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Not so Bad (Anon x Dash)

By Mshakezilla
Created: 2021-04-06 14:39:50
Expiry: Never

  1. >7 hours...
  2. >8 hours...
  3. >9 hours...
  4. >feels like this damn patrol wont fucking end. Cant wait to get back to the FOB, smoke a Cig, and bullshit with your buddies in 2nd platoon.
  5. >You hear a beep, it was the radio. You were fortunate enough to able to overhear the CO getting orders from the FOB, apparently a small compound of what sounded like a weapons testing warehouse was discovered via satellite close to your patrol zone.
  6. >And your patrol is lucky enough to have been tasked to find and clear it out for any possible foreign weapons or documents. Fucking jihadists....probably just a drug manufacturing plant.
  7. >The CO takes his radio and rogers up with all the vehicles, "Viper actual, all patrol vics..."
  8. >All vehicles roger up. 6 in total, 6 HUMVs, damn things were so old and decrepit. Rusted and used up from when the war was in full swing.
  9. >"We got orders from higher to raid a compound not too far from here, we were the closest patrol so were fortunate enough to break the monotony a bit!"
  10. >Some of the other vehicles team leaders give an audible grunt or "Rah" as accustomed to the Maine Corps.
  11. >"Cpl Anon!"
  12. >The CO's sudden mention of your name catches u a bit off guard, hard to stay awake when its this hot and you've been riding to the sound of the nothing but the road for so long.
  13. "Yessir?!"
  14. >"Get everyone ready, well arrive at the rally point in approximately 20 mics."
  15. "Yessir!, Hey you heard him boys, time to get tactical and fuck shit up!"
  16. >You signal the other trucks form the gunner's turret, telling them to get ready while the Lt. lets the others know the ETA through the radio.
  17. >The marines in the truck all start getting ready and waking themselves up, checking their weapons and their gear, looking each other over making sure they have all their shit ready to go.
  18. >You do the same, rifle, k-bar, 6 fully loaded magazines, flak and Kevlar, all ready to go. The 20 minutes fly by as your patrol stops.
  19. >Fire teams from each vehicle dismounts and forms up.
  20. >"Team Leaders take one last look at your guys, make sure were good to move, higher say there wasn't any recent activity here but always expect a fight."
  21. >"rah!"
  22. >"Gonna fuck shit up!"
  23. >"Get some!"
  24. >You were getting yourself pumped as was everyone else, when in reality, your could tell everyone was nervous as shit, other then training you had never really done anything like this before, the war was pretty much over in this part of the nation, and patrols had become so mundane that you actually timed when you could fall asleep and when to stay awake.
  25. >"Team 1 your gonna move in on side bravo, team 2 side alpha..."
  26. >The CO was assigning positions and points of entry, you had clear view of the compound form where you were in the brush just a few hundred meters from it.
  27. >You could feel the seriousness and uncertainty in his voice, he was just as nervous as all of you though he was doing his best not to show it.
  28. >Lt. White, best damn Platoon commander you ever had. Though this would be a real test for all of you.
  29. >You begin moving towards your objective, the entire compound seemed.....dead.
  30. >"This is bullshit, why the hell are we here, probably just some goat fuckers moving through the area and command wants to shit its pants..."
  31. "Shut it Lopez, maybe if we /do/ get contact you will have a shiny Combat action ribbon to put on your dress uniform..." You say to your saw gunner in a sarcastic manner.
  32. >"Aye Cpl..." He replied in a snarky way.
  33. >You got into position, fourth team ready to breach the south eastern entrance to the compound, just awaiting the command to go...
  34. >"All teams make entry, watch your asses!"
  35. >You order your team in, clearing the halls and immediate rooms and entryway, nothing...
  36. >The hell? this place is totally empty, not a single piece of furniture or a single soul inside.
  37. >A good while later all teams roger up and the building was cleared.
  38. >"Well so much for our C.A.Rs boys..." said Lopez
  39. >"Got some news gents," Said the Lt., getting everyone's attention.
  40. >"There is a sub-level to this place, team 2 found the entrance on the outside western wall."
  41. >Your hopes raise, as much as you hated the risk of being labeled a "ribbon chaser", having a C.A.R or even having a story of something other then "yeah we would patrol for hours at a time and find nothing..." would be nice.
  42. >The squad makes its way to the entrance, cracking jokes about what might be down there
  43. >"I bet its ol'Osama's long lost goat fuckery room"
  44. >"Heh, I'll bet its a whole lot of nothin!"
  45. >"Cut the banter, were gonna make entry through this door, 4 man teams at a time, 5 sec in between each other"
  46. >All at once you respond "yessir."
  47. >You have no clue what could be down there, but going off the emptiness of the compound its probably a heaping load of "this is a waste of fucking time..."
  48. >Each team makes it through the storm shelter styled doors, do they even have torna- oh right...desert....dust devils and sand storms'n shit.
  49. >You make entry, shortly behind the third team.
  50. >Holy hell....this place was loaded with computers and all kinds of electronics.
  51. >But still no people, where the hell did everyone go? Why would they leave all this shit?
  52. >"No...this is no weapons facility..."
  53. >you here Lt. White saying under his breath
  54. "Come again sir? What is all this, if you know I mean..."
  55. >"Well, going off by the age of these towers and computers, it was an old Soviet compound. Probably a communications facility..."
  56. >That explains the cobwebs now that you think about it...your not the sharpest crayon in the crayon box as they say. Least you can shoot? Whatever...
  57. >"Sir! you might wanna take a look at this!"
  58. >You hear from the very back of the basement. A large eroded and frayed tarp, covered in dust and sand was drooped over a large...thing.
  59. >"Cpl Anon!"
  60. >The Lt. motioned for you to take the tarp off, it comes off kicking up large amounts of sand and dust making everyone put their arms to their mouths with hacking coughs.
  61. "Oh fuck! *cough* "Thats been there for a fucken minute!" *cough* You say taking a step back.
  62. >"Yeah but just what the hell is it..." Lopez said inspecting the large round and black device, small knobs and wires protruding from its base into one of the clusters of old computers.
  63. >"Looks like a bomb...We should get EoD out here!"
  64. "Yeah no joke, thing looks like it can take an whole city blo-"
  65. >The device kicks on whirring and glowing a white glow as bolts of energy shoot out from its antenna.
  66. >"Out! get the FUCK OUT! FUCKEN MOVE!" Lt. White begins screaming, causing everyone to dead ass sprint for the exit.
  67. >There was panic as everyone was vacating the basement, the sand on the ground causes you to trip and fall face first into the dust littered ground.
  68. >Fuck that hurt.
  69. >You turn and try to stand at the same time, the device still glowing, blots of energy still shooting in all directions.
  70. "Son of a bitch! Son Of A Bitch! SON OF A BITCH!" You scream trying to run, just before hitting the stairs you feel a...tingly sensation hit your backside.
  71. "Whoa, What The FU-!"
  72. >"ANON!"
  73. >The look of fear and panic on Lopez's face was the last thing you saw reaching for his arm when your felt it hit you.
  76. >>
  77. "Ughhhhh what....w-what the fuck just happened...."
  78. >You were flat on your ass, laying a field of what felt like grass. Before you can say anything else, you lean over and vomit. the trauma of what happened caused your body to react with puke.
  79. "Ugh....wonderful...fucken fuck my fucking life..."
  80. >You pick yourself up, still gagging, "hey guys *cough* did you see all that crazy shi-....."
  81. >You weren't at the compound anymore, your were in a forest of some kind, you hadn't a clue where the hell you were. The trees, the plant-life, none of it looked familiar.
  82. "Okay Anon, think. You were zapped by god knows what and now... now Question is, where is 'here'?"
  83. >You inspect your gear, Rifle; check, Day pack; check, Nasty ass MREs; check, Ipod (with headphones of course), iPhone and portable Bose speaker; check. Thank god it didn't get fried.
  84. "Thank god. Phone still works, just gotta get a signa- theirs no signal...damnitall!"
  85. >After Re-packing your gear and getting ready to move, you begin walking, where to you have no idea.
  86. "Lets see....sun sets to the west, most cities are to the north...or something....fuck it Ima just walk in the direction of the setting sun and hope for the best."
  87. >You were still groggy from the shock, walking was a chore for the first few minutes, but you eventually snapped out of it.
  88. "Least it isn't a hundred and twenty degrees..." you think to yourself, wherever your are, it isn't the middle east.
  89. >A few miles in, you notice an odd flying...thing, in the air.
  90. "That a drone? No...too small...and fast. But, first living thing I've seen since I started walking, better follow it!"
  91. >You give chase, holy shit this little bastard was quick, zipping around, no way it could be military, maybe some kind of bird? It had wings...
  92. "*pant* *pant* Ugh...Fucken Flak..." You say as you chase the fast little bird-like animal.
  93. "Uh-oh...Thats a big tree up ahead, does it notice-"
  94. >You hear a thud in the distance, followed by snapping branches. Now curious as to just what the hell it could be, you run to where you heard the crash.
  95. "Whatever the hell it is, *pant* maybe it has an owner! Yeah! I could make contact with'em and see if they have a phone!" You say running toward the crash site.
  96. >You come upon the tree where you saw the crash, must have been easily the oldest tree in this forest as it was much larger then the rest, probably 5 feet in diameter, tall as fuck.
  97. >Your excitement is quickly replaced with a healthy dose of "wtf" as you examine the small, blue, rainbow maned creature.
  98. >Taking off your Kevlar and use it as a seat, you think to yourself.
  99. "A....Horse? No, wings....A Pegasus? ...No fucken way, THEY'RE REAL!?"
  100. >Then it hits you, maybe this thing doesn't have an owner, maybe its the only one of it's kind and you can get a big ass reward for turning it in for study! Oh the possibilities! Should probably make sure its alive first, would suck to find the only Pegasus on earth for it to have died already...
  101. >You closely inspect the tiny blue horse, not seeing and tags or markings, save for the lightning clouds on its hind legs.
  102. "Just what the hell....maybe it /does/ have an owner, these markings cant be natural..."
  103. >You look down to its front right leg, it was bruised and swollen, looked broken, along with one if it's wings.
  104. "Whatever you are, your fly'n days are over little guy..."
  105. >Contemplating what to do with this tiny blue horse, maybe you can wait for it to wake it up and follow it to it's owner? Seems like the best option.
  106. Better then walking aimlessly through the damned woods.
  107. >"Ungh....mmmmghhh..."
  108. >Its waking up! Holy shit its alive! Those don't sound like horse noises though...
  109. "Whoa easy there little fella, your alright, your alright." You say as if talking to a frightened dog.
  110. >The creature opens its eyes and looks up towards you. Jerking itself awake and backward.
  111. >"BWAhhhh! W-What are you!?" The Creature yells trying to sit up and cringing from the pain of its broken appendages.
  112. >Holy shit it talks, sounds...female?
  113. "Holy shit you can talk!?"
  114. >"You better get away from me! You...Y-you, whatever the Tartarus you are!"
  115. >The little blue horse takes an aggressive stance, still holding its broken hoof and folding it's broken wing to keep from hurting it anymore.
  116. "Whoa, easy, easy I'm not gonna hurt you! Calm down!" You say gesturing with your hand for it to settle down.
  117. >"Why should I believe anything you say?! I've never seen anything like /you/ in the Everfree forest before!"
  118. >"Everfree Forest"? Never heard of it...regardless, you gotta prove to...whatever this thing is that your friendly, gonna be hard considering what your wearing and the gear you have.
  119. "Alright just calm down, I'll explain, I was watching you fly above when you hit this huge tree, once I saw you go down I came over to see if your were alright."
  120. >"How do I know you weren't the one who made me crash?" She said with a glare.
  121. "And just how would I do that? I was on the ground, no way I could've made you hit anything. Listen, my name is Anonymous, I uhh....ended up here I don't know how exactly. Whats your name?" You say extending your opened palm to her.
  122. >She looked a bit more calm now, hopefully you could get her to trust your as far as taking you to a phone.
  123. >"My names Rainbow Dash, but instead of names maybe you could tell me just what you are? how do I know you wont just try to eat me with those sharp teeth when I don't expect it huh?"
  124. >Is this girl her? What in the actual fuck.
  125. "Okay, well first of all, I don't eat horse. And second-
  126. >"Pony!"
  127. "What?"
  128. >"I'm not a horse I'm a Pony! A Pegasus to be exact!"
  129. "Uh well alright I don' pony either. You okay? how are your injuries?"
  132. >>
  133. >Be Rainbow Dash, and that was one hell of a stunt you failed too pull off, the Wonderbolts reserves quarterly meeting was coming up and you needed some new moves to show your not slacking.
  134. Too bad it kinda landed you this situation, with this....Alien thing.
  135. "My leg, I hurt it really bad, and my wing its-I think its broken..." you say looking at the ground in shame, the Wonderbolts wouldn't like that you hurt yourself performing a new stunt, but dammit you need to prove your worth!
  136. >Thoughts for later...
  137. >"Can you walk?"
  138. "I-I think I can I just gotta HRNG!"
  139. >You fall back onto the ground from trying to put pressure on your broken leg, you couldn't walk, what a mess to be in...
