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Fat Equestria worldbuilding document

By BigPone
Created: 2021-04-02 20:10:16
Updated: 2023-09-22 16:09:40
Expiry: Never

  1. Premise
  2. This fat version of Equestria disregards some common tropes seen in other fat stories, MLP and otherwise. Things like Discord developing a fat fetish and changing the world to suit it, or mysterious self-insert feeder OCs using mystical mind control food to force fattening compliance are not present here. Instead, this premise assumes the canonical events of G4 occurred up to at least S1E02’s finale. At some point, generally depending on when the story takes place, the timeline branches off into the fat Equestria timeline, where at least the portions of the world owned by ponies are in a utopian state of peace with no known end. This period of peace and free, open trade with other nations allows for relaxation of combat readiness standards, fitness requirements, and a general embracement of indulgence, starting from the ruling princesses and trickling down to the elites and general population.
  3. Depending on the timeframe, Princess Celestia or Princess Twilight would lead the charge on embracing indulgence. Without formally signing a decree or enacting any form of social or political pressure, the populace would slowly warm up to this change. Elites would begin seeing it as a sign of status, and it would progress from there. Bakers and chefs would eventually be considered parts of high society.
  4. An overall goal is to designate this version of Equestria as canon Equestria, but fat. Canon characters maintain their personalities and ponies in general maintain completely normal lifestyles. This is in contrast to many fat AUs and fanfictions where the pony(/ies) getting fat lose all semblance of their actual personality and lifestyle and become one dimensional characters focused only on eating and fattening. This Equestria also supposes that things one might find in the real world in relation to obesity, such as health issues and hygiene issues, are not present. As a result, the populace of this Equestria will be varied, from fit to enormous, all more or less capable of normal every day tasks. Ponies that are so fat their bellies reach the ground may be as common as 30+ BMI people in America are, but ponies that are so gigantic they’re partially or completely immobile would be very rare.
  5. Effects on the populace: Dependent on location
  6. Ground zero for the societal and cultural change would be Canterlot, with its direct proximity to the castle and the reigning princesses. A short time after the reigning princesses are seen visibly gaining weight and indulging in wild dinners with massive dessert portions, the concept of obesity being a sign of status spreads to the royal elites, high ranking officials. Even the royal guards, particularly the ones closest to the princesses in Celestia and Luna’s cases, end up outgrowing their armor sets little by little. The trend then catches on with the general populace. As a city populated by Alicorn(s) and almost exclusively Unicorns, there is little preventing the spread.
  7. Second only to Canterlot, the initial breakout points would be, as expected, large urban locations. The Crystal Empire, effectively a megacity unto itself, follows much the same process as Canterlot. Manehattan, Fillydelphia, Baltimare, and portions of Las Pegasus are the primary focal points in this section. As will be elaborated upon later, the racial composition of the city has a significant effect on how thoroughly the spread of obesity affects a location. As such, Cloudsdale is only affected at a minimum, despite being one of the largest population centers in all of Equestria.
  8. Poorer and more remote cities such as Foaledo and Aashtethos, along with smaller cities such as Vanhoover and the aptly named Dodge City would follow after the major population centers, followed only by small settlements such as Ponyville, Appleloosa, and the nameless town known only as “Our Town”.
  10. Effects on the populace: Dependent on race
  11. As detailed in the companion article: “Pony Subspecies and Obesity: a /trash/ pseudoscientific piece”, application of obesity is in part reliant on the race of a pony.
  12. Unicorns
  13. Unicorns, despite the lowest physical prowess, are the most drawn to obesity. Unicorns are able to be reliant on their magic, not their bodies, to interact with objects. Proper magic training also allows for spells such as strength buffs, or spells to lessen the weight of their excess blubber. As such, a Unicorn has no concerns about becoming too fat to manipulate something physically, and are primarily impacted by furniture and doorways with their excess heft.
  14. Given Unicorns’ universal abilities, occupation or status do not factor into their predisposition toward obesity. The main home city of Unicorns, Canterlot, is advanced and wealthy enough that there is effectively equality in ability for any given pony to become very large.
  15. Earth Ponies
  16. Earth Ponies are the most physically strong race, and have the ability to physically handle the most weight. At the same time, Earth Ponies are the most involved in physical labor, and are reliant fully on their bodies for interacting with elements. A greater portion of Earth Ponies stay fit after the prevalence of obesity, but an even greater amount maintains a reasonably high level of athleticism and even as they approach belly-to-ground sizes.
