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By BGfan
Created: 2021-03-15 07:00:59
Expiry: Never

  1. AFR Quest
  3. *This is written in the second person with very little dialogue. *
  5. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. When the Stellar Six (minus one) came within sight of the Apple Family's farmland Twilight and Rarity were quick to notice a barrier at the land’s borders. When they reached the barrier they quickly deduced that they could not break through the barrier without overwhelming force so they continued on following the barrier until they eventually reached the entrance to but are confused by the sign that says "Welcome to Val'Toras acres."
  7. The team looks at their map and confirm that this is in fact where Sweet Apple Acres is supposed to be. Concluding that this is in fact the dozy Pinkie was talking about and resolve the find out what is going and help their friend. As they pass the gate and enter the farm the girl’s nostrils are assaulted by the smell of sex and their honeypots suddenly start to leak. Their minds are flooded with visions of big strong bulls and themselves being breed by them.
  9. (Willpower aka Wisdom check DC: 15 On Party)
  11. Twilight: Rolled 12 + Wisdom Modifier (+3) =15 Pass
  12. Rarity: Rolled 13 + Wisdom Modifier (+4) = 17 Pass
  13. Rainbow Dash: Rolled 16 + Wisdom Modifier (-1) = 15 Pass
  14. Pinkie Pie: Rolled 11 + Wisdom Modifier (+2) = 13 Fail
  15. Flutter Shy Rolled 6 + Wisdom Modifier (+4) = 10 Fail
  17. Almost immediately Flutter Shy collapses falling forward, her breasts cushioning the fall and begins to pleasure herself with one hand on her crotch and the other pinching one of her nipples. Pinkie Pie soon follows moving both hands to her cooch. Twilight and Rainbow caught themselves before they could start, and Rarity quickly fights off the urge and tells the two still standing to grab their friends and run towards the entrance.
  18. Once on the other side of the entrance the Musk quickly dissipates, and the team begins to calm down while Flutter Shy and Pinkie regain their senses. Twilight gives the barrier a scan and learns that it not only keeps people out but also keeps the Musk in. She then asks Flutter Shy to see if she can sense anything different with land inside. Flutter Shy then kneels placing both hands on the ground and focuses on the land beyond the barrier. As her sense go forth, she can feel a foreign energy entangled with the natural energies of the land. She then tries to find the source of the foreign energies but as she does so it begins to fight back.
  20. (Willpower check DC 10 on Flutter Shy - Rolled 5 + Wisdom Modifier (3) = 8 Fail)
  22. Even though she saw it coming the foreign energy overwhelms her defenses. She cuts the connection but not before she is filled with desire for some big Minotaur cock and begins to masturbate. The image of a big strong bull spreading her legs wide open and ramming his length into her while he suckles at her teats quickly brings her to orgasm. Before this can continue Rarity purifies her body removing the foreign energy and returning her to normal.
  23. From what Flutter Shy learned before being overwhelmed they concluded that this energy has something to do with Minotaur’s and causes women to desire them. Unfortunately, Flutters was not able to locate the source and thus the team will have to go in and search for it. Before they go back in Twilight and Rarity place some wards on the team that will strengthen their minds for a short time. However prolonged exposure to the Musk will degrade them.
  25. *WARNING* Field/Area spell is in effect
  26. - Lingering Musk: The constant mating and strange energies have inundated the farm that will cause female to desire to breed with a bull.
  27. *All party members must make a Willpower check and who ever fails will be overwhelmed with lust and start masturbating making them vulnerable to any nearby enemies. If there are multiple failures, then the lowest roll goes down. *
  28. *I have provided a map for the Quest for each square you travel the protective ward with degrade by one level. So, the first square they will be Immune to the Musk effects, at the second square they will have a very easy roll (5) so and so forth. *
  29. With the wards in place the group needs to decide if they should head towards the Barn nearest to the entrance or split up and cover more ground.
  30. --‐-----------------------------------------------------------------‐---------------------------------------------------------------
  31. ☆ Head towards the nearby Barn.
  32. --‐-----------------------------------------------------------------‐---------------------------------------------------------------
  33. The team begins to head towards the nearby Barn and as soon as they pass the gate their wards begin to react as the Musk attempts to influence them. Twilight reminds them that they will not last forever and make their way forward.
  34. As a planting field comes into view, they begin to hear screaming that quickly turns into moans or Moos as they get closer. Soon some shapes appear in the distance and as they get closer, they find to their surprise and Arousal four individuals (3 women and one man) having sex out in the open. The three women all have green hair and are lined up on their hands and knees as the man rams his dick into the big bottomed woman in the center while pleasuring the other two with his hands.
  35. What stood out the most was the fact that all four had bovine horns and tails. After bringing the three to orgasm the man notices the party with the women soon after. The smallest one introduces herself as Red June and her companions Dosie Dough and Apple Crumble, finally the man or bull as she referred to him as is Apple Split. After exchanging greetings, the bovine group ask what they are doing here, the party explains that their looking for their friend Apple Jack. Red June is surprised at the fact that they know the chief's mate. "Chief?" Twilight ask in confusion, "Mate?!" Rainbow Dash exclaims in surprise. Before they can get answers, Crumble says that they should leave as outsiders are currently prohibited from entering the farm. Shocked at this new information Twilight tries to come up with an excuse for them being here when Pinkie Pie bounces up to the bovines and asks if there is any way, they could keep their presence a secret. A moment later Dosie comes up with an idea, the Stellar five will form up around Split and the three women or cows as they refer themselves will spin him around then however he stumbles onto will have to give him a breast job.
  36. Reactions from the party are varied but they agree for the sake of keeping their presence hidden. So, they all surround Split and the three Cows spin him around for about thirty seconds before backing off. As he begins to stumble towards.
  38. Roll d10 = 1
  40. Apple Split stumbles into the direction between Rarity and Pinkie Pie. Rarity looks on with a resigned look while Pinkie is shaking with anticipation. After a phew more steps Split falls over the Pink Bard sending them both to the ground. As Pinkie whoops with joy Rarity lets out a sigh of relief. Split then lifts himself up and proceeds to shove his erect cock between the Bards breasts. Not wasting any time, she grabs a hold of her breast and begins to move them up and down while liking the bull’s length.
  41. (Foreplay aka Dexterity roll DC10 on Pinkie d20 Rolled = 20 NAT 20 PASS!)
  42. With skill and finesse her friends did not know she possessed Pinkie pleasured the Bulls entire cock, using her mouth to lick and suck on the penises head like it was a lollypop. It did not take long for the bull to release his load which Pinkie drank with gusto. Their audience especially the three Cows were amazed at the display as they have never brought their bull to orgasm so quickly before even when they worked together! They continued to shower the Bard with praise and asked if she could give them some pointers on how to please a Male. But before they could continue Rainbow Dash interrupts and reminds them of their deal. With resigned disappointment they agree to not tell anyone of their presence and the party moves on after a quick farewell.
  43. As they continue along the field towards Barn their wards once again react to the Musk, however they seemed to have degraded some from the constant assault as they all catch a small whiff of the lustful aroma.
  45. Willpower aka Wisdom check DC: 5 On Party)
  46. Twilight: Rolled 1 = Nat 1 FAIL!
  47. Rarity: Rolled 5 + Wisdom Modifier (+4) = 9 PASS
  48. Rainbow Dash: Rolled 8 + Wisdom Modifier (-1) = 7 PASS
  49. Pinkie Pie: Rolled 17 + Wisdom Modifier (+2) = 19 PASS
  50. Flutter Shy Rolled 3 + Wisdom Modifier (+4) = 7
  52. For a moment it appears that either Flutter Shy or Rainbow Dash would succumb but to everyone's surprise it is Twilight begins to pleasure herself. She falls backwards and with one hand begins to shove her fingers into her cooch while pinching her clitoris with other hand. Soon after wards she begins to thrust her hips upward and loudly begging for someone to breed her like the cow she is! With a new sense of urgency, the other four grab their fallen friend and dash towards the Barn!
  53. Once inside they take a moment to breathe while Pinkie peeks through the door to make sure that they were not followed. After they make sure that the coast is clear Rarity proceeds to purify Twilight who quickly returns to her senses sporting a heavy blush of embarrassment. While the girls comfort her, they hear the wet slapping sounds of sex coming from behind some stacked bales of hay. As they peek around the hay, they see a blonde cow riding another bull however the bull does not appear to be into the act or responding at all to be honest. The cow then stops moving and gets up noting how disappointed she is with Bulls these days no being able to properly pleasure a cow. When she turns around, she calls out to the party stating how their a phew decades too early to sneak up on her. As the girls come out of hiding and step up to her, they get a good look at the cow. Only slightly shorter than Flutter Shy and with breasts to match clearly elderly cow demands to know who they are. After they introduce themselves, she happily realizes that they are her granddaughter’s friends, she knows them from the letters that Apple Jack sent back. Happy to find someone more familiar with them they ask for her name and what she was doing in here. She introduces herself as Granny Smith and she is in here because it is one of the phew places, she can get a good tumble without that darn Musk messing with her head. Surprised by the news the girls notice that yes there is no Musk in here, when they ask why Granny says that it's a ward from her adventuring days but it needs a foundation to function so she and some of the elder Apples placed them on most of the buildings.
  55. *Entered Safe Zone (For Now) Wards restored to full. *
  57. Excited and relieved by the news that they now have a safe place from the Musk the party proceeds to inquire about what had happened to Sweet Apple Acres. Granny proceeds to tell them about the stampede , how she hired the Minotaur’s to help with repairs and prepare for the Reunion, and finally one they she and all the other Apples woke up looking like the children of man and bovine.
  58. Once she finishes the elder Apple tells them to do what they must do and skedaddle as it is only a matter of time before another lustful bovine shows up. Flutter Shy speaks up and says that she wants to try finding the source of the energy again. Rainbow protests but Flutters reassures her that she will be fine with Twilight and Rarity's help. So once again the Druid kneels and places both hands on the ground with the Wizard and Priest placing protective wards on her mind. She once again traces the energy of the land until she encounters the foreign energy once again.
  60. (Willpower check DC 5 on Flutter Shy - d20 Rolled 7 + Wisdom Modifier (3) = 10 PASS)
  61. This time with her friends helping her she can repel the energy and begins to follow it to its source. However, a problem arises when she sees the trail splits off in four directions, still she follows each one discerning their location. Once she is done, she informs the others that there are four sources each one at one of the corners of the farm. With this new information the team starts to plan with Granny advising debating what route to take and in what order, the option to split up comes up again this time reinforced by the fact that they could take out more than one source at a time. In the end the team decides to...
  62. -----------------------------------------------------‐-----------------------------------------------------------------‐------------
  64. ☆Stick together and go the long way through the Orchards to Source A.
  65. -----------------------------------------------------‐-----------------------------------------------------------------‐------------
  66. In the end they decide to stick together and try their best to attract as little attention as possible. To this end they resolved to take the long way through the Orchards. While this will cause them to be exposed to the Musk for a longer period it will minimize the time spent in the open. With their course clear Twilight opens the Barn door just enough for her to see what is outside. Intro of her and to the left is the first Orchard, all the trees make it look like a small well-organized forest which gives her an idea. Then looking back the way they came she sees a handful of figures walking around as if looking for something, she quickly realizes that her earlier lustful outbursts did not go unheard and that they were most likely looking for her. As she is contemplating this one of the figures a bull walks by far enough for him not to notice her but close enough for her to get a good look at his fully erect cock.
