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Dash short stories

By Mshakezilla
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-04-06 14:52:02
Expiry: Never

  1. >>Watching kung-fu movies with her and trying to copy the moves<<
  3. "Dash, I don't think you being a black belt in karate for ponies means you know about how to train a human to do kung-fu."
  4. >"Hey, you said you thought it'd be awesome to be able to do a roundhouse kick like Hoof Norris."
  5. "Doesn't mean I'm ready to start kicking trees'n shit!"
  6. >Be Anon, practicing kung-fu with Rainbow Dash just after watching what can be considered the pony equivalent of "Enter the Dragon."
  7. >Oddly named the same exact thing.
  8. >Kinda makes sense if you think about it. What with Dragons being a real thing in this world and all.
  9. >Whatever.
  10. >More importantly Dash told you that if you'd let her train you, you'd be kicking big bangs in no time.
  11. >Whatever that means.
  12. >She even took the time to put on her robe, black belt, and whistle.
  13. >"Just focus. Position yourself and concentrate on executing the technique."
  14. *sigh* "Alright. I'll get it right this time..."
  15. >You inhale and spread your feet shoulder-width apart and take your combat stance.
  16. >Hard as fuck yo.
  17. "Whatahh!"
  18. *Thud*
  19. >The tree barely shakes. Only a handful of leaves falling.
  20. >"You call /that/ a kick?"
  21. "Yeah well..."
  22. >"You need to mean it. Put some 'umf' into your strikes!"
  23. >She blows her whistle.
  24. >You glare at the tree, sizing up your opponent.
  25. "Hmmmm..." You reset your position and breathe deep.
  26. "OhhhhWAH"
  27. *WHACK*
  28. "...Dammit! That fucking hurt!!" You fall to the ground, holding your leg. "Ohhh, ahhh, ehh!"
  29. >"Hey, at least you managed to get a few apples down this time!"
  30. >Dash blows her whistle again.
  31. >"O-kay next lesson!"
  32. >Fuck.
  36. >>Teasing her and laughing when she gets mad and pouts<<
  38. >"Stop. Laughing."
  39. "Laughing? Pfft, I would never!" *snicker*
  40. >Dash's face turns red and she grits her teeth at you, growling an adorable little growl.
  41. >"It wasn't funny!"
  42. >She had been arranging clouds around town to prepare for a rainstorm Ponyville had due for the afternoon.
  43. >While moving one of the larger storm clouds she sneezed and accidentally headbutted it, causing it to give her a quick lightning shock. Parts of her mane and fur were streaked with black.
  44. >Even had little fumes of black smoke coming off them.
  45. "H-honestly, Dash. I'm not laughing!" you take a deep breath, "I'm just uhhh, /shocked/ you'd let that happen!"
  46. >"Anon..."
  47. >She huffs, blushing even harder now and trying to fix her zapped mane.
  48. "I mean really, you did kind of seem... ex-/static/ about today!"
  49. >You can't help but antagonize her, seeing her so flustered was just cute.
  50. >"Yeah?! Well... s-shutup!"
  51. "Oh come on now Dash, no need to get all, /amp'd/ up!"
  52. >Her eye twitches while a tiny stream of black smoke rises from one of the singed ends on her mane.
  53. "You know what," you wave your hand, holding yourself up by your knees, "you know what? I'm done, I'm done."
  54. >You breathe deep and compose yourself, wiping a tear away.
  55. >"Good. Because it wasn't funny!" She brushes herself off.
  56. "Well, I suppose my remarks did kinda.../spark/ a little anger in you?"
  57. >She says nothing, only slowly turning her head at you.
  58. >"Anon!" She clops her hooves together, "Don't make me hurt you!"
  59. "Oh c'mon now, that not nice." You grin, "What would Mayor Mare say about your, /current/ behavior?"
  60. >"That one didn't even make sense!"
  61. "Shocking isn't it?"
  62. >"E-NOUGH! Enough with the stupid puns!"
  63. "Okay okay I'll stop."
  64. >"...."
  65. "...They were getting a little /static/ weren't they?"
  66. >"OH COME ON!"
  67. "Hah!
  70. >>Playing sports with her<<
  72. "I'm telling you Dash, there is -no- way a little pony like you could beat me in a wrestling match." You wave your hand, "Your way lighter then I am, it just wouldn't be fair."
  73. >"Size isn't everything ya'know," She scoffs and crosses her forelegs, "sometimes the one with better technique is the one who wins."
  74. >This conversation about size in sports started getting heated only a few minutes in.
  75. >It was Monday night, also known as "cider, pizza and watch wrestling" night.
  76. >Still working on a name for it...
  77. >Your attention is brought back to the TV, standing on it's little plastic stand on the carpet. You had lived here a good solid minute, however being a guy; furnishing the place from top to bottom wasn't really in your peak interest.
  78. >Save for a few knick knacks here and there, the place was mostly empty.
  79. >Lucky for you, Dash didn't seem to care either. Came off as odd at first considering the damn mansion she lives in.
  80. >However you figured better not to question it and just be glad shes your friend.
  81. >Both sitting on the couch in your barely furnished apartment, you watch the ongoing match between the main event's two opponents. Only thing separating the two of you was a pizza box, half empty and with a slice that had a bite mark in it.
