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Anonbloom & Anonspoon get trapped in a room alone

By YuriFanatic
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-04-15 05:11:55
Expiry: Never

  1. Synopsis: Anonbloom and AnonSpoon find themselves in an empty room with a locked metal exit and a bed. There's a sign hanging above the door: "Neither of you can leave unless you both have sex."
  4. SS: "Haha... very funny Discord. I think you've been consuming too much Hentai."
  5. Silence lingers.
  6. SS: "Yeah jokes over Discord, open the door."
  7. Silence continues.
  8. SS: "I said open the stupid fucking door Discord!" Anonspoon attempts to buck the door, but miraculously fails in painful agony and wailing. Tears are swelling in her eyes as she holds her hoofsies. "Why does a filly's body hurt so much?!" She cries out.
  10. Addi —
  11. Anonbloom rolls her eyes
  12. AB: "You've obviously never bucked anythin' in your life have you Silver Spoon?"
  13. She proceeds to trot towards the door, rear her back legs, and...(90% just using the muscle memory of her body) bucks the door very hard. Rather than opening, her legs shake like jello and a faint cracking sound is heard.
  16. Yuri Fanatic —
  17. Anonspoon, barely just recovering from her pain, glances back at you with a smirk on her lips.
  18. SS: "Doesn't feel so good does it? Anyways I think I heard a crack... oh my god your leg!"
  19. She rears back at the sight of your twisted ankle.
  21. Addi —
  22. Anonbloom gasps, and clutches her twisted ankle with her forehooves. She bites her lip.
  23. AB:"Ah'll be alright...ah got run over by a cart when ah first got here after all..."
  24. She hisses, definitely seeming more like she's just trying to conceal the pain than actually pushing through it.
  26. Yuri Fanatic —
  27. SS: "That... doesn't look so good. Hold on."
  28. Anonspoon carefully goes over to the sheets and pulls one end of the blanket.
  29. She threads over to you, offering the other end.
  30. SS: "Bite on this." Somehow she's able to speak normally even with a mouthful of cloth.
  32. Addi —
  33. AB: "Aw fuck, ah'm not gonna like this am ah?"
  34. She takes the end of the blanket and looks at you.
  35. "Please be gentle"
  37. Yuri Fanatic —
  38. The silver filly narrows her eyes at you through her black lenses.
  39. "You really had to say that." she sighs.
  40. "Don't worry, I've done this before. With my human mom. Shouldn't be any different." She says in a dull tone.
  41. Wrapping one of her hindlegs around your ankle, the other gripping the hoof itself.
  42. "Why do you think pigs fly?" Anonspoon randomly says, hoping to momentarily distract you before snapping your leg back.
  43. You braced yourself for what you think will end horribly. A shock of pain shot throughout your spine and your thoughts flared to the possibility of that damn Silver Spoon messing up and permanently disabling you. You instinctively panicked and pulled back your hindleg as Anonspoon had already released her grip. You expected agony at first, but you quickly realize that the pain subsided, a lot actually. Still sore and painful to move much, but not as much constant pain as you were in before.
  45. Addi —
  46. She had just opened her mouth to talk about how she's very certain that pigs don't fly, when she yelped in surprise, tugging her leg back fast. She almost bucked you right in the face in surprise and shock...before sighing in relief. "Yes, ah just had to say that. It was thematically appropriate" she winces and stands on her hooves shakily, wincing and shaking it off. "Huh. That's actually a lot better! Thanks, Silver Spoon..." She says, looking around the sparse room, with nothing but a deceptively strong door, a sign, a bed, and a wine bottle that said "grape juice" on the label.
  48. Yuri Fanatic —
  49. Anonspoon was a little relieved that she didn't get a black eye or whatever injury the farm filly could procure, but she had a smirk plastered on her face upon seeing your initial reaction.
  50. "Don't thank me yet, really thought somepony would come and put a stop to these shenanigans the moment one of us got severely injured."
