.
  1487. >"Oh I think I may be saying too much since you two aren't married yet."
  1488. >Your brother gives you a side glance and you shrug.
  1489. >"I take it Flurry's our child?" Shining asks.
  1490. >"Er..."
  1491. "He's a detective in this world." you explain.
  1492. >"Huh, back home Shining was Captain of the Guard before becoming a Prince."
  1493. >"Wow, I must be a badass then."
  1494. >"A what?"
  1495. >Fluttershy tries to explain, "Um... he means a... er... how do I put it..."
  1496. "A cool guy."
  1497. >"Oh... yeah! A... b-badass?" she fumbles out. "But not as cool as being a detective. I've read plenty of crime novels growing up. It must be SOOOO much more interesting than what my brother did."
  1498. >No it's not!
  1499. >What are you- her... she talking about!
  1500. >You see your other self twirling her hair as she blushes.
  1501. >Wait a second... is she...?
  1502. >Is she trying to FLIRT with your brother?! Her brother?!
  1503. >What.
  1504. >The.
  1505. >Hell...
  1506. >Your jaw drops as everything she's doing suddenly makes sense. Her body language, twirling hair, the blushing, the biting of her lower lip...
  1507. >It's everything you do when you got flustered by a boy!
  1508. >Everything Shining pointed out when you got your first crush at Crystal Prep!
  1509. >Oh heck no!
  1510. >[Defensive Little Sister Mode Initiate]
  1511. >[Y/N]?
  1512. >[Y]
  1513. >Other you notices you glaring at her.
  1514. >You gesture to her that you're keeping your eyes on her and she just blushes even brighter in embarrassment.
  1515. >After a few more minutes of awkward silence, you all finally arrive at the Canterlot mall.
  1516. >"Alright Twi, if you need a ride give me a call first."
  1517. >"Oh are you sure you can't join us?" the other Twilight asks. "You could tell me more about yourself. I always thought it was interesting on how certain paths diverged between our worlds."
  1518. >What a load of manure.
  1519. >Shining looks at his watch.
  1520. >"Well, I do have the next few days off." he says to your consternation.
  1521. >NO! GO HOME! Play with your stupid minuaratures! Read a book! Anything else!
  1522. >"Eh sure, why not I hardly hang with my little sister now anyways. That okay?"
  1523. >...
  1524. >You put on your best smile.
  1525. "That's... perfectly... fine..." you say through gritted teeth.
  1526. >Other Twilight smirks and sticks her tongue out at you.
  1527. >"I'll go find a parking spot. Be right back."
  1528. >As the car drives off you immediately scowl.
  1529. "What was that?"
  1530. >"What was what?" other you innocuously asks like nothing was wrong.
  1531. "You're trying to hook up with our own brother!" you whisper yell.
  1532. >Fluttershy meeps out in surprise and looks at other Twilight with wide eyes.
  1533. >"N-no I'm not! Those glasses must be cutting off circulation in your brain."
  1534. >You gasp at the comment.
  1535. >Nobody insults your glasses!
  1536. >Cadance told you they were bombdigity.
  1537. >You have no idea what that means but you don't care right now!
  1538. "He's. Our. Brother!"
  1539. >"Correction: *Your* brother. Mine is already married." she says folding her arms and sticking her tongue out at you.
  1540. >"Um... can you two please stop fighting..." Fluttershy asks.
  1541. "But why? He's already engaged!"
  1542. >She hesitates to answer, but you can see she's debating on telling you.
  1543. >"I can't help it if I have preferences in guys I like."
  1544. "Most individuals don't pursue going into a polygamous or polyamorous relationships with their older sibling! This isn't a message board on the internet where that behavior is accepted!"
  1545. >"What's a message board?" she asks. "Is that one of those intraweb things Rarity keeps talking about?"
  1546. >You feel like tearing your hair out.
  1547. >"Sorry that took so long." your brother says walking up to you two. "Had to park a little farther away."
  1548. >He wraps his arms around both yours and your Equestrian counterparts shoulders.
  1549. >She almost seems to purr at his touch much to your disgust.
  1550. "How the heck are you my counterpart?" you rhetorically ask yourself. "And how did you get so popular...?"
  1551. >"What was that Twily?" Shining asks.
  1552. "Nothing. Let's just go..."
  1554. >"Pinkie fer Pete's sakes, slow down yer gonna get brain freeze!" Applejack scolds Pinkie.
  1555. >The latter has a massive sundae sitting in front of her, yet she goes at it like it was the first meal she's had in a long time.
  1556. >"Bwut iths swoooo gwoood!" she tries defending with a mouthful of frozen dairy, chocolate syrup and banana.
  1557. >"C'mon AJ, what makes you think you can stop Pinkie from being Pinkie?" Rainbow says.
  1558. >"She can at least pace herself."
  1559. >"Pshh, bet you I can eat my cone faster than you! That'll show you pace."
  1560. >"Oh really now? Yer taking on an Apple in an eating competition?"
  1561. >"No biting. Only tongue."
  1562. >"Funny, that's what Anon said the other night."
  1563. >"Oh gross. I didn't need to kn-"
  1564. >"GO!"
  1565. >"Hey!"
  1566. >The two begin sticking their tongues out and licking each side of their cones.
  1567. >"Sunset is something the matter dear?" Rarity asks, "You're ice cream is melting."
  1568. "What? Oh..."
  1569. >You look at the ice cream dripping onto your hand, pooling in the gap between the base your thumb and index finger.
  1570. >Taking the cone in your other hand you lick the small vanilla glob up. It's not prudent to waste something that someone bought for you.
  1571. >Glancing at your friends, they all share similar looks of concern.
  1572. "I'm fine. Just, Twilight asked something weird that's got me thinking."
  1573. >You really didn't think Twilight was into that sort of thing.
  1574. >"Weird? Like what?"
  1575. "I'd rather not get into it." you mutter.
  1576. >Feeling your apprehensiveness on the subject, everyone decides to switch topics.
  1577. >Suddenly you find yourself listening to a discussion on whether Applejack will ever stop wearing that hat she always wears.
  1578. >You notice that someone's missing from the small table you're sitting at.
  1579. >Looking around, you spot Anon off by himself leaning over the railing overlooking the rest of the mall.
  1580. >Excusing yourself, you walk over to him.
  1581. "Penny for your thoughts?"
  1582. >"Hmm? Oh, just thinking about what happened with Octavia." he says. "Something just doesn't sit right."
  1583. "What do you mean?"
  1584. >He pauses and thinks over his next few words.
  1585. >"That's the thing, I don't really know. It's really a gut feeling right now more than anything."
  1586. "There's got to be more to it than that Anon."
  1587. >"Eh... when Octavia woke up, she began complaining of a smell then Winona began acting aggressive towards her."
  1588. >You begin thinking of a correlation between those two things and what you read about werewolves.
  1589. "You think she may still be cursed?"
  1590. >"Possibly. Her sense of smell seems to have gotten more acute on par with a dogs."
  1591. "How do you know that?"
  1592. >"Her reaction to the so called "smell"; She didn't seem to mind it before you hit her with the rainbow beam and I had similar feelings when I first started living on the farm."
  1593. "So what do we do?"
  1594. >He shrugs, "Nothing really. My job is done. I've already done more than what was stipulated in the original contract."
  1595. >You frown. He's just going to stop?
  1596. "That's it? You're going to stop helping them because "your job is done"?"
  1597. >Anon glances in your direction. "My job was only to protect Octavia from whatever stalker she had; I didn't agree to solve a werewolf curse and I've already done more than a witcher should have done for what I was paid."
  1598. >Standing up straight, he stretches.
  1599. >"If you don't like that, so be it. But don't insult me by implying I only do the bare minimum."
  1600. "You could at least help until we know for sure that she's not cursed anymore."
  1601. >"How exactly? Besides death, there is no guaranteed method to cure a lycanthropy curse." he says in a harsh tone. "And even if we did cure Octavia, the curse doesn't originate with her, it also stems from our vampire friend who *can't* die."
  1602. "But what about the mirror salesman? In Equestria, most magic spells dissipate when the caster stops channeling power into the spell maybe we can-"
  1603. >"Sunset, how would you expect for me to find that person in the journal?"
  1604. >You can't answer that question, and Anon knows it.
  1605. >He sighs, "I know your heart is in the right place and you want to help people. I admire that about you, its one of your best qualities."
  1606. >You're taken aback by his compliment.
  1607. >He doesn't usually do that. At least out loud anyway.
  1608. >"There's only so much you can do to help someone Sunset."
  1609. "It just doesn't feel right. I feel like we haven't even really done anything."
  1610. >"Probably because we really haven't beyond hitting her with the power of friendship."
  1611. >You both stay silent for the next few minutes.
  1612. >There's a cry of pain from behind you from both Applejack and Rainbow Dash.
  1613. >Looking back, you see both of them holding their heads in pain as Pinkie Pie giggles and Rarity looks exasperated.
  1614. "So... what will you do if Octavia goes out of control again?"
  1615. >"I'll have to expect Vinyl will do the right thing." he answers back. "And if not, I'll have to take care of it myself."
  1616. "But you said Vinyl could probably kill you."
  1617. >"I know, I wouldn't expect to live long after doing the deed but a witcher is meant to kill monsters." says Anon sadly, "Preferably for coin but that's our life's calling."
  1618. "Your life sucks you know that?"
  1619. >He smirks, "Coming from the girl who decided she wanted to fight like one."
  1620. >"Sunset? Anon?" Rarity calls from the table, "Come on darlings, Fluttershy and the others are here."
  1621. "Be right there." you answer back.
  1622. >You look back at Anon and see him deep in thought about something.
  1623. "Anon?"
  1624. >"Yeah?"
  1625. >...
  1626. >You consider asking him what he's thinking about but decide not to.
  1627. "Thanks for teaching me."
  1628. >He's slightly surprised judging by his expression, but he quickly settles back into his normal mood.
  1629. >"You're welcome."
  1630. >You nudge him in the side.
  1631. "Ready to go watch some very hot girls shop for some swimsuits?"
  1632. >Anon shakes his head, "Not really. I'm probably going to be paying for it."
  1633. "Oh come on, you know you want to deep down." you tease before leaning into his ear, "Maybe I'll try to convince AJ to buy a more... risque one."
  1634. >"That's a very Rarity thing to say Miss Shimmer, but I do not object."
  1635. >Beaming, you loop your arm with Anon's and drag him off towards the others.
  1637. -----
  1639. >"Anon? How does this one look?" Applejack asks you from behind her changing room door.
  1640. "Hmm?"
  1641. >The door swings open and Applejack comes out modeling off a two-tone red and green swimsuit.
  1642. >You're left speechless. At least for a few seconds.
  1643. >Applejack smiles at your reaction, "Thanks, ah think ah have mah answer."
  1644. >Shining Armor elbows you in the side with a cheeky grin before taking a drink from his water bottle.
  1645. >You just let out a cough.
  1646. >"Oh Shining what do you think about this?" calls out one of the Twilight's.
  1647. >Rarity pulls her back in before she jumps out all the way, "Wait! Twilight don't you think that's a bit... racy?"
  1648. >"Nonsense!" she answers back.
  1649. >Walking out, Twilight comes out wearing a purple sling bikini.
  1650. >Shining spits out his water.
  1651. >"I- uh..."
  1652. >You internally chuckle.
  1653. >"Gah what are you wearing!?" human Twilight demands.
  1654. >Rushing over to her other-self, she pushes her back into the dressing room.
  1655. >"Hey wai-! Shining didn't tell me his opin-"
  1656. >"HE SAYS NO!"
  1657. >The door slams shut and rattles off its hinges.
  1658. >Looking at Shining, he pounds a fist into his chest to try and clear his throat.
  1659. >"I *cough* don't want to hear it." he tells you.
  1660. >You smirk and look forward as he grumbles.
  1661. >"..."
  1662. >"Should make a note to come back here with Cadance..."
  1664. >"Thanks for paying Anon." Applejack says holding your arm as you walk towards the mall entrance.
  1665. "You're welcome AJ."
  1666. >After a few grueling hours of watching the girls try on different clothes, swimsuits and bikinis, they finally decided on something to buy.
  1667. >Or, as a quick double check of your watch actually showed you, twenty minutes.
  1668. >As a consolation though, Sunset was true to her word; she managed to convince Applejack to buy an additional string tied bikini that even you know she would never normally go for.
  1669. >Especially since it would show off most of her "assets" to the point where she might feel she isn't wearing anything at all.
  1670. >But maybe, that's a reason why she preferred to try it on inside at the booth.
  1671. >Yet she still got it.
  1672. >"Maybe tonight ah'll show it off for ya." she whispers.
  1673. "I'd like that."
  1674. >"Though part of me thinks it was a waste of money."
  1675. "Really? Why?"
  1676. >"Cause it'll probably be on the floor more than on me if you know what ah mean."
  1677. >Cheeky girl.
  1678. >As your group walks out of the store you notice Twilight Sparkle giving her Princess counterpart questionable looks as the latter latches onto their older brother.
  1679. >In a similar manner that your girlfriend latches onto you.
  1680. >Which is kind of stra-
  1681. >...
  1682. >Wait...
  1683. >Fluttershy and Sunset definitely must have noticed it too, judging by the way they're purposely trying to avoid looking at the two.
  1684. >...
  1685. >Well, this makes for an interesting turn of events.
  1687. >Twilight pokes Rarity on the shoulder, "Rarity could I ask what time it is?"
  1688. >With a nod, the fashionista pulls out her cellphone and presents it to the Princess.
  1689. >"Wow, look at the time! I didn't expect to stay as long as I did."
  1690. >"Probably because you were *sooo* distracted." mumbles normal Twilight.
  1691. >There's some hostility in her tone.
  1692. >"I should really get home now. Spike's probably slacking off on his chores as we speak."
  1693. "But you HAVE to come back and hang with us at the pool darling. That swimsuit you chose will just turn heads when you show it off."
  1694. >You can't help but feel a bit bad for non-pony Twilight.
  1695. >The way all her friends gush over an alternate version of herself that's the same, yet at the same time more.
  1696. >No one but you notices her downcast and bitter gaze, rubbing her arm as everyone else focuses on the Princess.
  1697. >Even her brother doesn't seem to notice too much.
  1698. >While everyone else is preoccupied, you walk over to Twilight and pat her on the shoulder.
  1699. >She looks surprised at your touch.
  1700. >You try to comfort her, but you don't really know if you doing it is for the best.
  1701. >But at least she returns a faint smile, so that's something you suppose.
  1702. >"Ahem."
  1703. >"Sorry. I forgot that the older brother was still present." Rarity corrects herself with a roll of her eyes. "Even if the sister is a version from another world."
  1704. >The group, barring you and non-Princess Twilight, share a small laugh.
  1705. >As you prepare to finally leave the mall, you suddenly get a strange feeling that someone's watching you.
  1706. >Casually turning around, you scan the mall for any suspicious figures.
  1707. >Unfortunately, the mall is still packed with shoppers and families going about their day to notice anyone out of the ordinary..
  1708. >...
  1709. >The medallion on your chest hums, but it's the same low humming as whenever you're around Sunset Shimmer, Applejack or any of the others due to their innate magic they seem to just radiate.
  1710. >You suppose that's one weakness anyone could exploit if they knew but still...
  1711. >And almost just as quickly as it came, the feeling disappears.
  1712. >Maybe it could have just been some passerby noticing your large group.
  1713. >Experience has taught you however, that such feelings are rarely coincidences.
  1714. >Giving one last look around it proves just as fruitless as the first. The mall is just too dense with other people to pick anyone out.
  1715. >All you can do now is just be on guard for the unexpected.
  1716. >"Anon? Ya seem a little tense. Is something wrong?"
  1717. "..."
  1718. >"Anon?"
  1719. >May as well tell her, it's not like you can lie to Applejack.
  1720. "Just on edge AJ. Felt like someone was watching us."
  1721. >She grows concerned, "Is it serious?"
  1722. "Tough to say right now. It was a quick feeling but a feeling nonetheless."
  1723. >"Well we better be careful then. And if they try to do anything funny, I'll just show'em what-to with those new fighting skills you taught me."
  1724. >She flexes out her arm to emphasize her point.
  1725. "Careful cowgirl, you haven't had that many lessons." you poke fun at her. "Don't want you to ruin that pretty face like mine."
  1726. >She cups your face and gives you a smile, "Ah but they make you look so distinguished."
  1727. "Ha ha. Very funny."
  1728. >"Ah'm perfectly serious." Applejack, "But enough about that, c'mon girls let's get a move on."
  1729. >"Well look who it is? Sister, isn't this just a coincidence?"
  1730. >That voice...
  1731. >Turning around, you see Celestia and Luna walking up to you. Both their arms holding shopping bags filled with clothes and other luxury goods.
  1732. >"Indeed Tia. Hello."
  1733. >"Principal Celestia? Vice Principal Luna? What are you doing here?" Sunset asks.
  1734. >That's a stupid question.
  1735. >"Oh just going on a little shopping spree thanks to a generous individual." she replies, giving you a subtle wink.
  1736. >Applejack tightens her grip on your arm.
  1737. >"And is that Princess Twilight?" Luna asks.
  1738. >"Hello."
  1739. >"It's good to see you again Twilight. How have you been?"
  1740. >"I've been doing fine thank you."
  1741. >"I hope nothing serious has happened." Celestia says with some growing concern. "Lord knows if we have to deal with another magical threat to the school so soon after the Everfree field trip..."
  1742. >Twilight shakes her head, "No, just a day of us girls hanging out."
  1743. >"That's good to know. Well Tia and I should be heading home soon. You girls stay safe and we'll see you in school on Monday."
  1744. >"Oh and Anon?" Celestia says walking up to you.
  1745. "Yes?"
  1746. >"I've got a few new outfits I'd *love* to show off to you sometime." she says with half-lidded eyes.
  1747. "Sister..." Luna scolds.
  1748. >Applejack scowls at the older woman who just smiles, turns and waves goodbye over her shoulder.
  1749. >"I don't get it. What's gotten into that woman?" Applejack asks you.
  1750. "Nothing, that's what."
  1751. >*Ba-dum-tshh*
  1752. >You all look over at Pinkie who conjured up a small snare drum and cymbal from nowhere.
  1753. >...
  1754. >Anyway...
  1755. >"Dears, we're burning daylight if we want to use my pool before dinner tonight."
  1756. >Without another word, Rarity rushes you all out of the mall.
  1757. >Shining walks next to you, "Was Celestia hitting on you?"
  1758. "Uh huh."
  1759. >"So it wasn't my imagination at dinner."
  1760. "Nope."
  1761. >"Guessing you don't want to talk about it?"
  1762. "No."
  1763. >"Fair enough."
  1765. >Sitting with your feet in the water, you watch as the girls do their own things in the water.
  1766. >Pinkie, Sunset and Fluttershy playing with an inflated ball. Applejack and Rainbow Dash seeing who can hold their breath the longest, while Rarity tans herself.
  1767. >Must be good to own a private pool this size.
  1768. >Applejack swims up to you and rests on the rim of the pool.
  1769. >"C'mon Twilight, water's great!" she says wiping her hair out of her eyes.
  1770. "I'm good." you say scratching your chin.
  1771. "I'm not much of a swimmer anyway."
  1772. >"Shucks you don't have ta swim, just enjoy yerself." she says before splashing you with cold water.
  1773. >Climbing out, Applejack sits next to you.
  1774. >Speaking of you...
  1775. >Where's the Princess?
  1776. >"Oh Shining? Could you rub this lotion on my back?"
  1777. >There she is. Wearing slightly less provocative swimwear but still enough to turn a few heads.
  1778. >Bolder, more confident in what she wants. It's hard to believe you two are the same person.
  1779. >It doesn't help a small part of your self-confidence thinks she might be slightly larger than you.
  1780. >"Sure I guess." your brother answers, grabbing the bottle of tanning lotion.
  1781. >Why does she even need a tan. From what Sunset told you she's just going to be covered in fur again when she goes back.
  1782. >You've pretty much given up at this point. You can't really stop her from doing what she's doing.
  1783. >All you can do is just glare.
  1784. >On one very demented hand it's kind of funny seeing your own brother starting to realize what's going on and getting flustered.
  1785. >But on the other it's really creepy since it's essentially an alternate version of *you* causing it.
  1786. >At least your brother is catching on.
  1787. >"Ah that's... right there... mmph... human fingers are SOOoooo good!"
  1788. "..."
  1789. >She's not even being subtle anymore.
  1790. >Even Shining Armor is beet red.
  1791. >"Hey Twilight! Quit getting off on your brother touching you and get in the water!" Rainbow Dash calls out.
  1792. >The Princess shoots up in shock and her head hitting Shining square in the chin.
  1793. >He ends up staggering back into the water, as Twilight recoils in pain much to your amusement.
  1794. >"H-he was... I was not get-getting off!"
  1795. >"Uh huh, after all that moaning? Hard to believe."
  1796. >Princess Twilight blushes and buries her face into her hands.
  1797. >Shining breaches, paddles over to the rim of the pool and rubs his reddish chin.
  1798. "Shining? Are you okay?"
  1799. >"Yeah... just a little wet."
  1800. >Pinkie snorts and starts giggling.
  1801. >"What's so funny Pinkie?" Sunset asks.
  1802. >"*snort* Shining isn't the only one who's wet." she answers with the cheekiest smile.
  1803. >Sunset facepalms, "Oh dear Celestia..."
  1804. >Both you and the other Twilight feel a mutual feeling of wanting to die at this moment.
  1805. >"Hey I thought it was funny."
  1806. >"It was... kind of funny." Fluttershy squeaks out with a small giggle.
  1807. >Ugh...
  1808. >The worst part is, you can't help but crack a small smile at Pinkie's joke.
  1809. >It wasn't even that funny.
  1810. >Applejack wrings out her hair and looks around.
  1811. >"Say Twi, you seen Anon?"
  1812. "He's by the tree over there." you say pointing towards the south side of the yard. "I think he's meditating."
  1813. >The witcher looks extremely tranquil under the shade of the large eastern redbud Rarity's family planted.
  1814. >Pink colored petals fall and float down to the ground as Anon lies motionless.
  1815. >It's a picture perfect moment despite the fact that Anonymous is only wearing orange swim trunks and a white t-shirt.
  1816. >Suddenly Applejack gets a wicked grin on her face.
  1817. >"Hey Twilight, wanna help me with something?"
  1818. >Looking back to your brother getting out of the pool and your other self staring at his butt while he does so, you decide why the heck not.
  1819. >Might as well try to relax.
  1821. >As the girls play in the water, you decided to relax in your own way.
  1822. >You were never a big fan of bodies of water.
  1823. >Usually any other time you needed to spend time in one there were dead bodies, monsters, parasites, filth, sewage, and various other things that most would only need one reason to avoid.
  1824. >But color yourself mildly surprised when you discovered Rarity's backyard had a perfect spot to meditate even with the close proximity of the splashing, playing and incestuous Princess flirting with her dimensional counterpart's brother.
  1825. >With your focus solely on the world around you, you enter a state of "being awake inside without being aware of anything except awareness itself."
  1826. >Or at least that's what the words your old teacher described it as.
  1827. >You think back on that feeling you felt back at the mall.
  1828. >A few ideas on who that individual or individuals could be go through your mind.
  1829. >It was only for a brief moment, but it's constantly on your mind. You've had a lot of people trying to tail you in the past and the last thing you want is for someone out for your blood to get the drop on you and harm one of the girls in the process.
  1830. >Could be one of Iron Will's or Chrysalis's men, leftover from your encounter.
  1831. >Would explain why you couldn't see anyone and also why your medallion didn't react much.
  1832. >But there's no real telling if this was just a one-off thing, all you can really do is hope that it was.
  1833. >...
  1834. >You're drawn out of your thoughts by the sound of crunching grass under wet footsteps.
  1835. >Which judging by the weight of the footfalls, and the faint smell of apples mixed with chlorine from the pool that would only leave one person.
  1836. "Hello Applejack." you say without opening your eyes.
  1837. >"Aw dangit, how didja know?"
  1838. "It's hard to sneak up on a witcher. You should know that."
  1839. >You also hold up your medallion, still dangling off your neck.
  1840. "Also, this started reacting when you walked up as well."
  1841. >She lets out a huff.
  1842. >"You ever get tired of wearing that thing?"
  1843. "Nope."
  1844. >"So you gonna come in the water or am I gonna have to drag ya?"
  1845. "Not really one for getting wet."
  1846. >"Anon can you at least take off that shirt so I can admire that body of yours."
  1847. "And here I thought you loved me for more than my body." you snark.
  1848. >"Well what was the point of getting this darn thing if y'all ain't gonna get in the water with me." she asks pointing towards her bikini.
  1849. >Peeking one eye open she just towers over you, her body and hair dripping water into a small puddle at her feet.
  1850. "..."
  1851. >The way the wet fabric clings to her body does make the idea more appealing.
  1852. >Though your view of her right now with her nipples starting to poke through the striped cloth, her bottom half slightly wedging up in all the right places.
  1853. >You have to say your spot right here is pretty good as it is.
  1854. >Applejack notices you staring and smirks.
  1855. >"C'mon Sugarcube."
  1856. "Applejack... The chlorine is probably going to really sting my eyes an-"
  1857. >You don't manage to finish your sentence as Twilight cries out your name.
  1858. >"Anon I need your help!" she asks.
  1859. "Just a sec AJ."
  1860. >Sighing, you get up and walk over to Twilight.
  1861. "What is it?"
  1862. >"Oh nothing." she says.
  1863. >You narrow your eyes at her.
  1864. >Behind her glasses, you notice her eyes keep shifting between you and something behind your back.
  1865. >Why is she...?
  1866. >Your medallion suddenly begins to jerk rapidly at the chain.
  1867. >With little warning beyond that, you hear the sound of rapid footsteps hitting the ground behind you.
  1868. >Grabbing your assailant's arm and running purely through instinct and reflex, you toss them over your head and into the pool with a large splash.
  1869. >As the water settles, the adrenaline wears down when sudden realization dawns on you.
  1870. >Applejack was behind you...
  1871. >Looking around the pool, everyone looks at you with wide eyes.
  1872. >Under the water looking straight at you is Applejack, holding her breath with a shocked look on her face.
  1873. "Oh fuck..."
  1874. >Twilight takes a nervous step back.
  1875. >Your girlfriend surfaces and takes a deep breath of fresh air.
  1876. "Applejack are you okay? I'm sorry I didn-"
  1877. >She waves her hand, "Ah'm fine, ah'm fine. Forgot it ain't the best idea to sneak up on ya."
  1878. >"..."
  1879. "..."
  1880. >"Help me out will ya?" she asks holding out her hand.
  1881. "Yeah... just let me-"
  1882. >You just barely comprehend what AJ just asked that you don't even realize her intent.
  1883. >As you reach out, her hand grabs your wrist and pulls you in with another splash.
  1884. >"HAHA! GOTCHA!" she cries out. "HA...ha... why ain't y'all laughing? I'd thought at least Pinkie get a giggle."
  1885. >"A-Ap-Applejack..." Twilight stammers out.
  1886. >"What?"
  1887. >Twilight points at an object floating in the water: The top portion of her bikini.
  1888. >"Oh what in tar-!" is all she can say before you pounce on her from under the water.
  1890. -----
  1892. >What is Anon doing?
  1893. >You didn't expect him to be such a... a ruffian!
  1894. >Especially after Applejack had such an awful wardrobe malfunction.
  1895. >If that happened to you, why, you might just die of embarrassment.
  1896. >Doesn't he know how dangerous roughhousing in the pool is? Daddy expressly forbade any acts like that.
  1897. >...
  1898. >Well he also forbade bringing boys over without telling him, but Twilight's brother is a police officer so it should be fine.
  1899. >He's just keeping an eye out for his sister after all.
  1900. >Not that he isn't... something to look at...
  1901. >Unf.
  1902. >Dean Cadance sure is a lucky woman to snag a man like that.
  1903. >Wait...NO!
  1904. >Back to the present Rarity!
  1905. >Getting up from your chair you go over to scold Anon when suddenly the two surface up from the water.
  1906. >This time though, with Anon's shirt wrapped around Applejack's chest like a makeshift top.
  1907. >Don't tell me he took off his shirt and did all that under the water?
  1908. >"Thanks Anon." she says giving him a peck on the cheek.
  1909. >"Mmmhmm." he replies, swiming his way towards the rim of the pool.
  1910. >Getting out, your jaw drops.
  1911. >O-oh my...
  1912. >He's... his... you never really noticed how muscular he is without his shirt on...
  1913. >Rainbow let's out a whistle, "Yeah Anon, take it off!"
  1914. >This is probably one of the few occassions where you and Rainbow agree whole-heartedly.
  1915. >Usually anytime he went without a shirt he was covered head to toe in bandages and gauze. You can't really recall a time when that wasn't the case.
  1916. >And you like what you see.
  1917. >Rolling his shoulder, Anon notices you.
  1918. >"Something wrong Rarity?"
  1919. >Now you have a clear unobstructed view of his body. Not too built but not scrawny either.
  1920. >Those scars... some of them look quite terrible but... it might be just you, but they seem to add instead of detract from his appearance.
  1921. >"Rarity?"
  1922. "Y-yes?!"
  1923. >"Is something wrong?"
  1924. >You wave your arms frantically, "No darling, I just wanted to see if uh... if you needed a towel or another shirt?"
  1925. >Pleasedon'tsayshirt.Pleasedon'tsayshirt.Pleasedon'tsayshirt.
  1926. >He raises a brow but shakes his head, "Not a shirt, but a towel would be nice."
  1927. >Slowly you nod your head, not taking your eyes off of Anon's glistening torso.
  1928. >Reaching for a towel on one of the sun chairs, you grab air a few times before finally grasping the cloth in your hand.
  1929. "H-here you g-go..."
  1930. >"Thanks Rare."
  1931. >You bite your lower lip.
  1932. >Maybe Anon could rub some lotion on you this time...
  1933. >"Hey Anon, you alright?" Applejack asks walking up to him.
  1934. "Like I said, not much of a swimmer." he replies wiping his face off.
  1935. >"Ah'm sorry Anon."
  1936. >He dismisses her apology, "It's okay."
  1937. >"Nah, it ain't. Though ah think karma bit me in the butt fer it." she says holding up her bikini top by a strap.
  1938. >"Rarity could I use yer bathroom?" Anon asks.
  1939. "Of course dear. Would you like me to sh-"
  1940. >"I'll do it Rarity." Applejack answers for you, "I need to put my top back on anyway and I'd rather do it in private."
  1941. >You nod.
  1942. >As the couple walks off you can't help but narrow your eyes at the smile she has just before she turns all the way around.
  1943. >She's planning something...
  1945. >"Anon, you opportunistic varmint." Applejack whispers as you two enter Rarity's house.
  1946. "What?"
  1947. >"Don't think I didn't feel a squeeze while we were under the water."
  1948. "My grip slipped while I was putting on the shirt."
  1949. >She rolls her eyes. Your lie not at all convincing to one who naturally can see through lies.
  1950. >"Uh huh."
  1951. >Suddenly you feel a sudden pinch on your bottom.
  1952. "Ow!"
  1953. >"So here's the bathroom." Applejack says, not at all acting like she did anything.
  1954. >Rubbing the sore spot, you make a step towards the bathroom when suddenly Applejack drags you away to another part of the house.
  1955. "Applejack?"
  1956. >The cowgirl opens another door and pushes you inside.
  1957. >Shutting the door behind you, she dives in and kisses you deeply. Her tongue forcing its way into your mouth.
  1958. >Leaning back for air, she smiles at you with that sultry gaze of hers.
  1959. >Looking around the room, you see bolts of fabric, spools of thread, dress designs and prototypes scattered around the room.
  1960. >It almost looks like a... design studio?
  1961. >Is this Rarity's studio?
  1962. >"Hush now sugarcube. It's not lying if no one asks the questions."
  1963. >You feel a hand cup your crotch.
  1964. >"Just let it happen."
  1965. >You once heard of a tale of another witcher doing something like this before; having sex in someone else's private study.
  1966. >A stuffed pegasi may or may not have been involved, details are really hazy.
  1967. >Or was it a unicorn?
  1968. "This is your kink now isn't it?" you reply with a smirk.
  1969. >She takes your wet shirt off and reveals her breasts to the open world once more.
  1970. >"We got around ten minutes before people notice we're gone, let's make it quick."
  1971. "Right."
  1972. >Locking the door behind you, Applejack turns on the fan in the room to create some white noise to any passerbys.
  1974. >Where are Applejack and Anon? They've been gone for awhile.
  1975. >Is there a problem with the bathroom?
  1976. >Oh you told Daddy that the toilet wasn't working properly.
  1977. >Walking into your house you head to the guest bathroom and prepare to knock on the door.
  1978. >But before your knuckles make contact, you notice that the doors cracked open.
  1979. >...
  1980. >Pushing the door open a little wider, there's no sign that anyone was inside.
  1981. >The seat is still down, so no one seems to have used the bathroom at all.
  1982. >But where could they have gone?
  1983. >They couldn't have gotten lost, Applejack has been here plenty of times before.
  1984. >Looking at the floor, you notice some still wet footprints leading away from the doorway and deeper into your home.
  1985. >Following them, they seem to trail off right outside... your personal workspace?
  1986. >As you move a hand towards the door, you hear something coming from inside.
  1987. >Placing your ear to the door the first thing you hear is the fan on.
  1988. >But... it also sounds like... moaning?
  1989. >"Ahh... ahh... ahh... AHH!..."
  1990. >That sounds like Applejack!
  1991. >NO! They seriously can't be doing it in your own private sanctum?!
  1992. >How uncouth!
  1993. >Why... why you have a right mind to tell those two off right now!
  1994. >Reaching for the handle you pause.
  1995. >"AnooOON! Ahh...!"
  1996. >You begin to recall the time you became an accidental voyeur on their first date night.
  1997. >That mixed with the visual sight of Anon's body dripping with water...
  1998. >The sight and sounds cause a tingling sensation "down there".
  1999. >Oh no Rarity stop it!
  2000. >What if someone walks into you?
  2001. >...
  2002. >The thought of getting caught...
  2003. >A stray hand makes contact with your special place, sending a shiver up your spine.
  2004. >You could just blame the mess on just coming out of the pool right?
  2005. >In just an instant you find your hand inside your swimsuit while you sit against the wall listening to two of your friends violating your personal space.
  2006. >...
  2007. >Rarity, you have a problem.
  2009. >"What took you guys so long?" Rainbow asks.
  2010. "Got lost." you reply.
  2011. >"Uh huh. Sure." she says turning back and spiking a ball to Pinkie Pie in the water.
  2012. >The party girl bounces it on her head and begins to balance it.
  2013. >"Well c'mon you two. We still have plenty of time before we need to leave. Let's party!"
  2014. >Stepping into the water, you and AJ wonder what the pink girl is planning when she starts lining you all up around the pool.
  2015. >"Anon's up first."
  2016. "First for wh-"
  2017. >In a blur, you lose your sight as a blindfold is wrapped around your eyes.
  2018. >"MARCO POLO!"
  2019. >What...
  2020. "Can I opt out?"
  2021. >"NOPE!" she says with a chesire smile.
  2022. >You hear the girls giggle as Pinkie Pie spins you around.
  2023. >Even Shining Armor laughs at your misery.
  2024. >Well, you could take at least one day to unwind and make them all happy you decide to partake without being too much of your normal self.
  2025. "Marco."
  2026. >"Polo!" a chorus of voices repeats after you.
  2027. >The sounds of them paddling in the water and the direction of the waves quickly allow you to hone in on a target.
  2028. "Marco."
  2029. >"Polo!"
  2030. >There's one on your right.
  2031. >Turning ninty degrees, you hear someone curse under a hushed voice.
  2032. >Got one.
  2033. >Reaching out, you grab onto someone's shoulder.
  2034. >"Darnit." Rainbow curses.
  2035. >One down, five to go.
  2036. >...
  2037. >Five minutes later...
  2038. "Marco."
  2039. >"Um... Polo..."
  2040. >Curse that Fluttershy and having such a soft voice.
  2041. >She's so slow in the water you can't actually pinpoint where she's coming from.
  2042. >"C'mon Fluttershy!" the girl's cheer.
  2043. >You're starting to get agitated.
  2044. "Marco."
  2045. >"... Polo." she says in another whisper like tone.
  2046. >That has to be cheating...
  2047. >"C'mon Anon thirty seconds!"
  2048. >She didn't leave the pool. So where is she?
  2049. >Despite everything, you time out before you could locate her.
  2050. >"Fluttershy wins!"
  2051. >"I... I won? Oh my gosh!" she says surprised.
  2052. >Taking off the blindfold, you see she was literally right next to you the entire time.
  2053. >But...
  2054. >But how?
  2055. >You cross your arms.
  2056. >This was a stupid game anyways.
  2058. "So is everyone ready to go?" you ask checking your phone, "Vinyl just texted me the location of the restaurant."
  2059. >Checking that you have all your belongings, you place the swim trunks and bikini you and AJ had in one of the shopping bags and place it into the truck.
  2060. >"I think everyone is." Applejack responds, "Wait, where's Rarity?"
  2061. "Has anyone seen Rarity?"
  2062. >"Not since you came back from the bathroom." Fluttershy answers.
  2063. >You and AJ share a knowing glance.
  2064. >Sunset folds her arms, "Well we need to leave soon, it's almost six and we still need to drop Twilight off at the portal."
  2065. >"Look there she is!"
  2066. >Rarity comes out of the house wearing a casual dress with her hair done.
  2067. >"Oh I apologize everyone. I just had to choose the right outfit for tonight."
  2068. >Rainbow and Applejack shake their heads.
  2069. >"Well c'mon, times wasting." Applejack says hopping into the driver's seat.
  2070. >Sunset gets inside the back seat on the driver's side while you hold open the door for Rarity.
  2071. >"Thank you Anon."
  2072. >You dip your head slightly.
  2073. >But before you shut the door, she holds it with the palm of her hand.
  2074. >"Oh and Anon?"
  2075. "Yes?"
  2076. >"I know what you did." she cryptically whispers to you. "Inside my work room."
  2077. >Your eyes widen as you two lock gazes.
  2078. >"I expect appropriate compensation for your debauchery. But don't worry dear, I'll let you know when you can repay me."
  2079. >She nonchalantly sits in her seat and closes the door.
  2080. >Fuck...
  2081. >Taking your seat in the passenger seat, you look at Rarity in the overhead vanity mirror.
  2082. >Rarity just stares back at the back of your head until her sightline shifts to you.
  2083. >Her eyes stay half-lidded as she gives you a smile with disturbing implications.
  2084. >Not many things can scare a witcher, but Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn.
  2085. >And Rarity looks like she has the potential for a lot of scorn...
  2086. >"Non?"
  2087. "Huh?"
  2088. >"Seatbelt hun."
  2089. "Oh. Sorry."
  2090. >"You alright sugarcube?"
  2091. >You make a quick side glance in the mirror. Rarity just purses her lips and winks.
  2092. "Everything's fine Applejack."
  2093. >Sunset looks between you and Rarity with a raised brow.
  2094. >A slight gesture with your hand tells her not to ask questions.
  2095. >"Alright everyone, next stop? CHS!"
  2097. >Standing in front of the statue base outside the High School, everyone gathers in a semi-circle around Princess Twilight.
  2098. >A cool breeze of air blows by as the girls are chatting happily one last time.
  2099. >"We're going to miss you Twilight!" Pinkie says, "Next time you HAVE to let me throw a party for you."
  2100. >"Sure thing Pinkie Pie." Twilight replies with a hug. "I'll try to give a little more notice next time."
  2101. >"Aw thanks Twilight."
  2102. >"I'll also try to bring Spike too, maybe even Starlight as well."
  2103. >"That sounds great." Sunset says with an apprehensive smile. "Can't wait to meet her."
  2104. >You let out a short chuckle that earns a glare from her.
  2105. >"Are you sure you don't want to come to dinner with us?"
  2106. >"As much as I'd love to, I need to get back."
  2107. >Princess Twilight steps towards her counterpart.
  2108. >The Twilight with glasses, folds her arms and doesn't bother to make eye contact.
  2109. >"So..."
  2110. "So." glasses Twilight repeats.
  2111. >"I should just say it. I'm sorry I made this so uncomfortable for you, my behavior wasn't really the best."
  2112. >Twilight just stays silent.
  2113. >The Princess holds her hand out, "Before I go, I'd like for us to be friends. Or at least try?"
  2114. >Human Twilight keeps her arms folded and just stares at the other's outstretched hand.
  2115. >Switching between her hand and head, she sighs.
  2116. >"You need to stop harassing MY brother next time." she says adamantly.
  2117. >Princess Twilight recoils slightly before getting back her resolve and nodding.
  2118. >"That's... fair."
  2119. >"Then maybe next visit we can do something we both can enjoy."
  2120. >"Sounds like a plan."
  2121. >The Equestrian Princess pulls her other self into a deep hug much to the other's surprise before finally moving onto Shining Armor.
  2122. >"Sorry about earlier."
  2123. >"It's fine. Not the weirdest thing to ever happen to me."
  2124. >Twilight lets out a sigh of relief, "Oh well that's go-"
  2125. >"Though it's probably top ten."
  2126. >"Oh..."
  2127. >"But next time, we'll have to bring Mom, Dad and Cadance."
  2128. >"Even after all that you'd still want to see me again?"
  2129. >Shining laughs, "Sure, you're still my sister after all."
  2130. >"I wouldn't go that far." mumbles this world's Twilight.
  2131. >Opening his arms for a hug, the two embrace one final time.
  2132. >"Stay safe Twily." Shining says.
  2133. >Twilight smiles.
  2134. >Looking to you, Princess Twilight waves you over.
  2135. >Walking up to her, she bows her head slightly.
  2136. >"Keep up the good work yeah? I've never seen Sunset doing so well."
  2137. "No promises."
  2138. >"Ha. Ha." she says pushing your shoulder, "Maybe I'll throw in a bonus next payday."
  2139. "Pleasant journey to you Princess."
  2140. >Stepping towards the portal, Twilight gives everyone one last look.
  2141. >Smiling steps through the wall and disappears in a flash.
  2142. >With that settled, you take a look at your watch.
  2143. "Time to go everyone."
  2144. >"Well, I better get going for my own dinner plans." Shining says. "Can't say I'm looking forward to it though, Cadance wants to try experimenting with kale again."
  2145. >He lets out a shiver.
  2146. >"Alright Shiny. Tell Cadance I said hi."
  2147. >"Will do."
  2148. >Waving goodbye, Shining Armor takes his own leave.
  2149. "So are we done saying goodbye to each other?" you ask. "I'm kind of hungry."
  2150. >Rarity loops her arm into your and directs you towards the car.
  2151. >"Is little Nonny getting cranky?" she teases.
  2152. "Don't do that." you say trying to avoid eye contact.
  2153. >"Rarity quit teasin' Anon." Applejack requests.
  2154. >"Oh just a little." she says with the most mischievous smile.
  2155. >Still, you try not to make eye contact.
  2156. >"Anon you still got the address?"
  2157. "Yes, I'll give you directions."
  2158. >Loading back up into the truck, the vehicle moves forward and heads downtown.
  2160. -----
  2162. >You and you entourage of seven magically enabled teenagers walk up to the front of the small little restaurant.
  2163. >Huh, looks like they have an oriental theme going on in this place.
  2164. >Not really your usual thing, but hey it's nice to try something different once in awhile.
  2165. >You wouldn't tell Applejack straight to her face, but apples get old after a while.
  2166. >Entering the restaurant, you walk up to the little podium where a woman dressed in a thin black dress and her hair in a bun stands behind.
  2167. >The intricate gold dragon wrapping around one side of the dress grabs Rarity's attention almost immediately.
  2168. >"Can I help you?" she asks, not looking up from her work.
  2169. "We're meeting two people here."
  2170. >"Party's name?"
  2171. >"Vinyl Scratch." Rarity answers.
  2172. >Opening her ledger, the woman peeks through the most recent calendar day.
  2173. >"Ah yes, I'll take you to them."
  2174. >Her stoic expression during that entire exchange never changed.
  2175. >This is who they have to greet people? This place doesn't exactly scream high class to warrant the attitude.
  2176. >Following the woman, she pushes past a small curtain and leads you deeper inside the building.
  2177. >Stepping through after, the entire room becomes a bit more open and a little more grandiose. Gold dragons, foreign character paintings and flower patterns adorn the entire place.
  2178. >There are a few fish tanks lining the walls with exotic looking specimens, gold lined crimson drapes and each table is lit by an overhead paper lantern.
  2179. >The only exception is the large circular table in the center of the room where two familiar individuals are chatting.
  2180. >"Hiya Vinny! Hiya Octy!" Pinkie Pie shouts.
  2181. >The ambient noises in the place immediately stops as other patrons in the restaurant stare at your group.
  2182. >"Please no shouting." the hostess says to Pinkie without even facing her.
  2183. >Vinyl leans back in her chair and waves you all over.
  2184. >"Sup."
  2185. >"Hello." Octavia greets.
  2186. >"Um... thank you for inviting us." Fluttershy says taking her seat.
  2187. >Taking out Applejack's seat, she thanks you and sits down.
  2188. >Rarity on the other hand chooses the chair on your other side and pretends to be checking her makeup.
  2189. >...
  2190. "Here Rarity."
  2191. >"Why thank you Anonymous. You're such a gentleman."
  2192. >Applejack doesn't seem to mind too much though.
  2193. >"Well now that you're all here, order whatever you guys want. It's on me." Vinyl says. "And yes Pinkie, you can even order the entire dessert menu."
  2194. >"Sweet." says Rainbow who begins listing all the things along with Pinkie that they want to eat.
  2195. >"Shucks Vinyl, we don't want to make you feel like you're obligated to pay."
  2196. >"She's right." Twilight says, "The last thing we want is to eat too much and have you pay an enormous bill."
  2197. >Vinyl waves you all off, "Don't worry about it, I make enough cash that this'll be a drop in the bucket."
  2198. >"Vinyl's been very good with her money." Octavia points out, "She has stocks in most pharmaceutical businesses and a plethora of patents that she licenses out to them."
  2199. >"Eh, I came up with a lot of tools and machines both purposefully and not trying to find a cure. May as well make a profit of them."
  2200. >Picking up a menu, she opens it, "So like I said order whatever you want."
  2201. >"I would recommend the ginger scallion lobster, though that's just me." Vinyl says, "Could we get some waters around here?"
  2202. >"Yes Miss Scratch." the hostess answers with a slight bow of her head.
  2203. >The DJ laughs and leans over to the table, "I know the owner. So if you want a custom order or something just ask."
  2204. "How?" you ask.
  2205. >"Just a friend I made a little while back. Saved him from some people he owed money too."
  2206. >That sounds slightly suspicious but it would be rude to pry any further.
  2207. >"They got orange chicken?" Applejack asks.
  2208. >"Applejack darling, we have the option to explore our pallets without worrying about price and you simply want "orange chicken"?"
  2209. >"Hey! I like orange chicken." she retorts.
  2210. >They both glare at each other with you in between.
  2211. >"I'm gonna get that too!" Rainbow says still looking through her menu. "And whatever that Chòu dòufu is."
  2212. >"Barbarians..." Rarity mutters.
  2213. >"Here are your waters." the hostess says carrying a large tray.
  2214. >Walking around the table she places a glass of water in front of everyone.
  2215. >Once she leaves again, you decide to talk about the elephant in the room.
  2216. "How's Octavia?"
  2217. >"Anonymous!" Rarity scolds. "Must you be so blunt."
  2218. >Octavia embarrassingly focuses on her chopsticks.
  2219. >"She showing canine signs." Vinyl answers, "Enlarged fangs, heightened sense of hearing and smell. Fur growing in... certain places."
  2220. >Vinyl elbows Octavia in the ribs and wags her brow, "Certain sexy places."
  2221. >"Vinyl please!" she whispers, "Not in front of others."
  2222. >"You don't seem all too concerned." Sunset points out.
  2223. >"Well, that's the thing. That's all that's going on. No metamorphosis beyond those traits and she hasn't had a suppression pill since the last transformation."
  2224. "That's still no reason to let our guard down."
  2225. >"Yeah yeah, I'm keeping a close eye on her." she says. "Besides, I know what Tavi's dressing up as for Halloween."
  2226. >"Vinyl!"
  2227. >"Ha, kidding." she says before whispering to Rarity, "Mostly, so can you, ya know, fix something up?"
  2228. >"I'll do what I can dear. Just get in touch with me after tonight and we'll work out the details."
  2229. >A waiter comes up to your table with a pen and notepad, "Have we decided on what we want?"
  2230. >A quick glance around the table and it seems everyone is ready.
  2232. >Your food finally comes out by the droves.
  2233. >Because of all the extra food Pinkie Pie ordered, it requires two or three extra waiters just to bring it to her.
  2234. >"Alright everyone, dig in!"
  2235. >You pinch off a bit of your stuffed lobster tail with your chopsticks.
  2236. >Steam radiates off the dish in an almost tantalizing way.
  2237. >Around the table all the other girls are sincerely enjoying their own meals while Pinkie Pie just shovels it into her mouth.
  2238. >"Consarnit..." you hear Applejack curse.
  2239. >She's apparently having a vicious battle with her rebellious chopsticks...
  2240. "Need help?"
  2241. >"Would you kindly?" she asks.
  2242. >Using your own pair, you grab some of her orange chicken and feed it to her.
  2243. >Much to Rarity's consternation as she narrows her eyes and pouts.
  2244. >"You think I could try some of that there lobster Anon?"
  2245. "Sure."
  2246. >You repeat the process before and she lets out a sensuous moan.
  2247. >...
  2248. >Lobster must be really good...
  2249. >Outside of your peripheral vision, Applejack sticks a tongue at Rarity who just gasps in shock.
  2250. >As you're about to take a bite of your own food, a sudden tingling sensation in your nose gives you pause.
  2251. >Something smells... off.
  2252. >Is it the lobster?
  2253. >It's not the stinky tofu Rainbow ordered and is just poking at.
  2254. >Giving it a quick sniff, the smell almost seems to punch you in the senses.
  2255. "Applejack did the lobster taste off to you?"
  2256. >"Not that I could taste. Why?"
  2257. "Must be my senses acting up because of all the ingredients. Nevermind."
  2258. >Guess it's just you.
  2260. >"Oh man, I'm couldn't eat another bite." Rainbow Dash groans out.
  2261. >"Same..." Sunset concurs, her head lying flat on the table.
  2262. >"You girls are such lightweights." Pinkie says stuffing another dumpling into her mouth.
  2263. >One must wonder how a girl like Pinkie manages to devour so much yet stay so lithe.
  2264. >It really must be that gypsy magic she continuously denies having. It's the only explanation on how she would have such an insane metabolism.
  2265. >The rest of the table, barring you, Pinkie and Vinyl, share the same sentiments, each of them fully stuffed.
  2266. >Even Rarity went a little overboard.
