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Hearth's Warming mail

By Mshakezilla
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-04-06 14:55:37
Expiry: Never

  1. >Another day, another lonely morning in this world of technicolor horses and magical shenanigans eating a bowl of cereal.
  2. >Not just any cereal though...
  3. >This was a bowl of...
  4. >[spoiler]SUPER SAYIAN CERE-[/spoiler] Yeah no its just a normal fucking bowl of sugary wheats.
  5. >Super or not, they ain't bad.
  6. >Not good like Lucky Charms though... love you some Lucky Charms.
  7. >You sit there at the table in your living room not but a foot away from the kitchen counter where the box you just emptied lay on it's side.
  8. >Mhm, gonna have to go to the market to buy more.
  9. >And its rather cold out. Like, its /fucking/ cold.
  10. >Its winter time.
  11. >Normally, not a big deal. But the constant foot of snow makes getting around kind of a pain.
  12. >Unlike back home, here it snows the whole season due to the weather Pegasi bringing in fresh batches of snow clouds on a weekly basis.
  13. >Not to mention, its that time of year again for holiday celebration.
  14. >Almost this, "Hearth's Warming" day these little ponies keep going on about. Only a day away in fact. No doubt the market will be packed.
  15. >Truthfully, you would really love nothing more then to be excited.
  16. >The look, the feel, its a spitting image of Christmas outside right now.
  17. >But thats the thing... Its a spitting image of Christmas outside right now and its making you homesick. Lonely...
  18. >It never really bothered you to be away from home for so long.
  19. >In fact, life here was pretty chill. No real worries, or at least nothing like modern day societal worries like impending bills, or crushing debt so many find themselves in.
  20. >All the festivity however, along with all the friends and family bonding going on around you over the last few weeks, really started setting in.
  21. >The giant candy canes, wreaths on doors or in windows, strings of garland from rooftop to rooftop across the roadways, and all the other Christmas like decorations strewn about around town brought back the memories of when you were a kid.
  22. >And reminded you how they will forever remain just that. A memory.
  23. >Both good and bad but nostalgic nonetheless.
  24. >God dammit Chris- err Hearth's Warming sucks.
  25. "God... I thought I was over this feeling." You sigh heavily, "Guess I was wrong."
  26. >Your thoughts are abruptly interrupted by a loud thud against your door.
  27. >The hell was that? Damn kids throwing snowballs at your house again?
  28. >Pranksters? Gonna get their asses kicked!!
  29. >Trying to get a rouse out of the local alien huh??
  30. >Whatever it was, something hit your home and you should investigate. Perhaps it was a bird?
  31. >No wait, they all flew south...
  32. >You get up from your wooden chair, making it creak, squeak, and bend beneath your weight.
  33. >Old furniture.
  34. *knock knock*
  35. >Yup, it was the door. At least this time its knocking.
  36. >Can probably rule out the sound being a bunch of kids up to no good.
  37. >Or, they're just trying to lure you out and expose you to their bombardment of snowballs!
  38. >Don't know what else it could possibly be, not expecting anyone. Never really are.
  39. >You grab the doorknob, ball your fist and wind it back, expecting a flurry of snowballs or something of the like.
  40. "Alright..." You take a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself for the verbal onslaught you're about to unleash.
  41. >Swinging the door open, you begin shouting and shaking your fist.
  42. "I SWEAR IF YOU LITTLE FUCKERS TRY SOME SHIT I-" You stop yourself, looking down to see a peculiar grey pony.
  43. "What the?"
  44. >"Hello and good morning Mr.Anon!"
  45. >Oh. Derpy. The local mail mare.
  46. "OH!" You move your hand to scratch the back of your head, "Sorry about that Derpy. I uhh, wasn't expecting any mail."
  47. >"Thats okay Mr.Anon!" she says with her eyes not quite right, "Neither was I!"
  48. >She tilts her head and gives a friendly smile. Whether you should think "Awww!" or, "Ahttp://www..." you can't really determine.
  49. >A big green and red bag filled to the brim of letters and little boxes with various addresses from around town sat next to her, along with a brown package not wrapped up but with only a single line of duct tape across the top and bottom. No address on it or anything.
  50. >The hell?
  51. "Hey, Derpy." you point at the package, "Is that what you brought for me?"
  52. >"Package?" she asks, then looks at the box, "OH! Yes! This, HNG," She pushes the box forward with her head. "Is for you!"
