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Life Can Be Good

By Starswirl
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-02-04 04:22:25
Expiry: Never

  1. >A gentle breeze caressed your cheek.
  2. >The oak at your back and boughs up above groaned plaintively; peacefully against the wind.
  3. >There you sat upon a rolling hill of vibrant green.
  4. >A pink-orange hue hugged your panorama, warming the dark places of your world.
  5. >You dug your toes into the grass; it was cool, soothing, cathartic.
  6. >And below your eyes feasted, beholden to a vast expanse.
  7. >A sea of golden wheat danced before you, a beatific ballet of refulgent amber.
  8. >And beyond that - heaven.
  9. >A glowing ember hung on the horizon, hiding drowsy half behind a distant snow capped mountain.
  10. >The gentle blue sky was blushing; deep, calling reds burst forth and tapered out into a velvet yellow, engulfing the heavens in a lurid aurora.
  11. >And then it graced your cheek.
  12. >A pressure, a sensation.
  13. >A familiar touch exclusive to this place.
  14. >Moist.
  15. >Tender.
  16. >Loving.
  17. >You lifted a hand to welcome the affected cheek, but before you could-
  18. >You awoke.
  19. >Your eyes, still filmed over in dream, flittered open.
  20. >For a fleeting moment your landscape lingered, your ceiling acting as canvas.
  21. >But the visage soon faded and your eyes saw your bedroom true.
  22. >It would have been understandable for you to grow forlorn, wistfully wishing for your return to dreamscape.
  23. >But you smiled.
  24. >You need not dream.
  25. >The tender moisture still tingled on your cheek.
  26. >For you, reality was far more the dream than slumber could ever provide a man.
  27. >And as you turned your head on the side of your marked cheek, it was left no wonder why.
  28. >Turquoise gems beamed warm in greeting, fixed upon yours with the kind of tender welcome that somehow seemed new every single morning.
  29. >Yellow streaked on a cascade of red silk that draped over her shoulders and came to rest on her pillow.
  30. >And her lips-
  31. >Those merciful petals that every morning bestowed your wake-up call-
  32. >Turned in an affectionate smile.
  33. >"Good morning, sleepy head."
  34. >You grinned into your pillow at Sunset's customary greeting.
  35. >Even after so long she always managed to make it seem fresh.
  36. >Raising your hand from beneath the covers, you gentle brushed a lock of red from her face back behind her ear.
  37. >She closed her eyes and slightly moved her hand against your touch.
  38. "I was having a bad dream..."
  39. >"Oh? What happened?"
  40. "You weren't in it."
  41. >You trailed a finger across her supple cheek down to her chin.
  42. "This is much better."
  43. >Sunset lifted her hand to meet your own.
  44. >Grasping it warmly, she guided it to her chest, holding it soft yet firm to her.
  45. >The beating of her heart rippled from your hand, echoing through your body.
  46. >"You say that every morning."
  47. >You shuffled in close to your love.
  48. "And every morning it's true."
  49. >Sunset's smile flared, affecting a rosy hue on her cheeks.
  50. >You slipped your hand from Sunset's grasp and slid it behind her back, drawing her into you with the motion.
  51. >Lips embraced as your bodies met, locking in sync, snug in the warmth of your bed.
  52. >If only this, this very moment, could last forever.
  53. >Both of you drew back in time and, eyes open, simply stared into one another.
  54. >Being lost isn't always a bad thing.
  55. >Sometimes lost is exactly what you want to be, comforting in the thought that you could linger on.
  56. >And lost is what you both were in each other's eyes.
  57. >At length you spoke.
  58. "Let's not get up. Let's just stay here a little while longer."
  59. >Sunset smiled and nodded her agreement.
  60. >Working against the early morning, your love turned languidly, her back to you.
  61. >In a heartbeat you pressed yourself against her, wrapping your arms around.
  62. >You held her tight, delicately weaving your fingers in between hers against her stomach.
  63. >Tight in your cuddle, you rested your head on the cusp of her flowing hair.
  64. >Closing your eyes, you inched in closer.
  65. >Shimmer's hair tickled your nose as you began to breath in the alluring scent of her highlighted mane.
  66. >It wasn't an aroma of shampoos or conditioners that drew you in.
  67. >There was simply something about Sunset herself that smelled wonderful to you.
  68. >And that was the great thing about it - she didn't need anything to make you happier.
  69. >That intrinsically, truly, you loved her for her.
  70. "Mmm...I love you, Sunset."
  71. >"I love you too, Anon. Now and forever."
  72. >Rapturous sleep quickly reclaimed you.
  74. >When you awoke, you found yourself alone in bed.
  75. >Mid-morning sun beamed through the window lifting your room in bright spirits.
  76. >You sat up, stretched and yawned.
  77. >Mind enclosed in a post-slumber fog, you aimlessly surveyed your room.
  78. >Nothing out of the ordinary save for a tantalizing fragrance wafting in the air.
  79. >It tickled your nose and riled your stomach.
  80. >Your interest (and nose) piqued you lumbered to your feet and followed the scent outside of your room.
  81. >Step by heavy step you walked down the hall and trod down the stairs.
  82. >Your house was thick with the smells of cooking.
  83. >Finally, your quest came to its end as you turned the corner into your kitchen.
  84. >The room was a carnival of olfactory delights.
  85. >Bacon, a pan still sizzling on the stove.
  86. >Sausage, a platter of which sat beckoning on the table.
  87. >Orange juice, freshly squeezed and weeping with condensation.
