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Witcher of Canterlot Pt. 5

By AnonymousReuploader
Created: 2020-12-27 19:35:09
Expiry: Never

  1. ---------------
  2. >You unbuckle the seat and handle the pilot’s payment.
  3. >Once that’s finalized, you disembark the C-2 Greyhound with your equipment in tow.
  4. >There's a light snowfall happening.
  5. >Setting your things down onto the tarmac, you roll your neck followed by a satisfying pop.
  6. >Long flights really aren't your thing.
  7. >The sound of footsteps coming off the metal loading ramp cause you turn around.
  8. >"Hoo-eee, ain't that a sight." says Applejack coming up right behind you.
  9. "Welcome to Ard Skellig Applejack."
  10. >Both you and her take in the sight of the setting sun behind the mountain range in the distance when a cold breeze blows past.
  11. >"Brrr... A lot colder than I thought."
  12. >Grabbing your things off the ground you and AJ walk off the airfield and towards the front desk.
  13. >"Hold up guys!" Rainbow yells from behind you.
  14. >As her shoes touch solid ground, another gust of cold wind overtakes her.
  15. >Almost immediately, she huddles up due to the low temperature.
  16. >"Ohgeezethat'scold!"
  17. >Not surprising since she didn't bring a jacket, or anything else for that matter, other than the short sleeve one she always wears.
  18. “I told you Skellige was cold during winter.”
  19. >”Sh-sh-shut-up!”
  20. >Rainbow curses under her breath.
  21. >With a roll of your eyes, you hand her your coat.
  22. "Here, the cold doesn't bother me as much and I can’t have you freezing to death."
  23. >"T-th-thanks..." she says grabbing your jacket and putting it on as fast as possible.
  24. >Opening the door, you three are hit by a wave of hot air from the buildings heater.
  25. >Feels a bit refreshing to be honest.
  26. >"Hello sir, welcome to Ard Skellige airfield. An’ What can ah do fer ya?" the woman behind the front desk asks as you walk up.
  27. "I need a cab. One that can fit six."
  28. >"Business or pleasure?"
  29. "Business."
  30. >The woman nods her head and begins searching for results, "Let me see..."
  31. >As the computer processes your request, Shining enters the room and holds the door open for Vinyl and Octavia; the former already walking and unwrapping her bandages.
  32. >"Ugh, finally! This stuff gets so itchy when your skin regenerates." she complains.
  33. >"Well I'm just happy I can finally see your beautiful face." Octavia says cupping Vinyl's chin and giving her a kiss on the lips.
  34. >Shining Armor huffs and shuts the door.
  35. >"Ah yer in luck sir, one cab is on their way back from ah previous drop-off. If ya can take a seat o'er there, the driver will be with ya in a few minutes."
  36. "Thank you."
  37. >You step away from the counter and walk over to the others.
  38. >Shining Armor taps you on the arm, "So we're here now what?"
  39. "I'll explain more when we get to where we need to."
  40. >Vinyl sighs, "Because that doesn't sound vague and unhelpful. C'mon dude, we traveled thousands of miles to get here."
  41. >You hold your arm out and gesture for them to relax.
  42. >Glancing around, you lean in close and bring your tone down to a whisper.
  43. "Just trust me. For now just take it easy and unwind."
  44. >Twilight's brother grumbles and takes a seat, crossing his arms like a child who was just denied a toy.
  45. >By the time your driver pulls up in his van, the sky is getting dark.
  46. >After loading everyone's bags inside, you get into the passenger seat.
  47. >"Where to?" the cab driver asks in a thick Skelligan accent.
  48. >Looking him directly in the eyes, you cast an Axii hex on the man.
  49. >Holding out your phone, you show him a spot marked on the map.
  50. "Take us here."
  51. >In a trance-like manner, the man nods and starts the vehicle.
  52. >"Where are we going?" Octavia asks.
  53. "Safehouse."
  54. >Snow crunches underneath the tires as the driver pulls out of the passenger loading/unloading area and onto the road.
  55. >"You sure that's a good idea Anon?" Rainbow asks, leaning forward. "Wouldn't that Headmaster dude have those places guarded or something?"
  56. "Only the ones he knows about; besides, they aren’t meant for occupancy during winter so they're hardly ever used when the Skelligan Keep is active. The safehouse we're going to isn't one of his personally "sanctioned" ones."
  57. >"Personally sanctioned? What do you mean?"
  58. "My class, the wolves, were a little… rebellious. We made a few for our own hidden shelters for personal use just to get away from the instructors and constant lessons. They're dotted across the island in case one of us Wolves needed a place to lay low for a while."
  59. >Vinyl laughs, "So you dudes made a private pad to crash in? Anon you always seem to surprise me."
  60. "Just keep in mind these safe houses are old, the last time I used one was when I was still in training."
  61. >"We'll make it work sugarcube."
  63. >Gathering your things, you send the driver on his way, making sure his memory remains fuzzy until he gets back to the city proper.
  64. >The next ten minutes are spent hiking through the dark forest as snow continues to fall from the sky.
  65. >Eventually you come across a dead tree stump near a small stream.
  66. "We're here." you say.
  67. >Trying to remember where the exact entrance is, Rainbow continues to shiver.
  68. >"Anon, no offense but I'm freezing!"
  69. >Wiping away a pile of snow, you reveal a hidden hatch.
  70. >Bingo.
  71. >You take the handle and pull, the rusty hinges groan as the metal grate opens to reveal a dark hole in the ground.
  72. >"Whoa. Y'all weren't kidding when you said it was hidden."
  73. "I think this one was an old storage room before we converted it, careful it doesn't look like this one has been used in a good while. With the confined space, there's a chance the oxygen levels might have dropped inside so let me know if you start feeling dizzy."
  74. >Stepping onto the first rung, you climb down into the breach until you reach the bottom.
  75. >Well, so far so good.
  76. >Atmosphere isn't making you unsteady.
  77. >"Anon? You okay in there?" Applejack asks from the entrance.
  78. "Yeah. Just let me check for any collapses."
  79. >"Aww c'mon!" you hear Rainbow cry out.
  80. >Ignoring her, you move to the other side of the apartment sized room inspecting the hideout as you move along.
  81. >Looks like you were right.
  82. >Place doesn't look like it's been used in years. Old garbage, some vegitation, musty atmosphere.
  83. >After spending a few minutes checking each of the holes dug for air and making note of the ones blocked off by debris and foliage you return to the entrance.
  84. "Alright, it's good."
  85. >One by one, your group enters the underground lair.
  86. >Vinyl whistles, mildly impressed.
  87. >"Nice pad. Right Octavia?"
  88. >The cellist cringes away from a large cobweb with a spider on it. "Um... indeed."
  89. >Tossing your bag onto the dusty cot in the corner, you address everyone.
  90. "We'll spend the night here and move out first thing in the morning. The Keep is a day’s hike away and I'd rather not risk getting caught in an unexpected Skelligan snow storm at night."
  91. >You can tell Shining Armor is a bit irritated at that plan just from his facial expression, but he know’s you’re right.
  92. >Opening the vents for the hearth, you cast igni into the hole in the wall and take your jacket back from Rainbow Dash.
  93. >As she unpacks a few things from her bag Applejack notices you leaving, "Anon? Where y'all going?"
  94. "Clearing out the blocked air tunnels and getting dinner? Vinyl, want to help?"
  95. >Cracking her knuckles, the vampire stands up. "Sure, why not?"
  97. >*BEEP*... *BEEP*... *BEEP*...
  98. >A constant beeping in your ear brings you back to world of consciousness.
  99. >Exhaling, you realize someone put a mask on your face to supply you oxygen.
  100. >As you crack your eyes open, you're hit by a blinding light.
  101. >You try to shield them from the light but discover that they're being restrained.
  102. >What's going on?!
  103. >*BEEP**BEEP**BEEP*
  104. >The last thing you remember is Sky Stinger and Vapor Trail helping you out of your room and then...
  105. >That noise is driving you insane!
  106. >"Her heart rate has elevated. To be honest I'm amazed this girl is still alive, Master Sombra."
  107. >You freeze.
  108. >Sombra?! WHERE?!
  109. >"Yes, it seems I underestimated the strength of Grogar's modified golem control disks."
  110. >His voice seems off...
  111. >Like he's talking through a speaker. Unfortunately you can't see anything besides the bright lamp hovering above.
  112. >"This girl is already showing signs of recovering from the damage to her skin and nervous system. It's almost like..."
  113. >"Like magic?" Sombra finishes. "Yes, this girl is not an ordinary individual. Apparently there are others similar to her in the city of Canterlot."
  114. >The doctor pacing back and forth hums to himself. "I would love to study them."
  115. >"As much as I would agree with that, we are on a strict timetable right now. How long would you estimate until she's fully recovered?" Sombra asks the doctor.
  116. >You hear the man flipping through pages before he answers.
  117. >"If I were still a trusted, licensed doctor, I would advise bed rest, constant observation and hope for the be-."
  118. >"Caballeron that is unacceptable."
  119. >"Well the process would be faster but I cannot apply any of your strange formulas due to their toxicity."
  120. >While the two men are distracted with their conversation, you try to break free of the restraints to no avail.
  121. >Surprisingly neither men pay you any attention.
  122. >"Sir, what are you thinking?"
  123. >"Can you guarantee that an injection of Swallow would bring her to full recovery?"
  124. >"I can't guarantee anything but with her physiology even a diluted form of Swallow could possibly render her catatonic."
  125. >Did he just say catatonic?
  126. >Oh dear Celestia...
  127. >"What if her physiology changed?"
  128. >Changed?
  129. >"Changed? You don't mean...?"
  130. >"I do Caballeron. The time has already come for the rest of her class to undergo the Trial of Grasses she'll just have to take her's a little earlier."
  131. >"Are you sure? She hasn't been fully indoctrinated."
  132. >And you never will!
  133. >"Grogar will handle her obedience."
  134. >"I'm curious to know how exactly? Just to sate my own curiosity."
  135. >"Have you ever heard of the tale regarding Saskia the Dragonslayer?"
  136. >What are they talking about?
  137. >Sweat begins to form along your forehead.
  138. >"Vaguely. Though I don't see what that has to do with her."
  139. >"It's not common knowledge but if you should bother to look into it I would suggest the works of the Bard Dandelion regarding the Kaedwen invasion of Aedirn after the death of their King Demavend III."
  140. >"So you essentially wish to make this girl into your 'Saskia'?"
  141. >"In a way. But instead of a dragonslayer, I will have a fully obedient witcher under my control."
  142. >"So what makes this girl so special?"
  143. >"She shows potential." Sombra answers bluntly. "That is all I will say on the matter."
  144. >"I guess that's all I'm going to get?" Doctor Caballeron asks with a slight chuckle.
  145. >"Prepare the Sunset Shimmer for the Trial in the next few minutes. I will have Grogar prepare the concoction and the charm."
  146. >You gulp.
  147. >Suddenly the doctor walks into your vision and stares down at you.
  148. >"Well, I hope you enjoyed listening in." he says behind his surgical mask.
  149. >Oh crap... they knew you were awake.
  150. >"You should feel honored, Sombra hardly ever pays this much attention to anyone."
  151. >You can't help but scowl at him.
  152. "You're all sick in the head! Just wait until I get out of here!"
  153. >The sound of metal clinking outside your vision worries you as the man adjusts the lamp over your lower body.
  154. >A pair of metal instruments are lifted into your line of sight.
  155. >The man reaches over your head and turns a knob.
  156. >Something different feeds into the face mask you're wearing and everything soon becomes hazy.
  157. >"Don't worry, you'll be ready for tea time very soon, we just need to make a few incisions."
  158. >You try to protest but the weight of your eyelids increases and despite fighting back soon goes dark again.
  160. >By the time you regain consciousness everything feels like a haze.
  161. >There's a sharp pain in both your arms followed by the sensation that something is being inserted into the cuts.
  162. >"Everyth... ready for the fi... phase."
  163. >Looking around you see yourself in a sterile white room.
  164. >Grogar and Doctor Caballeron are preparing things just out of your vision.
  165. >Lifting your arms, they don't get very far before being stopped by a pair of metal chains.
  166. >Did... did they restrain you to an experiment table?
  167. >What in Tartarus...?
  168. >Your expression jumps from confusion to horror.
  169. >You have tubes coming out of your arms! And it looks like they're connected to...
  170. >To three containers with something that looks toxic just by looking at it.
  171. >Oh geeze this is right out of a horror movie!
  172. >The doctor dressed in surgeon attire flicks the tip of a syringe. "Unlike that archaic formulae the witchers of old used, this modified Grass decoction provides faster turnaround with a smaller margin of error, works on the female body, and reduces the chance of any negative side-effects."
  173. >Something is injected into each of your arms followed by a hissing noise.
  174. >"You're talking to yourself again "Doctor"." Grogar retorts with contempt. "And don't pretend you were explaining this to me, I was there the last time you performed the Trials of Grasses."
  175. >The man in scrubs ignores the spellcaster, "So long as we follow the appropriate steps we should get another zero-percent mortality rate."
  176. >"We shall see. I still believe your results with the Griffon school were just pure luck."
  177. >Pressing a button on the computer placed near him, Caballeron sneers. "I was stating this for the record Grogar."
  178. >"The record for who? It's not like the Headmaster will allow you to release your results and findings to anyone."
  179. >Clearly annoyed, Caballeron mumbles to himself before returning his attention to you. "Just release the first valve. The hookweed extract has already been applied."
  180. >Almost immediately, a sudden agonizing pain spikes through your veins and spreads outward.
  182. >The heart monitor next to you beeps rapidly as your heart rate shoots through the roof.
  183. >You begin suffering convulsions sending the chains holding your arms taught.
  184. >"Music to my ears." Caballeron says to himself. "A young girl's screams and the rattle of chains."
  185. >"And they say I'm sick..." Grogar whispers under his breath.
  186. >It suddenly gets harder to breath; the sweat on your brow becomes cold, and your skin becomes incredibly clammy.
  187. >"Her heart rate is within acceptable levels... proceed."
  188. >Despite the two men's calm demeanor, the seizures quickly begin to worsen. You suppose that you should consider yourself "lucky" the table is bolted to the ground.
  189. >The decoction being fed through the tubes... you can already feel it changing you.
  190. >A mix of tears and blood flow from your eyes and down your cheeks.
  191. >Someone... anyone... help...
  192. >Princess Celestia...
  193. >Twilight... your friends...
  194. >Anon...
  195. >"I need to begin the mind charm while she's still vulnerable."
  196. >"She's stable enough, you can begin the charm after I dispense the last injection into her system."
  197. >No... no more... please... make it stop...
  198. >As the last valve is opened and the toxic substance is emptied into your body the convulsions begin again. Though not to the same degree as before.
  199. >You feel something cold drip out of your nose and slide down your face when the contents in your stomach forces it's way out.
  200. >The doctor gives a disgusted look at his now soiled scrubs.
  201. >"Ugh... this *always* happens..."
  202. >"Feisty isn't she?"
  203. >"Grogar. Focus. Once you're done with the charm I need your help to speed this process up. Master Sombra wants her converted within the next few hours."
  204. >"Aye. I'm aware." he replies as his hand glows blue.
  205. >You find your vision starting to go; the details of the world around you lose focus until everything looks like a blur.
  206. >Suddenly you feel a "presence" invading your mind.
  207. >You try to struggle, to fight back. Something to try and find a way out of this but you're too fatigued that the fog that is enveloping your mind unimpeded.
  208. >Soon, all your thoughts of resisting... all your urges to escape with Twilight...
  209. >Wait...
  210. >Why did you want to escape?
  211. >You have a greater purpose to serve with Somb-
  212. >No! Th-that's wron- wrong! You can't give in...
  213. >Give in to what?
  214. >En-enemies... all around you.
  215. >Who's enemies?
  216. >Min- no... mast-master Sombra's?
  217. >That's right...
  218. >Your life belongs to Master Sombra's.
  219. >He's giving you a greater pur-
  220. >No, your friends give you purpose!
  221. >Both Princess Twilight and this world's Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Anon...
  222. >Friends...
  223. >Friends...
  224. >That single word echoes in your mind and you picture everyone at Canterlot High standing in front of the school smiling at you.
  225. >They give you streng-
  226. >"Who is your master Sunset Shimmer?" Grogar asks you.
  227. "Nggghhh..."
  228. >"She's doing quite a bit of resisting. I admit, her willpower is stronger than I initially anticipated."
  229. >"Is that a problem?"
  230. >"No, it will just take some stronger application."
  231. >To your horror the mental image of your friends start disappearing one by one until the only figures left are Anon and this world's Twilight.
  232. >A nagging feeling tells you they can't help you.
  233. >It's becoming really hard... to con...concetrate...
  234. >Both Anonymous and Twilight slowly vanish.
  235. >NOOOOOOO-
  236. >And just like that, they're gone.
  237. >"Who is your master Sunset Shimmer?" the sorcerer repeats.
  238. >Your thoughts immediately flash to Sombra.
  239. >It distracts you from the pain throughout your body. And as you continue to think of him, the discomfort lessens.
  240. >But there's a sense of doubt that comes with it.
  241. "Sombra... the one... I f-follow is Sombra."
  242. >...
  243. >You brush the notion of doubt aside. It must be just confusion.
  244. >"Good. And what about your friends?"
  245. >Friends?
  246. >You... have... friends? That can't be right.
  247. >You don't need friends, the only one you've ever needed to rely on is yourself.
  248. >Until you met Him that is.
  249. "The... the thing I need to focus on is Master Sombra." you say as a matter-of-fact, "Anything else is secondary."
  250. >Grogar grins at your response.
  251. >"Everything is within parameters." Doctor Caballeron says into a small tape recorder, "How are you feeling Sunset Shimmer? Headmaster Sombra would like me to report your status to him."
  252. "I... my body feels dry... and hot... and my vision is really blurry."
  253. >"That's normal, the feeling will pass in the next couple of hours. It will take a few days to accustom yourself as you adjust to your new body."
  254. "Yes sir."
  255. >"For now let us begin with the second phase Grogar. I will administer the necessary mutagens to prevent her body from destroying itself, keep an eye on her vital signs and adjust as necessary."
  256. >The old man nods, "Soon Shimmer, in just a few hours you will be a full-fledged witcher in our master's service."
  257. >Though your body is too much in pain to move, the thought makes you smile.
  258. >Part of you feels like something is wrong, but you ignore it.
  259. >All you want to do is help Master Sombra to the best of your ability.
  261. -----
  263. >You raise the hatch and climb out into the cold Skelligan air; the nipping temperature low enough to see the vapor in your breath condensing when you exhale.
  264. >Adjusting your pack, you scan the area for any immediate dangers.
  265. >Doesn't look like anything's out of the ordinary.
  266. >Yet anyway. Though you shouldn't let your guard down, even if the sun hasn't even begun peaking over the horizon.
  267. >Medallions giving off a hum, but you can't be relying on that due to your proximity to Rainbow Dash and Applejack.
  268. >Not that it will do you any good since most of your potential opponents are non-magical.
  269. >Listen to yourself...
  270. >Are you seriously doing this?
  271. >Staging a six-man raid on the Keep?
  272. >If you had told yourself you were doing this a few weeks ago, you'd have called yourself insane.
  273. >Still, a Conjunction of the Spheres would send this world into complete chaos.
  274. >The thought of vampires, werewolves, leshens, fiends, and giants all coming back into the world.
  275. >It actually makes you... afraid.
  276. >Not to mention what other threats that could show up when this world becomes connected.
  277. >You can't help but sigh at the situation you've found yourself in.
  278. >Hopefully you can talk sense and convince any of your "brothers" at the Keep to abandon Master Sombra's crazy plan.
  279. >One by one, your "companions" follow you out.
  280. >Setting a rifle onto the lip of the hatch, Shining exits the safe house dressed in tactical attire.
  281. >Rifle in hand, he brushes off some snow before loading in a fresh magazine.
  282. >Rainbow rubs her eyes and grumbles.
  283. >"So... early... I don't understand how you people can be awake at this hour."
  284. >Applejack on the other hand is already wide awake, "Livin' on a farm remember?"
  285. "Dash, take this."
  286. >You toss her one of the steel swords that was stored in the safehouse.
  287. >The blade is old and a little rusty, only to be considered if you had nothing else, but its better than having her run off unarmed.
  288. >Taking the weapon, she slides it over her shoulder.
  289. "We're going to be traveling quite some distance, visibility will be low so stay together. By the time we get there, the sun will probably be setting."
  290. >Strapping your own swords over your back, you begin the long march through the wilderness.
  291. "There's a stream just down a little south, once we find that we can follow it straight to the Keep. Is everyone ready?"
  292. >You're answered by five nods of the head.
  294. >After a few hours of marching through the forest...
  295. >The pathway you normally took when you were here has long been buried underneath the snow. Which is why you're heading to the body of running water.
  296. >Other than the occasional deer, rabbit or bird, your only real obstacle is the deep patches of snow.
  297. >Vinyl already sunk deep down into one with a wrong step.
  298. >While that causes you a few headaches, it doesn't really stop your progress, it slows it down considerably.
  299. >But soon enough, you hear the sound of rushing water.
  300. >Weaving by the trees, you come across the stream.
  301. "We'll take a small break."
  302. >"I admit, if it wasn't for the purpose of our being here, I could enjoy the sights out here a bit more." Octavia says kneeling down by the water.
  303. >Rainbow shrugs, "It's okay I guess."
  304. >As Octavia converses with Rainbow Dash, Vinyl walks up to you.
  305. >"Yo Anon, how much further?"
  306. "About an hour give or take. Pretty simple from here on out."
  307. >Vinyl facepalms.
  308. >"Nothing is ever simple you should know that."
  309. "Hey, I didn't come up with the-"
  310. >*CRACK*
  311. >Both you and Vinyl freeze.
  312. "You hear that?"
  313. >"Yeah."
  314. >Glancing back at the others, they haven't noticed anything.
  315. >"Think it could be another deer?"
  316. >Before you can answer, the sound of rushing wind is followed by a bolt lodging itself right into Vinyl's chest.
  317. >She staggers back in shock.
  318. >"What the fuck?!"
  319. "Everyone take cover!" You shout.
  320. >Running toward Applejack and Rainbow Dash and drag them both behind a fallen log.
  321. >Shining immediately hightails it behind a rock, while Vinyl leads Octavia behind a tree.
  322. >The vampire pulls out the crossbow bolt and curses.
  323. >More bolts fly out deeper from the forest and imbed themselves in the bark.
  324. >Peeking your head out, you look for the person who's firing crossbow bolts at you when one whizzes by your head nearly hitting you in the face.
  325. >Whoever it is, they're no ammature. But at least you know where the person should be.
  326. >Pulling out your sword, you step out.
  327. >Applejack tries to pull you back, "Anon!"
  328. >Calming yourself, you walk towards the source of the bolts.
  329. >Another projectile shoots towards you. Calmly, you raise your blade and redirect it back towards the shooter.
  330. >At the very least you'll discourage whoever is shooting at you from continuing.
  331. "Vinyl, I could use some help!"
  332. >"Yeah yeah!" she says before vanishing in a puff of smoke.
  333. >You wait for a few moments when suddenly you hear the sound of fighting in the distance, including the sight of a burst of fire.
  334. >Quickly, you run towards the noise to see Vinyl locked into combat with a man using a sword.
  335. >As the two fight, you see a medallion on the man's chest; a symbol of the cat school.
  336. >Blocking one of his ripostes with her bare claws, Vinyl jabs her hand forward and gutting the man in the stomach.
  337. >Blood seeps from the wound and stains the snow red.
  338. >The vampire retracts her hand, splattering more blood on the ground.
  339. >Kicking him back into a tree, the witcher slides down and groans.
  340. >"That... that is... cheating..." he mumbles.
  341. >Vinyl just flips him off with a middle talon.
  342. >As you get closer, you see the man's face and recognize him.
  343. >Dark skin, black hair with greying spots on the side.
  344. "Haakim?"
  345. >"Ano...Anonymous." he says coldly. "Your skills haven't diminished."
  346. >"You recognize this guy?" Vinyl says with some mild curiosity.
  347. "He's an old... friend. A witcher from Ofir." you answer.
  348. >Judging from the amount of blood he's losing, he won't survive without something to stop it.
  349. >Vinyl picks up his discarded crossbow, "Why the hell didn't he just use a gun?"
  350. "He's pretty old fashioned. Even compared to most other modern witchers. But why did you attack us?"
  351. >"I saw your weapons." Haakim growls, "Had I known *she* was a higher vampire... I would have gone back for assistance."
  352. "We have to stop the bleeding." you say kneeling down and pulling out a vial of Swallow.
  353. >"Do not give me your pity traitor." he spits out. "Grogar told us of your plan to overthrow Master Sombra. After everything he's don-"
  354. >He's interrupted by blood coughing out of his mouth.
  355. "How much has Grogar told you exactly?"
  356. >"Enough to know that you have no sense of loyalty. That you were training your own witchers so that one day you would come here to take the Keep for yourself."
  357. "Easy Haakim, that's not why I'm here."
  358. >The Cat witcher's eyes narrow, "What other reason could you possibl-"
  359. "Sombra is planning another Conjunction of the Spheres." you interrupt.
  360. >"If you plan on lying to me at least try to be convincing." Haakim retorts.
  361. "He wants to bring the world back to a point so we actually have a place in it."
  362. >The man becomes quiet as he processes this information.
  363. >"The headmaster has become more reclusive as of late." he mutters. "As an old friend, I will give you the benefit of the doubt. Let us say you are telling the truth. Then why are you really here?"
  364. "To stop Sombra's plan and rescue my two friends who Tirek took captive."
  365. >"Those two girls? He plans on using them?"
  366. "Yes. Both of them are Sources." you answer, "Now before you bleed out take some of this."
  367. >Handing him the vial of swallow, he takes it and drinks the bitter contents.
  368. >"I am still wary of your tale Anonymous. But I did wonder why Tirek of all people was sent to retrieve them. He does not go on retrieval missions unless it is important.
  369. "Are they okay?"
  370. >"I do not know; I assumed they were new recruits. And we both know what they go through."
  371. "Recruits? I thought the Griffon's would have been the last."
  372. >Haakim shakes his head, "It is why he recalled some of us. Master Sombra has initiated a new school of witchers. "
  373. "He must be making a new batch before the Conjunction so he has bodies to spare."
  374. >"It would make sense."
  375. "Which school?"
  376. >"One that has not been heard of for quite some time; It's the..."
  378. "A Manticore?" you ask, taking the medallion from the small case in front of you.
  379. >"Congratulations. You are the first successful recruit for the Manticore School." Sombra says with a grin from behind his desk.
  380. "Thank you Master Sombra." you say.
  381. >Tirek stands in the corner of the room, staring at you with a look of disgust. The metal band of where his hand once was only adding to his rugged demeanor.
  382. >As Master Sombra looks away, you shoot him a wicked smirk.
  383. >The thought of getting under his skin brings immense satisfaction to you.
  384. >Slipping the small chain around your neck, you feel the weight of the medallion.
  385. >"Now these medallions are made to detect magic put into layman's terms." Master Sombra explains, "These also serve as an advanced warning if a creature of magical origin assaults you."
  386. "But they won't work on creatures such as Higher Vampires or werewolves in human form."
  387. >"Very good. It seems you know more than you let on."
  388. "Anonymous was a decent teacher." you say. "Though I was a personal protege to a Princess, some habits die hard I guess."
  389. >"Really now?" Sombra questions genuinly surprised, "That is news to me, why are you not still studying with her?"
  390. "She wasn't a very good teacher so I left."
  391. >Strangely though, you feel a sense of sadness when you say that.
  392. >Getting up, Master Sombra walks around the table and places a hand on your shoulder.
  393. >"Now that that's settled, I have a task for you Witcher."
  394. >That feeling sadness quickly shifts to one of pride as he calls you a Witcher.
  395. >"Head down to the armory and grab yourself a set of swords, I have an assignement for you. Tirek, show her the way."
  396. >The Bear Witcher bows his head, "Of course."
  397. >Walking past you, he bumps into your arm.
  398. >"Do not keep me waiting whelp."
  399. >Scowling, you quickly return your attention to your Master and bow your head.
  400. >Exiting the man's office, you walk behind Tirek.
  401. >"Don't think just because you're the newest pet project, should you forget your place."
  402. "And you shouldn't forget your's Bear."
  403. >He stops and faces you. His muscles tense up and his face contorts slightly.
  404. >You know he won't do anything.
  405. >Master Sombra wouldn't "like" that.
  406. "There's a reason the Headmaster wanted individuals like me than stick with pathetic has-beens like you."
  407. >Tapping his handless arm , you walk past him leaving him to Tirek fume.
  408. "And I already know where the armory is so you can fuck off."
  409. >Leaving the outdated codger behind, you turn the corner only to run into someone.
  410. >"Ow..."
  411. "Hey watch where you're going idiot!"
  412. >"S-sor- Sunset? Is that... is that you?"
  413. >You open your eyes and see a girl and that same witcher who held a blade to your throat.
  414. >She gasps as she sees your eyes and the medallion hanging from your neck, "They... what did they do to you?!"
  415. >Your head starts to throb again.
  416. >This person... you recognize her: Twilight Sparkle.
  417. >That transfer student from Crystal Prep Academy.
  418. >She's the one who came to the Keep with you.
  419. >Grabbing your head, you try to cover your discomfort by brushing your hair back.
  420. "They just made some improvements. Not that it concerns you."
  421. >"Sunset, why are you talking like... I-it-it's me Twilight Sparkle." she whines. "I'm your friend remember?"
  422. >Her statement almost makes you want to laugh.
  423. >That's funny. More pathetic than funny, but funny nonetheless.
  424. "I know who you are." you reply, "But you're not my friend."
  425. >Twilight looks shocked at your response.
  426. >Doesn't she realize that friends are a weakness? You knew that ever since you left Equestria.
  427. >Another sharp pang in your head, like the one after your Trial, makes you wince.
  428. >"Are you okay?" Twilight says reaching out for you.
  429. "Don't touch me you freak!" you hiss, grabbing her wrist, twisting it behind her and into an arm lock.
  430. >You're a bit taken aback by how fast your reaction speed was. That's going to take some time to get used to.
  431. >The viper witcher, Jericho, eyes the situation warily but does nothing.
  432. >Twilight cries out in pain as you continue to apply pressure.
  433. >"Y-you're hurting me!"
  434. >The headache becomes a little stronger much to your annoyance.
  435. "Listen here and listen good. I am *NOT* your friend nor will I ever be one, you got me Sparkle?"
  436. >"Y-ngg-yes!" she answers back with tears in her eyes.
  437. >Releasing her, you push the girl into her escort.
  438. "Now out of my way."
  439. >Marching past them, Twilight's expression turns into anger.
  440. >Some distance away, you feel something cold dripping down your face.
  441. >You wipe it off and inspect it.
  442. >Are you crying?
  443. >Your eye must be irritated from something, or it could just be a side-effect from the mutagens.
  444. >If it gets any worse you'll visit Doctor Caballeron later.
  445. >Brushing your hand on the side of your pants, you continue towards the armory.
  447. -----
  449. >You give Haakim a grave stare.
  450. "How long has their training been going on?"
  451. >Your predecessor takes a deep breath, trying to keep his breathing calm as the potion does its work.
  452. >"I have not been back to the Keep very long, but I know they have been at it for only a few months. Despite that, I have heard from Jericho, do you remember him? The Viper who is even quieter than you?"
