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The Carat and Stick pt2

By RapeApe
Created: 2021-03-15 05:53:56
Updated: 2024-01-24 11:47:39
Expiry: Never

  1. Turns out I was using the word laceration wrong, and puncture wounds aren’t quite what I thought they were. This inconsistency is caused by ignorance on my part, and is not relevant to the story.
  3. >You wake up on the floor with a headache and covered in blood.
  4. >Terrible night or wild party?
  5. >Either way, this isn’t really good.
  6. >You need a shower and fresh clothes.
  7. >You sit up slowly, eyes complaining about the bright light.
  8. >And you see your patient, not yet transferred into the right bed.
  9. >And Rarity, slumped up against the wall.
  10. >Asleep.
  11. >Right, that whole shitshow.
  12. >You take a moment to check on Twilight’s readings.
  13. >Everything looks normal.
  14. >Gives you time for a shower, at least.
  15. >But you can’t really leave to get less bloody clothing.
  16. >She still needs you nearby.
  17. >Besides, it’s probably not safe for you to leave the clinic.
  18. >A quick shower later, you put on your clothing save for the labcoat.
  19. >That takes care of most of the blood.
  20. >You briefly consider cleaning up the entryway, but decide against it.
  21. >It’s probably going to be considered evidence.
  22. >Which is great, because that means somepony else will clean it for you.
  23. >Time to check in on Rarity.
  24. >When you enter the room she’s still asleep.
  25. >You need to talk to her.
  26. >You try to wake her up gently.
  27. “We need to talk.”
  28. >”Hm? Oh. OH! Twilight!”
  29. “Still breathing. I’m probably going to need your help keeping her that way.”
  30. >”Of course! What must I do?”
  31. “She needs constant monitoring. She’s hemostatic, err, she’s not bleeding anymore, but that doesn’t mean she’s in good shape. Hear that rhythmic beeping?”
  32. >”Yes, actually. It’s rather irritating.”
  33. “By design.”
  34. >”Why would one design something to be annoying?”
  35. “Because that way it’s harder to ignore. We stop paying attention to that beep, and she could die in minutes.”
  36. >”Truly? What exactly is it, that it’s so important?”
  37. “Her heart. Or a representation of it, at least.”
  38. >”Her HEART? Are you certain?”
  39. >You were pretty sure, yes.
  40. >”But it’s so slow!”
  41. “She’s been very seriously wounded. And the operation could have gone a lot better, I’m sad to say.”
  42. >”There must be something we can do to help!”
  43. “There is. Ultimately it’ll be up to her, but there are things we can do to help her chances. Can I trust you to help me with it?”
  44. >”But of course! I cannot bear to think of what might happen should I refuse!”
  45. ”Alright. I need you to do everything exactly right though. And in my experience, it’s much easier to learn the how if you know the why. There are a few different things that can cause sickness, but the catch all term is pathogen. When enough pathogens get into your body you get sick until your body can get rid of them. When too many of them get into you at once, you die.”
  46. >”How is that relevant?”
  47. “Well, the first and best defence you have against pathogens is your skin. When that gets damaged, all sorts of things can get in and cause problems. Ever notice how when you get cut it gets all red and swollen after a while? That’s because a bunch of pathogens got under the skin, and your body hasn’t managed to clean up quite yet.”
  48. >”Is that why bandages help wounds heal? Because they fill the role of the skin and prevent anything further from getting in?”
  49. “That’s a very big part of it, yes. It’s important to clean and cover wounds right away to keep the number of pathogens to a minimum. When pathogens get inside your body through any means, we call it an infection. If they’re concentrated in one area like with a cut it’s a localized infection, but if they spread out it’s disseminated or systemic. The body looks for certain markers on everything inside it, we call these markers antigens. If it spots an antigen that isn’t its own, it tries to destroy whatever it’s attached to, thus clearing out the infection. So Twiggy’s skin has been damaged very heavily. What does that mean?”
  50. >”She is likely to have an infection.”
  51. “Likely is a huge understatement, but yes. And because there is so much damage to her skin, her body’s going to be strained really hard to fight all of the infections at once. But I’m afraid it gets a bit worse than that. She lost a lot of blood. Blood has antigens too, so if your body sees any blood that isn’t yours it attacks like it was a pathogen. If you can get blood that’s similar enough, you can trick the body into accepting it and everything’s okay. I used to have a small stockpile of blood, sorted by the different things your body looks for so I could get around that problem, but…”
  52. >She looks away from you.
  53. “Your blood has antigen A and Twiggy’s has antigen B. If I gave her your blood it would have killed her. Mine, though, has no antigen. So even though I’m a human and she’s a pony, it was a better match than yours. But just because there was no antigen doesn’t mean it’s all okay. Your blood moves materials through your body, oxygen from the air, glucose from your food, and all sorts of other things. My blood is really good at carrying exactly what a human needs. Not so much what a pony needs.”
  54. >”So it’s like replacing a custom tailored dress with a pret a porter number that’s a few sizes too small.”
  55. “Something like that. But there’s another problem. My blood doesn’t know it’s inside her, and now it’s seeing her antigens and noticing they’re not me. My blood is attacking her. Not as badly as yours would, but it is. So now her body’s being stressed by the infections, AND the blood transfusion. But then, A and B antigens aren’t the only markers in blood that your body looks for. It won’t be as fast as if we’d used your blood, but her body will notice that mine doesn’t belong and wipe it out. We need to stop that from happening until she’s made more of her own to replace it, so I gave her a drug to make the body worse at noticing antigens. Can you tell me what the problem is with that?”
  56. >She stared at Twilight for a while.
  57. >What she was thinking, you hadn’t a clue.
  58. >Was it mere worry?
  59. >Perhaps something closer to guilt?
  60. >Maybe she was just wishing for her more learned friend’s help in this pop quiz.
  61. “I’ll give you a hint. It’s related to all the cuts.”
  62. >”Oh. OH! If her body can’t find antigens, it won’t notice the pathogens!”
  63. “Exactly. The infection will be almost unopposed at first, so it’ll be really entrenched by the time she starts fighting back. We’ve got drugs that will help her do that, but she’s still at a disadvantage.”
  64. >She’s starting to tear up a bit.
  65. >Now you feel like a jerk.
  66. >But sadly, this is all true.
  67. “And then since some of the wounds were so deep, the pathogens will be really far into her body. Her heart was exposed for a fair while, and while I tried to keep it as clean as possible there’s always going to be SOME pathogens. And then since I was in such a hurry I had to cut a few corners, which will have made the risks worse. If I’d had enough blood lying around to do a full transfusion I could have been a bit more careful, but…”
  68. >Her lip is trembling.
  69. “One of her arteries, uhh, the tubes that move your blood around your body, was broken by the spear. To keep her from bleeding to death I had to stitch it back together.”
  70. >”Stitch? Like sewing?”
  71. “You saw me do that earlier.”
  72. >”I had no idea you’d done it to her insides too!”
  73. “Well, I did. One of the corners I had to cut was that I went in without properly preparing. Lots of pathogens would have gotten in then. I also had to get past her ribs in a hurry, and wound up breaking one.”
  74. >Rarity winced.
  75. “And then since I was in such a hurry, the actual stitches were pretty sloppy. If they come apart before she’s healed up I’ll have to go back in and do it again. But then it’ll be really hard because the holes and tears from the previous ones will make her artery fragile, like the silk you were saying you couldn’t embroider more than once.”
  76. >”Might not be able to, not couldn’t.”
  77. “Whatever. The point is that those sloppy stitches could kill her down the road. It’ll be a fair while before we know.”
  78. >”How long?”
  79. “A week, maybe? They’ll dissolve on their own over about a month, so if they hold long enough for her to heal decently I won’t need to go back in. Having to go and correct those stitches while she’s in this condition is dangerous, but if it ruptures we’ll have no choice. But there might be a bit more damage than that. When an artery is severed like that, you have to put a clamp on it when you stitch it together. Her lower body was completely without blood flow for quite a while, almost like her heart stopped but only for her hind quarters. We won’t know for a while how bad it was, but damage is likely.”
  80. >”What kind?”
  81. “Hard to say. If she wasn’t out of oxygen for very long, muscle degradation. She’ll be weak as a kitten for a long time. Might take years to recover. Next is nerve damage. She could lose sensation or control of parts of her body, maybe even partial paralysis. If she’s really unlucky, kidney failure. That’s so bad I don’t even know what it would do, she’d need to see a renal specialist. Not long ago she’d have five years to live at best, even with all the medical support in the world. These days? Well, nobody knows yet. Hopefully it’s a mostly normal life, but there are plenty of things that could go wrong. The new methods aren’t old enough for us to know how they turn out.”
  82. >Rarity started to openly cry.
  83. >You sit next to her, and hold her close.
  84. “I don’t think that’s going to happen. That's the absolute worst case scenario, I’ve done lots of emergency surgeries and never run into that. I can’t promise everything will be okay, but her chances aren’t bad. And we’re going to do everything we can to make them even better, right?”
  85. >She sniffles a bit, then nods.
  86. “Do you know which one is the puncture wound?”
  87. >”The one on her chest?”
  88. “No. Common mistake, but that’s a penetrating wound, it’s a puncture if the thing that caused the wound stays inside. The puncture was the one with the glass. She had one puncture wound on the back. Two penetrating wounds on her chest.”
  89. >”Does the name really matter?”
  90. “Yes. They need to be treated differently, and ambiguity can make that hard. The puncture wound is the one that had the glass sticking out of it. That’s going to get really badly infected, and it’ll ooze pus as a result. That bandage needs to be changed every day, making sure to be gentle so as not to bump the wound. If it starts bleeding we need to apply pressure until it stops, otherwise we need to wash it out with sterile water and spray an antiseptic on it.”
  91. >“Antiseptic? Sterile?”
  92. “Oh, my mistake. An antiseptic is a substance designed to clean a wound of pathogens, and sterile means that all the pathogens in it have been destroyed. We’re physically removing pathogens with this process to help her out. We’ll do that for the incisions too, that’s all the cuts. The penetrating wounds, though, are trickier. A big chunk of skin has been lost since the spear was so much thicker. I stitched them a bit to narrow the wound, but you generally don’t close penetrating wounds since they need to be treated, and you’d have to keep opening them up.”
  93. >Plus they drain better that way.
  94. “With these we pack them with sterile material. We do this to absorb pus for when we change them, to occupy space so nothing can get in, and to keep everything where it belongs. Penetrating wounds heal slowly, we’re probably going to have to treat the big one for a month or more.”
  95. >”This is all my fault.”
  96. “Some of it, yeah. Not ALL of it. You’re not the one who stabbed her.”
  97. >“I suppose. I simply can’t understand why anyone would do that to her, though! She’s such a nice pony.”
  98. “Yeah, I don’t get it either. But someone’s been on a rampage lately.”
  99. >”Why, I had forgotten about that! You said somepony had been poisoned?”
  100. “Yeah.”
  101. >Can’t hide the fact that her friends are here any longer.
  102. >Might as well cache in on it.
  103. “Hyperactive pink pony. It was a close one, too. Someone must have really wanted her dead.”
  104. >”Hyperactive pink? It couldn’t be… who was the other one?”
  105. “Butter yellow pegasus with a pastel pink mane. Real quiet, meek girl.”
  106. >“With butterflies for a cutie mark?”
  107. ”Yeah, actually. How did you know?”
  108. >”And this pink one. Did she perchance have balloons for her mark?”
  109. “That’s the one. Any clue why someone would have it in for them?”
  110. >”Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. I can understand wishing Pinkie harm during her four in the morning singalongs, but why would anypony wish to harm Fluttershy?”
  111. “As you pointed out, that one might have been an accident. It’s too different from the other two attacks. I mean, someone was trying to mess with her, maybe scare her away. But a nasty fall from a pegasus is much more survivable than poisonings and stabbings. She would have had some lasting damage without intervention, but she’d have probably survived.”
  112. >”Which of these attacks came first?”
  113. “The fall.”
  114. >”So they’ve grown more brazen.”
  115. >Yeah.
  116. >She was right.
  117. >Where does one escalate from stabbings though?
  118. >Decapitation?
  119. “I know you’re from Equestria, but maybe you can answer a question. Are broad tipped spears standard issue?”
  120. >”Broad tipped?”
  121. “Near the end of the operation when I was starting to calm down and had gotten used to the blood loss, I noticed that the piercing wounds weren’t right. I thought the military here used a small headed spear, something good for punching through thick hide. That’s not the kind of wound I saw. It left a wide enough hole that stitches were needed to narrow it, and it completely severed the artery. Almost impossible to do with just a point, unless your aim is freakishly good. I haven’t actually looked at it yet, but I bet that thing has a wide tip.”
  122. >You’ve seen more stab wounds than most people your age.
  123. >Had you not seen the weapon in the first place, you might have thought it was a dagger or chef’s knife.
  124. >It wasn’t a standard issue spear, you’re sure of it.
  125. “What does the royal guard usually do? Aside from ceremonies.”
  126. >”Very little. Equestria is a rather peaceful place, free from most strife. We’ve not had any major armed conflict in centuries.”
  127. >The Empire was far more militant than Equestria.
  128. >They had recent memories of subjugation, and their leader was a military stallion.
  129. >These ponies did not wish to be vulnerable ever again.
  130. >Weapons were commonplace, even by human standards.
  131. >But even so, surely there had to be some means of tracking where they came from.
  132. >Some serial number, a maker’s mark, SOMETHING.
  133. >You hear noise near the front.
  134. >Hopefully it’s good news.
  135. “I’ll go check it out. You stay here and keep an eye on her. Scream if that beeping stops.”
  136. >You skulk out to the front, furtively checking around the corners to see who’s there.
  137. >It’s just the prince.
  138. >He’s staring at the broken glass and blood with a bizarre mixture of shock and rage.
  139. >”What the hay is going on here?”
  140. “Before we start, she’s alive.”
  141. >”There was another attack? Who?”
  142. >He wasn’t going to like this.
  143. “Before I tell you, I need you to promise you won’t freak out.”
  144. >He stomps on the ground angrily.
  145. >”Tell me, damn it!”
  146. >He was going to freak out, wasn’t he?
  147. >You can’t think of any way to be gentle about this.
  148. >Best rip off the bandage.
  149. “It’s your sister.”
  150. >He blanches.
  151. >An impressive feat for somepony so white.
  152. >He pushes past you and runs to the recovery room.
  153. >You can hear a gasp, followed by guttural growling.
  154. >You can’t lie to him.
  155. >He needs to know the truth.
  156. >But perhaps you can package it in a nice way.
  157. “I’ve had patients recover from worse. It’s not good, but it’s not as bad as you think.”
  158. >”Is she going to be okay?”
  159. “With a little luck.”
  160. >”When will she wake up?”
  161. >This is where things get awkward.
  162. “Well, I’m not really sure. Might be tomorrow. Might not be for weeks.”
  163. >You can’t bear to look him in the eyes for this next part.
  164. >You choose to stare at his hooves instead.
  165. “Maybe never.”
  166. >Neither he nor Rarity took that well.
  167. “The lack of usable blood put a huge strain on her system. It’s going to cause problems, we just don’t know how it’ll manifest yet.”
  168. >Shining Armor didn’t react quite like you’d expected.
  169. >”Hooves behind your back, Rarity. I’m taking you in.”
  170. >”What?”
  171. >”You’re under arrest for… I DON’T KNOW WHAT FOR!”
  172. >He tackled Rarity.
  173. >You try in vain to pull him off.
  174. “Dude, what are you doing?”
  175. >”This… this BITCH sabotaged a hospital!”
  176. >You were aware.
  177. >”She’s going down!”
  178. “What are you going to do, lock her up? That’s already happened.”
  179. >He growls a little.
  180. “Yes. What she did was terminally stupid. But it’s my fault too for letting it happen.”
  181. >”She’s a criminal!”
  182. “She’s my responsibility.”
  183. >”Somepony needs to pay for this!”
  184. “Then let it be me!”
  185. >”Damn it, man!”
  186. >He releases Rarity and looks you in the eye.
  187. >”So what, she can just endanger my sister and walk away scott free?”
  188. “No. She’s not going to rot in your dungeon, but she’s also not just going to walk. What’s going to happen is Rarara will punish herself.”
  189. >”I’ll do what?”
  190. “Would you rather get locked up forever?”
  191. >”I shall punish myself posthaste! What must I do?”
  192. >Uhh…
  193. “I dunno. You tell me. I’m heading to my office, in the meantime you tell the prince all about the operation.”
  194. >”But why me? Should it not be the expert?”
  195. “Think of it as a pop quiz. Besides, I’m sick of being the bearer of bad news.”
  196. >You head to your office and pick up your laptop.
  197. >He’s going to want to see the footage.
  198. >Hell, you want to see it.
  199. >You take your time about it, relishing the chance to decompress a bit.
  200. >Things have been too hectic lately.
  201. >You’re used to operating on stabbed patients.
  202. >You’re not used to being part of the investigation.
  203. >And you’re also not used to working with so many handicaps.
  204. >But you can’t avoid returning forever.
  205. >On your way back to recovery you hear something.
  206. >Something angry.
  207. >”You have no right to order me about, mister so called prince! Twilight is my dear friend!”
  208. >”I’ve every right. This is an ongoing investigation!”
  209. >”What good could prying me away from her possibly do for your investigation?”
  210. >”I can’t let important information leak, otherwise I can’t protect her!”
  211. >”Protect her? Well! It’s a mighty fine job you’re doing!”
  212. “Stop it, you two.”
  213. >You enter the room to find Rarity and Shining Armor glaring angrily at each other.
  214. “We’re all on the same side here. There’s no reason to fight.”
  215. >They both turn away from each other, looking a little embarrassed.
  216. “If you wanted to talk to me in private you could have just said so. But the girl knows pretty much everything that happened anyway.”
  217. “What took you so long to get here? I called for help hours ago!”
  218. >”Cadence left your pager on the nightstand.”
  219. “Seriously? I mean, I know she’s kinda ditzy but I thought she’d be able to take this seriously! Your sister almost DIED!”
  220. >”It’s not her fault!”
  221. >You raise an eyebrow.
  222. >”There was another attack.”
  223. >Shit.
  224. >”Applejack.”
  225. “Who?”
  226. >”Blonde country girl.”
  227. >That’s not good.
  228. >You liked her.
  229. “Is it serious?”
  230. >”Pretty heavy bruising around the face.”
  231. “I’d better go look at her.”
  232. >”Not that severely. And it’s not her.”
  233. “Eh? She looked like a her. Or he, I suppose. Hay, girl. Were you aware that she’s a he?”
  234. >”I had no clue!”
  235. >”No, that’s not what I meant! Applejack’s a she. I think. It’s just that she’s not the one who’s hurt.”
  236. “Oh. Good, I suppose. Pretty lame attack though, how did that have you tied up for so long?”
  237. >”Well, she made a huge noise after beating them off.”
  238. >You suppress a snicker.
  239. >”So we tried to lock down the palace and catch them.”
  240. “And?”
  241. >”Didn’t work. From what I understand- ugh.”
  242. >Rarity looks as confused as you feel.
  243. >”You understand ugh?”
  244. >”I probably shouldn’t say this, but I suppose there’s no point. The guilty party knows we know by now, I’m sure of it. Applejack accused the cook of knowingly poisoning Pinkie. Looks like she was onto something, a scuffle ensued, he got her by the neck. She kicked him in the dick.”
  245. >You flinch in pain at the thought.
  246. >”Got a few good hits in, then he managed to get away. We closed down all the exits and swept the place, but can’t find him. Then Cadence noticed the message you’d sent and I came here.”
  247. “That doesn’t seem to add up though. If she was being choked it would be really hard to fight back properly. And if she’s hurt them that bad it would be really hard to run. Are you sure Applejuice is telling the truth?”
  248. >”Yes.”
  249. >”Yes.”
  250. “Oh. Alright then. This is bad though.”
  251. >”Ya think?”
  252. “This proves there’s more than one of them.”
  253. >”More than one? We’re up to… let’s see. All the major suspects so far have alibis for Fluttershy. The cook wasn’t a unicorn so he didn’t do it. The pony who tried to break into your stuff didn’t have palace access.”
  254. >You see where he’s going with this.
  255. >You show start replaying the security footage and show it to him.
  256. “Pegasus.”
  257. >”Didn’t attack Fluttershy. Not the chef, not the thief. And the two Equestrian guards who questioned you appear to have been in on it, and they can be proven not to be any of the attackers. We’re up to SIX ponies.”
  258. >Six ponies MINIMUM.
  259. >All of whom were evading capture.
  260. >”Hay, that spear isn’t standard issue.”
  261. “Called it!”
  262. >”But more importantly, the perp is wounded.”
  263. >Oh.
  264. >Yeah, that was true.
  265. >Somehow you’d missed that.
  266. >No way you’re going to say so, though.
  267. >”Thank you, Twilight. This is a huge lead. Anon! I need you to tell me if anypony comes in with a sliced up butt or a smashed dick!”
  268. “That’s a violation of the WHOs code of ethics.”
  269. >”SERIOUSLY? You’re not going to help with MULTIPLE attempted murders?”
  270. “Nope. Patients need to be able to seek the treatment they need without fear. IF, and this is just a hypothetical, but IF somepony who HADN’T taken that oath happened to be around, and they just happened to tell you?”
  271. >You look at Rarity.
  272. >”This seems a tad pointless, does it not? For what reason could MY informing him POSSIBLY be different than if YOU were to do it?”
  273. “Would you feel comfortable telling everyone your client’s measurements?”
  274. >”I understand completely.”
  275. “Before you run off, mind moving your sister onto the bed? I’m scared I’ll drop her.”
  276. >”Yeah, you are pretty weak.”
  277. >He effortlessly levitates her onto the bed.
  278. “Pardon?”
  279. >”Hard to blame you I suppose. Gotta be tough finding time to work out when you’re tied to this place. Still, some crunches couldn’t hurt.”
  280. “I MEANT because of the blood loss!”
  281. >”Oh.”
  282. “What was all that about crunches?”
  283. >”Well, it’s just that, err…”
  284. >You raise an eyebrow.
  285. >”You wouldn’t pass the physical standards for a grade one teacher?”
  286. >You’re now aware that you have no clue how to treat wounded pride.
  287. “I’m not a pony! This is perfectly reasonable for human standards!”
  288. >”Is it?”
  289. “Is this really what we should be talking about right now? There’s a stabber on the loose!”
  290. >”Right! Keep an eye on her! Anypony tries to her her, shoot them!”
  291. >He runs out the door.
  292. >You yell after him.
  294. >A few seconds later he runs back in and drops a pistol on the ground.
  295. >You pick it up just in case Rarity gets any ideas.
  296. >You don’t think she’d do it, but recent events have proven that you never know.
  297. “I’m not in THAT bad of shape.”
  298. >”You protected me.”
  299. >You were aware.
  300. >”After I did such a horrible thing, you saw fit to protect me.”
  301. “I’m not going to just stand by while you’re in trouble.”
  302. >”That’s a relief. I must confess he’s quite fearsome when angered.”
  303. “Yeah. He is.”
  304. >You rub your sore lip.
  305. “We need to think of a punishment that’ll satisfy the prince. I have a feeling he’ll check in on that.”
  306. >”Why, yes. I suppose he will.”
  307. “Don’t worry too much though. He won’t lay a hoof on you. He owes me BIG.”
  308. >”Thank you. What might I do to repay you?”
  309. >This was a golden opportunity.
  310. >”Do you wish to, ahem, partake?”
  311. “That’s more of a reward for YOU than it is for me. Besides, I don’t think I can perform right now. But I think we can arrange something.”
  313. >This might be a good opportunity to get some conditioning done.
  314. >She genuinely does seem to be a submissive.
  315. >You just need to reinforce the link between that pleasure and doing what she’s told.
  316. >And you’re very well situated to do that.
  317. “Alright. I know what I want. If I’m going to let you be near your friend, I need to know you’ll do EXACTLY what I tell you, and without question. Hopefully everything will be fine, but if something goes wrong I need to know I can trust you.”
  318. >”I understand.”
  319. “No, you don’t. I’m not just trusting you with her wellbeing, I’m trusting you with mine. The prince is itching for a fight, and I said your screw up was my fault. If you do ANYTHING that jeopardizes her health, I’m going to get it. Even if she winds up being totally fine, the slightest screwup could put be in shackles.”
  320. >She chews on her lip for a bit.
  321. “I’m placing a huge amount of trust in you just by letting you be here, and recent history suggests you don’t deserve it. You’re going to prove you can be trusted.”
  322. >”And what must I do?”
  323. “Lie down and roll over.”
  324. >”WELL! I-”
  325. “Out.”
  326. >”But-”
  327. “Out.”
  328. >She lets out a long suffering sigh.
  329. >”Very well, if such is the price of accompanying Twilight.”
  330. “It was your idea.”
  331. >”It was not!”
  332. “You said you wanted to thank me. Is rolling over really so much more to ask than fucking?”
  333. >”But-”
  334. “Oh, I get it. You just wanted to have a go, and you were using this all as an excuse.”
  335. >She turns so red you’re surprised her nose doesn’t start to bleed.
  336. >You reach into your pocket.
  337. >Wait, no. That’s the one with your pager.
  338. >You reach into your OTHER pocket and find the RF emitter.
  339. >Rarity lies down on the ground and rolls on her back.
  340. >You nudge activate her clitoral implant as subtly as you can manage.
  341. >No reaction yet.
  342. >You’ll have to start making notes to chart her progress.
  343. >Maybe not right now.
  344. >You’ll refrain from pushing your luck.
  345. “On your hooves. Bow. Good.”
  346. >You reach out and scratch her behind the ears.
  347. >She pulls away almost immediately.
  348. >One minute she wants you to rut her, the next you aren’t allowed to scratch her ears.
  349. >Poor thing’s confused.
  350. >That’s partly your fault.
  351. >Her whole world’s been turned upside down, her friends are in danger, and her captor and savior are one.
  352. >You need to offer guidance.
  353. >Some kind of certainty.
  354. “You’re my mare.”
  355. >”Pardon?”
  356. “You’re my mare. And I take good care of what’s mine. Look me in the eye and say it.”
  357. >She looks over your shoulder.
  358. >”I-”
  359. “No. In the eye.”
  360. >She takes her time about meeting your gaze.
  361. >Once you’re satisfied she’s looking in the right place, you nudge the stimulator up a tiny bit.
  362. “You’re mine.”
  363. >”And you, mine.”
  364. >Ugh.
  365. >Close enough.
  366. >For now.
  367. “Turn around and present.”
  368. >You can see her nibbling on her lower lip.
  369. >She moves far too slowly.
  370. >Were you the slightest bit more confident in your control, you’d scold her for dallying.
  371. >But she hasn’t surrendered to you quite yet.
  372. >When she finally turns around you see her tail is flagging.
  373. >You hadn’t noticed her move it.
  374. >It must have already been up.
  375. >You reach out and firmly grasp her pussy in your hand.
  376. >Rarity offers a shocked cry.
  377. >You can feel the muscles rippling, reacting to your touch and demanding more.
  378. “This is mine.”
  379. >”Ah!”
  380. “Nopony is allowed to use this except for me, got it?”
  381. >You turn the stimulation up a fair bit as you knead the flesh.
  382. >Hopefully she won’t be able to tell the sensations apart until you’re done.
  383. “NOBODY gets to fuck you except for me.”
  384. >She’s grinding against your hand, trying to get more friction.
  385. “Say it!”
  386. >”Hnn! I shan’t allow anyone to violate me!”
  387. “Anyone except?”
  388. >”Ah! Ah! Anyone except for you!”
  389. >You slide your thumb and middle finger in, and wiggle them around until they’re good and drenched.
  390. >Best to leave it there for now, lest you put her over the edge.
  391. >You let go.
  392. >Rarity whines at the loss of your touch.
  393. >You sit back down and gesture for her to approach
  394. >Rarity trots toward you and sits down in front of you.
  395. >You extend your still dripping fingers.
  396. “Suck.”
  397. >Rarity wraps her lips around your fingers, caressing them with her tongue and licking off her juices with surprising vigor.
  398. >She closes her eyes and trembles subtly.
  399. >You feel her moan around your digits.
  400. >You grasp her tongue between your fingers and gently pull it out of her mouth.
  401. >Saliva drips down your fingers as she stares up at you with something that might be desire.
  402. “You’re going to try and be better for me.”
  403. >It wasn’t meant as a question.
  404. >But she awkwardly nods in the affirmative regardless.
  405. >Her tongue almost slips from your grasp as she does so.
  406. >You let go shortly after she stops nodding.
  407. >She’s being awfully compliant.
  408. >SUSPICIOUSLY compliant.
  409. >Sure, she was starting to give in, but this is wrong.
  410. >She must be working an angle.
  411. >If your guess is right, these short term gains are going to ruin you in the long run.
  412. >Time for a calculated gamble.
  413. “I just want you to know, I will do everything in my power to keep your friend safe whether you help me or not.”
  414. >”Oh, thank goodness.”
  415. “If you still intend to thank me, though, go and get yourself two dildos. With suction cups.”
  416. >You THINK there are two with suction.
  417. >Probably.
  418. >”Two? Why two?”
  419. >You don’t answer.
  420. >After a short while she leaves.
  421. >You reposition yourself in the hallway, making sure you’re close enough to keep an eye on the patient.
  422. >It was a little awkward doing this all in the recovery room.
  423. >Rarity returns shortly after with two of the smaller fake dicks in tow.
  424. “Sit on the ground, rump against the floor but head up.”
  425. >It’s awkward, but she manages to contort herself into a roughly human sitting position.
  426. >You affix one to the ground, pointing straight up.
  427. “I think you know what to do.”
  428. >She nervously glances at Twilight, her entire head crimson.
  429. “Your friend is still sedated. She wouldn’t wake up for hours even if she were perfectly healthy. You’re fine.”
  430. >”But.”
  431. >She doesn’t finish the sentence.
  432. >You close the blinds regardless, giving Rarity more privacy than she deserves.
  433. >Can’t even masturbate in front of unconscious ponies, much less in public.
  434. >Yet another quirk you’ll need to fix in time.
  435. >She apprehensively lowers herself onto it.
  436. >She grinds into it rather than bouncing, rubbing her throbbing clit against the suction cup.
  437. >You listen to her whimpers and cries crescendo, becoming shrill and frantic.
  438. >All the while you keep dialing the stimulator up.
  439. >If you had to guess, it probably feels like a potent vibrator at this point.
  440. >You then unzip your pants, exposing your firm but not erect penis.
  441. >Just when you think she’s nearing her peak…
  442. “Stop.”
  443. >She keeps grinding for a couple of seconds after you speak.
  444. >You grab her by the horn, briefly forgetting it’s numb.
  445. >Though she can’t feel it, it’s still a good grip for pulling her head forward.
  446. >You grind her muzzle into your crotch.
  447. “You can’t suck me off properly until I recover. But I still expect you to clean it.”
  448. >She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.
  449. >You just recently showered, so your odor is pretty neutral.
  450. >She begins by licking at your scrotum, seemingly making a point of coating every inch of it in saliva and periodically pausing to kiss it.
  451. >Once it’s thoroughly wetted, she takes it into her mouth and suckles gently for a short while.
  452. >All too soon she opens her mouth with a gasp, letting you fall out.
  453. >”Hnn!”
  454. >The tingling in her groin is getting the better of her.
  455. >But you can’t let her just get off that easily.
  456. >You grab her horn again and shove your mostly erect dick into her mouth.
  457. >with one hand around her horn and the other against the back of her head you shove her balls deep, feeling yourself graze the back of her throat.
  458. >Despite her earlier training she starts coughing and convulsing.
  459. >But you don’t let up.
  460. >You rhythmically move her head back and forth, repeatedly fucking her face.
  461. >Rarity begins to spasm as her long awaited climax washes over her.
  462. >Her eyes roll into the back of her head, tears streaming down her cheeks and legs twitching about.
  463. >Perfect.
  464. >You let go of her head and pull out.
  465. >Rarity collapses on the floor panting.
  466. >But you’re not done with her just yet.
  467. >You place the other dildo on the ground near the first one and smother it in surgical lubricant.
  468. >Rarity doesn’t react, too drunk on bliss to care about what you’re doing.
  469. >You return to your seat with a smirk.
  470. >The stimulator hasn’t stopped yet.
  471. >You can see she’s still winking, still needy for more.
  472. “Get back to bouncing.”
  473. >You pick her up relatively gently and position her rump near the toys.
  474. >Rarity groggily positions herself atop the one.
  475. “There are two of them for a reason.”
  476. >”Why?”
  477. >You’d rather not spell it out for her.
  478. >Thankfully, you don’t have to.
  479. >She gasps in realization.
  480. >”At the same time?”
  481. “Yep.”
  482. >”But I don’t think I can.”
  483. “Then you need to train your holes better.”
  484. >She looks away from you, and stares at the dildos for a moment.
  485. >She then decides she can’t bear to look at them either and stares straight up at the ceiling, craning her neck as far as she can.
  486. >Her exposed, supple neck looks painfully plane.
  487. >You’ll need to get her a collar or something.
  488. >Rarity gently eases her ass onto the lubricated toy, wincing a bit as it forces its way inside.
  489. >She leans forward onto the other one, struggling a bit to get it to go in.
  490. >You nudge it forward with your foot, allowing her to put her weight on it.
  491. >She fails to suppress a squeal.
  492. >Her eyes light up with excitement.
  493. >She starts to bounce up and down, albeit very cautiously.
  494. “Does it feel good?”
  495. >”AH! Oh YES!”
  496. >She’s already trembling with delight.
  497. >A much more rapid response than anything you’ve tried before.
  498. >You’re starting to suspect that double penetration is one of her fantasies.
  499. >Her swollen teats jiggle with each bounce, a tiny bit of milk dripping out with each motion.
  500. “You’re my property. You belong to me. This is what you want.”
  501. >She screams in ecstasy, another climax washing over her.
  502. >But this time, she doesn’t stop.
  503. >Her movements grow more frantic as she rides the wave of mind numbing pleasure.
  504. “You’re never going to leave me. You’re my loyal slave, and you love it.”
  505. >She reaches between her legs with one of her hooves and starts to rub her rabidly twitching clit.
  506. “You love being property. You love being a fucktoy. And you’re going to train yourself to be the best slave mare ever.”
  507. >She screams again, assailing your ears with a cry that reeks of lust.
  508. >This time, Rarity stops bouncing.
  509. >She collapses on the ground.
  510. >Her eyes close.
  511. >She’s smiling dreamily.
  512. >You overstimulated her.
  513. >Oh well, it was worth it.
  514. >You turn off the radio emitter and start to clean up after her.
  515. >When you’re done, you bend over to pick up Rarity and nearly collapse on the ground when a wave of dizziness comes over you.
  516. >Vertigo was unexpected.
  517. >You should have adapted to the blood loss by now.
  518. >Maybe you’d donated more than you’d thought?
  519. >Whatever the case, you can’t pick her up right now.
  520. >You satisfy yourself with sitting on the floor with her head on your lap.
  521. >You stroke her mane gently.
  522. >To your surprise, she speaks.
  523. >”Are you satisfied?”
  524. “Yes. That was a good performance. Could have been better, but good.”
  525. >”Then, may I ask a favor?”
  526. “You can ASK. No promises.”
  527. >She looks up at you with a face that is the very picture of hopelessness.
  528. >She looked so happy a moment ago.
  529. >”Please don’t tell anypony that I might have killed Twilight.”
  530. “A bit late for that.”
  531. >”Yes. I suppose it is. But I beg of you, please don’t tell my friends. I couldn’t bear to face them were they to know I’d done such a monstrous thing.”
  532. >Ah.
  533. >This was why she was being so compliant.
  534. >She wanted to get something out of you.
  535. >But in doing so, she’d given you wonderful leverage.
  536. “That’s a mighty big thing to ask of me.”
  537. >”I thought you were used to keeping secrets.”
  538. “I am. About my patients and their conditions. Sabotage is not a medical condition.”
  539. >She sniffles.
  540. “And her family has a right to know what’s going on. I’ll have to contact her parents, and they’re supposed to be fully informed. When I tell them there was sabotage, they’ll want to know who’s to blame.”
  541. >”I hadn’t even thought of her parents.”
  542. “And her mentor’s that sun princess, right? She’s going to want to know.”
  543. >”Princess Celestia! I shudder to think what she might do!”
  544. “And purple over there is a public figure. News travels more slowly in these parts than back on Earth, but I figure that nearly every paper on the planet is going to want to interview me. The whole world’s going to know. It’s going to be international news for sure, probably even interplanetary.”
  545. >Rarity falls limp.
  546. >You’re not entirely sure why.
  547. >But you think she nearly fainted.
  548. >Emphasis on NEARLY.
  549. >You can still push a little harder.
  550. “Human royal watchers are going to be really interested. And when they find out it was her dear friend who betrayed her? Not a lot of people know much about Equestria, but that’s all going to change. You’re going to be a household name. Your picture will be beamed into billions of homes if this gets out.”
  551. >”Please, master! I beg of you! I shall do whatever you wish!”
  552. >Perfect.
  553. >You hear the door swing open.
  554. >You hurry to your feet, trying to lift Rarity with you.
  555. >Too slow.
  556. >You see four ponies standing at the end of the hallway, jaws agape.
  557. >Applejack’s expression quickly changes from shock to anger.
  558. >”Now what in tarnation is going on over here?”
  559. >You try to back away from them and head for the rear exit.
  560. >Rainbow Dash already has you flanked somehow.
  561. >”Not so fast, monkey boy! What are you doing with Rarity?”
  562. >Pinkie approaches more calmly and cautiously than you’ve ever seen before.
  563. >”And why does she look like Mootilda?”
  564. >And finally, Fluttershy.
  565. >”And why can I smell. Um…”
  566. “There’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for all of this.”
  567. >”Which is?”
  568. >The speak in a chorus.
  569. >You see them closing in around you.
  570. >You reach into your labcoat pocket and grab the pistol...
  573. >”What’s that?”
  574. >Pinkie was apparently not familiar with human weaponry.
  575. >In fact, none of them seemed intimidated.
  576. >You can’t use it to scare them away.
  577. >Not without actually firing.
  578. >You grip the handle tightly.
  579. >And then you freeze.
  580. >You can’t even draw it.
  581. >Rainbow Dash flies up in front of you and presses her face against yours, staring uncomfortably into your eyes.
  582. >”You’d better start talking!”
  583. >Rarity ran to the larger group with a manic grin on her face.
  584. >”Oh, I’m DELIGHTED to see you all! It has been FAR too long.”
  585. >”Glad to see y’all too, Rare. But right now we gotta take care of this varmint. Rainbow?”
  586. >”With pleasure!”
  587. “Hold on now. Can I at least talk?”
  588. >”And what are you gonna say?”
  589. >Rainbow Dash was right. There wasn’t much you could say to get out of this.
  590. “Look, tensions are high right now. We’re all at risk of doing something rash. Why don’t we sit down-”
  591. >You start walking toward the lobby.
  592. >Dash grabs you by the collar and pulls you back.
  593. >You try to struggle forward against her.
  594. >It’s shockingly difficult, even with her in the air.
  595. “And talk things over in a reasonable manner. Would you let go already?”
  596. >Applejack seemed to be acting as a de facto leader, taking the metaphorical reigns with Twilight out of commission.
  597. >”’Shy, take Rares to the restroom to clean up that awful pattern.”
  598. “It-”
  599. >You bite your tongue.
  600. >Telling them how to get it out means admitting too much.
  601. >”Dash. Pinkie. Guard the exits. I don’t want nopony getting in or out.”
  602. >”Right!”
  603. >”Okie dokie!”
  604. >Pinkie seemed to be in great spirits regardless.
  605. >”And why don’t you and me have a chat, just like y’all wanted.”
  606. “Alright. I’ll tell you all about how somepony is trying to murder your friends, and how one of them TRASHED A HOSPITAL. MIGHT HAVE KILLED SOMEPONY TOO.”
  607. >Rarity’s ears perk up.
  608. >”Why, yes! Of course, that is the most important issue at the moment. And while I would LOVE to have my pristine coat back, I fear that it must wait! I owe the good doctor here many thanks!”
  609. >You can feel tension leaving your body.
  610. >Not all of it.
  611. >But enough.
  612. >”We are all endangered here, and had he not been hiding me away I dread to think what might have happened.”
  613. >Applejack looked unimpressed.
  614. >”What’s with the ink?”
  615. >”Disguise!”
  616. >”Why didn’t you write home?”
  617. >”Too dangerous!”
  618. >”Why do I smell rut?”
  619. >Rarity froze.
  620. >”And if he ain’t the bad guy, why’d he threaten us?”
  621. “I did not!”
  622. >”Oh? Truth be told, I dunno what a gun is. But with the way y’all said it I’m bettin’ it ain’t pretty. Now tell me, what’s a gun?”
  623. >The two of you stare at each other for a while.
  624. >You break eye contact first.
  625. >”Knew it.”
  626. “Okay, so I threatened you. But I haven’t actually done anything wrong! I was just protecting your friend!”
  627. >”So lemme get this straight. Rarity came to town, but somehow knew there was danger so she came to YOU for protection. Rather than tryin’ to get her out of the Empire y’all painted spots on her, but didn’t bother to disguise her mane and tail. And then you didn’t bother to tell anypony nor send any letters out for WEEKS. Then when her friends show up you press Fluttershy for all of Rare’s secrets, but don’t so much as HINT to us that she’s alright. And then when we find her, you say you’ll hurt us. But you ain’t hiding nothing.”
  628. “Yes!”
  629. >You try to answer calmly and nonchalantly, with a great big smile on your face.
  630. >Thankfully, Rarity is willing to step in to your aid.
  631. >”Well, it’s not QUITE so simple. But that is the jist of it.”
  632. >Blackmail can be a wonderful thing.
  633. >”And he threatened you because he was frightened!”
  634. >”I ain’t buyin’ it. Rares, it’s okay. We’re here to help.”
  635. “Well-”
  636. >”No. You’re going to your little office while Rarity tells me what happened WITHOUT you starin’ at her.”
  637. >Damn.
  638. >You try to think of a reason to object.
  639. >But anything you come up with would just raise suspicion.
  640. >Rainbow and Pinkie escort you to your office.
  641. >They direct you in, and you close the door behind yourself.
  642. >All you can do now is hope.
  643. >”So! How didja meet Rarity?”
  644. >You nearly jump out of your skin.
  645. >Pinkie was sitting in your office chair, spinning.
  646. “When did- how?”
  647. >”Yeah! How did you meet?”
  648. >How did she get in ahead of you?
  649. >That’s not really important at the moment, but it’s still bothering you.
  650. >She didn’t seem angry.
  651. >In fact, she seemed quite cheerful.
  652. >You sit in one of the guest chairs and try to look her in the eye.
  653. >You get dizzy long before she does.
  654. >You elect to wait until the chair stops to try and talk to her.
  655. “I met her through the princess.”
  656. >You have to say SOMETHING.
  657. >But you’re scared to speak too freely.
  658. >What if Rarity actually pulls through for you?
  659. >You can’t contradict her.
  660. >But you have no idea what she’d say!
  661. “You’re not angry?”
  662. >”Nope! Why would I be? Rarity’s okay, and she finally found a coltfriend!”
  663. “Err…”
  664. >”She always went on and on and on about finding the perfect stallion and we all knew it was never going to happen but she kept on trying and then she dumped a prince and tried to get with some other fancy pony who already liked Applejack so she tried to act like a farm pony and it was super insulting and she wouldn’t even look at any commoner stallions it had to be nobility or a celebrity but none of them were interested so she started to focus on her boutique to try and get famous so that she could meet them!”
  665. >You aren’t certain you followed all that.
  666. >”But then she never had time to actually look for a coltfriend, so I was afraid she was going to wind up being one of those crazy cat ponies.”
  667. “I was under the impression she only had one cat.”
  668. >”Give it time. Or don’t! Because now I don’t have to worry about her being alone forever!”
  669. “That was a big concern?”
  670. >”Oh yeah! I kept inviting her to all kinds of mixers and stuff hoping she would find out you don’t need to be a prince to be a good pony, but she wouldn’t even show up. So then I had to try and get stallions to go to her, and for a while it worked! But I was running out of excuses, and she was spending less and less time at home.”
  671. >She kicked off your desk and started to spin again.
  672. >”This chair is fun!”
  673. “I knew she had high standards, but I didn’t know she’d struck out that many times.”
  674. >She grabs your desk and stops abruptly, eyes spinning a bit from the experience.
  675. >After violently shaking her head about she returns to normal.
  676. >”Do you want foals?”
  677. “Pardon?”
  678. >”I don’t think Rarity wants foals. Which is really weird! Foals are great, they’re super cute and they love to play.”
  679. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
  680. >Pinkie Pie was surprisingly trusting.
  681. >Or she knew what was going on and was okay with it.
  682. >Probably the former.
  683. >Probably.
  684. ”Applesnack seems angry.”
  685. >Pinkie giggled a bit.
  686. >”Oh, that’s not how she is when she’s angry.”
  687. “Oh, that’s good.”
  688. >”Yeah. She’s SUPER angry!”
  689. “Oh…”
  690. >”She’s just worried about Rarity. Plus you said a bunch of lies and were really mean to her just now.”
  691. “Yeah… I panicked. She’ll get over it though, right?”
  692. >”After a while. Once she decides you didn’t foalnap Rarity, chain her up underground, and make her do a bunch of things she really doesn’t want to.”
  693. “That’s, uhh, that’s oddly specific.”
  694. >”Last time Rarity went missing that’s what happened! The diamond dogs were really mean!”
  695. “DIAMOND DOGS? I thought they’d disbanded after their oil rig got nuked by the Tibetan free state.”
  696. >”What’s a Tibet?”
  697. >Must be a misunderstanding of some sort.
  698. “So… why did you all come here anyway? I thought nopony knew this place was open.”
  699. >”Oh! Twilight said that she was coming here to do something and then she didn’t come back and then rumor was going around that she got hurt really bad but that you fixed her!”
  700. >Huh.
  701. >Rumor moved FAST.
  702. >There was no way Shining Armor had let that leak.
  703. >Not unless he’d finally had a stroke and turned retarded.
  704. >Must be another info leak.
  705. “So you’re here to see Twill. Alright, you can all see her.”
  706. >Pinkie darts past you, sailing straight over the desk and landing right by the door.
  707. >She swings it open with a giddy grin, nearly smashing Rainbow Dash in the face.
  708. >”ACK! Pinkie! What gives?”
  709. >”We’re going to go see Twilight!”
  710. >”That’s great! But what about him?”
  711. >”He’s going to take us there!”
  712. >”No, I meant what about him hurting Rarity?”
  713. >”Come on, Dashie! Anon is our friend, we should trust him!”
  714. >”But-”
  715. >”All sortsa weird stuff is happening, so maybe there’s a good reason for it.”
  716. >”Alright? Rarity says she’s fine, but I don’t really know.”
  717. >You lead the two to the recovery room.
  718. >Pinkie rears up and starts chewing on her front hooves as she approaches.
  719. “Calm down. Panicking won’t help anything.”
  720. >”Whew! That’s a relief!”
  721. >She was a strange one.
  722. >You usher them into the room.
  723. >They both gasp in shock.
  724. “It’s not as bad as it looks. I mean, it’s pretty bad, but not- err, how bad does it look to you?”
  725. >”What happened?”
  726. >Demanded Rainbow Dash.
  727. “I am not at liberty to discuss that at the moment.”
  728. >That might be true.
  729. >But mostly you just don’t feel like going over it again.
  730. “She’s stable, so we shouldn’t have to worry about anything sudden happening. But she’s not out of the woods just yet.”
  731. >Pinkie snorted a bit.
  732. >”Oh you silly. There are no woods this far north!”
  733. “Oh. Right you are! I take it you’ll be wanting to stay for a while.”
  734. >They both nod.
  735. “Alright. Don’t touch her, or any of the machinery. She needs some of that stuff. I’ll leave you two for a bit.”
  736. >You leave the room and close the door behind yourself, wondering where the others went.
  737. >You return to your office and start flipping through the cameras hoping to find them.
  738. >But they seem to have vanished.
  739. >You can only hope for the best.
  741. >You walk into the recovery room behind the two.
  742. >But for some reason you’re not getting any closer.
  743. >You stop walking, and watch in amazement as you slide backward along the ground.
  744. >You slide backwards straight back to your office, pulled by some unseen force.
  745. “Hello, Appul.”
  746. >”DNN’T YUU PPLE MU!”
  747. >She yells at you, speech muffled by the labcoat clenched in her teeth.
  748. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t damage my stuff, by the way. This clinic can’t handle much more equipment failure.”
  749. >She spits your clothing out and spins you around.
  750. >You’re not entirely sure how she did that.
  751. >”Are y’all seriously trying to tell me that this place will come crashing down if your dress gets damaged?”
  752. >Dress.
  753. >Don’t take the bait, Anon.
  754. “Regular clothing is too dirty.”
  755. >”So what? When was the last time a little dirt killed somepony?”
  756. “Probably earlier today.”
  757. >You don’t know, of course.
  758. >But it wouldn’t surprise you.
  759. >Applejack walks around your desk.
  760. >And sits in your chair!
  761. >Why do ponies keep doing that?
  762. >”Tell me what happened.”
  763. “What do you mean?”
  764. >”I mean y’all are gonna tell me everything about what’s going on here. From the beginning.”
  765. “From the beginning? That’s going to be REALLY hard. Uh, around 2500 years ago a man named Hippocratese was making a compendium of known illnesses and treatments-”
  766. >She gives you a dirty look.
  767. “Too far back?”
  768. >”A tad.”
  769. “Okay. Skip forward 500 or so years and Pliny the elder is working on his book, Naturalis Historia. While not explicitly a medical text his criticism of the majii and astrologers marks a turning point in medicine.”
  770. >”Skip to when you foalnapped Rarity.”
  771. “What? Are you accusing me of something?”
  772. >”Darn straight I am! You were holding her against her will!”
  773. >Damn it!
  774. >Had Rarity sold you out?
  775. >”And the look on your face tells me I ain’t far off the mark.”
  776. >Keep calm, Anon.
  777. >You’ve been under way more pressure than this.
  778. >Nobody’s about to bleed out, this should be easy.
  779. >Just throw all the blame at her.
  780. “Well, I’m sorry to tell you this but you’re wrong.”
  781. >”Am I? I can see y’all are lying.”
  782. “What, are you an expert on HUMAN body language?”
  783. >”Well, not as such-”
  784. “And I assume that you can prove your outrageous slander.”
  785. >”It ain’t slander, it’s TRUTH! You hurt Rarity! And then when Twi came by to save her, y’all shut her up, didn’t you?”
  786. “I did WHAT? Are you really DARING to suggest I STABBED somepony?”
  787. >You reach for one of your drawers, forgetting you’re on the wrong side of your desk.
  788. >Woops.
  789. “Left top drawer. Get a pen and some papers, and write it out. I dare you.”
  790. >”Now why in tarnation would I do that?”
  791. “So I can sue your ass for libel!”
  792. >”SUE me? What in the hay did I do?”
  793. “You came into MY clinic, and started throwing all these accusations around after I saved your friends LIVES over and over again? You’re going to ruin my reputation!”
  794. >”Well, maybe if it weren’t built on a LIE it would be a mite harder to ruin!”
  795. >She had no proof.
  796. >None.
  797. >If she did, she would have mentioned it by now.
  798. “Enough posturing. I’ve done nothing wrong, and I challenge you to prove otherwise.”
  799. >”Well, thing is I can’t.”
  800. >You can’t help but crack a smile.
  801. >”Even Rarity wouldn’t say what was goin’ on. But I know she’s hiding something, and I’m gonna find out what.”
  802. “Great! So it sounds like it’s your word against mine then.”
  803. >”Sure is. Now I wonder who the ponies are going to believe.”
  804. >Oh.
  805. >That could be a problem.
  806. >Like, a HUGE one.
  807. “The royal family is on my side you know.”
  808. >”For now. We’ll see how that changes once they find out what y’all did to Twi.”
  809. “Good luck with that.”
  810. >You could prove her wrong by showing her the security footage.
  811. >But the longer she spends barking up the wrong tree, the better.
  812. >That only buys time, you’re going to have to do something about this.
  813. >Applejack is trusted in her community.
  814. >Neither Rarity nor Shining Armor doubter her for even an instant when she was attacked, despite the absurdity of her story.
  815. >Sooner or later, somebody will believe her.
  816. “Well? Don’t let me keep you. Get to your investigation.”
  817. >”Don’t mind if I do!”
  818. “Oh, one minor detail. You’re banned from the clinic.”
  819. >”Beg your pardon?”
  820. “You heard me. There’s lots of sensitive information about my patients here. I can’t have you or anyone else digging into what they told me in confidence. And if you’re going to be grasping at straws looking for proof of some non-specific crimes you’re a security hazard.”
  821. >”Y’all can’t ban me from here!”
  822. “I can and I did! I have good reason to think you’re trouble.”
  823. >”I ain’t. The whole world knows I’m trustworthy.”
  824. “You think you’re a bigshot? Well I’ve got news for you. I don’t even know your name!”
  825. >”You don’t know anypony’s name!”
  826. “Details. Now if you want to look around here I’d suggest you go get a warrant.”
  827. >She stands up from your desk with a huff.
  828. >”Fine. But know that this ain’t over. Nopony hurts my friends and gets away with it.”
  829. >She pushes past you and walks out the door, hips swaying in what you assume to be a naturally seductive manner.
  830. >That was rough.
  831. >Your bluster can’t save you forever, and-
  832. >Applejack walks back in.
  833. >”Say, I know I’m banned but can I still visit Twi? She means a lot to me. I promise I won’t go snooping around outside of that room.”
  834. “Oh, of course! Just don’t touch anything, she needs some of that stuff to live.”
  835. >”Thanks. That’s mighty decent of y’all.”
  836. >It was also probably a mistake.
  837. >But you’re not the kind to deny visitors.
  838. >She walks out without a word.
  839. >What to do about Applejack...
  841. >A few hours had passed in relative peace.
  842. >You’d attended to the patient while bearing the scrutiny of Applejack.
  843. >You’d also FINALLY remembered to ask the visitors for blood samples to try and find a better match for the patient.
  844. >Somewhat ironically, Applejack is quite the rarity with O.
  845. >You also got a good match between Twilight and Fluttershy, which is quite the relief.
  846. >Conditions are still far from ideal, but you’re not in the same bind as before.
  847. >As for the patient, you still don’t know how things are going to play out.
  848. >But you’re cautiously optimistic.
  849. >Earth hospitals are rife with some of the deadliest and toughest bacteria known to man.
  850. >The medical system is where the most horrendous bugs go to develop resistance to cutting edge treatment.
  851. >But in your clinic things are a bit different.
  852. >Antibiotics haven’t been abused for centuries out here, so there’s no such thing as MRSA.
  853. >Whatever got in her will respond to treatment, no doubt.
  854. >When struggling with all the handicaps you have out here, it’s easy to miss the subtler advantages.
  855. >But there’s something nagging you other than the medical stuff.
  856. >Where’s Rarity?
  857. >You haven’t seen her since the visitors arrived.
  858. >After searching the entire clinic, you finally find her outside by the fire exit.
  859. >She doesn’t react as you approach.
  860. “You shouldn’t be out here. It’s not safe.”
  861. >Her eyes are wet.
  862. >She’s been crying.
  863. “Come back inside.”
  864. >”I don’t understand.”
  865. “Uh, okay. So someone’s been hunting your friends down and you’re probably on their list, so you should be somewhere that you’re not easy to get at.”
  866. >”I don’t understand why you’ve chosen to protect me.”
  867. >Oh.
  868. >You sit down next to her.
  869. >She still doesn’t move.
  870. >”You wouldn’t let the prince blame me for what I’ve done, and now I understand you’ve not told a single soul of the incident ever since.”
  871. >She sniffles.
  872. >Trembles for a bit.
  873. >Then sobs.
  874. >You gently pet her mane.
  875. “It’s going to be okay.”
  876. >”No it’s not.”
  877. “It was close for a while, but she’s going to be fine.”
  878. >Probably.
  879. >”I know. You would be panicking right now if you thought she might perish.”
  880. >Maybe now’s not the right time to dispel that illusion.
  881. “Then what’s the matter?”
  882. >”Applejack knows I’m lying.”
  883. >Oh.
  884. >That could be a problem.
  885. >”Everypony is going to figure out what I did. Twilight is never going to forgive me! All of my friends will leave me, I shall be a pariah! MY LIFE IS RUINED!”
  886. >She collapses entirely, sprawling out on the ground.
  887. “Whoa, stop crying. It’s fine.”
  888. >She keeps bawling.
  889. ”She’s never going to find out, don’t worry.”
  890. >She’s now rolling on the ground.
  891. “I’ll protect you if she does!”
  892. >She’s being a drama queen.
  893. >You strike her buttocks with an open palm, eliciting a shocked gasp.
  894. “Stop crying!”
  895. >She stares up at you with wet eyes.
  896. “Nopony is going to blame you for that. Well, maybe the prince. But I’ll take the blame for it if I have to.”
  897. >”But… why?”
  898. “I meant what I said. As long as you’re with me you’re my responsibility. I have to take responsibility for allowing that to happen, and I also have to take care of you. Even if Applejam is going to drag my name through the mud because of it.”
  899. >If her expression was anything to go by, she still didn’t get it.
  900. >Not really.
  901. >But she seemed to understand the most important part.
  902. >You were going to protect her.
  903. >”Such is the price of my reputation.”
  904. >C’mon…
  905. >This might be it.
  906. >This girl is vain in so many ways, there’s no way she can handle the social stigma.
  907. >”I don’t know what to do.”
  908. >Seriously?
  909. “It seems pretty obvious to me.”
  910. >Stick with the famous life saving alien, or go to the dungeons for sabotage and have your face on all the gossip magazines.
  911. >Yet she wasn’t convinced.
  912. “Is being with me really so awful.”
  913. >”Yes.”
  914. >Ouch.
  915. “What’s so bad about it? Talk to me.”
  916. >She looks away.
  917. “Please? I promise I won’t hold it against you.”
  918. >”Well… there’s the constant punishments and spanking. And the perverse sexual acts.”
  919. “Which you enjoyed.”
  920. >”And my abhorrent living conditions. I can’t help but wonder if the dungeons would be more hospitable.”
  921. >Maybe.
  922. >You’re not certain what standards are kept in prisons around here.
  923. >You MIGHT be treating her worse than a prisoner.
  924. >And for somepony so pampered, that must be especially torturous.
  925. >There’s that guilt again.
  926. “Perhaps we can come to some kind of an agreement.”
  927. >”Whatever do you mean?”
  928. >You’re of the belief that good slaves deserve good living conditions.
  929. >You open your mouth to say that, but bite your tongue.
  930. >You should probably shy away from the S word for now.
  931. >Some day she’ll wear the label with pride.
  932. >Some day.
  933. “I don’t keep you like that arbitrarily. I just need some assurance you won’t leave.”
  934. >”You have it!”
  935. “No, I don’t believe I do.”
  936. >”What must I do to earn your trust?”
  937. >You can’t help but smile.
  938. >That was the right question.
  939. >Sadly, you don’t know the right answer.
  940. “We’ll take this one step at a time. What is the worst part of your current room?”
  941. >”The plumbing.”
  942. >Hm.
  943. >That was admittedly pretty bad.
  944. “Okay. We’ll fix that.”
  945. >She looks at you warily.
  946. “Consider it a gift. Or a show of good faith, if you’d rather.”
  947. >”I suppose I should be thankful, though I cannot help but wonder what terrible ploy you have in mind.”
  948. “No trick. I just want you to be happy.”
  949. >”You’ll have to excuse my skepticism after all you’ve done.”
  950. “It’s not so complicated, you know. Cause me trouble and you get trouble. Make me happy and get rewarded. I’d rather have to reward you than punish you.”
  951. >Not that punishing can’t be fun.
  952. >But her constant rebellion can get a bit tiresome.
  953. >”I suppose I’ve little choice but to trust you.”
  954. >She chokes out a forlorn sigh.
  955. >”I know when I’m beat. Master.”
  956. >That’s the spirit!
  957. >”If I am doomed to be yours, might I ask a favor?”
  958. “You can ASK, but I won’t make any promises I can’t keep.”
  959. >”Might I please stay in contact with my family and friends? They mean the world to me.”
  960. >Hm.
  961. >That would make things harder.
  962. >Cutting off her support network makes her reliant on you.
  963. >But if you refuse she’ll doubtlessly resist you forever.
  964. >If you say no she’ll resist you harder in the near future.
  965. >If you say yes, you might lose her later.
  966. >You could restrict her to letters only, then you could screen them and withhold anything you saw fit.
  967. >But she’ll definitely see what you were up to, and sooner or later somepony will ask why they can’t ever see her face to face.
  968. >But then it finally occurred to you that you actually don’t have a choice in the matter.
  969. >Her friends were running around the empire knowing full well they were being attacked.
  970. >They will demand to see her eventually, whether you allow it or not.
  971. >Trying to fight it will just cost you good will, and make you seem weak.
  972. >She sees your hesitation; you’ve taken too long to decide to seem anything but calculating and manipulative.
  973. >Better not stall any longer, you’ll just make it worse.
  974. “I’m not the kind to break up a family. We’ll figure something out.”
  975. >”Thank goodness.”
  976. >You wait with her in silence for a couple of minutes, waiting for the followup.
  977. >After a while you start to get impatient.
  978. >You’ve never been good at waiting.
  979. “You’re not going to ask about your career?”
  980. >”Well, now that you mention it…”
  981. “I don’t want to waste your talents. But again, I need some kind of assurance you’re not going to leave. We’ll have to do some trust building exercises.”
  982. >Yeah, that’s what you’ll call them.
  983. >Definitely not training.
  984. >”I’m not a fool, master, nor am I as naive as you may think. Ours is not going to be a romantic relationship between equals.”
  985. >Pretty clumsy wording.
  986. >She sounds flustered.
  987. >”You just wish to use me as an outlet for your lust.”
  988. >Partially, yes.
  989. >But it’s going to go beyond just the occasion rutting.
  990. >No need to push your luck right now, though.
  991. >”If I keep that satisfied, I’ve kept up to my obligations. So, master, may I use my hooves?”
  992. >She doesn’t wait for your answer, immediately reaching for your crotch.
  993. >Rarity fumbles with your pants for an embarrassingly long time, but you choose not to help.
  994. >When she finally gets access you’re pleasantly surprised by the sensation as she awkwardly gropes about.
  995. >She doesn’t actually grip with her hoof, instead choosing to wrap around you with her cannon near the fetlock.
  996. >Her grip is delicate and dainty as might be expected of Rarity.
  997. >You’d been expecting a coarse, aggressive sensation. Instead it’s perhaps too soft.
  998. >You enjoy the velvety smooth stroking that’s just on the right side of tickling.
  999. >Her technique needs work.
  1000. >But you can’t fault her for her enthusiasm.
  1001. >She stares transfixed at your now erect penis, blushing profusely.
  1002. >She moves her muzzle next to it to take in the scent when she thinks you aren’t looking.
  1003. >You pretend not to notice, prefering to allow her to explore her own desires.
  1004. >At no point does she ever look away.
  1005. >She barely even blinks as she continues her mediocre ministrations, her thoughts completely consumed by cock.
  1006. >She wants it.
  1007. >But she's not ready to admit it yet.
  1008. >That's okay. You'll allow her desires to grow. To consume her thoughts and dreams.
  1009. >You'll allow this horny mare to become ever more desperate until she has no choice but to admit to her needs.
  1010. >You can practically hear her winking. The piercing is doubtlessly grinding itself into her mercilessly, teasing her with every involuntary contraction.
  1011. >Her husky breathing and suppressed moans are growing harder to ignore.
  1012. >Her rhythm is growing more erratic and less refined.
  1013. >You're starting to think she'll cum before you do.
  1014. >But that won't do, not this time.
  1015. >You want her desperately aroused when you next get some alone time.
  1016. >And so you cut the session short and stand up.
  1017. >You start to stroke yourself, and shortly after finish with a decent burst of semen aimed straight at Rarity's face.
  1018. >She yelps in surprise and recoils as a couple of ropes splatter on her face, forcing one eye closed.
  1019. >You manage to produce a third, smaller burst which lands mostly on her horn.
  1020. >To your delight Rarity doesn't seem to notice.
  1021. >The two of you head back in through the back door.
  1023. >Rarity had deftly ducked into the shower so quickly you almost didn’t see it happen.
  1024. >You can already hear the water running.
  1025. >You’ll leave her to it.
  1026. >She kinda needs it.
  1027. >Besides, you’d promised her plumbing.
  1028. >Better go check on the patient while she cleans up.
  1029. >Unless…
  1030. >You wait a couple minutes to make sure she feels secure.
  1031. >Then you press your ear to the door.
  1032. >It’s muffled and a bit drowned out, but you can hear something.
  1033. >A gasp.
  1034. >Maybe a lustful moan.
  1035. >You’d wanted to keep her on edge until morning, but it looks like she’s decided to take matters into her own hooves.
  1036. >And you’d promised her she could masturbate whenever she wanted for a week.
  1037. >You can’t afford to go back on your word, especially not now when you’re so close.
  1038. >You once again decide to leave her alone and head to the recovery room.
  1039. >All conscious ponies look your way when you enter.
  1040. >Notably, Applejack seems angered.
  1041. >”Where’s Rarity?”
  1042. “I think she’s in the shower.”
  1043. >”Why? We cleaned her up just earlier. You do something to her?”
  1044. “No. I think she just showers a lot.”
  1045. >”Hm. Well, it IS Rarity. I suppose it checks out. Alright, never you mind me.”
  1046. >You’re feeling a lot calmer after that little stunt in the alley.
  1047. >Rarity didn’t do a very good job, and you had to finish.
  1048. >But it still did wonders to clear your head.
  1049. >And you need that clarity.
  1050. >You check Twilight’s chart.
  1051. >Some might say it’s silly to keep a chart when there’s only one caretaker.
  1052. >And in some ways they’d be right.
  1053. >But the chart isn’t just for communication.
  1054. >And not even just a record either.
  1055. >It’s a moment for review.
  1056. >A time to reflect on what’s happening and weigh the options in an organized manner.
  1057. >Physicians are human, with all the failings and trappings that entails.
  1058. >It’s all too easy to make a mistake when handling a crisis.
  1059. >And you think you’ve found one.
  1060. >You fetch a simple home glucometer and a finger lance, and prick her leg.
  1061. >Fluttershy is watching you intently.
  1062. >Pinkie is telling a story in an exuberant manner, but it doesn’t seem to be coherent.
  1063. >The handheld glucometer beeps and gives you a reading.
  1064. >”Umm, excuse me mister doctor, but why did you just cut Twilight?”
  1065. >Fluttershy seems worried.
  1066. >Hard to blame her.
  1067. “I’m checking to see how much sugar is dissolved in her blood.”
  1068. >”Sugar?”
  1069. “Every part of your body needs energy, and sugar is the main dish for the bulk of it. You turn food or fat into sugar through a process called glucogenesis and then store it in your blood for when you need it.”
  1070. >14.2 millimoles per liter.
  1071. >That’s very high.
  1072. >For a human, at least.
  1073. >For a pony it’s on the low end of normal.
  1074. >So she’d recovered at least.
  1075. “Humans don’t keep as much sugar in their blood as ponies do, only about a third as much. When I gave her my blood I should have also given her some sugar to balance it out. Looks like she recovered on her own though.”
  1076. >You’ll give her a glucose drip anyway
  1077. >You’ve never had to worry about this before in your life.
  1078. >And they never mentioned it in med school either.
  1079. >Then again, they didn’t teach you much about xenotransfusions at all.
  1080. >It was a footnote that didn’t even end up on the quiz.
  1081. >There’s a very good chance you’d have overlooked that detail even if things were fine.
  1082. >Given the chaos and handicaps you’re thankful nothing bigger went wrong.
  1083. >Still, you’ll have to make sure you never make that mistake again.
  1084. >You really need a break.
  1085. >”Is something wrong mister doctor?”
  1086. “It’s fine. We’re… 20 hours or so after the incident and she’s not dead. Pressure’s reasonable, pulse is steady. She’s not getting worse, so it’s only a matter of time until she gets better. If nothing goes wrong she’ll be fine.”
  1087. >That’s still a pretty big if.
  1088. >You’re not ready to promise anything.
  1089. >But at least you’re no longer worried about having to break the news to the prince.
  1090. >You can’t help but wonder what he’d do to you if she died.
  1091. >Speak of the devil.
  1092. >You can hear Shining Armor barking orders in the distance.
  1093. >He’s still a bit too far away for you to know what he’s saying, but his frantic tone is telling you plenty.
  1094. >You take the opportunity to connect an IV drip before stepping out to wait for him.
  1095. >He walks in, followed by eight armed ponies.
  1096. >You notice they aren’t wearing any armor.
  1097. >The prince walks past you on his way to check on your patient.
  1098. >”How is she?”
  1099. “Better than the last time you saw her.”
  1100. >”She’s improving, then.”
  1101. “As much as she can in about a day. It’s going to take a while.”
  1102. >He steps into the room and locks eyes with everypony present, which now includes Rarity to your surprise.
  1103. >Only once he’s examined the visitors does he look at his sister.
  1104. >”Why are they here?”
  1105. “Who, her friends?”
  1106. >”Did you run out of bullets or something?”
  1107. “What?”
  1108. >”Give me the gun.”
  1109. >You’d almost forgotten you had it.
  1110. >After checking the wrong pocket twice, you fish it out and pass it to him.
  1111. >He pulls out the magazine and checks its contents.
  1112. “Everything to your liking?”
  1113. >”No. Why did you let them in here? Any one of them could be here to finish her off!”
  1114. >You can hear a chorus of exclamations and denial coming from behind you.
  1115. “I didn’t think you meant her friends!”
  1116. >”I told you that if ANYPONY tried to get close to her you were supposed to shoot them! How much clearer do I need to be?”
  1117. “Well I’m sorry I didn’t gun them down! Should I have shot you when you came in? Why would they try to hurt her anyway?”
  1118. >He knew something he wasn’t sharing.
  1119. >You could see it in his eyes, hear it in the way he almost replied only to bite his tongue.
  1120. >”Everypony out. OUT!”
  1121. >Twilight’s friends reluctantly began to file out.
  1122. >You can hear Applejack grumbling something as she goes.
  1123. >Rainbow Dash glares at him for a moment before flapping by.
  1124. >”You too, Anon.”
  1125. >You raise an eyebrow, but step out the door.
  1126. >He closes it, leaving himself in the room with the patient.
  1127. >No, not the patient. His sister.
  1128. >You have to remember just how personal this is for him.
  1129. >It wasn’t just his sister, it was his soldier that did it.
  1130. >His soldiers that she didn’t want following her, but only put up with because he insisted.
  1131. >Poor guy’s probably blaming himself.
  1132. >No wonder he wants privacy, doesn’t want anypony to see him break down.
  1133. >You’re tempted to eavesdrop, but elect to spare his dignity.
  1134. >Nothing you can do to help with that.
  1135. >Might as well do something productive, like clear your name with Applejack.
  1136. >The sooner she drops her suspicions the better.
  1137. “Hey, Apples. Still think I did it?”
  1138. >”I mean, kinda. He did kick y’all out just now.”
  1139. “He kicked you out too.”
  1140. >”Can’t argue with that.”
  1141. “Come with me.”
  1142. >”Ain’t sure I wanna. Could be a trap.”
  1143. “Your friends can come too if it makes you feel better. And then there’s those guys with the spears.”
  1144. >”Alright, fine. What’cha got?”
  1145. “Proof.”
  1146. >You go back to your office.
  1147. >The security footage of Twilight getting stabbed should clear your name.
  1148. >When you approach, one of the armed ponies levels their spear at you.
  1149. >You reflexively put your hands up and step back.
  1150. >”Sorry, doc. The Prince doesn’t want anypony tampering with anything.”
  1151. “I wish to point out that I’m not a pony.”
  1152. >”Sorry. You’ll need his permission first.”
  1153. >You step away until he lowers his weapon.
  1154. “Geeze, coulda just told me. Well, Sorry Jay Jay.”
  1155. >You’ll have to get Rarity to teach you how to pronounce their names.
  1156. >You’re almost certain you’re getting it wrong.
  1157. >And it’s kinda embarrassing.
  1158. “I have a video proving I didn’t do it.”
  1159. >”Now why would you have something like that?”
  1160. “See that small black dome built into the ceiling? It’s a camera. It’s always recording.”
  1161. >”My, gotta say that’s mighty impressive. How much film you got?”
  1162. >Film.
  1163. “That’s harder to answer than you might think. It’s… kinda like a reusable film. A lot of the things in here are worth stealing so I try to keep security up.”
  1164. >Not that it’s done much lately.
  1165. >”You got a video of whatever you and Rarity were up to before we showed up?”
  1166. >Yes.
  1167. “Can’t help you. Just at the entrances and in lockup.”
  1168. >”Well, how ‘bout a video of when Rarity came in?”
  1169. >Shit.
  1170. >If you can’t produce a video of Rarity walking in the clinic recently, you’ve basically admitted you’re keeping her here.
  1171. >Applejack’s a lot smarter than you thought.
  1172. “I do. But I can’t show it.”
  1173. >”And why might that be?”
  1174. “Patient confidentiality.”
  1175. >”So she’s your patient, then.”
  1176. >Kinda.
  1177. >You had done some work on her after all.
  1178. >”Well, I suppose I’ll trust you for now. I’ll show myself out.”
  1179. >She turns around and nearly bumps into the guards who immediately produce their weapons.
  1180. >”Oh, right.”
  1181. >”ANON!”
  1182. >It was the prince.
  1183. >You run to the recovery room, fully expecting that Twilight is crashing.
  1184. >You fling the door open and step in, eyes already on the heart monitor’s display.
  1185. >65 bpm.
  1186. >No alarms are going off.
  1187. >She’s fine as far as you can tell.
  1188. >”Close the door and get in here.”
  1189. “You’re acting weird.”
  1190. >”Just do it.”
  1191. >He’s avoiding direct eye contact to try and hide his face.
  1192. >But it’s clear that he was crying.
  1193. >”Without looking, what’s in the bags wired into her legs?”
  1194. “Normal Saline, Amoxycillin, and 5 percent glucose solution.”
  1195. >”What procedure did you perform on my wife?”
  1196. “We implanted a radio controlled neural stimulator on her pudendal nerve.”
  1197. >”Hm. That sounds right… can you refer me to a good chiropractor?”
  1198. “No such thing as a good chiropractor.”
  1199. >”Alright. You’re clear. Who all was in this room while I was away? Just Twilight’s friends?”
  1200. “Just them. Why?”
  1201. >He used his magic to levitate the edge of Twilight’s mattress up.
  1202. >”See it?”
  1203. >You did.
  1204. >Squirreled away between the fitted sheet and the mattress were some lumps.
  1205. >A needle was poking through the fabric.
  1206. >He used his magic to pull out the syringes, revealing them to be three of your stolen saline flushes.
  1207. >All empty.
  1208. >Somepony had tried to overdose her.
  1209. >You stand slack jawed for a bit longer than you care to admit.
  1210. >”Is this the fentanyl they stole from you?”
  1211. >He winks at you in an exaggerated manner.
  1212. >Why- oh. Gotcha.
  1213. “That’s it alright. Three needles…”
  1214. >”You can treat her for that right?”
  1215. “Yeah. Same principle as the atropine poisoning. Good thing you noticed though, by the time it kicks in it’d be too late. Luckily for us fentanyl takes a while to start up.”
  1216. >A blatant lie.
  1217. >But hopefully one that would be believed.
  1218. >He wanted them to continue to use the saline.
  1219. >As soon as they found out it was harmless, they’d go back to more effective methods.
  1220. >”I’ve got the place locked down hard. Every doorway is being watched, every pony is being watched.”
  1221. “I’d noticed. Why aren’t they in their armor though?”
  1222. >”They’re reserves. The actual soldiers are compromised, I’m hoping they won’t be.”
  1223. >Makes sense.
  1224. >”And just in case, I have more guards outside.”
  1225. “This doesn’t make sense. Why would one of Twiggle’s friends try to poison her like that? And why did they even have those in the first place?”
  1226. >”It might not make any sense to you, but it perfectly fits a certain profile. Say… a lot of this stuff is to measure the innards of ponies, right?”
  1227. “That might be an oversimplification.”
  1228. >”What tests have you got that are easy to do?”
  1229. “Quite a few.”
  1230. >”And can be done in the field on short notice?”
  1231. “It would be easier if you just told me what you’re looking for.”
  1232. >”I don’t know.”
  1233. >That’s annoying.
  1234. >You’re pretty sure he’s figured it out, he’s just not talking.
  1235. >But you’re sure he has his reasons.
  1236. >”I’m willing to bet one of your tests will reveal the traitor. But I have no idea which, so we’ll have to try them all.”
  1237. “Wait a second, let me get this straight. One of her friends tried to kill her and you know why, but you’re not telling me and the only way to catch them is with a quick medical checkup?”
  1238. >”That’s the jist of it.”
  1239. >Weirdo.
  1240. “Send them into imaging, it’s far from the exits and private enough.”
  1241. >”Good idea. I’ll stay in the room with you in case they attack.”
  1242. >You hadn’t even thought of that.
  1243. >Great.
  1244. >Now you’re nervous.
  1245. >One of them tried to murder somepony!
  1246. >What will they do if you catch them?
  1247. >Will they try to silence you?
  1248. >Calm down, Anon. There’s plenty of horsepower here to help if it goes south.
  1249. >And if you do get hurt, you’re in a hospital.
  1250. >Should be fine, right?
  1251. “I’m not sure this is a good idea.”
  1252. >”I don’t pay you to think. Wait, I kinda do? I mean, we’re paying for health but you seem to spend a lot of time thinking about how to do it. Okay, I DO pay you to think, but not to second guess me! Except that you do that all the time and keep nagging me to take my pills which I don’t need because I’M FINE!”
  1253. >He’s nervous too.
  1254. >He always gets wordy when he’s on edge.
  1255. >”Be thorough about it, alright?”
  1256. “You want me to do simple tests that can be replicated in the field, and also be thorough?”
  1257. >”I know I’m not making it easy, but this could be huge.”
  1258. >Fine.
  1259. >You’ll trust him on this one.
  1260. >You leave and cross the hall, entering imaging.
  1261. >One of her friends tried to off her, and that was supposed to be impossible.
  1262. >Some kind of brainwashing?
  1263. >Could that be the spell that whiffed on Fluttershy?
  1264. >If it’s mind control magic, now would be a really good time to have an MRI.
  1265. >Fluttershy enters first.
  1266. >The prince is no more than a few steps away.
  1267. >You scold yourself for being afraid of such a demure and gentle pony.
  1268. >Fluttershy seats herself on a stool before you and tries to hide behind her mane.
  1269. “It’s okay, YOU don’t need to be nervous. We’re not doing anything painful or dangerous today.”
  1270. >”Oh. Okay. Umm, what ARE we doing though?”
  1271. “I don’t know. I already checked for typing and didn’t see anything weird.”
  1272. >Though there’s no way of knowing if the tests were accurate if things got REALLY weird.
  1273. >Anything out of the core blood groups wouldn’t be detectable.
  1274. “Guess I’ll just go through the usual physical?”
  1275. >This stuff is easy and you’ve done it a million times.
  1276. >If it doesn’t satisfy the prince you’ll start doing harder and more in depth stuff.
  1277. >Hopefully this doesn’t take too long.
  1278. >You wrap a pressure cuff around her leg and rapidly pump it up, listening for bloodflow with your stethoscope.
  1279. >It’s elevated, pulse is high.
  1280. >She’s scared of something.
  1281. >This WOULD be suspicious if it wasn’t Fluttershy.
  1282. >”Doesn’t that sugar test hurt?”
  1283. >Blood sugar.
  1284. >Good call, Fluttershy.
  1285. “It can if you do it wrong. Once upon a time the machines needed way more blood so people had to prick themselves where they’d bleed enough.”
  1286. >You bump her knee.
  1287. >She nearly jumps out of the stool.
  1288. >Good reflexes, no signs of nerve damage.
  1289. “That hasn’t been a problem for decades though. Now we poke where the patient is less sensitive like their upper arm. Err, leg. Open your mouth.”
  1290. >The tongue depressor goes in.
  1291. >You take a good look around.
  1292. >Her teeth are in unusually good shape.
  1293. >That’s not normally something doctors have to check, but tooth decay is pretty common out here.
  1294. “Looks healthy. And don’t worry, I’ll tell you before doing the sugar test, okay?”
  1295. >Again, not something you’d normally check without reason.
  1296. >She doesn’t have the warning signs.
  1297. >But the prince told you to be thorough.
  1298. >You apply the stethoscope to her chest.
  1299. “Deep breath. And out. And in. And out. Sounds normal, let me get my thermometer.”
  1300. >She opens her mouth again for you to stick it in.
  1301. “Nope.”
  1302. >”O-oh. Oh dear. Umm…”
  1303. “Oh, it’s not that either. This checks in the ear.”
  1304. >”Oh. Thank goodness.”
  1305. >You walk behind her with the thermometer out, then switch it for a finger lance when she can’t see.
  1306. >You prick her shoulder and apply the drop to your meter.
  1307. >Fluttershy scratches at her shoulder a few seconds later.
  1308. >17.2 millimoles per liter.
  1309. >Extremely high for a human, pretty much perfect for a pony.
  1310. >Temperature’s slightly elevated.
  1311. >Might be a sign of ovulation.
  1312. “Alright, we’re all done here. Good job, Buttershy.”
  1313. >”Oh! But what about the other one?”
  1314. “Already done.”
  1315. >”Really? But when you did the other one to help Twilight it hurt. Even though you said it would just be a pinch.”
  1316. “Yeah… sorry about that. But I was telling the truth this time.”
  1317. >”But you said you’d warn me first.”
  1318. “Heh. Yeah, I suppose I did lie again. But this one didn’t hurt, right?”
  1319. >She smiles at you, still trying to hide.
  1320. >”It didn’t hurt at all.”
  1321. “Great. I’m glad to tell you that you seem healthy, if a bit nervous.”
  1322. >”Oh, thank you. I’m so glad to hear it.”
  1323. >She shows herself out just a bit too quickly, doubtlessly eager to be back with her trusted friends.
  1324. >Shining Armor is the very picture of nervous energy.
  1325. >”That’s all you’ve got?”
  1326. “You wanted quick and easy, right?”
  1327. >”Alright. I guess we can use those fancy machines later if nothing comes up. Anything odd with her?”
  1328. “Nothing incriminating.”
  1329. >”Alright. Dash, get in here!”
  1330. >A few seconds pass before Rainbow Dash trots into the room, rolling her eyes.
  1331. >”Alright doc, let’s get this over with.”
  1332. “It’ll only take a few minutes.”
  1333. >”Minutes? Can you try for seconds?”
  1334. “I’ll see what I can do.”
  1335. >You go through the paces of a regular physical.
  1336. >Resting pulse is about 60.
  1337. >Pressure of 110 over 70.
  1338. >Reflexes are sharp.
  1339. >Body temperature is perfect, lungs sound clean.
  1340. >She’s in really good shape, to nobody’s surprise.
  1341. >You prick her with the finger lance.
  1342. >Nothing happens.
  1343. >You retract the guard a bit so that more of the needle will go in.
  1344. >Nothing.
  1345. >She has really thick skin.
  1346. >You take a fresh lance and poke her manually, forgoing the spring loaded device.
  1347. >”Ow, hay! What gives!”
  1348. “Sorry. I must have hit a nerve.”
  1349. >But at least you got blood.
  1350. >You apply it to the glucometer’s test strip.
  1351. >Bah.
  1352. “Faulty strip. But I think there’s enough blood here for another test.”
  1353. >”Well, okay. As long as you’re not going to do that again.”
  1354. “Butterfly didn’t complain, you know. She took it like a champ.”
  1355. >”Hmph.”
  1356. >Again, the same result.
  1357. >Something’s wrong.
  1358. >You fetch a different glucometer and strips from a different batch.
  1359. >You then proceed to prick her on the other side.
  1360. >”Ow, HAY!”
  1361. “Sorry.”
  1362. >You press the test strip to the blood.
  1363. >Another bad reading.
  1364. >And another.
  1365. >The odds of getting four bad strips in a row are astronomical.
  1366. >But still FAR more likely than the alternative.
  1367. >Then again, there are lots of things in this world you don’t understand.
  1368. >If you get the same reading AGAIN…
  1369. “Ah. Okay, there we are. The first glucometer must be failing, lucky I have another. Anyway, everything seems to be in order.”
  1370. >”Finally! I’m out of here.”
  1371. >Rainbow Dash flies out of the room after flicking her tail at you.
  1372. >The moment she’s gone your facade breaks.
  1373. >Your knees are shaking, your heart is hammering in your chest.
  1374. >You’re scared.
  1375. >How did you get mixed up in this?
  1376. >You’re not a cop or a soldier or anything.
  1377. >Sure, there have been hostile patients, but they’re…
  1378. >Human.
  1379. >A known quantity, something that you understand and can account for.
  1380. >That thing DEFINITELY wasn’t human, nor was it a pony.
  1381. >You’re not even certain it’s alive!
  1382. >And whatever it was, you have no doubt in your mind it would kill you to keep you quiet.
  1383. >Shining Armor seems to notice your fear.
  1384. >He motions for you to talk.
  1385. “What the hell was that… thing?”
  1386. >”Perfect. You’re doing that test on everypony here.”
  1387. >This didn’t make sense.
  1388. >She shouldn’t be alive, much less flying and talking.
  1389. >How can her blood sugar be ZERO?
  1391. >Everyone had to be tested.
  1392. >And you mean EVERYONE.
  1393. >You even had to check Fluttershy and “Dash” again, much to the latter’s dismay.
  1394. >The prince tested you personally.
  1395. >And you made sure to test him.
  1396. >There was only one pony there with an impossible reading.
  1397. >And though the initial shock had worn off, you still found it beyond unsettling.
  1398. >Once all the results had come in the prince ordered everyone into the lobby.
  1399. >You heard somepony lock the door behind you, but didn’t look away.
  1400. >The rage on Shining Armor’s face had you transfixed.
  1401. >You’d never seen anything like it before, not even when he accused you of murder.
  1402. >This wasn’t the usual emotional reaction you’d come to expect.
  1403. >This fury had been allowed to simmer for who knows how long, leaving behind a distinct aura of distilled hatred.
  1404. >A malice that had persisted beyond the moment, one that had lingered long enough for him to become calm.
  1405. >A calculated rage.
  1406. >You were VERY glad not to be the object of his ire in this moment.
  1407. >”Alright everypony, listen up! Someone poisoned my sister.”
  1408. >A chorus of shocked gasps filled the air, assaulting your ears with cacophonous echoes.
  1409. >The mixture of anger, anguish, and astonishment was loud enough to wake the dead.
  1410. >Yet Applejack says nothing through it all.
  1411. >She merely glares at you.
  1412. >The prince stamps on the floor.
  1413. >The cracking sound is like a gavel, silencing the assembled masses.
  1414. >”The substance in question is highly toxic and was delivered in a large dose. Your prognosis, doctor.”
  1415. “Right. We’re extremely lucky the prince noticed when he did. Even if the princess’ health wasn’t already compromised this would put her in a precarious position. Another half hour and her wounds would have been the least of our concerns. Antidote has been administered and her condition appears to be improving. If we caught it in time it should be out of her system very soon, though at this point it’s anypony’s guess if she’ll recover.”
  1416. >Hopefully that sounded convincing.
  1417. >Shining Armor had coached you on what to say.
  1418. >You didn’t know what he had in mind, but it was clear he was running some kind of counterintelligence.
  1419. >”Thank you, doctor. Now, I’m going to offer the perp a chance to come clean, and I would strongly urge them to take it before I reconsider my stance on the death penalty.”
  1420. >Everyone except the prince looks at you accusingly.
  1421. “Et tu, Rarara?”
  1422. >”I’m sorry, but yes. It was only the girls and yourself in that room, and they would NEVER harm Twilight!”
  1423. >Applejack is looking mighty smug.
  1424. >There are more than a few spears pointing your way.
  1425. >The prince groans with frustration.
  1426. >”Okay, FINE! Ruin the big reveal why don’t you. Just… arrest the rainbow one already.”
  1427. >Everypony looks at “Dash”.
  1428. >Then to the prince.
  1429. >Then back again.
  1430. >And again.
  1431. >”Really?”
  1432. >One of the guards asks.
  1433. >You’re not sure which one.
  1434. >”Yeah. It’s a changeling.”
  1435. >”WHAT? Am not!”
  1436. >”Sir!”
  1437. >Twilight’s friends valiantly surround Rainbow Dash, putting themselves between her and the angry guards.
  1438. >Even Fluttershy used her own body to protect her friend.
  1439. >Though she didn’t look happy about it.
  1440. >The lot of them valiantly or fearfully stared down a fan of spears.
  1441. “Please don’t stab anyone. I’m tired.”
  1442. >Shining Armor pushes through the guards to stand face to face with Applejack who has taken the vanguard.
  1443. >”Stand down, girl. I know what I’m doing.”
  1444. >”Not a CHANCE! We ain’t letting you hurt Dash!”
  1445. >”It’s not Dash though! I already told you, it’s a changeling!”
  1446. >”I think we’d notice if one of our best friends was a changeling!”
  1447. >”No you wouldn’t. Isn’t that kinda the whole point of changelings?”
  1448. >”But they’re terrible actors! You’d have to be mighty thick to actually mistake one of them for somepony you knew. Err, no offense.”
  1449. >”Some taken.”
  1450. >”Look, she ain’t a changeling and I’ll prove it. Dash, a couple of weeks ago you pranked me mighty good. What didja do?”
  1451. >”Oh, geeze, that’s a tough one. I prank you so often! Uh… was that the whoopie cushion?”
  1452. >Pinkie giggled.
  1453. >”Oh, silly! Last week was when we replaced all of the apples in that really big tree with red super bouncy balls and when Applejack bucked it they-”
  1454. >She gasped.
  1455. >”Dashie would NEVER forget a great prank like that!”
  1456. >One by one, the false Rainbow Dash’s body guards peel away.
  1457. >She’s soon completely exposed.
  1458. >The false pony elects to go kicking and screaming, denying her guilt with every breath.
  1459. >It was kinda pathetic.
  1460. >Despite the whole poisoning thing, you kinda feel sorry for the wretch.
  1461. >You wouldn’t want to be in Shining Armor’s dungeon, especially not after what they did.
  1462. “So… what are you going to do to her?”
  1463. >”Nothing she doesn’t have coming.”
  1464. “Alright… Can’t really say that sounds too promising. Go easy on her, would you?”
  1465. >”And why should I?”
  1466. “Because I’m tired and don’t want to have to sew her back together.”
  1467. >”And who said I’d let you?”
  1468. >Good grief.
  1469. >He mad.
  1470. “As your doctor, I must recommend you sit down for a while and cool off.”
  1471. >”No time for that, Anon! We need to find Rainbow Dash! Topaz, I want the entire city sectored off. No movement between districts at all until we can sweep through with the test. Sapphire! Scout out the hills again, I don’t care how many times we’ve looked, there’s something there! SOMETHING had to taint the aqueduct, and I’m betting it’s the bugs. Amber!”
  1472. >Amber?
  1473. >You’re pretty sure that’s not a crystal.
  1474. >”I want you to gather the rest of the reserves and make sure they’re armed, we’ll be needing them tonight.”
  1475. “I’m serious, man. You’re bright red! And I’ve never seen that vein bulge before, you have to calm down before you have a stroke!”
  1476. >”There’s no time for that!”
  1477. “Don’t make me sedate you!”
  1478. >He walks away to Twilight’s room, ignoring you completely.
  1479. >You shake your head in frustration, moving to follow him.
  1480. >”Now just hold up a second there.”
  1481. “Not now, Applebutt.”
  1482. >”I’m serious, what do y’all think you’re doing?”
  1483. “Pumping him full of enough diazepam to knock out an elephant.”
  1484. >”I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
  1485. “And I don’t think you know what you’re talking about.”
  1486. >He was going to work himself into a very early grave at this rate.
  1487. >Unless he gets lucky, then he’ll only punch a fist sized hole through his brain.
  1488. >”And I don’t think y’all are seeing the whole picture.”
  1489. >You fail to suppress an angered growl.
  1490. >”Do y’all even know what a changeling is?”
  1491. “A menace?”
  1492. >”You ain’t wrong, but there’s a lot more to it than that.”
  1493. “Can it wait? I’m kinda busy here.”
  1494. >She follows you into your lockup.
  1495. >You search for a syringe of diazepam for a while before remembering they had been destroyed with the opiates.
  1496. >How are you going to get him to take the pills?
  1497. >Maybe you can trick him somehow, say they’re anti-sleep drugs or something.
  1498. >”Changelings are shapeshifting bug critters that capture ponies and feed off their emotional energy.”
  1499. “Bugs. Gotcha.”
  1500. >You do your best to convey your disinterest.
  1501. >”Which means that a LIVE pony is worth more to ‘em than a dead one. And since we ain’t found a body that means the REAL Rainbow Dash is still alive!”
  1502. >How many of these can you give him before he ODs?
  1503. “Wait, repeat that last part? I wasn’t paying attention.”
  1504. >”The real Rainbow Dash is probably still alive, at least for now. But what do y’all think they’re going to do to her once they find out their cover’s blown?”
  1505. >Damn.
  1506. >They wanted these ponies out of the picture for some reason.
  1507. >They’d rather finish her off than let her go.
  1508. >”The moment they find out we’re onto them she’s a goner. He’s gotta get her back before they notice he’s coming.”
  1509. >Huh.
  1510. >That was pretty heavy.
  1511. >He really didn’t have time to take a nap.
  1512. “That… complicates things. Alright, thanks for the warning.”
  1513. >Applejack follows you as you make your way to the recovery room.
  1514. >You place your head on the knob, ready to open.
  1515. >But you hesitate for a bit.
  1516. >”What are y’all gonna do?”
  1517. “Something reckless.”
  1518. >You push the door open and nearly smack the prince in the face.
  1519. >He shoves his way past you on his way to the front door.
  1520. >”You’re not stopping me, Anon.”
  1521. “I know.”
  1522. >”Then why-”
  1523. “Can I come with you?”
  1524. >He clearly wasn’t expecting you to say that.
  1525. >And if you know anything about pony body language, Applejack wasn’t either..
  1526. “Somepony might be hurt. It might be a good idea for me to be nearby.”
  1527. >”Hm. I appreciate it, but no. You’d be too much of a liability.”
  1528. >Ouch.
  1529. >”This is delicate, and you’re not cut out for it.”
  1530. “I can hang back a bit.”
  1531. >”Not good enough. They can’t see us coming, you’d have to be way far back. As in, still in the city far back. If we have to move wounded to you anyway we might as well take them here.”
  1532. “I understand.”
  1533. >You wouldn’t want him in the OR when you were working.
  1534. >Fair’s fair.
  1535. >”I’m taking most of your testing machines. After we get Dash we’re going to sweep those things out of the Empire.”
  1536. “I only have so many test strips.”
  1537. >”We’ll figure it out. You stay here until I say otherwise. We might need to find you in a hurry. Girls! I'm enlisting you to sweep the palace for changelings. Move!"
  1538. >Everyone gallops out the door, leaving you alone and feeling very vulnerable.
  1539. >It's a bittersweet feeling, knowing you can't do anything more to help.
  1540. >On the one hand you’d played your part and then some.
  1541. >You stopped a few deaths and blew the case wide open, which should be more than enough.
  1542. >On the other hand, you can’t see it through to the end.
  1543. >You now find yourself sitting on the sidelines during the climax.
  1544. >It's do or die for them, wait and see for you.
  1545. >All because shapeshifters decided to try to rub out a team of magical girls.
  1546. >Fucking horse world.
  1547. >There's still so much about this place you don't understand.
  1548. >If only there'd been time to ask a few more questions.
  1549. >You lock up to the best of your abilities and sit down for a much needed rest.
  1550. >That wasn't as rough as an emergency operation, but it was still taxing enough.
  1551. >And it feels like it’s been a week since you actually had proper sleep at this point.
  1552. >You doze off for a while, never quite relaxing enough to truly fall asleep.
  1553. >Eventually you're pulled from your trance by the sounds of whimpering.
  1554. >Coming from recovery.
  1555. >You scurry there as quickly as your half asleep body will carry you.
  1556. >When you open the door your suspicions are confirmed.
  1557. >Twilight Sparkle is awake.
  1558. “How are you feeling?”
  1559. >”Augh…”
  1560. “Yeah, I figured as much. I've got something for that.”
  1561. >Ibuprofen.
  1562. >2 capsules.
  1563. >That's pretty much all you've got after your opiates were destroyed.
  1564. >You could put a neural block in her spine, but that’s pretty dangerous.
  1565. >Besides, she was mostly hit around the lungs and heart.
  1566. >Paralyzing those isn’t a great idea.
  1567. >You place the pills in her mouth and head to the sink to get her a glass of water.
  1568. “Here, drink slowly. Morphine is pretty good at dulling pain.”
  1569. >If only you had any.
  1570. >Those things are practically placebos.
  1571. “I'm also going to put a muscle relaxant in your iv drip. We can't have you moving around too much and opening your wounds again.”
  1572. >Her breaths are short and shallow.
  1573. >Little surprise, it's gotta hurt to breathe.
  1574. “Don't push yourself, you've been through a lot.”
  1575. >You sit down next to her.
  1576. >No point in hovering around.”
  1577. >”Rarity.”
  1578. >Oh good.
  1579. >She can talk.
  1580. “Has been found and is healthy. Last I saw she was with your brother. “
  1581. >”You. Ah.”
  1582. “Whoa now, don't try to get up.”
  1583. >Hopefully she's less stubborn than her brother.
  1584. “You're well on your way to a full recovery. In fact, you woke up earlier than I expected. That's good. Very good. Do you remember what happened?”
  1585. >”Stabbed.”
  1586. “Sadly, yes. It wasn’t pretty. Luckily I got to you pretty quickly.”
  1587. >”Changelings.”
  1588. “Yeah. Your brother figured that out. How did you know?”
  1589. >”I didn’t.”
  1590. “Just adds up, eh?”
  1591. >”Yeah. Explains a lot. How long ago?”
  1592. “I’m not sure when he figured it out. I learned only a few hours ago.”
  1593. >”No. How long, ah, have I been here?”
  1594. “Oh, a bit over a day. Uhh, 25 hours. You woke up pretty fast all things considered. Hay, for a while we weren’t sure you’d ever wake up, yet here we are. Man I’m good.”
  1595. >She falls back against her pillow, awake but exhausted.
  1596. >You take a moment to look over her vital signs again.
  1597. >Pulse and pressure are higher than before, but that’s to be expected now that she’s awake.
  1598. >Oxygen is slightly depleted, but not by enough to be cause for concern.
  1599. >Probably just the shallow breathing taking its toll.
  1600. “The good news is I think you’re going to make a full recovery. The fact that you woke up so quickly and remember what happened tells me that your brain is fine.”
  1601. >Probably.
  1602. >If it’s not it should be able to adapt to the damage fairly quickly.
  1603. >Best not to worry her about the details just yet.
  1604. “And most of your major organs were spared in the attack, so I’m not really worried about them either. The bad news is it’s going to take a long time for you to get your strength back. You’re going to have to work at it for quite a while.”
  1605. >”How long?”
  1606. “That’s the big question, and there isn’t a simple answer. You went pretty deep into hypovolemic shock before I got you stable, so your body diverted as much blood as it could away from your limbs and muscles to keep the important parts working. This causes hypoxia and in turn lactic acidosis, both of which will damage your muscle tissue. It’s hard for me to guess the extent, but there’s no doubt it happened. You’re probably feeling pretty weak all over, and that’s going to linger for a while. The good news is that muscle tissue gets damaged all the time so it’s pretty good at recovering, you’ll probably have most of your strength back in a couple months.”
  1607. >”But?”
  1608. “Knew that was coming, huh? Unfortunately, you’re right. Some of your muscle tissue was severed by the attack. I sutured it back together so the collagen scaffold should develop pretty quickly, and thankfully it was a pretty sharp head so the cut was clean. After around six to eight weeks you’ll have to start stretching them gently several times a day to regain strength and flexibility. Should take... at least a year.”
  1609. >She doesn’t answer.
  1610. >She doesn’t have to.
  1611. >There really aren’t that many ways to react to such news.
  1612. >”Sorry I blamed you.”
  1613. “Hey, don’t worry about it. Water under the bridge.”
  1614. >You’ve got a lot of questions for her.
  1615. >You want to know more about the changelings.
  1616. >And about the attack.
  1617. >But it’s probably best to stay on topic for now.
  1618. “I’m going to try and give you some privacy, but I’ll still need to keep an eye on you. I’ll check in every four hours, but if you need something sooner don’t hesitate to call for help. That button on the side of your bed is linked to my pager so you’ll be able to get ahold of me even if I’m not here.”
  1619. >”Even at night?”
  1620. “It’s part of the job.”
  1621. >”When will you sleep?”
  1622. “When you’re better.”
  1623. >”Sorry.”
  1624. “Eh, it’s my fault for going to med school. Besides, I live really close by so I can actually go home. If your brother will let me.”
  1625. >And nobody else gets stabbed.
  1626. “Now, I probably should have gone over this earlier but you have to get as much rest as possible and try not to move too much. If you re-open those wounds we’ve got trouble. Oh, and we’re going to have to change the dressings on those pretty often. Some of my stuff got sabotaged and I had to get creative, long story short you’re immunocompromised for a few days so your wounds are pretty much guaranteed to get infected.”
  1627. >”What are they infected with?”
  1628. “I can’t say. I could do a culture, but I lack the tools and knowhow to do much more than a Gram test. Probably some staphylococcus strain, but I don’t know what kind of bacteria are on changelings.”
  1629. >She sniffles pitifully.
  1630. >But all things considered, she’s taking this pretty well.
  1631. >Nobody has a positive attitude about being wounded, after all.
  1632. >”I don’t get it. Why would a changeling stab me?”
  1633. “That’s weird?”
  1634. >”Yeah. Really weird. Chrysalis always tries to capture.”
  1635. “Chrysalis?”
  1636. >”Their queen. Or one of them, we’re not really sure how many hives there are.”
  1637. “Then how do you know it’s hers?”
  1638. >”It’s always hers.”
  1639. >Oh.
  1640. >They had history.
  1641. “So this isn’t the first time you’ve faced her.”
  1642. >“You didn’t know?”
  1643. “I didn’t even know what a changeling was until a few hours ago.”
  1644. >”Want me to tell you about it?”
