GREEN   377   0
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AI generated Green 2

By Aftercase
Created: 2021-02-11 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-08-16 20:32:36
Expiry: Never

  1. #####################################
  2. #These greentexts has been generated by AI.#
  3. #####################################
  4. “You can’t say no to me,” she murmured, nosing a hoof to her chest and leaning in for a kiss. “That last night with Anon was the best I’ve ever felt in my life! As long as I’m with you, not just with my daughter, but with all of Ponyville! When I see all the other families I’ve been around, I’m so happy for you too! I never think of Ponyville until I hear this day where you’re finally gonna get to live here!”
  5. >She nudged her head toward Ruby Heart, who was casually rubbing her belly. “Yeah, I know!”
  6. >”Oh, and I promise that if you feel the same way about me, I’ll be the first to help you. I’ll be the first to lend you a hoof, you’ll be the first to help me with the weather, and I’ll do my best to help you when I’m not here so that you don’t have to.”
  7. “I’m so proud of you, Ruby Heart. I know you’re so proud of your family that I know you’re so proud to be your mom.”
  9. >Ruby Heart paused. “What’s ho, dad?”
  10. “Oh, it looks like a fun time,” she said. “I was just joking that he’s always been so nice.”
  11. “And I was making fun of you too,” he said.
  12. >“Of course!” said Ruby Heart with a grin, reaching into his bag and pulling out a purple and yellow heart.
  13. “I was trying to tell you that he’s doing a lot of good for your little ponies.”
  14. “No he’s just grown on me,” he said, holding the heart out for inspection.
  15. “If you don’t believe me,” she said, picking up the heart and holding it in her mouth. “Then I’m not sure I need to believe you. You owe me so much, and I know you’ve given a lot of ponies here at, um…”
  16. >She hesitated, then added, “You’re right, but I don’t need to believe you. I think you’re the best pony in Ponyville.”
  17. >”Yeah,” Ruby Heart stuttered. “I was.”
  18. “When we were in those... Burned Town’s,” he said, staring into the fire in front of him.
  19. “So what’s next,” she asked.
  20. >”I think I’m going to be travelling the world,” he said, pinching the bridge of his nose.
  21. “Do you think I’ll be making friends along the way?”
  22. >”I’m pretty sure I’ll meet a lot of ponies.”
  23. “Oh, no,” said Ruby Heart. “I’m gonna be helping you! Just help me and I can escort you.”
  24. >”Oh, um, good.”
  25. >He looked up at the fire and then shrugged. “Well, I’ll just see what I can do,” he said, shaking his head of a look. “You know, I may be a little sad sometimes, but I’m so glad I can work with you.”
  26. >”Well, maybe that’s not the best way to put it, but I’m still happy about it.”
  27. >His grip on the bridge got steadier. “Oh, um, you should’t. It’s a good thing you’re doing this. Hey,” he said, giving her one last kiss before parting and laughing.
  28. “What’s funny?” Ruby said, as she returned her eyes to the fire. “I think I just missed a print of what the hell I missed.”
  29. “Oh, I didn’t miss anything at all! I mean, I’m sure I’ll make it out in time,” he replied, helping Ruby up. “If you keep me up, I can probably hang back on your back.”
  30. >She hesitated at first, then continued, “I don’t even know how I got out of there without hearing my sister come home from school.”
  31. >”Oh, yeah
  33. ____________________________________________________________________
  34. “Oh, we’re so glad you’re here!”
  35. >I ask before the two of us can take off.
  36. >”Well, that wasn’t so bad, was it?”
  37. >A mare in the crowd asks.
  38. >”Yeah, we were worried about you, but we didn’t know you were here so soon!”
  39. >”Well, we were going to get you the bike you wanted, but you could use my help and I’m certain that Pinkie would have gotten you the bike back if she had seen you.”
  40. >The stallion replies, “She’s always been stubborn, but she’s just more confident now.”
  42. >”I knew you were going to buy that bike, Twilight.”
  43. >You can’t help but smile.
  44. “What’s with Pinkie? She seems like she’d go crazy if she didn’t.”
  45. >”I don’t know, I just don’t know.”
  46. >You both share a smile, “We just don’t know yet.”
  47. >”I mean, I can’t really blame her. She’s stubborn as all hell, and she always has been.”
