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The Carat and Stick
By RapeApeCreated: 2020-12-11 21:31:33
Updated: 2023-05-05 01:39:00
Expiry: Never
This is /sim/.
If you don't know what that is you're probably not going to like it.
>It was far too early in the morning to be this bored.
>Exiled to a land of magic and wonder, and still somehow you had nothing better to do than twirl a pen between your fingers.
>You weren’t particularly good at it, it wasn’t something you spent a great deal of time doing after all.
>Regular old Anonymous would have left long ago to see if there was anything interesting happening, to try and break the monotony.
>Sadly, Doctor Anonymous had obligations.
>You couldn’t just walk out.
>The pen flew from your grasp falling to the ground as it had done a dozen times before on that day.
>You get up from your desk to fetch it, taking a moment to fix your labcoat before sitting once more.
>You surveyed the large yet cramped office on the off chance the nine o’clock appointment had arrived while you weren't looking.
>A heavy oaken desk sat before you, folders neatly arranged and select texts set aside.
>In a different time this office might have been lined with bookshelves crammed to the brim with medical knowledge of varying importance, but in the current year there was little need for such things.
>Instead you chose to adorn the walls with diagrams of equine anatomy.
>A chart depicting the skeleton, one for the muscular system, a few for various key organs- everything needed to help explain to your patients what was wrong with them.
>And above the door a small but ornately carved pendulum clock was hung, gently and quietly counting down the seconds as they passed.
>It had been a stupid purchase, more expensive and less reliable than a digital timepiece, but you couldn't help but admire the craftsmanship that had been displayed in Equestria.
>Everything in this place seemed to be made with a degree of love and care that couldn't be found on Earth.
>Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
>Quarter to ten.
>It’d been a long week.
>When you’d moved to Equestria you’d been expecting to have trouble finding work.
>After all, what good was a human doctor to a pony?
>And even if you did have the knowledge needed to help them who would be willing to trust the weird alien?
>As it turns out, lots of ponies.
>Sure, most of them kept their distance, but there were more than enough who were fascinated the alien medicine.
>From sprained ankles to the feather flu, ponies from all across Equestria came to you seeking your expertise.
>Somehow they had it in their head that your hands were a panacea that could and would solve any and every ailment.
>They didn’t understand the limitations of your craft, nor did they understand the risks that modern medicine could bring.
>They seemed to believe that you could wave your scalpel like some kind of magic wand and everything would be all better.
>Many of them seemed to believe it actually WAS a kind of magic.
>Whatever they thought you'd quickly grown tired of it all, the once flattering praise had fast become an ever present nuisance.
>Even though you hadn’t been here for very long you'd started to run out of patience for your patients.
>They expected the world of you and didn't believe you could only offer fairly basic care.
>You’d hired a secretary to help you screen patients, to make sure that they actually needed help.
>Everypony who had booked a consultation with you had already demonstrated a genuine need for intervention.
>Even so some managed to slip through from time to time.
>You didn’t like it when others wasted your time with frivolous requests.
>But you were willing to forgive them, they didn't know any better.
>You weren't so quick to forgive when they were late.
>The door finally popped open.
“You’re late. Almost an entire hour.”
>A tall and slender unicorn strode in.
>Fleur de Lis was here for her consultation.
>”I’m sorry, sir.”
>Anonymous raised a single brow.
>”I had trouble getting here.”
“I’m billing you for the time you wasted.”
>Her horn glowed with an unearthly light.
>A few seconds later a small sack landed on your desk, the distinctive sound of coin filling the air.
>”Is this enough?”
“20 trillion. I've got student loans to pay.”
>She sat down on the other side of your desk and spent a moment mulling over what you'd just said.
>”I'm not sure what a trillion is.”
>Nobody appreciated your sense of humor.
>Well, there was no recovering the time lost.
>Might as well do the job.
>Besides, you DID need the money.
>You’d received some very generous donations since you’d arrived, but even with how much the Crystal Empire had given you to set up shop money was still tight.
>Medical equipment could be obscenely expensive, and the ponies weren’t used to the steep price tag of refined equipment.
>Good hospitals on Earth have dozens of doctors sharing their equipment, buying it by charging their patients a fortune whenever they get a runny nose or pulling in billions in government funding.
>This place was Kenya tier, relying on refurbished and obsolete gear that other places were practically giving away.
>It’d be nice to be able to get an MRI machine when the portal to Earth opened up again.
>Or maybe an ultrasound that wasn’t build in 2030.
>You reach for one of the folders and pop it open.
“Your file says you’re here for contraception."
>That was probably the most common thing you did.
>In some ways it wasn't so bad.
>Quick and easy work, paid well for how little effort was involved.
>But part of you was resentful that your talents were being wasted like that.
>Back on Earth this nonsense would be handled by general practitioners.
>A doctor of your stature wouldn’t spend half his waking hours writing prescriptions just to get people out of their office.
>Back on Earth, well…
>You weren't on Earth anymore.
"Wait, they got your name wrong. It says Fleur de Lis.”
>”That is my name, sir.”
“Really? Huh. Could have sworn it was Flour Delicious… whatever. My secretaries should have already gone over this but it bears repeating. You’ve quite a few options available to you. Were you given the pamphlets?”
>”Yes, sir-”
“Doctor will suffice.”
>“Doctor. I’ve read through them all. I’m thinking of the tube one.”
>Tubal ligation.
>An uncommon request, and for good reason.
>You’re going to try and talk her out of it.
“Tubal ligations are effective, yes. I still recommend against them. There is a procedure to reverse them, but it’s unreliable. Should you change your mind later in life you could find yourself permanently without foal.”
>”But I don’t want foals, doctor.”
>This is why you needed more staff.
>This job didn’t call for a doctor.
>This was counselling work.
“It’s not uncommon for people, err, ponies to change their minds on such things later in life. It’s especially common for mares to change their minds once they grow up.”
>You did it again.
>”Excuse me?”
“Sorry, Equine is my third language, I may have misspoken. I’m trying to say that, uhh, there are many mares who start wishing for foals later in life even though they once didn’t want them.”
>Hopefully that was good enough.
“I normally only recommend permanent sterilization for patients who couldn’t have a healthy foal. Serious genetic defects, heritable diseases, stuff like that. In your case I’d recommend an IUD or slow release implant.”
>She looked disappointed.
“Why do you want that particular intervention anyway? There are reversible options that are just as effective.”
>She averts her gaze a little.
>”I hear that the other ones hurt.”
“A little, at first. Less than the one you chose though.”
>”Really? It hurts too?”
>Had she really read the pamphlet?
“Yes. I’d have to cut you open to do it.”
>She turns a little pale at the thought.
>”We have means of managing the pain, but nothing is perfect. With any long term solution you’re going to have to deal with some soreness for a little while.”
>She nodded slowly.
“You don’t have to choose this minute, in fact I’d recommend you don’t. If you’re not sure talk it over with your stallion and sleep on it. If it’s really what you want I’ll do it for you, but I suspect it’s not what you want.”
>”Alright. I will. Thank you, doctor.”
>She stood up and trotted out of your office.
>You couldn’t help but watch her hips sway as she left, her tail just barely keeping your eyes off of their prize.
>Maybe you could set up a camera?
>No, no.
>You wait until you’re confident she’s gone before going out front and talking to your receptionist.
>When you come out the turquoise pegasus beams at you, her vanilla mane covering one eye.
>She quickly brushes it out of the way.
”Saffron Slash?”
“Right, that. Sorry.”
>”It’s okay, I know you have trouble with pony names.”
>She was a sweet and charismatic girl with the patience of two saints.
>That’s why you’d hired her.
>You needed somepony like that to put up with the constant cavalcade of visitors.
>And sometimes you needed somepony with that level of patience to put up with you.
>Fitting in on Earth was hard enough, but you had no chance in Equestria.
>From the name thing to the cultural differences to not understanding their body language, there was no end to ways you could cause offence.
>The ponies were generally patient and forgiving, but you didn’t want to risk making the average pony put up with you every day.
“What can you tell me about my previous patient? There was something… weird about her.”
>”Minor celebrity, trophy wife.”
>”Her husband is. Why?”
“She overpaid by almost a hundred bits. Do I have to return those, or…”
>Sassaflash nodded.
>You pout.
>”She booked an appointment three days from now. We’ll give them to her then.”
“Alright. Any idea why she was late?”
>”Probably the train. I think she came in from Canterlot.”
>That was pretty far away.
>Coming all the way up to the Crystal Empire could easily take a whole day.
>Maybe that’s why she was upset?
>Still, you stand by what you did, sometimes it was worth being absolutely certain.
“I might have been rude to her. Think you can smooth it over?”
>”Already did.”
“Thanks, you’re a life saver. Is my ten-thirty here yet?”
>”Nope! They actually cancelled, they’re sick.”
>Somepony had cancelled their doctor’s appointment…
>Because they were sick?
>”Is something wrong?
“No, I’m fine. Just going to step out for a moment. Unless my eleven is here?”
>”Not yet.”
“Alright. Thanks.”
>You walk out through the back door into the brisk morning air.
>The sun had only just risen on this spring morning. This far north days and nights could be strangely long or short.
>A quick glance to the dome that encompassed the Crystal empire revealed it was spring in name only, howling winds and heavy snow were blowing about freely outside.
>Thankfully you didn’t have to deal with it in here.
>Some people had an idyllic understanding of snow and cold.
>They associated it with holidays and play.
>Skiing and hot cocoa.
>You weren’t one of them.
>To you snow brought memories of a deep biting chill that you were all too happy to leave behind.
>Cars not starting, power lines coming down in freezing rain, streets being torn apart by frost…
>And enough shoveling to drive a man mad.
>Though you did have to admit it was strangely beautiful from a distance, all that swirling white fluff dancing just beyond the barrier.
>It was strangely peaceful.
>You lean against your clinic, content to just stare at the hypnotic hurricane.
>You knew that voice well.
>The eccentric alicorn known as Cadence was nearby.
>It took a moment for you to find her, perched on the roof of your practice.
“Hey, Candace.”
>Princess Cadence was known by many as a symbol of great beauty.
>And you could tell why.
>What most ponies didn’t know was that she had a great personality behind her aesthetics.
>Sure, she may be a little annoying at times.
>Or extremely annoying at times.
>But somehow she was charming despite it all.
>She jumped off the roof and gently fluttered down to the street beside you.
>”I broke your air conditioner when I landed. I hope that’s okay!”
“How’s it going?”
>”Great! Everything’s awesome! Say, said you wouldn’t talk, right?”
“I promise. Anything you say to me as a patient is confidential.”
>”What about as a friend?”
>You can’t help but smile at her.
>Shortly after you’d come to Equestria Flurry Heart had been extremely ill.
>Mages, shamans, and alchemists from all around the land had tried their best to save her, but to no avail.
>No matter what they did her coughing grew worse, and she struggled more and more to breath.
>Everypony was worried the youngest princess would be cursed with a short life.
>It was just a bad case of croup. Easy fix, a bit of epinephrine to let her breath and suddenly you were the royal family’s best friend.
>Damn lucky, too.
>It was nice to have friends in high places, sure, but even putting that aside you were glad to know them.
“Your secrets are safe with me.”
>She hugged you.
>You didn’t resist it, even if it came as something of a surprise.
>These ponies were really big on physical affection, just one more thing that you were getting used to.
>”I wanted to thank you for what you’ve done.”
“You mean helping Fury Heart?”
>”I mean EVERYTHING! You saved my daughter, and you saved my love life.”
>Oh no.
>”Shiney and I have been having so much fun experimenting. We never thought we could… you know. Just for fun?”
>She was blushing visibly.
>”I wish every mare could have what I have. The feeling of a strong, powerful stallion pinning you down… it’s hard to describe.”
“Shining Armor is a lucky bastard.”
>”I’m pretty sure his parents are married.”
“Oh. My mistake.”
>You rub your face in frustration.
>Here was one of the most attractive ponies around, bragging to you about how much action she’s getting.
>”Wait! Oh, I’m so sorry, Anon! I’m bothering you at work again! I know I shouldn’t, you’re a busy stallion.”
“It’s okay. I’ve got a few minutes to spare today.”
>That’s not what was bothering you.
>Sure, she had a tendency to get in the way of things.
>And yes, you had a bit of a short fuse when you were at work.
>But you weren’t working right now.
>No lives were on the line, no diseases were spreading, there was no reason to take things too seriously.
>She wiped her brow in a rather exaggerated manner.
>”Oh, good. If I’m ever being a bother let me know!”
“Don’t worry, I will.”
>She tilted her head a little and raised a single brow.
>”Is something wrong?”
“I’ll be okay.”
>Cadence’s eyes went wide.
>”You don’t have a lover!”
>The words echoed through the streets, the noises of the city completely overwhelmed by her revelation.
“Damn it, Condense.”
>”I need to hook you up!”
>She flapped her wings furiously to take to the skies.
>You quickly reach out and grab her tail, pulling her her back down to the ground.
“Look, I appreciate it and all, but it’s not going to work.”
>She stopped trying to fly away, but didn’t land.
“Cadence, thank you but… it’s not going to work.”
>”Why not?”
>You don’t say anything.
>You merely let go of her tail and avert your eyes.
>She lands and turns to face you.
>”Why not?”
“Look, it’s just… some people are meant to be alone.”
>A look of concern crossed her face.
“I’m not a good person.”
>”Do you really believe that?”
>To your surprise she hugs you again.
>”I know, Anon. I know you’re not welcome back on Earth, and you might not be welcome in Equestria.”
>You think you hear her mutter the word “yet”, but you aren’t certain.
>”But you’re welcome in the Crystal Empire. And don’t you worry, I’m going to find you somepony to love.”
”Can Dance, no. Don’t.”
>”Ooh, maybe Twilight! She could really use a stallion in her life! Ooh, and her friend Rarity could really use a proper handler.”
>You’re not getting through to her.
>”Oh! Or maybe princess Celestia or princess Luna! They’re still virgins you know, even after all these years. They could really use some dick!”
>Princess Celestia?
>Not a good idea!
>Images of being banished to the moon come quickly to mind.
“Decadence, I am going to hurt them!”
>She lets out a sweet and feminine laugh.
>”You come up with the best pet names. And don’t worry, Anon. I know what you have in mind, and I promise you they’ll love it.”
>You have a little trouble believing that.
>”What’s the matter? Don’t trust the princess of love?”
>Not really.
“Yeah, I trust you, but…”
>”I understand mares, Anon. I’ll find you one who wants to be yours! I promise!”
>Maybe she was right.
>After all, this wasn’t Earth, things were different here.
>And she would know better than you.
“Alright. I trust you. Thank you.”
>”They’ll probably take some training, but I’ll help you with that! Oh this is going to be GREAT!”
>She bolts off into the sky.
>This sounds like a terrible idea.
>But if the princess is on your side, what could go wrong?
>Maybe it’ll be okay.
>You walk back into your practice with a smile on your face and a spring in your step.
>The day passes largely without incident, but all throughout you can’t help but wonder.
>Who’s Cadence going to bring your way?
>You were lurking in the shadows of the Crystal Palace.
>It was vitally important that the military police didn’t see you.
>You didn’t want to know what the punishment was for what you were about to do.
>The ponies around here were very forgiving, but you’d been exiled from your homeland for far less.
>Who knows what they’d do to you?
>Throw you in the dungeon? Banish you?
>Banish you then throw you in a dungeon in they place they’d banished you to?
>It was too late to get cold feet now.
>”Oh, hey Anon.”
>Shining Armor had spotted you.
>You step out of the darkened corridor, your white lab coat plainly visible to anyone who’d even glanced your way.
“Hey, man. How’s it going?”
>You immediately pull a a pressure cuff out from under your coat and wrap it around his leg.
>”What are you doing MMPH!”
>You shove a tongue depressor in his mouth and whip out a pen light.
“You’re overdue for a checkup. Tonsils are a bit swollen, not bad though. Any problems breathing at all?”
>”Uh uh.”
“You might feel a bit of a pinch.”
>You release the tongue depressor allowing him to close his mouth, and pull a small syringe from beneath the right side of your coat.
>”What do you mean? OW! Hay, what’s that for?”
“Just taking a little blood.”
“Just to be safe. Let’s see, pressure’s too high and you have an elevated heart rate. Again. You have to take better care of yourself!”
>He spends a moment rubbing where you’d drawn blood from him.
*sniff sniff*
>”Is that booze?”
“Ethanol. Keeps things clean.”
>”You’re a neat freak. You know that, right?”
“Part of the job description.”
>”Do you carry these things everywhere you go?”
“Sure. Why not?”
>He starts walking away, but keeps near the wall so you can walk astride him.
>”You know you’re not supposed to stab ponies without warning them, right? Even if it’s for their own good.”
“Really? Oh. Sorry about that, I didn’t know!”
>You lie.
“Back home it’s pretty common to take blood for tests, we don’t really think much of it. But yeah, I suppose it’s kinda weird to you.”
>”It’s assault.”
“Seriously? My bad.”
>”Just don’t do it again.”
“No promises. If you aren’t going to watch your health I’m going to have to do it for you.”
>It looked like he was walking toward the throne room.
>Not great.
“You need to start taking this seriously. Your health is important.”
>”It’s just high blood pressure.”
“Yup. And in ten years it’ll just be kidney failure, and in couple more years it’ll just be a stroke.”
>You pull a small bottle of pill out of your pocket and pass it to him.
“One a day. Stop taking them if you feel dizzy or confused. There are some other possible side effects, but none of them dangerous. I’ll be by to check on you in about a week.”
>”Thanks, Anon.”
“I don’t want to keep you on those if we can help it. Normally this is when I tell ponies they need to get more exercise, but I don’t think that’ll help you much.”
>The guy was pretty swole.
>You’ve seen bigger ponies, but he was still up there.
>He’d apparently maintained his physique from his days in Equestria’s military.
“You sleeping okay?”
>”Couple hours a night.”
“I’ll know for sure once I’ve checked the blood, but it sounds like a stress problem. What do you normally do to relax?”
>Lucky bastard.
>”You’re right though. I’m under a lot of pressure. Anon? Is Earth dangerous?”
“Extremely, but you don’t need to worry much about them. How often does the portal open?”
>”Once a year.”
“And how long is it open?”
>”A little less than a day.”
“There you go. Keep an eye on what comes through and you’ll be fine.”
>”You sure about that?”
“Well, don’t antagonize them if you can help it.”
>He nods a couple times.
>”So you’re saying that they can’t project force properly because of a logistical problem, and the complications with extracting plunder would make it a net loss even if they did mount an invasion.”
>You hadn’t thought about any of that stuff at all.
>”I’d still like to be a bit more prepared. Anon? I’m not going to ask you to betray your species-”
“Good, because I wouldn’t be much help even if I did.”
“I’m a doctor, not a soldier.”
>You’d never even held a gun in your life.
>Not that you don’t want one.
>Just that they’re hard to get in the Crystal Empire and harder to get back home.
>”Oh. Okay. What about Gryphonstone, do you think they’re a threat?”
“Not a soldier. What’s going on? Why are you worried about war suddenly? Do you think one is coming?”
>”No. Things are really stable right now. Last time we had contact with Earth everything went smoothly, and we have no intel suggesting any immediate foreign threats. I don’t see any trouble coming and I don’t want to start any, I just want to be ready.”
>That was Shining Armor alright.
>He was a military man at heart, this whole regal thing was just an act.
“I suppose I should get out of your mane. Oh, but first, is your wife doing okay?”
>That was the real reason why you’d come here.
>Well, his blood pressure WAS a major concern.
>But you’d been planning on confronting him on that over the weekend.
>This was why you’d come today.
>When she’d visited you there was something REALLY off about her.
>”She’s pretty stressed too.”
>”She spent days trying to figure out who your lover should be. Sometimes stayed up all night for it..”
>She was actually serious about that?
>Wait, she’d told Shining about that?
“And you’re okay with this?”
>”I trust her judgement.”
>”Cadence is a little goofy sometimes, but she knows what she’s talking about. If she says she’s found a good fit for you you should listen to her.”
“Yeah? I just don’t want trouble.”
>”Tell Cadence what you’re going to do with them. If she’s okay with it I’m okay with it.”
>And if he was okay with it, the law was okay with it.
>”If you’ll excuse me I have a meeting. You have fun tonight.”
“Alright? Take care.”
>You head back to your practice, walking perhaps walking a little more slowly than you should.
>It’s not that you dislike your job.
>It’s more that you’ve had too much of it lately.
>Even though you do need the money, you also need some time to yourself.
>You REALLY needed more assistants.
>Problem was there were vanishingly few ponies who were capable of helping.
>You didn’t need more secretaries, you needed nurses! Technicians! Doctors!
>And even the medical professionals of this world weren’t fit for purpose.
>Magical remedies followed very different rules from chemistry, and none of them knew how to operate your equipment.
>Maybe it would be possible to train somepony?
>When you finally arrive you met with a packed waiting room.
>It was time to get to work.
Seven hours later.
>You groan in frustration as your last patient for the day enters your office.
>You know this pony well.
>The purple alicorn you know as Twiggy Piggy sits down opposite you with a big goofy grin on her face.
“Hello. Again.”
>”Hi there. I have several small disc shaped rashes around my body. They’re really itchy. What do you suggest?”
“You don’t have ponypox. I can see from here that you’re fine.”
>”Okay then.”
>Her voice is suddenly raspy and weak.
>”My throat’s really sore and I’m having trouble talking.”
“You don’t have laryngitis either.”
>”But my neck is stiff and I have a headache!”
“Oh. Oh my, that IS serious. Hold on a second, I’ll be right back.”
>You step out for a moment and rub your eyes wearily.
>This pony was going to drive you crazy.
>At first her insatiable curiosity was amusing and a little flattering.
>But now you were overworked, and she was making an appointment almost every week.
>You had to do something about this sooner rather than later.
>You walk back into your office, scalpel in hand.
“Alright, we’ll fix this right away.”
>”Wait, what’s that for?”
“Hold still. I’m going to drill into your skull to let some of the pressure out.”
>She jumps out of the chair and takes a couple steps back.
>”Actually? That’s okay. The headache isn’t THAT bad.”
“Oh, it’s not about the headache. If we let this progress your head could explode! We need to fix this right away.”
>”That’s quite alright. Actually I think I feel better! Wow, how about that!”
“Yeah. Be honest here, are you just coming in because you’re curious what I’d prescribe?”
>Twilight averts her gaze slightly.
“You gotta stop doing that. I have lots of ponies coming in who are actually sick. Sometimes when you come it it means they have to wait longer to get help.”
>She lowers her head a bit in what you can only assume is dismay.
“And I need some time off too. We closed over an hour ago. You and I are the only ones left here, and you’re keeping me from going about my life.”
>”I’m sorry, Anon. I didn’t think about any of that.”
>Maybe this was an opportunity.
“Would you be interested in taking a job here? It would be a good way for you to learn.”
>”I’d love to! Oh, but I can’t. I have the friendship school to take care of, and I have my royal duties.”
>Friendship school?
>That was possibly the stupidest thing you’d ever heard of.
“Well, alright. Next time you want to know something tell my receptionist why you’re here. I’ll find time to give you a quick explanation.”
>Her eyes were sparkling just a little too much.
“Or just send a letter. I don’t mind. I probably won’t be able to explain everything, but I’ll give it a try. In exchange you have to explain magic to me.”
>She looked like she’d won the lottery.
>”Oh, that’s GREAT! Thank you doctor!”
>Your office door swung open.
>It was Cadence.
>The two of them ran up to each other and started dancing.
>And doing a little shake.
>Oh yes.
“You two know each other?”
>”Oh yeah! Cadence was my foalsitter, and we’ve been close ever since!”
>Small world.
>”So what are you doing in town, Twily?”
>”Learning! What are you here for?”
>”I’ll tell you later. I need to talk to the doctor for a bit. In private.”
>”Are you sick?”
>”Well, I was sucking Shiney off this morning. I was deep throating him when he came, right? His dick flared up REALLY hard in my throat and now it hurts.”
>”This happens ALL the time. Sometimes twice a day! But normally it doesn’t hurt, and even if it does only for a little bit.”
>”You know, I have to, uhh… go. Yes! I’m going to go see Shiney. Wait, no. Flurry? Yeah! I’m going to go see Flurry.”
>A bright flash fills the room.
>When you can see again, Twilight is gone.
>”Shining Armor is her brother.”
“Oh really? That’s the little sister he talks about so much?”
>”Yup. Twilight’s a good girl, but she’s a bit of a prude. I’m trying to fix that, but it’s a work in progress.”
“That was kind of mean of you, talking about her brother like that.”
>She shrugged.
>”It’s for her own good. She’s going to have to learn about that side of herself eventually, and the sooner the better! She’s never even gone on a date, poor girl.”
>Yeah, okay.
>But did it have to be her brother you were talking about?
“Is your throat actually hurting?”
>”Nope. I came here to talk about your problem. Bring her in, girls!”
>The door swings open yet again to reveal a 4 crystal ponies with big grins on their faces.
>They were dragging behind them a large burlap sack.
>”Thank you, girls. You may go.
>Each one of the crystal ponies bowed deeply before turning to leave.
>As they departed you couldn’t help but notice their tails were a bit off center, giving you a clear view of everything.
>Their hips swayed a bit more than they should have, their butts held just a bit higher than normal.
“Who are they?”
>”Just some ponies who are helping me make sure every mare has a good stallion and every stallion a good mare.”
>Was everypony in the Crystal Empire insane?
>Some muffled cries came from inside the bag.
>You rush over to open it, still not really believing what’s going on.
>After struggling with the knot for a while you eventually give up and cut the bag open with your scalpel.
>When you finally open it you’re greeted with a sight you will never forget.
>A lithe, feminine mare was lying at your feet, thick coils of hemp rope binding her legs together and rendering her helpless.
>Stuffed in her mouth is a ball of fabric of some sort, preventing her from speaking.
>She looks up at you with tear filled eyes, makeup running down her face.
>You pull the gag out.
>”Oh, princess! Thank goodness it’s you.”
>Her voice is the peak of feminine grace.
>”Those ruffians abducted me from my boutique! I shudder to think that they would have done to me! Could you please undo these ropes? They’re chafing horribly.”
>”Don’t worry, Rarity. We’re here to help you.”
>”Why yes. Of course!”
>Cadence shoves the gag back into Rarity’s mouth with her magic.
>Rarity’s eyes go wide with panic at the rough handling.
>”She’s going to be a good one with a little training. Oh sure, right now she’s going to fight and cry, but once you work that out of her she’ll treat you right.”
>She levitate’s Rarity’s hindquarters and uses her magic to spread her legs.
>”And look! Virgin. I know, I could hardly believe it either! But you get to break her in!”
>Rarity starts to squirm and squeal, fighting helplessly against her restraints.
“Cadence? Can I talk to you for a sec?”
>You usher her out of the room, leaving the bound unicorn on the floor.
>Cadence takes a moment to turn off the lights before closing the door.
>”Is something wrong, Anon?”
>”Is she not attractive enough?”
“No, that’s not the problem. She’s gorgeous.”
>”Oh good. But don’t let her hear you say that. Is it because she’s a virgin? Would you rather an experienced mare?”
>That wasn’t the problem at all.
“You abducted somepony! They obviously don’t want to be here!”
>”Yes? And?”
>She looked genuinely confused.
“I thought you were going to find somepony who wanted to be mine.”
>”And I did! She doesn’t just want you to dominate you, she NEEDS you to!”
“Then why did you have to foalnap her? Why is she tied up and crying in my office?”
>She looks you dead in the eye and replies with a calm and even expression.
>You often have trouble reading ponies, but you’re pretty sure that means she’s serious.
>”She’s freaking out because she’s scared.”
“Yeah! I’d figured that out! But why is she scared? I thought you said she was going to like this!”
>”She just doesn’t know what she wants yet. You’re going to have to teach her. Sorry, I thought you understood that when I was here last time.”
>You had.
>You’d also understood that when you talked to Shining Armor.
>But you’d convinced yourself you were wrong.
>There was no way in hell Cadence was telling you what you thought she was.
“Are you telling me to rape her until she likes it?”
>Cadence lets out a quick little giggle.
>”Of course not.”
>So you WERE wrong.
>”I’m not going to tell her what you should do with her. She’s your property, you don’t have to rape her if you don’t want to. I mean, I would, but you don’t have to.”
>This was a dream.
>It had to be!
>”Anon? I don’t think you understand what it’s like to be a mare in Equestria. I do.”
“I thought you were from the Crystal Empire?”
>”I was born in Equestria. Everypony wants you to be strong and independent. They want you to have all the answers all the time, to take charge and make all sorts of tough choices. They think mares should be in charge and that stallions need to get out of the way. It’s everywhere! And over the years you slowly start to believe it. No matter how bad it feels.”
>That sounded familiar.
>”Shiney and I want the Crystal Empire to be a place where ponies get to be who they really are on the inside. That poor mare thinks she’s in trouble, but she’s just been saved! She’ll be so much happier once she learns to embrace who she is. Think of it like that time you had to cut out that pony’s intestine.”
>You didn’t cut out the entire intestine.
>It was just an appendectomy.
>”You hurt that pony really badly, but it was for their own good! It was exactly what they needed to be healthy. Rarity needs your help too.”
>You honestly weren’t certain if that made any sense at all.
>For all you knew she was talking out of her perky ass.
>But you WANTED it to make sense, damn it!
>You straighten out your back and puff out your chest before opening the door to your office.
>Rarity glares up at you defiantly.
>You immediately close the door, your confidence already gone.
“I have no idea how to do this.”
>”Really? You just stick it in and move your hips.”
“No, not that. How do I train her?”
>”I dunno. All the mares I’ve helped were Crystal ponies, they were brought up differently. But I’ll help you out however I can.”
>You were going to do this.
>Chin up, back straight, through the door.
>You flick on the lightswitch and look down at Rarity.
“Alright. Would you care to explain the situation to her?”
>Cadence eagerly trotted toward your pony.
>She used her magic to rip the remains of the bag she’d used to bring Rarity in into strips before tying them around the unicorn’s face to form a crude blindfold.
>”By royal decree, you have been declared property of Dr. Anonymous. You have been stripped of your rights as a pony and are expected to obey his every command.”
>You can’t read Rarity’s face at all.
>”You are guaranteed the right to life, and Dr. Anonymous may not mutilate you without first consulting a representative of the crown. These are the only restrictions placed upon him.”
“I can tattoo her if I want?”
>”Of course! Her body, your choice. Do you understand, Rarity?”
>You step on her gag and pull it out with your shoe.
>”You’re never going to get away with this! My friends are going to come and save me, and you’ll both be sorry!”
>Cadence smiled seductively.
>”If you want my advice, just lay back and enjoy. You’ll be much better off once you stop fighting it. If you want a hint, she can’t use telekinesis on things she can’t see. She’s not good at magic, but it still pays to be safe.”
>Cadence walks away, whistling a happy tune.
>You hear the sounds of glass shattering seconds after the door closes.
>That mare was a menace.
>But you’d deal with it later.
>You sit down next to Rarity and start to caress her body.
>Her coat is silky smooth, the soft texture caressing your fingertips as much as you caress her.
>”Unhand me you brute!”
>You continue to explore her soft body despite the objections.
“Rule one. No talking out of turn.”
>A quick slap to her buttox accents the end of your demand.
>She lets out a high pitched squeal when your hand makes contact, the satisfying slap resonating throughout.
>”I don’t know what you have planned with me, but my friends are going to notice I’m gone! You’re never going to get away with this!”
>You drop your pants and rub your penis against her inner thighs.
“Keep on talking and I’m going in.”
>”You wouldn’t!”
>You start to prod her pussy insistently.
>She pulls away, but has the good sense to keep her mouth shut.
>You continue to explore her body with your hand, relishing the plush texture and warmth.
“We’re going to have a lot of fun together.”
>She lets out a squeal when you pinch her teat.
“But first I need to help you accept your place.”
>But you need something to focus on.
>Do you stoke her lust to make her your own personal slut?
>Or maybe you humiliate her, tear down her current self image and make her believe she belongs at your feet?
>Or maybe it would be best to start with simple obedience. Straightforward reward and punishment to mold her behaviour.
>Maybe there are even more options you hadn’t considered!
>You intend to have it all in the end, but for now it’s best to focus on one thing at a time.
>You spend a moment weighing your options as you continue to caress her.
>Your reverie is interrupted when you hear a weak moan.
>A quick glance reveals the cause, her labia are swollen and her groin soaked.
“You really are enjoying this, you dirty whore.”
>You waste no time in seeking out her clitoris with your fingers.
>Rarity starts panting through the gag, her face flush with desire and shame.
“I shouldn’t have expected anything else. Caked in makeup like that you’re clearly desperate for a good dicking. Disgraceful.”
>Your rubbing intensifies, her clitoris winking madly as though to try and rub itself against your fingers in turn.
>She starts to whine with excitement, her previous defiance entirely forgotten and replaced with desperate desire.
>You stop just before reaching the peak of the crescendo, Rarity calling something unintelligible through the makeshift gag.
>She starts trying to grind her hind legs together.
“That’s what I thought. You’re just a slut, pretending to be sophisticated and respectable. All that complaining and fighting, yet you’re desperate for more.”
>You stand up and reaffix your pants, looking down at the dripping wet mess you’d made.
>And you can’t remember the last time you’d felt more alive.
“I’ll be back once I’ve decided what to do with you. Hopefully your attitude will have improved by then.”
>You turn off the lights and lock the door behind yourself as you go.
>Unfortunately you couldn’t go home yet.
>You needed to take care of Rarity first.
>Step one, do something about her magic.
>Step two, find some place to store her where you won’t get trouble.
>Then you have to decide in which direction you should focus her training.
“I should also find a way to thank Cadence.”
>She’d brought a lot of trouble into your life and smashed a lot of your stuff.
>But Cadence had also funded half your setup, and now she’d given you something you never thought you’d have.
>You can almost feel Rarity’s alabaster ass grinding against your pelvis, her innards clamping down on you like a vice as she eagerly tries to milk you dry.
>You almost go back in to make that a reality.
>But not yet.
>Doing it too early might make things harder, you need to bide your time.
>She will give it to you soon enough.
>It was early in the morning.
>Really early.
>You fumble with your keys for a moment as you try to find the lock in the darkness.
>You step into your office and flip on the lights.
>You could really use a coffee.
>But at this hour you were more likely to find a bar that was open than a coffee shop.
>Even better than coffee would be some sleep, but that was futile.
>You'd just given up on getting any rest tonight, you were just too distracted.
>That's why you'd come in so early, you had to deal with the distraction.
>Past the front desk, take a right, then go straight past medical imaging.
>Your recovery room.
>You only had the one which was bound to cause trouble eventually, but at the moment it was fine.
>You push open the door quietly to find Rarity squirming around on the floor on the darkness.
>That was strange.
>You'd left her on the bed.
>Had her coat been a darker colour you'd likely not have even seen her down there with the lights off.
>As it was you were just able to make out what she was doing.
>You stand there watching her struggle helplessly for a few minutes, delighting in her impotence.
>The way she had chosen to struggle was bizarre.
>Comical, even.
>You might have expected her to be worrying her bonds, maybe trying to gnaw on the knots or something.
>Instead she was rubbing her head against the base of an IV pole, occasionally pushing it out of her reach and forcing her to thrash closer again.
>What a stupid horse, why was she doing that?
>She was trying to get the blindfold off so she could use her magic.
>That simply wouldn't do.
“Lemme help you with that.”
>You flip on the lights and she freezes.
“And you fell off the bed? That must have hurt. Don’t worry, I’ll have you sleep on the floor from now on so that doesn’t happen.”
>You sit down on the polished floors and grab her by the belly.
>She squirms a little when you pull her onto your lap, but she’s ultimately unable to resist.
“I have several questions, and you’re going to answer them honestly. I’m going to let you talk now. Don’t make me regret it. Understand?”
>She nods awkwardly.
>You pull the sopping wet cloth out of her mouth.
“Good. We’ll start with something simple. Why were you on the floor?”
>”I fell.”
>Her voice is a bit on the shaky side, her words slow and cautious.
>But that’s okay.
>You can tolerate a bit of hesitance for the time being.
>Just so long as she does the right thing in the end.
>You’ll correct her behaviour first, her thoughts later.
“And what were you doing when you fell?”
>”I was sleeping.”
>The palm of your hand slams into her rump.
>Rarity lets out a high pitched squeal at the shock of your strike.
“Twenty for lying. Count them.”
>”Unhand me at once!”
>Another yelp of pain.
>”You have no right-”
>”When my friends get here-”
>”Princess Celestia is going to-”
>”You’ll never get away with this!”
>She lets out a pained howl.
>Some slight sniffling.
>It would do.
“Just count them.
>”Aah! Ah. Seven.”
“No. That was one.
“They don’t count unless you do.’”
>”MMF! One?”
>The one side of her rump is beet red and beaten red.
>It must burn horrendously.
>You switch to the other side of her rump.
“If you show me you’ve learned your leson and you’re eady to be a good girl I’ll go easier on you.
>Every time she’s spoken you quickly strike once more.
>To your dismay you’re quickly approaching twenty.
>You take a moment to consider going on anyway, to enjoy yourself a bit more and to punish her for her rebelliousness.
>But in the end you think better of it.
>You’re trying to make her obey you, not to make her hate you.
>If she starts thinking she’ll be punished even when she does what you say there’ll be trouble down the road.
>Rarity’s openly and unashamedly weeping in your lap at this point.
>Her rump is hot to the touch, crimson showing through her white coat.
>You leave her to her pain to go fetch a few things.
>When you return you’re pleased to find her exactly where you’d left her, her sobbing having subsided just enough to speak clearly.
“Hold still. This won’t hurt as much if you don’t fight it.”
>”What are you doing?”
“You need a bit of medication. You’ll feel much better once this takes effect.”
>She gasps when you slide the needle into her leg.
>Just a bit of testosterone, should improve energy and sexual desire.
“And take these.”
>You carefully drop a couple of pills in her mouth.
>Small dose of amphetamines, usually for obesity and narcolepsy.
>Again, they’ll make her feel pretty good.
>You’ll have to be sparing with these or you could mess her up.
>You want your toy to last a good long while.
“Swallow it.”
>You gently tap her rump to remind her why she’s doing what you tell her.
>Her mouth closes and the pills vanish.
“Good girl.”
>You pat her on the head.
>She recoils a bit at the sensation, no doubt fearing that your hands will hurt her again.
“Just a liiiitle bit more doctor work and you can have your reward. Can you be good for a bit longer?”
>You gently set a rope around her neck
>”No! Please, I’ll be good I promise! Please don’t! I’ll do whatever you want!”
“It’s just a leash, we’re going to be going to medical imaging. Now, I’m going to undo your bonds and you’re going to follow me.”
>The instant the bonds around her leg fall away you yank on the leash.
>To your delight Rarity stands up and starts to cautiously follow you.
>You were ready to drag her down the hall but she quickly and fearfully sets pace to match yours.
>In mere moments you’re in medical imaging.
>You have her lie down on an examining table belly down, and tie her hooves together beneath the surface.
>You then apply a bit of local anaesthetic near the base of her horn.
>The injection should be taking effect by now...
“You starting to feel better? It’s okay if you’re not, be honest.”
>She hesitates for several seconds without answering.
>”Yes. I’m feeling better.”
“How so?”
>”I feel more energetic. Maybe a bit stronger. Less afraid.”
>Amphetamines are kicking in too, it would seem.
>She starts to pull against the ropes, but quickly gives up.
“Good. Is your horn feeling numb?”
>”Yes. What did you do to it?”
>You grab a small bottle and smear some surgical lubricant on it.
“Nothing I can’t undo. Relax. Take a deep breath.”
>And with no further warning you shove it up her butt.
>”What do you think you’re doing?”
>A quick spank reminds her of her place.
“I’m getting you ready to receive me.”
>She begins to thrash against her restraints in earnest, throwing as much of her weight as possible against the ropes.
“Did you forget your purpose, whore? You’re here to serve me in all ways. That includes sex. You don’t want me to take your virginity and I don’t trust you not to bite me, so there’s only one hole left. Unless you’d rather I make a new one? I can do that.”
>”No! No, please!”
“You sure? If you really don’t want it in your ass I can get creative.”
>”No! I’ll do anything!”
>Anything, eh?
“Beg me to do it.”
>She freezes up.
>You drop your pants and place your cock right up against her front entrance.
“Last chance.”
>”No! Please, please do it the other way.”
“What other way?”
>”My… my butt. Please use it.”
“In what way should I use it?”
>”Please fuck me up the ass! I beg you, ravage my butt, make it yours! Fill me up!”
>She starts crying softly, but waves her rump around as much as she’s able in what was probably meant to be a seductive manner.
“Well… only if you promise to be good.”
>You pull the bottle out and ram yourself in.
>Rarity lets out a gasp but doesn’t offer any resistance.
“Relax. The more you fight it the more it’ll hurt.”
>You start to gently probe her depths.
>She’s tight as vice around you, with a burning warmth that sinks deep into your body.
>It’s a bit rough though.
>You apply more surgical lubricant and ram yourself in as deep as you can go.
>It’s a smooth and slick sensation, her body working your shaft as it tries to shove you out.
>You’re not going to last very long.
>Rarity lets out a pained whimper with each thrust, her cries just barely suppressed.
>But was that a moan you heard?
“Are you starting to enjoy this? Ugh. You’re disgusting. Disobedient, terrible at sex, ugly, and perverted. You’re only good as a toy, and then only barely.”
>You place a single finger in her vagina and start rubbing it.
“You’re not even worth training. If the princess hadn’t asked me to help you I’d just throw you out like the trash you are.”
>To your amazement she lets out a long and lustful moan.
>Her breaths are growing short and ragged.
>Rarity was about to climax.
>Your thrusts become more rapid and more erratic and the pleasure builds within.
“You’re loving this, aren’t you?”
>You fingers stop penetrating her and start to work her clitoris.
>It’s rapidly winking in and out of its hood.
>Rarity lets out a cry of delight, and you ram yourself in as deep as possible.
>Everything goes white for a moment, multiple bursts of seed fire deep into her bowels, and you collapse onto her back spent.
“Ugh. I can’t believe you. I think I need to go take a shower.”
>You drag yourself to your feet.
>Your cum is already starting to drip its way out of her bruised backside, dripping down to join her vaginal fluids.
>You can hear Rarity softly crying.
“I’ll be back later once I’ve cleaned myself up. You stay put, I’m not done with you yet. When I come back I expect you to be well behaved.”
>You step out for a while to cool off.
>You’re shaking, full of a joyous and nervous energy.
>You’ll need to be calm for what comes next.
>For when you shut down her horn.
>Okay. Deep breaths.
>You've done much more delicate procedures in your life, this should be nothing.
>You enter medical imaging again, it's time for work.
>Rarity's still strapped to the table, exactly where you'd left her moments ago.
“Alright, we're going to be doing a fairly simple procedure.”
>Her ears twitch.
“I'm going to be working on the base of your horn.”
>She tenses up but doesn't say anything.
“This process might cause minor pain, nothing as bad as the spanking. I've applied a local anaesthetic to help minimize the sensation.”
>You walk closer to her and circle around in front.
“Hold still, I'm going to numb it a bit more.”
>You poke a small needle into her forehead and inject the drug.
>She winces.
“A neurolytic block is a procedure in which a nerve fiber is intentionally damaged but not destroyed. Usually used to treat pain, it is a reversible procedure that causes paralysis in the targeted area.”
>”You're going to take away my magic.”
>She didn't sound angry or scared.
>She sounded defeated.
“Only until I know I can trust you. I'm going to be implanting a programmable device that will periodically administer microdoses of the agent I'm using.”
>They'd been designed for mid term pain management and were still relatively new.
>Which means they're relatively expensive.
>But you also can't keep her unless you fix this, and somehow you get the feeling Cadence would be pissed if you couldn't reliably reverse it.
>You'll find a way to make the money back, you always do.
“By using this method we can achieve the desired results in a more controlled manner, minimizing the amount of damage done and thus the recovery time.
Reversal should take around a day if I do it perfectly, but it might take a few weeks.”
>Okay, the consultation was almost over.
>But you'd be remiss if you didn't tell your patient about possible complications.
“And if you struggle I might accidentally break the nerve, in which case it would be permanent.”
>It really wasn't that risky.
>Things would have to go very wrong for lasting damage like that, and you'd done more delicate procedures many times before.
>But this was a good way to get her to cooperate, or so you were hoping.
>Besides, you weren't exactly lying.
“Stay still and relax. I'm good at this. I just can't have you thrashing around. I'll be monitoring you after the fact for signs of adverse reactions. Normally I'd ask about allergies, but this compound isn't naturally occurring and I don't believe anyone around here has synthesized it.”
>”Why are you telling me all this?”
“I'm a doctor.”
>”You're a RAPIST!”
>She wasn't wrong.
>That was fine though, you'd been assured this was for her own good.
>But what was this feeling in the pit of your stomach?
“And as a doctor, it's my responsibility to keep my patients informed. Now hold still for a bit.”
>There was a reason why you'd brought her to imaging.
>You wheel her over to the ultrasound and grab a wand.
>”What is that? What are you doing?”
>Her voice was trembling a little.
>She was probably scared.
>”Calm down, it's a sonograph. It uses sound to look at things inside your body.”
>To their eyes a miraculous machine.
>To yours a piece of garbage.
>It was made on the Samsung peninsula before the reformation, back when it was called Super-Korea.
>Maybe it was good once upon a time.
>Now you need to jiggle the wires just right to get it to work.
>The nerve you were after lights up on the display after only a little struggling.
>A bit of ethanol on the site, a fairly broad sterile needle, and you're good to go.
“Hold still. You'll feel a bit of a pinch.”
>Rarity yelps when it goes in.
>She grits her teeth and tenses up horribly.
>But she didn’t kick, bite, or scream.
>It only took a few seconds for you to position your equipment and inject the implant.
>A thorough inspection would find a small lump on her forehead.
>But a casual observer would see nothing beneath her coat.
“All done.”
>You wait about a minute for the chemicals to do their work.
>Then tou take the blindfold off, confident she's been disarmed.
>And you discover you were mistaken.
>She wasn’t scared.
>She was FURIOUS!
>Rarity was glaring bloody murder at you, a profound rage you’ve never before seen in a pony.
>Whatever remained of her one expertly applied makeup wan running down her face, staining her coat a deep shade that accentuated the twisted face of sheer hatred.
>She yelled something you didn’t quite understand, the language barrier obscuring a key word.
>She began to thrash violently on the table, so aggressively that you started to fear she’d injure herself.
>You inject a small dose of midazolam, one of the safer sedatives you have access to.
>The door opens.
>Sassaflash walks in on you.
>Rarity’s head is pointed toward the doorway, her nethers away from it.
>If Sassaflash walks around behind her…
>”Doctor! What’s happening?”
>She yelled over Rarity’s tantrum.
>You weren’t quite able to read her expression.
>Think fast!
“The princess brought her in this morning! Said there was something wrong with her head and she was having violent outbursts!”
>”Are you okay?”
>”Yeah! She didn’t hurt me!”
>”Is SHE okay?”
>You look down at Rarity.
>Her battered buttocks, her thrashing, her crying...
“No. No, she’s not. I’m going to put her to sleep for a few hours, stick her in recovery. An alarm will go off if her heart gets too slow or she starts having trouble breathing, don’t go in unless that alarm sounds! She might be dangerous!”
>”What are we going to do?”
“I’m not certain I’m equipped to deal with her. I need to go talk to the princess, maybe the prince too. We’ll figure this out. Do I have any urgent appointments?”
>”Your two O’clock.”
“Right. Probably nothing, might be colon cancer. Can’t put that off, I’ll be back before two. The other ones might need to wait, shuffle them around if you can, I’ll try to be quick.”
>She turned to leave.
>Rarity screamed out to her.
>”No! No, please help me! Get me away from him!”
>Mercifully, Sassaflash seemed to trust you more than the raving mare in your care.
>You take a quick look at the clock.
>Sassaflash was early.
>Normally you’d have liked that.
>Rarity’s violent outburst began to fade as the drug took effect.
>You inspect her body, and sure enough she’s bruised herself where she was tied down.
>This was probably a result of the drugs you’d given her earlier.
>But you can’t pin it all on that, she hated you.
>And why wouldn’t she?
>You only need to wait a few more minutes for her to pass out.
>The moment she’s set up you head out to the palace.
A few minutes later…
>The crystal palace was always an eyesore, just not in the way that phrase usually meant.
>A nice polished crystal with numerous facets could be a nice feature.
>But there were problems when they were so omnipresent.
>Even a relatively small amount of light could make this place shine.
>Sure, there were safe places that were made out of more sensible materials, but large parts of the palace were glowing.
>How the ponies could tolerate that much light you’d never know.
>You eventually find Cadence sitting in a small but cozy room by a small fireplace, sipping on a cup of tea.
>You step in.
>”Oh, hey there Anon!”
“Hi. Uhh, I’m not interrupting anything I hope.”
>”Nope! Shiney’s on break, but you’ve probably got half an hour.”
>On break from what?
>You sit down opposite Cadence and let out a deep breath.
“I think you need to take… what was her name again?”
>”Who, Sassaflash?”
“No. That’s, uhh, that’s my secretary right?”
>She nodded.
”Wait, really? I got it right?”
>She beams a bright smile at you.
“Why do you have so much trouble with names anyway?”
“I’ve always had a hard time learning names. And pony names are- that’s not why I came here.”
>”Then what’s the problem? Ooh! Rarity! Yeah, she might be a hooffull until you break her. But once she learns to let go she’ll be happy and eager to serve you.”
“See, I’m not sure that’s true.”
>She doesn’t say anything.
“I’m pretty sure she hates me.”
>”Why? Did you do something bad?”
>Very yes.
>You nod.
>”Just tie her down and give her the D. If she cums she’ll forgive you.”
“That’s exactly what I did.”
>Cadence put her teacup down.
>”And she’s still upset? Really? Well, do it again until she likes it.”
“I don’t think that’ll work.”
>Cadence’s horn starts glowing.
>Before you know it your pants are around your ankles.
>You desperately try to cover your shame.
>Cadence lets out a long whistle.
>”She’s one lucky mare.”
>Wait, really?
>You’re pretty unremarkable by human standards.
>That’s not what matters right now!
>You scramble to get your clothing back on.
>”If you use that right you should have no problems taming her. But maybe she wants things to be a little more exotic? Have you tried nose hooks?”
“Have I tried what now?”
>”Don’t worry, I’ll get you some. What started the trouble anyway?”
“Well, I decided her magic was dangerous.”
“So I temporarily paralyzed her horn. Temporarily.”
>“Right. Say, can you do that to me? Bondage just isn’t as exciting-”
“Can it wait? She started thrashing around, said a word I don’t understand.”
>Cadence rubs her chin for a bit.
>”What word?”
“She said I was a… I think she said I was a reprobate?”
>Cadence’s eyes went wide.
>”Really? Wow. She doesn’t like you.”
>Yeah, you’d noticed.
>”Well, your first mare is going to be a bit of a challenge then. Might take you a while.”
“I think we should let her go.”
>Cadence lets out a decidedly unfeminine snort.
>”That was funny. Wait, you’re serious. SHINEY!”
>Shining Armor stumbles into the room, dragging his hooves.
>”Honey, dear, I’m just one stallion! Seven times a day is my limit, I need time to recharge! Oh, hey Anon.”
>”Anon here needs some guy talk. He’s having trouble pleasing his mare.”
>He started to blush a bit.
“Look, thanks for trying to help me but some people are just meant to be alone.”
>Shining starts to look at you a bit more intently.
“If we keep her around I’m just going to hurt her more?”
>The prince seems hesitant, but he asks you regardless.
>”What were you going to do?”
“I was… I was thinking of tattooing my logo on her.”
>Cadence’s eyes go wide for a moment.
>Then she vanishes in a burst of light.
“Where’d she go?”
>”Probably to find a tattoo artist. Look, Cadence knows what she’s talking about with this stuff. If she says that’s what Rarity wants deep down then I trust her.”
>You weren’t so sure.
>”But Cadence can be a bit… overeager with this stuff. Throwing Rarity right into the deep end is probably not a great idea. Go a little easy on her. Remember to reward her when she’s good. And make it a reward she actually appreciates.”
“And you’re sure this will smooth things over with her?”
>”Eventually. I’ve seen Cadence set up couples before. She tries to force things right away but it often takes a while. Keep at it, make sure she’s rewarded for being good and punished for being bad.”
“Alright. What should I do as a reward?”
>”I don’t have all the answers. Get to know her and figure it out for yourself.”
>Yeah, you probably should get to know her.
“Alright. Thanks, man.”
>You get up to leave.
“Oh. Your cortisol is crazy high, but I don’t see anything else alarming. It’s stress, try to relax more.”
>”I’ll try, but there’s a lot going on lately.”
>You take three steps out.
“Oh! And if at all possible could you send Cadence to my clinic around closing? I have something for her.”
>Plus you need her to back up your cover story.
>”Can do. Have a good one!”
>You hurry back to your clinic.
>Today’s going to be another long day.
>But first maybe a detour?
>Rarity was very bad and she needs to be punished, but before that she was very good.
>Holding still for you during your procedure, letting you have your way with her, even walking herself to medical imaging.
>She needs to be rewarded.
>But how?
>Last patient of the day.
>Home stretch!
>Just keep at it a little bit longer, you can do it!
“Well, I finished all the tests, uhh…”
>You check the folder before you.
“Whoa Nelly?”
>You look up at the comically oversized pony before you and shake your head.
>You’d been practicing how you were going to break bad news to her since the day she’d come in.
>It was clear at a glance that she was sick, the massive bodyweight was just the first sign.
>You’d been more worried about her eyes, clearly jaundiced.
