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By TiberiusPonificus
Created: 2022-05-08 06:11:44
Expiry: Never

  1. This summer’s heat was near unbearable. Anyone who didn’t need to be outside was holed up indoors where there was at least a fan or air conditioning. That included any kid who would normally be playing outside.
  3. Such was the case with Rumble, who found himself standing in the dry heat outside Scootaloo’s house. Thunderlane and the twins were out training with Rainbow Dash, and she had the idea for him to come over and have him hang out with Scootaloo so neither would be by themselves. Her house wasn’t too far away, so they thought it would be fine for him to just walk there. Even dressed in his gray tank top and black shorts, he was still sweating like crazy.
  5. It felt like forever since he rang the doorbell before Scootaloo finally opened the door. Dressed in an orange tank top and dark purple shorts, she looked quite comfortable. Upon seeing Rumble sweating and waving weakly, she smirked and held back a laugh.
  7. “You look worse for wear,” she laughed. “Come on in!”
  9. “Thanks for letting me stay here, Scootaloo!” said Rumble, wiping off his brow as he walked inside.
  11. “It’s no trouble! I don’t know how your brother and Rainbow Dash can train out in this heat!” Scootaloo replied, closing the door. “Sit down!”
  13. As soon as Rumble walked into the main room, he could already feel the difference. The cool air from the central AC felt so refreshing compared to the outside, it was blissful. Making himself comfortable, he took off his shoes, sat on the couch and laid back to just feel the air.
  15. “Oh! This feels so good!” Rumble said with a sigh.
  17. “You wanna know what’s even better?” Scootaloo called from the kitchen, before coming back into the main room holding a slice of watermelon in each hand. “Tah-dah!”
  19. “Whoa! Awesome!” he cheered, taking one of the slices and immediately biting down. It was the perfect ripeness, extra sweet. “Mmm! Now it’s perfect!”
  21. “Isn’t it?” Scootaloo asked as she took a seat right next to Rumble and began to munch on her watermelon slice. “Nothing says summer like this!”
  23. Rumble nodded to her, his mouth full of watermelon. He had to agree that this was enjoyable. Relaxing in some cool air, eating watermelon with a pretty cool girl. Wait…
  25. His thoughts stopped for a moment. Scootaloo was never the “girliest” of girls, so he and the other boys never thought twice about how they acted around when she was by herself. But when it came down to it, she was still a girl, right? Still with all the inherent parts underneath those clothes of hers…
  27. Rumble quickly shook those thoughts from his mind. She may have been a girl, but Scootaloo was still a kid like him. Nothing like Cloudchaser and Flitter, those two beautiful young women he spent some incredibly special time with. Even if it had been a while since that night, he couldn’t stop thinking about it as though it happened the day before. Nor could he stop thinking about other girls as well.
  29. Now that he knew what girls looked like without clothes, his curiosity leading him to wonder what the girls in his own class looked like naked. Obviously, their chests and hips weren’t grown out, but some of the more interesting aspects of the female body were still there. As he pondered, he hadn’t realized that he was staring at Scootaloo until she started laughing.
  31. “What’s up with you?” she giggled. “Can’t get enough of my girlish charms?”
  33. “Urk! Who’d be charmed by a tomboy like you?!” Rumble snapped back, looking away. “There’s hardly anything girly or charming about you!”
  35. “Hmph! Okay,” Scootaloo scoffed, putting her slice down. “Then I guess you won’t mind if I did this!”
  37. She stood up from the couch and put her hands on her shorts. Before Rumble could ask what she was doing, down they went, revealing a pair of light blue underwear with a rainbow-colored lightning bolt right on the butt. His heart skipped a beat, partly from the shock that she would do something like this. Not bothered at all with her display, Scootaloo picked up her slice of watermelon, sat back on the couch and continued to eat.
  39. “W-Why did you take off your shorts?” Rumble asked.
  41. “I always hang around the house in my undies when it’s hot,” she answered nonchalantly. “I was only wearing shorts because I was expecting company. But, since you don’t think of me that way, I can relax the way I want to. You don’t mind, do you?”
