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Twin Sister Cadence [REWRITE]

By Dekkard
Created: 2021-04-14 22:47:20
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Anon Cadenza, the younger twin of Mi Amore Cadenza, often called Cadence by her friends and anybody she introduced herself to.
  2. >The two of you were near total opposites as far as school went, you barely passed with Cs and she was Valedictorian.
  3. >Not that it mattered to either of you, you still ate lunch together, talked between classes and studied together.
  4. >She was your best friend since the day you were born, nearly attached at the hip since, even through the occasional bickering.
  5. >Eventually, something more was borne of it.
  6. >It had started with a drunken tryst after a party that ended with you throwing somebody's now bloodied sheets out of a window. You don't remember how either of you got home.
  7. >That next day was awkward, neither of you said a word to each other until she cornered you in your room.
  8. >She explained to you that in her drunken haze, she thought you were Shining.
  9. >Cadence still called your name during sex though.
  10. >You felt a sense of disgust in your stomach when she said that, Shining was her boyfriend and all around good guy to you.
  11. >He became your only other friend and you betrayed him.
  12. >What was worse, was that it wasn't a one time thing.
  13. >The both of you knew that it was wrong on numerous levels, her excuse was something along the lines of 'getting experience to pleasure Shining better.'
  14. >You attempted to resist Candy, as she liked you to call her in private, numerous times, but she would convince you every time.
  15. >She was incredibly insistent, pushy even.
  16. >You couldn't resist your sister though.
  17. >Eventually you stopped trying to push her off, it just felt too good to stop.
  18. >There was something she needed to know as soon as possible.
  19. >How would she take it when you told her you were going to a different school than her?
  20. >In times past, she would freak out whenever you expressed interest in going somewhere without her, make you promise to never leave her and then drag you to the nearest surface for some 'persuasion.'
  21. >Today was Cadence and yours graduation party.
  22. >Crowds weren't something you were really comfortable with; you showed a little face to let people know you were there before you dipped.
  23. >This was more of your sister's party anyway, most of the guests were there to congratulate her and ask what she's doing next.
  24. >Shining was here and he was your friend but being real with yourself for a moment, you knew he was there for your sister.
  25. >You saw him get on his knee and heard Cadence gleeful acceptance earlier.
  26. >Nobody had any idea that they were that serious, only you three did.
  27. >Well, at least that ends the affair with a neat little bow tied on top.
  28. >Now you just need to tell her about your college choice and your hands will be washed clean.
  29. >You slipped away back to your room and booted up your potato of a computer.
  30. >It ran what you needed and that was enough.
  31. >An hour passed, your stomach growled and your bladder pulsed in pain.
  32. >You looked out your window and saw all but a handful of guests had left.
  33. >Excellent, not a lot of people to bother you.
  34. >You slowly sneaked your way down the staircase, treading carefully with every step to make as little noise as possible.
  35. >The pantry was relieved of as many cheap snacks as you could hold in your hands.
  36. >”Hey Anon!” a familiar voice called.
  37. >It was Twilight, Shining's little sister.
  38. >She was a little weird but nice.
  39. >A spike of pain pinged in your lower abdomen.
  40. >Dammit.
  41. >You should have used the bathroom first.
  42. “Hey Twilight.” he responded almost monotonously.
  43. >”I missed you at the party.” She said
  44. “Yeah, I don't like crowds.”
  45. >”Right, I forgot about that. Still, congratulations on graduating.”
  46. “Thanks.”
  47. >You didn't expect the hug but it was nice.
  48. >You didn't expect the kiss on the cheek either.
  49. >”G-good luck in college!” Twilight shouted as she took off out the front door.
  50. >You stood silent for a moment before another bladder pang hit and you went back upstairs, never noticing your twin watching the whole interaction.
  51. >Your bladder no longer hurt after you pissed away what felt like a gallon, you needed to drink more water though.
  52. >Sitting back down into your cheap chair and put your headset back on, you were deaf to the world now.
  53. >You never realized how great the OST for this game is.
  54. >You could all but see the music and hear what colors it was.
  55. >It was almost like synesthesia to you.
  56. >Almost involuntarily, you started to move your neck in-tune with the music, grooving and moving to it's beat.
  57. >”Having fun, Anon?” A sweet voice whispered in your ear.
  58. >You jump and tumble backwards, yanking out your headphones and knocking over your chair.
  59. >Luckily your computer was unmoved.
  60. >You heard laughter and look up to see your sister chuckling to herself at your predicament.
  61. “You scared the shit outta me, Candy!” you said. “What are you doing up here anyway?”
  62. >Her slowly stopped chuckling and took a seat on your bed as you picked your chair up.
  63. >”Everyone left and Mom and Dad are asleep downstairs on the couch.”
  64. “This early? How much did they drink?”
  65. >”Enough to knock out an elephant, they're not getting up for while.”
  66. >Parents aren't conscious, nobody else is around, Candy is in your room and, with a quick glance to confirm, your door is locked.
  67. >One could see where this is going.
  68. >But you couldn't do this to Shining anymore, they were engaged now and that needed to be taken seriously.
  69. “Candy.”
  70. >”Hm.” was her only reply.
  71. “I can't-”
  72. >You're stopped by a kiss, one more forceful than you've ever felt before.
  73. >The violent, raw emotion behind it was something you couldn't deny.
  74. >Within moments you caved, returning her affection.
  75. >Your twin was a beautiful woman.
  76. >The sensation of warm water against your cheeks made you pull away.
  77. >Rivers of tears flowed forth from Cadence's violet pools that mirrored your own.
  78. >”I saw the acceptance letter on your desk yesterday.” She whispered. “I didn't expect Shining to propose, at least like that.”
  79. >She trembled with every syllable.
  80. “Are you ok?”
  81. >”I just want things to stay the same for a little longer! Everything is moving so fast! It seemed like yesterday we were freshman and today we graduated!”
  82. >You said nothing, just letting her vent.
  83. >”And Shining proposing to me? I didn't expect that! I hate to say it, but I kind of mostly accepted because I didn't want to embarrass him.”
  84. >That was a revelation that made you blink.
  85. “So you don't want to marry him?” You asked.
  86. >”Not so soon but I guess he wants to marry me before he ships out for basic.”
  87. >Made enough sense to you.
  88. “Cadence, I still don't know if this is a good idea.”
  89. >”Just one last time? For me?”
  90. >With a deep relenting sigh, you kissed her.
  91. >She returned it with a fervor that ignited something inside of you.
  92. >The rest of the night was nothing but a blur of blistering passion that none of your previous nights together even came close to.
  93. >This was the last time.
  94. >Never again.
  95. >What an ending it was.
  96. >You more or less went your separate ways after the night.
  97. >Cadence married Shining not a month later and moved with him when he joined the Army.