  82. >The two wrestlers, one of which was a minotaur, went by the name of: "Bicentennial Bison" and his opponent, an Earth pony simply called: "The Nature Stallion, Rock Flare".
  83. >Even in this world wrestler's names make almost no sense.
  84. >"Ah-HA! See?" Dash says, pointing at the screen, "Size isn't everything!" She crosses her hooves and puts her chin up.
  85. >Rock flare had just ducked and weaved out of a clothesline from Bison, causing his momentum to send him flying over the top rope of the ring and into the audience.
  86. "Okay, no." You interject, "That happened because hes an overconfident idiot."
  87. >"Just face it Anon," She says with confidence, "technique always beats brute strength. It'd be like me against you. Yeah, you may have size and weight but I'm way too athletic and would get out of anything you could throw at me!"
  88. "Oh really-"
  89. >"Yes. Really."
  90. >Oh its on...
  91. "Care to back up those claims there Dash?" You smirk.
  92. >She jumps on the couch cushion and crouches down like shes about to pounce, "You wanna go!?"
  93. >You look up at the clock, hanging just above the TV.
  94. "Lets see," you scratch your chin, "about 7, 8, 9... yup. Its go time!"
  95. >You hop to your feet and widen your stance like a sumo wrestler.
  96. >Dash accepts your challenge, ducking down for momentum and leaps directly into your chest, knocking over the half empty pizza box that sat between you.
  97. "Hah!" You catch her, "See? Too light!"
  98. >You toss her back too the couch, gently enough so not to risk hurting her.
  99. >"Hey! Don't go easy! I could tell that was for my sake!"
  100. "Oh I'll be sure to play for real now..." You say with sarcasm.
  101. >She growls and throws herself at you gain, this time aiming for your head.
  102. >"Gotcha!"
  103. "No fair! I can't se- ahhh!"
  104. >She takes you off balance, making you fall to the floor.
  105. >Now in a headlock, your confidence begins to waiver.
  106. "N-no fair! I couldn't have seen that coming!"
  107. >"Ready to give up yet?" she says, keeping a tight grip.
  108. "Never!"
  109. >You quickly pick yourself up and back to your feet.
  110. >"Ahh!"
  111. >You grip her hoof around your neck and pry it open.
  112. >Now free, you use your superior thumbs to keep your grip on her forehoof and toss her across the room.
  113. "Ha ha! Give up!"
  114. >"Nope!!" She catches herself in mid-air, flaring her wings out and looking more determined to win.
  115. >Good! So are you...
  116. >She winds herself back and flies at you full speed, nailing you right in the gut and sending you back into the wall.
  117. "Oof!"
  118. >The impact knocks the wind out of you, along with knocking the back of your head against the wall with an audible clunk.
  119. "Ughh..." You grab the sides of you head, "Owe my... ass."
  120. >"A-Anon? you okay?"
  121. >You slowly slide down to the floor, only having so much traction from your socks on the carpet.
  122. *cough* "Ughhhh... That, didn't hurt."
  123. >"Anon! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you like that!"
  124. >She hovers over to check on you.
  125. >"You okay?" She says, biting her lip.
  126. "I... I can see stars..."
  127. >She looks worried now, her eyes shrinking to half their size.
  128. >"Oh Celestia! What have I done!" She begins nudging you shoulders, "Anon! I'm sorry! Don't die on me!"
  129. >Oh yeah, shes really worried. Gonna use this to your advantage...
  130. "I... can see someone. At the end of a long tunnel."
  131. >"A tunnel?"
  132. "I'm not long for this world..."
  133. >"Oh Anon! I'm sorry!" She hugs your chest, "If I knew humans were so fragile..."
  134. "Shhh... its okay Dash. W-wait... I can see who it is at the end."
  135. >She sniffles, looking into your eyes.
  136. >You keep a straight face, trying to fight back the shit eating grin...
  137. "Its...beautiful. I can see him!"
  138. >"Wh-who do you see?" She asks nervously.
  139. "Its...Its!"
  140. >You eyes meet with hers, a great deal of concern in her gaze.
  141. "Its..." You quickly grab her and hoist her over your shoulders.
  142. >"WHAT THE??"
  143. [spoiler]JOHN CENA![/spoiler]
  144. >You get back to your feet, and run into the bedroom, giving Rainbow an "Attitude Adjustment" right onto the bed.
  145. >"Trickster!" She says, bouncing on the bed with her hooves failing about.
  146. "Alls fair in love and wrestling Dash." You cross your arms, "Admit defeat! I've outwitted you!"
  147. >"No way! You have to pin me!"
  148. "Your right! I do..."
  149. >"Uh-oh, wait!"
  150. >You give her no time to recover, leaping on top of her and holding her shoulders down on the mattress.
  151. "ONE. TWO. THREE. I WIN!"
  152. >"Cheater!!"
  153. "Pfft, so?"
  154. >She scrunches her muzzle in annoyance.
  155. >"Hmph!"
  156. >You smirk, looking down at you defeated adversary.
  157. >As you look down, your smirk begins to fade. Never seen her face so close like -this- before.
  158. >Has she always looked... this good?