  67. She stares at the delicious looking meaty rod, standing at attention with balls full of yummy cum ready to fill her needy pussy with many stro-. Her train of thought is cut off as Rarity shakes her to get her attention. The Cleric reminds her that now is not the time to be pleasuring herself and after reprimanding her for her lack of self-control she asks if the coast is clear. Embarrassed by her behavior Twilight quickly tells them about the people outside most likely looking for her and of the idea she had for traversing the Orchards.
  69. *WARNING* Due to Twilight's previous Nat 1 crit fail all Willpower Checks involving Bulls for HER will go up in difficulty by one level for the remainder of the Quest. Multiple Nat 1 fails could make this permanent.
  71. While Twilight was looking out the door Flutter Shy inquires Pinkie about where she learned how to pleasure a man with her breasts like she did earlier with Apple Split. Pinkie replies that since she likes making people happy and sex makes them INCREDIBLY happy, she learned all she could from both her parents and the Halflings that lived nearby. But to be more specific one of the most important lessons she learned was from one of the elder Halfling ladies that said that not everyone will find the same technique enjoyable sometimes you have to mix it up to get your partner off.
  73. *Thanks to Nat 20and Crit Pass Pinkie will have an easier time pleasuring her partners for the remainder of the Quest. Might become permanent trait. *
  75. Twilight's plan is that since the Orchards are basically miniature forests that Flutter Shy should take the lead and chart them a safe path that would enable them to avoid anyone that might be within. Having some doubts about Twilight's idea but seeing no harm in trying Flutter Shy carefully and quietly exits the Barn and goes into the Orchard.
  77. (Scout Check aka Dexterity DC 5 on Flutter Shy d20 Rolled = 18 + Dexterity Modifier (1) = 19)
  79. Flutter Shy practically glides through the Orchard dashing from tree to tree taking note of any footprints, buckets, discarded clothes and any other signs of someone being nearby and quickly locating and memorizing their positions. The Druid giggled to herself in delight the experience reminding her of her training she underwent with her Mentor. Once done she returns to the Barn and informs her friends of her findings but not before telling Twilight that her theory was correct and that once this is over, she might return just to run through the Orchards again. Having been listening from further within the Barn Granny Smith exclaims that she is welcome to it as having a friendly Druid around might help with the harvest. With their path clear the others exit the Barn and begin to follow Flutter Shy's lead.
  81. (Stealth Check DC5 on Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie d20)
  82. Twilight: Rolled 8 + Dexterity Modifier (2) = 10 PASS
  83. Rarity: Rolled 2 + Dexterity Modifier (0) = 2 FAIL
  84. Rainbow Dash: Rolled 1 = Nat 1 Crit FAIL
  85. Pinkie Pie: Rolled 1 = Nat 1 Crit FAIL
  87. *Authors Note * How in the Bleeding Blue Blazes did this happen!
  89. Despite having a very clear path set before them, by the will of what could be cruel machinations a truly nefarious being Rainbow Dash's heel gets caught in a exposed root causing her to trip. As she desperately reached out for some leverage, she took hold of Rarity's robes pulling her down with her, this distracts Pinkie causing her to run straight into something exceptionally soft and squishy. As the pink Bard tries to dig her head out of the giant pillows she feels two hands grab her by the waist and lift her up she comes face to with a Green hair, Green eyed giganteas of a cow with light brownish skin whose breast easily surpass Flutter Shy's in both size and softness.
  90. The giganteas amused by what just ran into her calls over two younger looking bulls one with blue hair and almost pale white skinned, and olive skinned one with black hair. The bovine trio quickly spots the tangled mess consisting of the other two party members. In the tone of an amused Aunt speaking to children the giantess addresses the trio saying that they should be careful when playing in the Orchards, but they should worry as Aunt Brown Betty is here to make it all better. She then addresses the two Bulls referring to the blue haired one as Golden and Black haired one as to help the young ladies on the ground up and make them feel better while she takes care of the little piece of Cotton candy in her arms. After saying that she brings the concerned Pinkie in for a kiss and as they lock lips the bard feels a wave of lust spreading through her body.
  91. (Constitution check on DC 15 on Pinkie Pie d20 Rolled = 9 + Constitution Modifier (3) = 12 FAIL)
  92. Despite her attempts to retain some semblance of control the bard's body begins to relax allowing herself to be taken in by the pleasure offering no resistance to the invading tongue. Noting her captive's lack of struggle Brown Betty praises the younger girl for her good behavior, she then cradles her charges in her arms lifting her their head up to her left nipple and tells her to drink.
  93. She does so without hesitation and begins to drink Betty's milk as if the giantess was her own mother.
  95. While their pink friend was being babied by the giant cow Rainbow Dash and Rarity were being untangled by the two Bulls. Once on their feet they intended to give thanks for their assistance but before the words could speak their lips were sealed by their helpers own.
  97. Rainbow Dash DC 15: Rolled = 5 + Constitution Modifier (2) = 6 FAIL
  98. Rarity DC 10: Rolled = 3 + Constitution Modifier (3) = 11 Pass
  100. Rainbow Dash caught off guard by Golden's show off affection does not put up any resistance and even allows the young bull to massage her ass. The two sided assault leaves her weak kneed and aroused but before she can ask for more she is carried towards the nursing Cows who takes her into her free arm and lifts her up to her free right nipple, drawn in by the scent of fresh milk the monk joins her pink friend in drinking the sweet nectar. Meanwhile Rarity is able to break off Red's kiss, she thanks him for his assistance and is flattered by his affections, but she is rather busy at the moment and would prefer to stand under her own power.
  101. Brown Betty looks down at her asking if she's sure she's okay and the Cleric reassures her of her own wellbeing adding that she would have been better if someone hadn't pulled on her robes, she states while giving the Monk a mean glare. Moments later Twilight and Flutter Shy return concerned written all over their faces, but after witnessing their friend’s current situation they begin to wonder if there was any reason to worry in the first place. After some quick and awkward introductions, they still standing party members ask for their friends back. The giantess seems reluctant but agrees under the condition that they be more careful when running through the Orchards. The party gives their agreement with the same tone as a group of children promising not to steal cookies from an unguarded cookie jar.
  102. *Authors Note: I honestly debated whether I should send the party back to the Hay Barn due to does downright embarrassing Rolls, but the show must go on! And if you are wondering why I didn't give Rainbow and Pinkie a Malus it's because I don't want to debilitate the party too much. *
  104. After saying their goodbyes, the party reaches the edge of the first Orchard. They can see the others out in the distance but in order to reach them they will have to follow the road south leaving them exposed and with the size of their group they would be easily spotted. There also appears to be large group of bovines transporting what looks to be farming equipment up to another barn.
  105. The group has several ways of getting past this predicament including simply waiting for them to pass however the shimmering of their wards reminds them of the metaphorical and possibly literal dick about to be shoved up their asses. With little time to plan the party decides to...
  106. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  107. Pinkie will great a bubble of Silence allowing the Party to walk by behind the Bovines.
  108. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  109. * As the group of bovines begins to pass them by, Pinkie creates a Bubble of Silence around the party. They begin to sneak their way behind the group of bovines making sure to stay outside their line of sight but as they reach the dirt path their wards begin to shimmer once again. This causes them to fearfully turn their gazes towards Pinkie:
  111. (Wisdom Check on Pinkie Pie DC 5)
  112. Pinkie Pie: Rolled 13 + Wisdom Modifier (+2) = 15 PASS
  114. Thankfully, she appears unbothered the Musk and maintains her Bubble. Twilight and Rarity are also unaffected while Flutter Shy struggles to keep her hands away from her breast and nether region. Rainbow Dash however reaches for her lower lips and begins to furiously thrust her finger inside but before she can really get going Twilight and Rarity each grab on of her arms and begin to hurriedly drag along as the party makes their way down the path praying to their respective Goddesses that none of the Bovines caught their multicolored friends scent.
  116. *Pinkie was the lynch pin here, so I only showed her roll and did background rolls for the rest. Rares and Twi passed swimmingly, Flutters barely passed, and Rainbow failed. Please tell me if you would prefer that I do it like this in the future. *
  118. With them following the path they make good time to the edge of the next Orchard. Seeing as it worked so well the first time Twilight instructs Flutter Shy to take the lead but this time the rest of the party will follow closely behind her in order to avoid any more unfortunate accidents. Rarity gives Rainbow Dash a mean glare as she says this with the Tiefling looking suitably ashamed. So once again Flutter Shy ventures forth into another orchard:
  120. (Scout Check aka Dexterity DC 5 on Flutter Shy)
  121. Flutter Shy d20 Rolled = 12 + Dexterity Modifier (1) = 13 PASS)
  123. And once again the Druid glides through with practiced ease but at a more conservative pace on account of her friends following behind her. As they reach the halfway point within the Orchard the shimmer signaling their wards deterioration makes its unwelcomed return.
  125. (Wisdom Check on Flutter Shy DC 10)
  126. Flutter Shy: Rolled 7 + Wisdom Modifier (+3) = 10 PASS
  128. Even as images of pleasuring and being breed by Big and Strong Bulls invade her mind the Druid continues to focus on the task of safely guiding her friends through the threes. Twilight practically ignores the musk while Rarity and Pinkie appear to be struggling, and once again Rainbow succumbs to the urge and is once again dragged along by her friends. Rarity voices her concerns for the monk’s state with stating that this only reinforces the severity of the situation and urges the team to hurry.
  130. When they reach the edge of the orchard, one side they see the fields they passed on the way to the Barn and on the other side they see the southern wall of the barrier around the farm with a fence running just inside of it. They chose to simply follow the fence to their target, as they walk beside the fence, they spot the shape of a person in the distance. As they get closer, they see that it is another bull, a little closer and they notice it’ a Big Bull the biggest they’ve seen so far! At their current distance they’ll easily be noticed and if they try to run he would come to the conclusion that something is wrong, so their best bet is to just keep walking and get close enough to catch him by surprise. Eventually they get close enough that they can make out some of his features, he’s is or was human almost 7ft tall (213 cm) Blonde with a squared jaw and the muscled frame of some one who has been working for his entire life. He also appears to be carrying some tools and a phew wooden beams and post. Concluding that his purpose is to maintain the fence they decide that it better to continue along and let him do his job, as the party and the Bull pass each other they exchange a passing greeting when the dreaded shimmer once again rears its ugly head.
