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Cadenza Grave [Chapter II]

By Slasher
Created: 2021-01-03 02:22:16
Expiry: Never

  1. [Chapter II]
  3. >It's the sun that wakes you up twenty minutes before your alarm goes off.
  4. >You open your eyes and stare at the ceiling.
  5. >It's still odd to you that in Ponyville, school starts in the Spring and goes until Winter.
  6. >The birds make a racket outside your window under the late spring sunrise.
  7. >Suddenly, you sit upright in your bed.
  8. >Cadence is in your house.
  9. >You jump out of bed and exit your room, walking briskly out to the living room.
  10. >Cadence had agreed to sleep on the couch last night.
  11. >You enter your living room and find it empty.
  12. >The blanket you let her sleep with is folded neatly atop a pillow on the couch.
  13. "Cadence?"
  14. >Her voice calls out to you from the kitchen.
  15. >"In here!"
  16. >You stomp to the kitchen to find her staring into your open fridge.
  17. >"I was hoping you'd have something good to eat, but..."
  18. >You cross your arms and lean on the door frame.
  19. "Sorry, I don't have the full Canterlot five-course breakfast."
  20. >Cadence rolls her eyes and pulls a banana from the top of the fridge then peels it.
  21. >"I was thinking more along the lines of buttered toast or something, but you don't have butter. Just a lot of frozen-"
  22. >She looks away from the fridge and to you, stopping her sentence short.
  23. >Her eyes scan you up and down while she chews.
  24. >"Pizza..."
  25. >You look down and realize you're still not dressed, only wearing a pair of shorts.
  26. >With a sigh, you turn and head back to your bedroom.
  27. "Eat whatever you want. I'm going to school soon."
  28. >Once in your bedroom, you simply put on a shirt that smells normal and some socks.
  29. >That's the limit of your care for fashion.
  30. >Well- of course you put on your toboggan hat.
  31. >You turn and freeze.
  32. >Now Cadence is leaning up against your bedroom door frame.
  33. >She watches with a bored expression, still chewing her banana.
  35. "Hey, yeah- it's okay if you watch me get dressed. That's totally cool."
  36. >"You wear your pajamas to school?"
  37. >You grab your backpack from in front of your closet.
  38. "And you wear nothing. I think the latter is a bit more bizarre, but that's just like, uh... My opinion, man."
  39. >You push past Cadence and walk toward the living room again.
  40. "Well. I'm going to school. Time for you to go back to the mall, or whatever it is you do."
  41. >You open the front door.
  42. >"Yo!"
  43. >Shining Armor is standing on your front porch.
  44. >You slam the door closed as fast as you can.
  45. >Shining's voice comes through muffled, "Hey! Anon, what the hay?!"
  46. >You lean your back against the door and raise a finger to your mouth just as Cadence walks into the living room with her banana floating beside her.
  47. >She simply smiles at your panicked look, but doesn't speak.
  48. "Hang on bro! I have to take a shit!"
  49. >You lock the door and rush to Cadence, pushing her back toward the hall.
  50. >"Well can't you let me like, wait in the living room or something?" Shining Armor tries to open the door.
  51. "I'll be done in a minute!"
  52. >You lead Cadence to the bathroom and push her inside.
  53. >"Anon, I'd rather not watch you do this."
  54. >You lean down and hiss at her stupid face.
  55. "Stay in here and don't make a sound. We'll leave soon, then you'll give it five minutes and go home."
  56. >Before she can reply, you close the door and go back to the living room.
  57. >You open the front door and find your friend sitting on the porch.
  58. >"That was quick. Everything good?"
  59. >Stepping outside, you close the door behind you.
  60. "Yeah man. Must have eaten something bad. Ready?"
  61. >Shining gives you a confused look, "To go? We've got like a half hour before we have to leave. I wanted to come in and get a drink."
  63. >You look at your watch and sigh.
  64. >If you let him in and he finds out Cadence is in your house...
  65. >Confident that Cadence won't do anything stupid, you relent.
  66. "Sure. Come on."
  67. >You open the door and let him trot past you.
  68. "Just don't go anywhere near that bathroom. Serious biohazard, man."
  69. >He chuckles and throws his saddlebag onto the couch, "Will do. You got any more of that bomb tea you had last time?"
  70. >You cast a nervous glance toward the hall.
  71. "I think so. Uh, top shelf."
  72. >Following Shining into the kitchen, you watch him pull down some tea bags and your kettle.
  73. "Why'd you come to my place this morning? Did you get on the train too early or something?"
  74. >You sit at the kitchen table.
  75. >He starts the oven and seems to gain a sudden energy.
  76. >"Nah, so get this! I heard that Flitter is having some crazy party at her house this weekend!"
  77. >You sigh.
  78. "Oh yeah. I forgot to tell you that she wanted you to come, or something."
  79. >Shining taps his hooves together, looking confident.
  80. >"Yeah! Everypony is gonna be there, bro! Like, EVERYPONY. So I was thinking about inviting Cadence to go with me..."
  81. >The last part seems to be where he deflates.
  82. "And?"
  83. >Now he looks nervous.
  84. >"Aaaaand... Well, I'm super nervous about asking her!"
  85. >With another sigh, you place your chin in your palm with your arm resting on the table and gaze out of the window.
  86. "Why the hell are you nervous? Pretty much any mare at school would say yes to you. Maybe even some of the teachers..."
  87. >Shining Armor takes the whistling kettle from the stove and begins to pour the steaming water into a cup.
  88. >"This is different, bro. Cadence is like... A ten!"
  89. >You smirk.
  90. "You didn't seem to be nervous when you asked that ten-year-old filly to give you a sexual favor. Hey, hey Shining- remember that time you asked a ten-year-old filly to suc-"
  93. >There's a sudden sound of something crashing in your bathroom.
  94. >Both of you freeze.
  95. >"What was that?"
  96. >You stand up and hold an arm out to calm Shining Armor.
  97. "Ah, it's just the pipes under my bathroom sink. I'll go shut 'em up. You stay here."
  98. >He shrugs and sits at the table, taking a sip of tea.
  99. >"This is some bomb tea though, for real..."
  100. >You leave the kitchen and rush to the bathroom.
  101. >Quickly, you slip inside and slam the door behind you.
  102. >Cadence is sitting on the toilet.
  103. >The candle you had on the counter lays on the floor, the glass container shattered.
  104. "What are you doing?!"
  105. >You hiss in a whisper.
  106. >Thankfully, she's not actually using the toilet and is sitting on the closed lid.
  107. >"Sorry!" She whispers back, "I accidentally hit it with my wing."
  108. >You rub your head in frustration.
  109. "Just be quiet! We'll be leaving soon."
  110. >"Anon, wait!"
  111. >Before you can leave, Cadence grabs your hand.
  112. "What?"
  113. >She has a sly smile on her face.
  114. >"You can tell Shining Armor that I'll go to that party with him."
  115. >You give her a confused look.
  116. >"Just suggest that you'll ask me for him, since he's so nervous."