  453. >You do indeed recall who Jericho is. He's only a few years older than you, even you consider him to be a true loner.
  454. >The only other thing you can really note about him is that he prefers less direct or confrontational ways of approaching contracts and jobs if he has the option.
  455. >That seemed to be trait with his generation.
  456. "I remember him."
  457. >"Apparently the training is going slower than Master Sombra would like."
  458. "Who's the instructor? Is it Jakob?"
  459. >Haakim shakes his head, "You have not been around for the past few winters so you don't know that he passed quite some time ago."
  460. "Sorry."
  461. >"Do not worry, despite being a brother, I am aware of the feelings he harbored among the recruits. He was not the most pleasant person to be around."
  462. "I'll deal with that later, right now we're getting off-track; My friends, Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle, are they both okay?"
  463. >"I do not know Anonymous. I have only seen them once or twice when they arrived and I have been out in the wilds for the better part of day."
  464. >Well that's helpful.
  465. "Who else is there? Is there a chance I can convince anyone else?"
  466. >"Other than a few assistants to the Doyen and Doctor. There is Jericho, Tirek, and a few of the newer Griffon School members. Considering how close Tirek is to Master Sombra, I highly doubt you could convince him of anything."
  467. "Yeah I figured. It probably doesn't help we killed Scorpan too."
  468. >The man only holds a neutral expression, "Yes, killing someone's brother would make that harder."
  469. >"Jericho is devoted, but he is not unreasonable. The Griffons however will not be swayed. They have been specifically trained to be loyal only to Sombra and follow his every order."
  470. >Your thoughts immediately go to Gilda.
  471. "Really now?" you ask with a slightly incredulous tone.
  472. >"You do not believe me? I know you Wolves are more independent that normal but..."
  473. "No. Well... it's a long story, I'll tell you later."
  474. >"Very well." he says, "Gaston and Irma are their names. The former being the one to instruct the new Manticore class."
  475. >Taking a small flask from his jacket pocket, he unscrews the lid and takes a sip.
  476. >He holds it out and offers it to you.
  477. >Grabbing the flask, you take a swig before handing it back to Haakim.
  478. "Look Haakim, I'm going to stop the Conjunction and get my two friends out of there. Are you going to stop me?"
  479. >The Cat witcher gives everyone a once over.
  480. >"You know how loaded a question like that is when I'm wounded and surrounded correct?"
  481. "Are you or not?"
  482. >"If you are indeed telling the truth, then we cannot let another Conjunction happen. Killing monsters for profit is one thing, deliberately infecting this world with the very creatures we hunt is going a step too far. I will not stop you, but I will not help you."
  483. >Rainbow crosses her arms, "Why not? You know what's going to happen if you don't!"
  484. >"Because I do not know if you are only saying these things to placate me, girl. Anonymous may be an old friend, but he still is going against the man that made us who we are."
  485. "It's fine Rainbow."
  486. "And besides, I would not be much help with a wound like this." he says with a glance towards Vinyl.
  487. >The vampire crosses her arm and huffs, "I ain't apologizing. He shot me in the chest with a crossbow bolt."
  488. >"I will stay here, once I am well I will leave Skellige. I have had enough of the cold and no doubt my dear Amira misses me."
  489. "I understand. Haakim, stay safe alright?"
  490. >As you turn around, the man grabs your arm.
  491. >"The Manticores have not undergone the Trials yet. If you can, avoid killing them. They are young and still have a chance for a normal life."
  492. "I'll try, but I can't promise anything."
  493. >"That is all I can ask. I do not want another Trial of Grasses like mine."
  494. >You nod your head and leave Haakim alone in the snow.
  495. >Applejack jogs up to you.
  496. >"Anon, can he be trusted?"
  497. "He's a terrible liar, why? Did you feel like he was lying?"
  498. >"Well, no..."
  499. "Haakim is the one who helped train me when I was a recruit. Unlike his fellow Cat witcher, Jakob, he cared for our well being."
  500. >"Sounds like a good guy."
  501. "As good as a witcher can be anyway. I think that Amira he was talking about brought that side out of him more."
  502. >"That his wife?"
  503. "I suppose." you answer.
  504. >Another cold gust of wind blows past.
  505. "Wind's howling. We should get moving we've still got a long way ahead."
  507. >As you continue your trek along the riverbank, Octavia inspects her significant other. "Vinyl, dear are you alright?"
  508. >Vinyl wipes the blood off her hands, "I'm good Tavi, but that fight did get the blood pumping."
  509. >"If you had just waited a few moments I could have helped you."
  510. >The Dj wraps her arm around Octavia's neck with a smile.
  511. >"Yeah, but that would have left you in the snow all naked. No offense but the last thing I want is for you to catch a hypothermia."
  512. >"Ugh, get a room you two." Rainbow complains.
  513. >"Hey, don't think I forgot about my car. Do you realize how hard it is to replace a car that can transforming?"
  514. >Rainbow gulps.
  515. "I still don't understand why you would need something like that."
  516. >"Ah ain't complainin', helped us against those Sirens and Scorpan."
  517. "I guess."
  518. >"Mister Armor you okay? You seem to just be staring off into space."
  519. >You all turn to Twilight's brother, "I'm just thinking."
  520. "About?"
  521. >"Our odds. We're going up against witchers on their home turf. Besides you, me and little miss Vampire here, these three have no combat experience whatsoever."
  522. >"Tavi can take care of herself in a fight." Vinyl retorts. "She may be a little skinny and a bit uptight sometimes but she's tougher than she looks."
  523. >"Thanks?"
  524. >"Look I just want my sister back safe and sound and I'd like for there to be as few casualties as possible."
  525. >Everyone silently continues on with the march.
  526. >Your thoughts turn to what you're going to face. Breaking into the Keep will be the easy part, it's getting through and out that will be the real challenge.
  527. >Because the Keep is built on the ruins of Kaer Muire, it shouldn't be incredibly large on the outside. Rather, most of the surrounding mountainside has been excavated and built up to make it look like the fortress was larger than it was.
  528. >From what you could gather, both that and the location at Kaer Trolde are in the process of "restoration".
  529. >How Sombra paid for all of it is unknown, but you have a feeling that he didn't use the most legitimate methods to do it.
  530. >Regardless, the opposition you'll face inside. Tirek, and Grogar will be your biggest, the latter especially.
  531. >You just hope you prepared enough for the oncoming storm.
  533. >Entering the office, you see the headmaster to the witcher order behind his desk signing some papers.
  534. >He gives you a bemused look as you glare at him.
  535. >"Something not to your liking Miss Twilight?"
  536. "What did you do to my friend." you hiss.
  537. >"Sunset Shimmer? I only completed what she has been working towards."
  538. "That's a lie!"
  539. >"Really now? Then what was the purpose of her training under one of *my* witchers if not to become one herself?"
  540. >Everything flashes blue momentarily. You angrily take a step forward when you feel a hand grab your shoulder.
  541. >"Easy." the witcher guarding you says in a hushed tone.
  542. >Shaking the man's hand off, you return your harsh gaze at Sombra.
  543. "My friend was only training to learn how to defend herself. Not to become your slave. You did something to her mind!"
  544. >"A little something to make her more... obedient. But enough of that, what have you to show me?"
  545. >Sombra slides the papers of his to the side and brings his hands together.
  546. "We're not done!"
  547. >"I believe we are, now show me what you have."
  548. >You toss the magic-o-meter onto his desk and he looks at it with a bemused expression.
  549. "There. Your stupid device."
  550. >"A bit smaller than I would have guessed."
  551. "I had much better equipment to work with."
  552. >"So this will absorb the magic of any nearby source?"
  553. "Yes."
  554. >"Then let us test it. Just to see if you've actually done what you were told."
  555. >Rising up from his large seat, he walks out of his office with you and the witcher escort in tow.
  556. "Where are we going?"
  557. >Sombra doesn't bother to answer you, instead he continues to walk down one of the corridors.
  558. >A short while later, the three of you step outside of a room with a large double-door.
  559. >Opening it, the three of you walk inside.
  560. >In the center of the dark room is a stone pillar with a circle carved near the apex.
  561. >You recognize the shape from one of your Grandfather's journals.
  562. "Is that..."
  563. >"One of many standing stones scattered around the archipelago." Sombra finishes. "Also known to the more magically inclined: a Place of Power."
  564. >While you keep up your antagonistic demeanor, you can't help but be a little curious standing so close to the stone.
  565. >You've never seen one in person before today.
  566. >"Jericho is your medallion humming as well?"
  567. "Yes, Master Sombra."
  568. >He hands the magic-o-meter to you.
  569. "Please, demonstrate."
  570. >You take the device and hold it up to the pillar.
  571. >Tapping a few buttons, the device hums to life as the face lights up and hones in on the place of power.
  572. >As the lid pops up, magic is drawn from the stone and towards the magic-o-meter.
  573. >A green orb of swirling energy forms in the center as the Power from the stone is absorbed.
  574. >"Very interesting." Sombra says. "Now does it work on magic beings like the Stoneclad?"
  575. "It should."
  576. >The ghostly trail of Power is drawn into your device and the face closes shut. Two lights circle the face completely before flashing and dimming.
  577. "There."
  578. >"Interesting. My medallion has become still."
  579. >Taking the device from your hand, Sombra hands it to Jericho.
  580. >"Jericho I want the Power from each of the stones around the islands drawn before the end of the day. Have Tirek sent on the task with Grogar."
  581. >The witcher bows his head.
  582. "Yes sir."
  583. >"But before that, bring Miss Sparkle here back to her room and send word for the newest member of our family that I require her assistance with something."
  584. >Turning towards you, the smile he gives you makes your stomach turn.
  585. "I'll get you this. I swear it."
  586. >"Thank you for your help." he says ignoring your threat, "Now, go get some rest before we begin the next phase."
  587. >You narrow your brow as Jericho gestures for you to exit the room.
  588. >Soon Sombra...
  589. >Soon you and all of this will be nothing but a bad memory.
  590. >Looking over your shoulder one last time, Sombra stares back at the standing stone as the door closes shut.
  592. -----
  594. "You called for me Master?"
  595. >Bowing your head, Master Sombra raises his hand.
  596. >"I trust your new weapons suit you?"
  597. >You slightly adjust the two swords strapped to your back.
  598. >One steel, one silver. Both with a pommel shaped like a stylized Manticore head.
  599. >In addition, you now have a backup sidearm attached to the back of your hip and a knife attached to your boot.
  600. >Things that Anonymous never would or could give you.
  601. >Suffice to say, you feel like you're ready to take on the world despite knowing how stupid that sounds.
  602. "Yes, very."
  603. >"Good." he says with a small grin, "I have no doubt you'll make me proud."
  604. >A warm sensation in your chest wells up at that.
  605. "I live to serve."
  606. >"That's good to know Sunset. Now, the reason I called for you."
  607. >You listen intently to what he has to say.
  608. >"A witcher outside the Keep has not reported in. He was to patrol the perimeter of the fortress to keep any vagrants or creatures away. I know this task may seem beneath you but I want you to find him."
  609. "Do you suspect trouble sir?"
  610. >"No, but I'd rather err on the side of caution. Especially since the Conjunction draws near."
  611. >You admit, you had hoped for something a little more... challenging to test your new body and equipment, but if the Headmaster wills it.
  612. >There's another sting pain from the headache you have causing you to grasp your head.
  613. >"Is something a matter?" he asks curiously.
  614. >The fact that he asks makes you feel a little better that he cares.
  615. "Just a minor headache. It's been happening ever since I finished the Trial of Grasses sir."
  616. >"Has it been causing you problems?"
  617. "No, just some discomfort."
  618. >"I see..." he says, not completely convinced. "Because the "good" Doctor is busy preparing the Trials for the other recruits, check in with him once you are done with the errand."
  619. "Yes sir."
  620. >"You are the first of the Manticores, set an example for all of them."
  622. >As you enter the dormitories, you notice how eerily quiet it is without anyone here.
  623. >They must still be outside doing drills with Gaston.
  624. >Losers.
  625. >Entering the room with a large Seven emblazoned on it, the first thing you see is the bed.
  626. >A small part of you wants to just collapse on it and fall asleep.
  627. >Ever since your Trial you haven't gotten any sleep since then.
  628. >But the dutiful side of you shoves that urge down.
  629. >Opening your closet, you find a fitted cold-weather jacket hanging inside.
  630. >As you put on the outer layer of clothing, you hear a knock on your door.
  631. >"Sunset? Is that you in there?"
  632. >Vapor Trail.
  633. "I'm busy. What is it?"
  634. >The door slides open and both Vapor Trail and Sky Stinger walk inside.
  635. >Unsurprisingly, they're both a bit taken aback by your appearance.
  636. >"You've already passed the Trial of Grasses?"
  637. "Obviously."
  638. >You don't bother to hide the annoyance in your tone.
  639. >It's only been a minute but these two have already wasting your time.
  640. >"She's just concerned." Sky interjects. "Considering how you looked last time we saw you, you could understand why."
  641. "I'll let you know when I give a damn about your "concern"."
  642. >The male trainee narrows his eyes.
  643. >Zipping up the jacket, you strap your weapons across your chest and prepare to leave.
  644. >But Sky stops you by grabbing your arm.
  645. >"You don't have to act like a total bitch." he says, "Apologize to her.""
  646. "Let. Go."
  647. >"Or what?"
  648. "Or lose the hand." you growl.
  649. >"Sky it's okay..."
  650. >Sky Stinger locks gazes with Vapor Trail and wisely relents.
  651. >Tugging your arm sharply, you push past both of them roughly.
  652. >Losers.
  653. >"What a total cun-"
  654. >"Sky something's not right with her. We should follow."
  655. >"How the hell would you know that? We've only known her for what? A day and a half?"
  656. >"Sky. I just got a feeling on this."
  657. >"Ugh, fine. But if we get in trouble..."
  659. >You press the button on the loading bay door.
  660. >The gears creak and groan as the heavy metal door rises; ice and snow breaking off the door.
  661. >A cold breeze blows into the bay as you take your first steps out into the wild.
  662. >Bringing your winter mask up and hood over your head, you see your breath as you exhale.
  663. >Well, better get a move on.
  664. >Using the GPS device in your kit. You check your map and head for the other witcher's last coordinates.
  665. >Part of you is hoping that the other witcher got eaten by something just so you have the opportunity to kill it.
  666. >You really, *really* want to use these swords on something.
  667. >The feeling of overpowering something, or someone, and lording that power right before you end them...
  668. >You should have found Master Sombra sooner than stay at that stupid high school.
  669. >Sure you managed to grab an Element of Harmony and use its power to subjugate the student body and faculty; but with Master Sombra and his witchers, you're working for something much greater than yourself.
  670. >Not only that, but unlike you, he actually has a plan that is going to work.
  671. >Maybe once the Conjunction of the Spheres is done, you'll head back to Equestria and "innocently" show Princess Twilight and Princess Celestia first hand to what you've accomplished here.
  672. >And once they've crossed that portal and lost their magic you'll put them both under your heel. With them out of the picture, you could take Equestria for and Master Sombra.
  673. >Then again, you doubt Master Sombra would approve.
  674. >Suddenly, a deep feeling of sadness hits you for a brief moment. And its not directed at Master Sombra's approval.
  675. >You make a complete pause as you analyze this feeling.
  676. >What... what is this?
  677. >Why is your body acting so weird? Some of this can't be a side-effect from the Trial of Grasses.
  678. >Slapping yourself, you grit your teeth.
  679. >Well whatever it is, you're just going to have to deal with it until this mission is over.
  680. >Hopefully Doctor Caballeron has something to fix this, it's really starting to piss you off.
  681. >Continuing the journey, for the next half-hour focus is put solely on the mission.
  682. >Pulling out the map, you notice that the quickest path might be by the flowing river.
  683. >You decide to take that route, the sound of running water might do you some good.
  684. >As you walk along the bank, it becomes easy to notice how quiet and peaceful it is out here.
  685. >Without any real distractions, you decide to take a short break.
  686. >Since you haven't seen a mirror lately, you're kind of curious as to what physical changes the Doctor Caballeron gave to you.
  687. >Staring into the water, yellow cat-like eyes stare back at you, one of the final visual confirmations that you've fully changed.
  688. >To think, that a day ago, you were just a normal girl.
  689. >Well... as normal as a pony transforming into a human could be.
  690. >But now you're something much, much more.
  691. >Your vision momentarily blurs, and to your puzzlement, when you look back at your reflection you see yourself but something's different.
  692. >Instead of your current appearance, your clothes look like the ones Canterlot and your eyes are back to their previous cyan coloration.
  693. >But this version of you just stares back, with an expression of guilt and sadness rather than the new confidant and proud you.
  694. >[Please, stop this.] the reflection says.
  695. >What...?
  696. >You look around the forest to see if there's anyone messing with you.
  697. >[I'm not your imagination. I'm you. The real you.]
  698. >Bull.
  699. >[This isn't the real Sunset Shimmer; the Sunset Shimmer that everyone forgave, the one that everyone came to trust as a friend. You're acting as the power-hungry bully who takes whatever she wants.]
  700. >That pathetic being you used to be? That dreg was you before seeing the light, there isn't an ounce of desire to go back to that.
  701. >[Sombra and his followers used magic to make you think that.]
  702. "That's *MASTER* Sombra. And the Trial of Grasses requires magic and alche-"
  703. >...
  704. >Now you're trying to justify something to your reflection...
  705. >Who shakes their head at you.
  706. >[Twilight needs your help. You can go back and-]
  707. "SHUT UP!"
  708. >You slam your fist into the water, scattering the image of you for a moment before it returns to normal.
  709. >Snorting, you notice that you're breathing hard and your heart-rate has increased.
  710. >It's then you feel something wet slide across your cheek.
  711. >Ugh. You're crying *again*?!
  712. >Staring at your wet hand, you begin to think that talking to a hallucination of yourself isn't a normal side-effect. Nor is this incessant crying.
  713. >Sighing, you wipe your eye with your sleeve when you hear a noise.
  714. >Thinking quickly, you find a nearby tree and hide among its pines.
  715. >"Ah think ah heard something." a voice says in a slight drawl.
  716. >Your manticore medallion gives out a strong tug at its chain. Almost like it's growling in anticipation of what's to come.
  717. >Intruders.
  718. >Quietly, you brace yourself against a branch and the trunk to slide your steel sword out.
  719. >Bringing your neck gaiter up to your nose, you patiently wait.
  720. >"Let's hope you were just imagining things." a male voice says back.
  721. >"Yeah, as if we've been lucky in that regard AJ."
  722. >Wait...
  723. >You recognize those voices.
  724. >Peering through the pines, you see six individuals marching through the snow.
  725. >And you know each and every one of them.
  726. >At this distance you can only recognize Anonymous, Applejack and Rainbow Dash among them.
  727. "Hold on." Anonymous says looking at the spot you squatted down at.
  728. >He kneels down and examines the snow before looking around the area.
  729. >A surge of adrenaline flows through you as you suddenly realize that you just left a trail.
  730. >CRAP!
  731. >"What is it?" the voice of Twilight's brother asks.
  732. >"Someone was here."
  733. >"You sure it wasn't just a deer or something?"
  734. >"Deers don't leave fresh bootprints in the snow." Anon answers.
  735. >The witcher takes out his blade, "Everyone stay close."
  736. >As you hide in the tree, an overwhelming feeling of fear takes a hold of you.
  737. >Are... are you afraid of him?
  738. >You watch with baited breath as Anon follows your footprints straight to your tree.
  739. >...
  740. >Well you've probably figured out what took out the previous sentry.
  741. >Master Sombra would be pleased if you managed to take this information back.
  742. >But you need to...
  743. >Dammit! That headache is back.
  744. >Gritting your teeth, you brandish your sword as Anon comes to a stop at the base of the tree.
  745. >They've obviously come here to stop Master Sombra's plan.
  746. >Death to anyone who stands in the Master's way.
  747. >Applejack relaxes, "Anon I don't thin-"
  748. >Anonymous turns his back giving you your opening.
  749. >In one quick motion you detach yourself from the tree with your blade pointed down.
  751. -----
  753. >Gravity immediately takes a hold of you.
  754. >Aiming the tip of your steel sword at the back of Anonymous's neck, there's a sudden sensation in the back of your mind that this may have been a huge mistake.
  755. >But there's no turning back now.
  756. >In just a few milliseconds, your old teacher is about to be skewered.
  757. >Because of the direction they were facing, Applejack and Rainbow Dash spot you coming out of the pine tree.
  758. >Time seems to slow down as they only just begin to react.
  759. >It immediately dawns on you that Anonymous will be your first kill made in service to Master Sombra.
  760. >There's a slight tingling in your stomach; though you have no idea if it's due to the thrill or something else.
  761. >However, any excitement you may have had is cut short when your target side-steps to the left to avoid your strike.
  762. >As you move past him and land in the snow, you see Anonymous's eyes glaring at you in your periphery as your sword digs deep into the dirt.
  763. >He knew you were going to attack.
  764. >That... that... gah you should have realized that!
  765. >Anonymous calmly takes a step back and lifts his blade parallel to his head.
  766. >"Holy... Anon! Are you okay?"
  767. >The witcher rolls his shoulders, "I'm fine Aj."
  768. >You only narrow your eyes as you pull your weapon out of the dirt and flourish your own sword.
  769. >Anonymous's eyes lock onto your medallion, "You're one of those Manticore witchers."
  770. >It looks like with your hood and neck gaiter up they don't recognize you.
  771. >Silently, you enter a combat stance. You have no need to give him any information, he can clearly see the medallion for himself and put two and two together.
  772. >Charging forward, you start off with an overhead chop that Anon moves to block.
  773. >Sparks fly as your steel swords clash against one another.
  774. >To anyone else, this might look like some sort of well-rehearsed dance with the speed you two are going at.
  775. >The very thought that one wrong move and it could all be over...
  776. >Its exhilarating honestly.
  777. >Using the skills you've learned while under Anonymous's tutelage, you manage to keep him on even footing as you.
  778. >Before your transformation, you would lose out to his faster reflexes, but now? Now the playing field is even.
  779. >The two of you pace around in a circle, everyone else watches intently as you two have your duel.
  780. >Anonymous spins the blade in his hand as he waits for your next move.
  781. >If he's not going to attack, you might as well.
  782. >Thrusting your blade forward, he knocks it too the side making you retreat.
  783. >You mentally chastise yourself. That was sloppy.
  784. >Shaking your head, you try to keep focus.
  785. >"Enough of this, you're in our way."
  786. >You decide to change up your tactics with a pirouette followed by a diagonal slash. Chaining your moves together in an attempt to keep Anon off his proper footing.
  787. >Keeping his weapon towards the center of his body, Anonymous uses minimal movement of the blade to stop your offensive cold.
  788. >Though you garner some pleasure in the fact that he's actually on the defensive against you, you're starting to become a bit agitated with the fact that you're also not making much progress.
  789. >As you make for another slash, he pivots his sword alongside yours in an attempt to disarm you.
  790. >Instantly you pull back and retreat.
  791. >The wolf witcher thrusts his blade at you without pausing at all. It's only thanks to your reflexes you manage to avoid losing your head
  792. >His expression remains unchanged, though you can tell he's a bit disappointed that his follow-up didn't work.
  793. >Dammit.
  794. >A bead of sweat falls off your brow and onto the ground.
  795. >Entering another series of strikes, parries and ripostes; the two of you come into another blade lock, pushing against the clinch in an attempt to overpower the other.
  796. >Suddenly, you notice Anonymous gaze going towards something behind you.
  797. >Placing one of his gloved hands on his sword's blade, he begins pushing you back.
  798. >You attempt to counter, but the heel of your foot catches on a root, sending you off balance.
  799. >Before you can adjust, he punches you in the face and kicks you in the gut with the heel of his boot.
  800. >The air knocked out of your lungs, you almost have to force yourself from vomiting inside your gaiter.
  801. >"You need to watch out for that." he quips.
  802. >You internally scream.
  804. >Space... you need some space.
  805. >Extending your arm forward, you curve your fingers into an Igni sign and magic fire shoots out from your hand.
  806. >The wolf witcher rolls to the side as you instead direct it towards the rest of his party.
  807. >"Whoa nelly!"
  808. >"Vinyl!"
  809. >"Tavi move!"
  810. >"NOT COOL!"
  811. >As they all scatter, you get back to your feet and continue throwing fire.
  813. >The manticore witcher continues to unleash the stream of fire at your friends as they retreat.
  814. >Applejack dives underneath the flames, narrowly passing over head.
  815. >"ANON!"
  816. >This is getting out of control.
  817. >In your fight, you notice the witcher seems to have a temper problem just based on the body language. The longer you kept up your defense, the more frantic they were to try and break it.
  818. >It's a good thing you've gotten a bit of experience in that regard, Sunset had that same problem.
  819. >Hiding behind a tree, you reach towards the back of your belt and pull out a samum grenade.
  820. >Pulling the pin, you hold on for a few seconds before tossing it at the witcher's feet.
  821. >Unfortunately for your adversary, the grenade detonates almost instantly after touching the ground.
  822. >The witcher lets out a feminine scream as they cover their eyes.
  823. >So a witcheress like Gilda.
  824. >Casting Aard again, you stagger them, leaving the witcher open.
  825. >Running in you perform an uppercut slash, cutting her diagonally across the chest.
  826. >Crimson blood splatters against the white snow as you tower over your defeated opponent.
  827. "Concede. You're do-"
  828. >There's a sudden hitch in your throat as you notice a familiar stray lock of red hair and skin color.
  829. >Using the tip of your sword, you carefully lower their gaiter.
  830. >"Go to hell Anonymous." Sunset Shimmer says as her face is revealed to you.
  831. >For a moment you're stunned.
  832. "Sunset?"
  833. >But her eyes... then that means...
  834. >You look at the blood on your sword and the wound over her chest.
  835. >A pit in your gut forms.
  836. >"HEY!" a voice cries out from the side.
  837. >You're immediately hit by a telekinetic burst of energy, throwing you off of Sunset and into the snow a few yards away.
  838. >Who the-?
  839. >"Sunset are you okay?"
  840. >"What the hell are you doing here?"
  841. >"Helping you of course!"
  842. >Looking up, you see a boy no older than Sunset helping her up off the ground.
  843. >She shoves the one with white hair off of her and lowers her hood. Familiar red and yellow flows out of her jacket for everyone to see.
  844. >Applejack gasps, "Sunset...?"
  845. >Clutching her wound, her golden cat-eyes glare back at you.
  846. >They... they put her through the Trial of Grasses.
  847. >But why is she fighting you? She wouldn't do that voluntarily, would she?
  848. >No. Sombra's done something to her.
  849. "Sunset!"
  850. >The girl just stares back at you with an irritated leer.
  851. >"You won't stop Master Sombra's plan." she says, picking her sword back up. "Soon, everything will be ready for the Conjunction of Spheres."
  852. >"What did they do to you?" Rainbow demands.
  853. >"They made me stronger. Made me faster. And most importantly, they've shown me my true destiny."
  854. "Bullshit. You know what they're doing is going to end up killing thousands of people. They've obviously done something to your mind."
  855. >"No Anon, they've just shown me the light. You were an idiot to turn away from the Headmaster's grand plan."
  856. >You clench your fist; it's pointless reasoning with like this. Whatever brainwashing they've put on her is too strong. Most likely some kind of spell from Grogar, this goes way beyond just using Axii.
  857. >You're going to have to subdue her until you can work out a way to cancel it.
  858. >Suddenly, you hear the sound of rapidly crunching snow as a teenage girl charges at you with a sword from your right.
  859. >The strange boy lifts Sunset over his shoulder, "C'mon let's g- ow!"
  860. >"Get your filthy hands off me!" Sunset yells. "I know how to retreat!"
  861. >Shining Armor curses, "I can't get a clear shot!"
  862. >"Get her out of here!" the girl screams.
  863. "SUNSET!" you yell out, overpowering and pushing the teenager aside.
  864. "Vinyl!"
  865. >"Right!" she says, extending her talons.
  866. >Just then, a sharp pain comes from your side.
  867. >Frantically, with all the chaos going on, you reflexively you swing your own blade towards your assailant which is quickly followed by the familiar sound of cutting flesh.
  868. >The repercussions of your actions instantly dawns on you when it registers what you hit. Turning around, your sword has cut through the girl's shoulder towards the center of their chest.
  869. >As her blood spills onto the cold wet snow, she stares at you with an expression of utter shock and disbelief; fresh tears flowing down from her eyes.
  870. >The girl tries to mumble something, only to cough out more blood before falling to the ground dead.
  871. >Horrified, you take a step back.
  872. >"VAPOR!" the boy screams out.
  873. >"That idiot!" Sunset says. "Go, she's dead!"
  874. >"B-but..."
  875. >"Tch!"
  876. >Reaching into her jacket, she pulls out a small ball and tosses it into the ground between you and Vinyl.
  877. >"GO!" Sunset screams again.
  878. >A bright light blinds you all for a few seconds as you hear the sound of feet rushing away into the distance.
  879. >When the flash subsides, your eyes take a few seconds to re-dilate.
  880. >Looking around, you don't see any sign of the boy or Sunset Shimmer.
  881. >"Anon!" Rainbow yells. "You're hurt!"
  882. >She runs up to you.
  883. >You lift up your jacket showing the bloodied chainmail interior.
  884. >Wounds not deep.
  885. "I'll survive."
  886. >Unfortunately, you can't say the same for the person who inflicted the wound.
  887. >Applejack walks up to you two as Vinyl leaps up into a tree.
  888. >"Who was she?" Aj asks.
  889. "Probably one of the initiates for the Manticore school." you answer.
  890. >"She doesn't look much older than us." Rainbow says. "It's kind of creepy..."
  891. >Kneeling down, you reposition her body and close her eyes.
  892. >They're not mutated like a full-blown witcher. Which means she was just a normal girl.
  893. >Sorry kid.
  894. >"Did you have to kill her?" Rainbow asks, "I mean... er... y'know..."
  895. >Applejack rebukes her, "Rainbow, you know Anon wouldn't kill unless he had to!"
  896. "I... I reacted on instinct." you say forlornly, "If I could I wouldn't have."
  897. >You've been around death long enough that you've mostly been numb to it. But this one is troubling to you.
  898. >You're no stranger to killing people before, but that was almost always in self-defense though; and never this young.
  899. >There was a reason you investigated your contracts before you undertook them.
  900. >"Anonymous? Are you sure you're alright?" Octavia asks.
  901. >As a witcher you shouldn't be surprised when young people die. You've seen it all the time.
  902. >This shouldn't be any different. The only distinction was that this time it was by your hand.
  903. >Honestly, you're pretty sure you will given some time.
  904. >But right now it doesn't feel that way.
  906. ------
  908. >"So... what should we do?" Rainbow Dash asks.
  909. "Traditionally Skelligan custom indicates we should at least bury the body, just leaving it out is a sign of dishonor; to be treated no better than trash."
  910. >Wiping the girl's blood off on your sleeve, you sheathe the weapon.
  911. "But, we're now pressed on time. Sunset and that boy are most likely headed straight back to the fortress."
  912. >"I still can't believe she turned traitor like that." Octavia mutters, "Maybe she wasn't as good as we all thought?"
  913. >Applejack snorts, "Now yer talking nonsense. Sunset obviously ain't right in the head."
  914. >"Yeah!" Rainbow agrees, "She was talking about stuff about "destiny" and "light". That isn't normal."
