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(SPG) The Conquest (Prologue)

By Guest
Created: 2020-10-31 08:19:10
Expiry: Never

  1. >Well, staying in this hellhole of a country must have been worth it.
  2. >Montana, God curse her. The only place where there is taiga that no one dares to check.
  3. >Your name is Anon Y. Moose and one of the greatest goals in your life is about to be achieved.
  4. >13 long years weren't spent in vain.
  5. >You got about a hundred of federal agents on your tail, but here you're completely safe.
  6. >All of you are.
  7. >A full regiment of war veterans and survivalists.
  8. >Equipment was the main concern, however. It was hella hard to get those Tunguskas and Shilkas stolen from warehouses in Eastern Europe, particularly Ukraine, disassembled, shipped to the U.S. and assembled here.
  9. >Portal is ready to be activated. Portal that will take you to your future homeland.
  10. >Equestria.
  11. >All of your "soldiers" are in full equipment, looking tacticool as buck. You couldn't arm them all with assault rifles, so you had to resort to the semi-automatic rifles.
  12. >You also have dozen or so guntrucks, several dozens of regular heavy cars and your personal pride - a heavy bus with GSh-6-23 installed onto it.
  13. >This beauty fires 9250 0.5-pound shells a minute - much better than the one installed onto A-10.
  14. >Head technician stands in the control room, while two parts of the portal gate assemble together.
  15. >"Just like in Doom Eternal intro, hah" - one of the officers says.
  16. "Yep. We'll rip and tear."
  17. "Ha, just joking. I think they'll submit to us second after they see those."
  18. >You point to two reassembled BMP-3s. Worked a lot to get those from the former Yugoslavia.
  19. "Everybody, to the transport!"
  20. "We have to get there until Feds spot a power surge, so be quick."
  21. >"Yep!" you hear from one of the cars.
  22. >"Colonel, we're ready."
  23. "START IT UP!"
  24. >A flash blinds you
  25. >The portal is up and working. Really looks like this thing in Doom Eternal - a circle of blue light with a black hole in the center.
  26. >It is about three meters in diameter, so all cars and IFVs can pass without a problem.
  27. >You hope onto a BMP and order the driver to move forward.
  28. "Jesus help us!"
  29. >Another flash, then a feeling of being beaten by a rubber truncheon. Just like after a cup of Victory Gin.
  30. >After recovering from your headspin, you find you and your BMP-3 in the middle of some plain. The portal is also here, which is pretty nice.
  31. >Your HT has gone out. It works, but doesn't emit anything except white noise. Probably communications through the portal are impossible.
  32. "Forward! We have to make way for the others."
  33. "You!"
  34. >You point to the gunner.
  35. "Go back and tell the others that we have successfully teleported."
  36. >"Yes, colonel!"
  37. >You hope that this fellow will travel back and forth safely.
  38. >Several minutes of anxious waiting pass. You are almost ready to declare it a lost cause, when the gunner reappears.
  39. >"All is OK, colonel! They are moving through!"
  40. "Great, great!"
  41. >Seconds later, a guntruck appears and immediately starts to move away to clear the path.
  42. >So it begins.
  43. After two hours of intense travelling between dimensions, all of your 'army' is here.
  44. >Those who stayed have locked the facility and attached enough explosives to the portal so it'll go boom at the very second FBI would try to use it.
  45. >First recon confirmed that a large pony city was located seven klicks to the south. Probably the strike won't require much forces.
  46. >You gather your lieutenants to discuss a plan.
  47. >After a short half-an-hour discussion you decide to lead the attack.
  48. >Las Pegasus' name clearly points out that there will be pegasi, so a Tunguska and a Shilka will accompany the strike force.
  49. >A fight in the city will happen, so one of the clearing squads will be also brought.
  50. >It is led by the 1st Lieutenant V. K. Kornilov, a veteran of both Chechen Wars and former SOBR officer.
  51. >This battle-hardened man of steel was one of the several survivors during the battle of Grozny at the New Year's Eve back in 1995.
  52. >You sometimes wandered what brought him here, to the army of people attempting to capture a world mentioned in a show for children.
  53. >Anyway.
  54. >Kornilov's squad's specialization is city battles. They are armed for this: a lot of assault rifles, pistols, grenades and Molotov cocktails.
  55. >The main force is two "companies" - about 240 men on cars and guntrucks. They are supported by the BTR, whose 14.5-mm KPVT machine gun will be effective against most targets.
  56. >Strike group is ready for the command.
  57. >You climb onto the BTR-80.
  58. >Several minutes pass, as your armoured convoy moves through a rather rough plain. They surely don't know anything about roads here.
  59. >BTR and your newly-bought armoured vehicles are moving significantly faster than the rest of the force. Tunguska also moves fast enogh thanks to its chain tracks.
  60. >The observation helo reports of a large buildings up to 12 stories with bright lights and a lot of activity on the streets.
  61. >Those ponies don't even know what awaits them.
  62. >Helo, bought for a nice price of about 800 grand and armed with two remote-controlled M60s, is ordered to hover above the city. It can probably support the ground attack, but it's far too expensive to waste.
  63. >As the vehicles approach, you see a brightly-lit, noisy city. You even regret this attack for a second.
  64. >But this second passes. There was too much work done to stop at the sight of some city.
  65. >The BTR and another armored vehicle move forward to perform a force recon. After initial contact, main group will follow.
  66. >You notice a railway station on your left. A train is slowing down and is about to arrive.
  67. "Hey, fire a long burst or two on this [spoiler]DAMN TRAIN![/spoiler]"
  68. >"Commencing an attack, Colonel."