  88. >Pancakes, cloyingly sweet alongside the scent of maple syrup, hung in the air and stood in a tower upon the table.
  89. >And the piece de resistance: your amore, swathed in a fine white robe that emboldened her hair in contrast, center stage at the stove.
  90. >Your eyes drank up the sight as she turned, a plate of bacon and eggs freshly hot in her hand.
  91. >At the sight of you she pouted playfully.
  92. >"Awe, now I can't say it. It only works if you're still in bed."
  93. >Sunset gingerly placed the plate on the table.
  94. "You could still say it, Sunbun."
  95. >Shimmer slowly advanced on you as you stood in the doorway, her hips swaying deliberately with each step.
  96. >"But it wouldn't be the same. You're already awake~."
  97. >Sunset's robe, diaphanous and flowing, would hang idly from her if not for the cord at her waist.
  98. >Yet it still betrayed the whisper of her body beneath, thinly veiled as they were.
  99. >Her breasts, ample and unrestricted by undergarment, pressed curvacious and pert against the silk of her mantle.
  100. >Legs, soft, supple, and lithe trailed on from the knee where the robe ended.
  101. >God, you wished they could go on forever.
  102. >Sunset must have been aware of your leer and cocked a coy smile, waiting for your response as she halted before you.
  103. "Are you sure about that?"
  104. >You stretched out a hand and placed it on her hip, gradually drawing her in to you.
  105. "Because I swear this must be a dream."
  106. >Shimmer placed her hands upon your chest and looked up at you, smiling coy and bright.
  107. "Go on, say it. Wake me up."
  108. >With a pleased giggle, Sunset gripped the lapels of your pajama shirt, rose on her tip-toes and cooed into your ear.
  109. >"Wakey, wakey, Sunny made some eggs and bakey~."
  110. >She fell back to her feet, her eyes fixed a beatific gaze to yours.
  111. >It was you who broke it.
  112. >An impulse came over you.
  113. >You squeezed her hips with both hands.
  114. >Quickly, you closed the gap between the two of you and planted another tender kiss upon those yearning lips.
  115. >And yearning they must have indeed been.
  116. >Roughly gripping your lapels once more Shimmer pushed off on her toes again, greedily taking as much of the kiss as her hunger demanded.
  117. >Neither of you wished for it to end.
  118. >But, perhaps, it dawned upon Shimmer that breakfast may soon be spoiled if not acted upon soon.
  119. >She broke from you and patted your chest playfully.
  120. >"You should save some of your appetite for breakfast, Love."
  121. "Do I really have to?"
  122. >Your lament was met with a coquettish "hmph" as Sunset turned away from you and crossed the kitchen.
  123. >Pulling an open chair, she invited you to sit.
  124. >As you walked forward to accept her invitation you could not help but bask in the sight before you.
  125. >Morning sun cascading through the windows, washing the kitchen in an opaque orange glow.
  126. >The air thick with the sweet aromas of a breakfast cooked with love.
  127. >A kitchen table, quaint and picturesque, beleaguered by dishes and foods fit for a king.
  128. >Yet made expressly for you.
  129. >And the center of it all, ushering you in to a world that you once swore was unattainable, was your darling girl Sunset.
  130. >You floated forward on a cloud of thankful wishes and disbelief.
  131. >Taking your seat, you surveyed the spread before you covetously.
  132. "Sunny...this is unbelievable. Seriously."
  133. >Another giggled graced your ears as Sunset draped her arms over your shoulders, crossing them upon your chest.
  134. >She nuzzled her head against your neck and planted a few fine kisses.
  135. >"Do you like it, Hun? I made it extra special for you this morning."
  136. >You looked around once more at your idyllic life and took a deep breath.
  137. "It couldn't be any better, my Love."
  138. >"Oh, I don't know about that~."
  139. >You cocked an eyebrow.
  140. "Oh? Why is that?"
  141. >Your darling wife planted a few more preparatory kisses on your neck.
  142. >"Because I have some news~."
  143. >The rolling lilt of mystery in her voice affected a smile upon you.
  144. >You reached your arms behind you, wrapping them around Sunset.
  145. "And what would that be?"
  146. >Another giggle.
  147. >"Oh, let's just say that our company will soon become a crowd."
  148. >You cocked your head slightly, trying to decipher her riddle.
  149. >And then, like a rising sun's first peak over the horizon, it dawned on you.
  150. >Butterflies fluttered madly in your stomach.
  151. >A heat began to rise in you.
  152. >You spun in your chair and looked intently at Sunset whose features could not express the full extent of her joy.
  153. >You yourself were filled with an indescribable feeling of happiness.
  154. >Excited, exuberant, you bolted up from your seat and scooped Sunset into your arms.
  155. >There in the kitchen, in the light of the blossoming morning sun, you spun your wife around with you, here silken red and yellow hair dancing in the air.
  156. >Laughter, full of joy, full of excitement, could be heard from houses down echoing from your kitchen.
  157. >Placing Sunset back on her feet, you both drew into a longer, loving kiss.
  158. >Breakfast was forgotten.
  159. >It could wait.
  160. >What mattered now was this very moment.
  161. >What mattered, beyond everything else-
  162. >Beyond the day to day grievances and petty troubles.
  163. >Beyond the tedium of work and the stresses of life.
  164. >Fundamentally, none of this mattered.
  165. >What mattered, truly mattered, now and for always, was the girl in your arms.
  166. >And the little one soon to come.
  168. >Life can be good if you make it so.
  170. FIN

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