  140. >"Hey listen," the alien said, "I'll make you a deal, I...carry you back to the nearest town, and you point me in the direction of a place I can make a phone call."
  141. >Whats a phone? Whatever it is, you've never heard of it, probably some weird alien terminology for food. Either way, you cant walk, cant fly, your wings hurt too badly, and you need your legs for balance in flight.
  142. "I-I still don't trust you, how could I?" You say, backing away from the Alien.
  143. >He scratches his head, "Well....what can I do for you too?"
  144. >Placing your good hoof against your chin you contemplate what you can make this thing do.
  147. >>
  148. >Be Anonymous, and damn this girl is being difficult, even as injured as she is she wont let you help out. Smug little...pony.
  149. >"I uhhhh...hmmmm....what could I make you do...." A grin appeared on Dash's face. "I want you to hit your head against this tree, really hard!"
  150. >lolwut?
  151. "Come again..." You say, now glaring at the little blue mare.
  152. >"Hit your head against this tree, if I see you hurt yourself like that because I told you too, I'll trust you!" She said with a smirk.
  153. >This bitch....
  154. "Okay first off; What? And second; The Fuck!? I'm not doing any of that garbage..."
  155. >"Alright well, have fun being lost without that phone thing you seem to want so badly..."
  156. >Fuck life...shes got you by the balls. Regardless of how much of a headache this would cause, you needed her. Even if she needed you it wouldn't matter if she didn't trust you...
  157. "Alright, fine!"
  158. >"What?" She looked surprised.
  159. "I'll hit my head...."
  160. >Not the first time you did something painful to gain someone's trust, hell it was common in the military.
  161. >You brace your arms against the tree and lean backward, ready to pound your head into this big ass tree. It'll hurt, but worth finding a way out of here and away from this psycho.
  162. >"WHOA! Stop I was only kidding!" Dash said causing you to look back. "I uh mean uhh...y-you don't have to do that, I'll lead you too town..."
  163. >Thank.
  164. >God.
  165. >You weren't above doing stupid shit, but that was pushing it, really pushing it. You just hope if there are more of these pony things, they aren't this sadistic.
  166. >Dash was giggling covering her mouth with her good hoof trying not to laugh, her grin quickly turning into grimace as her broken hoof twitched in pain.
  167. >"Alright very funny. Now about this town you mentioned?"
  168. >"Ponyville isn't far from here, only a few miles, C'mon! I'll sho- NGNGHH!" She says trying to stand, quickly reminding herself of her broken leg.
  169. >She must've forgot about her injury in her enthusiasm, gonna have to carry her. Ugh, as if you didn't have enough shit to carry with your gear and only what looked to be a few hours of sunlight left.
  170. >Hopefully she doesn't weigh much...
  171. "Alright, how you wanna do this?"
  172. >"Do /what/?..." She says in a stern voice, knowing what you were about to ask.
  173. "You cant walk obviously, and I'm gonna assume you cant fly because you probably would've taken off the minute you saw me, do you want me to carry you." You say with a hand behind your head.
  174. >"Ughhhhhhhh....just...pick me up in your....arms or something." She said with a slight pink hue in her face and rolling her eyes, clearly embarrassed.
  175. >You shift your rifle to be slung on your back and adjust your pack so it wont swing back to your front. You lift her up from the front of her chest and use your other arm to support her hind legs, doing your best to mind her leg and wing. Once you have her close to your chest making sure shes comfortable, she looks at you and put her good hoof in your face.
  176. >"Don't get any ideas! This is just Because I cant move on my own you know!"
  177. "Yeah right, whatever. Which way then?" You say rolling your eyes.
  178. >Dash looks forward and points to the south.
  179. >"That way, about 5 miles."
  180. "Okay, lets get this over with then."
  181. >Dash gave an audible grunt in your arms, clearly dreading the trip, it was....cute.
  184. >>
  185. >You've been walking for about 30 mins. your tired, real tired, but you cant show it in front of your new acquaintance. Cant look weak in front of a female...even if it is a pony Pegasus thing.
  186. >Every couple minutes you hear a rustling in the forest around you, you brush it off as the breeze or just some squirrels getting it on, or whatever.
  187. >About 10 more minutes go by and low and behold, there it is, a clearing and what looks to be a small village beyond it, cant be more then a mile you think.
  188. "How bout that, were almost there-"
  189. >You look down at Dash's face, she was passed out asleep in your arms.
  190. "Poor thing, must've really gotten hurt." you mutter.
  191. >With a new sense of purpose you pick up the pace being careful not to wake up the sleeping pony.
  192. >More rustling, closer now, louder...
  193. "Okay, just what the hell is that?"
  194. >You turn your head to try and see if you can spot it, nothing.
  195. "Hmph, damn trees n'shi-OOF"
  196. >Something hit you, something big and made of wood, tackled the back of your legs as your turned your head back to the front. You fell forward dropping Dash in front of you waking her up.
  197. >"Whats the big idea- *gasp*" She said looking behind you, holding her injured foreleg.
  198. "What the hell, who hit me?!"
  199. >You turn around to find...wolves? Made of...wood? What the hell...there eyes were glowing green, creepy as shit.
  200. >Before you can say another word you hear Dash yelp as another one leaped from the brush to bang its head against her, forcing her to the ground and hitting her head against a rock, knocking her unconscious.
  201. >"No way you little fucker!" you say grabbing the dog thing by its hind leg and throwing it back to the rest of the group of them.
  202. >You shuffle to shoulder your rifle and take 3 shot at the nearest one, hitting it twice in the head and once in the shoulder.
  203. >One down...2...3..4...more to go, you aim for another shot and your weapon jams, fucking great.
  204. >As if they can sense the hesitation, one of them leaps at you, you butt it with your rifle as hard as you can knocking it backwards. >Tenacious bastards.
  205. >Not having enough time to check for a malfunction you throw your rifle off to the side and pull out your knife from your flak.
  206. >The wolves had circled you by this time, you took an aggressive stance and stared them down, now having you circled and stalking you like prey.
  207. "Heh, I don't have all God-damn day, LETS GO!"
  208. >2 of them jump at you, one for your arm and another for your leg, you kick away the first but the second bites down on your arm.
  209. "AHHHHH you mother-FUCKER!"
  210. >You stab it in the backside and throw it off your arm, seeing it bleeding some kind of green goop from the wound.
  211. >You re-assume your stance, now hampered from the injury, this is gonna be a fight for your life...
  213. >>
  214. >It was a beautiful day in Equestria, and your were off to see Applejack about Applebloom's new bow tie for her hair.
  215. >Be Rarity, trotting along happily to the farm.
  216. "Yoohoo! Applejack, darling!"
  217. >You grab AJ's attention, as a cluster of apples fall from the tree she just bucked, one of which hits her in the head
  218. "Oh dear, I'm terribly sorry! Your not hurt are you?"
  219. >"Heh, nah, not the first time an apple hit when ah wan't look'n, ah assume your here about Applebloom's new bow tie?"
  220. >You pull the pristine new pink bow out of the saddle bag on your right flank with your blue magic aura covering it.
  221. "Have it right here darling, I would've given it to her myself but her and her friends are out and about doing Celestia knows what."
  222. >"Hehe, yeah they sure do get around, thanks a lot Rarity! This was very kind of y-" Applejack cuts herself off when she hears a noise.
  223. *POP* *POP *POP*
  224. "...Don't suppose you know what that could have been dear?" You say, both your and AJ's ears perked up towards the sound.
  225. >"Haven't a clue, sounds like trouble if ya ask me!"
  226. >Applejack runs off to find the source of the strange noise.
  227. "Applejack! come back! you don't know what that was! Ugh, shes always getting into something!" You say now running after her.
  230. >>
  231. >Be Anon, wolf fighter extraordinaire! Okay not really, these bastards were actually really difficult to bring down, seems like no matter how bad you cut them up they just come back for more, healed.
  232. >Well, save for the one you shot in the head. Maybe they're like zombies? Who knows, just aim for head stabs now.
  233. "C'mon you little bastards! Ima stabstabstab the shit outta ya!" You yell, gesturing with your knife.
  234. >You were exhausted, panting and sucking in air hard, you legs were shaking and your arms were bloodied up from the bites, uniform partially shredded and your flak frayed up from their claws and teeth, as well as blood running down your arm from a bite on your left shoulder.
  235. >One lunges forward, you fall on your back to meet it, catching it by the throat and stabbing straight up into it's head, you hear it yelp as it goes limp. Yup, head stabs it is.
  236. "C'mon you little..." 2 more jump forward,one biting down on your foot, grabbing the heel of your boot, you manage catch the other with your free leg and kick it to the side. Leaning upward you bring the knife down into the wooden skull of the one on your foot, causing green gooey blood to spurt out.
  237. "God! NHGNNNNNNNN!" You could see blood coming from your foot now, fucken awesome. Least theres only 2 left.
  238. >Wouldn't be too difficult...if you weren't ready to pass out, before you can breathe again they both come at you, one catching your arm at the bicep and the other going for the throat.
  239. "AHHHH!" You manage to get your knife into the lower jaw of the one leaping at your torso, hearing the crack and scraping of wood still biting at you, and push it upward towards what you assume is its brain, pushing it off, and leaving the knife in its head.
  240. "GOD! GET OFF YOU FUCKEN BASTARD!" You swing your arm as hard as you can onto the leg of the wolf biting into your arm, who thought wooden teeth could hurt so much?
  241. >It doesn't let go but its bite loosens for a second, all you need to grab it in a headlock. Twisting and jerking as hard you can listening for a snap, all you manage to do is piss it off.
  242. >No bones, right, made of wood.
  243. >You muster up the last of your strength and throw it as hard as you can, about a good 6 feet, and leap back towards your rifle, slinging the bolt of the rifle back fiddling with the double-fed round inside which caused it to malfunction.
  244. >The wolf sinks it's teeth into your leg causing blood to see from your freshly made wound. You bring the rifle up and jam the muzzle into its eye, pulling the trigger at least 5 times, trying to make sure you don't shoot yourself in the process.
  245. >The bite releases as it's corpse goes limp and falls to the side.
  246. "*Pant* Ughnn....guh...god....*pant*...bite on that u fucken...." Too out of breathe to finish the sentence, you drop to your elbows, looking back toward your blue pony friend, still knocked out.
  247. >You smirk as you look over her, not seeing any other injuries other then a lump on her head and her injuries form the crash.
  248. >With a sigh of relief, you manage to whisper "Good...least your okay...".
  249. >You can hear voices, and galloping, sounded like 2 or more sets of hooves. You pick your head up to try and see, vision blurring and only seeing two globs of grey running towards you, along with a couple of panicked voices, the last thing you hear before your vision goes black, and your head drops to the ground.
  252. >>
  253. *BANG*-*BANG*-*BANG*-*BANG*-*BANG*
  254. "Did you hear that? It was louder that time! Were getting close!"
  255. >Be Rarity, struggling to keep up with Applejack as she sprints toward what you can only assume is some terrifying monster.
  256. >"Yeah! Ah heard it alright, ah think were right up on it!"
  257. >You both gasp as you see the sight before you, making you slide to stop from the sprinting. Panting hard, both from the running and the shock of seeing 5 dead timber wolves, your heart sinks as you notice Rainbow Dash laying on the ground, unconscious.
  258. "Oh no! Oh Dear oh no no NO!" You say examining Dash's broken leg, "How could this have happened...?" you closely examine her wounds, "I-I don't see any bite marks...m-maybe she took them out before-"
  259. >"Rarity! Looky here!"
  260. >Applejack points toward another body, whether it was dead or not you couldn't quite tell.
  261. "Wh-what in Equestria is that...thing?"
  262. >"Ah don't know, but ah reckon we don't wanna stick around to find out, ah'll grab Dash and we can get her to the Ponyville Medical center!"
  263. "Yes of course!" You say agreeing with her.
  264. >"Ughnnn ugh...jeez I need to stop hitting my head today....*gasp*"
  265. "DASHIE! Oh thank goodness your okay! We were so worried!! Whathappenedtoyourlegwhathappedtoyuorwingwhywereyouontheground-"
  266. >"Slow down! My head really hurts..." Dash looks over to the strange creature, eyes going wide at the site of it lying there bloodied up, "Anonymous! Th-the timber wolves..."
  267. >"Easy there darlin', we'll get ya back to the Ponyville hospital and ya can explain everythin' to us there, but for now we gotta get you some help!"
  268. >Applejack picks up Dash onto her back.
  269. >"W-wait! He...uh...h-he I mean the alien, err Anonymous..."
  270. "Dash, try to save your strength!" You say sternly with concern in your eyes.
  271. >"NO! We cant just leave him here! What if more show-up?!"
  272. >"What are you goin on about Dash?" Applejack begins walking away form the scene, bodies shrinking in the distance.
  273. >"I'm talking about the big green alien! He uhh...helped me after I got hurt from crashing, he was carrying me back to Ponyville because I couldn't walk or fly."
  274. "Darling, are you telling us that.../thing/ helped you?"
  275. >Dash simply nodded.
  276. "Oh dear...well we cant...leave it here, I suppose."
  277. You glance over to the weird monster, "Applejack, I'll carry Dash, you carry the uhh...whatever it is, I don't know if I can carry him."
