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Rainbow Maid

By Mshakezilla
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-04-06 15:03:54
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Rainbow Dash, at another intense day of practice and training with your fellow Wonderbolts.
  2. >The course laid out was nothing you couldn't handle on any given day. Yet lately, you've been having problems keeping focus.
  3. >More and more as the months drag on since you've had these feelings, all you can think of is him...
  4. >"Whoa! C'mon Dash! Keep up!" Spitfire calls out, leading the formation.
  5. "Yes ma'am! Sorry!"
  6. >You speed up, recollecting yourself and keeping your mind from wondering.
  7. >Only a few more laps to go and you'll be safe to fantasize all you want...
  8. >A few spins, a dive, and a flamboyant landing later, the practice ends.
  9. >"Great job Wonderbolts!" Spitfire said, "Everypony feel free to hit the showers and use the rest of the day to relax."
  10. >The team cheers in unison.
  11. >"Practice tomorrow evening," She continued, "we have night performances to train for!"
  12. >You, Soarin, Fleetfoot, and Cloudchaser begin making for the locker room.
  13. >"I can't wait to hit the mess hall!" Said Soarin, shaking his head to let his goggles hang freely on his neck.
  14. >"You bet!" Cloudchaser says, "It's 'Fat colt Friday' after all!"
  15. >Up the stairs to the entrance you all go. A hot shower would be great right now.
  16. >They enter, with you but a short step behind.
  17. >"Whoa there Dash, we need to talk."
  18. >Before being halted by spitfire.
  19. >Oh no...
  20. >You do a one eighty and snap to attention.
  21. "Yes ma'm?"
  22. >"Relax Dash, I wanna talk as friends."
  23. "Sure thing! Whats up?"
  24. >You meet Spitfire at the bottom step.
  25. >"You've been kinda off lately. Why?"
  26. >Straight forward as always.
  27. "Umm... What uh... do you mean?" You smile sheepishly.
  28. >"C'mon Rainbow, don't play dumb." Spitfire begins listing off the foul-ups in the recent weeks.
  29. >"You've been lagging in practice, you're slow on our tighter movements, and you've been kinda distant lately." She sighs, "As team captain it's my responsibility to see that everypony in my team is ready to fly. Physically," Spitfire cranes her neck and taps the side of her head. "and mentally."
  30. "I've just been distracted. Thats all." You scratch the back of your head, "With the school, and the map..."
  31. >Spitfire looked unconvinced. Her expression as solemn as ever.
  32. >"Never proved a problem before." She raises her brow, "Dash, c'mon. You can tell me if you have a problem."
  33. >She puts a hoof on your shoulder. Spitfire rarely showed emotion like this but she wasn't incapable of it.
  34. >Reluctantly, you talk.
  35. "Well, alright." You sigh, collecting your thoughts, "I've been out of it as of late, but not because of being overworked or anything! After all, If anypony can handle a difficult task, it's me!"
  36. >You puff out your chest, making Spitfire return to her serious demeanor.
  37. "Um, yeah. Well anyway," You continue, "I've kinda been thinking a lot about somepony." Your eyes dart side to side.
  38. >"Who?" Spitfire asked, "Is it a family problem?"
  39. >You shake your head.
  40. >"Relationship problem?" She taps her chin.
  41. "Well... not exactly."
  42. >"Dash, just spit it out already!" Spitfire said, now annoyed.
  43. >Had you not been wearing your Wonderbolts uniform, the blush on your face would have been apparent.
  44. "Ihaveacrush!" You blurt, then cover your mouth.
  45. >"A crush?"
  46. >You're silent. Why did you have to go and say that?? You let your hoof down from your mouth.
  47. "Yeah..."
  48. >"On who?"
  49. >Again, you say nothing.
  50. >Spitfire looks around and then whispers, "Is it somepony on the team?"
  51. "No!"
  52. >She rolls her eyes, "Just asking..."
  53. "Sorry, didn't mean to be rude." You compose yourself, "I've just never really had a crush before. I mean, not since I was a filly and started focusing more on my training."
  54. >"Well, I'd like for that focus to continue." Said Spitfire, "Listen Dash, I get that this," She points to your head, "can sometimes get flustered or preoccupied by this," She points to your chest, "Just don't let it grow into a more consistent problem. We've got a big show next week and I need my team in tip top condition!"
  55. "Yes ma'am!" You salute, "I'll handle it! Not a challenge that THIS mare hasn't overcome yet!"
  56. >"Thats what I like to hear!" Spitfire takes a few steps forward to the runway, "Take care Dash, remember what we talked about!" And rockets off.
  57. "I WILL!" You wave in the direction she flew off.
  58. >You ascend the stairs and are just about to open the door to the locker room.
  59. >The door opens before you. Revealing Fleetfoot and Cloudchaser lingering in the doorway.
  60. >"Sooo... Rainbow Dash has a little crush does she?" Fleetfoot says in her lisp voice, giving you a sultry look.
  61. "Uhhh..."
  62. >"We overheard your talk with Spitfire Dash," Said Cloudchaser, "we can help if you want!"
  63. "You were eavesdropping on me??"
  64. >"Well to be fair," Fleetfoot says, dropping the act, "We had only walked up to the door in the last part of your talk. It wasn't like we were stalking..."
