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Adagio//Aria story (Aria part 2)

By AnonValga
Created: 2020-12-30 07:49:09
Expiry: Never

  1. >It was a time consuming drive but you finally made it to the mall
  2. >You found a space to park and walked to the entrance with girls
  3. >You walked in and was presented with a board displaying a map of the entire mall
  4. "Okay, so we are here and the food court is near the center of whole building."
  5. >"Where is the nearest clothes shop?"
  6. >Adagio really wanted those bathing suits
  7. "It says there's one along the way to the food court."
  8. >"Perfect. We'll shop for the clothes first then continue to the food court."
  9. >"Aww man."
  10. >Sonata didn't sound too thrilled
  11. >You all began walking past all the other stores
  12. >Some sold electronics, books, toys, until finally arriving at the first clothes store
  13. >The girls ran in there and started to look through all the shelves and racks
  14. >You chose to stay near the entrance and wait for them to finish
  15. >It didn't take long but Aria was the first to make a selection
  17. >You saw she had a few different articles on hand
  18. "That's everything you're gonna get?"
  19. >"Yeah, I just chose what fits and looks okay."
  20. >Guess she wasn't too heavy on worrying about what she was wearing
  21. >The other two seemed to be taking quite a while though
  22. >"You mind if we go looking around the other shops while they finished?"
  23. >You were a little shocked at this request of hers
  24. >'She' wants to spend time with 'you'?
  25. >'Alone'?
  26. "Sure."
  27. >You went over to the cashier and payed for Aria's clothes then both of you went exploring the other shops
  29. >You ended up following close behind her as she walked around inside the nearby shops
  30. >You weren't doing much browsing
  31. >You mainly stayed close as she looked around
  32. >She had a fair expression on the entire time
  33. >Not grumpy nor happy
  34. >You weren't doing or thinking about anything but the warmth started growing inside you
  35. >You came to the electronic shop and they also sold phones here
  36. >You thought of the idea of buying one for them
  37. >At least one of those prepaid ones
  38. >This way they can call you if they need you for anything
  39. >Aria continued to look around while you rung up the phones
  40. >You completed the purchase and whatnot and walked over to Aria
  41. "Here."
  42. >You hand her the phone
  43. >"What's this for?"
  44. "In case you need me for anything or stuff."
  45. >She replied with such sarcasm
  46. >"Yeah, I'll be sure to call you next time I need someone to grope me without permission."
  47. >She still doesn't seem to accept it was just an accident
  48. >She kept the phone though so that made you feel glad
  49. >You already put your number into Aria's phone so you started putting it in the other two as you both made your way back to the clothes shop
  50. >Sonata was near the entrance waving at you two
  51. >"Why'd you guys leave? You didn't get to see us try our clothes?"
  52. "Sorry, we wanted to have a look around while you two got done picking something out."
  53. >"Well come on, I want to go eat already."
  54. >You chuckled and followed her with Aria back into the shop
  56. >Inside the shop you see Adagio standing next to the cashier with her hands on her hips and a scowl on her face
  57. >Maybe she was upset you left
  58. >Normally her reaction would cause the chill to return but you remained unaffected
  59. >You hear Aria huff before brushing past you
  60. >Now the chill did come but why from her
  61. >The first thing that popped into your head was to pay for the clothes
  62. "Oh right, right. Sorry about that."
  63. >You walk over to Adagio and see a pile of clothes sitting on the counter between her and the cashier
  64. "I'll pay for those."
  65. >The cashier gave a puzzled expression
  66. >The chill faded as you handed her your credit card
  67. >Her expression changed to a 'whatever' and completed your purchase
  68. >She bags the clothes and hands them to you
  69. >You were about to hand each of them their bag but a rising chill made you decide against it
  70. >You held onto Sonata and Adagio's bags as all four walked out of the shop
  72. >You followed behind the three of them as you headed to the food court
