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Beach Day

By Mshakezilla
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-04-06 15:09:41
Expiry: Never

  1. >The sun radiated in the open afternoon sky, shining it's rays of warmth and light across the ocean and sand in the bay.
  2. >Scattered all around the beach were various ponies playing, lounging, relaxing, and overall enjoying the warm and vibrant weather.
  3. >The wind's gentle embrace in the breeze caressed against every inch of your body, traveling through the fabric in your shorts and all around your bare torso. Relieving you from the heat of the sun.
  4. >Be Anon, walking down the stairs to the beach area carrying various items.
  5. >Umbrella, sunscreen, cooler filled with water, cider and juice, towels, a big ass beach ball, and a basket filled with snacks and sandwiches.
  6. >In other words, be hating life from carrying so much shit in the hot ass weather.
  7. >The long way down didn't help either. The stone, sunbathed steps were hot to the touch against your bare feet.
  8. >At the top of the stairs were all the various shops, stands, and restaurants.
  9. >At the bottom, your salvation. Relief from carrying this burden.
  10. >"Yo Anon!" Dash calls out, at the bottom of the steps. Wearing her sunglasses and a bikini that matched the colors of her mane.
  11. >"I already picked out an awesome spot for our setup! Hurry that flank up! I KNOW we didn't train legs this week! So I know you're not sore!"
  12. >You look up from cautiously approaching each step. Her teasing voice acted as motivation for you to press on. If you didn't know better, she was testing you.
  13. >You envisioned yourself as Atlas, bearing the weight of the entire planet on your shoulders.
  14. >These steps aint' shit...
  15. "Ima comin'!" You holler back.
  16. >"Hurry up! I don't want anypony else to take it!"
  17. >With her words to spur you on, you descend each step with great vigor, dodging the other various ponies coming up and down the stairs.
  18. >Sweaty, hot, and winded you make it to the bottom.
  19. >"About time ya big slowpoke!" She playfully punches your thigh, "Summer isn't gonna wait for you to take your time down the steps!"
  20. "Well... Dash..." You say in between breaths, "Maybe you can... I dunno, help me out?"
  21. >"OH!" She covers her mouth with her hooves, "Of course! Sorry! Let me take some of this off ya."
  22. >She grabs the beach ball.
  23. "..."
  24. >She begins bouncing it off her muzzle into the air.
  25. >"C'mon! Its this way!"
  26. >She trots off, leisurely bouncing the ball.
  27. >You follow in turn. Now that you weren't going down stairs the weight didn't feel as bad, not to mention the sand didn't burn like the stone.
  28. >Dash gives the ball a good bounce and launches it over to an open spot in the sand shaded by the leaves of a nearby palm tree.
  29. >The ball bounces just barely short of the center of the tree's shadow.
  30. >"Awww! Did you see that??" She groans, "I so had that! It was the wind! Yeah, thats it."
  31. >Rainbow Dash flutters to the shade next to the ball and lays herself on her back, crossing her legs in a lounging position.
  32. >You set down the stuff not but a few feet away.
  33. "Thank. Fuck."
  34. >You collapse next to her, letting your quads and calves get a much needed break.
  35. >The spot she had picked out was secluded from the other beach goers. Far enough for the crowd to only be a barely audible noise but not too far to be out of sight.
  36. >Looking out to the ocean, you become lost in the spectacle laid out before you.
  37. >The water was as clear and blue as the sky, with the sun's shining, bright light, illuminating across it's surface.
  38. >The open stretch of the beach ended on either side with trees and forest. Large, grass top covered mountains extended out into the sea, closing in but not fully to one point of the water.
  39. >It was as if the bay were cradled and protected by the natural formations around you.
  40. >"Yo Anon!!" Dash excitedly gets up, "Race you to the water!"
  41. >Despite the ache in your legs, you accept.
  42. "You're on!"
  43. >"Yes!" Dash digs her hooves in, "On your mark, get set, GO!"
  44. "You're gon- OH FUCK!"
  45. >Rainbow takes off with such force that wind nearly blows you back on your ass.
  46. >Had the umbrella been setup it would have gotten blown away.