  52. Addi —
  53. She looked around, and nodded. "Yeah ah was pretty sure that that'd be the end of it, s'why I didn't hesitate ta kick that door so hard...surely there's gotta be some other way outta here right?" She asks you, taking a few experimental steps around the room on her tended hoof. "Ah mean, Discord can't be serious. Surely he's playin' some kinda joke on us"
  55. Yuri Fanatic —
  56. "Discord would at least tell us it's one of his jokes before doing something like this." She tapped on one of the walls. ".....This wall isn't hollow."
  57. The silver filly proceeded to repeat this for the other 2 walls. "This one too. And this one as well... There's only one way out of here."
  58. Anonspoon turns her gaze back at the steel door and examines it thoroughly.
  60. Addi —
  61. She flattened her ears against her head, tapping a hoof against the ground. She approached the door and noticed she had indeed put a very small dent into it. "Ahah! Ah damaged the door, so it ain't indestructible...just....fifty more bucks like the one that injured mah leg, and we'll be out...that won't work." She scratched her mane with a hoof, chewing on one of the ribbons of her bow that was hanging down. "Hmmm...could the word fuck be metaphorical?"
  63. Yuri Fanatic —
  64. "It literally says the word 'sex'." Anonspoon deadpans.
  65. The filly attempts to observe the door from all angles, taking her time to absorb every last detail.
  66. "Wait a minute. This door doesn't have a peephole."
  68. Addi —
  69. She blinks, and shakes her head. "Sorry, ah still get the occasional blurry vision from mah injury. Ah should really see a doctor.." she says, and then squints. "Huh...it doesn't! Wait what's that mean?"
  71. Yuri Fanatic —
  72. ".....It means there's nopony around here. Or... perhaps they're watching with magic?"
  73. Anonspoon lays on one of the walls in exasperation. "This is so dumb. I dunno anything about majik."
  75. Addi —
  76. She groans, and flops down onto her belly. "Ah...yeah. Ah'm pretty sure that some magic nonsense could do that, but... ugh" she says, shaking her head. "Why did we both have to be earth ponies? Why couldn't one of us be a unicorn?"
  78. Yuri Fanatic —
  79. "My mom was a unicorn. And I know that only unicorns can sense magic like this." She sighs, turning to her side.
  81. Addi —
  82. Anonbloom bangs her head against the wall, wincing "Ow! Ah really need to stop doin stuff like that..." She shakes her head "great...so we have no way to know if we're bein' watched?" She grabs the bottle of grape juice, and pulls the cork out with her teeth, sadly taking a swig
  84. Yuri Fanatic —
  85. "Wait! What are you doing!?" Anonspoon exclaims, immediately sitting up from her spot.
  87. Addi —
  88. She blinks, shaking her head "whaddaya mean? It's just grape juice...Ah don't even really like grape juice, but ah'm thirsty." She looks quizzically at you.
  90. Yuri Fanatic —
  91. "That could be poisoned! Or some sort of aphrodisiac!" She waved her foreleg in worry.
  93. Addi —
  94. She smacked her lips, and said "oh no! Ah'm suddenly feeling relentlessly horny!" She giggles, and offers the bottle. "Ah'm pretty sure it's just grape juice"
  96. Yuri Fanatic —
  97. Anonspoon simply looks at you annoyed. "Give me that!" She attempts to reach forwards.
  99. Addi —
  100. She nods, leaning forward and giving it. She leans against the wall beside you. "So...weird day, huh?"
  102. Yuri Fanatic —
  103. Taking a swig, she plops her back against the side of the bed. "I don't think this is one of those days you can classify as 'weird'. More... 'bloody fucking retarded' more like." She swears.