  117. "Okay... And what do you want in return?"
  118. >The pink mare shakes her head, "Nothing. Not right now. I just want to go to the party with you guys."
  119. >You narrow your eyes at her.
  120. "Sure..."
  121. >"Actually, now that I think about it... I wouldn't mind a kiss from you-"
  122. >You slam the bathroom door in her face.
  124. ---
  126. >During your walk to school with Shining Armor, you suggest that you will ask Cadence to the party for him.
  127. >Being the goober that your friend is, he immediately breaks out into songs of your praise.
  128. >Not literally.
  129. >But while he babbles on about how stoked he is and how you should properly ask Cadence, you tune him out and wonder if the harlot pink mare actually left your house.
  130. >Or if she'll still be there waiting after school.
  131. >Didn't she have a school to go to?
  132. >You're broken out of your bitter thoughts by Flitter appearing in front of you like some sort of slutty phantom.
  133. >"Heeeeey Shining Armor!~"
  134. >Your friend stops speaking and gives Flitter a wide-eyed look.
  135. >"Oh- uh, hi."
  136. >Completely ignoring your glare, Flitter tosses her mane and flicks her tail with a sultry look at Shining hunk.
  137. >What a whore.
  138. >"So like, I heard you're bringing a mare to my party?"
  139. >Shining Armor looks lost and fumbles over his words.
  140. >"Aheeeuh…. A m-mare…"
  141. >Flitter bites her lip and bats her eyes, "Yeah… To my party? I'm having a party tomorrow night."
  142. >You roll your eyes and pull a cigarette out of your pocket.
  143. >The two ponies give you a shocked look, but don't dare say anything as you light up.
  144. >You almost hope Cheerilee comes out to see you burning one in front of the school.
  145. >Shining Armor's brain seems to catch up with his mouth, "Oh, y-yuh… Well, I haven't asked her yet. But uh, yeah. Yeah."
  146. >What a goober.
  148. >Flitter flicks her mane again and leans closer to your friend, "So like… Is she like, your marefriend or something?"
  149. >Shining Armor blushes and looks down at the ground.
  150. >"No! I mean, we're not going out. But we live next to each other."
  151. >Flitter grins, "Oh! So like, you're still on the market?"
  152. >You want to be anywhere but here at this moment.
  153. >Shining Armor tilts his head, genuinely confused.
  154. >"Go to the market? Like shopping?"
  155. >With your eyes closed, you let out a low hiss of embarrassment and smoke.
  156. >Flitter lets out a fucking awful forced laugh and bucks Shining lightly with her hoof, "No, silly! Like, you're still single, riiiight?"
  157. >Shining Armor chuckles that chuckle you know very well.
  158. >Time seems to slow down.
  159. >Okay-
  160. >This chuckle that Shining Armor does- it's sort of like a poker tell.
  161. >A sign of what's lurking behind those dopey eyes.
  162. >And what always comes after that dumbass jocky guffaw is ALWAYS something absolutely fucking retarded.
  163. >Before you can stop him, Shining lets his dumbass mouth run.
  164. >"Well, I'm not getting sucked off by anypony in the bathroom- so I'd say I'm still single! Haha! Got heem! Right, Anon?"
  165. >Shining Armor holds up a hoof for you to pound.
  166. >Flitter stands there with her mouth hanging open like the sluttiest fish in the ocean.
  167. >You don't even make eye contact with your friend and leave his hoof hanging, un-pounded.
  168. "Alright then."
  169. >You snuff your cigarette out in the dirt with your foot and walk away from the scene of Shining Armor's latest accident.
  171. ---
  173. "So then, she tells me that she wants to see me at lunch today."
  174. >You caught up with Colgate after first period.
  175. >The two of you stand alone behind the gym while you smoke and tell her about your interaction with Cheerilee yesterday.
  176. >Colgate snaps her gum like a pro and shakes her head with a smirk, "Aw, she cares about you, Anon!"
  177. "She cares TOO much to be normal."
  178. >You take a drag and offer your cigarette to Colgate.
  179. >She shakes her head.
  180. >These cigarettes are extremely hard for you to get and you never share them with anyone.
  181. >But it always brought you some amusement to offer your friend with perfect teeth a drag, even though she always refused.
  182. >"She's like your mom… Oh! You should call her mommy!"
  183. >You almost choke and give her an incredulous look.
  184. "The fuck?"
  185. >Colgate giggles and paws at the ground with a hoof.
  186. >You've known her long enough to be able to sense the subtle change in her demeanor, despite that million-bit smile still planted on her face.
  187. >She swallows her gum.
  188. >"Hey… Speaking of mommy…"
  189. >You raise an eyebrow and watch in silence as she scans the area, like she's looking for spies.
  190. >Reaching back with a hoof, Colgate unbuckles her saddlebags and lets them slide down her side to crash against the grass below.
  191. >Your eyes focus on her back and smoke streams out from your nostrils.
  192. >Colgate stands in front of you with bright red cheeks and a scrunched muzzle.
  193. >On her back is a black lace saddle.
  195. >It looks extremely delicate and feminine, like it was hand-sewn.
  196. >Hoof-sewn.
  197. "Uh, wha-"
  198. >Colgate flicks her tail and looks up at you with doe eyes.
  199. >"Whaddya think? B-Bet you didn't know that I was so… Kinky."
  200. >In the awkward silence, the two of you gaze into each other's eyes for what seems like an eternity.
  201. >Finally, you break the tension and raise your face to the sky, letting out a laugh from deep within your belly.
  202. >Colgate scrambles to pick up her saddlebags and cover herself while looking around in a panic, "Anon! Shhh shhh, shut up! What if somepony sees?!"
  203. >You clamp a hand over your mouth and apologize.
  204. "Sorry! Haha, s-sorry!"
  205. >Colgate looks humiliated and gazes miserably at the ground as she holds her saddlebag over her lingerie.
  206. >"I'm sorry I'm such a… Joke to you."
  207. >You contain yourself, now feeling like shit.
  208. "Wait, Minuette- I'm sorry!"
  209. >She whips her face up to you and seethes, "Don't call me that! Call me Colgate!"
  210. >You hold up your hands to calm her.
  211. "Sorry! Okay, Colgate- let me see it again."
  212. >She huffs and turns away to glare at the ground with her muzzle scrunched again.
  213. >"No! Just forget you saw it, jerk!"
  214. >With a grin and an eye roll, you stoop down and grab her muzzle to turn her head toward you.
  215. >There are faint tears welling up in her eyes and her cheeks turn deep crimson.
  216. >"L-Leave me alone…"
  217. >You stare into her eyes with all the austerity you can muster.
  218. "Col. I want to see it again. You just caught me off guard."
  219. >She tries to pull away from you, but can only avert her eyes.
  220. >"No! You'll just laugh again! You're such a… A b-big… BIG IDIOT!"
  222. >Now a tear slides down her cheek as she squeezes her eyes shut and shouts at you.
  223. >With a sigh, you flick out your cigarette.
  224. >There's only one way to appease a pouting Colgate.