  65. "Well... so long as you weren't just trying to find something embarrassing on me."
  66. >"And we're serious when I said we can help." Cloudchaser said, putting her wing around your shoulder.
  67. "Really?"
  68. >You were taken by surprise, could they really help? Fleetfoot and Cloudchaser DO seems savvy in stallions... Or at least Fleetfoot seems to be.
  69. "You can show me how to get him to like me?"
  70. >Fleetfoot nods. "You're talking to an expert on stallions Dash." She places her hoof on her chest. "And as your teammate, I can't let you go on only wondering!"
  71. "Awesome!"
  73. >>
  74. >Be Rainbow Dash again. Sitting next to Cloudchaser with Fleetfoot leading a class in what she calls; "Stallions 101".
  75. >You hadn't revealed to them that it wasn't exactly a stallion that your crush was on, but in the least you could still learn something.
  76. >After all, a stallion wouldn't be able hold you like him... or cuddle you... give ear scratches or [spoiler]hold your hoof[/spoiler] like he could.
  77. >Oh the things you would do to his body if only you had a night with him...
  78. >They had agreed to hold the class at the training area. With practice over and no ponies training in sight, it seemed like a good private area to learn about this rattling subject.
  79. >"Okay!" Fleetfoot says, "Class is in session. Please take your seats, teacher in front!"
  80. >Fleetfoot casually hovers just in front of you.
  81. >You and Cloudchaser both look at each other.
  82. "Fleetfoot, I don't think-"
  83. >"Ah-ah!" She interrupts, "You have a crush Dash, you don't know what to say, or what to do with him. You need my help and the first set of lessons is free!"
  84. "How are you even qualified to teach us this stuff?"
  85. >"Are you kidding me?" She says, crossing her forelegs.
  86. "No, I'm not kidding. How are you Qualified? I hear you talk about guys all the time and yet I never see you in any relationship."
  87. >She narrows her eyes and looks away, "The stuff we do, you're not supposed to see..." She giggles. "Now please, hold all questions till the end."
  88. >"So that one Gala," Cloudchaser chimes in, "You and that handsome stallion..." She waves her hoof.
  89. >"Mhmm~" She nods in self approval. "Now before we start, does anypony have any questions?"
  90. >"I do!" Cloudchaser chirps.
  91. >"Ah-hah! That was a trick question! You're supposed to hold all questions!"
  92. "Oh yeah?" You smirk, "Then why didn't you hold your trick question?"
  93. >"My own rules don't apply to me!" Fleetfoot places her hooves at her hips, "So, we've already covered the first lesson. The rules don't apply to you. Guys like a rebel, somepony outside the law."
  94. >"Like a criminal?" Cloudchaser asks.
  95. >"Ehh depends on the crime." Fleetfoot replied, "nothing too major, but enough to show your exciting!"
  96. "But wait, I'm already exciting!" You boast.
  97. >"I mean exciting in a dangerous, rebellious way." She continues, "Stallions don't know what they want, thats why you tell them what they want, without actually telling them what they want."
  98. >"That sounds hard..." Cloudchaser says.
  99. >"Thats why we're doing lessons."
  100. >"Should I be taking notes?" Clouchaser asks, "I didn't know stallions were this complex!"
  101. >"Did you bring paper?"
  102. >"No..."
  103. >"There ya go."
  104. "Getting bored here." You say, now annoyed.
  105. >"Okay, okay. Lets try some role playing. I'll give you tips on how you approach."
  106. "/Role/playing?" You tilt your head.
  107. >"Sure! Cloudchaser."
  108. >"Yeah?"
  109. >"You be Dash's crush."
  110. "You want Cloudchaser to be my crush??" You point at her.
  111. >"Dash," Replies Fleetfoot, "if you can't even roleplay with her, what chance do you have with your crush?"
  112. >You look uncertainly at Cloudchaser. She only shrugs.
  113. "Fine..."
  114. >"Um, okay. What should I say?" Cloudchaser asks.
  115. >"Just say anything! Something to start a conversation." She pauses, "Actually, say something a stallion would say."
  116. >"O-okay..." Cloudchaser clears her throat, "I just wanna say that I want somepony to be with who is nice and who appreciates me for who I am. Not so much because I'm handsome but because of whats inside that counts and they wanna get to know me." She sighs and looks to the sky, "Then we can spend time with each other and share all the wonderful things in life that make it and the world so special..."
  117. >You and Fleetfoot both sit and stare at her.
  118. >"What?" Fleetfoot says finally, "Do you know stallions at all?? Talk about how much you like hoofball!"
  119. "Yeah, and why you can't agree on dumb philosophy!"
  120. >Fleetfoot sighs, "Okay lets start over. Rainbow, you hit on Cloudchaser. Cloudchaser, act like you like Dash."
  121. >"Kay!"
  122. >You sigh.
  123. "Alright..."
  124. >"Okay, Rainbow, your crush just walked up to you and you say..."
  125. "Ummm, hey. Hey there."
  126. >"Hello!" Cloudchaser responds in a lower, male sounding voice, "Flexing! Bushy beard! Hoofball!"
  127. "Okay, alright! I can't do this. I'm out."
  128. >"Don't be a filly Dash." Fleetfoot responds, "And Cloudchaser, stop making sound effects. Guys can't make sound effects."