  105. Addi —
  106. "yeah, it's pretty bullshit" she agrees, and rests her head on her hooves. "Ah mean...Ah was just gettin' finished with mah daily chores, and was about go go find somethin to do when suddenly Ah am here"
  108. Yuri Fanatic —
  109. "Seriously, like what kind of sick foalcon would do such a thing? How can they do such a thing. My dad's one of the most powerful stallions in the world and you're the little sister of one of the Bearers of Harmony!" She waves her hoof with her bottle in tow exaggeratedly.
  111. Addi —
  112. She shrugs, and then says "well ah mean...You think it was Discord? He'd probably be the one to know automatically who we really are...and the only one that can get away with it too! He could probably wipe our memories or somethin if he thought we would tell!"
  114. Yuri Fanatic —
  115. "Nah... it doesn't fit him. I never heard him ever say any sex jokes. Especially not something as elaborate as this." Anonspoon waves dramatically again.
  117. Addi —
  118. She rubs her chin. "Ah mean...well yeah, that's true" she ways, waving her hoof. "Who else would be able to do this kinda thing though?"
  120. Yuri Fanatic —
  121. "Somepony powerful that's for sure. I mean, kidnapping us without us even knowing." She examines herself. "There's not even a single bruise or hair misplaced on me."
  122. "And by the looks of it, I think we may be underground. The other walls are not hollow so we can't be above ground. Unless there's a lot of concrete in the way."
  124. Addi —
  125. She nods, and sighs. "Well ah don't think we can figure it out from in here can we?" She asks, before saying "underground? Huh..." She reaches again for the bottle, trying to take it "by the way, why give us grape juice instead of actual wine if they want us to have sex?"
  127. Yuri Fanatic —
  128. Anonspoon lays idle against the bed, staring at the ceiling as she releases the bottle from her grasp. "I... really don't know. Maybe they just really suck at their job? Heh."
  130. Addi —
  131. She takes another swig herself, and hiccups. Anonbloom sits down next to you, and says "well... you're not the worst pony in the world to get stuck with like this...ah mean....ah might not even mind... y'know...if ah didn't feel like ah was bein watched somehow"
  133. Yuri Fanatic —
  134. Anonspoon gawks at you momentarily with a slight rush of red going to her head. "You... what?"
  135. She continues to stare puzzledly, before focusing her vision and swiping the bottle away from your hoof.
  136. "Fermented grape juice." She reads the label. "Contains 5% Ethanol? Oh god damn it it is wine!"
  138. Addi —
  139. She rubbed her eyes, a blush rushing to her cheeks, and hiccuping again. "Huh! Ah uh! Then disregard everythin' ah'm saying...ah must be buzzed!" She says, shaking her head several times as her yellowish orange cheeks turn pink.
  141. Yuri Fanatic —
  142. The silver filly blanky stares through her glasses. "Huh... you have... low alcohol tolerance." She says... before getting quiet, her gaze looking back at the bottle.
  143. Her cheeks flushed slightly, the ethanol probably taking it's effect. "Idiot... learn to read."
  145. Addi —
  146. "well ah AM a filly y'know...and you are too..ah started drinkin it first too..." She says, shaking her head, red mane flopping. "And ah uh...ah get blurry vision sometimes, like ah said"
  148. Yuri Fanatic —
  149. Anonspoon remains silent for a little while, still staring at the bottle debating whether she should drink it or not. Gripping it, she drinks a couple gulps before rolling the empty bottle away and into the far corner of the wall.
  151. Addi —
  152. She blinks in surprise again, and shrugs. "Are ya sure that was really uh...hic! Wise, Spoons? Can ah call ya Spoons?" She asks, idly running her eyes along your coat and your mane. "Ah mean...you can't have much better tolerance than me"
  154. Yuri Fanatic —
  155. "I'll live." She says avoiding eye-contact, before prodding her hindleg in front of her towards the blanket that laid in the center of the room. Kicking the blanket to her, she wraps herself comfortably in the abundance of cloth before laying on the cold concrete ground.
  157. Addi —
  158. She yawns, and plops down herself, shivering slightly with nothing to cover up with... She closes her eyes, and scrunches up her nose.