  47. >The seas part and quickly collapse from the force of her speed in entering the water.
  48. >You look in awe as the waters settle.
  49. "Holy shit..."
  50. >The water calms, and you don't see her.
  51. >How far out did she go?
  52. >You run out into the water, diving into the cool ocean waters and swimming out where you saw the waves end when she entered.
  53. "Dash?"
  54. >You look around but to no avail.
  55. >To your right, you see the surface bubble.
  56. "Dash!?" You call her name again, now concerned she may have gone too hard into the water.
  57. >More bubbles rise up, followed by Rainbow Dash's head erupting from the water.
  58. >She flings her mane side to side and takes a heavy breath.
  59. >"Awwww yeah..."
  60. >The water droplets scattered and cascaded off her mane to form little rainbows in the sunlight, reflecting off the water and back on her face.
  61. >"Thats the stuff." She lets her mane hang down, strings clinging to her neck, face, and shoulders.
  62. >She breaths deep in content, "The water feels so good in my coat."
  63. >At this moment you knew, just how lucky you were to get to be here with her.
  64. >How a creature of such beauty could exist was beyond you.
  65. >She catches you staring.
  66. >"Take a picture why don't you." She smirks, and winks slyly.
  67. "What?" You snap out of it, "I uhh..."
  68. >"Haha! You're too easy dude." She leans back and tranquilly backstrokes her way back to the beach, "C'mon! Lets setup so we can eat!"
  69. >Watching her swim away, you begin to feel a fluttery sensation in your stomach, and an uplifting one in your heart.
  70. >Despite the whole different species thing going on, you couldn't fight the feeling that you could easily see yourself falling for her.
  71. >You shake your head, getting a sudden influx of thoughts of doing things with her out of mind and back to getting to the land.
  72. >Back on the beach, you setup the umbrella to create a shaded spot to expand the area already provided from the palm tree.
  73. >Rainbow Lays out her towel and sets up the cooler right next to her.
  74. >You do the same, the only object creating distance between you being the cooler.
  75. >"Toss me the basket."
  76. "Toss? Well, okay..."
  77. >You pick up the basket filled with your food and toss it up in the air over to her.
  78. >"Ah!" She catches it not but an inch from the sand, "I didn't mean literally!"
  79. "Oh whoops..."
  80. >She sighs and laughs, "You're so hopeless Anon."
  81. >From the basket she pulls out a peanut butter and zap apple jam sandwich.
  82. >"Here!" She hands it over to you, "I made enough for both of us."
  83. >You accept. You had had this kind of sandwich before, it was like a standard peanut butter and jelly. Only with a sour, electric taste to it.
  84. >She grabs another, "Oh yeah," she takes her first bite, "Thafs the sfuff!"
  85. >Bits and pieces of food fling out of her mouth.
  86. "Ever hear of table manners?"
  87. >She swallows, "Are we at a table Anon? Answer; no we aren't."
  88. "You right."
  89. >Another few quick bites and shes already done. She reaches into the basket for the sunscreen and squirts a glob onto her hooves.
  90. >Dash begins rubbing the lotion all over. Getting her belly and shoulders, as well as her ears and face.
  91. "Hey Dash."
  92. >"Yeah?" she responds, moving on to her legs.
  93. "Why do you, or ponies rather, wear sunscreen? Doesn't your fur protect from all that?"
  94. >"Well duhh," She rolls her eyes and laughs, "us ponies still need to keep our coats from getting bleached by the sun."
  95. "Huh... I had no clue that could happen."
  96. >She finishes her hind and forelegs, then lays down on her stomach.
  97. >"Now, you gonna ask anymore weird questions? Or are you gonna help a mare out?"
  98. >She tosses the sunscreen over to you.
  99. >Picking up what shes putting down, you take a glob, rub it in your hands and on her back.
  100. >"Yeah..." She rests her chin on her forelegs, "Don't miss any spots."
  101. >You begin massaging the lotion through her coat and into her skin.
  102. >Her coat, made warm to the touch by the sun, felt hot between your fingers and in your palms.
  103. >Rainbow's body, though firm and muscular from all her training and activity, was also soft and delicate.