  98. >Your college of choice was a state and a half away, you tried to keep in contact with them but eventually, you couldn't keep up anymore.
  99. >Life got in the way.
  100. >It was your parents that you kept up the most with, they let you know what was happening with everyone.
  101. >They broke the news to you about your niece being born months after you left for school, you didn't even hear about Cadence being pregnant.
  102. >You were an uncle now; Shining sure got to work fast.
  103. >If you used the internet for more than games and porn, you'd have probably known sooner.
  104. >Making friends was never your forte, so you were alone most of your college days.
  105. >It took some time to adjust to it.
  106. >There were times when you reminisced about the nights when you and Candy would just cuddle in bed.
  107. >The more days passed with you alone, the more you began to miss her.
  108. >It sucked being alone, everyday was a reminder of that fact.
  109. >The job you got right out of college dragged you further from home, another three states over in the middle of the desert.
  110. >And just as alone.
  111. >It was for some startup company you couldn't bring yourself to care about even if you tried.
  112. >You didn't socialize much with your co-workers, they did nothing but piss you off by stealing your food and supplies, and calling in sick to make you pick up their slack.
  113. >Months passed as things slowly reached their boiling point.
  114. >Everyone here acted like petulant children, running to HR over the smallest of issues and nothing ever got resolved.
  115. >You snapped.
  116. >Fuck these people.
  117. >Desks were flipped, computers were smashed, cubicles were knocked over and jaws were shattered.
  118. >When you came down from your anger induced high, you realized the trouble you have brought upon yourself.
  119. >You'd rather not be arrested.
  120. >After raiding your bare apartment and putting everything you own in your car, you skipped town.
  121. >You walked to work everyday, nobody knew what kind of car you drove.
  122. >The state was mostly just a desert with nothing but small towns and junctions in every direction.
  123. >You just drove in one direction for a day and a half, crossing the state line a few hours ago.
  124. >The more distance the better.
  125. >Driving for nearly a day straight had fatigued you more than an energy drink could counter.
  126. >Sleeping in your car would be the norm for the foreseeable future.
  127. >Hotels would just be a waste of money and possible make you easier to track.
  128. >Your eyes had just closed when your phone started ringing.
  129. >Cussing under your breath, you reluctantly answered it.
  130. “Hello?”
  131. >”Hey Anon.” It was Cadence.
  132. >Her sweet voice was comforting. Like the warmest, most reassuring sensation you'd ever feel.
  133. >But
  134. >You could hear a trembling tenor in her voice.
  135. “What's wrong, Candy?” You asked immediately.
  136. >”Shining's gone!” She whispered, choking a sob back.
  137. >The comforting sensation her voice had on you was obliterated in an instant, replaced by what felt like icicles in your veins.
  138. >Cold, sharp and piercing.
  139. >If it was physically painful for you, Lord knows how it feels for her.
  140. >You hadn't seen or spoken to him in years, but he was the only friend you ever made.
  141. >And your niece.
  142. >Poor girl must be beyond heartbroken.
  143. “Wha-what happened?”
  144. >”They said his unit was caught in an ambush, him and and a few others covered the retreat.”
  145. >Silence.
  146. “I understand Candy, you don't have to say any more.
  147. >From what you could hear, that was probably the best thing you could have said.
  148. >She wasn't even coherent after a bit but you stayed on for her sake.
  149. >You didn't know what to think.
  150. >Part of you is angry that he didn't just retreat with the rest but you couldn't deny the sense of pride that swelled inside because your friend, your brother-in-law, was a hero.
  151. >Emotions were never easy to navigate.
  152. “Did they manage to recover him?” you inquired softly.
  153. >She was composed enough to eek out an audible 'yes.'
  154. >You breathed a little easier.
  155. >At least he could be laid to rest at home.
  156. “When's the service?” You asked, tip-toeing around the word that you refused to say.
  157. “Tuesday.”
  158. >”I'll be there.”
  159. >Come Hell or high water, you were going to make it to that funeral.
  160. >”You're coming back?” her voice cleared up rather quickly.
  161. “I'm not gonna miss it for anything Candy. He was my friend too remember?”
  162. >”Yeah, I remember. It'll be good to see you again, even if it's not the best circumstances.”
  163. “Yeah, same here. I'll see you soon.”
  164. >”Alright. Bye Anon.”
  165. “Bye Cadence.” you said, hanging up.
  166. >It'd take a few days to get back home but you will be there on time.
  167. >For now though, you needed rest.
  168. >It wasn't easy getting to sleep, so much rushed around in your mind that you couldn't focus on trying to sleep.
  169. >Memories of yourself, Cadence and Shining playing together as children and the days you lazed around playing video games while rotting out your teeth on soda and junk food.
  170. >Then those days of watching his games from the bleachers while your twin cheered him on.
  171. >You couldn't stop the trembling of your lip.
  172. >Or the sniffling.
  173. >Or the hot tears.
  174. >You fell asleep soon.
  175. >The long drive was mostly a quiet one.
  176. >Music was something you were in the mood for at all but the silence did you no favors.
  177. >Memories danced around in your mind, a constant distraction that would not recede.
  178. >They almost caused accidents numerous times.
  179. >You reluctantly turned on the radio.
  180. >It helped alleviate your cerebration, not by much but enough.
  181. >Your nerves weren't helping much.
  182. >What if Mom and Dad were angry with you for not talking to them?
  183. >As dumb as that sounded, it seemed plausible to you.
  184. >No.
  185. >Mom and Dad didn't hold grudges over petty crap like that.
  186. >Get rid of those thoughts.
  187. >What about your niece?
  188. >That kid must be inconsolable right now.
  189. >How were you gonna handle that when she doesn't even know you?
  190. >And your sister.
  191. >Mentally pirouetting back to her, old feelings excavated themselves from their resting place.
  192. >The warmth and the pleasure of that last night you shared with her trudged to the forefront of your mind.
  193. >The only pleasant thing that's happened to you over the past week.
  194. >Maybe even month.
  195. >A sudden shadow was cast over those memories.
  196. >That was a betrayal you could never rectify now.
  197. >You floored the accelerator in a second.
  198. >Anger was all you felt right now.
  199. >You were gonna have to live with that backstabbing, it was it's own kind of torment.
  200. >You arrived back in town soon enough.
  201. >Your nerves were getting the best of you and the closer you got to your parent's house, the worse it got.
  202. >It was getting hard to breathe.
  203. >Stopping at a gas station you remembered, you turned the car off and leaned your against the steering wheel.
  204. >The thought of not showing crossed your mind, you shot them down instantly.
  205. >It wasn't about you, it was about your friend being buried.
  206. >There wasn't anywhere else for you to go.
  207. >Calm your nerves and swallow whatever fear you have.
  208. >If not for your sake, then for Shining's.
  209. >He deserved that much.