  2267. >"I shouldn't have eaten so much." Rarity says giving out a slight yawn. "Now I feel all sleepy."
  2268. >Twilight also yawns, "Y-yeah... me too. Must be the chemicals inside the chicken..."
  2269. >"But only... Applejack and Rainbow had chicken..." Sunset says.
  2270. >"Maybe... I *yawn* did eat too much." Pinkie says, "Food was just... so... good."
  2271. >Soon enough the entire table starts yawning.
  2272. >Fluttershy struggles to keep her eyes open, "So... tired."
  2273. >Wait a second...
  2274. >Looking around the restaurant, there's no one else. A quick glance at your watch shows that you only spend an hour here.
  2275. >It's way too early for the place to be completely empty like this.
  2276. >Both you and Vinyl lock gazes and begin to realize the same thing.
  2277. >All the girls except you two are struggling to stay awake.
  2278. >Something is definitely not right.
  2279. "Applejack, c'mon stay awake." you say shaking her shoulders.
  2280. >"Zzz..."
  2281. "Vinyl what the hell is going on?"
  2282. >"I don't know man." she says standing, "Tavi wake up."
  2283. >It's ultimately no use as all the girls lay passed out.
  2284. >You have a real bad feeling about this.
  2285. >Without much warning you hear a commotion by the front entrance.
  2286. >Grabbing your concealed weapon, you unlock the handle and hold the blade at the ready.
  2287. >In come marching a few dozen armed men who train their firearms at your table.
  2288. >"Shit..." Vinyl says, obviously recognizing them. "It's these guys..."
  2289. "These guys?"
  2290. >"Mafia like creeps. Must be wanting payback for what I did the other day."
  2291. "I totally called it." you say. "I knew that would bite us in the ass."
  2292. >"Guys, isn't your boss taking this a little too far?" she asks them.
  2293. >Before you know it, something hits you and Vinyl in the shoulder.
  2294. >A small dart is sticking out.
  2295. >Poison?
  2296. >Taking it out, a small drop of blood pools out of the wound.
  2297. >You feel a slight aching sensation, but it feels strangely similar to if you ingested a potion.
  2298. >Vinyl however is feeling a bit wobbly on her feet. Black veins extending from the dart like she just was exposed to... Black Blood.
  2299. >But... that shouldn't happen unless it's mixed with the blood of a witcher.
  2300. >"Male is still standing sir."
  2301. >"Hit him again." the lead man orders.
  2302. >One of the gunmen points his gun at you, but this time you anticipate the shot and cast Quen.
  2303. >The dart collides into the barrier and ricochets off harmlessly.
  2304. >There's a murmur of concern from the men at the door.
  2305. >"Sir is that...?"
  2306. >"Tell the boss we just found our other target."
  2307. >"A...non... I'm not feeling so hot..." Vinyl says trying to stay on her feet.
  2308. >Suddenly Vinyl collapses onto the floor.
  2309. >Well... one witcher with nine incapacitated friends versus six armed and fully aware men.
  2310. >A crash from the kitchen draws your attention as four more men bust through the double doors.
  2311. >"Kitchen clear sir!"
  2312. >Make that ten armed men.
  2313. >Not very good odds… even for you.
  2314. >"Drop your weapon… witcher."
  2315. >On signal, each of the other masked men raises their guns.
  2316. >Even if you decide to fight, there's no way you could protect the others from any stray gunfire.
  2317. >Dropping your sword, you hold your hands up.
  2319. -----
  2321. >Ohhh
  2322. >Why does your head hurt so bad...?
  2323. >You don't drink...
  2324. >At least not anymore...
  2325. >As often...
  2326. >Groggily, you open your eyes.
  2327. >Last thing you remember is having dinner at the Chinese resturant then... nothing.
  2328. >Looking around, a painful pinch in your arms brings you full consciousness.
  2329. >What is- where are you?
  2330. >Your arms are held above your heads by a pair of thick metal shackles wrapped around a pipe.
  2331. >The room you're in looks like a basement of some sort.
  2332. >It also seems that all your other friends are faring no better. Everyone is hanging from an overhead rack by their arms like pieces of meat.
  2333. >Even Octavia's here too at the far end on the adjacent wall next to Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie.
  2334. >But try as you might, you don't see Anonymous or Vinyl Scratch among you eight.
  2335. >You really hope this is a dream. Because it's really starting to look like one of *those* dreams again.
  2336. >Another pinch in your arm convinces you otherwise.
  2337. >Think Sunset. Think!
  2338. >What was the last thing you remember doing *before* blacking out?
  2339. >Okay you all had just finished dinner, then everyone was starting to become really sleepy...
  2340. >Sleepy...
  2341. >Were... were you all drugged?
  2342. >Oh crap.
  2343. >You try struggling against your restraints; the old overhead pipe moves a little but just by yourself it doesn't look like it'll budge.
  2344. >Maybe with the combined effort of you Applejack and Rarity you could cause it to come loose.
  2345. >Speaking of those two.
  2346. "Hey Applejack wake up."
  2347. >You try kicking her with your leg, but its kind of hard without causing your shoulder nerves to pinch painfully.
  2348. >A hard kick to her thigh causes her to murmur.
  2349. >"Anon... what if Sunset finds out... that's okay... let'er watch..."
  2350. >...
  2351. >You don't even want to open up that can of worms right there.
  2352. "Applejack!" you growl at her, kicking the cowgirl again.
  2353. >"Wha-! Whassit...? What's going on?"
  2354. "Oh thank Celestia you're awake."
  2355. >"Sunset? What are yo- ow... what the?" she says realizing what's happening. "Where are we?"
  2356. "I don't know. Last thing I remember is us having dinner. What about you?"
  2357. >"Same. Hey, where's Anon?"
  2358. "I'm not sure. Vinyl's not here either."
  2359. >"That ain't a good sign."
  2360. "Help me try to wake the others up." you tell her while trying to use your foot to wake Fluttershy.
  2361. >Glancing to her left, she looks at Rarity.
  2362. >"Oh, with pleasure." she says with smug satisfaction.
  2363. >You roll your eyes and continue to prod Fluttershy with an extended foot. Unlike Applejack she's a little further out from you on the wall.
  2364. "Yeow!" Rarity screams. "How dare yo- Applejack?"
  2365. >"Morning."
  2366. >Rarity takes a quick assessment of situation and looks up at her restrained arms.
  2367. >"Dear, this isn't one of your bedroom fantasies is it?" she says calmly. "Because while I'm not entirely against it, you could have asked first."
  2368. >"Rarity, this ain't no fantasy. Right now it looks like we're in real big trouble."
  2369. >Slowly, the other's start waking up one by one until you're all aware of the current predicament you all are in.
  2370. >"Yo, why the heck are we tied up like this?" Rainbow demands, "Where are we?"
  2371. >"It looks like a basement." Twilight answers. "Though that just raises more questions."
  2372. >"S-Sun-Sunset..." Fluttershy stammers your name out, "I don't l-like this."
  2373. "I don't either. Let's just try to break free befo-"
  2374. >The sound of a door opening interrupts you as three men dressed in militray gear walk in.
  2375. >Their faces are obscured by masks, but that doesn't make them any less intimidating.
  2376. >"Hey you creep, who the heck are you and where are we?!" Rainbow demands.
  2377. >The man in front just tilts his head towards Rainbow and one of the men wordlessly walks over to her.
  2378. >"What the hell do you think you-"
  2379. >*SMACK*
  2380. >Everyone gasps as the man strikes Rainbow in the face with a backhand.
  2381. >"You will be quiet." the leader states with a heavy accent. "If you do not comply, we are prepared to do much worse than a simple slap."
  2382. >You and others look at him with a mix of fear and anger. Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash glared with contempt at the leader.
  2383. >"We have no quarrel with you eight. It is only the vampire and witcher we have issues with. For now you will be kept here as collateral to ensure their... "cooperation"."
  2384. >So in simple terms: you're all being held as hostages.
  2385. >He also referred to Vinyl as a vampire and Anon as a witcher respectively. Something you highly doubt either one of them would divulge willingly at all.
  2386. >"Once our business is settled, we will leave."
  2387. "Why are you doing this?" you ask. "What did our friends do to you?"
  2388. >The man who slapped Rainbow makes a move to do the same to you but the leader holds up an arm.
  2389. >"They deserve to know." he says before walking right up to you. "The vampire has recently injured, crippled and killed a few of our... "colleagues" I think is the term? Your language is very... nuanced."
  2390. >He shakes his head before continuing, "She will be punished accordingly so incident like this will be unlikely to occur again."
  2391. >"And the other one?" Octavia asks.
  2392. >"Unlike vampire, the witcher will die." he bluntly states.
  2393. >"What!?"
  2394. "For what reason?"
  2395. >"Simple: For murder."
  2396. >Murder?
  2397. >Anon's not a murderer.
  2398. >"Who did he kill?"
  2399. >"The son of our employer; I believe his name is Edward."
  2400. >You all do a double take.
  2401. >Edward was the vampire that almost killed Rarity a couple months ago.
  2402. >The lead man steps up towards you, Applejack and Rarity.
  2403. >He begins to inspect everyone in the room much to everyone's discomfort.
  2404. >"The hell y'all looking at?" Applejack demands.
  2405. >"A fighter, good." he says nodding his head as if he's satisfied.
  2406. >Even under that mask you can tell the man is giving her a dirty smile.
  2407. >"Though this one's a bit scrawny." he says looking at Rarity who tries to squirm away.
  2408. >"Would be such a waste." the man quips to himself. "Ah, we might have to prevent that before we go."
  2409. >You shudder at the way he said that.
  2410. >Sharing a chuckle with his men, he simply turns around as with his men as they make their way out of the room.
  2411. >"Expect to be here for next couple days. You will be provided food, water and supervised bathroom trips."
  2412. >Leaving the room, they shut the large metal door behind them.
  2413. >The room becomes eerily silent.
  2414. >"I didn't like the way he looked at us like that." Fluttershy says in a whisper tone.
  2415. >"It made me feel absolutely dirty..." Rarity continues.
  2416. >The implications of his "inspection" are not ones you really want to find out.
  2417. >"Who's Edward?" Octavia asks.
  2418. >"A ruffian who almost made me his next meal." Rarity answers. "If it wasn't for Anonymous saving my life that is."
  2419. "It was a couple of months ago. It was actually our first time hanging out with Anonymous."
  2420. >Hard to believe it hasn't really been that long ago.
  2421. >"That accent... I think it's Nilfgaardian." Twilight muses.
  2422. >"I think we should be focusing on other matters egghead." Rainbow Dash says, her cheek already bright red.
  2423. >"You alright Dash?" Applejack asks her.
  2424. >"I'm fine. Dude hits like a wuss."
  2425. >"Do you really think they'll let us go?" Pinkie Pie asks, her hair already flat and deflated.
  2426. "No. They're not."
  2427. >"What makes you say that Sunset?" Rarity questions.
  2428. "They only said that *they'll* leave. He never said they'll let us go or keep us alive after they get what they wanted."
  2429. >"In that case c'mon girls we need to bust out of here!" Applejack says struggling against the pipe. "Anon and Vinyl are in trouble."
  2430. >Nodding your head, you begin tugging as well.
  2431. >You only hope Anonymous is okay.
  2433. >"Talk."
  2434. >Another silent defiant leer earns you another punch to the side of your face.
  2435. >Spitting out blood, you just glare at your interrogator.
  2436. >These assholes have been at it continuously for the past hour. Wanting to know about where you come from and how many other witchers there still are.
  2437. >While you would never tell them the former, it's not like you know the latter question. Though, you're not going to tell them that just yet. That information is probably the only thing keeping you alive right now.
  2438. >Normally, you would have only gave them the first punch.
  2439. >But being tied and bound to a chair makes it kind of hard to resist.
  2440. >After surrendering at the restaurant, the first thing they did was to make sure your hands were shackled, specifically your fingers.
  2441. >Just like with Iron Will, they know about your ability to cast signs.
  2442. >Frustrated with the one sided conversation, the man shakes his hand.
  2443. >"He is not talking."
  2444. >"It's not surprising." the other man states. "We'll give it one more day before we move to more drastic measures."
  2445. "So which fucker hired you to do this?"
  2446. >The men look surprised at your question.
  2447. >"Hired? We are not doing this for money witcher." one says.
  2448. >"We are doing this to avenge our fallen brother." the other continues.
  2449. >Brother?
  2450. "And who the hell would that be?"
  2451. >"His name was Edward you dog." he says kicking your chair over.
  2452. >Giving you one last look, they leave the room.
  2453. >Edward huh? That asshole?
  2454. >If you recall right, that mystery man at Iron Will's hideout said you killed his associate's son.
  2455. >And they called him "brother". But in what way did they mean that? Literally or metaphorically?
  2456. >Shit.
  2457. >Explains why these guys said they found their other target.
  2458. >Sighing, you flex your wrists against the bindings.
  2459. >Hmm, they really made sure you couldn't get out.
  2460. >You wonder how Vinyl is doing, you haven't seen her since they blindfolded you at the restaurant and tossed you into a truck.
  2461. >But those thoughts quickly turn to how Applejack and the others are doing.
  2462. >Before you can ponder more, the door slams open and someone is tossed onto the floor next to you.
  2463. >"Ugh... so not cool..." you hear a familiar voice say.
  2464. "Vinyl?"
  2465. >"Non? Good, you're still alive." she says. "By the Elder you look like shit."
  2466. >You look at what you can of Vinyl's condition from your angle; an eye wound bad enough to blind a normal person, blood dripping out the mouth, large metal shackles attached to a device around her neck.
  2467. "Yeah well, you don't look so hot yourself." you reply, "Don't suppose you could wisp out and cut me free?"
  2468. >"Nah man, they got me in some sort of cuffs that prevent me from doing that."
  2469. >Probably made from dimeritium. These guys aren't messing around.
  2470. "Too thick to break out of?"
  2471. >She gives an affirmative sound. "Couldn't walk even if I tried though, they cut off my feet."
  2472. "Fuck."
  2473. >"Eh, they'll grow back." she says in a nonchalant manner. "Eventually..."
  2474. >Sometimes you envy vampires with how they can just not care for losing limbs.
  2475. >"Sorry dude." she says in a somber tone. "About all this."
  2476. "Not your entirely your fault, they were after me too."
  2477. >"What? Really?"
  2478. "Turns out they didn't like it when I killed one of their own."
  2479. >She chuckles, "Who was that?"
  2480. "Guy named Edward."
  2481. >"Oh shit... you're the one who did that?"
  2482. "Didn't make it easy."
  2483. >"Pfft, yeah those new age vampires are pieces of work if you ask me. So how'd that happen?"
  2484. >You end up telling the tale of how you saved Rarity from becoming a feeding thrall to Edward on your first day of hanging out with the girls.
  2485. >It's not really a long or glamorous one, but somehow it still entertains Vinyl.
  2486. "So these guys related to Iron Will in any way?"
  2487. >"Iron who?"
  2488. "Iron Will, a Stoneclad. Big asshole, turns into a giant walking golem, wore an expensive suit?"
  2489. >"Don't know who that is dude. These guys only recently came to Canterlot within the past year. A bit of a mess when they started setting up too. They tried to set up hunting zones for their more toothy members."
  2490. >There's a nagging bit in your brain that seems to recall hearing something like that before.
  2491. >...
  2492. "If they only recently came here, how do you know about them?"
  2493. >"One of their lackeys tried to make a move on Tavi. Was in for quite a surprise when they realized a Higher Vampire had already moved into the neighborhood. Made a deal for them to stay out of certain areas of Canterlot, specifically anywhere Octavia hung out and I wouldn't stop them."
  2494. "And I'm guessing Edward didn't know that."
  2495. >"Nah, that kid was always doing whatever he wanted. It was getting to the point where I don't think the any other vampire would blame me if I did him in."
  2496. >Vinyl's words give you something to digest though.
  2497. "So are all these guys Higher vampires?"
  2498. >"Nah, from what I could tell only the top guy is a Higher like me. The others are mostly the lesser kind with a few other lycanthropes put in; I think I saw a succubus hanging around awhile back. Boy was she a bitch."
  2499. "Anything else I should know about?"
  2500. >"Not really, only other thing I can think of is that they were having a turf war of sorts with another group. Though that seemed to have calmed down recently."
  2501. >Gee, you wonder why.
  2502. >It seems you got involved into some serious shit by saving Rarity's life.
  2503. >Things can never be simple in Canterlot can they? They all just seem to go deeper down the rabbit hole.
  2504. "Well if you come up with a plan to get us out of here, let me know."
  2505. >"Will do."
  2507. -----
  2509. >Your sore muscles ache after hours of trying to pull the metal bar from the ceiling.
  2510. >The chaffing from the metal cuffs doesn't help either.
  2511. >Despite many occasions where the pole might just give it never did.
  2512. >Even Applejack's stronger than average self doesn't seem to make a difference, despite her going on until the skin on her wrists seemed to be getting incredibly red.
  2513. >"Sunset... maybe we should come up with another plan." says an exhausted Rarity.
  2514. "We can't just give up Rarity."
  2515. >"She's right!" Applejack shouts, still tugging on the bar. "Anon's in trouble. And to hell if I'm just gonna keel over and let them take him from me!"
  2516. >Suddenly the sound of metallic latch being undone makes you all freeze.
  2517. >You all immediately stop what you're doing and just stand there acting like nothing's the matter.
  2518. >Three different men escorting a half-naked prisoner walk into the room.
  2519. >The prisoner has bag over his head, but you instantly recognize who it is just from all the scars on his torso.
  2520. "Anon!" you inadvertently shout.
  2521. >"Sunset?" you hear him ask back.
  2522. >"Well well, seems someone recognizes ya?"
  2523. >Dragging him into the light and yanking the bag off his head, you see they've done a number on him.
  2524. >His body is covered in fresh bruises and cuts.
  2525. >"This yer little girlfriend here?" the same man asks Anon.
  2526. >"Fuck you."
  2527. >The man just chuckles to himself and walks up to you.
  2528. >Grabbing your chin, he moves your face around like you're a piece of meat to be inspected.
  2529. >The way you can only see his eyes through his gas mask just makes this man even more unnerving than before.
  2530. >"Don't touch her." Anon orders in a deathly serious tone.
  2531. >"Or is it this one with the decent sized rack?" he continuous, groping Applejack's breast. "Or hell, maybe all these sweet little girls are his girlfriend's, good onya mate."
  2532. >"When I fucking get out. You die first." he threatens.
  2533. >One of the masked men restraining him, punches him in the back of the head.
  2534. >"Oh ho ho, getting a little testy huh? A little irritated? Good."
  2535. >"Why are you doing this?" Rarity cries.
  2536. >He walks over to Rarity and begins caressing her cheek with the back of his hand.
  2537. >Your friend can't seem to hold back her tears at the man's touch.
  2538. >"Don't you worry deary, we're gonna take good care o' you when he bites it."
  2539. >Both you and Applejack grit your teeth as he takes his mask off and runs his tongue on Rarity's neck.
  2540. >A line of crooked teeth graze her soft neck.
  2541. >You all hold your breath as he bares his fangs.
  2542. >Rarity's crying causes her makeup to run as she starts hyperventilating.
  2543. >The man just smiles and pulls away.
  2544. >"Don't you fret just yet little miss. Boss told us you're all off-limits until this one is pushing up daisies."
  2545. >Rainbow Dash yells at him and angrily pulls on her chains. "You monster!"
  2546. >"And don't you forget it!" he says taking her insult as a compliment.
  2547. >"Ey, I call the spunky rainbow haired one when we're done with this guy." one of the goons holding Anon says.
  2548. >Anon growls and makes a move to break free.
  2549. >"Watch it man! Freak almost broke loose."
  2550. >You see Anon chuckle to himself.
  2551. >"Ey, what's so funny?" the leader asks.
  2552. >"Looks like you're still afraid of me. Good. I'll keep that in mind."
  2553. >"I ain't afraid of you."
  2554. >Grabbing Anon by the shoulders, he then knees him in the gut, winding him.
  2555. >Applejack tries to lunge forward, only stopped by the clang of the overhead pipe.
  2556. >Right now you've never felt more anger and hate towards a single person than this man taunting you.
  2557. >The only time you've ever felt this way before was when you put on the Element of Magic and got corrupted in that demonic form.
  2558. >You can feel the emotions build up within you as your body starts shaking.
  2559. >"Well I think we've tortured the witcher enough boys. C'mon, we still got a couple of minutes before the boss realizes yer not in yer cell."
  2560. >The three men laugh as they place the bag back over his head and drag him out the room.
  2561. >"Just sit tight ladies, we'll be back before you know it!" is the last thing you hear before the metal door closes and the latch reset.
  2562. >Applejack screams.
  2563. >To your surprise her body starts glowing as she seethes pure rage. As the anger builds you hear creaks and cracks from up above you.
  2564. >The metal pole holding you up is starting to bend at an angle while also being pulled out from the foundation its in.
  2565. "Applejack..."
  2566. >But to all of your dismay, she slumps over out of breath and the light dies down.
  2567. >Rainbow Dash gulps, "Whoa..."
  2568. >She tries to say something but all you understand are laboured breaths, "Hah... hah... I... ugh..."
  2569. >Realizing she's now slightly off-angle she looks to you.
  2570. >"Uh... what the hay just happened?"
  2571. "You almost pulled the pole out of the wall." you state.
  2572. >She looks up and sees the bent metal.
  2573. >"Did... did I do that?"
  2574. >"YES!" everyone else answers.
  2575. "Applejack you need to do that again!"
  2576. >"I... I don't know how!"
  2577. >You groan.
  2578. >Of course she doesn't.
  2579. >Think Sunset. THINK!
  2580. "Just... just think about saving Anon. Think about how he needs our help in order to get out."
  2581. >She closes her eyes and grits her teeth.
  2582. >At first, nothing seems to happen.
  2583. >"You can do it Applejack!" Pinkie Pie cheers.
  2584. "We all believe in you AJ."
  2585. >She struggles but can't seem to muster up the same power she just displayed a few moments ago.
  2586. >"Is... is it working?"
  2587. >"No..."
  2588. "Don't worry, we'll think of something else."
  2589. >Rainbow lets out a disappointed groan.
  2590. >"No, I ain't gonna give up." she says, "I'm not gonna let you all down!"
  2591. >"Well we're not going to let you do this by yourself!" Rainbow says.
  2592. >"Yeah!" Pinkie Pie chimes in.
  2593. >"We're with you darling."
  2594. "C'mon now, all together."
  2595. >"1..."
  2596. >"2..."
  2597. >"3!"
  2598. >You all pull against the metal bar with all your combined might.
  2600. >The guards dump you back into the dark cell you've been kept in for a couple of hours now.
  2601. >Tieing you off in the chair, they kick Vinyl in the side once before locking the cell.
  2602. >"Oof!"
  2603. "Just hang tight witcher, in just a few more hours the big man will be here to show you off personally." the guard taunts.
  2604. >You wait a few moments until you hear the echo of the guard's footsteps stop and a metal door shuts.
  2605. >"So... how's Tavi and the others?"
  2606. "Other than the fact our captors are looking forward to using them once we're out of the way, they seem peachy."
  2607. >"Oh they are all SO going to die."
  2608. "I thought you vampires had a taboo against killing others of your kind?"
  2609. >"They aren't one of my kind." she answers, "The guys who grabbed you to visit the others aren't vampires."
  2610. "Seriously?"
  2611. >"Yeah, they don't have that smell I associate with other vampires. Plus, their teeth are all wrong. I'd say they're werewolves."
  2612. "That doesn't make it any better."
  2613. >"In a way it kind of does. If we get out, I could easily gut the lot of them with no consequence."
  2614. >Taking a deep breath, you focus.
  2615. >"So you got a plan?"
  2616. "Kind of."
  2617. >Wobbling in your chair, you tilt yourself until you fall onto the ground.
  2618. "You still got your teeth?"
  2619. >"Duh."
  2620. "Scootch over until you can see the rope binding my hands."
  2621. >"Oh hoh, I gotcha."
  2622. >Inching slowly, Vinyl faces your restrained limbs.
  2623. >Baring her teeth, she chomps down on the rope.
  2624. >Inadvertently, she accidentally bites down on your wrist.
  2625. "Ow!"
  2626. >"Sorry."
  2627. "Last thing I need is for you to become blood thirsty." you chastise her.
  2628. >"You're not bleeding, quit whining."
  2629. >You feel the bindings becoming weaker until you're able to finally pull your arms apart.
  2630. >Yanking the bag off of your head, you toss it to the side.
  2631. >Rubbing your wrists, you hold your fingers out to Vinyl.
  2632. "Gonna need you to bite the tape off of my fingers."
  2633. >"Really hope this isn't some weird fetish of yours."
  2634. "Can you do it or not?"
  2635. >She bares her fangs and opens her mouth.
  2636. >"Yeah yeah..."
  2637. >Bringing her teeth down gently, she works the little stretch of tape over the gap in your fingers through her teeth.
  2638. "Vu vwelly nweed wo wighten wuff"
  2639. "Less talking more chewing."
  2640. >If you told yourself a week ago that you would be voluntarily holding out your fingers next to a vampire's jaw, well you would probably believe it.
  2641. >You just hope Vinyl doesn't decide to get too nibbly again.
  2642. >Eventually the tape snaps.
  2643. >"This is the dumbest escape ever."
  2644. >Soon enough all the tape is undone and you have full movement of your fingers back.
  2645. >"C'mon dude, free me now."
  2646. "Don't I need a key?"
  2647. >"Just take the pins in my neck out. They’re using some weird acupuncture thing to make me lose feeling in my arms."
  2648. >Kneeling down besides her, you examine the neck brace.
  2649. >And just like she says, there are a series of thin needles puncturing her neck at certain points.
  2650. >"This one right?" you ask, turning the knobs.
  2651. >In response, one of the pins retracts from her skin.
  2652. >"Aw yeah," she says flexing one of her shoulders. "Now do the others."
  2653. >Complying, you turn the rest of the handles to release her.
  2654. >"Man that feels so good."
  2655. >She struggles a bit, but soon enough Vinyl easily snaps the connectors keeping her arms bound together.
  2656. >Taking the collar and wrapping her fingers around it, she yanks it into two pieces.
  2657. >"Ha ha! Alright let's do this! Stay behind me!"
  2658. >You just stand their looking unimpressed.
  2659. "I don't think that's going to work."
  2660. >"Dude no time for joking arou-whoaaa-Oof!"
  2661. >Looking down at her feet, she understands why now.
  2662. >"Oh..."
  2663. >Her regeneration hasn't gotten very far, currently they're just as large as an infant's.
  2664. "Yeah."
  2665. >"Hehe... baby feet." she giggles to herself.
  2666. >You roll your eyes.
  2667. >Picking her up on your back, you carry her piggy back up to the cell door.
  2668. >"Okay, lets try this again."
  2669. >Her nails extend and she slices the flat center braces like butter.
  2670. >Grabbing the vertical bars, you set yourself into a stance as she pulls them apart wide enough for you to slip through.
  2671. >Moving between the bent iron, you eye around the room.
  2672. >Unfortunately, your stuff isn't here.
  2673. >Why wouldn't it be. This isn't a video game
  2674. >Carrying Vinyl, you move to the door.
  2675. "And ideas?"
  2676. >"Yeah, here let me try something." she says balling her fist.
  2677. "Whoa whoa, wait just a second." you say holding your hand up. "I hear something."
  2678. >Putting your ear up to the door, you can just make out a few words.
  2679. >"What's the matter?" a guard says on the other side.
  2680. >"Something's happening in the room with all those girls."
  2681. >"Let's check it out."
  2682. >Lowering your hand, you wait a few moments.
  2683. "Alright do your thing." you say taking a step back. "We should hurry though, something's happening with the others."
  2684. >Punching the door, she leaves a huge dent in it along with knocking the two of you on your butt.
  2685. >"Ow... that could have gone better."
  2686. "Can't you turn into a giant bat or something?"
  2687. >"Dude, really? Just because I'm a vampire you think we can all turn into giant bats?"
  2688. "Can you or can you not?"
  2689. >"Of course I can, but it won't do us any good right now. Give me until my feet regen all the way and then we'll talk."
  2690. >You sigh.
  2691. "Then let's hurry up and bust this door down."
  2692. >"Right, Tavi needs my help and I'll be damned if I stop doing that now."
  2693. >Don't worry Applejack. You'll be there soon.
  2695. -----
  2697. >"C'mon girls, one final tug!" Twilight says.
  2698. >Each of your arms scream out in pain but you each do your best to ignore it.
  2699. >Too much is riding on these next few moments so you all pull down with as much energy you can muster.
  2700. >A few seconds of struggling go by when you begin hearing cracks forming on the ceiling.
  2701. >"It's working!" Octavia points out.
  2702. >Suddenly the concrete roof gives way and you're all sent to the floor.
  2703. >"Ugh... that hurt."
  2704. >"My arms..."
  2705. "Everyone... ow... everyone okay?" you ask massaging your head.
  2706. >A series of confirmations sound off around the room as you all groan in pain.
  2707. >After a few seconds of just lying there on the ground, you eventually work your cuff link away from the pole.
  2708. >Though now that that's out of the way you still have to deal with the cuffs themselves now.
  2709. >"That feels better." Applejack says putting her hat back on and rubbing her shoulders, "Mah arms were killing me."
  2710. >Pinkie Pie pokes you on the shoulder, "Um Sunset, I think Fluttershy hurt something real bad."
  2711. >Fluttershy is crying and clutching her shoulder.
  2712. >"Oh my gosh, Fluttershy what's wrong?" Rarity says running to her.
  2713. >"M-my shoulder... it hurts..."
  2714. >"Fluttershy. I think she may have dislocated it." she says carefully holding her arm. "We need to get her to a hospital."
  2715. >"Well that'll have to wait until we're out of here Rarity." Applejack replies, "The only one who knows how to deal with something like that is Vinyl and both she and Anon are a little pre-occupied right now."
  2716. >"So what now Sunset?" Rainbow asks you.
  2717. >Picking up a portion of the metal pole, you think over your options.
  2718. >But before you can really come up with anything, the lock on the gate creaks.
  2719. >"Oh crud."
  2720. >The door swings open. "What the hell is going on in- HEY!"
  2721. >Two guards enter the room with their weapons trained on you.
  2722. >"Don't none of you move!"
  2723. >Fluttershy squeaks in terror when she suddenly recoils in pain from her shoulder.
  2724. >"I said don't move!" the man shouts.
  2725. >His gun points towards Fluttershy to everyone's horror.
  2726. >"Fluttershy no!" Rarity shouts.
  2727. >She dives towards your frail friend as a burst of gunfire goes off.
  2728. >"RARITY!" you all scream.
  2729. >The sound bounces off the concrete walls nearly deafening everyone.
  2730. >No no no no!
  2731. >You hesitate to open your eyes, not wanting to see the grim aftermath. But seeing as your still in danger, you have no choice but too.
  2732. >Peeking your eyes open, and to your amazement and relief, you see Rarity with Fluttershy in her arms without a scratch on them.
  2733. >Instead, three floating large glowing blue diamonds appear in front of them.
  2734. >"What the-"
  2735. >The same captors fires another burst of gunfire at the barrier, which causes you all to scramble as bullets begin ricocheting off of it and hitting the ceiling, floor and pretty much everywhere else.
  2736. >One of the stray bullets ends up hitting his partner in the arm causing him to curse in pain.
  2737. >"You jackass!" he screams grabbing his arm.
  2738. >"S-sorry!"
  2739. >Taking this as your chance, you signal to the others to be ready.
  2740. "Girls!"
  2741. >Leaping around the shield, you charge the distracted men.
  2742. >Casting Aard, you slam them both into the wall, making one lose grip of his weapon.
  2743. >You enter a combat roll, grab his gun and point it at the two guards.
  2744. "Drop it." you order the guard who only just recovered.
  2745. >He begrudgingly complies, gently setting his gun down on the floor and holding his hands up.
  2746. "Kick it here."
  2747. >He follows your direction and uses the side of his boot to knock the gun towards you.
  2748. >"Boss didn't say these girls could use fricken magic."
  2749. >"Shut up." the other says. "Just stay quiet."
  2750. >Rainbow Dash quickly picks up the other gun and aims.
  2751. >"Now take off all that gear." Rainbow orders.
  2752. >Begrudgingly they follow her instructions.
  2753. >Spare magazines, flashlights, their bullet-proof vests, a pair of dog whistles, backup handguns, personal radios, a couple grenade-like objects, combat knives and plenty of other militaristic gear are dropped.
  2754. >"The keys to our handcuffs too." Twilight says.
  2755. >Taking a keyring off his belt loop, the non-injured guard dumps it onto the floor.
  2756. >Twilight uses the keys to unlock all your cuffs while both Octavia and Pinkie collect everything and distribute them all.
  2757. >Rubbing your chaffed wrists, you thank Celestia to have feeling in your wrists again.
  2758. >As Octavia hands the spare pistols to Applejack and Twilight, you glare at the two men.
  2759. "Where are our friends being held?"
  2760. >One of them scoffs.
  2761. >"And wouldn't you like to know?"
  2762. >"Yeah, I don't think it's gonna take long for the others to realize we got a jailbreak situation here."
  2763. >He's probably right, the gunshots would have made a pretty loud echo down the hall.
  2764. >"Well in that case we all better get moving." Applejack says. "What are we gonna do about these two?"
  2765. >"They'll probably try to attack us as soon as we turn our backs to them." Twilight says.
  2766. >"Sunset?"
  2767. >You bite your lip.
  2768. >Looking at the two men, you have a really dark urge to put a bullet in each of their heads for earlier.
  2769. "Where. Are. Our. Friends." you demand a second time.
  2770. >"Look girly, we ain't telling you jack."
  2771. >"If we don't show up for another session with your vampire friend, everyone will get suspicious so put the guns down and ju-"
  2772. >Another session? With Vinyl?
  2773. >"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY VINYL?!" Octavia demands.
  2774. >She grabs the gun from Applejack and points it the two mens heads.
  2775. >The injured man rolls his eyes, "Just sawed off her legs, not like that reall-
  2776. >*BANG*
  2778. >You all gasp as Octavia shoots the man in the knee, sending him to the floor crawling in pain.
  2779. >Pointing her gun at the other, she proceeds to give him a murderous glare.
  2780. >"Where is she? And don't lie." she growls.
  2781. >The still standing guard looks down the barrel of the pistol.
  2782. >"By the- alright alright, they're down the fucking hall and to the rig-"
  2783. >*BANG* *BANG*
  2784. >"AGH! SHIT!" he screams, keeling over in agony as both his knees are shot out.
  2785. >"Holy crap..." Rainbow says in a mix of pure horror and amazement.
  2786. >You just watch Octavia carefully as she straps one of the vests to herself and a few magazines.
  2787. >"Well what are we waiting for?" she says.
  2788. >...
  2789. >"What?"
  2790. >"Yer scary ya know that?" Applejack says tilting her hat back.
  2791. >"Oh they'll be fine." Octavia replies brushing her off. "What's a life of constant pain and living hell compared to the safety of our loved ones?"
  2792. "Constant pain and living hell?" you reply sarcastically.
  2793. >Leaving the two men screaming men behind, you lock the door behind you and continue forward with Octavia leading.
  2794. >Twilight hands her pistol off to Applejack.
  2795. >Rarity helps Fluttershy while Rainbow and Pinkie take the rear.
  2796. >"You'll make better use of it than I will." she says, "I can handle the flash grenades though."
  2797. >The place looks like a large series of underground tunnels.
  2798. >Kind of like Iron Will's hideout, but much less elaborate and more... temporary.
  2799. >Things like graffiti on the walls, trash, hanging lamps and power cables leading from one to another seem to indicate this is just a place they just recently took over.
  2800. >Eventually, you reach a crossroads with two paths.
  2801. "They said down the hall and to the right right?"
  2802. >"Yeah."
  2803. >Applejack points a flashlight down the path leading to the right and it seems pretty long.
  2804. >"How do we know they ain't lying though?" she asks.
  2805. >"Aren't you the one who normally knows when they tell the truth?" Rarity comments.
  2806. >"Yeah, well that was before they started hollerin' in pain." Applejack says. "I don't recommend splitting up either. Who knows what else we’ll run into."
  2807. >"What about this room?" Pinkie asks, pointing towards a door. "My Pinkie sense tells me we should check in there."
  2808. >"Pinkie sense?" Octavia asks, looking at you all questioningly.
  2809. >"It's a long story." Rainbow answers.
  2810. "Worth a shot?"
  2811. >"Maybe." Twilight replies, "But we should get one of those flashbangs ready just in case."
  2812. >Slowly, Pinkie opens the door and peaks inside.
  2813. >"I don't see anyone inside." she reports. "Just a lot of boxes."
  2814. >"Did you say boxes?"
  2815. >"Yuh huh!"
  2816. >Entering the room, it's indeed filled with boxes.
  2817. >All of them are either black or dark grey, made from some sort of hard plastic.
  2818. >But what catches your eyes are a set of familiar items on a fold-out table.
  2819. >A tiny wolf head medallion, knives, a cane and a small pile of cellphones.
  2820. "Look its our stuff." you tell the others.
  2821. >"My handbag! I was worried I would never see this agai- what?"
  2822. >Rainbow gives an incredulous look, "Really?"
  2823. >"It's an expensive bag dear.
  2824. >Shrugging, you take Anon's medallion.
  2825. >You stare at the wolf head and briefly consider putting it on instead of in your pocket.
  2826. >Hesitating, you ultimately decide against it.
  2827. >"Applejack, you should hold onto this." you say handing it to her.
  2828. >"Thanks Sunset." she says taking it.
  2829. >She wraps it around her belt loop at her side.
  2830. >Taking Anon's sword however, you keep that close to you.
  2831. >For some reason you feel much more comfortable using that compared to the submachine gun in your hands.
  2832. >Probably has to be because you've trained with this more than the latter.
  2833. >Hopefully finding Anon and Vinyl will be just as easy.
  2834. >Handing the gun off to Octavia and trading the handgun, you put the safety on and place it in the gap between your pants.
  2835. >"Hey, look at all the guns they got stored in here." Rainbow says.
  2836. >She holds open a lid where two packaged machine guns are stored in foam casing.
  2837. >There are at least two other boxes just like it, as well as smaller boxes that are labeled with some caliber of ammo.
  2838. >"Well, I'll take this if ya don't mind." Applejack says taking a shotgun left on one of the tables.
  2839. >She puts in a few shells before racking the first one.
  2840. >"I found some more of those vests!" Pinkie Pie says wearing one over her chest. "They're super light too!"
  2841. "This is a lot of firepower."
  2842. >"Yeah, no kidding." Twilight says, "They have enough equipment to fortify this place for quite a while."
  2843. >She holds out a small radio kit, and some sort of ball like object.
  2844. >"This is a small wireless drone with a camera attached. Things like these are pretty high-end."
  2845. >"Well first priority is rescuing Anon and Vinyl." Applejack announces, "The next is getting out without getting caught."
  2846. >Peeking out of the room carefully and making sure the coast is clear, you and Octavia lead the others out.
  2847. >"Anyone kind of find it weird how we haven't seen another guard in like forever?" Rainbow asks.
  2848. "Yeah, now that I think about it, it does seem off."
  2849. >There definitely seems to be an implication that there should be more men. Especially with the little armory going on here.
  2850. >Assuming the two guards you just left behind were part of the initial group that you were introduced to, they seem a little understaffed.
  2851. >"Ah don't like it."
  2852. >Suddenly you hear a loud metal clang come from further ahead.
  2853. >"What was that?"
  2854. >"Sounded like something dangerous..." Twilight whispers.
  2855. >You hear heavy footsteps come from down the corridor where a light flickers on and off.
  2856. >A shadowy figure slowly makes its way down the hall, but with the malfunctioning light, you have no idea what it is.
  2857. >"We got incoming!" Applejack orders. "Blind it before it gets the drop on us!"
  2858. >Pulling the pin, Twilight tosses the flashbang grenade.
  2859. >"Applejack is that you?" a familiar male voice asks.
  2860. >"Was that...?"
  2861. >Oh crap...
  2862. "Look away!"
  2863. >A second familiar voice asks the first, "Did she just tell us to lo-"
  2864. >The small device lands in front of the of the figure with a small clink.
  2865. >"SHIT!" says the male voice before being momentarily drowned out by a blinding flash of light.
  2866. >The figure collapses onto the ground, writhing in pain.
  2867. >"GODDAMMIT!"
  2869. >"ANON!" Applejack screams out before running towards Anon's voice.
  2870. >"VINYL!" Octavia shouts out before doing the same.
  2871. >Running down the hallway, you find the two rolling around covering the their eyes.
  2872. >And disturbingly enough, Vinyl's feet are a few sizes too small for her body for some reason.
  2873. "Anon."
  2874. >"Augh... Sunset? Is that you?" he says ceasing his struggles.
  2875. "Um... did you see those bad guys who threw that grenade? " you begin lying through your teeth, "It's a good thing Applejack and I took them out before they hurt you."
  2876. >He sits up and holds out his hand, "We'll talk about blinding your friends AND lying later."
  2877. >You wince as you pull him up. He's not happy...
  2878. >"Tavi are you okay? I can't see you."
  2879. >"I'm fine Vinny, I'm just glad I'm with you again." she says hugging her.
  2880. "C'mon I don’t think it really needs to be said that we have to leave."
  2881. >"Here Anon." Applejack says handing him back his medallion.
  2882. >She places the metal trinket into his hand and he looks in her general direction.
  2883. >"Thank you. Didn’t expect to see this again."
  2884. >Placing the medallion back over his neck, you hand him his sword and knives.
  2885. >"Well, seems like you all managed to free yourselves." he says, slightly annoyed but you can tell he's also relieved.
  2886. >"Not without a little luck darling." Rarity replies, "But Fluttershy injured her shoulder. I think she dislocated it."
  2887. >"As much as I could right now, I don't think this is the appropriate place to set it." Vinyl casually mentions. "I smell something coming."
  2888. >"Anybody else hear that noise?" Octavia asks.
  2889. "What noise?"
  2890. >"I don't know but it's really starting to make my head hurt." she says bracing herself against the wall.
  2891. >Vinyl's nose twitches as she faces down the hall.
  2892. >She bares her fangs, "Anon, two werewolves down the hall."
  2893. >"Werewolves?"
  2894. >But that's coming from where you just...
  2895. >The sound of snarling echos down the corridor you originally came out of.
  2896. >"Looks like shooting out their kneecaps didn't do as much as you thought it would huh Octavia?" Rainbow snarks.
  2897. >"Whoa hold the phone, my little Tavi capped someone?" Vinyl cheers, "Call me proud!"
  2898. >The pounding and creaking on the metal door suggests how much time you might have.
  2899. >"Congratulate her later, if you have any more flashbangs it would be good to use them right now!" Anon suggests. "Vinyl and I aren't in much condition to fight at this sec-"
  2900. >Octavia suddenly clutches her chest.
  2901. >"Tavi?"
  2902. >"V-Vinyl it's- it's happening again!" she pants out.
  2903. >She's turning right now?
  2904. >"Octi just breathe!"
  2905. >The DJ grabs your shoulders, "Please tell me you found some of her pills."
  2906. >You shake your head.
  2907. >Octavia hunches over in pain, "Vinyl I- I don't want to hurt you!"
  2908. >Her body begins the process of transformation; Octavia's arm elongate, hair grows all around her, and her facial features become much more canine like.
  2909. >The process hasn't really changed from the first time you saw it, and it's just as disturbing.
  2910. >Everyone steps back as Octavia lets out a howl into the air.
  2911. >The turned cellist lets out can only let out labored breaths as you all wordlessly await her next move.
  2912. >She turns her head.
  2913. >"T-Tavi?"
  2914. >Octavia just stares at you and the others until her ears perk up.
  2915. >The metal door crashes to the ground as the sound of two more snarling werewolves charge at you.
  2917. -----
  2919. >Baring her teeth, Octavia rushes the oncoming opposition and tackles the two.
  2920. >The oncoming werewolves are taken by surprise when one of their own suddenly attacks them and in the process, a powerline is cut engulfing the entire room in darkness.
  2921. >"Crap crap CRAP! We gotta help he-!" Vinyl shouts. "Oh hey look my feet are back!"
  2922. >She hops up.
  2923. >"Alright stand back." she says stepping forward. "I'm-a coming Tavi!"
  2924. >Her nails extend to the size of her forearms and her features become more batlike.
  2925. >Running forward she vanishes into the dark, soon followed by the sounds of meat being ripped apart, whines and cries of pain.
  2926. >Everyone takes a nervous step back, unsure of who has the upperhand until the noises stop.
  2927. >The silence is a bit chilling. The fact your vision hasn't quite recovered makes it all the more so.
  2928. >Regardless though, you're a bit surprised that Sunset and Applejack decide to step in front of you with their weapons raised.
  2929. >A large furry claw steps out into the light sending everyone on edge.
  2930. >Thankfully Vinyl walks back into view, stretching her arms like she just did some light exercising.
  2931. >"That felt good." she says covered in blood. "Right Tavi?"
  2932. >Octavia walks up next to her and nuzzles her..
  2933. >...
  2934. >"Vinyl. I'm glad you're okay." Octavia says in a much deeper voice.
  2935. >"Same Octi, though I'm not really all that thrilled with your new form."
  2936. >Octavia licks Vinyl on the cheek.
  2937. >Vinyl holds her back and nervously chuckles, "Heh, I know you want to show me some sugar, but let's wait till we both get out of here first."
  2938. >"Alright but I shant go easy on you for making me wait." she says pinching her behind with her claws.
  2939. >"Yeow! Getting fiesty there huh?" Vinyl asks with a playful smile. "Heh, that's okay. Who's a good girl? Who's a good girl?"
  2940. >Octavia rolls on the floor as Vinyl rubs her belly. The former's hind leg kicking like a dog.
  2941. >"That feeeeels soooooo gooood!" Octavia groans in pleasure.
  2942. >You let out a grimace.
  2943. >"This isn't normal." Rainbow comments on the sight in front of you.
  2944. >"No darling, it most definitly isn't. But who are we to judge on the way they show their love?"
  2945. "So... you're not going to turn all feral on us?" you ask.
  2946. >Octavia stops and gets up.
  2947. >Looking down at herself. "I don't know."
  2948. >You wonder what caused the change this time. There's no full moon out.
  2949. >Maybe it has to do with that sound Octavia mentioned earlier. Something at a high enough frequency only canines would hear.
  2950. >But while seeing Octavia not trying to rip out your throat is a refreshing thought, you'll have plenty of time to ponder the nature of her curse at a safer time.
  2951. "You figured a way out of here?"
  2952. >Sunset speaks up, "We thought you two might know something."
  2953. "Not especially."
  2954. >"Um Vinyl, since you're part vampire can you turn into a bat and echolocate?" Fluttershy asks.
  2955. >Vinyl scoffs, "What is it with you normies thinking all vampires can turn into bats. That's just racist."
  2956. >"O-oh I'm sorry. I-I d-didn't know."
  2957. "Vinyl..."
  2958. >"Yeah yeah. I'm just yanking your chain FS. Course I can but first..."
  2959. >Walking up to her, Vinyl takes her arm.
  2960. >"Where does it hurt?"
  2961. >"Um... my shoulder..."
  2962. >Feeling up and down, Fluttershy hisses in pain when Vinyl touches a certain spot.
  2963. >"Yup, there's an indentation in your blade. You dislocated it alright." she says, "I would normally wait until we get someplace safer to do it, but considering the circumstances..."
  2964. >"..."
  2965. >"It's up to you."
  2966. >Fluttershy nods.
  2967. >"I'll try to make it quick then." Vinyl tells her in a comforting voice. "Applejack can I borrow you?"
  2968. >"Um... sure?"
  2969. >Setting the injured girl onto her back, Vinyl motions for Applejack to hold onto Fluttershy's waist.
  2970. >"Tell me when you hear a pop. AJ you keep her still."
  2971. >"Right."
  2972. >"This is gonna hurt but the pain should lessen after. "
  2973. >Fluttershy meekly nods.
  2974. >Stretching out her arm, Vinyl pulls in one direction while Applejack holds firmly.
  2975. >"Nnng!"
  2976. >Letting go gently, Fluttershy sits up.
  2977. >"Oh that feels... ow... much better than before."
  2978. >"Once we're safe, I'll check it out more thoroughly but that should help for now."
  2979. >"Thank you Vinyl..."
  2980. >"Yup."
  2981. >As she does some last minute checks, your vision starts returning to normal although your eyes still sting.
  2982. >Memories of Twilight's surprise attack begin to surface.
  2983. >"You know there's one more path we didn't go down, that might lead to the exit." Twilight says.
  2984. "And I was looking forward to seeing Vinyl become hell incarnate." you say in a dissapointed tone. "Vinyl you and Were-Tavia take lead."
  2985. >Vinyl walks past you and pats you on the cheek, "Oh don't worry Non, the night's still young. C'mon Tavi."
  2986. >As the girls follow the couple, you can't help but let out a grunt of discomfort and massage your chest once everyone is past you.
  2987. >Your muscles are still sore from the beating you suffered in captivity.
  2988. >But the quicker your group gets out, the better for everyone.
  2989. >"Anon are you okay?" Applejack asks walking with you.
  2990. "Couldn't be better. You?"
  2991. >"Well ah *could* be better. But I'm just happy yer safe."
  2992. "While I share the sentiment, until we're out of here none of us are safe. Almost all these guys are a mix of vampires and lycanthropes."
  2993. >"They seem to be pushovers with the way Octavia and Vinyl took care of em."
  2994. "Considering the way they captured us, I don't think it applies to all of them. Speaking of which..."
  2995. >"You just noticed it too huh?"
  2996. "How there's literally no sign of the other dozen men that captured us?"
  2997. >Applejack tilts her hat back, "We were wondering the same thing too."
  2998. "Something doesn't feel right. Almost like we're walking into a trap."
  2999. >"So how'd you guys get free?" Vinyl asks claws still bare, "I kind of find it hard to believe you got the drop on a pair of werewolves, no offense."
  3000. >"They weren't transformed before now." Rarity points out.
  3001. >"After you got taken away, Applejack began tearing the bar we were being held against right out of the roof." Sunset says. "She had this weird glow similar to when we pony-up."
  3002. >Vinyl snickers, "Heheh "pony-up"."
  3003. >Octavia bumps her in the side with her shoulder. "Shush, Vinny."
  3004. >"Anyway, after some effort all of us working together managed to pry it out all the way until the guards showed up, that's when Rarity conjured up some magic shields to distract them. Then I managed to disarm them with Aard and now we're here."
  3005. "Rarity conjured up a shield?"
  3006. >So it seems they're all developing powers now, not just Sunset.
  3007. >Interesting.
  3008. "Can either of you use those abilities now?"
  3009. >"Don’t expect nothing sugarcube." Applejack replies.
  3010. >"They just seemed to pop up. We don't actually know how to control them."
  3011. >As disappointing as that answer is, you suppose that makes sense.
