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Apple Family Reunion Rescue Quest Prologue

By BGfan
Created: 2021-03-15 06:49:52
Expiry: Never

  1. *NOTE*
  2. This was originally written as a outline for the Prologue Chapter of the Apple Family Reunion Quest, but my muse decided to run wild and this is the end result.
  3. Two things that you should be aware off are:
  4. 1.This is written in the Second Person.
  5. 2.There is very little dialogue
  6. *NOTE*
  7. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. After finishing the repairs on the Everfree Manor Apple Jack gets a letter from home asking if she can return to help with the preparations for the Apple Family Reunion happening in a week. She informs the others of this and they decide now would be a good time for a vacation and they all agree to return two weeks from now. With everyone in agreement AJ not wanting to waste any time packs some essentials for the trip along with a bag of loot to share with her family.
  11. Three days later she finally arrives at her family's farm and on the way to the main house she notices several Minotaurs making repairs and helping set up decorations for the Reunion. As she approaches the main house she spots Granny Smith talking with a Minotaur that is larger than the rest. After exchanging greetings with Granny she introduces her to Vhazar the leader of the Minotaurs that she saw on the way, he's 7ft and 5in (226cm) has black fur ,brown eyes, missing his left horn and has 2 scars going over his left eye and many smaller ones all over his chest. Granny says that she hired them to help with repairs to the farm after a small horde of frightened animals and monsters stampeded through the farm. After some polite greetings she drops her luggage and loot in her old room and spends the rest of the day greeting the family members that have already arrived and helping with the repairs and setting up for her Reunion.
  12. Later that night Apple Jack is in her room contemplating the state of the farm. Hiring so many workers on such short notice will is certainly a hit to the farms finances plus all the expenses for the Reunion will certainly land them in some financial trouble. Thankful that she had the foresight to bring some of her share of the loot from her Questing.
  14. *(Perception Check: DC 10 on AJ - Rolled 3 + Wis Modifier (3) = 6. FAIL)
  16. Looking through her bag she finds many small trinkets and gems that could be sold to make some extra money and stave off the worst problems for a little while. She digs deeper into the bag and her fingers touch a large object. After trying to feel out it's shape she concludes that it must be a book and pulls it out. Looking at the front cover she reads the title: Bos Caurus & Bos Idicus. Not knowing what it means she starts to flip through the pages to see if she can figure out what the book is about. After a phew minutes she concludes that it's a spell book, and one that helps with farming at that! A big smile makes it way to her face and she thanks her ancestors as she hugs the book to her chest. She spends the next hour looking for something to help her family's longterm situation and she finds it. A ritual that increases the overall fertility of the land, affecting the potency of seeds and increasing the Dairy Cows milk production. The reagents for the ritual are all easily obtained, however it requires special symbols to be engraved at the Four corners of the property in order to focus its power.
  18. Apple Jack spends the next day much like the first greeting family members that just arrived and helping out with the chores and preparations. Whenever she gets the chance she goes to one of the farms corners to engrave the symbols. While walking back from the second corner she runs into one of the Minotaur workers by the Name of Longhorn, she learns that he's one of Vhazar's mangers. As they walk back to the Main house she notices that he'd been staring at her ass the whole time they'd been walking, she even caught him licking his lips. So entrance by he Appleliciuos behind that he didn't notice they had reached the house and bumped into her. After a quick apology he wanders off to continue supervising the other workers. Soon afterwards Granny walks up to her and asks if she could lead some of the young'uns in some apple picking. After wrangling the little ones for the rest of the afternoon she AJ decides to get the other two symbols tomorrow and calls it a day.
  20. With three days left before the Reunion Apple Jack finds herself in the Dairy farm with along with Applebloom and their cousin from Manehattan Babs Seed. Babs had arrived the day before and had decided to help out today. AJ let's them work n talk when Babs says something that catches her attention. Apparently Applebloom had been get sweet with one of hired help, a bull by the name of Hydro. Almost immediately AJ's protective instincts kick in but she stops herself as she comes to terms with the fact her little sister is growing up and she was gonna start going after men whether she was there to look after her or not. Besides Granny and Big Mac would happily show the unfortunate fellow a lesson if they ever hurt the younger Apple.
  21. Later that day at sunset Apple Jack makes her towards the storage barn after setting the last symbol, she's going to clear some space and set up the foundation for the ritual.
  23. **(Perception Check: DC 10 on AJ - Rolled 17 + Wis Modifier (3) = 20. PASS)
  25. As she's about to open the door she hears the familiar sounds of sucking, licking and moaning. Some of the adults appear to be getting frisky in the Barn. Deciding to enjoy the free show she carefully and quietly cracks the barn door open and is surprised by what she sees. Not by the act being done but by the people involved.