  43. “Not at all!” he shouted back, completely unaware his face was incredibly red. “In fact…”
  45. Rumble put down his slice and immediately began to peel his shirt off. The sweat made it a little difficult for him, but he managed to pull it off completely and tossed it to the side. Despite him doing this purely to call Scootaloo out on her bluff, it did feel much better.
  47. “Phew! That does feel good!” he said, taking back his slice. “I feel like I’m at home already!”
  49. “I’m not surprised you hang out like that, considering you live with just your brother,” she pointed out.
  51. “Well, Thunderlane’s teammates are usually girls, and they come over often, so it’s ‘impolite’ of me to hang around in my undies,” he elaborated, complete with air quotes.
  53. “Oh? And it’s not impolite now, even with a girl right next to you?” Scootaloo asked teasingly. “What if I wanted to dress down to even more?”
  55. “What?”
  57. Without another word, she crossed her arms in front of her and began to pull off her tank top. Rumble nearly choked on his watermelon seeing her bare stomach and chest being exposed. Everything was flat, but Celestia help him if it didn’t stir up something in him. Now clad in only her panties, Scootaloo finished the last few bites of watermelon before Rumble’s stunned silence.
  59. “Ahh…that was good,” she said with a sigh as she reclined on the couch, resting her head on the armrest. “You’re really on to something, Rumble! This feels nice!”
  61. “What did I tell you?” Rumble said, trying his best not to let his voice break as he finished his slice. “When it’s this hot in the summer, you gotta dress in as few layers as possible!”
  63. “I couldn’t agree more!” Scootaloo concurred, not breaking face at all. “Here. I’ll clean up, and maybe we’ll play some games.”
  65. “Yeah. Sounds like fun,” Rumble said, letting Scootaloo take the leftover rind and watched as she walked past him to the kitchen.
  67. His eyes couldn’t help but trail over to her underwear as the fabric moved back and forth with her steps. He tried to be subtle about it, not moving his head at all and making sure she wasn’t looking in his direction.
  69. Compared to her friends Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo’s “girlishness” was often overshadowed. But by herself, with those bright eyes, wide smile, and bouncy attitude, she was rather cute herself. Maybe she didn’t have to be girly to be cute!
  71. He shook his head to free himself from those thoughts. A tomboy like her for a girlfriend? People might think she was a boy, and what would happen if she kissed him in public? He’d never get over that embarrassment so long as he lived! If he wanted to avoid that fate, he’d just have to not think of Scootaloo as a girl!
  73. “Hey, Rumble!” shouted Scootaloo from behind him, breaking his train of thought and prompting him to look over the couch. “Catch!”
  75. Before he knew it, something flew at his face, blinding him temporarily. He let out a small yelp as he fell back onto the couch and grabbed what was blinding him. It felt like fabric, and when he pulled it away to look at it, his eyes went as wide as dinner plates. He held in his hands a pair of girls’ underwear, specifically the pair he saw Scootaloo wearing. Did that mean...?
  77. He immediately looked up and answered his own question. Scootaloo was standing in the doorway leading to the kitchen wearing nothing but a smile. Her hands at her hips, Rumble’s gaze was instinctively drawn to her waist, particularly the little set of lips between her legs. She hadn’t started to grow any hair, but it was no less…arousing.
  79. “Heheh. Can’t take your eyes off, can you?” she said, casually walking over to the couch. “I thought I didn’t have any girlish charms, so what’s the problem with just the two of us hanging out together in our birthday suits?”
  81. “A little bit of shame wouldn’t hurt you, you know!” Rumble reprimanded her. “You’re not even a little embarrassed?”
  83. “Should I be? I’ve been naked around boys and girls before, and it’s not that big a deal, to be totally honest,” Scootaloo said matter-of-factly. “It’s just a thing!”
  85. “You’re lying!”
  87. “I’m 100% serious!” she exclaimed. “Ask Button Mash. My friends and I got naked with him and even watched Sweetie Belle have sex with him!”
  89. “S-Sex?!”
  91. “Yeah. Sex. You know what that is, don’t you?”
  93. “Of course, I know what it is! I had sex with my twin babysitters!” Rumble blurted out before he realized what he said, at which point his face turned insanely red.
