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[FR] Just Talk to Her (complete)

By Guest
Created: 2020-10-29 04:05:21
Expiry: Never

  1. This is the first story I ever wrote and it definitely shows, so uh... don't read unless you want to read a mildly shitty flutterrape-ish story that turns into a generic romance with fluttershy for some reason. It started out as just the first 40 lines as a quick one-off, then I decided to expand on that idea (hence the title)
  3. ___
  5. >You groan loudly as you hear three light taps on your door.
  6. >Opening your eyes, you see your room lit only by the sun's faint glow through the curtain.
  7. >...Swear she comes by earlier every morning.
  8. "Go away, Fluttershy!"
  9. >After a short pause, you faintly hear, "Please? I've been practicing all night."
  10. >Practicing?
  11. >Oh boy, what's she thought of now.
  12. >You groan even louder as you roll out of bed.
  13. >You stumble to your front door and open it to see Fluttershy standing in front of your door.
  14. >She's a bit wobbly.
  15. >Well more than a bit.
  16. >She's swaying like she's been chugging whiskey.
  17. >Swaying on two legs.
  18. >You blink.
  19. >Yep, she's actually standing upright on her hind legs, her front legs dangling awkwardly by her sides.
  20. "...Not bad for somepony with no toes."
  21. >Her face brightens, "So you like it?"
  22. "Uh, well I don't know abou—"
  23. >"Is standing like a human your fetish?"
  24. >She looks down and blushes.
  25. >"...I see now why you wear pants."
  26. >You sigh.
  27. "No, Fluttershy. Get down before you fall and hurt yourself."
  28. >She takes a step forward, gasps and pretends to fall, slowing her fall so much with her wings that she barely rustles the grass.
  29. >With an exaggerated moan, she says, "Oh my leg... it hurts... I think I sprained something."
  30. >She looks up at you, "Please Anon, can you carry me to the doctor?"
  31. >You lightly kick the leg she's favoring and she squeaks.
  32. "I think you'll be fine. Can't you just let me sleep, please?"
  33. >You step back to slam the door but she cries, "Anon, wait!"
  34. >As you hesitate, she whimpers.
  35. >"Is... is playing doctor your fetish?"
  36. "Go home, Fluttershy."
  37. >You close the door and carefully look through a tiny crack in your curtains to watch her stand up and slowly walk away, head hung low.
  38. >Sad part is you kinda like her when she isn't being so damn weird.
  39. >Maybe one day you'll try and just talk to her.
  40. ...
  41. >"Just talk to her."
  42. >You can't stop thinking about it.
  43. >The idea dug right in and you couldn't even sleep after Fluttershy left.
  44. >I mean... What if it worked? What if a honest conversation fixed everything?
  45. >Fluttershy's obviously not right in the head so it might turn to shit, but really... what if?
  46. >Imagine not waking up in fear of three quiet knocks every morning.
  47. >Shit... imagine actually sleeping in for once.
  48. >You can't even remember the last time you weren't woken at the buttcrack of dawn.
  49. >It probably isn't safe to confront Fluttershy alone, though.
  50. >You should bring somepony with you to help keep her under control.
  51. >You've seen her lose control before and it's not something you want to tackle alone.
  52. >You learned the hard way you'll lose.
  53. >You don't think anypony can resist those eyes.
  54. >...But who?
  55. >It's gotta be somepony who likes both of you, isn't interested in a relationship with you, and is tough enough to restrain Fluttershy if need be...
  56. ...
  57. "Hey, AJ!"
  58. >You call out as you step through the gate at Sweet Apple Acres.
  59. >Applejack pokes her head out from behind a distant tree and waves a hoof.
  60. >"Oh howdy, Anon! I'll be just a moment, need to finish up 'ere."
  61. >She roots around the tree for fallen apples or something, you don't really know.
  62. >You start walking that way, and a minute later she trots up to meet you halfway.
  63. >She shimmies out from under the baskets across her back and nods at you.
  64. >"How ya doin' Anon? Not often yer in my neck of the woods."
  65. "Oh same as always. Trying to make sense of my existence while repeatedly fending off Fluttershy."
  66. >She grins, "Ain't she a persistent bugger? I ain't seen her this obsessed since she tamed that poor ursa minor that lost its mama."
  67. >You raise an eyebrow.
  68. "How'd that go?"
  69. >"Eh," she shrugs — an interesting motion for a pony — "I guess it's tamed, ain't it?"
  70. "Is that foreshadowing?"
  71. >"Four what now?"
  72. >You chuckle and shake your head.
  73. "...Nevermind. Listen, I'm actually here to talk about Fluttershy... I was wondering if you could help me out."
  74. >Her ears perk up, "Oh? What'd you have in mind?"
  75. "Nothing special, I just want to try and talk to her is all. I'm just worried it might go south and I'd like you there just in case."
  76. >She cocks her head to the side, "Just in case what?"
  77. >You rub your neck, feeling awkward.
  78. "Well you know how she gets. Just help me keep her under control, I guess."
  79. >Her mouth forms a silent "Oh" and she turns to look at the orchard behind her.
  80. >"Ah sure hope you don't mean right now cause I still got some work needs doin'."
  81. >You grimace.
  82. "I guess it can wait. Not too urgent I suppose."
  83. >She looks back at you and chuckles, "Alright, how's about I meet you at her place about 8 pm?"
  84. "Alright, I'll see you then. Thank you, AJ."
  85. >"Shucks, it ain't no trouble. I'd love to see y'all getting along."
  86. ...
  87. >You shuffle nervously.
  88. >You're way too close to the front lines here.
  89. >You can actually see Fluttershy's house.
  90. >May as well be in an active war zone as far as you're concerned.
  91. >Where the hell is Applejack, anyways? It's 8:15... it's not like her to be late.
  92. >Suddenly, Fluttershy's front door opens and fear clutches your chest.
  93. >But it's not Fluttershy walking out.
  94. >It's Applejack.
  95. "Aw, shit..."
  96. >She trots over, her ears and tail flicking, which you've come to recognize as a sign of nervousness.
  97. >"Sorry Anon... She's my friend too, y'know... I talked to her a bit myself first, been here about an hour."
  98. >I guess that's what you get for trusting the patron saint of honesty to keep a secret.
  99. >Ah well, maybe it'll turn out alright.
  100. >You smile gently.
  101. "Well, what do you think? She in a uh... listening mood tonight?"
  102. >Seeing you aren't upset, Applejack perks up.
  103. >"Actually, yeah! She seems excited ya ain't just yelling 'git' for once. I told her to watch herself, keep calm, an' try not to scare ya off an' ruin this chance."
  104. >She shifts her weight nervously, "I also got her to convince Discord to give us some privacy. Thought ya might appreciate that."
  105. >Your grin widens.
  106. "Heh... You know, I got nervous when I saw you walk out that door, but now I'm glad you talked to her."
  107. >You step closer and set your hand on her withers.
  108. "Thanks, AJ. I really appreciate this."
  109. >She blushes, "Shucks..."
  110. ...
  111. >As you follow Applejack into Fluttershy's cottage, you see Fluttershy curled up on her couch. She looks calm, but by the twitching of her tail, you guess she's actually very nervous and is carefully restraining herself..
  112. >You've actually never seen the inside of her house. The one time you've been inside, you were dragged in unconscious and ran out screaming when you awoke.
  113. >Fun times.
  114. >You stop and look around. Her house is cute and cozy, like most houses in Ponyville.
  115. >Surprisingly, It smells pretty nice. Ponies are generally clean and rarely stink, but they still mostly smell like horses.
  116. >Fluttershy's house smells like... like fresh mountain air with a faint woodsy scent... cedar wood.
  117. >It reminds you sharply of home.
  118. >"...Anon?"
  119. >You jerk at the sound of AJ's voice, blink, and look at her. She looks a bit concerned.
  120. >"You alright, partner? Looks like ya spaced out."
  121. "Yeah... yeah, I'm alright."
  122. >You look around again, then gesture to the other chair in the room.
  123. "Fluttershy, can I sit down?"
  124. >She nods once slowly and watches you sink into the chair. You think you hear a faint whimper or moan from her as you sit.
  125. >Ugh... she's just gotta make it weird.
  126. >Applejack's ear twitches but she doesn't react otherwise.
  127. >She hops up onto the couch next to Fluttershy and they both look at you, expectantly.
  128. >Seems awkward to just jump right in, so you go for small talk first.
  129. "So, uh... how are you?"
  130. >Fluttershy's eyes widen and she opens her mouth to speak, but all that comes out is a faint squeak.
  131. >Applejack nudges her with her snout. Fluttershy swallows and murmurs, "I'm... I'm good. H-How are you, Anon?"
  132. "I'm alright. I'm glad to be having a normal conversation."
  133. >Fluttershy smiles nervously, "I'm happy."
  134. "Good. I hope we can just keep being happy and normal."
  135. >She shifts on the couch a bit. You notice a hint of musky smell... must be from all the wild animals.
  136. >You sigh.
  137. "Well I don't really know how to say this so I guess I'll just start talking."
  138. >Applejack says to her, "And if you're afraid to talk, just nudge me and I'll speak up for you." Fluttershy bobbles her head in a sort of nod.
  139. "Alright. So, Fluttershy. You've been trying to uh... guess my fetish almost every day for... god, how long has it been, a year? Two?"
  140. >Fluttershy mumbles, "A year and three months as of yesterday"
  141. "Uh... okay. So I guess for some reason I'm intensely attractive to you?."
  142. >Fluttershy's ears start twitching. Applejack shuffles closer on the couch and lays a hoof around her shoulders, comforting her... and ready to restrain her. She winks and you continue.
  143. "As flattering as that is, it's pretty weird your reaction to this is only to try and trick me into having sex or to guess my fetish, a bit of information I assume you would just use to further try to trick me into intercourse."
  144. >She opens her mouth as if to speak but no sound comes out. You wait a moment, then realize she's actually just panting.
  145. "...Are you okay?"
  146. >She nods rapidly but continues panting. You take a deep breath before speaking and again notice that musky scent.
  147. "Honestly Fluttershy, you're pretty cute and sweet when you're not being so weird."
  148. >She blushes and looks down at her hoofs.
  149. "I just... I can't stand the way you compulsively chase me. It makes me really uncomfortable. I mean, even if you really did guess my fetish, I'd still be really uncomfortable with you making constant attempts on my 'monkey D' as you call it."
  150. >She mutters something you don't understand.
  151. "What was that?"
  152. >Applejack, with a mischievous grin says, "She was correcting you. She says it's your 'hot monkey D.'"
  153. >Fluttershy looks away, her blush darkening.
  154. >You smile but move on quickly, hoping to save her from too much embarrassment.
  155. >That musky smell is definitely getting stronger.
  156. "My point is, I'd love to hang out with you... but you gotta just be a friend, you know? If more comes in time, then sure, but for now..."
  157. >She looks back at you, her lip quivering.
  158. >"B-But Anon... I can't... I mean, look at me. It's so hard to... to be close to you. I... how can you be friends with... this?" She buries her head in her hooves and Applejack rubs her shoulder comfortingly.
  159. "Fluttershy, I don't understand. What's wrong?"
  160. >Applejack cuts in, "C'mon now Anon, you ain't that dense, are ya? For pity's sake yer torturing the poor girl."
  161. "Torturing...?"
  162. >You look at her more closely.
  163. >By the movement of her sides, she's still panting.
  164. >She seems to be oddly sweaty, despite the cool air.
  165. >But she isn't sweaty enough to cause a visible damp spot on the couch like that though.
  166. >...a damp spot right under her rump.
  167. >...and that musky smell really is quite strong now.
  168. >You gasp softly as the realization hits you.
  169. "Oh. Jesus, Fluttershy, it's that bad?"
  170. >She raises her head and looks at you, her eyes wide and damp.
  171. >"It's disgusting, isn't it... I know it is." The tears start running down her face and she looks away again.
  172. >"You said it makes you uncomfortable. You must hate me. You can go if you want, I understand."
  173. >You genuinely consider doing that, but if you leave now... this problem's not gonna go away.
  174. >Really only one of two things will happen. Either nothing changes and she continues this behavior, or she falls into a deep depression.
  175. >Considering how much everypony cares about Fluttershy, the latter would probably alienate what few friends you've managed to make so far.
  176. >Shit.
  177. "...Do you want me to leave?"
  178. >A long silence.
  179. >"No."
  180. >You sigh.
  181. "Okay Fluttershy, listen to me. I'm only uncomfortable by you only ever trying to get in my pants and nothing else. You're not disgusting and I don't hate you. I want to figure this out and see if we can both live normal lives again."
  182. >You pause thoughtfully and let out a wry laugh.
  183. " least, you can live a normal life and I can live as close to a normal life a monkey can have in fucking Ponyville."
  184. >She chokes a bit on what might have been a laugh.
  185. "I see how much this pains you and I'd like to help if I can."
  186. >She jerks her head up suddenly, ears perked up.
  187. "No, not like that."
  188. >Her ears droop a bit but her eyes remain on you.
  189. >You let out a small sigh.
  190. "I mean, maybe eventually, but... I was thinking, maybe you just get like this cause you only ever see me when you're uh, let's say, 'excited.' Maybe all we need to do is hang out and you'll... develop a resistance or uh, something."
  191. >Her muzzle twitches a bit and she hesitates.
  192. >"But what if I... w-what if this keeps happening?"
  193. "We'll figure it out if it comes to that. Besides, I think our other friends will be happy to help too, right AJ?"
  194. >"Yer darn right! Like I said, I'd love to see y'all getting along, and I'm sure the rest of the gang will too."
  195. >You smile, pleasantly surprised at how well this is going.
  196. "What do you think, Fluttershy? Think you can stand to be just my friend?"
  197. >She turns to Applejack then back to you, her eyes still glistening.
  198. >"Yes. I'd like that, Anon."
  200. ...
  202. >The next day starts like any other, with three faint knocks way too early in the morning.
  203. >Dammit Fluttershy.
  204. >Muffled through the door, you hear "I just wanted to say good morning, friend."
  205. >You roll out of bed and, opening the door, see Fluttershy standing there, completely normal.
  206. >Well, aside from staring at your crotch. Old habits die hard.
  207. >...Admittedly you probably should have worn more than just underwear.