  132. (Wisdom Check on Party DC 15)
  133. Rarity: Rolled 3 + Wisdom Modifier (+4) = 7 FAIL *
  134. Twilight: Rolled 20 NAT 20 CRIT PASS!
  135. Pinkie Pie: Rolled 7 + Wisdom Modifier (+2) =9 FAIL
  136. Flutter Shy: Rolled 11 + Wisdom Modifier (+3) = 14 FAIL
  137. Rainbow Dash: Rolled 8 + Wisdom Modifier (-1) = 7 FAIL
  139. *Lowest Roll without modifier*
  141. The girls are once again bombarded with images of Bulls and Breeding and this time with one said Bull within reach all, but Twilight appear ready to indulge. Out of all of them it is Rarity who breaks first and proceeds to rush to the Bulls side, putting her arms around him and raises her left leg knee to his waist and begins to rub her cooch against his own leg. As he looks down at the Cleric, she gives him a pleading look and ask if he could help a lady with her needs, to which he responds affirmatively. He puts down his tools and poles then he proceeds to cup Rarity’s chin with his right hand gently raising her head as he leans down for a kiss. The Cleric responds by lifting herself up using his tall muscular build as leverage and her own lips meet his halfway. The two begin to enthusiastically lock lips with soft moans of pleasure as they momentarily separate for a quick breath before continuing. Moments later the Bull reaches around her and squeezes her butt cheek with his left hand, this elicits a moan from the Half-Elf who then procced to wrap her arms around his next and lifts herself up and then proceeds to wrap both her legs around his waist, the bull then takes cups her other butt cheek with his free hand and lifting up supporting his current partner. This continues for several minutes until the bull leans forward dropping them both onto the ground, they continue to make out for another moment and them separate again to breath. The bull leans back until his knees straddling the Half-Elf, Rarity then takes the opportunity to crawl out from under him until she can spread her legs. She removes the cloth covering pussy and then begs him to take her! He only smiles and proceeds to undo his trousers, the next moment his large cock is out and ready for action. As he begins to align the head with Rarity’s folds he suddenly stiffens as the sound of electricity is heard. He then proceeds to fall on top of Rarity (to her distress) and Twilight is seen standing behind him with remnant of electricity around her right hand. The Wizard is expressing relief at her success when Rarity begins to complain about not getting the pounding she desired. Twilight rolls her eyes in annoyance at her friend and proceeds to help out from under the now unconscious bull, with Rarity free the two turn to face the rest of their group to find the all with looks of disappointment on their faces as they had been pleasuring themselves while watching the arousing display. They soon pick themselves up and procced towards their goal.
  143. *Thanks to obtaining a NAT 20 Crit Twilight has rid herself of her vulnerability, however
  144. It may return with another Crit Fail.
  146. As they make their way to the first source the girls begin to sense the power emanating from this corner of the farm. They soon see a plume of pink energy emanating from a lone tree growing in this corner of the farm, on closer inspection the see a carving on the tree emanating a pink glow. The carving was that of a heart with what they assume to be cow horns and a tail. After some inspection Twilight is confident that she can destroy this source with either Flutter Shy’s or Rarities help, however the process will take time and no doubt someone will come to investigate so the rest of the group will have to stand guard.
  147. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  148. Flutter Shy will help Twilight.
  149. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  150. Flutter Shy volunteers to help and the two get to work, almost immediately the pink glow begins to flicker, and a shock wave surges forth. The wave had no visible effect on the party, but they quickly noticed that the Musk appears to have receded somewhat.
  152. *No Resistance Roll required*
  154. As a sense of relieve begins to pass over them, they three on guard duty noticed that their friends are still focused on the symbol and conclude that it will still be sometime before they are done. Knowing that the shock wave would have gotten someone’s attention they prepare themselves for the inevitable encounter. It does not take long before two shapes appear in the distance, one was Minotaur and a shorter Cow. As they got closer the trio could make out the features of the two, the Minotaur had Dark Orange fur (Hydro) and to the threes surprise the Cow was a Half-Orc matching the description that Apple Jack gave them of her younger sister Apple Bloom. The trio moves to confront them before they get too close to their friends. The pair demand to know who they are and what they are doing but are swiftly rebuffed. The two conclude that the trio in front of them are try to protect something, not eager to charge into an unfavorable fight the Bovine pair try to think of a way to get past them when the face of the younger Apple suddenly brightens. She turns to her bull and with a voice of false concern she announces how stressed he looks to everyone else’s confusion.
  155. She quickly reaches for her mate’s crotch area and pulls down the front of his trousers to reveal his lip cock. Apple Bloom states that she knows what would make him feel better and begins to pump his cock. It soon reaches full mast getting the trios attention. Taking note of their gazes Apple Bloom smirks as she continues to give her Bull an enthusiastic hand job. Soon pre-cum begins to leak from the cock’s length and the trios nose begin to twitch, the Musk may have receded put its sweet scent is still fresh in their minds. As the Orange Minotaur begins to show signs of approaching orgasm the young Cows smirk grows into a full smile and excitedly pleads to her Bull to Cum! Almost as if commanded to the Bulls seed shoots out of his cock! It goes straight towards Rarity.
  157. (Doge Roll aka Dexterity Check on Rarity dc 15)
  159. Rarity: Rolled = 15 PASS
  161. At the very last second Rarity doges left with the stream of cum clipping the ends of her hair. Upset with her hair being soiled she turns to the Bovine duo to see a blissful Minotaur and a disappointed Apple Bloom stating her disappointment that her plan did not work. Taking advantage of the duos lack of focus Rainbow Dash leaps into combat.
  163. (Insert Fight scene Here)
  165. With the two would be meddlers defeated the trio drag their unconscious bodies with them back to their friends. They arrive to catch the tail end of the ritual and feel another shock wave as the tree loses its glow. After a quick explanation of their encounter Twilight mentions that by destroying this source, they have temporarily dispelled the Musk and that it will be weaker in the future. She estimates that they should have plenty of time to make it back to the Barn before it returns. Now the question is, what to do with their two prisoners? Who ever sent them already know there’s someone destroying the sources, but they lack details on their intruders. Leaving the bovine duo here would make the residents more alert to their presence. Taking them back to the barn would ensure some breathing room, however there are some concerns over whether Granny Smith would be able to keep them hidden from any prying eyes.
  167. Skip trip back to barn.
  169. *Explanation*: Okay two important points to note.
  170. 1. From this point on the Farm will have an alert level that will determine how aggressive future encounters will be your choice will determine what level you start at.
  171. 2. Remember when the team first entered the barn and the a small (For Now) thrown in? Well from now on there will be a background roll for any building you visit to determine its state. Depending on the dice it could be either completely save or there could be a Big Orgy going on who knows. I’ll give you guys a freebie on this first trip back. Your decision on the poll will only affect the rolls on the Main Barn.
  173. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  174. Take the Prisoners with you
  175. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  177. In the end the team decides to take the two unconscious bovines with them. Without the constant threat of the Musk they make great time even with their extra cargo and they make it back with plenty of time to spare. Inside they are once again greeted by Granny Smith whose appearance seems slightly messier that before they left. She explains that due to them destroying one of the sources everyone on the Farm now knows something is wrong and an inquisitive came in earlier and started to ask some unwelcomed questions. So, Smith gave her a quick eating out causing her to forget her line of inquiry and was sent on her way. The conversation quickly turns to the prisoners and the team explains what happened and their reasoning for bringing them here.
  179. *Farm Alert level 1: They know something is wrong and some of the Residents are looking for the cause. *
  181. Nodding in understanding the Apple Matriarch secures the prisoners in a out of the way corner deeper in the barn giving extra care to Apple Bloom. Pinkie curious about how she ended up like this inquires Granny about it. She gives the team a short story about how before everything changed Bloom had gotten sweet with the Orange furred Minotaur and how she discreetly kept an eye on them. They acted like a typical couple spending time together, giving each other subtle gropes in public and sneaking away for some fun together. She was happy that her youngest Granddaughter had found someone to potentially share her life with, unfortunately because of their relationship it did not take long for her to succumb. Overnight here boyfriend became her mate and unlike Apple Jack who did her best to keep it together Bloom happily spread her legs and allowed her new mate to fuck her like there was no tomorrow.
  183. With the Matriarchs story done the team begins to plan their next move. According to Smith the closest buildings with wards in place are the Main House and the Storage Barn, they could also try bypassing the Main house and head straight for the Guest house then it’s just a quick jaunt to another source. Twilight also adds in that while the Musk should have returned by now it should be weaker allowing their wards to last longer. Next Rarity reminds them that now the residents will be actively looking for intruder which will make going undetected more difficult. Flutter Shy looked like she was about to suggest something, but a deep blush emerges on her face and she quickly withdraws. What ever she was going to say is quickly forgotten and the girls decide to:
  184. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  185. Go back through the Orchard to the Storage Barn.
  187. The debate went back and forth between Heading straight to the guest house or heading back through the Orchard to the Storage Barn. In the end the Storage Barn won out, so the Team once again says their goodbyes to the Apple Matriarch and head to the Orchard Flutter Shy taking the lead.
  189. (Scout Check aka Dexterity DC 5 on Flutter Shy)
  190. Flutter Shy d20 Rolled = 7 + Dexterity Modifier (1) = 8 PASS)
  192. Remembering the unfortunate event that took place the last time they traversed this Orchard the Druid proceeds at a more cautious pace than previously. Slowly but surely, they make it through without incident. They reach a familiar dirt road and follow it up to the storage barn. During the trek, the spot several shapes off in the distance but thankfully none appear to be heading in their direction and continue unopposed. When they reach the Storage Barn however, they notice that one of the large front doors is partially open. As they get closer, they begin to hear moaning and grunting coming from inside, they press themselves against the walls on the sides of the door. Rainbow Dash closest to the open door the right with Flutter Shy behind her with Twilight mirroring her on the opposite side with Pinkie and then Rarity behind her. After giving Twilight a quick nod Rainbow leans out to get a better look at who is inside. She spots a grey Minotaur with what she believes are sideburns ramming his meat into an elderly looking cow with light pink hair and rose themed clothing. The elder was down on the ground with her ass raised in the air while her hands were being held down by two blonde Cows, one was wearing a light blue corset with nothing to cover her ass except her garters and the other had a shirt tide around her breast with two wet spots making it obvious that she’s lactating. Soon the Minotaur ejaculates into the restrained cow and has the two blondes lift her up by her arms. He asks if she is ready to talk yet but the elder claims ignorance. The Minotaur harshly demises her statement and loudly exclaims that he knows that she and Smith had something to do with one of the sources going down. The cow once again claims ignorance and claims that she was simply taking stock when the shock wave happened, and it was just as much of a surprise to her as it was to everyone. Still not believing she is telling the truth he cups her face in his right hand lifts it up so that they’re looking directly into each other’s eyes and the Minotaur states that maybe a phew rounds with Big Mac may loosen her tongue, among other things. The elderly cow stiffens and tries to object before the Minotaur swiftly punches her in the stomach knocking her out. He tells the blondes to take her to the Breeding Barn. As they approach the door the team moves away from the door and go around the corner of their respective sides. Unfortunately for Rainbow and Flutter Shy the pair turns right and the Monk and Druid scramble to find somewhere to hide.
  194. (Stealth Roll aka Dexterity check on Rainbow Dash and Flutter Shy DC10)
  195. Flutter Shy d20 Rolled = 11 + Dexterity Modifier (1) = 12 PASS)
  196. Rainbow Dash d20 Rolled = 3 + Dexterity Modifier (2) = 5 FAIL)
  198. Flutter Shy quickly finds a large enough hay bale to hide her form but Rainbow thinking that she would be fast enough to hide around the corner further back is spotted by the blondes’ moments before she takes the turn. The two call out to the Minotaur now named Longhorn alerting him about someone sneaking around. Longhorn quickly comes outside and looks where the pair were mentioned, after not seeing anyone Longhorn shouts demanding whoever is out there to come out. When no one responds hey say that he will give them till the count of five before he goes after them himself.
  200. Flutter Shy listening from her hiding spot bites her lips in worry and internally debates whether to enact an idea she had back at the Barn but was too embarrassed to say out loud. After learning about how the residents would now be actively looking for them she had considered using her Wild Shape abilities to transform into a Bovine and act as a spy in the deeper parts of the farm, act a distraction to allow her friends to escape a bad situation or enact more daring plans. Now it seemed that the middle option was necessary. Of course, doing so would carry its own set of risk butt she liked to think she could take those risk for the sake of her friends. But now the time of thinking was over, and she needed to make a decision.