  129. >"Quietly growling..."
  130. >"And stop narrating!"
  131. >"Fine then!!" Clouchaser yells.
  132. >"There!" Fleetfoot says with excitement, "Thats a stallion! Okay, Dash. Hit it!"
  133. "Hey there, whats up? Hows it going?" You ask nervously.
  134. >"Smooth. Now, Cloudchaser?"
  135. >Clouchaser clears her throat and talks low again, "Uh, *ahem* yes! I was just thinking about how fun hoofball is and how I can totally bench more then the stallions I work with!"
  136. >"Perfect!" Fleetfoot directs, "Okay, Dash, say something exciting."
  137. "Uh, um, wanna go skydiving with no safety rope?"
  138. >"I said exciting not suicidal!"
  139. "But I can fly!"
  140. >"Can your crush?"
  141. "No..."
  142. >She turns her head and just looks at you.
  143. "Oh, okay." You think of something from the top of your head. "I always fly incredibly fast. Everywhere."
  144. >"Oh wow!" Cloudchaser responds still doing the voice, "Wanna go out?"
  145. >Fleetfoot clops her hooves, "See! It's easy!"
  146. >You close your eyes and take a deep breath.
  147. "Listen girls, I'm really happy that you both wanna help out but I don't really think this would work on him." You look at the ground from the corner of your eye, "Hes... different."
  148. >Fleetfoot and Cloudchaser both look at each other.
  149. >"Well Dash," Cloudchaser says, "why not try something he'd never expect?"
  150. "What do you mean?"
  151. >"Make an attempt for a long lasting relationship?" Fleetfoot asks.
  152. >"No!" Cloudchaser rolls her eyes, "I mean something sexy, romantic, and unexpected. Win his heart with the element of surprise!" She throws her forelegs in the air.
  153. >"Ahh," Fleetfoot rubs her chin, "I think I see what you're getting at Cloudchaser. What specifically?"
  154. "Yeah, I'm not following... if he doesn't notice me just from how awesome I am, what else can I do? Whats more romantic then being the best?"
  155. >They both stare at you solemnly with their forelegs crossed.
  156. "Heheh... okay." You shrink, "I'm listening."
  157. >"Try surprising him at his home, and be waiting for him on his bed!" Cloudchaser says, "And wear something super alluring~" She winks.
  158. "Like what?"
  159. >She taps her chin, and you lean closer while she thinks. Even Fleetfoot was silent to hear what she had to say.
  160. >"How about... a maid's outfit?"
  161. "Maid's outfit??"
  162. >"Maid's outfit." She crosses her forelegs and holds her chin high.
  163. >You look at Fleetfoot for approval.
  164. >"That could work." Fleetfoot says.
  165. "You want me to dress up? And act all lewd?" you raise your voice with each question, "In his bed??"
  166. >Calm down Dash," Cloudchaser says placing her hoof on your shoulder, "Any stallion would be insane not to lose his mind when he sees a mare like you giving them bedroom eyes wearing something so sexy. In their own bed no less."
  167. >You sit quietly, contemplating the scenario.
  168. "You really think that could work?" You say nervously.
  169. >"Dash," Fleetfoot says, "if theirs one thing I've picked up on since you joined the bolts, it's that more stallions line up to get your autograph then even Spitfire after the shows." She muffles your mane, "Speaks volumes girl."
  170. >They have a point. You ARE a prominent mare in her prime. Sleek body, pretty face, flowing mane... everything a stallion could possibly want.
  171. "Yeah. I guess you're right..." You blush.
  172. >"I think that settles it!" Cloudchaser says, now hugging you, "You'll surprise your crush in a sexy maid's outfit!"
  173. >Yes. You'll do it! You'll break into Anon's home and lye in wait for him. You'll lure him in with your stunning good looks...
  175. >>
  176. >Be Rainbow Dash again.
  177. >Flying full speed back to Ponyville. Straight to Rarity's boutique.
  178. >You arrive, practically beating down the front door.
  179. >Not without reason, the sun was lowering as the evening drew closer.
  180. >You would need time to prepare if you were going to do this tonight.
  181. "Rarity! It's me, Rainbow Dash!" You knock loudly, "C'mon let me in!"
  182. >The door opens, unveiling an obviously annoyed Rarity.
  183. "Hey!"
  184. >"Rainbow Dash, what in Equestria has you beating my door down??" She stomps her hoof, "The boutique is closed for the day!"
  185. "I know, Rarity. I just need to borrow an outfit from you. Just for tonight!"
  186. >"An outfit? For one night?" She taps her chin, "Why? What outfit could you mean?"
  187. >She steps aside, allowing you to come in.
  188. "Rarity, I need to borrow your Maid's outfit. The uh..." You rub your foreleg and then scratch the back of your head, "The one. Y'know."
  189. >"Rainbow," She replies in a monotone, "I don't have anything like that. If /that/ is what you're implying..."
  190. >Ohhh... she doesn't think you know? Good! blackmail time.
  191. >Normally you'd never do this to her, but most awesome love knows no bounds!
  192. "Okay Rarity, I tell you what." You begin to slowly pace around her, "You lend me the outfit for the night, and I don't tell Twilight or anypony else that you have it. Or why."
