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By TiberiusPonificus
Created: 2021-04-30 05:15:26
Expiry: Never

  1. Saturday afternoons were always a nice relaxing time. The school week was over, homework was finished, and all that was left was to be left to your own devices. At least, this was the case for Dinky.
  4. Dinky was never what one would call “geeky”, but those who knew her knew how studious she was when it came to improving her magic. What other reason would she have for a subscription for Caster’s Digest, a monthly magazine filled to the brim with new spells to try? Even if she couldn’t use all the ones she read about, it was nice to have something to work towards.
  7. As she lay in bed, eyes glued to the magazine above her, she sighed to herself about how nice it would be to show off all these spells. Her mother told her that her talents would come in time, and to not try to rush things. It did little to ease Dinky’s anxiety about not being able to do as much as some of her schoolmates. It was for this reason that she had to appreciate the quiet time she could study on her own.
  10. At least, looking back, she should have appreciated it more.
  13. “DINKY!!”
  16. The sudden shouting caught poor Dinky by surprise, causing her to drop her magazine right on her face. There was no mistaking who was shouting her name. As she moved to her side to face the door to her room, she pulled the magazine off her face to be greeted by the sight of her twin brother, Crackle Pop.
  19. “What is it, Crackle?” Dinky asked, clearly annoyed at being suddenly interrupted. She quickly took notice of the fact that her brother seemed…anxious? Scared? His scream was clearly a cry for help, but for what reason? “You okay, bro?”
  22. “Kind of…” Crackle Pop answered, in between pants of breath. “I
  23. need your help.”
  26. “Why me? You can’t ask one of your friends?” she inquired.
  29. “No, I can’t…Look, why don’t I start from the beginning?” Crackle Pop suggested, fumbling over which words to use next. “So, you know how Tootsie Flute and I have been dating?”
  32. “How can I forget? You only never shut up about it,” Dinky snarked, rolling her eyes. “What about it?
  34. “Well, you see...after the last time, she said she wanted me to come over to her house and…‘take it to the next level.’ Do you know what that mean?!”
  37. “I think you might be overthinking her meaning,” Dinky said. “She could just mean letting you kiss her.”
  40. “For your information, wise gal, we’ve already kissed! Many times, in fact. But I know I’m not overthinking it because right before we went our separate ways, she snuck these into my pocket!” Crackle Pop reached into the pocket of his shorts and pulled what looked like a cloth. It wasn’t until he unfolded it and held it with both hands that Dinky could clearly see it was a pair of mint green panties. Her eyes were like dinner plates.
  43. “Okay…so maybe she does mean what you think it means…” Dinky said after recovering from the sight. She and her brother weren’t necessarily strangers to the concept of sex, neither were they unaware of the body of how the opposite sex looked without clothes. Even so, the idea of Crackle Pop’s girlfriend wanting to have sex was still a shock. But should it have been? “But wait, what are you so scared for? I thought you’d be over the moon about this!”
  46. “Make no mistake, I am very excited!” her brother commented,
  47. stuffing the underwear back into his pocket. “But her being so eager for this means she’s expecting me to be really good at it! What if I mess up and lose my girlfriend?”
  50. “You’re overreacting. For all we know, she doesn’t have experience either!” Dinky tried to reason.
  52. “All the more reason I should make a good impression!” Crackle Pop replied.
  54. “Okay, but how do you expect me to help?” Dinky asked, before a thought immediately occurred to her, causing her to twist her face in disgust. “You’re not asking me to help you practice, are you?”
  56. “What? No! Sweet Celestia, no!” Crackle Pop answered, waving his hands in front of his face. “I was just wondering if you had any…pointers. Like, what spots do girls like being touched on?”
  58. “That’s not much better…” she groaned. “Even if I did give you pointers, that doesn’t mean it’ll be the same for Tootsie. Girls have different spots they like to be touched.”
  60. “So I am doomed to screw up…” Crackle Pop said, holding his face in his hands. Seeing her brother in such a pathetic state did strike some pity in Dinky, but this was a scenario she couldn’t think of many options for.
  62. Her hand rested on the magazine still on her bed. Remembering its presence, an idea suddenly struck her. There might have been a way she can strike two birds with one stone. All she had to do was sell the idea.
  64. “Now now, dear brother,” she said, shifting her tone. “Maybe all is not lost.”
  66. “It’s not?”
  68. “Only thing is, if you want me to help, I’ll need you to help me test a spell,” Dinky told him. She could’ve dressed up the proposition, but she felt that he was desperate enough to try anything.
  70. “W-What kind of spell?” Crackle asked, noticeably nervous.
  72. “Something that might help you, actually. Let’s see…” Dinky quickly started flipping through the pages of her magazine. After a few flips, she got to the page she was looking for and showed it to Crackle Pop. “Here we are!”
  74. “What’s this?” he asked, looking at the article Dinky was showing him. It showed two figures with a pair of arrows going between them. He read the spell details out loud. “‘Mind Meld: Share Your Thoughts With Another.’ How’s this supposed to help?”