  202. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  203. Transform and distract the Minotaur.
  205. She made her decision, there would be risks involved but they are risk worth taking. She began to concentrate visualizing a good healthy dairy cow in her head and embarrassing it. Her body soon began to change, first two bovine horns sprouted out of her head, and her ears grew long and floppy the outside covered in Black and white spotted fur. Then her legs began to change as her feet morphed into hooves and fur grew on her legs up to halfway up her thighs, it was the same color and pattern as her ears. Finally, out of her tailbone grew a black and white spotted bovine tail with a tuff of hair at the end the same color as her own hair. With the transformation complete Flutter Shy exited her trance to hear Longhorn was already up to four. Before he could say five Flutter Shy exits the large haybale she was hiding in revealing her newly changed form to the three bovines. Longhorn stops counting surprised by the new cow’s appearance, relieved but cautious he asks who she is. The transformed Druid gives him her name and adding that she’s a Druid that has a contract with the local branch of the Apple Family. He then follows up by asking how she got in and how nobody had seen her before. Flutter Shy responds (adding a stutter to make it more convincing) by saying that she was already inside the farm when the barrier came up and that she’s not good with people so she hid in the Orchards avoiding contact. Still suspicious he asks why did she decide to come out of hiding now? The Druid hesitates for a moment before making her way closer to Longhorn. As she approaches a sweet scent makes its way into the Bulls nostrils and with a single sniff his cock begins to harden. Soon she’s pressing her breast onto the Bulls chest and looking into his eyes with a needy expression and a deep blush on her face saying that she can’t that the burning in her loins anymore and that she needs a big strong Bull to put it out.
  207. (Flutter Shy attempts to Seduce Longhorn, Charisma check DC10.)
  209. Flutter Shy d20 rolled = 11 + Charisma Modifier (1) + Druidic Pheromones (2) = 14
  211. A lustful smile spreads over the Bulls face as he tells her he could help her with her problem. He proceeds to grab her ass and give it a squeeze eliciting a yelp from the Druid, he turns around while wrapping his arm around her and hugging her to his side. He tells the blondes to carry on with their previous order, when one tries to raise concern, he gives them a mean look and menacingly ask if he need to repeat himself. The two quickly shake their heads in denial and continue to carry the elderly cow to the Breeding barn.
  213. Flutter Shy gives the elder a mental apology for not being able to help her before she is pulled into the Storage Barn by Longhorn who closes and locks the door behind them. She begins to have doubts about her plan and prays to the spirits and the Goddesses that her friends would please hurry. The Bull then leads her to some stable looking crates and gently pusher towards them, after losing her momentum Flutter Shy turns around only to see him undoing his pants. Once his pants hit the floor, she gets a good look at his hardening rod her own crotch begins to burn with desire. This is what she was worried about, the downside too using her Wild Shape was that it made her more vulnerable to animals and Anthros of the same family. Now while Minotaur’s are not considered Anthros and would not affect her in her normal form they were close enough that her body and animal instincts granted by the transformation treated them as the same animal genus.
  215. Keeping up the charade Flutter Shy quickly turns around and bends over using the crates as support, she then looks back and slowly lifts her tail over her lower lips making sure to soak the tuff of hair at the end with her love juices before flicking it at Longhorn. In a sultry voice she tells the bull to take her, needing no further encouragement the Bull takes two handfuls of the Druids ass before plunging his entire length into her eliciting a loud Moo of pleasure from her. The combination of her pheromones and bovine instincts causes them to go at it like two animals in heat. As he pounds into the Druid Longhorn leans over her and reaches for her two massive breast and begins to fondle and pull at them like he was trying to milk her. This serves to amplify the pleasure she is experiencing making it harder to keep herself in control.
  217. (Constitution check on Flutter Shy DC 15)
  218. Roll = 19 + Constitution modifier (4) * = 23 PASS
  219. *Wild Shaping into a Cow gave Flutter Shy +2 Constitution raising it to 18. *
  220. **It also gave her +4 to Strength raising it to 17 if anyone is wondering. **
  222. Despite the barrage of pleasure assaulting her she is able to keep herself from reaching orgasm. The same cannot be said for her current part whose member she can feel pulsing inside her ready to plant his seed in her fertile fields. But before he can deliver the finishing thrust a familiar crackling sound reaches her ears and the Bull stops moving before his body goes limp on top of her. Relived she turns her head back to see her friends with traces of electricity on Twilight’s hand. After they remove the unconscious bull from on top of her and restrain him Rainbow Dash begins to scold her about the crazy stunt she just pulled. Still transformed Flutter Shy reasons that this was the only thing she could think to do to keep them from getting caught. Twilight walks up and breaks them up to stop an argument from starting. She proceeds to thank the Druid for her foresight but reminds her of how risky it was to transform into a cow especially with all the bulls running around. Flutter Shy defends her actions stating that in this form she can move around freely without arousing to much suspicion. The Wizard counters by asking how long would she be able to keep her lust in check? Especially when spending too much time outside of a warded building would cause their own wards to fail, her bovine form would make her even more vulnerable to its effects. The Druid responds by stating that it is a risk she is willing to take for their sake and Apple Jack’s. Rarity interrupts the unconscious Minotaur; she is concerned about leaving him alone while destroying the closest source and suggesting that someone stay behind and guard him. Pinkie speaks up and suggest a compromise. Flutter Shy can stay in her transformed state, but she should stay behind to guard the Minotaur, that way she could trick him into thinking he just passed out after their breeding session. The Druid and Wizard contemplate the idea and find it agreeable, however Flutter Shy still believes the she could be of more use out on the farm.
  224. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  225. Flutter Shy will stay in the Storage Barn and Guard Longhorn while staying in her Bovine form.
  228. After much debate, the girls agree to go with Pinkie’s plan to her delight and Flutter Shy’s disappointment. Rainbow Dash reassures her by stating that she has the best odds of subduing Longhorn should he wake up; this gets a small nod from the Druid who then proceeds to restrain the Bull with some rope found within the Barn, the other say their goodbyes and assurances of a swift return and leave. The remaining adventurers decide to follow the road down to the orchard near the source reasoning that while it might be a bit harder to navigate without Flutter Shy it is better than standing out in the open. They make great time following the road and thankfully do not run into any of the residents, some lookouts are spotted in the distance but staying out of their view was a simple mater. Once they reach the edge of the orchard it is decided that Pinkie should take the lead as she’s shown to have an uncanny ability to avoid traps, the Bard happily bounces to the front of the group and begins to blaze a trail through the trees:
  230. (Scout Check aka Dexterity DC 10 on Pinkie Pie)
  231. Pinkie Pie d20 Rolled = 17 + Dexterity Modifier (3) = 20 PASS)
  233. Pinkie proceeds to practically leap from tree to tree giggling all the way, avoiding any residents working in the Orchard and even taking the time to play a prank on an unsuspecting Bull to the team’s disapproval. The rest follow her almost random trail and manage to get through without issue spotting their target once they reach the other side. This time the source is a small boulder half buried into the ground; the same mark found on the tree is plainly visible with the same pink glow around it. Twilight says that it should be the same drill as last time however with Flutter Shy on guard duty Rarity will have to help her destroy it this time while Pinkie and Rainbow stand guard. The Cleric nods and moves up to the boulder along side Twilight while the Bard and Monk move a ways way to better intercept any interlopers.
  235. Sure, enough after the source releases a pulse a lone figure is seen approaching them. A they got closer the pair could make out more details. It was Cow, the skinniest cow they have seen since they got here but what she lacked in with she certainly made up in height, she was almost as tall as some of the Minotaur’s! She had bright green hair and wore a pink top with an equally pink short skirt, and most concerning of all were her clearly defined muscles that could be compared to Apple Jack’s! (It’s Apple Squash) The two moved to intercept and the three were quickly within a phew meters of each other. The Cow quickly deduces that they are the intruders that she was warned about and begins to take a ready stance but before hostilities can begins Pinkie jumps in front of her and begins to chatter away.
  237. (Pinkie is attempting to distract the Cow, Charisma check dc 15)
  239. Pinkie Pie d20 rolled = 7 + Charisma Modifier (3) = 10 FAIL
  241. The Cow clearly annoyed by this takes a swing at the Bard, narrowly missing as Pinkie pulls back and the hops back to Rainbow’s side with a look of disappointment on her face. With no further distractions the Cow charges at the two as Rainbow enacts her Stone skin.
  243. (Insert fight scene here)
  245. The powerhouse of a Cow now lies unconscious on the ground with a heavy breathing Rainbow Dash standing over her and a sweating Pinkie behind her. Based on soft most of the other cows have been the strength this one displayed was a surprise, still their teamwork gave them the edge they needed to win. As the duo catch their breath a second pulses originates from the source signaling its destruction, taking this as confirmation of their success they make their way back to their friends. They reach the boulder to find their friends getting ready to look for them, when Rarity notices Rainbow’s roughed up state and quickly approaches her and begins to heal the wort of the damage. Twilight ask what happened and Pinkie tells them about the skinny but strong Cow that they had to fight, Rainbow them proceeds to brag about the fight before pain from one of her bruises causes her to flinch. Once the Cleric is sure of her friend’s physical state the team makes their way back to the storage bar to pick up Flutter Shy.
  247. When reach the Barn they arrive to the sounds of pleasure induced moans and the wet smacks of sex. The Quartet partially open the front door to see Longhorn standing his back facing them with Flutter Shy’s arms and legs wrapped around his neck and waist, his hip bucking into the Druids as the two were engaged in a deep kiss. Twilight lets out a tire sight and approaches the copulating pair preparing another Shocking Grasp when suddenly the Minotaur releases himself from the Druids hold and lunges at her:
  249. (Doge Roll aka Dexterity Check on Twilight dc 15)
  251. Twilight Rolled= 9+ (Dexterity Modifier) (2) = 11 FAIL
  253. She fails to react in time and is tackled to the ground the Minotaur, while face to face on the ground Twilight sees the feral look on his face and as the Bull lifts himself up his rod fully erect she realizes that he’s lost all sense and only the desire to breed remains. She has little time to think before the Bull rams his rod between her breast punching straight through the cloth covering them the upper part of his meat right in her face.
  255. (Saving throw on Twilight Intelligence Roll DC 15)
  257. Twilight Rolled = 17 + Intelligence Modifier (4) = 21
  259. But before the Mad Bull could begin to pleasure himself Twilight lifts her arms and points them both at his body quickly shouting out a loud “HOLD!”. This causes the Bull to stop moving seemingly frozen, the next moment Rainbow Dash rushes forward and jump kick the paralyzed Bull off Twilight ripping off what remained of the robes covering the Wizards chest. He is thrown back but as he begins to get back on his hoofs the monk comes in low delivering a strong Palm Strike to his stomach followed by a mighty Uppercut to his jaw! This knocks him directly into a pile of crates that fall on top of him after the impact. The girls wait a phew moments expecting the Minotaur to rise from the pile, but when he does not, they all move to check on Flutter Shy. The state of their Druid friend could only be described as exhausted bliss, she was lying on the ground arms and legs spread with her now gapping pussy leaking Longhorns seed. Her face had the look of someone who had just had their brains fucked out her eyes having partially rolled back into her head mouth open with her tongue out and drill spilling out. It did not take long for them to conclude that their friend was in no condition to explain what had happened let alone move under her own power.
