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[EqG] Pizza

By Starswirl
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-02-04 04:20:58
Expiry: Never

  1. >It's Friday night, a month after the disaster that will be known as Canterlot High's Fall Formal.
  2. >You're laid out across your couch, flipping through channels as you try to find a movie or something that's worth your time.
  3. >Of course, you could put one into the dvd player, but that would take work.
  4. >And seeing as the cable box won't let you watch movies on demand FOR SOME REASON, you're having to settle for commercial loaded garbage.
  5. >What a terrible night.
  6. >It only gets worse as a firm knock rattles out at your front door.
  7. >You mute the television and perk up your ears, waiting for them to go away.
  8. >They don't.
  9. >The knocking comes a second time, more insinstant and rapid than before.
  10. >So they're not leaving.
  11. >Well, then they'll just have to wear themselves out!
  12. >Pressing your lips into a scowl, you unmute the television, turning up the volume until it drowns out the steady stream of knocking.
  13. >But eventually it goes quiet.
  14. "Thank goodness."
  15. >Smiling to yourself at your small victory, you squirm deeper into the couch and turn down the volu-
  16. >*BRRRING!*
  17. >Oh...
  18. >*BRRRRING!*
  19. >Oh hell no...
  21. >They found the doorbell.
  22. >And they've decided to use it to play out a few bars of some pop song.
  23. >You try to ignore it, but after thirty seconds of ringing you get to your feet and went to shout at whoever it is on the other side.
  24. "WHAT?"
  25. >As you pull open the door, the smell of grease and fat hit your nostrils.
  26. >You can feel your pupils dilate and your mouth begin to water.
  27. >There, hanging in the air, is a pizza box.
  28. >No, not hanging.
  29. >Tearing your eyes away from the cardboard container, you lift your eyes towards the sky and drink in the unfortunately familiar form of...
  30. "Sunset Shimmer."
  31. >You sigh, leaning against the doorframe and looking her over.
  32. >The once vicious vixien of Canterlot High doesn't seem at all surprised at your shouting or your cold reception.
  33. >Though, why should she?
  34. >It's her fault anyway.
  35. >The silence lingers between the two of you until you finally sigh and tilt your head to the side.
  36. "What's up?"
  37. >The girl with the yellow streaks in her hair refuses to meet your eyes.
  38. >Shifting her weight from one side to the other and then cracks the lid on the box.
  39. >The familiar scent of pizza redoubles it's efforts against your skilled sniffer and leaves your stomach threatening to riot if it doesn't get some soon.
  40. >"Anon?"
  41. >You drag your eyes away from the pizza again, this time finding hers as she gives you a determined look.
  42. "Mm?"
  43. >"I"
  44. >Setting her lips, she steadies herself again and asks, "Would you like to have some pizza with me?"
  45. >You flit your gaze between the box and the girl, trying to figure out what her angle is.
  46. >Leanig down, you pick up a piece of the crust between your thumb and forefinger and give it a little shake.
  47. >The entire pie wiggles as a result.
  48. >You're not sure why you did it, but you look up at Sunset again and frown.
  49. "So what, is it poisoned?"
  50. >The color drains out of the beaten bully's face.
  51. >"What? No! I-I would never..."
  52. >She falls silent as she considers those words.
  53. >Your disbelieving stare turns into a flat, disinterested frown.
  54. "You know you're doing this stuff in the wrong order, right? What are you going to do if I say no?"
  55. >A gentle touch of sweat graces Sunset's forehead as she bites her lip.
  56. >"I didn't think that far ahead. But I guess I'd eat it on my own?"
  57. >Something in your heart twists at her words.
  58. >Righting yourself, you hold open the door and step to the side.
  59. "All right, come on in."
  60. >A small smile breaks through the uncertain gloom that had been surounding the red-headed girl as she hurries inside before you can change your mind.
  61. >You shake your head, wondering what it is that you've gotten yourself into.
  62. >
  63. >That had been almost two months ago now.
  64. >Despite your best efforts to stay mad at the back-to-back Bully of the Year, somehow that night she had done the impossible.