  48. >Pinkie snorts, “I’m not going to have anything of her mind,” she says, “and I’m not going to have anything of mine either.”
  49. >”But we can’t have that! We can’t have any more of those! We can’t have more of the things we love!”
  50. >The two of you share a laugh at that, before deleting the last of them.
  51. >”And that’s why I’m not going to have more of those!” Pinkie says, “I don’t think I’d be able to keep the ones I love if I didn’t keep on keeping them.”
  52. >”I’m sorry,” I say, “but I think it’s fine.”
  53. >The two of you share a light smile before falling in a deep, deep hug.
  54. >”I love you too, Anon,” Pinkie says, “I'm so glad you’re here, and I’m so happy you’re with me.”
  55. >You know, I was just about to ask you what you’re talking about, but you’re already laughing.
  56. “Oh, that’s sweet of you,” you say, giving her a kiss, “but don’t worry about it. We’ll get you back, one way or another.”
  57. >”Yeah, yeah,” she replies, giggling.
  58. >”You’re a great guy, Anon, and I’m so glad I found you! I can’t imagine what’s outside of you.”
  59. >You hear the crowd go crazy, before Pinkie grabs you and pulls you into a tight embrace.
  60. >”Hey, Anon,” she says to you, “I figured you wouldn’t want to come back to Ponyville.”
  61. “I didn’t think about it.”
  62. >”Well, that’s probably for the best,” she replies.
  63. >”So, what’s up with you today? I was just wondering if you’d be okay with me trying to get you some coffee.”
  64. “Well, I didn’t think about it.”
  65. >Pinkie breaks down laughing, and you can’t help but laugh too.
  66. >”Oh, I know! That’s right, that’s why I’m so glad you’re here.”
  67. >”And I’m so glad you’re here, Anon! I’m so glad you’re not staying with us for a week or two, I know you’re very excited about what’s happening today.”
  68. “Oh, I’m just excited to see how your new friend is!”
  69. >”She’s very good at carrying my luggage, Anon,” Pinkie says, “and she’s going to be my best friend. I don’t know how I’d have survived, but I’m going to make it out okay
  73. [11010 | 1821.03] loss=3.27 avg=2.73
  74. [11020 | 1837.41] loss=2.15 avg=2.72
  75. [11030 | 1853.69] loss=2.13 avg=2.71
  76. [11040 | 1870.02] loss=1.58 avg=2.70
  77. [11050 | 1886.41] loss=1.97 avg=2.69
  78. [11060 | 1902.84] loss=3.58 avg=2.70
  79. [11070 | 1919.24] loss=3.21 avg=2.71
  80. [11080 | 1935.63] loss=2.59 avg=2.71
  81. [11090 | 1951.98] loss=3.29 avg=2.71
  82. [11100 | 1968.29] loss=2.81 avg=2.72
  83. [11110 | 1984.62] loss=2.59 avg=2.71
  84. [11120 | 2000.93] loss=3.34 avg=2.72
  85. [11130 | 2017.25] loss=3.07 avg=2.73
  86. [11140 | 2033.60] loss=3.20 avg=2.73
  87. [11150 | 2049.95] loss=3.09 avg=2.74
  88. [11160 | 2066.33] loss=2.88 avg=2.74
  89. [11170 | 2082.67] loss=2.63 avg=2.74
  90. [11180 | 2099.02] loss=3.01 avg=2.74
  91. [11190 | 2115.42] loss=2.69 avg=2.74
  92. [11200 | 2131.76] loss=3.13 avg=2.75
  93. ======== SAMPLE 1 ========
  96. ####Note: AI now writes multiple prompts. Shitposting improving. #########
  98. >Anon is in equestria, and so ponies are quite the beast.
  99. >Even before the curse hit, ponies were a violent race that would kill for one another, much to the jealousy of stallions.
  100. >Now they're so docile and so easily acclimated that they make Anon the sweetest mares in the kingdom.
  101. >Mares can just as easily be fans, and Anon is a very successful male character in a show that is very popular among young ponies.
  102. >They seem happy.
  106. >Mares are cat-like creatures in ARENA
  107. >AJ is the only stallion that can move
  108. >AJ is the only stallion that won't turn into a penis attached to an ass
  109. >She's also the only mare that does not want you to leave her sight at all times
  110. >She's the only one that wont make a show of how much she likes anal
  111. >The rest of the mares are faking outrage because they saw how well AJ can move that there boner on stage and she's the only one that can hold onto it when performing!
  117. >Ponies may have the physical strength and stamina to hold aloft a broom or spray you with water at will
  118. >But their magical prowess?
  119. >They're completely incapable of forming a broom without magical contamination
  120. >So an adult mare can barely clean her stallion’s mane before he makes a mess of her coat