  261. After cleaning up Flutter Shy and making sure Longhorn was properly restrained (more securely this time) and not waking up anytime soon the girls get together and take stock. The current situation as they understand it is as follows:
  263. • They are temporarily down another member.
  264. • They have a prisoner that is sure to cause them even more trouble regardless of what they do with him.
  265. • Rainbow and Pinkie are still tired from their fight with Cow earlier.
  266. • Finally, it is almost time for Queen Celestia to lower the sun so it will be dark soon.
  268. With the facts laid bare they discuss their next course of action and come up with two viable options. They stay the night at the Storage Barn and rest up to continue their mission in the morning. This will allow time for Flutter Shy to recover and it will be easier to keep an eye on the prisoner. Alternatively, they could wait till nightfall and make their way to the Main Barn under the cover off darkness and rest up there. Both Rarity and Rainbow Dash can see in the dark, so navigation will not be a problem however they will have to decide whether to take the prisoner with them. One of them will have to carry Flutter Shy and it will require at least two of them to carry the Minotaur.
  270. While the other three continue to debate the merits of either action Rainbow Dash looks towards the unconscious Bovines and begins to wonder how the Minotaur went all feral. She asks Twilight about it and she reasons that the combination of Flutter Shy’s Pheromones and the scent of a Cow in heat must of triggered a near uncontrollable lust within the Minotaur, add the fact that he must off been barely coherent went he woke up earlier. From Twilights explanation Rainbow concludes that the wild lust must have overwhelmed his mind sending him in to a Breeding Frenzy. At point a devilishly evil smile begins to spread over Monks face, one that would have made her Demonic ancestors proud! Concerned by her smile Rarity enquires as to what she is thinking. Rainbow suggest that they could make use of the prisoner by making go into another Breeding Frenzy. Not convinced but curious Pinkie ask how? The Monk continues by suggesting that they should leave him somewhere they know he’ll be found and induce the Frenzy while leaving him restrained with a deactivation delay on the enhancements on them, then when the other Bovines come to see who’s causing all the ruckus the enhancements will fail he’ll get free and start causing trouble for them. Twilight the ask about if they manage to subdue him early. Rainbow responds by reassuring her that if they do, he will not be in any shape to talk especially if they knock him out. With all options laid out the girls decide to:
  272. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  273. ☆Stay the night at the Storage Barn and follow Rainbow’s Plan in the morning.
  274. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  275. They decide to stay and rest up for tomorrow. As the sun goes down Twilight volunteers for first watch, the rest look for space further in the barn to make themselves comfortable. Thankfully, they find some tarps to serve as padding and some sacks of chicken to substitute for pillows. They make sure to place Longhorn the furthest back while casting a phew Sleep Enchantments to make sure he does not wake up unexpectedly.
  277. Some time passes and Twilight begins to hear the gentle snoring of her friends. She takes another look outside to confirm that nobody is nearby, with no danger in sight she pulls her self back inside and grabs a needle and thread along with some spare cloth thankful that Rarity insisted they always bring some when traveling and begins repair the damage the Mad Bull caused to her Robes. As she is sewing, she chastises herself for being careless, she remembers the Minotaur’s dick mere centimeters from her face the scent of his cum and Flutter Shy’s Pheromones still lingering on it. If she had not been so quick to cast Hold on him, he would have his way with her breast, he might have even gone as far as to shove his cock down her throat and face fuck her! Shaking her head to cut off her fantasy she refocuses on repairing her robes, once done she takes another look outside and hears a very loud moo coming from the north, disturbingly it sounded a lot like Apple Jack. About three hours pass and Twilight and wakes up Rarity for her shift on watch duty.
  279. While a little grumpy at having her beauty-sleep interrupted she takes to her task with due diligence. She quickly grows bored however, she tries to pass the by polishing some of the jewels she carries with her. Her mind wanders back to the large Bull she was ready to give herself to earlier in the day. Had Twilight not zapped him he would have plunged his mighty rod inside of her. She imagined herself mooing in pleasure much like Flutter Shy had done just hours ago as he claimed her womb as his own. After he was done, he would probably take her back to his room like a trophy for another or several more rounds of wild coitus! Before she would know it, she would be hooked up to a milking machine as he once again-…… So caught up in her fantasy that she didn’t notice that she had begun to masturbate and had already orgasmed. Quickly cleaning herself up she returns to her duties now wide awake from her earlier session. Another three hours pass, during which she would hear Orgasmic Moos coming from the north in half-hour intervals eliciting a small sense of jealousy from the Cleric. Once her shift is over, she goes to wake up Rainbow Dash for her shift.
  281. Rainbow Dash much like Rarity quickly becomes bored. She was never one for holding still for too long, the only times she would was when she meditated and that was a challenge for her back during her training. Luckily for her she hears Flutter Shy yawn as she gets up from the little nook the had placed her in. She soon notices Rainbow Dash and walks over sitting down next to her childhood friend. The Tiefling expresses her relief at her friends recover which the Druid reciprocates. Flutter Shy ask how long she had been unconscious, and Rainbow responds about six hour. Curious Rainbow ask how the Minotaur got the better of her and the Druid retells the events that happened after they left.
  283. After the others left everything was okay for a while but after the fist pulse came through Longhorn began to stir. She quickly made her way to his side placing his head on her lap, after he regained consciousness he inquired what had happened and she responded saying that he had passed out after their breeding session emphasizing how wonderful he was. Then to keep him distracted she offered to let him drink some of her milk straight from her breast which he readily accepted. As he drank, he began to get another erection which she began to stroke with her free hand. Around this time however he took another sniff of her pheromones and became more aggressive, grabbing her free breast with is hand and fondling it roughly. It did not take long for herself to become aroused, her needy cunt’s scent must have set something off inside of him as he quickly pushed himself up and pushed her down. Before he rammed his meat inside her once again, she got a good look at his face, it was savage he had lost all reason and was completely focused on a singular goal, impregnating her with his calves. Before she could do anything, he began pounding into her like a wild animal! She tried to hold on, but his powerful and wild thrust quickly brought her to orgasm after orgasm and before she knew it, he had cummed into her. At that point all she could focus on was the pleasure and the idea that she might soon be a mother. Everything after that was a blur until she passed out and eventually woke up in the space they had placed her in.
  285. When she finished her retelling, she turned to see her friend intensely starring at her with a bright blush on her face. After hearing her named called Rainbow regains focus and apologizes to her friend for leaving her alone. Flutter Shy assures her that she does not fault her or the others stating that she had underestimated the effects of her pheromones. The Druid lets out a small yawn showing that she is still tired from the ordeal, Rainbow tells her that she should change back to normal before going back to sleep. Flutter Shy only just realizes that she was still in her Bovine form quickly changes and bids her friend goodnight. Three more ours pass and the rest of the party begins to wake, there is still an hour till sunrise when most of the farm hands would wake up giving them the perfect opportunity to move unmolested, and with the Musk further weakened they can travel further without worry.
  287. They gather their thing and Twilight gathers a large amount of Flutter Shy’s Pheromones to send Long horn into another Lust induced rampage. All that remains is their next destination.
  289. *Farm Alert level 2: More pulses were felt and two of the Chief’s Lieutenants are missing! Any Non-Bovines are to be apprehended on sight! *
  291. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  292. ☆ Head back to the Hay and Tools Barn.
  293. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  295. They decide to head back to the Barn where Granny Smith is hiding out and check in on her. It is about an hour before sunrise so it is still dark, Rarity will take the lead as Rainbow Dash will have to carry the still unconscious Longhorn until they find a good spot to set up the distraction. They make great time as most of the residents are still asleep thus, they need not worry about any patrols for now, this will only last for a short while longer, so they keep a steady pace towards the Barn. They soon reach a familiar Orchard which would make a good place to set up the distraction. They place the sleeping Bull a phew rows inside but still close enough that any passing Bovines would find him. Twilight places the vial containing Flutter Shy’s pheromones within the Minotaur’s bindings as close to his head as she can while placing a custom magical proximity trigger on both the bindings and the vials cork, the trigger will undo the bindings and release the pheromones when a sentient female comes within arm’s reach. With that done the proceed towards the Barn where the Apple Matriarch resides.
  297. As they approach the Barn, they hear rough sex and moaning, this immediately sets off alarm bells in their heads as the only that are supposed to be in the Barn are Smith and the prisoners! Rainbow takes the lead cracking open the door to see the Apple Matriarch on the ground, arms tied behind her back letting out pleasurable moans that are starting to sound like Moos as Hydro rams his cock into her while Apple Bloom is lying on top of her suckling her breast. A moment later the younger Apple releases he grandmother’s nipple with an audible “Pop”, she asks her how her mate’s cock feels states that she will soon join their new happy family.
  299. The Monk informs her friends what she had just witness. They quickly organize themselves and breach the barn! With both numbers and the element of surprise they quickly subdue the two hostile Bovines and attend to the Elder Apple. In short Granny Smith is in a similar state to what the groups Druid was just yesterday although she does occasionally moan out her desire for more cock. Once the Elder’s health is assured, they survey that Barn and easily deter how this came to be. At some point during the night the prisoners had gotten free and subdued the Apple Matriarch most likely while she was still asleep. Pinkie chimes in stating how they must have been going at it for hours with Rainbow expressing her approval of the Elder’s physical and mental for someone her age.
  301. Regardless they will not be receiving any more aid from the Elder Apple in her current state and now they face the dilemma of what to do next. While deciding their next destination is a simple matter deciding what to do about the three Bovines is slightly more complicated. Taking the prisoners with them is out of the question as dragging them around will only slow them down plus they would take any opportunity to hinder them. That leaves what to do with the currently indisposed Granny Smith, bringing her somewhere (comparatively) safer would be a good idea however this will hinder their efforts to avoid the now most certainly aggressive patrols. However, leaving her here would leave her at the mercies of her granddaughter and her mate when they inevitably wake up again. While this will not bring any major hindrance Twilight doubts that they will be able to return to the barn. A decision needs to be made:
  303. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  304. ☆ Head to the Main House and take Granny Smith with you.
  305. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  307. Deciding where to head next was more difficult than expected however when it was decided to bring the disabled Apple Matriarch with them it was agreed to head to the Main house where she will be taken care off. They wait before leaving as the workers are once again moving into the Orchards and Fields to begin their daily labors. Once the coast is clear they leave before anyone comes to check with Rainbow and Pinkie sharing the burden of carrying Granny Smith as to not slow the group down. They take the path heading west to avoid the most direct route, once they reach the crossroads, they can see the Main house across an open grassy field. Seeing the obvious problem Flutter Shy steps forth and cast ‘Pass without Trace’ on their group to help them traverse the wide-open area undetected.
  309. *Party gains +10 Dexterity on next Stealth check*
  311. It is a good thing she did too! When they were half-way across the field, they spotted a large group of about a dozen Bovines heading their way! Whether this was a patrol looking for them or they were simply heading to their assigned task was irrelevant, they needed move and avoid direct contact.
