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Anon in Tatarus /kinderquestria/

By Aftercase
Created: 2020-11-14 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-07-06 12:54:26
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Anon.
  2. >After a fapping accident and falling hundreds of feet onto a royal guard’s horn you now find yourself at the pearly gates.
  3. >Yup the big end.
  4. >In the wrong universe.
  5. >Instead of ol' St Peter, a pure white little pony sits at her desk tapping away at her keyboard.
  6. >You notice a small halo that floats above her head and large wings on her back.
  7. >Makes sense.
  8. >Wait, is she a pegasus or an angel?
  9. >You shake your head. Maybe somethings should be left unanswered.
  10. >You glance at the old CRT monitor and the fax machine that take up most of her desk.
  11. >Damn looks like pony heaven is catching up to earth technology wise.
  12. >To be host you would’ve expected a great book of life sat on the desk. You guess progress progresses on wherever you go.
  14. > “I’ll be with you soon sweet.” The angel pony waves her hoof at you not once breaking her gaze away from her screen. “Take a seat and I’ll call you up for your judgement.”
  15. >You look around to find a small row of seats and make you way to them.
  16. >Upon doing so you find a familiar stallion giving you a thousand-yard stare.
  17. >Oh...
  18. >It’s that royal guard you landed on.
  19. >You feel your ass checks clench as you notice at his browned horn.
  20. “…Hey bud.”
  21. >No response.
  22. >He must be still in shock after…well.
  23. >You let out a slight cough.
  24. >Awkward.
  25. “I’m sorry about uh…Getting the drop on you, I guess…”
  26. >The guard slowly turns his head to face you still with a blank expression.
  27. >You spot a patch of dried semen in his mane and point towards it.
  28. “You still got...”
  29. >He just stares though you.
  30. “Nevermind.”
  31. >You take a seat a few spaces down from him.
  32. >Even though it was an accident that mostly his fault. You still feel sorry for the guy. If he didn’t startle you while you were perched on Princess Celestia’s private bathroom window maybe things would’ve ended different.
  33. >”Anonymous” You hear the desk pony call out. “Please take a seat.”
  34. >You give a small wave to the royal guard and take the seat Infront of the angel’s desk.
  35. >The angel pone speaks up once more.
  36. >”Sorry about that, had to send a request for your files.” She taps once more on her keyboard. “While we wait for that to come through, let have at look your life in Equestria.”
  37. >She opens your file that is already laying in front of her.
  38. >Only one page.
  39. >”Hmm, I guess sadly you didn’t live a completely full life.”
  40. >That was an understatement, it took two days from waking up in the Everfree then falling to your death.
  41. >”But I do see some sins.”
  42. >You sit up straight as she summarizes your file.
  43. >”Peeping on a princess, other lustrous acts, yaddy yadda…Stallions will be stallions wherever they there from I guess…”
  44. >You breath a sigh of relief, from her reaction. All seems good you guess with a few misdemeanors.
  45. >”No good deeds though Anonymous…” She mentions in a stern tone.
  46. >You flinch at that. Crap.
  47. >The angel pone just giggles. “Don’t panic, you were adjusting to a new world. Two days isn’t an enough time for a decent good deed record. That’s why we’re asking for the records from your universe’s book of life.”
  48. >Damn these angel ponies are cute. They could damn your soul to hell and you still be admiring how cute they are.
  50. >Damn these angel ponies are cute. They could damn your soul to hell and you still be admiring how cute they are.
  51. >As right on cue the fax machine beeps and whirs.
  52. >”Oh, right on cue.”
  53. >You shift uncomfortably in your chair. Trying to recount all your misdeeds.
  54. >The angel pone pulls a few sheets paper from the tray. She notices you fidgeting in your chair.
  55. >”Come on, you’re not that bad. Just a few problems in your teenage years other than that you-“
  56. >She was cut off by the fax machine once again.
  57. >”Must have been more. One second…”
  58. >You glace at the paper that just fell into the print tray and read the title.
  59. >Anonymous: Search history.
  60. >You feel a lead weight in your stomach as the little angle pony picks it up.
  61. >Watching her like how you would’ve watched a slow-motion train crash you can feel the guilt bubble inside of you.
  62. >The ponies and the ones in the afterlife are way to innocent to lay eyes on that.
  63. >You shrink in the chair as the white ponies’ eyes scan across the page, a vivid blush appears across her face.
  64. >”Huh, well um you defiantly like your mares Mr. Anonymous…. And so many fetishes.”