  210. >Home wasn't that far from here, just a few minutes.
  211. >A few minutes that passed in what felt like hours.
  212. >The house hadn't changed a bit, still in pristine condition.
  213. >Dad hasn't missed a step in the upkeep.
  214. >You sat in your car outside in the street, mustering up the guts to go inside.
  215. >”Hey boy!”
  216. >You jumped at the voice.
  217. >It was Dad; he hadn't aged a day.
  218. >Looks like he just got off work.
  219. >”Long time no see!”
  220. “Yeah, sorry about that.”
  221. >”It's alright, you gonna come in or you wanna sit out here for a bit longer? I'm sure your momma wants to see you.”
  222. “Right, I should go inside.”
  223. >You exited your car and your dad pulled you into a hug.
  224. >”It's good to see you boy, I missed you.”
  225. >You returned the hug.
  226. “Good to see you too Dad.”
  227. >”C'mon, let's go see what your momma made.”
  228. >The interior hadn't changed either, just like you remembered it.
  229. >You followed Dad to the kitchen, your mother was at the table eating.
  230. >”Look who I found outside!”
  231. >Your mother shot up and gave you a hug, planting kisses on your cheek.
  232. >”Why haven't you called?”
  233. “I've been busy.”
  234. >”Too busy to call home?”
  235. “You could have tried to reach me.”
  236. >”You're right, I could've I'm sorry.”
  237. “It's fine mom.”
  238. >”Well, you made it just in time. I just finished cooking. Your sister and niece are upstairs. They've been here since they got...the news.”
  239. >”Flurry, poor girl.” Dad interjected. “She ain't said a word, don't think she's eaten anything either. Cadence has been trying to get her to talk but, I'm sure she will on her own time.”
  240. >You can imagine how rough it's been for them.
  241. >Barely seeing your spouse and dad most the time and then getting the news that he died while he was away.
  242. >At least they were here with your parents.
  243. >Family was always good to have by your side.
  244. >Maybe you should have come home sooner after rage quitting your job.
  245. >Not like you could go back anyway, there's most definitely warrants out for your arrest.
  246. >That bridge was thoroughly burned and nothing but a pile of charred ashes now.
  247. >”Flurry's asleep, just put some food away for her when she wakes-” A familiar voice halted mid-sentence.
  248. >You locked eyes with each other, violet staring into violet.
  249. “Hey Cadence.” You murmured.
  250. >”Anon!” You felt her arms around you before you could even blink. “When did you get back?”
  251. “Just a few minutes ago.” you said, returning the hug.
  252. >Pulling away, you couldn't help but marvel at her.
  253. >Cadence had only gotten more beautiful since you last saw her.
  254. >The unique colors of her hair had gotten more vibrant and her alabaster skin still lacked any flaws that you could see.
  255. >The pregnancy had certainly bestowed her with some gifts.
  256. >Her fuller breasts and wider hips were the first you ones you noticed.
  257. >”It's good to see you again.”
  258. “Same here.”
  259. >”So what have you been up to?”
  260. “College and a job and not much else.”
  261. >”You're not seeing anyone?”
  262. “I haven't had the time or liked anyone enough to try.”
  263. >”Well, I'm sure you'll find somebody, but enough about that. I'm glad you made it, I'm sure he'd have wanted you here.”
  264. “I wasn't going to miss it for anything.”
  265. >”You gonna eat anything Cadence? Food's done.” Mom asked.
  266. >”No, not really hungry at the moment. I'll just get a coke.”
  267. “Grab one for me.”
  268. >It felt like chilled, liquid glass going down your gullet but it was a good pain that you had a masochistic love for.
  269. >Something that your twin shared with you.
  270. >Time passed quickly as you and your family caught up over small talk.
  271. “Hey, is my room still the same? I kinda wanna go look at it.”
  272. >”Yeah, we haven't changed a thing.” Dad said. “All your stuff is just like you left it.”
  273. >”Just don't wake up Flurry.”
  274. >You kept that in mind as you went upstairs.
  275. >Meeting your niece for the first time while she's crying isn't the most ideal way to meet one another.
  276. >The hall seemed smaller than you remembered.
  277. >Your parents didn't lie, everything was just like you left it.
  278. >Posters, books, movies, CDs, games. Everything.
  279. >A smile formed at your lips.
  280. >It was good to be back.
  281. >”I checked. Everything is still in the order you left it in.” Cadence said from the doorway.
  282. “You remembered how I left everything?”
  283. >”Yep. I did spend a whole lotta time in here.”
  284. >At least she wasn't going to be timid about the past.
  285. “I'm just surprised you remembered something small like that. I didn't.”
  286. >”I have a good memory. I gotta ask though, why didn't you take any of this with you when you left?”
  287. “I was worried that I might get some dickhead of a roommate that would steal my stuff. Figured better safe then sorry.”
  288. >You fell backwards onto the bed, still as plush as ever; it was like a laying on cloud.
  289. >The stories this bed could tell would make a whore blush.
  290. >You spotted a familiar dark spot on the ceiling that made you chuckle.
  291. >”Oh my God, that stain is still there!” Cadence laughed next to you.
  292. >You didn't even notice her lay next to you.
  293. >”I know that night was crazy, but how did you even do that?”
  294. “You kept teasing me when I was playing a game and then gave me the best head of my life.”
  295. >That was something you were never going to forget.
  296. >”What do you say to repeat performance?” she said with a wink.
  297. >...
  298. >What she serious?
  299. >Shining isn't even buried yet and she's already throwing herself at you?
  300. >You were gonna be sick.
  301. >or
  302. >at least
  303. >You wanted to be.
  304. >You couldn't deny you wanted her, right here, right now.
  305. >but Shining.
  306. >You couldn't do that to him.
  307. >He deserved respect.
  308. “Ain't it a little early to...y'know?”
  309. >She was quiet for a few minutes.
  310. >”You're right.” your twin sighed.
  311. >“I'm sorry it's just. It's been hard y'know? “
  312. >You gave her an understanding nod.
  313. >”I didn't see him for months on end, worried that he might be dead all while putting on a brave face, then I got the news and I just...”
  314. >She let out a sigh.
  315. >”I just want to get passed it as soon as I can.”
  316. >No sobbing, no crying, just a straight explanation.
  317. “I guess I can understand that Candy.”
  318. >With a whispered “Thank you.” Cadence curled up into you.
  319. >Your breathing slowed to a steady rhythm, the drive was starting to catch up with you.
  320. >The last thing that went through your mind was that it was nice to hold her in bed again.
  321. >When you woke up, you found yourself alone.
  322. >From the lack of light from the window told you it was night time now.
  323. >Mom and Dad usually watched a movie or some TV before going to bed, everyone was probably down in the living room.
  324. >You could hear the TV right as you left your room, Dad had the sound cranked like he always did.