  312. (Stealth Check DC15 on Party d20)
  313. Twilight: Rolled 14 + Dexterity Modifier (5) = 19 Pass
  314. Flutter Shy: Rolled 10 + Dexterity Modifier (6) = 16 Pass
  315. Rarity: Rolled 11 + Dexterity Modifier (5) = 16 Pass
  316. Rainbow Dash: Rolled = NAT 20 CRIT! *Removes ‘Carrying Granny’ Penalty from Pinkie Pie*
  317. Pinkie Pie: Rolled 12 + Dexterity Modifier (8) = 20 Pass
  319. The Party splits in two around the group of Bovines Twilight, Rainbow and Pinkie went right while Flutter Shy and Rarity go left. The Trio going left have little trouble avoiding the Bovines attention with Rainbow taking the burden of carrying their current burden giving Pinkie and easier time. The duo going left however got a little too close to the Bovines attracting the attention of one of the Cows. The two promptly move away from her gaze and when she does not see anything dismisses it as “Just the wind”. The party reunites and once again pushes towards the main house hopping to avoid any more large groups.
  321. When they arrive, they see no one around, Twilight cracks open the door, seeing no one inside she goes further in and reaches the living room. Deciding that this is a good a place as any to leave the Elder Apple she signals the rest to come inside. As Rainbow and Pinkie place the unconscious Elder on one of the couches someone speaks up from the direction of the kitchen. When their heads turn towards the kitchen entrance, they see another Elderly looking Cow with massive breasts and very wide hips (even by Cow standards), she has white pooffy hair resembling a bushel of cotton and bright green lipstick and eyeshadow. (Apple Sauce) The cow asks what they are doing with her old Adventuring buddy? This gets a reaction from Pinkie who in turn ask if she really is one off Smith’s party members from her Adventurer days. The Elderly cow confirms this and reiterates her previous question, after giving a sight of relive Rarity steps up and explains their situation and how Granny Smith ended up in her current state. The Cow lets out her own sigh of relief and introduces herself as Apple Sauce, she then looks at the unconscious Smith stating how she must have gone soft after all these years. She then thanks the group for bringing her friend here and gives Rainbow and Pinkie direction to Smith’s room upstairs so she can get some proper rest. While the Monk and the Bard take their charge to her room Twilight asks Sauce about the two remaining sources. The Elder explains that one is behind the Guest House and that her friend Golden Delicious can point them in the right direction once they get there. Flutter Shy cuts in asking that if they know where the source is then why haven’t they tried destroying it themselves? Sauce responds saying that they tried to but the closer they got to it the hornier they got, when they decided to turn around, they barely had a coherent thought beyond getting bred by a Bull. Twilight quickly concludes that due to their current state that residents are incapable of approaching the sources outside of when the party is trying to destroy them. She then asks about the last one and Sauce get a genuinely concerned look on her face. After a moment she says that it is located behind the Breeding Barn and warns them to be extra careful when they approach the Barn. Bulls come and go from it all day long, but the biggest threats are the two permanent residents by the names of Braeburn and Big Mac. Of the two Braeburn can be the least threatening depending on his mood thanks to his personal Herd of Cows, he’s almost always Breeding them and should be easily bypassed if their timing is right, just don’t get too close or the strong musk from all the sex will drive you crazy. Then there’s Big Mac the most dangerous Bull in the entire Farm the mere sight of his enormous Cock and Balls alone is enough to make any woman orgasm, his musk will have them on their knees waiting to be bred, and they would will drown with pleasure the moment he shoves his cock into them. The Trio listening to her stare with a mix of horror and some sexual excitement while the same thought goes through all their heads “The Wards will protect us, right?” While the Twilight and Rarity were still contemplating the potential danger, Flutter Shy remembers the Elderly Cow at the storage Barn that got dragged away to the Breeding Barn. She mentions this to Apple Sauce and a look of shock followed by remorse appears on her face. She says that the Cows name is Apple Rose, another one of her old Adventuring group, and if she was taken to the Breeding Barn then she’s most likely a goner by now as Big Mac has definitely fucked her brains out by now. Flutter Shy profusely apologizes for not helping her when she had the chance and Apple Sauce comforts her say that she probably had other priorities at the time.
  323. As the Elder Apple comforts the young Druid the front door opens, and a female voice announces the arrival of her group. Apple Sauce urgently whispers for the trio to hide while she greets the group of Bovines.
  325. (Stealth Check DC10 on Twilight, Rarity and Flutter Shy d20)
  326. Twilight: = NAT 20 CRIT PASS
  327. Flutter Shy: Rolled = NAT 1 CRIT FAIL! Reroll thanks to Twilights Crit Pass / Rolled 14 + Dexterity Modifier (1) = 15
  328. Rarity: Rolled = 11 Pass
  330. Twilight was the first to move moving towards a coat closet that looked just big enough for her to fit. As she reached it, she heard an ‘eep’, she quickly turned her head to see that Flutter Shy had tripped in the rush and was on her way down. Reacting quickly, she cast ‘Feather Fall’ on the Druid slowing her down enough for her to recover. She got a nod of thanks before she turned by towards the closet. Once inside she began to close the door catching a glimpse of the Druid heading into the kitchen. Rarity was slowed down due to her staring in shock at Flutter Shy’s Accident before Twilight saved her. It was not until she began to hear footsteps heading towards the living room that she decided to head up the stairs.
  332. While in the closet Twilight hears pieces of the conversation that the Bovines were having, soon one of the Cows who had been referred too as Orange says that they need to get to a room upstairs as the Bull named Mosely was being rather force full this morning. As they get up the second Cow named Peachy ask if anyone was in the house as she heard someone going up the stairs. This worried the Wizard until Apple Sauce answered her by stating that it was Granny Smith coming back from an all-nighter with the Chief. Orange expresses her joy and amazement that Smith finally saw reason and agrees to let her rest. As the group goes up stairs, she worries about her three friends that are still up there, moments pass, and she exits the closet while Flutter Shy rejoins them in the living room. A phew more moments pass the sound of moaning and bed rocking reaches them, fearing the worst they begin to make their way up only to see the other three-fifths of their group coming down. Relieved at their safety Twilight ask what had happened? Pinkie answer that after they put Granny Smith to bed the had found Apple Jack’s old bedroom and began to poke around. Once their curiosity was sated the began to make their way to the stairs only for Rarity to come up and drag them back to Smith’s room. The Cleric explained the situation to them and after a phew minutes they heard people coming up the stairs followed by the opening and closing of a door, and finally the sound of lovemaking. It was then that they once again made their way to the stairs and rain into her. Rainbow makes a comment about how hard the group of Bovines is going at it.
  334. Knowing that they cannot stay form much longer Twilight quickly relays the information that Apple Sauce gave them about the remaining two sources. With this knowledge in mind the group quickly chooses their next destination before any else show’s up.
  336. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  337. ☆ Straight to Source B
  338. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  340. While they felt some guilt over what happened to Apple Rose (especially Flutter Shy) the threat posed by Big Mac and to a lesser extent Braedburn was significant enough to convince them that taking out another of the sources before heading in their direction was a very appealing idea. Also while some extra help would be appreciated they have already spent a whole day jumping from building to build and they all want to get this ordeal over with and rescue their friend, so they decide to bypass the Guest House entirely and head straight to the source. Thanks to their exploits the day before their wards should now allow them to almost get to the source without having to worry about the Musk, almost. With their minds made up the say their goodbyes to Apple Sauce and go on their way.
  342. Once outside they take a roundabout path leading towards the Breeding Barn until they reach a fork in the path, then they take the path that borders some more Orchards that should take them partway towards the source. As they go down the path at a brisk pace they keep an eye on the Orchard making sure nothing catches them by surprise, thankfully no one emerges from the trees but as they reach the end of the path they hear a primal roar coming from the direction of the Hay and Tools Barn. It appears that their distraction has been trigger as they begin to see some of the residents rushing in that direction, there should still be some left behind but most of the Bovines should be heading towards the Rampaging Longhorn. Once at the end of the path the go through an open area between the guest house and the Orchards, as they pass by the Guest House, they hear several loud moans and screams of pleasure coming from the house. It appears that an impromptu Orgy is occurring inside and Golden Delicious is a likely participant. Assured that they made the right decision by bypassing the house they continue towards their destination. With one final stretch of land between them and their goal the party accelerates to a jog, halfway through an almost forgotten but still dreaded shimmer returns:
  344. Willpower aka Wisdom check DC: 5 On Party)
  345. Twilight: Rolled 15 + Wisdom Modifier (+3) = 18 Pass
  346. Rarity: Rolled 5 + Wisdom Modifier (+4) = 9 Pass
  347. Rainbow Dash: Rolled 8 + Wisdom Modifier (-1) = 7 Pass
  348. Pinkie Pie: Rolled 14 + Wisdom Modifier (+2) = 16 Pass
  349. Flutter Shy Rolled 8 + Wisdom Modifier (+4) = 12 Pass
  351. Thankfully, they all keep it together however Rarity and Rainbow Dash now hove some very noticeable blushes on their faces. After a little longer they reach the third source, they symbol is etched into a small boulder at the corner of the fence surrounding the Farm, there is also a large crate on the right of the boulder and a large pile of lumber next to the fence on the left. Someone must have been planning to do some maintenance work on the fence and must have ran off when their distraction trigger. Turning away from those idle thoughts Rarity volunteers to help Twilight again as they do not know what effects the energies will have on the Druid after her encounter with Longhorn. Flutter Shy nods in understanding and joins Pinkie and Rainbow on guard duty.
  353. Their friends go off to find a good intercept position to pick off any stragglers Twilight and Rarity move towards the third source with Twilight on the right and Rarity on the left. Twilight raises her staff and begins to focus her power while Rarity does the same while chanting some prayers to her goddess.
  355. Perception Roll DC: 15 on Twilight and Rarity
  357. Twilight: Rolled 2 + Wisdom Modifier (+3) = 5 Fail!
  358. Rarity: Rolled 3 + Wisdom Modifier (+4) = 7Fail!
  360. The are ready to begin the cleansing ritual, however before they get the opportunity to channel their power into the boulder, they are both grabbed from behind. Twilight was in the clutches of a white furred Minotaur while Rarity was restrained by a Red haired, dark skinned cow. The Bull tells the Cow, who he refers to as Babs that he knew that the intruders would show up eventually if they just waited by one of the sources. Babs identifies the Bull as Kristoff and the complements him for being right. Babs pull Rarity closer and begins to rub her hip with one of her hands stating how the Clerics hips were made for breeding. Kristoff does something similar but begins to fondle one of Twilight’s breast instead stating the large amount of Milk she will be able to produce. With the two Bovines distracted the two adventurers attempt to escape:
  362. (Saving throw on Twilight Intelligence Roll DC 15 and Rarity Wisdom Roll DC 15)
  364. Twilight Rolled = 2 + Intelligence Modifier (+4) = 6 Fail!
  365. Rarity: Rolled = 14 + Wisdom Modifier (+4) = 18 Pass!
  367. Twilight tries to cast a spell, but Kristoff notices and slams her face first into the ground and the throws himself on top off her to pin her down. Babs begins to cheer the Bull on allowing Rarity to take advantage of her distracted state to cast her own spell. The Cleric conjures a Guided Bolt and hits Babs in the back of the head, she then wrestles the arm holding her staff out of the cows grip and proceeds to whack her former captor on the head with her staff. With the cow stunned she gets some distance from the Bovines and quickly assesses the situation; Kristoff has Twilight pinned leaving just Babs who has already recovered. She could try to take on the Cow by herself but one on one fights were never her strong suit, she could win if she could buy herself sometime to apply some divine blessings but who knows what the Minotaur would do to Twilight in the meantime. She could use her magic to signal the others and keep the two Bovines busy, however the two will quickly figure out what she is trying to do and attempt to get away. Finally, she try running away and come back with the others, it shouldn’t take too long however that would mean leaving Twilight alone with them for a bit, maybe if she could get the Cow the chase her the Bull would stay put but it’s no guarantee. Whatever her choice is she needs to make it now.