  1645. >Yes.
  1646. “Only if you’re feeling up to it. Don’t push yourself too hard.”
  1647. >”Metamorphic eusocial arcanovores. I’ll tell you more later.”
  1648. >Wow.
  1649. >That was pretty brief, especially for Twilight.
  1650. >You were expecting a full lecture or something.
  1651. >She must be more tired than you thought.
  1652. >But at least it explains the blood sugar.
  1653. >If they eat magic, there’d be no need for chemical energy.
  1654. >Though it actually raises more questions than it answers.
  1655. >Can they eat any kind of magic?
  1656. >Or are they more specialized?
  1657. >What happens to their prey after they’ve been fed upon?
  1658. >Your understanding of magic is pretty remedial, but as far as you can tell they don’t actually need it to live.
  1659. >Would they recover?
  1660. >What are the symptoms of having your magic eaten?
  1661. >This isn’t just idle curiosity, you might be treating their victims soon.
  1662. >You weigh your options for a while and eventually decide to just let her rest.
  1663. >Somepony will have to transport the patients, you can grill them for info.
  1664. >And if they don’t know THEN you can press Twilight.
  1665. >And odds are you’re just going to administer treatment symptomatically anyway.
  1666. >Actually, you’re working under the assumption it’ll just be Dash coming in.
  1667. >If ponies are their food supply they’re going to try to have a healthy stockpile.
  1668. >And if they’re eusocial they probably come in fairly large groups.
  1669. >Man, you hadn’t thought of that before.
  1670. >There are probably dozens of those things out there, maybe even hundreds.
  1671. >And the food chain will expect there to be more prey than predators.
  1672. >You could be overwhelmed in a moment.
  1673. >Sorry, Twilight. This could be important.
  1674. “I’m probably going to have to treat some of their victims. What should I expect? More stab wounds?”
  1675. >”Probably not.”
  1676. >That’s good at least.
  1677. >”They like to keep ponies in a weakened state so they’re easier to control. Malnourishment and sleep deprivation are pretty normal.”
  1678. “So it’ll depend heavily on how long they’ve been captive. Hmm…”
  1679. >Malnourishment and sleep deprivation aren’t so bad.
  1680. >You’ll have to dodge refeeding syndrome if they’re in really bad shape, but it would have to be pretty extreme abuse for anypony to be a lost cause.
  1681. >”And don’t freak out too much if they’re catatonic or delusional. They use magic to control ponies too. It should wear off after a little while.”
  1682. “That takes energy to maintain, right?”
  1683. >”Not much, but it’s constant.”
  1684. >You feel a bit more pride than you should for knowing that.
  1685. “Then they’re spending magic to control their magic supply. Pretty counterproductive, they won’t use that option if they don’t have to. Probably something I’ll mostly see in freshly caught ponies. So catatonia is actually a indicator that they’re relatively healthy. Weird. I’m going to go start preparing, you try to get some rest.”
  1686. >You’ll start by preparing a grocery list to send someone out for.
  1687. >You’re not really equipped to handle starvation, this isn’t a kitchen.
  1688. >But luckily you don’t need any specialized equipment unless they’re right next to dead.
  1689. >Better get some pedialyte out, maybe prep some glucose IVs just in case.
  1690. >Should you expect them to be kept in filth?
  1691. >Could be-
  1692. >The door opened.
  1693. >Shining Armor comes walking in with a very leftover Rainbow Dash leaning against him.
  1694. >It doesn’t look like she’s been starved or anything at a glance.
  1695. >But she’s covered in bruises.
  1696. >Someone had beaten her until she was black and blue.
  1697. >Granted, she was halfway there when they found her.
  1698. >You’re still going to have to take a good look, blunt trauma can do nasty things that aren’t readily apparent.
  1699. “You got her.”
  1700. >”And about twenty more.”
  1701. “Are they all this bad off?”
  1702. >”No, thankfully. We still want you to check them out just in case, but Dash here got the worst of it.”
  1703. “Speaking of. How are you feeling? Wait. Wait just a second. I’m testing you both.”
  1704. >Neither of them resist as you test their blood sugar.
  1705. >They’re both normal.
  1706. >Which means Dash wasn’t starved for long.
  1707. >Must have been a recent capture.
  1708. “Okay, you’re clear. Rainbow Rash, where does it hurt?”
  1709. >She just groans at you.
  1710. “Yeah, stupid question. Sit her down in imaging, we need to check for internal bleeding and bone fractures.”
  1711. >”Right. The rest should be here soon. We’ve got some cuts and bruises, but nothing like this.”
  1712. >You help him move Dash into the clinic.
  1713. >Bandaging her up will take a while…
  1714. >You’re probably not getting out of here until dawn.
  1715. >And you were looking forward to showing Rarity to her new home.
  1716. “And how are you feeling, Shining?”
  1717. >”Tired.”
  1718. “Any dizziness or confusion? Sudden weakness? Vertigo?”
  1719. >”I’m fine, Anon.”
  1720. “But-”
  1721. >”We saved the prisoners and captured three changelings. I’m feeling good.”
  1722. >Doubt.
  1723. >The moment Dash is sat down before the X-ray, you drop the good news.
  1724. “Your sister’s awake, by the way.”
  1725. >”Wait, WHAT? Why didn’t you say so sooner?”
  1726. “Because I didn’t want you to drop the patient when you ran off to see her.”
  1727. >He’s already galloping away.
  1729. >Alright.
  1730. >The sooner you finish up the sooner you can go home.
  1731. “Okay, let’s take a look.”
  1733. >Day had broken before you finished up, as expected.
  1734. >Most of the captives were fine save for emotional distress, and that’s not your department.
  1735. >Physical trauma was mostly limited to light bruisings and in one case a fractured orbital.
  1736. >It was nothing that warranted medical intervention beyond the odd disinfecting and bandaging.
  1737. >Rainbow Dash, on the other hand…
  1738. >You still didn’t know the whole story with these changelings, but the work they’d done on her spoke volumes.
  1739. >They were cruel.
  1740. >There was simply no other word for it.
  1741. >You didn’t care what kind of past history they had, doing THAT to a helpless captive was just cruel.
  1742. >You’ve done what you can, now you just have to wait and see.
  1743. >She’ll live, you’re sure of that.
  1744. >But you might have to do some work to get her healthy.
  1745. >Look at you, taking work home again like that.
  1746. >You need to unwind and get some sleep.
  1747. >You try to unlock your front door, only to find it’s already open.
  1748. >Had you forgotten?
  1749. >Probably.
  1750. >It’s easy to overlook something like that when you’re stressed, especially since it’s really only a formality.
  1751. >Most ponies didn’t even have locks on their front doors around these parts.
  1752. >You push the door open to find the lights are already on in your kitchen.
  1753. >Still not that weird.
  1754. >What IS weird, however, is that Rarity is sitting at your table sipping from a mug.
  1755. >At least you hope it’s Rarity.
  1756. “Not that I’m upset, but why are you here?”
  1757. >”Oh, that pink whore insisted upon it. She even threatened to sick her thugs on me should I refuse.”
  1758. “Really? That doesn’t sound like Ponk. I didn’t even know she had thugs.”
  1759. >”I was talking about Cadence.”
  1760. “Oh. That makes more sense.”
  1761. >”Before we discuss matters any further, I’ve several questions regarding Rainbow Dash.”
  1762. “Wait. Not another word. Are you a changeling?”
  1763. >”I am not.”
  1764. “You sure? Because you gotta tell me if you are.”
  1765. >”Do your test if you must.”
  1766. >You approach more histitantly than you ought to.
  1767. >It’s not good to show weakness in front of either Rarity or the enemy.
  1768. >But you can’t help but be somewhat fearful.
  1769. >Those bugs are dangerous, and you’re no fighter.
  1770. >She doesn’t flinch when you prick her.
  1771. >Hm…
  1772. >Looks normal.
  1773. >Something is still off though.
  1774. >It’s just odd that she’s not fighting you on anything yet.
  1775. >Maybe she doesn’t hate this as much as she claims?
  1776. “Okay, looks like you’re clear. Your friend will live.”
  1777. >”Whatever do you mean? Was that in doubt?”
  1778. >She must not have seen the poor thing.
  1779. “I can’t tell you much more without her permission. Privacy and all that.”
  1780. >”I see…”
  1781. >Her downcast eyes and sluggish motion reveal more than her words did.
  1782. >She’s worried.
  1783. >Can’t blame her.
  1784. “I promise you she’ll be okay.”
  1785. >”You’re certain?”
  1786. “It might take a while. I might need to get help from some specialists.”
  1787. >And you might have to explain some processes they won’t be comfortable with.
  1788. “Or maybe she’ll just be fine. It’s a bit early yet to tell. I’ll see her again this afternoon, we’ll know more then.”
  1789. >”So you AREN’T yet certain.”
  1790. “I am. Just not sure if it’ll take days, weeks, or months to get her back to normal.”
  1791. >”Ah. I suppose that’s as much as we can hope for.”
  1792. >You move to sit down opposite her before remembering there’s only one chair at the table.
  1793. >You open your mouth to tell her to get up, but another thought crosses your mind.
  1794. “Isn’t that chair hard on your back? I’m pretty sure it was designed for a biped.”
  1795. >”Oh, it’s dreadful.”
  1796. “Then why are you sitting in it?
  1797. >”Where am I meant to sit?”
  1798. “I’m not sure I understand the question.”
  1799. >She finishes her drink rather than responding.
  1800. “So, ready for the tour?”
  1801. >”I’ve already shown myself around.”
  1802. “And?”
  1803. >”It’s remarkably drab.”
  1804. >Drab?
  1805. >What was she on about?
  1806. “I thought you’d at least like the kitchen.”
  1807. >”Why, it’s the worst of all!”
  1808. “It’s colour coordinated.”
  1809. >”White tile with white walls and a white stucco ceiling is NOT color coordination!”
  1810. “It compliments the white ice box.”
  1811. >”It’s not white, it’s alabaster.”
  1812. >Geeze.
  1813. >Is she trying to be too annoying to keep again?
  1814. >It was kinda working last time, not that you’d ever let her know.
  1815. “Well, maybe I’ll make you decorate a bit. What’s the worst that could happen?”
  1816. >”I’m sorry, did you just ask me to decorate your home?”
  1817. >Uhh…
  1818. >”You wish for MOI to decorate for TOI?”
  1819. >You were worried you’d angered her.
  1820. >You were wrong.
  1821. >A big goofy grin has begun to form on her face.
  1822. >”Why, I’ve always wanted to try my hoof at interior design again. The boutique is lovely, but I can no longer change its aesthetic without muddying my brand. I appreciate how much faith you’re placing in me.”
  1823. >She always finds a way to surprise you.
  1824. “We’ll start with the kitchen and if I like what I see, you can do another room.”
  1825. >”Oh, rest assured you won’t like what you’ll see. You’ll LOOOVE IIIIT!”
  1826. >Wait.
  1827. >Is this going to cost a lot of money?
  1828. >You’re pretty tapped, and you’ve had some pretty significant expenses over the last few days.
  1829. >Restocking when the portal opens is going to cost a fortune.
  1830. >Cadence and Shining offered to help, but you’re not sure how much they intend to give you.
  1831. >You can’t afford to renovate!
  1832. >But you also can’t afford to tell her you’re broke.
  1833. >Even if this relationship is a bit unorthodox, you have to convince her she’s better off sticking with you than running off.
  1834. >Well, maybe you don’t HAVE to.
  1835. >But it would make things way easier.
  1836. >Quick! Change the subject!
  1837. “We can discuss the details later. I don’t know about you, but I’m tired.”
  1838. >”It has been a rather long time since I last had proper rest, yes.”
  1839. “Let’s run over some ground rules real quick before going to bed. No breaking anything.”
  1840. >”Fret not! I shan’t be making THAT mistake again.”
  1841. “Good. You’re responsible for your own hygiene. I want you to shower and brush your teeth regularly so you always look your best.”
  1842. >She was going to do that anyway.
  1843. >It’s a good idea to give her a few orders she can’t help but follow.
  1844. >Just to make obedience part of her routine.
  1845. “If you make a mess I expect you to clean up after yourself.”
  1846. >”I assure you, that shall not be a problem. I do not make messes.”
  1847. >Should you point it out?
  1848. >Naa.
  1849. >Can’t lean on that constantly, you’ll desensitize her.
  1850. >Best not to bring it up unless you’re going to get something out of it.
  1851. >Just let it go.
  1852. “Alright. I want you to tell me where you’re going when you head out, and I expect you to be back by midnight.”
  1853. >”Truly? I may depart whenever I so wish?”
  1854. “Unless I need you for something, yeah.”
  1855. >Not that you were happy about it.
  1856. >But you can’t be TOO domineering right now, not while her friends are looking.
  1857. >But you really need to get a symbol of ownership on her.
  1858. >Something she won’t or can’t fight, yet something that won’t get you in hot water.
  1859. >Maybe she could pass it off as a fashion statement.
  1860. >You’ll introduce that later, hopefully tomorrow.
  1861. >For now though, you really need sleep.
  1862. >PROPER sleep.
  1863. “There’s probably something I’m forgetting, but we’ll deal with that later. C’mon, it’s time for bed.”
  1864. >”I was hoping you might say that. Where am I meant to sleep?”
  1865. “In the bed.”
  1866. >”But you only have the one.”
  1867. >You maintain eye contact.
  1868. >Her cheeks are gradually turn pink as she slowly starts to realize.
  1869. >”Oh, oh my.”
  1870. “You’re going to make a big deal out of that? After how slutty you were last night?”
  1871. >”I was NOT-”
  1872. “You gave a hoof job in a back alley.”
  1873. >”I- um…”
  1874. “Don’t worry, it’s almost something to be proud of around here. Let’s get moving.”
  1875. >You lead her to your bedroom.
  1876. >Which is NOT white on white.
  1877. >”Beige walls and a brown shag carpet with a single exposed light fixture in the middle?”
  1878. “Not to your liking?”
  1879. >”There are no decorations on the walls! All you have in here is a princess sized bed with a- a QUILT!”
  1880. “And a nightstand. What’s wrong with quilts?”
  1881. >”When they’re properly adorned? Nothing. But when they’re… that. It’s just a patchwork mess of varying fabrics!”
  1882. >Now she’s just making up rules.
  1883. >”Your basement is so brilliantly colored, why is your home so bland?”
  1884. “I dunno. You’d have to ask the ponies who made them.”
  1885. >It wasn’t something you’d really bothered to think about before.
  1886. >But she had a point.
  1887. >The Empire as a whole was extremely brightly coloured.
  1888. >It could actually be really hard on the eyes on a bright day.
  1889. >Maybe somepony had heard you complaining about that and overcorrected?
  1890. “But it’s kinda a nice break from all the crystals and light around here.”
  1891. >’I suppose it could be. The Crystal Empire is absolutely gorgeous, but a few Earthy tones would contrast well.”
  1892. >Alright, that’s enough.
  1893. >You don’t want to hear a thesis on interior design right now, time to tie her up and gag her.
  1894. >Wait.
  1895. >Her pajamas are still at the clinic.
  1896. >And her toys are there too.
  1897. >You’ve got the radiostimulator, and she has the piercing…
  1898. >Maybe you can improvise with sheets?
  1899. >All you need is a blindfold.
  1900. “I don’t suppose you have a sleeping mask, do you?”
  1901. >”Of course! Should I not?”
  1902. >That’s convenient.
  1903. “Alright, get on the bed. Belly up or down?”
  1904. >”I’m not certain I understand.”
  1905. >You rummage around in the closet for a little while before returning with a few sheets.
  1906. >As you begin to lay them out in folded as long ribbons on the bed, she seems to slowly figure it out.
  1907. >You can’t help but notice her bite her bottom lip.
  1908. “You didn’t think I’d forgotten, had you? You’re supposed to sleep in bondage.”
  1909. >”Ah, yes. Master.”
  1910. “Though if the way you’re grinding your hind legs together is any indication, it’s not much of a punishment.”
  1911. >She does her best Fluttershy impression, trying desperately to hide behind her own mane with a timid “eep”.
  1912. >But you’re having none of that.
  1913. >You gently grasp her chin with your hand and push her to meet your gaze.
  1914. “I want you to be honest with me. I won’t be angry either way, but it’s important for the both of us that I know. Do you enjoy being tied up?”
  1915. >”I, err, that is to say…”
  1916. “When you were all snug and secure in those special pajamas, vibrator insistently grinding away at you, nothing to do but focus on the pleasure and bask in the sensation. Did you enjoy that?”
  1917. >She closes her eyes and swallows, knees trembling slightly.
  1918. >Looks like she’s not going to answer you.
  1919. >That’s not great, but you’re still pleased with the progress.
  1920. >When you first met her she’d have yelled at you.
  1921. >Now, she’s nearly admitting she wants it.
  1922. “Hopefully you do. A well proper mare should be able to appreciate all forms of pleasures. Enough stalling. Belly up or down, your choice.”
  1923. >You coax her on the bed and position her straddling it sideways, rump and hind legs dangling from the sides.
  1924. >You struggle for a bit to tie a proper knot around her legs using the sheets before finally managing to anchor them at her fetlock, affixing them to the legs of the bed.
  1925. >Her legs are spread wide, revealing everything to the world.
  1926. >Her tail is even flagging in a completely shameless display of lust.
  1927. >You were expecting to have to titillate her a bit before getting to work, but she’s already wetter than a T-shirt contest.
  1928. >If this keeps up you might be able to use sex as a reward soon.
  1929. >Her front hooves are harder to bind securely.
  1930. >You don’t have enough bedding to anchor each of them to a post, so you wind up just trying them to each other.
  1931. >She’s not COMPLETELY immobile, but it’ll do for the night.
  1932. >Rarity looks up at you expectantly as you affix the mask, robbing her of her sight.
  1933. >No gags are available, except maybe for a sock or dish rag.
  1934. >But you don’t want to do that to her.
  1935. >Not now that she’s finally getting into it.
  1936. >Don’t push your luck.
  1937. “Alright, that should do it. Good night.”
  1938. >”Good night? Is- is that all?”
  1939. “Yeah. What were you expecting to happen?”
  1940. >”Well, I, err, nothing master. Good night.”
  1941. >Woops.
  1942. >What did you JUST say about pushing your luck?
  1943. “No, hold on. You’ve been behaving yourself very well recently, so I’ll hear you out. What did you- oooh. Well, I’m pretty tired so I wasn’t planning on that. But if you want it I’ll do you a favor.”
  1944. >”Hnng.”
  1945. >She’s started panting a little.
  1946. >And she’s wiggling her rump around about as much as she can bound as she is.
  1947. >She’s doing as much as she can to ask for it without actually asking for it.
  1948. >You drop your pants and walk around behind her, pressing your penis against her drenched labia.
  1949. >You grind against it for a few seconds, relishing in the lusty gasps coming from the other side of the bed.
  1950. >You press in a little further until your glans is enveloped, standing above her stationary form and feeling her racing pulse as it subtly massages your genitals.
  1951. >Her heat seeps into you, warming you to your core and taking off a chill you didn’t even know was there.
  1952. >It takes almost all of your willpower not to thrust then and there.
  1953. >But instead you back out.
  1954. >Rarity whimpers a bit when you leave her.
  1955. >You press yourself against her anus, and see her tense up immediately.
  1956. >She doesn’t want anal.
  1957. >She might even fear it.
  1958. >Had it hurt last time?
  1959. >She really seemed to get off on the double dildos, but that might have been despite the pain.
  1960. >You’ll have to train her to take it properly.
  1961. >But for now this gives you a perfect opportunity.
  1962. >You press against her ass until it’s starting to give in.
  1963. >But not quite pushing all the way through.
  1964. “Where do you want it?”
  1965. >”Ah?”
  1966. >You’re not letting her get away with being totally passive here.
  1967. >She’s supposed to be an EAGER sex slave.
  1968. >Somepony who’ll do whatever you say for a chance at a quick fuck.
  1969. >If she doesn’t participate, she’s not really yours.
  1970. >She’s just another hole.
  1971. “Which hole?”
  1972. >”I, err, the proper one. Please.”
  1973. “Proper? You’ve got three holes, all of them perfectly suited for cock. You’re going to have to be way more specific. Where do you want it?”
  1974. >You press in against her ass a bit harder.
  1975. >You can feel her body fighting it.
  1976. >It’s probably already starting to get uncomfortable.
  1977. “Ass?”
  1978. >You press your thumb against her swollen clit.
  1979. “Or pussy?”
  1980. >”The latter.”
  1981. “Say it.”
  1982. >”P-”
  1983. >You can hear her swallow a lump in her throat.
  1984. >”Please master. Ravage my pussy!”
  1985. >Bueno.
  1986. >You change targets and shove yourself in without delay, eliciting a delighted squeal.
  1987. >It takes mere seconds for her to start spasming with a climax.
  1988. >Her natural lubrication flows down her thighs almost as freely as cries of ecstasy flow from her mouth.
  1989. >The sensation is overwhelming. You struggle to control your hips, fighting against some primal instinct that has seized control of your body.
  1990. >But you can’t finish so quickly.
  1991. >She’s ALMOST yours. You can feel it!
  1992. >Satisfy her completely. Bring her pleasure she’d never known before.
  1993. >Make her understand that she needs you.
  1994. >You pull out, and put your index finger in.
  1995. >You move it around erratically, probing her innards in a way that no pony possibly could.
  1996. >Meanwhile, you turn on the radiostimulator to medium
  1997. >”Ooh! That, what was that?”
  1998. “Shh. Just relax and enjoy.”
  1999. >You’ve used it on her before, but never set so high.
  2000. >This is not the time for subtlety.
  2001. >A second finger goes in, moving independently of the first.
  2002. >Rarity grips down on your digits as though trying to crush your bones, muscles contracting and rippling with every movement.
  2003. >A third finger moves in.
  2004. >Rarity’s breathing is growing ragged and strained.
  2005. >She’s bucking against her bindings, trying desperately to move herself closer to your hands.
  2006. >Her moans are again growing uncontrolled and primal.
  2007. >You pull on her tail.
  2008. >Hard.
  2009. >She releases a suppressed scream.
  2010. >Her arousal sprays your hand, marking her second climax for the night.
  2011. >But it’s not over yet.
  2012. >Once her convulsions die down you release her tail.
  2013. >Rarity lie limp on her bed, panting heavily.
  2014. >You position your penis right before her pussy and wait.
  2015. >And wait a little more.
  2016. >Finally, she catches her breath.
  2017. >”Oh, master. That was wonderful.”
  2018. “Was?”
  2019. >You penetrate her without warning.
  2020. >Her back arches in an impressive display of flexibility, straining her against her restraints.
  2021. >You take the opportunity to grab her mane and hold it tight, pulling her head from the bed.
  2022. >She offers a shocked yelp.
  2023. >But soon enough she’s once again gyrating her hips in time with your thrusts.
  2024. >You’re not sure you can hold out long enough to get a third climax out of her.
  2025. >The world fades away as you focus on controlling yourself, zeroing in on your muscles.
  2026. >Straining them to the best of your abilities.
  2027. >The pleasure passed the point of no return long ago.
  2028. >Your rhythm grows ever more frantic, you can feel the pressure growing far beyond what you can tolerate.
  2029. >You’ve got seconds left at best to finish her.
  2030. >Memory of her excitement at the double dildos flashes by your mind.
  2031. >You slip one of your lubricant drenched fingers into her ass.
  2032. >”YES! Ye- YAAAA!”
  2033. >She starts shivering.
  2034. >You push yourself to the hilt and unload deep inside her, nearly collapsing.
  2035. >The moment you release her mane, Rarity falls limp.
  2036. >You pull out of her still twitching pussy and watch as the thick white seed slowly oozes out of it.
  2037. “Good night, girl.”
  2038. >”Hmm.”
  2039. >You drape a blanket over her before climbing into bed, resting your feet on her rump.
  2040. >You set an alarm and settle in to sleep.
  2041. >The stimulator will continue to work at her through the day, forcing endless pleasure on her until you’re ready to fuck her again.
  2042. >You fall into a dreamless slumber.
  2044. >Getting out of bed is probably the hardest part of day to day life.
  2045. >Doubly so when you’re still tired.
  2046. >Quadruply so when you’re sharing that bed with a horny bound mare.
  2047. >In a perfect world you’d creampie her again then go back to sleep.
  2048. >This was not a perfect world, not quite.
  2049. >Fortunately, it could be pretty close sometimes.
  2050. >Work was only about 10 minutes away, for one.
  2051. >The clinic was closed due to the whole changeling fiasco, and likely would be for a fair while.
  2052. >And your two remaining patients were doing better than expected.
  2053. >There was of course to be followup with the both.
  2054. >Twilight in particular would need attention for a fair while.
  2055. >But your workload was, barring more stabbings, pretty light for the immediate future.
  2056. >You manage to return home within an hour of departing.
  2057. >After the next rest you’re afforded the opportunity to awaken of your own volition.
  2058. >The clock reads 14:33.
  2059. >And Rarity is still there.
  2060. >And probably very overstimulated.
  2061. “Rarara? Are you awake?”
  2062. >”Ahhh…”
  2063. >It sounded like she couldn’t decide between a lecherous moan and an agonized groan.
  2064. “You did a great job. I’m turning it off now, okay?”
  2065. >She sighs with relief the second you stop tormenting her clit.
  2066. >You couldn’t help but wonder what it felt like to be overstimulated like that.
  2067. >Your subtler, surgical stimulation is superior to simpler systems.
  2068. >Unlike a vibrator or something of the like, nothing was actually touching her cunt.
  2069. >She hasn’t been rubbed raw, and doesn’t need time to heal.
  2070. >She wasn’t injured in any way, but did her nervous system understand that?
  2071. “So, how are you feeling? Did you have fun?”
  2072. >”I must use the restroom.”
  2073. “Oh.”
  2074. >You set to untying the sheets.
  2075. >It takes longer than you’d expected.
  2076. >You rush yourself, briefly considering cutting the fabric to release her sooner.
  2077. >If she wets your bed, you swear…
  2078. >The instant she’s released she bolts to your washroom.
  2079. >At first you wait patiently for her to return.
  2080. >But after a while you hear the shower start running.
  2081. >You really shouldn’t have been surprised.
  2082. >Should you go in and talk to her?
  2083. >No, no you’ll give her a moment to herself.
  2084. >She’ll be back soon.
  2085. >Right?
  2086. >You daydream for a while, waiting for her to finish…
  2087. >How long does it take her to shower?
  2088. >Nearly an hour after she went in, Rarity finally returns.
  2089. >Her mane and tail are wrapped up in big, fluffy towels that you’re pretty certain weren’t in there earlier.
  2090. >Where did she get those?
  2091. “You sure you didn’t miss a spot?”
  2092. >You ask sarcastically.
  2093. >”I fear I may have, though you ran out of hot water.”
  2094. >Of course you did.
  2095. >”But I suppose it shall have to do.”
  2096. “Well, if you impress me I’ll look into getting a bigger tank.”
  2097. >”Why is it so dreadfully small anyway?”
  2098. “Didn’t need anything bigger.”
  2099. >If you get a bigger tank will you need another lava crystal?
  2100. >You’re not sure where they come from or how they’re made, but they’re surprisingly cheap for a magical heat source.
  2101. >Is it safe to have more than one?
  2102. >And if not and you’ve got to replace the existing one rather than just throwing another in, how does one dispose of them?
  2103. >Bah, that’s not important right now.
  2104. “So… you hate the decor in this place?”
  2105. >”Oh, please! Hate is such a weak word. I abhor it.”
  2106. >Aren’t those synonyms?
  2107. >”A simple splash of color would do wonders to improve your abode.”
  2108. “Really? Just some colour? I’d have thought you’d want to do something drastic.”
  2109. >”Pardon, say color again.”
  2110. “Yes, I know I have a weird accent. I’m surprised you’re not used to it by now.”
  2111. >”Oh, I do apologize. It just sounds so… prominent when you say color. Or when you say proper names. Or soft consonants. Or-”
  2112. “I get it.”
  2113. >You’re kinda self conscious about it.
  2114. >Not that you’re about to admit that to her.
  2115. “Back on topic. You just want some paint or wallpaper or something?”
  2116. >”Well, truthfully if we were to properly remedy this mess we would start with a large fire.”
  2117. >Harsh.
  2118. >”But if a touch of makeup can make Spoiled Rich look attractive, I’d imagine the same treatment ought to be enough to make your place look as resplendent as the palace.”
  2119. “Please don’t. I get a headache every time I go there, it’s just too bright.”
  2120. >”I meant the sun palace in Canterlot. It’s nowhere near as luminescent.”
  2121. >The sun palace wasn’t as bright.
  2122. >You’re not entirely certain how to react to that fact.
  2123. >Why were they so into bright things anyway?
  2124. >Something to investigate.
  2125. >Wait.
  2126. “You’ve been in two palaces?”
  2127. >”Three, actually. Four if you count the castle of the two sisters in Everfree. Is that unusual?”
  2128. >Just how rich is this girl?
  2129. “You know it’s unusual.”
  2130. >She offers only a smug grin.
  2131. >Still, you can’t help but feel a bit intimidated.
  2132. >You knew she had friends in high places, and you knew she had money.
  2133. >But things like this really drive home just how much she outranks you in the social hierarchy.
  2134. >She could ruin you if she wanted to.
  2135. >Even without mentioning your pseudo-legal kidnapping.
  2136. >Don’t worry about it, Anon. It’s not a problem now that you own her.
  2137. >It’s an asset.
  2138. >Just make sure you stay in charge and everything will be fine.
  2139. “Well, if you think you can make it as nice as a palace I’d love to see what you had in mind for this place. Would you please come up with a proposal?”
  2140. >No!
  2141. >Don’t ASK!
  2142. >”I shall need some time to think on it. One’s muse rarely appears on demand.”
  2143. “Of course.”
  2144. >”Have the changelings been addressed? It would be ever so lovely to step outdoors and see the sights of the Crystal Empire. I’m certain I would find inspiration.”
  2145. “They’re partially stopped. As in it should be safe to go outside, but they’re still trying to flush them out. We’re not allowed to leave the district until further notice.”
  2146. >”That shan’t be a problem.”
  2147. “Which is about 10 blocks.”
  2148. >”Oh. A mighty small district, is it not? What exactly is its purpose?”
  2149. “Ruby Row? I think it was the spa district.”
  2150. >Honestly.
  2151. >An entire DISTRICT for a spa.
  2152. >”THE? As in, only one spa district? Wait, does that mean there’s a SPA nearby?”
  2153. “Not anymore. Apparently there was a hot spring here back before Sombrero took over, but tectonic shifts some time in the last millennium redirected the flow a bit out of the city. Now this is just where they dump things that are hard to zone.”
  2154. >”Ah. How disappointing. How far out of town is it anyway?”
  2155. “I dunno.”
  2156. >”You don’t? Why, has it truly been so long since you last went that you’ve forgotten?”
  2157. “I’ve never gone.”
  2158. >Rarity starts looking around frantically, eventually opening your closet and pulling things out seemingly at random.
  2159. “What are you doing?”
  2160. >”I’m looking for a fainting couch! How have you never been to the HOTSPRING?”
  2161. >She’s going to find a way to drag you there, isn’t she?
  2162. >”You owe it to yourself to visit once this mess is over. I’m certain you’ve suffered a great deal of stress as of late, and I assure you a good soak would wash it all away.”
  2163. >You can’t help but smile to yourself.
  2164. >She cares about your stress levels.
  2165. >She might not even realize it yet, but she wants you to be well.
  2166. >You’re getting closer.
  2167. >”Well, I had best be off. Ta-ta!”
  2168. “Wait. You’re going out like that?”
  2169. >”Oh, heavens no! I still need to dry off properly, fix my mane, and do my makeup.”
  2170. “And put on your dress.”
  2171. >”And put on my- pardon, which dress did you mean?”
  2172. “The one you first had sex in.”
  2173. >The one she’d made in your basement.
  2174. >The one she was wearing when you broke her in.
  2175. >The one that still has some interesting stains on it.
  2176. >”I’d rather not!”
  2177. “Okay. You don’t have to.”
  2178. >”Oh! Wonderful.”
  2179. “But I think you’d rather wear it than not. It would be much less humiliating.”
  2180. >She’s nervously chewing on her lower lip.
  2181. >It’s always going to be risky pushing her limits.
  2182. >There’s always a chance you’ll go too far too soon.
  2183. >But if you don’t push you’ll never make more progress.
  2184. “New rule. Whenever you’re out you’re going to wear a buttplug.”
  2185. >”A WHAT?”
  2186. “You heard me. It’s for your own good. I’m going to want to tap that from time to time, and it seems to hurt. I don’t want to hurt you, hay, I want you to enjoy it. This will help you get used to it.”
  2187. >Her face is beet red.
  2188. >Her blood pressure’s probably almost as high as the prince’s.
  2189. >She takes a couple apprehensive steps away from you.
  2190. >Okay.
  2191. >You might have pushed a bit too far.
  2192. >Ease up the pressure a touch.
  2193. “Wait. I forgot that your dress is still dirty.”
  2194. >No you hadn’t.
  2195. “You can wear something else if you wish.”
  2196. >”Thank you!”
  2197. >It comes out more as a squeak than as proper language.
  2198. “I assume you’ve got some clothing around here.”
  2199. >”Of course! I shall go fetch it!”
  2200. “Plug first. Otherwise you’d have to strip.”
  2201. >”Oh. Oh right. Of course… master.”
  2202. >Excellent.
  2203. >That went almost exactly as planned.
  2204. >You’d had to let her wear a slightly less embarrassing outfit, but you got the thing you wanted.
  2205. >Wearing that plug is mostly an excuse.
  2206. >You prefer her pussy to her ass, it just feels better.
  2207. >Of course it would be nice to be able to use both, but it’s not really a high priority.
  2208. >You can do that later, once the last vestiges of resistance have crumbled.
  2209. >Hay, she might even enjoy it at that point.
  2210. >Rarity climbs upon the bed with great trepidation.
  2211. >She presents her butt.
  2212. >You fetch a smallish golden plug.
  2213. >Not so large as to cause pain, but heavy.
  2214. >Heavy enough that it should be impossible to ignore.
  2215. >Wait. It’s really heavy.
  2216. >Is this thing actually real gold?
  2217. >Wow.
  2218. >How much could you sell that for?
  2219. >No, bad idea. It was a gift from the princess.
  2220. >She’d probably be upset if it got melted down.
  2221. >Besides, this is hypoallergenic.
  2222. “Alright. I’m lubricating it. It’s a pretty small one, so don’t worry.”
  2223. >”Eep.”
  2224. >The slick, shining piece of metal meets her rear end with a fair amount of resistance.
  2225. >Last time you’d plugged her you’d used something bigger, and it had gone in fairly easily.
  2226. >She’s fighting this.
  2227. “Relax, girl. You’ve taken bigger. This is nothing.”
  2228. >She grits her teeth and seems to fight back even harder.
  2229. >You slap her butt as hard as you can.
  2230. >She yelps in a bizarre mixture of shock and pain, nearly jumping out of the bed.
  2231. >And loosens up.
  2232. >In the seconds in which she was distracted you slide it in no problem, revealing only the sapphire inlay at the end.
  2233. >Seriously, how expensive was this thing?
  2234. >”Is it in?”
  2235. “Yep. See, that’s not so bad, is it?”
  2236. >It’s a bit gaudy, but you’re thinking of making this part of her default outfit.
  2237. >”May I leave?”
  2238. “You may. Have a good day, and make sure you’re home by midnight.”
  2239. >She rubs her slapped rump for a moment before moving away and heading to the washroom yet again.
  2240. >You’ll make sure she’s still wearing it before she heads out the door, just in case.
  2241. >Because it’s actually important for your plan that she keeps it in.
  2242. >That’s no mere sex toy right now.
  2243. >It’s a symbol.
  2244. >The weight and hardness are a constant reminder of the one who put it there.
  2245. >And also a reminder that there are no improper holes.
  2247. >You’ve been thinking.
  2248. >Rarity has been submitting of her own volition lately.
  2249. >Sure, she hesitates and all that.
  2250. >And she could be much more proactive about it all.
  2251. >But you can’t deny she’s doing much better than even just a few days before.
  2252. >Perhaps this constant pushing you’ve been doing is insufficient.
  2253. >Drawing out desired behavior is only half of your job.
  2254. >Now she needs reinforcement.
  2255. >Your strategy, such as it was, had been entirely based on breaking her will to fight.
  2256. >Now that that’s effectively done, your objectives have changed.
  2257. >Even an otherwise perfect plan can’t survive such a massive paradigmatic shift.
  2258. >And your methods were hardly perfect in the first place.
  2259. >No sense in using a flawed strategy that was devised for a different goal.
  2260. >Time to change things up.
  2261. >While working on your plan, you hear the door opening.
  2262. >Rarity had home early.
  2263. >Good thing too, you hadn’t thought things through when you’d said midnight.
  2264. >Had she arrived so late, you’d have been obligated to stay up.
  2265. >Otherwise who would tuck her in and tie her down?
  2266. >Fortunately, this was not to be a problem.
  2267. >Not only had she returned before midnight, she’d only been gone a couple of hours.
  2268. >Now to figure out why.
  2269. >She entered, bearing a powder blue and white striped sundress, the silhouette adhering to her anatomy shockingly well even for what was doubtlessly custom tailored.
  2270. >The pleated skirt hung gracefully, stretching and scattering with each stride but never quite reaching the ground.
  2271. >It looked a bit strange having the rear legs covered so while the front legs were almost entirely bare.
  2272. >But that was just how they did things here.
  2273. “Welcome home. Enjoy your walk?”
  2274. >”Oh, it was dreadful.”
  2275. >Dreadful.
  2276. >To a normal pony, that meant extremely disagreeable.
  2277. >She had a tendency to… embellish such things.
  2278. >So it was probably too windy or something.
  2279. >”I could hardly go anywhere without some brute is a uniform telling me I had to turn back!”
  2280. >Nailed it.
  2281. “I did warn you.”
  2282. >”I had assumed a fetching young mare such as myself would be exempt from such abhorrent treatment!”
  2283. “Exempt from a military lockdown? I’m not sure you know how states of emergency work.”
  2284. >She approaches you cautiously, keeping her gaze just off of your eyes.
  2285. >Whether it’s out of a sense of reverence, fear, or shame, you cannot tell.
  2286. >”Umm… master? May I take it out?”
  2287. >Good.
  2288. >VERY good.
  2289. >The rules didn’t state she needed permission to take the plug out, just that she had to be home.
  2290. >Yet here she was.
  2291. >Granted she’d probably misunderstood the rule and assumed she was to ask first.
  2292. >But you aren’t about to complain.
  2293. “You may if you wish, but you’d just have to put it back in again. We’re going out.”
  2294. >”Out? Where to?”
  2295. “I’m taking you to dinner.”
  2296. >”To dine! Oh, but I’ve nothing to wear!”
  2297. >There are many things wrong with that statement.
  2298. “Don’t worry, that should be fine. I think the dress code is semi-formal.”
  2299. >Any Rarity original should suffice.
  2300. >And nobody understands human fashion, so you can bluff with your labcoat.
  2301. >”But these are simple rags! They’re for when I’m walking the streets!”
  2302. >You barely manage to suppress a chuckle.
  2303. “Yeah. I bet you walk the streets a lot.”
  2304. >”Why yes, of course!”
  2305. “You do any soliciting when you walk the streets? Or do they come to you?”
  2306. >”Well, my customers usually come to me at the boutique. Though I can think of a few exceptions. Just a couple months ago this young stallion came to me with a delightful proposition.”
  2307. >Pftt.
  2308. >”The poor dear couldn’t afford my usual rate, but he just needed a minor alteration so I agreed to work for a pittance.”
  2309. “A minor alteration. That can’t take long, so you’re saying it was a quickie?”
  2310. >”Indeed! I gave him a quickie for a few bits-”
  2311. >The red starts to form in her face from the bottom up, as though it were being methodically painted in.
  2312. >”Oh my. I assure you I was talking about TAILORING! I’d done nothing untoward!”
  2313. “Don’t worry, I know you’re not a prostitute.”
  2314. >Prostitutes charge for their services.
  2315. >It’s tempting to make a joke about how she does it for free.
  2316. >It really is.
  2317. >But it’s not worth angering her over.
  2318. >You’d rather not risk inciting rebellion, especially not over a dumb joke.
  2319. >You head for the door and motion for her to follow.
  2320. >She still seems a bit flustered, but musters the courage to come regardless.
  2321. >”But where are we headed? If we cannot leave the spa district our options must be sorely limited.”
  2322. “They are. But luckily there’s a nice place right nearby.”
  2323. >Or at least you think it’s nice.
  2324. >Truth is you’ve never eaten there.
  2325. >Actually, you’d best dial it back a bit case it’s a disappointment.
  2326. “Or at least I’ve heard it’s good. The chef seems to take their work pretty seriously.”
  2327. >Best of all, he owes you big.
  2328. >Never paid for his appendectomy.
  2329. >You figure you’ll be able to leverage that for a free meal, maybe get him to pay you too.
  2330. >”You HEAR it’s pretty good? Have you never been?”
  2331. “It’s hard for me to judge pony fare, different digestive system and all that.”
  2332. >”How different, exactly?”
  2333. “How detailed of an answer do you want? I happen to be something of an expert.”
  2334. >”Perhaps something heavily simplified.”
  2335. “Your system is much longer than mine and has bacterial colonies that decompose a wide variety of carbohydrates into simpler forms.”
  2336. >”Meaning?”
  2337. >Hm.
  2338. “There are lots of pony foods I can’t get nutrition from. I’d starve to death if I tried to eat only hay.”
  2339. >”You can’t eat HAY?”
  2340. “I can, and I have. But I don’t actually get anything out of it. I need much richer foods to stay alive. Dairy, grains, fruits and nuts. Stuff like that.”
  2341. >”How peculiar. How was it?”
  2342. “What, the hay?”
  2343. >”Have I surprised you?”
  2344. >Huh?
  2345. >Oh.
  2346. >What the hay.
  2347. “Heh. That’s funny.”
  2348. >”But I am genuinely curious.”
  2349. “Well, to use your lexicon…”
  2350. >You do your best to imitate Rarity’s mannerisms.
  2351. “It was quite unpalatable.”
  2352. >”Perhaps you’ve simply not found the perfect recipe yet?”
  2353. “Somehow I doubt there is a recipe that would make it good.”
  2354. >Hopefully they’ve got something edible at this place.
  2355. >Again, you’ve never been there.
  2356. >You seldom eat out precisely because of this problem.
  2357. >Your lack of knowledge about fine dining makes it nigh on impossible for you to ever meet Rarity’s doubtlessly extreme standards.
  2358. >Yet it’s something you want to be able to offer her.
  2359. >She needs to think that life as your toy can be as good as her old existence.
  2360. >No, she needs to think it can be BETTER.
  2361. >This outing is about her, not you.
  2362. >Wait...
  2363. >Are you losing control of this relationship?
  2364. >The eatery is ostentatious, featuring an exterior made almost entirely of glass or some transparent crystal, held together by a polished steel frame.
  2365. >The entrance is flanked by two fire pits, burning three glowing hot roses each, arranged as an oblique triangle.
  2366. >If memory serves that symbol is the owner’s cutie mark.
  2367. >Probably the restaurant’s symbol too.
  2368. >When you approach the front door a young stallion in a suit steps in your way.
  2369. >”Excuse me, sir and madame. Have you reservations?”
  2370. “No.”
  2371. >”Well, I do apologize, but-”
  2372. “You’re not full. I can see through the windows.”
  2373. >”You need a reservation to dine chez Eden Rose.”
  2374. “There’s literally only one occupied table. The lockdown killed your business.”
  2375. >”Sir, I’m afraid I must ask you to leave if you don’t have a reservation.”
  2376. >Rarity tugs on your labcoat briefly.
  2377. >”We should really do as he says. These establishments take their reservations quite seriously. Some places demand that you book months in advance!”
  2378. >Change of plans then.
  2379. “Could you please relay a message to the head chef? Just tell him the doctor’s here.”
  2380. >The doorman eyes you suspiciously, but eventually nods and shows himself in.
  2381. >Rarity looks at you quizzically.
  2382. “The chef and I have history.”
  2383. >”I’d gathered as much. But what history?”
  2384. “Let’s just say that lots of ponies owe me a favor.”
  2385. >Or in his case, thousands of bits.
  2386. >The doorman returns with a hurried gait and opens the door for you, stepping aside.
  2387. >”I apologize for my prior behaviour. Please, take any seat you like.”
  2388. >Rarity doesn’t attempt to mask her surprise.
  2389. >And you don’t attempt to mask your smug grin.
  2390. >The interior feels out of place in the empire, being filled with wooden and earthy tones.
  2391. >All of the furniture seems to be carved from some wood, and then stained appropriately.
  2392. >The lack of colourful paints and polished surfaces is not only different to what you’ve grown to expect of the empire, it’s diametrically opposed to what you expected from a fancy restaurant.
  2393. >The tabletop candles don’t throw nearly enough light to properly illuminate this place, which just exaggerates how brown everything is.
  2394. “I don’t get it.”
  2395. >”What’s the matter, mas- doctor?”
  2396. >Hm.
  2397. >You hadn’t told Rarity she could call you doctor.
  2398. >She just broke the rules.
  2399. >But given she almost called you master out of habit, and that you don’t want to cause trouble for yourself with Applejack and friends, you’ll tolerate it.
  2400. >At least in public.
  2401. “The decorations. It’s just wood on wood. And some of it seems a bit crude now that I look a bit closer. Aren’t these fancy places supposed to be…”
  2402. >”Gaudy?”
  2403. “Yeah, that.”
  2404. >”It’s called faux authenticity.”
  2405. >Did she just make that up?
  2406. >You’re pretty sure it’s an oxymoron.
  2407. >You might have to start carrying a dictionary when you’re with this girl.
  2408. >“The design is meant to be reminiscent of a more sincere, family owned establishment and put us at ease and suggest that the venue is a more casual and laid back environment than we might be accustomed to. The lack of finery SCREAMS of a casual outing like any- ahem- lower class establishment might offer.”
  2409. “Wait. It’s a fancy place, but they’re decorated like a less fancy place to tell us it’s okay to pretend it’s not fancy?”
  2410. >”That would be the jist of it.”
  2411. >This is a prank.
  2412. >It has to be.
  2413. >And yet, they had a doorman.
  2414. >You choose a seat almost arbitrarily.
  2415. >To nobody’s surprise, it was designed for a pony.
  2416. >Your upper half towers over the table, while your legs are folded nearly in half trying to fit in.
  2417. >Rarity nearly floats into the opposite seat.
  2418. >You weren’t previously aware that it was possible to sit down gracefully.
  2419. >No menus in sight, perhaps they’ll be by soon?
  2420. >”So what is the occasion?
  2421. “Something of a celebration I suppose. Looks like everypony’s going to walk away from this in one piece.”
  2422. >”That’s wonderful, yet I can’t help but feel you’re concealing something.”
  2423. “What makes you say that?”
  2424. >”It’s abundantly clear that you are ill at ease here. You didn’t know that a reservation was expected, you didn’t understand the decor, and you don’t seem to fit in the seats. You chose this venue not for yourself.”
  2425. >Hmm.
  2426. >You’d actually revealed quite a bit in the last few minutes, hadn’t you?
  2427. >Well, it’s not really like you were trying to hide it.
  2428. >”So why then would you bring one of the most attractive bachelorettes in the land to such an establishment? Whom are you trying to impress?”
  2429. >There’s the ego.
  2430. >Best not to disillusion her too hard.
  2431. >You’re trying to make her like being with you.
  2432. >There’s already enough resentment to work through, no need to anger her.
  2433. “Impress? No, you got it all wrong. I don’t need to impress anyone. Everyone’s already impressed or terrified, a date won’t shift the scales.”
  2434. >You’re probably one of the most polarizing people on the planet.
  2435. >Even if you define “people” extremely loosely.
  2436. >”I understand why some would be moved by some of your feats, but what precisely has others fearful?”
  2437. “Same thing. Some find my craft a bit off putting.”
  2438. >”Truly? Your professional pursuits seem noble enough.”
  2439. >Is she trying to imply the rest of your activities are ignoble?
  2440. >Maybe you aren’t as far along in the conditioning as you’d thought.
  2441. >A sharply dressed young mare quietly delivers two menu cards
  2442. >”Can I start either of you off with a drink?”
  2443. “Coffee. Black.”
  2444. >”What’s your house red?”
  2445. >”We carry Sauvignon Blanc, madame.”
  2446. >”Eugh. In that case I’ll have a Prosecco.”
  2447. >”Very good, madame.”
  2448. >What language were they even talking?
  2449. >The waiter walks back to the kitchen.
  2450. >You can’t help but notice everything is priced in multiples of five bits.
  2451. >That’s never a good sign.
  2452. >”You were telling me why some fear you.”
  2453. “Oh right! Medicine can get messy. Some ponies think it’s a bit ghoulish.”
  2454. >”I suppose it could be. Running thread through poor Twilight like that, just the thought brings me chills.”
  2455. >Stitches make her uneasy?
  2456. >Now you REALLY don’t want to tell her why the chef owes you.
  2457. >Explaining that you pull entire organs out would really bother her.
  2458. >Good thing you’re not a transplant specialist…
  2459. >”But you’ve not yet told me why we’re here.”
  2460. “Well, if you must know I’m rewarding you. I’m quite pleased with how helpful you’ve been in the last few days and figured you deserve something nice.”
  2461. >She scowls a bit at the menu.
  2462. >You can only guess at what’s going through her head.
  2463. >Is the concept itself upsetting her?
  2464. >Was she hoping that this might be something a bit more?
  2465. >Was the menu just a disappointment?
  2466. >You’re considering ordering her to explain when she offers the information herself.
  2467. >”I must confess to being uncomfortable with this arrangement.”
  2468. “Why’s that?”
  2469. >”I’d rather not receive something that has a monetary value for my, ahem, more intimate actions.”
  2470. “Why not?”
  2471. >”I thought you’d said you understood that I am not, err, employed in that profession.”
  2472. >What, it’s too close to prostitution?
  2473. >Damn prude.
  2474. “You’re still afraid of it? Well, we’ll fix that.”
  2475. >She’s already nervously chewing on her lip.
  2476. >But you don’t want to spoil this outing for such a stupid reason.
  2477. >She’s going to be rewarded for being your slave, and she’s going to like it!
  2478. “Don’t worry. I’m not paying you for that.”
  2479. >”But-”
  2480. “Shush. Why would I pay for it when I get it for free?”
  2481. >You furtively reach under the table and grab her by the pussy.
  2482. >Rarity yelps slightly when you make contact.
  2483. >You can’t help but notice she’s wet…
  2484. >She might even be leaning into your touch.
  2485. >For all her hesitation and fear, Rarity really does need it.
  2486. >She whines a little when you let go.
  2487. >Cadence was right about her.
  2488. >She craves dick.
  2489. >And though she complains about it, she always cums before you do.
  2490. >And usually more than once.
  2491. >If she wants it, then there must be something else holding her back.
  2492. >Shame?
  2493. >Maybe it’s time for another different approach.
  2494. >Feed that ego, tell her to be proud of her owner.
  2495. “If anything, you should be paying me.”
  2496. >”WHAT? Why would I pay you when you- err,”
  2497. >She almost said it out loud in public.
  2498. >Luckily she caught herself.
  2499. >Luckily for HER, that is.
  2500. “Because I don’t need you. There are thousands of mares out there who would happily do what you do.”
  2501. >At least, you suspect this is true.
  2502. >Just based on what you’ve seen in the Crystal empire lately.
  2503. >You really don’t know though.
  2504. “But the princess insisted we were meant to be together, so I decided to give it a shot. And these last few days? Well, I’m starting to think you’re good enough for me.”
  2505. >”Excuse me. I. Good enough. For YOU?”
  2506. “Yeah! I’ve got high standards, so you should feel honored.”
  2507. >She opens her mouth as though to reply, but she seems to be dumbstruck.
  2508. >C’mon…
  2509. >Take the compliment!
  2510. >”From whence do these standards come?”
  2511. “Oh come on. You know well enough. Revive enough dead princesses and you’ll have a steady stream of fangirls.”
  2512. >This was effectively true.
  2513. >Though none of them had ever proposed to become your fucktoy.
  2514. >At least, you don’t think they were.
  2515. >It took a while for you to learn their body language after all.
  2516. >Maybe you missed an opportunity?
  2517. >No point in wondering about that now.
  2518. >”Well, I suppose I should be flattered.”
  2519. >”Your drinks.”
  2520. >A mug of coffee is slipped before you.
  2521. >And in front of Rarity stands a fluted crystal glass full of a slightly yellow bubbling liquid.
  2522. >”Are you ready to place your orders, or would you like more time to decide?”
  2523. >”That depends. Which lettuce do you use for your Niçoise?”
  2524. >”It is composed of both romaine and leaf.”
  2525. >”Then it is decided.”
  2526. >”Very good. And for you, sir?”
  2527. >You don’t know what half of these things are.
  2528. >And most of the stuff you DO recognize would make you choke.
  2529. >Would it be crass to ask for oatmeal?
  2530. >Wait.
  2531. >Rarity said lettuce.
  2532. >You can eat that!
  2533. “What’s in the dish she’s getting?”
  2534. >”Lettuce, artichoke hearts, trimmed asparagus, basil leaves, onion, green beans, and tofu.”
  2535. “I’ll have that then.”
  2536. >”Very good.”
  2537. >He steps away.
  2538. >Rarity daintily sips from her drink.
  2539. >You test the coffee.
  2540. >Nothing special.
  2541. >”I suppose I owe you an apology.”
  2542. “It’s about time. What for?”
  2543. >”It was wrong of me to accuse you of poisoning Twilight.”
  2544. >Oh right.
  2545. >That had happened.
  2546. “Yeah, that was pretty low. But I’ll get over it.”
  2547. >”I’m glad. I cannot articulate how thankful we all are that you were there to aid us in such dire times. The thought of losing Twilight or Fluttershy is simply too much to bear.”
  2548. “What about the pink one?”
  2549. >”That would be dreadful too.”
  2550. “Well, I’m glad I could help.”
  2551. >”And to think, we’d been fooled by a changeling? Why, I never would have imagined such a thing could actually happen.”
  2552. >Hm…
  2553. “Hold on a sec.”
  2554. >You unfold yourself and march to the kitchen.
  2555. >You throw the doors open, causing everypony to look at you with a startled expression.
  2556. >Including a middle aged stallion in a toque.
  2557. >”Doctor! I swear I’m not trying to avoid you. I’ll pay the bill, I promise! I just have to-”
  2558. “That’s not why I’m here right now. CHANGELING CHECK!”
  2559. >You push your way in the kitchen and produce a glucometer.
  2560. >Everypony is too shocked or baffled to complain.
  2561. >Within a minute you’re marching out and returning to the table, having cleared the staff.
  2562. “Sorry about that.”
  2563. >You say to Rarity as you force yourself into the seat again.
  2564. “All this talk about changelings and poison reminded me that I should be careful.”
  2565. >”I thought you’d said this district had already been cleared?”
  2566. “Yep. But I need to make a habit of doing stuff like that until we’re certain it’s all blown over.”
  2567. >”But why should you? It is us that Chrysalis hates. We’re the one’s that get in the way of her machinations, and- oh dear. Not only were you instrumental in her defeat this time, but you’ve discovered how to identify them. She must abhor you now.”
  2568. “Probably.”
  2569. >You’ve been trying not to think about it too much.
  2570. >Lots of people don’t like you. You got used to that a long time ago.
  2571. >Hay, when you were doing your residency your supervisor told you as much every day.
  2572. >But having a murderous maniac out there writing your name on a list was something new.
  2573. >”Do you think they’ll catch her?”
  2574. “For all I know they already did. Shining Armor’s been unusually tight lipped about this stuff for a while now, probably ever since he figured out it was changelings.”
  2575. >”That would be lovely, but I somehow doubt it. She’s proven quite slippery in the past.”
  2576. “Well, there’s not much we can do other than hope right now. He seems to be taking it very seriously though, so I figure he’ll pull it off.”
  2577. >”I do hope you’re right. I dread to think what might happen if she evades justice once more. The attacks are worse every time. Speaking of, might I ask how they’re doing?”
  2578. “Your friends? Well, without getting into specifics they’re better than I’d expected.”
  2579. >”I’m glad to hear it.”
  2580. “You should come to the clinic with me tomorrow morning so you can see them.”
  2581. >”May I?”
  2582. “Of course. Maybe you could actually be helpful. The rainbow one is a bit…”
  2583. >”Obstinate?”
  2584. “That. There was a test that she absolutely refused to do, despite Twilight’s objections.”
  2585. >”Is this test critical?”
  2586. “Could be. None of what she’s complaining about suggests she got unlucky, but if she did we need to start making plans to send her to Earth for treatment.”
  2587. >”My. Is it that serious?”
  2588. >Kidney trauma.
  2589. >It could be totally fine, it could warrant an artificial kidney, or it could be anything in between.
  2590. “I don’t know, that’s why I need to do the test.”
  2591. >”I see. And what is it you ask of her?”
  2592. “I need her to pee in a cup”
  2593. >”Ah. Yes, I suppose I can see why that might be met with hesitation.”
  2594. >The waiter was approaching with the dishes.
  2595. >You taste yours hesitantly.
  2596. >It’s not bad.
  2597. >Not good either.
  2598. >You can’t help but feel like it’s missing something like chicken or grilled fish.
  2599. >But it’s better than most pony entrees you’ve tried.
  2600. >Rarity seems to be enjoying it at least.
  2601. >The conversation dies down while the two of you eat.
  2602. >For you, it’s an awkward and bland meal.
  2603. >For Rarity, it’s an ambrosiac treat.
  2604. >Or so you hope.
  2605. >The waiter returns to take your plates almost as soon as you’ve finished.
  2606. >”Was everything to your liking tonight?”
  2607. >”There was a tad too much vinaigrette, but despite that it was excellent.”
  2608. >”I apologize for the excess, madame, and shall relay your input to the chef. And you, sir?”
  2609. >How to put it politely…
  2610. “It exceeded expectations.”
  2611. >”I am glad to hear it. Would either of you be interested in the dessert menu?”
  2612. >”Tiramisu for the both of us. And have you any ice wine?”
  2613. >”Indeed. Locally sourced from the White Water Winery, made with their own carefully grown Emerald grapes.”
  2614. >”Ooh, that sounds lovely. I shall have a glass of that.”
  2615. “Wait. It’s made of emeralds?”
  2616. >”It is the name of the grape, sir. Known for its exceptional verdance and flavor. It was first cultivated right here in the Empire by-”
  2617. “I’ll pass on the drinks, thanks.”
  2618. >”Very good.”
  2619. >You wait for him to take his leave.
  2620. “You ordered for me?”
  2621. >”When we were perusing the menu earlier I couldn’t help but notice they were woefully lacking in desert options.”
  2622. “And so you decided I didn’t need to pick?”
  2623. >”Well, master-”
  2624. >She doesn’t seem to have noticed she said it.
  2625. >”Forgive me for saying so but you seemed out of your depth when selecting. So I took it upon myself to choose something that you ought to be able to eat.”
  2626. >Oh.
  2627. >That was very thoughtful of her.
  2628. “Thank you. Though you should ask me first in the future. What is this anyway?”
  2629. >”Coffee, cheese, cocoa, sugar, and liquor.”
  2630. >She finishes her booze off right after saying that.
  2631. >Wait a second.
  2632. >Alcohol in the desert, wine, and more different wine.
  2633. >Is she trying to get tipsy?
  2634. >The waiter returns yet again with the deserts, wine, and the bill.
  2635. >You cautiously reach for the paper, as though it might bite you.
  2636. >”I have been asked to inform you that your meal tonight is complimentary.”
  2637. >You let out a sigh of relief.
  2638. >Rarity drinks greedily of her wine.
  2639. >She’s definitely trying to get tipsy.
  2640. >They have a decent sized liver, and they produce a decent amount of ADH.
  2641. >Less than a human, but still enough that a modest dose won’t linger too long.
  2642. >Based on your medical expertise and extensive first hand experience in university, you estimate that she’s just going to be a bit buzzed.
  2643. >But why?
  2644. >The dessert is actually really good.
  2645. >You can’t help but wonder where they get the cheese from though.
  2646. >Goats and cows can talk in this world.
  2647. >Do they use another mammal?
  2648. >Is this bat milk or something weird like that?
  2649. >You do your best to stop thinking about where they got the cheese.
  2650. >Rarity leans on the table, looking up at you with half lidded eyes.
  2651. >The wait staff seem to be keeping their distance from you, probably at the chef’s orders.
  2652. >He’s been skipping out on that bill for a long time.
  2653. >No doubt he’s hoping you’ll leave without bringing it up.
  2654. >You unfold from the seats, and offer Rarity a hand to get up.
  2655. >She looks away and blushes slightly, accepting your offer.
  2656. >She leans against you just a bit as the two of you depart.
  2657. >”Thank you, Master. That was a lovely outing. Shall we retire for the night and make love?”
  2658. >Is she asking for sex?
  2659. >Is that why she had the wine?
  2660. >To lower her inhibitions enough to ask you?
  2661. “A-”
  2662. >You bite your tongue.
  2663. >Don’t agree, idiot!
  2664. >This is a golden opportunity!
  2665. >She’s buzzed, so her inhibitions are low.
  2666. >And she’s ASKING for it!
  2667. >Right now she wants it more than you do.
  2668. >This is your chance for a paradigmatic shift!
  2669. >From now on, she has to EARN it.
  2670. “Ah, I dunno. Not tonight. I don’t really feel like it.”
  2671. >”Pardon me?”
  2672. “I’m not in the mood.”
  2673. >”But- but we had a dinner date! I thought that next we were meant to- umm, to make beautiful music.
  2674. “Sorry, but I don’t feel like it right now. But if you’re really insistent, perhaps there’s something you could do to put me in the mood.”
  2676. >You do your best to return home casually so as not to appear eager.
  2677. >The goal is for Rarity to think you don’t want to fuck her.
  2678. >To make her think that she has to do something to earn it.
  2679. >And ideally, to make her think you’re doing her a favor in the process.
  2680. >Though that might be a bit more of a long term goal.
  2681. >Rarity, for her part, keeps walking on ahead only to have to slow her pace so you can catch up.
  2682. >If she doesn’t learn to keep pace, you might have to put a leash on her.
  2683. >Actually…
  2684. >No.
  2685. >Not yet, at least.
  2686. >It would draw too much attention.
  2687. >Though Cadence did say that was her plan.
  2688. >For you to ease the taboo on this kind of thing.
  2689. >You’ll have to cross that bridge eventually.
  2690. >Do you?
  2691. >You weren’t explicitly ordered to.
  2692. >In fact, you had to suss that plan out.
  2693. >And even then you never actually agreed to it.
  2694. >As far as you can tell, you’re under no obligation whatsoever.
  2695. >Though you have to admit, it would be fun to see how far you could push it.
  2696. >It might be fun to see this stuff become fashionable.
  2697. >Or more.
  2698. >Dare you dream of it being the norm?
  2699. >No, don’t aim so high just yet.
  2700. >You need to focus on Rarity.
  2701. >She’s doing well, but she’s not actually done yet.
  2702. >Get her to wear the label of “slave” with pride.
  2703. >And make her accept that you’re going to own more than one.
  2704. >And ideally, get her to help train your second one.
  2705. >When the two of you get home, Rarity walks in before you.
  2706. >A faux pass to be sure.
  2707. >But it’s not one you’re going to bring up this time.
  2708. >It would take time and risk altering her favorable mood.
  2709. >You intend to put this opportunity to better use than enforcing door etiquette of all things.
  2710. “I think we can make this work.”
  2711. >”You’ve changed your mind?”
  2712. “Nope. I’m just not in the mood. However… you might be able to put me in the mood.”
  2713. >”What did you have in mind?”
  2714. “I’m going to go shower. If I were to find something exceptionally enticing when I returned, perhaps I would change my mind. I, err, I brought the ropes and cuffs home this morning. They should be in the closet.”
  2715. >She’d figure it out.
  2716. >Probably.
  2717. >You try to go slowly in the shower so as to give her plenty of time to get things set up.
  2718. >Even with flossing you figure you were in there less than half as long as her shower earlier today.
  2719. >How does she even do it?
  2720. >You might have to watch her shower someday.
  2721. >Covertly, of course.
  2722. >Not because of privacy concerns, of course.
  2723. >Just so that she doesn’t alter her behavior.
  2724. >When you’ve finished up you enter the bedroom fully expecting to be disappointed.
  2725. >Instead, you see a dripping wet pussy right before you at roughly crotch height.
  2726. >Rarity is lying on the bed, resting on her back.
  2727. >Her hind legs are awkwardly positioned behind her, hooves up behind her head and held in place with cuffs.
  2728. >The impressive display of flexibility leaves her with an almost legless appearance, as though her body just stops at her butt.
  2729. >Her front legs are likewise bound, except in front of her face.
  2730. >Perhaps she’d used her mouth to do the cuffs up?
  2731. >No blindfold, and no gag.
  2732. >You feel as though she could do better.
  2733. >But perhaps she just didn’t have enough time to think it through.
  2734. “Good work, for how little time you had to plan it out. I’m sure you’ll do even better next time.”
  2735. >”Next time? But-”
  2736. “I think you’ve earned your reward. Open.”
  2737. >You gesture for her to open her mouth, and then fit a bit in her mouth.
  2738. >Why did these even exist here?
  2739. >You’re not certain of their origins, but you’re also not about to complain.
  2740. >Once the bit is securely fastened in place and Rarity is effectively rendered mute, you roughly pull the plug from her butt.
  2741. >She gasps in shock.
  2742. “I think you should do something like this every night. Just to keep things… fresh. You know what they say about variety. Oh, and a few VERY important rules. No gags until I put them in, nothing on the neck, and no pressure on the diaphragm. And try not to be bound for more than half an hour before I get here. I don’t want you hurting yourself.”
  2743. >You’re pretty sure she’s not listening.
  2744. >Better go over it again tomorrow morning.
  2745. >You position yourself before her sopping wet hole, and gently press your tip against it.
  2746. >But you don’t quite penetrate, instead allowing the tension to build.
  2747. >You press ever harder, making sure your presence is known but refusing to actually move in.
  2748. >Then, you push the plug against her anus.
  2749. >She offers a muffled yelp and squirms a bit, but is completely powerless to evade.
  2750. >Hrm…
  2751. >She should be healed enough by now to work her tail hole properly.
  2752. >And she seems aroused enough that she might accept it.
  2753. >Time to work through her resistance.
  2754. “I know you haven’t learned to enjoy anal sex yet. But don’t worry, we’ll teach this lewd little hole how to have fun.”
  2755. >”Uh! NUH!”
  2756. >The plug slides in.
  2757. >And so do you.
  2758. >Rarity gasps with what you assume to be pleasure.
  2759. >You grind yourself against her pussy while you fiddle around with the plug, trying to split the stimulation evenly between the two holes.
  2760. “Honestly, a mare your age and you haven’t even done proper anal training. What were you going to do if you needed to work three cocks at once?”
  2761. >You roughly thrust into her a couple of times and give her buttocks a good heavy slap.
  2762. >She cries out in ecstasy and begins convulsing.
  2763. “You already came?”
  2764. >You ask in genuine shock.
  2765. >It takes a few seconds for you to get back into character.
  2766. “Er, just as I’d expect from such a slut.”
  2767. >You get back to your rough thrusting in hopes of prolonging her orgasm.
  2768. >She involuntarily thrashes against her bindings as the waves of pleasure wash over her.
  2769. >After several seconds her entire body grows tense.
  2770. >Then, with one last squeal, she falls limp.
  2771. “Surely you’re not satisfied.”
  2772. >You pull out of her and produce a slim, pink vibrator made of some rubbery material.
  2773. >You slide it into her gaping pussy and switch it on.
  2774. >Rarity squeals, and you’re pretty sure you hear a “yes” in the garbled mess.
  2775. >You work it around in her for a while, marvelling at how much wetness is coming out of her.
  2776. >The deluge of marecum could fill a wine glass.
  2777. >You pull the excessively lubricated vibrator out.
  2778. >You then start to slowly work said vibrator deep into her ass.
  2779. “It shouldn’t hurt. Just relax and enjoy the sensation.”
  2780. >You stick your dick in her again, slowly and methodically moving both yourself and the vibrator in a carefully syncopated rhythm.
  2781. >She gets much tighter when you push the dildo in.
  2782. >You go to the hilt and stay put, moving the dildo exclusively.
  2783. >Her spasms and contractions milk your dick without you having to move it, like a tender massage.
  2784. >It’s an unusual sensation, a ring of gentle pressure working its way from your pelvis to your glans then back.
  2785. >A warm, soft, and welcoming ring of pressure.
  2786. >Subtle by comparison to actually fucking her, but just hard enough to bring pleasure.
  2787. >You could finish like this and be totally satisfied.
  2788. >Maybe you will, just to see how it feels.
  2789. >But not just yet.
  2790. >Instead, you pull out of both of her holes.
  2791. >Hopefully that loosened he rup a bit.
  2792. >You produce a string of glass beads.
  2793. >Some of them are pretty big…
  2794. >Better not go too far.
  2795. >Number 3 looks to be about as big around as your dick.
  2796. “I want you to get to four tonight.”
  2797. >She doesn’t answer, of course.
  2798. >You’re not sure she’d be able to even without the bit.
  2799. >She’s panting so heavily.
  2800. “If you don’t have all of your holes ready and willing, you’re a bad lover. But don’t worry, you’ll love it soon enough. Deep breaths.”
  2801. >To your surprise, her breathing starts to even out a bit.
  2802. >It’s still fast and heavy, but more controlled.
  2803. >The first one goes in no problem.
  2804. >The second one takes a bit of pressure.
  2805. >And the third one…
  2806. >Is stuck.
  2807. >You stick a couple of fingers in her sopping pussy and begin to play with it.
  2808. >She’s winking and trembling with delight.
  2809. >But the bead still won’t slip in.
  2810. >You know she can take this one.
  2811. >She’s taken bigger toys before, albeit with some crying.
  2812. >If she can take something bigger, you don’t have to worry about damaging her.
  2813. >You force the bead in.
  2814. >Rarity tries to pull away, tries to scream.
  2815. >Her thrashing becomes violent for a moment and tears well up in her eyes.
  2816. >You stop stimulating her cunt and instead stroke her mane for about a minute until she calms down.
  2817. >This wasn’t good.
  2818. >It wasn’t supposed to hurt that much.
  2819. >Ideally, it wasn’t supposed to hurt at all!
  2820. >This wasn’t punishment sex, after all.
  2821. >You take out the bit.
  2822. “Relax, you’re fine.”
  2823. >”It hu-u-urts!”
  2824. “But-”
  2825. >”Take it out! Please take it OUT!”
  2826. >Damn.
  2827. >You either push on, potentially making her dread sex when you were FINALLY able to use it as a reward.
  2828. >OR you take orders from your slave.
  2829. >There is no winning play here.
  2830. >Unless…
  2831. >Maybe you can talk her into keeping it in.
  2832. >Convince her she wants it to stay.
  2833. “Nothing’s damaged down here. You’re fine.”
  2834. >”Take it out!”
  2835. “Not until you calm down. If I try to force it while you’re closed up like this I risk actually hurting you.”
  2836. >She sniffles a bit, but nods in comprehension.
  2837. >She tries to sit up, seemingly having forgotten she’s tied herself in place.
  2838. “You’re fine. Just calm down, take a few deep breaths.”
  2839. >”I’m sorry master. It just hurt so bad!”
  2840. “Well, it’s not supposed to. You’ve taken bigger things in there before. Did it hurt that bad then?”
  2841. >She nods.
  2842. >You nearly ask her why she didn’t say anything, but think better of it.
  2843. >Reminding her of the time you ass raped her might make her a bit grumpy.
  2844. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to hurt you.”
  2845. >The truth.
  2846. “I thought you’d enjoy it. Many mares do.”
  2847. >Again, true.
  2848. “And I really want you to have fun tonight.”
  2849. >Three truths in a row.
  2850. >It’s starting to feel a little weird.
  2851. “So we won’t be going for four tonight.”
  2852. >”Really?”
  2853. “Yes. I’m not trying to torture you.”
  2854. >Well, not at the moment at least.
  2855. >You’re going to have to talk this through with her.
  2856. >You’ve got a strategy in mind.
  2857. >And that starts with fucking her brains out.
  2858. >You penetrate her sopping pussy without warning, eliciting a shocked gasp.
  2859. >”I- ah! I thought that we were done for the night. Ooh!”
  2860. “Not yet we aren’t.”
  2861. >Hopefully she’s close.
  2862. >Her heavy breathing and flushed face seem to suggest she is.
  2863. >You pick her up with a bit more effort than you’d care to admit.
  2864. >You hold her against your chest and lean your head on her shoulders, thrusting as quickly as you can without losing your grip.
  2865. >Focusing on moving her distracts just enough from the glorious sensation to let you continue.
  2866. >Your arms begin to burn with exertion, your legs grow rubbery, and lightning runs through your spine.
  2867. >”Yes! Harder, master! HARDER!”
  2868. >You can’t hold out much longer.
  2869. >Rarity’s cries reach a fevered pitch.
  2870. >That’s your cue.
  2871. >You pull the beads out in one swift motion, causing Rarity to tense up and tighten around your shaft.
  2872. >You lose control as the pleasure overtakes you, releasing your seed against your will.
  2873. >Your vision fails you as your eyes roll into the back of your head.
  2874. >You can vaguely feel yourself falling on the bed atop Rarity.
  2875. >Still thrusting, still holding her tight.
  2876. >Your overstimulated dick finally starts to grow limp, and you pull yourself out.
  2877. >Rarity’s tongue is hanging out of her mouth, drooling in a notably un-ladylike fashion.
  2878. >You untie the legs behind her head, allowing her to rest in a more comfortable position.
  2879. >You also remove the blindfold.
  2880. >Her front hooves stay bound.
  2881. >When you lie down next to her, she looks you in the eye and smiles.
  2882. >There’s genuine joy in her massive blue eyes, and more than a hint of a blush in her cheeks.
  2883. “How was it? Lovely?”
  2884. >”Lovely? No, it was marvelous!”
  2885. >Marvelous?
  2886. >In Rarity speak, you think that’s somewhere between exceptional and fantastic.
  2887. >Just short of divine.
  2888. >Given the hiccough in the middle, that’s about as much as you could hope for.
  2889. “Well, I’m glad you liked it.”
  2890. >She shuffles a bit to the side to cuddle up against you.
  2891. >You place an arm over her and pull her in.
  2892. >”I do apologize for stopping things halfway through.”
  2893. >How to reply to that?
  2894. >You could chastise her, or you could be sympathetic.
  2895. >There are good arguments either way.
  2896. >”If I may ask, what is the cause of your fascination with my, ahem, derriere?”
  2897. >Or she could just give you a perfect opening.
  2898. “I’m just trying to keep things interesting.”
  2899. >”Keep things interesting? Whatever do you mean?”
  2900. “I just don’t want sex to grow... stale.”
  2901. >”Stale! But I accept such humiliating poses for you! What more could you want?”
  2902. >Going off the rails a little bit.
  2903. >You’re trying to entice her, not insult her.
  2904. “The Crystal Empire is a pretty wild place. They have different sensibilities than Equestria, and most of Earth. You have no idea how many ponies come in looking for aphrodisiacs or other lewd things.”
  2905. >That’s not a lie per se.
  2906. >She doesn’t know.
  2907. >The fact that it’s basically just Cadence is irrelevant.
  2908. “And talking to them, I’ve heard some of the things mares will do for their lovers.”
  2909. >”Such as using their rump?”
  2910. “Oh, much much more. That’s not even anything special around some circles. But I get it, it’s not something you can do just yet. We’ll get there though.”
  2911. >There is a pregnant pause that lasts much longer than you cared for.
  2912. >Perhaps a couple of minutes even.
  2913. >Had you blown it?
  2914. >The hope was to put in Rarity’s mind that she’s bad in bed without actually saying it.
  2915. >And honestly, you think she IS bad in bed.
  2916. >She just lies there and lets you do all the work.
  2917. >But you don’t want to insult her.
  2918. >Attacking her ego is dangerous.
  2919. >But manipulating her ego?
  2920. >That gets results.
  2921. >She mutters something under her breath that you don’t quite catch.
  2922. >It didn’t sound like happy muttering.
  2923. >Should you pry?
  2924. >No, she’d just lie.
  2925. >”Have you any more wine?”
  2926. “Nope. I think you’ve had enough anyway.”
  2927. >”Oh dear.”
  2928. “You don’t need a drink. Just say it, it’s okay.”
  2929. >”Alright. Master, would you mind untying my hooves? I wish to take a shower.”
  2930. “Yeah, no problem.”
  2931. >Wait.
  2932. >It’s cuffs.
  2933. >Where’s the key?
  2934. >Rarity gestures to the nightstand.
  2935. >You find the key right next to your candlestick.
  2936. >When you release Rarity, she gets out of bed.
  2937. >And walks right past the washroom.
  2938. “Where are you going?”
  2939. >Rarity leaves the building, leaving your front door open.
  2940. >You scurry out of bed and rush to the exit, forgetting your nudity.
  2941. >But when you step outside, there’s no sign of her.
  2942. >Rarity has run away.
  2944. >Rarity tore through the streets in the vain hopes that she might outrun her feelings.
  2945. >A myriad of excuses ran through her mind as to why she’d left so suddenly.
  2946. >She told herself it was a cunning escape from a cruel captor.
  2947. >She verbally exclaimed that she had emancipated herself from a vile miscreant.
  2948. >And she affirmed that this was a statement about freedom and autonomy.
  2949. >That fiend had no right to abduct her!
  2950. >He was a cruel beast for robbing her of her magic!
  2951. >An incorrigible reprobate who had RAPED her!
  2952. >And yet…
  2953. >She didn’t hate him.
  2954. >And that shook her to her very core.
  2955. >It wasn’t a yearning for freedom that had spurred Rarity’s egress, quite the contrary.
  2956. >It was fear.
  2957. >Nay, TERROR!
  2958. >A gut wrenching panic at the ineffable horrors that come to her unbidden.
  2959. >How could she possibly feel anything but loathing for that beast?
  2960. >Had that whore of a princess been right about her?
  2961. >No!
  2962. >That was unthinkable.
  2963. >Rarity needed help, and she needed it quickly!
  2964. >But from whom?
  2965. >Rarity needed a confidant.
  2966. >A fantastic listener who might make sense of these frenzied thoughts and feelings.
  2967. But more importantly, it needed to be somepony who’d dare not judge her for her proclivities.
  2968. >There was but one pony that fit the bill.
  2969. >Rarity had to get to the palace.
  2971. >She was shaken out of her reverie by several very burly ponies wearing full suits of steel scale armor.
  2972. >Rarity saw three spears pointed directly in her face.
  2973. >Upon backing up she spotted yet more glistening metal out of the corners of her eye.
  2974. >Arbalests were pointed at her out of nearby windows.
  2975. >It was a far cry from the glistening bronzed wood of Equestria’s guards.
  2976. >These ponies were far better equipped.
  2977. >And something told her there were many more of them nearby, ready to pounce on anypony or anything brash enough to cause trouble.
  2978. “Please, you must help me! I- I need my friends, I have to get to the palace!”
  2979. >”Step. Back.”
  2980. >Rarity was not certain who’d said it.
  2981. >None of the ponies she could see had moved their mouths.
  2982. >She was in no mood to argue, however, and took several cautious paces backwards without turning around.
  2983. >”Name.”
  2984. “I- I’m Rarity!”
  2985. >The ones with the spears seemed satisfied by her distance and raised them.
  2986. >They spent a brief moment muttering amongst themselves.
  2987. >It did not take long to reach a conclusion.
  2988. >”Close your eyes and hold still. We need to verify your identity.
  2989. “Close my eyes?”
  2990. >”Just do it. And if we see any magic coming from that horn? Well, uhh, wait. I practiced for this. You’re going home on a stretcher.”
  2991. >Rarity didn’t want to argue with that either.
  2992. >She closed her eyes and tried to hold still.
  2993. >”Wait, boss. Sorry for talking out of turn, but why would she be going home? Wouldn’t it be the clinic or something?”
  2994. >”Is this really important right now?”
  2995. >”Not really. We’ve already blown it, right? But if this happens again we’re going to want to get it right.”
  2996. >”Okay… but what’s the difference if I say home or hospital?”
  2997. >”Well, the way I see it is we’re less intimidating that way, right? We gotta be as spooky as possible to try and prevent fights. If we say they’re going home then it sounds like they’ll be fine, right?”
  2998. >Something sharp poked Rarity in the leg.
  2999. >She nearly jumped with shock, but managed to restrict it to a mere flinch.
  3000. >”It’s showing the wrong symbols. She’s clear. You can open your eyes, ma’am.”
  3001. >The voice came from a fair distance.
  3002. >They must have used a unicorn’s magic to draw the sample.
  3003. >When Rarity could see again, she noticed that there were considerably fewer weapons visible.
  3004. >One of the guards had put their spear down and was cautiously approaching her.
  3005. >It was a stocky young mare, probably an Earth pony.
  3006. >Most of her body was obscured by armor, but Rarity could see the face of a brown crystal pony smiling up at her.
  3007. >”We’re very sorry about that. Are you hurt, ma’am?”
  3008. “I- I’m okay.”
  3009. >”Alright. Please come this way and tell me what happened.”
  3010. ”Please, I just wish to see my friends.”
  3011. >”I understand, and we’ll get you there. In fact I’m going to escort you to the palace right now. But I need to ask a few questions while we’re on the way. Were you attacked?”
  3012. >Attacked?
  3013. “No, I haven’t.”
  3014. >”Okay… were you being held against your will?”
  3015. >Was she?
  3016. >Perhaps.
  3017. >It had been made clear that she was not to do so.
  3018. >And yet, it was ever so easy to leave.
  3019. >Why had she not run before?
  3020. >Had it been shame?
  3021. >Fear?
  3022. >Desire?
  3023. >The guard seemed to take Rarity’s silence as an answer and nodded solemnly.
  3024. >”And I’m sorry to ask this. But were you assaulted in a sexual manner?”
  3025. >Why would she even think that?
  3026. >”Would you consent to us collecting samples for a rape investigation?”
  3027. “What? No! I wasn’t, umm, you know.”
  3028. >”Are you certain? There’s no shame in it at all.”
  3029. “No.”
  3030. >”Please, ma’am. Your secret’s safe with me.”
  3031. “I said NO!”
  3032. >”But-”
  3033. “Please! I just want to talk to my friends.”
  3034. >”Alright.”
  3035. >The pony sounded dejected.
  3036. >But she began to escort Rarity to the palace.
  3037. >The two of them walked, largely in silence.
  3038. >When they arrived, the armored pony placed a hoof on Rarity’s shoulder.
  3039. >“Ma’am, if you change your mind or need protection from somepony, go to any guard post. They’ll make sure you’re safe. Do you understand?”
  3040. >Would they?
  3041. >Perhaps.
  3042. >Perhaps if Rarity made enough noise about this, she could be saved.
  3043. >Her friends were in town.
  3044. >If they knew what was happening they’d report back to princess Celestia!
  3045. >She would be freed.
  3046. >Free to go home.
  3047. >And with the choice to never return!
  3048. >But no, it wasn’t the crystal ponies that would save her.
  3049. >They would report that whore of a princess.
  3050. >If Rarity was to be saved, she needed her friends.
  3051. “I understand. But I assure you, my friends will be able to help me.”
  3052. >”Alright. I’m going to go back to my post. Do you think you could find it on your own?”
  3053. “I would.”
  3054. >”Good. If you need to talk to me any further, I’ll be happy to help.”
  3055. >Despite what she’d just said, the guard didn’t leave.
  3056. >She instead waited for Rarity to step away, and enter the building.
  3057. >As soon as she opened the doors, Rarity was swarmed by yet more guards.
  3058. >And yet another sample was taken.
  3059. >But to her surprise, Rarity was free to move about as she wished.
  3060. >Nopony made any attempt to restrict her nor direct her.
  3061. >No explanation was offered, nor did Rarity ask for one.
  3062. >It did not take long to navigate the shimmering halls and make her way to the guest quarters.
  3063. >Rarity had spent a great deal of time exploring the palace during simpler times.
  3064. >She knew the layout well.
  3065. >Upon arriving, Rarity realized she didn’t know in which rooms her friends were staying.
  3066. >It occurred to her that she could ask somepony.
  3067. >But whom?
  3068. >She was not eager to speak to the guards again, lest they interrogate her further.
  3069. >But knocking at random could very well be worse.
  3070. >And she dared not interact with Cadence!
  3071. >Just as Rarity had resigned herself to asking for help, she heard a most welcome sound from behind.
  3072. >”Rarity?”
  3073. “Fluttershy! Oh, I’m so glad to see you.”
  3074. >”Oh my goodness! Please, come into my room. It’s, umm, it’s the one behind you. I think that one’s empty.”
  3075. >Fluttershy pushed the door open and beckoned for Rarity to enter.
  3076. >The room was somewhat spartan compared to what Rarity knew of the palace’s lodgings.
  3077. >It was far from being rustic, yet it still had a homey feel that was usually absent from such opulent places.
  3078. >The bed wasn’t elevated very high off the ground, the carpeting wasn’t particularly plush, and there was only enough furnishing for a few ponies.
  3079. >Fluttershy made her way to the lamp in the middle of the coffee table, navigating the darkened room.
  3080. >”I’m sorry, but would you be so kind as to light up? We have company.”
  3081. >Dozens of fireflies began to gently fly from the top of the lamp, scattering themselves about the room and hanging lazily in the air.
  3082. >The place was filled with a soothing greenish glow in short order.
  3083. >The two of them sat opposite each other around the table.
  3084. >For some reason, Rarity couldn’t bring herself to look directly at her friend.
  3085. >She stared down at the table, pretending to inspect the varnish.
  3086. >”Rarity? What happened to you?”
  3087. >Rarity opened her mouth, but was dumbfounded.
  3088. >How was she to explain the situation?
  3089. >How does one admit to being a freak?
  3090. >This was Fluttershy, but even so!
  3091. >And yet, Rarity needed to talk.
  3092. >She had no choice!
  3093. >”Umm, I’m very sorry but, were you…”
  3094. “Was I what?”
  3095. >”Um. Raped.”
  3096. “No.”
  3097. >And that was exactly the problem.
  3098. “Why does everypony ask me that anyway?”
  3099. >”You’re, um…”
  3100. >For the first time since leaving, Rarity took a moment to assess herself.
  3101. >Her mane and tail were in a terrible state of disarray.
  3102. >The smell of rut was heavy in the air.
  3103. >The fur between her legs was matted and dirtied.
  3104. >And most damningly, a small amount of semen was dripping down her leg.
  3105. >Rarity felt faint.
  3106. >And yet, at the same time, somehow excited.
  3107. >The blush on her face was intensified by the twin triggers of lust and shame.
  3108. >”Are you sure? I swear I wouldn’t tell anypony.”
  3109. “I wasn’t raped, Fluttershy. Though I must confess that is indeed why I wished to speak with you. I gave myself to him willingly, and now I’m not certain what I should do!”
  3110. >”You did? But you told me you were saving yourself for your one true love!”
  3111. “I was. And I fear I did.”
  3112. >Fluttershy’s face was oscillating between looks of concern and confusion.
  3113. >She eventually settled on a vacant expression, save for a scrunched up muzzle.
  3114. >”Well? Do you love him or not?”
  3115. “I do. I love him dearly. But I don’t want to! He’s nothing like what I’d dreamed! He’s supposed to be of noble blood, with pristine grooming and impeccable manners, and a smile so handsome it’s illegal to print on a magazine cover lest all the mares of the land swoon!”
  3116. >”And?”
  3117. “And he’s nothing of the sort. He only showers once a day! He doesn’t hold doors for me, and he is completely oblivious to proper dining etiquette. And his face! It’s so… bizarre!”
  3118. >”Is he a noble?”
  3119. “He lives in a hovel that makes your home look palatial. Look at me! I debased myself with- with a SERF!”
  3120. >”Oh. So he’s not what you’d thought he’d be. Does that really matter? If you love him, isn’t that the important part?”
  3121. >Rarity averted her gaze once more.
  3122. >That had been bothering her, it was true.
  3123. >But they had yet to reach the most critical part of the story.
  3124. >”Does this pony have a name?”
  3125. “He, um, he might not be a pony.”
  3126. >”Oh my goodness! Is it the doctor?”
  3127. >Rarity froze up.
  3128. >She couldn’t answer.
  3129. >She didn’t need to.
  3130. >”I heard a rumor about humans not long ago. Is it true?”
  3131. “Is what true?”
  3132. >”Well, did it fit in?”
  3133. “Did what fi- FLUTTERSHY!”
  3134. >”Sorry!”
  3135. >Fluttershy shrank back, completely obscuring her face with her mane.
  3136. “Where did you even hear that?”
  3137. >”There were some guard mares talking about how he had these things to wrap them in, and that they could stretch out to be huge.”
  3138. >It wasn’t enormous.
  3139. >Thankfully.
  3140. >It fit eerily well, as though it had been made for her.
  3141. “I’m ever so sorry for snapping at you like that, dear. I’m just so tense at the moment. There are a million problems with this relationship, and I don’t know what to do!”
  3142. >”Why not talk to Princess Cadence?”
  3143. “No.”
  3144. >”Why not? She’s supposed to be an expert on love.”
  3145. “No. I already know her thoughts on the matter.”
  3146. >”And what does she think?”
  3147. >Should she tell Fluttershy what had happened?
  3148. >The indignity would be too much to bear!
  3149. “I would rather not say.”
  3150. >”Oh, it’s okay. I understand.”
  3151. >No, she really didn’t.
  3152. >”But if you want me to help you, I need to know what the problem is.”
  3153. “I already told you.”
  3154. >”Really? But it doesn’t sound like you.”
  3155. “And what, precisely, doesn’t sound like me?”
  3156. >”Well, it’s just that you used to read all those books about forbidden romance and true love conquering all. And the doctor seems very nice, so what’s wrong?”
  3157. >She was scared.
  3158. >Nay, terrified.
  3159. >Blinded by fear at the realization of what she was becoming.
  3160. “We were making love and I told him to stop.”
  3161. >”Oh my goodness! So he did rape you!”
  3162. “No. That’s just the thing. He stopped when I told him to.”
  3163. >That vacant scrunched up expression was back.
  3164. “And I didn’t want him to!”
  3165. >”Then why did you tell him to stop?”
  3166. “Because I didn’t want to do it!”
  3167. >”Rarity, please get a hold of yourself! You’re not making any sense!”
  3168. >She was right.
  3169. >This didn’t make any sense.
  3170. >She didn’t know what she wanted anymore.
  3171. “I… I liked it. But I didn’t want to like it. I don’t want Cadence to be right.”
  3172. >”Right about what?”
  3173. “She said awful things about me. Things I cannot possibly repeat!”
  3174. >”Things like?”
  3175. “I just finished saying that I cannot possibly repeat them!”
  3176. >”Oh dear. This is all so confusing. I don’t know what to do.”
  3177. >She was tearing up.
  3178. >This was too much pressure for Fluttershy, and Rarity knew it.
  3179. >Worse, she knew that it was her own fault.
  3180. “I’m sorry, Fluttershy. I’m not being fair to you. I’ll tell you what happened, but you must swear you won’t tell a single soul!”
  3181. >”Of course, Rarity. My lips are sealed.”
  3182. “Not even your critters! I wouldn’t be able to show my face in Ponyville if they all knew.”
  3183. >Here it goes.
  3184. >Be brave, Rarity!
  3185. >Fluttershy is your dearest friend, and this is not the first time she’s acted as a confidant.
  3186. >She can be trusted.
  3187. >Hopefully.
  3188. “He makes me do strange things before we have our fun.”
  3189. >”Strange things?”
  3190. “Yes. Such as restrictive clothing, and tying my hooves to the bedpost to leave me in strange poses. He’ll even cover my eyes sometimes. It’s indecent.”
  3191. >And she loved it.
  3192. >”What a fascinating ritual.”
  3193. “Ritual?”
  3194. >”Oh yes. Many animals have complicated processes that they have to follow before mating, especially if it’s dangerous or difficult to do. That’s why peacocks have such pretty feathers you know, it’s to show off to the females that they’re strong and healthy.”
  3195. “You think this is like peacock feathers.”
  3196. >”Oh, no. Not quite. I think it’s more like octopi, or maybe the praying mantis. He is a predator after all.”
  3197. >The doctor was a predator?
  3198. >How did she know?
  3199. >Rarity banished the thought.
  3200. >HOW Fluttershy knew things about animals was immaterial.
  3201. >WHAT she knew was what mattered.
  3202. “Please explain.”
  3203. >”Well, being a male octopus or praying mantis is actually very dangerous. If you approach a female octopus and she isn’t interested, she’s liable to eat you!”
  3204. >EAT?
  3205. >They would eat their own kind?
  3206. >”So when they approach females they do it very carefully. Sometimes they’ll even pretend they’re females so they have a bit of time to decide if it’s worth the risk or not.”
  3207. “I can hardly imagine being EATEN as being worth the risk for some sex.”
  3208. >”Oh, but it is! If they didn’t then there wouldn’t be any octopi anymore, and that would be terrible. Some critters like bees always die when they mate, but they do it anyway.”
  3209. >That was a chilling thought.
  3210. >That lovemaking might be invariably terminal.
  3211. >That she might only experience that bliss once…
  3212. >”And then there’s the praying mantis, like I said. The female will bite the male’s head off while they’re mating, and the male will try not to be eaten. Sometimes they get away, and sometimes they don’t. I think that might be what’s happening with the doctor.”
  3213. “You think he’s trying to bite my head off?”
  3214. >”Oh goodness, no! The male never kills the female in these rituals. If he did the pregnancy would be lost and the critters would stop existing. I think he’s trying to protect himself from you.”
  3215. >He needed protection from Rarity?
  3216. >That didn’t sound right.
  3217. “I wouldn’t bite his head off, dear. That’s a silly thing to worry about.”
  3218. >”You wouldn’t. But maybe a human female would. Or maybe she’d just wound him? Or maybe, since they’re predators, she expects him to prove he’s a good hunter first by catching her. Or maybe they have to worry about their mates running away. There could be all sorts of things that might make him need to do this. To him it’s probably not weird. In fact, to them it might be weird to mate without tying anyone up.”
  3219. >That actually did make Rarity feel a bit better.
  3220. >If this was common for them, perhaps she wasn’t a total freak.
  3221. >And perhaps he didn’t do it to hurt her.
  3222. >Maybe this was how he showed love?
  3223. >It was something to think about.
  3224. >Even so, Rarity was a proud mare.
  3225. >And it was unbecoming of her to delight in such things.
  3226. >Yet she could not deny that she yearned for more.
  3227. “I… I need some time to think. Would you mind if I were to use your shower?”
  3228. >”Oh, of course! Go right ahead. But I’m afraid I don’t have that conditioner you like.”
  3229. >It was one indignity after another.
  3230. >Still, she didn’t wish to be seen in such a wretched state ever again.
  3231. “Thank you, Fluttershy. I’m lucky to have you as a friend.”
  3233. >Despite the lack of proper hygienic products, Rarity greatly appreciated the shower.
  3234. >The head was adjustable, and offered a wide array of streams from fine mists to a heavy massaging deluge.
  3235. >It was a far cry from the meager offering of her past few showers where one could stand directly before it and fail to even get wet.
  3236. >And the heat!
  3237. >One could steam vegetables in this room if they so wished.
  3238. >Even with the unscented shampoos and disappointingly mundane conditioners it felt marvelous.
  3239. >She could feel her stress and fear running down the drain and into the sewers, presumably to wind up in the ocean and cause the fish a panic attack.
  3240. “Ah, there are those worries again.”
  3241. >That was a silly thing to think.
  3242. >Everypony knew that fish were immune to stress.
  3243. >The minerals in the ocean water negated it!
  3244. >That was why sea salts were so much better for you than those harvested from the flats.
  3245. >Did freshwater fish feel stress?
  3246. >Something to ask Fluttershy after the shower.
  3247. >The door made a creaking sound.
  3248. >Rarity turned to see a silhouette against the curtain.
  3249. >A tall, burly figure was looming before her, carrying a massive sword.
  3250. >Rarity let out a shrill scream.
  3251. >Somewhere in the distance, several bats became disoriented as their echolocation failed them.
  3252. >”You okay in there, ma’am?”
  3253. “Wait. You aren’t here to hurt me?”
  3254. >”I’m just checking to see if you’re okay. Got told you’d been in here over an hour, and weren’t answering when called. Then I knocked and you didn’t answer. We were worried you slipped and hit your head or something.”
  3255. “Oh. Well, that’s a relief. Ahem. GET OUT! OUT! PERVERT!”
  3256. >”Geeze, fine.”
  3257. >Rarity waited for the pony to close the door behind him.
  3258. “Perhaps I was too hard on the dear.”
  3259. >He had just been looking out for her health, after all.
  3260. >On the other hoof, he should know better.
  3261. >Shower time was sacrosanct!
  3262. >Though she did have to confess, she had been in there for quite a while.
  3263. >Even by her, ahem, unusually thorough hygienic standards, it had been a long time.
  3264. >If she stayed too long she risked lathering herself bald!
  3265. >Loathe as she was to admit it, it was time for Rarity to move on.
  3266. >But where to?
  3267. >Back to a demeaning and humiliating life?
  3268. >Or back to a dull and humdrum existence?
  3269. >The answer should have been clear.
  3270. >She should march right up to that reprobate and strike him in the groin before leaving this accursed city forever.
  3271. >But for some reason, she didn’t wish to.
  3272. “Oooh, they should have warned me that love would be so confusing.”
  3273. >Rarity stepped out of the shower and reached for a towel.
  3274. >There was no hair dryer in sight, and she lacked the proper product anyway.
  3275. >She would not yet be able to restore the elegant curves of her mane and tail.
  3276. >Straight would have to suffice.
  3277. >It was a mystery how Fluttershy managed to keep her hair in order without the proper tools.
  3278. >Or perhaps it was a travesty.
  3279. >To have such natural magnificence and squander it through neglect was simply unconscionable.
  3280. >Though it might have been for the best.
  3281. >If Fluttershy put in the proper effort she might be as beautiful as Rarity herself!
  3282. >It simply wouldn’t do to have such a serious rivalry between friends.
  3283. >Once Rarity had finally restored her image to the best of her abilities, she finally vacated the washroom.
  3284. >And found a very tense looking Fluttershy pacing back and forth.
  3285. “Fluttershy, dear, what’s the matter?”
  3286. >”Excuse me!”
  3287. >Fluttershy pushed past her and ran into the washroom.
  3288. “Oh.”
  3289. >Oh dear.
  3290. “I’m sorry to have kept you waiting!”
  3291. >Well, what was she to do now?
  3292. >Perhaps she had imposed enough for the night.
  3293. >And yet, Rarity was not eager to leave.
  3294. >Where could she go but back to the human?
  3295. >She still wasn’t certain she ever wished to return.
  3296. >Yet it wasn’t safe to leave on her own!
  3297. >Changelings aside, it was doubtful the guards would let her board a train to Ponyville without some severe questioning.
  3298. >She needed more advice.
  3299. >But from whom?
  3300. >Twilight wouldn’t understand this predicament.
  3301. >And Rainbow Dash would doubtlessly find this all quite humorous.
  3302. >Applejack was prone to asking far too many questions.
  3303. >And Pinkie Pie was, well, she was Pinkie.
  3304. >But perhaps she was still the best pony to ask.
  3305. >Pinkie was, despite her tiresome exuberance, a good pony at heart.
  3306. >And she of all ponies could be trusted with secrets.
  3307. “If you would be so kind as to excuse me, I am going to go speak with Pinkie!”
  3308. >Rarity didn’t wait for a reply.
  3309. >She stepped out of the room.
  3310. >And nearly bumped into a certain pink pony.
  3311. >The wrong one.
  3312. >”Hi, Rarity!”
  3313. “Cadence.”
  3314. >Rarity made no attempt to suppress the venom in her tone.
  3315. >”Rumor has it-”
  3316. “Hmph!”
  3317. >Rarity turned away and began heading to the exit, not waiting for Cadence’s forked tongue.
  3318. >”Oh wow. Somepony’s in a bad mood. I suppose I would be too.”
  3319. “Not another word, wretch.”
  3320. >”Okay. Have fun in Ponyville then.”
  3321. “Pardon?”
  3322. >”I said have fun in Ponyville. Sorry this didn’t work out.”
  3323. “You’re allowing me to leave?”
  3324. >”No point in you staying now that you’re single.”
  3325. >Don’t listen to her.
  3326. >Just keep moving.
  3327. >”It’s a shame, too. You’re a perfect match. You could have been very happy with him. Oh well, I’ll have to find him somepony else.”
  3328. >She’s manipulating you, Rarity!
  3329. >Just ignore her!
  3330. >”I guess it’s my fault for setting him up with a fixer upper.”
  3331. >Fixer upper!
  3332. >Oh, it is ON!
  3333. >”Would you mind answering a few questions before you go? Does he like big bubbly butts, or firm ones?”
  3334. “Anything that’s not flabby. I fear you wouldn’t qualify.”
  3335. >”Ah, not a fan of fatties. Must be why things fizzled between you two.”
  3336. >Did she just-
  3337. >”And is he as big as they say? I mean, I snuck a peek once and it wasn’t anything freaky, but maybe he’s a grower.”
  3338. “He’s big enough for most ponies. Though I doubt you’d notice anything with your blown out holes.”
  3339. >”Ooh, scathing. It’s almost as offensive as your odour. Smells like cheap shampoo.”
  3340. “I don’t have my proper cosmetics, thank you very much!”
  3341. >”Ah, that explains the stringy dried out mane.”
  3342. >Rarity couldn’t help but grind her teeth.
  3343. >”I suppose all those years of torturing it with too many products took its toll. You know, I’d heard that ponies who routinely wore too much makeup eventually needed it or else they looked sick. Looks like it was true.”
  3344. >Two more insults at once!
  3345. >Rarity was still processing the mane one, she couldn’t keep up!
  3346. “Why are you so cruel?”
  3347. >”You started it.”
  3348. “That’s beside the point! You went WAY too far!”
  3349. >”And you didn’t?”
  3350. “You made a disaster of my life!”
  3351. >”I know. And I’m sorry, I really am! But I was trying to set you up with the love of your life. It’s sorta my thing.”
  3352. “Hmph. Your techniques need some work.”
  3353. >”I guess so, but I’ll learn. Maybe the twins would work better.”