  159. >Your breathing begins to grow steady as you continue gazing at her face, seeing every little detail.
  160. >The small, little beads of sweat forming along her forehead and running down the side onto your bedspread.
  161. >Time feels like its stopped, your whole world, focused on her right now. Gazing into her eyes, her magenta eyes just barely covered by her mane drooping over the side of her face.
  162. >She looks back, brushing her mane behind her ear, "Uhhh...Anon? You okay?"
  163. >You have no words, too lost to really even hear what shes saying.
  164. >"Uhm...Anon?" She begins to blush, "Wha-whats wrong?"
  165. "Huh?" You snap out of it, "What?"
  166. >You lean back, seeing the pink hue in her cheeks and her confused look.
  167. >She says nothing, only blinking nervously.
  168. "Uhhh... S-sorry." You lean up, letting her loose.
  169. >She gets back to her haunches and scratches the back of her head, trying to hide her blush.
  170. >"S-so uhhh, wanna finish watching TV?"
  171. "Yeah, lets do that."
  172. >The evening ends with you both back on the couch, doing your best not to make the night anymore awkward.
  173. >Still the best night you've had since getting hear though, and at least it was with her.
  177. >>>Letting her pin you so you can feel her body pressed against yours
  178. Flipping her back over so that you can stare into each other's eyes<<<
  180. "Three minutes? Your so full of it."
  181. >"Yeah your probably right. It'd be more like two."
  182. "My ass!"
  183. >Another day, another friendly debate slowly turning into a competition. What started out like any other day in the Ponyville park, was beginning to devolve as they normally do.
  184. >You had been discussing with Dash on what would be more important in a fight: strength or agility.
  185. >You've had this conversation with her before.
  186. >[spoiler]Eleven times as a matter of fact.[/spoiler]
  187. >This time however, was becoming more heated.
  188. >Whether it was because she was just trying to get more of a rouse out of you or it was just because she was being herself.
  189. >Hard to tell sometimes, but it would at least make it to where there was never a dull moment around her.
  190. "I know I'm not the biggest dude around, but there is no damn way you could pin me in a match of any kind in only two minutes." You cross your arms, "I'm calling shenanigans right there!"
  191. >"Hah!" She scoffs, then taps her chin, "Actually Anon, your right." She looks you up and down, "It wouldn't even take one."
  192. >You stop dead in your tracks in the middle of the park trail with your jaw hanging, and she just keeps on walking.
  193. >Other ponies walk by looking at you strangely. Not everyday the friendly neighborhood human gawks at ponies in the park.
  194. >Such arrogance! How could she make such assumptions?
  195. >This travesty will not stand!
  196. >You know for a fact you can last longer then a minute!
  197. >Heh...
  198. "Hold it!"
  199. >She stops and looks back with a cocked brow.
  200. "I challenge you! Right here, right now!"
  201. >"Oh yeah?" She says with a grin, flying back to you at face level, "In what?"
  202. "Since were talking about who could pin who, how about a wrestling match?"
  203. >She crosses her forelegs, "Alright then tough guy, see that open flat open spot in the grass over there?" She points to her left.
  204. >You nod.
  205. >"Meet me over there in ten minutes, and you know what? Lets make this interesting."
  206. "A wager?"
  207. >She begins fluttering in circles around you. Dash crosses her forelegs behind her head while doing so, as if sitting in a chair.
  208. >"If you can pin me within two minutes, I'll admit that strength alone can be useful in a fight. I'll even admit I was wrong, but if you lose..."
  209. "Go ahead!" You shout, "Name it!"
  210. >"You gotta be my servant for the rest of the day. -And- you gotta refer to me always in third person."
  211. >Maybe you should think this throu--
  212. "DEAL!"
  213. >Balls. So much for thinking.
  214. >Fuck you, right?
  215. >"Awesome!" She stops fluttering in circles and hovers just over your head, "I'll be waiting, and I hope you enjoy doing house work!"
  216. >With that, she's already at the spot she pointed out, drawing a big circle in the grass with her hoof.
  217. "Hmph. Hope -your- ready to admit that I'm right."
  218. >The ten minutes pass like nothing, but they don't go to waste.
  219. >You spent the precious moments stretching and prepping yourself while Dash just sat up in a lone cloud watching you.
  220. "What? Like what you see?"
  221. >"Just thinking about how useful it will be having my own personal assistant following me around all day."
  222. "yeah well don't entertain the idea too much there bluefast, I intend to win!"
  223. >She rolls herself off the cloud, slowly floating down.
  224. >"Don't worry Anon," She says landing, "I'm sure you'll make a great servant."
  225. >Oh we'll see you little...
  226. >"No really," She begins to stretch her legs, "You'll do fine, there plenty around my house that needs cleaning. Like Tank's food and water bowls, my Wonderbolts uniform needs washing..."
  227. >She continues stretching, showing off her flexibility.
  228. >It was pretty noticeable that her body was a bit more tone then the other ponies in town save maybe for AJ, but this was making it obvious.
  229. >"My room needs re-organizing..."
  230. >She continues on, naming off random tasks.
  231. >But your long past the point of hearing anything shes saying, and at the point of staring at her showing off.
  232. >She leans forward, stretching her core and legs. Her muscle tone being made easily visible under her coat in the process.
