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Patting her head

By Mshakezilla
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-04-06 15:00:46
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Anon, laying flat on your back with your arms crossed behind your head underneath a tree on top of a hill overlooking Ponyville next to your favorite smack talking Pegasus.
  2. >It was appeasing as it was serene.
  3. >Dash had been active the past few days, more so then usual with her school thing starting.
  4. >You found her sitting and admiring the sight of the sun set's dying light when you approached and offered company.
  5. >She teased at first of course. Talking about how you must be, in her words, "secretly stalking" to have found her here.
  6. >Even though the hilltop was not in anyway hidden or hard to find.
  7. >Still, though. It was always nice to have someone with a sense of humor to hang out with.
  8. >Especially if it was her in your company.
  9. >As the night fell, the sky and clouds overhead were bathed in an orange, yellow, and red cast. Making it seem as if the clouds were set ablaze.
  10. >Streams of crimson with hints of purple and blue were evident directly overhead. Separating the three brighter and more dominant colors.
  11. >Behind that, an enduring streak of a darker blue and black. A sign of the encroaching night.
  12. >Coupled with a consoling breeze, it made for the perfect atmosphere to relax and wind down from the past week.
  13. >"Ahhh..." Dash sighs and stretches her wings, "Days like this kinda make me miss not being so needed all the time. Nice to get a day just to chill out and relax, 'chillax', as I like to call it."
  14. >Rainbow takes a deep breath through her nose and out her muzzle.
  15. >Her mane and fur weave and flow with the gentle wind's blow, along with some of the softer feathers in her unfurled wings.
  16. >She looks back at you, "Know what I mean?"
  17. >It still astonishes you that in this world, such creatures like Dash could exist.
  18. >But it was easier to accept such things then to try and comprehend them.
  19. >Or the feelings they could inspire.
  20. >The endearing Pegasus sitting next to and looking back at you stood testament to this.
  21. "Yeah no joke. Days like this..." you yawn and stretch, "don't come around often it seems. Or at least, not as frequently as they used to."
  22. >"Thats true." She replies, "I've been pretty busy being as important as I am," She boasts, placing her hoof on her chest and raising her chin, "you should feel fortunate y'know. With me basically being a celebrity AND a superhero... I still let you chillax with me."
  23. "Oh damn," you reply in a sarcastic voice, "I should feel oh so fortunate shouldn't I?"
  24. >You scoot yourself back and sit up with your back against the tree.
  25. "The great Rainbow Dash, allowing a lowly plebeian like me to be within her presence and converse with her..."
  26. >"Thats right." She blusters, "Bask in my radiance."
  27. "Hah! Hah-hah!" You snort, "I'll be sure to soak in as much as I can, in hopes that one day I can aspire to your shining majesty..."
  28. >"Awwww, thats okay!" She replies, avoiding your ever increasing levels of sarcasm. "I like you as dim as you are."
  29. >You both share a laugh, and continue to admire the fading ember's glow of the twilight sky.
  30. >"In all seriousness," Dash says in a soft voice, "I'm kinda glad you showed up. I was getting bored watching by myself."
  31. "Yeah well..."
  32. >You scoot a snippet forward, bringing yourself next to her.
  33. "Glad I could make things less boring."
  34. >You reach up behind her head and lightly pat her head.
  35. >"Speaking of bor-AH!"
  36. >Her ears droop down and her head pushes softly against your hand.
  37. "Oh, sorry!" You jerk your hand away thinking the push was a sign to stop, "I should've asked, I didn't mean to-
  38. >"No!" She cuts you off, "Keep..." She attempts to hide her blush and rubs the back of her neck, "You can do that."
  39. >Your eyes glance at your hand then back to her.
  40. "Kay."
  41. >She turns her head forward, allowing you to gently give her another few pats.
  42. "Y'know I wasn't sure if you ponies liked this to be honest."
  43. >"Sometimes we do..."
  44. >Her head leans back a bit and she takes a breath.
  45. >"Mmmm. Thats good."
  46. >You patting turns to petting, resting your palm on the top of her head and letting your thumb and pinky to massage behind her ears.
  47. >"Ohhhhhohohoo...."
  48. >She quivers a tad and her head twitches.
  49. >Her left foreleg raises and her head bobs back, caressing your forearm.
  50. >She looks back at you from the corner of her eye. Giving you a look that said, "keep going".
  51. >Your heart begins to race.
  52. "I take it you probably haven't had another perso- uh, pony, give your head a rub?"
  53. >"Well, not like this ya big dummy." She jeers playfully.
  54. "Really?"
  55. >"Mm-mm" She shakes her head. "I didn't even know those hand things of yours could be used for this."
  56. >You nod.
  57. "Uh-huh...want me to keep going?"
  58. >"Yeah! One sec."
  59. >Dash scoots herself over and plops herself between your legs.
  60. >"There we go, should make it easier for you to reach now."
  61. >You proceed and continue, using both hands to tend to her head.
  62. >"Yeah..."
  63. >You gently pinch and rub her right ear and on the left, scratching around the base.
  64. >Her fur was delicate, soft, and warm to the touch. Her mane would fling in your face every few seconds from the breeze.
  65. >You didn't mind it though. Her mane was silky and felt pleasant against your skin.
  66. >If your relationship were more intimate, you would take the liberty and bury your head in her fur...
  67. >Wonder what she smells like?
  68. >You switch spots from her ear to the side of her neck, slowly and softly clawing up and then combing down. Letting her glossy coat flow between your fingers.
  69. >"Ohhhh yeah..." She hums, "Thats the spot."
  70. >With you left hand you tend to the top of her head, massaging her scalp and combing her mane through your appendages.
  71. >"A girl could get used to this." She giggles.
  72. >Her breathing grows harder and her wings twitch ever so slightly with each rub and scratch your give.
  73. "I had no idea your coat would be so soft." You run her mane through your hands, "So alleviating."
  74. >You move your right hand up to cup her cheek and rub her chin and with the left, rub down her back at the base of the wings.
  75. >"Ahm!"
  76. >Dash's wings flare out with an audible "pfomf" and knock away your arms.
  77. "Aw shit, sorry!" You put up your hands and wave them in defense, "I didn't mean to do that!"
  78. >You look at your hands then at her, staring directly forward breathing hard with her wings still fully erect.
  79. "Uhhh... whatever I did anyway."
  80. >Dash takes in a deep breath, closes her eyes, and clears her throat.
  81. >Fully recomposed, her wings slowly furl inward and she scoots back more, plopping her haunches against your crotch and resting her withers on your stomach.
  82. >"Sorry," She looks up at you, her face burning red and with a big grin, "that won't happen again."
  83. "..."
  84. >"You can keep going now." She says in a soft monotone.
  85. "Kay..."

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