  104. >You move up to the back of her neck, using the tips of your fingers to rub the lotion around her mane.
  105. >"Mmm~" She hums in content.
  106. >You gulp, doing your best not to sperg right then and there.
  107. >Taking another dab in each hand, you rub from her shoulders to under her wings. Making them twitch, and getting a short gasps and moans from Rainbow.
  108. >Her wings slowly unfurl, giving you the space needed to finish.
  109. >You rub down her sides, moving your hands in rhythm with the rise and fall her breathing.
  110. >You begin envisioning holding her like this in a more intimate fashion. Thoughts that had manifest long ago and made you question yourself initially. Then grew to accept as trying to fight, or over rationalize not harboring such thoughts made it more difficult to do just that.
  111. >Could only imagine if she or any other pony could ever see you the same way...
  112. >You refocus, clear your head, and finish up.
  113. "Okay, all done!"
  114. >"Think so huh?" She tilts her head back.
  115. "...Yes?"
  116. >"You didn't get my flanks smart one." She winks.
  117. "Of course... How stupid of me."
  118. >You heart began to race.
  119. >She lays her head back down and adjusts herself. Straddling just enough to give you room to navigate her legs and flanks.
  120. >Taking another squirt, you begin rubbing her flanks. Making circles with your palms against her cutie marks and making sure not to rub too hard.
  121. >The firmness of her legs... You could feel her muscles contorting with your hands movements.
  122. >With each stroke, her tail would twitch here and there, sometimes flinging side to side. It's silky hair gliding against your arms as you work.
  123. >You glance back at her head every couple seconds. Making sure she isn't looking back to make sure you weren't being a perv and looking at her vulva through her rainbow bikini.
  124. >At last your done, sitting at an angle to hide your twig and berries which were very enthusiastic throughout that whole session.
  125. "Okay, now all done!" You snap the lotion bottle closed.
  126. >"Thanks!"
  127. >Dash gets up and grabs the beach ball, rolling it out in the sun.
  128. >"Can't tell you how annoying it can be to get the hard to reach spots around my back."
  129. "Yeah it can be kind of a bitch. Wait, what about your flanks?"
  130. >"Hm?"
  131. "You told me to get those too."
  132. >Her eyes narrow, "I know!" She chirps.
  133. >You hot, cute, little...
  134. >Not but a few feet from her towel, Rainbow leans her forelegs down on the ball. Using it to support her weight as she sways gently in the wind.
  135. >Her mane, being carried by the breeze, would flow as fluidly and smooth as the waves on the shores.
  136. >Her brilliant color scheme being highlighted by the sunscreen in the open sun.
  137. >She sways her body slightly from side to side, shifting her weight on either hind leg. Giving you a perfect vantage point to both her cutie marks, as well as a clear look at her private areas outlined in her bikini each time she'd move her tail.
  138. >"Heck of a sight huh?" Dash looks out to the mountains cradling the water.
  139. "Yeah. It sure is." You say quietly, laying back on the towel.
  140. >Dash turns her head back to look at you. She sees that your gawking at her. With a smirk she narrows her eyes and leans forward on the ball even more.
  141. >She turns her head again.
  142. >You look her in the eye, and she does the same.
  143. >"Anon."
  144. >Dash hops off the beach ball and slowly walks over to you, giving you a half lidded look the whole time.
  145. >Now standing over you, she plants her hooves in the sand and traps you underneath her.
  146. >Her muzzle closes in, stopping not but an inch from your face.
  147. "D-Dash?"
  148. >"Wanna come with me to get some ice cream?"
  149. >You stare into her eyes. Her large, clear, vibrant, beautiful magenta eyes.
  150. "Uh-huh." You nod.
  151. >"Sweet!" She puts on her sunglasses and trots off ahead. Leaving you a flustered mess.
  152. >Keep it together Anon.
  153. >"You coming or what?" She calls back.
  154. "Hold your damn horses!" You get to your feet and jog to catch up to her.
  158. >>
  159. >The ice cream bar was crowded. So many ponies all wanting for something cool to help combat the heat of the summer's sun.