  208. "I'd hoped I would finally be able to sleep in for once."
  209. >Fluttershy shudders a little, then wrestles her eyes away from the boys down under.
  210. >"I thought after... after a year here maybe you would be used to waking up early."
  211. "Never. Can I go back to sleep?"
  212. >"W-Well, I was wondering if... maybe you wanted some breakfast?"
  213. "Sure! In three hours.
  214. >She sighs and pouts cutely, "Oh ok, sleepyhead. I'll be back later with pancakes."
  215. "Bring a friend. I told you we shouldn't be alone together."
  216. >You step back and prepare to slam the door mostly out of habit, then hesitate when you see her flinch.
  217. >...You gently close the door.
  218. >She's obviously trying... guess you should too.
  219. >Through your usual crack in the curtains, you watch her hesitate, then trot happily away.
  220. ...
  221. >Three more knocks.
  222. >Damn, that was a nice dream, too.
  223. "Alright, alright."
  224. >You remember your pants this time.
  225. >Fluttershy looks disappointed by them when you open your door, but recovers quickly.
  226. >"So, it's after nine now. Ready for some pancakes?"
  227. "Fluttershy, I told you to bring a friend."
  228. >"Oh, I'm okay. I'm just... dropping off breakfast, that's all."
  229. >She holds out a plate with a pile of bright golden... in fact almost yellow pancakes, shaped and positioned so they look suspiciously similar to a pony's rear end.
  230. >Fucking...
  231. "Fluttershy, come on, did you have to shape them like that?"
  232. >She looks down at the plate and does a good job of feigning surprise, "Oh! Uh, that was... an accident."
  233. >You scoff.
  234. >"No, really! I was going to throw them out and try again but I was all out of batter. I-I thought pancakes I m-messed up a bit would be better than no pancakes at all."
  235. "And I suppose the unusually bright yellow color was an accident too?"
  236. >She looks away self consciously, "I can make a new batch if you really want."
  237. >You sigh.
  238. "No, it's alright... so long as they taste good, that's all I care about."
  239. >You reach a hand out for the plate.
  240. >She looks up, surprised, then smiles and lets out a little squee.
  241. >As she passes you the plate, she looks into your eyes and gently strokes your hand, then her ears flatten and she steps back, suddenly nervous.
  242. >"Um... I hope you like it!"
  243. >Then she leaps into the air and flies away at top speed.
  244. >...These are some damn good pancakes.
  245. ...
  246. >Spike opens the door to Twilight's treehouse.
  247. >"Oh hey, Anon! What're you up to?"
  248. "Hey Spike. Is Twilight here?"
  249. >Twilight's voice calls down from upstairs, "Spike, who is it?"
  250. "I guess so."
  251. >Spike smirks and yells, "It's Anon!"
  252. >You hear a gasp. Twilight flies down the stairs, grabs you with her magic, yanks you inside, closes the door behind you, lands right in front of you, eager eyes staring into your face, and pours out a rapid torrent of words.
  253. >"Oh my gosh, Applejack told me what happened last night. I can't believe you're finally going to try and befriend Fluttershy! Have you talked to her yet? Did she wake you up this morning? What changed your mind? How has she been acting? Aren't you nervous? I know she's just obsessed with you. Everypony's been worried about both of you. Do you have a plan? Do you need a plan? I have a plan! Here let me get my check list."
  254. >Laughing, you make a calming motion with your hands.
  255. "Alright alright Twi, settle down. I specifically came here to talk to you about her, you don't have to interrogate me."
  256. >Slightly abashed, she steps back and pulls a chair up for you.
  257. >Spike scurries off, "I'll get you two some tea. Looks like you have a lot of talking to do."
  258. >Twilight grins sheepishly, "Sorry. I'm just excited and really want you two to get along and Applejack was so busy this morning she could hardly tell me anything."
  259. >You laugh again. Twilight is your closest friend in Ponyville and you always enjoy seeing her riled up like this... which actually happens pretty often.
  260. >Filly needs to learn to chill. Maybe you'll hook her up with Treehugger...
  261. "Alright, well so far not much has happened. It HAS only been about twelve hours, you know."
  262. >"Yes yes, but what happened last night? Come on, I need details!"
  263. ...
  264. >Explaining everything winds up taking almost an hour with all Twilight's questioning.
  265. >You're glad for Spike's tea when it comes.
  266. >Twilight just seems so happy about everything that's happened.
  267. >After explaining Fluttershy's breakfast delivery this morning, Twilight smiles at you.
  268. >"Good! Not many know it but she's a talented cook, and I'm glad she's applying some of her actual skills for you."
  269. "Yeah, the pancakes were surprisingly good, even if they were shaped like plot."
  270. >Twilight blushes, "Oh... were they?"
  271. "Yeah... she's just gotta make it weird. She claimed it was an accident."
  272. >Twilight smiles, "Well, I really hope this works out for you two."
  273. "Me too! Mostly cause then I could finally sleep in peace."
  274. >"I think you should let Fluttershy relax for a bit, then maybe the three of us could hang out tonight?"
  275. "Sure, sounds like a good idea. You free tonight?"
  276. >"Spike, where's my checklist for tonight?"
  277. >"Right here, Twilight!"
  278. >He brings out a scroll from... somewhere, and it floats over to Twilight.
  279. >She reads it and says, "All I had planned tonight was studying... but this just might be more important."
  280. "More important that studying? Princess Twilight, you honor me."
  281. >She giggles, "Just come by here first when you're ready to go to her cottage."
  282. >You stand and bow grandly.
  283. "Of course, your highness."
  284. >Her checklist bounces off your head, "Don't do that!"
  285. >Chuckling, you turn to leave.
  286. ...
  287. >Three more knocks... but this time you are the one who knocks.
  288. >You thought for a long time about whether you should get some help before returning Fluttershy's dishes.
  289. >Eventually, you decided just opening the door, handing over some dishes, and walking away shouldn't be a problem.
  290. >After all, she was remarkably composed this morning.
  291. >You hear a faint commotion behind the door, then finally a muffled "Coming!"
  292. >The door opens and Fluttershy looks genuinely shocked to find you standing there.
  293. >"Oh, Anon! Uh... hi. I um... was just trying to clean up a mess Angel made."
  294. >Again, that same cedar mountain smell that reminds you so much of home.
  295. >Distracted, you silently hold the plate and silverware out for Fluttershy.
  296. >She smiles nervously, "So you liked them? I mean, it's okay if you didn't. I'd understand, I know I'm not the best cook, but I was wondering... did you like the pancakes?"
  297. "They were really good, actually. Thank you."
  298. >Her wings fluff out a bit and she prances a bit in place
  299. >"Really? Oh I'm so glad. Please Anon, I'd love to make you more food anytime you want."
  300. >Lost in memories of home, you step forward. Fluttershy takes a careful step back, confused.
  301. >Suddenly, you blink and look down at Fluttershy.
  302. "Oh, sorry. I zoned out there for a bit. Your house smells like... Well it reminds me of something."
  303. >She brightens, "Oh, that's probably my shampoo! I make it myself out of ingredients in the forest. The scent is mostly to help the little animals around me relax. I wash every day to make sure the smell never fades."
  304. >She flaps her wings gently and you notice the scent intensifies briefly.
  305. "Yep, that must be it. Is that why animals trust you so much?"
  306. >She shakes her head and gives you a shy smile, "Oh no that's only a small part of it!"
  307. "Oh yeah?"
  308. >"Absolutely! You have to approach every animal differently, even within the same species. Every little creature has its own personality. A smell they like does help, but you still have to understand them first."
  309. >She turns and gestures to something inside her house, "When I find a new friend in the forest, sometimes they'll come right up to me and we can be friends right away, but sometimes, it can take days of careful study and building trust before they'll even come close to me."
  310. >Still fairly distracted by your memories, you step inside and mumble.
  311. "That's a lot more complicated than I expected..."
  312. >She turns back to you and smiles, "Oh yes. Every animal you see here, I know their name, their favorite food, how careful I need to be around them... and so on."
  313. >She paces around the living room, gesturing to various holes and cages, "You know, some little critters will warm up to me quickly, but sometimes, even after we get to know each other, I still have to tread carefully or I'll startle them and they'll be nervous and worried for days afterwards."
  314. >She stops at the far end of the room, her ears drooping slightly, "It's always just heartbreaking when I accidentally scare away a new friend and I have to start almost all over again."
  315. >She turns back to you and her eyes widen in surprise.
  316. >Her shock snaps you out of your memories and you look around you.
  317. >You had followed her inside and well into her living room.
  318. >There's a short moment of silence, then you both speak together.
  319. >"Oh, I've been rambling--"
  320. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't--"
  321. >You both stop talking and stare at each other for a long moment.
  322. >Eventually Fluttershy shudders, breaks eye contact, and sits down.
  323. "...I should go."
  324. >She nods silently and you move to leave, but hesitate at the door.
  325. >You turn back and see Fluttershy watching you, biting her lip, eyes wet.
  326. >She whimpers, "You'll come back, right?"
  327. >You grimace and turn away, but what she said about scaring away a new friend flashes through your mind.
  328. "Yes."
  330. ...
  332. "...and I was just standing there, right there in her living room, listening to her talk like it was anypony else and not fucking Fluttershy!"
  333. >You pace around Twilight's Library with Twilight sitting nearby.
  334. >You're annoyed to see her face spread into a wide grin.
  335. >"Almost like she's a very sweet pony and could be a great friend?"
  336. >You slump into a nearby chair.
  337. "Look Twi, you haven't seen her like I have. That filly is a monster when the mood hits her right. Or wrong, that is."
  338. >With practiced ease, she turns around and starts searching through her books.
  339. >Spike waddles up with a tray of tea.
  340. "Thanks Spike. I have a lot on my mind right now, and your tea really helps me relax."
  341. >He grins, "Don't thank me! Fluttershy picks out this tea for me and Twilight."
  342. >Your brow furrows and you lean forward in your chair.
  343. "Wait, she--"
  344. >"Aha!"
  345. >Twilight turns around, a book floating down from a high shelf to rest between you two.
  346. >You read off the title.
  347. " 'The Warm Filly: Heat Cycles and You' ...Really Twi?"
  348. >With a slight blush she says "I'd be willing to bet Fluttershy gets really bad for a few months, then calms down and is more reserved for most of the year?"
  349. >You concentrate on the repressed memories of Fluttershy's antics, sipping your tea.
  350. >After a long pause, you look up at Twilight.
  351. "You know... I think you're right."
  352. >She turns to Spike, "Can you give us some privacy? No offense, but you're pretty young for the conversation we're about to have."
  353. >He groans, "Aww I hate when I get left out of these things!"
  354. >She just giggles as he slowly walks out the front door, the very picture of disappointment.
  355. >Once the door closes, she opens the book and reads out a few lines.
  356. >"Mares typically cycle from mid spring to early winter. During these spring and fall transition periods, the mare may or may not show signs of being in season. Reproductive behavior is most likely to be noticed during the fertile period during Summer and early Fall."
  357. >She gives you a quick glance before turning to the next page.
  358. >"Typical signs of being in season are an elevated tail, increased urine production, a decreased level of activity, a short attention span, irritability, sensitivity to touch, and..." Twilight's ears twitch and she blushes, "and 'winking' the lips of the vulva."
  359. >She looks up from the book.
  360. >"Does that sound like the 'monster' Fluttershy you know?"
  361. "Yes. I am extremely disappointed to say I recognize ALL of those signs."
  362. >You give Twilight a significant glance and she looks away, her cheeks now a vivid pink.
  363. >Avoiding your eyes, she turns to another section and reads.
  364. >"A mare who does not wish to foal can take a blend of herbs in tea or powder form as detailed in diagrams 24-B and 24-C. When ingested at least every three days, this formula will significantly reduce the intensity of the cycle's symptoms."
  365. >She snaps the book closed and it flies away rapidly to settle on a table.
  366. "So uh... what does this have to do with me?"
  367. >She rolls her eyes, "Obviously she stopped taking her Cool Brew!"
  368. "So she's... what is that?"
  369. >"Well it's... gosh Anon, don't you know what this means?"
  370. >You bristle slightly, taking a sharp breath.
  371. "No, how could I? It's not like I grew up around ponies and know your customs inside and out!"
  372. >Twilight sighs and sits in front of you, "You're right, I'm sorry. It's just... this sort of stuff is so basic, it's so hard not to just assume you already know."
  373. >You pinch the bridge of your nose. You've spent a year around these damn ponies and still don't know something 'so basic?'
  374. "Alright Twi, what am I missing?"
  375. >She points a hoof at the book, "The blend of herbs in that passage is called Cool Brew. It's known to every filly in Equestria. You can get it from any doctor, any mother, and even a bunch of cafes as a tea."
  376. >Her horn glows and a little pouch floats down from a shelf into your lap, "I even have some right here. It's very important to all ponies."
  377. >You open the pouch and a minty, earthy smell wafts out.
  378. >You tilt the opening into the light and see a brown powder with some larger bits of not-quite-crushed plants.
  379. >As you look back up at Twilight, she continues, "You see, Anon, that mixture prevents us from going into our heat cycle... mostly, at least. It's a big deal because... well, stallions can't resist a mare in heat, and a mare in heat can't help but want it. It's in our biology."
  380. >You squint at her.
  381. "Isn't that kinda sexist?"
  382. >"No I mean it: we literally can't control ourselves. Any stallion around any mare in heat loses control of himself and is consumed by desire, and any mare in full swing of her heat is... extremely aroused."
  383. >She blushes again, "That's... something I didn't learn from a book."
  384. >You smirk and she continues awkwardly, "Without Cool Brew, even foalmates or sire and filly would be forced by their instincts to mate if they're old enough."
  385. >You shake your head.
  386. "I still don't see what the significance is. So Fluttershy is horny all the time. What does this mean to me?"
  387. >She stands again and paces a bit, "You're missing the point. This is extremely important to us ponies. Taking your Cool Brew is deeply ingrained in our society. There is only one reason a mare doesn't take her Cool Brew."
  388. >She turns and looks at you sharply, "When a mare has decided on a mate."
  389. >You grimace.
  390. "Twilight I already know that. She's made it abundantly clear she wants to mate with me."
  391. >She shakes her head, "No, Anon! It's not that she wants *to* mate, she wants *a* mate."