  278. >*Sigh* "Okay fine, I'll carry'em, reckon I'll grab his spear thing and other stuff too."
  279. >"Thanks AJ..." Said Dash, "I just...wouldn't feel right knowing that he helped me and then we just-"
  280. >"Its alright Dash, now c'mon, lets get you and your new friend here to the hospital."
  281. >With Anon and his gear in tow, Applejack carries him on her back, with you now carrying Dash on yours, making your way towards town.
  284. >>
  285. >Be Anonymous, waking up in a daze, not knowing where you are. You sit up slightly. Felt like you were back home in bed.
  286. "Mmm...where in..."
  287. >A voice pierces the darkness.
  288. >"Oh good, your finally awake."
  289. "Mom? Mom is that you? Ugh I had the craziest dream..." You say bringing your hands up to your head, rubbing your temples and with your eyes still closed. You had an intense headache.
  290. >Felt like someone was yanking on the tendons in the back of your eyes, as well as a steady pounding feeling in your brain.
  291. >"There there now, you've had a traumatic experience, your safe now..."
  292. "M-mom what are you talking about, safe from what?"
  293. >You don't remember the last 24 hours, that you were awake at least, last thing you think you can remember was being at home on leave, before deploying.
  294. >"You don't remember?" The voice said, "Must be a side effect..."
  295. >Okay, what? You begin snapping out of your daze.
  296. "Mom, what the hell are you talking about? Side effects from what?" You say slowly rising from the bed. You feel a scratchy fabric on your arm, are these...bandages?
  297. >"I'll explain, here, let me get the window."
  298. >The curtain slowly opens, causing you too squint from the sudden daylight illuminating the room.
  299. >This wasn't home...this wasn't your room....this wasn't even Afghanistan...
  300. "What the fuck..." You whisper, "W-where the hell am I? Who the fuck are you??"
  301. >You start to feel panic setting in, breathing getting harder, eyes going wide, beginning to shake. A pair of white hooves come up to your chest and gently push you back into bed.
  302. >"Relax now, don't want you doing anything too hasty, especially considering the condition you were brought to us in,
  303. I'm nurse Redheart. Your at the Ponyville medical center, luckily we were able to find a medical spell that was suited to your...constitution."
  304. >It all started coming back in waves, the patrol, the compound, getting zapped, Rainbow Dash....the wolves...
  305. "God my head hurts...uhm, nurse?" She looks over to you, having been adjusting the devices monitoring your vitals, they weren't even plugged in to anything. The fuck?
  306. >Whatever, questions for later...
  307. "Was I brought in with anyone...else?" You say nervously, secretly hoping she was okay. You didn't know why but you felt obliged to make sure she was safe.
  308. >"Yes! Young Rainbow Dash, poor thing had an injured fore hoof and a fractured wing bone, as well as a concussion. Luckily our medical magic heals such things in a few days worth of recovery."
  309. >A /few/ days? no fucken way. whatever this "medical magic" was, it was pretty efficient.
  310. "Thats good..." You say with a hand rubbing your forehead.
  311. >"I'll come back later to check on you, in the mean time, please get some rest."
  312. >She left the room, letting silence set in once again. Leaving you to figure out what the hell you were gonna do.
  313. >How do you get home? How do you make contact with your command? Is this even your fucking world anymore?
  314. >You notice a wall locker of sorts directly ahead of you at the end of the room, your gear, all there, rifle in all.
  315. "Really?" You think to yourself, either these "ponies" are really trusting, or they have no idea what a gun even is. Come to think of it, Dash called it a "weird looking spear" while you were walking, before she fell asleep anyway...
  316. >An hour passed, still thinking a million thoughts a minute, a good sign you think. Least your headache was going away, somewhat.
  317. >"I think I'm gonna try to walk..." You lift up the sheets and swing your legs outward, noticing the bloody bandages on your legs and foot. You had gotten bit more then you thought.
  318. >Unhooking the machine from your arms, you begin groggily walking towards the counter, using it for balance. Your legs are still shaky, just how long were you out?
  319. "Fuck I better not need physical therapy..." You take a few more steps, towards your gear.
  320. >A quick self exam in the body mirror hanging from the wall next to the wall lockers, (which only comes up to your waste) reveals all the bandages on your body. You take off the bandaging on your arm, wanting to know just how bad the wounds could be.
  321. >Removing the blood stained cloth from your arm, you notice the lack of any scaring, your bite wound had healed completely, not a scratch
  322. "What the hell...this magic stuff is really useful." You think to yourself, now removing the other bandages, curious to the status of your shoulder and leg.
  323. >To your surprise theirs a small scarring on your leg, where you had been bitten the deepest.
  324. "Guess having /some/ scars are alright, makes for a great story at least..."
  325. >Looking down you see your day-pack, opening it up, you begin inventorying everything inside.
  326. "Lets see, MREs, speaker, phone with no signal, headphones and Ipod, 2 canteens, fucken half full pack of smokes."
  327. >Everything seemed to be here. You reach into the large pocket and pull out a skivvy roll, an olive green pair of shorts and t-shirt, wrapped in 2 boot socks.
  328. "Glad I packed one of these..." you say taking the hospital gown off and getting dressed.
  329. >Once you had fresh clothes on, you go over you weapon, still in one piece. All your ammo, save for what you used to kill the 2 wolves, still there, confirming your suspicion that they probably don't know what a gun even is.
  330. >You take the magazine and round out of the rifle and place it on safe.
  331. >Setting the magazine in it's pouch on your flak, you come to the conclusion that you probably wont be needing it anytime soon, hopefully.
  332. >The door to your room opens.
  333. >"M-mister Anon! please get back into bed the recovery still must take effect!"
  334. >The same nurse from before, white fur, pink mane wrapped in a bun, and a red cross on her hind legs
  335. "I think whatever spell you guys used, it worked, I'm feeling much better now." You say smiling at the pony and glancing at your arm and shoulder.
  336. >The grogginess seemed to fade as you examine your tattered, bloody uniform. Oh god... This is all you have to wear? Fuck...
  337. >The nurse looked at you inquisitively.
  338. >"Hmmmm, maybe the spell works faster on your kind, but regardless, has your headache gone away?"
  339. "Yeah just about, only a nuisance now." You say before drinking from your canteen.
  340. >"Well, in that case, would you be willing to have visitors?" She said with a wide smile. "Somepony important wants too meet and thank you for saving young Dash..."
  341. >Important? Visitors? Well, you ARE kind of an alien, guess a lot of important peop- err ponies...would wanna meet you.
  342. "Uhh, yeah sure, whenever they're ready I guess..." you put the bloody uniform back down and pick up your trousers, not gonna look as bad wearing it without the blouse you think, though they weren't in any better condition.
  343. >The nurse leaves the room excitedly as you sink onto the floor back against the cabinets behind you that acted as your walking guides just moments ago.
  344. >"Here you are your highness." You heard the nurse's voice in the hallway, along with an unfamiliar voice accompanying it.
  345. "Your.../highness/? Oh fuck...royalty..."
  346. >"Its okay, nurse, you can keep calling me Twilight." The purple pony said, entering the room with an entourage of multicolored ponies, one of which you recognized right away.
  347. >This magic stuff was really no joke, Dash looked completely fine.
  350. >>
  351. >The purple pony entered the room with the rest of her group, she must be their leader, makes sense, seeing as how she has a horn /and/ wings...
  352. >"Greetings Mr. Anonymous, I am Twilight Sparkle, princess of friendship."
  353. >"Princess" of friendship? what the hell kind of world is this anyway?
  354. >You look at her not knowing what to say, sitting against the cabinet. Looking around you see that there were a total of 5 other ponies with her, each a different color.
  355. >The whole thing felt surreal.
  356. "Uhhh...hey- or hello princess, I'm Anonymous, or I mean, you knew that already apparently..."
  357. >"Only because of Rainbow, she told us how you were carrying her back to Ponyville-"
  358. >She was interrupted, Rainbow quickly jumping in.
  359. >"Only because I couldn't do it myself, I probably could have..."
  360. "You could barley stand..." You say with a laugh.
  361. >Dash looked over to you with a glare, no doubt still embarrassed she had to be carried, whats the big deal anyway?
  362. >"Uh well anyway" Twilight continued "I think proper introductions are in order! You already know mine and Dash's names now." She gestures towards the Orange pony wearing a cowboy hat.
  363. >"Howdy there, names' Applejack, I'm the one who carried you here." She said taking off her hat, holding it to her chest.
  364. "Th-thanks, you uhh, really saved my ass." You to say casually, hand behind your back.
  365. >"Aw don't mention it! I was only doing it after Dash told us it was you who protected her from them timber wolves." She said with an embarrassed look.
  366. "Right..."
  367. >The pink pony jumped to the front of the group, hopping in place, damn she was too happy.
  368. >"HI! I'm Pinkie Pie! but you can just call me Pinkie, anyone who saves my friends is a friend in my book! which reminds me! we still have to do your 'welcome to Ponyville', and 'thanks for saving Rainbow Dash' parties!!"
  369. >Jumpingintensifies.
  370. >"Its gonna be SUPER FUN! I CANT WAI-"
  371. >"PINKIE!!" They yell altogether to get the little pink horse to calm down.
  372. >She was stopped mid sentence, still floating in the air from all the jumping and bouncing.
  373. >"Hehe, sorry, party planning makes me so excited!" She says sinking from the air to the ground slowly, clearly physics don't apply the same here.
  374. "Uhhhh, thank you?" You have no clue how to respond.
  375. >The white pony stepped forward "My name is Rarity, I was with Applejack when we found you" Her attention immediately turns to your pants. "Are those...things your wearing all you have darling?"
  376. "Well yeah, its all I brought other then my blouse which is kinda..." You lift up the blouse, one arm completely tattered and the left shoulder was all but a mangled hole and the camouflage pattern had been ruined by the blood stains.
  377. >"Oh goodness gracious this simply wont do! You must come by soon so I can make you something more presentable!"
  378. "Your a Taylor? That'd be really great! was wondering just where I could get more clothing!"
  379. >Your mood lightened, at least /that/ problem would get solved.
  380. >"Its the least I could do dear, after what you went through to save our Dashie..." She says glancing over to Rainbow Dash.
  381. >Dash looked toward the ground trying to avoid eye contact.
  382. "Looks like theirs still one more..."
  383. >You lean over to see a yellow pink maned pony, trying to hind behind Applejack's tail.
  384. >"OH! Uhm...hi, my names....F-Fluttershy."
  385. >"Shy" was right, she must be the introvert of the group.
  386. "Hi."
  387. >You put on a friendly smile and wave.
  388. >"EEP!"
  389. >She sank lower behind Applejack's tail.
  390. >"Hehe, c'mon Fluttershy, ain't no reason to be afraid..." Applejack says looking behind her.
  391. "Well, now that we got that out of the way, uhm, your highness?" You look towards Twilight not really knowing whether you should stand, kneel, or stay sitting.
  392. "Can you please tell me, where in the world I am exactly?"
  393. >"Oh thats right, Rainbow said you didn't know how you got here..."
  394. >"He said he wanted to use a 'phone' or whatever that is" Dash says waving her hoof in the air.
  395. "Heh, guess your hoof is all better huh..." you say looking over at her.
  396. >"Huh? OH! yeah, it wasn't /that/ bad!" She says looking away with a smirk, sounding confident.
  397. "Well next time you need a taxi you know who to call." You say raising an eyebrow.
  398. >"Sh-shutup!" She says glaring at you.
  399. >Heh heh, got'em coach.
  400. >"Well anyway, its important that we get you ready to meet with princess Celestia, no doubt she'll have questions for you."
  401. >Twilight looks over to your gear and weapon.
  402. >"And of your...origin..."
  403. >Celestia, she must be the highest rule of the land or at least for this country, if you were even in a country anymore...
  406. >>
  407. >After hashing out some of the details, Twilight tells you that you will be meeting with this "Celestia" in 3 days. From what you could gather she was pretty much god of the sun
  408. and queen of the damn world. Or princess, guess they have neither kings nor queens.
  409. >You gather your things and proceed to check out of the hospital. No one has said anything about your weapons. Good thing, never know when shit might hit the fan. Would suck to have your only means of defense confiscated.
  410. >"So Anonymous, what does your kind eat? ...Is it really these, 'telephones' like dash says it is?" Twilight asks you as you and the whole group walks down the dirt path.
  411. "No..." You glance towards Dash, giving you a 'what did i do?' face, "But speaking of which, I forgot to follow up with my question earlier, where in the actual fu- uhhh, heck am I?" Don't cuss in front of the princess,
  412. you SUCK at first impressions and don't want to fuck this up.
  413. >"This here town your in is called Ponyville, an' the 'world' you keep talking about is Equestria!" Applejack said waving her hooves in the air.
  414. "Yeah alright thats fine but where on Earth is Equestria?"
  415. >"Well theres 'Earth Ponies' like Applejack and Pinkie. But I don't know what your talking about for a /planet/ called that!" Rainbow says floating at shoulder height.
  416. >Damn, seems you were farther from home then you could've ever expected. Could probably forget about that phone call....
  417. >"I'll Explain as much as i can when we get to the castle, until then your hungry right?"
