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By BigPone
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2023-09-22 16:09:15
Expiry: Never

  1. This is an abandoned story focused on slice of life fat stuff involving one of my ocs and my self-insert oc (because I'm a faggot like that). The latter is anonymized with a nameswap for reasons.
  3. The big, blue unicorn struggled to lift himself to his hooves, groggy and with a pounding headache. He had spent the night passed out on his living room floor, right in view of the window, with its curtains wide open. Getting out of bed in the morning wasn’t difficult, but lifting close to 800 pounds of blubber off the ground as a wholly unexercised and seriously hungover gourmand of a stallion was a workout in and of itself. There was a two-sided note on his window. The side facing outdoors read “This pony is alive and breathing. He has just overindulged in liquors and fallen asleep. Please give him some privacy. – Doctor Feelgood”. The side facing the unicorn had a more personal note. “Please show more restraint, Glowing Borealis. If not with your rampant gluttony, then at least do so with your party drug s and alcohol. I do not like four AM emergency calls from concerned citizens that think they’ve found a bloated corpse in your house.”
  4. “You could have at least closed the blinds, doc,” Glowing grumbled. His colossal gut, massive flank, monstrous thighs, and genitals were in full view of any passers-by the whole night, and Canterlot wasn’t lacking in ponies that enjoyed a good show. Glowing chugged a hangover cure potion, relieved himself and showered, and took his ceremonial morning weigh-in. The scale, a specialty model made to handle exceptional weights, reported a final number of 805 pounds. The meaty stallion had gained weight yet again. Glowing was the type of that liked being fat and intentionally lived a lifestyle conducive to it, so putting on a couple pounds after a weekend of partying didn’t bother him. He only got really embarrassed when his weight caused him problems, like breaking furniture, getting stuck in things like doorways, and outgrowing equipment and clothing in public. For now, the husky horse was content to pat his belly and smirk.
  6. Normally, Glowing would have spent the day lazing around, filling his belly, and hopping back and forth between consuming entertainment media and doing some self-study in the field of magic. While he was roughly on-par with the average Unicorn in that regard, even this lazy layabout felt the need to improve himself in some manner. Glowing didn’t mind being part Earth Pony instead of purebred unicorn – his extra height and physical strength came in very handy given his elephantine nature. Having a harder time developing his magical abilities was a major setback, and one that took a long time to work past.
  7. Instead of the usual sedentary affairs, Glowing had special travel plans. It would be the first time since graduation that he got to see his school friend, Mint Cupcake. They had conversed through letters and sent pictures over the years since graduation, but finally had a chance to meet in-person. Despite Mint being the smaller of the two, it was Glowing that had to make the long journey to the other side of Canterlot. Mint was also a hybrid, but her parents were a unicorn and a bat pony from Princess Luna’s Royal Guard. She had the same troubles as Glowing as far as magic development was concerned, and instead of a height and strength boost, she was shorter and weaker than the usual unicorn mare. She wouldn’t specify why she couldn’t make the trip herself, and hadn’t sent a picture in over a year.
  8. Glowing, despite his heightened strength and knowledge of some very relevant spells, hadn’t exercised more than his jaw and digestive system all his life. There was no way he’d be able to make the trip himself. The trip was already delayed by three moons because he had to find a transport service that didn’t turn him away for being too heavy for the cart puller to handle. Teleportation was out of the question – Glowing’s skill in that particular spell was barely enough to teleport a pony of his sheer mass more than a few meters. What he had to, somewhat embarrassingly, settle upon was a mail delivery wagon that typically carried multiple tons of freight, and took a pair of Earth Pony stallions that were built like a less-cartoonish Bulk Biceps to pull.
  9. One of the stallions stood in front of the cart, chatting up some cute mare. Standing by the loading ramp, right outside Glowing’s door, was the other stallion. Big Red was his name, and he was just as tall and nearly as wide as Glowing. A faint, barely noticeable blush shined on Big Red’s face. “Hot damn, you’re even bigger than I thought you were!” He shouted. ‘Just my luck,’ Glowing thought. He batted for both teams, so it’s not like he was bothered by the attention. Big, tough, muscle-bound stallions just weren’t his type. Glowing preferred bottoming for strong stallions that had more of a Big Mac build, and topping for more femcolt-types – the latter of which tended to get chubbier and chubbier the more they got with him.