  160. >The space separating everyone was but a mere few inches in line, giving only just enough space to move aside for ponies walking through.
  161. >In line you wait with Dash, reading all the options on the menu hanging over the tubs of ice cream behind the bar.
  162. >"So whatcha gonna get?"
  163. "Hm..."
  164. >Something catches your eye on the menu.
  165. "Hm. Probably a Vanilla cup with crushed up chocolate cookies sprinkled in it. With a caramel swirl, of course."
  166. >The picture on the menu was far too enticing to pass up.
  167. "You?"
  168. >"Y'know I wanted ice cream, but now..."
  169. >Rainbow eyes a filly walking with her mother exiting the bar with a Popsicle in hoof.
  170. >"Now I'm thinking a rainbow flavored Popsicle is the way to go."
  171. "Solid."
  172. >A short moment in line later, and you're next. You both pay the amount of bits needed and exit outside to sit a table shaded by an umbrella in it's center.
  173. "No one better take our shit while we're gone." You take a bite.
  174. >"Relax, Anon." Dash licks her Popsicle, "If anypony tries anything, I'll hunt'em down for us."
  175. >She puffs out her chest to look proud with the Popsicle still in her mouth.
  176. >You do your best to fight back the urge to grab her and pet her right then.
  177. >Things this cute shouldn't exist but in this world they are oh so common.
  178. >Instead, you give a light chuckle and go on about how lucky you are to have her as your own personal super hero.
  179. "Oh wow," You wave your hand, "I'm like, SO lucky to have the GREAT, amazing, Rainbow Dash to save me when in need..."
  180. >"Don't think my services are free ya big oaf."
  181. "Oh?" You take another bite, "And what is the price for your heroism?"
  182. >Dash pauses, looks at her Popsicle, narrows her eyes, and slowly licks it from bottom to top. Pressing it against her long and elegant tongue, letting her drool leak down to her hoof.
  183. >"Mmm~. Oh... I'll think of something." She licks her lips.
  184. >Your eye twiches.
  185. >You give yourself a slap.
  186. >The sound caught her attention, "You good?"
  187. >Just a bug.
  188. "Just a bug."
  189. >Going back to your ice cream, you savor the flavor and admire the scenery around you. From this much higher vantage point at the top of the cliff side overlooking the beach, you could see everyone down in the sand or playing in the water.
  190. >It was a serene sight. Peaceful...
  191. >Still though, the one thing that had stood out today more then anything else was the fact that these ponies were wearing swim trunks, bikinis, or other beach appropriate clothing.
  192. >"Hey, Dash?"
  193. "Whats up?"
  194. >"Why do ponies wear bikinis?"
  195. >She tilts her head, "What?"
  196. "Okay so like, on any given day like say in Ponyville or where ever,"
  197. >"Yeah?"
  198. "No one is wearing anything. Save for maybe, the collar on mayor Mare or something on those lines."
  199. >She twirls her hoof, signaling you to get to the point.
  200. "So, if you ponies don't wear any kind of clothes in everyday life, why wear swim trunks or bikinis at the beach?"
  201. >She cocks her brow, "Anon... I thought we were done with the odd questions for today."
  202. "Oh, c'mon!"
  203. >"Ugh." She rolls her eyes, "We wear them so nopony can see our private areas, duh!"
  204. "You don't wear anything on any other given day!"
  205. >"So?"
  206. "So??"
  207. >The light blue Pegasus looked at you, ear twitching in the breeze, dumbfounded at how you couldn't grasp at what she had just explained.
  208. >Clearly you're missing something. But then again, in a world of magic, dragons, and teleporting unicorns, dwelling on this probably isn't going to get you anywhere.
  209. >You sigh.
  210. "Okay, alright. Forget I asked." You wave your hand and take another bite.
  211. >Rainbow shrugs her shoulders. Probably lost some points with that little exchange.
  212. >She continues slurping on her Popsicle, eyeing your ice cream every now and again.
  213. >You take another spoonful, watching Dash's eyes follow it up to your mouth.
  214. >Thats it! Time to make up for the awkward conversation you just had...
  215. "You want a bite?"
  216. >She lights up, "Sure!"