  3012. >Magic was never really known to be simple, so getting it purposly on the first go is a definitly a stretch. But maybe they could learn to harness that power at a later time though.
  3013. >The supposed superstrength AJ has could be invaluable to her hand-to-hand training.
  3014. >"Guys, I think I see the exi-"
  3015. >*BOOM*
  3016. >The entire corridor shakes, nearly throwing you all off-balance.
  3017. >"Whoa! What's happening?" Rainbow asks as she braces against the wall.
  3018. >The sounds of gunfire and screams echoing down the hall draws your attention immediately.
  3019. >"Looks like someone's fighting out there."
  3020. >Octavia hunches order and snarls.
  3021. >"I smell more." Octavia says.
  3022. >"So do I."
  3023. >A few more explosions go off.
  3024. "The hell is going on out there?"
  3025. >Vinyl continues ahead down the hall until she reaches a set of stairs.
  3026. >"Found a door. Sounds like the fightings happening outside." she says.
  3027. >Pushing it, the door refuses to budge.
  3028. >"Locked from the outside. Just a sec."
  3029. >In a puff of smoke, Vinyl passes through the door.
  3030. >A rattle of chains later and the door opens.
  3031. >"Be careful, something else is out here."
  3032. >More gunfire goes off in the distance, which from the sound it seems to be extremely close.
  3033. >Exiting the underground passage, you see the first signs of nature since you were brought here.
  3034. >An old rickety house looms over the entrance surrounded by trees and bushes with the sun setting through the branches of the former.
  3035. >Your medallion shakes just moments before a large figure crashes through the nearby foliage, a large machine gun landing just nearby in the dirt.
  3036. >"Ugh..." the injured werewolf groans.
  3037. >A large gash runs across his chest, leaking fresh blood and staining his tattered clothing.
  3038. "Shit. Who the hell did this?"
  3039. >"Well whatever it is, it ain't friendly to our gracious hosts."
  3040. >The werewolf's ears perk up and sees you all staring at it.
  3041. >"We... we have a prison break!" he screams.
  3042. >Though it's lower in pitch, you recognize the voice.
  3043. >The deadman that dared to molest Sunset, Applejack and Rarity in front of you.
  3044. "YOU!"
  3045. >Jumping to his feet, he makes for his gun.
  3046. >Before you can react though, the werewolf's face explodes in a bloody mess.
  3047. >The werewolf falls onto his knees before keeling over dead.
  3048. >Vinyl suddenly hunches down. "More are coming."
  3049. >Octavia growls at the oncoming figures.
  3050. "Girls stand back." you say brandishing your sword.
  3051. >Sunset steps outside first, "Anon we're standing by yo- HEY!"
  3052. >You push Sunset back down into the entrance and shut the metal door. Casting Quen on the handle, you hear the girls slam their fists on the barrier.
  3053. >Vinyl scoffs, "And I thought I was overprotective."
  3054. >You can hear them working their way through the bushes when suddenly four heavily injured but all heavily armed lycanthropes and a katakan walk into your line of sight.
  3055. >"Clever trap you set." the vampire tells you.
  3056. "Trap?" you ask genuinely confused.
  3057. >You glance to Vinyl who just shrugs, just as puzzled as you.
  3058. >"We were told to keep you alive, but I've lost too many men that that is no longer an option."
  3059. >All the werewolves prepare to attack.
  3060. >"Kill them."
  3061. >They all raise their weapons when suddenly two large figures jump down from the trees onto two of there werewolves, both digging a large hatchet into each of their skulls.
  3062. >The shine of their axes glinting off the setting sun catches you off-guard momentarily.
  3063. >When the two men stand tall, the first thing you notice is their stature, rivaling the werewolves in height.
  3064. >"Um... who the hell are these guys?" Vinyl asks.
  3065. >For the moment you aren't sure who these two guys are. The only thing you can tell right now is that they're big, use axes and have beards.
  3066. >"GET THEM!" the lead vampire orders.
  3067. >His werewolf henchmen drop their weapons and charge the newcomers.
  3068. >In the blink of an eye both figures brandish large greatswords that dwarf the size of your own.
  3069. >One of the werewolves leaps at one of them who thrusts his arm forward to catch it's neck.
  3070. >Lifting the beast over his head with immense strength, he slams it into the floor and stabs his blade down down the werewolf's throat to quickly end it.
  3071. >Concurrently, his compatriot grabs his hatchet and shoulder checks the other lycanthrope into a tree.
  3072. >Reversing his sword grip, he pins the monster through it's chest to the tree with his blade and proceeds to hack at the werewolf's neck with his axe.
  3073. >Each swing sends blood spray everywhere until the creature head is fully separated from it's body.
  3074. >You, Vinyl and Octavia look in awe at the efficiency and brutality the two men demonstrate to make short work of your captors.
  3075. >The sight of such raw savagery taking down these targets, and the strength to wield those swords like they're nothing only brings to mind a specific type of individual.
  3076. >Each man pulls his own bloodied blade out of their respective carcasses and walk towards the vampire, that last man standing among his peers.
  3077. >"DAMMIT!" the katakan yells out.
  3078. >He takes a step back away from the figures closing in.
  3079. >Extending his claws out, he runs at the nearest figure who just stands there.
  3080. >Leaping towards him, the man extends his arm forward suddenly sending the vampire flying backward with a booming burst of energy.
  3081. >That was clearly Aard he just used...
  3082. >There's no doubt about it now.
  3083. >While the vampire is airborne, the other runs in and uses the heel of his axe to hook onto the vampire's shoulder and throws him into the dirt some distance away.
  3084. >The two display movements that are synchronous to each other. Almost by instinct.
  3085. >Rolling onto his arms and legs the vampire bares it's fangs.
  3086. >"He's going to run." Vinyl whispers to you.
  3087. >The katakan spins around to retreat when suddenly his leg explodes from a high caliber round.
  3088. >He screams a series of curses in Nilfgaardian.
  3089. >The two men walk up to the fallen vampire. Dropping the hatchet, the man pulls out a large revolver.
  3090. >Pulling the hammer back, he takes aim when the Katakan spits on his boot.
  3091. >"Do it then... finish me but just know there are mor-"
  3092. >*BANG*
  3093. >The leader falls limp as the man holsters his gun.
  3094. >You stand cautiously as the two face you.
  3095. >And there you see it. Two sets of golden eyes with thin pupils, and hanging off their necks are are metal effigies of a roaring bear's head.
  3096. >"Brother." one says in a raspy voice.
  3097. >"I see them." the other replies in a gruff tone. "Honestly, I can't say I'm too thrilled."
  3098. >"Indeed, you were never one for socializing." the other replies before tilting his head towards you, "But it doesn't seem this one shares that sentiment."
  3099. >Putting their weapons away, the larger of the two folds their arms.
  3100. >You open your mouth to speak when the smaller one holds up a finger.
  3101. >"One moment please." he says. "You can come out now, they're all dead!"
  3102. >"No shit." a familiar voice calls out from a tree. "Fuckers didn't even know what hit them."
  3103. >Hopping down onto the ground, a woman with two tone hair walks up with a hunting rifle in her arms and a single blade across her back.
  3104. >And a small metal griffon head hanging around her neck...
  3105. >You scowl at her as she sees you and smirks.
  3106. >"Hey Wolf." she says with a sneer. "Looking like shit as always."
  3107. "Gilda..."
  3109. -----
  3112. "That's my name." Gilda says. "Oh hey we missed one."
  3113. >She raises her rifle at Octavia.
  3114. >In an instant, Vinyl appears right next to her in a puff of smoke, tilting her chin up with the edges of her claws.
  3115. >"Don't. Even. Think about it." she says in a menacing tone, poised to cut her jugular on a moments notice.
  3116. >Both witchers from the Bear school raise their weapons causing Octavia to bend down low and snarl in retaliation.
  3117. "Whoa! Whoa, everyone calm down!" you yell out trying to diffuse the situation. "Put your gun down Gilda. Now."
  3118. >She looks at Vinyl's claws and scowls.
  3119. >The unflinching glare the higher vampire gives plenty of reason not to test her.
  3120. >"Tch... Fine."
  3121. >Lowering her rifle, Vinyl releases her throat and appears over back to your side.
  3122. >With the situation mostly diffused, the other two witchers lower their swords.
  3123. >Retracting her claws, she flips her hair.
  3124. >"Your friends aren't making a good first impression." she whispers.
  3125. "They're not my friends."
  3126. >"... 2... 3!" a muffled voice yells out behind you, soon followed by a bang against the metal door.
  3127. >Right, Sunset and the others.
  3128. "They're with us." you announce to the others.
  3129. >Stopping the Quen sign, the door swings open as Sunset, Applejack and Rainbow Dash burst through the door landing in the dirt with a thud.
  3130. >"Ow... what th- Anon! What the heck did you do that for?!" Sunset yells at you. "I thought you trust- uh..."
  3131. >Her eyes widen at the sight of the three other witchers standing in behind you.
  3132. >"Heh, dweebs."
  3133. "GILDA!" Rainbow Dash yells out.
  3134. >She runs to the Griffon witcher with a huge smile on her face.
  3135. >"Hey Dash." she says raising her fist. "Been awhile."
  3136. >They both share a fistbump and Gilda wraps her arm around Rainbow's neck.
  3137. >"Gilda you gotta tell me what you've been up to since camp." she says excitedly.
  3138. >"Sure thing Dash. Be right back, gonna have a little "girl talk"."
  3139. >The rest of the girls exit the underground tunnel and gather around. Each showing apprehension of the unfamiliar witchers.
  3140. >"Wolf, if you don't mind me saying; I can't help notice the strange company you keep." the smaller Bear witcher points out with a slight Skelligan accent.
  3141. >Not as strong as Mjolna but it's there.
  3142. >"Can they be trusted?" the taller one asks glaring at you.
  3143. "Yes, they can." you reply stepping forward.
  3144. >Sunset walks up to you and nudges you in the shoulder.
  3145. >"Anon, who are these two?"
  3146. "These two are witcher's that belong to the Bear school." you say, "The first of the new line of witchers since the days of old."
  3147. >"Ah a pleasure to meet ya young lady." he says with a bow, "I am Scorpan, and this is my elder brother Tirek."
  3148. >Tirek snorts, "Hmph."
  3149. >"Um... hi." she says with a small wave.
  3150. "Why are you three here?"
  3151. >Tirek and Scorpan look at each other.
  3152. >"We're here for a task." the elder Bear cryptically says. "That is all you need to know."
  3153. >"And here I thought being all mysterious like was just an Anon thing." Applejack says ribbing you in the side.
  3154. "Funny."
  3155. >"Gah!"
  3156. >Twilight suddenly stumbles back onto her rear, her skin looking pale, and her expression one that seems like she just saw a ghost for the first time.
  3157. >Following her line-of-sight, she seems to be staring at Tirek.
  3158. >Tirek scans your companions and pauses when his gaze lands at Twilight.
  3159. >"I don't appreciate being stared at girl." he says coldly.
  3160. >Fixing his jacket’s fur collar, he grabs the katakan by the leg and drags it away. "I'm going to collect the trophies in the other part of the forest."
  3161. >"Very well brother. I'll be there in just a bit." he says waving him off.
  3162. >After Tirek disappears in the forest, Scorpan shakes his head.
  3163. >"I apologize for my brother's... rudeness. He gets uncomfortable in the presence of strangers."
  3164. >Tucking your sword away, you look at the carnage the two wrought.
  3165. "Scorpan, I ask again. What is your purpose here?"
  3166. >"As Tirek said, we are here for a task under orders from Him."
  3167. "Care to elaborate?"
  3168. >Scorpan shakes his head, "I'm afraid not. Forgive me, but you must take my word that our task is of the most importance to our order."
  3169. >"You three did all this?" Applejack asks Scorpan.
  3170. >"Aye, we did. Their number and ferocity reminds me of the time my brother and I encountered a nest of Celano Harpies. But pardon me, I did not catch any of your names."
  3171. >"My name is Applejack, pleasure to meet you." she says holding out her hand. "These are my friends Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle. Rainbow Dash is the one chatting it up with... Gilda."
  3172. >Scorpan takes her hand and gives it two solid pumps, "The pleasure is mine. And what about you two?"
  3173. >"If it's alright with you, I'd rather not say." Vinyl says. "I don't know you, and I really don't care too."
  3174. >Vinyl pats Octavia on the back, "Anon, we're going to look for a ride. These guys must have a vehicle we can use somewhere."
  3175. >The pair walk off, leaving you to continue your conversation.
  3176. >"I best be helping my brother now. He gets impatient."
  3177. >Gathering his hatchet, he slips it into a holster on his thigh before following Tirek's path into the woods.
  3178. >"He seems nice." Rarity says. "Very polite despite his gruff looking exterior. Though I can't say the same for the other one."
  3179. "I don't like the cloak and dagger they're putting on."
  3180. >"They were acting a bit shifty." Applejack tells you, "But to be honest Anon you were the same when we first met you."
  3181. >You frown.
  3182. >You weren't like that were you?
  3183. >"Twilight what's wrong?" Fluttershy asks in a concerned tone.
  3184. >"T-th-that man..." she says pointing towards the forest.
  3185. >She's sweating and her hands are shaking. Her eyes shrink to pinpricks as she falls onto her rear.
  3186. >"I... I recognize him..."
  3187. >She what?!
  3188. "Twilight?"
  3189. >Sunset reaches out and touches Twilight's shoulder, only to send the girl into hysterics.
  3190. >"N-no... please stop... go g-go away..."
  3191. >Gripping the sides of her head, Twilight Sparkle goes into a panic attack.
  3192. >"Twilight!" the girls shout.
  3193. >Sunset kneels down to get to eye level.
  3194. >Grabbing both her shoulders, she moves Twilight's hands away only to realize her fingernails are digging so tight it's drawing blood. "Twilight, what's wrong?!"
  3195. >"G-grandpa d-don't..."
  3196. >Sunset suddenly realizes what's happening and turns to you.
  3197. >"NO!" Twilight screams.
  3198. >"Whoa, what's her problem?" Gilda asks, both her and Rainbow walking up to you.
  3199. >You push her away in the other direction.
  3200. "Shut up."
  3201. >She looks taken aback at your response.
  3202. >"The fuck crawled up your ass?"
  3203. "Sell any witcher blades lately?" you ask sarcastically.
  3204. >Gilda looks puzzled until she understands what you mean.
  3205. >"Oh yeah, guess you found my letter?"
  3206. "Where. Is. My. Silver. Sword."
  3207. >"Calm your tits, it's on my bike."
  3208. "Give it to me now." you demand. "You had no right to take it."
  3209. >"C'mon don't be like that. I was only borrowing it."
  3210. >"Sword. Now."
  3211. >You take a step towards her and she takes a step back.
  3212. >"God you're no fun." she complains. "C'mon..."
  3213. "Sunset, keep an eye on Twilight."
  3214. >"Alright Anon."
  3216. >Anonymous and Gilda head deeper into the forest until they too vanish behind the trees.
  3217. >Turning back to Twilight, tears roll down her cheeks as she hugs herself.
  3218. "Twilight, speak to me."
  3219. >"Sunset... that witcher was the one who killed..."
  3220. >You bring her into a hug, "It's alright Twilight. You're safe."
  3221. >She tightens her grip and cries into your shoulder.
  3222. >Applejack folds her arms, "If that big guy did what Twilight says he did... what do we do about it?"
  3223. >"Darling, I don't think there's anything we *can* do."
  3224. "Rarity's right. It's not like we can call the police to arrest him or anything. Look at the mess around us."
  3225. >The area is littered with blood and corpses. All clearly done from the other witchers.
  3226. "They have all the skills Anon has, magic signs and are even more experienced."
  3227. >"But... but we can't just let that Tirek guy go!" Rainbow protests.
  3228. "We have too. If none of us could beat Anon in a fair fight, what makes you think we can take Tirek on? The only one who even stands a chance is Vinyl and I doubt his brother is going to just stand back and watch."
  3229. >No one can argue against that.
  3230. >Rainbow Dash grumbles, "This sucks."
  3231. >"You said it Dash." Applejack says. "It ain't right."
  3232. "You're right, it's not; I don't like it either. I'm sorry Twilight."
  3233. >She wipes her eyes, "N-no, I understand. I... I don't want to lose any of you just because of me."
  3234. >Twilight gives you a faint smile which you return.
  3235. >You couldn't possibly imagine the emotions going through Twilight's mind right now.
  3236. >Hugging her, the rest of the girls quickly join in.
  3237. >"We're here fer ya Twi."
  3238. "..."
  3239. >"Um... why are Sunset's eyes glowing?"
  3241. >After some few minutes of walking, you begin to feel like she's just taking you for a ride.
  3242. >"Almost there." Gilda announces.
  3243. >Moving through the thicket, you step over a fallen tree as Gilda leads you through the dark.
  3244. >"So how's Dash been?" she asks ducking under an overhead branch.
  3245. "Why the hell do you care?"
  3246. >"Seriously." Her tone doesn't hint at any sarcasm.
  3247. "I'm not your middleman, go ask her yourself."
  3248. >"C'mon man."
  3249. >You sneer.
  3250. "Give me my sword then we'll talk."
  3251. >She rolls her eyes.
  3252. >"Ugh, you're just as bad as those two assholes."
  3253. >Stopping in front of a bush, she sets her rifle down and pulls off some thick foliage.
  3254. >Underneath is a motorcycle, a brown cruiser-style bike.
  3255. >Moving to the other side, she pulls out a sword from between the saddlebag and the bike.
  3256. >"Here." she says tossing you the sword.
  3257. >Catching it, you draw the blade out.
  3258. >Edge is slightly dulled, but that's not surprising. Silver is a soft metal after all.
  3259. >Beyond the edge, the sword still seems to be in decent shape.
  3260. >Eyeing the sword on her back, you notice the pommel.
  3261. "Finally got your own?"
  3262. >She smirks, "Yeah, but honestly I prefer two at the same time. I just picked these two up from a pawn shop a while back."
  3263. >Placing both hands on either end of her back, she draws two blades single edged short swords.
  3264. >Both blades are identical: Both lack a handguard, fluting along their centers with two sets of small teeth one near the base of the back and smaller saw-like serrations running from the center.
  3265. >They dip slightly in the middle before coming back out to give the appearance of a pair of fangs.
  3266. >Intimidating for sure, but a little too fancy looking to be really practical.
  3267. >Doing a quick little flourish, she juggles the blades in between her hands.
  3268. >She hands one of the blades to you.
  3269. >"Impressed?"
  3270. >Looking the blade over, you can't help but be slightly amused at the weapon.
  3271. "Not really. The fluting does nothing, handle looks like a welded piece with cord wrapped around, so there's nothing to absorb the shock when striking something. Not to mention the serrated front edge is just for show, they're too small to really bite down. What you have is just a conversation piece."
  3272. >Gilda leers, not amused by your description.
  3273. "You were better off with those machetes you had at Camp Everfree."
  3274. >"Bull."
  3275. >"It doesn't look like it, but have you used these in a fight yet?"
  3276. >"... no." she replies.
  3277. >Taking her sword, you hit the side of a small tree. Not incredibly hard, but just enough to get a solid strike.
  3278. >You can feel the shock go through the metal and into your arm.
  3279. >"HEY!"
  3280. >Pulling the blade out, the teeth are already dulled and the sword is actually slightly bent.
  3281. >Including damage where the tang should be. There's a large crack at the weld.
  3282. >If this was a normal steel witcher sword, it would still be usable, not that you plan on smacking trees any time soon.
  3283. >Or walking sentient ones for that matter.
  3284. >Hopefully...
  3285. "You should get your money back."
  3286. >Handing her the blade back handle first you watch with some satisfaction as she stands there steaming.
  3287. >"No good pieces of crap."
  3288. >She tosses the sword into a nearby tree and leaves it there.
  3289. >"I don't suppose you'd let me keep that silv-"
  3290. "Fuck off."
  3291. >Gilda pouts, "Asshole."
  3292. >Suddenly you hear someone large walking towards you.
  3293. >"Griffon, we're leaving." Tirek says snapping a branch in front of him.
  3294. >Though that seemed to be more of an order than a statement.
  3295. >"But what abo-"
  3296. >Tirek snorts.
  3297. >"Okay okay..." she says.
  3298. >You raise a brow.
  3299. >Scorpan follows behind his brother and looks between you and Tirek.
  3300. >"May I brother?"
  3301. >"If you must."
  3302. >Bowing his head slightly, Scorpan walks up to you. "Wolf, I was hoping we could have a chance to talk privately. Beyond the prying ears of... normal humans."
  3303. >Well gee, that doesn't sound ominous in any way.
  3304. >You've only seen these two men a few times during your time at the Keep during the few winters you were there, and even then they usually keep to themselves.
  3305. >Where the others would be drinking and telling stories, these two would be off somewhere else doing God knows what.
  3306. >All you really know is that in addition to be the oldest, they're also the most effective at what witchers do.
  3307. >So something that requires their personal attention must be important.
  3308. >"Wolf, would you be interested in assisting us with our mission? Another fellow witcher would be welcome."
  3309. >Gilda scoffs, "Speak for yourself."
  3310. >"Hush Gilda, the Doyen won't mind if we have another pair of hands with this task. Besides, this one has swords that are actually practical."
  3311. >The griffon gives him a dirty look.
  3312. >"Fuck you dweebs, I don't even like swords anyway."
  3313. >You hear a deep chuckle come from Tirek.
  3314. >So this task is for the Grandmaster...
  3315. >He rarely ever sends out personal contracts for you witchers to take.
  3316. "How much are you three getting?"
  3317. >"Four years of pay for each of us. Any monster trophies samples obtained are gratuity."
  3318. >That's quite a reward. Whatever they're doing must be extremely valuable to the Grandmaster.
  3319. >"C'mon we don't need this guy." Gilda tries to protest.
  3320. >Ignoring Gilda, the younger Bear witcher just looks to you expectantly.
  3321. "Sounds tempting, but I'm going to need more details."
  3322. >He shakes his head, "Unless you join us, we're not at liberty to say anything about our task; not even to our fellow brothers."
  3323. >The sole female witcher clears her throat.
  3324. >Scorpan rolls his eyes, "And sisters."
  3325. >Folding your arms, you give serious thought to his offer.
  3326. >The appearance of three witchers like this is certainly strange. And you wouldn't be telling the truth if you said you weren't the least bit interested why.
  3327. >The reward is incredibly enticing to say the least.
  3328. >But like you've felt many times this week, something just doesn't feel right.
  3329. "You don't really give me much to work with here."
  3330. >"The question is a simple yes or no Wolf." Tirek says, obviously getting impatient from your lack of a definitive answer.
  3331. >"Calm yourself brother; so Wolf... Anonymous, what do you say? Will you join us?"
  3333. -----
  3335. >You suddenly find yourself in a small living room.
  3336. >There are countless antique trinkets and game trophies lining the walls all around you.
  3337. >Where are you? The last thing you remember is trying to comfort Twilight then you find yourself right here.
  3338. >Walking around the room, you search the room for any indication of where you're at.
  3339. >Along the wall, on one of the bookshelves is a small photo frame.
  3340. "Hello, what do we have here?"
  3341. >You try to pick it up, only for your hand to pass right through it much to your shock.
  3342. >What the...?!
  3343. >You try picking the photo up multiple times only for the same result.
  3344. >Are you a ghost?
  3345. >Oh dear Celestia! You're not dead are you?!
  3346. >But... but if you're dead how did you get here then?
  3347. >You run a hand through your hair.
  3348. >With all your attention focused on your current situation, you almost fail to notice the sound of breaking glass coming from upstairs.
  3349. >What was that?
  3350. >Nervously, you walk towards the stairs despite every sensible nerve in your body telling you not too.
  3351. >You rationalize that since you're a ghost, nothing can actually hurt you right?
  3352. >Suddenly you hear muffled yells in one of the rooms upstairs.
  3353. >Going into a sprint, you run to the source of the noise.
  3354. >Down a hallway you see a door creaked open where the source of the noise seems to be originating from.
  3355. >"Quiet child!" a voice hisses.
  3356. >"Nnnghh get of m-mmph!" shouts a young boy before being gagged.
  3357. >"Shiny!" a girl cries out.
  3358. >Shiny?
  3359. >That's the nickname Twilight gives... her... brother...
  3360. >Oh dear.
  3361. >You think you have an idea where you are now.
  3362. >Suddenly the door swings open and a large bulky man dressed in a face-obscuring hooded jacket and cloak steps out with a young boy, probably just entering his teen years, bound with a gag over his mouth trying to get free.
  3363. >There's no question that's Twilight's brother Shining Armor.
  3364. >But his abductor...
  3365. >His hood is kept low over his eyes, but you recognize the jawline and the scar running down the side of his face.
  3366. >It's the witcher you just met... Tirek.
  3367. >He adjusts the strap to the large two-handed sword on his back before marching down the hall towards the stairs.
  3368. >"LET GO OF MY BROTHER!" a small girl in her pajamas yells.
  3369. >Is that... Twilight?
  3370. >She starts hitting him in the leg with her small fists. And as expected, the blows are ineffectual at doing anything.
  3371. >Tirek just snorts and backhands Twilight into the wall leaving a large red spot on her cheek.
  3372. "Twilight!" you cry out in surprise.
  3373. >You run over to Twilight through Tirek and try to help her, only to see your hands pass through her.
  3374. >Right... memory.
  3375. >"Hold right there!" another voice calls out from the other side of the hall.
  3376. >Looking back, you see an older man holding a steel longsword with an intense glare, his other-worldly eyes only adding to the effect.
  3377. >Hanging from his neck is a wolf medallion similar to the one Anon wears around his neck.
  3378. >"Drop my grandson. Right. Now." he orders. "And I might just let you live for the police to take you in."
  3379. >"Out of my way old man." he says.
  3380. >"I may be old but I can still fight."
  3381. >Bringing up his sword to the ready, he drops in a familiar fighting stance.
  3382. >Tirek smirks and cracks his neck, "Fine then, I've always wanted to test my skills against one of my predecessors."
  3383. >"What are you talking about?"
  3384. >Dumping Shining Armor onto the ground, Tirek pulls out two small hand axes.
  3385. >Undoing his high collar, he pulls out his own witcher medallion.
  3386. >The small bear head with blue eyes shines in the indoor lighting.
  3387. >"Where did you get that?!" demands the old man.
  3388. >"That doesn't really concern you old one." he replies. "But you should be glad to know that there will be more on the way."
  3389. >Suddenly Tirek throws one of his axes with incredible speed at the Twilight's grandfather.
  3390. >Blocking the incoming weapon with Quen, the axe flies into a wall and sticks there by the head.
  3391. >"Hmph... I see you still have a decent reaction time."
  3392. >"You're going to have to better than tha-"
  3393. >Not letting Twilight's grandfather finish his sentence, Tirek charges down the hall prepared to bring down his remaining weapon with all his might.
  3394. >Deflecting the blow, Tirek is kicked back into a drawer.
  3395. >Moving past him, Twilight's grandfather uses Aard to push him down the hall, sending furniture crashing into Tirek as the wall.
  3396. >This is bad; compared to Tirek's small hand axes, the old man is at a disadvantage in these tight quarters with his sword. He has to realize that.
  3397. >He kneels down and cuts Shining loose.
  3398. >"Shining, take your sister and run!" he tells him.
  3399. >"But Gran-"
  3400. >"Don't argue with me Shining just do it!"
  3401. >Shining tries to make another objection before relenting and helping Twilight up.
  3402. >"C'mon Twily..."
  3403. >"But what about Grandpa?"
  3404. >The old man gives her a smile, "Don't worry my little star, your grandfather will come and find you when he's done with this rabble."
  3405. >Twilight sniffles, "O-okay..."
  3406. >You can feel the turmoil in Twilight's heart. But you have a sudden sense of dread because you know how this ultimatley ends.
  3407. >Tirek lets out a bloodthirsty roar.
  3408. >Rising to his feet, he smashes all the furniture in his path.
  3409. >Grabbing his other ax in the wall, he marches menacingly towards Twilight and Shining.
  3410. >"Shining go!" he says running towards Tirek.
  3411. >Taking their chance, Shining grabs Twilight's hand and leads her towards the front door.
  3412. >She gives the her grandfather one last look before disappearing down the stairs.
  3413. >Spinning his right weapon in his hand, Tirek tries to stop them only for the wolf witcher to block his path.
  3414. >Ducking underneath an off-hand swing, the old witcher finds himself winded after a knee in the midsection from Tirek.
  3415. >Twilight's grandfather coughs as he reels from the attack.
  3416. >"Low... blow..."
  3417. >"And there's more to come." he says with an evil grin.
  3418. >They both rush each other again when the world suddenly becomes fuzzy and you find yourself outside.
  3419. >To your right, you hear two children running into the woods behind the house.
  3420. >"Sh- Shiny I- I can't breathe!" Twilight says.
  3421. >Stopping, both siblings stop to catch their breaths.
  3422. >"Grandpa's gonna be okay right?"
  3423. >Shining looks between Twilight at the house but doesn't answer.
  3424. >Suddenly a large object crashes through the upper story window and lands in the dirt with a thud.
  3425. >"Gra-!"
  3426. >Shining covers her mouth and drags her close to the trees.
  3427. >The figure rises slowly to his feet, injured with a broken longsword in his hands.
  3428. >Tirek's imposing figure crawls out of the window and jumps down to ground level looking no worse for wear.
  3429. >As he steps into the light from the house, you see a few cuts on his overcoat, and some blood dripping from his nose.
  3430. >The other witcher however is heavily bleeding from his forehead, and his left arm hangs at an odd angle.
  3431. >Putting a thumb over one nostril, Tirek ejects a glob of blood from the other.
  3432. >"Just tell me where the boy has gone old man."
  3433. >"You're not taking him!"
  3434. >"My master wants his trainee. He *WILL* get it."
  3435. >"The hell are you talki-... No..."
  3436. >His eyes widen in realization, "You're not planning on mak-."
  3437. >"..."
  3438. >"I will not let you put my grandson through the Trials! Our order belongs to a bygone era and its secrets should stay buried!"
  3439. >Tirek's response is to simply throw his ax and embedding itself deep into the older witcher's shoulder.
  3440. >He lets out a scream of agony, the wound causing him to drop his sword and fall on his knees.
  3441. >Digging through his coat pocket, Tirek pulls out a single revolver.
  3442. >You, Shining and Twilight watch in horror as Tirek pulls the trigger.
  3443. >A single bang echos in the night as Twilight's grandfather falls over.
  3444. >Walking up to his body, Tirek kneels down.
  3445. >"Your grandchild is more important than you realize old man. The Grandmaster has plans for him."
  3446. >Grandmaster...
  3447. >Anon's Grandmaster wanted him to do this?
  3448. >Did... did Anon know about this?
  3449. >"Bur... *cough* burn in h-hell..."
  3450. >Tirek lets out a guttural laugh, "Keep a spot warm for me."
  3451. >Wrapping his large hand around the old man's neck, Tirek looms over his fallen opponent and chokes the little bit of life out of him and gives an manic smirk.
  3452. >Raising his other ax high above his head, Tirek prepares to give the finishing blow when sirens can be heard in the distance.
  3453. >The Bear witcher snarls, as the red and blue lights in the distance close in on the house.
  3454. >"You were just buying time weren't you?!"
  3455. >The man in his grip just chokes out what you think is a laugh.
  3456. >Looking around the surrounding area, he tries to locate Shining and Twilight who are deathly quiet despite the two letting out constant stream of tears.
  3457. >You want to do something, help fight against Tirek. Anything!
  3458. >But because this is just a replay of events that have already passed, theirs nothing you can do.
  3459. >Twilight's grief, her sadness. Familiar feelings to the ones she had when Twilight unleashed the magic during the Friendship Games.
  3460. >Though you've never suffered anything like this in your life. Seeing the event play out the way Twilight saw it...
  3461. >It's only now you understand her initial reasoning to attacking Anon when she first met him; and why she's suffered a panic attack after seeing Tirek again.
  3462. >You could only imagine yourself in Twilight's shoes but instead with Princess Celestia, any of your other friends or maybe even Anon.
  3463. >Gathering his ax, Tirek curses under his breath and runs off into the night.
  3464. >With the coast clear, Twilight breaks free of Shining's grip and runs to their fallen grandfather.
  3465. >"Grandpa! Wake up!" she cries out. "Grandpa! GRANDPA!"
  3466. >She buries her face into his shirt as Shining walks up to them.
  3467. >"Twi- Twilight..."
  3468. >"Grandpa!"
  3469. >His voice is extremely weak and the area around his heart is turning a deeper red that spreads every second.
  3470. >"Ke- keep each other s-safe alright?"
  3471. >"Gramps, c'mon just hang in there!" Shining says kneeling on the other side.
  3472. >But he offers no response.
  3473. >As the two cry over their loss, the world suddenly shifts and goes dark.
  3475. >Opening your eyes, you find yourself back in the middle of the forest surrounded by all your friends.
  3476. >"Sunset are you alright?" Rarity asks, "You're eyes started to glow and you wouldn't respond."
  3477. "I... I don't know..."
  3478. >Standing to your feet, you become a bit wobbly but Pinkie catches you.
  3479. "How long was I out?"
  3480. >"Only for a couple of seconds."
  3481. >Seconds?!
  3482. >That memory couldn't have been less than ten minutes tops.
  3483. "Twilight... I saw it."
  3484. >"S-saw it?"
  3485. "That night. The one where your... you know."
  3486. >Her pupils shrink, "H-how?"
  3487. >You shrug.
  3488. >A sudden pang in your head makes you wince in pain.
  3489. >"Yer saying you saw Twi's memory?"
  3490. "Yeah. It was so weird, I couldn't touch anything, but it was like I was actually there."
  3491. >You narrow your eyes at the direction Tirek and his brother left in.
  3492. "I may not know how I did that, but one thing is for certain: That was definitly Tirek who killed Twilight's grandfather."
  3493. >Turning to Twilight, you wipe a tear from her eyes.
  3494. >Hugging her tightly, you speak into her ear. "Twilight, you don't have to go through this alone. I'm here for you."
  3495. >She smiles and nods her head.
  3496. >"Sunset, what's going on with us?" Rainbow asks you. "Why are you, AJ and Rarity getting all these fancy new powers?"
  3497. "I have no idea Rainbow Dash. I want to think they have something to do with our normal powers."
  3498. >"They might be a type of magical mutation." Twilight says, "So far none of your abilities that you three have exhibited seem to have anything in common. Though without tests, it's hard to say if they're specific to an individual or you'll all get them."
  3499. >"Well ah ain't complaining much at the moment. They've saved our bacon so far."
  3500. >Without warning you hear Anon coming back to the clearing alone.
  3501. >"Anon! Are you okay?"
  3502. >He has a grim expression as he walks towards you.
  3503. >"Yeah, I'm fine." he says.
  3504. >You notice he's carrying a longsword with an angled cross-guard in his right hand.
  3505. "That your old silver sword?"
  3506. >"Gilda wasn't exactly kind to it. It needs to be sharpened before I would even think about using it."
  3507. >"Speaking of Gilda, where did she and the other two go?"
  3508. >"They left. Which we should be probably be doing too."
  3509. >Anon walks past everyone and towards the other side of the house where Vinyl and Octavia headed.
  3510. >You can't help but feel that he's leaving something out.
  3511. >Something happened in the forest with the other witchers but he doesn't seem to want to talk about it.
  3512. >Its understandable, but maybe later you'll try asking why.
  3513. >Helping Twilight up, you and the others follow Anon to the other side and see Vinyl in a car fiddling with something underneath the driver's seat.
  3514. >Octavia sits patiently, her tail wagging as she watches Vinyl work.
  3515. >It's kind of weird seeing Octavia be a werewolf, yet acting like a dog waiting for their owner to come play.
  3516. >Granted, you doubt anything could get much weirder. But you've been wrong in the past before so who are you to say what's weird or not?
  3518. -----
  3520. >After a few minutes of sitting around...
  3521. >Fluttershy has passed out next to Rarity, while Pinkie Pie plays tic-tac-toe with her in the dirt.
  3522. >Despite the fact you three have your phones, there doesn't seem to be any cell reception in this forest.
  3523. >So other than checking the time, you opted to just save your cell batteries until you absolutely need them.
  3524. >You do however still feel some concern for Twilight.
  3525. >To keep her mind off of what happened, she's helping Vinyl with hot wiring the trucks that the armed men used to bring you all here.
  3526. >"You two done soon?" complains Rainbow. "This is soooooooooooooo boring."
  3527. >"Hold your horses, I've never hotwired a car." she replies. "Hey Twi what do I do now?"
  3528. >Now that you think about it...
  3529. >These armored vehicles look like extremely similar to the one Iron Will had when he captured Anon.
  3530. >Were these men part of the same group as Iron Will?
  3531. >Perhaps, but you don't think you'll ever find out now.
  3532. >The vehicle engine suddenly rumbles to life.
  3533. >"Ha, nice. Alright everyone let me just rig one more and we'll be out of here."
  3534. >Letting out a sigh of relief, you're glad this night can finally be over.
  3535. >Octavia lets out a whine and scratches herself with her hind legs.
  3536. >Laying on the ground, she curls up and falls asleep.
  3537. >You and Applejack share a look at what you two are seeing.
  3538. >"So when you think she's gonna change back?" Applejack whispers. "Y'know, "if" she changes back."
  3539. "I don't know. Anon?"
  3540. >Anon doesn't seem to hear you and just stares off into the wilderness.
  3541. "Anon?"
  3542. >He shakes his head, "I'm sorry, what?"
  3543. >You and Applejack share a concerned glance.
  3544. >"You seem distracted, everything okay sugarcube?"
  3545. >"Just thinking."
  3546. "About?"
  3547. >"So far everything that's happened tonight. Our captors preparedness to capture a higher vampire, the appearance of Tirek, Scorpan and Gilda. Something just doesn't sit well with me that those two events happened."
  3548. "Any particular reason?"
  3549. >"The Bear witchers are among the oldest and most experienced, but they're also a bit unstable."
  3550. >"Unstable?" Applejack asks. "How?"
  3551. >"Mutations. They're bigger, stronger, and more durable than I am but are more prone to beserking. In addition to that, they're able to ignore pain if while in that state, though the drawback is that they'll attack anything within the area until everything is dead. They're effective monster killers when given a task, but losing control of yourself in the middle of a fight isn't really a desirable trait. It's why the next batch of witchers had altered mutagens put into their teas."
  3552. >"That Scorpan fella seemed polite enough. Hardly seemed to have been a blood thirsty killer."
  3553. >"He acts cordial, but it's likely an act to disarm people. It's why I'm on edge around him. His brother, believe it or not, is the more honest with his emotions and intentions."
  3554. >Anon rubs his eyes. "So suffice to say, I'm very curious on why two of them along with Gilda are here in Canterlot. They don't work well with others let alone someone as grating as Gilda."
  3555. "So what do you think are their intentions?"
  3556. >"They wouldn't tell me. But whatever it is, I don't like it."
  3557. >Anonymous stands up, "I'm gonna take a walk, clear my head. Call me when Vinyl's done."
  3558. >Brushing himself off, he walks towards the forest without another word.
  3560. >"Something's really got Anon rattled." Applejack says out of earshot. "I think one of us should go talk to him."
  3561. "Maybe." you reply, "I have a few things I need to talk to Anon about anyway."
  3562. >Jogging after Anon, you recall Twilight's terrible memory and shudder.
  3563. >Does he know what his Grandmaster wanted Tirek to do?
  3564. >Suddenly a terrible thought occurs to you. Has he been lying to you all all this time?
  3565. >It puts some of the things he's told and taught you in perspective if it was true.
  3566. >But...
  3567. >No...! How could you even think that?!
  3568. >Anon has risked his life multiple times for all your sakes. Preventing Rarity from being eaten, saving the school from the Leshen.
  3569. >All things that he could have just ignored to little detriment to himself.
  3570. >If that's the case though, you should tell him what you saw. Though you can't help but fear how he would react to the news that his own Grandmaster was the one who ordered Tirek to take Shining Armor and all the events that followed.
  3572. >For someone who just walked away, Anon sure managed to vanish pretty quickly.
  3573. >Searching around for any signs of him, you don't see any overt indication that he's walked through this area.
  3574. >Hmm.
  3575. >Wait, you learned about this.
  3576. >Relying on the lessons Anon taught you about tracking, you kneel down and search for any clues.
  3577. >There are a few broken twigs...
  3578. >Indentations in the dirt.
  3579. >Aha, he did come this way.
  3580. >Following the subtle trail, you come across a large tree.
  3581. >Looking up, you see someone sitting on a large branch watching the moon.
  3582. "Anon?"
  3583. >"Didn't think you'd find me so quickly. Put those skills I taught you to use huh?"
  3584. "What can I say, I'm a good student." you retort. "But that's not important right now, we need to talk."
  3585. >"About?"
  3586. "I had a vision."
  3587. >"Did you just say a vision?" he asks skeptically. "Are these new powers sprouting up going to become a thing? Because I kind of want in."
  3588. >He lets out a small chuckle.
  3589. "I'm not sure, but I'm serious. I saw what happened the night Twilight's grandfather died."
  3590. >You see him turn to face you, "And?"
  3591. "If the memory is accurate, it was Tirek that killed him."
  3592. >"That's something we figured out already. What with Twi's outburst and all."
  3593. "But do you know the reason why?"
  3594. >"Something about the granddad getting in the way right?"
  3595. "Kind of, but apparently it's because you're Grandmaster ordered it."
  3596. >...
  3597. >Anon remains silent as he digests this information.
  3598. >"Are you sure?" he finally asks in a deadly serious tone.
  3599. >You nod your head.
  3600. >"Yes. Tirek admitted it."
  3601. >He turns to face the moon again.
  3602. >You can't help but shift awkwardly on your heels as he just continues to stare.
  3603. >He must have thought highly of his grandmaster.
  3604. >Like you used to think of Princess Celestia.
  3605. "Anon? Are you okay?"
  3606. >After some more silence, he finally speaks up.
  3607. >"A bit disappointed." he answers, "It's hard to think of a man who raised and taught everything you know responsible for such an act."
  3608. >Scratching the back of his head, he sighs and climbs down from the tree.
  3609. >"He's a stern man, but I never really considered him using murder to achieve his goals. It's not... practical; granted, I wouldn't doubt that he did order it though."
  3610. "Just who is this Grandmaster?" you ask.
  3611. >"He's the one who made it possible to create new witchers after the old methods before were lost to time. And I guess he also improved upon it if Gilda is any indication."
  3612. "Because women couldn't be witchers?" you say. Though there's a slight hint of bitterness as you say that.
  3613. >It's a bit misplaced but you do envy Anon's superhuman abilities.
  3614. >Just because it's the dividing line between you and Anon as equals.
  3615. >As if sensing your thoughts, he puts a hand on your shoulder, "Sunset, you already act more like a witcher than Gilda. She's acts like a thug and one day that attitude will get her killed. Trust me I've seen it happen."
  3616. >You blush slightly at the compliment.
  3617. >Well, at least as much of a compliment you know you'll get from Anon.
  3618. "Really?"
  3619. >"Really." he says giving you a faint smile. "If it came down to it, I wouldn't be opposed to taking on contracts with you."
  3620. "Thanks Anon." you say smiling back.
  3621. >He nods his head, "Though the last thing I want to do is uproot your current life for mine."
  3622. >You both share a small understanding laugh.
  3623. >A little piece of you can't help but feel a bit disappointed though.
  3624. >The thought about traveling the world without the stress of everyday life sounds relaxing compared to recent events in Canterlot.
  3625. >Granted you also realize that traveling the world has its own share of problems, not to mention you'd no doubt end up dealing with different magical problems you have even less experience with.
  3626. >"It's getting late. We should head back in case the others are waiting for us. We'll talk more about this after we get some rest."
  3627. "Right. Tonight's been kind of... hectic."
  3629. >"About time you got back, we've been waiting on you two forever." Rainbow says as everyone else moves towards one of the two trucks.
  3630. >"Well, we had a few things to discuss." Anon tells Rainbow.
  3631. >Applejack walks up to both you and Anon, "You doing okay sug?"
  3632. >"I'll be fine. A slice of crumb apple pie wouldn't hurt though."
  3633. >"Don't worry, when we get home you can have all the pie you want." she says with an eye wag.
  3634. >Eh heh heh...
  3635. >You pull on your collar awkwardly.
  3636. >"I'll take Tavi home first. Any of you feel free to ride with us though it's gonna be a bit cramped with Octi's new size."
  3637. "Ooh ooh! I want to ride with you!" Pinkie Pie yells out. "I want to feel Octavia's fur!"
  3638. >"Um... I kind of want too as well... if um... that's okay..."
  3639. >Vinyl chuckles, "Tavi guess your new form has some fans."
  3640. >"Indeed." she says rolling her eyes. "Though I really do hope I'll be able to change back soon. I have a recital next week and I don't think these claws are very good at holding a bow."
  3641. >As you, Anon, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Twilight and Applejack get in the other truck, Anon whistles to himself.
  3642. "What is it?"
  3643. >"Well, guess the Apple's have a new truck to haul apples with." he says patting the side of the vehicle. "An armored one at that."
  3644. >"Wonder how Big Macintosh is going to react."
  3645. >"I call shotgun!" Rainbow calls out.
  3646. >Applejack sits in the driver's seat and accustoms herself to the controls.
  3647. >"Ain't too much different than what I'm used to." she says looking over the dashboard.
  3648. >"Hey what's this thing do..."
  3649. >Rainbow presses a button and two panels on the roof open.
  3650. >You all hear a whirring noise and a large multi-barreled gun pops out of the hole.
  3651. >"Whoa..."
  3652. "I don't think that's legal..."
  3653. >"No kidding." Anon answers back. "But I kind of want to use it now..."
  3654. >"Anon!"
  3655. >"What? It's cool looking."
  3656. >"Let's just get home. We'll figure out what to do with this thing later."
  3657. >Pressing the button again, the gun retracts and the panels close.
  3658. >"Sooo cool..."
  3659. >After everyone is secure, Applejack signals Vinyl to start moving.
  3660. >Shifting the truck into gear, Applejack waits until Vinyls truck takes the lead and heads down the dirt road.
  3661. >It's a bit weird to be sitting in a car and having a large caliber mini-gun in between you and Twilight.
  3662. >"I think this thing has satellite GPS." Twilight says pointing at the center console.
  3663. "We should use it to get an idea of where we are."
  3664. >Your blue friend pushes a few buttons on the middle console as the display loads up your present location.
  3665. >"It says we're... almost two hours away from Canterlot!"
  3666. >Rarity checks her phone, "Considering it's almost three in the morning. We won't be back until the sun starts coming up."
  3667. "You think Principal Celestia might let us off the hook considering what happened tonight Anon?"
  3668. >"..."
  3669. "Anon?"
  3670. >You look in the back and see Anon fast asleep.
  3671. >"Oh dear, it looks like Anon is just exhausted."
  3672. >Applejack looks back in the rear view mirror, "Ah don't blame him. He took it a lot worse than us back there."
  3673. "We should all get some rest in the meantime."
  3674. >"If you need someone else to drive AJ, just let me know." Rainbow comments.
  3675. >Twilight lets out a yawn. "Hopefully, I'll still have enough energy to attend school."
  3676. >You all can't help but let out a giggle at Twilight's expense, but her smile indicates she knows it's all in good fun.
  3677. >Looking out the window, seeing all the trees pass by, the sight causes your eyelids to become a bit heavy.
  3678. >Rest sounds good right about now.
  3679. >...
  3681. -----
  3683. >Setting your tray down on the lunch table you patiently wait for Applejack and the others to arrive.
  3684. >You examine the meal Granny Smith prepared for the student body.
  3685. >Poking at it with your spork it... jiggles a little.
  3686. >You're pretty sure today's lunch is supposed to be some type of casserole.
  3687. >Sometimes you're baffled on the meals Applejack's grandmother prepares at home versus the ones she makes at school.
  3688. >Taking a bite, you look around the lunchroom and watch the students of Canterlot high go about their days.
  3689. >To them, this is their entire world. The pressures of life not much of a concern to them.
  3690. >Instead it's hair, music, cars, video games or whatever things they use to distract themselves with.
  3691. >Lyra and Bon Bon walk by your table and give you a brief wave and smile.
  3692. >You return the gesture and continue to eat.
  3693. >In the far corner of the room are the four students that tried to pick a fight with you some time ago.
  3694. >Still nursing wounds from your earlier encounter with them, they pretend not to look at you.
  3695. >Spending their time whispering to each other and glaring at you intently.
  3696. >"Darling?"
  3697. >Looking up, you see Rarity standing by you with a large dufflebag.
  3698. "Hello Rarity."
  3699. >She sets her bag and tray down and takes a seat next to you.
  3700. >"How's your day been?"
  3701. "Been counting the days until I encounter some magical phenomenon that sends me back in time." you reply dryly. “Considering everything that’s happened it’s only a matter of time.”
  3702. >"That's... good?"
  3703. >She spreads out her skirt and grabs her utensil.
  3704. >Rarity takes one look at the meal in front of her and grimaces.
  3705. >"I didn't get a chance to look at the menu. Do you happen to know what this is?"
  3706. "Casserole. I think."
  3707. >"It doesn't seem to look like any casserole I've ever seen." she says taking a sporkful.
  3708. >Letting her eat, you pull out the mp3 player Applejack got you and put in an earbud.
  3709. >Pressing play on the current track, you let the music drown out the ambient noise of the cafeteria.
  3710. >"Anon?"
  3711. "Hmm?"
  3712. >"I know you aren't much for idle chit-chat dear, but it's been a quiet week don't you think?"
  3713. >Thinking back, after the incident with with the hit-squad and the other witchers it actually has been pretty quiet.
  3714. "Yeah. Now that I think about it, it kind of has."
  3715. >"I don't suppose you've heard from Gilda and those other two fellows have you?"
  3716. "No. And hopefully, they've done what they came to Canterlot for and left."
  3717. >She wipes her mouth with her napkin, "Don't care much for them do you?"
  3718. "That obvious huh?"
  3719. >"Indeed." she says with a knowing smile, "You may not like to talk much, but your body language speaks volumes."
  3720. "How very astute of you."
  3721. >Rarity giggles.
  3722. >You recall the conversation you had with Scorpan that night.
  3724. >"The question is a simple yes or no Wolf." Tirek says, obviously getting impatient from your lack of a definitive answer.
  3725. >"Calm yourself brother; so Wolf... Anonymous, what do you say? Will you join us?"
  3726. "I'm not signing up for some mission I don't even know the specifics too."
  3727. >"C'mon dude." Gilda says under her breath.
  3728. >You and Scorpan each shoot her a glare.
  3729. >Straightening his jacket, Scorpan turns back to you.
  3730. "If this is so important to the Grandmaster then you wouldn't have any issue explaining what you are doing."
  3731. >"Wolf, just imagine the glory should we succeed. Your knowledge of the local area could greatly simplify our time here." Scorpan says. "And I'll be honest, I much prefer the cold north and the Skellige isles."