  65. “Uh, it was for research…”
  66. >”Research…” She deadpans at you.
  67. >You just smile back.
  68. >”So the search you made a few months ago asking if it was illegal to mate with a plush doll”
  69. “Yeah..”
  70. >”Lying…another sin.”
  71. “Hey okay. I was lonely.”
  72. >The angel bites her lip. “Just let me read though this and I’ll make a judgement to see if you qualify for heaven.”
  73. >Once again, the desk pone reads though the pages. Slowly the red blush fades in to green. You try and read her emotions, anger, fear, disgust, pity…
  74. > “Ex-cuse me a sec-“ The pony dives under her desk and grabs her office bin and heaves into it.
  75. > “Sweet Faust…Huuufr”
  76. >By her reaction, you guess Uncle Incognito has been on your computer again with out using well… Incognito mode. Believe it or not he was the one who designed that feature in modern web browsers.
  77. >You snap back to the vomiting pony.
  78. “I-Think”
  79. >”Hurrrr”
  80. “Are you-“
  81. >She holds up a hoof.
  82. >”Okay, I think I’m done.” She pants heavily.
  83. >A few moments later she regains some control and looks up at you in disgust and pure anger.
  84. >”You are a very SICK creature. MAY THERE BE MERCY ON YOUR SOUL”
  85. >You flinch and close your eyes, suddenly you feel yourself falling what seem like forever.
  86. >Your screams ended with a splash, as red fills your vision.
  87. >You groan in pain as you stumble to your feet only to slip and fall back down into the red gloopy liquid.
  88. >Breaking out to the surface you instinctively gasp for air. You regain your vision to find your self in a pool of red…Oh god.
  89. >You start to panic as you try and swim to the side only to be blocked by a red pony like thing.
  90. >”Hello…”
  91. >Panting heavily, you just stare at her.
  92. >”Anonymous isn’t it?”
  93. >You slowly nod as you scan over the pony.
  94. >She sweeps back her black mane and stretches out her bat wings and doggy paddles over to you.
  95. >”Well isn’t it nice of you to drop in” She giggles at her own joke behind a hoof. “My just to be thrown down to Tartarus like that. You’ve must have been a bad…bad colt.”
  96. >You build up the courage to speak.
  98. “I…”
  99. >”Ahh ahh,” She wiggles a hoof at you, like if you were a kid “please I’ve heard all the excuses before.”
  100. “but-“
  101. >”Shush you.” She splashes the red gloopy liquid at you. “now let me see.”
  102. >Your paperwork pops into existence. Like the angel pony at the beginning she bites her lip as she glances through. But unlike before her face when somehow redder as she continued.
  103. >”A-aan”
  104. “Look it wasn’t me”
  105. >”You-you…”
  106. >She starts to tremble.
  107. >”A-anchovies and pineapple pizza?”
  108. >…
  109. >Now it was your turn to give someone they thousand-yard stare.
  110. “What?”
  111. >”I don’t know what most of this stuff is on this list is. But I know a crime against nature when I see one.”
  112. “You mean when I ordered a pizza a few weeks ago?”
  114. >” You ordered it for consumption…”
  115. “I was hungry.”
  116. >You watch the odd mare slowly sinks into the red gloop, by now your guessing it’s a gore pit.
  117. “Look can we please get out this gore pit? The effect has worn off now. I’m more confused than scared.”
  118. >The pony shot back up with a confused and disturbed expression. “Gore pit?”
  119. “Yeah, this is pony hell right? Tartarus?”
  120. >She nods.
  121. “Well obviously this is the blood of the damned grounded up in a fleshy goop…”
  122. >She pales at the thought.
  123. >”Oh sweet…No… oh…that’s bucked up. No its mixed berry Jello… What’s wrong with you to even think that…and to bathe in it!?”
  124. >You scoop up some off the goop and sniff it. Sure enough it smelled like berries. You give it a quick taste to confirm it.
  125. “Huh…Sorry I though this being Tartarus and all it’ll be well…like hell…”
  126. >”Hell sounds scary...” The mare shivers.
  127. “Soo…who are you?”
  128. >The mare looks up. “Oh right, where my manners?” She shoots up from the jello above your head and flutters above you. “I’m Ever Damned! Ruler of the Nine Circles of Taurus!”
  129. “Soo the devil?” You give a dead pan expression.
  130. >”Uh, yeah I guess…Bit of an archaic term for the job title.” She taps her chin with her long devil tail.