  3354. “What nonsense are you talking about now?”
  3355. >”Oh, sorry! I’m just wondering who I should set Anon up with next, now that you’re leaving him. It’s hard to choose though, I’ve got so many mares who would love to be with him.”
  3356. >Don’t you DARE!
  3357. “You keep a list of filthy whores? Why am I not surprised?”
  3358. >”Oh, of course! But I’m not picking any of them. He’s a friend after all. Anon’s getting somepony of quality.”
  3359. >No you don’t.
  3360. >He’s MINE!
  3361. >”Ah, what am I thinking. He’d be embarrassed by the twins. Maybe the dutchess?”
  3362. >Dutchess.
  3363. >A NOBLE!
  3364. >Could Rarity even compete?
  3365. >Of course!
  3366. >What a silly question.
  3367. >Rarity was the most desirable mare around.
  3368. >Right?
  3369. >”Well, if you’ll excuse me I’ve got matchmaking to do.”
  3370. “Ah, yes. I too must, um… thing. Good day.”
  3371. >Rarity turned away and began to walk just a tad too quickly.
  3372. >She knew now what she had to do.
  3373. >There was no time to lose!
  3374. >She had to be there to ensure that no whore stole her stallion!
  3375. >Rarity scurried to the exit of the palace, planning on returning before Cadence ruined everything.
  3376. >She pushed past the front door.
  3377. >”HALT! Not a step further, changeling!”
  3378. >Oh.
  3379. >Right.
  3380. >That could be a problem.
  3382. Page break.
  3384. >You weren’t sure what to do.
  3385. >Rarity’s “escape” had caught you with your pants down.
  3386. >In the hours since she’d left you’ve thought of several things you could have done to stop her.
  3387. >But none of that was of any use now.
  3388. >You had no clue where she was, and none of the soldiers in the area had let anypony through their checkpoints.
  3389. >Or at least none of them admitted to having done so.
  3390. >There’s basically no chance she got anywhere without drawing attention from somepony, even if she didn’t leave the district.
  3391. >Either she’s the sneakiest unicorn in history, or someone’s lying to you.
  3392. >But who?
  3393. >You really don’t have any way to find out as far as you can tell.
  3394. >It wouldn’t be wise to annoy the soldiers, and even if you did it would be hard to question them properly without admitting too much.
  3395. >Depending on what she’d said, even just describing her could be tantamount to admitting guilt.
  3396. >There’s a knock at the door.
  3397. >This can’t possibly be good.
  3398. >Rarity’s friends, come to deliver justice?
  3399. >A hoard of armed guards ready to lock you up?
  3400. >You start chewing on your lip, trying to think of a way out.
  3401. >More knocking.
  3402. >More insistent this time.
  3403. >You could open the door and make a run for it.
  3404. >And then what?
  3405. >All the roads are blocked.
  3406. >And it’s not exactly like you’d fit in with a crowd out here.
  3407. >More knocking.
  3408. >Maybe it’s unrelated to Rarity.
  3409. >Maybe you’ll get lucky.
  3410. >What are the odds of that?
  3411. >One in a trillion?
  3412. >maybe they’ll-
  3413. >They start hammering on the door.
  3414. >Frantically.
  3415. >They’re not going away.
  3416. >And there’s no way you can pretend you didn’t hear them at this point.
  3417. >This is it.
  3418. >Hopefully Cadence will protect you…
  3419. >You open the door.
  3420. >And subsequently lose control of your jaw muscles.
  3421. >You stare dumbfounded at Rarity.
  3422. >”May I please come in?”
  3423. “Uhh…”
  3424. >You’ve got plenty of experience with crisis management.
  3425. >It comes with the job, after all.
  3426. >Other specialists have the luxury of planning everything out days in advance and refreshing their knowledge.
  3427. >Trauma surgeons do nearly as much improvising as planning.
  3428. >This is different though.
  3429. >You weren’t at all prepared for everything to go RIGHT!
  3430. “Sure?”
  3431. >You step aside, and Rarity slowly makes her way indoors.
  3432. >There’s something visibly off about her demeanor.
  3433. >She keeps taking furtive glances around corners and through doorways.
  3434. >What’s she looking for?
  3435. >No, that’s the wrong thing to focus on.
  3436. >You need to think ahead!
  3437. >What are you going to say?
  3438. >Just pretend this never happened?
  3439. >No, you have to make it clear that this was unacceptable.
  3440. >Demand answers?
  3441. >No, you can’t seem too shaken by all this.
  3442. >You need to get her talking.
  3443. “I wasn’t expecting you to come back tonight.”
  3444. >Or at all.
  3445. “I figured tomorrow morning.”
  3446. >”I’m terribly sorry for running off like that, master. I had some things I needed to think about.”
  3447. >Master?
  3448. >That’s a good sign.
  3449. “Did you get your thinking done?”
  3450. >”I did.”
  3451. “And what did you conclude?”
  3452. >She rears up on her hind legs.
  3453. >And plants a kiss right on your lips.
  3454. >A passionate, sloppy kiss.
  3455. >You just stand there in a state of shock, unable to participate nor resist.
  3456. >Rarity eventually loses her balance and falls back to four hooves.
  3457. >”I love you, master.”
  3458. >REALLY?
  3459. >After all the messed up stuff you’d done?
  3460. >She was crazy.
  3461. >”I understand that human relationships are different, but I don’t care. I wish to be with you.”
  3462. >You really don’t understand what’s happening.
  3463. >But then again, you don’t need to understand.
  3464. >You just need to capitalize on it.
  3465. “I don’t believe you.”
  3466. >”You what?”
  3467. “I don’t believe you. You tried to kick my teeth in, repeatedly insulted me, threatened me a couple of times, and have generally made yourself a nuisance.
  3468. >”But that’s all in the past! That was before I got a chance to know you!”
  3469. “You trashed my clinic just… three days ago I think?”
  3470. >Maybe it was four?
  3471. >You’ve lost track with all the excitement and the sleepless nights.
  3472. >She averts her eyes.
  3473. >Either that or your floor suddenly became extremely interesting.
  3474. “This is a trick of some sort.”
  3475. >”It is not! I would never lie to you.”
  3476. “You lied to me earlier tonight.”
  3477. >”Oh. I suppose I did.”
  3478. >She starts sniffling.
  3479. >You might have overdone it a bit
  3480. >You’re not trying to chase her away again.
  3481. “But you know what? I’m tired and maybe a little bit grumpy. I’ll probably feel better about all this in the morning. We can talk about it then.”
  3482. >”You promise?”
  3483. “Of course. Now let’s go to bed, it’s been a long day.”
  3484. >You pick her up and carry her to your room for a night of cuddles.
  3485. >No ropes or cuffs tonight.
  3486. >That can wait.
  3488. >You wake up with a start.
  3489. >Strange thing is you don’t remember falling asleep.
  3490. >Usually you have to lay in bed for a while before that happens.
  3491. >It’s dark here.
  3492. >Really dark.
  3493. >Must still be the middle of the night.
  3494. >That would explain why you’re so groggy at least.
  3495. >But why is your bed so hard?
  3496. >You feel around, looking for blankets to fight this terrible cold.
  3497. >Rock.
  3498. >Wait, not quite.
  3499. >It’s been cut and smoothed, but not uniformly.
  3500. >Cobblestone of some sort.
  3501. >This isn’t your bed.
  3502. >You must be lying in the street.
  3503. >You sit up, head throbbing.
  3504. >It didn’t feel like a hangover…
  3505. >And you didn’t go drinking last night.
  3506. >Okay, first question.
  3507. >Where are you?
  3508. >A quick check suggests you're stowed away in some grubby back alleyway.
  3509. >You don’t recognize the area, but the pink glow above suggests you’re at least still in the Crystal Empire.
  3510. >Good thing too.
  3511. >You’d have probably frozen to death outside the bubble by now.
  3512. >But beyond that you’ve got no idea where you are.
  3513. >There are no identifying markers here that you can find.
  3514. >Just a bunch of back doors and a pile of broken furniture.
  3515. >Next question, how did you wind up here?
  3516. >You’re not drunk.
  3517. >But what else would leave you waking up in a strange place with a headache?
  3518. >Last thing you remember was Rarity coming back unexpectedly.
  3519. >And telling you what you wanted to hear.
  3520. >And overwhelming you with surprises so you didn’t have time to think things out.
  3521. >To the point that you forgot to check her blood sugar...
  3522. “Oh.”
  3523. >Fuck.
  3524. “Oh this can’t be good.”
  3525. >”It isn’t.”
  3526. >You jump in shock upon hearing the voice right in your ear.
  3527. >”You’ve caused me quite a bit of trouble.”
  3528. >You whip your head around to look for the source of the voice.
  3529. >Nothing.
  3530. “Where are you?”
  3531. >You scramble to your feet, pivoting around to look for the source of the voice.
  3532. >There’s nothing there.
  3533. >NOTHING!
  3534. >You look up, down, under the nearby trash.
  3535. >You suddenly feel something hit you on the small of your back.
  3536. >You fall forward, barely catching yourself with your hands and keeping your face off the streets.
  3537. >”Prostrating before me? You’re smarter than you look.”
  3538. >You look up from your nearly prone position.
  3539. >A monster stands before you.
  3540. >It looks like a twisted version of Cadence, with black chitinous legs holding its sleek but muscular body high above you.
  3541. >She’s smirking with her oddly reptilian eyes, bearing long and jagged fangs around her oddly angular muzzle.
  3542. “Who are you?”
  3543. >”Me? I am your queen! Her royal majesty, Chrysalis.”
  3544. >Chrysalis.
  3545. >You remember hearing that name, but you’re not sure from whom nor when.
  3546. >Still, you don’t need three guesses to figure out what this is about.
  3547. “Please don’t hurt me.”
  3548. >”Did you just make a request of ME?”
  3549. >She steps forward and places one hoof on your back.
  3550. >A small part of you is wondering if hoof is the right terminology for her.
  3551. >The larger, smarter part of you figures there are more pressing issues at the moment.
  3552. >Chrysalis gradually increases the weight on your back until you can hold it no longer.
  3553. >You collapse before her.
  3554. >”Do you know what I’m going to make you do next?”
  3555. >She asks just before stepping off.
  3556. >You can’t help but notice her hoof is right in front of your face.
  3557. “Uh… are you going to make me kiss it?”
  3558. >”Ugh, that’s vile. Keep your filthy human spit off tarsus!”
  3559. >That’s one mystery solved.
  3560. “Are you going to-”
  3561. >”I’d rather you not put any more disgusting ideas in my head. Get up.”
  3562. >You wouldn’t have guessed that one.
  3563. >Wait a minute.
  3564. >This might be your chance!
  3565. >You can’t outrun a horse, but you might be able to get out of the alley if you have a head start!
  3566. >You just need to get somewhere more visible and oh shit there are like, five more of them behind you.
  3567. >All of them have long, elegant swords ready to run you through.
  3568. >”Don’t be an idiot.”
  3569. >Chrysalis’ advice seems sound.
  3570. >Chrysalis walks past you toward the end of the alleyway.
  3571. >She uses her magic to open a door…
  3572. >Wasn’t there a pile of broken furniture there earlier?
  3573. >There’s no sign of it.
  3574. >You quickly make your way to the door, not wanting to tempt fate.
  3575. >Just relax, man.
  3576. >If they wanted you dead, you’d be dead already.
  3577. >And somehow that wasn’t comforting.
  3578. >They lead you into what was probably a diner’s kitchen at some point.
  3579. >Most of the appliances have been removed, and the countertops have been demolished and repurposed as barricades.
  3580. >But you can see where everything once stood.
  3581. “What do you want from me?”
  3582. >”Oh, you’ll find out soon enough.”
  3583. >The kitchen doors swing open.
  3584. >You feel something sharp against your spine.
  3585. >Swallowing a lump in your throat, you walk through.
  3586. >The dining area is dim, with all the windows boarded off and few candles to be found.
  3587. >Somepony, or some changeling rather, levitates a small oil lamp in the air above you.
  3588. >You see some blankets have been laid out where there once were tables.
  3589. >There aren’t many of them, probably fewer than a dozen.
  3590. >You start to count them thinking it might be useful information.
  3591. >But you stop almost immediately.
  3592. >One of them is occupied.
  3593. >A smaller changeling lies upon a heap of pillows, practically buried in blankets.
  3594. >Even with how brisk it is out here, the heat should be unbearable.
  3595. >Yet you think it might be shivering.
  3596. >You forget your situation and rush to the changeling’s side.
  3597. >Its forehead is very warm.
  3598. >Is that unusual for changelings?
  3599. >It seems to be sweating quite heavily, and its cheeks are sunken and pale.
  3600. “What happened here? When did symptoms first manifest?”
  3601. >”Really?”
  3602. >Chrysalis sounds surprised.
  3603. >You push that detail out of your mind, there’ll be time for it later.
  3604. “This body temperature, is it unusually high? What’s a normal heart rate?”
  3605. >”Uh, he has a persistent fever and rapid pulse.”
  3606. “How long?”
  3607. >”About two day.”
  3608. >Two days?
  3609. >Never a good sign when a fever lasts that long.
  3610. >You really wish you knew how far from the norm this was.
  3611. >You can’t just assume it’s the same as a pony, these things don’t even eat!
  3612. “I need more to work with. Can you hear me, man? Are you awake?”
  3613. >”Yeah.”
  3614. >He sounded weak.
  3615. “Do changelings need water? Stupid question, he’s sweating. Make sure he gets lots of water, even if he doesn’t want it.”
  3616. >You throw the blankets off of him.
  3617. >It’s like stepping into a sauna.
  3618. >”What are you DOING? He’s freezing!”
  3619. “No he’s not!”
  3620. >You yell at the queen.
  3621. >She doesn’t object.
  3622. “Fevers this high can be dangerous. We’ve got to keep his body temperature normalized or he’ll boil his brains. We need a cool wet cloth on his forehead, or better yet an ice pack. Can any of you read English?”
  3623. >All but two of them raise a hoof.
  3624. >Even the queen and the sick guy respond.
  3625. >Huh.
  3626. “Take a list, because you’re going to have to go to the clinic. We need antipyretics, ibuprofen.”
  3627. >Wait.
  3628. >These things don’t eat.
  3629. >This could be a problem.
  3630. “Can you even take pills?”
  3631. >The queen nods in the affirmative.
  3632. >”If he takes a pony form he should be able to.”
  3633. >Great.
  3634. >He’s clearly contracted something.
  3635. >But what?
  3636. >You return your attention to his body.
  3637. >There are bandages wrapped around his butt.
  3638. >They look mostly clean, as though they’d been changed recently.
  3639. >Very little blood and pus have seeped through.
  3640. >But if these wounds are days old, they must have been pretty badly.
  3641. >You cautiously peel the bandages off.
  3642. >An angry, red rash is radiating out from two deep penetrating wounds.
  3643. >Some of his major veins are visibly irritated.
  3644. >How did-
  3645. >Twilight.
  3646. >She’d hit the changeling that attacked her.
  3647. >He’d never been found.
  3648. >This changeling was the one that stabbed her!
  3649. >You remember the wicked grin on his face and he pinned her down.
  3650. >You remember the look of smug satisfaction as he shoved his spear into her.
  3651. >And you remember the look of murderous intent on his face as he leveled his weapon against you.
  3652. >Forget it, man!
  3653. >Focus!
  3654. “He’s got septicemia.”
  3655. >”Talk Equine!”
  3656. “His blood is rotting.”
  3657. >This is bad.
  3658. >Sepsis is dangerous at the best of times.
  3659. >The infection spreads very rapidly once it’s established in the bloodstream.
  3660. >Then, once the entire body is infected, the patient starts to swell as part of a normal infection response.
  3661. >Widespread swelling obstructs blood flow and drastically increases the risk of clots.
  3662. >High risk of stroke.
  3663. >The increased rate of cellular attrition puts a heavy strain on the kidneys, and all organs are exposed to pathogens.
  3664. >Including ones that have a weak immune response.
  3665. >Significant risk of death, high risk of organ damage.
  3666. >This is exactly what you were worried would happen to Twilight.
  3667. >The changeling hadn’t been wounded nearly as badly.
  3668. >But they hadn’t been cared for properly.
  3669. >You step back and beckon for Chrysalis to follow.
  3670. >This time you’ve calmed down enough to be surprised when she obeys.
  3671. >You try to talk to her quietly.
  3672. “I won’t lie to you. This is dangerous.”
  3673. >”Cut to the chase.”
  3674. “Forget the list, we need to take him to the clinic.”
  3675. >”Are you insane? They’d catch him for sure!”
  3676. “We don’t have a choice. That’s going to spread fast if we don’t take care of it. First we need to deal with the nydus, sanitize the wound and stitch it up to create a proper barrier. But the infection is already deeply rooted, there's no way he recovers naturally. I need to give him some really aggressive antibiotics, get some water in his veins, stabilize his temperature- this is an emergency.”
  3677. >”Can’t you just do that here?”
  3678. “This is going to take days. I don’t even know what kind of infection that is yet.”
  3679. >”Just give us the pills!”
  3680. “I don’t even know if they’ll do anything! I learned how to treat humans, not changelings!”
  3681. >Even just treating ponies was a stretch at times.
  3682. >These things aren’t even mammals as far as you can tell.
  3683. >Are they at least vertebrates?
  3684. >For all you know, penicillin will be toxic to them.
  3685. >There are a million things that could go wrong.
  3686. >Oh fuck, what if he tries to kill Twilight again?
  3687. >You’re going to have to keep him restrained somehow.
  3688. >But how do you explain that to Shining?
  3689. >Later, man! Later!
  3690. “The only way is to dose him and gauge his reactions carefully. We need emergency life support ready in case he reacts poorly to something.”
  3691. >The queen steps away from you and moves to address the rest of her crew.
  3692. >There are only 7 changelings here total, fewer than the 11 nests.
  3693. >You’d been expecting them to come in larger numbers.
  3694. >”Alright, listen up!”
  3695. >They all stared at her with rapt attention.
  3696. >Even the sick one.
  3697. >”We’re going to transfer him to the clinic. I shall escort the human, then on my signal you relocate morpho. Morpho, you’re going to have to take a pony form. Put on a lot of fur to conceal your wounds, the guards will be looking for that. Drop him off at the nearest checkpoint, make sure they know he’s in bad shape. With a little luck they’ll hurry up and transfer him, the human can clear him on the other end. Pupa, you’re going to carry Morpho. You found him in this general area acting like he’d been drugged then he fell over. The rest of you strike camp, we’re moving out in five minutes. Leave enough evidence that they find out we were here, we want them to blame us for his illness so they don’t ask too many questions. Break!”
  3698. >Changelings start running everywhere, gathering things and folding up their blankets.
  3699. >They move with impressive haste, each going to a different task without any time to coordinate or communicate.
  3700. >They’d done this before.
  3701. >You wake up with a start.
  3702. >Again.
  3703. >Friggin’ changelings, man.
  3704. >At least this time you’re in your office.
  3705. >The clock says it’s just shy of midnight.
  3706. >Hasn’t been that long since you were abducted then.
  3707. >Assuming it’s the same day.
  3708. “TWILIGHT!”
  3709. >”Is alive.”
  3710. >Chrysalis.
  3711. >”I can make use of this hospital.”
  3712. >You look around frantically for her, but to no avail.
  3713. >The instant you decide to get up, she’s right in front of you.
  3714. “Ack!”
  3715. >Is she TRYING to scare you?
  3716. >Or is she just freaky?
  3717. >”I need to ask you a question. Why are you helping me?”
  3718. “Because you needed help.”
  3719. >”But we’re supposed to be enemies. I’m the scary monster who’s trying to conquer this place, you’re the unarmed civilian without weapons who has no combat experience and no swords. Did I mention you’re unarmed?”
  3720. >She had.
  3721. >”You’re the softest target in the city. You should be running in blind panic. Are you not afraid?”
  3722. >You are afraid, yes.
  3723. “I’m used to working through panic. Comes with the job.”
  3724. >Please leave, scary bug lady.
  3725. >”I need to know you’re not going to betray me the moment you think you’re safe. If you kill him, I will hunt you down.”
  3726. “I swear to you I will do everything I can to help him.”
  3727. >”You will have to excuse my skepticism. Nobody’s stupid enough to heal their enemy without some… coercion.”
  3728. “I am.”
  3729. >Changelings aren’t your enemy.
  3730. >Nor ponies, nor humans, nor anything else that walks about.
  3731. >Your enemy is death itself.
  3732. >And if somebody is CAUSING death?
  3733. >Their fate isn’t yours to decide.
  3734. >That’s a mistake you don’t make twice.
  3735. “I will do everything in my power to help him recover.”
  3736. >”Excellent. I may be needing your services again. If you stay useful, I won’t eat you.”
  3737. “That sounds like a pretty good deal. But-”
  3738. >”I am not here to haggle.”
  3739. “I just wanted to say please don’t kill anypony here.”
  3740. >”I’m not stupid, human. Of course I won’t.”
  3741. “R-really?”
  3742. >”You’re our personal physician now. We can’t afford to jeopardize your operation.”
  3743. >You have mixed feelings about that.
  3744. >”From this point on, anything that hurts the hospital hurts us. And you don’t want to know what happens when somepony hurts us.”
  3745. “I think I have a rough idea.”
  3746. >”Anything that compromises King Armor’s opinion of you jeopardizes our wellbeing. And anyone who damages your equipment might as well be spitting in my eye. Speaking of, give Rarity a beating for me, will you?”
  3747. “You know about that?”
  3748. >”I know many things. And allow me to be the first to say… nice.”
  3749. >She turns and leaves, closing the door behind herself.
  3750. >You sink into the chair as adrenaline leaves your brain.
  3751. >The way she walked and the confidence she commanded.
  3752. >That changeling radiated power.
  3753. >Was it an act?
  3754. >She was a natural born deceiver after all.
  3755. >Something in the pit of your gut tells you that if anything, she was underselling her might.
  3756. >Again, something to worry about later.
  3757. >Right now you need to get ready to admit a patient.
  3758. "Wait. How do I feed him?"
  3759. >"Just rail Rarity somewhere close by. That should do it."
  3760. >Chrysalis' voice.
  3761. >She's still here.
  3762. >But you can't for the life of you find her.
  3764. >You’re officially overfull.
  3765. >Granted, it doesn’t take much to max this place out.
  3766. >You wound up cramming your new patient downstairs, after stashing some of the less savory decorations.
  3767. >The changelings probably knew about that stuff, but you don’t want to draw attention to the basement if there’s any incriminating evidence.
  3768. >Still, it’s a terrible solution.
  3769. >You gave him penicillin about an hour ago and he hasn’t reacted yet, but there’s still an off chance his throat will close up or something of the like.
  3770. >You’re probably in the clear, but what if you’re not?
  3771. >You’ll have to drag him upstairs to get him to any of your machinery.
  3772. >And even disregarding the danger, it’s just inconvenient.
  3773. >Medical imaging would have been a much better place to shove him, but you needed to be able to lock him away just in case he decides to finish Twilight.
  3774. >Damn, that’s going to be extremely hard to explain if you get caught.
  3775. >You’ve got to get one of them out of here before this blows up in your face.
  3776. >The front door swings open.
  3777. >Could it be?
  3778. >Have you already been found out?
  3779. >Oh, it’s just Rarity.
  3780. >Wait, it’s Rarity?
  3781. >She came back?
  3782. >Wait, is it REALLY Rarity?
  3783. >The possible Pony looks up at you, but immediately averts her gaze.
  3784. “I wasn’t expecting you to come home so soon.”
  3785. >Or at all.
  3786. “I figured it’d be in the morning at the earliest.”
  3787. >”It is nearly noon, master.”
  3788. >Really?
  3789. >Huh, it’s actually pretty bright out.
  3790. >Being abducted by bugs really screws with your perception of time.
  3791. >How long were you knocked out?
  3792. >”Master, I’m sorry.”
  3793. “Shush. First I need you to prove you’re you.”
  3794. >Not that you’re expecting them to try with Rarity again.
  3795. >Still, fool me once-
  3796. >Honestly? Still shame on you even if it’s just once.
  3797. >That was just carelessness.
  3798. >Rarity’s blood sugar is practically perfect.
  3799. “Alright. Step into my office.”
  3800. >Your mind is going a mile a minute.
  3801. >What do you say to her?
  3802. >You don’t even know why she ran away!
  3803. >It could be any number of things that set her off.
  3804. >Should you be apologetic?
  3805. >Angry?
  3806. >Maybe you should admit your confusion.
  3807. >You sit down on your chair, hoping you’ve managed to remain unreadable.
  3808. >Rarity sits opposite you.
  3809. >You can see her swallow a lump.
  3810. “So..”
  3811. >”I am so terribly sorry. I just…”
  3812. >She sighs deeply.
  3813. >”I was afraid.”
  3814. >Afraid?
  3815. >You’re not sure if Rarity managed to read your confusion or if she just felt like continuing.
  3816. >EIther way, she elaborates.
  3817. >”I had fun, master, and that frightened me. I didn’t want to like it. This is not how a proper lady behaves.”
  3818. “According to whom?”
  3819. >”Well, according to everypony I suppose. It is undignified, shameful even!”
  3820. >You scoff in a way that you hope is convincing.
  3821. “Seriously? I thought you were more of a trendsetter.”
  3822. >”Oh, but I am!”
  3823. “Yet you’re behaving like you think strangers want you to. You’re not going to get anywhere without being a little bold.”
  3824. >”I believe I know what you’re trying to do, and it shan’t be necessary. I have made up my mind.”
  3825. “You have?”
  3826. >” I wish to, um, give this arrangement another try. For a short while. Perhaps.”
  3827. >Huh.
  3828. >Really made up your mind there.
  3829. >Hesitation aside, this is great news.
  3830. >”But I’m afraid I must make a few demands.”
  3831. “Didn’t this already happen once?.”
  3832. >”Your willingness to deface my natural beauty is completely unacceptable.”
  3833. “We’ve already gone over this.”
  3834. >”I want it in writing.”
  3835. >Damn.
  3836. >She’s going to make you swear not to do certain things in writing.
  3837. >But wait, this could be great!
  3838. >Give her a few token concessions, preferably things you’d have granted anyway, and you can get her to sign herself to you!
  3839. >Okay, play it cool Anon.
  3840. “I’m sure we can work something out.”
  3841. >You fetch a pen and some paper and write down her demands as she goes.
  3842. >”Unrestricted shower access, freedom to depart whenever I so wish, three proper meals a day, permission to speak with whomever I wish about whatever topic I wish, an immediate restoration of my magic, and a chance to renegotiate at any time.”
  3843. “Huh. You sure are thorough.”
  3844. >You’re scribbling it all down in note form in your doctor writing.
  3845. >”I shall be the one to write out the agreement, lest your penmanship rend it illegible.”
  3846. >Take charge, man.
  3847. >This is a losing arrangement.
  3848. “Don’t bother. I’m not agreeing to that.”
  3849. >”Beg your pardon?”
  3850. “I refuse.”
  3851. >”But why?”
  3852. “That’s just a list of demands, not an agreement. What am I getting if I sign that?”
  3853. >”Why, my affection of course!”
  3854. >Oh boy.
  3855. >This could go really wrong.
  3856. >No time to think it through though, you can’t seem too calculating!
  3857. “I already have that though.”
  3858. >That was either a brilliant thing to say, or you just ruined everything.
  3859. >Time to find out.
  3860. >”I- um, well…”
  3861. >She’s dumbfounded.
  3862. >You’ve got a chance to actually think ahead!
  3863. >Quick, before she recovers.
  3864. >She came back to you of her own volition.
  3865. >She’s agreeing to be in a relationship.
  3866. >She wants this.
  3867. >She’s willing to give something up for it.
  3868. >”Well, what is it that you want?”
  3869. “We’ll get to that in a bit.”
  3870. >That should give you a touch more time to figure that out.
  3871. “First we have to discuss your terms. You’re asking an awful lot. Like this part where you can back out whenever you feel like it. How do I know you won’t just walk out again?”
  3872. >”Oh yes. I do apologize for that. I hope you aren’t too upset.”
  3873. “I am, actually. Not so much because you broke the rules, that’s a minor detail. Though I suppose it does mean you might break this agreement too…”
  3874. >She averts her gaze a bit.
  3875. “I’m upset because you lied to me. I have been very careful to not lie to you-”
  3876. >In any way that she could possibly find out.
  3877. “Because a relationship is built on trust. Why did you lie to me?”
  3878. >”I… am uncertain.”
  3879. “Are you lying now?”
  3880. >She’s staring studiously at the ground now.
  3881. >”I feared you wouldn’t allow me to leave.”
  3882. “I probably would have had you asked.”
  3883. >You’re not actually sure that’s true.
  3884. >”I needed to discuss things with Fluttershy to clear my head. I wasn’t certain you would allow for it.”
  3885. >Fluttershy?
  3886. >Had she talked Rarity into coming back?
  3887. >You owe her one.
  3888. “I would have definitely allowed that.”
  3889. >Though you wouldn’t have been happy about it.
  3890. “I said you could talk to your friends, didn’t I?”
  3891. >”I suppose you did.”
  3892. “So if we’re going to come to any agreement, I want some amount of commitment from you. Otherwise I’ll be expecting you to run off all the time.”
  3893. >”Could we perhaps talk it over at the end of every day?”
  3894. “Every day? We’ve been together for weeks. I’d have thought we were past daily talks.”
  3895. >”What about weekly?”
  3896. “Monthly.”
  3897. >”MONTHLY? I’m not certain I can do that though.”
  3898. “You change partners more than once per month? I had no clue you were so promiscuous.”
  3899. >”Oh heavens no! I’m just… frightened.”
  3900. >That’s not good.
  3901. >You have to keep her moving along before she gets cold feet.
  3902. >Or hooves, as it were.
  3903. “You haven’t agreed to anything yet. Just write it down and you can think about the agreement when it’s done.”
  3904. >”Yes, I suppose. What else do you wish?”
  3905. “You want to talk to anyone at any time about anything. Problem is I work with sensitive information and embarrassing secrets. Anything you learn about my patients is confidential.”
  3906. >“I suppose that’s reasonable. But I shan’t yield any further on this one!”
  3907. “That’s fine. Three meals per day was next?. I won’t argue.”
  3908. >Not worth the resistance it would cause.
  3909. >You’ve figured out what you’re going to ask of her.
  3910. >”Next is the shower.”
  3911. “I’ll do you one better. Free access to all common hygienic amenities.”
  3912. >”Ooh, I do like the wording on that.”
  3913. >Common is a key word.
  3914. >If she wants some weird soap or something, that’s not assured.
  3915. >”I must confess I wasn’t expecting you to offer more than I had requested.”
  3916. “Call it a show of good faith.”
  3917. >Now where’s that wireless stimulator?
  3918. >You start to furtively check your many pockets.
  3919. >”Then my magic.”
  3920. “No.”
  3921. >”Seriously?”
  3922. “Seriously. You trashed my clinic and nearly killed a patient, and last night you proved I still can’t trust you. I’ll give it back when I know you won’t hurt anyone with it.”
  3923. >”But I would never!”
  3924. “You already did.”
  3925. >She freezes up.
  3926. >Unfortunately, this one is pretty important.
  3927. >She really is kinda dangerous, even without it.
  3928. >And so long as you hold the key to restoring it, she’s dependent on you.
  3929. >But she’s not going to agree to it from the looks of things.
  3930. “To be restored pending a month of good behaviour. Just so I know I can trust you.”
  3931. >”I… what would good behaviour entail?”
  3932. “Not doing anything that suggests I can’t trust you.”
  3933. >”Can we perhaps do two weeks?”
  3934. >That’s not a big deal.
  3935. >The blocker is radio controlled like the stimulator.
  3936. >You can shut her magic off pretty much whenever.
  3937. “Alright, fine. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. To be temporarily restored after two consecutive weeks of good behaviour.”
  3938. >You make sure she writes temporarily.
  3939. >She does so without hesitation to your surprise.
  3940. >Perhaps she doesn’t realize you can shut it back off with the press of a button.
  3941. >”And you are not to make any permanent or semi-permanent changes to my body or appearance.”
  3942. “Semi-permanent?”
  3943. >”Anything that would take significant time or effort to reverse. Such as this dreadful piercing, which I intend to take out.”
  3944. >You don’t like that.
  3945. >You REALLY don’t like it, in fact.
  3946. >And where is that stimulator?
  3947. >Did you leave it at home?
  3948. >You did, didn’t you?
  3949. >Damn changelings.
  3950. “That’s a shame. I think it looks good on you.”
  3951. >”It looks trashy.”
  3952. “To whom? Nopony else is going to see it.”
  3953. >”This is non-negotiable, master! I shall decide my appearance.”
  3954. >You know what?
  3955. >That’s fine.
  3956. >If you can get your demand in there, it’ll be a win.
  3957. “Can I still dress you up in private? You know, around bedtime.”
  3958. >”I… suppose. That apparel you purchased with the panties was quite fetching. Though it needs to be altered a bit to better accentuate my curves. I suppose that’s acceptable. And with that, I have listed my demands. What do you wish for?”
  3959. “Neither part shall take any action that poses significant risk of causing lasting harm to the other. Safety first and all that.”
  3960. >You don’t want to damage your property.
  3961. >And this should make her feel safer around you.
  3962. >”That seems more than reasonable. Ahem. The undersigned, Lady Rarity, hereafter referred to as party one, shall agree to be Anonymous, hereafter-”
  3963. “Doctor Anonymous. Or Anonymous M.D.”
  3964. >You worked hard for that title, damn it!
  3965. >”Oh, of course. My apologies. The undersigned, Lady Rarity, hereafter referred to as party one, shall agree to be Anonymous M.D.’s, hereafter referred to as party two, paramour under the following terms, to be renegotiated after the period of thirty days.”
  3966. >You’re pretty sure it should be 31 right now, but you’ll allow that.
  3967. >After all, you’re about to make a big demand,
  3968. >You don’t want to risk annoying her.
  3969. >”Party one is to be granted unrestricted access to all common hygienic amenities, no fewer than three proper meals a day, and freedom to communicate anything with anypony save for when doing so would violate the privacy of Party two’s patients. Further, party one shall have full autonomy when determining their appearance in public, and is to be free of all permanent and semi-permanent marks. Party two shall, pending two weeks of good behaviour from party one, temporarily restore party one’s magical abilities. Neither party shall, under any circumstances, take any action that poses significant risk of causing lasting harm to the other.”
  3970. >She passes it over to you to sign.
  3971. >You make a show of reading it over.
  3972. >You then push it back to her.
  3973. “There’s a slight problem.”
  3974. >”What? But I thought we had covered everything.”
  3975. >Here it is.
  3976. >Your big demand.
  3977. >If she gives in it’s a huge win.
  3978. >If not, this would have been a bad agreement anyway.
  3979. “It says you’re going to be my paramour.”
  3980. >”Why, yes. Is that not correct?”
  3981. >Here’s where you wish you had the stimulator.
  3982. “You’re not my paramour. You’re my sex slave.”
  3983. >”Your- oh. Oh my goodness. Um…”
  3984. >She’s fidgeting in her seat, and turning alarmingly red.
  3985. >You can smell her musk faintly.
  3986. >”I- I can’t! What would my friends say?”
  3987. “I won’t tell them.”
  3988. >You’re pretty sure Applejack would smash your face if she found out.
  3989. “And you don’t have to either.
  3990. >”I just… what would you do with me?”
  3991. “I’d fuck you. Over and over again. I’d do it passionately, sensually, romantically, quickly, slowly. I’d push you to try new, exciting things. And I’d make you love every second of it.”
  3992. >Her breathing is rapid and husky.
  3993. >You can see her breath even indoors.
  3994. >”It’s only for one month. Right?”
  3995. “One month.”
  3996. >At first.
  3997. “Then, if you’ve changed your mind, you can back out.”
  3998. >She slowly scribbles out the word “paramour” and writes down “sexual servant”.
  3999. >She then scratches that out and writes “sexual slave”.
  4000. >She passes the paper to you.
  4001. >You sign it without picking it up, and pass it back.
  4002. >She’s trembling slightly.
  4003. >”If I were to agree to this, would you punish me for last night?”
  4004. “Yes.”
  4005. >She puts the pen down and sits back.
  4006. >You can hear her anxiously whining as she rubs her face and mane.
  4007. >She picks it back up and reaches out to the page, keeping her body distant as though it were about to bite her.
  4008. >And with her eyes closed, Rarity signs the paper.
  4009. >She drops the pen with a gasp, and releases a heavy breath that she’d been holding for who knows how long.
  4010. >Rarity looks down at her own signature, eyes wide and mouth panting.
  4011. >”I… did it?”
  4012. >She blinks several times.
  4013. >The signature is still here.
  4014. >”I did it.”
  4015. >She cracks a small smile.
  4016. >”I did it!”
  4017. >Her smile has grown into a full toothy grin.
  4018. >”I didn’t think I could do it. It’s just so… dirty. So EXCITING!”
  4019. “You should be proud. Few ponies are brave enough to do what you just did.”
  4020. >”My heart is racing. Ooh, I still don’t know if I made the right choice, but my body is tingling all over.”
  4021. “I think a good slave deserves a reward.”
  4022. >You stand up and move around the desk.
  4023. >You look down at her.
  4024. “What are you?”
  4025. >”I- I’m your- ooh, don’t make me say it.”
  4026. “Come on. You can do this. What are you?”
  4027. >”I am- I’m- your- you- s-s-s-slave.”
  4028. >You pick her up and kiss her on the lips.
  4029. >Rarity immediately opens her mouth, allowing your tongue free access.
  4030. >You enter as she melts into your embrace.
  4031. >You spend the next couple of minutes exploring the interior of her mouth, growing accustomed to the taste.
  4032. >It’s unlike anything you’d ever tasted before.
  4033. >It was like a mix of vanilla and honey, yet not sweet.
  4034. >You eventually pull away, leaving a thin strand of drool as you go.
  4035. >Rarity looks up at you adoringly.
  4036. >”Are we, um, going to go any further?”
  4037. “Yes. But you’ll have to keep quiet. Can you do that?”
  4038. >”She nods in the affirmative.
  4039. >You gently set her down before lying on the floor, face up.
  4040. >Rarity watches with eager anticipation as you remove your pants.
  4041. “You’re on top this time. I want you to straddle me and sit on my dick.”
  4042. >Rarity nearly jumps onto you, placing her butt on your things and rubbing her wet pusy against your penis.
  4043. >She barely spends a moment stabilizing herself before lifting her body just high enough to sit over your glans.
  4044. “If I ever say cowgirl position, this is what I mean. Ready?”
  4045. >”Yes, master!”
  4046. >Nothing happens.
  4047. >It takes you a bit longer than it should have to realize the problem.
  4048. >She’s expecting you to initiate.
  4049. “It’s all up to you. You control the pacing and the depth this time.”
  4050. >”Up to me?”
  4051. “That’s right. Do it however you want it.”
  4052. >”But I don’t know what I want!”
  4053. >That seems to describe her pretty well.
  4054. “Just do whatever feels good.”
  4055. >She lowers herself onto you slowly.
  4056. >Agonizingly slowly.
  4057. >As though she were fearful of breaking something.
  4058. >She lets out a muffled gasp upon reaching your base, before starting to grind against your pelvis.
  4059. >There’s almost no vertical motion to her thrusts, leaving you hilted deep inside with only about a centimeter of shaft ever leaving her at most.
  4060. >Instead of the traditional up and down motion she just moves back and forth, gently rubbing her soft groin against yours.
  4061. >You can feel the underside of your shaft sliding against her interior when she slides forward, and the front adjusting to slide back in all the way every time she slides back.
  4062. >But most of all you can feel your glans being thoroughly squeezed with her every muscle contraction rubbing up against your tip.
  4063. >She stops for a moment.
  4064. >You can feel her heartbeat around your shaft and can’t help but notice it’s synchronized with your own.
  4065. >”Am I doing it right, master?”
  4066. “That depends. Does it feel good for you?”
  4067. >”Oh yes. It feels… orgasmic!”
  4068. >She starts to include vertical motion into her back and forth.
  4069. >Just a little bit at first.
  4070. >So little, in fact, that you weren’t actually sure it was happening at first.
  4071. >But as her thrusts grow in frequency you can start to feel the chill of the air on your slickened dick.
  4072. >Rarity soon pulls far enough away that a bit of your glans comes out before dropping herself back onto you.
  4073. >Her muffled moans grow in frequency and intensity, and soon her eyes start to become unfocused.
  4074. >Rarity pulls off too hard and you slide out of her.
  4075. >She grinds desperately against your dick for several seconds before finally stopping to put it back in.
  4076. “Wait. Turn around. Butt towards me.”
  4077. >She scurries to do what you ask, then wastes no time in penetrating herself on you once more.
  4078. >Rarity doesn’t set upright this time, but leans forward and places her front hooves on the ground as she bounces on you.
  4079. >Her butt jiggles just a bit with every frenzied thrust.
  4080. >And the sensation…
  4081. >It feels like a totally different pussy.
  4082. >You can’t get quite as deep in her this way, but the tension in her legs makes her much tighter.
  4083. >It’s a more aggressive, more desperate milking motion.
  4084. >It feels like her body made the mistake of letting you slip out once, and is ensuring it won’t happen again.
  4085. >She collapses on you.
  4086. >You release inside her.
  4087. >And the two of you cum together.
  4088. >You lay in the ground beneath her, neither of you moving for fear of ruining the afterglow.
  4089. >She’ll have to face her punishment later.
  4090. >And after that, now that she’s finally surrendered to her feelings, you can FINALLY begin proper training.
  4093. >Rarity was the one to break the afterglow.
  4094. >She didn’t move, nor did she speak.
  4095. >She was making an irritating whining sound.
  4096. >To your own surprise, you’re more concerned than anything.
  4097. >Was she in pain in some way?
  4098. “What’s wrong?”
  4099. >”I fear I’ve made a huge mistake.”
  4100. >Second thoughts.
  4101. >AGAIN.
  4102. >In a way you can’t blame her.
  4103. >She’s made a rather large commitment, and there’s a lot of uncertainty ahead.
  4104. >But it’s getting mighty tiresome.
  4105. >You’ve got to find a way to deal with that.
  4106. >The longer she spends second guessing herself, the more likely she is to try and back out.
  4107. >”I wish for you to release me from our agreement.
  4108. >That was fast.
  4109. “You agreed to a month. It hasn’t been a day yet.”
  4110. >”I know, but there’s no way that contract is legally binding. Why, it’s not even notarized!”
  4111. >She’s not wrong.
  4112. “Look, just tell me what’s wrong and maybe we can work through it.”
  4113. >”What’s wrong is that I agreed to be a SLAVE!”
  4114. “You seemed really happy at the time. What changed?”
  4115. >”My head is clearer now that we’ve, ahem, danced together.”
  4116. >Some kinda post-nut clarity?
  4117. “Look. I get it. You’re afraid, and what’s worse, you think it’s shameful. But I think it’s a noble calling.”
  4118. >Not that you’d ever do it.
  4119. >”Is this a common lifestyle on your world?”
  4120. “In some parts, yeah.”
  4121. >Granted they’re usually Eunuchs.
  4122. “I mean, I’ve never been to Bangkok, but they’re sorta famous for it.”
  4123. >”Well, Equestria isn’t whatever that place you said.”
  4124. “C’mon. Just give it a try. You know you want it, and you DON’T know that all the things you’re catastrophizing about will happen.”
  4125. >”But what if-”
  4126. “Then I’ll protect you. You’re my responsibility now.”
  4127. >”You don’t even know what I was going to say.”
  4128. “I don’t need to. It’s my responsibility to make sure you don’t get into trouble, and that you don’t get hurt. I can’t protect you from everything, but you’re safer with me than on your own.”
  4129. >”You cannot protect my reputation.”
  4130. >That was true enough.
  4131. >And honestly, you couldn’t reliably protect her from harm with changelings running around.
  4132. >All you could do is protect her from the law, like when Shining Armor was about to lock her up.
  4133. >Speaking of, she’s still due for a punishment over all that.
  4134. >And it’s going to have to be pretty harsh.
  4135. >Later.
  4136. >One thing at a time.
  4137. “And it’s not like I have to protect you from that anyway. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
  4138. >She doesn’t answer.
  4139. >You’ll have to prove it somehow.
  4140. >But how?
  4141. >Get somepony to back you up on this?
  4142. >She wouldn’t trust Cadence either.
  4143. >But wait…
  4144. >Might she trust another clothing designer?
  4145. >”You’re going to punish me for leaving, aren’t you.”
  4146. “Yep. Running away is pretty serious, but I figure that coming back offsets most of it. This is more about you lying than anything.”
  4147. >”Are you going to spank me again?”
  4148. >That had been the plan, yes.
  4149. >But this might be a teachable moment.
  4150. >Is this worth spending your punishment opportunity on?
  4151. >It probably is.
  4152. >She’s agreed to be your slave, but that doesn’t mean you can stop pushing.
  4153. >There’s always room for improvement.
  4154. “We’re going out soon. You might wish to take a shower and dress yourself.”
  4155. >”Where are we going?”
  4156. “There’s somepony I want you to meet. Then I’m thinking I’ll buy you something nice. And then maybe lunch?”
  4157. >”And how am I to dress?
  4158. “I thought you were deciding that.”
  4159. >”No, I meant how formal.”
  4160. “Oh. Casual, I think. Meet me back here in half an hour.”
  4161. >”So soon?”
  4162. “I have to check on the patients in a few hours, so yeah. If we don’t go soon we won’t be back in time.”
  4163. >Rarity scurries off, nearly skidding out on the floor.
  4164. >Half an hour isn’t very long for her to take a shower.
  4165. >Maybe you should have just done this after your rounds?
  4166. >No, she has to adapt to your schedule.
  4167. >Not the other way around.
  4168. >Just be careful not to push her too hard.
  4169. >You take significantly less time to clean up than Rarity will, and find yourself unsure of what to do.
  4170. >Twilight’s guards are alert and attentive, glaring at you suspiciously whenever you get too close to her room.
  4171. >You don’t really want to deal with that until you have to.
  4172. >You take a peek at your security camera to see what your new patient is up to.
  4173. >He’s just lying there in pony form.
  4174. >Being boring.
  4175. >Man, you shouldn’t have given her so long.
  4176. >Maybe you shouldn’t have let her shower at all?
  4177. >Make her go out with cum dripping out of her.
  4178. >Naa, she would have brought up that contract and said you were breaking it.
  4179. >You really gotta argue that one down somehow.
  4180. >But something tells you that she’ll fight tooth and nail to keep the right to control her appearance.
  4181. >Might be easier to negotiate the food away with this one.
  4182. >Slightly more than half an hour passes before the door opens.
  4183. >Rarity steps in to reveal herself donning a blue floral pattern skirt with an elaborately embroidered hem.
  4184. >Her woven straw sunhat with blue ribbon compliments the attire to give a wholesome girl next door appearance.
  4185. “I’ve never seen that outfit before.”
  4186. >”I’ve not had cause to wear it. It is rather simple attire, befitting a casual stroll and little more.”
  4187. “Where do you hide all your clothing anyway?”
  4188. >”A lady never tells.”
  4189. “It’s in the medicine store room, isn’t it?”
  4190. >”You had an empty cabinet. Is that okay?”
  4191. “For now. We’ll have to find a better place for it later.”
  4192. >How much storage would Rarity need for clothing?
  4193. >Will you need a second house?
  4194. >The two of you head out into the bright day.
  4195. >The fabled city of light and love is delivering as usual, and it takes you a few minutes to adjust.
  4196. >Once you can see clearly you orient yourself and Rarity and head out.
  4197. >Security has mercifully lightened up, demanding only a blood test from the two of you before allowing you to pass.
  4198. >Truth be told, you just got lucky on that.
  4199. >You’d been thinking on what to do after arriving, and completely neglected to plan how to get there.
  4200. >Rarity remains mostly silent for the 20 odd minute walk, choosing perhaps to wonder at her destination rather than simply asking.
  4201. >The dragging of her hooves and darting of her eyes hint at more than a bit of trepidation.
  4202. >You feel a little bad for her.
  4203. >Would it be better to just tell her so she could stop catastrophizing?
  4204. >Or would that just make things worse?
  4205. >Maybe if you say it the right way?
  4206. “We’re going to see a, oh what’s the word, a clothier.”
  4207. >”Are you certain that’s the right word?”
  4208. >Not really.
  4209. “Why?”
  4210. >”Well, if we’re seeing a CLOTHIER I would assume you’d have suggested Haute Couture rather than casual. I’m woefully underdressed!”
  4211. “I don’t think she’s big on Hote Couter. I mean, maybe?”
  4212. >What did Haute Couture even mean?
  4213. >Whatever it is, if Rarity volunteered to wear it, it’s not what she sells.
  4214. “She’s got a different niche.”
  4215. >”Are you certain we’re headed the right direction? I cannot fathom why any self respecting fashionista would set up shop out here.”
  4216. “What’s wrong with sapphire street?”
  4217. >”It’s a tad… seedy. Where’s the glitz and glamour? This may be one of the most drab parts of the whole city! All I see are… is that a cabaret?”
  4218. “What, next to the strip club?”
  4219. >”O- oh my goodness! I had no idea this city contained a store entirely devoted to, ahem, suggestive magazines.”
  4220. “That’s not a thing where you come from?”
  4221. >”HEAVENS no! What if a foal were to see this?”
  4222. “You probably aren’t allowed in unless you’re an adult.”
  4223. >Maybe.
  4224. >Though you wouldn’t put it past Cadence.
  4225. “See that one? The one sharing a building with the late night diner.”
  4226. >”The one with blackout curtains in the window? Lovelace’s Lovely Lace.”
  4227. >You fetch the contract from one of your many pockets and hand it to Rarity.
  4228. “Go in there and read this to the proprietor. You might want to leave out the magic part, lest I have to tell her WHY it’s an issue.”
  4229. >You can hear Rarity breathing heavily.
  4230. >VERY heavily.
  4231. >And pretty rapidly.
  4232. >You can also hear her collapse.
  4233. >You quickly kneel down to check her breathing and pulse.
  4234. “You’re faking.”
  4235. >Wait.
  4236. >She’s not.
  4237. >Oh dear.
  4238. >Better straighten her out so she doesn’t hurt anything other than her pride.
  4239. >Elevate her hind quarters by putting it on the stairs.
  4240. >Thankfully, it doesn’t take long for her to wake up.
  4241. >”Ooh… I feel nauseous.”
  4242. “You okay? Hurt anything on your way down?”
  4243. >”I don’t believe so…”
  4244. >You offer her a hand to help her stand up.
  4245. >She manages pretty well.
  4246. >Seems fine.
  4247. >Eyes are tracking properly.
  4248. “Any numbness or pain?”
  4249. >”No, I seem to be unharmed.”
  4250. >Thankfully she didn’t land on her head.
  4251. >You have her count backward from ten and state her name and home address.
  4252. >She seems to be fine.
  4253. >You’re still going to take a closer look when you get back just to be safe, but you’re confident it’s nothing.
  4254. “Do you faint often?”
  4255. >”Yes, but usually only for dramatic effect! I have no idea what came over me thi- ahhh...”
  4256. >She seems to have remembered.
  4257. >Rarity stares at the sign wide eyed with pupils smaller than pinpricks.
  4258. >It’s actually a bit creepy looking.
  4259. “Stay with me, girl. Deep breaths.”
  4260. >”Master, I don’t think I can do it!”
  4261. “This is your punishment for running away.”
  4262. >”But I can’t! I-”
  4263. “You’re stronger than you realize. You can do this.”
  4264. >She’s starting to tear up.
  4265. >You don’t want her to start crying.
  4266. “Alright, foal steps. Let’s start by just going into the store. No need to say anything, just walk in and stand there while I talk. You can do that, right?”
  4267. >Rarity looks around the streets in a panic, trying to find any prying eyes.
  4268. >It’s still pretty early so most of the establishments are still closed.
  4269. >There’s nopony in sight.
  4270. >Rarity fetches her hat and pulls it down to cover her face.
  4271. >”Would you be willing to go in first?”
  4272. “Sure.”
  4273. >You step in, and are immediately greeted with a bubbly “Hello!”
  4274. >Swallowing a lump in her throat, Rarity walks in.
  4275. >Lovelace is standing behind the counter of her cramped establishment, sky blue fur and golden mane contrasting harshly against the pink walls.
  4276. >”Oh hiya, doctor! Did that outfit work out?”
  4277. “Quite well. Unfortunately we’ve only had a few opportunities to use it so far.”
  4278. >”And this must be your marefriend. So how was it? Pretty snug, huh?”
  4279. >”Ah-”
  4280. “Sorry. She’s a bit shy.”
  4281. >”Oh don’t worry, I won’t tell anypony you were here! Besides, I have ALL KINDS show up, trust me, whatever you’re into I’ve seen weirder.”
  4282. >Rarity tries to walk into the crowded store, but her hat keeps bumping into things.
  4283. “You might have to take that off.”
  4284. >”NO! I mean, I’d rather not.”
  4285. >You place a hand on Rarity’s back in an attempt to soothe her.
  4286. >She nearly jumps through the roof.
  4287. “Why don’t you just talk shop with her? I’m sure you can manage that much.”
  4288. >You can hear Rarity whining a bit.
  4289. >Still needs more help?
  4290. “You were really interested in her red dye, right? Why not ask her where it came from?”
  4291. >”Ah- ahem. Yes. You managed to produce a lovely shade of red. Whence did you get the dye?”
  4292. >”Oh, that? I have a friend who makes dyes! I don’t know the exact recipe but I think there are chokecherries and alum in it!”
  4293. >”Well, I would love to meet this friend of yours. They have quite a talent.”
  4294. >”Oh yeah! Though I should warn you their place smells weird. Probably all the dye!”
  4295. >You’ve got her talking.
  4296. >And you sorta tune them out for a bit, not having any clue what they’re going on about.
  4297. >You edge past Rarity and start looking around the shop.
  4298. >This place is crammed full of merchandise.
  4299. >But you pay special attention to one display near the back exit.
  4300. >Exactly where you remember seeing it.
  4301. >The collars.
  4302. >You’d been meaning to get one for her for a while now, but now the time finally seems right.
  4303. >But it can’t be any old collar.
  4304. >You need a nice one.
  4305. >One that makes her feel pretty and loved.
  4306. >A collar that she might take pride in.
  4307. >Something that she thinks of as a sweet gift rather than a strict obligation.
  4308. >Unfortunately, this is Rarity.
  4309. >She’s going to have pretty high standards.
  4310. >You know you’ll never pick out the right one.
  4311. >You need Rarity to pick it.
  4312. >And before you can do that, you need to get through this embarrassment that’s paralyzing her.
  4313. >Just getting her into the store was hard enough, making her buy a slave collar will be something else entirely;
  4314. >But if you can force her to admit to being a slave?
  4315. >Then you’ll be close.
  4316. >Rarity seems to be relaxing a little bit, but you suspect she’ll need a little more help to take this plunge.
  4317. >You wait for a lull in the conversation to make your move.
  4318. “Hay, what’s that stuff?”
  4319. >You know exactly what it is.
  4320. >But you want Lovelace to be the one to say it.
  4321. >”Oh! That’s our slave apparel section.”
  4322. >”Um. Did you say slave apparel?”
  4323. >”Oh yeah! For couples who choose to have a d/s relationship!”
  4324. >”And ponies purchase these things?”
  4325. >”Yep! It’s not, like, my most popular stuff, but I wouldn’t have a shelf for it if it didn’t move!”
  4326. >”I- I see.”
  4327. “I see you have several options for collars here. Why the variety?”
  4328. >”Most of them are like, obviously slave stuff, right? But some of it isn’t! Those things are for ponies who want to wear their slave apparel all the time without others knowing what they’re doing. Most of those are supposed to look like jewelry and stuff so you can wear them whenever. You could find somepony collared and not even know it!”
  4329. >”Would, um, would anypony I know be wearing these?”
  4330. >”Aww, honey, I can’t tell you that! Besides, it’s not like I write their names down or something.”
  4331. “So anything that happens here is strictly confidential.”
  4332. >”Oh, absolutely! I can’t risk my reputation or anything! It’d ruin my brand!”
  4333. >Thank you, Lovelace.
  4334. >Rarity might not trust your word on these issues.
  4335. >But a fellow pony?
  4336. >And a fellow clothes designer at that?
  4337. >You return to Rarity and pass her the contract again.
  4338. “You can do this.”
  4339. >”Do what?”
  4340. >Shut up, Lovelace.
  4341. “This is normal for her. It’s the crowd she’s trying to cater to. Would a pony as talented as her cater to a crowd she thought was beneath her?”
  4342. >Rarity holds the contract up and clears her throat.
  4343. >She adjusts her hat.
  4344. >Then she adjusts her skirt.
  4345. >Then she clears her throat again.
  4346. >”Umm. The undersigned, err, me, I believe I will withhold the name, hereafter referred to as party one, shall agree to be Anonymous M.D.’s, hereafter referred to as party two, sexual slave under the following terms, to be renegotiated after the period of thirty days.”
  4347. >Lovelace’s eyes light up.
  4348. >”Ooh! Lucky!”
  4349. >”Party one is to be granted unrestricted access to all common hygienic amenities, no fewer than three proper meals a day, and freedom to communicate anything with anypony save for when doing so would violate the privacy of Party two’s patients. Further, party one shall have full autonomy when determining their appearance in public, and is to be free of all permanent and semi-permanent marks. Neither party shall, under any circumstances, take any action that poses significant risk of causing lasting harm to the other.”
  4350. >”So are you two new to this?”
  4351. “Pretty new, yeah.”
  4352. >Rarity fell to her haunches, pulling a rack of babydoll down.
  4353. “Sorry about that, Loveless.”
  4354. >”Lovelace. And it’s okay!”
  4355. “Think we need to make any changes to the agreement?”
  4356. >”I dunno! But that’s for you two to decide.”
  4357. “Yeah… we’ll have to work on it.”
  4358. >You help Rarity stand yet again.
  4359. “See? I told you you could do it. I’m very proud of you. Now go pick out a collar.”
  4360. >”What? A- a collar?”
  4361. >There’s no way she didn’t see this coming.
  4362. “Hay, if you don’t want to choose, I can. Just don’t complain when it clashes with your eyes.”
  4363. >”Oh, no! I’ll choose! But... I shan’t have to wear it outside, shall I?”
  4364. “I’ll take it off before you go out.”
  4365. >”Hnng. If I must.”
  4366. >Rarity browses the selection for quite a while before finally deciding.
  4367. >She picks a choker rather than a collar.
  4368. >A bit less secure given she could rip it off.
  4369. >But it has a lock, and something tells you Rarity wouldn’t destroy the garment unless absolutely necessary.
  4370. >It’s a black stretch lace number with an ornate silver clasp with a bright blue gem inlay.
  4371. >How much is this going to cost you?
  4372. “I’m kinda scared to ask, but-”
  4373. >”700 bits.”
  4374. >You manage to suppress a scream.
  4375. >”Only 700? You need to work on your pricing structure.”
  4376. >”You think I could get more?”
  4377. >”Of course! The gem alone must be worth 500.”
  4378. “200 bits markup is plenty, thank you.”
  4379. >”Oh, but it isn’t, master! The average laypony does a rather poor job of assessing quality. They have a nasty habit of conflating price with quality, so the more you charge the more they think it’s worth!”
  4380. “Let me get this straight. You’re saying if she jacks the price, ponies will suddenly decide it’s a better product?”
  4381. >”Precisely.”
  4382. “Exact same choker. Indistinguishable except for the price tag. The more expensive one is better somehow.”
  4383. >”Yes. How else is the untrained eye to know that it’s a quality item?”
  4384. >The fuck?
  4385. >”Truthfully, the entire jewelry industry is built on this principle.”
  4386. >”Well, I’m not really in the habit of taking business advice from random ponies I don’t know? But I’m gonna ask anyway. What would you charge?”
  4387. >”Oh, that’s hard to say. Niche market, terrible location, I wouldn’t want to go overboard and price out your clientele. It can be mended easily, but we’d still have to deduct because it’s not the most durable material. A thousand, perhaps?”
  4388. >This time, you do scream.
  4389. >Just a little.
  4390. >”Master! Are you hurt?”
  4391. “No, no. I’m fine. Say, do you accept unsigned cheques from different planets?”
  4392. >”Nope!”
  4393. >Well, you’re out of ideas.
  4394. >You look down to Rarity with a heavy heart.
  4395. >A strange ache has formed in your heart.
  4396. >One that you’ve experienced a few too many times before.
  4397. >The strange blend of sadness and shame that comes from letting somebody down.
  4398. “I’m sorry.”
  4399. >”What is it, master?”
  4400. “I wanted to get you something nice, but I can’t. I can’t afford that right now.”
  4401. >And you haven’t earned a single bit in several days with these emergency closures.
  4402. >You’re not destitute just yet, but you can’t go throwing 700 bits at a choker either.
  4403. >Cadence and Armor said they’d help you with that, but until that’s sorted out you can’t do this.
  4404. “I promise you I’ll get you a nice one later, but for now we’ll have to put it back.”
  4405. >”Oh. I didn’t know you were short on funds.”
  4406. >It’s something you’ve been trying to hide from her.
  4407. >Looks like that’s done though.
  4408. “Medicine is expensive, and it’s surprisingly hard to collect on debts around here. Plus being closed so much lately has just made things worse.”
  4409. >”And yet you wanted to get me something fashionable. That’s sweet.”
  4410. >You can hear the pity in her voice.
  4411. >Somehow that just makes it worse.
  4412. >”I could purchase it.”
  4413. “That’s an option?”
  4414. >”It is. But I think I have a better idea. What if I were to make one?”
  4415. “That could work. But I wanted to get you a gift to commemorate the day we finally committed.”
  4416. >”Oh! Like an engagement ring!”
  4417. >You hadn’t thought of that.
  4418. >You hear Lovelace sniffling a bit.
  4419. >When you turn to look at her, her eyes are watering.
  4420. >”You two are like, such a cute couple! You’re exactly why I got into this business. Tell you what-”
  4421. >She’s going to give you a discount!
  4422. >”100 now, 300 next month and the month after.”
  4423. >Damn it all!
  4424. >But…
  4425. >That gives you plenty of time to collect on an account, or to actually do some paid work.
  4426. >And Rarity seemed to really like it.
  4427. “Deal.”
  4428. >Rarity makes some happy noises and you go to sign some paperwork.
  4429. >You offer Lovelace some quick thanks.
  4430. >And Rarity has already made her way to the door.
  4431. >”Thank you, master. I cannot wait to get back and put it on.”
  4432. “You can put it on now, you know.”
  4433. >”I… I do not believe I’m ready for that. Not yet.”
  4434. >That’s fine.
  4435. >She’s made a LOT of progress today.
  4436. >You can let her rest for a little while.
  4437. >But tomorrow, you’re putting her ass to work.
  4440. >Your return trip was pretty uneventful.
  4441. >Rarity and you went your separate ways, with you going to the clinic and her meeting up with her friends.
  4442. >You’re currently carrying her choker in one of your interior pockets, saving her the embarrassment of being seen with the article.
  4443. >Not that you don’t want to embarrass her, quite the contrary.
  4444. >Just that it’s currently off limits.
  4445. >You take a moment to appreciate the irony of how this relationship has progressed.
  4446. >In the beginning you were free to do whatever you wished to her.
  4447. >But somehow, now that she’s a willing participant, you have less control.
  4448. >Life was simpler when you relied more on force.
  4449. >But when you saw the look of pure joy on Rarity’s face- on your slave’s face- when she swore to serve you for at least a month, you knew you’d made the right choice.
  4450. >There’s something strangely satisfying about owning not just her body, but her heart too.
  4451. >You’re looking forward to your next session with her.
  4452. >But it shall have to wait.
  4453. >Duty calls.
  4454. >You head to the basement first to check on the changeling.
  4455. >He’s still in pony form, no surprise there.
  4456. >What is a bit surprising is that he’s sitting up.
  4457. “How are you holding up?”
  4458. >He snaps to attention and stares at you wide eyed.
  4459. >But he says nothing.
  4460. “Any adverse reactions from the medication? Trouble breathing?”
  4461. >He slowly shakes his head.
  4462. “Alright, hold still. I’m gonna take your temperature. Let’s see… normal, I think.”
  4463. >You have to remember this is NOT a pony.
  4464. >When the one was pretending to be Dash their body temperature seemed normal.
  4465. >But you can’t yet be certain that it’s optimal for them.
  4466. “Any confusion? Trouble thinking straight or memory loss?”
  4467. >He shakes his head again.
  4468. >You take a look at his bandages.
  4469. >They seem clean, but you can see the rash around them.
  4470. >It doesn’t look like it’s spread, but it hasn’t clearly receded either.
  4471. “This is going to feel funny, but try to hold still. I’m going to trace the rash with a marker so we can see if it grows or shrinks.”
  4472. >It looks pretty bad.
  4473. >But there’s no sign of organ dysfunction yet.
  4474. >It should clear up pretty fast once it goes into remission.
  4475. >If he responds well to treatment, he’ll be out in 3 days.
  4476. >5 is more likely though.
  4477. >”Why are you helping me?”
  4478. >Oh, so he CAN talk!
  4479. “Would you prefer it if I didn’t?”
  4480. >”After you gave me those pills I started to feel better. Why did you do that?”
  4481. “Oh, that? Those are just to alleviate symptoms so you’re more comfortable. Being sick is no fun after all, but don’t worry. We’ll fix the underlying issue.”
  4482. >You know full well what his question meant.
  4483. >You’re just stalling because you don’t want to answer.
  4484. >”But why help ME?”
  4485. “Because you needed help?”
  4486. >”I was going to kill you. You know that, you have to.”
  4487. >No.
  4488. >You didn’t know that.
  4489. >A chill runs down your spine.
  4490. >”But you’re helping me.”
  4491. “Uhh, yeah. It’s what I do.”
  4492. >You try to act as though everything’s normal.
  4493. >But you can’t help but keep a little extra distance between the two of you.
  4494. >”I thought those pills were going to be poison or something. But I feel better. I don’t hurt as much, and I’m not dizzy.”
  4495. “Why would you take pills if you thought they were poison?”
  4496. >”The queen told me to take anything you gave me.”
  4497. >Wow.
  4498. >Now THAT is obedience.
  4499. >Rarity should take notes.
  4500. >”The queen didn’t promise you a reward. She hadn’t even promised to leave you alone until after you said you’d help me. What’s in it for you?”
  4501. “What choice did I have?”
  4502. >”You could have poisoned me, or turned me in to the militia, or just done nothing.”
  4503. “Hold still, this will probably sting.”
  4504. >You use a syringe to harvest some of the infected blood.
  4505. >Just a small amount.
  4506. >You’ll culture it to try and narrow down what kind of infection it is so you can treat it more specifically.
  4507. >It’s probably not necessary, but you’re eager to have this thing out of here.
  4508. >If you can hasten the process, you will.
  4509. >”Please tell me. I have to know. Why are you helping me?”
  4510. >You don’t want to tell him.
  4511. >You REALLY don’t.
  4512. >But…
  4513. >You’re responsible for what he does when you release him.
  4514. >At least in part.
  4515. >Maybe if he understood, he’d be less murderous?
  4516. >If nothing else, you could convince the changelings they can count on you.
  4517. >And then maybe they’ll be less likely to off you.
  4518. >You have to talk.
  4519. >But if you do…
  4520. >Fuck.
  4521. >Just don’t cry in front of the bug monster.
  4522. “You want to know why I’m helping you… tell me. Have you ever killed anyone?”
  4523. >”No. I mean, I tried, but it didn't work.”
  4524. >It’s a bit chilling how lackadaisical he is in saying that.
  4525. >He’s not ashamed at all.
  4526. >He talks of murder like it’s the weather.
  4527. “Good. I feel much less conflicted about healing you if you’ve never killed anyone. Thing is… I have.”
  4528. >His expression remains unchanged for several seconds as he processes what you just said.
  4529. >After a brief flash of realization comes fear.
  4530. >”You’ve…”
  4531. “You’re lucky you failed. Trust me, the guilt is crippling. You have to spend every day for the rest of your life burdened with the knowledge that you ruined not only one life, but dozens. Maybe more. Heartbroken spouses and parents, orphaned children, ruined hopes and dreams.”
  4532. >Damn it all.
  4533. “I haven’t lost many patients. But I’ve lost a few, and it haunts me.”
  4534. >”Oh. So you killed them by accident?”
  4535. >Your eyes are watering up.
  4536. >Hold it together, you sissy!
  4537. “It’s a weird feeling at first. I’d done plenty of operations before I lost my first patient, and you sorta get used to the gore. You get used to death too. In med school they make you dissect corpses of your own species for practice. They make you face it right away, before you’re under pressure. Helps to keep you from freezing up in an emergency. Maybe I got a little TOO used to it, because the first time it happened, I wasn’t sad. I was angry. They brought me an older male who’d been in a terrible traffic accident. Poor bastard was barely recognizable as a human by the time I saw him. I tried, I really did, but I just couldn’t put him back together fast enough.”
  4538. >”Why were you angry?”
  4539. “I was upset because my perfect record had been ruined. Horrible, isn’t it? I was more upset that his death had inconvenienced me than about all the other consequences. It’s not that I didn’t know something terrible had happened, but by then I had done so many operations… part of you eventually forgets that it’s a living person on your table. They just sorta became piles of meat.”
  4540. >Truth be told, that’s still true.
  4541. >You’re not sure you’d be able to focus otherwise.
  4542. “I’m good at what I do, but it’s not an easy job and everyone makes mistakes. Do enough operations and you’re going to lose a patient.”
  4543. >”How many have you lost?”
  4544. “Four. Three of them from-”
  4545. >You idiot.
  4546. >Don’t tell them to target the brain!
  4547. “Well, never mind that. Four out of eight hundred and some, can’t remember exactly how many. The first three I didn’t have much trouble moving on. The fourth one, though, I had to face the people they left behind.”
  4548. >You’ll never forget them.
  4549. >No matter how hard you try.
  4550. “I’d totally isolated myself from the reality of my job. I had to, couldn’t handle the pressure otherwise. But when that barrier came down, it got a little too… real. That kind of thing changes you.”
  4551. >”What does any of that have to do with me?”
  4552. “You were definitely going to die without help. If I refused to do anything, I’d be responsible. Doesn’t matter that you’re a changeling, I can’t do that again.”
  4553. >There’s nothing more you can do for the bug right now.
  4554. >Honestly, you finished up after the blood draw.
  4555. >But you can’t leave yet.
  4556. >Because you spilled your guts for a reason.
  4557. “So I’ll help you changelings if you get sick or hurt, even if I don’t think it’s a good idea. Please, I’m begging you, don’t make me regret it.”
  4558. >He remains silent as you show yourself out.
  4559. >You take a few minutes to collect yourself before moving on.
  4560. >You REALLY don’t like thinking about your mistakes.
  4561. >The fact that you were talking to a changeling only makes things worse.
  4562. >Those things are freaky.
  4563. >And dangerous to boot
  4564. >The queen promised you she’d leave you and Rarity alone.
  4565. >But you’re not nearly stupid enough to take her at her word.
  4566. >Will she be thankful for your help?
  4567. >Maybe your sob story will actually reach them.
  4568. >Or maybe she’ll just dispose of you the moment she no longer needs you.
  4569. >You need some kind of insurance.
  4570. >But what?
  4571. >Her drone?
  4572. >Maybe if she thought he needed life support going forward.
  4573. >You could pretend his heart was damaged and he needed a miracle drug called Placebo to stay alive.
  4574. >Then she’d still need you, if only to secure more of it from Earth.
  4575. >Would she fall for it?
  4576. >Maybe.
  4577. >You should probably name a real drug instead of Placebo though.
  4578. >And maybe if you started setting up the lie early.
  4579. >It’s decided.
  4580. >You’ll tell him he’s going to need medication for life next time you go in.
  4581. >Even so, you have to tell Shining about him.
  4582. >Partially to protect yourself, sure.
  4583. >But also to protect others.
  4584. >You don’t want to release a murderous psychopath to the public.
  4585. >But what will he do if he finds out this is the one who stabbed his sister?
  4586. >Can you trust Shining not to put the changeling right back into your clinic?
  4587. >Or worse?
  4588. >You’ll have to tread carefully there too.
  4589. >You take a moment and place a bit of the blood in a petri dish, which goes straight in the incubator.
  4590. >You’re not equipped to determine the exact strains of pathogens, but you can at least do a Gram test.
  4591. >You also think to run a blood type test on it.
  4592. >You place blood and reagents into a few vials, then as an afterthought put a control vial in the centrifuge.
  4593. >It makes a worrying grinding noise as it spins.
  4594. >In some ways you shouldn’t be surprised, given you got it from a police auction.
  4595. >But it still catches you off guard.
  4596. >Just one more piece of equipment that will fail at any minute.
  4597. >You spend a few minutes trying to figure out what you’ll do when it breaks, but quickly put it out of mind.
  4598. >Because the results of the test are much more interesting than grim hypotheticals.
  4599. >You were expecting a yellowing plasma at the top of the vial and viscous red solids at the bottom.
  4600. >You got neither.
  4601. >What you got back was just what you put in.
  4602. >A vial full of a homogeneous red liquid.
  4603. >Wait, no.
  4604. >Upon closer inspection there’s a tiny white layer near the bottom.
  4605. >Immune cells?
  4606. >So the solids DID separate out.
  4607. >But there’s no sign of red cells.
  4608. >Which actually makes sense in a strange way.
  4609. >If they eat love, they’re not reliant on chemical energy.
  4610. >Which means they shouldn’t need oxygen either.
  4611. >And if you don’t need oxygen, there’s not much value in erythrocytes.
  4612. >Do they really not need to breathe?
  4613. >And is the plasma red to help their disguise?
  4614. >More questions for the bugs.
  4615. >They’re just so alien.
  4616. >The fact that they’re not mammals is bad enough, but this whole arcanovore thing just makes things worse.
  4617. >Honestly, anything you do for them will be as reliant on luck as actual knowledge.
  4618. >Even adapting to ponies was tricky, you doubt you’ll ever be comfortable with changelings.
  4619. >Speaking of ponies, Twilight is waiting.
  4620. >You’re not looking forward to being vetted by her guards.
  4621. >It’s always such a hassle.
  4622. >Still, you’re glad they’re there, especially given how freely the Queen seems to be able to move about.
  4623. >You make your way to her room.
  4624. >And are accosted by Shining Armor.
  4625. >”Hold still, bug!”
  4626. “Hi, Shining.”
  4627. >You don’t resist as he fumbles with his glucometer.
  4628. >It takes WAY longer than it should for him to get the test strip in.
  4629. >Little wonder why, what with the sunken and unfocused eyes.
  4630. >Poor guy’s clearly beyond tired.
  4631. “You need to slow down, man. You’re working too hard.”
  4632. >”That’s exactly what a changeling would say.”
  4633. “Pass it here, I’ll do the test.”
  4634. >”No! I got this- just… hah!”
  4635. “Can I draw my own blood at least?”
  4636. >”That’s mighty suspicious. Why?”
  4637. “Because I don’t trust that you’ve been sanitizing that lancette properly.”
  4638. >”Sanitizing?”
  4639. >Damn.
  4640. >You TOLD them!
  4641. >Well, there’s not much bloodborne disease out here.
  4642. >It’s probably fine.
  4643. >You’re still expecting a spike in dermal infections.
  4644. >You prick yourself and offer your finger.
  4645. >The machine beeps at you a few seconds later.
  4646. >And the prince nods sleepily.
  4647. “Rough day?”
  4648. >”Yeah. Can we talk for a bit in your office?”
  4649. “Of course.”
  4650. >The two of you make your way past reception.
  4651. >You can’t help but furrow your brow at the sight of all the armed ponies.
  4652. >Shining seems to have brought a task force of some kind with him.
  4653. >And you can tell at a glance that this is no ordinary force.
  4654. >Each of them is proudly displaying a firearm of some sort.
  4655. >You’re no soldier, but you’re pretty sure those are high caliber pistols.
  4656. “Uh, should I be worried?”
  4657. >”Yes.”
  4658. >You’re suddenly not certain you want to go to your office with him.
  4659. “Am I being detained?”
  4660. >He shoves you into your office and marches in.
  4661. >You’re pretty sure he’s trying for a stern affectation, but it’s being ruined since he keeps almost nodding off.
  4662. >”You’re in trouble.”
  4663. “I swear I didn’t do it.”
  4664. >”Didn’t do what?”
  4665. >Uhh...
  4666. >”What are you hiding?”
  4667. “Nothing! Last time you came in like this you hit me in the face and tried to arrest me. Isn’t that what’s happening this time?”
  4668. >You’ve always been a quick thinker.
  4669. >But you’ve never been a good actor.
  4670. >Thankfully the prince is worn out.
  4671. >He might just buy your lie.
  4672. >Unless he already knows.
  4673. >He DID come here with an armed force after all.
  4674. “So why am I in trouble again?”
  4675. >”We’re pretty sure the changelings are after you.”
  4676. >Oh.
  4677. >THAT kind of trouble.
  4678. >What a relief!
  4679. >You were worried he’d already figured you out.
  4680. >Wait.
  4681. >This is probably WAY worse.
  4682. “Why? What happened?”
  4683. >”We had a jailbreak. The changeling you helped us catch is gone.”
  4684. “Why would they be after me tho- oh fuck.”
  4685. >That changeling knows about the glucometers.
  4686. >They know that the ponies can identify changelings from a quick blood test.
  4687. >And worse, they know that YOU’RE the one who made it possible.
  4688. >”I’m sorry, man. I have no idea how it happened. We can’t find any signs of forced entry, none of the guards were hurt, no sounds were made, nothing. The cell is just empty.”
  4689. “You’re sure they’re gone? Maybe they changed into something innocuous and they’re hiding.”
  4690. >”Yes. We’re sure.”
  4691. >Well…
  4692. >Shit.
  4693. >That’s going to make it harder to keep Chrysalis off your back.
  4694. >You ruined their best weapon.
  4695. >Will her drone’s life be enough to temper her wrath?
  4696. >You can only hope.
  4697. >Wait a minute!
  4698. >If you turn over the wounded changeling, will it escape too?
  4699. >And if you turn it in, the queen will know she can’t trust you to keep her drones hidden.
  4700. >She’d DEFINITELY come after you then!
  4701. >You might not be able to turn it in!
  4702. >”I’m dedicating a small force to guard you around the clock. You won’t be able to move around much until things calm down, hope you like your office.”
  4703. >That is a HUGE relief.
  4704. >At least there’ll be something tangible between you and Chrysalis.
  4705. >”We’ll let you out at scheduled hours to deal with your patients and use the washroom. Guests need to be tested AND be approved by yourself or me.”
  4706. “Thank you. I have to admit, they’ve had me pretty worried. But what about you? You look terrible. When was the last time you slept?”
  4707. >”Uh… 5,6, carry the two… When did we find Rainbow Dash?”
  4708. “Dude! That was THREE DAYS AGO!”
  4709. >”So about four and a half days ago.”
  4710. “You have to stop! Your body’s going to give out, man!”
  4711. >”I can’t! I don’t know how many of them there are, where they’re going to strike next, what their plan is- I don’t know anything. And somehow, they keep slipping through our dragnet.”
  4712. “Yeah, I’ve been meaning to ask about that. I would have thought they’d be stuck with all the roadblocks. Have you really not caught any of them?”
  4713. >”Not a single one. We’ve found a few abandoned nests, we even had one we think was abandoned only a few minutes before we raided it! But we haven’t found any actual changelings.”
  4714. “Can they fly?”
  4715. >”Yes.”
  4716. “Well, have-”
  4717. >”They’re not flying. We’d have seen them by now.”
  4718. >He seemed pretty confident about that.
  4719. “Can they change to be really small?”
  4720. >”Well, yeah? But also no.”
  4721. >Thanks for clarifying.
  4722. “That’s not a very useful answer.”
  4723. >”We don’t really know. A powerful and skilled magic user could probably manage a shrinking spell for a short time, we’re not sure if they can though.”
  4724. “So they’re changing into mice or something and just walking by!”
  4725. >”No, they’re not. You have no idea how much magic it takes to do that. If they were shrinking every time they had to move they’d have starved to death by now.”
  4726. >Really?
  4727. >They’re arcanovores.
  4728. >Magic, more specifically the magic of love, is food for them.
  4729. >Does that mean that casting a spell makes them hungry?
  4730. >It almost has to, that energy can’t come from nowhere.
  4731. >Is that why he’s running around town trying to hunt them down?
  4732. >He’s trying to wear them out.
  4733. >Like a persistence predator, running its quarry ragged over a long chase until their body chemistry starts to break down.
  4734. >If he forced them to shrink over and over again, he’d win.
  4735. >But from the sounds of it, it wasn’t working.
  4736. “So how much magic do they have access to?”
  4737. >”Not much, I don’t think. Not without their prisoners, and not while they’re always on the move.”
  4738. >That sounded like a good thing.
  4739. >But he didn’t sound happy.
  4740. >Oh.
  4741. “Which means they don’t NEED much magic to give you the slip for days on end.”
  4742. >”Either that or they’re somehow finding time to feed. Either way they have some other trick we don’t know about.”
  4743. >Well, that was discouraging.
  4744. >If the magical ponies don’t know what Changelings are capable of, what chance does the non-magical alien have?
  4745. >You’re totally at their mercy, and totally dependent on the ponies to figure things out.
  4746. >Unless, of course, your silver tongue works on changelings.
  4747. >But wait, doesn’t this also mean you CAN’T count on the ponies to resolve things?
  4748. >They’ve been dealing with these things for years, maybe even generations!
  4749. >And STILL they haven’t shown all their cards.
  4750. “Is there any way I can-”
  4751. >”No, you’re not joining the search. We can’t risk losing our medical team.”
  4752. >Team.
  4753. “That’s not what I was going to ask. Is there any way I can talk you into taking a nap? You’ll probably be able to think more clearly afterwards.”
  4754. >”No time, I gotta get going!”
  4755. “No, you don’t. You have to sleep eventually. I don’t even know how you’re still awake!”
  4756. >”I drank a lot of coffee!”
  4757. “That doesn’t make it better! I’m warning you, this is going to bite you in the ass if you don’t slow down!”
  4758. >He completely ignores you and trots out of your office.
  4759. >And walks into the front door of the clinic.
  4760. “Get back here right now! You are in no condition to-”
  4761. >You try to walk out of your office and are immediately blocked by his lackeys.
  4762. “Let me go! The prince is going to hurt himself!”
  4763. >You struggle against the guards for a moment before one of them reminds you that they’re MUCH stronger than you.
  4764. >You’re just glad they didn’t actually hit you.
  4765. >The two of them scowl at you after your failed escape attempt.
  4766. “Look, I think we got off on the wrong hoof. I have something important to tell the prince.”
  4767. >”Oh. Well, it’ll have to wait.”
  4768. “Why? It’s urgent.”
  4769. >”Because he’s already gone.
  4770. >Damn it all!
  4771. >You look around them and find the front door swinging in the wind.
  4772. >You yell after him, but nothing comes of it.
  4773. >He’s working WAY too hard.
  4774. >And worse, you didn’t tell him about the changeling!
  4775. “Is there any way you can get a message to him?”
  4776. >”He’ll check back in later tonight.”
  4777. >It’ll have to do.
  4778. “So… does he always push himself this hard?”
  4779. >”Yeah.”
  4780. >Huh.
  4781. “He does know it’s unhealthy, right?”
  4782. >They shrug at you in unison.
  4783. >Does he need an intervention?
  4784. >You’ll have to talk it over with his family.
  4785. >Speaking of.
  4786. “You’re going to escort me to purple now, right?”
  4787. >They both nod in the affirmative.
  4788. >One of them steps in front of you, barring the doorway.
  4789. >The other sidles up by the wall, making his way to the door.
  4790. >He jumps around the corner, firearm at the ready.
  4791. >”Clear.”
  4792. >The pony in front of you cautiously steps forward and moves into the lobby.
  4793. >He takes the time to knock every single chair over, and upend the tables.
  4794. “Seriously?”
  4795. >Seemingly satisfied that nothing was hiding under the furniture, he plants himself in front of the corridor, blocking access to the inner rooms.
  4796. >”Clear. Bring the VIP.”
  4797. “This is going to get really tiresome, isn’t it?”
  4798. >You’re instructed to enter the hallway.
  4799. >Once there, you have a pony on either side of you, blocking the path.
  4800. >The three of you creep toward the recovery room at an irritatingly slow pace, approaching a burly stallion with oversized sunglasses who now stands before the door.
  4801. >The pony in front of you exchanges words with him for a moment, and the door eventually opens allowing you in.
  4802. >There is yet ANOTHER armed guard on either side of Twilight’s bed.
  4803. >One of them scrambles to attention when the door opens, seemingly pretending he wasn’t asleep.
  4804. >You step in, and the door is immediately closed behind you.
  4805. >All three ponies in the room are watching you intently.
  4806. >Two, clearly looking for any signs of hostility.
  4807. >One, clearly dreading what comes next.
  4808. “Hello.”
  4809. >”Hi, doctor. Are you here to clean my wounds again?”
  4810. >Hopefully not.
  4811. >With all your good painkillers gone, this whole experience has been pretty tortuous for Twilight.
  4812. >You’ve done what you can to suppress the pain.
  4813. >But her liver can only handle so much acetaminophen, and you don’t have many alternatives.
  4814. >You even considered putting a neural block in her, but it was just too dangerous.
  4815. >With those wounds so close to the heart, you’d be at risk of paralyzing her heart as well.
  4816. >She’s just had to tough it out for the most part.
  4817. >And every time the pain finally fades, you’ve had to come around and agitate her injuries.
  4818. >It had to be done.
  4819. >But it still breaks your heart to hear her suppressed cries of pain and to see her watery eyes.
  4820. “Maybe. That depends on how they’re doing.”
  4821. >You can see her chewing on her lip as you approach.
  4822. >Sadly, it’s not the lewd kind of lip bite.
  4823. >You make a point of being gentle as you unwrap her bandages.
  4824. >There’s no visible blood or pus on them.
  4825. >”What are you doing?”
  4826. >She has her curiosity back.
  4827. >Or she’s just scared.
  4828. >Either way, it’s a good sign.
  4829. >She didn’t have that much energy when she first woke up.
  4830. “Well, as I’m sure you know you had a deep incisional surgical site infection. I tried to prevent this, but it was pretty much inevitable given how you wound up here. And, like I said, I gave you broad spectrum antibiotics not knowing what kind of infection it was.”
  4831. >”I thought you said it was Stapillocookis.”
  4832. >It’s sorta charming how she tries to speak in Human tongues when communicating proper nouns.
  4833. >Charming, but also worrying.
  4834. >Is that what your accent sounds like to them?
  4835. >It’s hard to take somebody seriously when they can’t even speak properly.
  4836. “I said it was PROBABLY Staphylococcus. But I took a cotton swab to your wound, cut off the tip in a small dish full of agar, and put it in a warm place overnight.”
  4837. >”You explained how cultures work. Umm… could I see mine?”
  4838. >Strange request.
  4839. >But this IS Twilight.
  4840. “I don’t see why not. The bacteria inside should be non-viable by now, but I’d still suggest you act like it could make you sick. Anyway, it turns out it was Clostridioides Difficile.”
  4841. >You don’t have confirmation yet, but you’re betting that’s what the changeling has too.
  4842. >They were wounded at the same place and time, albeit with different weapons.
  4843. >You’ve already started treating for it, but you still want the culture just to be sure.
  4844. >”Is that a bad one?”
  4845. “C. Difficile?”
  4846. >Once upon a time it would have been terrible.
  4847. >But thankfully for her, there’s a silver bullet for that one.
  4848. “Could be worse.”
  4849. >”Doesn’t Deffy Seal mean difficult in Freensh?”
  4850. “Yes, actually. It was extremely hard to isolate and incubate at first because it doesn’t grow when exposed to air. You remember how I chose not to close your wounds all the way? I had to put the last few stitches in a few days later.”
  4851. >Truth be told it was so you could clean them easier.
  4852. >When you were finishing up you knew this would be a case of infection control, not prevention.
  4853. >But you’re going to take credit even if it was just serendipity.
  4854. “If I’d stitched them up right away the infection would have spread much faster. Anyway, now that I know for a fact what you’ve got I started giving you Fidaxomicin. It was developed to treat gastric C. Difficile infections, but it works extremely well for surgical wounds too.”
  4855. >”This is usually a gastric infection?”
  4856. >Yeah. Not a hugely common one, but it’s out there. Hard to say exactly how common though, since it’s easy to mistake for Norovirus.”
  4857. >Wait a second.
  4858. >Weren’t you dealing with a Norovirus outbreak before the changelings started stabbing ponies?
  4859. >Is that a coincidence, or…
  4860. >”How does this drug work?”
  4861. “Hm? Oh! It binds to the switch region of bacterial RNA polymerase, the enzyme that is made to copy DNA. With the switch region disrupted it can’t unravel DNA to copy it, so the cells can’t reproduce.”
  4862. >”Oh wow. But won’t that do the same thing to my cells?”
  4863. “Naa. Polymerase is, as the name implies, made of multiple subunits. Different types of cells have different polymerase structures, and this was designed specifically to react with one possible sub-unit. You’re immune. As is pretty much everything else in existence, including most other bacteria.”
  4864. >You have to admit, it took some research to pick that one out.
  4865. >Nothing heavy, only 15 minutes of reading or so.
  4866. >But it SHOULD have come to mind immediately.
  4867. >You bought it for a reason, after all.
  4868. >But there’s a reason why you went into surgery and didn’t become a general practitioner.
  4869. >And that’s because the endless memorization of drugs and their effects was enough to drive you mad.
  4870. >You’re trying to learn, because sooner or later this weakness will cause trouble.
  4871. >Not this time, though, the treatment was working marvelously.
  4872. >Her wounds honestly don’t look that bad.
  4873. >They’re infected, sure.
  4874. >But they’re healing at a good rate.
  4875. >The incisions are less swollen, and visibly shorter.
  4876. >They’re also pretty dry.
  4877. >At this point, the risks from agitating them outweigh the risks of leaving them alone.
  4878. “You’ll be glad to hear I don’t think these need to be cleaned today.”
  4879. >”WOOHOO!”
  4880. >She nearly jumps out of the bed as she cheers.
  4881. >”Oh, ow. Ouchie ouch!”
  4882. >You can’t help but roll your eyes.
  4883. “Any dizziness or confusion? Difficulty seeing?”
  4884. >”Nope. Nor numbness in my extremities nor excessive thirst.”
  4885. >She knew what you were getting at.
  4886. >You put a pressure cuff around her leg anyway and start to inflate it.
  4887. >Best to make sure.
  4888. >Aaand it’s actually a bit high.
  4889. >Hmm…
  4890. >Does that run in the family?
  4891. >Probably.
  4892. >You’ll bring it up with her if this persists.
  4893. “Well, it’s not low. That tells me there’s no internal bleeding. With the infection receding we just need to wait until your wounds have healed enough that you can move around safely. We’ll probably have you out of here within 4 days.”
  4894. >The smile on her face is just a little bit too big.
  4895. “Looks like you got away with it. But still, as your doctor, I have to advise you not to get stabbed in the future.”
  4896. >”I’ll take it under advisement.”
  4897. “And it’s going to take you a while to get your strength back, I’m sorry to say. Probably quite a while.”
  4898. >Probably years.
  4899. “It’s going to be hard, but if you ever want to recover you should try not to lean on your magic. Move as much as you can without hurting yourself, and try to get light exercise multiple times per day.”
  4900. >”Light by which standard?”
  4901. “Uhh…”
  4902. >You’re not a physiotherapist.
  4903. “I’ll get back to you on that one. You don’t need to worry about that for a few days yet anyway. I’ll be back later tonight with more meds. You just rest up for now.”
  4904. >”Wait, before you go I have one last question. Where does Deefy Seal come from?”
  4905. “Pardon?”
  4906. >”You said that Stapillocookis was almost everywhere and it was normal to have it on our skin, right? Where does Deefy Seal come from?”
  4907. “Uh… it’s mostly found in the, erm, byproducts of someone who’s been infected.”
  4908. >”WHAT? Eww!”
  4909. “Yeah. There’s a good reason why we find such things gross.”
  4910. >”Why would THAT be on a spear?”
  4911. >That was actually a very good question.
  4912. >It felt like it meant something.
  4913. >But what could-
  4914. >Wait.
  4915. “Twiggy, can you zap your brother here?”
  4916. >”No.”
  4917. >Curses!
  4918. >”Is it urgent?”
  4919. “Yes! I have very important information for him!”
  4920. >”Why not use your pager to contact Cadence?”
  4921. “Great idea!”
  4922. >You quickly locate your pager in your many pockets.
  4923. >Hopefully she responds sooner than last time...
  4926. >You’ve been in your office for a long time now.
  4927. >Or at least it FEELS like a long time.
  4928. >If the clock on your wall is to be believed, it’s been about half an hour.
  4929. >And despite your most sincere hopes, the ceiling has failed to provide quality entertainment.
  4930. >It’s remarkable how slowly time moves when you’ve got no distractions.
  4931. >Or rather, no PLEASANT distractions.
  4932. >Myriad unbidden thoughts assail your mind as the seconds agonizingly tick away.
  4933. >What will the changelings do to you when they don’t need you anymore?
  4934. >If you’re lucky you’ll never have to find out.
  4935. >But then, what will Shining Armor do to you when he finds out you were harboring one of them?
  4936. >You have to tell him, the alternative is just too dangerous.
  4937. >And yet, you know he’s far more temperamental than he lets on.
  4938. >You rub your bruised cheek, feeling where he struck you when you were framed.
  4939. >A gentle beating for one thought to be a murderer.
  4940. >But still, it was retribution without warning.
  4941. >A vicious strike against a defenceless target.
  4942. >The look of rage in his eyes is ineffably burned into your mind.
  4943. >There is absolutely no doubt in your mind that, had you not convinced him he was mistaken, the beating would have continued.
  4944. >You consider him a friend.
  4945. >And you’re convinced his heart is in the right place.
  4946. >But how deeply does his hatred of changelings run?
  4947. >How passionate will he be in his abhorrence for the wretch who stabbed his sister?
  4948. >And how much of his wrath are you about to invite upon yourself?
  4949. >Perhaps it’s for the best that you’re contacting Cadence instead.
  4950. >There’s a knocking upon your door.
  4951. “Speak of Tirek and he doth appear. Come in!”
  4952. >As expected, princess Cadence makes her way into your office.
  4953. >”Hi Anon! You, err, why are you lying on the floor?”
  4954. “Boredom, mostly.”
  4955. >You’re honestly pretty sleepy too.
  4956. >But you couldn’t take a nap until after talking to Cadence.
  4957. >And it seems unlikely your disquit mind will allow for sleep regardless.
  4958. “I’m glad you’re here. We need to talk.”
  4959. >You get up from the floor and quickly dust yourself off before making your way to your office chair.
  4960. >Cadence elects to stay standing.
  4961. >”Is there a problem?”
  4962. “Several. When was the last time your husband slept?”
  4963. >”I’m not sure, actually. I haven’t seen much of him since Twilight got hurt. This whole mess has been really hard on him.”
  4964. “I noticed.”
  4965. >Hard to blame the guy when his own sister winds up getting stabbed by a shapeshifting monster.
  4966. “His sister will recover from this ordeal, given time. If he keeps pushing himself like this, he won’t.”
  4967. >”Why wouldn’t Shiny be okay? Did he get hurt too?”
  4968. “Well-”
  4969. >”Oh my goodness! Where is he? Is he going to be okay? Who hurt him?”
  4970. “Whoa, there. He’s not hurt.”
  4971. >”Are you sure?”
  4972. “Yes. Well, I mean, he was fine when I saw him.”
  4973. >That could have changed.
  4974. >But it probably hasn’t.
  4975. “Last time I saw him, he admitted to not having slept in several days. The visit prior, he was clearly having a hypertensive episode.”
  4976. >You still feel guilty about letting him leave.
  4977. >He was in no condition to be standing up, much less playing hero.
  4978. >But unfortunately, he had a point.
  4979. >The captives needed his help.
  4980. >Loathe as you are to admit it, he probably did the right thing going out there.
  4981. >This last time, though…
  4982. >If he doesn’t make time for rest, he’ll soon make time for sickness.
  4983. “I assume he hasn’t been taking the medication I gave him.”
  4984. >”You gave him medication?”
  4985. >Of course he hasn’t.
  4986. >He’s stubborn to a fault, and he insists on working way too hard.
  4987. >And now you’re pretty sure hypertension runs in the family.
  4988. >At least he’s in decent shape...
  4989. “Remember when I accused you of fucking him to death? I owe you an apology. The problem runs deeper than that.”
  4990. >”Does that mean-”
  4991. “You should still try to give him a break.”
  4992. >”No, does that mean that he’s still sick?”
  4993. >Oh.
  4994. >You might have misread that a bit.
  4995. “We need to get his blood pressure in check and make sure he sleeps. If we can do that he should be fine.”
  4996. >”And if we don’t?”
  4997. “Ehhh… it’s probably best if we don’t get into that.”
  4998. >Partially because you don’t want to upset her that much.
  4999. >And partially because it would WAY take too long to explain.
  5000. >It’s amazing how many things can go wrong from hypertension.
  5001. “The first step is to get him to sleep a bit. I was hoping you’d be able to track him down and drug him for me.”
  5002. >”You got it!”
  5003. >Really?
  5004. “I was expecting you to argue with me for a bit on that. Maybe suggest we try talking to him first or something.”
  5005. >”Why?”
  5006. “Well, it’s just that drugging somepony without telling them is usually seen as… bad.”
  5007. >”But it’s for his own good, right?”
  5008. “Yes.”
  5009. >Still feels wrong.
  5010. >But you’re just going to lean into it.
  5011. “I’m going to give you some rohypnol. Give him ONE tablet per day at most, and only when trying to knock him out. Should be enough to knock him out no matter how much coffee he drinks.”
  5012. >Better drive home the ONE tablet part.
  5013. “Remember. ONE tablet. EXACTLY one. Now, ideally he won’t know you gave it to him. We don’t want him getting angry at you.”
  5014. >”He won’t. Shiny is really understanding. Too understanding.”
  5015. >Yeah, that might qualify as too understanding.
  5016. >Somehow you doubt he’d feel the same way if anyone else were to pull this stunt.
  5017. >Even so…
  5018. “If he DOES find out, blame me. I’ll take the fall.”
  5019. >You don’t want to be responsible for them fighting.
  5020. >”Oh, that’s so sweet of you. But no, this is my responsibility. Plus, it might be neat if he gets angry. Oh! Do you think he’ll hit me?”
  5021. >She sounded WAY too happy when she asked that.
  5022. “I wouldn’t count on it.”
  5023. >You say, painfully conscious of your bruised face.
  5024. >That colt can really kick.
  5025. “He probably won’t remember anyway, this stuff messes with your memory for a while.”
  5026. >”Just a while though, right?”
  5027. “Yeah, a few hours give or take. You usually don’t remember what happened while under the effects, but once it wears off that oes away.”
  5028. >”You can’t remember what happened after taking it? Weird. Oh! But how am I supposed to get him to take it?”
  5029. “It dissolves really easily in water. Kinda bitter though, might want to put it in his coffee.”
  5030. >”Oh, that sounds easy!”
  5031. >Wait.
  5032. >What’s happening?
  5033. >Her eyes are unfocused, like she’s lost in thought.
  5034. >And she’s drooling a little bit...
  5035. “What’s going on?”
  5036. >”Can ponies still cum while on this?”
  5037. >Fuck.
  5038. >You were hoping she wouldn’t put it together that quickly.
  5039. >But in retrospect, you should have known Cadence would invent roofies.
  5040. “I am giving you ONE tablet.”
  5041. >”Aww…”
  5042. “These chemicals aren’t toys.”
  5043. >”And why not?”
  5044. >Uh…
  5045. >You really weren’t expecting that answer.
  5046. “Well, they’re dangerous.”
  5047. >”Then just give me the ones that aren’t.”
  5048. “AND! And I have a limited supply.”
  5049. >”Then we’ll get a bunch next time the portal opens. That’s not that far away you know.”
  5050. “AND! AND! And… I could get in trouble?”
  5051. >”With whom? I write the laws around here.”
  5052. >She raises a point.
  5053. >”There has to be SOME drugs that we could use to make the Empire a bit more fun, right? ”
  5054. >Vile temptress.
  5055. “I have to be honest, I’m uncomfortable with this conversation.”
  5056. >”Oh, relax. We’re all friends here. And you’d LOVE to help a friend make her dreams come true, right?”
  5057. >You’re not entirely certain what dream she’s talking about.
  5058. >But it’s not hard to guess that it involves sex.
  5059. >Even so, you’d best ask for clarification.
  5060. >Just in case she’s getting REALLY weird about it.
  5061. “What did you have in mind?”
  5062. >”Got any aphrodisiacs?”
  5063. >Yeah, that’s about what you’d expected.
  5064. “I don’t know if I can support you with this one. It’s reckless.”
  5065. >”Do you REALLY mean to tell me you’ve never drugged Rarity?”
  5066. >A few times.
  5067. >But there’s no chance Cadence would be careful enough to be trusted with those drugs.
  5068. >But…
  5069. >Your knowledge of medicine is pretty narrow.
  5070. >You know emergency procedures, basic remedies, and whatever you’ve picked up since setting up shop here.
  5071. >Maybe, just maybe, you might be able to arrange something fun.
  5072. >You’ll have to do some reading.
  5073. >And some reflecting.
  5074. “No. We have more important issues to worry about. But… maybe someday.”
  5075. >She lets out a quick squeal of delight.
  5076. >”Thank you, Anon! I knew I could count on you. I’d better get going and find Shiny before he does anything… silly.”
  5077. >She stands up.
  5078. “Wait! I’ve got something else to tell you.”
  5079. >”Oh? What’s up?”
  5080. “I know how the changelings are evading capture.”
  5081. >”REALLY? Why didn’t you OPEN with that?”
  5082. >The gaiety of a moment ago has vanished without a trace.
  5083. >She’s not just upset, she’s pissed.
  5084. “Well, I was worried about your husband.”
  5085. >”Well, YEAH! But think for a minute! If we can catch the roaches, he won’t HAVE to work himself so hard!”
  5086. >That had occurred to you.
  5087. “I want him to get a bit of rest before he learns this. We’re going to have one chance to surprise them before they know their hiding spot is compromised, and if he rushes in while half asleep he might blow it.”
  5088. >”That- okay. Okay. Alright. That makes sense. I won’t tell him until after he’s had a bit of a sleep.”
  5089. “Wait for a few hours after he wakes up if you can. He might still be a bit woozy.”
