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Reunited Apples (AJxAnon Collaborative Green.)

By ApplejackThread
Created: 2021-02-11 01:39:12
Expiry: Never

  1. > Anon...... You'll know they'll kill ya if they see that on my finger
  3. > I ain’t no spring chicken. I know why you pulled me all the way out to the South Fields. And it’s not like I haven’t thought about it myself. But sugarcube, my Granny and Brother are really vigilant ever since they found that ring. And AppleBloom ain’t no help with her blabbering. What I’m trying to say is, if we’re going to do this I don’t want it to be a quickie. I want us to take our time and enjoy ourselves. And we can’t do that on the farm. You know what? Why don’t we take a trip to Appaloosa? I know my cousin will put us up for a while. And while we’re out there we can…you know~
  5. > I don’t care what you say! I love him and he loves me. Why can’t you and granny just accept that? What, y’all expect me just to be single forever? I’m a growing woman, I got needs. And for your information he hasn’t tried anything at all because you keep scaring him!Look at how far I had to go just to get some alone time! Keep Out of this Fluttershy! I can’t take it anymore! When are y’all going to realize that I’m not some innocent naïve child that y’all got to protect.?
  7. > It’s nothing Anon, Don’t worry about it. Me and Big Mac got into an argument and things got a little heated. NO! I mean just let it go. I said some things he said some things. I just ain’t ever seen him that mad before. I.... I don’t wanna go riling him up again ok? Anon please just forget it. We’re stilling going to Appaloosa this tomorrow and we can forget all about this. By the time we get back he’ll have calmed down. And Rarity said she can touch me touch so you won’t be getting any weird looks. Besides, what happened was a family affair. I don’t know want cops getting involved in my personal affairs so please. Can we just forget and spend some time together? I really need it right now
  9. > I’ll admit, it must’ve taken some brass balls for you to show up here without your bodyguard. And seeing how she ain’t here I Think you know what’s about to happen. But before we do this, there’s something I want to say. Ever since my sister got Involved with you she’s been more trouble than a leak in my truck. She was completely happy working on the farm, helping me take care of granny, and looking after our littlest kin. We had a perfect little thing going before a cityboy like you showed up. Hell, the only reason I even put up with those friends of hers is because that pretty little thing Rarity knows how to give a right proper Tuscaloosa dumpling. That girl is a freak. Hehehe, not to mention her that rainbow one’s a tighter fight than...you know what? Don’t matter. My point is I’m giving you one more chance to walk off this farm and leave my sister alone. Go on git!......So, you really want to do this? All right. Been a while since I had a tussle. I hope those lanky arms can throw a proper punch. Oh goodness you didn’t even tucked your thumb into your fist.I’ll tell you what. I promise that by the end of this. You’ll at least be able to walk home
  11. *Thump* *Thump*
  12. > *sniff* I told you.
  13. * Thump* * Thump*
  14. > You....goddamn idiot.
  15. *crash*
  16. > I told you this would happen.
  17. * Distant groans*
  19. >*Distant* Now get on back to that pantry closet you call an apartment while I still let ya. And remember what I said. I see you with my sister again you’re going to be more than a few bandages the fix what I do to you.
  21. > *hick* Anon you damn fool. You big damn fool. *sniff* Mom? Dad? What am I gonna do? He’s a good man. I love him. Why can’t Big Mac see that? Why doesn't he want me to be happy? It ain’t like I’m leaving the farm if anything I’m adding to the workforce.*sniff*What should I do? Ma and Pa? Y’all had to go to the same thing right? Give me a sign? Something… Anything! *silently cries*
  23. >Big Mac, whay are ya hittin' that poor man? Ajay likes him, and he's been nothin' but nice ever since he showed up. Ya told me that dad always said to respect everyone else, but this sure doesn't seem respectful...
  24. > Hehehe, That weren’t nothing little girl. Just making some things clear for that city boy. Besides you know better than to go ask a man about grown folks business.Now go on, back in the house you supposed to be in bed anyway.Actually wait, there’s something I want you to do for me from now on. You ever that city boy around the farm or in town with AJ you let me know right away. Ain’t no good gonna come from messing with city folk. And I don’t want you talking to him either. I got my reasons.
