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The Filly

By CelestialOrigin
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2022-03-26 07:59:28
Expiry: Never

  1. >Frankly your death was not a very pleasant one.
  2. >Certainly no death is ever a pleasurable one.
  3. >Of course being reborn wasn't very fun either!
  4. >Especially when you retain all of your memories from your past life.
  5. >Being a fully grown man trapped in the body of a newborn foal is a hell in and of itself.
  6. >You were still traumatized by your death and yet, here you are.
  7. >Born a month premature with a strange birth defect.
  8. >It has yet to be explained to you, but you can definitely tell that there is something wrong with you.
  9. >That doesn't stop your new mom and dad from loving you though.
  10. >They are a nice couple.
  11. >They have a nice house, a big family, and they have fucked every day since two days after they brought you home.
  12. >Yeah, they will probably grow old together.
  13. >To be honest, it is pretty nice.
  14. >Sure you are a girl now, but now you have parents again!
  15. >And this time they actually like you!
  16. >"How's my little girl doing?"
  17. >About as well as you can do mom.
  18. >You are lifted up out of the crib and suspended in a magic field.
  19. >"A goo goo blee bloo!"
  20. >Ugh maybe if I look away they will stop.
  21. >"Aww is the widdle baby cranky?"
  22. >Honestly you can only take so much baby talk before. . .
  23. >"I bet she is hungry Sweetheart."
  24. >Good old dad. Always was the more perceptive of your parents.
  25. >You actually are pretty hungry.
  26. >So hungry that you start to cry.
  27. >"See Sweet shes starving! Feed her!"
  28. >"Oh alright Pictus, but I still wanted to play with her."
  29. >Dad moves over to nuzzle mom.
  30. >She still blushes like a schoolgirl.
  31. >"I know Sweetie, but she is still really weak right now and needs all the rest and food she can get. Besides, I'm sure you would rather play with me tonight."
  32. >Mom is still red in the face as she walks over to the bed.
  33. >"Pictus! Not in front of the baby!"
  34. >Dad responds with a deep laugh.
  35. >"Here you go my little princess."
  36. >He drops a lacy hat onto your head.
  37. >"Aww she looks adorable!"
  38. >If you say so.
  39. >Oh it looks like mom has decided that it is time to feed the baby.
  40. >Nice!
  43. >"So what do you think doctor? Is she developing normally?"
  44. >Well here you are. Once again sitting in a pediatricians office.
  45. >For some reason you seem to find yourself here every weekend.
  46. >"Yes, I would say that she is. In fact she seems to be extremely healthy for a premature foal. Especially a defective one."
  47. >Looking up you see your mother getting red in the face and puffing out her chest a little.
  48. >Judging by the look your mom is giving the doctor, he is about to get chewed out.
  49. >"How dare you call my baby defective! Why if I wasn't. . ."
  50. >"It is the proper medical term Mrs. Sweetheart. I meant no offense. Now would you take your daughter back out to the waiting room? We will call her back in when the tests have been prepared."
  51. >Mom looks pretty pissed, but does what is asked of her.
  52. >It is a short walk from the room you are in through a small unremarkable hallway right down to the waiting room.
  53. >The waiting room itself is pretty typical. Lots of chairs, a few things for kids to play with, and a small bookshelf with children's books and magazines for the adults.
  54. >You being born the way you were have become pretty familiar with the whole process.
  55. >"You are not defective! You are perfect just the way you are!"
  56. >The doctor calling you defective didn't really bother you, but poor mom always took it pretty hard.
  57. >Anytime a doctor called you that, she would always start coddling you afterwards.
  58. >As much as you loved her, it did start to feel a bit suffocating after a while.
  59. >Luckily, a familiar face entering the office distracted mom just long enough for you to wiggle out of her grasp.
  60. >Naturally you went straight for the colorful little pegs on the metal bars.
  61. >You never did figure out what those things were called.
  62. >Lucky for you, mom seems to be talking with the new mare while a purple unicorn filly approaches you.
  63. >You stand ready to fight to the death to protect your thingamabob!
  64. >Luckily she knows not to mess with a foal and it's thingamabob.
  65. >She walks right past you and sits in front of the bookshelf.
  66. >Losing interest in her, you look back to your glorious little thingamabob, but before you lay a single hoof on it you feel yourself being lifted into the air by mom.
  67. "Fu. . ."
  68. >You cut your curse before it is completed.
  69. >The pink magic flows all around and you are slowly pulled in.
  70. >Can't let mom know you can already talk!
  71. >"Aww she is adorable!"
  72. >Bitch I know I'm cute!
  73. >You have seen her a few times. You think that she is a neighbor of something.
  74. >Grey coat with purple and white mane and tail.
  75. >"Velvet, do you want to hold her?"
  76. >OH SHIT
  77. >The new mare just snatches you right out of your mom's magic field.