  3732. >Suddenly his expression darkens, "We’re not going to offer again so it would be in your best interest to join us. "
  3733. >You narrow your eyes.
  3734. "Is that a threat?"
  3735. >"I don't know? Is it?"
  3736. >Taking a step back, Scorpan recoils his hand when it becomes obvious that you aren't taking his offer.
  3737. >"That's a shame."
  3738. "I want you three to finish your business here and leave."
  3739. >"Is *that* a threat Wolf?" Tirek says "Because I don't much like that tone."
  3740. >He pulls out one of his hand axes while you draw your smaller silver sword out.
  3741. >Tirek snorts, "What is that? A toothpick?"
  3742. >Scorpan just watches intently. Gilda however looks incredibly apprehensive at the possibility of an imminent fight.
  3743. >A bead of sweat builds up on your head as Tirek stares you down.
  3744. >He's bigger, stronger, and has a farther reach than you. Not to mention he's better equipped at the moment.
  3745. >Not to mention, his brother might intervene if you somehow gain the upper hand.
  3746. >"C'mon guys, we don't need to waste time on the Wolf." Gilda says trying to diffuse the situation.
  3747. >"Don't interfere Griffin, if the Wolf wants a fight he'll get a fight."
  3748. >It's only then does Scorpan step in.
  3749. >"She's right Tirek, the Wolf does have his own set of allies to help if they sense he's in danger. One of them looks to be a higher vampire as well."
  3750. >Snorting, Tirek lowers his axe.
  3751. >"Fine."
  3752. >"Very well Wolf, we'll finish our business as soon as possible. Hopefully we'll meet again at our winter gathering at the Keep."
  3753. >You highly doubt it.
  3754. >Bowing his head slightly, Scorpan takes his leave as his brother glares at you and follows.
  3755. >Gilda walks up to you, "Hey, I know we ain't the best of friends but take care of Dash for me alright?"
  3756. "..."
  3757. >"She's been my only friend for a long time. If anything happens to her I'll kick your ass."
  3758. >Storing her rifle on the bike, she uses her index and ring fingers to let her know she's keeping her eye on you.
  3759. >Bringing the engine to life, Gilda puts on her helmet, pulls a wheelie and rides off.
  3760. >You stand there just watching Gilda's tail lights disappear into the distance.
  3761. >Re-sheathing your sword, you let out a breath you didn't even realize you were holding.
  3762. >Giving the forest one last look, you head back to the house.
  3765. >"Oh by the way Anon, I love that shirt you're wearing." Rarity says bringing you back to the present.
  3766. >Her hand rests on your thigh.
  3767. >"Uh huh, I'm sure you do." Applejack says, grabbing the back of Rarity's chair moving her away from you.
  3768. >Rarity pouts, "How rude! I was in the middle of a conversation!"
  3769. >Applejack puts her own chair in between you and Rarity and tilts her hat back.
  3770. >"Oh don't play innocent with me you she-devil. Ah saw yer hand going to places it shouldn't have."
  3771. >Rarity crosses her arms and huffs.
  3772. >"Howdy sug." Applejack says turning to you.
  3773. >She gives you a kiss on the lips and sits down.
  3774. "Hey Applejack."
  3775. >"Everything alright Anon?"
  3776. "As I told Rarity, my day has been fine." you tell her.
  3777. >As Rarity chats with a passerby, Applejack leans in. "Anon, yer day may have been fine, but we both know you've been a little melancholy like ever since we got back."
  3778. "I'm fine, seriously."
  3779. >"Anon..."
  3780. "AJ, don't worry about it. Please."
  3781. >She frowns, "Fine. But I'm here if you need someone to talk to."
  3782. >You give Applejack a small reassuring smile, but it doesn't look like she's very convinced by it.
  3783. >To be frank, the news Sunset told you about the Grandmaster still bothers you to some degree.
  3784. >Saying you don't really know how to approach this is an understatement.
  3785. >For one, it was an event that happened years ago. Not to mention how awkward the whole deal would be if you just suddenly asked him about that night.
  3786. >Let alone if he would even speak to you about it.
  3787. >But after Sunset and Twilight both spent time detailing the memory in vivid detail, you are rather curious on why Shining Armor in particular was so important.
  3788. >Any adolescent boy should have been good enough for the process of becoming a witcher.
  3789. >So why Shining? Unlike the majority of fellow candidates who were orphans, if he went missing surely someone would have noticed.
  3790. >And it's not like your order is very public. Very few organizations and individuals know it still exists so attention is not the most desirable trait considering what happens to the young boys.
  3791. >Apparently it was worth the risk to try and take him but Tirek seemed to have botched the job.
  3792. >But that only begs the question of why didn't the Grandmaster send someone else at a later time?
  3793. >All these questions and theories just go through your head as Sunset and Twilight also join you at the table.
  3794. >"Hello girls, Anon."
  3795. >"Hiya Sunset, Twilight."
  3796. >"How's Big Macintosh liking his new truck?" Sunset asks.
  3797. >"Oh he was like a kid on Christmas morning." Applejack says with a cheeky grin, "Course, he can't drive it round town fer obvious reasons but still."
  3798. >As the rest of the girls arrive and begin chatting about their respective days, Sunset bangs her head on the table Exasperated by the workload given by some teacher in one of her previous class periods.
  3799. >You try your best to look involved in their conversations with simple affirmatives and non-specific answers.
  3801. >Soon enough the lunch period ends and everyone heads to their next few classes before the day ends.
  3802. >Walking down the halls, a few students give you a friendly wave as you pass by.
  3803. >At least the opinions of those four individuals is clearly in the minority. The thought itself gives you a sense of relief.
  3804. >You've ever rarely felt accepted anywhere for an extended period of time.
  3805. >You don't even wear your sunglasses properly anymore.
  3806. >Turning towards the library, you see Vinyl walk out with a load of books in her arms and almost bump into her.
  3807. >"Oh hey, sup Anon."
  3808. "Hey Vinyl, how's Octavia?"
  3809. >"She's doing fine. Finally managed to get her transformation under control the other day after some effort. Though I'm keeping her at home until then just to keep an eye on her."
  3810. "I would figure you would be at home with her then."
  3811. >"I'm just picking up her homework and stuff. Can't let Tavi slack on her schoolwork just because of a little excess hair."
  3812. >Makes sense, Vinyl is her guardian after all.
  3813. >She leans in close, "Don't suppose you heard anything about those other witchers though have you? Kinda on edge ever since they showed up."
  3814. >Much to her dismay, you shake your head.
  3815. "No, not a word."
  3816. >"Damn. I really hope they're gone, the last thing I want is for them to think Octavia is one of those goons leftover."
  3817. >You wish you could tell her some more reassuring news, but unfortunately you don't.
  3818. "The best I can tell you is to keep an eye out. I have no idea why they're in Canterlot."
  3819. >"Well that really sucks." she says running a hand through her blue hair. "If you hear anything let me know 'kay?"
  3820. "Sure thing."
  3821. >Vinyl walks off down the hall. You give her one last look before entering the library.
  3822. >Before you can walk through the doors a female voice calls your name.
  3823. >"Mr. Anonymous? I'm glad I could run into you."
  3825. -Meanwhile-
  3826. >"Alright class, all the groups have been assigned. Your projects are due next week so use the rest of class time to prepare."
  3827. >As everyone breaks off into their project groups, you, Applejack and Twilight set down at the latter's table.
  3828. >"Say Sunset?"
  3829. "Yes Applejack?" you reply, setting down your bag and taking your seat.
  3830. >"You know how you and Princess Twilight are little pony people back in Equestria?"
  3831. "Uh huh?"
  3832. >"And Princess Twilight said at one point we all have pony counterparts like our Twi here?"
  3833. >You take out your chemistry book and open it to the latest chapter.
  3834. "I'm pretty sure, yes. Why?"
  3835. >Applejack adjusts her hat slightly before scratching her chin.
  3836. >She seems slightly embarrassed to ask whatever it is she wants to ask.
  3837. "You can ask me anything Applejack."
  3838. >Her eyes dart side to side, "Well... uh... Apple Bloom was kinda wondering what you might think Anon would look like on the other side of that portal."
  3839. >W-what?
  3840. >You and Twilight begin snickering until it evolves into a full blown laugh. Other students in the classroom take a look back at you until they roll their eyes.
  3841. >Applejack pouts, "Ah nevermind. It was a silly question anyway."
  3842. >Digging her face into her textbook, Applejack just tries to pretend this conversation never happened.
  3843. >You wonder what brought this on?
  3844. >Though now that you think about it...
  3845. >What would Anon look like as a pony. Would he still keep that perpetual frown? That gruff personality?
  3846. >"Applejack, I think Anon would make a cute pony." Twilight whispers to her, albeit with a small giggle that undermines the sincerity.
  3847. >The blush on your friends face becomes even brighter.
  3848. >"And now I regret even asking you."
  3849. "I wonder what Anon would think?"
  3850. >"Sunset don't you dare tell him." she threatens.
  3851. >You share a knowing look with Twilight.
  3852. >"Let's just get back to our project." Applejack mutters.
  3854. -----
  3856. >"Mr. Anonymous? I'm glad I could run into you."
  3857. "Principal Celestia?"
  3858. >Turning around you see instead it's Ms. Cheerilee struggling to roll a cart full of textbooks in front of her with a pair of wrist mounted crutches.
  3859. >"Why do people always think I'm Principal Celestia?" she says looking exasperated. "Do we really sound that similar to each other?"
  3860. >The last time you saw her was during the Everfree field trip.
  3861. >She seems to have maken a decent recovery since then. Compared to the bloody state she was in as she was loaded into the ambulance.
  3862. >Though a quick glance at neck and her arm, you can see the end of the scars peeking out from behind her scarf and long sleeve shirt respectively.
  3863. "Ms. Cheerilee? It's been awhile. Just come back?"
  3864. >She smiles at you.
  3865. >"Yes, still not one hundred percent at least not for another month." she says tapping her leg brace, "But I'm well enough to work and it’s good to see another friendly face that doesn’t try to avoid eye contact with me".
  3866. "Well whatever the case, you're looking well. It's good to see you again."
  3867. >She adjusts her sleeve, though her smile grows a little more.
  3868. >"Thank you Anon."
  3869. "Do you need a hand? That's a lot of books."
  3870. >"Oh I couldn't..." she says trying to brush you off. "I'm the librarian and you probably have something better to do."
  3871. >You grab the other end of the cart and pull it behind you through the door.
  3872. "Eh, I got nothing better to do until school's out. I don't actually attend CHS remember?"
  3873. >She follows you into the library, trying to protest the entire way before falling behind.
  3874. >Grabbing a book from the cart, you take a look at the barcode on the back and head to the correct section.
  3875. >Since you came to Canterlot High, you've already familiarized yourself with the layout of the library from helping Cheerilee in the past.
  3876. >Stepping onto the vintage wheeled ladder, you kick off the floor and roll over to the proper section.
  3877. >You manage to identify and place more than half the books before Cheerilee finally manages to catch up to you.
  3878. >"Mr. Anonymous please, I can handle this myself." Cheerilee chastises.
  3879. >Yanking the book out of your hand, she huffs at you and proceeds to look at the barcode.
  3880. >You look a little surprised at her tone.
  3881. >Looking between the top of the shelf and her crutches, she sighs in defeat and offers the book back.
  3882. >"I'm sorry, I just... it's been awhile since I've done something besides sitting in a hospital bed and therapy."
  3883. >Taking the book, you give her an understanding nod.
  3884. "I get it. Getting antsy, kept away from doing something you love."
  3885. >"Took the first chance I could to come back to school." she says before laughing, "To think, when I was in high school I couldn't wait until I was out."
  3886. >Taking another book from the cart, you climb up the ladder again.
  3887. "Take it from someone who's lost more blood than someone should be pumping in a lifetime; don't rush the healing process if you don't have to."
  3888. >"I'll be sure to keep that in mind." she says handing you another book, "This one goes up there as well."
  3889. "Sorry I couldn't be there sooner though."
  3890. >"Mr. Anonymous it's not your fault. You couldn't have predicted what would happen."
  3891. "No but I could hav-"
  3892. >Cheerilee smacks your legs with one of her crutches, "Now, don't start going into "what if" scenarios. What's happened, happened. Just be glad with the fact that you stopped it from getting worse."
  3893. >Tell that to the student that died.
  3894. >You didn't know him very well but it was apparent other students here cared about him.
  3895. >According to Pinkie Pie, some of the other students who went on that trip to Camp Everfree don't seem to smile or socialize as often as they used to.
  3896. >Not to mention those four delinquents who tried to pick a fight with you cited his passing as one reason why they should get rid of you.
  3897. "I know, but the after effects of that trip are still being felt by more than a few individuals it seems."
  3898. >"Well that's just par for the course after such a horrific event. Time heals all wounds as they say, but it never specifies how much time each individual needs."
  3899. >No kidding.
  3900. >You continue sorting and replacing books with her. Despite her attempting to take on more than she can actually handle, you can see she does appreciate the help.
  3901. >During that time she tells you of her time and frustrations recovering and her rehab sessions while she was on medical leave. Which isn't really all that exciting to be honest.
  3902. >You don't really mind listening though, its quite clear she needs someone to talk and vent too.
  3903. >Eventually, you manage to complete all her work well before the second to last school bell rings.
  3904. "I better get going now. Take care Ms. Cheerilee."
  3905. >"Thank you Mr. Anonymous. For everything." she states with a smile and a wave.
  3907. >Exiting the library, you head to an empty chem lab and lock the door behind you.
  3908. >Checking your watch, you grimace.
  3909. >While you don't mind helping out, it took a little longer than you planned. Hopefully none of the vials burst.
  3910. >You take your time examining some of the cooking liquids in their beakers.
  3911. >Thanks to a little convincing and a small bribe, Principal Celestia and Luna allowed you to "borrow" one of the chemistry rooms to brew up your potions and oils.
  3912. >Part of you wonders why you didn't think of this before, as the school has access to a wider variety of compounds that you normally would have to go through a lot of hassle to get.
  3913. >Though the two heads of the school have given you this space, you avoid making explosives and grenades here.
  3914. >Last thing you need is some curious student walking in and getting the bright idea of playing with whatever you make. Or worse, consuming a potion you left cooking on a burner.
  3915. >That's not going to be a pleasant day for anyone...
  3916. >With that in mind, you make sure to take what you need to bring back to the farm and set aside a couple of the more "reactive" ingredients to bring later with Big Mac's help.
  3917. >Turning off the burner, you wait a few moments for a vial filled with a black viscous liquid to settle.
  3918. >Giving it a sniff and a cursory inspection, you end up corking it and putting it alongside a tray with three other identical vials.
  3919. >And with that you've finished the last batch of Black Blood, Vampire and Cursed Oil.
  3920. >Since your encounter last week, you're gonna keep at least one vial of each on your person from now on.
  3921. >You've been getting complacent.
  3922. >Double checking your work you place them into your vial holster and put that into a hardshell backpack.
  3923. >Maybe you should look into getting some of those injector pens, could play those off as diabetic or allergy medication.
  3924. >Granted, those are a little more costly per unit than simple plastic or glass vials.
  3925. >*Knock* *knock*
  3926. >"Anon?" a female voice calls from the other side.
  3927. "Who is it?" you ask without looking away from what you're doing.
  3928. >"It's the person who let you use this room." the voice says in a sing-song manner.
  3929. >Rolling your eyes, you lock the case of Calcium Equum and put it back into the cabinet.
  3930. >Heading to the door and opening it, you see a beaming Principal Celestia standing in front of you.
  3931. >"Hello Anon."
  3932. "Celestia" you reply with a curt nod. "What can I do for you?"
  3933. >"Oh I just had some free time and wanted to see how the room was to your liking."
  3934. "As you can see I'm doing fine. Spent a little time helping Cheerilee earlier."
  3935. >Your guests smile falls a little, "Yes I heard about her coming back from my sister, I was a little apprehensive of letting her back to work so soon. How is she?"
  3936. "She'll be fine, just needs a little help once in awhile though."
  3937. >Celestia walks inside and sees all the vials and chemistry equipment out.
  3938. >"Doing a little experiment?" she asks.
  3939. "Not quite."
  3940. >Celestia picks up one of the spare vials of Swallow potion you have clamped on the stand and swirls the contents around.
  3941. >"What is it?"
  3942. "A witcher potion."
  3943. >"Anon? I really hope you didn't just borrow this room for that roleplay club." she says "Because I've told them countless times before that-"
  3944. "It's not for that, those potions are what keep me alive. That one right there enhances my body's recovery rate so wounds heal faster in minutes versus hours and days."
  3945. >Her eyes widen in surprise.
  3946. >"Really? Something like that sounds like it would be incredibly useful for modern medicine."
  3947. "It would be, if it wasn't for the fact Witcher potions are incredibly toxic."
  3948. >"Toxic?"
  3949. "Let me put it this way, it would be like you drinking a liter of bleach and chlorine."
  3950. >Celestia cringes and gives the vial another look, "And you drink this stuff all the time?"
  3951. "Only when I need to. While I can metabolize the stuff easier, drinking too much of this would start killing me too."
  3952. >"You can't be serious..."
  3953. "Have you ever known me to joke around?" you retort.
  3954. >"No. Can't say I have. Though I admit, the idea of you making such poisonous solutions is giving me second thoughts on our arrangement."
  3955. >Opening your hand, she gives you the vial back.
  3956. "So what's the real reason you're here?"
  3957. >"Like I said, it's to-"
  3958. >You give her a deadpan look and she sighs.
  3959. >"Oh fine. Luna and I would like to know if you would join us on a night out tonight. Our treat."
  3960. >Well this is new.
  3961. "The occasion?"
  3962. >"Just a chance to unwind after a long work week. My sister and I do this every chance when we can make time."
  3963. >Shaking your head, you decline.
  3964. "As much as I would like that, I still have some more vampire oil to make."
  3965. >"Vampire oil? Yes, I remember you mentioning vampires before." she says, "Anon, can't you just use garlic or holy water to keep them away?"
  3966. "If I wanted to get myself killed sure." you say waving your hand, "Garlic, holy water, stakes, none of those things actually work. Besides, after what happened last week I need to make more preparations against them."
  3967. >Celestia raises a brow, "What happened last week?"
  3968. "Got kidnapped by a hit squad consisting of werewolves led by a vampire. Long story short, if it wasn't for some lucky circumstance I wouldn't be talking to you right now."
  3969. >You purposely keep Vinyl and Octavia's role in the incident to yourself. It's not your place to spill their secrets.
  3970. >The Principal grows quiet, and you can feel the change in atmosphere.
  3971. >"Anon, I know this might sound strange coming from me but I'm worried that your activities might be endangering Sunset and the others considering how much time you all spend together."
  3972. "..."
  3973. >She folds her arms, "Anonymous? Are you listening?"
  3974. "The thought has occurred to me." you reply.
  3975. >"I know they're your friends, but they're also my students. I know I flirt and tease with you, but their well being is also one of my top concerns. I haven't forgotten the reason that brought you here to Canterlot in the first place."
  3976. >Her eyes don't betray any sense of kidding around. Celestia is serious about this.
  3977. >"You've been teaching Sunset Shimmer how to defend herself with a sword correct?"
  3978. "Yes."
  3979. >"Anyone else?"
  3980. >You set down the vial and stare out the window.
  3981. "..."
  3982. >"Please don't lie to me. I'm not mad, just concerned."
  3983. "Rainbow Dash, and Applejack. Rarity occasionally assists me."
  3984. >Celestia nods her head, "Is that all?"
  3985. "Yes."
  3986. >Principal Celestia walks up to you and places a hand on your shoulder causing you to tense up slightly.
  3987. >"Anon, in the short time we've known each other you haven't shown me any reason to distrust you so I trust you to do what you think is best."
  3988. >You're probably not going to tell her about that Axii hex you put her under a while ago. That'll probably be your little secret.
  3989. >Turning to face her, she smiles. Not a sultry or seductive one, but just a friendly smile.
  3990. >"Please, just make sure they stay safe."
  3991. "Never planned on doing otherwise."
  3992. >Nodding her head, she walks back out the door.
  3993. >"If you change your mind later, just give me a call Anon. Maybe we can get together some other time."
  3994. >Lowering her eyelids in a sultry manner, she coos. "I'll be waiting~."
  3995. >After she turns the corner, you resume your neutral expression and get back to work.
  3996. >While nothing she's told you is new, being reminded of it does get you thinking of your future here in Canterlot.
  3997. >You told Applejack that you would be with her for as long as possible, but now you're wondering if that's really what's best.
  3998. >Before you realize it though the final school bell rings.
  3999. >Sighing, you pack everything up to meet Applejack.
  4001. >Ugh...
  4002. >Your brain hurts.
  4003. >Science was never your strong suit. Thankfully, you got both Sunset and Twilight as lab partners.
  4004. >Though they were speaking all fancy like to each other that you just ended up doodling in your notebook.
  4005. >So long as they do all the tough thinking, you're perfectly fine with doing the physical part of the project for the upcoming science fair in a few weeks.
  4006. >Though you still have no idea what Twilight's experiment is actually about.
  4007. >What was it again? A flux capacitor?
  4008. >...
  4009. >No you're pretty sure that that's from a movie. Though wouldn't that be something.
  4010. >Well, whatever it is you really hope Twi doesn't make it so complicated that it'll fizz out when you show it off.
  4011. >Or worse...
  4012. >You personally just wanted to make a simple baking soda volcano, but ever since that incident last year Principal Celestia and Luna banned them.
  4013. >Either way, right now you're just glad school's out so you can get some alone time with Anon.
  4014. >Actual alone time too. Not training, no witcher or magical shenanigans, just some quality time alone with your boyfriend.
  4015. >Exiting the front door to the school, you see Anon sitting by the statue outside reading a book.
  4016. "Hey Anon!" you call out.
  4017. >He looks up and smiles just a little.
  4018. >"About time, you took a little longer than usual."
  4019. "Well Sunset, Twilight and I were making a schedule on when we should work on our science project."
  4020. >"Oh? What about?"
  4021. >You shrug.
  4022. "Ah dunno, personally what they were talking about was too complicated fer me to understand."
  4023. >"AJ, you really need to pay more attention."
  4024. >You give him a light punch.
  4025. "What are you? My keeper?"
  4026. >"Maybe in certain ways." he teases.
  4027. "Anyway, Sunset and I plan on sleeping over at Twi's house tomorrow night, get as much work done as we can. Twi wants as much lead time on this darn project as she can."
  4028. >"Darn, and I had plans with you. Guess I'll have to go hang out with Big Mac."
  4029. >You roll your eyes.
  4030. "Oh hush now sugarcube, I really need this grade."
  4031. >"Well if you need anything just give me a call and I'll be there in as fast as I can."
  4032. >You wrap your arm around his as you two walk towards the truck.
  4033. "And that's why I love ya. Always thinking about me."
  4034. >"Actually, I was thinking more about Sunset. She's still my meal ticket."
  4035. >You look at him with an incredulous expression until you see the knowing smirk.
  4036. >Punching him in the shoulder again, you both chuckle.
  4037. "Jerk."
  4039. -----
  4041. "Thanks Big Macintosh, I'll see you at six."
  4042. >"Eeyup." your older brother replies before driving down the road.
  4043. >Waving until you see him turn down the corner, you walk up to the large house he dropped you off in front of.
  4044. >"Hi Applejack." Sunset says walking down the street from behind you.
  4045. >She looks like she's seen better days with the way she looks right now. Hair undone, clothes full of creases and put on sloppily.
  4046. "Oh heya Sunset. Mornin'."
  4047. >She rubs her eyes, "Yeah. Morning."
  4048. "You sleep okay?"
  4049. >She shakes her hand in the so-so motion.
  4050. >"Not really. I just had this off-feeling all night last night. Maybe an hour or two of actual sleep."
  4051. "Hmm, well hopefully that feeling ain't ominous of our chances at the science fair."
  4052. >She chuckles, "Yeah. Knowing our luck though it'll probably be some magic monster or something from Equestria stirring up trouble again."
  4053. >You give her a deadpan stare.
  4054. >"I'm kidding."
  4055. "Yeah, well it ain't good to tempt fate like that."
  4056. >"I wonder why Twi wanted us here so early. I'm not used to getting up before six on a Saturday."
  4057. >Walking up to the door with her, you ring the doorbell.
  4058. >City folk...
  4059. >You and the rest of the family have no trouble being up at five.
  4060. >Internally, you relish the few opportunities you can feel superior to Sunset in something.
  4061. >Not that you're not as smart as Sunset.
  4062. >Or as talented.
  4063. >Or... as pretty.
  4064. >Shaking your head, you tuck those thoughts away.
  4065. >Gosh darn it AJ, what did Anon tell you when you were feeling that way about Rarity?
  4066. >That you're all of that and you don't need to compare yourself to anyone else.
  4067. >Taking a deep breath, you see Sunset rubbing the sleepiness still in her eyes.
  4068. >A closer look you can make out the dark bags still present underneath.
  4069. >Hell, she wasn't kidding when she said she didn't get much sleep.
  4070. "So what are we working on anyway?" you ask. "I didn't really know what you and Twi were talking about at class the other day."
  4071. >"Oh, I'm not actually sure. We were discussing a few ideas in class but never really decided on what."
  4072. "Well as long as we can get a good grade I'm not really too picky."
  4073. >"Mr. Bond getting on your case again?" she asks.
  4074. "Eh, he's just concerned. I ain't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to that stuff."
  4075. >You hear thumping from the other side of the door, when you hear the lock come undone and Twilight opens the door.
  4076. >"Oh hey girls is it really seven already?" she says.
  4077. "Already?"
  4078. >You and Sunset share a concerned look.
  4079. >"Twilight, did you stay up all night again?"
  4080. >"Kinda..." she says with a yawn.
  4081. >"Hi Applejack, hi Sunset!" shouts Spike as the little dog runs in between her legs.
  4082. >Twilight pouts and closes her legs around the puppy's neck making his eyes bulge out and squirm.
  4083. "Heya Spike."
  4084. >The girl with the glasses ushers you into her home.
  4085. >"My Mom and Dad are on a month long vacation cruise and Shining is spending time with Cadance tonight so the house should be all to ourselves for the day."
  4086. "Well, least we won't have very many interruptions ah guess."
  4087. >"But remember Twilight, no parties!" Spike teases. "And no boys."
  4088. >"Oh be quiet spike."
  4089. >As you walk past the fireplace, you see the wolf medallion belonging to Twilight's granddad on the mantel.
  4090. >Thoughts drift towards Anon, but you refocus on the present.
  4091. >Twilight leads you downstairs into her house's basement where to your surprise seems to be some sort of laboratory and workshop.
  4092. >It kinda gives you a mad-scientist lair vibe. On one other table, you can see a disassembled magic necklace like the one she wore at Friendship Games.
  4093. >Sunset seems to have spotted it too and clears her throat.
  4094. >"Twilight, I really hope you aren't thinking of making *another* one of those magic amulets."
  4095. >"No, I was taking that one apart. I figured they were too much trouble with the way I built them."
  4096. >Good. So far nothing good has come out of i-
  4097. >"That's why I built a new one that looks like an authentic witcher medallion!" she proudly states.
  4098. >What...
  4099. >The girl zips towards a small safe and turns the combination lock.
  4100. >Opening the metal door, she pulls out a small metal wolf head hanging on a thin rope cord. Compared to the one upstairs and Anon's, Twilight's looks a bit... different to say the least.
  4101. >It's a bit robotic looking, and has little red eyes.
  4102. >Suddenly the eyes begin flashing as she holds it near Sunset.
  4103. "See, this one detects magic by both vibrating and lighting up. Though you can turn off the eyes if they become too bothersome."
  4104. >She flips a switch on the back and the eyes shut off.
  4105. >Holding out her hands, she offers it to Sunset.
  4106. >"Once I get all the kinks worked out, I'd like you to have it." she says. "It's made to detect magic within a certain radius of the wearer, but since we radiate magic passively it would go off constantly."
  4107. >Sunset gives you an unsure look.
  4108. >"But that's not why we're here." Twilight states, putting the medallion back into the safe.
  4109. >Walking towards a workbench, Twilight presents something covered with a cloth.
  4110. >Ripping the sheet off, a glove-like object mounted on a plastic arm.
  4111. >On the back of the fingerless arm glove is an outer ring is dotted with wire-lights and circuitry all over.
  4112. >"Um... Twilight?"
  4113. "It looks like a fancy glove."
  4114. >"Oh it's much more!" she says excitedly, taking the glove off the stand and putting it on.
  4115. >"This doesn't look like any of the ideas we came up with in Mr. Bond's class."
  4116. >"That's because I came up with this the last night!"
  4117. "What's it do exactly?"
  4118. >"I'm glad you asked. It's a multipurpose diagnostic tool."
  4119. >Pressing a button on the side of the index finger with her thumb the device lights up.
  4120. >An orange circle forms around the back of the hand and portions of the glove that spreads across the wires and clear plastic that surround the glove.
  4121. >Twilight shows off the device by extending her palm where another smaller ring with a small glowing keypad appears.
  4122. >You let out a whistle.
  4123. >"It's only in the prototype stage right now. But look."
  4124. >Pressing a few buttons on the glove, she turns on a small computer next to the stand.
  4125. >She motions with her hand and the small mouse pointer moves with it.
  4126. >Gesturing with her finger, the pointer clicks on a program and opens it.
  4127. >"And that's not all."
  4128. >Smiling, she presses a few more buttons and various devices around the room turn on and off.
  4129. >"Eventually I plan on including a flashlight, a wireless communications device, a mini-camera that records audio and video, and a small computer."
  4130. "So right now it's some sort of fancy futuristic multi-tool?" you bluntly state.
  4131. >"Maybe something more like... an omni-tool."
  4132. >Sunset cringes, "Eh... name could use a little work."
  4133. >Turning off the glove, the lights dim and she puts the device back onto the table.
  4134. >"Once I get my hard light experiment fully working, this device will incorporate that so it'll be less bulky than a cellphone."
  4135. >Hard...light?
  4136. >Can light even be hard? Sounds like a whole bunch of sciency mumbo-jumbo.
  4137. >"Imagine it: holographic displays, communications, games, and readouts all at literally at the palm of your hand."
  4138. >Twilight is really on a different level than you when it comes to this stuff.
  4139. "So this is going to be our science experiment?" you ask.
  4140. >"That's the idea."
  4141. "Then what are Sunset and I supposed to do?"
  4142. >Twilight holds up a finger to answer, only for her eyes to widen in shock.
  4143. >"Uh..."
  4144. >You facepalm.
  4145. >Spike sighs, "I told you Twilight."
  4146. >Twilight grimaces, "I know, I know Spike."
  4147. >She sighs, "I just wanted to make sure everything was ready for my first group science project. Then one thing led to another and it's already half-way done now."
  4148. >"While we appreciate the proactive approach Twilight; Mr. Bonds is gonna know Applejack and I didn't do anything."
  4149. >"Sorry girls... I was just so excited." Twilight says sadly.
  4150. >You pat the girl on the back.
  4151. "Eh, don't worry Twilight. Er... how long will that hard light stuff take?"
  4152. >"A first trial probably won't be able to be scheduled until few months from now at the cur-"
  4153. "Twi, the science fair is in two weeks."
  4154. >"Maybe we should come up with something else." she says sheepishly.
  4155. >"Well we should get started then." Sunset says pulling out her textbook, "We can use one of the ideas we came up with."
  4157. >Setting down your pencil, you frown.
  4158. >Your friends both fell asleep a good while ago in trying to work out your second attempt at a project: either some sort of laser or a more complicated but more impressive antigravity plate.
  4159. >As Sunset lays on the couch, you can't help but find it adorable with how Spike is curled up in her lap snoring.
  4160. >Looking up at the clock on the wall, you can't help but let out a sigh. It's almost midnight.
  4161. >You three have been up at this all day.
  4162. >While you don't regret spending time with your friends to do this project, you can't help but feel guilty about earlier.
  4163. >In your eagerness, you hijacked what was supposed to be a group effort into a solo experiment.
  4164. >Well, on the bright side you have a plenty of time to work out your replacement project with Sunset and Applejack.
  4165. >You let out a yawn.
  4166. >But maybe... maybe tomorrow.
  4167. >You didn't get much sleep because you were working earlier and right now you just feel exhausted.
  4168. >Scooting out of your chair, you head to the fridge and pull out a carton of milk.
  4169. >You shake it, listen to the contents slosh inside and glance at the others to make sure they're still asleep.
  4170. >Satisfied, you pull the cardboard flap and drink directly from the carton.
  4171. >You feel too tired and lazy to get out a glass right now.
  4172. >What your parents don't know won't hurt them. Especially since this milk will expire long before they get back to find out.
  4173. >Drinking your fill, you put the carton back and close the fridge.
  4174. >Taking out a slice of pizza from the box of tonight's dinner you chew it silently as you just stare out into the darkness, lost within your own thoughts.
  4175. >You really need to make sure you don't go overboard again.
  4176. >Crystal Prep was a very competitive environment so there weren't many opportunities for group assignments or accolades unless you were involved in something that was specifically revolved around team effort.
  4177. >And you didn't have many friends anyway.
  4178. >Suddenly, you hear a creaking from upstairs and freeze.
  4179. >Looking back into the living room, Spike, Sunset and Applejack are still fast asleep.
  4180. >Shining called earlier and is with Cadance.
  4181. >So that means...
  4182. >Oh geeze...
  4183. >Your taser is in your room.
  4184. >Tiptoeing, you shake Sunset and Applejack awake.
  4185. "Girls... Spike...! I think someone's inside the house!" you hiss. "Wake up!"
  4186. >"Ugh... wait what time is it? Sunset says waking up.
  4187. "Someone's inside the house!"
  4188. >That instantly brings both of your friends awake.
  4189. >"Twilight stay here and call your brother." Sunset orders. "Spike you too."
  4190. "What about you?"
  4191. >"I'll check it out." she says pulling out a knife from her backpack.
  4192. >Anon must have gave her that one if you remember right.
  4193. >"I'll go too." Applejack says pulling her belt off and removing the buckle revealing the hidden blade.
  4194. >You quickly realize you're the only one unarmed.
  4195. >Frantically, you pick up a random object only to realize you grabbed a glue gun.
  4196. >...
  4197. >Putting the tool down, you instead grab the fire poker from the hanger next to the fireplace.
  4198. >Dashing to the phone you dial Shining's number.
  4199. >C'mon... pickup, pickup, pickup.
  4200. >*thump* *thump*
  4201. >Pickuppickuppickuppickuppickuppickuppickuppickup!
  4202. >*click*
  4203. >"Ugh hello?"
  4204. "Shining!" you whisper out.
  4205. >"Twi? What are you doing still up?" he asks.
  4206. >You can hear Cadance's voice on the other end asking what's wrong.
  4207. >Looking out of the kitchen, you see Applejack and Sunset sneaking upstairs.
  4208. "There's someone in the house!"
  4209. >Your statement immediately wakes him up.
  4210. >"What did you just say?!"
  4211. >Before you can answer you hear Sunset scream from upstairs.
  4212. "Sunset!"
  4213. >"WHAT IN TARNA-!"
  4214. "APPLEJACK!" you shout out dropping the phone. "C'mon Spike!"
  4215. >"Twi? TWILIGHT?!" you hear Shining's voice cry out.
  4216. >You and Spike run upstairs towards the unknown.
  4218. -----
  4220. >"Twilight..."
  4221. "I know Spike."
  4222. >Slowly, you keep both hands on the fire poker and nervously look around stairwell.
  4223. "Sunset? Ap-Applejack?" you call out.
  4224. >Spike starts sniffing the ground and walks towards your room.
  4225. >He points with his nose at the closed door.
  4226. >...
  4227. >You never close your door. At least not all the way.
  4228. >Putting your ear to it, you try to hear if there's any commotion inside.
  4229. >Grabbing the door knob, you turn the handle and push.
  4230. >The door creaks open the rest of the way.
  4231. >You flip the switch for the light, only for nothing to happen.
  4232. >Frantically, you jiggle the switch in some desperate attempt to make the light come on.
  4233. >You can't help but let out a whimper.
  4234. >The moonlight from outside is the only light in your dark room.
  4235. >Suddenly you hear a thumping from your closet.
  4236. >Oh this is every horror movie cliche you've ever seen!
  4237. >Eyeing your desk, you see your taser sitting next to your charging phone where you last left it.
  4238. >Quickly, you run over and grab it as well as opening your desk and grabbing a few flash pellets.
  4239. >A sense of relief overcomes you as you tightly grasp the little tool that Shining gave you.
  4240. >"Twilight... I don't like this..." Spike says.
  4241. "You and me b-both."
  4242. >Swallowing the lump in your throat, you reach out for the closet handle and take a deep breath.
  4243. >Pulling the sliding door, you gasp as you see Sunset and Applejack both lying unconscious inside.
  4244. "Applejack! Sunset!"
  4245. >Kneeling down you try to wake both of them.
  4246. "Spike go keep an eye on the door."
  4247. >"Right!"
  4248. >After a few minutes of trying to shake both Sunset and Applejack awake, in desperation you just slap both your friends in the face.
  4249. >"Ow!" Sunset cries out grabbing her cheek.
  4250. >Applejack winces and peeks an eye out. "What the hay just happened."
  4251. "Are you two okay?"
  4252. >"Where are we?" Applejack asks.
  4253. "I found you inside my closet."
  4254. >"Last thing I remember is... seeing a large shadow suddenly glaring at me when suddenly everything went blank."
  4255. >"Ah don't know about you two? But I'm gettin' real sick of getting knocked out."
  4256. >As you process this knowledge, Sunset's eyes go wide as she sees something behind you.
  4257. >"TWILIGHT LOOK OUT!" Sunset screams.
  4258. >Pulling you down, into her chest, she extends her right arm forward.
  4259. >A loud boom is heard behind you as a deep voice curses out and crashes into your aquarium and shattering the glass and spilling its contents all over the floor.
  4260. >Looking back you see a hulking man picking himself up.
  4261. >How did someone so large get past Spike?!
  4262. "Spike I thought you were watch-"
  4263. >You see Spike fast asleep on the floor.
  4264. >Rising to his feet, the man opens his eyes and you can just make out the cat-like pupils staring back at you in the dim light.
  4265. >"A-Anon?" Applejack calls out.
  4266. "That's not Anon..."
  4267. >The man crushes the aquarium frame in his hand. His lower body now soaked in water.
  4268. >"Aard?" the man says. "Is this meant to be humorous?"
  4269. >That voice...
  4270. "Tirek..."
  4271. >"To think, you were my original prey girl." he shouts. "Tonight I'll rectify that error!"
  4272. >The witcher pulls aside his thick fur cloak and brandishes one of his axes.
  4273. >His bear medallion flashes in the moonlight. Its bear visage only making you even more afraid.
  4274. >"Sunset, please tell me you can fight him..." Applejack asks.
  4275. >"I... I don't think so..."
  4276. >Tirek takes a step forward in the puddle of water at his feet.
  4277. >You draw your taser and point it at Tirek, flipping the switch on the side to increase the amount of volts delivered.
  4278. >He seems surprised at your action, and begins laughing.
  4279. >"Do you really think that'll work on me?"
  4280. >You don't answer and instead fire the device.
  4281. >When the electrodes imbed themselves into Tirek’s shoulder, he smirks.
  4282. "Tasers won't work on me girl."
  4283. >He takes a step towards you when you initiate the electric current.
  4284. >His body seizes up as electricity courses throughout his body and his muscles contract.
  4285. "Well it's a good thing this taser isn't a normal taser!"
  4286. >Applejack picks up Spike, "C'mon Twilight!"
  4287. "Alright!"
  4288. >You, Sunset and Applejack quickly get up and move towards the door, careful to avoid the puddle of water.
  4289. >To your horror, Tirek actually manages to mount an effort to fight through the current and reach out at you.
  4290. >You eject the cartridge and stop at the door frame as Tirek falls to his knees.
  4291. "Hey TIREK!"
  4292. >One of his eyes shifts to glare at you.
  4293. "FUCK YOU!"
  4294. >You toss one of your flash pellets into his face and a blinding light causes him to scream out in pain.
  4295. >As he rolls on the floor you can't help but admit that doing that felt really really good.
  4296. >"Did you call your brother?!" Applejack asks.
  4297. "I did. And I really hope he's bringing help."
  4298. >You all run down the stairs and make for the front door when suddenly its kicked inward off the hinges.
  4299. >A similar sized figure enters the door and takes off his hood. "Dear, dear brother. Must I always clean up your messes?"
  4300. >The familiar visage of Tirek's younger brother appears in the little light in the room.
  4301. >"Hello Ms. Sparkle, apologies for the intrusion but I believe our Headmaster would like a word with you."
  4302. >He pulls out his own hatchet and walks towards you.
  4303. "Back door! BACK DOOR!" you say pushing the other two back.
  4304. >"GO GO GO!
  4305. >Scorpan sighs, "Why do they always r-?"
  4306. >Tossing another flash pellet onto the ground, you momentarily blind him.
  4307. >"GAH!"
  4308. >Exiting the house through the kitchen, you make your way to the back gate.
  4309. >"Whe- where are we going?!" Sunset asks.
  4310. "Anywhere but here!"
  4311. >*THWIP*
  4312. >"OW! What th-"
  4313. >Applejack pulls out a small metal dart from her arm.
  4314. >"Oh that ain't good."
  4315. >In only a couple seconds her eyelids become heavy.
  4316. >"Girls I don't feel so... goo..."
  4317. >Suddenly Applejack collapses onto her knees, dropping Spike into the dirt with her.
  4318. "Applejack!"
  4319. >Before you can help her or your dog, Sunset pulls you by the arm and brings up a Quen shield.
  4320. >"T...Twi... get outta... here..." Applejack mumbles before passing out.
  4321. >Two more darts make impact on the shield.
  4322. >You frantically search the roofs of the other buildings to see the person who hit your friend.
  4323. >Behind you, Scorpan and Tirek exit the house. The latter with the surrounding skin over one eye darker than the other.
  4324. >Sunset drops into a defensive posture, ready to try and fight your abductors as they get closer.
  4325. >"ENOUGH OF THI-"
  4326. >Scorpan grabs his brother's shoulder.
  4327. >"Brother, control yourself."
  4328. >"Don't tell me to control myself!" he retorts, shoving Scorpan aside.
  4329. >Reaching around his back, Tirek pulls out his large sword and smashes it against Sunset's barrier.
  4330. >With his incredible strength the impact immediately breaks the shield and the Bear witcher grabs you by the neck.
  4331. >Lifting you up off the ground, he begins choking you. Any effort to try and pry his hand prove fruitless.
  4332. >"Twilight!"
  4333. >Can't... breath...
  4334. >"Brother, enough! Or do you dare risk angering the Headmaster?"
  4335. >Relaxing his grip, he drops you unceremoniously onto the ground.
  4336. >You take a deep breath and try to clear your throat.
  4337. >Backing up next to Sunset, you hear someone drop to the floor.
  4338. >"Fucking hell guys, could you make this anymore complicated?" a female voice sneers.
  4339. >You recognize that voice as Gilda's.
  4340. >Scorpan rolls his eyes and pulls out a small portable radio, "Quit your whining and head to our agreed meeting spot."
  4341. >"Yeah, well while you do that I'm gonna get something to drink."
  4342. >The older brother scoffs, "That one is grating on my nerves Scorpan."
  4343. >"If not for her marksman skills I would agree."
  4344. >The two return their attention to you.
  4345. >"Now what of the other two?"
  4346. >"The redhead knows Signs." Tirek says glaring at Sunset.
  4347. >"Yes, I saw. It seems our Wolf brother has been busy."
  4348. >"Who else do you think he's taught?"
  4349. >Scorpan shakes his head, "I don't know, but... it might be in our best interest to take these two as well."
  4350. >Sunset tries to cast Igni only for Scorpan to respond with Quen himself.
  4351. >"Yes, I think the Headmaster might be pleased." the younger brother says with a smirk. "If I recall, Gilda mentioned that the rainbow haired lass was also training with the Wolf?"
  4352. >"We might have to make another stop."
  4353. >"We'll discuss this later. Right now our target."
  4354. >"Agreed."
  4355. >Sunset growls.
  4356. >You pick up Spike in your arms and hug him close. Tears welling up in your eyes.
  4357. >And without another word, both men close in.
  4359. -----
  4361. >You turn the corner down the road and huff.
  4362. >Radio never seems to play anything good these days. Always the same shit over and over, no real variety.
  4363. >Granted, suffering through this beats sitting in an office all day doing paperwork so you probably shouldn't complain too much.
  4364. >Droplets begin splattering on your cruisers windshield followed by an ominous thundercrack echoing in the sky.
  4365. >Off in the distance, a large formation of thick clouds is rolling in.
  4366. >Looks like you're in for a rainy day.
  4367. >Great.
  4368. >Armor's so lucky he caught you just before your shift ended. Right now you could be curled up in bed with a nice bagel reading your latest book of the month.
  4369. >You don't really mind helping your old partner out from time to time and considering the circumstances you'll let it slide.
  4370. >Part of you thinks it might just be him and his sister overreacting... again. Could be a raccoon digging through the trash for all they know.
  4371. >But you've never known Shining to joke around lightly when it comes to the safety of his family. So if he says its important, you'll take his word that its important.
  4372. >Checking the street sign, you're just about to come up to his parent's house.
  4373. >Pulling over to the curb, you momentarily brace yourself for the chilly night air and grab your coat from the passenger seat.
  4374. >The rain has begun to pick up as a more constant stream begins pelting you.
  4375. >Putting your coat on as fast as you can, you can't help but let out a grumble.
  4376. "Of all the nights..."
  4377. >Shining's gonna owe you one for this.
  4378. >Hoo boy.
  4379. >Grabbing your flashlight, you walk up to the front lawn when you immediately notice the door cracked off its hinges.
  4380. >Drawing your service pistol you grab your radio.
  4381. "This is Officer Top, requesting backup at my location. Possible break i-"
  4382. >The sight of a large man the size of a bear walking out causes anymore words to die in your throat and a lump building up in their place.
  4383. >His eyes briefly look like they're glowing from the reflection of the little light from the streetlamps. The most eerie part is they have those same slit-like pupils like a cat.
  4384. >"Brother, we have company." the man growls out. "Uniformed, armed."
  4385. >Brother? There's another one?
  4386. >He steps through the door frame, ducking down slightly so he can clear it and that's when you see it.
  4387. >Shining Armor's little sister slung over the man's shoulder struggling to break free of her bindings.
  4388. >"Make and model?" a slightly shorter, but just as bulky man asks, this time walking out with two other girls, one you recognize as Twilight's friend when you were at Shining's girlfriend's apartment.
  4389. >The two men share the same strange eyes and taste in jewelry it seems. Those matching little metal effigies on their... necks...
  4390. >Didn't that male kid also have one similar to theirs?
  4391. >Is this some sort of gang thing? Ugh, right now you can't really think of that, Twilight's in trouble.
  4392. "Canterlot PD! Freeze and drop the girls!" you bark out.
  4393. >Twilight visibly freezes when she hears your voice and tries to turn around to see you.
  4394. >"Handgun; Glock." the larger one continues as if he was ignoring you.
  4395. >"Nine millimeters or forty caliber?"
  4396. >"Hard to say, but I'd guess the former."
  4397. >They continue walking towards you.
  4398. "I said FREEZE!" you say switching your aim between the two.
  4399. >You can see some kind of body armor under their coats. Considering how big they are, your bullets might not even stop them before-
  4400. >"We're wasting time." the smaller one bluntly states. "Take care of her."
  4401. >"Very well."
  4402. >What's he doing?
  4403. >You take a nervous step back.
  4404. >Could you reach your vehicle in time? Grab your shotgun, get more support...
  4405. >"Just make it quick."
  4406. >Rolling his eyes, the large one tosses Twilight to his brother who easily stacks her on top of her friend over his shoulder.
  4407. >Opening his coat he reaches for something inside.
  4409. >He ignores your warning.
  4410. >You see a the glint of something metallic from his coat being brought out.
  4411. >Before you can even process it, the sound of thunder booms in the sky but you also feel a sudden pinch in your chest
  4412. >A blotchy red dot begins spreading across the area around your... heart...
  4413. >Oh no...
  4414. >Your mouth is already beginning to fill with liquid.
  4415. >You take the few moments you have to fire at your assailant only to see he's already on you.
  4416. >Directing your gun downward, you reflexively pull the trigger and fire multiple times into the ground.
  4417. >He tightens his grip to the point that you end up gurgling out in pain and dropping your gun.
  4418. >Twisting your arm behind you, the man forces your back to him and brandishes his bladed weapon in front of you.
  4419. >Fear and dread overcome you as the metal blade flashes past your eyes.
  4420. >In one quick motion, you feel a sting across your neck.
  4421. >You frantically try to stop the bleeding, despite you knowing how futile that is.
  4422. >"You could have just used Axii, Tirek." the second man says looming over you. "You know, make her forget we were here."
  4423. >"But where's the fun in that?" he replies with a sneer. "Besides, you said to make it quick."
  4424. >"Tirek subtlety is not your strong suit." he says with an amused chuckle.
  4425. >Everything is starting to go dark...
  4426. >Is this really how it ends?
  4427. >Is this really how it ends?
  4428. >Y-you called for backup, they'll be here soon!
  4429. >Someone has to... help you...
  4430. >S-Shining? Twilight? M-mom? Anyone!
  4431. >You... you don't want to die...
  4433. >Scorpan hands you back to Tirek in addition to giving Sunset along with you.
  4434. >You look away from Officer Top as her body finally stops moving. Becoming still as the rain continues to fall.
  4435. >How could things get this bad?
  4436. >Sunset doesn't stop trying to break free from Tirek's grip causing no end of annoyance to the witcher.
  4437. >"Quit struggling girl!"
  4438. >Sunset grunts and tries to twist enough to cast Igni in Tirek's face.
  4439. >Tirek snorts, "The redhead is driving me up the wall Scorpan."
  4440. >"I'd rather you not break her. Cast Axii on her and be done with it."
  4441. >Tossing Sunset unceremoniously onto the wet grass, you see her eyes widen as Tirek steps onto her stomach to prevent her from getting away.
  4442. >He casts the hex much to both of your protests.
  4443. >"Sleep."
  4444. >After her training with Anon, Sunset actually manages to resist slightly; only looking slightly dazed before coming back too.
  4445. >"This one has a stronger will than we anticipated." Scorpan points out.
  4446. >Scorpan steps up next to Tirek and both proceed to repeat the Axii gesture.
  4447. >With their combined efforts, Sunset's eyes began drooping until she tilts her head and fall into a state of unconsciousness.
  4448. >Scorpan kneels down to check she’s actually out before turning to you.
  4449. >"Now Miss Sparkle, where do the rest of your friends live?"
  4450. >Dumping you onto the ground to, both men tower over you.
  4451. >Their fingers start twisting and for a brief moment you think you can see their eyes flash.