  17. Earth Ponies have occupation and status modifiers that affect their obesity. As most are laborers, being able to reach and manipulate tools is a necessity. For farmers, this means they need to be able to plant and manipulate crops without their bellies getting in the way, though this can be mitigated with changes in field size, machinery, or specialized tools. Earth Ponies in the business of baking or chef work have similar requirements to farmers, regarding space usage and tool manipulation, but tend to err on the larger, heftier side anyway. Academic and otherwise physical-labor-lacking occupations have comparably very little need for fitness or physical activity, and thus tend to be the fattest.
  18. Status-wise, most of the Earth Ponies’ home cities are rural and less fiscally wealthy compared to the major population centers. For a time, at least, the lure of obesity would primarily arrive at town leaders and other rural elite positions. Rural areas use massive farms to provide exported food and ingredients to cities. As obesity spreads, larger and larger demands from the cities create a significantly boosted income for smaller farm towns, as well as greater cropland requirements. By this point, the status modifier for Earth Pony obesity is all but eliminated, and even the farm ponies that have to cultivate 3-5 times the cropland (to accommodate both exports and the increased food needs of locals) tend to hover around a quarter ton.
  19. Pegasi
  20. The Pegasi are the least affected by the spread of obesity in Equestria, owing primarily to their need to fly. The percentage of Pegasi affected is roughly equal to the laborious Earth Pony, but the extent of the affect is much lower. A Pegasi’s ability to use its wings as additional appendages offers only minor benefits at certain levels of obesity, while losing their main purpose at the same levels. For the same percentage of Earth Ponies with bellies sagging near or below their knees, but not quite to the ground, equivalent Pegasi are merely chubby, somewhere between Rainbow Dash in MMMMystery on the Friendship Express and Mrs Cake’s canonical representation.
  21. Pegasi have occupation-based modifiers. The Pegasi in charge of weather manipulation, both in the factories and in the open skies, tend to be fit or lower levels of chubby- higher levels of chubby are more common in the factories. Groups like the Wonderbolts, in a purely peacetime role, maintain the same fitness regiments as they always have, though some alternate groups may appear that attempt the same stunts with heftier fliers.
  22. In place of status modifiers, Pegasi have location-based modifiers. Pegasi living in Cloudsdale are the fittest Pegasi around, and by later stages are arguably the fittest ponies around in general. Office workers in Canterlot, on the contrary, tend to grow rather fat- occasionally to the point they have to reinforce the area they stand or sit on with extra clouds. Pegasi living elsewhere, be it in Las Pegasus – built specifically so non-Pegasi can visit without enchantment spells or flying machines – or in land-based cities and towns range from fat enough to strongly hinder flying to too fat to fly. As the majority of Pegasi live in Cloudsdale, those living in other cities and towns as permanent residents tend to be ones who rather enjoy overindulgence and corpulence. Some of the fattest ponies in all of Equestria are these Pegasi, who find the notion of barely being able to walk, being unable to fly, and unable to use their wings for more than stuffing their greedy, fat faces the utmost of arousing situations.
  23. Other races
  24. Alicorns: Generally follow the same trends as Unicorns
  25. Hybrids: Generally follow the trends of their dominant race
  26. Bat Ponies: While little is known about them, they tend to follow the same trends as Pegasi, minus the specifics of the locations
  28. Diets
  29. The Fat Equestria diet is balanced, as seen in the show. Proper nutrient intake is sought from the ponies’ vegetarian diets, while supplemented with a variety of sweets. As obesity takes further hold of an area, the vegetables become more and more served similar to hayburgers: fried, on a bun, covered with condiments and cheese, in a stir-fry mix, or even blended into an oatshake. The particularly gluttonous choose to have the vegetables baked into a cake. The sheer amount and variety of sweets increases exponentially as well. Meal proportions can easily reach five times the original meal size for those of sufficient girth, or those intentionally choosing to grow as rapidly as possible.
  31. Societal reactions
  32. Reactions vary, depending on location, regional culture, and race. Reluctant acceptance, full acceptance, and full embracement are the three tiers.
  33. Reluctant acceptance
  34. This reaction is the closest to negativity and outright refusal present in this Equestria. This is primarily seen in Cloudsdale and some remote locations. These groups do not ostracize nor discriminate against fat Equestrians, but opt to minimize or avoid getting fat themselves and do not support the new direction Equestria is headed.
  35. Full acceptance
  36. This is the most common reaction. Ponies in this group tend to be anywhere from chubby to obese to gargantuan in size, and generally act as if Equestria was always this way.
  37. Full embracement
  38. This reaction is largely kept to a relatively small (in number only) portion of the population. This is the fanatic’s reaction. These ponies would be fat or fat lovers even in the official canon Equestria, and are those with fat fetishes. It’s very rare to see one of these that isn’t at least fat enough to have a belly protruding past the knees. Thinner sizes in this group are almost exclusively fat lovers that aren’t into fattening themselves up, excepting only those who are early on in their weight gain plans.

Chocolate Pie: Isekai

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Pony Subspecies and Obesity: a /trash/ pseudoscientific piece

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