  915. >"Plus, she was kind of acting like her old self y'know?"
  916. >"Anon?"
  917. "No, you two are right. She's most likely under Sombra's control. Probably some mind altering spell or poison from Grogar."
  918. >"How do we break her out of it then?"
  919. "A couple ways. The simplest and most direct would be to kill Grogar, though I don't advise it; spells sometimes have permanence only so long as the caster puts energy towards it."
  920. >Shining Armor looks deep in thought, "And the others?"
  921. "That's assuming the mind control is solely the work of magic. There are a few dozen ways on how to influence a person's mind, poisons, herbs, being really charming; so just killing Grogar may not even be beneficial in any way."
  922. >"You think they have Twilight under their control as well?" Shining asks.
  923. "It's a possibility we need to consider."
  924. >With Sunset's reveal of being under mind control, this mission just became more complicated.
  925. >"Hey! I think I see their tracks!" Vinyl calls from the top of the tree. "They're heading towards the mountain."
  926. "Then we don't have time to waste. They may not have gotten far, but the longer they have a head start, the more time Sombra has time to prepare for us."
  928. >Sky Stinger slows down in the snow and starts panting.
  929. "Put me down now!" you demand, hitting the boy with the back of your elbow.
  930. >He silently complies as tears flow down his face.
  931. "Why the hell are you crying for that worthless piece of c-"
  932. >"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" he shouts right in your face. "You don't get to talk about her like that after what she just did for *you*!"
  933. >Almost immediately he finds himself on his butt grasping a bloody nose from a sudden headbutt.
  934. >You narrow your eyes as he glares his bloodshot eyes at you.
  935. >His pulse rate is elevated and his nostrils are flaring out.
  936. >Vapor Trail's death must have hit him hard.
  937. >Pathetic.
  938. >Wiping your hair back you draw your sword and hold it at his throat.
  939. "You do not get to talk back to me."
  940. >He spits out some blood, "Do it. Kill me then."
  941. >In the state he's in now, Sky Stinger is no use to anyone. If he can't handle one worthless death, what good is he to Master Sombra?
  942. "Gladly." you answer back, the boy's eyes widening in horror.
  943. >Pulling your arm back, you prepare to end Sky Stinger's miserable existence when your arm seizes up.
  944. >Wha-
  945. >Celestia damn it!
  946. >Try as hard as you might, you can't seem to tell your arm to move.
  947. >W-what is this? Why can't you move your arm?!
  948. >It's like something's holding it back.
  949. >Gritting your teeth, you resign yourself and lower your weapon.
  950. "You're not worth the effort." you lie, "I'm heading back. You can follow if you want, I don't care."
  951. >Sheathing your blade, there's a stinging in your chest where Anonymous injured you.
  952. >You wipe the pooling red area just above your left breast and stare at all the blood on your hand.
  953. >Seems like the wound is already clotting.
  954. >Cold air bellows through the forest as the sky begins darkening and the temperature begins to drop.
  955. >Without another word, you leave Sky Stinger in the snow and march back to the Keep.
  956. >There's a grunt followed by cursing as you hear the witcher trainee getting up.
  957. >With him following, the two of you wade through the now falling snow.
  958. >Good thing the entrance isn't far. You don't know how long you could stand being around this guy.
  959. >Despite his ability to fight, he's about as helpful as Snips and Snails.
  960. >And what a headache that was.
  962. >You sit in your chair and glance over your shoulder at the witcher handler Sombra assigned to you.
  963. >Jericho, the Viper witcher, sits in the corner of the room given to you next to the wall in the same position you've seen Anon in whenever he meditates.
  964. >Ever since he came back from his little errand for Sombra, the past couple hours he's just been sitting there.
  965. >While he hasn't done anything to you, personally you can't say you really care for his company.
  966. >Ever since you arrived here at the Keep, you haven't had much privacy from him.
  967. >You're thankful he doesn't follow you into the restroom. If it wasn't for that, you might not have finished this stun gun.
  968. >That and he hasn't been curious enough to ask what you've been building.
  969. >His mistake.
  970. >This will only work once, so you'll have to be extremely judicious.
  971. >Getting up from your chair, you notice the man's facial expression twitch just slightly.
  972. >Holding the small custom-built stun gun behind your back, you walk up to the door when he stands and blocks your path.
  973. >"Miss Sparkle. Where do you think you're going?"
  974. "I want to talk to my friend Sunset Shimmer."
  975. >"I'm sorry but no." he states. "Please, go back to your seat."
  976. "I wasn't asking."
  977. >"I understand the situation you're in is... difficult. But bear with it."
  978. "You witchers have no idea what difficult is."
  979. >Jericho sighs, "I know you might not believe me, but I wanted to thank you."
  980. "For what?" you ask suspiciously.
  981. >"When the Conjunction of Spheres occurs, My brothers and I will finally have a place in the world."
  982. "Did you ever think of the cost?"
  983. >"It will be a trying transition for socie-"
  984. "Don't you dare try to rationalize this. You and I both know this is wrong."
  985. >The man is clearly thinking hard on your words, which is just enough of an opening for you to strike.
  986. >Swinging your arm, you catch the witcher by surprise and jab him in the chest with the weapon.
  987. >He tries to struggle and reach out for your weapon but you continue to apply more force when you feel the gun heating up considerably and smell something burning.
  988. >When you lock gazes, momentary flashbacks of Tirek killing your grandfather appear causing you to almost drop the tool.
  989. >[More… do it until his heart stops!]
  990. >Reaffirming your grip, you push even further as electricity cackles from the electrodes.
  991. >Looking down at the man's chest, his jacket is beginning to smoke at the point of contact.
  992. >It takes a few seconds longer than anticipated but Jericho finally loses consciousness and slumps down against the wall.
  993. "Finally!"
  994. >[Stun devices are good and all, but you really should build something more... lethal.]
  995. >Unfortunately, the man doesn't have carry any weapons besides the sheathed knife on his bandolier.
  996. >Of course you had to have the witcher who isn't armed with a firearm.
  997. >Taking the knife, you make sure the coast is clear before dashing out of the room.
  998. >[Leaving him alive is a mistake.]
  999. >That's right...
  1000. >He'll only just cause problems later down the road.
  1001. >Kneeling down, you prepare to execute the man when suddenly a voice comes in on the radio attached to his belt.
  1002. >"Jericho. Bring Twilight Sparkle to the main hall." a voice says over the speaker.
  1003. >Crap.
  1004. >Running to the door, you check both sides of the hall to make sure the coast is clear.
  1005. >You need to find a way out of here. Then, when you're more prepared, you'll come back for Sunset Shimmer and fix her.
  1006. >Choosing one of the halls, you sneak down the passage, narrowly avoiding some individuals dressed in some sort of uniform.
  1007. >"So I hear that Trainee Seven took her Trial last night."
  1008. >"No way. Really?"
  1009. >"Yeah, I overheard Instructor Gaston talking to the Doctor about it to Gaston, apparently she's out doing some sort of field assignment right now for the Headmaster."
  1010. >"Well no wonder she wasn't at exercises today. Fuck, I wish I got special treatment like her. Instead we get stuck doing her job clearing out the snow around the Keep."
  1011. >Peeking over the box, you note that they look around your age.
  1012. >They're all carrying shovels, and three-to-one odds is not something you want to deal with right now.
  1013. >Glancing at the bottom of their uniforms, their boots are covered in mud.
  1014. >They did just say that they were clearing out snow.
  1015. >That might be your only way out.
  1016. >"You think they'll get mad at us for tracking in mud?" one of the three asks.
  1017. >"Nah, Four, Six and Twelve can worry about that. Right now we got to check in with the Doc."
  1018. >Waiting for the trio to walk past, you quietly run down the hall they came from until you eventually reach a window.
  1019. >There's a light snowfall outside as the sun begins setting beyond the horizon.
  1020. >...
  1021. >Continuing on, you reach a heavy duty gate doors that doesn't necessarily match the rest the decor.
  1022. >At the base of the frame, the floor around it is wet from melted snow and as you get closer, the ambient temperature has fallen.
  1023. >Your exit!
  1024. >Grabbing the large handle, you turn it and push.
  1025. >The gate opens with a loud creaking noise, but you see fresh snow blowing inside the building.
  1026. >Pushing it all the way, you take this as your chance to run only to be tossed back onto your butt.
  1027. "Ow..."
  1028. >"What the hell are you doing?" Sunset Shimmer asks glaring down at you.
  1029. >Oh no... you were so close...
  1030. "S-Sunset."
  1031. >A boy walks up behind her and just looks at you curiously.
  1032. >Sunset grabs you by the collar and drags you up, slamming you against the wall.
  1033. >Her chest has a large bloody gash, and her face has a few cuts.
  1034. >"I'm willing to bet Master Sombra doesn't know you're here." she says with utter disdain. "So mind answering my question?"
  1035. >You keep your mouth shut which only seems to antagonize your former friend even further.
  1036. >"ANSWER ME!" she yells.
  1037. >A sharp pain hits you as Sunset slaps you across the face.
  1038. "I-I'm not helping that ma-madman. He has no idea what he's doing."
  1039. >To your confusion, Sunset lets out an unnerving laugh.
  1040. >"You're one to talk. Inventing devices that can suck the living magic out of a person, wanting to understand a power you couldn't possibly comprehend even if it meant destroying the fabric of reality. You can't be serious."
  1041. >Dumping you on the floor, Sunset places her boot on your sternum, "Listen here Sparkle. You will do as you're told, or else I may have to be a bit more "persuasive"."
  1042. >She unsheathes a knife from the boot pinning you to the wall and flips it in her hand.
  1043. >"Do you understand me?"
  1044. >This girl... she's... she's not Sunset...
  1045. >Sunset wouldn't do this. She wouldn't purposely hurt you.
  1046. >[This is just another witcher that needs to vanish like all the others.]
  1047. >No... that's not true.
  1048. >[Be realistic, Sunset is gone. All that's left is this bitch.]
  1049. >Glaring up at Sunset, you notice tears are flowing down from her left eye. Though she doesn't seem to realize that.
  1050. >A feeling in your gut is telling you Sunset Shimmer is still in there.
  1051. >Cautiously, you inch your hand towards your belt.
  1052. >You grab your stun gun and try to jab her with it only to come up short as a hand grabs onto your wrist.
  1053. >Following the arm, you see Jericho with an unamused expression.
  1054. >He squeezes your wrist to make you let go of the device, sending it clattering onto the ground.
  1055. >"She's supposed to be your responsibility Viper." Sunset says.
  1056. >Jericho doesn't say anything, instead just picking up your stun gun and pocketing it.
  1057. >Helping you to your feet, he gently, but forcefully, pushes you away from Sunset Shimmer who just huffs before walking away.
  1058. >"Your friend has a temper." he says.
  1059. "She's not herself."
  1060. >"I know. But for your safety, it would be best not to antagonize her."
  1061. "My safety? Since when did you start caring about my well-being?"
  1062. >"The Headmaster has instructed me to watch over you. I will fulfill that task to the best of my ability, even if you do cause me considerable... pain."
  1063. >He gestures towards the black spot on his jacket.
  1064. >"Though I admit, I'm actually impressed you had the gall to even try that."
  1065. "..."
  1066. >"Advice from me is probably the last thing you want to hear but don't change that Twilight Sparkle, it is a good quality."
  1068. ------
  1070. "Wait out here." you order Sky Stinger.
  1071. >Wordlessly, he slumps down against the wall and buries his head in his arms.
  1072. >Holding back your disgust, you enter the Headmaster's chambers.
  1073. >Compared to the hall outside, the lights are turned down to a almost non-existent level causing your eyes to adjust slightly.
  1074. >Master Sombra is reading a book and writing something down within the margins.
  1075. >"You're back." he says not looking up. "You have found the problem?"
  1076. >Kneeling down, you keep your head lowered.
  1077. "Yes Master. It's-"
  1078. >"Sunset Shimmer, there is no need for you to bow to me." he interrupts. "Please, rise."
  1079. "Yes sir." you say.
  1080. >Standing up at attention, he gestures for you to continue.
  1081. "The intruder is Anonymous."
  1082. >"Anonymous? The Wolf witcher correct?"
  1083. >You give the Headmaster an affirmative nod.
  1084. >Setting his pen down, he folds the corner of the page and closes his book.
  1085. >"Then Tirek was correct in assuming he would be coming after you and Twilight Sparkle."
  1086. >Master Sombra pushes himself from his desk and walks around the desk towards the window.
  1087. >"Have you taken care of him?"
  1088. >You grit your teeth but opt to answer truthfully.
  1089. "No, I was not able to best him. He is on his way as we speak."
  1090. >"I must admit, it still comes as a shock that one of my very own would even think of betraying me."
  1091. "He is not alone sir. There are five others with him."
  1092. >"Oh?"
  1093. "Two of Twilight Sparkle's friends, Rainbow Dash and Applejack, her brother, a vampire, and a werewolf."
  1094. >"Interesting. I'll be sure to have the staff prepared for their arrival. Is there anything else I should be aware of?"
  1095. "Rainbow Dash and Applejack both have the same magical power that I possess; Not only that but Rainbow Dash was also trained by Anonymous, though she does not have the same dedication that *I* have."
  1096. >"Very good." he says.
  1097. >Turning to you, he sets his arm on your shoulder, "Though you did not stop him, you did provide me with something just as valuable: information."
  1098. >You see the man give a small smile which makes your chest well up with pride.
  1099. >"For your first assignment, considering your opposition, you've done well witcher. Now, go to the infirmary and patch that wound up. Our timetable is going to be slightly accelerated."
  1100. "Yes sir."
  1101. >"Once that's done, I will require all my available witchers to report to the main hall. You are dismissed."
  1102. >Bowing your head, you open the door and make your way out as Master Sombra takes his seat behind his desk.
  1103. >"Send the boy sitting outside my door in if you could. We have a few things to discuss."
  1104. "Yes Headmaster."
  1105. >Exiting the room, you kick Sky Stinger in the shin making the recruit recoil in pain.
  1106. "The Headmaster wants to see you."
  1107. >You march past him and towards the infirmary.
  1108. >Putting some distance between yourself and the Headmaster's office, another series of painful throbbings suddenly cause you to flinch.
  1109. >The pain quickly shifts from a simple headache to almost unbearable levels, like someone is ripping your skull in two.
  1110. >Not... again!
  1111. >You unwillingly start bashing your head against the wall like someone possessed with the resulting impacts hard enough to leave some blood against the surface and leaking down your face.
  1112. >Clutching your head, you stumble onto the cold stone floor.
  1113. "Augh!"
  1114. >It feels like your insides are on fire!
  1115. >You end up rolling on the ground in agony, grasping at your hair in some twisted attempt to make the pain stop!
  1116. >[I WILL NOT LET YOU CONTROL ME!] a voice says.
  1117. >Your medallion rumbles on its chain to the point where it feels like it might yank itself off.
  1118. >Someone...
  1119. >Master Sombra! Help m-
  1120. >Shooting up, you try to regain your bearings.
  1121. >A heavy amount of sweat has formed all along your brow.
  1122. >Where... what...? Oh dear Celestia your head hurts so bad...
  1123. >Staring at your hands, you see the dried blood covering your right glove.
  1124. >Something on your back is preventing you from turning your body properly.
  1125. >Reaching around you feel the handle of a sword hilt. Then, it all comes back to you.
  1126. >The Trial, the mind control spell, being sent to almost kill Anon...
  1127. >Vapor Trail's death...
  1128. >It almost seems like a bad dream.
  1129. >Like you were able to see everything that happened, but you weren't in control of your body.
  1130. >Instead it was that... other you...
  1131. >The you before the Fall Formal. Only subservient to that Headmaster.
  1132. >A scary thought occurs to you, is that the real you? Did the magic of Friendship only just make a new personality?
  1133. >Is your current self just a magical manifestation of the Elements of Harmony?
  1134. >No...
  1135. >That's...
  1136. >Your friends... wait!
  1137. >Manifestation or not, you need to warn your friends and help Twilight!
  1138. >Scrambling to your feet you frantically try to remember where Twilight is being held so you two can esca-
  1139. >Your entire body freezes as everything becomes blurry and unfocused.
  1140. >A chill goes up your spine and everything feels cold as the other you reasserts herself.
  1141. >Taking a deep breath, you scowl.
  1142. >That was close. Almost lost control of your body for a second to that *presence* in the back of your mind.
  1143. >There's no doubt about it, it's not just a figment of your imagination. Some *thing* is trying to assert itself on you.
  1144. >Whatever it is, it's more than just your conscience manifesting itself. The fact your medallion reacted like it did is confirmation of such.
  1145. >You slap yourself hard across the face, enough to leave a mark.
  1146. >Doubling your pace, you continue towards the infirmary to see if there's anything to rid you of this annoyance.
  1148. >Sitting in a chair, you wait in a large circular room as the Viper witcher watches you like a hawk.
  1149. >[You should have killed him when you had the chance.]
  1150. >You should have. But then again, that wouldn't have changed much now would it? Sunset would have still found you trying to escape.
  1151. >Shifting in your seat, you inconspicuously look around the room for anything you could use to your advantage.
  1152. >Something Shining taught you to do in case you were ever in trouble.
  1153. >You hope he's doing okay...
  1154. >Word must have made it to him by now that you were missing.
  1155. >[He must be riding the witcher's ass hard for letting you get captured.]
  1156. >Suddenly the door to the room creaks open and steps in Grogar, Sombra and Tirek.
  1157. >"Are you sure about this?" Grogar asks his master.
  1158. >"Yes, we are going to have company soon. From what I've been told by our newest member, one of the intruders is a vampire."
  1159. >"I know who the girl is referring to." Tirek says. "She is a Higher Vampire."
  1160. >Vinyl?
  1161. >Vinyl's here?
  1162. >"Then that only exacerbates the problem." Sombra says.
  1163. >"Do we have anything to contain the vampire?" Grogar questions. "My spells will do me no good with the speed those creatures possess."
  1164. >"For a short time yes." Tirek answers, "There a few cage within the cellar-"
  1165. >Grogar becomes incredulous, "Cages? What are cages going to do against a higher vampire?!"
  1166. >"Easy sorcerer." Sombra says, "Those cages are made of a special alloy that prevents the higher vampire from changing into their incorporeal forms."
  1167. >"And where did you encounter such a tool?"
  1168. >"During a... research expedition to Toussaint. In an ancient ruin legend says was utilized by clans of vampires."
  1169. >The sorcerer strokes his beard, "But why would they have cages designed to inhibit their own?"
  1170. >Tirek snorts, "Traitors, prisoners, does it really matter?"
  1171. >"I suppose not. But sti-"
  1172. >Sombra cuts him off with a wave of his hand, "Enough, let us change topic for our guest."
  1173. >You glare at the three men.
  1174. >"Jericho, please wait outside." Sombra commands.
  1175. >Bowing his head, the witcher takes his leave, but not before giving you one last glance as he walks by.
  1176. >"Tirek is the device ready?"
  1177. >The bear witcher reaches into his fur-lined jacket and pulls out your magic-o-meter.
  1178. >"It is Headmaster. All the Places of Power have been drained completely."
  1179. >Handing it to Sombra, the latter inspects the device with an amused expression.
  1180. >"Good. Now the only thing we can do is prepare for our uninvited guests. In just a couple of hours we'll have our moment."
  1181. >Wait...
  1182. >Did he just say "hours"?
  1183. >The Conjunction is that close?!
  1184. "My friends, they'll stop you."
  1185. >"They'll try Twilight Sparkle. Though by being led by one of my own witchers it should make this rescue attempt interesting."
  1186. >"You seem to have a lot of faith in them." Grogar states. "A shame that they, along with your brother will be among the corpses."
  1187. >Gripping the armrest of your arms tightly, your nails dig into the wood.
  1188. >Shining... Shining is here too?
  1189. >Memories of his last encounter with the transmundane flash back. How he was injured; all the pain and trauma Chrysalis caused both him and you.
  1190. >[You can't let that happen again.]
  1191. >No...
  1192. >[If Shining gets here, he's not going to survive this.]
  1193. >Shining's tough. He's-
  1194. >[He's out of his league.]
  1195. >...
  1196. >[Let your rage fester.]
  1197. >The noise of your invention being opened draws your attention towards it.
  1198. >It has large amounts of Power stored inside...
  1199. >Your vision tints blue as you lunge towards the magic-o-meter.
  1200. >Magic...
  1202. >Unfortunately for you, Tirek is much faster than you.
  1203. >Grabbing you by the throat, he halts your attempt in mid-assault.
  1204. >Your glasses are knocked off your head and fall to the ground.
  1205. >"Easy Tirek."
  1206. >Turning towards Grogar, Sombra gestures towards you, "Doyen, I don't want another outburst like that. See if you can't reign her in like you did Sunset Shimmer."
  1207. >"Yes Headmaster."
  1208. >The old man steps in front of you and raises his staff, the bells attached to his belt chimes once as mystical energy visibly forms around his hand.
  1209. >He chants some sort of incantation as orange mist travels from his hands to around your head.
  1210. >Almost immediately, your mind starts feeling a bit hazy.
  1211. >[The fool.]
  1212. >The sorcerer waves his arms in random-looking, but fluid patterns as he channels his magic into his spell.
  1213. >But his face begins contorting as sweat builds up around his temples.
  1214. >"Grogar?"
  1215. >"I'm... encountering resistance."
  1216. >Sombra stays quiet.
  1217. >Tirek frowns, "Resistance? From what?"
  1218. >"There seems... to be something pushing me ba-"
  1219. >Unexpectedly, the man is knocked back onto his rear as blood leaks out from Grogar's nose.
  1220. >Wiping his nose, the man's nostrils flare and his eyes widen.
  1221. >"You insolent gi-!"
  1222. >"That's enough Grogar."
  1223. >Tirek can't help but snicker at the old man’s anger.
  1224. >"It seems you're losing your touch wizard."
  1225. >Grogar huffs and fixes his robes, "This girl has a much stronger mind than I anticipated. If you'll allow me to try again I ca-"
  1226. >Sombra shakes his head, "If we had more time. Come, we have to assemble our defenses."
  1227. >"But Head-"
  1228. >"Now." the Headmaster says in a stern tone.
  1229. >Silently, the two men comply and follow Sombra out of the room as Jericho walks back in.
  1230. >"I am to take you back to your quarters and provide you dinner." he says reaching to help you up.
  1231. >You slap his hand away and walk out of the room.
  1232. >[Just a little longer Twilight. Just a little longer and this will all be over.]
  1234. -----
  1236. >Glancing up, the clouds in the sky are getting darker and the snowfall is starting to pick up.
  1237. >You crouch down and take a bit of red snow on the ground next to a slightly filled in bootprint.
  1238. >Sunset's bleeding is becoming less frequent to the point where you can't rely on the blood anymore.
  1239. >Though just by the displacement of the snow on the ground, something occurred between the boy and her.
  1240. >Regardless of what it was, you identify two sets of quickly fading prints heading in the same direction.
  1241. >Great thing you already know her destination.
  1242. >Scanning further along, you see the trail leading through the trees towards the base of the mountain where the Keep is located.
  1243. >Since they don't go around towards the nearby lake, it's apparent she's headed towards the back entrance.
  1244. >Looks like Headmaster Sombra finally got someone to fix the damn door.
  1245. >Thing was always a pain in the ass to open up during winter time.
  1246. >Brushing your hands, you stand up and roll your neck.
  1247. >You feel a hand grab your shoulder. Turning to face the owner of the hand, you see Applejack giving you a reassuring smile.
  1248. >"Don't worry sugarcube. We'll get'em back."
  1249. "Its not that I'm worried about." you tell her.
  1250. >Before she can ask you to elaborate, you forge onward with the rest of your group in tow until you reach a small clearing in the woods.
  1251. >Just ahead past a small field of snow is a worn and torn concrete bunker jutting out of the base of the mountain where the Keep is located.
  1252. >But somethings... off. The bootprints abruptly stop well before the door.
  1253. >Only just then do you notice something poking out of the ground.
  1254. >"This it?" Rainbow Dash asks, stepping towards the bunker.
  1255. >You stop her mid-stride and direct her attention to where her foot would have stepped.
  1256. "Everyone back up. Now."
  1257. >Your group gives you a curious look, but slowly backs away.
  1258. >Kneeling down on the ground you pull out your hunting knife. Slowly and carefully, you brush off a layer of snow to uncover the shell of a mine.
  1259. >You can hear Applejack and Rainbow Dash gulp.
  1260. >These weren't here when you left the Keep, so these are a recent thing. And judging by the condition of the casing on the mine, a very recent thing.
  1261. >As you continue to dig around the device, you recognize the type.
  1262. "Shit." you hiss.
  1263. >Three prongs jut out of a small metal tube sticking out of the dirt.
  1264. >No mistake, a bounding mine.
  1265. >If Rainbow Dash stepped on this... well, let's just say you're glad you caught her in time.
  1266. >Shaking your head, you step back towards the others.
  1267. >"What's the problem?" Shining Armor asks.
  1268. "Minefield."
  1269. >He facepalms, "Seriously? A minefield now? Just how organized is your base?!"
  1270. "Honestly this is a surprise to me too. Granted, there was maybe precedent to set traps for creatures and such, but I've never known any other witcher to use them."
  1271. >"We could spend all day here." Shining Armor adds, "Assuming we find enough of them."
  1272. "Plus, we're being watched." you say, thumbing at the newly added camera dome near the door.
  1273. >Its become quite apparent that within in the past decade or so security has been upped considerably.
  1274. >Reaching into your jacket, you pull out a throwing knife and toss it over the large expanse of snow at the camera hard enough to go through the plastic covering and break it.
  1275. >"Nice shot..." Rainbow mumbles.
  1276. "Any ideas?" you ask, turning back to everyone else.
  1277. >Vinyl snaps her fingers, "Octy!"
  1278. >"Yes?"
  1279. >"Duh, use your nose!" she says.
  1280. >"What?"
  1281. >"I read something on the internet about dogs being able to sniff out the explosive odors in landmines."
  1282. >Everyone just stares at her deadpan.
  1283. >"Its not like we got any better ideas..."
  1284. >"Can't you just like, trigger them to blow up and then just regenerate?" Rainbow asks. "Or wait! Anon has better senses too, he could get on the ground and do that too!"
  1285. >"My healing factor isn't *that* fast Rainbow Dash."
  1286. "And I wouldn't advise it. These are bounding mines. Plus, my nose isn't *that* good."
  1287. >"Bounding mines?"
  1288. "When the mine is activated, it launches a small bomb in the air at waist height and explodes, sending tiny steel ball bearings in all directions."
  1289. >You can hear an audible gulp coming from Applejack.
  1290. >"And there aren't any other entrances?" Shining Armor asks.
  1291. "Besides this and the front door? No. Not that I'm aware of."
  1292. >Suddenly, Octavia hunches over onto her hands. She starts growling as saliva begins to leak out of her mouth.
  1293. >Octavia's bloodshot eyes snap open and her pupils constrict.
  1294. >Her clothes rapidly begin to rip at the seams, quickly becoming too small for her newly growing frame.
  1295. >The girl's skin turns two shades darker, her face, arms and legs elongate, becoming more canine in appearance.
  1296. >Shining takes a step back, "What the fuck..."
  1297. >Once her metamorphosis is complete, Octavia let's out a howl.
  1298. >She stares at you and snarls, making you instinctively reach for your sword.
  1299. >"Easy Tavi." Vinyl says, moving in front of you and holding her hands in an attempt to ease her friend. "She gets a little cranky right after she turns."
  1300. >The werewolf takes a deep breath before visibly relaxing.
  1301. >"I apologize." Octavia says in a much deeper voice. "Doing this... still takes a bit out of me... Now, where is the mine?"
  1302. "Over here." you say, leading the lycanthrope towards the explosive device.
  1303. >Bringing her nose close to the prongs, she sniffs the air.
  1304. "Well?"
  1305. >"I can smell something... metallic... almost like gunpowder or something similar."
  1306. "That's probably the propellant used to launch the explosive." you state. "Can you find the others?"
  1307. >"The order is distinctive enough that I believe I could."
  1308. >She sniffs the ground for a few seconds, turning towards another direction before pointing at the ground.
  1309. >"Here."
  1310. >Looking closely, you can see the prongs of another mine sticking out of the snowy grass.
  1311. >"This is so stupid." Shining Armor says. "They're only doing this to slow us down."
  1312. "I agree but I don't have any alternatives right now." you say, incredulous that this is actually working. "Unless you have one?"
  1313. >Twilight's brother stays silent and shakes his head.
  1314. "Shining you take the rear, everyone single file and be careful."
  1315. >The next few minutes are spent maneuvering through the minefield with Octavia leading the way.
  1316. >The atmosphere among your group is tense as one wrong step could end your journey right here and now.
  1318. >You slam the door open startling the occupants of the infirmary.
  1319. >Doctor Cabelleron flinches before holding his breath and exhaling.
  1320. >"Can I help you?" he says in a clearly annoyed tone as the man looms over one of the witcher trainees on the operating table with a needle in hand.
  1321. "I need something to fix me up doctor." you state.
  1322. >The man turns towards you and injects the semi-lucid boy.
  1323. >"Yes, well. I'm a bit busy at the moment Sunset Shimmer."
  1324. >He gives you a quick cursory glance, "Swallow, top cabinet shelf, blue vial." he answers before turning back to his patient.
  1325. >Within minutes the boy starts spasming uncontrollably, only held back by the restraints attached to the table.
  1326. >Ignoring the sight before you, you rush towards medicine cabinet and open the doors.
  1327. >Within are a plethora of different sized test tubes, bottles, vials and flasks each with their own uniquely colored liquid.
  1328. >Blue... blue... come on... aha there!
  1329. >You grab the blue vial with the word Swallow labeled on the side and pop the lid.
  1330. >Like a manwoman, you down the entire contents in one gulp and almost gag at the taste.
  1331. >"Careful." the doctor says as he records something down onto an electronic tablet.
  1332. >Soon enough, you can feel the pain from the wounds you suffered quickly disappear almost like they were never injured in the first place.
  1333. >Checking underneath your jacket, your chest wound has already healed though it has left a visible scar in its place from just above your thigh to the inside of your left breast.
  1334. "That was faster than I thought it was going to take." you say.
  1335. >"Yes, well it will take a few hours for th-"
  1336. >Doctor Cabelleron looks up, slightly puzzled, before he turns back to you.
  1337. >"Wait... what exactly did you get injured by?" he asks checking his watch.
  1338. >You explain to him briefly about your encounter with Anonymous and the sword duel that resulted in your disfiguring injury.
  1339. >"Open your shirt."
  1340. "Fuck you pervert." you retort, stepping back. "I'm not that easy just beca-."
  1341. >He pinches the bridge of his nose. "No Miss Shimmer, let me see the afflicted area."
  1342. >Oh...
  1343. >Doing what the doctor asks, you lift up your undershirt and show him the scar.
  1344. >His eyes go wide with surprise, "Interesting. Your body metabolized the formula at a phenomenal rate and with impressive results."
  1345. "I'm assuming that's good?"
  1346. >"Very good. Most other witchers I've seen require hours or days to recover."
  1347. >You scoff and lower your clothing.
  1348. "Well I guess I'm just special then aren't I?" you snark, walking over to the nearby sink and washing the blood running down your face.
  1349. >"If I could run some tests-"
  1350. "You're a bit busy doctor." you say, pointing towards the patient seizing and foaming besides him.