  10. Climbing up the ramp was annoying enough – Glowing hated inclines of any type – but he almost fell over near the top of it. A big, red hoof had slapped him right on the plot with enough force to send his entire body jiggling. Startled, Glowing let out a yelp and toppled over onto his back, making the entire cart shake worryingly. “Damn, boy! You’re just like my hubby!” Big Red hopped into the covered wagon, climbing on top of the blue ball of blubber. A devious, evil smile crept across his muscular face. While the cloak hid everything unusual going on, Glowing felt a very familiar thing pressing against the back of his gut. “If I squeezed your fat ass in a dress and styled your hair, you’d look just like him~,” Big Red cooed in a very concerning voice. “Big Red, stop hassling our customer and get a move on!” A voice rang out. Saved by the delivery schedule, so it goes.
  11. Glowing sat with an annoyed face for the three hours it took to deliver packages and drop him off at Mint’s place. He had to skip a meal to make it on time – a problem of his own doing, with his hungover oversleeping - he had to help with the deliveries by telekinetically moving the packages out of the cart, and started off the trip being sexually harassed and molested by a creep that wasn’t even his type. On top of that, he had to spend a whole week at Mint’s place, just because it would be that long before the mail volume would be low enough to take him back. Living with someone you hadn’t seen in years for a week when you’re used to living alone, it wasn’t something he was fully prepared for. His belly gurgling louder and louder the whole ride over just made him grumpier and more anxious. This was the longest Glowing went without eating since school. At least in school, he could sneak snacks in his desk when the teacher wasn’t looking. At least Mint promised they’d get lunch as soon as he arrived.
  12. ‘I must have lost three pounds already,’ Glowing complained, getting off the wagon. The other cart puller kept a close eye on Big Red this time, and the ramp’s was much easier to get down. Things were looking up, finally. Glowing took stock of the location, passing off a hefty pouch of gold to the delivery team. He was dropped off right in front of a diner, the type that would serve greasy hayburgers and even greasier horseshoe fries. Judging by the seats, either the usual clientele were rather rotund, or the owner prepared for that. Ponyville and Canterlot saw an increase in average weight since the trio of evil were given the Discord treatment, but not to nearly enough of an extent for someone like Glowing, or even half-weight Glowing to be common. Across the street was a very famous pastry shop, the one Mint and Glowing’s mom worked at. All around were small businesses and apartments. All the houses were on Glowing’s side of town, and he often wondered how his mother, who was rather obese herself, managed to get to and from work.
  13. Glowing felt a hoof poke into his belly. “Glowing?” He turned to meet the young-sounding voice, only to see a little bit of a rotund looking plot. “W-wow, you’re even bigger than you looked in the photos,” the voice continued. Embarrassed, Glowing looked down and met his gaze with the mare. “So tall, too!” “Oh, Mint! Y-hello!” It suddenly made sense why Mint couldn’t make the trip over herself. She had the body and voice of a very, very round filly, but was just a year shy of Glowing’s age. She was just shy of an entire foot shorter than Glowing, and looked almost exactly as fat as he did, just with considerably more emphasis on the rear.
  14. Glowing ran a hoof through his mane, chucking nervously. “Yeah, I kinda went more overboard than usual during the holidays last year, tried dieting again, lost 5 gained 30, the usual. I think I stopped growing taller last Nightmare Night. Uh, l-looks like I’m not the only one that blew up, big filly!” Glowing obviously had no room to call anypony else fat, given he was in the 99th percentile for weight in all of Equestria, but he wasn’t wrong. Mint Cupcake tipped the scales at 400 pounds, which was massive for a mare of her small stature. Her belly normally rested barely an inch above ground level, but was held up an extra inch and a fraction by a very taut, flour-covered apron. Her plot and thighs were even bigger around than Glowing’s, and stuck out to the sides even further than her belly. Her face was encapsulated by a sphere of bulbous fat comprised of her cheeks and double chin, which hid all traces of a neck.
  15. “I learned from the best, silly!” Mint beamed, spreading a wide closed-eye smile across her blubber-bound face, her cute little fangs squishing into her second chin. “Of course, baker training under your mom helps,” she giggled. The colossal pair of blue ponies’ bellies collectively gurgled in tandem, leading them both to blush. “Let’s catch up over dinner!”