  160. Yuri Fanatic —
  161. A period of silence continues. The chill of the room becomes all the more noticeable. No sources of heat and the only ventilation is a small grate on the ceiling.
  162. "Just call me Sil." The filly muttered under the sheets. "Nicknames are supposed to be my thing AppleAss."
  164. Addi —
  165. She laughs, and sticks her tongue out at you, before saying "fine, fine... I'll call ya Sil...if you'll share the blanket... it's cold in here"
  167. Yuri Fanatic —
  168. "There's plenty to go around." She replies, not moving from her spot. The abundance of cloth covering the Anonspoon was indeed much, as the blanket would be more suitable for a large stallion than a small filly.
  170. Addi —
  171. She nods, and scoots over, sitting on the blanket before wrapping herself in it. It didn't escape her that the two were now sharing cover, if not directly next to eachother. "Thanks Sil... you're not as bad as ya act, not at all..." She murmurs.
  173. Yuri Fanatic —
  174. Silence resumes. The warmth of the covers and the soft cushion is brings underneath the hard cold surface relieves you of both the strain on your flank and the shivering air.
  175. "That's... not true." The silver filly responds back. "I'm an ass when it comes to the Cutie Mark Crusaders. The only reason why I'm not with you is because... you're not truly one of them."
  176. Her words resounded in the air. Words that are far more chilling than the air around you. "I-I'm, sorry I've said too much."
  178. Addi —
  179. She blushes, and nods slowly. Perhaps feeling a bit more tipsy than she originally thought, she stood up, and plopped down directly beside you. She reached out, and gently pat your head, before laying beside you. "Ah..I understand. Ah know it must be hard...and ah know you don't really mean any of what you say..." She says, closing her eyes.
  181. Yuri Fanatic —
  182. AnonSpoon tenses at the touch, but remains still as you stroke her well-kept mane. "But I did mean them. And it's not because of Diamond Tiara either." She pauses.
  183. "Those three and us have been enemies since the start of elementary. Long before Dia's Cute-ceañera. I wanted to be friends with them, I really tried but, I don't know what happened."
  184. She tugged the sheets tighter. "You weren't there for that. You weren't reincarnated like me. You could never understand how it feels."
  186. Addi —
  187. She thought about that as she slowly kept stroking, before finally pulling her hoof back. "Hmm...well..." She stops to think. "You're right on that. Maybe it woulda been better if ah was, we mighta been able ta figure this out together...ah well...ah just gotta wonder what went wrong..." She sighed.
  189. Yuri Fanatic —
  190. The silver filly was still facing away buried deep under layers of soft cloth. "If you had come sooner," she mutters, not moving from her spot, "things might have been different..."
  192. Addi —
  193. She wrapped herself up, and was pressed directly side to side with said silver filly. She nodded. "Ah wish ah did come sooner... strange as that may sound"
  195. Yuri Fanatic —
  196. The layers of cloth served its purpose. The cold air warded off by your own body heat and AnonSpoon laying next to you. Despite a thin sheet of blanket separating you from her grey coat, you could feel warmth emanating off her. "You know that's pretty messed up in hindsight... The only way for you to come here without robbing a filly's body is by being born as one." The filly stated. "And from firsthand experience I do not recommend it."
  198. Addi —
  199. She shuddered at that mention, and let out a quiet little 'hmm..'. She said "that is somethin' that haunts me y'know. Ah'm pretty sure ah was supposed to die way back when, but some strange nonsense ended up puttin' me in here. I'd rather have been born in this body ta be honest... because ah always wonder if Apple Bloom, the real one, was shunted into mah dying body," she quietly says, almost whispering as a few tears run down her cheeks.
  201. Yuri Fanatic —
  202. The covers noticeably shifted. AnonSpoon was now facing towards you with a somber, but worried expression. "Hey, now don't think that." The filly locking her eyes with yours. "How would you even know if your old body was still alive in the first place? I know I died and drifted in an abyss for I don't know how long..."