  225. >As quick as Joe Biden at Chucky Cheese, you snatch Colgate in your hands, flip her around and press her flat against the back wall of the gym.
  226. >She tenses up in panic from being manhandled and can only let out a frightened yip as you press her belly and face against the wood.
  227. >"ANON! WHA-"
  228. >Holding the back of her neck with one hand (not too tightly), you use your other hand to snatch the saddlebags off her back and toss them to the grass.
  229. >Leaning down, you whisper into her ear, making it spaz out against your lips.
  230. "Shhh… Someone will hear you…"
  231. >Colgate weakly scrambles against the wall with her front hooves and gulps, groaning meekly.
  232. >"Anon… This is…"
  233. >You run a hand across the silk saddle on her back, making her arch and stomp the ground violently with a back hoof.
  234. "You thought you were a bad mare, wearing this under your bags at school, huh?"
  235. >Colgate lets out a labored breath and squeezes her eyes shut tight, her cheek sliding slightly down the wall.
  236. >"Mmmm- I… I thought you'd l-like it."
  237. >This whole time, her tail has been lifted and tossed to the side.
  238. >It's fun to tease Colgate.
  239. >And honestly- sort of cathartic.
  240. >You breathe out through your nose directly into her ear, making it bat against your face again.
  241. "You wanna know what I think?"
  243. >Colgate's stomach caves in to your breath in her ear and you can feel her tail lashing against your thigh desperately.
  244. >"Oh, Celestia- Anon, I think I'm gonna-"
  245. >You press against her a bit harder and use your free hand to grab her meaty flank, squeezing her cutie mark and making her squeal.
  246. "I think…"
  247. >Moving your mouth from her ear, you lean down toward her muzzle.
  248. "I think you're pretty cute."
  249. >With that, you give her a small peck on the tip of her snout.
  250. >letting her go, you back up and adjust your backpack with a smirk.
  251. "For a pony."
  252. >Colgate stands awkwardly against the wall with her eyes open wide.
  253. >She turns her head back to you and her tail drops down, hiding her sensitive parts from you all too late.
  254. >"Anon… I think I…"
  255. >You give her an 'OK' gesture with your hand and a wink.
  256. "Love me? I already know that."
  257. >She drops back down to four hooves and swipes her saddlebag from the ground.
  258. >"I was going to say 'hate you', but you already know THAT. Idiot."
  259. >She sounds mad, but you can see the faint smile on her face and the excitement behind her eyes.
  260. "Yeah, well that was exciting, huh?"
  261. >She shakes her head and walks past you.
  262. >"You better go to class."
  263. >You turn and watch her walk in the opposite direction of her next class.
  264. "Yo, Col, where you goin'?"
  265. >She doesn't turn back, but flicks her tail at you and lets you get another quick peek at your handy work.
  266. >"To the bathroom, if you must know- JERK!"
  267. >You watch her leave, a bit of an extra sway in her flanks.
  268. "Ah."
  269. >That was fun.
  270. "But probably a mistake."
  272. ---
  274. >It's lunch.
  275. >There was a moment where you considered skipping out on Cheerilee and going to find Colgate.
  276. >It would be pretty choice to tease her again.
  277. >But instead, you eat a sandwich while you make your way to Cheerilee's classroom.
  278. >When you walk through the open doorway, Cheerilee glances up at you from her desk in mild shock.
  279. >"Anon… I'm surprised, to say the least."
  280. "Yeah, and I'm blue ballin' a bit, so seems we're both a bit uncomfortable."
  281. >You flop down at your usual desk near the back of the room and toss your backpack onto the desk next to you.
  282. >It slides off the other side and crashes to the ground.
  283. >Your pack of cigarettes and a notebook come sliding out across the floor.
  284. >Shit.
  285. >You glance up at Cheerilee as she stares like a hawk at the tobacco.
  286. "Holdin' 'em for a friend."
  287. >Cheerilee gets up from her chair and goes over to close the door.
  288. >Without a word, she glides over and picks up your smokes in her mouth.
  289. >On guard, you sit tense as she walks over to your desk.
  290. >She leans down and drops the cigarettes near your hand.
  291. >"Disgusting habit."
  292. >That's all she says, then takes a seat at the desk in front of you after turning it around.
  293. >You clench your jaw.
  294. "That's it?"
  295. >Cheerilee raises an eyebrow at you, a slight smirk playing about her face.
  296. >"What do you mean?"
  297. >For some reason, you're really getting more pissed every second you stare at her serene face.
  298. >She has a way of getting under your skin.
  299. "You don't care that I smoke?"
  300. >Cheerilee sighs and shrugs, "I care. I worry about your health. But it's your body and your choice."
  301. >You scoff and cross your arms.
  302. "Oh, you care about my health?"
  303. >Cheerilee nods, "Yes."
  304. >You glare at her.
  305. >She blinks and gazes back at you, calm as can be.
  306. >Silence.
  307. "What is it you want?"
  309. >She smiles softly and leans her muzzle on her hoof, "I'd like to hear what's going on in your head."
  310. >You click your tongue and look out of the window.
  311. "You're a teacher, not my shrink."
  312. >"I'm more than that, Anon."
  313. >You turn back to her and sneer.
  314. "What makes you think you're anything more than an annoyance to me?"
  315. >Unphased, she taps her desk lightly with a hoof.
  316. >"I'm somepony that will listen to you. Actually listen."
  317. >You regard her with a frown and let out a deep breath.
  318. "Honestly? This wannabe therapist bullshit- I commend you for trying. But I'm sure you don't get paid enough for it."
  319. >Cheerilee chuckles, "Anon, I commend you for your skill in disguising your vulnerability with flippant behavior, but I'm telling you earnestly- I really do want to hear what you have to say."
  320. >What a pushy cunt.
  321. >She probably thinks she's so clever.
  322. >"I know you're more than just another foul-mouthed ruffian."
  323. "Ruffian?"
  324. >"Anon, I can honestly say that you're one of the most intelligent teens I've ever met."
  325. >You snort and roll your eyes.
  326. "Oh, teach… Flattery will get you everywhere."
  327. >At this point, you're not entirely sure she understands sarcasm.
  328. >"And while I can see that intelligence lurking below your… Defensive facade-"
  329. "No."
  330. >You hold up a finger and shake your head.
  331. "There's no facade here."
  332. >"I also see a boy that is hurting."
  333. >There it is.
  334. >This bitch is insane.
  335. >"You're so full of rage and sadness, Anonymous. Bitterness and pain. It's so obvious that you hide all of this agony inside and bury it with reflexive sarcasm and destructive antagonistic behavior."
  336. >Oh, she does get sarcasm.
  338. >Cheerilee finally shuts up and stares at you in silence.
  339. >She looks legitimately compassionate.
  340. >It's like a zoo keeper looking with pity upon a sick animal.
  341. >That's…
  342. >That is something you have never seen before- a look of pure pity zeroed in on you.
  343. >The only thing you can do is look down at your arms.