  418. "Why do you keep bring up foo- *mrrrmrmrrgrmgm* oh..." You were starving, taking in the fact you had no way home and that you were an alien made you forget about your appetite. Probably been living on whatever they had been no doubt spoon feeding you at the hospital while you were out.
  419. >"Because thats been happening since we started walking!" Twilight says pointing towards your stomach. "Its okay, I'll have spike make something when we get to the castle, most places are closed now thats its gotten dark
  420. anyway."
  421. >Restaurants must close early, it was early in the evening still, barely just turned dark on the way out of the hospital. Come to think of it, everyone in this town seemed to check in early at night, almost no one in the street.
  422. >You arrive to the castle, it was a....tree? Made of crystals? This pony filled world just gets weirder and weirder. Regardless, you were hungry as hell and there was food inside. So, whatever, tree castle it is!
  423. >"Well I suppose we should get going" Rarity says with a yawn "I must get to work on some /actual/ clothes for you dear. Goodbye Twilight, nice meeting you Anon!"
  424. "Yep, you too Rarity."
  425. >The other ponies follow in suite, each saying their goodbyes, save for Dash, hovering with her hooves behind her back.
  426. >"Are you and Dash going to stay out here and talk?" Asked Twilight opening the door.
  427. >"Uh yeah, I just got some more questions for our new big weird alien friend, thats all..." Said Dash.
  428. >"Well ok, don't be too long, Spike can cook pretty quick you know."
  429. >With that she walked inside letting the door close behind her, a few moments go bye before you notice Dash's nervous expression.
  430. "So, whats up?" You ask, breaking the silence.
  431. >"I uh, wanted to say thanks for...y'know." She floats down the ground, looking away, still not wanting to make eye contact.
  432. "Totally saving your skin? Not that I'm trying to sound rude, but why did you wait to tell me, looks like you've been wanting to get it off your chest..."
  433. >"Cuz its lame okay? Getting all gushy isn't cool!"
  434. >She crossed her hooves and huffed, falling back on her haunches. Still not wanting to make eye contact.
  435. "Ohhh I get it, you didn't wanna ruin your rep of 'I'm the tough one' huh. Don't lie!" You say with a big ass smirk.
  436. >"I don't have to prove anything! Im the fastest flyer in all of Equestria!" She places a hoof to her chest, closing her eyes, sounding as confident as she could.
  437. >You raise your brow.
  438. "Till trees are involved right?"
  439. >She jumps up to face height, "The only reason I hit that tree was because I was testing a new trick, I just looked away and didn't see it, thats all!" She says forelegs crossed fluttering confidently.
  440. >You reach up to ruffle her Mane.
  441. "Of course you did." you say laughing.
  442. >As insecure as she was, her crassness made it kinda fun to talk to her, easy to make jokes with.
  443. >Hey! Whats your deal any-" You cut her off
  444. "Dash, real talk, Initially I only wanted to get directions to a place where I can get means to get into contact with someone. Why did I risk my life to help you out, I don't know, just felt like the right thing to do. Besides," You pick up you gear from the ground. "you would have done the same wouldn't ya?"
  445. >You ruffle her mane again
  446. >She grabs your hand and throws it down to your side "Of course I would have! I mean I wouldn't have just left somepony out in the Everfree. Even if they were a big dumb alien." She closes her eyes and raises an eyebrow, putting on the confident face again.
  447. "Well there ya go, no need to thank me, all in a days work and all that shit, just don't go tree tackling anytime soon, ok?"
  448. >You open the door and begin walking inside.
  449. >"Hey I'm not done with you! I heard that tree comment!"
  450. >You could almost feel the daggers she was glaring into you from behind. But it didn't matter, you both had your moment already.
  451. "Night Dash!" you say closing the door quickly. " time."
  454. >>
  455. >You notice immediately after entering the large hall that Twilight was behind the door.
  456. "You weren't...listening to that were you?"
  457. >Twilight seems caught off guard by your question, her eyes goes wide and her ears droop straight down. You swear these ponies are like dogs with their ears.
  458. >"Uhh..of-of course not! why would I do that! I was just...waiting thats all."
  459. "Riiight, well anyway, you said you had like a cook or something waiting for us?"
  460. >"Well spike isn't really a 'chef', but he does cook well, hes my personal assistant actually."
  461. >"Spike"? What an odd name, even for a pony...
  462. >She leads you down the main hall and towards the dining room, this place was way fucken bigger on the inside then the outside...
  463. >As you enter the dining room Twilight begins calling for Spike.
  464. >From the double swinging doors at the end of the room, a small, purple scaled, green eyed, dragon looking thing enters the room.
  465. >"Hey Twilight, how did the visit go today, was he actually awake this time or wha-" He says with a ladle in hand, wearing a chef's hat.
  466. >He looks at you, then back to Twilight.
  467. >He shrugs, "Guess that answers that question."
  468. >You are almost dumbstruck by what your seeing, a tiny, talking, little purple lizard thing.
  469. >Twilight introduces the two of you.
  470. >"Spike, this is Anonymous, the one who helped Dash, Anonymous, this is Spike, my personal assistant."
  471. >Spike waves and says hello.
  472. "Uhhhh, hey there....little...dude. Okay, don't take any offense to this, but are you like a lizard or something?"
  473. >"Ha-ha! nahh, I'm no lizard, I'm a dragon!" He says placing his fist to his chest, proudly.
  474. >"Yes but your still a wittle baby dwagon."
  475. >Twilight says in a baby voice.
  476. >"Huh huh huh, very funny..." He says eyes half open.
  477. >Oh, ok hes a dragon...dragons are real in this world...holy shit.
  478. >"What are you making for us Spike?" Twilight asks, looking back to the kitchen.
  479. >"Its a pasta recipe I got from one of the cook-books in the library, should be ready in just a few minutes!" He says making his way back through the doors.
  480. >"Well thats good, lets have a seat shall we?"
  481. >You were still absorbing the fact that a little baby dragon was cooking your dinner. This world was gonna take some getting used to, kinda bad ass though, when you think about it...
  482. >You pull out a chair, to your surprise they aren't any different then chairs on earth, albeit a little smaller.
  483. "So uhh been meaning to ask, how long exactly was I out?" You ask hand behind your head.
  484. >"4 days, But thats actually normal for magic in the medical field, it works best when the patient is asleep."
  485. >Must be how you healed so well, being asleep.
  486. >You make idle conversation with Twilight trying to pass the time until the food was ready.
  489. >>
  490. >The next day.
  491. >The sun illuminates the room, waking you up in the process. You sit up in the rather large and nice bed you slept in.
  492. >Twilight was kind enough to allow you to stay here in the castle for "as long as you like" in her own words. The room was nicely laid out, bed set-up towards the middle of the back wall, with a small shelf sitting next to the bed, windows up higher then you can reach, and some kind of marble flooring. Even had it's own restroom.
  493. >Overall the room must've been at least twice the size of a typical dorm room or barracks room.
  494. >It was nice, by far the nicest place you'd ever lived in...
  495. >With a yawn and a stretch, you make your way to the restroom, getting your morning scratch out of the way.
  496. >You look at the shower, curtain open and ready for use, you stank. Being too tired and having ITIS from the surprisingly amazing meal Spike made for you and Twilight last night, you skipped the shower and went straight to bed once spike showed you to the room.
  497. " do I make you turn on."
  498. >You look down at the shower knobs.
  499. "Looks easy enough, which is hot and cold though? Fuck it, fortune favors the bold!" You say turning the farthest knob.
  500. >The cold water hits you like a ton of bricks, jolting you fully awake and out of the morning half sleep feeling.
  501. "Crap-crapcracpcrap!" You say fiddling with the knobs trying to get it warm.
  502. >Eventually you figure it out and get the water to a soothing warm.
  503. "Oh thank god..."
  504. >Feels good man.
  505. >After the initially unpleasant shower you get back into the only clothes you have, cringing as you put them on, getting all that sweat and nastiness back on your clean self.
  506. >You sit on the end of the bed, thinking about the last week. Wondering whats going on back with your boys in Afghanistan, or with whats happening at home.
  507. >You reach for your day-pack at the end of your bed, taking out your iPhone, still had 25% battery.
  508. >You open it up, still no signal. With a sigh you unlock the screen and begin digging through pictures you had taken. Mostly memes and random ass stuff you thought was cool, along with pics of friends and a few of family.
  509. "Maybe I'll show them these sometime..."
  510. >You turn the phone off to save power, and put it back in your pack. You had a busy day today according to Twilight, in fact the next 3 days before meeting Celestia was going to be busy.Classes on pony history, getting clothes from Rarity, more classes, and more classes....
  511. >As much as your inner 3rd grader wanted to come out and say "Down with school!", you were excited about learning about the land you were in. Seemed like something from a child's fantasy to be honest.
  512. >"Good morning Anonymous!" Twilight says as you walk into the make-shift classroom she setup in the library. Even had a chalk board and a desk.
  513. "Morning your highness, and you can just call me Anon, for short." You weren't accustomed to hearing your full name so often, sounded kinda weird.
  514. >"No problem Anon, and you can just call me Twilight."
  515. "Cool, so whats the first uhhh...lesson today?" you say looking at the chalk board.
  516. >"Well, sadly the lessons are gonna have to wait, Rarity stopped by a little while ago and insisted I bring you to her boutique for measurements."
  517. >Oh thats right, Rarity said she would make you some new threads. Fuck yeah, the idea of having only one pair of clothes and no money to buy any more, made you wanna hate life.
  520. >>
  521. >Be Rainbow Dash, and you weren't gonna let some green alien gonna have the last word, no way!
  522. >Relaxing on a cloud outside Twilight's castle you lye in wait, they gotta come out of there sometime, your argument wast done.
  523. >A short while goes by and eventually Twilight exits through the front door, Anon following closely.
  524. "Ah-hah! There they are, nows my chance!" You swoop down, stopping them in their tracks and point your hoof at Anon, "Think your gonna get the last word on me!? Think again! A still remember that tree comment!"
  525. >"Hey whoa, take it easy I-I was only joking when I said that, c'mon..." Anon says waving his hands in front of him, clearly the element of surprise was in your favor.
  526. "Yeah smell funny!"
  527. >Heh, beat that!
  528. >Twilight face palms, while Anon smells his shirt.
  529. >"Yeah...your not wrong." Anon says scratching his nose.
  530. >"Dash we have a busy day today, were already behind schedule and we haven't even made it to Rarity's yet..." Twilight says looking at a clipboard hovering in front of her head, wrapped in her purple aura.
  531. "Oh...can I come? I was getting kinda bored waiting for you guys to come out, and I don't really have anything else to do today anyway."
  532. >"Well, sure but..." Twilight looks up towards the clouds over Ponyville "Isn't the cast supposed to be /clear/ today?"
  533. >You look at Twilight eyes half open.
  534. >Uh, hello? Fastest in Equestria....
  535. >"Heh, right 10 seconds flat, sometimes I forget how fast Ponyville's best Weather Captain can get rid of a few clouds..."
  536. >"Whats a 'Weather Captain'?" Anon asks, walking with the 2 of you to Rarity's.
  537. "Oh its nothing really, it just means I'm awesome enough to control the weather for Ponyville is all."
  538. >"Really?" He sounded surprised. "Thats....pretty cool actually, we cant control weather back where I'm from, only sorta predict it."
  539. "Well here in Equestria, only a Pegasus like me can control weather clouds." You say hooves crossed, hovering over the two of them.
  540. >"Thats pretty badass actually. That, I'd like to see."
  541. "Maybe, if I feel like it later." You smirk at him, "So what are you guys going to Rarity's place for anyway?"
  542. >"Well Rarity came over to the castle earlier saying she has to get measurements for Anon's clothes, she insisted on making something for when he meets Celestia." Twilight says still examining her clipboard.
  543. "Hehheh, Rarity probably just wants Anon to parade her designs so ponies will see it in Canterlot and go to her shop."
  546. >>
  547. >Be Anon, and just what kind of designs are we talking here, god you hope thats a joke. You contemplate this as you approach the front door of a large, fancy schmancy Taylor shop.
  548. "So uhh, what kind of Tailor is Rarity anyway? like what kind of clothes does she design?" You ask Rainbow as Twilight knocks on the front door.
  549. >Oh, you know, only the fanciest /dresses/ in all of Equestria..."
  550. >Dresses....oh god. Do all ponies wear dresses? Even the dudes? You haven't met any other guys here other then spike, he seemed normal enough...but then again hes a dragon. And he didn't wear clothes either, come to think of it, none of the ponies you saw last night wore anything.
  551. >Oh lord, what if shes telling the truth...
  552. >The door opens and Rarity greets the 3 of you.
  553. >"Oh hello dears! Please come in! lets get these garments ready for our new friend!"
  554. >The 3 of you begin walking in, Dash leans in and whispers to you with a cocky grin.
  555. >"You'll have the prettiest dress ever..."
  556. >Fuck, this might actually suck...
  557. >Dash follows behind you and Twilight trying to contain her laughter.
  560. >>
  561. >Entering Rarity's boutique, the first thing you notice is the pony shaped mannequins, all wearing...oh god...dresses. Its true!
  562. >"Now darling if you would please just come stand over here we can get started." Rarity says trotting towards a dozen strips of measuring tape hung along a series of hangers.