  204. Her eyes lowered. "I couldn't tell if I was floating or drowning. I couldn't tell if I even had my eyes open, or if I even had eyes..." AnonSpoon grew silent. "If it's really that concerning then I think Twilight or Zecora knows a few exorcism spells." She half-heartedly joked in a small grin.
  206. Addi —
  207. She shook her head with a little half chuckle, sniffing as she wiped away a tear. "Well...for me it was pretty quick, at least ah think...it was just there one second, gone another. And no, ah don't think I'd like to try an exorcism spell, funny as that would be...but ah'm serious, ah rely so much on..muscle memory, reflexes...it doesn't feel like this body is mah own most of the time. Ah wish ah'd gotten the opportunity to develop that"
  209. Yuri Fanatic —
  210. "Eh don't worry about it, being dead ain't that bad." She said sarcastically. "Don't even remember most of my time there."
  212. Addi —
  213. "how long do ya think you were dead for?" She asks curiously. "And...ah wonder if there's any reason we got here in different ways"
  215. Yuri Fanatic —
  216. "I dunno," her eyes averted yours, "hours, days, years? Hard to have a sense of time when you can't sense anything or even think. I don't think time even existed there if that makes any sense."
  218. The silver filly's expression turned into a grimace. "But if it happened to Applebloom at this age, then who's to say it can't happen to anypony else?"
  220. Addi —
  221. She blinked. "Huh...that...is actually troubling. Imagine if it happened to your mom or dad...or to one of the Element bearers...Or even to Celestia! Wait that actually explains a lot..." She says, snorting.
  223. Yuri Fanatic —
  224. "Hopefully it doesn't come to it." She simply says. "You're only the other human-in-pony I've met so far. I'd rather not have to find myself being replaced with someone degenerate and with no idea what's going on."
  225. AnonSpoon sighs, slowly turning her gaze to you. "You know, you don't make for a bad Applebloom."
  227. Addi —
  228. She nods, and sighs. "I honestly would rather not be replaced myself. Ah have gotten used ta bein' the way ah am now, so bein' replaced would be awful. Ah hope that ain't selfish of me..."
  229. She pauses, turning to look at you. "Wait, ah do? What do ya mean by that? Ah'm flattered, admittedly"
  231. Yuri Fanatic —
  232. "It's just a theory of mine. Feel free to disregard it but, I think there's a reason why where both the ponies we are now." The filly shifts under her covers. "It's just that, I find my family life now very similar to the one I had before." She tugged her sheet. "That being the only parent to only care about me leaving me. And my other parent pretending I'm invisible..." She went silent, a little surprised that she's willing to share this much about herself.
  234. Addi —
  235. Her eyes went a little wide. "Really? Ah uh...my family was a lot like this too, at least superficially...Applejack is a lot better of a caregiver than mah old family... it's definitely familiar to when ah was a kid, just a bit better."
  237. Yuri Fanatic —
  238. "Just a bit." She agreed before sinking deeper into her sheets. The silence lingered longer than either would like. "So that's it then? People replace ponies with similar backgrounds to them? Hope Stalin doesn't replace Starlight Glimmer." AnonSpoon softly chuckled underneath the covers before pausing again. "I wouldn't want you getting replaced either." She quietly admitted.
  240. Addi —
  241. She smiled, and rubbed the blanket with her hoof. "Ya know, ah wouldn't want you replaced either Sil. And about Stalin and Glimmer, all ah can say is... please no..." She inhaled, and exhaled a long breath. "This place is way better than mah old world that's for sure... it's just nicer in general. Ah feel like ah got another chance"
  243. Yuri Fanatic —
  244. "...Maybe there is a reason why humans don't exist in this world." The silver filly stated suddenly.
