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Making her try on cute dresses

By Mshakezilla
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-04-06 15:08:05
Expiry: Never

  1. >>
  2. >Be Anon. The ol' green boy.
  3. >Be also on a date with the one and only Rainbow Dash.
  4. >Said date brought you too the Canterlot book store. The release of the latest "Daring Do" was scheduled for today making you realize it'd be a perfect opportunity to capitalize and see if you could be lucky enough for her to say yes.
  5. >Lucky in the sense that it was Summer and out of the millions of things the Element of Loyalty/school teacher/Wonderbolt/savior of the fucking world could be doing, she agreed to spending the day with you.
  6. >Even if it was just for, in her words; "Being taller then everypony else so you can spot the shelf where the books are before anypony else."
  7. >Although now it seems pointless, seeing as how they had stacks of copies sitting in the front display window for all to see.
  8. >Oh well.
  9. >The line to obtain a copy stretched from the entrance, down the sidewalk, and around the corner roughly twenty feet away. You both had been waiting in line for nearly an hour, only inching forward every few minutes or so.
  10. >Apparently "Daring Do" is really damn popular.
  11. >Still though, being a bipedal ape thing was finally paying off.
  12. >Just as well, ponies don't seem to care about the whole "alien" thing.
  13. >At most, they glance twice or say something so naively cute when they meet you like; "Whats it's name?", or your favorite, "You want a banana?"
  14. >Classic.
  15. >"This issue is gonna be so, AWESOME!" Dash cries out, "I heard that in this one, Daring Do fights off a full grown dragon, saves the golden goblet of the great Panther tribe in the badlands, AND escapes a GIANT explosion!"
  16. "Sounds great'n all..." You say, trying to be just as excited, "But what happens if they run out of copies before we get one?"
  17. >"Don't you say those words!!" Dash fires back with a vein in her neck and a few mere inches from your face.
  18. "What words?"
  19. >"That they ran out of copies of the new Daring Do!"
  20. >"They're out of copies?!" A random pony from behind cries.
  21. >"How can that be??" Another shouts dramatically.
  22. >Every other pony waiting in line grows anxious, the low murmur of the crowd beginning to steadily rise into an uproar.
  23. >"If they run out what will we do!?"
  24. >"Truly these are dark days!"
  25. >"We'll have to wait like, a WEEK before more copies come in!"
  26. >"Won't SOMEPONY think of the children?!"
  27. >They all start losing their adorable little minds.
  28. "Whoa, WHOA!" You put your hands up, shouting to the back of the line, "I said 'WHAT IF' they run out, not that they did! Fuckin' chill!"
  29. >They calm down.
  30. >"Jerk!"
  31. >A random lady calls out.
  32. "Ugh..."
  33. >"Told you not to say those words." Dash says, "Maybe you'll listen to me next time." she raises her chin in triumph.
  34. >You sigh in defeat.
  35. >An hour goes by, and you're finally next in line.
  36. >Rainbow can barely contain herself, rapidly tapping her hooves on the floor and acting all giddy.
  37. >"OMIGOSH OMIGOSH OMIGOSH!" She stands on the tips of her hooves, "We're next!!"
  38. >Haven't seen her so happy since... ever. Her eyes may as well have been glued to the books.
  39. >It was endearing to see a pony so excited, especially her.
  40. >She purchases herself a hard copy and a few short moments later shes hugging the book to her chest while fluttering down the sidewalk next to you.
  41. "You uhh, really love Daring Do huh?"
  42. >"Are you kidding!? Daring Do is like, the ONLY pony out there who is as awesome as me! Maybe even..." She pauses and stares at the book. "More awesome..."
  43. >Dash eyes the book in her hooves, staring with her breathing steadily getting heavier.
  44. "You okay?"
  45. >"I love Daring Do!!" She hugs the book, "Thanks for asking me!" She hugs you.
  46. "Its alright," You pet her head, "No need to thank, I asked after all..."