  233. >She begins making circles with her head, limbering up her neck and wings.
  234. >Every rotation she huffs, grunts, or moans.
  235. >Would be much easier to focus if this wan't so
  236. >"Mmmm yeah, thats the stuff."
  237. >[spoiler]U-unf...[/spoiler]
  238. >"Just a few more circles..." She whispers to herself. "Ahhhh..."
  239. >Suddenly being her servant doesn't sound so bad.
  240. >Wait, no!
  241. >Must, contain, boner! Th-think about something! Anything!
  242. >Baseball? Old nuns!
  243. >"Alright!" She poses, "Are you ready to lose?"
  244. >Maybe you should just...
  245. >"Anon!!"
  246. "Whats that?"
  247. >"I asked if you were ready!"
  248. >Oh, right! The match part has to happen.
  249. "Y-yeah! Shut-up!"
  250. >Dash only looks at you, shaking her head.
  251. >Great, she probably figured out your were totally checking her out.
  252. >Its all good. You got this! No problem...
  253. >"Well if your ready, here I come!"
  254. "Wait, what?"
  255. >Rainbow Dash wastes no time, charging at you full force.
  256. >She spears your mid-section, knocking your ass down to the ground.
  257. >Your shirt pulls and tugs against your shoulders as you fall backwards in the grass.
  258. >Dash releases her grip and takes a step back, "Hah!" Dash places a hoof on her chest, "Told you I wouldn't even need a minute!"
  259. >Picking yourself up to your knees, you attempt a sneak attack.
  260. "GOTCHA!"
  261. >"Whoa!" She flies up, dodging your attack.
  262. >You eat a face full of dirt. Lucky you.
  263. "Ya see Anon?" She says giggling, "There's no way you could beat my speed."
  264. "Yeah? Well since when is it fair to fly when I have no wings?"
  265. >"When its you I'm against." She says with her forelegs crossed.
  266. "Yeah well I'm still here! I'm still ready to go! Remember you said if you can't pin me in 2 minutes..." You nod with a grin, "I win!"
  267. >For the first time, her confidence waivers.
  268. >"I didn't forget!" She lands to the ground hard, crouching and ready to pounce, "I still have plenty of time!"
  269. "Well then..." You wave your hand, "Lets go!"
  270. >"I don't lose!" She grits her teeth.
  271. "First time for everything..."
  272. >She growls, winding herself back and expanding her wings as far as they could go.
  273. >"Well see about that!"
  274. >She lunges forward, too quick for you to even react.
  275. "Wha--oh shit!"
  276. >Never thought you'd live to see the day where a roughly 3 foot little Pegasus would hit you with enough force to put you on your ass.
  277. >Twice.
  278. >"Hah! I got you now!" She says panting, little beads of sweat forming on her forehead.
  279. >Rainbow has you held down by your chest, her hooves holding you in place.
  280. >Her mane dangles just above your face, tickling your nose as it waves from side to side.
  281. >You glance down, seeing the lower half of her body pressed against yours. Her tone, firm body...
  282. >She felt...warm yet, soft. Her coat against the bare part of your skin being exposed by her pressing against your shirt, it was as if her coat were acting as a blanket.
  283. >Keeping your bare skin protected from the cool wind.
  284. >The situation seemed to grow more intimate with each breath you each took.
  285. >You glance back up, seeing the still determined look in her eyes. Those clear, magenta eyes.
  286. >Rainbow begins to calm down, being this close you feel her breath on your face.
  287. >The warmth, it's scent, and moisture made the breeze feel cold against your cheeks.
  288. >A little bead of sweat drops off her forehead onto yours.
  289. >Oh yeah, you could easily get used to this.
  290. >"Guess I win, huh?"
  291. >Her body moved slightly when she spoke, grinding against your waist.
  292. >Once again its as if you didn't even hear her, too lost in her gaze.
  293. > some more please.
  294. >Slowly but surely, you begin feeling a certain part of your pants tighten up...
  295. >Boner, NO! Not now! You can't make this of all moments awkward and fuck up your relation with her!
  296. "F-fuck!"
  297. >You buck your hips quickly to get her off.
  298. >"Whoa! What the?"
  299. >You free your left arm in the second you bought yourself and use it as leverage to turn the tables, flipping her on her back.
  300. >Now it was you who had her pinned. Or rather, trapped underneath you.
  301. >"No fair! I had you!"
  302. "Yeah," you nod, "but there was no ref to count to three. So it doesn't count."
  303. >She says nothing, only glaring at you.
  304. "What? I'll still help you around your place if you really want..."
  305. >Her ear twitches at that, "Oh! Uhhh, y-you don't have to. I-I mean uhh, I didnt actually mean..."
  306. "And if you really want, I'll even wear a maid outfit to prance around your house in." You smirk, "I'll make sure to get the most -revealing- outfit I can find."
  307. >She blushes, meeting her eyes with yours.
  308. >You rest on your left arm, looking down. A moment goes by, just looking at each other.
  309. >"I uhh, never n-noticed..." her blush grows.
  310. "Noticed what?"
  311. >"Your eyes."
  312. "...What about'em?"