  69. >14.5-mm KPVT gun wakes up like some sort of a steel snake. After a quarter of a second, three dozens of HEI-T bullets pierce the train, smashing the windows and leaving a series of holes.
  70. >Probably someone (nope, you can't force yourself to say "somepony") was killed. You can't really prove this.
  71. >The train starts to slow down, when gunner releases another long burst. Railroad cars stop, doors open, and ponies begin to flee in panic.
  72. >Probably the shots were heard in city. Anyway, the vehicles continue to make their way towards the city.
  73. >Main entrypath is flooded with decorated carriages. When their passengers notice green-painted armoured vehicles, they begin to flee in all directions.
  74. "Don't open fire. We have limited ammo, so wasting it on civilians is not a smart idea."
  75. >You're Celestia, Equestrian diarch and the one who rises the Sun.
  76. >And you're having a really strange dream now.
  77. >Gonna ask Luna about it.
  78. >The dream starts with a white sign on a pitch black wall: "MAY OF 1015"
  79. >You see two tall bipedal creatures, dressed in grey and wearing grey helmets, walking through a street littered with something.
  80. >Music starts playing. It has words in language unknown to you accompanied by accordion. You try to remember the melody, but in vain.
  81. >Everything, even the background, is only gray and white. You see a cloud of smoke rising beneath the creatures, as big explosion tears out a part of the nearby buildings.
  82. >A pony, laying in front of the strangers, tries to crawl out of their reach. One of the creatures notices it and pulls out some metal thing out of the bag on its belt.
  83. >You see the thing emit a small cloud of smoke. A second after, to your horror, pony drops dead.
  84. >Before you can even fully understand this, dream switches to another scene.
  85. >It opens with a unicorn mare using her teeth to pull a piece of metal wire out of metal...something.
  86. >This something is emitting a lot of smoke.
  87. >After pulling the wire out, mare speeds this thing up and throws it using her telekinesis.
  88. >A unicorn stallion approaches the mare and does the same, though it happens faster.
  89. >Smoke covers the scene and you see another one.
  90. >A creature, similar to those from earlier, waves its...hand(?) and a box-shaped metal beast rolls over to smash a bound pony lying in front of it.
  91. >Before it occurs, your dream switches again.
  92. >The creature (why do they keep appearing?!) gives a speech on YOUR balcony (its mouth moves like it does). Several seconds later, a strange object rapidly flies above the Canterlot Castle.
  93. >What did it mean?
  94. >You wake up covered in sweat.
  95. >And you definitely know what to do.
  96. "Luna, please, can you get here? I have to talk to you."
  97. "Change your controller to PKM. We have more 7,62s at our disposal and I don't see any targets here that are armoured enough for them to withstand."
  98. >"Aye-aye, colonel."
  99. >Convoy moves through the street slowly, but steadily. Hopefully, there's almost no resistance. The ponies on streets just look at the force with shock and awe.
  100. >Probably you shouldn't be too harsh on these ponies. No one is trying to stop your vehicles, after all.
  101. >If this happened to any little town in US, you would probably have a full regiment of Delta Force and a couple of hundreds of F-16s over your head with a dozen of Minutemen III pointed to the entire state you'd be in.
  102. >Damn, shouldn't have said this.
  103. >A lone unicorn stallion in ridiculous armor and with spear held by telekinesis runs out of the building to the left.
  104. >[spoiler]"Stop right there, criminal scum! No human invades Equestria on MY watch!"[/spoiler]
  105. >"Halt, foreigner! What are you do..."
  106. >His voice slowly fades as three machine guns are now pointed at him.
  107. "Please, get out of the way. I don't want you smashed to the ground by those tracks. They are in fact very heavy!"
  108. >You try to look and sound honest and earnestly.
  109. >Probably the guard understands that he won't be able to do anything against two full companies, but instead of just going away he calls for help.
  110. >More guards appear as they form a line in front of your BTR.
  111. "Please, go away. I don't want casualties."
  112. >"You - YOU are the one who damaged the train!"
  113. >"Hopefully nopony was injured as the railroad car was empty."
  114. >Phew, some good news.
  115. "We have prevalent force, guard. I can eliminate you all with a wave of hand...but I DON'T WANT to."
  116. "Disband or you will face certain consequences."
  117. >You suddenly remember that there is actually a third way.
  118. "Alpha-1, this is Command, message for you, over."
  119. >"Command, this is Alpha-1, we read you loud and clear, over."
  120. "Alpha-1, detain the guards that are in front of the convoy. Don't use lethal force if not necessary. Over."
  121. >"Command, copy that. Detaining without use of lethal force. Requesting permission to use special gear. Over."
  122. "Permission granted. Over."
  123. >Second after, two dozens of soldiers in full body gear embark from the armoured cars.
  124. >Instead of assault rifles and shotguns they hold riot shields and heavy batons. After a minute soldiers form a line of shields before your BTR and slowly but steadily push the guards back.
  125. >That looks really weird, but effective. Guards just don't know what to do so their only option is to retreat.
  126. "Alpha One."
  127. >"Command, this is Alpha One, what is it? Over."
  128. "Maybe we should rename you to the 1st Military Police squad?"
  129. >"Not funny, Moose."
  130. "Just imagine yourself pushing crowds of peaceful ponies instead of dying under spells."
  131. >"I'll think about that."
  132. >While you attempt to troll the Alpha-1 commander, his men do a really good job.
  133. >Guards are pushed all the way to the central city square.
  134. "Forward!"
  135. >Convoy rushes forward to find itself in the middle of the crowds of ponies travelling from one skyscraper to another.
  136. >"That's a nice look, isn't it?"
  137. "It is indeed!"
  138. >Rollercoasters in the middle of the city? Damn it, this country certainly has some wonders!