  193. >She seemed a little flustered.
  194. >"I... I don't know what you could mean."
  195. "C'mon, don't play dumb!" You stop your pace at her side. "I saw you with a certain stallion, wearing a certain outfit, performing..."
  196. >Rarity grows visibly more uneasy as you go on.
  197. You lean in towards her ear, "certain... /lewd/ acts."
  198. >"Howdidyousee?!" She replies, very nervous and sweating.
  199. "Lets just say I was cruising one night and I couldn't help but see a certain unicorn's light still on, and curtains open..." You look back at her flank, "In more ways then one..."
  200. >"Don't tell anypony!!" She grabs you, "I'd be RUUUIIIHIIIHIINED!"
  201. >She almost starts sobbing.
  202. "Easy Rarity, easy... I won't tell anypony. Just lend me that outfit."
  203. >"It's yours!!"
  204. >Rarity's horn illuminates, and from behind closed doors behind her dressing curtains, out comes a black maid's outfit laced with red fabrics, along with a red silk bow to tie your mane.
  205. "Yes! This is totally the one!" You grab it from the air, "Thanks Rarity! And don't worry, your secret is safe!"
  206. >With the costume in hoof, you make for the door and straight to Anon's house. With any luck, he won't be home yet and you can have some time to set up.
  208. >>
  209. "Mf! C'mon... stupid bow..."
  210. >Now at Anon's place awaiting his return, you stare intently in the mirror at yourself wearing this costume.
  211. >It was definitely lewd. Tight and hugging in all the right places.
  212. >If he didn't think this would be hot, nothing would!
  213. "Got it!"
  214. >You finish fiddling around with and tying the crimson bow in your mane, lifting it up into a ponytail. If anything, it made you look more innocent.
  215. >Stallions love that stuff, right?
  216. >Of course they do!
  217. "Mm." You pose in the mirror, "Yeah... You are one sexy mare..." You wink at your reflection.
  218. >Posing in different angles, you make sure you hit every detail to the last.
  219. >Once you've confirmed you're ready, you exit the bathroom and make your way to Anon's bed and carefully leap on, gently lowering yourself like a feather in the wind.
  220. "I hope this works..."
  221. >Laying face up on his bed, you stare at the ceiling. Your thoughts go back to Rarity.
  222. "I hope she isn't mad... Once this is done, I'm gonna apologize to her!"
  223. >You nod in self approval and sprawl yourself out on Anon's bed, slowly rubbing yourself all over his sheets and pillows and wrapping them around you.
  224. "Ohhhh yeahhahhhahh..." Your body shivers and shudders.
  225. >You grab his pillow and bring it close to your body, hugging it with all fours.
  226. >It wreaked of his scent.
  227. >His powerful, pungent, intoxicating smell. Penetrating your nose, filling you to the brim with desire to have him all over you... The smell you only hope to get a whiff of when near him, or when you say hi.
  228. "Huhh~..."
  229. >You feel your hoof begin tracing downward. Down to your exposed marehood.
  230. "Heh, nope. Nope." You stop yourself, not wanting to spoil the feeling, "Not yet..."
  231. >The mere thought of him caressing you in his arms, being held against his chest, was almost enough to make you lose control.
  232. >You caught yourself starting to grind against his blankets before you had to stop yourself.
  233. >To relieve the tension, you bury your face in his pillow, inhaling and taking deep breaths. The heat of it all had you almost in a sweat.
  234. "Ohh... he better get home soon." You say out loud, nuzzling the fabrics.
  235. >From downstairs you hear a door open.
  236. >your heart skips a beat.
  237. "Ah!"
  238. >Hopefully he doesn't realize you came in through his slightly cracked, totally not because of you, window.
  239. >You throw the pillow back to the end of the bed, and make some final adjustments to yourself.
  240. >Now with your head hanging off the edge of the bed facing the door, you lay yourself out and spread your hind legs.
  241. "Okay you big hot... I'm ready..."
  242. >The bedroom doorknob jiggles slightly.
  244. >>
  245. >Be Anon. [spoiler]Finally someone other then Rainbow Dash, am I right?[/spoiler]
  246. >Also just be getting home after a hard days work of loading and unloading supplies at the market.
  247. "Fuck I'm tired..."
  248. >You throw off your shoes and kick them to the wall next to the door.
  249. "Damn summer sales events." You mutter to yourself.
  250. >Rubbing your shoulder, you walk into the kitchen and pour yourself a glass of water.
  251. >You take a drink, content in the refreshing cool liquid making it's way down your throat and to your stomach.
  252. "Ohhh thats the stuff."
  253. >You leave the glass in the sink and make your way to the bedroom.
  254. >The first and only plan of the evening is to fall face first into the mattress and knock the fuck out.
  255. >Musky sheets be damned.
  256. >Turning the doorknob, you swing the door open and switch the light on.
  257. "Can't wait to- What the fuck??"
  258. >You freeze. Laying in your bed was a pony. It looked to be Rainbow Dash but she was wearing something... A costume.
  259. >It was a maid costume. A... /hot/ maid costume.
  260. >On each of her legs were white socks. Covering up to her shoulders on her forelegs and to her flanks on her hind, adorned with red stitching at the tops of each.