>After spending a few hours psyching yourself up to tell her she was dying you thought you were ready.
>Nothing could have prepared you for this.
“I ran the tests three times just to be sure but I’m still having a little trouble believing it.”
>It defied all reason!
>Yet there it was.
“You might be the healthiest pony I’ve ever met.”
“Yeah. I’m honestly having trouble believing it but you’ might be in perfect shape. Perfect glucose levels, perfect pressure, resting heart rate of a performance athlete, no signs of any kind of organ damage… You’re healthy as can be.”
>Friggin’ pony magic.
>”Well that’s dandy!”
“Yeah. Not much I can do for you if you’re not sick. Come in if you start feeling bad I suppose?”
>You briefly consider telling her to lose some weight just to be on the safe side.
>But for all you know that’d kill her.
>”So does that mean I’m healthy enough for roller derby?”
“I don’t know what that is, but if anypony is then it’s you.”
>”Great! Thank you doctor!”
>Whoa Nelly stands up from the debris that once was your chair and makes her way to the exit.
>She struggles for a moment to squeeze through the doorframe, but finally she’s gone from your office.
>Honestly, this place is too weird sometimes.
>You get up and step out to reception.
>Sassaflash and Cadence are chatting idly about who knows what, probably girl things like makeup and colts and…
>Was that what mares talked about?
>Sassaflash notices you first.
>”Oh, hey Anon. The princess said she had something urgent to discuss.”
>”Yes, regarding the patient I brought you.”
>Good, she was backing you up on that.
>She was a weird one, but you were mighty lucky to have her around.
>Even if you were sorta suspicious that she might be crazy.
“Great. I’m going to need help on this one.”
>Sassaflash stood up and stretched for a moment.
>When she was done she looked you in the eye.
>”Anything I can do to help?”
“Don’t think so. Legally I can’t tell you much about her case, physician-patient privilege and all that-”
>Cadence cut in for you.
>”I can! That pony is completely nuts!”
“We normally don’t use that term.”
>”She’s probably going to be sticking around for a while, at least until Anon can fix her.”
“IF I can fix her. This isn’t exactly what I’m good at.”
>Sassaflash gave you a sweet smile.
>”You can do it. I believe in you.”
>There was something oddly perverse about her encouraging you on this, even if she didn’t really know what was going on.
“I’ll try.”
>”And let me know if you need my help.”
“Don’t you worry, I will.”
>”Have a good night Anon.”
“Take care.”
>She finally leaves.
>Cadence looks at you intently.
>”You need some help with Rarity?”
“Actually, I called you here because of you and your husband. He’s got a nasty case of hypertension and we need to take care of it.”
>”He’s sick? Did you tell him?”
“Yup. I take it he didn’t tell you.”
>”No! Why wouldn’t he tell me?”
>You aren’t certain.
“I don’t think he’s taking it seriously. I’ve been telling him about it off and on for months now, and he kept dodging my appointments. I eventually had to go hunt him down and give him his meds at the palace.”
>”Is it bad?”
>Well, it was going to kill him if he didn’t fix it.
>That was bad in your book.
“If we don’t deal with it then yes. Make sure he takes the pills I gave him. One a day. EXACTLY one! I can’t emphasise this enough!”
>You start talking with a deliberately idiotic affectation.
“Oh I figured that if one pill made me a little better then the whole bottle would make me way better. I didn’t know, it’s your fault that my face is falling off.”
>You return to your normal voice.
“It’s written on the bottle!”
>”You done?”
“Oh. Yeah, sorry.”
>”Tell me what we need to do!”
>She was more forceful than usual, less lecherous.
“You seem different.”
>”I’m worried about my husband!”
>Fair enough.
“Right. Make sure he takes it, try to force him to get at least 8 hours sleep a night.”
>”That’s going to be hard.”
“Keep him away from stressful situations too.”
>”That’s going to be harder.”
“And finally? Less sex.”
>”That’s going to be hardest!”
“Normally I wouldn’t say that, but I’m a little… let’s say concerned about your lebido. I think you might be fucking your husband to death.”
>This was NOT something you’d covered in medical school.
>”Is that possible?”
“Honestly I’m in uncharted territory here, but I think so.”
>She hung her head.
>Did that mean shame with them, or was that just a human thing?
“There are some medications that reduce lebido as a side effect, but I don’t have a drug designed to do that. We can give them to you if you really need them. I’d rather not though.”
>Giving hormones or psychoactive meds to a patient who didn’t need them was probably a bad idea.
>”I’ll do it, doc. I’ll give him a break. As long as he needs.”
>You were willing to bet she was going to fail.
>”It’s going to be hard though. He’s just so hot!”
“Make him wear a paper bag on his head. Paper! Not plastic!”
>Can’t be too careful with these ponies.
>Still though, there had to be a better solution.
>You’d have to do something to suppress her sex drive.
>Cadence’s ears perk up.
“I might be able to help you with that. I’ll have to do a bit of reading, talk to your husband a bit. We’ll find a way to get you through this.”
>”Thank you.”
“I’d been planning on giving you something as a thank you gift, but it seems a little inappropriate right now. Ah, what the hell.”
>You reach into your pocket and pass her a small spray bottle.
“It’s a topical analgesic, but there are other uses. One squirt on the inside of a condom and your husband will last twice as long. Not two, he won’t be able to keep it up.”
>Her eyes grew a little too wide.
>”Where do you get these wonderful things?”
“Pfizer, mostly.”
>”I’ll save it for a special occasion. Thanks, Anon.”
“If you’ll excuse me, I need to deal with my pony.”
>”Ooh! I brought you a few things to help with that!”
“Such as?”
>”You name it! They’re in a big box in the back room.”
>Well, that saved you a rather embarrassing trip to the store.
>A trip you’d have never made on your own.
>You wouldn’t be able to pretend you were somepony else after all.
>You really miss Amazon, even if they did declare war on your homeland that one time.
“Great, thank you. I think I’d better go wake her up. She’s been a good pony and deserves a reward.”
>”Oh? I thought she was giving you trouble.”
“She held still while I was working on her horn.”
>Cadence didn’t react.
“And she followed me when I pulled on the leash.”
>That was it.
>”Sassaflash said she was freaking out and trying to smash your stuff.”
“Well, she hasn’t JUST been good.”
>She clicked her tongue a few times.
>”I’m not sure the word good means what you think it means. Reward her, yes. But only when she’s good! Why are you having so much trouble with this?”
“Well, I think it all started when I was-”
>”Go and teach her a lesson. Make sure she knows the rules, and make sure she knows you won’t go easy on her if she breaks them!”
“Geeze, fine.”
>She was surprisingly pushy!
>”Want me to lend a hoof?”
>Rarity was awake.
>Sure, you’d drugged her into unconsciousness, but you were confident she was awake now.
>You were absolutely certain of it at this point, there was no way the drugs still had her under.
>Sure, you weren’t an anaesthesiologist, but at this point there was absolutely no way she hadn’t worked it out of her system.
>That, and there was the fact that she was sitting up and groaning.
“The nausea will pass in a couple minutes.”
>Despite your prior warning she was in fact in bed in the recovery room.
>An unfortunate side effect of your drugging, she had to be monitored properly.
>And your equipment wasn’t designed for a patient resting on the floor.
>Next time, though.
>Your threats couldn’t be hollow.
>”What did you do to me?”
“You were causing trouble so I put you to sleep.”
“If you don’t cause trouble I won’t have to do it again.”
>You wait a few minutes for her to collect herself.
>She needs to be lucid for what comes next.
>”Why, yes. I’m quite parched.”
>You pass her a glass of water.
>She stares at it for a little while before shock appears on her face.
>”My magic! That wasn’t a dream…”
“It’s not your magic, it’s mine. But I’ll let you use it when I know you can be trusted with it.”
>”So if I do what you tell me you’ll give it back?”
>You’d have to be pretty certain she wasn’t going to run away or anything like that.
>But if she was truly yours you’d have no reason to keep it away.
“Sure. Once I’m confident you’re not just pretending to be good.”
>She nodded.
>Doubtlessly she was still planning her escape.
>One more thing to work on.
“And if you’re going to be a good girl you’re going to have to follow a few rules.”
>She casts what you suspect to be a dirty look when you say “good girl”.
“First rule. You must obey any order I give you, immediately and to the best of your ability.”
>She’s looking you dead in the eye.
>You’re honestly having a little trouble bossing her around like this while making eye contact, but you press on.
“You may not physically oppose me whatsoever. Don’t get in my way, don’t fight back when I’m touching you, and NEVER try to hurt me. Not that you could anyway.”
>Maybe she could.
>How hard could they kick?
“Don’t break my stuff. In fact, if you’re not sure what it is don’t even touch it. This is delicate and nigh on irreplaceable equipment, I have to import it from Earth. And if I don’t have it I can’t do my job, and that sometimes means ponies die. Don’t break it or I WILL put that blame on you.”
>Her eyes go wide for a moment.
>You were pretty sure that meant she was surprised.
>Was it because of the threat?
>Or was it something else you’d said?
“No talking or writing unless spoken to. I’ll make an exception if you’re in immediate danger or if you’re warning me about something urgent. When you do talk to me you must address me as master. You may not masturbate without permission-”
>”I’m not that kind of pony!”
“That’s a strike. You may not orgasm without my permission, and you must always show and swallow. Understood?”
>”No, what does show and swallow mean?”
“That’s another strike. Address me as your master.”
>”Very well, your master.”
>You were actually going to let that slide for now.
>Sure, she sees it as defiance.
>But if her way of defying you is to work within your rules so be it.
>It’ll still get her accustom to following your rules, even if she is looking for loopholes.
>But you certainly weren’t going to let her get away with it forever.
“And you’ll find out what I mean when I say show and swallow. In fact, I think you’re going to find out tonight. But first, you’ve been a bad girl. TWICE you’ve failed to address me properly. And don’t you think I’ve forgotten that tantrum a week ago.”
>”A WEEK?”
>It was this morning.
>You were just screwing with her.
“Now. What to do… Ah! I know. You are going to suggest a punishment.”
>”Moi? Your master, are you seriously asking me to tell you to punish me?”
“Of course I’m not asking you. I’m ordering you. I expect the punishment to fit the crime, if you try to go easy on yourself you’ll only make things worse.”
>She froze up for a while, weighing the choice you’d given her.
>You briefly consider imposing a time limit lest she try and stall.
>But eventually you think better of it.
>The longer she stews in this the better.
>”I don’t suppose you’ll let me off with a warning.”
“No. You called me a reprobate.”
>You didn’t know what that meant at the time, but you DID know what a dictionary was.
>She turns her head to look away from you, a blush forming on her cheeks.
>”Perhaps a brief spanking would suffice?”
>Was she getting off on that?
>You sit down on the floor, cross legged.
“On my lap.”
>Rarity doesn’t move.
“It was your idea. Get over here.”
“Yes, get your butt over here. You’re just making things worse for yourself. I took away magic privileges, I can take away walking privileges too.”
>She jumps out of the bed when you say that.
>But the moment that spark of primal dread is gone, the second she’s had a chance to think, she begins to drag her hooves.
>It takes her well over a minute to reach you.
>She looks over to the door longingly.
“If you leave now you’ll never have magic again. You will live your whole life unable to even feel your horn.”
>Rarity’s eyes tear up.
>You weren’t sure if she was going to stay or not.
>There was a very real chance she’d choose to run.
>Of course it would be futile, the place was locked up for the night.
>But she didn’t know that, you were giving her the illusion of choice.
>A chance to believe she’d chosen to stay with you.
>Rarity swallows a lump in her throat.
>And she drapes herself across your lap.
>Her warm body weighs down upon you, her soft coat rubbing gently along your legs.
>”There’s something poking-”
>She lets out a gasp.
“Don’t get all flustered. The two of you are going to get very familiar with each other. Now count, we’re going to thirty.”
>Rarity lets out a surprised cry when you make your first hit.
>You continue your assault, her buttocks jiggling slightly with every hit.
>Her hide reddens quickly, likely still sore from your previous ministrations.
>Rarity finally loses count around twenty, her barely restrained sobs devolving into uncontrolled weeping.
>You eventually stop even though she’s not counting properly.
>Your hand hurts.
“Well, I’m feeling nice. You aren’t counting anymore but we’ll call that good for now.”
>She tries to say something but you can’t make it out through the tears.
>You push Rarity off of your lap and set to work.
>Cadence had gone all out with her supply chest, it contained every dirty toy you’d ever heard of, and several you hadn’t.
>You clamp a pair of fuzzy hoofcuffs on her, binding her left legs together.
>The moment she realizes what you’re doing she begins to kick at you, her legs flailing wildly in a vain attempt to keep you away.
>You step back, leaving her lying on the floor, her red rump squirming as she fruitlessly tries to move with her legs bound.
“That was a VERY stupid thing to do.”
>She damn near took your teeth out!
“We were going to have a bit of fun tonight, but if you insist on being that way we’ll do things a bit different. Roll over.”
>”No, please! I beg you!”
>You gently kick her sore buttocks
“You need another spanking. I’ll go get a switch. Then it looks like I’m taking your virginity tonight, I said you could keep it if you were good and you certainly weren’t.”
>”Please, I’ll do anything!”
>This could be a good opportunity.
“Please me with your mouth.”
>She sticks her tongue out in what must be an expression of revulsion.
“Fine. I’ll just go with plan A.”
>”Wait! I… I will use my mouth.”
“Naa. I’d rather just do it right.”
>You walk toward her.
>She clumsily tries to back away.
>”No, please! I’ll use my mouth! I’ll do a good job too!”
>Not good enough.
>”Please, master! Please let me use my mouth.”
>Rarity doesn’t struggle as you bind her legs together.
>She doesn’t fight you when you pick her up and put her on the bed, head hanging off the side.
>You produce a simple ring gag from Cadence’s supply chest.
>”I… yes.”
>She closes her eyes firmly shut but slowly opens her mouth.
>You’re presented with the sight of a warm, inviting tunnel, her tongue squirming about delightfully, just waiting for your presence.
>But not yet.
>A simple hook goes in each nostril, fastened to her horn.
>You pull it tight.
>She angles her mouth upward, making her throat more accessible.
“Ooh. Okay, I get it now.”
>Your pants vanish in an instant, and you position yourself before her.
>She stares wide eyed at you, frightened by your imminent intrusion but unable to look away.
>You relish the feeling of her hot breath on the tip, savouring this anticipation until you can bear to wait no longer.
“I expect you to do a great job.”
>Just the tip.
>Her tongue starts to awkwardly wrestle with its new neighbor.
>You enjoy every second of the warm friction and suction.
“Do you like the taste? I bet you do. This is what you were made for.”
>You invade a bit deeper.
“But your technique needs work. We’ll have to train you to suck properly, like a good little whore.”
>Despite her clumsy ministrations it doesn’t take long for you to start feeling that familiar pressure.
>You pull out.
>Rarity coughs for a little while.
>Perhaps that was too deep for the novice?
>You walk around behind her and massage her rump for a bit.
>Rarity moans, whether it be in pain or pleasure you cannot say.
“Speaking of training, you didn’t take me very well last time.”
>You produce a fairly small plug, slick with surgical lubricant.
“We’ll have to stretch you out a bit.”
>You press the plug against Rarity’s back door.
>She yelps and tries to pull away.
>It’s futile.
>She’s far too tight to take it readily, and you have to work for some time before it finally slides into place.
>You step back to appreciate your work.
>Rump red, butt plugged, and nethers moist.
“You’re loving this, aren’t you. All your life pretending to be proper, but finally you get the cock you’d craved so much.”
>”Uh uh!”
“What’s that? Hungry for more? Well…”
>You re-enter her mouth with gusto, already feeling the end coming on.
>Rarity never really finds a good rhythm but even so the excitement of having her at your command soon puts you over the edge.
>You grab her mane and unload on her tongue with a grunt.
>You can’t help but pant slightly.
>She sticks her tongue out, displaying a fine mess of seed and saliva.
“And swallow.”
>Rarity closes her eyes and pulls her tongue back in.
>For a moment you think she’s going to refuse, or maybe even spit it out.
>But after a little while she reveals to you a clean tongue.
“Good girl.”
>You pat her on the head much to her dismay.
“You’re still getting punished for trying to kick me though.”
>You towered over Rarity with a wicked grin.
>She eyes you warily, her bound form wiggling in a vain attempt to get away from you.
>You walk around behind her, her bright red buttocks already clenching in anticipation.
“Maybe later. I’m starting to think you enjoy that, I’ll have to come up with something else.”
>She whimpers quietly.
>You pull the ring gag out.
>She flinches away and closes her eyes as your hand approaches.
“There we are. You don’t go abusing this privilege now.”
>”What are you going to do to me?”
“You’ll find out. Keep addressing me improperly and I’ll have to get more creative.”
>What to do…
>Ah! Perfect.
>You can’t strike quite yet though.
“Later. First it’s time for a physical. Open your mouth.”
>She complies readily.
>You shove a tongue depressor in and peer inside.
“It’s a bit inflamed. We’ll have to keep an eye on that, could be tonsilitis.”
>You move to check the next step.
>”Your master, I believe it’s sore because your, umm, naughty bits were-”
“Shut it. You were also a little dry, felt like sandpaper. Are you thirsty?”
“Hold on, I’ll go get you a drink.”
>And maybe a few other things.
>It only takes a few minutes for you to return with a small jug.
“Alright. What do we say when I give you something?”
>”Thank you?”
“Thank WHO?”
>”Thank you… your master?”
>That was getting annoying.
>You’ll crack down on it later, right now you were dealing with something more important.
“It’ll do. For now. Open.”
>Rarity opens her mouth.
>You tilt her head upright and begin to pour the water in slowly.
>When the jug is half empty she stops swallowing.
“Drink it all.”
>A little bit starts spilling over.
>You cover her nostrils with your other hand.
“If you like breathing you’ll drink it.”
>She coughs and sputters a little bit, but you manage to get most of it down.
>Rarity spends a few second coughing once all the liquid’s gone.
>”That was FAR too much, I only wanted a little bit! Ooh, now my stomach hurts, just look at what you’ve done.”
“You’re supposed to turn your head before you cough. Alright, blood pressure’s a bit high. Heart rate too.”
>No surprise.
>She was probably pretty scared.
“Both signs of arousal.”
>”I am NOT aroused! And would you mind stepping back a tad? Your odour is rather unpleasant.”
>Your hand slams down on her rump.
>Rarity nearly jumps through the ceiling, he shrill shriek assaulting your ears with almost as much force as your strike.
“And I expect you to address me properly.”
>”Yes your master! Sorry your master!”
“Let’s see.”
>You shove two fingers as deep as you can into her moist virgin folds.
>”No, please master! Stay out of there! That hurts, you’re going in too deep! Ooh, it hurts! You’re scratching everything up in there, ow ow!”
“Are you whining in the hopes that you’ll be so annoying I get rid of you?”
>”Is it working?”
“No. Look, I have complete control over your body. I know how it works, I know how to take it apart and how to put it back together. I can take away any part at any time. Next time you try to kick me I’ll shut down your legs. Bite me and you’ll lose your jaw. And if you KEEP ON WHINING at me you’re going to lose the ability to talk.”
>”Well! Then I shall simply find other ways to make noise. Perhaps my kicking your precious machines would do the trick.”
“You know if you’re too much trouble I could just keep you in a coma.”
>”You WOULDN’T!”
“Why not? You’d stop talking back all the time, you’d stop trying to kick me, I could leave you unattended and you wouldn’t try to escape. Plus I could use you whenever I wanted. Hay, this is sounding like a pretty good idea! Hmm. You’re getting kinda pale. Could be a sign of heart problems, I’ll make a note of it.”
>”But- but-”
“Or maybe I’d keep you awake and just paralyze everything. No talking, no moving, Nothing but your eyes under your control so you can watch as I do whatever I please. Just play with your body until it’s old and worn out, then I can throw you in the trash.”
>Her eyes go wide.
“And if you think I can’t then by all means, use your magic to stop me.”
>You flick the tip of her horn.
>”I… yes, *sniff* master.”
>Oh boy.
>Here come the waterworks.
>Maybe that was a step too far?
>It WAS pretty harsh.
>Effective at sending a message, but harsh.
>She’s no good to you if she’s paralyzed by fear, and truth be told?
>You’re starting to feel sorry for her.
>You do the absolute last thing she’d ever expect.
>You untie her.
>Then you sit down on the bed next to her, and pull her close.
>Rarity sobs openly and gracelessy as you gently pet her back making sure to avoid her tender rump.
>At first she tries to shy away from you, your presence being a constant remind of her helplessness.
>But before long she starts to lean into you, desperate for any form of comfort.
>For any reassurance.
>Even if it comes from her captor.
“Shh. It’s okay, you’re going to be fine.”
>Whatever makeup she had on when she’d arrived has long ago been ruined.
>But now it’s getting even worse!
>Mascara stained tears drop to the floor in a steady stream.
>Where did you leave the mop?
“Calm down, it’s okay.”
>”No it’s noooooot!”
“Yes it is.”
>”You’re going to turn me into a living rape doooooll!”
“No, I’m not. It’s going to be okay. I’m not going to do that to you.”
>You can’t let her think your threats are empty!
>”Yes you aaaaaaare!”
“No. I’m not. I promise.”
>She sniffles a few times.
“I’m a man of my word, and I promise you that whatever I take away I shall eventually give back.”
>Had this been her plan, or had it just happened by accident?
>Either way she’d played you like a fiddle.
“I am a refined man of sophisticated tastes. My slave must be more than warm holes. I might paralyze you for a time if I see fit, but I will give you another chance to prove yourself.”
>She doesn’t answer.
“What do you say when somebody does something nice for you?”
>”Thank you.”
“Thank who?”
>”Thank you, master.”
“Good girl.”
>You spend a moment scratching her behind her ears.
>This pony was hurting.
>And badly at that.
>A terrible weight forms in your stomach, a burning sensation on the back of your neck.
>The right thing to do would be to set her free.
>But it’s far too late for that.
>You’ve had a taste, and now you need more.
“Life with me is going to be great, you’ll see.”
>She turns her head away from you.
>You need to take her mind off of things.
“Maybe it’s time for us to get to know each other. Doctor Anonymous, one of vanishingly few humans in the whole world. And you are?”
>”L- I’m Lady Rarity. Element of Generosity.”
“There we go. What’s this element you were talking about? I know several elements, but generosity isn’t one of them.”
>”You’ve never heard of the Elements of Harmony?”
>She sounds shocked.
“Can’t say that I have.”
>”Well, my friends and I once wielded an ancient magical artifact that we used to banish evil!”
>ANOTHER ancient magical artifact?
>You’d thought the Crystal Heart was enough.
>How many of those were there around here?
>”Each bearer represents one of the virtues that lead to harmony. I represented generosity.”
>That was good to know.
>If she saw you as being a generous person she’d probably warm up to you a bit.
“What does Rarity do aside from banishing evil?”
>”I make dresses. Fabulous dresses!”
>”Oh, nothing so tawdry! I design the pinnacle of fashion, adorning the highest nobles in all of Equestria with my vision!”
“Huh. Never been one for fashion myself.”
>”I can tell, that white coat is so gauche.”
>She freezes.
>You laugh.
“No offence taken. Lab coats are function over form after all. Regardless, I’d hate to keep an artist from her craft, I’ll have to come up with something.”
>”You wish for me to make you an outfit?”
“No, you’d probably make sure it was super itchy or something. Maybe you should make something for yourself?”
>”You wish for me to make a dress for myself?”
>You grope her butt.
>”Master! You wish for me to make a dress for myself master?”
“Eh. Not now, but yeah. If you’re going to be seen with me you’ll have to look presentable.”
>”Master, where is it you go that formal attire is expected?”
“I spend a lot of time at the palace.”
>”You what?”
“Friends with the royals, and every now and then they call me in to do a checkup on some noble I don’t care about or something.”
>”I had no idea.”
>She mumbles something to herself that you can’t quite make out.
>”I’d heard of you of course, but I didn’t know you were so well… connected.”
“So are your designs well received?”
>”Oh yes! The Rain in Stain was a smash success.”
“Sorta a crappy name.”
>”Well, they wound up calling it the Princess Dress. Everypony wanted one, it was terrible!”
“How so?”
>”Art is defined by its novelty and unique flair! When something is everywhere it ceases to be art! The Princess Dress may well have been my magnum opus, but it became little more than mass produced rags.”
>One of those types, eh?
“And what do you think of this place? Be honest, I want an artist’s eye.”
>”Why, it’s dreadful! Everything looks so...sterile!”
>Interesting choice of words given where you were.
“Well, I can’t let you change it. Most of this stuff is the way it is for a reason. But I get that you probably find it a bit… stifling. I’ll figure something out.”
>”Whatever do you mean?”
“I mean that your MASTER-”
>You grope her butt again.
>Rarity flinches when you do.
“Doesn’t want to keep you locked up in the recovery room forever. I’ll have to take you somewhere else, maybe you can decorate that place a bit so it’s not so… drab? Is that the right word?”
>She looks up at you with a stunned expression.
“What, did you think I was planning on keeping you here forever?”
>”Yes? Err, yes master?”
“What did you think I was planning?”
>”Well, I thought you wanted to, shall we say, use me whenever you pleased.”
“Nope. I’m an ambitious man, Rarara. I aim high. I’m going to train you into my own personal slut, sure.”
>She’s blushing a little.
“But I intend to put every part of you to use. You any good at accounting?”
“Unfortunate, I’ve got huge amounts of money coming through this place every day. Really could use help keeping track of it. But I’m sure I’ll think of plenty of ways to use you.”
>You let out a long, drawn out sigh.
“It’s hard to keep this place running, y’know? There’s so much work to do, and I’m the only one who can do it. And everypony thinks I’m overcharging all the time, it’s so annoying! They have no idea what this equipment costs. Hell, sometimes I lose money on my patients. I’d have gone broke by now if the princess hadn’t made that big donation.”
>She blinks a few times in rapid succession.
“Sometimes I wonder if I should have just been a bricklayer or something. Life would be much easier. But when I think of all the ponies I’ve helped since I got here, I know I made the right choice.”
>”You do that?”
“I’m not out here on vacation. I’m here to bring proper healthcare to the ponies, to fight back against the plagues and ailments that ruin and end lives. I can cure malaria, dysentery, cholera, even leprosy.”
>You count the diseases off on your fingers as you go along.
>”I don’t know what that last one is.”
“Good. You don’t want to see it, you’d have nightmares. There are all these horrible things that only I can fix, but I can’t be everywhere at once. It’s a terrible burden. If I were anyone else I’d close up shop and leave it all behind, just run away from it.”
>You leave a pause before finishing.
“But I was unlucky enough to be me. Now I’ve got to try and help everyone.”
>You stand up and move to leave.
“I’d better get going.”
>”Could you please take this dreadful thing out of my rump first? It’s become quite irritating.”
“No. Wait, I almost forgot about your punishment.”
>Rarity’s eyes go wide.
>”Please, master! I beg of you-”
“Shush. You tried to kick me. That’s a big problem.”
>”I SWEAR I shan’t do it again!”
“Good. I still have to punish you though.”
>She jumps down off the bed and backs away to the wall.
>”Please, I’ve learned my lesson! Why, I’ll even-”
>She freezes in place.
“I don’t know how things work in this world but back home we can’t just ask nicely and get let off the hook. When you break the rules you have to face the consequences. Now, you have the choice of accepting it like a big girl and salvaging some of your dignity, or you can go kicking and screaming the whole way. It’s your choice.”
>She curls up and starts shivering.
“Don’t worry, this one isn’t going to hurt. Swallow these.”
>You put two small pills on the floor in front of her.
>”W-what are they?”
“Nothing dangerous. Swallow them or things will get worse.”
>She reaches out with a hoof.
>You shove your foot in the way.
“No, lick them off the ground.”
>She stalls for a bit, but eventually Rarity reaches her head out and extends her tongue.
>She closes her eyes and shivers as it approaches the floor.
>One down.
“And the other one.”
>”Yes master.”
>This time she swallows it quickly, apparently having decided to get the demeaning act over with.
>”I think it’s stuck in my throat, may I have some water to wash it down?”
“Of course.”
>You go to the sink and refill the jug.
“Drink as much as you can.”
>She knocks back about half of it.
>You’re pretty certain she could manage more, but that will suffice.
“Alright. For your punishment I’m going to tie you up and for a few hours while I take care of some business.”
“Yup. That’s all I’m going to do to you. Hold still.”
>Let’s see here… back legs elevated up on the bed, run the rope under the bed and attach it to her front legs. Hold on, how did you tie that knot again?
>It takes longer than you care to admit, but finally you have her tied up exactly as you want her.
>She’s resting on her back with her rump angled up in the air so that she’s staring straight at her vagina.
“Alright, I’m going to leave you like this for a while. Or I could give you a really rough paddling, your call.”
>”No! No, master, this is fine!”
“Good. I’ll be a few hours, don’t break anything while I’m gone.”
>”Umm, master? Before you go I do need to use the powder room.”
“I know.”
“Diuretics and multiple liters of water. It’s going to be EVERYWHERE by the time I get back.”
>You shove a ring gag in her mouth.
“Including inside your mouth. Don’t EVER try to hurt me.”
>You watch Rarity squirm and whine for a while.
>It doesn’t take long before you see liquid trickling down her belly.
>”Ah! Ah! Aaah!”
>She struggles and strains to hold it in.
>But it’s never going to work.
>By the time you get back she’s going to be covered in it, lying in a pool of it, and she’ll have probably even gotten a mouthful of it.
“Just like a filthy animal. When I get back you’re cleaning that up.”
>You lock up the clinic behind yourself.
>It’s time to go to the hardware store to make a proper room for her.
>But what should be in it?
>You'd never had a knack for aesthetics.
>You'd spent way more time thinking about interior organs than interior design.
>And your idea of beauty had more to do with elegant sutures than elegant floor plans.
>But you were happy with the results anyway.
>Sure, it was a little… rough.
>But that was fine.
>You weren’t looking to put her in the lap of luxury or anything.
>You just needed a place to store her that wouldn’t attract attention.
>And where better than the basement?
>It was out of the way, easy to secure, and hidden from public view.
>You'd just had to move a few cases of medical files and you were clear!
>And after a HOURS of moving things around and a trip downtown you were almost set up.
“Good enough!”
>Time to fetch her.
>You walk into the recovery room with a bucket of soapy water and a sponge in hand.
>Rarity doesn’t react when the door opened.
>She just stared at the ceiling, eyes unfocused, mane and face drenched by the puddle she was lying in.
“Oh this is PERFECT! Hold on. Where’s that camera?”
>This was going in your training compilation.
“Wake up, whore.”
>She groans a bit.
>You’re not sure if she even heard you.
>You approach her, taking care to step around the mess as much as possible.
>You unbind her legs and she slumps onto the floor, splashing in the puddle a little.
“Clean yourself up, you’re disgusting.”
>You drop the wet sponge on her face.
>She immediately grabs it and starts scrubbing herself vigorously.
”Do you know WHY I had to punish you?”
>”Yes master!”
>That was an improvement to be sure.
“And what should you never do again?”
>”I should never try to hit you master!”
>She doesn’t even look at you, electing instead to scrub with all her might.
“When you’re done I expect you to clean the floor. You made a disgusting mess of it.”
>”Of course master! Right away master!”
>You leave for your office, there’s something you must do before you move her to her new place.
>A little surprise to prepare.
>By the time you return the floor is spotless, and Rarity is frantically rubbing her coat with the bedding in a desperate attempt to get every last trace of dirt off of her coat.
>You drop a pink, frilly strip of dense cloth (courtesy of the Crown) in front of her.
“Blindfold yourself.”
>She looks down at it hesitantly and chews her bottom lip.
“Unless you’d like to find out what other pills I have.”
>”Yes… master.”
>She clumsily affixes the cloth to her face, a deep blush forming on her cheeks.
>But was it excitement? Shame? Or fear?
>You had no way of knowing.
>Maybe it was all three.
>You grab her mane and start walking.
>Rarity follows, her head downcast and her hooves dragging.
“Remember. You chose to stay with me.”
>She doesn’t answer.
“Why did you choose to stay with me?”
>”Because you took my magic.”
“Wrong, cunt. You stayed because you wanted to..”
“You could have lived without magic. You could have spared yourself all of this and been like one of the Earth ponies. But you didn’t. You chose to be my slave. It's what you really want deep down, isn't it? You want to be my own personal whore, a set of walking holes fit only to be toyed with. Don't worry. I won't tell anyone. You're going to tell the world yourself in the end anyway. Mind the stairs.”
>She stumbles slightly as you march her downstairs.
>Eventually, though, she reaches her new home.
“Hold still.”
>She jumps slightly when a cold weight lowers itself around her neck.
>A resounding click fills the air.
>She was obeying!
>That wasn’t going to last for long though, the fear or humiliation would fade in time.
>You had to strike while the iron was hot.
>You begin to hatch a plan...
“Take it off.”
>Rarity quickly tears off her blindfold to survey her surroundings.
>Rarity blinked a few times to see if it was actually real.
>She stood on a polished crystal mosaic floor, its alternating pale blue and rich green shards glittering beneath the overhead light.
>The wooden walls had been painted plainly with an off white. There was nothing remarkable about them.
>They were so boring that the eye naturally avoided them, being drawn instead to the paintings.
"You like 'em, eh? This crow painting came from Earth. They were really popular for a while after those scientists cloned some and reversed their extinction."
>But then everyone remembered WHY they'd been wiped out.
"That panorama of the Crystal Empire at dawn is courtesy of one of my patients. Poor guy was dying of sepsis, couldn't afford to pay me. I fixed him up anyway, a month later he shows up with this beauty. No points for creativity, but it's amazing execution."
>"What about that marvelous watercolour of the rainbow falls?"
"Housewarming present when I moved in here. This room was originally meant to be my home, but I couldn't stand always being at work any longer."
>"And what of that gorgeous snowy mountain range?"
"That's just a print I liked."
>"Well I must confess I love the decor! Perhaps a tad barren, a couple more paintings wouldn't hurt. But it's a marvelous start."
"Couldn't agree more. That's why I printed this out while you were cleaning up."
>You collect four pages and a roll of tape from the corner and begin assembling the latest piece in your collection.
>The moment you reveal it Rarity is aghast.
>It's a white unicorn, bound up and exposed, and drenched in urine.
>She immediately turns her head away to inspect the furnishings.
>A large pet bed against the wall, a pair of dog dishes, a bucket, a heap of papers, and a few ballpoint pens.
>”What’s all this?”
“Your bed, your food, your water, and your toilet.”
>You point at them in turn as you speak.
>Rarity grows more pale with every word.
“And your journal. I figured you might want to keep a log of some sort."
>A risky play.
>It would give her something to focus on, some way to organize her thoughts.
>But by reading it you might get some insight about what she's thinking.
"One day when you’re better trained we can read through it and have a good laugh.”
>She turned around to survey the rest of the room.
>There was a line of tape on the floor for some reason.
>Just beyond it was a sturdy stained oak display shelf.
>It was conspicuously barren.
>The exit lies tantalisingly close.
>She takes a step toward it only to be pulled back by a harsh tug on the throat.
>A heavy chain had been wrapped around her neck, padlocked shut, and bolted to the wall.
>She was stuck in one half of the basement.
“See the tape?”
“I measured the chain. That’s as far as you can go.”
>”Why is it so… squiggly? Shouldn’t it be a fairly smooth curve?”
“Shush. That shelf is- I forgot to stock it. Hold on."
>Let’s see here…
>Giant rubber horsecock on the left, large marbles on a string, paddle…
“Oh right. You can take the plug out now.”
>Not good to leave it in TOO long, you don’t want to damage her.
>You can hear Rarity let out a rather undignified sigh of relief.
>”Master? What are all those things you’re laying out there?”
“Oh, you’ll find out soon enough. See this?”
>You present to her a comically oversized plug.
“Guess where this is going.”
>She backs away a little bit.
>”Is… is it going to fit?”
“Not yet. We’ll get you there. Okay… how many blindfolds do we need? Honestly.”
>”And what about that spiked wheel? Is it a pounce wheel?”
“Uhh… it looks like a Wartenberg wheel to me. Honestly I’m not certain why it’s here. Maybe it was a mistake?”
>Maybe you’d ask Cadence.
>Maybe you didn’t want to though… who knows how weird she could get?
“Now that you’re all settled in, do you want some coffee?”
>She tilts her head, perhaps surprised by the sudden question.
“I’m going to go get some, there’s a little shop around a block away. I’ve got studying to do and I need to wake up first. You’re going to help with that, by the way.”
“So do you want a coffee?”
>”What’s the catch?”
“Wadda ya mean?”
>”Do you intend to put your, ah, essence in it or some such?”
“Good idea, but no. I’d rather deposit that straight in your mouth.”
>”Do you intend to pour it on me in some bizarre form of punishment?”
“No? Why is it so hard to believe I’m just getting you some coffee?”
>She raises a single eyebrow.
“You’re going to help me study, and I can’t have you falling asleep.”
>”Very well. I shall take a tall half-caff hazelnut macchiato.”
“A what?”
>”If this coffee shop is of any worth they shall understand.”
>You look at her in bewilderment and quickly write down the order on your prescription pad.
“Alright. Drink some water while I’m away, you’re probably dehydrated after your fun earlier.”
>A quick journey down the street brings you to the coffee shop.
>You approach the mare at the counter who beams a cute smile at you.
>”Hey, doc!”
“Uh, hi.”
>”Large with one cream?”
“No actually. I’ve got a request here. It’s…”
>You read the page.
“Two tall half-caff hazelnut macchiatos? Actually, forget the half-caff. That’s dumb.”
>”Ooh, somehuman’s found a fillyfriend!”
“Heh, I’m not sure that’s the right word to describe our relationship. Study buddy might work.”
>She sets to work making a shockingly complex drink.
>During the process you can hear her grind, shake, and hammer.
>You even think you heard a brief xylophone solo, but it’s hard to say for certain.
>”That’ll be 30 bits please.”
“Seriously? For two coffees?”
>You grumble more than a bit but pay up regardless.
>You return to the clinic and head to the medicine lockup.
“Let’s see here… there it is. Probably just one pill.”
>You head to your office and write Anon on once cup.
>You then produce your mortar and pestle and begin to grind the pill into dust, humming happily as you go.
>MDMA had become a commonly prescribed drug for treating PTSD.
>And PTSD had become a surprisingly common ailment ever since the Yo Gabba Gabba reunion tour.
>So much blood…
>You can’t help but shudder.
>And so you’d stocked some when setting up shop, but not once had you prescribed any.
>Might as well put it to use.
>Can’t do it too often though, you don’t want to mess up her brain.
>Well, okay, you do. But in a controlled manner!
>You still plan on making her yours, filling her with this stuff isn’t any good.
>She’d belong to the drug, not to you.
>But that doesn’t mean you can’t use it to kickstart the process.
>Once it’s been ground into dust you pour it into the cup marked Anon and stir it vigorously.
“Alright. Hopefully this works.”
>Quick glance at the security camera.
>Rarity seems to be trying to style her mane with her hooves alone.
>Maybe you should get her a brush?
>She has been pretty compliant since her last punishment.
>On the other hand she’s also done a lot of talking back.
>Maybe you’re being too easy on her.
>This stuff was harder than you’d expected!
>You climb down the stairs and place the unmarked cup in front of her.
“These things are expensive.”
>”When you wish for the finer things in life sometimes you must pay a little extra.”
“Maybe you’re just bad with money.”
“Well, aren’t you going to drink it?”
>”Not until you tell me what you’ve done with it.”
“NOTHING! It’s perfectly fine, just overpriced. What, don’t you trust me?”
>She closed her eyes and turned her head away from you.
“I got you a GIFT, I expect you to appreciate it! Unless you want to wind up like that again.”
>You gesture toward the printout of her urine soaked self.
>”I… yes, master.”
>She picks the cup up.
>You’d accidentally talked her into it.
“Hay, I got the same thing. If it makes you feel better we can switch cups. Unless you think I did something to my own drink.”
>”That actually would put me at ease.”
>You pass her the drugged coffee and grab the clean one.
>”Delectable, isn’t it?”
>Not 30 bits delectable.
>Sure, it’s nice, but…
>There are much nicer things you could get for that price.
>”Perhaps a tad more bitter than usual. You just can’t quite match a proper Manehattan coffee shop I suppose.”
>Should take about 45 minutes to an hour to reach its full effect.
“Alright. Time to work.”
>You pull a small stack of flashcards from your coat pocket and hand them to her.
“Yes. Pictures of ponies I see often. Equine is a… tricky language for me. This mouth wasn’t meant to neigh or whinny.”
>”Yes, I can tell by your atrocious accent.”
>You really wanna spank her right now.
“Names are worst. You do this weird thing where you use nouns and verbs for your names, but the inflection is different to imply it’s a name. I actually have to practice saying names, problem is that I can’t do it alone. I need somepony to correct my pronunciation so that I don’t learn it wrong.”
>It might have been a mistake to admit a weakness.
>But right now your goal is to get her to lower her guard.
>She needs to be relaxed when it kicks in.
>Scaring her into submission right now would ruin your plan.
>”Oh. Well, I suppose I can do that. Ooh. The one who ABDUCTED me.”
>She tears Cadence’s picture in half.
>You should punish her, but…
>Stick to the plan.
>”Ah yes. Her strapping husband.”
“Shiggy Diggy.”
>”Umm, no. Shy-Ning”
>Minutes tick down.
>You keep a careful eye on Rarity’s condition, excitement welling up within you every time she drinks from her cup.
>She’s starting to fidget quite a bit, she’s grinding her teeth a bit…
>But most importantly, her attitude is changing.
>She’s so much less hostile.
>It’s starting to kick in.
>”Right! And we go back to this pony!”
“Sa-sa-flash. Sassaflash.”
>”Why, yes! Good work. And this pony is?”
“Shy-ning are-more. Shining Armor.”
>”Excellent work dear. I believe you’ve got it!”
>Hopefully you’ll make an ass of yourself less often.
>Shame she destroyed Cadence’s picture though.
>”Oh my but it is toasty in here!”
“Alright, studying done. I think you need a reward.”
>”What did you have in mind?”
“How about a backrub?”
>”That sounds lovely. Ooh. I never noticed how colourful the ceiling was.”
>Beige stucco?
>She must be hallucinating a bit.
>Maybe you’d dosed her a bit too much.
>Hopefully you didn’t do any serious damage…
>You begin to gently and methodically caress her body.
>Rarity shivers and trembles beneath your touch, the drug amplifying the sensations.
“Just relax.”
>”I can’t! I’m all wound up for some reason, are you certain that was half-caff?”
“I asked for it, but maybe they did it wrong.”
>Didn’t matter, it wasn’t the caffeine that had her excited.
>You continue to explore her body, working at her muscles and scratching at her with your fingers.
“I bet no pony has ever given you a massage this good.”
>She lets out a satisfied moan.
“You need fingers to do this. Only I can make you feel this way.”
>You roll her over onto her back and rub her belly a bit.
“Do you like this?”
>”Oooh, yes.”
“This is the best massage of your life, isn’t it? Do you want more?”
>”Oh yes!”
>You continue to rub, trailing your way down toward her nethers.
>You stop for a moment to caress her teats.
>”Hnnn. What are you doing?”
“Just relax and enjoy the sensation. Everything’s fine, I’m just trying to make you feel good. It feels good doesn’t it?”
>She moans again.
>This time even you can tell it’s heavy with desire.
>You run your fingers around her nipples in slow circles.
“You were a good girl and helped me out. Now you get to feel good. You get to feel the pleasure that only my touch can bring. Relax, enjoy. Give yourself to me.”
>You trace your fingers around her sopping wet sex, rubbing up against her thigh, teasing but never quite reaching .
>She shudders, her back leg kicks a little bit.
“It feels good, doesn’t it? My touch feels good. You did what I wanted and now you get to feel good. Relax.”
>You slip a single finger in.
>Rarity lets out a delighted cry, her entire body shivers.
>You can feel her interior muscles contracting.
>She’d already climaxed.
>That WAS against the rules…
>But right now it was the goal.
“That’s alright. Feel as good as you want, you’re being rewarded for being a good girl.”
>You thrust your finger in and out rhythmically, and soon Rarity starts to rock her body in concert with your motions.
>Your other hand continues to explore her form, rubbing and probing for her weak points.
“Your master is here to make you feel good. He’s the only one who can do this, isn’t he? You’ve never felt like that before. I’m the only one. Stay with me and you can feel good some more.”
>She’s starting to moan again, this time far more feverishly.
“You’re a slave. You’re MY slave. Being a slave feels good. Relax.”
>”I’m not… HNN!”
>She convulses again, a shrill shriek of delight assails your ears.
>You don’t relent.
“You belong to me. I’m what’s been missing in your life.”
>”Ah! Ah!”
“You need more, don’t you?”
>”Yes! YES!”
“But if you want more you need to stay with me. You need to obey me. You need to give yourself to me.”
>You slip a second finger in.
“You belong to me, and that’s a good thing. It’s what you’ve always wanted. Doesn’t it feel good?”
>Her eyes are unfocused, her breathing erratic.
>You don’t think she can take much more.
“Look at me. Look me in the eye.”
>You turn her head to face you.
>It takes a little while but her eyes finally start to focus on you.
>You press your thumb on her clitoris and start to rub it in circles.
>”Ahh! Ahh!”
“Cum for me, slave. Give yourself to me. You are mine.”
>Rarity reaches out with her forelegs and grabs you.
>She pulls herself close to you, her whole body tensing up.
>And then she slumps over.
>She’s spent.
>You step back and appreciate your work.
>A blissed out face, her tongue hanging out, her legs spread to expose a drenched hindquarters.
>You take several pictures.
>It’s definitely going on the wall with the other reminders.
>When the drug wears off she’ll be depressed and lethargic.
>She’ll probably weep about what just happened.
>It might be days before you can make any progress with her again.
>But with any luck she’ll remember that feeling, the mind numbing pleasure that goes beyond normal sex.
>And she’ll link it to you.
>If you’re really lucky she won’t figure out you’d drugged her, she’ll just think that’s what your hands do.
>Nothing to do now but wait and see.
>Your pager goes off.
“Hmm? Oh shit!”
>You rush up to the operating theater…
Rarity’s journal.
Date: unknown.
The vile brute who I’ve come to know as my captor is quite perplexing.
At one moment he seems sweet and caring, the next he’s a lust maddened psychopath.
He seems to think me some kind of harlott, that I will willingly lift my tail to sate his desires.
But I cannot deny… the thought has occured to me.
I’m not entirely unfamiliar with my body, I’ve explored it on quiet evenings in the bath as any young mare might.
Perhaps a tad more often than is proper for a lady? Not so often though, I do have self control!
But his touch tonight… it was sublime.
Is his what it feels like to be touched by a stallion? It felt so much more than I’d ever imagined.
I tried to stop him, I really did! But I simply couldn’t help myself.
To push him away then would be like eating half a spoonful of iced cream and throw the rest out, it simply can’t be done!
Perhaps he spoke the truth, perhaps it was those appendages of his that did it.
What might it feel like to do it properly? To go the whole way? Could it possibly be greater?
It matters not! I am a LADY and I must comport myself as one!
I must not give in to such carnal desires no matter how spectacular they may feel.
Even if I already yearn for more.
I must make my escape quickly lest he rob me of even more dignity.
I shall return to Ponyville and inform Twilight of what this beast has done, she shall never stand for it and he shall face justice!
It is decided, I shall make my egress as soon as I am able even if it DOES cost me my magic.
But first a nap. For some reason I feel quite drained.
Lady Rarity
>You survey the operating theater through the observation window.
>It was well stocked and orderly, as it ought to be.
>It took a long time to set things up just right, far too long in fact.
>And so you tried to keep the theater more or less ready in case of emergencies.
>Some things couldn’t be prepared in advance, of course.
>But by and large you were only a few minutes away from being ready.
>All the wrapped tools were in place, all the surfaces covered, everything sterilized.
>You were hoping you wouldn’t need it tonight, but the message you’d received…
>Was totally indecipherable.
>Your pager system only supported human languages, and Sassaflash could neither read nor write in them.
>She just mashed buttons to tell you when there was an emergency.
>The front door swung open, and a pair of crystal ponies rushed through with a stretcher in tow.
>Sassaflash walked in behind them.
>”She crashed from a pretty high height and is having trouble breathing.”
>You take a quick look at the patient.
>A butter yellow pegasus with a pink mane.
>She’s panting despite lying still.
“Any chest pain?”
>She sniffles and nods.
>This could be REALLY bad.
“Bring her to imaging, try to be gentle.”
>If it’s an aortic rupture…
“Sassaflash, talk to me.”
>She looks stunned for a moment, probably surprised that you got her name right.
>But to her credit she quickly recovers and focuses on the job at hoof.
>”Her name is Fluttershy, we don’t have her medical history.”
“Any signs of external injury?”
>”Some bruises and a scraped knee.”
>Internal bleeding.
“Anything you can tell me might be important.”
>The two of you march to medical imaging.
>You start to fight with the ultrasound.
>”She’s an Element of Harmony? I don’t know much more!”
>Another one of those elements.
>Wait, did she know Rarity?
>Had she come looking for her?
>Oh crap, Sassaflash saw Rarity!
>If Fluttershy talks to her your cover’s blown!
“Allright, Butterfly. Stay with me. I think I know what’s wrong with you, and it is something I can fix.”
>You pass the ultrasound over her chest.
>You’re picking up a big pool of blood around her lungs.
“Whew, I was wrong. That’s a big relief. It’s hemothorax, much less dangerous.”
>You scan around looking for signs of secondary injury.
>You do find some problems, but nothing major.
“We need to drain the pooled blood and monitor her for a few days. The damage should mend itself in time. Open your mouth.”
>She does so with a cry of pain.
>You press your thumb against her gums for a moment before pulling it away.
>It stays pale.
“Delayed capillary refill.”
>She’d lost a fair amount of blood.
>Hypovolemia, you need to refill her veins to give her heart something to pump.
“Sassaflash, go get a bag of saline!”
>Hopefully she wouldn’t need a transfusion, you didn’t know her type and supplies were always low.
“Butterfly! I’ve cured much worse, try to relax. I’m going to give you something to help with the pain, then we’ll get you patched up. Hold still, you’ll feel a pinch.”
>You produce a needle and sink it into her thigh muscle.
>She flinches but doesn’t fight.
“Just give it a couple minutes. You’re going to be fine. Get her into the theater, and DON’T TOUCH ANYTHING! I can’t stress this enough, it needs to stay clean, and you’re all FILTHY!”
>Sassaflash offers an apologetic grin.
>”He’s sorta a neat freak when it comes to this stuff.”
“You would be too if you knew what I knew.”
>You and the crystal ponies go into the operating theater and carefully slide Fluttershy onto the operating table.
>You keep a very close eye on what they touch.
>Anaesthesia machine’s contaminated.
>Thankfully you don’t need to put her under general for this.
“Right, thanks guys.”
>”Of course! What next, doc?”
“Couple quick tests. Then I clean up.”
>The two crystal ponies look at you with a face of minor confusion.
>”But this place is spotless.”
>”And don’t you have to fix up your patient?”
“I’m filthy though.”
>They look at each other in confusion.
“Trust me on this.”
>You shoo them out of the room.
“How’re you holding up? Is the pain going away?”
>She sounds out of breath.
>No surprise there.
“Okay. Dizzy at all?”
>”No. Oh my goodness, what’s happening?”
>She’s scared.
>You walk over and touch her on the face.
>A bit cool…
“You were flying and you crashed.”
>You start to affix a pressure cuff to her leg to find out just how low she is.
>Tachycardia, around 120 beats per minute.
“You’re bleeding internally. Should heal on its own in time, we just need to keep you healthy for a little while.”
>Sassaflash runs into the room, I.V. bag in tow.
>You carefully check to see if it’s been punctured.
>”Anything else you need, doc?”
“I don’t think so, but stay nearby.”
>She nods and quickly vacates the room.
>You start to wash your hands.
“There’s a pool of blood around your lungs keeping you from breathing,. We’re going to have to drain it before it clots, otherwise it’ll cause a lot of problems. Understand?”
>She just whimpers.
>You don your gloves, gown, and mask.
>Then you grab an electric razor.
“I need to cut a little bit of fur away to work.”
>You then apply a local anaesthetic to her leg and wire the I.V. in.
>Once you’re satisfied you shave off a small area near her ribs.
>You set to numb the area, then sterilize the area.
“Feel any pain here?”
>You poke your work area with a small needle.
>You make a small incision then unwrap a sterilized camera probe.
>You carefully put it inside her chest cavity, sliding it right between the ribs.
>You unwrap a length of sterile pvc pipe and attach it to a flutter valve.
>You slide the chest tube in alongside the camera.
>Once you’re satisfied it’s in the right place you remove the camera, bandage the tube in place, and unclamp it.
>You can see blood draining out almost immediately.
>Fluttershy’s breathing becomes deeper and less laboured.
>”Much. I’m really sore though.”
>Yeah, that’s to be expected.
>You don’t want to overdo it on the morphine though.
>There are enough addicts on Earth, or at least there were before pope Leviathan called the 13th crusade.
>It was just so hard to get the stuff after what he did to the middle east.
>Even so, you don’t want to bring that problem here.
“We’ll have to keep you here for a little while to make sure you’re okay, but that should take care of it. Tell me right away if you’re dizzy or faint.”
>You step back and watch as the blood drains.
>It’s slowing down, thankfully.
“You’ve lost a little over a liter of blood, so it’s normal to feel a bit cold or weak.”
>You turn to face the window.
“She’s going to be really cold! Make sure the recovery room is nice and warm, get extra blankets! We don’t want hypothermia!”
