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Cadenza Grave [Chapter I]

By Slasher
Created: 2021-01-03 02:19:32
Expiry: Never

  1. [Chapter I]
  3. >"Do you often feel alone, Anon?"
  4. "I guess."
  5. >"Do you often feel like you're an outsider?"
  6. "I dunno."
  7. >"What about in a group? Do you feel isolated in a group?"
  8. "I don't know. Sure."
  9. >Ms. Cheerilee sighs.
  10. >"Anon, I don't feel like you're giving this a chance. It's alright to just say how you really feel."
  11. >You stand and zip up your jacket.
  12. "Kay. I feel like going home."
  13. >Cheerilee shuffles sideways, "W-Wait! Can we just talk for a bit longer? I'd like to help you! You've been going through changes, like all teenagers do!"
  14. >You give her a deadpan look.
  15. >This talk again?
  16. >"I've noticed it especially in you because-"
  17. "Because WHAT? Because I'm not a pony?"
  18. >She holds her breath.
  19. "Yeah. I get it. I'm not a pony. Listen, Ms. Cheerilee- I know that I'm the odd man out here in pony world. You don't have to treat me like a special case. You don't have to apply special circumstances to me. Because honestly? I don't want it."
  20. >You sling your backpack over your shoulder.
  21. "Just treat me like a regular student."
  22. >With that, you leave the classroom.
  23. >Ms. Cheerilee is still a young teacher.
  24. >It's understandable that she's itching to prove her worth.
  25. "But holy shit am I tired of her getting in my business."
  26. >"Talking to yourself AGAIN?"
  27. >You notice Shining Armor is shaking his head at you.
  28. >"Humans, I'll never understand."
  29. >You walk over next to him and push him aside, getting into your locker.
  30. "What's the deal with Cheerilee, man?"
  31. >He leans up next to you, checking out Lyra as she walks by with Bon Bon.
  32. >You give him your best Costanza face.
  33. "Dude, really? They're like three years too young for you."
  34. >He coughs and focuses back on you, "What? What's up with Cheerilee?"
  35. >You shut your locker.
  36. "Nothing, man. Let's go to my place."
  38. ---
  40. >Shining Armor lives all the way in Canterlot.
  41. >So usually the two of you hang out at your place after school.
  42. >It's nice that you live alone too.
  43. >Your friend's little sister Twilight can be pretty nosey.
  44. >There is one problem with your place, however.
  45. >You notice it standing on your porch as you and Shining Armor approach.
  46. >Your friend chuckles, "Ah, your mare is waiting loyally for you."
  47. >Fluttershy shifts from lanky leg to lanky leg, sniffing around your door eagerly.
  48. >She is your closest neighbor.
  49. >How a filly lives on her own, you don't really care.
  50. >But she's annoying.
  51. >You kick open your gate and yell.
  53. >Fluttershy's gangly legs lock up and she falls on her side.
  54. >You laugh and step over her, opening your door.
  55. >Fluttershy recovers and is instantly up your ass.
  56. >Well, not literally.
  57. >"H-Hey Anon, you um, got me heh heh..."
  58. >She tries to flick her mane swoosh thing to try to seem cool, "So, are we hanging out here today?"
  59. >You flick her nose, making her face scrunch.
  60. "Go home Flutterbooboo. You're a little young to be hanging out with teenagers."
  61. >She puffs up her scrawny chest, "I'm c-cool! I already went through my first e-estrus last summer!"
  62. >Gross.
  63. >Shining Armor sputters and shuffles into the kitchen.
  64. >You promptly turn Fluttershy around and nudge her outside.
  65. "Run along, Fluttershy. Go play on a highway or something."
  66. >She turns around, "What is a highw-"
  67. >You close the door and head for the kitchen.
  68. >When you enter, you see that Shining Armor is eating the rest of your chips. Again.
  69. "You fucking dumbass jock!"
  70. >A wrestling match starts and ends with a destroyed kitchen.
  72. ---
  74. >The next day you stand half asleep in front of your locker.
  75. >It's much too early for any shit.