  47. >Rainbow quickly realizes whats happening and lets go.
  48. >"I uhh!" She clears her throat and looks away, "I didn't mean to do that. I was just... caught in the moment."
  49. "What? The hug?"
  50. >She says nothing.
  51. "Nothing wrong with a hug Dash..."
  52. >She remains silent.
  53. "Oh c'mon, it was cute."
  54. >You reach out to pet her again.
  55. >"Yeah, in case you haven't realized Anon," She gently grabs your hand in her hoof and lowers it down, "I don't do the whole, 'cute' thing."
  56. "Could've fooled me."
  57. >"Hmph."
  58. "...Cutie."
  59. >She pauses, her ears perked. She looks at you, then at the ground.
  60. >"Shutup." She says, hiding her blush.
  61. "Sure thing cutie." You give her ear a quick rub and begin walking ahead.
  62. >"Grr!"
  63. >You could feel the glare she was burning in the back of your head.
  64. >Hopefully the gesture wasn't misinterpreted.
  65. >You hear her huff behind you.
  66. >Dash quickly makes her way hovering in front of you. She casually flicks her tail in your face, giving you a face full of hair.
  67. "Bleh! Hey, what the-"
  68. >She turns her head back and gives a sly smirk.
  69. >Holy shit... Yes! Shes flirting with you!
  70. >Fuck yes! Fuck yes, Anon! Fuck yes!
  71. >At first this date seemed to be kind of a let down, but now... Now it was getting fun.
  72. >Not to be outdone, you pick up your pace and bump her with your shoulder.
  73. >It knocks her off balance a bit.
  74. >She picks up her pace as well, staying by your side.
  75. >You glance over every other step, waiting for her to make her next move.
  76. >A light post comes up.
  77. >You're almost certain she'll push you into it, or at least try.
  78. >Wait for it...
  79. >You pass the light post.
  80. >Well fuck.
  81. >You look over to see her facing forward with the straightest of faces.
  82. >She notices you staring.
  83. >"Got something to say?" She smirks again.
  84. "Nothing, I just could've sworn tha- AH, Dammit!"
  85. >You walk right into a mailbox on the edge of the sidewalk, nearly tripping over it entirely.
  86. >"Gotcha! I knew you would think I was gonna push you into that light pole! All I had to do was act all casual'n stuff." She giggles, "You're so easy dude!"
  87. >Clever girl...
  88. >Her giggles turn into full blown laughter.
  89. >You brush yourself off.
  90. "Oh yeah?!"
  91. >"What're you gonna do Anon?" She taunts.
  92. >Your overconfidence will be your downfall...
  93. "This!"
  94. >You boop her snoot.
  95. >"Ah~!"
  96. >A pink hue covers her cheeks and her eyes roll back.
  97. "This time, YOU got got!"
  98. >She freezes in place, staring down at her muzzle.
  99. >"How dare you!"
  100. "Hah! How dare I?"
  101. >"That was low Anon! We're in public y'know!" She says, getting angry, "I thought you were better then that!"
  102. >Wait, what?
  103. "Wait, what?"
  104. >"Today is OVER!!"
  105. >She takes off into the air, leaving you in the dust.
  106. "I..." You reach out, as if to beckon her back, "Fuck..."
  107. >You stare at the ground, not knowing what to think.
  108. >Did you really just blow it? No... can't be.
  109. >How?
  110. >Moments pass by, every one like a broken record as those few seconds replay in your mind over and over.
  111. >Each time making it hurt a bit more.
  112. "No surprise I guess." You think out loud, "Should've known I'd fuck it all up."
  113. >"Psst."
  114. >You hear a voice from overhead.
  115. "Huh?"
  116. >You look up, seeing Rainbow hovering directly over you.
  117. >Dash boops you back.
  118. "Ah!"
  119. >"Gotcha again!" She laughs.