>Sassaflash nods and trots off.
>You check the pressure cuff.
“Pressure’s low, but not alarmingly so. Heart rate’s returning to normal. Looks like you’re going to be fine.”
>”Are you sure? I don’t feel fine.”
“Like I said, we’re going to have to keep an eye on you for a few days.”
>Once you’re satisfied that the drainage is done you carefully remove the tube.
>You put the camera back in to confirm.
>Fluttershy winces in pain when it goes in, but doesn’t complain.
“Looks like we’re good. We’ll close you up now.”
>”Close me up? What do you mean?”
>Had you not told her you were cutting her open?
>You pull it out, suture the wound, and dress it.
“You might have a small scar here, but it shouldn’t be visible once your fur regrows.”
>You turn around and face the window, your gown and gloves stained with blood.
>One of the crystal ponies who’d brought her in faints.
>The other starts hyperventilating.
“Oh, relax. You’re taking it worse than the patient did. You were very brave, Butterfly.”
>She just squeaks a little.
>You strip your surgical garb and toss it in the laundry bin.
“Now stop freaking out and help me move her to recovery.”
>The standing pony swallows a big lump in their throat, but enters the room.
>The two of you slide her onto the stretcher and bring her to recovery, carefully wheeling the IV alongside you.
>Fluttershy grunts slightly in pain when you place her on the bed.
>Sassaflash tenderly tucks her in.
>”Hey, Anon? The bed was all messed up for some reason.”
>”And it smells kinda funny in here.”
“You’re right. Somepony must have wandered in today, guess I forgot to lock it. Say, Butterfly? I have a few questions I’d like to ask. Do you remember what you were doing before you crashed?”
>”Umm, yes?”
“Well? Are you going to tell me?”
>Sassaflash pushes you aside.
>You suddenly remember she knows too much.
>You’d been too focused on your work and had forgotten all about it!
>”Don’t worry, you’re not in trouble. We’re just wondering why it happened, because it might be important.”
>”Oh. Well, I was flying.”
>You need to get Sassaflash out of here.
>”I’d come to the Crystal Empire looking for a friend. And then I got this really weird feeling.”
“I don’t like the sounds of that. Everypony out, we need to focus. Actually, you can all go home. I can take it from here.”
>”You sure, doc?”
“Yep. Thanks, Sassaflash.”
>”When did you learn my name?”
“Must have finally sunk in.”
>She smiles at you before walking away.
>You wait until you’re certain everyone’s out of earshot before you talk to Fluttershy.
“So you were looking for a friend?”
>”Yes. She came here a little while ago and nopony has seen her since.”
“What can you tell me about this friend?”
>”Well, she’s a greyish white unicorn with a purple mane and diamonds for a cutiemark. Her name is Rarity.”
>They’d already tracked her to the Empire.
“Do you know why she’d come here?”
>”She’d recently bought a small storefront by Amethyst Alley and was planning on opening another branch of her boutique.”
>She owned land?
>You nearly rub your hands together greedily.
“Well, I haven’t seen her but I’ll definitely keep an eye open. I’ll even let the princess know tomorrow.”
>”You’d do that for her? Oh, thank you.”
>She shoots you a weary smile.
“Anything you can tell me about her could be useful. Her fears, her desires, her habits… what does she want out of life?”
>Fluttershy averts her gaze slightly.
>”I’m not sure I should be gossiping about her.”
“Doctor patient privilege. I won’t tell anypony.”
>”But it’s not nice to share her secrets.”
>You go to the sink and fill a cup with cool water.
>You then pass it to her.
“You should drink lots for a little while. Nice and slow, don’t rush yourself. And if she’s missing I need to know everything I can to help find her. Anything you tell me could be a hint. She could be in trouble, hay, somepony might have even kidnapped her!”
>Fluttershy gasps.
>”Well, if it’s to help her out… Rarity has always been a little bit… colt crazy.”
>”But nopony is good enough for her. The poor girl can’t find a stallion.”
>That sounded hard to believe.
>NOPONY was good enough for her?
>”She even almost dated prince Blueblood once, but she decided he was no good.”
>Impossibly high standards.
“What does she do when she’s happy?”
>”She goes Wuahahaa.”
“And when she’s sad?”
>”She eats a lot of ice cream.”
>Stress eater, eh?
>You’ll have to moderate her food supply lest she balloon up.
“Well, I’ll spread the word around and keep an eye out. Hopefully we’ll find her soon.”
>”Oh yes, I do hope so. Everypony is so worried about her.”
>Like a dagger to the heart.
>You can’t give her up though.
>You just can’t.
>She’s yours!
“But let’s talk about you for a bit. You seem lucid enough.”
>”Thank you, it’s one of my best traits.”
“So I don’t think you’ve had a stroke or anything. I don’t have the gear to do a proper CT scan… we’ll have to diagnose the old fashioned way. What happened?”
>”Like I said, I was flying around town, going to the palace. I thought maybe she’d gone there, she does like shiny things after all. Then suddenly I just couldn’t focus. Have you ever gone somewhere to get something and when you get there you forget what it was?”
>A few times.
>You nod.
>”I knew I was flying, and I knew I had to do something to keep flying, but I just couldn’t remember what.”
“You forgot to flap?”
>She tries to hide behind her mane.
>That’s a pretty extreme form of forgetfulness.
>Something was definitely wrong.
>You just didn’t know what.
“Are your wings working okay now?”
>”I think so.”
>She squirms around a little bit.
>”Yes, I think they’re fine.”
>”What does it mean?”
>You have no idea.
“No headache?”
“Nausea, vomiting, confusion, blurred vision?”
“No history of seizures?”
“Did you lose consciousness at any point? Were you paralyzed?”
>”No. I just couldn’t remember how to fly.”
>You’ve got no clue what’s going on.
“I’ll have to do some reading to try and piece this together. You try to get some rest, you’ve had a rough day. I’ll be by later to change the dressing on your wound.”
>”Thank you, mister.”
“Light on or off?”
>”On please. I don’t like the dark.”
“Alright, have a good night.”
>You gently close the door behind yourself and go to your office.
>You’re pretty sure she’s lying about something.
>That just doesn’t add up!
>It wouldn’t be the first time you’d run into a magical ailment.
>You’ll have to get a consultant to look into that for you.
>But first a more pressing issue.
>Ponies are looking for Rarity.
>And you suspect they’ll make sure everypony knows what she looks like.
>Unless you can think of some way of stopping that, you’ll have to disguise Rarity.
>Time for a makeover.
>It’d been two days since the accident.
>You’ve left Rarity alone since then, only going in to give her water.
>She was about as mopey as you’d expected.
>MDMA leading to dopamine depletion was nothing new. She was depressed, irritable, lethargic, and her memory was shot.
>There wasn’t much point in working on her when she was in that state.
>Sure, she’d likely obey, but it was doubtful anything would stick.
>You’d known this was going to happen when you’d done it.
>Thankfully it should be over at this point.
>You fully expect that next time you check in on her she’ll be more or less normal.
>Training could finally resume.
>Just as soon as her friends leave!
>How long were they going to spend here anyway?
>You toss a glance over at the recovery room, hearing the inane chatter and giggling.
>The clinic was closed, yet they were still here.
>You’d have to kick them out eventually…
>It wasn’t likely that they’d find you out, but unlikely wasn’t impossible.
>The worry was getting to you.
>All that had to happen was for Sassaflash to overhear the wrong words and you were screwed.
>She was tidying up her desk before heading home.
>Humming away, blissfully unaware.
>You had to get rid of her somehow.
“If you don’t mind my asking, what are you planning on doing on your vacation?”
>She tilts her head and blinks a few times.
“You planning on travelling anywhere?”
>”What vacation?”
“You get three weeks paid leave each year. If you don’t use them they expire.”
>Why had you said three?
>Damn it, that was going to cost you.
“Isn’t that part of the labour code?”
>”Labour code?”
“I must be confusing the rules with what they do back home. Well, I’d budgeted assuming I’d have to get a temp while you were gone, so the offer’s still on the table. Unless you WANT to stay here and work for some reason.”
>She beams at you.
>”Thanks, Anon. You’re too sweet. I’ve always wanted to see Glacier Park.”
“What’s that about?”
>”Glaciers used to stretch further down into Equestria. By the time they melted they’d carved out a really neat river that stretches all the way from the Crystal mountains down to Horseshoe Bay!. They say it’s beautiful, especially the waterfalls.”
“Sounds nice. I’ll have to try and check it out some time.”
>Maybe with a loyal mare in tow?
>”If you don't mind, I think I'm going to go home and pack!”
“Enjoy your break. You've earned it.”
>She skips away merrily.
>You wish you could be so carefree.
>Living in the moment, running off on an adventure on a whim.
>It’s one of her more endearing traits.
>That and her perky butt.
>You walk to the recovery ward and step in.
>Everypony falls silent and looks straight at you.
>”Sorry, don't mind me. Just have to check a few things.”
>You don’t need to check anything.
>You just wanted to check out Rarity’s circle of friends, see who you have to watch out for.
>Purple’s here, that was a problem.
>She’s one of those alicorns, they have a lot of influence.
>Then you’ve got orange, pink, and blue.
>Twilight trots up to you with a sparkle in her eye.
>”Thank you so much! You have no idea how much it means to us that you were here to help her out.”
“It’s what I do.”
>You inspect the site of your incision for no reason.
>”So what did you do anyway?”
“Well, her lungs were being kept deflated by a pool of blood in the pleural cavity.”
>The blue one rolls her eyes.
>She whispers something to the orange one, and they both share a suppressed giggle.
“If it were left there it’d clot and put pressure on her heart. It’d also irritate and scar her pleura, making it hard or impossible to breathe.”
>The pink one interrupts.
>Twilight pouts.
>”I don’t think it’s boring.”
“Left untreated it’s usually fatal.”
>Fluttershy was looking mighty pale.
>Bedside manner was never your strong suit.
“But it’s gone now, and she’s looking to have recovered nicely. I’m planning on discharging her in a day or two.”
>”But how did you fix it?”
“I cut her chest open, stuck a tube between her ribs, and pumped it out.”
>The blue one suddenly looks very interested.
>The rest are displaying varying degrees of horror.
>Twilight looks especially concerned.
“I don’t recommend you try it yourself, it’s very easy to make a bad situation worse.”
>”But what if you’d punctured her lungs! Or- or what if you pump too hard and hurt her that way? Or what if you don’t pump hard enough and you leave some in? Isn’t she going to get sick from the wound?”
“That’s why I don’t recommend you try it yourself. Luckily I’m pretty good at this stuff, it went off without a hitch. Your friend’s totally fine. Honestly I could release her today, but I want to make sure she’s fully recovered.”
>Fluttershy smiles slightly.
>”I’m still a little sore, but other than that I feel okay.”
“The soreness should go away soon. It’s just your body fixing everything up. Hey, Twiggy. You know magic, right?”
>”A little.”
>The orange one stares at her.
>”Don’t be so modest, Twi. Y’all are super gifted and we all know it. No point in pretendin’ otherwise.”
“Your friend crashed for a reason. Problem is the symptoms she told me don’t really add up. Any way to check if she’s got a magical problem?”
>”She does.”
>She’d already thought of that?
>Or maybe it was just obvious to her.
>”Somepony tried to cast a spell on her but it didn’t work right. It was probably attuned wrong, either cast by somepony who didn’t really know what they were doing or more likely it was meant to be cast on somepony else.”
“And that messed with her head?”
>The door swung open.
>Shining Armor walked in.
>He hugged her tightly.
>”I came here as soon as I’d heard you were in town. Why didn’t you tell me you were here?”
>”It’s good to see you too, Shiney. I was going to go see you and Cadence when I was done here. But first I had to make sure Fluttershy was okay.”
>”Well, I’m always glad to see my little sister. All your friends are invited too! Are you planning on staying the night?”
>”Yes actually. We have a big problem so we’ll be here for a while. Rarity is missing!”
>”Oh, wow! That IS serious! Any idea where she was before?”
>”Right here, in the Crystal Empire.”
>Shining Armor rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
>”Hmm. This place is pretty safe. You sure she got here?”
>Thanks, man.
>”Absolutely certain.”
>”Alright! We’ll find her, Twilight. Don’t you worry! I’ll organize the militia to do a thorough search. We’ll leave no stone unturned!”
>”Thanks, Shiney. We’re going to conduct our own investigation too.Please tell them to share any clues they find.”
>“I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”
>Everyone looked at him, yourself included.
>You don’t know where he’s going with this.
>But hopefully it’s good.
>”It looks like somepony cast a strong spell on Fluttershy. It’s probably what made her crash.”
>”Yeah, I’d noticed. Unfortunately by the time I’d gotten here it had decayed too much so I can’t tell what it was supposed to do.”
>”Are you expecting long term effects? Like, do you think she’s in trouble?”
>Twilight shook her head.
>”There’ll be no sign of it in a couple of days at this rate. Whatever spell it was it’s gone.”
>”That’s good. But it’s still worrying. Somepony casts a spell on Fluttershy then Rarity goes missing.”
>Oh, that’s a good idea!
>You owe him big.
“You think it’s related?”
>”I’d bet on it. There’s a VERY good chance whoever cast that spell is responsible for Rarity’s disappearance. We find them and we find Rarity. But.”
>”The rest of you should probably get out as soon as you can. If I’m right then somepony is targeting you and your friends. My bet is that they want the Elements out of the way for some nefarious plan. If I’m right we have to make sure you’re safe.”
>The girls spent a little bit murmuring among themselves.
>The blue one was the first to make up her mind.
>”Not a chance! We’re going to save Rarity, find whoever took her, and KICK! THEIR! BUTT!”
>The rest of them cheered, save for Fluttershy who merely nodded.
>Shining Armor closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh.
>”I’m not going to be able to convince you it’s too dangerous, am I? Alright. We’ll meet up at the palace and plan things out. But just to be on the safe side you’re all going to let me know where you’re going and when! We don’t want anypony else to go missing or get hurt. I’ll meet you there, first I have to talk to the good doctor.”
>Twilight tilted her head a bit.
>”Is something wrong?”
>”My blood pressure is really high, I’ve been meaning to see him about it.”
>He was lying.
>There was no way he’d chosen now of all times to take it seriously.
>”Alright. I’ll be in my office when you want me. I’ve got some reading to do.”
>You step out and head to your office.
>It was true, you did have reading you needed to do.
>Being a physician meant there was no end to the studying.
>It was basically impossible for one man to retain complete knowledge of medicine, no matter how smart they were.
>That meant you were constantly brushing up on things, reviewing information on drugs, reading and re-reading the symptoms of various conditions.
>But you weren’t studying right now.
>You were trying to think of a way out of this mess.
>Why hadn’t Cadence chosen somepony less popular?
>Shining Armor walks in sooner than you’d expected.
>”You owe me.”
“I know.”
>”I don’t like lying to my sister, and I don’t like being dragged into all this stuff.”
“I really do appreciate the help.”
>He leaned over the desk and stared you in the eye.
>”You’ve got to let her go.”
“What? I thought you were cool with this.”
>”I didn’t know it was Rarity! Cadence said it was a pony who was going to die alone and unloved! She said it was a pony who’d be happier with this kind of relationship!”
“And? You said you trust her, right? If she’s to be believed then Rarara is exactly that.”
>He sank down to his haunches and rubbed his face wearily.
>”I gotta be honest with you. I’m not sure she’s right.”
>”I’m not going to sell you out, don’t worry. But I think you should let her go. Do you have any pills or anything that can make her forget what happened?”
“That would be a bit of a stretch. Why didn’t you say so sooner?”
>He looks up at you.
>To your surprise he’s crying.
>Not much, he’s holding it together pretty well.
>But there are a few tears dropping from his eyes.
>”I’d do anything to keep her, Anon. Anything.”
>That was a surprise.
>”She’s too good for me and I know it! She’s gorgeous, funny, loving- she’s perfect! And I’m just me. Some day she’s going to find out she could have anypony she wanted.”
“Calm down, man. She’s not going to leave you. That girl loves you, hay, she’s obsessed with you.”
>”I think she’s cheating on me. She hasn’t wanted to have sex for a couple days now...”
“I told her she was overworking you and you needed a break.”
>”What? No, I need to keep her happy or she’ll ditch me!”
>This was almost certainly a big part of his stress problem.
>He said he was willing to do anything for her.
>And given the fact he was willing to turn a blind eye on ponies going missing?
>You figured he was telling the truth.
>Cadence had a libido that he couldn’t hope to sate.
>And he was worried that if he didn’t she’d leave him.
>This was probably a breach of the World Health Association’s ethics codes…
>But you were out of their jurisdiction.
“I think I have the solution.”
>He looks up at you, hope in his eye.
“Bring her here tonight. I think I know how you can keep her satisfied.”
“How steady is your levitation?”
>”Really good!”
“If you’ll excuse me I need to do some reading. This procedure is new to me. Should be pretty straightforward, and I’ve done similar ones. But I need to make sure I’ve got everything in order.”
>”If this works, I promise you I won’t forget it.”
>He stand up and turns to leave.
>You’re faced with a difficult decision.
>Tell him to clean his face first, thereby acknowledging he was crying?
>Or pretend you didn’t notice and let the whole world see?
>What’s the right approach?
“Hey, you had something on your face. Might wanna wash up first.”
>”Oh right, thanks.”
Be forewarned I’m glossing over a procedure here because it’s going to happen again shortly after. For those of you who are autistic enough to care about how it’s done [spoiler]as I am[/spoiler] you’ll get an explanation next time. I just didn’t think it was a good idea to cover it twice in rapid succession.
>The theory is all sound.
>You’re repurposing gear a bit, but it should all work.
>As far as you can tell you’ve got it all planned out.
>But there’s a bit of a problem.
>This procedure isn’t documented in any of your texts.
>And as you well know there’s a difference between theory and practice.
>Neurostimulation wasn’t new.
>There were several procedures that called for it and even more implants designed for it.
>It could be used to treat pain, parkinsons, heart failure, and even blindness to some extent.
>But as far as you were aware, nobody had ever used it quite as you plan to.
>Positioned properly you could use this technique to remotely stimulate the dorsal clitoris.
>You could tickle the clitoris, labia, and the perinia without ever touching it.
>And you should be able to modulate the intensity too.
>It could be subtle as a gentle breeze or as strong as a heavy kick.
>It really shouldn’t be that hard.
>If that wasn't enough to satisfy Cadence you didn't know what was.
>Still, you’d feel much more comfortable if you could actually try it out on somepony.
>Somepony who couldn’t say no…
>Time to fetch Rarity.
>You make your way downstairs to find her lying on the ground, sprawled out.
>She scrambles to her hooves when she hears you coming.
>You pass her a ball gag.
>She looks up at you.
“I’ve decided you need a makeover.”
>”Do I have any say in the matter?”
>”Very well.”
>She sounds dejected.
“Actually? Yes. If you’re a good girl I’ll let you style your own mane and tail.”
>”And if I’m not?”
“Bald. Put it in your mouth and fasten it.”
>She places the gag in her mouth.
>It takes her a fair amount of effort to tie it up without her magic, but she pulls it off eventually.
>You detach the chain from the wall and hold the end in your hand.
>You walk up the stairs without a word.
>She reluctantly follows, either frightened by the chain around her neck or the threat of being shaved.
>You drag her to the operating theater, keeping a close eye on the door to the recovery ward as you go.
>Fluttershy was asleep, you’d checked before going downstairs.
>You’d also pushed a filing cabinet in front of her door just to be safe.
>But still you couldn’t help but worry a bit.
>Maybe it would be best to wait until she was gone?
>Doing this would be important to her training.
>You could demolish her self image AND take control of her sexual response at the same time.
>The quicker you made her yours the less risky it was in the long run.
>And more importantly?
>You’d promised Shining Armor you’d help him out.
>And somehow you doubt he’d let you do this without at least a dry run first.
>You pull Rarity into the operating theater and gesture for her to lie on the table.
>She makes no attempt to hide her fear.
“It’s just a makeover. But I can’t have you fighting with me every step of the way. Understand?”
>She stares at you wide eyed, but nods regardless.
“I’m going to give you something to keep you relaxed. People back home often call it laughing gas.”
>You go over to the anaesthesia machine.
>NO2, Sevoflurane, and oxygen.
>Time was it was really tricky to knock somebody out with gas.
>Well, assuming you wanted them to wake up after.
>Things had gotten a lot easier since you were in med school.
>Even your discount gear featured a wide array of bells and whistles to help regulate gas flow.
>Alarms that sounded if oxygen was low, regulators to control pressure perfectly, instruments to monitor the patient’s breathing.
>It was pretty hard to screw up.
>You grab the mask and bring it toward her.
>Rarity flinches back.
“It’s either laughing gas or I give you the needle I used last time. You remember how sick it made you.”
>She hangs her head dejectedly.
>You direct her to lie on her back.
>Rarity makes no attempt to stop you when you pull the gag out of her mouth.
>She lies limp when you strap the mask over her muzzle.
“Breath through your nose, count down starting from ten.”
>”Ten. Nine. Eight? Uhh…”
>Seven never comes.
>You grab the colonoscope and set to work.
>She hadn’t been prepped properly for a colonoscopy, but luckily you’re not going very far in.
>Before long you’ve got a microelectrode attached to her dorsal clitoral nerve.
>Like all good neurostimulators it’s powered by radio frequency induction. You can control it at your whim and it will never need recharging.
>Hopefully it works like you’ve planned.
>But you’ll have to wake Rarity to find out.
>And before that you have to give her a makeover.
>It WAS something you’d been planning on doing for a while, just so you’d have the option of humiliating her in public.
>But now it was also a good cover story.
>If you're lucky you'll be able to convince her it was JUST a makeover.
>That the strange sensations in her loins are her own body’s doing.
>The idea of controlling one of her most intimate nerves like that without her even knowing is already driving you wild.
>You haven't quite decided what to do with that power just yet, there are too many possibilities!
>The sooner you’ve got the job done the better.
>Bleach her mane and tail, dye it rich blonde.
>It takes perhaps a tad longer than it should, you've no experience with such things.
>You look over your work in disapproval, her new look just isn’t working.
>It’s too bright.
>The blonde doesn’t contrast with her coat very well.
>You prepare some black dye and begin to daub it about her body.
>You wind up choosing a piebald look, something similar to a Holstein cow.
>You HAD seen it on ponies before.
>It wasn’t common, but that Pipsqueak chap came to mind.
>She looked much better to your eye.
>Perhaps not as good as she’d looked at first, for some reason the purple mane did it for you.
>You’ll probably let her get her old looks back at some point.
>Maybe you’ll keep the cow print?
>Who knows, it depends on what you feel like down the road.
>Regardless, this should do as a disguise.
>Wait, no.
>Her cutie mark.
>You try to bleach it out to no avail.
>Looks like you can’t erase horse magic with chlorine.
>Luckily, black dye seems able to cover it just fine.
>You cover the three diamonds with three carefully placed question marks.
>Maybe you’ll make that more permanent at some point?
>Maybe even brand her.
>You haven’t really decided yet.
>It’s looking pretty good, but it’s still missing something.
>Some key feature that will really drive home the look of a sex object.
>Something that will make her understand what she’s for…
>A piercing.
>You fetch a disposable curette head, just a small hypoallergenic plastic scraper.
>You carefully cut off the head so that it doesn’t scrape her up too much.
>You quickly sterilize the area you’re working in, make sure all your tools are nice and sanitary...
>Then you shove a broad gauge needle and shove it through her clitoral hood.
>Rarity doesn’t react at all, she didn’t feel a thing.
>You put the trimmed down curette head through the opening and apply a bandage to stop the bleeding.
>It’s not perfect, but you’ll get her something proper tomorrow.
>For now it’ll keep the piercing from closing up.
>Well, that should do it for now.
>You can always redesign her later if you get tired of this look.
>Time for the grand reveal!
>You cut off the gas and remove the mask.
>You then pick up the unconscious pony and hold her close to your chest, belly up.
>When did you get so weak?
>You used to hit the gym at med school all the time!
>That wasn't all that long ago.
>Just your internship, your couple years in the trauma center, all the time since you'd moved to Equestria…
>Okay, fine. You haven't worked out for several years.
>You struggle a bit as you descend into the basement, your legs threatening to give out with every step.
>But you make it.
>Rarity starts to stir.
>She reaches out with her front legs.
>And pulls you close in a loving hug.
>You spend a moment relishing the sensation, soaking in the affection your slave is showing.
>And then you hug her back.
>It's somehow satisfying in a way that the sex wasn't, soothing an aching loneliness you never knew you had.
>You’d long ago given up on love.
>Your tastes wouldn’t allow it.
>You didn’t want an equal partner, you wanted a possession.
>You wanted to own them, to control them.
>But apparently that wasn’t enough.
>You’d never really known it before, but there was a key component missing.
>You didn’t want to merely own their body.
>You also wanted to own their mind, their heart, their everything.
>And in this very moment you did.
>You knew it was a lie.
>She was euphoric from the nitrous, probably having some crazy dream.
>Still, you could pretend.
>If only for a moment.
>You’re going to make it real.
>You don’t know how quite yet, but it’s going to happen.
>If Cadence was right, all you had to do was fuck Rarity’s brains out and she’d be yours.
>Somehow you doubt it’d be quite so simple.
>You carefully put her down on the floor and reattach her chain to the wall.
>She’d cooperated, so you were going to let her style her own mane.
>You were a man of your word after all.
>She was going to need scissors and a mirror.
>You head upstairs and pocket a pair of Mayo scissors.
>You dismount the mirror from the washroom and head back down.
>It’s a little on the small side.
>Maybe you should get her a really big one?
>You could make her watch herself when you’re using her…
>Yes, it has to happen.
>Rarity is starting to sit up by the time you’ve placed the mirror.
>”Ooh… I had the most wonderful dream. Why do I feel so sore? Sweetie Belle?”
>She blinks a few times and looks around.
>Her happy expression quickly changes.
“You were having a good dream then?”
>”Yes. I assure you that you weren’t in it.”
“Sassing me already, eh?”
>”Augh. What is this pain in my- you DIDN’T!”
>She blushes and turns to face you.
>She meekly grabs at her groin.
“I’ll get some proper jewelry for it tomorrow.”
>”And why is my rump so sore? Did-”
>Her blush turns a deep red.
>”Did you?”
“What, give you a rough buttfucking?”
>”While I was ASLEEP?”
“Did you want to be awake for that? Alright, I’m ready for round two.”
>”You stay away from me you pervert!”
>You shrug.
“Alright, bald it is.”
>She lets out a horrified gasp.
>Rarity does her best to bow before you.
>Her horn bumps against the crystal floor.
>”I’m sorry, master! Please forgive me!”
>You stroke your chin, pretending to think.
>Then something quite shocking happens.
>Rarity gets up, trots over to the display shelf, and grabs the paddle in her teeth.
>She walks over to you and puts it on the ground before you before bowing again.
>That girl REALLY likes her mane.
>You should take it away as a matter of principle.
>But it might be better for her conditioning if she helps you in her transformation.
>And she WAS trying to make up for it...
“Alright, I’ll go easy on you. IF.”
>She clenches her teeth.
>You don’t say anything.
>Just let the silence hang for a bit.
>”If what, master?”
“If I like your manestyle. If it’s ugly I’m shaving it off.”
>She wipes her brow, a small amount of sweat flying off.
“Make it something feminine, something that seems care free. Mirror’s over there.”
>She glances over at it.
>Rarity nearly faints.
>”Hah. Hahahaaaha!”
>She collapses on the floor and starts to laugh maniacally.
>Maybe you’ve broken her?
>Hopefully not, you aren’t done with her yet.
>”I’m HIDEOUS! Hahahahaaaa!”
>It takes several minutes for her to calm down.
>Finally she lie on the floor just staring at the mirror.
>Eyes wide.
“You done?”
>”I believe so.”
>You reach into your coat pocket and grab the transmitter for her implant.
“I think it looks cute.”
>You turn it on low.
>”You said anything you took you’d give back.”
>You had.
>You nod at her.
“What must I do for you to return my old appearance?”
“We’ll discuss that later. For now you should be styling your mane.”
>She looks downcast.
>”Yes, I see. Perhaps… yes. I do believe I know the style. I shall need a brush however.”
“Gotcha covered.”
>Cadence had given you one in the toy chest.
>You’re pretty sure it’s for spanking.
>But you see no reason why it can’t be used for actual brushing as well.
>The instant she has it she starts vigorously straightening her mane out.
>”This shall take a while, it’s atrociously tangled.”
“Does that thing take a lot of maintenance?”
>”Why yes, of course! A properly styled coiffure is indicative of refinement and style, a proper lady puts far more work into it than you might realize!”
“Than WHO might realize?”
>”Ah, yes. Than master might realize.”
>You subtly increase the power.
>You watch Rarity brush her mane with what must surely be excessive care.
>After a few minutes she starts to grind her legs together slightly.
>You can’t help but grin.
>”Is it warm in here?”
“Maybe a little. Why?”
>”I just feel a little toasty is all.”
>She starts to braid her mane into long twin tails
“Could be a good look on you.”
>You turn up the power just a little bit more.
>”Why thank you master. But if we’re being honest anything would look good on me.”
>The twin tails cross over on her neck and hang about halfway to the ground.
“Plus I can pull on them when I mount you.”
>You turn up the power yet again.
>Her face is flush.
>She’s starting to breath heavily.
>You’d better leave it at that, if you push it too far she’ll figure out something’s up.
“Are you feeling ill?”
>”Perhaps a tad. I haven’t been sleeping very well as of late.”
“You seemed fine when I did the checkup a few days back. Might have missed something though, I’ll do a more thorough job of it later tonight if you like.”
>”I believe it’s just a cold, master.”
>Her hind legs continue to grind against each other.
“So what are you doing for the tail?”
>”I’ve not decided quite yet. It is a rather difficult decision…”
“Fair enough. I’m going to have to get going soon, I’ve got to do a minor surgery tonight.”
>Shining and Cadence were likely going to arrive soon.
>You sit down on the floor legs crossed and pick up the paddle.
>Rarity whimpers.
“It WAS your idea.”
>She reluctantly crawls up on your lap.
“Since you were mostly good I’m only going to five. Ready?”
>”Yes. Master.”
>This wasn’t quite right.
>You liked the feeling of her rump jiggling under your palm.
>The solid sensation of her perky butt in your hand.
>Odds were you wouldn’t be using the paddle often.
“One more.
>Rarity was gritting her teeth, holding back tears that were welling up in her eyes.
>But she’d faced her punishment without complaint.
>You scratch her behind her ears.
>She barely fails to suppress a moan.
“Good girl.”
>You leave her alone in the basement and slowly turn down the transmitter, leaving Rarity desperately aroused and totally unsatisfied.
>Today was a good day.
>Operating theater was prepped.
>Tools were sterile.
>You were ready to go.
>Just as soon as Shining Armor and Cadence arrived.
>It would be… troublesome to explain to them that this was not considered acceptable practice.
>It wasn’t the first time you’d breached the code of ethics, and it wouldn’t be the last.
>You really didn’t mind bending the rules from time to time if you thought it was for the best.
>But this was different.
>They were your friends.
>They deserved to know.
>You turn around.
>And nearly trip on Cadence.
“How long have you two been there?”
>Shining Armor glances at the clock.
“Like, five minutes.”
>Okay then.
>They’d just been standing there watching you.
>Not creepy.
>”How clean exactly did you need to get those tweezers?”
“Preferably cleaner than this. Ya work with what you've got.”
>Cadence rolled her eyes.
>”So Shiney says you have a surprise for us?”
“Yes. But first we need to discuss a few things. There is no such thing as safe medicine, you need to know the risks.”
>Shining Armor looked a bit apprehensive.
“I'd like to discuss this procedure separately. It is customary that I do so just so that neither of you feels pressured by your partner. Shining? Get out of this room until it's time. If anything we’re using gets messed up your wife could get extremely sick. Cadence? Meet me in my office.”
>She follows you with what you believe to be a look of curious excitement.
>You sit down at your desk and take a deep breath to steel yourself.
“From my observations I’m convinced you suffer from hypersexuality. It’s not a common condition.”
>Not one you’d ever seen in fact.
>Not that it was your area of expertise, you were a surgeon. Not a psychologist.
>Maybe the shrinks ran into it more often?
“But it is known. I could in theory treat it with antiandrogens, but I do not have the drugs in stock.”
>Plus you don’t like pumping hormones into patients who don’t need them.
“There is something I can do to help alleviate the problem though. All surgical interventions carry some risk. What we’re doing today is relatively safe, but there is-”
>”If Shiney says it’s okay then you should do it.”
>You raise a single brow.
“You don’t even want to hear me out?”
>She smiles and shakes her head.
“It’s your body. Shouldn’t you have some say in what happens to it?”
>”Oh, Anon. It’s not my body.”
>”I belong to Shiney. It’s HIS body, I just live in it.”
“I’m, uhh, I’m not sure if that’s romantic or creepy. Having trouble finding the line there. You sure about this? Last chance to back out.”
>She just smiles sweetly.
“Alrighty then. Go sit in the waiting room and send your husband in I suppose?”
>She stands up and prances out of the office.
>Shortly thereafter Shining Armor walks in.
“Right. I can’t calm your wife down without dangerous and irreversible brain surgery. Instead of controlling her hypersexual disorder we’re going to make her a hair trigger.”
>”A what?”
>Oh right.
>No guns.
>That idiom didn’t work here.
“Sorry. I mean to say that rather than suppressing her desires we’ll make it easier for you to satisfy her.”
>His eyes go wide.
>”You can do that?”
“I’m proposing an intervention that would not be condoned by the World Health Organization. This procedure isn’t beneficial for her health and carries non-negligible risk. It’s also a breach of ethics in that I intend to rob a patient of their autonomy by giving control of her to you.”
“I’m telling you this is illegal on Earth.”
>”Oh! Oh, okay. Umm…”
“Your senses require two bodily systems to function properly. You’ve the peripheral nervous system which sends the message, and the central nervous system which receives and interprets them. It is possible to modify the central nervous system for desired effect, but it’s too risky. It’s composed of the brain and spinal column, both of which are very fragile. Instead I propose we modify her peripheral nervous system. We’ll give you the power to send her brain sensations with the push of a button.”
>He was staring at you slack jawed.
>Friggin ponies didn’t know jack about biology.
“We can make it feel like you’re touching her even when you’re not.”
>”Oooooh, gotcha.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be well educated and all that?”
>”Anon, even my sister doesn’t know what you’re talking about half the time. Next time the portal opens she’s probably going to get a copy of every single book she can find. I’m probably not going to see her for months.”
“Can she even read human?”
>”Yeah. Last time it opened she bought a library. Like, the whole thing.”
>Probably shouldn’t let them know how many books you’ve got digital copies of.
>Then you’d never get rid of her.
“Well, you know the basics of anatomy I hope. We’re going to be working on the pedunal nerve. It innervates the clitoris, labia, and perineum. When we’re done I’ll give you a radio transmitter- a machine that shoots out invisible light. The machine’s signal will induce a current in the implant making it work, so you can control the intensity as long as you’re near her even if you don’t touch her. More importantly we shouldn't need to replace the implant. If it stops working bring the controller here and we’ll recharge it.”
>”So… the machine makes her feel things that aren’t there using invisible light and if it stops working you should be able to fix it without needing her around?”
>When they put it like that you DO feel kinda mysterious and wizard like.
“That’s the jist of it. There are a few possible complications. When we’re working she could get an infection which could result in fairly serious illness. If it gets out of control she could wind up sterile or perhaps even die.”
>He was nervously chewing on his lip.
“The chances of serious infection are quite remote, and I am well equipped to treat her if she does fall ill. I’ll be wanting to check on her daily for around a week to ensure she’s doing well. Should I catch an infection before it gets out of control likely won’t experience anything more than minor abdominal pain. So don’t let her skip her appointment.”
“There’s also a chance that when we sedate her we go too far and she stops breathing. This would be exceptionally dangerous anywhere else in the Empire, but I have the tools to breath for her until she works it out of her system.”
>”That sounds… scary. Do you deal with this stuff all the time?”
“Yes. The most likely complication is that we accidentally damage her nerve. We could make her numb until she can get treatment that I cannot provide.”
>He tilted his head a bit.
>”There are medicine things you can’t do?”
>If only he knew.
“Yes. Many of them. Reinnervation is on that list. If things go wrong she could lose sensation and control of parts of her body until we can get her help on Earth. A pony as important as her would have very little trouble getting treatment for that condition, but it would be costly and she’d have to go to Earth. It’s very unlikely that this would happen, but it is possible. Are you okay with this?”
>”Not really my call. It’s Cadence’s choice.”
>Of course.
>He said it was her decision, she said it was his.
>This was going nowhere slow.
>You don't feel like waiting around patiently for them to talk it over.
>Cadence was just going to say yes in the end anyway.
“Alright, looks like we’re going ahead then. I’ll walk you through the procedure, just do what I tell you to and it’ll be fine.”
>”Wait, ME? I’m doing it?”
“Do you want her thinking of how I put it in her whenever she gets off?”
>He didn’t answer.
“Didn’t think so. Don’t worry, this modern gear does most of the work for you.”
>You stand up and head to the operating room, beckoning for your visitors to follow.
>Once inside you direct Cadence to sit on the table.
“Right. Lie on your back, and spread your hind legs.”
>She starts blushing a bit.
“Huh. I’d have thought you were totally shameless at this point. I won’t be performing this operation, your husband will be.”
>She chews on her lip a bit.
>”So you’re not going to be touching me?”
>”I suppose that’s not so bad…”
>She spreads her hind legs out.
>You spend a moment staring.
>Shining Armor bops you on the back of your head.
>”Stop ogling my wife.”
“No. Alright, first we’re going to give the patient a general anaesthetic so they can’t feel what we’re doing.”
>Cadence sits up a bit.
>”Wait, what? No! Don’t do that!”
>”I wanna feel everything Shiney does!”
“Uhh… you know that this isn’t going to be fun or sexy right? It’s going to hurt. A lot.”
>”Don’t worry, I can take it!”
>Bitch was crazy.
>But unless you decided to pump her full of morphine despite her protests there wasn’t much you could do.
>Well, then maybe it was time to start?
>Shining Armor wasn’t washed up or anything, but that didn’t really matter with telekinesis.
>You decide to wash up and don your gloves just in case you have to take over.
>If things went smoothly you wouldn’t have to do anything, but if something went wrong...
>While you’re cleaning up you start instructing him.
“Alright. First we’re going to uncoil that. It’s a colonoscope, a tool designed for working on intestines. Use your magic, DON’T touch it with your body. Just magic.”
>”It’s REALLY long.”
“About 150 centimeters.”
>”What’s a centimeter?”
>Oh right.
>They used those weird horse units.
“Uhh… around 60 inches?”
>”No way. 60 by 150 is… 900 inches? There’s no way it’s that long.”
“The whole unit is around 60 inches. We’re not going nearly that far up though.”
>”Then why don’t you use a shorter one?”
“I’ve only got one. I’m not going to buy a second colonoscope, they cost like 30,000 bits!”
>The both stare at you with a blank expression.
“Well? Slide it into her butt.”
>He levitates the end of the long, hose-like tool up and works it into his wife.
>Cadence grins a little too widely.
>You look over to the display to take a look inside.
“Are you SURE you don’t want an anaesthetic? This is going to hurt. Like, bad.”
>She wiggles her eyebrows a bit.
>And levitates a sponge into her mouth as a gag.
>Shining looks uncertain.
>”Maybe this is a bad idea.”
“It is. Your wife’s crazy. Push in a bit further. See where it turns back?”
“Her uterus is on the other side of that. On the other side is her spine. Make sure you don’t puncture either.”
>”Would that be bad?”
“Yes. Very yes. Position yourself right between the two and angle to the side a bit. You’re a little too far in, back off a millimeter or- okay, uh… a couple hair widths? There ya go.”
>”Okay, now what?”
“See how the scope is hollow? It’s designed to allow smaller tools in through the middle. First we’re going to pump distilled water in there to clean things up.”
>”Really? We’re forcing water in her? It looks clean in there already.”
>It did.
>You weren’t sure if it was magic or diet or what, but it wasn’t unusual for a pony’s butt to be free of debris.
>But this was going above and beyond.
>Her colon was almost as clean as your gloves.
>She’d been cleaning it out, probably trying to keep it ready.
>Shining Armor was still a lucky bastard.
>”You sure this isn’t some weird kinky thing?”
“This whole procedure is a weird kinky thing.”
>This is NOT why you’d gone to med school.
>But your bro needed help, and you were going to provide it.
>You direct him to open the valve and allow a controlled jet of water in.
“Okay. Cut it off. The switch next to it is suction, we’re going to clear the water out now. Right. Approach the wall. Get right up next to it. Cadence? Last chance, this is going to hurt.”
>She nods.
“Alright. We’re going to extend the cannula outward a bit.”
>”The what?”
“It’s a kind of needle. Really long and thin. Now we’re going to force some dyed water through it. The surrounding tissue will absorb a little bit of the water and get discoloured while the nerve itself is much less permeable, should mostly stay the same. The influx of water should also spread things out a bit which will let us access the nerve.”
>Cadence flinches when the needle penetrates her intestinal walls.
>You try to ignore it, instead focusing on what the camera is showing you.
“Good. Withdraw the cannula. Now we’re going to make a small incision.”
“We’re going to cut her.”
>”Dude! I’m not cutting my wife! Is there a different way?”
“Yeah. We could cut her belly open. Seems worse.”
>”I can’t-”
>You reach over and press the button on the laser.
>It was meant to burn off polyps, but it worked for this too.
>Cadence’s eyes went wide.
>Shining throws you a dirty look.
“Okay. Small perforation, should be small enough to close on its own. Perfect.”
>You pick up a tiny, sterile package and unwrap it on a stainless steel tray.
“Don’t breathe on that thing. It has to remain perfectly clean."
>”What is it? It looks like a metal grain of rice.”
“It’s what we’re putting in her. Careful with it, it cost me about 6,000 bits.”
>”You’re joking. There’s no way that thing cost that much, look at how small it is!”
“Yeah. That’s a big part of why it’s so pricey. That thing has microscopic insulated copper coils to induce an electric charge in the presence of radio waves. It’s encased in a titanium shell to protect the mechanism with nothing but a titanium gold alloy clamp sticking out to affix itself to the nerve and act as a lead. That thing will actually react to the tiny amount of electrical impulse her nerve fiber generates and react by clamping down on it so we don’t have to worry about it falling out of place. Do you have any idea what goes into manufacturing something like that?”
>He shrugs.
>”What does it take to make something like that?”
“Actually I have no idea either.”
>Truth be told you didn’t even know all the details of how they worked.
>They were pretty new after all.
>The improvements in miniaturization made it possible to work on smaller nerves.
>Not so long ago it was bloody difficult to attach an electrode to anything smaller than the spinal cord.
>These days it was easy.
>You carefully pick it up with a pair of tweezers and carefully place it inside the colonoscope.
“Okay. Now that we can see inside through the incision, carefully put the cannula up in front of the nerve fiber. Make sure not to actually touch it, just get really close.”
>”Wait, is she BLEEDING?”
“A little.”
>”Whoa, we gotta stop it!”
“No. We most certainly do NOT want to stop it. That bleeding is keeping the wound clean, if we block it up we greatly increase the risk of infection.”
“It’s only a few drops, calm down. She can lose nearly a liter- err, a pint before it’s noteworthy.”
“The sooner we finish the sooner she can heal. Understood?”
>He puts a look of fierce determination on his face and nods.
“Steady now… Okay. Put the cannula through the opening. We’ll put the suction on really low so we can get a clear look at what we’re doing. See that stringy thing that’s not quite as green as everything else?”
>”Yeah. Put the needle next to it?”
“Yup. Make sure you don’t actually touch it though. Best case scenario if you do is it hurts like Tartarus. We’re going to gently force water through until the implant comes out. Cadence? Brace yourself.”
>The moment the water starts to come through Cadence squeezes her eyes shut tight.
>You can see she’s biting down on the improvised gag pretty hard.
>A few seconds later the colonoscope’s camera reveals the distinctive glitter of metal as the implant comes out.
>It sticks to the nerve fibre.
>A tiny little bulb of shining metal jutting out from a stand of flesh.
>The operation was successful.
>Cadence rips out the gag.
>”Aaah! O-okay, I give up! Make it stop!”
“I warned you.”
>”Aah! Yeah! You were right! Now do something!”
>You shrug.
“I can’t. It’ll take a couple minutes for anything I give you to kick in.”
>Cadence’s eyes are tearing up.
>”Minutes? It feels like my cunt’s on fire!”
“Yeah. Something just clamped onto your nerve, it hurts. But it’ll pass soon. It’ll only take a few seconds for your nerve to get used to the pressure, maybe a minute or two for your brain to notice the perceived danger has passed. It’ll be over before any pain meds kick in.”
>You pull the scope out, making sure to check the wound before leaving.
>You then set it aside for sterilization.
>Shining Armor scurries up and starts stroking one of her Cadence’s legs.
>You move your gear over to the sink.
>It was spotless, but it’ll still need to be sterilised.
>Cadence was sweating profusely.
>Her breathing was rapid and shallow.
>But it looked like she was calming down.
>Cadence groans as she sits up.
>”Ah. Ahhh… Anon? Next time I tell you not to give me pain medicine? Give it to me anyway.”
>Something told you she wouldn’t make that mistake again.
>”I think it’s over.”
“You’ll be hypersensitive for a few minutes. I want her back here every day for a week to inspect the incision. If we’re lucky it’ll heal on its own, if we’re unlucky it’ll get infected and I’ll have to give you some drugs. Avoid spicy foods until we’re sure it’s closed up, and most importantly no anal penetration. I can’t stress that enough.”
>Shining stuck his tongue out in an expression of pure disgust.
>”Don’t be gross.”
“Seriously? I've met your wife, how has that not happened yet?"
>”Why would I? Is her vagina broken or something?”
>You couldn’t read Cadence’s expression, she was still calming down from the pain.
>But you were willing to bet she wasn’t too happy about that.
>She was too perverted to not care.
>For that matter she was too perverted, period.
>Hypersexuality was one thing, but she was trying to redefine it.
>At first you’d chalked it up to the whole love princess deal.
>But the more you got to know her the less confident you were that that was the whole story.
“Say, I know this is coming out of nowhere but have you had any memory loss lately?”
>Cadence gives you a funny look.
“Confusion? Mood swings?”
>”No. Why?”
>So it’s not Alzheimer’s…
“Try not to take this the wrong way, but you’re easily the horniest pony I’ve ever met. By like, a WIDE margin. Just wondering if I should be worried about that or not.”
>Maybe you were jumping at shadows?
>Hypersexuality was a psychological disorder, not a disease.
>There probably was nothing you could do.
>Besides, you somehow doubt she’d want to be “cured”.
>”Say, Anon? Could you give us some privacy? We need to discuss something.”
“No sex in the operating room.”
>”Not that. Although…”
>You glare at her.
“Look, if you’re just talking you can do it in my office. I’ll be in here for a while. Gotta keep this place ready in case of an emergency.”
>Cadence jumps down from the table, her legs just a little wobbly.
>She leans on Shining Armor as they vacate the room.
>You’re pretty sure she’s just cuddling up with him rather than trying to stabilize herself.
>You lose yourself in your work, focusing intently on purging every last bacterium, setting everything in exactly the right place, checking to ensure that all your supplies are properly stocked.
>You’re not entirely sure how much time has passed by the time you’re ready to leave.
>Cadence and Shining Armor are standing by the doorway.
>They immediately turn to face you.
>Shining Armor casts you a sheepish look.
>”Uhh… we looked at your ledger.”
>They had?
“Seriously? Why would you do that? Sorta an invasion of privacy.”
>The two of them had the common decency to look ashamed.
>”Yeah… sorry. We should have asked.”
>It was pretty shitty of them.
>You know it’s not a big deal, you weren’t trying to hide anything.
>But you’re still annoyed with them.
>Wait a second…
“You can’t read it anyway. It’s written in human.”
>”I, uhh, I can read a little bit of human.”
>Well, no more letting them in your office unattended.
>”Not all of it! Just… a lot of it.”
>So they knew how much money you had.
“I’ll get angry at you later, but right now I’m too confused. Why exactly did you want to do that?”
>Cadence averts her gaze a little.
>”Well, you’re always complaining about money, and today you told us what this cost and, uh… we didn’t believe you?”
>”Yeah! We thought you were just, y’know, greedy.”
>They just keep digging that hole deeper.
"And how is it your business?'
>Cadence was slouched over.
>She answered hesitantly.antly.
>”You know those bits I gave you to start this place up? We were worried you were… embezzling.”
>Now you’re starting to get pissed.
“Look, Pfizer only accepts payment in cash or firstborn children. I’ve gotta pay the bills somehow!”
>Shining Armor looks a bit worried.
>”What is this Pfizer? Some kind of terrifying monster?”
“Actually, that’s not too far off the mark.”
>You rub your face wearily.
>You’re far too tired and annoyed to explain the pharmaceutical industry right now.
“Just go.”
>”Look, we’re sorry-”
“Stop. You two’ve been good to me so I’ll try to forget it, but please ask before you go snooping around next time.”
>They look at each other and nod.
>Cadence takes one step toward you.
>”It is the crown’s duty to ensure the wellbeing of the ponies. They’ve entrusted us to lead them, believing we will guide them to a better tomorrow. We intend to repay their trust.”
>Shining Armor steps forward.
>”Not only is it our duty, it’s in our own best interest. A sickly pony is a burden, whereas a healthy pony is an asset. The healthier the populace the stronger the state.”
>Yeah, yeah. Get to the point.
>They speak in unison.
>”Let us help you.”
>Well, you’re still annoyed with them.
>But you could use help…
“I’m understaffed. I’m hoping to use Rarara as an assistant, but she’s not exactly eager to help right now.”
>Shining Armor averts his gaze.
>Right, he’s not comfortable with that.
“I did something really stupid and now I won’t have a receptionist for a few days. Any chance you could find somepony? Just somepony to keep track of appointments and screen patients. I was thinking Purple Autism could do it, she’s really interested in this stuff.”
>Cadence frowns.
>”I don’t think she’ll be willing to do that. She’s looking for her friend.”
>Shining Armor paws at the ground for a bit.
>Cadence places a wing over his withers.
>”Don’t worry, Shiney. I know what I’m doing. Okay, so Anon needs a receptionist and I think I know just the right pony. Anything else?”
“Lots. But I wasn’t exactly prepared for this so I haven’t thought it through. Can we discuss it later?”
>”Of course. I’ll see you tomorrow, Anon.”
>Cadence happily trots out of the clinic into the cool of the night.
>Shining Armor hesitantly looks you in the eye.
“I know.”
>”We wouldn’t have done it if we weren’t thinking of helping you out.”
“You could have just asked.”
>”Yeah… You gotta understand, the idea that that little thing cost so much just didn’t-”
“I’ll get over it.”
>He sighs quietly.
>”Thanks. I’ll talk to you later.”
>He turns to leave.
“Hey, take it slow.”
“Don’t just get her off right away. Turn it on low and keep her on edge for a while. Trust me, she’ll love it”
>You’re not sure, but you think you can hear him mumble something about perverts.
>Shining Armor steps out and starts to head home.
>You begin to lock up.
>It’s been another long day.
Rarity’s journal.
Date: unknown.
I’ve been fortunate enough to discover a place where I might hide these pages, safe from prying eyes.
One of the boards that make up the wall to which I am affixed is a loose, it is a simple task to move it aside and squirrel away some small things in with the insulation.
So long as I ensure the beast isn’t present when I stow my secrets I shall have a safe, secure, and secret way of collecting my thoughts.
It is a great relief to be afforded even this minimal amount of privacy.
I am appalled with myself for becoming an accessory to my own torment.
I’d thought defiance futile at first. I hadn’t the power to prevent him from rendering me unconscious, nor did I have the means to preserve my appearance.
I had thought there nothing to be earned from defiance save for pain.
Nothing to be lost from obedience save for the few scant seconds I might have delayed.
My acceptance, however, has cost me my dignity.
Or what little remained of it.
To be forced into such a demeaning appearance is one thing, but to choose it of your own volition is something else altogether. I’ve decided I shall oppose him whenever I am able, even if only in trivial ways. Minor acts of defiance such as deception may be trifling victories, but they are victories nonetheless.
I… felt a dreadful wave of arousal today. I know not what fostered those feelings, but I am certain they weren’t natural. They were too potent to be mere arousal or excitement. I suspected at first that the depraved captor who styles herself a princess had used some vile incantation on me, though I can feel no foreign spells upon my body. Now I suspect the monkey is at fault. He’s said to have exotic elixirs that can do all sorts of miraculous things, and from my brief confinement within these walls I can say with all certainty that the rumors were at least partially true. The question, however, remains. Will the potion’s effects expire in time, or shall I be afflicted by these feelings for the rest of my days? Only with the former might I ever be truly free from his clutches. Yet somehow, some part of me hopes for the latter.
Lady Rarity
>You were deep in thought.
>The task set out before you was straining your mental faculties, pushing your memory to its limit.
>Never before have you been so tested in a battle of wits.
“Got any eights?”
>Fluttershy hands you a card.
>Go Fish was serious business around here.
>When you’d asked Fluttershy what games she knew you’d been surprised by the list.
>It wasn’t so much that it was a long one, though it most certainly was.
>It was more that you had no idea there were so many different kinds of solitaire.
>Fortunately she did know a few multiplayer games, even if they were somewhat simple.
>Playing with her was strange.
>It should have been boring playing such a childish game, yet somehow it had become extremely interesting.
>Fluttershy was trying to throw the game.
>And so were you.
>What had started as being a mere children’s game had morphed into a contest to see who could discover the worst possible play.
>And she was GOOD at it.
