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Loved Bug

By Guest
Created: 2020-10-28 23:08:59
Expiry: Never

  1. God, you're tired.
  3. "Chryssieeeee." You whine as Queen Chrysalis stares at you.
  5. She groans as rolls her eyes at your antics, "what, you wretched monkey?"
  7. "I'm really tired, come snuggle." You say, patting your chest.
  9. "You do realize that we captured you from Canterlot, transported you all the way out to my hive, and now hold you prisoner?" She deadpans.
  11. "Look any other time I would make some witty remark or movie reference or something, but right now, now I am very huggy." You plead.
  13. "Huggy?" She asks.
  15. "As in, in desperate need of a cute mare to hold" You reply with a nod.
  17. Her eyes narrow, "I don't know what kind of joke you're trying to pull but it won't work."
  19. "Look if I force myself to return to higher cognitive ability for a bit will you trust me."
  21. She simple stares at you.
  23. "Fuck fine, you've trapped me here for like four fucking days and not only am I tired of harassing your drones or counting cracks in the floor but I seriously need at least a pillow or something to hold on to, I am a hugger."
  25. "You are seriously asking me, Queen of the changelings, to come into your cell and... snuggle with you"
  27. "Yeah, pretty much."
  29. "And let me guess, you'd like me to change into someone wouldn't you, perhaps that wretch Celestia or her sister Luna?" She smirks
  31. "Nah regular buggy you will do just fine,"
  33. That catches her off guard a bit, "Fine I'll bite, why would you want me to do this?"
  35. "Holy shit are you also the queen of not listening, I have been here for four days and want to hold someone. Ya know, physical affection?"
  37. "But why me? Surely you could have just asked for a drone instead if this wasn't part of some plan." She questions.
  39. "Honestly, the drones kind of weird me out. I can't tell if they're like ants or not, rudimentary organic calculators with legs but instead they run off of love and not those shitty little circle batteries."
  41. "So wait, you don't want me to change into somepony else. You just want me to cuddle you?"
  43. You blink, "Uh... yeah?"
  45. She stares at you.
  47. "You could have me turn into absolutely anyone or anything, but you'd rather me just be... me" she sounds lost in thought.
  49. "Yeah you're plenty cute as it is, you've got this kind of bondage freak kinda vibe going on but, other than that, pretty cute."
  51. "I'm not sure how I should feel about that." She replies.
  53. "The cute part, or the bondage freak part?" You ask.
  55. "The cute part, I get the bondage thing."
  57. "Just come here already, I can already feel my brain wanting to revert to a lower level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs."
  59. Chrysalis sighs, "fine" she replies, teleporting in front of you.
  61. You wrap your arms around her as she begins to cuddle into you.
  63. "So, how long do I have?" she asks.
  65. "Huh? Have you never done this before?" you say in surprise.
  67. "No, I'm the queen of the changelings, I don't exactly tend to 'cuddle'" she says.
  69. "Just relax and enjoy yourself." You say as you pull her a little closer.
  71. A few minutes pass and she seems to loosen up a bit.
  73. " This isn't completely bad," she says, a little surprised.
  75. "Of course it isn't, your mane also smells like limes, maybe damp moss too. It's pretty nice actually." You reply sleepily, your brain returning to more childlike thoughts.
  77. You then hear a small chirp come from her as you nuzzle into her neck, "what was that?"
  79. "I... I...It was nothing..." she stammers out, a light green blush on her black cheeks.
  81. "It was a cute chirp though, like the one a happy frog would make."
  83. "I said it was nothing." She says, her blush growing.
  85. "Yeah you're cute," You nod contentedly.
  87. You look at her for a moment, the rising and setting of her chest as she breathes in and out. It's slow but rhythmic, and strangely calming. Your eyes begin to slowly close.
  89. "Anon?" you hear her ask, as you drift off into a nap.
  91. "Hm?"
  93. "Thanks..."
  95. "Anytime..." you reply, finally able to fall asleep.
  97. The next few days are a constant cycle of chrysalis staying with you during the day, and then self-loathing over her actions on the inside. Slowly changing where you sleep until you end up in her royal chamber.