  1351. >Cabelleron waves him off, "He'll be fine."
  1352. >Right...
  1353. >"Now if you could ju-"
  1354. "Do you have anything to cure hallucinations or possessions?"
  1355. >"Excuse me?"
  1356. "You heard me."
  1357. >The man narrows his eyes, "Why? Is something the matter?"
  1358. >You roll your eyes in response.
  1359. "Do you have anything or not? Master Sombra requires my presence."
  1360. >The latters not the whole truth, but he doesn't need to know that.
  1361. >The man huffs in annoyance at your tone, "No. I do not. But if you can afford a few mome-"
  1362. "Then you're useless to me." you say marching out of the room.
  1363. >As you walk out the doorway, you brace yourself against the wall when the hallway suddenly spins around.
  1364. >Ugh...
  1365. >The drink did this.
  1366. >If its like Anonymous, this should pas-
  1367. >Oh dear Celestia what the hell?!
  1368. >You panic slightly as you notice the veins in your hand become significantly darker as your skin looks a little paler.
  1369. >There's a strong urge to go back into the medical room and demand what the heck is going on with your body when the color begins to return to normal.
  1370. >...
  1371. >Deep breathes Sunset...
  1372. >You need to focus on the task ahead.
  1374. >Master Sombra, Gaston are discussing something in his office when you finally make arrival.
  1375. >"-'s already progressing through the minefield as we speak." Gaston reports. "With the help of a werewolf I might add."
  1376. >They must be talking about Anonymous and that stupid minefield those other trainees were setting up as you walked through the door..
  1377. >Because come on. Who else could they be talking about.
  1378. >It seems Anon is literally at the doorstep.
  1379. >"Using the lycanthrope’s more acute sense of smell to detect the explosive powder I'm assuming?" Sombra asks.
  1380. >"More than likely sir."
  1381. >"Gaston, gather the recruits that have already undergone their Trial of Grasses."
  1382. >"They haven't gotten accustomed to their mutations yet I th-"
  1383. >"Consider this a test of their resolve then. If need be, we can always get more."
  1384. >"Master Sombra, I highly-"
  1385. >The Headmaster shoots him a death glare. Gaston holds his tongue and nods his head.
  1386. >"Doyen, is the cage ready?" he asks towards a small screen mounted on his desk.
  1387. >"Tirek is finishing the final touches now." the sorcerer answers over the speaker.
  1388. >The Headmaster stands from his chair and looks at Gaston with a stern glare.
  1389. >"Gentlemen, we are standing on the precipice of all we've worked for these past few months. Let us not waste all that effort; Gaston, prepare for Anonymous's arrival and do not underestimate the Wolf witcher or his friends abilities."
  1390. >Sitting back down, he dismisses the instructor who simply walks past you.
  1391. >"Sunset I see you're already... better."
  1392. "I heal fast Master."
  1393. >You briefly consider telling Master Sombra about your little "episode" earlier but decide against it.
  1394. >If he thinks you're unwell, he might stop relying on you.
  1395. >And you can't let that happen. You're no good to him then.
  1396. >"That's good." he says gathering a small wooden box and walks around the desk towards the door. "Your next task is to help Jericho. He will provide you with the details."
  1397. >No! He's only watching Twilight Sparkle!
  1398. >"Is there something wrong with the task I've given you?"
  1399. "Um... I was hoping I could help you personally. You've done so much for me t-that I-"
  1400. >He chuckles and lifts up your chin.
  1401. >"Your dedication reminds me of someone dear I used to know." he says. "In time Sunset Shimmer. But the task I have given you is just equally as important. Don't let me down."
  1402. >Your face feels hot as he says this. Though unbeknownst to you, there's a momentary feeling of disgust in the pit of your soul.
  1403. >"Jericho is with Twilight Sparkle in the main chamber, I expect you to follow the orders he relays to you."
  1404. >His face relaxes towards a neutral expression.
  1405. >"We are so close Sunset Shimmer. No one can interfere with my plan." he says before leaving the room. "If Anonymous cannot be convinced to join us, you will be instrumental towards stopping him."
  1407. -----
  1409. >After avoiding the mines, you, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Shining Armor finally reach the bunker door.
  1410. >You grab the handle and give it a turn, only to encounter immediate resistance.
  1411. "Locked."
  1412. >"Well that was anticlimactic." Rainbow complains. "What now?"
  1413. >You give the handle another tug when Vinyl places a hand on your shoulder.
  1414. >"Here, let me."
  1415. >The vampire's body loses cohesion until she becomes a dark colored mist and flies underneath the crack in the door.
  1416. >A few seconds go by when you hear a metal latch move on the other side and the door opens.
  1417. >Though the rest of you don't have any problems, because of her increased size though, Octavia has some trouble fitting through the narrow doorway.
  1418. >"Well, that explains why you always appear and disappear whenever it comes to the dishes." Octavia says.
  1419. >Vinyl just gives one of her typical smirks then shuts the door behind the werewolf.
  1420. >You can already feel the heat warming the entire facility up.
  1421. >Taking a step forward, you look down the empty hallway. Everything is recognizable, but at the same time it all looks very different.
  1422. >Instead of worn down stone walls, everything looks polished, chiseled, and honestly, a lot less shittier than when you last saw these halls.
  1423. >You really shouldn't be surprised though, you've been away from the Keep for a long time. Things were bound to change.
  1424. >But you can't help but be a little wary. Despite there being no reaction from your medallion, you can't help but feel tense.
  1425. >Granted, none of your opponents are magical in any way besides Grogar and...
  1426. >Sunset...
  1427. >Well, you suppose on the bright side, if your medallion has a strong reaction at any point, either one of them will be nearby.
  1428. >And maybe somehow you can break whatever spell is lording over Sunset's mind.
  1429. >"This place looks so creepy." Rainbow Dash says.
  1430. >"Ah hafta agree." Applejack adds, "Can't really explain why, but something just ain't right."
  1431. "Keep on your toes then. We're in enemy territory; they have the advantage here." you say walking down the hall. "Since Twilight was their main goal in Canterlot, Sombra will probably have her under close watch."
  1432. >"So where do we start?" Applejack asks.
  1433. >Shining Armor contemplates something before pulling out something from his bag.
  1434. >"Octavia. Do you think you could sniff out Twilight's location with this?" he asks, presenting a small magenta colored scrunchie.
  1435. >"I suppose I could try." Octavia answers.
  1436. >The man presents the small accessory to the werewolf, who leans in and takes a few seconds to get the scent.
  1437. >"Alright Tavi! Your nose is on a roll now!" Vinyl cheers.
  1438. >"Hush, I'm trying to focus." the werewolf chides her. "Hmm, I think I can smell a trail to follow."
  1439. "Then lead the way." you say.
  1440. >Paintings of old figures or events in history line the walls. Old kings, queens, great land and naval battles.
  1441. >Things only history enthusiasts would really spend money on.
  1442. >Applejack suddenly taps you on the shoulder, "Hey, Anon look. Its that one fella from that card game you like to play."
  1443. >You follow her gaze towards a particular painting.
  1444. >A man with two yellow eyes, ashen colored hair and a beard, and a wolf medallion hanging off his neck stares right back at you.
  1445. "Geralt of Rivia, "The White Wolf"."
  1446. >"Or "The Butcher of Blaviken"." Vinyl states.
  1447. >You give Vinyl a curious look.
  1448. >"Guy's sort of a boogeyman to vampires."
  1449. "Didn't think your kind were really afraid of anything."
  1450. >"Dude, you don't want to know what scares us."
  1451. >"Hey you three" Rainbow calls out, "You're lagging behind, hurry up!"
  1452. >"Yeah yeah." Vinyl replies.
  1453. >The vampire jogs up next to Octavia.
  1454. >As you continue along, something plagues your mind, making you stop mid-stride.
  1455. >"Anon, what is it?" Applejack asks.
  1456. "I find it weird we haven't encountered a single person yet. Despite the fact they know we're coming."
  1457. >"Ah was starting to think that too."
  1458. "We're walking into a trap." you say as your group comes across a junction corridor.
  1459. >"What do we do then?"
  1460. "As much as I hate traps, we don't really have a choice but to spring it and hope for the best."
  1461. >"Don't worry sugarcube, long as we're all together we can get through anything." she says.
  1462. >However, as soon as Vinyl walks past the archway, the floor begins to rumble and your medallion starts tugging at its chain.
  1463. >"W-what's going on?!"
  1464. >You frantically look around to figure out what's happening when a stone wall slams rises from the floor separating you and Rainbow Dash from the group.
  1465. >"Holy crap!"
  1466. "Applejack! Vinyl! Octavia!" you cry out banging your fist against the wall.
  1467. >The vampire's muffled yell comes across the otherside, "Anon! You guys okay?"
  1468. >You curse under you breath.
  1469. "We're fine. You?"
  1470. >"A little shaken. But that trap you and ah were talking about?"
  1471. "Yeah?"
  1472. >"Ah think we sprung it..."
  1473. >...
  1474. >"The hallway ahead of us closed too." Shining says, "But Octavia thinks she can still follow Twilight's trail."
  1475. "Do that then, I think I know some alternate paths so long as they weren't changed. We'll meet up later, just be careful alright?"
  1476. >Tapping the wall one last time, something's off about the wall.
  1477. >You opt to take a closer look and notice something amiss almost immediately.
  1478. "This is definitely not handmade." you say. "The cut between the stone and grout are too perfect."
  1479. >"What are you saying?" Rainbow asks.
  1480. >"It means we're going to have a much harder time navigating through the Keep than I originally thought."
  1481. >Rainbow crosses her arms, "It's that old wizard dude isn't it?"
  1482. "Grogar, yeah." you mutter, "C'mon, there should be an alternate path this way."
  1483. >"I don't like this."
  1484. "Neither do I, but we don't have much choice."
  1485. >You step away from the stone wall reluctantly.
  1486. >Hopefully Applejack can stay safe with Vinyl and Octavia close by.
  1488. >"Fucking dicks." Vinyl mutters under her breath.
  1489. >Though you aren't one to normally curse someone out, you kind of agree.
  1490. >Octavia continues to keep her nose to the ground like Winona whenever she starts trying to find one of her bones she buried on the farm.
  1491. >To be honest though, this whole werewolf thing still kinda makes you uneasy.
  1492. >But despite the girl's new form, you take a look back towards the hall where you were separated from Anon and the others.
  1493. >They'll be fine Applejack. It'll take more than that...
  1494. >Sliding your backpack over one arm, you open the zipper and pull out a bottle of water.
  1495. "Either one of ya need a drink?" you ask.
  1496. >"I'm good AJ." Vinyl responds.
  1497. >"As am I." Octavia says without turning away from her task, "Thank you for the offer though."
  1498. >Taking one big swig, you twist the cap back on and put the bottle back.
  1499. >You swish the water in your mouth for a bit before swallowing.
  1500. >Man...
  1501. >This place sure gives you the willies...
  1502. >Right now, you just want to get Twilight and Sunset and get the heck out of here.
  1503. >Suddenly you find yourself bumping into Octavia's rump.
  1504. "Something the ma-"
  1505. >Vinyl holds her finger over your mouth.
  1506. >"Shh."
  1507. >You look ahead and see a large circular room covered in darkness. The only sources of light are a few dim candles set around the room.
  1508. >Your werewolf companion starts growling.
  1509. >"I don't like this." Vinyl says. "It's too quiet."
  1510. >Shining Armor raises his rifle and sweeps the area.
  1511. >Without warning, multiple orange portals appear in front of your group.
  1512. "This doesn't look good..."
  1513. >Vinyl cautiously inspects the one closest to her.
  1514. >As if on cue, multiple chains with steel balls attached to the end fly out of the portal in front of her and wrap themselves around the vampire's waist, arms and legs.
  1515. >"Really? Do they not kno-"
  1516. >Whatever's on the other side of the portal begins slowly pulling Vinyl in as the other portals close.
  1517. >"What th- Fuck! I-I can't free myself!"
  1518. >"Vinyl!" Octavia shouts, grabbing Vinyl by the shoulders.
  1519. >Suddenly a knife flies out of the portal and imbeds itself in Octavia's shoulder blade, making her yelp in pain.
  1520. >"Tavi stay back!" the Dj warns, trying her best to free herself to no avail.
  1521. "What in tarnation is going on?!"
  1522. >Vinyl stumbles onto her back and is dragged up to her waist. She tries digging her talons into the stone floor but without proper leverage, all it does is delay the inevitable.
  1523. >In her struggle to break free, Vinyl's glasses fall off her head and she gives you a look of genuine fear.
  1524. >"Octav-" is all she can say as the portal closes around her.
  1525. >You're all stunned. Especially Octavia, whose own body language is not indicating good things.
  1526. >Her brow furrows, and her shoulders hunch.
  1527. >She stands on her hind legs and lets out an anguished howl that echoes in the chamber.
  1528. >"Hey, calm down." Shining says.
  1529. >"CALM! YOU WANT ME TO STAY CALM!" the werewolf roars.
  1530. >She glares at the both of you, her nostrils flaring with each breath.
  1531. "Easy now..." you say, "Just take is easy..."
  1532. >Another portal opens up just ahead with two imposing figures walking out.
  1533. >Their features hidden by the darkness of the room and the backlight provided from the swirling vortex. And though the portal is making noise of its own, you can hear Vinyl's cursing from just behind them.
  1534. >"VINYL!"
  1535. >The sounds of footsteps echo in the chamber; rebounding off the walls as the two newcomers walk forward.
  1536. >"Even with a missing hand, this task is below me." a menacing voice says. "I would have preferred a rematch with the vampire but orders are orders."
  1537. >You easily recognize that voice.
  1538. >The one that's been hassling your friends these past few weeks.
  1539. "Tirek..." you growl.
  1540. >"You'll get your chance with the Higher Vampire later." another voice says. "Remember Tirek, we're to take the one with the hat alive."
  1541. >"Don't lecture me Griffon. I've been at this game longer than you've been alive." Tirek snarls, "A werewolf, and two humans will not be a challenge."
  1542. >Two figures step out of the shadows, and into the dim light the larger of the two you easily recognize.
  1543. >The other however is slightly shorter, but has a similar trinket like the one worn by Gilda.
  1544. >You three take a nervous step back.
  1545. "Oh boy..."
  1547. >"Are you sure this is the way?" Rainbow Dash asks, "All these halls kind of look the same."
  1548. "I'm pretty sure. Though that's not really helpful since Grogar can manipulate the environment." you reply, gliding your hand against the closest wall.
  1549. >"Oh..."
  1550. >The next few minutes are filled with silence as you try to navigate the old halls of the Keep.
  1551. >After a while though, Rainbow decides to speak up.
  1552. >"Anon..."
  1553. "Yeah?"
  1554. >"I'm kind of scared."
  1555. "I thought you didn't get scared." you say.
  1556. >Rainbow gives a weak chuckle, "Don't spread that around."
  1557. >"But seriously... do... do you think we'll be able to get Sunset and Twilight back? To stop whatever plan we've gotten wrapped into? I mean, we haven't even encountered one dude since we got here and already things aren't looking good."
  1558. >You stop and turn towards her.
  1559. "Are you giving up on them?"
  1560. >"Wh-what? N-no I-"
  1561. "To answer your question: No, I don't think. I know we will."
  1562. >"You sound really confident about that."
  1563. "Dash, you've all been through alot together. Even before I came into the picture, I know you're extremely loyal to your friends so something like this shouldn't deter you. We can do it."
  1564. >"Things have never been this bad though."
  1565. "That’s never stopped you before has it?"
  1566. >"No..." she mumbles.
  1567. “This isn’t any different. Just a different bad guy for you to beat right?”
  1568. >Rainbow Dash looks down at the floor.
  1569. >"You know what? You're right!" she says, filled with more confidence. "We're gonna rescue Twilight and Sunset and break her out of that old farts mind control!"
  1570. >Her eyes sparkle slightly as she says that, despite there being little light and your medallion shakes a little.
  1571. >You smile.
  1572. >"Thanks Anon. Sorry. I kind of lost my way there."
  1573. "Don't mention it."
  1574. >As you turn away, you do your best to hold that smile.
  1575. >In reality, you don't know if you'll be able to rescue your friends. The odds are heavily stacked in Sombra's favor.
  1576. >But keeping morale up for Dash is important.
  1577. >The two of you proceed down the corridor until something stops you in your tracks.
  1578. >"Anon what is it?"
  1579. >You narrow your eyes.
  1580. >Straight ahead is Sunset Shimmer leaning against the wall.
  1581. >"Sunset!"
  1582. >She looks up and smirks at you before walking further down the hall until she vanishes into the dark.
  1583. >"Come and try to "rescue" me losers." she says in a mocking tone. "I'm waiting~"
  1584. >Rainbow Dash draws her sword, "You know that's a such an obvious trap right?"
  1585. >Drawing your own steel sword, you march forward.
  1586. "I really hate this place..."
  1588. ------
  1590. >Running after Sunset, your medallion tugs at its chain making you skid to a halt.
  1591. >Just ahead of you is the large circular room that serves as Sombra's throne room.
  1592. >And speaking of Sombra; there he is sitting in his damn chair.
  1593. >Holding your arm out, you catch Rainbow Dash.
  1594. >"What is i- oh..."
  1595. >"Welcome home Anonymous." the man says.
  1596. >Sunset stands to his left and smirks as the cause of your medallions reaction appears across his right.
  1597. >Exiting one of his portals is the Doyen, the little bell at his side chiming with every footstep.
  1598. "Sombra."
  1599. >"You have been causing some trouble for me haven't you?" Sombra asks.
  1600. "Kidnapping my friends will do that." you retort, glaring at Sunset.
  1601. >"Friend? It's been a very long time since I've heard any of my witchers refer to anyone as a friend."
  1602. "Things change. Now let Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle go."
  1603. >Sombra's expression remains neutral. "I'm afraid I can't do that."
  1604. >In response you draw your sword, which Sunset does the same.
  1605. >"Sunset come on! We're your friends!" Rainbow shouts.
  1606. >The brainwashed girl doesn't say anything, instead moving in front of Sombra with a defensive posture.
  1607. >"It's no use girl." Grogar cackles, "Sunset Shimmer has given up all ties to her previous life."
  1608. >Rainbow Dash grimaces.
  1609. "She's not doing it of her own will." you point out, "It's obvious you have her under some sort of spell."
  1610. >Grogar takes a step forward as if to tell you off when Sombra cuts the sorcerer off himself.
  1611. >"And what of it?"
  1612. "Well, first we're going to break her free then stop you."
  1613. >"So ungrateful." he says with disdain, "Can't you see I'm trying to make our lives meaningful again?"
  1614. "By kidnapping adolescents, submitting them to horrible mutations and sending them out in the world to hunt for scraps?"
  1615. >Sombra stands, "I will lead us into a new golden age."
  1616. >You scoff at the "grand" gesture he's trying to radiate.
  1617. "There's only a handful of us left, our time is over."
  1618. >"Once the Conjunction is complete, our time will just be getting started Anonymous. But explaining this would be moot."
  1619. >"You can either choose to be part of it or not." Sunset says, "And I plan on staying by Master Sombra's side all the- th-... the way."
  1620. >Sunset wobbles on her feet for a brief moment as she grabs her head.
  1621. >The Headmaster gives her a concerned glare, "Sunset?"
  1622. >"I'm fine Master." she says unconvincingly. "Just still getting used to my mutations that's all."
  1623. >He nods his head, "So what is your answer Anonymous? Will you stand with your brothers and sisters or will you forsake all I have given you."
  1624. "I'll pass."
  1625. >Sombra scoffs, "So you figure your best option is going to die and play hero?"
  1626. "..."
  1627. >"So be it. I had a feeling allowing you Wolves to be independent thinkers would be a mistake.
  1628. "Yeah, lucky us."
  1629. >The man snaps his fingers, "Sunset?"
  1630. >"Yes Master Sombra." Sunset says.
  1631. >"And just to make this fair, you'll have some help."
  1632. >Grogar clears his throat, "Um... I'm not much of a fighter..."
  1633. >"I'm not talking about you." Sombra states.
  1634. >Snapping his fingers, a door from across the room opens.
  1635. >Out steps that teenage boy that was with Sunset when she ambushed you outside.
  1636. >But this time, he's dressed in similar gear to Sunset and his pupils have changed from their original sea-green to the iconic yellow, thin-slitted ones you and Sunset share.
  1637. >"Sky Stinger." Sunset mutters in a condescending tone.
  1638. >"I'm here Headmaster Sombra."
  1639. >"Help Sunset Shimmer and earn your medallion."
  1640. >The newly inducted witcher glares at you, "With pleasure."
  1641. >Sunset Shimmer protests, "But Master, I'm confident I can rid both of them by my-"
  1642. >"Consider this a safety precaution."
  1643. >"Bu-"
  1644. >Sombra gives Sunset a look that silences her.
  1645. >"Yes Master..."
  1646. >Sky Stinger draws his steel blade as he walks next to Sunset.
  1647. >"Anon, what do we do about Sunset?"
  1648. "Leave her to me, you don't have the experience in disarming opponents non-lethally yet. But be careful, that other kid... he has a bloodthirsty look in his eyes."
  1649. >Rainbow draws her sword. "Gotcha."
  1650. >The two of you step towards the center of the room when suddenly the boy charges like a maniac.
  1651. >"Anon!"
  1652. >Without wasting any time, Sunset also takes this as her cue to pounce.
  1653. >But to your frustration, they both ignore Rainbow Dash and go straight for you.
  1654. >Quickly you cast Quen, only to have enough time to block and push away Sky Stinger's blade just as Sunset's own sword just bounces off where your abdomen would be.
  1655. >The two witchers stagger back as to not leave themselves open for a counter attack.
  1656. >So they're going to both focus on you first, is that it?
  1657. >"What are you doing loser?" Sunset asks with venom in her voice, "Anonymous is *MY* kill!"
  1658. >"Shut up! He ended Vapor Trails life so I'm going to end his!" he barks back.
  1659. >Vapor Trail?
  1660. >That... must be the girl you killed.
  1661. >"I don't care what your reasons are, he is mine!" she hisses. "Focus on Rainbow Dash. She's about your level anyway."
  1662. >Rainbow becomes indignant, "Hey!"
  1663. >The sorcerer clears his throat, "Will you two quit bickering and finish the task at hand?"
  1664. >Sky Stinger grumbles, "Fine. But as soon as I'm done with her I'm going after him."
  1665. >"If he's still alive that is."
  1666. >It bothers you how uncaring and sadistic Sunset sounds.
  1667. >You seriously need to find someway to snap her out of it.
  1668. >But how?
  1669. >Your eyes peer over towards Grogar. Whatever spell he used could be one of hundreds, assuming he even used a spell.
  1670. >Suddenly Sunset dashes at you again.
  1671. >You deflect an overhead swing causing her to try recoil.
  1672. >The move leaves an opening you could exploit bu-
  1673. >Remember Anon, you aren't trying to kill her...
  1674. >Lunging forward you thrust your blade at her. Sunset narrowly manages to dodge before bringing her sword around to try and take off your head.
  1675. >Ducking, you tuck and roll.
  1676. >You internally curse.
  1677. >Sunset Shimmer doesn't have that issue.
  1678. >"Stay still!" the female witcher demands.
  1679. "..."
  1681. >As Anon and Sunset duel, you look towards that other kid staring you down.
  1682. >Nervously, you bring your sword up and prepare to defend yourself.
  1683. >You really hope this guy isn't as good as Anon is...
  1684. >Your opponent is clearly waiting for you to make the first move judging by how he hasn't changed his stance.
  1685. >Calm down Rainbow Dash. Just remember everything Anonymous has taught you.
  1686. >...
  1687. >Okay...
  1688. >You're drawing a complete and total blank...
  1689. >Just like whenever you have a big test and you haven't studied.
  1690. >So... like every test.
  1691. >Crap...
  1692. >You take a deep breath and grit your teeth.
  1693. >Well first things first then Rainbow Dash.
  1694. >Just gotta kick this kid's ass then help Anon get Sunset.
  1695. >...
  1696. >Easier said that done...
  1697. >Wiping each of your hands on your jeans, you tighten the grip on your sword's hilt and run forward letting out a battle cry as Sky Stinger does the same.
  1698. >The first attack he makes you just barely manage to block before he follows up with another swing.
  1699. >Stepping back, his tip of his swing grazes your jacket and slices the fabric.
  1700. >That was too close...
  1701. >But before you realize, a fist collides with your cheek causing you to stagger back.
  1702. >The taste of metal fills your mouth when a boot goes into your gut taking all the wind out of your lungs and sending you onto your back some distance away.
  1703. >"Is that it?" Sky Stinger asks. "This'll be quicker than I thought."
  1704. >You bastard...
  1705. >"Fuck!" you hear Anon curse.
  1706. >Looking over, you see Anon cupping his right shoulder and Sunset holding a wicked grin on her mug.
  1707. >This isn't right.
  1708. >They shouldn't be fighting like this.
  1709. >Rainbow, you can't half-ass this now when Sunset and Twilight are still in trouble. There's no doubt in your mind they would be doing the same thing if the positions were reversed.
  1710. >...
  1711. >And the only way to stop it is to stop these guys.
  1712. >Though you couldn't be there for Sunset when she was kidnapped, you can damn well be there for her now.
  1713. >All of a sudden a glowing blue light wraps around you.
  1714. >Though Sunset and Anon are too focused on their fight, the others in the room give you strange looks as you can feel a familiar feeling coursing through your body.
  1715. "Aw yeah!"
  1716. >Here we go! Finally something to even things up.
  1717. >"What in the name..." that old wizard asks himself.
  1718. >Sky Stinger takes a step back, unsure of what he's seeing.
  1719. >As your transformation finishes, your new wings begin flapping making you hover a few centimeters off the floor.
  1720. >Sky Stinger looks incredulous, "Are you shitting me? You part Harpy or something?"
  1721. >"This is that magic of friendship Sunset has told us about Grogar." Sombra says.
  1722. >Leaning forward, he looks at you with interest, "Let's see how much this changes."
  1723. >"You think a pair of wings are going to help?" Sky Stinger taunts, "Well fuck that!"
  1724. >He casts the Aard sign at you, sending a shockwave of energy in your direction.
  1725. >Taking flight, you fly back far enough for the energy to dissapate.
  1726. >Like a bird watching its prey, you circle around above him.
  1727. >"GET DOWN HERE!" he demands. "This ain't fair!"
  1728. "Rule of nature buddy!" you retort, "Life isn't fair!"
  1729. >Tucking your legs in, you point your body down and dive straight at your opponent.
  1730. >He prepares to cut you open as soon as you make a pass, but strangely enough, as you speed towards him, his movements seem a lot slower to you.
  1731. >Almost like he's moving in slow motion.
  1732. >Veering to the left, you steer clear of his attack and circle around him.
  1733. >Flying past his open back, you just drag the edge of your sword below you and let your speed and gravity do the work for you.
  1734. >The guy lets out a cry of pain as a large red line appears on his back.
  1735. >Skidding on the ground, you run at him while he's too distracted by the pain and slide tackle him, sending him off his feet and onto his face.
  1736. >Getting back up, Sky Stinger glares at you with a look of pure malice.
  1737. >"I won't be bested by you until I get payback for Vapor Trail!"
  1738. >He means that girl in the forest right?
  1739. >Sorry, but you have your own friends to worry about right now.
  1740. >The two of you clash again, trading sword strikes and holding ground.
  1741. >The room echoes with the sound of metal clashing against metal as both you and Anonymous do your best to try and stay alive.
  1743. >Both you and Anonymous pace around in a circle as Sky Stinger takes care of that Rainbow haired bitch.
  1744. >Part of you doubts Sky Stinger will be able to handle that "ponied-up" transformation. While the kid was never that good in the first place, he already seems to be unable to overcome the challenge.
  1745. >You've already drawn first blood much to Anonymous's annoyance.
  1746. >The sight of him gripping his bleeding shoulder makes you smile.
  1747. "Give up Anonymous, out there in the wilds you just got lucky."
  1748. >"Sunset, I know you're still in there." he says, "You're stronger than this."
  1749. >You roll your eyes at his efforts.
  1750. >Glancing back at Master Sombra, he slumps back in his throne with his hands tented together.
  1751. >Better take care of this quick.
  1752. >Dashing forward, you aim a strike towards Anonymous's center of mass, fully expecting him to block it with a vertical positioning of his blade.
  1753. >And like you thought, he makes for a vertical block.
  1754. >Predictable.
  1755. >You suppose that's just the side-effect of him teaching you most of what he knows.
  1756. >You're able to recall any specific patterns or habits he might make.
  1757. >"Sunset. Please."
  1758. "Shut up." you retort.
  1759. >It also probably does him no good as his eyes dart between his blade, your's and yourself as if he's struggling to decide what his next move should be.
  1760. >Well, you'll take advantage of his hesitation.
  1761. >Twisting your body, you guide his blade away from you and slam an elbow into his wounded arm.
  1762. >"Augh!"
  1763. >He breaks away and stumbles back.
  1764. >And right there.
  1765. >Anonymous delivers a look of tranquil fury. One you've only seen before a handful of times.
  1766. >Casting Quen, you prepare for his counter attack.
  1767. >"You know, despite every instinct telling me I should just put an end to you right now... I can't."
  1768. >What is he babbling on about now?
  1769. >"You're my friend Sunset." he says, lowering his sword. "I'm not going to lose you and Twilight to *him*. Not if I can help it."
  1770. "How touching." you reply in a mocking tone, "Anonymous cares for me."
  1771. >Grogar chuckles to himself, "Does our Wolf witcher fancy the young spitfire?"
  1772. >Anonymous shoots Grogar a cold glare.
  1773. >"Shut the fuck up old man. I swear, when I get the chance I'm going to personally gut you for this."
  1774. >The old wizard's face turns red.
  1775. >"You insolent dog! I sho-"
  1776. >"I've seen enough. Grogar, we should check on Miss Twilight." Master Sombra interrupts. "Our window approaches."
  1777. >Standing up, he walks down the steps of his throne and walks towards the door nearby.
  1778. >You can't help but do a double take.
  1779. >H-he... he's leaving?
  1780. "But... Ma-Master Sombra. Don't you want to watch my victory over Anonymous?"
  1781. >Looking over his shoulder, he hovers his hand over the doorknob. "Do not disappoint me."
  1782. >The two men exit, leaving you, Anonymous and the sidekicks alone in the throne room.
  1783. >That's it?
  1784. >That's all he has to say?
  1785. >Well then...
  1786. >Lifting the weapon your hands to the ready, you resolve to do Master Sombra's bidding.
  1787. >The two of you meet swords again, this time neither of you saying a thing as you go through the motions, trying to one-up each other for the upper-hand.
  1788. >But regardless of the mutations given you, Anonymous has far more experience and skill.
  1789. >Anger begins to build up within you as all your attempts to break through Anonymous's guard fail one after another.
  1790. >Come on... you can't disappoint Master Som-
  1791. >DAMMIT!
  1792. >NO!
  1793. >NO! NO! NO!
  1794. >Making one last horizontal swipe, Anonymous ducks under your swing and sweeps for your legs.
  1795. >Jumping over, you try to jab your blade downward to skewer him but he uses Quen to block the blow.
  1796. >The recoil from the attack gives him just enough time to grab your both your wrists.
  1797. >You wince in pain as his grip tightens to point where he forces you to drop weapon.
  1798. >"Yield."