  139. "Alpha, this is Command, message for you, over."
  140. >"Command, this is Alpha, read you loud and clear, over."
  141. "Alpha, send two full squads in combat gear. We have to accept city's surrender. Over."
  142. >"You are really rushing, Command. Sending you two squads. Out."
  143. >Dozens of soldiers armed properly with AK-74s and pre-ban full auto AR-15s, covered with light armor vests and helmets with STANAG 4569 second or third levels. embark from the trucks.
  144. >They quickly form two lines. You jump from your place at the BTR's armor and run towards them to take position in front of them.
  145. >Your right hand grasps the Colt Anaconda. Its +P+ heavy bullets have enough energy to one-shot any pony who dares to attack you during the negotiations.
  146. >Better safe than sorry. You wish for the days when you could walk around Las Pegasus like anyone else without having to have a .44 revolver in your pocket to come.
  147. >You make your way to the biggest resort in the city. Ponies are looking at your procession not with fear, but with curiousity.
  148. >You, on the other hand, make attempts to smile at them. Better than nothing.
  149. >You finally reach the luxurious-looking resort. Doors open, and soldiers enter in an orderly fashion.
  150. >In front of surprised visitors there stands a unicorn with blue coat, dressed like an entrepreneur from the 1930s.
  151. >"My name's Gladmane. What can I do for you, um, foreigner?"
  152. "For you it's Your Excellency, Chief Colonel Moose."
  153. >"Moose?"
  154. >He smirks.
  155. "Don't dare you laugh at me, bastard."
  156. "Sergeant?"
  157. >"Aye, Colonel."
  158. >Sergeant waves his hand and first line takes aim in one second, pointing their guns at the Gladmane.
  159. "Enough convincing?"
  160. "Please, don't show disrespect to the superior military commander."
  161. "We accept your capitulation. Newly-appointed commandant will arrive here to describe all the details."
  162. >"Capitu..." he starts.
  163. "Do not interrupt me, please. I need to address the whole city right now. Do you have an access to any loudspeakers or something?"
  164. >"Yes, yes. Please, follow me."
  165. >Gladmane has completely surrendered to his fate and simply leads you and half-dozen of soldiers to his own cabinet.
  166. >You push the button on the loudspeaker control device and clear your throat.
  167. "Ahem."
  168. "The following statement is being made by the Temporary Executive Council of the State of Equestria."
  169. >Damn it, Anon, it is a pure improvisation.
  170. "The city of Las Pegasus has been accepted as the territory of the State. This will bring you to the new era of prosperity."
  171. >The state has been legally created only seconds ago in your mind. You hardly hold a smirk at the ridiculousness of this situation.
  172. >This somehow reminds you of the early 1920s with communist provisional government popping out here and there.
  173. "However, the state of emergency is still in effect, so there are certain measures that will be applied for the city."
  174. "First. Please, obey orders from the uniformed personnel, such as garrison, auxillaries or patrols. Failure to comply can result in arrest."
  175. "Second. A voluntary curfew has been declared from 11 PM to 7 AM. You can be at the street, but you may be questioned by the mentioned uniformed personnel."
  176. "Third. We ask you to assist uniformed personnel by all means possible. They are your protectors from the Chaos, after all."
  177. "Other orders can be issued by the city commandant. Please obey them, or you may be arrested."
  178. "Thank you for your collaboration."
  179. "Stay tuned to the announcements."
  180. >A light helicopter flies through the labyrinth of skyscrapers, trying to avoid magic waves and flying objects propelled by telekinesis aimed at it.
  181. >"I said you, Marcus, this was not the best idea!"
  182. >A large gathering of guards is about 300 m away, so helo lowers down to disperse them.
  183. >Gun operator grabs the control handle and two M60 machine guns go live, spewing out hundreds of 7.62 bullets.
  184. >Guards flee in all directions.
  186. >Be Sharp Horn, a unicorn serving in the Manehattan Garrison.
  187. >You and your comrade, Brisk Hooves, are tasked with establishing a position on the 5th floor of destroyed building to cover the advancing force alongside Third Solar Avenue.
  188. >A large buzzing creature that you saw earlier flies above you, covering the guard company in the rain of those "bull-eats". Poor ones.
  189. >Anyway, it's a great opportunity!
  190. >You take a stance and read lines of the magic blast spell.
  191. "As I fight here for my land, princesses, guide my horn and my magic to destroy enemies of the ponykind..."
  192. >This prayer is not the part of the spell, but it was said to improve blast accuracy.
  193. >As you finish reading the spell, a cone of blue-colored pure magic energy emits from your horn.
  194. >You notice that blast actually missed, ruining the building several meters above the buzzing thing. Buck.
  196. >Be Lieutenant Marcus Clay, pilot of the Bell 505 some-bucking-how fitted with two M60s.
  197. >And you really don't understand in the first place why you even wanted to clear the Manehattan.
  198. >As your MGs unleash a rain of fire and steel on the guards below, you notice a light blue-ish flash behind you.
  199. >After a second, the buiding that you were hovering next to crumbles.
  200. "DAMN IT, WHAT IS THIS?!"
  201. >"I guess some pony is blasting us from behind."
  202. >"This half-ruined house behind us...turn around and I'll check it."
  203. >You turn the helo around and notice another flash.
  204. >The whole helicopter is being thrown away by 4 or 5 meters, but it withstands.
  205. >"I see those bastards!"
  206. >Be Sharp Horn again.
  207. >The buzzing thing turns around and is facing you.
  208. >Brisk Hooves desperately tries to do something and casts a new blast spell.
  209. >Instead of smashing the damn thing to the ground, it comes out very weak and only attracts their attention to you.