  99. You wake up one day and find chrysalis curled up beside you.
  101. Her head resting on your chest, snoring as a small amount of green drool leaks onto your shirt.
  103. You smile and gently wipe her mouth with your thumb, before leaning in to kiss her on the forehead.
  105. As you do so her eyes immediately snap open, "W-What was that..." she stammers, "where did that love come from?" She questions, a little unsure of herself.
  107. "You're really off your game when you're tired huh?" You chuckle, planting another kiss on her cheek.
  109. "I... I don't understand..." she says, staring awkwardly at you.
  111. "What?" You ask with a smile.
  113. "Why are you so... I don't even know the word, why do you not fear me like everyone else." She questions.
  115. "We've been snuggling every day for a week and now you ask that?" You chuckle.
  117. "No! I mean, yes! But also in general, I'm an evil creature that betrays her prey. Why not fear me? Why do you not see me as a monster?"
  119. "Let's just say I have weird tastes. Besides, the scariest creatures are often the loneliest, and no one deserves that." You say as you close your eyes and stroke her mane.
  121. A few minutes of silence pass and she finally asks, "Can I... you... kiss me again"
  123. "Someones progressed up the hierarchy," you chuckle as you pull her on top of you, her mane spilling out around your head.
  125. "It's weird for me, I don't know how to react," she admits.
  127. "Do what feels natural," you reply, as you stare into her eyes, her beautiful, green eyes.
  129. She slowly moves in and kisses you on the lips, as you gently return the kiss. Her tongue darts into your mouth and dances with yours for a moment and then it's over. She looks down, away from you.
  131. "How was that?" she asks meekly.
  133. "You don't need to be so nervous, you did just fine." You smile as your hands rub her back.
  135. "I feel like I should be taking advantage of you or something..."
  137. "Please by all means do," your hands slide down from her back to her glossy black flank, giving it a firm squeeze.
  139. She gives you a shy smile and goes in to kiss you again, wrapping her hooves around your head and pulling you close. Her tongue darts into your month, as her breathing gets heavy.
  141. As she continues desperately pushing her long green tongue in your mouth, you decide to return the assault in full force, quickly twirling your tongue around hers, catching her off guard as you kneed her flank.
  143. She gasps into your mouth as her wings gently flutter.
  145. Eagerly you begin to suck on her tongue, forcefully pulling it with you as you break the kiss. The long green muscle dripping with both of your salivae as you playfully bite the tip of it.
  147. She looks at you, panting heavily. "T-That was something I didn't know I liked..." she admits lust slowly filling her voice.
  149. Gently your hands spread her firm flanks as she moans, sliding them back up to rub her sensitive wings.
  151. "Y-your hands are so warm..." she says in a long heavy breath.
  153. She moves in to kiss you again, as your hands begin to wander towards her nether regions. Her forelegs grip your head as her long tongue invades your mouth, both of you not wanting this moment to end.
  155. You feel your member rapidly harden against her underbelly as your hands rub along her moist slit, her breathing becoming heavy and erratic as she breaks the kiss
  157. You're not quite done yet, greedily you pull her head back down to yours, bringing the assault into her mouth this time as she moans as wiggles atop you.
  159. You reach your fingertips around and gently start to rub her plump mound, parting your lips from hers as you watch her reaction.
  161. She closes her eyes, gripping your shoulders tightly as her face starts to show a mixture of pain and pleasure, biting her lip.
  163. With your other hand, you slowly start to rub her clit as it winks out, leaving her squirming against your hand, pleasure rocking through her body.
  165. "Just... like... that..." she breathes heavily.
  167. You grin, feeling like this is all going perfectly to plan as you pick up the pace, rubbing her clit and fingering her soft folds.
  169. "HNNGGG..." she lets out a quiet groan as her body starts to shudder.
  171. She leans in to kiss you, as you feel the tension in her body released and she goes slack on top of you.
  173. You stop your assault, gently stopping your fingers and caressing her underbelly. "Having fun?"
  175. She smiles, nodding eagerly as her wings gently fan the air. "That was the most incredible feeling... I've never felt so... good before. To think, Queen of the changling hive, turned into a drooling mess by some monkey she kidnapped."
  177. "News flash, this monkey has a throbbing erection and could use some help."