  131. “Right… See you around then Lucy.”
  132. >”My names not-“
  133. >It is too late, your already making your way out the of the jello pit.
  134. >”Hey don’t just walk away! I have to give you your punishment!”
  135. >She zips pass you and stops in front with her front legs folded as she gently flaps her wings.
  136. “Oh right… So what is it. Boiling pot? Skin ripped from my bones? Hung drawn and quartered for all of eternity?”
  137. >Lucy blanches at the thought. “NO! Why would anypony do that!?”
  138. “So…what is it.”
  139. >A pudding cup materializes in front of you.
  140. >”Pudding?” The devil mare snickers behind her hoof.
  141. “…Sure.”
  142. >You grab it out of the air and pop open the lid. Spring loaded plastic snakes pop out.
  143. >” You fool!” She bellows with laughter There was no pudd…ing.” She quietens down as she sees you’re not amused.
  144. “I played that prank on my grandma last thanksgiving…”
  145. >”I…but…what!?”
  146. “See you around, the jello’s fucking up my suit.” You said flatly.
  147. >Tossing the pudding up over your shoulder leaving the mare dumbfounded.
  149. >Be Ever Damned.
  150. >You watch Anon pull himself out of the pool and brush off the excess jello from his suit and continue to wander off into the distance.
  151. >You could not believe how resistant he his to his punishment. The pudding trick always broke ponies instantly, turning them into a sobbing mess for eons. But to him, it was just a lame joke.
  152. >Well you still have a job to do and he still must be punished for his sins.
  153. >You slowly flap your wings a lazily follow Anon. It’s not if he’s going anywhere, plus if he keeps walking straight like that hell end up back where he began anyway.
  154. >You chuckle to yourself, as you remember the last mortal who found himself here went mad in a few hours as Tartarus just loops back on himself.
  155. >Shame that pony had to leave, you could have had so much fun with him but sadly True Justice came and got him. Never got to the bottom of how he ended up in the 9th circle while getting his mail.
  156. >There was also that scary Tirek guy. But you may have lost him.
  159. >After a few minutes of flying you see the familiar figure of Anon sat on a brimstone bolder smoking a cigarette.
  160. >Smoking.
  161. ”ANON!” You scream as you race over to him.
  162. >“Oh hey Lucy…”
  163. >”What do you think you doing? This is a No Smoking Zone!”
  164. >“Really?”
  165. ”Yes! Plus its bad for your health!”
  166. >“I’m already dead…”
  168. ”Well it’s a fire hazard.”
  169. >Anon just motions to the fire and brimstone.
  170. ”That fire was an accident.” You shuffle to one hoof and rub your leg while Anon raises an eyebrow in response. “I tried cooking over a millennia ago. I just haven’t gotten around to putting it out.”
  171. >Anon just smirks to himself. “Really. You must be rushed off your feet- hooves in this place.” He shakes his head and take a drag on his cigarette. “I expected to be a lot more…well people here.”
  172. >Your ears flatten against your head. It has been a while since another being walked your domain.
  173. “It’s been a while.”
  175. >Be Anon.
  176. >You watch Lucy scuff the brimstone with her hoof. How long has she been here alone? Does the others above visit her? For a devil she’s not bad or evil in any case. Just a minor annoyance at worst.
  177. “Lucy, are you alone down here?”
  178. >The devil mare ears perks up
  179. >”Alone? Oh, I’m not always alone down here. I do get a pony every thousand years or so and my seven other sisters above me visits now and again.” She gives you a weak smile.
  180. “You have sisters?”
  181. >”Oh yeah, Greed, Lust, Envy, Sloth, Wrath, Pride and Gluttony. They have their own circles. They’re mostly busy though for me to visit them.”
  182. >An awkward silence falls between you. As you both avoid eye contact for the endless fire and brimstone.
  183. >You kind of feel bad for her, her existence is to punish the evil ponies, but the way Equestria is most evils are reformed before they even reach Tartarus. You wasn’t a complete autist, you knew she was very lonely deep down.
  184. >You sigh and stub out your cigarette on the bolder and hop off. Lucy squeaks as you scrape her up into a hug. It’s surprising how light she is and how soft her fur is.
  186. It was too late, the spaghetti has been spilled.
  187. >And when you say spaghetti you mean getting engulfed in searing flames that burnt the flesh from your bones. In the heat of the moment, no pun intended you drop Lucy and stumble back.