  95. “If you’re trying to one-up me, you’re choosing an awfully tall tale to tell,” Scootaloo commented skeptically. “Especially seeing your face all red right now. I didn’t think my body would make you act like this, compared to the older girls you clearly had sex with.”
  97. “You callin’ me a liar, Scootaloo?!”
  99. “I ain’t callin’ you a truther!” she responded jokingly, which only proceeded to make Rumble visibly angry. “But seriously, what’s making your shorts pitch a tent, huh?”
  101. “What?” Rumble looked down at his shorts, and sure enough, his penis was so stiff, it looked like it could break the fabric of both his underwear and his shorts if it got any worse. He quickly crossed his legs and covered his erection with his hands. “Nothing!”
  103. “If it’s nothing, why are you covering?” Scootaloo asked teasingly. “I bet you’re popping a stiffy from the sight of me!”
  105. “I am not!” Rumble said, looking away from her. “It’s just all this talk about sex has got me riled up, that’s all!”
  107. “In any case, you should do something about it,” she advised. “It’s not good to keep it like that, you know.”
  109. “I know that! But do you expect me to do something while I’m at someone else’s house?!” he exclaimed, trying to make an excuse.
  111. “You’re right!” Scootaloo said with a grin. “I’m the host, and it’s my responsibility to make sure my guests are comfortable. So…”
  113. Before Rumble knew it, Scootaloo reached under his hands and pressed against his erection. When the sensation of another’s hand on his penis hit him, his whole body tensed up. It felt so nice, he almost forgot to get angry at Scootaloo for forcing herself on him. Almost.
  115. “H-Hey!” he called out. “K-knock that off!”
  117. “What? Are you not enjoying it?” Scootaloo asked, continuing to rub. “I thought this felt good for boys!”
  119. “Th-that’s not the p-point!”
  121. “You need to quit being so stubborn and just accept this!” she demanded. “What’s wrong with me doing this?”
  123. “Because…you’re…” he started, but he could very well feel his words slipping, as the feeling in his loins was reaching a fever pitch. “Ah…ahh!”
  125. Just as he was about to finish his sentence, his shorts suddenly became soaked and very sticky. Scootaloo quickly drew her hand back and looked at her handiwork. Rumble could only slouch back, devoid of all pressure in his body.
  127. “Wow. Didn’t think that would happen so soon. If I knew that was gonna happen, I would have taken off your shorts,” she said.
  129. “Well, now look what you did!” Rumble shouted, recovering from his orgasm. “What am I supposed to do about this?!”
  131. “Relax, would ya?!” Scootaloo shouted back. “Lucky for you, I know how to work a washing machine, so if you let me throw your stuff in there, I can get them all nice and clean before you have to leave for home. That sound okay?”
  133. “You planned this, didn’t you?” Rumble asked, standing up and unzipping his shorts.
  135. “Eh. It’s a little improvised, but the result’s the same,” she joked. Rumble took note of how she seemed to stare at his waist once he slipped his shorts and underwear off his hips.
  137. “Man, it’s all over my crotch too!” he whined, seeing a white sticky mess all over his now flaccid penis.
  139. “Why don’t you clean that off while I get the laundry started?” Scootaloo suggested. “Bathroom’s down the hall and to the left.”
  141. As Rumble walked toward the bathroom, he reprimanded himself internally. He couldn’t believe that he climaxed so quickly. Much to his dismay, it seemed Scootaloo wasn’t bluffing about what happened with her friends and Button Mash. The fact that Button Mash of all boys has had sex was surprise enough, but that would have to be covered another day.
  143. Throwing out the last tissue after cleaning himself off, Rumble wracked his brain, trying to think of how best to get Scootaloo back. She caught him by surprise by stripping first, but now that they were both completely undressed, the playing field was even. But now the question was what the next plan of attack would be. As he wandered back into the hallway, a familiar voice called to him.
  145. “Feeling better?” Scootaloo asked, still with the same smirk, and still not bothering to wear anything. “Or do you feel so dirty that you need a shower?”
  147. “Shut up!” Rumble snapped. “This is your fault anyway! You’re the one who started taking your clothes off!”
  149. “Am I hearing this right? Are you seriously complaining that a girl got naked in front of you?” Scootaloo approached Rumble, not taking her eyes off him. “Or is it that you can’t deny I’m a girl like this? Is that it? You starting to feel something for me?”