  179. She blushes, realizing that your erect member is nestled in the groove of her underbelly and groin. "That seems quite uncomfortable, why don't you let mommy take care of it." She whispers into your ear, words dripping with lust
  181. She shifts her weight, rolling off you and leaning down to your groin with a delighted glint in her eye. With that, you lean your head back and sigh happily as she takes your length into her mouth.
  183. She works her way down your length slowly, coiling her long thick tongue around it.
  185. She pulls herself way back up before diving down again, repeating the motion as her nose brushes against your stomach. She slides back and forth, her tongue mirroring in the opposite direction.
  187. "W-Where'd all this confidence come from?" You ask as her lips curl into a smile around your member.
  189. "You learn a thing or two being Queen to a thousand young. Now shut up and enjoy." She says, an aura of dominance seemingly coming out of left field from her.
  191. She grabs your legs and pushes your hips down, forcing your entire length into her mouth, She holds it there for a moment as she looks you in the eyes, her tongue constricting around your dick like a snake. Slowly she releases her grip as she begins to bob her head up and down your length.
  193. You stare down at your mate, a bit surprised at this sudden change in dynamic but enjoying it immensely.
  195. She looks up at you, her long green tongue constantly bathing your length in its wet warmth. Her eyes are locked on yours, as if she's silently commanding you to not look away.
  197. "Cum for me, cum for your Queen." She whispers as she rolls her tongue over your head.
  199. You nod your head slightly, agreeing as her words take you over the edge. You groan in pleasure as your body tenses up, releasing a wave of sticky seed into her mouth. She keeps her lips tightly wrapped around your head as she milks out the last few drops with a gentle squeeze of your base from her tongue.
  201. She releases her lips from your head, allowing them to make a soft popping noise as she lifts her head back. With a sly smile, she begins to slide her tongue up your length, cleaning every inch of you before she pops you in her mouth again.
  203. She releases your member from her mouth, a long strand of saliva connecting your tongue to your glans before it snaps.
  205. "Did you enjoy yourself, pet?" She smirks.
  207. Quickly you grab her and pin her against the bed, her rump sticking up in the air, marehood absolutely dripping.
  209. "The more dominate you get the more I want to put you in your place," you whisper.
  211. "Ah!" She gasps as you enter her, your length sliding in with ease.
  213. You thrust in and out of her at a pace that could only be described as violent. You greased member slaps loudly against her as your hips smack against her rump.
  215. "Harder! Faster!" She shouts, spurring you into action.
  217. "Make me into your Queen!" She screams, throwing her head back and tongue lolling out of her head as you feel her suddenly contract around you.
  219. Her body begins to writhe and squirm under you as you continue thrusting, pushing her into another intense climax.
  221. You soon find yourself at your limit once again, a fact she's well aware of as she squeezes you with the walls of her marehood.
  223. "Cum for me, my king" she whispers.
  225. With that you release, a wave of sticky seed spilling into her womb as she once again milks you with her insides.
  227. You pant as you lie on top of her, your tongues beginning to meet. You both share a deep kiss as you realize that you've lost yourself in her.
  229. "I love you," you mutter into her lips.
  231. The comment knocks her off her game as her ears go back slightly, her kiss softening, giving you control.
  233. "I love you too... my king."
  235. You both lie there, basking in your afterglow.
  237. You pull her atop you as the two of you kiss once more, tongues intertwining.
  239. Suddenly an explosion rocks through the room, shards of the wall flying past you.
  241. "ANON! WHERE ARE YOU?" you here Twilight desperately cry as her and her friends charge through the hole.
  243. You quickly scramble to get dressed, bolting out the front door and running to meet them.
  245. "THERE!" You hear Twilight shout, her horn already glowing as she prepares a spell.
  247. The dust clears and the six ponies see you and Chryssie laying with each other, completely naked.
  249. "Oh my," Fluttershy says, her cheeks dusted pink.
  251. "Oh dear," Rarity says, shielding her eyes from the display.
  253. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Rainbow cries as the rest just stare at you, Pinkie barely containing her giggles
  255. You and Chryssie stand up, both of your manes a mess and bits of wall and concrete stuck to your bodies.
  257. "That's what I wanted to ask you!" you shout.
  259. The six's eyes all magnetize to your groin, eyes wide.
  261. Pinke is the first to say anything, "He loved the lovebug," she snorts.

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