  4452. >Shining! Anon! Someone! Help!
  4454. >The rain pours on outside the bar window as you down another beer.
  4455. >Checking your watch, you sigh.
  4456. >Big Macintosh has been in the bathroom for awhile. Maybe you should check in on him.
  4457. >You two were supposed to be heading back home fifteen minutes ago.
  4458. >As if on cue though, you eye Big Mac finally walking out of the bar's restroom wiping his mouth.
  4459. >He stops at your table with a tired look on his face.
  4460. "Learned your lesson?"
  4461. >"E-Eey-*urp*-up." he answers.
  4462. >Swirling the ice in your now finished drink, Macintosh pulls out forty dollars and hands it to you.
  4463. "That's it." you say taking your winnings and scooting out of your seat. "You good?"
  4464. >He nods his head and downs the glass of water you got for him while he was in the restroom.
  4465. >You are surprised that he had the balls to try to outdrink you though.
  4466. >Granted he's more likely to get alcohol poisoning than do that, but still kudos for trying.
  4467. >Pocketing the money, you lead your “drinking buddy” out of the bar only to bump into someone coming in.
  4468. "Sor-"
  4469. >"Watch where you're going dwee-"
  4470. >...
  4471. >You glare at each other.
  4472. >"Wolf."
  4473. "Gilda."
  4474. >"The hell are you doing here?"
  4475. "I could be asking the same of you Griffon. I thought you and the Bears left Canterlot."
  4476. >She pushes past you and smirks.
  4477. >Eyeing the young adult, Gilda takes an eyeful of Big Macintosh and lets out a whistle.
  4478. >"Nice catch you got there. Thought you had a thing for younger girls, didn't know you swung that way too."
  4479. "Don't change the subject."
  4480. >Walking around Macintosh, the Griffon witcher sizes your girlfriend's brother like a piece of meat.
  4481. >"Gotta say, you got nice taste. Man looks like he has a firm one."
  4482. >Big Macintosh lets out a surprised grunt as Gilda grabs the front of his crotch.
  4483. >"Mmhmm, real nice." she says.
  4484. "I thought you didn't swing that way." you dryly comment. “And you still haven’t answered my first question.”
  4485. >"Doesn't mean I can't appreciate a fine specimen. Besides, its none of your business dweeb."
  4486. >The word “dweeb” seems to be a favorite of hers you’ve noticed.
  4487. >It’s just like her, a juvenile insult.
  4488. >Macintosh awkwardly scuttles behind you as Gilda flips her hair and walks into the bar without another word.
  4489. >Once the door shuts, you let out a snort of disgust.
  4490. "She's bad news Macintosh. I'd avoid her if I were you."
  4491. >"Eeyup."
  4492. >Stopping outside the truck, you hold out your hand.
  4493. "Keys."
  4494. >Big Macintosh, in his inhibited state, struggles, but eventually finds the truck keys in his right pocket.
  4495. >Tossing them over to you, you unlock the truck and get inside.
  4496. >"Are ya sure you should be the one driving?" Big Macintosh asks buckling his seatbelt."You don’t have a license.”
  4497. "Better me than you."
  4498. >Inserting the key into the ignition you shift into the appropriate gear and back out of the parking spot.
  4499. >As you look into your side mirror, you notice a familiar solitary bike sitting there in the rain with a rifle strapped to the side.
  4500. >You’re not gonna stoop that low just for some petty satisfaction. If anything, you want it to have a bit more meaning than just tipping over a motorcycle.
  4501. >But thoughts of why Gilda is still here plague your mind.
  4502. >The fact she avoided answering your question only adds fuel to the fire.
  4503. >You don't like it, but there's not really anything for you to act on that feeling.
  4504. >Bringing the truck to an admittedly rough stop at the first light, you run a palm down your face.
  4505. >Now you should just focus on remembering what you've been learning in your offtime with AJ... that and no one pulls you over.
  4506. >Not that Axii wouldn't make the problem go away... probably.
  4507. >Though you doubt after that chance encounter at the bar, things couldn't possibly get any worse.
  4509. -----
  4511. >Inserting your house key into the door, you carry a snoring Big Mac into the house and set him down onto the couch.
  4512. >Grabbing a spare blanket from the closet you set it over him and head upstairs.
  4513. >A quick smell check as you reach the top causes you to wretch a little.
  4514. >You smell a bit too much like booze for your liking.
  4515. >Taking your shirt off, you dump it into the laundry hamper for later and opt to take a quick shower.
  4516. >Turning the faucet, a burst of chilly water splashes over you before it quickly warms up.
  4517. >You exhale, feeling the stresses of the day washing off of you.
  4518. >Finishing up and drying off, you put on a fresh set of clothes and are about to turn in when suddenly you hear a rapping on the front door downstairs.
  4519. >Who the hell could that be at this time of night?
  4520. >Heading downstairs, the sound continues accompanied by the snores of Big Macintosh.
  4521. >A banshee probably couldn't even wake the guy.
  4522. >Rolling your eyes you look through the peephole.
  4523. >Outside is a very familiar older brother, pacing back and forth.
  4524. >Shining Armor?
  4525. >If he's here something's up. You doubt he's here for a friendly chat.
  4526. >Opening the door you see Shining with his arm still up as if he's about to knock again.
  4527. >"Anon! Good you're awake!" he says with a sigh of relief.
  4528. >You raise a brow and take a closer look at his appearance.
  4529. >His shirts wrinkled, not tucked in. Has a bit of stubble, eyes have bags and he's looks to have a slightly accelerated heart rate.
  4530. "What happened?" you ask.
  4531. >"Twilight's in trouble."
  4532. >Figures.
  4533. >...
  4534. >Wait...
  4535. >Applejack and Sunset were supposed to be with Twilight tonight.
  4536. >If Twilight's in trouble then that means...
  4537. >You yank the door open and grab Shining by the shoulders.
  4538. "Where's Applejack?"
  4539. >"I'll tell you on the way. Get dressed; and when I mean dressed, I mean *that* kind of dress." he says, "And bring your swords and whatever else you need."
  4540. "It would help if I knew what I was getting them for."
  4541. >"I don't know, just get what you can. We'll see when we get there."
  4544. >Gathering your things, you inspect your steel sword one last time before sliding it over your torso.
  4545. >The weight of the chainmail lining of your jacket feels a little off considering the last time you wore it was the trip to Camp Everfree.
  4546. >Might need to start wearing it more often; it's starting to feel... foreign you suppose the word is?
  4547. >Zipping up the front until you reach your medallion, you strap on your potion bandolier and grenade belt.
  4548. >Don't know what you'll be up against, so the least you could do is get down with the basics.
  4549. >Throwing knives are ready...
  4550. >Everything seems to be good.
  4551. >Popping your collar, you head downstairs to find Shining Armor tapping his foot impatiently.
  4552. >Seeing you come down he huffs, "About time."
  4553. "I like to be prepared for what I'm going to face, but I don't have much to work with."
  4554. >"I can't blame you. C'mon."
  4555. >Shining doesn't even take a step out the door when you hear footsteps coming from the stairs.
  4556. >"Anon... is that you?" you hear Apple Bloom ask.
  4557. >She walks downstairs rubbing her eyes, still dressed in her nightwear.
  4558. "Did I wake you?"
  4559. >"Kinda... why are you all dressed like that?"
  4560. >You briefly consider lying to her.
  4561. "Someone's in trouble. I'm going to go help."
  4562. >"Who's that?"
  4563. >Shining tries to straighten his shirt and be a little bit more presentable.
  4564. >"I'm Twilight's older brother." Shining Armor answers. "I'm a detective with the Canterlot Police."
  4565. >"Is sis in trouble?"
  4566. "..."
  4567. >Your lack of answer seems to be enough for her.
  4568. >"Just bring'er back safe will ya? I'll tell Big Mac when he wakes up."
  4569. >You nod your head and exit the house with Shining Armor.
  4570. >"You be safe too Anon..."
  4572. >Reaching the scene. You notice that the neighborhood is already rife with police activity.
  4573. "Looks like you already had this handled."
  4574. >"..."
  4575. "Shining, why exactly did you bring me here?"
  4576. >He doesn't bother answering you, instead pulling up the to the officer at the checkpoint.
  4577. >Showing his badge, the officer waves your vehicle through.
  4578. "Shining."
  4579. >He stops his car and just stares at the wheel.
  4580. >"I need your help to find my sister."
  4581. "You're a detective yo-"
  4582. >"I want to find her as soon as possible Anonymous. Our department is already backlogged with other cases, I don't want Twi to be one of those backlogs."
  4583. >He turns his head and stares you directly in the eyes.
  4584. >"You're the best chance I have to find her quickly."
  4585. "Normally I charge for this sort of thing, but Applejack and Sunset also seem to be missing judging by how you haven't mentioned either of them yet."
  4586. >"Them too?"
  4587. "They were having a sleepover with Twilight."
  4588. >"I remember her screaming someone's name when she last called me."
  4589. "Right, so let's get started. It's been raining for awhile so the trail is only just getting colder."
  4590. >Stepping out of the vehicle, you're hit by the cold air leftover from the rainstorm. Your foot steps into a shallow puddle that you notice is mixed with blood.
  4591. >You step towards the house and a chill runs down your spine at the sight of an occupied black body bag.
  4592. >Please don't be any of the girls...
  4593. >You walk over to the bag and pull down the zipper with baited breath.
  4594. >To your relief, it's none of them.
  4595. >...
  4596. >She's the officer you met at Cadance's apartment a good time back.
  4597. >Her neck's been sliced open.
  4598. >Unzipping down further, you notice a large blood spot near her heart.
  4599. >Doesn't look like it struck the heart itself, but it pierced her lung.
  4600. >Blood quickly filled in, and she started choking.
  4601. >Though if she was shot, then why slice her neck like that? To keep her quiet?
  4602. >Seems a bit overkill either way you look at it.
  4603. >"Hey! What are you doing?" An officer asks walking up to you.
  4604. >"It's alright, he's with me." Shining says.
  4605. >The officer looks at you skeptically, "Just who is this guy?"
  4606. >"He's a private detective."
  4607. >"She looks at your attire."
  4608. "I just came from a costume party."
  4609. >"At this time of night?"
  4610. "Look we got a murderer on the loose and three kidnapped girls, do we really have time to waste?"
  4611. >"Fine, but just watch it." he says. "If he does anything to mess up the crime scene I'll be having a word with the captain."
  4612. >"Don't worry, I'll take full responsibility."
  4613. >As soon as the officer leaves, you notice Shining looking solemnly at the corpse.
  4614. >"This is my fault. I'm the one who asked Copper to check on Twily..."
  4615. "Knew her well?"
  4616. >"Well? She was my partner on the beat for most of my early career in the department."
  4617. "Sorry."
  4618. >"Sorry isn't going to bring her back. The best we can do is catch her killer."
  4619. >He kneels down and zips the bag up before walking off towards the house.
  4620. >Stopping mid-stride, he looks over his shoulder.
  4621. >"But thanks anyway."
  4622. >Entering the house, you see a few forensic techs working.
  4623. >Doors kicked in.
  4624. >Off it's hinges too even with the bolt inside the lock. So whatever did this had incredible strength.
  4625. >A closer look near the hinges and where the lock would be and you see a few claw marks?
  4626. >No.
  4627. >Too random to be claw marks.
  4628. >Running a gloved finger through one of the grooves, you try to get a feel for the depth.
  4629. >Bladed weapon.
  4630. >Suspect used an axe or something to hack the door to weaken it.
  4631. >"You look like you're already doing your thing; I'll get what I can from CSI."
  4632. "Right."
  4633. >Wandering through the house, you notice some soda cans, cold pizza boxes and textbooks left on the dining room table.
  4634. >Nothing too out of the ordinary considering what the girls were doing here.
  4635. >Out of the corner of your eye though, you see an old broken witcher medallion sitting on the fireplace mantle.
  4636. >It stares at you with its one good eye.
  4637. >Walking up to it, you stare for a few moments.
  4638. >Who would want to kidnap Twilight, Sunset and Applejack?
  4639. >Right now that's a pretty short list.
  4640. >Could it be that mysterious man back at Iron Will's old base?
  4641. >A possibility.
  4642. >Hmm...
  4643. >Heading to one of the technicians, you poke him on the shoulder.
  4644. >"Can I help you?" he asks not looking away from his work.
  4645. "Was there anything unusual about this crime scene?"
  4646. >"Such as?"
  4647. "I don't know, something out of the ordinary?"
  4648. >"Well... I think Fred over there said he saw scorch marks on the ceiling in one of the upstairs bedrooms."
  4649. "Scorch marks?"
  4650. >"Yeah, burn patterns indicate it was like someone used a directed flame. Like an aerosol can and a match or something, considering all the science textbooks though we haven't found a source for the fire."
  4651. >Directed flame...
  4652. >You head upstairs to find this scorch mark.
  4653. >In one of the bedrooms, which you can only surmise is Twilight's, there is indeed a large black burn mark in the ceiling.
  4654. >As well as a broken fish tank, dead goldfish, and a few wet books.
  4655. >It's at a strange angle though.
  4656. >Following the suspected origin, and distance of the flame you kneel down in the closet.
  4657. >Picking up a long red hair, you can only guess what happened.
  4658. >Doing a mock Igni gesture towards the black mark, you figure that Sunset must have been sitting here.
  4659. >She saw whoever was attacking them and cast Igni. The figure fell back into the water tank and bookshelf.
  4660. >That doesn't tell you much by itself though.
  4661. >So far all you have is the fact they had a bladed weapon, a gun, possibly incredibly strong.
  4662. >...
  4663. >Sunset was willing to use Igni on them, yet they still got captured.
  4664. >Very few other signs of struggle.
  4665. >"Anon?" you hear Shining's voice call out.
  4666. "Inside here."
  4667. >Shining comes walking in, before freezing at the sight of Twilight's room.
  4668. >He clenches his fist.
  4669. "Anything new?"
  4670. >"Just two things."
  4671. >He holds up a small plastic bag.
  4672. >Taking it, you examine the contents.
  4673. >A metal syringe with a tailed end.
  4674. >Looks like a pair of tranquilizer darts.
  4675. >"Those were found in the backyard."
  4676. >The tips are crushed, like they impacted something hard.
  4677. >It also indicates they wanted the targets alive. So the officer's murder outside was just pure bad timing.
  4678. "And the other thing?"
  4679. >"Granted, its not really a lead..."
  4681. "Really?"
  4682. >"Really."
  4683. >The two of you look at the little purple dog sleeping in a small kennel in the back of the K-9 truck.
  4684. >"Found Spike out back out like a light under the porch. He seems fine, slightly roughed up, but otherwise he's in a really deep sleep."
  4685. >Snapping your fingers, you see the dog's ears twitch.
  4686. >"What are you doing?"
  4687. "Spike can give us a clue on who took Twilight and the others."
  4688. >"We have trained K-9 units for that. I doubt Spike has the senses to track-"
  4689. "No, I'm just gonna ask him."
  4690. >"... what?"
  4691. >Spike stirs awake, his eyes blinking slowly as he comes too.
  4692. >"Witchers didn't gain some ability to talk to dogs did they?"
  4693. "Don't be stupid. Spike, wake up."
  4694. >Suddenly, Spike gets up on his hind legs and starts barking at you.
  4695. >Shining grabs him by the collar, "Whoa boy!"
  4696. "Spike where's Twilight?"
  4697. >"This is seriously the dumbest thing I'v-"
  4698. >"Twilight! OW! We gotta help Twilight!"
  4699. >Shining freezes.
  4700. "Who took her and the others?"
  4701. >Spike looks down and tries to remember.
  4702. >"The guy was big... real big."
  4703. "Gonna need a lot more to go on than that."
  4704. >"Sorry, it's hard..."
  4705. >"Is S-spike... talking?!"
  4706. >Ignoring him, you kneel down so your eye level with the little talking dog.
  4707. >Looking at you, Spike's pupils shrink and his ears tuck in.
  4708. >"Th-that's the look he gave me before I blacked out!" he says pointing a paw at you. "You have the same eyes as him!"
  4709. >A sense of dread hits you.
  4710. >You turn to Shining and he comes to the same conclusion.
  4711. >Same eyes...
  4712. >The only individuals that have the same eyes as you are...
  4713. >You grit your teeth.
  4714. >God DAMMIT!
  4715. >You KNEW they were trouble!
  4716. >Slamming a fist into the side of the truck, you stand and turn towards the city.
  4717. >"You know who did this, don't you?" Shining demands.
  4718. "Yeah, and I think I know where to find one of them."
  4720. -----
  4722. >"Here you go m'lady." Anonymous says dropping a freshly plucked grape into your mouth.
  4723. "Oh Anon, how gentlemanly of you." you say with a giggle. "Could you please adjust my pillow?"
  4724. >The witcher readjusts the pillow behind your back.
  4725. >"Anything for you Rarity." he says with a smile.
  4726. >Another Anon in a dapper suit and tie walks up the staircase and kneels down.
  4727. "Missive for you Queen Rarity."
  4728. "Thank you Anon."
  4729. >The second Anon pulls out a scroll and begins reading.
  4730. >"Princess Twilight Sparkle is requesting your assistance with next week's Summer Sun celebration."
  4731. "Tell her that I'll get the designs for the curtains and other decor to her tomorrow, we can work out the details during tea time tomorrow."
  4732. >"Very well your Majesty." the Anon says with a nod of his head.
  4733. >As he walks away, you sneak in an eyeful of his round well-built derriere.
  4734. >*DING*
  4735. >"Queen Rarity, it is time for your massage session." another servant Anonymous says.
  4736. "Ah yes." you say.
  4737. >Getting up from your seat, you take off the cucumber slices over your eyes and bow your head slightly.
  4738. "Darlings, as much as it pains me, I must bid you all adieu. I'll be looking forward to next week's session."
  4739. >"We'll be looking forward to it." the three Anons answer back in unison.
  4740. >Leaving the room you walk down the hall, dozens of Anons in golden armor stand at attention.
  4741. >Entering the massage parlour, you find Anonymous waiting for you wearing nothing but a low-cut white towel showing off his well-built and oiled chest.
  4742. >Laying facedown on the massage table you bite your lip as Anon's hands begin working their magic.
  4743. >Your body begins feeling all tingly as Anon rubs the kinks and knots out of your muscles.
  4744. >It's good to be Queen.
  4745. >Suddenly without warning the entire room shakes.
  4746. >"W-what's going on?!" you cry out.
  4747. >Rolling off the table, Anon is gone.
  4748. >All of them!
  4749. >The room begins crumbling around you as nothing but a black void is left.
  4750. >Before you can even figure out what's happening, the floor underneath you gives out sending you plummeting into the abyss.
  4752. >Shooting up in a cold sweat, you rip off your nightmask.
  4753. >The dark confines of your room is all that greets you.
  4754. >Lightning flashes outside, making you jump slightly.
  4755. >Oh goodness...
  4756. >What a horrible ending to such a pleasant dream.
  4757. >A cat's growling and hissing outside draws your gaze to the window.
  4758. >Must be another "suitor" for Opal wanting to get in and is complaining about being soaked from the rain outside.
  4759. >You know you would.
  4760. >It must be a pain for her to be in heat at this time.
  4761. >Putting the thought out of your mind you wipe your head and wretch in disgust at the amount of sweat on your palm.
  4762. >You can't go back to bed like this.
  4763. >Swinging your legs out of bed, you slip on your slippers and head to the bathroom. Only to pause at the wet sensation "down there".
  4764. >Turning on the faucet you put some soap into your hand and begin washing your face.
  4765. >...
  4766. >It's starting to feel real cold between your legs.
  4767. >Maybe you should take a quick shower instead. Hopefully mother and father won't wake up to the noise.
  4768. >Wiping your face off of excess water, you turn the faucet handle and wait for the water to warm up.
  4769. >Removing your nightgown, you briefly admire the body you've worked so hard to keep in shape.
  4770. >Its a shame that Anon chose Applejack over you, he'll never get to touch this, but you'll get over it.
  4771. >There are plenty of fish in the sea after all.
  4772. >Besides, you still have your fantasies for now.
  4773. >Entering the shower, you let out a squeak as the water is still a might too cold.
  4774. >Eh, may as well. You don't want to wake up your parents.
  4775. >Taking a deep breath you plunge under the water.
  4776. >Holding in any whimpers, your body quickly acclimates to the water.
  4777. >You quickly go through your routine of rinsing, washing, conditioning and shampooing.
  4778. >One quick shower later and you're already in your room selecting your new sleepwear.
  4779. >...
  4780. >No that doesn't match.
  4781. >Oh where did they go? The skyblue ones with the lace...
  4782. >Did Sweetie take your pair of lacey panties again?
  4783. >...
  4784. >Maybe one night of going without wouldn't hurt...
  4785. >Oh there they are, nevermind.
  4786. >Putting them on, you head back to bed when you notice the window cracked open. A cool breeze of air blows in and causes you to shiver.
  4787. >Was it like that when you took a shower?
  4788. >You shrug and close the window when you hear Opal crying out from downstairs.
  4789. "Opal? What's wrong?" you call out.
  4790. >You exit your room and head down the stairs.
  4791. >Flipping the lightswitch, the light fails to turn on as you hear Opal continuing to whine somewhere.
  4792. >What a time to have a power outage.
  4793. "Opal? Are you alright?" you call out searching for her under the coffee table.
  4794. >Crawling on the ground looking for your cat; and you just took a shower...
  4795. "Opal, you little drama queen, what's wrong?"
  4796. >But to your shock, as you enter the living room, someone is at the front door undoing the deadbolt and chain.
  4797. >Whoever it is, they're wearing a thick hooded coat to hide their face.
  4798. >The figure turns around and a pair of cat eyes lock onto you.
  4799. >Cat eyes?
  4800. >Anon?
  4801. >What is he doing sneaking into your house at this hour?
  4802. "Anon is that you?"
  4803. >The eyes glance at you. When lightning flashes through the window revealing someone definitely NOT Anon in your house.
  4804. >You almost trip taking a step back when your survival instincts kick in.
  4805. >Rushing up the stairs, the man runs after you grabbing and snapping the decorative stair railing as he gives chase causing him to stumble and trip.
  4806. >Taking that as your opportunity, you run down the hall to your room when a yawn stops you in your tracks.
  4807. >Sweetie Belle walks out of her room in her PJ's rubbing her eyes, "Rarity what are you doing?"
  4808. >Without even thinking you grab her and pull your younger sister into your room.
  4809. "Sweetie Belle listen to me. Hide in my closet and DO NOT make a sound do you hear me?! No matter what!" you order her in a loud stage whisper.
  4810. >"But wha-"
  4811. "LISTEN. TO. ME." you hiss.
  4812. >She meekly nods her head.
  4813. >Think Rarity think!
  4814. >Suddenly it occurs to you, you have seen that man before. He's one of the other witchers that helped save you from those werewolves.
  4815. >B-but why is he after you?
  4816. >No time!
  4817. >Opening your closet, you put Sweetie inside behind some of your long winter coats and pull out your duffle bag.
  4818. >Digging inside the bag you grab your rapier and dagger.
  4819. >May as well try to defend yourself.
  4820. >...
  4821. >Key word is try...
  4822. >Why did it suddenly get so quiet?
  4823. >As if on cue, your door is smashed inwards.
  4824. >Hiding behind one of your spare mannequins, you shake as you hear footsteps entering your small room.
  4825. >Taking a deep breath you let out a cry and thrust your weapons forward.
  4826. >While your rapier is knocked to the side, the blade tip of your parrying dagger makes contact with flesh as the man grunts out in pain.
  4827. >"You dare?" he growls out in a deep voice.
  4828. >You step back as the man staggers back with the dagger sticking out of his chest. He pulls it out and tosses it to the side as if it was nothing but a mere annoyance.
  4829. >The last thing you see is the the back of his hand swinging towards you.
  4831. "Yeah, I know it's late but wake him up and tell him to meet us down by the bar."
  4832. >"Are ya sure? Big Mac is a pretty heavy sleeper."
  4833. "Apple Bloom, please."
  4834. >"Okay. I'll wake him, but if he gets mad at me..."
  4835. "I'll take responsibility, don't worry.
  4836. >"Yeah yeah."
  4837. "Thank you Apple Bloom."
  4838. >You end the call and put your phone back into your pocket.
  4839. >"Who's meeting us at the bar?" Shining asks, not taking his eyes off the road.
  4840. "A friend."
  4841. >"And what's he bringing?"
  4842. "Insurance." you answer.
  4843. >"Care to elaborate?"
  4844. "To a cop? No."
  4845. >"..."
  4846. "Will Spike be fine?" you ask.
  4847. >Last you saw he was trying to get you two to take him with you. You had to use Axii to calm him down and put him back to sleep.
  4848. >"He's a trooper, but the best thing for him now is to get some rest."
  4849. "He seemed a little mad about being left behind."
  4850. >"I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that he's talking."
  4851. >You scoff.
  4852. "After all this shit you've been through, that's what you have trouble believing?"
  4853. >Shining frowns, "Hey, not all of us deal with talking animals everyday. Anyway we're here."
  4854. >The car pulls up to the bar you and Big Macintosh left a few hours earlier.
  4855. >Scanning the motorcycle parking, you see Gilda's bike still in it's original spot.
  4856. >Good.
  4857. "Wait here. Thing's might get ugly."
  4858. >"I'm not just going to sit here." Shining retorts, unbuckling his seatbelt.
  4859. >You narrow your eyes at him.
  4860. "I'm making no guarantee that this won't end in a fight."
  4861. >"I'm not expecting you to." he replies, "At this point, I'm not acting as a member of the Canterlot PD. I'm acting as an older brother."
  4862. >To emphasize his point, he tosses his badge into your lap.
  4863. "We may end up doing some... illegal things." you warn. "Things that your detective status can protect you from."
  4864. >Shining locks gazes with you. His expression unwavering.
  4865. >"My sister's in trouble. That's the only reason I need."
  4866. "And Cadance?"
  4867. >"She'll understand, we'll make it work."
  4868. >Taking the small badge wallet, you run a thumb over the metal surface.
  4869. "Stay back, our target isn't known for her self-restraint or patience."
  4870. >You hand Shining his badge back, "And keep this with you. Just in case."
  4871. >He takes the small identifier and places it back into his pocket.
  4872. >"I'll follow your lead." he says pulling out his pistol and checking the magazine.
  4873. >Nodding your head, you exit the vehicle and hook your swords back onto your back.
  4874. >As of now, being subtle isn't exactly a high priority.
  4875. >Opening the door, some of the patrons give you a few stares before quickly returning to drowning their sorrows in alcohol.
  4876. >Considering the time of night, a few "strangely" dressed characters isn't exactly uncommon or noteworthy at this hour, especially since most of them are already have varying quantities of alcohol in their systems.
  4877. >Activity compared to earlier is way down with only a few individuals here and there and the bartender already looks to be serving the last few drinks before closing up.
  4878. >Looking around, you quickly find your target.
  4879. >You motion for Shining to stay by the door and he complies.
  4880. >Already with a bunch of upturned shot-glasses, and arm-wrestling some guy.
  4881. >Unsurprisingly she's winning.
  4882. >Slamming the man's arm onto the table, she takes another shot and leans back as the man lays down a few bills, gets up and limps away.
  4883. >Walking up behind her, she counts her winnings, "Want to try your luck? I've got all ni-"
  4884. "Gilda."
  4885. >She turns around, slightly amused at the sound of your voice.
  4886. >"Wolf? Didn't expect you to co-"
  4887. >The Griffon witcher sees your appearance then smirks.
  4888. >"Let me guess, you found a job and you need my help huh?"
  4889. "Where are Tirek and Scorpan?" you demand with a tone of open contempt.
  4890. >"How the hell should I know?" she says brushing you off.
  4891. "Don't lie to me. I want their location. Now."
  4892. >"Or else what?" she asks, "You gonna fight me?"
  4893. >You grab her by the shoulder.
  4894. "I'm not playing games Gilda where ar-"
  4895. >"Don't fucking touch me asshole!" she shouts out, grabbing a beer bottle by the neck and swinging it towards you.
  4896. >You quickly release her and duck under the attack.
  4897. >The witcher glares between you and the bottle.
  4898. >In one clean throw, she tossing the bottle that you easily dodge, instead it smashes into the head of an unsuspecting patron.
  4899. >The man falling to the ground unconscious or dead distracts you momentarily.
  4900. >"Anon watch it!" Shining shouts.
  4901. >You have just enough time to register Shining's words when you find a bar chair smashing into you and knocking you back into the bar.
  4902. >"Don't think just because you brought backup it'll help! I will fuck the both of you up!" she threatens.
  4903. >"FREEZE!" Shining says drawing his weapon and training it on Gilda.
  4904. >In one practiced motion Gilda draws her own pistol and points it at Shining at almost the exact same time.
  4905. >The few patrons still in the bar scramble out the nearest exits, leaving the three of you alone with the bartender.
  4906. >"No guns! NO GUNS!" the bartender says before ducking down.
  4907. >"Shut the fuck up!" Gilda says, firing a shot into the beer rack sending its contents spilling onto the floor.
  4908. >Shining Armor and Gilda stare each other down.
  4909. >Getting up, against your better judgement, you charge at Gilda and tackle her, sending you both crashing into a nearby table.
  4910. >Grabbing her arm, you gun out of her grip as she struggles to get you off of her.
  4911. "Where are they!" you demand, pinning her down with your arms.
  4912. >"Nnng! FUCK YOU!"
  4913. >Twisting her right arm, she yanks it out of your grip and punches you in the face.
  4914. >Momentarily stunned, she places her hand to your chest and casts Aard.
  4915. >The magical burst of energy sends you flying back into another table.
  4916. >"You want to go? Let's go!" she says drawing a large military knife from the back of her belt.
  4917. >She tosses it into her other hand and holds it in an ice-pick grip.
  4918. >"Anon?"
  4919. >You motion for Shining to stay where he is.
  4920. >Drawing your steel sword, you give it a slight flourish.
  4921. >She smirks, and begins pacing to the side.
  4922. >You immediately scan your surroundings.
  4923. >The enclosed area doesn't provide a lot of room to maneuver, especially with all the tables still set up.
  4924. >Before you can analyze any further, Gilda lunges at you.
  4925. >Instinctively, you back step as she swipes at you.
  4926. >You try to counterattack with your sword only to see her other hand over her shoulder pointed at you.
  4927. >Your eyes widen as you recognize the Igni gesture.
  4928. >Stopping mid-swing, you dive to the side as the area you once occupied is engulfed in flames.
  4929. >The fire crashes into the bar and causes the alcohol-soaked wood paneling to ignite.
  4930. >Heat transfers into the nearby bottles, causing them to explode sending their now flaming contents scattering about.
  4931. >Oh that's not good...
  4932. >"AHHH!" the bartender screams, trying to jump over the bar unsuccessfully to escape.
  4933. >That along with the guy on the floor...
  4934. "Shining get those two out of here!"
  4935. >"Right!" Shining replies, grabbing the man and dragging him out the front door.
  4936. >Hearing the sound of wood being knocked to the side, you roll to the left and barely avoid a knife being plunged into your chest.
  4937. >Rolling, you hop back up and swing your sword at Gilda only to find it smashing into a Quen barrier.
  4938. >Stepping back, you two play a game of cat and mouse while the entire bar is starting to catch on fire around you.
  4939. >Neither one of you can really make a move.
  4940. >You have reach, but she can afford to be more flexible with signs to back up her knife.
  4941. >Gilda casts Quen again as another set of beer explodes due to the heat.
  4942. >You take that as your opportunity to cast Aard on her to break her shield.
  4943. >Flames dance wildly behind her as she staggers.
  4944. >Rushing in you make for a quick slash that draws blood across her chest making her cry out in pain.
  4945. >"GAH! FUCK!"
  4946. >Glowering at you, she casts another Quen and closes the distance between you.
  4947. >Placing your blade diagonally across, you manage to deflect a few of her slashes.
  4948. >A well placed strike against her shoulder is blocked by the magic field as she grabs your sword by the guard and tries to force her knife into your face.
  4949. >Unfortunatly for her though, her hand slips onto the blade and blood begins running down.
  4950. >Gilda's face distorts in visible discomfort, but otherwise she keeps her grip despite blood running down the handle and onto yours.
  4951. >Pushing the blade edge into her hand, you easily cause enough strain for her to back off.
  4952. >Inspecting her hand, she scowls at you as she wipes the blood onto her pants.
  4953. >"Motherfucking asshole."
  4954. >The wood ceiling groans above. By this time, most of the building is going up in flames and the heat has gotten even more intense.
  4955. >You need to get out of here before you die from smoke inhalation or the fire itself.
  4956. >"This wouldn't be going as bad if we were on even playing field Wolf." she says.
  4957. >Your weapons clash against one another, as she ducks under you slashes while you block and deflect her knife.
  4958. >Riposting her blade one last time you both extend your arms out.
  4959. >A glowing field of telekinetic energy forms in the space separating you two as you focus your Aard spells into each other.
  4960. >Struggling to maintain dominance against the others sign, suddenly a large flaming support beam crashes down between you both, resulting in the two spells being released prematurely and sending you staggering back.
  4961. >You shield your eyes from the kick up of fire, ashes and smoke when you feel a sharp sting in your thigh.
  4962. >Looking down, you find her knife blade sticking out halfway in your leg and Gilda bolting for the front door.
  4963. "DAMMIT!"
  4964. >The sound of a gun discharging multiple times outside makes a pit form in your stomach when its soon followed by a motorcycle engine starting up.
  4965. >Making your way over the fallen beam, you limp outside to find Shining on the ground gripping his bloody face.
  4966. >Before you can help him, a bullet whizzes by your head and strikes the wall.
  4967. >Diving behind Shining's car, three more gunshots go off until a tire screeching into the distance is heard.
  4968. >"Aw that bitch!" Shining complains as you help him up.
  4969. "You'll live. C'mon we need to get after her." you say pulling the knife out.
  4970. >"You're supposed to leave that in."
  4971. "I'll be fine."
  4972. >"Guessing you got one of those potions?" he asks. "Swallow right?"
  4973. "Want some?" you ask back sarcastically.
  4974. >"I'm good." he replies wiping his nose with his coat sleeve.
  4975. >Pulling out a vial from its pouch, you bite off the cap and drink the clear blue contents.
  4976. >The vile-tasting swallow travels down your throat.
  4977. >"You've got to be kidding me." Shining says.
  4978. "What?"
  4979. >"She shot out our tires!"
  4980. >Seriously...
  4981. >Twilight's brother kicks his car, "What're we gonna do now?!"
  4982. >Before you can answer though, a deep rumbling from down the street draws your attention as a set of headlights comes closer.
  4983. >"What the hell...?"
  4984. >Though the paintjob is slightly changed, you recognize the vehicle.
  4985. >The truck you took home a week ago.
  4986. "Yeah I know."
  4987. >"Where the hell did you get this?" Shining asks incredulously.
  4988. "Eh... found it."
  4989. >"Bull."
  4990. >The driver's side window rolls down revealing Big Macintosh in the driver's seat.
  4991. "C'mon we got our ride." you say getting into the passenger seat. "Mac we need to get after that woman."
  4992. >"Eeyup."
  4993. >Still skeptical, Shining gets into the back only to freeze.
  4994. >"Anon." he calls your name out, closing the door.
  4995. "Yeah?"
  4996. >"Is this a loaded M134 military grade minigun in the back seat?" he says looking straight ahead at the mounted weapon.
  4997. "Eeyup?" Mac answers in your stead, rolling out after Gilda.
  4998. >"Maybe I should hang out with you more often." he muses to himself.
  4999. "I can tell you it never gets very boring." you reply, "Macintosh you good to drive?"
  5000. >"Eh." he says shaking his hand.
  5001. "Well I'm sure Shining won't mind if your alcohol level is above the legal limit just this once. Unless you want him to drive?"
  5002. >"You know what? I don't even care anymore..." he says with a sigh.
  5003. >"Anon." Big Mac says tapping your shoulder.
  5004. >He points out the window and you see a single tail light of a motorcycle.
  5005. "There she is."
  5006. >You see Gilda turn back to look at you before increasing speed.
  5007. "Keep on her." you tell Big Mac when your phone rings.
  5008. >Who could...
  5009. >Grabbing it, you see it's from Rarity.
  5010. "Hello?"
  5011. >Instead of the fashionista, you hear the younger voice of her sister.
  5012. >"A-Anon?"
  5013. "Sweetie Belle?"
  5014. >"Some guy took Rarity!" she says with barely containted terror.
  5015. "What?! Who?!"
  5016. >"I-I-I d-don't know! He was big, real big, and had eyes just like yours though!"
  5017. >You clench your fist.
  5018. "Shit!"
  5019. >"Anon what is it?" Shining asks.
  5020. "Tirek and Scorpan took Rarity."
  5021. >"Are they taking all of Twilight's friends?"
  5022. "Well it can't be coincidence. Which means we *need* to catch up to Gilda."
  5023. >You feel the truck go faster as you're pushed back in your seat. Glancing at the speedometer your vehicles are going well past 80 down the city streets.
  5024. >"Looks like she's heading out of town and towards the freeway." Shining says.
  5025. >"H-hello?" Sweetie says from the other line. "Anon are you still there?"
  5026. "Sweetie how long ago was this?"
  5027. >"Almost ten minutes ago... Rarity told me to hide."
  5028. "Sweetie, call Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. Tell them to call me or text me or something."
  5029. >You need to know who's still clear before Tirek and Scorpan move in and anyone gets hurt or killed.
  5030. >"O-okay..."
  5031. >Rarity's younger sister hangs up and you put your phone away.
  5032. >Grabbing the hand hold, you watch as Gilda keeps a constant distance ahead of you.
  5033. >You're not letting her get away.
  5035. -----
  5037. "C'mon..."
  5038. >You bite the inside of your cheek as the glow of the computer screen lights up the dark confines of your room.
  5039. >Just a bit more...
  5040. >...
  5041. >YES! VICTORY!
  5042. >Finally!
  5043. >You were kind of worried there, having to carry your entire team like that.
  5044. >Smiling smugly at the after-carnage report you type in the words "gg ez".
  5045. >Can't keep down the Dash.
  5046. >Seeing all the other players rage at you in the text box and over voice chat is like music to your ears.
  5047. >Exiting the game, you take a look at what time it is and freeze.
  5048. >Oh crap.
  5049. >You stayed up way later than you were supposed to...
  5050. >And you got a project with Fluttershy to do tomorro- well today actually.
  5051. >You should also get started on that four page paper too...
  5052. >Good thing your dad is out of town on a business trip like always.
  5053. >She won't mind if you "accidentally" sleep in right?
  5054. >...
  5055. >Well, may as well *try* to wake up on time. Fluttershy is one of your best friends after all.
  5056. >Shutting the game down, you make way to get ready for bed when your phone buzzes on your desk.
  5057. >Grabbing it, you see it's an incoming call from Rarity.
  5058. >Rarity?
  5059. >What could she want at this hour?
  5060. "Hello?"
  5061. >"Rainbow Dash! Thank goodness!" a voice that's obviously not Rarity cries out from the other end.
  5062. "Who is this?"
  5063. >"It's me Sweetie Belle!"
  5064. "Sweetie? Why are you calling me?"
  5065. >"Rarity's been kidnapped!"
  5066. "What?!"
  5067. >"No time to explain, Anon says to call him. I gotta go call Pinkie Pie!" she says before hanging up.
  5068. >What the heck is going on?
  5069. >You quickly dial Anon's number from your contact list and frantically pace around the room.
  5070. >"Dash, you're still safe." he says, sounding genuinely relieved.
  5071. "Anon, what's happening? Sweetie said Rarity was kidnapped."
  5072. >You wait for him to answer when you think you hear another voice talking to Anon in the background.
  5073. >It sounds like he's in a car.
  5074. "Anon?"
  5075. >"Sorry, Rarity, Applejack, Sunset and Twilight have all been taken by Tirek, Scorpan and Gilda."
  5076. >WHAT?!
  5077. "Are you sure?"
  5078. >"Positive. I'm chasing after Gilda right now, but it seems Tirek and Scorpan have split up after taking Sunset, Applejack and Twilight."
  5079. "What do you mean?"
  5080. >"Sweetie probably told you that Rarity was just taken. That happened almost twenty minutes ago. Fluttershy isn't picking up her phone."
  5081. >...
  5082. >Maybe she's still asleep, she is a pretty heavy sleeper.
  5083. >Having to sleep with a bunch of animals kind of makes you have to in order to get a decent night's sleep.
  5084. >Hopefully...
  5085. >But what bugs you is why Gilda is part of this.
  5086. "Where are you right now?"
  5087. >"Chasing after Gilda down the freeway northbound out of town."
  5088. >More voices in the background, this time you can clearly hear who you believe to be Twilight's older brother.
  5089. >You try to ask Anon what to do when suddenly you hear two loud cracks come from the phone.
  5090. "Anon? Anon are you there?"
  5091. >"Yeah, Gilda just took a couple pot shots at us. Look, right now the best thing you can do is get out of the house and somewhere else."
  5092. "Like where?"
  5093. >"I don't kn... Vinyl's house or something a place where they wouldn't even have an idea to look. After I deal with Gilda I'll come to get you personally."
  5094. "But what abo-"
  5095. >"Don't worry about anything else, just pack what you need and get out of your house. And send me a text every five minutes so I know you're still safe."
  5096. >This is nuts. You can't just run and hide while your friends are in danger!
  5097. >"Dash, I know what you're thinking. But until I can get Gilda to tell me where the others are, we can't let them get all of you."
  5098. >You groan.
  5099. "Anon isn't this the sort of situation you trained me to handle?"
  5100. >"Rainbow Dash, this is not- Mac watch the car!" you hear him shout.
  5101. >The sound of car horn whizzing by echos into the receiver and into your ear.
  5102. >"Gilda's being way more reckless than I thought..." he mutters "Rainbow, please just this once. Do what I say."
  5103. >...
  5104. "Fine. I'll hide somewhere else." you concede.
  5105. >"Good. Shining's already called in a couple of cops to each of your houses but I doubt they'll do much against someone like Tirek or Scorpan."
  5106. "Just... just when you see Gilda... I want to talk to her. Try not to kill her, she's still an old friend y'know?"
  5107. >"No promises." he says before ending the phone call. "Don't worry Rainbow we'll get them back.
  5108. >You look at your phone for what feels like an eternity. According to the clock though, its only been thirty seconds.
  5109. >Shaking your head, you grab your backpack and dump out your schoolbooks.
  5110. >Putting in some spare clothes, and a couple of survival tools along with a knife from the kit your Dad prepared. You grab your keys and jump out the window.
  5111. >Never thought Dad's over preparedness would come in handy like this...
  5112. >Climbing down the tree just outside.
  5113. >You move through your backyard and into the alleyway, being cautious of any figure that may be following you.
  5114. >Your house is pretty far from the others, so you should still have some time.
  5115. >Getting into your car, you text Anon.
  5116. >He doesn't reply, but you hope that doesn't mean the worst.
  5117. >Driving off, you bite your lip.
  5118. >Anon said northbound on the freeway right?
  5119. >...
  5120. >Well it would be the last place they'll look...
  5121. Turning down the street corner, you fail to notice your Dad's car pulling up to the front of the house...
  5122. >Just as soon as a large shadowy figure enters through the back door...
  5124. >"Where the hell is she going?" Shining asks.
  5125. "I have no idea..."
  5126. >*CRACK*
  5127. >Another round hits the hood of the truck and bounces off, leaving a visible mark behind.
  5128. >Big Macintosh grumbles.
  5129. >"Well she's determined that's for sure."
  5130. >She's been leading you on this chase for quite some time.
  5131. >Your phone vibrates as you get a text from Rainbow and Pinkie Pie.
  5132. >Seems Dash is going to hide out somewhere while Pinkie somehow convinced her *entire* family to get out of the house.
  5133. >Something about Pinkie sense.
  5134. >Whatever.
  5135. >You've got more pressing things to worry about at the moment.
  5136. >Still nothing from Fluttershy though. So you have to assume she's been taken by the brothers.
  5137. >Gilda swerves by a single lone car on the road.
  5138. >You repeat Shining's question in your head.
  5139. >Just were *is* she going?
  5140. >This freeway is leading well out of town, almost beyond the city limits.
  5141. >It only just occurs to you that she might not be heading anywhere specific.
  5142. >Like she's just trying to... waste your...
  5143. >God dammit.
  5144. "Mac, run her down."
  5145. >"WHAT?!"
  5146. "She's baiting us. Buying time for the other two to get the other girls."
  5147. >"Anon, if she's baiting us, she must at least know where the two other witchers are planning to meet up." Shining points out.
  5148. >You scowl and consider your options.
  5149. >With what's at stake, you can't spend all night chasing her.
  5150. >You have the minigun...
  5151. >But you want to get Gilda alive. Not make her into mulch; plus potential bystanders might get in the way. It's late but there are still a few cars here and there.
  5152. "Shining how good of a shot are you?"
  5153. >"What?"
  5154. "How good of a shot are you?" you repeat.
  5155. >"I would assume I'm pretty good. Only Copper could out shoot me on the range."
  5156. "Shoot out her tire."
  5157. >"Are you nuts? A wipe out at this speed would probably kill her!"
  5158. "Remember she's a witcher, Gilda's tougher than a normal human being."
  5159. >At least you hope...
  5160. >There's never been an instance of a witcher being killed by a traffic incident before.
  5161. >It's a real gamble.
  5162. "You're going to need to get a good shot off at a distance. If we get too close, she'll probably just use Quen to block the shot."
  5163. >"Anon this is ridiculous." Shining says pulling out his pistol and checking the magazine.
  5164. "It's either that or Mac pulls up to her and I jump."
  5165. >"I'm more inclined to that plan." Shining says with a cheeky smile.
  5166. >Big Macintosh rolls his eyes and pushes down on the accelerator.
  5167. >The truck speeds up as the engine roars with intensity; despite it's heavier frame the vehicle manages to get right behind Gilda.
  5168. >With a flick of a switch, Big Macintosh turns on the hi-beam head and rooflights.
  5169. >The reflection of light in Gilda's side mirrors blinds her as you can see her right arm try to shield her eyes.
  5170. >The Griffin witcher slows down enough that the motorcycle’s rear tire is almost touching the grill of the truck.
  5171. >Pressing down on the center of the steering wheel, a loud deep noise from the horn drones in the air making you cover your ears.
  5172. >Gilda almost loses control at the sudden sound as she turns down a corner...
  5173. >And with a little rough tap from Big Macintosh, her front wheel loses traction resulting in her becoming perpendicular to the truck.
  5174. >In just a few seconds Gilda's bike gets dragged under the larger vehicle while Gilda grabs hold onto the hood on for dear life.
  5175. >Slamming the brake, the witcher goes flying forward into the pavement as you come to a screeching halt.
  5176. >You see the woman casting Quen before she makes contact with the ground but it only cushions her first impact before she skids to a halt.
  5177. "Well... that works too." you say astonished.
  5178. >"I'll say..."
  5179. >"Eeyup." he simply replies, shifting the toothpick in his mouth from one side to the other.
  5180. >Getting out of the truck, you draw your sword as Shining draws his gun.
  5181. >You rush down as Gilda groans in agony, her body covered in road rash and blood.
  5182. "This is why we wear protective motorcycling equipment." you quip. "Never know when someone's gonna rear end you."
  5183. >The Griffin witcher looks up and glares pure hate at you but is in too much pain to move.
  5184. >Pulling a pair of cuffs from his coat, Shining moves in and binds both of her arms together behind her back.
  5185. >"Anon." Big Macintosh calls out.
  5186. >Rolling the window down, Big Macintosh tosses you a roll of black duct tape from inside the truck.
  5187. "Nice call."
  5188. >You bind Gilda's fingers and legs together with the tape.
  5189. >"Y-you fucker... that was a dirty trick..." she spits out.
  5190. "Where are the others?"
  5191. >"Piss off."
  5192. >Shining's nostrils flare, "You bit-"
  5193. >You grab his shoulder and hold him back.
  5194. "Time and place. Let's check her things first."
  5195. >Dragging Gilda off the road and in front of the truck so she's blinded by the headlights, you and Shining scavenge through the wreck of her motorcycle.
  5196. >"Anon, got a mangled mess of what looks like a tranquilizer gun." he says handing it to you.
  5197. >From the looks of it, it looks like a scaled down hunting rifle with a thinner and shorter barrel. Just large enough for a certain type of ammo.
  5198. "No doubt this is what fired the darts at your house."
  5199. >Your pocket vibrates as you get another incoming text from Rainbow and Pinkie Pie.
  5200. >That's a bit of relief for now.
  5201. "You keep searching I'm going to talk to our friend."
  5202. >Shining nods his head and continues digging through the bag when his phone rings.
  5203. >"Yeah... uh huh... send it to me." he says.
  5204. >He pulls the phone away from his ear and looks at the screen.
  5205. >His expression becomes grim.
  5206. >"Anon." Shining calls your name out.
  5207. "What is it?" you say.
  5208. >"I just got something from one of the squad cars I sent to Rainbow Dash's residence." Shining says, staring at something on his phone.
  5209. >Gilda perks up at the mention of Rainbow's name.
  5210. >Rainbow's house...
  5211. >You thought she left the house already?
  5212. >Holding out your hand, Shining gives you his cell.
  5213. >Staring at the picture, you see a person with chromatic hair just like Rainbow's lying in a pool of their own blood slumped against the wall.
  5214. "That's not...?"
  5215. >He shakes his head.
  5216. >You grimace and look at Shining who shares your concern.
  5217. >"Any sign of... you know?"
  5218. "No. Just the body there. Haven't gotten word yet on the others."
  5219. >You drag a palm down your face.
  5220. >Great.
  5221. >As if things couldn't get any worse.
  5222. >Actually, scratch that, they could always get much, much worse.
  5223. >Maybe you could use this to your advantage though...
  5224. >The pictures not the best quality, and as long as Gilda doesn't get too good a look you could play it off as Rainbow.
  5225. "Gilda, I hope you're happy."
  5226. >"..."
  5227. "Rainbow's dead."
  5228. >She freezes before her body relaxes.
  5229. >"You're not good at lying Wolf."
  5230. "You think I would lie about my friends?" you say emitting anger. "Shining sent a unit to her house after we heard about Rarity getting taken. They found a body of a young girl matching her description lying in a pool of her own blood."
  5231. >She doesn't say a word as you tell her this.
  5232. >You show Gilda the picture of the body and her eyes widen.
  5233. "Seems one of the two brother's got a bit over-zealous because they ran a blade into her chest and slammed her into a wall hard enough to crack her skull. She put up a fight at least."
  5234. >You toss Shining's phone over to him and grab Gilda by her shirt collar.
  5235. >Her eyes waver.
  5236. >"Where. Are. The others." you demand, drawing your sword holding the edge the blade to the Griffin's neck.
  5237. >"They... they swre they wouldn't kill her..." she mumbles.
  5238. "What?"
  5239. >"... They were just going to take her and the others back to that damn Keep."