  1799. "Ne-never!"
  1800. >"Then sorry about this."
  1801. >Pulling his head back, your eyes widen in shock as he swings his head towards you.
  1802. >Suddenly you're seeing stars.
  1804. >Sunset falls to the ground, and lets out a yelp of pain.
  1805. >You rub your now throbbing forehead.
  1806. >Ow...
  1807. >The girl grasps her bloody nose and looks at the red stain on it.
  1808. >Gasping, that look of contempt she's recently been sporting returns.
  1809. >"Why... WHY?! WHY CAN'T I KILL YOU!"
  1810. >She rises to her feet, picks up her discarded sword and runs at you.
  1811. >With her in a berserker like-state, you easily maintain control over the flow of the fight as she's too focused on trying to hurt you.
  1812. >However, concern grows more and more as she keeps slamming the edge of her sword into yours. Your blade, thanks to the runes inscribed by Mjolna, is more resistant to blunting but Sunset's is starting already showing the damage.
  1813. >At this point, Sunset is treating her weapon more like a cudgel than a sword.
  1814. >You continously block and deflect each of her attacks as they start becoming more wild, desperate and frantic.
  1815. "Getting sloppy there."
  1816. >"SHUT UP!"
  1817. >Dodging a thrust aimed at your face, you slide your sword's edge along her's and twist.
  1818. >Within half a second, Sunset Shimmer is disarmed.
  1819. >"NO!"
  1820. >In retaliation, her arm extends with the Igni sign formed.
  1821. >Magical fire erupts from the palm of her hand forcing you to counter with Quen.
  1822. "That won't wo-"
  1823. >Almost as quick as she cast the sign, Sunset leaps up from her prone position and rams herself into you.
  1824. >Your friend seems to discard all sense of reason, instead opting to use her fists to try and finish you off.
  1825. >"I. WILL. NOT. LOSE. AGAIN!" she screams, emphasizing each word with a punch to the jaw.
  1826. >As she lay on top of you, your vision distorts after each painful strike to the face.
  1827. >Grabbing a fist before it makes contact, she struggles to assert her dominance over you.
  1828. >You can see her fingers trying to open and form another Igni sign, but you just barely manage to keep them from completing the gesture.
  1830. >"SHUT THE FUCK UP! JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!" she says, trying to use her other arm. "THE GIRL YOU KNOW IS GONE!"
  1831. "NO SHE'S NOT!" you retort.
  1832. >"THEN I'LL PROVE IT!" she yells, yanking her right hand away.
  1833. >Reaching for her boot, Sunset grabs the knife sheathed to it and jabs it into your left shoulder.
  1834. >You struggle not to let out a cry of pain as blood begins seeping out of the wound.
  1835. >"Hehehe are you sure I'm the same person?" she asks with a twisted smile.
  1836. >She digs the point deeper and deeper, twisting the weapon left and right to inflict more pain.
  1837. >Shit! Shit! SHIT!
  1838. >"ANON!" Rainbow Dash screams.
  1839. >"Oh no you don't!" Sky Stinger counters.
  1840. >Despite being unable to lay a finger on Rainbow Dash, his attempts are enough to thwart her from coming to your assistance
  1841. "YOU'RE DONE!" Sunset yells right in your face with a crazed look in her eyes.
  1842. >Her unhinged behavior stirs feelings of genuine fear into your being.
  1843. >Pulling the small hunting knife out, she primes it over your head.
  1844. >SHIT!
  1845. >Reflexively, you will your injured arm to shield yourself, only for the knife to wedge itself in your forearm.
  1846. >Your nerves feel like they've been lit on fire as the pain shoots through your left arm.
  1847. >"Oh, now that would have been a good time for Quen." she says twisting the blade as she pulls out.
  1848. >Yanking the knife out she tries again, knocking your bleeding arm to the side.
  1850. >Panting, you grimace and close your eyes.
  1851. >This is it...
  1852. >You... you failed...
  1853. >The knife twitches in her hands and begins it's drop... when a few seconds go by and nothing happens.
  1854. >"N-NOT AGAIN!" she says through gritted teeth.
  1855. >You open an eye to see what's stopping her.
  1856. >To your confusion, her right eye... her right eye is crying tears.
  1857. >Not only that but the sclera has returned to a more normal white.
  1858. >"No..." Sunset says in a hushed whisper.
  1859. >Her hand shakes, like it's trying to fight something off.
  1860. >"Let GO!" Sunset screams.
  1861. >"NO!" she answers herself.
  1862. >What...
  1865. >Sunset...?
  1866. "Sunset is that...?"
  1867. >"Anon! You have to stop me!" she pleads.
  1868. "You have to fight it!"
  1869. >"I-I'm trying! But sh- augh! She's fighting back hard!"
  1870. "You're tougher than this. I know you can do it!"
  1871. >Clutching her head, Sunset lets out a high-pitched wail.
  1872. >She drops the knife onto the floor and rolls off of you.
  1873. >As you get up, Rainbow Dash finds an opening and kicks Sky Stinger into a bookcase.
  1874. >The heavy wooden furnishing collapses over him, pinning the boy to the ground.
  1875. >With the latter is out of the picture, the athletic girl uses her wings to zoom over to assist you.
  1876. >"Anon!"
  1877. >She looks in horror as Sunset thrashes about on the hard marble floor.
  1878. >You reach into your potion bag and down a White Raffords decoction.
  1879. >That should hold you for now...
  1880. >Rainbow can only watch helplessly, "What do we do? What do we do?!"
  1881. "I... I don't know..."
  1882. >"How can you say that?!" she cries out in disbeleif, "You're Anon! You know like a whole bunch on magical stuff!"
  1883. "I told you I don't know DASH!" you shout. "I..."
  1884. >You honestly don't know how to help Sunset as she tearfully rolls around in pain.
  1885. >In the periphery of your vision however, you see Sunset's discarded hunting knife.
  1886. >You crawl over and take the tool in your hand.
  1887. >"Anon what are yo-"
  1888. >Rainbow's eyes widen in shock as she puts two and two together.
  1889. >"No. No way..."
  1890. "..."
  1891. >"You can't seriously be thinking of..."
  1892. >You look at the bloody instrument in your hand.
  1893. >With the damage to your arm, you don't know if you could handle Sunset Shimmer coming at you again.
  1894. >You still need to stop Sombra and Grogar.
  1895. >Sunset's body slowly calms down. The struggling ceasing as her breathing normalizes.
  1896. >You have no idea who's going to be in control right now.
  1897. >"Anon. Please." Rainbow begs. "There has to be a different way."
  1898. >Could you do it?
  1899. >If Sunset can't regain control, it would be a mercy killing...
  1900. >But regardless of that, ultimatly you would...
  1901. >You would be killing a friend.
  1902. >As you contemplate your choices, the room rumbles.
  1903. >"What the heck was that?!" Rainbow asks.
  1904. >Another shockwave runs through the building.
  1905. >Did Sombra...?
  1906. >Are you too late!?
  1907. >Suddenly the wall on the other side of the room explodes inwards.
  1909. >You find yourself floating in some sort of void. The only thing visible are the massive cluster of stars in the distance.
  1910. >Dear Celestia... your head is throbbing...
  1911. >Feeling your body, you're wearing the full witcher gear Sombra gave you.
  1912. "Where am I?" you ask yourself.
  1913. >The last thing you remember is...
  1914. >Anon! He was hurt badly!
  1915. >All because of that other you.
  1916. >"Yeah, all because of me." you hear yourself say.
  1917. >Looking towards the source of the voice, you see another version of you standing with a sword drawn on a platform made of light.
  1918. >Suddenly, you start feeling the pull of gravity from somewhere as your feet touch a solid surface.
  1919. >"You've been a thorn in my side ever since we became a witcher." the other you states. "Actually, no even before that."
  1920. "This is my body. You're just a perverted manifestation brought about by magic given control."
  1921. >Your counterpart sneers, "Or maybe... just maybe, you're talking about yourself?"
  1922. >She begins pacing around, holding the sword in her hand over her shoulder.
  1923. >Her skin tints to a dark shade of red and her hair color inverts itself.
  1924. >That's... that's you during the Fall Formal, after you put on the Element of Magic.
  1925. >"After all, you only became the "goody two-shoes" Sunset Shimmer when Princess Twilight and her little group used their light show on you."
  1926. >...
  1927. >"Don't lie to me and say the thought hasn't occurred to you." she says pointing to her forehead. "We share a mind."
  1928. "I know you're just trying to unnerve me. The old me would never have followed someone else. She wanted power."
  1929. >"Oh but I still want that, I just realized there are other ways to get it."
  1930. >You move to object, but she interrupts you.
  1931. >"I'll still get power if I follow Master Sombra."
  1932. "You'll just get bored being under his thumb though."
  1933. >"Maybe. But if helps that he isn't bad to look at."
  1934. >She licks her lips, causing you to wretch.
  1935. "Whatever the case, I'm not letting you keep control over my body anymore."
  1936. >"As if I'd let that happen. I still have a lot to do and a lot to catch up on."
  1937. >Not if you can help it.
  1938. >Brandishing the longsword in hand, the other Sunset flourishes the weapon.
  1939. >"Besides, how in the hell are you going to stand up to me?" you hear her whisper right next to your ear.
  1940. >Instinctively, you jump away as she stands there laughing to herself.
  1941. >"Just give it up. I'm the real you."
  1942. "Never!"
  1943. >You reach behind your back for your weapon only to instead grab air.
  1944. >Looking over your shoulder, you see an empty sheath attached to your back.
  1945. "Oh come on!"
  1946. >"Looking for this?"
  1947. >Turning back, the other Sunset Shimmer is twirling around a second longsword identical to the first.
  1948. >You grit your teeth.
  1949. >Thinking quickly though, you pull out the hunting knife attached to a sheath in your boot.
  1950. >Better than nothing you suppose.
  1951. >Letting off an evil grin, your other self charges at you with both blades drawn.
  1952. >Avoiding the first slash, you almost lose your head to the second sword coming from the opposite direction.
  1953. >Rolling to the side, you thrust your arm out with the knife in your grip...
  1954. >Only to see it getting knocked out of your hands and into the void.
  1955. >You hear your own laugh echoing.
  1956. >Kicking "yourself" in the side, the other you stops laughing and glares.
  1957. >"Lucky hit."
  1958. "Luck has nothing to do with it." you reply.
  1959. >Flipping one of the blades in her hand into a reverse grip, your opponent closes the distance between you two.
  1960. >You really hope that the training Anon gave you holds up...
  1961. >Though you doubt any intention of that involved fighting *yourself* in the center of your mind.
  1962. >Narrowly ducking under a sweep from one of her blades, you feel a sharp sting across your cheek.
  1963. >Dammit!
  1964. >This isn't working.
  1965. >"You can't keep this up forever."
  1966. >She- you're... right... you can only fight like this for so long.
  1967. >All you're doing is avoiding attacks and maybe getting one blow in between.
  1968. >Casting Aard, the other you braces herself only to look on in shock as you follow up with an Igni.
  1969. >She avoids the fire by rolling to the side only to see you running at her.
  1970. >Growling, she charges again.
  1971. >Instead of trying to fight her head on though, you dive to avoid her thrust, tapping the invisible floor beneath her.
  1972. >Purple sigils manifest around her when she realizes what you've done.
  1973. >Her movements slow down to a crawl as the first thing she tries to do is retaliate before the sign can take full effect.
  1974. >"GRAHHH!"
  1975. >Quickly, you grab the closest sword and yank it out of her hands.
  1976. >Now to finish this.
  1977. >You can see the fear in the other you's face as you prepare to end the fight.
  1978. >Without warning though, the world begins rumbling.
  1979. >"What do we do? What do we do?!"
  1980. >"I... I don't know..."
  1981. >"How can you say that?! You're Anon! You know like a whole bunch of magical stuff!"
  1982. >"I told you I don't know DASH!" you shout. "I..."
  1983. >Those voices...
  1984. >Distracted, you don't realize the time on the Yrden sign running out until it's too late.
  1985. >Your other-self unleashes her rage and tries to cut you in half with her remaining weapon.
  1986. >In a flash, your own blade intercepts her's with a loud clang.
  1987. >Her eyes narrow.
  1988. >"It's our fault you know."
  1989. >She's using "our" now? What is she getting at?
  1990. "What are you talking about?"
  1991. >"Anonymous. He's only hurt that bad because of us." she taunts. "Anonymous is making mistakes he would have never made before. And it's not because he was just holding back."
  1992. "Obviously, he was trying to disarm me."
  1993. >Evil Sunset chuckles, "No, that's not it. He's gotten soft. His reflexes aren't as fast anymore, neither is his battle intuition."
  1994. "You're lying."
  1995. >"I managed to get the drop on him just by using a basic feint. If this were the Anon when you first met, we would have been on the ground in a heartbeat."
  1996. "..."
  1997. >"Face it, he's become wea-
  1998. "Stop. Talking." you say pushing her sword back.
  1999. >Staggering her footing, you proceed to lay out your own series of attacks.
  2000. >Come on Sunset, keep the pressure on...
  2001. >Thin cuts begin adding up on both of your bodies the further you two continue, in addition to the headache getting worse.
  2002. >It's becoming harder to concentrate on the fight.
  2003. >As you two lock swords together, you feel a sudden fatigue overcome you.
  2004. >Because of how suddenly tired you are, you realize this isn't just because of the sword combat.
  2005. >Those signs didn't take that much out of you... did they?
  2006. >Your arms and eyelids become heavy and the ache in your head starts getting worse by the second.
  2007. >Looking at the Sunset opposite of you, she's looking no better.
  2008. >"If we keep this up, we're both going to die. Your body can't handle the stress of two minds trying to take control like this."
  2009. "..."
  2010. >"Manticore got your tongue?" she sneers again.
  2011. "I'd rather suffer a brain aneurysm than let you stick around." you say, "But I don't plan on dying. Not to you."
  2012. >Evil you snorts.
  2013. "I have friends who care about me, friends who are in trouble and need *MY* help."
  2014. >Your thoughts turn to Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Anonymous, Vinyl Scratch and Octavia and Twilight.
  2015. >You feel a light sensation in your chest. Something that doesn't go unnoticed by the false image of you.
  2016. "I don't have time for this anymore."
  2017. >"Guess we finish this now."
  2018. >Taking up your stance, the other you does the same.
  2019. >Letting out a battle cry, you two run at each other.
  2020. >You have a strong feeling that you know the other you expects you to do in this next moment.
  2021. >Whether this works or not...
  2022. >Maybe it'll be for the best.
  2023. >Plunging your blade forward, you both run yourselves through with each other's sword.
  2024. >She looks down at the sword sticking through her chest.
  2025. >"What are you doing?! You could have dodged that!"
  2026. "But then we'd be going on forever with this fight of ours. I can't risk you winning."
  2027. >The other Sunset begins panicking, "You purposfully took my blade to kill me?"
  2028. "I win so long as you don't. But are you ready to die with me?"
  2029. >The other you grits her sharp teeth before smirking.
  2030. >"Fine. You win for now." she says, "But there's no way in Tartarus I'm done with you yet. As long as the spell exists, this isn't over by a longshot."
  2031. "I'm prepared for that."
  2032. >Your other self vanishes in a flash of light when everything turns pitch black.
  2034. >The pain in your body cause you to snap your eyes open.
  2035. >You groan in pain as you rub your aching head.
  2036. "Oh man... what happened to me?"
  2037. >"Sunset? Is that you?" Rainbow Dash asks.
  2038. "Dash? I... I think so?"
  2039. >"Awesome." you hear before being enveloped by a hug.
  2040. >Looking to your right, you see a bloody and bruised Anon looking at you with an expression of pure relief.
  2041. "Anon..."
  2042. >"Sunset."
  2043. "I'm so-"
  2044. >He shakes his head, "Don't worry about it. Just glad you're okay."
  2045. >"What about the... other you?"
  2046. "..."
  2047. >"Sunset?"
  2048. "I don't think she'll be a problem for now."
  2049. >Anon stands, and offers a hand.
  2050. >"That's good to hear."
  2051. >You notice a giant hole in the wall as you get onto your feet.
  2052. "Did we...?"
  2053. >"No. That came from the room Sombra and Grogar went in."
  2054. "Then that means..."
  2055. >"Twilight." Anon finishes.
  2056. >Rainbow, the ever impatient one, runs towards the hole.
  2057. >"Well what are we waiting for? Come on!"
  2058. >Anonymous looks at you, "I need to talk to you."
  2059. >You nod your head and pick up your sword before the two of you follow Rainbow Dash.
  2061. -----
  2063. >Stepping into the center of the room, Tirek reaches into his jacket with almost frightening speed.
  2064. >"GET BEHIND SOMETHING!" Shining Armor screams, firing his gun towards Tirek and his equally large friend.
  2065. "CRAP CRAP CRAP!"
  2066. >Stone explodes by your head as a bullet just misses you by a hair.
  2067. >All three of you dive behind pillars supporting the roof as another round takes a chunk out of the nearby wall.
  2068. >Exhaling a breath you didn't even know you were holding, you peek around the pillar only for a round to puncture your hat, knocking it off of your head and leaving two large bullet holes in it.
  2069. >That was your favorite hat...
  2070. >"You missed." the other witcher states as a matter-of-fact.
  2071. >"Quiet Griffon. Unlike you I only have the one hand to aim with."
  2072. >The witcher scoffs, "That's no excuse..."
  2073. >As the two argue, Shining breaks from cover to fire a burst from his rifle.
  2074. >The two witchers cast that Quen sign, forming two yellow barriers around them.
  2075. >Shining Armor's shots ricochet off of the shields and impact the surround stone walls around them.
  2076. >"Shit!"
  2077. >You pick up your hat and stare at the large hole in it.
  2078. >Grimacing, you place it back on your head and look over to where Octavia is.
  2079. >She looks out of it, just constantly muttering to herself with an angry expression.
  2080. "Consarnit!"
  2081. >Your eyes drift down towards her bleeding arm.
  2082. >Tirek would have probably been able to do more if it weren't for Twilight's brother distracting him.
  2083. >This is bad...
  2084. >You've never seen the other guy, but you know Tirek ain't stupid and he's absurdly strong compared to Anon.
  2085. >If only he were here. You can't say you're used to getting out of life-threatening situations like this on a frequent basis.
  2086. >Vinyl's help would be really useful right now too for that matter.
  2087. >...
  2088. >Oh hay, that's probably why they took her out first!
  2089. >Firing two more rounds off, Tirek lets out a guttural laugh.
  2090. >The other witcher yanks his arm and snarls.
  2091. >"Are you done playing games Tirek?"
  2092. >The bear witcher huffs and empties his revolver.
  2093. >Brass shells clink onto the cold hard surface as he places his revolver back into the holster.
  2094. >"Let's get this over with then." he says walking over drawing his claymore.
  2095. >Octavia digs a claw into the pillar she's behind and howls. Saliva trails down her mouth with a crazed look in her eyes.
  2096. >Dragging her hand, a large gash is left in the stone when she suddenly charges the two.
  2097. "OCTAVIA!"
  2098. >Both witchers stand ready as your friend closes in.
  2099. >As Tirek prepares his first swing, he let's out a short sharp cry without warning. Lurching forward, something juts out the back of his left shoulder.
  2100. >Whatever it was, the distraction is just enough to divert his partner’s attention for Octavia to pounce onto the latter and tumble with him a few yards away from Tirek.
  2101. >The bear witcher feels for the object and yanks it out with a grunt.
  2102. >"A bolt? Who dar-"
  2103. >You hear something click from across the room when another bolt strikes Tirek in the back.
  2104. >Turning his head, you recognize the assailant as the man Anon encountered earlier in the forest holding a crossbow in his hands.
  2105. >"Haakim?! What in Freya's name are you doing?!" Tirek demands.
  2106. >"Doing what is right." he answers before loading another bolt. "I can only hope you will see reason as well."
  2107. >Firing a third time, this projectile Tirek deflects with his sword, sending it harmlessly into the wall.
  2108. >Haakim discards his crossbow and draws his own blade.
  2109. >"TRAITOROUS DOG!" Tirek yells, clashing his sword with Haakim's.
  2110. >"WHERE IS VINYL!" Octavia roars.
  2111. >Her claws repeatedly smash into her opponent's Quen barrier, cracks which begin to visibly form around the surface.
  2112. >Letting the barrier go, he avoids her next attack and draws a small dagger from his waist and jabs it into her neck.
  2113. >Octavia howls as blood spurts out from the wound, furiously she knocks the witcher away before he can pull the knife out with him.
  2114. >Quickly recovering from the counter, he grabs his silver sword off the ground and thrusts it into her abdomen before being grabbed by the neck and tossed away.
  2115. >The werewolf rips the impaled blade out and tosses the bloody weapon aside where it lands near your feet.
  2116. >Casting a new Quen he just barely manages to block Octavia's incoming claws.
  2117. >Tucking his arms in, he shoots his arms outward, breaking the Quen early and sending Octavia flying across the room and through a stone pillar.
  2118. >Whoa...
  2119. >Anon's shield can't do that.
  2120. >Pinned by a large massive slab, you see one of Octavia's arms hanging at an extremely odd angle with what's clearly bone sticking out.
  2121. >Despite breathing heavily, he marches forward with a malicious glare and draws the second longsword attached to his back, intent to finish her off.
  2122. >Without any hesitation, Shining Armor fires his weapon at the man who dives out of the way.
  2123. >"Annoyances, all of you!"
  2124. >Calmly, he extends one arm forward and a large stream of fire heads straight towards you two. And again, unlike Anon's, his sign fire has a blueish tint at the base that extends quite a bit.
  2125. >You and Shining Armor scramble from your hiding spot as the fire splashes against the wall behind.
  2126. >Though you avoid the magic fire, the heatwave is so intense it instantly dries out your skin.
  2127. >"What the hell?!" Shining curses, "Can Anon do that?!"
  2128. "Ah don't think so!"
  2129. >It's only just then that you remember what the medallion hanging from the man's neck symbolizes.
  2130. >They're experts on witcher signs if you remember right. And this guy isn't proving that statement wrong.
  2131. >You move to adjust your hat, only to find its not there.
  2132. >Your pupils shrink to pinpricks.
  2133. >Looking back, you see the black, charred, and still smoldering remains of your leather hat.
  2134. >...
  2135. >Suddenly your vision goes red.
  2137. >Standing, you grab the large stone piece pinning Octavia to the ground and lift.
  2138. >It takes some effort, but you lift the large chunk overhead and throw it right at the man.
  2139. >For the first time you've noticed, his expression shows genuine shock before he dives out of the way. The pillar's remains colliding into the wall behind him and smashing a hole through it.
  2140. >Even Twilight's brother's jaw drops at the sight.
  2141. >"What. The. Fuck."
  2142. >Not giving the witcher a chance to recover, you run at him, picking up his sword in the process.
  2143. >Now, you're mad. But you ain't stupid enough to run at a guy who can shoot fire from his hands.
  2144. >Especially since his reflexes are faster than your's.
  2145. >Instead, you take his sword and pitch it with enough force and speed that he can't help but roll away.
  2146. >The silver sword sinks blade first into the wall up to the midpoint before stopping.
  2147. >Cursing under his breath, he casts an Aard in your direction knocking you and Shining over.
  2148. >Letting out a groan, you notice the man's breathing become even more labored as sweat drips down his nose.
  2149. >He's really tiring himself out.
  2150. >Guess his signs might be more powerful, but they seem to need more effort to cast.
  2151. >But despite that, he continues towards you with both hands ready to cast again
  2152. >Suddenly a large grey blur rushes past you.
  2153. >Octavia leaps at the witcher and tackles him to the ground before he can react.
  2154. >Grabbing his wrists, she immediately applies enough pressure to make it snap at a 90 degree angle.
  2155. >The witcher screams an inhuman sound that even you can't help but wince at.
  2156. >"Where. Is. Vinyl." she growls.
  2157. >"G-go to He-Hell..." he spits.
  2158. >He tries to use his other hand only for the werewolf to clamp her maw down on the forearm.
  2159. >Blood seeps from her mouth as fire projects itself once more, catching some of her fur on fire.
  2160. >Ignoring the flames, she places her arm on his side and yanks her head backward, ripping the man's arm off and sending blood flying everywhere.
  2161. >You can only look at her in horror as she drops the witcher onto the cold hard ground. His restrained screams quickly coming to a stop until he lies still in a pool of his own red bodily fluids.
  2162. >Spitting his arm out, she slumps to the ground.
  2163. >"Arrogant... son of..." she mutters before hitting the floor with a thud.
  2164. "Octavia!" you cry out running towards her.
  2165. >After putting the small fire building on her fur, you take note of the knife still in her neck.
  2166. >Oh horse apples...
  2167. >You prepare to pull the knife out when she stops you.
  2168. >Octavia coughs, "Can you two do me a favor?"
  2169. "What is it?"
  2170. >"Please find Vinyl." she asks with eyes closed. "I would very much appreciate it."
  2171. "We'll find her, don't worry." you reassure her.
  2172. >"Thank you..." she says before going silent.
  2173. >Is... is she?
  2174. >You place your ear over her chest.
  2175. "She's still breathing. Just barely."
  2176. >Suddenly you hear Tirek yell out, followed by the clanging of metal hitting the floor and a loud boom.
  2177. >The witcher who came to your assistance flies through the air and hits the wall with a thud.
  2178. >Both you and Shining turn your heads to see a disarmed Tirek dashing down a hallway like a dog with his tail between his legs.
  2179. >Visibly in pain, Haakim sits himself up.
  2180. >You and Shining Armor look at each other. Unsure of what to make of him.
  2181. >"You... you okay?"
  2182. >"Ugh, I am fine." he says, "The only thing injured is my pride."
  2183. >He rises to his feet and walks over to you.
  2184. >"A pity. But he chose his side." he says looking at the deceased witcher. "No tears will be shed."
  2185. "Why're you here?" you ask. "Last we saw, ya said you were leaving the island."
  2186. >"I admit, I was fully planning too."
  2187. >"Then what changed?"
  2188. >"Concern for a former student of mine." he states. "Despite my longing for home, a successful Conjunction ultimately puts my Amira at risk should it succeed."
  2189. >You hesitate.
  2190. >He doesn't seem to be lying and you're not getting any vibes that he's being deceitful in any way.
  2191. >But then again, Anon's always been harder to read than most, not to mention that Scorpan fella when you first met him.
  2192. >It'd be best if you kept an open eye just in case.
  2193. "So you'll help us?"
  2194. >"Until the situation is resolved." he says, "Where is Anonymous if I may ask?"
  2195. >"We got separated. A wall closed between us forcing us to split up. We have no idea where they are."
  2196. >"I see..."
  2197. >"Hey, you wouldn't happen to know where they would be keeping my sister would you?"
  2198. >"You will have to clarify."
  2199. >"The girl with the glasses."
  2200. >Haakim furrows his thick brows.
  2201. >"If she is key to the Conjunction, Headmaster Sombra would be keeping her nearby. So I would imagine his throne room."
  2202. "Throne room? Seriously?"
  2203. >"In hindsight, that should have been a sign. It runs many story cliches now that I think about it."
  2204. >He shakes his head, "Regardless, we should move on. The sky outside is changing rapidly, and not naturally."
  2205. >"What's that mean?"
  2206. >"If it means what I think, then we do not have much time."
  2207. >Sheathing his blade, Haakim walks towards the hall where Tirek fled.
  2208. >"This way to the throne room."
  2209. "Wait, what about Octavia?"
  2210. >"Leave her, she will only be dead weight."
  2211. >You give him a harsh glare.
  2212. >You're not a big fan of those choice of words.
  2213. >"Is there a problem?"
  2214. >Shining stands by you, understanding where you're coming from. "A while ago you did try to kill us."
  2215. >"Is not saving you from facing both Tirek and Gaston not enough?"
  2216. >"Personally, that could have just been you being opportunistic."
  2217. >He frowns, "So further proof of my sincerity is required?"
  2218. "It wouldn't hurt. Don't suppose you'd know where they'd be keeping a vampire would ya?"
  2219. >"Possibly. But any delay in reaching the throne room could spe-"
  2220. >Suddenly the entire room shakes, dust falls from the ceiling as the vibrations nearly knock you off your feet.
  2221. >Haakim clutches his cat medallion.
  2222. "What in the hay was that?"
  2223. >"A powerful surge of magic."
  2224. >"It felt like an explosion coming from somewhere deeper inside the building."
  2225. "You think it could have been Anon? Or Twilight?"
  2226. >"Come, we have no time to waste. I apologize, but if it is what I think it is, your vampire friend will have to wait."
  2227. >Getting up, you give Octavia one last glance before following Shining Armor and Haakim.
  2229. >"Let me go!"
  2230. >Wrestling against Jericho's vice-like grip, you angrily snort.
  2231. >"Please, cease your struggling." he says gently.
  2232. >The door opens and in walks Sombra and Grogar.
  2233. >"Can they really handle those two?"
  2234. >"I only require Sunset to hold them off until we are done." Sombra says.
  2235. >He reaches in his pocket and pulls out the magic-o-meter.
  2236. >"How long?"
  2237. >"Only a few more minutes." Grogar replies. "I shall start preparing."
  2238. >Sombra turns towards you and gives a smile that utterly disgusts you.
  2239. >"I'll have to thank you for your help Miss Twilight."
  2240. "You're a monster."
  2241. >He chuckles to himself.
  2242. >[You need to get the magic-o-meter.]
  2243. >You know.
  2244. >But you can't do that with Jericho holding onto you.
  2245. >[Just bide your time. Even if the Conjunction happens, our only goal is to kill Sombra.]
  2246. >What about your Sunset?
  2247. >[Your friend, the only thing she'll do is convince all the others to join her. You remember how charismatic she is.]
  2248. >...
  2249. >Without warning, Grogar starts cackling, the bell on his hip ringing with his movements. "IT'S STARTING HEADMASTER!"
  2251. >As you, Rainbow Dash and Sunset run down the hall you slow down a little until the former is out of earshot.
  2252. "Sunset."
  2253. >"Anon, is something wrong?"
  2254. "Are you really okay?" you ask.
  2255. >"I-I'm fine."
  2256. >It's subtle but her eyes tell you she's surprised you caught on.
  2257. "I'm no Applejack, but I've been around enough people to know they're lying when they say they're fine. It usually made my job a lot more complicated down the line, so I'll ask again, are you really okay?"
  2258. >"..."
  2259. >She holds her hand out and stares at her palm.
  2260. >"I can still feel... urges, or something like it."
  2261. "I had a feeling it wouldn't have been that easy."
  2262. >"Her presence, the other me, I can still feel her and I'm afraid I might lose control again."
  2263. "You managed to take back control, you can do it again."
  2264. >Sunset gives off a weak chuckle.
  2265. >"Easier said than done."
  2266. >You pat her on the shoulder to reassure her.
  2267. "I'm confident you'll hold it together." you say, "We take care of Sombra and Grogar and we'll have plenty of time to look further into it."
  2268. >"If I last that long..."
  2269. >A sigh escapes her.
  2270. >"But to be honest, I'm also concerned about you."
  2271. "Me? What about me?"
  2272. >"When I was "fighting" for control, my dark side I guess we can call it, said you were "going soft"."
  2273. "Really now?"
  2274. >"They said you were making mistakes and not fighting your best."
  2275. "She was probably just trying to undermine your confidence. I would take what she said with a grain of salt."
  2276. >"Maybe..."