  210. >You and Brisk try to stop it by throwing bricks and rubble at it using telekinesis, but it doesn't do anything. This thing is armoured very heavy, as it seems.
  211. >[spoiler]Somewhere out there a Mi-24 pilot chuckles at this very thought[/spoiler]
  212. >It starts "firing" those metal things. From what you've heard, they are very common in humans' army and they have very high velocity.
  213. >You try to run, but in vain. A stream of metal gets Brisk, his body literally dismembered by the steel monster hovering in front of you.
  214. >It's time to say goodbye, probably, as the thing turns to you and adjusts its weapons. It opens fire.
  215. >Something hot and sharp pierces you in the dozens of places, while the rubble and dust all around are thrown into the air.
  216. >Your eyes close, as the mind slowly stops to think and do anything. Your legs are becoming heavier and heavier.
  217. >Something warm is flowing through your fur. The little stream gets into your mouth.
  218. >Salty.
  219. >The last thought of your falling apart brain is the first one.
  220. >Your mother's face.
  221. >Then it all ends in darkness.
  223. >"Done with those two! Turn around, we have another squad to disperse."
  224. >"Helo Command, this is Stingray Two. Met two unicorns, tried to get us down, eliminated. Dispersed first enemy company. Out."
  225. Manehattan is in flames.
  226. >The Mare Statue stands firm though a big fight has erupted around it. Command refused to provide missile support to not harm the statue, so a squad of unicorns was taken out with full auto shotguns.
  227. >Small fights still occur in the outskirts, but they are tiny compared to the onslaught in the park, where humans were forced to resort to the usage of automatical grenade launchers to clear the way.
  228. >Something feels off there.
  230. >Be Capt. George M. Turgidson, commander of the 2th reinforced company.
  231. >Your subordinates reported just a small amount of casualties - all of them non-lethal, mainly from falling buildings, so this operation is a great success.
  232. >However, the rapid-flying objects are to be seen everywhere.
  233. "Who are those pegasi, sergeant?"
  234. >"I guess that Wonderbolts, sir."
  235. "Wonderbolts? The ones who, like, perform tricks and shows?"
  236. "They really sent them to attack?"
  237. >"I guess so, sir."
  238. "Well, okay."
  239. "Get me a HT."
  240. >Sergeant hands you a transceiver. You quickly tune to the company-level frequency.
  241. "Alpha Alpha, this is Command, message for you, over."
  242. >"Command, this is Alpha Alpha, hear you loud and clear, over."
  243. "Alpha Alpha, do your observers see those...wonderbolts up here? Over."
  244. >"Yes, Command, see them. Orders? Over."
  245. >You walk a few steps forward to see the whole city. Yes, this observation post at the 35th floor of the Manefair Hotel in the Royal-class two-floor room certainly does provide some view.
  246. "The vultures have been fed, Alpha Alpha."
  247. "And now, when they have seen our might..."
  248. "...clear the skies."
  249. >"Yes, Command. Out."
  251. >You are Breezy Wing, a proud member of Wonderbolts' 3rd squadron. And you are sent to save the Manehattan. Somehow.
  252. >Currently you and your comrades are flying above the city streets trying to find the survivors.
  253. >Civilians are mostly unharmed, but militia and garrison were wiped out completely. Below you see a column of prisoners, probably guards.
  254. >They are not chained, but move in an orderly fashion and are guarded by those...beings.
  256. >At the city square you see that metal monsters you've seen before are gathering in a formation.
  257. >Probably someone hasn't surrendered yet and they have to clear another city block.
  258. >The metal circles on their tops rotate to adjust strange tubes that point to the sky. Interesting.
  259. >You fly lower and see that one of them is actually following you.
  260. "Buck!"
  261. >You try to speed out, but the thing seems to be as fast as you, given that you two are separated by severe distance.
  262. >And opens fire.
  263. >A rain of "bull-eats" strikes into the place you were a second ago. You bolt up in the sky and stream of bullets follows.
  264. >You see that this also happens to another Wonderbolts. What kind of superweapons do these "hoo-mans" have?!
  265. >You escape the rain of steel and dash towards the other part of the city. It's over, you're safe, you think...
  266. >Before you hear a "sssshhhhh" and a wave of warm air covers you.
  267. >Before you are obliterated completely, being absolutely turned to chunks of flesh and feathers, you turn around and see a long metal thing with fire coming out of its end.
  269. >Several minutes ago from other perspective
  271. >A column of Tunguskas and Shilkas enters the city square with loud roar. A rather magnificient view.
  272. >They slowly disperse to their positions. After a couple of minutes, half a hundred guns are pointed in the sky.
  273. >First vehicle gets a target and opens fire. Second, third, fourth SPAAGs follow.
  274. >This scene is clearly astonishing. Dozens of snake-like moving steel streams that are in pursuit for their targets.
  275. >Hundreds of 23-mm and 30-mm rounds are fired, you can see dozen of Wonderbolts already shot down.
  276. >Those left don't stand a chance either - AA missiles never missed any target.
  277. >A hot-air balloon enters the airspace above Manehattan. Three journalists are aboard, preparing to make a special news report about the battle.
  278. >Poor fellows.
  279. >A Shilka rotates its gun turret. Radar has located the potential target.
  280. >"Fire."
  282. >Dozens of heavy shell pierce the balloon and it quickly lowers down to crash near the Crystaller building.
  283. >"It's our sky! No-bucking-one will fly here without consequences!"
  284. >Too much pathos. But AA is efficient as hell with putting down all those Wonderbolts.
  285. >Well, you HAD to say this. Earlier, now or later, but you had to.
  286. >The Gladmane's cabinet still serves you. Las Pegasus has became even more bustling with ponies from everywhere, as it is now a capital of the "Equestrian State".