  76. “Well, since I obviously can’t come with you, that doesn’t mean I can’t still talk to you,” she explained. “With this spell, our minds are joined and we’ll be able to communicate telepathically.”
  78. “So you can give me ideas even if I’m all the way at her place!” Crackle surmised, sounding more hopeful as he said it. “That’s brilliant, Dinky!”
  80. “Well, of the two of us, I did get the brains,” she boasted. “So, if you’d like, we can try this out.”
  82. “Yeah yeah!” he exclaimed, eagerly nodding. “So, how’s this work? What do we need to do?”
  84. “Let’s try it right now, just for the sake of practice. Get up here.” Dinky answered, patting the bed. Crackle climbed up onto the bed without question. She grasped her brother’s face with her hands and brought it close, making their foreheads touch. “Now, empty your mind. Make room for mine.”
  86. “Easier said than done. My mind goes a mile a minute,” he boasted.
  88. “Sure, bro…” she snarked. “Just relax. Focus on my touch if you need to. Clear your head. Close your eyes and take deep breaths.”
  90. Crackle Pop closed his eyes and followed his sister’s advice. Dinky went to work performing the spell. Her hands began to glow, followed by a golden glow that shone at the point their foreheads touched. A tingling sensation began to grow that seemed to travel throughout her body, and soon she could feel…something more. As though the sensation was outside of her body, and yet, it felt like a part of her at the same time. That must have meant the spell was working. After a few moments, the spell was finished, and the twins disengaged from each other.
  92. “Did it work?” Crackle asked, opening his eyes. “I felt something, but was that the magic?”
  94. “Maybe? Try thinking something!” Dinky suggested.
  96. ‘Thinking something?’ Crackle asked, but his mouth didn’t open. In fact, Dinky heard that inside her head as if it was her own thoughts.
  98. “Hey, I heard that!” Dinky said, pleasingly surprised. “It worked!”
  100. “Now I can have my date with Tootsie with no worries!” Crackle cheered. He then looked like he suddenly remembered something and looked at the clock. “Oh shoot! Is that the time? I’m gonna be late!”
  102. “Late? Late for what?”
  104. “The date, duh!” Crackle exclaimed, hopping off his sister’s bed and starting towards the door.
  106. “Hold on! You waited until the last minute to ask me for help?!” Dinky asked indignantly.
  108. “I panicked, okay?! You were my last resort!” he explained, before he left the room, shouting to her, “Stand by for assistance!”
  110. “We still need to see what we can do! Crackle!” she shouted, but her brother was already gone. She pouted and slumped down on her bed. ‘That idiot. He’ll still screw up even with my help.’
  112. ‘I heard that,’ Crackle responded telepathically.
  114. ‘I know. That was on purpose,’ Dinky snarked back. She sighed and grabbed the magazine. Even though her brother wasn’t with her, that didn’t mean she couldn’t look up the spell herself. Reading on, she found an interesting piece in the article. “Oooh!”
  116. Preparing herself, she laid down on her bed and closed her eyes. After a few seconds, an image began to fade in. It was outside the house, and she could see a pair of hands that weren’t her own picking up a helmet that was hanging off the handlebar of a bike. The spell not only let them communicate telepathically, but it also let her see what her brother was seeing. What’s more…
  118. ‘You might want to tie your shoe before it gets caught in the bike chain,’ she thought to him.
  120. “Huh?” Crackle looked down and saw that he had forgotten to tie his shoes before he left. ‘You noticed that?’
  122. ‘Neat, right? That’s how a mind meld works. Not only can we talk through our thoughts, we can also see what the other sees!’
  124. ‘Really? I don’t know how I feel about that…’ Crackle thought as he got on his bike. ‘I don’t know if I could perform with someone watching…’
  126. ‘Oh, but you’re fine with your sister giving you sex advice?’
  128. ‘…Good point.’
  130. Dinky didn’t want her brother to crash his bike from being distracted, so she kept quiet and watched him as he traveled through the neighborhood. Based on how she noticed Crackle’s shoe was untied, she surmised that her vision when looking through his eyes wasn’t limited to just what he could see. That might come in handy in case either of Tootsie’s mothers walked in on them. What’s more, closing one eye allowed for a “split screen” effect, letting her see both her and her brother’s surroundings at once. This was such an amazing spell, she was extremely pleased with how well she pulled it off.
  132. Eventually, Crackle stopped at a house and parked his bike on the porch. He stopped before the door and took in another deep breath. ‘You’re still there, right?’
  134. ‘Yup! Still coming in loud and clear! Looks like distance doesn’t affect the spell at all!’ Dinky thought giddily.
  136. ‘Good. Well…here goes nothing!’ Crackle thought before he reached to press the doorbell. Almost immediately after, they could hear a voice, an older woman, call out. That must’ve been one of Tootsie’s mothers telling her that her boyfriend had arrived. Not a second had passed before rapid footsteps could be heard approaching the door.
