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Curse of the Temple

By Mshakezilla
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-04-06 15:11:07
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Ahhh, ahaha~." Rainbow Dash giggles uncontrollably, "D-Daring... I feel funny..."
  2. "Rainbow Dash! Get... Ah..." Your body convulsed, "G-get a hold of yourself!"
  3. >"Mmmmff..."
  4. >The young cyan Pegasus grabs hold of your tail, pulls it between her flanks, and slowly rubs it along her torso.
  5. >Sniffing and brushing it all around her face as you struggle in your bonds.
  6. >You and Dash were tied up and confined in the crumbling remains of an ancient temple.
  7. >Shortly after a strange feeling flashed between you...
  8. >"Daring..." Dash turns her head and brushes the side of your face against hers, "You're so awesome..."
  9. "Dash!" You cry, trying to control the primal craving swelling up within.
  10. >You feel her muzzle press against the back of your head.
  11. >She deeply inhales.
  12. >"I... Y-you..." She playfully nibbles your ear, "Mm..."
  13. "Ah~!"
  14. >Your head jerks, causing your hat to flop onto the ground.
  15. >You had to escape from here as soon as possible. But this feeling prevented you from doing it...!!
  16. >It had been so long since you had an urge of this magnitude.
  17. >The room felt as if it were spinning.
  18. >Your fixation on getting free and fighting off the drug, or curse, or whatever it was Ahuizotl had done to you, was quickly beginning to waiver.
  19. >Your head was swimming, every little nudge by your fellow captive only increased the feeling.
  20. >Jolting your body with slivers of what could be if you give in.
  21. >"Daring..." Dash whispers in your ear, making it flick, "You smell so good..."
  22. >The tip of her tongue slowly traces up your ear, and again along your cheek.
  23. "Dammit!" Your eyes slam shut, and you shake your head, "Don't worry Rainbow, I'll get us out of here! You'll see your friends again...!"
  24. >"So awesome..."
  25. >The effects on her must've been more prominent given her lack of sexual experience.
  26. >Dash traces her tongue down your neck, and any other place she could reach with her facing the way she was.
  27. >You struggle to maintain your attention on the rope. Gnawing and pulling it in your teeth. It felt as though it was loosening.
  28. >Like the drums of a Tenochtitlan war-band, your heart pounded in your chest. Adrenaline roared through your veins.
  29. >Your face, heated up and let beads of sweat build and stream down your face.
  30. >The blurry vision was certainly no help either. It felt as if you had gone on a night in Manehatten bar hopping after a roofie cocktail...
  31. >Temple walls cracked and heaved under pressure, the only sound keeping your mind at attention and not on Rainbow Dash's insufferable lusty efforts.
  32. "I... almosht..."
  33. >You pull violently on the rope in your teeth, its fabrics and strings tearing and ripping apart.
  34. *snap*
  35. "I got it!"
  36. >The rope slacks and loosens, Ahuizotl's lackeys never were very competent. The only thing slowing you down now was the ball'n chain.
  37. >"Nyah!"
  38. "W-wait! Dash, I-MM!"
  39. >Without warning she leaps on top of you and aggressively forces her tongue in your mouth.
  40. >The effects made you want so badly to give in and let yours and her inhibitions go on.
  41. >Your mind is bombarded with the sensation of enjoyment and bliss at her warm, writhing tongue meeting yours.
  42. >But you're a survivor and so is she. Theres a time and a place...
  43. "Get-OFF!" You kick her off, "Get it together, mare!" You shake her, "We have to work together!"
  44. >"Right," She slowly blinks, "right!" Dash shakes her head.
  45. >Looks like you've knocked some sense into her.
  46. >And not a moment too soon, the decaying temple walls were beginning to fall, and the ceiling with it.
  47. "Listen, if we both flap our wings together we can lift this chain with us out of the temple!"
  48. >You point your hoof to the top, where an opening appeared from the crumbling stone.
  49. >She befuddledly nods and gets to her hooves.
  50. >"Lets... do it~..." She giggles and bites her lip.
  51. >This mare... If she keeps this up you'll have no choice but to give in to her seductive signals.