>”Any tens?”
“Here you are.”
>You pass her one of your cards.
“Say, I’ve been meaning to ask. Which princess card has the highest value?”
>”That depends. It's customary to make Celestia highest during spring and summer, and Luna highest during fall and winter. But I usually play Twilight as the highest, she's so nice.”
“Where does Cadence fit it?”
>”She's a wild card in February because of hearts and hooves.”
“That all sounded like it’s way more complicated than it has to be. Why not make them all the same value but only have one of each? Like, one for each suit.”
>”Oh! That’s a good idea. You're so smart.”
“That's what they keep telling me.”
>Yet you keep getting outwitted by this pony!
>She's CHEATING, you're sure of it.
“Any sixes?”
>She passes you another card.
>Nobody's that unlucky.
>She's cheating to make sure you win.
>That's not what bothers you though.
>After all, you're doing the exact same thing.
>No, the problem is she's way better at it than you.
>You hold up your hand to show three remaining cards.
>Fluttershy stares at them for a while, carefully puzzling out what they could be.
>"Any aces?"
>Several, in fact.
>You pluck a card from the small stack cleverly presented as one and pass it to her.
>Somehow in the moment your eyes were occupied she'd managed to add one more card to her hoof.
>It was subtle, but you're sure of it.
>Can't call her on it though.
>That would make her feel bad.
"Any threes?"
>She passes you the three of diamonds.
>The very card that you're already holding.
>You add your new cards to your scoring pile, a mighty stack of nearly 80 cards.
>By your count she has a mere 60.
>You need to step up your game a bit.
>You carefully slide another card out of your sleeve.
>”Any rules cards?”
“As luck would have.”
>She shrugs when you pass her the card.
>”Say, do you know anything about helping sick animals?”
“What kind of animal are we talking about?”
>”Well, cute ones like bunnies, gerbils, cougars, wolves and dire bears. Oh! And let's not forget snakes and scorpions!”
“I wasn't expecting that list to end like it did. Uhh… I MIGHT be able to operate on the mammals, but it'd be risky. Any fives?”
>”Yes! Do you think that, umm, you could teach me how to help them?”
>Oh boy.
“Big animal fan?”
>”Oh yes. I take care of all the critters around Ponyville. I make sure they’re eating right and that their little nests are nice and comfy and I help them when they get hurt. Got a Luna?”
“Here you are. Not a whole lot I can do to help with the animal thing though.”
>”Oh. I understand.”
>She sounded very disappointed.
“Veterinary medicine is its own profession. I might be able to get you some resources on it when the portal opens though.”
“Sure. I mean, it takes years of study to be a veterinarian, and it’ll all be written in human, so you'll be in over your head. It's also going to assume you have a lot of things you can't find here. But maybe you’ll get something out of it.”
>Her eyes start sparkling with joy.
>”Thank you so much mister!”
“Not a problem. In the meantime, just make sure their water’s clean. That’ll fix a surprising amount of problems.”
>”Oh, of course! And I need to make sure their nests are clean and that they’re grooming regularly. And I should wash up before and after handling a sick critter.”
>Fluttershy of all ponies understood sanitation?
>Not the healers, not the shamans, not the "doctors".
>Good on her.
“You’re good at what you do, aren’t you?”
>”Oh, well, I don’t like to brag but I’m not the worst.”
*thunk thunk*
“Hmm. Sounds like the front door. We’re not open yet… it’s probably your friends here to pick you up.”
>”Oh, goody! You’re sure I’m healthy enough to go?”
“Yup. Might want to avoid strenuous activity for a little while just to be safe, but you’re healthy.”
>”Yay. Thank you again, mister. Oh! But out game isn’t done yet.”
“Call it a draw?”
>”Sounds good.”
“Alright, we’ll have to play again some time.”
>”I look forward to it.”
>You stand up and head out to open the front door.
>The instant the door swings open you’re met with a small stampede of colourful ponies.
>They all eagerly trot in to check on their feathered friend, all of them taking the time to greet you in turn.
>And behind them all stands Cadence.
>A dreamy and distant expression is plastered on her face.
“Hey, Credenza.”
>Stupid Rarity not teaching you this one’s stupid name.
>She walks up to you.
>And pulls you in with a tight hug.
>”Anon? Thank you.”
“Last night was good?”
>”I haven’t felt that good since he put Flurry in me.”
>She practically floats past you to the front desk.
“So, you here for your checkup?”
>”That too I suppose. But first I want to get a feel for the job.”
>You raise a single brow.
>”You said you needed a secretary, right?”
“You? Don’t you have like, princess stuff to do?”
>”Yup. I’m looking into updating our public healthcare program. The Crystal Empire’s nearly a thousand years out of date on stuff like that, and I want to get us up on the cutting edge.”
“But don’t you royal types normally get experts to do that stuff for you? Don’t you have a health minister?”
>”Sure. Do you trust our minister to be in charge of medicine?”
“Well, last time I talked to him he said that you could cure headaches with quicksilver.”
>”Wait, you can’t?”
>Oh boy.
“You’d have more luck fixing it by eating strange mushrooms.”
>”Isn’t that dangerous? Oh.”
“Yeah. Maybe not the safest remedy.”
>”See? This is great! I’m learning so much already!”
“Still feels weird to me having a princess working as a secretary. I get why you want one of your own here, but why you specifically?”
>”I’ve got ulterior motives!”
>Well, you appreciate the honesty.
>”Nothing bad for you though. I’ll explain later.”
“Something involving what’s her face?”
>”Something like that. We can discuss it later.”
>Later probably meant when they had more privacy.
>Cadence sits down behind the desk and shoots you a smile.
>”So what’s the plan, boss?”
>Looks like this was happening.
>Maybe it would work out okay?
“Alright. You have three major tasks. I need you to keep track of my appointments, handle billing, and most importantly screen my patients.”
>”Screen them?”
“You know the clinic’s slogan, right?”
>”No cosmetic procedures.”
“No cosmetic procedures. If somepony comes in asking me to make them taller or wondering if I can make their horn longer I need you to make sure they understand I’m not doing it.”
>”You can make horns longer? How?”
“I’m not doing it.”
>”Just curious.”
>Well, you can’t blame her for that.
“To lengthen a bone you saw it in half and shove a metal spacer between. Then you attach the implant to the bones, usually by drilling holes into them and bolting the metal in place.”
>Cadence looks at you with what can only be described as an expression of horror.
"Exactly. It's dangerous and even if things go perfectly it takes months of pain to recover. Besides, I’m not a cosmetic surgeon. I’d probably screw up.”
>”Alright, so we won’t be doing that.”
“I don’t expect you to know everything I can and can’t do, so I’ll give you a quick rundown of what to look for. We want ponies who are actually sick or injured first off, I can’t make them better if there’s nothing wrong with them. If it’s a magical malady I probably can’t do anything.”
>Cadence pulled a quill from the desk’s drawer and starts scratching down notes.
"I can't fix any flu or the common cold. If they've got a high fever it's an emergency, otherwise they just need rest and plenty of water. Advise them to cover their mouths when they cough, it'll spread slower."
>There’s a gentle knocking on your office door.
“Come in.”
>Fluttershy meekly pokes her head around the door.
>Whatever she was afraid of, she didn’t find it.
>She gracefully prances up to your desk with a big smile on her face.
>”I just wanted to thank you again. You were very nice.”
“Think nothing of it.”
>”Umm, is there anything I can do to make it up to you?”
>Cadence cuts in.
>”Don’t worry about it, Fluttershy. I’ll cover the bill for you.”
>”Bill? Oh, I suppose that makes sense. I don’t normally charge the critters I take care of, but sometimes the magpies give me a few shiny coins they found. Well, I’d still like to do something nice for you. If you ever need help with anything just say the word.”
>You’re strongly tempted to ask for a blowjob.
>But something tells you that’s not such a good idea.
>Besides, you can get them for free.
“I’ll keep that in mind. Feel free to come see me at my house anytime after work, I’d love to play another round.”
>She smiles and nods.
>”We’re going to go look for Rarity now. Have a nice day!”
>Fluttershy prances out the door.
>You look around Cadence to see five ponies vacate the building, the rainbow one flying ahead.
>The door seems to close on its own.
>Cadence wiggles her brow at you.
>”Is she going to be your second?”
“Who says I’m taking a second?”
>”Oh come on, you can handle more than one mare.”
>You roll your eyes.
“I’m having enough trouble with the one as it is.”
>”Well hurry up! There are lots of mares you need to break.”
“Like who?”
>She smiles at you coyly.
>”ALL of them.”
>You stare at her deadpan.
“That might be a bit ambitious. I’m starting to question your motives here.”
>”Are you thinking of backing out? It’s not too late to set her free, I could give you a pardon.”
“Nope. I like our arrangement. I’m just wondering what you get out of it.”
>”Can’t it just be a gift from a friend?”
“I thought it was at first. Now I suspect there’s more to it. Why Rarara of all ponies? I’d have thought it prudent to take someone with fewer connections. And with you paying such close attention I’m starting to think you have a stake in all this.”
>She shrugs.
>”Well, it’s not like I was trying to keep it a big secret. Anon? There are limits to my power as a princess.”
>You motion for her to go on.
>”I can change the law, but I can’t change the taboos. I’m hoping that a few high profile relationships like yours will make such things… more acceptable.”
“You’re using me for social engineering?”
>”Well, when you put it like that I kinda feel bad, but yes?”
>You’re pretty sure you don’t mind.
>If it means you have hot mare ass at your command then it’s probably a good thing.
“Alright, but why do you care?”
>”Anon, I’m the princess of love. There are lots of mares out there who can’t express their love the way they want to, and that’s terrible.”
>That actually kinda made sense.
>Anyone who wanted to get into this kind of stuff would be hamstrung if it was taboo.
>And you could see why Cadence would feel it was her responsibility to help.
“So you want me to parade her around town in chains for everyone to see?”
>”Well, maybe not until we can defuse the situation with her friends. But I would love to have some high profile bed slaves around, yes.”
“Alright, but do you think this is really that big of a problem? Seems to me you’d have bigger things to deal with, how many mares really want to be dominated?”
>”All of them.”
>She looks you dead in the eye when she answers.
>Not even a hint of doubt or humor, she looks to be dead serious.
>You’re not good at reading ponies, so maybe you’re just missing it.
>But you’re pretty sure she means it.
“You’ll have to excuse me if I’m a bit skeptical.”
>”You study life, right?”
“Uhh, that’s not quite how I’d word it but yes, I suppose.”
>”What is it that all living things try to do?”
>THE biological imperative.
“Okay, everyone’s programmed to want sex. How do you get from there to this?”
>”Stallions look for signs of fertility. Mares? We look for something different. Whether we know it or not we’re looking for the strongest, smartest, and biggest stallion we can find.”
“They say power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.”
>”Who said that?”
“I dunno. Some dead guy probably.”
>”Well, they were right. Nothing gets a mare wetter than a big, strong hunk of a stallion towering over them. But not everypony is lucky enough to marry a prince.”
>Wasn’t he only a prince because she’d married him?
>”We all try to find a stallion who’s better than us, but what happens when you’re at the top? What does a mare who answers to nopony do? What does Spitfire of the Wonderbolts do? What about Coloratura, who made a fortune off of her wonderful voice? Or Rarity, she’s probably the best known name in fashion! Where do they find a mate who has more power than them? They need a stallion to take their power away, to make them feel controlled and weak so that their mate seems strong. They need a stallion that they can see as being their better. It’s what mother nature demands.”
>Was she trying to argue using evolutionary psychology?
“You came up with this argument specifically to convince me to help.”
>”Did it work?”
“Didn’t have to. I was on board the moment you said I could own a mare.”
>She beams at you.
>”Say, when do we open?”
“In about-”
>You look up at the clock.
“Five minutes ago. Alright! Let’s get to it.”
“Alright, send in the next patient.”
>You call out from your desk without moving to stand up.
>Things were interesting today.
>You’d been swamped with patients, hundreds of ponies coming in with a mysterious illness.
>Thankfully you were getting through them pretty rapidly.
>When everyone had the same condition things were pretty easy to sort out.
>Even so it was looking like another long night.
>There was just no end to the patients.
>Every time you'd finished with one, five more had arrived.
>You had to speed it up somehow.
>A pink crystal pony slowly walks into your office.
>You can hear their gut rumbling from your desk.
“Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain?”
>”How did you know?”
“Low level psychic. Say, where do you get your water? Aqueduct in the southeastern quarter?”
>Their eyes go wide and their jaw drops.
>”Wow, you really are a psychic!”
"Alright. What you need to do is-"
>You ready the speech you've given well over a hundred times today.
>But then you look at the clock and think better of it.
>If you ever want to finish you're going to have to take a less hands on approach.
"Follow me."
>You stand up and walk out front.
>It’s standing room only, with the lobby packed full of pained ponies.
>Cadence looks up at you with panic stricken eyes.
“Right! Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain. If that’s what you’ve got and you drank water from the aqueduct then you’ve got norovirus. You’ll get over it in about 3 days. Boil all your water before you drink it or this will just keep happening. Come back if symptoms worsen or if you haven't recovered in 5 days. Anyone who has a pre-existing condition stay here, otherwise you're going to be fine.”
>Nearly every single pony stands up and leaves.
>Cadence looks up at you.
>”Bad water? It's not stagnant though.”
“Not all flowing water is safe. Everyone who’s come in today has had the same symptoms. They all got water from the same place.”
>”You say boiling it will fix it? I’ll send out a note.”
>She produces a scroll and quickly scrawls something down on it.
>The scroll vanishes in the blink of an eye.
>"You sure? We’ve never had trouble with water before.”
“Yeah? I’m as certain as I can be with my setup. There is a test for a positive I.D. but I can't do it. If it’s not norovirus it’s something very similar.”
>”So you’re NOT sure.”
>What was with her?
>She was NEVER this antagonistic.
“You feeling okay?”
>”Yeah, sorry. Just a little tense.”
“Hmm. Trouble sleeping lately? Feeling bloated at all?”
>You pull a pen light out from your coat and shine it in her eyes.
>Pupils dilate normally.
>Cadence averts her gaze and shields her eyes.
>”Not everything is a sickness you know!”
>She sounded upset.
“Sorry. Just… I’ll stop.”
>You put the pen light away.
>”How dangerous is this one?”
“Can be bad if you’re already really sick. Otherwise it’s not a big deal so long as you’ve got lots of water to drink, the dangerous part is that it dehydrates you.”
>She shrugs.
>”That doesn’t sound so bad. They just have to go to the aqueduct a few extra times and- oh.”
“Yup. Kinda a catch 22.”
>She scribbles something on a scroll on the desk.
>”Say, Anon? Can I take a break?”
>You can’t really say no to her.
>She’s the princess and whatnot.
>Plus you’re pretty sure she’s working for free.
>She stands up and stretches before trotting out the door.
>Every single pony in the room gets up and follows her out the door.
>Suddenly, you’re alone.
>There’s a pulse of brilliant light beside you.
>Cadence’s form reveals itself once the spots leave your vision.
“Short break.”
>”Yeah, sorry. They’ve been sitting there all day just staring at me. Asking for my autograph, taking pictures...”
“That bothers you? I thought you’d be used to it by now.”
>”Normally it’s flattering, but I’m a bit on edge. Sorry for lashing out at you by the way.”
“It’s alright. May I ask what’s wrong?”
>”I’m just in way over my head here. I didn’t realise just how much there was to this stuff.”
>She looks at you slyly.
>”What, did you think I was upset because of a lack of dick?”
“No! Okay, fine. Yes.”
>”Well, you aren’t wrong. I could use a good shag.”
>A what?
>”But Shiney’s out with the militia on some exercise so I probably won’t see him until tomorrow night.”
>She leans on the desk with a pout.
>”That’s not why I’m so grumpy though. It’s not the first time he’s left me with blue ovarese.”
>”I’ve been sending letters back and forth with our advisers. Most of them aren’t causing trouble, but Snake Oil doesn’t like me associating with you, she claims you’re a fraud.”
>Snake Oil?
>”Honestly though I think she just doesn’t want to be shown up by a space monkey.”
>”Says the one who sometimes calls us horses.”
>Fair point.
“Why do you care what she thinks? Aren’t you in charge?”
>”Yeah, I know how to handle it. I just don’t want to.”
>You don’t ask.
>Cadence isn’t the kind of pony to enjoy petty politics.
>It might well be that she just has to have a chat with Snake Oil, Cadence would still find it frustrating.
“A lot of hassle for no reason?”
>”You just described half the job.”
>She’d come to you in the past complaining about how ponies were wasting time and slowing things down for petty reasons.
>”Maybe I can just give her a rough spanking.”
“I’m not sure if you’re joking or not.”
>”Yeah, I am. A mare can dream though.”
>The front door pops open in a magical aura and a young make walks through.
>The crystal unicorn looks at you with pained eyes.
“Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain? Water from the aqueduct?”
>They nod.
“Get lots of sleep, drink lots of water but make sure you boil it all first. Come back in 5 days if you aren’t better, or sooner if your symptoms get worse.”
>They back out the door without a word.
>Cadence sighs.
>”This isn’t nearly as glamorous as I’d expected.”
“What did you think we did here?”
>”I thought it was life or death stuff, high pressure, rushing around trying to figure out exactly what was wrong before it’s too late.”
>She wanted emergencies?
“That stuff happens sometimes. It’s not fun, you’d hate it.”
>”But didn’t you say that’s what you did on Earth?”
“Not ALL procedures were emergencies. Maybe half?”
>She looks up at the clock.
>You follow suit.
>You were supposed to be closed half an hour ago.
“Well, we might as well close. I’m going to put a note on the door advising everypony about the outbreak.”
>”I’ll do it. Nopony can read your writing. Must be hard trying to write pony language with those bony penises you have for hooves.”
“Yes. That’s why you can’t read it.”
>They must never know the terrible truth.
>She writes down a note with her long and elegant cursive script.
>The script has more in common with a work of art than mere written language, each line flowing into the next with precision and grace.
“I didn’t know you studied calligraphy.”
>”Of course! Clean and elegant writing is THE mark of an educated being.”
>She barely suppressed a giggle.
>You can’t help but roll your eyes.
>The front door swings open in Cadence’s magic and the scroll floats out front.
>You can hear the door click locked when she closes it.
>”You know I’m just teasing you, right?”
“Wait, you’re teasing me? So you CAN read my writing?”
>”No, not about-”
>You smirk at her.
>”Okay, you got me with that one. I'm just saying I appreciate what you've done for us even if I do give you a hard time."
“And I appreciate you giving me a chance here. Took a lot of trust to let the space monkey start giving ponies pills. Suppose I should let you get going. Oh! But I need to check your butt first.”
>”You’ve been checking it out all day though.”
>She wiggles her brow seductively.
>Cadence turns around and presents her rump to you.
“Yeah. Uhh, not that I’m not enjoying the view but I need my tools to check it out.”
>”Oh yeah, put your tool in me!”
>You start to blush.
>Cadence trots over to the theater.
>”But in all seriousness do you mind if I put it in myself? It just wouldn’t feel right letting somepony other than Shiney in.”
“I suppose that’s fine, just so long as we get a good look.”
>It only takes a few minutes for you to get a solid view of the wound.
>It had scabbed over perfectly, the dried patch of blood sealing the tiny hole, keeping it safe from pathogens.
“Looks good.”
"No, just good."
>She pulls the colonoscope out with a swift tug.
>”You should give one to Rarity if you have spares, they’re really fun!”
“Already did. It was something of a test run. Hey, how subtle is that thing?”
>”About as subtle as an earthquake. Why?”
“I didn’t tell her I put one in. Kinda hoping I could use it subtly, make her think it's her own body reacting to something.”
>”Ooh, I like the way you think!”
>She scratches her chin with a hoof for a moment.
>”Maybe? Turn it on low when she's distracted by some other sensation and it could work. What did you have in mind?”
“We aren’t ready for a demonstration yet, but I think you’ll like it.”
>”Make sure to take plenty of pictures!”
>Pictures, eh?
>That’s a good idea.
>”I’d better get home, Flurry’s probably getting fussy.”
“You left her alone?”
>”No, I left her with Sunburst. I told him I’d be back by now, hopefully he’s not worrying too much yet. You have fun tonight!”
“Oh, don’t worry. I will.”
>Cadence vanished into the ether.
>And you rub your hands excitedly.
>It felt like it had been weeks since the last time you’d played with Rarity for some odd reason.
>You take a moment to ensure you’ve got all the things you need for tonight’s playtime before moving out.
>You rapidly descend into the clinic's basement, eager to play with your toy.
>Plus an ornate sewing kit.
>You weren’t sure if it had all the right stuff in it to do good work or not, you knew basically nothing about clothing.
>But the box itself was nice.
>A stained oak box with floral patterns carved along its body, covering every surface in decorative texture.
>It was heavier than you'd expected, given its size.
>By the time you reach the bottom Rarity is standing at attention, her eyes staring intently at the staircase.
>She looked extremely tired.
>You notice that her tail is different, gone are the elegant curves and squiggles.
>It’s now neatly braided.
“Oh, hey. Didn’t expect to see you here.”
>She doesn’t answer.
“So, Rarara. Looking forward to tonight?”
>”Are you perchance talking to moi?”
“I think so.”
>You make a show of looking around for someone else.
“It's either you or the picture of you wetting yourself.”
>”Then it must be the photograph, for my name is NOT Rarara. I am LADY Rarity, or simply Rarity or even Rare to my friends, of whom I assure you, you are not.”
>You groan before speaking under your breath just loudly enough for her to hear.
“The things I do to help you lot.”
>”And how pray tell are you assisting me? Is it helpful when you strike me? Or is it the drugging? Oh! It must be the RAPE that's giving me a hoof.”
>Looks like she's hardened her resolve over the course of the day.
>You'll have to break her will all over again if there's to be any progress.
>Not great but you sorta saw it coming.
>And you had a plan.
>You need to give her something to think about other than resistance.
>If you can sow doubt it should keep her off balance.
“I could have you cured in a couple months if you’d just let me do my job.”
>She scoffs at you.
>”Do you REALLY expect me to believe you’ve some altruistic intentions?”
“No, of course not. Delusional patients always think they’re fine.”
>”Delusional! Oh yes, such delusions about silly things like bodily autonomy!”
>She stamps a hoof and flares her nostrils.
>Sometimes you have trouble reading them, but you're confident that's a sign of aggression.
“Delusions of grandeur. The princess had you committed because you appeared to be getting worse. Such delusions can lead to highly destructive behavior since you'll constantly overestimate yourself. If we don't fix you you'll hurt yourself and everypony around you. So please, help me help you.”
>You extend a hand as though to shake her hoof.
>She bats your hand away.
>She's not buying it, of course.
>You need to convince her you're onto something.
>You know a fair bit about her thanks to Cadence and Fluttershy.
>With luck this will work.
“The pony psyche is a fragile thing that can get bent out of shape for the smallest of reasons. There's no shame in it, everypony needs help from time to time.“
>Is that what shrinks sounded like?
>You had no idea.
>Hopefully she didn't either.
“And if you don't get the help you need you'll wind up doing destructive things.”
>Cadence had described her as a status seeker.
>And you'd heard her rant about the artistry of her craft and her dismay at the fate of that one dress.
>She probably cared more about fashion than money.
>Which meant she wanted to be recognized for her work.
“It starts out harmless enough, thinking you deserve to be an actress or singer or model. Something like that.”
>She was successful.
>You can't last in such a volatile industry without being competitive.
>And people almost always underestimate how hard their peers work.
“It probably irritates you when others upstage you. Maybe you're happy for them, maybe you get angry. I don't know. But either way it bothers you that they're taking the spotlight away from you.”
>Rarity stares at you dumbstruck.
>Looks like you got a hit.
>One of her friends was that farmer.
>Even good friends have their quibbles...
“You figure you've got this great talent. Maybe you even do have talent. You feel that the whole world needs to see, and anyone who doesn't recognize your genius must be an uneducated hick.”
>”I- what-”
>Fluttershy had said she'd decided the prince was below her.
>With standards that high, maybe she WAS delusional.
“Soon you start to think everyone is beneath you. Maybe you keep a tight knit circle of friends, maybe you stay relatively open, maybe you just isolate yourself entirely. I don't know. But as you sink deeper and deeper into the fantasy you start to push others away. I once had this patient who was planning on marrying royalty even though they weren't even a noble! Can you imagine?”
>Rarity eyes are so wide open you're almost afraid they'll fall from her skull.
>Fluttershy had said Rarity was opening ANOTHER boutique.
>The girl was busy.
>Probably sacrificed a lot of personal time to do it.
>You know first hand that overworking can strain relationships.
“It was tragic. She wound up pushing everyone away because she thought they were dragging her down. Wound up alienated from her family and friends. We got through to her, but by then she'd lost nearly everything.”
>Rarity sat down on her haunches.
>She was just staring off into space.
>You'd gotten to her.
>Probably would have had more impact if you'd started with this angle rather than introducing it later.
>But you hadn't known enough to pull it off back then.
>You highly doubted this would break her will, but a healthy dose of self doubt would certainly help.
>You sit down beside her and gently stroke her mane.
“Don't worry, you’re going to be okay.”
>She pushes you away half heartedly.
>You don't stop.
>There's nobody in here but the two of you.
>All around her are demeaning and depraved reminders of her situation.
No solace but you.>You are the ONLY thing in here that can distract her from whatever thoughts swirl about in her head.
“It’s okay. It’s all going to be okay.”
>”I don’t believe you.”
“I know.”
>”It’s FAR too late for you to convince me I’m your patient.”
>That was fine.
>The goal wasn’t to reframe your relationship, it was to fill her with doubt.
>”You’ve some perverse plan in mind for me, and I’ve no desire to participate.”
“You’re going to have to come to terms with your repressed sexuality sooner or later.”
>”Then it shall be later!”
>Patience, Anon.
>You’re supposed to be getting to her, not the other way around.
>But she was REALLY good at this passive aggressive stuff!
>Time to take back control of the situation.
>You stand up and walk over to the display shelf.
>You pick up the paddle and slap it in the palm of your hand.
>You can see Rarity’s buttocks tense up when the sound hits her ears.
“Unfortunately you’ve managed to get yourself into some serious trouble.”
>A look of steely determination sits upon her face.
>You know exactly the expression.
>You’ve seen it before more than a few times.
>Patients who’d refused their postoperative analgesics for spiritual or philosophical reasons.
>People who’d turned down opiates for fear of addiction.
>Sometimes it was just people trying to act tough.
>They always go into it thinking they can handle the pain.
>Thinking- KNOWING that pain, even agony is merely information put before the senses.
>They seldom had the resolve to fight it through to the end.
>It didn’t happen often, but when it did?
>They always changed their mind.
>You face in front of her, tapping the paddle repeatedly against your palm.
>You can almost see the sweat forming on her face.
“You know why you’re in trouble, right?”
>”I- I am not- you aren’t my master.”
>Her voice was quivering.
>Full of apprehension.
>She just needed to SEE the paddle to be freaked out.
“Time for your spanking. Unless you want me to get creative.”
>She sits down on the ground.
>Looks like she isn’t planning on making things easy for you.
>You sit down beside her and pick her up.
>Rarity doesn’t resist.
>But she also doesn’t help.
”I don’t understand why you do this to yourself. You know your life would be a LOT easier if you just worked with me. No more punishments-”
>You bring the paddle down on her rump.
>Rarity lets out a yelp of pain, but says nothing more.
“Not counting, eh? That’s going to be awkward later on.”
>Another yelp of pain.
“Y’know, when you can’t stand any more and you’re still on one.”
>Rarity nearly jumps out of your lap.
>Her alabaster ass is starting to glow red.
>She struggles and squirms, trying and ultimately failing to break free from your grip.
>It was quiet.
>So quiet you weren’t actually sure you’d heard it at first.
>But you thought she said something.
“You’ll have to speak up.”
>She whimpers the word out more than speaking them.
>Mere moments ago she was determined to resist your will at every turn, to make your life as difficult as possible.
>How quickly that changed.
>You reach out and scratch her behind the ears.
“There you go. That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
>Rarity sniffles, but doesn’t answer.
“Now tell me. Why are you being punished?”
>She makes a point of looking away from you.
>But she answers.
>”Because I disrespected my master.”
“Good girl. And what will happen if you do it again?”
>”You’ll spank me until I behave.”
“Right. Which means that when you fight me, you’re just hurting yourself.”
>You rub the paddle against her buttocks.
>She whimpers a little.
“Do you enjoy fighting me?”
>”AAACK! Ah! T-two.”
>You rub her rump with your hand for a while, feeling the warmth.
>Rarity lets out a pained groan when you trace the mark made by your previous swing.
“Well? Does it make you happy to fight with me?”
“Do you enjoy the spankings?”
“Then why do you fight me? It doesn’t make you happy, and you don’t like the consequences. What do you gain when you fight me?”
>Rarity lets out a pained yell.
>You put the paddle down and massage her butt once more, making sure to work the stinging hide.
“Look at me.”
>Rarity hesitantly turns her head to stare at you.
>Her face is wet with tears, her muzzle scrunched up in pain.
“We’re going to try something. I’m going to give you a task, and if you do it we cancel the rest of the punishment. But! If you agree and then back out? Not only will we finish the spanking, we’re going to try some experimental behaviour correction.”
>”W-what do you want me to do?”
>Her face turns as red as her rump.
>”I- I can’t.”
“Why not? It feels good, it’s what your body craves.”
“A mare your age needs stimulation. It’s the only way to stave off hysteria.”
>”I just- I can’t do it master.”
>You nod.
“I understand.”
>You slip a finger knuckle deep into her vagina.
>Rarity gasps the moment you invade, totally unprepared for the new sensation.
>She tenses up and clamps down on it, seemingly trying to crush your finger.
“I'll have to do it for you. Then we'll finish the spanking and see how much time is left.”
>”No! Please!”
>She starts to squirm around, trying to push herself away from you.
“Hmm. Going to be a lot of spanking tonight then.”
>You reach up to her clitoris.
“Oh! I forgot your present.”
>You pull gently on the makeshift piercing and grind your finger back and forth.
“Oh yes. Definitely underused. We’ll have to break it in.”
>”I'll do it! Please!”
>You smile at her with as much warmth as you can force.
“You'll do what?”
>”I shall… touch myself, master. I don't suppose you'd be willing to grant some privacy?”
“I need to make sure you do it right.”
>Rarity climbs off of you.
>This time you don't hold her down.
>You don't need to, you've already won.
>You reach into your lab coat and pull out a small piece of jewelry.
>A simple curved piece of metal with a broad head on one end and a deep blue sapphire on the other.
>Rarity stares at it.
>”What is that?”
“Jewelry. Hold on.”
>You pull the placeholder piercing you of her clitoral hood before carefully working in its replacement.
>It had been surprisingly hard to find this thing given Cadence lives around here.
But your search paid off.
>A shiny 14 karat gold rod protrudes downward, grinding the sapphire into her clitoris.
Rarity winks a few times despite herself, her clit rubbing eagerly again the hard and smooth invader.
>You step back.
>Rarity’s blush continues to dominate her face.
>She's unable to maintain eye contact.
“What is this diabolical device?”
“A trendy fashion statement from an alien planet. I thought you might appreciate it.”
>You can’t help but notice her rubbing her hind legs together.
>This part, at least, was going according to plan.
“Oh! I forgot something. Hold on.”
>You run upstairs to fetch your camera and a tripod.
>When you return Rarity is sitting in the corner of the room, concealing her nether by the wall.
“I can't see what you're doing like that.”
“I need to know you're not cheating. Sit up with your back against the wall and spread your legs wide.”
>”Is- is that a camera?”
>You set up the camera and set it to record a video.
“Yes. Relax, you look nothing like yourself. Even if somepony got ahold of the pictures they wouldn't know it was you.”
>She starts trembling and hides her face behind her hooves.
“I thought you’d have liked a photo shoot.”
>She squeaks something that almost sounded like language.
>Looks like you’ve overplayed your hand.
“Okay, I'll meet you halfway on this then. No pictures.”
>She cautiously lifts a single hoof to reveal one of her eyes.
>“Thank you, master.”
“But! In exchange you may not climax until I say so. It’s one of the rules anyway. I would suspend it for the photo shoot, but not without.”
>Rarity doesn’t move at all.
>She really doesn’t want to do this.
>You pick up the paddle and put it away.
>A not so subtle threat, you're sure she can figure it out.
>Rarity leans her back against the wall and parts her legs.
>You’re thrilled to see she’s already glistening.
>Whether it be arousal from your demands or raw animalistic stimulation from the piercing, it doesn’t matter.
>She’s already starting to get off on it.
>She reaches down with a single hoof and starts to delicately trace her inner thighs.
>You can see her tremble just slightly when she draws close, but she quickly pulls away.
>This time she feels herself down her belly, carefully going around the curves of her body down toward her groin.
>Was she putting on a show for you?
>Or was she just procrastinating, maybe hoping you’d get bored before the main course?
>You didn’t care.
>She carefully nudged her labia, pressing them inward gently.
>A delicate and deliberate massage of her sex, she seems to be taking great pains not to touch the interior.
>Rarity’s eyes are firmly closed, her face pointing away from you.
>But you can still see the signs of pleasure forming.
>A subtle biting of the lower lip, the tensing of certain muscles, the timid shuttering of certain muscles.
>You can hear her breath catch in her throat, you can see her legs trembling just slightly.
>Her movements become a bit faster, but still she refuses to reach right in and get the job done.
>She caresses around her hood, gently teasing the lips, pressing against their base but never cresting.
>She accidentally bumps the top of the piercing.
>She lets out a gasp and her back tenses up.
>You can see her clitoris winking wildly, each movement grinding it harder and harder against the sapphire.
>A steady trickle of clear liquid is flowing out of her, matting her fur and making the floor slick with a pool of arousal.
>Rarity whimpers and drags her hoof right down the middle of the slit.
>Had she forgotten she was being watched?
>Or did she just need it that badly?
>Suppressed moans of delight fill the air, her hoof pushing ever deeper into her nethers, her rubbing growing ever more frantic.
>You can hear her panting rapidly from halfway across the room, her cries are no longer muffled but clear and needy.
“Are you going to cum?”
>She stops suddenly, broken out of her trance by your words.
“Keep going.”
>She covers her face with one hoof and carefully places the other back where it belongs.
>Within seconds you can hear the moans starting again.
>This time there was no buildup, no show, just quick and straight to the point stimulation.
>She aggressively mashed her hoof up against her body in an attempt to stimulate herself.
>Rubbing furiously, toying with every inch of her nethers.
>The second hoof descends from her face and goes to join the first one, the right rubbing up against the interior while the left caresses and teases the exterior.
>She throws her head back in pleasure, eyes firmly shut to block out the real world around her.
>You cautiously approach, trying not to be heard.
>She’s saying something under her breath between the excited moans, but you can’t quite make out what.
>”Ah! Ah! Ohh!”
“If you cum without permission I’m going to punish you.”
>Her hooves stop in an instant.
>But her clit doesn’t.
>It treacherously continues to move about, the pleasure itself against the gem.
>Rarity squirms and groans but to no avail.
>”Please, master. Let me… Ah!”
>You sit down beside her.
>And shove three fingers in as deep as you can.
>Rarity lets out a delighted howl, her whole body shakes with the much needed relief.
>She rides the sensation again and again, each wave of pleasure bringing about a fresh set of shivers and shakes.
>And finally, she falls still.
>Panting heavily.
>You pull her close and start to gently stroke her mane.
>She simply lies still, a dreamy expression on her face.
>Rarity seemed content to doze away in your embrace for a while.
>At first her breathing had been frantic, but it quickly settled down to calm, almost serene.
>She was lying down on the floor, eyes closed, the occasional soft murmur slipping from her lips.
>The perfect picture of pleasure.
>It wasn't meant to last.
>You knew it, and she did too.
>But if she wanted to enjoy the moment, to bask in the pleasure you'd afforded her, you were going to allow it.
>The more time she spent enjoying her new life the better.
>Rarity’s warm body pressed against your side as she stretched for a moment.
>She lazily blinked a few times, her eyes not focused on anything in particular.
>Then she slowly scooted away from your side.
“I told you not to cum.”
>She didn't answer.
“I was very clear about that. You weren't to finish until I said so. You know what this means, right?”
>She looks away from you slightly.
>”Yes, master.”
“Why did you do it? You knew the rules.”
>She glares at you for a moment, no doubt preparing to accuse you of something.
>Her expression quickly falters.
>You notice her absent-mindedly rubbing her sore butt.
>”I tried not to. But I simply couldn't hold it any longer.”
>You stand up and walk over to her.
>Rarity tries to scoot back, but quickly reaches the end of her chain.
>You place your hands on your hips and look down at her.
“So soon? You must have really enjoyed touching yourself for me. What had you so aroused? Was it giving a show that got you going? Knowing that there were eyes leering at your lewd body?”
>Her cheeks were tinged a deep red.
“Did you enjoy serving me? Feeling that rush of satisfaction that comes from being put in your place?”
>Rarity turned her head away.
>You couldn’t help but notice she was biting on her lower lip.
“Or maybe you’re just a cock crazed cunt. Maybe you just really need to be bent over and bred. Your true self is finally coming out. You're not some sophisticated pony, not a noble. You're a slut. A depraved animal. You'll be much better off when you accept that."
>She takes a few deep, bracing breaths.
>To your surprise Rarity stands up as tall as she can and stares you right in the eye.
>”Do you really expect me to believe that?”
>Where had the cowardly wreck from a moment ago gone?
>Had you pushed her too far?
>”Cadence told you everything she knew about me, didn't she? WELL! Perhaps she neglected to mention that I am not STUPID. It is clear that you are being frugal with the truth. You are most certainly NOT trying to cure me of any condition, and I would wager you haven't a single altruistic bone in your entire body!”
“Really? Everyone's worried about you, they all want you to get better soon. Cadence will back me up on this one. She'll tell you what you need to hear.”
>”And I shan't listen. Bring in my friends. All of them at once. Let them see the conditions in which you are keeping me, then PERHAPS I shall listen. But until I see them face to face I shall carry on in every confidence that you are a LIAR.”
>That had backfired pretty hard.
>Lesson learned.
“Then what, pray tell, do you believe I intend to do with you?”
>She closes her eyes and blows you a raspberry.
“I'll be back.”
>You walk away from her and ascend the stairs.
>That was a disaster.
>An unmitigated disaster
>That was stupid of you, you should have known she wouldn’t buy that story.
>So when you try to lie to her she sees through it.
>And when you’re honest with her she guilt trips you and starts whining.
>What to do?
>Releasing her wasn’t an option, you’d never forgive yourself if you blew this chance.
>You take a deep, bracing breath.
>The guilt trips only worked if you let them.
>Like a petulant child whining through the early hours of the morning, she’d learned that being annoying was all it took to get what she wanted.
>You were supposed to be the master here.
>She wasn’t meant to control you with mere words.
“This is harder than I’d thought.”
>In your head it was all so clear.
>Ponies were highly social creatures.
>The NEEDED others almost as much as they needed air.
>Isolation was supposed to be breaking down her resistance, to make her rely on you.
>Leaving the lights on all the time in such a bright room was meant to keep her from sleeping, to cloud her thoughts and make her suggestable.
>But still somehow she found ways to be a pain.
>You need to show her that whining won’t make things better, and she needs to learn it NOW.
>It was time to drop the pretenses, to tell it to her straight.
>And to make it absolutely clear that she had no choice.
>You fetch a few things before heading back downstairs.
>You find Rarity sitting in the middle of the room, trimming a few stray hairs on her mane with the scissors from the sewing kit.
“I see you found it. We’ll discuss it later, sufficed to say you’re going to make something with it.”
>”And should I refuse?”
“You won’t.”
>You puff out your chest a bit and stride up to her.
>Rarity pretends to ignore you, but you can tell she’s tensing up as you approach.
>You grab her by the mane and pull her head back.
>She stares up at you in shock.
“You’ve been a BAD girl. You came without permission. I would have gone easy on you for that. But then you just had to make things worse.”
>She tries to back away from you to no avail.
“I’m sick of teaching you this lesson.”
>”Please, please don’t-”
“Shut it or I’ll shut it for you.”
>You release her mane.
>She backs away into the corner of the room.
“You’re going to get it. I expect you to learn from this, and if you don’t? Well, hopefully we won’t be answering that question. Bow.”
>You pull a syringe out from your coat pocket.
>It’s full of saline, but she doesn’t know that.
“Unless you want to know what this stuff does you’re going to grovel and beg me to forgive you.”
>She whimpers a bit.
>Her lower lip starts to tremble.
>Her eyes tear up.
>And you’re starting to feel guilty again.
>The girl’s good at it.
>It had taken you time to learn to read pony facial expressions, and even now you weren’t great at it.
>Hopefully that failure was a two way street, and she didn’t know it was working.
>You force a scowl and start to advance.
>And to your great delight, it works.
>Rarity bows her head low, horn bumping up against the floor.
>”Please. Please forgive me.”
“Not good enough.”
>You take another step forward.
>”PLEASE, master! Forgive me, I’ll do anything!”
>Her legs had begun to tremble a little.
>You scratch your chin idly.
>This might be an opportunity.
“Tell me what you are.”
>”Uhh… I’m a pony?”
“No. You’re not a pony. You’re a stupid whore. My loyal slave.”
>Had you pushed too far again?
>You take another few steps toward her.
>You press the needle against her neck.
>”I’M A STUPID WHORE! I’m your loyal slave, master! Please forgive this slave and let her prove herself to yoooouuuu!”
>She whines the last word out more than she says it.
>You pull the needle away.
“No. You’re not my slave, at least not yet. You’re not good enough to be mine. But don’t worry, you’ll improve. Hold still unless you want the needle.
>You fetch a blindfold and wrap it around her eyes.
>”Master? W-what are you doing?”
“You can’t beg your way out of every punishment. I’ve been VERY lenient. Open your mouth.”
>Rarity starts fumbling around blindly.
>You grab her by an ear and pull.
“Stop moving and open your mouth!”
>She’s visibly shaking with terror.
>HOPEFULLY this time she’ll remember the lesson.
>You shove a ballgag in her mouth and tie it in place.
“You’re going to enjoy being trained to be mine. Learning the right way to please a man, how to properly suck. Oh, you might complain and you might even fight it, but your body will betray you.”
>You grab the spreader bar and start to fasten it to her hind legs.
>Fuzzy pink hoofcuffs hold her still with metal rod between.
>Rarity’s front hooves start to scramble.
>You swat her rump roughly.
“Head down.”
>When her hind legs are tied you begin to bind her front ones together, ensuring she can’t stand.
>Rarity is propped up before you, rump up in the air, legs spread, and head pressed against the ground.
>Now for the final touch.
“A good slave is happy to serve. A good slave follows the rules without thinking. And a good slave understands why she needs to be punished.”
>You produce some ginger and a sharp knife.
>And then you start to peel it.
“Y’know, Rarara, the longer you fight it the more it’s going to hurt. I already own you. Help’s not coming, and the crown is on my side. And you don’t seem to realise it yet, but you’re already becoming the cum rag you’re meant to be. Can’t even control your own climax for five minutes, and you still think you’re some refined lady? Pfft.”
>You shove the shaved ginger up her butt.
>Rarity squeals and thrashes, but is ultimately unable to do anything.
>You watch her fruitlessly try to prance around for a while with a small grin on her face.
“I’ll be back tomorrow.”
>You hear her try to shout something, but you can’t tell what.
“If you aren’t ready for training tomorrow you’ll get more punishment. Think about it.”
>You step away, heart racing.
>What were you going to do with her tomorrow?
>You could hardly wait.
>You reach the top of the stairs and head outside.
>Cadence is standing at the door.
>She’s trembling, with an unnaturally deep blush on her face.
“Oh, hey.”
>”Can I borrow Rarity’s mouth?”
>”Well, Shiney’s not home yet. And I need it bad. And… I was hoping I could get her to lick me.”
“Cadence, most ponies can go more than a day without fucking anything. I’m legitimately worried about you.”
>”Please, Anon.”
“This isn’t normal. And you weren’t this bad when I met you. Something’s wrong.”
>But what?
“We’re going to have to do a full checkup to try and figure it out.”
>She starts panting huskily.
>”Can… Can you do it while she’s licking me?”
>She looks pretty desperate...
>You gaze at Cadence, he tongue hanging limply from her mouth, her eyes half lidded.
>She really needed it badly.
“Get in and sit in the lobby.”
>”Thank you, Anon.”
“Don’t thank me yet.”
>She walks past you, tail flagging about as high as it can.
>You can smell the arousal on her.
>Cadence drops on one of the chairs.
>You sit down opposite her and look her in the eye.
“Does your husband know you’re here?”
>”He’s away.”
“So he doesn’t know you’re here. Do you think he’d approve?”
>”He said I could play with toys whenever I wanted.”
“Well, if I’d said it you’d be fine. But does he think of Rarara as a toy? He was probably telling you to get a dildo or something.”
>Her eyes go wide.
>”Oh no…”
>She starts tearing up.
>”I- I need to go.”
“Hold on a second, I need to run a few tests. Why don't you rub one out in the washroom while I'm preparing?”
>”That could take hours.”
>Good grief.
>”And I don’t really want to anymore. Do you have any pills that would calm me down?”
“Yeah, actually. For a while at least.”
>Using sedatives for this was… unorthodox.
>But it should work.
>You go to the storage room and step in front of the lockup.
>After fighting with the fingerprint scanner, one of the lockers pops open.
>Everything here has street value in most cities on Earth.
>Whether it be from simple ignorance or something more noble, you’ve had no problems to date with drug seeking ponies.
>Well, not in the way you understand drug seeking.
>Lots have come in expecting a panacea, but none have come in trying to get opium.
>Even so it seemed to you a prudent move to keep these things locked away.
>It only took a few minutes, but even so Cadence had begun to cry.
>She was hiding her eyes behind her hooves and pretending she was just rubbing them.
>But you could hear the sniffling.
>You pass her a small white pill.
“Place it under your tongue and let it dissolve. It might make you sleepy. If you start feeling confused or have trouble moving tell me.”
>She snatches the tablet out of your palm with her magic and puts it in her mouth.
“Should only take a couple minutes. Wanna talk about it?”
>She shakes her head sullenly.
>No surprise.
>The poor girl’s mad at herself.
>And desperate.
>She can probably barely think.
>Benzodiazepines don’t normally clear one’s head, but in this case they just might.
>You're not sure what to do while you wait so you quietly leave to get a few tools.
>Take a couple vials of blood, get a few swabs, ask a few questions.
>You've got no idea why she's so horny all the time, really it might genuinely just be who she is.
>But you've got a hunch something’s wrong.
>You return to find her sitting on the chair, staring vacant at the wall.
>There are still tears in her eyes, but she's stopped crying.
>Whether it's the drugs that stopped her or she just got it out of her system you aren't sure.
"So what next?"
>”I'm going to have to tell him. I don't want to keep secrets.”
“It's going to hurt him.”
>”I know…”
>She sniffed a little.
>Your first instinct is to berate her.
>To chew her out for being so stupid.
>But there’s no point in that.
>She hadn't realized she was doing something wrong, she’d thought she had permission in her own weird way.
>”I’m a bad mare.”
>You poke her muzzle.
“Hey, I won’t be having any of that here. You aren’t a bad mare, you’ve BEEN a bad mare. There’s a difference.”
>She looks up at you bleary eyed.
“Shush. There’s no point in beating yourself up over it. Put away your regrets, it’s time for damage control! Make sure he KNOWS that you’re never going to leave him. Prove your dedication!”
>She nods slowly.
>”Make sure he understands that he owns me. Mind, body, and holes.”
“Right! Except maybe rephrase it.”
>”What’s wrong with those words?”
“Trust me. Skip the holes part. It’s going to take a bit of time to rebuild his trust, but you can do it.”
>Implying he trusted her before.
>The guy was already suspicious about this stuff.
>Wait, was he suspicious about YOU?
>Even if he wasn’t before, he certainly would be soon.
>She WAS spending a lot of time with you lately.
>Better clear the air sooner rather than later.
“I’m going to give him all the security footage from this place except my basement, that way he can check to see what you’re doing while here. We don’t want him worrying about that. And while I can’t do it, there are services on Earth that can prove Flurry is his daughter if he starts questioning that.”
>You blink twice.
“She is, right?”
>Cadence casts you a horrified gaze.
>”Of course! I would never! Oh, this is a nightmare.”
“When does he get home?”
>”Tomorrow. Not sure when but it should be around noon.”
“Which means you have time to prepare a surprise for him. A show of dedication, something that lets him know you want to stay with him forever.”
>”I think I know just the thing.”
>She stands up.
“Hold on, you’re not going anywhere yet. It’s time for a checkup.”
>”You really think I'm sick?”
“I think you might be. Pass a leg? I'm going to draw some blood.”
>She raises a leg for you to swab and skewer.
>Cadence finches a little when the needle penetrates her hide.
“This level of arousal isn’t normal. There are a few human diseases that could do this to you, but there's no syphilis on this side of the portal. I've got no idea why you're this way, just taking shots in the dark here. Has it gotten worse over time?”
>”Well, I've always been really horny. Even for a mare! I'd touch myself every night, dreaming of the perfect stallion coming and mounting me. He was handsome, brave, smart, funny, and he had a nice dick. It was a little shorter than most but a lot wider, the medial ring-”
“I don't need to know that.”
>”Oh. Sorry.”
“So it's not new.”
>”It kinda is. I used to only go two or three times a day.”
>A progressive condition.
“Any other changes?”
>She averts her gaze.
>You can’t help but notice she’d managed to blush despite the sedatives.
>”My fantasies have gotten, uhh, weirder over time.”
“How so?”
>”Is it important?”
>She didn't want to say.
>And she was Cadence!
>They must have been pretty extreme.
”If you had to try and say when things started accelerating, when would you say?”
>”It started not long after Flurry was born.”
>Pregnancy normally suppresses lebido.
>Good chance it started during or even before the pregnancy and wasn’t noticed until after.
“I’m going to want a vaginal swab to check for… I don’t know what for.”
>You pass her a cotton swab in a small plastic bottle.
>She fiddles with it with her magic for a moment before returning your sample.
“And I’m going to swab your tonsils too. Open wide.”
>”Uhh, can I do that one too?”
“Sure. Whatever you need.”
>You pass her another swab.
“This happened because the two of you don’t speak the same language. Tomorrow you’re going to sit down and talk to him, and make sure you know for certain what is and isn’t allowed. But here's the hard part. He's not going to want to set boundaries."
>”I know. He's always asking me for permission to do stuff and worrying what I think. I've had his balls in my saddlebags for years now. I keep trying to give them back but he never takes them.”
>She shoves the swab further down the throat than is necessary before returning it to you.
>She almost swallows the swab for a moment.
>You pocket the sealed container for cultivation.
>”Anon? Be honest.”
“I’ve never done that before, why would I start now?”
>She scowls at you.
>Her eyes are still watery.
“Sorry. I was trying to lighten the mood. What did you want to know?”
>”Do you think I can make this up to Shiney?”
>Oh boy.
>”Please? You’re a stallion, you’ll understand him.”
“There are a couple problems with that statement. Anyway, I don't see why not. You didn't actually do anything after all."
>"But I tried to."
"But you didn't. Not so hard to clean up a mess that didn't actually happen. Look at it this way, what’s on your butt?”
>”A giant heart?”
“A giant heart. If anypony can fix this it’s you. And you probably know him better than I ever will. The two of you are going to be fine.”
>"Yeah, you’re probably right. Just need to clear the air a bit. Make sure he doesn’t feel any reason to distrust me. I think I’ve got it all planned out.”
>”Yeah. I haven't been able to focus like this in months. Is it the pill? Can I-"
"No. They're addictive. They’re VERY addictive.”
>”Oh. Well, mind if I come to you from time to time when there’s something really important to work on?”
“I’d have to do some reading. Get back to me on that later.”
>She nods, apparently satisfied by your non-answer.
>You’re going to have to come up with a VERY strong refusal though.
>Benzos are no joke.
>”Well… Oh! What’s going on with Rarity? Is she ready to go out in public yet?”
>”Really? Aww. I thought she’d be done by now.”
>It hadn’t been that long.
>”What have you been doing with her?”
>You sit down in a chair opposite her.
>Looks like you won’t be going home just yet.
“Right now it’s been pretty basic discipline stuff. She’s pretty rebellious.”
>She frowns slightly.
>”You haven’t even broken her yet?”
“Turns out I’m not great at this stuff. I don’t think I have the right mindset yet.”
>She tilts her head slightly.
“I’ve spent my years learning to heal others, to make them feel better. I help others. Just having trouble wrapping my head around the idea that I’m the bad guy this time.”
>She scowls at you heatedly.
>”You are NOT the bad guy. That pony will be much better off when you’re done!”
>You weren’t so sure of that.
“Even so, she’s sorta discovered that I’ll let her off the hook if she cries or whines enough. I’m trying to fix that right now.”
>”Have you done anything fun at all with her?”
“Actually? A few things too. I’ve even considered slipping prolactin in her water so we can milk her.”
>She licks her lips slightly.
>”Any idea what you’re going to do with the milk?”
“Hadn’t really thought about it.”
>”Hm. Well, this talk is making me feel funny. I’d better leave before I need another pill.”
>Probably a good idea.
“Have a good night, Candy Ass.”
>”Candy Ass?”
>She rubs her chin for a bit.
>”I like it! Call me that from now on!”
>She waves at you for a moment before vanishing in a flash of light.
>The weekend had finally arrived, you were free until Tuesday.
>Barring any emergencies of course.
>No need to see dozens of patients, no need to listen to anyone’s incessant whining about nothing, no need to get up on time.
>Just a lazy day to yourself, to relax at home for a while.