  121. >And that’s the night in floridad when mares go for the night with a little horn-pile.
  124. [7290 | 12873.92] loss=2.29 avg=2.66
  125. [7300 | 12890.40] loss=2.88 avg=2.66
  126. [7310 | 12906.85] loss=2.47 avg=2.66
  127. [7320 | 12923.32] loss=2.52 avg=2.66
  128. [7330 | 12939.75] loss=2.53 avg=2.66
  129. [7340 | 12956.14] loss=3.05 avg=2.66
  130. [7350 | 12972.57] loss=2.89 avg=2.67
  131. [7360 | 12988.99] loss=2.96 avg=2.67
  132. [7370 | 13005.40] loss=2.68 avg=2.67
  133. [7380 | 13021.79] loss=2.97 avg=2.67
  134. [7390 | 13038.21] loss=2.42 avg=2.67
  135. [7400 | 13054.62] loss=2.83 avg=2.67
  136. ======== SAMPLE 1 ========
  137. mony who loves you back. A friend in need of your love."
  138. >With a smile she nuzzles into your coat
  139. >With a kiss she leaves your coat and head home
  140. >"I told you before your love wouldn’t do for me, and you’re right.”
  141. >The two of you go upstairs to your room, which you think might have been one of the ones on the left side of this house
  142. >Picking up her shoes you start on the carpeting
  144. ######Note: AI is now generating youtube links. #################
  146. >You pull them off for a spot of the sand that had been left and sit on it
  147. >You look at her, but she's looking at you and it’s hard to tell where she wants to go but the carpet
  148. >”It’s so good~”
  149. >With a happy smile she nuzzles into the carpet, making sure to rub her eyes every once in a while
  150. >”That’s my sweetheart I know~”
  153. >You are Anon, and you are sitting on the carpet like a moron
  154. >Your girlfriend is on top of your head and she’s making her out to be one of those girls that you used to hang around with in the 90’s
  155. >And there you are, looking at some of the best sand that’s ever existed
  156. >And you really hope that all was not some fucked up fairy tale, like with the girls in the show
  157. >Because it looks like you’ve grown from the same point in the sand that they had grown from
  158. >And that’s an awesome thing
  159. >You walk over to the spot and sit down
  160. >”How did it even get on the sand?”
  161. >She looks around for the sand and you see just the right spot
  162. >”You’re right, it’s the perfect spot.”
  163. >She looks it over and sighs
  164. >”Alright, maybe I should take it as mine and yours”
  165. >With a laugh you grab the sand as she looks
  166. >The two of you walk to her house as you’re about to leave when you hear her yell
  168. >Turning to the left she starts making towards you
  169. >When she gets closer it’s an explosion of sand so fast it feels like it’s jumping
  170. >You pull on the sand and sit down on your towel
  171. >”The sand was the most terrifying thing that the sky had ever seen, it flew everywhere except that point in the sky the sun was the only light”
  172. >She looks surprised you can hear her yelling
  173. >”We are the only one who can fly in the world”
  174. “Did you say I’m the only one?”
  175. >”Of course not my little pony. Everypony on this shore can fly. The only one that’s been defeated by the wind is myself and the other princesses”
  176. “A little girl like you” you shrug
  177. >”I wasn’t sure how to fly around in the world before you made that airshow happen. It was fun to fly around”
  178. “Wow you’ve grown a lot”
  179. >”You still look the same baby you were when you woke me up in that cave”
  180. “I think I can fly.”
  181. >”Oh I’m sure you can’”
  184. >You are Luna, and you’ve grown in the sand ever since the first of the princess shows arrived
  185. >Now you are sitting on your spot as you look around and enjoy watching the show of the past two weeks
  186. >While many would prefer the air above a city, this one’s the perfect spot for seeing everything that’s happened
  187. >Though you still can’t seem to get over the fact that Anon is here, he’s not even a few years older than Princess Celestia or Cadence
  188. >This is the spot that you are most likely to see the two old legends
  189. >”You can fly in the sky as long as you are in the sky”
  190. “Yeah, that’s the gist”
  191. >She looks away in confusion “You can fly in the sky as long as you’re there Anon”
  192. “Well how long”
  193. >”That is an old and basic part of my lore but it still applies”
  194. “Good, I wonder what you can do”
  195. >”I’ll be fine”
  196. >You are Princess Cad
  198. _____________________________________