  26. >( We are Apples. We work hard, we drink hard, and we know how to give a sound ass whipping. AJ come around eventually. Hopefully. … I better go check on her. I haven’t seen Eye or Ear of her since the incident. But she’ll see once she calms down. Damn hormones raging. She just got to work it out of her system just like I had to. Soon enough she’ll find a good country boy and forget all about that pasty green little upstart. Matter fact maybe I should give Braeburn a call and see if that farmhand of his is still poking around.)
  28. > Hey....I thought I’d find you out here. You weren’t home so I....Yea. What? You think I don’t know you? This is one of the best places you had taken me on a date. You went on and on about how much you love the fire flies here at night. You got one thing right. It really is beautiful out here. Oh shush you, you’re making me blush. And speaking of being red in the face I’m glad the swelling has gone down on you. I am impressed though, you went toe to toe with my brother and walked away. Not many people can say that. Although, your lips still look a little puffy. *Giggle* Quit it you big goof. You know I ticklish there~. Hey c’mon I know your lips still hurt. Stop kissing me....so much. Just hold me for a little. I think we could both use some TLC right now. Anon, you know I love you. And I don’t care about what BigMac says. All that matters is that we’re together. Yea I don’t what his issue is. Even Granny backed down once she saw how much I care for you. Not to mention Applebloom adores you. So you my friends. So as far as I’m concerned he can shove his feelings. He didn’t see me going off when he was bouncing around town. Sometimes I just wanna-. Hey, I said quit kissing me so much. You’re lips ain’t gonna heal are this rate. Hey! Knock it off! I’m warning you. Im warning you. I-I’m warning y-you. I’m.......I’m.... Anon, stop. We can’t. I mean I want but.....but.....Anon.
  30. >Anon, the hell is she saying. She's pregnant. You bastard, what do we tell Granny?
  32. Mama?
  33. > Yes Opal?
  34. Whatcha doing?
  35. >Waiting on your father and brothers to come in from the south fields.
  36. But mama, I saw Jazz, Lil-Mac, and Red leave the farm during lunch.
  37. > They left their Pa to finish all by himself?! Too busy chasing skirts to finish their chores?! When I get ahold of them I gonna....*sigh*
  38. Mama?
  39. > I can’t get too mad that those boys. They remind me to much of...myself when was their age.
  40. You chased skirts mama? Eww
  41. > Opal you know what I meant!
  42. Oh what shame has been brought upon the proud Apple name! My Mama’s a Closet Queen, a Mary Ann, A pillow biting fairly, A big salami stuffer. A Kosher pickle puffer!!
  43. > Child if you don’t knock it off! I ain’t like your Pa! I’ll tan your hide just I’d do your brother!
  44. *Giggle* I was just teasing na.
  45. > Where in land sake did you learn those names.
  46. Uncle Mac calls daddy that all the time when we visit his side of the farm.
  47. >..........
  48. Mama?
  49. > I wish that stubborn old fool would quit this 20 year tantrum he’s been on and recombine our farms.
  50. I do like playing with our cousins.
  51. > I miss them too. But you know how your uncle is when he gets in a mood. Just didn’t think it would last this long.
  52. I’m sure Uncle-Mac will come around. I mean they always come during the holidays.
  53. > Speaking of which. Did any letters from Applebloom come?
  54. No
  55. > Busy with that Doctorate I imagine. Oh! I see your Daddy coming up the trail. Go get those bags off his shoulders.
  56. Yes Mama
  58. Great Granny Smith...
  59. >Huh? What was that?
  61. >Oh! Oh, it's you Opal. Sorry, these ears aren't what they used to be, not that they were much to begin with - heh! What do you need, yungin'?
  62. I was wondering...why are Ma an' Uncle Mac on such bad terms? Why does Uncle Mac hate Pa so much?
  63. >Oh, Opal... It's a long story, and your parents probably wouldn't want you to hear it 'til you're older.
  64. But I want to know! I snuck over to the other side of the farm to play with Apple Tart yesterday. Uncle Mac found us and told me he'd...
  65. >He'd what?
  66. It wasn't very nice...
  67. >*sigh* Child, there was a time when this farm was one big happy orchard. When your grandparents passed away, your ma and Uncle Mac worked hard to keep this thing together. W-We had a lot of fun, but always worked real hard. Then your Ma started hangin' out with those girls from town and that city girl, and things started changin'. Your Ma, she was happy, and that made me happy, but Mac didn't much like her runnin' off with her friends.