>You don’t even need to get dressed, you’ll just…
>What was there to do around the house exactly?
“I really miss the internet.”
>You lie in bed for a little longer.
>You could, uhh, study?
>No. You’ve done enough of that for one lifetime.
>You could go torment Rarity…
>But she’s already tied up, so to speak.
>There’s gotta be something worth doing somewhere.
>Looks like you’re going to have to go outside.
>Time to get up and get dressed.
>You open your dresser and peruse an array of labcoats before finally picking your casual coat.
>There’s a heavy pounding on your front door.
“Just a minute.”
>Probably some “emergency” of some sort.
>Somepony cracked their hoof and is wondering if they’re going to die, somepony ate 40 corn cakes and has a tummy ache, something like that.
>The sooner you get it dealt with the sooner you can waste time.
>You swing open the door to see Shining Armor glaring at you sternly.
>”Did you have sex with my wife?”
>Oh boy.
>He stares at you intently for some time, a deep weariness showing in his eyes.
>After an uncomfortably long time he nods.
>”I believe you.”
“You don’t have to. You have a video player, right?”
>”What does that have to do with anything?”
“I made you a copy of my security footage. You can watch it whenever you feel like.”
>You head back into the kitchen to fetch him a small disc.
>Shining Armor studies it for a moment before grabbing it with his magic.
>”I’m surprised you have a disc machine. I thought they were rare?”
“Kinda. Most people moved on to solid state memory, but it’s hard for me to get ahold of.”
>He tilts his head, prompting you to say more.
“I’ve been banned from Walmart until I pay up.”
>”Oh right, that whole mess. What is “pizzo” anyway?”
“A good way to keep your knees intact.”
>”Ah. Wait, you made this video before I came here? You knew I was coming, didn’t you.”
>He shakes his head.
>”Look, I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine. I’d have been suspicious too. What are you going to do?”
>”I dunno. Let her do what she wants if I suppose. If I can’t satisfy her-”
>You strike his muzzle with the back of your hand.
>Birds scatter as the smacking noise echoes.
>Shining Armor takes a couple steps back with a dazed look on his face.
>”What the hay was that for?”
“No cuck shit!”
“No! Do you honestly think she’d be able to respect you if you went through with that?”
>”I figure she might respect my sensitivity to her needs.”
>Your face meets the palm of your hand.
“Trust me on this. Don’t.”
>How had you become a relationship counsellor?
“Nobody respects a doormat. Tell her what you are and aren’t okay with her doing. Make sure you’re clear, no beating around the bush. She wants you to be firm with her.”
>He raises a single brow while rubbing his cheek.
>”How long have you been married again?”
“I'm just trying to help.”
>”By hitting me?”
“Come on, you ponies are durable. It probably did more damage to me than it did you, besides, you were making a huge mistake. I had to stop you for your own good.”
>”She's a full grown mare. She's responsible, mature, and level headed. She won't do anything stupid.”
>You can hear screaming in the distance.
>Both of you step out to look at the source.
>A small crystal mare is running through the streets, screaming in terror.
>Cadence is flying right behind her, swinging a broom around wildly.
>The two of them tear through the streets and disappear around a corner.
>Shining Armor takes a few steps to follow, but changes his mind.
>”That, uhh, that seems to contradict what I just said.”
“That’s not normal.”
>You pause for a moment.
>Things ARE different here...
“Is it?”
>”No, no it is not.”
>What’s the right way to handle this…
>Doctor patient confidentiality suggests you should keep it quiet.
>But you haven’t paid much attention to ethical standards lately anyway.
>You don’t like going behind her back, but you’re worried about her.
>Shining Armor doesn’t need more stress, but he has a right to know-
>”What are you hiding from me?”
“That obvious?”
>He nods.
“I was worried she was sick so I took some blood from her.”
“Inconclusive. But she was low on several micronutrients. There were a few other things off, she’s not eating right.”
>There was little doubt left, something was wrong with her.
>You just didn’t know what.
“You notice any odd behaviour with her lately?”
>”You mean like chasing ponies around with a broom?”
“Yeah, stuff like that.”
>”I’ll keep you posted. Can you fix her?”
>Oh boy.
>You don’t want to lie to him.
>But you don’t want to stress him more than you have to.
“Maybe? I don’t know what’s wrong yet, there are too many possibilities. But even if I can’t there are people on Earth who are more capable than me. Unless she’s EXTREMELY sick she’ll be fine.”
>”And if she is?”
“We just need to keep her safe until the portal opens.”
>He doesn’t look satisfied.
>And you can’t blame him.
>All you had so far was that something was wrong, no diagnosis, no prognosis, no intervention, nothing.
“If something goes wrong she’ll probably be at the clinic, right? Safest place in the world for a sick pony.”
>”I… suppose.”
“Besides, whatever’s wrong has been there for a while. If it’s progressing at all it’s going slowly.”
>He nods half-heartedly.
>You need to distract him before he worries himself sick.
“So you were out of town for a while with the militia? I didn’t know you oversaw their exercises personally.”
>”Cover story.”
>”Twily dug up something about the spell that hit Fluttershy. It originated inside the palace.”
>”We aren’t sure what the spell was meant to do, but it’s still a big problem. Even if it wasn’t supposed to hurt her at all, somepony used magic on somepony else without consent.”
“And wound up hurting them badly. AND it was somepony you trust.”
>”It gets worse. Somehow word got out what was going on. Everpony knows what happened and they know I’m looking too. Thing is I didn’t tell a single pony what was going on, hay, I didn’t even tell Cadence!”
>He had a mole too?
>Poor bastard just couldn’t catch a break.
“So now what?”
>”Can’t tell ya. Somepony might be listening.”
“Oh, right. Well, don’t keep me posted I suppose?”
>”Yeah. I won’t. Uhh…”
>He looks around nervously, unabashedly searching for any eavesdroppers.
>He takes a few breaths before mumbling something under his breath.
“Didn’t quite catch that.”
>”Yeah. Umm, thing is, have you…”
>He trails off again.
>”I just need something to help me relax right? And I was wondering if you’d ever played, uhh, Ogres & Oubliettes?”
>He meekly whispers the last few words out.
>You lock eyes with him, donning the most serious expression you possibly can.
>He looks away, his cheeks tinged with red.
>His eyes light up with excitement.
“Used to have this rogue that pretended to be blind because people would let their guard down so it’d be easier to steal from them, right? We wound up in this really awkward situation once where one of the other characters was trying to spy on me but they didn’t know I could see so they were right in plain sight. But the thing was, I couldn’t let them know I could see them! So we spent like twenty minutes with me trying to “accidentally” bump into them while they were awkwardly climbing on tables and stuff to get out of my way. It was great!”
>”Oh that’s nothing. I had this fighter with a minus two int modifier but really high proficiency in intelligence related skills. Story was that he used to be really smart before getting hit by a few too many maces to the skull, but now he was so dumb that he needed adult supervision at pretty much all times.”
“He needed a tard wrangler? Oh that’s beautiful.”
>”He basically did whatever the party told him to, but I put in a LOT of work trying to misunderstand their instructions or miss the point. One time they said it was time to hit the hay, next morning they found me wearily beating up our rations. I had disadvantage on everything for the whole day but it was worth it.”
>The two of you make your way to the palace without really knowing why, chatting idly about your exploits in the land of Faerûn.
>To your delight the guy had no shortage of fun stories, weird encounters, and silly struggles.
>You continue your friendly conversation all the way to the palace, and find yourselves relaxing in his den.
>He’s sitting on a polished oaken chair by a heavy round mahogany table.
>You sit down opposite him, squinting your eyes slightly for all the overly bright crystal that makes up the place.
>”I keep telling you 5th edition is where it’s at! They streamlined everything.”
“They RUINED everything! Advanced is the ONLY right choice!”
>”Pft. Advanced? It’s so clumsy, you spend half your time looking up charts and tables, there’s no time to actually play the game!”
“But what game is there left without that stuff? They gutted the heart of O&O!”
>”Oh, I’m sure we’re all mourning the loss of THACO. Face it, you only like that mess because of nostalgia. The new editions are way better off without all that garbage.”
“They turned it into a WAR GAME with all those daily powers and whatnot. If I wanted that I’d play BattleHammer.”
>”Pfft, they’re nothing alike and you know it. Stop being such an elitist.”
“Right after you stop being a retard.”
>”Hay, I’m not the one who fished their opinions out of the sewers!”
“Oh, that’s pretty good for a brainlet like yourself. Did Unicorns of the Coast tell you to use that one when you were sucking their dicks?”
>”You sure are obsessed with sucking dicks, Anon. Anything you feel like telling me?”
>Cadence had popped in.
>”Is everything okay?”
“Why wouldn’t it be?”
>She looks around the room, seemingly perplexed by what’s going on.
>”I heard shouting.”
>”Just a little guy talk.”
“Yeah. He and I were talking about-”
>Shining Armor cuts in just a little too loudly.
>”We were talking about swords and, uhh, other weapons?”
>Was he embarrassed?
>”Enough about that! How are you doing?”
>He was embarrassed!
>He was trying to change the topic before she found him out.
>The guy didn’t want to admit he played games in front of his wife!
>”Did you have a good day?”
>”And why were you upset with Snake Oil?”
>She turns her head away, breaking eye contact with him.
>”She was being really stubborn. I just snapped a little?”
>A little?
“What’d you do with that broom? Did you stick it up her butt?”
>”What? NO! There’s nothing sexy about splinters.”
>Shining Armor casts you an incredulous glance.
>”That was your first instinct?”
“Have you met your wife?”
>”Yeah! I’m used to hearing that kind of stuff from her, but not from you. You’re almost as bad as she is.”
>His eyes go wide.
>He looks over to Cadence with a sheepish grin.
>”Not that there’s anything bad about you, dear!”
>He kicks your shin under the table, just hard enough for it to sting but not really hurt.
“Ah, that- ahem. Candyass? When was the last time you ate?”
>She shrugged at you.
>”I dunno. Haven’t felt hungry these last couple of days.”
“You are. And with that I’ll take my leave, you two have things to discuss.”
>You stand up.
>They both motion for you to stop.
>They call in unison.
>Shining Armor scratches the back of his head and bites his lower lip.
>Seems he isn’t sure how to go about this.
>”Could you maybe help a bit?”
“Oh, come on. Really? Why me?”
>”Because you’re a pervert? You’ll understand what she wants.”
“I SHOULD be offended by that, but you have a point. And Candy? Why do you want my help?”
>”Because you’re a colt.”
>Again, objectively untrue.
>But whatever.
“Is it too much to ask that you just TALK to each other?”
>They nod in unison.
“Oh. Okay. Well… Candy? Out.”
>She backs out, her tail surreptitiously pressing itself down to try and hide her nethers.
“No eavesdropping!”
>You wait a bit before talking.
“‘Kay. You don’t want her fucking other stallions, right?”
>”I would… prefer it if she didn’t.”
“How about mares?”
“Do you mind her having sex with mares?”
>”How would that even work? You know what? Never mind, she’d find a way. I suppose that’s not so bad. I don’t think it’d upset me to know she was doing that sometimes. And it might give me a break, which I could really use.”
“What do you want in return.”
>”I just want her to be happy.”
“That’s it?”
>He nods.
“I’m sure you could get something in exchange. You’re putting a lot of trust in her.”
>”I don’t want this to be a contract negotiation, Anon.”
“Fair enough.”
>You’re probably going to make a request on her behalf anyway.
“Alright, send her in. I think we can make this work without too much trouble.”
>He stands up and slowly walks out of the room.
>A moment later Cadence comes in.
“So what do you want.”
>”I want Shiney to be happy.”
“And? Well, you don’t need to answer. I think I know. Okay, this will be easy, if you two had sat down and talked it over yourselves it would have taken all of five minutes. No males except him. Well, the deal was stallions but I’d be willing to bet he meant all males.”
>”Of course!”
>That was the entirety of it.
>But you can’t help but think it’s not quite sufficient.
“No kissing or other shows of affection.”
>”Makes sense.”
“He reserves the right to revoke permission at any time.”
>She smiles and nods.
“And this wasn’t his idea, but I’m going to make a recommendation.”
“He’s placing a lot of trust in you with this, and you should return the favour.”
>She slowly licks her top lip, that all too familiar blush returning to her face.
“Alright, I think we have a deal.”
>”Thank you Anon, you’re a real lifesaver.”
“It’s okay, but seriously. Just talk it over next time something happens. There was literally no disagreement here. You really didn’t need me.”
>”Really? I thought this would be complicated.”
“You thought wrong.”
>You stand up and stretch a bit.
“If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to head out now. This place is so bright, it’s giving me a headache. I’ll tell him the score on my way out.”
>”Thanks again, Anon. You’re a good friend.”
“Yup. Oh right, if you’ve got some time, swing by the clinic tonight. I figure Rarara needs to be put to work.”
>”Ooh, I’ll always have time for that.”
>You start to head out, looking forward to tonight.
>But how to kill time until then?
>Maybe a trip to the gardens?
>You stumble into your clinic with a box of pastries, still half dazed from your ordeal in the gardens.
>Sure you'd left them a while ago, but the fatigue was just now setting in.
>You roll up your sleeves to examine the welts on your skin.
>Not as bad as you’d expected, but they really sting.
>You sit down on one of the chairs to rub your tender hide.
>Really, there’s nobody to blame but yourself.
>You’d seen the signs saying the gardens were closed due to whip spiders.
>But your understanding of signage had always been that it was only for the public.
>And really, who would have thought that the spiders would actually have whips?
“No signs of lacerations at least.”
>You’ll have to go back when the infestation is cleared.
>The place looked nice, aside from all the bugs.
>Looks like your body's largely unharmed.
>Can't say the same for your coat though.
>A real shame, it's going to be hard to replace.
>The nearest Auto-Fab was who knows how many parsecs away, so you couldn’t just print a new one.
>Human sized clothing isn't exactly common around here, so you can’t get something off the shelf.
>It’d probably cost more to get it mended than to order a new one in a couple months, so there was no point in finding a tailor.
>Wait, you knew a tailor!
>Or something along those lines, you weren’t really clear on what she did.
>Like, did she make the stuff or just design it?
>She sorta implied that she made her own stuff, but if she was this big of a deal surely that was in the past.
>If she had multiple locations it wouldn’t make any sense for her to actually be stitching them together herself.
>There was that one piece she thought was awful because it sold too well, which was really weird.
>SURELY she didn’t make them all herself.
>Why are you standing here autistically speculating about it?
>Why not just ASK her?
>You take off your labcoat to reveal the undershirt and walk downstairs, tattered clothing bundled up in your arms.
>Doesn’t smell too good down here.
>She needs a shower.
>When you get downstairs you notice that Rarity has somehow managed to fall over, her hind legs still spread wide by the bar force her to reveal herself in what must be one of the most uncomfortable ways possible.
>You make your way over to Rarity, taking a moment to examine her face.
>It’s an awful, tear stained mess.
>You can’t help but notice a puddle of drool and tears has wet the hard crystalline floors.
>You step heavily on the ground, intentionally making a clicking noise as you go.
>She writhes and squirms a bit once your presence is made known.
>There’s that pity again.
>Maybe you went too hard on the girl?
>Best not to let her know you were thinking that though.
>You pull the ginger out of her, eliciting a gasp.
“Time’s up. Wow, that’s- uhh, that’s a lot of swelling.”
>She shouldn’t have reacted like that.
>Maybe she was allergic or something?
>The only other reason would be if there was a sore or wound in there or something.
>But why in Equestria would-
>The surgery.
>Well, she’s probably terrified of you now.
>Maybe that’s for the best.
>Still, you’d better do something to ease things up.
>You’d rather not actually damage her, after all.
“Hold on, I've got some cream that'll soothe it.”
>You take a moment to glove up before liberally applying a corticosteroid and lidocaine cream.
>Rarity whimpers and squirms with each delicate touch, her restraints keeping her from escaping you.
“There we go. You should feel a whole lot better in a few seconds.”
>You pull the gag out of her mouth.
“Now what do you say?”
>”I'll be good.”
“Close enough.”
>You pull the bindings and blindfold off.
>Rarity slumps in a pitiful heap on the floor.
“I brought you dinner.”
>She nods, slowly and vacantly.
“Banana nut muffins. Made with oats.”
>She takes a few deep breaths before looking at you.
>”What's the catch?”
“I want you at your best for tonight.”
>Your words elicit a morose groan.
>The sounds of a mare who dreads their fate.
“You'll have fun, don't worry.”
>You pass her the box of muffins and go to fetch her some water, leaving your ruined coat behind.
>By the time you return the muffins are gone, and Rarity is standing over your coat, gently poking at it.
“Something the matter?”
>She nearly jumps when you make your presence known.
>Rarity shakes her head furiously.
“Relax, you aren't in trouble. Tell me what's up.”
>”Well, uhh, master. I was just wondering what kind of fabric this is?”
>She trembles just slightly when she talks.
“I don't think you have a word for it. It's a man made blended material, really small fibers. Basically stain proof. Why?”
>”Why? It's exquisite! Such a pure and clean white, such a smooth texture, it nearly slipped right through my hooves!”
>She seems to be forgetting the fear, caught up in the excitement of fabric of all things.
>You'll allow it.
“That's not even the whole story. That stuff is made from modified vegetable oil so it’s practically waterproof. You can leave it soaking for weeks and it'll be fine. Hay, it's supposed to last around five hundred years. Well, unless it gets whipped.”
>”Oh my stars!”
>She sits down on her rump for just a moment, quickly standing with a loud yelp.
>”There could be a dress to last centuries of wear?”
>You can't help but notice she's gently rubbing her bottom.
>“Finery that stands as a work of art, more than mere clothing? Why, it could be displayed at the Museum of Fine Arts! Their most prized possession, a garment fit only for a princess that has stood the test of the ages! I can see it now, ponies coming in from all over Equestria to see the most divine masterpiece of an era! It shall be chique, unique, et magnifique, and it shall be made by MOI!”
>She stares off into space with a dreamy expression plastered on her face.
>A bit melodramatic, perhaps.
>But strangely endearing.
“I'll try to get you some next time the portal opens. Well, if you're good. In the meantime feel free to play with that. I was going to have you mend it but if you’re going to have fun with it, I think I can spare it.”
>Her smile drops into a frown.
>”I, thank…”
>She doesn’t finish saying it.
>But that’s okay.
>You unchain her, ensuring you've got a good and firm grip.
“Okay, shower time.”
>Her knees start trembling when you guide her upstairs.
“Oh relax, would ya? It's a SHOWER. Nothing bad’s going to happen.”
>”Snakes aren't going to crawl out of the drain?”
“I should hope not.”
>”And the water hasn't been replaced by boiling hot acid?”
>”And when I'm drying, the towels shan't prove to be made of extremely tiny needles that shall puncture my hide and introduce eggs from an exotic breed of fish that-”
>You stop in your tracks and turn to face her.
>Rarity doesn't stop quite in time and bumps into you.
“You will know when you're being punished. I will tell you that you are being punished, and I will make sure you know why. If I have not said I am punishing you, then I do not intend to. Do you understand?”
>She turns her head away from you, but she nods.
>You bring her to the shower.
>It's nothing fancy, just a tile basin in a small room with a drain and a fairly basic head.
>You weren't running a luxury spa after all.
>Rarity stands before the door, hyperventilating.
“Wait. Uhh…”
>You were going to tie the chain to something and leave for a moment.
>But to what would you chain her?
>You look around but see nothing sturdy enough to hold an adult mare.
>Looks like you're stuck with her for the time being.
>You gently pat her bottom.
“Go on. Get in the shower.”
>She moves agonizingly slowly, each step a carefully measured and calculated risk.
>She hesitantly turns the spigot.
>And breathes a sigh of relief.
>“It's just water.”
>”Thank you. Uh... master.”
>She nearly whispers the word.
>”May I have some privacy?”
>You open your mouth to say no.
>But it doesn’t feel like it’s worth it.
>The girl’s way too tense already.
>You want her to fear your wrath so long as she has this rebellious streak, sure, but you don’t want her to fear a simple shower.
>And she DID ask the right way.
>Minus some hesitation of course.
>You close the door as much as you can with the chain in the way.
>And then you wait.
>How long did a pony shower usually take?
>You had other things you could be doing, things like relaxing or wasting time!
>This pony was proving to be quite the hassle.
>And you haven't even gotten much use out of her.
>It was time for that to change.
>Well, soon. Probably tomorrow, you’d already made a plan for tonight.
>Man this was boring.
>How long did it take for a shower?
>You’re starting to nod off here.
“Did you drown in there?”
>”Indeed not~”
>She sang her reply.
>”Have we any conditioner? I’d rather not dry out my coat too badly.”
“No, we don’t have any cosmetics. Just basic hygiene.”
>”A proper conditioner IS basic hygiene!”
>Of course it was.
>Stupid thing was spoiled.
>You did appreciate her beauty.
>Who were you to question her methods of attaining that beauty?
>You were never one to argue with results, after all.
“We’ll make a shopping list for stuff like that. Not promising I’ll get you everything you ask for, but hygiene is important.”
>She mutters something.
>You’re not sure what.
>Hopefully nothing too rebellious.
>You hear a shocked gasp.
>”Oh my goodness, I don’t know what to say!”
>What’s going on in there
>You bite your tongue.
>You can’t have her knowing you’re clueless after all.
>It would undermine the image you’re trying to cultivate.
>”Thank you, master.”
>Just what was going on in there?
>You hear the water shut off.
>”Have we a mirror?”
“There’s one in there.”
>”I meant a proper mirror.”
“This is a clinic. We aren’t too worried about that kind of stuff.”
>”You aren’t concerned with the health of your patients both inside and out?”
“I’m not a dermatologist, I’m a surgeon. We pretty much exclusively worry about the inside.”
>”Well, that is something you’ll have to work on.”
>You see what she’s doing.
>A new means of rebelling.
>You seem to have her frightened enough not to try direct resistance anymore, she’s back to being more trouble than she’s worth.
>Albeit more subtly this time.
>Or at least that’s what you think is going on.
>Maybe she’s just high maintenance.
>Whatever the case it feels like this girl is doing a better job of keeping you off balance than you are of getting at her.
>A few moments later the door swings open, ramming the knob into your ribs.
>You try your best to not look pained as Rarity walks out.
>You have trouble hiding your surprise, but at least you know what she was thanking you about.
>The dye had washed out of her mane and tail.
>That was unexpected, you’d thought it was water-fast.
>That’s what you get for not doing your research you suppose.
>Rarity seemed to have patted herself dry, and was busy running a brush through her mane.
“I told you I’d give it back.”
>”Why, yes. I suppose you did. Truth be told I hadn’t thought I’d have my regal purple back so soon!”
>Nor had you.
“Like I said, I want you at your best tonight. Mentally, physically, and aesthetically.”
>She seemed to be having trouble with the brush, magic lacking and all.
“Give me the brush.”
>She hesitated, but only for a minute.
>You pick it up and gently begin to work the top of her head.
>”Please be gentle, without conditioning the strands will be a tad brittle.”
>It was really tangled, and you were finding a bit of dandruff.
>You honestly hadn’t realized just how dirty you’d let her get.
>An effective means of wearing down resistance to be sure.
>But not how you’d been planning on doing it.
>This whole haphazard thing isn’t working.
>You need a proper plan.
>A training regimen.
“This is taking a bit too long. Let’s go sit down somewhere so we can do it proper.”
>You lead her back to the basement.
>She follows reluctantly, dragging her hooves with every step.
>But she follows.
>”What is it you intend to do with me?”
>Oh boy.
>Do you tell her?
>She’s going to find out soon enough.
>You want her to relax as much as possible so she’ll be more compliant.
>Would the uncertainty of not knowing be worse than the anticipation?
>You COULD lie to her, but you need to gain her trust if you want her to ever be compliant.
“Well, you’ll find out soon enough. Don’t worry though, you’ll have fun.”
>”That’s exactly what I’m afraid of.”
>Once you’ve returned her to her hole and chained her to the wall, you motion for her to sit.
>She does so hesitantly.
>Now, what to do…
>You don’t want her to resist because it would be troublesome.
>But you don’t want to lie to her.
>If she learns to distrust your words, neither your threats nor promises will carry any weight.
“You’re too prudish, girl.”
>She averts her gaze, her face already crimson.
“You need to get over that. The sooner the better.”
>”What is it you intend?”
>She was visibly shaking, almost as though to prove your point.
“Well, it’s not time to break you in yet. And I doubt anal is a good idea right now.”
>She let out an audible sigh of relief.
“We’re going to be lending out your mouth for a while.”
>She clamped her mouth shut, cheek muscles straining to hold it fast.
“Hm. That’s a problem. See, I promised somepony a hole. If they can’t use your mouth we’ll have to use something else.”
>”You WOULDN’T!”
>She moves a hoof to block her crotch.
“Nope. I’m not going to give someone else your virginity, that’s mine.”
>She moves her hoof a bit further back to cover her butt.
>She winced in pain a bit as she touched it.
“Great idea! Oh, but that’s probably still really sore. Shouldn’t be hurting right now, but if it were to be-”
>”I’ll be good!”
“I know you will.”
>You reach down and pat her on the head.
“You’ll have fun! Now lay down and put your front legs behind your back.”
>She looks away from you.
>A deep blush is forming on her face.
“I’m waiting.”
>She moves slowly.
>Agonizingly slowly.
>You’ve half a mind to start slapping her rump for stalling things out.
>But you don’t want to push your luck.
>You’re just happy that she’s obeying.
>Finally, she’s lying face down ass up with her front hooves gently touching each other just above her tail’s dock.
>”Is this acceptable?”
“Spread your hind legs too.”
>”But- yes, master.”
>You walk around behind her to find the fur about her inner thighs is nice and slick.
>You reach down with a finger and brush against her pubis.
>Her clitoris convulses subtly as she whimpers.
>She squirms a little as you fasten the spreader bar, but offers no real resistance.
>You’re pleased to see her lying before you, helpless and exposed.
>Ready. But not exactly eager.
>You blindfold her and place a few cushions under her ribs.
“Okay. That about does it. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
>”Wait, you’re LEAVING?”
>You’re pretty sure you’d implied that.
“Yeah. It’d just be weird if I stayed.”
>”But then, who’s coming?”
“You. And lots of ponies.”
>”But, but what if they hurt me?”
“They would quickly regret it.”
>”But, but-”
“I know everypony that’s coming here tonight. None of them will be allowed in unless they swear to abide by my rules.”
>”But if they don’t?”
>Oh boy.
>You hadn’t thought that far ahead yet.
“Depends on the severity. You’re going to be fine though, so it won’t even matter.”
>You hear her sniffling.
>And you see her trembling.
>You walk over and stroke her mane a little.
“I’ll be upstairs, and if I hear anything happening I’ll come right away.”
>”You promise?”
“Yes. And if they DID hurt you, you’re in the best possible place to be treated. You’re safe as long as you’re with me.”
>She nods solemnly.
>But she’s still shaking.
“You’re my property, and I take good care of my things. So try not to worry yourself. Now, if you’ll excuse me I have important matters to attend to. Oh, and I want you to cum a lot today, so try to have fun.”
>You had to make a plan.
>The clinic may have been closed on Sunday, but Rarity’s training didn’t have weekends.
>And you really needed to start doing a better job of it.
>You walk up stairs and nearly jump out of your skin when Cadence pops out in front of you.
“For the love of- when did you get here?”
>”Can I go in now? Pleasepleasepleaseplease?”
“In a minute. I need a few things from you first. First off, I want you to start keeping a journal of when these waves of arousal hit.”
>You’re almost certain something’s wrong with her.
>Of course, it might just be her being her.
>But it still seems wrong.
>Maybe you might find a pattern somewhere in it.
“Second, I need you to promise you won’t hurt her.”
>”At all?”
“Swat her rump if she’s being obstinate. Other than that nothing.”
>She started pouting.
>But nodded.
“Third, you only have her mouth. Don’t put anything in any other holes.”
>”You’re no fun.”
“She’s not ready yet.”
>”Still? You’ve had her for like, a week!”
“I’m new to this, okay?”
>”Well, hurry it up! Why do you think we’re paying you?”
“To do doctor stuff!”
>”Oh. Right.”
>She sheepishly averts her gaze.
“Next, I was hoping you could force a few orgasms on her.”
>”Without penetration?”
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out. I told her to cum a lot, so she’ll be trying not to.”
>If you’ve read the situation right.
“Next, I need you to read something for me. It’s in my office.”
>You quickly make your way there with her following close behind.
>After a bit of digging and entering several different passcodes, you access security footage of Rarity’s lair.
>You zoom in on some papers.
“I told her to start keeping a journal, and to my surprise she did. But…”
>”It’s not written in Equestrian.”
“She’s really good at finding these little ways to resist. Like she’s trying to be more trouble than she’s worth. I can’t ask her what it says without showing weakness and admitting I’m snooping around, and then she’d almost certainly stop writing entirely. Problem is I don’t even know what language that is.”
>”Looks like Fancy.”
>”It’s a strange and esoteric language used overseas by a small of ponies that decided they were better off without monarchs.”
>No monarchs?
>You can’t help but wonder if she chose that language as a subtle gesture toward Cadence.
“Can you read it?”
>”No. And since the Crystal Empire was locked away before the language was created we probably won’t find anypony around here that does either. The linguistics department at the university of Canterlot would be able to.”
>Of course.
”And we can’t just ask them because it might be incriminating.”
>”Sorry Anon, but I can’t help with that.”
“I suppose I’ll just have to do without for now.”
>Why did she have to be so passive aggressive?
>Couldn’t she just have been regular aggressive?
“Oh right, one last thing. I didn’t tell her who was coming, maybe don’t let her know since she really doesn’t like you. Well, you go have fun then. I’ll be up here if you need me.”
>She practically gallops out the door.
>Rarity squirmed desperately against her restraints.
>It was futile and she knew it.
>Her front hooves were chained together just above her dock, almost completely immobilized.
>She could shift them from side to side a little, and maybe move a tad further up her back.
>But her joints refused to bend in any way that would even come close to allowing her escape.
>Her hind legs were similarly useless, stretched apart near as far as they would go and stuck in place by the metal bar.
>It was decidedly uncomfortable, verging on painful when she tried to move.
>She tried to shift away one last time only for a wicked cramp to wrack her hips.
>Rarity flinched back into the position in which she’d been left, completely exposed and helpless.
>At the mercy of whomsoever might stop by.
>That overgrown ape had promised her safety, but could his word truly be trusted?
>Was a rapists oath worth more than mere hot air?
>And even if it were, to what standard did he define safety?
>Surely being abducted and violated was decidedly unsafe.
>And yet he had the audacity to say that she was being protected!
>Had he any decency whatsoever he would at very least confess that she was in peril so long as she was trapped in this admittedly gorgeous basement.
>She was owed an apology and far more!
>But Rarity was not holding her breath.
>Something warm and musky was placed next to her muzzle.
>Rarity WAS now holding her breath.
“Hello? Is somepony there?”
>Whatever it was was pressed into her muzzle.
>She felt what must have been legs wrapped themselves around her back, grinding her muzzle right into the warm and wet thing.
>Realization hit.
>Rarity recoiled in horror.
“I’m afraid that I’m not interested in mares, so if you would kindly-”
>A potent force pushed her back against the nethers despite her protests.
“Please let me go. I’m being held against my will!”
>Something firm and broad tapped heavily against her bottom.
>Somehow, Rarity knew in her heart that it was that accursed paddle.
>There was no point in fighting it.
>Whoever this was, they had her at their complete mercy.
>And that uncouth brute upstairs had proven he could do far worse than what this mare was demanding.
>Rarity gently brushed her tongue against the flesh before her, just heavily enough that it might be felt.
>Her heart was hammering violently within her chest, the terror of her helplessness and the revulsion of the taboo meshing to form a terrible yet undeniable excitement.
>She closed her eyes despite being blinded, bracing herself for another exploratory lick.
>A strangely sweet yet tart essence reminiscent of the aftertaste of sour candies filled her mouth.
>It was far from unpleasant, yet Rarity reflexively gagged in revulsion knowing that she was tasting another mare’s…
>Had the ever present threat of pain and humiliation been less pleasant Rarity would have clamped her mouth shut.
>Instead, she shoved her tongue deep inside.
>If this was to happen, she would ensure it took as little time as possible!
>As soon as her assailant had, ugh, climaxed, she would be free from this abuse.
>She licked away in a frenzy, desperately trying to ignore the rising heat in her own loins.
>Far too soon her own treacherous body made that impossible, the involuntary twitching of her own genitals began to force pleasure upon her through that dreadful piercing.
>Rarity swallowed her own tongue for a moment to suppress a moan.
>Seemingly on queue she felt something warm and wet press against itself between the cheeks of her buttocks.
>She could only hope that this penis shaped object was merely a toy.
>Whatever the case, she was thankful that whoever was wielding seemed content to rub against her rump rather than pushing into any of her-
>A quick swat upon her rump reminded her to keep her tongue busy.
>The sweet and sour sensation grew more intense in her mouth as she licked, the rubbing against her rump grew more intense.
>And the quivering of her own nethers grew more frantic.
>A terrible heat began to build in her cheeks.
>The world started to seem distant and hazy.
>Rarity began to tremble against her bindings as waves of pleasure washed over her.
>She felt dirty.
>But she could not control the sensation any longer.
>Her debased body has jumped at the chance for release despite her protests.
>Once more something struck her rump and she began to lick with renewed vigor.
>The phallus rubbing against her bump pulled away and prodded gently yet insistently against her nethers.
>She tried to open her mouth to scream, but found that something was gripping against her in a vice like manner.
>She could produce nothing more than a muffled whimper, and returned to her licking in the hopes that appeasing her captors would preserve what remained of her innocence.
>Rarity’s clumsy, frantic efforts intensified when the penis began to rub against her entrance rather than simply poking, as did yet another wave of pleasure.
>She had no control over her body nor her fate.
>She was entirely at the mercy of these ponies.
>She let out a helpless cry, the slick and stiff rod prodding her to another peak.
>A guttural moan that was lot her own filled the air as Rarity climaxed, accompanied by the twitching and convulsing of the mare before her.
>The penis pulled away.
>At last she was free.
>It was over.
>Or not.
>The penis began to insistently prod against her muzzle, still wet from its previous explorations.
>Rarity’s nose flared at the scent of her own sex.
>It carried a delicate aroma of vanilla with a subtle undertone of honey.
>The penis prodded against her muzzle more and more aggressively until Rarity produced her tongue and gave it a long, but gentle lick along the shaft.
>She could not tell whether or not it was a toy, and she wasn’t sure if she actually wished to know.
>Her sloppy licking was soon met by another firm, slick lump of muscle.
>Somepony else was licking it.
>Somehow this made the experience even more perverse, and Rarity’s blush returned with renewed intensity.
>The second tongue vanished, and Rarity heard soft and graceful walking beside her.
>She continued to lick the, ugh, penis awkwardly.
>She’d no clue how it was meant to be done, much less whether or not her performance was considered satisfactory.
>She simply knew that so long as her tongue kept moving she would be spared whatever fate might otherwise befall her.
>Something lifted her from the ground and lay her atop another pony’s belly.
>Something warm, wet, and rough began to explore her vulva.
>A tongue, doubtlessly the one that had been up front until just recently.
>The penis pulled away and Rarity’s muzzle was one more pressed into a mare’s groin.
>Moments later, she felt the penis penetrate the other pony.
>She licked at the combined genitals, the sweet and musky aroma filling her mind and growing ever more intoxicating.
>The world seemed a distant place, a faint memory or perhaps even a dream.
>The violations in Rarity’s nethers ceased suddenly, only to be replaced by a soft suckling of the clitoris.
>She cried out with unwanted delight.
>Her body spasmed and fell limp, exhausted.
>The sensations did not relent, and soon her bottom was being struck once more.
>There was to be no rest tonight.
>It was the next day.
>Late morning to be a bit more precise.
>11:37 to be even more precise.
>You’d meant to get to the office sooner, but had successfully procrastinated and wasted most of the morning.
>But you were here now, and sitting in your office.
>The festivities of the night before had gone on far longer than you’d expected.
>You had though, perhaps naively, that it would only last an hour or two.
>According to your security footage it was a good thing you were late.
>Cadence had left only an hour or so ago.
>Awkwardly stumbling out the front door, bow legged and everything.
>You felt an odd urge to complain, though you weren’t exactly sure about what.
>Sure, it was silly for her to stay that long.
>And you hadn’t expected that kind of marathon performance when you’d lent Rarity out.
>But wasn’t that what she was for?
>Besides, you were helping out a friend.
>The truth was the only one here who’d done anything wrong was you.
>You’d promised Rarity you’d be upstairs.
>And though she was your toy, your word should have been bond.
>Yet you’d given up and gone home to sleep.
>That’s what really irked you about it, not that she was in use for too long.
>But that you’d gambled whatever trust had been built up.
>Hopefully nothing bad had happened.
>On the bright side, Cadence had left surprisingly detailed notes about the night before.
>Useful notes too, given you’d need all the information you could get going forward.
>She’d largely left herself out of it, making for some awkward statements.
>Things like “Rarity’s tongue lacked the dexterity to please.”
>Please whom?
>And “Used was only able to attain three climaxes.”
>Why say “user”?
>Why not “I”?
>Was this some weird etiquette thing you didn’t get?
>Or had she chosen that moment to develop some semblance of shame, and wanted to distance herself from the events?
>You suppose it doesn’t actually matter in the end.
>You have good information about what had happened last night.
>Almost as good as had you been there yourself.
>Turns out Rarity had tried asking to be let free.
>When that worked she’d put on a clumsy, but eager performance.
>She was bad at oral.
>But she’d tried, and most interestingly she hadn’t bitten anything.
>You’d decided the night before that you were going to work on sex training to try and make her better in bed.
>And also to get her used to it so there’s not this constant struggle.
>And more importantly, to drive home what she was for.
>This seemed a golden opportunity, but you had to handle it right.
>And handling it right started with breakfast.
>You pick up the takeaway bag and head downstairs, hoping not to see Rarity too roughed up.
>To your delight you find her to be in great shape.
>Freshly bathed, groomed, and curled up on a cushion.
>And, of course, chained to the wall.
>Cadence had cleaned up when she was done.
>You can’t imagine Rarity has had enough sleep, but you gently prod her awake regardless.
>She grunts a bit and rolls over, only for her leash to catch.
>Rarity gets up with a start, pulling the leash against her throat again.
>A brief bout of coughing later, she’s staring up at you fearfully.
“I brought you pancakes.”
>You place the bag in front of her, and she hesitantly pulls it toward herself.
>You pull up a chair and sit in front of her.
>Rarity kneels on the ground, looking up at you expectantly.
“I’ve been told you tried to talk them into releasing you last night. Is that true?”
>”I- err, that is to say…”
>She swallows a lump in her throat.
>”Yes, master.”
>You nod.
“And that you tried to refuse my guest just because she was a mare?”
>Rarity blushes furiously and refuses to meet your gaze.
>”Yes. Master.”
“Telling the truth was a very good idea. I’ll still have to punish you, but now we can do it the easy way.”
>”What is it you intend to do?”
“I thought you were going to lie, so now I’m not sure.”
>Quite the conundrum.
>Trying to leave in any way was a pretty grievous offence.
>You swear, this girl is trouble.
“You’re sleeping in bondage from now on.”
>You look her in the eye.
>She looks away.
>”Very well.”
“Now that that’s out of the way, it’s not all bad news. I’m told that you were actually pretty eager.”
>She shrinks away even further.
“And you came FIFTEEN times! I’m very pleased with your efforts.”
>She covers her face with her hooves.
“Even if you did a bad job, you tried your best.”
>”A bad job?”
“You suck at oral. Pun unintended.”
>”Well pardon me for not being an experienced harlot!”
“Apology accepted. Don’t worry, we’ll fix that soon enough.”
>”Must we?”
“It’s a critical skill for all mares. You know that there are like, a dozen mares per stallion, right? How do you expect to keep his attention if you have nothing to offer?”
>She stares you in the eye and opens her mouth.
>But whatever she was about to say, she thinks better of it.
“Now, I don’t know the proper technique. But I do know that one thing a good mare can be proud of is deepthroating. If you want to be desirable, you need to learn to swallow dicks.”
>She mutters something under her breath.
“You’ll have to speak more clearly, girl.”
>”I was saying, err, that is that I mean, I was wishing you were a tad less vulgar?”
“You wish for me to be a bit more clinical?”
>”I would.”
>Poor thing just made a huge mistake.
“The first problem you’re going to run into is getting it into the oropharynx. Your soft palate is highly sensitive to irritation of all sorts and will trigger a reflex and possibly become inflamed should you fail to bypass it. You’ll probably want to make room by descending your mandible just so you have room to work. Your sublingual tonsils will get in the way as well, not sure if there’s some trick to that or not. Candy Ass probably knows. But once you’ve bypassed it try not to touch the epiglottis, bumping into it is harmless but it’ll signal the medulla oblongata that you’re in respiratory distress which-”
>”Vulgar is fine.”
“Just get the dick in your throat, try to have the whole thing inside you. You can do that, right?”
>She slumps over and stares morosely at the ground.
>”Yes, master.”
>Though she may be trying to hide it, you can see the blush on her face.
“We’ll start practicing later.”
>You stand up and pat her on the head with your left hand.
“In the meantime you should eat your breakfast while the pancakes are still warm and the orange juice is still cold.”
>She readily accepts the offered meal, delicately nibbling at her food in what would be a dainty and ladylike manner were it not so frenzied.
>She ate with the gusto of a starved wolf fearing their scraps would be stolen away while still maintaining etiquette far better than your own.
>Maybe you’d been underfeeding her?
>When the meal is gone you pull your prescription pad out of your pocket along with a pen.
>It feels wrong to use it for this, but you really have no use for the thing.
>There aren’t that many pharmacists around here after all.
“So what do you say?”
>”Ah, thank you for the meal?”
“Great. So today we’re making a shopping list. Now before you get your hopes up, I’m not going to run out and get all these things, I expect you to earn them. This is just so I know what exactly you’d want, since something tells me you’re picky enough to complain if I get the wrong brand.”
>”What may I request?”
“Hygienic stuff. A good mare maintains her appearance to be appealing to males. My understanding is that you already know how to do that, which will save some time. So what do you need?”
>”Bolt cutters?”
>You stare at her with one eyebrow raised.
>”I merely jest! Though a good file would be appreciated for my hooves.”
>”And I could use a brush.”
“You HAVE a brush.”
>”A tooth brush!”
>How had you not thought of that?
>You squiggle a note to yourself on your pad.
>”Though, now that you mention it I could use a better brush as well. My mane is quite fine, that detangler simply won’t suffice!”
>Fine toothed mane brush.
>”Oh! And I shall be needing some proper shampoo and conditioner. It’s a tad difficult to find, so you may have to go to a salon. Tell them it’s for fine, dry, and long hairs. Purple hairs, of course.”
>You have no idea if that’s a real request, or if she’s trying to get you found out.
>Either way it’s too risky.
“I’m not going to a salon for this.”
>”But I thought you wanted me to be attractive?”
“Eh, I mostly want it for when I lend you out. If my guests want it that bad they can go get it.”
>She pouted.
“What’s the closest thing I’d find at a less extravagant store?”
>”Perhaps a moisturizing hold conditioner.”
>Moisturizing hold.
>”And an exfoliant of course!”
“Why would someone with hair all over their body need an exfoliant?”
>”Trust me on this one.”
>Fine, why not.
>”Oh, and a Carousel branded Rare Diamond makeup kit of course.”
“Rare diamond? Isn’t that a bit redundant?”
>”It’s marketing! Ponies need to know it’s named for moi!”
>Named for her?
“You have your own makeup line?”
>”You don’t?”
>Cadence had hinted at you that this pony was a big deal.
>But you REALLY wish she hadn’t underplayed it so much.
>If you get caught, you’re basically dead.
“Alright, got it. I won’t make you earn a toothbrush since it’s actually important.”
>You hadn’t ever treated them because you were in the wrong department.
>But you’d seen a surprising amount of people die of tooth decay.
“The rest I expect you to earn.”
>”Of course you do.”
>She grumbled.
“And since you tried so hard last night I’ll get you something.”
>Though you haven’t yet decided what.
“Now, next order of business, you make fancy clothing. Right?”
>”Fancy clothing? Why, the very notion! No, what I make is ART!”
>Of course it is.
“I want you to make yourself something classy.”
>”You wish for me to make a gown… for myself?”
“Well, not necessarily a gown. Something you could wear to formal occasions. I can’t take you out like you are right now you’d ruin my image.”
>”I’ll ruin far more than that.”
>She mutters quietly.
>Quietly enough you’re not actually sure that’s what she said.
“You should have SOME attire you could wear to the palace for special occasions.”
>”You intend to take me to the palace for special occasions?”
>Maybe not right away.
>And maybe only for staged events.
>And even then not for quite a while.
>But you don’t want to keep her in your basement forever.
>Besides, you figure that it’ll keep her busy.
>And you have a bit of a plan for that outfit.
“Walk me through the process. How does one design a garment?”
>”Well, it really is an art. Such magnificence should convey beauty that mere words cannot capture! One cannot simply explain the creative process, they must experience it!”
“Just give me the basics.”
>”One starts by considering the emotion they wish to express. Is it meant to be an expression of joy? Perhaps grief? Or are you trying to show your more daring side? The entire aesthetic is built around the central emotion. Then one considers the colours of the subject and looks for a palette that will compliment them whilst matching the desired look. Then you draw a bunch of sketches of a pony’s form matching their body type, and begin to sketch your ideas over their body to see how the fabric will sit.”
“Why draw more than one sketch of their body? Why not just make one good drawing?”
>”So that you can compare different designs, of course. Later on in the design process you can refine the drawings, but you go through so many in the early phases that it’s simply not worth the time.”
“Naa, that’s the stupid way to do it. You’ve got pencil and paper, make a good drawing of your form. One good drawing.”
>”But master, I shall need more than one.”
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll take care of that.”
>”Very well. Though I can’t imagine how you would streamline the design process better than I.”
>She’ll see.
>It takes less time than you’d have expected for her to finish her work.
>Probably only five minutes later she presents to you a clean and proper outline of a slender pony.
>There’s no detail on it, it’s little more than an outline and could very well be any pony with her body type.
>But the lines are all elegant and the proportions are perfect.
>Plus she did it with her mouth!
>Girl can draw.
>You grab her leash and beckon her to follow.
>She stands up, stares you in the eye, and swallows a lump.
>But she follows.
>You take her upstairs amongst all the filing cabinets.
>Keeping hard copies of patient records is a bit of a security risk, but the alternative is to risk losing ALL of them if you lose power.
>Something that, mercifully, has yet to happen.
“And this thing is a photocopier. You place a paper in it, press a few buttons…”
>Seconds later it begins spewing out nearly perfect clones of her drawing.
>Some of the lines are a bit darker than they originally were, but you doubt that’ll matter.
>Rarity stares in awe at the stack of clones before her.
“How many do you need?”
>”Oh. My. STARS!”
“Like, twenty? Or…”
>”I could take the time to make PERFECT depictions of every client? I need never again sacrifice perfection for expedience?”
>She looks up to you, eyes sparkling.
>”Where did you get this device?”
“Earth. Portal opens four times a year, but it’s kinda hard to get stuff through it.”
>”Well, I shall have to see if I can’t find one for myself, or at least one that I might share.”
>She HAS one.
>You almost start explaining that to her, but it’s just not worth the trouble.
>You pick up the papers and gesture back to the basement.
>To your surprise, Rarity leads the way downstairs no questions asked.
>She practically prances over to her corner and begins sketching.
>”I shall be needing fabric of course. Ooh, it’s been so long since I’ve designed a garment just for myself! Whatever shall I make?”
“Whatever you want, as long as it’s nice enough.”
>You say while affixing her leash to the wall.
>”Oh, I assure you that given the right materials it shall be far more than nice enough.”
>You’re genuinely looking forward to seeing what she produces.
>Sure, it might not be quite lewd enough to suit her.
>She doesn’t really accept what she is just yet.
>But there could be upsides to having an elegant sex slave at your disposal.
“So how did you get into fashion anyway? Part of your bootie mark?”
>”My cutie mark? No, actually. I had an interest in all things fabulous before that.”
“Oh. But what drew you to it in the first place?”
>She looks taken aback for a moment.
>”I think you may be the first pony to ever ask me that question.”
“That’s kinda a surprise.”
>”Ponies sometimes ask about my cutie mark, but not about my passion for fashion.”
>Maybe it’s common knowledge?
>Or maybe they just assume it was tied to the mark?
“I suppose nopony really cares. But I’m interested. It’s not a world I really know anything about.”
>”I’d noticed. Well, it’s been a part of me for so long I can’t really recall when I first fell in love with all things fabulous. Though I do seem to recall experimenting with styling my mane and tail at a rather young age however. I do believe I was trying to draw attention to the regal purple and away from my… shall we say muted coat.”
“What, you were ashamed of the colour of your coat?”
>”Oh, not ashamed exactly. Simply dissatisfied. The other fillies all had such vibrant and exciting colours, and they let me know it. Why, some of them even went so far as to mock me! They said I looked like a ghost!”
>Light bullying?
>You weren’t aware that was a thing in Equestria.
>”But who’s laughing NOW Rubber Duck? I am an ICON of all things GORGEOUS! My beauty is known far and wide, I am what YOU shall NEVER be!”
>She stands up on her hind hooves and spends a moment cackling.
>You could almost swear you saw lightning strike behind her.
>In the blink of an eye she returned to her prim and proper ways.
>”Pardon, it has been quite a while since I thought of all that.”
“That’s fine. I asked a question, you answered.”
>Kinda funny how it started with something so petty.
“Which dildo do you want?”
>”Excuse me?”
“You’re supposed to learn how to fellate properly. Had you forgotten?”
>”I, no. I had not.”
>She makes a point of looking away from the displayed toys.
“If you don’t want to use a toy, you can practice on me.”
>”The pink one!”
>Bubblegum pink it is.
>A low detail replica, relatively small and with no flare.
>Little more than a rod with a base.
>Almost certainly the most manageable.
>She must have been thinking about it at some point to pick it that quickly.
“Does the thought of it excite you? Are you looking forward to swallowing dicks, getting them deeper in you than ever before?”
>”Heavens no!”
“What, you don’t want to caress them with your tongue, savouring the salty musk, driving yourself to prove your worth as a mare with every lick? Looking up into my eyes to see me nod with approval, proving you’re worthwhile? Don’t you just want to take a deep breath to absorb the aroma before massaging the length lovingly, exploring every inch of its surface until you’re rewarded with a creamy treat?”
>”You’re sick in the head!”
“Turn around and lift your tail.”
>Rarity bites her lip and shifts around uneasily.
“I’m waiting. Prove to me that you weren’t getting excited.”
>She mumbles something.
“You’ll have to speak louder.”
>”I, err, that is to say-”
>You tap your foot expectantly.
>She doesn’t speak.
>Instead, she turns about and flashes you, revealing a turgid groin.
>She’s even winking a bit.
>Rarity quickly hides her shame.
“You’re in trouble. Do you know why?”
>”Because I lied.”
“About what?”
>”About my arousal.”
>Just a little further.
“And what’s the truth?”
>”The thought of performing, ugh, fellatio is quite exciting.”
>You gesture for her to go on.
>”And part of me yearns for it.”
>You’ll accept it.
>It’s not quite the dirty talk you were going for, but it’s a confession of her lewd nature.
>”On my lap, and don’t make me wait.”
>She scrambles to comply, buttocks already clenched in preparation for what’s to come.
>You bring your palm down on her rump hard, eliciting a satisfying cry of shock.
>You subtly turn on the radio transmitter, activating her implant on low intensity.
>You hope she doesn’t notice the subtler sensation against the sting of her punishment.
>And for the last one, you strike with a paddle.
“That’s not a number.
>You can feel the warmth radiating from her rump.
>It hadn’t been many, but you’re sure it stings.
“Alright. So do you know how I knew you were aroused?”
>She shakes her head while sniffling.
“It’s because you’re a mare. And mares exist to serve cocks.”
>She doesn’t respond.
“What’s a mare’s purpose?”
>”To serve cocks…”
“And if you can’t suck them properly?
>”Then I’m a failure as a mare.”
“But that’s okay. You don’t need to be a bad mare.”
>You pick up the pink dildo and put it in front of her face.
>Her nose twitches slightly, her eyes focus on the tip.
>You put her on the ground after she grasps it with her hooves.
>Rarity hold it to her face, trembling with either arousal or fear.
>She closes her eyes and tentatively touches it with her tongue.
“It’s fake, relax.”
>She methodically slathers it with her tongue, face burning red.
>A long, gentle lick from the base to the tip is followed by a gentle and loving kiss of the glans.
>She works her tongue around the front several times, getting a thick layer of saliva all over it before gently popping the tip in her mouth.
>A guttural moan escapes from around the toy, the combined arousal of her degradation and the stimulation of her implant coming together to drive her wild.
“Remember, you’re not allowed to cum.”
>She pulls it out of her mouth, a trail of saliva connecting the toy to her tongue.
>Rarity takes several husky breaths, sniffing the fake phallus before returning it to her mouth.
>She moves it in a little deeper before immediately pulling it all the way out, coughing.
>You turn the stimulator up.
“That wasn’t even a third of the way in.”
>”I’m *cough* sorry. It just *cough* it’s hard!”
“That’s okay. Being a proper mare is going to take practice. Try to angle your head so that it gets into your throat instead of just bumping into the back.”
>She stares apprehensively at it before putting it back in her mouth.
>You can see her tongue tickling the underside of the shaft.
>Rarity lets out a long, lustful moan.
>Her hips start squirming.
“Pull it out.”