  217. >You dig your spoon in and hold it out to her.
  218. >She stands up in her chair and plants her forelegs on the table.
  219. >Her neck cranes toward the spoon and she takes it in her muzzle. Eating the ice cream as if you were feeding her.
  220. >You slowly retract your arm, getting a little back pull from her.
  221. "Uh, Dash, kinda need my spoo-"
  222. >"Mmmm~..." Slowly from her bottom lip, she sticks out her tongue. wriggling it around the handle of the spoon with a droplet of ice cream dribbling down her chin and to her neck.
  223. >She lets go, licking her lips while doing so.
  224. >"Tastey."
  225. >She sits back down, as if nothing just happened.
  226. >Your eyes become glued to her muzzle. Imagining...
  227. >Wait, no! If you get ol'boy all riled up, you might end up poking someone's eye out! They only come up to waist level...
  228. >You look at the spoon, then back at her.
  229. >Either this was the most erotic spoon on the planet or she was signaling you that the runway was vacant and clear for landing...
  230. >"Wanna try mine?" Dash takes a bite form her Popsicle, and extends her hoof out to you.
  231. >You reach for it.
  232. >She flirtatiously tugs it back.
  233. >"Ah-ah, like I did with yours." She smirks.
  234. "Kay..."
  235. >You lean forward, biting into the cold, flavorful treat.
  236. >Dash tilts it downward, causing it to break a piece off against the roof of your mouth.
  237. >"How is it?" She says, going back to licking where you just bit.
  238. "Mmm." You crush the piece down with your tongue and swallow, "Good."
  239. >She stares at you for a second, and starts giggling.
  240. "What? Whats funny?"
  241. >"You."
  242. "Me? What did I do?"
  243. >"Nothing." Dash takes the last bite of her Popsicle, and gets up to throw away the stick.
  244. >She pats your head as she passes, "You're a good boy is all."
  245. >Great. You're her pet.
  246. >Actually, being Rainbow Dash's pet could be kinda...
  247. >"Yo, Anon! You coming back down to the water or what?" she calls.
  248. "Yeah, I'm coming."
  249. >You throw away your trash and begin heading down with Dash back to your spot.
  250. >As you go down the stairs, you overhear a conversation of other ponies passing by.
  251. >"Did you hear? There's gonna be fireworks tonight!" One pony said.
  252. >"I know! They were so good last year, I can't wait to see if they can one-up themselves!"
  253. >"Anon!" Dash turns, her eyes glittering, "Did you hear them?"
  254. "Yeah! Fuckin' fireworks! Gonna be awesome!"
  255. >"Yes!" Dash looks back at the two who passed by, "Hey! When are those fireworks supposed to start?"
  256. >"After sundown!" The stallion says, "So actually in like, an hour."
  257. >"Cool! Thanks!" She lets out a giddy laugh, "This is gonna be awesome!"
  258. "Well lets get back to our spot so we can watch it while we chill and relax."
  259. >"Don't you mean," Dash narrows her eyes and then puts on her sunglasses, "chillax?"
  260. "Yes, that."
  261. >She playfully punches your shoulder.
  262. >You respond with petting her head.
  263. >"Hey! C'mon," She growls, "not with so many other ponies around."
  264. >You make it to the bottom of the steps and make for your spot of land on the beach.
  265. "D'awww, whats wrong Dashie? If you want," You lean down close to whisper in her ear, making it twitch, "maybe I should just... [spoiler]hold your hoof?"[/spoiler]
  266. >"IN PUBLIC??" She blurts out, causing others to turn and stare.
  267. >You try to hold back the laughter. For the first time today, you were the one getting her all hot and bothered.
  268. >She sheepishly smiles at the onlookers and then turns her head away, hiding the heated red streak of embarrassment across her muzzle.
  269. >Dash hides her face the whole walk. Why holding hooves was considered so "lewd" you'll never know. But damn is it ever cute and fun to mess with them with that.
  270. >Now back, Dash takes off her sunglasses and sets them and her haunches on her towel.
  271. >"That was low."
  272. "What?" You sit next to her, "The hoof holding?"
  273. >Her blush comes back, "Yes! Whispering it in my ear like that..."
