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Accepting all her girlish sensibilities

By Mshakezilla
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-04-06 14:59:41
Expiry: Never

  1. >>
  2. >"C'mon! Just a few more and that'll be a set!!"
  3. "AHHG! Fuck you leg day!" Your voice cracks at the bottom position of the squat.
  4. >"You got it!"
  5. >Another day in the glorious house of gains, a day working out with Dash coaching and encouraging you no less.
  6. >What could go wrong?
  7. "MMM! AH!" You manage a rep, "GAINS! VICTORY!" You cry out.
  8. >Bro science has taught you well...
  9. >"I know you got more then that! Give me two more!" Dash yells.
  10. "LEGACY!" You manage another rep, clenching your teeth and shooting spit all over the mirror wall in front of the rack.
  11. >"Just one more! C'mon attack the rep! Rest is for the weight, not you!"
  12. >Letting her words spur you on, you make for one final rep. Despite the fact that your thighs are on fire, screaming, and your shaky knees demand that the bar be re-racked.
  13. "FFF..."
  14. >Head pounding, your vision begins to blur. The pressure was making you lose sight.
  15. >"Get angry! Be aggressive! Think of something that makes you MAD!" She stomps her hoof on the gym floor and blows her whistle.
  16. "MMM..." You start your way down.
  17. >"GET ANGRAYY!"
  19. >You complete the rep and rack the bar.
  20. >"You did it, nice set!"
  21. "Whoo..."
  22. >The last thing you remember was fist bumping Dash and falling face first into the floor.
  24. >>
  25. >"Look at it this way," dash says fluttering into the room and bringing you a cup of water, "At least you went down literally swinging."
  26. >Laying in bed with a very strained quad, you groan and loathe the coming days.
  27. >With you being essentially bed ridden, there was really nothing much you could do without help.
  28. >From getting out of bed, to taking a shit, everyday menial tasks turned into trials of degradation.
  29. >"Not to mention, that was three more reps then the last time we did legs!"
  30. >On the positive side, if even that, Dash offered to stick around and help out for a while until you can manage alone.
  31. "Yeah..." You grab the glass and take a drink, "Just answer me this, Dash."
  32. >"Sure!"
  33. "Did you at least follow proper gym etiquette and throw on a couple more plates before the medics showed up?"
  34. >"I remembered." She laughs and shakes her head, "What do you take me for? A gym rookie? I knew right away that it was probably just a head rush. I've seen it plenty."
  35. "You're a true friend..."
  36. >You hand her back the now empty glass and scoot yourself up slightly in the bed to rest your back on the wall.
  37. "And for the record," you cross your arms and close your eyes, "the only swinging I recall doing while going down was swinging my arms in a vain attempt to catch myself on the ground."
  38. >Dash snickers, trying to contain her laughter.
  39. >"Hehe, you shoulda..." She pauses, laughing now, "Shoulda seen the look on everypony's face when you hit the floor!" She was now erupting in laughter, "Everypony was like, 'Oh no! Anons' dead!'" She pauses to catch her breath, "And I was like, 'nah, thats how he rests in between sets!'" She waves her hoof.
  40. >Rainbow falls backward and on her side, pounding her hoof into the floor laughing.
  41. "Mmmmhm... a true friend." You shake your head.
  42. >You sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose with your thumb and finger.
  43. "Well any day you decide to stop laughing, I'd gladly thank you for uh..." You shrug your shoulders, "taking care of me...n'shit."
  44. >Rainbow wipes away a tear and leans on the side of your bed, resting her face on her hoof.
  45. >"Ahttp://www..." She smirks, "Don't worry about it big green lean'n mean." She pats your head.
  46. "Wuf..."
  47. >She giggles a bit, and heads for the door.
  48. >"Need anything?" She asks before exiting.
  49. "A gun to kill myself."
  50. >She rolls her eyes, "Aw c'mon. It isn't /that/ bad. I'll get some ice wrapped up in a towel for your leg."
  51. >With that, Dash exits the room.
  52. "This just sucks..." you look down at your right leg, wrapped in a towel covered in a half melted bag of ice.
  53. >You attempt to raise your leg but to no avail, only sending a sharp pain through your body making you wince in pain.
  54. "Damn!" Your head rolls, "Guess I really am stuck here for awhile. Wish I had my phone with movies to watch or something..."
  55. >Oh technology. How you long for thee.
  56. >But that begs the question; how the hell are you gonna not drive yourself crazy over the next few days? Who the hell knows how long it'll be before you can manage alone, much less even do enough to go out and about again!
  57. "Wish I had my old Gameboy, or hell a book to read would be nic--"
  58. >You hear a loud crash from the kitchen, the sound of glass breaking.