  188. >Once again you feel the falling sensation only to meet a bone crunching thud as you hit the brimstone. You groan as you roll over and look up to the red misty sky.
  189. >Touching your face and chest you notice not a single scorch mark on you. I guess you cant truly die twice.
  190. >A pair of watery red eyes blocks your view of the sky. “Anon?”
  191. “Hey -cough-“
  192. >”I-I I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to…” She Stumbles over her words as she chokes between them.
  193. “It’s fine… I was expecting that sort of stuff down here anyway.”
  194. >”No it’s not fine! Oh no, True Justice will be here any second now!”
  195. >Who?
  196. >A loud crack echoes throughout the 9th circle sending a shock wave throughout.
  197. >You and Lucy both tumble like tumbleweeds in a gale force storm.
  198. >”Ever Damned!” A voice as strong as the shock wave bellows and rings in your ears.
  199. >”Oh no he’s here! Oh buck Oh buck…” Ever Damned is now visible panicking, you wonder if you need to do the same.
  200. >You watch a white stallion pegasus/angel with a golden main fly over to you. Unlike the ponies on the mortal realm he was massive in comparison where his eyes meet your chin and your no manlet either.
  201. >”I have detected a Class S boo-boo. State your case or face my sword.”
  202. >Upon saying that you take note of his sword holstered down his flank and his thick golden armour.
  203. >”I-I True I…Anon…He…”
  204. >He slowly goes for his sword.
  205. >Alright Anon, its fucking lawyer time flunking out of law school after six months all adds up to this day.
  206. >You let out a small cough pausing them both.
  207. “And you are?”
  208. >You point to the stallion.
  209. >”True Justice, Ponysonification of justice.”
  210. >You cringe at that word.
  211. “Well this doesn’t look like justice to me.”
  213. >The stallion snarls to turns towards you.
  214. >”Silence vile creature.”
  215. “I state my case this isn’t justice. Where’s the court and jury?”
  216. >”Jury? Courts?” His demeanor changes to bemusement.
  217. “You know the presumption on innocence. You just flew down here playing judge jury and executioner.”
  218. >You pull out your pack of cigarettes from your pocket and pop one in your mouth.
  219. “Lucy if you would…”
  220. >She stares at you then your cigarette in your mouth. Taking the cue she likes it with her fire magic. Taking a drag, you continue.
  221. “I’m sorry pal, but you need to change your name to True Vigilante as it’s what you are.”
  222. >”Excuse me! Vigilante! I have orders from Faust.”
  223. “Did she personally order you to come down here and brandishing your sword?”
  224. >” Well no… I presumed…”
  225. >You cut him off.
  226. “Presumed? like the presumption of Ever Dammed’s guilt?”
  227. >”I I mean maybe?”
  228. >You slowly shake your head.
  229. “I think I have to report this to your supervisors.”
  230. >”I’ll see no vile creature like yourself will grace the halls of heaven.”
  231. >Damn almost had him. Time to get this hot head out of here.
  232. “Well you shouldn’t be seeing anything, I thought justice was blind.”
  233. >You give him your best shit eating grin in return he stomps the ground with a mighty force.
  234. >” Listen you hairless ape!”
  235. >Got him.
  236. “Ape? Ape! I can’t believe just said that…”
  237. >You look at Lucy once again putting on your best pained expression.
  238. “I’m not an ape! I’m human! That’s pretty racist…”
  239. >Justice freezes on the spot.
  240. >”Wow hang on there lets not throw those accusations around.”
  241. “I just heard you say it and this fine devil as my witness.”
  242. >You motion a hand to Lucy as she finally speaks up.
  244. >”I heard him. Justice should see no race, sex or creed. I’m sorry True Justice, but you have committed the sin of fraud. As your claim to the ponysonification of Justice is now false.” She shakes her head “And too think Mr Justice himself to sink so low…”
  245. >”Hey hey now I- Oh no…No no no.” True Justice panics and his armor and sword breaks into dust.
  246. >He tries to scramble back down to the ground with his hooves as an unseen force lifts him up to the sky.
  247. >”No I’m sorry! I’m Sorry Faust!”
  248. >Like a fish being pull out of the water, he is pulled up to the sky to the eighth circle, Fraud.
  249. “Well that was something.”
  250. >Lucy walks over to you and sits next to you.
  251. >”Anon, I can’t believe you did that.”
  252. “What you mean? The guy was asshole.”
  253. >”Indeed he was, but you didn’t have to do that, even though I’m…you know…”
  254. “A devil?”