  2277. >As she goes silent, she notes the rattling medallion hanging off her neck.
  2278. >Taking it in her hands, she makes to take it off but you stop her.
  2279. "Keep it for now."
  2280. >"But-"
  2281. "We'll get you a new one later." you say with a small smile. "Now go keep an eye on Dash, I'll watch our rear."
  2282. >She nods her head, but once Sunset walks ahead your smile quickly disappears.
  2283. >Going soft huh?
  2284. >Damn.
  2285. >Honestly, you shouldn't be surprised by that revelation.
  2286. >The severity of the injuries you took in your fight with Sunset; the way that girl in the forest you killed got the drop on you.
  2287. >All those things should have been easily preventable.
  2288. >Truth be told, you've gotten complacent these past few months.
  2289. >The only reason you survived against Sunset just a little while ago was purely luck. Had her indoctrination held on a little longer... well, you wouldn't be here thinking about it now would you?
  2290. >So. the question is how will you fare against Sombra and Grogar?
  2291. >Your odds don-
  2292. >"Hey get down!" Rainbow Dash whispers back standing by a bulky wooden door blown off its hinges.
  2293. >Despite not even being in the room the bright lights flashing nearly blind you even standing in the hall.
  2294. >Whatever it is, the medallion around your neck is still tugging at the chain.
  2295. >"IT'S STARTING HEADMASTER!" you can hear Grogar yell from inside.
  2296. >"I WON'T LET YOU DO THIS!"
  2297. >That voice...
  2298. >"That sounded like Twilight!" Rainbow whispers.
  2299. >"Jericho, restrain her."
  2300. >"Master Sombra, is this wi-"
  2301. >"Do not make me repeat myself."
  2302. >"Yes... yes headmaster."
  2303. >"Grogar, begin the ritual."
  2304. >You can hear Twilight struggling inside when she suddenly screams.
  2305. >Inside, Sombra and Grogar stand near the center of the room with Twilight struggling to escape from Jericho's grip.
  2306. >Whatever this room is, it's surrounded with clear windows that reach the base of the floor to the ceiling, magic runes inscribed on the floor glow as the wizard begins chanting something in what you recognize as Elder Speech.
  2307. >A rumbling noise comes from above as a circular section of the roof of the room pulls outward.
  2308. >As Grogar continues his spell, the glowing orb in front of him flashes with a light that envelops the entire room.
  2309. >Thunder cracks as clouds rapidly close in around in a ring over the building with a bright white light growing in the center.
  2310. >A beeping noise draws your attention towards Sombra's hand. In it is one of Twilight's magic capture devices, it's lights flashing in sync with the glowing orb in front of Grogar.
  2311. >The face flips open and a mass of visible energy from the watch-like device flows into the orb in front of the wizard.
  2312. "We need to move now!"
  2313. >Drawing your weapons, you take a deep breath and charge in.
  2314. "SOMBRA!"
  2315. >Your sudden presence alarms Jericho and Twilight; providing enough of a diversion that the latter elbows the former in the gut to escape his clutches.
  2316. >Dashing forward she grabs her device from Sombra and runs to the other side of the room.
  2317. >"Twilight!" Sunset calls out to her.
  2318. >The girl looks in your direction and begins panicking.
  2319. >Sunset steps forward, "Don't worry Twilight, we're here to-"
  2320. >"SHUT UP!" she screams. "YOU'RE NOT SUNSET!"
  2321. >"No Twilight it's the real me!"
  2322. >"She WaS riGht... shE wAS RiGhT!"
  2323. >"What's she talking about?" Rainbow asks.
  2324. "Something's wrong with her." you state.
  2325. >Twilight's hyperventilating, her eyes are twitching and dart to the device in her clutches.
  2326. >"SOMBRA I'LL END YOU! YOU AND EVERYTHING YOU'VE BUILT!" she growls at the focus of her rage.
  2327. >To your confusion, he narrows his eyes and doesn't look at all phased by what's happening.
  2328. >Holding the magic capture device overhead, you and Sunset realize immediately what Twilight's about to do.
  2329. "Oh fuck."
  2330. >Not agai-
  2331. >Twilight smashes the gadget onto the cold hard ground followed by a blinding light.
  2332. >When you're able to see again, your heart stops for a brief moment.
  2333. >Twilight hovers above the ground with two flapping black raven wings.
  2334. >Sunset and Rainbow gasp.
  2335. >"No..."
  2336. "Sombra what have you done?!"
  2337. >He silently stares at Twilight's new form before turning to you.
  2338. >"Exactly what I wanted." he says.
  2340. -----
  2342. >You stand there genuinely shocked at Sombra's response.
  2343. "You what?!"
  2344. >Did he honestly say he wanted this to happen?
  2345. >Twilight opens her eyes, two blue flames igniting to life wrap around her eyes.
  2346. >She flexes her hands, "I was beginning to wonder if she'd ever let me out."
  2347. >Sunset looks at her friends demonic form sadly, "Twilight..."
  2348. >"The name is Midnight." she responds. "And don't think I've forgotten your role in shunting me back into Twilight's head; but first..."
  2349. >Her eyes shift towards the man standing across from her.
  2350. >"Sombra..." she hisses.
  2351. >The hate and venom in her tone as she says his name.
  2352. >Flashbacks of your brief encounter with the demonic being resurface. How she managed to transport you, Sunset and a whole group of other individuals to another world on a whim.
  2353. >The amount of sheer power Twilight possessed scared you back then, but even then she still had traces of reason. You can only imagine how much worse it will be with her altered state of mind now.
  2354. >Strong gusts of wind begin picking up in the room forcing you to take a step back.
  2355. >"You have no idea what you're getting yourself into!" Sunset says, standing firm against the building gale.
  2356. >"Sunset, I thought I ordered you to handle Anonymous?" he asks, "Was I not clear?"
  2357. >She shakes her head, "I'm not your puppet any longer."
  2358. >"Impossible!" Grogar exclaims, "One doesn't simply break free of-"
  2359. >"ENOUGH TALK!" Twilight yells.
  2360. >Raising her hands, her hands begin glowing the same blue color as her horn. Despite this though, your former master just stands there.
  2361. >Clasping her palms together at the base, a large blue beam of light launches towards Sombra.
  2362. >Bringing his wrists together, the beam stops just inches from his body, splits and curves around him as if there was some sort of round barrier in between.
  2363. >The only visible effect of Twilight's attack was simply pushing him back a few inches.
  2364. >Both you and Sunset are left speechless.
  2365. >"Anon, what was that?"
  2366. "I... I don't know. That definitely wasn't Quen."
  2367. >Lowering his arms, Sombra brushes off his shoulder.
  2368. >Twilight looks on, unimpressed.
  2369. >"You think the Heliotrope sign can save you?"
  2370. >She roars and dives for the man with a crazed look in her eyes. Energy crackles around her hands like electricity.
  2371. >Pulling out a small box from his chest pocket, he presses a button on the device.
  2372. >Both Twilight and Sunset let out blood curdling screams as their bodies begin convulsing sending both writhing onto the cold hard floor.
  2373. >The former tries to fight through the pain, only to be stopped cold.
  2374. >You try and charge Sombra only to be stopped by Jericho.
  2375. "Jericho, out of my way."
  2376. >"I'm sorry Anonymous, but I can't do that." he says drawing his short blades.
  2377. "Dammit move!"
  2378. >You try to weave around your viper counterpart only to be stopped at every turn.
  2379. >"Like I said, I cannot let you pass."
  2380. "Get some sense in that thick skull of yours!"
  2381. >"..."
  2382. >He looks back towards Twilight, giving you a brief opening to cast Aard and knocking him onto his back a short distance away.
  2383. >Lifting your sword up, you prepare to impale Sombra.
  2384. >The man glances in your direction, completely composed.
  2385. >"Grogar, now." Sombra commands.
  2386. >Slamming his staff down on the ground, Grogar chants something in Elder tongue.
  2387. >The runes lying around the room begin flaring to life when without warning ethereal chains shoot out.
  2388. "SHIT!" you curse as three of the magic chains divert their course straight towards you forcing you back.
  2389. >Thanks to your reflexes, you manage to avoid them but Twilight on the other hand isn't so lucky.
  2390. >Wrapping around her arms, legs and wings, each chain pulls her limbs out until they go taught.
  2391. >Eventually Sombra depresses the button on the small remote, allowing both Twilight and Sunset reprieve.
  2392. >Realizing the situation she's now in, Twilight goes berserk.
  2393. >"GRAAAAHHH!" she screams, struggling against the magic bindings, "YOU'RE DEAD! YOU'RE ALL DEAD! DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD!"
  2394. >Her eyes flash brightly as her hands begin burning with energy only to quickly fizzle out.
  2395. >Continuing his chanting, Grogar directs his hands towards the wall and the chains follow.
  2396. >The two chains holding her arms slide across the roof, lifting her body off the ground and leaving her dangling like a marionette.
  2397. >"Let me go and I'll make your death less painful!" Twilight orders.
  2398. >"I've had enough of her backtalk. May I Headmaster?"
  2399. >"Do it quick."
  2400. >With a chime of the bell at his hip, Grogar touches one of the ethereal chains with his hand.
  2401. >An electric current travels both up and down the chain, spreading somehow to the others before all converging onto Twilight.
  2402. >Her tortured screams echo throughout the room before she falls limp.
  2403. >"Sunset are you okay?" you hear Rainbow asks landing behind you.
  2404. >Turning to face her, you see Sunset's skin around the implant a darker shade of red.
  2405. >"N-not really..." she says scratching her neck. "I completely forgot about those implants in our neck."
  2406. >Looking up, she sees Twilight unconscious body hanging there.
  2407. >"What is he doing with Twilight?"
  2408. "At this point... your guess is as good as mine."
  2409. >"It's none of your concern Anonymous." Sombra says.
  2410. >He leers at Sunset as she steps up behind you.
  2411. >"Though I would like Grogar to explain this." he states pointing towards the witcheress besides you.
  2412. >The old man shrugs, "The spell I used should have enthralled her mind towards you completely."
  2413. >"Well she's obviously not."
  2414. >Lightning strikes a tree outside splintering it, and lighting the remains on fire.
  2415. >The rain also seems to be starting to pick up as more and more droplets splatter against the windows.
  2416. >Stepping away from the orb, he brushes his beard before beginning another incantation.
  2417. >He slams the butt of his staff on the ground once and points it towards Sunset, "Sunset Shimmer, return to your master's service at ONCE!"
  2418. >The small goat head attached to the tip of the staff begins glowing red when Sunset suddenly keels over.
  2419. >"Sunset!" Rainbow cries out. "Oh no you don't!"
  2420. >Narrowing her eyes, she uses her wings to dive straight towards Grogar.
  2421. >The sorcerer raises a blue shield around him just as Rainbow's sword is about to make contact but it proves to be unnecessary as Jericho leaps in between them and blocks Rainbow Dash's attack.
  2422. >Undeterred, Rainbow continues to try and break through the latter as you aid Sunset.
  2423. "Hey, stay with us!"
  2424. >"A-Anon... I-I can feel her coming back..."
  2425. >Her face scrunches up in pain as she falls to her knees. The sclera of the left eye begins wavering from black and white.
  2426. >Getting up, you discretely draw two throwing knives from the holster in your jacket.
  2427. "I'm not letting you take her again." you utter to your former "Headmaster".
  2428. >In one fluid motion, you turn and throw the pair of knives at his center of mass.
  2429. >Sombra simply stands there and gestures the Quen sign resulting in both blades bouncing off harmlessly.
  2430. >"And what are you going to do about it little wolf?" he taunts.
  2431. >Bringing up your sword to bear, you enter your starting stance.
  2432. >He smirks, "Amusing."
  2433. >Sombra unbuckles the clasps to his cape, letting the cloth fall to the ground and revealing a sword attached to his thigh.
  2434. >Drawing the blade, blue runes glow along the length of the weapon before slowly dimming.
  2435. >You note that unlike your standard blade, his is thinner and has a handguard. Effectively making it look more like a saber than a longsword; the sheen of the metal however indicates the weapon is made from silver though.
  2436. >He tosses away the scabbard before accepting your challenge.
  2437. >The room shakes as the circle of clouds in the sky begin separating and the energy orb flashes.
  2438. >"Grogar, we do not have much time to get Twilight Sparkle under control before our window ends. Get that anchor stabilized."
  2439. >"As you wish, once I am done, Twilight Sparkle should be under your command soon enough."
  2441. >You grasp your chest as every breath you take seems to be harder to take in.
  2442. >The presence in the back of your head... you can feel it just wanting to get out.
  2443. >On your knees, you look up to see both Anon and Rainbow Dash fighting for their lives and yours.
  2444. >Come on Sunset, get a hold of yourself.
  2445. >You fought "her" back once before, you can do it again!
  2446. >Charging forward, Anonymous rolls to avoid a strike from Sombra.
  2447. >Thrusting your sword forward, you curse under your breath as the man just narrowly manages to twist his body just enough to avoid it.
  2448. >Getting out of the way of his counter attack, Anonymous comes back in and starts going on the offensive himself.
  2449. >"Two on one? Hardly fair." Sombra quips as he parries with his sword.
  2450. >Neither of you two bother to answer him.
  2451. >Okay Sunset, you can do this.
  2452. >Taking a deep breath, you firm your resolve and decide to attack first.
  2453. >Running in, Sombra thrusts his sword at you.
  2454. >Dodging his attack, you bring your sword at your opponent.
  2455. >He blocks the simple attack and glares at you.
  2456. >Sombra is easily the stronger between you two as he easily forces you back, but without missing a beat Anon dives under from his side and makes an upward slash catching him across his face.
  2457. >A wild swing encourages Anon back as Sombra curses as a hand runs across the now bleeding face.
  2458. >Something seems to change in his behavior as he sees the blood.
  2459. >Returning to the fray, Sombra's attacks become even more fierce. His attacks try to leave you no quarter to recover and he manages to get a clean cut on your arm.
  2460. >Despite your combined efforts, Sombra seems to be making more of a point to bring down Anon first.
  2461. >The man starts deliberately aiming for Anon's bloody shoulder and abdomen, even passing up opportunities to attack you in favor of him.
  2462. >Backing up, Anon reaches into his vial pouch and pulls out two thin glass cylinders.
  2463. >"Oh? So now the wolf needs an edge of Tawny Owl and Blizzard?"
  2464. "Anon? What are you doing?"
  2465. >He sighs, "White Rafford's wearing off... starting to get double-vision."
  2466. >Biting off the corks, he spits them out and quickly drinks both concoctions.
  2467. >It's only now do you notice Anon's worn state.
  2468. >His breathing is haggard, sweat is dripping down his face, and judging by the fresh blood, all his wounds have reopened.
  2469. >At this rate, Anon won't last very long...
  2470. >As the witcher brews work their effects, Anonymous's skin becomes even paler and his veins become visible under the skin.
  2471. >Tossing the empty vials away, he wipes his mouth on his sleeve.
  2472. >"Sunset... we need to end this soon. I have one more vial of Swallow, but it'll do me no good if we continue to fight him."
  2473. >Sombra cracks his neck, "While I'm impressed at your resolve wolf, I tire of this."
  2474. >Reaching for his back pocket, he pulls out the small device for the implants.
  2475. >"And Sunset? You've become a major disappointment." he says holding the remote up.
  2476. >"Oh no you don't!" a raspy voice shouts.
  2477. >A blue blur streaks by Sombra, stealing the remote from his hands.
  2478. >"WHAT?!"
  2479. >"Looking for this?" Rainbow Dash taunts in the air.
  2480. >"Jericho!"
  2481. >"I'm sorry Headmaster she's faster than she lo-"
  2482. >"Quit your whining! Just get that remote back!"
  2483. >Nodding his head, Jericho runs at your friend with blades drawn.
  2484. >Sombra seethes in contrast to his previous cold demeanor.
  2485. >"Dash keep that remote away from him!"
  2486. >"You got it!"
  2487. >"Jericho. I want that girl's head on a pike."
  2488. >Rainbow blows a raspberry before taking off.
  2489. >The viper witcher vaults off of a wall onto a pillar and tries to bring down Dash with his short blades.
  2490. >Fortunately, Dash avoids his mid-air attack and kicks him in the back sending the witcher crashing onto the floor.
  2491. >Hovering in the air, she winds up for a pitch and sends the little black box crashing out one of the large windows. Jericho tries to get up and grab the remote but it just narrowly misses his fingers.
  2492. >Well... that works you suppose.
  2493. >"Grogar! Get Sunset under control!" he commands. "Forget the anchor, this takes more precedence!"
  2494. >"But Headmaster, the spe-"
  2495. >"DO IT! The sooner it's done, the less we have to worry."
  2496. "Over my dead body!" you retort.
  2497. >Moving in for another attack, he blocks it with Quen and making your weapon rebound off of it.
  2498. >Lowering the shield, he quickly pushes his hand forward and sends you flying into the nearby wall with Aard.
  2499. >"Sunset!"
  2500. >Without warning, you can feel the throbbing sensation in your head come back.
  2501. >"I order you to fall in line witcher!" Grogar demands.
  2502. >Looking up, the sorcerer walks towards you, emphasizing each step with his staff.
  2503. >Rising up to your feet, you tighten the grip on your steel sword and walk towards Anonymous as he fights Sombra.
  2504. >What are you doing?
  2505. >This isn't...
  2506. >Celestia, your body's moving without you!
  2507. >With his attention on the Headmaster, Anon has no idea of what's happening behind him.
  2508. >Each step feels like an eternity while you struggle to retake control as the distance between the dueling witchers closes.
  2509. >Your vocal chords suddenly don't seem to work to let Anon know.
  2510. >The feeling in the back of your skull pulses, almost like in anticipation.
  2511. >With you just observing the fight, both Sombra and Anonymous look like they're performing a synchronized dance with the way they move.
  2512. >Their blades acting more as extensions of their bodies than the simple tools they seem to be.
  2513. >You can recognize Anonymous going through the basic sword forms as sparks fly when their blades make contact.
  2514. >Since getting that cut, Sombra's become more aggressive. Almost like he's barely keeping composure.
  2515. >And with the way he's accumulating more and more cuts around his body, that all that could swiftly end with one lucky thrust...
  2516. >Or you stabbing Anon in the back.
  2517. >If only you could throw this sword away...
  2518. >Suddenly, your arm twitches in response to that thought.
  2519. >Wait... was tha- Yes!
  2520. >You need to focus. This is *YOUR* body. Everyone is counting on you.
  2521. >The presence in your mind shifts to something more akin to a migraine. Likely to break your concentration.
  2522. >Focusing all your willpower on regaining control, you feel your hands slowly loosen their grip.
  2523. >Come... on...
  2524. >Anonymous ducks under one of Sombra's horizontal sweeps and backs up within arms reach of you.
  2525. >"Sunset Shimmer! Obey ME!" Grogar yells out as you move past him.
  2526. >The throbbing in your head worsens as your arms lift over your head.
  2527. >Anon turns and he instantly recognizes his compromised position.
  2529. >Shutting your eyes, you try with all your heart to stop yourself.
  2530. >A sense of... relief? Ease? You don't really know what to call it right now, but it's quickly put to the side as you're overcome by a pit forming in your stomach.
  2531. >Oh dear Celestia, you have no idea if...
  2532. >"Sunset?"
  2533. >That's Anon's voice.
  2534. "A-Anon?"
  2535. >Opening your eyes, you see Anon gently pushing you back with a hand and keeping his other blade pointed at Sombra.
  2536. >"You're... glowing." he says.
  2537. >Looking down at your hands, he's right.
  2538. >You quickly reach for your head, and feel two ears perking up along with a long braid of hair extending past your normal length.
  2539. >But if he's fine, then your sword... where is...?
  2540. >As if to answer your question, you hear the sound of someone choking.
  2541. >To your right, you see Grogar bleeding from his mouth as your sword sticks out of his chest.
  2542. >He looks in utter disbelief between the sword impaling him and you.
  2543. >Dropping his staff, he tries to pull the blade out before unceremoniously dropping dead.
  2544. >A wave washes over you, like a fog has been lifted. You don't feel a pressure in the back of your mind anymore. And without the efforts of Grogar to stabilize the energy, the entire room shakes as the glowing white orb in the center of the room fluctuates uncontrollably.
  2545. >"GET DOWN!" Anon shouts before the orb explodes in a bright flash. The resulting shockwave knocking everyone off their feet.
  2546. >When you regain your bearings, the clouds in the sky separate as the portal inside fades out of existence.
  2547. >Even the weather starts returning to normal.
  2548. >"ANONYMOUS!" Sombra roars.
  2549. >Stomping towards him, all traces of the calm, collected man from before vanishes.
  2550. >He holds his sword in one hand, and rips the remains of his bloody dress shirt to reveal his fit physique and the Manticore medallion hanging from his neck.
  2551. >"This was supposed to usher in a new era! And now it's all been wasted because of YOU!"
  2552. >Anonymous readies his sword.
  2553. >"But why did that require Twilight to be in her demon form? You already had the Conjunction."
  2554. >"The opportunity to control someone that can open portals to other worlds on whim? For all we know Twilight Sparkle is a Child of the Elder Blood."
  2555. >Anon scoffs, "Or a completely different being altogether."
  2556. >"Once things have calmed down, I'll be sure to get the good doctor's input on this. But for now I have you to deal wi-"
  2557. >All of a sudden, a small portal opens up beneath Sombra's legs, causing him to fall through the floor.
  2558. >Catching himself on the rim of the portal, he leaps out just as the portal snaps shut.
  2559. >"You thought you could control me?" a chilling voice utters.
  2560. >Twilight rises up above the ground, her left hand glowing with fiery blue energy.
  2561. >"Well, you thought wrong witcher."
  2563. >As you and Twilight's brother follow Anon's old witcher friend, the entire building shakes again. Bits and pieces of rock rain down on you.
  2564. "Tarnation, what the heck are they doing?!"
  2565. >"Whatever it is, my instincts say it is trouble."
  2566. >"I hope Twilight's doing okay. She must be freaking out right now." Shining says.
  2567. >Continuing on, you encounter a forked hallway.
  2568. >"Dammit."
  2569. >"He could have gone down either way."
  2570. >"Look for any clu-"
  2571. >"ANONYMOUS!" a deep voice bellows out from the right hall.
  2572. >Anon!
  2573. >"That sounded like Headmaster Sombra." Haakim says, "That must mean the others are down that way."
  2574. "Well what are we waiting for?!" you ask, making a move towards the voice before Twilight's brother grabs your shoulder.
  2575. >"What about Tirek?" Shining Armor asks Haakim.
  2576. >"..."
  2577. >The Cat witcher brushes his hand against the wall of the left hall.
  2578. >Drawing his longsword, he ushers you towards the right.
  2579. >"Go, I will deal with Tirek. You two would probably be more of a liability for me anyway."
  2580. "Are you sure?"
  2581. >He nods his head before running deeper into the building.
  2582. "Good luck..."
  2583. >You and Shining Armor share a look before heading the other way.
  2584. >Hopefully things aren't too bad if Anon has someone shouting his name like that.
  2585. >Twilight's brother changes out the magazine on his rifle for a fresh one.
  2586. "What do you think we can expect?"
  2587. >"I have no clue. I really just want this day to be over."
  2588. "Same. 'specially since I just lost my favorite hat."
  2589. >"Right..."
  2590. "..."
  2591. >Soon, the hallway becomes awkwardly quiet. Without Vinyl or Octavia talking to one another, it occurs to you just how quiet it actually is.
  2592. >Though you don't really know Shining Armor that well, you can tell he wants to ask something just by the way he tries not to look like he's staring at you.
  2593. "Ya need something?"
  2594. >He shrug, "So... uh... were you always super strong?"
  2595. "Not very long ah reckon. Sorta just happened."
  2596. >"Oh, cool."
  2597. "Yeah."
  2598. >"So, um... do all your friends have powers?"
  2599. "Maybe, I know Rarity, Twilight and Sunset have them. Not too sure about the oth-"
  2600. >Shining Armor put his hand over your mouth as you near a corner.
  2601. >Peeking around, you two see Anon, Sunset, Rainbow Dash all staring at... oh that's not good...
  2602. >"Oh shit..." Shining mutters. "Please tell me that's not Twilight."
  2603. "Eeyep."
  2604. >"Great..." he says under his breath. "You don't happen to know what she's capable of do you? The only time I saw her was briefly before I passed out."
  2605. >You try and think back to the Friendship Games near the third and final event.
  2606. "Fer one, she can fly." you point out.
  2607. >"I... can see that."
  2608. >Suddenly Twilight fires a blue beam at a shirtless man who narrowly dodges the blast.
  2609. >"And can do that."
  2610. >The two of you watch as Sunset, Anon and Rainbow Dash back up towards the door.
  2611. "C'mon we gotta help."
  2613. >"Anon... what do we do?" Rainbow asks.
  2614. "Sunset do you think you can talk her down again like last time?"
  2615. >Sombra vaults over another spawned portal trying to catch him off guard. Twilight proceeds to open a portal by slashing the air and going into it.
  2616. >You all prepare for her reappearance and make a small circle with each of you covering a direction.
  2617. >Its getting hard to focus...
  2618. >Not to mention the side-effects of chugging two additional concoctions within the timeframe you did is now taking its toll.
  2619. >The difference between your body becoming numb due to blood loss or from dying due to the potions at this point is minimal.
  2620. >You honestly don't think your last remaining vial of Swallow will help at this point. It'll most likely put you way over the edge of toxicity your body can handle.
  2621. >Not that you already aren't teetering over it in the first place.
  2622. >Keep it together.
  2623. >The Conjunction is already falling through, you simply got to kill Sombra and get Twilight Sparkle's inner demon that can teleport under control.
  2624. >...
  2625. >Yeah, simple.
  2626. >You can already see Sombra frantically turning his head trying to find Twilight.
  2627. >A series of portals opens up around him almost like a cage. Each environment inside leading to a blue void.
  2628. >"You think this will confuse me? You've got gall, I'll give you that." he says keeping an eye out.
  2629. >The medallion on his neck shakes.
  2630. >Moving his head to the side, an energy beam shoots past, just narrowly avoiding his ear.
  2631. >Unfortunately for him, the beam enters another portal before shooting out from another one.
  2632. >He avoids this one too but things get more hectic as two more beams exit at an even higher velocity.
  2634. >Soon the entire cage is turned into a laser-tag esque death trap as Sombra continues to try and evade every attack.
  2635. >The wounds and burns start racking up as any that he can't avoid make contact.
  2636. >In an attempt at some reprive he crosses his wrists together again for the sign he used earlier. Sure enough it stops most of the magical beams but even signs have their limits.
  2637. >The amount of magic projectiles doesn't seem to stop and eventually overwhelm him.
  2638. >You remember what Twilight is capable of.
  2639. >She could easily end this as quickly as she wants and none of the beams seem to be doing anything other than giving horrific burns.
  2640. >At this point she's simply just toying with him.
  2641. >Figuring
  2642. >"Anon!" you hear a voice call.
  2643. >Running up to you from the entrance you see Applejack and Shining Armor.
  2644. "Applejack, you're okay." you say with genuine relief.
  2645. >"Sugarcube, you don't look too good."
  2646. "Been better."
  2647. >She gives a cautious look to Sunset, "Is Sunset...?"
  2648. >"I'm good Applejack." she says with a tired smile.
  2649. >"That's great."
  2650. >"But now we gotta deal with Twilight now." Rainbow Dash points out. "Though it kinda looks like she's a bit busy at th-"
  2651. >Dash is interrupted by a gasp of pain.
  2652. >Looking back, the small vortexs of energy are gone and Twilight is standing in front of him with her arms crossed as Sombra falls to a knee.
  2653. >His sword is pointed in her direction, but a small portal consumes the blade up to the guard.
  2654. >Around Sombra's right leg, foot, shoulder blade, and center torso are small portals where the blade is visibly impaling before being cut off by another gateway.
  2655. >"Pathetic." she taunts with an evil grin.
  2656. >Extending her hand out, the portal around Sombra's sword lowers until his hand goes through. This also has the consequence of digging the weapon deeper into the other parts of his body.
  2657. >"I'm tired of this." she says. "I just want you to die."
  2658. >Clenching her hand, the portal snaps closed, cutting off Sombra's. Blood leaks out of the dismembered appendage yet Sombra is still planted firmly where he is.
  2659. >He doesn't scream, but you can just see by the expression on his face he's just barely maintaining his composure.
  2660. >"That can't be my sister..." Shining Armor says.
  2661. "That is most definitely, your sister." you reply. "But she's not the one in control. This time it's more like a split personality."
  2662. >"How the hell do you know that?"
  2663. "She was talking as if our Twilight was a completely different entity."
  2664. >"So can we free her? Get Twily back to normal?"
  2665. "We can try, but I don't like our odds."
  2666. >Looking back, you five watch as Twilight hovers her hand over Sombra's chest.
  2667. >"I will not be toyed with..." he says through gritted teeth.
  2668. >Reaching behind him with his remaining hand, he quickly draws a knife against Twilight and stabs it in her thigh.
  2669. >Twilight recoils in pain and yanks the small blade out.
  2670. >"It's amazing how you still try to keep a brave face Sombra." the Twilight snarls, "But all good things must come to an end."
  2671. >Her hand glows with brilliant blue light, and she digs her nails right over where his heart is.
  2672. >His body starts smoking as the the claw marks burn his chest. Cracks start forming from the cuts and continue to extend out and grow.
  2673. >Without warning Sombra starts gasping.
  2674. >"Oh, can't breath? That's the feeling of your lungs collapsing because of a teeny tiny hole in your thoracic cavity I made about yay big."
  2675. >She holds up her fist and points to it.
  2676. >"Normally, there's no air pressure inside the pleural space which is why your lungs stay fully inflated. But thanks to the magic portals that isn't the case anymore! Isn't that exciting!"
  2677. >Stopping, Twilight pulls her arm back and plunges it through his chest and out his back.
  2678. >"Granted, it would only take a few seconds for you to aspirate and as much as I would enjoy watching you die that way..."
  2679. >Sombra's face is frozen in a look of shock as she leans in and whispers something into his ear.
  2680. >"You and your witchers have long overstayed your welcome."
  2681. >Yanking her arm out, blood spills out of Sombra's chest.
  2682. >The former headmaster of the witchers slumps to the ground dead.
  2683. >"Besides, that was mostly just to see if I could. Not that that concerns you anymore."
  2684. >Twilight shakes off the gore before looking at the sky.
  2685. >"Though now you got me curious. What would another Conjunction mean for this world.
  2686. >She starts cackling to herself.
  2687. >"Maybe Sombra was right after all! Oh the theories I could document and learn from this! But first!"
  2688. >The room seems to get darker as Twilight hovers into the air.
  2689. >Twilight slowly turns to face you and tilts her head. An evil grin spreads from ear to ear.
  2690. >"You're still here?" she says, "Well. Let's change that shall we?"
  2691. >You grimace; you're in no condition to fight Twilight. Still, you'll try anyway.
  2692. >But before you can step forward to face her, Sunset Shimmer stands in front of you.
  2693. >"Anon I got this." she says.
  2694. "Sunset?"
  2695. >"Hey." Rainbow Dash replies. "She's my friend too."
  2696. >Applejack huffs, "*Our* friend. And ah ain't just gonna stand here and do nothing."
  2697. >Twilight sneers, "One, two, three, it doesn't matter. You'll all be buried soon enough."