  27. Inside the next to some crates she spots Applebloom and Babs Seed on their knees servicing one of the hired help who she assumes is that hydro feller Babs mentioned. He had dark orange fur an was a little over 6ft (182 cm), he is leaning against the crates with his cock at full mast. Applebloom is licking his shaft while running her left hand up and down it's length while Babs planted a kiss at the bottom while fondling his grapefruit sized balls.
  29. AB: *lick* "See? I told ya he was big enough for the two us!" *lick*
  31. Babs: *Smooch* "You said it Bloom, I always heard Minotaurs were big but seeing one like this blew away all my expectations!"
  33. Hydro: "Happy to *grunt* surpass your expectations."
  35. AB: *Giggle* "Okay Babs time to finish him off. You go right I go left. "
  37. The girls shift positions with Applebloom on the left side of Hydro's cock and Babs on the right. They proceed to hold up their breasts with their hands and then envelop the bulls shaft between them.
  39. ***(Constitution Check: DC 10 on AJ - 8 + Con modifier (5) = 13 Pass)
  41. The two girls proceed to give the lucky bull a double boobjob, rubbing their breasts up and down his cock in synch while giving alternating licks to the head. This goes on for several minutes before Hydro gives them a warning of the impending orgasm seizing the initiative Applebloom stand up and gives him a quick blow job before the Hydro puts his hands on her head to hold her in place while he blows his load into her throat. Soon after a gluging is heard as Applebloom happily drinks the bulls seed. Then Applebloom pulls back and up at the Bull with a happy look on her face.
  43. AB: "Whoo! You really live up to ya's name sugar."
  45. Babs: "No fair! Why did you get to drink all his cum?"
  47. AB: "Finders keepers cuz, when you find yourself a man you can have all the cum you can drink. Until then this these two are mine." She says as she holds up Hydro's testicles in one hand.
  49. Babs: "hmgh" she looks away grumpily.
  51. Hydro: "If you want I can introduce you to one of my co-workers. I'm sure they'd be happy to meet your needs." He says while putting his pants on.
  53. Apple Jack decides she's seen enough and backs off from the door. She takes a phew steps back before moving towards the Barn once again and opening the door. The sound of the door causes the trio inside to scramble to their feet and get dressed. AJ gives them a moment the proceeds inside the sight that greets her is of the three of them standing up straight side by side with a nervous look on their faces. She ask what they were doing in hear and Applebloom responds saying that they weren't putting away some tools. As she speaks AJ notices a small streak of Cum dripping out of the corner of Applebloom's mouth. Raising an eyebrow a knowing smile appears on AJ's face as she gives an unconvinced "UH HU".
  55. She proceeds to shoo them out of the Storage Barn telling them that she needs to take inventory. Afterwards AJ proceeds to move some stuff around to great a big enough space for the rituals foundation. With that done she returns to the Main House to get some rest eager to finish the last of the preparations.
  57. On the final day before the Reunion Apple Jack spends the day gathering the regeants for the ritual. While going through the list she spots Babs speaking with a white furred Minotaur about 2in(5cm) shorter than Hydro and has a small mustache. She later asks Applebloom about it and learned that his name is Kristoff. About 2 hours past midday Apple Jack has gathered everything she needs to enact the ritual. On the way back to the storage Barn she runs into Vhazar again, he notes the large amount of supplies she's carrying and offers to help her carry them. The prideful part of her mind wanted to reject him and continue on but the rational part however reminds her not to rouse suspicion. She reluctantly agrees to gives him some of the supplies.
  59. As they walk Vhazar compliments her physique and compares her to Warrior Queens of Old and that any man would be lucky to have her. This causes her to blush but she maintains her composure. Once they arrive Apple Jack thanks Vhazar for his help and says she can handle the rest on her own. Before he leaves he grabs AJ's hand and gives it a kiss, then asking if they could get to know each other more intimately after the festivities are over. She watches his leave to make sure he doesn't come back then proceeds to enter the barn. Sometime later all of the preparations for the ritual are complete, deciding that it would be best to enact the ritual when everyone is asleep she heads back to the Main house to help with the final touches for the Reunion tomorrow.
  61. That night near midnight Apple Jack sneaks out of the Main house and makes her way to the Storage Barn with the spellbook in hand. Once their she follows the steps to the letter, as she proceeds the ritual sight begins to emit a pink glow that gets stronger as completes each step. Near the end pink tendrils of Magical energy begin to surge forth coalescing into a whirlwind of power, finally dispersing coverings the entirety of the farm only stopping at the border created by engraved symbols at the four corners.
  63. Once the ritual is complete Apple Jack doesn't notice anything different and figures that it would take some time before any visible change presented itself. Resolving to check again after the Reunion she makes her way back to her room, noting that her body feels sluggish she dismisses it as the ritual draining her stamina.