  325. >Cadence noticed you first from her old spot on the floor.
  326. >”You're up!” She said gleefully. “We're just watching a movie.”
  327. >A somber looking little girl was next to her, that must be Flurry.
  328. >”Flurry, this is your uncle Anon.” Her voice was in a soft tenor, perhaps to her daughter at ease a just a bit. “Go introduce yourself Flurry.”
  329. >Flurry moved with a somber grace across the beige carpet, that sorrowed look on her face never budging.
  330. >It was painful to look at that little girl's face, like a garrote wire being pulled across your heart.
  331. >She stopped in front of you and looked up, her eyes were like her mother's, and by extension yours.
  332. >It was ridiculous how closely she resembled her mother: the violet eyes, the naturally multicolored hair and healthy salmon skin.
  333. >Shining's genes must've been really weak.
  334. >”Hello.” was all she said, her voice was dull.
  335. “Hey kiddo.”
  336. >”You're Uncle Anon right?”
  337. “Yeah, that's me.”
  338. >”Mom talks about you a lot. It's nice to meet you.”
  339. “It's nice to meet you too Flurry.”
  340. >She gives your leg a hug and quickly retreats back to Cadence, a little smirk crossed your face.
  341. >You remembered being the same way around new people though you ran back to Dad.
  342. >”You gonna watch with us? The movie's barely started.” Dad asked taking a swig of his beer.
  343. >Cadence patted the spot next to her and Flurry on the floor.
  344. >You sensed a twinge of anxiety in your stomach, but Cadence gave you a sincere look that stopped it.
  345. >Taking the spot, your twin leaned on you, placing her head on your shoulder.
  346. >Flurry did the same on her mother's side.
  347. >Everyone went to bed about an hour and a half ago, you couldn't sleep.
  348. >You laid awake on your bed, scrolling through whatever shitty videos that the algorithm decided that you should watch.
  349. >Not being capable of stomaching videos of twenty-somethings acting like mentally impaired chimpanzees in public for the entertainment witless kids, you got up and left your room.
  350. >You were bored out of your mind and didn't know what to do.
  351. >On a whim, you left the house and walked out down into the warm drizzle.
  352. >The wet concrete invoked some sense of peace within you that seemed indescribable.
  353. >You remembered what your sister told you on the bed, about how she wanted to move on as soon as she could.
  354. >She still had eyes for you, which was nice though you were unsure if you returned that.
  355. >No.
  356. >No, you did.
  357. >You just didn't want to admit it for Shining's sake.
  358. >Being honest with yourself, you wanted her back.
  359. >You weren't happy that Shining was dead by any means, however the opportunity to have your sister back in your arms was enticing.
  360. >With her so close, would want any more years of solitude?
  361. >Did you really want to go back to living like that?
  362. >Alone and sad most of the time, playing video games so much that they lose their luster and working for some company that didn't give a crap about you?
  363. >At least here you had your parents and, if you could live with Cadence, you'd have her.
  364. >Either of those situations were better than what you just ran from.
  365. >Emerging from your thoughts, you found yourself further from home than you wanted to be, halfway to city hall; turning back now was a good idea.
  366. >The town wasn't dangerous after dark, not by a long shot, just the rumors of weird stuff happening at night always kept you off the streets.
  367. >”Anon?” a female voice called out.
  368. >You quickly looked around and spotted Twilight across the street at the gas station.
  369. >She certainly had grown up since you last saw her.
  370. >You jogged over to the her.
  371. >”What are you doing out so late?”
  372. “I needed some air. What about you?”
  373. >She lifted the plastic bag in her hand.
  374. >”Ice cream.”
  375. “I'm sorry about your brother.” you blurted out.
  376. >”It's not your fault, don't apologize.”
  377. “I know-I just..didn't know what to say.”
  378. >”Its okay, I know.”
  379. >A moment of awkward silence passed over the both of you.
  380. “So your driving now huh?”
  381. >”Yeah, got my license last year. Mom and Dad got me the car.”
  382. >The vehicle wasn't anything special but it was a nice generic car.
  383. “That's nice. Let's you get out of the house more often.”
  384. >”I feel more like a taxi for my friends sometimes.”
  385. “Nah, your car is nicer than a cab. No puke in the floor boards.”
  386. >Twilight giggled a little.
  387. >”Well, I better get back, my friends might get worried about me.”
  388. “Hey, uh, mind playing taxi for me?”
  389. >”Not at all.” she said with a small smile. “Hop in.”
  390. “Thanks Twilight, I'll see you tomorrow.” You said exiting the car.
  391. >”Not a problem, see you tomorrow.”
  392. >You waved as she drove away.
  393. >When you opened the front door, you saw a bright light from the kitchen.
  394. >Wondering who was up at this hour, you tread lightly down the hall, finding Flurry headfirst in the fridge.
  395. >She was probably hungry; you didn't recall ever hearing about her eating.
  396. “Hey Flurry.”
  397. >The girl jumped a little, disturbed by your sudden intrusion.
  398. “You hungry or something?”
  399. >She nodded.
  400. “There's leftovers from dinner if you want some of those.”
  401. >Your niece shook her head.
  402. “What do you want then?”
  403. >”A sandwich.”
  404. “What kind?”
  405. >”Peanut butter and jelly.”
  406. >Not much of a talker, that's fine, you were the same way.
  407. >Still kind of were.
  408. “Crust?”
  409. >Another headshake.
  410. “Drink?”
  411. >Another nod.
  412. >You gave her a cold soda from the fridge; she just stared at the cold, precipitious can on the counter.
  413. “Something wrong?”
  414. >”Mom said I can't have these.”
  415. “She's not here, take it.”
  416. >Hesitantly, Flurry took the beverage in hand.
  417. >You had to help her open it.
  418. >Her initial trepidation was thrown to the wind when that first drop crossed her lips; you had to tell her to slow down so she didn't make herself sick.
  419. >”But it's so good!” She said with a big smile.
  420. >She was like the rest of your family, that penchant for carbonated soft drinks was something your dad, sister and yourself had.
  421. “I know it is, but you don't want to throw it up right?”
  422. >She gave third nod.
  423. “Then slow down.”
  424. >”Ok.”
  425. >When Flurry finished her food and drink, you made a startling revelation.
  426. >You just loaded up a small child with sugar in the middle of the night.
  427. >She wasn't going to sleep for anything 'til the sugar crash kicked in.
  428. >How do you distract her until she falls asleep?
  429. >...
  430. >You had an idea.
  431. >All your old stuff was up in your room, maybe some video games would keep her preoccupied for a while.
  432. “Flurry?”
  433. >”Yeah Uncle Anon?”
  434. “Do you like video games?”
  435. >”Dad did.” She deflated a little. “I never played any but it was fun watching Dad get mad and say swear words.”