  563. >Twilight continues looking at her clipboard, muttering to herself when and how you'll be learning about parts of this pony filled world.
  564. "Y-yeah, lets uhhh, get this show on the road..." As nervous as you were, you couldn't let it show, not after she was going to make you new clothes for free, cant be rude man!
  565. >You walk to the fancy mane having pony, glancing back towards Rainbow and Twilight.
  566. >"Well go on!" Rainbow says waving a hoof.
  567. "Im gonna!" You pick up the pace to Rarity, preparing yourself for whatever design she has in mind for you.
  568. >"Okay dear just stand upright and hold your....arms? Are they arms? Yes, arms outward." She says picking up 4 sets of measuring tape with her blue aura.
  569. >You hold your arms up like a cross, as the tapes start fluttering around, straightening and moving all over your arms and legs.
  570. >"Damn she works fast..." You think as the strips of tape move so quickly.
  571. >The entire time this is going on you cant help but try to ignore the thoughts of yourself wearing a fancy dress out in public.
  572. >Dash takes a seat next to Twilight, who finally stopped looking at her clipboard.
  573. >"Heheheheh! This is gonna be awesome! Just wait till you see the look on his face when he realizes hes not actually getting a dress..." She says elbowing Twilight.
  574. >"Dash...what did you tell him?" Twilight says in a stern voice.
  575. >"Oh uh, y'know....that he was gonna have the prettiest dress?" She replies with an audible squeak.
  576. >"/Daaash!/"
  577. >"All done! I should have a tuxedo fit for a gentle colt like you by noon tomorrow!" Rarity says writing down the last few measurements on her notepad.
  578. "Alright just don't make it /too/ prett- wait, a Tuxedo? Like a Suit?" You say, squinting your eyes.
  579. >"Well of course dear, among other things for more casual wear, what else would I make a young colt such as yourself?" She asks flabbergasted by your question.
  580. "B-but Dash told me that-" You were cut off by a loud laughter a few feet away.
  581. >"Ahhhahahaha! Got you! Rarity make more then just dresses y'know..." Dash was tearing up from her laughing.
  582. >Guess your even now...
  583. "I got got..." You say looking at the floor in shame.
  586. >>
  587. >Today is the day, you are gonna meet Celestia and receive whatever judgement or decree or whatever she wanted to do with your green ass.
  588. >Be Anon, and this morning was going a bit quicker then the other 3, day one was getting your clothes and a few classes on Pony history, the 3 different races, and the role of magic in everypony's life. With the other days more or less elaborating on those subjects.
  589. >You exit your room and make your way to the kitchen, sporting your comfy new pajamas Rarity made. She was a miracle worker with this clothing thing.
  590. >Spike greets you happily, cooking up pancakes.
  591. >"Morning Anon, you ready for your big meeting today?" He says flipping a pancake off the pan onto a plate.
  592. "Yeah, as I'll ever be I suppose, these classes on your world have been really helpful, learning pony customs and courtesies was probably the most useful." You say grabbing a chair pulling it up to the kitchen table, luckily the kitchen table was smaller then in the dining room.
  593. >Eating alone in such a big room just felt...odd.
  594. >"Well here ya go, and don't worry Princess Celestia is on of the nicest ponies you'll ever meet!" Spike says placing a plate of pancakes in front of you.
  595. "Thanks little man, I feel kinda guilty though, having you do stuff for me when i just got here..." You say looking at your plate.
  596. >"Ahhh don't even worry about it, I enjoy cooking anyway." He says walking out of the room, no doubt had some other random tasks to complete that morning.
  597. >After getting done eating and cleaning your plate, you make it back to your room, damn those pancakes were bomb as hell, little guy can really cook.
  598. >Going into the bathroom, you examine your face, making sure you haven't suddenly developed a bad case of acne in the last 24 hours...
  599. "Alright Anon, just chill bro. Gonna meet what can only be described as the sun god in this world...oh man..." You say breathing hard, hands on the sink.
  600. >Your speaking to your own reflection, the gravity of this meeting finally catching up to you.
  601. "Shit, I need some music or something."
  602. >You walk over to your pack and dig out your Ipod and speaker. Plugging them in and attempt to turn it on.
  603. "Naww fuck'n A! Damn battery died..." You say trying to turn on the devices.
  604. >You remember back to the hospital, those machine were monitoring you and looked electronic in some way or another, and they weren't even plugged into anything, maybe they ran on magic. Could /your/ stuff run on magic?
  605. >Only one way to find out...
  606. "Hey Twilight, quick question for you!" You say entering the library
  607. >"Yes? what is it? Have /another/ question about cutie marks?" She asks putting down her book.
  608. "N-no not that heh."
  609. >Cutie marks are fucken weird bro...
  610. "Just, can you charge my Ipod and speaker with magic? Its technology from my world and the battery is dead, I was wondering if maybe you can give it like a magic charge or something?"
  611. >You present the Ipod and speaker, setting them down in front of her.
  612. >"Hmmmm" She looks at them both inquisitively.
  613. "I-if your not sure its okay, I was just curious-" She interrupts you, sounded happier then ever.
  614. >"Of course! I'd love to test my magic on a foreign piece of this "technology" your always referring too, we have things kinda like this here also, but it runs on magic, not this 'electricity' you described. You know Vinyl right?"
  615. "Shes the one with the blue highlights, always got headphones, and making techno music right?"
  616. >"Thats her!" She says, with her horn illuminating slightly. "I'll only use a weaker charging spell, we normally can charge stuff like this for a few days, but I'm curious just to what will happen since its from another world."
  617. >Her horn illuminates and hums with a dim glow, then places it on the Ipod, then the speaker. The screen on your Ipod lights up and turns on, reading fully charged.
  618. >Ho.lee. Shit. It fucken worked.
  619. >The speaker then turns on as well, a small white light on the power button.
  620. >You look in awe at the marvel that has just taken place.
  621. >Magic is fucken awesome!
  622. "Thi-this is the sickest shit I've ever seen!" You exclaim, picking them up. "Thank you so much Twilight, you have no idea how badly I've been wanting to listen to my music!"
  623. >You pick up Twilight and give her a hug, catching her completely off-guard.
  624. >"Uh-well yes uhh, anytime heheh. Just please start getting ready now, we'll be leaving in exactly an hour and a half."
  625. "Y-yes of course!" You leave the room, happier then hell. you have your favorite thing in the world again...
  628. >>
  629. >Be Rainbow Dash, flying by Twilight's castle getting ready to clear a few pesky clouds, when an odd noise coming from an open window on the lower left side catches your attention.
  630. >Is Who was it though, never heard this stuff before...
  631. "What /is/ that?" You ask yourself approaching the window peaking inside.
  632. >Looking into the window, you see Anon's room, should drop in and say hi, maybe hes making the sound?
  633. >You swoop in the mostly empty room, surveying the area, the sound of whatever music this was echoing off the crystal walls.
  634. "There it is!" You walk over to the small silver box sitting on the shelf next to his bed, a speaker? You've seen Vinyl use stuff like this all the time, who would've thought Anon has one too?
  635. "Hey Anon, where the he-" You look toward the bathroom, small amount of steam coming from the bottom of the door. He must be in the shower.
  636. >Continuing to examine the little speaker, and the thing attached to it through a little black string. You sit up on the edge of the bed, trying to figure out how to use the little black rectangle.
  637. >You fiddle around around with the tiny rectangle, it had a little screen and a circle in the middle of it, shaking it and watching the words move across every few seconds. Whats a "Metallica" anyway?
  638. "How does he even use this stupid thi-" The bathroom door opens up, causing you to freeze. You didn't even notice the shower turning off over listening to the music.
  639. >"Yeah, ooo yeah yeah!" Anon comes out of the bathroom door looking like hes playing air guitar and singing along with the song.
  640. >He looks up at you, almost jumping out of his towel.
  641. >"Wh-what the hell Dash!? Ever hear of knocking!?" He yells, bumping into the wall, grabbing the black dress pants, using them to cover his now almost falling off towel.
  642. "Oh Crap! S-sorry! I was just wondering where this music was, uhh, I mean, the window, i-it was open!"
  643. >You try to compose yourself as he quickly darts back into the bathroom.
  644. >You begin giggling, hearing him muttering to himself in the bathroom, you go back to messing with the rectangle, pushing on the center of it, it was a button!
  645. >The screen changes.
  646. "Ohhhh, so /thats/ how you do stuff..." You whisper to yourself as the bathroom door opens again.
  647. >"Okay, lets get some ground rules going here..." Anon says, adjusting his pants in the mirror. "From now on, you knock, got it?"
  648. "Well Anon, if your window wasn't just wide open then /maybe/ I would have!"
  649. >He exits the bathroom and looks up towards the window.
  650. >"Oh...well damn, glad it didn't rain in the last couple days..."
  651. "Yeah, your welcome." You say eyes closed in a smug voice.
  652. >"Yeah right...hey what are you doing with my Ipod?"
  653. >Oh crap, he noticed you messing with his rectangle!
  654. "Uhh, nothing! I wasn't doing a thing!" You say, hiding the rectangle behind your back.
  655. >He looks at you, knowing your lying. But forget that noise, you can keep playing with it if you want to!
  656. >"Give it here, I know your lying Dash..." he gestures with his hand for you to hand it over.
  657. "Nu-uh! How can you tell if im lying!?" You say glaring at him.
  658. >"Because your ears droop down to the sides of your head!"
  659. >Anon reaches up with both hands and ruffle your mane.
  660. "Hey hey hey! Alright, alright! take it, its stupid anyway!" You hand him the rectangle thingy and cross your forehooves.
  661. >Stupid ears...
  662. >He stares at it for a moment then back at you.
  663. >"What kind of music you listen to Dash?"
  667. >>
  668. >Be Anon, not exactly how you were planning on getting ready this morning but, it did kinda lighten up the mood. Having Dash around made things less tense it seems.
  669. >"What kind of music? Well, anything really, but I'm kinda partial to a good rock'n roll song though!" She says standing on the bed, hoof in the air. Guess ponies cant do the devil horns, hooves and all...
  670. "Right well, this is pretty up-beat, kinda gets me in the zone. Give it a listen." You say selecting another tune and setting the Ipod back down on the shelf next to the speaker.
  671. >You tap your finger on the side of your leg to the beat, glancing at Rainbow, gauging her reaction to whether or not she would like it. Hope she does...
  672. >"Yeah! this is great!" She says fluttering up in the air, bobbing her head up and down.
  673. "Well alright! Lets crank this shit up!" You turn the speaker volume all the way up, and on the Ipod as well. The sound was now permeating the entire room, only being amplified by the walls and floor of solid crystal.
  677. >>
  678. >Be Twilight, getting ready for your meeting, gonna have to help Anon make a good impression! But, theirs some noise echoing through the hallway, what in Tartarus is that?
  679. >You set down your brush and mirror, grunting in frustration as you make your way into the hallway.
  680. "I'm gonna find out what that is..."
  681. >Making your way down the hall, the sound begins growing louder, your getting close!
  682. >You stop in front of Anon's room, you hear the music clear as day now, you didn't charge his stuff for him to interrupt your day, he was gonna get a stern lecture later...
  683. >Opening the door you see Rainbow dancing and flying in circles in the air, Anon standing in front of the mirror getting ready.
  684. "Just whats going on in here!? When did Dash get here, and why aren't you ready yet?!" You shout over the music.
  685. >"Hey Twilight! Isn't this great?! c'mon and dance!" Rainbow shouts back, seeing you in the doorway.
  686. "Wheres Anon?!"
  687. >"I'm over here! Getting ready still!" Anon shouts from the bathroom.
  688. "Well turn this music down! I cant focus with this noise!"
  689. >With a huff you slam the door behind you and make your way back down the hallway, the noise dying down.
  693. >>
  694. >Be Anon, and that just happened. Felt like a teenager again...
  695. >Never thought in a million years you'd be lectured by a princess pony to "turn that durn music down!"
  696. >"What a party pooper, Twilight is such an egghead..." Dash says floating down to the ground looking depressed.
  697. "Well, if you want, you can keep listening to it, if you want to borrow my earphones?" You say trying to make her feel better. Sounded it had been awhile since she'd really cut loose like that. Maybe Pinky's parties weren't always the right type of party for her.
  698. >Her face lights up, ears pointed straight up. Like it was the best thing you could have said.
  699. >Like dog and cat ears man, so damn cute.
  700. >"Yeah! that'd be great!" She said, hooves covering her mussel, trying to contain her excitement.
  701. "Alright, gimme a sec..."
  702. >You dig through you pack, looking for you earbuds.
  703. "Here they are!" You say untangling them, handing them over. "Alright, let me show you how to use this first though."
  704. >You explain the buttons and little touch wheel, it was an older model Ipod, but 120 gigs and being able to survive being dropped more then one damn time was better then those new fancy "touch screens".
  705. "And thats all there is too it, just spin the wheel and press the center button when you want to listen to a song, just make sure the volume isn't too loud all the time-"
  706. >"OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH!! Thanks for the gift Anon!" She says jumping to your chest, hugging you. "Oh, heh, sorry I d-didn't mean t-to do that..." She says sitting back on your bed, with a slight blush.