  138. “Crackle! You made it!” Tootsie exclaimed with utter glee as she opened the door. Both of the twins immediately took notice that Tootsie was wearing a simple one piece dress, a lilac-colored number that complimented her hair and eyes.
  140. “Are you kidding? I wouldn’t miss this for the world!” he replied. Tootsie lead him inside the house, and as he removed his shoes, one of Tootsie’s mothers, Lyra Heartstrings sat on the couch.
  142. “Have fun with your little playdate, Tootsie!” her mother said with a big grin on her face. “Try to keep the noise to a minimum, though. Your mother’s taking a nap.”
  144. “We will, Mama!” Tootsie responded as she went towards the stairs, with Crackle following behind her.
  146. “Uh, thanks for having me here!” Crackle said to Lyra before disappearing upstairs.
  148. “Well, didn’t Derpy raise a little gentleman?” Lyra could be heard saying to herself.
  150. ‘Minding your manners. Not a bad start,’ Dinky thought teasingly. ‘Not to mention Tootsie’s gotten all gussied up for today.’
  152. ‘Really?’ Crackle asked in his mind.
  154. ‘Well, yeah! Look at that dress! She never wears one-pieces like this at school!’ Dinky pointed out. ‘Guess you’re not the only one looking to make an impression!’
  156. “That’s a really cute dress, Tootsie!” Crackle said, his sister’s comment reminding him that compliments were always a good idea.
  158. “You like it?” she asked, turning around with her eyes bright with joy. “My moms got me this just for today! I’m so glad you like it!”
  160. “Well, yeah! A girl as cute as you would look good in anything!” Crackle replied, before hearing an audible groan in his head from his sister.
  162. ‘Oh jeez! Turn down the sap before I vomit!’ Dinky advised. ‘Seriously, don’t try too hard. Girls can read that.’
  164. “Come on, Crackle! You don’t need to lay it on like that! We’re already a couple!” Tootsie said, giggling as she led him into her room.
  166. ‘Toldja.’
  168. “Sorry. To tell you the truth, I’m a little nervous,” Crackle said. “This is the first time I’ve ever been in a girl’s room that wasn’t my sister’s, and that’s only because we share it…”
  170. “That’s okay. Because I’m a little nervous too…” Tootsie said, closing the door behind her. An audible click could be heard, but Crackle was too distracted by his girlfriend approaching him. “My heart is beating so quickly right now. Look.”
  172. Tootsie took ahold of Crackle's hand and place his palm on her chest. Immediately, he could tell. She was slightly shaking, and he could feel her heart beating rapidly.
  174. At the same time, Dinky felt something odd. A phantom sensation on her right hand, the same side that Crackle had on Tootsie's chest. She only had a second to ponder it, when she was distracted by her brother noticing something…
  176. ‘I don’t think she’s wearing an undershirt…’ Crackle thought. ‘You usually wear something under a dress like this, right?’
  178. ‘Yeah, but you don't always need to,’ Dinky answered. ‘It is kinda warm today. Maybe she didn't feel like wearing one.’
  180. “Wow. Guess we’re both nervous,” Crackle chuckled. “Uh…are you sure you want to do this?”
  182. ‘Aww, come on! You can't quit while you're this far ahead!’ Dinky chided him. ‘I didn't do this spell with you for nothing!’
  184. “I do, I do!” Tootsie quickly answered. “It's not just boys who think about this kind of thing, you know. I’m sure your sister thinks about boys that way all the time!”
  186. ‘What’s that supposed to mean?!’ Dinky exclaimed. ‘Sure, boys are on my mind sometimes, but I’ve got more tact than to give my undies away!’
  188. “Well, sure she does!” Crackle answered, trying his best to ignore his sister’s ranting. “Sometimes I can hear her huffing under her covers after bedtime, and there was that one time she took off her clothes in her sleep…”
  190. ‘I told you I just woke up that way!’ Dinky was almost mentally screaming. ‘Why are we even talking about me anyway?!’
  192. ‘I just went with the flow of conversation!’ Crackle apologized. ‘I’m super nervous here and you’re not helping!’
  194. “It’s not that strange, is it?” Tootsie asked, bringing the twins' attention back to her. “You don’t think me some weirdo, do you?”
  196. “Of course not!” Crackle quickly replied. “I mean, any boy would love to know their girlfriend has perverted thoughts, same as they do. I think…it’s kind of refreshing, actually.”
  198. “Really?”
  200. ‘Refreshing, huh?’ Dinky asked in an annoyed tone. ‘You didn’t say that when you making fun of me for my crushes.’
  202. “That’s different. You’re family,” Crackle said. Out loud.
  204. “What?”
  206. ‘You said the quiet part loud, Crackle,’ Dinky informed him.
  208. “I mean, it’s different than when it’s your family and you live with them all the time,” Crackle said, doing his best to recover the conversation. “But when it’s you, it’s a whole new experience. A whole other world to explore. You know what I mean?”