  120. >You stare in awe as a wave of relief washes over you.
  121. "Yeah! Yeah you did..."
  122. >"You should've seen the gloom look on your face!"
  123. >You say nothing.
  124. >"Aw c'mon." She says, hovering in front of you, "You didn't really think I'd cancel today just for /that/ did you?"
  125. "I- No! I uhhh, uhhhh..."
  126. >"I bet you were probably gonna cry too!" She teases.
  127. >You got dust in your eye.
  128. "I got dust in my eye."
  129. >Nailed it.
  130. >"Mhm. Sure thing tough guy." She gently pats your head.
  131. >If thats the way she wants to play it...
  132. "Since we're talking about toughness, why don't you PROVE how tough you are?"
  133. >"Hah!! As if I need to prove my awesomeness AND or toughness to anypony."
  134. "Yeah well-"
  135. >"Anon, I've helped saved Equestria multiple times, did the Sonic Rainboom multiple times, AND I'm a full time Wonderbolt." She crosses her forelegs, "What makes you think I need to prove anything?"
  136. >Shit. Shes got your balls in a vice.
  137. >If you don't think of something witty to say at least, you're gonna look like a total bitch.
  138. "Yeah? Thats all fine and good! But what if..."
  139. >You look around, thinking of anything and everything.
  140. >C'mon Anon think... what could you bait her to do that she'd be too chicken for?
  141. >Your eyes dart around, scanning for the answer to your plight.
  142. >A certain store catches your eye. A beacon of light in the dark, a clothing store.
  143. >Mainly, a FEMALE clothing store.
  144. "Well if you're so, 'amazing', and ,'awesome', then you'd have no problem wearing cutesy clothes now would you?"
  145. >This caught her off guard. She wasn't expecting that.
  146. >"Heh, w-why would I ever need to do that?" She gives a nervous chuckle.
  147. "Hmph, see that clothing store over there?" You point across the street.
  148. >Her ears droop, "Yeah?"
  149. "Bet you're not brave enough to go in and try on a bunch of cute dresses."
  150. >She cringes at the thought. She always puts on a tough guise, but you've seen the subtle hints of her inner girlishness.
  151. >Especially when its with her pet turtle.
  152. >She always does her best to hide it even then, however.
  153. >Sometimes you wonder if deep down she wants to act that way...
  154. >"Ahem," She closes her eyes, "I don't need to do anything like that to prove a point," she says with confidence, "because I know that I'm one of the best looking mares around already! Hmph!"
  155. >She flicks her tail and turns away from you.
  156. "Oh yeah? You wanna know who'd totally be brave enough to do it?"
  157. >Her ear flicks, an involuntary sign of her nervousness.
  158. "Daring. Do. Hell, she has to use disguises all the time, right? I bet she'd have no problem wearing any sort of outfit, regardless of how girly it is. But hey, if you're not brave enough to do what she does then I guess-"
  159. >"FINE! I'll try on the stupid dress..." She mutters and sinks her head into her shoulders, hiding her face behind her book.
  160. >Got'em.
  161. >You cross the street and enter the shop, a bell chimes with the open door.
  162. >You're greeted by a very bubbly, amber coated, light blue maned unicorn. Her cutie mark resembled that of a thread going into a needle
  163. >"Hello! How are you today?" Her eyes flutter.
  164. >"Fine. just browsing." Dash says, struggling to maintain eye contact.
  165. >"Well let me know if..." She takes a look at you, "Oh wow! What an exotic pet!"
  166. "Wait, I'm not a-"
  167. >"Yes!" Dash says, her nervousness now evaporating, "This is my pet human. His name is Anon! Say hello Anon."
  168. "Dash..."
  169. >"Oh wow! It can even talk!"
  170. >Dash snickers.
  171. >You facepalm.
  172. "I'm not a pet. I'm just from out of town, you could say."
  173. >"Ah, of course!" The clerk waves her hoof, "Well anyway my name is Ambersilk. Let me know if you two need anything!"