  65. >Between the mouthfulls of pizza and the, mostly, harmless stories about your peers, you'd been won over.
  66. >Maybe it was the pained look in her eyes as she recounted catching other students in exploitable positions, not needing to add that she capitalized on them afterwards.
  67. >Or the way she leaned in close when you talked about completely inconsequential conversations you had with your friends about sports, games and girls
  68. >Or maybe it was the way, after the pizza was gone and you both lapsed into silence, her head gently fell against your shoulder as she succumbed to a food coma in the middle of a commercial break of a particularly bad movie.
  69. >But whatever it was, the gentle, anxious fluttering in your chest wouldn't let her be alone.
  70. >You invited her over again next Friday, and she showed up with another pizza.
  71. >And this continued, week after week.
  72. >She'd never let you pay, and she tore into you one day at school after finding out you slipped a twenty into her purse.
  73. >But still the pattern continued.
  74. >And you found yourself looking forward to the Friday night hangouts more and more...
  75. >
  76. "So then Buff just tears into the line to open up a hole and they just run right through!"
  77. >You laugh, recounting another exciting gym story from the week.
  78. >Sunset smiles and shakes her head.
  79. >"He, uh, certainly is a big guy."
  80. >There's a twinge in the back of your mind, but you swallow the words and turn your attention back to the girl.
  81. >Sunset is in the middle of another bite, the slice still hanging from her lips as she notices you staring.
  82. >You lock eyes for the briefest of moments before she smiles and the scene passes, the pizza falling limp as it slips away from her lips.
  83. >Offering her a small smile in response, you shrug your shoulders and reach for another slice.
  84. "So, that's me. How are things going on your end?"
  85. >There's a lengthy pause as Sunset eyes her cheese pizza and then folds it in half.
  86. >Hurriedly tearing into it, she makes a few unladylike gulping grunts before washing it down and shrugging.
  87. >"Things are, fine. They're getting better."
  88. >You raise an eyebrow and immediately see her begin to wilt under your stare.
  89. >"No, really. I only had six students make snide comments to my face this week!"
  90. >Sunset offers up a clearly fake grin, her hands clutching tightly at one another as they rest in her lap.
  91. >"At this rate, everyone might forget before the end of the spring term!"
  92. >For a moment, you can almost see tears starting to well in the frustrated girl's eyes, but a quick blink and she seems back to her (ab)normal self.
  93. >Polishing off the slice in your hand, you give a sigh and shrug.
  94. "Well, there's not really much that you can do about it. Short of buying everyone pizza and spending months worth of Fridays with them."
  95. >Out of the corner of your eye, you see Sunset perk up a little as she turns towards you.
  96. >A lengthy silence urges you to continue, so you look over at her with a small smirk.
  97. "No matter what they say, I think you're pretty great, Sunset."
  98. >She's quick to bite down on her lip, but the upturned corners of her mouth give her happiness away.
  99. >With a gentle laugh, she brushes some of her hair out of her face and collects herself.
  100. >"Well, the fact that I get a chance to sit down and talk and feel, normal, it really helps. Thanks Anon."
  101. "No problem."
  102. >Sunset looks away, and after a moment, you glance down at the box.
  103. >Only once slice left.
  104. >Turning your attention to the television, you reach down to grab it.
  105. >Your fingers grope blindly for a moment or two before you find the pizza.
  106. >And then you feel something bump against your hand.
  107. >You turn, seeing Sunset doing the same, and you both glance down.
  108. >Your fingers are touching.
  109. >Ever nerve from your chest to your elbow fires at once, seeking to jerk away from her, but your fingers refuse to budge.
  110. >That desire for pizza is too strong, bro.
  111. >Sunset seems to flinch as well, but also stands firm and gives you a cold stare.
  112. >"What do you think you're doing?"
  113. >For a moment, fear races through your body.
