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AFRQ Epilogue

By BGfan
Created: 2021-03-15 08:00:46
Expiry: Never

  3. The next day Apple Jack wakes up to find Apple Bloom and Granny sleeping on either side of her. Confused she pushes herself up and looks around to see many members of the Apple family on the floor resting on bed sheets, pillows, and soft looking rugs. She quips about what a crazy sleep over they must have and then begins to stretch. As she’s getting the kinks out of her back the memories of the past week flood back, she remembers returning to the farm, the spell book, the ritual, the Minotaurs ; this causes her anger to rise until she remembers how her friends came to save her and the fight they had. Once she remembers her friends she jumps out of the bed and quickly makes her way out of the bedroom being careful not to step on any of the still sleeping Apples. Once she makes it to the main hall, she finds even more sleeping Apples spread across the floor and her friends all resting on the raised platform. Hearing the sound of the door opening Pinkie Pie who was sitting on the big chair playing her lute looks over the chair to see an awake Apple Jack standing at the doorway. Overjoyed at the sight she loudly tells her friends to wake and that AJ is awake. Hearing this the others quickly get up and at the sight of their friend quickly rush her and envelope her in a group hug. The reunited Stellar Six happily exchange comforts and reassurances until Apple Jack ask them what had happened after their fight.
  5. They explain the events of the last three days and AJ reciprocates by explaining the events of the week prior. Then they spend the rest of the day helping and collecting the rest of the Apples and finally explaining what had happened. When the sun began to set the Stellar Six where in the Main House’s living room chatting happily when Flutter Shy notices that Apple Jack (now back in her usual outfit) keeps messing with her cloth strap she uses to cover her breasts. When she asks her what’s wrong AJ says that her chest is feeling tighter than usual and seem more sensitive than before plus her nipples have been bothering her all day. Concerned by this Rarity suggest that they go up to her room and take some measurements. Up in Apple Jack’s room Rarity takes out some of her own measuring tape and gets to work on Apple Jack. During the process, the Half-Orc twitches whenever the tape touches her breast, Rarity annoyed by this ask that she please hold still and AJ apologies stating that her breasts have become overly sensitive lately. After a phew minutes, multiple measures, and a lot of fidgeting the Cleric concludes that AJ’s breasts have indeed grown an extra two cup sizes. Apple Jack is clearly annoyed at this as it means she is going to have to buy more cloths for her chest wrap. Before she can voice her distress, they all hear the sound of feather meeting parchment and turn to see Twilight writing down some notes.
  7. Once she is done, she looks at the Barbarian and asks about her nipples. AJ answers by saying that it feels like something is trying to come out, at that moment she remembers having this same feeling on two occasions while waiting for her friends to save her. After thinking about it for a bit a look of distress appears on her face and she hesitantly informs them that she believes she needs to be milked. This surprises her friends that asks if she is sure. She then explains the time she had to milk herself to get some relief and is sure that she needs to do it again. Rainbow Dash is confused as she thought that destroying the ritual circle would return everything back to normal. Twilight then concludes that it must have been due to Apple Jack embracing the changes induced by the magic. She then goes on to explain that transformation can always be reversed along as the individual affected desires to change back, but because Apple Jack gave in and embraced the changes some of them have become permanent even after putting a stop to the spell. Apple Jack is distressed by this news and grabs the Wizard by the shoulders and begs her to find some way to reverse the changes. Twilight then says that she is not sure but if anyone knows how it would be the perpetrators behind this whole ordeal, the groups thoughts turn to the Minotaurs locked up at the storage Barn under guard of many of the Male Apples. They decide to confront them in the morning as it is getting late. With their goal for tomorrow the girls bid Apple Jack a goodnight as the make their way to the guest house. Once she is sure they are out of the house she walks to her closet and inside there is a familiar bucket, she then proceeds to milk herself once again before going to bed. As she gets under the sheets her thoughts drift towards the next day’s confrontation with Vhazar and a confident smirk appears on her face before she closes her eyes and goes to sleep. Contrary to her outward confidence her dreams had her pinned on a bed with a Minotaur on top of her, her arms and legs were wrapped around him as he thrusted his shaft into her but for some reason the she could not make out the Bull’s face. When she woke up the next morning the area between her legs was wet and sticky.
  9. The next day the Stellar Six make their way to the Storage Barn where the Minotaurs are being held until a detachment of the nearby towns garrison can come and take custody of them. They arrive and are greeted by one of the men of the family and are let inside where they see most of the Minotaurs tide up and placed in their own makeshift cell each with their own guard. Unfortunately, Longhorn was nowhere to be found, it is presumed that made his getaway after coming down from his pheromone induced rampage. The group make their way to the very back where Vhazar is being held and as they pass by the other Bulls a blush makes its way to Apple Jack’s face as her gaze lingers on them for a little too long. When they reach his “cell” he is on his knees surrounded by wooden post that almost reach the roof of the Barn, his arms are spread open to either side of him held there by chains each spiked to the ground outside of the post and held down by large rocks, it’s the best they could do with what they had but it should hold him till the soldiers arrive.