  52. >Wait, no! You're Daring Do! Famous explorer, savior of children, and wrecker of evil's shit! Shes Rainbow Dash, an element of Harmony! Also a wrecker of evil's shit! If any two ponies could get out of this you'd be the two!
  53. "On three!" you both crouch down, doing your best not to let the muddled vision take effect, "One... Two... Three!"
  54. >You both leap upward.
  55. >"Here we-Gah!"
  56. >And immediately fall down.
  57. >On top of each other no less.
  58. >Oh the things you'd do to her tight body...
  59. >Focus Daring!
  60. >You were uncoordinated. Uneven. The salacious effects made both your wings stand nearly stiff.
  61. >You'd need to concentrate fully to pick up altitude.
  62. >The room shakes. Dust, pebbles, and stone shattering on the floor near your hooves.
  63. "Dash!"
  64. >"What? I gah~!?"
  65. >You grab and bring her in, your muzzle scrunching against hers.
  66. >Dash's already red face turns an even deeper shade of crimson. You could feel the heat radiating from her cheeks.
  67. >Your hind legs quiver at the touch of her muzzle to yours, but the threat of untimely death was enough for you to keep concentration.
  68. "Together now!"
  69. >She nods, knowing what you're thinking.
  70. >At the same, sluggish, pace; your wings go. Lifting you, and the chain, off the ground. Slowly but surely taking you up.
  71. >Pieces of crag fall around you, shattering against the floor.
  72. >You glance down at what fate would await if you fall, being quickly brought back by Dash's hoof to meet her eye to eye.
  73. >Her half lidded, deep, enticing, magenta eyes.
  74. >Warmth envelopes your face.
  75. >Staring deeply into her eyes, it captivated you like nothing before ever had.
  76. >Even the thought of being intimate was nearly enough for you to lose it then and there.
  77. >And in only a moment, you would have that chance...
  78. >You ascend from the temple walls and escape the collapse.
  79. >Walls of stone and gold give way, breaking down into a cloud of dust and debris.
  80. >"We..." She looks down, "we did it!"
  81. >Normally you'd be cheering along in triumph! Another close call for Daring Do and her companion!
  82. >The only thought in your mind however, an overpowering and near unbearable feeling rather, was taking Rainbow at this very second.
  83. >Images of her spreading her limbs and making seductive faces at you flooded your mind.
  84. >Exploring every inch of her body thoroughly and deeply...
  85. >You MUST have her!
  86. >Acting on the urge, you grab her by the back of her head and pull her in for a kiss. Opening a floodgate of pleasure to flow through your body.
  87. >You were in heaven. For a moment the entire world seemed to evaporate around you.
  88. >She lets go.
  89. "Dash... I-WHUH!"
  90. >The kiss made you both lose concentration.
  91. >Gravity took over, pulling you both back down to the ground.
  92. >Merely a few feet from the dirt, you both use your stiffened wings and glide for a rough landing.
  93. >Scraping against the grass and dust on the outskirts of the now collapsed temple, you shake off the dizziness.
  94. >You had just narrowly escaped death. Again.
  95. >Still, your mind tracked on one thing.
  96. >Fighting it only made the urge stronger and without the impending sense of danger, nothing would hold it back.
  97. >Dash seemed to feel it as well.
  98. >You stare at her and she stares at you.
  99. >Her beautiful blue coat, her mane muffled and with leaves, twigs, and grass protruding, caked in sweat glistening in the moonlight...
  100. >Only seconds after meeting eyes, she pulled and embraced you tightly in her legs. The pleasure of feeling her soft, tone body against yours numbed yourself to any pain you could possibly feel from the fall.
  101. >Whatever was done to your body, you were by no means complaining at this point.
  102. >Every touch, breath, and gesture sent your body into an inhibited euphoria.
  103. "Dash..." You pant, the flash coming again, "I..."
  104. >Her forelegs wrap around your head and she kisses you deeply once again, her tongue and yours exploring every inch of each others mouths.
  105. >"Mmm~."
  106. >Her long, flat tongue wrestling with yours. Exchanging saliva and her warm breath so close against your face...
  107. >The feeling of your lips meeting so intimately was nearly enough to push you over.
  108. >You release, moving down her neck and inhaling deeply every inch you could.