  151. “I said shut up!” Rumble shouted again, but all this did was make Scootaloo double over in laughter, holding on to her knees for support. “It’s not funny!”
  153. “But it is!” she said in between bouts of laughter. “That’s so typical of a guy!”
  155. “As if you’ve ever had that problem!” he snapped back. “With the way you fawn over Rainbow Dash, you probably swing for the other team anyway!”
  157. “That’s…not completely true…” Scootaloo panted out, catching her breath. “I happen to like both, thank you very much.”
  159. “You? Liking boys?” Rumble asked in disbelief. “And you’re calling ME a liar?”
  161. “Okay, to be fair, I do like girls a little more than I like boys,” she elaborated. “Although, after that whole thing with Button Mash, I can’t say I haven’t been looking at boys the same way since. I think having a boy of my own might be fun…”
  163. “So I’m just gonna be your plaything, is that it?”
  165. “Your little friend didn’t seem to care,” Scootaloo said teasingly.
  167. “Forget it!” Rumble exclaimed indignantly. “I’m not gonna be your boyfriend!”
  169. “We don’t have to be a couple. I’m just saying we can help each other here,” she explained. “You’re desperate for some action, and I’m looking for a way to please myself. No need for ‘mushy’ stuff, no strings, no stress. What do you say?”
  171. Rumble had to take a moment to weigh his options. She certainly made a rather tantalizing offer. He wouldn’t have to worry about any feelings he might have for her, and she would just…let him do as he pleases? That’s how she made it sound, certainly. The twins had been awfully busy lately, and had no time to visit him, so if this was something he could do in the meantime…
  173. “Fine!” he finally said, trying to act as though he didn’t need it. “But this is just to scratch each other’s itches, okay?”
  175. “Works for me! Now come on, already!” Scootaloo grabbed Rumble’s hand and pulled him into her room, the very next door. Rumble barely had any time to take in the look of her room (covered with Rainbow Dash stuff, naturally) before he was sat down on Scootaloo’s bed.
  177. “Woah! You’re not wasting any time, are you?” Rumble asked, but Scootaloo didn’t answer. Instead, Scootaloo knelt in front of him, her face at level with his crotch. Rumble could feel a tinge of embarrassment as her face got closer, keeping him from closing his legs. That feeling grew once she had her fingers on his boyhood.
  179. “Of course! Girls don’t have this thing! Haven’t been able to get my mind off it since that time with Button Mash,” she explained. “I wasn’t able to get this close or play with it for very long, either!”
  181. Rumble could only helplessly squirm as she examined his penis closely, as if she was an explorer looking at some artifact. Running her finger along the shaft, rubbing the tip, and even gently squeezing his balls. It was at that point he felt the need to protest.
  183. “Hey! Careful with that!”
  185. “I thought a tough boy like you could handle a little roughness,” she teased. “Besides, this seems to like how it feels.”
  187. “Rrgh. Traitor…” Rumble growled, looking down at his erection, which had occurred while Scootaloo was fiddling with it.
  189. “Would it feel better if I did this?” she asked just before she brought out her tongue to run it along the length of Rumble’s erection. His breaths became shallow and quick, and his hips twitched, it felt so nice. Lastly, once she got to the end, she nibbled on the tip of his foreskin that had yet to stretch, nearly causing Rumble to scream if he hadn’t covered his mouth beforehand.
  191. “Ahhh…haa…what in Equestria was that for?” he panted out. “I thought you were more into girls! How are you like this?!”
  193. “Sweetie Belle’s sister taught me a thing or two, and I was curious to try it out,” she answered. “Just because I’m not into boys that much doesn’t mean I don’t want to know what makes them go crazy. Looks like I was right on the money.”
  195. “That was a lucky guess!” he snapped. “When I was having sex with the twins, I was so good, they were catching their breath after!”
  197. “Oh really? Did you eat them out too?”
  199. “Did what?” Rumble was so caught off guard from that phrase, his whole veneer dropped instantly.