>She does so slowly and deliberately.
“Lie on your back, and rub it against your cunt.”
>She groans, but does exactly what you ask.
>Her drenched groin is pointed toward you, arousal practically dripping from her tender flesh.
>Rarity rubs it against the wettest parts, gathering up the bulk of the lubricant.
>She suppresses a few grunts of pleasure as she presses the toy against her labia, spasming ever so slightly with delight.
“Good. Back to sucking.”
>Rarity returns the drenched toy to her mouth and puts it in without ceremony.
>Her own lubrication allows it to slide fairly far in without resistance, her tongue is pinned against the fake flesh as it probes ever further in.
“Does it taste good? Do you like the flavour of your own sex?”
>You can see her piercing grinding against her clit viciously.
>She’s close.
“You like it, don’t you? Making yourself available, serving cocks like a good little whore. This is what you’re meant to do.”
>She pushes it in slightly deeper.
>You can hear slight gagging before she pulls it out.
>You stand up and shove it back in with your shoe.
>You push it in slightly further.
“You’ll be doing this for real soon enough. The TRUE musk of a penis, the REAL subtle shapes and form filling you to the brim. You’ll get gallons of cum pumped down your throat every day, with stallions everywhere lining up to have their turn with you.”
>She starts convulsing rapidly, unable to control her pleasure a moment longer.
>You shove the dildo in to the hilt.
>She tries to push away, thrashing a bit while she squirms with the waves of her climax.
>When her movements start to calm down you let go, and she spits the dildo out.
>Rarity lay on the ground, coughing violently, drool oozing from her mouth and tears streaming down her face.
>She’s panting desperately, lungs burning for the air they were only so briefly denied.
>You sit back in your chair and stare down at her.
“You couldn’t even suck on rubber without cumming. What do you have to say?”
>”Sorry, master.”
>She spends a few more moments panting.
>”I tried not to. But it felt too good.”
“You need to learn self control.”
“I’m going to have to punish you for your failure.”
>”I know.”
“BUT! If you do a good job I might go easy on you. Again.”
>Rarity picks up the dildo apprehensively.
>She puts it near her mouth.
>And starts the whole routine again.
>A couple of hours had passed, and Rarity had been giving a really earnest effort.
>She kept insisting she didn’t want to do it, but not once did you catch her slacking.
>Finally though, you decide she’s earned a break.
>You’d brought her upstairs and sat her in the office with a cup of honeyed tea.
>She was on her fourth cup.
“Is your throat feeling any better?”
>”A tad. Is honeyed tea truly your best remedy for a sore throat?”
“In your case? Yeah, kinda. I could give you a numbing spray but that won’t actually cure it. It’ll just make you less aware.”
>”Didn’t you boast yourself as some miracle worker who could cure cholera?”
“Cholera is easier than a sore throat. What you’ve got can only be fixed the slow way. I’d help if I could, it’s not like I WANT you to have a sore throat.”
>”Well, I should remind you that this condition is no accident. You caused it to happen.”
>You can’t really deny that.
>”Do you also spread ponypox about to give yourself something to fix?”
“Naa, business is good enough.”
>”Yet I see nopony here.”
“We’re closed for the day.”
>The bell rings, indicating somepony has just opened the front door.
>You freeze in terror.
>You breathe a sigh of relief.
”In the office, Candy Ass. Make sure you lock the door behind yourself.”
>Rarity looks at you with disgust.
>”Candy Ass? Really?”
“Yeah, I’m surprised she’s here too.”
>She has to know the place is closed.
>Hardly anything is open on Monday.
>Cadence enters your office and looks at Rarity with shock.
>Rarity gives her a dirty look.
>”I don’t suppose you’ve decided to do the right thing and let me go?”
>”Why are you on a chair?”
>”Should I not be?”
>”There is a STALLION present!”
>Cadence takes off her crown and gives a deep bow before sitting on the floor.
>The hell was she doing?
>”Thank you for allowing me this audience, sir.”
>Rarity looks at her with dazed confusion, but says nothing.
“So why are you here, Candy? Is there an emergency?”
>”I don’t think so. I was just hoping I could learn a bit more about your craft.”
>Ah, right.
>They wanted to improve their health services and bring it into the 18th century.
>”We would like to emulate how you do things back on Earth. What would that take?”
“Oh boy. That’s pretty much impossible. Look, this is going to take a while and it’s going to be awkward talking to you sitting there. I can’t see you through the desk. Pull up a chair.”
>”Thank you, sir.”
>She climbs onto a chair and sits just a little bit too close to Rarity.
>”I smell sex.”
>Rarity turns beet red.
“Rarara has been practicing her blowjobs. She’s not very good at it.”
>”It’s a DISGUSTING practice and I’ve no desire to be good at it! Besides, what you ask is impossible.”
>”It’s not impossible. It’s fun!”
>”So says the whore.”
“Girl, be polite to our guest.”
>”Ugh. If I must.”
“Right. Healthcare is a massive, byzantine system cripple by bureaucracy. It was built long before current methods were developed, and carries a lot of pointless leftovers from earlier days. People keep trying to reform it but none of the changes can result in interruption of service so it’s slow going. You wouldn’t want to copy it even if you could.”
>She starts scribbling notes on a pad of paper.
>Where had that come from?
“But it can make a good framework. The necessary steps for curing an illness are discovery, diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. Discovery sounds really easy at first, but the earlier an illness is detected the easier it is to fix. Some diseases start out subtle and ramp up over time, some don’t affect their victims at all, but spread to vulnerable populations, and some progress so fast that you can’t afford any delay. Having the patient come in for treatment in a timely manner is the first big hurdle.”
>”That’s going to be trouble. We can’t control everypony, best we can do is probably an awareness campaign.”
“But you don’t want them coming in for everything. Most of the time illness is best treated by staying at home and getting lots of rest. Having them come to a building full of sick ponies causes more trouble than it’s worth.”
>”Oh dear. That’s going to result in some pretty complicated instructions. The crystal ponies are way behind Equestria, and they’re behind Earth.”
“Well, not ALL of Earth.”
>”Just getting them to see the doctor is going to be trouble, much less this weird grey area.”
>”What if you were to select a few key conditions and target them rather than trying all illness at once? You could target the most pressing issues and try to resolve them quickly rather than progress slowly whilst addressing fringe situations.”
>Both you and Cadence stare at Rarity.
>”It’s just that…”
“We weren’t really expecting you to help.”
>Rarity scowls at you.
>”And why not? Do you think I'm so vapid that I can’t contribute?”
“More that I didn’t think you’d want to help.”
>”I’m not helping EITHER of you. I’m helping the public.”
“And we appreciate it. You’re getting rewarded for that.”
>She pouts when she realizes you’re happy with her.
“I’ve got some data on what conditions are most common, but it’s just a record of what I see here. Does the department of vital statistics track mortality and morbidity?”
>”Not as well as I’d like, but they do have some records. I’ll ask for a list of the fifty most common conditions.”
“Great. Some of the records will probably be pretty vague, but I’m sure we can pick out something. We’ll have to pick something fairly easy to treat, too. I only have so many resources.”
>”Common illnesses that are serious and easy to fix.”
>She scribbles on her paper a bit more.
>”But you already get a lot of patients. If we just add more it’ll cause trouble.”
“I’m sure you noticed this the other day, but I get a lot of patients that don’t actually need help. Sassaflash was doing a solid job of screening them out, but if we attract more attention she might need help.”
>”So once the patient is here what’s step two?”
“Diagnosis. This is usually done by a general practitioner, they’re trained to know the signs and cures for the most common problems. If they can’t figure out what the problem is they send their patient away to a specialist who just studies one part of the body.”
>”Hm. We won’t be able to get away with that unfortunately.”
>”How difficult is it to be a general practitioner?”
>You think.
“They need to know almost everything that can go wrong with a patient and have a good understanding of hundreds of drugs if not thousands.”
>”But could we teach a few ponies to handle some of the routine tasks and have them handle it?”
>And she’d just invented nurses.
“We have those on Earth. It’s not an easy job at all, and they’re still quite highly trained. But if we don’t ask too much of them it could work.”
>Cadence seemed to like the idea.
>”Are there any easy, routine tasks you could trust somepony else to do?”
“Yeah, actually. Contraception is almost a third of my visitors. You’d be amazed by how many mares want to rut safely. Well, actually you might not be amazed.”
>Both of these ponies love cock after all.
“If we could get somepony else to do the counselling on that and find the right fit, it’d free up a lot of time. Hay, some of those procedures are so simple I could teach them in an afternoon.”
>”Fantastic. Good work Anon, Anon’s slave.”
>Rarity gave Cadence a rude hoof gesture that you understood to be comparable to a middle finger.
>Cadence waggled her eyebrows.
>”Your place or mine?”
>”Ugh. As though I would ever wish to be with a mule such as yourself.”
>”Your husband must have been quite desperate to settle for the likes of you.”
>”At least I HAVE a husband! Captain of the royal guard! You’ve been dumped or turned down by everypony you’ve ever met.”
>”Pft. What’s wrong with him? Is he mentally weak? Cider abuser? Deadbeat?”
>”You leave my husband out of this or so help me-”
>You slam your desk with your fist and try to pretend it didn’t hurt.
>Both of them nearly jump out of their chairs.
“Stop it, both of you! Candy Ass, I expected better from you.”
>You really did.
>She was usually so nice.
“I expect you to be civil with my girl while you’re here. And Rarara, it seems as though your throat is feeling better. Get back to it.”
>”While SHE’S here?”
“Get under the desk. Now.”
>She starts blushing so brightly you can almost feel the heat from across the desk.
>When Rarity reaches for the dildo you grab her hoof.
“You won’t be needing that.”
>”Then what am I- oh no.”
>You unzip your dick.
>Rarity looks at the door.
>You almost think she’s going to bolt despite her leash.
>But soon enough she just slumps over and accepts her fate.
>”Yes, master.”
>You immediately regret your decision.
>You’ve got a guest here!
>Yes, she may know a lot about your relationship with Rarity.
>And yes, she may approve of it.
>Not may, she DEFINITELY approves.
>But it’s still embarrassing.
>You feel hot breath on your tip.
>Back to the conversation with Cadence, you suppose.
“I suppose I’ll have to keep you two apart until things calm down a bit.”
>”I’m sorry, Anon. What should I do for punishment?”
“Tell your husband and have him handle it.”
>She really was taking this submissive thing seriously.
“Once you know what the problem is you can treat it.”
>You can feel the tip of Rarity’s tongue tickle your frenulum.
>She takes the tip into her mouth and suckles it for a little while.
>You’ve got to admit, she’s way better than last time.
“This is usually just a prescription. The doctor writes down a drug and a dosage and sends them to the pharmacy to pick it up. They take it and, if everything goes well, they’re fixed.”
>”Usually a prescription. What if it’s not?”
>Rarity takes your dick out of her mouth and drools on the tip for a bit.
>She carefully and tenderly licks her own spittle off before putting it back in her mouth.
“Surgery, probably. That’s what I did on Earth.”
>”So you weren’t doing diagnosis or anything like that?”
>You shake your head.
“I’m a trauma surgeon. I was trained to stitch people back together after serious injuries. I- ah that’s good- I really shouldn’t be trying to act like a GP, but it’s what you need most of the time.”
>”Really? But you do such a good job though.”
>No, you really don’t.
>You just do better than their healers.
“I’m afraid I’ll have to call the meeting there. I have… things to attend to.”
>”Of course, I’ve got things to do as well”
>Rarity starts to gently massage your balls.
>You can just barely hear her moaning from under the desk.
>She takes about half of your length into her mouth.
“I’ll see you tomorrow at 9 then?”
>”Probably, though we might be asking you to close and train some assistants.”
>Yeah, that would have to happen sooner or-
“Ah! Watch the teeth, Rarara.”
>”Srry mstr!”
>Cadence winks at you.
>With her eyes.
>She then teleports away, leaving an empty chair drenched with arousal.
>You hesitate a moment before deciding not to look at Rarity.
>You can tell if she’s doing a good job without seeing.
>And she’s actually doing a pretty solid job.
>You can feel gentle suction around the bulk of your penis, paired with a gentle massage from her tongue running around your shaft.
>Clockwise you get the slightly coarse texture of the top of her tongue, a potent sensation that threatens to push you over the edge at any point.
>Counter-clockwise you feel the velvety smooth underside. A far more gentle touch that allows the sensation to abate just enough that you don’t quite finish.
>She takes it out of her mouth, breathing heavily but not stopping her ministrations.
>Her hooves reach up and gently grasp it, slipping back and forth against the slick skin.
>She takes the tip into her mouth again and sucks HARD, still working the shaft vigorously with her hooves.
>You feel her pull it out again, her lips firmly pressed against you the whole way until she’s gently kissing the tip.
>Rarity takes it in one last time.
>She gets it a little under half way in before you grab the back of her head and shove it on.
>You cum violently, spraying straight down her throat.
>Her gag reflex squeezes and squirms around you, rubbing every inch at once as it tries to kick you out.
>You hold Rarity in place until she stops squirming.
>She pulls away the instant you let go.
>Rarity spends a few minutes on the floor coughing.
>You don’t have the energy to move.
>Finally, she climbs up onto her chair, blushing furiously and looking at the floor as though ashamed.
“Much improved.”
>You’re pretty sure that’s not a word.
“You shouldn’t have attacked our guest like that though.”
>”I- of course. My apologies.”
>She’s trembling just a tad.
>”W-what is my punishment to be?”
“For yelling at her? Nothing.”
>Her eyes light up just a bit.
“She provoked you. I’m going to blame her.”
>”Why, thank *cough cough* “
>She covers her mouth for a bit.
>”Pardon. Thank you, master.”
“I do expect you to be better behaved in the future though. But I’ll also be keeping you two apart.”
>At least for a little while.
>It was a mistake to let them talk.
>But you’re hoping Rarity will at least be thankful for you standing up for her.
>Even if it is in a perverse way.
“More tea?”
>”That sounds lovely.”
>Morning had come a bit too early, as it usually did.
>Such was the life of a coffee abuser. Wake up exhausted, drink to stay awake, and fail to sleep at night.
>You WOULD quit, but a surgeon can’t afford to have caffeine shakes.
>Or at least that’s what you keep telling yourself.
>You’re definitely not an addict.
>You drain your travel mug and lament the end of your second cup.
>The ponies in the streets wave cheerfully at you as they pass.
>You recognize many of them from your morning commute. Friendly strangers who walk a similar path to you each and every day.
>Some day you’d like to get to know a few of them better.
>Alas, when you meet you’re always in a hurry, and you’ve no clue where they’d be were they not on their commute.
>Perhaps it’s for the best that you don’t have a chance to know each other.
>Right now they like you, they respect you.
>You’re still welcome in this place.
>So long as you remain strangers that won’t change.
>You find yourself before the clinic seemingly instantly, time having slipped away lost in your reverie.
>You unlock the door and switch the sign to say open.
>You head to your office and check the time.
>Just barely.
>Time to quickly take stock of the place.
>Battery at 40%, unfortunately.
>The frequent snow storms just outside the bubble have been blocking out too much sun, if this keeps up much longer you’ll have to run the generator.
>No security alerts, blood stocks a little low for comfort but good enough to handle a couple big emergencies.
>Nothing’s seriously wrong, time to open.
>You step back into the lobby and are immediately greeted by 3 cute mares who all seem to be roughly middle age.
“Good morning.”
>One of them switches the open sign around to say you’re closed.
>They then lock the door.
>This doesn’t look good.
“Uhh, can I help you?”
>”We’re here for training!”
“There must be some misunderstanding.”
>You weren’t planning on training anypony else until Rarity was done.
>And it seemed like they were pretty well trained already given how eager they looked.
>”The princess said you would teach us how to do your job so we could help you.”
“OH! That. That makes sense.”
>You do vaguely recall her warning you about something like that.
“I suppose we should start with introductions. I’m Anonymous M.D., though Anon or Doc is fine.”
>The one on the left steps forward.
>She seems to be the oldest of the three. Fuschia coat and a silver mane, tasteful hoop earrings.
>”Elbow Grease.”
>The next one is light blue with a pale purple mane tied back with silver bands.
>”Autumn Gem.”
>The next one, seemingly the youngest, has a blueish grey coat with an off-pink mane streaked with golden highlights.
>She has her mane tied back in a tight bun.
>”Amber Laurel.”
”Now we know each other. I’ll try to get your names right, and I’ll fail. Sorry in advance. Please grab a chair and follow me to the examination room. It might be a little cramped.”
>Once everyone has crammed into the room you squeeze yourself in.
>The office would be more comfortable.
>But it will be easier to explain with the diagrams here.
>They all seem to have come prepared with a notepad and pencils.
“Alright! Do you know what you’re learning today?”
>The oldest one replies immediately.
>”How to rut without getting knocked up again.”
>The other two giggle.
“Basically, yes. What do you mean again? Are you a mother?”
>”We all are. The princess said that moms would be best at counselling mares on this kind of thing.”
>That made a fair amount of sense.
>After all, counselling was the most time consuming part.
>The three MILFS look at you expectantly.
“This will be pretty dry, but it’s important. We have the tools for five kinds of contraception at our disposal. There are more options available on Earth, but they’re less popular for a variety of reasons. I think we’ll start with the simplest. This- “
>You reach into your labcoat.
>There’s nothing there.
>You start to rummage around for a bit before finally finding what you were looking for under the examination table.
“Okay, this is a condom. You wrap it around a penis and it catches the sperm. They’re cheap, reliable, and have a few bonuses besides..”
>You pass each of them a wrapped condom.
>They all unwrap them and examine the stretchy material.
>The one with the bun decides to inflate it.
>It just keeps stretching and stretching more.
>All three of the mares are transfixed on the giant, vague phallic balloon.
>”Do- do they get that big?”
“That was made for humans, so it can take a bit of extra length.”
>You lie.
>It’s never too early nor too late to spread rumors.
“The main reason these are so popular is that they prevent disease too. Luckily, ponies aren’t susceptible to Go-Go Gonorrhea, Super Sonic Syphilis, or crabs so you won’t have to worry about that.”
>The one with the bands in their mane looks shocked.
>”Ponies, err, humans can get sick from having sex?”
“Earth is weird like that.”
>Or maybe it’s Equestria that’s weird?
>Who knows.
“Used properly you’ve only got about a five percent chance of getting pregnant over a year of mating. Problem is that part about using them properly. Things go wrong all the time, especially in the heat of the moment.”
>”And no cream pie!”
“Yes, thank you blue one.”
>Good grief, where did Cadence find these ponies?
>They’re making YOU blush!
“In reality they only work about two thirds of the time. Better than nothing, but I recommend more protection. Next is a pill. Take one daily, and you’re fine. It floods your body with chemicals that prevent ovulation, and when used properly is over ninety-nine percent effective.”
>Fuschia butts in again.
>”Used properly.”
“Exactly. Forget to take it for a day or two and you’re in danger. In reality it’s only about ninety percent effective over the course of a year. Some users also report emotional instability and a few other side effects. Pretty good, and a popular option because of the low cost. I usually don’t recommend these either, partially because they really aren’t that cheap in the long run.”
>Implants. Where are they?
>For the love of-
>Next to the tongue depressors!
“This is a hormonal implant. You punch a small hole in a mare’s skin and shove this plastic matchstick underneath. We have methods of pain control, but some soreness is expected for a few days.”
>Elbow Grease gives you a smug grin.
>”Don’t worry. I’m used to being sore in the name of sex.”
>Damn, the girl was shameless.
“These are extremely effective, with fewer than one in ten thousand chance of getting pregnant every year. They work similarly to the pill, except that they can use a different chemical since it’s going straight into the bloodstream, so you don’t usually get the emotional changes. They last about three years before needing to be replaced and are pretty easy to take out. You do have to keep in mind the side effects though, some users report nausea, back aches, dizziness, and vaginal dryness.”
>All three of them shift uneasily for a bit.
“You also can’t use them if you’ve ever had a heart attack or stroke, or have a history of cancers or liver disease. You’d have to check their files to see if they’ve had either of those, I’ll also prepare a questionnaire you can run through just to be safe.”
>Amber cocks her head.
>”Why can’t we use them then?”
“I dunno.”
>You really don’t.
>This isn’t your specialty.
“General rule though, contraindications mean that it won’t be effective or it’ll cause other problems. It’s usually just best to respect the warning label.
>Where are the IUDs?
>Oh right, under the sink.
>You should probably change that.
“Intrauterine device. Pass it around, but please don’t open the package.”
>”It’s a small plastic cross with some copper on it.”
“Pretty much, Autumn Gleam.”
“Shove this up in the uterus with the copper parts in the fallopian tubes and you’re set. They trick your body into thinking the sperm is something dangerous. Your body’s natural immune response then kicks in and gets it out of your system. Extremely effective, not that expensive, and they last around five years before needing to be replaced. Some ponies are allergic to copper, so they can’t use them. There’s also an extremely rare condition called Wilson’s disease that will make you sick if you get one.”
>”This sounds like the best one so far.”
“It usually is, Amber Lauren. But they’re hard to take out, so if you wish to become pregnant soon it’s probably not a good idea. Alright, that’s what we have available.”
>”I thought you said there were FIVE options.”
>Autumn Gem was right.
>You had said that.
>But you probably shouldn’t have.
“Tubal ligation. The most reliable form there is, less than a one in a million chance of getting pregnant. Requires no upkeep, has no significant side effects, and can be used on pretty much everypony. It’s also permanent. The surgeon can try to reverse it but there’s a high chance they won’t be able to. I suppose it’s not really my place to say this, but you should try to talk ponies out of it when they request one.”
>”You said it’s permanent?”
>”As in never having a foal?”
>All three of them were taken aback.
>Now you see why Cadence picked these three.
>Other than their apparent comfort around sex.
>You didn’t have to explain to them how big of a mistake that could be.
“This procedure is much more difficult than the others and requires me to cut the patient open. You won’t be asked to do it, and unless the patient has an extremely good reason to want it I’ll refuse. Now, I would demonstrate how some of these are done, but I don’t believe I don’t have anypony to do it to.”
>”What about me?”
>Both Elbow Grease and Autumn Gem say.
“Oh. We’ll start with you.”
>You point to Autumn Gem.
“You’ve heard your options, which one are you interested in?”
>”Well, I’m married but we’re not ready for foals yet. But you never know when that might change, so I want something easy to reverse. I’d take the implant.”
>Good reasoning.
“Let me check the whites of your eyes.”
“To see if they’re yellow.”
>You shine a pen light in her eyes.
>She blinks several times, but you still get a decent look.
“Frequent vomiting?”
>”Sometimes when I deep throat. I don’t let it stop me though.”
>That was both admirable and gross.
>Distended abdomen? Swelling around the legs?”
>Looked fine.
>Quite tight for a mother.
“Dark or foul smelling urine?”
>”Is, umm, is that important?”
>THAT was where she drew the line?
“It is.”
>”Oh. Well, no.”
>You had no medical history for this pony, but she didn’t seem to have any liver trouble.
“Please get up on the examination table. We’ll be putting it in the front right leg a bit above the joint. Make sure to put it around there every time so it’s easy to find when we want to take it out.”
>Oh, that would be locked up.
“If you’ll excuse me.”
>You head to your storage room and fiddle with the locks for a bit until the fingerprint reader decides to work.
>On your way back you spot a friendly face.
“Hey, Shining. How’s it going?”
>”Fairly well. Just here to check in on things, make sure it’s all going okay.”
“So far so good. We’re about to do a few demonstrations, wanna check it out?”
>He follows you into the examination room.
>All three of the mares bow toward him when he enters.
>It was really awkward in the cramped space, but they did it anyway.
“Alright. See this wicked looking hook thing? It’s the applicator. You use this to punch a small hole in the skin, then push the implant through the hole by turning it. You want to put it in parallel to the skin, NOT downward to the bone. You start by shaving a small patch.”
>Hair clippers weren’t as important back on Earth.
>Here it seems like you always need them.
>She doesn’t seem to mind the tiny bald patch.
“Next wiping the area down with an alcohol swab.”
>Shining Armor suppresses a laugh.
>He still hasn’t really gotten over the fact that booze is medicine.
>You open up an alcohol swab and vigorously rub the target area.
“And finally, Lidocaine.”
>You spray a bit on the shaved site.
“This will numb the area for a while so it doesn’t hurt so much. Be careful with this stuff, I haven’t had any trouble with it lately but it’s a popular target for thieves.”
>”Why? What’s in it?”
>Shining Armor again.
>He was pretty big on law and order.
>No surprise he was interested in this part.
>”Heh. Good one Anon. First you rub alcohol on everypony, now you’re spraying cocaine on them.”
>You stare at him deadpan.
>”You’re serious.”
“I mean, it’s been modified. But yeah.”
>”You’re my friend and all, but you can’t have COCAINE in this city!”
“Then every time I operate on somepony they’ll have to feel my cutting their skin open. Do you want that?”
>”We’ll talk later.”
>That didn’t sound good.
>Maybe you shouldn’t tell him you have opium too.
>Or maybe you SHOULD tell him so it’s not a surprise later.
>You poke at the prepared site with the punch on the applicator.
“Can you feel that?”
>”Just a bit of pressure.”
“Great. That’s exactly what we’re going for. You pull until it punches into the skin, angle it so it runs parallel, and slide it in. Everypony see that tiny little stick shaped bulge? That’s perfect. Put a bandage on it, and send them home. You’ll be safe in seven days.”
>Autumn Gem looks you in the eye.
>”That easy?”
“That easy. Finding the right match is by far the hardest part.”
>You point to Elbow Grease.
“What did you want?”
>”I already have five foals, each one of them a treasure. But we want them to grow up a bit before we think of having any more. We might not have a sixth, but if we do we don’t want it to be for a few years. An IUD sounds like a good fit.”
“Perfect. You’ve convinced me you’ve thought it through and it’s the best choice. Please get up on the examination table.”
>She climbs on and sits belly down.
“We’ll need to see your vagina.”
>Shining Armor turns beet red.
“What, have you never seen one before?”
>”That’s not the issue here!”
“Come on, the lady has been kind enough to allow us to do this demonstration. Everypony take a really good look.”
>Shining Armor closes his eyes.
>You can’t help but notice one of them opens a crack.
>Elbow Grease lies on her back and spreads her hind legs.
>She pulls them up using her forelegs,leaving her dripping vagina completely exposed for all to see.
>She sheepishly smiles, biting the corner of her lip.
>You put on surgical gloves and spread her labia.
>This is not part of the procedure.
“As you can see, the IUD is wider than she opens naturally.”
>You slip your middle finger in.
>This is also not part of the procedure.
>She whimpers slightly.
>You’d better not go any further, this is probably thin ice.
“It’s also MUCH too tight to get in.”
>”Why, thank you.”
“Just telling the truth.”
“Put this in the vagina, and SPREAD it open.”
>You shine a flashlight in her gaping pussy.
>The other two mares look into it with great curiosity.
>You glance at Shining, catching him staring before he closes his eyes again.
“Make sure you fresh wear gloves while doing this. Unwrap the IUD, and put it on this applicator. It’s pretty much just a stick with a clamp.”
>You slide the device into her, trying not to scrape her vaginal walls too much.
>You shine the pen light right into the back.
>Elbow Grease closes her eyes and turns red as a tomato, but doesn’t move.
“Hook the copper part into each fallopian tube like that. Make sure you get it all the way in, the big risk is that it will get dislodged from repeated, meaty thrusting.
>All three of the mares are breathing heavily.
“And done. You might feel some cramps for a minute or two, but after that you shouldn’t even feel it.”
>”It feels fine. Now what should I do?”
“Unfortunately for prince voyeur-”
“That’s it. You can close your legs now.”
>”And when will I be, you know, safe?”
“Right away.”
>She beams at you.
>”It’s our anniversary in a couple of days. Ooh, I’m looking forward to it.”
“And what about you, Ambrosia?”
“My mistake.”
>”My hubby and I are trying for a foal. So my answer is, maybe later.”
>Simple enough.
“Alright. Let’s break for a bit, I need to talk to the prince. When I come back we’ll start discussing what can go wrong and how to handle it.”
>You and Shining Armor slip out of the room, leaving a few very excited mares to chatter amongst themselves.
“Mares. They only want ONE thing, and it’s kinda endearing.”
>”When it’s not exhausting. Is this really what we should be prioritizing?”
“I think so.”
>”It’s just that this doesn’t seem as important as ponies being sick.”
“It’s probably not. But it’s also really simple, so it won’t take much effort to get it going. An afternoon or two and I won’t have to deal with contraception anymore.”
>”Is it really that big of a problem?”
“You have NO clue just how many mares are desperate for somepony to nut in them.”
>He gives you a slightly disgusted look.
“Seriously, I spend more time on that than anything else. If we clear that up we have time to focus on something else.”
>”I suppose.”
“Speaking of, have you decided what we’re going to work on?”
>”Probably whooping cough, if you can fix it.”
>Fucking hell, seriously?
“You have cases of whooping cough that aren’t being treated? Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
>”This is really hard for us, okay? What you can and can’t fix doesn’t seem to make any sense!”
>You’re going to have to explain germ theory to them some day.
“How many?”
>”Couple dozen confirmed. Probably more we don’t know of yet.”
>But it won’t take long for that to become damn near everypony.
“That spreads FAST. Don’t bring them to me, take me to them. I’m immune, so I can go in, but everypony else should try to keep their distance..”
>”What are we going to need?”
“Masks, meds, and somepony to make sure they take their pills on time. We’ll need to organize a meeting with yourself, your wife, and whoever else matters.”
>”You’re really taking this seriously!”
>Of course you were.
>These ponies are wonderful creatures.
>They don’t deserve to suffer from stuff like that!
“We do this right, we can wipe it out in ten years.”
>He blinks several times in rapid succession.
“Eradicate the disease. Purge it and relegate it to the history books. Make sure nopony ever catches it again.”
>”You’d better be ready to put your money where your mouth is.”
>You can’t do that right now.
>You’ll need a resupply from Earth.
>But you know it can be done.
“It won’t be easy, but it can be done. That has to wait though. I want a complete list of confirmed cases.”
>”I’ll get it to you first thing in the morning.”
“Tonight. You’ll get it to me tonight.”
>”Excuse me? That sounded like a demand. Have you forgotten I’m the PRINCE?”
>Had he really chosen now of all times to grow a spine?
>He slaps you on the back playfully.
>”Just messin’ with ya. The sooner the better, of course.”
>It was looking to be a long day.
>You still had those mares to deal with, and now this.
>Plus you had to find some “pajamas” for Rarity now that she was supposed to be sleeping while tied.
>AND you had to get her a reward for helping yesterday.
>Speaking of yesterday.
“Did Candy talk to you about what happened here?”
>”The argument? It was really weird. She walked up to me out of nowhere and begged me to forgive her.”
“What did you say?”
>”That it was fine. What else was I supposed to say?”
>You shake your head at him.
“You’re just lucky she loves you. Can you at least tell her to apologize?”
>”She’ll apologize if she feels like it. I can’t really tell her what to do.”
>For the love of-
>This guy.
>Cadence was stressing him to death.
>And it looks like he was trying to do the same to you.
>Whooping cough is nasty.
>It’s not unknown for symptoms to last over a hundred days before recovery.
>It’s also not unknown for it to be straight up lethal.
>Treatment isn’t hard, and there is a vaccine, so it’s extremely rare in any respectable country.
>When you went through med school your instructor had said you didn’t need to bother learning about it because you’d never see it.
>Had you not come to Equestria that would likely be true.
>Thankfully, your digital compendium had enough information for you to manage.
>And while you can’t actually run a culture to confirm it’s pertussis, symptomatically it’s on point.
>Shining Armor had made good on the list, even if it was pretty late in the evening by the time you got it.
>He’d offered to go with you as you made the rounds, but you refused.
>You don’t want him taking it home to his daughter after all.
>The fewer ponies exposed, the better.
>You did, however, allow a guard to go around and warn everypony you were coming.
>It would just save a lot of time.
>You knock on the door of the last house you need to visit.
>A very tired looking mare opens it up shortly after.
>You push past her.
>”Excuse me?”
“That’s alright, just don’t let it happen again. Where’s the foal?”
>”What are you doing?”
“Whooping cough. Where is it?”
>You hear the signature whoop and follow the noise, pushing through her kitchen and hallway to eventually enter a cozy bedroom.
>There’s a tiny little colt tucked in tight, spewing bacteria into the air with every breath.
>His mother catches up to you and steps in your way.
>”I don’t recall inviting you into our house!”
“That’s how you know I’m not a vampire. Listen, whooping cough is serious, and I’m here to cure it.”
>”And I don’t trust you!”
>That didn’t happen often.
>Ponies were really easygoing and welcoming.
>This one wasn’t.
>Hard to blame her, she was probably under a lot of stress.
>Maybe you should have been more tactful.
>”Besides, Tiny Quartz is fine. We’re taking good care of him.”
>A loud, dry cough punctuates her every word.
“Oh yeah? How are you trying to treat him?”
>Damn it all, she was one of THOSE mothers.
“Has he been getting better?”
>”Well, no, but-”
“And how long has he had it?”
>”A little over a week.”
>The coughing crescendos until it’s abruptly cut off by a wet gagging noise.
>His bedding is no longer clean.
“He just coughed so hard he puked!”
>”Maybe that’s just his body getting rid of the toxins?”
“That’s stupid! Now get out of my way, this is an easy fix.”
>”You can’t just force treatment on somepony who doesn’t want it!”
“Don’t make me get a warrant!”
>She slaps you.
>You slap her back.
>The two of you take turns ineffectually striking each other’s cheeks for a couple minutes.
>She suddenly sits down and starts coughing violently.
>She was infected too.
>You walk over to the colt despite her protests and produce an eye dropper.
“Hold on, you’re going to be fine.
>Three drops in his mouth.
>Quick check of the lungs with the stethoscope.
>Wet and phlegmy. Might be developing a secondary lung infection.
>Odds are that’ll clear up with the antibiotics, but without knowing the strain you can’t say for sure.
>You put a thermal probe in his mouth and start pressing on his ribs.
“Does it hurt when I do this?”
>He halfheartedly shakes his head.
>No signs of fracture from the cough, that prevents a lot of the more interesting problems.
>And his breathing isn’t particularly rapid, so hypoxia’s off the table.
“Alright. He needs three drops of erythromycin a day, if he’s still coughing in five days let me know. Oh. You might want to take some too.”
>You leave two small bottles on the nightstand.
“Keep taking it until you run out, make sure you don’t miss a dose, and don’t take more than three drops a day.”
>You pull the thermometer out.
“He also has a fever. Ibuprofen, one tab every six hours until the fever breaks. Should also take the edge off of the sore throat. Make sure he drinks plenty of water and you’ll be fine.”
>”Wait, that’s it?”
“That depends. Anypony else live here?”
>”Just my husband, he’s out at the moment. Umm… sorry about hitting you. It’s just you barged into our home and...”
“No problem. My fault for being so bad at communicating.”
>It wasn’t just names.
>You had a tendency to be overly blunt, among other things.
“Though in my defence, I thought you knew I was coming.”
>”Well, we did.”
>He starts coughing again.
“There’s a cough suppressant in those drops. It should ease up in a few minutes. If you knew I was coming why did you try and keep me out?”
>”Well, it’s just…”
>She smiles awkwardly at you.
>”I was kinda under the impression that, y’know.”
>You really didn’t.
>”You were going to disembowel him.”
>You suppose that’s the drawback of having your unique reputation.
>Many ponies knew you as a healer.
>Some knew slightly more.
>You can understand why that might be a bit frightening.
>Actually, they’re herbivores. Cutting up ANY body probably looks ghoulish, much less one of their own.
“I try to avoid doing that. Your husband coughing too?”
>”I don’t think so.”
“I’ll come back in a couple days to check on you. Try not to go outside while coughing or you might give it to other ponies.”
>“Is- is he going to be okay?”
>It’s too early to say for sure.
>Maybe he’ll have a reaction to the drugs, or maybe he’s immunocompromised in some way.
>But you’ve learned not to say that after a few fumbles.
>You have to present the truth in the right way.
“It’s extremely likely he’ll be fine if you follow instructions. And if he’s not, I have a few more tricks that don’t involve disemboweling.”
>”Oh, that’s wonderful. Hear that, Tiny? You’re going to be just fine.”
>He sounded pretty tired.
>No surprise.
>”Thank you mister.”
“No problem, Tiny. Ma’am.”
>You show yourself out, leaving her to clean up colt barf.
>Cute kid.
>Hopefully there’ll be no consequences for the forceful entry.
>Shit like that is why you’d specialized as a surgeon.
>You weren’t exactly good at the human interaction part.
>Even you realize you were acting like an ass there, but it was part of your training.
>You were used to pushing everyone and everything aside while on the job.
>Trauma surgeons aren’t known for their great patience.
>If you knocked a nurse over while running to the O.R. back on Earth, THEY would have been punished for it.
>Only thing worse than obstructing the trauma surgeon was getting in the way of a crash cart.
>You get far more respect in the empire, yet ponies are WAY more likely to get in your way than any human ever was.
>Such was life for a surgeon out of their element.
>You head home, strip, and climb into the shower.
>It wasn’t really necessary. You’ve been immunized and any pathogens on your body won’t be able to spread around.
>But you always feel dirty after dealing with infectious diseases, and hygiene isn’t a bad habit anyway.
>You squirt some mane and tail shampoo in your hand and spread it into your hair.
>Almost out. You have to go shopping for Rarity anyway.
>That’ll have to wait for tomorrow though.
>Most of the stores will be closed by now.
>Hopefully THAT one isn’t.
>You dress yourself, noting that you really should have done laundry on the weekend, and set out into the night.
>The Crystal Empire had a red light district.
>It wasn’t the same as one might find on Earth, rather the streets were pristine and the law was well enforced.
>There was no prostitution to your knowledge, and the hardest drugs available were in the all night cider bar.
>But despite it all, there were some more lascivious aspects to the area.
>Bordello? No. Cabaret? Yes.
>It felt strange to see such things in this land.
>But the more you came to know it, the more it made sense.
>Vice was rare. Their society was healthy and tight knit enough that ponies had support networks, and shame carried a lot of weight.
>This place’s clientele wasn’t lonely ponies looking for a meaningless hookup.
>This was where couples went when they wanted to be a little wild.
>Sapphire Street wasn’t a place you’d take your foals, but it wasn’t so seedy that it felt unwelcoming.
>You approach an unassuming building with blackout curtains in the windows and a simple sign hanging above the door.
>Lovelace’s Lovely Lace.
>You briefly consider coming back with a mask before realizing how futile it was to try and hide your identity.
>Sure, this wasn’t a disreputable place to be seen.
>But it was still pretty embarrassing!
>Deep breaths Anon. They get people buying this kind of stuff all the time.
>They’re used to it.
>Just act cool.
>You push the door open to find a somewhat cramped storefront.
>It looked much bigger on the outside.
>Glass or possibly crystal displays make navigation awkward as you walk around, slightly hunched over.
>A bubbly voice calls out to you from behind the counter.
>You don’t quite turn around, trying in vain to hide your face.
>The pony, presumably Lovelace, stands a little taller than most mares.
>She’s a sky blue pegasus with a golden mane tied up in none other than a ponytail.
>Strangely, her tail isn’t tied up at all.
“H-hello. I’m, umm, I’m looking for some, umm, intimate clothing.”
>”Well you’ve come to the right place!”
>Had you ever.
>You were getting excited just walking around this place.
>Frilly skirts that hide nothing, maid outfits, fishnet stockings, garter belts and more.
>”Can I help you find anything?”
“I have this friend. Yeah! A friend! And they don’t like moving very much.”
>”Are you looking for a hobble, or something more strict?”
“The latter.”
>”Over by the back.”
>You walk slightly too quickly to where she’d directed.
>The displays look very similar to what you’d seen near the entrance, albeit with clamps and cuffs scattered about.
>You don’t know what half of these things are though.
>You’re out of your depth.
>You turn around to ask for help and nearly jump out of your skin when you see her right behind you.
“I was looking for something comfortable to sleep in. I mean my friend was!”
>”Ooh, that narrows it down a fair bit. Lots of bondage options can hurt you if you’re in them too long.”
>You were aware.
>You may be inexperienced when it comes to tying ponies up, but you know how they work.
>Blood flow must be maintained, nerves must not be compressed.
>And if you wanted to go really long term you’d have to worry about pressure sores.
>It’s something you’ve been mindful of.
“I’m glad to hear you say that. I don’t want my friend to get hurt after all. So what here was designed with that in mind?”
>”Well, the part that causes problems is usually the straps. Pretty much everything that doesn’t have them will work. I recommend the socks.”
>She directs your attention to thigh high black silk stockings.
>It’s a bit subtle, but you see steel rings and hooks have been stitched into the sides.
>”Put these on and clip the anchors together. Your friend won’t be able to move their legs independently.”
>Sorta like hoof cuffs but suited for longer terms.
>”Make sure all of the hooks are on though. It’s silk, so it’s strong enough if they share the strain, but if there’s only a few holding your friend they’ll break.”
“Sounds great.”
>Seemed like she’d thought of everything.
>That kind of thing only came with experience.
“How long have you been running this place?”
>”I opened up shortly after the prince and princess took the throne. So about two years. I almost didn’t make it, but business has been GREAT these last few months!”
>Two years?
>Less than you’d expected.
>Though admittedly you have a hard time imagining this place existing before Cadence took over.
>”If you’re interested I can also get these in white.”
>That wouldn’t show very well on Rarity.
“Black is good. I suppose I’ll need four socks?”
>”There’s a discount for getting two pair.”
“I’d also- they’d like to get something for their mouth.”
>”Leaving a gag in overnight can cause some trouble. But you could muzzle them!”
>She directs you to lacey and silky muzzles available in a few colours.
“These have straps.”
>”Yes, but they don’t need to be on tight, unlike other equipment.”
>Makes sense.
>You pick up a minimalistic option made up of a network of delicate black strands.
>You’re hoping that the quantity of strands will make up for their flimsiness.
>You also grab a set of transparent rose red panties and a matching red halter top dress with a V neck deep enough to reveal her navel.
“Alright, that should do it.”
>”Would you like for me to try them on so you can see how they look?”
“Is- is that a service you offer?”
>”Of course! I’d hate to have you come back dissatisfied.”
>The fuck?
>This didn’t seem normal.
>It has to be a trick.
“That won’t be necessary.”
>”If you’re sure~”
>You take your purchases up to the counter and fork over entirely too many bits.
>You really should have gotten Rarity to make this stuff.
>But you don’t think she’d have been so compliant as to make bondage equipment.
>You walk awkwardly quickly when you leave the store, moving just shy of running until you’re away from Sapphire Street.
>You hide your purchased beneath your labcoat and make your way to the clinic
>You unlock the door and step in.
>Quarter to midnight.
>The responsible thing would be to go home and go to sleep.
>But you hadn’t given Rarity dinner yet.
>Better pick up some hamburgers.
>Not the healthiest, you should really revise her diet at some point.
>That’d be way easier if she were a little more trustworthy though.
>Maybe it can wait?
>When you finally get to the clinic’s basement you find Rarity back and forth, papers strewn about in a chaotic manner.
“What are you doing?”
>”Oh! I hadn’t heard you come in. I’m examining my designs, trying to decide upon which one I intend to make.
>There must have been thirty designs there.
>She’d been busy.
>”I’ve narrowed it down to only a few.”
>Thirty was only a few?
>”And while some of the details remain unknown, I know what I shall be needing to create art.”
>She pushes a sheet of paper toward you.
>You notice it has a list written on it.
“I’ll get it for you in the morning.”
>She just gives you a grumpy huff.
“In the meantime I brought you some things. First off, a meal.”
>She takes the bag and does her best to be dainty while unwrapping it.
>You’re pretty sure she’s overly hungry again, despite her discipline.
>Every now and then the facade slips for a moment.
>You’re glad you supersized it.
>You allow her to eat before you do anything else.
“I also got you the makeup kit you asked for.”
>You had the option to get a kit or to get the cosmetics individually.
>As far as you know they’re different.
>”Oh! It’s perfect!”
>It had better be.
>It was pretty pricey for how small it was.
>Just a thin black rectangle with some silver filigree as far as you could tell.
>”I’ve felt nude without my eye shadow.”
“You ARE nude.”
>”And a little touch of mascara does wonders for one’s eyes. Ooh, this is exciting! Brand new designer clothing, brand new makeup. I’ll be beyond darling!”
“We should do a photo shoot when your outfit’s ready. Really capture the moment.”
>”What’s the catch?”
“I don’t know yet.”
>You actually do have an idea.
>But you can’t force it.
>It has to be her idea for it to work.
>That doesn’t mean you can’t nudge her in the right direction though.
“But I do know I’ve got the best camera you’ve ever seen.”
>”Well, I do hope you’ve plenty of film! Such magnificence cannot be captured in a single image, after all.”
“I think it’s a couple hundred gigs. Should be enough to record video if you want.”
>”I do hope you’re not bluffing. I take photo shoots seriously.”
>Should you demonstrate now?
>Naa, you’re tired.
>It’s past bedtime.
>She’ll see soon enough.
“I think you’ll be impressed. But it’s getting late, that’ll have to wait for another day.”
>”Indeed. It does feel like it’s high time to retire for the evening. Would you mind turning the lights off this time? It’s cutting into my beauty sleep.”
>You know.
>That was the plan.
>But subtle means of wearing her down didn’t seem nearly as effective as spankings and ginger.
>And you ARE a doctor, so you can’t help but be worried about her health.
“You should have asked sooner. I’ll turn it off on my way out.”
>”Truly? I simply needed to ask? Well, I don’t suppose you’d mind giving me some hairpins?”
“I’m not giving you lockpicks.”
>She started pouting.
>You notice she didn’t deny that was her plan.
“Do you even know how to pick a lock?”
>”Well, no. But it was worth an attempt.”
>You’re too tired to deal with this.
“Well, that’s a punishment. But first, I believe I mentioned punishment yesterday.”
>”Oh. Oh my.”
>You nod.
“Tell me what it was and why.”
>”I… I asked somepony to release me. And as punishment I am to sleep bound.”
>You pass her a second bag.
>She checks the contents.
>”Silk! Oh, I had missed my silken pajamas. I- oh. Oh my.”
>A blush starts to slowly form on her face as she examines the clothing.
>”Where did you even find these?”
“There’s actually a store that specializes in that kind of stuff about 20 minutes away.”
>”It’s quite well made. I wouldn’t mind stocking these on the pret a porter shelves at my boutique, were they not so indecent.”
“So it’s as good as your stuff?”
>She scoffs.
>”This is mass produced tripe. It’s what one wears when they cannot afford properly tailored garments. My creations are something else entirely.”
“Well, it’ll do for now. Put it on.”
>”If I must. Though I do have to ask, what is the purpose of these metal parts?”
“A safety consideration.”
>”Oh. Oh my. Umm…”
>She bites her lower lip and trembles as she rolls the socks on.
>They fit snugly, making a sleek contrast between themselves and her coat that draws attention directly to the thighs.
>”You mean to tell me there’s a store that makes clothing made for… that?”
“Yep. You should diversify a bit, attract a broader client base.”
>”I’m not certain I wish to attract THAT client base.”
>The top was next.
>You hadn’t noticed before, but it buttons up near the bottom.
>Good thing too, you’d have to take her leash off to put it on otherwise.
>”This chemise is such a brilliant colour. I’d rather like to speak to its creator to discover who provided the dye!”
“I can ask, but she’s probably reluctant to give up any trade secrets.”
>”Perhaps. Generally one seeks a quid pro quo agreement of sorts when doing these things, and I’ve plenty to offer!”
“Such as?”
>”Just at a glance I can tell her designs can use improvement. See how the floral pattern blends in too much?”
“Floral pattern?”
>”Exactly. The embroidery ought to be a slightly darker shade so that it’s visible without being too flashy. Having it match colours so well makes it blend in unless you examine closely enough to see the differences in texture.”
>If you spend much more time with Rarity you’ll be able to teach courses on fashion.
>”And finally. Umm… master? Would you kindly look away?”
>”Well, it’s just… this garment is rather intimate. Is it not?”
>You turn around.
>If she’s going to do what you say that’s good enough.
>Even if it is stupid, given you’ve been inside her.
>You turn around.
>She’s struck a pose, her front legs crossed over and her rear turned away.
“You look good in it.”
>”That’s where you’re mistaken. It looks good on me.”
“Heh. Fair enough. Now lie down on the cushions.”
>”Oh. Right. Of course.”
“Hay, don’t worry. It’s not like anypony’s going to use your mouth tonight. You’re just sleeping, tucked in really tight.”
>”It’s the principle of the matter.”
“Would you rather have some different punishment?”
>”NO! No, that’s quite alright!”
>She scurries to lie down on the cushions.
“Front legs behind your back, hind legs straight out.”
>You walk behind her.
>Her rear looks a bit more plump in these panties.
>The front legs hook together no problem.
>You fumble with the hind legs for a brief moment, but Rarity doesn’t complain.
>You then tie her tail and mane together, pulling her head back a bit so her mouth points out parallel to her back.
“Does it hurt anywhere?”
>”Should it?”
“Ideally no.”
>”Oh, good. There’s a lot of pressure on my hips.
>You wedge another pillow under her.
>”Much better.”
>You put on a glove.
“This might feel a little cold.”
>”What will? WAA!”
>You shove a couple fingers up her butt.
>Surgical wound seems to be closing very nicely.
>And the swelling’s gone.
>Should be fine.
“Since you tried to trick me earlier, you’ll also be sleeping with a plug and vibrator.”
>”A what?”
“A butt plug. And a vibrator.”
>”I can gather what the first one is but- ahh!”
>You pull down her panties.
>You then shove a stainless steel plug with a pink diamond on the base right up her rear.
“And a vibrator”
>You slide a small bullet vibe deep inside her vagina and turn it on low.
>You’re not sure where Cadence had gotten a battery powered vibrator.
>But you’ll make use of it!
>You give her rump a quick slap before slipping the panties back on.
>Rarity gives you a small, soft moan.
>It’s a terrible shame you’re not going to fuck her right here and now.
>But the time isn’t right, not quite yet.
>A couple more days you figure.
>Besides, you’re really tired.
>You might just fall asleep half way through.
>”Must we do this?”
“You’re the one that broke the rules.”
>She doesn’t answer.
>You wrap the muzzle around her mouth without warning and without complaint.
>And then you blindfold her for good measure.
>You pat her on the head for a moment and scratch her behind the ears.
“Sweet dreams.”
>It was time to go home.
>By the time you’re in bed, it’s one in the morning.
>You’re exhausted.
>And morning would be here far too soon.
>Tomorrow would suck.
>But you’d gotten a lot done today, so it was worth it.
>You yawn loudly and roll over in bed.
>Your pager goes off.
>It was an emergency.
>You barely take the time to dress yourself before running out the door.
>You’re out of breath by the time you reach the clinic.
>It’s not THAT far, but you were moving as fast as you could.
>You nearly double over in exhaustion before catching yourself.
>Just a little further.
>Damn you’re out of shape.
>The door’s been kicked down!
>You step over the wreckage, leaning against the wall for support.
>”What are y’all waiting for? Get over here!”
>A familiar voice yells at you from the operating theater.
>You stumble your way there, gasping for air with each step.
>One of Twilight’s friends, the orange one, is standing by the door.
>She looks mighty nervous.
“Hold on a sec.”
“I’m having trouble breathing.”
>”It aint YOUR breathing I’m worried about!”
>THAT was bad.
>You push into the theater to find the pink one lying on the table, belly up.
>She’s breathing, albeit with great effort.
>You force yourself to move to her side.
>She looks at you.
>She’s still awake.
>And twitching.
>Her pupils are severely dilated
>You grab her leg and dig a thumb in next to the vein.
>Pretty rapid, probably about 150 bpm.
“What happened?”
>Patient is unresponsive.
>”It’s Apple.”
“Later! We’ll talk names later! Tell me what happened!”
>”I dunno. She just said she was feeling sick and kinda dizzy. She sat down and started saying all sorts of weird stuff, then she just sorta fell over!”
“Weird stuff?”
>”She started talking to ponies who ain’t here!”
>You give the patient a visual examination.
>Dry mouth, flushed.
>And visibly distended bladder?
>”When did she first start acting weird?”
“Uhh, she was pretty twitchy all day I think.”
>Not good enough.
“Think! Anything might help.”
>You strap the pulse oximeter around the dock of her tail.
>It’s meant to be on a finger, but you’ve had pretty good results with docks.
>Her pulse is higher than you thought, pushing 170.
>And her blood oxygen is down to about 60%, you’re surprised she’s still awake.
“Pink, I’m not sure if you can hear me, but I’m going to help you breathe.”
>Hopefully you don’t have to intubate.
>You strap a mask around her muzzle and attach it to a canister of oxygen.
“Orange, go to my office and get the laptop!”
>Tremors run about Pinkie’s body.
>She shakes about violently enough to pull the oximeter out of place.
>She nearly falls off the table, but you manage to hold her in place at the price of taking a hoof to the ribs.
>Applejack calls from a distance.
>”Doors locked!”
>Pinkie knocks the mask off, her eyes roll into the back of her head.
>You don’t have time to go open it, cardiac arrest could hit at any moment!
>You hear a massive crashing noise.
>Her struggling grows weak, probably from hypoxia.
>You take the opportunity to stick her with a syringe of atracurium, a muscle relaxant.
>Then you put the mask back on.
>Seconds after she catches her breath the spasms return.
>Much weaker, the drug shouldn’t have had that much effect yet.
>Applejack busts into the room with your laptop.
>You grab it from her and put it aside.
>This theater is incredibly contaminated at this point.
>You just hope you don’t have to do anything invasive.