  261. >Covering the top half of her body save for a slight fluff of fer on her chest was a tightly knit silky type material, pitch black with the same red stitching on it's edges.
  262. >It covered down and ended in a skirt just above her rump, leaving her cutie marks and lower body exposed.
  263. >In the back of her mane, a crimson fabric tied in a bow, putting it into a ponytail.
  264. >You stare at her. Gawking at her.
  265. >"Welcome home master~" She says seductively, "Do you want dinner? A Bath?" Dash traces the tip of her hoof from her lips down her neck and to her waist, "Or... Me?"
  266. "What the fuck..." You whisper, not knowing how to respond, "R-Rainbow Dash? How the fuck did you get in my house...?"
  267. >Dash picks up her head and turns her body to lay on her side, resting her head on one foreleg and letting the other rub her flank.
  268. >"Does it matter?" she gives a sultry look, "You still haven't answer me stud."
  269. "Well Ihk- *ahem*!" You clear your throat.
  270. >Not in this world or the next would you have ever expected something like this. It was a literal dream come true.
  271. >Hot female waiting in your bed for you after work. Never imagined it would be a pony though.
  272. >You take a deep breath, and collect yourself.
  273. "Rainbow..."
  274. >"Mhmm~" She bites her lip and slowly flutters her eyes.
  275. "Damnit." You mutter.
  276. >Whether or not you could admit it to yourself, she was looking sexy as hell.
  277. >Since you had gotten to this place, being attracted to the pastel horses sexually was never really a thing.
  278. >Over time however, you began to notice them. Their finer features, their sensitive nature, their clear, cute faces...
  279. >And Rainbow Dash, was no exception.
  280. >Here she lay in your bed, in your room, your house, practically begging you to fuck her.
  281. >With every passing second the urge to oblige her grew and grew.
  282. >Dash turns again, now laying on her back. She traces the top row of her teeth with her tongue, and rubs her body from her flanks to her chest.
  283. >"You just gonna stare?" She says, cocking her brow, "Or are you gonna come over here and let me tend to you?"
  284. >It all made sense now. Her constant surprises at random times of the day, her upbeat and jovial mood when she was around you.
  285. >Her playful, and sometimes brash but genuine demeanor...
  286. >She wasn't just being nice, or playful. She wanted you to notice her, to see her, to want you to be with her...
  287. >The sudden realization hit you like a fucking mac truck.
  288. >Fuck it. If there was ever a time in life where a dream could be acted out, it was now.
  289. >She wanted you, and now you, wanted her...
  290. >You walk over to the bed, and sit next to her.
  291. >Her expression changed. She looked more in anticipation now then alluring.
  292. >The hue of red in her face was nearly as dark and red as the red in her mane, or the lace on her dress.
  293. >"I take it that you're going with the last one?" She says with a light crack in her voice.
  294. "I am."
  295. >You cup her cheek in your hand and bend down to kiss her.
  296. >Lightly at first, slowly getting more and more into it.
  297. >Your lips part with a thin string of saliva still connecting and falling back down her neck.
  298. >"Ah..." She breaths deep, letting out her gasp of air in your face.
  299. >Looking down at her, you could no longer see a voluptuous expression, but one of desire. of lust. Of need...
  300. >Her breathing grew harder.
  301. >You place your hand on her chest, running your fingers through her coat and under the dress, feeling her heart beat. You lean down again to kiss her neck, gently pecking and making your way down her body.
  302. "Anon..." She whispers your name.
  303. >The thumping of her heart grows more intense.
  304. >Her subtle gasps and twitches, the gentle vibrations in her body with her voice... It only signaled you go keep going. Kissing and tracing your tongue down her belly, over the dress, and to her nether region.
  305. >You readjust yourself and get on the bed with her.
  306. >She reads your signals and scoots herself up, resting her head against the pillow on the bed frame.
  307. >You reach forward and give her a deep kiss, letting yours and her tongue twist and contort all around each other.
  308. >Her longer, flatter tongue reaches deep into you mouth, tracing along the roof and all around your tongue.
  309. "Mm!"
  310. >She surprises you, leaning forward and wrapping her forelegs around your head.
  311. >Her tongue goes deep, reaching the back of your throat.
  312. >"Mmmm~!" She holds, and releases you, "Ah..." and leans back again.
  313. "Jeeze!" You cough, her saliva now dripping down your chin, "That was..."
  314. >"I've wanted to do that... for a looong time." She says while panting and with a smirk.
  315. >You laugh and look down to her marehood, frothing, dripping, begging for attention. And you would not let go without.
  316. >Again you readjust, lifting up the blouse and holding her flanks firmly in you hands. Slowly rubbing and massaging around her cutie marks.
  317. >The firm muscle. The soft coat around her tense flanks were like a dream to caress. Pleasing and soft to the touch.
  318. >She lets out moans of pleasure with each circular motion of your caressing her. Stimulating the nerves around her pelvic area.
  319. >Continuing with your hands, you switch your focus to her pussy.
  320. >A stream of her fluid trailed down her lips and soaked into the blankets she lay on. Glazing her rump and the base of her tail.
  321. >You could feel the heat radiating from it, demanding notice and care.
  322. >"Anuh... Anon..." She whispers in between breaths.