  73. >You look towards Aria and notice she's been holding her own bag the entire time
  74. >There was no chill but you still felt bad you didn't hold it for her before you left to explore the other shops
  75. >The lack of a chill left you with the next decision
  76. >You scurry close to Aria's side
  77. "You want me to hold your bag?"
  78. >"What!?"
  79. >Her reaction was not the one you imagined
  80. "Your bag. You want me to hold it for you?"
  81. >You point to the bag in her hand
  82. >"Oh 'bag'. I thought you said . . ."
  83. >She turned red and immediately stopped her thought
  84. >What did she think you said?
  85. >She began raising the bag towards your outstretched palm
  86. >She gives a quick glance at the other two girls behind your shoulders before moving the bag to her other hand
  87. >"No thanks. I can carry it myself. I'm not some prissy little princess who needs a slave to do things for her."
  88. >You weren't insulted when she called you a 'slave' but felt put down by her response
  89. "Oh, okay. Sure, I was just wondering . . ."
  90. >"I don't need you to do things for me unless I ask you to, okay?"
  91. >You nod and fall back behind them again
  92. >You should be upset but that conversation created a warmth inside you
  94. >Reaching the food court, Sonata dashes for the nearest vendor
  95. >You and the other two find a table to sit at
  96. >Adagio takes up nearly a whole bench as she lifts her legs onto it
  97. >You sit on the other side placing the bags down on the table
  98. >Aria sets her bag on top of the others and sits on the side you're on aswell
  99. >The three of you sit there while Sonata blurs past each food place
  100. >Looking at the bags you remember the phones you bought
  101. >You reach in and grab the two remaining phones out
  102. "Adagio, I got these for you guys so you can call me if you need anything. My number is already inside."
  103. >You stand up and walk around the table to Adagio's side and hand her the phone
  104. >She takes it and immediately starts texting in it
  105. >She puts it away and looks at you with a smug look waiting for your response
  106. >You feel your phone vibrate in your pocket and proceed to pull it out
  107. >You open the message and read it in your head
  108. >'You'll feel me vibrate for you whenever I want now ;p'
  109. >You got a shiver and slowly backed away to your seat
  110. >You didn't realize but you sat down a few inches closer to Aria
  111. >You placed the other phone down across from you for Sonata, assuming Adagio will put her legs down so she can sit
  112. >You put your phone away, leaving vibrations on, and waited for Sonata to come back
  113. >It didn't take long
  114. >She rushed down next to Aria, forcing her to move closer to you
  115. >Aria gave her a grouchy face
  116. >"You, guys! There is sooo much food here. I can't decide what I want first!"
  117. "First? We're only getting one meal."
  118. >"Awww."
  119. >Sonata put on a frown
  120. >Adagio brings her legs down and reaches for the phone you set down
  121. >"Sonata, catch!"
  122. >She slides it down, almost towards Aria
  123. >Sonata reacts with almost cat like reflexes and moves in for the phone
  124. >She forces Aria to bump right next you as she grabs it
  126. >She had a shocked expression while you had a clueless one
  127. >You notice her burning cheeks and immediately get up from your seat
  128. "So what do you girls want to eat!"
  129. >You shouldn't have done that
  130. >A deep chill started to grow
  131. >You thought she was uncomfortable and that getting up was the right thing to do
  132. >You thought of sitting back down but that made the chill worse
  133. >You couldn't take back your action
  134. >Adagio and Sonata immediately stand up and walk you away to order food
  135. >Few seconds pass before Aria snaps out of her shock and follows behind
  136. >They stop you a few feet away from the counter
  137. >Adagio leaves you and heads back to Aria while Sonata starts ordering
  138. >They were whispering to each other while facing away from you
  139. >You tried to listen before a hand on your chin turned you to face the counter
  140. >This action seemed somewhat odd coming from Sonata
  141. >You'd assume she would just grab your arm and throw you to the cashier
  142. >You forget about the whispering and follow Sonata to buy the the food
  143. >You pay and turn to see that the other two had gone
