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Dash loses her rainbow

By Mshakezilla
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-04-06 14:48:12
Expiry: Never

  1. >The warm evening breeze blew across the open field where you walk, blowing the grass sideways in a manner resembling waves of an ocean on the beach.
  2. >You were making way to see your best friend, she normally comes to this spot to hang out.
  3. >Of course, she had been rather down lately.
  4. >It hurt, too see her so distraught. She cared so deeply of her mane.
  5. >It's color, it's "not so kempt" style she always had it. From performing and training everyday of course.
  6. >Flying through the air on a daily basis at mach speeds would undoubtedly leave one's hair a little unkempt.
  7. >A lightning strike accident while performing a stunt one show with the Wonder Bolts had caused her mane to lose it's rainbow coloration, leaving it a shining streak of silvery-white.
  8. >While you personally may not really care what her mane looks like, she cares deeply. It was in her name for fuck sake.
  9. >"Rainbow" Dash... Still though, you thought it actually looked pretty nice.
  10. >Hot actually. It did surprisingly well to compliment her light blue coat, and even the magenta in her eyes.
  11. >Those however, were just some of many features about her that made you like her so much.
  12. >Her spirit. Her pride.
  13. >While at times her brashness may make her seem smug and can even be annoying, it gave her personality.
  14. >And made it worth being her friend so much more when you got too see the subtle moments of how soft she can really be...
  15. >You eventually make it to the top of a hill overlooking a small pond, where you immediately see her sitting at it's edge.
  16. >Even from here, you could see the sorrow in her expression. And you could swear up and down that you could almost see a tear fall into the lake, sending tiny ripples through the water.
  17. >Quietly, you head down to where she sat and stared into the lake's crystal-like surface, acting like a jumbo-sized mirror.
  18. >Being only a few feet away, you can now hear her quiet and subtle sobbing.
  19. >At this distance you can faintly make out part of her face in the lake's reflection, only from the nose up.
  20. >All that was needed too see the sorrow she was feeling.
  21. >She runs a hoof through her mane, bringing it the front of her face.
  22. >"How? How can I be me without..." She flicks the strand of hair and closes her eyes, letting her head droop down. "Without my color...?"
  23. >"I'm n-not me anymore... I look...l-look..."
  24. "Fine."
  25. >She jumps at the sound of your voice.
  26. "You look fine, Rainbow."
  27. >Apparently you were better at being sneaky then you thought.
  28. >Or, more likely she was just too deep in thought to even notice you approach her.
  29. >"A-Anon!?"
  30. >She quickly wipes her eyes and slumps down to cover her mane with her hooves.
  31. >"D-Don't look at me! I-I-I'm not! I mean, I... I don't..."
  32. "Rainbow Dash you look fine," You give a comforting smile, trying to be as supportive as possible, "your mane shouldn't dicta-"
  33. >"Don't call me that!!"
  34. "Call you what, Rainbow?"
  35. >"That!"
  36. "...Your name?"
  37. >"That can't be my name anymore..."
  38. "Is just 'Dash' okay?"
  39. >She turns away and looks to the ground, keeping her mane covered.
  40. "Well?"
  41. >She turns back to look up to you and replies only with a nod.
  42. "Well alright then. Dash, listen. The color of your mane doesn't dictate who you are. Only you can do that."
  43. >The shocked look on her face tells you that you clearly could have chosen your words better.
  44. >"Are you joking?!" she cries out, "My mane was one of my most signature features! It helped make me who I am! I'm not 'Rainbow' Dash without it!"
  45. >She takes an aggressive stance and continues lashing out.
  46. >"How could you possibly think this is fine Anon?? HOW!?"
  47. >Rainbow Dash falls back to her original position, looking into the lake.
  48. >Well fuck... what else can you say? Now shes sad /and/ pissed.
  49. >Way to go, dick.
  50. >You walk next to her and sit down, resting your elbows on your knees and look into the lake with her.
  51. >"Every time I look at my reflection, I only see the lack of color in my mane. Like a big piece of me is gone and I'll never get it back..."
  52. >She stares deeply once again into her reflection, tears now beginning to well up in her eyes.
  53. >"I just... I don't know how I can be 'Rainbow Dash' without my Rainbow..."