  76. >So of course-
  77. >Shit finds you.
  78. >Shining Armor comes running up.
  79. >"Dude! Anon! Bro!"
  80. >You turn slowly and pull your toboggan hat a little lower over your eyes, showing your disinterest.
  81. >Not surprisingly, Shining doesn't take the hint and keeps blabbering.
  82. >"So last night after I left your house, I got home and found out Twilight got a new foalsitter!"
  83. "Good for her."
  84. >You yawn and exhale morning breath at him.
  85. >"No, good for me! She's a total babe! Like, a ten!"
  86. >He's pretty annoying in the morning.
  87. "So she's out of your league, eh?"
  88. >This wouldn't be the first time that Shining Armor tried to pull a mare either too hot for him to handle, or just a little too young to be acceptable.
  89. "Is she like a ten, or is she ACTUALLY ten this time?"
  90. >Your friend flushes and looks agitated, "That was a mistake and she was almost a freshman okay? She looked older!"
  91. >He gives you a serious look.
  92. >"Come on man, you have to see this mare- she actually lives next door! I don't know why I never saw her. Just come to my place after school."
  93. >You give him the patented deadpan look.
  94. >He rolls his eyes, "Don't worry, I'll pay for your train ticket and Twily is busy today."
  95. >With a smirk, you adjust your bag over your shoulder.
  96. "And I want pizza for dinner."
  97. >Shining Armor nods, "Yeah, okay. Just meet me out by the front gate after Cheerilee's class."
  98. >He runs away down the hall.
  99. >That guy isn't the brightest crayon in the box.
  100. >But he is a pretty solid friend.
  101. >Cheerilee's class...
  102. >You have her for the last two periods.
  103. "Great."
  105. ---
  107. >"You're friends with Shining Armor right?"
  108. >That slightly annoying voice.
  109. >That poking of a quill in your back.
  110. >Flitter.
  111. >You turn in your seat and gaze at her.
  112. >Her friends sit around her, staring at you.
  113. "How did you know?"
  114. >Not catching on to your sarcasm, she blows a bubble with her gum and lets it pop.
  115. >Annoying.
  116. >"Can you like, tell him he's invited to my party Saturday night at my house? There'll be like, a LOT of ponies there."
  117. >She flicks her mane a little and smacks her gum at you.
  118. >Irritating.
  119. >You pull down on your toboggan hat.
  120. "Gee, I dunno if we'll be busy that night. I mean, he did just meet this REALLY hot mare from Canterlot..."
  121. >Now she's catching on to your disdain.
  122. >"You can come too, if you want. There will be more than enough to drink."
  123. >It's always a pain dealing with Shining Armor's annoying little fangirls.
  124. >Though-
  125. >Not always without its benefits...
  126. >You lean forward and whisper.
  127. "Tell you what, you rub my back and I'll rub yours. Make it worth my time and I'll bring you Shining Hunk AND real booze. Not your dainty cider shit."
  128. >Flitter isn't a student gunning for valedictorian-
  129. >But she is hip to suggestions of a certain nature.
  130. >She smiles knowingly and blows another bubble.
  131. "After this class. End of the hall."
  133. ---
  135. >You walk out of the bathroom stall and zip up your pants.
  136. >Flitter is pretty good with her mouth.
  137. >Everyone knows that.
  138. >She walks past you and out of the bathroom, wiping her lips.
  139. >"You better follow through, Anon."
  140. >Or what, she'd tell everyone that she gulped another load in the bathroom?
  141. >You wash your hands and turn to leave.
  142. >Only to come stomach-to-face with Ms. Cheerilee.
  143. "Hey Cheerilee, fancy meeting you in the little colts room."
  144. >She doesn't look to be in the mood for your humor just right now.
  145. >"Come with me, Anonymous."
  147. >Cheerilee brings you to her class.
  148. >It's still the transition period before classes, so the room is empty.
  149. >She closes the door behind you.
  150. >"Have a seat."
  151. >Yeah, she mad.
  152. >You swagger over to a chair and plop down.