  17. Even with the oversized seating, it was a struggle for Glowing to get into the booth. He took up the lion’s share of the seat, and his belly pressed against the table for its entire width. It wasn’t any easier for Mint’s short frame to climb in either, but she still had some space between her apron-tied belly and the table at least. A very hefty white unicorn stepped out of the kitchen, his flowing black mane looking as greasy as the apron he barely could tie around his bulbous belly. That thing was closer to popping open than Mint’s apron, and he looked like he just choked down a four course meal. “Argh, the first order after dinner’s always the hardest- Aha! Little miss Minty, my favorite customer! How you doin’?” He paused to hug the young mare. “I’m guessin’ this big tubb’a blubba is your bro’ Glowy? Name’s Hunky Dory.” He must have grown up in Manehattan, the way he spoke.
  18. The chef waddled around to the other side of the table and gave Glowing a very formal, stonefaced, and impersonal hoof-shake. He then practically leaped onto Glowing in the biggest bear hug he could manage, squishing his stuffed-taut gut into Glowing’s soft mass of flesh and nuzzling his snoot into the space between Glowing’s barrel and his chin fat. “Minty said you was huge, but you are HUGE! Fattest pony I’ve ever seen!” He hopped back down, grinning shamelessly. “Y’know, ‘fore she came ‘round here I thought I was the only pony that truly appreciated a good meal. Most of my reg’lars are gettin’ pre’y chubby these days, but if ya ain’t at least double what the docta sez ya should weigh, can ya really say ya appreciate food? You, my friend, must love eatin’ ‘nuff to marry the concept!”
  19. Glowing smiled bashfully. “I suppose I do,” he said, patting his belly. He couldn’t help but notice the cooking grease that Hunky‘s apron left on it. “Mint told me this place was great,” Glowing continued, fighting the urge to sound rude and impatient as his belly yearned for food. “You know, she was half this big when we graduated school together. I’m real curious to see if this place is more responsible for that, or if her job is. Let’s see that menu!” ‘Y-yeah, I phrased that well, right?’
  20. “Aw fugeddabout the menu! I’ll bring ya everything on it! So much even you can’t finish it all.” Hunky pulled the table out, letting Glowing’s belly flump out to full size. The chef bit his lower lip, sweating. “Might be a bigger job than I thought. Ah, ya need more space anyway. Be back in a tick!” Hunky took off at a galloping pace, stopping a couple seconds later to clutch his belly and proceed more slowly. “Oof, gotta remember not to run on a full stomach…” Mint looked up at Glowing and smiled. “It’s been too long since we last ate together. Let’s catch up at my place, I want to indulge.” Glowing nodded. There wouldn’t be much room to talk during a meal like this anyway.
  22. Hunky dropped off the first batch of food: piles of greasy double hayburgers, horseshoe fries smothered with ketchup, nachos buried in melted cheese and chopped peppers, mozzarella sticks as big as a bratwurst, and deepfried oat tenders. The spread barely fit on the table, and Hunky promised there would be more rounds as long as one of the big blue ponies had room.
  23. Glowing was absolutely ravenous. Despite being a pony whose diet was almost exclusively dessert foods, he took to the savory slop like a natural, stuffing greasy morsel after greasy morsel into his mouth, pausing only to swallow and wipe the grease off. He had downed half the table in a handful of minutes. Mint was no slouch, devouring her share of her favorites at a solid pace. It didn’t take long for the clasp on her apron to snap open, fueling her ingestion further.
  24. Mint couldn’t help but stare at Glowing’s raw, unrestrained gluttony. The two got along well for a lot of reasons. They were both misfits, part of the small group of five students in their class that were fat, and were both stunted in magic development by their heritage. Their personalities clicked very well. Even when they fought, they made up within hours. They even shared the same coat color. One thing she secretly loved about her bigger friends was how he ate. They both had a thing for fat and gluttony, but the act of eating specifically turned her on. Watching him stuff food into his mouth until his cheeks puffed out, chewing it up, that visible lump and audible gulp that came with him swallowing, his belly filling out bigger and bigger, rounder and tighter, only stopping when he physically could not fit any more in – it lit a fire in her loins.
  25. One table of food became two, three, four, even five. More customers entered the diner: Regulars who ranged from slightly pudgy to pretty chubby, and a few occasional passers-by that were all but average. Hunky got quite the workout feeding his normal customers as well as his two specialists, and everyone was treated to quite the show from the blubbery blues. Hunky joked that rushes like this were why he wasn’t even bigger than he was.