  68. Uncle Mac didn't want Ma to have friends?
  69. >Now now, that's not what I said. He just didn't know how to handle his sister always leavin'. But when she came home with that city boy, well that was the last straw.
  70. Pa was a city boy!
  71. >Heh, eyup! Hate to say it, but even I thought he was a scrawny little varmint. Timid as a field mouse. But your Ma saw somethin' in him neither me nor Uncle Mac saw, and she refused to back down. Honest and stubborn as ever, just like her parents, and just like you.
  72. *giggles*
  73. >So when your parents finally got hitched, that was the last straw for Uncle Mac. He tried to get the whole farm to himself, but I wouldn't have it. After a whole storm between your parents and Uncle Mac and Auntie Belle, we came to an agreement and split the farm. Your Ma got your half, Uncle Mac got the other, an' that was that.
  75. Did you try to get them to put the farm back together?
  76. >Opal, I've been tryin' to do that for the last twenty years. But Apples are as stubborn as they come. I'm not sure what could bring them back together.
  77. I remember Ma's friend Twilight tellin' Ma it's important for family to be friends. Do you think Uncle Mac's talked to her?
  78. >Uh... I don't think Uncle Mac likes her very much. *whispers* He don't like ponies that are smarter than him.
  79. Granny!
  80. >It's true, sadly. I'm afraid it'll take something big to bring this farm together again. Now run along. You shouldn't be worryin' about all this family drama. Don't you have chores to do?
  82. >Opal sits on a hillside at evening, watching the stars.
  83. We used to have one big farm? I wish we had one big farm. I want to see Tart and Fritter more.
  84. >Suddenly, a pair of shooting stars fall from the sky, falling toward the edge of the farm.
  85. Woah!
  86. >Opal takes off, following the stars as they streak over the orchard. She somehow manages to keep pace with the meteors. Their light filters down through the trees, brilliant in the evening sky.
  87. >Bam!
  88. >Opal shakes her head. She was so busy looking up at the shooting stars, she didn't see the obstacle. She looks up.
  89. >She didn't just hit one tree.
  90. >Instead, she's looking up into the intertwined branches of two trees: one apple, and one pear.
  91. Woah! I've never seen this before!
  92. >She looks around. The trees part from the middle, their branches curving upwards, the gap between making a vague heart shape.
  93. It's beautiful!
  94. >"Opal! Opal where are ya?" a voice calls.
  95. Ma?
  96. >Ajay runs out from the orchard. "Opal, what're you doing out here."
  97. I saw some shootin' stars and tried to follow them. Then I found this tree.
  98. >Ajay looks up at it and sighs. "Now what're you two tryin' to tell me?"
  100. >Opal looks at Ajay
  101. Mama, what's this place?
  102. >Ajay smiles. "It's where grandma and grandpa got married." She places a hand at against the intertwined trees. "Those two had to overcome a lot to get here. Your grandma's pa - my grandpa - really didn't want your grandma to get married. He was so angry, he straight up left Ponyville to get away from the Apple family. Took him years before he came around."
  103. But he came back.
  104. >"Yeah." Ajay looks up at the tree, tears in her eyes. "Aunt Apple Bloom met him at the marketplace, and we eventually brought him home. Turns out he regretted gettin' so angry all those years ago, and he hated that. Hated it so much he moved back to Ponyville to reunite with his family."
  105. >Another pair of shooting stars break the darkness of the night sky.
  106. Mama, do you think Uncle Mac will come around too? Maybe he's just like Great Grandpa and he really misses us.
  107. >Ajay shakes her head. "I dunno. He's always been a stubborn one. I don't think anything will make him come back."
  108. Maybe we should plan somethin'! A get-together. Right here. We can get Pa and Granny and Uncle Mac and Auntie Sweetie Belle and all our cousins -
  109. >"Opal..."
  110. Ma, we gotta do somethin'! Great Granny Smith said we used to have one big happy farm. I don't wanna sneak out to play with Tart all the time.
  111. >Ajay sighs. "All right, I'll try to think of something."
  113. >"All right Opal, did you set up the tablecloths?"
  114. Yeah, Mama! Where's Pa?
  115. >"He's grabbin' the pies and helpin' Great Granny come down with your brothers."