  344. >Anything but look at those eyes.
  345. >Something is resonating deep within you.
  346. >But not from any of Cheerilee's stupid words.
  347. >That look is like a boiler plate set under your guts.
  348. >Pity.
  349. >Pity and compassion.
  350. >Hate.
  351. >That's all you feel.
  352. >Instead of weakness or vulnerability, a great sense of hate is welling up within you.
  353. >There is now an urge to lash out.
  354. >You want to tear this fucking classroom apart.
  355. >To grab Cheerilee by her mane and rip those fucking eyes out of her head.
  356. >To crush them in your bare hand and scream into her skull through the holes.
  357. >It's…
  358. >Frightening.
  360. >You control your breathing and squeeze your nails into your palms.
  361. >"Anon? You're turning quite red…"
  362. >With a deep breath, you relax your body and stand up.
  363. "Cheerilee."
  364. >Without looking at her still, you go over and collect your backpack, returning your smokes and notebook to it.
  365. "I-I need to go. I'm not sure it's a good idea to stay here. I don't think it's safe for you to be around me right now…"
  366. >Though you can't see her, you know that behind you Cheerilee is still casting that stupid fucking look of pity on the back of your head.
  367. >"Okay, Anonymous. Here, take this."
  368. >You glance back and see her scribbling on a slip of paper.
  369. >She holds it out toward you with a gentle smile.
  370. >"A hall pass. Take it."
  371. >Your eyes finally scan her face.
  372. >She looks tired.
  373. >Older than you remember her ever looking.
  374. >So tired.
  375. >You take the pass and examine it.
  376. >"Take a break before going to your next class."
  377. >You look back to her in confusion.
  378. >Really?
  379. >She laughs softly, "Go have a cigarette and calm your nerves."
  380. >Why is she doing this?
  381. >There's nothing about her that you can understand.
  382. >If anyone had mastered the art of the facade, it was Cheerilee.
  383. >"I'll see you during fifth period, okay?"
  384. >Pocketing the hall pass, you simply nod and walk away, out of her classroom.
  385. >What a bitch.
  386. >She ruined your whole day…
  387. >And the worst part is-
  388. >The smell of her perfume sticks in your nostrils like a saccharine miasma long after you leave her.
  390. ---
  392. >Fuck Cheerilee.
  393. >And fuck this stupid school.
  394. >You decide to skip.
  395. >Walking away from campus, you light up your third cigarette in a row and sigh.
  396. >She really got you worked up.
  397. >The memory of that rage is still strong in your mind.
  398. >Never before had you felt such pure animalistic hatred.
  399. >You weren't joking about it being unsafe to stay around Cheerilee.
  400. >In your whole life, you had never hurt anyone.
  401. >But that…
  402. >A feeling you never wanted to experience again.
  403. >The impending loss of control was terrifying.
  404. >What kind of damage could you do to a pony?
  405. >"Skipping class? You delinquent~!"
  406. >Flinching, you stop walking and come out of your brooding to find the worst possible pony standing in front of you.
  407. >Cadence waves a hoof at you and grins.
  408. >"I got bored of waiting for you to come home. I was gonna come to your school and pretend I was a transfer student! Haha!"
  409. >You can't do this now.
  410. >Without a word, you turn around and walk back the way you came.
  411. >"Anon, where are you going?"
  412. >Ignoring Cadence, you pick up the pace.
  413. >Cadence teleports in front of you, stopping you dead in your tracks.
  414. >Her big eyes visually molest you.
  415. "Cadence. Get the fuck out of my way. Now."
  416. >You're displaying tremendous amounts of patience with her.
  417. >Her smile turns into a frown as she leans closer to you.
  418. >Inhaling the rest of your cigarette, you blow the smoke directly into her face.
  419. >To your surprise, she takes all of the smoke in through her nostrils.
  420. >With a slight glow around her horn, she blows the smoke back out of her mouth toward you.
  421. >It magically turns into the shape of a heart.
  423. >Strangely, instead of being annoyed, a sense of relief washes over you when the smoke touches your skin.
  424. >Like a head rush.
  425. >Or a warm liquid pouring down your spine and out to your limbs.
  426. >"Anon, you were really worked up! Do you feel any better now?"
  427. >Your shoulders slump and you sigh.
  428. "I… Yeah, actually. What was that?"
  429. >Cadence rocks back and forth and grins, "Secret family technique. Though-"
  430. >She stops smiling and eyes your chest in concentration.
  431. >"Seems like there's still quite a bit of scary stuff in there."
  432. >You grumble and pull your hat down on your head.
  433. "Don't you start with any fucking therapist shit too, I swear to God."
  434. >Cadence shakes her head and furrows her brow.
  435. >"No, I'm serious. Super serious. Anon, I could help get rid of that for you."
  436. >This is not what you needed at all.
  437. >Why couldn't ponies just leave you alone?
  438. "Cadence, I don't need help. I'm just gonna go back to school."
  439. >Probably the best place to get away from her.
  440. >It's not like you had to actually go to class.
  441. >"I don't think that's a good idea, Anon."
  442. >You stop and growl in frustration.
  443. "What? Why? WHY the FUCK can't you just leave me alone?! Take a hint!"
  444. >Cadence ignores the tension as usual and trots over to you.
  445. >"Anon, I'm being serious. Super serious. I can sense the anger inside of you. If you go back to school right now, it's going to end up bad for you- and probably some poor pony as well."
  447. >You clench your fists and stare at her like she's nothing more than an annoying dog.
  448. >No matter how much you want to deny it, she's right.
  449. >Despite how annoying Cheerilee is, you didn't really want to go postal on her.
  450. >Or on any pony for that matter.
  451. >Giving in, you rub your temples in exhaustion.
  452. "Okay. Fuck it. Fine. What are you gonna do? Some spell?"
  453. >Cadence spreads her wings in excitement and does a cheer.
  454. >Immediately regretting this.
  455. >"Okay, okay! It's a bit of magic and a bit of… Something else~."
  456. "Something else. Right."
  457. >She starts looking around.
  458. >"We'll need somewhere private though."
  459. >You reach out and snap your fingers in front of her face, making her flinch.
  460. "Cadence, I swear- if you try any shit, I might not be able to hold back."
  461. >She waves a hoof nonchalantly, "I know. No tricks. And the idea is for you to not hold back."
  462. >Ominous.
  463. "What the hell are you talking about?"
  464. >Cadence snatches your hand in her hoof and starts flying in the direction of the local smoothie shop.
  465. >"Just come on!"
  466. >You let her guide you along, her fruity-smelling tail slapping you in the face.
  467. "So 'somewhere private' is the smoothie shop?"
  468. >"Yeah. Behind it."
  469. >She leads you around the side of the building and to a back alley.
  470. >It's actually very secluded- filled with stacks of boxes and a large dumpster, giving lots of options for hiding away from prying eyes.
  471. "Uh, you come back here often?"
  473. >Cadence ignores your quip and pulls you over to the side of the dumpster.
  474. >"Okay, just sit down with your back against the wall."