  153. "Am I in trouble? We do corporal punishment here, right? So you want me sitting, or bent over?"
  154. >Cheerilee glares.
  155. >"Can you be serious for one minute? I'm doing you a favor right now, Anonymous!"
  156. "Why tho?"
  157. >"Because I care about you!"
  158. >You raise an eyebrow.
  159. "Doing me a favor? I like to think I'm as kinky as the next guy- but spankings don't seem like much of a favor."
  160. >She's getting pissed.
  161. >"I'm doing you a favor by not getting you expelled for sexual relations with another student on school property!"
  162. >You smile.
  163. "So you saw, teach? Did you watch the whole thing, or just the grand finale?"
  164. >Cheerilee huffs.
  165. >"This is a warning, Anon! Don't ever do anything like that again, or I won't help you out next time! Now leave my class!"
  166. >She's worked herself up proper.
  167. >Her face is bright red and her mane is even a little frazzled.
  168. >You raise your hands beside you,
  169. "But Ms. Cheerilee, if I leave… I'll be tardy."
  170. >On cue, the bell rings.
  171. >The door opens and students begin filing in to take their seats.
  172. >You give Cheerilee a shit-eating grin.
  173. "And I'm NEVER tardy."
  174. >There's almost steam coming from her ears.
  175. >She turns away from you, stomping up to her desk.
  176. >It's just too easy with her.
  178. ---
  180. >Colgate is a great pony.
  181. >She's always full of bright energy that doesn't come off as annoying.
  182. >She has a sense of humor about her and sports a stunning smile.
  183. >One thing she's not too great at however, is accepting the fact that you're not interested in a relationship with her.
  184. >Ponies are still a no-go for you.
  185. >Getting head from Flitter was one thing.
  186. >Going steady with Colgate was another.
  187. >There's also the fact that she is your closest friend, aside from Shining Armor.
  188. >Yet every day she flirts with you.
  189. >She wants it bad.
  190. >Maybe even more than Fluttershy.
  191. >The way her eyes dilate when talking to you, the way her tail swishes-
  192. >It's all pretty obvious that she wants something more than goofing off in the back of Ms. Cheerilee's class.
  193. >But Colgate has tact.
  194. >She has never brought up dating after the initial rejection.
  195. >Her blue hoof slides over to your desk to deposit a note.
  196. >You open it and read.
  197. >'You got in trouble :p'
  198. >This girl is classy.
  199. >Crumpling up the note, you toss it over Big Mac's head and into the trash.
  200. >Colgate makes another note, asking what happened.
  201. >You shrug.
  202. >She wouldn't like the answer.
  203. >Her smile doesn't go away.
  204. >A way of implying that the conversation isn't over.
  205. >With a sigh, you scribble on her note and pass it back.
  206. >"May I ask what is so important it can't wait until after class?"
  207. >Cheerilee glares at Colgate from the front of the room.
  208. >Clogate never gets in trouble, so her face turns bright red.
  209. >"Please, share with the class."
  210. >Colgate coughs and stands up, levitating the note in front of her with magic and reading loudly to the now silent classroom.
  211. >"W-What happened. Um, nothing much, I p-pissed off Cheerilee and she spa.... Spanked me. She... Likes good grief."
  212. >The class erupts in laughter and you put your hands behind your head with a smirk.
  213. >Ms. Cheerilee's jaw drops.
  214. >"Sit down! No notes in class! Anon, see me after the bell!"
  215. >She turns back to the board and you grin at Colgate, pantomiming spanking.
  217. ---
  219. >"Your behavior is telling me that you need attention."
  220. "Hmm."
  221. >"Now, I know you don't really like talking about your emotions but-"
  222. "HMM."
  223. >"BUT- I would like to know, what will it take to get you to have a reasonable conversation with me, Anonymous?"
  224. >Cheerilee looks into your eyes earnestly.
  225. >It's kind of uncomfortable.
  226. >She actually cares.
  227. "Can you just suspend me for a few days or something?"
  228. >Her gaze hardens.