  116. Do you think we can trust Jazz with Granny?
  117. >Ajay chuckles. "We'll have to.try."
  118. >Opal pulls the tablecloth straight. The picnic table sits at the bottom of Gramma and Gramps' tree, comfortably sitting in the shade of the intertwined branches.
  119. >"Now, now, I'm doin' fine. I can get down this on mah own! Get yer paws off me!"
  120. >Great Granny Smith hobbles down the hill on her walker. Jazz walks next to her, whistling and desperately trying to help despite Granny's complaining.
  121. >"Was it a tough walk?" Ajay ask.
  122. >"For Granny?" Jazz asks. "Heck naw. For me, well, I had to listen to her groan the whole way."
  123. >"Who's groaning?" Granny asks, sitting at the picnic table. She harumphs, but then smiles as she looks up at the trees.
  124. >The others show up. Lil' Mac and Red are hauling pots filled with shredded pork and beans. Pa walked behind them, holding a stack of freshly-made apple pies.
  125. Here comes Pa!
  126. >Opal runs to anon, nearly knocking him over. He manages to stop before he tumbles with the pies. "Sorry 'bout that, Opal. You look excited."
  127. I am! We're gonna see Uncle Mac today.
  128. >Anon sighs and continues down the hill. "We really have to do this?" he asks Ajay.
  129. >Ajay shrugs. "Ah think it's the only thing we can do," she says. "Just don't bring up anything too rough." She leans forward and whispered, "It's for Opal. Try and make it go well."
  130. >Opal cocks her head. She turns as someone else comes down the hill.
  131. Auntie Apple Bloom!
  132. >"Opal!" Apple bloom shouts, waving.
  133. >Opal runs and embraces the woman walking down the grassy hillside.
  135. It's so great to see you, Auntie Bloom!
  136. >"I wouldn't miss it for the world," she says, smiling and hugging Opal closely. She stands up and walks to Ajay. "Sorry about not responding. I had to catch the flight from Manehattan and-"
  137. >Ajay embraces her, and the sisters hug for a moment. Opal smiles, happy to have the family together again.
  138. >"Sorry to interrupt," Anon says, "but it looks like the other side's here.
  139. >Ajay looks up the opposite hillside. "Well I'll be, they actually came."
  140. >Sugar Belle and Big Mac walk down the hill, flanked by their kids. Apple Tart clings to her mother's skirt, while their eldest son, Red McIntosh, strolls next to his father. Next to Mick is Jubilee, their oldest daughter.
  141. >Opal smiles.
  142. Uncle Mac and Auntie Belle are here!
  143. >Anon folds his arms. Ajay puts her hands on her hips and forces up a smile. Great Granny Smith shuffles on her seat to see them.
  144. >Auntie Belle is the first to approach. "Ajay," she says, setting a tray of deviled eggs on the table. "It's good to see you."
  145. >"Likewise, Sugar Belle." She glances at Big Mac, who huffs.
  146. >Jubilee sets a plate of tarts on the counter. "Auntie Ajay, it's great to be here," she says. "I can't wait to tell you about school."
  147. >"Or the guy's she's chasin'," Mick says.
  148. >Jubilee flushes red.
  149. >"Seems like the family's doin' well," Ajay says, looking at Big Mac. "How about you, brother? Things goin' well."
  150. >Opal looks up eagerly.
  151. >Big Mac's frown deepens. "Sis, drop the pretenses. I know what you and that city rat of a husband are doin'.
  152. >"Big Mac!" Sugar Belle says, shocked.
  153. >Apple Bloom glares at him.
  154. >Big Mac shakes his head. "You're just tryin' to stir somethin' up. Let me guess: you want our side of the farm."
  156. >Apple Bloom frowns. "Mac, you know that's not the case. We haven't had a family reunion since we split the farm and I thought-"
  157. >"Oh, shut up. You've had no part in this since you slinked off to the city and left us here. Good riddance I say."
  158. >Sugar Belle places a hand on Mac's shoulder. "Mac, don't be like this."
  159. >"And you stay outta this too. That bitch is up to somethin' and I don't like it one damn bit."
  160. >Silence hangs over the group. Anon clenches his fist but says nothing. Opal looks at her uncle, frightened.