  707. "Nawww its okay Rainbow," You say messing with her "Hugs are nice!" You say ruffling her mane.
  708. >"Hey I- c-cut it out Anon!" She says, face getting redder and looking at the screen.
  709. >She began messing with her new toy, trying to avoid eye contact again. Seriously, whats the big deal?
  710. "Alright well, I'm going to finish up, I have to meet up with Twilight out front in like 15 mins. She said there would be a chariot waiting..."
  711. >Dash wasn't paying attention, her focus was on choosing the next song, already having the earphones in.
  712. "Right well, wish me luck anyway..."
  715. >>
  716. >Be Anon, and you finally make it back to Ponyville tired as hell. Didn't think a simple yet surprisingly short meeting could drain so much out of you, maybe you were more nervous then you thought.
  717. >Turns out Celestia really was as nice as everyone made her out to be, she gave the typical "welcome to Equstria" speech she was probably so used to giving, hell the worst part of the day was riding in those damn chariots with no seat belts, seriously what the hell man.
  718. >You didn't talk much of your own world, other then how you got to this one. But you assumed it wasn't very important, not like your going back anytime soon...
  719. >"That went much better then I thought, and you did really well considering that was your first time meeting with the Princess." Twilight says as you both make your way into the castle.
  720. "Yeah. wasn't the first time I had to talk to someon- err pony, in a high position. I once got blasted by my battalion commander for dropping ammo during a training op, told me he'd shove it up my ass if it happened again...good times." You say, feeling nostalgic.
  721. >"That sounds...terrible, honestly." Twilight says opening her door.
  722. "Heh, I'm sure the environment cant be much different when those royal guard stallions train or just talk among themselves."
  723. >"Right, maybe..." She says as the door opens.
  724. >Spike greets the two of you at the door, informing you dinner was already good to go.
  725. >Salad with a side of salad, because ponies are vegetarians. You say your good nights to them both and make your way back to your room, not the best meal of your life, but getting in greens is always a good thing.
  726. >Before leaving, Twilight informs you that the lesson tomorrow would involve revisiting exactly how ponies get there cutie marks.
  727. >Fuck life. Cuties marks, you understand the concept. But what makes them so important? Guess labeling things really makes them mean more.
  728. >Walking back to your room, you reminisce about earlier today. How fun it was.
  729. "Time for a mandatory meeting with my mattress!" You say stretching at the door to your room. "Hopefully tomorrow is as fun as this morning was..."
  730. >Upon entering the room you start throwing clothes off in all directions, and get into your comfy ass pajamas.
  731. >Ah, much better, now to get to bed an-.
  732. >Hold the phone. Is Dash really still here? And shes your bed. Sprawled out not even under the covers, earphones still in.
  733. "Great, now I gotta wake her up." You think to yourself making your way to the side of the bed.
  734. "Dash, wake u-" You stop yourself as she tosses in her sleep. Looked so peaceful, compared to how she is when awake anyway.
  735. >You sit on the side of the mattress, careful not to wake her up. Looking down to the blankets, you bring them up to cover her chest.
  736. >"Mmmmm...ahh" She hums in content.
  737. >Watching her sleep, you brush the hair from her face behind her ear.
  738. >She lets out another moan as your brush her hair. Kinda hot actual-
  739. >Oh fuck, what?!
  740. >With this sudden realization you head into the bathroom, talking to yourself in the mirror.
  741. "Oh dude you just thought a pony was hot! What a Fuh-reak man!" You say pointing at yourself.
  742. >You turn away form the mirror.
  743. "Well, shes one of the most genuine girls I ever met, and she fun to be with. I feel happy when shes around..."
  744. >Your eyes go wide as you turn back to the mirror, pointing at yourself again.
  745. "Ohhh man! your actually falling for her! Your not even the same species man, your going to hell!"
  746. >You turn back away.
  747. "No...screw this, not gonna complicate a good thing, were friends! Good ones I think...not gonna explore this any farther."
  748. >You exit the bathroom and lay down at the end of the bed, leaving your legs hanging off the side.
  749. "Night Dash..."
  754. >>
  755. >Be Rainbow, waking up with the sun illuminating the room, as it tends to do so in the reflective castle walls.
  756. >You sit up and stretch, letting out a yawn. Wait, how did you get under the blankets? This wasn't your house.
  757. "Oh yeah, I was listening to this thing and fell asleep. Heh, whoops." You say looking down at your new toy, and out from under the blanket.
  758. >You look to the end of the bed, Anon laying there half on the bed, half off.
  759. >Oh...crap. You fell /his/ bed without even realizing.
  760. >Taking the earphones out and setting aside the rectangle, you move over to wake Anon up.
  761. "Anon...hey, Anon." You whisper, no luck, a big ass grin grows on your face. "ANON!! Its morning! Time for Wake up!" You yell next to his face.
  762. >He awakes, flailing about and falling off the end of the bed. Now groaning and rubbing his head.
  763. >"Ah, owe fuck! What the hell!?" He says getting up to his knees.
  764. "Wake-up lazy!"
  765. >"...Dash....thats not cool, dick move. Seriously." He tries to stand and trips over himself. "Yup...and my legs are asleep from the awkward ass angle I slept in last night.
  766. Thanks Dash..."
  767. "Your welcome, heheheh." You yawn and stretch. "Ohhhh I slept great, this bed is so comfy." You say fixing your mane.
  768. >Anon slowly gets up and sits back up on the end of the bed. "Oh gee, really? /My/ bed is comfortable? Tell me more of this wondrous thing called sleep Dash!"
  769. >Sarcasm? 2 can play at this game!
  770. "Oh, just feels like you'll wake up, y'know, without having your legs still be asleep..."
  771. >He glares at you, not saying anything. Got'em.
  772. >"Well, this makes 2 mornings in a row that you've been in my room unexpectedly, wanna grab chow and relax before I gotta go to Twilight's class?"
  773. "Yeah, I'm hungry."
  774. >Breakfast sounded awesome, and begin free made it even better. Since you were at Twilight's place, good to have friends like that, giving you free food...
  775. >"Alright well, I'm gonna head to the kitchen then." Anon says with a yawn.
  776. "I'll be right behind you, just gotta fix my mane." You didn't actually have to fix your mane...
  777. >What you /really/ had to do was wash your face and get your thoughts in order.
  778. >No one other then your parents had ever taken the time to tuck you in in your sleep...Anon is really nice.
  779. "I hope today is as fun as yesterday..." You think to yourself.
  782. >>
  783. >Be Anon, pretty much an official citizen of Equestria and resident of Ponyville at this point. 3 months had passed since you got here, still remember that day like it just happened...
  784. >Such a crazy ordeal. At least since then you've managed to move out of Twilight's castle after the first six weeks.
  785. >You luckily scored a job as a house mover, moving furniture in and out of houses all day.
  786. >Was pretty nice actually. Got to meet new ponies moving in and out of the town, and the labor was stimulating. Better then the first month of school Twilight gave you. So much history and customs packed into a short time.
  787. >Felt like a school version of boot camp.
  788. >Today had been going rather well so far, work went smoothly. Helped 2 new families move in, as well as moving a few couches and bed frames into a few other residents homes.
  789. >Almost felt kinda pointless seeing as how unicorns could probably just move it on their own with magic, but hey; why complain? Work is work.
  790. >To top it all off, Dash invited you over to watch horror flics and get wasted on cider, was common really. You were pretty much prepped for it already.
  791. >A 30 rack of Apple's greatest green apple flavored cider awaits you at your humble little home.
  792. >There were still however, important things to buy. Food for the week, and the market is usually stocked with rather healthy and organic foods.
  793. >Making your way from the market, you have in you possession a bag of essentials; grapes, apples, and tomatoes sauce, along with the best damn noodles you could afford. As well as peanut butter, of course.
  794. >Need to get protein into your body somehow. Cant let your body deteriorate from lack of meat...
  795. >As if tonight couldn't already be a good night, you were off work tomorrow. Perfect for getting wasted and watching whatever horror films Dash had lined up for the night.
  796. >Though it would normally deteriorate to yelling at the screen in a drunken rage. Horror movies in this world weren't much different then yours, surprisingly.
  797. >The characters are always somehow kinda smart but fucken dumb at the same time. Honestly, who fucks with Ouija boards /not/ knowing some shit might go down?
  798. >"Hey there Anon, whats up?"
  799. >It was Pinkie, and she was as spry as ever, bouncing her way towards you.
  800. "Oh y'know, just gonna get ready for tonight is all, Rainbow has another movie night set-up, horror films and /lots/ of drinking!"
  801. >"You two are hitting it off." She looks both ways and behind her, then squints at you with a suggestive grin, "So, what have the two of you done so far?"
  802. >Done? What the hell...oh, OH!
  803. "What!? N-no its not like that Pinkie, c'mon."
  804. "Yeah but you /want/ it to be though..." Your mind says to you.
  805. "Shut up brain!" You say shaking a fist.
  806. >"What?"
  807. "What?"
  808. >"Thats okay, my brain says stuff aaaaaall the time!" She says rolling her eyes and waving a hoof.
  809. "Yeah...I'm sure it does. Anyway I gotta get moving, I'll see ya later Pinkie!" You give her a friendly wave before being cought off-guard by her goodbye.
  810. >"Use protection!" She says way too loudly and with a friendly wave.
  811. "I told you it aint like that, and don't say that so damn loud!"
  812. >"Of /course/ it isn't, just be good tonight!" She says bouncing away.
  813. "I told you, its not- nyuhggg, forget it!"
  814. >You turn with a grunt and start an angry strut back home.
  815. "'Be good'? What could she mean by...oh dammit!"
  816. >The rest of the day you spend tidying up at home. and preparing lunch for the next for days at work. Along with setting aside snacks and whatever else you'll need for tomorrow's day of being hung-over and doing nothing productive.
  817. >You managed to find a good place actually. Wasn't much bigger then a small apartment, but you enjoyed living in a smaller place.
  818. >Being in that big castle just made you feel tense, never stayed in any place so nice. Made you feel like a mooch.
  819. >Located at the rear exit to Ponyville, not far form the river, your little house resided.
  820. >Wasn't the nicest of places but it made you feel more independent being on your own, with your own job.
  821. >Tonight though, that was what you were looking forward to.
  824. >>
  825. >The evening was finally here, and you were on you way to Rainbow Dash's humble (yet fucking huge) house'o clouds, carrying the 30-rack on your shoulder. This is gonna be a great night!
  826. "Hey Dash!" The house was about a good 15 feet above the ground, you had to yell get her to answer...and taxi you up to the door. "Dash! I'm here! We gonna get hammered and yell at stupid people in movies all night or what?!"
  827. >No answer, maybe shes not home?
  828. >"HI ANON!"
  829. >You practically jump out of your skin from the sudden loud voice in your ears. But you know that greeting from anywhere, Dash was being her usual prankster self.
  830. >"I was wondering when you'd finally get here, you walk so slow, slowpoke."
  831. >You turn to face her, annoyed that she got the better of you.
  832. "Yeah well, if /I/ had wings, I'd be like, the most bad ass winged dude ever...."
  833. >Smooth, dumb ass.
  834. >Dash gives you a grin, clearly unimpressed by your boast.
  835. >"Pfft, you? Fly?" She says blowing the bangs up from her face, "The only things your good at is moving heavy stuff."
  836. "Of course I am! I lift heavy objects and put them back down!"
  837. >You lift the 30-rack over your head, flexing. Gotta salvage that previous comment...
  838. >She gives you another unimpressed look.
  839. >"Your a dork, y'know that Anon?"
  840. >You smirk back at her.
  841. "Would you like me any other way? I'm /your/ dork, yours to deal with and put up with." You say closing your eyes and turning your head.
  842. >She rolls her eyes, "Whatever, lets just get this night going!"
  843. "Ye Ye!!" You give a southern stlye'd yelp.
  844. >Dash picks you up from under your shoulders with her forehooves, her wings were stronger then they looked. Made you wonder how they could ever break in the first place...
  845. >She places you down at the entryway, clouds surrounded the two of you as you make entry into her house.
  846. >"Just put the cider in the living room next to the table in front of the couch, were gonna be needing a supply close-by." She says walking down the left hallway into her room.
  847. >You nod and move over to the couch, her living room was decorated with Wonder Bolt and Daring Do memorabilia, along with a shelf over the TV filled with various awards and photos of her and the other Wonder Bolts.
  848. >Those Wonder Bolts were pretty much the Blue Angels of this world, though they were also considered an auxiliary branch of military fliers. Pretty bad ass actually.
  849. >Considering your military background, and her now having one; made you think...
  850. "We'd probably be happy together..." You think to yourself.
  851. "Brain, I swear to god, if you say /anything/ to embarrass me tonight...ooooo buddy you can expect a horrible hang-over!" you say pointing at your head.
  852. "Pfft, you'd be hung-over to, idiot!"
  853. >Shit, he has a ass.
  854. >You hear the door down the hall open and close, Dash now making her way into the hall and places a stack of movies on the table in front of the large purple couch.
  855. >"Anon, who are you talking to?" She asks giving you a curious look.
  856. "Hm? Oh, nobody worth talking to..."