  392. >You furrow your brows, trying to understand the distinction.
  393. "You mean... as in a permanent partner?"
  394. >Exasperated, she says, "Yes!"
  395. >You puff out your cheeks.
  396. "Okay, well... that's quite a misunderstanding."
  397. >You guess she was expecting a different reaction as that brings her up short, "Huh?"
  398. "See, to us humans, love is... it's a lengthy process. Humans don't have anything like heat cycles, so there's no time limit, and we mate for life. We approach this very slowly, with a lengthy courtship and a very romantic outlook on the whole thing."
  399. >She tilts her head, "Just how long of a courtship are we talking? How long between deciding to court and actually mating?"
  400. "Usually months, maybe even years."
  401. >She lowers her head thoughtfully, "So this must all seem... so rushed and intense. That..."
  402. >She looks up at you, "That explains why you think she's been sexually assaulting you."
  403. "Why I *think* that? Twilight how can her behavior be anything but assault?"
  404. >Twilight looks worried, "Anon, honestly, her actions have been mostly normal. She's coming to you and presenting herself while she's in heat. If anypony else knew about this, they'd probably think it was sweet and romantic, and you're being cold and aloof."
  405. >You just stare at her.
  406. >She looks up thoughtfully, "Really the only kinda weird thing she did was that one time she tricked you with tea to make you sleep and let you wake in her home, and honestly, she probably has no idea what to do with a 'stallion' who doesn't respond to the smell of her heat."
  407. >She notices your stare and shifts uneasily, "Anon, are you alright?"
  408. >In response you slowly lean back in your chair and stare at your hands in your lap.
  409. >Eventually you look up and glare at her, speaking in a low, intense voice.
  410. "So... you're telling me, all this time, all this bullshit I've been putting up with... this has all actually been Fluttershy confessing her love for me?"
  411. >She shuffles her hooves awkwardly, "Yeeaah pretty much."
  412. "And not just that, but she's been doing it in the most open, direct, and romantic way ponies know?"
  413. >She bites her lip and nods.
  414. >You rub your face with both hands.
  415. "And you mean to tell me, all this fucking time, you've been listening to me complain about her antics and rant about how annoying she is and didn't fucking say anything?"
  416. >She grimaces, "I just thought you didn't like her."
  417. >You stand up, your voice raising with you.
  418. "And you think I'm so fucking mean-spirited and cruel that I'd just happily shove her love right back down her throat and literally kick her off my property!?"
  419. >She stands and takes a few steps back, "But I--"
  420. >You're shouting now.
  421. "Did she come to you for help!? How many times has she run in here crying because of my behavior!?"
  422. >Her ears are flat, she's still backing away from you, "J-Just a f-few times."
  423. "A FEW?"
  424. >You throw your hands in the air.
  425. "GREAT! So the sweetest and most gentle pony in all of equestria thinks I'm a cruel, heartless monster!"
  426. >Twilight has backed up against a wall, "A-Anon, she--"
  427. "OH, and apparently the goddamn princess of friendship does too, cause why the fuck else wouldn't she tell me I'm being cruel unless she thought that's just WHO I AM!?"
  428. >You tower over Twilight, roaring in her face.
  429. "And even AFTER I've treated her like dog shit, she STILL comes to me because she just loves me that much!? AND YOU STILL SAY NOTHING!?"
  430. >Twilight's eyes snap shut.
  431. >Her horn glows.
  432. >Your feet leave the ground.
  433. >The room spins crazily as you are slammed onto your back
  434. >The wind is knocked out of you but your head doesn't hit the floor.
  435. >You slide across the floor.
  436. >You are lifted up again and are dropped roughly into the chair.
  437. >Your breath heaves.
  438. >Your body tingles.
  439. >You look up at Twilight.
  440. >She stands in the center of the room.
  441. >Her head held high.
  442. >Her wings spread wide.
  443. >Her horn glows bright.
  444. >She stares at you.
  445. >You expected her to look angry.
  446. >But she just looks... sad.
  447. >Slowly, she steps up to you.
  448. >You open your mouth to speak but your jaw won't move.
  449. >She meets your gaze, her own eyes glistening, "You're right, Anon. I'm sorry. I failed."
  450. >She turns her head away, "I've failed as a princess to understand the residents of my home."
  451. >She closes her eyes, "I've failed as a scientist to study and understand you and your culture."
  452. >She looks back to you, "But most importantly, I've failed as your friend and as Fluttershy's friend."
  453. >She sits in front of you, her wings snap shut, her glow releases you, and her head hangs low.
  454. >"Please forgive me."
  455. >Still reeling from emotions running hot, you struggle to process this.
  456. >You look down at your hands.
  457. >What would you have done if she hadn't stopped you?
  458. >You slowly look back up to her.
  459. >You owe her more than anypony.
  460. >You stare at her sitting before you, head bowed, eyes closed.
  461. >This is your closest friend in this foreign world.
  462. >You take several slow, deep breaths and gather yourself.
  463. >Then you slowly lean forward in your chair.
  464. >Her head twitches as your finger touches her chin.
  465. >Her eyes open as you lift her face to yours.
  466. >Your throat is tight with emotion, but you smile.
  467. "Of course I forgive you, Twi. You're my best friend."
  468. >She gives you a pained smile, then lurches forward, her hooves on your thighs, and rests her head on your shoulder.
  469. >You pull her into your embrace, wrapping your arms around her neck and shoulders.
  470. >Her wings slowly spread to cover you both in a downy shrine.
  471. >There's a hard lump in your throat and you're sure she can feel your shuddering breath.
  472. >But you'll be damned if you're gonna cry into a pony's mane.
  473. ...
  474. >You've no idea how long you both stay like that
  475. >Your breathing eventually stabilizes but you continue holding her in your arms.
  476. >Eventually, with a small sigh, Twilight folds her wings, you release your hold, she takes a careful step back and looks up into your eyes.
  477. >The fur around her eyes and snout is damp.
  478. >She looks down awkwardly and clears her throat, "Well. That was... uncomfortable."
  479. >You rub your eyes.
  480. "I'm sorry for yelling at you. I shouldn't even be angry at you, you've really done nothing wrong. This was all me."
  481. >She raises a hoof and rubs your knee, "No Anon, we both made mistakes. I should have recognized what was happening between you and Fluttershy ages ago."
  482. >She averts her gaze, "I guess I've been so busy with my new role as princess, I haven't been giving my friends the attention they deserve."
  483. "Maybe... but still, I had no right to blow up on you like that."
  484. >You sigh heavily.
  485. >You both sit there in silence for a few minutes.
  486. >Eventually, you meet her eyes and speak.
  487. "So... Fluttershy."
  488. >She sighs as well, "Well, what are you thinking?"
  489. >You shrug.
  490. "At first I just thought all I need to do is convince her to take her Cool Brew again... but if she really loves me as you say, that won't help anything."
  491. >She shakes her head, "No."
  492. "I guess the only thing I can do is... disappoint her... get her to stop loving me somehow."
  493. >Twilight looks up at you, "Anon, you said yourself she still came back to you after how poorly you treated her. You really think you could make her stop?"
  494. >You give an exaggerated shrug.
  495. "I don't know, what else can I do?"
  496. >Twilight looks away and blushes deeply.
  497. "What?"
  498. >Quietly, she says, "Well, you could always... satisfy her."
  499. >You scoff and look away.
  500. >Twilight says, "Well think about it, Anon! Have you even given her a chance?"
  501. >You cross your arms and frown to yourself.
  502. "Twi, I don't love her. It would just be sex to me."
  503. >She steps to the side of the chair and looks into your face, "Are you sure about that? Cause just a moment ago you were yelling about how she was the sweetest and most gentle mare you know."
  504. >You glare at her.
  505. "Well yeah, fucking anybody that's ever met her is gonna say that."
  506. >She glares right back, "And I know all that anger was just because you felt terrible for how you treated her."
  507. >You roll your eyes and turn your head away again.
  508. "Of course I feel terrible, I'm a decent human being!"
  509. >She trots around to look in your eyes again, "Nuh uh, you weren't just upset, Anon, you were *livid.* People only get that upset over stuff they really care about."
  510. >Your head flops back to the backrest of the chair and you stare at the ceiling.
  511. "Twi, how could I love a pony. I'm a human."
  512. >"Well you're friends with plenty."
  513. >You feel a rush of wind and she flies up into your view, "Who's to say you can't love one, too?"
  514. >You smirk slightly.
  515. "Ugh, not fair! Let me look away and be gloomy, dammit!"
  516. >"Never!"
  517. >Her horn glows and your head is forced to follow her as she lands in front of you.
  518. "Double not fair!"
  519. >Your lips tingle and you feel your mouth pulled into a huge, exaggerated smile.
  520. >You can't help but laugh.
  521. "TRIPLE not fair!? That's it!"
  522. >You suddenly lunge forward out of your chair.
  523. >Startled, Twilight starts to turn away from you, but that's just what you expected.
  524. >One arm under her rump, the other in front of her forelegs, your chin pinning one wing to her barrel, you lift her into the air.
  525. >Her other wing flies out in reflex and she squeals, "H-Hey! Anon!"
  526. >You laugh maniacally and spin around, tickling her wherever your fingers can reach.
  527. >"A-Anon! No! I AM A PRINCESS!"
  528. >Her horn glows and you close your eyes before the flash of light you know is coming blinds you.
  529. >With a pop, she vanishes from your arms and you open you eyes to see her standing in front of you in a battle pose, wings spread wide.
  530. >Her horn glows again and a scroll flies rapidly toward you.
  531. >"Begone! Begone menace, before I banish you to Tartarus!"
  532. >The scroll makes a hollow 'thunk' as it whacks you in the head.
  533. >You hiss at the scroll and Twilight grins.
  534. "Fine! You win this time... but I'll be back!"
  535. >You slink out her door and Twilight giggles behind you.
  537. ...
  539. >As soon as you got home, the weight of that conversation really started sinking in.
  540. >You've been sitting on your bed for hours now, just... thinking.
  541. "Ah fuck..."
  542. >You stand to pace to get some blood flowing but the movement brings several urgent bodily functions to mind.
  543. >As you empty your bowels and fill your belly, you realize you already know exactly what you need to do.
  544. >Your face hardens with determination and you walk out the front door.
  545. >On your way to Fluttershy's house, you notice Twilight watching you from her balcony. She pops into existence next to you.
  546. >"How are you feeling? You've been in your room for a while now, it's almost sundown."
  547. >You take a deep breath.
  548. "I feel like shit but I'm still doing this. My dad always said courage isn't about not being afraid, it's about doing things despite being afraid."
  549. >"Are you afraid of Fluttershy, Anon?"
  550. >You stop walking and glare at the ground.
  551. "Twi, I'm nervous as hell."
  552. >You shift your glare to her face.
  553. "But I'll be damned if I'm gonna let my hard headed mistakes ruin my time here, or anypony else's for that matter. Doesn't look like the portal that spat me out is un-spitting me anytime soon so I'd better make the best of it while I'm here."
  554. >"So I guess this means the three of us hanging out together is cancelled?"
  555. >You shrug.
  556. "I guess so, for now. I need to talk to her before we do anything else."
  557. >Twilight smiles up at you, "Anon, I really hope this works out for you. Do you want me to come along and support you?"
  558. >You reach over and rub her neck.
  559. "I appreciate it... but I think I can handle it now. I should be okay."
  560. >"Okay, Anon, I believe it you. Go be a friend."
  561. >You smile warmly and massage her withers.
  562. "If I'm half as good a friend as you, I'll be satisfied."
  563. >She moans "Mmm and if you don't quit that, I'll make you satisfy me instead."
  564. "Huh?"
  565. >You lift your hand and Twilight looks up, grinning mischievously, "Don't worry Anon, I only mean a massage."
  566. >She bats your buttock with a hoof, "Now get going. I heard about a mare in desperate need of some friendship."
  567. >Then she vanishes.
  568. ...
  569. >Keeping with tradition, you give Fluttershy's door three quiet knocks.
  570. >You hear a faint "Just a minute!" and fifty three seconds later, Fluttershy's door opens.
  571. "Hello there."
  572. >Fluttershy squeaks and lifts a hoof to her mouth.
  573. >"Anon? But what--"
  574. "Can I come in?"
  575. >Her face goes blank as she processes that question.
  576. >Finally, with a little "Eep!" she steps back and waves a hoof inside.
  577. >"Anon, of course! Please, come in, make yourself comfortable. Are you cold? Thirsty? Hungry? I'll start the fireplace and get you some--
  578. >You hold up a hand as you step through her door.
  579. "I'm alright, Fluttershy. I'll let you know if I need anything."
  580. >Fluttershy hesitates, looking confused, but eventually shuts the door.
  581. >You sit in her chair, same as before.
  582. >With one flap of her wings, she settles on the couch, same as before.
  583. >You lean forward and look her dead in the eye.
  584. "Fluttershy, take your Cool Brew."
  585. >Her whole body tenses in surprise. Her eyes go wide and her mouth slowly opens as if to speak...
  586. >Then she slowly drops her head to the sofa.
  587. >"Oh... so... but Anon, I don't want to."
  588. "Just for tonight, okay? I just want to talk for now, and I want you to be in control of yourself."
  589. >"But Anon--"
  590. "This is not a debate, Fluttershy. Get up and take some Cool Brew right now or I'm leaving."
  591. >She instantly hops up and flies into another room.
  592. >A couple minutes later, she slowly walks back, head hung low.
  593. "Don't be like that. It'll wear off in three days, right?"
  594. >She looks up at you glumly, "So you know when to demand I take more?"
  595. "No. This is the only time I'll force you to take it."
  596. >She freezes and stares at you. "Are you saying..."
  597. "We'll see."
  598. >Her wings rustle and partially extend, then she hops up onto the couch again.
  599. >"Okay, Anon."
  600. "How quickly does it take effect?"
  601. >"Almost immediately. Another minute or so and it'll reach full strength."
  602. >You look down at your hands in your lap and take a deep breath, steeling yourself.
  603. >Then, in one smooth movement, you stand, take a step forward, and sit directly next to her on the left side of the couch.
  604. >Her head is to your right, her front hooves just brushing your leg.
  605. >This close to her, the cedar mountain scent almost overwhelms you with pleasant feelings.