  436. >You chuckled a little, that sounded Shining alright.
  437. >He'd always cuss up a storm every time you beat him or he just lost in general.
  438. “You wanna play some old games that your dad and I played?”
  439. >Her eyes almost seemed to glow a little and a drive within yourself wanted to keep them that way; a little girl doesn't need to have such a heavy sorrow in her beautiful eyes.
  440. “C'mon, I'll set it up.” you motioned her to follow.
  441. >She followed you to your room, matching you step for step, it was cute.
  442. >Back in your room, a thought crossed your mind.
  443. >This is the first time a girl has been in your room with no illicit purpose, sans Mom, but you wondered if she counted.
  444. >With your history, she might have.
  445. >Flurry watched on the floor as you plugged in the console and popped in the game.
  446. >The demo of the game started and she couldn't take her eyes off of it.
  447. >”Sega Rally Championship!” the TV said when the demo concluded.
  448. >She picked up the game quick, learning to drift and angle herself on the different terrain types.
  449. >You laid back on your bed, content with listening to the sounds of the cars and your niece's quiet cheering at her successes.
  450. >It was jarring when you woke up, you didn't even realize you fell asleep.
  451. >You felt weight on your chest.
  452. >It was Flurry, buried deeply into you and arms wrapped around your torso, sleeping soundly.
  453. >You put a hand on her head.
  454. >Poor kid had a rough day ahead of her tomorrow.
  455. >The TV was turned off leaving you wondering how far she got before quitting.
  456. >Probably not that far but she is still kid and a young one at that.
  457. >You adjusted yourself a little on your bed, getting just a bit more comfortable and put an arm around her.
  458. “Sleep well kid.” You whispered before you fell back asleep.
  459. >The service was peaceful on a cool but sunny day, Shining couldn't have asked for a better day to be laid to rest.
  460. >Twilight and Velvet cried without any sort of restraint, you didn't blame them; Night Light kept himself together, if by a thread, to appear strong for his family.
  461. >Cadence looked plaintive but stoically composed, while she did her best to console her bawling daughter.
  462. >Mom was almost beside herself and Dad her close; he was close to your parents as well you and your twin.
  463. >A few of his old friends had shown up but kept themselves away from family out of respect but they were no less mournful.
  464. >You stood away from everyone, unsure of where you should be.
  465. “I already miss you man.” you whispered to yourself.
  466. >You placed some dirt on the casket after Cadence.
  467. >As the casket lowered, your eyes became blurry from tears that you refused to wipe away; you didn't want to budge.
  468. >When the service concluded, all you could do was stand there still as stone and unthinking.
  469. >Eventually, you broke out the trance as some cars started up.
  470. >Yours and his family were all crowded together, sans yourself.
  471. >They were all talking and weeping together, you didn't know how to handle that but, perhaps it for the best to give it a try.
  472. >Twilight pulled you into a hug, her body trembled and her eyes soaked your shoulder.
  473. “It's gonna be okay, Twi.” was all you could really say.
  474. >”I know.” she wept. “I know.”
  475. >You rubbed her back a little in an endeavor to give her some kind of succor but you never really knew her beyond being Shining's little sister that was constantly trying to get your attention.
  476. >You held her for a while as she cried, failing to notice a pair of lavender eyes glaring into her the side of her head.
  477. >You would celebrate Shining's life for the rest of the day, rather than mourn his loss.
  478. >You left the grave about the same time your family and in-laws began to leave.
  479. >As you were about to start the car, you heard a knock on the window.
  480. >It was Twilight.
  481. “Hey Twi.” you eeked out.
  482. >”Hey Anon.”
  483. “You holding up alright?”
  484. >”Good enough I think.” She said with a sniffle.
  485. “That's good.”
  486. >”Listen, I know this probably isn't a good time but do you think I could with you?”
  487. “Uh, sure?” You answered clumsily. “But why?”
  488. >She let out an exhausted sigh.
  489. >”You and Cadence knew him better than I ever did.”
  490. “We did?”
  491. >”Yeah. He was kinda distant with me when I got to middle school, I think he was just busy. But I was wondering if you can help me learn more about him.”
  492. “I guess I can help, but, what about your parents?”
  493. >”They'll be fine, Mom and I got a lot of the crying out, Dad's gonna break when they get home.”
  494. “Alright.” You relented. “Just go tell your parents where you're going.”
  495. >”Ok. Be right back.” she left.
  496. >Wondering if this was a good idea by any measure, you started your car.
  497. >She returned just quickly and hopped into the passenger seat.
  498. >”You moving?
  499. “Something like that.”
  500. >”Where to?”
  501. “Haven't exactly figured that out.”
  502. >You told Twilight some stories about the Hell you three used to raise when you were younger.
  503. >She left at a few of them, it felt good to ease her mind.
  504. >You returned back to the house before anyone else, and without a key.
  505. >Luckily, there was another way in you had used numerous times.
  506. >Exiting the car, you motioned Twilight to come along.
  507. “Bad news: I don't have a key, good news is we can still get in.”
  508. >”How are we going to do that?”
  509. >You pointed to the overhang and lowered yourself for her to get on your back.
  510. “Can you pull yourself up?”
  511. >”I think I can.”
  512. >Twilight's almost non-existent weight left your shoulders and soon after the window was opened.
  513. >With a small jump and some pulling, you got back into your room.
  514. >Just like old times.
  515. >”So what are we doing now?” She asked.
  516. “Play a game and relive some more memories.” you said.
  517. >You reached for your desk but you wondered something.
  518. >It should still be there but you could never be certain about these things.
  519. >You pulled out your knife and popped off the trim from your old shelf and within the gap, there it still was.
  520. >A really big grin crossed your face.
  521. >It was Shining's greatest gift to you.
  522. >”What's that?”
  523. “The best birthday present your brother ever gave to me.”
  524. >You handed her the case as she looked it over
  525. >”Panzer Dragoon Saga? Never heard of it.”
  526. “Doesn't surprise me. C'mon let's start it up.”
  527. >You didn't get very far before your bedroom door was opened.
  528. >It was Cadence, Flurry in tow.
  529. >”What are you doing here Twilight?” Her tone chilled your blood, you haven't ever seen her like this before “Shouldn't you be mourning with your parents.”
  530. “She wants to know more about Shining, she never really got to know him. You could help out if you want, I'm sure Flurry would like to hear about her dad, wouldn't you Flurry?”
  531. >Your twin looked down at her daughter who nodded.
  532. >Silently, Cadence planted herself between you and Twilight on the loveseat, your niece hopped onto your lap.
  533. >”So why aren't you all broken up like your parents are?” Your sister asked.
  534. >”Why aren't you?” Twilight responded.
  535. >”I'm being strong for my daughter.”
  536. >”I'm doing the same for my parents.”
