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Love Burns [yandere/wip]

By NotAWriterAnon
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-04-24 06:52:59
Expiry: Never

  2. //////////////////////////////////////
  3. >She is still Celestia, she just tends to be a bit more forceful than well as somewhat burny on occasion.
  4. >Love burns of course.
  5. >She is still very loving and caring, but you could say she can also be a bit dominant from time to time, as well as maybe being somewhat possessive......and controlling.
  6. >She isnt unreasonable by any means though!
  7. >You were able to convince her to let Luna have at least 4 hours of the day for night time which was a big win, did have to give up a few things in exchange for that to happen.
  8. >Your not allowed to talk to other mares anymore, especially Luna, Twilight, and the rest of the mane 6.
  9. >Also your not really allowed to go anywhere by yourself anymore either.
  10. >If your not accompanying her, you have to stay in her room until she comes to get you.
  11. >You also have to service and submit to her no matter where you two are.
  12. >Like when you two are in bed together, or in the bathroom, or eating in the dining room, and even in public.......espically in public.
  13. >Its okay though!
  14. >She gets really pent up with stress sometimes and she needs you to help her relieve that stress.
  15. >The more stressed out Daybre....Celestia is, the worse off everyone else will be.
  16. >So you d-dont mind that she feels the need to ride on top of you while she is giving a speech to thousands of onlooking ponys
  17. >Like you said, the less stressed she is, the better off everyone will be
  18. >Fortunately Luna had told you that her and the elements of harmony were working out a way to turn Celestia back to normal
  19. >That was a couple of months ago, but that doesnt mean you have gave up hope!
  20. >Even though she acts different now, you still know your old Celly bean is still in there somewhere
  21. >You feel like you can sometimes see her old self when you stare into her bright orange eyes
  22. >[spoiler]She looks sad[/spoiler]
  23. ///////////////////////////////////////
  26. >Your heart is pounding
  27. >Your breath is shallow and sweat is trickling down your brow
  28. >Your crouched in fetal position in the corner of the bathroom that's connected to your's and Celestia's room
  29. >The door is locked
  30. >The temperature around you is gradually rising
  31. >Each moment that passes you can feel it get hotter and hotter inside the room, but despite the increasing heat you cant stop shaking
  32. >She is coming for you
  33. >And she is very upset
  34. >You violently flinch when you hear the door to your room open and swiftly close
  35. >She is here
  36. >"Anon! My little green bean! Im back!"
  37. >You instinctively halt your breathing, only allowing yourself to inhale small amounts of oxygen every couple of moments
  38. >It must be at least 85 degrees in the bathroom that your currently hiding in and its only getting hotter
  39. >She is furious
  40. >"Anon where are you~? You arent hiding from me are you? You know how much I dislike it when you hide from me! If I were you, I would come out here WITHIN THE NEXT FIVE SECONDS!"
  41. >The malice at the end of her words sends shivers down your soul
  42. >"One."
  43. >Oh god she has started counting
  44. >"Two."
  45. >With each second passed the room greatly increases in temperature
  46. >"Three."
  47. >If you were smart you would go out and confront her
  48. >"Four!"
  49. >But as much as you want to leave the confines of the bathroom, your own fear keeps you paralyzed.
  50. >"FIVE!"
  51. >You clamp your eyes shut and lower your head, preparing for the worst
  52. >Here it comes....
  53. >...........Silence
  54. >All you can hear is the sound of your own heart pounding in your chest
  55. >Sweat is falling from you and pooling on the ceramic bathroom floor
  56. >You slowly lift your head from your knees
  57. >Why hasnt she...
  58. >"Oh I understand now Anon!" Her cheery voice rings in the other room
  59. >You feel the hairs on your neck stand up
  60. >"My poor sunshine must have been so bored cooped up in our room all day! He just must have felt like playing a little game of hide and seek to rid himself of the boredom! Though I prefer games that involve a bit more....*huff*..bodily contact, I will play your game Anon." LETS SEE HOW LONG IT TAKES ME TO FIND YOU!"
  61. >Your so fucked
  62. >"Hmmmm maybe your hiding under the bed?"
  63. >A loud boom can be heard from outside the bathroom and the ceiling violently shakes for a moment causing tiny pieces of plaster to come raining down upon you
  64. >"Ah, it doesnt look like you were hiding under there~!"
  65. >Suddenly another loud slam can be heard and this one causes the floor to vibrate roughly for a moment, likely its the bed leaving the ceiling and retuning to the floor
  66. >"Oh! I know! Let me see if your in the closet!"