  475. >You stand still and frown at her.
  476. "This is how a lot of my favorite snuff films start."
  477. >Cadence gives you a confused look.
  478. >"Snuff? Is that pornography?"
  479. >You laugh at her.
  480. "Ha! Who taught you that word?"
  481. >She gives you a serious look.
  482. >"Anon, please. Just humor me."
  483. >You narrow your eyes at her.
  484. "Why? Why are you doing this for me?"
  485. >Cadence sighs and speaks rapidly, "Because I'm compelled to- It's a cutie mark thing, you wouldn't understand."
  486. >Seems legit.
  487. "Okay, so you do this for me and then I owe you a favor, right?"
  488. >Cadence shakes her head.
  489. >"If you just let me do this spell, I'll go home and leave you alone for the rest of the day."
  490. "Rest of the week?"
  491. >Cadence does a fake pout.
  492. >"You're so mean to me, Anon."
  493. >With only a bit of nervous suspicion, you take a seat on the cement and lean back against the wall of the smoothie shop.
  494. "Aight, what now?"
  495. >Cadence begins to charge her horn.
  496. >"Just try to relax. Think of everything that's been recently making you upset."
  497. >Relax?
  498. >Sure.
  499. >Sitting on the ground in a dirty alley while an alicorn charges her lasers in front of you is totally relaxing.
  501. >It's quite easy to bring to mind just what's upsetting you.
  502. >An image of Cheerilee pops into your head.
  503. >She's staring at you with that look.
  504. >Pity.
  505. >It instantly makes your stomach sink.
  506. "Cadence, I-"
  507. >"Shhhh… Just close your eyes and concentrate, Anon."
  508. >You close your eyes and enter a world of nothing but you and Cheerilee's stupid face.
  509. "If I start turning red, just back off."
  510. >"Shhhh…"
  511. >There's a sudden pressure on your lap and your eyes shoot open.
  512. >Cadence is sitting on your crotch, belly to belly.
  513. >She places her hooves on your shoulders and brings her glowing horn close to your forehead.
  514. "Cadence, what the fu-"
  515. >"SHHHHH!"
  516. >She places a hoof to your lips with her eyes closed.
  517. >"Anon," she speaks gently, "please. For this to work, I'm going to need silence for a bit. It's a spell that relies on pure concentration."
  518. >You swallow and relax back against the wall.
  519. "Sorry…"
  520. >It's not comfortable at all having Cadence straddle you, but at least she smells nice, you'll give her that.
  521. >"Just close your eyes. Concentrate. And wait for my signal."
  522. >Signal?
  523. >You close your eyes and focus again.
  524. >Cadence lightly presses down on your shoulders and you can feel a slight warmth on your head emanating from her horn.
  525. >Now that you're quiet, you notice that Cadence is making a humming noise that seems to be coming from deep within her body.
  527. >The sound seems to resonate around the alley, growing in volume.
  528. >Again you can feel that sensation of warm liquid pouring down your spine.
  529. >It feels amazing.
  530. >Along with the humming coming from her and the warmth from her horn, it feels like your body is starting to vibrate along with Cadence's.
  531. >"Okay, Anon…"
  532. >A numbing sensation shoots into your stomach from where her belly is pressed against yours.
  533. >Your breath catches in your throat and you almost let out a moan of pleasure.
  534. >Thank fuck you keep your mouth clamped shut.
  535. >"On the count of three, I want you to open your eyes."
  536. "Ah, o-oooookay!"
  537. >Fucking shit, your voice comes out raspy and high-pitched.
  538. >This feels better than…
  539. >Well, getting head from Flitter, that's for sure.
  540. >"When you open your eyes, I want you to bite down on my neck."
  542. "Oka- wait, what?"
  543. >Her hooves slide around the back of your neck and she locks you in place.
  544. >Despite her appearance, she's surprisingly strong.
  545. >"On three, okay?"
  546. "Wait-"
  547. >"Don't open your eyes yet!"
  548. >Magical energy is definitely engulfing the alley around you.
  549. >You can hear the dumpster creaking and rattling.
  550. >"One… Two… Three!"
  551. >You open your eyes.
  552. >The alley has vanished.
  553. >Instead, you and Cadence are now surrounded by countless stars strewn across a black backdrop, as though you're floating through space.
  554. >"Hurry, Anon! Bite my neck!"
  556. >Is this bitch serious?
  557. >Cadence tilts her muzzle up and exposes her soft pink throat to you.
  558. >"Anon, you NEED to do this, or else I'm going to be hit with a feedback loop of really potent energy!"
  559. >Shit.
  560. >Fuck.
  561. >Piss.
  562. >With a roar, you lean forward and clamp your teeth down on the side of her neck.
  563. >Her hooves squeeze tighter around your own neck and she hisses through her teeth.
  564. >"Harder, Anon…"
  565. >You're not biting very hard at all, as you don't want to do damage.
  566. >"It's okay. Bite harder!"
  567. >With a grunt, you clamp down and feel your teeth make significant impressions into her flesh.
  568. >Cadence groans like a banshee and her hoof slides over the back of your head, knocking your hat off.
  569. >"Harder! Let out all of your frustration, Anon!"
  570. >As strange as this is, you feel compelled to do as she says.
  571. >You really bite down.
  572. >The taste of blood strikes your tongue and Cadence starts braying against you.
  573. >Animalistic rage-
  574. >Pure testosterone driven energy floods through your whole body and you grab a handful of Cadence's mane, pulling her head to the side and growling like some hungry beast against her bleeding neck.
  575. >It's not much blood and not a very significant puncture wound, but something about the slight taste is driving you insane.
  576. >You may kill her at this rate…
  578. >All of your rage is pouring out of you.
  579. >Your frustration seems to be literally seeping through every tooth- clawing into Cadence's neck like angry daggers of spite.
  580. >Cadence's hot breath tickles your ear as she pants against you, huffing out the same words over and over.
  581. >"Bite me, bite down… Bite me- bite down…"
  582. >Her hoof tugs the hair on the back of your head.
  583. >You can no longer taste any blood and it feels like your jaw is naturally relaxing from its intense hold on her jugular.
  584. >Suddenly, there's no more rage left within you.
  585. >It's like hypnosis wearing off.
  586. >Your eyes crack open and you notice that all of the bizarre stars have vanished and you're back in the dirty alley.
  587. >Cadence is still wrapped around you like a skanky blanket.
  588. >You can feel her gyrating her flanks slightly, rubbing herself on your lap and panting like a bitch in heat against your ear.
  589. >You take your mouth away from her neck.
  590. >She gasps and exhales all the air from her lungs.
  591. >With a grunt, you pluck her from your body and push her hard.
  592. >She goes rolling across the alley in a flurry of feathers and hair.
  593. "What the FUCK was that?!"
  594. >You stand up and wipe your mouth with the back of your hand.
  595. >There's a streak of blood on your skin.
  596. >Cadence collects herself and wipes some drool off of her own mouth.
  597. >She smiles at you bashfully, her wings erect and practically throbbing.