  313. >"N-nothing." Her eyes dart to the left, then back to yours, "I'em. Thats all."
  314. >You cup her cheek with your free hand.
  315. "You too."
  316. >She gently grabs your arm with her hooves, nuzzling your hand.
  317. >"I uhh, I think maybe just this once I can call it a draw..."
  318. >With your thumb, you gently pet her cheek.
  319. "Yeah, me too."
  322. >>>Protecting her from bullies even though you know she can handle herself<<<
  325. >"So whaddya think so far? Best place in Equestria don't ya think?"
  326. >Rainbow's confidence in her home town of Cloudsdale being the "most awesomest place of awesome" in her words, were actually... somewhat true.
  327. >The architecture, the pillars of white, the liquid rainbows flowing from cloud to cloud like streams of rainwater on leaves in the sky...
  328. >It really was a marvel to behold.
  329. >Nothing even remotely close to this existed on Earth save for ancient Greece.
  330. >The similarities with the structures and artwork in their buildings and stadiums was a spitting image of the old Greek places...
  331. >"Well?" Rainbow says impatiently, "I'm waiting!"
  332. "You weren't kidding." You say in awe, "This place is a hell of a lot more aesthetically pleasing to the eye then most of the other places I've been to so far..."
  333. >Rainbow crosses her forelegs, floating just to your right, in triumph.
  334. >"I -told- you it would be! Its where I'm from after all."
  335. >Easily the best.
  336. >Twilight had been letting her friends give you the tour of various places they had traveled to. Or at least the notable places that were safe enough.
  337. >Manehattan, Canterlot, even Neighagra Falls.
  338. >The names in this world, its hard to tell whether they /knew/ what they were doing with them or it was all just a coincidence.
  339. >Regardless, today's location was where rainbows are made.
  340. >In a literal sense.
  341. "I tell you one thing, sure is way better seeing this place for more then a second before falling through the damn gr- err clouds...?" You look down at the cloud-made sidewalk, "Whatever."
  342. >"Y-yeah... I was just excited is all."
  343. >Your first trip here fell short, in her excitement to show off her home town she completely forgot to mention the cloud walking spell needed for non-pegasi to walk around freely on clouds.
  344. "Honestly, I have never come so close to turning gay in my life. Falling straight down? Nah, done." You say sternly, "Fucking wake up this morning, Twilight tells me I'm going to the city in the sky, I thought that meant she snapped and was gonna murder my ass..."
  345. >You and Rainbow continue making your way along the road, getting the occasional weird look from passers by. Being the only walking monkey thing in town and all...
  346. "And low and behold there is an actual city in the sky!" You raise your arms, gesturing at the marvel surrounding you and then glance at Rainbow, "Only to be rushed all morning and then get brought all the way up here just to fall back down because 'magic'."
  347. >Rainbow simply rolls her eyes.
  348. "Oh hey Anon!" You impersonate Rainbow, "Your gonna love Cloudsdale! Your totally not gonna almost fall to your death!" You clap your hands together and flutter your eyes.
  349. >"Hey, I said I was sorry!" She glares, "And besides, you got to see me in action when I totally saved you!"
  350. >Rainbow nods, patting herself on the back.
  351. >"If anything, you ought to thank me. Not everypony gets a free skydiving ride like that, only to be saved by the fastest flier in Equestria y'know."
  352. "Well, had I knew you were -that- fast I probably wouldn't have freaked out so bad."
  353. >"And now you know." She cocks her brow.
  354. "Yeah but still--"
  355. >"Your welcome."
  356. >You let out a drawn-out sigh.
  357. "Whatever, lets just get today over with." You rub your forehead, "Whats first on the tour?"
  358. >"Oh, I know!" She says with excitement, "I gotta show you the Flight Colosseum! Then, the weather factory, then my old flight school, then..."
  359. >Oh lord.
  360. >Time flies by, going form place to place.
  361. >Heheh, "flies by". Get it?
  362. >Because of the clouds'n stuff?
  363. >[spoiler]Fuck you[/spoiler]
  364. >In what seemed like only an hour, the entire morning had disappeared.
  365. >Dash showed you all around Cloudsdale. Every notable place of interest she thought would be cool to explore.
  366. >The Colosseum, her old school, and now, the weather factory.
  367. >Awaiting by the entrance at the front, you sit on a bench for your tour guide's return.
  368. >She had explained that in order to venture inside, a white coat and hardhat are needed to avoid any head injuries from the machinery.
  369. >Not to mention the fact that this place is pumping out literal clouds of thunder, you had no protest.
  370. "Ya'know, I'm not even mad anymore." You talk to yourself, staring at the roads of cloud, "Today started pretty shitty sure. But I think this is making up for it so far."
  371. >Looking up, you can see the blue in the sky so much clearer then on the ground. Or even ever then back on Earth.
  372. >So serene...
  373. >Your attention is brought to the factory doors and out comes Rainbow wearing a white coat and hard hat, carrying another one of each on her back.
  374. >"Sorry for the wait," She hands you a coat and hat, "I had to take a minute to find one that would fit you."
  375. "S'all good!" You run your arms through the sleeves, "Fits well enough. Shall we?"
  376. >"Yeah!"
  377. >As you make your way in, you hold open the door to let her in.