  67. >You hear the sound of wood being ripped and torn into many pieces
  68. >"Wrong would appear.......I must say Anon, you are just to good at this game, but im not worried. There are only a few places left you can hide and I WILL find you, even if I have to tear this whole side of the castle apart!"
  69. >Shes......not bluffing.....
  70. >"I dont think I have tried the balcony yet!
  71. >She is getting more and more frustrated with each passing moment that she cant find you
  72. >You really dug your own grave this time
  73. >Suddnely a very nearby explosion violently shakes the room around you
  74. >The sound of falling ruble and shattering glass rings from the other room
  75. >She blew up the balcony......
  77. >The murderous screech paired with sudden explosion and sweltering heat causes you to let out a light gasp
  78. >You quickly cover your mouth with hands
  80. >M-maybe she didnt hear over the sound of all the chaos caused by the explosion......
  81. >You wait a few moments trying to anticipate what she will do next, but you cant hear anything coming from the other side of the door
  82. >She hasnt said or done anything since her last shout
  83. >What is she-
  84. >Suddenly the temperature in the bathroom rapidly decreases back to normal room temperature and the loud clicking of horseshoes clicking on marble floor can be heard
  85. >The clicking sounds like its slowly getting closer to the bathroom door
  86. >She knows
  87. >She knows where you are and you have no hope of escaping her
  88. > You're finished
  89. >The clicking of hooves stops right outside the bathroom door
  90. >She still hasnt said or done anything, but then you hear her lightly knock on the door
  91. >"Anon, my love, are you in there?" she asks with an eerie calmness
  92. >You cant think...
  93. >No words that could possibly help you now come to mind
  94. >Nothing can save you now
  95. >Failing to reply, you just intently stare at the door that separates you from her
  96. >Thats all there is left to protect you from her
  97. >Just the single wooden bathroom door
  98. >The handle of the door attempts to turn, but is impeded by its own lock
  99. >Suddenly the handle of the door suddenly begins to gradually glow brighter and brighter until its shining a blinding orange color
  100. >As it grows in brightness it begins to sag and move towards the floor
  101. >The door handle loses its solid form and pools on the ground
  102. >The wood on the door where the handle had once been begins to combust and char
  103. >With no lock to keeping the door shut, it slowly swings open
  104. >You really wanna cover your eyes in a desperate hope that maybe if you cant see her, she cant see you
  105. >But you know that its hopeless
  106. >All you can do is stare at the now open door and wait for her to enter
  107. >An alabaster hoof ornamented with dark orange hoof plate steps through the door
  108. >Celestia cranes her neck around the open door and looks down upon your huddled self
  109. >You look up and lock eyes with her
  110. > feel....
  111. >You feel the fear slowly leaves you as you stare deep into her bright yellow eyes
  112. >Your heart begins to settle and your trembling ceases
  113. >You know you should be feeling the depths of despair right now
  114. >But you dont
  115. >What you feel is.....relief
  116. >Being able to look upon the face of your beautiful wife eliminates all your fears and doubts and fills you with strong feelings of love and comfort
  117. >She is your sun
  118. >She is the what keeps you going
  119. >She is the mare that you love with all of your heart
  120. >She is the only being that you would want to spend eternity with
  121. >She is your wife, Princess Celestia
  122. >You feel a somewhat dopey grin creep up on your face
  123. "Welcome back Celestia! I missed you while you were away. Sorry I wasnt out there to greet you earlier, I was just taking care of some "business" in the bathroom hehe." you chuckle awkwardly
  124. >She actually almost made you lose control of your "business" a few times when she was tearing apart the room earlier
  125. >Her cold gaze quickly morphs into an amused smile
  126. >She lowers her head down towards the ground so your face to face with her stone-cold glare "You had me worried for a moment Anon. I was beginning to think that you were maybe trying to hide from your caring and loving wife." she says with a displeased coldness
  127. "Pfft, You know me Celly, I would never even consider doing something idiotic like that! Why would I ever want hide from you Sunny buns?
  128. >"Hmmmmm why indeed." she hums right before she pushes her lips upon yours
  129. >As she pushes into you, you unconsciously let out a small moan and close your eyes
  130. >You reach a hand up and tenderly grasp her ear that is poking out of the top of her helmet and begin to lightly work your thumb along its tip
  131. >Its a little sweet spot of hers
  132. >She lightly moans into your mouth and presses onto you even harder
  133. >Her almost burning hot tongue begins to forcefully invade the inside of your mouth and begins vigorously probe towards the back of your throat
  134. >Fuck, you forget how long it can be sometimes
  135. >You have little room to move your own tongue as hers dominates the inside of your mouth
  136. >Any attempt to pull away from her conquest is met with her forcing her mouth even harder upon yours
  137. >You feel your gag reflex begin to kick in as she continues to explore even further
  138. >You let out light coughs for air but they are muffled by the horse tongue currently filling the inside of your mouth
  139. >Fuck, she is gonna suffocate you
  140. > really need air....