  59. >"Hey Anooon?" Dash's voice calls.
  60. "What??" You shout back.
  61. >"Where do keep your broom?"
  62. "What did you break?!"
  63. >Oh, never mind! I found it!"
  64. "Mughhhhh!" You facepalm.
  65. >Moments later Rainbow comes fluttering back in and next to your bed.
  66. >"Got the ice!" She flies up and drops on the bed next to your leg making you bounce a bit.
  67. "Mng!"
  68. >"Oops!" Her ears droop, "Sorry..."
  69. "Its fine, just," You breath and shake your head, "Just do your... thing. Do your thing."
  70. >"Mhmmm~" She responds, gently removing the towel wrapped around your leg and giving you bedroom eyes. "You want me to do, thaaat~?"
  71. >Dash slowly and playfully traces her hoof up your leg.
  72. "With the damn ice! Fuck!" You facepalm again to hide the redness in your face.
  73. >"Ha ha! Chill out, Anon." She looks down and focuses on your leg, paying special attention to the strained area.
  74. "Mm..." Your lip and eye twitch.
  75. >Would be really awkward to get a boner right now.
  76. >She gives your leg a quick double tap to let you know to raise it just enough for her to wrap the fresh towel around it, ice pack in all.
  77. >"Hmmm..." Dash taps her chin, examining your leg. "I know!"
  78. >She darts off into the living room, and comes back in a split second with a couch cushion.
  79. >"Lift your leg back up."
  80. "Kay."
  81. >You do as ordered. Dash slowly lands back on the bed and carefully places the cushion underneath your leg.
  82. >"There you go!" She places her hooves at her sides, "Gotta keep it elevated."
  83. "Oh thats right, didn't even think of that. Thank you, Rainbow."
  84. >"No problem." She crosses her hooves, "I DO know basic body maintenance y'know. And if I know strains and pulls, its ice and elevation and you'll be back to lumbering around Ponyville in no time!"
  85. >You chuckle and shake your head.
  86. "Well glad I have nurse Dash to get me back up to speed."
  87. >"I prefer DOCTOR Dash but, I'll take it." She hops off the bed and walks over to the door, "Need anything else? Something to eat? Some water? OH! Or maybe a snack?"
  88. "You already said food before snack." You turn your head and cock your brow, "Y'know I never thought I'd see you acting so..." You wave your hand in a circle.
  89. >"So what?"
  90. "Sensitive? I guess? Like, being sensitive to the needs of someone else in nursing them back to health?"
  91. >"Sensitive?" She scoffs, "Me? Sensitive? hah!" She stands on her hind legs and leans against the door frame, "You must have me confused with somepony else Anon." Dash breathes on her hoof and rubs it on her chest, "I'm wayyy too cool to be all sensitive'n stuff. Besides, I'm just paying back for pushing you to injury, thats it!"
  92. "Mhm. Okay Dash. I'm sure that you NEVER act in any way shape or form sensitive..."
  93. >"Well, when Tank gets sick I-- Wait! I'm not!" She blushes hard as she trips over her words with her eyes darting side to side, "I mean, I- Ugh!"
  94. "Hey, hey, take it easy. I'm not saying your any less 'cool'. I'm just saying I've never seen this side of you before."
  95. >"Hmph." She turns her head, flinging her mane, "Well don't get used to it."
  96. "Hey, Dash?"
  97. >She sighs, "Yeah?"
  98. "Thanks. Really. I'm glad your helping me out."
  99. >Her expression lightens up.
  100. >"Oh, yeah sure thing. What're friends for right?" She scratches back of her head. "But seriously, if you need anything else don't hesitate to ask."
  101. "Got any games or books? I don't own shit."
  102. >"Hmmm..." Dash taps her chin.
  103. >She gasps and her eyes light up with little sparkles in them. It really shouldn't be possible for something to be so damn cute but fuck.
  104. >"I have every issue of Daring Do!!" She hops up, floating overhead, "I'll go and grab'em! when I get back we can read them together!"
  105. "Sure, I'm dow-"
  106. >"You're gonna love it! Daring Do is so awesome! She fights off a bunch of bandits in the badlands and theres like monsters and curses with giant scorpions'n stuff!"
  107. "Uhhh..."
  108. >"Omigosh! I can't wait to show you!" She bites her lower lip, "MMM! Ah! I'll be right back! Don't go anywhere!"
  109. "I can't even stand up dammit!"
  110. >Rainbow rockets out of the window, nearly blowing your ass off the bed.
  111. "Jesus..."
  112. >You spend the next few minutes of silence re-adjusting yourself and fixing the sheets.
  113. >You lean back against the wall.
  114. "Well, guess I'll finally find out just how 'awesome' Daring Do is."
  115. >You were never a fan of Indiana Jones, save for the one with the Nazi killing.
  116. >Still, Dash was ecstatic to be able to read with you so, thats pretty cool. Least that means you'll have company for longer.
  117. >And you'll get to see more of her sensitive side...

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