  174. "Yes, can you tell us where the dresses are?"
  175. >"Mhm! Dresses are on the racks nearest to the dressing room. Accessories are on the wall next to those."
  176. "Thanks!"
  177. >"Of course!" She trots away to the register.
  178. "Well, Dash? Shall we start looking?"
  179. >"Mm..." She huffs, "Fine."
  180. "Sweet. And we're clear that I am the one who picks out the clothing, right?"
  181. >Rainbow rolls her eyes, "Yes already! Lets just get this over with."
  182. >With a reluctant Rainbow Dash at your side, you begin browsing for the most blatantly adorable outfits you could find.
  183. >A pink skirt catches your eye. A ballerina type of skirt. Pink slippers as well.
  184. >You couldn't of snatched it off the hanger fast enough.
  185. >"No way!" Dash protests, seeing what you now hold.
  186. "Uh, way."
  187. >Her eyes begin to dart from side to side, checking for any other ponies that may recognize her.
  188. >You continue looking. Your pouty companion dragging her hooves behind you.
  189. >You find another.
  190. >"Anon!" She whisper yells, "Not that one!"
  191. "Ohh yes, this one indeed."
  192. >She takes one gander at the dress and blushes. No doubt envisioning how she'll look.
  193. >Moments later, you're waiting at the dressing rooms with the two most adorable dresses you could find.
  194. "Welp, time too show me how brave you are."
  195. >You hand over the dresses which she takes on her back.
  196. >She sighs and enters the room.
  197. >Outside, You await. Holding her book for her sitting on a bench imagining how she'll react when you see her.
  198. >From within you hear Dash fidgeting around. No doubt from the bow and scrunchy you picked out for the ballerina skirt. You're already imagining how she looks.
  199. >You hear the door open, finally. And out comes Dash donned in a silky pink skirt coupled with four slippers of the same material on her hooves that laced up and around her legs in an intersecting fashion.
  200. >The final touch being the light blue scrunchy you chose for her to use with the skirt. Her ponytail brought it all together.
  201. >She stared at the ground. Hiding as much of her face as she could behind the bangs of her mane.
  202. "..."
  203. >"Well?" She asks in anticipation.
  204. "You look-"
  205. >"Like a little filly, I know!"
  206. "Pretty."
  207. >"See!? I told you I'd look du- What?"
  208. "I don't see what all the fuss was about. I mean yeah, its kinda girly, but its not like you look bad or anything now that I'm seeing it."
  209. >She stares at you. In awe of what you just said.
  210. >"Shutup! I know you're just saying that to hide how ridiculous I look."
  211. >You scoff.
  212. "Whatever, beautiful."
  213. >"Ugh!"
  214. >She irately re-enters the dressing room.
  215. >You revel in the fact you got to see her in such an adorable getup. Even though she may have hated the way she looked, it definitely wasn't as if she couldn't pull the look off if she wanted.
  216. >Hell, she could probably pull any look off...
  218. >>
  219. >Be Rainbow Dash, seething about what just happened.
  220. "That jerk!" you hiss through your teeth, "I'm gonna get back at him!"
  221. >You begin taking the bow out of your mane when his words replay in your head.
  222. >"You look pretty..."
  223. >Could he really have meant... N-no! don't think about that! He was just trying to tease you.
  224. >Right?
  225. >You glance at yourself in the mirror, your frown slowly turning into a smile.
  226. "I mean... not like hes wrong."
  227. >Slowly, your mood elevates. At least he didn't point and laugh like you thought he was going too.
  228. >You look again. This time not entirely hating the outfit.
  229. "Hm." You pose, "Not my style, but I'd totally make it work."
  230. >You make a cute face at yourself.
  231. "Pfft!" You laugh at the thought, "As if."
  232. >You take the dress off, and begin putting on the second. This time, not entirely hating life as you do so.