  323. >You take the cue and go to work, gently tracing from the bottom tip of her lips to her winking clit, where you cup your tongue and caress her.
  324. >"Mnnn." Her legs twitch.
  325. >Again you make the movement, slower this time, smothering your tongue and mouth in her juices. Breathing in and inhaling her scent in the process.
  326. >You tease her winking marehood with the tip of your tongue, getting more of the adorable, hot sounds of her pleasure.
  327. >Wrapping your lips around her clit, you suck and swallow down her froth.
  328. >"Ahh~!" She moans in delight.
  329. >Her legs wrap around your head, not letting you up.
  330. >Your grip on her flanks tighten, bringing her nether regions more in your face. Practically suffocating yourself on her pussy.
  331. >You increase your effort around her clitoris, your tongue now vigorously snuffing her winking marehood.
  332. >Her grip around your head tightens, signaling she was close.
  333. >Not wanting to dissatisfy, you take your hand from her flank and slowly insert it in her pussy and begin pumping it in and out of her walls.
  334. >Her smooth, moist, walls tightened around your fingers, feeling as though they didn't want to allow them exit.
  335. >"Ahhh! D-don't, stuh- stop!" She says between her heavy breaths.
  336. >You speed up, sucking harder on her clit and inserting another finger inside her.
  337. >"An-on! I'm gonna... Cuuum~!"
  338. >Her hips buck, and the hold of her hind legs clamp down, smothering you in her hips while her body contorts and shudders with her orgasm.
  339. >A stream of her cum leaked from her pussy, dousing your face and neck.
  340. >Her hind legs go limp, letting you free.
  341. >You move up and lay next to her, resting one hand on her belly with the other brushing her mane.
  342. "That was fun." You say, enjoying the sight of her afterglow.
  343. >"Yeah..." She sighs, and then smirks, "But now it's time for me to return the favor."
  344. >She slides herself down to your waist.
  345. >You move over to the middle of the bed to give her adequate space, lifting your leg to give her a good spot.
  346. >She bites at the sock on her left hoof, yanks it off, and throws it aside. With the right following in turn.
  347. >Rainbow begins messing with your belt, not knowing exactly how to undo it.
  348. >"How do I..." She fiddles with your belt, "Mf! C'mon..."
  349. >You attempt to assist, but she simply knocks away your hands.
  350. >"Don't need help!" She says getting a little frustrated.
  351. "Dash, you need to-"
  352. >She bites down on your belt and frantically pulls it loose.
  353. >"I gah iht!" She protests.
  354. >She undoes the buckle and unzips you, only letting you help by pulling them down and kicking them off the bed to reveal your stiff cock.
  355. >A breeze hits you.
  356. "Whoo!" You shiver, "Guess I forgot it can get cold in here at night..."
  357. >"Don't worry." She presses your rod against her cheek and sticks her tongue out, "I'll keep you nice and warm..."
  358. >Not hesitating, she quickly goes to work on your member. Gripping it in the frogs of her hooves and gently stroking up and down.
  359. >The sensation sends surges of pleasure through your body. Slowly building the more she goes.
  360. >You'd been here for god knows how long and all you've managed to do to relieve the tension was use your imagination.
  361. >Feeling her stroking and rubbing on your cock was a relief you could not describe.
  362. >She presses her mussel against your balls and base of your cock, her hot breath caressing and kissing at every inch of your waist.
  363. "Dash..." You mutter.
  364. >With her long and flat tongue, she presses against the base of your shaft and slowly moves upward to your tip. Covering your member in her saliva.
  365. >"Try not to finish fast." She says, licking again, "I wanna know what it's like to do this with you..."
  366. >She eagerly engulfs your head in her mussel, swiveling her tongue all around, tightly suckling the tip.
  367. >Your hips nearly buck at the feel of her fondling your cock in her lips.
  368. >Slowly, she goes deeper, taking in more of your tense rod.
  369. >"Mmmm..." She hummed in content, loving the feeling.
  370. >The subtle vibrations of her voice increased the feel of her blowing you.
  371. "Dash... oh god..."
  372. >She take you in fully, the tip of your cock prodding her throat and throbbing more intensely.
  373. >Dash does her best to hold back her coughing, gagging. The sound and feel of her choking on your rod was unreal.
  374. >She slides back up and take you out, keeping the base of your member gripped in her hooves.
  375. >"Gah!!" she catches her breath.
  376. "Oh damn..." You rest your head back.
  377. >"I could easily tell... that you loved that."
  378. >She strokes you again, faster this time. Up and down on your cock, using the glaze on your member to speed up her flow.
  379. >You grip the sheets, doing your best not to cum, to enjoy every second of this for as long as possible.
  380. >"Don't worry!" She says, having fun, "I won't let you finish so fast!"
  381. "Wha- Ahk!"
  382. >Rainbow shoves your cock back in her mussel, again stroking and caressing every inch with her tongue and along the rigid roof of her mouth.
  383. "Oh fuck..."
  384. >You look down, seeing her staring straight at you while she moves up and down on your rod.
  385. >Her eyes narrow, seeing the look of ecstasy in yours.
  386. >Dash slowly moves down to the base again, this time using her tongue to slide along the bottom of your shaft.
  387. >She sucks hard, tilting her head upward with each stroke from the base to the tip.