  201. “Are you serious? For all your boasting, you don’t even know what that means?” Scootaloo also looked genuinely confused, but for a different reason. At that, she stood up and laid herself on her bed, resting her back on the headboard. “So you know what I was just doing with your penis? Eating out a girl is basically the same thing, but you do it to a girl.”
  203. “Uhh…how?” he asked, looking down at Scootaloo’s crotch. “There’s nothing there.”
  205. “Oh ye of little faith, you just have to be creative!” she reprimanded him. Her legs spread wide, she pulled open the lips of her vulva with her fingers, revealing the smooth pink inside. Rumble’s heart skipped just a little seeing it in front of him, as hers was a little different from the twins. “Just put your face in and start licking!”
  207. “Licking?” Rumble lowered his head down to her waist, looking very closely. “Where?”
  209. “Sheesh, you’re slow! Let me help you!” Scootaloo took her free hand and grabbed Rumble’s head. Before Rumble could react, he found his face being pulled right into her crotch. Scootaloo held his head tightly, like she was waiting for him to catch the hint. It didn’t take long for him to realize that she meant for him to lick just anywhere she showed him. He put out his tongue and gently licked the pink lips. Immediately, he noticed something.
  211. “Bleh! It’s so salty!” he exclaimed, drawing his head back.
  213. “So was yours! Don’t see me complainin’!” Scootaloo snapped back. “Come on! Keep going!”
  215. Rumble wasn’t about to let her show him up like this. She wants licks? She’s going to get licks! Gripping where Scootaloo’s thighs met her butt, Rumble held her steady as he leaned further in, tongue extended and lapped at the slick lips. The girl’s body began to twitch and short high notes escaped her mouth as Rumble ran the tip of his tongue along the rim of her slit.
  217. Something about such pleasing sounds coming out of a girl like her felt…good. She even sounded cute! As he thought these things, he found himself licking almost involuntarily, moving just a little faster. Scootaloo’s hips twitched more and more, and her breaths became short little gasps. Rumble didn’t let pace slip at all, wanting to explore the inside of her maidenhood with his tongue.
  219. Eventually, Scootaloo stifled a small scream, her body fully tensed. Rumble’s licking stopped, but only because Scootaloo’s legs had closed on his head, restricting his movement. His mind snapped back to reality just in time to notice her body falling limp, her legs spreading open. Her breathing slowed, her eyes were closed, and a small, satisfied smile seemed to appear on her face. For a moment, Rumble just watched her, almost like he was waiting for her to say something witty. But nothing came out but relaxed breathing, her chest rising and falling.
  221. Rumble couldn’t believe it. He made her feel so good, she passed out from the sheer pleasure! Though he had lost himself in the process, he was still proud of his achievement all the same. He couldn’t wait to show the twins this trick!
  223. However, there was a new problem now. All those sounds she made had an effect on him, and he found himself stiff again. With her unconscious, she wouldn’t be able to do anything for it. Rumble cursed inwardly at his predicament.
  225. Then again…all that licking did seem to make Scootaloo very slick between her legs. Maybe if he was careful, he could slip it in and she wouldn’t wake up. Serves her right for getting him this riled up and then passing out on him!
  227. Moving softly so he wouldn’t make any noise, Rumble shifted Scootaloo’s legs to be a little more open. He held his erection steadily as its tip touched her vulva. The wetness surrounding those lips made it easy for him to push through. Rumble inhaled sharply as he felt his boyhood be surrounded by the warm moisture inside. He let his breaths be slow as he pushed the rest of his cock in. Scootaloo hardly moved it all, making his endeavor a success.
  229. This alone wouldn’t be enough. If he really wanted to take care of this stiffness, he would need to move back and forth just like he did with the twins. Slowly, he pulled out just the slightest bit before pushing his hips forward again. Once more, just as slow. Even though he had to focus to not lose himself, he had to admit how nice it felt to do this slowly. Feeling every centimeter of his cock slip in and out was an excellent new experience.
  231. In all this, he couldn’t help but look at Scootaloo’s face. Her lips quivered in a way that almost looked like a smile. It almost looked like she was having a nice dream. Rumble had to admit to himself that when she stopped talking, this girl was actually cute. In a way he couldn’t really deny her femininity. As a matter of fact…
  233. His face started inching closer to hers, careful to keep his hips moving. When their waists were joined together, he leaned down, lips pursed, and planted a kiss on Scootaloo’s lips. Her lips were surprisingly soft for such a tomboy, and Rumble found himself locked with them for longer than he planned. But she was asleep, so where was the harm in it?