  255. >”Yes.”
  256. “What about a friend instead?”
  257. >”A f-friend?”
  258. “Yeah way not? We got eternity to spend together. Tartarus would suck if we we’re enemies would it?”
  259. >Lucy chuckles behind her hoof. “Tartarus supposed to suck.”
  260. “Right…I forgot.”
  262. >You never understood the phrase ‘cold as hell’ until now. There is a day/night cycle in Tartarus and the nights are bloody freezing.
  263. >Pulling your jacket tighter you hope it would shield yourself from the bitter cold. No such luck you feel the icy air burn your skin.
  264. >You tried to warm yourself up next to the hellfire when you hear flapping behind you.
  265. >”Cold?” A familiar voice speaks up behind you.
  266. “A-a bit..” You shiver the words out through your teeth. But still hold your hands over the hellfire in desperate hope to warm them.
  267. >Lucy lands and walks up next to you and taps your thigh with her snake like tail. “Hey, Anon?”
  268. >You turn your frozen form and glance down at your new friend.
  269. >”I don’t normally do this, but you can take the couch at my place. It’s not much but it’s warmer”
  270. >You simply nod and motion her to lead the way.
  272. >The walk wasn’t far and where hoping hypothermia to kick in and feel the warmth of the sweet release. But that doesn’t seem to apply here.
  273. >”Here we are!” Lucy chirps as she happily trots to her front door.
  274. >Her house is very, well, average. Like it was plucked from a suburban ghetto and dumped in Tartarus. You were half expecting a dark castle with twisting spires surrounded by skeleton guards. In fact, you haven’t seen another creature here besides Lucy.
  275. >”Well? Are you coming?” The devil mare asks looking over her shoulder.
  276. “S-sure.”
  277. >You walk up to her small porch. As she struggles to push the door wider to let you though. You notice the unopened letters on the floor, some red envelopes and some with ‘Important’ stamped in red on them.
  278. >”Phew, sorry I normally just fly into my bedroom window, don’t really use the front door much so things has kind of gathered there.” She gives you sheepish smile and an unsure chuckle, knowing full well you’ve noticed the debt letters.
  280. >You step over the unopened mail and make your way into the house. You take a moment to scan around with a horrible feeling of pity wash through you. The house looks like a suburban crack den, between the smells of brimstone and sulphur you can smell of musky pony and unwashed laundry.
  281. >”Its not much but it keeps the cold out. Most of it anyway.”
  282. >She’s right you do feel a bit warmer and the shivering has toned down to a minimum.
  283. >You make your way down the corridor glancing through the doors as you pass them. The first room you guess was the kitchen, the whole room is still on fire from Lucy’s cooking attempt. The next was the washroom that made you wonder if it was designed to dirty you rather than clean.
  284. >Then finally after passing some stairs you reached the lounge. It’s a small room but you spot the promised sofa half buried in dirty laundry and rubbish. By the amount of dust in here you can tell this room isn’t used much. You shuffle around the coffee table and perch on the edge of the couch.
  285. >”So here we are…” Lucy rubs her leg with her hoof.
  286. >You have a feeling this isn’t a gesture of good well but a desperate call for help.
  287. “Lucy? It’s been rough hasn’t it.”
  288. >Your simple words cut right through her as tears well up in her eyes.
  289. >Talk about the devil may cry, but being in pony hell you’ll most likely run across copyright lawyers at one point.
  290. >”I-it hasn’t. Ever since Celestia took the throne, it’s gotten very quiet down here. Ponies are not as bad as they used to be, and even the mightiest villains are reformed or to turned to stone and-and I mean - if I’m not punishing souls, I’m not getting paid.”
  292. “So it is really your job, as in career.”
  293. >”Yeah..” She sniffs. Her tears are now visibly running down her face.
  294. >You pick up a debt letter from the table and skim though the wording.
  295. “I’m surprised Tartarus can get into debt.”
  296. >”No only the 9th Circle is in debt. My sisters are doing fine running things above me.”
  297. “Have you tried asking them for help?”
  298. >”Kind of, Sloth said she would but I’m still waiting for the help. Greed and Gluttony were an obvious no go. Envy was just jealous that I had so much free time. Wrath and Pride told me to buck off and Lust… I-I don’t want to talk about what she did.”
  299. “So I’m guessing you borrowed money from somewhere else.”
  300. >The red mare gave a small nod.