  5240. "Why? Why back to the Keep?"
  5241. >"I don't know... Just that they needed little miss egghead because Mr. High and Mighty wanted her."
  5242. "Gilda, I don't give a damn what the Headmaster wants with them. Where did Tirek and Scorpan take them?"
  5243. >"..."
  5244. >She looks away.
  5245. "I'm going to ask one last time. Where are Scorpan and Tirek taking the girls."
  5246. >"..."
  5247. "Gilda..."
  5248. >"That abandoned house where we killed those werewolves." she says bitterly.
  5249. >There?
  5250. >Why there?
  5251. >To make matters worse, you don't even remember where the old house Gilda's talking about was.
  5252. >You fell asleep almost as soon as you were in the truck.
  5253. >The only other people who know are either abducted or...
  5254. >Vinyl!
  5255. >She might remember.
  5256. >Calling her cellphone, you hear the dial tone three times before someone picks up.
  5257. >"Hello?"
  5258. "Vinyl, this is Anon I nee-"
  5259. >"Oh hey. What's hanging?"
  5260. "I don't have time to explain the other girls have been kidnapped."
  5261. >"Cool, cool."
  5262. "Excuse me?"
  5263. >"If you haven't realized by now, this is just a recording; you know what to do. *Beeeep*"
  5264. >You stare at your phone almost at a loss for words.
  5265. >"Fucking dweeb..." Gilda says unimpressed. "Can't believe I got caught by you."
  5266. >...
  5267. "Vinyl call me back, it's important." you yell into the phone before hanging up.
  5268. >Looks like you're going to have to call Pinkie or Rainbow to see if they remember where the house is.
  5270. -----
  5272. >After a few minutes of trying to get more information from the Griffin witcher. Gilda stops cooperating completely.
  5273. >The darker side of you just wants to end her right now, but she might still be of some use, but how much you have no idea.
  5274. >Instead, you three dump a blinded, bound and gagged Gilda into the rear of the armored truck, you and Shining take what clues you can from her motorcycle wreck.
  5275. >Gotta be thankful that Mac packed an emergency tool kit. The zip-ties proved helpful in keeping Gilda's fingers restrained.
  5276. >There's not much worth recovering for one. Some spare clothes, a torn map with vague locations scribbled on, a cellphone, a rifle maintenance kit, spare ammo, and some granola bars.
  5277. >The hunting rifle she carried with her is still in one piece, although the barrel is at an angle.
  5278. >"Macintosh right?"
  5279. >"Eeyup."
  5280. >"Could you help me get Gilda's bike out of the road? May as well prevent someone else from running into it."
  5281. >Mac nods his head as the two go towards the wreck leaving you alone.
  5282. >Pulling out your phone again, you send Pinkie a text.
  5283. [Pinkie do you remember where the house we were held captive in was?]
  5284. >Your phone vibrates from an incoming text message.
  5285. >[Sry Nonny, I only knw that it was outside Canterlot. :(]
  5286. >You sigh.
  5287. [Thanks anyway, keep checking in.]
  5288. >A few moments go by before she replies, [Will do Nonnon. I'll let them know! ;)]
  5289. >"So what now?" Shining asks wiping his hands.
  5290. "Well unle-"
  5291. >Suddenly your phone goes off again, this time someone is calling you.
  5292. "Just a second. Hello?"
  5293. >"Yo, Non." a familiar DJ's voice chimes into your ear.
  5294. "Vinyl, I'm actually relieved to hear your voice."
  5295. >"Love you too Anon." she says, you can hear a giggle from someone else besides her. "So what's up"
  5296. "We have a problem."
  5297. >"Great, I love it when we have problems." she says, her tone dripping with sarcasm.
  5298. "You remember those three witchers we met?"
  5299. >"Yeah? Why? They're not coming after Octavia are they?" she asks.
  5300. >You can hear the switch from her more jovial personality into a more serious voice.
  5301. "No."
  5302. >She lets out a breath of relief, "Oh good. I wa-"
  5303. "They took Sunset, Twilight, Applejack and possibly Fluttershy."
  5304. >"... Seriously?"
  5305. "Deathly. They're abducting all the girls and have already killed two innocents."
  5306. >"Dude... what do you need?"
  5307. "From what I've gathered, Tirek and Scorpan are taking them to that old house we encountered them. Since you drove the other truck, you might remember where it is."
  5308. >"..."
  5309. >There's a slight murmuring between Vinyl and who you think is Octavia but its too faint for the phone to fully pick up.
  5310. "Vinyl?"
  5311. >"Yeah, I remember where it is. I'll meet up with you and we can head there together."
  5312. >She's volunteering to come with you?
  5313. "Alright, where should we meet?"
  5314. >"Meet me at the coffee shop north of the nightclub, you know the one. I'll be out front."
  5315. >Before you can ask her why she just doesn't give you directions to the house she hangs up.
  5316. >"Sooo?"
  5317. "We're going to meet up with someone." you announce.
  5318. >Getting back in the truck with Shining and Mac, you buckle in as the detective checks on your captive.
  5319. "Bindings holding?"
  5320. >"She's good. I doubt she'll get out of the handcuffs, zip-ties and tape."
  5321. "Just keep an eye on her. She's not the most creative witcher out there, but if she has a chance she'll take it."
  5322. >As Big Macintosh pulls back onto the road and does a U-turn, Shining taps you on the shoulder.
  5323. >"What's so special about this old house anyway?" Shining asks you. "Why would my sister and her friends know about it?"
  5324. "Twilight never told you?"
  5325. >"She doesn't really tell me much these days."
  5326. "Of course she doesn't." you mutter under your breath. "It's a place where she and the rest of us were being held hostage by a bunch of werewolves."
  5327. >"Wait... what?"
  5328. "You remember Iron Wills gang?"
  5329. >"Yeah...?"
  5330. "They had a similar setup to them, but I'm not entirely sure if they're involved together or not. Anyways, after getting out of captivity it's where we first encountered Tirek, Scorpan and Gilda over here together."
  5331. >Shining Armor digests this information.
  5332. >"Was there any specific reason why they were there?"
  5333. >You shrug.
  5334. "They implied they were just "passing through" but I didn't believe it, especially not now. But if it wasn't for them, we would have been torn to shreds by the lycanthropes."
  5335. >"I'm really reconsidering letting Twilight hanging out with you anymore." he says, "You seem to attract a lot of magical attention unintentionally or not."
  5336. "Maybe... but it also seems like Canterlot is a hub of sorts for magical going-ons."
  5337. >He tilts his head, "You're not wrong. But that doesn't mean you don't have your own fair share of incidents: That vampire attack at the boardwalk, Camp Everfree, the Chrysalis and Iron Will incident..."
  5338. "You don't have to remind me. Though to be fair, Chrysalis went after you, not me."
  5339. >"I'm sure you're not doing it on purpose, but I'm worried for my sister. I don't want her growing up with her life in jeopardy every other week."
  5340. "Well, wherever she goes, she's going to be dealing with magic where you like it or not. Remember she's housing some sort of dark side within herself not to mention her natural curiosity on the transmundane."
  5341. >He winces.
  5342. >"Yeah... that... I hesitate to call my own sister a demon but..."
  5343. "I know, whatever that is, it may look like her, but it's not Twilight."
  5344. >"..."
  5345. "Though I have to say, Twilight's demonic form doesn't leave much to the imagination with the low cut top and short skirt."
  5346. >He punches you in the shoulder, "Dude, shut up."
  5348. >As you're driving down the road, you can't help but feel like something's wrong.
  5349. >Something even more wrong than being hunted by a pair of psychopaths as hard as it is to believe.
  5350. >Maybe it's the monotonous drive that's getting to you. You have been driving for a while now.
  5351. >You flip on the radio, hopefully to try and find something to take your mind of the drive.
  5352. >Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap...
  5353. >Lame.
  5354. >Lamer.
  5355. >Ugh.
  5356. >Turning the radio off, you focus back on the road.
  5357. >Only to almost crash into an oncoming vehicle because you're on the wrong side of the road!
  5358. >SHIT!
  5359. >Swerving out of the way, you overshoot your lane and drive off the path and into the dirt.
  5360. "WHOAAAAAA!!"
  5361. >Your car jumps slightly up in the air followed by a loud bang before coming to a full stop.
  5362. >Oh man...
  5363. >That was close...
  5364. >Jerk.
  5365. >You lean back in your chair and breathe.
  5366. >Cursing under your breath you set both hands on the steering wheel and shift into reverse.
  5367. >But when your car moves, the rear left side of the vehicle bumps up and down.
  5368. >C'mon really?
  5369. >Getting out, you look at the tire and see it's flat.
  5370. >...
  5371. >Groaning, you head to the trunk and grab the tire iron and car jack.
  5372. >Setting them to the side, you hoist the spare tire and set it to the side.
  5373. >This is like the third time this month...
  5374. >Dad'll have a heart attack when he finds out you got *another* flat tire.
  5375. >You can hear his voice from his last scolding now: "Dash I wish you would stop doing those offroad stunts. You know money doesn't grow on trees! One more flat and I'm taking away your license for a month."
  5376. >As if you didn't have other things to worry about tonight.
  5377. >Getting the first nut off, there's a deep rumbling as another vehicle comes down the road towards Canterlot.
  5378. >Normally you wouldn't really pay it much mind until the truck pulls to the side of the road.
  5379. >Cautiously, you can't help but tighten your grip on the tire iron.
  5380. >The driver gets out and reveals Big Macintosh.
  5381. "Big Mac!"
  5382. >He nods his head and walks over.
  5383. >If that's Big Macintosh then...
  5384. >"Rainbow Dash?" you hear Anon say from the other side of the truck.
  5385. "Anon!"
  5386. >"What are you doing here?" he asks, not at all amused.
  5387. >Putting down the tire iron you wipe your hands off your pants and give a sheepish wave.
  5388. "Uh... you said to get out of the house."
  5389. >"You were trying to find us weren't you." he says bluntly.
  5390. "Well duh, I can't just sit by when all my friends are in trouble."
  5391. >"Rainbow I told you to let me handle it."
  5392. "You know me, I'm not a good listener."
  5393. >"That's not something to be proud of. At all."
  5394. "Yeah yeah, you sound just like Twilight and Sunset."
  5395. >Sticking out a tongue, you brush him off.
  5396. >Going back to your car, you see Big Mac already has already removed the flat and is just finishing up putting the last nut over the spare.
  5397. "Damn Mac. You work fast."
  5398. >"Eeyup."
  5399. >Anonymous places his hand on your shoulder, "Rainbow, I'm serious. You need to go someplace safe."
  5400. "No, I'm going with you." you reply stubbornly.
  5401. >Anon just glowers, as if he's hesitant to say something.
  5402. "Look if you leave me here, I'm just going to follow you and I doubt you'll just strand me all the way out here in the middle of nowhere."
  5403. >"Right now it's very tempting." he mutters.
  5405. >Ow...
  5406. >Why does your head hurt so much?
  5407. >Opening your eyes, you're greeted by a dimly lit room and your friends shackled to the wall.
  5408. >"Sunset? Oh thank goodness you're finally awake."
  5409. "Twilight?"
  5410. >Looking to your left, you see Twilight with tears streaking down her face.
  5411. >Right.
  5412. >Tirek and Scorpan captured you, Applejack and Twilight.
  5413. >But to your shock, there's an unconscious Rarity too.
  5414. >How long were you out?
  5415. >"They've been using Axii on both of us to get the addresses of the other's houses."
  5416. "But if they have Rarity then that means..."
  5417. "Only Rainbow, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are left." you finish.
  5418. >"Sunset, I'm going to be honest, I'm really scared right now."
  5419. "I am too Twilight. We have to keep strong though, we'll get out of this."
  5420. >"Well if you got a plan, I'd love to hear it sugarcube." Applejack says. "They ain't afraid of roughin' us up that's fer sure."
  5421. >She tilts her head toward Rarity and you notice her usually impeccable face is blemished by a huge black eye.
  5422. "Applejack are you awake?"
  5423. >"Yeah, only just though. Whatever they hit me with put me out like Big Mac after Turkey dinner and a couple of beers." she says with a sneer. "When I get outta here, there's gonna be hell to play."
  5424. >...
  5425. >Hey wait a minute.
  5426. "Is it just me or does this room look familiar?" you ask.
  5427. >The girls look around and their pupils shrink.
  5428. >"This is the same room we were trapped in when-"
  5429. >"Those blasted werewolves captured us!"
  5430. "Why the heck did they take us back here?"
  5431. >Before anyone can try to answer, the metal door at the far end of the room swings open.
  5432. >The two large witchers enter. Though Scorpan himself is shirtless, carrying something over his shoulder.
  5433. >You, Twilight and Applejack gasp when you realize he has Fluttershy.
  5434. >"Tirek are you positive the rainbow haired one wasn't at her residence?"
  5435. >"As sure as the fresh blood from my blade."
  5436. >Fresh blood?
  5437. >"What did you do to Rainbow ya varmints!" Applejack shouts.
  5438. >Tirek snorts and walks over to her.
  5439. >He grabs AJ by the chin and inspects her like a piece of meat.
  5440. "Brother, these girls do not know their place." he says with an evil smile.
  5441. >Applejack tries to put on a brave face but you can see the fear in her eyes.
  5442. >"No, I know what you're thinking but we were told to bring them unharmed. Despite any... complications they may give us." he says glancing at his wounded arm.
  5443. >"I still can't believe the prissy one managed to get the drop on you of all people."
  5444. >"I didn't make that mistake with this one. Although I didn't need to kill the humans she was living with unlike you *brother*."
  5445. >Setting Fluttershy down against the wall, Scorpan places a shackle on both of her arms.
  5446. >Applejack growls and spits in Tirek's face as he looks away at his brother.
  5447. >He lowers his brow and simply wipes her saliva off.
  5448. >"Don't you worry girl, you'll learn your place soon enough."
  5449. >"Tirek, we're coming up on our deadline."
  5450. >"We'll have to make do with just these five. Unless you wish to ask for an extension?"
  5451. >The shorter brother shakes his head, "Not after last time. We have time for one or two more sweeps before we must leave."
  5452. >Nodding his head, he lets go of Applejack.
  5453. >"Now, remind me where this Sugarcube Corner is." Tirek says as the two brother's walk out of the room and shutting the metal door.
  5454. >You gulp.
  5455. >They don't have just your home addresses, they have your hangouts too.
  5456. >You pull on your restraints until you tire yourself out.
  5457. >Blowing a lock of your hair out of your face, you slump against the wall.
  5458. >"Anon... really wish you were here right now hun." Applejack says to herself.
  5460. -----
  5462. >You cross your arms as you watch the buildings pass by.
  5463. >Both you and Shining Armor spent the first half of the trip filling in Rainbow Dash on what's going on.
  5464. >Even the news about her father.
  5465. >Right now she's just sitting in the back facing Gilda with a thousand-yard stare. Totally unresponsive to any of your questions.
  5466. >The griffin witcher on the other hand is trying to avoid all eye-contact with her childhood "friend".
  5467. "Take the next right, and it should be the building on the next street corner."
  5468. >"Eeyup."
  5469. >Big Macintosh steers the armored truck and comes up to a small corner cafe where a girl dressed in white and purple stands outside drinking a steaming cup of coffee.
  5470. >Rolling down the window, you wave her over.
  5471. "Vinyl!" you call out.
  5472. >Downing the beverage in one go, she crushes the cup and tosses it into a nearby garbage can.
  5473. >"Alright, let's do this." she says opening the rear door. "I don't want to keep Octavia waiting too long."
  5474. >Placing a hand on Rainbow's shoulder, Shining tries to get her attention, "Rainbow, I think it would be best if you stay here."
  5475. >The athletic girl just sits there and ignores him.
  5476. >"I'll call a police cruiser to take you to the station, you'll be sa-"
  5477. >"No."
  5478. >"Excuse me?" Shining asks back.
  5479. >"I said no." Rainbow repeats.
  5480. >Switching a harsh glance between you and Shining, she narrows her brow.
  5481. >"I'm not going to just sit in some room at the police station while those... those MURDERERS are still out there!"
  5482. >She glares at Gilda before facing back to you.
  5483. >You notice Gilda squirm a little in her seat.
  5484. "Rainbow, this isn't up for debate." you simply state.
  5485. >"Anon. I've trained with you for months now! We can take those two!"
  5486. >...
  5487. >"Well?"
  5488. >You sigh.
  5489. "No."
  5490. >She smirks.
  5491. >"Yeah that's right we- wait did you just say no?"
  5492. "That's what I said."
  5493. >Rainbow gives you a devastated look before it quickly shifts to absolute rage.
  5494. >The girl crawls past Shining and grabs your collar.
  5496. "I am your friend."
  5497. >"A real friend wouldn't ditch someone when their other friends are in danger."
  5498. >...
  5499. >You both stare each other down.
  5500. "A few months of training won't make a difference when our opponents are seasoned witchers. At the most, you'll only be a liability."
  5501. >Tears begin to well up at the inner edge of Rainbow Dash's eyes.
  5502. >Her grip slackens.
  5503. >Looking her dead in the eyes, you give her a sympathetic look.
  5504. "Rainbow, I'll make sure your father is avenged. But I need to know you're safe. Tirek and Scorpan have already taken everyone else but you and Pinkie Pie, I can't risk losing the two of you as well."
  5505. >Gently taking her hand, you pry it off of your jacket collar with little resistance.
  5506. >"But why is *she* going with you then?" Dash asks tilting her head to the vampire.
  5507. "Because she can handle herself."
  5508. >"I can do handle myself too!"
  5509. "Rainbow... you know very well the difference between you and Vinyl."
  5510. >Vinyl frowns, "Look, uh... Dash, I might not know what's fully happening, but you can crash at my place until this blows over."
  5511. >Rainbow turns towards Vinyl, her tears are already streaming down her face.
  5512. >Digging through her pocket, she pulls out a set of keys.
  5513. >"You can borrow my car." she says, taking Dash's hands and placing the keys into it.
  5514. "Rainbow." you say her name, "Look at me."
  5515. >She slowly turns to you.
  5516. "Promise me. Promise me you will go to Vinyl's house and stay there."
  5517. >Looking at the car keys, the girl doesn't answer you.
  5518. "Rainbow Dash." you call out with a sterner tone.
  5519. >"Fine... I promise." she says wiping her eyes.
  5520. >Stepping out of the truck, she gives you all one last glance before walking around the building towards the parking lot.
  5521. >Vinyl watches her with concern before stepping inside the truck and closing the door.
  5522. >"Think she'll be okay?" Shining asks.
  5523. >"Dash will get through this, she's pretty tough." Vinyl answers.
  5524. >You don't say anything.
  5525. >There's a real possibility Rainbow Dash will never forgive you for this.
  5526. >Shaking your head, you try to focus your thoughts on rescuing Sunset, Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy and especially Applejack.
  5527. >It hasn't even been a few hours but you already miss her.
  5528. >Staring at your reflection in the windshield, your cat-like eyes stare back at you.
  5529. >As Vinyl directs Big Macintosh, you prepare yourself for the inevitable fight ahead.
  5531. >You sit in the driver's seat of Vinyl's car, hands on the wheel just staring out the window.
  5532. >Anon and the other's just left. Their vehicle just driving off without you.
  5533. >Your grip on the steering wheel tightens as you think over Anon's rejection.
  5534. >Who the hell does he think he is? You just lost your only family and he's not letting you get payback on the guys who did it?
  5535. >That... that bastard!
  5536. >He has no idea what you're going through right now.
  5537. >In frustration, you let out a scream and bang your head against the wheel.
  5538. >Gilda was supposed to be your friend... How could she agree to let something like this happen?
  5539. >Dad...
  5540. >You weren't supposed to be home tonight.
  5541. >Why... why did this have to happen? Why you?
  5542. >First mom, and now this? Bad things always seem to happen to you.
  5543. >Thoughts of what's going to happen in the future go through your mind.
  5544. >You can't just live at home by yourself with Tank.
  5545. >You... you'll have to get a job now to take care of the bills at home.
  5546. >And with a job, you'll have less time for your friends and sports.
  5547. >Unless...
  5548. >Unless they put you in foster care or something. Can they still do that at your age?
  5549. >...
  5550. >What are you going to do?
  5551. >A single teardrop slides off your cheek and onto your lap.
  5552. >This sucks so much. But right now is not the time to be worrying about that.
  5553. >Right now your friends are all being held captive by some assholes. Well, your current friends anyway.
  5554. >...
  5555. >You don't care what Anon says, you're going to help your friends because at least you're loyal to them.
  5556. >Since Pinkie Pie was playing with Octavia during the entire trip home last time, you were in the side seat watching the scenery to pass the boredom.
  5557. >You saw an alternate route to the house on the way back, though it might mean taking a bit longer to get there at least Anon and Vinyl won't spot you.
  5558. >By the time you get there, it'll be too late for them do anything about it.
  5559. >[But what about your promise to Anon?]
  5560. >...
  5561. >Fuck it.
  5562. >Your friends matter way too much than a stupid promise.
  5563. >Ignoring the little voice in your mind, you press the ignition button and Vinyl's car roars to life.
  5564. >Gripping the steering wheel tightly, you press the shift paddles and peel out of the parking lot.
  5566. >"There it is. You can see the roof just peeking over the top of the trees."
  5567. "I see it."
  5568. >Big Macintosh takes a right down a dirt road and the vehicle begins bouncing slightly due to the rougher terrain.
  5569. >"Wait." Vinyl says holding her hand up. "Stop the car."
  5570. >"What is it?" Shining asks as the truck comes to a full stop.
  5571. >Vinyl doesn't answer as she opens the window and disappears in a puff of smoke, causing Shining to jump back in his seat.
  5572. >Even Gilda is surprised.
  5573. >"What the fu-!"
  5574. "Higher Vampire, long story."
  5575. >Calming down, he narrows his brow. "I figured something was up with that girl. Though can you trust her?"
  5576. "In all honesty? Yes. So long as I don't bring harm to her girlfriend."
  5577. >"Possessive?
  5578. >You scoff.
  5579. "Oh yeah. Very."
  5580. >Vinyl's smoke come back and she rematerializes in her seat.
  5581. >Shining wipes his hair back, "Where did you go?"
  5582. >"Had a funny feeling."
  5583. "Get them?"
  5584. >"Yeah, gotta say they were pretty obvious."
  5585. >"Get what?
  5586. >"These dude." Vinyl tosses by Gilda's face a few grenades tied together by a thin cord.
  5587. >Gilda starts panicking and cursing through her gag as she tries to put distance between them in the confined space.
  5588. >Admitidlly the sight does bring you some amusement after all the trouble she's caused.
  5589. >"Anyway the path should be clear. I did a quick sweep of the road ahead."
  5590. >"Eeyup."
  5591. >Big Macintosh pulls the vehicle forward through the trees unimpeded.
  5592. >As you slowly drive by, you see a couple of ruined bird nests on the ground.
  5593. >The perches the grenades were supposed to drop down on you if you drove the truck through most likely.
  5594. >Nearing the house, you see one of the other trucks you left behind parked out front.
  5595. >Dirt has already built up on the vehicle showing a lack of use in the interim.
  5596. >"Keep the car running Macintosh. We'll try to be in and out."
  5597. >"Eeyup."
  5598. >You, Shining Armor and Vinyl exit the armored vehicle; Though you go around and open the rear door.
  5599. >"Anon what are you doing?"
  5600. >Picking up Gilda by the front of her shirt, she glares at you.
  5601. >Without saying a word, you punch her in the face multiple times until she loses consciousness.
  5602. >When you finish, the area around her right eye already begins swelling.
  5603. >Tossing her back in, you shut the door.
  5604. >"I could have just put her to sleep." Vinyl points out.
  5605. "I know. But I just needed to let off some steam." you reply back in a completely straight voice. "Gilda's caused me way too much trouble."
  5606. >You walk past Vinyl, who just shrugs and follows you.
  5607. >Shining Armor turns the safety off his pistol and brings up the rear.
  5608. "Vinyl can you do a quick sweep of the house?"
  5609. >Your vampire ally nods her head and vanishes again.
  5610. >You watch as the smoke enters the house underneath the front door.
  5611. >Both you and Shining wait patiently as the minutes tick by.
  5612. >Vinyl eventually reappears next to you, "There are signs of recent living, cold food that was recently made. No mold or anything."
  5613. >Shining glances back at the truck, "If they're not in the house where are they?"
  5614. "Basement."
  5615. >Shifting around the house, you spot the basement entrance.
  5616. >A quick examination of the door doesn't indicate any traps.
  5617. >Holding your breath, you pull the metal door open. Rewarding your efforts with a loud groan from the rusty hinges.
  5618. "Well if they didn't know we were here before, they probably do now."
  5619. >Taking your first step into the underground passage, you draw your blade.
  5620. >Sneaking as silently as possible, you search every room you encounter.
  5621. >"You were held captive here?"
  5622. "Yeah."
  5623. >"Just what the hell did you rope my sister and her friends into?"
  5624. "Hey, that time wasn't my fault." you say thumbing over to Vinyl. "We were just at the wrong place at the wrong time."
  5625. >"I said I was sorry. Just be glad they didn't cut *your* legs off."
  5626. >Shining does a double-take, "They what?!"
  5627. >You hold a hand up to stop everyone.
  5628. "Shh."
  5629. >No sound other than the breathing of your companions. In these confined spaces, and with the concrete walls sound would travel quite a bit.
  5630. >Tapping him on the shoulder, Vinyl whispers to Shining. "Dude, there's an armory over here if I remember right. Might want to move up from that dinky thing."
  5631. "You two do that, I'll get the others. Just be quick, I'd like to be out of here as fast as possible." you whisper back.
  5632. >Personally, if at all possible you'd rather confront Tirek and Scorpan on your terms and *not* in their territory.
  5633. >Splitting off from the others, you mentally recall the pathway to the holding cells where you and Vinyl were kept.
  5634. >From there you can work your way back towards the cell where the girls were kept during your time here.
  5635. >You spot the blood stained walls from the werewolves Vinyl and Octavia both tore to shreds last time, meaning you're on the right track.
  5636. >As you go further down you eventually reach a solid metal door with a pair of deadbolts on the front going into the ceiling and floor.
  5637. >A tingle from the back of your neck makes you turn around to see Vinyl Scratch and Armor walking towards you.
  5638. >Shining Armor seems to have gotten a few new things in the armory. As well as Vinyl it seems, sporting a pair of pistols over her jacket.
  5639. "Guess no one ever bothered to clean house?" you say pointing at Shining's new shotgun.
  5640. >"It looked pretty sparse." Vinyl says. "This is just what they had ammo left for."
  5641. >Ditching his trench coat for more mobility, he's also taken a bullet-proof vest.
  5642. >"Though I did find more than just a few of these." he says holding up some very familiar looking tranquilizer darts.
  5643. "How many?"
  5644. >"If these were standard elephant tranqs, enough to take down an entire herd. There's a few boxes filled with these."
  5645. "Guess that explains where Gilda got the darts."
  5646. >"Here, you might need this." he says handing you a pistol holster. "You know, just in case."
  5647. >Taking the weapon, you strap it to your thigh.
  5648. >Leaning against the door, you can faintly hear female voices behind it.
  5649. "Girls are behind here."
  5650. >"You sure?"
  5651. "Positive."
  5652. >You kneel down and undo the bottom as Vinyl opens the top.
  5653. >Taking the door handle you hold your breath and push it open.
  5654. >To your relief, inside the room are five girls restrained with their hands over their heads.
  5655. >That sounds a bit wrong now that you think about it...
  5656. "Applejack."
  5657. >"Anon?" she says almost in disbelief.
  5658. >"Twily!" Shining says stepping into the room behind you.
  5659. >"Shiny!" she cries out in tears.
  5660. >Running over to Applejack, you take a lockpick from your belt and insert them into the keyhole.
  5661. >"What took you so long?"
  5662. "Had to fight Gilda, got stabbed, burned down a bar." you reply back, opening her cuffs. "Y'know, the usual."
  5663. >As soon as she's free, Applejack tackles you into a hug onto the floor.
  5664. >Kissing you on the lips, you two momentarily get lost in the moment.
  5665. >"Ahem." Sunset says rolling her eyes, "As much as I think you two look cute together on the floor like that, I'd like to be free as well."
  5666. "Er... right sorry."
  5667. >Getting up, you undo all the cuffs for the others.
  5668. >"Um... Anon how did you find us?" Fluttershy asks.
  5669. "Sweetie Belle called. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't have known about Tirek or Scorpan."
  5670. >"Well, I'll have to do something extra special for her as thanks." Rarity says brushing herself off.
  5671. >Looking over at Shining, he's hugging his sister tightly as she cries into his shoulder.
  5672. >"Shiny... Copper..."
  5673. >"I know Twilight. I know. Let's just get you out of here first."
  5674. >"What about Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash? Tirek and Scorpan went after them too."
  5675. "They're safe. Pinkie's with her family somewhere while Rainbow Dash is heading towards Vinyl and Octavia's home."
  5676. >"Do any of you know where either of them went?"
  5677. >All the girls shake their heads no.
  5678. >"Only that they know all our home addresses and gathering spots." Rarity answers, "They used that ghastly mind trick you witchers employ."
  5679. >...
  5680. "Vinyl, I don't suppose you would mind sheltering a few more guests?"
  5681. >The DJ vampire lowers her head and thinks.
  5682. >"Eh... I guess. But Octavia's gets a little cranky when we have people over. Though considering the circumstances I don't think she'll mind too much."
  5683. "Thanks. As long as you didn't tell them about her house, we should be fine for the moment."
  5684. >"Alright, let's go."
  5685. >Leading the group, you quickly make towards the exit.
  5686. >Stepping outside of the clausterphobic space, you only manage to take one step when a shining object embeds itself in the dirt a few inches from you.
  5687. >"Well now, what have we here?" a gruff voice asks.
  5688. >"It seems our fellow witcher is trying to ruin our hunt. It's a good thing we decided to come back when we did Tirek."
  5689. >You narrow your eyes.
  5690. >Out from the shadows, the two bear witchers step out into the open. Neither one of them looking too amused at your actions.
  5691. >They both draw their claymores as you bring your own sword up.
  5692. "Vinyl, gonna need your help here."
  5693. >"You owe me big for this Anon." she says, transforming into her vampire form. "I call the big one."
  5694. "Shining, take the girls when you see an opening." you order.
  5695. >"Right."
  5696. >Applejack calls your name out. "Anon..."
  5697. "I'll be fine AJ." you say looking over your shoulder.
  5698. >You give her a faint smile before returning your attention towards your opponents.
  5700. -----
  5702. >Bringing your sword up you flash Vinyl a quick side-glance.
  5703. >The wind howls as you all wait for the other to make the first move.
  5704. >Your grip on your sword hilt tightens as a bead of sweat slides off the side of your face.
  5705. >Vinyl Scratch just seems to be exuding confidence. Though that must be just because she can't actually die unlike you.
  5706. >She flexes her claws and gives a hiss before vanishing in a wisp of smoke.
  5707. >Tirek snorts and brings his sword up to block Vinyl's first attack.
  5708. >As if on cue, Scorpan rushes forward and brings his blade to bear.
  5709. >Because of the size of his claymore, you make sure to avoid getting into a blade lock with him.
  5710. >His greater strength and reach will easily result in you being overpowered.
  5711. >Backstepping, Scorpan harmlessly swipes the air.
  5712. >"Anon watch out!" Sunset yells out.
  5713. >In just a fraction of a second, you just barely manage to register a shiny object flash in the moonlight.
  5714. >Using your blade, you deflect it into the dirt.
  5715. >Another small hatchet digs itself head-first into the ground as Tirek has his arm extended with a smug grin.
  5716. "Vinyl!"
  5717. >"I know I know!" she answers back before being kicked in the gut by Tirek. "Ooof... dude's tougher than he looks!"
  5718. >Without much warning, a small ball drops before her.
  5719. >Her reaction quickly shifts to shock as the ball explodes in a mess of shimmering dust.
  5720. >"Aw crap."
  5721. >Snarling, she uppercuts Tirek and slices open his jacket through the chainmail layer.
  5722. >"Whelp!" he cries out.
  5723. >Vinyl smirks and licks the blood off her talons.
  5725. >Returning your attention back to Scorpan, you narrowly avoid losing your head from another one of his wide arcs.
  5726. >Grunting, you unleash a flurry of slashes and force Scorpan a few steps back.
  5727. >He scowls at you.
  5728. >"Protecting these girls is going against the will of the Headmaster."
  5729. "Right now I don't give a damn what he thinks. One of you murdered my friends father."
  5730. >Scorpan perks up at the mention of Rainbow Dash's dad.
  5731. >"Ah yes, I do believe that was my brother's handiwork." he admits. "You're not expecting to get vengeance for the rainbow haired one are you?"
  5732. "Way past considering it Scorpan."
  5733. >"Must we keep on with these hostilities Anonymous?"
  5734. >You answer him with a series of slashes and thrusts.
  5735. "As long as you continue to breathe." you retort, "Why does he want Twilight and the others?"
  5736. >He answers by grabbing your wrist and pulling you in and headbutting you in the face.
  5737. >The blow sends you reeling back, fresh blood dripping from your nose.
  5738. >"Since I doubt you'll survive this confrontation even with your vampire friend, I may as well." Scorpan says as he lowers his weapon.
  5739. >You wipe the blood on your sleeve.
  5740. >"That girl with you, Twilight Sparkle, she's the one that will bring our kind back to the forefront."
  5741. >Twilight and Shining share a confused look.
  5742. "The hell are you talking about?"
  5743. >"The Headmaster saw the recording of your fight with the stoneclad and the succubus." he states. "And the girl's ability to create tears in the fabric of space and time."
  5744. >His mention of your encounter with Iron Will and Chrysalis brings you pause.
  5745. "What of it?"
  5746. >"Use your head Anonymous, what is our purpose?"
  5747. "To hunt monsters."
  5748. >Everyone here knows this.
  5749. >Scorpan continues talking, "And because of the decline in monsters to actually hunt we must rely on scavenging the remnants to get by. With Miss Twilight Sparkle we can rectify that."
  5750. "And how is that?"
  5751. >"With her help we can replenish the world of our prey, reset the world as you will. No longer will we be a dying breed, we can find purpose and make our kind a necessary facet of life."
  5752. >...
  5753. >Reset the world? But that would require a...
  5754. >No...
  5755. "He can't seriously be planning to try and get a Conjunction of Spheres going?"
  5756. >You hear an audible gasp behind you.
  5757. >Your answer gets Scorpan to smile. "Aye, It seems you paid attention in history classes Wolf. I won't have to explain to you unlike Gilda."
  5758. >"What the hay is he talking about?" Applejack asks. "Twilight?"
  5759. >Twilight gulps, a bead of sweat sliding down the side of her face.
  5760. >"The Conjunction of Spheres is said to be a cataclysm that occurred thousands of years ago." Twilight explains. "An event that brought multiple worlds together, the reason why monsters started appearing here."
  5761. >"So you mean, something like that world with the sand crabs?" Sunset asks. "And the portal to Equestria?"
  5762. >"That and more." Scorpan answers for Twilight.
  5763. "Has he gone insane?! Something like that should be impossible!"
  5764. >"Miss Twilight has created an opportunity to do the impossible."
  5765. >Extending his arm, he holds out his hand towards you.
  5766. >"So, now that you know our purpose will you join us?"
  5767. >You respond by throwing a knife at his head.
  5768. >Scorpan easily deflects the projectile and frowns.
  5769. >"A shame. You would have been much more reliable than the Griffin. A bit less irritating too."
  5770. >The younger bear witcher steps towards you.
  5771. >He raises his blade overhead and tries to chop you in half.
  5772. >Sidestepping, you thrust your blade and manage to jab him in the side. Unfortunately his thick coat and chainmail under layer prevent it from doing much.
  5773. >The pain doesn't deter him as he brings his blade in a diagonal arc. You use your own sword to block and guide it away from your center of mass.
  5774. >Throwing your hand out, you cast Aard.
  5775. >Scorpan counters it with an Quen sign and staggers back as the barrier breaks.
  5776. >He frowns, "You Wolf school brats were always too independent."
  5777. "Fuck off. A Conjunction of the Spheres would only cause mass chaos and death."
  5778. >"Yes, but who will society turn to when an alghoul infestation arises or a vampire nest appears in an abandoned building?"
  5779. "I'm not arguing hypotheticals with you, because that's not going to happen."
  5780. >"Not if you continue to impede our progress."
  5781. >He winds his sword up and charges at you.
  5782. >Jumping to the side, you tuck and roll. Coming up you draw another throwing knife and stab it into his shin.
  5783. >He snarls out in pain and pulls the knife out. Blood begins pooling from the wound.
  5784. >Tossing it to the side, he turns his head and glares at you.
  5785. "Your appearance last time here wasn't a coincidence was it?"
  5786. >"No. It was not." he states. "We were sent here to recover all of you."
  5787. "So you hired a bunch of werewolves and a vampire to do your dirty work?"
  5788. >"They served their purpose. But we did not hire them."
  5789. >Circling around each other, Scorpan raises his blade over his head, in a ready position.
  5790. >Swinging it forward, you block and your blades clash once again.
  5791. >Sparks fly off the weapons as the blades drag down to the guards. Lifting your own weapon above your head, you twist your wrists to the left, trying to knock the Scorpan's sword out of his hands.
  5792. >The sound of metal against metal rings out as you parry and riposte each other's moves with fluid precision.
  5794. >You watch in trepidation at the speed Anon and Scorpan fight.
  5795. >The way they go at it, it's almost like this was all a choreographed movie.
  5796. >Each swing, each thrust... their footwork all well-practiced.
  5797. >"Sunset?" Rarity asks.
  5798. "Shining where's Big Macintosh?"
  5799. >Twilight's brother bites the tip of this thumb, "Right behind where they're fighting."
  5800. >You look behind the battleground where your two friends are fighting.
  5801. >"Can't we go around?"
  5802. >"There's a good chance they have traps lying around with all that dense bush. We found a nasty one on the road up here."
  5803. "So what the heck do we do?"
  5804. >"Wait for our opening like Anon said."
  5805. >Anon ducks underneath a horizontal swing aimed at his head, spins around and hops over Scorpan's follow-up.
  5806. >Scorpan is no slouch either, as Anon's own attack is blocked by a vertical blade pointed downward.
  5807. >You'd be lying if you said watching the fight isn't giving you goosebumps. Unlike your sparring matches at the farm, Anon isn't holding back.
  5808. >He's fighting to kill with someone with the same training and background as himself.
  5809. >Both Anon and Scorpan are entirely out of your league. There's not a shred of doubt in your mind that if it were you, without a magic power boost, you'd be dead within the first couple moves.
  5810. >Ugh!
  5811. >You should be helping him!
  5812. >"Shining can't you get a clear shot?" Applejack asks.
  5813. >"Not while they're around so much. I'd be just as likely to hit Anon."
  5814. >"GAH!"
  5815. >You look back over to Tirek and his fight with Vinyl.
  5816. >Both are covered in cuts and bruises, but Vinyl's are slowly vanishing as her regeneration is kicking back in. Tirek on the other hand is bleeding heavily.
  5817. >"Hey, big guy! Looks like your moon dust is wearing off!" she says.
  5818. >Vanishing in a puff of smoke, Vinyl reappears in front of Tirek's face.
  5819. >He swings at her only for Vinyl to vault over him.
  5820. >She almost seems to float in the air as she winds up her next attack.
  5821. >Latching onto his back, she bares her fangs and chomps down on his neck.
  5822. >Tirek flails to try and get the vampire off of him.
  5823. >As he yanks her off, you suddenly see blood spray into the air.
  5824. >The witcher roars as he cradles his newly-missing arm.
  5825. "Too bad you witcher's can't regrow limbs huh?" Vinyl quips, dropping his dismembered forearm.
  5826. >She spits out some blood. "Ugh... nasty."
  5827. >Ignoring her comment, Tirek scowls and grabs a vial from his bandolier.
  5828. >Instead of drinking it like Anon does, he just douses it over his missing appendage and hisses.
  5829. >He's panting heavily, if this battle goes on a little longer then maybe you'll all have a chance! Vinyl can help Anon and then you can all go home.
  5830. >Suddenly a bright light appears in between the two fighting pairs.
  5831. >Orange energy swirls into a dark vortex.
  5832. >"Tirek! Its time!" Scorpan calls out.
  5833. >"Figures you'd have the Doyen make a portal for you!" Anon snidely remarks.
  5834. >Grabbing another larger vial in his hands, he places it in his mouth and charges Vinyl head on, picking his sword up on the way.
  5835. >The sudden change in tactics catches the vampire off-guard as she's tackled to the ground, knocking her glasses off.
  5836. >Raising his greatsword up, he brings it down on Vinyl's chest and skewers her into the dirt.
  5837. >Vinyl cries out in pain as she tries to push the blade out.
  5838. >Taking the vial of black liquid from his mouth, Tirek smashes it onto her face.
  5839. >Smoke begins emanating from her head and she begins writhing in agony.
  5840. >"FUCK! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! Auuuuuuguhhhh!"
  5841. >Rising, Tirek uses his remaining hand to cast Igni and unleash a stream of fire. An otherworldly scream from Vinyl drowns out everything else around you as the black liquid ignites as well.
  5842. >Despite his efforts, Anonymous attempts to distance himself from Scorpan to help Vinyl fail as the other witcher keeps blocking his path.
  5843. >With a turn of his head, Tirek looks directly at Twilight. His expression is one of pure unfiltered rage.
  5844. >You all take a step back, Shining stepping in front of his sister to as a shield.
  5845. >As he stomps towards you, a loud engine roar from the front of the house grabs your attention.
  5846. >A half-red/half-black truck peels out on the other side of the house and skids to a halt.
  5847. >"Big Mac?" Applejack asks almost in disbelief.
  5848. >The top roof of the truck opens up with Applejack's brother behind the barrel of a minigun.
  5849. >"GET DOWN!" Shining orders as the gun spins up.
  5850. >You, Twilight and the others dive out of Big Macintosh's path and take cover.
  5851. >Tirek's nostrils flare as he begins running in the opposite direction.
  5852. >As you ley in the dirt, you see Rarity screaming for her life only for it to be drowned out by loud buzzing noise from the minigun.
  5853. >Plumes of dirt shoot up from the ground as the minigun fires hundreds of rounder per second. The empty shells just covering the area around the truck.
  5854. >"GET HIM MAC!" Applejack shouts out.
  5855. >Tirek only just manages to keep ahead of the rounds when he turns left.
  5856. >The hail of gunfire follows him until you realize where Tirek is going. Running behind his brother, Tirek uses Scorpan and Anon as a shield.
  5857. "ANON WATCH OUT!"
  5858. >Thanks to your warning Anon sees the oncoming danger.
  5859. >Kicking Scorpan away from him, both the witchers cast Quen as the latter is peppered with bullets.
  5860. >The bear witcher’s barrier flashes brightly as bullets continue to impact it.
  5861. >Eventually the strain becomes too much and it quickly falls to the onslaught of high velocity metal; and without protection, the large man is caught defenseless.
  5862. >Despite the minigun clicking empty just as Scorpan is riddled with the first dozen rounds. He falls to the ground motionless, lying in a newly forming pool of his own blood.
  5863. >Anon lowers his shield and rises. Scanning the area he looks for the other witcher when suddenly another grenade-like object lands at both his and your feet.
  5864. >"Oh FU-" is all Anon can say before he's knocked onto his back.
  5865. >You have just enough time to form the Quen sign with your fingers when the bomb in front of you explodes and knocks everyone down.
  5866. >Another shockwave hits Big Macintosh's truck and flipping it onto it's side.
  5867. >There's a loud ringing in your ears as you try to refocus on what's going on.
  5868. >That was... that must have been a Samum bomb.
  5869. >Tirek steps over Twilight's prone form and picks her up.
  5870. >"Twi..." you groan out reaching out towards her.
  5871. >Your friends all lay on the ground unconscious as the witcher walks towards the orange vortex.
  5872. >Anonymous also looks unresponsive if he's not already... dead...
  5873. >No...
  5874. >Groaning in pain, you rise to your feet.
  5875. >Bracing yourself against the truck you shake your head.
  5876. >Without really thinking, you grab Shining Armor's holstered gun and run at Tirek.
  5877. "STOP!"
  5878. >"You again?" he asks, stopping but without turning around.
  5879. >"I'll shoot." you demand, aiming the pistol at his head.
  5880. >Instead of complying, he turns with Twilight held right in front of him.
  5881. >"Go ahead girl." he says, "Shoot me. You'll just have to get through your friend first."
  5882. >As he chuckles to himself, Twilight opens her eyes.
  5883. >"Wha... Sunse..."
  5884. >Her words die in her throat as she realizes you have a gun pointed at her.
  5885. >"Though if you shoot her, you could save the world." he taunts. "The wolf was not lying when he said a Conjunction of Spheres would be followed by a wave of death. Without Twilight here, that will never come."
  5886. "SHUT UP!"
  5887. >"Sunset..." Twilight whimpers.
  5888. >"Well girl?" you hear a voice say behind you.
  5889. >Your pupils shrink as you recognize Scorpan's voice.
  5890. >Turning around you feel a large hand gripped around your neck and lifting you off the ground.
  5891. >"About time. I wasn't sure how long I could have stalled her." Tirek admits.
  5892. >You gasp for air as Scorpan, limping, bloody, and heavily wounded steps towards his brother.
  5893. >"I'm... done with... this place brother." Scorpan pants out.
  5894. >"Sun...set..." Anon cries out.
  5895. >Looking at him, he's struggling to get up.
  5896. >Your vision begins blacking out at the edges when suddenly a high pitched noise comes from the forest.
  5898. >You push off the ground and use your sword to help balance yourself.
  5899. >Tirek and Scorpan are standing at the edge of the portal with Sunset and Twilight in their grasp.
  5900. >Suddenly, two headlights appear through the trees when suddenly a white sports car flys through the bushes.
  5901. >Scorpan and Tirek panic as the car heads straight towards them.
  5902. >"TAKE THE GIRLS!" Scorpan yells.
  5903. >Using the last of his strength, he shoves Sunset into his brother's arm and pushes him away.
  5904. >With one last defiant yell, Scorpan is rammed at full force by the car and into a tree.
  5905. >"SCORPAN!" Tirek shouts out.
  5906. >The bear looks between you and the wreck almost in disbelief.
  5907. >All he can do is scowl and walk into the orange light. Sunset reaches her arm out towards you with a look of fear when the portal closes.
  5908. >NO!
  5909. "DAMMIT!"
  5910. >You fall to your knee and survey the surrounding area.
  5911. >Everyone else is on the ground unconscious. Vinyl's body is a smoldering mess.
  5912. >Thoughts of how things quickly went wrong are quickly put to the side when the car door opens.
  5913. >"Ow... ah jeez, Scratch is gonna kill me..." a raspy voice says. "I think I got hi- AUGH!"
  5914. >You look over at the car and see Rainbow Dash collapse onto the ground.
  5915. >Limping over to her, she sees your shadow and panics.
  5916. >"Oh uh... ssstt... H-hey Anon..."
  5917. "..."
  5918. >Her leg is bleeding heavily from a large cut.
  5919. >Glancing inside the car, a sharp piece of metal is jutting out covered in blood.
  5920. >"You look like cr-"
  5921. >Ignoring her, you look at Scorpan.
  5922. >Caught in between the crumpled hood of the car and the large tree, blood drips from his mouth and onto the white hood.
  5923. >In the corner of your periphery, you see Applejack picking her hat back up.
  5924. >The other's are starting to come too again as well.
  5925. >"So... uh not to interrupt you or anything. " Rainbow says sheepishly, trying to put on a brave face. "But I'm bleeding kind of bad here."
  5926. >You just glare at her.
  5928. -----
  5930. >Tirek wraps his other arm around you, staring in utter disbelief at what just occurred.
  5931. >You try to pry it off, but you're still weak from having the air throttled out of you by Scorpan.
  5932. >The witcher growls and steps back towards the swirling vortex of magic.
  5933. >Anonymous's expression of dread, gives you little comfort as he struggles to try and get up.
  5934. >In a futile effort, you try to raise your hand to reach for him in some vain attempt that he'd grab it.
  5935. "Anon!" you cry out before the world darkens around you, Twilight and Tirek.
  5936. >A sudden sensation begins to overtake you. Like your entire self is being stretched, twisted, rearranged and put back together.
  5937. >Almost similar to... the portal to Equestria...
  5938. >In a bright flash, you find yourself staring at the vortex as Tirek drags you two away from it.
  5939. >The portal collapses in on itself and all traces of magic energy disappear.
  5940. >Tirek dumps you and Twilight unceremoniously to the cold hard ground with a thud.
  5941. >Darting to help your friend, she gasps.
  5942. >"W-where are we?" she says looking up.
  5943. >You follow Twilight's gaze and almost do a double take.
  5944. >Instead of the forest you were just at, you three are now in some sort of old monastery like building.
  5945. >Large pillars line the circumference of the circular room, with stained glass windows between them.
  5946. >The witcher who brought you here keels over onto his knee as blood begins dripping from his arm and neck, staining the dark marble floor.
  5947. >*CLACK* *CLACK* *CLACK*
  5948. >What is that?
  5949. >You look down the only hallway connecting this room, and see a hooded figure walking toward you holding a staff topped with a spiral-horned goat skull.
  5950. >"Look what the bear dragged in." the person says, chuckling to himself.
  5951. >Stopping just a few feet from you and Twilight, he looks around Tirek. "Where is Scorpan?"
  5952. >"Due to our wolf brother's meddling..." Tirek answers back. "He will not be joining us."
  5953. >"I see. Did Scorpan die well at least?" he asks, brushing off his blue robes.
  5954. >Tirek shoots him a dirty look, "He sacrificed himself to make sure the mission was completed, that is all that matters."
  5955. >The hooded individual hums to himself.
  5956. >"And what of witcher Gilda?"
  5957. >"I do not know."
  5958. >"A pity. Well, unless the latter turns up. I'll see to it that both their shares goes to you. "
  5959. >Taking of their hood, the figure reveals a bearded old man with greying hair.
  5960. >His gaze shifts from Tirek to you and Twilight.
  5961. >"I assume this is miss Twilight Sparkle?"
  5962. >"Yes."
  5963. >"And who are you then? I sense a great deal of the Power in you."
  5964. >Tirek raises his head to answer but the man holds up a hand to silence him.
  5965. "..."
  5966. >"I asked you a question." he states.
  5967. "My name is Sunset Shimmer."
  5968. >He goes deep in thought.
  5969. >"Sunset Shimmer? Sunset Shimmer... ah yes, the one with witcher Anonymous in the video footage. The one who knows how to cast hand signs."
  5970. "Who are you?"
  5971. >The man looks back at you.
  5972. >"My name if Grogar, resident sorcerer and the Doyen to our Master here at the Keep."
  5973. >"Please, let us go." Twilight pleads. "This is all just a huge mistake."
