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Queen's Journal 1

By BGfan
Created: 2021-03-15 07:05:47
Expiry: Never

  1. *** Quick Note: Celestia uses a enchanted quill that writes down what she says. Her personal Chamber is also sound proof for obvious reasons, not that it helps considering the small tremors felt around the castle.
  3. June 21, 1000 AGD
  4. "My plan to get Twilight out of the Castle and make some friends went well. She an five others have formed a new adventurer party calling themselves the Stellar Six."
  5. "I'll admit that this wasn't my best thought out plan. I'm pretty sure it didn't take long for her to realize it was who guided them towards each other. Oh I hope Twilight doesn't get the wrong Idea. "
  7. June 23, 1000 AGD
  8. "Twilight sent a Report today, it said that she and her friends have decided to pair up and take on multiple jobs at once to help pay for their expenses. She'll be pairing up with her Bard friend Pinkie Pie to hunt down a thief and I should expect more reports after she and her friends return."
  10. "It makes me happy to see her adapting so quickly to her current situation. I was afraid that all those years spent in her lab might have made her incapable of dealing with the out side world. I'm glad that my fears were for naught. "
  12. June 28, 1000 AGD
  13. "I got Twilight's report about the jobs her and her friends took today. "
  14. "First is the one taken by Rarity the Half-Elf Forge Priestess and Apple Jack the Half-Orc Barbarian. They had to escort a young Noble named Trender Hove. Everything went well, she made note about how satisfied they both looked after returning. She thinks that it's the result of a job well done but after looking at the young man's file it's clear what the real reason behind their satisfaction is." "He he"
  16. "Next is the one taken by Flutter Shy the Druid and Rainbow Dash the Tiefling Monk. They're job was to recover the stolen pet of Lady Hearth Smoke. Apparently she also hired a pair of adventurers from Luna's realm. They were able to find the Dog and the Thief rather quickly, however trouble began when the other pair claimed to have found them first. During the argument the Dog ran off but Flutter Shy was able to recover it."
  17. "It's good to see Luna's subjects traveling through my country. Hopefully one day our nations can become one again."
  19. "Finally there's the Thief Catching job taken by Twilight and Pinkie Pie. They caught those responsible and at Pinkie's urging the former thieves are now working for the Cakes at their tavern."
  20. "The plan they came up with sounded like so much fun! Maybe I should try disguising myself as a Dancer next time I go into the City? It's been quite a long time since I had to actually work to get a crowds attention."
  22. July 1, 1000 AGD
  23. "I received a report from one of my Spies. The group of migrants from the Dark Continent have been taken over by members of the Nightmare Cult. They are planning to cause an incident that could lead to war. Their Leader has been gathering War Beast, summoning Shadow monsters, and some of the settlers have begun to act strangely. The Spy has sent a map of the Settlement along with a plea to send a team to deal with this quickly before its to late."
  24. "This is unacceptable! That settlement was is supposed to be a step towards reconciliation between me and my sister and these Madmen think they can just take advantage of those people for their delusions!?. I should go down there myself and..... no I would simply be aiding their cause. Thankfully I know just the Adventures for the job. "
  26. July 2, 1000 AGD
  28. "I Have sent the Stellar Six to deal with Cultist. I had hoped to let them gain some more experience first but Time waits for no one. "
  29. "I should know, I've tried many times to persuade Chronos to give me even just a little leeway but he always refuses no matter what I offer. One time I even offered to convince Luna to have a three some but the stubborn Prude still refused!"
  30. "What was I talking about again? Oh Right! Sending Twilight and her friends to deal with those Cultist. Well despite my worries I'm confident that they will pull through. "
  32. July 13, 1000 AGD
  34. "The Stellar Six finally returned. I received a report from Agent Bon Bon a phew days ago but it's good to get Twilight's retelling of events. I was so proud after hearing how they dismantled the Cultist operation and isolated their leader. But when she mentioned how Agent Bon Bon had fallen under the leader's control and about how Twilight and Rarity had to channel the Shadow energies trough their bodies I couldn't help but worry. I sent them both to the Castle Apothecary to make sure there isn't any lingering effects and told my Spymaster that Agent Bon Bon requires a medical leave."
  36. "Disaster avoided but I fear this is only the beginning of many oncoming headaches. " 'Sight' at times like these I think about all the little things over the centuries that lead to the divide. "
  37. "Like Luna's first crush not some hunk she found attractive but someone she had a romantic interest in. Candy Garden was his name I believe, he was one of our generals in the days after the Change. He and Luna worked closely defending our borders, she hoped that their common interests in keeping our people safe would lead to something more intimate. Unfortunately the reason he joined us in the first place was so he could get closer to me. "
  38. "Then came that one night after the ceremony where Candy Garden was granted the Duchy of The Meadow Lands as a reward for his service. After the ceremony he approached me in the Palace gardens and confessed his love for me. Knowing of Luna's affections towards him I refused but then he asked for at least one night of passion with me. I could have refused but the way his hands caressed my body, OH HEAVENS it was like magic. Needless to say Luna found out and wouldn't talk to me for several months except for important messages. "
  40. "Oh Great, thinking about that night has made me all hot and bothered. It's gonna take at least a squad of my guards to satisfy me tonight. "

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