  301. >”Equestrian Central Bank. I remortgaged my castle a good while ago now to pay off the redundancy for my staff, you know, the demons, succubae, incubi. I couldn’t keep up with the repayments, so they repossessed it.”
  302. “Where is-“
  303. >Lucy just cuts you off knowing the next question “They auctioned it off cheaply to a powerful archangel in heaven. Apparently, it was to help me to reduce the debt I’m in. Doesn’t really matter now anyways”
  304. >You knew banks were evil but damn, they basically their devil by the horns.
  305. “Have you though asking the big G for help?”
  306. >”Big G?”
  307. “You know, Your God, the creature of this universe.”
  308. >”Oh you mean Mom. No we don’t talk anymore.” She says flatly with her ears pinned back.
  309. “I’m guessing you tried taking over heaven to rule, causing a war in the heavens just to be cast down into the fiery depths?”
  310. >”Is your universe always that extreme? Besides I forgot to send a mother day card one year and she still very mad. Well that’s what Envy told me.”
  311. >Placing your hands over your face you let out a long sigh. You almost forgot you were in some sort of Kinderverse.
  312. “Look you’re still her daughter, I’m pretty sure she’ll at least listen.”
  313. >”You think so?” Lucy wipes a tear away.
  314. “Yeah”
  316. >Lucy scrunches up her muzzle as she thinks for a few seconds and let out a sigh.
  317. >”I can’t”
  318. “Don’t be like that.”
  319. >She shakes her head. “I’m not, it’s that I can’t leave you unattended. I should really be making your stay here miserable. I’m even failing at that.”
  320. “Well seeing you like this is kind of making me sad if that’s any consolation.”
  321. >A small smile forms on Lucy’s face.
  322. >”Thanks Anon.” Her smile quickly fades “But I think I’m up the Styx without a paddle.”
  323. >Lucy turns away and starts to head upstairs. “I’m heading to bed. Today’s been an emotional rollercoaster and I’m tuckered out.”
  324. >You nod as you neaten the pile of debt letters on the coffee table.
  325. “Ok, well I’m not tired, so if you don’t mind, I can take a look through your debts to see if I can come up with a solution.”
  326. >”Goodnight.”
  327. “Night, Lucy.”
  329. >Be Lucy as the nick name is starting to grow on you.
  330. >You push open your bedroom door, slowly climb over mount laundry pile and slump on your bed.
  331. >Seriously, you hardly wear clothes, but the laundry always seems to pile up. Does Anon have the same problem? You only knew him for a day but the only bit of clothing he removed were his jacket.
  332. >Anon…
  333. >Your mind races back to earlier when he called you a friend.
  334. >You never had a friend before, sure you had servants and employees but never a friend. You kind of feel bad for giving the worst form of punishment straight off the bat, pranked pudding. It was like he wasn’t even fazed. To think he played that prank on his own grandma. Does he know his evil knows no bounds?
  335. >Now you just feel bad what your going to put him through starting tomorrow.
  336. >”I can’t..”
  337. >You moan into your succubus body pillow.
  338. > Body pillow?
  339. >You don’t own a body pillow. You lift yourself up and inspect the print of the succubus. You pull yourself close to the picture as you swear the image winked at you.
  340. >”Boo!”
  341. >You yelp and stumble back off the bed as pink flames light up your room.
  343. >”Hello sister.” A tall succubus pony with large rams horns and piercing hot pink eyes stare down at you from your bed.
  344. ”L-Lust I-I thought you were coming tomorrow.”
  345. >Lust replies with a sultry voice that’s almost on the peak of arousal. “Oh, I couldn’t wait. Just the thought of having such an exotic creature. I can’t almost taste his darkest desires…” The succubus smacks her lips. “Tastes like pineapple and anchovies though.”
  346. ”Lust please, If you got the bits then take him and leave”
  347. >”humph, you sound just like Greed dear sister. Fine, the debt has already been paid off, so a ‘thank you sis’ would be nice.”
  348. “Thank you, sis.”
  349. >”Now a kiss” She sings in a motherly voice.
  350. “JUST GO!”
  351. >”Pffft no fun.” Lust turns and makes her way out of your bedroom door. “See you around sis-“
  352. >Something in the upstairs hallway cuts her off “Oh, look at you eager to- HEY!”
  353. >You hear scuffling with many thumps and thuds down the stairs after.
  354. >You slowly turn towards the door to see Anon. Your black heart divebombs into your stomach. You dare not make eye contact.
  355. “How much did you hear?”