  606. >You gently lay a hand on her withers but can't stop your hand from trembling slightly.
  607. >Fluttershy had frozen in deep shock, but at your touch, she slowly tilts her head up, whites showing in her eyes.
  608. >"A-A-A-Anon!?"
  609. >You gently massage the area between her wings.
  610. "Fluttershy, I'm sorry."
  611. >"B-But you--"
  612. "I jumped to some horrible conclusions about you simply because of a difference in our cultures."
  613. >She whimpers faintly and you move your hand to the base of her neck, rubbing small circles in her shoulders.
  614. >You breathe slow and deep, straining to control your emotions as Fluttershy's shining eyes look up into yours.
  615. "You should thank Twilight, really. She's the one who finally made me see the truth. The truth about you, your feelings... and my damned assumptions."
  616. >You lean back into the sofa, sighing heavily.
  617. "I've been a shitty friend, haven't I?"
  618. >Fluttershy finally manages to squeak out, "F-Friend?"
  619. >You hesitate, still uncertain yourself.
  620. >She notices of course, jumps to her own conclusions and drops her gaze, looking pitiful.
  621. >Confronted by that dejected, hopeless demeanor, you are suddenly quite certain.
  622. >With your other hand, you gently raise her head back up to meet your eyes again.
  623. "Yes, Shy. Friend."
  624. >You look away glumly.
  625. "You see, Twilight and I had a long talk about the differences in pony culture and human culture. Specifically the differences related to romance."
  626. >Her ears twitch nervously but you continue.
  627. "I won't bore you with the details, but basically since humans mate for life and don't have heat cycles, we approach love very slowly and carefully. Compared to how ponies behave..."
  628. >You sigh again.
  629. "Well to be blunt, your behavior felt rude, awkward... and way too aggressive and forward, almost like sexual assault."
  630. >You look back into her eyes.
  631. "I understand now, Fluttershy. I can't say whether I agree or can reciprocate your feelings... but I understand."
  632. >You place a hand on her cheek.
  633. "Knowing what I know now, I feel truly wretched about how I've treated you. I'm so sorry, and I hope despite all this, we can still be friends."
  634. >There is a long silence while Fluttershy seems to process what you've said.
  635. >Finally, she looks up at you again, her eyes alight with hope.
  636. >"You... you really mean it?"
  637. >You nod solemnly, and her face seems to boil over with excess joy.
  638. >She hops up and wraps her front legs around your shoulders, pulling you into a tight hug, her face buried into your left shoulder, mane flowing gently over your face.
  639. >You tense up, feeling awkward and uncertain of this sudden step forward.
  640. >Then you feel her gentle, near silent sobbing.
  641. >You immediately wrap your arms tightly around her, one arm around her midsection under her wings, the other around the base of her neck, and press her into your chest.
  642. >Despite your best efforts, you find your own throat tightening and your eyes welling up.
  643. >A bit choked up, you mumble.
  644. "I just hope you can forgive me."
  645. >She only hugs you tighter in response.
  646. >You both remain still for a long while.
  647. >Fluttershy's head on your shoulder, her sobs growing ever fainter.
  648. >Your head buried in her mane, her cedar scent filling your mind.
  649. >Even after you're both tired of squeezing, you simply lean back into her sofa and she lays across your chest.
  650. >Her wings relax, no longer held tight to her side, and now fall limp over your sides, covering you both.
  651. >Thus, your upper body is entirely enveloped by her and extremely warm.
  652. >With all the stress of the day, the comforting smell, and the now reassuring warmth of her presence, you hardly notice yourself doze off to sleep.
  654. ...
  656. >You wake to faint birdsong and a fuzzy snuffling in your face.
  657. "Hnnn... wha?"
  658. >You squint at the bright sun in the window, partially blocked by a furry shape way too close to your face.
  659. >Sitting up, you stretch and rub your eyes.
  660. >Once your eyes are clear, you look down to see a small white rabbit on the couch where your head was just laying.
  661. >It stares up at you.
  662. "...What?"
  663. >It points toward a hallway next to the staircase.
  664. "What, go in there?"
  665. >It hops off the couch and curls up in a little bed on the floor.
  666. >You scratch your head still half asleep and bleary, then shrug to yourself and get up.
  667. >At the end of the hallway is a door leading behind the living room where you find a cozy little kitchen.
  668. >As you enter, you see Fluttershy standing at the stove working a little pan.
  669. >She's wearing your green button up shirt.
  670. >You look down.
  671. >...Well at least you still have your pants.
  672. "Shy."
  673. >She jumps a bit and turns around, dropping to all fours.
  674. >"Oh... g-good morning, Anon. Did you sleep well?"
  675. >You yawn and mumble,
  676. "Why are you wearing my shirt?"
  677. >She looks back at herself, then turns back to you smiling awkwardly.
  678. >"Uh... well, you g-got sweaty during the night, so I helped you out of it... then I wasn't sure what to do with it... and it smelled so good, so... I just..."
  679. >She lowers her head.
  680. >"...Do you want it back?"
  681. "Yes. It's chilly and I don't have fur."
  682. >She lets out a little sigh, then raises a hoof to fumble with the one button she managed to clasp.
  683. >After a moment watching her struggle, you step up and quickly reach down to unhook the button with one hand and step back again.
  684. >She freezes, her eyes wide, but recovers her composure.
  685. >She slowly raises one foreleg, extends a wing which had been under the shirt, raises the sleeve off her leg, then repeats on the other side.
  686. >She extends a wing, the shirt dangling loosely over the end.
  687. >As you put on your shirt, she watches your fingers, fascinated by how quickly and easily you work the buttons.
  688. "Fluttershy, the stove."
  689. >She looks up at your face, startled, then whips around and works the pan hurriedly.
  690. >"D-Do you w-want some m-more pancakes?"
  691. "Do you promise they're circles, not shaped like your ass this time?"
  692. >She hesitates, then picks up a nearby knife and makes a couple quick cuts.
  693. >"...Yes?"
  694. >You sigh.
  695. "Alright, I'll have some pancakes. Do you have a table or something?"
  696. >"Yes, right out front. You can wait there, I'll be just a minute."
  697. >You turn around to exit the kitchen and freeze.
  698. >There's a bear.
  699. >There's a fucking BEAR in her kitchen.
  700. >...It doesn't seem to have noticed you.
  701. >You back up slowly and bump into Fluttershy's rump at the stove.
  702. >She squeaks and you whisper to her without taking your eyes off the bear.
  703. "Fluttershy, I know you're good with animals but uh... why is there a bear in your kitchen?"
  704. >She drops to all fours beside you and giggles, "Oh, that's Harry! Don't worry, he's very nice."
  705. >To your amazement, she trots right up to the huge bear and starts cute talking it like it's a damn puppy.
  706. >The bear carefully picks her up and hugs her, then sets her down again.
  707. >She giggles at your expression and returns to the stove.
  708. >"Anon, you weren't scared, were you? Don't worry, nothing will ever hurt you here."
  709. >You hesitate, then slowly walk past the bear into the living room.
  710. >He ignores you.
  711. >You make your way outdoors and sit at a small table with cute purple cushions in place of chairs.
  712. >While waiting, a small orange bird flutters down and lands on the table. You stare at it.
  713. "Uh... hi?"
  714. >It chirps.
  715. "Fluttershy talks to you... does that only work for her or can you understand me too?"
  716. >It chirps again and hops closer.
  717. "I can't understand you, though. I guess that really is only for her."
  718. >It tilts its head, curious.
  719. "Well... since I can't understand you, I can't tell if you just said yes. I'm sorry to ask you to do little tricks that are probably kinda embarrassing, but if you can understand me, can you please fly up to that branch there and come back to this spot?"
  720. >It coos and immediately does exactly that, looking smug when it returns.
  721. "Oh shit you can totally understand me."
  722. >It tweets.
  723. "Uh... well, I'm sorry I can't understand you so... good talk?"
  724. >"Oh! Anon, are you getting along with Constance?"
  725. >Fluttershy walks up, two plates balanced on her back between her wings.
  726. "Assuming this orange bird is Constance--"
  727. >It chirps
  728. "--then yes. I think. I found out he can understand me but I don't know what he's saying back."
  729. >Fluttershy gently sets both plates on the table and nuzzles Constance.
  730. >Constance apparently says a lot to Fluttershy.
  731. >She giggles, "He likes you. He says don't feel bad about the 'little tricks,' he understands. He wishes he could talk to you."
  732. >He flies up to your shoulder and nestles into your neck.
  733. "...uh, thanks?"
  734. >Fluttershy slides the other cushion closer to you and sits on it, so she's only a foot or two away to your left.
  735. >She slides a plate to you.
  736. >...Oh good, the pancakes really are normal circles.
  737. >You pull out the small bundle of utensils you always keep in your pocket.
  738. >Ponies don't really use forks, so you've learned to carry your own.
  739. >You take a wary bite and are pleased to find this pancake is even better than her first batch since it's fresh off the pan.
  740. >With her so close and with the peaceful environment, you find yourself speaking quietly, similar to her own soft voice.
  741. "Your pancakes really are good."
  742. >She blushes and takes a small bite of her own.
  743. >You take a few bites, then decide to try and strike up a conversation.
  744. >That's what friends do, right?
  745. "So, Twilight says you're a pretty good cook. Make anything other than pancakes?"
  746. >She raises her head from her plate and swallows, "Oh, yes! I mostly make pan seared or steamed veggies and soups but if you want something specific, I'll do my best."
  747. >She smiles shyly and adds, "I'll cook for you anytime you want."
  748. >You look up wistfully.
  749. "I really miss pasta."
  750. >"Oh, I don't know what pasta is."
  751. "It's a sort of... well I don't know, bread I guess. You make a normal dough with eggs but don't add any yeast so it doesn't rise, then you roll it flat, cut the flattened dough into little strips, and bake or boil it into various meals."
  752. >"I might need Mr. and Mrs. Cake to help me with that. I'm not so good at dough."
  753. >You both finish eating in silence, save for the sound of bird song.
  754. >Constance carefully hops down your shoulder so his wings don't bat your face when he takes flight.
  755. >As you both sit there in companionable silence, you note the time and consider your next words.
  756. "...Well Shy, I'll be honest. The last twelve hours have been thoroughly enjoyable and very relaxing. I do need to get going, but I hope next time I visit will be more of the same."
  757. >She looks down, blushes furiously, and whimpers something unintelligible.
  758. "You okay?"
  759. >After a short pause, she looks up, her cerulean eyes glistening.
  760. >"I... I really enjoy having you here, Anon. Please come back soon."
  761. >You smile gently.
  762. "I'll come back, I promise, but it may not be for another day or two. I'm sure Twilight's tasks have been piling up."
  763. >"I understand. If there's anything I can do to help..."
  764. "If something comes up, I'll let you know, but don't count on it. Most of her tasks are stuff that only my freaky monkey fingers can manage."
  765. >You wiggle your fingers in her face and she giggles.
  766. "So... I'll see you later, okay?"
  767. >She nods rapidly, hoofs clutched to her chest.
  768. >Then, before you can react, she leans over and gives you a small kiss on the cheek and immediately flies away at top speed.
  769. >Your delayed reaction is to lean back and bring a hand to your cheek.
  770. >She lands at her door, turns back and sees you sitting there, hand to your cheek.
  771. >You can see her blush from here before she dashes inside.
  772. >Constance chirps from the tree above you and you point at him.
  773. "Oy, you stay out of this."
  775. ...
  777. >On your way to Twilight's house, a breeze ruffles your shirt.
  778. >It still smells like cedar.
  779. >Your thoughts jump to Fluttershy...
  780. >Then they jump to home.
  781. >...Huh. You thought of Fluttershy first?
  782. >Probably just because she's fresh in your mind.
  783. >As you approach Twilight's front door, your thoughts are interrupted by a muted commotion through the door.
  784. >You knock a couple times with your distinct-sounding human knuckle and the muffled conversation halts suddenly.
  785. >...So they were probably talking about you.
  786. >The door opens and Twilight stands at the door, Applejack and Rarity visible through the door behind her.
  787. >Twilight smiles awkwardly, "Oh... hi, Anon. Whatcha doing here?"
  788. "Well it's been a couple days now since I did some work for you, figured I should probably catch up on the backlog."
  789. >"Ah, yes. Of course. Well, come on in, we'll find something for you to do."
  790. >You follow her into the little library and see Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are here as well.
  791. >So they were gathered without Fluttershy and were probably talking about you.
  792. >...Probably talking about you AND Fluttershy.
  793. >Twilight fumbles with some letters she's received: requests for your help from ponies around town.
  794. >She's usually ready the moment you walk in the door, yet she's carefully reading each letter.
  795. >As if you don't know she's read each one twice already and organized and reorganized them by various metrics a half dozen times.
  796. >She's stalling.
  797. >Everypony else is fidgeting nervously.
  798. >Shifting their weight on their hooves, tails swishing, ears back, averting their eyes, biting their lips...
  799. >And Pinkie is practically vibrating with suppressed energy.
  800. >You sigh.
  801. "Come on girls, I'm not blind, I can see you all want to talk. Ask away, everypony."
  802. >All eyes turn to you and hesitate for a split second, then they all start talking at the same time.
  803. >"Wait, so y'all're really gettin' along?"
  804. >"Oh my gosh, did you really spend the night there?"
  805. >"You two are seriously okay now? Awesome!"
  806. >"Darling, why is your hair such a mess?"
  808. >Confetti explodes out from somewhere.
  809. >As always, you are impressed by how heavily Spike sleeps.
  810. >As the overlapping voices drone on, you move to sit in a nearby chair, smiling and waiting for them to calm down.
  811. >Pinkie's head somehow floats down from above you.
  812. >She squees, produces a cupcake from somewhere, then stuffs it in your mouth.
  813. >Eventually, everypony realizes you aren't responding and the noise dies down.
  814. >Pinkie is swinging from the ceiling and has been blowing on a noisemaker with one impressively long breath.
  815. >Her lungs peter out just as everypony else falls silent and stares at you.
  816. >You laugh gently.
  817. "Alright now that that's out of your systems, how about one question at a time?"
  818. >Everypony draws another breath to speak simultaneously and you hold up your hand.
  819. "Twi, you first."