  161. >"Mac, you know I stopped tryin' to have the farm discussion after gettin' married. You got your side, and I got mine."
  162. >"Then why are you always gettin' Granny on your good side? Always pesterin' me about things. Turnin' Apple Bloom against me. Hell, Ajay, even my kids keep sneaking out to talk with yours."
  163. >"That's because they're family, Mac, and we got to take care of our own."
  164. >"You stopped bein' family the moment you hitched yourself to that worthless city boy who dares call himself a man."
  165. >"A lot's changed in twenty years, Mac," Anon says. "I can take a punch a lot better."
  166. >"Oh, I'd like to see you try, boy."
  167. >Ajay puts her hand against her husband's chest. "Mac, this wasn't my idea or Anon's." She glances at Opal.
  168. >Big Mac follows her eyes. "Oh, so now your kids are in on it too? Tryin' tah steal my part of the farm." He snorts, staring down at the girl. "What've you got to say for yourself you little brat?"
  169. >Tears well in Opal's eyes.
  170. I-I just wanted to...
  171. >"Mac, you're making her cry."
  172. >"I don't care. Niece or no, she's helpin' her ma steal from us."
  173. >"They don't want to steal from us, honey. We're just having a family picnic."
  175. >"Bullshit. They're always fixin' to-"
  176. I just wanted the farm to be happy.
  177. >Mac glares at Opal.
  178. Granny told me about how we used to have a big farm way back when. Then Ma told me about how Great Grampa was all angry and I thought coming to Grandma and Grandpa got married might help out. Honest! I just wanted!
  179. >She wipes the tears from her eyes.
  180. I just thought we could be a family again.
  181. >Mac's frown runs from his face. Anger briefly flashes, followed by sadness. He looks at Ajay. "You told her about Ma and Pa?"
  182. >Ajay nods.
  183. >Opal rubs her eyes.
  184. Ma said Great Grandpa was really sad because he stayed away from Grandma all that time. She said he was angry at himself for not bein' with the family. She said that made him sad. And I...
  185. >Mac looks at her, narrowing his eyes.
  186. I don't want you to be sad, Uncle Mac.
  187. >Uncle Mac squints and grits his teeth.
  188. >Ajay gasps.
  189. >Mac raises his hand, pointing a shivering finger at Opal. She cringes as he speaks. "Now listen here you-"
  190. >Bop!
  191. >A pear, green and unripe, rolls off of Mac's head.
  192. >Mac looks up at the tree.
  193. >A bright red apple falls, slapping against his forehead. "Okay, I get it! He shouts," chest heaving. "I get it." He looks at Ajay, tears in his eyes. "I've been a mean son of a..." He looks at Opal and then back at Ajay. "I've been a bad brother, haven't I?"
  195. >Ajay breathes heavily, her expression darkening. "Bad?" she says.
  196. >Opal's eyes widen like dishplates. She's never seen her mother this angry before.
  197. >"Bad?" She slams her fist on the table, making everyone recoil as she prepares to unleash twenty years of pent-up rage. "You've been nasty, cruel, and-"
  198. >Bop!
  199. >She winces as an apple rolls off her hat. A pear quickly follows suit, bouncing off and onto the ground.
  200. >The orchard is silent for a moment. The family waits to see what happens.
  201. >Big Mac snorts. Ajay chuckles. Soon, they're laughing, loud and bright despite the tears. Ajay rushes to meet Big Mac, and they hug for the first time in years.
  202. >"I've missed you, Big Brother," she says, hugging him tightly.
  203. >"I'm so damn sorry," Mac says. "It's just my damn-"
  204. >"Pride?" Ajay says.
  205. >Mac nods, sniffing. "Eyup."
  206. >"I know," she says.
  207. >Sugar Belle wipes her eye with a handkerchief.
  208. >"Mind if I get a hug, Big Mac?" Apple Bloom asks.
  209. >Without a word, her scoops her up, lifting her from the ground. She laughs as he sets her down.
  210. >"Well, well, well," Granny Smith says, smiling wide. "Looks like the family's together again. Guess I can finally put these old bones to rest."
  211. >"Not on my watch," Jazz says. She gives him a light, joking slap on the cheek.
  212. >"Well," Jubilee says, "I think it's time we all ate together."