  5090. >”Alright. So… what’s the secret?”
  5091. “Not yet. I need to confirm you’re not a changeling first.”
  5092. >Maybe shoulda done that a bit sooner.
  5093. >You were counting on the guards to screen them out, but…
  5094. >Can’t be too safe this time.
  5095. “Alright. You’re a pony. Changelings don’t breathe.”
  5096. >”Hmmm...”
  5097. >Looks like she’s figured out what that means.
  5098. >”They could do fantastic blowjobs then.”
  5099. >Hm.
  5100. >That might be true.
  5101. >”But that also means… Do you think they’re hiding underwater?”
  5102. “Yeah. Remember when the water in the aqueducts was tainted a little while back? There’s a very good chance it’s the same disease as I found in Purple’s wounds, which could be a disease found in wastewater.”
  5103. >”Huh. So they hide in the drains and in the aqueducts. The water gets dirty, their spears get dirty. But they can just swim past all the roadblocks without ever being noticed! I think you might be onto something! But…”
  5104. >There’s always a but.
  5105. >”What makes you think they don’t need to breathe?”
  5106. >Well, here it is.
  5107. >You’d already decided you were going to do this.
  5108. >Not like you have much choice in the matter.
  5109. >Don’t back out now.
  5110. “Look, I want you to know I wasn’t trying to keep this a secret from you. I just didn’t have a good opportunity to tell you until just now.”
  5111. >”Anon? What did you do?”
  5112. “Uh, the other day I was approached by a changeling.”
  5113. >She’s staring at you with an intensity you’ve never before seen from Cadence.
  5114. “One of them was dying, and they demanded I treat them.”
  5115. >”You… you what?”
  5116. “And while I was running a test I noticed their blood can’t carry oxygen, so-”
  5117. >”You’re HEALING them?”
  5118. “He was dying. I had to.”
  5119. >”You- AUGH! I thought I could trust you.”
  5120. >She marches out of the office in a huff.
  5121. >”GUARDS! He is NOT allowed to leave that room until further notice!”
  5122. >”Your majesty, the prince already gave us that order!”
  5123. >”Oh. Well, good!”
  5124. >You hear something being smashed.
  5125. >And then there’s silence.
  5127. >It’s been a while since Cadence left in a huff.
  5128. >And while you were worried at first, you’ve decided it’s going to be fine.
  5129. >You can probably talk your way out of this whole ordeal by saying you were threatened and had no choice.
  5130. >And you really wouldn’t be lying.
  5131. >But even if that doesn’t cut it, you’ve built up a LOT of goodwill with Cadence.
  5132. >After saving several ponies, including her daughter, you’re probably golden.
  5133. >Plus you really haven’t done anything wrong.
  5134. >Well, aside from all the rape.
  5135. >But Cadence thinks that’s a good thing so again, you’re fine.
  5136. >She’s going to get over it soon enough.
  5137. >Shining, on the other hoof…
  5138. >He might take a bit to calm down.
  5139. >You’re sorta expecting another split lip.
  5140. >But his daughter and his sister are alive, and he’s not going to forget that.
  5141. >Plus you’ve been instrumental in exposing the changelings.
  5142. >You might not be the action hero that swoops in and stops the bad guy.
  5143. >But just because you’re stuck on the sidelines doesn’t mean you didn’t help.
  5144. >He knows it, and he’s not going to forget it.
  5145. >The immediate future is uncertain.
  5146. >But in the long run, it’s going to be alright.
  5147. >Assuming nopony else gets stabbed, of course.
  5148. >It’s out of your hands, and it’s going to be fine anyway, so there’s no point in worrying.
  5149. >That is, of course, easier said than done.
  5150. >But it’s enough to finally allow your thoughts to calm a bit.
  5151. >And before long you manage to fall asleep.
  5152. >Almost immediately after, there’s a knock on the door.
  5153. “Whosa-”
  5154. >”You have a visitor!”
  5155. >Oh.
  5156. >You quickly wipe the drool off your chin and scurry into your chair.
  5157. “Send them in.”
  5158. >Rarity timidly steps through the doorway, dragging a small bag along behind her.
  5159. “You brought the stuff I asked for?”
  5160. >She hurriedly closes the door and locks it.
  5161. >Or at least she thinks she’s locked it.
  5162. “Yeah, the lock’s broken. Your orange friend kicked the door in a little while ago and there hasn’t been a good chance to get it fixed yet.”
  5163. >That combined with the boarded up broken front windows has left your place looking ramshackle.
  5164. >Granted, it always has been if your equipment is anything to go by.
  5165. >”Okay, but why was all the furniture upended in the lobby?”
  5166. >Oh right, there was that too.
  5167. “Candy ass threw a tantrum.”
  5168. >”Candy? Of whom do you speak?”
  5169. “You know. Perverted pink princess.”
  5170. >”Cadence did that? I knew she was, if we are being charitable, a hideous waste of skin-”
  5171. >That was charitable?.
  5172. >”But I didn’t realize she had a temper. What happened?”
  5173. >Should you lie?
  5174. >Naa.
  5175. >She’s probably going to find out sooner or later.
  5176. >Hopefully Rarity is a bit more even tempered.
  5177. “She found out I was healing a changeling.”
  5178. >”Oh. Oh my. This might be a bit of a problem.”
  5179. “You disapprove too?”
  5180. >”Well, perhaps a tad.”
  5181. >You begin preparing a speech to scold her.
  5182. >It is NOT her place to decide who you do and do not heal!
  5183. >But she continues before you have a chance.
  5184. >”While it was noble of you to do this, you shouldn’t have tried to hide it from her.”
  5185. “I didn’t. She found out because I told her.”
  5186. >”Oh. My apologies, I misunderstood when you said she’d found out.”
  5187. >It’s a bit insulting that she thought you’d be that deceptive.
  5188. >Granted, you HAD considered it…
  5189. “You approve of me helping dangerous shapeshifters?”
  5190. >”Well, that depends. What was wrong with it?”
  5191. “Septicemia, err, basically his blood was rotting.”
  5192. >”And would it have recovered without your aid?”
  5193. “Not a chance.”
  5194. >”And were you aware that doing this would anger Cadence?”
  5195. “Nope. Shining, on the other hoof, is probably going to kick my ass for it.”
  5196. >”Well, they may be upset that you intervened, but I would be appalled had you not.”
  5197. >That’s lucky.
  5198. >You want Rarity to see you as noble, if not heroic.
  5199. >The better her opinion, the more willing she’ll be to tolerate your abuse.
  5200. >”Is this why there are guards watching your office? Has the crown decided you’re a prisoner now?”
  5201. “Maybe? The guards were there before they found that out, presumably to protect me. I’m not worried about being locked up though. They owe me too much to hold a grudge over this.”
  5202. >”I’m not certain that’s true.”
  5203. “They owe me more than you realize.”
  5204. >”Perhaps. It’s just that… they’re both victims of changelings.”
  5205. >Oh.
  5206. >Oh dear.
  5207. “What happened?”
  5208. >”It was the eve of their wedding, and Chrysalis had enthralled the prince.”
  5209. “Enthralled?”
  5210. >You’ve never heard that pony word before.
  5211. >”To be made a thrall. One who is completely controlled by another.”
  5212. “Seriously? I didn’t think the prince would put up with that. She must have had some leverage.”
  5213. >”Oh, not at all! She bewitched him.”
  5214. “Bewitched?”
  5215. >”To cast a malicious spell upon someone.”
  5216. >She can do that?
  5217. >Well, that’s just not fair.
  5218. >It took a lot of work and a lot of dick to enslave Rarity, and she can do it with a swing of her horn!
  5219. >”And she abducted Cadence. I don’t know what happened in that cavern. Nopony does save for her; we’ve tried to find out but she doesn’t talk about her ordeal.”
  5220. >Well…
  5221. >Shit.
  5222. >If you’d known that, you might have been a bit more tactful.
  5223. >Shouldn’t be that hard to make it up to her though.
  5224. “It’ll be fine. They need me more than I need them. But enough about that, aren’t you forgetting something?”
  5225. >”Am I?”
  5226. >Don’t tell her unless you have to.
  5227. >She’ll learn faster if she has to do it herself.
  5228. >”Oh right! My choker.”
  5229. “There you go.”
  5230. >You take it out of your pocket and wrap it around her neck.
  5231. >The jeweled clasp makes a satisfying clicking sound as the locking mechanism falls into place.
  5232. >”I do apologize for forgetting, master. I’ve brought the things you asked for.”
  5233. “Great. Any trouble getting at it?”
  5234. >”A tad. The real challenge was getting into your office with it.”
  5235. “Really? I told the guards you’d be coming with a bag in tow, and that they weren’t to search it.”
  5236. >”Well, they were rather… disagreeable regardless.”
  5237. >She drops the bag in front of you.
  5238. >A rubber penis rolls out.
  5239. >”Now, what lascivious things did you have planned?”
  5240. >She wiggles her eyebrows at you.
  5241. >You’ve got a few choices to make here.
  5242. >You could humiliate her with the guards nearby.
  5243. >You could work on her backlog of punishments.
  5244. >Or you could just plow her.
  5245. >But you need to start working on the next phase.
  5246. >It’s going to be hard.
  5247. >It might be even harder than getting her this far.
  5248. >But with a little luck and a LOT of manipulation...
  5249. “We need to talk.”
  5250. >”Oh dear. This doesn’t sound good.”
  5251. “A while back you asked me what you had to do to earn my trust.”
  5252. >”Did I? I do not recall that.”
  5253. >You’re pretty sure she did.
  5254. >Pretty sure.
  5255. “We were discussing your magic-”
  5256. >Offer her something she wants.
  5257. “And how I couldn’t trust you with it after you trashed the place and nearly killed your friend.”
  5258. >And shame her a bit.
  5259. >Just to remind her that she does need to make up for something.
  5260. >”Oh. Oh dear, I do seem to recall something like this. But didn’t you say I needed but be good for a few weeks?”
  5261. “I did. Earlier today you disobeyed my orders multiple times.”
  5262. >”I did no such thing!”
  5263. “I told you to go in the store and read the paper aloud. You refused for several minutes.”
  5264. >”I- hm. I’m sorry, master.”
  5265. >She didn’t sound very sorry.
  5266. “AND you knocked that poor pony’s merchandise on the floor with your hat after I advised you to take it off. Is that good behavior?”
  5267. >”No…”
  5268. “The fact of the matter is I don’t think you understand what it means to be a slave. You aren’t just here to enjoy dick, you’ve got obligations.”
  5269. >”I understand.”
  5270. “Do you? Tell me, what are your obligations?”
  5271. >”I, er, I’m supposed to do as you tell me?”
  5272. “Exactly. You failed earlier today. You will be punished. Face the wall.”
  5273. >She drags her hooves a bit, which you’re not too happy about.
  5274. >But she does as you asked.
  5275. >Eventually.
  5276. >You fetch two coins from your desk and drop them in front of Rarity..
  5277. “You’re going to hold these against the wall. One with each hoof.”
  5278. >”I beg your pardon?”
  5279. “That’s your punishment. You’re going to hold these coins against the wall.”
  5280. >”Why?”
  5281. >Because you said so.
  5282. “The punishment is holding the pose. The coins are to make it harder for you to cheat.”
  5283. >If she was just leaning against the wall she could shift her weight around and you’d never notice.
  5284. >She gives you a strange look, but winds up picking up one of the coins and pressing it against the wall a bit below her head height.
  5285. >Rarity fumbles with the second one for a while before eventually dropping the first.
  5286. >Without magic and only one hoof, she doesn’t really have that many tools to move it.
  5287. >Plus she can’t reach it with her mouth without dropping the first one.
  5288. >You really hadn’t thought that through.
  5289. >You pick them up for her, and finally have Rarity pressing her front hooves against the wall.
  5290. >How long can she hold that pose?
  5291. >Who cares?
  5292. >What matters is that she actually tries to appease you.
  5293. >You reach down to the bag she brought and start sorting through it.
  5294. “What are your other obligations?”
  5295. >”I have others?”
  5296. “A few. First off, elocution lessons.”
  5297. >Your tendency to fuck up names stopped being funny a long time ago.
  5298. >”Oh I was hoping you might say that. Your vocabulary is decent-”
  5299. >From her that’s a compliment.
  5300. >”But your enunciation is abhorrent! OH! I apologize if I’ve overstepped my bounds.”
  5301. >That would sting less if it weren’t true.
  5302. >No point in getting upset though, she’s already got a ton of punishments lined up.
  5303. >You’ve honestly lost track of how many you owe her.
  5304. >Hopefully she has too.
  5305. >Ah, there it is.
  5306. >A small bullet vibrator.
  5307. >You shove it into Rarity’s wet hole without warning, eliciting a gasp.
  5308. “Lessons are your tertiary task right now. Your secondary, though…”
  5309. >You’ve been putting some thought into this.
  5310. >She needs a lot of work.
  5311. >So far all you’ve really got from her is a willingness to fuck you.
  5312. >She won’t be lewd in public, she’s obstinate, she still seems to disapprove of sex slavery, you doubt she’d fuck someone else if you ordered it, and there’s no way she’d let you have more than one mare.
  5313. >But you’re pretty sure you know how to work her at this point.
  5314. >She cares about her image way too much.
  5315. >That’s your in.
  5316. “It occurs to me that we won’t be able to keep our relationship a secret forever. Candy Ass knows, and I don’t trust her to keep it secret. But I do see a solution.”
  5317. >”Oh that’s a relief. What is your plan?”
  5318. “You’re going to popularize sex slavery.”
  5319. >”EXCUSE ME?”
  5320. “Inside voice.”
  5321. >”I shall be doing no such thing!”
  5322. >She turns away from the wall, dropping both coins.
  5323. “Really? I thought you were a trend setter.”
  5324. >”Well, I am-”
  5325. “Great, so there’s no problem then. You’re going to convince other mares that they should be sex slaves.”
  5326. >”But I wouldn’t- I can’t! What would others think if they knew? My reputation would be ruined!”
  5327. “Not if you succeeded.”
  5328. >You’ve seen her blush before, but never like this.
  5329. >It’s honestly getting a bit worrying.
  5330. >She falls to her haunches, but mercifully doesn’t faint.
  5331. >She panics so easily when her public image is in danger.
  5332. >Maybe you should destroy it intentionally so she has nothing to lose?
  5333. >Just rip the bandage off.
  5334. >No, it’s too useful as leverage.
  5335. “I’m not expecting you to get it done overnight. Foal steps.”
  5336. >”Master, I CANNOT do this!”
  5337. “Are you disobeying me again?”
  5338. >”It’s impossible! It cannot be done!”
  5339. >That sounds like it’s her problem, not yours.
  5340. “Well, maybe if you’d stop arguing with me you’d think of a way.”
  5341. >She’s dumbfounded.
  5342. >This is going better than expected, actually.
  5343. >You were expecting her to argue on moral lines or something.
  5344. >Making it about practicality is wonderful.
  5345. “You dropped something.”
  5346. >She blinks a few times before gasping in shock.
  5347. >Rarity stares aghast at the coins.
  5348. >You pick them up and direct her back to her position.
  5349. >Once she’s against the wall again, you reach down and begin to knead her clit.
  5350. >Rarity whimpers at your touch and begins to lean into it.
  5351. “Ah, careful. Don’t let go.”
  5352. >”But-”
  5353. “You’ve already dropped them once.”
  5354. >She hesitantly shifts her weight back against the wall.
  5355. >She can’t lean into your touch, you have total control.
  5356. “Imagine it. You could attend a fancy ball, mingling with the peak of high society all the while seeing the lewdest things the Empire has to offer.”
  5357. >You slip one of your fingers in, not stopping the clitoral massage.
  5358. “All the stallions would have their eyes on you. You’d be notorious as the most attractive mare alive, and the best cocksucker in the world. Hundreds, nay, thousands of ponies from all over the world would fantasize about spending a mere minute with your touch. You’d have an endless supply of dicks, just waiting to please you.”
  5359. >”B-but…”
  5360. “You could take them two, three, four at a time if you wanted. Or you could just take one. Savor it. Tease it. Make it twitch at your slightest touch and tremble, ache for your-”
  5361. >”I don’t want that.”
  5362. >Eh?
  5363. >”I don’t want a bunch of strange penises, master. I want yours.”
  5364. >That was almost romantic.
  5365. >You can’t help but smile a bit.
  5366. >In a way though, it’s bad news.
  5367. >Your plan is fucked.
  5368. >You can’t use her lust to get what you want.
  5369. >You’ll have to come up with something later.
  5370. >For now, though…
  5371. >You press your glans against her pussy and grind against it, but don’t penetrate.
  5372. >The coins slip just a little bit as Rarity tries to push back against you.
  5373. >There’s almost no friction as you slide against her wet lips.
  5374. >It’s just the soft and supple resistance with her warmth seeping into you.
  5375. >It takes a great deal of restraint to not go balls deep right this second.
  5376. >”Please… don’t tease me. Just do it.”
  5377. “Not today.”
  5378. >”I- but-”
  5379. >She tries to envelop your penis, but can’t quite reach.
  5380. >Rarity strains and stretches her legs, trying desperately to fill her hole without dropping the coins.
  5381. >To no avail.
  5382. “Your master’s dick isn’t a punishment, girl. It’s a reward.”
  5383. >You continue to grind against her, relishing in her helplessness.
  5384. >Relief is so very close, yet unreachable.
  5385. >Rarity groans and her legs start shaking from the strain as you continue your tantalizing torment.
  5386. >You pull away from her pussy for a bit and press up against her anus.
  5387. >She shifts away, nearly falling face first on the floor.
  5388. “Don’t drop the coins. It would be easier if you stayed still.
  5389. >You press against it again, this time more insistently.
  5390. >”Please don’t.”
  5391. >At least she asked politely.
  5392. >”I don’t like it in there. It hurts.”
  5393. >You press harder and harder, your thrusts becoming more frequent and energetic.
  5394. >But you don’t slip in.
  5395. >You just grind against it, poking, teasing.
  5396. >Rarity has completely tensed up at this point.
  5397. >She’s even grinding her teeth in fear.
  5398. >She REALLY doesn’t want it in her ass.
  5399. >You push against it, thinking about doing it.
  5400. >Just as punishment for asking you not to.
  5401. >But you think better of it.
  5402. >Getting fucked is a reward, not a punishment.
  5403. >Instead you grab her buttocks and press them together, hot dogging her ass vigorously.
  5404. >It takes a minute to get the pressure right, and the lack of lubrication force you to be a bit gentler than you’d like.
  5405. >But still, it’s a new and interesting sensation.
  5406. >It’s warm and soft like penetration, but there’s a bit more texture to her coat than in her pussy.
  5407. >The asymmetry of the experience leaves half of your dick untouched, but the other half seems all the more sensitive for it.
  5408. >You could get used to this.
  5409. >”I don’t think I can hold it much longer.”
  5410. “You can try.”
  5411. >Time is running out.
  5412. >No matter how obedient she may be, she can’t exceed her physical limits.
  5413. >You knead her buttocks as you thrust, enjoying the sensation beneath your fingers and against your shaft.
  5414. >It jiggles just slightly with every thrust,
  5415. >Rarity’s legs tremble more and more, until they finally give out.
  5416. >She slumps down on the ground, narrowly catching herself before faceplanting.
  5417. >To her credit, she keeps her butt up high and allows you to finish.
  5418. >With one final thrust you unload, spaying seed all over her butt.
  5419. >You take a moment to admire your handiwork, taking particular note of the strand hanging from her tail.
  5420. “Well, you didn’t quite make it. But you tried hard. I’m satisfied.”
  5421. >She relaxes, sprawling out on the floor.
  5422. >You sit down next to her, and Rarity immediately cuddles up against you.
  5423. >Thankfully keeping her cum coated butt facing away from you.
  5424. >”I didn’t get to finish…”
  5425. >Hm.
  5426. >She should be thanking you right now, not complaining.
  5427. >Should you object?
  5428. >Naa.
  5429. >You already blew it earlier by pushing her too hard.
  5430. >Can’t risk her refusing another order so soon or she’ll make a habit of it.
  5431. “You’ll have more chances, don’t worry.”
  5432. >”I suppose…”
  5433. “Hay, don’t be so down. I’ve got nothing but time for the next little while. I’ll be able to rut you properly later today. But you’ll have to keep it down, yeah?”
  5434. >”Why? Oh! Oh my stars- did they hear?”
  5435. >She’s not blushing.
  5436. >She’s panicking.
  5437. >Rarity scrambles to her hooves and starts pacing.
  5438. >She stares intently at the ground as she goes, as though your floor tiles might have ancient secrets inscribed upon them.”
  5439. >”I’m never going to live it down! Everypony shall know I’m a FREAK! I’m going to have to change my name! Get a tattoo to cover my cutie mark, change my mane style and coat color- the purple stays though- and move to a new city and adopt a new name! How about Scarcity? No, too obvious.”
  5440. “Whoa there, calm down. They didn’t hear you.”
  5441. >”But I said-”
  5442. “Shush. Sound proofing. I had it put in to protect my patients’ privacy.”
  5443. >Rarity collapses on the spot, then slides back up to you.
  5444. >”That’s a relief. I couldn’t bear to have our secret revealed.”
  5445. >Yeah…
  5446. >You still kinda want to let everypony know just for the fun of it.
  5447. >But you’d better not, it’s just such good leverage.
  5448. >”Would you be willing to help me?”
  5449. “What with?”
  5450. >”With my task. Of popularizing… things”
  5451. >Wait, really?
  5452. >Maybe your plan isn’t fucked at all.
  5453. >”This scare made me realize you’re right. We cannot keep our love a secret forever. Sooner or later we shall be found out. The less… shocking that is for the public, the less likely I am to wind up living in a slum only venturing out to forage in the dead of night.”
  5454. >That may be a bit hyperbolic.
  5455. >”We cannot hide, nor do I wish to! I yearn to let the whole world know of our wondrous romance, to scream of our love from the highest mountain tops!”
  5456. “Seriously?”
  5457. >”Two star crossed lovers from different worlds, pursuing a forbidden romance! Oh, it’s perfect!”
  5458. >Just roll with it.
  5459. “Of course I’ll help you.”
  5460. >”I hope you understand how difficult this will be. Equestria isn’t like your home. Such relationships are taboo.”
  5461. >Play dumb!
  5462. “Oh, uhh, are they?”
  5463. >”Very much so. Even the verbiage is off putting.”
  5464. “But I showed you earlier that there are lots of ponies into this kind of thing.”
  5465. >”Well, yes, but they don’t speak of it! If such things were socially acceptable, I would have known.”
  5466. “Hm. Just how taboo are we talking?”
  5467. >”Well, let’s see… I don’t believe this relationship would be a crime in Equestria-”
  5468. >Not bad.
  5469. >”Simply because nopony would have thought they’d need to ban it!”
  5470. >Oh.
  5471. “That’s bad.”
  5472. >”Indeed.”
  5473. >Well, you’re not giving up.
  5474. >Even if you fail to get any more mares, the attempt itself could be good training for Rarity.
  5475. >You need a plan of some sort.
  5476. >And thankfully, you’ve got nothing but time right now.
  5477. “We’ll figure it out.”
  5478. >”Of course. Love conquers all.”
  5480. >You’ve been cooped up here for a few days now.
  5481. >The guards have been bringing you bread and water, and have been escorting you to your patients and the washroom.
  5482. >One might think the intrigue and sex would be enough to keep you entertained.
  5483. >One might be wrong.
  5484. >You haven’t heard anything about the changelings since Cadence was last here, and apparently Rarity couldn’t be here at all hours for you to torment.
  5485. >Not without alerting her friends that something was wrong, at least.
  5486. >And your work hasn’t been interesting either.
  5487. >The bug’s infection is almost totally gone, and Twilight is ready to discharge.
  5488. >Honestly, you’d wanted to let her out two days ago, but you haven’t been able to.
  5489. >Because you haven’t heard from either the prince nor the princess ever since!
  5490. >Normally that would be no problem, but with all her security you need them to sign off on her transfer.
  5491. >So you’re stuck in a tiny room with nothing to do, and only the essentials for food.
  5492. >It’s not a prison.
  5493. >Not quite.
  5494. >Still, time has started to lose meaning, and somehow you’re always tired despite having nothing to do but rest.
  5495. >You’d known this would happen.
  5496. >You’ve long known that boredom and isolation make for an exhausting combination; it was no accident when you’d left Rarity cooped up in the basement for days on end.
  5497. >And you’d thought that this knowledge would protect you.
  5498. >That you were mentally prepared.
  5499. >You were wrong.
  5500. >You’re irritable, slow witted, and FED UP WITH THAT DAMN CLOCK!
  5501. >The incessant ticking has become beyond grating, it’s just a constant reminder of how long you’ve been here.
  5502. >You’re sorely tempted to smash it against the floor.
  5503. >But then you wouldn’t know what time it was, and you’d be even MORE isolated.
  5504. >All you’ve got to do is sit in your office chair and spin.
  5505. >Wait for the dizziness to fade.
  5506. >Spin again…
  5507. >It was during a spin session that the door swung open wide, and without warning.
  5508. >”Anon! What in the hay are you doing?”
  5509. >You’re a bit too disoriented to see who it is, but it sounded like Shining Armor.
  5510. >Not your friend Shining Armor, the no-nonsense military minded prince Shining Armor.
  5511. “It’s amazing what boredom will do to a man.”
  5512. >”You drugged me.”
  5513. >He sounded pissed.
  5514. >You’d known this was coming, and you’re actually kinda relieved it’s finally here.
  5515. >Partially because you won’t have to worry about it anymore.
  5516. >But mostly because it gives you something to do.
  5517. “I sure did.”
  5518. >”What?”
  5519. “I drugged you. And I’d do it again.”
  5520. >”Wait, you’re ADMITTING it?”
  5521. “Were you expecting me to deny it?”
  5522. >”YES! That’s second degree assault, it’s a FELONY you bastard!”
  5523. “Felony, eh? So I’m going to be locked up. Wonder what that’s like.”
  5524. >That snide comment felt really good, even though it was very stupid.
  5525. >”You don’t like being stuck here? Fine! I’ll just feed you to the CHANGELINGS!”
  5526. >He has a point.
  5527. >You’re being an ass.
  5528. “Look, I’m sorry. I’m just in a really bad mood from being cooped up. I appreciate you trying to protect me, really. Thank you.”
  5529. >”That’s what you’re apologizing for? Not the FELONY?”
  5530. >He mad.
  5531. >And you made it worse.
  5532. “You were going to kill yourself if you kept it up.”
  5533. >”You’re starting to sound like my wife.”
  5534. “She’s a clever mare.”
  5535. >”I mean that I’m FINE!”
  5536. “You haven’t been taking your blood pressure meds.”
  5537. >The anger on his face vanishes and is replaced by surprise.
  5538. >It only lasts a second before going back to anger, but you caught it.
  5539. >”Don’t try to change the subject!”
  5540. “When you came here all buzzed out, you were clearly having a hypertensive episode. Whether you believe it or not, you’re unwell.”
  5541. >”For the last time, I am FINE!”
  5542. “My years of study disagree. Overly high blood pressure damages your circulatory system and blows out delicate organs. It’s especially nasty because you feel okay until it’s too late. You can be going about your day all full of energy then BAM! You’re blind for life.”
  5543. >”You didn’t know that was going to happen.”
  5544. “No. I didn’t. Nothing is certain until it actually happens, but you were an extremely high risk.”
  5545. >”So you DRUGGED me because there was a CHANCE something bad would happen?”
  5546. “Huh. When you say it like that it sounds kinda bad.”
  5547. >”KINDA bad?”
  5548. >Slow down and think, idiot!
  5549. >He doesn’t get where you’re coming from, make the situation a bit more relatable.
  5550. “How would you feel about sending out a soldier knowing there was a high risk they’d be wounded?”
  5551. >He glares at you, but his posture starts to slacken.
  5552. >He sits down in the guest chair opposite you, and you can’t help but notice he’s avoiding eye contact.
  5553. >Looks like you’re on the right track here.
  5554. >”I’d probably change their order.”
  5555. “And if they went out anyway?”
  5556. >”I’d order them to stand down.”
  5557. “And if, after telling them repeatedly that they were going to hurt themselves, they continued to-”
  5558. >”I wouldn’t drug them if that’s what you’re getting at.”
  5559. “A week ago, I’d have probably said the same thing. But when I saw you half dead stumbling around, I couldn’t think of any other other way.”
  5560. >”What about, I don’t know, minding your own damn business?”
  5561. “Your health IS my business. I have a duty to my patients. You of all ponies should understand duty.”
  5562. >”Of course. I have plenty of duties to worry about, things that you STOPPED me from tending to with your drugs!”
  5563. >Well…
  5564. >That backfired.
  5565. >You maintain that you did the right thing.
  5566. >Still, you can’t help but feel pretty low.
  5567. >This is the kind of thing you could lose your license for back on Earth.
  5568. >Well, maybe not YOU, but someone could.
  5569. >”I need you to swear to me you’ll never do that again.”
  5570. “We’ll talk this over once you’ve calmed down.”
  5571. >”I AM CALM!”
  5572. >Your door disagrees.
  5573. >Or more accurately, the hole that he put in your wall by opening it too hard.
  5574. >He’s really starting to scare you.
  5575. >There’s hardly a trace of your buddy left in that mass of rage.
  5576. >Maybe you actually DID go too far this time…
  5577. “Shining- prince Armor. I’m sorry. I thought I was acting in your best interests, but I clearly crossed a line. Can you forgive me?”
  5578. >”FORGIVE you? Maybe. Maybe if that was the ONLY thing you’d done.”
  5579. >Uh-oh.
  5580. >”Did you REALLY think I wouldn’t find out you were harboring those things?”
  5581. >You bite your tongue.
  5582. >Your attempts to talk your way out of this have all gone terribly, you’d best not push it any further.
  5583. >”Is it healthy enough for prison?”
  5584. “Uhh… it should be fine.”
  5585. >”How about interrogation? He might know where Chrysalis is.”
  5586. >Shining Armor’s vengeful aura vanished in the blink of an eye.
  5587. >He stared wide-eyed at you for just an instant before recovering from whatever had shocked him.
  5588. >You hear him shout something, but can’t make it out over the sound of your face being smashed into your desk by an unseen assailant.
  5589. >It takes a little longer than you care to admit to recover from the attack, and by the time you do you find yourself lying face up on the floor.
  5590. >Looking up at Chrysalis.
  5591. >Watching as she pries your jaw open and shoves the barrel of a rifle into your mouth.
  5592. >”Looking for me?”
  5593. >You can’t help but make some decidedly undignified noises and reflexively try to scoot away.
  5594. >It is, of course, pointless.
  5595. >”Alright, LISTEN UP! This is an M270 light machine gun! It can sustain fire at over 200 rounds per minute, and will punch through steel. Anyone feeling stupid?”
  5596. >Those words meant something, but you couldn’t process them.
  5597. >Not right now.
  5598. >”Stand down, everypony.”
  5599. >Shining Armor sounded much less frightened than he had any right to be.
  5600. >”We are willing to release the prisoners, just don’t shoot anyone.”
  5601. >”Did I just hear a condition? You’re in no position to be making demands, my dear.”
  5602. >”You’re surrounded. The instant you fire that weapon, your fate is sealed.”
  5603. >”I have a machine gun. You can’t match that.”
  5604. >”Wanna bet?”
  5605. >The manic thoughts in your head have completely drowned out all irrelevant information, such as language.
  5606. >Fortunately, you’ve always been a fast thinker.
  5607. >UNFORTUNATELY, no matter how fast you think there don’t seem to be many options.
  5608. >You’re completely at the mercy of a maniacal bug!
  5609. >A bug that just removed the barrel from your mouth.
  5610. >You take the opportunity to cough furiously from the agitation.
  5611. >”Get up.”
  5612. >Chrysalis doesn’t yell, but somehow the words seem extremely forceful.
  5613. >Your legs tremble and your knees nearly fail you as you pull away and struggle to your feet.
  5614. >”Move.”
  5615. “What-”
  5616. >”I said MOVE.”
  5617. >The gun is once again aimed at you, though mercifully it is no longer inside you.
  5618. >Shining Armor steps in front of the weapon, only to have it club him over the head.
  5619. >He falls to the ground with a cry of pain.
  5620. >You see blood trickling down the side of his head from near the base of his horn.
  5621. >But before the first drop can hit the floor, he recovers enough to speak.
  5622. >”The doctor is the only creature on the entire planet who was willing to help you.”
  5623. >”Get moving, monkey! You’re my hostage today.”
  5624. >”You owe him, Chrysalis! You owe him a life!”
  5625. >The queen fires a single round, punching a hole straight through the wall not far from your head.
  5626. >You’re not sure if that was a warning, or if she just missed.
  5627. >Either way, it’s enough to kick your legs into motion, and you walk out the front door with your hands up.
  5628. >”For every guard I see in that lobby, you’re getting an extra pair of breathing holes.”
  5629. >The soldiers seemingly hear her and scurry away.
  5630. >”Alright, we’re moving out! Drop your disguises and rendez-vous at mark 14. You have ONE HOUR. If a single changeling doesn’t make it on time, the chimp dies. If I see any ponies following us, the chimp DIES!”
  5631. >Something hits you in the back hard enough to send you to your knees.
  5632. >”Oh, and if you don’t keep up with me, well…”
  5633. >Chrysalis walks ahead of you at an uncomfortably swift pace.
  5634. >You can hardly believe your luck.
  5635. >Her back is turned!
  5636. >You could-
  5637. >”You heard the queen, doc.”
  5638. >You know that voice.
  5639. >It’s the changeling you were taking care of.
  5640. >You turn your head to see him in his bug form, pointing a carbine rifle at your head.
  5641. >”Please. I don’t want to hurt you. Please get up.”
  5642. “Why are you doing this?”
  5643. >”You crossed the hive. There are rules. Please get moving, you don’t have to die. She’ll let you go, just… please.”
  5644. >You trust him.
  5645. >Granted, you’ve little choice.
  5646. >It takes a little longer than you’d like to stand up from your bruised knees, and you stumble for your first few steps.
  5647. >You’re already lagging well behind the queen, who to your surprise already has five changelings in tow.
  5648. >Only the two of them seem to be armed.
  5649. >You don’t turn to look at your patient, fearing what might happen if you break your stride.
  5650. “I helped you.”
  5651. >”That’s why she’s going to let you go.”
  5652. >You nearly object further, but manage to bite your tongue.
  5653. >They’ve promised your safety.
  5654. >And while you’re not sure how much that promise is worth, you don’t want to push your luck.
  5655. >Your non-consensual hike eventually leads you to the city limits.
  5656. >And much to your dismay, Chrysalis leaves the city’s protective bubble.
  5657. “I can’t go out there.”
  5658. >”You don’t have a choice.”
  5659. >Your patient sounds almost…
  5660. >Sympathetic.
  5661. “But it’s snowing.”
  5662. >He presses the gun into your back yet again.
  5663. >You step toward the bubble, already shivering.
  5664. >And walk through.
  5665. >Your lab coat does nothing to temper the biting winds, and your shoes fill with snow within a few steps.
  5666. “I’m going to freeze to death!”
  5667. >You hear a quick burst of gunfire right behind you, and are smart enough to take the hint.
  5668. >You’ve got somewhere around 15 minutes to live in this weather.
  5669. >That’s a lot longer than you’d last if they actually shot you.
  5670. >You press onward as fast as you’re able, knee deep in snow.
  5671. >Your toes are already numb, your terror sweat has started to freeze to your face, and your limbs feel incredibly heavy.
  5672. >Time seems to drag on forever.
  5673. >It feels like you’ve been in this cold for hours, yet you know it can only have been a few minutes.
  5674. “Ish it mush furter?”
  5675. >”What?”
  5676. “Mush furter?”
  5677. >”I don’t understand what you’re saying. Speak equine!”
  5678. >Weird.
  5679. >Must be something wrong with his ears.
  5680. >You’re directed to a burrow in a particularly large snowdrift.
  5681. >It’s really hard to crouch down low enough to get in, but after lying in the snow for a while you manage to make your way.
  5682. >And there’s a big bunch of fluffy white critters in here.
  5683. >The big one nods in approval as you crawl in.
  5684. >”Finally. I heard gunfire, did he give you trouble?”
  5685. “Hello fluffy lady.”
  5686. >”That’s, uh, that’s a new one. Did he give you trouble? Report!”
  5687. >”He was reluctant to leave the city, mentioned the snow.”
  5688. >”Why did it take so long? I thought something had gone wrong.”
  5689. >”He’s having a lot of trouble walking. I think it’s too cold for him.”
  5690. >”Figures. Anyway, you’re the last ones here.”
  5691. >The fluffy lady marches up to you and kicks you in the ribs.
  5692. >You collapse in the snow.
  5693. >She’s mean.
  5694. >”So, you figured out we don’t need to breathe. That-”
  5695. >Another kick.
  5696. >You don’t move.
  5697. >You’re just too tired.
  5698. >”Was a very useful secret that you ruined. And then to make it worse, you ratted out my poor boy here.”
  5699. >For some reason you have the feeling that you’re in danger.
  5700. >That you have to do something.
  5701. >But you just can’t seem to remember what it is.
  5702. >”I ought to rip your head off for that, or at least let the cold claim you.”
  5703. >Cold?
  5704. >What’s she talking about?
  5705. >It’s only a little chilly here.
  5706. >”I pay my debts.”
  5707. >Her head starts to glow.
  5708. >A small circle of snow near you starts to melt, then boil.
  5709. >It’s way too hot here.
  5710. >You start pulling off your clothes to try and cool down, but it’s hard so you give up after your shirt and coat.
  5711. >”That heat will buy him some time. They were tailing us, he should last long enough for them to find him.”
  5712. >”My queen, I saw nopony-”
  5713. >”I did. They’re not far out, we have to move.”
  5714. >The fluffy lady and the smaller bunnies start walking away really quickly.
  5715. >Why are you out here again?
  5716. >You have to go back or you’ll be late for class.
  5717. >But then, maybe a quick nap first would be okay.
  5718. >It’s so peaceful out here.
  5719. >But…
  5720. >Something’s keeping you awake.
  5721. >”Stay with me, buddy. We got you.”
  5722. >Why can’t it just let you sleep?
  5723. >”Help me get him off the ground. Warm the torso, not the limbs.”
  5724. >So tired.
  5725. >So hot…
  5727. >It would be a mistake to say you woke up.
  5728. >The truth is you never actually lost consciousness.
  5729. >And yet, it wouldn’t be right to say you were awake either.
  5730. >You’ve been lying here for who knows how long, trying and failing to think through the mental haze.
  5731. >What had happened?
  5732. >The information is right there at the fore of your mind, but you just can’t think clearly enough to put it together.
  5733. >You have to clear your head.
  5734. >Focus on your breathing, be aware of the sensation of the air passing through your nostrils.
  5735. >Do not control your breath.
  5736. >Merely observe.
  5737. >It doesn’t take long for half formed thoughts and memories to start circulating again.
  5738. >Your memories of the ordeal are hazy and confusing, and you’re almost certain some of them aren’t real.
  5739. >But some of them are more vivid than others.
  5740. >A gun… a big one at that.
  5741. >You were taken hostage.
  5742. >It was really cold.
  5743. >Fluffy lady of the magical fire bunnies?
  5744. >That one might have been a hallucination.
  5745. >The cold on the other hand was certainly real.
  5746. >But you don’t feel cold right now.
  5747. >So that raises the question, have you made it to safety somehow?
  5748. >Or are you deep enough into hypothermia to start feeling warm?
  5749. >You eventually manage to crack your eyes open just a little bit.
  5750. >There’s a roof over your head, so that’s promising.
  5751. >Under ordinary circumstances, looking at a blank ceiling wouldn’t give you much information to work with.
  5752. >But in the Empire, electrical lighting narrows things down quite a bit.
  5753. >You’re in the clinic, more specifically in recovery.
  5754. >Someone has taped an IV drip to your arm for some reason.
  5755. >But they seem to have neglected to put in a needle.
  5756. >Saline drips pointlessly on the floor at a slow and steady rate.
  5757. >You can’t help but crack a smile despite the tearing sensation around your dried out lips.
  5758. >Someone tried to take care of you despite not knowing what they were doing.
  5759. >You shift your weight a bit trying to look around only to be punished by a searing pain in your feet and hands.
  5760. >Oshit, your feet and hands!
  5761. >You remember feeling warm while lying in the snow, that’s a sign of stage 3 hypothermia!
  5762. >Do you have frostbite?
  5763. >You clumsily raise your right hand to take a quick look at it.
  5764. >”Master!”
  5765. >Rarity?
  5766. >”You’re awake!”
  5767. “Yeah. How long have I been here?”
  5768. >”I’m not certain.”
  5769. “Just a guess is good.”
  5770. >”I don’t know when they brought you in. I came as soon as I heard! But I had no clue you were even in trouble!”
  5771. >Well, you can’t blame her for that, you suppose.
  5772. >Your hand is swollen and discoloured.
  5773. >The skin looks waxy and stretched thin.
  5774. >You can move your fingers, though not with any real dexterity.
  5775. >Hard to say for sure, but they’re probably going to be fine.
  5776. “Help me sit up, I need to check on my feet.”
  5777. >”I would gladly do so, but…”
  5778. “But what?”
  5779. >”How am I supposed to assist you?”
  5780. “With-”
  5781. >No magic.
  5782. “The bed has a control panel on the side. Buttons closer to my head move the top, the ones closer to my feet control my feet. I’d do it myself, but I can barely control my fingers. Fowler’s position, please.”
  5783. >”Uhh…”
  5784. “Sorry, I'm still not thinking very well. I want my head up at an angle of about 50 degrees.”
  5785. >She understood that one.
  5786. >It takes a little effort to kick the blankets off your feet.
  5787. >You sorta wish you hadn’t.
  5788. >Your toes are discoloured either an angry red or worse, a pale blue.
  5789. >”Are they supposed to look like that?”
  5790. “No. They are not.”
  5791. >”Are you going to be okay?”
  5792. >To a certain standard of okay, yes.
  5793. >Your toes might not be though.
  5794. “I’ll recover. How’s my face?”
  5795. >Rarity trots away for just a moment before returning with a makeup compact.
  5796. >You have many questions about this thing.
  5797. >What’s the point in such a mirror if one doesn’t carry a purse?
  5798. >And where did she pull this from?
  5799. >You’re probably overlooking something obvious.
  5800. >Your clumsy fingers can’t quite hold the mirror steady, but you can see minor damage on your nose and ears.
  5801. >That’s a relief.
  5802. >You get enough weird looks as is, no need to have your nose fall off.
  5803. >Looks like you survived the ordeal.
  5804. “I probably shouldn’t walk on these feet just yet. Would you be willing to fetch a few things for me?”
  5805. >”Of course! What did you need?”
  5806. “Uh, lemme think a second.”
  5807. >The haze in your head is clearing, but it’s still far from gone.
  5808. >Airways, good. Heat, stabilising. Circulation’s shot.
  5809. >No obvious internal or external bleeding.
  5810. >Thrombolytics have been shown to help with frostbite recovery, best get some TPA.
  5811. >And a vasodilator would help too, so you’ll get some Iloprost.
  5812. >Rarity can’t read English as far as you’re aware.
  5813. >No point in telling her drug names.
  5814. “In the storage room next to where you stowed your hats. On the shelf there’s a bunch of pills. I need the white round ones. And in the icebox there’s a yellow needle, uh, I can’t remember what colour the writing is. Just bring one of each of the yellow ones. Oh! And a thermometer.”
  5815. >”What’s the needle for?”
  5816. “Might help my feet heal faster.”
  5817. >Should you tell her?
  5818. >Maybe not right now.
  5819. >Maybe it’s the near death experience talking, but you’re feeling pretty gentle.
  5820. >She’s had enough stress lately, no need to make a big deal out of little things.
  5821. “Don’t worry too much about it though. I’ll live, that’s not a worry. But, uh, the sooner I get that stuff the better.”
  5822. >”Of course!”
  5823. >She practically gallops to the door and swings it open, eliciting a pained yell.
  5824. >”I am ever so sorry!”
  5825. >She doesn’t break her stride to speak.
  5826. >Shining Armour comes in a few seconds later with a slightly flat face.
  5827. >You also notice a bandage wrapped around his head, probably from where he was clubbed.
  5828. >”Hi.”
  5829. >He sounds scared.
  5830. “Good to see you. You pulled me out of the snow?”
  5831. >”Y-yeah. How did you know?”
  5832. “Good guess. Thank you, I owe you big.”
  5833. >”Maybe. But I don’t want to know how much I owe you, so let’s not keep track.”
  5834. >He certainly seems to have cheered up.
  5835. >”You gave us quite the scare there.”
  5836. “Yeah. It’s pretty cold out there. How long have I been here anyway?”
  5837. >”Anon… it’s been three years.”
  5838. “WHAT?”
  5839. >THREE years?
  5840. >How is that even possible?
  5841. >Shining Armour fails to suppress his laugh.
  5842. “Oh very funny.”
  5843. >”You’ve been here for maybe half an hour.”
  5844. “Oh. That’s actually not so bad.”
  5845. >”How did we do with warming you up?”
  5846. “Not great, I’m afraid. You have to heat people up slowly and evenly. I’ve probably only got a few days left- I’m taking this joke too far.”
  5847. >”Maybe a bit, but hay, so did I.”
  5848. “You seem to have done a very good job for a pony with no medical background. The IV is pointless though.”
  5849. >”So what’s the damage?”
  5850. >Oh boy.
  5851. >What do you tell him?
  5852. >He’s always on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
  5853. >If you’re blunt, would he blame himself?
  5854. “I, er, I don’t know yet.”
  5855. >”Please don’t lie. I know what cold can do to a pony, and I can’t imagine you’re that much different.”
  5856. >Well, fuck.
  5857. >Makes sense that residents of this place would know to fear the cold.
  5858. >Still, you didn’t want to burden him with this.
  5859. “When you get cold your body constricts its blood vessels to restrict flow and preserve heat. If you get way too cold, your body sorta stops worrying about long term prospects and takes extreme action. Cuts off flow to the extremities almost entirely, sacrificing them to try and stay warm. I might lose parts of my feet.”
  5860. >”I- oh no. I’m sorry, man.”
  5861. “It’s not your fault.”
  5862. >”It IS though! I’m supposed to protect you from monsters! I’m supposed to protect everypony! And I failed.”
  5863. >Geeze.
  5864. >This ordeal is really getting to him.
  5865. >The worst part is, he’s not wrong.
  5866. >That IS his job.
  5867. >And he DID fail.
  5868. >But even so, you don’t blame him.
  5869. >As far as you’re concerned, he did a fantastic job despite falling just short.
  5870. “I owe you big. If you hadn’t been there, I’d be frozen solid by now. It’s, like, 50 below out there.”
  5871. >”Closer to 40.”
  5872. “Well, still! Or maybe I’d have been torn in half by a machine gun if you hadn’t tried to talk her down.”
  5873. >That doesn’t seem to have cheered him up much.
  5874. >Maybe you should change the subject from you to something else.
  5875. “Everyone else okay?”
  5876. >Wait, no!
  5877. >That was stupid!
  5878. >What if someone else got hurt?
  5879. >”Thankfully.”
  5880. >Whew.
  5881. >”The drones went quietly when we did our sting, caught them hiding underwater in an aqueduct. A lot of good that did us, they’re all gone again. Thanks, by the way. Your tip was good.”
  5882. “Shush! They might be here!”
  5883. >You can’t let the changelings know you helped catch them!
  5884. >”Dude, they already know.”
  5885. “Eh?”
  5886. >”Did you not notice where she was hiding?”
  5887. >You hadn’t.
  5888. “I was more focused on the gun at the time.”
  5889. >”Oh, right. And your back was turned too. She was the bookshelf.”
  5890. >You blink a few times, wondering if you misheard.
  5891. >”She was the bookshelf in your office. We haven’t found the real one yet, but we haven’t really been looking that hard.”
  5892. “The fuck?”
  5893. >”She didn’t sneak past our guard, she was already in there. Probably ever since you took that drone in.”
  5894. >You can remember hearing Chrysalis talk to you after apparently vanishing back then.
  5895. >Still, this seems very hard to believe.
  5896. >”She saw and heard everything that happened in your office ever since.”
  5897. >Including what you did with Rarity.
  5898. >You feel violated.
  5899. >And public humiliation is supposed to be for the mare, not the master!
  5900. >Speaking of mares, Rarity barges back into the room with a tastefully embroidered bag in her mouth.
  5901. >She drops it on your lap and sits down at your bedside looking up.
  5902. >Something about her posture reminds you of a puppy.
  5903. “Thank you.”
  5904. >You pick up the needle and reach into your labcoat-
  5905. >Oops.
  5906. >You aren’t wearing it.
  5907. >Where did it go?”
  5908. >”If you’re looking for your labcoat, we took it off since it was wet.”
  5909. “Oh. Thanks, Shining. There should be some square packages in the drawer over there. Could one of you fetch one?”
  5910. >Rarity springs into action, much to your amusement.
  5911. >The choice of the word fetch was an accident, but a fitting one.
  5912. >You accept the offered alcohol swabs before setting to work on yourself.
  5913. “Thanks. These things haven’t been stored properly without the cooler, so they might not work well. Still, better than nothing. So what do we do next? Like, the changelings escaped and they’re surprisingly well armed.”
  5914. >Shining Armour lets out a long, dejected sigh.
  5915. >Seems you can’t help but make him depressed.
  5916. >At least you’re not pissing him off this time.
  5917. >”We return to normal.”
  5918. “Seriously?”
  5919. >”Yeah. City’s officially on low alert.”
  5920. “But the bugs escaped!”
  5921. >”Exactly. They escaped. The trail went cold about a mile out.”
  5922. “But they could come back at any moment!”
  5923. >”Believe me, I don’t like it either! But we can’t stay on high alert forever, the militia will get sloppy and lazy eventually.”
  5924. “Okay, but calling it off NOW of all times? The same day as a serious attack?”
  5925. >”Yeah. Changelings are going to be at the forefront of everypony’s mind, they’ll be looking for softer targets to regroup and feed.”
  5926. “So we just wait for them to come back and gun everyone down?”
  5927. >”I don’t think they will. Changelings don’t usually kill since they can’t feed off of us then. This is, well, it’s unprecedented. Besides, if their goal was bloodshed they were well equipped to do it.”
  5928. >No denying that.
  5929. “So what WERE they after? Why attack anyone?”
  5930. >”Not sure. But it might have been a misdirect.”
  5931. >A misdirect.
  5932. “Multiple attempted murders… just to DISTRACT you?”
  5933. >”Maybe. It could have just been petty revenge. But again, she had better tools to kill with if that was her goal. And they were well established in the palace before the attacks started. Why would they establish themselves in the Empire if their plan was to kill ponies that live in Ponyville? I think when Twilight and company showed up and formed a search party, Chrysalis thought we were onto her.”
  5934. >”Pardon me, do you mean to say this was all a misunderstanding?”
  5935. >”Partially. They were doing something before then, and no doubt it was bad. But it might have escalated because of a misunderstanding. Targeting you and your friends the way they did meant we would either be distracted looking for murderous ponies, or humans in the case of the fentanyl thing. You’ll notice they made a point of framing others, or even being seen attacking in pony form.”
  5936. “Framing someone makes you less likely to be caught.”
  5937. >”True. It might just be that simple, but if murder was the goal why did Rainbow Dash survive?”
  5938. >Huh.
  5939. >”I might be reading too much into this, or maybe it’s just wishful thinking. But I bet that the attacks weren’t the goal. And if I’m right, they won’t attack when they come back because they won’t want to attract attention.”
  5940. >That would be nice.
  5941. >Still, you can’t help but worry about that bigger goal.
  5942. >”All we can really do is try to be ready, and hope for the best.”
  5943. >This really doesn’t sound much like him.
  5944. “Shining Armour is a ball of stress, he’d be freaking out over this.”
  5945. >”Nothing to be stressed about right now. It’s over.”
  5946. “You’re a changeling!”
  5947. >”Feel free to do the test.”
  5948. “Alright, I will!”
  5949. >You swing your feet out of the bed and place one on the ground, then immediately recoil in pain.
  5950. “Ah! That might take a bit of getting used to.”
  5951. >”I’ve got a test kit on me if you want it.”
  5952. “Did you change the needle?”
  5953. >”You can change the needles?”
  5954. >You TOLD him that he could, and that he had to!
  5955. >Granted, the prince has a habit of ignoring your medical advice.
  5956. >He’s already pricked himself, much to your disgust.
  5957. >You accept the offered glucometer, already suspecting he’s the real prince.
  5958. “You’re going to make somepony very sick if you don’t follow basic sanitation, you know.”
  5959. >Sure enough, a non-zero reading.
  5960. >In fact it’s almost exactly in the middle of a normal reading.
  5961. “Huh. My bad.”
  5962. >”Can’t blame you for being suspicious. You’ve been through a lot.”
  5963. “We all have, especially your sister. I can’t help but notice this is her bed. Where is she?”
  5964. >”Moved back to the palace. That should be okay, right?”
  5965. “Yeah. Just make sure she takes it easy for a while, she’s still in a fragile state.”
  5966. >”You’re telling me. We had to carry her half the way.”
  5967. >Poor girl.
  5968. >As much as you fear the changelings, they chose to spare you.
  5969. >She’s the one on their actual list; if they come back for round two she’s the one in real danger.
  5970. >There’s a knock on the door.
  5971. >”Are you almost done there? I need to talk to the doctor in private.”
  5972. >Cadence?”
  5973. “Sure.”
  5974. >”Begon, harlot!”
  5975. >”Just a second honey.”
  5976. “Good to see we’re all in agreement. I’d better talk to her for a bit, we’ve got some stuff to clear up.”
  5977. >Rarity marches away in a huff, before realising the only exit is right by the princess.
  5978. >She pauses by the door thinking through her options before apparently realising she has no recourse, and trots past Cadence, blowing a raspberry on the way.
  5979. >Shining Armour just shakes his head.
  5980. >”I probably don’t want to know. Whatever, I need to ask you something. Now that you know who the changelings are, what they’ll do to you, how cruel they are- now that you understand those things, would you still help them?”
  5981. “Yes.”
  5982. >”Wow. I was expecting you to say that, but you didn’t even stop to think about it.”
  5983. “There’s nothing to think about. If someone’s sick, I’ll try to help them. It’s… I dunno, it’s just what I have to do. I don’t think I can explain it.”
  5984. >”It’s duty.”
  5985. “Yeah, something like that.”
  5986. >”Well, I’m not going to stop you. But please. Tell us next time.”
  5987. “I did.”
  5988. >”Hm?”
  5989. “I told your wife what I was doing. That’s how she found out.”
  5990. >”Honey, did Anon tell you about the changeling, or did you find out on your own?”
  5991. >”He told me.”
  5992. >”Oh. I might have jumped to a bad conclusion. Again. I seem to be doing a lot of that lately…”
  5993. >He has been.
  5994. >But…
  5995. >You get it.
  5996. >You understand what it’s like to have a high stakes job while being short on time.
  5997. >Sometimes a bad decision now is better than a good decision in five minutes.
  5998. “Don’t worry about it. We’re still good.”
  5999. >”Thanks.”
  6000. >The sadness in his voice betrays his true feelings.
  6001. >Shining Armour doesn’t believe you.
  6002. >And there’s nothing you can do to convince him you’ve forgiven him.
  6003. >At least, not right now.
  6004. >You let the once proud stallion walk away, hunched over with his tail between his legs.
  6005. >Poor bastard.
  6006. >You can barely overhear him and Cadence talking with each other from behind the door, but not clearly enough to understand what they’re saying.
  6007. >Though by the tone they sound almost happy.
  6008. >Sure, there’s tension and regret.
  6009. >But there’s also hope and relief.
  6010. >Optimism about the future.
  6011. >They don’t like how things turned out, but know that they could have been far worse.
  6012. >And the confidence that whatever comes next, they can handle it.
  6013. >Or maybe they’re just exchanging pleasantries and you’re reading way too much into this, who knows?
  6014. >Either way, Cadence eventually enters and closes the door behind her.
  6015. >The two of you are alone.
  6016. >”Hi, Anon.”
  6017. >Her usual cheer and energy are totally absent.
  6018. >She corrects her posture, walks up next to your bed, looks you in the eye…
  6019. >Then hangs her head in shame.
  6020. >”I’m sorry.”
  6021. “We all are.”
  6022. >”I overreacted. You did what you had to do, and I threw a tantrum.”
  6023. “It’s okay. I’ve made my fair share of mistakes too.”
  6024. >”I just… they scare me.”
  6025. “Is it because they abducted you?”
  6026. >Her breath catches in her throat.
  6027. >You’re pretty sure she’s trying to hide behind her mane.
  6028. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know about that when you were here last time. I would have handled it differently if I had.”
  6029. >”You… know about that?”
  6030. “I don’t know what they did to you, but I know it was bad.”
  6031. >”I don’t like to talk about it.”
  6032. “You don’t have to. If you ever need a shoulder to cry on, ask your husband. But if he’s busy I’m here for you.”
  6033. >She forces out a quick chuckle.
  6034. >”Honestly, I’d rather not think about it.”
  6035. >That might be the right strategy.
  6036. >Whatever happened, it’s over.
  6037. >She has to move on with her life eventually.
  6038. “Let’s talk about something else then. How’s Flurry?”
  6039. >”We’ve started weaning her.”
  6040. “Oh?”
  6041. >”She really hates oats. Can you believe it?”
  6042. “I’ve never known a pony to dislike oats. What have you been feeding her?”
  6043. >”She really likes her clover and alfalfa.”
  6044. “Oh, she has molars?”
  6045. >”Not all of them, but a few. They grow up so fast. How’s Rarity coming along?”
  6046. >You aren’t comfortable saying right now, given she might still be nearby.
  6047. “What do you mean?”
  6048. >”Does she put out yet? Or do you still have to take it?”
  6049. “Uhh…”
  6050. >”Oh! Don’t worry, she’s not here. I made sure.”
  6051. “Oh, good. She’s actually coming along really well.”
  6052. >”Oh?”
  6053. “I’m trying to ease her into the idea that she should train a slave for me.”
  6054. >”Oh wow, that’s hot! Who are you going to pick?”
  6055. “I don’t know. Right now I’m leaning toward letting her pick so that she’s more involved. The more she does, the less likely she is to decide it’s wrong. Or at least that’s the idea.”
  6056. >”Oh, but you’re supposed to take charge.”
  6057. “I know, but the rebelliousness is still there, just under the surface. She hates the idea of being socially beneath anyone, hates the label of slave, and on some level I think she still hates me.”
  6058. >”Really? I saw the way she looked at you.”
  6059. “I’ve seen it too. But she hasn’t forgotten about the things I’ve done to her, and she hasn’t decided it was for the best. She likes me just a bit more than she hates me. If I pick out somepony and start whipping them, it might be enough to shift the balance.”
  6060. >”But if she does the whipping, not only are your hooves clean but she might decide it’s not so wrong. Clever.”
  6061. “I try.”
  6062. >”But it’s going to be hard to convince her to go along with it.”
  6063. “I was going to bribe her with fancy soaps and stuff.”
  6064. >”That won’t work.”
  6065. >Fancy soap won’t work on Rarity?
  6066. >That’s a surprise.
  6067. >”She’s not selfish enough to do that kind of thing. If Rarity thinks being a slave is bad, she won’t push it on anypony else no matter how much you pay her.”
  6068. >Well, your plan’s shot.
  6069. >Unless…
  6070. “We have to convince her that it’s in somepony else’s best interests then. But how?”
  6071. >”By pointing out how it’s been in HER best interests. If I may.”
  6072. “Go ahead.”
  6073. >”She’s not in prison because of her status.”
  6074. “Oh, right!”
  6075. >”What she did is extremely illegal, and would have caused the death of an important pony had you not been such a quick thinker.”
  6076. “Even then, it was certainly bad for Twilight’s chances.”
  6077. >”We could argue accessory to attempted regicide.”
  6078. “That seems a bit harsh, doesn’t it? She wasn’t TRYING to kill Twilight.”
  6079. >”No, but Mens Rea applies to acting knowingly, not just purposely. She knew what she was destroying was life saving equipment. Now, she could argue that she didn’t know Twilight of all ponies would be the one who needed it, but she knew changelings were attacking and that your services could be needed at any time.”
  6080. “Whoa, hold on. She had no way of knowing what would be needed, nor when. You can’t possibly argue she was trying to help the bugs!”
  6081. >”I’m not saying we charge her for that, I’m saying we argue for that.”
  6082. >You can’t see it, but you’re certain there’s a blank expression on your face.
  6083. >”We arrest her on the murder thing. Leave her to stew for a while, then come back and tell her YOU talked us down to reckless endangerment.”
  6084. “Oh. OH!”
  6085. >For a sex addicted goofball, she was pretty clever!
  6086. >”Reckless endangerment causing bodily harm is still pretty serious, plus there’s the fines for the stuff she smashed. But we commute her sentence to a few years of probation and some amount of community service, releasing her into your care.”
  6087. “I like it, I LOVE it!”
  6088. >”Plus, one of the terms of her probation could be that she can’t leave the empire without permission.”
  6089. >You were already sold on this.
  6090. >But if she wants to sweeten the deal further, you won’t complain.
  6091. “I assume you had something in mind for community service.”
  6092. >”A good old fashioned face fucking. Or rather, a few hundred of them.”
  6093. “I mean-”
  6094. >”With flogging, of course. It’s hardly even a punishment otherwise! I want to reward the militia for their service with a gloryhole, free access to everypony who’s single or can get permission from their partner.”
  6095. “She’ll never go for it. She’d plead guilty for the murder thing before being seen doing something like that.”
  6096. >”Do you not know what a glory hole is? Oh, you poor thing. It’s anonymous, like you! Nopony will know who’s there except the pony or person flogging her.”
  6097. >Hmm.
  6098. >On the one hand, it’s a fitting punishment for a sex slave.
  6099. >Plus she might learn a thing or two while she’s at it.
  6100. >On the other hand, you don’t really like sharing when you’ve only got the one slave.
  6101. “It’s JUST her mouth, right?”
  6102. >”Yep.”
  6103. “Promise?”
  6104. >”I promise.”
  6105. >Hm.
  6106. “I’ll think about it, can you get back to me tomorrow?”
  6107. >”Well, alright. But just a fair warning, she’s getting flogged either way. Slave or no, the laws still apply.”
  6108. >You’re surprised by her parting words.
  6109. >They seemed a lot more vindictive than you’ve come to expect from Cadence.
  6110. >But you’re sure she has her reasons.
  6111. >The princess leaves without saying bye, and you’re left alone to heal.
  6113. >Rarity had finally found it.
  6114. >After several bizarre roadblocks and unforeseeable delays, she had found it.
  6115. >The perfect location for her new branch!
  6116. >So much had happened since coming to the Crystal Empire that she’d nearly forgotten the purpose of her trip.
  6117. >Almost, but not quite.
  6118. >The Empire was a magnificent opportunity for a wide variety of goods and services.
  6119. >Having been locked in time for so long, nearly every facet of their economy was archaic and primitive.
  6120. >Fashion was NOT an exception.
  6121. >When the crystal ponies had been sealed away, many fabrics were prohibitively expensive.
  6122. >All clothing and accessories either served a clear purpose, or were a show of wealth for the merchant class and nobles.
  6123. >That was set to change rapidly as more of them discovered just how different the modern world was.
  6124. >The common pony could now look fabulous, and Rarity intended to make it happen.
  6125. >Of course, she would have to tailor her stock to the clientele rather than merely making whatever inspired her as usual.
  6126. >The wealthy weren’t her market here, and the common pony might be hesitant to purchase custom made couture.
  6127. >For all its faults, pret a porter was to be the bulk of the stock.
  6128. >Perhaps it was for the best.
  6129. >Every new location would invariably divide her attention further, pulling her from her craft.
  6130. >Such simple stock should save time.
  6131. >Still, she couldn’t simply sell rags, her reputation was at stake after all!
  6132. >It was to be a new challenge for her, designing garments that could be made by the dozens and still look marvelous even if they didn’t fit quite right.
  6133. >And this location was perfect for her more… affordable items.
  6134. >It stood on the intersection of Amethyst and Spirit, a modestly sized storefront with broad windows.
  6135. >The deep purple of the structure and the bright light afforded by the windows made it stick out, and the location was perfect for a working class clientele.
  6136. >And while it was a tad smaller than she might have liked, the Empire was notorious for its high property taxes.
  6137. >It might be best to be frugal with her space.
  6138. >The interior was hideous, sporting clashing colours on the accent wall and overly worn carpet on the floors.
  6139. >But that was okay, she could change it.
  6140. >Now the next question, was this location for sale?
  6141. >Perhaps it would have been smart to check on that first.
  6142. >”Ahem.”
  6143. >Rarity turned around to see two crystal pegasus stallions.
  6144. >They were both relatively short, coming in about half a hoof under Rarity.
  6145. >But they were clearly gentlecolts of great importance!
  6146. >The cornflower blue one was adorned in a sharp buttoned black vest upon which he bore a series of impressive looking medals.
  6147. >Rarity didn’t know what they symbolized, but the argent orchid on the admiral blue ribbon with canary stripes certainly seemed important!
  6148. >The pale amber pony only had a few medals.
  6149. >Rarity didn’t know enough heraldry to make sense of them, except for the silver six pointed snowflake.
  6150. >The Mark of Valor, the same medal as was awarded to Spike.
  6151. >Except this one was on a burgundy ribbon instead of an emerald green one.
  6152. “Good day, gentlecolts. Is this your establishment?”
  6153. >They share a quick confused look with each other, never quite taking their eye off of Rarity.
  6154. >”Rarity, right?”
  6155. “At your service.”
  6156. >”You’re under arrest.”
  6157. >Hm?
  6158. “Pardon me, I fear I must have misheard you.”
  6159. >”You’re being arrested. Please come quietly.”
  6160. “On whose authority?”
  6161. >”The crown. You DO see the medals, right? We’re-”
  6162. “Of course I see the medals! Such tacky things on a hideous vest. You could get those anywhere.”
  6163. >”No. You could not. It says right here that I’m a warrant officer, faking these credentials is a pretty serious offense!”
  6164. “Do you truly expect me to believe they’d send a soldier in to arrest an unarmed pony?”
  6165. >”YES! That’s normal in the empire! We don’t have a separate police force like in Equestria!”
  6166. >Oh.
  6167. >That might well be true.
  6168. “But would they send an OFFICER? I find that hard to believe.”
  6169. >”What, never heard of a police officer? Besides, this isn’t about our rank! You’re coming with us, and we weren’t asking!”
  6170. >One of them produced a steel collar.
  6171. >Rarity began to back away nervously, only to be tackled by the officer.
  6172. “Please, there must be some misunderstanding! I’m innocent!”
  6173. >”They’ll hear you out at prison. If we’ve got the wrong pony you’re free to go.”
  6174. >The collar clicked around her neck.
  6175. >The non-officer fixed a leash to it and began to pull.
  6176. “Aren’t you going to read me my rights?”
  6177. >”This isn’t Equestria.”
  6178. >Rarity felt shackles being fastened around her legs, hobbling her.
  6179. “Hay!”
  6180. >”Get moving.”
  6181. “But how am I supposed to walk?”
  6182. >”Quickly.”
  6183. “But- ACK!”
  6184. >Rarity stumbled clumsily trying to keep up with her captors, but despite her best efforts found she was being dragged more than lead.
  6185. >Part of her was dreading whatever may come next, and hoping their destination was well off.
  6186. >But as more and more eyes drifted her way, she came to hope for a short trip.
  6187. >Even if it WERE legitimate, it wouldn’t do for her to be seen being arrested!
  6188. >When they soon arrived before a windowless building with reinforced doors, Rarity followed in with a bizarre mix of dread and relief.
  6189. >The first thing she noticed was that the lighting was atrocious.
  6190. >The entryway was brilliantly lit, but the interior of the structure only dimly so.
  6191. >It took a few seconds for her eyes to adjust, and even then she couldn’t see much detail.
  6192. >From what she COULD see, it looked to be a permanent establishment much to her relief.
  6193. >This was not some roughshod group of ruffians who were changing their hideout constantly.
  6194. >At worst they were high class ruffians!
  6195. >A broad desk ran across the entirety of the room save for a narrow passageway at the far end.
  6196. >A few ponies eyed them cautiously from the front as they escorted Rarity to the gap and into the interior.
  6197. >Immediately she was greeted with a horrible floor plan with several corridors branching off at sharp angles so as to deny line of sight.
  6198. >One couldn’t tell what was down which hall without peering down into them.
  6199. >And there was so much wasted space!
  6200. >Though somewhat spartan, this place had been decorated with care.
  6201. >A banner hung over the back with a script Rarity couldn’t read, hung over a framed coat of arms.
  6202. >There were a few paintings of ponies Rarity didn’t recognize hung neatly upon the walls, with the current prince on the end.
  6203. >Perhaps previous rulers?
  6204. >But the further in she got the less adorned it became.
  6205. >And the more menacing.
  6206. >Several armed ponies stood behind stone blocks, eyeing her and her captors warily as they marched inward.
  6207. >They kept a wide berth as she was escorted past them and into a narrow corridor.
  6208. >She chanced a glance back to see several embrasures in the walls.
  6209. >Her heart raced at the danger they implied.
  6210. >With that knowledge she saw this place in a different light.
  6211. >The lighting was no mistake, it was meant to be disorienting!
  6212. >The corridors were meant to be confusing so invaders became lost!
  6213. >The front desk, the cramped passageways, the poor visibility, it was all calculated to be as hostile to outsiders as possible.
  6214. >Because this wasn’t just a police station.
  6215. >These were battlements!
  6216. >They were ready for battle at a moment’s notice!
  6217. >Why would they be holding her HERE of all places?
  6218. >Rarity found herself being roughly shoved into a small brick room with a metal reinforced door.
  6219. >The door slammed shut, leaving her in the darkness.
  6220. “H-hello?”
  6221. >No answer.
  6222. “Is anypony there?”
  6223. >She was alone.
  6224. >Locked up in a small room all on her own.
  6225. >And nopony knew she was here.
  6226. >How long would she be locked up?
  6227. >Why was she even here?
  6228. >There were so many questions-
  6229. >The door swung open and a flash of light nearly blinded her.
  6230. >Before Rarity sat a stocky unicorn mare levitating an oil lamp.
  6231. >The Jade coloured pony walked in and placed the lamp on a cheap, rickety wooden table sat in the middle of the room.
  6232. >She sat down on a collapsible seat before locking eyes with Rarity.
  6233. >Rarity glanced back to see the door was already closed, and likely barred.
  6234. “Oh, thank heavens! I was worried I was alone in here. To what do I owe the pleasure, miss…”
  6235. >”Jade.”
  6236. >That seemed fitting.
  6237. >”I’m your legal representative, and you’re in a lot of trouble.”
  6238. “But whatever for? I haven’t the faintest clue!”
  6239. >“Really?”
  6240. ”Truly. Please tell me.”
  6241. >”Well, you’re a felon now.”
  6242. “Hm?”
  6243. >”You’re a felon.”
  6244. >That didn’t sound right.
  6245. >Rarity forced out a quick chuckle despite her fear.
  6246. “There must be some misunderstanding. How can I be a felon if I’ve done nothing wrong?”
  6247. >”Says here they’ve got you for treason.”
  6248. ”WHAT?”
  6249. >TREASON?
  6250. >”And they’re considering attempted regicide.”
  6251. ”REGICIDE? But- but I’ve done-”
  6252. >“Oh, sorry. ACCESSORY to attempted regicide.”
  6253. >Rarity sat down on the ground, not even noticing the chair sitting right next to her.
  6254. >This was all too much.
  6255. >There had to be a mistake.
  6256. “When is the trial?”
  6257. >”Yesterday.”
  6258. “Yesterday? You mean to tell me it’s already over? Without me present?”
  6259. >”Why would- Oh right. Equestrian law. I’m sorry to say I am not an expert on foreign legal systems, so I am uncertain in what ways it differs. But I do know we practice inquisitorial justice here rather than adversarial. The court doesn’t bring in opposing representatives to argue, we gather evidence and see if there’s definitive proof of culpability. Your participation isn’t necessary.”
  6260. >But… it was already over?
  6261. >She’d already been convicted?
  6262. >How could this possibly be?
  6263. “I’ve done NOTHING that could be considered treason though. How could I be convicted already?”
  6264. >”They have conclusive evidence of you destroying equipment in the doctor’s clinic.”
  6265. >Rarity’s blood ran cold.
  6266. >That had happened.
  6267. >”I’m not sure how he has such small cameras or how they show colour, but there was a film of it happening. It was a very short investigation. You’ve actually made history as the first pony to commit a crime on camera.”
  6268. >It had happened and she couldn’t deny it.
  6269. >But…
  6270. “How could that possibly be treason?”
  6271. >”Destruction of strategically important assets in service of hostis generis. Helping the changelings is a crime.”
  6272. “But I wasn’t trying to help them! I had no clue they were even around!”
  6273. >”You can try to appeal the decision, but not with that argument. You’ll never convince them you didn’t know there were changelings.”
  6274. “But I truly didn’t!”
  6275. >”Miss Rarity, there were roadblocks. Curfews. Armed patrols. There is no conceivable way you could have gotten to the clinic without knowing.”
  6276. “But I didn’t! I was locked in his basement the whole time!”
  6277. >Jade just rolled her eyes.
  6278. >”I think we can get rid of the regicide in favor of accessory attempted murder.”
  6279. “But I didn’t try to kill anypony! I would never!”
  6280. >”You deliberately destroyed items critical to sustaining life hours before they were needed. This isn’t in dispute, miss Rarity. I can’t change that.”
  6281. >This couldn’t be happening.
  6282. >”Normally you wouldn’t be getting out of this alive.”
  6283. >What did she mean by that?
  6284. >Life in prison?
  6285. >Or…
  6286. >”But luckily for you the princess changed the law not too long ago.”
  6287. >For the first time in memory, Rarity was thankful to Cadence.
  6288. >”You’re looking at 10 years on cum dump duty followed by banishment.”
  6289. “Pardon, I must have misheard you. Did you say…”
  6290. >”You’re locked in place and the soldiers can have their way with you whenever they want.”
  6291. “I don’t believe you.”
  6292. >”Yeah, I thought it was strange too. Nopony made a big deal out of it because treason doesn’t happen often, but here we are.”
  6293. “But- but it’s BARBARIC!”
  6294. >”Not as bad as the old punishment. You should be thankful.”
  6295. >Rarity lost control of her body.
  6296. >She collapsed entirely, curling up into the fetal position and shivering.
  6297. >A DECADE of… of RAPE!
  6298. >”I know this is a lot to process. I’ll do what I can to help you get through this, but I need your help. No matter what they say, maintain that you didn’t know they were trying to hurt princess Twilight.”
  6299. “I didn’t! I honestly, truly didn’t!”
  6300. >”Great. That makes things a lot easier. Don’t tell them anything, and I mean ANYTHING! Don’t even ask for water until I get back. There’s no beating the treason charge, but I don’t think they can prove you were trying to hurt princess Twilight specifically. Have you ever written down or publicly stated an intent to kill anypony?”
  6301. “What- NO!”
  6302. >”You’re sure? Because I have a plan, but if they can dig that up-”
  6303. “I have NEVER wished to nor threatened to- to KILL anypony! That’s not who I am!”
  6304. >She nodded knowingly.
  6305. >”Good. I have a plan which should prevent further penalties. If they can’t prove that was part of your plan we can work it down to wanton endangerment, then we can try to get concurrent sentences. I think our chances are good.”
  6306. >She stood up from the table and walked over to Rarity with clear pity in her eyes.
  6307. >”I have an important meeting regarding your case and must be going. They are going to come to question you. It isn’t a crime to stay silent. Don’t speak, don’t write, don’t pantomime, don’t do ANYTHING. Don’t even tell them you’re not talking, just keep your mouth shut. They don’t have a strong case that you knew who the victim would be, but if you let something slip that might change. I’ll be back later today. Remember, don’t say anything. We can get you through this.”
  6308. >She started walking to the door.
  6309. >Rarity grabbed her leg with her front hooves, nearly tripping Jade.
  6310. “NO! Please! PLEASE DON’T LEAVE ME!”
  6311. >”Miss Rarity, I have to.”
  6312. “No, you can’t leave me here! I didn’t do it, I swear!”
  6313. >”Miss Rarity, please.”
  6314. >Jade shook her leg around violently, trying to kick Rarity off.
  6315. >She finally managed to pull away, leaving the still hobbled Rarity on the floor.
  6317. >The door swung shut, and the bolt clicked in place.
  6318. >Rarity was alone.
  6319. >She lay in the brick room, lying on the floor and staring at the unpainted ceiling.
  6320. >The light from the lantern flickered slightly, making shadows dance about.
  6321. >Perhaps they would have been mesmerizing under different circumstances.
  6322. >But Rarity cared not for lighting at the moment.
  6323. >She didn’t care about anything.
  6324. >She just broke down, sobbing.
  6325. >Time passed.
  6326. >How much, she could only guess.
  6327. >It felt as though it had been days, but Rarity knew it wasn’t.
  6328. >Had it been one hour? Two?
  6329. >However long it had been, it didn’t really matter.
  6330. >Rarity was out of tears.
  6331. >She was cold.
  6332. >Tired.
  6333. >Thirsty.
  6334. >And above all else, she was scared.
  6335. >Nay, TERRIFIED.
  6336. >How had this happened?
  6337. >She’d never meant to hurt anypony.
  6338. >Was the guilt she bore not punishment enough?
  6339. >She shook her head.
  6340. >Her friends would come for her.
  6341. >They had to!
  6342. >She could always count on them no matter how bleak things may look.
  6343. >Her breathing steadied, and her heart began to slow to a normal pace.
  6344. >Rarity was still far from calm.
  6345. >But in her relatively relaxed state, she could hear something faint.
  6346. >Voices.
  6347. >Angry voices.
  6348. >They were too far away to make out, but fast approaching.
  6349. >Her friends were already here!
  6350. >Why, Twilight was probably here herself, saying Rarity had done no wrong!
  6351. >But she sounded strange.
  6352. >Masculine.
  6353. >And with a bizarre accent.
  6354. >It wasn’t Twilight.
  6355. >It was her master!
  6356. >“Let… before… retard!”
  6357. >”Actively… restricted…”
  6358. >”Release…”
  6359. >He was arguing with the soldiers themselves!
  6360. >The voices were drawing ever closer.
  6361. >”She was… hurt me, not the Crystal…”
  6362. >”Investigation is…”
  6363. >”Poorly!”
  6364. >”Doctor, I understand your frustration… trespassing!”
  6365. >”I don’t care!”
  6366. >”This is a military installation and is off limits! If you take one more step, I WILL consider it a hostile act!”
  6367. >”I’m not sure what I’m doing can be called stepping. Oh, pulling your spear now? I’m sure the prince would love it if you killed the guy who saved his sister and daughter. Ow, OW! Augh!”
  6368. “Master!”
  6369. >”Stop clubbing me you bastard! I’m on crutches!”
  6370. >”Then go away!”
  6371. >”Not until you release her! She doesn’t deserve this treatment.”
  6372. >”She helped THE CHANGELINGS!”
  6373. >”So did I.”
  6374. >”What?”
  6375. >”That bugger had days to live at best; I pulled him out of the grave. And unlike her, I knew what I was doing.”
  6376. >The yelling stopped entirely.
  6377. >They were close enough now that Rarity could hear the steps of a pony approaching, as well as the definitive sound of wood hitting stone.
  6378. >The two had nearly reached the holding room.
  6379. >Rarity quickly began to wipe away her tears and try to straighten her mane.
  6380. >It wouldn’t do to be seen in such a horrid state!
  6381. >”Doctor, you do realise you just admitted to treason.”
  6382. >”Admitted? I’m proud of it.”
  6383. >”You betrayed the Empire.”
  6384. >”So what, I should have just let it die?”
  6385. >”YES!”
  6386. >”If that’s the Empire’s stance, I’ll do worse than betray it. Now open the door, you’ve got another prisoner to lock up.”
  6387. >To Rarity’s disbelief, the door began to swing open once more.
  6388. >And her master came hobbling in.
  6389. >He carried himself on a pair of sticks, diverting most of the pressure of walking away from his legs.
  6390. >Still, she could see him wince with every step.
  6391. “Master…”
  6392. >”Sorry to keep you waiting.”
  6393. >The door swung shut behind him, and Rarity heard the bolt slide into place.
  6394. >Master made his way to one of the chairs and collapsed in it, letting his sticks fall to his side.
  6395. >”They weren’t too rough with you I hope. Wait. Is that a collar? They’re not allowed to do that to you!”
  6396. >He reached down to Rarity and began fumbling with the metal.
  6397. “Thank you, master. But you shan’t be able to get it off of me. It’s locked in place.”
  6398. *click*
  6399. >The collar fell off unceremoniously.
  6400. >Rarity stared at it wide eyed.
  6401. “How?”
  6402. >”They weren’t designed with fingers in mind. Having four legs could be nice, but these things have their uses. The hobbles look a bit sturdier though.”
  6403. >He pat Rarity gently on the head.
  6404. >”You’ve had a pretty hard day. But don’t worry, I’m here for you.”
  6405. “But I don’t understand. Why did you do this?”
  6406. >”Do what?”
  6407. “You’re in a dungeon!”
  6408. >”Oh, that. I had to protect you.”
  6409. >Rarity didn’t understand.
  6410. >He had walked into a military facility on wounded hooves, been beaten by soldiers, and then insisted on being locked up.
  6411. >For her?
  6412. >”Hay, look at me. Look at me.”
  6413. >He pulled her chin up to look him in the eye.
  6414. >”I’m going to protect you. But-”
  6415. >He placed a finger on her lips.
  6416. >”I’m going to protect you, and I always will. Do you understand?”
  6417. >She couldn’t help but sniffle pathetically.
  6418. >”Do you understand?”
  6419. >Rarity nodded.
  6420. >He removed his finger.
  6421. >She collapsed against his legs, trembling.
  6422. >”Whoa, watch the feet.”
  6423. “I was so scared.”
  6424. >”I know, but it’s okay. I’m here for you.”
  6425. >He was stroking her mane gently.
  6426. >”It’s going to be okay. Don’t worry.”
  6427. ”How do you intend to protect me? You’re in prison too.”
  6428. >”Well, I’m way more guilty of helping changelings than you are. They need to punish me for treason too, or they don’t have a leg to stand on.”
  6429. “But what if they DO?”
  6430. >”Punish me for saving a life? I hadn’t planned for that.”
  6431. >He closed his eyes and began chewing on his lip.
  6432. >Master looked away.
  6433. >Had he really come in here with no plan?
  6434. ”Well, if they want treason they’ll get it. Worst case scenario I depose the prince and princess.”
  6435. >Was that a jest?
  6436. >Surely it must be!
  6437. >Yet he sounded sincere.
  6438. >”It’s not going to come to that though. Shining Armor and Candy Ass are pretty reasonable ponies.”
  6439. “Do you truly mean it? Could you replace them as prince?”
  6440. >”Not a chance. But I’ve got a few options for getting them out. Nothing guaranteed, mind you, but… yeah.”
  6441. “But how? From here no less?”
  6442. >”I know a LOT of things they’d like to keep hidden. And if that doesn’t work, I can always contact Earth and see what they think of all this. The Imperium of Man is always itching to start a fight, and they control the portal.”
  6443. “Imperium of Man?”
  6444. >”A small empire that originated on the Isle of Man. They’re little, so they feel like they've got a lot to prove. Deposing a tyrant and rescuing a physician being unjustly detained while on a humanitarian mission would be perfect fodder for their propaganda machine.”
  6445. “But how would you contact them from here?”
  6446. >”Don’t worry about that. Humans are VERY good at communicating. They could kill me and I’d still get the message across. OH! Don’t tell anypony about any of this, they might get the impression that’s something I’m planning. I’m pretty mad at them right now, but I honestly like the prince and princess. I’d prefer to stay friendly with them.”
  6447. >”If you like them, why did you have a plan to depose them?”
  6448. “I told you I didn’t. Just came up with that now.”
  6449. >They sat together in that room, faintly illuminated by the flickering of the lamp.
  6450. >It was strange.
  6451. >She felt almost…
  6452. >Happy.
  6453. >It had been a dreadful day, yet Rarity was happy.
  6454. >But something still didn’t make sense.
  6455. >Why?
  6456. “Why would you do all this for me?”
  6457. >”I don’t understand the question.”
  6458. “All of… THIS. You threw yourself into prison for me. You said you’d fight the crown for me. But why, master? Why would you take these risks?”
  6459. >”What did you call me?”
  6460. “Um, I believe I called you master.”
  6461. >”There’s your answer.”
  6462. “I’m sorry, but it’s not much of an answer.”
  6463. >”You’re my slave. You have duties. Obligations. The master has duties too. I have to make sure you’re healthy, safe, and all sorts of other things. I’ll always be there for you, no matter how many empires stand in my way.”
  6464. >Rarity couldn’t help it any longer.
  6465. >She fell on the floor in a swoon.
  6466. >It was at that moment, when she was at her least dignified, that the door opened again.
  6467. >”Hi, Anon! Rarity!”
  6468. >”Candy Ass.”
  6469. >Rarity attempted to insult the princess, but had yet to recover her equilibrium.
  6470. >”You two really got into a bit of trouble, didn’t you?”
  6471. >”A bit. You’re going to let us go though.”
  6472. >”My, such confidence! What makes you so sure?”
  6473. >”You knew about the incident for a while. If you were planning on having her jailed you would have done it sooner. Besides, I know you’re not evil.”
  6474. >”Well, you’re right about at least one of those. Maybe even both!”
  6475. >Rarity was assuming the evil part was in question.
  6476. >”You’re right, of course. I’ve overturned Rarity’s conviction on grounds of doli incapax.”
  6477. >Rarity wasn’t sure what that meant, but somehow she felt insulted.
  6478. >”I’ve also demoted wanton endangerment to reckless for the same reason, and attempted murder requires mens rea so it’s gone too. It’s just endangerment and destruction of state property.”
  6479. >”I think you’ll find it was my property, and I am not pressing charges.”
  6480. >”And I think YOU will find we paid for it.”
  6481. >Rarity was conflicted.
  6482. >This pony- this WHORE had abused her horrifically!
  6483. >And now she was calling Rarity a CRIMINAL!
  6484. >And yet…
  6485. >Rarity WAS a criminal.
  6486. >And she was getting lenience, perhaps undeservedly.
  6487. “It pains me greatly to say this, but... Ugh. Thank you.”
  6488. >”We’re going with a punishment befitting her station. Perhaps some… community service.”
  6489. >”No.”
  6490. >The princess looked surprised.
  6491. >Nay, SHOCKED!
  6492. >As though it had never occurred to her that Anon might refuse that offer.
  6493. >Perhaps it hadn’t.
  6494. >”Anon, I thought-”
  6495. >”You thought wrong. I’m protecting her.”
  6496. >”Well, that’s very… noble? I don’t think you’ve thought this through.”
  6497. >”What’s to think about? I am going to do everything in my power to make sure she’s okay. The Candy I know would want nothing less.”
  6498. >”Anon, FIVE years would be lenient, she’s practically getting off for free!”
  6499. >”I’m not budging on this one.”
  6500. >”But… why?”
  6501. >”I’m upset with you. This poor girl was terrorized, locked away without even being told why, COLLARED with someone else’s collar, her legs are STILL hobbled-”
  6502. >”She’s a convicted felon!”
  6503. >”And that’s another thing! She wasn’t even told this was happening. You should at least have the common decency to let her know she’s being investigated!”
  6504. >”Are you HONESTLY pushing for CRIMINAL JUSTICE reform right this second? In prison? RIGHT after getting a pardon?”
  6505. >”That, um, when you put it that way it sounds kind of silly.”
  6506. >”We had a deal, Anon. And you went back on it.”
  6507. “Pardon, did you say you’d made arrangements? What precisely did you agree upon?”
  6508. >For some reason, master placed his face in his hand.
  6509. >Cadence, on the other hoof, had plastered upon her face the fakest smile Rarity had ever seen.
  6510. >”Did I say that? I meant, uhh…”
  6511. >”I’d talked to her before coming to see you. That’s why I was so sure she’d go easy on you.”
  6512. “Is that why it took so long for you to get here?”
  6513. >”That and the feet. She agreed to a much lesser sentence and I was relieved. But when I found out where they were holding you I got angry, and… I decided you deserved better.”
  6514. >Cadence’s face changed several times in rapid succession.
  6515. >Confusion.
  6516. >Surprise.
  6517. >Joy.
  6518. >And finally, a devious smirk.
  6519. >”You know, Anon, I never gave you permission to storm this base. That’s a pretty serious crime!”
  6520. “You wouldn’t!”
  6521. >”Plus it is as you said, YOU helped the changelings illegally. And here you’re trying to undermine my authority too. I can’t have that.”
  6522. >”Do you really want to do this?”
  6523. >”No, I don’t. But if I have to… You do know the penalty for treason, right?”
  6524. >”Death?”
  6525. >”WHAT? No! That’s barbaric! We just let the soldiers rape you for a few years.”
  6526. >”That’s pretty gay.”
  6527. >”They’ll make do. Are you any good at sucking?”
  6528. >”No, I’m better at biting.”
  6529. >”That’s a shame. But I bet you don’t have teeth in the other hole.”
  6530. >The revulsion Rarity felt in that instant was ineffable.
  6531. >To have such depravity forced on her master, and from such a vile pony no less!
  6532. >And he was in this position because he’d tried to help her.
  6533. >To save her from the consequences of her own actions.
  6534. “I shall do it.”
  6535. >”Excellent. Come with me, Rarity.”
  6536. >”You don’t have to do this. She’s playing you!”
  6537. “Master. It’s okay.”
  6538. >Rarity trotted up to her master and looked him in his beady little eyes.
  6539. >She reared up, and kissed him.
  6540. “I love you, master. And I want to protect you too. Let’s be done with this.”
  6541. >”Stop it, get back here!”
  6542. >”Don’t worry, Anon. You’ll thank me later.”
  6543. >”She’s MINE! Get back here!”
  6544. >Cadence levitated master’s crutches out of his reach and walked out of the room, beckoning Rarity to follow.
  6545. >Rarity gave one quick look back at her beloved before following.
  6546. >”Candy, you whore! Get back here!”
  6547. >Cadence slammed the door shut and began walking deeper into the battlements.
  6548. >”I’ll be back for him. You’re doing the right thing, Rarity.”
  6549. “Hearing that from you makes me question my decision.”
  6550. >”Still… was Anon acting weird?”
  6551. “Being near you, I fail to see how ANYPONY could be seen as weird.”
  6552. >”It’s just strange that he’d put so much on the line when I was already going so easy on you. And picking a fight with me really isn’t like him!”
  6553. “Love makes fools of us all.”
  6554. >”I suppose. But this feels wrong even for that. Has he been behaving strangely lately?”
  6555. “Actually, yes. He’s been doing something morally reprehensible lately. He’s been associating with Cadence!”
  6556. >”You know you COULD be a bit more helpful.”
  6557. “Yes, but then I would be helping you. We simply can’t have that.”
  6558. >”I’d better go talk to him again. I could understand him acting strangely if the changelings were still around, but if they’ve filed out they shouldn’t be controlling or feeding off of him anymore. Wait… Oh dear. I’ve made a huge mistake.”
  6559. “Just the one?”
  6560. >”Could you stop it with the snarky rebuttals for a bit? I’m actually worried about him. Wait, why am I asking?”
  6561. >In the blink of an eye, Rarity found herself with a ring gag fastened in her mouth and a blindfold over her eyes.
  6562. >She tried instinctively to run away, but found herself shackled firmly in place.
  6563. >”Let’s get you to work, shall we?”
  6564. “Ahh! Ahh!”
  6565. >Rarity tried to protest, but her words came out as meaningless cries.
  6566. >”And if you’re good, you get to keep your identity hidden. Deal?”
  6567. >Dread and terror fought for primacy in Rarity’s heart
  6568. >What horrors was she about to face?
  6569. >What had she just agreed to?
  6570. >Rarity shuddered twice.
  6571. >Once in fear.
  6572. >And once in arousal.
  6574. >Rarity had no clue what was happening.
  6575. >No, that wasn’t true.
  6576. >If she was being honest with herself, she knew EXACTLY what was happening.
  6577. >She just didn’t want to admit it.
  6578. >She didn’t want to admit that this was her life.
  6579. >And she didn’t want to admit she knew what these things meant.
  6580. >The blinders, the ring gag, the bindings, and the delicious musk of sex.
  6581. >Rarity struggled against her restraints, only to be met by the unyielding bite of steel.
  6582. >Even with her magic, she would be unable to escape.
  6583. >Only the most talented of unicorns or an Earth pony even had a hope of slipping these bonds, and Rarity was neither.
  6584. >Her body betrayed her, and she couldn’t quell the quivering in her nethers.
  6585. >”Dick polisher’s in here. Mouth only on this one I’m afraid.”
  6586. >Cadence.
  6587. >The vile wretch who had forced her into this predicament.
  6588. >”Who is it this time? One of the regulars?”
  6589. >A stallion.
  6590. >Doubtlessly the one who would be violating her in mere moments.
  6591. >”No, got a fresh one for you.”
  6592. >”Huh. I’m still kinda surprised you talked anypony into this. Now you’ve got a fourth one. Anypony I would know?”
  6593. >”We’re not disclosing her identity.”
  6594. >Thank the stars!
  6595. >”Is she any good?”
  6596. >”I don’t know. Probably not. But on the bright side, you don’t need to go easy on her. Her words.”
  6597. >”Princess?”
  6598. >A different voice.
  6599. >It sounded like a mare!
  6600. >Surely a fellow mare would object to this cruelty and preserve Rarity’s dignity!
  6601. >”This is just wrong.”
  6602. >Yes!
  6603. >Tell her, girl!
  6604. >”Why don’t the mares get a turn? I want to have a round.”
  6605. >What?
  6606. >NO!
  6607. >”She’s going to have a lot of cum in her mouth though. It might get in you.”
  6608. >”But that’s hot!”
  6609. >”I don’t want a bunch of fatherless foals.”
  6610. >”I’ve got one of those implant things!”
  6611. >”Oh! I actually didn’t think of that. Well, take a number!”
  6612. >Rarity heard a door close.
  6613. >She was left in near silence, and apparent darkness.
  6614. >Dare she hope that she was alone?
  6615. >Her breathing hastened in a perverse mix of dread, terror, and excitement.
  6616. >The thought of being abused by so many ponies was repulsive.
  6617. >Abhorrent.
  6618. >Sickening!
  6619. >But why was her mouth watering?
  6620. >Rarity couldn’t hold back her saliva with her mouth forced open as it was.
  6621. >Drool dripped helplessly from her lips.
  6622. >She could only hope that this “service” would prove unpopular.
  6623. >That the citizenry would realise how vile their self proclaimed princess was.
  6624. >Surely they wouldn’t violate her behind closed doors!
  6625. >Perhaps they might even let her go?
  6626. >Of course, why was she ever worried?
  6627. >Somepony would release her at any moment!
  6628. >Rarity’s hopes were shattered by a sudden invasion of her mouth and throat.
  6629. >Her body reacted violently, trying in vain to push the vile thing out so that she may breathe!
  6630. >It was, of course, to no avail.
  6631. >His presence was as undeniable as the bindings that locked Rarity in place.
  6632. >The invader had a mercifully neutral flavour about the shaft.
  6633. >He pulled out, grinding his length across Rarity’s tongue.
  6634. >She could taste a faintly salty, bitter flavour on the head.
  6635. >She tried in vain to put it out of mind and not think of what it might be.
  6636. >Was it dirty?
  6637. >Was that a faint hint of urine?
  6638. >Dare she hope it was soap?
  6639. >She didn’t have long to meditate on the taste before he savagely plunged into the depths of her throat.
  6640. >She desperately tried to inhale, but her airways were plugged tight.
  6641. >Her gag reflex worked itself into a frenzy, massaging the penis vigorously and erratically as her struggling lungs desperately sucked upon it.
  6642. >She tried to still her breathing.
  6643. >She TRIED to stop the convulsions in her throat.
  6644. >She struggled against her restraints, desperate not just to breathe but to deny her assailant his pleasure.
  6645. >Her treacherous body continued its autonomic ministrations.
  6646. >It took mere seconds for the sensation of hot liquid to fill her throat.
  6647. >A perverse mixture of excitement and disgust filled her body when she realised what had just happened.
  6648. >”Thanks, whore.”
  6649. >The dreadful penis slipped out of her mouth, allowing Rarity to gasp desperately for breath and to spit up what she hoped was the bulk of his wretched seed.
  6650. >Despite her best efforts, she knew full well that some of his essence now lay in the pit of her stomach.
  6651. >She could feel it dripping down her lips, and coating the exterior of her muzzle.
  6652. >And worse still, the interior of her mouth.
  6653. >She did what she could to collect the vile sludge upon her tongue so that she might push it out, screaming in her own head so as to drown out the nagging voice telling her to swallow.
  6654. >She insisted that this nectar was repulsive despite the perverse thrill she felt at it coating her tongue.
  6655. >With one last exertion of will, she spat out what little she could, only to immediately be met with a familiar presence.
  6656. >This one entered less eagerly, instead slowly but insistently pressing ever deeper into her mouth.
  6657. >Rarity’s breathing hastened as it plunged ever deeper- fear, she told herself- until it was again denied entirely by a familiar sensation of fullness in her throat.
  6658. >She tried to ignore its presence, instead casting her focus elsewhere.
  6659. >Such as the sensation of wetness in her nethers.
  6660. >And the excited trembling of her legs.
  6661. >She turned her attention back to the penis to discover that it too had ejaculated, mere seconds after invading.
  6662. >It made a satisfying popping noise when it pulled out of her mouth.
  6663. >Rarity again began the task of harvesting what seed she could with her tongue.
  6664. >But before she could spit it out, she was greeted by another visitor.
  6665. >This one didn’t immediately rape her mouth.
  6666. >Instead, he pressed his penis against her nostrils.
  6667. >She could feel it grinding against her muzzle, using her face to masturbate.
  6668. >Rarity shuddered as she took in the heady scent.
  6669. >It was largely mute.
  6670. >Less pronounced than most aromas, were it not touching her muzzle she might not even detect it.
  6671. >Yet this near undetectable smell seemed to be filling her head.
  6672. >Her thoughts were clouded, and drool was flowing from her mouth.
  6673. >Her tongue extended unbidden and reached out to the source.
  6674. >A deep sense of disappointment filled her heart when she discovered it was just out of reach.
  6675. >Why?
  6676. >Why was she disappointed?
  6677. >She could only sit there, tantalisingly close to her prize.
  6678. >Something wet and warm sprayed over her muzzle.
  6679. >She could feel the generous helping of glaze slowly dripping down to her chin, before finally falling to the floor.
  6680. >The heat in her crotch was growing intolerable.
  6681. >Rarity yearned for something- for ANYTHING to abate the agonising yearning she felt.
  6682. >Once more she struggled against her restraints, this time not as a pony seeking freedom but as a wild beast seeking gratification.
  6683. >She bucked and jerked purely on instinct, driven by the promise of mind numbing pleasure in the face of this torment.
  6684. >Rarity was only snapped out of her lust-addled reverie by yet another assailant.
  6685. >Yet again, this pony saw fit to pleasure themselves in a new way.
  6686. >He wasn’t pleasuring himself with her muzzle, or lingering in the depths of her throat, nor was he interested in her tongue.
  6687. >He was fucking her mouth.
  6688. >A rapid back and forth motion that time and again forced its way past her tonsils.
  6689. >Her throat burned.
  6690. >It hurt to have that protrusion there.
  6691. >Soft though the tissue may be, her abused body reacted as though she had swallowed a thousand chestnuts, spines and all.
  6692. >This wasn’t like master’s cock.
  6693. >It wasn’t gentle and loving.
  6694. >It wasn’t trying to ensure that Rarity got something out of the exchange.
  6695. >This cock was simply taking what it wanted without regard to Rarity’s wellbeing.
  6696. >It wouldn’t stop, no matter what she did nor how she begged.
  6697. >It was simply here for its own benefit, and there was nothing to be done about it.
  6698. >Rarity gave up.
  6699. >She could do nothing but surrender to the abuse.
  6700. >She didn’t have to do this, she could have gone home and been safe.
  6701. >Master had come to save her, and she’d foolishly refused his help.
  6702. >For some reason, when Rarity thought of him it hurt less.
  6703. >The violations seemed a bit less cruel, and the fluids a bit less repulsive.
  6704. >If she pretended it were him pounding her throat…
  6705. >She could almost enjoy it.
  6706. >Rarity KNEW it was the wrong cock, she KNEW this wasn’t her master pleasing himself.
  6707. >None of the dozen or so rapists had human genitals.
  6708. >And none of them lasted nearly as long as he did.
  6709. >She couldn’t totally fool herself into thinking it was him.
  6710. >But just thinking of him reframed the ordeal.
  6711. >It still hurt, AND she was still struggling to breathe.
  6712. >But it was also thrilling!
  6713. >Such a primal urge being fulfilled in the most animalistic way.
  6714. >Nothing to be done but stand there and suckle on those thick shafts.
  6715. >She needed him.
  6716. >She NEEDED a good rutting.
  6717. >Her tail flagged of its own volition.
  6718. >She could feel her legs struggle against their bindings, trying to spread themselves so that she might be mounted.
  6719. >Another invader.
  6720. >She tried to rub her thighs together, desperate for any stimulation.
  6721. >Another invader.
  6722. >She began clenching and releasing her vaginal muscles, hoping to create some friction- ANY friction.
  6723. >Another.
  6724. >Rarity could feel herself trembling with unfulfilled desire.
  6725. >Another.
  6726. >And another.
  6727. >And another still.
  6728. >The brief enjoyment she had felt was nearly entirely gone.
  6729. >In its place was agonising lust.
  6730. >Every part of her hindquarters ached with a terrible emptiness.
  6731. >Every part of her mouth and throat burned with excess fullness.
  6732. >Rarity had long since lost track of time, and had no clue how many dicks she’d swallowed.
  6733. >But she was at her limit.
  6734. >She lay limp, no longer able to resist OR participate.
  6735. >Held aloft by her bindings alone.
  6736. >She barely even noticed when her mouth was emptied.
  6737. >At last, for the first time in what must have been hours, Rarity could catch her breath.
  6738. >It wasn’t merely a brief respite like when her assailants traded places.
  6739. >This break lasted for minutes!
  6740. >Her head was beginning to clear.
  6741. >Her burning lust was beginning to abate.