  109. >Her scent... Each breath you took only infatuated you with her even more.
  110. >She did the same, burying her muzzle in your mane and caressing your back in her soft hooves.
  111. >Dash's hind legs wrap around one of yours.
  112. >The slick sound of her yearning canal grinding against you.
  113. >It spurred you on and inspired you to move down to satisfy her wanting.
  114. >You trace your tongue along her torso.
  115. >"Ah... Eh... D-Daring..."
  116. >You remain silent. She knows what you're about to do.
  117. >Her hind legs part for you to maneuver the ball'n chain out of the way so you may move down to fully to indulge her.
  118. "Oh yes~." You lick your lips.
  119. >Rainbow's vulva was drenched. Glistening and sparkling in the moonlit sky. Her winking clit was practically begging for attention.
  120. >"Ahhhahhhh~...!"
  121. >You bury your muzzle in her muff. Soaking your face in her fluids while your tongue invades and explores her canal.
  122. >This sends her into immediate climax. Her hips buck against your face. Her cum, drenching you in all it's warmth and glory.
  123. >Wriggling and pressing against her walls, you keep at it. Making the orgasm as intense for her as possible.
  124. >Up and down, swirling, you caress every inch of her twitching pussy.
  125. >Finally, your tongue retracts and traces along the border of her lips. Licking and cleaning her still leaking maw.
  126. >Looking up, you see her head laying on it's side, her eyes rolled back, and her tongue out. Her wings twitched and throbbed in unison with your tongue, signaling you where her most sensitive spots were.
  127. >She was in a world of pure, intense, and immaculate indulgence.
  128. >Something in your head drove you to keep her like that...
  129. >Like a compelling need that you could not control.
  130. >Finally, you plant your lips around her clit. Lapping at it each time it winks.
  131. >"Ngah! Oh... Oh Celestia yes!"
  132. >Dash's body quivers. Her legs stiffen and she climaxes again.
  133. >your mouth was full of her now.
  134. >But she isn't done, not until you are.
  135. "Ahnnn~."
  136. >You swallow down the excessive fluid flooding our mouth.
  137. >Rainbow's taste was amazing. Making you want even more.
  138. >Before you knew it, her hind legs wrapped around your head. Her scent invaded your nostrils and filled your head with the thought of wanting her cumming again.
  139. >The exhilaration of her pressing her hips into your face, it made you yearn for her.
  140. >Her breaths, grunts, voice cracks, all turn you on further.
  141. >You trace your hoof down your belly and to your pussy. Merely the act of pleasing her was nearly enough to send /you/ over the edge.
  142. >Slowly you swivel the frog of your hoof around your lips and clit, saturating your hoof.
  143. "Mm! Ahn!"
  144. >Dash's head lulls side to side. If the feel for you was this good, hers must be unreal.
  145. >You persist, her moaning and panting invigorating you to make her body shudder and shake.
  146. >Dash grits her teeth. Her voice cracking and squeaking in enjoyment.
  147. >Slowly, you press your tongue flat against her vulva, licking up as much as you can to meet and suck her clit.
  148. >"A-Again... I'm gonna... *pant* again...!"
  149. >You wrap your forelegs around her waist, restraining her and dragging her an inch closer into your embrace.
  150. "Mmmm~!"
  151. >"Oh, D-Daring~! Ahh... Dyehh!"
  152. >Rainbow's hind legs clamp tightly around your head. The thickness and strength of her legs block and deafen your ears.
  153. >The only sounds you can hear are of her muffled screaming in delight.
  154. >Her whole body spasmed and contorted in raw pleasure.
  155. >Her hooves dug and pulled in the dirt as her fluids shoot into your face and mouth.
  156. >Hungrily you take it in, licking and lapping up as much of her tasty cum as possible while you drench your own flanks in yours.
  157. >Gradually, her body falls limp, releasing you from her grasp.
  158. >You rest your head against her waist, catching your breath.
  159. >Slowly you slide your body up against hers.
  160. >The look on her face was that of raw elation.
  161. >Her chest rose and fell deeply with her panting, you aren't even sure how many time she must've cum in the last few short moments.
  162. "You tasted so good, Rainbow Dash."