>”What in the hay is wrong with her?”
>You don’t know.
“Any history of this kind of thing? Seizures? Twitches?”
>”Twitches? All sorts. They can predict the future!”
>Stupid magic making things complicated.
“All I know for sure right now is that her muscles aren’t working right. Whatever it is is causing her skeletal muscles to spasm, but it looks like it’s moving to her other muscle groups.”
>She’d live, as long as that’s all that was happening.
”Apples, you’re my assistant for the night! Respirator’s over there, look for the green button and press it! Make sure air starts coming out of the mask!”
>”Ain’t she already on one of those?”
“No. That’s just oxygen rich air. That machine is going to replace her lungs if she stops breathing entirely. Pink, again I don’t know if you can hear me. You might stop breathing. This is the one place in the entire world that that’s safe to do. Don’t worry, you’re going to be okay.”
>You really hope she’s going to be okay.
>”We got wind!”
“Shut it off for now. She seems to be stabilizing.”
>Blood oxygen was rising.
>Pulse was slowing.
>You grab the laptop and open it.
“Do you know human numerals?”
>You’ll have to make do.
“That display is showing how much oxygen she has in her system. Tell me every time the symbol on the left changes. I’m going to catheterize her.”
>You gave her a muscle relaxant a little while ago now.
>And her bladder’s still distended.
>”What are ya doin? Get away from her cooter!”
“Her bladder’s already overfull. I do this or we risk a rupture next time she seizes.”
>You focus in on her urethra, ignoring the rest of her backside.
>You affix a small plastic pipe to an empty, sealed plastic bag, and press the pipe inside the tiny hole.
>A few seconds of struggling later, a clear yellow fluid starts flowing out into the bag.
>”It just changed!”
>You pick up your laptop.
“Now that there’s no immediate danger, I’m going to try and figure out what’s happening.”
>You’re a TRAUMA surgeon.
>Whatever this is, it’s not your wheelhouse.
>But it seems like a neurological problem.
>It’s extremely unlikely every major muscle group would freak out at once.
>Much more likely the thing controlling them is in trouble.
>It was a Grand Mal seizure.
>Body temperature’s normal.
“Has she been sleeping lately?”
>”Not so good since Rarity went missing.”
>Straight to the heart.
“Head injuries?”
>”Don’t think so.”
“Check her head for signs of trauma. Bruises, cuts, whatever you’ve got. Has she consumed any drugs lately?”
>”Any whatnow?”
>It’s starting to look like a cerebral hemorrhage.
>You don’t have the means to do a CT scan or an MRI.
>It’ll have to be an x-ray.
“We need to move her to medical imaging.”
>”Move her? Ain't she breathing through that thing?”
“We’ll have to move the canister too.”
>Applejack wedged her head under Pinkie and threw her on her back.
>You pick up the much lighter canister with a grunt.
>The two of you scramble across the hallway, nearly tearing the catheter out before you remember to grab it.
“See that chair there with the giant camera looking thing?”
>”Sit her in there?”
“You got it. Then stand back, that machine’s dangerous.”
>”And we’re putin’ her in FRONT of it?”
“It’s WAY less dangerous than not knowing what’s happening to her.”
>Applejack moves like a mare possessed.
>Seconds later you’re fumbling with the lead apron, trying to get it on the catatonic pink pony.
>It’s taking too long, screw protocol!
>You step back and open the shutter, bombarding her with ionizing radiation.
>A couple seconds later you have a clearly defined image of a pony skull.
>No anomalies.
>If it’s bleeding or a tumor, it’s small.
>”So what’s going on?”
“No sign of anything weird here. Oh shit!”
>Her lips were changing colour.
“Get her back, move move move!”
>You nearly collapse on the way, stumbling on your own feet.
>This time you DO manage to lose the catheter.
>But moments later you’ve got her on the table again.
>You affix the positive airway pressure machine, and scramble to get the oximeter back on.
>She’d stopped breathing on her own, you just hope you noticed soon enough to avoid any serious problems.
>”So what in the hay was that all about?”
“I thought her brain was bleeding, but it doesn’t look like it.”
>Heart rate’s dropping.
>Oxygen rising.
>Seizing totally stopped, thankfully.
“It might be a massive stroke. I’m going to administer a thrombolytic.”
>”A what now?”
>You fill a syringe with streptokinase.
“A chemical that will dissolve blood clots. I didn’t do it earlier because if her brain was bleeding it would have made it worse.”
>You stick Pinkie in the neck after disinfecting her.
“I’m also going to give her a vasodilator, something to make her blood vessels expand. If she’s having a stroke this will mitigate the damage.”
>You can’t reverse a stroke.
>Nobody can.
>You can just make them less serious.
“I don’t think it’s a stroke, that’s just insurance. If it were a stroke she’d be coming out of it by now.”
>Unless it blew a massive hole in her brain.
>”Why’s that beeping getting slower?”
>She was right.
>The pulse was dropping.
>Down to-
>She was going to crash!
“I’m giving her a hit of atropine.”
>You stick yet another needle in her neck.
>”What now?”
“A drug that’ll speed her heart up for a bit. It’s got some nasty risks, but we need a steady pulse!”
>You can’t give her another dose though.
>This is all the time you can buy with drugs.
>It screws with the parasympathetic nervous system, if you overdose her on that things will just get worse.
>They didn’t have much time.
>Not a stroke, not a hemorrhage, no family history of degenerative disorders, no history of seizures.
>You’ve got it.
“She was POISONED!”
>The cardiogram goes flat.
>You pull the defibrillator off the wall and pull her PAP mask off, throwing it aside.
“Stand back. CLEAR!”
>Pinkie’s entire body convulses when you hit her with the shock.
“I just restarted her heart, that’s what!”
>That didn’t make sense.
>The atropine was supposed to buy you more time!
>Why did her heart stop so suddenly?
>It didn’t make a lick of sense. Unless…
>You hear a ruckus outside, followed by three of the patient’s friends pouring in.
>”Oh my gosh, is she okay?”
>Twilight asks, leading the pack into the operating theater.
>Pulse is low.
“Stop gawking and help me! Blue, in the drawer over there is a yellow needle with a red tag on it. Bring it, don’t open it!”
>Rainbow Dash nearly knocks you over rushing to get the needle.
“Purple! Can you read human?”
>”Six languages!”
“Check my computer for natural sources of atropine! Butterfly?”
>”Oh! You remembered my name! Well, almost.”
“I need you to check if her mouth and vagina are dry!
>”Oh. Oh my.”
>Rainbow Dash returned with the needle.
>You slide one last needle into Pinkie’s neck and give her a dose of adrenaline.
>Poor girl was going to be sick when she woke up.
>But with the slightest bit of luck-
>Pinkie’s body convulses again.
>Everypony except Applejack gasps in horror at seeing their friend’s lifeless body flail about.
>No pulse.
>Her fur starts to smoke.
>A charred lightning pattern forms between the paddles.
>Fluttershy is crying.
>Twilight is grinding her teeth.
>You have a pulse.
>You get the mask back on as fast as you’re able.
>”She’s VERY dry! Both in her mouth and her, umm…”
“Great! What have you got for me, purple?”
>”You can get atropine from lots of different plants.”
“Major sources? Anything you recognize?”
>”Uhh… Belladonna!”
“Great, we’re almost in the clear. Go to the storage room and get Physostigmine.”
>You keep an eye on her pulse and blood oxygen.
>The adrenaline is working, kinda.
>Pulse is still only 55.
>But she’s not dead.
>Twilight runs around the corner excitedly.
>”Doctor, I- ACK!”
>She slips and faceplants on the floor.
>Thankfully, her magic holds true and you get the syringe without trouble.
“This should be the last one, Pinkie. You’re going to be just fine.”
>One last shot in the neck.
>Now all that you could do is wait.
>Should take a minute at most for the physostigmine to kick in.
“Belladonna poisoning. It interrupts your brain’s ability to communicate with the rest of your body. Some of the neural pathways it blocks are more vulnerable than others so the symptoms change over time, shutting down the most vulnerable pathways first. Stops secretion in your mucosa first, drying you out. Time goes on you start to get things like weakness and dizziness, hypersensitivity to light, pupil dilation, and a rapid heart rate. Next comes partial paralysis, potentially resulting in seizures as only fragmented signals reach your muscles. Next start to have trouble breathing and enter a coma.”
>Oxygen up to 80%.
>Pulse at 60.
“Finally, if there’s enough poison and the victim’s still alive, it stops the heart.”
>”But why did that medicine you gave her before not fix it?”
>Good question, Applejack.
>This was going to be awkward.
“I made a mistake. Atropine IS belladonna. At least, part of it. I gave her a dose looking for the fast heart rate from the early stages, not realizing she was drowning in the stuff already. The shot just made things worse.”
>The whole room is silent save for the steady beeping of the heart monitor.
>You can feel them staring at you.
>Or just confused?
“The dose makes the poison. In small amounts atropine can be used to get a heart rate up to speed. In large doses, you get this. Good news is that we’re through the worst of it. We’re not out of the woods yet, and there might be some lasting damage if she’s unlucky, but I think she’ll wake up pretty soon.”
>The rest of them start to cheer all too loudly.
>They don’t realize what “lasting damage” could mean.
>Oxygen at 95%.
>Pulse seems to be steady at 60.
>Pretty low, but she IS in a coma.
>Twilight pulls on your sleeve with her magic like a child desperate for attention.
>”But doctor, why didn't you just give her that shot right away? I mean, sure, you didn’t know what was wrong yet, but couldn’t you have done it just in case?”
“That would have been very risky, for all I knew it would have killed her. Physostigmine is also a poison, but it works the exact opposite way of atropine and makes those pathways overactive.”
>Rainbow Dash seems angry at that revelation.
>”You mean you put MORE poison in her?”
“Yes. The effects of the two should balance out, making neither of them deadly. We’ll need to get another catheter in her so she can pee the poison out, then I figure we’ve got to keep her breathing for a couple hours.”
>Dash flew right up in your face, snoot bumping into your nose as she stared into your eyes.
>”You’d better be right, or else!”
“Or else what?”
>”If you hurt her I’ll make you regret it!”
>You don’t have time or energy for this.
>You grab her face in the palm of your hand and push her away.
“Everypony get out of here. Go sit in the lobby.”
>They all start complaining.
>Except Fluttershy who just starts mumbling.
“I appreciate your help, especially Apples. But this room is a surgical theater. If I’d been operating on her when you barged in, you could have killed her. Oh, and please turn out the lights on your way. They’re hurting her eyes.”
>Thankfully, they all file out without complaint.
>Each of them offers a brief apology as they move.
>Though Fluttershy’s was little more than a squeak.
>And now you’re alone with a comatose horse in a dimly lit room.
>The whole room’s contaminated.
>You need to sanitise it, but you can’t right now.
>You’re trembling.
>You really had no idea what was wrong with her until right near the very end.
>You’re no toxicologist.
>Even if you were, treating poisoning is bloody hard if you don’t know what the toxin is.
>Luckily you don’t need much more than supportive care for this.
>Some poisons trash organs. At least right now you don’t need to worry about liver failure or anything like that.
>As long as the hypoxia and cardiac arrest didn’t wreck her brain, she’ll be just fine.
>You finally start cleaning up.
>Few supplies were used, so the wrapped instruments don’t need to be replaced.
>But you’ll have to sanitize the masks and the trays.
>And the table, of course. Once the patient’s been moved.
>You’re nearly done when it’s time to do the shelf the computer’s on.
>Your blood runs cold for a moment.
>Twilight had been using it.
>And it was unlocked.
>She’d only been a few clicks away from seeing pictures of Rarity.
>You’ve got to be more careful. You can’t afford to think about that kind of thing when on the job.
>Best to put them in a hidden directory with a secondary password.
>You hear knocking on the door.
>Shining Armor’s here, wearing a full suit of armor with a small bag on his back.
>He looks pissed.
>”We need to talk.”
“Hay, whatever it is I didn’t do it!”
>”Somepony did.”
>The patient’s stable, but…
“Can it wait until I move her to recovery?”
>”You have five minutes.”
>Geeze, really?
>You wheel Pinkie out of the operating theater and into recovery.
>Transferring a patient to a different bed on your own is tricky, thankfully the prince is willing to give you a hand.
>The prince.
>Not your friend, he’s not behaving like Shining Armor right now.
>Seconds after you’ve got her wired up he locks the door and stands in your way.
>”We’re investigating this as attempted homicide. Tell me what happened.”
“I was in bed when my pager went off. The message was incoherent, but it’s my emergency line so I treat every message as an emergency.”
>He pulls a notebook from his bag and starts to scribble on it.
“When I got here the front door had been knocked down. The orange one and the pink one were already in the operating theater, contaminating it horribly. If I’d needed to operate-”
>”I’m not interested in hypotheticals right now.”
“Right, sorry I’m just a bit on edge right now. The pink one was catatonic-”
“A state of motor disability and behavioural abnormality. She was acting weird and couldn’t move normally. She was also struggling to breathe, and her heart rate was very high.”
>He scribbles some more down.
“It was clear something was wrong with her brain, but I didn’t know what. My first guess was a cerebral hemorrhaging or a stroke. Unfortunately the treatment for a stroke can kill a patient who’s bleeding internally. Imaging didn’t show any bleeding so I treated her for a stroke.”
>”Did you stop at that point?”
“No. Around this time she stopped breathing entirely, which made me think it wasn’t a stroke. I started suspecting she’d been poisoned but didn’t know what with. More ponies showed up, and I gave her a dose of atropine to try and keep her heart rate up. It made her condition worse, leading me to believe it was atropine poisoning. Looks like I was right.”
>”What’s with the burn marks?”
>Oh right.
“Her heart stopped a few times. Defibrillation sometimes burns the patient, but it’s considered an acceptable risk given how serious cardiac arrest is.”
>”And what is atropine?”
“A chemical that interferes with the brain’s ability to communicate with the body. It’s usually synthesized but traditionally it came from the belladonna plant.”
>”Damn. I’m going to have to look at all the drugs you have.”
“What? Why?”
>”Somepony was poisoned. You had poison.”
“I’m a SUSPECT?”
>”For what it’s worth, I’d bet my left nut you didn’t do it.”
“I saved her!”
>”I know. But this could cause an international incident if we don’t handle it right.”
“I don’t even know where she was when this happened!”
>”Great, that makes your name easier to clear.”
“Can’t you just tell them I didn’t do it?”
>”You don’t understand. This isn’t the Empire’s military doing the investigation. This is an Equestrian force.”
>”She’s an Equestrian citizen and a hero to their state. And this is the third time in recent history that something weird has happened to one of them in the Empire.”
>”And if I don’t look into you, they will.”
>Now you get it.
>He wasn’t actually blaming you.
>He was PROTECTING you.
>He puts his notepad away and relaxes his face a bit.
>”Off the record. Do you think this was an accident?”
“No. She’d have to have eaten quite a bit of belladonna to be that bad off. And I don’t think it grows around here in the winter.”
>”And you’re sure it was belladonna?”
“No. I’m sure it was atropine, and belladonna is a recognized natural source.”
>”That’s what I was afraid of. Your controlled substances.”
>You take him to the lockup and fight the fingerprint reader for a little bit.
>After an awkward amount of time the door pops open.
>”Ketamine? Cocaine? MDMA- a whole SHELF full of opium? Dude!”
“In my defence, it’s not actually cocaine or opium. They’re derivatives.”
>”How many of these things are addictive?”
“Everything in the locker. And you missed the methamphetamines.”
>”And how many of them are dangerous?”
“When taken in high enough doses? The entire room.”
>”And if you were to try and murder somepony, what would you use?”
“Seriously? C’mon, man, that’s not something I’ve put a lot of thought into!”
>”Think it through. What’s the deadliest thing in here?”
“Uhh… is this an injection or-”
>That doesn’t answer the question.
>Oral would be easier to get in undetected though.
“I guess fentanyl? It wouldn’t take much so it’d be easier to slip it in.”
>”Great. Now I just need to explain to them why you have so much of this stuff.”
“It’s all on the World Health Organization’s list of essential medicines.”
>”It is? I need a copy of that list.”
“I’ll print one off right away.”
>”Your case looks great. You’ll have to stay in the empire until the investigation is over. They don’t yet have a warrant and this is private property, don’t let them anywhere that’s off limits to the public. If they ask why it’s because you have personal information for your patients and you’re protecting their privacy.”
“Got it. I’m not leaving the clinic tonight anyway because of the patient.”
>”Speaking of, I’m going to have to question her.”
“I don’t really like that. Her heart stopped for a while, she’ll be feeling really weak and sick.”
>”She’s going to have important information, like where she was eating.”
>He had a point.
“She might be confused when she first wakes up. Don’t turn on the lights, and be patient with her.”
>It had been a hell of a night.
>But you can’t leave yet.
>Time to go take a nap in the office, you suppose.
>Wait, no.
>Replace the catheter, print off the drug list, THEN take a nap.
>Death is part of medicine.
>A physician is limited by the quality of their tools, the limitations of their senses, and the collective knowledge of the medical community.
>Even if everything else holds up, you’re always working with limited information, and you’re always relying on factors beyond your control.
>You came damn close to losing the last one.
>That’s plenty bad enough on its own. Losing a patient isn’t easy, and though you’ve been in the game for a fair while and worked on more than a couple lost causes, it’s not something you get used to.
>This, however, is a new sensation.
>The guilt of failure stings even though you succeeded.
>It’s been several hours since then. The patient woke up briefly and was reasonably lucid.
>As far as you can tell she should make a full recovery over a few months.
>All’s well that ends well, right?
>You’re still trembling a bit.
>It doesn’t take a genius to figure out why. This was an unusual case.
>Not because her loved ones were nearby. That’s not weird.
>And not because of how cute and innocent ponies can be. Though it was rare, you HAVE worked on children before.
>This was bothering you because it was your fault.
>Not only had you made a mistake, you’d made things worse.
>YOU stopped her heart with that injection.
>If the defibrillation hadn’t worked, and there was no assurance it would, her blood would have been on your hands.
>Metaphorically, of course.
>Literal blood on your hands would have been no big deal.
>There’s a knock on your office door.
“Come in.”
>Applejack pushes in.
>”Y’all look like a wreck. Something wrong?”
>You probably did look like a wreck.
>You didn’t really care.
“Don’t worry about it. What can I do for you, you sick?”
>”Naw, just wanted to ask a few questions.”
“Can it wait? You’re holding up the line.”
>”It’s seven in the morning. You ain’t open.”
>Looks like she was right.
“Well, take a seat I guess.”
>She sits down and shifts about awkwardly.
>She’s clearly hesitant to say whatever it is she’s about to say.
>”So… ya mentioned lasting damage of some sort?”
“I did. Looks like she dodged the bullet.”
>”The what now?”
“I haven’t seen any signs of what I was worried about. Though I suppose I should ask, how’s she doing?”
>”Don’t you know? You’re the doctor.”
“Heh. Kinda, I’ve got a pretty good idea of how she’s doing from the neck down. Her head seemed okay, but she was behaving a bit strangely.”
>”That’s just Pinkie.”
“Really? Her mouth was going a mile a minute when I was in there.”
>”Heh. Pinkie’s got more energy than she knows what to do with. She’s slowing down a bit now though, probably getting tuckered out. When do y’all reckon she’ll be ready to leave?”
>That was hard to say.
>The danger had passed.
>On the other hand the whole ordeal would have been pretty hard on her body.
“Usually we’re hesitant to let poisoning victims leave for a little while.”
“Oh, right. I’m on my own here.”
>Time was you didn't decide on when to discharge your patients.
>That was a different department.
“That delay is meant to be us trying to stop it from happening again. Figure out what went wrong and make sure they know better, try and rehabilitate substance abusers, stuff like that.”
>”That ain’t gonna work this time.”
“Nope. Not much point in keeping her around longer than we have to. I figure she can go whenever she feels strong enough.
>”Shouldn’t take long. Pinkie’s got Apple blood in her.”
“You’re family?”
>”Distant cousins. Probably.”
>You didn’t really see the resemblance.
“You ever find out what she ate?”
>”Wildberry pie.”
>That’d do it.
>Shouldn’t be hard to slip ‘em in.
>”Prepared in the palace.”
>THAT was interesting.
>Good news is it would take the heat off of you.
>Bad news was…
“Yet again, somepony vetted by security. A trusted individual.”
>”Yep. Not sure yet who made it, but even if we were somepony else coulda snuck the berries in. For all we know it was an honest mistake, but I ain’t betting on that. Dang shame it was Pinkie who took that pie and not me.”
“Why? Are you immune to poisons or something?”
>”Naa. But I know nightshade when I sees it.”
“You a botanist?”
>”Close. All sortsa weird things grow in Everfree, and the farm’s pretty nearby. Granny made good and sure we knew what not to eat.”
>Well, she’d be harder to poison at least.
“You and your friends should probably skip town.”
>”Nothin’ doin’! This here’s personal, and we’re gonna catch whoever hurt my friends!”
>You swallow a lump in your throat.
“Can’t imagine the prince is too happy about that.”
>”He ain’t. Looks like we’ll be watched ‘round the clock by his colts. Kinda creepy if you ask me.”
>Well, at least help would be nearby.
>Might also keep them from getting too nosey.
>”I wanted to thank ya for, well. Savin’ Pinkie.”
>She was thanking you?
>”That was mighty impressive.”
“Thanks, I think. Wouldn’t exactly call it impressive though.”
>”You simple or something? You kept a cool head when everything was going’ wrong. Not a lot of ponies could do that.”
>You’ve had a lot of experience with crisis management after all.
>”Thing is, you kept a cool head WHILE it was going’ wrong. Sorta broke down as soon as it was over.”
“Oh. You noticed that.”
>”Yep. You hiding something?”
>You appreciate that.
“Yeah. I am.”
>”Cough it up.”
“I am under no obligation to do so. But… that was rough. I don’t think you or your friends realize just how close we came to losing her.”
>”Can’t have been THAT bad. You weren’t freaking out or nothing.”
“Her heart stopped. Twice.”
>”Well, yeah. But by the time you panicked it was over.”
“No, it wasn’t. I didn’t know it was over until about an hour after she woke up.”
“She spent a lot of time dangerously low on oxygen, and she had bad circulation to boot. Could have left her braindead.”
>She gives you a confused look.
“The brainstem controls most of your vital functions, and it’s a bit more durable than the rest of your brain. Or rather, it will keep working with much more damage than the rest can tolerate. It doesn’t happen often, but sometimes people who come back from the brink of death never wake up. They’re dead, but the heart’s still beating.”
>”Gosh, that’s downright terrifying.”
“And even if that didn’t happen she could have lost smaller parts of her brain. I can’t heal that. Nobody can. She could have spent the rest of her life unable to walk, or not being able to form new memories, stuff like that.”
>”Y’all deal with that stuff often?”
“But it happens. I knew I’d made a mistake, and I knew just how much that could have cost her.”
>”That’s mighty decent of you. The empire’s lucky you’re around.”
“Oh, come on-”
>”Nope. I ain’t gonna hear it. You did the best you could and still weren’t happy with it, ‘cause somepony you’ve barely met coulda been worse off for it.”
“I suppose. Seems like most people would though.”
>”If that’s all there was to it maybe. But you were worried about what was going to happen to her, not what was going to happen to YOU. Probably never even occurred to ya we’d kick the tar out of ya for screwing up.”
“No, it hadn’t. Was that actually a possibility?”
>”Guess we’ll never know. Though I will say we don’t take kindly to those who hurt our friends. Ain’t nothing in this world that’ll keep us from helping ‘em out.”
>”So, thanks again. I’ll show myself out.”
“Actually, wait a second. Can you do me a favor?”
>”Might be able to.”
“You know what’s poisonous, right? I could use a list.”
>”Now why would you want that?”
“If there’s a poisoner on the loose, I figure there might be more victims. It’d be good to have a bit of warning about what they could use.”
>”Makes sense. Let’s see here, we’ve got asparagus-”
“Seriously? Asparagus?”
>”The berries can make you mighty sick.”
>The more you know.
“I’m more interested in the ones that can actually kill.”
>”Oh, right. Crab’s eye, monkshood, baneberry, snakeroot, nightshade- suppose you knew that one. Uhh, flowerin’ thistle, hemlock, deathcap, webcap, and ergot. To name a few.”
“Oof. Should I just assume everything’s poison unless it came from a grocer?”
>”Naah, darn near everything’s safe enough, except ‘round the forest.”
“Even so, it looks like I’m not going to become a toxicologist overnight.”
>Maybe you can make a flowchart to narrow it all down or something?
>Anything to simplify decision making under pressure.
“Keep a close eye on what your friends eat, yeah?”
>”Don’t you worry ‘bout that, I will. Now if you’ll excuse me, it looks like we’re about to leave.”
>So soon?
>She gets up and pushes the door open.
>Pinkie Pie is standing in the lobby.
>Well, standing might not be the right word.
>She’s bouncing about.
>She pronks past Applejack and jumps up on your desk.
>Pinkie pulls you out of your chair and hugs you.
>Your legs scramble about looking for purchase, but you’re well in the air.
>”Thank you, friend! Ooh, I’m so lucky to have met you!”
>”You’re the bestest hyuuman I’ve ever met!”
>Pulse rising.
>Oxygen dropping.
>She drops you back on your chair, which starts spinning about.
>Nausea starts setting in.
>You extend a foot and catch yourself on your desk.
“Glad I could help.”
>The room is spinning.
>Pinkie’s bouncing excitedly on your desk.
>Applejack was right, this girl has energy to burn.
“Don’t push yourself too hard. Drink plenty of water, and if you’re short on breath sit down right away.”
>”You got it!”
>They start to file out of your clinic.
>You’re surprised she’s already gotten out of bed
>You’re alone.
>It’s tempting to close the clinic for the day, you really didn’t get that much sleep after all.
>But that’s probably not a great idea.
>Being closed 3 days in a row was a bit much already.
>Still, you’ve got almost an hour before opening.
>Not enough time to sleep.
>Should be able to go get Rarity her stuff though.
>Applejack had you on edge. They weren’t going to rest until they’d found Rarity, and by extension you.
>And if the bone cracking hug you’d gotten from Pinkie was her being thankful, AND weakened?
>You didn’t know how they’d react if they caught you.
>But it wouldn’t be pretty.
>It’s WAY too late to turn back now.
>Your only hope is to make Rarity herself protect you.
>And she has to be willing to do that when you’re not watching.
>Should be easy, right?
>Better get a legal will sorted out after work.
>You spend less time than expected filling her shopping list, despite the shocking specificity of her demands.
>Apparently it had to be EMERALD green fabric and thread, and also saffron thread.
>Further, she demanded a thicker thread for the saffron and a thin kind for the emerald.
>You also pick up some bagels with cream cheese on your way.
>Five for her, one for you.
>You head downstairs, but don’t turn the lights on just yet.
>Every now and then a lustful moan will fill the air, sometimes followed by a soft whimper.
>You flip the lights on and catch Rarity desperately grinding her groin against the pillow.
>The musk of arousal is palpable.
>You pull her muzzle off.
>”Please. I can’t take it anymore! I beg of you, let me finish!”
“Not quite yet.”
>You really wish you had a chastity belt in the supply chest.
>Seems like you found the one kink Cadence doesn’t have.
“You’re not getting off until I say so.”
>She whines a bit.
“You need to learn a bit of self control. But… I understand it’s hard for you. Which is why I’m going to offer you a reward if you tough it out.”
>”What is it?”
“If you can keep that vibrator in without a single orgasm until you’re done with your dress, you can cum whenever you want for a week.”
>”Hnnng. It will take all day to finish! Perhaps even part of tomorrow!”
“Are you really such a depraved whore you can’t go a single day without touching yourself?”
>She bites her lower lip.
“Because if you’re such a dirty slut that you can’t handle a SINGLE DAY, just say so.
>You can see she’s trembling slightly.
>”I am NOT your plaything!”
“I’ll also get you that salon shampoo you wanted.”
>”I accept your challenge!”
>Everything’s coming together.
>You’ll have to keep an eye on the camera down here to make sure she doesn’t cheat of course.
“Alright. I’ll take the plug out. Your panties stay on unless you absolutely have to take them off.”
>”Whatever for?”
>Because it’ll be easier to catch her cheating that way.
“Because I said so.”
>You grab the plug and pull, making sure you don’t quite get it out.
>You get a muffled cry out of her, despite the bit lip.
>When you pull it all the way out Rarity shakes a bit.
>She doesn’t quite go over the edge, but she’s close.
>So close.
>Hopefully she actually succeeds in the challenge.
>You want her DESPERATE when the time comes.
>And you don’t want to delay any longer than you have to, given how much scrutiny there’s going to be around here.
>You unhook her legs, and she pulls the blindfold off on her own.
>”My goodness! What happened to you?”
“I look that bad?”
“Rough night. Somepony tried to get themselves killed. They’re safe now, but it wasn’t easy.”
>”Well, I’m certain you’re the hero of the day.”
>Wait, did she not believe you?
“I mean, I was her hero for the day.”
>”Did you violate her while you were working?”
“Should I put the muzzle back on? Because it’s going to be hard to eat breakfast with that muzzle on.”
>Her mouth slams shut.
>You pass her nearly half a dozen bagels.
>Her eyes sparkle at the sight.
>”I… what is it you’re about to ask of me?”
“Make your dress.”
>”That’s it?”
“That’s it.”
>"You don't wish to have me penetrate myself with a series of increasingly demeaning objects?"
“Good idea, but no.”
>”You don’t intend to have me present myself in a crowded area to the delight of all save for myself?"
"Maybe later."
>”You aren’t expecting me to be violated by dozens upon dozens of strangers, until I am so thoroughly drenched in their seed that I’m at risk of drowning?”
"I don't even know that many ponies! All I want from you right now is for you to make a fabulous dress without getting off."
>She wiggles her hips about uncomfortably.
>"If it's fabulous you want, prepare to be amazed!"
>Seemed like she was setting herself up for failure.
>Promising something amazing with so little time to work?
>Unless she was a miracle worker, it was going to be pretty plain.
>Then again, she was supposedly famous for her clothing.
>Time would tell.
“Remember. The goal is for me to see you in this fantastic dress. I want a finished product, you can’t just haphazardly stitch a bunch of junk together then start riding your hoof.”
>”But I- oh. So be it! That shampoo is MINE!”
>She moves with deadly purpose, measuring cloth with an intensity you didn’t know was possible.
>Truthfully, you’d love to stay and watch.
>But you’re going to open any minute.
>Night can’t come soon enough.
>The canterlot royal guard had been questioning you for what felt like hours.
>At first you were scared.
>That had long since passed.
>You sit in your office, lights dimmed against your will, with two burly stallions in bronze armor blocking the exit.
>It was strange.
>Their equipment was so primitive compared to what you knew from home.
>Their armor was more of a liability than protective, their weapons practically harmless next to what you’d see on the streets.
>Being a trauma surgeon you’d treated more than a few gunshots, and several stabbings.
>You’d even had a patient hit by a battleaxe once.
>A simple shotgun could do way more damage than these spears.
>That knowledge did nothing to put you at ease.
>Ponies were strong, you were unarmed, and had no combat experience.
>For all their relative harmlessness, those spears might as well be gatling guns.
>Yet despite your helplessness, you just couldn’t take them seriously.
>Now you were just annoyed.
>”Very sorry about the inconvenience sir, but we do have to ask that you show us the footage. The sooner we figure this out the sooner we can get out of your mane.”
>Said the good cop.
>”NOTHING can stop the Disco Diva!”
>Said the irrational cop.
“Can I go now? You questioned me yesterday, and the prince questioned me before that! Don’t you have all the information you need by now?”
>You really wish he’d be a bit quieter.
“I must confess, this interrogation technique is rather… unique.”
>”Why thank you.”
“That wasn’t a compliment.”
“The good cop bad cop routine is supposed to frighten the subject while giving them an obvious out.”
>”Isn’t that what we’re doing?”
“Your buddy’s not scary at all.”
>”I’m not?”
>He sounded genuinely wounded.
>He was even tearing up.
“Oh no. Please don’t cry.”
>”But- but I try so hard and I can’t even interrogate riiiiiight!”
>For the love of-
“No, you were doing great! It’s just you kept going for a little too long!”
>”But princess Celestia asked me to figure out what’s going on and I caaaaaan’t!”
“No, you’re doing great! The goal’s not to scare me, right? It’s to get information! And you did a really good job of that!”
“Yes! Now what was that last question again?”
>”We just wanted to know if anypony had tried to break into your lockup.”
“They haven’t.”
>He chokes back another sob.
>”Could we see the footage?”
>Shining Armor had told you not to comply with their search.
>But that should be harmless enough.
>Besides, it’s the only way to get this guy to stop crying.
>You unlock your computer, making sure neither of them have a clear view of the screen.
>You make sure the footage from Rarity’s camera is encrypted.
>They shouldn’t know much about computers, so hopefully the delay isn’t too suspicious.
>Then you finally start playing the footage from your lockup and place your computer on your desk.
“It’s running at octuple speed so this won’t take all day.”
>”Right there!”
>You pause the replay.
>A small, brown Earth pony, possibly female, is crouched before the locker holding your opiates.
>They’ve got a set of lockpicks, and seem to be looking for the keyhole.
>There’s no keyhole. It’s a fingerprint.
>You unpause and play at normal speed, watching them fumble about for a good fifteen minutes before giving up.
>The hell?
>”What’s in that locker?”
>Asks the good cop.
“Uhh, several things.”
>You’re not sure you should say opiates.
>”Does it contain fentanyl?”
“It does.”
>”The most deadly substance you have?”
>Now you’re mostly confused.
>”And do you recognize that pony?”
“I don’t.”
>”Thank you for your time, doctor.”
>They both march out immediately.
>You overhear them chatting as they go.
>”That was a tough one.”
>”Yeah, but the good cop, irrational cop turned sad cop always works in the end.”
>Did you just get played?
>Well, hopefully it’s okay.
>You can’t think of any reason why it would be bad that they’ve seen that.
>Still, you never know.
>You sit still, watching the footage over and over again.
>No matter how you wrack your brain, you can’t recall ever seeing that pony before.
>Their appearance is extremely generic, and you can’t get a good look at their cutie mark.
>They’d be able to blend into a crowd easily.
>From the looks of it, they knew exactly what they were after.
>No hesitation, no sorting through the more accessible items.
>They wanted in that locker.
>Did they know something?
>Or did they just assume the good stuff would be locked up?
>You’re going to have to tell Shining Armor about this, aren’t you?
>Well, you can’t do that right now.
>He’s not going to be in the palace at the moment, probably busy doing his own investigation.
>You could get somepony to relay the message or something.
>No, that’s a terrible idea. You don’t know who you can trust right now.
>You’ll have to beef up security, make sure that no sensitive information gets out.
>Sensitive information JUST got out.
>They know there’s a camera in there, and they can probably even guess where.
>AND they know where the fentanyl is.
>For all you know those Equestrian guards are dirty.
>You really dropped the ball on this one.
>You formulate a quick plan.
>You go and open the locker, carefully and meticulously removing everything.
>You put each type of drug in a separate cardboard box.
>And fill the locker with saline flushes.
>If somepony breaks into the lockup and starts swiping things, they’ll get harmless saltwater.
>But where to put the drugs?
>The basement!
>Not hugely secure, but if they don’t even know you have a basement it’s probably an improvement.
>You take a moment to page Cadence, letting her know you’ll need help.
>Then, you move the drugs to the basement.
>Rarity doesn’t even notice you entering.
>She has materials scattered everywhere, and from a distance you can tell she’s made great progress.
>You also see that she’s got the sewing machine running with no thread or cloth.
>She’s grinding her crotch into the top of the machine, feeling the rumbling sensation of the mechanism against her aching nethers.
>You hear her gasp a few times, face drunk with lust.
“Almost done with that dress?”
>She falls off the machine, tipping away from you.
>You get a good look at her sopping wet panties.
>She’s visibly winking even under the cloth.
“Now, I COULD say you’d failed because of that stunt. On the other hand, the goal of the challenge was to not cum. I stopped you before that.”
>”Yes master! Sorry master! Please give me another chance!”
“If you can finish tonight, I will.”
>”Of course!”
>her hips are shaking back and forth even with the stimulation removed.
>You must have caught her just in time.
“Then we have a photo shoot, right? Want another coffee?”
>She’s already returned to stitching.
>You’ll take that as a yes.
>You finish moving the boxes to the basement, then head downtown.
>A quick trip to the coffee shop and a few too many bits later, you’ve got two of Rarity’s fancy hazelnut drink.
>Hopefully that trick works twice.
>You grind another tab of MDMA into one of them, discarding about a quarter of the dose.
>This will have to be the last time you give her this stuff for about a year.
>You don’t want to hurt her after all.
>When you head downstairs, you find Rarity on her back, grinding her dress into her crotch.
“All done?”
>”NOPE! I was just, umm, softening the seams!”
“Sure you were. Here, have a coffee, should take your mind off of your cunt for a second.”
>She accepts the offered cup.
>But she doesn’t drink it, not right away at least.
>She closes her eyes for a minute and breaths huskily.
>She finally gets a sip in.
>”That does seem to be helping. Thank you.”
“Try to focus on the needle, thrusting in and out of the tight little holes, grinding itself into the most delicate parts until-”
>”Please stop.”
>She takes another mouthful of the drugged brew.
“So, how long before it’s done?”
>”I don’t know. Five or six hours?”
>You were under the impression it was much closer.
>The drug will peak long before that.
“That long? How much work does it take to make a dress?”
>”Again, this is no mere dress! THIS!”
>She holds up what looks like a lump of green cloth.
>”Is an object d’art!”
“And it takes two days to make one?”
>”For the first iteration, yes! Once I have a feel for the garment I can alter it to perfection! Though I fear this garment may require a complete do-over should it require more than a few changes. Tearing out this much needlework would leave the fabric compromised. Satin is a lovely weave, but it isn’t the most durable.”
“Was satin the wrong material?”
>”Oh heavens no! It’s perfect! Oriented properly it will drape elegantly, and the gloss! Satin is perfect for flair! Four wefts to the weave, grace you wouldn’t believe~”
>What’s a weft?
>”And though one could do wonders with a proper twill, the wale would clash with the embroidery.”
“You’ll have to teach me a bit about fabric some time, because I’ve got no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Fair enough.”
>You sit by your boxes of illegal narcotics, watching for signs of arousal.
>To your amazement, Rarity seems to be in a trance of sorts despite all the work you’ve done.
>She moves as though there’s nothing in the universe save for her hooves, the cloth, and the machine.
>Every now and then she takes a mouthful of coffee, but there’s no indication she’s getting pumped full of MDMA.
>Did you take the wrong coffee?
>You put your half drained cup down just in case.
>It seems as though she’s been done putting the shape together long ago, all of her stitches are around the hems.
>The yellow thread stands out against the green cloth in a very eye catching way.
>They’re more colourful than you remembered.
>She painstakingly embroidered a rich, geometric patterns about the hems with the golden thread.
>The pattern slowly begins to resolve into a massive celtic knot, running the perimeter of the fabric.
“Is it cold in here?”
>”Not that I had noticed.”
>You space out for a while, listening to the rhythmic sounds of the machine.
>You’re starting to wonder if you’d bought enough thread.
>And now you notice that you’re drenched in sweat.
>It’s starting to look like you’d drank the drugged coffee.
>How you’d fucked it up so massively is beyond you.
>But you’re too far into your plan to give up now.
>You go and fetch your camera and a tripod, and begin to set it up.
>You’re not quite done when Rarity cheerfully cries out.
“Really? Put it on!”
>The dress begins as a flat piece of cloth draped over the back and running down between the hind legs.
>It moves to the barrel, running between the front legs before splitting in half at the neck, with a delicate triskelion protruding in the three directions right below her neck.
>She uses a simple pin to fasten the two halves together behind her neck, having the rest of the garment trail backward and hanging off of her rump, not quite touching the ground.
>The layers on her back almost seem to float, moving independently of her body as she walks about.
“It’s gorgeous.”
>”It’ll do.”
“No, really! It’s the most beautiful dress I’ve ever seen, on the most beautiful pony.”
>You’re DEFINITELY drugged.
>Though it’s not exactly a lie, the elegance and grace before you is undeniable.
>”Oh, that’s sweet of you to say, given how much time you must spend in high society.”
“Candy Ass could learn a lot from you.”
>She giggles a bit.
>”I’m afraid I cannot turn lead into gold.”
”I’m going to start recording.”
>She struts back and forth, the hems seeming to ripple like a lake with a stone cast into it.
>She casts you a sultry look and a wink.
>You can’t handle it anymore.
>You don’t know if it’s the drugs, the pony, or if you’re just pent up.
>Whatever the case may be, you walk over to her and scoop her up in her arms.
>”What are you-”
>You plant your mouth on hers with a deep kiss.
>To your amazement, Rarity reciprocates.
>Her lips part, your tongue slips in, and you begin to explore the delicate texture.
>Being in her mouth this way is completely unlike the blowjobs.
>While that was exciting and pleasurable, this is soothing and comforting.
>It feels right, like her oral cavity was meant to hold your tongue.
>You break it off when you feel Rarity moan into your mouth.
“You’ve been on edge for days. You must be pretty pent up.”
>You lay her down on the ground, belly up.
>You could go straight for the goal right now. You certainly want it.
>But this night is about her.
>Even if you’re the one on party drugs.
>You gently brush your fingers across where you think her navel is, circling around delicately until you find a slight indentation.
>But you don’t stick it in, instead you circle the ring with modest pressure.
>Enough to not tickle, but still quite subtle.
“You must be sore after all that stitching.”
>”Oh yes.”
>You place a hand near each of her pectoral muscles by her front legs and begin to knead carefully.
“You’re carrying a lot of tension here, try to relax.”
>”Ooh that feels good. I haven’t been to the spa in ages. Oh, they must be worried about me.”
“Shh, don’t worry about that right now. Just enjoy the moment.”
>You move in for another kiss, but don’t go deep this time.
>You just brush against her lips before moving on to her ears.
>You nibble the tip of her ear, playfully and delicately catching it between your front teeth and licking its exterior.
>She wraps her front legs around you and pulls you close.
>You can feel her body heat warming you through your labcoat and feel her warm breath against your chest.
>You gently scratch her back, moving your fingers up and down her spine, kneading the dock of her tail briefly before turning around.
>She leans into your touch, desperate for more sensation.
“Does that feel good?”
>”Oh, it feels remarkable. I’ve never had my back scratched in such a way before.”
>You keep it up with one hand, and reach all the way around her back with your other.
>You fondle her teats gently, applying light pressure to the soft and supple flesh.
>You circle around with your fingers, spiralling closer and closer to the nipple but never touching.
>You place your mouth against her neck and bite gently, then begin to lick the marks.
>Rarity gasps delightedly, prompting you to squeeze her nipple.
>She starts to grind her crotch against your leg, stimulating herself through the dress.
>She continues her desperate grinding while you carefully explore her body
>Rarity begins panting huskily, and you’re nearing the limit of your patience.
>You take your pants off and poke your erect penis against the wettest part of her dress.
“There’s no shame in it. It’s natural. Everypony wants it.”
>You pull her dress and panties aside and slide your shaft against her swollen lips.
>Her natural lubricant is oozing out, coating you from head to shaft after just a few strokes.
“It’s the most natural thing in the world, and it’s a tragedy that you know so little of it.”
>You press your glans between her labia just deep enough to spread them slightly.
>You use your hands to gently massage her belly, scratching lightly about her soft fur..
>”Please, I need it.”
“Are you sure?”
>”Ravage me!”
>You slowly and gently push your way in, savoring the sensation with every gradually claimed inch.
>You feel the vibrator in her when you’re about halfway through.
>You retract the thing, watching as her clitoris quivers and grinds itself against the piercing.
>Once more you slowly and methodically push your way in until you finally bottom out.
>Rarity grinds her hips against your pelvis, and you can feel your tip gently brush against her cervix when she presses.
“It fits perfectly.”
>”Like it was made for me.”
>The two of you hold still for a moment, just savoring the sensation.
>It’s nothing like anal.
>Her body’s not trying to push you out, the muscles aren’t squeezing and rippling around you in an aggressive manner.
>Her body’s trying to pull you IN.
>She quivers subtly, massaging you from shaft to tip, muscles contracting of their own volition to welcome you inside.
>Rarity starts moving before you do, making shallow movements with her hip only pulling away a tiny bit before pressing back down.
>She purses her lips and closes her eyes, welcoming you to another kiss.
>Seconds after your tongue touches hers she begins to squeal and spasm, her arousal finally reaching a climax after days of torturous pleasure.
>You don’t stop your ministrations, slowly and tenderly working your way in and out of her as she rides the waves of pleasure.
>You press a thumb against her rapidly twitching clitoris, allowing it to rub itself against both the gem and your hand.
>When Rarity’s twitching finally subsides, you pull yourself out.
>The still panting pony lies limp before you, a dreamy expression on her face.
>But you aren’t satisfied.
>You stand up and shift her on top of a couple of cushions, raising her body higher into the air.
>You roll her onto her side and lift one of her legs into the air with your hand before pressing yourself against her still winking hole.
>You push yourself all the way in with one quick thrust, eliciting a shocked gasp from the pony.
>”You aren’t done?”
>Rarity doesn’t help out this time, instead lying still and allowing you to do all the work.
>But she doesn’t resist
>Instead she moves one of her front hooves between her legs and begins to stimulate herself, moving in time with your thrusts.
>”Oh yes, keep going!”
>You use your other hand to stroke her mane, feeling the silky smooth sensation against your hands, fiddling and gently pulling the strands.
>”Pull it!”
>You wrap your hand around her mane and give it a firm tug.
>”Ah! Ah! Ah!”
>She cries out with each thrust, staring deep into your eyes.
>Her tongue starts to loll out of her mouth, she’s getting close.
>But you can’t hold any longer.
>With one final thrust you erupt deep inside her.
>Rarity’s legs start twitching seconds later, marking a second orgasm punctuated by incoherent screaming into the air.
>You pull out and spend a moment appreciating the sight.
>Her slightly gaping vagina is still twitching involuntarily and white fluid slowly seeps out and spills onto her dress.
>You collapse on the ground.
>Rarity lays next to you, head resting upon your chest.
>”I never imagined it would feel so grand.”
>You wrap a single arm around her, enjoying the closeness of the moment.
“It’s going to get even better.”
>Rarity would probably regret it later.
>But for now, both of you were happy to just enjoy the afterglow.
>You’re not sure how long the two of you have been cuddling.
>It’s felt like a blink of an eye, but you know it’s been a fair while.
>The camera’s still recording, so it can’t have been more than a few hours.
>On the other hand the drug’s effects feel like they’re abating, so it’s been a fair while.
>However long it’s been, you’d be happy to keep it up all night long.
>But Rarity seems uncomfortable.
>She’s fidgeting about, muttering to herself.
“What’s wrong?”
>”Everything. Tonight was a terrible mistake.”
>You knew this was coming.
“You enjoyed it. Don’t deny it.”
>”Why yes, I suppose I did.”
>Here it comes.
>”But that was my first time.”
“It was my first time too.”
>”What about when you had your way with my rear?”
“Okay, second time. I don’t regret you being my first.”
>”But I was saving myself! It was meant to be with my one true love!”
“Who says it wasn’t?”
>She pushes away a little bit, but not entirely.
>“I can still feel your essence inside of me.”
“It won’t bite.”
>”I feel so filthy.”
“I’ll take you up for a shower in a bit.”
>”I’m not certain this will wash out.”
>That one REALLY hurt.
>”May I ask a question?”
“Of course.”
>”Why did you choose me? Was it my appearance? Or were you more interested in my accomplishments?”
“You’re not going to like this, but I’d never even heard of you before you showed up.”
>”What? How could you not know of moi?”
“Alien, remember? You’re not a household name on Earth, and I can’t wear pony clothes. Everything I know about you comes from spending time with you.”
>And a brief chat with her friends.
“I know the real you. Not the celebrity version of you.”
>”But if you didn’t choose me, how is it that I wound up here?”
“Candy Ass said we were meant to be together.”
>”You mean to suggest this is some bizarre form of matchmaking?”
>When she puts it like that, it DOES sound weird.
>”Why then do you insist on abusing me?”
“Candy said that-”
>”She’s deranged.”
>You really can’t deny that.
>”Though I must confess that some moments have been quite exciting.”
“Oh? What did you like most?”
>”A lady never tells.”
>”Perhaps we can make this work somehow.”
“Really? You want to give it a try?”
>”Deranged though she may be, Cadence does know a thing or two about love.”
>You have a funny feeling she’s trying to rationalize spreading her legs.
>But you’re not going to complain.
>”And I must confess, it did fit perfectly.”
“You could have that every night.”
>”We would have to have a long talk first. I am to be treated like a proper lady.”
“That might be a problem.”
>”Why should it be?”
>You’re not really sure how to handle this.
“Depends on how you think a lady should be treated, I suppose. We’ll have to talk about it later.”
>”So that’s it, then? You’ve no intention of treating me properly? I’m still to be your plaything?”
“You’re a natural born submissive. I saw how wet you got when I tied you up.”
“The sooner you stop fighting it the better. You’ll love being mine.”
>”But a stallion and mare are meant to be equal partners!”
“Says who?”
>You hear somepony approaching.
>You scramble to your feet, Rarity to her hooves.
>This could be bad.
>Whew, it’s just Shining Armor.
>”The hell’s going on around here?”
>”Prince! Please, help me! I’m being held against my will and-”
>”I know. I’m working on it.”
>”WORKING on it? You’re the prince! Order him to release me!”
>”You’ll be free soon. Sorry it took so long, my wife wouldn’t let me.”
>Rarity gives him an incredulous look.
>She then looks up at you.
>”His wife wouldn’t let him?”
“Yeah, he’s made it pretty clear that he doesn’t like all this. But Candy would be upset.”
>”You mean to tell me he acts against his conscience because his wife might be upset?”
>”It’s not that simple! There are a lot of factors to consider!”
>”She ABDUCTED me and left me to be tormented by this… this incorrigible cur!”
“Just a minute ago you were saying we could make it work!”
>”You stay out of this!”
>”Candy- err, Cadence said it was for the best!”
“Did you just call her Candy Ass?”
“She has YOU calling her that now? Oh man, that’s rich.”
>”Anon? Shut the hell up.”
>You probably deserved that.
>”I’m married to the princess of LOVE. She says you love whatever this is.”
>”And you BELIEVE her?”
>”I dunno.”
>Rarity scoffs.
>”Can you imagine being so weak willed? I thought he was meant to be a handsome prince! Not some shrinking violet.”
“I expect you to treat the prince with some respect, girl.”
“Can we take this upstairs?”
>”You’re not going anywhere! What’s in the boxes?”
>”Wrong answer.”
“Wrong answer? What, am I in trouble or something?”
>”Damn straight you are! I’ve got Equestrian officials demanding your immediate arrest!”
“Seriously? What did I do?”
>Rarity gives you another incredulous look.
>Shining Armor walks right up to you.
>And hits you in the face.
>You fall to the ground, blood streaming from your lip.
>”Hands behind the back. NOW!”
>He puts a hoof on the back of your head, pressing you into the floor.
>The whole world is a bit blurry.
>Everything hurts.
“Augh! The hell is wrong with you?”
>”You’re under arrest for murder in the first degree!”
“I didn’t do it, dude!”
>”I suppose somepony else killed a guard with a fentanyl overdose, then?”
“Fentanyl? What are you talking about?”
>He drops an empty syringe in front of you.
>”I trusted you, you bastard!”
>You feel cuffs locking around your wrists.
>You shake your head slightly, and blink a few times.
>This can’t be happening.
>And it ISN’T happening.
“That’s not fentanyl.”
>”Save it for the gallows.”
“I’m serious! You can read human, I know you can! What does it say on the needle?”
>”Half a percent nacl ten ml. Whatever that is.”
“It’s a saline flush! Just slightly salty water! Check the boxes, there’s fentanyl in them. It looks totally different!”
>He ties your legs together.
>”I’ll look. But if you’re lying to me…”
>You hear some rummaging behind you.
>Rarity scurries up to you.
>”Oh my stars! Are you hurt?”
>Very yes.
“Roll me onto my back.”
>Rarity moves quickly, leaving you dizzy and sick from the sudden movement.
>You can’t figure this girl out.
>Does she love you or hate you?
>Shining Armor gasps behind you.
“You found it?”
>”Fentanyl. A hundred ug. It’s not even a needle, it's a bottle. What’s an ug?”
“Does that matter right now? And one pill is a safe dose anyway!”
>”Then what was in the other one?”
“I told you! Slightly salty water, the only way to kill somepony with that is to stab them to death!”
>”Prove it.”
“There are some saline flushes in the chest pocket of my labcoat. Unless you broke them. Get them out and I’ll drink them if it makes you happy!”
>You feel the ropes around your legs coming undone.
>The cuffs around your wrist pop off.
>You flip him off before taking three needles out of your pocket and draining them into your mouth.
>You then throw the empty syringes at him.
>He doesn’t flinch when they impact his face.
>”Okay. That proves it wasn’t the needle. It doesn’t prove you’re innocent though. Do you have an alibi for about an hour ago?”
>”Why yes! He was here!”
>”Rarity, you don’t need to cover for him. If he did this I promise I’ll protect you from him.”
“She’s telling the truth, There’s video evidence of us fucking! Check the camera!”
>Rarity shoves a hoof over your mouth.
>”That will not be necessary. I can attest that he was here, umm, appreciating my new garment! Yes!”
>Shining Armor ignores her.
>He walks over to the camera and pokes at it a few times.
>Was he really going to watch your sex tape?
>Wait. That thing has audio!
>Rarity’s going to be so embarrassed.
>”Ravage me!”
>Rarity’s blushing so much you’re starting to worry.