  229. >"You wouldn't learn anything."
  230. >Fucking over-zealous new teachers.
  231. "So what do you want me to say? That I'm lonely? That I'm in need of someone to talk to? Well I'm not and I don't. I'm just bored. That's it."
  232. >She leans forward and grabs your hand with her hooves.
  233. >The soft fur slides over your skin and she looks up into your eyes harder.
  234. >"I don't think you really mean that."
  235. >You lean back.
  236. "What? I do!"
  237. >She doesn't let go of you.
  238. >Her perfume is now tickling at your nares.
  239. >"I don't believe that at all. Because I know. I know that you came here from another world. A place where ponies don't talk. A place- where there's no such thing as magic."
  240. "Yeah, that's what I told you."
  241. >She scoots forward more.
  242. >"Yes! So, how is it that you could find yourself 'bored' in a world full of magic and exotic creatures? How could you be 'bored' when you're the only kind of your species in this world? How? I don't believe you even know the answer yourself, Anonymous."
  243. >You pull your hand from her warm grip and stand up, looking away from her prying eyes.
  244. "You're my teacher. You're a horse. Why do you care so much? Why don't you help someone else?"
  245. >Cheerilee stands as well, "Because I want to help YOU. You're free to go home now, but please think about this conversation, Anon."
  246. >She walks past you, leaving you standing in the classroom alone.
  247. >Her voice rings out in the hall.
  248. >"Come see me during lunch tomorrow, please."
  249. >The door latches closed.
  250. >Behind you, an apple rolls from the fruit basket on Cheerilee's desk and falls to the floor.
  251. >You pick it up and wipe it off.
  252. "A stupid horse."
  253. >You take a bite of the apple and place it back on the desk.
  255. ---
  257. >The train enters a tunnel, making the world dark for a moment before the lanterns come on.
  258. >"Why do you have to get busted so much, man?"
  259. >You give Shining Armor a poker face.
  260. "Are you being serious right now? You are? Oh. You are. You're seriously nagging me? Is this our first argument as a couple? Should we- should we have makeup sex?"
  261. >He rolls his eyes.
  262. >"I'm just saying, Cheerilee isn't gonna put up with your bull forever."
  263. >You rest your chin on your hand.
  264. "If she wasn't so pushy, maybe I wouldn't razz her so much."
  265. >Your friend sighs, "And what's this I hear about you getting topped off by Octavia in the bathroom?"
  266. "Jesus Christ."
  267. >Nothing goes low at that school.
  268. "I'd be lucky to even get a rub-and-tug from Tavi. Nah, it was actually Flitter. Is she running around telling everyone?"
  269. >He smiles, "Nah, I just overheard a private conversation. Was she good?"
  270. >You shrug.
  271. >"Any teeth?"
  272. "You sound a little too interested in her mouth work. You do know she wants you inside of her, right?"
  273. >He flinches and forces a gag.
  274. >"No way! That's all you."
  275. >The train pulls up to Canterlot station and you exit.
  276. >Shining Armor takes off at a brisk pace and you struggle to keep up.
  277. "You're like a damn kid on Christmas morning!"
  278. >"I don't know what that means, but I'm excited! This foalsitter is super hot, bro!"
  279. >You frown and follow your rustled friend to his home.
  281. ---
  283. >Twilight Sparkle is pretty cute.
  284. >For a pony.
  285. >An annoying egg-head pony.
  286. >She's probably the same age as Fluttershy.
  287. >That weird age where she's not quite a filly and not quite a mare.
  288. >Luckily for her, she's not as gangly as Flutterbutt.
  289. >You walk into the quaint home with Shining Armor just as Twilight comes out from her room.
  290. >She eyes you suspiciously.
  291. >"Are you two planning something stupid?"
  292. >Shining Armor looks nervous.
  293. >"No!"
  294. >Twilight sits on her haunches and does that smug face thing you secretly think is cuter than puppies wrestling kittens.