  54. >A single tear rolls down her face and drops into the water below, sending another tiny wave of ripples through its once seemingly solid surface.
  55. >God this hurts.
  56. >Like, really hurts.
  57. >Seeing her in such a state.
  58. >You feel a wrenching feeling in your chest, like each pulse sent it's own ripple of pain through your heart.
  59. >You could admit, this little mare had made a bigger impact on your life then she even knows if seeing her like this hurt this much.
  60. >Great, now your about to start crying as well.
  61. >Taking a deep breath, you try to think of something to say that can make her feel better.
  62. "Hey, Dash?"
  63. >*sniff* "What?"
  64. >You look at her reflection in the lake once again.
  65. "Wanna know what I see?" You say turning to face her.
  66. >Dash takes her eyes off her reflection and wipes away the tears she couldn't hold back, meeting your eyes with hers.
  67. >"W-What?"
  68. "I see..." You reach out and grab her ears, "a pair of ears"
  69. >She gives a quiet yelp as you grab her ears unexpectedly.
  70. >"S-stop it, c'mon..." She says with a light pink hue in her face.
  71. >You move your hands down to her cheeks and get the remaining waterworks from her fur with your thumbs.
  72. "I see two magenta eyes. As well as a little blue nose."
  73. *boop*
  74. >"Anon, c'mon! C-cut it out" she says with a meek giggle and covering her mussel.
  75. "Wanna know what else I see?"
  76. >Her brow raises as her eyes meet yours once again.
  77. "I see a Pegasus, whose ticklish!"
  78. >Without warning you inflict your wrath of tickle upon her mid-section, causing her to begin laughing uncontrollably.
  79. >"AHH! A-Anon! St-Stop it! Don't m-make me, AH!"
  80. >You ignore her plea and continue the assault, making her laugh even louder.
  81. >"C-cut it out! I-I'm gonna g-get you for this!"
  82. >Struggle all you want, the tickle monster knows no mercy...
  83. >"Seriously! S-St-Stop! I'm gonna pee!!"
  84. >You cease and desist, freeing her from your grasp and letting her regain her composure.
  85. >"That...that was low!" She says trying to hide her laugh.
  86. "Remember, I have that kind of power."
  87. >She scoffs at your remark, "Your such a dork Anon..."
  88. >Her expression was no longer sad, or at least not full-on tear jerk mode.
  89. >Maybe now she will listen.
  90. "Like I said earlier, your mane doesn't make you who you are. Only you can make you who you are."
  91. >"Yeah, I know." She says with a sigh.
  92. "And besides, just being honest here, that silvery mane? It looks kinda...good on you, actually."
  93. >She gives an unimpressed look.
  94. "No, really! I mean yeah its not your normal color but, that doesn't mean it still doesn't make you look good."
  95. >A slight blush appears on her face. She of course tries to hide it.
  96. >"Y-you really think so?"
  97. "Sure! I mean, it kinda compliments your coat and your uhh..." You hesitate for a second, trying not to sound too sappy, "It helps your eyes stand out, I mean."
  98. >You rub the back of your neck with your hand, trying to keep your cool.
  99. >Dash looks at her reflection one last time and sighs in contempt, now smiling at her new appearance.
  100. >"You really mean that? About my eyes I mean?" She says no longer hiding her red face.
  101. "Well yeah! Course I do. I mean...yeah."
  102. >She scoots herself over to your side and leans against you, slightly nudging your arm to raise it and get against your chest.
  103. >The subtle moments where she shows how soft she can be...these moments are what made being her friend so damn worth it.
  104. >You raise your arm to bring her in close and embrace her, feeling her warmth against your side.
  105. >May not seem like it at times, but she definitely has a heart of gold.
  106. >A moment goes by and you both remain silent, taking in the view of the setting sun.
  107. >The horizon glows with a beautiful blend of orange, red, and blue, Putting you at ease.
  108. >"Hey, Anon?" Rainbow asks, getting your attention.
  109. "Yeah?"
  110. >"Thank you...for everything."
  111. >She nuzzles the side of your chest and rests her body completely against yours.
  112. >You pick up your hand and gently stroke the top of her head, petting her mane from her forehead to her ear.
  113. >"Mmmm..."
  114. "Anything for you, Rainbow Dash."

Not so Bad (Anon x Dash)

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Madness of the Old Gods (Pony Horror OC)

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Devil Hunter Dash

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Itchy Scratchy (pony Horror)

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Dash loses her rainbow

by Mshakezilla