  210. “I’m so glad you understand. You don’t know how excited I am to have a boy so close…” Tootsie said, fidgeting side to side. “I hardly slept at all last night, I couldn’t stop thinking about today. I asked some of the other girls what they thought boys would like, which is where I got the idea to get this dress.”
  212. ‘Hey, how come she never asked me?’ Dinky asked.
  214. ‘Probably because it’s weird to ask your boyfriend’s sister for what to do for them in bed?’ Crackle responded in kind.
  216. ‘Need I remind you what you’re doing right now?’
  218. ‘Shut up.’
  220. “Say, Crackle…” Tootsie began, once again cutting off the twins' conversation. “You share a room with your sister, right? Does that mean…you know what a girl looks like naked?”
  222. “I know what she looks like without her clothes, yeah,” Crackle answered, unsure of where Tootsie was going.
  224. “Right…so I guess it won’t be that exciting to see me naked, then…” she said, looking wistfully to the side. “Gosh, I’m at a real disadvantage here…”
  226. ‘Oh, you have no idea, Tootsie,’ Dinky said snarkily.
  228. ‘Stop that!’ Crackle thought before talking to Tootsie out loud. “Well, every girl is different, right? I’m actually pretty excited for this too!”
  230. “Really?” Tootsie asked. “But you seem…distracted. You keep looking to the side. Is something the matter?”
  232. “You know what? You’re right. I actually have to use the bathroom! I just…couldn’t find a point in our talk to bring it up…” Crackle said with a nervous laugh. “Where is it?”
  234. “Oh! It’s at the end of the hall, on the left,” Tootsie informed him, opening the door to let him out.
  236. “Thank you! I’ll try not to take long!” he said as he rushed out the door, looking he was about to burst.
  238. Crackle didn’t actually need to use the toilet, but he still splashed water on his face. He was prepared for this day, as much as he could be. Unfortunately, all the prep work couldn’t prepare him for the real thing. He sighed looking at his reflection in the mirror.
  240. “Give it to me straight, sis. I’m crashing and burning, aren’t I?”
  242. ‘Don’t be so hard on yourself,’ Dinky answered. ‘She really really likes you. Starting to wonder why you brought me along.’
  244. “You’re right. Maybe all this worry was just in my head. I’ll be fine, right?”
  246. ‘Like she said, she’s at a disadvantage. Even if it’s not as great as you want it to be, it’ll be a learning experience.’
  248. “You’re right. Maybe I didn’t need to ask for your help…” Crackle surmised. “Can you cancel the spell? I think I’m good here.”
  250. ‘Yeah, hold on. It isn’t like a light switch…’ Dinky replied. She opened her eyes and looked for the spell in the magazine. She skipped ahead to the paragraph about ending the spell, but once she got to the method, her heart sank. ‘Uh oh…’
  252. “‘Uh-oh’? ‘Uh-oh’ is never good, Dinky. Why’d you say ‘Uh-oh’?” Crackle asked, his panic rising again.
  254. ‘You have to physically be here in order for me to cancel the spell,’ Dinky informed him. Crackle Pop found his own heart sinking.
  256. “So that means you’re here for the long ride…” he said dejectedly.
  258. ‘I mean, that was the original plan. So long as I don’t pry and you don’t think too much, it won’t make much of a difference,’ Dinky reasoned. ‘You probably won’t have time to think once things get going, anyway…’
  260. “R-Right! We just gotta play this naturally!” Crackle assured himself and his sister. “I should get back…”
  262. Flushing the toilet (in order to complete his alibi) and washing his hands, Crackle Pop hurried back to Tootsie’s room. He had hoped he wasn’t in there for too long as to make his girlfriend suspect something, but given how events have been playing out, it gave him a modicum of confidence that things would be fine. He turned at her door, and found…
  264. Nothing. Tootsie wasn’t in the room at all. Crackle Pop looked about in confusion. Did she go downstairs? Dinky also looked around for any clue about where Tootsie had gone, and found one.
  266. ‘Crackle, look! On the floor!’
  268. “Huh?” Crackle followed his sister’s direction and found something different on the floor.
  270. It was the lilac dress that Tootsie was wearing earlier. Picking it up, it felt warm, as though Tootsie was wearing it just a few seconds ago. But where was she? Before he could think about where she could have gone, the door closed behind him and a pair of arms wrapped around his middle. He dropped the dress in shock.
  272. “There you are, Crackle!” she cried.
  274. “Tootsie? What are you - ?” Crackle exclaimed in confusion. He fought every urge to whip around and potentially hurt Tootsie.
  276. “Oh, it’s terrible! My magic went haywire all of a sudden and I lost my dress!” she sobbed in an overdramatic tone that indicated she was playing up this whole bit.
  278. “What are you talking about? Your dress is right here!” Crackle tried to reason, not realizing that this was her form of flirting. Something did hit him, however. “Wait…does that mean that right now…you’re just in your underwear?”
  280. “Huh?” Tootsie said, still in her acting tone. “Why would I have my undies on…if I gave them to you?”
  282. “Urk!” Crackle’s body tensed up. “So…you’re naked?”