  820. >Her ears twitch nervously, "...We're not imagining this, right? You really stayed the night at her place?
  821. "Yes. While we were talking last night, I got too comfortable and dozed off. I woke up, found her in her kitchen, she made me some more pancakes... shaped like circles this time-"
  822. >You glance significantly at Twilight as you add that last bit and she averts her eyes, blushing slightly.
  823. "-then I came straight here after breakfast."
  824. >You look at Applejack.
  825. "Alright, your turn."
  826. >"So... y'all actually gonna be friends or are ya just tryin' to get her off yer back by bein' nice?"
  827. "Honestly AJ, that depends on her. The last twelve hours with her have been surprisingly pleasant and relaxing. If this continues, I think we can be friends, maybe even good friends. If she returns to her old creeper self... well, we'll see."
  828. >She smiles, "Alright sugarcube, that's good enough for me."
  829. >You gesture to Rainbow Dash.
  830. >She flies up and hovers directly in front of you.
  831. >"You'd better treat Fluttershy right, okay!? If you don't, you're gonna have ME to deal with, got it? Don't mess with Pegasi, mister!"
  832. >You smile broadly and reach up to boop her nose.
  833. >She hurriedly flaps out of your reach.
  834. "C'mon Dash, you know me better than that. I'll be as nice as I can so long as she behaves herself. If anything goes wrong, it'll be her that starts it."
  835. >"Well... alright fine." She points a hoof in your face, "But I'm watching you!"
  836. >She flies back and hovers near Pinkie Pie, still dangling from the ceiling.
  837. >Pinkie tosses her a cupcake.
  838. >...Where does she even keep those without messing up the perfectly swirled frosting?
  839. >You look back down.
  840. "Aight Rare, you're up."
  841. >She clears her throat gently and looks around awkwardly, "Well, I hope I'm not too forward with this question... but typically when a colt stays at a filly's house overnight and wakes up with a frazzled mane... well it's... I hope you can see the implication."
  842. >You frown seriously.
  843. "The first thing I did was convince her to take a dose of Cool Brew. We talked. I dozed off. We had breakfast. That's all."
  844. >"Yes well... a-alright darling. Just... let me..."
  845. >Her horn glows and you feel your hair ruffle.
  846. >"Much better! While I'm at it..."
  847. >Her horn glows again and your shirt and pants ruffle as well.
  848. >"And may as well..."
  849. "Rarity..."
  850. >She looks up sharply and her ears swivel back.
  851. >"Oh... sorry dear, you're right. This can wait."
  852. >Finally, you point at Pinkie.
  853. "Ponk, ask a question: no cupcakes, no confetti."
  854. >"Awww!"
  855. "We can have a party later."
  856. >She giggles, "Okay! That's what I was gonna ask!"
  857. >She climbs back up to the ceiling and somehow disappears behind a bookshelf.
  858. >You thought those were flush with the wall...
  859. >Twilight steps up to you.
  860. >"Anon, we're all really glad you're finally getting along with Fluttershy. This is really exciting for us."
  861. >She gestures to the other ponies, "You've been a good friend to all of us and always seeing you fight with Fluttershy pained us, but we could never figure out how to help."
  862. >They all nod and make various sounds of agreement.
  863. >She steps closer, looking into your eyes, "I really hope you two can be friends. Please let us know if there's anything we can do to help you."
  864. >You reach up to stroke her neck and she presses into your hand.
  865. "I hope this works out too. I may not have many friends, but Fluttershy's the only pony I've been having real trouble with... hell I even get along with Trixie alright. If Fluttershy and I can be friends, I feel like everything will be just fine."
  866. >Her muzzle twitches.
  867. >"You even smell like her now, you know."
  868. "Yeah... I think she cuddled with me while I slept."
  869. >They don't need to know about her stealing your shirt.
  870. >...or that the cuddling was actually mutual.
  871. >Rainbow Dash lands again and steps up to you, "I'm happy for you, but now that that's done, I do need some help, if Twilight doesn't mind me going first."
  872. >Twilight turns back to her letters, "Oh, actually I have several jobs--"
  873. >"Great! C'mon Anon, I think you'll enjoy this."
  874. >Twilight sputters, "B-But, Dash... Wait!"
  875. >You're already being dragged out the door by the pegasus. You look back at Twilight apologetically and she rolls her eyes.
  876. >"Ugh, fine. Just bring him back in an hour or two, please."
  877. >After a moment walking with Dash, she says, "So... we've been friends a while now. I had an idea I wanted to try, something I can't really do with any pony."
  878. >She stops and rubs her neck, seeming awkward, "After all you've done for me, it's the least I can do."
  879. >You give her a cautious smile.
  880. "What did you have in mind?"
  881. >In response, she checks if anypony is around, turns her side to you, crouches, and lowers her wings.
  882. >You stare at her for a few seconds before realizing what she's implying.
  883. "Uh... wait, you saying what I think you're saying?"
  884. >"Duh? C'mon, it'll be fun!"
  885. "Dash, I'm flattered, but are you sure you can take my weight?"
  886. >She lifts her head and growls adorably, "You trying to say I can't carry you? I'm the strongest flier in all of Equestria!"
  887. >She ruffles her wings and stomps a hind hoof, "Just get on, ya big dummy!"
  888. >You're actually pretty excited but take care as you step up and swing a leg over her, legs straddling her shoulders.
  889. >Dash may be tough, but ponies really are quite small compared to horses back on Earth.
  890. >You stand over her and she seems to realize you're still worried about her.
  891. >She scoffs and straightens up suddenly, slamming into your butt and lifting you off the ground.
  892. "Oof!"
  893. >"Alright, hang on tight. I bet this'll be faster than you've ever gone before!"
  894. "Hold on to--"
  895. >She jumps and pumps her wings powerfully, making you lurch backwards from the sudden acceleration.
  896. "WoaaaaAAH SHIT!"
  897. >You scramble to grab her mane.
  898. >She pauses, hovering in the air and shoots you a dirty look over her shoulder.
  899. >"Hey, careful with that!"
  900. "There's nothing else to grab!"
  901. >"Wrap your legs around my shoulders, dummy."
  902. >You do that, hook your ankles together in front of her neck, and she hooks her fetlocks around your feet, further securing you.
  903. >"Now let go of my mane, you maniac!"
  904. >You slowly force your hands to relax.
  905. >She lurches forward and picks up speed again, passing through every cloud in sight.
  906. >You can tell she's straining with your weight - mostly because she's flying *only* as fast as most pegasi fly - but even so, only a minute later you're both far above the ground.
  907. >Dash slows to a glide and you relax a bit and try to enjoy yourself.
  908. >After a moment, you lean back, placing your elbows on her croup.
  909. >You even relax your legs, letting them hang down her sides, instead of clutching her neck.
  910. "So... what'd you need my help with?"
  911. >"Oh, I don't really. Just realized we hadn't hung out in a while and thought you'd appreciate some time up here to relax... show you what it is to be a pegasus."
  912. >She arches her neck, "I love coming up here just to glide around."
  913. "Is it still relaxing with all the extra weight?"
  914. >"Sure! Maybe not for other pegasi, but with all my training, gliding is nothing, even with your weight."
  915. >She sighs contentedly, "I could do this for hours, and at our current angle and height, it really would take two or three hours to get down if I didn't change anything."
  916. "How far would we go if you didn't turn that whole time?"
  917. >"Jeez I dunno. Maybe all the way to Applewood."
  918. >You glide on in silence for several minutes.
  919. >Eventually, Rainbow Dash speaks again.
  920. >"You know... I've known Fluttershy for a long time."
  921. "Ah, there it is."
  922. >"Shut it. She's a wonderful filly and a great friend, but she's always been bad at expressing herself, even back when we were foals... but she's never been this obsessed with anypony, Anon. Not even an animal."
  923. "That's flattering."
  924. >"Oh you know what I mean."
  925. "Mmm no, I don't. C'mon, just say what's on your mind."
  926. >She hesitates, looking back at you nervously.
  927. >"Anon, I think Fluttershy loves you."
  928. >You sigh.
  929. >"Like, not just wants to get you in bed but really deeply loves you."
  930. "I know, Dash... Twi and I just talked about it. That's the problem. How do you tell somepony like Fluttershy you don't love her back?"
  931. >"But... are you sure you don't? You haven't really given her a chance."
  932. "Well no, but... look, when I think of her, all that comes to mind is..."
  933. >You trail off.
  934. >You had intended to say something like 'waking up terrified with her looming over my naked body.'
  935. >But instead...
  936. >Relaxing on the couch.
  937. >Warm, downy wings around you.
  938. >Fresh mountain air.
  939. >Gentle birdsong.
  940. >Fucking awesome pancakes.
  941. >You look down, lift your collar with one hand and sniff inside your shirt.
  942. >Cedar.
  943. >Fluttershy.
  944. >...Not home.
  945. "Ah fuck."
  946. >You collapse backwards, laying across Rainbow Dash's back.
  947. >She doesn't say anything and turns to face forward again.
  948. >You continue like that for some time.
  949. >Eventually, you sigh and, still lying on her back, drop a hand to rub Rainbow's side.
  950. >Her hind leg on that side twitches.
  951. >You have an idea and drop your other hand to her other side.
  952. >You begin to massage the powerful muscles under her wing.
  953. >She lurches in the air as her wings falter.
  954. >"Whoaaaa hey, don't do that! I'm still using those muscles!"
  955. "Right... right. Later, then. I owe you, and I bet you'd enjoy a massage there."
  956. >"...So what do you think?"
  957. "About?"
  958. >"Fluttershy?"
  959. "...I'm still thinking."
  960. >She barks a short laugh, "Alright Anon, keep quiet then."
  961. >She continues gliding for some time.
  962. >You spend most of the time lying on your back and gently rubbing Dash's side, lost in thought.
  963. >Trying to figure out if you love, hate, trust, or fear Fluttershy.
  964. >Eventually she sighs, "Alright, let's get back to the ground, Twilight will yell at me if I keep you much longer."
  965. >With a groan, you sit up again, but before you latch your legs around her neck again, you lean forward and hug her from behind, pulling her head back into your chest and resting your cheek on the top of her head.
  966. >She wiggles her head.
  967. >"H-Hey, quit it!"
  968. >You murmur quietly since your mouth is right next to her ear.
  969. "Oh hush, no pony's up here... and we both know you like it."
  970. >She flicks her ear and it bats you on the nose.
  971. >She growls, "If you tell anypony--"
  972. "Fluttershy would kill me."
  973. >She pauses, then laughs, "Yeah, I guess she would!"
  974. "You're a good friend, Dash. Thank you for bringing me up here. You hide it well but I know it isn't easy, even for you."
  975. >She tilts her head back, meets your eye... then snorts in your face.
  976. >You jerk back and laugh, locking your legs around her again.
  977. >She immediately tilts into a straight dive.
  978. >You bend forward into the wind, your head slightly to the side, her mane streaming over your shoulder.
  979. >Despite being so high up, it takes less than a minute for the two of you to approach the ground.
  980. >Rainbow Dash slowly pulls up still well above the ground and gently spirals the rest of the way, slowly bleeding speed.
  981. "Wait, why'd you pull up so early? I expected you to try and scare me like you were gonna slam into the ground."
  982. >"Look, I may be awesome, but I know my limits, okay? We were going really fast there, even for me. If you hadn't been there to cause extra drag, I might have made a sonic rainboom with that dive. Gotta be careful pulling out of a dive like that."
  983. >She turns her head and winks at you, "Besides, it's no fun if you expect it."
  984. >As you come in to land, you notice Rainbow Dash is aiming for the side of Ponyville opposite Fluttershy's cottage.
  985. >...Probably for the best.
  986. >She glides stealthily over the town and lands near Twilight's Library and you slide off.
  987. "Wait, aren't we gonna be the talk of the town, you giving me a ride like that?"
  988. >She shrugs, "Probably not. I took off and landed quickly and hid myself with clouds a lot. I'd be surprised if anypony even noticed you."
  989. >She lifts a hoof to knock, but hesitates and turns to look at you, ears down, "Just... don't tell the others, please?"
  990. "No problem, Dash."
  991. >She knocks on Twilight's door and it opens almost immediately.
  992. >"You're back! Get all the help you needed?"
  993. >You open your mouth but Rainbow Dash quickly says, "Yep! Just needed some advice for my next routine, grade some new tricks, yadda yadda. He's all yours!"
  994. >She suddenly takes off and flies up and around the big oak tree.
  996. ...
  998. >You trudge tiredly home.
  999. >You were right, Twilight's tasks had been piling up, and even working all day hardly puts a dent in her pile of requests.
  1000. >You mostly just do little jobs for earth ponies and pegasi that require precise manipulation akin to unicorn magic.
  1001. >...But usually the jobs are in cramped places where you can't easily get a clear line of sight to the thing that needs manipulating.
  1002. >Apparently telekinesis without a direct line of sight is very difficult, and Twilight's the only one in town that's any good at it.
  1003. >Twilight gives you a few bits per job and you occasionally get tips.
  1004. >It's not much, but you rarely buy anything more than food, and besides, you don't have much else to do around here, really.
  1005. >You try to be nice, but most everypony is uncomfortable being around you for too long.
  1006. >...That makes a lot more sense now that you understand how you've been treating Fluttershy.
  1007. >You grimace.
  1008. >You briefly consider stopping by to apologize again, but you're already mostly home... and you're so tired.
  1009. >You find a scroll in your mailbox.
  1010. >Small flowing script on its tag says, "To my friend, Anon"
  1011. >You enter your little house as you unroll it and find two small pouches rolled up inside.
  1012. >You set the pouches down and begin to read.
  1013. >'Hello Anon.'
  1014. >'I visited Twilight today. While I was there, Spike mentioned that you always compliment the tea I prepare for him, so I thought you might appreciate some of your own. It's in the red pouch. If you don't want it, I understand. I really hope you like it though. It's a little strong, so don't steep it for too long.'
  1015. >'The blue pouch is another tea I thought you might like. It's my favorite tea, a blend my mother used to make when I was young. It's mild, so you can steep it a little longer. It's okay if you don't like it, but if you want to try it, wait until morning. It isn't an evening tea.'
  1016. >'I hope I can see you again tomorrow.'
  1017. >'Your friend, Fluttershy.'
