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Slime of the Evergreen

By BigPone
Created: 2020-11-02 22:39:25
Updated: 2023-09-22 16:07:15
Expiry: Never

  1. >you're out for a stroll in the Everfree Forest
  2. >it's a nice day, you have a saddlebag strapped around your gut, and are hauling a big load of specialty spices and herbs from Zecora
  3. >some of the bakers back in Ponyville are having a cook-off, and needed something extra to spice things up
  4. >that saddlebag is tighter around your belly than it should be
  5. >Zecora let you "sample" some snacks and breads made with the spices, and only smiled and spun some rhyme about earth pony appetites when you ate the entire platter
  6. >you're halfway to the exit
  7. >despite almost slipping up once, you've avoided the poison joke and other hazards
  8. >it took you months to work off the weight your last brush with poison joke gave you, after all
  9. >you pick up the pace, sweating a bit
  10. >the scent of the herbs and spices is overwhelming, and you worry some of the forest's residents may come looking for a snack
  11. >you slow back down
  12. >you're hardly a quarter mile from the exit
  13. >you're exhausted, drenched in sweat, and about to fall over
  14. >you aren't exactly out of shape, but that bag is heavy, the atmosphere of the forest isn't as friendly to athletics as the open air, and your overstuffed stomach is draining your energy at an alarming rate
  15. >luckily, there's a safe haven shack nearby
  16. >you slip inside the shack and lock the door
  17. >thanking the Princess's safety initiatives, the reason the scant few refuges in Everfree exist, you lay down and take a nap
  19. >morning breaks, and your empty stomach is your alarm clock
  20. >as luck would have it, you still had a day to deliver the goods, and that overindulgence last night didn't leave any lasting effects on your body
  21. >unfortunately, you're hungry
  22. >starving, even
  23. >you don't have anything for breakfast packed, and can't eat any of the spices
  24. >you search through the shack, actually noticing what's in there this time around
  25. >there's the bed you crashed on, a table with two chairs, a wood stove, and a cupboard
  26. >the cupboards of these shacks were stocked every few months by some ranger ponies, and this one was overdue for a resupply
  27. >there is hardly enough water to make a cup of tea, and even if you ate all the survival crackers, it would barely be a snack
  28. >it can't be helped, you need the energy
  29. >down go all the crackers and water
  30. >you pull out a pen and mouth-write an apology on a note pad, and head out the door
  31. >you're so close to the exit you can see ponies on the road outside
  32. >just before you make it, a massive, purple blob jumps in front of you
  33. >it's some sort of slime beast, you remember hearing rumors about these things
  34. >the two ponies on the path, not 100 meters away, stop and stare
  35. >the slime beast soaks up any droplet of itself that may have splashed on the ground
  36. >its form shifts, turning into an exact replica of you
  37. >well, other than the color and the fact he's made of slime
  38. >the thing breaks its face into the smuggest, most devious grin possible
  39. >its form shifts again
  40. >it's still you, but it seems to be getting... fatter?
  41. >it doesn't stop until it's easily three times as wide as it is tall, looking like a veritable barely-mobile blob
  42. >above its fat grin, you swear there's a sudden red discoloration, like it's blushing
  43. >your own expression shifts from worried to annoyed as you eye the ponies not too far back
  44. >it's some fat unicorn stallion and his even fatter marefriend
  45. >they're sitting and laughing at you, as if they're expecting something bad to happen
  46. >you grit your teeth and prepare to use that goo creature as a launching platform and jump out of the forest
  47. >all you manage to do is get booped by the dirt
  48. >standing back up, you find that your hooves are stuck to the ground by none other than purple slime
  49. >the slime pony's face contorts like it just seeded some hot mare, and it shoots a hot, sticky load into your mouth
  50. >you don't even have time to fret about where that came from before a second shot hits you
  51. >this time, it formed a solid bridge of slime between you and the beast
  52. >try as you might, you can't move away
  53. >you can't even close your mouth
  54. >the slime beast begins to shrink, becoming thinner and thinner as huge globs of itself pass through the bridge and into your stomach