  6742. >The agony of her throat and the humiliation of her position remained.
  6743. >”How was your first day?”
  6744. >Rarity jumped, only to be pulled back in place by unseen chains.
  6745. >Cadence was here.
  6746. >”Did you have fun?”
  6747. >Rarity wanted to tell her off.
  6748. >But even if it weren’t for the gag, she would have been unable to.
  6749. >Her throat had been too thoroughly abused to vocalise.
  6750. >”Well, you’re almost done. We’ve just got one more punishment to get through.”
  6751. >Rarity couldn’t help but feel conflicted.
  6752. >There was at once joy and dread in her heart.
  6753. >She was nearly free!
  6754. >But she was to be violated once more.
  6755. >”This one is a little different though. Here, let me release your front hoof. When it gets to be too much and you want to quit, just stomp twice.”
  6756. >A loud crack filled the air.
  6757. >And Rarity felt a sting upon her rump the likes of which she had never known before.
  6758. >It was a mixture of tearing, cutting, crushing, burning, and more.
  6759. >A pain far worse than anything she’d ever felt before, an ineffable agony that completely overwhelmed her senses.
  6760. >She had thought her throat was too raw to vocalise.
  6761. >She had been wrong.
  6762. >A ragged and panicked scream echoed around her.
  6763. >The whip struck her again before she had recovered.
  6764. >She screamed again, and pulled at her bindings until they bruised her.
  6765. >Rarity tried to kick behind herself, but was only able to cause herself even more pain.
  6766. >The third strike of the whip was especially cruel, striking her still engorged labia.
  6767. >She at last had the presence of mind to stomp.
  6768. >Seconds later, all the bindings fell away.
  6769. >Rarity collapsed on the ground.
  6770. >She cursed herself for not stomping right away.
  6771. >Berated herself for thinking so slowly.
  6772. >”I’m sorry about that, Rarity. I know you don’t believe me, but I really am.”
  6773. >Cadence herself removed the gag and blindfold.
  6774. >Rarity couldn’t yet see for all the tears in her eyes.
  6775. >”Shiny was angry. Like, REALLY angry. I’ve never seen him like that before. I guess it makes sense, this is the worst crime he’s ever had to deal with. Well, except for the changeling stuff.”
  6776. >”Why?”
  6777. >Rarity croaked more than spoke.
  6778. >It was barely recognisable as language.
  6779. >”Shiny isn’t as big on the whole sex thing as I am. He pretends to be okay with it, but I can tell it bothers him. He ordered a punishment of his own. 500 lashes.”
  6780. >Rarity’s head was going a mile a minute.
  6781. >Her thoughts were being distorted by the pain, hatred, and humiliation.
  6782. >But still, she understood one thing.
  6783. >That hadn’t been 500.
  6784. >”Anon didn’t know about that part of the punishment, by the way. He knew about the sex thing, and he called in a bunch of favors to try and get you out of it. I eventually promised it was mouth only, and he seemed happy? But then he showed up later and demanded I call the whole thing off. Maybe he wasn’t happy with the mouth thing, and was just taking what he could get. I’ll have to ask him. Either way, he just found out about the lashes a little while ago. When I told him, he was really mad and threatened to start a bunch of fires.”
  6785. >Fires?
  6786. >”But he was right, arson or not. That’s too much. So we’re going to spread them out. Once a week you’ll come in for an hour of community service, and however many hits you can take.”
  6787. >Next week?
  6788. >Even MORE rape?
  6789. >And MORE whipping?
  6790. >”And I guess we’ll go until 500.”
  6791. >Rarity was too tired to cry properly.
  6792. >She just lay on the ground, drenched in cum and trembling.
  6793. >That had only been THREE!
  6794. >At this pace, she would be here for years.
  6795. >No doubt barred from ever leaving the empire too.
  6796. >Years of constant rape and whipping.
  6797. >YEARS a prisoner to that vile wretch!
  6798. >YEARS!
  6799. >No, she couldn’t do it!
  6800. >She had to get out!
  6801. “More whipping.”
  6802. >Rarity was barely audible, but the words seemed to echo regardless.
  6803. >”I didn’t quite hear that. What?”
  6804. “Whip me. Please.”
  6805. >Rarity herself was surprised to hear those words.
  6806. >Though she had said it, it still felt as though she were merely an observer.
  6807. >”But it’s over. You can go.”
  6808. “Please. Can’t… need to finish.”
  6809. >”Well, okay. If you’re sure. And don’t tell anypony, but I’ll even count these as double.”
  6810. “Thank you.”
  6811. >Thanking Cadence was by far the hardest thing Rarity had done that day.
  6812. >But she needed to get out of this.
  6813. >And master had already done so much, there was no assurance he could do any more.
  6814. >Rarity needed to escape somehow.
  6815. >She steeled herself, determined to take as many blows as possible while they still counted double.
  6816. *Crack*
  6817. >She howled in pain from the depths of her lungs.
  6818. *Crack*
  6819. >Her exhausted body limply tried to pull away.
  6820. *CRACK*
  6821. >The whip bit into her back.
  6822. *CRACK*
  6823. >Rarity had no air in her lungs, but still tried to scream.
  6824. *Crack*
  6825. >She swore to herself, she would have revenge!
  6826. *Crack*
  6827. >Both Cadence and Shining Armour would pay!
  6828. *Crack*
  6829. >The pain continued to mount until she could no longer differentiate impact from after effect.
  6830. >It all blended into mind numbing agony.
  6831. >Rarity soon lost count.
  6832. >And finally lost consciousness.
  6834. A few hours later.
  6836. >You were sitting in your cell, fuming.
  6837. >It’s hard to tell exactly how long you’ve been here, but it’s been a while.
  6838. >You’d been expecting Cadence to come back after a few minutes, but no.
  6839. >She’d actually done it.
  6840. >She had actually locked you up!
  6841. >You honestly didn’t think she had the nerve to do it, but here you were.
  6842. >Though you couldn’t say it was entirely her fault.
  6843. >You HAD gone off script and broken the deal.
  6844. >And you HAD broken the law when you marched into the base.
  6845. >You’d known full well there would be consequences, and still you stormed in here.
  6846. >On damaged feet no less!
  6847. >But why?
  6848. >Why had you changed your mind?
  6849. >And why had you put yourself at risk?
  6850. >It didn’t make sense.
  6851. >She was going to learn her lesson AND get lots of practice.
  6852. >And best of all, it wasn’t going to be your fault.
  6853. >She wouldn’t resent you for it, hay, she’d APPRECIATE you.
  6854. >And still, somehow that wasn’t good enough.
  6855. >There was this weird weight in your stomach even now as you thought of Rarity sucking off a bunch of strangers.
  6856. >When did you become so protective?
  6857. >It was supposed to be so simple.
  6858. >But now you’re in prison.
  6859. >Getting caught was NOT part of your plan.
  6860. >So now what?
  6861. >Just wait?
  6862. >Not much else you can do.
  6863. >Sure, you could send a message to the embassy and ask for help.
  6864. >But you didn’t even know how long you were going to be here.
  6865. >For all you knew it was only going to be a couple of days.
  6866. >It would take them at least that long to show up.
  6867. >And then what?
  6868. >Cause an interdimensional incident because you acted like an idiot?
  6869. >There’s no way they’d do that.
  6870. >Not that you want them to, you like living here.
  6871. >No matter how you slice it there’s nothing to be done but wait it out.
  6872. >Might as well take a nap.
  6873. >And somepony’s fiddling with the door.
  6874. >Why is it always when you’re trying to nap?
  6875. “Hello, Candy Ass.”
  6876. >”How did you know it was me?”
  6877. >Lucky guess.
  6878. “Human sense.”
  6879. >She eventually gets the door open and enters the room, looking more than a little sheepish.
  6880. “You okay?”
  6881. >”No.”
  6882. >Uh oh.
  6883. >She sits down on the floor in the corner.
  6884. >”Shiny’s mad.”
  6885. “Still mad, or mad again?”
  6886. >”Both?”
  6887. >Of course.
  6888. “What’s the matter this time?”
  6889. >”I don’t know. He keeps telling me everything’s fine.”
  6890. >Sounds like him.
  6891. >Probably stressed by the changelings.
  6892. >Hay, you sure are.
  6893. >How did they even get that kind of firepower?
  6894. >”We had a deal. What happened?”
  6895. >That was an excellent question.
  6896. “I don’t know. And I’m sorry, I really am.”
  6897. >”For breaking the deal, or saying you’d burn the palace down?”
  6898. “Both. Though I’m pretty sure the palace isn’t flammable. I don’t know what came over me. I just… I think I felt bad for her? Or maybe I just didn’t want to share? Something feels wrong.”
  6899. >”You’re going soft.”
  6900. “No I’m not.”
  6901. >How could you possibly be going soft?
  6902. >You’ve put her through all sorts of terrible things after all.
  6903. >Humiliation, pain, despair, all sorts of evil things you wish you could take back.
  6904. >Oh.
  6905. “Maybe I am.”
  6906. >”I’m glad.”
  6907. “Hm?”
  6908. >”I’d thought I was wrong about you two, but you DO love her.”
  6909. >Love?
  6910. >Naa.
  6911. “I’d have noticed if I fell in love with her.”
  6912. >”Not if your love was being devoured by a hideous parasite.”
  6913. >Oh.
  6914. >Oh dear.
  6915. “But she’s been gone for a few days now. Why now?”
  6916. >”Weren’t you being really nice to her when we got you back?”
  6917. >Huh.
  6918. >Yeah, you were.
  6919. >”Besides, it takes a while to recover.”
  6920. “How long did it take you?”
  6921. >She looks away from you.
  6922. “Sensitive topic? It’s okay, I don’t really need to know.”
  6923. >Or more accurately, you know enough from her silence.
  6924. >When Cadence escaped her feelings were all messed up for some amount of time.
  6925. >Twilight told you they won through the power of love or something dumb like that, so she can’t have been totally numb.
  6926. >But something was wrong.
  6927. >Still, though.
  6928. >Love doesn’t sound quite right.
  6929. “I don’t really feel like sweeping her off her hooves and marrying her though.”
  6930. >”It doesn’t have to be like that though; there’s more than one way to express love. Sometimes it’s romance and massages, sometimes it’s debauchery and ropes.”
  6931. “I don’t know…”
  6932. >”Have you bought her any gifts?”
  6933. “No.”
  6934. >Wait.
  6935. >That choker.
  6936. “Nothing comes to mind.”
  6937. >”You’re lying.”
  6938. >It was that obvious, huh?
  6939. “I’m still not sure you’re right, but… what should I do?”
  6940. >”Whatever you feel like. She’s your property, remember?”
  6941. “But should I try to be nicer to her or-”
  6942. >”NO!”
  6943. >Unusually forceful.
  6944. >”Don’t ask me what to do. Don’t ask anypony! Do with her what you want, and make sure she follows.”
  6945. “Strange relationship advice.”
  6946. >”It’s what you want, AND it’s what she wants.”
  6947. “Still sounds weird.”
  6948. >”Rarity doesn’t want some subservient stallion who constantly tries to appease her. There are plenty of those out there.”
  6949. >No simping then.
  6950. >”She wants somepony to take charge, and she wants an excuse for her lewdness.”
  6951. >An excuse?
  6952. >She was undeniably quite lewd.
  6953. >And if she was ordered to do it she didn’t have to blame herself.
  6954. >It made a weird kind of sense.
  6955. >And this kind of thing was Cadence’s specialty.
  6956. >”I think you’re getting hung up on the word love. She doesn’t have to be your special somepony or anything. Have you ever had a dog?”
  6957. “I-”
  6958. >”A good dog owner is still very clearly in charge. They are not equal partners, but they still love each other.”
  6959. “She’s not a dog though.”
  6960. >”It’s okay to like your property, Anon.”
  6961. >Hm.
  6962. >You still weren’t really sure.
  6963. >But something about that sounded…
  6964. >Right.
  6965. >Your relationship doesn’t have to be all lovey dovey for it to be special.
  6966. >You’re still going to dominate all the mares you can, with Rarity at your feet.
  6967. >Maybe it means you’ll go a little easier on her.
  6968. >Or maybe it means you’ll double down on the training, trying to make her perfect?
  6969. >You get the funny feeling it’s the latter.
  6970. “How’s she doing?”
  6971. >”Not great.”
  6972. “Did you-”
  6973. >”Nowhere near 500. She’s going to take them a few at a time.”
  6974. “I was going to ask if you enjoyed it.”
  6975. >The grin on her teeth seemed to illuminate the room more than the lamp ever could.
  6976. >”I thought it was going to be awful, and I felt really sorry for her at first. But there’s just something so fun about putting a mare in her place for your hubby!”
  6977. “You’re lucky you’re charming.”
  6978. >”I’m sorta hoping he starts ordering floggings more often.”
  6979. “I probably shouldn’t put this idea in your head, but YOU can order it too.”
  6980. >”Wouldn’t be the same. Besides, it’s not like we catch a baddie every day. I’ll just have to accept that it’s going to be a rare treat once Rarity’s done.”
  6981. “Hard to imagine the aristocracy having trouble fulfilling their desires.”
  6982. >”Why? We’re supposed to be like, the ideal ponies. Gotta pretend we’re perfect.”
  6983. “Noblesse oblige, huh?”
  6984. >”I’d love to be able to let loose and take the tiara off sometimes. But I can’t, not while aunty is watching at least. Duty calls.”
  6985. >She gets up from her corner reluctantly, the usual exuberance completely gone from her face.
  6986. >You pick up your crutches and start to hobble to the door.
  6987. >”Where do you think you’re going?”
  6988. “To pick up Rarara.”
  6989. >”Nuh uh. You’re staying the night.”
  6990. “Aww, c’mon. Seriously?”
  6991. >”Yep!”
  6992. “But-”
  6993. >”Consider yourself lucky you’re our friend, ‘cause normally it’d be a LOT longer.”
  6994. >That was a threat.
  6995. >Maybe you should just keep quiet.
  6996. “Have a good day!”
  6997. >Not exactly keeping quiet.
  6998. >But it’ll do.
  7000. >They let you out of prison pretty early in the morning.
  7001. >Maybe too early.
  7002. >What kind of psychopath wakes up at 5 in the morning?
  7003. >You groggily peeled yourself out of the holding chamber at the behest of the militia, stumbling after them in a drunken fashion.
  7004. >The pain in your feet does a fair bit to wake you up, but you’re definitely not all there.
  7005. >To your great embarrassment, you manage to walk several blocks in the opposite direction of home before getting your bearings.
  7006. >The streets are completely dark save for a few lamps placed at major intersections.
  7007. >The excessive use of crystals in the local architecture turns these lanterns into a hall of mirrors, with innumerable points of light surrounding any who get too close.
  7008. >And between disorienting points of radiance lie a void.
  7009. >An inky emptiness wherein one can’t see past their own nose.
  7010. >Maybe if the skies were clear you’d be able to see by starlight, but as it is you’re moving more by feel than anything.
  7011. >It takes far longer than you’d have liked to finally make your way home.
  7012. >Sunrise comes late in these autumn months.
  7013. >The Empire isn’t above the arctic circle so you’re not going to get 24 days nor nights, but it should get kinda close.
  7014. >If tonight was anything to go by, you’re going to want a flashlight or something of the like soon.
  7015. >You step up to your door and move to unlock it, only to find it’s already open.
  7016. >Did you forget to lock it?
  7017. >Or is there an invader?
  7018. >You foolishly step in, heart pounding.
  7019. >You prowl through your own unlit home trying not to make a sound.
  7020. >As you close the door behind yourself, common sense takes over.
  7021. >You’re injured and unarmed.
  7022. >PLUS some of these ponies are freakishly strong.
  7023. >Assuming it even IS a pony…
  7024. >You carefully open the door, planning to leave…
  7025. >And hit your worst toe.
  7026. “Son of a-”
  7027. >You cover your mouth quickly and stand in complete silence.
  7028. >That’s when you hear it.
  7029. >The shower is running.
  7030. >Who breaks into a home and takes a shower at this hour other than Rarity?
  7031. >Of course it was her.
  7032. >Damn changelings have you paranoid.
  7033. >You close the door again and fumble about to light a candle.
  7034. >You’ll let her know you’re here then head to bed.
  7035. >Actually, it would be more fun to scare her.
  7036. >You push the door open and step in.
  7037. >A very wet pony stares at you in shock, her mouth agape.
  7038. >And a weak groaning noise comes out of her mouth.
  7039. >What is she doing?
  7040. “Are you okay?”
  7041. >She draws the shower curtain to cover herself.
  7042. “You really should have that drawn all the time. You’re flooding the place.”
  7043. >That’s a paddlin’.
  7044. >You pull the curtain aside and see Rarity cowering in the bottom of the bath, letting icy cold water pelt her from above.
  7045. >She shrinks away as you look at her.
  7046. >A pathetic wretch, incapable of meeting your eye.
  7047. >You look on in a perverse mix of horror and satisfaction at the welts covering her body.
  7048. >It was a hard day for her.
  7049. “I’m sorry.”
  7050. >You reach in and turn off the water.
  7051. >The hot water was on, but still the shower is near freezing.
  7052. >She must have been here for quite a while.
  7053. “I really really am sorry.”
  7054. >Are you?
  7055. >Yeah.
  7056. >You are.
  7057. >Sure, you’d sent her in to get face fucked for hours on end.
  7058. >But you’d been planning on being there for her when she got out.
  7059. >You fetch a towel and start drying her off.
  7060. “I tried to get you out of it, and I thought I’d found a way.”
  7061. >The goal had been to humiliate and degrade her.
  7062. >Maybe hurt her a bit too.
  7063. >You hadn’t been trying to do whatever this is.
  7064. >Damn.
  7065. >Cadence was right, you ARE getting soft.
  7066. >You’ll have to be careful not to go too easy on her.
  7067. >Make a point of pushing her limits at least once a day.
  7068. >Not today though, she’s suffered enough.
  7069. >Wait, no! Bad Anon!
  7070. >She’s getting pushed today whether you like it or not!
  7071. “Let’s get you warmed up.”
  7072. >You pick her up with more difficulty than you care to admit.
  7073. >But that’s only half the challenge.
  7074. >Next you have to waddle your way to the bedroom on battered feet and a wet floor.
  7075. >You make a point of moving slowly to try and not break your skull.
  7076. >Shoulda just ordered her to move.
  7077. >Stupid softie.
  7078. >You dump the still damp Rarity on your bed and start wrapping blankets around her.
  7079. “How are you feeling?
  7080. >She coughs out what might have been words.
  7081. “Sore throat then? Open.”
  7082. >You don’t need a tongue depressor to see there’s a problem.
  7083. “Oh. Oh wow, that’s, um, that’s some swelling. You need more practice if it’s that hard on your throat. Meanwhile I’ll give you some anti-inflammatory pills, should take the edge off. If you can swallow them that is. Lemme get some water for you.”
  7084. >The FUCK happened?
  7085. >Okay, you know it was fellatio and all, but still!
  7086. >That was well beyond normal wear and tear on her throat.
  7087. >Little wonder she wasn’t talking, she probably couldn’t!
  7088. >Rarity struggles to drink the water you offer her, choking and sputtering when it hits her tonsils.
  7089. >No sucking for her for a while.
  7090. >Keep this up and you risk real damage.
  7091. >Though you can’t help but wonder…
  7092. >Is that a medical opinion, or are you just going soft again?
  7093. >This self doubt is already becoming a problem.
  7094. “I’m going to take a look at where they hit you. Try to hold still.”
  7095. >You peel the blankets off and brush her coat aside to get a closer look at the welts.
  7096. >The first few you look at seem fairly minor.
  7097. >The next one not only broke the skin, but probably bled for a fair while.
  7098. >It’s going to take a while to heal.
  7099. >You’re not worried about scars though.
  7100. >Though numerous, the wounds are pretty shallow.
  7101. >And with a healthy coat like hers she’d need them to be pretty nasty before they were even visible.
  7102. >Hay, surgical scars usually don’t show on these ponies.
  7103. >This won’t have a lasting effect on her appearance, thankfully.
  7104. >It would be a waste of a great butt.
  7105. >You can’t help but notice that the damage caused by each hit varies wildly.
  7106. >Had Cadence started off kinda soft and ramped it up once she started having fun?
  7107. >Or had she started going hard because her husband had said to, but eased up as she grew tired?
  7108. >Either way some of these could benefit from treatment.
  7109. >It would be irresponsible to use antibiotics here.
  7110. >Petroleum jelly will help retain moisture and repel bacteria though.
  7111. >Is it soft to use the one with the topical analgesic?
  7112. “I’m going to put some goo on your butt to help you heal faster. It might sting a bit.”
  7113. >You take your time to massage her ass, alternating between actual wound care and simple groping.
  7114. >Rarity seems to melt beneath your fingers.
  7115. >Your presence and care seem to be doing wonders for her mental state and stress levels.
  7116. >And for a moment, you start to wonder if she’s fallen asleep.
  7117. >Your question is answered by her squirming when you squeeze her inner thigh.
  7118. “Feeling any better?”
  7119. >”Srr.”
  7120. “Hay, don’t try to talk just yet. Just nod or shake your head.”
  7121. >She nods.
  7122. >You’re not sure if that means she understands, or if she’s saying she feels better.
  7123. >Maybe it doesn’t matter.
  7124. >You can see that she’s improved vastly since your return.
  7125. >They were hard on her.
  7126. >Too hard?
  7127. >You honestly don’t know.
  7128. >It feels like they were, but for one you weren’t actually there.
  7129. >And second there’s no lasting damage
  7130. >Well, aside from the psychological trauma.
  7131. >But dealing with that has never been your job..
  7132. “I want you to know that I’m not mad at you.”
  7133. >She squirms a little bit and grunts in what might be a confused tone.
  7134. >Or maybe a relieved one?
  7135. >It’s really hard to say.
  7136. “You disobeyed. But you did it trying to help. I can’t be mad when your heart’s in the right place. Besides, I figure you’ve learned your lesson.”
  7137. >”Mhmhmm.”
  7138. “I’ll talk to them, but at this point it’s going to be… hard. I’ve already called in a lot of favors to make things easier on you, and they’ll figure it’s a done deal at this point. Plus I’m kinda in hot water already. They only had me in prison for one night, but if I push too hard it might get worse.”
  7139. >She perks right up and looks you in the eye with a mix of shock and dismay.
  7140. “What?”
  7141. >She mouths something that you can’t quite understand.
  7142. “What’s the plan?”
  7143. >She shakes her head and pantomimes pulling at bars.
  7144. >Bars…
  7145. “Oh. Why was I in prison?”
  7146. >She shakes her head again.
  7147. >But then holds up a hoof, possibly to signal a change in mind before nodding.
  7148. “I pushed too hard trying to get you out. Candy Ass wasn’t too happy that I broke our deal and wanted a total pardon. Shining Armor was mad because… I don’t know, come to think of it.”
  7149. >You didn’t actually talk to him directly.
  7150. >Hay, he might not even be mad at you specifically.
  7151. “And the militia’s mad because I made a lot of paperwork for them. Turns out there’s no standard form for an unarmed civilian storming a base, so they don’t even know where to begin on this one. Honestly, with all the ill will I’ve generated recently I’m just happy it was only one night.”
  7152. >She looks away from you, instead staring down at the bedding.
  7153. >Shame?
  7154. >You were going for grateful.
  7155. “Hay, none of that now. You’re my slave, remember?”
  7156. >You don’t need to see her face to know she’s blushing.
  7157. “It’s my job to take care of you. And while I’d obviously prefer it if I didn’t have to come to your rescue, I don’t regret doing it.”
  7158. >You scratch her behind her ears.
  7159. >Truth be told you’re not actually sure if ponies like that.
  7160. >It just seems like they would enjoy.
  7161. >Maybe you should ask sometime.
  7162. “But, uh, try not to get into trouble too often.”
  7163. >You climb into bed and cuddle up against Rarity.
  7164. >She’s still mighty cold.
  7165. >You can’t help but wonder if she did some damage to herself in that shower.
  7166. >You hold her against yourself, trying to warm her up.
  7167. >And quickly nod off.
  7168. >Your alarm jostles both you and her awake after far too short of a nap.
  7169. >You’re disoriented, groggy, and more than a little exhausted.
  7170. >You hadn’t gotten nearly enough rest in prison, and without proper bedding whatever sleep you did get wasn’t high quality.
  7171. >In your distinctly unalert state, some part of your brain invokes fears from times past.
  7172. >Some unforgotten dread that will forever linger in the recesses of your mind.
  7173. >The board of directors was…
  7174. >Thorough.
  7175. “That was years ago.”
  7176. >Somehow, the dread remains.
  7177. >You finally turn the alarm off before collapsing back in bed.
  7178. >”Are you okay master?”
  7179. >Rarity.
  7180. >She still sounds awful.
  7181. >But at least she can speak.
  7182. “Yeah. How’s the throat?”
  7183. >”Terrible.”
  7184. “So… better?”
  7185. >”Much. Thank you. You don’t seem okay.”
  7186. “Bad dream.”
  7187. >Even knowing there’s nothing wrong, adrenaline still flows through your brain.
  7188. >And not in a fun way.
  7189. >You close your eyes and try to steady your breathing.
  7190. >There’s no point in thinking about your old job.
  7191. “We need to talk.”
  7192. >”Oh no. Have I done something wrong?”
  7193. “No, that came out wrong. We need to…”
  7194. >You can’t think of a tactful way to word this.
  7195. >There probably isn’t one.
  7196. “Do you have a plan yet?”
  7197. >”A plan for what, precisely?”
  7198. “Normalizing slavery.”
  7199. >She nods at you slowly and deliberately.
  7200. >Then ducks beneath the blankets, hiding her face.
  7201. “Oi! None of that.”
  7202. >You pull the blankets aside, destroying her hiding space.
  7203. “You already agreed.”
  7204. >”But-but-but-”
  7205. >You roll your eyes as she stutters.
  7206. >She keeps it up for a good long while.
  7207. >Though come to think of it, you’ve never seen her stutter before.
  7208. >Is she faking?
  7209. >”But-b–b-but-”
  7210. “Try a different word.”
  7211. >”It can’t be done!”
  7212. “That’s because you’re aiming too high. Small steps.”
  7213. >”SMALL steps? What step could possibly be small?”
  7214. “It’s like making an outfit. You don’t think of the thousands of stitches you’ll need to do, you just start sewing and eventually it’s done.”
  7215. >”I am almost certain that simile doesn’t work!”
  7216. “Why not?”
  7217. >”A stitch is a small isolated task that’s part of the greater whole! What could possibly be a small, isolated part of… that?”
  7218. “One pony.”
  7219. >”But-”
  7220. “Introduce one pony to the lifestyle, preferably somepony who’ll naturally take to it. Then once they’re-”
  7221. >Don’t say indoctrinated.
  7222. “Accustomed, maybe they spread the word to one more pony.”
  7223. >”It’s… insane! I don’t know how things work in your world, but the ponies wouldn’t stand for it!”
  7224. “Surely there must be at least ONE pony who’d get off on it. Find that one pony, and teach them the secret to feeling good.”
  7225. >”I can’t!”
  7226. >C’mon, man.
  7227. >You promised yourself you’d push her.
  7228. >Lay down the law!
  7229. “You have your orders!”
  7230. >”But-”
  7231. >She says something, but it doesn’t really register.
  7232. >You’re too busy being shocked.
  7233. >Not with her, Rarity fighting back is pretty par for the course.
  7234. >She needs more training and discipline.
  7235. >Mostly you’re just surprised with yourself.
  7236. >There was anger in those words.
  7237. >Maybe anger isn’t the right word.
  7238. >Rage?
  7239. >Fury?
  7240. “I don’t know what came over me.”
  7241. >She looks frightened.
  7242. >You reach out to her, and she flinches away.
  7243. >You insistently put your hand on her back.
  7244. “I’m sorry.”
  7245. >You can’t act like that around her.
  7246. >You could scare her away!
  7247. >What if you lost her?
  7248. >You don’t know what you’d do with yourself!
  7249. >It would be-
  7250. “Oh wow, there really IS something wrong with me.”
  7251. >”Are you crying?”
  7252. >Huh.
  7253. “I sure hope so. If any other liquids are leaking from there we’ve got a problem.”
  7254. >Cadence had warned you about this.
  7255. “Don’t worry. Just the changeling influence wearing off.”
  7256. >They fucked up your emotions apparently.
  7257. >Or ate them?
  7258. >Presumably leading to a point where you could no longer feel certain feelings?
  7259. >And now your “heart” might overcorrect as you recover, or so Cadence said.
  7260. >You don’t really understand to be honest.
  7261. “If I snap at you in the next few days, try not to take it personally.”
  7262. >She’s staring up at you with a grin so wide it’d need a pilot car to move about the city.
  7263. ”What?”
  7264. >”Oh, nothing at all.”
  7265. >Filthy liar.
  7266. >You know it’s the magic talking, but you really want to wipe that smile off her face.
  7267. >Sure hope this doesn’t last long.
  7268. >You weren’t stuck with her THAT long, right?
  7269. “I’d better go back to sleep before I do something retarded. You joining?”
  7270. >”No, I don’t believe I shall. I have work to do. Rest well, master!”
  7272. >Shining Armor walked into his meeting room with purpose.
  7273. >Had he been less preoccupied he might have noticed ponies keeping a wide berth as he passed.
  7274. >And had he looked in a mirror he might have seen a scowl that could make Tirek himself seem approachable.
  7275. >Of course, he knew not that everypony in the palace was scared of him, because he was preoccupied with something far more important.
  7276. >He sat down at the head of the table before his assembled council.
  7277. >Some had been forced to stand for this meeting, as he had called upon far more ponies than normal.
  7278. >This was a crisis, after all.
  7279. >One far too big for any single advisor to properly handle.
  7280. >He briefly considered doing a head count to ensure everypony was present, but quickly discarded the notion.
  7281. >Even he had lost track of how many were meant to be here for the first parts of this meeting.
  7282. >There was no way to be certain exactly the right number of ponies were present without accepting unacceptable delays.
  7283. >And so he resolved to merely check for the most important ponies.
  7284. >Gilded Gemstone, trade minister.
  7285. >Frost Lilly, xeno-ambassador.
  7286. >Lapis Lance, minister of defense.
  7287. >A myriad of minor officials.
  7288. >And most importantly, science advisor, arcane advisor, Equestrian ambassador, and all around best sister ever, Twilight Sparkle.
  7289. “All of your lives are about to get harder.”
  7290. >There was no point in beating around the bush.
  7291. >Shining Armor could feel his eye twitch with irritation as a hushed murmur filled the room.
  7292. >He wasn’t going to wait for propriety to return, he was just going to speak.
  7293. “About two years ago, an unidentified object was found about 300 miles Northwest of Canterlot. It was a modestly sized lump of a then unidentified material. Further investigation revealed the object to be filled with a number of unknown materials, arranged in patterns that clearly indicated it was not a natural formation. Scholars and natural philosophers from around the world assembled to investigate it, hoping to discover what it was or where it had come from.”
  7294. >”Your highness-”
  7295. “Later. The history of human contact is important, and I need to know you all understand the position we’re in.”
  7296. >Twilight gave him a worried look, but said nothing.
  7297. “Most of the individuals who investigated the object came down with a mild undocumented illness. The object was deemed hazardous and sealed away deep underground. A few months later, another appeared. This one was much larger, and had several visible lenses on the exterior. Princess Celestia ordered an exclusion zone be erected around the object to protect the public from the unknown illness. Careful testing was executed at a distance, primarily by unicorns using telekinesis. In the early stages of disassembly, somepony presumably punctured the machine’s power supply. A massive flash of light came from the object and it burst into flames. The flames burned freakishly hot, and filled the sky with a noxious black smoke the likes of which we had never seen. Twenty days later, another object appeared out of thin air in the exclusion zone. This time, it was a human.”
  7298. >Murmurs again.
  7299. >With what he now knew, Shining Armor couldn’t help but find it weird they’d send a human to meet them so quickly.
  7300. >They had destroyed the previous two probes, and there was no assurance of safety with the third excursion.
  7301. >In retrospect, it was probably another machine designed to mimic a human.
  7302. >They couldn’t see its skin after all.
  7303. “They were only present for a few minutes, and they wore a thick protective suit to insulate them from both weaponry and atmospheric hazards. To our knowledge they bore no weapons. Early attempts at communication failed, and the human vanished as suddenly as they appeared. What followed was a number of brief visits and a gradual erosion of the language barrier. We now know that the unidentified objects were machines devised to measure their environment. The unknown materials were plastics, circuitry, and exotic metals. The mysterious illness was the result of inhalation of toxic gasses that were released when we damaged their machinery. The humans had not taken proper precautions against harming us since they didn’t expect to find life on the other side of their portal. Mercifully, human medicine had treatments. All the afflicted have made a full recovery. Frost Lilly. Tell us about ponykind’s relationship with humankind.”
  7304. >”Of course. Humans are a predator species with a long history of horrifying wars. Despite this they have been very friendly with us. Our ambassadors have been given access to many kingdoms, with most of the exceptions being those currently involved in armed conflict. None of our ambassadors have come to appreciable harm to date. Humans share knowledge with us eagerly, and they seem to take pleasure in spreading their understanding of reality.”
  7305. “Do you expect these friendly relations to continue?”
  7306. >”One must always take caution when interacting with different species, especially one so alien to ourselves. We can’t ever truly understand how they think. They may take horrendous offense to innocent actions, or forgive atrocities without second thought. At present I see no reason why we cannot maintain friendly relations, and they seem to desire peace as much as we do. But we cannot know that this paradigm will persist.”
  7307. “Thank you. If humans desire peace, why do they fight so much?”
  7308. >”As predators, their natural history incentivises it. Those who were incapable of fighting were removed from their genetic population, likely before the beginning of their recorded history. The capacity for conflict has never gone away, rather they have suppressed it. Humans find non-destructive ways to channel their impulses, structure their society to disincentivize violence, and take a proactive stance in jailing troublemakers. There’s a strange nobility to that, choosing to be better than your own nature.”
  7309. “Then why do they fight?”
  7310. >”The usual reasons. Desperation, misunderstandings, retaliation, and sometimes they get a Sombra of their own. Their frequency is much greater because there are so many competing powers and such an immense population. With billions of humans and hundreds of kingdoms it’s only a matter of time before somehuman starts a fight.”
  7311. >Shining Armor had been hoping for a more well rounded answer.
  7312. >Lilly liked humans, and her bias was clearly showing.
  7313. >Still, that didn’t necessarily mean she was wrong.
  7314. “Harmless, until they aren’t. Gem. Would you say that interacting with humanity is worth the potential risks?”
  7315. >”Yes, your highness. There are individual humans with more material wealth than the entirety of ponykind. And while your rank and file human is actually quite destitute in some regards, they’re unimaginably rich in others. The machinery, materials, and industrial capacity they wield all vastly exceed anything we could hope to match for centuries, even with all the know-how they have so generously provided. Material exchange is slow because of the periodic nature of the portal, the extreme tariffs placed on interdimensional trade, and our struggles with finding anything they want other than gold. Even so, what little we have received from them has proved incredibly valuable and in some cases even life saving. Any kingdom, be they equine or otherwise, that chooses not to trade with Earth will immediately find themselves economically devastated relative to all other kingdoms.”
  7316. “So we either get rich by trading with them, or we go bankrupt.”
  7317. >”Yes, your highness.”
  7318. >Nothing they could have said would have changed the prince’s mind.
  7319. >No trade with humans means no human medicine.
  7320. >Anon had made it clear that without the preparations he was importing from Earth, he was almost powerless.
  7321. >Twilight Sparkle would be dead without that material exchange.
  7322. >They had to be careful about this, and it was likely going to cause unexpected problems.
  7323. >But it would be unconscionable to shut humanity out entirely, if they had a choice in the matter.
  7324. >He had merely asked Gem to speak to avoid questions about why they should interact with humans at all.
  7325. >Questions that actually had better answers.
  7326. >Better answers he wouldn’t be sharing with most present.
  7327. “This is not without risk. They have proven to be generally friendly and helpful, but they are also a hazard. Lance.”
  7328. >”Thank you, your highness. Humans number in the billions. Only a small fraction are combat ready, and they are divided amongst well over a hundred kingdoms. Even so, they could easily crush any resistance with numbers alone. They do not, however, require numbers to defeat us in combat. Civilians in certain realms can possess weapons that put the firearms we possess to shame, and can own armored vehicles which can endure most magical attacks. This alone tells us that we are woefully ill-prepared for any armed conflict, yet we are still comparing ourselves to civilians. Most kingdoms rely on a standing force, paid to be prepared for battle at any time, and equipped with cutting edge hardware. Some of their aircraft can move faster than a sonic rainboom, some firearms are able to interpret the will of their user and assist in aiming, some munitions can strike locations on other continents, the list goes on.”
  7329. >He didn’t mention WMDs.
  7330. “Tell us about their explosives. The BIG ones.”
  7331. >”Well, it’s unclear how many such devices exist, how big they are, who has what and so on. We can’t be sure where they might be, when they might be deployed, what might provoke their use, whether or not they’re seen as practical…”
  7332. >Shining Armor was underwhelmed by this part of the presentation.
  7333. >He clearly hadn’t prepared, and was trying to filibuster for time to think.
  7334. >Was Lance shirking his duties?
  7335. >Wait, no, that wasn’t it.
  7336. >Shining Armor himself had ordered Lance to ignore them.
  7337. >Or more accurately, to only concern himself with things they could actually handle.
  7338. >He hadn’t prepared for this because he had been ordered NOT to.
  7339. “Right, that’s not your department. My mistake. Plutonium. Named for one of their gods of Hell. A rare and deadly metal that will break itself apart, shooting off invisible but deadly particles. They have found a way to accelerate the rate at which it breaks apart, and can use the resulting output to annihilate entire cities with a single strike.”
  7340. >No hushed murmurs on that one.
  7341. >Just a stunned silence.
  7342. “We don’t know how many kingdoms have these weapons, but we do know they haven’t been used in a very long time.”
  7343. >”Ten kingdoms claim to have these weapons. I suspect that most of them have the capacity to make them and either have chosen not to, or have done so in secret. Humanity’s first strike capabilities are more than sufficient to wipe ponykind off the map, and they are better equipped for prolonged conflict than we could ever aspire to.”
  7344. “Thank you. Fillies, gentlecolts, none of what we have discussed thus far is new. However, recent events show it in a different light. As I hope you all know, we recently suffered a changeling attack. During this attack, Chrysalis revealed she was in possession of an M270 LMG. This is a firearm I attempted to purchase for our own forces. I was unable to secure one.”
  7345. >Shining Armor waited for the ponies to figure out what this implied on their own.
  7346. >Based on facial expression, Gem figured it out first.
  7347. >No surprise, she understood interplanetary trade better than anypony else in this room.
  7348. >Twilight figured it out shortly after.
  7349. >To his dismay, nopony else seemed to get it.
  7350. “Despite being eager to share information and trade material goods, humanity is reluctant to sell weapons of war.”
  7351. >Lance figured it out.
  7352. >Somepony who’s name the prince didn’t know worked up the nerve to ask a question.
  7353. >”What about our guns?”
  7354. “The Imperium, the kingdom which currently controls the gateway, does not consider any of the weapons they’ve sold us to be useful in war. Ours are considered civilian weapons. The M270 is not. And yet, Chrysalis had one.”
  7355. >Either there were a lot of stoics in the crowd, or even that wasn’t a big enough hint.
  7356. “The Changelings have infiltrated Earth to some degree, and have successfully smuggled contraband through the gateway. We do not know the degree to which they have infiltrated, nor what they are capable of smuggling. But it is clear that the changelings have privileged access to human hardware. To make matters worse, we now have confirmation that changeling magic can affect human behavior. Cadence has informed me that Chrysalis was feeding off of humans. Twily?”
  7357. >”Right. Changeling mind control is accomplished through selective destruction or promotion of emotional responses. By manipulating how their victims feel about certain things they can overwrite intentions and beliefs in unexpected ways. Take for example convincing somepony that their fiance is actually themselves rather than Chrysalis-”
  7358. >The prince REALLY wished Twilight had picked a different example.
  7359. >”When their victim grows suspicious, they can instill deep feelings of shame and guilt to push them away from that line of thinking. They can also reward their victim for buying into the deception by removing pain and installing a feeling of peace or joy. Like a drug addict, the victim will quickly adapt to their altered state of mind and their thought patterns will mold themselves around the provided incentives. Once their conditioning is complete, the victim will be so thoroughly conditioned that they cannot accept reality even with proof right before their eyes. Their mind will resist and reject evidence, hoping to avoid punishment or reap reward. If given enough time to condition their victim, a changeling can force them to believe nearly anything. Since changeling mind control can be done by selectively depleting emotions, if a changeling can feed off a human…”
  7360. “They can control a human. Anon seemed to have most of his faculties with him despite prolonged exposure.”
  7361. >”His mind is going to be pretty alien to our own. It will take time for the changelings to figure out the intricacies of controlling them, and proper mind control might actually be untenable. But it’s probably only a matter of time before they can manipulate human thought patterns, assuming they can’t do it already.”
  7362. “Humans wield power beyond our comprehension. And now the changelings wield humans. Frost Lilly. Your job is to prepare a warning to be delivered to all the humans in the world, followed by a detailed warning to be delivered to Earth’s representatives next time the portal opens. They’re not going to want to be manipulated; if we give them the tools to resist, they will resist.”
  7363. >”Of course!”
  7364. “Gem. We need to revise how we conduct trade. The changelings got contraband through, and while we can’t change how the humans run security we can control our end of the exchange. I don’t want any human goods to fall into changeling hooves ever again.”
  7365. >”I’ll do what I can.”
  7366. “The rest of you are here because you’re part of the militia or are involved in the maintenance of critical infrastructure. Make sure your subordinates understand the situation, and prepare for updated orders.”
  7367. >Most of them kept silent, electing to nod instead.
  7368. “Everypony except Lance and Twilight are dismissed.”
  7369. >Lance seemed surprised by this move.
  7370. >Twilight took it in stride.
  7371. >She knew what was coming next.
  7372. >Shining Armor waited for the masses to file out and the door to be closed before uttering another word.
  7373. “This is classified information. I expect Twily will be sharing it with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna assuming she hasn’t already-”
  7374. >”I have.”
  7375. “But beyond that I want to control how this is released. It’s going to cause panic. Twilight? You’ve been in contact with many of the humans in Equestria, right?”
  7376. >”Yes. We’ve been pretty cautious with who we allow into our borders, but we haven’t banned humans entirely. We have diplomats, educators, physicians, and researchers. The researchers have been surprisingly open with their studies, and have shared with us much of what they’ve discovered.”
  7377. “Tell Lapis Lance about the limitations of teleportation technology.”
  7378. >”Well, a lot of this stuff is new to me. Hay, it’s pretty new to them! But from what I understand, human teleportation works very differently than ours. In fact it’s probably not even right to call it teleportation since they can’t really move through space like I do. They can only shift between universes.”
  7379. >Twilight had explained it to Shining Armor before.
  7380. >She made it pretty hard to follow by going into unnecessary detail, but he was used to that.
  7381. >Shining Armor understood his sister, and that was a huge asset at times.
  7382. >”Humans have several competing theories trying to explain why there is a universe. Most of these theories are attempts to explain why there is stuff, matter, energy, light etcetera. But some of them are trying to explain why there is space for the stuff to be in. Some of these models posit that there is in fact more than one universe. One such model claims that space exists on 4 plus n axes, but most particles are stuck in a potential well along n of those dimensions.”
  7383. “Sorry, Twily. Dumb it down a bit.”
  7384. >”Oh. right. The gist of it is that if you can find a way to force something along one of these extra directions, it’s really hard at first but then super easy, kinda like when you’re opening a jar and you break the seal.”
  7385. >”I, um, I don’t really understand. If they can do that, why do they have to wait four months before opening the portal?”
  7386. >”They don’t.”
  7387. >”Okay… And why do they need to go to the gateway they made?”
  7388. “They don’t. The schedule and the gateway exist for safety reasons. Unicorns who can teleport have to be careful with their power, and they’re not moving nearly as far, nor as blind. Having things appear out of nowhere is risky, so we decided on a place that was to be kept clear and a time at which to expect sudden apparitions.”
  7389. >”Humans can appear anywhere and anywhen, so long as the potential well is low enough and they’re willing to burn the energy. Strangely they seem to lack the ability to teleport WITHIN a universe, just between them.”
  7390. >”Sorry, I’m not sure I understand. They’re not restricted to the gateway, just where a well is low? What well?”
  7391. >”A region surrounding a local minimum of potential energy.”
  7392. “She’s talking about how much resistance there is to moving between places. Their tools don’t seem to be strong enough to teleport to any universe, just the ones that are easier to get to.”
  7393. >”Okay… so what’s easy to get to?”
  7394. >”Here. Equestria, the Empire, the planet, our solar system, and probably even beyond. When they first started teleporting they didn’t come here on purpose. Hay, they didn’t even know there WAS a here! Instead, they chose the places that seemed easiest to reach, and it just so happened to be that Equestria was one of them.”
  7395. “If they’re willing to pay about 250 bits per pound for energy, a human with the right equipment can manifest anything, anywhere, and at any time. Thankfully it’s extremely hard to get the right equipment, and moving large objects this way would doubtlessly attract attention. But if Chrysalis is able to control enough humans to undermine their security, we have a problem.”
  7396. >”She could apparate tanks in the middle of the palace! Or worse.”
  7397. “The fact that she didn’t do it tells me she can’t, at least not yet. But if she can control humans it’s only a matter of time before she has access to their tools, their armies, their logistics, their intel- Chrysalis could beat us over the head with the power of an entire alien race.”
  7398. >”Your highness… we can’t fight that.”
  7399. “I know. That’s why we have to stop her before she can make contact with Earth.”
  7400. >”Can’t we shut down the portal? Or wait, no we can’t.”
  7401. “If humanity wants in, they’re going to get in. You likely recall that I initially denied humanity all access to the empire. It quickly became clear that this was an untenable position. Your primary assignment it to hunt down Chrysalis. Your secondary assignment… is to prepare for a non-nuclear war with Earth.”
  7402. >”Your highness-”
  7403. “I know, it’s an impossible fight if they launch a full scale invasion. But we might be able to resist a smaller force, at least long enough to get assistance.”
  7404. >”Understood, your highness.”
  7405. “Dismissed.”
  7406. >He bowed before showing himself out.
  7407. >Twilight bore a long face.
  7408. >This talk of conflict was clearly bothering her.
  7409. >And why shouldn’t it?
  7410. >It was bothering the prince too.
  7411. >Chrysalis was bad enough.
  7412. >But he couldn’t help but wonder…
  7413. >Why would Earth deny them access to weapons?
  7414. >Unless, of course, they were preparing for a fight…
  7415. >Was neutralizing Chrysalis enough to prevent an invasion?
  7416. >”Shiny? That vein on your forehead is twitching again.”
  7418. War between humans and ponies is not intended to be part of this green.
  7420. >You wake up gradually at what you can only assume is an unreasonably late hour.
  7421. >And then you simply lie in bed.
  7422. >You feel… drained somehow.
  7423. >You’re not tired in any sense of the term.
  7424. >And yet you can’t seem to work up the energy to move.
  7425. >So you just lay there.
  7426. >Staring at the ceiling.
  7427. >Minutes turn to hours, and your boredom starts to grate at your nerves.
  7428. >And yet, you still don’t move.
  7429. >There’s all sorts of beautiful things to see in the Empire, many of which you’ve been wanting to check out.
  7430. >And if you get bored of this alien world, you still have a bunch of stuff on your laptop to waste time on.
  7431. >None of that appeals to you.
  7432. >It’s clear that there’s still something wrong with you.
  7433. >Fucking magic.
  7434. >But still, this feels different than before.
  7435. >You’re not getting really angry for no reason.
  7436. >You’re just…
  7437. >Empty.
  7438. >You can’t help but wonder what the timeline for recovery will be like.
  7439. >Days?
  7440. >Months?
  7441. >Years?
  7442. >The ponies only had a few case studies, and even then they were ponies.
  7443. >This might be the first ever case of arcane parasitism affecting humans.
  7444. “Someone should really be documenting this. Girl! Girl, get in here!”
  7445. >Wait.
  7446. >She left, didn’t she?
  7447. >And she’s probably not much of a typist anyway.
  7448. >You mutter something a bit whiny before resigning yourself to your fate.
  7449. >At least it gives you a reason to get out of bed.
  7450. “Augh!”
  7451. >And land right on your mangled feet.
  7452. “I’d forgotten about those.”
  7453. >Stumbling out to the living room is a slow and clumsy process.
  7454. >Mercifully it’s not a long trip, and you’re soon sitting down with your laptop.
  7455. >It doesn’t take long to compile a list of all the symptoms you’ve noticed.
  7456. >For one, it hasn’t actually been that long.
  7457. >But mostly it’s hard to be certain what’s caused by magical interference and what’s just normal emotion.
  7458. >Is that intentional on their part?
  7459. >Instinctual?
  7460. >Just dumb luck?
  7461. >It might simply be the nature of emotion playing into their hooves.
  7462. “Patient retains his capacity for pointless speculation.”
  7463. >The more you think about it, the less certain you are about your own actions.
  7464. >When you decided to lend Rarity’s mouth, was that you?
  7465. >When you changed your mind and made an ass of yourself, was that you?
  7466. >Honestly, you should be thinking further back on this stuff.
  7467. >She was with you for a fair while, and you didn’t notice.
  7468. >It actually hadn’t even occurred to you that the shapeshifter master of deception might be nearby.
  7469. >Was that oversight part of her manipulation, or was that just you being an idiot?
  7470. >How long does it take for them to get into one’s head anyway?
  7471. >For all you know, she was manipulating you when you agreed to help her drone.
  7472. >No, she was surprised when you agreed to it.
  7473. >Is it safe to assume that it takes longer than that to worm into someone’s brain?
  7474. >You spend who knows how long thinking it through and reflecting on your emotional state and thought patterns.
  7475. >Or right, you have a clock right there.
  7476. >About 20 minutes.
  7477. >About 20 minutes thinking about thinking, and you have no clue what was you and what was the bug.
  7478. >You can’t help but feel a chill at the realization.
  7479. >You don’t know what she forced you to do.
  7480. >Honestly, you’re not even sure she forced you to do anything.
  7481. >Yeah, she was eating your love or whatever, but that doesn’t mean she was actually controlling you.
  7482. >Even after being released you can’t seem to be sure what she did to you.
  7483. >How are you supposed to catch it in the moment?
  7484. >And if you can’t even tell what’s being done, how can you resist it?
  7485. >Something at the back of your mind tells you you have the key.
  7486. >It may just be a gut instinct, but these hunches tend to be at least partially true.
  7487. >The front door opens.
  7488. >You quickly write in a reminder
  7489. >Learn how to resist changelings.
  7490. >You haven’t yet clicked save before Rarity walks into your living room.
  7491. >”Ah! How are you feeling, master?”
  7492. >Not irritable, so that’s a start.
  7493. “Something’s still off. But it’s not as bad.”
  7494. >”You sound stressed.”
  7495. “Maybe a bit. I was just trying to figure out how to resist changeling control.”
  7496. >”That would be marvelous. Have you succeeded?”
  7497. >Wow.
  7498. >She didn’t sound even remotely skeptical.
  7499. “Nope.”
  7500. >It was probably unwise to share that information.
  7501. >Supposedly they’re gone for the time being.
  7502. >But who knows how long that will last?
  7503. >You have to keep any anti-changeling conniving close to your chest, lest they learn of it.
  7504. “What were you up to?”
  7505. >”Being inspired.”
  7506. >She sits down next to you and cuddles up.
  7507. “That’s pretty vague.”
  7508. >”It’s the first step of my process! First one finds inspiration, then they capture a facsimile of it, usually on paper. Once that’s done one should analyze it, trying to find the essence of what makes it marvelous. Once all the chaff has been removed and you are left with naught but the kernel of beauty, then the design process can begin.”
  7509. “Sounds time consuming.”
  7510. >”All art is. I take it that this isn’t how you do your craft?”
  7511. “Nope. Not sure if you know this, but before coming here I just did emergency work. I’d usually get a call from, uhh…”
  7512. >What’s the pony word for paramedic?
  7513. >Do they have one?
  7514. “From the people bringing the patient in. They’d describe what was wrong and tell me how many minutes until they arrived.”
  7515. >”That doesn’t sound particularly… structured. Though I suppose such is the nature of an emergency. Did you have plans prepared for various types of crises?”
  7516. “Oh sure. Anything that can be done in advance should be. Sometimes it’s plenty, most emergency calls are actually pretty easy to handle. Other times there’s nowhere near enough time to prepare, and the deadlines are, ahem, flatlines.”
  7517. >”I’m afraid I don’t follow.”
  7518. “Just some wordplay that doesn’t translate well. So what inspiration were you looking for? New fashion line?”
  7519. >”Oh heavens no! One doesn’t SEEK inspiration, one awaits it.”
  7520. >Uh-huh.
  7521. >Sure.
  7522. >”And, well, it wasn’t all fashion related…”
  7523. “Oh?”
  7524. >”How would you feel about doing some… charity work?”
  7525. “All I do is charity work. That’s my entire practice.”
  7526. >”I thought you charged for your services.”
  7527. “Not enough. What did you have in mind?”
  7528. >”Well, I know of a certain mare who could use our help.”
  7529. >Is she hinting at what you think she’s hinting at?
  7530. >”Somepony who might never discover the joys of intimacy on their own.”
  7531. >She is.
  7532. >And you don’t care.
  7533. >No excitement, no erection.
  7534. >Another symptom to write down.
  7535. >But you’re pretty certain that, were you not magically afflicted, you’d be interested.
  7536. >You resolve to behave as though you cared so as not to let your future self down.
  7537. “Something of a wallflower?”
  7538. >”No, it’s not Wallflower. Perhaps she needs some help too… though I’m not certain where she is these days. Come to think of it, I can't even recall when I last saw her. If I can find her she could certainly use our assistance! But in the meantime, I propose we work on Twilight Sparkle.”
  7539. “No.”
  7540. >”But-”
  7541. “Not happening.”
  7542. >”But maaaaaster-”
  7543. “It’s WAY too dangerous. Do you have any idea what her brother would do to me?”
  7544. >”I’m certain he’d understand if I were to talk to him.”
  7545. >No.
  7546. >He would not.
  7547. “Shining Armor’s a good guy most of the time. But he’s got a nasty temper, doesn’t take much to set him off.”
  7548. >And raping his sister is DEFINITELY enough for at least a whoopin’.
  7549. >”But we wouldn’t be doing anything wrong! He approves of our relationship, does he not?”
  7550. >You’re actually pretty sure he doesn’t.
  7551. >”Why should his sister not find love with a strapping stallion in some similar manner?”
  7552. >Stallion.
  7553. >Not human.
  7554. >Well…
  7555. >That’s something to work on.
  7556. “I agree with you. She needs to be tied up and fucked until she loses her capacity for higher thought. It’s just not going to happen.”
  7557. >”That’s a shame.”
  7558. >It is.
  7559. >Unless…
  7560. >”Perhaps if we were to ease the prince into such things by showing him ever more wonderful romances. What if we were to introduce somepony else to our lifestyle? Then it wouldn’t be so scandalous for poor Twilight.”
  7561. >You’re not ready to give up on Twilight just yet.
  7562. >But you might as well hear her out.
  7563. “Got anypony in mind?”
  7564. >”Why, yes. One of my associates, Coco Pommel.”
  7565. “Is she-”
  7566. >You were going to say cute.
  7567. >That might make it harder to keep up this whole altruistic air.
  7568. “Lonely?”
  7569. >”I suspect she is, though it’s hard to be certain. The poor dear is so meek that even if she were to find love, I fear she might wind up with somepony abusive.”
  7570. >You refrain from clearing your throat.
  7571. “Err, yeah… that’d be bad. Does she live nearby?”
  7572. >“Not exactly. She lives in Manehattan.”
  7573. >Manehattan?
  7574. “Does she spend 2,000 bits a week to live in a gutter?”
  7575. >”Heavens no! She lives under a hoofbridge where the rain can’t reach!”
  7576. “Nice, nice. How many roommates?”
  7577. >”Only thirty.”
  7578. >It seems both you and she have your senses of humor intact.
  7579. >”Joking aside, I must confess that having a presence in that city is quite costly. I may have overestimated how profitable that branch would be, but we manage.”
  7580. “I’d like to meet her.”
  7581. >To your surprise, that’s true.
  7582. >You’re actually interested in meeting her.
  7583. >That’s probably noteworthy.
  7584. “We’ll have to try and schedule a trip down there.”
  7585. >”Oh there’s no need for that. She’s meant to arrive here any day now.”
  7586. “That seems suspiciously convenient.”
  7587. >”I had invited her here to help me set up shop, but the trains were shut down for so long because of the changeling scare. Honestly she’s already several days late, though through no fault of her own.”
  7588. >If Coco’s cute she might be a good pick.
  7589. >Rarity already has some degree of control over her.
  7590. >And with Rarity on your side, it should be easy to break her.
  7591. >Relatively speaking of course, you’re not expecting anypony to immediately lift their tail.
  7592. >But you’re still thinking about Twilight.
  7593. >If you could break her, you’d have an incredible asset on your hands.
  7594. >What if Shining Armor didn’t know?
  7595. >It would be a hard suture to thread, but if you were to condition Twilight while maintaining your innocence, you wouldn’t need to lose any teeth.
  7596. >It would be slow and indirect.
  7597. >You can’t do with her what you did with Rarity, that’s for sure.
  7598. >But it might be possible.
  7599. >Was it worth the trouble with the other one being so convenient?
  7600. >High value, high risk.
  7601. >Or low value, low risk?
  7602. >Do you risk your neck for one of the biggest possible conquests, or play it safe and find out what this no-name can do for you?
  7603. >You know it’s ambitious.
  7604. >No, not just ambitious, it’s outright greedy.
  7605. >But still, you decide on the obvious.
  7606. “We’re going after both.”
  7607. >”But I thought you said Twilight wasn’t an option.”
  7608. “I think I have a plan. We mustn’t tell ANYPONY about this. Not even ponies who would approve of it.”
  7609. >Cadence won’t keep a secret from her husband.
  7610. “For this to work, not even TWILIGHT can know.”
  7611. >”How would that work?”
  7612. “Mind control.”
  7613. >She looks at you wide eyed.
  7614. >”You can do that?”
  7615. “No. Nopony’s actually going to be hypnotizing her. But she doesn’t know that, does she? I’ve talked to her with Candy Ass in the room-”
  7616. >Rarity spat on the floor, much to your shock.
  7617. >That was new behavior.
  7618. >Quite unlike her too.
  7619. >You were going to have to correct that.
  7620. “You’re going to clean that up. Anyway, Ca- the princess, was aggressively flirtatious with Twilight. Talking about blowjobs and whatnot. I think she wants to fuck Twilight.”
  7621. >”But they’re sisters in law! Not to mention they’re both mares!”
  7622. “Are you really surprised that Candy Ass-”
  7623. >She spat again.
  7624. “Wants sex?”
  7625. >”Well, when you put it like THAT I most certainly am not.”
  7626. “Anyway, the princess seems to think that there’s a sexual mare in Twilight somewhere. If she’s right we just need to give her an excuse to overcome her inhibitions. If she thinks she’s being mind controlled, she’ll come out of her shell.”
  7627. >”It’ll never work.”
  7628. “Sure it will. Trust me on this.”
  7629. >”I’m afraid you’re asking for quite a bit.”
  7630. “When we first met, would you have believed you’d love being rutted while tied up? Or did you need a bit of help learning to enjoy yourself?”
  7631. >The pensive look on her face tells you that you just fucked up.
  7632. >You’re reminding her that you’ve abused her several times.
  7633. >And that she hated it.
  7634. >But while it might have been a mistake, there is a silver lining.
  7635. >Rarity’s hesitance has shown you, or perhaps reminded you, that she still needs more training.
  7636. >Better to find out now than to have her suddenly turn on you.
  7637. >”I suppose we could try.”
  7638. “That’s the spirit! She’s curious, so we just need to put the ideas in her head and she’ll explore them eventually.”
  7639. >Right after you do a bit of malpractice on her of course.
  7640. >You can’t mind control like a changeling does.
  7641. >But you’ve got a few tricks up your sleeve.
  7642. >”This feels wrong. If we must be so sneaky about our doings, perhaps we should not be doing.”
  7643. “Well, if you don’t feel right doing it then maybe-”
  7644. >We shouldn’t, is what you were going to say.
  7645. >You sure seem to have to watch your words today.
  7646. >Is that a symptom?
  7647. >Either way, you remember telling yourself that you wouldn’t go easy on her and bite your tongue.
  7648. “Maybe you need more training.”
  7649. >You can hear her gasp, and feel her reeling back.
  7650. >You move to stand up, but mercifully remember the foot problem for once.
  7651. “Panties, blindfold, medium sized vibrating dildo, ball gag. Get ‘em.”
  7652. >Rarity doesn’t break eye contact immediately.
  7653. >But when she does, she looks to the front door first.
  7654. >To your relief, she does eventually go to the bedroom.
  7655. >At first she returns only with the vibrator, carefully held in her teeth with lips spread wide so as to avoid actually tasting it.
  7656. >It’s funny how many hangups she still has given what she’s agreed to do.
  7657. >When she returns the second time, the panties are on and the gag is strapped into her mouth.
  7658. >You’re honestly not even sure how she did that.
  7659. >She looks up at you in terror as you place the blindfold over her eyes.
  7660. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
  7661. >You have to let her butt heal before the next round after all.
  7662. >Though her eyes are covered and her mouth forced open, you can still see tension leaving her body.
  7663. >She was definitely worried you were going to hit her again.
  7664. “You followed through even though you were afraid. That’s good. Turn around.”
  7665. >She obediently turns to show you her lace covered ass.
  7666. >Her tail is twitching, seemingly caught in a struggle between her instinct to move it aside and her stubborn prudishness.
  7667. “But you hesitated. That’s bad.”
  7668. >You turn the vibrator to its highest setting, slip the panties aside, and shove the toy up her cunt.
  7669. >She tries to scream in shock, but it comes out as a muffled grunt.
  7670. >You slide the panties back into place to hold the toy in.
  7671. “If we’re going to do this, you’ll have to be an exemplar. The highest quality slave around.”
  7672. >”Hnn! Hnn!”
  7673. >You sit back and put your feet up, resting them on her butt.
  7674. >She stands dutifully still, serving as a living foot rest while the fake phallus grinds mercilessly in her pussy.
  7675. “You love it, I can tell. Moaning like a beast, desperate for more cock.”
  7676. >You’re actually enjoying this.
  7677. >You grab your laptop to note that some things are starting to be fun again.
  7678. “You’re lucky you found me, aren’t you? You needed someone to control your lust, before you wound up being a common whore.”
  7679. >Her grunts reach a fevered pitch.
  7680. >You can feel her legs trembling, but not quite giving out.
  7681. “Cumming already? No surprise, this is what you were made for.”
  7682. >There’s a rapidly growing wet spot on her panties.
  7683. >The trembling grows stronger, and for a moment you’re worried she’s going to collapse.
  7684. >But eventually, her shaking subsides.
  7685. >The vibrator keeps buzzing.
  7686. >Rarity starts shifting around uncomfortably.
  7687. >She tries to say something, but you can’t make out what it is.
  7688. “Hold still, girl.”
  7689. >”MMMF!”
  7690. >You take an educated guess.
  7691. “I’m not taking it out.”
  7692. >”MMM!”
  7693. “You’ve got four hours to go. Don’t worry though, you’ll get breaks when it’s time to change the vibrator’s battery.”
  7694. >She’s whining.
  7695. >But somehow, you think she’ll have fun.
  7697. >When you let Rarity go, she immediately stumbled into the shower.
  7698. >It’s still something of a wonder to you just how much time she spends in there, and how the city’s water supply manages to hold up.
  7699. >You figure you’ve got a few hours to kill before she’s done in there.
  7700. >Might as well try and be a little productive.
  7701. “I’m heading to the clinic!”
  7702. >You get up with a bit more difficulty than expected, and gingerly walk to the door.
  7703. >Crutches in hand, you open the door and step out into the light of the late afternoon.
  7704. >Even with crutches your walk is slow and deliberate.
  7705. >Any misstep could end with a face full of cobble and a blinding pain in your abused toes.
  7706. >You can only hope that this doesn’t last.
  7707. >Nopony could take you seriously like this, after all.
  7708. >A crotchety genius doctor with chronic pain and a cane?
  7709. >It’s been done.
  7710. >The air of the Empire has noticeably changed in the last few days; barricades and checkpoints have vanished and the streets are lively once more.
  7711. >But it would be a mistake to say things had returned to normal.
  7712. >The first thing that struck you was how many ponies stopped to wave as you passed.
  7713. >You were well known before, of course, but by and large you were eyed with suspicion and apprehension.
  7714. >There was no shortage of ponies whom had grown to appreciate and trust you, but they were outnumbered by those who feared you.
  7715. >Ponies as a whole had an understandable tendency to be uneasy around the unknown, but in your experience the Crystal ponies were by far the least trusting.
  7716. >Perhaps it was their history of oppression, or maybe a side effect of being locked out of time.
  7717. >Whatever it was, their trust was hard won and had it not been for your good fortune in the early days it’s doubtful you’d have ever been accepted in the Empire.
  7718. >Yet today seems to indicate that the balance has perhaps shifted, and that most of the locals view you in a good light.
  7719. >Word must have spread about one of your recent accomplishments.
  7720. >Was it that you had helped a few high profile ponies cheat death?
  7721. >Or perhaps it was because you’d been instrumental in rooting out the changelings.
  7722. >Maybe it was something as simple as growing familiarity.
  7723. >Whatever had happened, their newfound friendliness had put a smile on your face.
  7724. >But as you continued your journey, something a bit more subtle caught your eye.
  7725. >Your public image wasn’t the only thing that had changed.
  7726. >It wasn’t until you saw a particularly stalky stallion with a battleaxe strapped to his back that you noticed it, but once you did it was clear.
  7727. >Most of them were armed.
  7728. >Not just armed, but flaunting their weapons.
  7729. >And unless you were mistaken, they kept a bit more distance from each other than they used to.
  7730. >Violence was nearly unheard of in the Empire, but still it was perfectly normal to see ponies going about their day with a blade or bow.
  7731. >Some even flaunted firearms, though they were far from the norm.
  7732. >It was no secret why so many chose to arm themselves given their history.
  7733. >Not to mention that their reigning prince happily encouraged such behaviour.
  7734. >But it WAS unusual to see weapons in such great number.
  7735. >The ponies were uneasy.
  7736. >And you felt it too.
  7737. >Sure, the changelings had retreated, and you’d been assured they wouldn’t return immediately.
  7738. >And yet, simply knowing that there were heavily armed invaders who could become all but invisible was enough to set anyone on edge.
  7739. >The third thing you notice on your way to the clinic is by far the most interesting.
  7740. >A teal pegasus with a vanilla mane stands before the front door, looking worried.
  7741. >It’s a familiar face that you feel as though you haven’t seen in a very long time.
  7742. >It’s your receptionist.
  7743. “Sassaflash?”
  7744. >Wasn’t she supposed to be back from vacation a while ago?
  7745. >Better late than never.
  7746. >”Anon! Oh my goodness, are you hurt? What happened here?”
  7747. “Uh, a lot. Let’s go inside and talk it over.”
  7748. >”Is it safe?”
  7749. “Yep.”
  7750. >She hesitantly unlocks the door and steps in.
  7751. >You hear her gasp in shock as you walk past the boarded up windows.
  7752. >”What happened here?”
  7753. “Here as in the clinic? Or do you mean the empire?”
  7754. >”Both! The front window is broken, the furniture has been scattered, and some of it’s broken too!”
  7755. “And somepony kicked down my office door. The short version is shapeshifting bug monsters.”
  7756. >”Changelings? Oh dear, is that why the trains weren’t running?”
  7757. “The TRAINS weren’t running, of course. Here I was wondering why you were only getting back just now. Silly me.”
  7758. >You can’t really blame her for that.
  7759. “Twilight Sparkle and her friends were in town-”
  7760. >Looking for Rarity.
  7761. “And the changelings thought they were onto some secret plan or something and attacked her and her friends to try and get rid of them.”
  7762. >”Oh dear. Last time the changelings attacked they locked several ponies up in their cave. How long was princess Twilight missing?”
  7763. “Oh, she didn’t go missing. They just stabbed her.”
  7764. >”Stabbed?”
  7765. “With a spear. Wait, maybe I’m not supposed to tell you that.”
  7766. >Oops.
  7767. “She’s alive, don’t worry.”
  7768. >”I know.”
  7769. “Oh, you’d heard then? Guess I shouldn’t be surprised that word has spread.”
  7770. >”What? Oh, no, I didn’t hear anything. I was on vacation!”
  7771. >Things really are different without telecoms, aren’t they?
  7772. >You sit down at your desk with a grunt, dropping the crutches on the floor.
  7773. “How do you know she’s alive then?”
  7774. >”Because you were here to help her.”
  7775. >Hm.
  7776. >It’s nice to have somepony so supportive around.
  7777. “You were out of town for like, a week longer than planned. Where did you stay?”
  7778. >”With my family. Don’t worry, I’m fine, I’m more worried about you!”
  7779. “Me? Oh my feet. I suppose the crutches were a good hint, weren’t they? Well, turns out changelings take hostages. And it also turns out humans don’t like freezing.”
  7780. >”Are you going to be okay?”
  7781. “Should be. That’s actually why I came in today.”
  7782. >”What do you need?”
  7783. “High osmolality contrast medium.”
  7784. >She trots off after giving a quick nod.
  7785. >You’re glad to have her back, even if it’s going to be hard to pay her.
  7786. >The crown is supposed to pay you for putting Twilight back together, and while nopony’s promised anything you’re pretty sure they’re going to pay you for the other stuff you’ve done lately.
  7787. >But it’s been an awful long time since you actually received a single bit.
  7788. >Sassaflash returns with a syringe.
  7789. >You quickly check and confirm it’s the right one.
  7790. >”What happened in the store room?”
  7791. “Oh yeah, that’s changed too hasn’t it?”
  7792. >”A bunch of your medicine is missing!”
  7793. “The prince threw it in a fire because of changelings. It made sense at the time.”
  7794. >The needle hurts more than you’d expected it to, but it’s in.
  7795. >Now you just have to wait while it diffuses.
  7796. >”So what kind of medicine is that?”
  7797. “Contrast medium. It makes my blood opaque to x-rays, so I can see my circulatory system without having to cut anything. Just trying to figure out how severe the damage is.”
  7798. >”But you said you were going to be okay!”
  7799. >She sounds genuinely worried.
  7800. >What a great pony.
  7801. “I’ll be fine, but my toes might not be. Worst case scenario I lose a few of them. We’ll find out soon.”
  7802. >”But what if your toes aren’t okay?”
  7803. “Then I might need help counting to 20. Speaking of a counting, there are more than a few outstanding accounts. We’re obviously not open at the moment, but could I ask you to use some of this downtime to mail out invoices?”
  7804. >”Right now? But you’re hurt!”
  7805. “Come to think of it, you’re RIGHT! Now clearly isn’t the time to be worried about billing.”
  7806. >She gives you a soft smile.
  7807. “We need to clean up!”
  7808. >The smile is gone.
  7809. “There’s a high profile patient coming in for a followup tomorrow.”
  7810. >”You are in no condition to be seeing patients!”
  7811. “I’ll be fine, it’s just hard to walk. Besides, she’s in no condition to be without medical help.”
  7812. >”But- okay. If it’s important we don’t have much of a choice. Who’s the patient?”
  7813. “Twilight Sparkle.”
  7814. >”The one they stabbed? Yeah… we’d better not bump that appointment. What are we booking?”
  7815. “Wound inspection and cleaning, probably debridement. Oh! And remind me to check her blood pressure, there’s a family history of problems there. Aaaand…”
  7816. >You thought you had more time to come up with an excuse.
  7817. >But here you are.
  7818. >Put on the spot a full day early.
  7819. >Wait, it’s actually pretty easy!
  7820. “We don’t have good pain management options, and I’m probably debriding. Better knock her out for a while. That or hand out earplugs.”
  7821. >If she’s unconscious you can get away with some malpractice!
  7822. >Just a bit of secret nerve stimulation and neurotransmitter manipulation, nothing big.
  7823. >Gotta target an erogenous zone OTHER than the dorsal clitoris though.
  7824. >Some ponies already know that trick, after all.
  7825. >You REALLY want to give her a cochlear implant too.
  7826. >But you’re neither equipped, nor properly trained.
  7827. >And even if you WERE, there’s no way you’d get away with it.
  7828. >Drilling away chunks of her skull would leave her plenty sore, and plenty curious.
  7829. >Still, the power to make her hear voices would be so sweet.
  7830. “She’s not in any appreciable danger, but recovery is going to be rough.”
  7831. >”Is that privileged information?”
  7832. “I’m not sure how they want to handle that, so assume it’s confidential for now.”
  7833. >The contrast medium is in your system.
  7834. >You remove the needle and dispose of it.
  7835. “That’ll take a bit to circulate properly. I’m going to go prepare for tomorrow.”
  7836. >She reaches down and grabs your crutches before you have a chance.
  7837. “Thanks.”
  7838. >”I’ll clean up the lobby. At the very least we have to get rid of the broken glass!”
  7839. “Wait, there’s still broken glass in there? That’s news to me.”
  7840. >”Under the desk.”
  7841. “Ah. Must’ve overlooked it.”
  7842. >That’s embarrassing.
  7843. “In my defence, things were kinda crazy.”
  7844. >Better get to work.
  7845. >It feels wrong to use the surgical theatre for wound care.
  7846. >It’s completely excessive; she doesn’t need anything particularly invasive.
  7847. >But if you’re going to sedate her, it’s easiest to do it here.
  7848. >And malfeasance aside, the choice to sedate her IS defensible.
  7849. >Debridement varies from quite painful to downright agonising depending on where it’s being done.
  7850. >This session would tend towards the latter.
  7851. >It’s okay to inflict some amount of pain on your toys, but there are limits!
  7852. >Besides, pain aside it could be dangerous if she flinches or squirms too much.
  7853. >Yes, general anaesthetic is excessive, but with so few alternatives to be found it seems proper.
  7854. >Not to mention how safe the process has become over the years.
  7855. >Even when you were in med school, putting a patient under with general anaesthetic demanded a lot of prep and training.
  7856. >But with current gen drugs it’s foolproof, aside from the risk of respiratory arrest.
  7857. >Something you’re well equipped to handle.
  7858. >You make a point of keeping most of the surgical theatre wrapped up so as to minimise cleanup, and only prepare the things you’ll actually need.
  7859. >It doesn’t take long, and yet Sassaflash finishes before you do.
  7860. >You return to the lobby to find it neat and tidy.
  7861. >Aside from the boarded up windows and missing chairs of course.
  7862. >Strangely, she’s nowhere to be found.
  7863. >You head into medical imaging to find she’s beaten you to the punch.
  7864. >”X Ray is ready.”
  7865. “Much obliged. You remember how to run this thing, right?”
  7866. >”Point it at the thing, put the heavy apron around whatever we’re not looking at, and then stand behind the shield. I’ve been meaning to ask though, why is there a shield? Isn’t it safe?”
  7867. “Safe is a relative term.”
  7868. >”Oh. Oh dear.”
  7869. >Everything looks to be in order, but she hasn’t pushed the button yet.
  7870. “Do it.”
  7871. >”Okay, if you’re sure…”
  7872. *DRRRRRRRRR*
  7873. “And the other foot.”
  7874. >You adjust the machinery yourself, letting Sassaflash stay put.
  7875. “Go.”
  7876. *DRRRRRRRRR*
  7877. “Alrighty. Shut it down, and I’ll go look at the results.”
  7878. >”Can I see?”
  7879. “I guess?”
  7880. >That’s sorta private.
  7881. >But knowing her, she’ll assume the worst if you say no.
  7882. >You don’t want her well meaning self to be breathing down your neck at all hours.
  7883. >You make your way to your office and open up your laptop.
  7884. >No surprise, the X Ray had sent the images to your harddrive via Bluetooth.
  7885. >That damn thing is near impossible to turn on because it’s so old, but when you manage to get it to run it’s plenty reliable.
  7886. >You open the files and-
  7887. “Eugh!”
  7888. >”That doesn’t sound good. Lemme see!”
  7889. >She nearly shoves you aside to get a closer look.
  7890. >”What are THOSE?”
  7891. “Those would be my bones.”
  7892. >”Oh. Are they supposed to look like that?”
  7893. “Yes, actually.”
  7894. >”Oh. Well, what’s THAT?”
  7895. “My blood.”
  7896. >”Oh. It’s not a weird spider? Well… good. I’m not seeing anything bad here.”
  7897. >The “weird spider” was smaller than expected.
  7898. >You’d severely underestimated the severity of your injury.
  7899. >And while it’s still possible to make a full recovery, you’re no longer optimistic.
  7900. “Could you get some, uh, quinapril and warfarin?”
  7901. >”Do we still have those?”
  7902. >”Am I interruptin’ something?”
  7903. >Both you and Sassaflash look up from the display.
  7904. >”Applejack?”
  7905. >”Sassaflash? I ain’t seen you in years. This where you wound up?
  7906. >”Applejack! It’s been too long. Yes, I’ve been working with the good doctor here for a while now.”
  7907. >”Good doctor. Right. What’cha got there?”
  7908. “Nothing that concerns you.”
  7909. >”It’s Rarity, ain’t it?”
  7910. >Uh oh.
  7911. “I am not at liberty to discuss the private affairs of others.”
  7912. >Applejack shoves you aside, knocking you helplessly to the ground.
  7913. >Sassaflash gasps in shock
  7914. >”Are you hurt?”
  7915. >Not really.
  7916. >”This ain’t Rarity. What is it?”
  7917. “Nothing that- it’s my feet, okay? It’s my feet.”
  7918. >”That’s what they look like down there? No wonder you wear those shoes.”
  7919. “It’s an X ray image- that’s not important right now!”
  7920. >You grab hold of your desk and start to pull yourself up.
  7921. “You’re not supposed to be in here. Get out!”
  7922. >”Nothin’ doin’! I’m here until you tell me the truth!”
  7923. “Fine! I admit it! Eggs aren’t actually bad for you!”
  7924. >”What- EGGS? I’m talking about Rarity! What did you do to her?”
  7925. >Sassaflash stares wide eyed as Applejack crowds you in, pinning you helplessly in the corner.
  7926. >Something tells you she could kick right through you if she really wanted to.
  7927. >And the look in her eyes suggests she’s considering it.
  7928. “Nothing! I didn’t do anything!”
  7929. >”Liar!”
  7930. >She stomps on the ground, filling the air with an ear splitting crack.
  7931. >”What, did you just think we’d all forget just ‘cause Twi got hurt? The other might have a short memory, but I sure don’t! Tell me the truth ‘fore I beat it outta you.”
  7932. >Courage, Anon.
  7933. >Courage.
  7934. >You correct your posture, close your eyes, and take a deep breath.
  7935. “Well? I’m waiting.”
  7936. >”Beg your pardon?”
  7937. “I’m not telling you anything. Better start beating me.”
  7938. >”So you admit you’re lyin’?”
  7939. “Of course.”
  7940. >Both Applejack and Sassaflash give you the slack jawed look of one who’d just been told that water was not only dry, but a desiccant.
  7941. “I am privy to sensitive and embarrassing information. Ponies trust me to keep their secrets, so when busybodies like you come by I LIE sometimes! Sometimes I lie about symptoms, sometimes about medication, hay, sometimes I lie about having even MET certain ponies!”
  7942. >To your great relief, she’s shrinking back.
  7943. >You decide to push your luck and shove your finger up in her muzzle.
  7944. “Would YOU appreciate it if I just told everypony all of YOUR health problems?”
  7945. >”Well, no, but-”
  7946. “Then how DARE you come in here and stick your nose in others’ secrets? You have no right!”
  7947. >”Anon, you’re asking me to be okay with you lying to me!”
  7948. “No, I’m asking you to LEAVE. And stop asking questions that I’m not allowed to answer!”
  7949. >”I- I’m sorry for shoving y’all. I’ll show myself out.”
  7950. >Sassaflash scoots aside to let Applejack leave, still looking equal parts shocked and terrified.
  7951. >Your heart is still racing.
  7952. >And you think your knees are trembling a bit.
  7953. >Both you and Sassaflash stay silent until Applejack leaves, barely daring to breathe.
  7954. >The front door swings shut.
  7955. >And you collapse back in your chair.
  7956. >”I’ve never SEEN her like that before!”
  7957. ”She’s not normally like that? Good. She’s… scary.”
  7958. >“What happened?”
  7959. “Well, one of her friends came to town to see me. And she… what can I say here? She didn’t return as soon as they expected, so Applejack and her group came to look for her. Unfortunately, they caught her here.”
  7960. >”Oh. Oh dear.”
  7961. “The worst part is I had already denied having ever met her. Now Applejack seems to think… I don’t know what she thinks. That I had abducted her friend and was hiding her from the world or something?”
  7962. >”That’s just silly. Which friend? Wait, Rarity. Right. I’m guessing I shouldn’t tell anypony she was here.”
  7963. “Not if you can help it. Though she’ll be around for a while, so it might not be possible to keep quiet forever. Do you know Rararay?”
  7964. >You should really learn how to pronounce her name properly.
  7965. “Rarity? We’ve met, but we weren’t close.”
  7966. >That complicates things a bit.
  7967. >You’ll have to make a file for her, if only so Sassaflash can find it when Rarity “checks in”.
  7968. >And you’ll have to falsify a problem in case somepony looks at it.
  7969. >Something something numb horn, something something no magic.
  7970. “So of what you know about Applejack…”
  7971. >”She’ll be back. If she thinks somepony hurt her friend, she’ll be back.”
  7972. “That’s what I was afraid of.”
  7973. >You briefly consider switching targets to Applejack.
  7974. >But with her being so suspicious, there’s no way you’d get her.
  7975. >Not without a lot of help.
  7976. >Best to keep her at a safe distance for the foreseeable future.
  7977. >But some day you’ll put her in her place.
  7978. >It might not be this year, it might not even be this decade, but she’ll pay for her insolence.
  7979. >You try to shift your posture to hide the growing bulge in your pants, and banish the thought of Applejack choking on your dick.
  7980. “Well, I’ve got a bit of paperwork to do, but there’s not much point in you sticking around.”
  7981. >”I’m going to do invoices. AFTER getting you those pills you asked for. What were they again?”
  7982. “Quinapril and Warfarin. Thanks, Sassaflash.”
  7983. >Better make up that fake file sooner rather than later.
  7984. >Let’s see here…
  7985. >Patient mentioned lack of sensation in her horn after minor head injury…
  7987. >You return home a few hours later, paperwork filed and blood thoroughly thinned.
  7988. >And you can’t help but feel a bit… excited.
  7989. >Maybe it’s because you got out of the house for a while, or maybe it’s because changeling magic has an expiry date.
  7990. >Hay, maybe it’s just natural biochemistry doing its thing.
  7991. >Whatever’s going on, your crutches aren’t the only wood you’re carrying.
  7992. >If only that joke translated well, you’d be able to make Rarity moan for a different reason!
  7993. >Are bad jokes a suitable form of PUNishment?
  7994. >Naa, that’d be dumb.
  7995. >You shove the door open and make your way to the couch.
  7996. “I’m home!”
  7997. >”Master.”
  7998. >Rarity is lounging on the couch with a towel beneath her rump.
  7999. >She’s awkwardly running a brush through her mane, trying to style it before it dries.
  8000. “Need help with that?”
  8001. >”NO! That is to say, I have it under control.”
  8002. >You sit down next to her.
  8003. “You don’t trust me with your mane.”
  8004. >She immediately breaks eye contact.
  8005. >Looks like you were right on the money.
  8006. >”It’s just that, well, um, that is to say-”
  8007. “I don’t blame you.”
  8008. >”Oh, that is a relief.”
  8009. “But I do expect you to tell me WHY you don’t trust me. You shouldn’t keep secrets from me, after all.”
  8010. >”Oh dear, how shall I word this? It’s not easy to style my coiffure properly, in fact it has taken me many years of experimentation to learn how to do it consistently. I suspect that, were you to attempt, it would not turn out properly.”
  8011. >You just offer a non-committal grunt.
  8012. >”You aren’t upset?”
  8013. “Nope. Should I be?”
  8014. >”No! No, it is perfectly acceptable that you aren’t upset.”
  8015. >Is she afraid of you, or afraid of upsetting you?
  8016. >Either way, that attitude suggests she’ll try to please you.
  8017. >It’s important to keep tabs on such things, and critical that you keep working on Rarity.
  8018. >It would be far too easy to lose sight on her while working on future conquests, and the truth of the matter is she’s not done yet.
  8019. >Come to think of it, that’s a huge problem.
  8020. >You were going to make her do at least some of the training for her friends, but how can she be expected to do that when she herself isn’t properly trained?
  8021. >She probably doesn’t even know what the ideal sub looks like!
  8022. “Wait a second.”
  8023. >”Pardon?”
  8024. “Just thinking aloud.”
  8025. >Do YOU know what the ideal sub looks like?
  8026. >You’ve been playing it by ear this whole time, with no clear vision.
  8027. >If you yourself don’t know what you want, how can you communicate to Rarity her orders?
  8028. >You grab your laptop and open a new text document.
  8029. >You try to position yourself such that Rarity can’t see the screen, but then remember she can’t read English anyway.
  8031. The Perfect Mare:
  8032. Unwavering obedience
  8033. Fanatical devotion to her master
  8034. Proactive about serving
  8035. Always wearing a token or symbol of submission
  8036. Eagerness to perform all sex acts
  8037. Constantly seeking to improve herself (skills, appearance, assets etc.)
  8038. An advocate for the D/s lifestyle
  8040. >There has to be more to it.
  8041. >This is supposed to be the PERFECT mare.
  8042. >But you can’t think of anything else off the top of your head.
  8043. >It’s something you’ll have to update over time.
  8044. >Still, this gives you some guidelines that you can convey.
  8045. >More importantly, it demonstrates how Rarity herself is still lacking.
  8046. >You look over the list and find that Rarity falls short on every single item.
  8047. >If only-
  8048. >”What are you working on?”
  8049. “A checklist. We’re going to introduce others to the lifestyle, so I figured it would be good to get our thoughts in order.”
  8050. >”I see! What is of the utmost importance?”
  8051. “A good master should always prioritize the safety of his submissive.”
  8052. >Doesn’t hurt to make yourself look good.
  8053. “Oh, did you mean for the submissive? I was actually going to ask for your thoughts when making that list.”
  8054. >Because if it’s her idea, she can’t blame you for it.
  8055. >”Well, it’s all about love, is it not?”
  8056. “That’s pretty vague. We want actionable things.”
  8057. >”Hm. I suppose.”
  8058. >And she goes silent, further proving that she falls short of the ideal in every possible way.
  8059. >This is so far from proactive…
  8060. >You might have jumped the gun on moving to other ponies.
  8061. >Is it too late to back down?
  8062. >No, you’re looking at this wrong.
  8063. >Having Rarity train others is part of HER training.
  8064. >You take the silence as a chance to think.
  8065. >It would be… unwise to share the exact wording of your goals.
  8066. >Best to make it sound more romantic and less controlling.
  8067. >You think you’ve got it figured out, but manage to bite your tongue.
  8068. >If you’re going to think, you might as well think ahead.
  8069. >She’s probably going to ask how YOU should behave again.
  8070. >And while you managed quite well last time, it’s unwise to rely too heavily on improvisation.
  8071. >What if…
  8072. >What if you gave yourself an excuse to constantly demand more?
  8073. >And worded it such that it was about helping HER…
  8074. >Got it.
  8075. “I think it has to be about trust and commitment.”
  8076. >”Those are indeed key to any proper romance. But they aren’t actionable.”
  8077. “Aren’t they? You can resolve to give the benefit of the doubt, or commit to being the best partner you can be.”
  8078. >”I… suppose that makes sense.”
  8079. >At least she agreed.
  8080. >”What’s second on your side of the list?”
  8081. >Called it!
  8082. “To prioritize the long term over the short term.”
  8083. >”I’m not certain I understand.”
  8084. “Broadening one’s horizons can be difficult, or even painful. I need to make sure you live a good LIFE, not just a good DAY. And- hmm…”
  8085. >”Is something the matter?”
  8086. “Yeah. Just worrying I haven’t been doing a very good job of that.”
  8087. >”Well, I for one think you are doing a fine job.”
  8088. “I’m really not. We’ve got a bunch of rules that I haven’t been enforcing.”
  8089. >”We do?”
  8090. “Did you sleep in bondage last night?”
  8091. >”Um…”
  8092. “Are you wearing your choker? Do you have a plug in?”
  8093. >”I… do not.”
  8094. “And have you masturbated recently?”
  8095. >”You cannot ask a LADY such questions!”
  8096. “That’s a yes. I made those rules for a reason. And while I am disappointed you haven’t been following them, it’s partially my fault. Do you know why these things are important?”
  8097. >”No.”
  8098. “No what?”
  8099. >”No master.”
  8100. >There’s something else you’ve been a bit lax on.
  8101. “The choker isn’t a piece of clothing. It’s a reminder. A reminder that you belong somewhere, that you have a place where you’re loved. And…”
  8102. >Do you say this part out loud?
  8103. >Yeah.
  8104. >Yeah you do.
  8105. >She’s ready.
  8106. “And a reminder of your obligations. The fact that it looks quite fetching on you is a bonus.”
  8107. >”I’m not certain that I need a reminder, master. It’s not likely that I would just forget you were here!”
  8108. >It’s actually very important.
  8109. >You don’t want her to compartmentalize being your slave to specific times nor locations.
  8110. >She’s yours even when you’re not around.
  8111. “Just trust me on this one.”
  8112. >She opens her mouth immediately.
  8113. >But nothing comes out.
  8114. >Had that seed you’d planted about being more trusting already borne fruit?
  8115. >”Very well. I still don’t intend to wear it in public.”
  8116. “Alright. I think you should, but if it’s important to you then I won’t force it.”
  8117. >You really want that one, but it’s not worth it.
  8118. >It would be a breach of your agreement, which would seriously undermine trust and foster rebellion.
  8119. >”How is my sleeping arrangement important?”
  8120. >You want her to rely on you for even the most basic needs.
  8121. >If she needs you to bind her before she sleeps, she effectively needs your permission to sleep.
  8122. >But there’s another reason.
  8123. “It’s so you learn to relax while bound, and so we can learn different methods that are comfortable.”
  8124. >She pouts.
  8125. >”I fail to see the value in that.”
  8126. “Would you rather be tense and uncomfortable during sex?”
  8127. >”I-”
  8128. >There’s that blush again.
  8129. >”Okay. Perhaps we can resume that practice a bit... What about that dreadful thing you put in my rear?”
  8130. “Broadening your horizons.”
  8131. >”Some horizons are already broad enough!”
  8132. “They really aren’t. You’re sexually repressed and downright frigid.”
  8133. >”Nopony does THAT!”
  8134. “It’s actually a lot more common than you’d think.”
  8135. >”And WHAT precisely makes you think that?”
  8136. “The ponies who needed my help extracting something from their back door. You should play with your ass, just make sure it’s something that you can get out and that won’t break.”
  8137. >”Is that… truly a problem you’ve encountered?”
  8138. “Yes.”
  8139. >You weren’t even lying this time.
  8140. “It’s something that lovers do sometimes.”
  8141. >”Be that as it may, I don’t like it.”
  8142. “I know. I’m trying to fix that.”
  8143. >”I-”
  8144. >She bites her lower lip.
  8145. >”Do you…”
  8146. >She’s surprisingly articulate given she’s still biting that lip.
  8147. >”Why is it important that we have that option?”
  8148. >Good question.
  8149. >From your end, it’s mostly just about control.
  8150. >You don’t want to have it as much as you want her to give it up.
  8151. “Don’t you want to be a better lover?”
  8152. >”Of course!”
  8153. “Then you should want to be skilled, and also well rounded.”
  8154. >”But, it hurts…”
  8155. “Again, I’m trying to fix that.”
  8156. >”I…”
  8157. >She stares at the floor for a while, breathing heavily.
  8158. >Then quite suddenly, she sits up straight and looks you in the eye.
  8159. >Her eyes are watering, and she’s trembling a bit.
  8160. >But she also has a warm smile on her face.
  8161. >”If you think it is for the best, we shall try it.”
  8162. >She leans forward and plants a wet, sloppy kiss right on your lips.
  8163. >You hold her tight, wanting to make sure she feels rewarded for this.
  8164. >Rarity breaks the kiss shortly after, but you continue to hold her, stroking her mane all the while.
  8165. “I want you to know you’re doing a great job. Thank you.”
  8166. >”I’m still frightened.”
  8167. “If it starts to hurt, tell me and we’ll stop.”
  8168. >”Right.”
  8169. “And it’s going to take some time before you really get the hang of it, but that’s okay. We can take it slow.”
  8170. >”You promise that we can stop if it hurts?”
  8171. “Yes. But if we’re going to do this, well, there’s a reason I forbade masturbation too.”
  8172. >And that reason is so she would become dependent on you for release.
  8173. >But this is a decent excuse.
  8174. “If you keep playing with your crotch, you’ll never learn to appreciate your other erogenous zones. They’re sensitive and shouldn’t be ignored, but until you learn to enjoy them, getting off the easy way is just going to slow things down.”
  8175. >”I’m not certain I understand, but you’re the expert on the body.”
  8176. “We’re going to start now.”
  8177. >”N-now?”
  8178. >You don’t answer.
  8179. >Instead you close up your laptop and make your way to bed.
  8180. >By the time Rarity arrives, you’re already removing your pants.
  8181. >”I can’t help but notice you are disrobing. Do you intend to…”
  8182. “Not tonight.”
  8183. >”Thank goodness. It’s far too big!”
  8184. >Somehow that complaint felt like a compliment.
  8185. >You take Rarity’s hoof as she climbs up into bed.
  8186. >You catch her gaze briefly.
  8187. >Though fleeting, you can see fear in her eyes.
  8188. >You’d been planning on binding her, but now you’re second guessing it.
  8189. >She’s already anxious, and you’d much prefer her to be relaxed.
  8190. >But on the other hand, if she’s bound then she has no choice but to go along with it.
  8191. >By denying agency you might actually calm her.
  8192. >In the end you settle for light bondage.
  8193. >You wrap a ribbon around each of Rarity’s hind legs, making a point of putting the pressure on her thighs.
  8194. >Once the ribbon is good and secure, you tie it to your bed’s legs, pulling her legs apart.
  8195. >Could be wider.
  8196. >You pull more-
  8197. >”That’s a tad much!”
  8198. “Alright.”
  8199. >You’ll have to work on her flexibility too.
  8200. >But for the time being, you relent.
  8201. >That’s a pretty low priority, and getting this far already took some coaxing.
  8202. “Your job right now is to relax. If you’re all tense you’ll instinctively try to fight it.”
  8203. >You move to grab her butt but stop.
  8204. There are still welts from the whipping.
  8205. Red lines of varying intensity criss cross the otherwise pristine ass.
  8206. >You’d said you wouldn’t hurt her, and you intend to make good on that promise.
  8207. >For tonight, at least.
  8208. >You lightly stroke her reddened cheeks, resisting the urge to give them a good slap and watch them jiggle.
  8209. >You reach into your labcoat to fetch a glove, only to remember that you’re not currently wearing it.
  8210. >Rarity suppresses a chuckle.
  8211. “Yeah, yeah.”
  8212. >It takes you a few seconds to fetch what you need.
  8213. >”There’s no need to be bashful, dear.”
  8214. >You glove up one hand and prepare to lubricate it.
  8215. >But wait.
  8216. “Where’s your choker?”
  8217. >”Oh dear, I had completely forgotten. It’s in the nightstand. You’re… certain it’s necessary?”
  8218. “Don’t you like it?”
  8219. >”Of course! It simply seems a strange requirement for love making.”
  8220. >You carefully wrap it around her neck.
  8221. “I told you. It’s a reminder and a symbol. A symbol of our relationship, and a symbol-”
  8222. >The lock makes a satisfying click.
  8223. “Of belonging.”
  8224. >It fits snugly around her neck, tight enough to make its presence known.
  8225. “Ready?”
  8226. >You don’t wait for an answer.
  8227. >Your gloved finger slides into her butt quickly and easily.
  8228. >”Cold!”
  8229. >You use your knowledge of anatomy and the magic of fingers to guide your probing precisely.
  8230. >Most of the nerves of the vagina pass near the back door, including the clitoral trunk.
  8231. >And you know EXACTLY where to poke to stimulate them.
  8232. >Rarity shivers and squirms, pulling against the ribbons that hold her in place.
  8233. >She’s trying to get away from it.
  8234. >But you maintain the slow and gentle prodding; one finger carefully but insistently invading her body.
  8235. “How are you feeling?”
  8236. >”It feels… peculiar. But not unenjoyable.”
  8237. >You push a second finger in.
  8238. >Rarity gasps as it worms its way into her body.
  8239. >She’s hiding it well, but you can tell that she’s aroused from the blush blooming on her face and the moisture appearing from her groin.
  8240. >You reach around with your other hand and tickle her rock hard nipples, all the while tenderly prodding her nerves.
  8241. >She starts squirming again, but this time it’s different.
  8242. >She’s not pulling away from your touch; Rarity has started pushing against you trying to get a bit more sensation.
  8243. “See? I told you it would feel good.”
  8244. >“Hnn… it’s not enough!”
  8245. “Sure it is. You’re just frigid. But don’t worry, we’ll fix that together.”
  8246. >She whimpers in a bizarre mix of lust and sadness.
  8247. >You watch Rarity try helplessly to rub her thighs together, desperate to stimulate her pussy in even the slightest manner.
  8248. >She arches her back, barely managing to shift her weight onto her pelvis.
  8249. >And then she starts squirming about, touching her clitoris to your bedding.
  8250. >You deliver a swift and firm smack to her abused butt, eliciting a pained yelp.
  8251. “I told you, no masturbating.”
  8252. >”But I neeeeeed it!”
  8253. >She’s nearly crying!
  8254. >Truth be told, you need it too.
  8255. >But you can’t relent!
  8256. >Instead, you add a third finger.
  8257. >”Ack! Stop!”
  8258. “Wait, really?”
  8259. >”TAKE IT OUT!”
  8260. >Huh.
  8261. >You acquiesce, somewhat surprised that she called for mercy so early.
  8262. >You had her exactly where you wanted her, nearly begging to be buttfucked.
  8263. >But apparently, a third finger crossed the line.
  8264. “No signs of damage. I’m sure you could have taken it.”
  8265. >”I’m sorry, but it was too much!”
  8266. >She definitely needs more training then.
  8267. >You sit on the bed beside her and give her a pat on the back.
  8268. “But you see now, right? It felt good.”
  8269. >Her attempts to hide behind her mane are almost laughable, splayed out as she is before you.
  8270. >”It did. It was quite different from the normal way… It could make a good apparative.”
  8271. >You discard your glove and lie down next to her.
  8272. >”Umm, aren’t you going to untie me?”
  8273. “Why? I’d just have to redo it in 10 minutes.”
  8274. >”What’s happening in 10 minutes? Oh. Oh my…”
  8276. >You arrive at the clinic the next morning with a spring in your step.
  8277. >Or at least in one of your steps.
  8278. >There’s a good 20 minutes yet before your appointment, but it’s best to be early for this kind of thing.
  8279. >That way you’ll have time to make sure everything’s in order, review your plans, prepare for the interview…
  8280. >You’ll just have time to be ready in general.
  8281. >You slide your key into the lock and turn it, but the bolt doesn’t engage.
  8282. >That’s odd…
  8283. >The door’s unlocked.
  8284. >You push the door open to find that the lights are on.
  8285. “Sassaflash?”
  8286. >That’s right, she’s back.
  8287. >You’d gotten used to her being gone.
  8288. >”Hello, doctor. You’re early, but not early enough.”
  8289. >You stumble in to find Sassaflash seated at her desk, and across from her is Twilight Sparkle.
  8290. “Twilight? I wasn’t expecting you for- well, your appointment is in 20 minutes so I probably should have been expecting you now.”
  8291. >”Is there something wrong with your leg?”
  8292. “Yep. But don’t worry about that for now, come into my office. I’ve got some questions to ask you.”
  8293. >”What happened though?”
  8294. “Changelings.”
  8295. >”They’re BACK?”
  8296. “Hopefully not. I just haven’t gotten over what they did quite yet.”
  8297. >You make your way into your office and wait for Twilight.
  8298. >Her movements are awkward and sluggish.
  8299. >You’re strongly tempted to help HER walk.
  8300. “Alright. So I don’t need to ask if you’re having mobility problems.”
  8301. >”Yeah. It just hurts. A lot.”
  8302. “Hm. Maybe I should have talked to you in the lobby. Well, nothing to be done about it now, you’re already here. Have a seat.”
  8303. >You get up from your chair to go and close the door for Twilight.
  8304. >Just as you’re about to put your hand on the handle, Sassaflash pushes it shut for you.
  8305. >Of course.
  8306. >You grit your teeth and walk, not stumble, back to your seat.
  8307. >Though annoying, it really isn’t Sassaflash’s fault.
  8308. >She probably closed it as soon as she noticed it, it just so happened to be at the most annoying time possible.
  8309. “So Twilight. Has the pain been getting better at all?”
  8310. >”Yes. I’m now at a 7 on the Mankoski scale.”
  8311. >Self reporting is NOT reliable.
  8312. >But that figure seems plausible.
  8313. >Or at least it WOULD if…
  8314. “You haven’t been taking your pain medication.”
  8315. >”Yes I have!”
  8316. “Not as directed though. You’ve been skipping doses.”
  8317. >She averts her gaze and gives a sheepish grin.
  8318. >Nailed it.
  8319. >”I was afraid of running out so I’ve been rationing them.”
  8320. >Amazing.
  8321. >Hoarding medication like a fucking addict already.
  8322. >A lot of people don’t know it, but skipping doses is considered a warning sign of addiction.
  8323. >It hints that the patient is planning on continuing using after being cut off, and is sometimes enough to get them flagged for drug seeking behaviour.
  8324. >It would be bad enough if you had her on the good stuff, but you don’t.
  8325. >Her brother burned the good stuff.
  8326. >She’s behaving like an addict because of over the counter meds!
  8327. >You’ll make a note on her file that she’s prone to drug seeking behaviour.
  8328. “Well, stop it. How’s your strength?”
  8329. >“Bad. I just feel weak. If I didn’t have magic it would be hard to even brush my teeth.”
