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Redheart Relaxation

By StabbyTheSnowman
Created: 2021-03-04 22:12:01
Expiry: Never

  1. Random smutfic I wrote a the old /marecock general/ on trash, pretty much pure smut and absolute bottom of the bucket degeneracy like cuddling and handholding.
  2. You have been warned...
  4. >The front door opening and closing caught your attention, making you look up from the pasta you were in the process of getting ready for supper
  5. >It was for Redheart after all, you treat your mare right.
  6. >You hear hoofsteps slowly move from the entryway towards the living room and the thump of her medical bag hitting the floor.
  7. >”Honey, I got that chair set put together like you wanted, and I was getting ready to get the pasta cooking, I know it’s your favorite.”
  8. >The absence of a response draws you to the living room, where you lay eyes on your special somepony.
  9. >She looks absolutely exhausted, even more than normal after a day at Ponyville General, she hasn't even taken off her medical blouse yet, normally she can’t wait to get it off.
  10. >”Honey, are you okay?” you ask gently.
  11. >She looks at you, her entire posture slumped end weary.
  12. >”I need a long hot shower first, then we can eat.” She mumbles, you can barely hear her.
  13. >”Okay, see you in a bit then” You reply as she turns and slowly plods towards the bathroom.
  14. >After 20 minutes, she finally emerges, looking much better and wearing a plain t-shirt.
  15. >You notice that apparently she forgot to put on anything else, her cutie mark and sheathe completely exposed
  16. >”So, how was work today? You looked even more tired than normal today.” You ask as you put the finishing touches on the pasta.
  17. >”It was fine in the morning, but it got ridiculous in the afternoon thanks to the Cutie Mark Crusaders.” she mutters, rubbing the bags under her eyes.
  18. >“Oh, now I understand. What did they do this time?” You wince internally as you prepare for the body count.
  19. >”They were fine, but the massive amount of fireworks they lit landed near the market, causing a bunch of stallions and mares to panic and faint.”
  20. >This world never ceases to amaze you.
  21. >”I had to take charge as usual; order them around, slap the shock out of them, point my dick at them, that sort of thing.” She sighs.
  22. >”I know I have to take charge and be in control like a proper mare, but it’s so annoying to have to do it all the time, all day, every day.” She puts her muzzle in her hands.
  23. >You can’t help yourself, you walk over and pull her into a soft hug.
  24. >“Good thing you don’t have to do that with me.” You tell her.
  25. >She chuckles and hugs you back, wrapping her arms around you and resting her head on your shoulder.
  26. >”If the other nurses saw me being cute like this they would say tha-”
  27. >”I don’t care what they would say, you’re my mare and I love you.” You say as you look her in the eyes, your faces just inches apart.
  28. >“If you need a hug that’s exactly what you’re going to get, regardless of your opinion.” You boop her cute nose with yours, drawing a giggle from her.
  29. >“I love it when you get dominant like this,” she says, her voice getting low and husky, her eyes suddenly brimming with lust. “It gets me hot like nothing else in Equestria.”
  30. >You certainly noticed that, what with her erection now rubbing up against your pants and shirt.
  31. >”It seems I’m not alone, either.” She giggles again, taking a hand from behind your back to rub at your own erection currently straining your pants.
  32. >You’ve lived with Redheart for almost a year, and you know where this is going.
  33. >”What about the pasta?” You ask, already knowing the answer.
  34. >”It can wait.” She hisses with need as she releases you and throws her t-shirt off, leaving her whole body completely exposed.
  35. >Her half-erect dick is leaking pre like a leaky faucet, and you can definitely see liquid running down her left thigh.
  36. >You take the initiative, and with a joyful squeal from Redheart, you suddenly sweep her off her hooves into a bridal carry, and begin making your way to the bedroom.
  37. >“My strong, handsome stallion.” She coos at you, her arms wrapped around your neck.
  38. >”For you, my dear.” You grunt, trying not to show the strain of carrying your gorgeous marefriend.
  39. >considering she is a 6’5 Earth Pony compared to your 6’2 human body and weighs almost 200 pounds, you think you’re doing pretty good.
  40. >You manage to get to the bedroom without breaking anything, and heave her onto the bed with a squeak of joy.
  41. >You don’t bother turning on the lights, the large Equestrian moon shines softly through the open window, allowing you to see your prize just fine.
  42. >She sighs, and spreads her legs so that you can see what she has to offer.
  43. >She has a lot to offer, and it’s all for your taking.
  44. >You strip in record time and throw yourself on top of her, meeting her lips with yours.
  45. >She grants your tongue almost immediate access, letting you beat down her larger pony one.
  46. >You both know that she could dominate you easily with her size and Earth Pony strength, but she loves it when you do it.
  47. >You release her mouth, a small string of spittle connecting you for a second, before it too separates.
  48. >”How do you want it baby?” You ask, as you begin to rub your erection along hers.
  49. >Her pony dong is easily double the size of your dick, but she doesn’t care.
  50. >”Slow and gentle please,” She gives you a loving smile as she cups your face with one hand and holds your left with the other. “It’s… It’s just what I need after such a terrible day at work.”
  51. >Slow and gentle is is then.” You proclaim as you gently lift her massive package out of the way to reveal your true prize.
  52. >You align your dick with her sopping entrance, there is so much lubricant it’s running off onto the comforter.
  53. >The poor thing must be so pent up, time to help relieve her.