  598. >"Wow. That was… Intense."
  600. >'Intense' didn't do whatever the hell that was justice.
  601. >Though in the heat of the moment, you seemed to transcend physical existence in a state of pure bliss-
  602. >You never, ever want to do that again.
  603. "I don't even know what… Did we- did we just soul bond or some shit?"
  604. >Cadence tilts her head, "Soul bond? I don't know what that is."
  605. >You look back down at your hand.
  606. >Cadence's blood has dried on your skin.
  607. "Please tell me you don't have horse AIDS or something. Should I get tested?"
  608. >She still looks confused.
  609. >"Anon, it's okay. That was a spell meant to draw out all the negative energy inside of you."
  610. >You gaze at her and take mental stock of your body.
  611. >Now that you focus, she seems to be telling the truth.
  612. >There's not an ounce of any negative feeling left.
  613. >You feel oddly relaxed and… Full?
  614. "So, you like- milked me or something?"
  615. >Cadence gives you a sultry look, "Not quite, but that can be arranged."
  616. >You flip her off, the gesture lost on her.
  617. "Calm down. What- why the fuck did I have to bite you though?"
  618. >Cadence giggles and tries to retract her wings.
  619. >"That was actually more for me, to be honest."
  620. >You advance on her menacingly.
  621. "Cadence, I told you-"
  622. >She holds up her hooves defensively, "Either way- I needed a way for you to physically express your frustration!"
  623. >You relax and sigh, lighting a cigarette.
  624. "So your bright idea was to have me drink your blood?"
  625. >She brushes her neck with a hoof, "Well, it was either that, or having you choke me or something- and I'm saving that for marriage…"
  627. >This pony should be thrown in a prison on some isolated island.
  628. "You're kind of fucked in the head, you know that?"
  629. >Cadence's eyes flash as though you just gave her a compliment.
  630. >"So… Was it as good for you as it was for me~?"
  631. >You turn and start walking out of the alley.
  632. "Well, that's that. So long, psycho mare. I guess I'll see you tomorrow."
  633. >Cadence teleports in front of you again.
  634. >That's starting to piss you off.
  635. >"Wait, Anon."
  636. >There's no will left in you to even muster the energy to glare at her anymore.
  637. >You're feeling too mellowed out.
  638. "Didn't we agree that you would leave me alone for the rest of the day?"
  639. >Cadence floats in the air and clops her hooves together, "Actually, I changed my mind."
  640. >Now you glare.
  641. "Too bad."
  642. >"Just one small little favor, pleeeease~?"
  643. >Jesus Christ, you really fucked up her neck.
  644. "You should really get that cleaned up."
  645. >She brushes a hoof over the wound, "I'll heal it up, after my small favor?"
  646. >You sigh.
  647. "And that is?"
  648. >Cadence points to her throat.
  649. >"Before you go, will you choke me a little bit~?"
  651. "..."
  652. >How could you possibly go through with hooking your best friend up with this demon?
  653. >She bursts out laughing and lands back on her hooves.
  654. >"I'm just KIDDING, Anon! Hahaha, you should see your face!"
  655. "Ha… So funny."
  656. >Cadence collects herself and wipes her eye.
  657. >"No, for realsies- I do have a favor."
  658. "Spit it out. I should get back to class now that I've calmed down."
  659. >She twirls a bit of her mane with a hoof.
  660. >"Can you just ask Shining Armor to come over to my place after school today?"
  661. >That makes you tense up.
  662. "What, are you gonna make him suck your blood too?"
  663. >A look you can only describe as pure sexual obsession overtakes her face.
  664. >"Of course not- that's our special thing, Anon~."
  665. >You force a shiver.
  666. "Something's not right with you."
  667. >Her tail flicks, "I'll be gentle with him. For now. Why do you want to know, are you jealous?"
  668. "Pff. Don't flatter yourself. But yeah, whatever. I'll let him know."
  669. >Cadence does her stupid cheer thing again.
  670. "But remember: he's my best friend. If you hurt him, you'll have to answer to me."
  671. >Her hooves go to her throat and she pretends to choke herself, her tongue flopping out and eyes bulging.
  672. >She lets go of her neck and the normal innocent smile returns to her face.
  673. >"Looking forward to it~!"
  674. "You're sort of disgusting to me."
  675. >She does a pose and winks at you, "As long as it's me you're thinking of~. Bye, Anon."
  676. >With that, she teleports away, leaving you standing alone on the road.
  678. ---
  680. >As you walk back to school, you come across an unexpected sight.
  681. >Fluttershy's small ass.
  682. >Up ahead, you see her tiny yellow butt sticking out of a bush on the side of the road.
  683. >The gangly tween-mare legs and pink tail can only belong to Fluttershy.
  684. >You walk over, debating whether to give her wiggling flank a slap, or das boot.
  685. >When you get closer, you can hear her talking as she wiggles around in the shrub.
  686. >"Oh, please… Please just come out, p-please?"
  687. >After a deep breath, you shout as loud as you can.
  689. >Fluttershy's lanky legs lock up and she falls out of the bush onto her side like a fainting goat, a look of sheer terror frozen on her face.
  690. >You double over in laughter.
  691. >Fluttershy snaps out of it and curls up into a ball on the ground, tears in her eyes.
  692. >Well shit…
  693. >It's not often you feel bad for Fluttershy.
  694. >You stop laughing and offer her a hand.
  695. "I'm sorry, Flutterbooboo. I had to."
  696. >She tentatively reaches up and takes your hand.
  697. >You pull her up and she stands on wobbling legs before you.
  698. >After you let go of her hoof, she immediately brings it to her nose and inhales deeply.
  699. >It's like you're a magnet for broken ponies.
  700. >"Um, h-hi, Anon. What um, what are you doing here?"
  701. >You cock an eyebrow at her.
  702. "I was just doing a soul bond in an alley, you know- the usual. But what are YOU doing here, banana hush? Shouldn't you be in school?"
  704. >Fluttershy looks back toward the bush she was just molesting.
  705. >"My school is closed for t-teacher planning today…"
  706. >Teacher planning?
  707. >Lazy assholes.
  708. >"Anon, have you seen a turtle anywhere?"
  709. >You shake your head.
  710. "Sorry, nah."
  711. >Fluttershy looks disheartened and her mane falls over her eyes.
  712. >"Oh… Thanks anyway."
  713. "Was it your kissing buddy or something?"
  714. >Fluttershy blushes, "N-No! I don't do that anymore!"
  715. >She cringes at her own words.
  716. >"I just wanted to um, have a l-look at his foot. He injured it last week and I wanted to… Make sure he was fine."
  717. >Despite being such a little weirdo, Fluttershy could be pretty cute.
  718. "Ah. Sorry. I'll keep an eye out and let you know if I see anything."
  719. >Fluttershy smiles meekly up at you, "Oh thank you, Anon."
  720. >You smirk at her.
  721. "By the way, you ever try turtle soup?"
  722. >The color leaves her face and she whimpers.