  163. >You crane your neck for another kiss, letting her know her own taste.
  164. >Again your met by the same flash, only this time accompanied by another sensation.
  165. >Dash's hoof found it's way to your aching marehood.
  166. >Rubbing the soft padded frog of her hoof against you back and forth, evolving into a circular motion.
  167. >The jolts of pleasure made your hind legs shudder and go limp, making you collapse onto her.
  168. >She sits you and herself up, pulling you against her with a malevolent grin.
  169. >She props you on her hind leg and tightly squeezes her body against yours, grinding her leg against your exceedingly sensitive pussy.
  170. "Ah! D-Dash, Wait I, Hahhh~!"
  171. >She thrusts her hind leg underneath you, slowly grinding against your vulva.
  172. >The cold band of metal around her leg only assisted her efforts, mashing against your winking clit each pass.
  173. >At this moment, Rainbow was all the kept you from collapsing. All parts of your body save for your yearning maw and stiffened, pulsating wings, had gone numb in that second.
  174. >The exaltation you felt was like nothing you've ever experienced.
  175. >Each movement overflowed your mind with pleasure, making it go blank.
  176. >You grist your teeth. The sensation was too much.
  177. >Within a few short thrusts, your body spasms in Dash's hooves. Dousing her whole lower half in your fluids.
  178. >"Wow Daring," She giggles, "Didn't think it'd be THAT easy."
  179. "S-shutup... Don't act liihhh-Nyahh~!"
  180. >Without warning she starts again, this time holding you up by grabbing and tugging the tips of your wings in her hooves.
  181. >Your forelegs fall at your sides, dangling in motion with her thrusts.
  182. >You clench your teeth and try your best not to scream in absolute rapture, she was becoming more aggressive with her movements.
  183. >Firmly, softly, and growing in speed, she pressed and pushed against your vulva.
  184. >Each push and pull making your legs shake.
  185. >You were at her complete mercy like this, all you could do was tremble in her hooves as she sent you into another orgasm.
  186. >Leaning back and writhing, you scream in ecstasy. Riding out another of one of the most intense orgasms you've ever felt.
  187. >Slowly, you catch your breath.
  188. >Dash pulls your body back in, kissing and licking your neck and face.
  189. >Her hoof slowly makes its way from your wing to your still sensitive pussy. Reinvigorating you and getting a taste.
  190. >She bring her hoof to her face and with a grin she licks it clean.
  191. >"Ahhhnnn... Mmmm~. You taste good too."
  192. >You laugh in between breaths, and meet her eyes with yours.
  193. >Feeling began returning, yet...
  194. >It wasn't enough. There was still more.
  195. >You knew it.
  196. >She knew it.
  197. >It wouldn't end like this.
  198. >You cradle her head in your hooves and deeply kiss her again, getting your tongue as deep as you can.
  199. >She does the same, nearly making you gag.
  200. >You take in all you can. Her breath, her saliva, her subtle moaning and quivering in your hooves.
  201. >You savior each second.
  202. >At last you let go, panting and breathing deeply to catch your breath.
  203. >No, it most CERTAINLY would not end this way...
  204. >You wrap your forelegs around her neck and pull her down on top of you. Positioning her in between your hind legs, you push away the ball'n chain that still bound you.
  205. >Her still dripping maw, leaked it's warm liquid all over your own while your clitorises kiss each time they wink.
  206. >Again before starting you bring her in to lock lips.
  207. >You buck your hips against hers.
  208. >"Mff~!"
  209. >Still without releasing, you buck again. Her muffled euphoric moaning the only sounds other then that of your pussy rubbing against hers and vice versa.
  210. >She picks up on the movement and gets into rhythm with you.
  211. >Pushing just at the right moment.
  212. >Together your bodies move, building up the tension.
  213. >Your juices pooled together at your rump, soaking your tail and fur.
  214. >Your rhythm grows more in tune. Grinding and pushing against each other while holding her tight, tone, warm body against you.
  215. >At last you release her from your kiss. She tilts her head forward, leaving a trail of mixed saliva tracing along your cheek.
  216. >Dash presses her tongue against the side of your face and then moves up an inch to playfully bite and pull your ear.
  217. "Ngyah~!"