  8330. “You’re not going to like this, but I advise that you not use magic.”
  8331. >”Shiny said the same thing…”
  8332. “He’s right. You’ll never get your strength back without working for it.”
  8333. >Unfortunately, it’ll probably take years.
  8334. >But she’s not so hurt as to make it impossible.
  8335. “Well, I can see from here that your bandages need changing. Hold on…”
  8336. >You lean over the desk and pull a bandage aside.
  8337. >There is no beauty to be found in a festering wound.
  8338. >To describe one properly one would either need to use the driest, most clinical language possible or to convey the most primal form of disgust into language.
  8339. >Even after having worked on so much damaged and poisoned flesh, there’s still a faint echo of revulsion in the pit of your stomach.
  8340. >One that you have thankfully become quite adept at ignoring.
  8341. “It actually looks pretty good considering what you’ve been through. Lots of diseased tissue of course, but it’s healing up at a good rate. I’m still going to have to do some work on that though.”
  8342. >”W-what kind?”
  8343. >Her voice isn’t the only thing that’s trembling.
  8344. “Cleaning the wounds, debriding, and washing off any bacterial growths with sterile water.”
  8345. >”Debriding as in… cutting…”
  8346. “Yes. Cutting out non-viable tissue. I’ll make you sleep through it, don’t worry.”
  8347. >”I… I kinda wanna see what you do though.”
  8348. >Oh.
  8349. >That’s unexpected.
  8350. “It’s going to hurt. A lot.”
  8351. >”I know.”
  8352. “It might hurt more than the actual stabbing.”
  8353. >”This might be my only chance to see how this is done!”
  8354. >Curiosity won’t kill this cat, but it will certainly make it suffer.
  8355. “Alright… I think this is a really bad idea but it’s ultimately up to you. You can change your mind if it gets to be too much.”
  8356. >”Thank you doctor.”
  8357. “Somehow I doubt you’ll be as thankful once we start.”
  8358. >This is going to screw up your plans.
  8359. >Or at least it would if she actually went through with it.
  8360. >You’re certain she’ll change her mind, and fast.
  8361. “Alright. Just a few quick tests before we start.”
  8362. >You get up and wrap a pressure cuff around her leg.
  8363. >Her brother has chronic hypertension, and that tends to run in the family.
  8364. >You’re expecting her to be high too.
  8365. “120 over 95?”
  8366. >Huh.
  8367. >High for a human, perfect for a pony.
  8368. >”Is something wrong? I thought that was good.”
  8369. “It is.”
  8370. >”You sound surprised.”
  8371. “I am. I thought for sure you’d have hypertension.”
  8372. >”Wouldn’t you have noticed when I was here before?”
  8373. “I was keeping your pressure low on purpose to lower the risk of internal haemorrhage. I had just assumed that once that stopped, well- it doesn’t matter. Sometimes it’s good to be wrong.”
  8374. >She frowns, clearly upset by something you’d said.
  8375. >If you had to guess, she’s trying to figure out why you thought her pressure would be too high.
  8376. >Strictly speaking you shouldn’t tell her why even if she does ask.
  8377. >But Twilight’s a clever pony, she’ll probably figure it out without your help.
  8378. >”Shiny has really high blood pressure!”
  8379. >You just predicted she’d figure it out, but it still comes as a surprise.
  8380. >That was fast!
  8381. >”THAT’S the condition he mentioned, THAT’S what those pills are for! And THAT’S why he won’t take them, they make them sleepy!”
  8382. “I can’t comment on- he doesn’t take them?”
  8383. >”Oops! Did I say that out loud?”
  8384. “That idiot… I’ll have to have a talk with him.”
  8385. >”I’ll try too.”
  8386. “I appreciate it. Well, I didn’t have you scheduled for a little while yet, but should we just get it over with?”
  8387. >”You want to start early?”
  8388. “Might as well.”
  8389. >”Don’t you have some preparation to do?”
  8390. “I did it last evening. Let’s head on to the theatre.”
  8391. >You’re almost disappointed when she doesn’t make the joke.
  8392. >Twilight Sparkle makes her way to the surgical theatre on her own, moving slowly and stiffly.
  8393. >Poor girl’s been through a lot.
  8394. >And if she has her way she’ll be through even more.
  8395. >This is just cruel.
  8396. >You wouldn’t do this to Rarity even if she ran away from you again.
  8397. >But Twilight’s literally asking for it!
  8398. >You help Twilight up onto the table.
  8399. “You’re SURE you want to do this.”
  8400. >”Yes. I’m sure. It’s scary-”
  8401. >That explains the trembling.
  8402. >”But I really want to know how this is done.”
  8403. “I could just explain it to you.”
  8404. >”It’s not the same.”
  8405. “Well… alright! I’ll try to make it quick.”
  8406. >You produce a pair of scissors and pull a bit at her bandages.
  8407. >”OW! Owie- augh! Stop, stop! It hurts too much!”
  8408. “I’m just removing the bandages.”
  8409. >”And it hurts! Knock me out!”
  8410. >She uses her magic to levitate the mask over her own muzzle.
  8411. “Okay. Just let me put some sensors on you to make sure you’re okay.”
  8412. >”Make it quick, please!”
  8413. >This was going more or less as you’d expected.
  8414. >Sure, she was chickening out a bit sooner than you’d thought, but not by a lot.
  8415. “Alright. Count backwards from 5.”
  8417. “Deep breaths, one digit per breath.”
  8418. >”Negative three. Negative four. Negative five. Five. Five. Five…”
  8419. >Silence.
  8420. “Twilight Sparkle.”
  8421. >She twitches a bit.
  8422. >Not quite out yet.
  8423. >Though the risks of general anaesthetic have drastically reduced in recent years, it still stresses you to do this on your own.
  8424. >You used to have specially trained anaesthesiologists to do this stuff for you, and a team ready just in case something went wrong.
  8425. >You know what to do in the event of an emergency, and the machinery is more reliable than even the best humans.
  8426. >And yet it still feels…
  8427. >Wrong.
  8428. >The sooner you’re done with her, the sooner you can turn it off.
  8429. >You check the orientation of her eyes, and find she’s been knocked out nicely.
  8430. >And her heart seems to have slowed quite a bit.
  8431. >It’s time.
  8432. >First off, you do the actual medical care part.
  8433. >You toss heaps of dirty bandages into a nearby bin.
  8434. >In a real hospital this would be considered a biohazard, and treated as such.
  8435. >And strictly speaking it is.
  8436. >You’re cutting corners by handling it this way, and it’s a bad habit to get into.
  8437. >But you know what diseases Twilight has, and these bandages are harmless.
  8438. >Even so…
  8439. >Somehow this feels wrong, even though it’s totally fine.
  8440. >You eventually resolve to destroy them properly, grumbling to yourself all the while.
  8441. “It’s a bloody waste of time…”
  8442. >The cleaning is easy.
  8443. >You just wipe away the bacterial medium with sterile cloth and water.
  8444. >Any idiot could do it
  8445. >Then comes the bad part.
  8446. >It’s not difficult to identify what needs to be removed during debridement.
  8447. >Chunks of blackened and slimy tissue tend to form when it needs to be done, as the body is quite literally rotting.
  8448. >The damage suffered by the tissue tends to leave it weak and loose; the healthy stuff is far harder to displace than the bad parts.
  8449. >No, the hard part isn’t figuring out what has to be done, it’s staying focused.
  8450. >Seeing somebody or somepony literally rotting before your eyes brings forth both a disgust and a pity response.
  8451. >These emotions are important in many contexts, but right here and now they’re just distractions.
  8452. >You know what you have to do, and the instinctive instructions that have been bred into humanity since time immemorial are unproductive at best.
  8453. >You should NOT distance yourself from the disease, you have to confront it.
  8454. >You do NOT need to concern yourself with her pain, she can’t feel any.
  8455. >And you do NOT need to provide for her, you need to CURE her so she can take care of herself.
  8456. >You’re quite experienced at working through emotional situations though, and manage to make good time.
  8457. >Before long, fresh bandages have been carefully wrapped about her injuries and you’re getting ready to burn a bucket of yuck.
  8458. >But it’s not time to wake her up.
  8459. >Not yet.
  8460. >Because you have an unconscious mare before you, and total privacy.
  8461. >You discard your gloves, and begin probing at her pussy.
  8462. >It’s pretty dry, which is no surprise.
  8463. >Dry, but very tight.
  8464. >And interestingly, there’s a hymen in the way of your exploration.
  8465. >Not only is she a virgin, she’s never put anything up there.
  8466. >It doesn’t matter that she’s dry, you’ve got lubricants.
  8467. >You could fuck her right here right now.
  8468. >You could be her first.
  8469. >You could break her in.
  8470. >But…
  8471. >That would be cheating.
  8472. >You’re going to be her first, but not like this.
  8473. >The goal isn’t simply to fuck her, it’s to OWN her.
  8474. >And raping her right now wouldn’t accomplish that.
  8475. >Plus it’s just a really bad idea.
  8476. >Not to mention you’re not really in the mood after doing all that wound care.
  8477. >You’ll just go back to the original plan.
  8478. >You’re going to install a remote neural stimulator on her nipples.
  8479. >While it would be nice to put it on her clitoris, it might be just a bit too obvious that you’d done something.
  8480. >That trick is already known after all.
  8481. >This shouldn’t be too hard…
  8482. >New incisions are too obvious, and her wounds aren’t in the right place.
  8483. >You’ll have to install it non-surgically as an injection.
  8484. >Even 10 years ago that would have been totally out of the question, but mercifully neural stimulators in the current year are pretty sophisticated.
  8485. >The lightweight machinery will latch onto the nerve itself if properly positioned, and then most of the implant will be destroyed and removed by the body leaving only the necessary components.
  8486. >It’s really not hard to do as long as you’ve got a steady hand, the right sized cannulae, and a good knowledge of anatomy.
  8487. >You plunge the needle deep in Twilight’s teats, disrupting and damaging sensitive tissue.
  8488. >If she were awake this would be agonising.
  8489. >As it is, she’ll probably never know.
  8490. >But you’re not done just yet.
  8491. >As far as you’re concerned, her not begging for your dick counts as sexual dysfunction.
  8492. >And there are treatments for that.
  8493. >THIQ is seemingly doomed to forever be a research drug.
  8494. >The selective MC4 receptor agonist had long been known to stimulate one’s sex drive with seemingly no side effects.
  8495. >For reasons which are apparently known but beyond your pay grade, it doesn’t influence the other functions of melanocortin receptor 4.
  8496. >Unfortunately, it doesn’t last.
  8497. >Nobody had found any way to make it last more than a few minutes, never mind how poor the bioavailability is.
  8498. >Freyjadine, however…
  8499. >Previously known as pl-6983, this drug was considered best practice for female sexual dysfunction.
  8500. >It was much less potent than THIQ and was known to cause weight loss in about 10% of users, but the tradeoff is that you don’t need to stick a needle in her every 5 minutes.
  8501. >You’d considered giving Rarity freyjadine, but eventually decided it was unnecessary since you had other tools at your disposal..
  8502. >Twilight, on the other hand, is actually pretty hard to drug most of the time.
  8503. >You can’t slip a pill into her coffee at a convenient moment, and this handicap has taken some of your options off the table.
  8504. >You punch a small hole in Twilight’s skin and slide in a slow release implant, hoping it will be enough.
  8505. >Putting two in is tempting, but too risky.
  8506. >The listed side effects on these things are for recommended dosage. you might actually hurt her if you overdo it.
  8507. >The wound will close up quickly, and it’s extraordinarily unlikely that anypony will notice it.
  8508. >It’s close enough to one of her major wounds that the bandages cover it.
  8509. >She won’t notice the minor ache of the implant, not next to that thing.
  8510. >And even if by some freak occurrence it IS noticed, you can just say you had to drain a cyst.
  8511. >And with that you’ve got 3 months of heightened sex drive to work with, plus the ability to remotely tickle her teats.
  8512. >Will it be enough?
  8513. >Hopefully.
  8514. >After taking a few minutes to dispose of the evidence, you revive Twilight.
  8515. >The process is very simple when everything is working properly.
  8516. >You just press a button, and the mixture of the gases being pumped into her lungs changes.
  8517. >Clean air goes in, and any residual drug comes out.
  8518. >There’s always the risk that something will go wrong and you’ll have a lot of work to do.
  8519. >In a different timeline she’d have decided to stop breathing and you’d have to mechanically ventilate.
  8520. >If you’d been extremely unlucky her heart would have stopped.
  8521. >That’s always exciting.
  8522. >But today everything worked smoothly
  8523. >You’ve never been under yourself, but your understanding is that waking up is a gradual and unpleasant process.
  8524. >One that you have to oversee.
  8525. >Again, you’re used to having other people to handle this for you.
  8526. >It’s not complicated work monitoring post anaesthesia.
  8527. >All that you have to do is make sure the patient is still breathing and their heart’s still beating.
  8528. >If either of those things prove untrue things will get exciting, but the act of waiting can be so…
  8529. >Boring.
  8530. >Yet it must be done.
  8531. >You’ve put way too much work into keeping Twilight alive just to let her choke on her tongue now.
  8532. >It takes only a few minutes for Twilight to show signs of awareness.
  8533. >Muttering incoherently is an important milestone.
  8534. >You expect her eyes will open relatively soon.
  8535. >That’s when things get weird.
  8536. >Though this isn’t your specialty, you’ve watched a few patients wake up from their induced coma.
  8537. >Most of them were ponies.
  8538. >And sometimes they just start talking to you.
  8539. >You can’t make any sense of what they’re trying to say when it happens; it’s incoherent gibberish that’s informed by a hallucinating drugged mind.
  8540. >They won’t be able to remember it later, and if you remind them of what they said they won’t be able to make sense of it themselves.
  8541. >It’s much like a dream, but somehow less real.
  8542. >Still, you talk back to them when they’re waking up.
  8543. >There’s really no point in interacting with them during this stage. The words are meaningless, and they don’t seem to understand what you’re saying anyway.
  8544. >But even so it somehow feels wrong to just ignore them.
  8545. >”No.”
  8546. “No, what?”
  8547. >”Can’t hide.”
  8548. “What are you hiding from?”
  8549. >”Why did you kill me?”
  8550. >Uh…
  8551. >That doesn’t sound good.
  8552. >”My head is gone.”
  8553. “You’re okay, Twilight. You’re going to be fine.”
  8554. >A pointless answer.
  8555. >If she can hear you, she can’t understand you.
  8556. >”I don’t want to go underground. Don’t close the box.”
  8557. >Oh no…
  8558. >She’s crying.
  8559. >You stand by the bedside, drying her tears with gauze.
  8560. >This isn’t normal.
  8561. >You suppose that if they’re hallucinating, it makes sense that the hallucination would be unpleasant sometimes.
  8562. >You really have no clue what to do about this.
  8563. >Maybe you shouldn’t do anything.
  8564. >You can’t really tell anypony because of confidentiality.
  8565. >If the stuff she intentionally says is private, then surely the stuff she couldn’t help but say is as well.
  8566. >But you can’t in good conscience ignore what you just heard.
  8567. >You’ll have to talk with her about this once she’s lucid.
  8568. >”I feel sick, mister monkey.”
  8569. >That sounded a bit more coherent.
  8570. >A bit more offensive too.
  8571. >”I’m nauseous.”
  8572. “That’s normal. What’s your name?”
  8573. >”It’s… I’m Twilight Sparkle.”
  8574. “Do you hurt?”
  8575. >”A little.”
  8576. >Acceptable.
  8577. “And do you remember what you were talking about?”
  8578. >“Was I talking? I don’t remember.”
  8579. >Figures.
  8580. “Don’t get out of bed. Just relax, you’ll be back to normal soon.”
  8581. >”Okay. Thanks Anon.”
  8582. >She’s still slurring her speech a bit, but it looks like she’s reasonably aware.
  8583. >The danger has passed.
  8584. >You collect the bin of waste and head out back.
  8585. >A fire pit isn’t exactly a proper incinerator, but it works.
  8586. >You dump the stuff in the pit, and toss a small orange crystal in.
  8587. >In the blink of an eye, everything erupts into flames.
  8588. >Smoke wafts to the sky, taking with it all pathogens and all evidence.
  8589. >Once it cools down you’ll retrieve the depleted crystal, and get it refilled.
  8590. >Maybe this time you’ll remember to ask how it works.
  8591. >Or better yet, you can ask Twilight!
  8592. >It’ll get her talking, and give you an excuse to be near her.
  8593. >Once you’re satisfied that the fire is contained, you step back in to find Shining Armour and Cadence in the lobby.
  8594. >You don’t wait for them to ask any questions.
  8595. “She’s fine. Go ahead, just don’t be surprised if she’s a bit confused.”
  8596. >”Go ahead, Cadence. The doctor and I need to talk. In private.”
  8597. >Uh oh.
  8599. >Try not to panic, Anon.
  8600. >There’s no way he knows what you just did.
  8601. >You just have to keep a level head and everything will be fine.
  8602. >The two of you make your way into your office.
  8603. >You try to steady your breathing and maintain a confident posture.
  8604. >As far as he knows, you haven’t done anything untoward.
  8605. >Relax!
  8606. >Oh no, he’s sitting in YOUR chair!
  8607. >He’s taking the head of the desk and forcing you to take the visitor’s seat!
  8608. >This is a power play of some kind, he’s getting into your head!
  8609. >”Oh wow, this chair is really uncomfortable.”
  8610. “I didn’t-”
  8611. >You nearly proclaim that you didn’t do it, but manage to catch yourself.
  8612. “I didn’t find it to be uncomfortable.”
  8613. >”So what were you burning? Anything interesting?”
  8614. “Biohazards.”
  8615. >And incriminating evidence in the form of a few wrappers.
  8616. “Dirty bandages, necrotic flesh, you know. Normal stuff.”
  8617. >”Flesh? You were burning flesh?”
  8618. >He gives you an angry look.
  8619. >No, anger doesn’t do this justice.
  8620. >He has transcended mere rage, and is verging on maniacal fury.
  8621. >Worse, there’s the distinctive air of passion in his gaze.
  8622. >You can’t mistake the fire in those eyes.
  8623. >This is a pony who is ready to abandon reason.
  8624. “That came out wrong, she’s fine! You should talk to her, I’m sure she’d explain it!”
  8625. >”Chrysalis will pay.”
  8626. >Oh.
  8627. >That’s who he’s mad at.
  8628. >You nearly turn to liquid as the tension drains from your body.
  8629. >Shining Armour is a passionate pony.
  8630. >Some might think that to be a fault, and sometimes it is.
  8631. >He’s quick to act, and perhaps too impulsive.
  8632. >But to be dispassionate or apathetic is a failure as well.
  8633. >This anger, this fury that flows through his veins is only a moral deficit if left unchanneled.
  8634. >Hatred is a virtue when it drives one to protect the innocent.
  8635. >And mercifully, his virtue isn’t directed at you.
  8636. >At least not today.
  8637. >”Twilight told me that this might happen… I thought it was hyperbole.”
  8638. “Is she prone to exaggerating?”
  8639. >”Catastrophizing? Yes. One time she had decided that she was being sent back to magical kindergarten.”
  8640. “Ouch. It’s not that weird to worry about being held back a grade, but being sent back?”
  8641. >”A grade? As in one? You don’t understand, Anon. That was just a few years ago! She was already a post-grad!”
  8642. “Oh.”
  8643. >That changed things a lot.
  8644. >”She’s been handling things, err, I was going to say she was taking it poorly but I’m not sure that’s true. What’s normal for being stabbed repeatedly?”
  8645. “I thought you were the head of the guard. Don’t you have experience with wounded?”
  8646. >”Head of the guard during peacetime. We had injuries, sure, but nothing like this. And if anypony HAD gone through that, we wouldn’t exactly be worried about mental health.”
  8647. >Hard to argue with that.
  8648. >Even with your intervention, her survival wasn’t guaranteed.
  8649. >If those wounds had been even the tiniest bit closer to the heart, well…
  8650. >Sometimes it’s better to be lucky than good.
  8651. >And on that day, you had to be both.
  8652. >”How long does it normally take for ponies- humans to calm down after stuff like that?”
  8653. “No clue, not my department.”
  8654. >Maybe never?
  8655. “I suspect that something like that will stick with her though. These things will change you.”
  8656. >”It probably will… but maybe once Chrysalis is in a cage she’ll be able to relax a little.”
  8657. “Any leads?”
  8658. >”Classified.”
  8659. “Fair.”
  8660. >”I want to tell you.”
  8661. “No, I understand. It’s not worth the risk.”
  8662. >”Thanks. But… that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about.”
  8663. >Uh-oh.
  8664. >”I’ve come here with a warning.”
  8665. >About his sister?
  8666. >”I wanted to let you know that Princess Celestia will be in the empire tomorrow.”
  8667. “Oh.”
  8668. >That’s a relief.
  8669. >But wait, why did he tell you that?
  8670. “Go on.”
  8671. >”And she wants a private audience with you.”
  8672. “With me? Why?”
  8673. >You’ve never actually met her.
  8674. >You’ve seen pictures, and heard stories, but you’ve never had cause to be near her.
  8675. “Should I be worried?”
  8676. >”Princess Celestia is a gentle and patient pony, you’ll be fine. That said, she’s going to want something from you, and you should be prepared.”
  8677. “What does she want?”
  8678. >”No clue.”
  8679. >So you have to be prepared, but you don’t know what for.
  8680. >Great.
  8681. “Maybe she just wants to express gratitude for how few corpses there are?”
  8682. >”No. Well, yes, but she’ll be working on something else too.”
  8683. “So we don’t know what she wants, but I should be prepared to give it to her.”
  8684. >He shrugs dismissively, as though this were a totally normal situation.
  8685. >Maybe it was.
  8686. >”It’s probably information of some sort. Princess Celestia is always thinking ahead, she’s much more wise than she lets on.”
  8687. ”Wise? Didn’t her kingdom nearly get destroyed a dozen times in the last few years?”
  8688. >”Nearly is an important word. Is the name Hydia familiar to you?”
  8689. >You nod.
  8690. “Yeah, it’s an mGluR 2 antagonist. I’m kinda surprised you’ve heard of it, that’s normally just used for research.”
  8691. >His blank stare suggests that maybe he meant some other Hydia.
  8692. >You think back, trying to remember why that name might be important.
  8693. >Oh.
  8694. >Oh right!
  8695. “I also know it from something else… but I thought it was a bad translation. I read that name when I was still on Earth trying to get a feel for your history before moving in.”
  8696. >”What do you remember about it?”
  8697. >”The basics. Malevolent spirit of disharmony that was exorcised a long time ago. I didn’t take it seriously.”
  8698. >”Understandable. A magical spirit must have seemed mighty far-fetched.”
  8699. “No, that wasn’t it. It’s common knowledge on Earth that some unknown force is at play here.”
  8700. >He gives you an incredulous look.
  8701. >”Hydia is extremely unusual for a spirit. Most ponies don’t even believe in it. But you’re telling me that you did?”
  8702. “Sure.”
  8703. >”It didn’t follow any of the principles of arcana, nor did it fit into any of the major categories of spirit.”
  8704. “Yeah, but I didn’t know that until just now. At the time I knew so little of magic that I couldn’t judge what was real and what was just a myth.”
  8705. >You still don’t know, really.
  8706. ”I just knew that there was some weird power at play out here and that things wouldn’t always make sense. It still catches me off guard sometimes-”
  8707. >Like when you discovered bugs could eat emotion.
  8708. “But I accept that weird things happen here.”
  8709. >”Weird things. This is coming from the species that uses transmutation to boil water and shoots invisible light into space to talk to each other.”
  8710. >Transmutation to boil water?
  8711. >Oh, he’s probably talking about nuclear power.
  8712. >”So why were you so sceptical about Hydia? Is it because it has a human name?”
  8713. “Well, it’s because she- yes, actually. That. I had a hard time believing one of your monsters had a human name before you ever knew what a human was. I thought for sure there had to be some mistake. Though now that I actually hear you say it out loud, it’s pronounced very differently. And yet I wonder…”
  8714. >”How would Hydia itself have pronounced it? We’ll probably never know. Hay, we don’t even know where it came from! One account says that Hydia used to be a hideous beast, and an immensely powerful magician. It used its magic to separate itself from its failing body so they’d have more time to do their evil work. If the story is true, she sought to render parts of our world dark and dead but was stopped by a champion whose identity has been lost to time. But that, of course, is unprovable.”
  8715. “If so little is actually known, why bring it up?”
  8716. >”Every now and then somepony will notice a short but intense burst of magic. We can’t predict when they’ll happen, nor where. And even when we catch them, our best and brightest can’t make sense of what the magic is doing, if anything.”
  8717. “Your best and brightest being your sister, I presume.”
  8718. >”Among a few others. What we do know is that it’s almost totally alien to how pony magic works, that it has the same arcane structure as Hydia’s spells, and that it’s a portent.”
  8719. >There are still many gaps in your knowledge of the equine language, and that’s one of them.
  8720. >But you can hazard a guess.
  8721. >Portent…
  8722. >A strong surge of magic from an evil magician.
  8723. >Portent must be some subset of deleterious spells.
  8724. “So you’re telling me that Equestria is being sabotaged by evil magic.”
  8725. >”We don’t actually know. It might be reacting to trouble rather than causing it, or it might be a coincidence. But yes, there appears to be some kind of magic causing trouble. Changeling invasions, demons from Tartarus, evil thorny vines, plagues of house eating insects, time travelling cult leaders-”
  8726. “You made that last one up.”
  8727. >”No, I didn’t. Stuff like that is a constant in Equestria, and yet there’s always a conveniently located arcane artefact, or a few brave ponies with just the right life experience, an hidden stockpile of important resources; I worked with princess Celestia for years, and I know there’s always a contingency plan.”
  8728. “What was the plan for Chrysalis’ first attack?”
  8729. >That one hit him differently.
  8730. >He hangs his head and averts his gaze.
  8731. >And he might even be slouching a bit.
  8732. >This is… guilt?
  8733. >Remorse?
  8734. >Shame?
  8735. >Whatever it is, you regret asking.
  8736. “I shouldn’t have brought it up. Sorry.”
  8737. >”That was a tough one. We didn’t know what or who we were dealing with. We were totally surrounded and compromised before we even knew what to look for.”
  8738. “So she didn’t have a plan for that one.”
  8739. >”But she DID! She had something. Something big… a trump card. I don’t know what it was.”
  8740. “If she’s half as wise as you say, she probably hasn’t told anypony. She doesn’t want Chrysalis to overhear it.”
  8741. >”Maybe. But again, we didn’t know it was Chrysalis. We didn’t even know what a changeling was! All we knew was that we had been threatened with violence. She had something that could stop an attack in its tracks though. Something that could stand even if the guard wasn’t good enough.”
  8742. >Ooooh.
  8743. >That’s why he sounds ashamed.
  8744. >He was the captain of the royal guard.
  8745. >And Celestia had something that could put them to shame.
  8746. >He probably felt weak and-
  8747. >Wait.
  8748. >Celestia had a contingency plan in case her ARMY got creamed?
  8749. >And this pony wants to talk to you personally.
  8750. >You’re starting to feel pretty intimidated.
  8751. >”Princess Celestia has definitely been talking with Twily. She knows what’s been happening here, and she’s anticipating more trouble in the future. Whether she thinks you’re the solution or the problem, I don’t know.”
  8752. “Er, haha, yeah. I’m not going to cause trouble.”
  8753. >”I know that, Anon. And don’t worry, if she hasn’t figured that out yet she will tomorrow.”
  8754. >That doesn’t exactly put you at ease.
  8755. >What if she finds out what you’ve done while here?
  8756. >What if she finds out why you came here in the first place?
  8757. >If she’s actually that clever, you’re in real trouble!
  8758. >Calm down, Anon.
  8759. >It’ll be okay!
  8760. >Cadence will protect you!
  8761. >Maybe!
  8762. >”If you’ll excuse me, I kinda want to go see my sister.”
  8763. “Oh, sure! I drugged her pretty heavily to try and not hurt her. Don’t be too worried if she’s nauseous and confused, that’s normal. But one last question, why did you take my chair?”
  8764. >”It’s further from the door. You’re still having trouble walking, right?”
  8765. >Wow.
  8766. >That was really considerate of him.
  8767. “Thanks, buddy.”
  8768. >”Any time.”
  8770. Meanwhile…
  8772. >Rarity was frustrated.
  8773. >She’d spent most of the night plagued by arousal at her master’s behest.
  8774. >Though she couldn’t deny that there was a certain appeal to what they had been doing, it was a poor substitute for proper proclivities.
  8775. >She had ended up sleeping poorly, tormented by the lack of culmination.
  8776. >Though it may be indecent, she couldn’t help but regret ending the night in such a disappointing manner.
  8777. >Rarity could not deny a strong desire to take matters into her own hooves and satisfy her more primal desires.
  8778. >Though it may be forbidden, it would surely be fine.
  8779. >There was no way he would find out, after all!
  8780. >Unfortunately, Rarity had an appointment to keep.
  8781. >Her friend and associate Coco Pommel was meant to be arriving today!
  8782. >A quick fling with the self would leave her mane out of order and could leave a rather embarrassing aroma!
  8783. >She didn’t have time for another shower, so she couldn’t afford to get dirty.
  8784. >Nor to be dirty.
  8785. >She took one last look in the mirror to ensure her mane was pristine- it was of course- and quickly adjusted her outfit before heading to the door.
  8786. >She wore a powder white twill outfit with fairly simple hemming that was cut to flow gently and mask the broader movements of her legs, complimented by a silver and amber brooch to clasp the dress’ collar.
  8787. >It was a simple but tasteful piece, perfect for a more casual meeting.
  8788. >Rarity wanted to show Coco that she was a friend first and an employee second; wearing something intricate might imply that Rarity viewed herself as the superior, and she simply couldn’t have that!
  8789. >It was nice…
  8790. >But it lacked allure.
  8791. >Perhaps a bit more leg?
  8792. >A redesign would have to wait, however.
  8793. >She had to be on her way!
  8794. >Rarity made it as far as the front door before realising something was missing.
  8795. >She had been instructed to…
  8796. >Fill…
  8797. >Her rear.
  8798. >That really didn’t sound too appealing.
  8799. >Rather, it seemed downright appalling!
  8800. >No matter how many times he shoved things up there, Rarity couldn’t help but feel some degree of revulsion.
  8801. >It was improper!
  8802. >And though she couldn’t deny that it felt somewhat good, it was still a poor substitute.
  8803. >But she understood that it was going to keep happening.
  8804. >And the interruptions from last night had been rather bad for the romantic mood.
  8805. >It would be preferable if penis weren’t painful.
  8806. >With some reluctance, she returned to the boudoir and pushed her dress aside.
  8807. >She fetched the dreadful thing from the drawer, making a point of using her hooves and not her mouth.
  8808. >The bulbous hunk of metal was shining in her master’s lights, pretending to be a jewel of some sort and not a depraved instrument of indignity.
  8809. >The gleaming sapphire on the end did make her feel a bit better about what she was about to do, but only a little.
  8810. >Rarity sat on the plug.
  8811. >It took a bit of work and patience, and verged briefly on the point of pain, but finally the wretched thing popped in imparting a chill as the metal greedily absorbed her body heat.
  8812. >She corrected her clothing and made way to the door, trying to ignore the foreign weight she was feeling.
  8813. >The empire was gorgeous, as she had come to expect.
  8814. >It was a far cry from the verdant warmth of Ponyville, and she had to admit to feeling a yearning for her home.
  8815. >Still, there was much to be said about the splendour she had found amongst the streets and spires of delicately carved crystals.
  8816. >The radiance of daylight danced intricately through the myriad of naturally formed prisms and lenses, scattering points of brilliance almost at random along the landscape.
  8817. >It was almost as a daytime analogue for the stars, but upon the land rather than in the heavens.
  8818. >And she was having a VERY hard time properly appreciating it thanks to that strange full feeling.
  8819. >Each stride sent a firm and inescapable sensation up along her spine, reminding her of the shameful situation she found herself in.
  8820. >The train terminal was extraordinarily crowded and clearly well above its normal operating capacity.
  8821. >The vast majority of the ponies present were crystal clear; Rarity estimated that only about a tenth of those present were of Equestrian origin.
  8822. >A quick glance at the train revealed that very little of its great length was reserved for passenger cars.
  8823. >The assembled throng was busily loading and unloading cargo cars, trying to overcome what was surely a massive backlog.
  8824. >How long had the Empire been occupied by the changelings?
  8825. >Well, that was a question that simply couldn’t be answered.
  8826. >They had no way of knowing when the changelings had first arrived, nor how long they had been entrenched in the palace.
  8827. >More pertinently, how long had the Empire been locked down?
  8828. >It had only been a few days of district lockdown, but the border had been closed for far longer!
  8829. >Had it been over a week?
  8830. >A whole week with neither imports nor exports!
  8831. >Rarity was no economist, yet even she knew that was a problem for a settlement of this size.
  8832. >She hadn’t noticed any hardship from this blockade, but surely there was some limit on how long they could hold out without the train.
  8833. >Was there a stockpile of necessities somewhere within the empire?
  8834. >If something happened again, what could the prince and his whore of a wife do to ensure their safety?
  8835. >And how long would she have to tolerate this REPUGNANT hunk of metal up her butt?
  8836. >What would happen if somepony were to find out?
  8837. >How might they react?
  8838. >What would the tabloids say?
  8839. >What would her friends think?
  8840. >Worse, what if they found out she liked it?
  8841. >Rarity scanned the crowd hoping to find Coco.
  8842. >She quickly discovered that it was a vain effort.
  8843. >There were so many ponies assembled that she couldn’t possibly move forward!
  8844. >She found herself standing before a wall of ponies, each entangled hopelessly amongst each other.
  8845. >What had appeared from a distance to be a steady flow of ponies moving about their business had proven upon closer inspection to be little more than meaningless and chaotic movements of the masses.
  8846. >There were too many ponies trying to access to few passageways, and no amount of movement nor posturing seemed to result in anything that could be meaningfully called progress.
  8847. >Though each individual was busily milling about looking for their own opportunity to pass through, the crowd as a whole had been paralyzed by its own mass.
  8848. >This was sure to be a problem.
  8849. >Rarity had no chance of finding Coco here, but she couldn’t simply leave!
  8850. >Coco would be stranded, far from home!
  8851. >Rarity had to persist and somehow locate one pony amongst the-
  8852. >”Rarity. It’s good to see you.”
  8853. >She nearly jumped out of both her dress and her skin, startled by a quiet and demure voice coming from the horde.
  8854. >Coco emerged from the chaos, moving swiftly and elegantly as though the others weren’t even there.
  8855. >To Rarity’s amazement, Coco had managed to escape the crowd without so much as crossing another pony’s path.
  8856. >Rarity couldn’t help but notice that her collar was askew, her mane tangled, and her hair pin flattened.
  8857. ”Coco! It’s been far too long.’
  8858. >”Oh dear. You don’t sound too good. Are you sick?”
  8859. >She was not.
  8860. >She was, however, still injured by Cadence’s bizarre conception of justice.
  8861. >Rarity was dreading the next session of horrific abuse.
  8862. >Though strangely, not quite as badly as she feared the first round.
  8863. “Not anymore. I did have a cold a few weeks back and stubbornly refused to leave my throat, but otherwise I’m fine. I hope the trip wasn’t too hard on you!”
  8864. >”Not at all. I was surprised when they honoured my ticket- it was for when the trains were shut down but they took it anyway!”
  8865. >Was that really out of the ordinary?
  8866. >She had done nothing wrong after all, the trip had been cancelled through no fault of her own!
  8867. >Yes, yes it was unusual.
  8868. >At least it was in Coco’s eyes.
  8869. >Rarity had a tendency to forget how Manehattan worked.
  8870. >She had been there multiple times, and there was no shortage of good to be said about the city!
  8871. >And yet she had to confess that it had a dark side, one she did not intend to become accustomed to.
  8872. “I do believe the rail to be state property of Equestria, including most of the terminals. You were likely dealing with Canterlot when they accepted the ticket, dear.”
  8873. >”Maybe. I thought the Manehattan station was privately owned, but I might be wrong. I like your outfit.”
  8874. “You do? That’s good to hear. I was worried I’d be underdressed.”
  8875. >Rarity lied.
  8876. “And your outfit is… is this a bizarre fashion statement or are you just dishevelled?”
  8877. >”Is it that bad? I’m sorry, I know it’s unprofessional. It was a tough trip, and I haven’t had a chance to clean up.”
  8878. “Oh, fret not dear! I was just a tad worried because-”
  8879. >She looked extremely tired.
  8880. “Because your grooming is usually impeccable. Do you need some time to freshen up? Or perhaps a bit of time for a nap?”
  8881. >”Oh, no thank you. I’m excited to see the new location.”
  8882. “Very well. Let’s be off!”
  8883. >Rarity was still uncertain how Coco had managed to navigate that crowd.
  8884. >She knew that as a lifelong Manehattan resident, Coco would be more accustomed to such chaotic overcrowding.
  8885. >Rarity’s own trips to the big city had been exciting, but fraught with challenges to which the locals seemed oblivious.
  8886. >Even so it was remarkable seeing such a thing in action.
  8887. >”It’s so… quiet.”
  8888. “I suppose you might think that. But rest assured, this is the middle of the day! You shall find nights far more peaceful.”
  8889. >Not as peaceful as Ponyville of course.
  8890. >The Empire was a relatively small settlement in terms of population.
  8891. >Not as small as Ponyville of course, but still on the tinier side.
  8892. >She wasn’t certain of the precise population, but she figured it was perhaps half as big as Cloudsdale.
  8893. >The difference, of course, was the lack of space!
  8894. >Whereas Cloudsdale could expand almost arbitrarily, restricted only by how much of a shadow it cast, The Empire was confined to the bubble.
  8895. >She knew that in the milder months there was no harm in going beyond the boundaries.
  8896. >Indeed, there was even supposed to be some amount of agriculture despite the short growing seasons.
  8897. >But during the cooler months, the ponies retreated to within the protective dome provided to them by the Crystal Heart’s magic.
  8898. >All the residences and most of the industries and commerce had to fit within.
  8899. >“It’s so spacious!”
  8900. “Come now. Surely you’ve left the big city before!”
  8901. >”Well, yes. But that was a long time ago. I don’t have many chances to get out.”
  8902. >That was true.
  8903. >The poor thing was quite industrious.
  8904. >”And I always pictured the empire as being a lot… bigger. Aren’t empires big?”
  8905. “Usually, yes. I am woefully ill informed on the history of the empire, though my understanding is that there were far fewer ponies a thousand years ago when they were locked out of time. Never mind the fact that they lost all their territories during the thousand years of non-existence. Are you disappointed?”
  8906. >”Not at all. It’s so cosy.”
  8907. >The accursed plug was making itself known once more.
  8908. >It seemed to rub just wrong with each stride, resisting the subtler effects of her muscle’s movements with the unyielding bite of steel.
  8909. >It was uncomfortable to be sure.
  8910. >But by the stars it was distracting!
  8911. >And worse still, unfulfilling.
  8912. >It was unjust to be teased so endlessly.
  8913. >She had tasted dick both literally and figuratively, and she knew that this… THING wasn’t even a substitute.
  8914. >How she wished for a romp.
  8915. >A full night of denial followed by a day of ceaseless teasing…
  8916. >It was cruel.
  8917. >Perhaps master would be willing to provide a proper culmination tonight…
  8918. >She could nearly feel him probing her depths, invading and defiling her in a way that no other could.
  8919. >A glorious night of passion, sweat, and debauchery.
  8920. >She would wear the choker he had bought her, allowing him to clasp it over her next as she adorned herself in her most alluring garb…
  8921. >And master would ravage her.
  8922. >Taking her like a brutish beast, displaying no care nor concern for Rarity’s own pleasure but seizing her body as plunder…
  8923. >Rarity would have no choice but to languish in the pleasures of the flesh, letting him rub her raw and sore until-
  8924. >”Are you sure you’re okay?”
  8925. “Ack! Er, yes.”
  8926. >”You look really distracted. And flush.”
  8927. “I’m just doing some thinking.”
  8928. >”About work?”
  8929. “Yes, of course!”
  8930. >”Is it about the Manehattan branch? I know it’s not doing well. I’ve tried really hard to get more ponies in, but… it’s hard.”
  8931. >She knew it wasn’t doing well?
  8932. >But how?
  8933. >Rarity had tried to keep that a secret!
  8934. “Whatever do you mean? We have sales all the time.”
  8935. >”In Manehattan.”
  8936. “Yes, operating there is a tad expensive, but we do charge a premium for-”
  8937. >”Rarity? You’ve been very good to me, so I won’t ask anything of you. But it’s okay. You can tell me the truth.”
  8938. “I- I just want to know how you knew.”
  8939. >”I, um, I work there. I see nearly all the sales. And yes, we’re pretty busy. But we’re not Manehattan busy.”
  8940. “I see.”
  8941. >Rarity’s arousal was completely forgotten.
  8942. “It’s not nearly as bad as it could have been, but you’re right. I have been losing money.”
  8943. >”What went wrong?”
  8944. ”I fear it was a failure in planning. I had managed to accumulate some notoriety, and felt it would be enough to carry me into the big city. And it was! Canterlot Carousel has been paying its bills quite comfortably, why, I think the loan ought to be paid off within four years!.It was a dream come true to have my works being adopted by high society. I was so thrilled that I sought to do it again… and I fear I may have done so a tad prematurely.”
  8945. >”May I ask?”
  8946. >The obvious question?
  8947. “I’d have to check my ledger to be certain, but I think I’m short about 50,000 bits from my business plan.”
  8948. >Coco stopped in her tracks.
  8949. >Rarity kept walking for a moment before noticing, and was forced to turn back.
  8950. “Is something the matter, dear?”
  8951. >”That’s so much money!”
  8952. “It is quite a bit, yes. Fortunately Canterlot Carousel will-”
  8953. >”That’s more money than I’ve ever had! Or ever will have!”
  8954. “Really? I pay you quite generously, and- Manehattan. Right. I keep forgetting.”
  8955. >”You can’t keep doing this, Rarity.”
  8956. >She knew that.
  8957. >And the lease was up for renewal pretty soon.
  8958. >But she couldn’t close down.
  8959. >She couldn’t do that to-
  8960. >”You’re staying open for me, aren’t you?”
  8961. >Rarity was both surprised and disturbed that Coco knew her so well.
  8962. >”I knew it. Rarity? I quit.”
  8963. “You what? But-”
  8964. >”I’ll manage. It’s okay.”
  8965. >Would she?
  8966. >Coco looked profoundly exhausted!
  8967. >And worse, Rarity couldn’t help but notice her eyes were watering.
  8968. >Coco didn’t want to terminate her position, Rarity was sure of it!
  8969. ”But what about your career? You finally had your hoof in the door! And if memory serves, your designs were starting to do quite well on their own!”
  8970. >“Maybe… but only as part of your brand. I’m very grateful for what you’ve done for me- I can never pay you back! And that’s why I need to stop taking from you and stand on my own four hooves.”
  8971. “You seem to have put some thought into this.”
  8972. >”I have. I’ve known for a while that it wasn’t going well, though maybe not just how bad it was… I’ve had time to think about it. My mind is made up. Manehattan will use and abuse generosity, sucking you dry until there’s nothing left to give. I don’t want to be part of that.”
  8973. “I see…”
  8974. >There was no denying that Rarity For You had rather… bleak prospects.
  8975. >Her plan has assumed a loss in the first few years as most businesses expected, but even then she was well behind her projections.
  8976. >If things didn’t improve, well…
  8977. >She had been hoping her other branches would be able to pay for it.
  8978. >It had indeed become something of a millstone around her neck.
  8979. >But…
  8980. “Ideaaaaaa! Coco my dear, dry your tears! As it turns out I’ve stretched myself rather… thin. Opening a new branch in the Empire was going to demand some sacrifices.”
  8981. >”Like what?”
  8982. “Well… Oh! We’re here. How convenient.”
  8983. >Rarity gestured at the building she had selected.
  8984. >A narrow storefront, perhaps a bit too small on the ground floor, but with a second story that could serve as storage.
  8985. >It would take some renovations of course, but the external structure was nearly perfect.
  8986. >Massive bay windows for product display, ample natural lighting, a highly visible location right in the heart of the shopping district…
  8987. >And best of all, the lease was only 1400 bits per month!
  8988. >The business licence was a bit steeper than she’d been expecting, but still her operating costs would be miniscule next to the Manehattan branch.
  8989. >Hay, even the Canterlot location was going to cost far more to run!
  8990. >”It’s a bit run down, but…”
  8991. “Yes, you see it too! Not as it is, but as it yearns to be. As it SHALL be! But there is a problem. I simply cannot keep up with demand!”
  8992. >”What do you mean?”
  8993. “I mean that I’ve been falling behind on my orders! Even with you doing so much needlework in Manehattan, I have in recent history failed to meet some deadlines.”
  8994. >This month was looking to be catastrophic with the trip having taken so long…
  8995. “Worse, Crystal ponies are aesthetically unique.“
  8996. >”Oh, you’re right. They can’t wear an outfit designed for an Equestrian pony.”
  8997. “I cannot keep up with demand. The plan to alleviate that had been to have a few stock designs, pret a porte for off the shelf sales.”
  8998. >Coco bore a horrified expression befitting one who’d just discovered that their best friend was in fact a demonic entity from the deepest depths of Tartarus.
  8999. >”But… your brand!”
  9000. >Rarity knew.
  9001. >It was shameful in a way few would understand.
  9002. >She would have never entertained the idea had she not needed the money.
  9003. “But there is a solution. My second biggest mistake was opening Rarity for You in Manehattan. But my biggest, most humiliating and catastrophic mistake of all? Well, that was making you an employee instead of a partner.”
  9004. >”Hm? I- do you-”
  9005. >Coco fainted.
  9006. “Oh my! You do that too? I thought it was my thing.”
  9007. >Coco was catatonic, laying on the ground.
  9008. >With nary a fainting couch in sight!
  9009. >That would have to be addressed during renovations.
  9010. “Oh dear. Let’s get you out of the street and-”
  9011. >”I can’t!”
  9012. >Oh!
  9013. >She had awoken quite quickly!
  9014. >Standing up was taking a bit longer though.
  9015. >”I’d love to, Rarity. But I can’t do that. I’m not good enough-”
  9016. “Nonsense. To my eye you are plenty good enough, and I shan’t hear anything to the contrary.”
  9017. >”But I’m just a small time-”
  9018. “I like your designs. Are you telling me I have poor tastes?”
  9019. >Coco broke her gaze immediately.
  9020. >”I’m scared. What if I make a dud? It would reflect poorly on you!”
  9021. “You raise a point. Or rather you would, if we were selling it under my brand! You’ll have to work on your signature, my dear.”
  9022. >Coco was fading again, getting ready to collapse.
  9023. >Rarity propped her friend and business partner up before she could tumble once more.
  9024. >”I accept! I’ll sign anything, I’ll do anything- I accept!”
  9025. >She’d do anything?
  9026. >Hm…
  9027. >Nope.
  9028. >Rarity knew that this was an opportunity for exploitation, but she couldn’t think of anything.
  9029. >Not even as a thought exercise!
  9030. >It simply wasn’t in her character.
  9031. “Very well. We’ve got a lot of work to do, partner.”
  9032. >Rarity extended a hoof.
  9033. >Coco hesitantly took it, trembling with excitement.
  9034. >The hoof shake was limp and awkward, but both of them were thrilled for the agreement.
  9035. We shall come up with an agreement, I’ll lease the building and- oh right! If you’re my partner I’ll need to consult you on the renovations won’t I? This shall take some getting used to, please forgive me if I overstep my bounds.”
  9036. >This was going to complicate things a great deal.
  9037. >But it was clearly the correct solution!
  9038. >Rarity could give Coco the chance she deserves.
  9039. >And she could give the ponies the quality they deserved.
  9040. >Plus she could keep her money, which was always a nice bonus.
  9042. >You wake up to the sound of your alarm.
  9043. >It had been a rough night, made so by your worries about Celestia.
  9044. >There are dozens of reasons why she might want to talk to you, and most of them are fine.
  9045. >But she might know things you’d rather keep hidden.
  9046. >You crawl out of bed out from under Rarity, whom you idly note isn’t properly bound or dressed.
  9047. >You’re not entirely sure when she got home last night.
  9048. >It was late, you know that much.
  9049. >But you’re not sure WHY she was out so late.
  9050. >Something to discuss with her later.
  9051. >For now you need to get ready.
  9052. >As you prepare for your meeting you can’t quite shake a heavy sense of dread.
  9053. >A primal part of your mind is telling you you’re in danger.
  9054. >That you should RUN.
  9055. >But of course, there’s nowhere to run to.
  9056. >Maybe it’ll be okay though?
  9057. >She’s just a pony after all!
  9058. >There’s no way she knows EVERYTHING.
  9059. >Sun powers or not, there’s an actual physical brain there.
  9060. >She has to store everything she knows in limited space, and rely on information from imperfect sensory organs.
  9061. >All that talk of cursed kingdoms and incredible wisdom was probably just talk.
  9062. >Shining Armor clearly held her in very high regard, he couldn’t be trusted to stay objective!
  9063. >And even IF she was the genius she’s made out to be, it’s no big deal.
  9064. >There was no way she would have let you into Equestria if she had problems with your past.
  9065. >And nopony knows about what you’ve done to Rarity.
  9066. >Well, nopony who counts.
  9067. >Rarity won’t have blabbed, Cadence is on your side, and Applejack-
  9068. >Fuck.
  9069. >She doesn’t actually KNOW, but she’s certainly suspicious something’s up.
  9070. >But Cadence will protect you!
  9071. >She’s the princess, what she says is law!
  9072. >Except that Rarity’s an Equestrian citizen, so Celestia will definitely have some say.
  9073. >And the Empire is tiny next to Equestria, not to mention a protectorate state, and heavily dependent on imports of grain from the South.
  9074. >They definitely have an extradition treaty, and even if they didn’t Celestia had more than enough leverage to demand your head.
  9075. >Even if Shining Armor and Cadence didn’t like her…
  9076. >Well, it’s okay anyway!
  9077. >She OWES you!
  9078. >Twilight and Pinkie would be DEAD without you!
  9079. >Though they wouldn’t have even been hurt had you not been here-
  9080. >The princess doesn’t know that!
  9081. >Hopefully!
  9082. >If she tries anything, you can just shut her down by reminding her that you’re the alien with advanced medical knowledge that they’re heavily dependent on!
  9083. >Except that they could probably import more physicians to replace you.
  9084. >And that you’re not the right specialisation for their needs, so your replacement would probably be better.
  9085. >But you’re a hero!
  9086. >The public would side with you if anything were to happen!
  9087. >Well, the part that trusted you.
  9088. >There were plenty of ponies that were nervous about your very presence, having heard that humans were a predator species with weaponry that must have seemed to them as a death ray would to you.
  9089. >And quite a few of those who DID trust you changed their mind when they learned what you did for a living.
  9090. >Somehow the idea of cutting flesh frightened some, no matter how many times you insisted it was a curative process.
  9091. >You’re far from being a pariah, but there’s still a significant part of the population that would be happy to see you gone.
  9092. >And of course, the whole rape thing would doubtlessly bolster their numbers.
  9093. *sigh*
  9094. >This coping isn’t working.
  9095. >The truth is that this is a very powerful pony coming to interrogate you, and you’ve done things she won’t approve of.
  9096. >She has the capacity and motive to take away everything!
  9097. >You’re nervous.
  9098. >Maybe even scared.
  9099. >But there doesn’t seem to be any avoiding it.
  9100. >Trying to run or hide is just an admission of guilt.
  9101. >With luck, she doesn’t know.
  9102. >There’s a good chance everything will be fine.
  9103. >You groom yourself to the best of your abilities, hoping to put forward a professional and approachable air.
  9104. >And then you leave.
  9105. >Except…
  9106. >Before actually opening the door, you go back to check on Rarity.
  9107. >Still asleep.
  9108. >Should you say anything?
  9109. >This might be the last time you ever see her.
  9110. >You sit down on the ground, heart racing.
  9111. >You feel sick.
  9112. >This might actually be the last time you ever see Rarity!
  9113. >Celestia could take her away from you, and there’s nothing you can do!
  9114. >Should you say goodbye?
  9115. >Tell her you’ll miss her?
  9116. >Maybe it’s best if you don’t say anything.
  9117. >She’ll find out what happened to you sooner or later.
  9118. >You’re a nervous wreck right now.
  9119. >You’d make a fool of yourself.
  9120. >You don’t want Rarity to remember you as a nervous wreck.
  9121. >You collect yourself as best as you’re able, and head out the door.
  9122. >It’s a miserable day outside, as though the skies were warning you to stay home.
  9123. >The normally radiant empire was caught in the middle of a snowstorm that had blocked out the sun.
  9124. >It’s not nearly as dark as when you had to make your way home in the middle of the night; street lights are all lit and there is some sun filtering through.
  9125. >But it’s still far dimmer than a normal morning up here in the empire.
  9126. >Ponies normally reacted fairly poorly to these dark days, but truth be told you like it more.
  9127. >The empire is just too bright for human eyes.
  9128. >Now, when most of the light had been filtered, it looked…
  9129. >Peaceful.
  9130. >Sure, if you were to leave the bubble you’d change your tune real quick, but you’re sheltered by the magical shield until Celestia kicks you out.
  9131. >The blowing snow isn’t biting at your flesh, it’s just filtering the bulk of the light.
  9132. >The crystals seem to glow faintly, refracting the modest light that reaches them and clearly lighting your way.
  9133. >Shining Armor had made a big deal of this when you first told him.
  9134. >He seemed to think that this was surely because of some horrible trauma, like you were associating bright lights with explosions or something.
  9135. >You can understand why he’d think that.
  9136. >Liking blizzards isn’t exactly normal after all.
  9137. >And there HAVE been more than a few fiery explosions on Earth in your lifetime.
  9138. >But you’re confident he’s just overthinking it.
  9139. >Human eyes are just adapted for a darker planet; hostile weather isn’t pleasant per se, but it does make this world a little more Earth-like.
  9140. >You cross through the nearly empty streets slowly and cautiously, careful not to hurt your rotting foot.
  9141. >And yet, despite your sedate pace, you reach the palace much too soon.
  9142. >In those crystalline walls lies your judgement.
  9143. >May she show you more mercy than you deserve.
  9144. >The palace guards let you pass without a second glance.
  9145. >Perhaps if you were less worried that might have seemed odd, but at present you don’t even notice.
  9146. >You wander around the labyrinthine interior, fully aware that you’ve got no idea where you’re going.
  9147. >Aware, but not caring.
  9148. >You don’t WANT to reach your destination.
  9149. >The longer it takes for you to arrive, the longer you can hold onto hope.
  9150. >It may be cowardice, it may be futile, but it’s the only control you yet retain.
  9151. >Your only option for influencing your fate.
  9152. >”Doctor! The princess is in the meeting room in the other wing. If you’ll follow me I’ll take you to her.”
  9153. >And with that, your choice has been taken from you.
  9154. >A small light grey mare with a brown mane…
  9155. >You don’t recognize her.
  9156. “Thanks. Uh…”
  9157. >”Raven Inkwell. I’m one of Princess Celestia’s aids. We haven’t met.”
  9158. >Well, at least this won’t be socially awkward.
  9159. >You fall in line behind her as she trots to what you presume to be a meeting room.
  9160. >Your attention is drawn to a small file folder grasped in her mouth.
  9161. >You can’t be sure, but somehow you suspect it’s about you.
  9162. >Somehow, she leads you to the opposite side of the palace in the blink of an eye.
  9163. >Even when you’re in a hurry it’s normally an ordeal to get anywhere in here.
  9164. >But she seemed to know the layout as though it were her own home.
  9165. >You find yourself in a modestly sized chamber far too soon, sitting across the largest and most elegant pony you’d ever laid eyes on.
  9166. >She has fixed upon her face the very image of tranquillity and mercy.
  9167. >Her soft smile has somehow convinced you everything will be okay.
  9168. >”Good morning. I hope life is treating you well.”
  9169. “Good morning, your… princessness? Thank you for gracing me with your presence?”
  9170. >Maybe you should have brushed up on etiquette first.
  9171. >”And thank you for coming to see me. I understand you were injured by Chrysalis. I hope you recover swiftly. I’ve asked you here today because I have a few concerns about Twilight Sparkle’s treatment.”
  9172. >Uh oh.
  9173. >”More specifically, the preparation used to suppress her infection.”
  9174. “Oh, fidaxomicin?”
  9175. >”Not that one, though I may ask a few questions about it as well. I’m curious about Dificid.”
  9176. >That’s all she wants to know?
  9177. >Here you were freaking out over nothing!
  9178. “Well, first I must compliment you on that pronunciation. That was perfect.”
  9179. >Genuinely remarkable.
  9180. >Your accent is as thick as tar, how does she do that?
  9181. “Dificid and fidaxomicin are the same drug.”
  9182. >”It has multiple names?”
  9183. “Many drugs do.”
  9184. >”Does that not lead to confusion?”
  9185. “Yes.”
  9186. >A scroll and quill appear before her in a quick flash of light.
  9187. >You avert your gaze and close your eyes, blinking several times to try and clear the after image.
  9188. >You’re used to unicorns using magic.
  9189. >You’ve seen it plenty of times.
  9190. >But the light that comes from them is nowhere near that potent.
  9191. >Did she just cast a freakishly strong spell?
  9192. >Or is her magical light just different?
  9193. >Hard to say, probably best to not ask.
  9194. >Once your vision returns to normal, you see Celestia bowing her head before you.
  9195. >”I am sorry, Anonymous. I was aware that human eyes are more sensitive to light, but I am accustomed to being able to do that without causing harm.”
  9196. “It’s okay. I’ll be fine.”
  9197. >”You’re certain? I hope I haven’t damaged your eyes.”
  9198. >You doubt she has.
  9199. “No more than just ageing a few more days. Even if you had, I expect I’ll be replacing them when I get older anyway.”
  9200. >Optical implants aren’t exactly cheap, but most people wind up getting them eventually.
  9201. >The optic nerve just isn’t suited for a long life.
  9202. >And unless you get lynched for the rape, you should live more than long enough for your natural eyes to deteriorate.
  9203. “So you had some questions about fidaxomicin. While there are some possible side effects, it’s far safer than going without treatment, and I’m pleased to report that Twilight doesn’t seem to be adversely affected at all.”
  9204. >”While I am relieved that she hasn’t been harmed by the treatment, that isn’t quite what I came here to discuss. Twilight has told me it functions through a rather unusual mechanism. It prevents replication of genetic material in targeted cells, correct?”
  9205. “Yyyes?”
  9206. >You’re not sure where she’s going with this.
  9207. “It reacts with the clamping region of C. Difficile’s DNA, preventing it from unfolding itself and therefore replicating.”
  9208. >”And how does it know which DNA to target?”
  9209. “It doesn’t really know, it’s just a chemical. But when it was being designed the researchers identified a sequence that was unique to the bacterium, and designed their drug to react with that specific sequence.”
  9210. >She frowns, but nods.
  9211. >”Every species has unique DNA, mister Anonymous. Could a similar drug be made to target other bacteria?”
  9212. “Yes. It’s been done several times in fact. Targeted treatments are troublesome because you need to know exactly what you’re dealing with, but they’re extremely effective and often considered the best practice.”
  9213. >She scribbles something on her scroll.
  9214. >You have no hope of finding out what without taking it from her, which is probably a bad idea.
  9215. >”Since it is possible to target specific genetic sequences, could one hypothetically design a drug to affect targeted DNA in a more aggressive manner? Perhaps by outright destroying it?”
  9216. “Uh… yes. That doesn’t happen very often since it’s a bit more dangerous, but it could happen. Fidaxomicin takes a very passive approach and relies on the body’s immune system to clean up since there’s less risk of harming the patient. Administering highly destructive drugs is usually reserved for extreme cases since there’s always a risk of harming the host, but some cancer medications are pretty aggressive. There are lung cancer treatments that target specific trigger mutations to kill the target cells while hopefully leaving the rest of the body unharmed. Last I heard, a new preparation was being tested for treatment of certain pancreatic cancers too.”
  9217. >Her eyes widen and her posture becomes tense and rigid.
  9218. >”You can target specific subgroups of cells within a human?”
  9219. “I can’t, but it can be done.”
  9220. >”This is far worse than I thought.”
  9221. >Really?
  9222. >What’s the problem?
  9223. >”I had planned on asking you if such medications could be used to selectively target macroorganisms, but now I find out it’s far more powerful than I’d feared.”
  9224. >Target macroorganisms?
  9225. >Why would-
  9226. >Shining Armor was right about her.
  9227. >She IS sharp.
  9228. “You were wondering if this could be used as a selective weapon to target certain species?”
  9229. >”No, I had already pieced together that it could do that, but now I find it’s far more powerful than I’d been led to believe.”
  9230. >She already KNEW?
  9231. >She’s not just sharp.
  9232. >She’s freakishly insightful.
  9233. >But wait…
  9234. >If she already knew, what did she want to talk about?
  9235. >Has she not yet gotten to the point?
  9236. >”Could a similar drug be designed to kill certain breeds of creatures? Certain families? Individuals?”
  9237. “I’m sorry to tell you, but yes. One could hypothetically target whatever you wanted with similar drugs, as long as there was a good DNA sample to analyse.”
  9238. >”And target specific parts of the body with a variety of possible outcomes. A poison that harms only the intended target, and only to the intended degree.”
  9239. >Yeah, she was still going!
  9240. >Celestia hadn’t asked her question yet, she was just walking through her reasoning to look for mistakes!
  9241. >Mistakes like underestimating how powerful these drugs were.
  9242. >Where was she going with this?
  9243. >”We ponies would consider this an incredibly dangerous weapon. And yet, somehow, you have it.”
  9244. >Uh oh.
  9245. “Princess, I assure you it won’t work on anything other than C. Difficile. Your ponies are safe.”
  9246. >”I am aware, mister Anonymous. The exact preparation you have is mostly harmless. How one is able to secure that specific chemical is no great mystery, and I do not object to how it is being handled here. The problem at hoof is more about the development; I cannot imagine that the researchers who created this substance failed to see the dangers as I have.”
  9247. ”It’s not the most dangerous thing that man has made.”
  9248. >”I know. The destructive power your kind wields is unparalleled even within our wildest myths. It is truly a testament to the restraint and foresight of mankind that you can hold such terrible power and still survive! It is exactly that foresight that confuses me; normally when your kind plays with Tirek’s toys, it is done in secret or in the face of overwhelming public outrage! And yet these substances are openly manufactured and traded, whilst being largely ignored by the public. Why, until quite recently I had not even heard of this technology. I would have expected ongoing protests, or even riots, not silence!”
  9249. >Oh.
  9250. >She wants to know why people tolerate such dangerous research.
  9251. >No, that wasn’t it either.
  9252. >She would definitely understand the utility.
  9253. “We fear disease more than we fear medicine.”
  9254. >She scribbles something down again, speaking even as she writes.
  9255. >”This isn’t simply a medicine, mister Anonymous. This is a gamble, nay, a sacrifice. A willingness to allow a new breed of weapon into the world knowing that in the fullness of time it will be abused. With so many billions sharing such a small world and so many generations ahead, it is inevitable that one person will do the wrong thing. The intent was doubtlessly to suppress a great evil, but in doing so you have enabled another.”
  9256. “Are you proposing that this line of research was a mistake?”
  9257. >”No. Humans are susceptible to lapses in judgement as any other creature, but in the long term you tend to be quite pragmatic. Had this been a mistake, your kind would have realised it by now and if nothing else there would be talks of how to mitigate the damage. Instead, you tell me that similar drugs are still being developed. Your kind has concluded that the inevitable tragedy is more tolerable than the status quo.”
  9258. “Disease is bad.”
  9259. >”Indeed. These tools have allowed you to slay a terrible demon. Or so I would have expected. Had it worked as it should have, there would be no need for further sacrifice. You’ve told me that new curatives are still being developed, and I have it on good authority that the equivalent of trillions of bits are spent on medicine every year. Treasure beyond comprehension, and unconscionable risk. These are not the actions of the victorious, mister Anonymous. Your current trajectory is one of ruin, and you tolerate such reckless research because you have no choice. The diseases are fighting back, and they’re winning. Or am I mistaken?”
  9260. >You’re dumbstruck.
  9261. >She had pieced all that together?
  9262. >And from so little information?
  9263. >It takes longer than you care to admit to find your voice.
  9264. “Unfortunately, yes. Old illnesses that were once thought beaten are returning.”
  9265. >”And the treatments no longer work?”
  9266. “No. They’re…”
  9267. >What’s the equine word for mutant?
  9268. “Do you have a dictionary on hoof?”
  9269. >”I’m afraid not.”
  9270. “They come back different. Usually only a little, but that little bit is enough.”
  9271. >”And it isn’t trivial to develop a new treatment either, otherwise you wouldn’t need to devote so much to the search.”
  9272. “It’s usually harder the second time. Whatever vulnerability was once exploited is gone, or at least reduced.”
  9273. >”And so it is not a simple battle against, but an eternal struggle. A fight against nature herself, in which all triumphs are inevitably erased. Now I ask you, by allowing human medicine into Equestria will I be dooming my ponies to a similar fate?”
  9274. >This is most definitely not what you were expecting this morning.
  9275. “Yes. But princess-”
  9276. >”I agree, it would be unconscionable to deny the sick their remedy. The question is not whether or not I secure their remedy, the question is how I deal with the consequences.”
  9277. >She’s a bloody mind reader too!
  9278. >You’re going to pretend that’s not what you were going to say though.
  9279. >Suggesting she’d deny medicine to the sick is really an accusation, and you haven’t forgotten how much power she has over you.
  9280. >You get the feeling she’s very forgiving and patient, but even so it would be best not to insult her.
  9281. “Actually, I was going to correct you on one detail. Fidaxomicin has not been losing its efficacy.”
  9282. >You hadn’t noticed she was frowning, the warmth and grace on her face had completely obscured her sadness from your eyes.
  9283. >But now that she’s changed her expression, you can tell she was in a foul mood.
  9284. “It’s been in use for decades, and still works beautifully. You’re right that most of our victories are transient, but sometimes we really do come out ahead.”
  9285. >”That is wonderful news. You have been a great help today, and I am thankful for your assistance. But perhaps you could help me just a bit more.”
  9286. >She passes you a folder.
  9287. >You’re pretty sure it’s the one her assistant was carrying earlier.
  9288. >You open it up and-
  9289. >And your heart jumps into your throat.
  9290. >This is paperwork.
  9291. >More specifically, an application for temporary residency in Equestria.
  9292. >More specifically than that, it’s YOUR application.
  9293. “Is, um, is something wrong your majesty?”
  9294. >”There is, yes. Were you not aware?”
  9295. “Aware of what?”
  9296. >”You failed the background check.”
  9297. “I… pardon?”
  9298. >”I rejected your application.”
  9299. >That doesn’t make sense.
  9300. “I’m looking at it right now. Your signature is right there.”
  9301. >”It’s a forgery. I hope you realise that this is a very serious crime. Are you certain you don’t know anything about this?”
  9302. >You feel like you’ve been shot in the chest.
  9303. >The fear you experienced this morning seemed so miniscule by comparison to the mind numbing panic you felt in that moment.
  9304. >This was worse than you’d feared.
  9305. >You’re an ILLEGAL ALIEN.
  9306. >A trespasser!
  9307. “Princess, there must be some mistake! I- I- I was told I was approved! I had the papers and everything!”
  9308. >She looks you dead in the eye.
  9309. >Somehow it feels as though she’s looking through you, studying your interior.
  9310. >She was reading your very soul, you just knew it!
  9311. >”I believe you.”
  9312. “You- you do?”
  9313. >”Yes. And what’s more, I regret my decision. You have proven a valuable asset, no matter how it is that you came to be here. I was wrong to reject your application.”
  9314. “I-”
  9315. >You’re still freaking out a bit.
  9316. >Your heart is hammering, your thoughts are scattered, and your adrenaline is running high.
  9317. >”That was genuine shock in your eyes, mister Anonymous. I believe you when you claim this is a surprise. You will be allowed to stay, barring any future developments.”
  9318. “How did this happen?”
  9319. >”Somepony intercepted my rejection notice then proceeded to forge my signature AND my royal seal.”
  9320. “But… who could do that?”
  9321. >”I have my suspicions, but I don’t know yet.”
  9322. >This didn’t make any sense.
  9323. >Was somepony going to approach you and demand payment?
  9324. >Did you owe a dangerous criminal a favour?
  9325. “Why did you reject my application?”
  9326. >Maybe if you were a bit calmer, you wouldn’t have asked such a stupid question.
  9327. >”You know why.”
  9328. “Y-yeah, I do.”
  9329. >”Have you told your friends yet?”
  9330. “No. No, not yet.”
  9331. >How could you?
  9332. >Cadence approves of rape, but she wouldn’t approve of this.
  9333. >”You have to stop lying to them, mister Anonymous.”
  9334. “I… I know.”
  9335. >”Very good. If you will excuse me, I have a health policy to make and a saboteur to root out. I bid you a wonderful day.”
  9336. >She shows herself out of the room.
  9337. >You’re free to go.
  9338. >But instead, you just stay put.
  9339. >You try not to scream from the stress.
  9340. >Sadly, you fail.
  9342. >It took a little while to calm down.
  9343. >Mercifully, everypony seemed perfectly content to leave you alone for as long as it took.
  9344. >You were sure that the noise would have attracted attention, but you were mistaken.
  9345. >Had they kept a wide berth so as to avoid getting involved in your troubles?
  9346. >Or had they figured alone time would be the best treatment?
  9347. >Perhaps it was something else entirely, like restrictions on entering the area.
  9348. >You’re not sure, and frankly you don’t care.
  9349. >You’re just happy to have been left alone.
  9350. >There was a lot to take in after that.
  9351. >Celestia said you were free to stay, which was good.
  9352. >But it still left you with two massive questions.
  9353. >Who had forged her approval?
  9354. >And why?
  9355. >And how, come to think of it.
  9356. >Though that third question really isn’t your problem.
  9357. >Is some shadowy figure going to approach you in the middle of the night and demand your help with something?
  9358. >Were they going to try and blackmail you?
  9359. >Maybe…
  9360. >Maybe it’s not so bad.
  9361. >Celestia already knew, and you had her permission to stay.
  9362. >Whoever did it, they had just lost their leverage.
  9363. >And they likely didn’t know that you knew.
  9364. >When the time comes, just refuse.
  9365. >Unless they’re the kind that makes offers one can’t refuse…
  9366. >Then just agree to their demands and immediately go to the authorities.
  9367. >Hay, maybe it won’t even come to that!
  9368. >Celestia was doubtlessly going to try and root out whoever had done it.
  9369. >Maybe they’d be caught before anything happened.
  9370. >And come to think of it, how do you know they want something from you?
  9371. >You haven’t been here that long, but even so it seems like they’d have contacted you by now.
  9372. >Maybe their plan already fell apart?
  9373. >It was a total fluke that you wound up positioned in the Empire.
  9374. >Any reasonable mastermind would have expected you to be somewhere in Equestria itself, likely a major city.
  9375. >It could be that you were useless to them, and they were just keeping their distance to mitigate risk.
  9376. >Unlike your attempts from earlier today, this round of coping IS working.
  9377. >By the time you stand to leave, you’re feeling almost okay.
  9378. >Still anxious, sure, but not that bad.
  9379. >You make your way out of the palace, having no difficulty navigating the halls on your way out.
  9380. >Something about the layout is so baffling when you’re trying to get in, with branching corridors and dead ends scattered throughout.
  9381. >And yet, leaving is trivial.
  9382. >No matter where you are, there’s always a nearby passage that leads to a larger room or hallway, eventually pushing you to the entrance.
  9383. >Perhaps it’s deliberate?
  9384. >Maybe the layout was intended to disorient intruders.
  9385. >Now that you look a bit closer, trying to go deeper into the palace forces one to navigate numerous blind corners and pass through who knows how many chokepoints.
  9386. >It’s a fortification!
  9387. >You know that the crystal ponies have had a long history of struggle; it’s really not strange that the palace would be designed to be defensible.
  9388. >And yet it still surprises you.
  9389. >You’ve been here dozens of times before, and always complained about the labyrinthine nature.
  9390. >Somehow it had never dawned on you that that might be a feature.
  9391. >This militant utility was just so incongruous with the peaceful and tranquil world you had seen.
  9392. >The facade Chrysalis had shattered.
  9393. >Or perhaps it wasn’t merely a facade, but more of a veneer.
  9394. >A final finishing touch to smooth over the rougher edges.
  9395. >These ponies were a part of this planet’s natural order after all.
  9396. >Much like Man was a defining aspect of Earth’s ecology, they too had used their power to dictate the order of this land.
  9397. >The fact that their will was not absolute didn’t make it any less real.
  9398. >Just more fragile.
  9399. >Hopefully, they’ll catch Chrysalis before she shatters the Crystal Empire.
  9400. >Her ability to control others is still weighing heavily on your mind; you STILL don’t know what of your actions were your own and what was her whispering into your ear.
  9401. >You’d like to think that you were in control for the whole time, that you chose to help the sick of your own volition.
  9402. >And there is some evidence to suggest that’s what happened.
  9403. >You remember her being surprised when you volunteered.
  9404. >And you were still able to rat them out in the end.
  9405. >But it’s clear from your mood swings earlier that they had some effect on you.
  9406. >Did she use you in some way you haven’t realised yet?
  9407. >Would you even be allowed to remember if she had?
  9408. >There’s a chilling thought.
  9409. >Come to think of it, you’re not a reliable judge of any of this stuff.
  9410. >If her control is thorough enough, she could make it impossible for you to think about it properly.
  9411. >She could prevent you from noticing or understanding critical clues, eliminate certain chains of reasoning, or even just force wrong conclusions.
  9412. >The fact that you can even suspect that would imply that her control is not absolute…
  9413. >But since that idea came from YOU, you can’t be sure it’s true.
  9414. >No matter how obvious it may be.
  9415. >You need help.
  9416. >Rarity?
  9417. >No, Chrysalis had been around her while you two were having fun.
  9418. >Twilight?
  9419. >Hm…
  9420. >She seems like a good candidate.
  9421. >But if YOU’RE the one making that judgement call, can you be sure that it’s a good assumption?
  9422. >Are you certain that asking Twilight for help isn’t part of some grand plan?
  9423. >No.
  9424. >You aren’t.
  9425. >And you never will be.
  9426. >Chrysalis has made certainty impossible, whether she mind controlled you or not.
  9427. >Her mere existence has sowed doubt in every thought, every memory, and every observation.
  9428. “Man, how do the ponies deal with this kind of thing?”
  9429. >”You get used to it soon enough.”
  9430. >That was Rarity.
  9431. >You’re pretty sure she wasn’t answering your question.
  9432. >”It’s really unsettling.”
  9433. >You don’t recognize that voice.
  9434. >”Trust me, Coco. You get used to having a pink sky.”
  9435. >Coco?
  9436. >This is great!
  9437. >You NEED a distraction to get you out of this…
  9438. >Whatever this is.
  9439. >You don’t have to search for long to find the two of them.
  9440. >They’re not far in front of you, both staring up at the Empire’s shield.
  9441. >”Besides. It’s far better than being exposed to the cold!”
  9442. >”I suppose so. But couldn’t they have picked a different colour?”
  9443. >”It does clash, doesn’t it? I’ve never thought to ask, but perhaps it could be changed. Ooh! Imagine seafoam!”
  9444. >”That could be interesting. I think the city’s skyline would need to be revised if that happened though.”
  9445. >”You say that as though it isn’t already in desperate need of a touch-up. Have you noticed the use of accent walls?”
  9446. >”They’re hard to miss.”
  9447. >”Those dreadful things were out of vogue even before the Empire was locked out of time.”
  9448. >You casually walk up to the two, hoping to make a good first impression.
  9449. >Coco will be yours in the end.
  9450. >But that doesn’t mean the introduction isn’t important!
  9451. >This could decide how long and hard you have to work to get her.
  9452. “I kinda like them.”
  9453. >”Oh! M- doctor! Fancy seeing you here.”
  9454. “And you must be miss Chanelle.”
  9455. >”Um. It’s Pommel.”
  9456. >”He does that a lot. Something about the inflection used to denote a name just doesn’t agree with his tongue. I assure you, he’s trying.”
  9457. “Rarity has told me-”
  9458. >Wait.
  9459. >Had she told you a lot?
  9460. >Not really.
  9461. “Good things about you.”
  9462. >Good save.
  9463. >It was true, but you’re starting to wonder if she’d oversold it.
  9464. >Coco looked a bit dishevelled.
  9465. >Tired, unkempt, a bit vacant.
  9466. >Maybe she was just exhausted?
  9467. >”That’s very kind of her. I haven’t spoken with her much lately, but you came up pretty quickly. She had mentioned something about a local hero.”
  9468. “Local hero? I like the sounds of that.”
  9469. >”Pardon me for asking, but is your injury permanent?”
  9470. >You don’t know yet.
  9471. >But it’s not looking good.
  9472. “I sure hope not. Crotchety genius doctor with a bum leg? It’d never work.”
  9473. >Had you already told that joke?
  9474. >You’re pretty sure you have.
  9475. >Eh, who cares.
  9476. >They’re not going to get it anyway.
  9477. “How long are you in town?”
  9478. >”I was just leaving.”
  9479. “Oh.”
  9480. >That was going to be a problem.
  9481. >”I’ve got to go back to Manehattan to pack if I’m going to be moving here.”
  9482. “Oh! You’re moving in?”
  9483. >Convenient!
  9484. “Where will you be staying? If you’re looking for a roof we could probably arrange something.”
  9485. >”I appreciate the offer, but it’s okay. I’ll be moving into the storage room of Rarity’s new boutique.”
  9486. >”Ah! Correction, OUR new boutique.”
  9487. >A joint venture?
  9488. >You hadn’t heard anything about that!
  9489. >Was this a new development?
  9490. >”That’s nice of you to say, Rarity. But we both know it’s yours. You’re the one putting all the money up for this; I can’t afford to help out at all.”
  9491. >”Don’t worry about that, dear. Right now isn’t the time to worry about money! It’s time to celebrate the kickstarting of your career!”
  9492. >Wow.
  9493. >Coco was extremely lucky to know her.
  9494. “Still though, are you going to be okay living in a storage room?”
  9495. >Maybe you shouldn’t have said that, given you had Rarity locked in a basement.
  9496. >”Oh definitely.”
  9497. >Rarity shook her head disapprovingly, but remained silent.
  9498. >”It’s about as big as my apartment so it shouldn’t be a problem. And just think about how short the commute will be!”
  9499. “I don’t want to think about it. I tried that when I moved here, lived in the basement. It drove me crazy, always being at work.”
  9500. >”Perhaps it has something to do with how garish it is down there? One would be hard pressed to relax in such an environment.”
  9501. >Rarity had a point.
  9502. >It was something you’d used against her, in fact.
  9503. >You just hope she doesn’t realise that was intentional.
  9504. >”If you’ll excuse me, Rarity. Doctor. I’d better be going”
  9505. >”You’re certain you don’t need my help?”
  9506. >”I definitely need your help, just not in Manehattan. I need you here to set things up.”
  9507. >”Ah yes, right you are!”
  9508. >”I had better get going. This is so exciting! Thank you again, Rarity. I already owe you so much, and- just, thank you.”
  9509. >The two gave each other a quick hug before Coco turned to leave.
  9510. >Cute butt.
  9511. “She seems nice.”
  9512. >”Get in here!”
  9513. >She shoves a nearby door open and gestures for you to follow.
  9514. “Why?”
  9515. >”Just get in there!”
  9516. >Are you in trouble?
  9517. >Wait, you can’t be.
  9518. >That’s not how this relationship works!
  9519. >You walk in because you WANT to, not because you were told to!
  9520. >A quick glance at the interior suggests it hasn’t been vacant for long.
  9521. >Dust is minimal, there’s no obvious sign of bugs, and you can’t see much in terms of damage.
  9522. >The layout is a bit awkward with the building itself being quite narrow and the stairs consuming a sizable portion of the floor.
  9523. >You also can’t help but notice the counter is way too far forward, cutting the floor in half.
  9524. >And that Rarity is now standing between you and it.
  9525. >She looks you sternly in the eye.
  9526. >You steel your will, preparing to deny her whatever she’s about to demand.
  9527. >It doesn’t matter what she wants, you need to put her in her place and remind her that you’re in charge-
  9528. >She leans over the counter and displaces her dress, revealing drenched genitals.
  9529. >”Please… I need it.”
  9530. >This is going to be harder than anticipated.
  9531. “No.”
  9532. >You can hear her whimpering.
  9533. “Not until you’ve earned it. My dick is a reward, not a right.”
  9534. >”But- okay. What must I do?’
  9535. “First, go upstairs and wait for me.”
  9536. >There are bay windows here, plus she left the door open.
  9537. >If anypony were to pass by they’d see everything.
  9538. >Either she’s kinkier than you thought, or way more desperate.
  9539. >But what to demand of her?
  9540. >Hm…
  9541. >You follow behind her shortly after closing the door, and nearly trip over Rarity.
  9542. >It’s dark up here, with just a bit of light sneaking in from the ground floor.
  9543. >She has positioned herself right next to the stairways, face down and ass up.
  9544. >And it’s your job to not immediately enjoy yourself.
  9545. >She needs to learn, and you need to take every opportunity you can to teach her.
  9546. “The plug is in place. Good. Good.”
  9547. >”I- I can’t stand it! It’s always there, taunting me!”
  9548. >Excellent.
  9549. >”Please, master. Please! I- I need it!”
  9550. “Well…”
  9551. >There are multiple demands you want to make.
  9552. >Perhaps the most important is to remind her not to make demands.
  9553. >But…
  9554. >Maybe just this once you’ll-
  9555. >No.
  9556. >You promised yourself you wouldn’t go easy on her.
  9557. “You raised your voice at me.”
  9558. >She starts rubbing her thighs together.
  9559. >Is she getting anything out of that?
  9560. >Probably.
  9561. >The way it’s squeezing her labia like that, she’s bound to get at least a little sensation from it.
  9562. >That just won’t do.
  9563. “Spread your legs.”
  9564. >”Thank you!”
  9565. >Poor thing thinks you’re going to give her what she wants.
  9566. >She spreads them to what must be near their current limit.
  9567. >You can’t help but smirk when a single drop of her arousal falls to the floor.
  9568. “Again, you raised your voice at me. That’s okay in some contexts. But when it’s to command me? I thought there was something urgent in here.”
  9569. >”This IS urgent! I- I- I’m sorry.”
  9570. >She starts standing up.
  9571. “Wait. Stay like that. I’m going to have to punish you, you know.”
  9572. >She’s shivering.
  9573. >Is it from arousal?
  9574. >Fear?
  9575. >Or is it just because it’s kinda cold in here?
  9576. “And what about your friend? You said you were going to help-”
  9577. >Maybe you shouldn’t say the S word too much.
  9578. >You don’t want Rarity to feel guilty after all.
  9579. “Cure her of her frigidity?”
  9580. >”I will! I promise!”
  9581. “And what steps have you taken?”
  9582. >”I- I don’t- None.”
  9583. “I’m disappointed. She’s in need. Are you really so selfish that you wouldn’t help her?”
  9584. >Maybe you do want her to feel guilt after all.
  9585. >Just not when she’s doing your bidding.
  9586. “One week. We’re going to have sex with her in one week.”
  9587. >”PARDON?”
  9588. “Or less. Less is good.”
  9589. >”I- WE? As in, both of us?”
  9590. “Correct. I’ll be there to help.”
  9591. >”Can we perhaps discuss this?”
  9592. “Sure. I’ll see you at home.”
  9593. >”WAIT!”
  9594. >You didn’t even have time to start walking away.
  9595. >You wait while she stands up and turns to face you.
  9596. >She didn’t have permission to do that…
  9597. >You’ll allow it though.
  9598. >Rarity looks up at you with teary eyes.
  9599. >You’d been worried about this.
  9600. >Telling her it wasn’t going to be an exclusive relationship.
  9601. >You’d sorta hoped that she’s overlook that detail with how insane your deadline was…
  9602. >Looks like you miscalculated.
  9603. >But you know what angle to work.
  9604. >That whole generosity thing.
  9605. >Call her selfish, just not directly.
  9606. >”You were going to cheat on me?”
  9607. “No. It’s a 3 way.”
  9608. >”But-”
  9609. “Do you enjoy having sex with me?”
  9610. >She blushes and averts her gaze.
  9611. >But she eventually nods.
  9612. “Do you think your friend would enjoy it too?”
  9613. >”Yes…”
  9614. “Do you think sharing is bad?”
  9615. >”I- I don’t want to.”
  9616. “Alright.”
  9617. >”Pardon?”
  9618. “We don’t have to if you’re not comfortable with it.”
  9619. >This is a risk to be sure.
  9620. >But it would be best if it were her idea.
  9621. >You don’t want resentment to build up any more than it already has.
  9622. >Besides, you’ll get another chance eventually.
  9623. >”You mean it?”
  9624. “Of course. I love you, Rarity.”
  9625. >Do you?
  9626. >You definitely like her.
  9627. >And not just in a sexual way.
  9628. >She’s charming, and her exuberance is contagious.
  9629. >This feeling… maybe it’s not traditional love.
  9630. >Maybe it’s more possessive, more manipulative.
  9631. >And admittedly, it’s way too abusive.
  9632. >Maybe you love the feeling of controlling her and not Rarity herself.
  9633. >Ultimately, you don’t know what this feeling is.
  9634. >But you know you want her to be with you.
  9635. >Maybe that’s close enough.
  9636. “And I would hate to push you away.”
  9637. >”Thank you, master.
  9638. >She suddenly hugs you, compromising your balance and nearly pushing you down the stairs.
  9639. >”Oh my goodness! Perhaps that wasn’t the best idea. Are you harmed?”
  9640. “No, I’m okay. Thanks for asking.”
  9641. >No need to scold her.
  9642. >She knows what she did wrong, and isn’t likely to do it again.
  9643. >You sit down next to her to ensure nothing topples you.
  9644. “No matter what happens, I want you with me. You’ll always have a special place in my heart. You don’t have to share if you don’t want to.”
  9645. >”Thank you. I… I want to make both yourself and Coco happy. I- I need a promise from you.”
  9646. “Go ahead.”
  9647. >”You want to bring Coco into our relationship, don’t you?”
  9648. >Oof.
  9649. >Yeah…
  9650. >She figured it out.
  9651. >You were hoping she would think this was a one off thing so you could ease her into it.
  9652. >Well…
  9653. >If you lie, you have to give up on Coco or betray Rarity’s trust.
  9654. >If you tell the truth-
  9655. >Why are you weighing your options?
  9656. >It’s too late, she’s figured it out.
  9657. >Maybe pretend you didn’t know it was going to be a problem?
  9658. “That was the plan. Is there something wrong with that?”
  9659. >”Yes!”
  9660. “Oh. I’m sorry. This world is still strange to me. I wasn’t trying to hurt you.”
  9661. >”I want to make both of you happy. But I have feelings too.”
  9662. “Alright. I won’t touch her or anypony else.”
  9663. >Sorta a mood killer.
  9664. >You’re not sure she wants it anymore, and you’re pretty sure you wouldn’t be able to-
  9665. >”Well… perhaps we don’t need to be that firm on the issue.”
  9666. >And now you don’t know what’s happening.
  9667. >”It could be fun to have a friend with whom I could discuss these things. Perhaps… what if… maybe she could be my slave and I yours?”
  9668. >And suddenly, you’re in the mood again.
  9669. “That’s a pretty good idea. I’m willing to share you with her.”
  9670. >And to constantly remind her that this was her idea, AND the ability to say that if she demands exclusivity with you that she’s a selfish hypocrite.
  9671. >”I don’t know how this would work though. How am I meant to proceed? I don’t wish to overstep my bounds with you, and I don’t know what you’re expecting. Are you certain this is okay?”
  9672. “We’ll talk through the details when we get home. But for now?”
  9673. >You start undoing your pants.
  9674. >”I was hoping you’d do that.”
  9675. >Rarity once again assumes the position.
  9676. >She’s clearly less aroused than before this little talk, but you’re still glad it happened.
  9677. >You fish around in your lab coat, looking for lubricant.
  9678. >”I’ve needed this since last night. Since before last night! Why, it feels like it’s been months!”
  9679. >She starts rubbing her thighs together again.
  9680. >Looks to be something of a habit.
  9681. “Ah! Did you forget? No touching yourself down there. Spread your legs.”
  9682. >”Oh. Umm…”
  9683. >You pull the plug out of her butt with minor difficulty.
  9684. >Rarity grunts as it leaves.
  9685. >You position yourself before her butt, prodding insistently but not yet penetrating.
  9686. >”Right. Perhaps I’m not in the mood after all. Maybe we can wait until we get home? And AH!”
  9687. >Slowly, gently.
  9688. >Just the glans for now.
  9689. >”Please pull it out! IT- um. It doesn’t hurt?”
  9690. “That’s what the plug was for. Well, partially. It got you used to this.”
  9691. >You slowly inch your way in, stroking her back to try and keep her calm.
  9692. >It takes several seconds for you to bottom out, but Rarity doesn’t fight it at all.
  9693. “How are you feeling?”
  9694. >”Full.”
  9695. >You rock your hips back and forth gently, not truly thrusting.
  9696. >And before long, Rarity starts moving with you.
  9697. >”It fits. This still feels wrong.”
  9698. “Feels right to me. And I promise you, once you stop fighting it it’ll feel right to you too.”
  9699. >”I just- hnnn- the right hole is right next to it.”
  9700. “They’re both the right hole. This is about variety.”
  9701. >You begin to thrust properly, albeit very slowly.
  9702. >The pressure of her entrance feels like it’s milking you, insistently tending to each millimetre of your shaft one section at a time before finally catching on your glans and refusing to let you leave.
  9703. >You speed up slightly, still taking care not to hurt Rarity.
  9704. >”I don’t like it.”
  9705. >You don’t believe her.
  9706. >You lean over her, covering her back and wrapping your arms around her body.
  9707. >And then you speed up.
  9708. >”Ah!”
  9709. >A satisfied moan.
  9710. >You knew she liked it.
  9711. “You’re going to learn to love it. Just give in. Enjoy yourself.”
  9712. >She’s begun to tense up, seemingly trying to rip your dick off every time you pull.
  9713. >The sensation lacked the subtlety of her pussy.
  9714. >Whereas it gently caressed you, this was simply trying to wring you out.
  9715. >”I- I can feel it! I think I’m starting to get it!”
  9716. >Her motions speed up, becoming almost frantic.
  9717. >You stop moving entirely and just let Rarity fuck herself.
  9718. >It doesn’t take long for another moan to come out, then panting and sweating.
  9719. >And unfortunately, not long after that, you reach your limit.
  9720. >You pull Rarity against yourself as you unload, emptying deep inside of her.
  9721. >You hold her against yourself for several seconds, just enjoying her touch.
  9722. >And then, once you’re totally soft, you finally pull out.
  9723. >You put the plug back in immediately, making sure none of your seed leaks out.
  9724. “How are you feeling?”
  9725. >”Exhausted. But I have to say… that was fun.”
  9726. “I’m glad to hear it.”
  9727. >”I’m still not certain I believe it possible to actually, ahem, finish in such a manner. But… perhaps we can try again soon?”
  9728. “I’d love to.”
  9729. >You’d also like to lay there, enjoying the afterglow.
  9730. >But laying on the cold wooden floor of an empty building in the dark isn’t very comfortable.
  9731. “Alright. Let’s go home.”
  9733. >It had been a long shift at the clinic.
  9734. >This wasn’t a metaphor, you’d been there for nearly 12 hours at this point.
  9735. >Your brain was fried, your patience thin, and your butt sore.
  9736. >Hopefully not as sore as Rarity’s though.
  9737. >You’ve taken to standing and pacing for every fourth patient.
  9738. >That causes its own problems of course, mostly with the frozen foot.
  9739. >But you welcome the change, even if it does hurt.
  9740. >Your next patient comes in.
  9741. >Doesn’t take long to figure out what’s wrong with them.
  9742. >Just a quick glance at their face says it all.
  9743. “Please take a seat.”
  9744. >”Do I have to?”
  9745. “No. You may stand if you’d prefer.”
  9746. >Odd.
  9747. “Alright… I’m sorry if I get this wrong. Names are really hard, it’s a long story.”
  9748. >”Oh, don’t worry about it.”
  9749. “Are you sure? Because sometimes I get it extremely wrong. I’ve hurt a lot of feelings-”
  9750. >”It’s okay! Just try your best, and I’m sure you’ll do fine!”
  9751. >You look at the document again, nearly overcome by panic.
  9752. >You could read this one name in like, FIVE ways!
  9753. >Ditzy Doo, Bright Eyes, Bubbles, Muffins-
  9754. >Who thought it was a good idea to include homonyms in such a tonal language?
  9755. >Couldn’t they at least differentiate better in the written form?
  9756. “Derpy?”
  9757. >She actually claps for you.
  9758. >Somehow it doesn’t come across as condescending.
  9759. >”See? You did great!”
  9760. “Oh. Wow, okay. Thank you.”
  9761. >That really does help the ego.
  9762. “Let’s get a look at those eyes then.”
  9763. >”Why? Is there something wrong with them?”
  9764. “Hm?”
  9765. >”I came here because of a rash. Oh no! Has it spread to my eyes?”
  9766. >Oops.
  9767. >You were doing so well, too.
  9768. “Sorry, I misspoke. Let’s see the rash then.”
  9769. >It was on her butt.
  9770. >Of course it was.
  9771. >At least you knew why she didn’t want to sit.
  9772. “Dermatitis. Contact dermatitis, I’m sure of it. And a really bad case of it! I’ve got an ointment that will help, but we’re going to have to figure out what caused it or it’ll just keep happening. Have you sat on anything weird lately?”
  9773. >”All sorts of weird things!”
  9774. >She sounded strangely proud of that.
  9775. >”I’ve sat on cactuses, lily pads, other ponies, weather vanes, lightning clouds, lightning BOLTS- All sorts of things! Sometimes it’s even on purpose!”
  9776. >Unfortunately, that doesn’t help much.
  9777. “Anything new lately?”
  9778. >”I got a new delivery route.”
  9779. >Not quite what you meant to ask, but it could be a lead.
  9780. “Have you been exposed to anything new that might have caused this?”
  9781. >”Well… I did slip in that weird puddle at the research place.”
  9782. “Research place?”
  9783. >”Yeah. That one that has the humans near Everfree.”
  9784. >You vaguely recall where that is.
  9785. >Pretty scary place if you understand correctly.
  9786. >Wait…
  9787. “Is it one of those labs where the humans are researching magic?”
  9788. >”Yeah! One of those!”
  9789. “I didn’t know there was one near there. Last I checked there were only two labs- that’s not important right now. This puddle. Could you describe it?”
  9790. >”It was really greasy and smelled funny. And it was kinda rainbow coloured but mostly really dark. Oh! It was really hard to get it all out of my coat too!
  9791. >Sounds a lot like a petrochemical.
  9792. >Plenty of people react badly to prolonged contact with those, no reason why ponies should be different.
  9793. “You said you do deliveries, right? Any chance you’ll be going there again soon?”
  9794. >”Probably!”
  9795. “Alright. Try not to get more of that stuff on you, and if you do make sure you wash it off. And while you’re there, deliver this note to them for me.”
  9796. >You quickly write on a scrap of paper.
  9797. >”What is it?”
  9798. “A letter, asking what they might have gotten on you. I suspect that this will wind up being of little consequence, but it would be good to know exactly what was spilled.”
  9799. >”Alright, I can give that to them no problem! Six bits!”
  9800. “Hm?”
  9801. >”Six bits for delivering the letter!”
  9802. “Really?”
  9803. >”Standard rate for international air mail.”
  9804. >When she worded it like that, it suddenly sounded downright reasonable.
  9805. “Would it be okay if we handled that as a discount on your bill?”
  9806. >”Nope!”
  9807. “Oh. Uh… why?”
  9808. >”This trip is being covered by workmare’s compensation, and the delivery fee is going to the postal service. Two different accounts!”
  9809. >Great.
  9810. >More accounts to try and collect from.
  9811. >At least they would be easy to track down…
  9812. >Do you REALLY need to send this message?
  9813. >What are you thinking?
  9814. >Of course you do!
  9815. >There’s no way you’re risking somepony’s health over 6 bits!
  9816. >If it was something bad, you need to know.
  9817. >You just hope somepony paid today.
  9818. “Well, take this cream and apply it as needed. No more than four times a day though. If symptoms don’t abate within a couple of days or if the condition gets worse come back to see me.”
  9819. >”Thank you doctor!”
  9820. “My secretary will pay you on the way out.”
  9821. >That felt so weird to say.
  9822. >She gives you a not totally unwelcome hug.
  9823. >”Thank you so much! Have a wonderful day!”
  9824. “Y- you too?”
  9825. >The strange mare leaves your office.
  9826. >A few seconds later she returns to collect your letter.
  9827. >After her second departure, you get to work.
  9828. >While it’s very tempting to cut corners, you know better.
  9829. >Go to any hospital on Earth and you’ll hear a horror story about a patient’s records not being properly maintained.
  9830. >Negligence kills, even when it’s just paperwork.
  9831. >In fact, you’d nearly lost a patient because of exactly that.
  9832. >One would hope that pulmonary agenesis would have been mentioned, but somehow that was missing.
  9833. >A collapsed lung isn’t nearly as urgent when the patient has a spare, so you intended to handle the bleeding first.
  9834. >Thankfully his panicked gesturing at his chest tipped you off that something was wrong before you ran out of time.
  9835. >To this day you’re not sure how he managed to live long enough to warn you, much less stay awake.
  9836. >Maybe it hadn’t totally collapsed until well after the accident?
  9837. >Who knows.
  9838. “Not sure how a swollen ass would kill anyone though.”
  9839. >If it could, Rarity would be doomed.
  9840. ”Alright, Sassaflash. Send in the next one.”
  9841. >”Last one for the day doctor!”
  9842. >What a relief!
  9843. >Hopefully it was going to be an easy one.
  9844. >Aaaand it was Twilight.
  9845. >Probably not the easiest, but there are upsides to dealing with her.
  9846. “Good to see you.”
  9847. >You were planning on sitting for this patient, having been on foot just two visitors ago.
  9848. >But Twilight needs to actually be inspected.
  9849. >You get up from your desk with relatively little difficulty and make your way to her.
  9850. >”Are you doing okay?”
  9851. “Good enough. Worried about my foot?”
  9852. >”Yeah.”
  9853. “It’s better than it was yesterday.”
  9854. >Except for one toe.
  9855. “Not sure how long it’ll take to heal, but a couple of months should be plenty.”
  9856. >”What about the toe?”
  9857. “Hm?”
  9858. >”The toe that’s not healing.”
  9859. “How do you know about that?”
  9860. >”Rarity told me about it.”
  9861. >Figures.
  9862. “Why?”
  9863. >”She was hoping I knew of some healing magic that might help.”
  9864. >Huh.
  9865. >It wasn’t her place to blab about your injury.
  9866. >But it’s hard to be mad when she’s looking out for your well-being.
  9867. >”I can’t help but notice you’re not answering.”
  9868. “I don’t know the answer.”
  9869. >”Oh. Can you regrow it?”
  9870. “I couldn’t. There are some very clever people who could grow a new toe though.”
  9871. >”Really? That’s great!”
  9872. “Yep. Terrible shame they wouldn’t be able to attach it though.”
  9873. >”Oh.”
  9874. >Bandages look clean and dry.
  9875. >You slip one aside to get a better look at her wounds.
  9876. >Infected, of course.
  9877. >You’d have been surprised if they weren’t.
  9878. “Does it hurt when I move the bandages?”
  9879. >”A little.”
  9880. “Only a little? Great!”
  9881. >Looks like the smaller ones have all closed.
  9882. >The bigger ones are all noticeably smaller than when you released her.
  9883. “Mobility problems?”
  9884. >”Yeah. I’m still kinda weak.”
  9885. “That’s not likely to change any time soon, I’m sorry to say.”
  9886. >Blood pressure’s fine.
  9887. ”Any confusion? Difficulty thinking? Disorientation?”
  9888. >”Well…”
  9889. >Uh oh.
  9890. >That could be dozens of things, none of them good.
  9891. >”I’ve been having trouble concentrating.”
  9892. “Alright… tell me more. Is this mostly in the morning? Later in the day?”
  9893. >”Usually when Cadence is around.”
  9894. >What?
  9895. >That was odd.
  9896. “Okay… any other symptoms?”
  9897. >”Yeah. I start to, um, feel funny. Around back.”
  9898. “What the-”
  9899. >Oh!
  9900. “Does your face get flush?”
  9901. >”Yeah!”
  9902. “Heart speeds up? Breathing gets a bit faster?”
  9903. >”Sometimes.”
  9904. “Genitals engorged and wet?”
  9905. >”Ew! No!”
  9906. >You’re still confident that’s what’s happening.
  9907. >Cadence being involved was unexpected.
  9908. >Probably some weird magic thing.
  9909. >You go back to your chair and ease yourself in.
  9910. “Well, Twilight, normally I’d say that this was a good sign.”
  9911. >”Really? Why?”
  9912. “Because it’s normal. How are you not familiar with this though? It sounds almost like you’ve never felt that way before.”
  9913. >”I haven’t.”
  9914. “Seriously?”
  9915. >”Never.”
  9916. “Huh. I wonder why. That should have started YEARS ago, there might actually be something wrong with you.”
  9917. >Wait, no!
  9918. >Idiot!
  9919. >Don’t draw attention to it!
  9920. >”Like what?”
  9921. “Er-”
  9922. >The fact that Frejadine worked implies a few things.
  9923. >But you can’t say that, obviously.
  9924. “Not sure. I’d have noticed most of the possibilities while you were in here, so it won’t be anything too scary. Probably psychological.”
  9925. >”So you’re not worried about this? It doesn’t feel normal.”
  9926. “It’s perfectly normal. Just ask Candy. Well, maybe not her, she’s DEFINITELY weird. Still, I think she’d be very happy for you.”
  9927. >She doesn’t look convinced.
  9928. “Hm. You like taking notes, right?”
  9929. >”Do I ever!”
  9930. “Keep a log of when this happens and what might have triggered it. If there’s anything weird going on, this would help us figure it out.”
  9931. >And more importantly, it will give you a lot of insight about what gets her going.
  9932. >You’re tempted to activate the implant, but decide against it.
  9933. >It’s a potent tool, but it’s going to be hard to use properly.