  246. Addi —
  247. She nodded. "And that'd be?" She asked, thinking she already knew the answer
  249. Yuri Fanatic —
  250. "...I dunno. Humans are... always trying to find ways to be problematic. Making things much more complicated than it needs to be. Like we can't find anything better to do than making each other miserable." She ranted.
  251. "I mean don't get me wrong, ponies have their own flaws. But they're just... all so... I don't know how to describe it. They're all in sync with each other. Like if there's a problem they'll all work together to solve it. Regardless of their differences. Maybe it's because we live in a small community, or I don't know." She rolled her eyes.
  253. Addi —
  254. She nodded. "Yeah...ponies just sorta..well, they go with the flow a lot more. There's problems here just like ya said, but we all... it's easier to find ground and fix em...ah don't mind it at all, and ah wonder sometimes if maybe that general communion affects me too? Or if that's just mah personality...maybe partly why we ended up here is because we just fit, yknow?"
  255. "admittedly, ah'm still very curious as to who put us here an why. It can't be just because they're some kinda degenerate can it?"
  257. Yuri Fanatic —
  258. "There's too many unknown factors. And I've been doing my own research since coming here..." AnonSpoon shifts closer, only a hoof away from your muzzle. "There's evidence of human influence here: Las Pegasus, bowling balls with holes for fingers, and even the handles on certain tools. I looked deeper into it, but there was nothing specifically about humans. It's almost as if all records of humans have been wiped out." She breathes in, a little exasperated after blurting all that out.
  260. Addi —
  261. She hummed, and stared at you closely, her brows furrowing quizzically. "That's....huh" she says, nostrils flaring as she thought. "You really have thought on this a lot haven't ya Sil?" She said, and looked closely. "But why? Why erase all evidence of humans bein' here?"
  263. Yuri Fanatic —
  264. "I've had all the time in the world to, and to be honest I still don't know." She responded. "Not like anypony else would look into these things, aside from Lyra." The filly paused. "You know I had suspected her being a former human, if it weren't for the near fetishized view she sees them as. She's like, a human-wannabe to the point it's creepy. It's off putting."
  266. Addi —
  267. She asked "wonder what Lyra would say if we told her we were former humans, huh?" She asks. "Probably nothing good...speaking of, did you ever talk to her about humans? Ah would have"
  269. Yuri Fanatic —
  270. "She tried roping me into one of her meetings. Just a group of weirdos trying to encourage each other's fantasies. I will admit most of my research has been based on theirs, but just being around them sends shivers down my spine." She holds her sheets close.
  272. Addi —
  273. She shivered herself, before leaning closer. She wrappd a hoof comfortingly around you, and said "really....is it THAT bad?" She asks, almost nervous to hear the answer
  275. Yuri Fanatic —
  276. "They claim it's a form of escapism and that they aren't hurting nopony..." She stares at you dead in the eyes. "They have skin suits. It's so bad that the fact that Bonbon still tolerates her must only mean that sex with her must be that good."
  278. Addi —
  279. Anonbloom looks literally horrified. "Skin...suits?" She asks, her jaw dropping open. "Please tell me you're joking"
  281. Yuri Fanatic —
  282. "It's only made out of cloth, but it's just so... rubbery it's uncanny. I don't know what material they used to make it like that, but I have a feeling I really don't want to know how." She pulls tighter.
  284. Addi —
  285. She shudders more, and nods "that's highly disturbing anyway. I...you don't think it could've been them that foalnapped us?"
  287. Yuri Fanatic —
  288. "Pfft. No way, they rely purely on charity donations from their own members. And based on what I've seen, they pool their money together for the most useless crap." The filly shrugged, before shifting uncomfortably under your hoof.
  290. "Hey um," she says apprehensively, "do you think..." her voice lowers as her eyes averted timidly. "Do you want to..." you feel her hoof reaching out against you, clicking against your own hoof between a thin layer of cloth, "be friends with me?" AnonSpoon's muzzle was buried underneath the covers, her ears flattened down in what you assume to be embarrassment.