  26. Mint had surpassed her usual intake a table restock ago, and her pace had slowed to a crawl. She was clearly pushing past her limits to try and impress Glowing. Her belly was stretched to its maximum, puffing out close to 160% of its normal size, and she tapped out in defeat after swallowing the last bite of her 18th double hayburger. A tired, yet unexpectedly beaming Hunky Dory set out the sixth table restock, which was clearly just for Glowing. Hunky leaned over and gave Mint a quick peck on the cheek. “I can’t afford t’put all dis on da hous’, but you two have no idea how happy ya made this overworked stallion.” He rushed off to throw together a couple other orders. Apparently, some of his regulars decided to order seconds for themselves, even if their bellies weren’t used to this kind of indulgence. You could say they were inspired by the show the blue behemoths put on.
  27. Closing time had come and gone. Hunky pulled up a chair to the table Glowing and Mint had been using. Mint’s belly had shrunk down a little, having digested some of her meal, but she nevertheless was beyond her usual limits, blushing and otherwise looking in a state of total bliss. Glowing, on the other hoof, was in a state of regret. His stomach was stuffed to the bursting point, and his belly had pushed out so far it was actually touching Mint’s. “I shouldn’t have ordered that seventh table…” he moaned, rubbing his overstrained gut as best he could with his hooves and magic. “Or half the eighth?” Hunky teased, stuffing his face. That eight table restock was even bigger than the prior seven, partially because even the chubbiest of his regulars couldn’t finish more than a quarter of their second helpings, leaving five whole meals on top of the rest of the pile.
  28. Less than ten minutes later, Hunky had cleared off the whole table. His already overstrained apron split in half down the middle before the clasp practically exploded, embedding into the booth seat behind him. He tossed the rag in the trash with his magic, and cradled his gurgling, near-bursting belly. Apparently, he caught a little of the “inspiration” himself. “Phew! If the two a ya came in here an’ ate like this ev’ry day, I dunno if I’d lose weight from the workout or gain weight from this contagious gluttony, sheesh!” The overworked and overstuffed chef paused to shamelessly belt out a hell of a belch. “Y’know, the regulars couldn’t finish their seconds, but by Celestia they said they’d start ordering more when they came in. This cute mare, y’know? I think she got a thing for chub or somethin’, she’s puttin’ on a lotta weight. She’d be ma biggest cust’ma if you two didn’t take that crown! She says she’s gonna use tonight and herself to tell ev’ryone how good the food here is! You, are, the, best!”
  29. Glowing plopped a ten pound bag of bits on the table, enough to pay for everyone’s meals that day. “G-URP, uh, glad to be of-oof!- service.” Hunky forgot for a moment just how stuffed he was, and almost fell over when he hopped to his hooves. “Hot damn! Alright, tubbos, Imma take this in da back and catch some shut-eye. Youse can chill ‘ere ‘til you can move again. Make suah ya lock the door on the way out.” With that, he plodded off, his belly swaying like a pendulum.
  31. Close to midnight, Glowing and Mint were mobile again, with some difficulty. It was a relief that Mint lived just next door, and on the ground floor at that. It still took five minutes to drag their bloated bodies to the door. Mint unlocked the door and stepped inside. Her belly brushed against the sides of the door, making her blush. Normally it was just her hips that brushed the sides. Turning on a light, she turned around and was greeted by Glowing. He was blushing even harder. The door was wider than most, which allowed Mint’s hips to just brush the sides rather than actually impeding access. Glowing barely got his forelegs and barrel through the door before his progress was halted. His belly was wider than the doorframe by at least an entire foot! His face turned two shades redder when he realized he was stuck in a doorway right in front of his childhood friend. He felt something pressing against the back of his belly, and his face turned so red you’d think it was his natural coat color.
  32. A few ponies that burned the midnight oil were walking around town, usually heading home after last call at the bar. They couldn’t help but stop and stare. A big, blue blob was stuck in that apprentice baker’s doorway, illuminated brightly by the outdoor lights. A few even recognized it as Glowing from his cutie mark and berry-colored tail, and couldn’t help but laugh. “That whale managed to make it across town? Is it any surprise he’s visiting that baker? She’s practically a shorter version of him!” Various voices giggled in the dark. Most of them moved on after having their laugh, but one Pegasus stayed behind.
  33. The Pegasus wore a plain looking cloak that looked a couple sizes too small. It covered enough of her generous orange plot to hide her cutie mark, but not nearly enough to cover the bubble but and chubby potbelly she sported. Her copper colored mane, held down by her cloak’s hood, covered her right eye, and was just long enough to reach the peak of her devious smirk. She trotted in the smuggest manner possible over to Glowing, her chub jiggling and bouncing all the way. Using her wings, she unscrewed both the lightbulbs, shrouding the area in darkness.
