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Fluttermom [ONESHOT]

By Dekkard
Created: 2021-04-17 05:52:13
Expiry: Never

  1. >Your son was always a sweet little boy before he hit puberty.
  2. >He towered over you now, not that you were particularly tall, but the growth spurts hit him hard and he filled out quick.
  3. >With puberty brought the...urges.
  4. >He had brought many girlfriends home and a little blush flushed your face when you could hear the thumping start.
  5. >He always got quite loud when during the, uh, sessions.
  6. >The grunts and moans turned into roars and yells.
  7. >It worried you a little that all the girls resembled you in some way.
  8. >Meek, soft and quiet.
  9. >Most never came back after the first time.
  10. >”He was too forceful with me.” “It felt like I was going to break.” were what you'd always catch as they left.
  11. >Some time passed and no more girls came home with him.
  12. >After that, he became more affectionate with you.
  13. >There were times where he would just pull yourself into him and just held you close.
  14. >But his body language was all wrong.
  15. >His face was all smiles and chipper, his body language was nothing but carnal.
  16. >Was it just in your head?
  17. >Recalling where he would leave his hands when he held you and how you felt his hips press into your own, you couldn't help but think so.
  18. >If he were anybody else, you would have called the police.
  19. >Lately, you thought you were feeling his eyes burn into you as you did the housework.
  20. >Especially if you bent over to grab something.
  21. >There was an incident a few nights ago.
  22. >In the middle of the night, something touched your leg and it woke you up a little.
  23. >Your son was hunched over you and spread your legs without you even noticing.
  24. >You could see his almost oversized manhood inches from your entrance.
  25. >His eyes were a searing red and his jaw hung open, a little spittle trailing over his lips; it was as if he were possessed by some kind of demon
  26. >The only noises he seemed to make were rough and ragged breathes.
  27. >He was gonna take you and he wasn't going to be gentle about it.
  28. >In that moment, you sprung fully awake ready to force him back only to find yourself alone.
  29. >Taking a moment to calm down, you wondered if you just hallucinated all of that.
  30. >At that instant you felt a wet and sticky sensation on your inner thighs.
  31. >You knew what it was when you touched it.
  32. >You didn't expect so much though.
  33. >A twinge of fear and sorrow shot through your heart.
  34. >Maybe this stuff isn't what you thought it was, maybe it was your own fluid, it had been a very long time since you had touched yourself.
  35. >You really wanted to confront him, but what if you're wrong?
  36. >Did you really want to risk destroying your relationship with your son over something that could be all in your head?
  37. >You curled up against your headboard using the moonlight to illuminate the rest of your room.
  38. >You didn't know what to do.
  40. >The entire next day, you didn't see your son at all, he was gone before you woke up again and hadn't come home yet.
  41. >It was late now and you were getting tired but your son still hadn't come home.
  42. >You were getting worried, he hadn't sent any messages or called you at all.
  43. >There wasn't anything you could do aside from wait 'til he came home.
  44. >And wait you did, for hours.
  45. >Eventually you couldn't any more.
  46. >When the clock 2:00am, the fatigue hit you hard and you reluctantly went to bed hoping that he came home soon.
  47. >You were in a deep sleep when you felt your arms get pinned above your head with monstrous power.
  48. >Opening your eyes, you saw your son again, that same demonic haze covering his face as he forcefully spread your legs apart.
  49. “Please, stop!” you whisper-yelled while trying to break free.
  50. >In a flash, he pushed all of himself into you with reckless abandon.
  51. >It hurt just like you thought it would.
  52. >Your loud whimper was drowned out by his thunderous scream.
  53. >The room almost began to shake with every thrust into you, the air polluted with his brutish grunts and your airy gasps.
  54. >You gave up trying to resist after a while, your thin frame was in no shape to stop him.
  55. >You settled for watching him as he drove himself into you over and over.
  56. >His face shifted and twisted in concentration, sweat dripped down his powerful frame and bounced onto yourself when it reached his hips.
  57. >You felt him pull his hand away from your arms and slide it down to your waist, he needed a tighter grip for what came next.
  58. >He lifted you up a little, you lower back no longer touching the mattress, and slammed you down onto his thrust.
  59. >A sudden exclamation escaped you, much to your own shock.
  60. >He became more violent in his motions, like he wanted to break you with every pump and pull of his phallus.
  61. >It was a pain that felt good.
  62. >He began to slow down, you knew what was coming next.
  63. >With a final, all-powerful thrust, he fired rope after rope of searing semen into your flower.
  64. >The room was quiet after that, aside from the exhausted panting from the both of you.
  65. >His length began to soften as he pulled out you.
  66. >He seemed to deep into his post-orgasmic bliss to notice you cupping his face.
  67. >His eyes seemed to defog as you looked him in the eyes but he avoided direct eye contact with you.
  68. “Look at me.” You said.
  69. >That did the trick.
  70. >You've never seen that amount remorse on anyone's face before, not even Sunset's.
  71. >His eyes were depressed and his lip quivered.
  72. “Do you feel better now?”
  73. >The sensation of scorching tears fell on your face and the sound of choked sniffling traveled through your ears.
  74. >You pulled your son close, wrapping your arm around his body.
  75. >”I'm so sorry Mom.” he sobbed over and over.
  76. >His whole body trembled and shook every second.
  77. “It's okay.” you assured him. “I'll always love you.”
  78. >He broke into full-blown crying, you could feel the pillow underneath you getting soaked.

Gangster Anon and Cousin Starlight

by Dekkard

Twin Sister Cadence [REWRITE]

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Fluttermom [ONESHOT]

by Dekkard