  53. >Must be heavy.
  54. "Do I gotta sign anything or...?"
  55. >"Nope."
  56. "Oh. Thanks then, I guess."
  57. >Hey, free shit. No need to complain.
  58. >"I got more mail to deliver," She turns to grab the bag with her mouth and begins to flutter away. Dipping from side-to-side in the air. >"Hahv uh hood hay!"
  59. >That pony... how shes qualified for a delivery job is beyond you.
  60. >Nevertheless, you have a box to open.
  61. >You dig your fingers underneath the bottom and lift, bringing it up and inside.
  62. "Damn you're heavy!"
  63. >Once you have the package safe from the cold, you raise your foot to close the door behind you and set the box on the floor just in front of you.
  64. >A quick push along the carpet, and you're sitting comfortably on your couch away from the cold door with the package at your feet.
  65. >Taking a moment to inspect the package's peculiarity, you can't seem to find anything too crazy.
  66. >Well, its a box. That much is for certain...
  67. "Alright," You say peeling off the tape along the top, "lets see what I got."
  68. >You open up the first flap.
  69. "Wonder what it could b- ahh!"
  71. >Popping out of the box comes Rainbow Dash, throwing up her forelegs and flinging little pieces of foam that filled the box up to her waist in all directions as she does so.
  72. "What? How?!"
  73. >"Uhhh..." her eyes dart back and forth, "Surprise?"
  74. >She holds her position, doing her best to keep her composure.
  75. >Good lord this is cute. Too cute... No way this was all her doing.
  76. "Dash, who put you up to this?"
  77. >She seemed a little taken back by your question.
  78. >"Nopony put me up to this Anon." She says, now a little offended, "I just noticed that lately you've been a walking sad sack and I wanted to do something to make you feel better."
  79. "Oh really?" You say suspiciously, "A certain pink pony didn't give you this idea?"
  80. >Dash glares and crosses her forelegs, leaning back against the edge of the box, "If you don't appreciate it then fine!" She says with a hint of venom, "Forget asking me for any favors in the future! And I'm not fat you big jerk!"
  81. >Dash turns her head and closes her eyes, flinging pieces of the foam off her mane in the process.
  82. "Fat? I never- oh, the 'heavy' comment." You roll your eyes, "I didn't mean it like that, come on now."
  83. >"Whatever."
  84. >Must've hit a nerve with that comment. Who cares, you're in no mood for this shit.
  85. "Okay, what was even the point of you 'cheering me up' if you're just gonna act like this?"
  86. >"I already told you!" Dash faces you and leans forward a bit, "You started it anyway!"
  87. "Alright fine, not like I don't appreciate it." You shake your head.
  88. >"Well," She says looking down, "you have a funny way of showing it."
  89. >"Oh no," You place your hands over your mouth, "I've gone and gotten you all sad, now I'm /really/ in the wrong..." you say with sarcasm.
  90. >"Yup." She smirks, "All you."
  91. "You little..."
  92. >She says nothing, only raising her brow at you.
  93. >Fuck sake.
  94. "Alright, okay!" You take a deep breath, "I'm sorry."
  95. >She looks unimpressed.
  96. >"That all?"
  97. "Ughh..." you sigh in defeat, "I'm sorry for not being more appreciative and I'm sorry for acting like an ass."
  98. >"Mmhm. What else?"
  99. "Son of a-" you roll your eyes, "and for the 'fat' comment! Happy now!?"
  100. >"Yup. Good boy." She pats your head.
  101. "You're lucky this is the most adorable thing I've seen all month or I'd still be pissed but, yeah." You slowly nod, "I'm sorry. You saw I wasn't right and wanted to help out."
  102. >"Well you're darn right you're sorry!" Dash says, climbing out of the box and pushing it to the side, "I wouldn't do this for just anypony y'know!"
  103. "Yeah." You rub the back of your head. "I've gathered that much."
  104. >Still begs the question...
  105. "If you don't mind me asking, why /did/ you wanna do this for me?"
  106. >She deflates slightly, ears drooping down.
  107. >"Well I had to do something!" she looks towards your window, "Its Hearth's Warming day tomorrow and you've barely come out to enjoy it with any of us! All you've done the last couple days is just sit here and not do anything. I asked Pinkie if she had any ideas to get you to come out and she told me to use uhhh," Dash takes a seat next to you on the couch and taps her hooves together, "the element of surprise..."