  357. >Be Anon.
  358. >Be angry.
  359. >Be fucking furious.
  360. >You glare down Ever Dammed as you feel the rage build inside of you. She fucking sold you. Deep down you’re kicking yourself for believing a devil. Of course, she will do shit like this.
  361. >You grit your teeth and edge out your words.
  362. “All of it.”
  363. >”Anon please let-“
  364. “Enough! I don’t want to here it. I’m a fucking fool believing all the shit that came from your mouth. Might I add the debt letters and your crack den is a nice touch. Really had me fooled.”
  365. >”I’m sorry I”
  366. “No, you fucked up!”
  367. >”Please
  368. >” feisty. I can barely contain myself” You hear your succubus owner approach from behind.
  369. >You quickly turn and grab her by one of her horns.
  370. >”Horn pulling!? We’ve just met”
  371. “Will you just fuck off!”
  372. >You swing her around and slam her into the back of a wardrobe quickly slamming the door. With one hand pushing against the door you manage to contain her attempts to escape. Turning your anger back to the devil mare you let your fury wash over you.
  374. “You know what? You fucking suck Ever Dammed. Your Circle Sucks, your pudding trick sucks and your sister sucks too.”
  375. >”Oh I do…” She calls out from the wardrobe.
  377. >You fling open the door and grab the sex pest out, grabbing her by the scruff you launch her over the bed and out of the window with an audible smash.
  378. >Your attention snaps back to the already crying Lucy and let out a huff as you quickly leave, slamming the door behind you.
  380. >Be Ever Dammed.
  381. >Once called Lucy by a lost friend.
  382. >You knew going though with this was a wrong choice. But you never knew losing a friend hurts so much. You only knew him for a day, but Faust did he quickly grow on you.
  383. >You’re first ever friend and you sold him. Well tried to anyway.
  384. >The though of it brings more tears to the forefront as you breakdown in sobs. You could have been the loneliest pony in Tartarus right now instead you feel a soft wing over your back.
  385. >”You know seeing your little sister bawl her eye’s out is a right mood killer.”
  386. >You try and smile between you sobs as it was your sister way of saying ‘are you okay?’
  387. “I’ve m-made a big mistake! He was genuinely going to help me without asking anything in return. Oh ponyfeathers! He even fended off True Justice after I accidently gave him a class S booboo. For Tartarus Sake he just brushed it off like it was nothing. He even called me a friend.”
  388. >”Wow you gave him a Class S booboo and he still calls you a friend.” You hear the awe in Lusts voice.
  389. “Well not anymore he doesn’t. Now I won’t even see him again once you take him”
  390. >”Okay, put on those brakes now sis. I wont take him from you.”
  391. “But you already paid off my debt…You can’t get that money back!”
  392. >”Ever, do you really think I would let your lively hood and everything around you fall apart?”
  393. >You just stare back to her.
  394. >”Okay, it was funny at first, now it’s just sad to see.” There’s the Lust you know. “Look, forget the bits. I’ll bring back Anon for you. I’ll be back soon.”
  397. >Be Anon.
  398. >You rest your head against the door of devil mare's crack den.
  399. >You could just flee, but at what use. You'll only be caught eventually then forced into whats ever sick twist fantasies Lust offers you.
  400. >Plus it's cold outside.
  401. >And winter clothes are sparse in Tartarus. Equestria also when you think about it.
  402. >Fucking ponies and their nudity.
  404. >You hear hooves trot up from behind you.
  405. >Not bothering to turn around you close your eyes to accept you fate.
  406. >But instead of being dragged away you hear a small cough.
  407. >"You know, throwing me out the window, was a bit of a turn off."
  408. "I figured you needed to cool off."
  409. >Lust chuckles "That joke was bad."
  410. "Not here to impress you Lust. Lets just get this over with."
  411. >"Pfft no fun at all Anon. I like it when they struggle."
  412. "Well I'm just going to have to take it like a man I guess."
  413. >"You- ugh, OK Mr Buzzkill, Listen my sister is up there crying and it's making me feel bad. Now I now since I own your soul you'll go and make her feel better. - And be her friend or something."
  414. "And if I don't?"
  415. >Out of the corner of your eye you see a muzzle slip into view and lightly rest on your shoulder.
  416. >"Well a little birdy told me the best fear of a human is the unknown. So..."
  417. >She breaths into your ear and sings in a slimy silky tone "It'll be a secret~..."
