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Why You Care

By StabbyTheSnowman
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-04-01 22:03:28
Expiry: Never

  1. >she may be a little rough on the personality side, you thought when the two of you first met.
  2. >her voice may not be the most attractive, especially compared to other mares.
  3. >she may shy away from and be combative towards you at first, a complete stranger in her constantly rock farm oriented life.
  4. >but once you get to know her, spend time with her, and see the reasons that she drives herself to exhaustion every day you begin to understand.
  5. >her father's hip replacement, her mother's specialty glasses for her vision, the continuation of the farm that's been in her family for over six generations
  6. >and as she slowly opens herself up to you, you see the beautiful mare hidden behind the rocky exterior she exudes.
  7. >the mare that she truly is, that mare is more beautiful to you than the most perfectly cut diamond, or the reddest ruby.
  8. >you don't care that she can't fly, or make spells.
  9. >she's your Limestone, you wouldn't have her any other way.
  10. >her parents are just happy that one of their daughters is getting married.

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Why You Care

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