  295. >"Because I'll tell mom and dad. Just because they're not home doesn't mean you can throw a party. And if you try to drink again, I'll tell mom about the stuff you have hidden in your room. And about what Anon was smoking last time you guys-"
  296. >You glare at her.
  297. "I'm just here to hang out, you little snitch. Chill."
  298. >Fuck.
  299. >All cuteness that Twismug ever displays is inevitably overshadowed by her big fucking mouth that she never stops preaching with.
  300. >Your friend chuckles and rubs his head, "It's okay, Twily. We're just gonna do some homework and maybe toss the ball around out back."
  301. >You follow him into the kitchen, giving Twilight the finger behind her brother's back.
  303. "Dude, why do you act like a little bitch around her?"
  304. >Shining Armor stares out of the glass door to the fence out back.
  305. >"I can't make her mad because she'll tell mom and dad about stuff! She's just grumpy because she's studying for a big test."
  306. >This guy has no balls.
  307. "You have no balls."
  308. >He glares at you, "You know it's all you, right? Twily and I get along great when it's just us. She only acts like that whenever you're around because you're a jerk to her."
  309. >His words are tuned out suddenly by your mind as adrenaline shoots through your body.
  310. >It's her…
  311. >With wide eyes and a body as still as a cadaver, you watch through the glass window behind your friend as a pink and purple alicorn emerges from the house behind Shining Armor's.
  312. >Cadence…
  313. >Memories of a couple of weeks ago come to mind.
  314. >A day where you had been hanging out in Canterlot without Shining Armor by chance.
  315. >And by chance-
  316. >The demon introducing itself as Cadenza slithered into your life.
  317. >You point behind Shining and stammer.
  318. "Hey, w-what the fuck is SHE doing here?"
  319. >He follows your finger and looks outside as Cadence prances over her back lawn with her mane tied back in a ponytail.
  320. >She unties her locks, letting them flow out, then spreads her wings in the sun.
  321. >Shining Armor's jaw drops as the alicorn jumps gracefully into a large pool.
  322. >"That's Cadence… My next door neighbor."
  323. >You close your eyes and sigh.
  324. >Of course-
  325. >It just had to be her that Shining Armor chose to become sprung over...
  327. >You decide to remain 'clueless'.
  328. "Well, introduce me."
  329. >Your friend keeps his gaze locked on the alicorn next door.
  330. >He's gone.
  331. >Practically drooling.
  332. >You push past him and open the door to the back yard.
  333. "Fine, I guess I have to do all the work for you."
  334. >Turning your head back, you smirk at him.
  335. "Still think I'm a jerk?"
  336. >Now he's literally drooling.
  337. >The only movement from him is his eyes, following Cadence as she swims around her pool.
  338. >With a shake of your head, you turn and walk to the fence.
  339. >She swims around in a lazy circle.
  340. >Her wings stretch out-
  341. >Slap the water-
  342. >Then push her forward.
  343. >Suppressing the voice in your head telling you to walk back inside and never go near this pony again-
  344. >You lean over the top of the fence and speak.
  345. "How's it going?"
  346. >The pony stops and looks over at you.
  347. >Her eyes widen.
  348. >They scan over your face and you can already see her moving to do that annoying cheer she does whenever she meets you in town.
  349. >Before she can even speak, you hold a finger to your lips and jab a thumb back in the direction of Shining Armor while shaking your head.
  350. >She's smart.
  351. >Quickly catching your drift, she speaks loudly.
  352. >"Hello, my name is Cadence. What's yours?"
  353. >You grab the fence with one hand.
  354. "I'm Anon. A Human. I live in Ponyville. I'm just hanging out with my friend, Shining Armor."
  355. >You turn and look back at your friend, who is still frozen in a stupid stare.
  356. >Cadence giggles.
  357. >"Is he okay?"
  358. >A smile comes to your face.
  359. >For some reason, you think your eyes glint.
  360. "Why don't you come over and ask him? I'm sure he wants to say something."
  362. >While Cadence dries off, you walk back to Shining Armor.
  363. >He grabs you roughly by the shoulders and looks panicked into your eyes.
  364. >"What did you say to her?!"