  55. >it tastes like the best concord grape pie you've ever eaten
  56. >you can't decide between struggling and indulging
  57. >not like you have a choice in the matter
  58. >you're startled by the sounds of tearing
  59. >to your relief, you aren't exploding
  60. >it's just the saddlebag's belt, straining and popping from one loop to the next
  61. >wait a minute, your belly's halfway down to your knees, almost thrice as stuffed as it was last night, but you don't feel even close to full?
  62. >the only discomfort you feel is that belt digging into your rapidly expanding belly
  63. >you were on the third tightest belt loop, and are about to bust the whole thing open?
  64. >something feels off, and your escape instincts kick in again
  65. >struggle as you might, all you manage to do is tire yourself out
  66. >your head is locked in place, so you can't exactly look around, but you can feel your body changing
  67. >your belly doesn't feel tight at all, in fact it's soft and squishing around that belt
  68. >your plot and barrel are getting that same feeling, to lesser extents
  69. >even your face is feeling softer
  70. >the slime still looks monstrously obese, but has shrunken down enough to give you an easier view of those unicorns
  71. >they're still giggling, snacking on something or other as if you're some entertainment device
  72. >with a loud snap, the saddlebag's belt bursts open
  73. >your belly fwomps out, relieved
  74. >you barely stifle a moan of relief, which the slime beast sees as an excuse to ramp up the speed
  75. >you're exhausted, lethargic, panting for breath through your nostrils, and as far as you can tell, getting quite obese
  76. >the slime beast looks just a hair past chubby by this point, while you can feel your belly spreading between your fore and hind legs, reaching down to your knees
  77. >you can feel a prominent second chin growing below your maw, and your cheeks are squishing into your tired eyes
  78. >your plot feels like it could fill a bench
  79. >if there's any relief to be had in all this mess, you haven't suddenly changed into a mare
  80. >unfortunately, the way you know this is feeling your stallionhood growing and pressing against your gut
  81. >it's not bad enough your body is being ruined while some fatsos laugh at you, this creature had to give you new fetishes too?
  83. >the afternoon sun rides high
  84. >the unicorns have exhausted their snacks, and are looking quite content, watching your plight from not so far
  85. >the last little bit of slime beast has become one with you, and the slime "bridge" shoots itself into your stomach
  86. >it's the first thing since your light breakfast that actually feels like it's been ingested
  87. >with a flash, you find yourself right in front of the large couple
  88. >the stallion looks like you felt just before the belt snapped, while he mare's belly was hovering scarcely an inch or two above the ground
  89. >they probably could have teleported you to safety long ago
  90. >she stuffs a cake into your mouth, which you don't even try to avoid, while he holds up a rather large mirror spell in front of you
  91. >you look just like the slime beast did, maybe even bigger
  92. >your face is surrounded by a beachball of fat
  93. >your belly reaches the ground, spreading across it, and sticking out far enough for three ponies to stand side by side
  94. >your plot is big enough to crush any bench it sits on
  95. >you can still walk, with great effort
  96. >even the saddlebags are still secure
  97. >with another flash, you're on a wagon you didn't see before
  98. >it groans like it's going to collapse beneath you
  99. >the couple offer to cart you to ponyville
  100. >they're headed there for the cook-off anyway
  101. >they teleport themselves onto the front section of the cart, apparently too stuffed to walk the rest of the way
  102. >the mare uses her magic to practically forcefeed you dozens of boxes of cakes
  103. >you try to protest, but the stallion just laughs and mentions how they hated wasting food, and were too stuffed to eat any more themselves
  104. >this is your life now
  105. >a barely mobile blob that has no chance of getting thin again, and an appetite that will only make you grow more

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Slime of the Evergreen

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Pony Subspecies and Obesity: a /trash/ pseudoscientific piece

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