  144. "Where are the others?"
  145. >"Hm, I don't know. Maybe they went to the restroom, which reminds me, I should go too."
  146. >She skips away and leaves you waiting for your order to be done
  147. >As she turns a corner, you start thinking about the chill you got
  148. >Usually these chills come when an action you do would be negative towards any of them
  149. >Seeing Aria's reaction made you think standing up would be positive but was not
  150. >. . .
  151. >'She wanted me to stay next to her?'
  153. >If someone could hear your heart they would hear it implode into itself then release into thousands of shards of glass that tear into your lungs
  154. >You were taking in large gasps of air as you could feel yourself drowning in the thought of seeing them upset with your actions
  155. >Aria displayed a very tough exterior but if you managed to break her down to tears . . .
  156. >Now images of Aria crying poured in
  157. >You clenched your chest for fear of your heart falling out as it grew heavy with your souring blood
  158. >You were in full control when you decided to stand up
  159. >You were the one who moved away from her
  160. >You were the one who brought this unsettling feeling to yourself
  161. >You were disgusted with yourself
  162. >You began thinking of the warmth you felt while walking with her earlier and how you'll never feel it again
  163. >There was a tugging in your mind felt across your forehead
  164. >Your legs weren't running after her so your brain planned on doing it itself
  165. >You closed your eyes and covered your ears to seal any exits
  166. >You could hear nor see nothing
  167. >Most of your brain was still trying to chase after her but this darkness let you hear a second thought
  168. >A different thought
  169. >It felt strange, almost alien, and it wasn't moving with the rest
  170. >It lay at the back of your mind and was holding back the rest
  171. >'Escape while they are gone'
  173. >'Escape?'
  174. >'From who?'
  175. >You tried reassuring yourself that you were with them willingly
  176. >You were only here to help them
  177. >To keep them safe
  178. >To make them happy
  179. >Their happiness was important to you
  180. >But they didn't seem happy right now
  181. >"Sir? Your order is done."
  182. >You open your eyes to see one of your hands gripped onto your opposite wrist
  183. >You didn't realize your hands had moved down from your head
  184. >"Sir?"
  185. >You spin around to face the cashier who was waiting with your food
  186. >Your mind went silent as you slowly moved over to pick up the food then turned to walk back to the table
  187. >You set the food down then sat back where you previously were
  188. >You set all of their meals in their seats then waited patiently for their return
  189. >You stared at the empty seats before looking down at your meal
  190. >You hungered but not for food
  191. >You wanted their affections
  192. >Their approval
  193. >Their forgiveness
  194. >You return focus to your plate and see a drop of blood
  195. >You bring a finger up to your nose and see it's bleeding
  196. >'Don't lose yourself. Escape!'
  197. >It was that foreign part of your mind speaking on its own
  198. >'Their grip is weakened. Escape!'
  199. >You grab a napkin and wipe the blood away
  200. "I don't want to leave them."
  201. >'Don't fall for them again!'
  202. >This voice was slowly fading
  203. >Your ears perk up as the sound of chanting began to grow behind you
  204. >You don't turn as you hear it get closer to you
  205. >You feel like smiling
  206. >The sight of Sonata and Adagio walking past your table made your heart come alive
  207. >They continue to walk to the other end of the court
  208. >You feel a hand rest on your shoulder and another one is immediately brought up to your chin
  209. >Both force your body to turn in your seat where you are greeted with Aria's face
  210. >You see her give a worried glance at the other two who haven't turned to face the table yet
  211. >She moves both her hands to your head and brings your lips up to hers
  212. >Your heart skips a beat

Adagio/Aria story (Adagio part 1)

by AnonValga

Adagio//Aria story (Aria part 1)

by AnonValga

Adagio/Aria story (Adagio part 2)

by AnonValga

Adagio//Aria story (Aria part 2)

by AnonValga

Adagio/Aria story (Adagio part 3)

by AnonValga