  365. >You remove his hooves from your shirt.
  366. "Chill. She's coming over to hang out. You're welcome."
  367. >He begins pacing.
  368. >"This is bad, Anon! Really bad!"
  369. "Whoa whoa, wait. Why is this bad? Don't you want to hang out with her? Are you gonna be a beta bitchboi with this?"
  370. >He rubs his head, "Anon, I haven't even talked to her yet! She's had dinner at our house and I couldn't even make eye contact."
  371. >You sit on a chair at the kitchen table.
  372. "Well get ready for contact, asshat- here she comes."
  373. >Cadence walks up to the open door and smiles, "Knock knock, heh heh."
  374. >Being the dumbass he is, Shining Armor just stands there gawking.
  375. "Come on in. You thirsty?"
  376. >You'll probably have to do all the work here.
  377. >Cadence steps in and stands uncomfortably in the center of the room.
  378. >Seems like she's good at playing shy when others are around...
  379. >"I'm fine, thank you."
  380. >You glare at Shining Armor and he finally speaks.
  381. >"YoU FOAl siT m-mY SeesteRrrr."
  382. >Jesus Christ.
  383. >You give him a little slap and guide him to the table, sitting him down.
  384. >Pulling out a chair, you offer Cadence a seat.
  385. "I'll be right back, gotta go take the browns to the super bowl."
  386. >Shining Armor stares at you in fear.
  388. >You leave the kitchen and watch the two.
  389. >He just needs to break the ice and he'll be set.
  390. >It could go Titanic though.
  391. >"What are you doing?"
  392. >You turn and glare down at Twilight Sparkle.
  393. "Shhhh! Go away! Don't ruin this for-"
  394. >"CADENCE!"
  395. >Twilight squeals and runs into the kitchen.
  396. "Fuck me..."
  397. >You walk back in and see the little cock-block run over to hug Cadence.
  398. >"Are you staying tonight? I didn't think you were coming over!"
  399. >Cadence squeezes her and sets Twilight down with a smile.
  400. >"Oh, I was just coming over to hang out. I was finally meeting your brother."
  401. >Twilight looks up at Shining Armor.
  402. >He gulps.
  403. >A smile slowly spreads across her face.
  404. "Fuck..."
  405. >You think you see an unspoken understanding pass between the two siblings.
  406. >"Yeah, my brother is really cool and nice."
  407. >You sigh.
  408. >"Thanks Twi, I'm not that cool though."
  409. >Shining Armor rests is muzzle on his hoof.
  410. >His leg slides off the table and he almost smashes his face before catching himself.
  411. >With a chuckle, he looks up and gives Cadence a goofy grin.
  412. >Her face turns a little red and she giggles.
  413. >That was a pretty pro move.
  414. >If he just keeps working the 'adorably quirky hunk' angle, he'll be in the money.
  415. >"So how long are you staying, Cadence?" Twilight asks.
  416. >Cadence shrugs, "I don't know. Maybe a couple hour-"
  417. >"Let's have a slumber party!"
  418. >Twilight is officially working on your side.
  420. >"Where are you going with this?"
  421. >Twilight Sparkle sits beside you on the couch.
  422. >The two of you can see Shining Armor and Cadence in the kitchen, chatting over some iced tea.
  423. "I'm trying to help out your dopey big brother. You see Twilight, when two young teens are interested in each other, they-"
  424. >Twilight holds up a hoof and rolls her eyes, "I know about that stuff. I mean- are you going to watch them until they decide to kiss?"
  425. >You give her a raised eyebrow.
  426. "Hey kid, you're sitting here watching too. And I'm not creepin', your brother needs as much help as he can get with this one. She's way out of his league."
  427. >Twilight smiles and looks back to the kitchen.
  428. >"Cadence is really nice."
  429. >You look in the same direction and watch as Shining speaks and Cadence listens with her hooves under her chin.
  430. >She notices you looking, smiles, then looks back to your friend.
  431. >"Thanks, Anon."
  432. "Huh?"
  433. >Did Twilight just thank you?