  2699. ------
  2701. >Putting her steel sword away, the witcheress draws the second longsword hanging along her back.
  2702. >The silver metal shines in the light, reflecting her possessed friends image.
  2703. >Sunset tightens her grip on the sword. "Alright girls, we can do this."
  2704. >"Midnight" scoffs, "You can try. I need a good laugh."
  2705. >Her snide remark causes Rainbow Dash to growl, "I'll show you!"
  2706. "Rainbow wait! That's what she-"
  2707. >Zooming forward, Rainbow Dash charges straight towards her opponent with little regard for anything else.
  2708. >You watch as Midnight takes flight with a huge flap of her own ebony wings.
  2709. >Lighting her hands on fire with a brilliant blue energy, she sends an energy beam directly at Dash.
  2710. >Veering off to the side, the laser just narrowly misses her body, flies right over Applejack and Sunset's heads and strikes an adjacent wall.
  2711. >Instead of exploding or suffering any impact damage however, the surface breaks apart like glass as a portal to some ashen wasteland appears.
  2712. >Your medallion, already rattling from the massive amount of magic around the room, somehow becomes even more frantic.
  2713. >Applejack groans, "Oh horse apples, not this again."
  2714. >Looking back at what could have been her, Rainbow scowls.
  2715. >"Come on Applejack!" Sunset shouts.
  2716. >"Right!"
  2717. >The two girls run to Dash's aid as Midnight laughs maniacally.
  2718. >"Let's hurry this up ladies, I have other things I want to do today."
  2719. >With insane speed, she closes the distance between her and Rainbow Dash.
  2720. >"What th-" is all Dash can say before being punched in the jaw and sent sprawling towards the ground.
  2721. >Using her other hand, she fires another beam at Sunset, who manages to roll out of the way of the incoming attack where another tear in the fabric of space opens up at the impact spot, this time leading to a snowy tundra high above the mountains.
  2722. >"Ah got ya RD!"
  2723. >Applejack quickly backs up and catches her athletic rival just before she hits the ground.
  2724. >With a battle cry Sunset resumes her offensive and steadies her weapon at Midnight.
  2725. >The latter sneers as she hovers backward, just staying slightly out of Sunset's swinging arc.
  2726. >"Ha! Is that all yo-"
  2727. >Using Aard, a telekinetic shockwave staggers Midnight just long enough back for Sunset Shimmer to get within range.
  2728. >Bending back, the silver sword just misses cutting across Midnight's chest.
  2729. >But Sunset is hardly one to stop after a single miss. Instead she pushes forward, keeping Midnight off-balance through a combination of Aard and sword attacks.
  2730. >Somehow managing to hold her own, Sunset avoids and deflects any attacks coming from her opponent through judicious use of signs.
  2731. >The snide, smug Midnight is nowhere in sight, instead replaced by one seething with anger at losing the upper hand.
  2732. >Applejack sets Rainbow down near you and Shining Armor.
  2733. >"Dash, that stubborn head o' yer's is gonna get you killed!"
  2734. >"Thanks Mom..."
  2735. >The cowgirl sighs, "Catch yer breath, we're gonna need you."
  2736. >Getting up, AJ gives you a worried look.
  2737. >"Anon, how are ya holding up?"
  2738. "You know that feeling when you're hungover?"
  2739. >"Yeah?"
  2740. "Well imagine that but ten times worse and your insides are literally on fire."
  2741. >She winces.
  2742. "I'm barely holding together right now as my system tries to fight off the toxins in my body."
  2743. >"Then what do we do?"
  2744. "Right now, just survive."
  2745. >Suddenly you hear Midnight cry out in pain.
  2746. >Glancing back, you see her gripping her wrist as blood drips onto the cold stone floor.
  2747. >She glares at Sunset with a look of pure unfiltered hatred as she flicks her hand of the free flowing blood.
  2748. >Flexing her fingers, she tilts her head and gives an unsettling smile.
  2749. >"You've gotten more confident ever since you were turned into one of those freaks." she says, "I really hate that about you."
  2750. >Both her hands begin glowing as she hovers in the air once again.
  2751. >"I really should be thankful though." Midnight taunts, "If it wasn't for you breaking poor little Twilight's faith in her friends, she wouldn't have been so easy to convince."
  2752. >As she says this, Shining Armor grits his teeth and clenches his fist.
  2753. >"That wasn't me! That was all because of Grogar's magic!" Sunset counters, "I would never hurt Twilight like that willingly."
  2754. >"Oh really? Didn't Grogar's magic only bring about the darkness already present within you? I'm sure Twilight's heard about the "Raging She-demon" of Canterlot High."
  2755. >"Shut. Up."
  2756. >"Admit it, you enjoyed the freedom your dark side gave you."
  2757. >It doesn't take a genius to realize Midnight is baiting Sunset into lowering her guard.
  2758. >Sunset growls, and brings her blade up.
  2759. >"Unlike *you*, I simply want to learn more about the way the world works. Is that so wrong?"
  2760. >"Yer willing to destroy other worlds to do that." Applejack yells, "Our Twilight wouldn't even consider that!"
  2761. >Midnight frowns, "I wasn't talking to you, you inbred redneck hick."
  2762. >Applejack's face grows bright red, "Why AH OUGHTA-!"
  2763. >Raising her hand towards Sunset, she offers it.
  2764. >"Come with me Sunset, I'll find out how Grogar unshackled you so you can finally be true to yourself."
  2765. >"Go burn in Tartarus."
  2766. >"Aw, but that would mean bringing Twilight along."
  2767. >Having had enough, Applejack slams her fist into the ground and takes out a chunk of stone.
  2768. >Pitching it like a baseball, she nearly hits Midnight as it slams into the wall and goes right through it towards the outside.
  2769. >"Ah'm gettin real sick of ya and that holier-than-thou attitude of yer's."
  2770. >Without warning, Midnight's right arm snaps towards Applejack.
  2771. "Applejack get down!"
  2772. >Heeding your advice she drops down as a bright blue beam of energy just grazes the bottom of her ponytail, taking a large chunk out of her blonde hair.
  2773. >The beam continues until it strikes the floor near Grogar's corpse.
  2774. >Blue cracks extend from the impact site and spread underneath the deceased sorcerer's body before breaking apart.
  2775. >With nothing underneath, Grogar's body falls through the new portal towards the forest below.
  2777. >The demonic being starts unleashing a tantrum, like a child that was just denied candy or a favorite toy.
  2778. >"I'll just have to recover the body before the scavengers pick at it when I'm done with you all!"
  2779. >Screaming, she flies straight towards Sunset.
  2780. >Bringing up her Quen shield, she's knocked back into a nearby wall where Midnight proceeds to continuously pound against the barrier.
  2781. >"JUST. DIE. ALREADY!"
  2782. >Sunset struggles to keep Quen up as each blow causes another crack to spread against the yellow shield.
  2783. >"Applejack!" Rainbow Dash calls.
  2784. >"What is it?"
  2785. >"Grab my legs and throw me!" she says hovering in front of her.
  2786. >"What?!"
  2787. >"C'mon hurry up Sunset needs us!"
  2788. >"You sure?" the latter asks.
  2789. >"Totally!"
  2790. >Nodding her head, Applejack grabs Rainbow by the legs and begins spinning around.
  2791. >After gaining enough speed, she releases the chromatic haired girl at a fast enough speed she looks like a rainbow colored streak just as Midnight finally breaks through Sunset's shield.
  2792. >"GOODBYE SUNSET!" she spitefully taunts.
  2793. >Outstretching her hand she goes to grab Sunset's face when Midnight is kicked right into the nearby wall.
  2794. >"Booyah!"
  2795. >"Ah can't believe that worked."
  2796. >Rainbow goes to help Sunset up when suddenly she's tackled by a very pissed demon.
  2797. >The latter proceeds to unleash a barrage of normal punches straight into Rainbow's face.
  2798. >"YOU THINK YOU'RE SO COOL?! "Oh Twilight's just an egghead, she can't compete with me!"" she rants. "WELL WHO'S LAUGHING NOW?!"
  2799. >"TWILIGHT STOP IT!" Shining Armor shouts, "This isn't you!"
  2800. >"TWILIGHT'S GONE!" she retorts, "It's only Midnight Sparkle now!"
  2801. >She's more insane than you thought...
  2802. >Like with Sunset, it seems that Midnight Sparkle is all of Twilight's repressed emotions given life through a darker half.
  2803. >"Get off of her!" Sunset yells.
  2804. >Charging at Midnight, she prepares to strike when the former looks at her with normal-tinted eyes and a scared expression.
  2805. >"S-Sunset? What are you doing?!"
  2806. >Her change in demeanor causes Sunset to freeze up.
  2807. >"Twiligh-"
  2808. >With a smirk, Midnight's eyes return to their teal color before she lunges towards Sunset and impaling her near the clavicle on the former's gnarled horn.
  2809. "SUNSET!"
  2810. >Blood drips down the horn and over Midnight's face, staining it red. Lifting her up with little effort, Sunset drops her weapon and hangs there gasping in pain, trying to pry herself off of the glowing horn.
  2811. >Raising a fist, Midnight grabs the closest arm trying to make a sign and reaches for the knife in Sunset's boot.
  2812. >Taking it out of its leather sheath, she stabs it into Sunset's abdomen resulting in another yelp of pain.
  2813. >Finally Midnight stands and grabs Sunset by the neck and yanks her off of her horn; In one quick motion, she throws Sunset into you, Applejack and Shining Armor, knocking the three of you onto the ground.
  2814. "Fucking Dammit!
  2815. >Getting up, you rush over to Sunset's side and inspect her injuries as she tries to hold in blood with her hands.
  2816. >Dammit, dammit, dammit!
  2817. >Ripping off the hem of your shirt, you begin plugging up the hole near her neck and the one at her waist.
  2818. >Reaching into your potion satchel, you grab your last vial of Swallow.
  2819. "You're so lucky she just missed your jugular and liver." you say, popping the cork. "I can't believe you fell for that!"
  2820. >Sunset doesn't respond. Apparently in no mood for your comments.
  2821. >Propping her head up, you bring the vial up to her lips.
  2822. "Drink."
  2823. >She tries to protest, "But... what about... you?"
  2824. "It's not going to help me right now, you on the other hand need it a lot more than I do."
  2825. >She takes the substance into her mouth reluctantly and wretches in disgust as she swallows.
  2826. "Now take a break." you tell her, gently setting her down.
  2827. >Applejack's already up and trying to keep Midnight at bay, but it's going as well as you would expect.
  2828. >Shining Armor on the other hand, is groggily sitting up clutching his head.
  2829. >"Twily is so grounded when we get back..." he mutters. "How the hell are we going to bring her back?"
  2830. "At this point I don't even know if we can." you answer.
  2831. >He groans, "Couldn't I... reason with her or something?"
  2832. >Another magic blast impacts the wall behind him.
  2833. "Does that look like someone who's reasonable?"
  2834. >"We have to try! I'm not going to kill my little sister."
  2835. "Yeah, well she doesn't look like she's having that problem regarding us."
  2836. >As you rise to your feet, a large stone block falls from the ceiling nearly crushing you. A rapid search around for the cause and you determine that it's due to the portals Twilight has been spawning. Each one becoming more unstable than the last.
  2837. >It's probably not out of the realm of possibility that the longer this fight goes and the more portals that appear, the higher the chance the entire room will cave in on itself. And that's not even taking into consideration the dangers of the portals themselves to the world at large if they're left unchecked.
  2838. >Speaking of portals... the one Grogar's body fell into is noticeably larger now.
  2839. >The edges of the tear fall into the other world like shards of broken glass as it expands outwards.
  2840. >You can't help but feel a bit helpless at this situation.
  2841. >Twilight is much too powerful for any of you to take on in an actual fight.
  2842. >Midnight Sparkle grabs a beaten and bruised Rainbow Dash on the ground as Applejack leers at her.
  2843. >"Don't you even go thinking about-"
  2844. >That unnerving smile returns as she opens a portal right next to her and tosses Rainbow Dash through.
  2845. >"NO!"
  2846. >AJ goes into a rage and bull-rushes Midnight who just crosses her arms and just stands there.
  2847. >Nearly within pummeling distance, another portal opens up on AJ's flank and Rainbow slams into her sending both of them into a heap.
  2848. >More dust and debris starts to fall from above as Midnight finally turns her attention towards you.
  2849. >"And then there was one." she comments. "The one who started this entire mess just by showing up in Canterlot."
  2850. >The demon hovers towards you, splitting into three figures before combining back into a single one.
  2851. >You really hope that was just a hallucination...
  2852. >Despite your body still not being in a great condition, you pick up your sword anyway.
  2853. >"So you still have a little fight left in you huh? Good."
  2854. >Raising her hand, she fires another magic blast at you.
  2855. >Rolling to the side, you feel a sharp pain inside your torso.
  2856. >Clutching it, the spot that you got impaled on has reopened.
  2857. >Fucking great!
  2858. >Using her wings, she reduces the gap between you two at an astounding pace. Magic enhancing her every attack, she let's out a flurry of punches.
  2859. >Thankfully, a quick Quen manages to absorb a few blows before shattering.
  2860. >Dodging and weaving, you counter her last punch and manage to cut her along the waist, drawing some blood and a snarl.
  2861. >"Lucky hit!"
  2862. >Casting Igni, you try and force her on the defensive, but she just opens a portal to absorb the fire.
  2863. >Another one of her tears opens up next to you nearly sending your own sign back at you.
  2864. >As you continue to avoid her attacks, everything starts going blurry for a brief second.
  2865. >Shaking your head, you try and refocus the multiple Twilight's standing in front of you. You should be able to hold out as long as you concentrate on the center one at this distance.
  2866. >You receive an answer to that thought when Twilight sucker punches you in the gut before retreating back.
  2867. >Dammit!
  2868. >Sorry girls, but if it's between your life and Twilight's...
  2869. >Subtly, you make the Yrden sign and touch the floor with your left hand.
  2870. >Getting up, you pace around the little arena you have with your blade ready, trying to draw attention to the trap lying in wait.
  2871. "Is that it? Just resorting to cheap tricks?"
  2872. >Your opponent sneers, "I'm only being pragmatic. It's what you witchers are known for. But if you want me to just end this right now..."
  2873. >You can't help but scoff, being pragmatic would just be killing us instead of drawing this fight out.
  2874. >She's getting enjoyment out of this. Hopefully you can get some mileage out of that mindset.
  2875. >Both her palms glow with renewed energy as she glides towards you.
  2876. >Taking a few steps back, she goes right over the hidden trap sign and triggers it.
  2877. >Bright purple runes materialize in a circle around her and slow the world down inside its influence.
  2878. >Midnight's eyes go wide as she realizes the trap she fell into and tries to pull up.
  2879. >Not giving up your only advantage, you bring your blade up cut right through her right wing and cut the entire appendage off entirely.
  2880. >Midnight screams and crashes onto the floor as the dismembered limb falls to the ground before being consumed by blue fire.
  2881. >She rolls over, only to find you looming over her.
  2882. >Bringing your sword down, you're interrupted by a sharp pain in your chest.
  2884. >The sensation is just long enough that your adversary fires a concussive beam into your chest and sending you into a wall.
  2885. >You hiss in pain as the front of your jacket has a massive hole in it, revealing the chainmail underlayer.
  2886. >Your body is in too much pain to do anything as Midnight strolls right over you.
  2887. >"Well that was a nice trick witcher." she says holding a palm up. "It's too bad that'll be the last one you ever do."
  2888. >Her hand ignites in blue fire, "Maybe I'll should send you to that acid lake. Hmm, not too instant. Or maybe just strand you in the middle of that desert with those sand crabs. Chrysalis's top half could use some company."
  2889. >"TWILIGHT!" a voice behind her shouts.
  2890. >"Brother. What the hell do you want."
  2891. >Shining Armor steps dangerously close to his sister.
  2892. >What is he doing?!
  2893. >"Stop this, please." he pleads. "This isn't you."
  2894. >Oh for... he's trying to talk her down?!
  2895. >Midnight turns her head, "This is the real me, don't you get it yet?!"
  2896. >"I don't believe that crap for an instant." he says setting his rifle on the ground and walking towards her.
  2897. >Shining's approach actually unnerves her. You're left a little dumbstruck, it's actually working?!
  2898. >"S-stop it. What-what are you trying to do?"
  2899. >Taking a fearful step back, she redirects her hand towards him.
  2900. >"Don't make me hurt you. I *will* hurt you." she threatens as her eyes flash between teal and white. The charged energy coursing in her hand fluctuates in intensity, vanishing before reappearing again.
  2901. >Twilight's struggling against Midnight from attacking him.
  2902. >Despite the threat Shining proceeds to walk closer.
  2903. >"If you did, you would have done it already." he replies with his arms held out.
  2904. >Soon enough they're both nearly face-to-face.
  2905. >"NO! He's trying to lie to you!" Midnight shouts. "WE NEED TO KILL HIM BEFORE HE KILLS YOU!"
  2906. >"My brother... my brother would never do that..." she says to herself.
  2907. >"You're right Twily, I never would. That dark side of you is just saying things to control you."
  2908. >Tears start flowing from Midnight's/Twilight's left eye.
  2909. >"Shiny... it... I don't know if I can..."
  2910. >"You can do it." he says. "Twily, I know you're in there. I believe in you, your friends believe in you. That's why we came here, to help you. Just like you came to help me when I was under Chrysalis's control."
  2911. >Gently, he takes her hand in his, and for a brief second there, Midnight is stunned.
  2912. >Normally this would be the part where you would toss a knife into the skull and end the threat, but Shining's moment might actually work.
  2913. >The frames around Midnight's eyes slowly diminish in size and her remaining wing retracts.
  2914. >Suddenly a sharp shooting pain from your impalement makes you recoil, the motion drawing Midnight's attention and snapping her back into combat mode.
  2915. >"YOU!"
  2916. >"TWILIGHT NO!"
  2917. >She turns and takes aim with her palm, ready to end your life.
  2918. >Everything seems to go by so quickly.
  2919. >Shining grabs his sister's arm only for her to reflexively claw him across the face with her nails.
  2920. >He falls onto the ground grabbing his now bleeding face, four thin red lines expand from the angle of his jaw and over his eye.
  2921. >His possessed sister momentarily snaps out of her insanity, "N-no! Wh-what did... Shining I'm so sorry!"
  2922. >"HE TRIED TO STOP YOU!" she yells at herself. "DON'T BE A FOOL! STOP... FIGHTING... ME!"
  2923. >"No no nononono!"
  2924. >She stares at her hands and the fresh blood.
  2925. >"What have I done..."
  2926. >"Twilight... you can still fix this. You just need to be the one in control." Shining says getting back to his feet.
  2927. >Twilight begins crying and falls to her knees, holding herself.
  2928. >"We're all with you. You can do it."
  2929. >"You're... right... she's not the one... I am..."
  2930. >Clawing at her head, she flails about as an internal struggle overtakes her.
  2931. >She screams into the air, her voice loud enough to shatter all surrounding windows in the room.
  2932. >Twilight's form begins to return to relative normal.
  2933. >Her demonic features vanish into the aether as Twilight's usual skin returns to its normal pigment.
  2934. >The metal wolf head across your chest calms down slightly.
  2935. >Unfortunately, the disturbance shifts some masonry from above to dislodge right above Twilight.
  2936. "Twilight watch out!" Shining yells.
  2937. >He pushes her out of the way, but the large chunk of stone hits his shoulder.
  2938. >The two skid across the ground with Shining hissing in pain and grabbing his arm. Twilight begins panicking as her brother resists yelling out.
  2939. >"Shiny, I'm sorry..." she says, unsure of what to do.
  2940. >"It's... nnngghhh... okay. Long as you're... safe..." he replies through gritted teeth.
  2941. >You walk over and kneel down next to Twilight.
  2942. >Her hair's a mess and she looks exhausted just from the dark colored bags under her eyes.
  2943. >As she turns to look at her brother, you notice a large red line soaking through her clothes, roughly where the wing you cut off would be attached.
  2944. "You good?" you say, pointing at her shoulder blade.
  2945. >She nods. "It stings a little. Um... sorry about your chest..."
  2946. "I've had worse. It's a little melted but easily replaceable. I'll just get Rarity to make me a new jacket."
  2947. >"Twilight?" you hear Sunset call out.
  2948. >You turn and see your witcher student limping over.
  2949. >"Sunset!" Twilight cries out, running over to hug her.
  2950. >"Owowowowow! Still sore!" she blurts out.
  2951. >"S-s-sorry!"
  2952. >Sunset chuckles, "It's okay. I'm just happy you're back to normal."
  2953. >"I'm... glad to... hear... that..." she says trailing off before closing her eyes and going limp in Sunset's arms.
  2954. >Shining Armor begins to panic, "Twily?"
  2955. >"She's alright." Sunset tells him, "She looks like she's just tired."
  2956. >The girl in her hands lets out a gentle snore.
  2957. >Gently setting her down, both Sunset squats next to Shining Armor and lets out a massive sigh.
  2958. >"Its finally over." Sunset muses.
  2959. >"It would seem so." another voice interrupts.
  2960. >Both you and Sunset immediately drop into fighting stances when you two see Jericho standing a few feet away from you.
  2961. "You're still alive?" you say pulling out a knife.
  2962. >"Hold Anonymous. My fight with you is over." he says. "With Sombra and Grogar dead, I have no reason to fight you."
  2963. >Sunset gives you an aside glance, "Anon?"
  2964. >You lower your knife and put it back.
  2965. "Never known you to lie, but things could have changed since I last saw you."
  2966. >"If you'll allow it, I'll show Sunset the medical wing and we will bring back supplies to treat your wounds. Things have moved around the last time you were here and right now it looks like you're not in a condition to move very much."
  2967. "Why just Sunset?"
  2968. >"You gave her Swallow did you not?"
  2969. "..."
  2970. >"Her body will hold up fine, you and the others on the other hand need to refrain from moving. The toxins from your previous positions are still present and moving may exacerbate any conditions you haven't noticed yet."
  2971. >He walks over to the sleeping Twilight.
  2972. >"I'm glad she's alright." he says before walking away.
  2973. >Shining looks between the Viper witcher and his sister confused.
  2974. >"Am I missing something?"
  2975. "Dunno. He doesn't talk about himself." you answer, "Though he might have a thing for nerds."
  2976. >"Nothing like that Wolf." he retorts. "Now come on, the sooner we fix you two up the sooner you all can leave."
  2977. >As Sunset walks past you, you pull her aside.
  2978. "Keep an eye on him." you whisper, handing her your knife. "I'll watch over Twilight and the others."
  2979. >She nods her head and follows him out of the room.
  2981. >You follow Jericho down the hallway. Despite the fact he shows no overt hostility, you remain wary.
  2982. >"She's in the undercroft."
  2983. "I'm sorry, what?"
  2984. >"Your vampire friend. She was taken to the undercroft I will show you the way before you leave."
  2985. "Why are you acting so casual about this? We were enemies less than an hour ago."
  2986. >"Simple, Sombra is dead."
  2987. >He can't seriously think that you'll believe that answer?
  2988. "Then why help us? There was nothing stopping you from just leaving without saying a word."
  2989. >"Because I choose too."
  2990. >Jericho expresses an annoyed huff, "Listen Manticore, I don't particularly care if you believe my words or not so take it as you will."
  2991. "So I'm "Manticore" now?" you quip.
  2992. >"You were given a Manticore medallion by Headmaster Sombra, you are of the School of the Manticore. Just like I'm from the School of the Viper and Anonymous is of the Wolf."
  2993. >You take the manticore medallion in your hand.
  2994. >Twisting it, the metal shines from the torch sconces in the dimly lit hall.
  2995. "I don't suppose I could trade this in could I?"
  2996. >He looks back over his shoulder, "Are you not proud of your position?"
  2997. "It... brings a lot of bad memories."
  2998. >"From Grogar's magic I assume?"
  2999. >You give him an affirmative sound.
  3000. >"You were kind of a bitch."
  3001. >...
  3002. >He's not wrong...
  3003. >"Tell me, did you ever actually plan on becoming as a witcher? Anonymous trained you in our ways of fencing and signs."
  3004. "I only chose to learn because I thought my life, and the lives of my friends were in danger."
  3005. >"A noble reason I guess. Not that my many of our kind would know of the concept."
  3006. >The two of you reach the room with a plus sign attached to the wall.
  3007. >But what lays ahead brings each of you to a halt.
  3008. >A large trail of blood at the entry way.
  3009. >Both you and Jericho draw your weapons.
  3010. >Cautiously, you two take the lead and enter the room.
  3011. >Inside, it looks like a tornado came through; broken medical equipment and papers lay strewn about the floor.
  3012. >"What happened here?" Jericho asks.
  3013. >Moving past an overturned bed, he freezes.
  3014. >"Spirits..."
  3015. "What is i- oh Celestia..."
  3016. >A trio of dead bodies lay on the floor in a pile, blood pooling around the corpses. You recognize the bodies as some of the other witcher recruits you were forced to learn with.
  3017. >In addition, Doctor Caballeron body hangs against the wall, impaled by a IV stand.
  3018. >Kneeling down by the bodies, Jericho inspects each one.
  3019. >As he does his small investigation, you notice something in the corner of your eye.
  3020. "Jericho."
  3021. >Turning his head, he looks at you. "What is it?"
  3022. >On the counter is a brown sack dripping blood at the base.
  3023. >The witcher carefully approaches the sack and opens it.
  3024. >You can sense the sadness in Jericho's body language as he stares at the contents.
  3025. >Muttering something in another language, he sighs and closes the bag.
  3026. "What was it?"
  3027. >"It was Haakim."
  3028. >Scrambling towards the medical cabinets, Jericho searches the contents.
  3029. >"It seems like whoever did this killed everyone in his path and raided the medical stores." he says. "An entire row of Swallow is missing."
  3030. >Grabbing some medical supplies in addition to a bottles ranging from Swallow to more mundane like antiseptic, Jericho places them into a nearby duffle bag and heads to the door.
  3031. >Giving the room one last glance, you follow.
  3033. >Moving them closer to Shining Armor and Twilight, minutes pass before both Applejack and Rainbow Dash finally wake up
  3034. >All their magical features disappeared during their time out, and apparently as well an oncoming wave of fatigue and pain.
  3035. >After being on the receiving end of some of the cowgirl's affection, you let them rest up until Sunset and Jericho come back.
  3036. >As the two take their time to decompress and keep an eye on Twilight, your witcher side can't help but inspect last remaining portal in the room. All the smaller ones closed shortly after Twilight reverted to her normal self, the only exception being this one.
  3037. >The forest landscape through the gateway looks remarkably serene in contrast to the danger it presented not too long ago.
  3038. >Kneeling down, you touch the edge.
  3039. >It seems to recoil at your contact, but otherwise continues to shrink and remains inert. Judging by the rate, it should run out of energy to sustain itself within... ten minutes give or take.
  3040. >You can't help but wonder where this portal leads exactly. A different world? Somewhere on this one?
  3041. >Doesn't look like you'll ever find out, but you won't lose sleep over it.
  3042. >Footsteps come from behind you, until a shadow looms over you.
  3043. "Back already?" you ask without looking. "That was quick."
  3044. >"Not as quick as I'd like." a male voice says.
  3045. >Your tired body tries to naturally respond to a threat with a Quen sign only to feel something go through your back and out your chest.
  3046. >Air escapes your lungs as you turn your head and see the boy that was fighting by Sunset's side, bloody and bruised and looking all too pissed.
  3047. >"That's for Vapor Trail you sonovabitch."
  3048. >Your grunt of pain attracts the other's attention and Applejack let's out a scream.
  3049. >"ANON!"
  3050. >Adrenaline kicks in as your body begins compensating for the blood leaking through the gaps between the sword blade.
  3051. >Gritting your teeth, you grab the kid's hand and draw the last knife in your jacket across his throat.
  3052. >He's taken by surprise at your fast response when blood spurts out from his jugular. As he tries to stop the bleeding, he keels over onto the floor.
  3053. >Unfortunately, your swings momentum causes you to lose your footing. Everything turns upside down as you fall into the portal headfirst when there's a sudden jerk from your leg.
  3054. >Looking "down", you see Applejack struggling to hold onto your pants leg.
  3055. >"Hold on Anon! Just hold on!"
  3056. >Rainbow shows up over the edge and tries to grab your other leg.
  3057. >"Oh man! Oh man!"
  3058. >Slowly, the two girls try to pull you up, at least until you see your assailant standing up over them despite the fact he's bleeding out.
  3059. "Applejack!"
  3060. >Your friends look back in shock as he prepares to knock the both of them in with you as a last act of vengeance.
  3061. >Knife in hand, you throw it into his right eye up to the base of the knife blade, killing him instantly.
  3062. >The movement however causes Rainbow Dash to lose her grip, making you plunge forward and nearly taking AJ with you.
  3063. >Before the two of you drop to your doom, Sunset and Jericho manage to catch Applejack by her arm.
  3064. >"I got you!" Sunset yells.
  3065. >You can see the amount of determination Applejack has on not letting you go, but at this rate you'll both end up falling in.
  3066. >Making and attempt to lift you up with one arm, Applejack's strength suddenly gives way, gravity nearly ripping her from Sunset's own grip.
  3067. >She's too tired...
  3068. >Looking "up" at the trees and the sword sticking out of you. Your medallion, one of the very few posessions you own, slips off your neck and vanishes into the treeline.
  3069. >With Applejack hanging on for dear life, for both you and her, you make a decision.
  3070. "Applejack..."
  3071. >"Don't worry Anon we'll make it!" she says trying to reassure you.
  3072. "Yeah, *you* will."
  3074. >You give her a small smile.
  3075. "Always so stubborn."
  3076. >With the last of your strength, you fight through the growing numbness in your body and reach Applejack's hand.
  3077. >Tears flow from her cheeks as she remains helpless while you pry her fingers from your leg.
  3078. "Tell Sunset and Rainbow I'm proud of them. Sorry I couldn't see them all the way through."
  3079. >"ANON STOP!" Sunset yells.
  3080. "I love you Applejack, please don't forget that."
  3081. >Releasing her grip, gravity takes complete hold of you.
  3082. >You don't, or can't, hear her scream your name as you plummet down below.
  3083. >As long as she survives, you'll be okay with this.
  3084. >Despite being moments away from dying, you take note of the sun setting behind the purple mountains in the distance, the orange colored sky, and rolling hills.
  3085. >Any other situation and it would be a picture perfect place to settle...
  3086. >But all that soon comes to an end when the world starts moving upwards.
  3087. >Sorry Applejack...
  3088. >...
  3089. >At least she has the others to help see her through this...
  3090. >As she shrinks away in the distance, you can't help but feel guilt and sadness at how abrupt your goodbye was.
  3091. >Closing your eyes, you hit the first tree branch with a loud crack.
  3093. >Applejack lets out an anguished scream as your Anonymous falls through her grasp.
  3094. >You can only stare in shock as he falls through the tree canopy.
  3095. >This can't be happening.
  3096. >You've got to do something! Anything!
  3097. >Pulling AJ back up to safety, you frantically go and shake Rainbow Dash.
  3098. "Dash, you need to get wings and get him befo-"
  3099. >Scrunching up her face, magic starts to spark around her before fizzling out.
  3100. >"Sunset I- I can't..." she says trying to pony up.
  3101. "Yes, you can! You ca-"
  3102. >An arm yanks you back.
  3103. >"Stop."
  3104. >You angrily brush the hand off.