  378. "Ma'dam..." You say in a British tone.
  379. >All sophisticated'n shit.
  380. >"Pfft, very funny Anon." She rolls her eyes, "I don't need you to--"
  381. >"Hey! Check it out!" You hear a voice call, "Its the Wonderbolt's newest member! Rainbow crash!"
  382. >You look back to see three Pegasi, each of which looking kinda big. For a pony anyway...
  383. "Friends of yours?"
  384. >"With them??" Rainbow asks in shock, "No way!"
  385. >"Hey Rainbow crash!" The taller one calls out, heckling Dash, "We heard about your first day in the Wonderbolts! Maybe we should re-name you Rainbow -Trash-!"
  386. >Oh damn. Bullies exist even in this world.
  387. >"Well at least I'm still in!" Rainbow fires back, "Better then anything you three have ever done!"
  388. >"Oh, OH! Don't crash into us!" The stockier of the three chimes in, "We know that your most fatal attack!"
  389. >They begin laughing in unison, leaning on each other to keep themselves up.
  390. >"HNGG!" Dash growls, "Lets just go, Anon!"
  391. "Yeah. Alright, Dash."
  392. >You both walk in and let the door shut behind you.
  393. "The fuck was that all about? Who the hell are those idiots?"
  394. >"Who cares!" She whips her tail, "They're not important!"
  395. "You sure?"
  396. >"Yeah..." She sighs.
  397. "Wanna talk about it?"
  398. >"No, Anon." She huffs, "I can take care of myself."
  399. >Not like you were doubting that...
  400. >You shrug, probably just one of those "drop it and leave it alone" kinda things.
  401. >She leads you in. Pointing out all the cloud scientists in their adorable little lab coats.
  402. >"See all this?" She waves her hoof, "This is where the snowflakes are made!"
  403. "Snowflakes?"
  404. >"Yup!" She continues, "Each one is unique and special."
  405. >You gasp.
  406. "Oh god!" You bring your hands to your mouth, "Liberalism! Its spreading!"
  407. >"What?"
  408. "Dontworryboutit."
  409. >She giggles and turns her head, "Yeah, okay then." She waves at you to follow her, "C'mon, watching the storm clouds get filled with lightning is the best!"
  410. >The rest of the tour goes without any further incidents. She laughed when the lightning generators going off in the assembly lines made you jump.
  411. >Damn reflexes...
  413. >>
  414. >A little while later she takes you to the food court outside the Cloudsdale shopping center.
  415. >Sitting at a table for two you have good vantage point of the rest of what look like a mini strip mall.
  416. >Various booths and stores littered the area with souvenirs and the like for sale.
  417. >"So whaddya think so far?" She asks, sipping from the cup of orange juice.
  418. "I think Applejack is gonna have a heart attack if she sees you drinking that." You smirk.
  419. >She squints and then looks at her drink, "Hehehe, thats okay. She doesn't have to know."
  420. "Well to answer the question, its been great so far. The Colosseum was damn huge and the storm clouds at the factory were pretty bad ass, not gonna lie."
  421. >You pause, scratching your chin.
  422. "Still, though. What was up with those dudes from earlier?"
  423. >"Uhmm..." She totally deflates, "I used to know them from flight school. They kinda bullied me." She quickly gets up in her chair, "But I never let them get the better of me!"
  424. >Oh, so thats how they knew her.
  425. "Well hey, screw them. Like you said, " you tap your finger on the table, "your a Wonderbolt now and them? They probably aint shit. You're great, Dash!"
  426. >She blushes slightly, trying to hide her head in her shoulders while holding the bottom of her cup on the table with her forelegs.
  427. >"Th-think so huh?" Her eyes dart across the ground as she hides her embarrassment, "W-Well yeah! I mean, I told you so didn't I?"
  428. "Sure did!" You sigh, "Well, I think I'm gonna grab something to eat, want anything?"
  429. >"I'm okay!"
  430. >You get up from your seat and walk over to one of the food stands. It had a sign over it, reading: "Fine eats from the corners of the world".
  431. >A griffon stood behind the counter, leaning against it on his elbow.
  432. >He notices you walking up, "Welcome. No free re-fills."
  433. "Y'know it can't be good for customer satisfaction if the first thing you say is 'no free re-fills'."
  434. >"Listen monkey boy,"
  435. >Asshole...
  436. >"This ain't no library, buy or get lost. Now what'll ya have?"
  437. >You look up, seeing the menu cheaply hanging off the sign over the counter.
  438. "Got anything...good?"
  439. >A few moments later, along with a feeling of being ripped off, you take your "Burrito'n cheese supreme" wrapped in a paper plate and smothered in hot sauce back to your table.
  440. "Back!"
  441. >"What took you?" She looks down at your hand, "Oh. You didn't go to that griffon dude did you?"
  442. "Yeah, why? Griffon food can be good. It has meat I mean..."
  443. >"Yeah that dude overprices -everything-."
  444. >Great... At least your feeling of getting ripped off wasn't for nothing.
  445. "Oh well, hopefully it'll be somewhat worth--"
  446. >"Well hey! If it isn't Rainbow -trash- again!"
  447. >Recognize that voice...
  448. >"Ugh, not again..." Rainbow sinks in her seat.