  114. >You're reminded of how Sunset used to be, cold, cruel, vicious.
  115. >There's a devilish gleam in her eye, just begging you to push her.
  116. >But, that's the old Sunset.
  117. >New Sunset is sweet and kind.
  118. >Right?
  119. >Steeling your nerves, you decide to push your luck and meet her glare for glare.
  120. "I'm grabbing a slice. What do you think you're doing?"
  121. >Sunset gives a tug on the crust and curls her lip.
  122. >"Well it looks like I'm protecting what's mine."
  123. >You pull back on the breaded edge in response
  124. "What's yours? I think this pizza is ours since you brought it to share."
  125. >"That's right, share," Sunset declares, squinting her eyes and pulling again. "I've been keeping count, and you've had five slices already. I've only had four so that means this one is mine."
  126. >Tug.
  127. "Host ought to be able to have preference."
  128. >Yank.
  129. >"Not when the guest buys the pizza."
  130. >Swipe.
  131. "I'm a growing boy."
  132. >Yoink.
  133. >"I have a high metabolism!"
  134. >Back and forth it goes, neither of you refusing to relent.
  135. >As you go on, you see Sunset's glare begin to soften, and by the time you're exchanging good natured insults, you can see she's delighting in the banter.
  136. "Bully."
  137. >"Wimp."
  138. "Jerk."
  139. >"Doormat."
  140. "Ice Princess."
  141. >Sunset stops suddenly.
  142. >Her brow furrows as she tries to come up with some clever quip.
  143. >Grinning, you realize you've got her.
  144. >You make a ticking sound with your tongue and watch as panic enters her eyes.
  145. >She begins to stutter.
  146. >"Uh... uh..."
  147. >Ticking intensifies
  148. >At last, her eyes widen and she snaps.
  149. >"Sweetheart!"
  150. >The room goes still and deathly quiet except for the quiet murmuring of the television in the background.
  151. >As her mind catches up to her mouth, Sunset's face goes beet red and she quickly brings a hand to her mouth, biting down gently on the knuckle in the process.
  152. >Both of you sit and try to process what just happened.
  153. >At last, you clear your throat and ask, in a quivering voice.
  154. "What... what did you say?"
  155. >Sunset gulps and turns to face you.
  156. >You can feel your own face heat up as she struggles for the word.
  157. >"I said... S-S-Slugworth. You're a Slugworth, Anon!"
  158. >Wait... what?
  159. "Slugworth?"
  160. >It shouldn't be possible, but Sunset seems even more perturbed that you’re questioning her story.
  161. >She punches you in the shoulder with her free hand.
  162. >"That's right, a Slugworth! Like in that movie!"
  163. "Slugworth's his name, it's not an actual insult."
  164. >A momentary pause.
  165. >And then the specter of defeat flashes across Sunset’s face.
  166. >"Fine, you win!"
  167. >At that, Sunset gives a huff and relinquishes the pizza.
  168. >Crossing her arms over her chest, she glowers at the corner and turns her back to you.
  169. >Several awkward seconds pass before you try to offer a sign of good will
  170. "You, you can have this slice, if it really means that much to you."
  171. >Sunset refuses to face you and instead waves her hand.
  172. >"Oh no, please, go ahead. You won, I lost. It's only right that the victor gets the spoils."
  173. >Ouch.
  174. >Sighing, you glance down at the pizza in your hand.
  175. "Come on, don't be mad. Look, we can split it. Just give me a minute to tear it an-"
  176. >"No!"
  177. >Sunset whirls on her backside, giving you a small flash between her legs as she shifts her weight to get comfortable again.
  178. >She seems completely oblivious to the fact she just flashed you with her panties as she glares.
  179. >"You're only going to cut it all weird, and then we'll fight over who gets the bigger piece."
  180. "Well then, you can have the bigger piece."
  181. >"But I don't want it if you're just going to give it to me!"
  182. >What?
  183. >Shaking your head, you decide to give up on this whole ordeal and hold the pizza slice back out to her again.
  184. "Look, it's yours, okay?"
  185. >She stares between you and the pizza for a moment before scowling.
  186. >"No, we'll split it. But we're going to do it right, okay?"
  187. "Well sure, how?"
  188. >Anything to get out of this confusing mess of girl logic.