  10. Rainbow calls to him and he raises his head, he then ignores her in favor of greeting Apple Jack still referring to her as his mate. This causes the Tiefling to stomp her foot angrily stating cut the mate nonsense and that they have some question for him. He agrees jokingly stating the fact that he has nothing better to do. Twilight then proceeds to ask him about the Bovine Ritual and if there is some way to reverse the effect. The Bull smirks and confidently says that at this point there isn’t away to reverse the effects without using some very powerful magic, had the spell been broken about a week earlier then the effects would have been minimal plus the fact that many of those affected ended up fully submitting caused some less obvious changes, he says this as he is standing up and then proceeds to address Apple Jack while shaking his hips in her direction. The girls are confused by his gesture until they notice who he is looking at, they then turn to see Apple Jack licking her lips while intently staring at the Bull’s crotch. Getting an idea of what is happening Rarity and Flutter Shy proceed to escort their Half-Orc friend out. The rest turn their angry glares at the Bull who laughs before loudly stating to Apple Jack that she will always be a good little breeding cow either to him or some other Bull.
  12. With AJ out of no longer present Twilight changes the subject and asks Vhazar why he tried to take over Sweet Apple Acres? The Bull goes on to explain to explain how he was once a Warlord with intentions of unifying some of the Tribal or “Savage” Minotaurs and forge a new Kingdom. Ironically, his army was defeated by a Coalition of the same tribes he wanted to unify. With his army shattered and the “Civilized” Minotaurs refusing to aid him he and what remained of his followers began to wander the in hopes of finding somewhere to rebuild his army. While traveling they would usually hire themselves out as mercenaries and sometimes turned to banditry when their situation became desperate enough. While Twilight and Pinkie were intrigued by the Bull’s story Rainbow Dash was growing impatient and urged him to get to the relevant part. The Tiefling’s urging earned her an annoyed glare from the Bull but he acquiesced.
  14. Vhazar continued by recounting how he had learned about the Apple Family by eavesdropping on some merchants while buying supplies. Through them he learned about the size of the family and the strength and fertility of their women, if could take over at least part of the family then they would be in the perfect position to start rebuilding. After some more info gathering, they learned of the location of the main branch of the family and as they made their way here, he learned about Apple Jack. He learned about how she was the strongest female of her generation and how she was making a name for herself as an adventurer. By the time they reached the farm he knew she would make fine breeding stock, but it was not until he saw her for the first time that he knew she would be his. Before he could start to ramble on Pinkie asked about how he knew about the Reunion and he answers by stating that the timing of their arrival was pure coincidence.
  16. For her final question Twilight ask about the Ritual that turned the family into Bovines. At this question Vhazar is more tightlipped but he gives her a small morsel of information. The ritual was created as a way to punish non-Minotaur criminals, they would pay for their crimes by using their bodies to insure the next generation of the species. She jots his answer down on some parchment and then makes the follow up question of “Has anyone done something similar to what you tried to do?”. He answers by saying that several centuries ago the survivors of an exploratory fleet were stranded in the far east. Their numbers to phew to sustain a viable population they attacked and changed some of the native villages to sustain their population and found a new City, today the City is known as Iron vigor and it’s the main trade hub between the Kirin Empire and the Minotaur City States. With their curiosity sated the three friends leave the Barn and rejoin their friends. Once outside they meet up with the other and Apple Jack appears to have regained her wits. Vhazar’s claims appear to be true, being within close proximity to Minotaurs appears to trigger some kind instinct or compulsion that causes the Half-Orc to become submissive and obedient. Thankfully its only Minotaurs so she can continue to interact with most men as normal. Of course, this does mean she will have to be more careful about what Quest she goes on.
  18. The group returns to the Main House where they find Granny Smith sitting on the front porch. After greetings are exchanged the girls explain what they learned from the imprisoned Minotaurs. The Apple Matriarch had learned about the physical changes when she and many of the other ladies noticed that their tops felt tighter than before however the fact that some of the Apple women may now have a compulsion to submit to Minotaurs comes as and shock. She thanks them for the information and the request that they help her spread the news of a family meeting to inform the others of this new information. Later during the meeting, the reaction to the news is mixed, many are relived knowing that they spent most of the incident with their husbands and wife, other are cautiously curios as they were with other members of the family. Then there were those that had spent most if not the entire debacle with one of the Minotaurs, Babs Seed had a look of worried realization Manhattan was a major trade hub so there was a strong chance of her encountering a Minotaur. Apple Bloom was flipflopping between burning furry and agonizing betrayal, Apple Jack informs her friends that she and one of the Minotaurs were in a relationship before the incident, so she has been taking it rather hard. With that news delivered Granny now changes the topic to the resumption of the preparation for the Apple Family Reunion.
  20. [The Girls and the Apples having a good time during the Reunion Party.]
  21. (It has been a long time since I have been to a party of any kind, so I am not confident in my ability to describe one. So Ill skip to the interesting Idea I had.)
  23. While the festivities began to wind down Twilight after going a phew rounds with one of the Apple Studs is sitting on a barrel behind a barn near some hay enjoying the cool nighttime breeze. As she began to reflect on the events of the past phew days, she hears something fall into the hay bale beside her. Momentarily startled by this she looks up towards the roof of the barn expecting to see someone, with no one in sight she calls out believing that they were just out of sight but again no one comes forth. Her curiosity now piqued she digs into the hay bale intending to find the fallen object, and after a minute of searching she finds it. After pulling herself and the object from the hay she takes a good look at it. It is a transparent or about the size of her fist but what catches her attention is what’s inside of it. Inside she sees white wisps swimming around like fish in a pond, sometimes the wisps would split in two one becoming green while the other pink before fading away to be replaced by another white wisps. But before she could analyze it further, she hears Rainbow Dash calling out for her, she yells out a response before placing the mysterious orb into one of her robes pockets and rejoining her friend. There will be time to examine the strange orb latter.

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