  291. "I mean if we do end up having sex, I'd rather it being with a friend than a stranger." She added jokingly, trying to ease off her own tensions.
  293. Addi —
  294. She nodded slowly, a small smile making an appearance on her face. "Y'know what, yeah. Ah'd like to be friends with ya Sil. Not...not in private either. Whenever we get outta here, I wanna...I dunno, talk to ya more. You're interestin', and not just cause you're like me in this whole weird situation...ah'm uh...hah...glad to be yer friend." She said, rubbing her neck with another hoof. "'sides, you fixed my leg. That's a pretty nice thing fer ya to do..." She said, trailing off
  296. Yuri Fanatic —
  297. "It was nothing." The grey filly shrugged. "Imagine trying to have sex with a broken leg? Hardly gonna give whoever's watching a good time." She chuckled.
  299. Addi —
  300. She laughs alongside you, and then nods. "Ah guess that's true...you uh...speakin' of, do ya think that's the only way outta here? Ah mean...there don't seem to be many options"
  302. Yuri Fanatic —
  303. "How do they expect two fillies to even know what sex means?" She deadpans.
  305. Addi —
  306. "There's the possibility they know we're not actually fillies...ah mean, they did pick us in particular"
  308. Yuri Fanatic —
  309. "If they knew then, why have us do this specifically?! Why not, I don't know, interrogate us or try to banish us to the human world?"
  311. Addi —
  312. She opened her mouth....then closed it. "Ah.... don't know....this seems like either a prank, or some real fucked up stuff..."
  314. Yuri Fanatic —
  315. "I hope it's the former... ponies aren't known for the latter. Unless it isn't ponies we're dealing with..."
  317. Addi —
  318. She nodded. "Yeah...uh... hopefully it's ponies an not dragons or griffins or somethin...hang on ah got an idea," she clears her throat. "Ah sure am gettin' hungry in here! Ah feel like ah should be eatin something!"
  320. Yuri Fanatic —
  321. Your voice reverberates throughout the room, echoing off the chambers as it hits back your sensitive equine ears. "Ow... Hey don't shout so loudly!" AnonSpoon complains. The silence continues longer as... nothing happens. The filly bit her lip as she glances across the room for any indication of change, but with no luck. "Welp, we're gonna starve to death."
  323. Addi —
  324. She winced, and nodded as her ears flattened from the pain of the noise. She then sighed in quiet agreement with you. "Yeah, starvin' ta death seems pretty likely"
  326. Yuri Fanatic —
  327. "See you in the void I guess." Anonspoon turns her covers and laid onto her side, trying to block out the dim lamplight hanging above the ceiling.
  329. Addi —
  330. She sighed, and shook her head, rolling over herself. She closed her eyes, trying to focus on getting to sleep
  332. Yuri Fanatic —
  333. Silence resumes for what you think is final, your mind drifted into your cushion's warm embrace. Yet after some time, you felt subtle stirring. Lifting one of your eyelids faintly, you can barely see a grey visage trying to move towards the top of the bed's mattress along with her sheets, slightly dragging you towards it. She grabs a single pillow with her mouth, before dragging it down beside you underneath the sheets. She flops to the other side of the pillow before wrapping all her legs around it, her hooves barely touching you.
  335. Addi —
  336. She mumbles "whaa?" Quietly, before going silent again. Slowly, and carefully, Anonbloom scooches closer. She lets out a slow exhale,closing her eyes and pulling the blanket tighter around you both. She then quietly whispers "Gnight Sil..."
  338. Yuri Fanatic —
  339. With soft exhale into her pillow, you hear the mumbled words "Night." before drifting off into idle slumber.
  340. You dream of the farm, the quite winds of barney, grain, and dust. The smell of fertilizer and manure alike occasionally wafting into your nose.