  537. >”What's this game about?” The little girl unknowingly interjected into the burgeoning standoff.
  538. “Dragons.”
  539. >”Cool! Do they breath fire and eat people?”
  540. >Maybe this kid isn't all there, you think, she was inconsolable under an hour ago and now she was excited to watch you play a game about a boy and his dragon.
  541. >At least she was happy for now.
  542. >”I remember the two of you playing this game way too much.” Cadence commented semi-somberly as she began to lean into you.
  543. >You began to regale the two youngest with tales from the past featuring Shining Armor and the occasional commentary from your sister.
  544. >You passed the hours easily with your oratory skills
  545. >Cadence brought up the D&D setting you and Shining had crafted taking 'inspiration' from the game you were playing and a few others. Legally, the inspiration would be considered plagiarism.
  546. >Your ears grew red as she brought up details from the final session you all played with one of Shining's football buddies.
  547. >Your human dragon rider ended up marrying the party's elf cleric, Cadence's character.
  548. >Shining was the DM for that campaign and brushed it off because after all, it was just a game.
  549. >Mom and Dad came home and went straight to their bedroom, they didn't come out for the rest of the day.
  550. >When it got dark, you took Twilight home and Candy put Flurry to bed.
  551. >Upon reaching the front door, a thought crossed your mind.
  552. >Once that door opens, you're effectively alone with your sister.
  553. >Where else were you going to go at this hour, or at all?
  554. >At least now, maybe you won't feel as bad with Shining be buried if she tries anything again.
  555. >You opened the door and you heard the TV going.
  556. >Cadence was curled up on the couch, blanket and all, watching some crappy animated show that had been running too long.
  557. >She patted the spot next to her with all the pillows and more blankets, you complied, letting her cuddle you.
  558. >”You should've told me that you brought Twilight over.” She said in a flat voice.
  559. “She just wanted to know about her brother.”
  560. >”Her parents could have told her.”
  561. “She asked me to.”
  562. >”You didn't have to.”
  563. “I did it for Shining's sake.”
  564. >...
  565. >”You still should've told me.”
  566. “I don't know how I would have reached you.”
  567. >”I have a cellphone you know.”
  568. “And I don't have your number.”
  569. >”I put it in for you.”
  570. >You checked your phone and sure enough, there it was.
  571. >When did she do that?
  572. >You settled in and watched the entire marathon with her, it was a pleasant time.
  573. >Candy rubbed herself on you the entire time, her wandering hands rubbed on your junk soft and gently.
  574. >Shining is buried now was the primary thought on your mind as she continued to reacquaint herself with your body.
  575. >Maybe you were just rationalizing being a terrible friend, you didn't really know.
  576. >You were already a terrible friend for fucking his girlfriend behind his back all those years, even on the night he proposed to her.
  577. >Maybe you should embrace it, nothing you could do could now would change the past.
  578. >A soft kiss on your neck brought you out of the mental aether and back to reality.
  579. >She continued, lifting your shirt and trailing her kisses ever downward.
  580. “Wait, Candy.” You attempted to stop her.
  581. >She ignored your plea and slid under the blanket.
  582. >Was she going to-?
  583. >Right here?
  584. >In the living room?
  585. >You felt your belt loosen and your zipper get pulled down.
  586. >Yep, she was.
  587. >She hadn't lost a step over the years, her tongue was as dexterous as ever, licking and gliding around ever sensitive inch like a top tier pornstar.
  588. >Only without the HPV.
  589. >The way she sucked and the hot wetness of her mouth had you clenching your fists 'til you were white knuckled, you swore you felt blood in your hands.
  590. >The longer she went on, the more it felt like she trying to suck your soul out through your cock.
  591. >As hard as you tried, you couldn't help but let a few groans escape.
  592. >That was more than enough encouragement for her.
  593. >She got more and more fierce, almost skull fucking herself, using her teeth graze you in an almost ecstasy inducing pain.
  594. >You gritted your teeth harder than ever before, you were almost there.
  595. >Luckily she swallowed, you liked this blanket.
  596. >”Uncle Anon?”
  597. >That stopped you both dead in your tracks.
  598. >”Are you okay?” Flurry asked.
  599. >This poor innocent child had no idea what she just unknowingly stumbled on to.
  600. “I'm fine Flurry, just a little hot is all. Go back to sleep.” You tried to politely shoo her away.
  601. >You could still feel her mother's mouth wrapped firmly around your manhood.
  602. >”I can't.”
  603. “Why not?” A little blue-ball agitation slipped.
  604. >”I'm scared of the dark.”
  605. >Didn't this walk down stairs into the dark by herself yesterday?
  606. >This kid ain't right somehow.
  607. >”I can't find Mom either.”
  608. >Candy didn't budge.
  609. “I think she went to gas station real quick.”
  610. >”Why would she leave at night?”
  611. “She's got a bad sweet tooth.”
  612. >”What's a sweet tooth?”
  613. “It just means you really like candy.”
  614. >”Oh. Do you think she'll bring me back some?”
  615. “Maybe.”
  616. >Your niece still stood there across the room, not moving.
  617. >”Can I stay with you 'till Mom comes back?”
  618. >Half of you wanted the little girl to fuck off so can finally bust a nut; the other half wanted to help the kid.
  619. “Sure.” you reluctantly relented.
  620. >Candy let you know her feelings on the situation with a small bite that you powered through.
  621. >At least, from the half lidded eyes Flurry wore, she'd be off to Slumberland with Nemo soon enough, then you could get your rocks off.
  622. >”Uncle Anon?” you could hear the drowsiness in her voice.
  623. “Yeah, Flurry?”
  624. >”Where are you going to go after today?”
  625. >You hadn't really thought about that.
  626. >The plan was just 'Go far, far away.' and you had already done that.
  627. >What was next?
  628. “I don't know, I might just stay here for a while.”
  629. >”Can you stay with me and Mom?”
  630. >Cadence swirled her tongue a little, you stifled a jump.
  631. >That might not be a bad idea, they could use some help for the time being
  632. >Yeah, that probably seemed like the best plan going forward, you were unsure if Mom and Dad would want you around on such short notice.
  633. “I guess, if your mom let's me.”
  634. >Cadence suddenly deepthroated your entire dick and your whole body tightened in a masterful display of self control.
  635. >Flurry fell back asleep soon after that, Cadence slid up from the floor and met you face to face.
  636. >”Were you serious?” Her timber was one of deathly sincerity.
  637. >Her lavender eyes stared back into your own; she wanted a real answer.
  638. “I don't have anywhere to go.”
  639. >”You don't have a job or house to go back to?”
  640. “...Not exactly.”
  641. >”Where were you living when I called you?”
  642. “My car.”
  643. >”Is that why it's full of all your stuff?”
  644. “Yeah.”
  645. >”Discussion over, you're moving in with us.”