  218. >You shudder, and squeeze her even tighter, burying your face in her chest fluff.
  219. >"Nggg! Doh... shtop!"
  220. >You grab a hoofful of her mane and pull back.
  221. >Dash yelps and squeaks in response.
  222. >The sound of her in such a pure, lust driven trance...
  223. >Your breathing grows more rapid and uncontrolled as your eyes roll back and you feel yourself getting close.
  224. >Gritting your teeth, you press your face harder against her.
  225. >Rainbow's heart pounds fast and wild. Her moaning and the exhilarating thump of her chest are the only sounds filling your ears.
  226. >You tighten your grip around her with one hoof and with the other pull again on her mane.
  227. >Her body shakes and stiffens with yours, together you let out a cry of delectation as you squeeze each other and embrace.
  228. >Your pussy twitched and spasms against hers, drenching it and yourself with each other's cum.
  229. >The length was absurd. Never before had you had an orgasm last this long.
  230. >It was easily the best one of your life. And by the sounds she was making, hers as well.
  231. >Panting, sweating, and still holding her, your head falls back.
  232. >Rainbow relaxes on top of you. Moaning inconsistently in between breaths.
  233. >No other place in Equestria could you imagine a better place to be.
  234. >Dash nuzzles your neck.
  235. >"That was... I-I think... its done..."
  236. >She's right. The overbearing lust that plagued you only moments ago seems to have finally subsided.
  237. >Secretly you hope it comes back...
  238. >All you know is that here in this moment, like an engorged manticore, you are fully content...
  241. >>
  242. >You awaken several hours later with the morning sun and with a big relaxing yawn.
  243. >But whats this? Theres something soft in your hooves...
  244. >Oh, its just Rainbow Dash. Who could've thought her body could be so soft...
  245. >Wait! What happened!?
  246. >You quickly rise, though the chain hampered the movement, and rub the sand from your eyes.
  247. >Your fur is all matted and sticky around your flanks and waist.
  248. >And the smell...
  249. >Oh Luna...
  250. "Rainbow Dash! Wake up!" You shake her, "Get up! C'mon!"
  251. >She groggily awakens from her stupor.
  252. >"Mrrruhhhh...?" She rubs her eyes, "Daring? What happened? We were in that place tied up and..."
  253. >You tap your chin. Trying to recollect the night prior and how you escaped.
  254. "We were tied up, then the temple started collapsing, then we... oh..."
  255. >Dash's pupils shrink, her face goes red, and her wings go stiff.
  256. >Sore as th ey are, yours do as well as the events of last night slowly become clear in your memory.
  257. >"I...Y-you! We!!" She breaths hard, eyes darting side to side, "It wasn't just a crazy dream..."
  258. "No, I don't think so."
  259. >Your as bewildered as she is.
  260. >"B-but I'm not like that!! Why would I? Would we? Why!?"
  261. >She begins biting her hooves.
  262. "Rainbow Dash! Calm down!"
  263. >You rub your temples. Felt as if you had a bad hangover.
  264. >Kinda fitting seeing as how that curse or whatever it was must've been a cocktail of lust magic.
  265. >Wait, thats it!
  266. "Dash!"
  267. >Shes staring at the ground in disbelief.
  268. "It wasn't because we turned to the other side! It was the curse of the temple! It drove us mad with a curse of lust!"
  270. >You feel the heat of embarrassment.
  271. "Eh! Yes, yes! Just like that!" you wave your hooves to get her to stop.
  272. >She sheepishly smiles and scratches the back of her head.
  273. >"Ehhh, sorry. Got a little carried away there."
  274. "I regret giving you that first look at an unedited copy..."
  275. >She bites her lip and taps her hooves together.
  276. >You sigh deeply.
  277. "Either way," You feel the top of your head.
  278. >Its bare.
  279. "My hat!! It fell off in the temple!"
  280. >Rainbow gasps in the most shocked fanmare fashion she could.
  281. >"We have to get it back!"
  282. >Rainbow zooms off to the temple, forgetting that your bound by chain.
  283. >It does nothing to stop her. It just bring you along for the ride.
  284. "Hey! Dash! H-hold on!!"
  285. >Its gonna be a loooong day.

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