  284. “I’m so embarrassed! Won’t you lend me something to wear?” she asked, not letting up her act. “I know!”
  286. Suddenly, Crackle felt a tugging at the bottom of his shirt. He knew magic when he saw it, but was too slow to do anything about it. In an instant, Tootsie let go of his midsection, and his shirt went flying up above his head and off his body. The sudden shift made the boy lose his balance, and he fell forward on his face.
  288. Wincing at the pain for a moment, Crackle Pop rolled over to look back at his girlfriend. She had quickly slipped his gray shirt on herself, and it was obvious it was the only thing she was wearing. Tugging the bottom down to cover her crotch, she left him staring at her soft legs.
  290. ‘Woah. She knows how to play hardball!’ Dinky commented. ‘Maybe I ought to take notes…’
  292. “It’s a nice look, isn’t it?” Tootsie asked, her tone now switched to a more natural one. “I was told boys love the sight of their girlfriends wearing only their shirts.”
  294. “I…uh…” Crackle was left dumbfounded. He hadn’t forgotten that sex was on the schedule, but he hadn’t planned for something like this.
  296. “Speechless, huh? Hee hee. Guess they were right on the money!” Tootsie giggled. “Now, if you don’t mind…”
  298. Tootsie waved her hand, and Crackle Pop found his body glowing in pale purple light. He lifted off the floor and floated towards her bed before being placed gently upon it, his back against her bed’s headboard. With an eager grin, she approached Crackle.
  300. “So, we’re really doing this?” Crackle asked, trying his best not to look nervous.
  302. “We’ve already come this far. It wouldn’t do to stop now,” Tootsie answered, getting closer. “But first…would you mind if I took your clothes off first? I want to get a good look.”
  304. “Uh, sure!” Crackle responded, and no sooner than those words escaped him, Tootsie’s hand moved again, and Crackle’s black shorts became unzipped and flew off his waist along with his underwear. He may have been wearing his socks still, but he may as well have been completely naked.
  306. Tootsie climbed onto the foot of the bed, looking down at his little cock. Or rather, not as small as usual, as Crackle had been erect for some time. Tootsie’s eyes were wide and bright as she drew closer to it.
  308. “So, uh…what do you think?” was all Crackle could think to say.
  310. ‘What is it, your penis or an art project?’ Dinky asked.
  312. “I’ve never been so close to one before. I’ve only seen pictures of it…” Tootsie remarked, visibly shaking as she reached out to touch the penis with her fingers. Flinching at first, she gripped it gently and gasped. “It looks hard, but it’s still squishy!”
  314. When she gripped the penis, a tingle ran through Crackle’s body. However, this sensation was felt by Dinky as well! She jumped in shock at the sudden feeling.
  316. ‘Ahh! What was that?!’ Dinky cried, catching Crackle off guard.
  318. ‘What’s the matter? Kinda busy here…’ Crackle asked, trying not to be too distracted.
  320. ‘When she grabbed you down there…I can’t explain how, but I felt it too!’ she explained.
  322. “HUH?!” Crackle exclaimed out loud. Tootsie jumped from his sudden shouting.
  324. “I’m sorry! I didn’t hurt you, did I?” Tootsie asked in a panic.
  326. “No no! I just…haven’t had it touched by someone else before!” Crackle reasoned out. ‘How are you feeling it? I thought we were only sharing thoughts and sights.’
  328. ‘So did I! Did I do the spell wrong?’ Dinky quickly opened the magazine again. As fast as her eyes could allow, she read through the article and found a particular part that she read out loud.
  330. “Casters who have performed this spell have experienced a side effect in which intense sensations are also shared between participants. These sensations include pain, touching in erogenous zones, and other tactile sensations not usually felt by either party. Keep this in mind before performing this spell.”
  332. ‘So that means that…when Tootsie and I do it…’ Crackle thought to his sister.
  334. ‘I’m gonna feel like I’m having sex with her too?!’ Dinky finished his sentence. ‘Oh, I knew we should’ve tested this first! This is all your fault, Crackle!’
  336. ‘The spell was your idea!’ Crackle snapped back. ‘Maybe I can get her to stop before it gets to that!’
  338. As Crackle thought that, something smacked him in the face, bringing his attention back to where he was. What hit him was his shirt. As he looked in the direction from where it flew, his face turned bright red.
  340. Tootsie had taken off the shirt she was wearing, leaving her completely naked while she climbed over Crackle’s body. His eyes immediately traveled to different points on his girlfriend’s bare form, from her slender shoulders to her flat chest and stomach to the familiar little lips between her legs. However, her face did not seem to have a satisfied expression. In fact, she was pouting.
  342. “Crackle…” she started. “We’re alone in my room, we’re both completely naked, but you look like your mind’s somewhere else. What’s going on here?”
  344. “Uh…” Crackle had to think up an answer and quick. “It’s just that I read that if a guy, uh…is too into it, he reaches his peak too quickly, and girls don’t like that, so they distract themselves to stay hard.”