  233. >With the second outfit now fully on, you're ready to face him once again.
  234. >But not before double checking in the mirror to make sure you're on point.
  235. >This outfit, although the same color as the last, was more "cutesy".
  236. >A sliver of doubt resurfaced in your mind. At least the other one could be seen as practical.
  237. >The dress started just around the middle of your chest, leaving a bit of fluff hanging over white lace silk fabric.
  238. >On each of your hooves was a cloth band with a pink or yellow flower to match the flowers on the band on your head.
  239. >In any other circumstance you'd never wear something like this.
  240. >Maybe if it were a golden reed in your hair. That'd look awesome! But no...
  241. >You take a deep breath and get ready to exit.
  242. "Okay, get a grip Dash. He didn't laugh at the first one, so just chill out and go out there!"
  243. >You leave the safety of the room and out where he could see.
  244. >"Took long enough I... uhhh..."
  245. "Well? What do you think of this one?" You ask nervously and quickly.
  246. >He says nothing. Only sitting there staring.
  247. >You look at the ground.
  248. "C'mon..." You think to yourself, "Just say something already! Oh gosh... what if he doesn't like it? Wait, why do I care??" Your face heats up, "Ohmigosh! I think I'm blushing!"
  249. >You begin to shake. It felt as if there were a glob of peanut butter in your throat.
  250. >"Dash," He gets up from the bench and walks over to you.
  251. >Oh Celestia... whats he gonna do?
  252. >"You look good." He says, kneeling down and gently grabbing your hoof.
  253. "Uhh..."
  254. >You feel your face heating up even more, your ears fold directly back.
  255. >"A little 'not your style' I admit." He offers a comforting smile.
  256. >He grabs your other hoof, making you instinctively stand on your hind legs.
  257. >Oh Celestia! Hes holding your hooves!
  258. >You feel your heart rate increase.
  259. "Uhh!" Your voice cracks, "Well yeah! Of course! Like I said!"
  260. >"Never noticed how soft your hooves are..."
  261. >Oh Celestia now hes rubbing them!!
  262. "Okay!" You retract your hooves, "So its settled, I look awesome no matter what! Can we go now?"
  263. >You smile sheepishly, letting out an audible "squee".
  264. >"Sure." He chuckles.
  265. >You head back in the changing room, take off the dress, put the two dresses back, and exit the store.
  266. >"Come back soon!" Ambersilk calls from behind the register.
  267. "Thank Celestia thats over!" You say, casually hovering over Anon's shoulder.
  268. >"Guess you weren't kidding about your bravery."
  269. "You're darn right I wasn't! Told you!" You cross your forelegs and nod in triumph, "And don't ever expect to see me wearing anything like that again!"
  270. >"Doesn't Rarity make stuff for you though?"
  271. "Well yeah, but thats just for occasions like weddings, or the Gala. In other words, you're gonna have to wait till then to see /me/ wearing a dress."
  272. >He smirks and raises his brow, "Is that an invitation?"
  273. "Maybe, if you play your cards right until then."
  274. >You both laugh.
  275. >"I'll have to play carefully then."
  276. "Yeah..." You look down at your book, "Hey, Anon?"
  277. >"Mm?"
  278. "When we get back, you wanna... I dunno, read my new book with me?"
  279. >"That uh, sounds like something Twilight would say."
  280. "You could've just said no! Jerk..."
  281. >"Rainbow." He pets your head, making your ears perk, "I would love too."
  282. "D-darn right you'd love too! Daring Do is the best series ever! Just wait, after we read this, we'll go back and read ALL the other ones too!"
  283. >"All in the same day??"
  284. "I know, right?!"
  285. >Today turned out better then you thought.

Not so Bad (Anon x Dash)

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Madness of the Old Gods (Pony Horror OC)

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Devil Hunter Dash

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Itchy Scratchy (pony Horror)

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Dash loses her rainbow

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