  34. Taking flight, she proceeded to fondle, squeeze, and rub all over Glowing’s exposed body, biting her lip and quietly moaning. Inside the house, Glowing began to sweat. That feeling he felt behind his belly was getting progressively more intense. Mint tried to calm him down. “Glowing, what’s wrong?” She moved closer, her snoot touching his. She knew all about how flustered and aroused Glowing got when his enormity broke furniture or got him stuck in doorways, and not-so-secretly wished she were on the other side so she could take advantage of it. “S-somepony is f-feeling me up,” Glowing stuttered. His eyes grew wide as he felt a licking sensation. He was at full mast, and somepony licked his penis!
  35. “Oh-ho, my big blubbery muse! I’ve been waiting years for this!” The Pegasus cackled, drooling. “From the moment I saw you on our first day of school, that morbidly obese colt that outweighed all our teachers, you changed something inside me. I watched you eat, watched you grow all those years, but couldn’t approach you! Not under my parents’ distrusting gaze. You’ve inspired me so much! So many stories, so much art- I’ve made paintings of you that are proudly displayed in underground museums!”
  36. The manic Pegasus, who by any accounts appeared an absolute loon, laid on her back, inching herself closer to Glowing’s now-throbbing cock. “Finally, I’m free! My life is my own! You blew up over five hundred pounds since the day I first wanted you, and now I can join you in expanding ever larger! If you give me foals tonight, I will raise them in your hoofsteps! AAAAAAAAA! You’re so big in every way imaginable!” Her screams were loud enough to be heard for blocks. Glowing and Mint could make out every word, every grunt and moan as she slid herself up and down his enormous cock. Mint grinned deviously, turning around and spraying heavy cream all over her vagina. “If she gets to have you, I do too!” Mint shoved her sizeably gigantic ass in Glowing’s face, her winking vulva poking his tongue. Glowing’s brain shut off entirely, running on pure instinct. He had never actually performed cunnilingus before, having always done PIV with mares, but his instincts took to it like it was ice cream. The rest of the experience was beyond blurry, and left all three ponies passed out in a stupor.
  37. Glowing was able to make it inside come morning, but the mysterious Pegasus was long gone. Avoiding any further embarrassment, he and Mint spent the next two days in her apartment. Mint was more than eager to show off her baking skills, supplemented with deliveries from the diner next door. Glowing sat on Mint’s couch, and there he stayed for the entirety of the two days, save for the occasional awkward bathroom run. Mint ran back and forth, baking unreasonably large batches of every recipe she made at work, plus a few personal ones, sampling her goods along the way. She’d feed the entire batch to Glowing, who would never have more criticism than saying something needed more butter or sugar. This process would cycle and repeat until Glowing was stuffed to the bursting point, at which point Mint would take a break and devour a huge delivery order.
  38. By nightfall of the first day, Mint’s biggest apron had popped, and the clasps couldn’t even reach each other. Glowing, pushed to his bursting point and having a whole heavy cream-filled cake shoved in afterwards, felt like he ate twice his body weight in pastries. He looked it, too, with a normally blue belly Glowing beet red, gurgling away loudly. The couch had long-since been converted to its rollout bed form, being the only way the massive stallion could fit on it, and even then he overflowed the sides. Glowing could feel the long-term effects of the day-long stuffing, too. His belly held no feeling but bloatation and strain, but his cheeks, chin, barrel, plot, and thighs? He could feel new layers of fat forming already, and he still had easily 30,000 calories or more to digest. Mint, looking very stuffed herself, gave him a kiss on the forehead and a very lewd lick of the horn, then waddled off to her bed. Her hefty hips swayed sensually, knowing full well she was in view of Glowing’s eyesight. “We’re doing this again tomorrow, Glowy! Don’t forget, if you break my couch, you’re buying me a new one~!”
  39. On the following day, Glowing was considerably fatter all around. Mint had put on a few as well, enough to be noticeable but not nearly as much as her friend grew. Glowing didn’t get a chance to notice the effects of the prior day. His very first experience upon waking up was Mint deviously stuffing a modified version of the exact same cake that put him into a food coma the night before into his mouth. She giggled with a devious smile, her evil little fang poking prominently from her cheek-squishing smirk. “I modified this recipe for effect, not for taste. Triple butter, triple cream, triple sugar! Maybe I’ll make everything like this today, unless you beg me not to~” Glowing could barely utter more of a mumble and a blush. His thoughts conflicted between his love of gluttony and culinary hedonism, love of fat, and the sexual nature of overzealous feederism he was on the submissive end of, and the fact that he liked still being mobile. Plus, the cake was so thick he could barely swallow it down, and he was in dire need of liquid. No sooner did he let out a half-belch half-groan did a tube get shoved into his mouth. A liquid poured through the tube into his mouth, stemming from a large keg with a magic-powered automated pump. Glowing had to keep up with swallowing the liquid in time, but the liquid tasted distinctly of rum, with a hefty dose of coconut.