  346. “That sounds like an odd thing to do…” Tootsie remarked, tilting her head in confusion. “But if you ‘reach your peak too quickly’, that’s okay! I heard that there are other things you can do for me that you don’t need your penis for!”
  348. “Really? Like what?”
  350. Tootsie only gave a slight smile before rising up, supported only by her knees. With a flick of her hand, Crackle’s hand began glowing, and before he knew it, it flew right between Tootsie’s legs. He nearly jumped in shock of suddenly feeling his girlfriend’s smooth vulva.
  352. Dinky had to cover her mouth to keep from screaming, suddenly feeling another girl’s vulva in her hand. If she alerted her mother to what she was doing, there was no telling how bad their punishment would be. This was strange in a way that did not favor Dinky at all.
  354. “It…it’s all slippery…” Crackle commented.
  356. “Mhm! Girls get all wet and slippery down here, just like a boy’s penis gets stiff,” Tootsie explained. “That means I really want this, and seeing how stiff you are, you really want this too.”
  358. “I do…”
  360. ‘I don’t! Call this off right now!!’ Dinky demanded.
  362. ‘Forgive me, sis. There’s no brakes on this train,’ Crackle told his sister solemnly. ‘I’ll make it up to you, I promise.’
  364. Hearing her boyfriend voice consent, Tootsie lowered herself onto Crackle’s erect boyhood. Feeling such slick warmth was very new to Crackle, but it became a pleasurable feeling very quickly. The two children docked perfectly, as though this was nature taking its course.
  366. A sharp tingle erupted between Dinky’s legs. Even though she had no penis to speak of, she could still the presence of…something down there. If it didn’t feel so strange to her, it might have actually felt nice.
  368. ‘Aaaahhh, why do I have to feel this?’ Dinky groaned internally. ‘I don’t like girls this way! And feeling like I have a penis on top of it? This is the worst!’
  370. Crackle didn’t have the presence of mind to respond, being preoccupied with everything he was feeling. Between the warmth and softness of Tootsie’s body along with his penis firmly inside her, the whole experience left him dumbstruck. All he could think about was how he wanted to keep feeling this for as long as possible.
  372. As the two continued, Dinky had no choice but to try and settle into all the sensations she was feeling. Once the shock of sudden intercourse had worn off, she found herself moving her hips just the slightest bit, emulating her brother’s movements. Steadying her breathing, she attempted to center herself in order to remain sane.
  374. ‘Crackle? Can you hear me?’ she asked, but heard no response from her brother. The fact that she could still what her brother was feeling was proof the spell was still active, which meant that he was still far too distracted to respond. ‘Out to lunch, huh? That’s fine. But let’s see if you notice this…’
  376. Feeling the sensation of sex without a partner was no different than when one is aroused by errant thoughts, Dinky quickly discovered. With this is in mind, she quickly thought of something she could do. She slipped her hand into her shorts and under her panties, and lightly bit her lower lip as she began to massage her own clitoris.
  378. “Waah!” Crackle suddenly cried out.
  380. “You okay, Crackle?” Tootsie asked. “Are you close already?”
  382. “Maybe? I don’t know…” he replied. This was odd. He could feel an arousing tingle at his crotch, but it was different from when he was close to a climax from touching himself, so that couldn’t have been the case. What’s more, it felt as though it was more…internal. Not centered at his penis, but more behind his scrotum. That could have only meant one thing. ‘Dinky?’
  384. ‘Hey, bro. Nice to hear from you again,’ Dinky responded sardonically. At this point, her panties and shorts were down to her ankles. Hearing her brother’s voice did little to deter her from her task of scratching this particular itch.
  386. ‘Are you touching yourself?’
  388. ‘What do you expect me to do? Since I’m feeling everything you’re feeling, I gotta do something about the fact you’re having sex and I’m not!’ she reasoned. ‘I bet it feels weird getting touched on the inside, huh?’
  390. ‘If you’re trying to get back at me for this, you’ll need to try harder! Because I haven’t even started!’ Crackle boasted. He then turned his attention to his girlfriend, who was busily gyrating her hips, trying to get as much out of him as she could. “Hey, Tootsie…”
  392. “Yeah, Crackle?”
  394. “How about I lead now?” he requested. The glimmer in her eyes signified that this was a good thing to say.
  396. “I thought you’d never ask!” Tootsie squealed and quickly embraced Crackle. Immediately, the two of them were surrounded by her lavender magic. They began to float, taking Crackle by surprise. Once they were high enough, they rotated in midair before gently floating down. Tootsie let go of her boyfriend and looked at him with a smug grin on her face. “Impressive, huh?”
  398. “Uh, yeah!” Crackle could only say, dumbstruck by the display. “Thanks. Now, it’s my turn!”
  400. Right away, Crackle began to move his hips back and forth. Tootsie shuddered in pleasure and instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist. The two of them embraced each other again, lost in the motions and sensations.