  341. You dream of your family, both of them vividly there working the fields as if they always knew each other.
  342. You hear someone calling your name, you're not sure which, but at this point both names mean the same thing.
  343. Your attention turns to the individual calling you, but you're surrounded by dead barley. The winds blow in your face as streams of golden grass get in your eyes.
  344. You hear your name get louder and louder despite the oncoming winds, your feet digging into the ground as you're pushed back.
  345. You try to push on, but the winds get stronger. You cannot see, but you hear the voice calling you becoming more distinct.
  346. You recognize the voice, as you open your mouth to shout their name, you eyes broke open to see a blinding silhouette above you.
  347. "Applebloom! Wake up!"
  349. Addi —
  350. She yelped, and jumped up before flopping back down in a tangle of limbs and hooves, her messy hair having come out of her bow in the sleep, and her mane now dangled around her face "Jumpin' June bugs! What in tarnation?!" She yelps, so surprised she reverts to countryisms
  352. Yuri Fanatic —
  353. Anonspoon jumped back a bit in surprise, "W-Woah, didn't mean to scare you..." she apologized.
  354. "Just... come take a look at this." She pointed towards a new metal bucket in the corner of the room.
  355. It has a couple loafs of bread, specifically baguettes with a side dish of butter.
  356. There's also a glass vase placed right beside it with some water and dandelions in it.
  358. Addi —
  359. She stared at the bucket, rubbing her eyes....she looked at the butter, the vase with the flowers....and then she took a few steps closer. She stared at the bucket. "Dear God"
  361. Yuri Fanatic —
  362. "Somepony has been here..." the grey filly said, her expression turning into a grimace, "while we're asleep."
  364. Addi —
  365. "oh.... that's even worse" she says, her ears flattening. She prods the bucket, and sniffs the baguettes. "And they left...a romantic dinner. Ah'm pretty sure this ain't a prank"
  367. Yuri Fanatic —
  368. Anonspoon looks visibly upset by this development. "I-I want to get out of here..." Her voice was a little shaky.
  370. Addi —
  371. Anonbloom nods. She bites her lip, and says "ah....ah do too. This ain't right...." She rushes to the door, wincing from her still semi sore leg, and examines it. Still shut tight. The dust around it however has been rearranged, making it obvious someone entered.
  373. Yuri Fanatic —
  374. The silver silly had a somber expression, barely glancing at the room around her.
  375. She does however notice your wincing and asks, "Hey, um... how's that leg of yours?"
  377. Addi —
  378. "huh?" She says, looking down at it. "It's alright, why do you ask?" She says, wiggling it. It's a little tender looking, but otherwise pretty fine.
  380. Yuri Fanatic —
  381. "Well, did you notice those vents up there?" She nods to the air, her muzzle indeed pointing to an air vent with a metal grate embedded within the ceiling.
  382. "I'm thinking, of finding a way to get up there and get out of here." She informs.
  384. Addi —
  385. She rubs her chin and nods. "It could work...or it could end up with one of us breakin' our necks... y'know, ah can definitely lift you, but ah am VERY clumsy...and Ah don't know if you can lift me"
  387. Yuri Fanatic —
  388. "Even if we could we're too small to reach up there." She states. "Perhaps we could use the bed frame to climb our way up there?"
  390. Addi —
  391. "hmm..." The red maned filly says. "That could work! Ah think it could definitely work."
  393. Yuri Fanatic —
  394. "H-how can we lift the frame up there?"
  396. Addi —
  397. "we can uh...move it together? We're both Earth Ponies! We're tough! You may not work as hard as me, but ah can maybe make up for that?"
  399. Yuri Fanatic —
  400. "Your leg though..."

Claws and Magic part 2

by YuriFanatic

Sunny Smile Therapy

by YuriFanatic

Bone15 - Anonfilly x Fluttershy

by YuriFanatic

Paint and Blood part 1

by YuriFanatic

Haunted Memories

by YuriFanatic