  369. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  370. ☆ Fight Babs One on One
  371. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  373. Rarity considers sending a signal and hoping that that the other arrive quickly but instead she decides that the current situation calls for some Bold Action. Before Babs can make move the cleric cast Freedom of Movement on herself in case the Cow tries to grapple her again, speaking of Babs now charges towards her.
  375. Dexterity Roll DC 10
  376. Roll = 10
  378. She manages to just barely doge out of the way, unfortunately losing a few hairs in the process. As Babs tucks into a roll to lose her momentum Rarity decides to try out something shed been working on since the assault on the Cultist compound, she focuses her magic and invokes the name of her goddess enacting Guardian of the Faith. This causes a spectral guarding armed with sword and shield with the mark of her goddess emblazoned on the shield. Babs is taken aback the guardians appearance and hesitates not knowing how to proceed this gives Rarity the time she needs to once again invoke her goddesses name and cast Spiritual Weapon, this manifest a spectral crossbow with a heart shaped tipped bolt. Realizing that the more she waited the harder it will be to defeat the Cleric Babs once again goes on the offensive but stops in her tracks once she sees the guardian’s sword heading towards her in a downwards slash. She stops just as the sword hits the ground in front of her avoiding a direct his but still being hurt from the weapons radiance, before she can start moving again she is hit center mass by shot from the crossbow knocking her down on her back. As she begins to push herself back to her feet she sees that the guardian had put away its sword in favor of holding its shield with both hands ready to slam it down and crush her like a bug, the last thing she sees is the crystalline heart emblazoned on the shield.
  379. Rarity moves up to the crater created by her guardian to check on her opponent’s status and after a quick check up sights in relief at the fact that she had not accidently killed the young cow. She might have gone overboard but it was her first solo fight, and she could not risk defeat, still Rainbow Dash would probably express her approval at her display of power. Now remember about the other Bovine restraining her friend she turns to see:
  381. Twilight attempts to escape during the fight.
  382. Strength Check on Twilight DC 20
  383. Roll= 1 Crit FAIL!
  385. Twilight’s meager attempts to escape her captor amused Kristoff. He was easily able to manhandle her, lifting her up by her legs before giving her large ass a good spank eliciting a yelp from the Wizard. While keeping her upside-down Kristoff hugs Twilight against his body and spreads her legs apart, he then begins to eat her out. While the Bull ate her out Twilights face was buried in his balls and his fully erect cock was between her hanging breast. Between the cunnalingus and the overpowering male musk emanating from the bull’s balls invading her brain Twilights resistance quickly melts away. She soon begins to kiss, lick and suck on the two male orbs wrapping her legs around his head and placing her hands on his legs for leverage, It is not long before she reaches orgasm spraying her cum on the Bull’s face. Twilight then hears a loud crashing sound but ignores it in favor of draining the seed out of the two delicious fruits in front of her. Kristoff soon falls on his back and Twilight takes the opportunity to adjust her position so she can use her breast on his cock, but before she can being she feels someone’s hand on her head and her vision is consumed by a bright light.
  387. Rarity pulls her hand back from Twilight sighting in exasperation, she knew her Wizard friend was not very physically capable but to allow herself to be manhandled in such a way was just disgraceful. As Twilight recovered hurried footsteps signaled the arrival of the rest of their group attracted by the commotion. Rarity explains what happened and gets congratulated by the trio, with Twilight recovered the make their way back to the source and enact the ritual once again but with their companions close by incase of anymore surprises. With the 3rd source done the group decide to stash the two unconscious Bovines inside of the empty crate that once of them had hid in, better to hide them here that to risk a repeat of what had happened to granny.
  389. When they make their way back to the main house, they spot a pair of breast push up against one of the windows, they believe it to be one of the two cows from earlier still getting rammed by their Bull. They reach the front door and take a quick peak inside, with the coast clear they make their way into the living room only to be greeted by the sight of semen all over the place! They look around the room careful not to step on any of the puddles and find Apple Sauce’s clothes behind one of the sofas also covered in semen, then they hear two orgasmic moans emanating from the upper floor, they recognize the voices belonging to Sauce and Smith. Putting two and two together the group concludes that more Bovines must have come to the house and dragged the two elder Apples into an orgy. It is quickly decided that they should move one before someone else show up, plus the stench of male seed is making the prospect of going up stairs and joining the orgy more and more tempting.
  391. With only one source left their next course is obvious, however one question remains. Do they stop by the Breeding Barn first and attempt to rescue Apple Rose and potentially neutralize Big Mac? Or do they head straight for the source and hope that he is too busy fucking to bother with them?
  393. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  394. ☆ Stop by the Breeding Barn
  395. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  396. They decide to go to the Breeding Barn first and try to take out Big Mac before he becomes a problem. It’s a short trip on the path leading straight to the Barn with no enemies in sight When they reach the building it is oddly quite, for a place called the Breeding Barn you’d think that the sounds of sex would be a constant but there’s barely a sound. Unnerved by the lack of noise the team cautiously moves to the side of the building with two windows, once near they finally hear something. It is moaning, not the euphoric moans of sex but the soft moans of satisfaction, Rarity notes that it is the same sound she makes whenever she gets a massage. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie peek through the windows and find the origin of the moans. It is coming from many Cows on stocks, asses covered in cum and what appear to be breast pumps hooked up to their breast. With that mystery solved the two try to see if there is anyone else inside but the windows location only gives them a limited view. The group will have to go inside to get a better picture.
  398. The group quietly hops over a fence of the holding pen attached to the barn and make their way in through the cattle entrance. Once inside the smell of sex and cum assaults their noses, it is even more potent than at the Main House! Doing their best to ignore the smell they make their way to the stocks and begin to look for Apple Rose, after going through several of the cows including with quite possibly the largest derriere any of them have ever seen! They finally come across the elder Apple, on her knees completely exhausted with cum leaking from her stuffed pussy while the pumps extracted milk from her breast. With one of their targets found Pinkie and Rainbow decide to see if they can find the so called “Irresistible Bull” known as Big Mac while the others help Rose.
  400. As the pair splits up to look through the side rooms Pinkie hear snoring coming from a darker room in the corner of the Barn, she makes her way to the rooms entrance and leans in to take a peek inside. Inside she sees one of the biggest hunks she has ever seen and soon lays her eyes on the biggest sausage she has ever seen too! She decides to quietly make her way inside to get a better look at this sleeping Adonis, now standing above him, she takes in his features. A strong squared chin, well chiseled pecs, and rock-hard abs that would make even her sister Maud blush, a cock as long as her arm and a pair of balls as big as her own breast! And from the amount of pre-cum leaking from the tip he they were still full even after fucking all those Cows in the main room! The smell from the main room had already made her horny add to that the yummy looking pre-cum leaking from the beefcake in front of her made one VERY HORNY Pinkie! In her lust Pinkie decides to get little taste of the Mighty Bulls cum and leans in to lick the tip, as her face gets closer the to the sleeping Bulls cock the Musk emanating from it grows stronger:
  402. Willpower aka Wisdom check DC: 15 On Pinkie Pie
  403. Rolled 12 + Wisdom Modifier (+2) = 14 Fail!
  405. For an instant she realizes that this was a bad idea but at that moment her tongue makes contact with the pre-cum and all thoughts are silenced in favor of one, MORE. Pinkie proceeds to get on top of the sleeping Bull her head to his crotch and her ass to his pecks. She then grabs the partially erect cock in her hands, wraps her lips around the head and begins to suck wanting more of the delicious cum. This causes the partially erect cock to rise to full mast forcing the Bard to get on her knees and press her body against it partially engulfing it with her breast as she continued to extract pre-cum from the head.
  407. Moments later Rainbow Dash looking for Pinkie approaches the room in the corner of the direction that the Bard was searching. As she gets closer, she hears snoring and what she recognizes as cock sucking. Once she reaches the entrance and looks inside, she sees her friend on top of the biggest Bull she had seen so far giving an almost desperate breast job to one of the largest cocks she had ever witnessed! After staring at the magnificent slab of meet for what feels like forever, she shakes herself back to reality and begins to make her way over to stop her Bard friend from waking up the somehow still sleeping Bull. She wisely decides to make her way around the right side while taking quick glances at the two large sacks of nectar between the Bulls legs, whispering with a hurried tone she tells Pinkie to get off but she’s not listening. Now taking the physical option Rainbow carefully climbs onto the Bulls chest, silently marveling at his well sculped abs. Once on top she crawls her way to Pinkie and pulls her away from the fully erect cock only for the Bard to shake her off and go back to pleasuring the massive cock. Frustrated by her friends current obsession Rainbow now tries to get between her and the large shaft, she succeeds in pushing Pinkie away only for her to ram into the Monk in her rush to get back to the source of that sweet man nectar. As Rainbow’s body was trapped between her friend and the massive slab of meat she came face to head with the Bull’s penis, while she was able to keep her focus before the Bull’s Dominating Musk now assaulted her with its full force:
  409. Willpower aka Wisdom check DC: 15 On Rainbow Dash
  410. Rolled 4 + Wisdom Modifier (-1) = 3 Fail!
  412. And she immediately began to lick the head, her long tongue wrapping itself around it. Soon the two of the were pressing their bodies against the still sleeping Bull’s penis, the Bard kneeling on his abs and the monk almost sitting on his testicles. The two entrance friends continue to give him a double breast job for several minutes when his penis begins to twitch until with and audible grunt he finally ejaculates. The torrent of cum drenches the two adventurers, its stench causing them to have their own orgasms collapsing in pure Bliss.
  414. Noticing that their friends have been gone awhile Twilight and Rarity leave the now free but still unconscious Apple Rose in Flutter Shy’s care. During their search they hear a masculine grunt followed by two feminine moans coming from a dark room in the corner of the Barn. They reach the room to find their two missing friends one on the hay covered floor and another on top of a massive Bull, passed out and covered in cum, they stench of which was making them feel woozy. Rarity quickly shakes it off, but Twilight begins playing with her breast while licking two of her finger, with a quick smack to the back of the Wizard’s head Rarity brings her back to her senses. No sooner than Twilight apologizes that the Bull begins to wake, his eyes half open still drowsy from his interrupted nap. Acting quickly Twilight attempts to put him back to sleep:
  416. Intelligence Roll on Twilight DC15
  417. Rolled: 6 + Intelligence Modifier (4) = 10 Fail!
  419. But before she can cast her spell the Bull inhales deeply through his nose and his eyes snapped open, now fully awake he speaks only two words; “Female, BREED!” He then proceeds to grabs Pinkie by her ankles, her back to his abs, legs spread and raised till her feet were over her head. He lifted her over his once again erect cock and after lining up his penises head with her folds still wet from her earlier orgasm and begins to thrust into her with wild abandon. The jolt from suddenly being stuffed was enough to wake the Bard only to have her brain melted from the pleasure of being fucked by the largest cock she has ever experienced. The sound of wild sex was enough to catch Flutter Shy’s attention who has now joined her Cleric and Wizard friends at the rooms entrance. All three staring with concern and with no small amount of envy, they need to save their friend before the Bull cums again. They have no time to act so:
  421. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  422. ☆ Flutter Shy: Lure
  423. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  424. *Final Part*
  426. Flutter Shy is the first to act, quickly making her way to the Bull’s side and cast her own spell:
  428. Wisdom Roll on Flutter Shy DC15
  429. Rolled: 12 + Wisdom Modifier (3) = 15 Pass!
  431. The Druid gives the Bull what could be described as a cute wink and a pink heart shaped projection appears in front of her face before shooting towards the Bull’s head. (I didn’t know how else to describe “Charm Person”) At first it doesn’t appear to have any effect, but the Bull’s movements begin to slow down as his head turns and stares at the Druid. While he has stopped thrusting Pinkie still has half a cock inside of her, so Flutter Shy kingly ask him if he could let her friend go. The Bull is reluctant like a child wanting to hold on to a toy:
  433. Charisma Roll on Flutter Shy DC15
  434. Rolled: 13 + Charisma Modifier (1) + Druidic Pheromones (2) = 16
  436. Seeing his hesitation Flutter Shy takes a more aggressive stance, stomping her foot on the ground and demands that he put her friend down, with the tone of a mother scolding a naughty child. The Bull acquiesces though clearly saddened. With Pinkie free Twilight and Rarity move in and carry out both of their unconscious friends to the central area of the Bar for some healing while Flutter Shy continues to scold the Bull. After Rarity heals them Pinkie and Rainbow come to, the Bard’s crotch is still sore from the experience but otherwise they are both unharmed. Flutter Shy then joins them with the Charmed Bull close behind, they give him a warry glance before Rarity inspects the Bard to make sure she does not need further healing and Twilight questions Rainbow about what had happened.