  274. "Hey c'mon now. To be fair, I've been getting got all day."
  275. >"Heh," she rubs the back of head, "guess I have been kinda getting you all day today huh?"
  276. "Don't sweat it."
  277. >You reach into the cooler still between your towels and grab a couple of bottles of cider.
  278. >Sour apple cider, compliments of Applejack herself.
  279. >You reach one out to her which she immediately accepts.
  280. >"Awesome! You got the good stuff!"
  281. "Damn straight. Cost more then the normal stuff the Apples sell, but its worth the extra bits."
  282. >Dash pops off the cap against the edge of the cooler and take a big gulp.
  283. >"Ohhhh yeah, SO worth it."
  284. >Relishing the sweet, sour, fizzy, flavor of your drinks, silence sets in.
  285. >You both sit and enjoy the sound of the waves against the shore, miring as the foam forms and dissipates in the sand over and over.
  286. >The setting sun had bathed the sky in a mesh of warm colors. Purple, red, orange and yellow on the horizon.
  287. >The light of the dimming sky reflected off the ocean and against the face of the rocky cliffs surrounding the beach.
  288. >You glance over at Dash, staring at the colors of her mane that matched that of the setting sun.
  289. >It was just as captivating if not more so.
  290. >"Anon?"
  291. "Yeah?"
  292. >"You had fun today, right?"
  293. >She stared out to the sea, awaiting your answer.
  294. "Course I did."
  295. >She sits there, and then looks at you from the corner of her eye.
  296. "Uh, I mean hell, I hardly ever go to the beach. Normally I find it to be kinda boring. But today, with you, I had alot of fun. I didn't really know I could enjoy it this much honestly."
  297. >"I had fun too!" She chirps, "I hardly ever get to come here and just hang out and have a good time anymore. Always so busy with being a Wonderbolt, a teacher..."
  298. "You do work hard." You nod.
  299. >Across the beach ponies were settling in for the show, fortunately far enough away so it doesn't become crowded around your private little area.
  300. >"Y'know, speaking of relaxing," Rainbow sits up and then walks over to sit between your legs, "I think you should pay me back for bringing you out here and helping find a new appreciation for the beach."
  301. >She faces away from you, gesturing you to tend to her back and neck.
  302. >Reading loud and clear what shes signaling, you begin petting and rubbing along her back.
  303. >Your initial touch gets a subtle moan from her.
  304. "You coat is so soft."
  305. >"Sure is. I aim to keep it that way. Wonderbolts..." She breaths deep, "gotta keep clean, and sleek for aerodynamics."
  306. "I bet. Loose and agile too." You move up to her neck.
  307. >Being firm yet not too rough, you rub up and down her neck. Taking special precaution not to tangle your fingers in her mane.
  308. >Her head tilts, "Ah, thats so relaxing."
  309. "Is this how you were planning to have me pay you for your heroic services?"
  310. >She chuckles, "Maybe it is."
  311. >You move down her neck and along the middle of her back.
  312. >Just as before, her body felt warm to the touch.
  313. >Her silk-like fur elegantly ran through your finger as you combed them down her back.
  314. >"Ohhh yeah..." Shes sighs and hums in content, "I'm definitely making you pay me this way from now on."
  315. "Trust me when I say I have no problem with that."
  316. >Your hands move down to the middle of her back, where her wing joints began.
  317. >You cup them between your thumb and palm, gently rubbing around to soften and relax the joint.
  318. >"Mph..." She twitches and inhales sharply.
  319. "So tense around here."
  320. >Her wings slowly unfurl and erect fully.
  321. >Instinctively you comb her feathers with your hands, straightening them out.
  322. "Does it ever bother you if your feathers get jumbled or out of place?"
  323. >"Ah... S-sometimes... Just keep going."
  324. >Her feathers felt as smooth and soft against your skin as her coat, even more so in spots towards the ends.
  325. >You finish straightening out and preening her feathers, making sure they are aligned and straight.
  326. "There we go. All covered and aligned."
  327. >"Oh gosh..."
  328. >With her feathers done, you figure the next best area to knock out are her actual wing joints and muscles.