  40. “This should quench your thirst, big boy~” Mint cooed, with a wild look in her slitted eyes. “Of course, I would be remiss to waste belly space with just water! This rum has 200 calories in every ounce, and there are five gallons in that keg. I’m sure you can do the math.” No sooner than the rum ran out, did another cake get shoved into his mouth. Mint was very aggressive with the feeding today, and extra voracious of her own accord. Glowing was kept stuffed to the very brim the entire day, not once allowing his belly to be anything less than explosively full. Over time, he could feel his stomach capacity stretch, as the rest of him grew in tandem. It felt like Mint was trying to make up for lost time. Lost in a feeding stupor, Glowing’s mind drifted into a dream.
  42. In this dream, a 600 pound Glowing moved in with a 200 pound Mint directly after graduating from Celestia’s school of magic. They lived in a much nicer version of Glowing’s house, properly furnished and looking like a home rather than a bachelor pad. Glowing spent his days studying magic and offering information about local goings-on to the Canterlot police and royal guard for a small fee. With the financial dividends from his father’s business and leftover food from his mother’s work, Glowing and Mint would never need a serious full-time job, and could spend the entire day cooking and cleaning like a housewife with a serious feederism fetish. While she ate plenty herself, Mint would bake Glowing 5, 6, 7, eventually 8 whole meals every single day- meals big enough to fill his stomach, overfill it, and leave a little extra left over for him to snack on before the next meal.
  43. Time, as it tends to in the dream realm, didn’t follow the expected pacing. A year passed in an instant. While Mint grew at a rate matching her real gains, Glowing was blowing up like a lard-filled blimp. In reality, Glowing put on an already ridiculous 100 pounds in the first year post-graduation. Here, he was already just over 900 pounds, with a belly that only left the ground when he was in a seat or bed, and could barely fit through his front door on the rare occasion he meant to go somewhere. The royal guard would always send some fat washout who was only fit for low-ranking duty to pick up the intel sheets Glowing wrote up after astral projection sessions. Mint would always give him some leftover food as payment, and that guard unsurprisingly started outgrowing his armor, snapping the clasp around his belly more than once.
  44. Time jumped another year, lining up with the exact date and time that was occurring in the real world. Glowing weighed just over 1400 pounds, his belly reaching the ground even when he sat in a seat. He was surprisingly quite mobile, though his stamina ran out very quickly. He was confined to his house, having grown too large to fit through the door, but he didn’t mind. He had 9 meals a day from his 450 pound wife, and regular visits from his now-former royal guard friends. There were four of them now, with a fifth along the way, and they each followed the same template: getting selected for a glorified courier position due to their low aptitude, growing fatter and fatter every day while on the job, and getting let go to work at some physically undemanding job somewhere because they’re over 600 pounds. Mint’s feederism is affecting every stallion that regularly enters the house.
  45. Time jumped again, this time three years into the future, with a very brief flash of an industrial-strength scale reading “2000”. The house is more crowded now, though it still looks nice. Mint looks like a scaled down version of Glowing from three years prior: a barely mobile tub of blubber that struggled to get around. Mint ballooned up to nearly 800 pounds, and did all her cooking with magic while she sat on an overburdened couch her plot couldn’t be contained in. Two young foals played around when they weren’t at school. The colt took after his father, standing nearly as tall as a full-grown stallion despite being young enough to have just gotten his cutie mark, and weighing as much as his mother. The filly was the eldest child, standing as tall as her mother and weighing 450 pounds. As big as Glowing and Mint were, their foals were going to be even larger. The filly was Glowing’s protégé, and surpassed both her parents in magic acuity. The colt was Mint’s protégé, albeit aiming to become more of a chef than a baker. He wasn’t much older than Glowing was when he started school, and already could barely fit through the front door.
  47. In the back of the house, I ran out of steam on this story and slapped this garbage ending to cap it off. I might update this later on.

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Slime of the Evergreen

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Pony Subspecies and Obesity: a /trash/ pseudoscientific piece

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