  287. >You press the button on the loudspeaker control.
  288. "Ahem."
  289. "This message is at behalf of the Government of Equestrian State. Please, listen to it carefully."
  290. "Humankind, that has travelled here and gone through a long line of hardships and struggle to free you, is in desperate need for help."
  291. "Hundreds of our brave soldiers are fighting fiercely now to protect you and your loved ones. They risk their lives for you."
  292. "And it will be just to give them something in return."
  293. "From now on, certain ponies are now bearing a Special Administrative Status."
  294. "This Status is applied not for all. It can be applied by the order of the Government, but now it is only on one category of ponies."
  295. "Every soldier in the National Armed Forces is appointed supervisor of a certain village or small town with no more than 200 inhabitants."
  296. "All residents of this village or town will bear the Special Administrative Status related to him."
  297. "All details of the rights and obligations that Special Status gives you would be explained in a new brochure that will be distributed freely."
  298. "You can always refer to the Application Center of the Government for answers about the Status."
  299. "Thank you for your cooperation."
  301. >With a loud grumble, a BMP-3 flies over a small hill and lands just in front of the Sweet Apple Acres farmhouse.
  302. >"Yee-haw! Now that was a nice jump!"
  303. >You are Colonel Anon Y. Moose, commader-in-chief of the ES NAS and Executor of the Government of Equestrian State.
  304. >And you're feeling great right now.
  305. >Being in an IFV that is flying a hundred meters is a rare experience, after all.
  306. >You open the turret hatch and jump to the ground.
  307. >A big, red-colored farmhouse is standing in front of you. Accurate rows of apple trees are lined behind it, the crops of corn are left to it.
  308. >A sign with apple on it reads "SWEET APPLE ACRES"
  309. "Hey, lieutenant, if I'm not mistaken, this is the estate that belongs to the Applejack, Element of Honesty."
  310. >"It's it, Colonel."
  311. "Hm. I guess they won't kill me on sight if I walked in to greet 'em."
  312. "No guard, please. And drive the BMP to the outskirt, I want it to look like a friend's visit."
  313. >"Aye-aye, sir."
  314. >You wander through the wooden "arch" and approach the house. It looks pretty impressive and large even compared to buildings in cities.
  315. >And here she goes. Applejack walks out of one of the doors to the arch, but notices you and stops.
  316. >You try to put a smile on your face. What's more interesting is that you succeed in that and you even don't look like a cheap Joker rip-off.
  317. "Hello there!"
  318. >"Uhm, hi!"
  319. "Nice to meet you. Colonel Anon Y. Moose, National Armed Forces."
  320. "You can call me just Anon though, those titles are just formalities."
  321. >Pony stares at you with curiousity.
  322. "Oh, haven't you seen a human before? Or...heard the news? Las Pegasus? New Government?"
  323. >"Ah heard that Twilight had trouble on her magic stuff so she can't get any of the letters from Canterlot."
  324. >"Can ya tell me a bit of a news so?"
  325. "I'd be happy to."
  326. "What's to begin with...well, the war has began. Fighting all over Equestria."
  327. >Her eyes open up in extreme surprise.
  328. >"War? Fightin'? Who fights who?"
  329. "It is very hard to understand, I'd say..."
  330. "Some rumors say that someone is giving very strange orders on behalf of the Princesses...'cause I think that they wouldn't have given the order to turn Manehattan into ruins."
  331. >"Manehattan? Ya said Manehattan? That's where..."
  332. "Your distant relatives live. Right."
  333. "I sent a team to rescue them when a large fight started in their city district. Team has been successful."
  334. >Well, you're not lying on this one.
  335. >"That sounds like a strange thing."
  336. "Who do you think could be behind this? Giving strange orders?"
  337. >Her eyes light up in anger.
  338. >"Discord...!"
  339. "Discord? This strange creature that I heard of? Don't know."
  340. >"He pulled a couple o' tricks on us, so Ah guess he's behind it this time."
  341. "It was pleasure talking to you, miss Applejack. Sadly I have to visit other parts of the town."
  342. >"See ya...Anon."
  343. >You head out of the Acres.
  344. >So this pony is an Element of Honesty. Probbaly she could detect lies...coming from a pony. Human's way of thinking is different you guess.
  345. >Anyway, it's time to take this city without a single shot fired!
  346. >You have to go to see another five Elements if they are here, though.
  347. >You grab your HT.
  348. "Spear, this is Command. Send Third group to the city square and then follow the capture orders. How copy? Over."
  349. >"Command, this is Spear, hear you loud and clear, sending. Out."
  350. >The next stop is the strange-looking tree. Twilight Sparkle is probably residing here, time to pay her a visit.
  351. >Well, a bucking castle on the top of the tree. An interesting achievement in architecture.
  352. >Several knocks and a "Come in!" is heard.
  353. >You walk to the beautifully decorated room. Crystals are, like, everywhere and the shine is so bright that you have to put your reinforced sunglasses on.
  354. >A purple alicorn runs into the room to stop in mid-air.
  355. >You realise it's time to make an impression.
  356. "Colonel Anon Y. Moose, National Armed Forces, Your Majesty."
  357. "I am pleased to meet with such outstanding pony."
  358. >"Uh, hello, Anon Y. Moose..."
  359. >"Can I ask you a question?"
  360. "Yes, of course."
  361. >"What species do you belong to?"
  362. >Your inner self keks intensely.
  363. "Human. Haven't you heard the news, Your Majesty?"
  364. "Oh, I forgot that your communication with Canterlot was severely disrupted for some reason. And I have a theory for that."
  365. >"Human? That means you came from another world, right?"
  366. "Exactly. I guess you have a lot of questions for me to answer, but now, sadly, I don't have time to."