  329. >You pinch at the second joint of her left wing.
  330. >"Ah!" She jumps back, pressing against your chest.
  331. "That felt good I take it?"
  332. >She looks up at you, "Don't stop..."
  333. >You keep going. No doubt being a Pegasus like her, the muscles and tendons in her wings must get especially wound up and strung.
  334. >Moving to the tip of her left wing, you pinch and rub along the radius and ulna. Getting a twitch and a fidget from her with each motion.
  335. >Gently yet firmly, you massage down her wing to the base on her back.
  336. >Her wings felt frail in your hands. The size and sensitivity of them was hard to believe considering the insane feats she could do with them.
  337. >You rub up and down around the base joint connecting to her shoulder, making her left wing throb and twitch.
  338. >"Oh thats so good..."
  339. >Her body went limp, resting against you and lolling her head side to side on your chest.
  340. >"D-don't forget the right one too."
  341. "Yup, I won't."
  342. >Her right wing twitched and throbbed with the left, you could feel the pulsing of the blood pumping through at the base.
  343. >Doing the same, you pinch and rub along her joints, paying special attention to the softer areas at the second.
  344. >Dash's breathing had grown steadily harder and deeper.
  345. >Her haunches pressed against your crotch each time she took breath, as if getting into a rhythm.
  346. >You glance at her face, only able to catch her at an angle but enough to see her biting her lip along with the crimson streak along her face.
  347. >She licks her lips and whispers, "Don't be a prude~."
  348. >You gulp. Her rump constantly pressing against ol' Anon jr. was getting him all excited.
  349. >Focusing, you continue up her wing. Sensually massaging her joints in your palms, making sure to comb your fingers through her feathers as well so to keep them straight.
  350. >Good thing it was getting dark otherwise the other beach goers could easily see you...
  351. >You glance back at her other wing. It shuddered and trembled as if wanting attention.
  352. >You give it just that, grabbing and rubbing it along with the right.
  353. >They quiver in your hands, the more you manipulate them, the more Dash got excited.
  354. >"Ahn! Ahnuhh..." She pants, "Oh gosh..."
  355. >Never you would've thought that her wings could be an erogenous zone, but you're not gonna complain.
  356. >She was getting off on this. And you couldn't help but push.
  357. >You rub her joints, kneading up and down her wings as they fidget and jerk so slightly in your grasp.
  358. >She presses up against you even harder, digging and gripping her hoofs into the fabric of your swim trunks.
  359. >Her breathing grows now noticeably harder, her eyes were slammed shut and her hind legs shook in anticipation.
  360. >"Ahh~! Oh... Ohmigosh!" Her head bangs gently against your chest, "Ahnnn~!"
  361. >Her body shakes and shudders, as she rides out her orgasm.
  362. >Slowly, her body relaxes. Her hind legs twitch every other second.
  363. >"Oh... Oh wow..." She sighs, "That... I needed that."
  364. "Glad I could repay you."
  365. >You pet her head, and hold her chest. Feeling her heart beat steady in your hand.
  366. >"Yeah..."
  367. >You rub her shoulder.
  368. "I really am. Seems like you needed some relief. Especially with everything you've got going on right now."
  369. >She doesn't speak, only grabbing your hand on her shoulder and then slowly guiding it downward to her bikini.
  370. "...Dash?"
  371. >"That was only half payment."
  372. >With your hand in her hoof, she uses you to rub her vulva.
  373. >Your hand falls into rhythm with her hoof. caressing and embracing her lips in your fingers. Her lukewarm fluids, drenching you in the process.
  374. >A feeling you welcomed.
  375. >Her heart begins picking back up, beating steady and hard with your moving.
  376. >Off in the distant, now night night sky, the first firework went off. Highlighting the beach in a green glimmering flash.
  377. "Wow..."
  378. >"Lets see," Dash nuzzles your arm, "if you can make me finish before those do."
  379. >Accepting the challenge, you trace your finger around her lips. Building her up only to Deny her the want of them to enter her maw, letting her build up slowly so to make it all the more memorable.
  380. >"Ah~..."