  388. >Her saliva runs down and begins to pool around your waist, her hot breath moving to and around to your thighs.
  389. >Now losing herself, and growing determined, she doubles her speed.
  390. >From slow methodical movements to piston pumping her throat with your cock.
  391. >You feel it slipping. Each move of her mouth around your thickening member, was pushing you over the edge.
  392. "Dash!"
  393. >"Mmmm! Mm-mm!" She shakes her head and continues, ignoring you and focusing on the task at hand.
  394. >Your hips buck, slamming against her mussel.
  395. "S-shit!"
  396. >"Mmmmm~!!"
  397. >She keeps your cock in deep, not allowing any drop of the cum you shoot down her throat escape.
  398. >Your hips buck again, and again, shooting load after load into her gullet.
  399. >"Mnnnmm..."
  400. >She swallows, gulping down every drop she can from your orgasm.
  401. >Finally, she lets out your softening cock. Suckling at the tip to get any drops of cum she can.
  402. >"Wow..." She says, gently massaging you, "Was that because you've never done it? Or has it just been awhile? Or maybe," She rests her head against your leg, "I'm just that good."
  403. >You catch your breath. She was right, it had been a long time since you'd gotten any...
  404. "It has been awhile," You respond, "and yes, you are good..." you smirk, and place your hand on her head.
  405. >She bites her lip and stares at your flaccid cock.
  406. >"In that case..."
  407. >Rainbow gets up and props herself over your waist, her pussy leaks and drips down over your cock.
  408. "I think I know what your getting at..."
  409. >You nod in approval, and grab her flanks. Rubbing and squeezing their tenderness in your palms.
  410. >"Yeah..."
  411. >Dash rests herself down on your still flaccid cock, grinding herself against it.
  412. >Despite you just having came, the sensation of her rubbing her lips against your pole felt wondrous.
  413. >It's heated embrace against your cock and on your waist, smothering every inch of your slowly erecting member.
  414. >Her hips move, slowly, rhythmically, re-igniting the vigor in you.
  415. >You did not leave her hanging. With your hands you caress, massage, and gently squeeze and spread her flanks.
  416. >Her tail swishes left and right, the nerves and muscles in her rump being stimulated by your hands.
  417. >She leans forward, resting her body weight on her forelegs on your chest.
  418. >Looking down at you, she turns her head and gives you a lust filled smile.
  419. >"You like playing with my flanks?" She says, still grinding on your stiffening rod.
  420. "I don't like it," You reply, "I love it." You squeeze her tightly, making her jolt and gasp.
  421. >"hah... I love it too..."
  422. >Dash leans down, kissing you deeply. Playing with and exploring your mouth as you hers. Her tongue, sliding along yours and along your teeth.
  423. >Your cock throbs and twitches in want and anticipation.
  424. >She leans back upright, looking down at your throbbing shaft beneath her. Twitching, aching to be let inside just as she wanted to let you in.
  425. >Dash picks herself up, strings of her juices hanging and dripping as she does so.
  426. >You gently caress her flanks still, easing her as she looked to grow nervous.
  427. "You okay Dash?"
  428. >"I uhh..." She looks away, sheepishly grinning, "I've never really..."
  429. "Never what?"
  430. >"Well..." Her eyes dart side to side. "Mmmm..."
  431. >Holy shit. Shes never had sex before...
  432. "Don't worry." You lean forward and grab her in your arms.
  433. >"Ah!"
  434. >Shes caught off-guard by your sudden movements.
  435. >You turn over and lay her on her back and spread her legs, revealing to you again her writhing pussy and winking clit.
  436. >It had been craving, eagerly awaiting more attention since you made her cum.
  437. >"Anon..."
  438. >You lean down to her, kissing her to put her at ease.
  439. >With her legs in hand, you rub your hands up and massage the frogs of her hooves through the fabrics of the stockings while you tease her entrance with the bottom of your shaft.
  440. >You begin prodding the entryway, her tight hole pushing away your cock as you continue to trace around her lips.
  441. >She moans in delight.
  442. >Looking up to see her watching you, she licks her lips.
  443. >"I want you..." She whispers, ravenously, "I want it inside..."
  444. >Not wanting to disappoint, you push inward. Her tight walls hugging and pressing at every inch of your cock you slide in.
  445. >You go in fully, letting her feel you inside her.
  446. >Her walls tighten, and clamp all around your throbbing cock.
  447. "Agh!! Wha- what the hell??"
  448. >You look back at her.
  449. >"You didn't know that would happen?" She asks, looking excited, "I'm... I'm the first mare you've ever been with?"
  450. >Like a vice around the entirety of your cock, her walls remain taut. Seemingly fitting to accommodate your rod.
  451. "Well, yeah..." You nod.
  452. >Her eyes light and well up.
  453. >"I didn't know I would be!" She says, now happy.
  454. >You smile back at her, your heart racing even harder now.
  455. >"Now..." She braces herself and grips the bed in her hooves, "Rut me, big human. See what it's like to be with a mare..."
  456. >You obey. Readying yourself.
  457. >Slowly, you slide out. The clutch her pussy had on your cock acted as if it wasn't going to let go.
  458. >You push back in.
  459. >"Ahh~..."
  460. >Again, you repeat.
  461. >"Ah!"