  449. >"Hey Rainbow trash! Make sure to throw away yourself along with your cup when your through! Don't wanna give the Wonderbolts a bad name by littering now do we?"
  450. >The same three hecklers from before sat a few table behind from where Dash was facing.
  451. >Seems like they can't pass on an opportunity to be typical jock assholes.
  452. >Rainbow doesn't say anything, just grits her teeth and grips her cup.
  453. >"Yeah! Hey Rainbow Trash!" Another calls her out, this one having a barbell on his ass, "Might wanna put on a sign or something on your back, so ponies don't mistake you for the garbage can!"
  454. >Dick...
  455. >"Why don't you just leave me alone?" Rainbow turns, "Why is it every time you see me you gotta try and start something huh?!"
  456. "Hm!" You nod in agreement.
  457. >"Oh, WHOA!" The taller one exaggerates his amazement, "Don't crash into us! Whatever you do! Quick! One of you grab a trash can so she'll instinctively fly into that instead!"
  458. >They laugh, banging their hooves on the table.
  459. >Rainbow turns around looking back in the corner of her eye.
  460. >"I'll show you..." She wipes a tear away.
  461. >"Nawww," He continues, "Wheres your parents, Trash? Too bad they aren't here too call you 'world's biggest crybaby'!"
  462. >Dash looks down at the table. A single tear trails from her cheek and off her chin, falling in her cup.
  463. >"Mmm..."
  464. >Yup. Fuck this noise.
  465. >I've had all I can stands and I can't stands no more!
  466. >You get out of your chair, burrito in hand.
  467. >"A-Anon? *sniff* What are you doing?"
  468. >You power walk your way to their table.
  469. "HEY! Asshole!"
  470. >"Huh?"
  471. "Hungry? Eat, -THIS-!"
  472. >You throw the burrito right in the barbell ass's face, getting the sauce in his eyes.
  473. >"Ahhh! What the?" He wipes his face, "I can't see! It burns!!"
  474. >Before he can even react you kick out the tan one's chair out from under him and use the momentum of him falling to grab his head and slam it into the table.
  475. >The shortest of the group, the grey one, is paralyzed in fear.
  476. >You raise your fist at him, threatening like your about to deck him in the snout.
  477. "MM!!"
  478. >"Nyuhhh!" He covers his face.
  479. >Thats right. Bitch.
  480. >"Ahh my eyes. I-hey, HEY!"
  481. >Grabbing him by the collar of his lab coat, you drag barbell ass over to Rainbow.
  482. >She sits there, jaw gaping.
  483. "Apologize. Now."
  484. >"Ughhh."
  485. "Now!" You shake him.
  486. >"Alrightalright!" He grunts and sighs, "I'm sorry..." He looks away, hiding his shame.
  487. "Bullshit, make it sound authentic."
  488. >"Hey, fuck you--oweOWE!"
  489. >You pull back on his mane.
  490. >Dash just stares, partly in total shock. Or entirely. Either way shes getting a well deserved apology.
  491. >"Okayokayokay! I'm sorry, Rainbow -Dash-."
  492. "Good." You drop him, making him grunt as he hit the ground.
  493. >Rainbow brings her hooves to her mouth, trying to hide the huge grin she was sporting.
  494. >"Anon, I--"
  495. "Yeah we should probably leave before security shows up."
  496. >"Oh, right!"
  497. >You both take off towards the nearest road.
  498. >A quick jog later and the coast is clear. No sign of security or cops of any kind.
  499. "Well, that was uhh..."
  500. >"You didn't have to do that y'know." Dash says, scratching the back of her head.
  501. "Hey, those assholes had it coming. Besides I sure as hell wasn't gonna just sit there and let them berate you like that."
  502. >"Th-tha, uhhh..."
  503. >She hovers in place, forelegs behind her back fidgeting.
  504. "Something on your mind?"
  505. >"Thanks!" She surprise hugs you.
  506. >You return the hug, rubbing her back and petting her head.
  507. "Uhh, yeah. No problem, anytime."
  508. >"Normally... I'm the one who stands up for her freinds." She tightens her grip she has around your chest, "Nice to have somepony else do it for a change."
  509. >Heh, she called you "somepony"...
  510. "Well, hopefully neither of us have to do it again anytime soon, right?"
  511. >"Y-yeah! Definitely." She releases her grip, hovering back to the ground.
  512. "Well, that was my lunch I threw at that dude." You look around, "Is there any other places to get food around here?"
  513. >"Are you kidding?" Dash replies excitedly, "Theres plenty! I'll take you to a fancy place. My treat."
  514. "Hell yes!"
  515. >Your tour guide just turned into your hot date.
  516. >Nice.
  520. >>Holding her close and telling her you love her<<
  523. >This is kind of a peculiar spot you've found yourself in.
  524. >Comfortable. Very much so in fact. But peculiar nonetheless.
  525. >Wrapped up in a blanket on the floor in front of the fireplace and with a little blue Pegasus...
  526. >"This blanket is warm..." Said Dash, curled up in your arms and resting against your chest.
  527. >Dash has been over all evening wanting to do whatever with you.
  528. >From menial tasks like washing dishes to more fun stuff like watching movies, she just wanted to hang out.