  3106. >Jericho looks at you sadly.
  3107. >"He's gone."
  3108. >Applejack dry heaves as she stares to where Anonymous fell.
  3109. >"The portal does not have much time left." he says pointing to the rapidly shrinking ring, "It is unwise to attempt to rescue a corpse."
  3110. >"He's NOT DEAD YET!" Applejack screams. "HE'S TOUGHER THAN HE LOOKS!"
  3111. >She gets up and grabs the witcher by the collar.
  3112. >"Even a witcher can't survive everything." he states. "And Anonymous has many factors against him right now."
  3113. >Releasing his collar, Applejack drops to her knees and cries.
  3114. >"DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT!" she repeats, slamming her fist into the cold stone floor.
  3115. >Bringing a hand over your eyes, you hold your grief and walk to somewhere secluded.
  3117. -----
  3119. ---
  3121. -- Canterlot --
  3122. >Opening the front door, you walk inside and dump your bag unceremoniously onto the floor.
  3123. >The moonlight shines through the window as you close the door behind and lock it. Looking at the clock on the mantelpiece, the clock reads almost 3 in the morning.
  3124. >Despite that though, Winona comes running down the stairs and excitedly jumps around in between your legs.
  3125. >Kneeling down, your dog pounces up and licks your face.
  3126. "Easy now girl." you say with a faint smile. "Settle down."
  3127. >"Sis? Is that you?" a voice says calls down from upstairs.
  3128. "Apple Bloom, you should be in bed right now." you say kicking your boots off.
  3129. >Your younger sister walks down the stairs in her pajamas rubbing her eyes.
  3130. >"Ya should have called, we'd have stayed up until ya got home."
  3131. "Nah, no need ta make a fuss over me." you say.
  3132. >Walking up, you pass by Apple Bloom who turns around and gives you a puzzled look.
  3133. >"Is Anon out back or something?"
  3134. >You freeze mid-stride.
  3135. "No, he ain't."
  3136. >Keep it together...
  3137. >"Is he with at his old house then?"
  3138. "..."
  3139. >"Sis? Did... did something happen?" she asks in a worried tone.
  3140. "Goodnight Apple Bloom."
  3141. >"Hey, wa-"
  3142. "I said goodnight." you interrupt.
  3143. >Without another word you walk to your room and lock the door behind you.
  3144. >Winona paws at the door but you ignore her. Instead just getting undressed and flopping down into bed.
  3145. >You're going to have to get ready for school in a few hours. After all it is a weekday.
  3146. >As you try and get to sleep, there's a buzzing from your phone.
  3147. >Turning the screen on, it's an incoming call from Sunset.
  3148. >Staring at her contact photo, you hesitate on accepting the call.
  3149. >Instead, a press of the power button sends the call directly to voicemail so you can set your phone down.
  3150. >Ever since you left that castle, she's been trying to get you to talk to her.
  3151. >You really don't feel like talking to anyone right now.
  3152. >But try as you might, everytime you've tried to get some shut-eye since you left Skellige, you keep ending up seeing his face.
  3153. >Consarnit...
  3154. >Is the roof still leaking? You thought Big Mac fixed that two weeks ago.
  3155. >You'll have to give him a talking too.
  3156. >...
  3157. >Wiping your eyes, you do your best to get some rest.
  3159. -- Two Weeks Later --
  3161. >As you walk down the halls of Canterlot High, you note all the stares you're receiving from the other students that pass by.
  3162. >No doubt it's your eyes.
  3163. >You still haven't figured out if you can actually change them like Gilda could, so you've tried hiding them behind a pair of sunglasses.
  3164. >At least until they were confiscated by your first period teacher.
  3165. >Rarity has mentioned getting colored contacts if it really bothered you, but you're not really sure it's gotten to that point yet.
  3166. >Plus, you're not really sure they would be able to work with the way your pupils work now. The last thing you need on your tight budget is to add a set of custom-made contacts to it.
  3167. >Things otherwise in Canterlot have been extremely quiet.
  3168. >No monsters, no threats from Equestria, nothing.
  3169. >Both you and Rainbow Dash still spar, though not as much since... Anon...
  3170. >Applejack hasn't let you onto the farm recently with the implication that you're all not welcome there.
  3171. >You give a wave to Octavia and Vinyl as the latter pushes the former's wheelchair to the music room.
  3172. >Vinyl was relatively unharmed when you found her in the Keep's undercroft. Pissed off for sure, and wrists rubbed to the bone from trying to get out of her restraints, but otherwise unharmed. Apparently the witcher's used a special cage of some sort made specifically to restrain higher vampires.
  3173. >The vampire made sure to "dispose" of the contraption.
  3174. >Octavia herself is fine though, being a werewolf and all. She's only in the wheelchair because of Vinyl.
  3175. >Like an "overprotective mother" as the cellist puts it.
  3176. >Though they're sorry about Anon, they don't regret helping you.
  3177. >Even then, you'll probably try to keep out of their business if you can help it.
  3178. >Entering the lunchroom, you quickly spot your friends at your usual table.
  3179. >Everyone except Applejack...
  3180. >Grabbing a tray of food and taking what you can, when you pass by, Granny Smith gives you a frown and shake of her head.
  3181. >You nod and move along.
  3182. >Taking your food to the table, you take a seat by your friends and begin digging in.
  3183. >"Hello Sunset." Fluttershy greets. "Um... how was your day?"
  3184. "Pretty good, still trying to get used to people staring at me again." you reply, "I guess it could be worse though, I probably should just be thankful that it's not because of something I did this time."
  3185. >"Well that's good. Though I must say, I think the eyes look cute on you." Rarity comments.
  3186. "Is Applejack not coming today either?" you ask.
  3187. >Your friends share sad glances with each other.
  3188. >"She's been avoiding us ever since you got back two weeks ago." Pinkie Pie answers, "We're getting super-duper worried!"
  3189. >"The poor dear is still taking Anonymous's... departure hard." Rarity adds, "I couldn't imagine losing my significant other in such a horrific manner like you described."
  3190. "Yeah..."
  3191. >Rainbow scratches the back of her head, "Even though I'm living with her now, she doesn't really talk to me either."
  3192. >"No offense Rainbow Dash, but I kind of expected you to be in a similar situation like her."
  3193. >"What? Just because my Dad's dead?"
  3194. >"Well..."
  3195. >"I've already made my peace with it. Sure, it still hurts, but my Dad and I already talked about this sort of situation when my Mom left. I'm just kind of mad that AJ doesn't think I can relate in anyway."
  3196. >Rainbow grunts in embarressment.
  3197. >"Plus I know its mushy, but I have you girls to talk too."
  3198. >"Aw we love you too Dashy!" Pinkie says pulling her into a great big bear hug.
  3199. >Picking up your fork, you stab it into the salad you got yourself and take a bite.
  3200. >Applejack hasn't answered your calls or texts, and every time you've gone to her house her brother or sister has told you she's not there. The only time you see her now is between classes but she seems to be deliberately avoiding you.
  3201. >And now, thanks to you, the semi-normal mood around the table has been brought down.
  3202. >Nice going Sunset...
  3203. >Twilight pokes at her food, "This is all my fault..."
  3204. >"Now hush darling, we've been over this, none of this is your fault."
  3205. >"But it is. If it wasn't for me, Sunset and I wouldn't have been taken and Anon wouldn't have had to come and rescue us."
  3206. >You silently continue eating, while your other friends comfort Twilight.
  3207. >Not because you don't care, but because something else grabs your attention.
  3208. >Out in the far corner of the lunchroom, you see Applejack walking out with her bag.
  3209. >Setting your fork down, you rise up from your seat and make your way towards her.
  3210. >"Sunset?"
  3211. "I'll be right back."
  3212. >Running after Applejack, you nearly collide with Flash and his friends as they leave their table.
  3213. >Ducking and weaving underneath them without even touching them, you leave the boys all speechless.
  3214. "Sorry about that." you nonchalantly say.
  3215. >Bursting through the double doors you scan the halls until you see Aj.
  3216. "Applejack!" you call out.
  3217. >The girl doesn't react to your voice at all, instead continuing towards her next destination.
  3218. "Applejack, please we need to talk."
  3219. >"..."
  3220. "You can't keep avoiding us forever."
  3221. >"Ah can try." she mutters bitterly.
  3222. >Despite her saying that under her breath, your hearing still managed to pick that up whether she realized that or not.
  3223. >You grab her shoulder and force her to face you.
  3224. >Her expression is a mix of anger and annoyance. Something that's unlike the Applejack you know and love.
  3225. "What's been going on with you? You've been acting so anti-social ever since we got back. We're getting worried about you."
  3226. >Knocking your hand away, she continues down the hallway.
  3227. >"Well ain't that nice. But if you'll excuse me ah'm busy."
  3228. >Your temper starts to flare at her flippant manner.
  3229. >Stomping forward you grab her by the wrist eliciting an even angrier glare from her.
  3230. >"Let. Go."
  3231. "No."
  3232. >Turning around slowly, she grabs you by the shirt and slams you into the lockers.
  3233. >"Sunset I said. Let. Go."
  3234. "Or else what? You'll hurt me? I'd like you to try."
  3235. >"..."
  3236. >The two of you stare each other down as a few other students around you watch in anticipation.
  3237. >"Applejack! Sunset Shimmer! My office, now!" Principal Celestia orders.
  3238. >Finally letting Applejack's wrist go, you two wordlessly follow the Principal, both of you glaring at each other the entire way.
  3239. >Opening the door to her office, she ushers the two of you in.
  3240. >"Take a seat." she says in a harsh tone. "Both of you."
  3241. >Silently, you both comply.
  3242. >"Now, what has gotten into you two?" she asks shutting the door.
  3243. >"..."
  3244. "..."
  3245. >Your silence doesn't seem to amuse the Principal.
  3246. >"Girls, I don't have all day. And I'd hate to see some of my best students in trouble for fighting."
  3247. >"I'd rather not talk about it Principal. It's... private."
  3248. >"If this is about Anonymous, I've already been made aware."
  3249. >Applejack shoots you a nasty look.
  3250. >"Applejack, I know this is a trying time for you, but I doubt Sunset is doing anything but trying to help you."
  3251. >"I know..."
  3252. >"Anonymous will be miss-"
  3253. >"He's not dead." she interrupts.
  3254. >Both you and Celestia are left a little stunned.
  3255. >"Excuse me?"
  3256. >"Ah said, he ain't dead. There's not one bone in my body that believes he is."
  3257. "Applejack..."
  3258. >"No! Don't you "Applejack" me! Not after you all just wrote him off fer dead."
  3259. >Taking a folder from her filing cabinet, she begins writing something down inside.
  3260. >"Applejack, I'm sorry if you take this the wrong way, but I think it might be best to see the school psychiatrist. Especially after the ordeal-"
  3261. >Your friend growls, "I ain't crazy! Now just leave me alone!"
  3262. >Getting up from her chair, she runs out of the room and slams the door.
  3263. >"Sunset, I can only do so much as her Principal. But her grades have already started dropping; if she goes on at this rate..."
  3264. "I know Principal Celestia. I know."
  3266. >Opening your front door, you come across a scene you still have trouble getting used to.
  3267. >Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze both folding laundry while watching TV.
  3268. "I'm home." you say setting your book bag down.
  3269. >"Great. Thanks for telling us." Aria replies, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "Now move, you're blocking the TV."
  3270. >You close the door and move.
  3271. >Since Anon couldn't "convince" the property manager of his old home to waive the rent anymore, nor could you since you didn't know how, the girls found themselves homeless again.
  3272. >And who was the first person they came too?
  3273. >Well...
  3274. >Not you. But after constant failed attempts, eventually they didn't really have a choice.
  3275. >Plus, it puts some ease on your finances having to split the rent. And it's kind of nice having roommates, even if they did try to kill you a couple months prior.
  3276. >Life is weird like that.
  3277. >"Hey Sunset, want to help us fold laundry?" Sonata asks with a pair of panties stretched over her head. "I made a fun game out of it with Aria's panti-"
  3278. >"SHUT IT!" Aria yells. "And take those off!"
  3279. "Sorry Sonata, but I need to get ready for my job. Just came home to drop off my things and get a quick snack."
  3280. >"Oh. Okay then. Have fun!"
  3281. "Where's Adagio?"
  3282. >"Who knows?" Aria replies dismissively, "At least she doesn't hang out in her room all day anymore watching those stupid animes."
  3283. >Well, that's an improvement you suppose.
  3284. >"Hey, you never told us what that new job of yours is." Aria says, "Just what in Tartarus is it?"
  3285. "Oh... uh..."
  3286. >There's a reason for that...
  3287. >"You aren't doing that "escort" thing we saw on the news are you?"
  3288. >"I think Sunny would make a great escort! She has a nice figure that a lot of guys like. And her boobs-"
  3289. >Your face goes red.
  3290. "No it's nothing like that. I'm just a new waitress at a restaurant that opened up."
  3291. >"Well then as a fellow waitress, I hope you get big tippers like me!" Sonata says.
  3292. >"That's because you keep giving guys peeks under your skirt when you bend over to pick up the utensils or plates you dropped..."
  3293. >"WHAT?! Is that why? That... that's terrible!"
  3294. >"You never realized?"
  3295. >"I thought they were being nice!"
  3296. >Shaking your head with a small smile, you let the two girls banter with one another while you take a quick shower.
  3297. >Warm water splashes onto your bare skin, allowing you to let out some of the relieved tension of the day.
  3298. >Thoughts of how to handle Applejack however plague your mind during the entire course of it, making the shower anything but relaxing.
  3299. >You need to find some way to get through to her. A way to, sadly, convince her to move on.
  3300. >Her acting like this is not how Anonymous would have wanted her to live.
  3301. >As you're drying off, Sonata knocks on the bathroom door.
  3302. >"Sunset, I forgot to mention someone left a package for you. It's on the table."
  3303. "Who's it from?"
  3304. >"It doesn't say, but it has this weird drawing on it."
  3305. >Drawing?
  3306. "I'll be out in a second."
  3307. >"Okie dokey."
  3308. >Wrapping the towel around your waist, you walk out of the bathroom and into the living room.
  3309. >And like she said, a long wrapped package addressed to you.
  3310. >But no return address.
  3311. >Instead is a stylized picture of... what looks to be a snake wrapped around another itself?
  3312. >You've only seen something like that from...
  3313. >Ripping open the packaging, Sonata and Aria peek around your shoulders.
  3314. >"What is it?"
  3315. >"Who's it from?"
  3316. >Ignoring them, you peel off the last of the paper to see a silver longsword.
  3317. >And not just any longsword either, the one Sombra used before he died.
  3318. >Attached to the guard is a small pouch and a note with a simple statement: "A blade to replace the one you lost."
  3319. >Taking the pouch a metal wolf head on a chain lands in your hand.
  3320. >"Wow! That's so cool! Just like Anon's!" Sonata cheers.
  3321. "Yeah... just like Anon's."
  3322. >Slipping the medallion over your neck, the cold metal feels kind of nice on your bare skin.
  3323. >Much nicer than that Manticore medallion you left in the Keep.
  3324. >But the longsword; you don't know why Jericho would send you the weapon. Though he must have went through a lot of effort to find where you live to send it.
  3325. >You'll keep the sword in your room in the meantime. Glancing at the clock, it's almost time to go to work.
  3327. >After two more unsuccessful attempts with the girls at trying to be reasonable. You finally decided that enough is enough.
  3328. >Medallion hanging around your neck, you march up the path to Sweet Apple Acres, fully intent on giving Applejack a piece of your mind.
  3329. >The metal effigy gently hums in reaction to the magic inside you.
  3330. >Big Macintosh and Apple Bloom both fully approve of your plan and have made sure that Applejack can't take off.
  3331. >This time, she won't be able to run away from the issue, and you're not planning on walking away either.
  3332. >Knocking on the front door, you mentally prepare yourself for your confrontation.
  3333. >Maybe it would have been better if you called the others to help.
  3334. >...
  3335. >...
  3336. >...
  3337. >You knock again.
  3338. >Rainbow has to be home too right?
  3339. >...
  3340. >...
  3341. >...
  3342. >Alright then, maybe she's not inside.
  3343. >Great start Sunset. Real great.
  3344. >Looking down, you see a couple of boot prints in the mud, similar in size to Applejack's.
  3345. >Hopefully the tracking skills Anon taught you are still good.
  3346. >Following the tracks, you note the Gauntlet on the hill, the giant pendulum has been taken down but the structure still stands.
  3347. >You'll be able to get through to Applejack. You're not going to fail.
  3348. >Heading into the orchard, you listen carefully for any indications that your target is around.
  3349. >The medallion on your neck starts vibrating with a little more intensity.
  3350. >Great.
  3351. >She's nearby.
  3352. >The sound of something hitting wood in the distance draws your attention.
  3353. >Peering behind an apple tree, you see Applejack kicking a tree with filled baskets sitting a few feet from her.
  3354. >Just from the worn and battered bark in the center of the tree, she's been at it for a while.
  3355. >The tree shakes with each strike letting leaves gently flow down in the breeze.
  3356. >With one loud yell, she kicks the tree once more resulting in a loud crack coming from the wood. The wood splintering where she last hit.
  3357. >It looks like she's trying to vent her frustrations.
  3358. >Letting her foot down, she frowns and wipes her head with the sleeve of her shirt.
  3359. >"Dammit." she mutters, "This is all your fault Anon..."
  3360. "Applejack." you call out.
  3361. >"..."
  3362. "What are you doing?"
  3363. >"What's it look like? I'm kicking a tree." she says, "Now what are you doing on my property."
  3364. "I want to help you."
  3365. >"Ah don't want yer help."
  3366. >You walk up to her, stopping just a few feet away.
  3367. >She dismisses you without much thought until she does a double-take and stares at the medallion hanging from your neck.
  3368. >"Where the hell did you get that?"
  3369. "A gift from Jericho." you answer, "But we're not talking about me."
  3370. >"We ain't talking fer much longer at all."
  3371. "We all miss Anon."
  3372. >"Shut up."
  3373. "You know he wouldn't want you to mope around like this."
  3374. >"Shut. Up. Last warning."
  3375. "Applejack I-"
  3376. >"I SAID SHUT UP!"
  3377. >The cowgirl lashes out at you with a fist.
  3378. >You easily avoid the punch and push her away.
  3379. >Snarling like a dog, she tries again.
  3380. "You're not going to hit me like this." you point out.
  3382. >Because of your reflexes, you avoid all her wild punches with little effort. And the more and more you dodge the more Applejack increasingly gets frustrated.
  3383. >Eventually she tires herself out and collapses onto the ground.
  3384. >"WHY? WHY DID HE HAVE TO GO?!"
  3385. "..."
  3386. >"Sunset why do people I care about always get taken from me?"
  3387. >You kneel down besides your crying friend.
  3388. "Shh, it's alright."
  3389. >She wipes her eyes.
  3390. >"I'm sorry Sunset... I'm so so sorry."
  3391. "You don't have to apologize. I'm here, just let me help. I know losing someone you love must be difficult but if-"
  3392. >"It ain't just that..." she interrupts. "When you and Twilight were taken by that Tirek bastard... when you were dragged into that portal... for a second there I thought that was the last time I was gonna see you two."
  3393. >...
  3394. >"Then Anon decided that he was going to get you two back despite the odds."
  3395. "So when we... when we accepted he was gone..."
  3396. >"To me it was like you just gave up on him. That vampire that almost ate Rarity, Camp Everfree, Twilight's brother, Scorpan and Tirek; he was there for all of us. Heck, he even helped those Dazzling girls when it didn't even benefit him."
  3397. >You hug Applejack.
  3398. >"I already lost my Ma and Pa, and Granny's getting up there in years. It just... it just ain't fair."
  3399. "You're right, it's not fair. But you don't have to go through this alone."
  3400. >"I-I know. I'm just being stupid again."
  3401. >Holding Applejack in front of you with a cross leer, you stare her right in the eyes.
  3402. "NO! You're not stupid!" you chastise, "It's not stupid to hurt after losing someone."
  3403. >Gently, your grip loosens.
  3404. "We're all hurt in some way Applejack. We all lost a friend, and we may have nearly lost another."
  3405. >"She's right." you hear Rarity say behind you.
  3406. >Your friends, Rarity, Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash, all walk out from their hiding spots.
  3407. >"Whe- where'd y'all come from?"
  3408. >"Apple Bloom has a big mouth." Rainbow says, "And it's not hard to find you out here."
  3409. >Fluttershy kneels down next to Applejack and hugs her, "We're all here for you."
  3410. >She finally lets out a smile, "I've been an ass."
  3411. >"Yeah, you have." Rainbow says with a knowing grin. "But we still love you."
  3412. >The seven of you gather for a group hug.
  3413. >Twilight looks to Applejack, "Anon did so much for us too Applejack, don't forget that. We'll do our best to honor his memory."
  3414. >Rising to her feet, Applejack wipes her teary eyes.
  3415. >"Well, enough of all this crying then, to make up for my unbecoming behavior, how bout I bake us all some of our famous apple pies?"
  3416. >"That sounds super duper awesome!" Pinkie Pie cheerfully yells.
  3417. >"Can we have some cider with that too?" Rainbow asks. "You know, to make sure this is a genuine apology."
  3418. >Aj chuckles, "Sure thing. I'll break out some of the special blend too."
  3419. >"Aw yeah!" she shouts as the girls all leave for the house.
  3420. >The birds around you start chirping as you finally let out a sigh of relief.
  3421. >Seeing all your friends together again brings joy to your heart.
  3422. >Well, not all your friends... but you're sure he's with you in spirit.
  3423. >You take a moment to glance at the wolf medallion on your neck and watch it shine in the sun.
  3424. >"Sunset you coming?" Rainbow calls out.
  3425. >With a nod of your head, you run after them.
  3427. -- EPILOGUE --
  3429. - Three Months Later -
  3431. >Standing behind the counter, you prepare another temaki roll for the latest customer.
  3432. >Two tuna and one salmon, then you need to start working on the nigiri order at table four...
  3433. >Preparing the seaweed wrap, you move to spread the rice inside when you hear someone clear their throat.
  3434. >"Sunset, I know you're busy and all, but you never answered my question." Rarity says.
  3435. >Both Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie look at you expectantly.
  3436. "What? Oh. Sorry, I'm just trying to get these orders right, Mr. Ikura only recently allowed me to start making the rolls."
  3437. >Beats standing outside in that silly fish costume. Though your new uniform's skirt could be a little longer.
  3438. >"I was simply asking, do you think I should consider entering the next fencing tournament?"
  3439. "Well, you have been getting better in our private matches." you answer, "If you can hold up against a witcher, then anyone else should be easy for you."
  3440. >"Oh please darling, you give me too much credit. I still have yet to defeat you in an actual match."
  3441. "You've gotten extremely close though." you say folding the roll.
  3442. >The front door opens, letting the little bell hanging above chiming.
  3443. >"Hey y'all. Sorry we're late." Applejack says as she, Rainbow Dash and Twilight enter the restaurant. "Twi and I were finishing up a book report and-"
  3444. >"Vice Principal Luna gave me detention for being late again..." Rainbow explains. "Man, sometimes she can be a huge bi-"
  3445. >Twilight's eyes go wide and she covers her mouth, "Shh!"
  3446. >"Man, what is with you? It's not like she has eyes and ears everywhere."
  3447. >"You could stand to be on time once in a while Miss Dash." an older voice says.
  3448. >Rainbow snaps her head around to see both Principal Celestia and her sister sitting in a booth by the door eating.
  3449. >"O-oh... hey there Vice Principal Luna, Principal Celestia..."
  3450. >"You are incredibly lucky that I'm in such a good mood." the Vice Principal says drinking her miso soup, "Otherwise I would have asked you to finish that prior sentence."
  3451. >Principal Celestia politely giggles.
  3452. >"Eh hehehe... crap."
  3453. >Rainbow, Twilight and Applejack take their seats at the bar.
  3454. >"So what're we having?" your country friend asks, "Ah never had this sush-shi before."
  3455. >"Soo-shi, dear. And it's raw fish."
  3456. >"Raw? That can't be healthy." she says, "What kind of restaurant serves you raw meat?"
  3457. >"On the contrary Applejack, its very healthy." Twilight answers.
  3458. >Rarity dips a piece of tuna into some soy sauce and plops it into her mouth. "And it tastes so divine!"
  3459. >Taking a look at the menu, Applejack just looks unsure of everything on it.
  3460. >You laugh a little as her face contorts into ones of varying looks of interest.
  3461. >"Alright, guess I'll try some of this... Ika? The white one and maybe this one that looks kind of like actual meat."
  3462. "One order of Ika and Unagi coming up." you say.
  3463. >The rest of the night goes by enjoyably. Even Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna end up unwinding after a stressful work week.
  3464. >At least until the latter had to take her sister home.
  3465. >Note to self: Do not let Principal Celestia drink sake...
  3466. >You just hope you can find where the Principal's underwear went before you leave tonight...
  3467. >To make things even better, Mr. Ikura even gives your friends 50% off and closes the restaurant early for all the hard work.
  3468. >"Sunset-san, close up the restaurant when you're done okay?" Mr. Ikura says before heading to his office to gather his things.
  3469. "Okay Mr. Ikura." you reply. "Alright, who wants to try to beat Twilight's scores on the karaoke machine?"
  3470. >Twilight blushes, and scratches the back of her head.
  3471. >"I'm not that good..."
  3472. >"It's so weird that you and Sunset have such similar sounding singing voices!" Pinkie says, "It's like you two almost have the same voice."
  3473. >"I still think that machine is rigged." Rainbow grumbles.
  3474. >"Huh, then that would mean everything Twilight beats you in is rigged." Applejack says.
  3475. >Everyone laughs as Rarity looks at the lyric sheets, "I still think its weird these songs all have such pervy lyrics." Pinkie says. "I mean the ones Fluttershy sang-"
  3476. >Fluttershy leaps over Pinkie and holds her mouth shut, "SHHHH!"
  3477. >It's been awhile since you've all hung out like this. Thankfully you'll get a few more now that school's out for winter break.
  3478. >Suddenly your boss pops his head inside again.
  3479. >"Um... Sunset-san, sorry to interrupt, but your backpack is glowing." he says muttering something in his native tongue.
  3480. >Glowing?
  3481. >Oh it must be Princess Twilight sending you a message.
  3482. "I'll be right back."
  3483. >Heading into the room labeled "employees only", you see your backpack in the corner letting off a purple glow.
  3484. >Opening it, you pull out the journal and turn the page to the newest entry.
  3485. >Your eyes go wide when you read the Princesses message.
  3486. >Writing your reply, you rush over to the others.
  3487. "Girl's we need to go!"
  3489. >"Why the heck does Princess Twilight want to meet now?" Rainbow complains, "Its almost midnight."
  3490. >"It must be important." Fluttershy replies, "She wouldn't do this unless it was."
  3491. >Rarity shivers as a cold breeze blows by. "Sunset dear, if it wouldn't hurt, could you please tell us what's so pressing?"
  3492. "We'll see." you answer. "She didn't say much other than it was important."
  3493. >Looking at your watch, the reflective surface of the statue in front of Canterlot High glows.
  3494. >It shimmers slightly before out steps Princess Twilight.
  3495. >"Twilight!" everyone greets happily.
  3496. >"Hey girls, it's so good to see you all again."
  3497. >When she looks at you, she pauses.
  3498. "I just got off of work..."
  3499. >"Oh... well, you look nice."
  3500. "So is everything alright in Equestria?"
  3501. >"Did some monster or meany come back here?"
  3502. >"Is there some sort of fashion crisis striking Equestria's noble houses?"
  3503. >Everyone looks at Rarity.
  3504. >"What? It could happen?"
  3505. >The Princess chuckles, "No nothing like that."
  3506. >Applejack scratches her head, "Then what's so important? Ah doubt you came here just fer a social call."
  3507. >"Actually, I want you to meet someone."
  3508. >Sticking her head back through, she quickly pulls it back out.
  3509. >"Though I think you've already met."
  3510. >The portal shimmers again, and out steps a person in a heavy cloak.
  3511. >Everyone except you and Princess Twilight gasp.
  3512. >The one thing that immediately draws your attention is the wolf medallion sticking over his hood's opening.
  3513. >Lifting his hood, a man with an eyepatch looks at you all with a small smile.
  3514. >"Didn't think I looked that bad." he says.
  3515. >All heads turn towards Applejack, with tears in her eyes.
  3516. >"A-Anon?"
  3517. >"Hey... sorry I left you hanging like that. Literally..."
  3518. >Her face contorts into one of anger as she jumps him.
  3519. >Falling onto his butt, his cloak swings open revealing a missing left arm.
  3520. >"YOU JERK!" she says hugging him tightly. "That's all you can say?!"
  3521. >"Sorry, I froze and that's all that could come to mind." he answers.
  3522. >Applejack has tears of joy in her eyes as she laughs and squees like a foal who just got the present ever.
  3523. >Though that last point could actually be true.
  3524. >"Anonymous, is that really you?" Rarity asks.
  3525. >"More or less. Those Diamond Dogs, medical practitioners they do not make." he says point towards his missing arm.
  3526. "Anon, you idiot. We missed you."
  3527. >He looks at you and smiles, "I hope you two kept up your training."
  3528. >You and Rainbow nod, trying hard to contain yourselves.
  3529. >"Good because first thing tomorrow, I want to see what you two got."
  3530. >Fluttershy pokes him on the shoulder, "Um.. so soon? Don't you want to rest first?"
  3531. >"After all those fucking tests I was put through? I think I've had enough "rest"."
  3532. "Twilight..."
  3533. >Princess Twilight coughs awkwardly into her hand. "Anyway, you must want to catch up..."
  3534. >Applejack grabs Anon's face and forces him to look her in the eyes.
  3535. >"Oh we definitely plan to sugarcube." she says with a wicked grin. "Anon and I got a lot of catching up to do."
  3536. >Everyone's face goes red except Rarity who turns away and bites her scarf in jealousy.
  3537. >His eye scans the rest of you before shrugging, "How much "catching up" are we talking about?"
  3538. >"Two or three days, maybe four."
  3539. >"Don't you have school?"
  3540. "We're on winter break." you answer. "For the next two weeks."
  3541. >"Damn and here I was hoping I could catch a break."
  3542. >The cowgirl lets out a chuckle, "I'm kidding Anon, but don't keep a girl waiting too long."
  3543. >Giving Applejack a kiss, the witcher gently cups her cheek.
  3544. >"Anon, you SOOOOOoooo gotta tell us how you survived!" Pinkie Pie asks. "Whatdidyoueat?Whodidyoumeet?Didyoufindfriendsorwereyoualone?Whyareyoualwaysalone?HowdidyourfindTwilight?"
  3545. >He scratches his head. "Um... It's a long story."
  3546. >"Well we would love to hear it."
  3547. "We can hear all about it on the way back to the restaurant."
  3548. >He let's out a sigh, "Alright alright."
  3549. >As everyone heads to the restaurant, you nudge Princess Twilight.
  3550. "You're welcome to join us."
  3551. >"Are you sure? I wouldn't want to impose."
  3552. >Shaking your head, her stomach growls. "Well, maybe just for a bite. I'll go get Spike, he'll want to see everyone too."
  3553. >As she steps back into the portal, you watch as everyone listens to Anon's story.
  3554. >Applejack leans her head on Anon's shoulder, you can't help but smile.
  3555. "Welcome home Anon."
  3557. ~ End ~

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