  141. >As a result from the gagging, tears build up in the corner of your eyes and roll down your cheeks
  142. >You know you need to pull yourself away and free yourself from Celestia's asphyxiating tongue, but you force yourself to endure it
  143. >You have learned from past experiences that it is just best to let her have her way
  144. >If you try to interrupt her, you will be punished
  145. >And her punishments are something that you will do anything you can to avoid
  146. >Besides you and her have an agreement that you cant afford to go back on
  147. >
  148. >Your vision begins to blur and you feel yourself go light headed
  149. >As your on the verge of passing out, Celestia retracts her tongue and pulls away from your mouth, a thin strand of scalding saliva keeps your mouths connected
  150. >You fall back a little and hit the back of your head on the bathroom wall
  151. >You cough between desperate gasps for air
  152. >fortunately you were able to stop anything from coming up and out of you
  153. >As you slowly recover from almost being asphyxiated, you glance up at the face of your wife
  154. >She has a smug grin on her face
  155. >"Oh my, it seems I might have went a bit overboard there, so sorry about that dear~!"
  156. >You do your best to crack a slight smile
  157. "Im....*huff*.....fine......just...*huff*....a little light-headed...."
  158. >"Oh, well thats a relief my dear Anonymous." Celestia brings her face close to yours again, and you notice that all the amusement she had been feeling had suddenly vanished "If you are finished with your "business" than I advise that you meet me in the bed room at once, we need to have a little chat about that mare that you had interacted with during breakfast....."
  159. >Your blood turns cold
  160. >A million thoughts flood your mind
  161. >How did she find out about that?
  162. >Celestia had already left and you were certain the guards couldn't see you
  163. >You didn't even talk to her
  164. >She was just cleaning up your mess when she "bumped" into you and "accidentally" dropped something
  165. >Did one of the other maids rat her out?
  166. >Your heart begins to race again
  167. >Does she know about Luna's letter?
  168. >Celestia turns around and is about to leave the bathroom, but suddenly calls back to you
  169. >"Oh! And Anon!"
  170. "Y-yes Celestia?"
  171. >Dont forget to wash your hands my sweet little sun flower~!"
  172. >With that Celestia exits to the bedroom and closes the bathroom door
  173. >You shakily drag yourself up and practically cling to the bathroom sink
  174. >Glancing into the mirror, your not surprised with what you see
  175. >You look like a mess
  176. >Being almost cooked alive in a bathroom and nearly choking to death on a sun goddess's burning hot tongue will do that to you
  177. >Turning on the cold faucet on the bathroom sink, you cup your hands and bring the water to your mouth
  178. >You greedily drink as much as you can knowing that a blazing inferno that also happens to be your wife awaits you in the other room
  179. >Your unsure what her "chat" entails, but you know that whatever it is, its probably gonna get heated pretty fast
  180. >Gotta stay cool and hydrated if your gonna survive
  181. >You splash a couple hand fulls of water on your face and turn off the sink
  182. >Avoiding the pile of still molten metal goo on the floor, you hesitantly open the door and exit the bathroom
  185. /////////////////////////////////////////
  187. >Poking your head slowly out of the bathroom, you see exactly what you had expected
  188. >Your's and Celestia's bedroom is in utter shambles
  189. >Rubble and what you believe to be the wooden remains of your closet door litter your bedroom floor
  190. >You can feel a light breeze blowing against you
  191. >Likely from the gaping hole in the wall where the balcony once was
  192. >Looking over to your bed, you see Celestia resting on top of it
  193. >Chunks off the ceiling and debris litter the mattress around Celestia, but she doesn't seem to notice, or maybe its more like she just doesn't care
  194. >She is busy scratching away at a levitating scroll with a quill
  195. >You cautiously avoid the still smoldering parts of your bedroom as you make your way to your beautiful loving wife
  196. >You try your best not make any noise as well
  197. >Wouldnt want to disturb her while she is working
  198. >That scroll she is writing on looks important
  199. >As you near the edge of the bed, you carefully sit down on the edge of the bed not wanting to disturb your lovely Celly
  200. >The bed creaks only slightly as you sit down upon it
  201. >Considering that the mattress now lays directly upon the floor due to the frame giving out, it doesnt make as much noise as you had expected
  202. >Fortunately for you, Celestia didnt notice your presence and the slight noise you had caused
  203. >She was too invested in her work to pay you any mind.......for now
  204. >All you could do was just sit there and wait for her to finish
  205. >You could feel dread welling up inside you
  206. >You knew whatever she wanted to talk about would most likely end up being a painful conversation
  207. >In more ways than one.....