  646. >Are you serious?” You asked almost rhetorically. “Just that like that?”
  647. >She grabbed your hog, her nails digging in just a bit.
  648. >”Yeah, just like that.”
  649. >The sound of clothing shifting grazed your ears and then, you felt an esthesis around your member you hadn't in years.
  650. >Candy's pussy was just as tight as it ever had been, even after giving birth to Flurry.
  651. >Her muff defied all logic.
  652. >You were still rearing to go, there was no doubt but-
  653. >Over your shoulder, your niece laid sleeping on the couch.
  654. “Candy!” You whisper-shouted. “Flurry's right there!”
  655. >”Relax.” was all she said.
  656. >Your twin rolled her hips and bounced gently on you, messing her hair up.
  657. >She was getting into it and you were getting close again with every buck.
  658. >Just as you were about to cum, she got off of you.
  659. >That was a nice shade of blue your nuts were turning.
  660. >”Come live with Flurry and I and we can finish this.”
  661. >She pulled her pants back up, slung her daughter over her shoulder and motioned for you to follow her.
  662. >Upstairs, you watched as she put Flurry in bed, bed laid down with her and then gave you an expecting look.
  663. “What?”
  664. >”Get in.”
  665. >She wasn't asking.
  666. >For the first time in years, you laid in your sister's bed; Flurry was betwixt the both of you.
  667. >It was nice, almost like it was a family of your own.
  668. >You didn't want that to go away.
  669. >The next few days without incident.
  670. >You weren't allowed to sleep in your own bed but in your twin's covetous arms with Flurry smooshed between.
  671. >Mom and Dad didn't raise any questions or objections thinking that you were just helping your sister and niece through a hard time.
  672. >Twilight came over a few times with more questions that you had answers to and the four of you played through the rest of Panzer Dragoon Saga.
  673. >Flurry absolutely adored everything about it and got real hyper when you told her there were a few other games.
  674. >By the end, you and Cadence had exhausted your collective knowledge of her late husband.
  675. >Twilight thanked you with a kiss on your cheek in the doorway before she left for the final time.
  676. >The sound of glass shattering caught your immediate attention; Cadence stood staring blankly at you, the glass she laid broken at her feet in a pool of soda and blood that trickled from the shards of glass in her hand.
  677. “Candy, you uh, okay there?”
  678. >”I'm fine Anon, just an accident.” There was no inflection in her voice.
  679. “C'mon, let's get some band-aids.”
  680. >In the bathroom, you pulled out the glass with a pair of tweezers; she didn't even flinch.
  681. >”Anon.”
  682. “Yeah?”
  683. >”Why did Twilight kiss you again?”
  684. >Again?
  685. “I think she was just being friendly, y'know, for helping her learn about her brother?”
  686. >”Oh.”
  687. >...
  688. >”Don't let her do that again.”
  689. >You chuckled a little.
  690. “She's going back to school tomorrow and we're leaving. I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon.”
  691. >”Good.”
  692. >”Mom? Where are you?” Flurry called from the staircase.
  693. >”Stay up there sweetie! Mommy dropped a cup and broke it, I don't want you to get cut by the glass!”
  694. >””Okay.”
  695. >”I'll be up in a minute, Uncle Anon is fixing my hand.”
  696. >The sound of light footsteps retreated up the stairs.
  697. >After bandaging Cadence's hand and cleaning up the mess, you packed up your room.
  698. >Dad always kept a bunch of boxes in his shed for various purposes; he didn't mind you taking some, in fact he seemed happy you were leaving with your sister and niece.
  699. >”They could use the help with Shining being...gone.” He told you.
  700. >You somehow fit all of your belongings into whatever room you had left in your car and Cadence's SUV.
  701. >Your old room looked so bare now, it actually pain you a little to look at it.
  702. >The eggshell white walls, the dark beige carpet that sometimes made you itch if you laid on it too long, the creamy-colored ceiling.
  703. >That stain.
  704. >With a sigh, you turned off the light and shut your door for the final time before heading downstairs.
  705. >You hugged Mom and Dad and said your goodbyes and got in your car.
  706. >The drive to Cadence's house was a few hours, mostly a long exercise in tedium management.
  707. >Not even music made you less bored.
  708. >You had left midday and when you got to the house, it was almost 8pm.
  709. >Flurry was already passed out in her booster-seat and Candy and you were both dead tired.
  710. >”Unlock the door, I'll get Flurry out.” She threw you the key.
  711. >The cooling air from the AC hit you like a ton of bricks, you wouldn't complain, you preferred your houses to be cold.
  712. >Cadence led you in with her daughter over her shoulder, who rustled a little.
  713. >”C'mon, let's get to bed.”
  714. >You followed your sister to the main bedroom, and she laid the little girl down first before laying down herself.
  715. >You followed suit as you had become accustomed to over the past few days.
  716. >Your last thought before you fell asleep was that you hoped that nobody broke into your car.
  717. >That was the best you had slept in a long time; damn Candy's bed was plush.
  718. >Your back felt like a great weight had been lifted from it.
  719. >The light beaming through the shudders and onto your sister and niece was almost picture perfect.
  720. >It brought a smile to your face.
  721. >You quickly fell back asleep, morning drowsiness was force to be reckoned with
  722. >Snapping back to the waking world you noticed you were alone in the bed.
  723. >The smell and sound of cooking food seduced your senses and you couldn't resist.
  724. >With the flip of a blanket and admittedly pathetic kip up, you were out of bed and down the hall.
  725. >Flurry sat at the table and Cadence was cooking what smelled like pancakes, bacon and eggs.
  726. >”You're up!” Candy greeted you with a kiss on the cheek.
  727. >”Take a seat, food's almost ready.”
  728. >You sat next to Flurry, who was looked like she was still sleeping, just with her eyes 'open.'
  729. >She leaned on you, having trouble even keeping herself upright.
  730. “ Candy, maybe I should put Flurry back to bed, she can't even hold herself up.”
  731. >”M'fine Dad.” Flurry mumbled out.
  732. >Dad, huh?
  733. >”She'll wake up when she gets some food in her.”
  734. >A few minutes later, Cadence finished cooking and the three of you ate.
  735. >Well, you and Flurry ate.
  736. >Candy kinda just watched you.
  737. >Her fingers were around and under her almost glassy eyes and a small smile, like she was in some kind of dazed trance.
  738. >You thought nothing of it.
  739. >Your first day in your new home was a gentle and peaceful one.
  740. >You setup all your old stuff in a spare bedroom.
  741. >All your books, comics, game systems, statues and other possessions now had a place to be displayed openly instead of your old cramped room.
  742. >You didn't bring your bed, Candy was adamant on you two sharing a one, you didn't protest a bit.
  743. >Days passed and Flurry went back to school, leaving you alone with your sister.
