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Momlestia - Ten Years: Bedtime

By AfterHours
Created: 2021-05-04 23:52:57
Expiry: Never

  1. -Anon-
  2. >You are lying in bed trying to sleep.
  3. >As comfortable as your bed is, you are finding it hard to fall and stay asleep.
  4. >When you were younger you could fall asleep anytime or anyplace.
  5. >Your mother liked to remind you of when you drifted off next to her and slept through an entire Summer Sun Celebration.
  6. >Once you were asleep back then, you were out.
  7. >Not even the Royal Canterlot voice could wake you at that point.
  8. >Now however, you were woken by the smallest noise.
  9. >Maybe it’s because you grew up.
  10. >Or maybe it was because of all those years you spent on earth that your mother said “Stole your innocence.”
  11. >You are finally about to drift off when you hear something enter your room.
  12. >You roll over in bed to face the door and sit up.
  13. >The intruder freezes, realizing they were caught.
  14. >You recognize that form.
  15. “Mom…”
  16. >You say groggily.
  17. “It’s the middle of the night. Is everything alright?”
  18. >”Of course it is. I just couldn’t sleep, so I decided to come and see if you were alright or needed anything.”
  19. >She says.
  20. >You can’t help but smile at that.
  21. >She has come in every night to check on you since your return.
  22. >Probably to make sure you don’t disappear again.
  23. “I’m fine mom, don’t worry about me. I’m more worried about you.”
  24. >She starts walking closer to the bed.
  25. >”Me? Why in Equestria would you be worried about me my little ray of sunshine?”
  26. “Well, a couple reasons actually. Number one, you’re my mom and I’m allowed to worry about you. Two, because you need to be up in a few hours and raise the sun. Three, you’ve been coming in here every night since I’ve been back to check on me, I’m just afraid you aren’t getting enough sleep.”
  27. >You tell her as you count off each reason with one of your fingers.
  28. >She has an odd look on her face.
  29. >She must think it’s odd for you to worry about her.
  30. >”It’s sweet that you’re worried about me my little prince. However, a little lack of sleep will not affect me that much.”
  31. >She says trying to silence your worries.
  32. >It might have worked too, if she hadn’t started to yawn at that exact moment.
  33. >You couldn’t hold back the laugh that escapes your lips if you tried.
  34. >This earns a pout from her.
  35. “I’m sorry, but if that doesn’t prove my point I don’t know what will.”
  36. >”You don’t have to worry about me Anon. I’m going to go right back to bed once I leave here.”
  37. >She says again trying to reassure you.
  38. >You actually believed her, at least the first few times you heard it anyway.
  39. >She would come back again like she always did and then neither one of you would get any sleep.
  40. >You had to find a way for both of you to get some shut eye.
  41. >Time for some strategy.
  42. >She has already turned and is starting to leave.
  43. “You know mom, there might be something you can do for me.”
  44. >”Yes?”
  45. >She says a little overly enthusiastic.
  46. “Well…”
  47. >You rub the back of your neck with your hand, you didn’t think it would really be this embarrassing to say.
  48. “I’ve been having these nightmares for a while. And, so I was just wondering if you could maybe stay with me tonight.”
  49. >Her eyes seem to light up.
  50. “I mean, the bed is big enough if you want to lay down and even sleep next to me. I know I’m probably too old-“
  51. >You are cut off by her nearly jumping onto your bed.
  52. >”Oh nonsense sweetheart. If you’re old enough to have nightmares, then you’re still old enough for your mother to take care of you.”
  53. >You are more than a little embarrassed at this point as she even uses her magic to tuck you in.
  54. >But a little embarrassment will be well worth it if you both can get a little sleep.
  55. >”And don’t worry, I’ll speak to your Aunt Luna in the morning about your nightmare.”
  56. >She says as she gets under the covers as well.
  57. >A wave of nostalgia comes over you as you remember this is exactly what she did when you really did have a nightmare.
  58. >You are about to tell her not to bother Aunt Luna when you hear soft snoring coming from her.
  59. >She probably fell asleep the moment her head hit the pillow.
  60. >She must have been exhausted.
  61. >You’re glad your little ruse worked.
  62. >You close your eyes and try to ready yourself for sleep to take you as well.
  63. >Suddenly your body is enveloped in a yellow aura and you are pulled tight against her chest.
  64. >Fuck.
  65. >You forgot that your mother sometimes did magic in her sleep.
  66. >She hugs you and seems to be blissfully unaware that she is doing any of this.
  67. >You start to struggle to get free from her grasp.
  68. >”It’s okay… Mommy’s here…”
  69. >She said almost slurring her words, clearly still asleep.
  70. >You stop trying to struggle and just accept it.
  71. >Her scent fills your nostrils.
  72. >You almost completely forgot it after so long away.
  73. >It is the same as when you were younger and slept like this.
  74. >You would have given anything to be like this when you were back on earth.
  75. >You fall asleep faster than you have in years.
  76. >Enjoying a deep relaxing uninterrupted slumber.
  77. >Today was a good day.

Momlestia - Ten Years

by AfterHours

Momlestia - Ten Years: Bedtime

by AfterHours

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