  208. >You continued to silently wait for her, occasionally sneaking a glance at her out of curious fear
  209. >All you could hear was the scratching of the quill on paper and crackling of dying embers around your room
  210. >Sometimes She would mutter a quick curse or let out an unsatisfied grunt
  211. >Her eyes never left the scroll
  212. >This continued on for several minutes
  213. >The anticipation was killing you
  214. >You had no idea what she was planning and that scared the hell out of you
  215. >The dread continued to build as your heart began to try and beat out of your chest once again
  216. >It wasnt even so much the idea of the pain that she would inflict upon you that scared you now
  217. >It was more so the idea of what she knew about Luna's letter and what she might decide to do to her
  218. >The idea of anything bad happening to Luna because of a mistake you might have made fills you with dispair
  219. >No matter what you do, what you say, you have to protect her and Celestia
  220. >You glance at her once more
  221. >She is still oblivious to your presence and continues with her writing
  222. >Suddenly you feel your heart begin to slow back down and your nerves begin to calm
  223. >You notice now that you are now in fact staring at her and haven't looked away
  224. >Your dread starts to dissipate and your panicked thoughts are soon replaced
  225. >Replaced with thoughts of how beautiful she looks in the sun set
  226. >The large hole in the wall gives you the perfect view of the sun resting slightly above the hills
  227. >It baths the room in a comforting dark orange
  228. >Without a doubt this was probably your favorite time of the day
  229. >Sunsets always seemed to relax you and make you feel all cozy, like you were ready to tuck into bed and fall asleep
  230. >Your not exactly sure when you started to feel this way about sunsets, but you had a feeling it started to develop when you had begun to watch most of the sunsets with the love of your life
  231. >Celestia
  232. >You both would watch the sun be lowered below the horizon together everyday, and once Celestia lowered the sun all the way and Luna raised the moon, you would both hop into bed and snuggle up in each other's embrace
  233. >That......doesn't happen as often anymore
  234. >Its actually kind of a rarity now these days
  235. >Celestia is usually far to busy with her royal duties to watch the sunset with you. You also dont really sleep during the night anymore either
  236. >You and her go to bed now during the middle of the day now
  237. >This is because the nights only last 4 hours now and Celestia has to make sure Luna doesnt try to overextend the time she has been allowed to have the moon raised
  238. >If Luna even tried to over extend by even a minute, the agreement would be null and the repercussions would be dire
  239. > least you still have the memories of those past sunsets together
  240. >Still staring at Celestia and the sunset, you subconsciously reach a hand over to her and gently rest it upon her withers
  241. >Just as you touch her, the intensity of her body heat knocks you back into reality and makes you realize what you had just done
  242. >You internally panic expecting her to lash out at your interruption of her concentration
  243. >But she doesnt lash out
  244. >She just lets out a soft hum and briefly glances at you with her bright yellow eyes and then turns her attention back to her scroll
  245. >Seeing her posoti- well.....neutral reaction you hatch a small plan and decide to push your luck a little
  246. >Maybe you can help her calm down a little and ease her temper
  247. >When Celestia was herself, you would always help her wind down from her duties, even when she was still in the midst of them
  248. >Right now isnt that much different and this is the first time in a while Daybre- CELESTIA has given you an opening to wind her down a little
  249. >You slowly slide your other hand onto her back and begin with soft slow circling motions
  250. >She gives no reaction other than a small exhale of air from her nostrils as she continues to intently write in her scroll
  251. >Daring to continue, you slowly slide a hand down to her cutie mark and begin to rub there as your other hand travels closer to the base of her tail
  252. >You begin to rub the lower area of her back right before her tail begins with a slight roughness
  253. >She used to love getting scratched right here because its an area where she just cant reach without using her magic and it is usually pretty itchy
  254. >Also a little to close to more private areas to be able to scratch it in public
  255. >Apparently one of her favorite things about your hands is how it can dig into that area just right
  256. >Remebering when she told you that a long time ago brings a smile to your face as you lightly work into the area
  257. >Celestia closes her eyes and lets out a sigh of relief
  258. >Or at least your praying it was a sigh of relief
  259. >Her eyes open back up and continue to stay focused on her scroll, paying you no mind
  260. >A little part of you sadden that she hadnt acknowledged your efforts, but mostly your relieved she wasn't glaring you down
  261. >Despite your nervousness, you almost subconsciously, you lower your head down towards the beginning of the back of her neck and lay a soft kiss upon it
  262. >Your face being this close to her body allows you to feel the full force of her body heat