  367. "Rumors are that someone is sending ridiculous orders to the authorities and guards on behalf of the princesses."
  368. "Our arm...well, servicemen, had a couple of fights because guards have received an order to attack."
  369. "A huge battle broke out in Manehattan and we got lucky - residents are mostly unharmed."
  370. >"This is...this is..."
  371. "Yes, it is horrific."
  372. >"What about Canterlot?"
  373. "We weren't able to communicate with the capital anymore."
  374. >"Very strange. And I know who could be behind all of that."
  375. "You mean Discord?"
  376. >"Discord, yes...wait, how do you know about him?"
  377. "Sorry, but I have to go, Your Majesty. I guess we'll have an opportunity to talk later."
  378. "It was pleasure to meet you."
  379. >You leave in a hurry, leaving Twilight confused and questions unanswered.
  380. >You approach the city square and see that your soldiers already control it. Several of them are talking to ponies - probably, explaining something. You see that a large crowd has gathered.
  381. >Probably Elements are in it as well...
  383. >Two days later.
  385. >Well, if there was a point of no return in this whole campaign, you clearly passed it.
  386. >This day probably decides the fate of it all: your army, Equestria and ponies.
  387. >Convoys of trucks and cars go in an endless stream, carrying soldiers, munitions and weaponry.
  388. >You suddenly remember a line from the French military song that you listened to a year ago or so.
  389. >"Jeunes héros, voici le grand combat!"
  390. >It is probably the most fitting line in this situation.
  391. >Walls of Canterlot stand firm in the distance. Sadly that they won't hold for long.
  392. >You finally leave your observation post and climb onto your modernized BMP-3, The Dominant.
  393. >Fitted with additional weaponry and more cameras, it'll serve as a great command vehicle.
  394. >Your BMP moves to join other BMPs that are on the only road to Canterlot.
  395. >BMPs are followed by BTRs, BTRs by armoured cars and cars with guntrucks.
  396. >AA company's vehicles are staying in the rear alongside with the GSh-6-23 bus.
  397. >Your whole convoy stops about a mile away from the walls where you are safe from blast spells.
  398. >Two planes and four helos are ready for your command, standing at the makeshift runway.
  399. >The battle is about to begin.
  400. "This is Command. First, second companies, unload. Form a line. Over."
  401. >You see that gates are slowly opening and rows of guards are moving out of the city.
  402. >You even notice Celestia here. And Luna. Damn.
  403. >But your confidence still remains. Soldiers form two lines and put their guns at their shoulders like they are at a bucking parade.
  404. >You run in the center of the formation and grab your sabre. This chunk of metal has been passed to you from your grand-grand-grandfather who fought in Civil War.
  405. "BATTALION!"
  406. >You exhale.
  407. >"BAYONETS ON!"
  408. >Well, they won't really serve them in actual combat, but they look pretty scary to ponies. You guess.
  409. "RIFLES ON HAND!"
  410. >Whole two lines do that in a second.
  411. "FORWARD..."
  412. >You stop for a fraction of a second.
  413. >It is too late to return. Victory or Death, that's how it's called?
  414. "...MARCH!"
  415. >Rows of soldiers start marching forward. Unstoppably, unbreakably.
  416. >It's all silent. No one emits a noise. You see guards on the other side of the battlefield watching the marching soldiers.
  417. >You try to look like you're at the walk in the park.
  418. >A minute passes, while the rows are marching towards the Canterlot castle. Some unicorns in guard lines tried to use blast spells, but missed.
  419. >Finally, one of the guards takes stance and fires a spear-like stun-spell. It hits a soldier in the first row. He stumbles and falls without making a noise.
  420. >It's gonna be okay though. Stun-spells are not meant to kill, after all.
  421. >And your soldiers continue walking forward with you, seemingly absent from the fact that their comrade has been stunned.
  422. >One of the guards doesn't withstand a tension. He gets up and starts to shout.
  423. >"Come out and get me, hoo-mans! COME AND GET!"
  424. >You pay no attention and your men don't either. This fact scares him enough for him to run away.
  425. >Another guard stands up, cries something inaudible and runs away; a full squad of guards, probably fresh-recruited, follows him.
  426. >Yes, that's the power of psychic attack!
  427. >As you approach the guards, more of them run away. Others try to fire stun-spells. When they are not missing, a soldier falls on the ground...but the battalion continues to march on.
  428. >It is time, finally.
  429. >You take out your polished and sharpened saber.
  431. >Walking shifts to running, everybody is crying "HURRAH" out loud and the whole battalion is rapidly approaching guards' positions.
  432. >"Nowhere to run to, baby! Nowhere to hide!"
  433. >Loudspeakers blast at full volume, even silencing the roar of the helos and probably striking fear into potential enemies.
  434. >The First Strike Group is fully-assembled once again.
  435. >A Sikorsky S-76C, fitted with unguided rockets, AGS-17 and three machine guns, leads the attackers' battle formation as they are taking a half-circle around Canterlot to arrive at the other end of the city.
  436. >Three Bells 505 follow, armed "Manehattan-style" - with two M60s at the bottom end of the cockpit.
  437. >Command said that the "reinforcement" should arrive within half an hour or so, so it's your task to hold until they could assist.
  438. >Tall white towers are seen in the distance; crashing into one of them would definitely destroy a helo, so you have to fly carefully.
  439. >From one of the Bells you can see the straight line of infantry marching towards the city gate. It's up to you to capture the other part of the city, while Colonel and main force are distracting their attention.
  440. >Be Captain Maurice Anderson, commanding officer of the 1st Strike Group.