  108. "Ohhh. Makes sense." You quickly realize, "Fffffuuuuuck. I'm a dick." You sigh, "Jesus," you face-palm, "I didn't know. I just haven't been myself lately is all."
  109. >"Why?" She asks with concern. "Has somepony been mean to you? Are you getting bullied?!" she mashes her hooves together.
  110. "N-no, nothing like that." You laugh, "Would hate to see what you'd do if I was."
  111. >"Well then what?" She asks, now annoyed, "would you just tell me so you can go back to normal?"
  112. "Its fine. Just don't worry about it." You wave your hand.
  113. >"Obviously /not/."
  114. "Yeah well, don't worry about it."
  115. >"Either tell me or I'll keep asking."
  116. "Nope."
  117. >"I'll make you..."
  118. "Naww." You grin.
  119. >"I'm serious!"
  120. "Nawwwww!"
  121. >"Alright," She smirks, "you asked for it!"
  122. >Dash lunges at you, knocking you off the couch and onto the floor.
  123. "Hey!!"
  124. >She manages to get both of your arms behind your back and rolls you on your stomach.
  125. "Get off dammit!"
  126. >"Stop struggling and tell me!"
  127. "Not a chance!"
  128. >You wriggle and flail your legs until you manage to push her back and free an arm.
  129. >"No you don't!"
  130. >Dash raises her hind leg and brings it down on the meaty portion of your thigh.
  131. "FFFFFUhhhh... god that hurt."
  132. >She gets your right arm in a lock, holding you down against your back, "You done?"
  133. >You say nothing, just breathing hard from the struggle.
  134. >"Well?"
  135. "Erff."
  136. >"Why are you so depressed Anon?" She asks sternly.
  137. "Cause."
  138. >"Cause why?"
  139. "/BE/cause!"
  140. >"Because why, Anon?" Dash positions herself for the long haul, securing your arm in her forelegs.
  141. >Dammit shes stronger then she looks...
  142. >You pick up your head.
  143. "Because I'm fucking alone, alright!?" You let your head drop, making your forehead thud on the ground, "I didn't care at first. Never really did. But all I've been seeing everywhere I look are families, friends all singing and getting along, loving each other, and all that gay shit..." You sigh, "I got no one."
  144. >"Well I'm here, aren't I?"
  145. >Dash loosens her grip, and lets you go.
  146. >With your arm free, you sit up.
  147. "Thanks." you rub your shoulder.
  148. >"Your wrong y'know." Dash says, sitting across from you, "About being alone. You have all of us, your friends." She moves in a little closer, "We never thought you were a nobody."
  149. "Yeah..."
  150. >"And of course..." She rubs circles in the floor, "You got me ya big lug."
  151. >You look to her, seeing the comforting look she has on and the feeling begins to fade.
  152. >The loneliness, the sinking feeling in your chest, it all began to leave.
  153. >She had made you realize...
  154. "I guess the verdict is in." You scratch the back of your head, "I'm just a big lug."
  155. >Rainbow scoots closer, brushing up to your side, "Yeah but thats okay," She says softly. "I still like you."
  156. >She puts her hoof around your shoulder, leaning her head on you.
  157. >You bring your hand up, grabbing and gently rubbing her hoof.
  158. "Thank you, Dash."
  159. >"Its alright. What are friends for?" She releases her grip, giving you that same look from before, "Now are you gonna come out and have fun with me and the rest of your friends or what?"
  160. "Yeah!" You nod, "Yeah, I uhh, just gotta get ready. I need to go to the market anyway."
  161. >"Awesome!" She chirps excitedly, "I'll go let everypony know!"
  162. >She gives a quick hug, and trots over to the door.
  163. >"Oh, and Anon." She pauses before leaving.
  164. "Yeah?"
  165. >"Uhmm..." She rubs the back of her head, looking at the floor, "Don't tell anypony I got all gushy, okay?"
  166. You cross your arms, "If only you promise to do the same."
  167. >She nods, "Thanks!"
  168. >Rainbow opens the door and quickly flies off towards town.
  169. >Time to start getting ready. Fast as she is, everyone is already expecting you to finally emerge from your cave.
  170. >The thing about memories is, you have your whole life to make more...
  171. >Time to start making some here.

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