  263. >You could only compare to the feeling of being right up close to a large campfire
  264. >Your just barely able to tolerate the heat, and if it were to get any warmer, you would have to pull away
  265. >Honestly her body heat now is pretty cool compared to her usual heat that her body gives off
  266. >She is about the temperature she would be when you and her would call it a day and go to bed
  267. >Knowing this and seeing how its not quite close to bedtime yet makes you feel optimistic about the effects of your attempt to help wind her down
  268. >Thus encouraging you to continue with your small pecks against her neck
  269. >You slowly move slightly closer up her neck laying down small kisses, moving a little bit upward with each peck while your hands continue to slowly move softly across her body
  270. >Celestia finally gives way and lets out a small gasp as you reach just around the middle of her neck with your kisses
  271. >The sudden sound causes you to freeze and your body to tense up with fear
  272. >Fearing the worse, you wait a brief moment for her to say something, yet she doesnt
  273. >The scrawling she had been doing on the scroll seems to have suddenly stopped as well
  274. >Seeing no obviously negative reaction and deciding to push your luck, you continue the trek up the back of her neck
  275. >You eventually reach just below her ear
  276. >Whether by pure luck or her own doing, Celestia's flame-like mane had been shifting away from your trail allowing you to make your journey upwards unhindered
  277. >You lean and leave an especially long kiss just behind her ear
  278. >You put all the passion and love you feel towards Celestia into it, and you feel like it was worth it too as Celestia lets a out short moan in response
  279. >Your heart flutters hearing that moan
  280. >It makes you think about the last time you two were together like this and this wasnt the first time you made this journey upwards Celestia's neck
  281. >But the last time you had, it had been a very important night for the both of you
  282. >A night you would never forget as it was the first night you two spent together after you had sworn your oath to her
  283. >And she swore her oath to you
  284. >Remebering how different things were back then makes your heartache with a longing for the past
  285. >You fight back the desire to let tears loose as you bring yourself back to attending to Celestia.
  286. >You move from below her ear to her outer cheek and lay a soft peck upon it
  287. >As you pull slightly away from her with the intent to move in only closer, Celestia suddenly brings her face to yours, and with surprising tenderness, she compassionately locks you into a kiss
  288. >This one being quite the opposite from the one she had forced onto you previously in the bathroom
  289. >She doesnt force herself into your mouth with her scalding hot tongue this time around, but tenderly presses her mouth onto your's with loving gentleness
  290. >Her eyes are closed softly and light pink is brushed on her cheeks as she continues her kiss
  291. >You are slightly taken aback as she has never shown this amount of care and compassion towards you since she became....well....the pony that she is right now....
  292. >Despite how out of character this is for her now, you quickly decide to quickly reciprocate to her
  293. >You use your hand to cup her cheek in an effort to bring you closer to her
  294. >You have been yearning for this
  295. >You longingly stare into her closed eyes
  296. >You hope that when she opens them, you will be greeted with the same eyes that you have longed so long to see again
  297. >The eyes that promised you a love that would last longer than the sun itself
  298. >The eyes that make you want to endue the hottest flames of the sun just to prevent any water from ever gathering in them
  299. >The eyes that you hope to see passed onto newer generations that you long to bring into this world someday
  300. >Her eyes...
  302. ////
  303. in progress, might be changed
  304. ////
  306. >You wish you could stay like this with her forever
  307. >It is the closest she has been to her old self in a very long time
  308. >You can swear it almost seems like her firey mane has even cooled and setteled a bit
  309. >You promise yourself you want ever break this kiss
  310. >If you were able to, you would stay like this with her forever
  311. >Death is a more welcomed fate than the seperation of her mouth from yours
  312. >Your old Celestia is back and you cant bare to let her leave once again
  313. >The very thought is torture to your mind
  314. >How you wish she wouldnt leave you again
  315. >But unfortunately, you know all good things must come to an end
  316. >And that includes what has yet to change
  317. >She hasnt returned to you
  318. >Or actually she hasnt ever left you
  319. >Your heart knows thats a fact
  320. >Celestia is Daybreaker
  321. >And Daybreaker is......Celestia
  322. >She may seem like a different pony now, but you know the Celestia you know and love isnt gone
  323. >Her kiss is what proved that to you
  324. >It was the same as the one you both shared on your honeymoon
  325. >No anger, no sadness, no fear, only love and hope
  326. >It tells you that your Sunlight is still in there
  327. >It tells you that you can get herback
  328. >Lost in your kiss with Celestia, you dont feel the hoof resting upon your chest gently push you away

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