  441. >You don't really get why did you even joined the "AnonArmy" in the first place. But they offered an opportunity to escape Earth; and you clearly weren't the type who sits on a powder keg until he notices that fuse is halfway through.
  442. >City walls are right below you; whole formation flies over them and observers begin to search for the landing zone.
  443. >"This is Sierra Golf Three. We've got hostiles! Over!"
  444. >After this, a magic blast tears the sky about three meters away from one of the Bells.
  445. "Sierra Golf Three, this is Sierra Golf Command. Eliminate the targets. Over."
  446. >"Aye, Sierra Golf Command. Sierra Golf Three commencing an attack run. Over."
  447. >Bell lowers down and ploughs the ground with its machineguns. It seems that the unsuccessful mage was shot - blasts ceased.
  448. >"This is Observer Four, clear landing zone, two hundred meters ahead to three hours, over."
  449. "Copy that, Observer Four. All, this is Sierra Golf Command, landing zone ahead, 200 meters at three hours, over."
  450. >One by one helicopters land; two dozens of soldiers in full gear, holding assault rifles, embark.
  451. >A squad of guards appears from the street leading to the small square where you have landed. As they notice the group, they begin to take defensive positions.
  452. >Sikorsky that you have jumped from rapidly gets into the air. A second later, three unguided rockets tear apart the house that guards were hiding in.
  453. "Round up and forward! Helo group, you have to follow us. How copy?"
  454. >"Solid copy, Sierra Golf Command. Over."
  455. >Strike Group is rapidly moving forward, capturing the looks of curious ponies.
  456. >You walk to the pink-coated unicorn mare that was watching you all the whole time.
  457. "Sorry, miss...where's the castle located?"
  458. >"Oh, sir...right there." she points to one of the towers.
  459. "Thank you, miss."
  460. >The city looks lively, but everypony here stays quiet when your group approaches. Lack of resistance here is another great thing, given that almost all of the city's defenders are at the front gate.
  461. >You end up in front of a grass wall. Birds are chirping behind it; probably it's some sort of a garden.
  462. >There is little time and you definitely don't want to waste it finding an entrance.
  463. >One hand wave and a soldier, taller than the others and dressed in asbestos vest, walks forward.
  464. >A number is written at his helmet covering entirety of his face; "451"
  465. >A nice reference, you'd say.
  466. >He rotates the vent at this flamethrower and it lets out a cloud of fire.
  467. >Hundreds of onlookers have gathered; they are watching the work of a flamethrower operator with awe and confusion.
  468. >After a several seconds trail is clear. Operator stops the napalm stream to avoid igniting all grass in the process and you walk in one by one.
  469. >Well, these gardens are magnificient.
  470. >You look back to inspect your group and can't help but feel proud about their equipment.
  471. >Some of them are armed with AKS-74U - shortened version of a regular AK-74, ideal for close-quarters combat. Mostly they do use AK-74Ms though.
  472. >Everyone is well protected by the Altyn helmets and 6B13 body armor vests; there was abundance of them after the Second Chechen War and battles in the Ukraine, so Colonel decided to order them.
  473. >Three of the soldiers carry a "Boot". Well, it was called so by the Soviet soldiers ("Sapog" after the SPG-9). This is a reliable recoilless gun, refitted to serve as anti-personnel weapon.
  474. >There are also two machinegunners, carrying each a light RPKS-74P, a light machine gun based on AK-74.
  475. >You are ready to show those ponies the power of human weaponry.
  476. >Two S-76s and three Bells fly over you, as to prove your words.
  477. "Group, forward!"
  478. >You make your way through the maze and the garden. A lone guard encountered you, but you took him prisoner instead of killing him on sight - probably he'd be useful later.
  479. >The entryway to the castle is clear, but you hear a loud zap and ground beneath you shakes.
  480. >You jump to the ground and lie down to see that there are magic blasts from almost all windows of the castle.
  481. "DAMN IT! Group, start suppression fire! Ready the SPG!"
  482. >"Copy that, Command!"
  483. "Helo group, stay away from the castle. I say again: stay away from the castle!"
  484. "Heavy magic attacks present, no ability to suppress them from the air! Stay away! How copy? Over."
  485. >"Solid copy, command. Aerial HQ reported that a reinforcement will arrive soon. Out."
  486. >Reinforcement? Well, this could really be life-saving.
  487. >Although magic blasts resonate from the ground here and there, soldiers manage to deploy an SPG.
  488. >"Fire!"
  489. >A small projectile flies into the room on the second floor of the tower where two unicorns have barricaded.
  490. >A loud explosion is heard; the room's defenders are no more.
  491. >Another strange-shaped shell is loaded. BOOM! Yet another room is silenced.
  492. >Machinegunners are rather successful at putting down enemy resistance; you thank the man who proposed to install optical sights onto a machine gun.
  493. >Finally there is no more resistance. No more blasts scorch the ground. You order your soldiers to form two columns.
  494. >jedi_temple_attack_anakin.jpg
  495. >As your soldiers march to the castle, you notice more guards appear from the garden.
  496. >There are also those fast pegasi too. Unfortunately you didn't grab those anti-air missile launchers.
  497. >Soldiers disperse through the castle; only seconds later a machine gun is heard, effectively ripping up guards' formation.
  498. >You run through a long, lavishly decorated corridor, scaring the confused maids and servants, holding tight your fitted AK-74M.
  499. >"This is Bravo Five, they have broken through the main door! I say again: guards have broken through! Over!"
  500. "This is Sier...doesn't matter. This is Command! Everyone, break through them at the front gate and get to the left wing of the building! Rally point is the throne room! Over!"
  501. >You finally reach the throne room. Beautiful vitrages, depicting victories of the Elements of Harmony and princess Celestia, cover the windows.