  857. >She shrugs and puts the first movie into the magic powered movie player, really is odd how similar yet different the home appliances are in this world to your own.
  858. "No don't go in there YOU FOOL! You Fool!" You shout at the screen, "How did you not /just/ hear that other dude get eviscerated!?"
  859. >Dash joins in "Your in the killer produce isle! Hes gonna have your face for dinner!" She also shouts shaking her hoof at the TV.
  860. >You were both already in the second movie; "The Appleloosa Chainsaw Massacre".
  861. >The 30-rack was now half empty, and you were feeling pretty drunk. Cider is surprisingly potent stuff man....
  862. >The movie ends, everyone died...of course.
  863. >"I feel like I coulda taken that chainsaw guy on..." Dash says wondering to herself.
  864. "Hmph, its /always/ the females that survives in the end, and yet you ladies always blame your problems on men!" You say, a ninth cider in.
  865. >"Well, maybe if you stallions wouldn't always rush into dark corridors and get stabbed to death, you could live with us." She says crossing her hooves, swaying side to side.
  866. >Shes just as wasted as you.
  867. >Movie nights normally devolved into these kind of arguments, this one in particular dissolving into an argument about G-spots...fortunately you normally cant remember these conversations that well.
  868. "Oh, HELL no! you chicks are always blaming shit on us guys, like its never /your/ fault you cant cum! Nooooo, always us!"
  869. >"Thats a total load!!" She says waving her hoof at you, taking another drink, "You probably just don't know your way around the bed..."
  870. >Shakily standing yourself up, trying to find balance, you continue the pointless argument.
  871. "Okay! I'll give an example! Guys have a G-spot, course we do! Its easy! Every guy has it right in the same place," You grab the remote and place it at your crotch "Whoop there it is!"
  872. >Her eyes go wide as you continue, trying not to laugh.
  873. "/Anything/ you do to a dick, it feels good!" You say gesturing with the remote, "You can flick a dick like that, and it feels good!"
  874. >You flick the remote.
  875. "You can uhhlickk it!"
  876. >You lick the remote, getting more into the point your making.
  877. "You can fucken, punch it, jerk it, slap it, and it feels good!" You shout gesturing with each thing you name off.
  878. >You glance over to Dash, holding her muzzle trying to contain her laughter. You got her rolling man! Keep it up and finish with the punchline!
  879. "Dash, if you just /stare/ at a dick, with enough intensity and focus, then...."
  880. >You bring the remote up to your chin, spitting a little to symbolize ejaculation.
  881. "Holy shit!!" You shout faking your amazement, "Look how easy that was!"
  882. >Dash is rolling on the ground laughing at this point, causing you to join her in that contagious raspy laughter of hers.
  883. >This night was going better then you could have thought...
  887. >>
  888. >Be Rainbow, and damn, this hang-over is brutal. Feels like a drum beating in your head and every little sound is like a knock to the head.
  889. >You look over to the open window, the sun shining brightly into the room. You roll out of bed and wobble up to your feet.
  890. "Nope, forget that noise." You say as you walk over to close the curtain. What time is it anyway?
  891. "Ohhhhhh Celestia, got a little too wasted last night..." You think to yourself rubbing you head.
  892. >You were in your room, after the second movie and Anon's little rant about...G-spots, you drank one last cider and decided it was time to crash.
  893. " head." You think to your self holding your temples. "I need coffee..."
  894. >You exit your room and groggily head to the kitchen, grunting with every other step.
  895. >You look over to the couch, where Anon passed out after his rant.
  896. >You pause half way through the living room, no more then 5 feet from the kitchen.
  897. "Oh Celestia...." You say holding your stomach, "Don't throw up..."
  898. >Holding your stomach with one hoof and another holding your muzzle, you do your best to think of things that would make you not puke.
  899. "Just don't think of foo-OOMMMMMMFFF" the thought of food did it, gotta make it to the sink!
  900. "Ughhhhh....never again..." You think to yourself, finishing your throw-up session at the kitchen sink.
  901. >You turn on the sink and wash down the puke.
  902. "Coffee...where are my filters..."
  903. >You search your the cabinets for filters, knocking over various cups and plastics, causing them to hit the counter, making clanking noises.
  904. "Owe...stop making noise, things..." Your headache is still pounding.
  905. >You fill up the coffee pot and turn on the coffee maker, throwing in a batch of Manehatten's "best" brand.
  906. "Best part of waking up my flank..." You quietly say, talking to yourself while reading the label.
  907. >You look out to the living room over the counter, Anon beginning to wake-up on the couch.
  908. >He rolls over and hits the floor.
  909. >"Nnguhhhhhh...go away sunlight. Its too early." He says looking up.
  910. >You look over to the clock on the wall next to the fridge. It was noon.
  911. "Its noon dummy."
  912. >"Oh....well fuck." He says sitting back up on the couch.
  913. >The smell of the coffee brewing wakes you up a little more. You grab two mugs that fell out of the cabinet and poor each of yourselves a cup, moving to the couch.
  914. "Here, have a coffee." You say handing him the steamy mug.
  915. >"Oh thanks, that sounds gre-"
  916. >He stops mid sentence as you pull the mug away, causing him to glare at you.
  917. "Heheh, syke." You say actually handing him the mug this time.
  918. >"I'd laugh but my head wants to split open right now..." He says inhaling the scent of the coffee and rubbing his head.
  919. "Last night" You say sipping from the mug.
  920. >" don't remember anything but the movie, right?" Anon says now looking worried, hiding behind his mug as he takes a drink.
  921. "G-spots..." you say with a grin to mess with him.
  922. >"...Least it was funny." He says taking another sip.
  923. "I think you were just projecting, its not /that/ hard to make a mare...y'know..." You say as you take a drink.
  924. >"Yeah well I was just-"
  925. >You cut him off.
  926. "I mean, c'mon you cant be /that/ bad, all you gotta do is find the right spot on her body and-"
  927. >This time he cuts you off.
  928. >"Uh, alright alright, I-I get the picture. I know where your going with this..." He says trying to hide his red face.
  929. "No, really, once you /hit/ the right spot..." you tap him on the leg, "your pretty much-" He cuts you off again.
  930. >"L-lets watch TV, you wanna?" He says, with a nervous smile, face getting redder.
  931. "Nope." You say closing your eyes and not letting him change the subject, "but anyway, like I was saying-"
  932. >"DASH! Seriously, stop!" He holds his head again, face now beat red. "Owe...yelling...."
  933. "Heh heh heh..."
  934. >Got'em
  938. >>
  939. >Be Anon.
  940. >Gotta change the subject, and fast! Shes making this conversation /really/ uncomfortable. Must resist sexy thoughts! Still a different species Bro.!!
  941. >Not about to get a "sex-ed" lesson From Dash anyway...
  942. >Definitely not while hung-over.
  943. >You remember the thing in your pocket, it was your phone. For whatever reason you thought last night would be a good night to show Dash pictures from various places back home, and around the world where your deployed with the last few minutes of battery you had left.
  944. "So uhh, check it out! I brought my phone!" You say trying to silence her.
  945. >"Once it gets nice and wet you-" She cuts off, " That black rectangle thing?"
  946. >She looks at your cell, no longer talking about...that.
  947. >It worked, thank God.
  948. >"If you have a phone, then why did you need to find one when you first got here?"
  949. "Well, this particular type of phone requires a signal to work, I have no signal at all in this world. But, it does still have a little bit of battery life left in it." You say turning it on.
  950. >Had it at 15%, must have gone down a bit even when turned off. Technology....
  951. >"Well why did you even bring it if you cant use it? Seems kinda pointless to me." She says as she takes her last sip of coffee.
  952. "Yeah well, just because I cant make calls or anything like that; I /do/ still have pictures on here that I wanted to show someone before it died permanently..." You say bring up the "my photos" part of the Iphone.
  953. >"This thing kinda reminds me of that other rectangle you gave me."
  954. >You never got you Ipod back, but you didn't really care at the time, she loves it at least. Or it seemed that way anyway...
  955. "Been meaning to ask, where is that thing anyway?" You say finishing off your coffee, "Does it still even have battery left?"
  956. >"Well sure, Twilight's magic charge is still strong, and recharges when it needs to."
  957. "Thats....fucken cool, actually."
  958. >Magical charges are so overpowered...
  959. >You scroll through your photos, trying to pass up all the dumb memes and get to the ones you wanted to show her.
  960. >"So if this thing has one of those 'batteries' in it, why didn't you get Twilight to charge this too?" She says pointing at your phone.
  961. "Honestly, I didn't even think of it. And besides, I have no real reason to even have it other then these pictures. Not like I can make a call anyway!"
  962. >She looks to the ground
  963. >"So...once the battery dies, will you ever be able to turn it on again?" She asks curiously
  964. "I have no idea, but if not, then at least I got to show someone-" You find the pictures you were looking for, old photos from home leave and of your buddies while you were stationed in Japan.
  965. "Here we go!"
  966. >"OOO! lemme see lemme see!" She say scooting over to your side.
  967. >You show her all your photos from home, and of your friends, giving a little back-story to the more important ones.
  968. "See and this one here, this was a group photo we took while training at Mt. Fuji." You point to different people in the picture. "See that ones Robbins, he had to be in the back, cuz of how friggin big he is hehe, look how big he is."
  969. >Dash stared at the photo for a solid minute, looking in awe at all the other people, first time seeing any other human than you.
  970. >"Theres you! In the right corner!" She says placing her hoof on the phone.
  971. "Yeah, and check this one out, it wa-" The phone screen went black, the battery had died. "Oh, well never mind heh, stupid battery..."
  972. >Dash looks at the phone and back to you, wondering what happened.
  973. >"Wha-what happened!? I wanted to see more of your world!" She says with a sad look in her eyes.
  974. >God you hate seeing that look...
  975. "Sorry, the battery died, not gonna be able to turn it back on. And I cant charge it anyway, might be able to get Twilight to charge it though."
  976. >Dash looks away, now looking concerned.
  977. >"I-if Twilight /couldn't/ charge it with her magic..." She pauses, and moves to the other end of the couch, "Would you have still shown your world to me? Even if you wouldn't ever be able to have shown anypony else?"
  978. >She looked as if her whole world was hanging on your next words, must have really meant a lot to her that she was the only one you showed these to.
  979. "Well yeah, I mean, your the best friend I've got here." You reach over to scratch behind her ear. "Why /wouldn't/ I have shown you?"
  980. >She looks away, acting shy like she always does when things get mushy.
  981. >"I-I didn't know I was that important to you..." She says with a pink hue in her face. "But I feel like I have to show you something special now too."
  982. >That grabbed your attention, what could she mean?
  983. "Like what?" You say raising a brow.
  986. >>
  987. >Be Rainbow Dash. You had no clue that Anon thought you were important enough to show something so unique, to only you.
  988. >You sit and think, what do you have that you keep close that nopony else has seen, or know about?
  989. >...Thats it. Thats it!
  990. >"Uhhh, hello? Rainbow Dash you still in there?" He says waving his hands, "C'mon, you cant be still /that/ hung-over."
  991. "I'm gonna show you something nopony else knows about!" You say as a matter of factly, "Its a small spot in the Everfree, just wait till you see it!"
  992. >"That sounds great!" Anon's face goes from excited to concerned, "Isn't the Everfree where monsters'n shit live?" he says raising his arms like a bear.
  993. >You hop off the couch and head to the bathroom. You needed to brush your teeth and shower, to get the smell and taste of puke out of you.
  994. "Well sure," You say walking towards the bathroom, "But not /every/ bit of Everfree is littered with monsters y'know."
  995. >"Oh thats right, Zecora lives in Everfree doesn't she. Well I'm down for whatever you wanna show me." Anon says sitting back in the couch putting away his phone.
  996. >Reaching the bathroom door you pause, and face Anon again.
  997. "Thanks again...for showing me your world I mean." You say glancing at the floor, making circles in the carpet with your hoof.
  998. >"Y-yeah, heh. Don't worry about it." He says scratching the back of his head.
  999. >You close the bathroom door, holy Tartarus why are you so flustered!? Not like you haven't been friends for awhile wanted more though.
  1000. >Washing your face in the sink and turning on the shower; you think to yourself, can you really show him /that/ place? The place the you found solace in growing up? Where all the your troubles seemed to disappear...
  1001. >You hadn't visited it nearly as often as you used to, not since becoming the element of loyalty. Your friends really helped make things easier.
  1002. >"I owe him though...I never really did anything for him except be his friend since he got here..." You quietly say to yourself in the shower, running shampoo through your ruffled mane.
  1003. >The hot water felt so nice, like for a short time nothing else mattered.
  1004. >The memories of growing up were rearing their ugly head, the bullying at school, the seemingly apathetic teachers and coaches. Even after moving to Ponyville and meeting your soon to be friends, you could never help but feel like you only became the element of loyalty because you /happened/ to be there to fill that spot...
  1005. >N-no! Cant think about that now...your a Wonderbolt now! You command the respect of so many fans and that of your friends! You've never slacked on your training, or your duties as an Element of Harmony!
  1006. >You /are/ the element of Loyalty, you've helped save the world a half dozen times!
  1007. >Why then...does it feel like theirs a void in your heart that cant be filled? Forever hungering for something more...