  9934. >You don’t want her to associate weird sensations with your presence, after all.
  9935. >At least, not in a way that might suggest culpability.
  9936. >”I’m not sure that’s a good idea. Self assessment is notoriously unreliable.”
  9937. “True.”
  9938. >You lean back in your chair and stretch.
  9939. >This could be a really productive talk, but you’re still looking forward to it being over.
  9940. “Unfortunately there are no reliable metrics for sensations. One could measure hormones or even neurotransmitters, but there’s a lot of wiggle room in interpreting these measurements. Different peo- err, different ponies will react differently to seemingly identical hormone levels. Self assessment is the best we can do with this one.”
  9941. >”Huh. Well, if you think it’s a good idea.”
  9942. “I’m pretty sure this is nothing to worry about, but if you want to be certain then we need more data.”
  9943. >”Okay, that makes a lot of sense. Thank you doctor.”
  9944. >She stands.
  9945. “Wait. I have a few questions about something else. How does changeling control work?”
  9946. >”Oh, that’s actually a really big question. There’s a lot we don’t know about the specifics, and the basic spell structure is quite different from anything a pony does so it’s hard to make sense of the magical components. We hardly ever get to study somepony being controlled by them, and that the changelings themselves aren’t willing to talk and there are a lot of things we just don’t know.”
  9947. “I thought you told me it was a selective emotional agonist and antagonist, making certain behaviors unbearable while others were irresistible.”
  9948. >”It seems to be, but we have no idea how they do that.”
  9949. >Fair.
  9950. “Well, I’ve been trying to make sense of my own experience with them. How do I know I’m no longer under their control?”
  9951. >”You don’t.”
  9952. >Not the answer you were hoping for.
  9953. “Could they prevent me from thinking things, or just doing them?”
  9954. >”They seem to be able to control your mind almost arbitrarily.”
  9955. “So that would include forcing me to think certain things?”
  9956. >”Maybe. It’s applied emotional control, so I don’t see how they could put an idea in your head, but they could certainly reinforce it.”
  9957. >Hm.
  9958. >They might not be able to make you think something new.
  9959. “Though they could say something and suppress the knowledge that I’d heard it from them, making me think it was my own idea.”
  9960. >”Probably.”
  9961. “That’s almost as bad. Alright. One more question.”
  9962. >That’s not true.
  9963. >You have TWO more questions.
  9964. >But unfortunately, one of them might be your trump card.
  9965. >You can’t reveal your anti-magic plan unless you’re CERTAIN there are no changelings here.
  9966. >And the sad fact of the matter is, you’ll never be certain again.
  9967. “How do they identify who’s controlled and who isn’t?”
  9968. >”Uh… memory?”
  9969. “Right. But if changeling A were to control somepony, would changeling B be able to figure it out on their own?”
  9970. >”Hm. That’s an interesting question. What makes you ask that?”
  9971. >Because you’re hoping to be able to fake being controlled.
  9972. “Because if they can tell, we can too. We just need to know the signs.”
  9973. >”Weeeeellllll… we don’t know.”
  9974. >Figures.
  9975. >”But all spells leave their mark. I would imagine changelings would try to be subtle with that since they don’t want to be noticed… Oh! I’d bet that somepony who was emotionally depleted would be hard to feed off of.”
  9976. >You can’t draw from an empty well.
  9977. “That makes sense. It might be possible to tell with an M.R.I., but I can’t do that here. Besides, I doubt the thralls would be eager to get in the scanner. Thanks for the help, Twilight.”
  9978. >”No problem!”
  9979. >She leaves.
  9980. >And with that, you’re FREE!
  9981. >Well, almost.
  9982. >You need to update her records.
  9983. >Unfortunately, the fact that she didn't have a libido is worth noting.
  9984. >You were telling the truth when you said it wasn’t worrying.
  9985. >But it IS unusual.
  9986. >Sassaflash walks in while you’re writing.
  9987. “Thanks for staying so late.”
  9988. >”Don’t worry about it.”
  9989. >She looks like she’s ready to pass out, but she still manages to find the energy to smile.
  9990. >”When you told me the next few days were going to be really bad, I thought you were exaggerating.”
  9991. “We’ve been closed for quite a while. Gotta catch up somehow. You don’t have to stay though.”
  9992. >”It’s fine.”
  9993. “You’re sure? I appreciate the help, but you shouldn’t have to do such long shifts.”
  9994. >”I’m sure. Besides, the money is good.”
  9995. >Uh oh.
  9996. “Yyyyeahhh… I can’t pay you unless we can collect on a few accounts.”
  9997. >”Oh. I understand.”
  9998. >She turns around and leaves without another word.
  9999. >Not a good sign.
  10000. >Honestly, you can’t blame her though.
  10001. >You really need to get some money coming in.
  10002. >”Gotcha!”
  10003. >Sassaflash trots back in, with a small sack in her mouth.
  10004. >She drops it on your desk, filling the room with the glorious sound of coins.
  10005. “Who paid?”
  10006. >”The prince settled his account.”
  10007. “He had an account?”
  10008. >”All that stuff he destroyed to keep away from the changelings. Oh! And all the stuff he took for changeling tests. And a good chunk that was attached to some work you did a while back?”
  10009. >Probably the implant in his wife.
  10010. “In full?”
  10011. >”Yep!”
  10012. “Then why is the bag so small?”
  10013. >”He paid with a bond. This is the coin for the day.”
  10014. >She’s good at scheduling, screening, and placating the offended.
  10015. >But this right here proves that you can’t function without her.
  10016. “I haven’t collected a single bit since you left.”
  10017. >”Oh, don’t tell me that! I might just think I’m worth a raise!”
  10018. “You might just get one.”
  10019. >”Wait, really?”
  10020. >You were closed most of the time she was gone.
  10021. >But the days that you WERE open…
  10022. >Cadence wasn’t very well suited to this line of work.
  10023. “The prince was talking about restructuring this operation, and I don’t really know what he has in mind. We’ll have to renegotiate once that’s done since I don’t know what the budget will be like, but until then yes.
  10024. >She smiles at you prettily.
  10025. >You pass the bag back to her.
  10026. “I’ll pay you what you’re owed tomorrow, but this should be a good start.”
  10027. >She pushes it back at you.
  10028. “Really?”
  10029. >”I can wait.”
  10030. “If you’re sure.”
  10031. >”Also I may have already written a check for myself and was hoping for a signature?”
  10032. “Ah. That makes more sense.”
  10033. >Just a few hours ago, that paycheque would have been disastrous.
  10034. >But it looked like money was coming in again.
  10035. “Here. Just make sure you wait until the deposit is credited before cashing that.”
  10036. >”Really? It was that close?”
  10037. >Hm.
  10038. >You might be getting too comfortable with her.
  10039. >Ah, whatever.
  10040. >She knows how much you make anyway.
  10041. “Yep. I’m hoping you can collect from somepony else sooner rather than later.”
  10042. >”You don’t need to worry about that.”
  10043. “Why not?”
  10044. >”Because I’m here to help!”
  10045. >True enough.
  10046. >”You head on home, I’ll close up.”
  10047. “Thanks. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
  10048. >You shove the cash in one of your pockets and head out.
  10049. >It’s pretty dark outside.
  10050. >That’s not so unusual, of course.
  10051. >You’re really far north and the winter solstice wasn’t that long ago.
  10052. >But even so, it’s darker than normal.
  10053. >Days on this world are a decent bit shorter than on Earth, and you’ve been at work for a long time.
  10054. >Unfortunately, you’ve got more long days ahead.
  10055. >You’re really looking forward to getting home and calling it an early night.
  10056. >Of course, it wasn’t meant to be.
  10057. >Because when you open the door to your home, you hear a most unwelcome sound.
  10058. “She isn’t.”
  10059. >But she was.
  10060. >The frantic panting and occasional cries of delight prove to be exactly what you’d expected.
  10061. >Rarity was masturbating.
  10062. >A clear rule violation!
  10063. >You want her desperate so that she’s more pliable, and this kind of setback cannot be tolerated!
  10065. >You’ve learned a lot about yourself since this whole thing started.
  10066. >Your desires run deeper than you’d initially thought.
  10067. >But more than that, you’ve discovered you were wrong about your ultimate goals.
  10068. >It’s not enough that Rarity obeys you anymore.
  10069. >Obedience is secondary or perhaps even tertiary to greater things.
  10070. >Because obedience is merely about action, not intent.
  10071. >One can obey an order maliciously, such as with work-to-rule job action.
  10072. >Rarity herself had done something like that when she had started referring to you as “your master”.
  10073. >Further, there are conditions in which obedience is impossible.
  10074. >If for some reason the two of you are separated for a while and you cannot deliver orders, how can she obey?
  10075. >Standing orders can only take you so far, and should any major context changes occur while separated they might become counterproductive.
  10076. >If you’re forced to return to Earth, an obedient Rarity would mostly return to her normal life and that would be the end of it.
  10077. >You want to own Rarity not merely when she is present, but at all times!
  10078. >You’ve also discovered that defiance can be enjoyable too.
  10079. >There is a lot to be said about the simple thrill of punishing a defiant slave, and finding new and exciting ways to assert control.
  10080. >As Rarity becomes progressively better behaved, you will have ever fewer opportunities to enjoy that part of your relationship.
  10081. >It may eventually be necessary to capture somepony that will fight you to the very end.
  10082. >Maybe Chrysalis…
  10083. >You wouldn’t mind a bit of simple revenge.
  10084. >The question of course is if you’ll ever have that opportunity.
  10085. >But until such a time as you can sate your sadism upon her, you’ll simply have to be frustrated.
  10086. >Because Rarity, despite her clear disobedience, is doing what you had asked her.
  10087. >Masturbation is forbidden.
  10088. >But you had instructed her to practise anal.
  10089. >Or at least you think you did, honestly you’re too tired to be sure.
  10090. >She doesn’t seem to notice you as you enter.
  10091. >She just keeps staring at the ceiling as she slowly but methodically impales herself over and over again on her toy.
  10092. >It’s a small one, probably only about half the girth of your shaft.
  10093. >It’s also a lot less smooth than you are, instead being a series of bulbs of roughly equal size.
  10094. >The polished steel slides roughly into her as she sits on it once more.
  10095. >Rarity bites on her lower lip as it goes in.
  10096. >”Ah! No, no! I was- I was getting so close!”
  10097. >She stands up from the ground and slams it into herself again and again.
  10098. >But there’s obviously a problem.
  10099. >Her movements, frantic though they may be, are slowing down.
  10100. >She’s getting tired.
  10101. “Eh.”
  10102. >You go and take a shower and get ready for bed.
  10103. >You’re too sleepy to care about sex.
  10104. >By the time you return, Rarity is lying on her side in the fetal position.
  10105. >Gasping for breath, but not in a satisfied way.
  10106. >She’s trembling.
  10107. >And grinding her legs together.
  10108. >You’ve seen her do that a lot when she’s aroused.
  10109. >It’s one of her tells.
  10110. >Honestly it makes sense, given it would stimulate her clitoris a little bit.
  10111. >You’d have assumed it was just a sign of arousal in them except you’ve never seen Cadence do it.
  10112. >Though maybe she’s not somepony you should use as a baseline…
  10113. “Good attempt. Try again in the morning.”
  10114. >”MASTER!”
  10115. >She tries to sit up, but immediately falls over.
  10116. “Come on. Let’s get you tied up so you can get some sleep.”
  10117. >”No! Please- I- I can’t stand it any more! FUCK ME! PLEASE FUCK ME!”
  10118. >She stands up and approaches with a slightly crazed look in her eye.
  10119. >And immediately stumbles as her legs give out.
  10120. “Come on. It’s bedtime.”
  10121. >”I- I need- I NEED IT!”
  10122. >Hm.
  10123. “Alright, fine. But first I tie you down.”
  10124. >Her eyes light up, and she scrambles up onto the bed.
  10125. >There are a few false starts, but eventually she’s in place.
  10126. >She shudders in anticipation as you help her put on her nightwear.
  10127. >She’s worn them before, but it somehow felt like it was a long time ago, and you’d forgotten what they looked like.
  10128. >The tight and form fitting garments wrap around her legs perfectly, and draw attention right to her upper thighs.
  10129. >What looks like simple stockings at first glance has a more sinister use.
  10130. >Stitched into the fabric is a series of dozens of small hooks and eyes.
  10131. >None of them are particularly strong, but all of them together?
  10132. >You force Rarity’s forelegs behind her back and start hooking the stockings together.
  10133. >What was a moment ago just a provocative garment is now, when fixed in place, a bondage glove.
  10134. >And then, once her forelegs are firmly fixed behind her back, you roll her onto her belly.
  10135. >Her rear legs are given a similar treatment, except instead of being bound to each other you secure a rope to a loop on each one.
  10136. >You pull her legs apart until she begins to squirm slightly in pain, then fix them with a rope to the bedposts.
  10137. >The strain is placed primarily on the garments, so she should have no trouble with circulation at night.
  10138. >Then, as a final security measure, you grab Rarity’s mane.
  10139. >And you tie it to one of the remaining loops on her rear legs’ stockings.
  10140. >She can’t take them off without pulling out her mane, or removing her head.
  10141. >Somehow you think the latter might be more likely with Rarity.
  10142. >It’s honestly a magnificent sight.
  10143. >Rarity’s drenched cunt is totally exposed, her well lubricated ass is jiggling enticingly, and her mouth and neck are perfectly positioned for a rough throat fucking.
  10144. >And she can’t do anything to change that.
  10145. >Too bad it’s a changeling.
  10146. “Don’t flinch.”
  10147. >You prick her with a needle.
  10148. >She flinches.
  10149. >And you get the proof that you need that THIS THING IS A BLOODY IMPOS-
  10150. >Oh.
  10151. >It’s not a changeling.
  10152. >That’s…
  10153. >You don’t actually know how to handle that fact.
  10154. “Huh. I… I guess I’ll deal with that in the morning. Good night.”
  10155. >”BUT you said you were going to FUCK ME! PLEASE FUCK ME!”
  10156. >This is so weird.
  10157. >You’re not at all used to Rarity being like this.
  10158. >Other than dicks and dick shaped accessories, what’s gotten into her lately?
  10159. >Is Cadence contagious?
  10160. >You sure hope not.
  10161. >Having a bad foot is trouble enough, no need to crush your pelvis.
  10162. “Not tonight.”
  10163. >”BUT-”
  10164. “Shush. What do you think it means to be a good slave?”
  10165. >”To support you in everything you do!”
  10166. >Huh.
  10167. >Actually a good answer.
  10168. >That’s not what you meant with the question, but you can’t fault the effort.
  10169. “What do you think the properties of the perfect slave are?”
  10170. >”I- I don’t know! Please… I just… I need it.”
  10171. “Not tonight.”
  10172. >She whimpers while you rummage around in the nightstand.
  10173. >When you pull her muzzle out, she closes her mouth tight.
  10174. >You could really get used to this.
  10175. >Horny Rarity is so compliant!
  10176. >Which is exactly why you don’t want to satisfy her lust if you can at all help it.
  10177. >You gently drape a blanket over her, snuff the candle, and then climb into bed with her.
  10178. “Try to think on the question, and we’ll discuss it in the morning.”
  10179. >But there’s no way you’re going to be able to fall asleeo.
  10180. >Even as tir as yar, just so stressed.
  10181. >Going to be sleepless n,,,
  10182. >For some reason, your alarm decides to go off.
  10183. >And for some reason, it’s also daylight outside.
  10184. >Surely you haven’t slept the whole night.
  10185. >You’re still exhausted!
  10186. >You try to roll over and go back to sleep, but nearly fall out of the bed.
  10187. >That’s strange…
  10188. >Why were you so close to the edge?
  10189. >Oh, right.
  10190. >Rarity.
  10191. >Still not used to that.
  10192. >You look at the clock and hold back a single tear.
  10193. >It IS morning, and you have to start getting ready for work.
  10194. “Okay. Fine.”
  10195. >You remove the muzzle from Rarity’s mouth and start working on releasing her bindings.
  10196. “Have you thought at all about my question?”
  10197. >”Of course, master.”
  10198. “And?”
  10199. >”And… I don’t know.”
  10200. >Well, that’s going to be a problem.
  10201. >”And that’s exactly the problem, isn’t it?”
  10202. >These last few days have been a major breakthrough it seems.
  10203. >Maybe you’ll continue the orgasm denial longer than planned just to keep her pliable.
  10204. “Correct.”
  10205. >You pat her on the head.
  10206. “I know your kind. You’re never satisfied with the idea of good enough, you’re always pushing for perfection. But if you don’t even know what that is, how are you meant to reach it?”
  10207. >”But how am I to learn what I’m meant to do?”
  10208. >Good question.
  10209. >How is she supposed to know what you want from her?
  10210. >The truth is, you’re not really sure what you want from her.
  10211. >Words such as “more” and “better” come to mind, but more and better what?
  10212. >You don’t have a clear vision for what a fully trained Rarity is.
  10213. >What does fully trained even mean?
  10214. >Is it just about submission, or does that mean there’s no more room for growth in anything?
  10215. >You need time to think.
  10216. >Wait, no.
  10217. >That’s the wrong approach.
  10218. “Well… I have to go to work. But there IS something you can do while I’m out.”
  10219. >It’s not your job to figure this out.
  10220. >Rarity’s job is to help you enslave mares.
  10221. >Therefore, Rarity’s job is to help you enslave herself.
  10222. >Cadence will put her on the right track., and Rarity will do the rest.
  10224. Later…
  10226. >Rarity’s legs were quivering.
  10227. >Normally this would have been at least a tad exciting, as the plug in her rump might have offered the stimulation she so desperately needed.
  10228. >But she was far too scared to enjoy such things right now.
  10229. >Rarity circled the block for what must have been the fiftieth time.
  10230. >She knew it was folly to spend so long in this areas, as the sooner she left the less likely it was that something might go catastrophically wrong.
  10231. >And yet, she couldn’t help herself.
  10232. >Doing what had to be done was simply too nerve wracking!
  10233. >And yet, she had her orders.
  10234. >She was to speak with an expert on these matters about her duties.
  10235. >Master had implied that she was to talk to Cadance, but he hadn’t explicitly ordered her to do so!
  10236. >It was okay since he didn’t say her name!
  10237. >This wasn’t disobedience, just an… alternative interpretation!
  10238. “Steel your nerves, and take deep breaths. You’re supposed to speak with an expert on these matters. It is either this, or you consult with that abomination.”
  10239. >Rarity adjusted her hat and dress to ensure her identity remained concealed.
  10240. >An ill fitting green slip and a straw sunhat were a terrible combination, and a fashion travesty at that!
  10241. >All part of her master plan.
  10242. >Nopony would dare think that Rarity would wear such an abhorrent outfit, after all.
  10243. >To even entertain such a thought would be libel!
  10244. “You can do this. She’s a pony of fashion as well.”
  10245. >Rarity approached the door on trembling legs, and cautiously entered the overfilled store.
  10246. >”Hi there! Welcome to Lovelace’s Lovely Lace.”
  10247. >The Maya blue pegasus chirped with irritating exuberance.
  10248. >Rarity remembered her being much too chipper when she had visited with master.
  10249. >”Is there anything I can help you with today?”
  10250. “Why, yes. There are- boy howdy I sure am in a pickle!”
  10251. >Genius!
  10252. “So what do y’all charge as a consultation fee?”
  10253. >”Consultation fee?”
  10254. >Hm.
  10255. >Perhaps the bits she had brought weren’t necessary after all.
  10256. “So, my, um, how is it you say, my part’ner and I had a discussion last night and we-”
  10257. >Oh blast!
  10258. >How was she meant to say this without dropping her perfect facade?
  10259. “We decided it would be… swell… to consult an expert on certain matters?”
  10260. >Lovelace was suppressing laughter.
  10262. >Has something gone wrong?
  10263. >Rarity was already feeling faint, and they hadn’t even begun their discussion.
  10264. >”Heh- ahem. Okay! I can try to help with that. I’m nowhere near as good as princess Cadence-”
  10265. >Rarity spat on the floor.
  10266. >”Uh… huh. Not a fan of hers?”
  10267. “Not as such.”
  10268. >”Well, hopefully you’ll like me more! What kind of relationship do you have and what’s the problem?”
  10269. “Well, um… my… ahem. Paramour and I purchased a choker from you a short while ago. I must say it is fetching, though perhaps lacking a bit in artistic flair.”
  10270. >”Thanks! Would you be the one who was with the doctor?”
  10271. “Yes. And, um, boy howdy do I love him! I just don’t seem to understand him.”
  10272. >”Yup! That’s going to be hard. Understanding your partner is always going to have challenges, but it’s going to be especially tough with him since he’s an alien.”
  10273. “I suppose. I just wish it could be a bit more straightforward.”
  10274. >”It probably is! I don’t know so much about humans, but stallions aren’t really that different from mares when you get down to it. We have different strengths and weaknesses, sure. We also usually have different priorities and perspectives. But mares and stallions will always have one critical thing in common.”
  10275. “What’s that?”
  10276. >”We’re only half of a couple!”
  10277. >That was perhaps a tad saccharin.
  10278. >”Think about it. Every single one of your ancestors had a partner at least once. It’s the natural order for us to fall in love, and we are missing something if it doesn’t happen.”
  10279. “I suppose, but what does that have to do with my, err, barn burner?”
  10280. >Was that the right term?
  10281. >”The same thing applies to the doctor, doesn’t it?”
  10282. “I suppose. Oh- shucks? There might have been a bit of a croaker in the lodge.”
  10283. >Had Applejack ever said that?
  10284. “I get that it’s normal for mares and stallions to be together, I’m trying to figure out what he wants.”
  10285. >”You. If he didn’t want you he wouldn’t be with you.”
  10286. >Rarity’s heart was aflutter.
  10287. >”Besides, you can’t be somepony you aren’t or it won’t work in the long run.”
  10288. “I suppose that does make sense. I’m just frightened that he’ll leave when he finds out what I really am.”
  10289. >A depraved whore.
  10290. >One who revels in the vile things they had done together, and needs ever more.
  10291. >Rarity HATED Cadance with a burning passion.
  10292. >What that wretch had done to her was unforgivable, and what she’d said unforgettable.
  10293. >And the worst thing of all, the crime for which Rarity would gladly see the so-called princess beaten bloody?
  10294. >It was the simple fact that she was right.
  10295. >”Filly steps. These things take time to work out. If you need something from him, try to talk to him. And if you don’t think that you can, talk about something related or similar and gauge his reaction.”
  10296. “I suppose I can attempt that.”
  10297. >She was still scared.
  10298. >But what was she meant to discuss with him?
  10299. >Rarity knew she wanted to go further, she just didn’t know how.
  10300. >This was still all so new and strange!
  10301. >It was only natural that she might be confused.
  10302. >Sometimes she was afraid that things would grow out of control, and felt she had to back out before it was too late.
  10303. >Sometimes she wanted to tear up that silly contract and say nothing was off limits.
  10304. >And sometimes, she wanted to demand that he put her in her place.
  10305. “I just don’t know where he wants to go with this relationship.”
  10306. >”He probably doesn’t either.”
  10307. “That’s preposterous.”
  10308. >”Are you sure? ‘Cause, like, he’s obviously really new to this stuff.”
  10309. “How would you know?”
  10310. >”Trust me. I’ve seen a lot of first timers, and he’s one of them. He’s exploring this just like you are. Don’t WAIT for him to set the boundaries, HELP him set them.”
  10311. >Of course, it was all so obvious!
  10312. >Rarity was meant to support him in his endeavours.
  10313. >That included her OWN enslavement!
  10314. >She had to be proactive in her submission.
  10315. >But how?
  10316. >”So is the problem that he’s going to far, or not far enough?”
  10317. “I would prefer not to say!”
  10318. >”Oh, of course! It’s your decision what you do and don’t tell me, don’t worry about it at all. Is there anything else you’d like to talk about?”
  10319. “There is… another matter, yes. I assume you can answer this. He seems upset that I won’t wear the choker in public.”
  10320. >”Well, YEAH! I’m a little surprised that he lets you take it off! You’ve got a very patient master.”
  10321. “But WHY must I wear it?”
  10322. >”Because he’s proud of you and wants to show you off?”
  10323. >Rarity could feel herself blushing.
  10324. >It seemed so obvious in retrospect.
  10325. >She was quite the catch after all.
  10326. >”I’m getting the feeling there’s something else to this. You’re obviously uncomfortable here, so you probably wouldn’t be here anymore if there wasn’t more to this.”
  10327. “You’re most certainly right that I’d prefer not to be here. It’s just that… I was left… unsatisfied last night.”
  10328. >”Ooh. That’s a problem alright. I’m sorry for asking, and feel free not to answer or even to lie! I’m not trying to pry and I don’t need to know, but I’m trying to help. How long did he last?”
  10329. “He didn’t.”
  10330. >”Oh. Wow.”
  10331. “He just tied me up and went straight to sleep. I was so needy, and yet…”
  10332. >”So he just… released before even starting?”
  10333. “I’m afraid I don’t understand the question.”
  10334. >”Oh. Sorry. Tell me what happened.”
  10335. “He came home from work, expressed that he wasn’t in the mood, and went to bed. But I needed it!”
  10336. >”Oh. That’s- I thought you were talking about something else.”
  10337. “I begged him, and he still didn’t do it.”
  10338. >”Sounds like he was really tired. He probably couldn’t! You know that penises don’t work all of the time, right?”
  10339. “I’m not as naive as you seem to think!”
  10340. >”I’m just saying that they can only go so frequently, and only at certain times. I’m sure he’s trying, but you might have to take matters into your own hoof every now and then.”
  10341. “I would have, but I’m forbidden.”
  10342. >The words had left her mouth before she’d noticed them.
  10343. >Rarity was mortified.
  10344. >It didn’t matter that her identity was concealed by the perfect disguise, nor that she had flawlessly hidden her accent and not even for an instant dropped the charade.
  10345. >This was quite probably the WORST.
  10346. >POSSIBLE.
  10347. >TH-
  10348. >”Again, I hope I’m not asking too much, but is he trying to broaden your horizons in any way?”
  10349. “Well, um…”
  10350. >”Do you enjoy it?”
  10351. >YES!
  10352. >BY THE STARS, YES!
  10353. “Ugh. I suppose I might, if only a little. But I can’t seem to finish.”
  10354. >”Then he’s probably doing the right thing. I have a few items here to lock your holes away if you can’t seem to help yourself-”
  10355. “I am NOT without temperance, my dear!”
  10356. >”Okay. But if you need help there’s no shame in asking. It’s hard learning new things! Hay, the first time I came from a teat massage it took me like, MONTHS of practice.”
  10357. >Teat massage?
  10358. >”I had it all locked away the whole time, nearly drove me crazy! But it was worth it. You know, having an orgasm from a different erogenous zone feels totally different! If I had to pick, my favorite would still be vaginal. But teats are a close second.”
  10359. >Her favourite?
  10360. >”The best part is that now that I can do it, I can play with multiple hot spots at once! It gets easier after the first few times. Soon you won’t know why it was ever a problem.
  10361. “I suspect you might be mistaken about me, madam.”
  10362. >”If I am then you’re weird.”
  10363. “Well! I had thought you would be a better judge of character than that!”
  10364. >Rarity turned to leave, and immediately tripped on a display rack of small training dildos.
  10365. >She tumbled to the floor dragging the merchandise down on top of herself.
  10366. >The next thing Rarity knew, she was covered in fake penises, and one was lodged inside her mouth.
  10367. >”Oh. My. GOODNESS! I’M SO SORRY, I’m supposed to pretend I don’t recognize you but I’m like, a HUGE fan.”
  10368. >Her vision was fading fast.
  10369. >This was WAY too much!
  10370. >”Let me help you up! Wait, let me lock the doors first. Don’t worry! I won’t tell a SOUL!”
  10371. >She bolted to the front and barred the doors.
  10372. >Rarity spat the dildo out of her mouth while the world slowly came back into focus.
  10373. "I feel faint."
  10374. >"I'm so sorry about all this. Nobody will ever know you were here, I promise! Hay, nobody will even know I've met you!"
  10375. >Rarity was able to get up from under the pile of dicks, albeit slowly.
  10376. >She scooted herself aside to get away from the degrading debris, and leaned against the counter for stability.
  10377. “Dreadfully sorry about that, I must have had quite a scare.”
  10378. >Oh.
  10379. >Oh dear.
  10381. >”I was, like, kinda annoyed when you said my stuff wasn't artistic, but coming from you that's a huge compliment! You're the one who got me to give up on fashion, you know!”
  10382. >Gave up?
  10383. >On FASHION?
  10384. “I'm sorry, you… gave up because of me?”
  10385. >The shame was melting away.
  10386. >In its place was an agonising sense of guilt.
  10387. >”Yeah! I wanted to be a designer, but then I saw you at one of the shows in Manehattan! It was really good, but more importantly you were just so… so PASSIONATE about it! Seeing somepony who genuinely lived and breathed fashion made me understand what it meant to have found your calling! It didn’t bring me to life the way it did you, so I knew I hadn’t found my place.”
  10388. “That's a rather unusual story. Is this your passion?”
  10389. >”Definitely! I’m not a good matchmaker like a certain princess who won’t be named ‘cause the floors are dirty enough already, but that’s okay! My purpose is making sure that couples get the most out of their time together!”
  10390. >Rarity was torn.
  10391. >That somepony would give up on fashion was unconscionable!
  10392. >And yet, Lovelace seemed to enjoy her work.
  10393. >Had Rarity’s mere existence sabotaged an aspiring artist?
  10394. >Surely not!
  10395. >Rarity gave her head a shake; that line of thinking was sheer madness!
  10396. >One doesn’t simply cease being an artist!
  10397. “There must be more to this career than I realise, else somepony such as yourself wouldn’t be fulfilled.”
  10398. >”Oh, definitely! I’ve got SO MUCH to learn still, it’s not even not funny. I don’t think I’ll ever have it totally figured out.”
  10399. “Of course you won’t, dear. Art isn’t something that can be solved, after all! It is ever growing, and ever changing. One must always be setting new goals! What is your dream, if I may ask?”
  10400. >”I want to make things specifically for my clients. This setup is okay, but if you want to get REALLY good results you have to design for your client rather than trying to fit a client to your design.”
  10401. “Pret a porter is never quite right, is it?”
  10402. >”It’s really not. But it’s so hard in this business, since I usually don’t even know what a client wants! Like, usually THEY don’t know what they want!”
  10403. “That is a serious obstacle, is it not? Perhaps you could develop a rapport with some, but otherwise I suppose the best you can do is provide options, and hope they choose correctly.”
  10404. >Rarity suddenly understood why the store was so cluttered.
  10405. >Lovelace was trying to do exactly that, just not in the right way.
  10406. >EVERYTHING was on display.
  10407. >Lovelace wanted to have the widest variety possible to try and get a perfect fit.
  10408. >A classic mistake.
  10409. >This combined with her undercharging was quite telling.
  10410. “Please forgive me for saying this, but you could stand to improve the business aspect of your store.”
  10411. >”Oh, TOTALLY. I’m going to change the prices like you told me last time. At first it just seemed kinda stupid, but you definitely know what you’re talking about!”
  10412. “That would be a good start. However, this setup is totally overwhelming! How are they meant to identify what they’re after with so many options on display? You should remove most of your stock so it’s easier to go through.”
  10413. >”Really? Okay, I will! But then how will ponies pick the right thing?”
  10414. “That’s just the ticket, isn’t it? Have a few display models for each type of item, each with a brochure or better yet a placard explaining the available options for that product line. You can talk them through the options, or if they’re sheepish, provide a form.”
  10415. >”Oooh. So they go to the kind of thing they’re looking for, then I walk them through customization and go get the right one from the store room!”
  10416. “GOODNESS NO! Never, under ANY circumstances, get it from the store room! Tell them it will be delivered to them in… how long do these things take to make? I suppose it depends, doesn’t it? Make them wait about a day longer than it would take to make it from scratch, even if you have it in stock.”
  10417. >”Right. Got it. Um… why?”
  10418. “BECAUSE it’s a bespoke item! Even if you had it on hoof already, this is custom made for your client! Just because you made it before they came in doesn’t make it any different. You need them to understand and appreciate how special your services are, and fetching things from a dusty old warehouse doesn’t send the right message!”
  10419. >”It’s a store room, not a warehouse. And it’s not dusty, I take good care of my products! Oh. OH! THEY don’t know that.”
  10420. “And if you told them they wouldn’t believe you. Remember that your clients know LESS about your trade than you do, not more. Otherwise they wouldn’t seek your assistance! They can know what they like, and they can appreciate a finished item, but they cannot properly assess how good something is at a glance. If you want them to understand that you are offering high quality items, you must signal this in ways that they will respond to, even if such hallmarks are totally unnecessary for actual quality.”
  10421. >”I think I get it now. When they’re trying to figure out if something’s good or not, they’re looking in all the wrong places. I need to look good even where it doesn’t matter, because most of them won’t know any better!”
  10422. “You’re a quick learner, dear! Now, let’s see if you can tell me where you should place your products.”
  10423. >”Basic and beginner stuff near the back, so they have to see everything to get at it.”
  10424. “Good. What if somepony wants something that you don’t carry?”
  10425. >”I tell them that we normally have it. Though we happen to be out of stock- wait, right. No stock.”
  10426. “Good attempt, try again.”
  10427. >”I don’t have an accurate display model for that item because of a redesign, but I can make it to their specifications.”
  10428. “You’re doing far better than you were mere moments ago. I applaud you, my dear!”
  10429. >”Thanks. But… I had a good teacher. Though I was honestly expecting you to tell me more about fashion and less about business.”
  10430. “Oh, I’m afraid I can’t help you with your designs.”
  10431. >”R- really? Are they that bad?”
  10432. “No. They just lack passion. If you don’t really care about your work, it will show no matter how talented you might be. Since your passion is something else, I suspect your apparel will only ever be good, not great. I would tell you to stop carrying apparel altogether and just focus on what you care about, but I suspect it’s an important draw for potential clients.”
  10433. >”It’s not so much a draw as a value add, but you’re right. I kinda need to sell it to keep this place running. Hay, it’s in the store’s name! I can’t just stop selling clothing. But you’re right, my heart’s never really in it. I really need to find somepony to partner with.”
  10434. >Rarity could be oblivious at times.
  10435. >She had a tendency to ignore the world around her and fixate on minutia, leaving herself totally oblivious to the world at large.
  10436. >But even had she been obsessing over what shade of indigo ought to be used, she would not have missed a hint like that.
  10437. “Perhaps…”
  10438. >Perhaps it was the thrill of a new challenge.
  10439. >Or the desire to help out somepony who seemed to have a good heart.
  10440. >Maybe it was her unwavering desire to bring fabulosity to every aspect of life.
  10441. >Or maybe it was simply because she was literally dripping with arousal.
  10442. >But for some reason, Rarity was interested.
  10443. “Perhaps we can work something out.”
  10444. >Lovelace was so wide eyed Rarity couldn’t help but fear they’d fall right out.
  10445. “I have a grand idea, but I feel I might need your help to make it a reality. Would you be willing to meet me at my new location this evening?”
  10446. >Excited squealing was the only answer she got.
  10448. >Rarity’s mind was oddly at ease.
  10449. >She had clarity of thought that hadn’t been felt since before she left Ponyville.
  10450. >She moved with confidence, purpose, and determination.
  10451. >And incredible lust, of course!
  10452. >Her life was so ubiquitously sexual that it was always at the fore of her mind.
  10453. >And that accursed toy in her rump was doing her no favors!
  10454. >To be denied release for days on end despite always being surrounded by sex was simply maddening.
  10455. >But even so, she was focused and in control.
  10456. >At last she understood that her master had a plan for her, and this was a part of it.
  10457. >This arousal was not something to be fixed, but something to be embraced!
  10458. >Though the specifics of what he intended were still a tad muddy, she was starting to understand her purpose in his machinations.
  10459. >They were meant to seduce Coco Pomelle, but it clearly wasn’t just because he wanted more ponies to penetrate.
  10460. >If he sought more sex he would have simply sated himself with Rarity’s glorious body!
  10461. “He wishes to show me off to the world!”
  10462. >It was all so clear in retrospect.
  10463. >Master was proud to be with her, but she was hiding from public view.
  10464. >Master’s grand plan was to make these things normal so they could stop hiding their fiery romance!
  10465. >This was how normal humans expressed their love, and he had been trying to show his love for some time now.
  10466. >He was trying to protect Rarity’s reputation, and she had been too foolish to figure that out.
  10467. >But perhaps if it were no longer taboo…
  10468. >They merely had to make this kind of lifestyle fashionable.
  10469. >And Rarity was nothing if not a trend setter!
  10470. >She could hardly wait to roll out a new fashion line.
  10471. >It would be simply marvelous to see mares going about their day to day business, enjoying the sun and chatting, simply living their best lives while wrapped up in ribbons.
  10472. >Hm.
  10473. >Perhaps ribbon was too little.
  10474. >This kind of thing found its subtlety in being lurid.
  10475. >A PROPER statement would be one presented as crass, while finding little ways to signal the minutia and detail.
  10476. >The outfit has to be as overt and in one’s face as possible, while all the accompanying pieces convey the actual complexity.
  10477. >Perhaps the base statement would be chains?
  10478. >And one could bear accompanying articles to demonstrate what training they had received and what was off limits!
  10479. >Various symbols to help differentiate the good slaves from the great ones!
  10480. >And she, of course, would have a complete set!
  10481. >She could hardly wait to show off her lewd body to the world.
  10482. >Whatever slave couture wound up being, it would of course be designed with easy access in mind!
  10483. >Would she enjoy being bred in public?
  10484. >Probably!
  10485. >The mere thought excited her…
  10486. >But of course, that all had to wait.
  10487. >She couldn’t do any of these things yet!
  10488. >It wasn’t permissible!
  10489. >Loathe though she may be to admit it, Rarity had to wait until the world at large was ready to accept her.
  10490. >”Rarity? Are you okay?”
  10491. “Oh! Why, yes! Hello Coco.”
  10492. >Coco had a cute butt, didn’t she?
  10493. >It was a terrible shame that there was nothing in it right now.
  10494. >A pony like that deserved a good fuck.
  10495. >Ooh, perhaps Rarity should show her the ropes?
  10496. >The metaphorical ones too, of course.
  10497. >It might be fun teaching her how to properly swallow cocks.
  10498. >Though she still had to admit she needed far more practice to actually refine the art of fellatio, Rarity was sure she could be a good teacher.
  10499. >Perhaps she’d stick a toy in her cunt and have Coco suck on it so as to better simulate an actual stallion?
  10500. >It sounded fun!
  10501. >Plus she was sure that she could learn more from being on the receiving end…
  10502. >”You’re awfully flush. And drooling. Are you ill?”
  10503. “I’ve never felt better!”
  10504. >Coco nodded slowly, clearly unconvinced of Rarity’s wellbeing.
  10505. “Oh I do so look forward to doing you. This. Doing this with you.”
  10506. >”So am I. You’re sure you’re okay?”
  10507. “Of course!”
  10508. >Preparing the boutique was going to be a hassle, no doubt.
  10509. >But there was an upside to it.
  10510. >This was an opportunity to explore new frontiers!
  10511. >She wasn’t going to have mannequins this time.
  10512. >No, instead she would have mares bound in place to demonstrate her clothing.
  10513. >They would have to be properly restrained so they didn’t jostle around too much.
  10514. >And perhaps even drugged.
  10515. >But it would be so much more realistic than a mannequin.
  10516. >Ponies on display, completely unable to move, for hours on end…
  10517. >And in the attic she would try her new line of more provocative attire.
  10518. >Couples could come here to find attire that would spice up their love life.
  10519. >If some stallion were to decide he wanted to enjoy the mannequin as a form of quality assurance, who was she to judge?
  10520. >”You’re spacing out on me, Rarity. Please help me get this counter out of here.”
  10521. “Oh. Yes. My apologies. I suppose I should just… push?”
  10522. >”Aren’t you going to take your dress off first? It could get dirty.”
  10523. >She couldn’t do that!
  10524. >Coco would see the plug!
  10525. >Which…
  10526. >Might not be so bad.
  10527. >It wasn’t the right colour of course, but this was just a new way of showing jewelry.
  10528. >Perhaps she should have that piercing put back in her clitoris?
  10529. >It certainly was fun the way the ruby rubbed against everything…
  10530. >Rarity shook her head violently.
  10531. “No, I had best not. Let’s begin moving you in! Um. Where are your things?"
  10532. >"Already inside. We just need to get them up the stairs."
  10533. "Oh. Well, I suppose there's no point in delaying."
  10534. >Physical labor was rarely interpreted as erotic.
  10535. >And Despite her perversity, Rarity’s mind was soon drifting away from sex.
  10536. >It was taxing and slow.
  10537. >Menial physical labor more fitting of Applejack than of a lady such as herself!
  10538. >But the worst was yet to come.
  10539. >They had to do renovations when they were finished.
  10540. >She was most certainly NOT a carpenter.
  10541. >In truth, much of the work was going to be done by contractors.
  10542. >But she still took it upon herself to break ground, and prepare the worksite.
  10543. >It saved quite a bit of money after all!
  10544. >Removing the dirt of months of neglect wasn’t going to be particularly taxing, but the simple drudgery still weighed heavily upon her.
  10545. >There was going to be so much work to do…
  10546. >They hadn’t quite finished moving Coco in when Rarity collapsed with exhaustion.
  10547. >Coco wasn’t doing much better.
  10548. “Oh- oh dear. I fear this may be a bit more ambitious than I had realized.”
  10549. >”It’s certainly not easy. Do you know anywhere nearby where we can get lunch?”
  10550. “I know of a dining establishment, but nothing suitable for our current needs.”
  10551. >”That tears it. Rarity, what’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
  10552. “Hm?”
  10553. >”You’ve been acting very strangely! First was wearing that awful outfit, next was the drooling and spaciness, then you decided to dirty your clothing for no reason, and now? NOW? I find out you don’t know the local restaurants?”
  10554. >Rarity hadn’t really taken the time to think about it.
  10555. >But it was true.
  10556. >She was behaving rather oddly.
  10557. >And now that she actually stopped to think about it…
  10558. >It didn’t make much sense.
  10559. >Sure, everything except the spaciness and drooling could be explained pretty easily.
  10560. >But…
  10561. >Why was she protecting her master?
  10562. “Did I-”
  10563. >The term “master” felt so natural.
  10564. >But it was surely wrong.
  10565. >He had abused her horrifically.
  10566. >But she was still…
  10567. “I need some time to think. Sorry, but would you be willing to give me… 15 minutes perhaps?”
  10568. >”I can. But are you sure you’re okay?”
  10569. “I assure you, I shall be. Now please. Go get us some lattes. I’ll be ready to make my decision when you return. And then we can talk about it.”
  10570. >Coco didn’t move at first.
  10571. >She instead elected to maintain eye contact with Rarity for an uncomfortably long time.
  10572. >But eventually, she stepped out.
  10573. “I suppose I have to decide, don’t I?”
  10574. >Rarity said to herself.
  10575. “And whatever I choose, I shan’t be coming back from it. Any time soon.”
  10576. >She knew what her heart wanted, but-
  10577. >”Sorry, Rarity!”
  10578. “Ack! Oh, Coco! You startled me!”
  10579. >”I just wanted to make sure. Tall hazelnut latte macchiato, half caffeinated?”
  10580. “Correct. You have a great memory.”
  10581. >”Do you know anywhere good nearby?”
  10582. “I’m afraid not. The doctor has a coffee shop he frequents, but I don’t know where it is. If you happen to find out, do avoid it. Their products are quaint, but in a bad way.”
  10583. >”Whew. I’m glad to hear it. That’s the Rarity I know.”
  10584. >Coco left again.
  10585. >And Rarity slowly ascended the stairs.
  10586. >Just the other day she and her master had made love here.
  10587. >No, that wasn’t the right term for it.
  10588. >It was too passionate, too raw.
  10589. >That wasn’t love.
  10590. >It was lust.
  10591. >They had FUCKED here.
  10592. >Rarity laid down on the cold hard floor.
  10593. >She spread her legs.
  10594. >And she started to play with herself.
  10595. >She was tired and sweaty, and her body was aching from exertion.
  10596. >The haze of lust that had filled her head not too long ago was long gone.
  10597. >And yet, her body reacted immediately.
  10598. >She had to bite her tongue to avoid crying out in excitement.
  10599. >Seconds in, her entire body was beginning to tremble from excitement.
  10600. >And in less than a minute, Rarity reached her climax with an animalistic cry of delight.
  10601. >But she wasn’t done.
  10602. >Rarity began to work herself harder.
  10603. >And she allowed her mind to drift.
  10604. >She found her thoughts landing on the past.
  10605. >Nearly a week ago, when she had been raped hundreds of times over.
  10606. >It had been the most exquisite of agonies.
  10607. >Bound.
  10608. >Helpless.
  10609. >Robbed of her sight.
  10610. >And used as a tool of pleasure.
  10611. >She could remember the sensation of one dick after another being roughly shoved down her throat.
  10612. >The burning pain and humiliation of choking on semen.
  10613. >The jubilation and revulsion that came when the next dong made itself present.
  10614. >The hidden dismay at having empty holes.
  10615. >The secret hope of filling them all at once.
  10616. >The burning passion for more.
  10617. >The firm knowledge that this was wrong.
  10618. >The fear that it might never end.
  10619. >The horrible dread that it would...
  10620. >Her mind went blank, and her body moved on its own.
  10621. >With another sharp cry, her eyes rolled into the back of her head and her legs began twitching at random.
  10622. >And then Rarity fell still.
  10623. “Ah. Ah. Two. Twice.”
  10624. >She had needed that.
  10625. >Badly.
  10626. >It had been quick.
  10627. >And unsatisfying.
  10628. >But it had cleared her head.
  10629. >And with that Clarity, Rarity had to think.
  10630. >She lay in a puddle of her own vaginal secretions, staring intently at the unlit ceiling of Coco’s new home.
  10631. >Everything felt different.
  10632. >It was disturbing to know just how radically different her thoughts and feelings were, especially given how underwhelming that session had proven to be.
  10633. >Coco was right.
  10634. >Something WAS odd about her.
  10635. >She had spent all this time thinking of exciting ways to enjoy her new role, but it was just wrong.
  10636. >She was being held captive by her own animalistic impulses.
  10637. >This was her chance to break out.
  10638. >It would be easy.
  10639. >But she only had one chance.
  10640. >Rarity knew that she was changing, and sooner or later she would lose touch with her old ways.
  10641. >This was her only chance to regain control of her life!
  10642. >She had to abandon shame and return to her true self.
  10643. >Glamorous!
  10644. >Bold!
  10645. >And of course, proud!
  10646. >”Rarity?”
  10647. “I'm coming!”
  10648. >Rarity stood up and took a moment to dust herself off.
  10649. >She descended the stairs with a soft smile on her face to find a rather worried looking Coco sitting on the floor with two paper cups and a few croissants.
  10650. >How she had gotten them here, Rarity wasn't certain.
  10651. >Rarity sat next to her and gently sipped the offered beverage.
  10652. “Quaint.”
  10653. >”But in the bad way. I think I found his coffee shop.”
  10654. “I fear you have. Though this is a tad less bitter than I recall. Perhaps their quality control leaves something to be desired?”
  10655. >”Are you ready to tell me what's wrong?”
  10656. >This was it.
  10657. >She was losing touch with her old self.
  10658. >This role of being someone's toy would erase her identity sooner or later.
  10659. >It was time to become herself again.
  10660. “Yes. As you know, I've scrapped the idea of pret a porter garments. But I was wondering if you would like to take things a step further. You were right that the Crystal Ponies need special outfits to compliment their unique appearance, and I think this establishment should embrace that calling.”
  10661. >”Do you mean…”
  10662. “Bespoke designs!”
  10663. >They both squealed in excitement.
  10664. >“Every single outfit would be unique to the owner! That would be great! But do you really think we will be able to keep up with demand?”
  10665. “Of course! Demand is controlled by price, you know.”
  10666. >”But then wouldn't your stuff be just for the rich?”
  10667. “Only the bespoke items. We can still have fashion lines for the masses, custom tailored of course. But our focus should always be the unique designs.”
  10668. >”That would be a lot of work though. Do you think we'll be able to keep up?”
  10669. “Pricing. Pricing! We charge for our services based on demand! If we're falling behind, the price shoots up!”
  10670. >”And if they keep placing orders?”
  10671. “Then we purchase the city and redecorate!”
  10672. >”That sounds great! But-”
  10673. “I haven’t dodged your question dear. Merely working up to it. I’m hesitant to broach the subject. You’re right. I’m not acting myself. Rarity is meant to SHARE her opinions. If I don’t tell everypony what I think, how else will they know I’m right?”
  10674. >Coco smiled gently.
  10675. “You see, things work a tad differently here in the Empire, and I think that if we are to live here we should adapt to their customs.”
  10676. >”Oh, of course! Do they have an extra holiday we need to observe?”
  10677. “Probably a few. But that’s not what I meant. You see…”
  10678. >Rarity knew that she was changing, and sooner or later she would lose touch with her old ways.
  10679. >She was becoming passive and timid!
  10680. >She had to abandon shame and return to her true self.
  10681. >Glamorous!
  10682. “We should sell intimate apparel.”
  10683. >”Intimate? You mean, like… for couples?”
  10684. “That would be a good start, yes! The crystal ponies are much more open about this kind of thing than you might expect. I expect there will be demand.”
  10685. >”I don’t know…”
  10686. “You will. In time. I would like to put the more exciting things in the attic, but that will have to wait until we find you a better home.”
  10687. >”Alright. I guess if that’s normal here.”
  10688. “Not doing it would make us freaks.
  10689. >Bold!
  10690. “We should also carry marital aids.”
  10691. >Coco nodded fervently.
  10692. >Then realization hit her and she choked on her latte.
  10693. >Mercifully it was a liquid.
  10694. >Rarity didn’t wait for her to clear her throat.
  10695. “Obviously that’s not our forte, and I don’t expect either of us will be able to provide. But I have found a local craftspony that seems to understand what quality means. We would be partnering with her to provide them.”
  10696. >”B- *cough* but- no! Nopony will respect us!”
  10697. “Oh. Trust me. They shall.”
  10698. >”But that’s not fashion!”
  10699. “Why not? If it makes a statement while looking good on or in you, it’s fashion!”
  10700. >And of course, proud!
  10701. “She makes good products. Trust me, I know. Though she does have a questionable understanding of marketing.”
  10702. >She was being held captive by her own animalistic impulses.
  10703. >Impulses like fear, shame, and guilt!
  10704. >This was her only chance to regain control of her life!
  10705. >And to take control of her future as a slave!
  10706. “I met her thanks to my partner. He’s shown me a whole new world.”
  10707. >She had spent all this time thinking of exciting ways to enjoy her new role…
  10708. >But why?
  10709. >Why was she THINKING?
  10710. >Don’t just think about it, do it!
  10711. >Do it!
  10712. >DO IT!
  10713. “One I think you’d quite enjoy. Coco? I think you should join us.”
  10714. >”Join you for… what? Tea?”
  10715. “Sex.”
  10716. >A very flustered Coco stood up and walked out the door.
  10717. >Rarity scurried after her.
  10718. “Understandable. You’re afraid. Much like I am. But you told me I wasn’t acting like myself, and you were right! Rarity isn’t a shrinking violet who bends to the norm! Rarity MAKES the norm! And that, my dear, is what Coco Pommel does as well! Join me, as we shall show the whole of ponykind a bold new art!”
  10719. >Coco sped up.
  10720. >As did Rarity.
  10721. “If you’re not ready-”
  10722. >”I never will be.”
  10723. “Then you are not obligated to do anything.”
  10724. >Yet.
  10725. ”But I assure you, you are missing out.”
  10726. >”Can we stop talking about it?”
  10727. “Yes.”
  10728. >Coco slowed down.
  10729. “I do not wish to push you away, Coco. If this is going to be a problem then I will gladly pretend it never happened.”
  10730. >”You should have known it would be a problem.”
  10731. “And why is that?”
  10732. >She had no answer, of course.
  10733. ”Come. Let’s return to the boutique. We have much work to do.”
  10734. >”Okay… but we’re not going to talk about- about dirty things.”
  10735. “That’s fine.”
  10736. >Rarity didn’t want to talk about dirty things anyway.
  10737. >She would much rather do them.
  10738. “I do still think we should branch out to more exciting apparel and certain accessories though.”
  10739. >”Alright. If that’s how things are done here… But I’m not going to promise mine will be any good. I don’t know much about that kind of thing.”
  10740. >Rarity couldn’t help but grin.
  10741. >Coco hadn’t reacted nearly as badly as she’d expected.
  10742. >Though she didn’t yet have a plan, she was certain she could make it work!
  10744. >You walked straight past Rarity when you got home.
  10745. >You didn’t hesitate for even a second on his journey to bed.
  10746. >Rarity couldn’t help but wince at the sight of you collapsing on the bedding, fully clothed.
  10747. >“Oh dear. That’s going to wrinkle terribly.”
  10748. >She approached cautiously, perhaps even fearfully
  10749. >”I trust it was another hard day?”
  10750. >You only grunt.
  10751. >”I do hope there aren’t many more of those on the horizon.”
  10752. >You don’t have the energy to reply.
  10753. >Rarity starts talking about something, but you sorta tune her out.
  10754. >There’s way too much going on, and you’re nearing your limit.
  10755. >Or at least you WERE nearing your limit.
  10756. >Today was too much.
  10757. >Your questionable choices with Twilight have put you at risk, you just discovered you’re an illegal alien, shapeshifting mind control bugs likely want you dead, Applejack isn’t fooled about your history with Rarity, you’re going to struggle to afford to restock the clinic, you’re totally overwhelmed at work, your toe is rotting off, and your friend is going to die of a stroke!
  10758. >And then, to really make sure that everything’s totally fucked-
  10759. >”Master? Are you okay?”
  10760. “No.”
  10761. >You’re not sure why you said it.
  10762. >It’s true, of course, but why tell the truth?
  10763. >You’ve lied to Rarity plenty of times before.
  10764. >Usually in an indirect manner, or by omission, or even with misleading truths.
  10765. >Why choose now to be so transparent?
  10766. >And so blunt?
  10767. >It was really no mystery.
  10768. >Letting a patient die was just not something you could do.
  10769. >Days like today had gotten you in trouble before.
  10770. >”What’s the matter? Is it the money?”
  10771. >You can’t help but give off a humorless laugh.
  10772. >”Is it your hoof?”
  10773. >Hoof.
  10774. >”Is it trouble at work?
  10775. “I’ve got a lot of problems, Rarity.”
  10776. >”Then you need a lot of solutions! Let me help you!”
  10777. “And how exactly would you be able to help me?”
  10778. >”I can’t. Not if you don’t tell me what’s wrong.”
  10779. >You don’t cry.
  10780. >Maybe it’s because you’re too tired. Or maybe it’s because you haven’t been pushed far enough yet.
  10781. >Maybe it’s not in your nature…
  10782. >Or maybe it’s because you’re too angry.
  10783. >No, not angry.
  10784. >FURIOUS.
  10785. >How could they be so STUPID?
  10786. “I had a patient today. A retarded one. You can write that on their tombstone in a couple of days.”
  10787. >”Oh dear. This sounds…”
  10788. “Catastrophic? Strangulated ventral hernia.”
  10789. >”A what?”
  10790. “Soft tissue pushes through the abdominal wall and gets stuck. Causes a lot of complications, in this case it’s strangling their intestines. Already gangrenous from what I could tell.”
  10791. >You don’t bother getting up.
  10792. >But somehow you know what Rarity’s face looks like.
  10793. “Normally it’s not that big of a deal. You just put the intestines back in place, and place a mesh over the hernia so it doesn’t recur. But they left it too long. I have to cut it out.”
  10794. >”But you CAN cure them. Right?”
  10795. “No.”
  10796. >An oppressive silence fills the building.
  10797. >Rarity finally breaks it with laughter.
  10798. >”Oh, oh my goodness. You had me fooled for a moment. Of course you can cure it!”
  10799. “No. A few days ago when they initially had their appointment, it would have been easy. Doing it right now is risky. But, of course, we’re not doing it at all.”
  10800. >If only you hadn’t closed the clinic.
  10801. >Maybe they would have been less stupid back then.
  10802. >Maybe you’d have at least had time to talk to them.
  10803. >Maybe…
  10804. >”And WHY aren’t you there RIGHT NOW curing them?”
  10805. “Because they refused.”
  10806. >”But- pardon?”
  10807. “You’re right. It’s insane! But… it’s their right. I can’t stop them.”
  10808. >You’re painfully aware of what happens if you do.
  10809. >”Well, go back and talk some sense into them!”
  10810. “I tried!”
  10811. >”Try HARDER!”
  10812. >She stomps the ground in anger, and you can hear more than a bit of fire in her voice.
  10813. “THEY WOULDN’T LISTEN! They- they… they don’t trust me enough to let me try.”
  10814. >”Well then, do something! Overpower them! Call the militia to- you- you have to…”
  10815. “I can’t.”
  10816. >”But-”
  10817. “Shut up and listen. I cannot force anypony to accept treatment. They have chosen to die, so they’re going to die.”
  10818. >”You forced treatment on me.”
  10819. >Fuck.
  10820. >She’s right.
  10821. >If you can commit malpractice for selfish reasons, but not to help someone…
  10822. >What have you become?
  10823. >A monster?
  10824. >No, that’s not it.
  10825. >A coward.
  10826. >This is cowardice.
  10827. >It’s because you’re afraid of losing it all.
  10828. >You can hear her crying.
  10829. >And you don’t blame her.
  10830. >This is wrong.
  10831. >It’s a violation of so many rules and laws.
  10832. >You’re doing the wrong thing.
  10833. >But that’s what makes you who you are.
  10834. “I need your help finding them.”
  10835. >”You’re *sniff* you’re going to help them?”
  10836. “I’m going to try. They’re in a lot of danger. But we need to track them down soon. They’ll still be in the city, if I remember the train schedule right. We need to find a way to convince them to accept my help”
  10837. >She doesn’t understand how this works.
  10838. >She won’t fully grasp just how wrong this is.
  10839. >This would definitely get you thrown in prison if you were back on Earth.
  10840. >Are you really going through with this?
  10841. >”What’s this poor soul’s name?”
  10842. >Of course you’re going through with it.
  10843. >There’s no reason she can’t live a full and healthy life.
  10844. >Shining Armor and Cadence will understand.
  10845. “Able Copper.”
  10846. >”You got that wrong, didn’t you.”
  10847. “Probably. Two toned red mane, green body, non-crystal Earth mare. I have to prepare. I need you to find her. Look for somepony with debilitating stomach pain. Once we’ve found her… I don’t know. We’ll have to think of something.”
  10848. >”It’ll be hard to find them in this city… but I shall seek help!”
  10849. “From who?”
  10850. >”It’s whom, master!”
  10851. >She runs out the door.
  10852. >You let out a long, shuddering breath.
  10853. >You’d just violated so many ethical guidelines and laws.
  10854. >But it’s not the first time.
  10855. >Hopefully it won’t be the last, either.
  10856. “The die is cast. Best make the most of it.”
  10857. >You head back to the clinic to prepare the theater.
  10859. Later…
  10861. >Rarity was gasping desperately for breath.
  10862. >She was ill accustomed to pushing herself like this.
  10863. >No amount of desperation would make up for the limits she was burdened with, but she was determined to make the absolute most of whatever energy she still had!
  10864. >She made her way to the barracks, just like she had last week.
  10865. >But instead of trepidation, she found herself overcome by a sense of urgency.
  10866. >The instant she entered the building, Rarity found herself surrounded by soldiers.
  10867. >She barely paid them any heed.
  10868. “Cadence! I need to speak with her immediately!”
  10869. >”Ooh! Are you the entertainment tonight? Somepony certainly looks eager. I guess you like it even more than we do!”
  10870. >Their guffaws fell upon deaf ears.
  10871. “Please! I must speak with the princess! It’s a matter of life or death!”
  10872. >”You’re really dying for dick? Well, we can help you!”
  10873. >Rarity tried to walk past them.
  10874. >She was immediately threatened by a wall of rifles and spears.
  10875. >”That’s plenty close enough.”
  10876. >Rarity was dumbstruck.
  10877. >She wanted to explain the situation.
  10878. >She wanted to beg them to lower their weapons.
  10879. >She wanted to run, to hide, to scream!
  10880. >She did nothing.
  10881. >”Princess! Get back! We have an intruder!”
  10882. >”It’s okay. I was expecting her. Stand down.”
  10883. >Rarity was still struggling to process the situation.
  10884. >Her mind was racing, working as fast as it ever had before!
  10885. >But no amount of speed can help when-
  10886. >They were letting her go?
  10887. >What was happening?
  10888. >CADENCE!
  10889. >Her normal revulsion was totally forgotten, replaced with elation at seeing the slut queen.
  10890. “I need your help! It’s bad, it’s bad!”
  10891. >Cadence’s expression was split somewhere between smug and sultry.
  10892. >”Don’t worry. If you’re that desperate for dick-”
  10893. “Somepony is going to die!”
  10894. >”Oh. OH! Tell me what’s happening!”
  10895. “Somepony refused treatment. Need to find them soon!”
  10896. >”Refused treatment? From the doctor? What’s wrong with them?”
  10897. “I don’t know! He told me, but I didn’t understand! We’re looking for an Earth mare of Equestrian descent with a two toned red mane and a green coat! He doesn’t know his colors very well, so be mindful that it might be anything from maroon to coral, and her coat might be as far off as chartreuse!”
  10898. >”And their name?”
  10899. “You know how he is with names!”
  10900. >”Alright. Let me get this straight. Somepony who’s description we aren’t sure of with no name has a condition we don’t know is sick… and we’re supposed to find them?”
  10901. “Exactly!”
  10902. >”Are you sure you’re not just trying to get out of community service?”
  10903. ”If you’re not going to help then her blood is on your hooves!”
  10904. >Rarity turned to leave, determined to search the city on her own.
  10905. >Get gait was slow and awkward, betraying her exhausted state.
  10906. >”I didn’t say I wouldn’t help. Sergeant. I want you to sweep the city. Start by sending somepony to the clinic, there should be a record of her being there. You can at least get a name.”
  10907. >”Of course, your majesty. Is there anything else we should know to narrow down the search?’
  10908. “Oh dear. He said so much but I was in quite the tizzy… He mentioned the trains, and how she might leave the city.”
  10909. >”Great. That means she’s probably not a resident, plus we know where to start. Anything else?”
  10910. “I… I cannot recall.”
  10911. >”We’ll find her. If you think of anything else, let us know.”
  10912. “Thank you. Mas- the doctor said it was urgent.”
  10913. >The military ponies started moving about in a decidedly disorganized manner.
  10914. >But that one, the Sergeant seemed to be attempting to instill order.
  10915. >He stood at a nearby desk barking orders, and pointing at a scroll of some sort.
  10916. >Possibly a map?
  10917. “I’d best get looking.”
  10918. >”No.”
  10919. >Cadence stepped in Rarity’s way.
  10920. >”We need you here in case you think of anything else. Any little detail could help. Besides, you’re exhausted. You won’t be getting very far.”
  10921. >She was right.
  10922. >Rarity could barely move.
  10923. >”Is there anywhere I can talk to her in private?”
  10924. >”Er… We can make room. There’s classified information in the meeting room, if you give us a while to clear it out-”
  10925. >”No, don’t worry about it. We’ll be across the street at the coffee shop.”
  10926. “Oh, I do hope it’s better than the one Master goes to.”
  10927. >Cadence has a massive smirk on her face.
  10928. >Rarity couldn’t figure out why though!
  10929. >She had just been talking about coffee after all.
  10930. >Perhaps she wasn’t a fan of that one either?
  10931. >Cadence led the way, and Rarity awkwardly stumbled after her.
  10932. >She was appalled to discover what she was approaching.
  10933. >It was so… austere!
  10934. >A baby blue windowless establishment with vulgarities painted upon it by vandals!
  10935. >The interior was no better.
  10936. >An overly worn doormat gave way to cracked tile.
  10937. >The harsh lighting did a terrible job of complimenting the overcrowded counterspace.
  10938. >At least it seemed clean…
  10939. >”Princess!”
  10940. >The barista exclaimed.
  10941. >A bulky crystal stallion with a hard face.
  10942. >”At ease, Lancepesade. We need somewhere private to talk, somewhere without sensitive information.”
  10943. >“It’s not really furnished right for you, but I can offer my storage room. There are a few crates you can sit on if you need seats.”
  10944. >”Thank you.”
  10945. >”Can I get you two anything? On the house.”
  10946. >”We would appreciate something, but I insist on paying. Small with sugar.”
  10947. “Caramel hazelnut macchiato. Half caffeinated, half decaf.”
  10948. “Ma’am, you’re about 10 paces out of a military installation in the toughest part of the most martial pony nation on the planet. This ain’t Manehattan.”
  10949. “I had noticed.”
  10950. >”Right. Two with sugar coming up.”
  10951. “Ugh.”
  10952. >”Thank you, Lance.”
  10953. >The storage room was well organized, if a bit crowded.
  10954. >Everything was neatly arranged on the shelves, with a healthy amount of space between the floor and the first shelf.
  10955. >Rarity was pleased to see that it was clean.
  10956. >Not just clean, but pristine.
  10957. “I suppose he does a good job of cleanliness. At least inside. What did you say his name was again? Lancepesade?”
  10958. >”That’s not his name. It was his rank when he retired last year. He’s just Lance.”
  10959. “Oh. What was his rank?”
  10960. >”Lancepesade. An archaic word for broken lance. It signifies a highly experienced soldier.”
  10961. “Why did he retire?”
  10962. >”He’d had a really long career. Never sought office from what I can remember. He had every right to retire before the Empire returned, except…”
  10963. “Sombra.”
  10964. >”He kept soldiering for a few years after I moved into the palace, and only quit because he broke his leg and couldn’t do the job anymore. The poor guy couldn’t pass the physical standards after it healed, and got an honorable discharge.”
  10965. “So you mean to tell me…”
  10966. >”Broken lance Lance broke?”
  10967. >They said it in perfect sync.
  10968. >”It was really hard on the guy when he realized he couldn’t serve anymore.”
  10969. “I take it he enjoyed being a soldier.”
  10970. >”No. Nopony likes being a soldier. It’s a miserable and dangerous job. He was proud of the Empire and wanted it to thrive. We have a very militant history because this land was heavily disputed before it got locked out of time.”
  10971. “Yes, I had noticed there are a lot of military types around here. It’s not at all like Equestria.”
  10972. >”Equestria has a bigger military presence than you think.”
  10973. >Cadence sat on the floor.
  10974. >Rarity selected a wooden crate to sit upon.
  10975. “There are other crates you know.”
  10976. >”I feel more comfortable being lower down.”
  10977. “You have a throne.”
  10978. >”I know... Tell me what happened. It might help the search.”
  10979. “Yes, of course. Master came home and walked straight past me. He didn’t even look at me. He just collapsed on his bed, fully clothed, without a care about what that would do to the fabric. After some… prodding, he revealed that one of his patients was terminal. Apparently it was possible to cure them, but he wasn’t going to do it.”
  10980. >”That doesn’t sound like him.”
  10981. >There was a knock on the door.
  10982. >”Enter.”
  10983. >Lance marched in, carrying a tray in his teeth.
  10984. >He did an admirable job of keeping it level, but a bit of coffee still sloshed out of the cups carried on it.
  10985. >Cadence levitated one cup off the tray, then after a few seconds carried the second one out to Rarity.
  10986. “Thank you.”
  10987. >He showed himself out without replying.
  10988. “Augh. This is terribly bitter.”
  10989. >”Yep. Bitter, sweet, and not much else. It could use a little something… but I don’t think his regular clientele would be comfortable.”
  10990. “I’m hesitant to ask.”
  10991. >”Hazelnut. You really called it with your order.”
  10992. “Oh. Knowing you, I thought you were going to say semen.”
  10993. >”What? I wouldn’t waste perfectly good cum by putting it in coffee. You have to savor it.”
  10994. “Eugh.”
  10995. >”This place is really barebones. You can get sugar, but that’s about it.”
  10996. “It’s not particularly enjoyable.”
  10997. >”It’s not meant to be enjoyed. It’s meant to be drunk in a hurry so you can wake up after way too little sleep and go out for more training. Or to patrol, whatever you’re doing that day.”
  10998. >The business as a whole suddenly made perfect sense.
  10999. >But without any upselling or add-ons, it would be difficult to afford such an establishment.
  11000. >It was rough because of narrow profit margins, no doubt.
  11001. >”We’re getting distracted. Why wasn’t he going to cure them? You said they’d refused?”
  11002. “Yes.”
  11003. >”Did he say why?”
  11004. >Rarity had to think about that for a while.
  11005. >She didn’t think he had.
  11006. >She went over the conversation over and over again in her head-
  11007. “He said they didn’t trust him.”
  11008. >”That’s a fairly common problem, unfortunately. Most ponies around here do, but there are quite a few holdouts. He’s got a bit of a reputation for disemboweling his patients.”
  11009. “I suppose that reputation is technically accurate. But why would they seek his aid if they didn’t trust him?”
  11010. >”Pardon?”
  11011. “It’s just that, THEY sought HIM out, right? And if he already had such a reputation, surely the notion that he might have to do something like that wouldn’t have been too jarring. What changed?”
  11012. >”That’s a very good question! There IS something that might have done it… Do you remember what name he gave you?”
  11013. “Able Copper.”
  11014. >”Able. Perhaps… Apple?”
  11015. >Apple.
  11016. >”Applejack has been going around telling everypony who’ll listen that he can’t be trusted. Maybe this pony is an Apple.”
  11017. “Why would she do that?”
  11018. >”Apparently, she thinks he did something bad to you. Has he?”
  11019. >Rarity had to steel her resolve.
  11020. >She had made her choice, over and over again.
  11021. >She couldn’t keep backing down, she couldn’t keep shying away.
  11022. >If she didn’t want this, it meant she wasn’t in control.
  11023. >That she was a victim.
  11024. >That wasn’t the Rarity way.
  11025. “Nothing comes to mind. Though… I am hesitant to do this, but when there’s a bit of time I wish to discuss some relevant matters with you.”
  11026. >”When this is over, I’d be happy to. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to tell them it’s probably an Apple. Maybe they can get started before we actually get the name.”
  11028. Later…
  11030. >You’d nearly worn through the floor of the clinic from pacing for so long.
  11031. >For what must have been the hundredth time, you thought about going out and looking for her yourself.
  11032. >But if you went out, and Rarity brought her here, how would you know?
  11033. >Maybe if you checked in every half hour or something-
  11034. >The door opened.
  11035. >And Shining Armor walked in.
  11036. >”We need to talk.”
  11037. >That didn’t sound good.
  11038. >”I’ve been told you chose to let a patient die.”
  11039. “I guess I know who Rarity went to for help. You’ve been told a half truth.”
  11040. >”Explain yourself. And don’t bring up that confidentiality thing, you’ve already broken it. I COMMAND you as prince to tell me what’s happening!”
  11041. >Ooh, he was pissed.
  11042. “It’s pretty simple. She refused treatment. I tried to talk her out of it. I made sure to explain that there was no chance she would survive without surgical intervention. She called me a liar, a murderer, and a rapist, then left.”
  11043. >”And she was right about all three.”
  11044. “I have NEVER-”
  11045. >”You were going to LET HER DIE! As far as I’m concerned, you tried to kill her.”
  11046. “You have no idea what you’re talking about.”
  11047. >He snarls at you for a moment, but collects himself.
  11048. >”You know what? You’re right. I should give you a chance. Last time there was a misunderstanding, I split your lip for no reason. You’re an alien, I have to get used to the fact that you think differently than I do. Please. Tell me HOW what you did is even remotely acceptable. I DESPERATELY want it to be okay because I consider you to be my friend, but I just can’t see it.”
  11049. “She didn’t want me to help her.”
  11050. >”And YOU of all ponies took no for an answer?”
  11051. “It’s the law.”
  11052. >”Not here it isn’t.”
  11053. “Maybe not, but some laws are made with good reason. Patients are the ones who ultimately decide what happens to them. I can advise them, and I can be the one who actually administers the treatment. But they’re the ones who choose their fate.”
  11054. >”Even if they choose wrong?”
  11055. “It’s not really their choice if they aren’t allowed to make a mistake.”
  11056. >”And WHY exactly are we allowing mistakes here? It’s not like they’re going to learn from them.”
  11057. >You think you understand the problem.
  11058. >He hasn't seen medical horrors.
  11059. >A hospital can be a very grim place.
  11060. “Medicine is not perfect. It’s risky, painful, and depending on where you live, expensive. There are treatments that are beyond agonizing. Pain the likes of which you cannot understand. Horrors and humiliation that living bodies were never meant to tolerate. Some treatments involve poisoning a patient to the brink of death and then holding them there for months in the hopes that they outlast whatever is making them sick. Because we can keep you alive longer than is natural, we can keep you suffering longer than is natural. If your odds of survival are bad, the treatment is unpleasant, and the cost is high… maybe you don’t think it’s worth it.”
  11061. >The anger is slowly fading from his face.
  11062. >Replaced with sadness.
  11063. >Then a flash of realization.
  11064. >A smirk for some reason?
  11065. >Then he collects himself.
  11066. “There are some hard limits to how much pain you can feel. Your brain won’t be able to process signals past a certain threshold. A good hospital can keep you near that limit for… years. Even if there’s no hope of recovery. Patients have the right to decide when it’s not worth it anymore. My job is to give them all the necessary information, and let them make their own informed decision.”
  11067. >”Informed decisions?”
  11068. “Yeah.”
  11069. >”Well, at least I know what the problem is. You’re not a murderer, and you’re not incompetent. You’re a good man who happens to be retarded.”
  11070. “Excuse me?”
  11071. >”Imagine spending all that time in school, and still being too stupid to think. You’re not on Earth anymore.”
  11072. “I know the laws are a bit different here-”
  11073. >”Do you REALLY think Apple Cobbler was able to make an informed decision?”
  11074. “I told her what was happening.”
  11075. >”Let me guess. You said you were going to eviscerate her because invisible bugs were going to transmute her blood into poison otherwise.”
  11076. >Not in so many words.
  11077. >”They don’t know enough to make an informed decision. They don’t know because this isn’t Earth, and you’re not treating humans. They haven’t gone through the same schools, they don’t have the same cultural background, and they aren’t used to seeing all this alien machinery. Most of what you say doesn’t make any sense at all to me, I just know it works! All these rules and practices need to be reassessed.”
  11078. >Shame wasn’t exactly what you were expecting to feel today.
  11079. >”Get it through your head. Next time this happens, you are to notify me immediately. You are to give me all relevant information, regardless of your rules about secrecy. You are to proceed exactly as I tell you to. That’s an order.”
  11080. “If I start sharing secrets, ponies will be hesitant to tell me the truth.”
  11081. >”That’s an order, civilian.”
  11082. >At least he didn’t sound angry anymore.
  11083. “You’re right, by the way. I do have to rethink all these things. It’s not going to be easy, but I’ll try.”
  11084. >”Thank you. I hope you’re almost ready, because we found her.”
  11085. “You did? Great! How long do I have?”
  11086. >”Not sure. They haven't talked her into coming yet, I'm going to try.”
  11087. >So, plenty of time.
  11088. >You set to work sanitizing yourself, keeping an eye on the door.
  11089. >How hard this is will be entirely dependent on how septic they are.
  11090. >With incredible luck, it’ll take ten minutes.
  11091. >More realistically-
  11092. >There’s really not much point in worrying about it.
  11093. >When they finally arrive, you’re pretty surprised to see her.
  11094. >She’s forced in at spearpoint, marching in manacles.
  11095. >You think you can see light bruises around her face too.
  11096. >They had not persuaded her to come here.
  11097. >Not with words at least.
  11098. >”Please! Please, I’m begging you, I don’t want to die!”
  11099. “You’re not going to.”
  11100. >”PLEASE don’t eat me!”
  11101. “Nobody’s eating you. You’re going to live a long and healthy life. You’ll feel way better.”
  11102. >There’s no way you’ll be able to sedate her normally.
  11103. >Not if she’s this scared.
  11104. >You’ll inject some midazolam instead.
  11105. >She starts crying and thrashing against her bonds as you approach.
  11106. >The screams of terror threaten to rupture your eardrums as you produce the needle.
  11107. >The soldiers pile on her to hold her still as you sink it into her neck.
  11108. >Her thrashing starts to weaken shortly after you withdraw the needle.
  11109. >An uncomfortably long period passes before her crying stops.
  11110. >And shortly after, she falls limp.
  11111. >You’re pretty shaken by the ordeal.
  11112. >This poor pony just went through terror that you understand all too well.
  11113. >When Chrysalis made you deepthroat her rifle, well, it was just lucky you didn’t have to pee at the time.
  11114. “You’re going to be okay. Don’t worry.”
  11115. >The soldiers who brought her in look a bit shaken too.
  11116. “Did the prince send you?”
  11117. >”He did. We’re to stay here until relieved.”
  11118. “Well, you’re relieved. Thank you.”
  11119. >”You don’t have the authority to do that, doctor.”
  11120. >Oh.
  11121. >Now you feel silly.
  11122. >They help you move her onto the operating table, so perhaps it was for the best that they stayed.
  11123. >After sanitizing yet again, you set to work.
  11124. >She’s not properly sedated, and the addition of midazolam contraindicates the inhalants you usually use.
  11125. >You’ll hook her up to an IV.
  11126. >Etomidate and Lidocaine should be good for induction, but not maintenance.
  11127. >You either need to commit to finishing up fast before they wear off, or use something else.
  11128. >Without being sure how bad it is…
  11129. >You can’t risk it.
  11130. >They’re probably the right choice, but if there are complications it could be a disaster.
  11131. >Ketamine has more side effects, but you can keep her sedated for a lot longer without causing irreparable harm.
  11132. >It’s time.
  11133. >Finding the affected site is trivial.
  11134. >The telltale bulge on her abdomen is as good as a painted target.
  11135. >You apply the disinfectant and begin.
  11136. >You start with a small puncture, in the hope that this can be resolved with endoscopy.
  11137. >But when pus starts seeping out you know it’s not happening.
  11138. >You widen the incision to about two centimeters, and use a saline wash to remove some of the waste.
  11139. >It was as you’d expected, namely pretty bad.
  11140. >Mercifully.
  11141. >It could have been worse.
  11142. >Direct removal would spread the infection and cause severe bleeding.
  11143. >So you start by clamping her intestines.
  11144. >You stick an empty syringe in the portioned off segment and apply suction to remove anything inside.
  11145. >You’re pleased to see them start to shrivel up.
  11146. >With the internal fluids removed, they are reduced to a relatively small lump of flesh.
  11147. >You can safely remove that without needing to expand the wound further.
  11148. >You discard the extracted tissue, then gently pull at the remaining clamps to bring the healthy intestine through the hernia in the abdominal wall.
  11149. >A brief inspection tells you that you’ll have to make a correction and remove a bit more tissue from each side.
  11150. >Repeating the process is a bit harder, since you’re now dealing with loose ends that are eager to flop around.
  11151. >If you had a surgical assistant-
  11152. >You’re not on Earth.
  11153. >This isn’t a proper hospital.
  11154. >You’ll make do.
  11155. >The imprecision of your setup makes you damage slightly more tissue than would have been strictly necessary, but you get it done.
  11156. >You slide a bioavailable tube into one end of the intestine and meticulously stitch it in place.
  11157. >It has to be water-tight, so you’re forced to take your time.
  11158. >You have to stop several times to manage your own sweat.
  11159. >But once it’s in place, you’re in the home stretch.
  11160. >Pulling the other end over the same tube, you start the process over again.
  11161. >The tube and stitching will dissolve over a few months.
  11162. >By then, the intestines will have healed together.
  11163. >You remove the clamps and carefully slip her intestines back into her body.
  11164. >Almost done.
  11165. >Except…
  11166. >She’s going to re-herniate more likely than not.
  11167. >You’d prepared for that, of course.
  11168. >A polyvinylidene fluoride mesh had already been selected.
  11169. >It won’t degrade naturally, which is exactly the point.
  11170. >Cell migration is known to be good on this material, so there’s a very good chance that the hernia will resolve naturally on this matrix.
  11171. >But in case it fails, there will be a backup.
  11172. >The stitching will inevitably dissolve, but local fibrosis will have secured it in place long before then.
  11173. >The poor girl has had a very bad day.
  11174. >It’s time to close her up.
  11175. >A small part of you can’t help but wonder if you’ll ever truly get used to working in these conditions.
  11176. >You would have thought that as long as you’ve been here, you’d have adapted.
  11177. >But some part of you still expects there to be a support network.
  11178. >You can feel in the back of your mind that you’re still expecting backup to arrive if your patient crashes.
  11179. >Even though you know help isn’t coming…
  11180. >You discard the thoughts and focus on properly closing the incision.
  11181. >But even with that concern forced from your mind, doubt is clawing at you.
  11182. >She was going to live.
  11183. >But at great cost...
  11185. Later still…
  11187. >The patient looked to be in relatively good condition.
  11188. >There was an infection as expected, but the nydus was gone with minimal complications.
  11189. >Breathing and pulse are steady.
  11190. >Blood analysis suggests the kidneys and liver haven’t been significantly damaged by the ordeal.
  11191. >Potassium is a bit low, but that’s probably unrelated.
  11192. >You’re sitting by her bed and writing in her file when you hear something.
  11193. >Crying.
  11194. >That’s not a good sign.
  11195. “You’re okay.”
  11196. >”Please don’t eat me.”
  11197. “I do not intend to.”
  11198. >”You can’t fool me. You’re keeping me alive so I stay fresh.”
  11199. >Wow.
  11200. >That was a new one.
  11201. >”Please… I’ll give you anything you want.”
  11202. “You will? Great. I want you to get better. Can you do that for me?”
  11203. >She chokes back a sob.
  11204. >She’s beyond terrified.
  11205. >And you can’t blame her.
  11206. >Maybe it would be best if somepony else talked to her.
  11207. “I’ll give you some space to collect your thoughts. But rest assured, you’re going to be fine.”
  11208. >It feels wrong to leave her like this.
  11209. >Proper bedside manner would have you try to comfort the patient.
  11210. >But how could you?
  11211. >It’s YOU that she’s scared of.
  11212. >And you really can’t blame her.
  11213. >You see Shining Armor standing nearby as soon as you step out.
  11214. “She’s awake.”
  11215. >”Great. What are her odds?”
  11216. “Better than Twilight’s were, that’s for sure. Still not great. It’s really badly infected… if only we’d caught it a day or two sooner-”
  11217. >”Her odds, Anon.”
  11218. “Right. Sorry. Major localized infection, no significant organ damage… I’m guessing here so don’t take it too seriously, but somewhere in the region of a tenth of a percent?”
  11219. >”By the STARS!”
  11220. “I know. It’s not good.”
  11221. >”One in a thousand to survive…”
  11222. >What?
  11223. “Oh, you’ve got it backwards.”
  11224. >He looks confused, but only for a moment.
  11225. >”I thought you said they weren’t great. One in a thousand is pretty good.”
  11226. “Would you be comfortable taking that chance?”
  11227. >”Hm. I see your point.”
  11228. “Could you maybe go talk to her? She’s freaking out, and I don’t think she wants to see me.”
  11229. >”That would be a very bad idea.”
  11230. “Why”
  11231. >”Who do you think subdued her when she ran?”
  11232. “Oooooh. But wait, if you knew she was resistant why were you so upset with me? Like, what was I supposed to do?”
  11233. >”I’ll arrange for somepony else to have a word with her.”
  11234. >You can’t help but notice he didn’t answer the second question.
  11235. >You take that to mean he doesn’t have an answer.
  11236. >”What a clusterfuck this all was. I’m going to have to explain to Celestia why I detained one of her citizens, and ordered you to eviscerate her.”
  11237. “Wow. Compared to you and the patient, I have it real easy. Look, Shining, I’m sorry.”
  11238. >”Don’t be. How much training did you say you had again?”
  11239. “Four years undergrad, four years med school, six in residency. Then of course there were seminars and summits, but I’m not really sure how much time I spent on those.”
  11240. >”Over fourteen years of training specifically for this job. You did exactly what you were trained to do. What was drilled into your head for over a decade. I can’t blame you for that.”
  11241. “You don’t? You sounded angry last time I saw you.”
  11242. >”Can you blame me for being upset? I was dragged into a city wide mare hunt, and when we found her I had to beat her up while she was begging for her life! I probably caused an international incident over this.”
  11243. “Didn’t the beating happen after we talked?”
  11244. >”Not helping.”
  11245. “Sorry. Was it worth it?”
  11246. >”If it works, yes.”
  11247. >There was no hesitation in his voice at all.
  11248. >Did he fail to realize how much trouble this could cause in the future?
  11249. >No, that wasn’t it.
  11250. >He was pretty sharp.
  11251. >Was it worth asking?
  11252. >He might be keeping it secret for a reason.
  11253. >”It’s no secret that I’m trying to expand the Empire’s medical services, and this is how I do it.”
  11254. >Oh.
  11255. >Apparently he wasn’t keeping it secret.
  11256. >”The senate is dragging its hooves about approving funding, I need something to give them a kick start.”
  11257. “Hold on a second. You have a senate?”
  11258. >”Yeah?”
  11259. “So you don’t have total control?”
  11260. >”Didn’t you have to pass a test before leaving Earth?”
  11261. “Yes! It was about Equestria though. And I was never really planning on coming up here.”
  11262. >”The Empire is politically different from Equestria. These ponies have had to deal with succession, and bad rulers. Officially they’re an advisory council until Cadence and I abdicate, then they’ll appoint a new ruler. I would expect them to pick Flurry, but they’re not obligated to.”
  11263. “OFFICIALLY an advisory council.”
  11264. >”Ignoring them would be a bad idea. Ponies would think me a tyrant.”
  11265. “Lemme guess. The last guy who did it was Sombrero, and if you do the same thing they’ll decide you’re like him, then somepony influential would leverage the public outcry into forcing you out and putting themselves in?”
  11266. >”No, actually. But good guess. Sombra actually had full support of his senate.”
  11267. “He- oh.”
  11268. >HIS senate.
  11269. >”I wish I could say the same about myself! Unfortunately, even the prince needs the approval of the rich and powerful. None of them could lay a hoof on me on their own. But if I start making enemies, my life will get very difficult.”
  11270. >Cadence had talked about how she couldn’t do what she wanted because of the opinions of others.
  11271. >Maybe this is what she was talking about?
  11272. >”Thanks to this mess, I can argue that this clinic is not serving as we need it to.”
  11273. “I’m willing to change if you-”
  11274. >”Shut up, don’t let them hear that! I order you to do what we want, putting you directly under the crown’s control. Then I say we need to maintain that control if we want you to keep saving lives.”
  11275. “Seems like a weak argument.”
  11276. >”Is it?”
  11277. “You don’t need to absorb my practice into the machinery of the state to make me follow your rules. Won’t they see that?”
  11278. >”I’m counting on it. Don’t worry, it’s part of the plan. There’s a lot that can go wrong, and this isn’t exactly the opportunity I was hoping for. I’m not sure how Celestia will react. She’ll probably be upset, but if I can convince her we saved Apple Cobbler’s life she’ll probably go easy on me. Luna though… she’s scary.”
  11279. “And you’re sure this is worth it? I mean, what you did was a pretty big deal. It probably won’t be that popular with the public.”
  11280. >”I saved a life, and gave myself a lot of leverage.”
  11281. >There was still something he wasn’t telling you.
  11282. >If he was afraid of being called a tyrant, he’d care more about his public image.
  11283. >Subduing an innocent visitor wasn’t particularly conducive to that.
  11284. >You gesture for him to continue, before remembering that hand gestures probably didn’t mean much.
  11285. “What’s your endgame?”
  11286. >”Isn’t it obvious?”
  11287. “It really isn’t.”
  11288. >He sighs, casting a pensive look at you.
  11289. >Something about that question was troubling him.
  11290. >Not in a moral way, rather he was finding it difficult to elucidate his goals.
  11291. >Perhaps his desires were nebulous, and he himself wasn’t certain what he was aiming for.
  11292. >Or perhaps he wasn’t sure how best to explain the situation to an outsider.
  11293. >Maybe he was carefully constructing his answer so as not to spoil any of his machinations.
  11294. >You had no way of being certain.
  11295. >”Have you ever wondered why I’m the prince of the Empire?”
  11296. “It’s because you married the princess.”
  11297. >”Correct. And have you ever wondered why Cadence is the princess of the Crystal ponies?”
  11298. “No.”
  11299. >”Well, others have.”
  11300. >Great.
  11301. >Even more stress for the guy.
  11302. >And for you…
  11303. >”I’d better get moving. I’ll send Cadence to speak with Apple Cobbler. See you later.”
  11304. >He turns to leave, but you put your hand on his back to stop him.
  11305. “Do you think we did the right thing? Morally, I mean.”
  11306. >He steps away quickly.
  11307. >And though you’re not exactly certain, you’re pretty sure you heard him mutter.
  11308. >”I hope so.”
  11310. Even later than that…
  11312. >Rarity was DESPERATE to leave.
  11313. >Lance had yet to say anything, and Rarity got the impression that he wasn’t going to.
  11314. >But she knew that he didn’t want her there.
  11315. >Having a stranger in the back of your shop would doubtlessly be a burden upon one’s mind.
  11316. >Yet she had not been released.
  11317. >And apparently, she was only welcome in the base if she was going to suck on things.
  11318. >Cadence had returned again and discussed the matter from every angle.
  11319. >Eventually, a courier came to tell her the pony in question had been found.
  11320. >Apple Cobbler.
  11321. >Shining Armor himself had been sent to speak with her.
  11322. >With the prince vouching for Master, surely she would see reason.
  11323. >Now all that was left to do was wait and see.
  11324. >But mostly wait.
  11325. >There were a thousand and one things she would rather be doing than sit alone in a storage room wherein she was not welcome!
  11326. >She could be preparing the store, practicing anal, designing clothing, spending time with her friends, practicing oral, seeing the city-
  11327. >She was so bored she was looking forward to community service!
  11328. >After multiple hours, Cadence at last returned with a big grin on her face.
  11329. >”Looks like she’s okay.”
  11330. “Excellent. When is the procedure being done?”
  11331. >”It’s already done. We’re going to have some… problems. In the future. But she’s alive, and awake.”
  11332. “How did the Prince convince her to accept aid?”
  11333. >”That’s just the thing… he kinda… didn’t.”
  11334. “Oh. She changed her mind of her own volition then?”
  11335. >”She fought for her life every step of the way, and is terrified that he’s going to eat her.”
  11336. >Oh dear.
  11337. “So wait, how did they get her to the clinic?”
  11338. >”Violence.”
  11339. “My STARS! I seem to have missed quite a bit!”
  11340. >”And it turns out that there’s a whole heap of laws on Earth saying the Doctor wasn’t allowed to pressure her into doing anything.”
  11341. “Really? But why?”
  11342. >”I don’t know yet, I haven’t had a chance to look into why. But taking a quick glance at the what, I’m not even sure asking you to talk to her was legal, never mind what we did. The doctor really bent the rules hard to help her. She has no idea how lucky she is.”
  11343. “I do hope this doesn’t happen often. It’s really quite hard on the doctor.”
  11344. >”You should really be calling him Master. You know, like you did earlier today.”
  11345. >Rarity felt like she’d been plunged into ice water.
  11346. >Cadence just stood there, gloating for a while.
  11347. >It took Rarity longer than she cared to admit to regain her composure.
  11348. “Perhaps you misheard me. But… Apple Cobbler, you said? It sounds like she’ll be alright.”
  11349. >”Yep. I hope she eventually calms down. Poor Shiney is really uncomfortable with what we did today, and he’ll be worrying about it until she’s gone. And probably for a while after that too.”
  11350. “You don’t seem too shaken.”
  11351. >”A bunch of stallions forcing a mare to do something for her own good? Seems pretty healthy to me.”
  11352. “You really are a firm believer, aren’t you? What if it were you?”
  11353. >”I wouldn’t have left.”
  11354. “Even if you thought he was going to kill you?”
  11355. >She sits down on the floor again.
  11356. >”Well, that’s different. There is such a thing as a bad stallion. What she did makes sense, but I don’t mind that she was forced to take her medicine.”
  11357. >She looked Rarity straight in the eye.
  11358. >”Sometimes, to help somepony, you have to hurt them first. If they don’t know what’s best for them, they might fight you. They might hate you. And it might take months for them to come around and finally figure out that they’re better off than they were before.”
  11359. “You’re asking for forgiveness.”
  11360. >Rarity was NOT a victim.
  11361. >Rarity was strong, bold, and in control!
  11362. >She chose her own destiny!
  11363. >She CHOSE this life.
  11364. >And if she kept telling herself that, she might eventually believe it!
  11365. “I’m afraid you’ll have to wrong me before I’m able to forgive you.”
  11366. >Cadence nearly knocked her over with her hug.
  11367. >”Thank you! Oh, it was killing me knowing that you hated me. I really like you, Rarity. And for a while, I was worried it wasn’t going to work out. It was taking forever for you to come around, and I knew the doctor was a risky choice. I thought you’d hate me forever, and I’d missed my only chance to make you happy.”
  11368. “Ah, yes. Of course. The doctor was the risky choice, not the abduction.”
  11369. >”Well, he’s not conventionally handsome. You know, being an alien and all. But you had such unreasonable standards, I couldn’t find anypony else!”
  11370. “My standards are EXACTING, not unreasonable.”
  11371. >”Rarity? I’m telling you this as a friend. They’re unreasonable.”
  11372. “And why should I settle for less?”
  11373. >”Because there is not a SINGLE stallion on the PLANET who has everything you want. Trust me.”
  11374. “Well. Maybe they should try harder.”
  11375. >”Or? Maybe we should support them more.”
  11376. “Bah. It’s irrelevant to the matter at hoof. I thought you’d done this because you were a whore. Do you mean to suggest this was some kind of insane matchmaking?”
  11377. >”Can’t it be both?”
  11378. “I do envy your… confidence when pursuing your perversions. Though I must say your methods leave something to be desired.”
  11379. >”What do you mean?”
  11380. “There’s a great deal of room for improvement.”
  11381. >”Such as?”
  11382. “Well, perhaps instead of abducting me you could have introduced us.”
  11383. >Cadence laughed.
  11384. >There was not a trace of insincerity in her laughter, nor any malice.
  11385. >It was simply the mirth that came from encountering the absurd.
  11386. “I’m quite serious, and you have a problem if you believe the contrary!”
  11387. >”No, Rarity. You’re the one who has a problem!”
  11388. “I beg your pardon?”
  11389. >”You STILL don’t understand what makes you happy, do you?”
  11390. “There are many simple joys in life that I find quite appealing.”
  11391. >”That’s not what I’m talking about, and you know it. I’d bet you’re still trying to convince yourself that your master is your ticket to high society or something.”
  11392. “No, I’m afraid he isn't. For all his virtues he’s nowhere near refined enough. I’ll have to make it by my own means.”
  11393. >”You’ll never be satisfied with climbing the social ladder. Trust me, I’m at the top and it’s miserable. You’ll be MUCH happier when you finally accept that mares belong at the bottom. And while it might not have been the best solution, what I did made sure you got there.”
  11394. “I BEG your PARDON! Do you mean to imply that the cruder sex is in some way my better?”
  11395. >”Better is the wrong word. A leader needs followers as much as followers need a leader.”
  11396. “Yes, well, perhaps if you were a tad less depraved you’d understand that’s not natural. Go touch yourself for a few hundred hours until your head clears, and then think it over.”
  11397. >Her sigh was very telling.
  11398. >It was clear that she’d had this discussion before.
  11399. >”What is the essence of a romance story?”
  11400. “I suppose there’s passion, drama, intrigue-”
  11401. >”You’re overcomplicating it. The core of it is that an extremely high quality male shacks up with a female of lower social standing. A prince falls in love with a peasant who dressed up nice and searches his kingdom for them because they accidentally left a horseshoe. Abused orphan gets employment with a rich man and shacks up with him when he becomes widowed. The daughter of landed gentry is going to wind up destitute because they won’t inherit anything from their father, but they manage to seduce somepony much richer than him. Rebellious rich bitch tries to avoid being stuck with a stallion, and marries somepony slated to be executed. Turns out he’s related to nobility, and using his wits and physique he proves himself better than her and lives somehow. I really didn’t like that one. Rich businesspony rapes his employee until she likes it.”
  11402. “You’re conveniently ignoring the exceptions. Lowborn laborer is forced away from his flame, but manages to reconnect years later after writing her hundreds of letters.”
  11403. >”AND becoming a plantation owner. That one actually proves my point! They had to split up because she outranked him. Wouldn’t it have been better if it worked the first try?”
  11404. “Two youths from feuding families elope and due to a misunderstanding kill themselves out of heartbreak.”
  11405. >”Feuding ARISTOCRATIC families. She didn’t run for a serf. Besides, that’s a tragedy, not a romance.”
  11406. “You’re seeing what you want to see. Upper class mare who is in danger of becoming poor is scheduled to marry a wealthy stallion, but gets seduced by a destitute artist on a sinking boat and risks her life while abandoning any chance at wealth and social status.”
  11407. >”Oh yeah. That one doesn’t really fit.”
  11408. “It’s just FICTION anyway. That’s not how true romance works!”
  11409. >”Oh, of course not! I know a LOT about love, it’s sorta my thing. But we like those stories because they speak to a facet of our psyche. We think we want those things for one reason or another, but we overcome them when we find true love. But wouldn’t it be nice if we didn’t have to overcome those desires? If instead they were fulfilled?”
  11410. “I think you have a fetish and are trying to justify it.”
  11411. >Cadence scowled at her.
  11412. >Somehow that look didn’t seem like it belonged on her face.
  11413. >”You’re a tough case, but you’ll come around. We should probably leave though. I think Lance’s shop closes soon. Don’t forget, you have community service tomorrow.”
  11414. >Rarity was not a victim.
  11415. >She was in control.
  11416. >Rarity was not a victim!
  11418. “Tomorrow doesn’t work I’m afraid.”
  11419. >”You’re not getting out of it that easily.”
  11420. “I was scheduled for today. You’ll either stick to your own schedule, or I just shan’t be able to make the time for you.”
  11421. >”You’ve had a really stressful day though.”
  11422. “I have. Perhaps sucking on a few penises would be a good way to unwind.”
  11423. >Cadence smiled so wide it looked like her jaw was going to fall off.
  11424. “It will be the same arrangement as last time, yes?”
  11425. >”It will. Here, let’s get going.”
  11426. >Rarity’s heart was racing and her legs trembling as they left the coffee shop.
  11427. >Cadence stopped to talk to Lance for perhaps a bit longer than was absolutely necessary, leaving her to stew in a bizarre mixture of dread, fear, and excitement.
  11428. >She was lead through the labyrinthine base, and seemingly followed a totally different path from last time.
  11429. >And yet, somehow they wound up in the same barren concrete room.
  11430. >Just a few chains, some gas lamps, and a hole in the wall.
  11431. >But she didn’t approach the hole.
  11432. >Not yet.
  11433. >Do it, Rarity.
  11434. >Your master isn’t in charge of this relationship.
  11435. >You are!
  11436. >He’s taking charge because you’re making him, like a strong mare would!
  11437. “I need to push my- um… my master.”
  11438. >She nearly whispered the last word.
  11439. >”You’re at a glory hole. I don’t think you need to be ashamed about being in a relationship.”
  11440. “Yes, I suppose you’re right. Though I’m still not entirely comfortable with it.”
  11441. >”Why? Are you ashamed of him?”
  11442. “Oh, heavens no!”
  11443. >”Then say it loud and proud! Otherwise he might start to think you don’t appreciate him!”
  11444. >It was strange.
  11445. >Rarity was planning things that were beyond obscene.
  11446. >Yet somehow, this was still the sticking point.
  11447. >She knew it made no sense, but could not help it.
  11448. >”What do you mean push him? Like, tip him over, or… what’s going on here?”
  11449. “He’s not strict enough. I’ve broken several rules lately, and he keeps ignoring it.”
  11450. >”Ooh, is he going soft on us? As long as he doesn’t GET soft, am I right?”
  11451. >Rarity allowed herself to smile at the joke.
  11452. “I do not cut corners, and I do not take half measures. Everything I do, I do with quality, passion, and care. If I’m to…”
  11453. >She took a deep breath, and couldn’t help but shudder a bit.
  11454. “If I am going to be his slave, I am going to be an exemplar. Everypony shall know that I could have had any stallion I wanted, and that I chose him.”
  11455. >She can’t have others thinking she settled for less, after all.
  11456. >It would be disastrous for her social standing!
  11457. >”That’s great! What can I do to help?”
  11458. “Well, I don’t know what I want to get him to do to me.”
  11459. >”Hm. I suppose that depends. Where are you in your relationship?”
  11460. “Well…”
  11461. >Every part of Rarity’s body was beautiful.
  11463. >SHE WAS GLAMOROUS, and to Tartarus anypony who said otherwise!
  11464. “We are introducing my back door to the equation.”
  11465. >”Really? That’s REALLY tame. You’re only that far along?”
  11466. “Yes, well, it has been a difficult journey to get this far.”
  11467. >”Right. And you’re hoping for a suggestion on what to do next. Well, our options are a bit limited because there are so many prudes around. How about mares?”
  11468. “Are you coming onto me?”
  11469. >”I might be.”
  11470. “I’m not-”
  11471. >Of course she was ready!
  11472. >Rarity had nothing to be ashamed of!
  11473. >And if she was going to bring Coco into the fold, she had to be ready to pleasure her as well!
  11474. >”C’mon. He let us go at it once before, right? That means it’s okay!”
  11475. “Very well, but you'll have to earn it first.”
  11476. >Cadence let out a shrill squeal of delight.
  11477. “We’re doing it my way, though. And there is one more thing. I’ve found somepony who I wish to introduce to this lifestyle, but I don’t really know how. I’m hoping you have some resources or assets I can use.”
  11478. >”I’ll definitely try! But it’s not exactly a science, I have to do a lot of guessing. Who is it?”
  11479. “Coco Pommel.”
  11480. >”I don’t think I know her, so I can’t really offer any suggestions. If you need anything, tell me! I’m working on somepony else, but I should be able to help!”
  11481. “Oh? Upon whom are you working?”
  11482. >”It’s a secret. But I have to admit, it’s not going well. I’ve been trying for years, and I haven’t gotten anywhere.”
  11483. “Perhaps when I am done with my task I can assist you.”
  11484. >Well…
  11485. >No sense putting off the inevitable.
  11486. >If she was going to be raped and abused-
  11487. >She gave her head a shake.