  418. >You feel if a thousand Iced spiders crawl down your very spine as she spoke those words. This demon pone really makes your skin crawl.
  419. >"Gotcha'"
  420. >You spin on your heel as you flick off Lust from your shoulder and glare down at her.
  421. >You weigh in your options.
  422. >Lucy or Lust.
  424. >You guess Lucy is, well kind of normal compared to this shack of shit. You bite the inside of your mouth as you continue stare down Lust. But surely she'll just sell you out again like some kind of whore.
  425. >A niggling feeling at the back your mind is screaming at you, like a down syndrome kid at a school play.
  426. >Maybe it was out of desperation. Maybe it isn't a dirty trick or a cleverly thought you punishment.
  427. "Hey Lust, those debts."
  428. >"All real."
  429. "And Lucy?"
  430. >"Flat broke."
  431. "Why are you helping her."
  432. >"Tsk tsk monkey boy, because we are evil doesn't mean we don't look after family."
  433. >Lust blinks at you with her big pink eyes. Damn it even the pervert can be cute.
  434. "..."
  435. "OK FINE!"
  436. >You throw up your arms in defeat.
  437. "One chance, I give her one chance. She fucks it up then...then..."
  438. >Lust leans in anticipating your threat.
  439. "I dunno, give her silent treatment or something."
  440. >"Sweet Faust Anon! Tartarus is for evil ponies not diabolical ones!"
  441. "What? Human women do it to us blokes all the time. My last girlfriend gave me it because I was late picking her up one time."
  442. >Lust's fur has gone a shade paler as she shudders.
  443. >This universe doesn't make a lick of sense.
  444. >You grumble under you breath and push past the lust demon.
  445. Aftercase Wed 18 Dec 2019 19:39:36 No.34755055 Report
  446. Quoted By: >>34755119
  447. >>34755048
  448. >Be devil mare.
  449. >You sob into your pillows, how did you know anon was going to be such a great guy. In the the all of the aeons of your existence not once you came across a creature that didn't run and scream upon sight of you. And to top it off he was willing to befriend you.
  450. >Your Ever Damned, Queen of the bucking underworld for crying out loud. But this...this is the worst thing ever.
  451. >Tears once more stream down your face matting your mane that droops over your face.
  452. >Feeling something heavy sit down next to you on your bed snaps you out of your self pity. That scent, it's...
  453. "Anon?"
  454. >"Yeah, I kind of want to apologize-"
  455. "It's me that should be Anon. I-I was desperate and I didn't know what to do. It was too late to call of the deal with Lust."
  456. >"I shouldn't of yelled at you and let you explain first."
  457. >You shake your head, why is he apologizing?
  458. "You had every right to be angry."
  459. >Anon rubs he face and let out a tired sigh.
  460. >"I guess I do. But I got a choice, either stay with you or go with the sex pest downstairs."
  461. "So, I'm guessing..."
  462. >You feel your little black heart flutter in your chest as you hope.
  463. >"I'm staying here."
  464. >You jump up on to your hooves in joy.
  465. "A-"
  466. >You feel a finger on at the end of your nose.
  467. >"On one condition. You keep Lust's hooves away from me."
  468. "Deal!"
  470. >You lay there being hugged by a pone missile trying to gasp back the air that was knocked out of you by her sudden hug.
  471. >"Thank you, thank you, thank you..." She repeats holding you tight.
  472. >Ponies man, they treat you like a love one after only one day.
  473. >but damn, she's cute.
  474. >Couldn't really stay mad at her.
  475. >Being a long day, you stretch out your back and arms with an audible pop.
  476. >While stretching you bump something hard under her bed sheets.
  477. >Curiously you run your hand under and grab the small rubbery thing out from under the sheets.
  478. >You bring it to your front to admire your find.
  479. >Huh.
  480. >Bad dragon must also deliver here too.
  481. >Never realized they made them that small.
  482. >"M-m-mister p-pokey..."
  483. >Mister pokey..."
  484. >Then it dawns on you.
  485. >You slowly look at Lucy.
  486. >You gone goof'd
  487. >Spaghetti already flowing.
  488. >There was only fire.
  489. >Then the cold brimstone of Tartarus.

Midnight Run /nmp/

by Aftercase

Hearts of Speed [Story Formatted] /CYOA/

by Aftercase

Happy X Anon Shorts /Kinderequestria/

by Aftercase

Anon in Tatarus /kinderquestria/

by Aftercase

Mare En Armure

by Aftercase