  529. >This must have something to do with her pet turtle, Tank, hibernating for the Winter months.
  530. >You had heard the stories of her freaking out over Tank hibernating. Maybe this could be a regular thing?
  531. >Yeah... that'd be cool.
  532. >She probably just wants company. To not be alone all Winter.
  533. >Hell, you can relate.
  534. >Why be with you though? Who knows.
  535. >But now, at the later hours, you've found yourself here. In cuddle central.
  536. >Not like its a bad thing, mind you. It helps keep the cold away with her this close.
  537. "Yeah, got it at a discount at the market."
  538. >"Lucky..." She sighs in content, resting her head on your shoulder.
  539. >Her breathing was so calm. So quiet. Much different then the typical super go go mood shes normally in. Not that its a bad thing either, but the change of pace is nice.
  540. >She nuzzles your neck, getting comfortable and breathing down the back of your shirt.
  541. "You're uhhh, unusually affectionate today." You say, rubbing her back.
  542. >"Are you complaining?" She replies, laughing softly.
  543. "No, guess not. But, why not hang out with AJ or Rarity or Pinkie?"
  544. >"Yeah right," She scoffs, "would be kinda odd for me to do this with one of them."
  545. >Whatever that means... Uh-oh.
  546. >Lewd thoughts begone!
  547. >"If anything," She continues, "you ought to be happy I'm here. Your place is always so dull and lame." She says, laughing.
  548. >You're no decorator...
  549. >And it isn't like you could hire a damn squad of decorators to come on in and gay up the place.
  550. "Yeah well, I'm single and living on my own." You shrug, "Don't really need or want for much."
  551. >"Exactly!" she chirps, bringing her head up a bit, "Having me over will be good for you, we'll 'awesome' up this place in no time."
  552. >Wait a tic...
  553. "Hey, Dash?"
  554. >"Yeah?"
  555. "How long exactly do you plan on," You look her in her eye and raise your brow, "'hanging out'?"
  556. >"Uhmm..."
  557. >You feel her fidgeting under the blanket against your chest.
  558. >"A little while?" She sheepishly smiles.
  559. "Kay..." You nod, "How long is 'a little while'?"
  560. >W-well uhhh..." she says, growing nervous.
  561. "Until Tank wakes up?"
  562. >"CAN I??!" She asks excitedly and almost leaping out of the blanket, "Oh! I uh, I mean! S-sorry!"
  563. "Relax Dash, I'm teasing you." You gently pinch her ear between your finger and thumb, rubbing around to get a little coo from her, "You can stay for as long as you want."
  564. >"Mm... W-well," she looks down then back to you, meeting her eyes with yours, "You said you weren't complaining."
  565. >Hey, shes right. Having a roomy for awhile could be pretty kick ass. Especially if its with her.
  566. >Hell, she can probably help motivate your ass to start getting back into shape since you've been slacking these last couple weeks.
  567. >Its... its cold out and you can only afford so many hoodies.
  568. >They're expensive...
  569. >Your not made of bits!
  570. >[spoiler]S-shutup[/spoiler]
  571. "I'll say it again," You rub her head, "you're welcome to stay for as long as you like."
  572. >"Yes!" She boasts victoriously, "And besides," She rests her head back on your shoulder, "We could... do more of this..." She blushes and buries her face in your shirt, "E-each night... if you want?"
  573. "Sounds like a solid deal." You nod, rubbing the back of her head.
  574. >You both sit there, enjoying each other's company. Letting the silence set in. Only occasionally being interrupted by the wind outside or the crackle of the wood burning in the fireplace no more then a few feet in front of you.
  575. >Don't know what it is about Winter nights, maybe its the snow, but everything just seems quieter and now, cozier.
  576. >Her breathing becomes slower, softer.
  577. >Feeling the slow rise and fall of her chest, her gentle heartbeat's thudding you, staying just barely in rhythm with your own...
  578. >It was a surreal feeling. Like all other things in the world just stopped and all that was there were the two of you.
  579. >Here. Together.
  580. >Never thought you'd be fortunate enough to feel this way towards someone else...
  581. >Glad you could though. Even if the circumstances are a little... odd.
  582. >"Hey, Anon?" Asks Rainbow in a quiet tone, getting your attention.
  583. "Hm?"
  584. >"I..." She shifts, moving her forelegs to wrap around your chest, "Th-thanks. For letting me stay here," Dash says nervously, shuddering a bit.
  585. >"I-I lo- Uhm." She hesitates and hugs tighter, "Just, th-thanks."
  586. "Dash."
  587. >"Yeah?" She looks up to you, giving you a perfect clear look into her magenta eyes.
  588. "I love you too."
  589. >You bring your head down, returning her embrace and rubbing her back and neck.
  590. "Mmm... mm..." she quivers, "Y-you too... Th-thank you."
  591. "Anytime, Rainbow Dash."

Not so Bad (Anon x Dash)

by Mshakezilla

Madness of the Old Gods (Pony Horror OC)

by Mshakezilla

Devil Hunter Dash

by Mshakezilla

Itchy Scratchy (pony Horror)

by Mshakezilla

Dash loses her rainbow

by Mshakezilla