  1018. >You look at the pouches and mumble to yourself.
  1019. "Fluttershy's favorite tea, huh?"
  1020. >You pick up the red pouch, the tea you already know, and prepare a cup.
  1021. >You sit on the couch and sip your relaxing cup of tea, just thinking.
  1022. >You find yourself wondering if you really trust Fluttershy.
  1023. >A week ago you'd have been instantly suspicious of a gift from her, especially an edible one.
  1024. >You look down at your already half empty mug of tea and chuckle gently.
  1025. >Guess that answers that.
  1026. >You wonder if you can really befriend her.
  1027. >Now that you understand her, she is behaving herself, and she accepted your apology for your behavior, you have no doubt.
  1028. >Yes, you think you can be friends with Fluttershy.
  1029. >Unbidden, the next question slides into your thoughts.
  1030. >Could you love Fluttershy?
  1031. >You can't say yes.
  1032. >...But you are no longer certain you can say no.
  1033. >You spend the better part of an hour trying to figure it out.
  1034. >With a start, you jerk upright.
  1035. >You had dozed off, still holding your empty mug.
  1036. >With a sigh, you get up and prepare to sleep.
  1037. >Maybe you'll figure it out in your dreams.
  1038. ...
  1039. >You wake up gently.
  1040. >The room is bright and a glance at the clock reveals it's almost eleven.
  1041. >Huh. Fluttershy didn't wake you up.
  1042. >Are you... disappointed?
  1043. >You just hoped for some more pancakes.
  1044. >Yeah, that must be it.
  1045. >Her pancakes are really good, after all.
  1046. >You finish your morning routine and sit down for breakfast.
  1047. >You shuffle around your fridge and pantry but... dammit you really want pancakes now.
  1048. >Suddenly, you remember the letter from last night and hop up to prepare Fluttershy's favorite tea, the tea her mother used to make, the one she said 'isn't an evening tea.'
  1049. >Minutes later, you take your first sip.
  1050. >You're surprised and disappointed by how bland it is.
  1051. >...Wait no, the flavor seems to be getting stronger.
  1052. >A few seconds later, your mouth is filled with an indescribable flavor.
  1053. >It tastes flowery, fruity, airy, and... clean?
  1054. >Yeah, it definitely tastes clean.
  1055. >It tastes like thin wispy clouds and springtime sunlight over a blooming apple tree.
  1056. >You aren't even sure what that means, but it's all you can think of.
  1057. >You greedily take another sip.
  1058. >Curiously, the flavor immediately fades, only to build up again over the next few seconds.
  1059. >It almost forces you to slow down and wait a minute between each sip.
  1060. >It's both refreshing and invigorating, and does an excellent job of clearing your head of sleepy fog.
  1061. >You haven't been able to find coffee anywhere in equestria.
  1062. >This is an excellent gift.
  1063. ...
  1064. >The day proceeds uneventfully, with the bulk of it consumed by jobs for Twilight.
  1065. >Without delaying to hang with Dash like yesterday, you plow through a sizable chunk of her requests.
  1066. >Subsequently, you are exhausted both physically and mentally come evening, and decide to make your way straight home.
  1067. >You detour to pick up some pizza for dinner.
  1068. >Even if ponies practically never eat meat, you still love their pizza as much as on Earth.
  1069. >When you get home, you find another scroll tagged with Fluttershy's script in your mailbox.
  1070. >Collapsing on your couch, you unroll it and read while you eat.
  1071. >'Dear Anon.'
  1072. >'You seemed so annoyed the other morning when I woke you up early, I decided to let you sleep in today. When I talked to Twilight, she said you hadn't come by yet, then I talked to her later, and she said you were already out working. I don't mind, I know you're busy. Maybe we can talk tomorrow?'
  1073. >'I hope you liked my tea, but if you forgot about it this morning, it's okay.'
  1074. >'Your friend, Fluttershy.'
  1075. >You still have a lot of jobs to do for Twilight, so you probably won't have time or energy to talk to Fluttershy tomorrow either.
  1076. >Wiping the grease off your hands, you fetch a scroll, quill and ink.
  1077. >'Hey Shy.'
  1078. >'Sorry I couldn't visit today, and I probably won't be able to tomorrow'
  1079. >You pause, realizing she won't get this letter until tomorrow morning.
  1080. >You carefully tear off the top of the scroll and start over.
  1081. >'Hey Shy.'
  1082. >'Sorry I couldn't visit yesterday, and I probably won't be able to today either. I don't know if Twilight told you, but I'm way behind on my jobs around the town, and I've been working hard to catch up. I should be finished by tomorrow evening. You said you wanted to cook for me, how about I stop by for some dinner? If I don't see you, let me know in a letter tomorrow morning.'
  1083. >'Oh, and thank you for the tea. I already knew the red pouch was excellent thanks to Spike, but your mother's tea in the blue pouch... that's something special. It tastes amazing and really helped wake me up this morning. I'll probably enjoy a cup every morning.'
  1084. >You only hesitate for a second before signing, 'Your friend, Anon.'
  1085. >You simply tag it 'Fluttershy' before putting it in your mailbox and raising the flag which tells Derpy there's mail to be picked up.
  1086. >You throw the leftover pizza in the fridge then collapse into bed.
  1087. ...
  1088. >Fluttershy left you alone again this morning, so you got plenty of sleep.
  1089. >But, as expected, today was just as busy as yesterday.
  1090. >You'll have to ask Twilight to tone it down a bit once you're caught up.
  1091. >Several more jobs have come in each day even as you work through what you already have.
  1092. >As you report your last job for the day finished, you notice the stack of requests is nearly back to usual numbers.
  1093. >Finally nearly caught up. Tomorrow should be the last day of really hard work.
  1094. >At home, another scroll from Fluttershy is waiting for you.
  1095. >You head inside and toss the leftover pizza into an experimental magical toaster oven you asked Twilight to make while you read the scroll.
  1096. >Her flowing script seems to be messier than usual, like she was trembling as she wrote.
  1097. >'Oh Anon, I'm so happy! You really liked my tea that much? I'll make you more any time you want. It would be wonderful if you came for dinner. I remembered you said you wanted... pawstuh? I talked to Mrs. Cake today but she didn't know what pawstuh was either, so I'm sorry I can't make some for you. But don't worry, I'll make something delicious, I promise!'
  1098. >'Love, Fluttershy'
  1099. >Tired as you are, it isn't until after you sit and eat a couple slices of pizza you realize what just happened.
  1100. >You grab the scroll and look again.
  1101. >Yep, 'love.'
  1102. >You sigh heavily.
  1103. >So much for just friends.
  1104. >You're too tired for this.
  1105. >You finish the last slice of pizza then head off to bed.
  1106. ...
  1107. >You're almost surprised be woken up by three quiet knocks.
  1108. >With a practiced groan, you turn to your clock.
  1109. >...Quarter to ten? She let you sleep in.
  1110. >You climb out of bed, don some pants, open the door, and mumble.
  1111. "Fluttershy?"
  1112. >Blinking in the sunlight, you eventually realize no pony is there but on the ground in front of your door is a covered plate.
  1113. >You pick it up and look inside.
  1114. >Pancakes.
  1115. >You grin and close the door.
  1116. >Between your new morning tea and finally getting some more pancakes, today's off to a good start.
  1117. >You wonder why Fluttershy didn't deliver them in person, though.
  1118. ...
  1119. >You throw Twilight's door open, shouting triumphantly.
  1120. "FINISHED!"
  1121. >Spike yelps in surprise and but Twilight only looks up pleasantly and says, "That was the last one, wasn't it?"
  1122. >You step inside and shut the door behind you.
  1123. "Unless something else came in in the last hour since I picked it up."
  1124. >She closes her book and grins as she steps up to you, "Nope! You're all clear."
  1125. >You whoop and pump your fist.
  1126. >A small pouch floats over and hovers in front of you, "Here's a little extra, go and enjoy yourself. You've been working so hard, you deserve it."
  1127. >You grin sheepishly.
  1128. "C'mon Twi, you can't pay me extra just for catching up on work I let pile up."
  1129. >She thrusts the pouch into your chest, "I'll pay you whatever I want for whatever reason I want."
  1130. >You grab the pouch and Twilight's glow disappears.
  1131. "Alright, alright. Not like I'm gonna argue with you to pay me less."
  1132. >She giggles as you pocket the pouch and walk over to her.
  1133. "So, have you heard about tonight?"
  1134. >Her ears twitch, "No... what's happening tonight?"
  1135. >You brace yourself, expecting another torrent of excited questions.
  1136. "I'm having dinner at Fluttershy's place tonight."
  1137. >Surprisingly, her face goes blank for a second, then she turns her head and floats a calander over.
  1138. >She looks back up at you, "Anon, you know it's been three days, right?"
  1139. "Uh... three days since what?"
  1140. >Her ears turn back and she averts her eyes, "Three days since she took her cool brew."
  1141. >It takes a few seconds to remember why that's important, then you groan and rub your eyes.
  1142. "Ah shit. Well now what do I do? I already committed to this yesterday via letter."
  1143. >She tilts her head, "Why don't you just ask her to take it again?"
  1144. >You slump into a chair next to Twilight.
  1145. "I already promised I wouldn't demand it again. I can ask nicely, but it'll be her choice, and I doubt she'll choose to."
  1146. >She rubs your arm with a hoof, "Well... maybe it won't be so bad."
  1147. >You give her a disbelieving look and she continues, "No really, Anon. It's only just now wearing off, so she should still mostly be in control. She'll just slowly heat up again over the next twelve hours or so."
  1148. >You sigh.
  1149. "Even if I left to stop anything from happening tonight, she'll still be the monster in heat tomorrow morning."
  1150. >"Well then you'd better figure something out tonight, then. You have to either convince her to wait and take her cool brew again, or try some other way to... resolve this."
  1151. >You glare at her.
  1152. "Twi, you know there's only one other way to 'resolve' this other than getting her to take more cool brew."
  1153. >She blushes, "Oh I know, but I don't think you should be so quick to say no."
  1154. >You stand up suddenly.
  1155. "Sitting here and talking to you isn't gonna help anything. I need to talk to her."
  1156. >You turn to Twilight and rub her neck.
  1157. "I appreciate your help, but I think this is something she and I need to work out ourselves."
  1158. >She nuzzles your hand and says, "I understand. Just remember I'm here to help."
  1159. ...
  1160. >You had taken a shower and dressed up a bit before heading to Fluttershy's
  1161. >Nothing fancy or anything, just a decent pair of black pants and a green collared shirt.
  1162. >You're surprised at how nervous you feel as you approach Fluttershy's cottage.
  1163. >You felt fine the last time, but then, you had been in control then.
  1164. >You knew why you were there and had a definite purpose in mind.
  1165. >This time, you don't know what to expect, how bad Fluttershy will be, and you have no clear goal.
  1166. >Hell, you aren't even sure how you feel about her at this point.
  1167. >So, it is with a trembling hand that you knock on her door, a bit harder than necessary.
  1168. >"Coming!"
  1169. >A few long seconds later, her door opens, and you take a sharp breath.
  1170. >Apparently she had decided to dress up a bit, too.
  1171. >She had a small blue butterfly shaped clip in her mane, a simple flowing green dress with blue accents, and cute green horseshoes to match that clicked lightly on her wooden floor.
  1172. >Fluttershy giggles and sways, shifting the dress around, "Do you like it?"
  1173. >You jerk your head up. Had you been staring?
  1174. "Oh, Uh... Yeah, it's cute. Just... surprised me."
  1175. >She giggles and blushes at your stammering, "Please come in, dinner is almost ready."
  1176. >She turns around and you follow her inside.
  1177. >She waves a hoof at a small table in the front room and you sit on one of its plush cushions.
  1178. >Her house is dimmed slightly, with the curtains closed and her lamps burning low.
  1179. >It's quiet, but you can hear faint birdsong from outside.
  1180. >As always, the fresh cedar scent of her and her cottage makes you feel cozy and you already find your nerves relaxing.
  1181. >Fluttershy turns to you as you sit, ears and tail twitching, "I'll make some tea. Would you like the usual from the red pouch, or would you mind trying another new tea?"
  1182. >She seems nervous, and both her teas have been excellent so far, so you decide to humor her.
  1183. "I can try a new tea, so long as it's as calming as the red pouch."
  1184. >She nickers and trots down the hallway by the stairs, returning almost immediately with a tray, a steaming kettle, two mugs, tea strainers, honey, and a pink pouch.
  1185. >She starts to carefully shimmy the tray onto the table, but seeing it wobble with the kettle full of hot water, you reach over and slide it smoothly onto the table.
  1186. >"Oh... thank you, Anon." She guestures to the tray, "This pink pouch is another tea I came up with myself. It's very soothing and has some other minor benefits."
  1187. >You squint suspiciously.
  1188. "Benefits like what?"
  1189. >Her ears twitch, "Oh just minor health effects like better blood flow and so on. More importantly, I think it has one of the best flavors out of all my tea."
  1190. >You hesitate, but decide you'll just have to trust her tonight. You'll be eating her food anyway, right?
  1191. >You aren't sure how with her hooves, but she somehow quickly fills both strainers with tea leaves and pours both mugs full of steaming water.
  1192. >She trots away again and you look inside the pouch, sniffing it.
  1193. >It smells exotic and you recognize the flowery smell but can't quite place it.
  1194. >Fluttershy walks back into the room with a small plate holding two slices of watermelon.
  1195. >She sits across from you and says, "This is our appetizer, watermelon with a bit of a honey and cinammon paste. It... it's a little weird at first, but I really like it in small amounts."
  1196. >She turns the larger slice to you and continues, "The tea should be done steeping by now, too."
  1197. >You pour a bit of honey into your tea and take a small sip.
  1198. "I like it! I think I prefer the red pouch, but this is still very good. What is it?"
  1199. >She takes a small sip of her own and says, "Mostly ginsing and hibiscus, with a small amount of other flavors."
  1200. >You take another sip and set it down, picking up the larger slice of watermelon.
  1201. >You take a careful bite, unsure if watermelon and cinammon really work together and are surprised at how well the flavors balance each other.
  1202. "You're right, it's a bit weird, but it's surprisingly good."
  1203. >She squees as you take a larger bite and reaches for her own slice, nibbling at it.