  462. >Dash's moans of pleasure are all the signs you need to move faster.
  463. >Picking up the pace, your hips move. In and out of her pussy, each stroke making her walls tighten and nuzzle your cock.
  464. >Dash was losing herself, letting her tongue hang out and groaning in pure bliss with each time you hilt.
  465. >"Y-Yes! Oh yes!" Her eyes roll back.
  466. >You go harder, pounding against her pussy with an audible slap every pump you make inside her.
  467. >Rainbow closes her eyes and then opens one, looking at you.
  468. >She does a cocky giggle and then bites her lip.
  469. >Suddenly, she felt tighter.
  470. "F-Fuck! Dash!"
  471. >She squeezed your cock harder in the already binding embrace of her pussy.
  472. >Your hips began moving of their own accord, going faster.
  473. >You were losing it as she was. As if she wanted a competition of who would finish first.
  474. >With no intention of losing, you focus. Continuing to pound her pussy hard and doing your best not to cum.
  475. >Dash's face was beat red, the blush on her cheeks was easily as red as her mane.
  476. >Every pump into her rewarded you with her adorable moans and squeaks.
  477. >"Ahn-on! D-don't...AHH~!!"
  478. >Her voice cracks, sweat dripping down her face as the heat and pressure began to build up inside of her.
  479. >You could feel her pussy twitching and writhing, making it even harder not to orgasm then and there.
  480. >Dash begin moving her hips in conjunction with yours, getting into rhythm with you fucking her tight hole.
  481. >Her pussy's juices flowed all over the bed and drenched your balls and legs, dripping off into the sheets with every stroke.
  482. >The tension was building again. You strained and cringed in pleasure. Reveling in every second of pure contentment.
  483. >From the look of ecstasy in Dash's eyes, she felt the same.
  484. >Your pumping grows more sporadic, uncontrolled.
  485. >Her tight pussy was bring you to the brink, making you pump into her pussy harder and harder.
  486. >Strings of her vaginal fluid flung and flew in all directions. She was so wet that if not for how hard the grip her walls were on your cock you could easily slip out.
  487. >The twitching and pulsing of her pussy grew more intense with your pummeling of her flanks.
  488. >Her voice grew louder, more uncontrolled and wild.
  489. >Dash was close to her climax, and so were you.
  490. >You keep going, sweat dripping from your chin.
  491. >Again, you would not disappoint. She had made the effort to do this for you. To give you her incredible body and you would not let her down.
  492. >Her body twists and contorts, her legs beginning to twitch and shake.
  493. >"An- I'm G-gonna..."
  494. >Her pussy clamps down again, smothering and suffocating your cock in it's grip.
  495. >"G-Gahhh~!!"
  496. >With a few more pumps, you fully hilt as deep as you can, and join her in her climax.
  497. >Her ever tightening rigid pussy around your cock.
  498. "F-Fuck! Dash!! Mngg!!"
  499. >You release your orgasm deep in her pussy. Every pulse making her pussy squeeze your rod ever more.
  500. >You don't let a single drop fall outside, save for the few that drip out from her vulva from your combined orgasms.
  501. >"I can feel it... filling me up..."
  502. >Dash's body goes limp, lying there on the bed.
  503. >You fall forward, catching yourself on your elbows just inches above her face to face.
  504. "That... was incredible... Rainbow..." you say between breaths.
  505. >She turns her head to face you, cranes her neck and kisses you deeply.
  506. >"I'm so glad I did this..." She whispered to herself.
  507. "As am I." You whisper back.
  509. >>
  510. >Be Rainbow Dash again, the very next afternoon.
  511. >You soar through the sky with the maid costume in hoof.
  512. >Gripping it tightly so not to lose any pieces, you land in front of Rarity's boutique.
  513. >With a pep in your step, you trot over to the door and enter.
  514. "Hey Rarity!" You call out, "I'm back! I have your dress!" You wave the outfit in the air.
  515. >"Don't say that out loud while you're holding that!" Rarity objects, running to the door to meet you.
  516. >You extend it out to her, she grabs it in her aura and examines it.
  517. >"I take it... that things went well? Whatever they were?"
  518. >You smile lustfully, thinking about how you got no sleep last night.
  519. "Ohhh... you can say that."
  520. >Rarity examines further, pinching pieces of the fabric in her hooves.
  521. >"Dashie, what are these little dry spo- Oh Dashie! You didn't!?"
  522. "With it still on?" You smirk and bite your lip, "Oh yeah..."
  523. >Rarity glares at you, gritting her teeth.
  524. "O-kay Rarity! Gotta go! I have practice in a few hours!" You make for the door.
  525. >"No you don't! Rainbow Dash! You're going to wash this outfit proper!!"
  526. >You open the door.
  527. "Oh what? I cant hear you! To much air in my ears from flying so fast!"
  528. >Before she can protest further, you take off.
  529. >Now revitalized, relieved, and focused, you make ready for another day of practice with the Wonderbolts.

Not so Bad (Anon x Dash)

by Mshakezilla

Madness of the Old Gods (Pony Horror OC)

by Mshakezilla

Devil Hunter Dash

by Mshakezilla

Itchy Scratchy (pony Horror)

by Mshakezilla

Dash loses her rainbow

by Mshakezilla