  189. >Sunset goes quiet, biting down on her lip before letting a sigh escape.
  190. >After that, she seems to have collected herself and continues.
  191. >"We'll do it, bite for bite."
  192. >What?
  193. >Sunset nods at your contorted expression.
  194. >"You take one, then I take one. We go back and forth until it's gone."
  195. "That's not very hygienic..."
  196. >Lifting her finger, Sunset taps the side of it against the tip of your nose.
  197. >"It's the only fair option!"
  198. "O-okay...?"
  199. >Sitting back on bottom, Sunset smiles.
  200. >"Since you beat me fair and square, you get first bite."
  201. >With a gulp, you nod and do as she asks.
  202. >For some reason, you're feeling incredibly awkward about the idea of sharing a slice of pizza with your friend.
  203. >Perhaps it's because of the intensity that she's watching you as you chew.
  204. >At last, you swallow and then hold the pizza out to her.
  205. >Sunset reaches out, but instead of taking the offered food, she grips your wrist and steadies it.
  206. >She leans in close, taking a small bite before falling back to chew.
  207. >Your heart thuds away in your ears at the contact of her slick, but slightly calloused fingers.
  208. >As she finishes, you take your second bite, bolder, more confident than the last.
  209. >Everything is fine, it's just Sunset being a little weird.
  210. >Everyone's allowed to be weird from time to time.
  211. >As long as she isn't enslaving the school, everything's going to be just fine.
  212. >Sunset moves in for her second taste.
  213. >By your estimation, there's probably half the slice left, enough for another bite and a half after she's done.
  214. >But as she approaches, Sunset stops just before she reaches the pizza.
  215. >Your breath catches as she meets your eyes.
  216. >That devilish glint returns and your heart begins to pound all over again.
  217. >She wets her lips with the tip of her tongue and then opens her mouth, never taking her eyes off of you.
  218. >Those blue-green orbs you could get lost in for hours never seem to break away, never blink, nev-
  219. >At once, a familiar slick sensation grips your fingers.
  220. >You jerk your gaze away from Sunset and look down at your hand just in time to see her fingers pinch yours together.
  221. >The pizza bunches up Chicago style and Sunset leans in and chomps like a shark, taking it all the way up to the crust in a single bite.
  222. "Damnit!"
  223. >You yelp, dropping the crust on the floor and jerking your fingers back to make sure she didn't take one of them with her.
  224. >Sunset gives a throaty laugh on account of her mouthful of pizza before working her jaw over time, as if you'd want it after she'd drooled all over it.
  225. >Within seconds, she gulps and opens her mouth.
  226. >Sunset sticks out her tongue and shows you that it's all gone except for a single strand of cheese sitting on the tip of her tongue.
  227. >Mocking you.
  228. >And grossing you out too.
  229. "Jeez, Sunset!"
  230. >She laughs and snags the discarded crust, nibbling away at it as she turns her attention the television.
  231. >"I never said that all bites had to be equal."
  232. >You give a frustrated huff and glare at the television as well.
  233. >It takes a minute or two, but Sunset shifts the empty box out of the way and scoots over close to you.
  234. >If it were anyone else, you'd move away, but instead you remain still.
  235. >Stoic.
  236. >Unmoving.
  237. >The eternal anger.
  238. >At least until Sunset forces your arm up and over her shoulders and rests her head against your chest.
  239. >With the crust still dangling for her lips, she glances up at you and whispers, "Thanks for everything, Anon..."
  240. >You wonder if the slow smile on her face is from your blushing, or if she can hear your heart jack hammering away in your chest.
  241. >Just another Friday night with Sunset Shimmer...

Sunset at the Stables (Homeless Sunset thread)

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AlexanderGrey - Time After Time

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AlexanderGrey - Time After Time (Part II)

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[EqG] Sunset's Skivvies Shanghaied? Student Suffers!

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[EqG] Pizza

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