  402. “Ugh. It’s bad enough I have to feel all this, but I have to see Tootsie flex her magic, too?” Dinky complained. She had been hoping her brother would be too distracted by the sensations of her touching herself to continue, but it clearly wasn’t working. With everything that Crackle was feeling, not only was it overtaking the feeling Dinky was giving, but it also made Dinky yearn for some actual contact herself.
  404. Crackle’s motions began to increase their pace as he was getting closer to his climax. Tootsie seemed to be getting close as well, letting out small squeaks with every thrust Crackle gave. Meanwhile, the heat was building between Dinky’s legs, herself feeling close to peaking. She didn’t want to enjoy it, but her body wouldn’t listen. Eventually, Crackle let out one big grunt as he thrust one last time. After that, he slumped over and rolled off Tootsie.
  406. ‘Thank Celestia, you’re finished…’ Dinky said to her brother. ‘Didn’t think you’d go that hard…’
  408. ‘Sorry again. I really got into that,’ Crackle replied. ‘But you couldn’t have been totally miserable, right? If you’re feeling what I’m feeling, that had to feel good.’
  410. ‘That’s not the point, Crackle! Even if it did feel good, it doesn’t make up for the fact that I was alone the whole time.’ Dinky retorted with an audible sigh. As good as it felt, at least her brother had Tootsie to share it with. Just then, her mother’s voice traveled through the house.
  414. At first, panic. If her mother sent the boy she liked over to her room, what would he think if he saw her like this? She had yet to pull her underwear back on, he couldn’t see her like this!
  416. But then, an epiphany. No, the chance to get back at her brother just came to her front door! She already felt the effects of her brother having sex while they were connected. Why shouldn’t he see how it feels to be on the other end?
  418. “THANKS!! SEND HIM OVER!!” she shouted in reply.
  420. “You know where her room is,” she heard her mother say. Dinky had only a few seconds before he arrived, so she had to act quickly. It was a gamble, but she knew that Pipsqueak knew the way to her room, so her mother wouldn’t need to escort him. That would work perfectly for what she had in mind.
  422. Wasting no time, she pulled off her shirt and kicked her panties off her ankles, leaving her completely naked while she waited for Pipsqueak to show up at her door. It was a huge risk, given she had never done this before, but this was an opportunity she was not going to pass up. She hopped off her bed and approached the door just as she saw the familiar brown head of hair appear from the edge of her door.
  424. “Hey, Dink-ah!” Pipsqueak began to say, but it only took him a second to notice Dinky’s state of dress. It was in this moment of shock that Dinky acted, grabbing Pipsqueak by the collar and pulling him into her room, closing and locking the door behind him. Pipsqueak quickly covered his eyes and turned away. “Why are you naked?”
  426. “No time to explain, Pip, but I need you to get naked too,” Dinky answered sharply. She pointed at Pipsqueak’s pants, and the zipper and button keeping them up was quickly covered in the yellow glow of her magic. They came undone in a flash and plummeted down the boy’s legs like they had been tied down with weights. The red in his face could be seen through his fingers.
  428. “But why?!” Pipsqueak exclaimed, trying his best not to be too loud. As shocking as this all was, a part of him trusted Dinky enough not to call her mother or bring too much attention to what was going on. He shut his eyes tight and pulled his white shirt down to cover his underwear.
  430. “We talked about this, didn’t we? That last time you came over after we both had that dream and woke up without our clothes on?” she asked. “We both felt something. Like there was something between us.”
  432. “Yes…but…”
  434. “I really don’t mind, Pip. I want to do this,” Dinky softly said to him. “Please?”
  436. Pipsqueak felt a thump in his chest that was much stronger than what she had been feeling up to this moment. He certainly couldn’t say that he didn’t want this as well, and the prospect of her asking him for it was far too good to be true. But this wasn’t a dream and Dinky wasn’t the kind to pull pranks. Maybe…
  438. “Okay…” he finally agreed, letting himself relax.
  440. “I was hoping you’d say Yes!” she cheered. Immediately, Pipsqueak began to float in the air, covered in the yellow glow of Dinky’s magic. His body moved to the bed, directly over it. Dinky moved her hands, and Pipsqueak’s shirt and underwear slipped off his body simultaneously before falling onto the bed.
  442. “You’re getting better at your magic…” Pipsqueak commented. Dinky only giggled and climbed onto the bed. Making sure he was on his back, she positioned herself on top of him, her facing his feet and her bare butt in Pipsqueak’s face. His heart was beating rapidly, and the heat was traveling to his face as he gazed upon Dinky’s lower lips. He could see that it was already quite moist, but it didn’t look like sweat.
  444. “Thanks. How’s the view there?” she asked jokingly. Wasting no time, she lowered herself down on Pipsqueak’s body, her face right in front of his little penis. Seeing it so close felt quite exciting, despite knowing what one looked like. “You can touch it if you like…”
  446. “Um…okay…” Pipsqueak hesitated for a moment before bringing his hands up to her vulva and used his thumbs to gently spread the lips open. Feeling someone else’s fingers there sent a shiver through Dinky’s body and she let out a small moan.