  1008. >You turn off the shower and dry yourself off, a quick brush and a swig of mouthwash to get the barf taste out.
  1009. "Bleh, thats one problem solved." You say still drying yourself and spitting in the sink.
  1010. >Exiting the bathroom, you head straight to your room, wanting to avoid another conversation in this state of mind. Digging up these old feelings...
  1011. >They had been buried for so took all your willpower to maintain composure and not break down then and there, in the shower.
  1012. *Sigh* "Okay Rainbow, just calm down." You say to yourself, "Your gonna show him your special place and...tell him you...y-you..."
  1013. >You walk to your bed and bury your face in your pillow. If you cant say it here, by yourself then how can you expect to say it to him?!
  1014. "Ugh, why is this so stinks!" you say punching your pillow, only to rest on it again.
  1015. "Ohhh Dash..." you say, taking a deep breathe and looking over at the window, "How did you let this happen..."
  1016. >There was a knocking at your door.
  1017. >"Hey Dash, is it alright if I use your shower?"
  1018. >It was Anon, though his voice was muffled from speaking through the door.
  1019. >"I wanna try to to get the smell of booze out of me..."
  1020. "Yeah, just don't puke in there!" You say in an annoyed tone.
  1021. >"Alright alright, I'll be fast..." He says, voice fading into the hallway.
  1022. "Ughh, why did I sound so mad when I said that?"
  1023. >Your emotions were getting the better of you.
  1024. >You feel a nudge at your feet, it was tank! Your faithful hardback friend.
  1025. "Oh tank, what do I do? I promised myself a long time ago I wouldn't ever let myself get like this, to open the possibility to get hurt..."
  1026. >Tank merely looks at you, then smiles.
  1027. "You think it'll all be okay?" You ask seeking assurance.
  1028. >He nods.
  1029. *Sigh* "Thats why I love you always know how to make me feel better." You say hugging Tank's shell.
  1030. >With newfound confidence and purpose, you feel like you can take on the world!
  1031. "I'll do it, Tank!" You say setting him down, "I'm gonna tell him how I feel and come what may! If the worst happens....I'll always have my friends."
  1032. >You glance over to a group photo of you and your friends sitting on your dresser next to the bed, taken during last year's Winter Wrap up. That was a great day.
  1033. >You put on a confident face and exit your room, Anon still in the shower.
  1034. "Hurry up you big ape! Its already 2pm and I wanna get there before I get wrinkly y'know!!"
  1035. >You knock at the door to mess with him.
  1036. >"Hey. HEY! I drank like, sooo much more then you! So I'm gonna smell more!" He says through the sound of the shower.
  1037. "Yeah right! You only drank like 2 more then me!" You yell at the door.
  1038. >"Oh, whats that? I cant hear you over the sound of how much more I drank then you!"
  1039. "J-Just hurry up ya big dork!" You say walking towards the couch.
  1040. >"Ha-ha! you hang out with dorks!" He says, getting the last word.
  1041. "Shutup!" You say darting back to the door.
  1042. >The argument continued like this until he eventually finished up and came out of the bathroom.
  1043. >"Heh heh, all done now, so whats the deal with this place anyway?" Anon says putting his shirt on, "Seems like its pretty significant if noone else knows about it."
  1044. >Hes not wrong...
  1045. "Its just a place I used to visit as a filly, its actually only a couple miles from Ponyville."
  1046. >"Hold on, I thought you grew up in that Clouds Dale place, how did you find a place in Everfree as a filly?"
  1047. >You pause, trying to find a way of answering without revealing why you left Clouds dale that day.
  1048. "I uhhh, loved exploring, thats all." Your eyes dart side to side, "Yeah, class was out that day and Gilda was at home so I went exploring."
  1049. >Anon shrugs, good thing he wasn't asking anything else.
  1050. >"Well, I don't know about you. But I think we should eat before going, haven't eaten since before I got here last night..."
  1051. >Your stomach growls, the hang-over was pretty much done and your stomach was completely empty from this morning.
  1052. "Yeah, guess your right." Trying to hide your blush, you head for the fridge.
  1053. >As you walk into the kitchen you raid the fridge for food.
  1054. "Lets see...I got...stuff, more stuff...uhhh ah!"
  1055. >Pulling out a half eaten pizza and a box of bread sticks, you throw them on the counter. Just need plates now...
  1058. >>
  1059. >Be Rainbow. After eating 3 day old pizza and bread sticks, you and Anon were headed out. To the place you promised to show him.
  1060. >Just be cool, gonna tell him how you feel...just keep it together until then...
  1061. >"So I'm just going to assume this place is probably like, a million times easier to reach if you could fly..." Anon says as he picks up his feet through the brush and clutters of tree roots.
  1062. >The two of you had been walking for nearly 30 minutes, well /he/ was walking. You were casually hovering next to him the whole time.
  1063. >Normally you would just fly there but, you had done so so often as a filly and even in adolescence that you could scope out good walking trails.
  1064. "Your just mad because your big and slow." You say hovering next to him at shoulder height.
  1065. >"I'm not mad! I just uhhh..." He trails off, clearly not able to come up with anything witty to say.
  1066. >A clearing up ahead, your getting near. Only a few hundred meters left to go...
  1067. "Were almost there!" You shout, pointing a hoof forward, "Lets race!!"
  1068. >You zoom off and leave Anon in a poof of smoke.
  1069. >Despite the memories associated with this place, it excited you to finally show somepony else it exists.
  1070. >Its been awhile since you had come here, not since at least 3 months ago, since you met Twilight you didn't feel the need to come here everyday.
  1071. >And since Anon got to Ponyville you really didn't feel a need to come here at all anymore...
  1072. "Hurry up slowpoke!" You yell back.
  1073. >You exit the brush, only barely able to hear Anon shouting in frustration behind you.
  1074. >"Hey! What the shit Dash!?" You hear faintly.
  1075. "Just move it! The view is great!" You yell back while taking in the scene.
  1076. >With a sigh you hover down and sit back on your haunches.
  1077. >The area was as serene and calming as ever. An open field surrounding a small pond that glistened in the evening sun ever so perfectly, creating an orange and red glow that permeates the area.
  1078. >All surrounding trees only served to compliment the open field, grass swaying like waves in the ocean to the wind.
  1079. >A feint sound of the pond life coupled with the Lilly pads and shrubs at the pond's edge, put you at ease. As it always did.
  1080. >It was as beautiful as the day you remember discovering it.
  1081. >With a deep breathe you take in the calmness of it all, almost feeling like you could fall asleep, right there in the grass.
  1082. >The silence lasted until broken by the sound of footsteps coming from the treeline.
  1083. >"Jeez Dash, how 'bout a warning before just taking..." With a long pause Anon stops to take in the view. "Oh wow...."
  1084. >"So, this is the place huh?" He sits down next to you. "Place as calming as this, no wonder you said it was special."
  1085. "I used to come here as a filly...just to hang out, and get away form everything."
  1086. >The memories begin to re-surface. making you look towards the ground, tensing up. you raise your head to see the view once again, the feeling seeming to dissipate. Although not entirely.
  1087. "I wasn't uhhhh...exactly popular while growing up."
  1088. >"Heh, wheres this coming from?" Anon says looking at you.
  1089. >You don't look back, only through the corner of your eye do you see his face turn into one of concern when he realizes your being serious.
  1090. "When I first started flight school, I was so nervous because; while I could go fast, I didn't really have much control. I crashed...a lot."
  1091. >Taking a deep breathe, you ready yourself to tell him more.
  1092. "And the first friend I had their, Gilda, because she was a griffin and I was a pony; it made the other ponies alienate me when she wasn't around. I always thought that if I just tried making friends with everyone I'd have all the friends I could want. But it was only the opposite..."
  1093. "One day I couldn't take it anymore, I left class and flew in any direction I could go. Eventually I got tired and landed here..."
  1094. >You Continue, not letting him say anything before you let this all out.
  1095. "After leaving Clouds dale and moving to Ponyville, the feeling of being a nobody followed me. Even after I did the Sonic Rainboom for the first time, it was only a matter of time before everyone went back to their same old jokes..."
  1096. >Fighting back the tears, you begin to grow frustrated, bringing up all these memories and bad thoughts.
  1097. >You pound your hoof into the dirt with each sentence.
  1098. "I /hated/ them for that..." *sniff* "How can one of the Elements of Harmony hate somepony from their own home!? Let alone the Element of Loyalty!"
  1099. >" more..."
  1102. >>
  1103. >Be Anon, witnessing Rainbow Dash, your best friend, pouring her heart out right in front of you.
  1104. >You have no idea what to say to make her stop. Seeing her like this is painful enough, let alone letting her continue.
  1105. "Please...stop, no more..."
  1106. >She continues still, not hearing your voice.
  1107. >"Why...why do I feel like nothing?" She says with tears now streaming down her face.
  1108. "Dash..."
  1109. >It was as if she was pouring out every pent up emotion and memory into a big black nothing, only seeking to make it all end.
  1110. >Gritting her teeth, she goes on.
  1111. >"After I became the Element of Loyalty I still felt like, as if I wasn't worthy of it. Like I didn't deserve the title because of how I felt about home..."
  1112. >Shes always built herself up to be this seemingly invincible hero. yet here she was, falling to pieces right in front of you.
  1113. >You didn't even know how to react, just sitting there, looking like a complete idiot.
  1114. >Say something damnit!
  1115. "I-I uhhh...I mean..."
  1116. >"I would always come this place." She says looking toward the lake, wiping the tears from her face. Her magenta eyes, made pink from her weeping.
  1117. >"It was always here, that I could relax, be alone, and feel better...but then you got here." She looks towards you, still trying to wipe her eyes clean. "I don't know why, but when I started hanging out with you, it made me feel like I was back here. Safe."
  1118. >Dash looks back out to the lake, and to the sky.
  1119. >"Like none of that other stuff mattered..." She pauses again, biting her lip as more tears stream from her now glistening cheeks. "And its because I...because I"
  1120. >You breathe hard, almost panting. Your heart felt as if it could explode from your chest, you knew what was coming.
  1121. "Because y-you wha-?"
  1122. >"ILOVEYOU!"
  1123. >Neither of you say anything. Letting the sound of the grass blowing in the wind take over.
  1124. >Then it hit you. It didn't matter.
  1125. >Your differences, your quirks...being human.
  1126. >She loved you all the same, she didn't care at all....
  1127. >All the feelings you've had for her...they were just.
  1128. >You remember back to when you last saw Pinkie, the stuff she said.
  1129. >She wasn't just trying to be funny, okay well, maybe she was. But still, she obviously didn't care that you two are different.
  1130. >Why should you?
  1131. >Dash continues sobbing, her tears now falling into the grass.
  1132. >Reaching over, you scratch behind her ear.
  1133. >Moving closer, you begin petting her mane, from her head to the joints of her wings.
  1134. >"Mmmmm..."
  1135. >She turns around and embraces you in hug, which you return immediately.
  1136. "Y'know...I was never really popular in school either."
  1137. >*sniff* "You weren't?" She says, nuzzling her head to your chest.
  1138. "Heh, nope. Was never really popular in life, even when I joined the military..."
  1139. >Dash clears her throat and looks up to you.
  1140. >"D-do you ever miss your home? Your own world?" She asks staring into you with those beautiful magenta eyes of hers...
  1141. "I do, sometimes...but going back would mean I'd have to leave you." You say with a comforting smile.
  1142. >Her grip around you chest tightens as she wraps her wings around you as well.
  1143. >"D-does th-that mean that y-you-" She stutters as she breaks the embrace, looking you in the eyes.
  1144. "Love you too? Heh, you know it."
  1145. >You boop her nose and bring her back in for another hug as she scrunches her muzzle, burying your face in the top of her mane, inhaling her scent.
  1146. >Smelt like shampoo...smelt good. No doubt a brand recommended by the spa she would go to occasionally.
  1147. "Y'know, when were alone, were lonely by ourselves. But when were together, We can be lonely together."
  1148. >"Yeah..." Dash says with a deep breathe.
  1149. >Both of you sit letting time pass, enjoying the moment.
  1150. "You uhhhh," You say breaking the silence, and grabbing her attention, "You remember the day we met?"
  1151. >"Well duhh heheh, how could I forget a crash like that..."
  1152. "You...ever perfect that trick you were trying out?"
  1153. >She breaks the hug, her hooves now on your chest, face lighting up and drying her tears.
  1154. >"I did!! Y-you wanna see it!?"
  1155. >Shes was already getting ready to take flight.
  1156. "Hell yeah, you /know/ I wanna see it!"
  1157. >"Don't blink!!" She yells, taking off into the air with her signature rainbow trail following her.
  1158. >As you watch her begin gain speed and altitude, you lean back to your elbows and think to yourself.
  1159. "Maybe...maybe the rest of my life here wont...wont be so bad."
  1161. >>>>>>END<<<<<<<

Not so Bad (Anon x Dash)

by Mshakezilla

Madness of the Old Gods (Pony Horror OC)

by Mshakezilla

Devil Hunter Dash

by Mshakezilla

Itchy Scratchy (pony Horror)

by Mshakezilla

Dash loses her rainbow

by Mshakezilla