  723. "I'm just fucking with you, Shy."
  724. >She flips her mane out of the way, "I kn-knew that! Heh heh…"
  725. "Well, anyway- I should get going back to school."
  726. >Fluttershy perks up and her tail twitches.
  727. >"Ah~ Could I walk with y-you, Anon? If that's okay with you?"
  728. >You think about it.
  729. >After ditching all of that anger, a walk in the spring sun with Fluttershy doesn't seem that bad.
  730. "Sure. Why not. Let's roll."
  732. ---
  734. >During your walk with Fluttershy, you actually listen to what she has to say for once.
  735. >She really knows her shit when it comes to animals.
  736. >That's pretty much all she talks about.
  737. >Being stuck around hormone charged teens so often, it's nice to have an innocent conversation for once.
  738. >And Fluttershy doesn't even try to sniff or touch you the whole walk to school.
  739. >"Oh, Anon!" Fluttershy blurts suddenly.
  740. >A rainbow colored pony goes shooting through the air overhead, making Fluttershy flinch.
  741. >You flip the rainbow cunt off.
  742. "What's up?"
  743. >Fluttershy looks like she's about to burst.
  744. >"This morning, I saw a mare in your house while you were gone!"
  745. >Fucking Cadence.
  746. "Oh yeah? What was she doing?"
  747. >Fluttershy puffs out her cheeks in anger.
  748. >"She was rolling around on your bed and s-sniffing your clothes!"
  749. >You stop walking.
  750. "How do you know what she was doing in my bedroom?"
  751. >"Um, I can fly?"
  752. "Flutters, that doesn't make sense."
  753. >She flies into the air and pantomimes peering through your window.
  754. >"When I came to uh, do my morning ch-checks, I saw her doing those… Lewd things."
  756. >With a sigh, you pat Fluttershy's head.
  757. >She tries to nuzzle into it and you pull away.
  758. "Thanks, Flutterbooboo. But do me a favor?"
  759. >Her eyes grow wide and sparkle at you.
  760. >"Anything."
  761. "Quit creeping around my house."
  762. >She deflates and lands back on the ground.
  763. >"Oh… Okay."
  764. >Again, you feel sort of sorry for her.
  765. >Must be because of that weird voodoo Cadenza did on you.
  766. >You stoop down to her level.
  767. "Hey, tell you what though."
  768. >She looks back up at you with a frown.
  769. "I guess I can let you come over tonight to play some Yahtzee again."
  770. >Fluttershy's wings shoot out and her face cracks into a gigantic grin.
  771. >"R-Really?!"
  772. >You stand up and nod.
  773. "Sure. Just come over after six. Not before, okay? After six. And bring me snacks."
  774. >Fluttershy nods fervently and starts flying away.
  775. >"Okay, Anon! I'll go get ready now! B-Bye!"
  776. >It's only 1…
  777. >You shake your head as Fluttershy manages to somehow 'trip' as she flies.
  778. >Maybe it was all the sexual shit you did today, but for some reason seeing that innocent little filly so excited makes you feel sort of dirty.
  779. >Like something tainted in the presence of a pure angel.
  780. "Fluttershy!"
  781. >You call out and she stops flying to look back at you.
  782. >You cup your hands around your mouth and shout to her.
  783. "Don't ever lose your innocence, okay?"
  784. >Fluttershy dawns a determined look and waves back at you.
  785. >"Okay!"
  786. >What a spaz.
  787. >You walk back onto campus with a grin, feeling like a new man.
  789. ---
  791. >You make it back just in time for your last two classes with Ms. Cheerilee.
  792. >When you enter the room, Cheerilee gives you her normal polite smile.
  793. >You simply nod at her and take your seat.
  794. >As usual, Colgate shows up and sits by you with her trademark giant grin.
  795. >There's a little more pep in her step now however.
  796. >You notice she takes off her saddlebags and there's nothing underneath.
  797. >Must have decided to take off the sexy saddle after the morning excitement.
  798. >Thankfully, the two of you talk about normal stuff instead of going through the phases of newly charged sexual tension.
  799. >Of course, you don't bother bringing up anything about Cadenza.
  800. >Or that you even skipped classes.
  801. >It's funny-
  802. >Until this morning, you never thought about having a relationship with a pony.
  803. >But if there was one pony you could be with, it was Colgate.
  804. >This must be what they mean by 'finding your other half'…
  805. >As Cheerilee starts talking about some gay ass math nerd shit, you lean over and whisper to Colgate.
  806. "Hey, Col- we should totally fuck some time."
  808. >She tenses up in her seat and pushes your head away from her.
  809. >"Shut up! You're gonna get me in trouble again, idiot."
  810. >She totally thinks you're joking.
  811. >Well, you're only half joking.
  812. "Want to come over to my place tonight?"
  813. >Colgate turns away from Cheerilee and raises an eyebrow at you.
  814. >"Serious?"
  815. >This whole time, the stallion in front of you named Golden Geld or some dumb shit has been eavesdropping on your conversation.
  816. "Hey, cuck. Fuck off."
  817. >He avoids eye contact with you and doesn't say anything.
  818. >You turn back to Colgate and smile.
  819. "Yeah. Super serious. I'm having my neighbor Fluttershy over for board games, remember her? But I'll kick her out whenever she gets annoying."
  820. >Colgate nods with a grin, "Sounds good. But please be nice to that sweet filly. I'll just have to tell my dad."
  821. >You lean closer to whisper next to her ear.
  822. "Let him know his little filly is going to come home a mare."
  823. >You blow into her ear, making it spasm.
  824. >Colgate pushes you away again and turns red.
  825. >She hisses back at you, "I can't tell anymore when you're serious and when you're joking…"
  826. >You shrug.
  827. "Same here."
  829. ---
  831. >After the last two classes, you tell Colgate to come over to your place whenever she feels like it.
  832. >You stay back as all the ponies leave quickly, excited for the weekend.
  833. >Cheerilee pretends to be doing busywork at her desk as the classroom clears out, but you know she can tell that you're staring.
  834. >After the last student leaves, you get up from your desk and walk to the front.
  835. >Cheerilee finally looks up at you and smiles.
  836. >She doesn't look as tired anymore, like she freshened up after lunch.
  837. >"How was-"
  838. >She stops mid-sentence and squints at your face.
  839. >"Anon, is that- are you bleeding?
  840. >You touch your jaw where she's looking and feel some encrusted blood near your lips.
  841. >What the hell?
  842. >Fucking Cadence.
  843. >Why didn't any other pony tell you?
  844. >Licking a finger, you wipe it away.
  845. "Don't worry, it's not mine."
  846. >By now, Cheerilee is used to your bullshit enough to not take your bait.
  847. >A shame, really.
  848. >You had a good menstrual joke to follow up with.
  849. >Wait-
  850. >Do these talking ponies even menstruate?
  852. >"How was your break? Seems like you've calmed down a lot."
  853. >You nod and help yourself to one of the apples from the fruit basket on her desk.