>Shining Armor fast forwards for a bit.
>”Oh yes, keep going! Pull it!”
>You hear a thud behind you.
>You look to see Rarity lying on the ground, unconscious.
>Shining Armor cursed.
>It wasn’t a word you knew, but the gravity and tone was all you needed.
>”Dude, I’m SO SORRY. They tricked me!”
“Maybe next time ask me first! Or at the very least make sure there’s a body!”
>”I DID.”
>You roll over onto your side, stomach churning.
>For a simple jab, that did a hell of a number on you.
“There’s a body?”
>”One of the guards that questioned you today showed up dead shortly after saying they could prove you were guilty. Cause of death was deemed to be a fentanyl overdose, and that needle was found nearby. It was obviously you. But now I can’t help but wonder… how do they know it was fentanyl?”
>Damn good question.
>”Why are your drugs down here in a cardboard box anyway?”
“Somepony tried to steal them yesterday. I figured they’d be safer here.”
>”And you didn’t tell me?”
“I didn’t know where you were! Pass me a codeine tablet, will ya?”
>It’s not a good idea to take your own meds.
>But this really hurts!
>He levitates a blister pack toward you, and you pop a single pill without hesitation.
>”We’re destroying all of these.”
“WHAT? You can’t be serious!”
>”I am.”
“I need those for pain management!”
>”And I need ponies to not die.”
“Can’t you just HIDE it? Destroying hundreds of thousands of bits in important medicine is going WAY too far!”
>”It’s really not. You’ve got no idea how many holes have been punched in our security.”
>”Can you PROMISE me that there’s absolutely no chance these wouldn’t be used to hurt somepony?”
>You might need those.
“If I have to operate on anypony I’ll need to put them under general anesthesia. That’s dangerous.”
>”More dangerous than a fentanyl overdose?”
>He was right.
“Incinerate it. Do it in a well ventilated area, outside if you can. Some of the drug might get airborne but it’ll be too diluted to be dangerous, just don’t breathe in too much of the smoke.”
>You try to stumble to your feet.
>Shining Armor extends a hoof, and you grab it to pull yourself up.
>He squares up in front of you and closes his eyes.
“What are you doing?”
>”Waiting for you to kick me.”
“I’m not kicking you.”
>”It’s only fair.”
>Kicking him wouldn’t fix your lip.
>Besides, there’s no way you’d be able to hit as hard as he did.
>You’d need a solid five minutes for it to be fair.
“A KICK is meant to be fair? You were going to have me executed!”
>”I was NOT!”
“Save it for the gallows?”
>He looks away, too ashamed to meet your gaze.
>”We don’t do the death penalty here.”
>He sits down on his haunches.
>”I really messed up. I don’t expect you to forgive me for this.”
“You’re being too hard on yourself.”
>And on your face.
“It sounds like it was a good frame job.”
>You ARE pretty pissed.
>But you have to admit he had good reason to think you’d done something wrong.
>You should probably be patient with him.
>He’s been good to you right up until now, after all.
>Plus he’s probably the only pony you can count on at the moment.
>And it’s not like you have anywhere else you can go...
“I’ll help if I can. Never done an autopsy before, but can I see the body? I might be able to figure something out.”
>”Probably not. Something tells me that it’ll have suspiciously vanished if I start to ask questions.”
“You’re saying they disposed of the corpse?”
>”No. I’m saying there probably was no corpse.”
>”What’s more likely? That the Equestrian guard murdered one of their own so they could blame you, or that it’s all a trick?”
>When he puts it like that…
>”But that raises the question of why. When they came to question you was there anything weird about them?”
“That depends. Is good cop irrational cop normal around here?”
>”Wait. Is it not normal on Earth?”
>”It’s pretty much standard practice. Everypony knows about the disco diva.”
“But that’s stupid!”
>”Is that really what you’re worried about right now? We’ve got multiple attempted murders and the guy that keeps them from becoming ACTUAL murders is now being targeted!”
>Oh shit.
>He was right.
>You might actually be in danger!
>”The clinic is closed until further notice, you’re not going anywhere without at least three guards watching you, and you’re sleeping in your office.”
“I get the second one but…”
>”Closing the clinic makes it easier to keep track of who comes and goes.”
>”And he’s staying here because… why?”
“Rare? I thought you’d blacked out.”
>”Not quite, master.”
>”What did you just call him?”
>”Monster! I called him monster!”
>Sure she did.
>”Anon’s staying here so he’s ready for the next emergency.”
>The next emergency.
>He’s confident something bad will happen.
>Problem is, he was probably right.
>There was way too much going on.
>Maybe closing down for a few days was for the best.
>Give you a bit of time to clear your head, maybe try to figure out how you’d gotten roped into all of this.
>Plan on how to not get framed or killed.
>Make sure your meds are as secure as possible.
“Where did they get the saline needles?”
>”Good question. You said there’s been a breakin here before, right?”
>You walk past Shining Armor and make your way to the stairs.
>By the time you’re in your lockup he’s almost caught up to you.
“When the guards were here they were really interested in my drugs and how they were stored. I didn’t think it was weird at the time, police go in and out of hospitals on Earth all the time.”
>”Why? They’re worried about street drugs getting loose?”
“Naa. Mostly they’re just looking for some place to hide.”
>For the last several months of your tenure at the hospital back home, you’d had to walk to work.
>The treaty of Compton had deemed hospitals to be neutral ground, but not the parking lots.
>After losing a couple cars to mortar fire you’d decided it just wasn’t worth it.
“But after they left I realized there was something fishy about them. They knew about the breakin before I did.”
>Nothing seems out of place.
>The door on your locker hasn’t been tampered with as far as you can see.
“And they probed me for information on fentanyl.”
>”That wouldn’t be weird on its own. But with the framing it sure is.”
“It gets worse. I didn’t just move the fentanyl, I replaced it. Care to guess what with?”
>You open the locker.
>Several dozen needles are missing.
“I’ve been robbed. And there’s no signs of tampering as far as I can see.”
>”I’m not seeing anything either. How could they have even done that though?”
“Either they broke it open and then put it back together, or they forged my fingerprint.”
>Either option was scary.
>”But it should be on camera, right?”
>You look up at the camera.
>A sheet of paper has been taped over the lense.
>Shining Armor’s magical aura envelops the paper and tears it down.
“The first attempt is.”
>You start heading back to the basement.
>”Isn’t your office the other way?”
“I’m not going to my office.”
>”Then what are you doing?”
“Destroying the fentanyl.”
>You’d thought that whoever this was was just some maniac.
>But you were clearly wrong.
>They’ve infiltrated the crystal palace, made a mockery of your security, and apparently had infiltrated the Equestrian guard.
>They had multiple different ponies in on it, and some of them were clearly very skilled.
>This was no thug.
>This was a mastermind.
>How had it come to this?
>You often ask yourself that.
>It’s not like your life is bad by any stretch of the imagination.
>Sure, your equipment is barely working, and you’re now severely understocked on chems.
>And you got your face caved in this morning.
>And you’re basically under house arrest.
>But there’s no shortage of upsides.
>You really are lucky to have wound up in the Empire.
>If you were to complain it would come across as whiny.
>Still, it feels frustrating how little agency you have at the moment.
>You’re tied to the clinic like never before, unable to so much as walk the streets.
>And unable to do your job.
>You can’t even step outside for some fresh air without causing a fuss.
>The back door has been barricaded and the front door bolted shut to make sure there are no unexpected entrants.
>And the windows have all been covered to conceal your location.
>Shining Armor had insisted on pretending you were in the dungeon, supposedly for your own safety.
>You can’t help but feel that’s going overboard.
>Being trapped in this cage like this is messing with your head.
>You haven’t even been here for a day and it’s bothering you.
>Even with a clock, time is moving way too quickly, you’re stiff, and extremely tired.
>Rarity’s been in your basement for how long?
>Maybe you’ll take her topside for a while.
>With the lockdown it’s not like she can escape.
>With a little luck she’ll prove she can be trusted with a little bit of autonomy.
>It’s decided.
>You leave your office and head to fetch her.
“Hey, girl.”
>She’s lying on the floor, staring at the ceiling.
“C’mon upstairs. We’ll have some tea and chat.”
>She gestures at the chain around her neck.
“Just a second.”
>You walk over to the wall and unlock her, leaving the other end around her neck.
>She looks at you in surprise when you simply let one end of the chain fall to the floor.
>You leave the lead lying limply.
“Water’s hot. What will you have?”
>She cautiously makes her way to the stairs, clearly expecting some kind of trick.
>She’d been so good last night and this morning.
>Hopefully you haven’t lost all that progress so soon.
“I’m not looking to hurt you.”
>She swallows a lump in her throat.
“Look. Change is scary. But I promise you this isn’t a prank or a trap or whatever. You’re not allowed to leave the clinic but you can move freely within for now.”
>”Are you certain?”
“When have I ever broken a promise?”
>”You said you’d get me that salon branded shampoo.”
“Heh. That I did! Wasn’t expecting all this mess to happen, but I’ll have to find a way.”
>A trip to the market would have to happen eventually
>Not like you had a lot of groceries here.
>Hard to say what arrangement will be made, but at some point someone is going to resupply you.
>You’ll have to get them to pick up the shampoo.
>They should be trustworthy enough, if they even know you’re here.
>You’ll just say you’re allergic to most pony soaps or something.
>The two of you make your way upstairs.
>You direct Rarity to sit in your office while you go to the kettle.
>She spends a bit of time staring at the door, doubtlessly thinking of leaving.
>But she doesn’t make a break for it.
>Instead, she sits down at your desk.
“Pick your poison.”
>”I’d rather have none!”
“Oh. That’s a figure of speech, probably doesn’t translate. What kind of tea do you want?”
>”Have you any jasmin?”
“Can’t help ya.”
>”Rose hip?”
“Is that even a thing?”
“Never say that word in my presence!”
>”Then what have you?”
“Green or black.”
>”Oh. I see. Green it is.”
>She sounded really disappointed.
>She should try and get used to it, this isn’t meant to be a luxury vacation for her or anything.
>On the other hand, how much trouble would it really be for you to give her her pick of hot leaf juice?
>It’d be a good quality of life improvement for her.
>Cheap, easy, shelf stable.
>And you’re not looking to make her life miserable, that’s just a means to an end.
>If she’s being good there’s no reason to deny her that stuff.
“I’ll get you some weird tea. Hopefully soon.”
>”If they’ve any North Star I ask that you get it. It’s simply divine.”
“North Star? What’s so special about that?”
>”Why, it’s a Crystal Empire signature brand!”
>A local special?
>You’re already buying that for all you know.
>”Tea leaves degrade over time, the moment you’ve harvested it it starts to go bad.”
>You return to the desk, two cups of flavoured hot water in hand.
>You place one down before Rarity who takes a dainty sniff of the brew.
>”But if you can keep them dry and cool they last far longer. The ponies around here store their teas underground in the permafrost. The air gets remarkably dry on its own, but they also have salts of some variety filling the storage chambers to ensure it never gets too humid.”
“So it’s just a means of storing the stuff?”
>”Oh heavens no! It’s not JUST a means of storing teas. It is THE method. All others are just mistakes.”
“Hm. Most of that stuff’s been figured out on Earth. Not sure how they store tea honestly, but coffee’s a vacuum seal or filled with an inert gas like nitrogen.”
>”And that works?”
“Oh, very well. It’s not the best solution, but it’s cheap and safe.”
>”It sounds like we could learn a fair bit from your kind. What other secrets do you know?”
“Me? Not much. I’m something of a one trick pony.”
>”But you aren’t a pony.”
“I’m going to have to stop using idioms, aren’t I. Point is I can only do a few things, but I do them well.”
>”And what is it you do, exactly?”
>You’re pretty sure you’d gone over this with her before.
>But maybe not.
>Or maybe she just wasn’t listening?
>Or maybe she just doesn’t believe you.
>Whatever, it’ll make conversation.
“Surgeon. Though around here I’m working as a general practitioner.”
>”And what exactly does that entail?”
“Honestly? Mostly telling ponies things they should already know. Awful lot of important things that are common knowledge on Earth but you ponies just haven’t figured out yet.”
>”If you mean to imply that we are foolish-”
“Nothing of the sort. Wasn’t all that long ago that we were as blind as you lot. Steam trains are a huge landmark after all. But there’s a lot of stuff that you haven’t pieced together yet that’s really important. Take for example that mercury is toxic.”
“You might know it as quicksilver. Surprisingly nasty stuff. Rots the brain, amongst other things.”
>”But it’s a common remedy.”
>You were aware.
“If you’ve got any pewter dishes you might want to replace them as well.”
>”It’s bad too? How is it you’ve come to know all this?”
“Me? Years of study. Or if you mean humanity as a whole, millenia of making mistakes. Medicine is hard because of how complicated a living being is, made worse by the fact that the stakes are so high. But the biggest problem is usually that recovery is normal. You give somepony mercury for the feather flu and they get better, it’s easy to trick yourself into thinking that the mercury did it. Hay, for a long time people thought that you could get sick by having too much blood.”
>”Can you not? I’ve never had bad humors, but my understanding is it’s quite common.”
>It’s all so tiresome.
“Your body’s pretty good at keeping your fluids balanced. If they aren’t, it’s a symptom, not a cause.”
>”Well then what, in your view, is the cause of illness?”
“Depends on the problem. How to explain this…”
>No word for bacteria.
>Or virus.
>Or prion.
>And if there’s a word for microorganism you don’t know it.
“Mostly it’s incredibly tiny bugs invading your body.”
>”Would we not see them?”
“They’re too small to see.”
>She raises an eyebrow.
“Some are even smaller than that. Most of the trickier diseases are so small they’re not even alive, they just chemical clusters that trick your body into doing things that hurt it.”
>”And are these invisible bugs in this room right now?”
“Billions of them!”
>”You’ll have to excuse my skepticism.”
“Yeah… it sounded insane the moment I said it. Your language doesn’t really have the words I need to explain this stuff.”
>That’s a hurdle you’ll have to jump sooner or later.
>You know from experience that people CAN argue with results.
>Quite a few ponies believe in you, which is a great start.
>But at present you can only really affect ponies who seek you out for treatment.
>It’s slow, annoying, and largely ineffective.
>Guess you shouldn’t worry about that at the moment, there are more pressing issues.
>Namely, the murderer.
>She picks up her mug with a look of disdain.
>Something’s bothering her.
>You’re not sure what yet.
“How’s the tea?”
>So that’s not it.
“Who do you think is doing it?”
>”Doing what?”
“Oh right. You’re a bit out of the loop.”
>”Well, I’ve been able to gather a tiny bit from what the prince said. Somepony tried to steal something dangerous from you.”
“That’s part of it. Who do you think it is?”
>”I haven’t the slightest. Having been locked away in a basement for so long, I wouldn’t even know where to begin in my search.”
>Yeah, you suppose she wouldn’t.
>Should you reveal that her friends had been targeted?
>If she knew, she’d be thankful for your help.
>But then she’d know they were close to finding her.
>Maybe you should keep that hidden for the time being.
>She might not even believe you’d helped, after all.
“I’ll try and fill you in. Somepony used weird magic to paralyze a pegasus mid-flight.”
>”I’m not exactly an expert on magic, but it could have been an accident. If a spell is attuned improperly it can have unexpected effects after all. Were they okay?”
“Severe injuries, life threatening and risk of severe lung degradation. Without treatment they would have likely survived after a bout of sepsis, but suffered some organ damage and been left with difficulty breathing. Luckily it’s not the first fall I’ve treated, wound up being pretty straightforward. Looks like a complete or near complete recovery.”
>”Well, that’s a relief, is it not? Pegasi are prone to their spills and tumbles, and they often shrug off crashes that I would find horrifying. Even so it can be dangerous. Still, it doesn’t sound that unusual. It was likely just an accident, n'est ce pas?”
“Maybe, though the prince seems to think otherwise. I trust his judgement.”
>”He also seemed to think you were a murderer.”
>That was a good point.
>Maybe that one WAS an accident?
>The next one, though…
“A bit later, somepony was brought to my clinic half dead from belladonna poisoning.”
>”Oh my goodness! Are they well?”
“Somehow, yes. It wasn’t an easy one, but I kept them alive. Looks like another full recovery, but it was close.”
>“How did you know it was belladonna?”
>”Am I not allowed to ask?”
>You think she’s probing for cracks in your story.
>She won’t find any.
“Well, I didn’t at first. It could have been any number of things. But as their condition worsened and they didn’t respond to treatment for other problems, I started to piece it together. After a while there was only one thing I knew of that could cause what we were seeing.”
>”Deduction? I would have assumed you’d have a more elegant method, were you the miracle worker you claim to be.”
“Not a miracle worker, just a healer.”
>You really don’t understand this pony.
>First she defends you, then demands protection.
>Then she doesn’t even try to leave, but follows up by being lippy.
>It’s almost like she herself isn’t sure yet.
>But you suppose that’s progress.
>Not long ago she was entirely opposed.
>But her resistance crumbled after a good dicking.
>You’ll have to give her another soon, preferably today.
“So we’ve got the crash and then the poisoning. Shining tells me both of them came from the palace staff, but they can’t figure out who’s responsible.”
>”The palace? Truly? Should they not be the most trusted ponies in the empire?”
“Yep. And then earlier today, a member of the guard tried to frame me for murder. Luckily they screwed up.”
>”I’m certain you would have been acquitted in the end, after a thorough investigation of course. One that might reveal some other things.”
“You think they would have seen through it?”
>”Oh, most certainly. If the prince is right and nopony was killed at all you would have likely been released without trial. Though it would perhaps undermine your reputation, unless you were able to prove it was a ruse. And of course, their trickery would fall apart quite quickly should they strike again.”
>So they didn’t try to get you out of the picture for good.
>They just wanted you gone for a while.
>You and Shining Armor had, after some arguing, agreed to pretend you had been arrested.
>Now you’re starting to see why.
“Whoever wanted me out of the way thinks they pulled it off.”
>Unless their intel is insanely good, of course.
“The only ponies who know I’m here are yourself and the prince. The guards outside were told they were trying to stop a break-in.”
>”There are guards outside?”
“Hopefully. If they think I’m out of the picture, they won’t have to look for methods I can’t fix.”
>”Oh my, that IS clever. They may even try the poisons again. The next attack should be largely harmless, yes?”
“With a little luck. He bought himself some time to track them down, probably made a big show of destroying the opiates so they wouldn’t have a reason to come back here, and to help sell his trick.”
>He was still clearly out of his depth with this mess.
>But he had his moments.
“So let’s assume they wanted me gone to make murder easier, and the two ponies were their targets.”
>”Who were these ponies anyway?”
“Oh, you know how I am with names. But I can tell you they’re celebrities.”
“Uhh… that doesn’t sound right.”
>”Sapphire Shores?”
“Maybe? It’s the right number of syllables. I’d have to ask somepony to be sure though, and that’s not happening for a while. Besides, I probably shouldn’t be telling you. Patient confidentiality and all that.”
>”What is that?”
“Oh, lots of medical problems can be really embarrassing, so I’ve taken an oath not to share anything that I see or hear while in here. Well, unless somepony comes by demanding answers with a warrant. Doctors take their codes of ethics pretty seriously, you can lose your licence for breaking these rules.”
>”I didn’t know you were capable of ethics.”
“And I didn’t know you were such a slow learner.”
>She quickly looks away from you.
>”My apologies, master.”
>You try to drink your tea.
>Still too hot.
>Rarity’s is half gone.
>You’ll never understand how some people and ponies can tolerate drinks that hot.
>”Would that oath extend even to myself?”
“Hm. I’m not sure. You’re not exactly my patient.”
>”But you don’t want her hiding medical problems from you.
>She’s YOUR pony.
>She should be one of the healthiest ponies alive.
“I suppose it would. As long as we’re discussing your health your secrets are safe.”
>She blushes a bit and stares at the floor.
>”Well, it’s a tad embarrassing.”
“Nothing I haven’t seen before.”
>”It’s just that lately I’ve been a bit sore. Down there.”
“Really? I didn’t see anything wrong last night.”
>”And today I was, how to say this, leaking a tad.”
“You’re incontinent?”
>”No, not that.”
>”Ugh. Nothing so filthy.”
>Then what the hell is she talking about?
“Bloody discharge?”
>”No! I’m, umm. I’m pretty certain I’m not pregnant.”
“Lactating. Yeah, don’t worry about that.”
>”But it’s not normal! Could it not be a sign of something serious?”
“It’s not. I know what’s causing it.”
>”Wait a moment. YOU did this?”
“You’ll be fine.”
>”And the cowprint! You had NO RIGHT!”
“I had every right!”
>She knocks your tea off the table, shattering the glass on the ground.
“You’re going to clean that up, girl.”
>”I will NOT!”
>She marches out of your office, making a point of knocking over furniture as she goes.
“You’ll regret this tantrum.”
>She knocks over a filing cabinet, sending papers flying everywhere.
“You’re just making things worse for yourself!”
>She enters your lockup.
>Store room.
>You panic, and run at her.
>You try to tackle her, but fail miserably.
>She knocks a shelf over sending wrapped surgical supplies scattering everywhere.
>Dozens of bottles of pills get thrown to the ground.
>She knocks over your refrigerator.
>Your heart skips a beat.
“No, oh no. This isn’t happening.”
>Blood starts to seep out of the door.
>Rarity recoils in shock.
>You frantically set it upright, hoping against all odds that everything will be okay.
>The glass door has been shattered.
>The shards have cut most of the blood bags open.
>You were already understocked.
>As you stand there in the pool of pony blood, a number of thoughts run through your mind.
>They move too quickly for you to focus on any of them, and all deeper meaning is lost.
>But the emotions remain.
>You grab Rarity by the neck, splattering blood all over her coat.
>Her eyes bulge out as you squeeze.
>Your thumb digs into her neck.
>Rarity starts struggling against your grasp, trying to break free.
>As the reality of the situation sinks in, you start to regain some control.
>You let her go.
>She backs up against the wall, staring at you with a terrified expression.
“You have no idea what you just did.”
>”Is this BLOOD?”
“You have NO. IDEA. What you just did.”
“You might have KILLED somepony today.”
>You close your eyes and take a deep breath.
“Go into the basement, and lock your chain to the wall.”
>”What in the heavens is going on?”
>”I KEEP THAT SO THAT I CAN SAVE LIVES, YOU IDIOT! That was supposed to help ponies who’d been seriously wounded! I can’t- I- AUGH! Go to the basement, and LOCK yourself to the damn wall.”
>Rarity runs away, heading for the basement.
>This is a nightmare.
>Where are you going to get pony blood?
>You’ll have to leech some from Rarity.
>But if she’s not type O it’ll only be useful for a planned procedure.
>Any emergencies, you need O.
>You can’t run a blood drive while locked up like this.
>And you probably won’t even be able to store the stuff until you get the refrigerator mended.
>Hopefully it’s just the glass…
>You pull your pager out of your pocket and send Cadence a message.
>Hopefully she’ll come by soon.
>Rarity doesn’t know what she did.
>You shouldn’t have been so trusting.
>You should have been stricter.
>You should have done a lot of things.
>You’ve never liked cleaning.
>You’ve always seen it as the sisyphean task that it is; there’s no finality or completion to this recurring grind.
>And much like the proverbial boulder, you’ve no choice but to push again until you’ve reached the peak.
>Such is your punishment for your arrogance.
>You grab a mop and set to work.
>There are a few gallons of blood on the ground, oozing everywhere.
>It’s covered most of the floor, making a serious slipping hazard.
>Amongst other things.
>You hear a noise at the door.
>”Hi Anon!”
>It’s Cadence.
>”I got here as fast as I could and- WHAT THE HAY?”
“I need your help disposing of something.”
>She runs up near the blood pool, jumping and jittering nervously.
>”You actually did it! I didn’t think you did but you actually did it!”
>What is she talking about?
>”Ooh, I thought I could trust you! Why did you kill her?”
“This isn’t what it looks like!”
>”I’m sorry Anon, but you’re under arrest!”
“This isn’t a murder! Rarity spilled all my stored blood.”
>”Oh. Whew! That’s a relief. They’re saying you’re a murderer and I didn’t believe them but then-”
“It’s okay. I know this looked really bad. Would you mind checking on Rarity? She’s in the basement. I think.”
>”Why call me out here to check on her?”
“Because I’m not sure I can control my temper right now. It’s for the best all around that I don’t see her until I calm down.”
>”That bad?”
“That bad. We need to talk about the clinic too when you’re done.”
>You return to your mopping.
>Is it actually getting any cleaner in here?
>Or are you just spreading the mess around?
>The mop water is VERY red, but the floor doesn’t look any better.
“Ugh. It’s clotting.”
>”Hi Rarity! ACK!”
>Cadence returns to you with a big lump on her head.
“You okay?”
>”She threw a dildo at me.”
>”I tried to catch it in my mouth, but didn’t quite manage.”
>Cadence starts to levitate the scattered bottles and boxes off of the floor, placing them randomly on shelves.
>You’d have to organize them later, but at least you’re not going to wreck your back bending over a thousand times.
>Hopefully the blood hasn’t compromised much of it.
“Thanks. I didn’t call you for that, but I appreciate it.”
>”You say Rarity did this?”
>”What are you going to do to her?”
“Haven’t thought that far ahead yet. Sorta wondering if I can even afford to keep her after this.”
>Getting rid of her would be a nightmare.
>But this can’t happen again.
>”You’ll never get another opportunity like this.”
“I know.”
>”Must be pretty serious if you’re actually thinking of giving up a hot piece of ass like her.”
“It is. This could very easily kill somepony. If anyone suffers from massive blood loss, I can’t do much more than make them comfortable.”
>You don’t have any opium.
>”Can’t you just get more blood?”
“Nowhere to put it. Unless you can keep it at three celsius for days on end.”
“Just a bit above freezing, but not actually freezing.”
>”We have snow.”
“Probably won’t work for the blood, it’s such a delicate balance after all. But we can try. It’s a very good idea for the insulin and interferons.”
>That’s a relief.
>Diabetes is extremely rare in ponies since they handle sugar so well, but you do have one filly with type 1.
>Keeping her alive was going to be tough.
“The fridge is broken, and I doubt there’s anypony in the world who can fix it. We need to hold off until the portal opens so we can get it replaced.”
>”Would fresh blood work?”
“It could. We’d need to get it under really short notice though.”
>”Take it from Rarity.”
“I might have to. She’s type A though.”
>”Type A?”
>Oh dear.
“Your body doesn’t like having other living things inside it.”
>”Speak for yourself.”
“Heh, fair point. But for the most part your body reacts poorly to having any foreign material in it. The moment it identifies something that doesn’t belong it tries to destroy it.”
>”What about that thing you put in me?”
“Carefully designed so that your body doesn’t notice it.”
>How can one explain antigens or antibodies to these ponies?
>They don’t even have proper chemistry figured out yet.
>Though you have to admit, their approximations aren’t that far off.
>When Twilight explained Caloric to you it actually made a fair amount of sense.
>It was good enough for steam power, at least.
“I’m going to have to explain what cells are some time, because most of this stuff won’t make sense without that.”
>”Would that take long?”
“If we want to do it properly, yes. The basics are that there’s an indivisible unit of life called a cell. All known living things are made of them, and they’re really small. You have specialized cells in your body that just exist to destroy things that don’t belong.”
>”And they attack anything that isn’t instantly recognized as part of me?”
“Yep. You’ve got your neutrophils, dendritic cells, mast cells, killer T cells...”
>”Killer T? That’s really their name?”
“Biology isn’t the friendliest science. There are dozens of other things in your body that exist solely to make sure that nothing gets in. Usually that’s a very good thing, and when somebody lacks even one kind of immune cell they have very short and sickly lives. But it causes problems sometimes.”
>”Like when you want to transfer blood. Do these cells try to destroy the new blood?”
“That, and the cells in the new blood attack the body they got moved to. Almost guaranteed death if you have to do a transfusion. We categorize blood based on the markers that your cells use to see who it belongs to, that way we can keep the fighting to a minimum.”
>”How many kinds are there?”
“I could break it down in hundreds of ways, and finding a perfect match is extremely rare. Bigger hospitals separate the blood components out so that they can mix and match to create the right type, but we can’t do that here. I’m mostly interested in 8 types, which antibodies are present and whether or not there’s a Rhesus factor. Rarity’s A positive.”
>Pretty much the least useful type.
>”Do you know what I am?”
“A positive. Your husband’s B positive.”
>”Call him in if you need that. I’m sure he’d be willing to help.”
“Good idea, unless it’s an emergency. Seconds matter.”
>”So what do we do?”
“That’s what I was hoping you could help with.”
>Your back is starting to bother you.
>And the water is too bloody, you’ll need to change it out.
>You put down the mop and stretch.
“I’ll have to check the blood type of any patient before doing a transfusion, that takes a couple minutes. That’s already way too slow, but without a stock of O negative there’s no choice. My plan is to page you in case I need blood, and you’ll send a group of ponies my way. I’ll prepare a list of ponies with confirmed blood types, I need one of each. Priority is top to bottom to account for how common certain types are. While they’re on their way I’ll find out which type is actually needed. Think you can do that for me?”
>”I can try. I don’t know if it’ll be fast enough though.”
“It’s the best bet we have, I’m afraid. Luckily that’s good enough for most procedures.”
>Any planned op, you’re golden.
>Any emergency op?
>Well, that doesn’t happen very often around here.
>On Earth you mostly used blood for turf wars and car crashes.
>Other surgeons needed it for some procedures, especially heart surgery.
>But again, planned ops aren’t the problem right now.
“I’m going to ask a big favor of you.”
>”New fridge when the portal opens? Don’t worry, we’ll put together a list of things when we’re a little closer.”
“I’m not sure I’ll be able to pay for it.”
>”Don’t you remember? Shiny and I are going to handle that.”
“Oh, right. Thanks.”
>You aren’t really thinking too clearly at the moment.
>Too much going on.
>”Are you okay?”
“Yeah. Just a bit tired.”
>”May I suggest you go take a nap? I can clean this up.”
>That was really nice of her.
>But you don’t want to impose too much.
“I can’t ask you to do that. You’re a busy pony.”
>”And you’re in no condition to be working here. We need you at your best in case there’s another attack.”
>She made a good point.
“Alright, you’ve convinced me. I’ll prepare that list of ponies first.”
>It doesn’t take long.
>Even the more trusting ponies are reluctant to give you blood, and you can hardly blame them.
>Though you may be welcomed warmly, you’re still an outsider.
>And you’re still making ghoulish requests.
>As herbivores, ponies are exceptionally squeamish around such things.
>Blood has always been something negative, something dirty.
>First you need to convince them it’s a good idea to shove it into a stranger’s body.
>And so, while you’ve got a few potential donors for the more common types, rarer blood types have been a problem.
>Before long you find yourself sitting in your office, pretending to sleep.
>You’re exhausted, but it’s not a weariness that sleep can fix.
>Too many important things are happening at once.
>And somehow, in very short order, you’ve found yourself at the heart of all sorts of messes.
>You’ve got a strong urge to leave.
>Just run away to who knows where.
>An irrational impulse of course, it’s not like you’d be better off anywhere else.
>But still, something in the back of your mind understands you’re in danger.
>And since you can’t find a way to fight back, you wish to run.
>Such distractions are a hazard in your line of work. Stray thoughts cost lives.
>But no matter how you try you cannot calm your mind.
>This nagging feeling just won’t leave you be.
>Were you a superstitious person you might see ill omens everywhere.
>Maybe things aren’t as bad as you think.
>Maybe it’ll all be okay.
>The aspiring murderer has to slip up eventually, you’re probably not going to need that blood, and nopony suspects you have Rarity.
>You just need to keep your head down and do your thing.
>It’ll all be fine.
>There’s a pounding on the front door.
>That doesn’t make sense.
>Nopony is supposed to know you’re here.
>You try to ignore it, but they just keep knocking.
>You stand from your chair, and head to the back.
>Cadence is no longer there, nor is the blood.
>Maybe you had nodded off for a while?
>Another knocking on the door.
>You hear the front door open.
>It was supposed to be bolted.
>You try to hide in your storage room, to no avail.
>Twilight Sparkle finds you almost immediately.
“Oh! Hello there, Twiggy.”
“The clinic’s closed you know. By order of the prince.”
>”That’s fine. I just came here to chat, you’re normally busy when I’m in town, but the clinic’s closed right now.”
>Something was off about her.
>You couldn’t quite put your finger on it though.
“Alright. Go sit in my office, I’ll be there in a second.”
>She makes her way to your office quickly and decisively, not having to look around for a moment.
>She usually stops to gawk at at least one machine.
>Probably just worried about the attacks.
>You sit in your chair, opposite her.
>She looks nervous.
“So, what’s on your mind?”
>”Not a whole lot. Mostly wondering about you. What you do with your spare time and stuff.”
“You’re not wondering about the attacks?”
>”I’m trying to think about something else for a while, just to clear my head.”
“Makes sense. You’re clearly stressed.”
>”It shows?”
>You nod.
>”Well, what do you do in your spare time? Any hobbies?”
“Not many. I used to spend a lot of time on the internet, but there’s no signal here. I try to make myself go out fairly often just to see the sights, but generally I’d prefer a night in with a book or something.”
>”You must have something that eats up your time. Friends? A fillyfriend?”
“A few of the former, not so much well the latter. I’m pretty good friends with your brother, you know. I even learned his name.”
>”I’m just surprised he hasn’t roped you into playing Ogres and Oubliettes yet.”
“Hay, it could happen. He also likes SpaceMallet, right? Never got into that, Omega Marines were just too strong. I was always more into MechTech.”
>”I never really saw the appeal of MechTech myself. It always seemed like whoever had the biggest bots won.”
“You have to agree on a tonnage limit for your forces to punish players with giant bots. That way you can have 5 20 ton units use their superior initiative to cripple the 100 ton target. 3 JR7s with a bit of plating stripped can get down to 100, and can do a solid first strike against an Annihilator; try to destroy its radiators or heat sinks before it can even strike then it can’t return fire properly.”
>”But how do you know what you should bring before showing up?”
“That’s half of the game.”
>”Hm. Well, I still don’t think it’s the right pastime for me. Still, I need to pick something up. Cadence has been urging me to find a colt-friend, and if I don’t find something to do she’ll take it as an excuse to set me up on blind dates. You ever have any trouble with that?”
“Candy? Well, yeah. She tries to play matchmaker for everypony.”
>”So who did you wind up with?”
“Nopony yet.”
>”Really? Rumor had it you had a filly-friend.”
>You hadn’t heard any such rumor.
>And why was she asking questions about that?
>Oh shit.
>Is she onto you?
>”Lately I’ve been trying to get into arts and crafts. You have any experience with that?”
“Some. I’m pretty handy with a needle.”
>”Oh? Do you make your own clothing?”
“No. But I’ve done some other stuff.”
“You know. Little things around the house. Decorations.”
>”Like your curtains?”
>”And what stitch did you use on them?”
“I don’t remember, it’s been a while.”
>”Name three stitches.”
>Panic is starting to set in.
>”Well? I’m waiting.”
“Continuous, purse-string, and subcutaneous?”
>”Uh-huh. How do you take your coffee?”
“I don’t have to answer that.”
>Her horn was glowing.
>”I think you do. At the coffee shop, they said you always got it black. Until one day you started getting TWO cups, and they were really fancy. Why.”
“Look, I have a private life.”
>”And why are they Rarity’s favorite?”
“I don’t have your missing friend!”
>”I never said you did! Methinks the doc doth protest too much!”
>You’re in DEEP.
>”And I told everypony where I was going, so if anything weird happens? Well, it won’t. I was escorted by an elite soldier in the Crystal armed forces. They’re just outside. Think you can take them on?”
“I- I-”
>She stands from her chair and locks eyes with you.
>You can feel the aggression washing over you.
>”Who’s the makeup for? Huh? And why is it Rarity’s brand?”
>She jabs your chest with a hoof.
“That’s a common-”
>”Why are you eating so much HAY?”
>She jabs you again.
>”Why does somepony who doesn’t even know a SINGLE STITCH go out and ask for multiple gauges of thread?”
“There’s a simple explanation for all of this.”
“Umm… I’ve got a minor role in a musical?””
>”Well then. I’m going to go get my friends here, and we can listen to you sing your role. I hope you don’t mind an audience.”
>”And I promise you, if you hurt Rarity?”
>She doesn’t finish making her promise.
>Rather, she just turns to leave.
>This is extremely bad.
>She has you, no question.
>At this point what can you do except hope they’re merciful?
>You hear a scream from outside, followed by glass shattering.
>It’s nearby.
>You run into the lobby to find Twilight lying in the floor amidst shattered glass.
>A pony wearing the Crystal Empire’s armor stands atop her, spear shoved deep into her barrel.
>They pull it out and turn to you with a shocked expression.
>They raise their spear and level it at you.
>You take a few steps back, bumping up against the wall.
>”Don’t. Move.”
“Move? No! Of course not? Why would I move? Back when I was a kid my mom always told me I had to settle down so I learned how to sit perfectly still in a corner for hours on end and-”
>A couple chunks of jagged glass slam themselves into the guard’s rump.
>They howl with pain and drop the spear.
>You bolt toward it, managing to grab it before they collect themselves.
>Before you can even point it at them, they’re gone.
>You scramble over to Twilight, crushing glass beneath your shoe as you tread.
>She’s awake.
>But only barely.
>Severely wounded.
>She tries to say something, you can’t tell what.
“Don’t talk, just save your strength. Try to calm down and don’t move. We can get you through this.”
>You carefully pick her up, trying not to agitate any of her wounds.
>With some heavy grunting you take her to your operating theater.
>It’s bad.
>Really bad.
>But on the other hand, there’s no delay in care.
>This is the best possible place to be stabbed.
>And further?
“This is my specialty. You’re going to be fine. Slow, gentle breaths.”
>You affix a mask on her to administer anaesthesia.
>Her heart will slow in an induced coma, buying you more time.
>You mash your pager for help, and set to work.
>Two major puncture wounds including a sucking chest wound.
>Multiple minor lacerations on the back.
>Presence of foreign materials.
>Likely severing of the thoracic aorta.
>She has a pulse, the heart hasn’t been destroyed.
>Even so, it’s bad.
>Down this much blood, the body can’t deliver oxygen properly.
>Hypoxia slows the body’s metabolic rate, causing body temperature to drop.
>Once it starts to get too cold the chemistry behind blood coagulation breaks down, leading to coagulopathy.
>Without coagulation the bleeding continues uninterrupted.
>Without oxygen, the body burns glucose anaerobically, releasing acidic waste compounds.
>Acidosis damages organs, but it also ruins the blood’s ability to carry oxygen.
>Coagulopathy leads to acidosis, which leads to hypothermia, which leads to coagulopathy.
>It’s a vicious feedback loop where the condition makes itself worse.
>You need to stop all three parts of the trauma triad.
>And yet, it’s something to worry about later.
>You give her an injection of tranexamic acid to help control the bleeding.
>It’ll promote coagulation, but hasten the onset of acidosis.
>You take a moment to adjust the thermostat, setting the room at a toasty 30c.
>You rub iodine around her ribs, then don a mask and gloves.
>You’re not really ready to operate.
>You aren’t properly washed, nor are you properly dressed.
>You’re proceeding regardless.
>The patient is not stable, she’s got minutes to live at best.
>She’ll be a lost cause before you can finish surgical prep.
>If she’s going to have any chance, you need to start with the aorta.
>Thoracotomy in a patient who isn’t hemostatic is inviting disaster.
>But it’s the only way you can control the bleeding.
>Your harmonic scalpel carves into her chest, cauterizing as it goes.
>The stink of burnt hair reminds you that you didn’t shave her.
>Something to worry about later.
>Retractors in, you pull a deflated lung aside.
>Sure enough you see massive blood pooling not too far from the heart.
>You can’t get at it, the ribs are in the way.
>You hold out your hand expecting an assistant to provide the requested too.
>To no avail.
>The Finochietto spreader is on the tray on the other side of her.
>You shift around the patient so as to not reach over the opening, and grab the heavy surgical steel instrument.
>The two blades are wedged between her exposed ribs.
>You crank, opening the device and prying the ribs open.
>They’re too tightly spaced, you still can’t get in.
>A sickening crack lets you know that you’ve fractured her ribs.
>An acceptable risk, but if you go any further you’ll have to get the bonesaw out.
>You place a surgical clamp on the severed artery right near the heart.
>Blood flow has been completely denied to her lower body.
>But the worst of the bleeding has been stopped.
>Now you just need to worry about systemic hypoxia, and destroying half of her organs.
>You apply suction to the pooled blood to expose the artery, granting yourself a better look.
>It’s almost totally severed.
>The artery downstream of the wound is pale and sickly, almost totally drained of blood.
>Clamp in place, you grab your forceps and work the suture into one half of the artery.
>A brief bit of fumbling later you get the needle into the other side.
>Anastomosis isn’t as complex as one might think.
>The suture starts upstream, towards the heart so as to fit the base of the artery inside the downstream part and minimize leakage.
>The final stitch must be downstream so as to evenly distribute the strain and mitigate the risk of tearing.
>The concept isn’t complex.
>The execution is where things get complicated.
>One must use forceps to minimize contamination, the sutures need to be tightly spaced, the apertures left by the needle must be negligible, and there can’t be any loose thread or you risk tearing and tissue irritation.
>It’s a painstaking and precise process, nothing like surface stitches.
>It takes you nearly four minutes to get the last stitch in place.
>The clamps come off, the artery swells and stretches.
>The tissue turns a healthy red.
>No visible bleeding.
>You let out a breath you didn’t know you’d been holding.
>That was probably fast enough. With proper followup care her chances should be pretty good.
>But you’re not in the clear yet, she’s been seriously wounded.
>At least now you have enough time to try and do things properly.
>But there’s just too much work to do for one surgeon.
>You need assistants.
>Where the hell is Cadence?
>You can’t wait around for help, and you can’t do this on your own.
>Time to gamble.
>You leave the operating theater and head to the basement.
>There are bloody hoof marks everywhere, but Rarity’s somehow managed to clean herself off.
>She’s napping in the corner.
“Wake up, girl! I need help!”
>She jolts awake.
>She takes one look at you and screams.
“Yes, I KNOW! I’m covered in blood! We don’t have TIME for that! Get upstairs and help me!”
>”What- no! What’s going on?”
“We have wounded, and I need help before they bleed to death GET MOVING!”
>You run up the stairs without checking to see if she’s following.
>You hear her call from behind you.
>You run back down just a bit too fast, hurting your ankle as you move.
>You throw your keychain at Rarity.
“Don’t enter the theater until I tell you to. We need to get you prepared.”
>You run back up, ankle screaming at you with every step.
>Gloves and mask, off.
>You don’t take the time to dispose of them properly.
>You just throw them on the floor.
>NOW you’ll wash your hands.
>She’s definitely got a staph infection, but there’s no reason to make it worse.
>Rarity tries walking right past you to the front door.
>She freezes in place when she sees the wreckage.
>A huge pool of blood amidst the broken glass.
“About time. I need your help, the patient is in really bad shape but we can save her.”
>”Oh my stars! What happened?”
“That doesn’t matter right now! Close your mouth, I’m putting a mask on.”
“So that you don’t kill her with your spit!”
>Rarity gives you a confused look, but closes her mouth.
>You fit a mask over her muzzle.
>It doesn’t fit great, but it’ll have to do.
“Don’t open your mouth. If you have to talk, do it through clenched teeth, and look away from the patient when you do. This is a delicate procedure and you really shouldn’t be involved but I need more hands.”
>”But I don’t know what to do!”
“What did I JUST say? Clenched teeth!”
>You put a new mask on yourself and start working the gloves on.
“The patient was stabbed multiple times. Do you know any first aid?”
>Of course.
“The smaller wounds are still bleeding.”
>For a little while at least.
>Won’t be enough pressure for that to keep up much longer.
“I need you to wrap bandages around them. Make sure there’s enough pressure that the bleeding stops. Don’t remove any of the glass, just leave the wounds with glass in them alone for now.”
>”I’m sorry, did you say somepony was STABBED?”
“CLENCHED. TEETH. This is life or death!”
>”I- right.”
“Remember. Tightly wound bandages, leave the glass filled ones alone, keep your mouth closed, keep your mask on, and most importantly. Don’t get the incisions dirty. I can’t stress this enough, drop a single hair inside her chest cavity and you might kill her. Try not to panic, there’s a lot of blood. Got it?”
>”I think so.”
>Why did it have to be her?
>Not like you’ve got a lot of options.
>Infection might kill her later, but systemic shock will kill her tonight.
>You open the door.
>Rarity gasps, and freezes in place.
>On the table lies a blood drenched Twilight, viscera exposed for the world to see.
>You don’t have time to wait for Rarity to collect herself.
>You march in and set back to work.
>Now that she’s not at risk of immediate exsanguination, you can take the time to set her up a bit more properly.
>You affix the oximeter to her dock.
>Saturation is good.
>Pulse is extremely high, 187.
>You wrap a pressure cuff around her leg, then start to close up the thoracic incision.
“Hurry, girl. She needs your help.”
>You use your forceps to put her lung back in place, then remove the rib spreaders.
>Her cracked rib doesn’t quite return to position, prompting you to pull it back into place with the spreader.
>It should heal on its own eventually.
>You hear hoofsteps behind you.
“Don’t touch anything on the steel trays, we can’t afford to let them get contaminated. There are bandages on the shelves over there. Use the stretchy ones, get them on good and tight.”
>You check the pressure cuff.
>It failed to calibrate.
>Either it’s broken, or her pressure’s so low it can’t be detected.
>Probably the latter.
>Where the fuck is Cadence?
>Her pulse is erratic, dropping to almost nothing before pulsing rapidly.
>You saw her heart, it wasn’t hit by the weapon.
>Her lips are cyanotic.
>She’s got a horrible, deathly pallor.
>This is it.
>Hypovolemic shock.
>Twilight Sparkle is B positive, same as her brother.
>She’s dead.
>You can’t save her.
>Unless fresh blood shows up right away, it’s all over.
>You could try to put the blood you sucked out back into her veins, but it’s been exposed to air.
>It’ll be clotted, it’ll be useless.
>You put down your sutures and step away from the corpse.
>”Master? What’s going on?”
>You’ve failed.
“The patient needs blood, and our stores have been destroyed. We’re going to try something insane.”
>This is going to be hard.
>And her recovery will, if you’re lucky, be long and painful.
“I need immunosuppressants. Can you read human?”
“Damn. Alright, go to the lockup. Far wall, there are small glass bottles with a blue cap. We also need a sodium bicarbonate and glucose IV. Look for bags of water, get one of the big ones and one of each of the small ones. We won’t need most of them, but I need a couple. Bring them to me, then go to my office and get me a chocolate bar.”
>”Chocolate? How is that going to help?”
“Just do it!”
>Her lung’s still collapsed, but you suture up the incision anyway.
>You can handle that in a followup op, or through the sucking chest wound.
>If you’re strong enough, that is.
>The sutures are a bit crude, but they’ll have to do.
>You spray topical antibiotics over the incision then apply a bandage.
>By the time you’re done, Rarity has returned.
“Great! Get the candy. Or chocolate. Or anything with a lot of sugar!”
>”What’s going on?”
>She runs out like her rump was on fire.
>You fit the IV into the patient’s leg, working the glucose and baking soda into the drip.
>That’ll help with the acidosis and coming hypoglycemia.
>You set it to a fast drip.
>This is almost guss work. You don’t know how acid her blood is, and you don’t know what kind of volume you’re working with.
>It’s impossible to calculate the right dose.
>But it’s PROBABLY close enough.
>You then inject the immunosuppressants into the drip, then get ready to do something stupid.
>You rub iodine into the patient’s neck, then jab jab her carotid artery with a needle affixed to some plastic tubing.
>Rarity returns.
>”Please, tell me what’s happening!”
“She needs blood badly. Yours will kill her. Mine?”
>You rub alcohol onto your own arm, and jab the other end of the needle in.
>The line immediately turns red.
>Rarity looks like she’s about to faint.
“I’m O positive. Not a match, but close enough.”
>You’re already starting to feel cold.
>You can feel your heart racing.
“Xenotransfusions aren’t great. Her body’s going to reject human blood, but not quite as violently as a mismatch. We need to suppress her body’s ability to fight sickness so it doesn’t…”
>You’re having trouble thinking.
>You take the needle out of your arm, with some difficulty.
“She won’t reject the red cells at least.”
>You start to unwrap the chocolate bar.
>It’s shockingly hard.
>Your hands are shaking.
“I’m too shaky to operate right now. But she still needs work. Bandage her up so that my blood doesn’t leak out too fast.”
>You eat the candy to try and make up for the massive blood loss.
>Why does it taste like blood?
>Oh, right.
>You take your gloves off and take another bite.
>Maybe you’d donated a bit too much?
>Twilight needed it more than you did.
>But on the other hand, she still needs surgery.
>”Oh my stars! There’s a giant hole in her chest!”
“Is it bleeding?”
>It had stopped before.
>But then her pressure was really low.
>You have to pack the wound.
“I need you to keep me steady. Hold on.”
>You stumble to Twilight’s side.
>Sure enough, she’s oozing blood right into her lungs.
>You put on yet another pair of gloves, then unwrap some gauze into a bowl.
>You dump distilled water into the bowl, spilling more than a bit of it.
>You then set to packing the wound, trying not to put the gauze in deep enough for them to fall into the chest cavity.
>Pressure’s stable at about 60 millimeters of mercury.
>Not good, but not catastrophic.
>She seems to be more or less hemostatic.
“How’s the bandaging going?”
>”I- I can’t do it!”
“We’re going to get her through this.”
>”She’s my friend! I can’t-”
“She’s counting on you.”
>You lean against the wall and close your eyes.
>You’ve got to pull it together.
>The job’s not done.
>But you’re not well enough to work.
>The minor lacerations need cleaning.
>The sucking chest wound needs to be properly mended.
>She’s got a nasty mix of pneumothorax and hemothorax.
>And there’s a chunk of glass sticking out of her side.
>You force yourself to your feet and wobble to the patient.
>Body temperature is acceptable.
>Pressure is acceptable.
>Pulse is high, but not alarmingly.
>You’re still weak, but less shaky at least.
>”I think I’ve got them all bandaged.”
“Good. I’ll probably need to stitch most of those cuts shut, but that’ll buy more time.”
>”Can you please tell me what happened to her?”
“Later. Heal now, talk later. There’s no way she doesn’t get an infection, and we filled her with immunosuppressants. She’s going to need a broad spectrum antibiotic. Go get me the brown vial with the blue cap. Uh… there are two kinds of those. Just bring me one of each.”
>”How will I tell the difference?”
“Check the label. You don’t need to be able to read to see they’re different. Also get a bunch of the spray bottles of water.”
>The chest wound can wait.
>They look pretty dramatic, but they’re not actually all that dangerous.
>Not on a hemostatic patient at least.
>She’s still bleeding from the lacerations, and you can’t give her another transfusion.
>Rarity did a pretty poor job of the bandaging, but they’ve still stalled most of the bleeding.
>Now for the glass shard.
>”I’ve brought those things, master!”
>You take the antibiotics and inject them into the IV.
“We’re going to deal with the glass next. I need you to press HARD right here. It’ll close off her artery, keeping the bleeding down.”
>This time, you take the time to shave the surrounding area.
>Once it’s disinfected you use your harmonic scalpel to slightly widen the wound.
>You carefully pull the glass straight out with slightly shaky hands.
>Blood starts flowing out almost immediately.
“Really push against there. Don’t worry, she can’t feel anything right now.”
>You hear Rarity grunt.
>The flow slows a fair bit, but doesn’t stop.
>It’ll do.
>You hose the area down with saline solution to reveal the faint glittering of glass.
“Hold that for as long as you can. I need to get all of the glass out of her.”
>”I’m trying.”
>She really was.
>You can hear her straining against her friend’s body.
>You try to ignore the grunting and focus on your work.
>Time loses meaning, there’s just you and the wound.
>By the time you’re done your trembling has returned.
>You suture the wound shut with less precision than you care to admit, and spray a topical antiseptic on the wound before bandaging it.
“You can let go now.”
>Rarity nearly collapses on the floor.
“Good work. Go back to the basement, I can take it from here.”
“I wasn’t asking. Your being here is risking contamination.”
>”She’s my friend. Is she going to be okay?”
>That’s a tough question.
>You don’t know.
“Go wait in the recovery room then. I’ll let you know if anything happens.”
>”Is there truly nothing I can do?”
“Not at the moment. If I think of something I’ll let you know.”
>She leaves.
>You start unwrapping the cuts, cleaning them, and stitching them shut.
>After who knows how long you get around to unpacking her chest wound, draining it, and closing it.
>By the time you’re moving her to recovery you’re about ready to pass out.
>Four hours in the OR, most of it spent low on blood.
“I don’t think I’m strong enough to transfer her to the bed right now. I think we’ll just leave her on the gurney.”
>”Is she okay?”
“She’ll live. As to whether or not she’s okay? We’ll have to wait for her to wake up to see.”
>”And how long will that take?”
“I’ve still got her sedated, so not right away. It might be a few days. Could be a few years. Might be never.”
>You take off your lab coat and lie down on the floor.
“They nearly got her heart. She spent a long time dangerously low on blood, she didn’t get enough in the transfusion, and it’s a poor match. There were a lot of things working against her.”
>”But she HAS to wake up!”
“It went about as well as we could hope, given the circumstances.”
>Why the hell hadn’t Cadence come?
”I’ll support her as well as I can, but it’s up to her now.”
>”This is my fault, isn’t it?”
>Partially, yes.
>No point in rubbing it in.
>She feels guilty enough.
by RapeApe
by RapeApe
by RapeApe