  5974. >Grogar shakes his head, "I'm afraid not little lady. We're on a timetable and have much to do."
  5975. >Using the butt of his staff, he lifts up your chin.
  5976. >"If you refuse, we could always use more "medieval" forms of motivation."
  5977. >To emphasize his point, a small stiletto pops out from the bottom of the shaft. It's tip just barely grazing your neck.
  5978. >You angrily glare at Grogar. His wicked smile makes your stomach churn.
  5979. "If this is the sort of treatment Anon grew up with I find it hard to believe he came out as well as he did."
  5980. >"Witcher Anonymous and his Wolf school brethren are unique cases. But that is a conversation for another time, right now we must not keep the Master waiting; he wants to meet you personally Twilight Sparkle."
  5981. >With a flick of his wrist, two figures step out of the shadows and pick you and Twilight up.
  5982. >You notice the medallions hanging from their necks, one has a piece of metal twisted in on itself while the other is a griffon just like Gilda.
  5983. >"Tirek, head to the medical wing and have the doctor fix you up. You're bleeding all over my nice marble flooring."
  5984. >Leading you out of the room, you and Twilight both share a look of trepidation at what to expect.
  5987. >Before you help Rainbow up, you give Scorpan one last look of pity.
  5988. >You're not sorry he's gone. But it does mean one less witcher in the world.
  5989. >Given what he told you the Headmaster is planning to do though, that may be a good thing.
  5990. >Suddenly Scorpan coughs up a large amount of blood onto the wrecked hood.
  5991. >Are you serious...
  5992. >"No way..." Rainbow Dash says, sharing your incredulity at Scorpan still being alive.
  5993. >Judging by all the blood loss, he's not going to last very long.
  5994. >Grabbing his fur collar. You force him to look you in the eyes.
  5996. >Scorpan just looks at you and smirks.
  5997. >"Did you expect me to help you on my deathbed?"
  5998. "Scorpan! DO IT!" you demand.
  5999. >"By now... my brother has already told them of your betrayal. You... won't get through... that way..."
  6000. >He lets out one final laugh before the light in his eyes finally dim.
  6001. >His empty eyes just stare back at you with one last twisted and defiant expression.
  6002. >Letting out a frustrated groan, you let go of his collar and let his head fall forward and slam onto the hood.
  6003. "FUCK!"
  6004. >You pace back and forth trying to restrain your frustration from turning into rage.
  6005. >"Anon." Applejack says, placing her hand on your shoulder.
  6006. "I lost them Applejack."
  6007. >"Ya did yer best. If not for you, Shining and Mac they would have gotten us all."
  6008. >Sheathing your sword, you face her.
  6009. "They still have Twilight though. She's the key to their plans and they have her."
  6010. >"Well we just have to go get them then."
  6011. >She gives you a faint smile, "Anon, if there's one thing I've learned about you, is that you don't give up when yer friends are in danger."
  6012. "..."
  6013. >Applejack's words bring some comfort to you, despite still feeling like crap.
  6014. >The cowgirl brings you into a hug which you awkwardly return.
  6015. >"OW! Fluttershy, be careful!" cries Rainbow Dash.
  6016. >"I-I'm s-sorry Rainbow..."
  6017. "How's Big Macintosh and Shining?"
  6018. >"Mac's banged up a bit, but nothin' too serious. Twi's brother is still out of it though, Rarity's taking care of him."
  6019. "Great." you say dryly.
  6020. >Shining's going to go ballistic when he realizes what just happened.
  6021. >Shaking your head, you look over to Vinyl's smoldering remains.
  6022. >Both you and Applejack gander over the gruesome sight. Her body's horribly burned, especially the area around her eyes where the black blood potion covered.
  6023. >The fire's essentially burned away most of her skin and eyes leaving two empty sockets surrounded by a dark splotchy area.
  6024. >You have no idea if that's going to leave a mark or not.
  6025. >"Ugh, that smell..." she says covering her nose.
  6026. "The smell of burning flesh is not one people should get used to."
  6027. >Lifting up one of her limp but crispy arm, you take a closer look.
  6028. >Were she a normal human, Vinyl would clearly be dead and gone.
  6029. >...
  6030. >After a few moments, her finger twitches. It's subtle but there.
  6031. >Her regeneration is starting to kick back in. Given the rate she's recovered at in the past, it'll probably be a few hours until she's conscious and a few days till she can be up and about.
  6032. >Granted, that's the best case scenario of what you've observed. This time she's been exposed to both fire and black blood so that might slow it down considerably.
  6033. >"Is she gonna be alright?" Applejack asks.
  6034. "Eventually. But Vinyl's going to need a safe place to recover."
  6035. >Wiping bits of Vinyl off of your glove, you grimace.
  6036. "Octavia's not going to like this..."
  6037. >"No, sugarcube, she ain't."
  6038. "We better find something to put her body on. Can't just leave her here like th-"
  6039. >Behind you, a deep groan comes from Shining Armor. His head laying in Rarity's lap.
  6040. >"Did we beat them?" he asks gripping his head. "Ugh... where's Twily."
  6041. >Rarity pets his head.
  6042. >"Um... I'm sorry dear but Tirek took Twilight and Sunset."
  6043. "WHAT?!" he yells out shooting up before clutching his head in pain.
  6044. >Shining quickly scrambles to his feet.
  6046. "..."
  6047. >"ANSWER ME!"
  6048. >Shining stomps over to you and grabs your jacket.
  6049. >The detective lifts you up and is almost frothing at the mouth.
  6050. >Applejack grabs his arm, but you halt her with a look and she reluctantly let's go.
  6051. >"WHERE. DID. MY SISTER. GO?!"
  6052. "Tirek probably took them to the Keep, where my kind were raised and trained."
  6053. >"Then why the hell are we sitting around here. Let's go af-"
  6054. "The Keep isn't located on this continent."
  6055. >"Then where?" he demands, tightening his grip.
  6056. "It's location is supposed to be a secret..."
  6057. >"Anon I don't have time for your witcher secrets."
  6058. "I know, I know. Normally it would be in the blue mountains, near where the abandoned fortress Kaer Morhen is."
  6059. >Shining drops you and quickly turns around.
  6060. >"Great, let's get goi-"
  6061. "But because it's almost winter..." you continue, "They facility has most likely changed location to Ard Skellig."
  6062. >Shining Armor gives you a confused stare, "Why the hell would you go to Ard Skellig in the winter? It's one of the coldest places on Earth."
  6063. >You shrug.
  6064. "What better way to survive in the wild than living in one of mother nature's harshest environments?"
  6065. >Applejack, and Rarity each give you a deadpan look.
  6066. "If you haven't already figured it out my life kind of sucked."
  6067. >They just glance at each other, clearly unsure of what to make of the information.
  6068. "Anyway..." you say, trying to change the subject. "Someone needs to-"
  6069. >Before you can react, Shining Armor punches you in the face.
  6070. >Falling to the ground, you cup your jaw.
  6071. >Both Rarity and Applejack call out your name in shock. The latter coming to your aid and helping you up.
  6072. >"For what reason would you do that for?" Rarity angrily asks Twilight's brother.
  6073. >Shining points a finger at you. "This is all *your* fault!"
  6074. >Applejack rolls up her sleeve, "Why ah oughta..."
  6075. >You hold Applejack back.
  6076. "He's venting, let him have it." you whisper.
  6077. >She settles down slightly, unsure of what you’re asking but nods her head.
  6078. >His initial punch only knocked you down because you were off-guard. If it were any other person, they would be on the ground before they knew it.
  6079. >But considering all the crap Shining's had to endure all night, you'll let it slide this once.
  6080. >Stepping in front of the cowgirl you and Shining come face-to-face.
  6081. "If you have a problem with me, then just spit it out."
  6082. >"If it wasn't for you, my sister would still be here and would have never gotten involved in this witcher mess again in the first place!"
  6083. >He grabs your jacket collar and punches you again in the gut and again in the face.
  6084. >Despite that not being entirely true, you don't stop him.
  6085. >Tears are welling up in his eyes as his repeated blows lose the power behind them with each swing.
  6086. >"WHY?! Why couldn't your Path taken you someplace else?" he asks before dropping to his knees.
  6087. >His sad, pitiful state makes you uncomfortable.
  6088. >"I'll never see my sister again will I?" he asks rhetorically.
  6089. >No one answers him.
  6090. >The man just looks completely defeated.
  6091. >Instead you just walk away as the sun starts its rise over the horizon.
  6092. >"I've never seen Twilight's brother like this..." Rarity says as you walk by her. "Anon, I hope you have a plan?"
  6093. "I hope I do too." you admit.
  6095. -----
  6097. >The man named Grogar leads you and Twilight down the twisting and turning halls of whatever building you're in.
  6098. >His staff making echos down the dark and dreary corridor.
  6099. >You try to find some sign of where you are, whether it be the windows, the decor, something of note.
  6100. >Anonymous told you that even the smallest detail has much to tell. But that isn't working out for you so far.
  6101. >For one, all the windows have their thick ornate blinds closed. And two, these two witchers that are following Grogar's orders have you and Twilight under close eye.
  6102. >"I see you're admiring our handiwork." Grogar says without turning back. "These two witchers are Jericho and Gaston."
  6103. >You eye the two witchers carefully.
  6104. >They're much smaller than Tirek, actually more average looking like Anon; and like him, they both have those cat eyes and covered in scars.
  6105. >The Griffon witcher holding you, who you assume is Gaston, has part of his ear missing.
  6106. >Jericho on the other hand has three long scars going diagonally across his face with one of his eyes completely white.
  6107. >The former pushes you forward roughly.
  6108. >You give him a glare and take note of the knife attached to his belt.
  6109. "Why are you doing this?" you ask. "What's the point of bringing back all those monsters?"
  6110. >Grogar hums to himself, "I guess for me it's just an opportunity to see all the hard work I put in pay off."
  6111. >Stopping in front of two large double doors, the spellcaster flicks his wrists.
  6112. >With a loud groan from the hinges, the two doors slowly open up into a throne room.
  6113. >Unlike the one Princess Celestia has in Canterlot, this one is filled with books, paintings and hunting trophies.
  6114. >And to add to the unwelcome atmosphere, this one is dark, dreary and devoid of any friendliness or warmth. Besides that, the only real distinguishing feature is a large clock on the back wall.
  6115. >You can see the silhouettes of the gears behind the face as moonlight shine through the glass.
  6116. >Instead of minute or hour hands, the clock is counting something down with two large disks, one silver and one blue.
  6117. >The man leads you to a side room, where inside is another large chamber. Though this one looks more like what you would imagine a judge or government leader’s office would look like.
  6118. >Sitting in a large chair is a man reading something in a vanilla colored folder.
  6119. >He props his head up with one arm, with a bored and almost angry expression on his face.
  6120. >"Master." Grogar says, announcing your arrival.
  6121. >"This better be good Grogar. After reviewing your autopsy report on trainee seven, his "accident" was clearly preventable. Do I need to remind you where you stand?"
  6122. >The elderly man nervously pulls on his beard.
  6123. >You do manage to notice Grogar gritting his teeth while he does it.
  6124. >"N-no Master, bu-but I believe this will please you."
  6125. >Without even looking up, the man shuts the file and sets it down.
  6126. >Getting up, he marches around his desk.
  6127. >The man walks up to both you and Twilight, gives you one curious glance and wipes off his sleeve before returning to the same bored look.
  6128. >"Why are there two girls when I specifically asked for one?" he asks. "Hmm, you look familiar."
  6129. >Grogar nods his head.
  6130. >"This one is Sunset Shimmer, Master."
  6131. >He raises a brow, "Interesting. I didn't expect Tirek and Scorpan to bring me her as well."
  6132. >"Just who are you?" Twilight blurts out.
  6133. >When everyone's eyes fall on her she gulps.
  6134. >"I am Sombra. Master of the Order of Witchers." he replies. "Though that title has little meaning for now."
  6135. >Sombra glances towards Grogar, "This is Twilight Sparkle?"
  6136. >"Yes Master."
  6137. >"Good, get her work space set up, feed her and put her to bed. We don't have much time until the Conjunction occurs." he says gesturing to the large transparent clock in the other room.
  6138. >"I want her of right mind as she works, we cannot have any mistakes."
  6139. >"I refuse!" Twilight yells.
  6140. >The room becomes deathly silent.
  6141. >Twilight realizes her mistake when Sombra frowns.
  6142. >"Twilight Sparkle, I hoped to have you willingly join us. Especially with your familiar history with witchers."
  6143. >With a gesture, the witcher holding Twilight releases her and steps back.
  6144. >Pacing around her, Twilight whimpers.
  6145. >"Oh yes, I know well about your relationship with the Witcher known as... Grogar, what did he call himself?"
  6146. >"I believe it was Orion though I'm not su-."
  6147. >Sombra sighs, "Yes well it's irrelevant."
  6148. >He takes Twilight by the chin in his hand and looks her directly in the eyes.
  6149. "However if you refuse, we always have other courses of action we could take. For instance..."
  6150. >...
  6151. >With your arms behind you, using your unbound fingers you cast Aard directly into Gaston's abdomen sending him a few feet behind you onto his back.
  6152. >Maybe if you can grab Twili-
  6153. >Suddenly you find yourself face first on the ground with two blades pointed directly at you.
  6154. >Jericho looms atop of you with his knees on your back, both his short swords crossed around your neck.
  6155. >Grogar angrily uses the top of his staff to jab Gaston in the chest, "You fool!"
  6156. >"Grogar, hush." Sombra says, dismissing his rage.
  6157. >The leader of the witchers kneels down.
  6158. >"A very brave attempt there Miss Shimmer." he compliments you.
  6159. "Not good enough apparently." you mutter to yourself.
  6160. >Both edges of Jericho's blades are cold to the touch as they make contact with your skin.
  6161. >"Aard, I believe that was one of the signs that Anonymous taught you?" he asks. "Besides Quen and Igni?"
  6162. >You refuse to answer his question.
  6163. >However, his smile at your defiance unnerves you slightly.
  6164. >"Well, Doyen it seems we found a replacement candidate." he says standing.
  6165. >Candidate for wha-
  6166. >Your eyes shift to the folder sitting on the armrest of the throne.
  6167. >Oh crap...
  6168. >Twilight's pupils shrink.
  6169. >"Are you sure Master Sombra?"
  6170. >"Why not, Anonymous has already done some of the work for us and it would be a shame to see it go to waste."
  6171. "You're crazy!"
  6172. >"You can't do this!" Twilight protests.
  6173. >"Grogar, after getting them both something to eat, set Sunset Shimmer up in the barracks. And make sure to give both girls an incentive to cooperate."
  6174. >The witcher gets off of you and sheathes his blades. Picking up up again, Gaston makes sure you can't repeat what you just did to him.
  6175. >With another gesture of his hands, both Jericho and Gaston take you and Twilight again with Grogar in tow.
  6176. >"Welcome to the witcher school Sunset Shimmer." Sombra says as the doors close.
  6178. >You walk out of the house with a large sore spot on your cheek.
  6179. >Getting in the backseat of the truck, Applejack grabs your chin and inspects the mark.
  6180. >"Octavia mad?"
  6181. "A little, but she seems more frustrated than anything. Vinyl apparently explained something like this might happen to her eventually."
  6182. >"But that didn't stop her from slapping ya in the face?"
  6183. >You shrug.
  6184. “Can’t say she doesn’t care for Vinyl.”
  6185. >"Applejack..." Rainbow says from the back seat.
  6186. "Yeah Rainbow?"
  6187. >The girl looks down at the floor.
  6188. >"You think I can stay with you for awhile?"
  6189. >Applejack looks to Big Macintosh who nods back.
  6190. >"Sure Rainbow." she says.
  6191. "She can have my room."
  6192. >"Thanks."
  6193. >Facing forward, you pinch the bridge of your nose.
  6194. >The scene of Sunset and Twilight being taken repeats in your mind. The look of terror on the former's face.
  6195. >You need to get them back. There's no question about it.
  6196. >Maybe somehow convince the Headmaster to stop his plan.
  6197. >...
  6198. >And if not? Kill him.
  6199. >Right now though you're going to have to make arrangements.
  6200. >If Tirek is right, the Doyen won't make a portal for you to head back to the Keep.
  6201. >"-non? You okay?"
  6202. >You shake your head and return to the present.
  6203. "I'm sorry what?"
  6204. >Rarity gives you a concerned look, "Anonymous are you truly alright? I know what we've been through has been a terribly dreadful experience but what about you?"
  6205. "I've been better Rarity." you answer. "I can't help but feel Shining may be right. Maybe I did indirectly cause all of this."
  6206. >Twilight's brother.
  6207. >The way he angrily left and took both Gilda and the last remaining armored truck left at the abandoned house...
  6208. >You doubt he'll be okay with you around Twilight ever again.
  6209. >It's funny.
  6210. >When you first met Twilight you couldn't really stand to be around her.
  6211. >Now you consider her a friend.
  6212. >The same for all the girls.
  6213. >"While I admit, some of our more dangerous adventures happened once you showed up..."
  6214. "Gee thanks." you say bitterly.
  6215. >"Please don't interrupt. I'm not finished darling; they hardly mean you were the cause of it either directly or indirectly."
  6216. >"She's right sugarcube, the vampire and Everfree monster were things way before you showed up. If it wasn't fer you though, ah don't think we would have gotten out of those messes in one piece."
  6217. >"Anon, even if you don't think it." Fluttershy says. "We wouldn't change anything about meeting you. And I don't think Sunset or Twilight would feel any different."
  6218. >You give each of the girls an astonished look.
  6219. "Even after everything?"
  6220. >They all nod their heads.
  6221. >Rainbow tilts her head, "Weeell, I think if you let me have a swor-"
  6222. >Fluttershy narrows her eyes at Rainbow, as does Applejack and Rarity.
  6223. >"Nevermind." she says with a weak laugh.
  6224. "You too Mac?"
  6225. >"Eeyup."
  6226. "You all are really something you know that?" you say with a faint smile.
  6227. >As the vehicle moves down the road, you're blinded momentarily by the sun over the horizon.
  6228. >Shielding your eyes, you glance at the clock.
  6229. >It's almost time for everyone to go to school.
  6230. "Mac, drop me off at the school and take everyone home."
  6231. >"Anon, what are you doing?"
  6232. "Just gonna talk to the Celestia to let you all off the hook for today. After everything you all deserve a day off."
  6233. >Applejack eyes you curiously.
  6234. >"What are you planning?" she whispers.
  6235. "Nothing. I can go without rest longer than you."
  6236. >She doesn't seem entirely convinced, but nods her head.
  6237. >As the truck stops in front of the school, you notice students are already arriving.
  6238. >And because of that, Macintosh's truck doesn't go unnoticed. A few boys start taking snapshots with their phones.
  6239. "I'll see you at home okay?"
  6240. >"Eeyup."
  6241. >Getting out, Applejack gives you a kiss on the cheek.
  6242. >"Don't stay out too long Anon." she says.
  6243. "Yes dear." you answer back with a roll of your eyes.
  6244. >She snickers before closing the door.
  6245. >Giving a wave goodbye as the vehicle drives off, you turn towards Canterlot High.
  6246. >Letting out a sigh, you march past the statue and up the steps.
  6248. -----
  6250. >Students stare at you with trepidation as you walk down the halls of CHS.
  6251. >Might have something to do with the fact you look like utter shit.
  6252. >Your leg is covered in dry blood from the knife wound Gilda inflicted, your clothing is singed from the fire, and that's not counting all the additional cuts and bruises you suffered during the course of the night.
  6253. >"Yo Anon!" a voice calls out.
  6254. >You stop and turn around.
  6255. "Can I help you?"
  6256. >Flash Sentry walks up to you with a concerned glance.
  6257. >"Dude, are you okay? You look a little..." he trails off.
  6258. "I know. I appreciate the concern but I'm fine." you say.
  6259. >Turning back around, you he scratches the back of his head.
  6260. >"Okay, if you're sure man."
  6261. >Continuing down into the school's office, you see Vice Principal Luna walk out of her office.
  6262. >She glances up from her clipboard and waves.
  6263. >"Hell Anon-" she freezes and does a double take.
  6264. >"My goodness, Anonymous what happened to you?!"
  6265. "Long story, but I need to talk to Celestia." you answer.
  6266. >Luna frowns, "Mister Anonymous you may not be an official student here, but if you think I'm just going to let you walk away... are-are those swords?!"
  6267. >You reach behind your back and grab your silver sword hilt, giving a look of fake surprise that its actually there.
  6268. "Well what do you know? I guess they are."
  6269. >Judging from her expression, the vice-principal doesn't appreciate the sarcasm.
  6270. >"Mister Anonymous. I-"
  6271. >"Is that Anon's voice I hear?" a second voice interrupts.
  6272. >Peeking her head out of her office, Principal Celestia scans the room until her eyes land on you.
  6273. >"Oh hello Anon!" she says genuinely cheerful. "Its been awhile since we last talked. I was starting to think you'd forgotten all about me."
  6274. "Perish the thought." you reply.
  6275. >"Let us take this conversation to your office sister." Luna says looking past you.
  6276. >You follow her gaze towards the hall behind you and notice a few students trying to listen in to your conversation.
  6277. >"So what can I do for you Anon?" Celestia asks waving you in.
  6278. "The girls, are going to miss school today and I'd like to ask you to excuse them for the day. Rainbow Dash will need an additional day or two, but Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle might be a bit longer."
  6279. >"How much longer?" Luna asks, leaning against her sister's desk.
  6280. "I don't know." you say.
  6281. >Celestia interlocks her fingers and stares at you.
  6282. >"Anon, are Sunset and Twilight in trouble?"
  6283. "I'd rather not get into details, but yes."
  6284. >"Then we have to notify the polic-"
  6285. "The police already know."
  6286. >"Mister Anonymous, before we even consider your proposal, perhaps you should tell us everything."
  6287. >You sigh.
  6288. "Let's just say that they've gotten involved with something potentially world changing."
  6289. >"World changing?"
  6290. >You lean forward and motion for them to come closer.
  6291. "Remember the leshen at Camp Everfree?" you ask in a low voice.
  6292. >The sisters nod their heads.
  6293. "Well, the problem we've gotten involved in might be a hundred times worse and on a global scale."
  6294. >They both share a grim expression with each other.
  6295. >"Anon, just what have our students gotten themselves into?"
  6296. "It's complicated."
  6297. >"Well, we have time." Luna says, "So please, tell us."
  6299. >One explanation later, both sisters now understand the gravity of the situation.
  6300. >"Sister, I'll go make arrangements with the respective faculty." Luna says, excusing herself.
  6301. >Closing the door behind her, Celestia waits for a few moments and digs through one of her bottom drawers and pulls out a bottle of alcohol and two glasses.
  6302. >Well that explains the smell.
  6303. "Really? During school hours?"
  6304. >"You may not believe it, but sometimes I need something to take the edge off." she says with a small smile. "And you look like you could use it."
  6305. >Removing the glass topper off, she pours the amber contents into both glasses.
  6306. >Handing you one of the drinks, you both raise your glasses.
  6307. >"Something seems to be bothering you more so than just the issue with Sunset Shimmer and Twilight."
  6308. >You take a sip of the beverage.
  6309. "Sometimes I think my presence here may have done more harm than good. After all, the reason I came to Canterlot in the first place was a contract to kill a student."
  6310. >Celestia purses her lips, "Well, I can't say I'm too thrilled to hear about that."
  6311. "Yeah..."
  6312. >The Principal takes a drink. "Anon. I know you're very close to Sunset and her friends. My professional opinion would be to keep you as far away from them as possible."
  6313. >But she walks around her desk and kneels down so she's eye level to you.
  6314. >Taking your hand, she stares at you with those pink eyes of her.
  6315. >"But I can tell you care deeply about them so my professional opinion can take a back seat. My personal opinion is you do whatever it takes to get them back here safe and sound."
  6316. >Giving her a small amused grin, you nod your head.
  6317. >"Buuuuuuuuut..." she trails off.
  6318. >...
  6319. >She's not... she's not already buzzed is she?
  6320. >You sniff the contents of your glass.
  6321. >Yeah...
  6322. >It's probably time to go.
  6323. >Downing the last bit of whiskey, you set the glass down on the cabinet and make for the door.
  6324. "Well thanks for the drink Celestia but I need to lea-"
  6325. >"Oh don't go!" she says grabbing your arm. "You still need to do me a favor for doing you a favor. Excusing multiple students is a lot of paperwork after all."
  6326. >Honestly at this exact moment, you really doubt that.
  6327. "What is it?"
  6328. >"Maybe a small little kiss for all my hardwork?" she says puckering her lips.
  6329. "You're a real brat you know that?"
  6330. >"Lulu says the same thing." she says with a giggle. "Come on. For me?"
  6331. >You don't have to do this at all. Axii will work just as well.
  6332. "This is harassment. You know that right?"
  6333. >"Pleeeeeeeassse? Just this one time."
  6334. >...
  6335. "Fine. But just this one time."
  6336. >Leaning in, the smell of alcohol on her breath causes you to grimace, but before you can pull back she grabs your head and forces her mouth over yours.
  6337. >Your eyes shoot open as she holds you tight, refusing your attempts to break free.
  6338. >Gasping for air, Celestia gives you a sultry look, "Oh that was better than I thought it would be Mr. Anonymous."
  6339. "You're... welcome?"
  6340. >"Well, if you'll excuse me I have some paperwork to do."
  6341. "Sure..."
  6342. >Walking out of her office, Principal Celestia waves goodbye.
  6343. >Giving her one last look, she winks and blows you a kiss before shutting the door.
  6344. >You wipe your mouth and make towards the chemistry lab.
  6345. >She tried to force her tongue into your mouth...
  6346. >That woman needs to get laid.
  6348. >You're held in front of a dark room when suddenly you feel a sting at the back of your neck.
  6349. >Before you can even react, you're shoved into the room and onto the floor.
  6350. >"These are your quarters until your training is complete trainee Shimmer." Grogar says. "From here on out, you will be referred to as trainee, number seven, or whatever name the instructor deems fit."
  6351. >Looking around the small room, it's incredibly spartan. A simple bed, a toilet and sink and a desk with some stationary.
  6352. >Almost like a prison cell.
  6353. >One can't help but feel that it would be easy to lose your mind confined in a room like this for a long period of time.
  6354. >...
  6355. >Dear Celestia... maybe that's the idea
  6356. >"You'll find your new clothes in the closet, and a schedule of your new life here. I suggest you memorize it, you'll have today to acclimate before your lessons begin tomorrow."
  6357. "You can't do this!" you shout back at him.
  6358. >Grogar simply gives you a smug grin.
  6359. "I've done this longer than you can possibly imagine girl." he says before walking away.
  6360. >Slamming your hands on the metal door, you slump to the ground.
  6361. >Feeling the back of your neck, you feel some weird cold metal object the size of your thumbnail stuck there.
  6362. >Trying to take it out only results in a painful sensation at the base of your skull.
  6363. >Dread starts to sink in as you contemplate the mystery of what that thing is.
  6364. >You've got to yourself and Twilight out of here.
  6365. >Getting up, you search around the room for any sort of way to break out or at least help you break out.
  6366. >Unfortunately after about an hour of searching, the entire room looks completely solid.
  6367. >Sighing, you grab the piece of paper with the schedule.
  6368. >Wake up at four in the morning, drills at five, lessons at seven until twelve, a half-hour lunch, fencing training for another two hours, wilderness survival until dinner, an hour of free time and then sleep.
  6369. >This schedule has almost every detail down to the minute.
  6370. >And Anon lived like this for years?!
  6371. >If you ever get back to Canterlot, you're not ever going to complain about your life ever again.
  6372. >Laying down, you stare at the ceiling.
  6373. >You wonder if Twilight's doing okay. They separated you right after the meeting with Sombra.
  6374. >You'll need to find her before finding a way out of here.
  6375. >And you can't expect Anon to come and save you, despite knowing that he might try anyway.
  6376. >What was the point of all that training if you can't help yourself?
  6377. >Though it might be a bit of an uphill battle. You have no idea how many other witchers are here besides Tirek and the two following the sorcerer.
  6378. >Maybe you can try to convince some of the other students to join y-
  6379. >A small glint in the corner of the ceiling draws your attention.
  6380. >Turning your head, you see a small camera with a blinking red light attached.
  6381. >Well... you guess that's not really surprising.
  6382. >They really monitor everything don't they.
  6383. >Letting out a yawn, you close your eyes.
  6384. >Checking the clock on the desk, it's almost lunch time.
  6385. >You haven't gotten any sleep since this morning.
  6386. >Despite your reluctance, you might as well get some rest. You're in for quite a gauntlet in the next few days.
  6387. >Assuming you last that long...
  6389. >You stand alone in a large workshop filled with various computers, tools, and high-end machinery.
  6390. >The decor makes a distinct contrast to the rest of the building you've seen so far.
  6391. >None of the equipment here looks cheap either. It all must have cost a small fortune.
  6392. >There are devices you wouldn't even think to own unless you had a grant from a well-funded university or tech facility.
  6393. >Normally you would love to have a set up like this, but considering your current set of circumstances...
  6394. >But why did they bring you to this room? Does Sombra want you to build something?
  6395. >[Well that's pretty obvious Twilight.]
  6396. >Though now the question is what do they want you to build?
  6397. >Suddenly as if on cue, Sombra comes in with two bodyguards.
  6398. >The same ones who brought you to him earlier.
  6399. >"Tirek and Scorpan were not exaggerating when they said you two emanate magic." Sombra says. "My medallion started vibrating as soon as I got near the door."
  6400. >He twists a small metal effigy around his neck.
  6401. >Unlike Anon's or the other witchers, the design isn't one you are familiar with.
  6402. >"Well Miss Sparkle. I trust these facilities are adequate?"
  6403. "Um... for what?"
  6404. >"Did Grogar not tell you?"
  6405. >You shake your head.
  6406. >Sombra sighs, "Of course he didn't."
  6407. >He pinches the bridge of his nose and takes a deep breath.
  6408. >"I want you to build one of those magic absorption devices."
  6409. >W-what?!
  6410. >You almost do a double take.
  6411. "Ho-how did you know about that?"
  6412. >He turns towards a monitor and enters a few series of keystrokes on the keyboard.
  6413. >A video recording of your encounter with Iron Will begins playing, specifically the part where Anon started absorbing the stoneclads powers with your modified magic-o-meter.
  6414. >With a press of a button, another camera recording shows your transformation into your twisted darker side. Summoning multiple portals and bringing everyone in the room with you.
  6415. >Pausing the video, Sombra tilts his head.
  6416. >"I know a great many things Twilight. You don't get to where I'm at without a good network despite having a... distaste for sharing with others."
  6417. >He paces around you, "Had I known that a simple contract to kill you in Canterlot would escalate into our greatest opportunity I would have had another witcher handle the job."
  6418. >The man stops in deep contemplation, "I believe it was the current head of the Cinch family who put out the contract."
  6419. >Principal Cinch?
  6420. >You knew she hated the fact you disgraced her and transferred to CHS, but to put out a hit on you?
  6421. >"I can tell by your reaction that this comes as news to you. While I have no qualms about assassination, even I thought putting one on a teenager was a little much. I wouldn't even let a contract like that go by if it wasn't for the fact her family have historically donated a lot of money to my cause."
  6422. "So you're fine with taking assassination contracts? Isn't that against what the witchers stand for?"
  6423. >Sombra scoffs, "Please, don't give me your archaic notions of what witchers should or shouldn't do. We survive because we adapt. If that means taking on more than just simple monster contracts so be it."
  6424. >Taking you by the shoulders, Sombra walks you over to a nearby table.
  6425. >"Now I want you to build a device similar to the one you made in the recording." he says whispering in your ear.
  6426. >You feel violated with the way he's rubbing your shoulders.
  6427. "You can't make me. I refuse to let you use my inventions to bring about an apocalypse."
  6428. >"I feel that this might change your mind Twilight Sparkle."
  6429. >Gesturing to one of the witchers, they pull out a small tablet.
  6430. >On the screen is a picture of Sunset along with an anatomical study. You notice a highlighted object near the base of her neck on the display.
  6431. >"If you fail to deliver, Sunset Shimmer will find herself injected with an undiluted form of Swallow. Normally we use these in case of emergency, but they can have other applications."
  6432. >You gulp.
  6433. >"I assume with your history with witchers, you know the toxic effects of our potions on normal human beings? And just as insurance..."
  6434. >He trails off only for you to feel a sting at the base your own neck. The display on the tablet shrinks slightly to accommodate a picture of you and another chart showing your new implant.
  6435. >"This will give Sunset Shimmer the motivation to keep focused on her training." he says handing an empty injector pen to his bodyguard.
  6436. >"Should you need rest, your quarters are in the room over there." he states walking away, "Should you need anything, Jericho here will be just outside the door."
  6437. >Stopping at the door, he turns his head.
  6438. >"I expect progress to be made before the end of the week. And do not try to betray me, I have eyes everywhere in the facility."
  6439. >The door shuts behind the three leaving you all alone.
  6441. -----
  6443. >You stand in the middle of a large circular platform of some sort surrounded by darkness.
  6444. >Looking around your feet, the colored pattern on the ground looks like stained glass with multiple versions of your cutie mark surrounding the perimeter.
  6445. >The only light in the room is shining directly above you. A ball of white swirling energy, the intensity so bright that you are almost blinded just from looking at it.
  6446. >Where the heck are you?
  6447. "Hello?" you call out, "Anyone here?"
  6448. >Your voice echos despite there being no walls for the sound to bounce off of.
  6449. >Okay... this is really getting kind of weird...
  6450. >As you wonder about your situation, you hear footsteps from behind you.
  6451. >Spinning around, you see a figure walk out of the darkness and into the light.
  6452. "Anon?"
  6453. >He's in his full combat gear, sword drawn. But Anon is also covered in cuts and blood.
  6454. >Whether that's his or not you have no idea.
  6455. >You take a step towards him when suddenly your first footstep causes the platform to shake.
  6456. >Expanding from your boot, the design on the floor begins to lose its color and crack until the entire area looks like worn broken glass.
  6457. "Anon where are we?" you ask him, unable to hide the fear in your voice.
  6458. >However he doesn't respond.
  6459. >Instead your friend just brings his sword up.
  6460. >You take a step back, only to realize you somehow have a sword in your own hand as well.
  6461. >Where did this come from?
  6462. >Almost without warning, Anon runs towards you with his blade ready to strike.
  6463. "Anon stop!"
  6464. >The witcher doesn't stop, forcing you to use the sword in your hands to block his attack.
  6465. >Sparks fly off as the metal edges make contact.
  6466. >With as much strength as you can muster, you hold the blade lock evenly.
  6467. >Anon narrows his eyes and uses his off-hand to push his sword by the flat portion of the blade.
  6468. >Realizing he's getting better leverage, you slide your weapon up towards his hand until you force him to back away lest he loses his fingers.
  6469. "Anonymous, what's gotten into you!?"
  6470. >Anon twirls his blade in one hand before charging in again.
  6471. >The two of you clash once again, the sound of metal-on-metal ringing against your surroundings.
  6472. "Anon please, we don't have to fight!"
  6473. >In your attempt to stop your friend though, he manages to cut you across the side of your face.
  6474. >You step back in shock and wipe your cheek.
  6475. >Crimson blood covers your fingers.
  6476. >Anon's really trying to kill you...
  6477. >But his attacks grow even fiercer as he pushes you back closer to the edge of the platform. Yet somehow you can match his moves perfectly, countering and parrying each of his attacks without difficulty.
  6478. >Something that's never seemed to happen before.
  6479. >As he comes at you once again with a horizontal chop, you counter his attack leaving him open.
  6480. >But you hesitate...
  6481. >Taking advantage of your pause, Anon recovers and thrusts the tip of his longsword.
  6482. >On pure reflex, you use your own sword to parry and riposte.
  6483. >Piercing him directly in the abdomen.
  6484. >You gasp and withdraw the blade as he clutches his wound.
  6485. >Blood clings to your sword and seeps from the wound as he kneels down in pain.
  6486. >Growling, he wipes the blood on his hand onto his pant leg and charges at you like a madman.
  6487. >He repeatedly slams his blade down on yours almost like he's trying to smash your sword in two. And if he keeps this up that might actually happen.
  6488. >Thinking quickly, as Anonymous prepares another swing, you dodge to the right and roll around him.
  6489. >Throwing a sign out, you contort your fingers into the shape for Aard.
  6490. >Anon's eyes widen as the magic slams him back and knocking the weapon from his hand.
  6491. >The force from the telekinetic energy also causes the chain on the medallion around Anon's neck to break.
  6492. >With a large crack now running down the face, it bounces twice on the solid ground before shattering completely at your feet.
  6493. >To your horror, Anon's momentum causes him to roll off the side of the platform.
  6494. "ANON!"
  6495. >You try to catch him, but the distance between you two is too far as the witcher falls over the edge.
  6496. >Scrambling to the edge, you peer over the side and see the person who just tried to kill you holding onto a knife dug into the bottom of the stage.
  6497. >Below, the Witcher dangles over a massive whirlpool sucking in light and energy from the surrounding area.
  6498. >His falling weapon makes contact with the vortex and disappears in a flash of light.
  6499. "Anon grab my hand!" you shout out.
  6500. >Despite his attempt on your life Anonymous is still your friend. You can't just let him fall into... whatever *that* is!
  6501. >You can help him! He's not too far, you can reach him!
  6502. >C'mon Sunset...
  6503. >Extending your arm out you just barely grab him.
  6504. >He tries to get a hold of your hand but the sudden movement causes the knife to slip slightly, lowering him just out of reach.
  6505. "Nooo! One more try! You can make it!"
  6506. >Without saying anything Anonymous looks at you sadly with a look of resignation.
  6507. >No... he's not going to...
  6508. "Anon don't! Stop!"
  6509. >Letting go of the handle, Anonymous plummets into the vortex.
  6510. >"ANON!"
  6511. >Suddenly a deep laugh echos above you when everything goes white.
  6513. >You shoot up drenched in cold sweat.
  6514. >Gasping for air, you look around for Anon but the only thing you see is the darkened cell you were tossed into.
  6515. >It was just a dream...
  6516. >You wipe your head on the blanket of your small cot and feel your cheek.
  6517. >No cut or blood.
  6518. >Letting out a sigh of relief you contemplate your dream.
  6519. >You... you killed Anon.
  6520. >Maybe not directly, but still...
  6521. >Why would you dream something like that though. You've read a few books on dream theory while you were bored.
  6522. >They said that killing someone in a dream meant you had repressed rage or anger towards that person but you weren't actively trying to kill him.
  6523. >He was trying to kill you...
  6524. >You know dreams are supposed to signify something but what could possibly be the reason for something like that?
  6525. >Could it be caused by stress? Celestia knows you've been under a lot of it in the past day or two.
  6526. >Before you can think about going back to bed, an alarm goes off as the lights in your room instantly turn on to max brightness.
  6527. >You shield your eyes as the front door swings open.
  6528. >"Drills will begin in thirty minutes." a voice on the PA system announces.
  6529. >A figure runs by your door, then another and another after that.
  6530. >Someone stops by the door and peeks in.
  6531. >"Hey look, they already got a replacement for Sven." the girl says.
  6532. >You notice a large number nine stamped on the front of her uniform.
  6533. >A teenage boy with the number five stops by and sneers, "She's kind of scrawny though."
  6534. >These two look no older than you...
  6535. >In fact they look a little younger than you.
  6536. >"Trainees Five, Seven and Nine, you have twenty-six minutes." the PA says.
  6537. >Rolling their eyes, the girl waves you over.
  6538. >"Hey, we better get moving."
  6539. >"And put on your uniform too." the boy says pointing towards a closet.
  6540. >You walk over and open it, only to find multiple uniforms identical to the ones worn by the girl and boy with a seven marked on it.
  6541. >"Last thing we need is Instructor Gaston on our butts." the girl warns before running off.
  6542. >The boy gives you one last look up and down before following her.
  6543. >You can't help but frown and look at the uniform in your hands.
  6544. >Well, may as well play along in the meantime...
  6546. >The next few minutes you spend getting "lost".
  6547. >Though there's no sign of Twilight, you keep a mental note of windows, marked doors, and other indicators of where you're at just in case.
  6548. >You'd be exploring a bit more if not for the fact that your lack of presence will definitely be noticed by Sombra and Grogar.
  6549. >After you become a bit more familiar with the immediate area, you "find" the field.
  6550. >For a moment you're left in awe at the sights around you. Mountains lay in the distance surrounded by a thick fog, with trees dotting the twisting and uneven land between here and there.
  6551. >You are definitly nowhere near Canterlot.
  6552. >But taking in the sights is cut short when you hear a whistle.
  6553. >More "trainees", from what you can see around twenty, are already doing push-ups in unison in front of a large-built man pacing back and forth in between the rows.
  6554. >"Trainee Seven. Since this is your first day, I'll give you an exception." the man says without looking at you. "But only this once. Get in formation and give me 100 push-ups."
  6555. >Jogging towards the only gap among the others you get down on the ground and start.
  6556. >That must be Instructor Gaston.
  6557. >Hmm, not as large as Tirek, but still big.
  6558. >And he’s a witcher as well; you can spot the Griffon medallion identical to Gilda’s hanging from his neck.
  6559. >Unlike her though, he doesn’t hide his eye appearance and keeps them cat-like.
  6560. >But his most distinguishing feature though is the eyepatch covering his right eye.
  6561. >Gaston catches you staring at him and stares you down.
  6562. >"Get moving. NOW!" he orders.
  6564. >Once you get to the 65th rep though, your arms are already beginning to feel the burn. It begins to get harder to keep up with the others until you hear someone collapse behind you.
  6565. >"Hold." the large man says.
  6566. >Every trainee freezes mid-stride much to your dismay.
  6567. >Your arms shake as the instructor looms over the trainee.
  6568. >"Trainee Eight?"
  6569. >"S-s-sorry sir." he apologizes. "Won't happen again sir."
  6570. >"Twenty minutes on the Gauntlet." he says twirling his medallion between his fingers.
  6571. >"Yes sir..."
  6572. >Turning around, the man walks to the front and addresses everyone.
  6573. >"Alright, one minute break then we move on."
  6574. >An assistant wheels a cart filled with water bottles and hands them out to everyone.
  6575. >You take your water bottle and feel uneasy.
  6576. >Everyone tries to hide it, but you can tell they're all staring at you.
  6577. >It reminds you of the feeling when everyone at CHS still despised you after the Fall Formal.
  6578. >Only this time, you don't have your friends to comfort you.
  6579. >"Breaks over. Pair up and begin the next exercise." the instructor announces.
  6580. >Ugh...
  6582. >After 100 reps of jumping jacks, sit ups, deep squats, knee bends, leg lifts, and a five mile run through the freezing mountains the entire class, as you figure its called, enters a stark white classroom.
  6583. >You honestly feel the most tired you've ever been in your entire life. If you thought Anon ran you ragged in the beginning...
  6584. >You're just thankful his training made this more bearable.
  6585. >Taking your seat in the only empty chair in the room, trainee Five and Nine take a seat next to you.
  6586. >You look at the clock on the wall and see it's only a minute till seven.
  6587. >Groaning, you place your head between your arms on the table.
  6588. >"Psst... hey Seven, wake up." the girl from before whispers, nudging you in the side.
  6589. "Someone kill me..." you mutter.
  6590. >"Hey, if you don't stay awake, they might. And I'm not joking." the female trainee next to says.
  6591. >You shake your head and sit up.
  6592. "So what are your names?" you ask.
  6593. >"Mine is Vapor Trail, he's Sky Stinger. We're your assigned partners if you haven't figured it out already."
  6594. "Those names... are you from..."
  6595. >"We're both from Stratusburg. Across the sea. So what's yours?"
  6596. >Stratusburg is only a few hours away from Canterlot.
  6597. "I'm Sunset Shimmer."
  6598. >Sky Stinger scoffs, "Well *Sunset Shimmer*, just don't fall behind like Sven did. Poor bastard."
  6599. >Both Vapor and Sky look down with a pained expression.
  6600. >"Alright trainees, let's get started on today's lesson. Open those books to page 452." Instructor Gaston says, "Now who can tell me what a leshen is?"
  6601. >No one raises their hand.
  6602. >You skim through the paragraph on the leshen in the textbook in front of you.
  6603. >It's almost word for word the same text Anon had given you and Rainbow.
  6604. >The man paces back and forth expecting someone to answer.
  6605. >"No one? Looks like some of you are slacking on the rea-"
  6606. "A leshen is an ancient and powerful forest spirit."
  6607. >The entire classroom becomes deathly silent as suddenly all eyes are now on you.
  6608. >"Very good, now can you describe what they generally look like?"
  6609. >You recall the leshen that attacked you and your friends at Camp Everfree. It's thin frame, and the bleached white deer skull it had for a head.
  6610. >How it made you and your friends endure an entire night of hell that you were all lucky to survive...
  6611. >Something like that is hard to forget.
  6612. "They look like walking trees with a deer skull for a head. Long limbs and huge antlers. They can dig their arms into the ground to attack, command wolves and crows to do their bidding, and can only be truly killed when their totems are destroyed and they haven't marked a person."
  6613. >Gaston looks pleased with your answer.
  6614. >"Impressive." Gaston says with a nod of his head, "Though tell me, how did you know all this?"
  6615. "Um... I faced one before..." you admit.
  6616. >"I see." he says. "Well then, continuing on. Trainee seven is correct. You all could learn something from her."
  6617. >Instantly, that feeling of being very small returns. A quick glance around the room tells you your little outburst was not very appreciated by a few of the others.
  6618. >Vapor Trail whispers to you, "You faced a leshen? How?"
  6619. "That's a long story..."
  6620. >"They don't sound very tough if it's made of wood." Sky says dismissively.
  6621. >You glare at him.
  6622. "You have no idea what the hell you're talking about." you say coldly.
  6623. >He ignores you and starts reading his text.
  6624. >"Don't mind him, he's kind of..."
  6625. "An ass?"
  6626. >Vapor giggles, "Kind of."
  6627. >The girl goes back to her work as you look back at the clock.
  6628. >You'll have to find some way to get to Twilight and get yourselves out together. You can't expect Anon to save your butt every time.
  6629. >Considering the months you've spent learning under him, you should be self-sufficient in this sort of situation by now.
  6630. >At least a little anyway.
  6631. >Which reminds you...
  6632. "Hey Vapor?"
  6633. >"Yeah?" she says putting down her pen.
  6634. "What country is this?"
  6635. >The girl looks at you strangely.
  6636. >"We're somewhere in Skellige I think."
  6637. "Skellige?!" you accidentally say a little loudly.
  6638. >"Trainee Seven is there a problem?" Instructor Gaston asks.
  6639. "Uh... no... um... sir."
  6640. >"Thirty minutes on the gauntlet." he tells you. "Another interruption and you'll go without dinner."
  6641. "Yes sir."
  6642. >He turns back around to continue his lecture.
  6643. >Sighing, you stare at the table.
  6644. >Gotta get you and Twilight out of here before it's too late.
  6646. -----
  6648. >You fiddle around with a drawing on the workbench in front of you.
  6649. >Without putting any measurements, power requirements or and details whatsoever, it's nothing anyone could understand so right now the drawing is mostly just a quick sketch.
  6650. >Looking around the lab, you sigh.
  6651. >To be honest,if it weren't for the the situation you're in, you'd be like a kid in a candy shop.
  6652. >Suffice to say though, you still aren't too thrilled with building another magic-o-meter with the magic capture function.
  6653. >Given all the chaos and havoc that the device has had in your life when that function was utilized.
  6654. >The task itself is simple enough given the resources you've been given. But the last thing you want to do is make one for someone like Sombra who's just going to misuse it.
  6655. >Suddenly the door to the lab swings open and speak of the devil.
  6656. >"Looks like someone is getting accustomed to their new workplace." he says.
  6657. >You become uneasy as he walks behind your chair and looms over you.
  6658. >"It seems you've already started making a blueprint."
  6659. >The man places his hands on your shoulders and starts rubbing them.
  6660. >Your skin crawls at his touch.
  6661. "Can you please stop doing that?" you mumble. "I... I don't like being touched..."
  6662. >He smirks and does as you ask.
  6663. >"Very well."
  6664. "Where's Sunset?"
  6665. >"She's out training with the others." he simply states.
  6666. >You grimace as he leans over your shoulder as he looks at the little sketch of the magic-o-meter.
  6667. >"I assume you have to utilize a powerful compact energy source to power the device and its magic retention function?" he asks to your surprise. "Given the size, I assume you had to run a power node through a sensor package?"
  6668. "Well I tried doing that but it causes the sensor to give false-positiv- wait... how did you know that?"
  6669. >"I've had a lot of time on my hands to either be bored out of my mind or do something productive. Learning about new technologies and magic has always been a personal... hobby of mine."
  6670. >Sombra stares off into the distance, as if reliving a memory.
  6671. >"I remember when that past time used to bring nothing but ridicule and ostracization from my fellow witchers. They always thought the study of magic beyond what was needed for the job was a fool's errand. After all, you have to have the "potential" to be a mage."
  6672. >You suppose you know that feeling.
  6673. >No one at Crystal Prep besides Dean Cadance considered you anything else but the smart girl wasting her time with fairy tales and magic.
  6674. >"But enough about me, I hear from Grogar that you've been... slow with progress."
  6675. "Um..."
  6676. >"Do I have to remind you of the situation you and Sunset Shimmer are in?"
  6677. >You shake your head.
  6678. >Looking back at the blueprint in front of you, you squeeze your fists.
  6679. "I can't do it. I won't."
  6680. >"Excuse me?"
  6681. >You spin around in your chair and give Sombra a defiant glare.
  6682. "Even if you kill us, I'm not going to be a part of this! I won't build my device just so it'll result in the deaths of thousands of people!"
  6683. >Sombra keeps a neutral expression during your little outburst.
  6684. >"I expected as much."
  6685. >He pushes your chair back.
  6686. >"How noble though I wonder how strong your conviction towards that statement is."
  6687. >Turning around, Sombra's cape flows behind in a grandiose manner as he marches out of the lab.
  6688. >The door shuts close and you can hear a visible click as the lock engages.
  6689. >You can't help but worry at his comment.
  6690. >What does he have planned?
  6692. >Locking the chemistry lab up, you put the keys into your pocket and wheel a container behind you.
  6693. >Better hand these keys off to Luna or Celestia before you leave.
  6694. >Turning down the hall though, you accidentally bump into someone causing them to drop their books on the floor.
  6695. "Sorry about that." you apologize, helping pick up the fallen textbooks.
  6696. >"Anon?"
  6697. >You ahead and see Octavia kneeling down next to you.
  6698. "Octavia, sorry about that."
  6699. >"No it's my fault, I guess my mind was elsewhere." she says.
  6700. "How's Vinyl?"
  6701. >"She hasn't regained consciousness, but she's... recovering."
  6702. "Sorry."
  6703. >"It's... not your fault."
  6704. "It kind of is." you counter.
  6705. >The cellist glowers at you. Tears form in the corners of her eyes.