  502. >You see a dozen of your soldiers approaching. They immediately start to deploy an SPG pointing to the corridor.
  503. >Three minutes later last, 26th soldier, runs in. You are now prepared for the attack.
  504. "Here it comes."
  505. More guards appear. They are all being cut off by MG fire, but ammunition is going to end soon.
  506. >"Command, this is MG One, ammo's out, switching to AK, over!"
  507. >One by one soldiers retreat. You can't say anything to them - they simply show you their discharged AKs.
  508. >You grab the last full mag of 5.45s and start shooting single shots, not bursts. Almost everybody is doing this now with ammo on the brink of depletion.
  509. >"Fire!"
  510. >Right to you SPG sends another fragmentation shell in the gathering of the guards. They are simply not ending.
  511. >Guess you killed a dozen of them with four mags. Pretty nice accuracy!
  512. >And you feel the heaviness of the grenades in your vest pocket.
  513. >THEY will do the work that you haven't been able to finish.
  514. >And if it's your fate to die here alongside colorful ponies...well, it's better than to be thrown away after you couldn't pay the rent.
  515. >SPG fires final shell and soldiers operating it start to shoot their handguns. Still better than nothing, though.
  516. >You remember the words that you heard a long ago.
  517. >"Even in defeat we claim victory."
  518. >Probably Lyndon Johnson said that. However, you don't know what was it about.
  519. >You prepare to run and grab a grenade in the vest pocket.
  520. >You loudly exhale, as soldier next to you lets out a long burst.
  521. >enriomorricone_cowboymusic.mp3
  522. "This is Command..."
  523. >You are ready to rush forward.
  524. >But...
  526. >A stream of fire and metal crushes the wall in the corridor guards were gathering at.
  527. >Long bursts and explosions are heard, as the loud "HURRAH" echoes through the halls.
  528. >This can't be.
  529. >No, no, this is impossible!
  530. >How the hell...
  531. >"The guard in the other side of the room who was preparing to cast a magic blast is cut by a burst. He drops on the floor lifeless.
  532. >A man walks in. His equipment doesn't differ from yours except of the white, red and blue-painted arrowhead on his helmet.
  533. >In the distance you hear another explosion and sounds of heavy machine gun firing.
  534. >"Lieutenant Kornilov, First Clearance."
  535. "Nice to meet you. Captain Anderson, 1st Strike Group."
  536. >"Now let's deal with the leftovers."
  537. "Lieutenant, we're short on ammo."
  538. >"That is bad, Captain. Then you are welcome as guests at our...performance."
  539. >You can't see his face because of the Altyn helmet, but he's DEFINITELY grinning.
  541. >Your name is Vladislav Ivanovich Grachev, an experienced gunship pilot currently in the AnonArmy.
  542. >You used to annihilate dosens of damn bandits every day during a counter-terrorist operation in Chechnya during the 1999 and 2000. Your Mi-24 had a great variety of destruction weapons, so there was always a way to blow up another terrorist bastard.
  543. >Your experience was unmatchable after actual battles fought, so you received an invitation letter to some private force in the USA.
  544. >Several assasination attermpts from the bandits' relatives convinced you to go with all of your family; those invitors were kind enough to regulate all visa problems.
  545. >And now you're piloting your helo once again. Well, not the exact same, but the Mi-24D.
  546. >You heard that those Americans have disassembled it in Ukraine, shipped parts as metal scrap and reassembled "Hind" here.
  547. >But you are not in Chechya or Syria or elsewhere
  548. >Not even in your homeworld.
  549. >Shortly after a squad under V.K.Kornilov embarked to save the strike group, you were back in the air.
  550. >Those tiny little pegasi always tried to attack your gunship, but come on, it withstood a full 12.7 MG's mag fired directly at you!
  551. >However, this vandalism must happen no longer; two Igla missiles are fired and the explosions indicate that targets are hit.
  552. >You fly your helicopter away to give it time to speed up before next attack run.
  553. >And then it begins.
  554. >First - another Igla missile tears the annoying pegasus in blue suit apart.
  555. >Second - eight S-8 rockets are launched, burying the guard squad in ground and dispersing their reinforcement.
  556. >Third - YkB 12.7-mm minigun starts clearing way through the bushes, finding and destroying everything in its path.
  557. >You see a purple-colored magic-powered dome above the crowd of guards. Probably that princess of their had set it up.
  558. >This one is causing nothing but you to laugh.
  559. "Budto oni dumayut, chto vsya eta mosch' ne mozhet probit' ih zhalkiy schit! Morozov, ogon' is vseh stvolov!"
  560. >"Khorosho, Grach."
  561. >Quarter a second later a shield is bombarded by the front minigun, auxillary MGs and S-8 rockets. It does withstand the first strike, though.
  562. "VSYO, CHTO YEST'!"
  563. >"SIEICHAS!"
  564. >Another round of rockets and bullets hits the shield. Finally it dissipates and crumbles.
  565. >Guards hiding look at your with pure fear in their eyes. One of them in the decorated helmet and armor, with snow-white coat and blue mane, tries to cast a spell.
  566. "ZA POBEDU!"
  567. >Rocket salvo ends them all.
  568. "Nakonetz-to. Teper' prizemlyaemsya. Nadeyus', chto Kornilov zakonchil svouy progulku."
  569. >Armored monster quietly lands in the middle of the garden.
  570. >Bodies, holes from rocket explosions, feathers everywhere. This place will need a thorough cleaning.
  571. >Kornilov's over with his work. A white, blue and red banner proudly flies over the castle.
  572. >You stop him.
  573. "Ya vsyo zhe dumayu, chto ne stoit ego tebe vodruzhat'. Polkovnik vozmuschat'sya nachnyot."

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