  438. While the others discuss the prior events, Flutter Shy is simply happy that her friends are okay. As she silently thanks the Spirits and the Goddess a shadow cast itself over her and a large hot rod presses itself against her rear. She looks back and sees that the Bull had presses himself against her, she then looks up towards his face and he is staring at her with a calm but wanting expression. Her expression turns serious and she shakes her head in disapproval and then gently pushes him away and he takes a step back. A moment later she feels the Bull’s rod against her rear but this time he is also gently rubbing her hips with his left hand. A light blush finds its way to her face before she removes his hand from her hips and again pushes him away letting out a quite “Stop it” as she does so. Barely a minute passes before the Bull tries again much to her mounting irritation, she’s about to turn around and tell him off but then he reaches around her with right his arm and cups her right breast with his hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. This brings a deep Blush to her face and she almost lets out a moan before forcing it down, this was the last straw.
  440. She forcefully removes his hand from her breast and turn around ready to scold the needy Bull for his lack of self-control. But before she can start she’s interrupted by her Rainbow Dash asking if things are alright, she looks back at her friends to see that they are all looking at her and the Bull with a look of concern on their faces. She sights and turns to them while bringing her hand to her cheek and tells them that everything is fine and that the Bull is just being overly affectionate. While her charm spell causes him to see her and by association them as friends, he is still very aroused and is looking for release. The idea to simply let him have his way with the Cows still in the stockade is brought up, while it would certainly keep him busy his fast recovery rate would mean that he would keep going until he fell asleep again and they would rather not spend an unknown amount of time waiting until then. Rainbow Dash proposes simply leaving him here but Flutter Shy shuts it down stating that she needs to stay within 30 ft (9.144 m) to maintain the spell. If the spell breaks, he will return to his previous state of a Relentless Breeding Machine, not to mention what that would mean for Apple Rose. The group now looks towards the elder Apple who is now resting on top of a pile of hay, in all the commotion they had almost forgotten about her. Being so close to their goal they cannot really afford to take her somewhere safer and leaving her here with who they have concluded to be Big Mac would invalidate the whole reason why they took this little detour. So, they would have to either take the Bull with them or leave Flutter Shy here with him to keep him under control.
  442. After contemplating it for a phew minutes Flutter Shy decides to stay here with the Bull. Twilight and Rainbow quickly object reminding the Druid about what happened with Longhorn. She reassures them that it will be fine this time reminding them about the cows in the stockades, so if he stars getting to grabby, she will just lead him to the cows and let him relieve himself. Still not happy but placated they relent and put their trust in the Druid. Before they leave they put Apple Rose in one of the side rooms so that the Bull is not tempted to use her again, with that done they give Flutter Shy their assurances that they will be right back and head off for the final source. The jaunt to the final source took almost no time at all as it just a quick jog behind the Barn. They arrive to see a lone fence post planted on the ground with the usual pink glowing mark, they quickly survey the area to root out any unwanted surprises and get to work on destroying their last obstacle. The proximity to the Barn means that Rainbow and Pinkie can remain nearby as Twilight and Rarity get to work. The usual pulse passes but no one show up, the ritual is soon completed and with the final source gone a pink fog suddenly covers the area before dissipating moments later. While surprised by the sudden event Twilight explains that it was simply the musk finally dissipating and they can now breath without the need for the ward. While everyone is gladdened by this, she still advices against getting a face full of a Bulls crotch. At this Pinkie gives an embarrassed and apologetic smile while Rainbow looks away hiding a blush of embarrassment. After the light scolding, they make their way back to the Barn to pick up Flutter Shy and finally save Apple Jack.
  444. When the once again enter the Barn they a greeted by the sight of a make-out session between Flutter Shy and Big Mac. The Druid is sitting on the Bull’s lap arms around his neck and head tilted upwards locking lips with the sitting Bull while he fondles one of her breasts. Twilight facepalms while Rainbow lets out a groan of annoyance and they quickly make their way to the busy couple. The group makes their presence known and Flutter Shy quickly jumps off the Bull’s lap to her feet and begins to frantically greet her friends asking how it went while feigning ignorance about what she was just involved in. Her friends unamused by the poor attempt at dismissal level disapproving stares at her. Quickly breaking under their combined judgment, she confesses to giving in to her desires due to the Bull’s sweet and gentle attempts at courting her. She tried to lead him towards the Cows, but he kissed her she just melted into his arms. While Rarity can sympathize to with her desire for a gentle lover, she still scolds her friend forgiving in so easily, they would continue to scold her but hey are in a hurry. With the Musk gone the perpetrator of this hole debacle is surely expecting them and they need to confront them before he has time to make any preparations.
  446. So, the team heads out with Big Mac in toe, despite the early indiscretion having the extra muscle would come in handy. They arrive at the so-called Manor, which is really just a gussied-up Barn at the moment and seeing no other way in they go through the front door. Once inside they enter a small, enclosed room with an opening at the other end leading into a larger room. Before they go through the opening Flutter Shy tells Big Mac to wait here until she calls for, sadden by this he reluctantly agrees and the girls enter an open area with a long rug that appears to be made of many smaller rugs that leads to a makeshift looking elevated platform. On top of the platform there is a black furred Minotaur sitting on a large armchair while getting a blow job from a brown skinned and familiar looking Cow. The Minotaur greets them, introduces himself as Vhazar and welcomes them to his home. Rainbow Dash steps forward and denounces the Bull stating that this is not his home. Twilight follow up stating that this building and the rest of the farm belongs to the Apple family and that they are here to return this place to their rightful owners. Rarity and Flutter Shy give firm nods of agreement while Pinkie Pie shouts a loud “Yeah!” in support.
  448. Vhazar then chuckles and shakes his head, then proceeds to inform them that he is in fact part of the Apple family thanks to his marriage with his Mate or wife as most would say. The girls are confused by the statement with Flutter Shy asking “Mate?” and Rarity asking “Wife?”. At that the Cow stops sucking off the Bull says, “That’s right his Mate.” The girls instantly recognize the voice and the Cow’s identity is confirmed when she turns around and reveals herself to be Apple Jack. She is bare chested with nipple rings on both her breasts, her legs cover by Cow Print thigh Boots, her arms were also covered by Cow Print fingerless long gloves, and her clearly soaked folds were only covered by a Cow Print pasties. Shocked by this the group demands to know the meaning of this. Apple Jack hops onto Vhazar’s lap wrapping her arms around his neck and leaning into his chest and simply confirms that it is exactly as she said. She then quickly explains how she was opposed to the idea at first but then her Hubby showed her the joys of completely submitting herself to her new role as a Cow and she’s never been happier, she then proceeds to give her mate a deep kiss. When they separate she tells him that she can’t wait to have his calves, he reciprocates by say that they will start in earnest once her friends are taken care of and the proceeds to give her ass a tight squeeze eliciting a happy giggle from her.
  450. The two Bovines stand up and each picked up a Double headed axe that were hidden behind the chair. As they descend the platform Vhazar tells the girls that he will try and avoid hurting them too badly and Apple Jack follows up by reassuring them that they will love being happy obedient cows, all they have to do is just give in. When the two Bovines step off the platform, they take a combat ready stance as the girls do the same. But before the fight starts Flutter Shy shouts “Big Mac!” confusing the Bovines and then points towards Apple Jack and shouts “Breed!”. Out of the enclosed area the massive Bull launches himself towards the Cow catching completely by surprise and talking her to the ground. The two the begin to wrestle with each other:
  452. How well those Apple Jack do?
  453. Strength roll on Apple Jack:
  454. Rolled: 5 + Strength Modifier (8) = 13
  456. While taken by surprise Apple Jack is able to prevent her Brother from shoving his cock into her and is able to push herself back to her feet, however she is now in a dead lock with her brother and is struggling to keep herself up. With AJ occupied the girls begin attack the Minotaur.
  458. (Insert Fight Scene Here)
  460. He had the strength and stubbornness’ that his race is known for but thanks to their teamwork they have achieved victory! With one opponent down they now turn their attention to their friend and her struggle:
  462. How did Apple Jack do in her fight?
  463. Strength roll on Apple Jack:
  464. Rolled: 14 + Strength Modifier (8) = 22
  466. They see Big Mac bruised and battered on the ground with Apple Jack standing over him only slightly winded. She then gives the girls and angry glare before her eyes go wide in shock at Vhazar’s condition. She then lets out a furious shout and angrily tells the girls that they will pay for what they did to her mate and for making her fight her Brother. Before they can say anything, she launches into a furious charge.
  468. (Insert Fight Scene Here)
  470. It was hard fought; everyone is Battered and exhausted but in the end they were victorious. They now gather around their unconscious friend, looking down at her beaten form Pinkie Pie asks, “So what now?”. Twilight responds by stating that a spell of this size and power requires a ritual circle to cast so there must be one inside the Manor. They then split up and begin to search for the ritual circle eventually finding it in a room behind what they assumed to be Vhazar’s quarters. Twilight, Rarity and Flutter Shy form a triangle around the circle and begin to pool their magic together, once it has built up enough Twilight gives a signal and the three pour it into the circle disrupting the flow of magic within it. Soon cracks begin to form on the circle and spread across its entire surface until it shatters releasing a massive wave of magic that knocks them all to the floor. Dazed from the wave but otherwise unharmed the girls make their way back to the main hall to check on Apple Jack. When they get there, they see that she no longer has any horns or tail but the rest her body remains the same. Glad that destroying the ritual circle had positive effects the group now sets about moving AJ to what was formerly Vhazar’s bed and also restraining said Minotaur. With the threat to the farm neutralized the team splits up leaving Rarity and Rainbow Dash at the Manor to look after AJ and Guard Vhazar while they rest go to scout out the state of the rest of the inhabitants.
  472. FIN

MLP Bimbo D&D AU Character Charts

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Apple Family Reunion Rescue Quest Prologue

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Apple Family Reunion Quest AJ's submission

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Rarity's Moral Dilemma

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