  6706. >"Actually, you're right. It very well is your fault!" she says jabbing her index finger in your chest. "Vinyl wouldn't be in this state if you hadn't called!"
  6707. >You don't blame her for being angry.
  6708. >Taking a deep breath, Octavia calms herself.
  6709. >"I apologize, that wasn't fair of me. I know you only would have called if it was important."
  6710. "..."
  6711. >"Hey!" a voice calls out from down the hall.
  6712. >You and Octavia turn and see one of the students who tried to pick a fight with you.
  6713. "The hell do you want?"
  6714. >"Anon who is this?"
  6715. "Some punk with misguided attempt to play hero."
  6716. >"This freak of nature bothering you Tavi?" the guy asks.
  6717. >Behind you, you can hear three sets of footsteps coming up.
  6718. >Here we go again...
  6719. >"No, we're fine."
  6720. >"Don't look like it. Said something about him being the reason Vinny's hurt didn't ya?"
  6721. >Octavia nervously glances at you.
  6722. >"It was just a misunderstanding."
  6723. >Without warning, you hear the crackling of electricity.
  6724. >"REEEEEEEEEEE!"
  6725. >The hair on your neck stands straight making you duck reflexively.
  6726. >An outstretched arm extends past your head holding a stun gun.
  6727. >Grabbing the arm, you flip a girl in questionable attire behind over your head and onto the ground.
  6728. >You take the stun gun from the girl's(?) hand you jab it into her chest and watch her scream in pain as her body seizes up.
  6729. >"GET HI-"
  6730. >Octavia interrupts the leader with a fist to the face, sending him crashing into the row of lockers behind him.
  6731. >Cutting off the power, you stand back up at glare at the last two goons who just take a step back.
  6732. "Are we going for a repeat of last time?" you ask the two.
  6733. >Unlike their two compatriots, the two turn tail and run down the halls of the school.
  6734. >The other two lay on the ground and groan, injured but alive.
  6735. >Dropping the weapon onto the floor, you crush it under the heel of your boot. Taking your container by the handle you wheel it off as Octavia follows behind.
  6736. >"I've seen those students around, they seemed to be loners, but I never thought they would just attack someone outright."
  6737. "This isn't the first time. A couple months ago they tried the same thing."
  6738. >"Why?"
  6739. >You shrug, "They seem to hold a grudge against me for Bulk Biceps death at Camp Everfree."
  6740. >"It makes sense I guess. That girl you flipped over your head was his cousin."
  6741. >Well that kind of explains the issue.
  6742. "Look, sorry about that and sorry about Vinyl."
  6743. >The girl sighs, "I accept your apology Anon. But I would prefer it if you kept Vinyl out of life-threatening situations from now on."
  6744. "You remember she's functionally immortal right?"
  6745. >"Anon. You know what I mean." she says teasingly, "Anyway what's in the box?"
  6746. "Stuff I need."
  6747. >"Is this about Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle?"
  6748. "Yeah." you answer as she stops in front of an open door.
  6749. >"This is my stop, but I wish you luck with that Anon."
  6750. "Thanks. Before you go, could you give these to either Principal Celestia or Vice-Principal Luna for me?"
  6751. >You hand her the chem lab keys.
  6752. >"Sure. I'll see you around?"
  6753. "Hopefully with Sunset and Twilight with me."
  6754. >Octavia smiles and takes the keys, before heading into her classroom.
  6755. >You continue out of the school and load up the truck.
  6757. >"Anon where the hay have you been?" Applejack asks as you exit the truck.
  6758. "Needed to grab some things from the school, as well as getting you off the hook for school." you say lowering the rear door.
  6759. >"Need some help?"
  6760. "I got it." you say sliding the plastic container out and onto the ground. "There's some extremely fragile things inside."
  6761. >"Are y'all implying I'm gonna break it?"
  6762. "I'd rather not take the chance. Things could get... explosive."
  6763. >Applejack crosses her arms, "Anon what the hay is in there?"
  6764. "Bombs, oils, potions."
  6765. >The cowgirl gives you a scrutinizing look.
  6766. "I wasn't going to take it into the house."
  6767. >She shifts on her heels. "Anon, what's going on?"
  6768. "I'm going after Sunset and Twilight, that's going to take me out of the country for a while."
  6769. >"Not alone ya ain't." she retorts.
  6770. "You're not going with me."
  6771. >"Hogwash, you think I'm gonna let ya just waltz all the way up there alone?"
  6772. "No, but you're still not going. What about school?"
  6773. >"Ah'll just go ta summer school." she answers back rather quickly."Anon, this ain't up for discussion."
  6774. >Applejack emphasizes her point by stomping her foot down. "We're going together whether you like it or not."
  6775. "..."
  6776. >She stares you down.
  6777. "Fine."
  6778. >"Good boy." she says with a victorious grin. "I'll get packing and we'll leave first thing in the mornin'."
  6779. >Sighing, you head into the house to make last minute preparations before tomorrow.
  6780. "By the way, have you heard anything from Pinkie?"
  6781. >"I dunno, but she texted me saying that what happened the other night gave her family a good excuse to have a family vacation."
  6782. "Seriously?"
  6783. >"This is Pinkie Pie we're talking 'bout here Sugarcube."
  6784. >Right, of course it is.
  6785. "What about Rainbow?"
  6786. >"She's upstairs snoring like a log. Girl was out like a light."
  6787. "Well we all went through a lot last night. I don't blame her."
  6788. >"To be honest, I feel like taking a nap too until dinner's ready. Care to join me?"
  6789. "After I get this stuff put away maybe."
  6790. >"Well then, don't keep me waiting."
  6792. >Later, you, Applejack and Rainbow Dash are watching the television after dinner.
  6793. >After the current program finishes, Applejack stretches and lets out a tired yawn.
  6794. >"Well ah think we should be headin' to bed." she says looking at you.
  6795. "Sure."
  6796. >"Aw really?" Rainbow whines. "It's like, nine 'o clock."
  6797. >"We got an early day tomorrow Dash."
  6798. >"Yeah, yeah. Just remember to give'em Tirek an ass-kicking for me Anon." she says propping her injured leg on the empty space you once occupied.
  6799. "Right."
  6800. >"You coming up?"
  6801. >"Eh maybe in a bit. Night guys."
  6802. >You hand the remote to Rainbow and follow AJ upstairs.
  6803. >Entering your room she wraps her arms around your upper body.
  6804. >"Rainbow's staying in my bed fer now, so ah guess we gotta bunk together."
  6805. "Guess we do." you reply closing the door behind you.
  6806. >She kisses you on the cheek and smiles.
  6807. >You kneel down by your travel bags in the corner and do a last minute check for tomorrow.
  6808. "You got everything ready?"
  6809. >"Eeyup. All the essentials. Though you never did tell me how we're going to Skellige."
  6810. "Private airline. The one I used to come to Canterlot in fact. They don't ask too many questions when it comes to luggage."
  6811. >"Must have been expensive."
  6812. "Not really, I usually have to "talk" to the right person." you say flexing your fingers in a particular shape.
  6813. >"Right. Of course you do." she says with a roll of her eyes. "Alarm set?"
  6814. >"Set for six in the morning."
  6815. >Tossing her hat onto the bed post the two of you undress before turning in.
  6816. >As AJ slips off her jeans, you can't help but appreciate those firm curves she has and gives them a squeeze.
  6817. >"Oh, frisky aren't we?" she asks with a cheshire grin.
  6818. >You return the smile as Applejack beckons you towards the bed.
  6819. >Sometimes you still find it hard to believe that Granny is okay with the two of you sleeping in the same room as each other, let alone sleeping together.
  6820. >Though Granny Smith is an odd woman suffice to say.
  6821. >Wrapping the covers over you two, AJ places a hand on your chest.
  6822. >"Anon? Something wrong?"
  6823. "Hmm? No. Nothi- Well, since this is our last night here..."
  6824. >"Ya wanna make the most of it?" she finishes.
  6825. >You suddenly feel a squeeze "down there".
  6826. "Read my mind."
  6827. >She rises above you and straddles your torso.
  6828. >"Well in that case Anon, I'm about to ride you so hard you might regret asking."
  6829. "Wouldn't have it any other way."
  6831. >The sound of a car horn outside wakes you from your slumber.
  6832. >Rubbing your eyes, you groan.
  6833. >Is it time to get up already? Why didn't the alarm go off?
  6834. >Ugh...
  6835. >Maybe you should have taken it a bit easier last night.
  6836. >"Anon, wake up. I know we had our fun but we gotta get moving."
  6837. >You turn to give Anon a morning kiss only to fall further on the bed.
  6838. >What?
  6839. >Sitting up on the bed, you see with your own eyes that Anon isn't lying next to you.
  6840. >In fact, he isn't even in the room. And all his bags are gone!
  6841. >You check the clock and realize it's been unplugged.
  6842. >The sound of a car driving off is heard as you check outside the window.
  6843. >A yellow cab is already driving down the road and towards the city.
  6844. >He didn't...
  6845. "ANON!"
  6846. >Leaping out of bed, you run out of the room and down the stairs only to see a snoring Rainbow Dash lying on the couch.
  6847. >"Rainbow! Wake up!" you yell.
  6848. >Grabbing your friend by the shoulders, you start shaking her until she wakes up.
  6849. >Groggily, she opens her eyes, "W-wah what? What's going on?"
  6850. "Where's Anon?!"
  6851. >"Applejack? You're still here?" she asks scratching her head, "What time is it?"
  6852. "Anon's gone!"
  6853. >"Really?"
  6854. >You give her an exasperated sigh.
  6855. "Yes really!"
  6856. >Letting out a frustrated groan out of the corner of your eye, you see your hat sitting on the coffee table with a note taped to it.
  6857. >Ripping the note off, you open it and read the message within.
  6858. >[Dear Applejack, I'm sorry. But I can't risk you getting hurt. I don't plan to die, but on the chance I don't come back I want you to know you've made me the happiest I've been in my life and for that I thank you.]
  6859. >You grip the sides of the note tightly as tears begin to well up in your eyes.
  6860. >[The next time we see each other, I'll have Sunset and Twilight with me. And maybe, if you're not too mad, I'll take you out for a night on the town.]
  6861. >The next few lines are scribbled out, like he was having trouble coming up with the words he wanted to say, but he finally settles on one.
  6862. >[I love you Applejack, and I always will.]
  6863. >[-Anonymous]
  6865. -----
  6867. >You crumple the note in your hand.
  6868. >That guy...
  6869. >Growling, you grab your hat and place it on your head.
  6870. >A quick trip upstairs and you're fully dressed along with the travel pack you were intending to use on this trip.
  6871. >"Yo Applejack what's gotten into you?" Rainbow asks getting up from her seat.
  6872. "Ah ain't letting Anon go that easily." you tell her.
  6873. >Taking the keys to Big Mac's truck, you head out the door with Rainbow following behind.
  6874. >"Hey, I'm coming with you." she says hobbling along.
  6875. "Fine, whatever. Anon's got a few minutes head start on us but-"
  6876. >"How many minutes?" Rainbow asks. "How much of a head start?"
  6877. "Maybe ten minutes give or take."
  6878. >"AJ let me drive. I can get us to the airport."
  6879. >You give her a quizzical look.
  6880. "What about your leg?"
  6881. >"Ugh, it's fine look!" she says taking the bandage off her cut.
  6882. >And miraculously the wound looks fully healed though there's a large scar leftover.
  6883. "What in tarnation?! How the hay-"
  6884. >"I know right? But there's more important stuff going on right now gimme the keys!"
  6885. >With some reservation, against your better judgement you toss the truck keys over to Rainbow and switch sides.
  6886. >Getting inside, Rainbow starts the vehicle.
  6887. >"LET'S DO THIS!"
  6888. >She revs the engine and the truck roars to life before she peels out of the garage.
  6889. "WHOA! RAINBOW SLOW DOWN!" you cry out as you're thrown about in the passenger seat.
  6890. >"Pfft not on your life cowgirl!" she says turning the first corner.
  6891. >Rainbow's going so fast you can feel yourself being forced further into your seat requiring you to hold onto the arm hold on the roof.
  6892. >Frantically, you buckle your seat belt as Rainbow drives onto the nearest freeway exit.
  6894. >Your friend licks her lips and chuckles to herself as she focuses entirely on the road ahead of you as your vehicle merges onto the off ramp and onto the highway.
  6895. >Cars zoom by as Rainbow zips in between lanes, narrowly avoiding crashing into other motorists.
  6896. >Sweet heavens this was a mistake...
  6898. >"Don't focus on what I'm doing, see if you can find that cab Anon took!"
  6899. >Easier said than done. You two end up passing cars by so fast you have no idea if you've already done so or not.
  6900. >"Actually, wait. You two were gonna take a private jet or something right?"
  6901. "R-righ- CAR!"
  6902. >The truck switches lanes at the last second.
  6903. >"Then that means Anon might be going to a private airfield rather than the airport!"
  6904. >...
  6905. >That actually makes sense.
  6906. >Anon wouldn't have to worry about security or waiting on other planes.
  6907. >Ignoring the fact that Rainbow Dash of all people is right about something, you look at the dashboard clock and see you two have thirty minutes before Anon has to board his flight.
  6908. "Then we ain't got time to lose Dash! I'll look up directions on the nearest one you just keep driving!"
  6909. >Pulling out your phone you do a quick search on the nearest airfield.
  6910. >Just then an idea occurs to you.
  6912. "Keep the change."
  6913. >You hand the cab driver his fare and step away from the vehicle with your suitcase in hand.
  6914. >"Have a good day." the man replies back with a tip of his hat.
  6915. >As the taxi drives off you can't help but sigh.
  6916. >Couldn't have parked a little closer?
  6917. >Checking your pass, you begin your trek through the parking lot, you avoid cars driving by to enter or exit.
  6918. >Gotta get to Hangar 9, where the plane that makes round trips to Skellige is.
  6919. >Coming closer to the airfield proper, you can't help but feel there's a nagging feeling in the back of your mind that you can't shake.
  6920. >You easily recognize that its feelings of guilt for leaving Applejack like that. There's no denying that it was a shitty thing to do.
  6921. >But you can't disregard her safety and the fact that you may not be able to protect her.
  6922. >Grabbing your bag, you head towards the airfield entrance when a pedestrian accidentally runs her cart into your own luggage and sending bags all over the floor.
  6923. >"I'm so sorry." the lady apologizes.
  6924. "It's fine." you reply, kneeling down and helping her.
  6925. >After taking longer than one would have liked, all the scattered bags is loaded back onto the cart where the woman thanks you before heading on her way.
  6926. >Suddenly you hear tires screeching at the entrance.
  6927. >Turning around to see the commotion, you see a very familiar rusty red truck pulled up on the curb for loading and unloading.
  6928. >Inside, Applejack is there scanning through the window when her eyes finally land on you. She shouts an expletive that causes Rainbow and a few nearby people to cringe.
  6929. >Oh fuck.
  6930. >There aren't many things that can scare a witcher...
  6931. "Keep the change."
  6932. >You hand the cab driver his fare and step away from the vehicle with your suitcase in hand.
  6933. >"Have a good day." the man replies back with a tip of his hat.
  6934. >As the taxi drives off you can't help but sigh.
  6935. >Couldn't have parked a little closer?
  6936. >Checking your pass, you begin your trek through the parking lot, you avoid cars driving by to enter or exit.
  6937. >Gotta get to Hangar 9, where the plane that makes round trips to Skellige is.
  6938. >Coming closer to the airfield proper, you can't help but feel there's a nagging feeling in the back of your mind that you can't shake.
  6939. >You easily recognize that its feelings of guilt for leaving Applejack like that. There's no denying that it was a shitty thing to do.
  6940. >But you can't disregard her safety and the fact that you may not be able to protect her.
  6941. >Grabbing your bag, you head towards the airfield entrance when a pedestrian accidentally runs her cart into your own luggage and sending bags all over the floor.
  6942. >"I'm so sorry." the lady apologizes.
  6943. "It's fine." you reply, kneeling down and helping her.
  6944. >After taking longer than one would have liked, all the scattered bags is loaded back onto the cart where the woman thanks you before heading on her way.
  6945. >Suddenly you hear tires screeching at the entrance.
  6946. >Turning around to see the commotion, you see a very familiar rusty red truck pulled up on the curb for loading and unloading.
  6947. >Inside, Applejack is there scanning through the window when her eyes land on you. She shouts an expletive that causes Rainbow and a few nearby people to cringe.
  6948. >Oh fuck.
  6949. >There aren't many things that can scare a witcher...
  6950. >But it's a good bet that a woman scorned is probably one of them.
  6951. >The angry cowgirl gets out of the truck and pulls out a travel bag and a... lasso?
  6952. >"ANONYMOUS!" she yells out at the top of her lungs before running after you.
  6953. >Fuckfuckfuck!
  6954. >You turn tail and run through the front gate, dodging the few commuters between you and the private hangar where your flight lies.
  6957. >You twirl your lasso above your head as you give chase.
  6958. >Running as fast as your legs can take you, you use all your energy in an attempt to catch up to your soon-to-be-dead boyfriend.
  6959. >Rainbow suddenly calls your name out.
  6960. >She jogs up right besides you despite the headstart you had.
  6961. "Rainbow we gotta cut him off."
  6962. >"Don't worry I'll get him."
  6963. >Your athletic friend easily speeds up without even looking like she's breaking a sweat.
  6964. >"OUTTA THE WAY!" she shouts out.
  6965. >Guess you're glad you brought Rainbow Dash with along after all.
  6966. >Though you can't help but notice that she's catching up with Anon really quickly...
  6967. >Like, really quickly...
  6968. >You knew Dash was quick but this is almost a completely different level since the distance between her and Anon shrinks incredibly fast.
  6969. >Without warning Rainbow dives and tackles Anon sending them both sliding on the tarmac.
  6970. >Ow...
  6971. >That's gonna leave a bit of a mark.
  6972. >Catching up to them, you slow down and take a deep breath as you tie Anon up while Rainbow holds his limbs.
  6973. "Get off!" he yells, trying to shake you both off like a broncin' buck.
  6974. >"No way!" she shouts back as you finish the knot on his legs.
  6975. >Finished, you let Anon tire himself out like a rampaging bull.
  6976. >When he finally stops struggling, you walk around until your shadow eclipses Anon.
  6977. "Thanks Rainbow." you say, making Anonymous freeze.
  6978. >The witcher just grumbles as you untie his legs and wrists.
  6979. >"No problem Jackie." she says giving you a thumbs-up. "Feels good to be on top for once."
  6980. >Kneeling besides Anon you give him a stern glare.
  6981. "Anon, ah don't even have the words to express how cross ah am with you."
  6982. >He doesn't say anything as he just stares ahead.
  6983. "Rainbow get off him."
  6984. >She dismounts and stands to the side as you help the man up.
  6985. "Applejack I-"
  6986. >You interrupt him with a slap to the face.
  6987. "Yer such an idiot you know that?!" you scream.
  6988. >As he recoils from the strike you can feel the waterworks starting up again as your vision starts getting blurry.
  6989. "Sunset and Twi are my friends too! You think ah'm just going to sit back like nothings wrong when my boyfriend and two of my best friends are half a continent away risking their lives doing who knows what?"
  6990. >"Look, I care immensely for you-" he begins.
  6991. "Well the feelings mutual sugarcube."
  6992. >"Where we'd be going there's no guarantee that we'll get out alive..."
  6993. >He sighs, "Applejack, how old are you?"
  6994. "What does that got to do with anything?"
  6995. >"You still have a bright future ahead of you along with loving friends and family. Think about Granny Smith, your brother and sister."
  6996. >His reasoning gives you some pause.
  6997. >You honestly didn't think about that...
  6998. >"AJ, I'll handle this alone. You just live your life."
  6999. "..."
  7000. >"AJ?"
  7001. "Anon, that is the largest load of bull if ah've ever heard."
  7002. >"Even if ah do there's that whole Conjunctivitis of the Spheres mess."
  7003. >"Conjunction of Spheres..." he corrects.
  7004. "Whatever! Conjunction, Conjugating." you say, "The point is, whether ah go or don't go, if that thing happens, all our lives are going to be in danger. Besides, Twi and Sunset ain't the only ones who can use magic."
  7005. >"From what I've seen, none of you have full control over your powers. Our opponents don't have that problem."
  7006. >"Anon, it's the best chance we've got." Rainbow Dash says.
  7007. >Your boyfriend mutters something to himself as an airplane flies overhead.
  7008. >"You really are hard headed you know that?"
  7009. >You smile as he opens his arm for an embrace that you wholeheartedly dive for.
  7010. >"I'm not going to be able to stop you am I?"
  7011. "No, you're most definitely not." you whisper into his ear.
  7013. >Begrudgingly, you make your way to the Hangar with Applejack and Rainbow Dash behind you.
  7014. >As you get closer though, you notice a sign on the front door.
  7015. >[Out of the Office will be back at: 8:30]
  7016. >You look at your watch.
  7017. >It's only five after seven.
  7018. >Seriously?
  7019. "Well it looks like destiny wanted you to catch up with me one way or the other it seems."
  7020. >"Seems like it."
  7021. >"Since the guys not here, I'm gonna park the truck before I get a ticket." Rainbow Dash says running back towards the entrance.
  7023. >Thirty minutes later...
  7024. >You lay your head back against the wall with Aj tucked under your arm leaning against you.
  7025. >Despite her light snoring, Applejack holds onto you tight to make sure you don't go anywhere.
  7026. >Rainbow Dash is doing some stretches to pass the time.
  7027. >Staring at her leg, you decide to ask something that's been bothering you since they first got here.
  7028. "Dash, how is your leg already healed?"
  7029. >"I dunno."
  7030. >That explains it.
  7031. "What do you mean "you don't know"?"
  7032. >She shrugs, "When I woke up this morning it was already healed."
  7033. "You didn't eat or take anything strange did you?"
  7034. >"Only thing I had after running over Scorpan was the same lunch and dinner you all had."
  7035. >Strange.
  7036. >Must be some sort of magic at work then. It makes the girls more durable when they pony up, no reason not to believe it'll accelerate their healing factor.
  7037. >"Though are you sure nothing's wrong with you?" she asks.
  7038. "With me?"
  7039. >"Yeah, you were running kind of slow back there."
  7040. "Slow?"
  7041. >You were running as fast as you could. Even with your suitcase and travel pack that shouldn't have slowed you down too much.
  7042. "Dash I was running at a similar pace I always do. Maybe you just got faster."
  7043. >"Well, considering how awesome I am, I guess that might be the case."
  7044. >The conversation quickly fizzles out after that so you go to thinking about what's going to happen when you get to the Keep.
  7045. >Tirek, Grogar and Master Sombra are all going to be present. That's a given.
  7046. >But what other obstacles are you going to face?
  7047. >You know because it's the tail end of winter, a few of the other witchers should still be present but how many will stand by Sombra?
  7048. >There's a chance you could convince a few, but the chances of that are pretty slim. Many of the older witchers have a staunch loyalty.
  7049. >And there's no doubt Tirek's already spread word of your opposition.
  7050. >You might have to kill individuals you've known for years.
  7051. >...
  7052. >Well that's why you went to the chemistry lab before you left.
  7053. >You've done what you can and hopefully it'll be enough.
  7054. >"Hey what are we sitting around here for?" a voice calls from behind.
  7055. >You, and Rainbow Dash turn to see Octavia pushing a wheelchair bound mummy with electric blue hair and dressed in Vinyl Scratch's clothes.
  7056. "Vinyl? Is that you?"
  7057. >"Yeah, I know." she says with an annoyed tone. "Still having a little trouble walking but I got the perfect nurse."
  7058. "You look... like a mummy."
  7059. >"Tell me about it... it should only be for another couple hours or so but I swear, if any of you makes a rap music pun..."
  7060. >Octavia rolls her eyes and shakes her head with a smile.
  7061. "What are you two doing here?"
  7062. >"I called them." Applejack explains without opening her eyes. "And him."
  7063. >She points towards a man with a large duffle bag over his shoulder walking up from the gate.
  7064. >"Anon." Shining Armor greets you curtly.
  7065. >Applejack grabs your arm, "Anon, we're gonna need as much help as we can get on short notice."
  7066. "This isn't a vacation."
  7067. >"Witcher, we aren't treating it like one." Shining says. "I'd think a portal linking our world so monsters can invade is more than just a witcher issue."
  7068. "So... what? An ostracized witcher, his cowgirl girlfriend, a witcher-in-training, a mummified paraplegic vampire, a werewolf, and a cop are all going to stop a potential apocalypse-like scenario?"
  7069. >"Looks like it." Rainbow says crossing her arms.
  7070. >"Well, when he says it like that..." Octavia mutters.
  7071. >Vinyl shakes her head, "Love you too man."
  7072. >Covering your face and slowly dragging it down, you groan.
  7073. "We're so dead..."
  7075. -----
  7077. >An alarm goes off waking you from your restless slumber.
  7078. >The lights in your room immediately turn on and the door swings open again.
  7079. >"Drills will begin in thirty minutes." the PA system announces.
  7080. >After classes yesterday, you crashed onto your cot almost as soon as you entered your "room".
  7081. >You were exhausted both physically and mentally from just that one day.
  7082. >And to think, you're expected to do this for a couple years.
  7083. >Just got to play along Sunset... at least until you find a way out of here.
  7084. >Who knows? You might make a few friends along the way.
  7085. >"Hey Sunset, hurry up you slowpoke." Vapor Trail says hanging outside of the door.
  7086. "Right, right..."
  7087. >You let out a long yawn as you scratch your side. Groggily, you get out of bed and put on a new uniform before following the other trainees out onto the field.
  7088. >Unsurprisingly, the drills begin with the same routine from yesterday.
  7089. >100 push-ups, jumping jacks, sit ups, deep squats, knee bends, leg lifts followed by a five mile jog through the mountain pass.
  7090. >Though there is one thing different than before, instead of heading towards the building with the classroom, you enter an open field with a large structure in the center.
  7091. >The Gauntlet stands tall with its pendulum swaying slightly in the gentle breeze.
  7092. >Unlike the one Anon used though, this version is much older looking; the entire training device is covered with dents and scratches as well as aged splintered wood that's been patched up with metal braces.
  7093. >"Alright trainees, listen up." Instructor Gaston calls to attention, "Form lines for your weekly performance review."
  7094. >Nineteen bodies quickly form into two lines, with you just sort of standing there like a moron.
  7095. >"Psst. Sunset!" Vapor Trail whispers to you.
  7096. >She subtly waves her hand at her waist to beckon you over behind her.
  7097. >Running over to the space between her and Sky Stinger you two stand at attention.
  7098. >"Last weeks record was four minutes and fifty three seconds set by Sky Stinger. I hope at least *some* of you runts can beat that."
  7099. >Sky puffs out his chest slightly with a pleased expression on his face.
  7100. >That's less than Rainbow Dash's record back home.
  7101. >Heck, that's less than yours on Anon's Gauntlet.
  7102. >"Good job Sky, I don't think anyone's gonna beat that." Vapor whispers back. "Sunset, you probably don't know but that's a pretty good time."
  7103. >You hold your tongue.
  7104. "Pretty... um... cool?"
  7105. >"Yeah, well I am great so it shouldn't be a surprise."
  7106. >Don't let that get to your head Sky...
  7107. >Gaston pulls out a clipboard and a stopwatch, "Alright Trainee Five, since you set the record, you have the honor of trying to set the new one."
  7108. >"Yes sir."
  7109. >Sky Stinger jogs up to the Gauntlet and grabs a wooden longsword. Climbing the platform, he gets into position with a look of smug determination.
  7110. >"Ready?" Gaston asks as the pendulum is lifted to one side.
  7111. >"Yes sir!" he answers.
  7112. >"Release!"
  7113. >An assistant pulls a lever and the pendulum begins its swing.
  7114. >Avoiding the first pass, Sky taps it once with his sword and moves to the other side of the log platforms.
  7115. >The Gauntlet makes its second pass followed by another series of strikes.
  7116. >He's good, but it's nothing compared to Anon.
  7117. >Then again, none of these other students have the same skill or mutations that he has.
  7118. >You do notice however that he seems to be doing the exercise at a slower pace than what Anon has set for you and Rainbow Dash. Only one, maybe two, sword attacks before moving on to the next pass.
  7119. "Hey, Vapor?"
  7120. >"Yeah Sunset?"
  7121. "Why are the times so short? Don't you guys go faster?"
  7122. >Vapor nods, "Well we can, we go as long as we aren't knocked off or make a huge mistake in form. Sky may make it look easy, but the Gauntlet is anything but."
  7123. >Makes sense you suppose.
  7124. >But by going as slow as he is, it just means Sky and the other's play the exercise as conservative as possible.
  7125. >From the looks on Gaston's face, he isn't at all impressed by the display.
  7126. >And you would imagine Anon wouldn't be either.
  7127. >Witcher based swordsmanship requires one to be extremely agile. At the pace Sky Stinger is going at however, something like the a vampire, Leshen or Iron Will would have torn him apart by now.
  7128. >Eventually Sky's blade is accidentally knocked from his hand when it collides with the swinging log.
  7129. >His attempt at grabbing it results in him falling off the platform onto the hard dirt.
  7130. >"Oof!"
  7131. >"Five minutes, thirty-two seconds. New record." Gaston says in the dullest tone possible. "Next."
  7132. >One after another, other trainees proceed to take on the witcher training device.
  7133. >And one by one, trainees are knocked down or told to get off by the Instructor.
  7134. >Rubbing his chin, Gaston looks down at the list as Vapor Trail ends her turn by falling off the Gauntlet.
  7135. >"Trainee Seven, you ready to try your luck?"
  7136. "Uh... yes sir?" you answer.
  7137. >"Just take it slow Sunset." Vapor whispers walks by you.
  7138. >You run up to the wood structure and take the training sword off the ground.
  7139. >Looks like the steps are similarly spaced so it shouldn't be too different.
  7140. >Getting up, you nervously gulp.
  7141. >"Ready?"
  7142. >You get into your stance and nod your head.
  7143. >"Release!"
  7144. >Closing your eyes, you feel for the shift in the air.
  7145. >The pendulum makes for the first pass and your instincts kick in.
  7146. >Your eyes shoot open and swing your sword, striking the side of the pendulum. You pirouette and flourish your sword while keeping your feet on the wood posts at all time.
  7147. >Every movement, every strike, you remember reflexively from your training back in Canterlot.
  7148. >You keep your breathing controlled at each attack, utilizing the footwork that Anon taught you.
  7149. >Attack. Parry. Riposte. Move. Attack. Retreat. Block.
  7150. >Each well-practiced swing and each step become more frequent as you increase the pace until...
  7151. >"Stop." Gaston calls from the floor.
  7152. >Finishing your last sword strike, your left sweating and panting.
  7153. >Looking at your spectators, you freeze.
  7154. >Everyone is looking at you in a mix of awe, amazement and disbelief.
  7155. >The instructor’s expression shows a hint of genuine surprise before he marks you down.
  7156. >"Nine minutes and forty-six seconds." Gaston says. "We have a new record."
  7157. >Oh geeze…
  7158. >You may have gotten a little too into the routine...
  7159. >You get off the training platform and set the training sword down.
  7160. >"Well, looks like someone understands the point of this training." he says as you sheepishly walk back to your place in line. "The rest of you could learn something from Seven."
  7161. >Now you know how Fluttershy must feel when all the attention is on her.
  7162. >Sky Stinger grits his teeth and refuses to look in your direction and even Vapor Trail looks perturbed.
  7163. >"Alright, because our new friend here just made you all look like complete shits, here's what I'm going to do. Instead of hitting the books, the rest of that time will be spent on the Gauntlet."
  7164. >A collective grumbling from everyone around you is heard and you immediately try to be as small as possible.
  7165. >Suddenly that awe and amazement quickly turns into anger and annoyance.
  7166. >"You however Seven, you get the honor of showing these runts how its done until they get. It. Right."
  7167. >You give a sheepish smile as every other recruit glares at you.
  7169. >"Alright, everyone's stuff put away tight?" the pilot asks as he goes through the cabin one last time.
  7170. >Looking back, Shining Armor sits by himself near the rear of the plane while Octavia lets Vinyl lean on her shoulder just in front of him.
  7171. >Rainbow Dash is getting antsy in her chair judging by all the shifting.
  7172. >His co-pilot finishes strapping in the bags to the overhead compartments gives him a thumbs up.
  7173. >"Okay, well. We'll be arriving in Skellige in a few hours, gonna have to make stop or two for fuel but we'll get there. Try not to move about the cabin, unlike one of those big fancy airlines, these C-2's don't carry as many luxuries *they* do. And if we do, they probably don't work."
  7174. >The man mumbles to himself and it causes Applejack to shift into her seat uneasily.
  7175. >"Uh... Anon? Is this safe?"
  7176. "Having second thoughts?" you ask buckling your harness. "I'm not too opposed to that you know."
  7177. >"Ah'v never been a huge fan of flying, always thought if we were meant to fly we would already have wings y'know; that and our pilot just seems a bit... off."
  7178. "Yeah well, there's a reason this trip is only a grand for all of us."
  7179. >She looks down in her seat and shifts left to right making a metal clinking noise, "And these seats too... don't tell me that these little rails are all that's all that's keeping us attached to he plane?"
  7180. >You look at the metal brackets and look at her in the most deadpan manner you can muster.
  7181. "Okay, I won't tell you that that's all that's keeping you attached to the plane."
  7182. >Beads of sweat start to form on her forehead.
  7183. >"This pilot fella, he's seems to be talking to himself quite a bit." she says leaning over, "Is... is he drinking from a flask?!"
  7184. "Yeah, I noticed that too."
  7185. >She sinks back into her seat and nervously looks about the plane.
  7186. "If you want to get off now, now's a good time."
  7187. >Before she can answer, the co-pilot shuts the cargo door.
  7188. "Nevermind."
  7189. >"Now I'm sure you remember all the safety mumbo jumbo those overpriced hacks give you before each flight. Well I won't bore you with that shit because we ain't got none o' that." he says.
  7190. >Applejacks eyes shrink to pinpricks.
  7191. >"If'n our plane just so happens to go down over the water, just to put your minds at ease, your seats do *not* qualify as flotation devices. Any questions?"
  7192. >Octavia raises her hand.
  7193. >"Um sir, since this flight is around eight or so hours, is there a lavatory on this plane?"
  7194. >The man nods his head, "Yeah, see that curtain behind you?"
  7195. >Everyone looks back just across Shining Armor who opens the curtain.
  7196. >"There's just a bucket and a roll of toilet paper." he says.
  7197. >The pilot sniffs, "Well that's all we got. Now let's get this gravy train rollin'!"
  7198. >Satisfied there are no more questions, the pilot heads into the cockpit with his co-pilot as Shining gets out of his seat and moves to the vacant one next to Rainbow Dash.
  7199. >Sitting in your chair you rub your wrists, they're still a bit chaffed from the lasso.
  7200. >AJ sure knows how to tie those things tight...
  7201. >Part of you doesn't want to admit that you were taken down and tied up by two young girls.
  7202. >But then again, these aren't ordinary girls.
  7203. >Aj has demonstrated enhanced strength due to the innate magic within her, Rarity made some sort of barrier if you remeber correctly, Sunset seems to have empathetic visions, and Twilight...
  7204. >You'd rather not think about Twilight's powers right now.
  7205. >But regardless, it seems Rainbow might have also started getting her own unique powers.
  7206. >Her injured leg from the other night seems to have healed completely. Not only that but she somehow managed to run you down without any aid.
  7207. >Granted you were weighed down a bit, but not enough that she should have caught up with as fast as she did while you were running.
  7208. >Maybe her magical ability involves speed? It would explain the faster healing rate and swiftness.
  7209. >You suppose in the grand scheme of things, you probably shouldn't be surprised.
  7210. >Applejack was the strongest among the girls physically and her power only made her stronger, so you suppose Rainbow Dash would only develop powers that makes her faster.
  7211. >Suddenly a thought occurs to you: If Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow and Sunset all have gotten powers over time, then what about the others?
  7212. >If you follow the pattern, Fluttershy's probably involves animals, and Pinkie...
  7213. >...
  7214. >You honestly have no idea what Pinkie Pie's unique power would be. Maybe enhancing her mysterious gypsy magic?
  7215. >That right there is a scary thought.
  7216. >But seriously, the fact all seven girls are getting unique magical abilities...
  7217. >You worry about them. If they are in fact Sources coming into their powers, you dread the thought of what could happen.
  7218. >The history books at the Keep mention Sources being sent to special schools like the old Aretuza academy to control their talents, otherwise those same talents could drive them crazy.
  7219. >An image of Sunset, Aj, and the others losing their minds with you unable to do anything gives you a sense of dread.
  7220. >Leaning back in your chair, you adjust the humming medallion hanging from your neck.
  7221. >The vibrations coming from it are growing with intensity.
  7223. >As the plane is wheeled out of the hangar, you momentarily contemplate on your decision of letting Rainbow and Applejack.
  7224. >Not that it does you any good, it's too late to back out now.
  7225. >The entire interior of the plane starts to rattle as the engine and propellers start up.
  7226. >Glancing to the side, Applejack is gripping her seat's armrests tightly.
  7227. >"Anon... this is a bit embarrassing but..."
  7228. >She holds out her hand.
  7229. "Sure A-"
  7230. >You move to hold it when you notice the front of her armrest is crushed like a tin can.
  7231. >Yep, she's definitely getting stronger.
  7232. >The girl follows your gaze and looks just as shocked as you.
  7233. >Applejack gives a nervous chuckle, "Guess uh... ah don't know my own strength hehe..."
  7234. "Clearly. We'll figure it out when we land. Just... be careful."
  7235. >Applejack nods her head.
  7236. >You two clasp your hands as the plane begins its set up on the runway.
  7237. "Hey, we'll be fine." you say trying to ease her mind.
  7238. >"Hopefully the duct tape holds." you overhear the pilot say to his partner.
  7239. >"Wait... what did he just say?!"
  7240. "He's just joking."
  7241. >You really hope he's joking.
  7243. -----
  7245. >Entering the...
  7246. >Well you guess you could call it a dorm; you sit on your bed as the door shuts behind.
  7247. >Both your mind and body are exhausted and sore. Even that thing Sombra and Grogar put into the back of your neck is starting to throb and the timezone difference is doing little to alieviate that.
  7248. >You sigh.
  7249. >No one appreciated the little demonstration of your skills today.
  7250. >Nor the fact that despite trying to reign it in, the same thing happened during the sign training albeit unintentionally.
  7251. >You clearly remember everyone's reactions when Gaston realized you were purposly holding back and announced that fact to everyone else.
  7252. >Combined with yesterday's classroom outburst on the leshen, you may have accidentally elevated yourself as the "teacher's favorite" at the expense of everyone else.
  7253. >Your mind momentarily drifts towards the fact that the old you would have been perfectly fine with that doesn't really help your state of mind.
  7254. >You're a different person now.
  7255. >During fencing training, you're pretty sure everyone was either deliberatly trying to avoid you, or intentionally trying to injure you. You've got the bruises and welts to show for it.
  7256. >Because of that you're kind of thankful that the firearms exercise was mostly a solo exercise.
  7257. >Groaning, you fall back onto the cot and stare at the ceiling.
  7258. >So now you're alone, tired, and everyone but the Instructor hates you.
  7259. >Even Vapor is starting to act a little distant from you.
  7260. >This witcher thing is really starting to lose its appeal real fast. You're starting to understand why Anon hates his childhood.
  7261. >But at least you know how to fieldstrip a weapon so that's a plus right?
  7262. >...
  7263. >Grabbing your pillow, you place it over your face and scream.
  7264. >Once you're done, there's a knock at your door.
  7265. "Come in." you say from underneath your pillow.
  7266. >The door slides open and the sound of heavy bootsteps clank on the floor.
  7267. >"Trainee number seven." a gruff voice speaks up.
  7268. >You sit up immediately to see Gaston standing over you.
  7269. "Can I help you?" you ask.
  7270. >He raises an eyebrow expectantly.
  7271. "... sir?"
  7272. >"Remember your place *recruit*." he answers, stepping aside.
  7273. >Sombra steps into your room with a bored expression.
  7274. >"It seems someone has a bit more skill that what I've been told." he says to you. "Gaston has reported that you made a mockery of the other recruits in the various training exercises."
  7275. "..."
  7276. >He stares you down and cracks a small grin.
  7277. >"A shame I did not find you sooner Miss Shimmer."
  7278. "And why's that." you spit out with disdain.
  7279. >"The performance of this particular group has been... lacking; but thanks to you, and by extension Witcher Anonymous, we now have an adequate bar to set for the others. Thanks to you, I've decided to accelerate the program."
  7280. >Oh Tartarus...
  7281. >"But we'll worry about that in the coming days. The real reason I'm here is because of your friend Twilight Sparkle."
  7282. >Gaston hands him a tablet which he inspects before showing it to you.
  7283. >"What do you see here?" he asks.
  7284. >On the screen you can see Twilight pacing about a workshop inspecting the walls seemingly trying to find a way out.
  7285. >But despite what you see, you don't answer Sombra.
  7286. >He frowns, "This is a live-feed of Miss Sparkle. As you can see the progress she's making is virtually non-existent."
  7287. "Why are you showing me this?"
  7288. >"Gaston is it connected?"
  7289. >"Yes sir."
  7290. >You follow Sombra's eyes to the small camera in the corner of the room.
  7291. >"Miss Twilight Sparkle, I see you're spending my valuable time wisely."
  7292. >Twilight reacts on the video.
  7293. >"Who said that?" she says.
  7294. >"Towards the primary monitor."
  7295. >Twilight turns her head at a computer monitor which shows a feed of you three in your room.
  7296. >"Sunset!"
  7297. "Twilight! Are you okay?!"
  7298. >"I'm fine but what are you wear-"
  7299. >Sombra interrupts Twilight, "Miss Sparkle, how much progress have you made today regarding your invention?"
  7300. >"..."
  7301. >"You must realize that ignoring my orders is not in your best interest correct?"
  7302. >"I'm not helping you bring about a Conjunction!"
  7303. >"Miss Sparkle, your choices do have consequences." he says pulling out a small remote.
  7304. >What is that?
  7305. >Your instincts scream at you to stay away from the device.
  7307. >You watch anxiously as Sombra faces the camera with Sunset Shimmer behind him.
  7308. >"This remote controls the small disk attached to the base of both your's and Sunset Shimmer's skull." he says. "Grogar created these based on early manuscripts detailing golem creation discovered in an underground library in Loc Muinne."
  7309. >A pit forms in your stomach as your hands shoot towards the implant.
  7310. >Pressing the button, you hear a buzzing before Sunset suddenly lets out an almost inhuman scream.
  7311. >"AGUUAHAHA!"
  7312. "SUNSET!"
  7313. >You watch in horror as she falls off onto the floor making rapid convulsions.
  7314. >Sombra looms over her with a bored expression, "I admit this method of getting your compliance is a bit... barbaric."
  7315. "STOP IT!" you yell, gripping the monitor.
  7316. >You helplessly watch as Sombra tortures Sunset to get your cooperation.
  7317. >Tears form in Sunset's eyes as she futily attempts to fight through the pain to grab the implant only to be hit with another jolt that makes her arms seize up.
  7318. >"It will stop when you start doing the task I set you on." Sombra states in a threatening manner. "And just be aware, the longer this goes on the higher the risk Sunset here has of dying or at least become paralyzed."
  7319. >Your mouth opens and closes, unsure of what to say.
  7320. >You can't risk a Conjunction of Spheres bringing back monsters to this world, but you don't want your best friend to die.
  7321. >Sombra does not hesitate to press another button, making Sunset scream again.
  7322. >The w-world is bigger than you and her.
  7323. >Needs of the many over the few?
  7324. >"Well?"
  7325. "I... I..."
  7326. >Sunset tries to struggle against the electric current.
  7327. >"T-Twi-Twi-GUAHAAA-Twilight d-d-don-AAHHAAAAAH!"
  7328. >No...
  7329. >That much electricity being put into her system...
  7330. >Stop it!
  7331. "STOP!"
  7332. >The buzzing stops, and Sunset's body slumps onto the floor as the current ceases. Her breathing completely ragged and raspy.
  7333. >Sombra looks into the camera with an expectant eye.
  7334. "I'll... I'll work on it..." you say with resignation.
  7335. >"Very good. I'll expect results soon."
  7336. >The man makes a gesture and the feed cuts out leaving you staring at your reflection on the powered down screen.
  7337. >You feel yourself shaking. All stemming from the fact that Sunset's only getting hurt because of you and you're powerless to put a stop to it without giving into Sombra.
  7338. >Anger and frustration quickly reach their boiling point.
  7339. >Lashing out, you grab the monitor and toss is across the room smashing it against the wall.
  7340. >Anger at Sombra, anger at Tirek, anger at your situation!
  7341. >[Twilight, you can't let him do this to you.]
  7342. >No you can't. Sombra needs to be stopped.
  7343. >[These witchers are like a cancer. You know this deep down, all they've caused you and your family is pain and suffering.]
  7344. >Your head starts to throb.
  7345. >[But there is a way to put a stop to all of this.]
  7346. >...
  7347. >How?
  7348. >[Just play along for now, build Sombra's trinket; but when opportunity arrives, that is when you strike.]
  7349. >But how will you know when the right time is?
  7350. >Suddenly there's a feeling of a presence hovering over your shoulder.
  7351. >"Oh you'll know." a voice whispers into your ear.
  7352. >You spin around to see who it is, only... there's no one there.
  7353. >Were... were you conversing with someone?
  7354. "Hello? Is someone there?"
  7355. >The silence that follows only points to the contrary.
  7356. "..."
  7357. >Now a bit paranoid, though you really shouldn’t since Sombra is obviously monitoring your every action, you head back to the workbench while ignoring the heap of broken electronics laying on the floor.
  7358. >You pick up a pencil on the desk when a sudden pang in your head makes you recoil. When you open your eyes, you swear your vision becomes blue-tinted for a brief second before returning to normal.
  7359. >Shaking your head, you take the pencil in your hand and start drawing out a crude blueprint for a magic-o-meter. Not quite detailed for anyone to figure out how it works completely just from looking at it, but it should make it look like you’re making progress.
  7360. >Sombra’s going to regret hurting your friend.
  7361. >He’s going to regret everything...
  7363. >That hurts... Oh Celestia that hurts so bad... the electric current stopped but it still feels like your entire body is on fire.
  7364. >As you lay on the ground, Sombra puts the remote into his coat pocket.
  7365. >"Hopefully that will provide the required push to get things going."
  7366. >Are you sure this is wise?"
  7367. >"Maybe not, but it needs to be done. Gaston, I want the recruits ready within the week." he orders walking out the door. "And send for Grogar, he and I need to discuss something."
  7368. >"Yes Headmaster." Gaston answers following him out.
  7369. >"Oh, and one more thing.”
  7370. >“Sir?”
  7371. >”We’re going to have to discuss the effectiveness of your training methods." he states coldly.
  7372. >”Master Sombra, my trai-”
  7373. >”It is quite evident that it is *not* to my standards. Witcher Anonymous trained this girl in roughly the same time frame as you, with less resources but clearly superior results. Your attempt to prove the Griffon school’s worth is seriously lacking.”
  7374. >Gaston says nothing, but the way his face contorts slightly.
  7375. >”We will talk your failures later. For now, get someone to take Sunset Shimmer to the medical wing.” is the last thing Sombra says before the door closes behind the two men.
  7376. >Painfully, you try to get up by propping your arms on the bed and dragging yourself up. Unfortunately, you stumble and fall flat onto the floor.
  7377. >Minutes later, the door swings open again.
  7378. >Sky Stinger and Vapor Trail walk inside only to pause when they see the sorry state you're in.
  7379. >"The hell happened to you?" Sky asks.
  7380. "Ugh... something I really don't want to think about." you answer, "What are you doing?"
  7381. >"Instructor Gaston ordered us to bring you to the medical wing." Vapor answers.
  7382. >The two recruits kneel down and help you up but your eyelids feel incredibly heavy and your body fatigued.
  7383. >Sky gives you a look of genuine concern, "Hey, keep awake."
  7384. >"Sky, we should hurry."
  7385. >"Right."
  7386. >You try to thank them only to lose consciousness.
  7388. >"Soooooooooo bored..." Rainbow Dash groans out leaning against a wall. "How long does it take to refuel a plane?"
  7389. "I have no idea." you ask. "It's been... an hour and a half."
  7390. >"Ughhhhh."
  7391. >The ride has mostly been uneventful, so far you haven't crashed so that's a plus.
  7392. >You're roughly halfway to your destination but the pilot still hasn't given you all the all-clear ever since he left to refuel the plane.
  7393. >But Rainbow Dash's incessant complaining is starting to grate on your nerves.
  7394. >"Vinyl dear, how are you doing?" Octavia asks her retainer.
  7395. >"Eh, can't complain. Body's feeling a little less stiff though. Should be another couple of hours at this rate."
  7396. >"That's good."
  7397. >"What about you? Did you manage to settle your business like a good girl?"
  7398. >Octavia clears her throat with a faint blush, "Um, yes. I did."
  7399. >Even though her mouth is covered by bandages, you can tell Vinyl has a shit eating grin right now.
  7400. >"*Snrk* Was kinda hoping you were going to use the bucket."
  7401. >"Vinyl!" Octavia hisses. "That's disgusting!"
  7402. >You facepalm.
  7403. >And to think, you're stuck with this rag-tag group for a couple more hours.
  7404. >Turing to your right, you tap Applejack on the shoulder.
  7405. >She's been quiet ever since you disembarked, and part of you is a bit concerned.
  7406. "How are you holding up?"
  7407. >"Ah'm fine Anon. Just trying not ta think about it."
  7408. "If you want, I can try to use Axii to put you to sleep when we get back onto the plane."
  7409. >"Ah appreciate the thought but ah'll be fine. Just as long as we're side-by-side."
  7410. "Offer's still on the table whenever you need it Aj."
  7411. >She nods and leans her head onto your shoulder.
  7412. "When we get Sunset and Twi back, we should take a vacation next school break."
  7413. >"Vacation?"
  7414. "Y'know, something relaxing. Just you and me. Maybe I'll take you to someplace you've never been to before."
  7415. >"Sugarcube, yer already doing that." she says, "Plus what about the farm? Can't leave Granny, Big Mac, and Apple Bloom all alone during the harvest season."
  7416. >You grimace.
  7417. "Right... sorry, I forgot."
  7418. >"Anon..."
  7419. >You stare out the window when the co-pilot walks into the room.
  7420. >"Hey everyone, we're ready to take off again."
  7421. >Everyone gathers their belongings and walks out but Applejack pulls on your sleeve.
  7422. >"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it okay? Ah promise."
  7423. >The cowgirl gives you a small smile.
  7424. >Returning it, you escort her out of the building and back to the plane.
  7425. >As you buckle yourselves in, you can't help but hope Sunset and Twilight are doing okay.
  7426. ---------------

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