  448. Meanwhile, as Crackle Pop laid down, Tootsie nestled in his arm and her head on his chest, he felt a sudden tingle between his legs. It wasn’t focused on his penis, however. It felt more like it was between his scrotum and his butthole. Was Dinky touching herself again? But he couldn’t feel that fuzzy sensation at his fingers. What was going on?
  450. “There you go, Pip. Don’t be afraid…” Dinky sighed blissfully. She was so happy that he agreed to this. She gingerly stroked Pipsqueak’s penis, feeling it twitch between her fingers. Her eyes went wide watching it stiffen and grow right before her eyes. Once his penis was nice and erect, she promptly opened her mouth.
  452. “Mn!” Crackle Pop suddenly felt like something…odd just went into his mouth. He could feel something at his lips and tongue, moving in and out. What in the world was going on?
  454. “You okay, Crackle?” Tootsie asked, noticing how he jumped.
  456. “I’m fine. I just suddenly felt an itch on my back…” Crackle answered, shifting over to scratch his back. “There we go.”
  458. As he settled back down, he remembered that Dinky was able to see what he was doing by closing her eyes. Did it work the other way around? Crackle Pop felt he had nothing else to try and closed his eyes.
  460. Slowly, an image began to appear before him. He instantly recognized his sister’s bed, but aside from that, he could make out…someone’s thighs?! Dinky’s sight looked downward, and Crackle turned white as a sheet as he watched her put a boy’s penis into her mouth, once again bringing that strange sensation.
  462. ‘Dinky?’ he asked her.
  464. ‘Oh, hey there, Crackle. Forgot you were there,’ Dinky replied, a smirk forming on her face.
  466. ‘What are you doing? Who is that?’ he inquired when he heard a familiar voice that answered his question.
  468. “Dinky…careful…don’t bite it…” the voice from behind Dinky said. Crackle recognized that voice from anywhere.
  470. ‘PIPSQUEAK?! When did he get there?! When did you two become a thing?!’
  472. ‘Just now, and just now,’ she answered, continuing to suck on Pipsqueak’s penis. ‘Enjoying the feeling of another boy’s dick in your mouth?’
  474. ‘NO!’ Crackle had to be careful not to shout this out loud.
  476. ‘Don’t be so close-minded, bro! Besides, it’s only fair after you had me feel all that with Tootsie,’ she reasoned. ‘Let me have this and we can call it even.’
  478. ‘Fine, but this is as far as it goes,’ Crackle negotiated, when he suddenly felt like something went inside him, causing him to squirm.
  480. “Ah!” Dinky jumped, suddenly feeling Pipsqueak’s finger slip inside her. She had never put anything in there before, so this was new for her. Luckily, she didn’t have his penis in her mouth, or she might have injured him.
  482. “Oh! Sorry, Dinky! My hand just started moving on its own!” Pipsqueak apologized, quickly taking his finger out and making Dinky jump again. “That didn’t hurt, did it?”
  484. “Not really. That just took me by surprise, that’s all,” she said, panting slightly. “But if it slipped in that easily, I think that means we’re ready…”
  486. “Ready? Ready for what?”
  488. “For what comes naturally, of course,” she answered, pushing herself up and turning around so that she would face Pipsqueak. She focused her magic on lifting the boy’s erection upward, her waist right over it. Finally, she steadily lowered herself onto Pipsqueak’s penis. It slipped in just as easily as she thought. It felt so amazing, she was able to ignore her brother’s constant protests in her head.
  490. Crackle Pop’s body tensed up, a torture for someone who was trying to keep a cover. He never thought he would ever feel what it was like to have a penis slip inside him, but he was certainly feeling it now. Is this what it was like to have sex with a boy? It felt so strange, but at the same time, it felt…good. Good to the point that a part of him was reacting.
  492. “Hm? Oh!” Tootsie looked down and noticed that Crackle Pop’s boyhood was starting to stiffen again. She clutched it gently between her fingers, bringing her boyfriend’s attention back to it. “Ready for more, already, Crackle?”
  494. “Ha ha…yeah. I guess I recover quickly, huh?” Crackle said, trying to make things sound natural.
  496. “Then why don’t we fix that?” Tootsie sat up and got on all fours in front of Crackle, showing her butt to him. “Go on.”
  498. If Crackle was going to be hard from feeling his sister’s boyfriend inside him (in a way), then he might as well do something about it. With no fuss, he got up on his knees and moved toward Tootsie. With her insides still slick from before, it was extremely easy for him to slip it in. Hands firmly on her buttocks, he started to move his hips again.
  500. This didn’t go unnoticed by Dinky, who shuddered as she could feel her brother’s sensations. She didn’t let it stop her however, as she quickly regained her focus into moving her hips up and down on her boyfriend’s cock.

For Larrykitty

by TiberiusPonificus

For Larrykitty v2

by TiberiusPonificus


by TiberiusPonificus


by TiberiusPonificus


by TiberiusPonificus