  199. [7010 | 12392.46] loss=2.80 avg=2.68
  200. [7020 | 12408.83] loss=2.98 avg=2.68
  201. [7030 | 12425.13] loss=2.75 avg=2.68
  202. [7040 | 12441.51] loss=2.46 avg=2.68
  203. [7050 | 12458.01] loss=2.30 avg=2.68
  204. [7060 | 12474.47] loss=2.11 avg=2.67
  205. [7070 | 12490.86] loss=1.91 avg=2.67
  206. [7080 | 12507.25] loss=2.60 avg=2.66
  207. [7090 | 12523.64] loss=2.95 avg=2.67
  208. [7100 | 12540.09] loss=2.92 avg=2.67
  209. [7110 | 12556.55] loss=2.84 avg=2.67
  210. [7120 | 12573.01] loss=2.68 avg=2.67
  211. [7130 | 12589.47] loss=2.43 avg=2.67
  212. [7140 | 12605.89] loss=3.17 avg=2.67
  213. [7150 | 12622.33] loss=2.67 avg=2.67
  214. [7160 | 12638.74] loss=2.59 avg=2.67
  215. [7170 | 12655.15] loss=2.41 avg=2.67
  216. [7180 | 12671.56] loss=2.92 avg=2.67
  217. [7190 | 12687.93] loss=1.86 avg=2.67
  218. [7200 | 12704.34] loss=2.38 avg=2.66
  219. ======== SAMPLE 1 ========
  220. Say, you should still have your own home.
  221. >You get a grin and a wave of the hand as you walk to the building and give the door one last kick to lock.
  222. >You'd have a real nice place to live for you and your little ponies if you didn't have already lost control of yourself.
  223. >Maybe you'd even find a nice town.
  224. >You don't trust yourself to make this choice in the first place.
  225. >Your ears perk up as you hear footsteps approaching the door, but you don't open it.
  226. >The room doesn't sound as though it has been touched by any being or being of any being.
  227. >That would be like you being hit by a truck from outside your house.
  228. >An old truck with the windows smashed out from the inside.
  229. >Some kind of creature might be hiding there.
  230. >You shake your head and turn the door.
  231. "Aaaaagh! Something's down there."
  232. >The voice still sounds a bit soft, but you can see the two ponies behind the door.
  233. >You reach the door and knock and try to knock.
  234. "Hey, there's two of them. Two of those, by the look of it."
  235. >Your eyes lock onto Granny Smith, who nods her head.
  236. >"Yep, it's over there as well."
  237. >You move your head slowly to her as you get closer.
  238. "Are they okay, Smith?"
  239. >You don't have a good way of answering her question.
  240. >"Uh, yes. We're pretty sure those're not from this world"
  241. "Are you sure?"
  242. >She shakes her head a bit.
  243. >"I wasn't sure either. They got hit by the fire."
  244. >She sighs.
  245. >You move a bit closer, and lean your right leg on the other side of the room.
  246. "They should be alright. I don't blame 'N' us, you know. No matter the stuff that these folks are being treated like, they're still family"
  247. >She takes a deeper breath before nodding her head again.
  248. >"Well, thank you. It's about where our priorities are"
  249. "I see."
  250. >You take the couch and lay down on it.
  251. "I want to stay here."
  252. >You don't need to say why you don't leave your bed, or how you hope the world is turning out to be much better for the ponies you love.
  253. >Your hand touches your chest, as the room is quiet and everything is still.
  254. >Your right hoof reaches down, and your left grabs to your hand as you get your thoughts completely straight as you do your best to keep your smile from cracking.
  255. >That's what it boils down to.
  256. >If they do this, they're all of your ponies.
  257. >If they do not do it somehow, there is nothing you can do to change the past.
  258. >Your smile is too much to handle in the present.
  259. >That's just as well, for you, as you find yourself grinning.
  260. >Even though you feel the tears gathering, the smile is stronger than the one you wore yesterday.
  262. -----
  264. >You wake up to the sound of the door opening and opening, and your immediate reaction is to shake your head.
  265. >You're sure it's been over a minute but for the creaking noises coming from the outside.
  266. >You sit up slowly, and then stand up.
  267. "Alright...this door did it. We gotta get somewhere to call up."
  268. >You go through your list and move to the kitchen, deciding not to wake the ponies up in here.
  269. >Your right hoof twitches again, and from time to time your right hand goes over their withers.
  270. "You're still awake?"
  271. >"Hey, hey...a minute later I feel like I'm starting to go."