  54. >”You ready Red?” You use your nickname as your head rests on her hot entrance.
  55. >”Y-yes, please, I need it so bad.” She croaks out; you can feel her pussy wink against the tip of your tool of love.
  56. >You slowly thrust into her depths, drawing gasps and loving mumbles you can’t understand out of her as you finally hilt inside of her.
  57. >”Th-the other mares don't know what they’re missing.” Redheart sighs in contentment as she pulls you down onto her so she can kiss you, wrapping her arms around your back.
  58. >You begin thrusting, slowly and steadily, as you look into her eyes, your nose booping hers
  59. >The closeness, her c-cup breasts squashed against your chest, her horse dong rubbing between you as she instinctively bucks her hips in time with your thrusts, her pussy winking along with your thrusts.
  60. >This is what you love about your mare. She doesn’t treat you like a wimp just because you’re a male, or because your not as strong as a pony. She loves every bit of you, and you’re going to make her feel special in a way that no other pony can.
  61. >You speed up, placing your right hand on the bed over her shoulder while you fonder her tits with the other
  62. >”D-don’t stop,” She stammers, drool leaking from the corner of her mouth and pre from her own dick smearing on both of you. “I want all of it.”
  63. >You increase your speed, sweat beginning to run from both of you as you begin to pant, words temporarily abandoning you in favor of primal, passionate loving.
  64. >”I’m close.” You grunt, looking at Redheart’s, blushed, sweaty body lying beneath you
  65. >It’s one of the most beautiful things you’ve ever seen.
  66. >“Inside, please by Celestia’s balls, inside!” She shrieks as she pulls you against her chest, pinning her now flared dick between you
  67. >You feel her pussy tighten as her orgasm approaches.
  68. >You lean down and gently bite the side of her neck “Cum for me baby.” You whisper in her ear.
  69. >She howls to the sky and arches her back, her orgasm hammering her like an avalanche.
  70. >You grab her hips with both hands and make on final thrust to her core as your own orgasm hits.
  71. >A splattering of marefluid covers your hips and dick, and her flared dong, now freed from between both your bodies, erupts with seed.
  72. >Her cumshots put yours to shame, but this doesn’t matter to her, it never did.
  73. >You pump your load deep inside your mare, even as she coats the wall above the pillows white with her very large load
  74. >Her dick finally stops spurting cum after what seems like the 12th shot, the rapidly shortening tool landing back on her taut tummy with a soft splat.
  75. >You slowly pull out of her abused pussy as you lay down next to her.
  76. >She flops over, laying her upper body on your chest, looking up at you with pure adoration on her muzzle.
  77. >You respond with a smile of your own, using the opportunity to rub behind her fluffy ears with your free hand, she was laying down on your left one.
  78. >“Thank you, for making me feel loved, like a true mare.” She finally says, her eyes twinkling with love.
  79. >”Anything for my special somepony.” You reply as you switch ears.
  80. >She sighs and leans into your hand, closing her eyes in bliss.
  81. >”I don’t know how this moment could get any better.” She murmurs quietly.
  82. >This isn’t how you had pictured doing it, but you can’t pass up this opportunity.
  83. >You stop scratching her ear and reach for the small dresser besides the bed, opening the drawer that contains your personal effects.
  84. >Redheart slowly opens her eyes and lifts her head off your chest. “Why’d you sto-” Her words freeze, her gaze uncomprehending.
  85. >You smile at her, presenting the open velvet box, with the simple silver ring and a blue diamond in the center.
  86. >The gem matched her eyes perfectly. Rarity had given it to you as a thank-you gift for watching her little sister several weeks prior.
  87. >You had suspected that Rarity knew what you were going to do with it, since she had given you a wink as well as a cheery “Good luck!” as she had handed it to you.
  88. >Redheart’s eyes widened to an almost comical degree as her mouth opened and closed, no words coming out despite her attempts.
  89. >You swallowed your nervousness and dropped the bomb.
  90. >”Redheart, will you mar-”
  91. >You didn’t even have time to finish.
  92. >With a sob of joy, and tears flowing from her eyes, Redheart flung herself on top of you, almost sinding the ring flying.
  93. >She began kissing every part of your face that she could possibly reach, tears falling onto your face
  94. >“Yesyesyesyesyesyesyes, of course I’ll marry you!” she sobs, burying her head into your chest as she holds you tightly
  95. >As if you would ever want to leave.
  96. >“Shhhh, shhhhhhh.” You shush her as you gently rub her ears again, her crying finally coming to an end.
  97. >“I think we’ll need to clean up and get to sleep; we can talk details in the morning.” You tell her.
  98. >She looks up at you and sighs peacefully, the remnants of tears still streaking across her adorable muzzle.
  99. >You gently help her up; you both get into the shower, clean up, and manage not to fall asleep on the way back to bed.
  100. >You pull the top sheet off, and you both cuddle on the unspoiled undercover.
  101. >“I love you so much…” Redheart mumbles into your chest as sleep quickly begins to take her.
  102. >“Love you too Red.” You reply and kiss the top of her head, as sleep closes your eyes.
  103. >Both of you quickly succumb to the call of the night, and fall asleep under the gentle light of Luna’s moon.

Dreams to Dream

by StabbyTheSnowman

Dreams to Dream Pt. II

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Redheart Relaxation

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Redheart Consummation

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Why You Care

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