  744. >She couldn't keep her hands off you and neither could you, her.
  745. >You almost never left the bedroom except she wanted you to fuck her anywhere and everywhere else; you were exhausted by the end of the week.
  746. >Blue balls were no longer an issue unless was she teasing you.
  747. >Cadence was more energetic than she had ever been in the past; you almost wondered if your hips could take much more.
  748. >You eventually got a job to help for the bills and other expenses, the life insurance payout Candy got was put away until absolutely needed.
  749. >You had a family of your own now.
  750. >A nice house.
  751. >Two vehicles.
  752. >A child to raise.
  753. >A happy and loving wife.
  754. >This was the good life.
  756. >You weren't drunk, you knew what you were doing.
  757. >You wanted him to take you, he was literally made for you, he was your twin after all.
  758. >He knew you more intimately than anyone else ever could hope to and you knew the same about him.
  759. >You have spent everyday together since your inception, the thought of being without him was a terrifying concept you never wanted to face.
  760. >Death was a preferable outcome than anything that would separate the two of you in any way, shape or form.
  761. >The closeness you two had would only increase with every thrust into you.
  762. >It only hurt for a moment, now you wanted swim in the sea of thrill and bliss that surrounded you currently.
  763. >Nobody else could ever make you feel like this, would ever make you feel like this.
  764. >He was the only man you ever wanted inside of you and if you had your way, he would be the only one to do so.
  765. >Maybe that wasn't possible, maybe that was just an idiotic dream.
  766. >Maybe.
  767. >But that wasn't going to stop you from trying your damnedest to make it a reality.
  768. >'To get better for Shining.'
  769. >What a pathetic excuse, probably the worst you could have ever come up with.
  770. >And yet, Anon bought it.
  771. >Dumb luck was real after all.
  772. >You weren't going to let your hot streak end so quickly.
  773. >Every chance you got you were going to be on his cock and draining him dry.
  774. >Not an ounce of his love was going to be wasted.
  775. >You swallowed every single time and made sure none of it would touch ever come close to the floor.
  776. >It was all yours and it was going to stay that way.
  777. >Greed wasn't the right word for what you were.
  778. >Voracious might have.
  779. >Shining would never know about this, could never know about this.
  780. >Life hit you fast.
  781. >It seemed like just yesterday that you started freshman year.
  782. >Today you graduated your senior year.
  783. >The real world was next.
  784. >Or college.
  785. >There were some prospects, you could go with Anon to where he was going.
  786. >You've never been apart before, why start now?
  787. >”Cadence.” Shining interrupted your train of thought.
  788. “Yes Shining?”
  789. >”I have a question I want to ask you.”
  790. >NO.
  791. >He got down on one knee.
  792. >NO.
  793. >”Will you marry me?”
  796. >NOT RIGHT NOW.
  797. “Yes.” you squealed out.
  799. >Shining gave you a kiss after slipping the ring on to your finger which you returned with very minimal attention.
  800. >Hopefully that wasn't noticeable.
  801. >You did your best to sneak away from the crowd, a bit hard to do at a party that's for your honor.
  802. >Your blood when ran cold when you looked through the kitchen window.
  803. >The little purple bitch had kissed Anon.
  804. >And you had to witness it.
  805. >You almost started to cry.
  806. >Maybe this was a sign.
  807. >A sign for it stop.
  808. >A sign for you to be normal.
  809. >Yeah.
  810. >Maybe it was.
  811. >It ended tonight.
  812. >But not without a bang.
  813. >Married life wasn't so bad.
  814. >Not particularly fun either.
  815. >Shining was nowhere near as good as Anon was.
  816. >He didn't know where you liked to be touched or what spots to press himself on.
  817. >You pointed them out a few times but he could never fully grasp what you were talking about.
  818. >Flurry though, she was a blessing.
  819. >Your daughter was a beautiful little girl, so happy and energetic.
  820. >You really wished her father could see her more often.
  821. >Speaking of people you didn't see often.
  822. >You wished Anon would call or drop you a text or something to let you know he was alive.
  823. >Maybe you should message him, he was always the timid one.
  824. >Shining was gone.
  825. >You weren't sure how to process that.
  826. >He was your husband and lifelong friend and it hurt you that he was gone.
  827. >But.
  828. >You also felt a sense of..relief?
  829. >Maybe that wasn't the appropriate term but it's the one you thought of first.
  830. >You were free to do what you wanted now rather than be bound to him.
  831. >You could be with Anon again.
  832. >Maybe.
  833. >If he still would go along with you like he used to.
  834. >Maybe this was a sign.
  835. >A sign that you could be together once more.
  836. >Maybe you just needed to see what life without him was like so that you could appreciate him more.
  837. >Yeah.
  838. >That's what it was.
  839. >A sign of Love.
  840. >You finally had him right where you wanted him.
  841. >Right here with you and Flurry.
  842. >Where he should have been years ago.
  843. >It was calamitous that Shining was gone; he was a great friend to the both of you and Anon and he was your husband of a few years.
  844. >You didn't like that he was dead, but you would not let this chance bypass you.
  845. >Marrying Shining was an attempt to remove yourself from your dear Anon, an attempt to be normal.
  846. >You tried, you tried your hardest.
  847. >But you couldn't be.
  848. >Anon.
  849. >He was your true love.
  850. >Not Shining.
  851. >Anon knew almost everything about you, and you about him.
  852. >You were made for each other, you were twins.
  853. >You couldn't let him get away.
  854. >You watched him sleep soundly; his soft breathing was a perfect rhythm you could fall asleep to for the rest of your life.
  855. >But you couldn't sleep now.
  856. >The scene was too perfect, you had to memorize every detail.
  857. >He had his arms wrapped around Flurry, like he was protecting her from some unseen threat.
  858. >It was adorable.
  859. >To watch a father cuddle his child.
  860. >Life with your dearest Anon was more than you could have ever hoped for.
  861. >He was still the greatest lover in the world and the best father to ever live.
  862. >He was raising his child like he should have been able to in the first place.
  863. >That was okay.
  864. >He would raise the next one.
  865. >You rubbed your tummy a little.
  866. >You already knew you were pregnant again.
  867. >All that hard work wasn't gonna be for nothing.
  868. >He deserved to be there when it was born, he deserved to name his next child.
  869. >He already missed out on that once; you wouldn't let it happen again.
  870. >For now, you will just keep it your little secret.
  871. >It would be a great surprise for Flurry's birthday to learn she's going to have a little sibling.
  872. >You could see it now.
  873. >A big smile on her face, happy that she'll have a sibling to play with.
  874. >Just like the one you had.

Gangster Anon and Cousin Starlight

by Dekkard

Twin Sister Cadence [REWRITE]

by Dekkard

Fluttermom [ONESHOT]

by Dekkard