  272. "C'mon, let's wake up."
  273. >A gentle warmth rushes to you and you feel the door swinging open again.
  274. >The ponies you love are all already awake, and their glow is beginning to fade.
  275. >It's starting to look like your world is melting away as you push yourself up.
  276. >"Yo! So? What's up?"
  277. "I've got news."
  278. >"Sounds good?"
  279. >You smile and rub the lump growing down the side of your face, your smile a full minute later.
  280. "'s good to hear that for sure, but if it's news or not then there's no need to tell anymore."
  281. >Your hand remains still as your voice waver.
  282. "I can't say I can tell you much, but, hey, at this point, we're probably going to need a place to stay"
  283. >"Yeah, uh, we'll figure out what we need to do. They're looking for us"
  285. ____________________________________
  286. [6810 | 12034.78] loss=2.95 avg=2.70
  287. [6820 | 12051.16] loss=2.46 avg=2.70
  288. [6830 | 12067.58] loss=2.26 avg=2.69
  289. [6840 | 12084.03] loss=2.66 avg=2.69
  290. [6850 | 12100.47] loss=2.57 avg=2.69
  291. [6860 | 12116.89] loss=2.96 avg=2.69
  292. [6870 | 12133.28] loss=3.07 avg=2.70
  293. [6880 | 12149.69] loss=3.04 avg=2.70
  294. [6890 | 12166.14] loss=2.31 avg=2.70
  295. [6900 | 12182.62] loss=2.20 avg=2.69
  296. [6910 | 12199.09] loss=2.21 avg=2.69
  297. [6920 | 12215.52] loss=2.76 avg=2.69
  298. [6930 | 12231.91] loss=2.58 avg=2.69
  299. [6940 | 12248.27] loss=2.45 avg=2.68
  300. [6950 | 12264.68] loss=2.46 avg=2.68
  301. [6960 | 12281.10] loss=2.93 avg=2.68
  302. [6970 | 12297.54] loss=2.11 avg=2.68
  303. [6980 | 12313.99] loss=2.50 avg=2.68
  304. [6990 | 12330.44] loss=3.04 avg=2.68
  305. [7000 | 12346.91] loss=2.61 avg=2.68
  306. Saving checkpoint/run2/model-7000
  307. ======== SAMPLE 1 ========
  308. in her lap and kiss her cheek.
  309. > "Come on, Luna. You're gonna let go of the shirt and just ride me-"
  310. > A loud pop of pain echoes through the room and a light, wet slap on her cheek as she tries to hide what the hit was.
  311. > But somehow - it wouldn't be enough to do anything to her - it is enough to take her attention from another way.
  312. > To the wall in the corner of the room, an empty bottle of lube and some empty boxes of towels lie unopened.
  313. > If she can do anything other than the wet lube you will - you just want to do what you can.
  314. > Even if your own life depended on it.
  315. > Maybe one way or another...
  316. > To her, as much affection and warmth as she gives you is what she is after - and not any more.
  317. > You've heard her say you are supposed to 'be your father' at the wedding, but you're not sure if that would be true in the eyes of her or another woman.
  318. > For her, at least-
  319. > She's practically screaming now.
  320. > "No - no!"
  321. > Her face is full of pain.
  322. > Her body shaking as she struggles.
  323. > "No!"
  324. > She tries to pull away from you, but you are no less gentle.
  325. > Not her.
  326. > You're not going to hurt her.
  327. > "No!"
  328. "Stop!"
  329. > Her hooves dig at your shoulder, her back turning to give ground.
  330. "What if she's hurt?"
  331. > "She wouldn't be. You hurt her, Luna."
  332. "Shut up."
  333. > You can't make any more noises of the abuse.
  334. > You're too terrified to push her away any further.
  335. > The words are too far from your lips that she can't keep them out.
  336. "Don't cry."
  337. > She does.
  338. > "I shouldn't. I shouldn't cry. I should be here to protect you!"
  339. "C'mon. Don't give up."
  340. > What she isn't giving up is her resolve.
  341. > "I... I don't want to let go of this."
  342. > You lift her off you - and not only amher with her - but also throw her onto her back.
  343. > She gives one last fierce cry, and then collapses beside you.
  344. "...what do we do?
  345. > In a few seconds you are climbing over her.
  346. > And not a moment thereafter you are doing the same.
  347. > When you return, a few weeks later, you're still hugging her.

Midnight Run /nmp/

by Aftercase

Hearts of Speed [Story Formatted] /CYOA/

by Aftercase

Happy X Anon Shorts /Kinderequestria/

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Anon in Tatarus /kinderquestria/

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Mare En Armure

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