  434. >"My brother is very important to me. He deserves a good mare to make him happy. And to take care of him. I like Cadence. A lot."
  435. >Twilight feels an obligation most siblings feel at least some time in their life-
  436. >Their sibling's happiness.
  437. >The word obligation is similar to what you feel as you watch your friend try to impress Cadence.
  438. "I'm not selfish."
  440. >Twilight gets up, "No, you're just a jerk sometimes."
  441. >She heads for the stairs, "I have to study."
  442. >Before she ascends, the young pony stops, as though hit with a sudden realization and looks back at you with a confused stare, "Anon... Do you... Do you already know Cadence?"
  443. >Staring at the pink alicorn, you wave your hand dismissively at the purple filly.
  444. "No. Go do nerd shit and leave me be."
  445. >Twilight nods and goes about her business, "Please don't wreck our house again."
  446. >You snort and listen to the conversation taking place in the kitchen.
  447. >"So why do you go to school in Ponyville when you live in Canterlot?" Cadence asks.
  448. >Shining Armor chuckles, "Actually, I'll only be there for a few more months. I used to have a marefriend that went there so I- uh… Kinda begged my parents to transfer there."
  449. >You can hear him fidgeting with his glass.
  450. >"But she... Well she dumped me. Heh..."
  451. >Cadence gives an apologetic smile, "So now you'll be going to school here at Canterlot High?"
  452. >"Yep. My mom never really liked my ex anyway. She wants me to go to school here and focus on studying."
  453. >"Are you going to miss Ponyville?"
  454. >There's a bit of silence.
  455. >"I'm going to miss my best friend... He's hysterical. Really good guy."
  456. >Cadence looks over to you, scanning your face.
  457. >You pull down on your hat and stand up.
  458. >In the kitchen, Shining Armor yells out to you, "Hey Anon! Can you tell Cadence about that time you got Cheerilee to laugh so hard she- wait, he tells it better- Anon?!"
  459. >You make your way to the front door.
  460. >"Anon! Ya still awake?"
  461. >Before Shining can peek around the corner, you're out of the house.
  462. >On your way to the train station.
  464. ---
  466. >It's been about two hours since you left.
  467. >Mentally slapping yourself for not thinking about the train schedule before you walked out- you sit on a station bench, waiting.
  468. >It's dark now and you're the only one waiting for the next train bound for Ponyville.
  469. >You sigh and lean your head back on the wooden bench.
  470. >"You left without even saying goodbye."
  471. >The feminine voice scares the shit out of you, almost causing you to fall off your seat.
  472. >Cadence is sitting right next to you.
  473. "Holy shit, don't do that!"
  474. >The mare cocks her head and smiles coyly, "Do what?"
  475. >You scoot away from her a bit.
  476. >She scoots closer.
  477. "Why the hell are you here? Weren't you staying the night at Twilight and Shining Armor's?"
  478. >Cadence rubs a hoof on the bench and shakes her head, "I already tucked Twilight in. And Shining Armor fell asleep on the couch. I was worried about you. Like I said- you left without even saying goodbye..."
  479. >You stand up and stuff your hands into your pockets, walking away.
  480. "Kay. Goodbye, Cadenza."
  481. >She gets up and walks at your side.
  482. >"Someone is gruuuuumpy~."
  483. >You grind your teeth a little and stop, looking down at her.
  484. "How long have you known me?"
  485. >She puts a hoof to her chin and smiles, "Hmm, two weeks and three days!"
  486. "Okay, that's plenty of time to take a hint."
  487. >Cadence softly hoofs your leg, "The hint that you might actually be falling for me~?"
  488. "No. The hint that I'm not interested in you. Not one bit."
  490. >You turn and walk down the platform again.
  491. >The annoying mare follows.
  492. >"I don't believe you. Maybe you don't LIKE like me yet, but-"
  493. >Spinning around, you cut her off and get eye level.
  494. "Listen. To. Me. I don't like any pony that way. I'm a Human, the fuck are you even interested in me anyways? Every time I come to Canterlot, you follow me around, bugging the shit out of me!"