  381. >Her mouth hangs open, gently biting down on her tongue each time you circle her winking marehood.
  382. >With your middle and pointer fingers, you entrap and rub up and down in a "V" motion along her lips. Feeling her wink against your fingers.
  383. >The fireworks burst and rupture in the sky over you, illuminating the beach and her in a variant of multicolored lights.
  384. >Red, yellow, blue, every color in her mane and more.
  385. >She bites her lip, "Please..."
  386. >You oblige, bending your finger down and into her heated snatch.
  387. >Slowly you pump her with your finger, letting her juices leak all over her bikini, down her legs, and soak into the towel.
  388. >"Yeah... Mph..."
  389. >The fireworks pick up, and so do you.
  390. >You insert a second finger, getting a sharp inhale from her.
  391. >Her chest rose and fell in your embrace, her heart was racing.
  392. >The tightness of her walls became apparent as they smothered and clenched down on your appendages as you move in and out.
  393. >Looking down, you see strings of her vaginal broth drenching your hand and her lower region.
  394. >A large firework goes off.
  395. >"Ah~!"
  396. >The rumble from the burst could be felt both in the air and her body.
  397. >A third finger goes in, pushing her ever closer to her limit.
  398. >Her body trembled and shuddered with it's entry.
  399. >Again, a large firework goes off. It's bang nearly enough to distract you from the task at hand.
  400. >She twitches, her hind legs beginning to shake and jerk ever so slightly.
  401. >"Ahnon... I-I think I..."
  402. "Shhh..." You kiss her head.
  403. >You pick up the pace, moving in and out of her hot tunnel.
  404. >Her subtle moans and squeaks giving you all you need to let you know its working.
  405. >Another barrage of fireworks go off, igniting the night sky in a blanket of rainbow light.
  406. >The rumbling of the explosion combined with you was setting her off.
  407. >Her forelegs wrap around your arm, "D-don't stop!"
  408. >She was losing it, moving her hips in rhythm with your hand, her hind legs having closed on your wrist.
  409. >Even if you wanted to stop, she wouldn't let you.
  410. >She needed this, and you were more then happy to give her anything she would want.
  411. >"G-gonna...Cuhh~!!"
  412. >She shudders, at the same time as the largest burst in the sky yet goes off, lighting up the night sky like the sun if only for a brief second.
  413. >Her body writhes and contorts in your arms, riding this orgasm even harder then the last.
  414. >AT last her body goes limp, panting and gasping.
  415. >Her face, still red, gleamed in the night sky illuminated now by the moon.
  416. >You lift your hand, bring a string of her cum up from her pussy.
  417. >It hangs from your fingers, dripping into the towel.
  418. "Feeling better, I take it?"
  419. >She remains silent, only hugging your arm in her forelegs and moaning in pleasure.
  420. >You lean back, helping her to be in a better relaxing position.
  421. >You lay with her in your arms. Her quiet, soft breaths set you at ease.
  422. >To have such a beautiful creature in your embrace, and to have her rely on you both for companionship and relief...
  423. >Looking around, it doesn't seem anyone noticed you two. No doubt too enthralled by the display in the sky.
  424. >"Guess you tied." She says, finally.
  425. "Tied?"
  426. >"With the fireworks. That was so awesome." She nuzzles your side.
  427. "Oh, yeah."
  428. >She giggles softly, "I can't wait to do something like this again."
  429. >Rainbow shifts, rolling onto her belly to face you with her muzzle not but an few inches from your face.
  430. >She leans slightly to kiss you.
  431. >"Next time I'll make sure you get your's too..."
  432. >Dash rests her head on your chest.
  433. >Laying back under the umbrella, you contemplate on how today couldn't have possibly gone better.
  434. >And the fact she said "next time" only has you excited for the future.
  435. >At this moment, spending time with her was the greatest thing in this or the next world.

Not so Bad (Anon x Dash)

by Mshakezilla

Madness of the Old Gods (Pony Horror OC)

by Mshakezilla

Devil Hunter Dash

by Mshakezilla

Itchy Scratchy (pony Horror)

by Mshakezilla

Dash loses her rainbow

by Mshakezilla