  235. …or so he thought.
  237. Suddenly, a pair of hands clutched Rumble’s head, keeping his face right where it was. Scootaloo’s head tilted and Rumble could feel her tongue enter his mouth and play with his own tongue. He tried to break free, but he was so taken by surprise, he couldn’t muster the strength. Finally, she let go of his face, allowing him to breathe.
  239. “Enjoying yourself, Rumble?” Scootaloo laughed.
  241. “You…you were you awake the whole time?!” Rumble found himself asking.
  243. “I’ll give you this: You got good tongue game, but that’s not gonna be enough to make me pass out!” she explained. “I just wanted to see what you would do.”
  245. “Sheesh. Even when you’re being nice, you’re pranking me. I’m out of here,” Rumble said as he tried to lift himself off Scootaloo, only to find that she had her legs wrapped around his waist, keeping him from going anywhere. “What the - ?”
  247. “Oh, you’re not done yet,” Scootaloo said with her usual grin. She proceeded to grab Rumble by the middle and pull him back down, keeping the two of them close. “You’re still hard, aren’t you? Why don’t you finish what you started?”
  249. “Hmph. With pleasure,” Rumble answered with a grimace and proceeded to move his hips again, this time at a quicker pace. Scootaloo didn’t look bothered at all, letting herself be moved by Rumble’s thrusts.
  251. “Careful. You might bust before I do, and wouldn’t that be embarrassing?” she asked teasingly.
  253. “Shut up!” Rumble snapped, still trying to focus on his thrusts.
  255. “Girls reaaallyy like it when you can make them peak before you do. I’m just saying!”
  257. “And I’m saying shut up! You’re distracting me!” he exclaimed. At this point, he was completely laying over Scootaloo, his face buried into the base of her neck. Her butt was off the surface of the bed with how much his body was curled.
  259. Even with all her quipping, Scootaloo had to admit to herself just how admirable he was. He certainly had the energy and stamina to last against most girls, and his cock was a decent size to please girls (or guys, if he was so inclined) his age. Feeling it slip back and forth inside her was really nice. But the boy was lacking in skill. He’d need a few more lessons before he could really please a girl.
  261. She could hear him start to breathe shallowly that signaled he was close to orgasm, but he was going quickly. Did he even notice, or was he ignoring it trying to please her? In either case, Scootaloo decided it would be best to cut things short. Gently, she held Rumble’s head with her hands, and whispered in as soft and loving a voice as she could muster:
  263. “I love you.”
  265. Rumble’s body shook as if riddled with electricity. Inside, Scootaloo could feel the sudden rush of warmth that told her she was successful. He let out little moans as he felt his ejaculate leave his body. When he was finished, he raised himself off Scootaloo’s body, looking very cross to the point it looked like he was two steps away from crying.
  267. “Since when did girls play so dirty?” he whined.
  269. “Who’s playing dirty? I meant it,” Scootaloo answered.
  271. “Liar!”
  273. “Can I help it if I think you were really cute back there?”
  275. “I’m not cute!” he shouted. “I’m as manly as they come!”
  277. “Sure, buddy,” she said as she backed up, looking down at the white stuff leaking out of her. “Man, me saying that really did a number on you. I didn’t think you’d put out so much after the first time.”
  279. “Hmph. There’s more where that came from!” he asserted, crossing his arms. “Give me a bit and we’ll go again! Then I’ll show you!”
  281. “I’m sure you will…after a shower,” Scootaloo slipped off the bed and took Rumble’s hand. “Join me, will you? I can teach you some stuff in there that girls really like!”
  283. “Uh, okay!” he answered, surprised at the proposal. “I’ve never showered with a girl before. You sure it’s okay?”
  285. “Oh, now you think of me as a girl?”
  287. “SHUT UP!”

For Larrykitty

by TiberiusPonificus

For Larrykitty v2

by TiberiusPonificus


by TiberiusPonificus


by TiberiusPonificus


by TiberiusPonificus