  495. >What bothers you is that this is all just pouring from your mouth like a drain you cannot plug.
  496. >And Cadenza is just sitting there with a smile.
  497. "Is this all a joke to you?! Am I some joke?!"
  498. >Silence fills the air.
  499. >Cadence sighs, still smiling.
  500. >"All done? I think it's good for you to get this all out."
  501. >You let out a frustrated roar and turn again.
  502. >Pink hooves slide over your shoulders and you feel Cadence's body press against your back.
  503. >Her breath brushes against your ear and she giggles softly.
  504. >"I'm not toying with you, Nonny. And I try to see you whenever you're in town because I really do like you."
  505. >She rubs your shoulders.
  506. >"Even if you don't like me~."
  507. >In the distance, a loud whistle signals the train's approach.
  508. >You step forward and Cadence slides off of your back.
  509. >With your head down, you dig your nails into your palms.
  510. "Please."
  511. >The train glides into the station and stops, a door opening right next to you.
  512. "Don't touch me."
  513. >You board your ride back home.
  515. >The train is empty, save for you and the porter-
  516. >And the alicorn staring at you.
  517. "Why are you here? This train is going to Ponyville."
  518. >Cadence takes a seat across from you and sighs, "Guess I'm going to Ponyville."
  519. "You aren't staying at my place tonight."
  520. >"You'd let a young mare stay out in the streets at night? How awful~!"
  521. >She gives you a doe-eyed look and bats her lashes.
  522. >You grind your teeth again and look out of the window.
  523. >"It's a beautiful night," Cadence mumbles, looking out at the stars.
  524. >The armrest creaks in your death-grip.
  525. "You're crazy, you know that? Absolutely batshit insane."
  526. >Cadence giggles, "I'm a little... Odd, but not crazy."
  527. "You're following some guy you barely know away from your home, hoping he'll let you stay at his place. Do you even plan anything, or is it you just do whatever you want?"
  528. >She rests her head on the back of her seat, "I know you well enough, Anonymous. I know you won't leave me on the streets on a cold night. And I planned to be away from home tonight. Didn't specify where though. Anything else?"
  529. >With a shrug, you go back to looking out of the window.
  530. >"Okay, my turn for a question."
  531. "No."
  532. >"Do you want me to start dating Shining Armor?"
  534. >You slowly turn to look at her.
  535. >Gone is the flirty smile.
  536. >She stares back with a dead-set gaze.
  537. "Do I want you to date Shining Armor?"
  538. >"Do you want me to date Shining Armor?"
  539. >Uncomfortably, you shift weight.
  540. "You're really doing this?"
  541. >She leans forward, "It started making sense when I heard he'd be leaving your school soon. You want to set him up with me so he'll be happy. Because you'll miss him, when he's gone. So I wonder, is he your closest friend-"
  542. >"Or your only friend?"
  543. >That hit a bit of a nerve.
  544. "He's NOT my only friend."
  545. >Cadence gives her sweetest smile, "Then how far are you willing to go for your closest friend~?"
  546. >Exactly what you thought she was doing.
  547. "What the fuck do you want from me?"
  548. >The answer should be obvious.
  549. >Cadence giggles excitedly.
  550. >"I will be Shining Armor's marefriend. "
  551. "Aaaaand?"
  552. >She floats over and snuggles up next to you.
  553. >"You'll owe me a few favors~!"
  554. >Shining Armor better be happy he has a friend like you.
  555. >As long as Cadence doesn't keep stalking you and Shining Armor is happy, you'll do what needs to be done.
  556. "No sex and you better make him a Prince some day, or something."
  557. >Cadence laughs and wraps her hooves around your arm.
  558. >"This is the start of an exciting relationship~!"
  559. >You look out of the window miserably.
  560. >Cheerilee's words come to mind as a light rain begins to pelt the train.
  562. >"Do you often feel alone, Anon?"

Cadenza Grave [Chapter I]

by Slasher

Cadenza Grave [Chapter II]

by Slasher