  11488. >She was here for a treat!
  11489. >Every filly dreamed of growing up to have a charming and rugged stallion all to her own.
  11490. >And Rarity got to sample the most masculine parts of them!
  11491. >Dozens of them!
  11492. “How do I make this thing work?”
  11493. >”Just knock and wait.”
  11494. >She gently tapped on the wall, hoping that nothing would happen.
  11495. >Cadence banged violently on the wall.
  11496. >Still, nothing happened.
  11497. >For an entire thirty seconds.
  11498. >A long, mottled shaft stuck its way through the hole.
  11499. >It was as intimidating in length as it was in girth.
  11500. >And as revolting as Applejack’s compost heap.
  11501. >She didn’t want to do this.
  11502. >This was a nightmare.
  11503. >She had to get out of it somehow!
  11504. >”Last time? They told me you were really bad at this.”
  11505. “WHAT?”
  11506. >”Yeah. They said they would have rather done it themselves. And you only managed to get seven of them off, by the way. That’s like, nothing.”
  11507. >Rarity knew exactly what was happening.
  11508. >Cadence was manipulating her.
  11509. >Pushing for one more aspect of Rarity’s personality to want this.
  11510. >Attacking her pride and demanding a response.
  11511. >Giving her that last little shove she needed to become a depraved slut.
  11512. >And it was working.
  11513. >To her surprise, she was thankful.
  11514. >Rarity kneeled down, and planted her lips on the tip.
  11515. >She kissed it, parting her lips ever so slightly to access it with her tongue.
  11516. >Rarity explored every facet of the tip with her tongue.
  11517. >She tested the firmness, the texture, the flavor, the contours, she pushed into the urethra ever so slightly to make certain she knew every facet of the cock.
  11518. >She removed her lips for only a moment, before moving to the base.
  11519. >She made sure to wet her tongue, and then gave it a long, sensuous lick from the base to the tip, making sure to take her time and enjoy the sensation.
  11520. >To her surprise, it ejaculated right when she was about to finish, spraying her face with a thick layer of cum.
  11521. >She told herself that was a good thing.
  11522. >It was supposed to be good for your skin, after all.
  11523. “And you said I wasn’t good. I’m the best cocksucker in the Empire.”
  11524. >”He was a quick shot.”
  11525. “Want to help me? There are plenty of dicks to go around, and I’m sure they’d love a second mare. Even if she isn’t quite as talented as I.”
  11526. >”Shiny won’t let me.”
  11527. “Such a shame.”
  11528. >Rarity hit the wall with confidence, and waited patiently for her next treat to arrive.
  11529. >She started the same way, familiarizing herself with the tip.
  11530. >Peppering it with sloppy, wet kisses.
  11531. >As soon as she got an opportunity, she was going to pamper her master’s dick too.
  11532. >She was going to give it the attention it deserved.
  11533. >She was going to savor every moment, tease every last bit of her favorite cock, memorize every last detail of it.
  11534. >She was going to permanently burn it into her brain.
  11535. >Rarity widened her mouth, and took more of the shaft in.
  11536. >She held it in her mouth for a moment, groaning in delight.
  11537. >Drooling all over the guest.
  11538. >It wasn’t master’s.
  11539. >There were all sorts of ways that it wasn’t quite as good.
  11540. >It smelled wrong, missing that unique aroma she had come to associate with pleasure.
  11541. >It lacked that strange rounded head that set it apart from the rest, and the texture against her tongue was wrong.
  11542. >It was simply inferior to her master’s.
  11543. >And it was still delicious.
  11544. >She swallowed it, taking it deep within her throat.
  11545. >Her traitorous body told her it wasn’t meant to be there.
  11546. >It tried to push it out, but Rarity knew better.
  11547. >It belonged inside her.
  11548. >They all did.
  11549. >It didn’t matter how they chose to get there, she needed to let them in.
  11550. >She suckled lovingly on the cock for as long as her lungs would tolerate, before reluctantly sliding it out, pulling all the way until the flare caught on her lips.
  11551. >She teased it with her lips and tongue for a while as she caught her breath, excitedly anticipating what she knew was nigh.
  11552. >The twitching she felt in her mouth and grunting she heard from behind the wall told her everything she needed to know.
  11553. >He was feeling good.
  11554. >That meant that Rarity was doing a good job.
  11555. >She couldn’t help but swell with pride, knowing that she was a good mare.
  11556. >A good mare?
  11557. >Did this really make her good?
  11558. >Of course not!
  11559. >This was the bare minimum!
  11560. >She could do so much more, and she was determined to make her master happy.
  11561. >She swallowed it again, delighting in the sensation of her reward being sprayed down her throat.
  11562. >Her treacherous lungs began to cough, trying to reject the precious cum she had worked so hard for, but she held fast, making sure her charge extracted as much pleasure as possible from her body.
  11563. >She couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed when it slipped out.
  11564. >”Thank you. That was great. Do you have a coltfriend?”
  11565. “I’m afraid I’m spoken for, dear.”
  11566. >”He’s very lucky.”
  11567. >The words set her heart aflutter.
  11568. “Whoever you wind up with, do make sure to have her come by some day. I would gladly help her learn to properly appreciate a cock.”
  11569. >Cadence approached her.
  11570. >”Now that’s a fun idea. Would you be willing to offer seminars?”
  11571. “I don’t think society is quite ready to keep up with me. There’s being avant garde, and there’s being ahead of your time.”
  11572. >”Maybe someday.”
  11573. “Why are you still here anyway? I thought you weren’t allowed to participate.”
  11574. >”I have to whip you when we’re done.”
  11575. “Ah. I was rather hoping you’d forgotten.”
  11576. >This was a punishment.
  11577. >She didn’t want this.
  11578. >She was a prisoner-
  11579. >NO!
  11580. >Nopony was more free than Rarity!
  11581. >SHE!
  11582. >WAS!
  11583. >NOT!
  11584. >A!
  11585. >VICTIM!
  11586. >She was going to seize this moment and make it hers!
  11587. >She eagerly knocked on the wall to request her next reward.
  11588. >Circumstance had seen fit to spoil her, as she was gifted another penis to pleasure.
  11589. >She spent a moment nuzzling it, anticipating the moment that she could finally take it in.
  11590. >It was like wine.
  11591. >Yes, of course!
  11592. >She told herself again and again that this was like a wine tasting.
  11593. >A high society activity, wherein she was permitted to sample various delights
  11594. >You had to test the aroma and sample the bouquet before you drank it!
  11595. >This was a rather… ordinary vintage.
  11596. >She much preferred imports from Earth.
  11597. >But unlike at a wine tasting, it was improper to spit out one’s drink!
  11598. >Rarity took it deep into her throat quite suddenly and vigorously, drinking greedily.
  11599. >She couldn’t help but gag and gasp as she repeatedly bobbed her head back and forth, fucking her own throat eagerly.
  11600. >Her throat burned, her lungs screamed, but she kept going.
  11601. >She pushed herself to proceed, sucking and licking until far past what she had thought her limit was, until he was finally rewarded.
  11602. >It began to twitch in the telltale signs of ecstasy, and Rarity quickly moved it into her mouth.
  11603. >A torrent of cum filled her mouth.
  11604. >She sloshed it around on her tongue, tasting it, feeling the texture, testing the aroma and sampling the bouquet.
  11605. >But it couldn’t last forever.
  11606. >And it would be improper for her to spit out her drink.
  11607. >It wasn’t enough.
  11608. >She STILL wasn’t in control!
  11609. >That was not the Rarity way!
  11610. >She had no choice, so long as that pink wretch remained her jailor.
  11611. >She had to change that paradigm to truly be in charge of her destiny.
  11612. >Because she could NOT allow herself to be a victim!
  11613. “You know, Cadence, if you’re going to be here you might as well make yourself useful.”
  11614. >”What do you need?”
  11615. “I haven’t had a chance to practice today, and you’re going to make up for it.”
  11616. >She knocked on the wall again, ready for her next reward.
  11617. >”Practice what?”
  11618. “Anal. You’re going to fuck my ass.”
  11619. >Her next cock was ready.
  11620. >It was lesser too, nothing could compare to her master’s after all.
  11621. >But even a bad penis is a magnificent treat.
  11622. >She could hear Cadence moving as she took it into her mouth.
  11623. >”I must be dreaming.”
  11624. >She stopped sucking just long enough to reply.
  11625. “I suppose I am a dream come true.”
  11626. >She began to fuck her throat again, while raising her ass as high in the air as she could.
  11627. >”There’s a plug in here. You’re going to want a different one though. This is really for beginners. Oh! We should go shopping some time!”
  11628. >She felt the plug being roughly removed, leaving a gape in its wake.
  11629. >Before long her master plan had come to fruition.
  11630. >She felt something hard, slippery, and cold push against her ass.
  11631. >She did as she had learned to allow it easy passage.
  11632. >And felt it push in.
  11633. >It was bigger than what she had been using.
  11634. >Both thicker and longer.
  11635. >But it did not hurt.
  11636. >Instead, sharp jolts of pleasure shot all throughout her body.
  11637. >And with that her master plan had come into fruition.
  11638. >The PRINCESS of the Crystal Empire had been reduced to being Rarity’s sex toy.
  11639. >At last, she was in control once more.
  11640. >Taking it from both ends was a new experience, and a rather delightful one at that!
  11641. >But it was proving to be difficult to focus properly.
  11642. >Her moans of ecstasy were interrupting her breathing, and threatening to choke her.
  11643. >Which meant she needed even more practice!
  11644. >She was going to make sure she practiced every single day without exception!
  11645. >Her master deserved nothing but the absolute highest quality, and Rarity would deliver no less!
  11646. >Yet more semen filled her mouth.
  11647. >And she sampled it properly.
  11648. >Savoring it, knowing it, assessing it.
  11649. >Master’s cum tasted better, in her eyes.
  11650. >It was just a shame there wasn’t more of it!
  11651. >If only her master produced enough that she might bathe in it…
  11652. >But perhaps its scarcity was part of the value.
  11653. >A fine vintage from an exotic land, in limited supply.
  11654. >A delight only afforded to a select few.
  11655. >Cadence was right, putting it in coffee would be a terrible waste.
  11656. >Cadence’s thrusting grew rougher and harder as she tasted the seed.
  11657. >The pleasure was undeniable.
  11658. >The incredible lewdness of this place had her on edge, and Cadence somehow knew exactly where to go and what to do.
  11659. >But it was just barely too little.
  11660. “Please… just… just a little further.”
  11661. >”You like that, don’t you.”
  11662. “STARS yes!”
  11663. >”I’ve had a lot of experience pleasuring mares.”
  11664. >Cadence banged on the wall, summoning another dick.
  11665. >Rarity began to suck on it without even thinking, thoughts so thoroughly clouded by her overwhelming lust.
  11666. >”And I’m going to make sure you don’t get to cum.”
  11667. >Panic flooded Rarity’s heart.
  11668. >Her fear was so profound, she nearly stopped sucking.
  11669. >”You’re going to be on edge. Desperate for release. And when you leave, you’re going to keep yourself near your limit.”
  11670. “Mmf!”
  11671. >”You’re going to go home, put on your sluttiest outfit, and beg your master to fuck your ass.”
  11672. “Mmmm!”
  11673. >”You’re going to do this every day, until finally you reach it. The next milestone in your transformation into a depraved sex object.”
  11674. >Yes.
  11675. >YES!
  11676. >She wanted it!
  11677. >She wanted it so badly!
  11678. >Time lost meaning as Rarity lost herself in fantasy.
  11679. >She craved lewdness!
  11680. >She NEEDED it, and she was going to get it no matter what it cost!
  11681. >And nopony would stop her from submitting fully to her master!
  11682. >Not even her master!
  11683. >One dick blurred into the next, Cadence’s ministrations continually kept her right on the edge, and Rarity could think about nothing but sex.
  11684. >She blacked out before they were done.
  11685. >Rarity slept in a blissful haze of lust.
  11686. >She had totally forgotten that when she woke up, she was due more lashes.
  11688. >The lash bit cruelly into Rarity’s hide.
  11689. >A blinding jolt of pain overwhelmed her senses, forcing reality to fall away.
  11690. >There was no prison.
  11691. >There was no whip.
  11692. >There was no self.
  11693. >There was only pain.
  11694. >Another blow landed, but she didn’t notice.
  11695. >The peaks and valleys of her torment had at last blurred into one miasma of misery.
  11696. >She had long since lost the capacity to track the lashes, and had completely abandoned any composure she once had.
  11697. >Unrestrained, guttural cries of agony filled the air.
  11698. >If she could still hear, she would know that all had fallen silent.
  11699. >All, except for the whip, herself, and the dripping coming from Cadence.
  11700. >The illusion of control had been shattered and cast to the four winds.
  11701. >Even her profound lust was long forgotten.
  11702. >Erased by an eager, relentless, brutal onslaught.
  11703. >The strikes were landing cleanly, with practiced precision.
  11704. >Each one extracting the maximum suffering it possibly could without breaking the skin.
  11705. >When Cadence had promised there would be no cuts, Rarity had been relieved.
  11706. >The thought of her magnificent ass being marred, or perhaps even scarred- well, she would be less attractive to her master!
  11707. >But she had passed the point of caring about her appearance.
  11708. >Past the point of caring about her master.
  11709. >Past the point of caring about anything!
  11710. >Another blow landed.
  11711. >For a time, she had reflexively recoiled from each touch.
  11712. >But now her body was too weary to even attempt to pull away from the pain.
  11713. >Rarity remained limp and impassive, having totally surrendered to the pain.
  11714. >Cadence could release her bindings, and Rarity would still make no attempt to flee.
  11715. >The pain had radiated outward from her butt, and seemingly engulfed every atom of her being.
  11716. >Eternity stretched onward.
  11717. >But something strange began to happen.
  11718. >Her torment began to feel distant, and her body felt disconnected from her mind.
  11719. >The pain was still there, but somehow it felt less real than a half forgotten dream.
  11720. >She began to feel…
  11721. >Peace.
  11722. >Her torment
  11723. >Her vision slowly began to return.
  11724. >The return of her hearing marked the bizarre absence of a cracking noise.
  11725. >The pain was receding.
  11726. >And as it faded, Rarity returned to reality.
  11727. >She rather wished she hadn’t, and her butt still burned with fiery agony.
  11728. >She slowly mustered the strength to look up.
  11729. >Moving her neck sent a jolt through her entire body, and she couldn’t help but choke out a sob.
  11730. >Cadence stood above a puddle of arousal.
  11731. >She was wearing shiny black thigh high boots and a corset
  11732. >She held in her mouth the instrument of Rarity’s torture, a flog made up of four metal chains.
  11733. >Rarity blinked the tears out of her eyes, and with clarified vision she could see a distinctive look of concern on Cadence’s face.
  11734. >In addition to the telltale flush of arousal, of course.
  11735. “More.”
  11736. >Cadence spat the flog out.
  11737. >It clattered to the ground, the sound echoing in the tense silence.
  11738. >”Rarity-”
  11739. “More whipping!”
  11740. >”You’ve clearly-”
  11741. “You said I had to get through five hundred, and that I was to choose how many I received per day! I shall NOT be returning! We finish it TODAY, or we don’t finish it at all!”
  11742. >”You can’t take more today.”
  11743. “Then the punishment is concluded!”
  11744. >”Shiny wouldn’t allow for that, and he controls the militia.”
  11745. “Then finish it NOW!”
  11746. >Cadence sat down in her own puddle.
  11747. >”I’d love to keep going. This is getting me so horny, you have NO idea. I didn’t know it until you got your sentence, but I REALLY like disciplining bitches.”
  11748. >She reached her neck down and licked the floor, greedily lapping up her own vaginal secretions.
  11749. >Arousal and disgust were battling for primacy in Rarity’s heart.
  11750. >Arousal was winning.
  11751. >”I came like, three times from hitting you. I wasn’t even touching myself, it was just the thrill of putting a mare in her place! And I’m REALLY close to a fourth!”
  11752. >She stared off at the wall with a vacant blissful visage.
  11753. >”I’m wondering if there’s any way I can convince you to do the same to me someday. I think I’d like to try it.”
  11754. “You’re insane.”
  11755. >”Do you know how Twilight became an alicorn?”
  11756. >Of course Rarity did.
  11757. >She was there, after all.
  11758. >Twilight had created new magic.
  11759. >Not merely a new spell, but new magical energy.
  11760. >Something out of nothing.
  11761. >She had violated one of the fundamental laws of the arcane, and likely revolutionized spellcraft.
  11762. >”Of course you do. Do you know how it happened to me?”
  11763. “I can honestly say I do not care.”
  11764. >”Somepony named Prismia was using a magical artifact to amplify dark feelings in an evil plot. It turns out it amplified ALL feelings, not just dark ones. I took it from her to undo some of the damage she had caused, both to herself and others.”
  11765. [spoiler]See Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell for more details. Though there really isn’t much more to it than that.[/spoiler]
  11766. >”Magic is strongly linked to feelings. It’s why changelings can eat love, and why camaraderie empowers spells. I didn’t know it at the time but since the necklace was using that magic to amplify feelings, it had started a feedback loop. I never took it off because I needed it all the time. Plus it looked cute. So the magic just kept building and building. Eventually it got too strong, and exploded. And… that was it.”
  11767. “And how is this relevant?”
  11768. >”You know how I said I never took it off? I had my first orgasm while wearing that necklace. And second. Third, fourth I think? It was all in the same session, so it gets a little blurry… Even before that I was way more interested in colts than most fillies. I spent a lot of time reading about anatomy, imagining what it would feel like, you know, usual stuff. But I started REALLY young. I never touched myself though. I wanted to save my first climax for my wedding night.”
  11769. >She lets out a dejected sigh.
  11770. >”Maybe the necklace amplified my lust too much, or maybe I just didn’t have enough willpower. At least I managed to stay a virgin.”
  11771. “Do you mean to tell me that a magical burst of love and lust fuelled your transformation?”
  11772. >”No, Rarity. I think I AM that burst. Celestia has a profound connection to the sun, Luna is deeply tied to the moon, Twilight is practically MADE of magic. And me? I’m full of love, in all its forms.”
  11773. >The discussion had distracted Rarity from her pain.
  11774. >She tried to stand up, having totally forgotten how grievous her beating was.
  11775. >Electric suffering shot up her spine, dropping her back to the ground.
  11776. >”I had the doctor check me several times to see if my lust was caused by something non-magical, and he couldn’t find anything. What’s left except the obvious? I can’t ever know for sure, but I think I’m hornier than anypony else has ever been.”
  11777. >That much was in evidence!
  11778. >”So if somepony like ME is saying it’s time to lay off the kinky stuff, you had better believe there’s a good reason for it.”
  11779. >Oh.
  11780. >Oh dear.
  11781. >”It would bring me INDESCRIBABLE pleasure to keep going. But I don’t want to hurt you.”
  11783. >”You know what I meant. As much as I liked this, I don’t think I’ll do it anymore. I’m scared of what will happen if I lose control.”
  11784. “So you mean I won’t have to endure any more of this?”
  11785. >”We’ll have to find somepony else-”
  11786. “No you bucking don’t! It’s already too much that I’m being treated this way by ROYALTY, I shan’t tolerate such indignation at the hooves of a commoner! Besides, can you IMAGINE the scandal if they were to talk? No, we’ll simply have to find some way for you to contain your depravity! Or better yet, call off this outrageous injustice!”
  11787. >"Okay."
  11788. "Beg your pardon?"
  11789. >”I'll have your flogging canceled, or at least lessened.”
  11790. “And I am simply to trust you? No, this is a position of convenience. You'll simply tell me your husband wouldn't allow it, then redouble! Oh, I can see your master plan! You intend to drag this out as long as possible! You just want me to suck on them because it gets you off!”
  11791. >”No, it gets THEM off. I'm serious, I'll have your punishment lessened, even though it’s going to cost me! I just… Twilight would never forgive me if I seriously hurt you. And the doctor would be heartbroken. Even if they somehow never found out, I don't think I'd be able to live with myself.”
  11792. >She sniffled and averted her gaze.
  11793. >Was she seriously starting to cry?
  11794. >”I had to fight pretty hard to get you this sentence, you know. It was supposed to be much worse, but I insisted. I made a lot of ponies angry.”
  11795. “Such as?”
  11796. >”Shiney. He's never been mad at me before, I don't think. At first it was a little exciting because I thought he might hit me. But… I love him so much.”
  11797. >She turned her face back to Rarity with a pained, tearful smile.
  11798. >”But when I told him the pony who had nearly killed his sister wasn’t going to prison… He wouldn't even look at me!”
  11799. >A pang of pity managed to cut into Rarity’s fury.
  11800. >”He's calmed down. A lot. I think he and I are okay, but I've never seen him so angry. He blamed you. Now that Twilight is safe he's calmed down a lot. But when we weren't sure she was going to make it? And we couldn't find the monster who had done it. Well, we were sure who had sabotaged the hospital, and we knew where to find you.”
  11801. >Ah.
  11802. >Guilt.
  11803. >Such a vile sensation.
  11804. >”I'm hesitant to ask, but what did he think should be done?”
  11805. >”I don’t know. He had yet to decide. All I know is he wanted it to be much worse.”
  11806. >She owed this perverse wretch.
  11807. >If what she said was indeed true.
  11808. >It wasn't without verisimilitude.
  11809. >”The doctor put himself at risk to protect you, too. He wound up spending a night in prison for it.”
  11810. >Rarity hadn't heard that.
  11811. >Both those claims should be fairly easy to verify…
  11812. “I shall be checking your story. If what you say is true, then you have my gratitude. If you are lying to me, I shall have you undone.”
  11813. >Cadence didn’t react to Rarity’s threat.
  11814. >She just focused on regaining her composure.
  11815. “Do not presume that I am incapable of ruining you!”
  11816. >“How exactly would you do that?”
  11817. “Pray you do not find out.”
  11818. >She had nothing, of course.
  11819. >Rarity struggled to her hooves, having trouble finding a way to support her weight without causing blinding pain.
  11820. >Cadence offered a hoof for Rarity to pull herself up, only for it to be swatted away.
  11821. >She had quite thoroughly lost control of the situation.
  11822. >It was going to take some rather extreme measures to get it back.
  11823. >But she knew exactly what to do.
  11826. >You’re not allowed to drink.
  11827. >Or rather, you only allow yourself to drink when you’re not on call.
  11828. >But with only one surgeon in the empire, you’re ALWAYS on call.
  11829. >It’s doubtful that anything will happen tonight, but you can never be sure.
  11830. >But you could really use some beer, liquor, wine- anything really.
  11831. >You can still hear that pony screaming.
  11832. >And when you close your eyes, you see the abject terror in her eyes as you slid the needle into her neck.
  11833. >That was psychological torture.
  11834. >You keep telling yourself you had no choice.
  11835. >Shining Armor had ordered you to do it, and he had an army.
  11836. >Or militia, whatever.
  11837. >It is comforting…
  11838. >You really wanted to help her, but there were so many consequences and implications that demanded you let her die.
  11839. >And yet, inaction is no less a choice than action.
  11840. >Killing her is unconscionable.
  11841. >Saving her is unforgivable.
  11842. >No matter what you chose, it was a disaster.
  11843. >You can’t help but wonder if Shining’s command was for your benefit, so that you would have an excuse.
  11844. >He took the impossible choice out of your hands, and forced you to do what you wanted.
  11845. >And even though the sounds of her misery still echoed in your skull, they invoke a sense of sympathy rather than guilt.
  11846. >Losing control of that situation was the best thing that could have happened to you.
  11847. >Maybe Rarity gets something similar out of you?
  11848. >Freedom from responsibility.
  11849. >It’s not without appeal.
  11850. >Though you certainly don’t intend to let yourself be locked in a basement any time soon.
  11851. >You enter your home and head straight to bed, not even bothering to shower.
  11852. >No sign of Rarity.
  11853. >You’re too tired to care.
  11854. >Sleep takes you, and you’re plagued by troubling dreams.
  11855. >When you begin to wake, your weary mind and body bitterly resist the morning.
  11856. >Your brain insists that there is no need to wake up, and you manage to pass out again.
  11857. >But only for a moment.
  11858. >Your memories somehow manage to sneak their way into your semi-conscious mind, and a jolt of panic fills you.
  11859. >Apple Cobbler.
  11860. >You need to check in on her.
  11861. “What time is it?”
  11862. >Apparently you were louder than you’d thought, because Rarity’s voice rings in from the kitchen.
  11863. >”It is one in the afternoon, my dear master!”
  11864. “Fuuuuuck.”
  11865. >You’re so late for work.
  11866. “I have to get going.”
  11867. >”I do believe today is meant to be your day off.”
  11868. “I don’t get days off until we’re caught up.”
  11869. >”Oh, but you do! Sassaflash doesn’t have any appointments booked for you today.”
  11870. “What about the apple one?”
  11871. >”I spoke with the militia keeping her detained, and it appears as though she is well. Albeit quite fearful.”
  11872. “I’d better check on her anyway.”
  11873. >You crawl out of bed and stumble into the kitchen.
  11874. >Rarity sat at the table, looking different than usual.
  11875. >Her lashes seem a bit longer, her face a tiny bit more colorful, her complexion just a bit clearer.
  11876. >She’s wearing her choker, as she should.
  11877. “You look really good.”
  11878. >”Thank you, master.”
  11879. “No, that’s not enough. You normally look really good. This is even better.”
  11880. >”I performed my full beauty routine.”
  11881. “You hadn’t been doing that?”
  11882. >That seemed unlike her.
  11883. >”When you were keeping me in your basement, I didn’t have the means to do so. I grew rather accustomed to being au naturel, I suppose.”
  11884. “Well, I certainly appreciate it.”
  11885. >”Then I shall endeavor to maintain it!”
  11886. >You start making your way for the door.
  11887. >”I do wish you would stay a tad longer. You need your rest!”
  11888. “I can’t. I have to check on the patient.”
  11889. >”Would I be able to do that in your stead?”
  11890. “No. I’m going to have to inspect the wound to make sure it’s healing properly. We shouldn’t need to keep her for long, but there’s still some risk.”
  11891. >”I see… would you perhaps have time to talk first? Or must you be there immediately?”
  11892. >You should, yes.
  11893. >She’s not going anywhere.
  11894. >You make your way to the table and sit opposite Rarity.
  11895. >There is a small plate of scones on the table and a cup of black coffee.
  11896. >Despite the ample lighting, she has a candle lit at the center of the table.
  11897. >Perhaps a scented one?
  11898. >You don’t smell anything…
  11899. >You can’t help but notice you didn’t eat last night.
  11900. >”I purchased those for you. Please avail yourself.”
  11901. >You eagerly bite into one.
  11902. >It’s sweet.
  11903. >VERY sweet.
  11904. >Cloyingly so.
  11905. >You take a sip of the tepid coffee, and are pleased to discover that they actually go quite well together.
  11906. >Rarity watches you with a gentle smile as you eat.
  11907. >When the first scone is gone, you restrain yourself long enough to speak.
  11908. “So what did you want to talk about?”
  11909. >”I heard some rather distressing news recently. Is it true you spent a night in prison for interfering with my punishment?”
  11910. “You didn’t know? I assumed you’d heard.”
  11911. >”I see…”
  11912. >Huh.
  11913. “In retrospect, it’s odd that Candy did that.”
  11914. >Her locking a MALE up sorta went against her whole philosophy.
  11915. >”Cadence is responsible for that? That IS bizarre, given she too was presumably protecting me.”
  11916. “She was?”
  11917. >”Apparently they had quite the spat because of it.”
  11918. “I should have known. Shining wanted to throw the book at you, and I was honestly a bit surprised when I convinced him to back down. If she was pushing for it too, I understand why he caved. I’m surprised she’d stand up to him like that, though.”
  11919. >You’re definitely missing something here.
  11920. >But as tempting as it is to start snooping…
  11921. >Is it really your business?
  11922. “They have troubles, but I honestly have a hard time imagining them actually fighting.”
  11923. >”I spoke with the prince about it.”
  11924. “Oh?”
  11925. >”He was clearly upset by my presence.”
  11926. >Yeah…
  11927. >It might take him a while to get over it.
  11928. >Assuming, of course, he ever does.
  11929. >”I was unable to glean much information from him, aside from the fact that he wished for me to depart. I don’t even know what he wished for my punishment to be.”
  11930. “I don’t think he knew either. He’s not a very patient pony though, so he might have chosen pretty impulsively.”
  11931. >”It seems as though Cadence was telling me the truth, or at least something quite close to it. By being made yours, I was allowed to retain my freedom.”
  11932. >She stands and walks to the counter.
  11933. >She seems to give her butt an intentional shake as soon as it’s facing you, as though enticing you to-
  11934. >It’s beat red and bruised.
  11935. >Not to mention swollen.
  11936. “Whoa. What happened to your ass?”
  11937. >”Last night was my weekly beating.”
  11938. >Already?
  11939. “That must hurt. I’ve got some lidocaine salve-”
  11940. >”No, that shan’t be necessary. I shall endure the pain. I am stronger than it.”
  11941. >Huh?
  11942. >She returns with a piece of paper held in her mouth.
  11943. >Rarity drops it on the table.
  11944. >”This would be the contract I signed to become your slave, master.”
  11945. “Okay? It’s not time to renegotiate it yet. But if you have any concerns we can- whoa!”
  11946. >She picked it up again and set it to the candle’s flame.
  11947. >Rarity quickly drops it on the table, singing the wood.
  11948. >You watch as the agreement you had with her goes up in smoke.
  11949. >Terror fills your heart.
  11950. >You do NOT want to lose her!
  11951. >You have to think of something, ANYTHING to placate her!
  11952. >”I declare this agreement to be null and void!”
  11953. “If I’ve upset you, I can change! I promise! Whatever you want, I’ll do it!”
  11954. >”I’m certain you would. And that is precisely the problem.”
  11955. >You’re tearing up.
  11956. >She’s actually leaving you.
  11957. >It’s over.
  11958. >”We shall be signing a new contract posthaste!”
  11959. >A new contract?
  11960. >She’s giving you a second chance?
  11961. >Play it cool!
  11962. “Okay, right away! Thank you!”
  11963. >Fuck.
  11964. >Rarity pushes another piece of paper toward you.
  11965. >You don’t know where it came from, and honestly you don’t care.
  11966. >Your heart is hammering away as you pick it up, fearful of what it might say.
  11967. >The long, elegant script is practically a work of art.
  11968. >But the meaning of those words leaves you dumbfounded.
  11970. I, Rarity, pledge myself to be my master’s slave for as long as he sees fit.
  11971. I shall endeavor to obey his commands to the best of my abilities, and shall dedicate myself to pursuing his happiness.
  11972. In exchange, my master pledges not to compromise my health without my consent.
  11973. All else is permitted.
  11975. >She had already signed it.
  11976. >”I apologize for the messy writing. I tend to use magic rather than my mouth. Our previous agreement was far too tame, wouldn’t you agree?”
  11977. “Are you… are you certain?”
  11978. >”Since you have not yet signed it, I do not currently consider myself to be your slave. I shall be speaking candidly. You’re far too soft, doctor.”
  11979. “Eh?”
  11980. >”You keep asking for my permission, when you’re supposed to be the one in charge. What’s worse, you’re becoming lax in your rules. How many times have you permitted me to go out without my choker?”
  11981. “The rules say you don’t have to wear it.”
  11982. >”Which illustrates the problem perfectly! You want me to wear it, right?”
  11983. “Well, yeah-”
  11984. >”Then why am I permitted not to?”
  11985. “Because… because I don’t want to embarrass you.”
  11986. >You really ARE getting soft.
  11987. >”Master- no, DOCTOR, I cannot be your possession if you aren’t possessive.”
  11988. “Are you certain you know what you’re asking for?”
  11989. >”I want you to own me. To control me. To do with me as you will. I want you to decide my destiny, to dictate my public image, to be the master of every facet of my being. I want you to turn me into an instrument of your pleasure, with no regard for my own desires.”
  11990. “What’s gotten into you?”
  11991. >Her eyes are tearing up.
  11992. >And not with joy.
  11993. >”I see you don’t know me as well as I had hoped.”
  11994. >You thought you knew her pretty well.
  11995. >”Nothing has gotten into me, doctor. I’ve always been this way. I merely didn’t wish to admit it.”
  11996. “I thought you wanted to be fancy. To be high society. A bon vivant.”
  11997. >”That is the correct term. Perhaps our language lessons are paying off. That IS what I want. But… I want both. And if I cannot have both, if I must choose one, then I choose you.”
  11998. >You stand up from the table and walk around to her, pulling her against your chest in a hug.
  11999. “It’s okay. You don’t have to choose. You can have both.”
  12000. >”I had hoped you would say that.”
  12001. >Rarity returns the hug.
  12002. >She sounds much happier than you’d expected.
  12003. >That spiel had led you to believe she would be quite somber, or even defeated.
  12004. >Rather, she sounds optimistic.
  12005. “But I still don’t understand. Why the sudden change of heart?”
  12006. >”Because, ma- doctor. I realized something recently. I want to be yours.”
  12007. >You feel like you’ve already gone over this.
  12008. >”But!”
  12009. >Oh.
  12010. >There IS more.
  12011. >”I also want to be Rarity. Rarity is not compromise, nor is she mediocrity. Rarity is excellence, and perfection. Rarity is the highest quality, highest standards, and highest aspirations. Rarity is passion, not apathy. Improvement, not stagnation. And bold, not cowardly. If I’m to do anything, I’m going to do it right!”
  12012. “And you believe that this new contract is the right way?”
  12013. >”No.”
  12014. >You’re starting to think she’s toying with you.
  12015. >”I believe I am still restricting you too much. But I couldn’t bring myself to sign it without that clause. Perhaps some day I shall be ready to take that plunge, but I am not Rarity enough to be so bold just yet.”
  12016. >This is surreal.
  12017. >”Please, doctor. I am certain. I would like for you to make me yours, if you would have me.”
  12018. “You know you might not be able to back out of this, right?”
  12019. >”I’m rather hoping I cannot.”
  12020. >She pulls away from you.
  12021. >There’s a pen on the table…
  12022. >She motions toward it.
  12023. “Not yet.”
  12024. >Concern flashes on her face.
  12025. “Before I do, I want you to tell me why.”
  12026. >”I just did, doctor.”
  12027. “No, you told me why you needed a new contract. But why be my slave at all?”
  12028. >She bites on her lip and averts her gaze, clearly troubled by your question.
  12029. >”I would rather not say.”
  12030. “If you’re unwilling to give me basic information, how can you possibly be ready to take this plunge?”
  12031. >”I- ah. I suppose you’re right. I… I rather enjoy it. It feels good. And… and it’s liberating.”
  12032. “Liberating? Elaborate.”
  12033. >”I have an image to maintain. But I wish to do things that conflict with it. Being ordered to… do things… takes the responsibility out of my hooves. And… I still can’t help but feel what we’re doing is wrong.”
  12034. >She sniffles a bit.
  12035. >”Being depraved isn’t ladylike. My perversity runs deep… It’s not what I was raised by my parents to do, and I know that my friends would be appalled if they knew. But when I don’t have a choice, I’m free. I can enjoy myself without all these conflicting emotions, without a care of what I ought to do or what others might think.”
  12036. >Huh.
  12037. >You were right.
  12038. >Mostly.
  12039. >”I’ve put a lot of thought into it. I’m yours, now and forever.”
  12040. “And if I make you do things you don’t like?”
  12041. >”I shall attempt to learn to enjoy it. After all, many of the things you’ve had me do were horribly unpleasant at first. But I’ve come around on many of them.”
  12042. “And if I decide I want to make you suffer? What if I do things to you that are so terrible they cannot possibly be enjoyed?”
  12043. >”Come now. We both know that’s not in your character.”
  12044. “What if you’re wrong?”
  12045. >”I’m not.”
  12046. >You pick up the pen.
  12047. >She smiles at you warmly.
  12048. >And you write your name down.
  12049. >”Thank you, master, for giving me so many chances. I know I’ve given you a great deal of trouble. I was scared and confused. But now I’m ready. I’ll try my best to be an exemplary slave. Please make sure to let me know when i fall short, so that I might address my shortcomings.”
  12050. >You walk back to your chair and sit down to resume your breakfast.
  12051. >You still don’t fully believe it.
  12052. >Maybe it’s time for a test?
  12053. >Yes, you’ll see just how dedicated she is.
  12054. >But before taking a bite, you put on a stern face and look her dead in the eye.
  12055. “I’m going to shave you totally bald.”
  12056. >She’s not recoiling in terror yet.
  12057. “In public for everyone to see.”
  12058. >Nothing.
  12059. “And then you’re going to rape your sister.”
  12060. >She closes her eyes and takes a long, deep breath.
  12061. >You knew you'd find her limit.
  12062. >”Very well. Shall we summon her here, or am I to go to her? Perhaps we could have her abducted as I was?”
  12063. “Wait, seriously?”
  12064. >”Which hole shall I touch? Perhaps it would be best to be thorough and try all of them. Will I be provided with toys for this task, or am I to use my mouth and hooves?”
  12065. “Calm down. I’m not doing that.”
  12066. >Unless…
  12067. >Well, not yet at least.
  12068. "It was a test. Tell me how you felt.”
  12069. >”Fearful. But… excited. I think I might have enjoyed that.”
  12070. >She stares off into space dreamily.
  12071. “More detail.”
  12072. >”There’s monstrous desires within me, restrained by my conscience and insecurities. When they come to the fore I’ve always felt a profound sense of shame and guilt. Since I met you, I’ve discovered that these desires are both far stronger and far more varied than I’d realized. But the shame is gone. What you proposed is not something I would have thought of. I’ve never been attracted to mares, much less fillies. The perversity of that prospect though is quite intriguing.”
  12073. >Wow.
  12074. >You actually have her.
  12075. >It’s not a trick.
  12076. >If she’s going to be that obedient, you’d better be careful.
  12077. >Giving her bad rules could cause trouble.
  12078. “If you’re in distress, you’re to tell me. You’re to keep yourself healthy and safe. If you have urgent information, providing it supersedes orders for silence. You are free to make requests and suggestions. Do you understand?”
  12079. >”Yes, master. If requests are to be made… please be harsh in your punishments and strict in enforcing rules.”
  12080. >This is so surreal.
  12081. >”If you are too lax, then others might think I’m unable to meet your standards. I aim to prove I’m the best slave in the land. That I can meet the most exacting standards.”
  12082. “When you are in need of correction, I’ll try to be strict.”
  12083. >”Thank you. But… I am in need of correction right now.”
  12084. >She’s cowering.
  12085. “Correct that posture. Look me in the eye.”
  12086. >It takes her a few seconds, but she does it.
  12087. >You can see fear on her face.
  12088. >”I masturbated the other day, despite your orders not to. And then I hid the fact until now.”
  12089. >Hm.
  12090. >”And… and I did it again today.”
  12091. >She JUST asked you to be harsh.
  12092. “Normally I’d spank you, but your butt is already messed up. What if… what if I tried the ginger again? Is that too much?”
  12093. >”Master, I fear it is far too little. We shall do as you wish, but I did violate a direct order and I feel as though I deserve lasting repercussions for that transgression.”
  12094. “Alright. What do you suggest?”
  12095. >”I think you should sew my vagina shut.”
  12096. >Wow.
  12097. >That WAS pretty harsh.
  12098. >”I am not a beast who is without temperance! If these urges are to be so strong that I cannot help myself, then I shall find OTHER ways to seize control of my base impulses!”
  12099. “Request denied. However…”
  12100. >She’s practically begging you to dominate her body.
  12101. >Permanently.
  12102. >You may be going soft, but you still have desires.
  12103. >And that scare you just had when she burned your contract?
  12104. >Anything you can do to cement ownership is good.
  12105. “I could temporarily numb it. You’d still be able to get at it, and so would I. But you wouldn’t feel anything. Your ass should still work though, so you’ll still have an outlet.”
  12106. >She bashfully averts her gaze.
  12107. >But you can’t help but notice she’s blushing.
  12108. “I haven’t decided yet. But it could fix the problem.”
  12109. >”Not that long ago, I was profoundly ashamed whenever I touched myself. I thought it was dirty. I was meant to be pure and chaste. Ladylike. But now… The thought that I might be able to finish is such a manner is exciting. And knowing that it would please my beloved… it’s not shameful. It’s my duty to enjoy my body.”
  12110. >She still has a lot of misconceptions.
  12111. >But honestly, that might be working in your favor.
  12112. “You’re coming to the clinic with me.”
  12113. >”I thought you hadn’t decided yet.”
  12114. “This is for your butt.”
  12115. >”Is it really so bad that it needs your attention?”
  12116. “No. Not really. Just at a glance it looks like Candy knew when to stop. I’ll want to take a closer look just to be safe, but it looks like it’s just really swollen. But there’s no reason why we can’t dull the pain and help it heal faster.”
  12117. >”That shan’t be necessary. I am stronger than this.”
  12118. “I wasn’t asking.”
  12120. >When most ponies hear the word senate, a very bleak image comes to mind.
  12121. >They tend to envision a collective of oligarchs.
  12122. >A massive chamber full of ponies who have no connection to commoners.
  12123. >Scores of ponies who are totally deaf to the plight of the workers; self centered politicians who have been so thoroughly sheltered from the struggles of real ponies that they are either oblivious or apathetic to the burden borne by those beneath them.
  12124. >The Empire’s senate was different.
  12125. >Because it was small.
  12126. >Shining Armor took another quick look in the mirror to make sure his mane was in order.
  12127. >He donned his dress uniform; the Empire’s dress was notably different from Equestria’s, featuring a rich sapphire color contrasting ruby trim.
  12128. >Golden thread had been neatly stitched across the exterior of the hems rather than the traditional interior stitch color matching.
  12129. >It looked odd on him, but on a crystal pony it had the appearance of a gem setting, prominently displaying the crystalline extremities as though they were jewelry.
  12130. >His medals and awards were proudly pinned upon his breast.
  12131. >The Meritorious Unit Citation was among his first.
  12132. >He later got the Star of Courage for maintaining his post when the dragon migration unexpectedly changed course.
  12133. >No actual combat happened that day, but there were many deserters when a flock of flying lizards blocked out the sun.
  12134. >A distinguished service medallion for his part in an overseas peacekeeping operation.
  12135. >He couldn’t help but snort in derision.
  12136. >There was no peace to keep in Ferasi.
  12137. >Three separate gangs had formed independent states and declared war on Equestria while he was stationed there.
  12138. >It was an arduous six months.
  12139. >And though he had been reassigned, Shining Armor knew full well that there was still trouble in the region despite their best efforts.
  12140. >The Solstice Star had been awarded for subduing his own ponies without permanent injury.
  12141. >Discord’s brainwashing was damaging enough to the populace at large.
  12142. >But when a bunch of armed ponies who were sworn to protect the lives of others had their personalities tampered with…
  12143. >He still wasn’t sure how he’d survived that mess.
  12144. >And of course there was the POW ribbon from when Chrysalis had captured him.
  12145. >He had objected at first, but it turned out that a provision had been written in to explicitly mention mind control.
  12146. >He was very well decorated given how little armed conflict there was.
  12147. >All of them were well deserved.
  12148. >None of them had been issued by the Empire.
  12149. >He brushed by a forgotten bottle of pills to head for the meeting room.
  12150. >The palace halls were crowded as usual.
  12151. >Ponies were quick to make way for him, and it wasn’t really much of a burden.
  12152. >But he still couldn’t help but grimace at the sight.
  12153. >It would be trivial for an infiltrator to fit into the crowd.
  12154. >Accessing the palace might be tricky, but once in there were plenty of safe places to hide in plain sight.
  12155. >The changelings would be back.
  12156. >He was sure of it.
  12157. >But next time, he’d be ready.
  12158. >He knew exactly what they were after.
  12159. >He had to feign ignorance; Chrysalis would doubtlessly see through his trap otherwise.
  12160. >But if he could deceive the deceivers…
  12161. >It might actually be enough to stop them.
  12162. >No, it definitely would be.
  12163. >It had to be.
  12164. >He gave his head a quick shake to break out of the introspection.
  12165. >Today wasn’t about changelings.
  12166. >He had to trick a different foe.
  12167. >The meeting room was different from what an Equestrian might expect.
  12168. >It wasn't an ostentatious hall, gilded to suit pampered ponies.
  12169. >Rather, this was a place of security.
  12170. >A spire protruding from the center of the palace, with no apertures to the outside world.
  12171. >Near the peak lay a cramped chamber, guarded by heavy oak doors.
  12172. >There were meager furnishings, save for a table upon which a highly detailed map of the city and surrounding area had been drawn.
  12173. >It was more of a war room than an actual meeting room.
  12174. >The empire had non-military concerns, of course.
  12175. >Concerns that were at times neglected for more martial matters.
  12176. >After princess Amore, even before Sombra's reign, the matter of national security had taken hold of nearly every discussion.
  12177. >Their over-preparedness would rob them of their strength eventually.
  12178. >It was something that Shining Armor hoped to fix.
  12179. >Eventually.
  12180. "Fillies and gentle colt."
  12181. >Four ponies sat around the table.
  12182. >The entirety of his senate was here.
  12183. >Historically, each province of the empire had its own representatives.
  12184. >But when the capital had been locked out of time, the rest of the empire was gradually absorbed into Equestria.
  12185. >All that remained were the ponies who represented the city itself.
  12186. >Tiger Eye. A burly orange Earth stallion with a black mane.
  12187. >Garnet. A purplish pegasus mare with piercing green eyes.
  12188. >Howlite. An off white unicorn mare with a black mane who bore her heart on her sleeve.
  12189. >And Leopard Jasper. Earth pony. Red mane, gray body, and a scowl that could frighten the blind.
  12190. "Thank you for coming today. We have much to discuss."
  12191. >"Motion to exile the usurpers."
  12192. >Jasper opened every meeting that way.
  12193. >Sadly, she wasn’t talking about changelings.
  12194. >Shining Armour could do nothing about it, so he pretended not to hear.
  12195. "It's time for a blood check."
  12196. >He performed the test himself.
  12197. >The strips weren't particularly expensive, but he was still painfully aware of how quickly they were using them.
  12198. >Two weeks until the next scheduled contact with Earth…
  12199. >The actual material exchange would happen a little later, but that was his deadline for placing any orders.
  12200. >He had to find funding soon.
  12201. >And to get it, he needed to pry it out of their hooves.
  12202. "It is no secret that we were recently subject to a major attack."
  12203. >"The correct time to discuss this matter was during the invasion."
  12204. "I disagree, Tiger Eye. That was the time for action, now that we are not being pressed it is time for preparation."
  12205. >Tiger Eye offered a noncommittal grunt.
  12206. “We suffered greatly due to the changeling attack. Though we were fortunate enough to avoid any fatalities, there were major casualties and the financial burden was great. I trust your holdings took a hit, Garnet.”
  12207. >Perhaps if he pretended to care about their money, they might be a bit more pliable.
  12208. >She didn’t answer.
  12209. >Instead, Tiger Eye cut back in.
  12210. >”Why are you in charge again?”
  12211. “Because-”
  12212. >”You are not a crystal pony. You do not share in our history. You do not understand our pride. You have no right to the throne.”
  12213. >He spoke dispassionately, as though what was being stated was so painfully obvious it was barely worth stating.
  12214. >Shining Armor could feel his heart pounding behind his eyes.
  12215. “My claim to the throne is by marriage.”
  12216. >”Ah, yes. Your whore of a wife, who is a full forty generations removed from Princess Amore. She’s about as crystal as gravel.”
  12217. >He couldn’t help but grind his teeth.
  12218. >This wasn’t the first time they’d had this discussion.
  12219. >But attacking Cadence?
  12220. >Calling her a whore?
  12221. >That was new.
  12222. >”Come now, everypony.”
  12223. >Howlite chipped in.
  12224. >”Their claim to the throne might be dubious, but at least they’re not the last guy.”
  12225. >The crowded chamber erupted with angered and outraged exclamations.
  12226. >He hated talking to these ponies.
  12227. >It was never productive, and it always put him on edge.
  12228. >There was no chance of cooperation either, not while they openly advocated for his deposition.
  12229. >But he had little choice.
  12230. >One of them would eventually make a move against him.
  12231. >He needed to know when and how.
  12232. >But that didn’t mean he had to tolerate this.
  12233. >He slammed his forehooves on the table.
  12234. “I WILL have order! The Empire must act while we have time. We are under attack from both outside and in. Hidden invaders have penetrated our strongest defenses, and we must be prepared to rout them.”
  12235. >They would never approve of his plan.
  12236. >Except maybe Howlite.
  12237. “The Empire has a proud martial history-”
  12238. >”Which you have no part in.”
  12239. >Tiger Eye never failed to get a jab in edgewise.
  12240. >”Besides. It’s not so proud anymore. We have been made a vassal state to Equestria.“
  12241. “We retain our independence.”
  12242. >”Do we? We’re ruled over by a puppet! Celestia’s right hoof pony! Should our interests conflict with Equestria’s, how readily would you bend to her will?”
  12243. “I am not her puppet.”
  12244. >He offered a wearied sigh before replying.
  12245. >”She used her influence to put yourself and Cadenza on the throne.”
  12246. >She had.
  12247. >He still wasn’t sure why.
  12248. >”Celestia is not the type to act without a plan. You are here for her benefit, not ours.”
  12249. >She was right, of course.
  12250. >Celestia had used a great deal of political capital to put them in charge of this place.
  12251. >She had done that for a reason, he just didn’t know what.
  12252. >”You have family in Equestria. Are we meant to put everything in the hooves of somepony with split loyalty?”
  12253. “Moving on. The Empire has a proud martial history. But time has not been kind to the old ways. We must continue to adapt.”
  12254. >”Ah yes, and who better to learn from than the pony who has never seen an actual war?”
  12255. >Jasper reached across the table and grabbed Shining Armor’s medals.
  12256. “Hay! Give those back!”
  12257. >”I don’t see any marks of triumph here. How many territories did you conquer?”
  12258. >None.
  12259. >”How many armies did you destroy?”
  12260. >None.
  12261. >”How many cities did you sack?”
  12262. >None.
  12263. “I have never needed to resort to such savagery.”
  12264. >”Fie! Have you no honor? How are you meant to lead us to glory?”
  12265. “You’re a deranged psychopath.”
  12266. >He scolded himself for letting his tongue slip.
  12267. >Patience.
  12268. >He had to show the world what this maniac was before he could be rid of them.
  12269. >Shining seized his medals and affixed them to his outfit.
  12270. “But I think you’ll like what I have in mind.”
  12271. >Howlite was sane.
  12272. >The rest weren’t.
  12273. >Shining Armor wanted his daughter to inherit a strong and stable state.
  12274. >Not a wartorn, bankrupt, and primitive mess.
  12275. >If he was going to give her what she deserved…
  12276. >Something had to be done about the senate.
  12277. >He must either replace it with more reasonable ponies, or abolish it entirely.
  12278. >But he didn’t have the means to do that.
  12279. >For now, he had to outmaneuver them.
  12280. “I come to you today… I’m getting ahead of myself. As I’m sure you’re aware, there is an invisible threat among us. A silent killer that hides in plain sight.”
  12281. >Hopefully they’d assume he was talking about changelings…
  12282. “An Equestrian citizen was recently taken into custody for harboring one such fugitive. Apple Cobbler resisted arrest, and I used force to ensure compliance. There will be consequences for my actions. I suspect Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will be coming to speak with me soon. However, I stand by the decision. It was necessary to root out an enemy of the Empire.”
  12283. >Tiger Eye and Jasper looked pleased.
  12284. >Garnet, however…
  12285. >”We see here that the mentally incompetent prince and his prostitute are being quite reckless in their diplomacy. Equestria will annihilate us if sufficiently provoked. We must appease them.”
  12286. >Two of them wanted him to assert independence.
  12287. >She wanted him to play nice and avoid conflict.
  12288. >There was no winning.
  12289. >Worse still, Garnet was wrong in the worst possible way.
  12290. >While he DID have to play nice with Equestria, they wouldn’t invade him.
  12291. >The situation was far more dire than that.
  12292. >The Empire was so frail, Equestria would have no need to do anything.
  12293. >Celestia could destroy them simply by leaving them alone.
  12294. “I do not anticipate that there will be any conflict with Equestria.”
  12295. >”You don’t ANTICIPATE? We wouldn’t stand a chance against them. You have to be CERTAIN!”
  12296. “I know Equestria’s military capacity better than most. And I know their regents better than you. They aren’t like your peers. They will seek to avoid violence.”
  12297. >This hadn’t quite gone according to plan.
  12298. >But they were on the subject of war.
  12299. >The bait was in place.
  12300. >Once they took it, he would switch.
  12301. “The enemies of the empire have no right to life. Given we are under attack, I am seeking your aid in mounting a campaign of extermination.”
  12302. >”Is this a declaration of war?”
  12303. “It is a prelude to one, Jasper. Those that would do our ponies harm must be purged!”
  12304. >”I’ll want to know more details before I offer any support.”
  12305. “Of course. I’ll have to provide a more detailed account, but the plan is to allocate resources to locating and neutralizing hostile lifeforms within the city. No prisoners.”
  12306. >”This is a trick of some sort.”
  12307. >It was.
  12308. >He’d never actually killed anyone, and he hoped to keep it that way.
  12309. >Equestrian military doctrine held that lethal force was to be avoided in most cases.
  12310. >It was something they could resort to when in a position of weakness, whereas being truly strong meant one could afford to be gentle.
  12311. >This was not how things were conducted.
  12312. >But it made Jasper happy.
  12313. >Garnet, however…
  12314. >”We can’t afford it.”
  12315. “We can’t afford not to.”
  12316. >”The coffers are already empty.”
  12317. >It was basically true.
  12318. >They were straining their budget.
  12319. >The situation had improved greatly since he took the throne, but it remained dire.
  12320. >The Empire’s military budget was out of control, of course.
  12321. >But worse than that, it had lost its former territories.
  12322. >This city expected vast amounts of wealth to be poured in from tax revenue in lands it no longer held.
  12323. >They didn’t produce much, and spent a fortune.
  12324. “I’m exploring options for trade with Earth.”
  12325. >”Ah. Exploring options. So your plan is to come up with a plan.”
  12326. >That wouldn’t hurt nearly so much if it weren’t true.
  12327. >The obvious solution was to cut defense spending.
  12328. >But even if that wouldn’t be politically disastrous, it just wasn’t an option thanks to Chrysalis.
  12329. >She WOULD return.
  12330. “Some expenses are unavoidable, sadly. But if we fail to address the issue, we will wind up paying dearly later. It will be far better to address the issue before it next manifests. Do I have your support?”
  12331. >”No.”
  12332. >He could live with that.
  12333. >He didn’t need support on this.
  12334. >He was playing the long game.
  12335. “Any more questions or concerns? Not you, Howlite. We’ll talk in private.”
  12336. >Tiger Eye, who refused to understand that the Empire was no longer a superpower.
  12337. >He was adamant that they seclude themselves from the rest of the world, firmly believing that the Empire was better off on its own.
  12338. >Leopard Jasper, a jingoist who seemed to think the Empire’s purpose was conquest.
  12339. >They felt the best course of action was for the Empire to somehow conquer a bunch of territories.
  12340. >Garnet, a selfish narcissist who had inherited an unearned fortune.
  12341. >A firm believer that it was a waste to spend a single bit on anything but herself.
  12342. >And Howlite. A lamb amongst the vipers.
  12343. >He was generally hesitant to accept that his ruler wasn’t crystal, but at least he seemed to actually care about the Empire’s wellbeing.
  12344. >ALL of them questioned the legitimacy of his claim to the throne.
  12345. >And ponies wondered why he was always on edge.
  12346. “Very good. With the exception of Howlite, you are dismissed. Thank you.”
  12347. >They were beyond insubordinate.
  12348. >But at least they were willing to leave when he told them to.
  12349. >Happy to, in fact.
  12350. >And he was happy to see them go.
  12351. >Howlite started speaking the instant they closed the door.
  12352. >”I cannot approve of this measure. Locating the changelings makes sense, but extermination-”
  12353. “I’m not talking about changelings.”
  12354. >”Hm?”
  12355. >You can do it.
  12356. >You have to.
  12357. >You’re in too deep to back down now.
  12358. “I have learned that many diseases are caused by living things. If it’s alive, it can be killed.”
  12359. >”You’re declaring war… on sickness? This seems like a strange way to go about things.”
  12360. “The purpose of the military is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the populace. Sickness compromises both, so it’s a military issue.”
  12361. >”But it is not a conventional military issue. There have always been healers, and armed forces have made use of them. But declaring something as broad as sickness to be an enemy combatant is unprecedented. And downright bizarre.”
  12362. “Again, this is coming in light of the revelation that many of them are caused by living things.”
  12363. >”Have you seen proof of that claim?”
  12364. “Of course.”
  12365. >”When?”
  12366. “Uh… around a year ago.”
  12367. >”And yet you’ve only made this decision recently.”
  12368. >This wasn’t going well.
  12369. “It took some time to come to terms with that fact.”
  12370. >”That's the first time you’ve told the truth today, isn’t it?”
  12371. >C’mon…
  12372. >Be reasonable!
  12373. >This is for the Empire!
  12374. >”Some part of you still doubted the human, didn’t you? You thought perhaps his patients had gotten better on their own. Ah, but the changelings changed more than just their bodies, didn’t they?”
  12375. >He could see straight through Shining Armor.
  12376. >Hopefully he didn’t piece it together…
  12377. >“Plenty of ponies tried to heal your daughter. Perhaps one of them pulled through for you? Fluttershy’s injury was easy to hoof waive away. Rainbow Dash was merely beaten, nothing we wouldn’t expect her to recover from. Pinkie Pie, well, perhaps the poison just wore off on its own. It’s unlikely, but there was nothing until very recently that couldn’t possibly be explained away. But your sister? That was a different matter.”
  12378. “The doctor tells me death is difficult to define. Given what he’s done, I can understand why humans have trouble deciding what that word means. But from my perspective, being repeatedly impaled means you aren’t making it. He raised the dead.”
  12379. >”Yet there is no trace of a come to life spell. She’s living on her own power; it doesn’t appear to be a trick. I was quite impressed too. Why have you been supporting him if you doubted him?”
  12380. >Come to life spell?
  12381. >That was pretty fancy stuff!
  12382. >Was he really qualified to discern that?
  12383. >Or was he just guessing?
  12384. >Either way, he was right.
  12385. “I didn’t doubt that he was a capable healer, I just had trouble believing some of his more outlandish claims. Now I can’t help but wonder if he’s UNDERSTATING his abilities.”
  12386. >”And what does he claim?”
  12387. “He talks about all kinds of wild things. Curing the blind and deaf, replacing ruined joints, fixing and even replacing bad hearts… not too long ago he claimed that some diseases no longer exist.”
  12388. >He nodded slowly.
  12389. >”And now you want to make the most of this opportunity. You believe that we can benefit from their knowledge more than we already have, if we’re willing to act. But you have yet to TRUTHFULLY explain why you’re calling this a war.”
  12390. “I need the senate’s support.”
  12391. >”Indeed. And your strategy appeals to Leopard Jasper and Tiger Eye. But there’s another angle. I am hesitant to surrender my control, prince.”
  12392. >Uh oh.
  12393. >”If we call this a military matter, then it is no longer a legislative matter. You’ll be working with your generals rather than us. You’re trying to get the senate out of this. Permanently.”
  12394. “The others would never approve of any spending on this project.”
  12395. >”True. It’s a sensible strategy. It might be the only path forward. Unfortunately, it works against my interests.”
  12396. “Does it? You care about the Empire. Tell me. What purpose does the state serve?”
  12397. >”That remains to be seen.”
  12398. “I misspoke. What purpose SHOULD the state serve?”
  12399. >”Ah. The state does not produce anything; it exists entirely by taking from the populace. The only way to maintain integrity is for the state to use those resources to strengthen the populace.”
  12400. “I agree. By merely existing, I am a burden on them. I have a moral obligation to pay them back. Further, it is in our own best interests. The better off they are, the more they will be able to support us.”
  12401. >”The benefit is obvious. But is your goal realistic?”
  12402. >Probably not.
  12403. >If human medicine could actually end sickness, the humans would never get sick.
  12404. >But he had seen ample evidence of efficacy.
  12405. >Shining Armor would be very lonely indeed were it not for their methods…
  12406. >He was immensely lucky to still have a daughter and sister.
  12407. “Victory is subject to gradation.”
  12408. >”So, no.”
  12409. “Ending all sickness might be impossible. But reducing frequency and severity is still a worthwhile endeavor. We’ll have to pick our battles, but the hope is that with a bit of work we can all live longer and better lives. Can I count on your support?”
  12410. >”No.”
  12411. >As planned.
  12412. >”Not yet, at least.”
  12413. >What?
  12414. >This might actually be trouble.
  12415. >”It is a noble goal, but it is not without danger. I want to see the war goals. Make them highly specific. Include a timeframe, and readily attainable. If I think we MIGHT become mired down in an endless task, I will do what I must to stop you from making a terrible mistake. Further, I will be demanding access to all records pertaining to medical spending and strategy.”
  12416. “Demanding access?”
  12417. >”I will know what resources are being devoted and the timetables for your goals. You’re a trickster, prince. You proved that today. I need to know that you’re not tricking ME as well.”
  12418. >He had to sour this deal.
  12419. >FAST.
  12420. “And if I refuse? I do have the power to ignore the senate. You’re supposed to be an advisory board, and declassifying operational information is risky.”
  12421. >”You can try. But I think we both know that your position is quite tenuous, prince. All four of us have more connections in this city than you do.”
  12422. >he was absolutely right.
  12423. >”Your deception will be discovered. You’ll want somepony on your side when that happens. Unless, of course, you’ve forgotten how dangerous money can be.”
  12424. “I’m not scared of you.”
  12425. >”Perhaps you should be. I’ll give you time to think it over.”
  12426. >The smug bastard showed himself out without waiting to be dismissed.
  12427. >Just because he actually wanted to help the Empire didn’t mean he was easy to work with.
  12428. >In all, that had gone better than expected.
  12429. >He knew very well that none of them would truly support his plans.
  12430. >Why should they?
  12431. >Howlite had said it himself.
  12432. >They didn’t want to cede their control.
  12433. >And he couldn’t act without their approval.
  12434. >He wasn’t hugely popular with the public, thanks to being an outsider.
  12435. >And the senators had a lot of influence.
  12436. >Even Jasper.
  12437. >Not to mention they were all wealthy enough to be dangerous.
  12438. >But with a little luck, they wouldn’t know they’d been tricked until it was too late.
  12439. >It seemed as though none of them had successfully sussed out his plan.
  12440. >Better still, one of them thought they had him figured out.
  12441. >Politics had been intimidating at first, but cavalry tactics seemed to apply nicely.
  12442. >This was just defense in depth, except way easier to coordinate.
  12443. >Step one: misdirect.
  12444. >Always deceive the enemy.
  12445. >Present an obvious lie that would be seen through.
  12446. >Allow the enemy to believe they’re one step ahead of him.
  12447. >They would have all figured it out by the time he next saw them.
  12448. >He’d made sure of that.
  12449. >Howlite would immediately spill the secret once he didn’t get his way.
  12450. >Once they had been lulled into a sense of security, they would overextend.
  12451. >Step two: false retreat.
  12452. >He’d admit that this was not a military matter but a civilian one.
  12453. >But first he’d point out that the doctor was using controlled substances.
  12454. >He’d also mention how he recently allowed a patient to leave without treatment.
  12455. >Framing it as an act of gross neglect, of course.
  12456. >Obviously, such a reckless man had to be reigned in.
  12457. >He’d claim it had to be made a military matter for public safety, and they’d attack.
  12458. >Best case scenario, they’d demand he be shut down.
  12459. >It would be trivial to undermine their authority if they took a stance like that.
  12460. >More likely though, they demand official policy and standards for these things, combined with strict oversight.
  12461. >He’d feign hesitance, but give in to their demands.
  12462. >Ceding strategically selected ground.
  12463. >And finally, the ambush.
  12464. >Having pulled the enemy into a disadvantageous position, he would finally engage.
  12465. >If there were laws and restrictions on the application of human medicine, they would need enforcement.
  12466. >A regulatory branch of government to ensure that these things were being used responsibly.
  12467. >He’d need a Department of Health.
  12468. >They would need an operating budget.
  12469. >And THAT was how he funded the clinic.
  12470. >The senate would inevitably retaliate.
  12471. >But he was prepared for that.
  12472. >In fact, he was counting on it.
  12473. >It was risky, and it didn’t do much to cement his control.
  12474. >But it would keep the clinic running.
  12475. >A quick fix to be sure, but the portal would be opening soon.
  12476. >He had a deadline to meet.
  12477. >And if he saved just one more life, it was easily worth the trouble.
  12478. >But he still needed to do something about Jasper…
  12480. >Checking in on the patient had been…
  12481. >Taxing.
  12482. >Luckily for you, you won’t have to deal with her much longer.
  12483. >Luckily for HER, it’s because she’s fine.
  12484. >Still, having to interact with her is…
  12485. >Taxing.>Checking in on the patient had been…
  12486. >Taxing.
  12487. >Luckily for you, you won’t have to deal with her much longer.
  12488. >Luckily for HER, it’s because she’s fine.
  12489. >Still, having to interact with her is…
  12490. >Taxing.
  12491. “I should really get a thesaurus.”
  12492. >She’s completely paralyzed by terror.
  12493. >Working on her is easy, at least.
  12494. >But the expression of grief and despair she gives off is way worse than anything Rarity had managed.
  12495. >You’re seriously considering putting her in a coma, despite the obvious drawbacks.
  12496. >You can’t imagine what it feels like to be that scared for that long.
  12497. >Chrysalis made you deepthroat a semi-auto rifle.
  12498. >It was probably less than a minute.
  12499. >And you still have dreams about it.
  12500. >Not like having nightmares is anything new to you.
  12501. >It’s normal for physicians to have some trauma.
  12502. >Especially those who have made mistakes.
  12503. >Even so, a scant few seconds was more than enough mortal peril to make its mark on your mind.
  12504. >She’s been at it for well over a day at this point.
  12505. >Dealing with patients who are certain they’re about to die might be old hat for some disciplines, but not for you.
  12506. >Even when things are risky, there’s always an air of hope.
  12507. >On the few occasions where things were truly futile, your patients weren’t aware of what was happening.
  12508. >And though you were involved in post-operative care to some degree, most of that got passed off to other specialists or nurses.
  12509. >You’ve never really sat down and looked someone in the eye as they struggled with their own mortality.
  12510. >Except for Antoine.
  12511. >But you try to not think about that.
  12512. >You sit in your office, trying VERY hard to relax.
  12513. >But the tension just won’t leave your body.
  12514. “Where’s Rarity?”
  12515. >You need somepony else to try and console Apple Cobbler.
  12516. >Someone she might actually trust.
  12517. >Rarity woul-
  12518. >The door starts opening.
  12519. “Finally. I was- hello, Applejack.”
  12520. >Probably should have expected this.
  12521. >”I reckon I shouldn’t be surprised that y’all don’t know that NO MEANS NO!”
  12522. “Didn’t I say you were banned from entering my office?”
  12523. >”Do you really think I care after the stunt you just pulled?”
  12524. “I was honestly kinda surprised you cared the first time.”
  12525. >”What did you do to Cobbler?”
  12526. “I am legally prohibited from discussing the specifics.”
  12527. >”Are you legally prohibited from telling your thugs to let her go?”
  12528. “I mean… they’re not my thugs. I don’t control them. Come to think of it, I DID try to dismiss them the other day and they didn’t listen. Why is it so hard to believe I helped her? Didn’t I help Twilight?”
  12529. >”Yes. And Pinkie. Right after you got them hurt in the first place!”
  12530. “Can we deal with one baseless accusation at a time, please?”
  12531. >”That depends. Can you limit yourself to one abduction at a time?”
  12532. “Do you need something, or are you just here to yell at me?”
  12533. >”You’re going to let Apple Cobbler go.”
  12534. “Yeah. And?”
  12535. >”Wait. You aren’t fighting me on that?”
  12536. “No. Should I?”
  12537. >”Uh… I’d prefer it if you didn’t.”
  12538. “The prince’s soldiers are holding her for a few more days, last I heard. Unless something goes very wrong she should be fine to go by then. I’ll have some instructions for her. No clue how I’ll get her to follow them… I know you’re convinced I’m- actually, I don’t know what you think I am.”
  12539. >”Rapist. I could smell it.”
  12540. “Oh.”
  12541. >Fair.
  12542. >So…
  12543. >Do you deflect or play dumb?
  12544. “I suspect this is a misunderstanding.”
  12545. >”Don’t you try to play dumb with me. You abducted Rarity, did awful things to her, humiliated her in front of her friends, lied to our fucking faces-”
  12546. >Whoa.
  12547. >For some reason, hearing her curse sounds very VERY wrong.
  12548. >”Over and over, KNOWING we were worried sick, and you put us all in danger! Twilight got STABBED because of you.”
  12549. “Wait. Are you blaming me for the actions of a bug?”
  12550. >”No. But you knew they were targeting us, and you knew how to get us to safety. Any decent pony would have made sure we got out of dodge! But not you. You were so selfish that it weren’t enough just to ruin Rarity’s life. You were happy to risk us just so you could keep her a little longer.”
  12551. >That one hurt.
  12552. >A lot.
  12553. >”So if you’re willing to endanger others for your own sick benefit, why should I think you give a shit about Apple Cobbler? What was it this time? Money? Got bills to pay so you invented a problem?”
  12554. “It wasn’t a tonsillectomy though. Just- Is Rarity here right now?”
  12555. >”Uh… I don’t think so.”
  12556. “Then perhaps that means I’m not holding her against her will.”
  12557. >”Yeah. Now. Could she when she went missing on us? Or when you were coating her with that ridiculous paint?”
  12558. >This one had a good memory.
  12559. >Hopefully she didn’t remind the others…
  12560. >”I don’t know what you did to make her keep quiet. Not sure if it’s one of your potions, or if she’s scared of you, or what. But I’m telling Cadence.”
  12561. >At least she hasn’t figured out that part yet.
  12562. >”That’s right. And don’t you try skipping town either. There are only a few hundred humans in the world; shouldn’t be hard to track you down, not with every Apple keeping their eyes open.”
  12563. >She storms out, slamming the door behind her.
  12564. >And breaking it right off its hinges.
  12565. >”Are you okay in there, doc?”
  12566. “I will be, thanks Sassaflash. Wait, when did you get here?”
  12567. >”About an hour ago. I’m working on billing. What was that all about?”
  12568. >She doesn’t deserve to be tied up in this.
  12569. >She doesn’t deserve to be lied to.
  12570. “Maintaining confidentiality can cause problems. I lied to protect somepony’s privacy, and got caught. Now she seems to think I’m a criminal mastermind of some sort.”
  12571. >”Ooh. To Applejack no less.”
  12572. >You’re going to snap if this keeps up.
  12573. >You just sit in your office, staring at the ceiling.
  12574. >Apple ponies.
  12575. >Bugs.
  12576. >Your foot.
  12577. >Forged visas.
  12578. >It feels like problems are piling on way faster than they get resolved.
  12579. >At least you’re not broke anymore.
  12580. >Sure hope that lasts for at least a little while.
  12581. >”Oh dear!”
  12582. >You jump in shock, and fall right out of your chair.
  12583. >Try as you might, there’s no way to save face as you get back up.
  12584. “Hi, Rarity.”
  12585. >”You’re even more tense than you look. I don’t suppose I could help?”
  12586. “Yeah. Could you talk to the patient? She’s too scared to listen to me.”
  12587. >”You wish for me to explain the situation to her so she understands you were helping?”
  12588. “I don’t think that would work. I’ve got instructions for how to recover from the procedure written down here. Pretty straightforward stuff. No heavy lifting and things like that.”
  12589. >”And if she doesn’t obey these instructions?”
  12590. “Best case scenario, she hurts herself.”
  12591. >”And worst case?”
  12592. “I think you already know the answer to that.”
  12593. >You pass Rarity a slip of paper.
  12594. >She reads over it two or three times before taking it and leaving.
  12595. >Not five minutes later, she comes back.
  12596. >Crying.
  12597. “Whoa, what happened?”
  12598. >”Applejack- she”
  12599. *sniff*
  12600. “Oh. Right. I should have known. What did she do?”
  12601. >”She asked me why I was staying here.”
  12602. “And?”
  12603. >”She asked if you were blackmailing me. She’s- she’s going to find out!”
  12604. “Well, maybe close the door before talking about that? But for what it’s worth, I’m not blackmailing you. Your secret is safe.”
  12605. >She sits down opposite you without closing the door.
  12606. >She’s actually trembling.
  12607. >Poor girl’s almost as scared as Apple Cobbler.
  12608. “Sassaflash? Would you mind getting the door?”
  12609. >”No problem! I shouldn’t pry, but… is this the patient Applejack was asking about earlier?”
  12610. “Yes. It is unfortunate that I got caught in a lie, but she has a right to privacy and I intend to honor that, even if it makes her friend angry at me. Please make sure we’re not disturbed while I try to sort this out.”
  12611. >”Of course”.
  12612. >This probably wasn’t a good look.
  12613. >But Sassaflash had seen Rarity coming in looking relatively happy.
  12614. >You’re sure she’ll see Rarity again.
  12615. >And she’s used to you keeping secrets about pretty much everypony.
  12616. >You’re not really worried about her getting suspicious.
  12617. >”They’re going to find out that… that I”
  12618. >She leans in really close and whispers in your ear.
  12619. >”I hurt Twilight.”
  12620. “No. Applejack already blames me for that.”
  12621. >”But… they’re right!”
  12622. “Agh!”
  12623. >She wasn’t particularly loud.
  12624. >But she had yet to stop talking in your ear when she yelled that.
  12625. >You pull away as she returns to her seat, muttering frantically.
  12626. >So Rarity DOES blame herself.
  12627. >Not entirely sure how to deal with that.
  12628. >”And- and I KNEW what I was doing! I mean- I mean, I didn’t know it was blood, and I didn’t know Twilight would need it. But I knew it was medicine and that SOMEPONY would!”
  12629. >Wait, what?
  12630. >That was news.
  12631. >You thought she was too angry to think straight.
  12632. “Then why did you do it?”
  12633. >”Because I couldn’t control myself!”
  12634. >Control.
  12635. >”I am in control. I am not a victim. I am in control. I am not a victim.”
  12636. >The pieces finally click into place.
  12637. >You at last understand why she submitted.
  12638. >It’s not because she liked sex.
  12639. >Sure, she’s hungry for dick and all that, but it’s not why she’s wearing the choker right now.
  12640. >She was thoroughly enjoying it before she gave in.
  12641. >She wore her lust openly, and had actually consented to sex multiple times.
  12642. >You even remember her asking for it at one point.
  12643. >But she was still fighting you, despite wanting to fuck.
  12644. >It wasn’t a sense of gratitude either.
  12645. >Or at least, not totally.
  12646. >Saving Twilight probably helped change her opinion of you, as did protecting her from Shining Armour.
  12647. >But her resistance continued to collapse well after that.
  12648. >You weren’t even pushing her anymore.
  12649. >Not really.
  12650. >Yet she kept giving away control.
  12651. >Giving away agency.
  12652. >She was running away from responsibility.
  12653. >Because when she lost control…
  12654. >She nearly killed someone.
  12655. >She’d have already drunk herself to death if she was in your line of work.
  12656. >She was willing to sacrifice EVERYTHING to escape that guilt.
  12657. >And yet…
  12658. >It didn’t have to be all bad for her.
  12659. “Tell me again. Why did you masturbate twice when I explicitly told you not to?”
  12660. >”Now is NOT the time for that!”
  12661. “It is. Tell me. That was an order.”
  12662. >”I couldn’t help myself, OKAY? Just like how I couldn’t help but enjoy that vile, seedy, abhorrent punishment. I should want to vomit at the thought of it- I- I am not a victim. I’m in control.”
  12663. >Yep.
  12664. >That was it.
  12665. >Twilight paved the way for the first contract.
  12666. >But Rarity had lost control again.
  12667. >But this time, it wasn’t her anger that had gotten the better of her.
  12668. >It was her lust.
  12669. >She was running away from responsibility again.
  12670. >And she was begging you to stop that from ever happening again.
  12671. >That bit about enjoying the punishment though…
  12672. >It left a bad taste in your mouth.
  12673. >You’re not sure if it’s because of changeling control wearing off, or if it’s just you becoming more possessive over time.
  12674. >But it’s more upsetting than it was the first time.
  12675. >And you’d gotten yourself locked up trying to stop it the first time.
  12676. “I have to get her out of that punishment somehow.”
  12677. >She’s your toy.
  12678. >Not theirs.
  12679. >But that was a problem for later.
  12680. >Rarity had enjoyed it on some level, and hated herself for it.
  12681. >It doubtlessly clashed with her identity as a prim and proper member of high society.
  12682. >She was desperate for dick, but didn’t want to be a slut.
  12683. >So she was trying to avoid sexual pleasure entirely.
  12684. >Trying to eliminate that choice so she wouldn’t have to deal with the responsibility.
  12685. “You don’t need to worry about Applejack.”
  12686. >”She’s going to find out. She’s RELENTLESS! She’s going to figure it out SOMEHOW, I just know it!”
  12687. >As tempting as it is to abduct and rape Applejack, you’ve already bitten off more than you can chew.
  12688. >Ideally you’d give Rarity the choice to submit even harder to get out of this, but how would-
  12690. “Are you rubbing off on me? Ah, whatever. What if she blamed me?”
  12691. >”You would do that pour moi? I cannot ask you to face her fury on your own though!”
  12692. “Ideally I won’t. Nothing about the story has currently changed. But I’m talking about preparing a backup plan. If, and only IF she gets too close, we’ll tell her I made it impossible for you to leave.”
  12693. >Rarity’s posture instantly changed.
  12694. >She began rubbing her chin inquisitively, but only for a moment.
  12695. >She then produced a handkerchief from… somewhere, blotted away the mascara that had run because of her tears, straightened her mane, and returned to stroking her chin.
  12696. >”I’m afraid it will never work. She’s seen me leave freely. I’ve had plenty of opportunities to flee.”
  12697. “But what if the thing keeping you here was hidden? Say, if your choker shocked you if you tried to leave.”
  12698. >”I don’t believe that would work either. It’s not even locked in place, and if it were it’s far too flimsy; I could simply take it off!”
  12699. “Unless it was inside of you.”
  12700. >Her eyes widen.
  12701. “We can implant a neurostimulator that mimics an electric shock. I can access it remotely, and harmlessly- but painfully- shock you if you try to run away. Would that be enough to convince your friend you didn’t do anything wrong?”
  12702. >”Are you able to do such a thing?”
  12703. “Sure. I mean… there are some practical limitations.”
  12704. >The short range being one of them.
  12705. >It’s not really useful at all for catching a runaway because of that.
  12706. “But I could.”
  12707. >She starts chewing on her lower lip.
  12708. >”I’ll need some time to think. But it certainly is appealing.”
  12709. >Appealing?
  12710. >Interesting choice of words.
  12711. Is she really so horny she wants an inescapable shock collar?
  12712. >Or is she just saying it’s a good excuse to have?
  12713. >”For now we’ll just do… the other thing.”
  12714. “Oh. Right. Yeah… not doing it.”
  12715. >”WHAT? But I thought you’d said you’d- I MUST be able to control myself! You need to help me!”
  12716. “Oh, I will. But we’re not numbing it. Not worth the trouble. I’ve got something else in mind.”
  12718. >Rarity had made a huge mistake.
  12719. >She had been too impulsive, too trusting.
  12720. >And now her life was over.
  12721. >She rushed through the city, mind racing in a desperate bid to find a way out.
  12722. >Her appearance was already degraded from the stress.
  12723. >Her mane and tail were almost entirely in disarray, and the simple white dress she wore was getting dirty from careless hoofsteps.
  12724. >It didn’t matter.
  12725. >NOTHING about her current life mattered anymore!
  12726. >She had no choice but to change her identity and move to the Hayseed Swamp!
  12727. >Hopefully she could feign a crude demeanor well enough to fit in.
  12728. >She had done an impeccable job of impersonating Applejack for Trenderhoof, so it should be fairly straightforward!
  12729. >She hastened her pace as she walked away from the clinic, painfully aware of how she could still feel her nethers.
  12730. >How they were dripping…
  12731. >ACHING.
  12732. >She had a cruel master, of that there was no doubt!
  12733. >A vile cretin whom seemingly derived pleasure from her torment.
  12734. >How else was she meant to explain this abhorrent punishment?
  12735. >It was the WORST POSSIBLE THING!
  12736. “Perhaps the swamp isn’t far enough?”
  12737. >She needed to escape.
  12738. >This truly was a torment beyond comprehension!
  12739. >Maybe she should try to make the night last forever?
  12740. >The moon ought to be far enough away for a fresh start!
  12741. >Oh, but she didn’t know anything about Lunar life!
  12742. >The princess was always so hesitant to talk about it…
  12743. >She approached a random passerby.
  12744. “Excuse me, ma’am. Do you know of any good vacation spots on the moon?”
  12745. >”I’m not interested in a timeshare. Especially not one on the moon.”
  12746. “Hm?”
  12747. >Oh.
  12748. >Rarity blushed a bit.
  12749. >Of course.
  12750. >Shaken from her manic episode, she once again reassessed her options.
  12751. >She could either run away.
  12752. >Or she could face the harshest punishment her master had ever doled out.
  12753. >She HAD just asked him to be strict.
  12754. >And she was definitely regretting that decision.
  12755. >If only he’d sewn her shut instead!
  12756. >Or simply beat her bloody!
  12757. >She could have tolerated that!
  12758. >But this was simply too much!
  12759. >She was going to march straight back to that clinic!
  12760. >She would look him in the eye!
  12761. >And she would say NO!
  12762. >She would tell him that Rarity would NEVER tolerate such malevolent machinations!
  12763. >And-
  12764. >And…
  12765. >And she would let him down.
  12766. >And herself.
  12767. >Master deserved better, having preserved her from Shining Armor’s wrath, and attempting to save her the abhorrent indignation of Cadence.
  12768. >Now he had volunteered to protect her honor from Applejack.
  12769. >To others he was a healer, but to Rarity, he was a guardian.
  12770. >A knight in shining armor.
  12771. “Ugh. I shall have to think of a new term for that.”
  12772. >He deserved a marefriend of the highest quality.
  12773. >Luckily, he had found Rarity.
  12774. >But Rarity understood that, though she may be the best there was, she still had room for improvement.
  12775. >Like it or not, there really was no such thing as perfection.
  12776. >It was an ideal, not a state.
  12777. >But it mattered not!
  12778. >Rarity was la crème de la crème; though she couldn’t hope to be perfect she could strive to be the best!
  12779. >It wouldn’t be easy.
  12780. >Far from it, in fact.
  12781. >Especially now, when there was so much going on.
  12782. >Perhaps she could wait for a better opportunity?
  12783. >He hadn’t specified a timeframe for acting.
  12784. >Perhaps it would be best if she slept on it for a few centuries?
  12785. >”Hi-”
  12786. “ACK!”
  12787. >“Rarity! I mean… partner!”
  12788. “Oh, hello Lovelace.”
  12789. >”Sorry if I scared you! I’m just so excited! I took a look around the place, and I love what you’ve done with it! But I do have a few questions.”
  12790. >She was here?
  12791. >WHY did she have to be here?
  12792. “I’d be happy to answer them!”
  12793. >Perhaps if she got lost in talking shop, she could conveniently forget her task!
  12794. >The two of them entered the soon-to-be shop.
  12795. >It truly was coming together nicely.
  12796. >”It’s really quite spacious. Almost empty. Though I suppose with no merchandise inside that’s to be expected.”
  12797. “We wanted to maintain an open concept for better accessibility. One should be able to appreciate a garment from every angle without needing to move it, after all. Though I do fear that we might be a tad cramped if we have a decent variety on display; such is the reality of setting up shop in a new locale.”
  12798. >“The lighting seems pretty strong, especially with the white paint.”
  12799. “Lighting will be adjusted as needed. For now it’s meant to provide a good view of every angle, but if shadow is important to a garment we will adapt.”
  12800. >”And I talked to Coco. I didn’t know you had another partner.”
  12801. >Oh dear.
  12802. >”And… she didn’t seem to know about me.”
  12803. “Had I not introduced you two?”
  12804. >”No.”
  12805. “A thousand pardons! Such a terrible thing to let slip. Yes, she is my partner in fashion, and you my partner in PASSION!”
  12806. >”I don’t think it’s going to work.”
  12807. “Whyever not, dear?”
  12808. >”She’s a prude. She wasn’t comfortable talking about this stuff at all.”
  12809. “Oh, don’t worry about that. She’ll come around.”
  12810. >”No, she won’t. I really want this to work! It’s just… not looking good.”
  12811. “Don’t you fret, dear. I shall find a way. I always do.”
  12812. >”Rarity? I don’t think YOU are ready to work with me yet. And yes, I know what you’re doing with the human.”
  12813. “MOI? I have a rather… exciting life at home, you should know.”
  12814. >”Look at that. You did it just now. You wouldn’t talk about it. Rarity, I respect you. Hay, I ADMIRE you. But you are much too repressed to be in this business with me.”
  12815. >Rarity hurriedly scurried around closing the curtains.
  12816. >She took a moment to blow out the candles.
  12817. >She then sealed the doors.
  12818. >Once she was absolutely certain they were alone, she felt comfortable speaking.
  12819. “I assure you, I have no hangups on talking about intimacy.”
  12820. >”You can’t see it right now, but I’m rolling my eyes. Could you cast a light spell so we can at least talk properly?”
  12821. “Oh. Umm… no, I’m afraid I won’t be doing that.”
  12822. >”Why?”
  12823. “I seem to be having… a little bit of difficulty. With my magic.”
  12824. >”Sure you are. Alright, fine, we can stay in the dark if it makes you feel more comfortable. When you’re giving oral, where do you like him to finish? Deep throat so you can stimulate a bit more, mouth so you can play with it, or facial to give him a bit of a show?”
  12825. “Um…”
  12826. >”Anal stuff. Do you like a stretching sensation, a full sensation, or do mostly like something deeper?”
  12827. >Rarity was too flustered even to mutter a reply.
  12828. >”How important is clitoral stimulation to you? Some ponies need a lot of it, but others get more out of being penetrated and can more or less leave it alone.”
  12829. >Rarity continued to be silent.
  12830. >”Ever fuck a mare?”
  12831. “Alright! I admit I’m perhaps a tad… easily flustered. But my job isn’t to advise ponies on such things, that was your role.”
  12832. >Light crept back into the room as Lovelace opened the front door.
  12833. >She looked downright morose.
  12834. >”I hope we can make it work some day, but that’s not today.”
  12835. “WAIT! I- I need your help.”
  12836. >”No, you don’t. You and Coco will do just fine without the third wheel.”
  12837. “WHY do you think I asked you to join us?”
  12838. >”Because you felt sorry for me?”
  12839. “Oh DEAR! You need more confidence! No, I asked you on board exactly BECAUSE I am uncomfortable with such things. I wish to start developing apparel for- um… for personal use. And I was hoping for guidance.”
  12840. >”You could have just asked instead of offering a partnership.”
  12841. “I don’t believe you quite understand my modus operandi. If I am to be part of something, I must beautify it. I want to be a mare who is- oh by the stars Rarity just say it! I want to be confident in myself. It’s something I’ve never explored before, and there’s real beauty in it.”
  12842. >”That doesn’t make any sense.”
  12843. “I want to sell it so that I can see there are other buyers and convince myself I’m not a freak, OKAY? ARE YOU HAPPY?”
  12844. >Her woodland accent broke through for a moment, betraying her working class upbringing.
  12845. >She rushed to cover her mouth out of shame.
  12846. >”Really? You think you’re a freak for THAT? Wow, you’re even more repressed than I thought. Some light bondage and power play is nothing crazy, you know.”
  12847. >She had no clue.
  12848. >How could she?
  12849. >How could Lovelace possibly understand Rarity’s depravity if she didn’t even understand it herself?
  12850. >”Oh. Oh dear, you’re in really bad shape. You look manic!”
  12851. “No more so than usual!”
  12852. >”Rarity, you’ve made somepony- human very special to you very happy. That’s something to be PROUD of!”
  12853. >Making him happy was fine.
  12854. >But the way she felt…
  12855. >It was improper.
  12856. >No lady should enjoy that!
  12857. >High society wasn’t full of perverts!
  12858. >”How did you even wind up in a relationship like this?”
  12859. >Oh.
  12860. >Oh dear.
  12861. >She couldn’t tell anypony.
  12862. >The indignity of- of THAT would be the end of her!
  12863. >”Wait a moment. Did you meet him through the princess?”
  12864. >Yes!
  12865. >That was the perfect answer!
  12866. “How did you know?”
  12867. >”She did! Oh! You’re one of her pet projects! Wait a second… stay here. I need to go ask some important ponies a few questions. I’ll be back soon!”
  12868. >Rarity was left in a dark room, stewing in fear.
  12869. >Of course, she had the option of illuminating the place.
  12870. >She could also leave if she wanted to.
  12871. >But to what end?
  12872. >She’d made a TERRIBLE error trying to partner with Lovelace!
  12873. >Sure, she seemed like a nice enough pony, but there was no way she wouldn’t find out something was odd.
  12874. >Sooner or later she would be found out.
  12875. “Curse me! Always thinking with my ovaries!”
  12876. >She had to escape somehow.
  12877. >That timeshare on the moon was definitely going to come in handy.
  12878. “Wait. Was that real, or was that part of a panic attack?”
  12879. >She had lost track!
  12880. >This day had been far too stressful.
  12881. >It had started out so well too!
  12882. >Step one: remove the accursed lust that had been driving her mad.
  12883. >Step two: there was no step two.
  12884. >It was a simple plan, yet it fell apart at the outset.
  12885. “Wait. Would that have removed this haze in my head?”
  12886. >Or would it have merely prevented her from scratching the proverbial itch?
  12887. >Surely it would have cured her!
  12888. >She wouldn’t have proposed it otherwise!
  12889. >She needed a new solution.
  12890. >Perhaps it was time for a change of scenery?
  12891. >That always helped her focus.
  12892. >Oh! She should go to the zoo!
  12893. >It had been far too long since she’d spend a comfortable day with Fluttershy, and a trip to the Canterlot zoo would be just the trick!
  12894. “No wait, that was stupid.”
  12895. >Nothing she was thinking of would actually help.
  12896. >Her mind was ill at ease, and constantly spewing out nonsense.
  12897. >Almost…
  12898. “Almost as though I were manic.”
  12899. >Lovelace was right.
  12900. >Rarity wasn’t thinking straight, and she hadn’t been for a while.
  12901. >Ever since…
  12902. “That accursed night with Cadence.”
  12903. *spit*
  12904. >And Rarity knew exactly what was wrong.
  12905. >She just didn’t want to admit it.
  12906. >Didn’t want to confront it.
  12907. “I enjoyed that.”
  12908. >The degradation.
  12909. >The humiliation.
  12910. >Maybe not so much the pain.
  12911. “I had fun.”
  12912. >It had been vile.
  12913. >Repulsive.
  12914. >Dirty.
  12915. “I shouldn’t have liked it.”
  12916. >But she couldn’t help herself.
  12917. >It wasn’t the weird penises, those were a drawback.
  12918. >She couldn’t help but feel ashamed to be near them.
  12919. >And yet, despite her revulsion, she enjoyed perversity so greatly that it had been a delight.
  12920. >The allure was so primal, so animalistic, that she struggled to put it in words.
  12921. >Being so deeply immersed in sex that propriety was forgotten.
  12922. >Pride was forgotten.
  12923. >Only carnal delight remained.
  12924. >She wanted to feel that way again.
  12925. >And she hated herself for it.
  12926. >She had to find some way to escape her own shame.
  12927. >What would others think if they knew what she’d become?
  12928. >A shameless tart who would lift her tail at a moment’s notice.
  12929. >A stupid beast, fit only to RUT!
  12930. >A toy for the pleasure of others.
  12931. >It was degrading.
  12932. >And she couldn’t stand it any longer!
  12933. >Rarity’s hoof shot to her groin.
  12934. >She grinded at it vigorously, and with wild abandon.
  12935. >She whined and groaned, working it as fast as she could.
  12936. >She made no attempt to build up, nor to protract her pleasure.
  12937. >It was a wild, mindless race to the finish.
  12938. >A desperate and frantic bid for release.
  12939. >The door opened.
  12940. >Rarity whined in frustration.
  12941. >Some faint part of her mind was thankful that the room was still darkened, and she had been saved from her shame.
  12942. >But it was almost totally drowned out by lamentations and desperation.
  12943. >”Rarity?”
  12944. “Ah, Lovelace. That was certainly quick! Where did you go?”
  12945. >”I had to speak with the princess. Just to ask a quick question.”
  12946. “It certainly didn’t take you long to get an audience with her.”
  12947. >”I got a bit lucky. She’s a pretty busy pony after all. But she set her work aside as soon as she heard it was about you.”
  12948. “I’m not entirely certain I’m comfortable with all this.”
  12949. >Lovelace pulled the drapes open to let light in.
  12950. >Rarity quickly corrected her posture and sheepishly hid her slick hoof behind her leg.
  12951. >Lovelace walked up to her.
  12952. >And hugged her.
  12953. >She pulled Rarity in tight, and began to gently pat her on the back.
  12954. >”I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I should have guessed you were a non-con, but I didn’t.”
  12955. “What’s a non-con?”
  12956. >”It means you get to live it for real. You don’t have to pretend.”
  12957. “I’m certain I don’t know what you mean!”
  12958. >”You don’t have to lie to me. Cadence-”
  12959. >Rarity spat on Lovelace.
  12960. >She didn’t stop talking.
  12961. >”She told me what she did to you. It was a fake smuggling sting. You were dragged out of your hotel in the middle of the night, and kept in a cell for three days!”
  12962. “Get your hooves off me!”
  12963. >”No. I’m not leaving you. I’m here for you.”
  12964. >Rarity tried to push her away, but wasn’t finding much success.
  12965. >”She went pretty light on the details about what happened after she dropped you off. That stuff is still private. But I’ve heard stories from others about what it’s like to be with her.”
  12966. “I- I just…”
  12967. >”I won’t ask. You shouldn’t have to relive that. It’s okay to be scared. To be angry. To be hurt. That’s normal after what you've been through.”
  12968. >Rarity shuddered.
  12969. >Her eyes were watering.
  12970. >”I’ve never gone through all that. But I’ve seen others, and I know that it’s hard. But it’s okay. I’m here for you.”
  12971. “I… I just don’t know how it’s possible for her to be so cruel.”
  12972. >Rarity collapsed, mercifully being held up by her business partner.
  12973. “I was relieved to find out she was passing me off to a stranger. I think that on some level, I knew they couldn’t possibly be as bad. I was right. His worst is far better than her best.”
  12974. >”It’s okay. That part is over now.”
  12975. “I know I should hate them both, but I can’t help but love him. I want to do everything to make him happy, but I’m disgusted by what I’m becoming. I feel like I’m going mad!”
  12976. >”Maybe you’re becoming sane? You had left a very important part of yourself out of your life, Rarity. Something vital to who you are. That incomplete self cemented, and you were left with a hole in your heart that would never be filled. There was no way to make you whole without breaking that self. Like how you sometimes have to rip stitches out before you can tailor an outfit. You had to be broken before you could be made whole.”
  12977. >Rarity finally pushed Lovelace away.
  12978. “I hate this feeling.”
  12979. >”It will pass. You were like a puzzle with a missing piece, but now-”
  12980. “That’s enough similes.”
  12981. >”Sorry.”
  12982. “I love it. I want more. But it’s the opposite of everything I’ve ever aspired to be. Are you certain this dissonance will resolve? Can I truly sublimate these desires?”
  12983. >”I don’t know what that word means.”
  12984. “Ugh. To change an impulse or behavior into a more acceptable form.”
  12985. >”Oh. Oh! Nonono. See, you’re STILL fighting yourself! On some level, you’re resisting. You don’t have to change into something acceptable because there’s NOTHING wrong with you! You have to REDISCOVER yourself, not change yourself!”
  12986. ”I’m meant to be ELEGANT and FABULOUS, not a hole for someone’s cock!”
  12987. >”See, you’re STILL fighting yourself! Rarity, you’re BOTH. An elegant, sophisticated, classy, and fabulous slave. That’s you. It’s always been who you are, and it’s what you will inevitably be. The perfect lady AND the perfect lay.”
  12988. >Rarity felt like she had already thought all this over before.
  12989. >Again and again, ad nauseum.
  12990. >And yet, somehow, hearing it from somepony else…
  12991. >It was different.
  12992. >The conflicting desires had been a long standing source of grief.
  12993. >But they weren’t really conflicting, were they?
  12994. >They were both a desire for self expression at their heart.
  12995. >It felt like sex didn’t fit in her life precisely because she had excluded it.
  12996. >She would find ways to meld magnificence and sluttiness.
  12997. “I think… I think I’m okay. I’m yet uncertain as to how I’m meant to reconcile- nay, MERGE these two halves of myself, but… maybe you’re right. Maybe I can still be Rarity while also being Rarity. Maybe I don’t have to choose.”
  12998. >Lovelace beamed at her.
  12999. >”I’m very happy for you. I’ve been told that this is the hard part. It’s not the breaking that’s tough, it’s rebuilding.”
  13000. “I do wish to know how you’re okay with this, though.”
  13001. >”I’ve been in the business long enough to have met some ponies who are absolutely desperate to be enslaved. It’s their greatest fantasy. Guilt free sex with a powerful strapping stallion? And most importantly, think of what they’re sacrificing to get you.”
  13002. “I suppose I did try to injure him a few times. I ought to apologise for that.”
  13003. >”It’s not just that, Rarity. He’s risking his reputation, his career, his freedom, and his safety to be with you! At any moment he could have lost it all. And hay, if you tried to hurt him? He might even have been fearful for his life.”
  13004. >Rarity was immediately reminded of what Fluttershy had said about animal mating rituals.
  13005. >Sex with dangerous mates wasn’t at all unheard of in nature.
  13006. >If humans were at all similar…
  13007. >He probably did think he was in mortal peril at times.
  13008. “He risked all that… to be with me?”
  13009. >A warm fuzzy feeling was quickly overtaking her body.
  13010. “He thought he might lose everything. But he loved me so much that he didn’t care! It’s the ESSENCE of romance! I might just swoon! Oh, there it is.”
  13011. >Rarity collapsed gracelessly.
  13012. >Lovelace started fanning her with her wings to help her recover.
  13013. >”What you’re living is a shockingly common fetish, Rarity. There are a ton of ponies who would envy you. I HATE how Cadence does her thing, but it’s obvious to me that you love him very much, and it would be a crime to drive you two apart. Especially now when you’re converting it into a healthy relationship.”
  13014. >Rarity was too overcome by emotion to spit at the princess’ name.
  13015. “It’s so romantic, and yet somehow I’d totally missed it! The handsome stranger from parts unknown, the persistence, his willingness to sacrifice everything in the name of love! Oh! How have I not seen it before? He’s flattered me in a way I can’t even comprehend!”
  13016. >”The first time I encountered a non-con, I tried to break them up. I messed things up really bad. They got back together, but there were a lot of hurt feelings and regrets. The second time, well, I made the same mistake. But I took the time to listen to them when they told me to leave them alone. I don’t really get it, but I’ve learned my lesson. When the princess sets somepony up with a partner, there’s a good reason for it. Just because it’s not what I want doesn’t mean it’s not what others need. I’m not making the same mistake with you.”
  13017. >Rarity slowly and clumsily returned to her hooves, not yet having totally recovered from the swoon.
  13018. “You keep saying you’ve talked to others about this. Is it really a common occurrence?”
  13019. >”Not common, exactly. You’re the third that I know of. All of them were fighting bitterly at first, you know. But they’re all leading very fulfilling lives now. I’m even friends with one of them!”
  13020. “Truly? You’d make friends with somepony in such a strained situation?”
  13021. >”Why not?”
  13022. ”I’m still having trouble believing there are others like me. Would I happen to know this friend of yours?”
  13023. >”Of course. She’s you!”
  13024. >Rarity could feel herself blushing.
  13025. “Thank you, dear. I’m still rather… uncomfortable discussing things such as this. But the glorious ROMANCE! My mind is at ease. For the time being.”
  13026. >”I’m glad to hear it. I should warn you, it’s not over yet. These things don’t happen fast. It might be tomorrow, it might be years from now, but sooner or later you’ll find more internal conflict. Your desires will clash with what you think you desire, and you’ll feel this way all over again. But it’ll get easier every time, and less common. Try to be patient, and more importantly, be honest with yourself. There’s usually a simple solution to these problems. If you need somepony to talk to, somepony who isn’t going to shame you nor judge you, I’ll always lend an ear.”
  13027. “I shall consider it. Though to be blunt, I am not comfortable with you knowing so much already.”
  13028. >”See? You’re still fighting it. There’s no reason to be ashamed.”
  13029. “Be that as it may, if you tell anypony you SHALL regret it!”
  13030. >”Of course! All my clients have strict confidentiality.”
  13031. >The doctor took his patients’ privacy quite seriously.
  13032. >Rarity had seen first-hoof that he was hesitant to reveal a changeling!
  13033. >Could she trust Lovelace to the same degree?
  13034. >Did she have a choice?
  13035. >She already knew.
  13036. >And she was being rather friendly...
  13037. >Always lend an ear.
  13038. >No judgement.
  13039. >No shame.
  13040. “The doctor-”
  13041. >”Hay, it’s safe here. You don’t need to keep up appearances.”
  13042. >Right.
  13043. >Of course.
  13044. “My m- my master. Has- umm…”
  13045. >She hid behind her mane.
  13046. *eep*
  13047. >”I didn’t quite catch that.”
  13048. “Oh come now, Rarity. Stop behaving like Fluttershy. Be BOLD! Face your punishment with some DIGNITY!”
  13049. >”Punishment? Is it something you need help with?”
  13050. “Yes, I’m afraid it is.”
  13051. >Rarity let out a long, trembling sigh.
  13052. >There was no judgement here.
  13053. >No shame.
  13054. >Just support and friendship.
  13055. ”I need to purchase an item.”
  13056. >”Oh, sure thing. We’ll have to head to my shop though.”
  13057. >Rarity and Lovelace set out.
  13058. >The former was filled with dread.
  13059. >But as hard as she tried to resist, her accursed body moved of its own volition.
  13060. >Eager to prove itself, and earn its next penetration.

The Carat and Stick

by RapeApe

The Carat and Stick pt2

by RapeApe

The Carat and Stick pt3

by RapeApe