  1204. >As you finish your slice, she hops up again, her own slice only half eaten, "The main course should be ready now."
  1205. >Taking the plate away, you are again left to sit alone, but you're feeling more relaxed now and sip some more tea.
  1206. >A few minutes later, she returns with two wide and shallow bowls on her back.
  1207. >As she shuffles you your bowl, you see it's a fancy looking salad with an aromatic paste as a dressing.
  1208. >As you pull out your utensils, she sits and says, "This is my own recipe, a salad of arugula, steamed carrots and grilled asparagus, with a dressing paste of ground pine nuts, avocado, basil and truffle oil."
  1209. >You whistle softly.
  1210. "I'm flattered, Shy. A lot of that isn't cheap."
  1211. >She looks down demurely, "I just hope you like it."
  1212. >A thought hints at the back of your mind, something to do with the ingredients, but you can't quite remember.
  1213. >With a small shrug to yourself, you spear one of each vegetable with your fork.
  1214. >It tastes fantastic and you raise your eyebrows at Fluttershy.
  1215. "This is... good. Really good."
  1216. >Fluttershy blushes and daintily munches in her own bowl.
  1217. >You dig in greedily, and after a few minutes, Fluttershy looks up at you.
  1218. >"Wow, you really do like it, don't you?"
  1219. >You look down at your already half empty bowl and nod, swallowing your mouthful.
  1220. "My dad always said the best compliment a chef can get is silence. It means they're too busy eating to talk"
  1221. >You chuckle, take another large bite, and Fluttershy giggles, her wings shuffling.
  1222. >Despite the large portion, you quickly devour the entire bowl, wiping up the leftover paste with the last few leaves of arugula.
  1223. >That thought you can't quite remember bugs you the whole time.
  1224. >You stretch and lean back, feeling full, and remember too late you're only on a cushion, not a chair.
  1225. >With a yelp, you fall over backwards, catching yourself on your elbows, banging your knee on the edge of the table with a loud bang and rattle.
  1226. >You look up at Fluttershy who had immediately taken flight and was looking down at you over the table.
  1227. >"Oh, Anon! Are--"
  1228. >You wave a hand and push yourself back up with a hearty laugh.
  1229. "I'm fine, don't worry. Just forgot I'm not in a chair when I leaned back."
  1230. >Fortunately, you hadn't actually knocked anything over.
  1231. >She hovers slowly down onto her cushion, still looking worried, but as you continue chuckling quietly at your silly mistake and rub your knee, she begins to giggle too.
  1232. >She takes another dainty bite, swallows, and says, "Would you like dessert?"
  1233. >You nod.
  1234. "Everything so far has tasted great, I'm sure whatever you have for dessert will be excellent, too."
  1235. >She blushes deeply and quickly grabs the two bowls, walking down the hallway.
  1236. >She returns only a minute later with two small bowls.
  1237. >Sitting again, she says, "This is a vanilla and chocolate pudding with crushed almonds."
  1238. >You grin and pull out your spoon, eating a large scoop.
  1239. "Delicious, as expected. Thank you, Shy."
  1240. >You eat a few more spoonfuls, then suddenly everything slides into place as you realize what you've been missing.
  1241. >Chocolate is an aphrodesiac.
  1242. >...Vanilla and almonds are too.
  1243. >So is asparagus, avocado, truffles... watermelon and cinammon... even the ginsing in your tea.
  1244. >You can't remember any others specifically, but now you wouldn't be surprised if EVERY ingredient tonight is an aphrodesiac.
  1245. >You look up at Fluttershy.
  1246. >She looks worried by your expression.
  1247. >Your voice is low and quiet.
  1248. "Fluttershy. Why did you choose these ingredients?"
  1249. >Her ears fold back and she whinnies, "I... I just like them. T-They go well together and I just... I thought you'd like a fancy dinner."
  1250. >You heave a short sigh, rapidly becoming frustrated.
  1251. "Don't lie to me. What do most... or maybe even all of these ingredients have in common?"
  1252. >She looks down at her bowl glumly.
  1253. >"They... every ingredient helps with... helps make you aroused."
  1254. >You pinch the bridge of your nose and groan.
  1255. "I knew it... Fluttershy, we talked about this! I thought you agreed to just be a friend and not to force me into anything."
  1256. >You lower your hand and meet her glistening eyes, "B-But Anon, I wouldn't! I-I wasn't going to... I just thought maybe if you... if you felt like it, maybe you'd try, but I-I wasn't going to... to... ohh!"
  1257. >She shakes her head violently and gallops away up the stairs.
  1258. >You huff angrily and rub your face with both hands.
  1259. >Of course.
  1260. >You thought she was making progress, but now you're back to square one.
  1261. >She may not be the rapist you used to think, but she's still just trying to force her way into your pants.
  1262. >You groan.
  1263. >What the hell are you supposed to do?
  1264. >You can't just keep ignoring her and hoping she gets over it.
  1265. >That's what you've were doing before, and a fat lot of good it did you.
  1266. >You try to wrestle your emotions back under control and take another sip of tea.
  1267. >You can hear her faint sobbing from upstairs.
  1268. >You focus on all you've learned in the past week about her feelings and about your behavior.
  1269. >You aren't jumping to conclusions again, are you?
  1270. >You try to remember her jumbled half-sentences before she left the room, trying to figure out what she was trying to say.
  1271. >After a moment, you think you have it.
  1272. >She thought if you felt a bit more like doing anything, you might be interested, but it seems like she had no plans of forcing the matter.
  1273. >At least, so she says.
  1274. >Wait, no dammit! You ARE still jumping to conclusions. You're still assuming such horrible things about her, even after you felt so shitty about it!
  1275. >You punch your leg and sigh.
  1276. >She must be telling the truth. If she wanted to force you into sex, she knows how to knock you unconscious and you were obviously trusting her tonight, since you couldn't see her prepare the food.
  1277. >She could have easily taken advantage of that.
  1278. >...Okay so she kinda still did, but really now that you think about it, this was actually a decent plan.
  1279. >It's not like aphrodesiacs force you to be horny, they just augment feelings that are already there.
  1280. >If you don't feel anything for her, nothing happens.
  1281. >If you do feel anything for her, those feelings are stronger.
  1282. >You don't feel anything for her though... right?
  1283. >...Ah fuck this. You're sick of being uncertain.
  1284. >You close your eyes and bluntly imagine what it would be like, forcing the issue.
  1285. >You imagine if you followed her into her room, her dress swaying with each step.
  1286. >If she sat on the edge of her bed and pulled you closer to her.
  1287. >She gently strokes your thigh and you trace your fingers over a wing.
  1288. >You explore each other with hands and hooves.
  1289. >She leans over you, fumbling with the buttons of your shirt, her breath hot on your neck.
  1290. >She slides your pants down as you simultaneously hike her dress up her rump, her tail raised high, inviting you...
  1291. >...Your eyes fly open with a shock.
  1292. >Anon Jr. is fully engaged.
  1293. >But...
  1294. >No, this can't be.
  1295. >It just can't!
  1296. >She's a fucking horse!
  1297. >You glare at the lump in your pants.
  1298. >You can't even blame the food.
  1299. >After all, you just told yourself aphrodesiacs only enhance feelings that are already there.
  1300. >You close your eyes again.
  1301. >Just to be sure, you imagine loving her.
  1302. >Not sex, but spending time with her.
  1303. >You imagine her smile and her squee as you give her gifts.
  1304. >Her warmth as she cuddles with you on the couch.
  1305. >You imagine dating her, hugging her, petting her in public.
  1306. >Marrying her.
  1307. >Your face is hot.
  1308. >Your heart flutters.
  1309. >Your stomach is doing flips.
  1310. >...Guess that's it, then.
  1311. >No more lying to yourself... or to her.
  1312. >You stand and slowly walk up the stairs, finding it leads directly into her bedroom.
  1313. >There's a cute bed about the size of twin back on Earth, a fireplace, several bird nests and birdhouses in the rafters, and a little secretary desk with a small collection of books.
  1314. >Fluttershy is face down on the bed, face buried in her hooves.
  1315. >Her feathers are ruffled and her mane and dress are a mess.
  1316. >You almost whisper her name.
  1317. "Shy?"
  1318. >Her ear twitches but she doesn't respond otherwise.
  1319. >Very slowly and quietly, you begin to speak.
  1320. "I'm so sorry, Shy. I did it again. Even though I felt so terrible before, I jumped to a shitty assumption about you. Again."
  1321. >Her ears turn to you and you take a step forward.
  1322. "I really am a bad friend, huh?"
  1323. >She nickers faintly and you take another step.
  1324. "But... I've been thinking a lot. The past few days... and even more just now. Thinking about you. Thinking about... us."
  1325. >Her wings shuffle and her tail twitches.
  1326. >You take another step, a hard lump in your throat
  1327. "I... I couldn't figure out my own feelings for a while."
  1328. >Her head turns slightly and an eye peers up at you before buring into the pillow again.
  1329. >You step up next to the bed.
  1330. "Like I told you, this is all so fast for humans, but..."
  1331. >You sit on the edge of the bed and she shuffles, turning slightly.
  1332. "Fluttershy..."
  1333. >You gently place a hand on her neck.
  1334. >She trembles and whimpers.
  1335. >You throat feels tight and you choke slightly on the words.
  1336. "I... I think... I love you."
  1337. >Her whole body shivers.
  1338. >Her ears flick.
  1339. >Her tail twitches, brushing your other arm.
  1340. >Slowly, she turns to look at you, muzzle trembling.
  1341. >Your vision blurs as your eyes tear up.
  1342. >With a choked sob, she lurches up at you.
  1343. >You wrap her in your arms as her hooves and wings surround you.
  1344. >She wails into your shoulder as you press her into your chest.
  1345. >Your breath heaves as you choke on your own tears.
  1346. >Your face buried in her mane, you take a deep, shuddering breath, taking in her scent.
  1347. >You squeeze her tighter as if to press her into your pounding heart.
  1348. >Her wings tremble and she rubs your back with her hooves.
  1349. >She pulls back and stares into your eyes, looking scared, uncertain.
  1350. >Unsure yourself, your eyes flick to her muzzle and back.
  1351. >You put a hand on the back of her head and pull her into you.
  1352. >Your tears mingle as you kiss.
  1353. >You lean back onto the bed, her body thumping down on your left.
  1354. >Her lower neck rests on the crook of your left elbow.
  1355. >Her forelegs are wrapped around your shoulders, one hind leg resting on your hips, the other curled up against your side.
  1356. >You kiss her again.
  1357. >She breaks the kiss and stuffs her head into your chest, still crying.
  1358. >Your own tears are slowing, your breath coming easier, but you can't speak.
  1359. >You just hold her close to you.
  1360. >You gently scratch her neck with your free arm and stroke her wing with the pinned arm.
  1361. >Her head tilts up and she nuzzles into your neck, muzzle brushing your chin.
  1362. >You move your hand to stroke the side of her head around her cheek and ear.
  1363. >You are content to just hold her while her gentle sobs slowly peter out.
  1364. >Eventually, her head pulls back.
  1365. >You look down and smile at her.
  1366. >She's a mess.
  1367. >Her mane is wild.
  1368. >Her face is wet and the fur is ruffled.
  1369. >Her dress is hitched up and twisted awkwardly.
  1370. >The feathers of her wings point every direction but straight.
  1371. >She's beautiful.
  1372. >You stroke her cheek with your thumb and she gives you a weak smile.
  1373. >Hesitantly, she raises a hoof to your cheek.
  1374. >Ears back, biting her lip, she slowly strokes down your neck and onto your chest, following it with her gaze.
  1375. >Her hing leg shivers slightly.
  1376. >She tilts her head up and nuzzles your neck again.
  1377. >Still gently rubbing your chest, she kisses your neck.
  1378. >You shudder slightly.
  1379. >Her wings twitch, then one slowly extends over your body.
  1380. >Her hoof fumbles with the buttons of your shirt and you reach down to undo them for her.
  1381. >When your shirt falls open, she lifts her head onto your chest, her ear flat to your skin.
  1382. >Your left arm freed, you stroke the back of her head around her ears.
  1383. >You gasp and jolt as her tongue flicks out and brushes your nipple.
  1384. >She nickers at your reaction and her hind legs shivers again.
  1385. >It's resting on your hips and you're sure she can feel you pressing into her leg.
  1386. >Suddenly, she lifts her head and looks up into your eye, looking nervous.
  1387. >"I... This isn't, um... too fast, right? I'll do anything, Anon... I just don't... don't want to scare you off."
  1388. >No more lying.
  1389. >To yourself or to her.
  1390. >That's what you said.
  1391. >You hesitate for only a second before lifting her muzzle and kissing her again.
  1392. >Holding the kiss, you twist your body left and press closer to her.
  1393. >She lets out the faintest little moan as your hands begin to stroke her body.
  1394. ...
  1395. >You wake up to the sound of loud knocking.
  1396. >You look up at your clock, only to find a rabbit on the secretary desk.
  1397. >You groan.
  1398. "...What time is it?"
  1399. >The rabbit points straight up.
  1400. "Noon?"
  1401. >He nods and thumps his foot on the desk a few more times, making the knocking sound.
  1402. >You turn over and for a second, an old fear seizes you as you find the yellow pony next to you.
  1403. >But memories from last night flood your mind.
  1404. >Memories of holding each other and just talking.
  1405. >Memories of holding each other and...
  1406. >You blush.
  1407. >You shuffle closer to her under the blanket and gently stroke the back of her head.
  1408. "Shy?"
  1409. >She slowly turns her head, squinting into the open window in front of you.
  1410. >She yawns with a little squeek then turns to look at you.
  1411. >Her eyes fly open, she squeals and whips around, latching onto your chest, mumbling something.
  1412. "Uh... good morning? Is something wrong?"
  1413. >She looks up at you, eyes watery, "It... it wasn't a dream!?"
  1414. >You smile and press your hand to her cheek.
  1415. "No Shy. I'm here."
  1416. >Her eyes shift as she remembers, then her gaze drops and she blushes furiously.
  1417. >You chuckle and pull her face up to yours, giving her a little kiss.
  1418. >The rabbit stomps a little more.
  1419. "C'mon Shy, get up. I'm not leaving. Your rabbit is hungry or something, I dunno."