  78. >"Oh look at her! She is as cute as my little Shining was at that age!"
  79. >Mom help!
  80. >"Yeah, she is really something isn't she? Little Twilight has gotten big too."
  81. >Her muzzle is getting dangerously close to your belly.
  82. >She wouldn't!
  83. >It is at this point you have had just about enough of this shit.
  84. >There is only one way to end this before it begins!
  85. >You perform maximum scrunch.
  87. >Open the floodgates! Emergency draining procedure has been activated!
  88. >"Oh come here baby! Mama's here!"
  89. >Engage pneumatic impacting devices!
  90. >"Oh she is kicking you Sweetheart!"
  91. >You suddenly feel the cold hardness of the floor!
  92. >"I guess she just wants to play with those toys Sweetheart."
  93. >FREEDOM!
  94. >"Mrs. Sweetheart the tests are ready."
  95. >FUCK
  96. >All your hard work getting back to the thingamabob. Ruined!
  97. >"I'll see you later tonight Velvet."
  98. >You want to scream as you are picked back up.
  99. >The little purple unicorn just looks at you while you are being picked up and rolls her eyes.
  100. >Oh you don't like her.
  101. >You quickly re enter the room you were in before, but this time a tray of familiar, yet terrifying objects lays on the counter.
  102. >"Now this will only hurt for a second."
  106. >Holy fucking shit, this is disgusting.
  107. >Damn it Dad, get off of your lazy ass and change me!
  108. >Mom is asleep and dad is just sitting on the couch letting you marinade.
  109. >Lazy bastard always makes mom do the dirty deed.
  110. >You intend to change that.
  111. >"Hornet, why don't you go play with mommy?"
  112. >He quickly buries his head in the newspaper that he is reading in a feeble attempt to bore you.
  113. >He obviously wants you to go wake up Mom and have her change you.
  114. >Not going to happen dad.
  115. >Pictus is his name.
  116. >At least that is what you hear mom call him.
  117. >He's just Dad to you though.
  118. >You rear up and put your forehooves on the couch cushion.
  119. >Demon child stare. . .
  120. >You make eye contact and he flinches upon seeing the weird face you are making.
  121. >Red Rum
  122. >"Don't you want mommy?"
  123. >You see his face contort into a grimace as your scent finally gets to him.
  124. >The cushions on the couch shift as he hops off and quickly darts to the kitchen gagging.
  125. >Not wanting to reward him for ignoring his only daughter, you chase after him.
  126. >You stop at the entrance to the kitchen.
  127. >Dad is nowhere to be found!
  128. >He must have ran out the back door.
  129. >Wow Dad. Just leave your baby girl all alone because you can't change a diaper.
  130. >Looking around, you see the perfectly clean and organized kitchen.
  131. >Mom was always really particular about how the house must be kept.
  132. >You know just what to do!
  133. >Grinch_smile.png
  134. >You quickly start opening the cabinets and throwing everything in them on the floor.
  135. >All of moms pots and pans have been freed of their unjust imprisonment!
  136. >Hmm, if that racket didn't bring him back, nothing will.
  137. >Maybe you should just start screaming, since that usually works.
  138. >Then again you don't really want to wake up Mom.
  139. >Well if he doesn't want to help, then you are going to make his life miserable.
  140. >You quickly make your way back to the living room.
  141. >Tiny hooves clopping on the clean freshly waxed floor as you run.
  142. >You quickly make note of possible targets.
  143. >The floor is a beautiful polished hardwood, there are some bookshelves full of old well worn books and scrolls, a pretty glass table right in the middle of the room, there is a potted plant in one of the corners, several comfy chairs, and a nice couch round out the decor.
  144. >Oh mom is going to be pissed when she wakes up, especially when Dad was supposed to be watching you.
  145. >You immediately head for the bookshelves.
  146. >One by one, books are thrown across the room.
  147. >Next you start throwing the cushions from the couch and chairs onto the floor.
  148. >Fort time!
  149. >You pull the plant out of the corner and begin building your castle where it once stood.
  150. >Your human ancestors must be proud that you maintain their age-old tradition of clearing forests to build pointless structures.
  151. >Suddenly, you hear a door open and close.
  152. >Acting quickly, you tip the plant over and start rolling around in the dirt and then jump into your fort.
  153. >Partially because you wanted a bath after sitting in a dirty diaper all day and partly because you wanted Dad to get in even more trouble.
  154. >You hear a clip clop coming from down the hallway followed by a gasp.
  155. >"Sweet Celestia."
  156. >You peek out just in time to see her turn into the kitchen.
  157. >The stunned silence is delicious.
  158. >You decide that now is the perfect time to reveal yourself.
  159. >Putting on your best "I missed you mommy" look, you trot to her side.
  160. >"H-honey what did you. . ."
  161. >I'm a dirty girl.

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The Filly

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