  854. "Yeah. I went out and-"
  855. >You take a large bite out of the apple, then speak with your mouth full.
  856. "Had a bite."
  857. >Heh.
  858. >Oh wait, that shit with Cadence actually sucked.
  859. >Cheerilee ignores your apple theft and starts flipping through one of her notebooks.
  860. >"I'm glad. Whatever you did seems to have worked. Now…"
  861. >Finding what she was looking for, she removes a sticky note from her notebook.
  862. >"Please, take this."
  863. >She gives you the yellow paper and you examine it while still noisily eating the apple.
  864. >You don't even really like apples.
  865. >But fuck it was fun messing with Cheerilee.
  866. >Could you imagine being an apple farmer though?
  867. >Gay.
  868. "Wha' dis?"
  869. >It looks like an address is written on the paper.
  870. >Cheerilee closes her notes and folds her front legs on her desk, looking at you very seriously.
  871. >"My home address."
  873. >You stop chewing and meet her eyes.
  874. "Foweel?"
  875. >Cheerilee nods, still looking super serious.
  876. >"For real. I want you to come over this Sunday at 11 AM."
  877. >You gulp down some apple and chuckle.
  878. "A little early for a booty call. I'll have to charge extra."
  879. >Cheerilee remains silent and stares at you.
  880. >With a sigh, you set the half-eaten apple back in the basket on her desk with the other fruits.
  881. "Okay, seriously. Why?"
  882. >Cheerilee purses her lips.
  883. >"Anon, unfortunately the principal found out about your little… Incident with Flitter in the bathroom yesterday."
  884. >It's like your heart skips three beats.
  885. >Sure, it was all in good fun fucking with Cheerilee- but you knew she could take it.
  886. >The principle was a hardass that would actually expel you.
  887. >You glare at Cheerilee.
  888. "Bullshit he 'found out'. You reported me!"
  889. >Cheerilee sighs and shakes her head, "Anon, I promise I didn't report you."
  890. >You turn around and kick one of the desks, sending it flying back into the next one.
  891. >Cheerilee clearly flinches in her seat behind you.
  892. >So much for all of your negative feelings being gone.
  893. >You turn and shout at the teacher pony.
  894. "That's BULLSHIT! You're the only one who knew! You're the only one that could snitch!"
  895. >Cheerilee takes your shouting like a champ and remains calm in her tone.
  896. >"Anon, if you'll sit down, I'll tell you which pony told the principal."
  897. >You take a moment to calm down a bit, then have a seat.
  898. "Isn't that against the rules?"
  899. >Cheerilee scoffs and gives you a dry look, "You and I both know you don't give a buck about rules, Anon."
  901. >You blink.
  902. "Well alright. Where's this Cheerilee been for the last year and a half?"
  903. >She rolls her eyes.
  904. >"Anon, maybe if you didn't automatically assume the worst of me, we wouldn't be here in the first place."
  905. "Oh no, I never assume. Because assuming makes an ass out of u and me."
  906. >Cheerilee is utterly unimpressed by your shit-talking.
  907. "Sorry… I'm just uh, actually nervous. Am I going to be expelled?"
  908. >Cheerilee sighs and leans forward.
  909. >"No. And in case you wanted to know, it was your friend Shining Armor talking about you and Flitter that eventually made its way to the principal."
  910. >What THE fuck?
  911. "He's dead. Fucking dead."
  912. >This wasn't the first time that idiot fucked you over.
  913. >"I'm only telling you this so you can talk to him and get him to control his mouth, before this becomes even worse."
  914. >You rub your temples and groan.
  915. "Yeah… I'll talk to him alright."
  916. >Looking back at Cheerilee, you struggle to voice your next words.
  917. "I… Thanks, Cheerilee. I really appreciate it."
  918. >Her face softens and she gives you a happy smile.
  919. >It's a smile that seems like it belongs in an elementary classroom instead of a highschool.
  920. >"Of course. I told you I care, Anon. I meant it."
  922. >Before she goes all therapist again, you continue on.
  923. "So, the principal found out and I'm not expelled?"
  924. >"Correct," Cheerilee motions toward the paper with her address on it, "thus- my house on Sunday."
  925. >Still not getting it, you decide to forego the usual flippant quip and stare back at Cheerilee.
  926. >A coy grin spreads across her face.
  927. >"I'm impressed. That must have been hard for you to hold back."
  928. "Not as hard as- shit. Sorry... So I'm coming over Sunday, and?"
  929. >Cheerilee clears her throat and mumbles into her hoof.
  930. "What was that? It sounded like you said-"
  931. >"I said it's going to be-"
  932. "Every-"
  933. >"Every-"
  934. "Sunday…"
  935. >"Sunday…"
  936. >Silence fills the classroom.
  937. >Every Sunday?
  938. >"Anon, please understand- this was the only option. Aside from expulsion."
  939. >The expulsion was sounding not too bad now.
  940. >"I made a deal with the principal that instead of kicking you out, I would have you over every Sunday and we would work through your issues."
  941. "Fuck principal Mogul, I don't have any fucking issues."
  942. >Cheerilee shrugs, "A rock and a hard place, Anon. It's only until summer break."
  944. >You lean forward and grab a pear from the fruit basket on her desk, taking a bite and spilling juice all over the floor.
  945. "Wait, so you're fine with giving up part of your weekends because of me?"
  946. >She smiles gently and is dangerously close to giving you that pity look.
  947. >"If it means ensuring you don't get kicked out of school, I feel like it's my responsibility."
  948. >Ugh.
  949. >Sometimes her decency made you want to barf.
  950. >She probably got some sexual thrill from people walking all over her…
  951. "Okay, so I come over when again? And for how long? And what do we do?"
  952. >"Come over at 11 AM. We'll have lunch and talk for an hour or two, depending on how long it takes me to make you turn red again."
  953. >Your eyes snap to Cheerilee.
  954. >A smirk slowly spreads across her face.
  956. "Cheerilee… Was that a joke?"
  957. >She shrugs, still smirking.
  958. >With a slap to your knee, you laugh and spit some pear across the room.
  959. "Looks like it's my turn to be impressed. Anyway, all I have to do is show up and you'll feed me and lecture me some more?"
  960. >Cheerilee nods, "You'll show up at 11 and we'll have a back and forth conversation over lunch."
  961. >Glancing at your watch, you stand up and shoulder your backpack.
  962. "Well, if that's it- I've got to go play Yahtzee with Colgate and fuck a filly."
  963. >Cheerilee gives you a flat look.
  964. "Sorry, I got that backwards."
  965. >Before you can leave, Cheerilee calls out to you.
  966. >"Oh, Anon? Do you have any suggestions for our lunch?"
  967. >You look down at the pear in your hand.
  968. >With about three bites taken out of it, you toss it back into Cheerilee's fruit basket.
  969. "Anything but fruit. I hate fruit."
  970. >Cheerilee sighs, "Me too. Well, I'll see you on Sunday."

Cadenza Grave [Chapter I]

by Slasher

Cadenza Grave [Chapter II]

by Slasher