  1420. >She smiles weakly and sniffs, "Okay Anon."
  1421. >She rolls out of bed and slowly walks towards the stairs, "Come, Angel. Let's get some food and fluff your tail."
  1422. >She stops at the stairs and looks back at you, giggling to see you staring.
  1423. >She lifts her tail for a second then trots down the stairs.
  1424. >You slide out of bed and are not surprised to find yourself naked.
  1425. >Once you've found and donned your clothes, you walk downstairs and find Fluttershy in the kitchen.
  1426. >Angel is munching on a hilariously fancy bowl of vegetables as Fluttershy puts curlers in his tail.
  1427. >She looks up at you, "So, Anon, do you want more pancakes?"
  1428. >You sit across from her at the table and grin sheepishly.
  1429. "I'm actually really craving some protein right now."
  1430. >She nods, "I hope eggs are okay. The only other protein that's really possible is fish."
  1431. "Eggs would be wonderful."
  1432. ...
  1433. >You turn to Fluttershy.
  1434. "You ready?"
  1435. >She shivers but nods her head bravely.
  1436. >You knock on Twilight's door.
  1437. >Spike opens it almost immediately, "Oh hey guys!"
  1438. >He calls back over his shoulder in a sing-song voice, "Twilight! Guess who's heeeere!"
  1439. >Her head pokes around a corner, sees you and Fluttershy, heaves a great gasp and teleports away.
  1440. >You chuckle nervously.
  1441. "Uh... where'd she go?"
  1442. >Spike shrugs, "Beats me. C'mon in, lets get you guys comfortable."
  1443. >You sit on a cushion and Fluttershy lays down next to you, resting her head on your thigh.
  1444. >Spike raises an eyebrow but doesn't say anything.
  1445. >Not a minute later Twilight and all the other girls explode into the room.
  1446. >Twilight turns to face you while the others all wobble on their hooves and groan.
  1447. >She stares, looking back and forth between you and Fluttershy's head in your lap.
  1448. >The others recover and turn to face you as well.
  1449. >You hold up a hand.
  1450. "Please don't explode in a thousand questions like last time. You girls know as well as I Shy probably couldn't take it."
  1451. >They nod and slowly walk up, sitting and laying on the ground nearby.
  1452. >Rainbow Dash flies up and lands directly next to Fluttershy, hugging her with a wing.
  1453. >After a moment, Applejack speaks up.
  1454. >"So y'all look... pretty cozy there."
  1455. >Rarity nods, "And we couldn't help but notice you stayed the night again."
  1456. >She glances meaningfully at your messy hair.
  1457. >Dash shuffles a bit, "I admit I'm wondering what's going between you two."
  1458. >Pinkie vibrates, grins, and squees.
  1459. >Twilight just... stares at you.
  1460. >You look down at Fluttershy.
  1461. "Well, truth is..."
  1462. >You look back up at Twilight.
  1463. "I finally realized I love her."
  1464. >Pinkie immediately bounces to the ceiling, squealing as a party cannon explodes from somewhere.
  1465. >Rarity holds a hoof to her chest, "Oh my, this is wonderful!"
  1466. >Dash thumps Fluttershy with her wing, "Ya did it, girl!"
  1467. >Applejack smiles, "I'm happy for ya, Anon."
  1468. >And Twilight...
  1469. >Her face breaks into a huge grin, tears in her eyes.
  1470. >She stands, steps up directly in front of you, pulls Fluttershy up into a sitting position, and grabs you both in a tight hug, her head on your shoulder between you and Fluttershy.
  1471. >Dash, sitting on the other side of Fluttershy to your left, gets pulled in as well and wraps her wings around the three of you.
  1472. >Pinkie ricochets off the walls and slams into your right side, hugging tightly.
  1473. >You hear Applejack say, "Well, guess we oughta get in on that."
  1474. >She and Rarity circle around behind you and nuzzle their way into the hug.
  1475. >Pressed up against Fluttershy, squeezed on all sides by her... no, your friends, you are overcome with emotion.
  1476. >You reach blindly for Fluttershy's hoof under Twilight and squeeze it, hearing her nicker in response.
  1477. >Yes... everything will be just fine, now.
  1479. ...
  1481. ...
  1483. >You stare into the mirror, button the cuffs of your pale yellow dress shirt and adjust your light green tie.
  1484. >You brush your hair back yet again, but it poofs up anyways.
  1485. >You sigh. Ah well, at least she likes your hair like that, even if you don't.
  1486. >You hear the door open behind you and Twilight steps into the room, "Anon, are you almost ready? It's about to start."
  1487. >You don your black suit jacket and turn around, closing the middle button.
  1488. "How do I look?"
  1489. >She grins, "Very handsome. Rarity did a good job with that suit."
  1490. "Your dress is beautiful, too."
  1491. >She just smiles and her horn glows as you feel your clothes shift slightly around you.
  1492. >You fold a light green handkerchief and stick it in your jacket pocket, corner poking out, just like your granddad showed you years ago.
  1493. "Alright. I'm ready."
  1494. >She turns and you follow her into the hallway of her new castle.
  1495. >The last few months have been strange, for sure.
  1496. >But with Fluttershy by your side, your friends helping you, and the ponies in town finally being open and nice to you, you were happy with how life was going.
  1497. >You had moved in, of course, and while you didn't have her natural talent with animals, they had grown used to you and mostly listened to you... Except that little shit Angel.
  1498. >Ah well, life isn't perfect.
  1499. >As you follow Twilight, you notice the hurried bustle from this morning when you first retreated into your room had died down.
  1500. >Looks like the preperations were all complete.
  1501. "I gotta admit, I'm pretty nervous, Twi."
  1502. >She turns to you and smiles, "Aw, don't be. This'll be the greatest day of your life, I guarantee it."
  1503. >She leads you to a closed door that looks exactly like all the others in this damn place.
  1504. >"Here we are, Anon. Are you ready?"
  1505. >You rub your face with both hands and sigh.
  1506. >Then your hands drop to your sides, you stand straight and tall, and nod.
  1507. >Her horn glows and nothing happens for a second, then the doors slowly swing open.
  1508. >The long, tall hall you saw briefly earlier had been entirely transformed.
  1509. >Soft bird song wafts down from above you.
  1510. >Woodland creatures were standing politely all around the edges of the hall.
  1511. >The walls and floor were decorated to look like you were in a clearing in the middle of a forest.
  1512. >There were actual clouds in the ceiling which you assume had been brough in by Rainbow Dash.
  1513. >They were positioned with clear spots that lined up with windows in the ceiling, letting the sunlight stream in, giving the illusion that there was no ceiling at all, only open sky.
  1514. >In the middle of the hall were two large sections of ponies all standing perpendicular to you, facing the green aisle that ran up between them, smiling faces turned to you.
  1515. >Many you recognized from town, but many were here from out of town just to see the alien human.
  1516. >In time with the music, you slowly walk down the aisle between the groups of ponies, Twilight walking alongside you, the closest thing you have to family in this world.
  1517. >You see a beautiful arch that looked like it was grown more than built, on a raised platform before you.
  1518. >To one side is Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Spike, on the other is Rainbow Dash and Applejack, all in beautiful dresses and one little dragon suit.
  1519. >As you take your place on your side of the arch near Dash, Twilight takes her place under the arch in the middle of the stage, wings spread wide and head held high, indicating her actions are now those of an Alicorn Princess.
  1520. >She smiles grandly at you as you turn to face the crowd of ponies.
  1521. >In the front row you see Zephyr and Mrs. Shy, along with what few friends you've made from town.
  1522. >The bird song fades to silence and the crowd turns back to the door on the far end.
  1523. >Several dozen additional birds fly in through the open windows in tightly controlled lines, taking perch in clearly designated spots.
  1524. >They all erupt into song, louder and more dramatic, but with a sweet melody you've never heard before.
  1525. >The doors open.
  1526. >Mr. Shy and Fluttershy step forward.
  1527. >You can't help but gasp.
  1528. >You've never seen anything so beautiful in all your life.
  1529. >The cutie mark crusaders dash out in front of Fluttershy.
  1530. >Sweetie Belle floats a thick roll of pale green cloth out and rolls it down the path, leaving a trail for Fluttershy to walk on.
  1531. >Scootaloo and Apple Bloom trot after her, scattering pink petals as they go.
  1532. >Fluttershy and Mr. Shy slowly step down the aisle, his wing spread protectively over his filly.
  1533. >You struggle to contain your tears as your bride approaches you.
  1534. >The music swells as they halt at the platform.
  1535. >Even over the music you can hear the rustle as everypony turns to face the front of the hall instead of in toward the aisle.
  1536. >Mr. Shy nuzzles Fluttershy's cheek, turns to look at you, then smiles and nods.
  1537. >He slowly closes his wing, releasing Fluttershy, and steps over to an empty spot next to Mrs. Shy.
  1538. >Fluttershy steps daintily up and stands across from you.
  1539. >The music finishes on a high, trailing note, and the hall rings for a moment before falling into silence.
  1540. >Princess Twilight smiles at both of you in turn, then lifts her head and announces in a magically projected voice.
  1541. >"Fillies and Gentlecolts! We are gathered here today to celebrate a momentus occasion."
  1542. >"When Anonymous was first pulled into this world by a magical portal accident, panic ensued."
  1543. >"We had never seen any creature like him before, and the closest being was a horror we did not wish to think of."
  1544. >"But, he soon proved himself to be kind and generous, and I asked him to remain here in Ponyville, where he first appeared."
  1545. >"It took quite some time for him to get comfortable, but I tried my best to live up to the title of Princess of Friendship, befriending the odd creature, and my friends followed suit."
  1546. >"Little did anyone know that the seeds of love had already been planted, and that Fluttershy would spend the next year trying to win his heart."
  1547. >"Eventually, Anonymous learned our pony customs and recognized Fluttershy's efforts for what they were. Love."
  1548. >"Then, to his own astonishment, he found he had similar feelings to return!"
  1549. >"And now, a few short months later, we gather here to celebrate the power of love as it reaches even across species."
  1550. >She turns to you, "Anonymous. Do you accept this pony as your mare, your special somepony, your one true love for as long as you both live?"
  1551. "I do."
  1552. >She turns to her, "Fluttershy. Do you accept this human as your stallion, your special somepony, your one true love for as long as you both live?"
  1553. >Her breath catches in her throat and she whispers, "I do."
  1554. >Twilight looks to one side, "The feathers, Spike."
  1555. >Spike hurriedly steps up between you and Fluttershy, lifting a small velvet pillow over his head.
  1556. >On it was one of Fluttershy's primary flight feathers, and your 'feather.'
  1557. >You had learned pegasi typically share one of each other's feathers in marriage.
  1558. >In the weeks leading up to this day, you had consulted every pegasus you could find for an acceptable alternative.
  1559. >Eventually, it was her brother Zephyr Breeze that had suggested a feather made of your hair.
  1560. >You then talked to Rarity and she said it should be possible... then she spent nearly all day trying WAY too hard to make the perfect hair feather.
  1561. >The result was worth the effort, though. Looks and even feels like a real feather, but it's made of some kinda rod she chose and about half your head's worth of hair.
  1562. >You kneel before Fluttershy, looking directly into her eyes, another slight change to the typical pony ceremony, considering your height difference.
  1563. >The feathers glow with a lavender aura as Twilight raises them off the pillow.
  1564. >Your feather raises to Fluttershy's head and is tucked into her pink mane, and you feel her own feather tucked into a special clip Rarity hid in your hair.
  1565. >Fluttershy's eyes glisten, barely restraining her tears and you give her a huge smile.
  1566. >Twilight's voice booms out above your head, "I now pronounce you Mare and Stallion!"
  1567. >Your beautiful wife chokes on a sob as you lean in to kiss her.
  1568. >The crowd erupts into cheers, their hooves thundering through the ground.
  1569. >You stand and turn to face the crowd, hand on Fluttershy's neck as you slowly walk back down the aisle together.
  1570. >The door glows and opens before you, as does the door directly across the hall, opening directly onto a courtyard.
  1571. >Twilight follows you out and discreetly directs you where to walk, as you both are understandably are a bit overwhelmed.
  1572. >She has you sit at a table on the far end of the courtyard and wait while everypony else filters in behind you.
  1573. >As the last pony steps out and the doors close behind her, Pinkie Pie and Vinyl Scratch take charge, instantly kicking the party into overdrive.
  1574. >You and Fluttershy are content to sit and eat what food is brought for you.
  1575. >Many ponies walk over to give congratulations, to talk to the strange human or to give love to the adored Fluttershy.
  1576. >After a few minutes of this, Twilight walks over, wings spread wide again, and the other ponies back away respectfully, giving the three of you a bit of privacy.
  1577. >She lowers her head to you and speaks softly, "I'm so happy for you, Anon. I know we haven't talked much in recent months, but I've been keeping a close eye on you ever since you were brought to this world."
  1578. >She grins apologetically, "I know you must miss your home planet and family, but I am glad you finally seem to be happy here. At Princess Celestia's behest, I've always considered you one of my subjects here in Ponyville, and it pains me to see any of my subjects suffering."
  1579. >She nuzzles your cheek, "Between Fluttershy, me, and the rest of your friends, I know you will have a happy life here."
  1580. >You simply nod, a bit confused by your friend's unusually formal behavior.
  1581. >She turns to Fluttershy, "The same goes for you, Fluttershy. I know you've always enjoyed spending time with your animals, but I'm so happy to see you blossom into marehood."
  1582. >She lowers her head conspiratorially and lowers her voice so it can barely be heard over the clamor.
  1583. >"Anon is no stallion, but if you ever decide you want foals, there is a spell in the Canterlot library which should help. Let me know if you one day find yourself interested. I've no doubt Fluttershy will make an excellent mother."
  1584. >Fluttershy blushes furiously and you gape as Princess Twilight turns and walks away.
  1585. >She stops and looks back over a wing, "Oh and Anon, if you have any problems which require my personal assistance, I will always be here to help you. After all, I must take special care of Equestria's only human!"
  1586. >Then she closes her wings and trots away to join in the festivities.
  1587. >Dumbfounded, you turn to Fluttershy, but she seems as mystified as you.
  1588. >You chuckle quietly to yourself, then lean over to whisper in her ear.
  1589. "So... Foals, huh?"

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