  213. >"No," Anon says, still standing apart from the group. He glares at Big Mac. A look of fear flashes across Ajay's countenance.
  214. Pa?
  216. >Anon stares daggers at Big Mac.
  217. >Mac swallows. "Anon, I-"
  218. >Ajay steps up to him.. "Anon, I know it's a lot, but please. We need this."
  219. >"No," Anon says. "Every night for the past twenty years, I've relived the beating he gave me. I remember what he did. I remember you crying, having to run to Appleoosa. It's going to take more than some dumb apology to forgive what he did."
  220. >Ajay grabs his sleeve. "Anon."
  221. >Anon walks forward to Big Mac, fire in his eyes. His hands ball into fists as he gets closer.
  222. >"Anon," Big Mac says, standing a bit straighter. "You got more right to hate me than any man. If I were you, I'd never forgive me." He puts his chin up. "So, get it over with. I know you're a man now, so I'll let you settle this like a man needs to. Hit me as many times as you need to."
  223. >"Mac!" Sugar Belle exclaims.
  224. >Anon growls and draws back his fist.
  225. >Another apple falls from the tree, landing squarely on his nose. Anon grabs it as blood starts to pour out.
  226. >"Anon!" Ajay shouts.
  227. >"I'm fine!" he shouts. "I'm fine! Get me a napkin."
  228. >Big Mac pulls a napkin from the table and hands it to Anon. Anon glares up at him.
  229. >"Here," he says. "I guess this means you are part of the family."
  230. >Opal watches her father's expression soften as he takes the white cloth.
  231. >"You can hit me later," Big Mac says.
  233. >Anon rolls his eyes. "Tell you what, you big jackass. You help me fix the old windmill on my side of the farm, and we'll call it even. Hasn't worked since we split it, and twenty years is a long fuckin' time to hold a grudge."
  234. >Opal gasps at the language.
  235. >Big Mac smiles. "I'll have to fix it. After all, it's not just your farm." He looks to Ajay. "It's the Apple family farm."
  236. >Opal grins widely. She looks at Apple Tart, who's jumping with excitement.
  237. >Granny hoots. "Well, hell just froze over and pigs are flyin'! Sweet Apple Acres is together again."
  238. >"Come on," Sugar Belle says, grabbing her husband. "Let's eat before this gets cold."
  239. >The Apple family, together for the first time in decades, sits down for a meal. The kids laugh and joke across the table. Ajay and Sugar Belle discuss their lives for the first time in months. Big Mac and Anon try and make conversation about keeping the farm together. At the end of the table, Granny smiles, unable to hear, but happy to have the family together one last time.
  240. >As the sun begins to set and the last apple pie is finished, Jubilee stands up on the table.
  241. >"Now, Auntie Apple Bloom, I've been wantin' to tell about what I've been doin' after school for a while. You know your friend Sweetie Belle? Well, she's been givin' me singin' lessons and says I'm doin' right well. Now, I think Pa and Auntie Ajay makin' up calls for a song."
  242. >Jazz smiles and grabs his banjo.
  243. >Opal jumps up, a smile wide on her face. She hasn't heard the song in ages.
  245. >Jubilee stands tall as Jazz plucks the first notes.
  246. >"Come on Apples!" she shouts. "Y'all know this one!"
  247. >"Hot diggity!" Granny shouts.
  248. >"Yee-haw!" the girls call.
  249. >Anon and Big Mac raise a pair of beers.
  250. >Jubilee sings first, but soon the whole family is taken up in the rapture of the moment.
  252. We travel the road of generations
  253. Joined by a common bond
  254. We sing our song 'cross the pony nation
  255. From Equestria and beyond
  257. We're Apples forever, Apples together
  258. We're family, but so much more
  259. No matter what comes, we will face the weather
  260. We're Apples to the core
  261. Eeyup!
  263. >As the music echoes into the night, two shooting stars grace the violet sky above Sweet Apple Acres
  264. >Opal stares up at the stares as they flash out of sight.
  265. >Her family is together for the first time in her life. She smiles wider than ever, happy to not just to be her Ma and Pa's daughter, but to be a part of the whole Apple clan.
  267. THE END

Reunited Apples (AJxAnon Collaborative Green.)

by ApplejackThread

Applejack and Anon during lockdown.

by ApplejackThread

Applejack Season

by ApplejackThread