  65. The morning on the day of the Reunion Apple Jack wakes up feeling heavier than usual. She makes her way to her and sees that she has cow horns on her head, her breast have grown bigger, her hips have gotten wider and she now has a cows tail sticking out of the bottom of her spine. She quickly rubs her eyes and looks again but the image persist, reaching up to the horn she gives them a quick pull but the don't come off. Realizing that this is about to scream in panic but a voice pops up in her head saying ~"Why are you scared? You've always been this way."~ Frightened by the alien thought she tries to calm down and tries to figure out what could have caused this sudden change. She quickly thinks back to the ritual and the strange feeling she had after enacting it, with this thought she begins to search for the book but its not in her room. But before she can wonder about who might have taken it her breast begging to swell and soon start to lactate. ~"You have to get Milked soon."~ The voice returns sounding more like her own this time.
  67. Shaking off the strange thoughts she gets dressed and heads down stairs to the kitchen, when she arrives she sees that she wasn't the only one that was changed. All of the women now sport cow tails. short horns, larger breast, wider hips, and many are lactating more than usual. Even the younger girls appear more developed with Applebloom's breast being at least 2 cup sizes larger. Most strange of all being that none of them seem to have noticed that they have changed in any way. Just as shes about to say something she hears heavy foot steps coming up behind her and turns around to see Big Mac sporting two large bull horns and a tail. but most noticeable of all is that his already impressive Cock n Balls have become even larger! As shes about to greet her brother a scent reaches her noose, the sent of a Virile Breeding Bull!
  69. ****(Willpower aka Wisdom check DC 15 on AJ- Rolled 12 + Wisdom Modifire (3) = 15 Pass)
  71. For a moment she considers bending over and letting him take her right then an there but she holds strong, she excuses herself and goes outside. Once outside she looks around and sees that the situation is the same every where, women looking like cows and men and looking like Minotaur Half-Breeds. After running around and seen the same every she stops by the chicken coop to take a breather. As shes catching her breath she hears someone Mooing and the wet sound of sex, Apple Jack realizes that its coming from behind the chicken coop and warily goes around to the back of the building. As she looks around the corner finds Babs and Kristoff going at it like beast in heat, Babs on all fours Mooing bliss fully bucking her hips back as Kristoff rams into her both completely oblivious to the world around them. As she watches them fighting off the urge to start masturbating herself a shadow appears over her, she quickly turns around to see Vhazar and hanging off is trousers is the spellbook.
  73. Quickly realizing that it was he that stole the book AJ demands that he return it too her. Vhazar refuses stating that the book has given him an opportunity that he wont discard. As the bull refused to return the book AJ readies herself to take it by force, but before she can even attempt it three more bulls including Hydro quickly join Vhazar. He tells her that there's no need to fight and they can simply become one big happy family. Apple Jack now outnumbered resolves to escape and call for help, but before she can do that all four of the Bulls drop their pants and present their Cocks at full mast. The musk emitting from them quickly reaches her nose and the alien voice now sounding exactly like hers returns. ~"Just bend over and let them breed you like a good little cow. It's was you were born to do."~
  75. *****(Willpower aka Wisdom check DC 20 on AJ- Rolled 16 + Wisdom Modifire (3) = 19 Fail)
  77. She fights with all her will remembering her pride as a warrior and Orc, remembering her friends that could help, remembering the family that needs her help! But in the end it wasn't enough. "It's what I was born to do." She says as she falls to her knees, staring hungrily at the magnificent breeding shafts in front of her each one capable of giving her many calves. As these thoughts cross her head Vhazar walks up to her, placing his cock right in-front of her face. AJ waste little time and begins to suck him off, as she's doing this he puts his hand on her head and says "I'm going to take very good care of you my new Mate and one day you'll be the Queen you deserve to be.
  80. Most of the Stellar six do not notice anything amiss, except for Pinkie who senses a doozy but she doesn't know from where. After the fourth day figures out it's coming from the direction of Apple Jack's family farm. She proceeds to message the others, by the time they arrive it's been a week since the Reunion.
  82. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  83. * Roll to Notice that someone had messed with her stuff.
  84. ** Roll to Notice the trio before going into the Storage Barn.
  85. *** Roll to not start Masturbating while watching the show. (If shed failed she AJ would have also started to masturbate while watching Babs and Kristoff losing her Wisdom modifier for the final roll.)
  86. **** Roll to avoid getting bred by Big Mac. (Failure would lead to some changes to the Quest proper.)
  87. ***** Final Roll would decide if Apple Jack could send out a call for help, made this one harder because her senses were being assaulted by the scent of four bulls at once and her new Submissive instincts were telling her to just give up an bend over. (If shed succeeded the rest of the Stellar Six would have gotten the message and would arrive at the farm in three days instead of a week.)

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